#and they were like oh what’s some examples. so i laid them all out
miryum · 13 hours
An arranged marriage with James Potter
Something had happened over the summer that made James Potter the most love-sick fool in all of Hogwarts. Purebloods being purebloods, it wasn’t uncommon for children to be paired up early on to secure the bloodline. While this happened mostly between the old-arching Slytherin families, an example being Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black, every once in a while, the other houses would participate too. 
Such was the case with James Potter and Y/n L/n. The L/n’s had spanned generations, stretching back to even the Gaunt’s time. But, such as the Gaunt family, the L/n family had run into some bad luck. Stocks didn’t go the way they wanted or something of the sort and now they were in ruining trouble. 
Euphemia Potter was usually one to scoff at arranged marriages, wanting the children to find love for themselves, blood status be damned. However, the L/n’s were good friends of hers and James had written home multiple times about their daughter. From his letters, it seemed as if the two were already dating. It was a perfect coincidence. Euphemia and Fleamont agreed instantly, lifting the weight of a thousand bricks off of the patriarch of the L/n household. 
However, James and Y/n were not dating. Much to James’ annoyance, the only thing between them was his unrequited infatuation towards Y/n. 
So that’s where the pair found themselves at the beginning of seventh year. Y/n L/n trying to fly under the radar and not draw any attention to herself or the new ring on her finger, and James Potter doing everything in his power to show off their relationship and spoil her in front of everyone. 
It began at the start of the year feast. James had an arm around Y/n’s shoulder the entire time. When a third year nervously asked if the two were dating, staring reverently up at James, the boy grinned and looked to Y/n. “I don’t know, love, are we?”
Y/n pushed James’ arm off her shoulder and indelicately said, “no. Take him.” The third year blushed and mumbled their way out of the conversation as James clutched his wounded heart.
During classes, James would loudly correct the professors from Miss. L/n to Mrs. Potter. It earned him wry smiles from McGonagall and Sprout, chuckles from Slughorn and Flitwick, and a cold glare from Y/n. The students all looked a bit confused whenever this happened, but chalked it up to the usual antics of James Potter. 
In the courtyard or by the Black Lake, James would lay his head on Y/n’s lap, even if she pushed him off or was sitting with her knees up. There were roses on her bed and notes in her bag and it got to the point where Y/n didn’t even question how James had snuck into her dorm. 
If Y/n ever went to Hogsmead, James was sure to follow. No matter what she bought, he would pay for. Even if she got frustrated, he would slip the galleons up onto the counter, grinning at the cashier. He wanted to show her that he could provide for her and give her a nice home. As she would walk from shop to shop, he would point out colours of shops, saying, “oh, that would be a good colour for our bathroom. Look at that little cuckoo clock! Y/n, we have to get it.”
He would follow wherever she went, asking what seemed like meaningless questions. Have you ever had any pets? Do you like the country or city better? Any aspirations for your career? What’s a place you always wanted to visit? Y/n thought nothing of it, but to James, her answers were slowly sculpting his future. Would she want a dog or a cat in our home? Where should our house be? I would like the country so our kids could run around more, but we can easily make the city work if she wants. Should I be a stay-at-home dad? Or could we juggle two careers? Where should our honeymoon be? 
Quidditch games were no better, because after every goal the chaser scored – and he scored a lot – he would look to the stands, find his fiancée, and blow her a kiss. Before every match, one of his spare jerseys would be laid out on her bed, a small note attached, begging her to wear it. She never did and he always gave her a pout when he realised it. And God forbid she didn’t go to the games. Once, she had been studying for an upcoming exam and hadn’t been able to make it. James had thrown a fit. Sirius had to drag him away from Madame Hooch before he secured an entire year of detention, but the boy still refused to get in the air. Madame Hooch threatened to start the game and make Gryffindor play a catcher down, but thankfully Remus and Peter had just found Y/n and dragged her to the pitch. The moment James saw her, he beamed and kicked off, broom now in the air. They had ended up winning. James spent the afterparty with his head on Y/n’s lap, arms reaching up to encircle her waist. He continuously reminded her how awful it would’ve been if she hadn’t shown up and only shut up when she began running her fingers through his hair.
And every night, no matter if he went to bed first or she did, James would always go over to Y/n and give her a soft kiss on the forehead and a whispered, “sweet dreams.” No matter where she was, this became a daily occurance in Y/n’s life. At first, she tried to avoid it by sneaking off to the library whenever James began yawning and tossing around the idea of going to bed. But he would find her. She tried the kitchens, hoping he didn’t think to look for her there. But he would find her. She tried being in a group with her friends, in animated conversations. But he would weave his way through the group, step in front of her, and still say goodnight. It was like he had this magical map that told him where she was at all times. It was bloody infuriating. 
Much to James’ dismay, no progress seemed to be made. At least she was staying faithful to her fiancé, the Marauders reassured him as James griped and moaned. He would sling himself onto a common room chair, conveniently in the earshot of his dearest. Y/n would just roll her eyes. 
The majority of Hogwarts didn’t know what to do with them. The girls would swoon when they heard the new thing James Potter had come up with to woo Y/n L/n. The boys would huff and grumble about needing to step up their own game when it came to their girlfriends. James was setting the bar too high. The teachers would sit around, taking time to sip a well-deserved drink, as they complained how if L/n didn’t soon see the boy that was right in front of her, helpless to his love, then Potter was going to have a breakdown.
Yet, Y/n continued to push him away. James could be patient. He had been waiting practically seven years – he could wait a little more, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t hurt whenever she brushed him off. She could’ve said no to the engagement. She could’ve punched or hexed him. It didn’t seem like she truly hated him, more like she was embarrassed and tired of him. 
“I don’t get it,” James said finally one night. He laid out on his bed, long limbs stretching over the place as Peter and Sirius played Exploding Snap on the floor. 
Remus was reading on his own bed. The werewolf sighed, knowing where this was going. “What don’t you get, Prongs?” 
“Why doesn’t Y/n like me?” James murmured, looking at his friends with large, hurt eyes. 
“Mate,” Sirius said. One of the cards exploded, making Peter flinch. “Listen. She likes you, yeah? How else are you able to get close to her? I swear, you were practically on top of her a couple days ago.” He scoffed and laid down a card. 
James groaned loudly and exclaimed, “but I’ve tried everything! Hell, we’re literally engaged! I can’t go through an entire marriage like this. Especially not with the woman I love.”
Peter piped up, smiling sincerely at James. “Hey, I’m sure she’ll realise it soon enough. I think she loves you back. She’s just scared.”
“But I’m me!” James shouted out. “I’m not scary!” He looked around wildly at his friends. “Am I?” he asked pathetically.
“I think if you have to ask if you’re scary,” Remus pointed out, “then you’re not scary.”
Sirius grinned. “Excellent point, as always, Moony.”
Remus sighed and gave James a pointed look. “Perhaps, the best thing to do is talk to her. Since she is your future wife, after all.” 
“I do talk to her!” James argued. “I ask her about her day and tell her about our pranks. She- she responds. She’s very sweet, you know, but she never shows any affection.”
“Maybe you’re pressuring her,” Peter commented. “By being all lovey-dovey. You could try being her friend first?”
James didn’t think he could do that. He already thought of Y/n as his wife. He already thought of her as one of his best friends. But what else could he do to get her to feel the same way?
The next week, James took Peter’s words into consideration. Instead of leaving flowers in her dorm, James asked if he could join her in the library for a study session. Instead of blowing her kisses during Quidditch games, he just waved. Instead of envisioning their future, he focused on the present. 
It wasn’t until three weeks had passed that James noticed the results. Y/n began coming to him with some questions on schoolwork. Y/n waved back at Quidditch games, shooting him a thumbs up in encouragement. Y/n wouldn’t fiddle with her engagement ring nervously, as if worried someone would spot it. 
The girl noticed her changed behaviour too. On a random Thursday, when James came to kiss her goodnight, she paused her conversation and whispered back, “sleep well,” angling her body so he wouldn’t have to reach as far to kiss her temple. Soon after, she excused herself from her friends, flustered. Y/n paced around her dorm, twisting the ring back and forth. 
A knock came at the door. “Hey,” James murmured as he pushed open the door. “Are you okay?”
Y/n turned to face him. “You actually care about me, don’t you?” she whispered. 
James couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course,” he replied. “Why on earth would you think otherwise?”
She shrugged. “It seemed fake, you know? Like this one big prank to single me out. But then you actually seemed excited and willing to marry me, James. Marriage. This is the rest of our lives and we haven’t even kissed!”
James cracked a smirk. He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I can fix that really easily.”
“But you think you’re in this for the long run?” Y/n asked desperately. “For- for the fights? The late nights? The chores? And we haven’t even talked if we want kids or not!”
“Love,” he interrupted her spiral. “Have you thought about the waking up every morning in my arms? The dancing in the kitchen for no reason? The anniversary dinners where I profess my love over and over again?” He stepped forward, placing his warm hands on her arms soothingly. “And if you want, I would love to have mini replicas of us running around, waking us up in the middle of the night because of a night terror. I would love for them to disrupt our dancing in the kitchen by demanding they want to dance too. And I would love for them to groan when they see me being all sappy towards my wife.”
How could any girl say no when James Potter was standing before her, promising her endless devotion? The kiss was slow, James’ lips slowly moving against hers. He revelled in the warmth of her body and how her head tilted to him as he cupped her cheek gently. All short and lovely and sweet, the kisses were exactly how James had dreamed. 
The couple parted and the boy stared down at her. His finger went up to brush her bottom lip before murmuring, “will you marry me?”
She didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”
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clottedscream · 2 years
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haven’t been making much recently, here’s me messing around with character designs
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rooksamoris · 3 months
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💞 — in which professor divus crewel is down bad for his spouse.
💞 — divus crewel x reader
💞 — warnings: none really, just fluff and ace and deuce being ace and deuce.
💞 — around 700 words!! not very long, but yk it came to me when i should have been writing my essay (due tomorrow) since that card came out. ive been hella offline, my cousin had a malwi (yemeni bridal party) yesterday, and the wedding is tomorrow, and my other cousin is in the process of having engagement parties all throughout july--hope you enjoy!
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“No way you get bitches,” 
“What was that, Trappola?” Crewel shot a glare at his student who was staring at the picture on his desk.
The picture was of him and his spouse, looking very happy. He looked relaxed in the picture, his arm draped around you while you held his face in your hands and kissed his cheek. The best part was that you were dressed in one of his designs, looking ever so elegant in the fur shawl over your shoulders.
Ace stiffened up and was sent a concerned glance from Deuce, “Uhm, nothing… sir,” he quickly corrected himself.
He could not help it—all the time he spent in Professor Crewel’s class was filled with a certain strictness that he did not think anyone would find appealing. The redhead glanced at the picture again, before back at his professor.
Deuce was sweating, praying to whatever was in the sky that he would not get caught up in whatever trouble Ace would be in. He almost wanted to shake some sense in his dormmate.
Crewel drew the silence out, just for the sake of intimidating his students a little longer before his brows softened. He would not do anything further wreck his mood, not when the love of his life would come over and share lunch with him. He sighed, raising a red gloved hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, “I’ll let it slide this once, pup.”
The cyan-eyed student visibly slumped in relief.
He handed each of them their corrected worksheets. They both had detailed notes written in the margins on what they could do to improve. He pointed out how Ace could use his skills in Magic Analysis and apply them to Alchemy, and gave Deuce examples that could make more sense to him. He was a strict professor, but that did not mean he was a bad professor. He knew his rowdier dogs could improve—he expected them to. He laid out the resources, they just had to use them.
“Thank you, professor!” exclaimed Deuce, bowing his head in respect as he held the page to his chest. Deep down, he appreciated his professor's willingness to correct his work so thoroughly.
Ace nodded, as if sharing the thanks with Deuce, before following his classmate out.
Things stayed quiet before you burst through the doors, carrying lunch bags with you, wearing that smile he loved so much. Your clothes were a bit of a mess, but when were they not? You were always running about and doing something.
Crewel stood from his seat, a softer grin on his face as he stepped forward, his arms reaching out to adjust your outfit. Gentle hands tugged at the collar and fixed your mixed-up buttons, “Now, I wonder what circus you just returned from,”
You laughed and leaned into his touch, “Just the kitchen, nothing too crazy, Divus. I made raisin butter and homemade bread,” you told him, excitedly.
His thumb brushed over some flour left on your cheek, “I can see that much,” he muttered before he moved to your side and slid his hand down to the small of your back, “Come sit,” he said, guiding you to the seat across from his desk.
“You saved me from another lunch spent playing chess with Mozus,”
“Oh, come on. You act like spending time with him is a chore,” you replied, reaching into the bags to set the food on the desk for you guys to share.
He carefully moved his things out of the way, before taking his seat as elegantly as ever, “It’s only a chore when he spends thirty minutes deciding on his next move.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, “One day you’ll be just as old and spending thirty minutes buttoning up your vest. When that happens, I’ll remind you of this conversation.”
He let out a little laugh at that. Your joke just affirmed what he always knew, you would be with him forever, even when white became the natural color of his hair, even once his students were visiting him as adults with their own lives, and thanking him for his harshness. He let out a breath of contentment, before carefully cutting the bread you made for him, “How was work, my love?”
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igotanidea · 1 month
Stretching time: Dick Grayson x reader
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Request: I can't stop thinking about how would be Dick's girlfriend with all the batboys, specially Damian, maybe reader and Damian would be like best friends and he's always at Dick's apartment to see her. I would love to see how do you think this would be <3
“I swear this is like he doesn’t have a Manor to live in” Dick sighed theatrically, taking a sip of his drink, which happened to be the most colorful one on the menu.
“I suppose we are talking about Damian today?” Wally, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed, casually popping chips into his mouth.
“He’s just always at our place! And Y/N—” Dick shook his head, unable to finish the sentence. Y/N. His wonderful, beautiful, smart girlfriend with a heart of gold, making friends wherever she went. Too good for his world, stubborn and consistent in breaking Damian’s defenses. And while at first, Dick even encouraged her in her attempts, treating it like a dare, knowing she’ll never succeed, now he was getting angry because she actually reached her objective. Becoming bffs with Damian Wayne. Well – as much as an assassin and a vigilante’s girlfriend can be.
“Please don’t tell me you are jealous of a 12 year old, Grayson!” Wally laughed so hard she choked on his snack.
“You crazy? Jealous? Me? Never!”
“Yeah, right. Never-” the speedster laughed again, silently calling Dick off on the bullshit he was trying to feed him with.
“Look man, it’s not like you have an entire family that steals your girlfriend away from you!”
“Well, I wouldn’t let them in the first place—”
“You’re not helping!”
“Would it help If I point out how much of a hypocrite you are, Dick?”
“No! Wait- what? A hypocrite?” Dick raised his head from the table where he previously laid it to accentuate the drama of the situation. And then frowned. And then tilted his head to the side. “Hypocrite, seriously, Wally?”
“You keep talking how Y/N has too soft heart while you are the proverbial older brother always trying to please his siblings-“
“That’s not true!” Dick’s objection was almost immediately cut by Wally’s mocking gaze, almost threatening to use all the examples of the thesis he had in store “Okay, fine! Fine! But those are my brothers, what am I supposed to do?!”
“For starters, maybe you shouldn’t run away to the bar every time Damian comes around?”
“Get freaking involved! Your girlfriend is having a good relationship with your siblings. That’s terrible news, truly, I pity you.” Wally mocked, rolling his eyes.
“You just don’t seem to understand! Let me tell you the whole story again—”
“Oh, no, please, spare me going through it all over—”
“It all started a week ago-“
“From what I remember one week ago she went to some kind of reading with Jason?”
“Yes! And from then everyone just started to drive her away!”
“You’re overreacting-“
“Overreacting?! Do you want to listen how she keeps on working with Tim and –”
“Let me tell you then-“
“Whoa! Stop! You know what I think, Dick? I think you should go home and actually talk to her, instead of me.”
“So now you’re abandoning me too?!”
“Abandoning? Oh no, no, no. I’ll be even as kind as to drop you home.”
“What are you- NO!”
He really hated traveling with speedsters. There was never any comfortable position for that, and after he always felt like throwing up.
But there was no denying that it was the fastest way home, even if climbing up the stars turned into a little bit of a challenge for the Nightwing.
Obviously, Damian was there with her.
Not really doing anything, just sitting on the couch, staring into space, having one of his moments of vulnerability that took the form of keeping complete silence.
And that silence was not Dick’s ally cause it made them both hear him coming inside.
“I thought you were out with Wally?” Y/N smiled and raised from the spot to place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“West?” Damian turned his head in curiosity
“Well hello to you too, Damian. What brings you here today?” Dick hissed, before biting his tongue, earning a little pat on the back of the head from Y/N.”
“Ouch! That hurt. More my feelings than my head, but still.”
“Good. Dami is our guest and—”
“He’s becoming more of a permanent fixture…”
“Should we take this conversation private?” she muttered, frowning and putting hands on her hips. “Or can you go back to being the Dick Grayson I know? The one who can keep his heart and mind open? Please?” She gave him a soft look and a pretty smile. “Come on, it will be fun…”
How could he say no to those eyes…
An hour later he started to think that maybe Wally was right. And that maybe his girlfriend was a sorceress.
Otherwise, how else could anyone explain the sudden Damian’s transition from an assassin into a 12 year old almost kid?
He was just talking to her about everything. His school, his friends, his latest picture. Not the emotions, it was not that advanced kind of magic, but just watching those two, feeling so at ease with each other was something supernatural.
And at some point, Damian just gave Y/N a look and she immediately knew what it meant, turning to Dick who was observing them both from a safe distance, amused by the little bubble Damian and Y/N seemed to create around themselves and a little scared to disrupt their peace.
“Hey, dick? Can you leave us for a moment? We got something to discuss with Damian.”
“And I have to go?”
Damian scoffed under his nose as if it wasn’t obvious that he wasn’t going to talk about anything personal with his brother around.  
“Pretty please?” Y/N smiled at her boyfriend, leaving Dick no choice but to retrieve to the bedroom.
“So, what’s been eating my favorite bat up?”
“Y/n…’ Damian sighed, allowing himself a little bit of emotionality “do you think I could ever have what you and Dick do?”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, don’t push it.”
“If you are talking about girls—” she started and her words were disrupted by a hiss from the boy, who was clearly dissatisfied she actually dared to say it out loud “you’re only 12 Damian. And as much as you hate to let it show, people can tell that you care. In your own twisted way, but if someone watches close enough it’s clear. So I don’t think there’s any reason for you to get uptight about it.”
“I’m not uptight!” he crossed arms over his chest defensively.
“Look, I know your mother and Bruce may have showed you only one way to look at the world but –”
“You are not my parents to raise me, Y/L/N.”
“Thank god! I wouldn’t know how to handle you if you were my kid!” she laughed “But you know what, that’s even better. Cause you can freely twist my words and adjust whatever I say to your own perception. And I have no way to discipline or punish you.”
“So you won’t be leaving me if I don’t live up to the standard?” he asked quietly.
“What? Leaving you? No way!” If it was anyone else she would probably hug him then, but considering it was still Damian Wayne a little playful hair ruffle had to suffice. “Haven’t I told you you’re my favorite? Don’t tell Dick but – “ she made a dramatic pause and raised her voice to make sure her boyfriend heard “I THINK I LIKE YOU MORE THAN DICK!”
“I heard that!” something hit the wall separating bedroom and living room, causing both Damian and Y/N to chuckle.
“You make sure to remember it too, Grayson!”
“I hate you both!” Dick yelled from the wall, but it was obvious he was playing around, acting all goofy to make his girl and brother laugh.
And it seemed like a lot of weight was taken from Damian’s shoulders just because of hearing he wasn;t going to end up alone just because he wasn’t perfect sometimes.  
“I should probably get going. Father will –”
“Stay.” Y/N cut him off. “I’ll take care of Bruce. God forbid that man let you have a little rest.”
Damian fell asleep on the couch after two servings of ice cream and a multiple rounds of Man don’t get upset. At some point Dick joined them and the evening turned into one giant bonding exercise, interrupted by threats of murder with particular cruelty against Grayson if he ever let off steam about Damian's softer side.
But then, he was dozing off like a little lamb, looking completely harmless and innocent, while Y/N made sure to cover him with a blanket.
“Y/N, can’t you see what that little prick is doing?” Dick appeared behind her, out of nowhere, dragging her to the kitchen to have a little conversation.
“Planning world domination?” She tease with a hint of a smile.
“Yeah, that probably too.” Dick shook his head in amusement “but in this case, he’s taking all of your time and I have to live on scraps of attention.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I don’t like it…”
“I’m training you for the time when our kids appear in the world.”
“K-kids?” his gaze immediately traveled to her belly, judging whether she was being serious, going a little pale. Was he even ready for that? Why didn’t she tell him sooner, there were so many things to be planned and bought and—
“Hey, hey, relax” Her hands rested on his cheeks, forcing his eyes back on hers. “Not now. And not any time soon. But hopefully one day we will have kids. And then what? You’ll be jealous of them too?”
“This is not the same….”
“Maybe. But you can either learn how to share me or get mad and lose me. Which one would you rather?”
“Neither.” He held her tighter, pulling closer to his chest. “You’re all mine.”
“Still- gotta – breathe” the strained voice coming from her was enough proof he was squeezing her too tight. Like a rubber frog whose eyes pop if you press on the right spot.
Dick sighed and released the grip slightly, trying to say something more, but she didn’t let him.
“I can stretch my time for people that are important. And last time I checked, you were still on top of that list. It’s not going to change because I decided to become a mentor to your brother.”
“More like a psychologist.”
“Richard Grayson!”
“You keep helping people left and right and it’s not like I have tons of your time either. So you are a hypocrite.”
“That's the second time today I’m being called that.”
“I always knew Wally was smarter than people gave him credit for.” She chuckled “now. It’s barely midnight, quite early for us, so would you like to spend some quality time together?”
“If that’s your attempt at stretching the time then yes,  I’d love it.”
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heyhihellosworld · 11 months
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐭
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Lando Norris x reader
Word count: 5.3k
Summary: An innocent round of golf with your friend's friends turns into a wirlwind of emotions and feelings
Warnings: Golf written by a no golf-fan, smut, fluff
Notes: Landoo again... I was going to write it about Charles but then it was golf, and Alex so it became a Lando one again but he has kinda grown on me, not gonna lie. As always it's gone a bit long...
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"Okay, that was just bad y/n" Lily teased, bumping her hip with yours as she went past to gather her ball. "Shut up Lily!" you pouted following her example and picking up the ball that was laid close to the hole but not in it. Typically.
"It's not my fault you haven't trained enough sweetie" she mocked, her expression playful and teasing as you just huffed. "How the fuck have you had so much time training huh? You've been traveling with Alex for months now" you asked, baffled how she could accuse you for not training enough.
"Well we have played together, and even though Alex is not big competition it's still practice, plus some of his friends are slightly better"
"Well I've tried to train as much as possible but you know I have another work" you hummed, slightly envying her lifestyle. "I know y/n and I'm only teasing you, It's just fun to make you envious"
"Yeah it's so fun to stand in the café when you send me pictures of you and Alex on track or when you are swimming, who swims in November?"
Lily giggled as you walked side by side, dragging your carts behind you. Decided it was more fun to walk together than driving a car.
"It's not November cold there, it's hotter than summer so of course we will swim and why not tease you with it?"
"Because it's mean?" you suggested but Lily only laughed, shrugging her shoulders.
"I think it's fine, plus I invite you to come with sometimes"
"I know, but-"
"You work, I understand that" she smiled gently, knowing you needed the money to have a place to live and study.
"Anywaaays" she drawled out, her eyes telling you what she was gonna ask you and you shook your head immideately. "No Lily, don't even suggest it"
"Why not! They are all coming here next week for break, well all that lives in Monaco of course and Alex already invited me for a game, just... join. Once. It could be a nice break from work"
Your head shook through all of her words, telling her no no NO
But she didn't listened, Lily never did. She was stubborn like that.
"No, I don't want to meet these people"
"Why not y/n, why not. Also you've already met them!"
"Because-" "Because what?" she interupted making you groan "Because. It would be weird!" you exclaimed, making her giggle
"Is this because of Lando?"
Her eyes gleamed with teasing and laughter. Her tried serious face failing miserably.
"Oh it is, it is" she giggled, poking you in the side, completely ignoring your deathglare as she continued to giggle
"It's not about him, it just... it would be really awkvard"
"Because of Lando?" "Because of Lando and all the others"
"I think it's more because of a certain brit who slid into your Dm's"
"Well okay that will be awkvard as hell, especially since I didn't even answer" Lily laughed, a light laugh that made you smile even though you didn't want to, this was a seruous thing.
"I think you're fine sweetie" "No I am not going"
The chatter continued through the whole round, your play slowly picking up, after all it had been long since you last played a whole round like this.
The one thing that didn't get better was Lily's nagging and by the time you stood at the parking lot, waiting for Alex to pick you up for lunch you were going insane.
"Alex tell your girlfriend to shut up"
Alex's eyes went wide as he looked between you, Lily giggling at him, poking her tongue out at you "he would never"
"You are too cute"
"Wha-what?" Alex stammered out, mouth slightly open as he looked between you.
"She has been nagging me the whole time about going with you to play golf"
Alex's eyes lit up and suddenly you regretted telling him that,
"That's a great idea! It would be so much fun! They love you!"
You let out a groan, glaring at Lily who clapped her hands together in excitment. You felt yourself bend, giving in to their excitment.
"Fine! Fuck you both because why are you always agreeing with each other but fine I will go on ONE golf round with you and if it's awkvard I will decide what we do for the rest of the year"
Both Alex and Lily giggled together over your words and tone, they had won this time.
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"Why are you nerovus?" Lily smirked as you climbed into her car, already pouting.
"Stop it already, I will walk back in and lock myself with my tv" you huffed not very threathingly but Lily seemed to take your little threat seriously because she stopped the teasing immideately.
"Well you look cute at least" she smiled, patting your leg reasuringly "And I promise it will be fun, they are all cool to be around even if you don't know them too well which by the way is incredible seeming as your best friend is dating a driver"
You smiled at her, shrugging "It just never interested me that much, it's cool sure but I don't really think the men are the interesting part of it"
"I think you can change your mind, they are all nice enough"
"I have met some!" you defended and she sniggered "Yeah right, George because that went so well?"
"Stop it, he will not be there tody will he?"
By her face you knew he would before she hesitantly admitted it, "Maybe he will" she winced and you groaned
"Nooo, Lily! This was awkvard enough with Lando! Now George as well"
"It's fine, he didn't seem to hate you after it" "Lily, do you not remember?! I literally said he looked like a Ken and turned him down when he asked me on a date, that is awkvard as hell!"
"Well it was ages ago, plus he has a girlfriend now, it's fine!" Lily waved you off and you couldn't do anything but to pout about it.
"Where is the girls?" Alex questioned as he walked out towards the small group on the green grass, clubs and carts ready, smiles on their faces and caps on top of their heads. It was a sunny day, the warmth burning their bare arms and legs as they waited.
"I haven't seen Lily" George shrugged, it wasn't especially often both Alex and Lily joined the small golf cirlce on the grid but when they did it was always loud complaints because Lily always won.
"Did I not tell you that y/n is joining as well?"
"No bro, what the fuck" Lando murmured, his hand combing through his curls before putting the cap on again. "Fuck it's gonna be awkvard"
"Why would it be awkard?"
"Uh-I I kinda slid into her dms telling her she was pretty and all but she never responded"
An echo of laughter spilled from the group but Lando wasn't amused in the slightest "Welcome to the club man, I think soon all of us has been rejected by her some time in life" "Really?"
"She told me I looked like Ken and I qoute 'no thank you' when I asked her on a date and Carlos here tried to charm her with Spanish but she physically nudged him away and even Charles didn't manage to get her number, but to his defence she was with her ex then"
"So I'm not the only one at least?" Lando hummed, feeling a bit less awkvard at the revealation.
"For sure not" Alex smiled, patting his shoulder as he spotted the girls finally, smiling gently at your nervous look.
It went better than expected, nothing too awkvard and nothing horrendous happening even though it's awkvard enough to meet with the three guys you rejected in some ways but they were nice enough to brush it off and have a good time with you and Lily, after all the attempts from both Carlos and George had been a long time ago. What was a dread became a fun afternoon of mixed great and awful swings and laughter.
"So, the guys says you've rejected half the grid?"
Lando's voice brought you out of your concentration of watching Alex put. His eyes looking gently at yours, his skin crinkling around his eyes as he smiled wide. "Do they now?" you smiled back, shrugging your shoulders
"I wouldn't say I have rejected all of them, more... lack of interest and all of them have given up straight away. But some I did reject directly, sure"
"Like George?"
You couldn't help but giggle "Like George yeah"
"What about me? Was it a direct rejection or lack of interest?"
The question was sincere, serious and it caught you of guard. You had actually never meant to ignore Lando's dm but after you'd opened it it kind off just disapeared in your memory until it seemed too weird to answer it.
"I guess lack of interest"
"So does that mean you will go on a date with me if I show more interest?"
You grinned, teeth showing as you shrugged with a smile
The idea didn't oppose you, you kinda liked how direct he was, straight to the point. He didn't look bad, not at all. He was extremely hot with his bright smile and brown curls dripping into colourful eyes. You pondered it a little, date? It seemed inocent enough but was it?
Your lips pouted in thought as you met his eyes again "If you win the next hole I'll go to dinner with you"
"Really?" Lando smiled so brightly it made you chuckle "Sure" you grinned, winking at him as you walked ahead.
He was not bad, you had to give him that but you were better there was no question about it. However you seemed to slack on this hole, bad first hit-mainly because of Lando's distractions- made it one more swing than Lando in total, something the Brit celebrated in earnest.
He was so happy he could start skipping and it made the blow soften a little. You did want to go on a date with him afterall so in a way it didn't feel like a loss.
The whole round went the same, chatting and joking. Observing the Brit every given second, trying to play it off before repeating it.
It was not subtle but you didn't try to be either. He was nice to rest your eyes on, so you did.
When the round came to an end and you all stood at the parking lot, chatting and joking about the just played round Lando pulled you away slightly, smiling small as he combed his hand through his curls.
"Hey, you think I can get your number?"
Your eyes snapped up to his, lips pulling into a sly smirk. "Sure"
"Really?" he asked with suprise
You laughed softly, shrugging "I did agree on a date did I not? It would seem weird to not give you my number" Lando chuckled "Sure"
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Despite your reluctance to go in the first place it turned out to be a common thing in the next couple of weeks. You felt yourself growing fond of the guys and spending time with Alex and Lily was always fun.
After Lando's win you had decided on a date weeks forward, why so far away you didn't know but apparently it had something to do with his training schedules and something around the topic. You didn't bother.
Regardless you felt a sear of hapiness everytime you saw his brown curls amongst the group. Usually hearing his gorgous laugh before you laid eyes upon him. But the sear of hapiness was nothing against the rumble of disapointment you felt whenever he wasn't there. Trying to mask the disapointment was hard.
He texted you. Every day, especially the days you didn't see him. It made your heart almost skip a beat whenever his name popped up on the screen, grumbling at yourself for the stupid reaction.
To keep it short your heart did sommersaults at the mention of him and it was stupid because you were still practically strangers.
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He looked like a rom-com perfect date. Black dress pants and a dark button up. His curls were styled, not overly much but still enough to not flop around everywhere and he sported a warm, comfortable smile as he waited.
You felt giddy, something you hated but it was inevitable. His face lit up as he saw you striding towards him, eyes glittering in the dim light of the lobby.
"You look gorgous" he smiled, a line you deemed cheesy, something everyone said but it still made your heart skip a beat. Because it was Lando.
"Thank you" you smiled, kissing his cheek softly, loving the way his face flushed at the action, a sudden shyness taking over the usually confident guy.
Lando tried to compose himself as he led you out the door, smiling softly as you jumped into the car.
You had decided for a simple dinner date. Eating at a small comfortable place where you hopefully could be alone to just talk, get to know eachother in private and focus only on you, not the other idiots you called friends.
Lando's restuarant choice didn't disapoint. You had agreed on not going to any fine dining or exclusive super place but a normal cozy place. And he had done well. Booked a private table in a extremely cozy little restuarant. Red velvet sofas with dark wood tables and dim lit candles. It gave a homey feeling and your table seemed to be the furthest away from everyone else's giving you the perfect lone time you could posssibly find in Monaco.
"Wow, I didn't think you would manage this well"
Lando snorted, looking almost offended as you giggled at his face. "What?"
"Well not to bring you down but this is Monaco after all, it's an fine dining country"
Lando tilted his head, that was true and to be completely honest he couldn't take all the credit. He had gotten some, well, a lot of help from Lily and Alex to find the best spot possible for you but you didn't have to know that.
"I'm happy you like it" he said instead, smiling dumbly at you in a way that made you have to smile back.
"I do, it's great" you nodded as he poured up some water in the glass in front of you"
He was so easy to be around, silence never uncomfortable, talk never pushed. It flew naturally like you had known the guy for years. He made you laugh so loudly even the personel seemed to pick up on it, his flattering seemed to make you blush endlessly and his stories made you intruiged.
You loved how easily he was telling you about formula one, how he spoke to you easily about it, not complexing the sport you knew very little about. You loved how he trusted you with more private stories, loving how his eyes turned into hearts as he talked about his family and their support. But what you loved the most was how easy he fell apart under you. One comment and his cheeks turned a deep pink colour, eyes fleeting away from yours as a choked sound made it past his lips with a giggle.
To put it shortly the date was amazing, making you feel the same flutter you had felt every time you had seen his curly head on the golf course or everytime his name had popped up on your phone this last weeks.
It was riddicolous, you knew that but it didn't stop the spiralling feelings and flutter in your tummy.
After a heated discussion about Alex's golfing skills you left the restuarant, sated and full of the warm belly-filling food the place had provided. Lando had blushingly asked you if you wanted to go to his apartment, to 'watch a movie or something' and you had accepted, not caring what that would include or not just not wanting to seperate from him yet.
The walk was short, Lando's laughter filling the air of Monaco and lightning it up as you walked along the darkening streets.
His apartment was nothing short of amazing, not because you had thought differently. He was a formula one driver after all but still. It was a lot bigger than yours, not to bring down your own place which you loved, but this was the next level.
"Wow, this view is fantastic" you mumbled, going straight past him to look at the view of Monaco from his window. He had not put a lot of effort into decorating, something you deemed fine since he barely was here anyway but the space still looked nice. Modern as hell, but nice.
"Wow, just walk right through me why don't you" he muttered sarcastically making you huff out a laugh as you tore your eyes away from the view. "Sorry but this is... remarkable"
"And I am not?"
"Well I can't see the whole of Monaco in you can I?"
"I don't think you have even tried, have you?"
You giggled, poking his chest teasingly as he stood in the open room. His coat and shoes discarded, revealing his great looking button-up once again. "Fuck you look good in this" you hummed, teasing your finger on his first button on his shirt.
"Mhm, is that how it is miss y/n?"
You peeled your eyes off his gorgous shape and looked him in the eyes, the orbs screaming with cockiness and a hidden smirk.
"Been thinking all evening off what's underneath it" you admitted, letting your eyes travel again "I invited you here to watch a movie, but you have such dirty thoughts" he tutted jokingly "Sure" you scoffed, smiling at him
"A movie was what you were thinking"
Lando didn't answer, just gave you a giggly smile you reciprocrated.
His lips met yours in an instant, moving softly and slowly against yours, no hurry just savouring the moment. His lips were soft against yours, following you as you tilted your head slightly.
When you broke apart that was it, no itchy hands on each other no intention to do anything more right now. Both just sated to have shared that. Instead you took a step back. Grinning at the brunette as you walked around the sofa and plopping down in the comfortable furniture. “What’s the movie then?”
Lando smiled, not sitting next to you but leaning over the back of the sofa to get closer to you. “Whatever you want, you choose. Do you want something to drink?”
“Okay, uhm yes please, I take whatever you do” you smiled softly before reaching for the tv remote. Scrolling through the many apps and channels he had to pick a movie.
The movie was meh, not interesting enough to take your mind off the guy next to you but not boring enough to stop.
Lando kept on joking with you, straight up teasing you during the movie. Hands moving down your body, not in a overly sexual way but the way he cracked a joke, or a dirty comment made you boil with need and hotness.
It didn't take long until you broke. Shuffling up in the sofa, catching his gaze as you watched him with need in your eyes. His own eyes gleaming with cockiness and success. Watching his eyes were enough, scootching over you straddled his lap, catching him with slight surprise as you pushed your lips against his, needy and rough.
However it didn't take him even a second to respond to the kiss, battling for control, tongues fighting and hands gripping wherever they could reach.
Neediness pooled in your stomach but you kept it in control, not wanting to let him have all the control. "Fuck y/n" he sighed, leaning his head back over the couch as you pulled apart for a moment.
"Bedroom?" he smirked, one eyebrow raising and if you wouldn't want this so bad you would scoff at his expression but it was also Lando, you would not excpect any less from him.
Instead you nodded, letting him lead you to his bedroom which was just as gorgous as his livingroom. Big windows with view over Monaco, a few pictures on the wall and nice furnitures.
However he didn't let you spend a lot of time looking at the decor, instead towering over you, attacking you with his lips.
"I usually don't agree on doing these things on the first date" you hummed against his skin, his smile warming your heart even more. "Well technically I wouldn't count this as a first date because I feel like I know you by now"
You giggled "You are really full of it aren't you?"
His smile was so achingly sweet, made butterflies swarm in your belly and overflow with adoration.
You leaned up, catching his mouth with your again, kissing him slowly and affectionately, hand scratching on his scalp and luring out a soft sound from him which only made your heart beat faster.
Heat bloomed in your stomach, desire to touch him and make him feel good took over your thoughts as you kissed down his jaw, hands gently sliding under his shirt.
His muscles tensed under your cold fingertips, feeling out his sculpted stomach and muscles, gently rubbing over his nipples before trailing down towards his v-line and then back up again.
His mouth had dropped open slightly, eyes following your every move as he breathed hard, small noises tumbling out of him whenever your hands rubbed over his nipples or teased his pant-line, frustration bubbling in the small grunts and huffs as you took your time, feeeling him up, memorizing every part of his skin under your fingers.
When he had had enough he ripped the buttons open in a hurry before tugging it right off his body, throwing it away before he roughly guided your face to his again, wanting, no needing to kiss you.
The kiss was rough, heated and a battle of control. A battle you won as he pulled back and locked eyes with yours. His pretty eyes was glazed over with pure desire, visable in every centimeter of his body. In the way his shoulders tensed, body heaved and eyes glazing over.
You looked as he unbottoned his pants before tugging them off, taking a seat on his bed with an open invation dangling in the air. An invitation you took.
Two short steps and his hands enveloped you, pushing you against his hot body, limbs and breaths entangled as you sat straddled on his lap. His hands ran all over you, ripping your shirt off your body, your skirt bundling up around your hips as they moved against him.
His hot hands settled on your thighs, eyes not seeming able to leave were your panties where showing, sliding against his boxers.
When he met your eyes again you slid off his lap to the floor, loving the way his eyes widened and mouth opened as you settled on your knees, prompting him to sit up better on the edge of the bed.
Hands teasing over his boxers before his patience ran out. Eager fingers pushing yours away to discard the item. You couldn't help but to giggle at him, eyes narrowing him down "Eager much?" "Shut up" he grumbled, visably relived over the freedom he know had.
Your eyes slowly looked him up and down, completely naked in front of you, so easily and comfortable displayed on the bed. Not an ounce of embarrasment or selfconciousness, with all right.
He was gorgous from head to toe, his legs tense placed on the floor, hands gripping the bedsheet, arms flexing his toned muscles, chest heaving, his sculpted body, muscles showing, abs glistening, his face already looking fucked out despite having barely even started. His brown curls were a wirlwind of chaos, eyes looking at you with so much attention and focus, dick standing proudly against his stomach. He looked dreamy. Drool worthy.
When he grunted you realized how long you had been staring at him, clearing your head you stood up only to crawl out of your skirt and brah before dropping to your knees again. Hand immideately reaching for his hard dick.
It was already leeking pre-cum, a result of the teasing you had been keeping up for long now. You jerked him slowly, relishing in the way his eyes fluttered, not knowing where to look, eyes flickering between your newly revealed skin, eyes and to where your hand was currently moving over him.
A groan left Lando's lips as you thumbed his tip, hips jerking to try to savour the feeling but you didn't let him instead leaning forward to lick a bold stripe from base to tip. The sounds he let out was filfthy eyes closing, mouth agape. You could probably cum just looking at him.
"Fuck y/n" he grunted, hips jerking slightly, trying to get your tongue closer to him again and you let him, swirling your tongue over his tip before taking him in your mouth, slowly sinking down until you couldn't anymore.
You set a brutal pace, hand twirling around his base whilst your mouth sloppily worked over his tip, messily running your tongue on the underside of his dick every now and then.
He had lost the little control he had, groaning and moaning without a care, his head thrown back and hips thrusting desperately. You knew he was close without him having to say it and when he started to jerk more promiment you stopped, letting go of his dick with a pronographic pop.
He whined
He fucking whined and you felt like you were on fire. He was so sexy, so fucking sexy and you couldn't let it go. Desperation flowing in your core as you looked up at him, no shields from what you felt.
"Come up here" he whispered, his hand on your cheek guiding you up to his lips, gently flipping you into the matress, his body covering yours. A sudden gentleness taking over the whole sitatuion as he peppered kissed over your body. Moving from face down to your core. Licking over your nipples, gently sucking your skin, licking over your navel, inner thighs. Teasing you just like you had with him, delicate fingers peeling your underwear off.
When his mouth ghosted over your core you jerked, hands finding his curls pulling them like nothing else mattered.
He was skillfull, more so than you had imagined as he ate you out. Tongue moving, fingers holding, lips sucking, murmurs traveling through your body.
You moaned, thighs clenching around his head. The Brit let out a soft chuckle at your reaction, relishing in the way your eyes fluttered and body arched under his tongue but it didn't stop him from diving straight in. Licking and sucking until all you could do was pant.
He didn't let you come, the whimper on your lips disapearing as you bit your lip, hips chasing his mouth, another chuckle. A mocking one.
He didn't have much resolve left, eyes searching yours before positioning himself, gently pushing in as you nodded, too much excitment.
His head in the nape of your neck breathed hard against your collarbone, barely containing the lewd sounds escaping his soft lips, setting a gentle slow pace.
"Fuck baby" he groaned, meeting your hips with his making the friction tenfold. It felt like your head was swimming with emotions, moans you didn't even notice tumbled from your lips, sweet like sugar, filthy as few.
His hands hooked under your legs, drawing you even closer to him, using the hold to go harder, deeper and it felt like you would black out, eyes closing as he pounded into you. Eyebrows frowning in concentration as he tried to focus his thrusts.
"Feel good hm?"
It felt all too much, body squirming to get away from him, away from his thrusts touching your most sensitive places. Away from the overwhelming pleasure but he didn't let you. Just held you in place as he continued and you were positive you would soon start to sob.
"Fuck you take it so good" he grunted, hands tightening on your hips, pace never relenting, you couldn't answer just moan at his words. You couldn't in your life imagine him being this good in bed, nor so good at dirty talk, so hot.
"You close?" he mumbled, his hips starting to jerk slightly as he got closer to his release, keeping a hold on himself. "Hm?" he pushed as you didn't answer him, head spinning. "Yes, yes so close" you mumbled, positively trashing on the soft sheets.
It came fast and hard, blindingly so as you fell over the edge. Body crumbling, mouth open in silent moans. Lando came immideately, loud groans escaping his lips before he could stop himself, eyes dropped close, jaw slack. His eyes burning with pleasure and adoration, curls slick of sweat on his forhead, body heaving. He looked so gorgous you never wanted to forget this, wanting to etch this picture in your brain.
You felt spent to your very core as you relaxed, Lando's body covering yours once again but this time in a soft manner.
Falling asleep had never felt so easy as it did in his arms, his soft calm breaths tickling your cheek, arms wrapped around you thightly.
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"Wow y/n! What has happened with you?" Lily giggled, watching as you did the perfect swing, the ball landing exceptionally close to the hole. "How much have you practiced?"
You grinned at her, raising one eyebrow, shoulders shrugging. "Not that much"
Lily didn't reply but her eyes held so many words you didn't want to reply to. So many questions danced behind her irises, smile saying it all.
"Maybe it's just the extra energy?"
"Don't start" you grumbled, pushing her to make her swing but she didn't, stubborn to say what she wanted to and at this ocassion she wanted to tease you to crumbles. "What, I mean I haven't pointed it out yet but let's talk about hickies huh? What is this y/n, are we back to being teenagers?"
You horrid face made Lily crumble in laughter, almost dropping her cart in the commotion. Your hand instinctively went up to your neck, grimazing as you did so. "That little prick!" you exclaimed, shaking your head as Lily continued to laugh.
When the laughter sobered off you turned to look at her again, a warm smile now etched on her face. "But hey, y/n. I'm really happy for you, he is a great guy and all that matters for me is that you are happy" "Aw, going soft on me now Lils?" "Maybe? I just always wanted what's best for you" she said softly
"I know" you smiled, throwing your arm around her shoulders as you continued walking
"But If you say anything to Alex about this!" you half heartedly threathened making her laugh, head leaning against yours.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Family Therapist
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Female vampire reader x Elijah Mikaelson
Summary: Elijah is your husband and you've been basically the family therapist. Well, one night you both became one for his little brother.
Warnings: mentions of death I think?, mentions of ghosts,
Elijah and you have been married for well over 400 years and over time you have gotten used to the family's drama and dynamic.
There have been many times when you acted as the family therapist, and let's not kid ourselves, you still are. Just somehow in weirder ways than some may think.
(But let's also be real, you still have to lecture Klaus out of daggering any of his siblings or hurting them 'just because', being the only one who he actually listens to, which is a miracle by itself.)
A great example is what just happened one night.
Surprising enough, this is the first time you've ever been in a situation like this. It's definitely not the worst or anything of it, but this was very different to say the least.
You were sound asleep in your husband's arms until you hear the door to your guys' room slam open. Both of you separate in alert, but the only danger there is, is the body that crashed between the both of you.
"What the?" You said sleepily and reached over to turn the lamp on.
Once the light lit the room in a yellow glow, you both look at the visitor in your bed.
"Kol? What are you doing?" Elijah asks, surprised that his younger brother is there, without acknowledging one of you.
"Oh you know, just missed my older brother and his wife" his voice was muffled by the pillow he pressed his face in to.
"Uh huh, and how does that explain you gripping onto the blanket for dear life?" You raised your eyebrow at the youngest brother.
"Because it's soft?" He asked unsure, rather than answering you.
"What happened?" You kept your eyebrow raised at the immortal teenager, no way for him to get himself out of this conversation now. Elijah saw that look on your face, knowing, now you won't budge until you get the truth out of Kol.
Kol looked up at you, letting out a huff, seeing no way of getting out of this. At least this is better than Nik, he'd just throw him in a box, he thought.
"I swear I saw someone move in my room, but I couldn't find anything, so I came in here to make sure if the ghost comes back there'll be alibis" he rapidly said, and hid his face back into the pillow, feeling his cheeks starting to turn red.
You and Elijah shared a look of concern before your husband placed a hand on Kol's back. "Kol, you don't have to be embarrassed about that, considering your experience with ghosts in the past, you have a right to react the way you did," he told him.
"Lijah's right, we would never judge you about that. So what if you're a bit wary about ghosts, it's normal, a lot of people are" you added.
Kol's breath hitched before speaking, "Really?" He looked up at both of you.
"Of course" You and Elijah nodded.
He smiled softly before a cheeky grin appeared on his face. "Just so you know, I'm not leaving. And if that ghost takes me, I'd rather have my final moments with you guys over Nik, who would most likely yell at me."
He laid his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes, knowing that he was laying between you guys. "I know you guys probably want to be laying together and be all cute and couply, but I don't want to think about you two doing anything over pg-13. My poor innocence couldn't handle it" he said and let out an 'oof' when you smacked him with a pillow for the comment.
"Have you ever even been innocent?" You asked and looked at Elijah with amused eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like a tired father that just had to put up with his child. Honestly, he just did, considering what Kol had just said and he can sadly be even more immature.
"Of course I have...like that time...okay maybe when I was human, but that still counts" he mumbles and sticks his tongue out at you. And he hates it when you call him a child? Really?
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callum-librrry · 1 year
Uncanny Valley
Tom and Hazai were exploring a planet recently added to the intergalactic database. Navis was tasked with bringing supply packages to the sentient species there. It was all, of course, an effort to have the planet be knowledgeable of the wider community of space while attempting to keep their technological influence to a minimum. They did something similar to Earth way back when the lightwaves finally made it to the council and Humans were confirmed to be sentient themselves. Unfortunately, any attempts made were quickly swept under the rug known as secret government agencies.
 This planet seemed to be doing much better environmentally than Earth was. Lifeforms here evolved somewhat eerily. Most flora was found underground where liquid water was in constant supply. Tom had also seen a large plant with what looked suspiciously like bones in various odd places. After some confirmation with various off-world researchers, it was noted that the plants here were carnivorous. This made sense in Tom’s mind, considering there were multiple examples of such behaviour in the plant life on his home planet. This information spooked Hazai quite a bit more. She was nervous around anything with roots for the entire rest of the mission.
 They had been wandering with a vague sense of purpose for quite some time and they were yet to come across any sort of sentient life. This fact did not help the ever-increasing complaining of Tom’s muscles under the weight of the supplies. Gravity here was slightly stronger here than it was in standard conditions, which did not help the ache in Tom’s back in the slightest.
 “Hey, Hazai,” he said at last, “I think we should take a break. I can’t carry this pack any longer.”
 Hazai reluctantly agreed. She was itching to get out of the underground tunnels and back into the starlight. Nevertheless, they sat down beside a large woody plant that smelt vaguely of honey and laid down some sleeping bags. Well, Tom did in any case. Hazai liked to rest sitting upright with her feathers ruffled in a way the Human found incredibly endearing.
 Tom was almost asleep when he heard the sound of footsteps echoing off the tunnel walls. He jerked upright. Hazai had heard the sounds too but seemed less troubled by it.
 The footsteps continued. They sounded odd to Tom. They were familiar. Concerningly so. He could hear that whatever it was was bipedal. Its footfalls were also heavy. Not much could echo in such a densely vegetated area. The sound seemed almost… human.
 Some primal instinct was crawling its way up Tom’s spine. Something was seriously wrong here. He just couldn’t pinpoint what.
 He edged up from his sleeping bag, not taking his eyes off the slight bend in the tunnel where the footsteps grew steadily closer.
 Hazai seemed to sense the tension now. Her feathers puffed up and she raised her arms in a way not dissimilar to a threatened owl. She did look bigger, but Tom found it difficult to see the Braal as any more intimidating.
 Then, from around the bend a figure emerged. The dull light of the cave system made it difficult to make them out in any detail but Tom was still certain that there was something wrong with this alien.
 "Oh look, Tom!" Chirped Hazai in relief, "It's a Human! Maybe they can help us find--"
 Before she could finish, Tom cut her off with a warning whistle. His nerves made it a little off-key but the message came through nonetheless. Tom eyed up the approaching figure.
 It did look Human, in every way it should. It had two plantigrade legs and stood upright in the same way a Human would. It had all the key features on its face. Every part of its anatomy was undeniably Human.
 Except, for the fact that it wasn't Human.
 There is an interesting thing amongst the species that isn't seen anywhere else in recorded databases. It's a unique sense known only to Humans. Something that has been dubbed the 'uncanny valley' effect. An ability derived from the insane capability of the Human mind to find a Human face. The mind is in fact, so good at finding faces of the same species that it can impeccably recognise when a face is not Human even though all key indicators show that it should be.
 Notable comments made by various subjects in studies of the phenomenon say that they themselves cannot pinpoint what exactly causes the effect for them. Some guess it can be the way the Not-Human's mouth moves, or that its hands are ever so slightly out of proportion. Another key feature mentioned is the eyes.
 The eyes are what tip Tom off.
 "That's not a Human."
 Hazai looks at him questioningly. She couldn't see any difference between the average Human and the one in front of her.
 "I know you can't see it," Tom said as he grabbed the Braal's feathered shoulder, "but you have to trust me on this."
 Hazai hesitated for a second but complied. She’d seen enough of Humans to know not to question their instincts. She eyed the alien in front of her. She looked desperately for what Tom saw in the being. She didn’t have much time though, because soon after Tom dragged her down the winding stone tunnels. A few plants followed them with their gaping traps. They weren’t running. At least, Tom wasn’t. Hazai managed to keep up with his speed walking by hopping forward occasionally.
 The Not-Human was following them in strides slightly too long. It moved casually. It even spoke.
 “Wait,” it said, “I only want to talk.”
 Hazai had the impression they were speaking through a translator. She could hear the metallic drone behind each word. But she could hear desperation behind it. Something she’d heard from Tom multiple times before.
 “Please,” she tugged at Tom’s sleeve, “Can’t we listen? They might stop once they know we know.”
 Tom grimaced. He was thinking through all the possible ways attempting to negotiate with the alien might go wrong, but with one look into Hazai’s eyes, he complied.
 “Fine,” he groaned, “we’ll talk.”
 The alien sat in front of them on a mossy stone. Their limbs were splayed around them in a way that really shouldn’t be comfortable. They looked comfortable now though. The short conversation they had (which was more of a declaration that Tom saw through their disguise) allowed them to relax.
 As it turns out the alien is from a species of ‘shapeshifters’. They explained that it is mainly used as a defence mechanism but as the species became more sentient they tended to use it more for fun.
 “I didn’t mean to freak you out,” They explained, “I just thought you looked cool, and it’s always easier to make friends when you look like them.”
 Tom didn’t make eye contact. He could barely still look at the alien. He understood them, to a certain extent, but the whole ordeal still had him on edge.
 “I’m surprised you knew I wasn’t… uh Human. Generally, my disguises are pretty good”
 Tom spluttered for a second as he tried to think of an answer.
 “It’s– Um, it’s just something we’re good at? We just know when something isn’t actually human.”
 The alien hummed.
 “Don’t think I’ve heard of anything like that before…”
 “You probably haven’t. We’re weird like that.”
 The group fell into a mildly comfortable silence. Tom glanced at Hazai who also seemed to be mulling the new information over. She had a concerned look in her eyes.
 Eventually, Tom remembered the reason they were there in the first place. He handed over the supply pack.
 “It’s mainly just some information about intergalactic culture. Dos and do nots and all that. I think there's some stuff about similar planets and how to survive basic space travel,” Tom picked up a few items as he spoke. “We’re not meant to interfere with ‘the natural technological progression of a planet’, so I can’t really help you out with the getting to space part.”
 “Ah.” The alien was thinking. Tom noticed a certain pattern in the way their limbs moved when they were considering things.
 “I guess I’ll have to get this back to the rest of us,” they said finally.
 The conversation turned to goodbyes here. Tom was eager to leave the weird uncanny valley planet and Hazai just wanted to be able to see the sky without the fear of being eaten by an off-brand pitcher plant. The alien, though, seemed at home here. He explained how he hated to see the two travellers go.
 “But I guess we’ll get more now that we’re registered with, whatever the space organisation is.”
 Tom agreed and they parted ways.
 Back on Navis Tom and Yongrae were eating together.
 “I had the weirdest experience on that new planet we went to,” Tom said, “The sentient species there can shapeshift, it’s weird as hell.”
 “Ah,” Yongrae smiled, “like a Not-Deer situation?”
 “Worse. They looked Human.”
 “Y’know I tried to explain it, but it’s just really weird. What even is that?”
 Yongrae thought for a second.
 “Uncanny Valley?” he said, “Like with that one guy in Rogue One?”
 Tom nodded eagerly. It had been on his mind ever since they left the planet. Uncanny Valley. It had a nice sound to it. He’d have to do more research into exactly what it was.
 “Thanks for that, man. It’s been bothering me.”
 “No problem,” Yongrae hit his shoulder, “You know what we should do now? Binge some Star Wars.”
 Tom laughed. While being an Earth classic, the movies really showed their age now. It was more like watching a documentary on what the past Humans thought about space, but it was fun nevertheless.
 “Yeah, that sounds like a plan.”
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blackypanther9 · 5 months
Only once, never again – Father!Alastor x Teen!Daughter!Reader
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TAGLIST: @meg-giry1 @wen01203
“Papa, please ?”, you asked again.
“No, Cher. You are too young.”, Alastor denied you again.
“Papa, I am sixteen ! I should at least try !”, you tried to convince him.
“You are too young to try now, Cher. What if something happens to you ? I would never forgive myself.”
“Pa, you are my Father and the all feared Bayou Killer. As soon as I am hurt, you kill the one responsible. I am not a damsel in distress either ! You taught me how to defend myself and I am not that easily traumatized. I live with and was raised by you ! Alastor Hazbin, most famous Radio Host, the man that never stops smiling, the man that accomplished the impossible, the man who proudly adopted and raised a child with well manners and the very shadow in the night that kills scum that deserve it ! I’m a tough cookie, I won’t crumble THAT fast !”, you persisted.
He stared at you, uncertainty in his eyes and his smile so very strained, close to a concerned frown. You both stayed seated in the living room, listening to the new record that Alastor bought.
What were you arguing about ? You wanted to try out dating someone and Alastor, your Father, absolutely HATED the very idea.
“Just once, Pa. Pretty please. Let me try out dating someone at least this once. I wish to know what it feels like.”, you pleaded with him again.
Your Father took a deep breath and stood up.
“I fear I have to retire to bed now, mon ange (My Angel). Sleep well, Dear.”, he said and gave you a kiss on the forehead, then left.
You had a crestfallen look on your face. Alastor wasn’t blind, he saw it too. He needed time to think about this. Don’t get him wrong, the Radio Host KNEW this would happen one day or another, but he was never ready for the day it would happen. He was very concerned for your safety. Men...were swines. You...were an absolute angel. It just didn’t fit, in his opinion. His sweet loving daughter and an abusive swine at your side, leashing you and using you for whatever he wanted...no...Alastor hated that bare thought.
He could feel himself getting sick at the pure imagination, that you would get a man and he would instantly collar and leash you. Like his Father did with his Mother.
He laid there, in bed, wide awake, for three hours that night. As you retired for the night he could hear you sobbing and whimpering and his heart felt oh so shattered, just hearing you crying. He knew he was the cause of your sadness. He just wanted to protect you, but he understood you as well.
You were a Teenager and you wanted to feel a different kind of love. You wanted to explore a new area and usually Alastor was supportive of your adventurous side. But...this was about men and men could NEVER be trusted. His Father and the men he killed, were the perfect example ! They hurt and abused their wives and sometimes even their own children, they raped women and left them to die or with a Bastard child, they yell at their wives, degrade them whenever they saw fit, emotionally scarred them and traumatized their own Family !
He didn’t want the same thing happening to you. You were his beloved daughter and he could never forgive himself, if something happened to you. This was a difficult decision for him.
You wanted to at least try and court someone for once, while he was very much against the thought alone. What course of action should he take ? What would be the safest, best idea ? Continue to deny you and break your heart, or let you try and possibly end up hurt and...most possibly cold hearted ? Alastor heard of it. Some men were so brutal, that the woman they dated ended up with a cold heart and never courted again.
What was he supposed to do ? Give in, or continue to hurt your feelings ?
-Time skip-
You woke up and were not in the mood to get out of bed. You were sad and hurt that your Father refused to let you try and find out what else love would feel like. You were just curious. Only one try, but even to that he said no and then he just left you and retired for the night.
That one hurt the most.
The door opened and the smell of cooked breakfast entered your room.
“Y/n, Sweetheart~! I made you your beloved pancakes~!”, your Father sang out with a big smile.
You didn’t react and didn’t move, which made your Father’s smile dim slightly. He ripped open the curtains and opened your window for fresh air. The birds were chirping and the breeze was a pleasant welcome in your room, you loved the wind and air outside, it made you feel free. Alastor knew that.
Then your Father sat down next to your curled up form and ran his fingers through your hair, gently. He sighed. He knew you were awake, but in a foul mood from yesterday evening still.
“Listen Cher...I thought long and hard about your idea from yesterday, while I was in bed. I understand why you want this so bad, but please understand me too, Darling. I can’t always be there for you. I just want to keep you safe for as long as possible.”, he carefully started.
You continued to listen, already knowing this, but not saying anything.
“If you have someone, you want to court and explore a new territory with...then you have my permission for now...”
Your head snapped up and you stared at him in shock, he held his finger up, telling you to be silent, he wasn’t finished.
“BUT ! If that filthy speck of dirt dares to lay a hand on you, I will not hesitate to kill him and you will NEVER court anyone again ! Understood ?”
You nodded quickly, happy tears in your eyes. You sat up and quickly wrapped your arms around your Father, hugging him tightly.
“Thank you so much, Papa ! You have no idea what this means to me !”, you sobbed out happily.
He hugged you back tightly, not saying a word. But...he felt bile rise up in his throat.
‘I can’t believe I said yes to this...’
-Later that day-
You went out and told your Father that you will meet up with the man that you decided to court and see if there will be anything happening. Alastor let you go with a lot of hesitation. Heck, he even made you go through all the methods how to hurt a man again, just to see if you remember everything !
You told him where you will be, when you will be back and then left.
But the Radio Host couldn’t help worrying. He dressed up in formal clothes, but they wouldn’t be too much of a loss to get rid of, shall he get messy. Grabbed his hunting knife, hid it in his coat and then he was off, shadow trailing you.
The man he saw you meet up with, didn’t seem very suiting for you. He always stayed far enough away, but was still close enough to see you both. You were taking a walk in the park first, talking and joking with each other, then you went out to eat at a restaurant, which the boy paid for and then you started to laugh and talk some more.
Alastor wasn’t sure how to feel. You seemed happy... But that boy...didn’t seem very safe. Maybe..Alastor was just overreacting...but he didn’t like him.
As it was time to go home for you, the both of you parted ways. You left a kiss on his cheek and then you walked away from one another. He offered to bring you home, but for the sake of your Father’s safety and your new friend’s, you said no.
As you returned home, you saw your Father pacing the living room. As soon as you closed the front door, he snapped his head to you and looked at you, face full with worry.
“How...did it go, mon petit (My little one) ?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“It went good, I guess ? But it...we didn’t feel a spark, Pa. Like what all these romance books say when you find the right one you want to be with ? That didn’t happen.”
He looked relieved, yet confused.
“And what does that mean now, for the two of you ?”
You smiled at your Father happily.
“We decided that we will stay friends and agreed to meet next week again  ! Oh, Papa, you would love this boy ! He has no issue with mixed and dark skinned people either ! He finds them rather interesting ! He is so kind too ! You and him would become great friends !”
“Would we now ?”
“Yes, yes, you would ! Kenny is such a kind soul !”
Alastor made a humming sound.
“I suppose we can meet him next time here, then. If you want.”
You nodded eagerly.
“Yes, I would LOVE to ! He offered to get me home too, but I didn’t want to cause you a panic attack with him coming here already, so I declined. I hope you aren’t too mad about that.”
“Not at all, Cher !”
With that you talked with him about everything you and your new friend did and talked about. The next time Alastor met Kenny and he was pleasantly surprised that you were right. He and Kenny became quite good pals.
A/N: I hope this wasn’t trash. TvT I thought about this scene a lot, yet it seemed better in my head than on paper... Q-Q
Masterlist HERE !
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blues824 · 1 year
Here With Me - Lilia Vanrouge x Reader
@roxanavanrouge2400​ gave me an idea that I took inspiration from. Thanks, bestie!
The song is Here With Me, by d4vd.
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Lilia Vanrouge
He was a very old fae with a lot of history behind him, but what a lot of people don’t know is that he had a spouse. You were his beloved Y/N, and you both first met when you were placed under his command. You quickly rose through the ranks and became his lieutenant. Unfortunately, along the way, you both made too many enemies and one of them got to you.
Now, you were but a distant memory to Lilia.The spouse of Vanrouge was no more, and Mr. Vanrouge was a widower. Not even Malleus remembers what you look like, which was a sad reality. Silver never got a chance to see his would-be-adoptive parent.
Even though it has been centuries, he still remembers the sound of your voice and the feeling of your hands in his. He may not remember your face clearly as your image has been weathered after so many years, he will always remember your wedding day.
It was a joyous occasion for all who attended, and it was the majority of the Briar Valley. That wasn’t uncommon, though, since Lilia was a very decorated general and you were his lieutenant. The two of you were “as thick as thieves, but as strong as heroes”, as per the words of the Queen.
Lilia sighed a heavy, melancholy sigh as he laid in his bedchambers in the Diasomnia dormitory. He looked at his desk where a framed picture stayed, and it was a photo of the portrait of the two of you on the aforementioned day. More memories started flooding into his head.
For example, your wedding attire. It was black, as per the custom of the Briar Valley, and you looked ravishing. In fact, as the bat fae saw you walking down the aisle, one of the many thoughts that went into his head was that he couldn’t wait until you both were in the privacy of your new home, if you know what I mean.
He quickly snapped out of it, seeing that it was very late at night and that he had some early classes the next day. The ex-general liked to keep a sharp sleep routine on school days so that he could lead his ‘sons’ by example. Plus, he needed to be energized if he was going to carry out his duty as Malleus’s guardian.
But once he entered the sweet abyss we call ‘sleep’, he was met by you. You looked happy to see him, and he was definitely very happy to see you. However, he knew that it wasn’t real. It never would be. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t indulge himself this one time, so he ran into your arms.
At that moment, he knew he would never want to wake up as long as you were there, and he wanted to be selfish and actually go through with it. However, there were people who depended on him and it just made him sadder to see you. You could sense it, and pulled away to hold his face.
“What are you doing here, darling?” He asked.
“You called for me.” Oh, your voice was exactly how he remembered it. “But I do have to leave soon.”
“Please don’t! I’m not ready to let you go…” He exclaimed desperately.
“Alright, my love. I will give you one last dance. Be wise in choosing,” you gave him a wink as you led him to a few records. Some of them were classics, and some were more modern songs. Each of them were about keeping someone close to you because you love them so much.
He selected a modern one that he enjoyed, and he took the record out of the sleeve and put it into the gramophone. The song started playing, and Lilia made his way to you and bowed down while extending his hand to you… just like he had on your wedding day.
You placed your hand in his, causing him to pull you into his chest. He was in his more mature form, so he was taller than usual. He looked around a bit as the music started, and he recognized your surroundings; it was your wedding venue. It was exactly the same, save for you being alone.
Then the lyrics started up:
Watch the sun rise along the coast
As we’re both getting old
I can’t describe what I’m feeling
He wasn’t even paying attention to the words. He was just happy to be back in your arms once again. He missed the feeling so much, and he hadn’t realized it until now. Upon looking again, you both were back in your wedding attire, and you looked just as dazzling as you did then.
And all I know is we’re going home
So please don’t let me go, oh
Don’t let me go, oh-oh-oh
You both had started swaying side-to-side, getting used to the melody of the very sad song. You knew exactly why he chose this one to dance to, but you knew that you couldn’t stay. No magic was strong enough to bring you back, and your soul needed rest.
And if it’s right
I don’t care how long it takes
As long as I’m with you
I’ve got a smile on my face
Lilia gently let you go and spun you around, only to bring you back into him. He did indeed have a smile on his face, but it wasn’t the happy one that you remember seeing at your wedding. No, it was a smile that was trying to hide pain so that he could savor his last few moments with you.
Save your tears, it’ll be okay
All I know is you’re here with me
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
The feeling of his dearly departed spouse wiping the flowing tears away was one that brought him both comfort and anguish. He closed his eyes, trying to memorize the way your touch upon his face felt. For a former soldier, your hands were gentle and kind, and he let out a huff of laughter at the thought.
Watch the sunrise as we're getting old, oh-oh
I can't describe, whoa-oh
That’s when he noticed that your surroundings were changing once again. It wasn’t a different scene, it was that everything was fading away in sparks. His grip on you tightened, fearful of the prospect of you fading away as well.
“I wish I could live through every memory again
Just one more time before we float off in the wind”
He whispered the lyrics so that only you would hear, not that it mattered anyway since you two were the only ones there. The entirety of the background faded away, and the trail of your wedding outfit was breaking off piece-by-piece into butterflies. You seemed to be going at a much slower rate than everything else, so Lilia knew that time was running out.
And all the time we spent
Waiting for the light to take us in
Have been the greatest moments of my life
Both of you leaned in so that your foreheads were touching. Tears streamed down both of your faces in a beautiful but sorrowful way. You didn’t want to leave, but you knew that you had to so that he could move on.
The butterflies were nearing your waist, but you were still moving back and forth as your husband led you in the small dance. It was very out of character to hear the sniffles and sobs coming from him, and it only broke your heart even more.
I don't care how long it takes
As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face
Save your tears, it'll be okay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay-ay-ay-ay
Now, the two of you were aware that faes were not immortal. You would meet Lilia again once he has passed over. However, that wouldn’t be for a very long while. As much as he would love to continue dancing with you in the afterlife, he had 3 boys to look after.
What was left of you was your shoulders up. Your beloved took a long look at you, hoping to preserve you in his memory until his last breath. But, he could tell that this would be like any dream: he would forget just a few moments after he woke up. You quickly pulled him into a long and deep kiss, hoping to convey each word you wanted to say through that act of affection.
Yeah, if with me
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
I can't describe, oh, oh
In just a few moments, he was left kissing air. What was left of you was a single black butterfly, which resembled the type of fae you were. It flapped its wings a little as it was perched on the bridge of his nose. It was your final goodbye.
“Old man!” Silver shouted.
Lilia quickly sat up in his bed, disoriented until he spotted his dear son. He let out a shaky sigh of relief before quickly wiping the stray tear from his eyes. The memory of his dream quickly came flooding back into his mind, and he quickly went to write it down so that he would never forget, all-the-while Silver was confused as to what his father was doing.
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
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⌈ pairing ⌋ kaeya alberich x f!reader
⌈ wc ⌋ 1.1k
⌈ warnings/notes ⌋ nsfw. MDNI. alcohol consumption. bet sex...for science. this was supposed to be a drabble but ended up being over 1k words 😩.
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you’ve been drinking with kaeya and a few other friends at angel’s share one night. you’ve all had a few and it’s getting pretty late, but the lively conversation you’ve been having with kaeya is starting to get even more interesting. your other friends have already tapped out for the night, leaving just the two of you to continue your light-hearted debate. 
what had started as a harmless, serious discussion about the female orgasm’s potential role in evolution had quickly gotten personal. 
“...that’s not necessarily true, kaeya," you interject. "some women simply can’t cum from penetration alone.”
“you think so?”
“oh, i know so. for example, no guy has ever made me cum from penetration alone.” before you can stop yourself, the words are already on the table. maybe it's time to cut yourself off...
“oh? how unfortunate.” his frown is genuine. “perhaps they were all shitty lovers.”
“all of them?...”
he shrugs, barely concealing his intrigue.
a bemused chuckle leaves your lips. “that’s certainly one theory, but until my theory is disproved, i’ll maintain that it’s simply not possible for all women...myself included.”
“care to put our respective theories to the test and see which of us emerges victorious?”
“but how? who would…oh. oh. you mean…”
the corner of kaeya’s lips curve upward into a wicked grin and you almost spit your drink out. you’ve had a crush on kaeya since the first time you laid eyes on him, but you laugh, waving his audacious dare off as mere banter because he must be joking.
only, you realize he’s not kidding when he raises an eyebrow at you with an unwavering gaze.
“wait. are you trying to bed me, kaeya?” not that you're about to turn him down.
turning his palms up, he shrugs with a smirk before meeting your eyes again. “just wanna prove to you that you’re wrong.” he leans in, making all your body heat rise to your face as he speaks so quietly that only you can hear him. “how about this? if i can make you cum with my dick alone, you’ll buy my drinks next time. if not, all your drinks are on me.”
you give it careful consideration, hoping that your tipsy state is enough to trick him into thinking the flustered heat on your face is from the alcohol and not at all from his brazen forthrightness. you maintain eye contact with him as you take the last swig from your glass and set it down on the table before standing up.
“you’re on, mr. alberich.”
“your place or mine?” he asks with a cheeky grin.
the cavalry captain smiles, leaning back in his chair, his cock stirring at the sight of your thighs rubbing together as you walk to the bar to square up your bill. feeling his impending erection, he figures now is a good time to do the same before his arousal becomes impossible to conceal. after laying his mora on the bar, kaeya walks with you to the door. he pushes the door open in front of you, the cool early spring air kissing your cheeks, making you wonder if his lips will feel the same.
kaeya behaves like a perfect gentleman as he walks you home. once you both cross the threshold of your door, however, things begin to quickly change.
the knight barely closes the door behind himself when he moves in close and cups your jaw. “may i kiss you?” he whispers, his voice almost as sweet as the dandelion wine on his breath.
“please~” you sigh.
your lips meld together, tongues seeking each other out as kaeya backs you up against the nearest wall. his lips trail down the graceful column of your neck, relishing the aftertaste of your sweat from angel’s share. you grip his dark blue hair as you roll your head back, aware of his thumbs digging into the flesh around your hip bones.
you somehow manage to direct him towards your bedroom while making out, leaving a messy trail of discarded clothes along the way.
one thing leads to another and next thing you know, you find yourself on your back with your legs in the air. in the dim light of your bedroom, while kaeya strokes himself before pressing his blunt tip to your needy opening, you notice that his full erection is long and a bit thicker than average with an upward curve - perfect for g-spot fucking. your long-time crush lifts your ass off the bed, an ankle in each hand as his naked thighs soon begin to slap against your soft, moist skin.
now your wet pussy is slurping noisily on his shaft as the bulging ridge of his cockhead rubs vigorously against your sweet spot. kaeya’s heels are digging into his cute butt cheeks with every thrust of his narrow hips, conflicted because he wants to throw his head back in ecstasy but also watch every inch of your face and body as he fucks your orgasm out of you, hands-free. 
the firm head of his dick beats against your g-spot, making you feel so full, every nerve ending in your cunt standing at his attention. one of his hands moves to push your thigh further back as he plants the other one against the mattress to anchor and give himself leverage to fuck your g-spot at a new angle. your eyes roll back in your head. you dig your nails into kaeya's hard thighs as they ride against yours, trying and failing to stop his name from spilling from your lips as he fucks you towards the edge of oblivion. the ridge of his thick cockhead is dragging perfectly over all the right spots inside you. you’re keening, back arching, legs shaking. your body would be twisting except kaeya’s warm hands are pulling on your hips, keeping you right where he wants you. his dark-skinned balls are tightening too; he’s starting to think he might actually lose your bet when you sharply gasp his name.
“k-kaeya?” the tightening of your walls accompanies the spilling of his name from your lips. “you- oh fuck - you’re gonna make me cum! kaeya!”
“that’s it, let go…cum for me, y/n~” he breathes, his syllables broken somewhat by the power of his own thrusts.
and just like that, without touching your clit, kaeya alberich tears down your walls and makes you come apart all around him. it's unlike any orgasm you’ve ever had before…deeper and more intense than any other - including the ones you’ve given yourself. 
you're still riding out your high when the cavalry captain lets your feet fall so he can anchor himself to the bed with his arms on either side of you, caging you in as he dips his head to kiss a path from your lips to your collarbone. your gasps of his name only fuel the fire that rages wildly in his loins, finally snapping the tightly-wound coil deep inside his full balls. 
“hnn- fuck, y/n,” he sighs loudly. “gonna cum…ohfuckgonnacumsofuckinghard…” wet slapping noises fill the room as your quivering cunt drives him over the edge… “~ahhhh fuck yes~”
he quickly pulls out, cum already shooting from his slit to paint your twitching pussy and lower belly white with his thick seed. he thrusts his narrow hips a couple more times in time with the spurts of his hot cum throbbing from his deep purple cockhead.
he lets out a breathy chuckle as his hooded, pussy-drunk eye lays into yours.
“looks like you’re buying next time.”
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kaeya m.list
much love and many kithkith to 18+ rebloggers, commenters, likers, and followers !!
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scarletta-ruan · 2 years
hi hi, could you do a headcanon with chuuya and dazai where reader hides behind them when scared/shy??? thanks and have a good week!
WARNING: OOC, soft!characters, character acted like they were your heroine, mention of some nicknames (small candy, Belladonna), shy or scared reader, reader is female btw
TYPE: Headcanon
PAIRING: Osamu Dazai || Chuuya Nakahara x fem!reader (seperately)
WORDCOUNTS: 0.6k+ words
NOTES: Your request is here, sorry for being late on the writing after all. It is kinda short so I hope you will enjoy it.
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1. Chuuya Nakahara
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How could he deny you hiding behind him? I might say that Chuuya loved how you hid behind him a lot.
Chuuya would feel that he was the only person who was born to protect you, and he would be proud of it a lot. 
Okay, let's imagine that when you first meet his Mafia family like Kouyou, Mori, or maybe his colleague like The Black Lizard. You were walking beside Chuuya, and his hand held yours to make you feel calm but you were too worried to meet them.
“Aw, my little candy, you don't need to worry about that. They are all our family, after all, they would be happy to see you, of course.”
As the door of the room opened you immediately hid behind his back because you were too shy to look at the people who were present there. Maybe you did not know, but you accidentally caused Chuuya’s face to be as red as yours when you hid behind his back. 
Man, Chuuya still introduced you to the new people here but some of his speeches would mess up because he found your cuteness distracted him from saying.
Another situation here was when you felt scared. Recently, you had just watched a horror movie so when you laid your back on the shared bed with Chuuya and decided to close your eyes because you no need to worry about when he was here with you after all.
Suddenly, you heard a noise resounding from downstairs, that sound made your body shiver and caused you some goosebumps. You knew that you had to get out of bed and then checked out on it, that was the reason here, you were so scared when it came to you going alone.
Finally, you had to wake Chuuya up for him to go with you. Because you were too scared so you hid behind his back, Chuuya’s hand held yours tightly as you held his shirt in your hand. 
“Don’t worry, I’m here. No one can scare you, my darling.”
Chuuya’s heart felt like he was in Heaven when you trusted him like this, he comforted you while walking downstairs to check out what was happening.
2. Osamu Dazai
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He would be surprised at first, Dazai never had anyone to hide behind his back just to make them feel safe and you were the first one who made it.
This was your first time meeting up with his colleague at the Armed Detective Agency, Dazai was meant to introduce you to his own acquaintances. And when you felt so shy and cling dearly behind him.
He felt happy that you trust him dearly with all of your heart.
Might tease you a little bit but not too bad, because he did not want you to cry in front of him.
“My, my, are you being a shy, cute kitten? Oh, my love. You had no idea how I felt about it.”
Another situation was when you were scared, let’s imagine that you and Dazai were hand in hand, walking on the crowded street. As you saw something afraid of you, for example, the person who always bullied you at work or at school. 
And when you hid behind his back because you were so scared of them, Dazai would be your hero. He stood in front of you and held your hand tight in his just to make sure that no one could harm you at all. 
If you were crying because of scaring them, Dazai would whisper something just to calm you down.
“Sh, sh, you are alright as long as you are here beside me, my Belladonna.”
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shattersstar · 1 year
ok but we need to hear more about college dick now👀👀
hehe ask and u shall receive because ohhh myyy dick in college is such a messsssssss but like so pretty it’s almost unfair
i love the idea of dick and a bunch of his friends getting a house together with the intent of being Normal for the first time in a while, which means being absolute menaces as most 20 smth yr old guys are
very much known for being a party house bordering a frat but all the guys r so nice that it’s rlly hard to think of them like that. it’s a space where he can let go, feel like himself and with the encouragement of his friends, dick puts the brakes on like relationship hunting and just has fun..
he’s been in pretty committed relationships since he was old enough to be and has always struggled with casual dating let alone sleeping with people he barely know. but when dick learns there r ppl out there looking for the same thing and not everyone wants to b the next future ex mr/mrs. grayson it makes it a lil easier to be his charming self with no bounds <33
and then he mets you and it’s the usual routine, flirting you to his bedroom which is in the basement—of course—well alllllmost doing so until you vanish out of his grasp for reasons dick cannot discern (you weren’t here for him silly)
and while he’s not like one of those oh i wanted to hit and couldn’t so im gonna chase you types, dick does have to reconcile with the fact your friends with roy and spend a lot of time at the house now
which also means he learns how cool you r and how goofy he feels for just tryna sleep with you
and despite his friends vouching for him you really only see (and have heard the numerous rumours) dick as a rich playboy and that’s not for you. plus he’s def a business or poli sci major……….but with a psych minor bc it feels the most practical despite how boring dick finds most of his classes
though when he realizes your both in a psych elective together he’s all toothy grins and obnoxious air which isn’t helping his case but of course he’s a decent student and when you mentioned hating statistics—you were stuck with the worse prof outta the two—dick jumped at the chance to help
you were sooooooo skeptical and even though agreed you kept brushing him off until dick just started helping you when you were over to hang out. he drops a textbook in your lap while sitting in roy’s bed or starts reviewing your notes and adding examples while your hanging out on the living room floor building lego sets with everyone else.
and dick did that a lot—sure it was his house and roy was his best friend along with all of his other housemates but dick never hesitated to insert himself into whatever you were doing when you came over. and it shouldn’t surprised you but everyone being so..unbothered by it had you confused. like maybe that’s how dick is but it spoke bounds to their closeness and was the First time you actually saw a little more to dick than just some campus hottie douchebag who threw parties to get laid
and while you weren’t about to tell dick that, you did start coming over with the intent of working on stats together. it usually meant dick having to re-lecture whatever your prof barely managed to explain and helping you with the page long equations needed for assignments
and dick keeps it as platonic as possible, on a mission to prove he’s not the person you think he is and not only because he wanted to be with you—well yeah he does—but because dick cares what you think about him. he knows his friends care about you and value what you have to say and he wants you to know it’s the same for him
and maaaybe you see that too but dick needs to suffer a little more
bonus: you talk to dick abt ppl you’re interested in at some point (either genuinely or to mess with him) when he insists on always hanging out with you and roy. and while he gives advice with a smile, still trying to prove his capacity for mature, platonic relationships, dick screams into his pillow later that night when he goes over the convo again and again and agai—
bonus bonus: he’s probably on the school’s gymnastics team <3
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 9 months
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Waste of Time
Summary: The annual Holiday dinner was being hosted by the Lupin-Blacks like usual but this time, some new things about their daughter may come up in the dinner that may change everything or maybe nothing at all.
Pairing: Parents! Wolfstar & daughter!reader
Song: Girls by girl in red
Warnings: anxiety, coming out, comfort, alcohol, all characters are at legal drinking age so dw
Word count: 2.6k+ 
A/n: to the one who requested this, ik you asked for Wolfstar’s reaction to their daughter coming out but seeing as it's the holidays, I feel like coming out during a family/friend Holiday gathering is so fitting. So I hope you like it and anyone else who reads it. Happy holidays to you lovelies<333
The holidays were always a love filled holiday. The endless lists of Christmas Movies rotating around romance were just one example of them. Seeing someone who hates christmas get paired with someone who loves christmas only for them to fall in love and save christmas in some small, close-knit town. It was an overplayed trope, but it still entertained the Lupin-Black household. 
Remus and Sirius were snuggled up on the couch, sharing their bowl of popcorn while Teddy was enjoying his own bowl of popcorn on the floor next to Loki napping next to him. You were off in the kitchen fixing up a few cups of hot cocoa to counter the cold chilly afternoons at the cottage.
A scene of The movie played through and all you could hear from the living room was Teddy’s bored narration of the events that followed through the screen. 
“The girl's ex boyfriend is gonna pop up on the very night of the event- Then! The other guy is gonna see them and think the wrong thing and blah blah blah-” his voice was cut off by a light thud and a subtle grunt. 
You leaned over to the side of the counter to peek through the kitchen arch to see your little brother on his back with his face covered by a throw pillow. Loki was rudely awakened by these events and left the scene and into the kitchen to find you.
Sirius was laughing heavily at his work while Remus shook his head with a chuckle at his husband's antics.
“What was that for, Papa?!” Teddy grumbled as he sat up from the floor.
Sirius looked over at his son and shrugged his shoulders, “Just cause.”
Teddy rolled his eyes jokingly and threw popcorn at Sirius.
Sirius let out a chuckle and before Teddy could even process it. His father had begun tossing the popcorn into his face at rapid speeds.Teddy giggled along as he too started throwing it back at him.
Remus raised his hands up in order to shield himself from the stray popcorns that would come his way. But it was all in vain as he was eventually caught in the crossfire.
You stood there at the kitchen archway, mouth agape at the sight. You had only looked away for a moment and all of a sudden it was an all out war in there. Popcorn was tossed all around the living room. Many of it ending up in Sirius’s and Teddy’s hair. Many of the cushions and throw blankets had found its way to the floor. It was like a tornado flew through the living room.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You laughed as you rested down the four cups of hot cocoa on the table.
Remus reached down to the coffee table to grab himself a cup as he agreed with his daughter, “You do recall that the others will be visiting us later, right?”
Your ears pricked up at the reminder of your friends coming over to visit for the holidays. “Oh Godric, I almost forgot.”
“Yes, and now these two have to clean up the mess they made.” Remus said cheekily as he laid back on the couch as he looked at his husband and son.
Sirius shook his head as he pulled out his wand and conjured up a cleaning spell, leaving the space just as clean as it was before they started their little food fight. “There, good as new.”
Remus shook his head with a chuckle at the little trick, “What would you do without magic?”
Sirius stood up as he grabbed the bowls of popcorn with a shrug, “Stay in bed all day in my pajamas.”
Teddy looked at him with an amused look, “You already do that.”
Both you and Remus let out a rather loud laugh at Teddy’s reply. Sirius however wasn’t too fond of his son’s retort and threw a small piece of popcorn to his face before leaving the living room.
The cottage was just buzzing with life and music. There was just something about the Lupin-Black household that made them so open to hosting their annual Christmas gatherings with their friends.
The Potters had popped in with a notably large selection of gifts along with a mysteriously broom-shaped gift which no doubt is meant for the youngest Lupin-Black. The Weasleys had also come bearing gifts in forms of casseroles and baked goods with Molly’s signature meals all wrapped neatly for everyone (mostly Sirius) to enjoy. Hermione had also accompanied them seeing as she was spending the holidays with them too.
Marlene and Dorcas had just come straight from France bringing gifts and sweets, no doubt for their favorite goddaughter. You had grown to be a sort of daughter to them so they basically shower you with gifts every time the Holidays came around.
Regulus had accompanied both Marlene and Dorcas when the three of them bumped into each other in France during Regulus’s travels to the country. He had brought back piles of books to give to you and Remus, along with a few more books for Lily. Mary was last to arrive with a plethora of gifts as well, which only furthered Teddy’s excitement.
With everyone taking up nearly every inch of the fairly sized cottage, it was almost impossible to find a quiet space, other than your room up in the attic. You’d consider this place to be the most cozy room in the whole house. As much as you enjoyed everyone’s company you would much rather recharge up in your bedroom so you could continue the events later on.
Though, you were in great need for a recharge, there was another reason you were hiding up in your room. Truth was, you were planning on finally coming out to your family about being gay. 
You should have seen the signs back during your early years at Hogwarts when none of the boys in your year really caught your attention. One of the signs was when all the girls seemed to fawn over Cedric Diggory, a close friend of yours during your 4th year. You had only ever seen Cedric as a friend so when he had asked you to the ball, you turned him down. Not just because you weren’t interested in him but because you knew he was better suited for a certain Ravenclaw.
Another sign was when the Beauxbaton students were introduced, like the boys, you were completely enamored by the girls in their school. Being part veela played into that part but would it really have affected you that much if you didn’t have an interest in girls?
Not to mention that you shared your first kiss with a girl from Beauxbaton on the night of the Yule ball. You had gone with Harry but your memories of that night all faded to that moment spent with that girl in the gardens. That really sealed the deal for you. 
You had told one person and one person only about that night and what you felt and that was Harry. He was basically your brother and you knew about him and Draco so you knew he would understand. 
He seemed to have taken it quite well, though he did have a slight comment along the words of you being single and having no love life whatsoever. Which did lead to you spending the entire week making the twins pull pranks on him as revenge.
You did mention to him that you planned on telling your parents about it, including everyone else during this very dinner. Which only made your anxiety rise to the roof. You knew they would accept you but it's their reaction and how they would treat you after is what scared you.
As you hummed along to the record player that played across the room, you heard a faint knock on your door.
“Little Wolf? Dinner is about to start. Will you be joining us?” Remus’s voice carried through the door and across the room, just enough for you to hear him.
“Yeah, just give me a minute, dad.” You replied as you cleaned yourself up as you rose from the floor.
As you exited the house and onto the patio, you felt your anxiety begin to bubble violently in your stomach. It almost made you sick to the point that you didn’t want to join dinner. But you had promised yourself that you would do it. There’s no backing out of that promise. So you took a seat by Hermione which was across from Harry and Ron. You were also seated nearby the twins who managed to sneak in a flask and offered it up to you guys to put into your drinks. It was something a bit stronger than the butterbeer they were having at the table so you all happily accepted the offer.
In a way it helped with your nerves. You weren’t one to drink but for this moment, you sure as hell needed it.
While everyone engulfed themselves in their own conversations, you heard your name get called out from the further side of the table.
“Y/n? Have you found yourself a little boyfriend yet?” Lily’s voice carried across the table much louder than she expected which caused everyone’s eyes to land on you. 
You let out an awkward laugh at the question. The famous old question, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?”. Godric knows you didn’t and you didn’t plan on dating anyone any time soon but you couldn’t say that.
“It’s always going to be school before boys, Auntie Lils.” You had your mouth masked away from Sirius to hide the words you were about to say next, “Besides, you know how he is about boys.” using your free hand to point at your father.
Lily grinned at your reply. You reminded her a lot of herself back when she was younger. 
Sirius grinned proudly at your reply, not hearing your little comment on his opinion on boys. He was heavily protective over you so to know that you weren’t planning on dating any boys while at school calmed him.
The conversation resumed back to quidditch games and studies and plans for the holidays. Everyone had their own things to talk about but it seems the boyfriend conversation didn’t satisfy the boys’ curiosity.
“Really, School over boys?” Ron chuckled lightly as he repeated your words.
“Is it so hard for you to believe that I prioritize school over my love life, Ronald?” You asked in a defending tone, looking over at Hermione hoping she would back you up on this.
The boys let out a light chuckle from their side.
“Even Hermione and Ron are dating,” Fred commented as he pointed to the two of them.
“And you know how she is about her studies.” George continued as he grabbed another piece of chicken.
Hermione looked at the twins with an unimpressed stare. “There’s still nothing wrong with choosing school over relationships.” Hermione looked back towards you with a soft smile, “Pay no mind to them, you don’t need to explain yourself, they clearly don't deserve it.”
“and also because she doesn’t like boys.” Harry replied mindlessly as he took another sip of his drink.
You whipped your head towards his direction when you heard his words. A panicked look crossed both your faces when his words finally sunk in.
“What?!” Everyone seated around Harry had heard him, with the exemption of a few adults including your parents.
“Harry!” You scolded as you shrunk further into your seat at the confession with your hands covering your face in embarrassment. This wasn’t how you planned on doing it.
You knew Harry was a lightweight and a truth drunk but you didn’t even consider he would mention it during the dinner. You couldn’t blame him, you didn’t know that the topic of boys would be brought up so it didn’t even cross your mind that he would say it.
“Are you serious?” Fred asked you. He didn’t mean it in a mean way but he wanted to confirm that what he heard was right.
You looked at him between the spaces of your fingers.”Yes” Your voice was muffled by the palm of your hand, still too scared to show the rest of your face.
The rest of the adults seated on the other half of the table noticed the ruckus occurring on your side of the table and became curious.
“Serious about what?” Marlene asked on behalf of the group.
All that they saw was Harry’s panicked stare, your terrified and embarrassed state with the rest of them staring at you in a shocked look.
Ron looked up at them and was about to speak but you spoke up before him and even stood up from your seat to call their attention.
“That…I’m gay.” You spoke out with a shaky voice. But before anyone else could respond you continued on. You looked at both of your parents and even as the anxiety in your head was blaring out alarms, you still continued on knowing that this was it. This was the moment you’ve been waiting for.
“Dad, papa… I had something else in mind on how this would go down. But that didn’t exactly go as planned.” You spoke as you sent a look towards Harry who smiled an apologetic grin. “But yes, I like girls and not boys. I’ve known that since my 4th year and that’s the truth.”
They all sat there in silence for a while as they processed your words before Sirius let out a yell of joy as he jumped out of his chair. He rounded around the table and made his way to you to pull you in a hug. 
“MY DAUGHTER DOESN’T LIKE BOYS!” He exclaimed in relief even as he held you in a tight embrace. 
“Papa!” You laughed at your father’s reaction as he continued to hug you, even picking you up to spin you around like how he used to when you were little.
“Don’t mind him, little wolf. He’s just happy he doesn’t have to deal with you dating boys.” Remus said as he joined the hug, along with little Teddy who wanted to be included in the hug.
Everyone else that sat on the table cheered at the sight. Many of them remembered how it was to come out back then to their parents and in many instances, it was never a good experience. But this was different. This moment was filled with love and acceptance, something many of them longed for back when they were younger with their parents.
“She takes after me!” Marlene cheered out which caused a chorus of chuckles to flow through the table.
After a few moments, the family finally pulled away from each other’s embrace and to your relief nothing changed. You still had the kind and amazing parents who had always loved and accepted you for who you were and a little brother who still adores you completely.
You looked at Harry with a content smile. Though you planned on coming out with a completely different plan, at least you were finally out. To be completely honest, you thought that you wouldn’t have even done it during the dinner so maybe it was a blessing in disguise that Harry was a light weight and just so happened to be sitting by the twins.
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kseung · 2 years
Wednesday Addams x Reader
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Warnings: None.
Words: 930~
It's much more loosely based on Jazz Bar than intended, but it's more of a personal note to me. I drew the gloxinia on the photo 🕺
You being such a nerd sometimes led you to know some very useful information. For example; you knew that the largest padlock in the world weighs 916 pounds, something that had particularly interested Wednesday; you knew pigs did not sweat, therefore creating the need for pigs to use mud to cool off; you also knew that Violacea Purple Gloxinia, scientifically Sinningia Speciosa, meant love at first sight, along with enchantment, respect, and admiration.
That was how you'd describe what you felt for Wednesday when you got to know her more. She liked to be mysterious, but there was only so much she can do with such a perceptive partner. You noticed she liked flowers. Well, one flower. The black dahlia.
You made sure to give two flowers every saturday. A black dahlia and another one you picked depending on what you wanted to tell her. Sometimes that you admired her, or cared for her or, maybe even, liked her.
She's not that different from you. You'd say that one of the differences was that she was, by far, more of an edgelord. But that is most of it. For being such a cynical girl, you found out that she's quite sweet.
It'd be your second official date tomorrow, a Saturday. You were happy about it. You knocked on her window, asking for permission to enter. Doors are overrated anyway.
The circle swiveled, opening up an entrance by which Thing waited. He motioned that Wednesday was there, on her typewriter. You nodded and entered behind the oh-so-sweet appendage.
—Buenas noches.
—Hello, mi amor.
You smiled at her nickname. "My love" sounds good, but it's the best when she says it. That way you know she means it. She's not that type of liar.
You had been given a response, so you didn't push it further. You laid down on her bed, thinking about the way youd give her the flowers. You knew you wanted it to be special, whatever special may mean.
—20 minutes.
You wanted to cuddle her. Well, her version of it. It was just laying while holding pinkies. It was sweet. Very sweet of Wednesday.
20 minutes are short when you sleep. Still, you woke up to Wednesday laying down besides you. You turned on your side, looking at her. She returned the favor.
You always found it amazing how her eyes were so expressive, at least to you.
—I feel I love you.
—I like you.
You smiled. She was doing well, especially since she has such aversion to feelings. She held your pinky with hers, making your smile widen. She's such a sweetheart. Little nightmare of yours.
—Do you mind if I stay over tonight?
She just pointed to her closet.
—Amor, wake up.
Wednesday's voice sounded muffled. It took some minutes before you realized that you were almost smothering while asleep, all because you love holding her. You opened your arms, letting her have the choice. Flight or freeze, in this case.
Or both.
She moved, creating a little distance but still having your arm on her. It was a nice thing to wake up to. Your lovely, lovely, gothic girlfriend.
—Love, I'm up...
You chuckled, looking at her still sleepy. She's the best sight to wake up to. And she could say the same thing.
Usually, she'd already been up. But it was the weekend, she was sleepy, and you were with her. Sleeping late once wouldn't be that bad. She decided to let you sleep for a little longer while she caressed your cheek.
After some mintes, you opened your eyes again.
—I'm hungry. Let's get breakfast.
She got up, sitting on her bed before staning up and walking to her closet. You grabbed yesterday's clothes, putting them back on as Wednesday picked her own garments, speedy as to not take long. Your stomach was already complaining.
She said nothing, just looked at you and motioned to the door. You said "yes", and walked up to her. Today was gonna be exciting.
Breakfast and morning finished, and you returned to her room. Thing made you a favor, having arranged some pillows and two flowers on the balcony. He made you a sign when you entered.
You grabbed her hand, silently dragging her out. The day was pretty cloudy and chilly, very, very beautiful. You sat on one of the pillows, urging Wednesday to follow your steps. She did.
—These are for you.
You gave her both flowers. She gave the littlest of smiles. You celebrated internally. She took them as she always did. She took the Dahlia first, looking at it. By this point, she has a collection of Dahlias you've given her. But the other flower was new.
—Tell me about it.
You did.
—It's a Gloxinia. Sinningia Speciosa, if you will. They mean "love at first sight". This purple one means admiration, among other things. I think it represents what I feel for you quite well, actually.
She looked at you. Feelings made people soft, and she didn't like it, but you always said the same thing to her. "It takes a stronger person to be vulnerable and still function than not to feel." It was admirable, even if she also thought it was stupid at times.
—I appreciate the gesture. Thank you.
You looked at her and smiled. Even if she didn't want to, you knew she loved you every single time she looked at you. She kept the flowers in her hand, carefully handling them so as not to damage them. She may like pain, but not to things you give her.
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nook-of-fanfic · 2 months
We were (not) meant to be together
Pairing: Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Summary: Cody is certain that Obi-Wan is not his soulmate. But that doesn't stop him from taking a chance anyway. For Day 3 of @codywanweek - Prompt: Soulmate AU Warnings: this is more on the angsty side, but it does have a happy ending Word Count: 2,706 a/n: I love this one so much also on Ao3
The concept of soulmates wasn’t new to Cody. Everybody has one, not everybody finds theirs. This was what they were taught on Kamino. They had also mentioned that searching for their soulmate would not help them find them.
When Cody had first seen Obi-Wan Kenobi, he had been sure that the man was his soulmate. He couldn’t take his eyes off of him. But now, nearly three years later, Cody wasn’t so sure anymore. He knew of some vode that had found their soulmate, Boil and Waxer for example, or Bly and General Secura. He also knew about General Skywalker and Senator Amidala, their relationship was not as secret as General Skywalker probably thought. Of course, after they had found out, Cody had asked Waxer and Boil how they knew. This was something that was never taught to them. How would you know you found your soulmate? Both had, on the separate occasions on which they were asked, answered that he’d know by touching his soulmate, no matter how. A handshake, a brushing off shoulders, stumbling and falling on top of them, the likes. Which lead Cody back to knowing Obi-Wan was not his soulmate. They had touched before, obviously. And nothing had happened. No sparks, no feeling of rightness settling into his body, nothing. Of course, he was hyper aware of where his general was at all times, but that was just because it’s what he was trained to do, right?
At the same time, on the other side of their ship Obi-Wan Kenobi was having the exact same thoughts. He had started to fall for Cody the moment he had laid eyes on his new commander and his feelings were only growing with time. He had been taught about soulmates when he hadn’t even been a Padawan yet, how touching them for the first time would be like something settling into place in him while fireworks went off simultaneously. At the time he hadn’t understood how something like that was possible, but he’d seen it happen multiple times.
The first time he really noticed was when Anakin met Padmé after not having seen her for 10 years. Anakin had helped her up after the night of the assassination attempt and Obi-Wan heard their quiet gasps while he felt their happiness and disbelief. However, he hadn’t had time to focus on it, as, in the next moment, he was leaping out of the window to catch the droid that would lead them to the assassin.
Now, as he was sitting in his quarters that also served as a private office, his thoughts wandered through the moments with his commander. They had touched multiple times. Hands on shoulders after a battle, fingers brushing against each other when passing flimsi or drinks, leaning on each other when one of them was injured or tired. There was definitely no way Cody was his soulmate, and it nearly made Obi-Wan cry, now that he thought more about it.
In the past, with Satine, they had known they weren’t soulmates, but they had also known they wouldn’t last, so it hadn’t mattered too much, but now? This was pretty much torture. He saw Cody everyday, had to work with him closely so they could win this war and get as many of their men out alive as they possibly could. He had to watch him run off into the battlefield and he couldn’t always join him, couldn’t always make sure he was protecting him. There was no knowing whether Cody would make it out alive, whether Obi-Wan himself would. All the while he was irrevocably in love with the man.
And it wasn’t as though the feelings were entirely unrequited, oh no. After having spent so much time flirting with people, Obi-Wan knew what tells to look for. He knew flirting with him made his commander flustered, and, no matter how subtle Cody was, Obi-Wan noticed the stares directed his way. He knew that his commander admired him, and he was hoping it was as more than a general or even a friend. And despite knowing that they weren’t soulmates, despite knowing that they could never be together for real, Obi-Wan kept flirting with his commander and Cody had started flirting back. Despite the rocky start, he had gotten better at it over the past few months, and now, more often than not, Obi-Wan was the one who ended up more flustered.
It was after one such instance, as Cody watched his general walk off, as calm as he could while his cheeks were flushed and his ears were pretty much burning, that he couldn’t take it anymore. He knew that one day, when either of them inevitably found their soulmate, what they had would break. But he didn’t care. Until that day came, he had to be with his general. He had to confess to him, even if he faced rejection. So, as usual, he followed Obi-Wan into their shared office, created for ease of flimsiwork, mainly so they could just talk about the reports instead of having to send them back and forth or walk all the way through the ship. So far so good. Now, he just had to not show how nervous he was until the majority of the work was done. He hoped Obi-Wan wouldn’t see the more-frequent-than-usual glances Cody snuck at him, or feel how he hesitated every time he was about to say something, and when asked whether he was alright, immediately changed the topic. This was, of course, not the case and the Jedi definitely noticed after the third bad excuse about trouble with a report, but he was gracious enough to let him be, for now at least.
This wouldn’t last forever, though, and Cody knew that, come the end of the day, he would be confronted. He didn’t know why, but he had a feeling if he kept quiet then, he would never get another chance. That thought scared him, so, as a distraction, he let his eyes and mind wander to the man across from him again. His thoughts lingered on the man’s hair, how it shone when a sun hit it just right, how it blew gently in the wind whenever they were planet-side. He thought about how it wouldn’t even stay still when they were on the Negotiator, moving with the recycled air blowing through the ship at all times. How badly did Cody want to card his fingers through the strands, feel their softness while the two of them lay close, relaxing in their free time, maybe even after the war was over, they could… There was no point in thinking about that now, and Cody pulled himself out of the far-away fantasy. Before he could come back to reality fully, his thoughts pulled him towards Obi-Wan’s eyes, bright and blue. They were the most beautiful shade Cody had ever seen, and he would love nothing better than to stare into them all day. The way he liked them best was when Obi-Wan was smiling. They seemed to brighten even more, if that was even possible, as the skin around them wrinkled into the prettiest pattern imaginable. Through the haze of his thoughts he could barely make out the voice calling out to him. That voice. The most exquisite voice to ever grace Cody’s ears, in his humble opinion. He could get lost in the sound of it any day, spend hours doing nothing but listen to Obi-Wan talk.
“Cody? Are you alright?” When the words registered in his brain, Cody looked up and stared right into the concerned face of his general. “You were spacing out a lot, is everything okay?”
Cody just nodded silently, averting his gaze. How had he gotten so preoccupied with his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed Obi-Wan asking for his attention?
“Are you sure? You have been distracted all day, and I am worried.”
Of course he noticed, of course he said something. Obi-Wan was a Jedi, and Cody was lucky that he couldn’t read his mind.
“I- Yes, sir, everything is alright, it’s… I don’t know how to say it,” Cody cut himself off from his rambling. He was a Marshall Commander of the republic’s army, for maker’s sake. He didn’t stutter over his words. Obi-Wan seemed to have taken notice of his pause and hesitation.
“If you do not wish to tell me, it’s fine, just say the word.”
This was not the direction Cody wanted this conversation to go. He remembered the feeling from before and realized that this was now or never. Either he confessed his feelings or they would never see the light of day. He didn’t even know why he was so certain of this, but there was no time to go down that train of thought.
“No!”, He blurted out, “No, that’s not it, I just-,” Cody barely suppressed a sigh, “Permission to speak plainly, sir?”
“Granted. Cody, what’s going on?”
If Obi-Wan hadn’t been apprehensive before, he definitely was now. Cody rarely asked for permission when they were in private, in their office. There was usually no need, unless it was something really serious, something incredibly bad having happened. Naturally, Obi-Wan granted it, still hating even having to do it just as much as he had when the war had only started, if not more. That, paired with the distraction and excuses all day set alarm bells ringing in his head, concern for his commander steadily growing.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I have to tell you now. Am I correct in thinking you know about soulmates?”
“Yes, you are. It is a concept taught to every youngling in the temple.” Had Cody found his soulmate? It would explain why he was so distracted and lost in his thoughts. Perhaps he had ben contemplating whether he should let Obi-Wan know that he had found someone or if he should rather keep it a secret. Through the bitter sting of pain the realization that nothing would ever happen between them now brought, there was a flicker of happiness about the fact that Cody trusted him enough with this secret. For a secret it would undoubtedly have to remain. Normal troopers having relationships was already frowned upon, there was no telling what would happen if someone found out a Commander was dating.
“And you are also aware how people find their soulmates?”
Obi-Wan nodded. What was his commander playing at? What was he planning?
“Then you are also aware that the two of us are not soulmates, correct? However,” Cody took a deep breath. Now or never, he reminded himself. “I have not yet found my soulmate, and I think I am correct to assume that you haven’t either, sir. Is that right?” This was the only thing he did not know for certain. He considered his general and himself close enough that the Jedi would tell him if he was with someone, even just so Cody could cover for them. But he was never entirely sure whether the Jedi would trust anyone with that knowledge, even if he and Cody spent most of their days together. On the other hand, because they spent that much time together, the commander didn’t know whether the other man even had time for a relationship, and it was improbable for him to have found someone and keep it secret. So, the most likely point was that he had not found his soulmate yet either.
“You are correct, yes.” Cody hummed to himself at the confirmation of his thoughts
Obi-Wan nearly breathed a sigh of relief. So Cody hadn’t found his soulmate yet. And while the first part was true, there was now one giant question.
“Where are you going with this, Cody?” Under normal circumstances, he would have called the other man any type of endearment, like he usually did. But this was different. This was serious, and whatever was going on here, Obi-Wan didn’t want to ruin it.
“Over the past few months something has become apparent to me. We might not be soulmates, but what I feel for you is no longer strictly platonic.” Obi-Wan nearly gasped. Was this going where he thought it was going? “I don’t know if it ever was to be honest, but now it is clear to me. I love you, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I would be honoured if you agreed to be mine, even just until one of us finds their soulmate.”
Now, Obi-Wan did gasp. Cody returned his feelings. The man who he’d been dreaming of ever since meeting him felt the same. Tears welled up in his eyes. Soulmates be damned, this was the man the Jedi wanted to be with for the rest of his life. If he agreed now, nothing would be able to break them apart. He knew it was just wishful thinking, but in this moment, it felt true. As he stood there, Obi-Wan realised that Cody was till waiting for an answer. He took a deep breath, looked into those warm chocolate eyes and smiled.
“I would love to be yours, if you would be mine. I love you too, Cody.”
Now, Cody looked as close to tears as he was. He reached out, his hand settling on Obi-Wan’s face, thumb stroking his cheek. A tear slipped out of the Jedi’s eye as still, after all this time, nothing happened. Cody leaned in, his eyes asking the question just seconds before his mouth formed the words.
“May I kiss you, Obi-Wan?”
And what could Obi-Wan do but nod at that?
He had barely breathed out his confirmation when he felt his commander’s lips on his. And then it happened. His skin lit up as if a million fireworks lit up at once and he felt his heart speed up and then settle into his chest in a way it never had before.
He pulled back with a sharp gasp and saw the wonder he knew was in his eyes reflected in Cody’s loving gaze. But there was also a question. Why now? This was clearly the feeling of a soulmate’s first touch, but how had this happened only now? Almost at the same time, their eyes fell to Cody’s hand still on Obi-Wan’s cheek, where there still wasn’t any tingly feeling, and the answer became apparent instantly. The gloves. All this time, Cody had been wearing gloves. Glancing at his own hands on the commander’s arms, Obi-Wan noticed his own gloves. He pulled back further, hurriedly taking them off before he also cupped the other man’s face. There it was. That slight tingly feeling that had settled on Obi-Wan’s lips after the first seconds of the kiss. Cody still stared at him in wonder. He seemed to come back to reality for just a moment, barely long enough to pull of his own gloves and place his hand back where it was. The other moved to Obi-Wan’s neck, leaving a trail of warmth in it’s wake as he pulled him closer once again. This time, Obi-Wan could taste salt on his lips. He didn’t know which one of them had started crying first, but it did not matter.
They pulled apart for air, and Obi-Wan pulled Cody into an embrace as the knowledge finally settled in him. Cody was his soulmate. He had finally found his one and only in the man he had been in love with anyway. They would never have to be parted, not now, not after they had found each other. As he thought back to all the times they had touched before, one thing stuck out to him that, in hindsight, was very obvious. They had always been fully clothed, Cody even wearing his bucket most of the time. At the realization that their first kiss was simultaneously the first time they touched, he couldn’t help but laugh. It was wet and muffled into Cody’s neck, but when Cody’s own laughter joined him, the other having come to the same conclusion, it was perfect.
They would have a lot to talk about, organize their relationship around the war, and they still had their reports stacked up on their desks, but right then and there, none of that mattered.
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rangercorpstherapy · 5 months
ok weird question, but like, virginity in these books?? it's the medieval period so it was customary and expected (and scandalous if you don't) to save yourself till marriage but like, Commandant Crowley Meratyn gives off major 'guy who fucks' energy so I supposed that it's just irrelevant??
also Halt and Pauline had sexual tension for 15 fuckin years, and Will and Alyss dated for 7 years, and Gilan and Jenny dated for-- my god they're STILL dating.
someone explain
the view on virginity and sexuality differs between the Early Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages, it also depends on if the subject is nobility or not.
At the start of the Middle Ages, there wasn't as much sexual freedom as nowadays but there was certainly much less taboo on the topic. People were still connected with their old traditions and ways even though they were introduced to/and or practising Christianity. There wasn't as much of a pearl-clutching 'oh no an ankle' sex fear in the Middle Ages as people think. Yes, clergy swore oaths of celibacy and nobility were expected to stay chaste (although this expectation rested more on women than on men). For noble families, it was important to be absolutely sure that that was your baby because you couldn't just do a DNA test. Kinda important if you want to keep the family in power and make sure the bloodline continues undisputed.
Back to the pearl-clutching, it was not sex people were afraid of. There was no taboo on nudity (partly because one didn't have much privacy back then) and sex was even a source of public entertainment, for example in plays or on fairs. It was more pregnancy that was the issue. Bastards weren't treated very well along with their mothers (many choosing to leave their children in orphanages), noble bastards were dealt better cards, they could inherit and would often be seen as valuable enough that they could be used in marriage pacts. This period of vague sex is ok just be careful came to a very abrupt end because of reformations in the Church. Remember what I said about clergy having to be celibate...yeah let's just say they were not doing that. To the point of having 'wives' and kids, not even sneakily, they lived with them in a house, like a family. This was an issue from average priest to bishop. One of the many reforms was meant to make sure that calibates were calibating and put stricter measurements in place. Nuns were forced to live more secluded (before they took a very active role in the life around the convent), and convents became closed off for outsiders. Through efforts from the Pope, sex became demonized and women were presented as evil seductresses and the root of all evil evil desire. I don't think it was the same reforms but around the same time all bastards were stripped of any claim to inheritance and even if fathers claimed them they could not be legitimized. Making having bastards/being one even more taboo.
But even with all that were the Middle Ages not the most anti sex period in western history. The idea of "having sex before marriage is the end of the world and God will strike you down and dance upon your remains we are scared to hold hands with the opposite sex" came during the 16th century with the rise of STDS and would continue well into the Victorian era.
Back to the question.
It's hard to say when RA takes place, having some more modern technology but still having many characteristics of the High Middle Ages (lack of agricultural reforms, strong feudal system and a lack of cities). I am guessing that when RA took place it was around the same time the reforms were spreading (give or take a few decades maybe).
So to finally answer the question:
Crowley is saving himself for nobody, fucked till his heart gave out that's why he died with a smile on his face. Front-row seats to those sex plays at fairs. Always complaining about the good ol' days when you could get laid without some guy in robes and a hat having an opinion about it. Also, he's gay so it's not like he has to worry about populating Araluen with many handsome redhead babies (although he is a bit disappointed he can't be of service in that aspect of course).
Alyss and Will (all the ward kids for that matter) are sooo bastards to me. Bullied by the other kids you say??? Needing special protection or else they would have no one in the world you say??? People knowing they fornicated in the vineyard would not make their reps worse. Those bitches did NOT care, they fucked around day and night and would just get shotgun married if it was necessary. What is anyone going to do? How dare you and your scary wizard boyfriend part of an elite scary people group whom we are all collectively deeply afraid of have sex!
Halt was heir to the throne and probably had some speeches about how not to waste his royal seed on just anyone, to be careful and was so culture-shocked meeting Crowley and Pauline that he needed 15 years to recover.
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