#i was like ‘oh my taste in women is pretty unhinged’ to my friends
clottedscream · 2 years
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haven’t been making much recently, here’s me messing around with character designs
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
Hello!! I just loooooove how you write Alastor, this unhinged bastard 😂 anyway can I request Alastor with a lesbian, chaotic reader, who's always drooling over women (especially Alastor's friends)(read: Rosie). Toooootally not self-indulgent. Obv platonic pls!! Thank you in advance 🙇
- 🥀
Omg I love this SO MUCH
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: TERRIBLE TREATMENT OF READER, reader being funny af, idk who is more unhinged, slight Mimzy X Reader, slight Rosie X Reader
Description: ☝️⬆️
First of all, he's gonna be your wingman NOT because he wants to help but because it's funny when you fail
Encourages your chaotic nature and uses it to his advantage, will not let you be caged
Someone beneath him wants to pick a fight with him??? Oh he'll give them a fight
*sets down an oversized pet carrier*
*feral animal sounds and vicious shaking*
Alastor opens the door and lets you wreak havoc on them, it's just too hilarious
All metaphorically of course
They get you a toddler leash because you're always scampering off straight into trouble???
Alastor cuts it the first day Vaggie takes you out
*massive destructive explosive sounds in the distance*
"What the FUCK, ALASTOR!?"
Alastor: 😏
You're his favorite feral little ball of chaos
It's amusing how quickly you change gears when it comes other women and how they enthrall you
He often gives you a handkerchief to clean up your drool, pushes your mouth shut when it's hanging open and grabs the back of your clothes to keep you upright
He does look out for you though
If Mimzy is currently in your sights then he won't let her take advantage of your attraction towards her
That greedy little thing will take you for every dime all while she flirts and toys with you
If you're feasting your eyes any of the overlords(*cough*Carmilla-*cough*Missi-*cough*Velvet-*cough*) then he'll straight up tell you no
Not him bonking your head sweetly with his staff before pushing you out of harm's way
Rosie is an exception tho
He knows she can fend you off herself if she really wants to but also that she won't really do any harm to you
Not that you're not very charming
Rosie just thinks you're adorable!! All the eager attention you're giving her! She could just eat you up!
No seriously...she could...you would taste sweet
No you're sweet
You're making her blush
And you're making her hungry
"Okay, time to go!"
So Alastor sticks around and looks out for you in those moments but he also thinks it's hilarious when you shoot your shot
Feeds you terrible pick up lines and almost dies of laughter when you actually use them
"Hey! Tie your shoes!! I don't want you falling for anyone else~"
"She actually went with that one?!"
Will properly fix your hair or clothes up before you go out on a date, he can't have you looking shabby
If you ask him for advice then he actually has some really good ideas for romance
It's just difficult to get him to give you a honest answer because it's so funny when you fumble a bad bitch
Actually, he does try to set you up with women he thinks could be good for you
"Fascinating, but have you met my good pal Y/N yet? She is QUITE a character!"
Alastor is your partner in crime and you're wingman but he's pretty terrible at both
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Gah!! I hope you liked this one!! I wanted to really get the little gremlin vibes!!
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madebypointlesswords · 9 months
just for funsies: books im currently reading
I cannot, for the life of me, read just one book at the time. I've tried multiple times and I just can't. It's most likely my untreated ADHD but oh welllll, have fun with my silly little books and go right ahead and judge my taste in the tags <3
The Iliad, Homer
Honestly such a fun book. I'm reading it very slowly though, because I want to savour each sentence. It's a thrifted version that someone else annotated and I got it for like, 7 euros? The annotations are very cute and fun to read while reading the actual book and it made me consider doing the same (annotating a book and then donating it to thrift so some random stranger can delight in my silly thoughts). Achilles is a bit of a dick but I like him that way. Diomedes is my absolute favourite (together with Patroclus).
This is the edition I have
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1984, George Orwell
This book was an impulse buy from my favourite bookstore. I'm enjoying it thorougly, and I mainly bought it because I was going to see a play inspired by it that week and planned to read it first. I got through 50 pages. Orwell's style is a delight though, I have no notes. I'm currently like, one quarter into the book.
My edition (I'm looking for Animal Farm in the same style. I know it exists I just keep finding other ones and it irks me.)
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Good Omens, Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Tumblr (and my best friend @mairrion) convinced me this year to watch Good Omens right when season 2 came out. I curse you all for the brainrot you have given me. Literally why did you have to do this to me. I bought the book very recently (this monday) and I'm 1/5 into the book. The writing is honestly so fun and I've laughed several times out loud on the bus while reading. Definitely recommend this to new (or old) fans of the series.
I got the edition with Crowley on the cover (they didn't have Aziraphales version but I still would have gotten Crowley's anyway). Mine's a tad different: the letters are golden, Terry is mentioned before Neil is, and Crowley's wine isn't red. Oh and there's a sticker advertising the series.
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Little Thieves, Margaret Owen
Oh my god this book is fun. Delicious characterisation. Wonderful dialogue. Stunning worldbuilding. Honestly I am so angry at myself for not being able to read this cover to cover. Why am I LIKE this. The cover is also so extremely pretty what the fuck.
Just look at this
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Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
This book is a banger. It annoys me that I can't read it in one sitting. Because I genuinely LOVE it but I just fucking can't. I love it when Dostoevsky takes a break from the plot to remind us as readers that Raskolnikov is, in fact, very much a pretty boy. Peak comedy right there.
I got the Wordsworth classics edition because it was only 4 euros at my favourite bookstore again (i apologise this is the best picture I have)
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The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry, C.M. Waggoner
I got this book today from one of my best friends and I've read only one chapter but holy hell I am hooked. This is amazing. This is fun. This is exactly what I want. Chaotic, sapphic and unhinged slightly evil women are my drug of choice and this is a heroin shot. Live laugh love Dellaria Wells.
also look at the pretty cover mmmm
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The Darkening Age (The Christian Destruction of the Classical World), Catherine Nixey
My first non fiction book I think. Nixey's writing is exquisite and I am loving this book with all my heart. It's educative, interesting and just overall, a wonderful experience to read. I do encourage everyone to take it with a grain of salt, but the author has many, many cited works, so I'm not saying that you have to be overly critical of every sentence, just that the author is (just like any other human being) a bit biased.
btw the cover is pretty too :) but I just can't find a picture of it.
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sam-t-a · 3 years
*Deep breath* 
I think I’m finally calm enough to put into words exactly why I hated the finale and why I wasn’t completely surprised that I hated it. 
(Heads-up: this is really long and pretty negative. If you disagree, I would of course appreciate your point of view and love to hear it, but just thought I’d let you know in case this is the kind of post you would like to avoid.)
To me, it felt like every character on the show got betrayed in some way or another, but the main ones are Han Seo (devastatingly), Chayoung (obviously) and Han Seok (bear with me). 
Cha Young: 
She started out as a solid FL who annoyed some people for sure, but who had so much promise as someone unconventional and bold. The way her mother’s death affected her and caused a clear shift in her personality was a super interesting plot point that really never got explored. We have no idea how she came to sacrifice her morality in joining Wusang, just that she wanted to spite her father, which is a very superficial exploration. She gets cute idiosyncrasies in lieu of an actual character and an actual character arc. 
We also, halfway through the show, seem to forget that her father's death was the initial trigger. Cha young does not suggest bold ideas or intricate plans, she doesn’t fill the gaps Vincenzo is incapable of filling (because that would require that Vincenzo have flaws, and that’s not something the writers can abide), and she’s literally victimized in episode 19 and bedridden in episode 20, and that is IT. 
Someone who started out supposedly as Vincenzo’s equal just became another piece in his chess set, no matter how important a piece she may be. 
So her role as a badass avenger is trashed. That leaves her role as a love interest. Now, as Vincenzo’s love interest, she was supposed to get kidnapped in like episode 5 or 6 at the most if the villain has any brains whatsoever (Han Seok may or may not, more on that later). We need a reason for that not to happen too early. Cue villain is somehow in love with her for all of 15 minutes or so throughout a 20-episode series because a love triangle is inconceivable with the show’s current structure and for its purposes. 
So, she spends 15 or so episodes making the first move on Vincenzo, every time, putting herself out there, creating cute moments, getting nothing in return, and then he leaves. No confession, nothing much, he wasn’t even going to say goodbye or give her the choice of coming with him. 
I’m sure more chayenzo-oriented fans have already expressed all the necessary outrage over this, so I’ll move on to the part that I’ve personally been way more emotionally invested in from the get go: the Jang brothers. 
Han Seo: 
I was among the minority that  hated the “Vinny hyung” angle from the get-go and I’ve ranted about it in another post, so I won’t get into it here in-depth, but basically it was because I felt like Vincenzo hadn’t earned it, so to have the last words Han Seo hears be “You deserve to be my brother” or whatever the fuck he was on about PISSED ME OFF. It’s VINCENZO who doesn’t deserve to be Han Seo’s brother and hasn’t done a single thing to earn it. He was a good ally. The situation he allowed Han Seo to be a part of was beneficial to him, but Han Seo’s attachment to him was neither healthy nor heartwarming, and it certainly wasn’t returned on the level he offered it.
Vincenzo’s disregard of his death didn’t strike me as odd because I never saw enough indications that this was a two-way street and Han Seo’s safety and well-being came second so often that I didn’t get the impression Vincenzo was doing much to keep him alive. This is what I meant when I said the show was glorifying a torture survivor’s trauma responses. Han Seo himself, as a torture survivor, meant nothing to them. He was just there to create one more contrived comparison between Vincenzo and Han Seok. Instead of recovering from the trauma, it’s simply employed to someone else’s favor. He doesn’t go to prison for Han Seok, he takes a bullet for Vincenzo, and we’re supposed to see that as so much better.
All of that might (JUST MIGHT) not have ruined the show for me if he’d died better. 1) It was narratively pointless and totally avoidable, 2) they could’ve framed it as heroic, but instead Han Seok’s hand patting his head is pushing it down, so he can’t even get shot with his chin up and his back straight, Taec’s already taller, so the angle’s fucked and the whole cinematography screamed “kicking an injured puppy” and most certainly NOT “survivor finally stands up to his abuser”. The final nail in the proverbial and literal coffin is that he is mourned by no one. They’re FLIRTING not 3 MINUTES LATER, it felt so tone deaf and left such a bad taste. As I said, I didn’t expect significant mourning from Vincenzo (gotta say, I didn’t expect no mourning, that was a shocker), and Cha young and the tenants had no real interactions with him and no reason to mourn him, which left only one person who could. 
Which brings me to Han Seok. 
Han Seok started out as a solid villain, clear goals, clear skills that help him achieve his goals and basically make him a villain worth defeating, and a very complex relationship with both his own psychopathy and his brother. 
Let me get it out of the way: I do not believe Han Seok is capable of killing Han Seo because he had every reason and every opportunity to do so in previous episodes and couldn’t do it (I say couldn’t because a certain degree of reluctance is in itself inability). Han Seo’s danger far outweighed his material value the minute he shot Han Seok and then completely lost any value once he came out to the world as the chairman and it became clear that the prosecution would be going after him if anything happened, and not his brother. But time and again, he’s proven he’s all bark and no bite when it comes to Han Seo (killing-wise, specifically). 
The scene where he asks him to beat Vincenzo to death could be interpreted as him wanting to give Vincenzo the “painful death” he would have given him, but honestly, I think he was way past that point. He just wanted him dead in the “You crazy? we have to kill him before he kills us” sense. To that end, killing off a key ally of Vincenzo’s, who betrayed you and almost got you killed a bunch of times, should take priority, but Han Seok’s priority is reclaiming Han Seo by forcing him back onto his side. Now, much like his “love for Cha young”, Han Seok’s keenness on not killing his brother was essential to the writers so that Han Seo can justifiably make it this far and still be useful to Vincenzo (he can’t help if Han Seok completely excludes him from all events, plans and management processes, so Han Seok needs to want to keep him on his side enough not to do that even when it’s more prudent). 
All of this isn’t to say it’s unbelievable that he would kill Han Seo, but it’s DEFINITELY unbelievable that he would stay the same man after killing him. Someone here (I’m sorry, I don’t rememebr who) once said that Han Seo had become, over time, far more of a foil to his brother than Vincenzo was. To me, this means that Post-Han Seo Han Seok would be out of balance (tilted screen), unhinged in a way he never was before. The Han Seok we see shrugs and “oh, well”-s and moves on in a flash, not really any different from the villain he was four minutes and a whole brother earlier. 
This is very consistent with the way the show has been de-humanizing him from the start. I’m not saying this to defend Han Seok in any way, he’s a serial killer, an abuser and a total maniac. But you can be all those things and still a human being. In fact, you can ONLY be those things if you’re a human being. The show used its villain vs villain idea to justify a lot, but in the end, Vincenzo had to be a protagonist. He had to follow up every “I’m a villain” with a contrived “but at least I’m not (insert something worse)”. 
On the level of humans:
1) Vincenzo is supposedly different because he doesn’t hurt children or women (unless the women deserve it, and shooting a parent in front of their kid doesn’t count as hurting.) 
But we never see Han Seok hurting women or children either. In fact, if we proceed with the “chayoung is the myung hee of the good guys” comparison, he hasn’t hurt any women nearly as badly as Vincenzo did. 
2) Babel vs Mafia 
Babel’s corruption is compared a lot to the mafia, with Vincenzo commenting repeatedly that the people are WORSE than the mafia...which is bullshit. Babel is a set of companies that provide goods and services, but use illegal means to maximize their profit, so they hurt/kill people in the process because they want more money and care about money more than ethics. The Mafia is an inherently criminal organization that functions PURELY on the basis of its criminality. Every single dime Vincenzo spends is blood money. None of it is clean. And while we’re on the topic, I find the whole “taking Miri under his wing” thing pretty unreasonable too because he tried to have her killed you guys, I cannot believe we’re just glossing over that. He had everyone who worked on that vault killed, just random fucking construction workers. And he’s not sorry. And the show tells you he shouldn’t be. 
3) Repentance
Han Seok says outright he won’t atone, and while Vincenzo says no such thing out loud he just...doesn’t repent, I guess. He keeps the blood money, he goes back to being a full-time mafia dude doing mafia things. He leaves the same man he arrived. 
So, if on the level of harm inflicted upon humanity, Vincenzo and Han Seok are pretty much equal (and Vincenzo might actually be worse), then why should we root for Vincenzo? 
Well, my friend, that’s where the dehumanization comes in! 
I was initially very excited to see their portrayal of a psychopath because of the very interesting ways in which the informal moral code and official justice system surrounding a psychopath/sociopath/narcissist affect their behavior and their chances of not turning out rotten, and the show looked like it was looking at corruption in general. 
But as the show went on, the villain vs villain thing proved not to be enough, Vincenzo has to be better in some way (or if you’re as obsessed with him as the writers are, then ALL ways), so it became a villain vs monster narrative. Vincenzo isn’t ethical or fair or in any way interested in having a remotely positive impact on society, but at least he’s A HUMAN BEING unlike SOMEBODY. So, the characterization goes to shit, Han Seok becomes a cartoon card-board cut out of a villain and emphasis is put on how pointless his violence is, as opposed to how purposeful Vincenzo’s is. 
This is dangerous on multiple levels (and I promise this is the last point I’m making). 
1) For people in general, dehumanizing abusers/murderers/etc. makes us very liable to forget that you don’t have to be “a monster” to cause harm, and it makes people complacent in their belief that they are “not bad people” since they aren’t total monsters. The Banality of Evil is a thing, and in this series, it goes completely ignored. No one is inherently incapable of good or inherently undeserving of humanity. 
2) For victims of abuse in specific, it’s dangerous to portray abusers (including serial killer and non-serial killer ones) as entirely bad and unlovable, because it poses the dual risk of making victims less likely to acknowledge their abuse if it comes from someone who cares about or loves them on some level because the idea that someone cannot both love and hurt you is so stereotypical. Your abuser can genuinely want you in their lives and need you and, on some level, love you, and IT DOESN’T MATTER if that love doesn’t stop them from hurting you. 
On the other hand, portraying the victims of abuse as capable of flipping an off switch and hating the abuser with no hesitation or second thoughts to the point of unapologetically and cheerfully helping someone kill them and having no mixed feelings about it sends the message that if you CAN’T do that, then are you really abused? Are sure you’re not complicit in your own abuse? Do you even want to get rid of them? 
So this is basically why the way the show ended was so painfully disappointing for me. And the main reason it hit so hard was that it was initially so good and had so much promise. I really expected more.
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rebellconquerer · 3 years
Writing is going much slower than before (the real world intervenes) but I'm trying to flex some old muscles again. Another little peek into what I've been working on.
"What do you want from Sam?" He asks blankly a moment before he notices the woman, the other woman, leaning just a bit further towards him, her sharp eyes seeing too much. It makes his gut drop and his skin crawl. "Tut tut tut," the sound he makes is lazy, belying the heat in his gaze. "Don't you move a muscle. You think I don't know who you are? I remember you." He growls, cocking the gun and pointing it more squarely at her.
She's clearly injured, a slow but steady stream of blood dripping down her arm as she tries to reposition. She looks like she's just trying to find release from the pain she's in but Bucky knows better, knows how dangerous she is.
Yelena takes a half a step in front of the woman and Bucky steps back, keeping Sarah behind him, keeping both women in his sights.
"We were looking for sanctuary, she's hurt and we have info-"
Bucky sees the brunette step away from Yelena again, her eyes still squinted towards him, calculating. His heart rate spikes as his senses focus in on her, blocking out anything not a threat and not Sarah. He pulls the trigger without blinking.
Sarah jumps, letting out a small scream behind him as Yelena raises her gun to him between one breath and the next.
He hasn't shot her, just the soft earth a half a step in front of her.
"I said don't move." He states flatly.
The door behind him crashes open as Sam runs out. He can tell by the rhythm of his steps, he has the shield.
"What the fuck? Yelena?" Sam asks.
"And friend." Bucky adds coldly.
"The shit is wrong with you?! She's my mother, she means you no harm. Shoot at her again and I will make you regret it." Yelena threatens, gun pointed unflinchingly at him.
"She's not your mother. Are these the kind of lies you fall for?" Bucky scoffs. He's not even aware when he switches to Russian. "She can have no children. Just like you. Try a different story."
"What does it matter if she gave birth to me? I trust her. We came here for help!" Yelena hisses, anger and maybe fear as well, finally cracking her cool façade.
"Is that what she told you-"
"Buck, what the hell is going on. She's bleeding pretty badly." Sam interrupts, coming around to his side with the shield, giving Sarah that much more protection.
He bites back on unhinged laughter at the thought of watching her die in front of him.
"Oh I'd gladly watch her bleed to death right here. Might even get some popcorn. It's what she deserves. Isn't that right, grafinya?"
She studies him with a placidity that crawls under his skin before she tilts her head, eyes both shocked and… affectionate? "I didn't believe her at first when she told me it was you, Sasha."
Bucky doesn't think. The anger and fear swells inside him, hatred so bitter he can taste it. He pulls the trigger again, shooting the soft earth in exactly the same place, the motion lightning fast before the gun focusses back on her.
"Call me that again and I won't miss." He grits out as Sam yells for everyone to calm the hell down.
The woman flinches at the shot, and looks at him with genuine fear for the first time, frame crumpling in on herself. "I never had a choice! I never had a choice! Please! She's not lying, we came here for help."
The anger swells in him again, his face contorts into a pained grimace. "You were part of the reason I never had a choice! Tell me, which of your lovely compounds were being used on you." He grits out, taking a half step towards her as Yelena moves to intervene.
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professorchaos · 3 years
Sorry if you don't want me asking two questions for one meme but... LINDA
Why I like them
she's an engineer! she's a madwoman! she's unhinged and insane and exactly my type (again, this is fine, i do not need to see a therapist, my taste is amazing, etc).
her design? epic. her voice? epic. her relationship with her family, her maladaptive coping mechanisms? oh linda... i am going to study you like one might study a bacteria carried by a roach. i am going to take you apart psychologically. you are a case study and i'm loving it.
she's honestly one of the better developed mothers of the cast, alongside sheila, sharon and liane. it's not much, but i'm rummaging for scraps at this point. more weird women in their 30s and 40s in media pleeeeease
Why I don’t
(swings the sign i was pointing at stephen round so it's pointing at linda) (it still says CHILD ABUSER in huge, glowing red letters)
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
marjorine again. die, hippie, die. raisins. christmas snow (;
Favorite season/movie
content is too sparse to say... -_- booooo
Favorite line
"paaaaint... must paaaaaint. everything clean... everything new..."
Favorite outfit
her funeral outfit in marjorine drives me crazy
again, i do not want stephen and linda to get a divorce, so.
ok they're definitely not friends but i find the fact that sharon doesn't like her so funny... there's a potentially interesting dynamic to explore there. other than that it's a bit hard to say! she seems so emotionally distant/volatile that it's hard to imagine her having any close friends, though she hangs out with the other moms a lot. she seemed to have a lot of friends in hawaii, and looked happier in pictures of her time there, so i wonder if she struggled to make friends after moving to south park?
Head Canon
she was very unhappy as the family settled down in south park and the novelty of it wore off, and some of her behaviour was due to a slight quarter-to-life-crisis of, like. "oh god, i married and had a kid too young, we live in a small town out in the middle of nowhere, my husband is bored too and he's cheating on me, nothing is fun, do i hate my kid? do i resent this life? how can i escape it?" she started to mellow out in very recent seasons because her and stephen are "letting loose" again a little, remembering that they're not old and doomed to be miserable. which is better for the family, but probably very confusing for their poor kid, who now has to contend with the fact that his parents - who were comically abusive up until he was ten - are starting to change, leaving his home life without a solid structure.
(i wouldn't be unhappy if this was disproven, though, because i actually liked the stotches when they were fucked up as all hell... lol)
Unpopular opinion
she's just as bad as stephen, and with her it's harder to gauge what her feelings towards butters really are... she loves him a great deal, i think, but empty words do not a loving relationship make, and i wonder if it really comes across to him when her actions are so... unpredictable?
also! in fanart she tends to be extremely pretty and waiflike but i think she's probably not all that conventionally attractive and she's certainly no waif! she's just an average woman in her thirties, with a serious job, who volunteers as treasurer for the council. she's not some dolled up housewife - she's a mentally ill mother of one and she cleans when she's stressed out.
A wish
linda stotch in phone destroyer. where the hell is she i want her. (i would also love to know literally anything about her extended family).
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
no redemption arcs for abusive parents! (but i don't really think they would do this). bad phone destroyer card.
5 words to best describe them
gaslight gatekeep girlboss... my wife
My nickname for them
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edream93 · 5 years
Can I just pop in to say I 100% agree with you in regards to Uma and Harry in D3? The last scene - IMO - shot them being in a relationship down. Disappointing. The writers clearly dgaf in regards to the representation of their characters - the villains in the series are black women (Hades was a non-factor), 3/4 POC leads and the white character gets the most time/plot (Mal) - so the concept of Harry going with Audrey at the end unphased instead of going after Uma left a bad taste in my mouth.
I’m so glad you agree anon.
Again, I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer or make other people who are satisfied with the Huma in D3 but I’m seriously tired of having to settle for certain things with black/darker skin female characters. 
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Like I’m staying pretty surface level with the whole last Huma scene but if I were to go deeper, I’d honestly have to say that Uma doesn’t deserve D3 Harry and his flirting with random people. Like in D2, you could totally see it as a scare tactic to make people uncomfortable and for him to come off as unhinged. That I was fine with. In D3 he just came off as some horny teenage boy that lept at anything pretty.
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I mean, out of all the guys in D3, why are we settling Uma with the guy who can’t be completely loyal to her? All the other guys who are love interests have that ability. I mean, even Chad “I Want My Mommy” Charming was loyal enough to Audrey until he realized how truly off the deep end she had gone. Why is it that with Uma we have to settle for her being the main chick out of a bunch of side chicks when she should be the only person in Harry’s eyes. I mean, if they had consensually agreed upon having an open relationship that’s fine but it’s a DCOM so I doubt that would happen so we have to view most/all of these relationships through the lens of monogamy because it’s Disney. 
So yeah, if Harry was just doing his usual crazy/unhinged flirting in D2 that would be fine but that’s not what he was doing in D3, except for maybe with Jay and even with that, there sometimes felt like more sexual tension between them than with Harry and Uma.
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Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a BIG Huma shipper but I’m not going to applaud D3 for anything Huma related because again, latent racism, where the darker woman of color is expected to settle in terms of her own romance. 
Uma is a goddess and she deserves better!
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Also, you brought up the 3/4 woc as villains thing. That’s honestly something I had a conversation with my mom about. Out of all the characters with names that we see in the Descendants movies, here are the ones that were either seen as villains/mean to Mal/implied to be a villain in promotional materials:
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Audrey: In D1 she was the mean girl at school and in D3 she was the jealous ex. Though she did get an apology, imagine how much of D3 could have been avoided if Mal had apologized earlier to her.
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Uma: Whether you read the books or not, it’s obvious that Uma is an anti-hero, not a villain. She wants to do the right thing but doesn’t care if her hands have to get dirty because of it. She was willing to sacrifice it all to get the kids on the Isle an actual chance of getting off, something that took Mal and her friends forever to think about and realize. 
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Celia: Was never a bad guy in D3 but in a few of the promotional material they definitely made her out this way which, oh man, made me so angry because little black girls are OFTEN demonized just because they’re black compared to their white peers. Research has shown that repeatedly and yet we still get this shit.
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Cruella: Now I get that they probably wanted to show that Cam/Carlos are not just white but this was probably a bad case of casting with this kind of decision especially since the books and movies imply possible abuse and mental health issues. Yes, anyone of any color can be abusive but we could we not leave so heavily yet again into black stereotypes? 
Now here are all the non-woc villains/implied villains:
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One of which, Hades, you can easily argue as not really being a villain, at least not in the Descendants universe because all of the scenes except for one he’s helping Mal our “hero”. 
So yeah, going to end this rant here and just say I appreciate your support anon!
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indie-diatrash · 6 years
The S & M boys cheated on their lovers and they broke up. The boys realize that they made a mistake because they love and miss their lovers. What would they do or say to get them back?
( did they break up or do you just think they broke up? because like it wasn’t their fault that they cheated, that’s your fault. You made them do that. 
A mistake? please. )
 “Oi. Women, do really think it matters what you think? If anything you should stop being troublesome. Just, hurry up and get over it already.”
Ohhhh, sooo, you found out? Whoops.
Generally, gives off this sorta of victim blaming thing where it’s your fault that he cheated because you the lewd women wasn’t giving him what he desired.
When you start crying though, he gets a little miffed because like it already happen. Why are you still dwelling on it?? Can he just exit this conversation please?
Kinda lays next to you impassively, just existing as you cry and get it together. 
Feels a little bad? maybe.
...Cover that up with a band-aid of sex? Yes.
“Seriously, so noisy over something so trivial. Did you really think you were so special? Heh. Lewd women, come here.”
(scenario where he cheats)
A cute little freshman wanders in his music room unsuspecting and he just gets into her pants because he wanted too. Dubious consent, much? 
She ran out of the room crying and ran into you, literally before you walked in on him.
“Now, now, let's stop trifling over trivial matters…Yes, I realize how upset you must be. Imagine, my disappointment about how unmannered and unforgivable you are every time you do something deplorable. Don’t I graciously forgive you? Yes, I did. Now you will show me the same courtesy and be swiftly.”
It wasn’t his shinning moment.
She was forbidden fruit that he admitted he probably shouldn’t have done that but, yolo, man.
You don’t know that though. 
He plays it off like it’s your punishment for -insert generic failure here-
Doesn’t have much patience for your gripping. 
So, I suggest you change gears real quick before this little firebug gets angry.
“Use this as a lesson, next time you go to disappoint me.”
(scenario where he cheats)
You know, the put together class president that’s been staring and getting close to him? 
Yeah well, do I have news for you! He tapped that. It was a very degrading tap that, though. She definitely didn’t enjoy unless she likes that. which you know. kudos.
You found out by hearing her brag about her sexcapade in the science lab with all her friends. 
“Would you stop your yammering? Of course, the great ore-sama has the great taste and I chose you, idiot….Whadya mean we’re broken up? We are not broken up. I thought I was just giving space…Ouch. Don’t hit me! It’s not my fault you’re -insert failing body image stereotype-  and she wasn’t.
Can you blame me? Oi. Where you going? Get back here!
He gets angry with a murderous aura. Like, whoa chill, Kanato.
You seriously think you can get mad at the great him?? Over something that you have no say in? Ohohoho. You got another thing coming.
He totally blames you because if you really thought he was great, you wouldn’t care. 
Starts laughing defensively as you get madder and madder in retaliation. 
He’s a bit unhinged now...he’s feeling dem. feelings again that he can’t deal with, healthily. 
You better not be thinking of leaving him. He’d kill you before he let that happen. 
(scenario where he cheats)
A cheerleader with big bouncing boobs. They hooked after the game that he won. 
Oh, wait, that was you who walked in on them? Heh. A w k w a r d. 
(screams intensely.)
“______-san, why are you avoiding me? Broken up? Heh. Do you really think so highly of yourself that you would be my only plaything. That’s not the point! The point is your mine. mine. mine! Don’t think you’re leaving me. 
Seriously, just kinda loses control? Are you even surprised at this point?
He totally goes on a hissy fit before calming down to an eerily calm state. Allowing you to yell or cry about how much you hate him for this. 
When you say you weren’t sure how you’d ever forgive him.
He  s n a p s…your neck. 
“It’s okay, _____. We’re going to be together forever. I know you didn’t wanna leave me. Shush, You’ll be a pretty doll.
(scenario where he cheats)
A cute lolita doll type with a bunny for a backpack just enrolled in his homeroom. He cornered her in the room after everyone left before doing the deed. 
...Did I mention he snapped her neck too?
 Now, you guys can be friends forever with him, right?
“Bitch-chan, are you still jealous? Fufu, how cute! You must really love me then?…Oh, not anymore? Awe. So cruel, bitch-chan! You’re hurting Laito’s feelings!
Oh boy, oh boy....Oh. boy. 
He’s totally amused at your screaming and/or crying reaction.
Like, whoa, who knew his control over you was that good? Sweet!
Oh? You hate him. Yass, that’s hot.
Oh? You hate him so much that you’d wish He’d go jump off a cliff? Yasss, that’s hot.
Oh? You think you’re leaving him? Yasss, that’s cute…and delusional.
 Come on, enough of these games. You’re really gonna hurt my feelings and make me mad.
...You don’t want that now do you. You know how much I love you, _______. Don’t make me show you just how much I do.”
(scenario where he cheats)
A girl was coming onto to him in school, begging him to do things to her. He simply was showing him how much he loved her as well.He actually told you about on purpose during an argument later. He’s got mad people skills, tbh.
“What do you mean, broken up? 
Tch. Figures, you were really lying all along saying you could love someone as monstrous as me….Get away from me. Honestly what did you expect?!?” 
Please, be gentle. This small emo boi didn’t mean it.
He seriously has no idea how he royally screwed up.
Oh, you hate him and never see him again…?
Same, tbh. He hates himself too.
Just vanishes out of your life or passes you onto his brothers.
Just as long as he’s as far as way from you as possible. 
Then, you’ll be safe…from him.
(scenario where he cheats)
He probably just got out of control during the full moon. He didn’t wanna hurt you so he just psychologically traumatize some other poor suspecting girl.
 Hey, like father, like son, am I right?
disclaimer: I cannot stress enough that honestly they wouldn't cheat on anyone they truly loved like, whoa, they’re not their father. I could see them experimenting when on the cusp of something that resembles affection with a new bride/prey than being like whoa, I’m feeling like crap. 
...So this headcanon is more for a new bride who they’re obsessed with rather than an established relationship, btw. 
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nellygwyn · 6 years
I wanted to share some of the novel I am working on. This particular extract isn't perfect, neither is the rest of it that I've written, since it is a first draft and I'm still getting through it. But I'm very pleased with the general gist of it and I know some of my followers will appreciate it, for its content, historical flare and plot.
For context, so you understand this snippet better: My story is set in the mid 1780s (I really feel confident trying to relay the political background in this era over any other 18th century decade, which would be helpful for my story's context) and my protag is a fairly elite (more bourgeois than high class) prostitute called Kezia Spooner. She's been living in a fancy brothel in Soho, under the employ of a madam known as Abbess Weston, and since the brothel is frequented by the aristocracy, foreign diplomats and other men of influence and wealth, Kezia and the other girls have been somewhat educated in typical female accomplishments and imbued with feminine intellect. Kezia wasn't always in the fortunate position she was, however: she and her elder sister, Sarah, after being abandoned near St . Giles-in-the-Fields as children, lived and worked on the streets, in filthy squats and slums etc. for a few years before they came to Abbess Weston's attention. Sarah left the brothel two years prior to my story beginning, having never been as content with the harlot's life as Kezia was and defiantly declaring that she was going to carve a real legacy out for herself, and hasn't been seen or heard from since. 
Kezia has recently found herself under a new keeper, Peregrine Cox, Lord Cox, who isn't particularly handsome but has a certain magnetic quality to him, as well as a fortune. He moves her into a glorious London townhouse in St. James' but he is secretive and edgy from the off, making it clear to Kezia that there are certain parts of the house she is strictly forbidden from going anywhere near. Immediately prior to the following scene, Kezia and Lord Cox have had sex and now, Lord Cox insists on reading from a book of Alexander Pope's poetry to her. Kezia is tired, though, and finds herself, as she begins to drift off, unnerved by the day's events, unexplained sounds & movement in the house, and the general atmosphere of her surroundings.
Lord Cox began to read Pope, aloud, as Kezia, curled up amongst the disshevelled sheets beside him, began to slip into that strange realm between waking and dreaming. The whole room, which had seemed so grand before, began to fade under her tired eyes, eyes that longed for sleep. The false gold that gilded every surface blurred into streams of the stuff and the flickering shadow of the candle on the ceiling moved like the spectre of a dancing bear. The sound of Cox's plummy, theatrical reading voice muffled in the dreamy haze, joining the distant racket of the street. A cat yowled. Drunkards jeered. A link-boy bellowed in an adolescent squeak about his prices and his routes.
Cox was a grand and good keeper, of that she was sure. Kezia had made a wise, a sensible choice, in accepting him. His tastes in bed were not perverse or unusual. He had wit, charm, and the good sense to utilise them. He certainly wasn't affable but she had never really had occasion to call him cruel or impolite. He seemed to be very much like other swells that had bedded her; he simply had the fortune and resources to act more thoroughly on his impulses. He was on the up, too, with his burgeoning political career and expanding circle of influential friends. And he did profess to like Kezia, adore her even, in his own fashion. The arrangement she was in was not one any whore in her right mind would turn her nose up at. Kezia had no right to complain. There was no sense in it. Truthfully, observant readers, would you complain if you were her?
And yet, even as Kezia lay poised to fall deep into a dream, there was a startlingly lucid sense that something was not quite right. Perhaps it was the ghostly shadows brought to form by the candlelight that had unhinged her but...no, there was a sense of absolute reality in this worry. Something had seemed off from the moment she had seen Lord Cox whispering to his manservant. No, before that even: she'd had the feeling of uneasiness when, in the carriage here, he had so purposefully told her that there were several rooms of the house that she was forbidden to enter. In any other situation, Kezia would've respected a Lord's right to command as he wished in his own home but there was something in his voice, and in the absent-minded but furious picking of his nails, that told her this was more than just a man guarding his space. This was more important, much deeper, than that. There was a lie in all this somewhere. She was reminded of a folktale, probably relayed to her and Sarah by one of the many beggar women they had bedded down with in the old days, about a young girl, seduced and duped by a monstrous fiend, who kept her captive in his sinister castle. The fiend called himself a King but he was far from it, for he ate the hearts of girls for sport and fed their bones to his hounds.
"Aren't you listening?" Lord Cox brought her firmly back from fancy and superstition and it jolted her wide awake.
"Not particularly" (Here, for the reader's particular reference, she affected a voice of elegant disinterest, that voice which teased all men with the prospect that a woman had other things on her mind). "Methink Pope rather dull, my Lord"
Cox pulled a contorted face of disbelief, like a schoolboy caught frigging by his fellows, and huffed like a brat too.
"I wouldn't expect a woman such as you are to have much true liking for literature, to be sure." He slammed the little volume shut. The sound echoed, but Kezia could still later swear she heard a girlish sneeze in the rooms above them, which at any other time, would've turned her skin to gooseflesh, since she knew she was the only woman in the house and the male servants were floors below, but for now, Kezia was piqued. Tom-cat behaviour in Cox wasn't rare but censuring her person....now, this was new. And, more importantly, it was unwelcome.
"Lud, my Lord, a woman such as I? Whatever does that mean? In your own words, I am a girl of extraordinary intelligence. A schooled mistress for a schooled master, were not those your words? And yet, suddenly, now I exhibit a dislike for something you enjoy, I am a dim-witted gutter strumpet! You say you despise the Ton and their ways and yet you take on their irritating insincerity to the life!"
During her retort, Kezia had watched Cox flare and bulge a little, like a bull to a red rag, but she decided to, so as to avoid a spar, end her rant with a small smile and a sweet giggle, as if to say 'I'm only playing at bad behaviour,' and he softened.
"I apologise, dearest lovey. Profusely so. I suppose I am quite tired. You know, Sheridan's speech in the Commons was far, far too long. I'll see him hanged if he puts me through such a bore again." He glanced at the glittering clock on the fireplace, seemingly checking to make sure it was late enough to justify going to bed, though Kezia was sure her own droopy-lidded exhaustion was proof enough of that.
"Oh, don't talk politics after we've fucked. It distresses me so. You know it does!" Kezia teased.
It was funny Cox had mentioned Richard Sheridan, for now Kezia was playing out her own play, throwing aside her uneasiness about Cox's earlier whisperings and commands, and her vexation at his belittlement of her, in order to do what she did best: give pleasure. She leaned into his boney, bare shoulders, blanketing them with her curls. She drew up so close to him that she could smell the snuff in his atmosphere. It was the gesture of a lover, and she must've played it out well, for Cox, in turn, balanced his sharp chin on her head and began to softly caress her. No doubt this is where our readers tutors or salonierre will pause to reflect on how life often imitates art.
"That's my pretty miss. Do you love me very well?" Lord Cox breathed out, between his gentle twisting of Kezia's strands of hair.
"I love you beyond all expression" she lied.
"Do you worship me?"
"As you worship me, sir"
Kezia felt him smile. They lay for a little while in silence, he toying with her and she willing sleep to take her and stop her stomach lurching with unidentified dread. How uncomfortable she was.
"Tomorrow, circumstances dictate you spend the afternoon out of the house" Cox said suddenly. His voice, jarringly unfeeling, almost rehearsed, was the same as it had been in the carriage. Kezia dared not argue, even though she desperately wanted to ask why.
"Yes, sir" she echoed.
"I'll have Mccarthy bring the carriage around for you at 12 and you are at liberty to go wherever you please. Put anything you like on my credit, I shan't mind. Only the best for my Kez."
"And what time am I expected back, sir?"
"6 o'clock will do, though not a moment before, you understand?"
"I understand." But she did not. Not one bit.
After a short while, Cox snuffed out the candle and he fell asleep in quick time: Kezia felt his breathing steady. She, however, lay in the pitch black, tired beyond belief but unable to rest. Even the realm between waking and dreaming would be preferable. Her ears pricked at every outside noise. The walls, which she could no longer see properly, bore down on her. Most disturbing of all, there was creaking on the ceiling above, the sure signs of someone, or something, inhabiting upstairs. It was unnerving and inexplicable. In her uncontrollable state of fear, she leaned her face into Lord Cox's body, finding safety in the warmth. This vexed her greatly as she was unable to fathom why she, who had once lived unprotected on the streets of the Great Metropolis and encountered real scoundrels on a daily and nightly basis, was suddenly so fearful of the dark and of nonsense noises. Despairing at herself for her cowardice and her reliance on a man who sent ice up her spine, Kezia somehow managed to lull herself into an uninterrupted sleep.
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rebellconquerer · 3 years
More late night writing snippets for a possible In The Woods Somewhere sequel:
"Sarah, you ok?" He asks, not taking his eyes off Yelena or the gun held loosely in her hand.
He feels her nod behind him, tucked in as she is to his back.
"We mean no harm, I swear. We weren't sure where else to go." Yelena says carefully, still eyeing his form for a weak point.
"How did you find me?" He asks.
"I looked. There's very little I can't find. You should know that. We weren't looking for you though, we were hoping to find Captain America."
"What do you want from Sam? Tsk tsk tsk,, don't you move a muscle. You think I don't know who you are? I remember you." He growls, cocking the gun and pointing it more squarely at the older woman.
She's clearly injured, a slow but steady stream of blood dripping down her arm as she tries to reposition. She looks like she's just trying to find release from the pain she's in but Bucky knows better, knows how dangerous she is.
Yelena takes a half a step in front of the woman and Bucky steps back, keeping Sarah behind him, keeping both women in his sights.
"We were looking for sanctuary, she's hurt and we have info-"
Bucky sees the brunette step away from Yelena, her eyes still squinted towards him, calculating. His heart rate spikes as his senses focus in on her, blocking out anything not a threat and not Sarah. He pulls the trigger without blinking.
Sarah jumps, letting out a small scream behind him as Yelena raises her gun to him between one breath and the next.
He hasn't shot her, just the soft earth a half a step in front of her.
"I said don't move." He replies flatly.
The door behind him crashes open as Sam runs out. He can tell by the rhythm of his steps, he has the shield.
"What the fuck? Yelena?" Sam asks.
"And friend." Bucky adds coldly.
"The shit is wrong with you?! She's my mother, she means you no harm. Shoot at her again and I will make you regret it." Yelena threatens, gun pointed unflinchingly at him.
"She's not your mother. Are these the kind of lies you fall for?" Bucky growls. He's not even aware when he switches to Russian. "She can have no children. Just like you. Try a different story."
"What does it matter if she gave birth to me? I trust her. We came here for help."
"Is that what she told you-"
"Buck, what the hell is going on. She's bleeding pretty badly." Sam interrupts, coming around to his side with the shield, giving Sarah that much more protection.
He bites back on unhinged laughter at the thought of watching her die in front of him.
"Oh I'd gladly watch her bleed to death right here. Might even get some popcorn. It's what she deserves. Isn't that right, grafinya?"
She studies him with a placidity that crawls under his skin before she tilts her head, eyes both shocked and… affectionate? "I didn't believe her at first when she told me it was you, Sasha."
Bucky doesn't think. The anger and fear swells inside him, hatred so bitter he can taste it. He pulls the trigger again, shooting the soft earth in exactly the same place, the motion lightning fast before the gun focussed back on her.
"Call me that again and I won't miss." He growls as Sam yells for everyone to calm the hell down.
The woman flinches at the shot, and looks at him with genuine fear for the first time, frame crumpling in on herself. "I never had a choice! I never had a choice! Please! She's not lying, we came here for help."
The anger swells in him again, his face contorts into a pained grimace. "You were part of the reason I never had a choice! Tell me, which of your lovely compounds were being used on you." He hisses, taking a half step towards her as Yelena moves to intervene.
"Enough! Stop. All of you. We aren't the only one's here. This can't happen here!" Sarah pleads, her hand fisting in the back of his shirt.
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