#i was running out of dye when i did it and then the grey just. didn't stick at all
technicolorxsn · 1 year
kinda disappointed with how the sweater turned out://
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vexcraft · 5 months
also on ao3 here!
special delivery
Pearl was fairly certain this was not in her job description. 
She supposed she had agreed to do special deliveries and while she would not necessarily count this as one because there was a permit for these kinds of jobs – though she figured that since there was no transaction involved she wasn’t breaking the law and then technically this was not necessarily a job for the man with the mob permit – this was still something she would have called Scar for. If he was available that was. Which brings her to the next problem.
Scar was currently very small, very grey, and a little feathery. And also in her mailbag.
Pearl did know a little about the vex thing. Not a whole lot, it didn’t really come up all that often, but at least she knew enough to realize that the little creature she had spotted inside one of the chests of the explosive firework shop was Scar. She had noticed the chest wasn’t properly closed when she had been restocking her flower truck and she would hate it if rainwater ruined the fireworks that from what she’d heard could cost Cub more to make than he was selling them for, so she had decided to help the man out and close the chest. Only to find a very small Scar in it.
She had no idea what to do with a vex though. Especially with a vex that seemed very much to be sleeping and showing zero signs of planning on waking up any time soon. So she had carefully picked Scar up where he had been curled up in the middle of the fireworks and gently placed him in her bag, glad that she had already delivered all the mail that had been there earlier.
She was also, for once, glad that her donkey was as slow as it was. It made the journey to the one person she figured could probably help her with this issue a little more steady. Steady was what she needed right now – she didn’t trust herself to fly or even run with a literal person in her bag.
The journey took a while, and every now and then she looked into her bag to make sure everything was alright. Each time Scar seemed just as asleep as the last time and she briefly wondered if he was maybe unconscious and not just sleeping – but he seemed to be tossing and turning a little so she wasn’t too worried. Surely Cub would know what was up.
Pearl couldn’t say she was surprised she saw sculk when Cub’s area came into view. The extent of it was mildly terrifying though, especially as he resided quite close to her, but she paid it no mind. She had more important things to worry about, like finding Cub (and maybe hoping that he was not covered in sculk). 
“Cub?” she called as she got off the donkey. She didn’t have a lead and there weren’t any fence posts nearby anyway – she would just have to hope the donkey wouldn’t wander off the pathway into the sculk. “You around here?”
She heard the sound of a firework going off and quickly a rather normal-looking (aside from all the dye stains) Cub landed before her. 
“Hey hey,” Cub greeted her. “What’s up? Good to see you, Pearl.”
“I have a special delivery for you,” Pearl explained, putting on her slightly more professional mail lady voice. 
“Hmm?” Cub hummed, obviously curious. “Intriguing. I don’t remember buying anything or signing up for anything.” 
“Yeah, about that…” Pearl opened her bag and held it out enough for Cub to be able to look inside. He took a few steps forward to peek into the bag and then let out a little amused sound.
“I see, I see,” Cub nodded, reaching into the bag. Pearl winced a little as Cub picked up the sleeping vex by the scruff of his neck like one might hold a small kitten – she was certain Cub knew how to handle a vex miles better than she did but after spending the better part of the last hour being as careful as she could it did catch her off guard a little. Scar didn't seem to mind, still deep asleep. “Where did you find him?”
“He was sleeping amongst the fireworks in a chest at your shop,” Pearl said as she watched Cub cradle the vex in his arms – or rather his arm, he didn’t really need both of his arms to hold something so small. “I figured that might not have been the best place for him.”
“Makes sense, makes sense,” Cub nodded and Pearl had no idea what exactly about this was making sense to Cub, but she was glad something was. “Thank you for bringing him here, I’ll take care of him.”
Cub looked like he was about to turn around and leave to do whatever one did to care for a vex and Pearl couldn’t stop her curiosity. 
“Cub? Can I ask a question before you go?” 
The man paused. “Sure, of course,” he replied. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry which did ease Pearl’s nerves a little. “Shoot.”
"Why?” she asked and it came out a little less polite than she was hoping for. “I mean, is he like, alright? I’ve never seen that happen before. Had me a little worried there.”
Cub seemed to either not notice her tone or simply not care. “Just means he’s really tired. Like really really tired. Nothing too serious, I’ll talk to him about it.” Scar turned a little in Cub’s hold almost like he knew he was being talked about. “It happens sometimes, every now and then.”
“He’ll just be back to normal once he’s rested?” All of this was raising more questions than answering them, but she didn’t want to pry. 
“Yep,” Cub confirmed. “He seems to like sleeping in chests, not the first time he’s been found in one. I’ve never tried to put him in a shulker box, do you think I could mail him?”
Pearl just stared at him. “Please do not try to mail Scar.”
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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{ 018 }
- boyfriend headcanons with sung jinwoo -
notes: i have a little bit of a writer's block, so have some headcanons + drabbles with the man that has completely stolen my heart ♡ unedited because i am just dumping my thoughts into this little story.
having sung jinwoo as your boyfriend was nothing short of being a dream come true. in fact, the moment he confessed to you, you swore that you were living in a fantasy world...
your gaze was honed in on the tall, s-rank hunter. in his hand was a bouquet of your favorite flowers (just how did he even know?) and you could feel your heart pounding in response to the mere sight of him.
he gently calls out your name, still gingerly holding on to your bouquet with a sheepish expression, casually running his hands through his hair.
"uhm, you heard me correctly, i want to go on a date with you... i want to call you mine."
were you being pranked right now?
or were you caught up in a dream? your fantasies come straight to life with sung jinwoo actually confessing to you?
feeling nervous and filled with uncertainty, you look behind you to see if there was anyone else.
did he mean to say this to hunter cha hae-in?
as you were left gaping like a fish with the sheer amount of times your mouth opened and closed in response to his confession, jinwoo finally decided to take matters into his own hands as he comes closer to you.
you were suddenly forced to hold on to the bouquet as jinwoo leans down, grey eyes shining with mirth and adoration for you. he caresses at your cheek before whispering to you, "hm, it seems like you don't believe me. i suppose actions do speak louder than words after all."
you were given little time to react when jinwoo presses his lips against yours in a kiss, making you melt against him. the moment he feels you kissing him back was the moment jinwoo smiles against your lips, further setting your heart aflame with love and devotion for him.
he checked off every trait you had wished for in a boyfriend: extremely attentive to you and your emotions; had such a deep, unconditional love for you that it bordered on the cusp of worship- jinwoo was your ideal soulmate in every sense of the word.
"oh my god, i did not think you would be such a dork."
you had been dating jinwoo for merely 3 months now, yet he was such an adorable dweeb that he ended up celebrating each month with you.
for the first two months, he had given you a special bouquet and two gifts that he knew you would love:
for the first month, a gorgeously crafted diary complete with a lock and key;
for the second month, a cute dress made of the finest fabrics as you wore it to dinner that night with him.
and now for your third month together, jinwoo had struck yet again.
his grey eyes were shining once more, giving you his usual, extravagant bouquet, but this time, it was accompanied by a slender gift box wrapped in gold while tied up in an onyx ribbon.
your eyes meet with his in a questioning glance, seeing a small pink blush dye his cheeks.
"sarang, don't be shy... open it."
setting your bouquet off to the side, your hands were slightly shaking when you tore into the wrapping, revealing a long and slender velvet box. once you had opened it, you felt a gasp escape from your parted lips.
"oh, jinwoo... it's so beautiful!"
within the confines of the velvet box was a gorgeously crafted bracelet made up of your favorite gemstones. you watch as the gems catch the light, capturing rainbows from within it. jinwoo admires your awed expression for a few seconds before letting out a chuckle, taking out the bracelet as he sets the box off to the side.
"here, let me help you put it on."
he grabs your right wrist and clasps the bracelet onto it, giving you a loving smile before taking a hold of your hand. as his large hand envelopes yours, you felt your breath hitch the moment he leans in closer to press a kiss against your knuckle.
"it is indeed beautiful. a perfect fit, really."
feeling overwhelmed with love for him, you end up wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you as you captured his lips within yours in a searing kiss.
also, you don't even have to worry about getting sick or suffering through that time of the month! jinwoo has already got you covered; ever since you moved into an apartment with him, he has been the most doting malewife boyfriend ever!
you were curled up in bed, clinging to your favorite plushie in a tight manner when a fresh wave of cramps hit you. never before had your monthly period become this bad; it felt as though your body was in a constant state of distress, clenching your abdomen as it brought you new waves of pain.
jinwoo had texted you earlier today, asking you if you wanted to go out on a date after his meeting, but you politely declined. you admitted in your text how your body was just not well enough to do any sort of activity-
but when your boyfriend left you on read, you felt a newfound sensation of anxiety coursing through you.
why didn't he answer back with an 'okay' or 'i understand, honey' like he usually does? was he mad at you for being rendered immobile because of your immense cramps?
should you try to tough it out and agree to go on a date with him anyways?
should you text him back and tell him that you changed your mind?
and were you really getting anxious at being left on read by him (yes, you were getting anxious).
just as you were close to forcing yourself out of bed, you hear jinwoo returning home as his heavy footsteps were heard walking through the hallways.
his sudden appearance within your doorway makes you jump back in bed, seeing his flushed expression as he carried several bags within his hand.
"hey sarang, here, i bought you all of your favorite snacks and a heating pad, too. when jinah had her first period, i panicked and didn't know what to do when she kept crying because she was in so much pain."
jinwoo settles the bags of snacks off to the side while gently lifting up your shirt. he takes a heating pad and carefully applies it to your abdomen. "so i'm proud to say, taking care of my sister has helped prepare me for moments like these."
a proud smile graces his handsome features when he pulls down your shirt once more, "now, i know i can take care of my woman with ease."
he turns away and was about to get you your favorite ice cream when you stop him, throwing your arms around his neck while pulling him closer to you. tears of happiness fill your vision as you thanked him over and over again for his kindness-
for his willingness to always take care of you.
jinwoo was caught off guard by your words, but ends up smiling down at you, wrapping his arms around your back as he brought you even closer to him.
"don't even worry about it, honey." his lips were pressed against your hair, "i am your lover, so it's my job to keep you safe and happy."
now you might be wondering, does jinwoo ever place any of his shadow soldiers into your shadow? the answer is an absolute YES. whenever jinwoo had to travel to faraway places, he would only keep his strongest soldiers close to your side, placing his entire trust within those who were the most loyal to him.
"my queen, where is it that you would like to go?"
"ah, are you bored? shall we accompany you to a movie of your choosing?"
you giggle while spending some time in the city with beru and igris talking your ear off. they were always so eager to follow you, growing a deep fondness for you solely because their king loved you so much. in fact, they took great pride in being consistently chosen to protect you when jinwoo was away.
you smile back at them, ready to reply when you felt someone bump into you. letting out a sharp hiss of pain, you look up to see a rather rude looking business man run into you.
"oi, watch where you're going!"
"excuse me? you were the one who bumped into me!" your nostrils were flared as you stood your ground, not letting the rude man treat you like a pushover.
"oh, so she has an attitude? do you know who i am?! i am-"
yet the words die against his throat when beru and igris reveal themselves out of your shadow, taking a protective stance in front of you as they were ready to defend you at any cost.
"oh, would you l-l-look at the time, i am late for my m-meeting. if you'll excuse me m-m-miss." the businessman ends up stiffly walking away from you, leaving you alone with jinwoo's most trusted shadow soldiers.
with a sigh, you brush back your hair. "did jinwoo see any of that?"
"yes, he did. he is taking the next flight back to seoul as we speak." igris tells you with a smug expression, making you let out a groan in response.
"please! convince him to stay in america! he has very important matters to discuss with the u.s. association branch!"
"our king says that he does not care. you had been disrespected, so he is on his way home now. he has rescheduled such a meeting in order to comfort you, my queen."
feeling the heat become stronger against your cheeks, you were left hiding your face within your hands, feeling exasperated at your overprotective boyfriend-
but truth be told, you still loved him all the same.
truly, you could never imagine a life without jinwoo. he fit you so well, like a perfect puzzle piece. jinwoo being by your side made you feel complete - and you wouldn't want it to be any other way.
while you slept peacefully in bed, jinwoo continues to admire you, looking down at you with his eyes filled with love and devotion for you alone.
he takes a moment to admire your beauty. even when your hair was a mess and there was a thin trail of drool seen from the corner of your mouth-
you were still the loveliest woman he had fallen madly in love with.
not a single day passes where he doesn't think about you.
"heh, i guess i'm completely obsessed with you after all."
he smiles down at you, whispering to your sleeping form when he leans in closer to press a kiss against your cheek.
"i'm gonna need to make you mine soon... or else i'll go completely insane if another man tries to flirt with you and take you away from me."
with one last whisper of your name, he gives your cheek a lingering kiss all while smiling against your skin, whispering to you about his promises of forever while giving you a ring first thing in the morning.
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a.n. - i love jinwoo so much,,,, sobbing because he's not real... 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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eff4freddie · 3 months
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After She Left | Five
Words: 6k
Preparations for Jackson's first ever prom are well underway, and even Ellie is helping out. As Jackson's only teacher it is, of course, your job to run the show and you'd be more than capable if one parent didn't keep distracting you.
Chapter warnings: Illusions to smut, slow burn, angsty memories of being a teenager, 'She' finally arrives. Minors DNI.
A/N: Ok, second act kicks off after this chapter. You'll get a glimpse of what that means now. Hope you enjoy!
Four | Series Masterlist | Six
Your dreams were changing. Used to waking with a chill, the echoes of loss and the face of your sister blurred in the grey clouds streaking across your dreamscape, you’d started to wake now with a warmth, a vein of light. You felt it on your skin like the first spring day out of a long, cold winter. You’d wake trying to grip its tail as it slipped from you.
The prom thing was your idea, and you only half regretted it. You’d had the idea when Isaiah had asked you what school for you was like, so fascinated by the before times, the kids trying hard to imagine classroom upon classroom filled with students all of the same age. You’d tried to explain that school wasn’t anything, really, that sometimes you didn’t even go because it was so boring, and they gawped at you, disbelieving. You felt a little sliver of shame at having wasted it, reminded yourself that was what you were supposed to do at age 14.
You’d mentioned prom, and there had been a ripple of interest throughout the room.
‘So, there was dancing? But it wasn’t the whole town, it was just you and your friends?’
‘Well, there were teachers and parents as chaperones, but…yeah, there were so many of us that it was just each grade. We got all dressed up, we had our picture taken, we had to choose dates.’
‘You went with a boy?’ Celina piped up from the front row, her nine-year-old face scandalised by the idea that you would willingly expose yourself to boy germs.
‘Yeah, well, some girls had boyfriends in their grade.’
‘Did you have a boyfriend?’ someone asked, the judgement almost silent, and you knew without looking that it was Ellie.
‘No, I didn’t. I had a crush on a boy, but it didn’t really…’
You remembered him, even now, an actual apocalypse not enough to erase the shame. You’d let your friends talk you into a promposal, standing in the bleachers as he ran track with an enormous sign that you’d spent far too many hours painting at your bestie’s kitchen table. It had heart-shaped glitter. You were especially proud of that detail.
You hadn’t realised that the entire track team would also see it, that you would need to specifically point him out in the crowd. Never had you imagined that he would dodge away from your finger, pretending to hide behind another boy, dodging your desire for him while his teammates laughed. It was enough to shrivel your heart into coal. You’re not sure you ever recovered.
You said none of that in your Jackson classroom. Instead, you focused on the decorations, that there was always a theme, that you heard the high school two towns over got Nelly Furtado to play live at theirs, but you weren’t convinced that was any more than an urban legend. They had no idea who Nelly Furtado was. You didn’t try to explain.
‘So can we have one?’ Mika asked, finally looking up from his comic book. You hadn’t thought he was paying attention.
‘A prom? Well, I’d have to talk to the town council.’
‘Tommy’s my uncle, I got an in,’ Ellie said, her face lighting up with the power of being connected, such nepotism so rare as the last vestiges of civilisation withered.
The kids grinned up at you, and you realised that maybe this was something they needed. Jackson already did Christmas, blew eggs, painted them with bees wax and dye from mashed beets and honey, and held a hunt on the first weekend of what the town council’s best guess was April. You could get the kids to decorate with paper flowers. It would be really cute to watch them decorate the mess hall, and there was probably some kind of educational value in it, too.
From his post, Joel watched Guillaume and Jonah, his new patrol partner, disappear into the treeline. He watched them, a little nugget of shame festering in the depths of his belly, but mostly – if he allowed himself to admit it – he was happy to have been moved to shifts on the wall. It meant he wasn’t back so late for Ellie, that he could be home to help with her homework or make her help him make dinner, and he didn’t feel so paranoid all the time when he could see the horizon. He didn’t mind the early starts, preferred the quiet up there, liked being able to turn and survey the town as much as the wilds outside it.
If he turned and leaned over a little, up on one foot on the top rung of the ladder, and leaned a little to the right he could make out the path heading up to the schoolhouse. When Billy asked him what he was doing, he explained he wanted to make sure his girl got to school OK. He generally, for the most part, broadly speaking, was referring to Ellie.
Tommy had been nice to enough not to give him shit for it, even after a bloody-nosed Guillaume took it upon himself to point out that Joel was a liability out there. Tommy had appeared on his doorstep the next morning, his brows crowding together, but Joel had spent most of the early morning on the wall, had imagined you lying in bed as he made sure to keep the nastiness away from you, and he was more ready than his little brother expected to hang up his boots.
‘M’getting older, Tommy, we talked about that,’ Joel reminded him, and Tommy nodded.
‘Still the best shot we got, and the best survivalist.’
‘Don’t mean I can’t advise if anyone asks it of me,’ he said. ‘S’not even that hard, just gotta keep your wits about ya.’ He thought for a long moment. ‘Maybe it’s gettin’ harder, now I think about it,’ he conceded.
‘Well, so long as you’re agreeable,’ Tommy said, shuffling awkwardly.
‘What would’ya have done if I wasn’t?’ Joel asked, a crooked grin forming on his face.
‘Would have taken you off patrol, but mighta felt a little bad about it,’ Tommy answered, earnest. Joel scoffed.
‘You’d pull rank, Town Councilman?’
‘Yes’sir, I would,’ Tommy said, no less earnest. Joel nodded at him.
‘Good,’ he affirmed, and saw the way Tommy expanded under the praise of his big brother. ‘You do what’s right for Jackson, always,’ Joel said, and Tommy agreed.
It was cold up there, though, the windchill on his face and his fingertips causing his whole body to tremor in his coat. It was Spring, but it was turning out to be a cold one, not a lot of warmth getting around the mountain. Joel shuffled his feet, trying to get the feeling back in his toes a little. He hadn’t brought his big coat, thinking the sun would be enough to keep him warm, but now that it was nearing the end of the day, the sun disappearing below the mountain ridge, he was counting every minute until he could clamber down and warm up.
He knew you’d be at his place already, working with Ellie at his kitchen table now that the heat had gone out of the day. He was going to try and make his beef stew tonight, had practically begged the kitchen staff to let him have a side of the meat. He hadn’t resorted to violence, but he would have.
He just wanted to thank you for everything you were doing for his daughter. Wanted to nourish your body the way you were nourishing her mind.
Billy called up to him from the bottom of the ladder. ‘Come on down, Joel, night shift’s here.’ Casting one last glance at the treeline, he vaulted down the ladder to rungs at a time.
You’d held a democratic process to determine the theme for the prom, but Ellie had dominated it anyway, either unfamiliar with, or just straight up unwilling to, compromise. As the day grew closer you gave up any pretence of tutoring her, working instead on cutting out yellow paper stars at Joel’s kitchen table.
‘Why does the moon change?’ Ellie asked, one day, and you’d paused for a second. You weren’t sure how bad FEDRA school was by the time she was in it, but that seemed fundamental.
‘Well, I mean, you know we’re a planet, right? That we’re like, a big round ball? Floating in the sky?’ Ellie levelled an impatient gaze at you, and you swallowed.
‘Do you think I’m an idiot?’ she asked, and you thought very hard and very fast.
‘I think you’re brilliant and FEDRA school is terrible,’ you said, diplomatically. She softened, her cheeks pinking up a little.
‘Can’t argue with you there,’ she said, quietly.
‘I mean, how much did they teach you about planets?’
‘Sweet fuck all,’ she said, plainly, and you wanted to tell her not to swear but she was in her own house, and it felt like the horse had bolted long ago in any case. ‘But I read about it as much as I can.’
‘The moon?’
‘All space… being that high up where nothing can, no-one up there who can…it’s just so cool. Were you alive when they landed on it?’
‘Ellie, that was the 60s,’ you complained, waiting for her to do the mental maths and wondering how old she thought you were, or if all adults were just ‘old’ to her, a kind of non-descript age in which you are both responsible for everything and also mere moments from shuffling off into death.
She stared at you blankly. ‘I wasn’t born for another like, twenty years,’ you said.
She nodded. ‘Oh.’
‘A lot of people didn’t even believe we really did land on the moon,’ you said. You picked up another piece of paper, your pile of stars nearly double the size of Ellie’s. She wasn’t being careful, her general distractedness was making her slow.
‘What? But wasn’t it on TV?’
‘Yes, it was, but they said it was faked.’ Her eyes blew wide at this, and you realised she was considering it. ‘Ellie, there’s no way it was faked. There are footprints up there that’ll be there forever.’
‘Guess we’ll never know, now,’ she said, quietly, and you suddenly wondered whether the space theme was such a good idea, after all, whether you were tormenting the kids with something they would never see, never have even the smallest chance to explore.’
‘Ellie…’ you said, but she wasn’t looking at you anymore, concentrating hard on her paper star.
‘It’s ok, it’ll be fun to pretend for the night,’ she said. ‘There’s a lot of pretending, won’t be too hard.’
You wanted to ask her what she meant, who she thought was pretending, but you heard heavy footsteps on the front porch and knew Joel was home. You felt your cheeks flush, your hands picking up a little tremble that make it hard to grip your scissors.
‘Hello, ladies,’ Joel said, and when you looked up, he was grinning at you both from the doorway, his hands criss-crossed over his chest as he leant on the frame. It was a domestic enough moment that you had to fight the impulse to go over to him and welcome him properly, into your arms. Ellie barely acknowledged him, because she was 14.
‘What are we making?’ he asked, picking up one of Ellie’s ‘stars’ and genuinely requiring clarification. You winced a little at it. Perhaps it could go towards the back.
‘Prom decorations,’ Ellie said, and she still seemed a little down. You watched her, carefully, trying to determine if she’d already lit her fuse.  
‘Oh, I won’t interrupt,’ Joel said, raising his hands, feeling something in the air. ‘You stayin’ to eat, Teach?’ he asked, and he hoped his voice didn’t make him sound too eager, didn’t give him away.
‘I don’t want to be a bother,’ you said, just like you always did.
‘Oh my God!’ Ellie sighed, throwing her star down in front of her and pushing her chair back. ‘Just say yes, you always end up staying anyway.’
‘Ellie!’ Joel barked at her, and she huffed, her shoulders so high they nearly touched her ears.
‘It’s true, you guys do all this polite bullshit and for what? Just say what you want and then you can get it. It’s not so hard.’
You looked over at Joel, who was staring at his likely hormonal teenager with a perplexed look on his face. You took a second to gather yourself.
‘I would love to stay for dinner, Joel, but one of these days I want you to let me cook for you both.’
Joel paused, considering this. Eyes still on Ellie, who was still quietly fuming, he nodded his head, once. ‘I would like that, Teach,’ he said, his careful tone that of every bewildered teenage-girl-Dad the world over. ‘Ellie, I want you to go wash up before dinner, then I want you to peel the carrots.’
She stood up, stomping to the washroom. You concentrated hard on the paper in your hands, hoping it was enough to stifle your smile.
‘I want to know what the fuck that was about,’ Joel said to you, but smiling.
‘I want to remind you there’s nothing worse than being a teenage girl,’ you replied.
You stood, wobbling on the end of a step ladder, hanging up the stars. Tommy found some string lights and put them up around the mess hall, and Johnny and his assembly of post-apocalyptic musicians set up in the corner. You and Tommy had already pushed all the tables back against the wall to make a dance floor. As you worked, he regaled you with his favourite memories of his own prom, most of which seemed to involve trying to get up the skirt of someone called Tammy Schmidt. She’d never let him anywhere near her, and you told Tommy to his face she was right to do it.
‘You would have been Tommy and Tammy,’ you said, and he started to giggle. Actually giggle.
‘That was the appeal!’ he said, sheepish. ‘I figured it sounded like those made-up celebrity names.’
‘Brangelina,’ you said, and he grinned.
‘Tomammy,’ he replied, and you rolled your eyes.
After everything was set up you went home to get dressed, pulling out a little black number foraged from the bottom of Maria’s wardrobe. She had complained she was never going to get back into it, and you had waved her off. It made you feel silly and out of place and pretty and ridiculous, and you liked the way it swished when you walked. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d swished anywhere. It felt so normal you weren’t sure you could trust it.
When you arrived back at the mess hall the lights had been dimmed, and Johnny and his band were starting to warm up. With the lights down and the paper streamers and stars you could forget for a moment it wasn’t a normal prom, a real one. You felt a surge of pride in your belly, looked around at the tangible good.
You heard the doors to the mess hall swing open, followed by shrieks and laughter and multiple sets of rapidly advancing feet.
‘Oh my god it’s so amazing!’ Mika said, his face illuminated by the warm glow of the string lights, of the smile stretching his cheeks.
‘This is cool,’ Dina said, quietly, up the back, and you grinned. Something in you, some teenage part of you, was quietly relieved.
More kids arrived, some trailed by their parents, and you busied yourself setting up the orange juice and cola station. The kitchen had done little sandwiches and finger food and you wanted to make sure the kids ate, worried you’d send them home on empty stomachs and sugar pinging through their veins. That their parents would never forgive you, and that they would be right.
As soon as the band started up you stepped back, letting the kids swarm the plates and start to dance. You wanted to join them but you also felt a pull back to the edge of the room, kept thinking you were seeing snatches of your sister in the half-light, of you as a girl. You weren’t sure what the feeling was, some kind of melancholic nostalgia, some kind of longing for something that didn’t make sense to you. You’d never even liked prom that much, had mostly just gone because everyone else was. But it was different seeing one from the other side: from the other side of adolescences, from the other side of the end of the world. It felt precious and sad and joyful, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to turn away from it or bottle it up and store it safe under the bed.
You kept wondering if this was what your 14-year-old self ever envisioned for herself, if she could have envisioned anything so apocalyptic at all.
The doors swung open again, and you exhaled the breath you didn’t realise you were holding when Ellie strode in, almost skipping, her face titled up to the ceiling to see all her decorations hanging in the rafters. ‘Holy shit!’ you heard her exclaim, and you cringed a little, trying to avoid the eyes of the parents. You would have to speak to her about that, eventually.
You turned to pour yourself a juice, the acid tingling at the back of your teeth, before you heard heavy footsteps behind you, even over the thrum of the music and of Ellie grabbing Mika and swinging him around the dancefloor.
‘Hey, Teach,’ Joel said, his baritone rumbling out from his chest. You suppressed a shiver.
‘Joel,’ you turned to him, allowing the surprise to show on your face. ‘What are you doing here?’ You were ignoring that he was standing in black suit pants and a white shirt, unbuttoned at the neck, maybe a size too big, you couldn’t be sure. He’d done his hair, or had made an attempt at it, maybe running water through it and in the humidity of the room it had started to curl. You were alarmed at how distinctly you wanted to lean forward and sink your teeth into his neck, to lave at the skin there, to feel his pulse with your tongue.
You swallowed, the juice catching in your throat and making you splutter. Suddenly Joel was beside you, an enormous warm hand between your shoulder blades as you fought, doubled over, for breath.
‘Easy, easy,’ he was saying, and you wanted to slam your eyes shut and imagine him whispering exactly that as he slid inside you, as he rocked into you and felt your cunt quiver around his length. Jesus Christ, you were going to spontaneously combust.
‘Sorry, went down the wrong hole,’ you said, fluttering your hand in front of your face in the hope it would ward him off somewhat. As you straightened, he let his hand slide down your spine and away just as he reached the small of your back, and you felt your spine arch towards where his touch had been.
Fucks sake, you needed to get it together. You were like some horny teenager at, well, prom.
‘Tommy had something he needed to do at home, something with the baby.’
‘Is he OK? Is Maria Ok?’
‘Yeah, they’re fine, the baby just has a sniffle and I believe Maria’s exact words were “you’re not going out there to watch teenagers marinate in their hormones while I sit at home being snotted on by your crotch fruit”.’
You gaped at him. ‘Maria did not say crotch fruit.’
‘Might have put my spin on that bit,’ Joel said, grinning.
For his part, Joel was watching your eyes so that he wouldn’t look down at your dress, a little black flitty number that came up to your knees and down close enough on your chest that when you leant over trying to get your breath he had to move away to resist the urge to stare at the swell of your breasts, instead coming to stand beside you and placing his hand on your back just to try and keep himself standing. You were so fuckin’ pretty, done your hair all up nice. He wanted to swivel you around, tuck you into his chest and nibble on the nape of your neck, put his nose in your hair and inhale as he flipped that silly little skirt over your rear, letting one hand wonder over your cheeks as he slid further down, cupping and probing, into the slick between your legs.
Christ on a cracker, he needed to get it together. He was behaving like Tommy at, well, prom.
‘Place looks great,’ he said, his voice slightly strangled. You gazed up at him, taking a second to comprehend his words.
‘Thanks, Ellie did amazing work with the stars,’ you said, and you knew he knew you were lying, and you also knew he was a good enough Dad that he was going to let you get away with it.
‘She certainly has her own style,’ Joel replied, eyeing one particularly wonky cutout you had strategically placed in a dark corner.
You turned to watch the kids dance, Ellie’s hair bouncing around her face as she twisted her hips, holding Mika’s hand as she did.
‘She’s really gravitated towards him,’ you commented, and you looked over at Joel just in time to see a cloud pass over his face.
‘He probably reminds her of…’ he said, but then he trailed off, recalibrated. ‘He’s a sweet kid, so it makes sense,’ he finished.
‘Oh, speaking of sweet, Billy loves having you on the wall,’ you said, smiling at him and watching him blush.
‘What do you mean?’ he asked, and you swore you could see genuine anxiety on his face.
‘Big Bad Joel Miller helping out? Billy getting to tell you what to do? He’s like a pig in shit.’
Joel could feel the heat on his cheeks and was powerless to stop it. ‘Big Bad Joel Miller,’ he echoed, feeling the words on his tongue, seeing how they tasted. ‘Not sure about that.’
‘You must know there are stories,’ you said, leaning into him a little, goading him a little, wanting to see if you could get him to crack and tell you something about himself.
‘Don’t pay any of that much mind,’ he said. ‘Don’t reckon any of ‘em are close to the truth.’
‘Well, no they can’t be,’ you agreed, quickly, feeling like the conversation was slipping from you and not really knowing why.
‘Not sure there are words for some of the shit I’ve…seen,’ he said, and he saw the shift in your face, the shock before you covered it, and he knew that he’d scared you a little, but there were things he didn’t want to talk about, shit that he’d had to do to get Ellie here, to get her to be able to forget the cost of it all. Big Bad Joel Miller. No one had any fucking clue.
He looked over at you, at the way you had sunk into yourself, and he cursed himself. You were too sweet, too warm, and he’d gone and thrown a wet rag on your fire. If you knew about him you wouldn’t want to be anywhere near him. He took a step back, too. You’d made him forget for a second, that he was no good to anyone. Especially not to someone like you.
You were lost in your thoughts, watching the kids again but not really seeing. It wasn’t even what Joel had said, although you felt the way he was pushing you away, and you went willingly. It was that as he spoke you realised, finally realised, what the feeling was that had been pulling at you all night.
You were fucking lonely. 14-year-old you might have been OK with the QZ stuff, with what you had to do to survive, with keeping your sister alive along as you could, with making sure her death meant something, even just until they cleared her body away. 14-year-old you might have even been OK with the teaching, although that would take some convincing. But the fact that you were alone, that you were nearing 40 and hadn’t ever really loved anyone other than your family, hadn’t ever really had anyone love you. OK, so you hadn’t married Jonathan Taylor Thomas, in the circumstances maybe for that you got a pass. But that you weren’t with anyone, that you had wanted love for yourself and never got it, that you had wanted to belong in that most specific way and you hadn’t, hadn’t ever really come home. 14-year-old you was screaming and howling and gnashing her teeth. You’d failed her, failed the both of you.
You were horrified to feel a tightness across your throat, the heat building behind your eyes. You needed to get away from all these people, needed to go and pity yourself in peace.
‘I just need some air,’ you said, barely above a whisper, pushing past Joel with your face turned away lest he see your eyes growing redder and wetter by the second.
‘Teach…’ he called after you, but you were gone, heading straight to the door, not seeing Ellie turn to follow Joel’s voice, to see you making a break for it, turning back to him with her hands in the air.
Joel felt his stomach drop, staring back at Ellie with panic written all over his face.
‘What did you do?’ she mouthed to him, and he shrugged, helpless. He’d pushed you away, had shut you down, had been rude and cruel and cold. But he had no idea how to mouth that to his teenage daughter across a dance floor. ‘GO AFTER HER’ Ellie whisper-screamed at him, and it jolted him, got his feet moving before he’d even given it another thought.
You were standing under the awning a couple of paces from the door, leaning on the railing and sucking in the chill of the air. You realised when you heard the door swing open that you’d cornered yourself, cursed yourself for getting all your years in the QZ.
‘Teach,’ he said, and you hung your head. ‘M’sorry, I didn’t mean to…’
‘Wasn’t you, wasn’t that, I just…I needed to breathe for a second.’
Joel paused, watching the way your shoulders rose and fell, sharp and insistent, as you gathered yourself.
He took a step forward towards you, saw the way you flinched and turned away, and stopped, deciding instead to sit on the steps, giving you space but not too much, distance but enough that he could reach out for you if you wanted him to.
‘I did a lot of things to get here,’ he said, after a while. The hair stood up on the back of your neck. ‘I ain’t ashamed of ‘em, I’d do ‘em all again to keep her safe, you understand?’ he asked, and you nodded, still with your back half-turned. ‘Never regretted getting her here, both of us, to safety and to family.’ You nodded again. You knew all of this, had lived all of this, but you didn’t stop him, couldn’t turn to look at him, just let him talk because you couldn’t think of a single thing to say. ‘What bothers me, Teach, is that Big Bad Joel Miller might be too old to do ‘em again.’
You felt a pull towards him, turned your body to peer at his face. He was staring down main street, avoiding looking at you, too.
‘What if I can’t keep her safe?’ he asked, almost to himself. You swallowed, moving towards him, sucked into his gravitational pull. As you sank down beside him on the step, he shuffled to make room for you, but you didn’t want distance, leaning further over so that your shoulders touched. He was so warm even in the chill of the night. You wanted him to take your hands and blow warm breath onto them, smile and put them on his chest to warm them even though the cold of your skin stung him.
‘She’s so capable, Joel,’ you said. ‘You did that. She’ll keep herself safe, soon.’
‘She’s just a kid,’ Joel said, but he wasn’t attacking, just stating a fact.
‘I wasn’t much older on outbreak day,’ you said, simply.
‘Lotsa girls her age weren’t so lucky,’ he replied, quiet.
Blood smattered all over a pink and purple tee-shirt. Curls caked in blood and mud. He swallowed.
‘I know that,’ you said, after a while. Joel watched your face. He saw that it was true, that you knew.
‘S’what was it, if it wasn’t me being so rude to ya?’ he asked, after a long silence that would have made his bones itch if he’d been sharing it with anyone else but you. You shied away a little, and he watched as you started to recede. ‘Hey,’ he said, reprising the conversation from the night at the kitchen table. ‘I want you to tell me what’s up,’ he said, and you smiled, faintly, recognising what he was doing.
‘Prom, I guess. Memories. I don’t know.’ You paused, tried to form the words. ‘It’s all about promise, isn’t it, being a kid and being in high school and doing all of these…rites of passages. There’s an assumption about how things will go. We all make ‘em, made ‘em. Guess it’s hard when they didn’t come true.’
Joel nodded. He wanted to pull you into his lap and rock you, gentle and soft in the night, feel your warm breath on his neck as you pushed your fingertips through the buttonholes of his shirt.
‘Most of the time I’m OK,’ you went on, trying to repair it, slink back under your shell, your slimy snail body suddenly exposed to the elements.
‘Everyone’s OK til they ain’t.’ Joel said. He turned to look at you, swivelled his body to yours so that your knees rested against his. His eyes were so deep and dark in the streetlights, his brows saddled as he petitioned you. ‘I don’t mind it, Teach. You can be all of it with me.’
You felt your heart gallop in your chest, heat suddenly in your belly.
‘So can you, Big Bad Joel Miller,’ you told him, smiling but earnest, wanting him to believe it was true. ‘I’ll take whatever you got,’ you said.
There was a moment, Joel knew, when he could pull back from it. That this was that moment, when he could turn away from you, could crack a joke or make some excuse to head back inside. Could get up and bolt for the gate, swing it open and face whatever demons were out in the darkness so as not to have to face his own. He knew this was the moment of no return, for him.
He looked down at your lips, painted red for prom and so soft, so plump. Your skin soft and glowing so gently in the light. How many more times was he going to have to resist you by porchlight? How many times could he?
‘Joel…’ you whispered, edging yourself closer to him, leaning in without even really thinking about it, watching him mirror you and Joel knew the moment had passed, that your little whimper of his name was branded on his chest, that he would parade it around town for you, would bare it to anyone who wanted to lay their claim.
Your hair was soft, so soft, in his palms as he pulled you into him, his lips crashing into yours, your mouth opening to welcome him, tongue dancing across his. He groaned, from deep down in his belly, for the want of it, for the way his tummy flipped at his first taste of you.
You were pretty sure you were dead. It was the only explanation. But if this was heaven then so fucking be it, because Joel was cupping your face in his hands, and his kiss was insistent and gentle and he was guiding you through it, teasing you open as you felt the hinge of your jaw creak under the pressure of your want for him. You weren’t sure you were breathing. You weren’t sure you cared.
He was pulling you closer, wrapping his arms around your back and pulling you into him, the weird angle meaning both sets of knees were in the way. You considered vaulting over the top of him, riding him on the steps of the mess hall while a bunch of teenagers supposedly under your charge danced under paper stars, but you had the wherewithal to hold back, to pry yourself from him, to lean your forehead on his and catch your breath.
Granted, you didn’t have a lot of experience. But you’d never had a kiss that felt like that.
‘Teach,’ Joel said, so quiet and just for you, and you could hear that he was out of breath, that his chest was heaving, that he was fighting it back just as hard as you. He lifted his head and gazed at you, the look of naked desire on his face such that you wanted it to be photographed, painted, hung in a gallery and studied by future generations.
Then, alarms. And yes, you thought, that felt about right. Everything had just shifted off its axis, after all, it made sense that the universe was now screaming.
Except it sounded weirdly familiar. Kind of like the one that you pulled when there was a problem at the gate.
You turned your head down main street as you saw the flood lights come on. You were up, Joel just behind you, as you and your little swishy dress headed towards it, front doors ripping open around you, men and women pulling on jackets over their pyjamas, arming themselves for war.
‘State your business!’ you heard Billy yell from the top of the gate, his rifle trained at a hard angle just beneath him. Jesus, they were close, you realised. Nearly right up on the iron.
You couldn’t hear the reply, vaulting up the ladder without thinking, without a weapon, leaving Joel to defend the gate.
‘State your business!’ Billy called again, and you came up beside him, peeping over the edge to report back on what you could see. There were three of them, that you could see from here. You scanned the treeline, the floodlights turning the trees into fingers scratching harsh at the night sky.
‘Where they come from, Billy?’ you asked, and he gestured with his head over to the right. You picked up the binoculars and scanned.
‘Can’t see any others,’ you reported back, going to the other side and holding up three fingers to the crowd.
‘We’re just passing through,’ the man called back, ‘saw your lights and thought…we’re injured.’
‘Injured how?’ Billy called. You could hear murmuring beneath you, a plan being hatched.
‘One of us is a woman. We were ambushed. They took everything we have, nearly took her but she got away.’
You peered down over the gate, could see that a woman was indeed holding her arm in a sling, her face pale. She was wavering, like she was ready to collapse.
You heard footsteps on the ladder, felt it sway the wall as Tommy appeared beside you.
‘Whatdya reckon?’ he asked you, his eyes focussed but his breath coming in short and fast.
‘They’re telling the truth so far,’ you said, ‘best I can tell.’
You stepped out of the way, Tommy taking your place at the wall while Billy stayed fixed, his gun unwavering from the strangers.
You heard a gasp, a kind of choking shock. ‘No fucking way,’ Tommy said, and you peered over his shoulder again, trying to figure out what he could see. ‘Shauna?’ he called down, the woman’s face snapping up to him, a shaky hand covering her eyes to make him out.
‘Tommy?’ she asked, as though she was dead and found herself at the gates of heaven, surprisingly less gilded than expected. You swallowed, saw Billy’s hold on the gun waver.
‘Open the gates!’ Tommy called, before turning back to the strangers. ‘Hands up and come forward slowly, I’ll meet you there.’
‘Who is that, Tommy?’ you asked him, grabbing at him as he made to hurry past.
‘It’s Shauna,’ he said, his face pale and disbelieving. ‘Where’s Joel?’
‘Who the fuck is Shauna?’ you asked, every nerve ending screaming.
‘She’s Sarah’s mom,’ he said, before he disappeared down the ladder, calling for Joel as he went.
‘Who the fuck is Sarah?’ Billy said to you, his gun lowered but eyeballing the group all the same.
You had no idea.
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Dye, doll, dye
I did a dyeing thing - a white Resinsoul centaur (Dawn) and different vinyl shell parts of an Obitsu 50 cm body (whitey and super whitey).
What I used:
A big shiny pot. Life pro tip - if you have an induction cooktop, check your crappy pot that you ordered from Amazon right away. Amazon sellers are liars.
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Lots of towels (water everywhere). Dye (RIT DyeMore is what I used, because it's specifically for synthetics), isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and a melamine sponge (Magic Eraser) for oopsies, and weed whacker trimmer string for the parts. Plus coffee.
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Strung doll parts. NOTE: before I dye resin or vinyl, I soak it in cold water for 10-15 minutes. Resin is porous. Water will help open the pores for a slightly more even dye distribution.
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So one thing I see over and over that drives me CRAZY is people dumping the whole bottle of dye directly into the water.
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RIT has recipes. Here's the recipe for Fallen Star using "small" items:
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It doesn't matter which small item you pick - the recipe is the same. For a more intense color, increase the amount of dye (Fallen Star is 2 teaspoons of Royal Purple, 1/2 teaspoon Frost Grey, 1/2 teaspoon Sapphire Blue per 4 cups of water). If you dump in the whole bottle, 1) you're wasting dye, and 2) you're not going to get the color that the dye is supposed to produce.
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Dye measured - and then I measure one more batch in a separate cup. As stuff goes in the water, dye is absorbed and removed from the water - so you gotta add a little back. Like, an eyedropper at a time, a little.
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I set the water to be just under a boil - no bubbling, but still painful when you accidentally stick a finger in there. It's soapy because RIT recommends adding a tiny bit of dish soap and a little salt to the dye bath to help disperse the color evenly.
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The resin parts got 3 minutes each. The vinyl parts got 6 minutes.
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Horse butt magnet came unglued, and there's something on the butt that prevented it from absorbing dye. I don't know what it is. I'll have to color correct with pastels. Also: the horse body was cast in two parts that were glued together, and the seams sanded. This became immediately apparent post-dye.
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The floating blobs top left are vinyl thigh parts after 3 minutes in the dye bath. The darker blue human parts of vinyl parts after a six minute bath.
A few more things: whatever that butt glue was, it liquified in the pot and stuck to stuff. I am not happy about this.
Because parts are thinner in some places and thicker in others, when I pulled a part out of the bath, I would run it under cool water. Then I grabbed my melamine sponge and scrubbed areas where the dye was darker or absorbed funny. Isopropyl alcohol can also help remove some of the dye.
The dye continued to process, even after I rinsed all the parts. When I woke up the next morning, everything was an even more intense blue - especially the vinyl.
My self-imposed max time for resin in a hot water dye bath is 3 minutes. 2-part epoxy resin reacts quickly and hardens to equilibrium - NOT completion. When resin parts are put into almost-boiling hot water, the reaction is reactivated. The resin parts will shrink. I read on a resin manufacturer's website that after 20 minutes, the resin will become extremely brittle and fragile. From past experience, I know that 3 minutes in hot water is enough to make a resin part shrink.
Since the resin parts were dyed for 3 minutes each, this means I will NOT be attempting a gradation with dye. I'll use pastels instead.
But vinyl, however - vinyl can take some heat. Heh heh heh.
Next up: purple!
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sunbeamah · 6 months
JJK Mermaid AU just sitting in my documents-- Yuuji centric!
Naturally, Yuuji is the pearl of his pod-- the most beautiful and strongest mer there. His tail is pink and shimmery, sparkling golden in the light-- but beyond appearances, it's also very powerful. He has mating requests coming in from all the different oceans and seas.
Much to the displeasure of his nine older killer whale mer brothers.
So they set up a system-- in order to even ask to court Yuuji, you have to fight and defeat all 9 brothers, starting from the youngest (Shooso) and ending with Choso. Only 4 mers have ever beaten all 9 brothers. Inumaki Toge, Okkotsu Yuuta, Ryoumen Sukuna and Gojo Satoru.
In Inumaki and Okkotsu's cases, they genuinely wanted to court Yuuji, but ended up meeting and falling in love with one another. (Inumaki took 3 tries to defeat all 9 brothers, while Okkotsu did it in 1). They'd show off for Yuuji and push themselves harder and harder upon seeing the other, until they reached a point where it wasn't about Yuuji anymore. They weren't even thinking of him (no hard feelings though!)
Inumaki's tail is white with navy blue markings down it, his fins are very fine and large, they appear to be wavy as well
Okkotsu's is white at his hips, but quickly fades into black. There are speckles of white decorating the topmost parts, and his fins tend to have white veins running through them
In Ryoumen Sukuna's case, he called Yuuji boring, which offended the brothers and caused them to challenge him. He fought all 9 and won. Yuuji ended up fighting him afterwards, and even though he lost he continues to fight Sukuna whenever they come across each other. Sukuna (though he'll never admit it) enjoys these matches.
Sukuna's tail is a thing of legends. He's a 10-tailed octopus, a bad omen for all those that lay eyes on him. They're a dark pink to match his hair, and have black markings to match those on his upper body.
In Gojo Satoru's case, he wanted to piss the brothers off. He'd heard of their strength, and how they were undefeated across all 7 seas, and thought 'lol I could take them'. Unfortunately, he could. He doesn't do anything with his courting privileges except swim in at random times to hang out with Yuuji and piss the brothers off.
Satoru's tail is pure, blinding white, with a bright blue iridescent sheen to it. The fins are long, wide and appear to be very thin, but there isn't a single scratch or tear on any of them, a pride point for fine-finned mers
There are mers who are allowed to talk to and interact with Yuuji despite not having defeated the brothers, of course. They're a trusted minority, and their ranks include:
Ieiri Shoko
She healed Yuuji when he was sick as a guppy, and treated Shooso and Tanso's wounds from their many fights. Her tail is a murky grey, and the very tips of it are black.
Kugisaki Nobara
Their pods travelled together for a while when they were younger, and they had great fun sparring together. She's his closest friend! Her tail is a classic green (the little mermaid hehe), though she dyes it in gold around her hips and at the veins and tips of her fins-- a modern, fashionable practice
Nanami Kento
Looked after guppy Yuuji after his grandfather passed and before his brothers discovered him, and greatly disapproves of Gojo Satoru, urging him to stop visiting Yuuji. A trusted ally on all fronts. His tail is white and heavily spotted in black. There are blue tinges by his hips, and some parts of his fins are torn
Haibara Yuu
Nanami's pair, who also looked after Yuuji! An honest mer with good intentions that they fully trust. His fins are slashed right through the middle, but he still maintains an excellent swimming speed. His tail is a classic dark blue, blending into darker waters easily
Yoshino Junpei
Despite his obvious interest in Yuuji, it's clear the mer doesn't have the courage or audacity to try to propose any kind of courtship. The brothers trust his cowardliness (they're very dramatic and rude). He's a glowing blue jellyfish mer, though some of his stingers are perpetually bright yellow with electricity
And now for the list of beaten mers, and who they were beaten by:
Mei Mei - Choso
Kamo Noritoshi jr - Shoso (5th eldest)
Todo Aoi - Choso (brutal fight)
Zenin Mai (forced by her clan to fight) - Shooso (2nd youngest)
Zenin Naoya - Eso
Juzo (curse user who wanted to make Gojo into a coat rack) - Sanso (7th eldest)
Haruta (made creepy comments, had to use all 6 miracles in his first fight, tried to run after. didn't work.) - Tanso (3rd youngest)
Toshihisa (one of the curse users who fought Kusakabe) - Tanso
Manami - Kotsu (6th eldest)
a LOT of unnamed mers, usually beaten by the youngest 4. Rarely does anyone ever get up to the eldest 4.
Some mers request to fight Choso straight from the beginning, and he'll honour that request if all his brothers consent to it, but he absolutely DETESTS those that do ask -- he feels that they're disrespecting his younger brothers by not fighting them, or that they don't think Yuuji is worth all the effort of fighting 9 brothers.
Tsukumo Yuki once challenged all the brothers at once, including Yuuji, to offer courtship to Choso. She won.
Now she trains with Yuuji so that if a potential suitor defeats all his brothers, they'll have the hardest time fighting him as well.
Her tail is black with an iridescent sheen of gold, and the tips of her scales are brown. It makes for an eye-catching look!
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“°• the good dye young •°”
❀° ┄───╮
a little bit of domestic nanami for the soul ignore the title it’s just the hair dye brand im using (not sponsored), whipped this up based on true events… the events being me currently waiting for my hair as i dye it for the umpteenth time and delusions
y’all i love this man so much it’s not even funny
╰───┄ °❀
“nanamin~ pleeease?” she whined invading his space
“lovely, i told you not to call me that.” he sighed lightly swatting her with his book
he just wanted to start his day off with finally opening one of the books from his massive collection, but of course his needy wife wanted his attention elsewhere. not that he could complain, he loved her with all his heart.
“you let yuji call you that.” she huffed holding his face in her hands as she perched on his lap
“you’re not yuji.” he deadpanned
“oh so you love yuji more than me— i see how it is.” she dramatically sighed as she splayed herself over him
“you’re such a child.”
“well yeah if my competition is one—“
“im kidding im kidding!” she snickered pressing a chaste kiss to his jaw as he looked less than impressed
“you’re not funny.” he couldn’t stay annoyed with her, her bounciness and more or less lack of a filter made her very refreshing
“it was a little funny.” she pouted as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, humming his disagreement
“you’re gonna give me grey hairs love.” he sighed massaging the crease in his brows
“and you’ll still look very handsome.” she gave him a cheeky smile
he couldn’t help but break his stoic gaze with a soft smile and chuckle, she sighed at the smile that was often only reserved for her— and then she remembered.
“ah! i almost forgot what i was bothering you about!” she snapped back up, knocking his glasses from his face
“y/n..” he frowned
“sorry sorry!” she picked up the glasses before wiping off any smudges on the lenses with her shirt, “i didn’t want to forget what i was gonna ask you again.” she gave him a sheepish smile
“what did you need dear?” he sighed taking the glasses from her hands
“ah! yeah— can you part my hair?”
he blinked once, then again.
“you need me to part your hair?” he repeated as she nodded eagerly
“the underside yes! i can never get a proper part on my own,” she pouted a bit before pulling out a parting comb seemingly out from thin air
“so i need you to do it! pretty please?” she batted her eyelashes
“i don’t mind lovely…” he murmured, plucking the comb from her hands, gently running it through her hair
“but why?”
“oh, i want to dye it!”
he paused his combing, running his fingers through her long locks— he knew she was a bit on the impulsive side but dying her hair out of nowhere?
“y/n… is there any particular reason?” his tone became very serious, he remembered hearing from the students if a woman dyes her hair out of the blue, she must be going through something
“i want something different and pretty.” she hummed looking at her current hair
“but you already are pretty.” he murmured, thoughts running through his head.
was she doing this out of a moment of insecurity? god forbid— did he make her feel inadequate with her natural hair color?
“you’re doing that thing again.”
he was snapped from his thoughts
“that thing where you like get stuck in your head— you furrow your brow and your eyes become all pensive.” she hummed massaging the crease in his brow gently
“when did you become all observant?” he cracked a small smile pressing a kiss to her chin
“excuse you! i’ve always been observant!” she huffed dramatically
“i just happen to talk a lot of nonsense.” she pouted
“true, but i wouldn’t have it any other way my lovely.” he mused peppering her face with kisses
“you’re so corny it’s sickening.” she chuckled
“you love it.”
“i do.”
it fell into a comfortable silence between the two.
“so, what has my darling husband thinking so hard on his day off?” she hummed
he sighed a little.
“did i do anything, to make you feel like you need to change your hair?” he asked her very seriously
she blinked, it wasn’t long before she burst into a fit of giggles.
“im being serious love, you said you wanted to feel pretty— did i do something to make you otherwise?” he gave her a pleading look as she continued to laugh
“oh you poor thing, kento dear— you didn’t do anything.” she continued to laugh, draping herself over him in a hug
“i just wanted a change that’s all! not even that much, im just doing a peekaboo color. im not going all in hence the hair part.” she chuckled softly
he visibly relaxed underneath her as she soothed his worries.
“you’re so sweet to worry, it’s never that serious with me you know that.” she pressed a kiss to the side of his head
and she was right, it usually never was that serious with her. she was a free spirited, unfiltered woman who loved to laugh and smile. many wondered how she was able to chip away at his stoic and cold demeanor when in reality she practically bulldozed her way in, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
she gave him a home and a place to be himself while he grounded her into reality reminding her that someone loved her flaws and all, that was their dynamic and why their love was able to thrive.
“actually— you want to know what would be fun?”
“if we both dyed our hair! you have the perfect base!”
he immediately pulled away and gave her a look.
“absolutely not.”
“oh please? just the tips?” she started to giggle at her own words
“you are such a child.”
she opened her mouth but he immediately put his hand over it resulting in muffled protests.
“do not do the same joke again—“
she licked his palm and he retracted his hand giving her a look.
“oh come on nanami! think of the possibilities! we can dye it pink or something for like a gender reveal—“
he froze, his hands immediately tightening around her.
“gender reveal— love… are you..?”
her face dropped into a face of mortification at his insinuation.
“oh— god no! seriously? if i was you really think you’d be finding out like this? i can do so much better!” she was offended
his grip on her body didn’t relent as his hands started to trail her stomach.
“there’s nothing in there i promise!” she huffed
“but what if i put one in there?” he murmured, burying his head in her neck
she gave him an incredulous look.
“you better wait until after you help me dye my hair!”
❀° ┄───╮
if you squint you can tell when the fumes start to get to my head lolz
╰───┄ °❀
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
How would host react to co-host has a history of secretly killing power abusing money hungry narcissist?
What, do you want a wedding? That'll happen regardless of who you kill. Host loves to play the moral high ground, but it's just an act. People like you've described are his favorite kind of guest. The type break under pressure or when their crimes are brought to light.
If you promise to be good and avoid getting yourself hurt or caught he'll let you leave the stage to grab someone. No killing, though. They're a contestant afterall. You can have your fun if they lose... or you suck up to him enough.
The click of his heel reminds you of the tick of a timer. Repeating; marking every single each second it takes you to reach him. Host waits for you on stage, arms folded and body rigid aside from the bounce of his foot against the floor. He stills as you stand before him, the sharpness of his final step making you flinch. For a man without eyes, his gaze was smothering. He definitely knew what you did.. His smile didn't reach as far, but it was still there. There was a still chance he didn't yet - right?
"Did you have fun?..."
He runs a finger across your cheek, grey skin dyed maroon as he shows you his hand. You're covered head to toe in the same dye along with the bag you drag behind you. It wasn't moving as much as it did when you first nabbed them either. Shit.
"Seems to me like you have."
Host pulls a handkerchief from his pocket. The way his hand grips your jaw isn't as delicate as it used to be, but it wasn't harsh. He scrubs as your face, clicking his tongue with a grumble at the blood that refuses to wash off.
"Honestly, Y/n. I give you my trust, and you throw the rules in my face. Not only have you frightened our guest more than necessary, but you also ruined the coat the others worked so hard to make for you. What do you have to say for yourself?"
You take a deep breath. Only one thing you could do to get yourself out of this. Dropping your knife and hold of the bag you twist the end of your shirt, eyes wide as you make yourself look smaller than you already are.
"I'm sorry.... They attacked me first so it was in self defense. Please don't me mad it me, Host. I won't do it again."
Host bends to your height, thumb stroking the curve of your jaw. "Dear.. We both know that's a lie. We have the footage to prove it, but there is something thing that works in your favor..."
Here it comes-
"You're so gosh darn cute!" Host scoops you into his arms, lifting you a full foot off their ground as he spins on his heels. Lacking the means to give you a proper kiss he presses his cheek to yours as he stops in the center of the stage. He ruffles your hair, setting you back down, but not letting you go.
"Oh, you know I can't stay mad at you- Disobey me again though and I'll have to punish you quite harshly."
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jvstheworld · 3 months
Sleeping Sudeikis- a mini fanfic
I've been getting into writing more fanfiction recently, and I wrote this one last night. Hope you like it. It's also on AO3. Here's the link, if you want: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56765833
It wasn't often that you woke up before him. You were always the one to sleep late, fighting to stay in bed just a little bit longer, while he tried to drag you out of it to get breakfast or go to work. Today was a rare day. Jason was still asleep, practically dead to the world. One of his arms was out stretched under the pillows you both were using, the other lay heavy across your stomach, because even in sleep he has to hold you. You would never complain about that. You liked that he always had you within arm’s reach, to hold your hand, or hug you at a moment's notice, or pull you in for a kiss. You would never dare complain about him giving you affection. You felt loved in those moments. And just for a second the world stopped and you were the only two people existing. It never got old. Right now, you were the only two in the room. The sound of birds chirping and Jason's breathing were all that you could hear. The sun was coming in through the crack in the curtains, but it might as well have still been night because you weren't leaving this bed for a long time. Not while he was still perfectly asleep.
You laid still, just watching him. Taking in every freckle across his nose and cheeks, his long eyelashes, and the few days growth of his beard, because you finally convinced him to stop shaving. It was a waste of time, money and effort. You liked his beard, you missed it. The feel of it against your skin when he tucked his head into the crook of your neck, or the backs of your fingers and the palm of your hand when you caressed his cheek in a moment of reassurance, or when he trailed soft kisses down your body to your thighs when he wanted to make you feel beautiful. Jason made sure that you never doubted his attraction to you. Whatever negative thoughts you might have had about yourself quickly died when he looked at you with his hazel eyes. Those eyes. You would commit crimes for this man if he gave you the right look. That perfect mix of green and brown you had burned into your mind. So expressive, soft and warm, they made you melt into a puddle when he smiled. Even thinking about it makes you smile, makes you want to wake him to see them. But you let him sleep, he'll wake up when he's ready. For now, you just wanted to keep enjoying him.
You lifted your free hand to run it gently through his hair, gorgeous and thick. A mess of dark brown hair greying at the sides. A silver fox in the making. It only served to make him more attractive to you. As much as you wished he wouldn't dye it as much, you understood why he did. But during the times when the greys were showing through, you never stopped telling him how much you loved them. It wasn't a lie, you wouldn't lie about that. But there were some insecurities he was dealing with, tied to his body, that he needed to work through and you were more than happy, ready, and willing to be there to work through it with him. To you, Jason was the most beautiful man on the planet. To you, he was perfect.
Your hand trailed from his hair down the back of his neck, your fingers then ghosting over the curve of his ear and to his jaw, careful not to wake him. Your hand moved back up to the top of his forehead, tracing a path down, following the slope of his nose to ghost over his lips. Many sinful thoughts came to your head about that nose, how it rubbed against you just right whenever he decided he wanted to live between your legs. And those lips, forever soft like they had never had a chapped day in their life. But behind them was his tongue. That man and his tongue are a dangerous combination and he knew it. Jason wielded it like a weapon to tease and taunt you, to make you squirm and delight you. To bring you to the point of ecstasy where you can't remember your name. But you would always remember his. It wouldn't leave your lips.
You kept making lines and patterns over his skin down his arm, trying to touch every freckle and mole you could see, passing the time until he woke up. His eyebrows twitched a little at some of the touches, like he was realising that someone else was with him. His eyes soon started to flutter open. It took him a few seconds to fully wake up, collecting his thoughts as he saw you still snuggled up next to him.
‘Hi.’ Jason's voice was a little rough from not having spoken or had anything to drink since last night. To be honest, when his voice was like this, it was pretty sexy to hear.
‘Morning.’ You replied, still tracing patterns back up his arm. Your voice was the same, in all this time you've been awake you hadn't made a sound until now. There wasn't a reason to, no need to break the peace and quiet with an unneeded sound.
‘Is it still morning?’ He pulls you in a little tighter, closing whatever distance had been made during sleep. You look at your watch, curious to the time as well.
‘Only just.’ Only just being eleven thirty. You both had slept fairly late. Although, there was no reason to get up today. No work to do, no commitments to keep, no kids to wrangle. It was a day just for the two of you to share.
‘How long have you been awake?’ Jason knew it couldn't have been long as you hadn't even wiped the sleep from your eyes yet.
‘Don't know… Don't care.’ It was true, you didn't care. You were happy to just lie there and commit his face to memory like you do every time you wake up first. And he knew that's what you were doing.
‘Like what you see?’ A smirk formed at his lips. He already knew the answer. It was the same answer you gave him every time he caught you staring at him and he asked you that question. He just wanted to hear you say it again.
‘Always.’ His smirk turned into a full blown smile at that word, and his puppy dog eyes came out in full force to make you melt into his arms even more ‘You know what I'm going to ask though?’
‘You want to stay in bed a little bit longer.’ It wasn't a question, and the truth was he didn't want to leave either. Why would he ever want to leave the comfort of a nice warm bed as his girlfriend lay next to him in his arms? Only an idiot would do that on a day like this.
‘I don't want to lose this moment.’ Jason leaned over to kiss you softly at that response. The first of many to come, that was for sure. Starting them off tender and sweet while warming up for more playful and passionate ones later. He was going to take his time with you today, but for now he wanted to let you have this moment of complete blissful peace.
‘We won't lose it.’ He gave you another kiss, his nose rubbing against yours a little when he breaks it and smiles at the feeling it brings him. ‘I love you.’ He brought you to lay your head on his chest, his arms wrapped around you, taking a few deep breaths to take it all in and savour the memory. You left a few kisses on his chest and neck before you said the four words he was waiting to hear back.
‘I love you too.’
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briar-ffxiv · 13 days
FFXIV Write #09 - Lend an Ear
FFXIV Write 2024 Master Post
Prompt #9 - Lend an Ear
TW: There is some mention of a dead animal and skinning/cleaning/cooking humanely hunted meat so be warned if that bothers you! It is not descriptive though!
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Briar hummed softly as he pushed the skeins of wool into the large wooden tub. It was full of a murky dye that was careful not to touch with his hands. He'd learned last time the 'dangers' of woad so this time it was a smooth stick used to push and stir the wool, making sure it was thoroughly saturated. Once satisfied, he left it be, turning his attention to another tub.
This one held dye from nettles, mixed with a bit of iron, which would result in a lovely grey-green the half-Elezen was fond of. A clean stick was used to push more wool in, pausing to brush his hair out of his face with a forearm. So focused was Briar on his task that he nearly jumped out of his skin when something thumped heavily to the ground behind him.
He spun, ears up and eyes wide. He stared momentarily at the dead stag before looking up at the thick-muscled Viera near it. As always, Liokki looked half-feral with worn armour, smudges of dirt, and his hair full of twigs and leaves. The wary tension he almost always had only added to the impression of something wild. The Viera shifted a bit, toe-claws digging into the soil as he regarded Briar.
"Good morning, Liokki," Briar said softly. "I wish you wouldn't scare me like that," he noted without venom, moving to examine the stag.
"Ya should be alert," the Viera grumbled in a deep, raspy growl of a voice that saw little use.
"I only hear you when you wish it," Briar said, gently running his hand over the stag's pelt. The antelope was a handsome one with fine horns and a sleek coat, although a glance showed a knee that was injured. Likely the reason Liokki had culled it. The former Wood-Warder made a habit of trying to only take beasts that were weakened or injured, mostly to die anyway.
Briar half-expected Liokki to head back into the woods. The old Viera did not seem to crave company, at least often. So he was surprised when Liokki twitched an ear toward him and grunted. "I'll help you clean it."
Briar blinked but didn't argue, just nodding. He checked the dyes, but they would be fine for a while. They needed to sit anyway. With Liokki's help, the deer was quickly dressed and skinned, the meat broken down and moved to hang in the curing shed at the back of his little cottage. It had taken only a little more than an hour with help and Briar now had a fine cut of venison in his kitchen too.
"Will you stay for supper?" the half-Elezen asked, ear perking as he looked up at Liokki again as he headed back to check his dyes.
Liokki seemed to consider a moment before nodding, watching with interest as Briar eased the wool out of the buckets. Putting on gloves, he squeezed the excess out, admiring the change of the woad from pale to green to a deep blue. He was moving to the nettle dye when the Viera spoke again.
"Can you make red?"
"Red yarn, you mean?" Briar asked as he hung up the other wool. "Of course… What kind of red?"
Briar frowned in thought as he finished arranging his wool to dry. "Madder makes a very good red… Did you want some wool or--"
"Leather," Liokki said, amber-brown eyes looking at Briar.
The half-Elezen tilted his head thoughtfully. "I could use the deerskin you just brought. It would take a little while, but--"
Liokki fidgeted a moment. "Can you make it soft? The leather?" he grunted.
"Of course," Briar said slowly, green eyes suddenly narrowing a little. "…Who is this for? You don't wear red."
Liokki's ears flicked back and his jaw tightened stubbornly as he looked away. Briar frowned, folding his arms and waiting. He noticed the big Viera looking down at his often ragged nails, catching a hint of glitter before Liokki also crossed his arms, stamping one foot slightly in a very hare-like display of irritation.
"…Do you want something for E'mal, Liokki?" Briar asked, lips starting to curve in a small smile.
The Viera just grunted loudly, but his short pale tail twitched back and forth, perking up a bit in a display of excitement. Briar pressed a knuckle to his mouth to keep from chuckling. "I see," he said softly instead. "All right. Give me a sennight or so and I will make sure you have some soft, red deerskin, Liokki."
Briar took a breath and blew it out, trying not to smile too much. He was very much ignoring the fact that the insides of Liokki's ears were pink as the Viera slanted him a look. "Now, since you are staying for supper, is there anything in particular you would like?"
"Rice maybe?" Liokki allowed a hopeful note into his voice.
"That sounds perfect. I have some wild rice that would be lovely with it," Briar said, patting the Viera's thick arm gently as he walked by. "Would you also like some mushrooms perhaps? I know they are a favourite."
Liokki nodded, ears finally rising as he trailed behind Briar toward the cottage to start the meal in question. He paused to glance at the dye buckets again and his tail gave an excited little wiggle before he turned to catch up with Briar.
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E'mal belongs to @midnightmagicks!
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potol0ver · 2 years
Obey me brother head cannons
Mainly body head cannons (sfw I promise)
He has small scars all over his body that you can’t see unless in certain lightings
He at one point dyed his hair with Mammon, that’s why the tips of his hair are grey
His fingers are calloused because of his music playing, you can’t convince me that he only plays piano or one instrument, he can play a whole orchestra by himself
He’s tense as fuck, he needs to go to a massage parlor with Asmo. Like dude- if you touch his back it’ll feel like concrete.
He has an eyebrow piercing, he would get more piercings all over his body but getting the one eyebrow piercing was a hassle bc of his modeling job, it wouldn’t be worth it.
Same with tattoos, I feel like he would get some dynamic thin line tattoos, (ironically) like those succubi tattoos (please tell me you know what I’m talking about) but he doesn’t have any at all just wants one or two
He’s clammy, like really clammy, rivals Levi with that one- both of them are nervous as fuck when mc anyone touches them so, of course, they’re going be sweating
Forked tongue, of fucking course, he also has a tongue piercing that he got with Mammon when he got his eyebrow piercing
Instead of his pupils dilating like a humans it goes into slits like a snake
He has subtle shiny scale like markings on him that you can’t see unless he’s in certain lightings
He’s lanky af
Cold blooded so if you snuggle with him or sm be prepared bc you’ll need a heat source
Again clammy ass hands, if he passes you a controller you’ll need to wipe it off first from all his hand sweat
He’s weirdly cold all the time
He’d be littered with moles and beauty marks, not so much that it’ll look like freckles but will just be everywhere
He’d have small indents on his nose bridge from his reading glasses
He’d also have callouses on his fingers from where his book rests on them
Gets paper cuts more than he’d like to admit
He has rosacea, he doesn’t mind it tho since it’s “free blush”
He also has a couple of beauty marks, more abundant but still there, he’d like them and definitely works them into outfits when he can
This motherfucker has an hourglass shape, you know he does
He gets burned in the sun very easily
He also dyed his hair with Mammon and Lucifer but he liked how the pink tips looked so he keeps up with it now
Freckles, I mean, FRECKLES- everywhere, they’re not too heavy on his face but his chest and shoulders are heavily riddled in them
He has stretch marks from working out and gaining muscle fast. Shoulders, inside of elbows, thighs, etc.
He constantly has food in the corner of his mouth, so please when you kiss him clean his mouth first lol
His hands have seen wear and tear, constantly gets little cuts/bruises on them he doesn’t notice
He also runs into things and doesn’t notice until he sees tiny bruises on his legs and wonders “where did I get that?”
He also has a matching birthmark with Belphie somewhere on his leg.
He also has freckles but isn’t that noticeable
He also has an eyebrow piercing got it before Mammon tho-
This man is skinny af
He also has a matching birthmark with Beel somewhere on his leg.
He tried doing his own hair dye job watching a video on YouTube, you know for a fact it was a video made by a scene kid
He’s scene/emo but doesn’t put in the work for the clothes bc that’s to much work and it’s not comfortable to sleep in
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aces-fav-husband · 2 years
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Straw Hat Pirates Halloween/Autumn Headcanons!
Tags: SFW, GN! reader, can be read as platonic or romantic (minus Chopper’s part, which is purely platonic), literally just what the title says.
Warnings: None!
A/N: Happy Halloween! I think I wrote a lot more for Franky and Robin than I did for anyone else, but please enjoy my silly little headcanons. <3
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This boy loves everything about Halloween. It’s easily his favorite time of the year.
Him, Sabo, and Ace would work on their costumes for days on end, using whatever they could scavenge up in Grey Terminal, Dadan’s shack, and random shit they found in the woods.
Absolutely went as Shanks at least once.
Makino would always insist on making costumes for the three of them, but would always get turned down. This was something the brothers bonded (and competed) over and they wanted to do it without help.
If she finds their costumes, though, she will do her best to touch up their shoddy stitching while they were away.
Luffy, Ace, and Sabo have definitely tried to trick-or-treat in High Town to get the best candy. It’s the perfect time to sneak in- no one would question a couple of little kids running around in masks and shitty costumes, right? It’s just part of the spooky Halloween aesthetic, isn’t it?
Yeah, they stood out like sore thumbs among all the store-bought, clean, not-spooky costumes.
Luffy still makes his own costumes every year, and he has the weirdest and most poorly-made costumes you’ve ever seen. He puts in a ton of effort, though. Every costume is made with his own blood, sweat, and tears, and he takes a lot of pride in them.
“What are you supposed to be, Luffy?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
It isn’t. He’s supposed to be a vampire, but looks more like a starved, mangy gorilla.
He throws a mandatory costume party on the Thousand Sunny every Halloween. There is no getting out of it. If you try to get out of it, Luffy will whine your ears off until you agree and then drag you back to his room so you can help him with his costume.
He still sucks at sewing.
Help him make his costume and he will love you forever. He’ll try to help you with your costume in return, of course.
If you bought a costume, he’ll try to “upgrade” it. How he thought werewolf fur would be an upgrade to what was supposed to be an angel costume, you had no idea. It’s the thought that counts, I guess.
He also eats all the candy and sweets Sanji prepares. Sanji has to prepare extra batches in secret just so you and the rest of the crew can eat.
Knocks himself out pretty quickly, though. He parties hard and crashes even harder after all that sugar. Will fall asleep on you and get clingy.
I feel like his favorite Halloween treat would be caramel apples, especially if Sanji goes the extra mile to make them Halloween-themed. A caramel apple that looks like meat on the bone, completed with some “scary” blood (red food dye), is something he will go insane for.
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Zoro also loves Halloween, but for all the wrong reasons.
Any holiday used as an excuse to drink sake, and Halloween is no exception. This man gets absolutely plastered during Luffy’s party.
You will have to pry the bottle of sake out of his cold, dead hands after his liver fails.
Chopper is so concerned. Please babysit Zoro so he doesn’t actually die.
This mf cannot be trusted around kids during Halloween. If the Sunny is docked at some random island, he’ll find a way to sneak off (probably intending to buy more sake) and end up terrorizing the trick-or-treaters. Will scare the shit out of them and laugh.
Will scare the shit out of you and laugh.
No one is safe, except for Chopper (unless he’s really drunk).
Tells super shitty scary stories.
For the love of god, don’t let Zoro leave the ship. You will not be able to find him for the rest of the night. Don’t let him go alone, at least.
If you go with him, good luck.
If there’s some sort of haunted house close by, you guys will end up going in there.
Huge plus if you scare easily. He feels strong and dependable when you cling onto him. And he’ll poke fun at you for getting startled by the jump scares.
If you don’t scare easily, then you can both make fun of the shitty jump scares.
Zoro puts in no effort when it comes to his costume. Either buys a really shitty mask from the store or goes crazy with the fake blood. Sometimes both.
Always incorporates his swords into his costumes, too.
“What are you, Zoro?”
“A zombie swordsman.”
“All you did was put fake blood on your old clothes, though.”
Compare him to a used menstrual product and he’ll kill you. Possibly already got into a fight with Sanji over that.
He’s probably one of the last people awake, even if he is extremely drunk. You’ll have to drag him to bed while he mutters nonsense.
His hangover the next day is horrible. He will not be able to do anything. Either tries to sleep it off or complains about it endlessly. He wants you to stay with him in both circumstances.
Zoro isn’t a big fan of sweets, so I don’t think he has a favorite Halloween treat.
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Nami loves all things autumn, Halloween included! Just not the scary shit.
Hay rides, corn mazes, pumpkin patches, apple orchards, fall festivals- she loves it all (except for carving pumpkins because they smell like ass). If she gets the chance to go to any of those, she will take it and drag you along with her.
Will also drag you along with her when she goes shopping. Although that activity isn’t a fall-exclusive one, she still loves it. Will try to get you to buy a matching outfit.
Also makes Sanji get pumpkin spice as soon as it starts being sold again. In a modern AU, she would get that Starbucks pumpkin spice shit all the time.
She loves baking. Bakes an excessive amount of pies and cookies and pumpkin breads (just another reason for Luffy to love autumn).
Bellemere absolutely went all out during Halloween/autumn for Nami and Nojiko (to the best of her ability), so October is a super nostalgic and a slightly melancholy time for her. Especially since she couldn’t celebrate for a long time because of Arlong.
She wants to spend as much time with you and the rest of the crew as she can and go all out with decorations. Will absolutely talk about old memories of hers if you give her the chance.
But onto the actual Halloween headcanons.
Nami would take you to go costume shopping with her, but would buy it behind your back and keep her costume a secret up until the night of Luffy’s party. Her and Usopp would try to do a group costume theme, likely dragging you and Chopper into it while they’re at it.
Either works perfectly or everyone’s theme ideas are too different, so you scrap the plan.
You know that one quote from Mean Girls?
“In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it."
This 100% applies to Nami. She will pull out the sluttiest costume you’ve ever seen.
Like… you’ve seen lingerie that covers more skin.
“Is this supposed to be your costume..?”
“Obviously. I’m a cat- didn’t you see the ears?”
She’s just wearing lingerie with a cat ear headband.
Loves Luffy’s mandatory costume party. She’s the one that decorates for it, helps Sanji with the food, and plans out all the activities. She wants everyone to have as much fun as possible, so there are lots of party games and themed sweets.
Will get into a drinking competition with Zoro if you and the crew place bets on them. She’d do it for some extra cash.
Will get fucked up and you’ll have to send her to bed early, but she’ll have no regrets (if she won). All smiles and happy that she got to spend the night with the people she loves.
I feel like her favorite Halloween treat would be fruit flavored gummies, but her favorite fall treat would be peach and berry cobbler. She also hates candy corn.
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Similar to Nami, Usopp loves autumn and all the festivities that come with it, but he lowkey hates Halloween.
Like, he enjoys the pumpkin carvings and the costume making, but he hates all the scary stuff that comes with a holiday like Halloween. Haunted houses? Spooky decor? Monsters? No thank you. He could barely handle Brook.
A victim of Zoro’s scares. </3
Will get upset with you if you purposefully scare him or set him up to be scared. Be nice to him please.
Swamps himself with personal projects for October. You’re always invited to hang out with him in his workshop as he distracts himself with his creations (and hides from Zoro).
Make sure you drag him out every now and then to do non-spooky activities. I suggest a petting zoo or some sort of farm. Maybe a nice hike to take in the beautiful scenery.
Absolutely loves bonfires and making s’mores. Just don’t tell any scary stories, okay? His heart can’t handle that.
He also loves autumn candles, cinnamon brooms, and scented pinecones. Him and his workshop smell so goddamn good.
This man is the king of carving/painting pumpkins. He makes the coolest designs every year and he has a lot of pride in that. He wins any competition having to do with aesthetics. He always harvests the seeds for Sanji to roast.
He makes the autumn decorations for Nami. Wreathes, cute scarecrows, little paper leaves to string up around the Sunny- that kind of stuff.
Also this man totally crochets and knits shit for you and everyone else on the crew. Expect a sweater when it starts getting cold.
Him and Robin work together to make Chopper’s costume. With the two of them collaborating, they make literal art for the reindeer. Will make you a costume if you ask.
Obviously makes his own costume. He’ll go as less scary versions of classic monsters or heroes from whatever comic books he finds in the New World. Asks for your input when he hits mental roadblocks.
“Hey (Name), do you think my costume would look better if I added this to it?”
Shows up fashionably late to Luffy’s party. Which is completely intentional and not because he started questioning some of his design choices for his costume and had to make some last minute changes.
Spends a lot of the night eating and dancing.
Is super proud of himself when he wins a game and gets smug about it.
He knocks himself out pretty early, but not as early as Chopper. Wakes up glad that Halloween is finally over and still feels some residual pride after winning.
Usopp’s favorite Halloween treats are pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. He’s festive like that. Keeps a jar of them in his workshop so he can snack while he works.
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Sanji did not give a shit about Halloween for the longest time. He couldn’t really celebrate it with his family (“you’re above that”) or on the Baratie, so Halloween was just another day for him.
That is, until he found out about slutty costumes.
Now he goes crazy for Halloween every year.
Other than that, he doesn’t really have any interest in the holiday.
He is, however, very interested in the farmers markets that always pop up at this time.
He’ll invite you to go with him and help him pick out the best seasonal ingredients.
Corn, apples, potatoes, squashes, sweet potatoes, eggplants. Also snags some spices so he can make a pumpkin spice blend for Nami.
Like this mf gets everything. You struggle to keep up with him as he explains what dishes he’s going to make with all the produce.
Would also go apple/berry picking with you. He finds the ripest, sweetest fruits ever.
Him and Nami exchange new dessert recipes all the time.
The kitchen has seasonal decorations, but nothing flammable and nothing close to the stove/oven. (Luffy tried to hang one of Usopp’s wreaths above the stove and almost caused a fire.)
Doesn’t really give a shit about his own costume, but he always looks really good in whatever he picks.
He goes for simple costumes that don’t heavily alter his appearance. Think butlers, vampires, devils, cowboys, etc.
He does buy a ton of accessories for his costumes, though.
“Do you really need this for your costume?”
Yes he does.
Spends all day working on the food for Luffy’s party, with the help of Nami and you. Super spent at the end of it, but very proud and happy.
Makes the food Halloween themed and tries to give it some nutritional value.
He also makes actual food and snacks and not just desserts/candies.
Sanji definitely wasn’t the biggest fan of the Halloween party at first, but it very quickly grew on him (totally not because of the sexy costumes).
Absolutely shits on Zoro for the insane amount of fake blood he uses on his costume. Zoro shits on him for picking a boring costume.
He has a ton of fun at the party though.
Doesn’t get as wasted as Zoro, but does drink.
Drunk Sanji is super funny tbh. Cracks some really funny jokes and manages to tell some really good stories.
Is complete ass at some of the games, but he doesn’t care. He can have fun without winning.
Another person who goes to sleep kinda early.
Sanji’s favorite Halloween treat would be chocolate covered pretzels, maybe peanut brittle. He loves the combination of salty and sweet. I also feel like he would enjoy black licorice.
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Chopper had never heard of Halloween. Well, he’s heard of it, but never really knew what it was.
Whenever he and Dr. Kureha traveled around Drum to help people in October, it was all the children talked about.
Dr. Kureha would always brush him off when he asked about it, saying that it wasn’t anything he should preoccupy himself with (she didn’t want him to get hurt again).
But once that he’s with the Straw Hats and they explain the concept to him? He goes fucking crazy for it now.
Not for the horror aspect of it, but he adores the costumes and the trick-or-treating.
This mf also goes crazy for fall festivals.
When you finally stop at an island that has a fall festival, Chopper practically drags you off the Sunny to go.
Agua frescas, funnel cakes, donuts, cookies, fried chocolate bars, huge ice cream cones, cotton candy, milkshakes, etc. He loves all the shit that you can eat/drink there as long as it’s sweet.
Ends up getting a bad stomach ache though.
Gets kinda frustrated and sad when he struggles to win any prizes.
You have to explain to him that the games at the festival aren’t meant for you to win and he gets mad at the people running the games for scamming.
You finally win (or steal) a massive stuffed animal for him and he loves it. He shows it off to everyone when you finally get back to the Sunny.
He is in awe of the color of the leaves. They’re just so pretty and he’s never seen anything like it.
He likes stepping on the super crunchy ones.
That gives you the idea to make a massive pile of leaves for him to play in.
He loves it. Makes leaf-angels, throws leaves everywhere, buries himself.
He invites you to play with him and you both have a blast.
He never has to worry about his costume, since Robin and Usopp always make it for him.
His costumes are always adorable, even if he’s supposed to be a monster or something spooky.
“Your costume is so cute, Chopper! Are you a bat?”
“It’s supposed to be scary!”
Him and Luffy party so hard on Halloween night.
Eats almost as much candy as Luffy and passes out in a similar way.
Dances with you and plays as many games as he can before the sugar crash takes him out.
You have to carry him back to his bed before he falls asleep on the floor. He has a smile on his face and thanks you for making everything extra fun.
Chopper’s favorite Halloween candy would be candy corn and those pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies.
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As a kid, Robin used to love Halloween and go all out for it.
All the archeologists would decorate the library inside the Tree of Knowledge with things like fake spider webs, paper ghosts, and small pumpkins to make it fun for Robin.
She always had the cutest costumes. She would dress up as her favorite book characters or archeologists she looked up to.
She wanted to stay inside and continue studying, but the professors managed to convince her to go outside and be a kid.
Would share her candy with Professor Clover and everyone else and end up passing out at the library.
She has not celebrated Halloween once since the fall of Ohara.
Not because she didn’t want to, but because she couldn’t. She either couldn’t go out without fear of being recognized or whoever she was working under at the time wouldn’t let her.
Fast forward and she’s with you and the Straw Hats. She’s finally able to celebrate it again and she is lowkey excited.
Reads scary stories and gothic novels all October to get herself into the spooky mood.
She’ll invite you to sit next to her by the campfire as she tells everyone the most horrific scary story you have ever heard. Usopp dies inside.
Her morbid sense of humor really comes out at this time of the year, which is occasionally directed towards Brook.
If there’s a haunted house/hay ride, scary maze, escape room, or anything else like that, Robin will going and will be taking you with her.
Chuckles if you get scared and tries to warn you when there’s an upcoming jumpscare (she can see them coming from a mile away).
Out of all of the scary activities, escape rooms are her favorite. The majority of the time she can figure them out easily, but once every blue moon, there’s an escape room that requires more effort than usual.
Always let’s you help out with the puzzles. Escape rooms are really boring if only one person is doing all the work. She wants it to be fun for both of you, not just her.
Bonus points if you both are actively being chased/hunted while in the escape room. The added tension is so exciting for her, even if it isn’t particularly scary.
She would also love petting zoos. Her favorite animals are the goats. They’re just so goofy and she can’t help but love them.
Robin makes her own costumes and they are always beautiful.
Definitely goes for a classic gothic vampire for her first Halloween with you and the Straw Hats.
Goes the extra mile with accessories.
“Wow, Robin, your costume is gorgeous! I love the fake bone jewelry.”
“Thank you, but these are real.”
You can’t tell if she’s serious or if it’s her sense of humor.
In a modern AU, she would try to get you, Franky, and Chopper to all go as the Addams Family. Chopper is Pugsley and you and Franky have to fight over who’s going to be Gomez and Wednesday. Robin serves cunt as Morticia.
She’s always the first one to show up for the Halloween party.
Wins quite a few of the party games that Nami set up, much to Usopp’s chagrin. She lets him win a few to boost his ego.
Takes you to dance with her when Brook plays slower songs, listening to you talk about whatever you’ve been up to leading up to the party.
Drinks a lot of red wine, but doesn’t get plastered like Nami and Zoro. Looks elegant as hell while she’s drinking in her costume.
She’s the last one to go to bed. If you stay up with her, she’ll tell you a little about her past Halloweens and forgotten traditions.
Robin’s favorite Halloween treat is sour gummy worms. She loves sour candies and the fact that they resemble worms makes them perfect for Halloween.
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Franky fucking loves Halloween. Always has, always will. If Halloween has 1,000,000 fans, Franky is one of them. If Halloween has 1,000 fans, Franky is one of them. If Halloween has 1 fan, it’s Franky.
Loved going Trick-or-Treating with Tom, Kokoro, and Iceburg. Halloween was something they all loved and they celebrated it with gusto.
He still competed with Iceburg, though. Who had the better costume? Who got the most candy? Who could finish their work in time to go Trick-or-Treating?
Iceburg usually took that last one.
But the sentiment carried over after Tom’s death and Franky grew up.
The Halloween parties that the Franky Family would throw were insane. Nobody outside of the Family was invited, but tons of people turn up anyway.
Like, Franky knows how to throw a party. Tons of food, booze, and cola were present, along with good company. These guys would go crazy for hours.
No one in Water 7 gets sleep on Halloween because the Family will be blasting music into the early hours of the morning.
He is always so hyped for Luffy’s Halloween party. He will talk your ears off about all his plans for October and the party.
He loves going apple picking. There’s something so very therapeutic about being in the orchard and finding the best apples with you.
He makes his own homemade cider with the apples you both picked, which is pretty damn good.
He’s also a sucker for cookouts. Sanji usually handles all the cooking, but Franky will be on the grill. Don’t argue with him.
It isn’t on par with what Sanji makes, but he puts his heart into those hotdogs and burgers.
Makes a really good steak, too. Once again, not Sanji-levels of good, but the man knows his way around a grill.
Would go into shock if you asked him for a well done steak. Why would you do that to a perfectly good piece of meat?!
Always helps to set up for the bonfires.
Makes the most s’mores. He always sets the marshmallows on fire, though. He claims that charred marshmallows are the best.
You can hear the crispness of the poor mallow as he bites into it. That mf is fossilized.
Builds animatronics for the party and they are the coolest things ever. They look so realistic and scary and they’re amazing.
Modern AU Franky would recreate FNAF as per Luffy’s request. The Bite of ‘87 will happen.
Franky also makes his own costumes.
Well, he makes the accessories. He has to buy the clothing part of it. It’s not that he can’t sew- he can -it’s just that he sucks at making clothes.
He prefers to go as traditional monsters like Frankenstein, werewolves, ghosts, etc.
He also will put on Halloween makeup. Will gladly let you apply it for him if you’re good with makeup.
One of the only times he will put on pants is if he’s wearing a costume. Even then, he tries to think of ways to still achieve the look he’s going for without wearing them.
He loves matching/themed costumes. If you match with him, it’ll make his year. He gets so happy and excited.
“We look super good, (Name)!”
Goes so hard during Luffy’s party. He has been looking forward to it for weeks and he is not afraid to let the world know that.
He drinks a ton of his homemade cider and cracks a bunch of jokes.
Loves everything about the party. He wants to do everything he possibly can.
He’s the first to start dancing and convinces you and your crewmates to get out onto the dance floor with him.
He’s really good at dancing tbh. Dancing with him is a blast.
Gets wiped out after a while and has to sit down and recharge with a cola. There’s a 50/50 chance that he will end up falling asleep before he can get to the cola.
Franky doesn’t really have a favorite Halloween treat, but he loves anything homemade. He destroys all of Nami and Sanji’s baked goods. If you make him something, he will gladly eat it and tell you it was super delicious.
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Brook feels pretty neutral about Halloween. He hasn’t celebrated it since he was a kid and doesn’t have much interest in celebrating it now (unless partying is involved).
His favorite part about this Halloween is that no one bats an eye at him being a skeleton. And that he gets to make 10x more skeleton jokes than usual.
(And the sexy costumes.)
He loves autumn, though! His first autumn outside of the Florian Triangle makes him really emotional.
Gets pretty melancholy when he thinks about how much of his life that he missed, but is very grateful to be alive in that moment.
If you really like Halloween, he will gladly participate in Halloween activities with you.
He’s not a huge fan of haunted houses or corn mazes.
He has gone to haunted houses with you before and he ends up scaring the actors when they realize he’s a real skeleton.
He has to turn down multiple job offers.
He really likes pumpkin patches and fall festivals, though!
They’re so lively and colorful and they make him feel happy to be alive. Especially seeing how excited the other people (and you) are to be there.
Speaking of colorful, he loves going on nature walks and taking in the color of the leaves changing. He’ll collect any leaves that he thinks are especially pretty and show them to you.
Being out in the wild with all the natural beauty inspires him.
He writes multiple songs while he’s out there. The majority of them are rock and roll, but there are some more classical songs mixed in there.
You’re the first one to listen to all his new songs.
He’ll whip out his old fiddle and play hauntingly beautiful music, then switch to his guitar and put on a Soul King performance.
He also loves walking around and looking at all the Halloween decorations with you. Brook loves seeing people be passionate about things, even if it’s something he doesn’t have much interest in.
When it comes to costumes, he usually just buys something related to the dead/undead.
Ghosts, zombies, the Headless Horseman- that kinda stuff.
You could throw a white sheet over him and recreate that one Spongebob Halloween special.
BUT, if he finds a really good silicone mask that looks mostly human, he will wear it for shits and giggles.
“I’m just bones underneath! Yohohohoho!”
Thinks that it’s peak humor.
He always parties hard and Luffy’s Halloween party is no exception.
He’ll bust out the new rock songs he wrote earlier that month and preform them for everyone.
Drinks a lot of booze and gets wasted.
Also gets a lot more vulgar.
But he keeps the mood lighthearted and cracks just as many jokes as Franky.
At some point does stand up comedy when he gets drunk enough.
It’s not bad.
Ends off the night with one final song before heading to bed.
Brook would say that his favorite Halloween treat is candy bones, but it’s really anything with peanut butter.
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Jinbe is also really neutral about Halloween. 
It isn’t really celebrated by anyone in the Fishman District, excluding a few young children who were fascinated by human culture.
It is celebrated in Ryugu, though.
When he first returned to Fishman Island, he was asked to participate in some of the Halloween activities.
He gave out either the best or the worst candy and didn’t dress up for it.
He doesn’t know what the point of Halloween is.
Doesn’t really get the appeal of the horror aspect of it, either. Why would you intentionally scare yourself?
He’ll still go with you to haunted houses and listen to you talk about anything horror-related, of course.
He prefers the Trick-or-Treating and costume aspects of the holiday. It’s kinda strange but cute.
Since this is his first time celebrating Halloween with you and the Straw Hats, you have to explain a few of the traditions to him.
In exchange, he shares some of the Fishman Island traditions with you.
Pumpkin carving/painting becomes a favorite activity of his quickly. Not only is it fun, but he likes the idea behind it.
He likes the outdoor activities, like picking out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and bonfires.
Jinbe tells the best bonfire stories ever. They aren’t scary (that’s Robin’s job), but they are super entertaining and funny.
He sets a few marshmallows on fire, but not intentionally. Eventually he gets the hang of it and roasts golden brown marshmallows every time.
He gives them to you, Chopper, and Luffy since he isn’t the biggest on sweets.
He also likes going to the fall festival with everyone.
He goes on a few of the rides with you, but they aren’t his favorite things in the world. He prefers the games.
He is godly at carnival games. There isn’t a game that he can’t win.
When it comes to costumes, Jinbe doesn’t put much effort into them.
He usually just throws something together with whatever’s in his closet.
Doesn’t overdo it with accessories either.
Tbh he doesn’t know what he’s going for, he’s just throwing shit on that’s vaguely Halloween-esque.
“What are you, Jinbe?”
It’s whatever you think it is. You gotta use your imagination.
He participates in all the party activities, but he spends most of his time drinking with Zoro and talking to you about life.
He will start dancing once Franky gets on the floor. He’s a good dancer tbh.
He participates in a few of the games and activities at your request, but usually sits out.
Wins any card games.
He makes sure everyone is where they’re supposed to be and alive before he goes to his room.
Thanks you for a fun night before he goes to sleep.
Jinbe’s favorite Halloween treat isn’t much of a “treat”- it’s pumpkin soup. He likes how smooth it is and loves the taste of pumpkin.
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mikalame · 1 year
hey!! i hope ur doing good<3!
can u please write manzini fluff or just general headcanons w/ a reader who has a emo/punk style? if he'd try on anything or shop w/ reader, just stuff like that!
enjoy ur night/day💜💜
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"Stop complaining mister, you said that if i won in the race i could do your make-up so hush" You snap at your boyfriend whose wiggling in your make-up chair.
"Yeah i didn't expect you to go all out you know, just thought you would do my make-up not make me a whole new person" He groans looking at the mirror the dreads that are clipped back pulling on some of the little baby hairs.
You put some light conclear under his eyes to make the eyeliner you smudge around his eyes really pop. "Now Kristoffer i need you to stay SUPER still so i dont stab your eye cause im bout to tight line it mmk"? you say holding his face in a death grip his cheeks pushing together making his lips smush.
"O-okay" he mutters i little terrafide that your are putting a pencil near his eye but non the less he lets you continue. "I trust you" he says as he watches the pencil get closer to his eye "Are you sure the grip you have on the armchair right now would tell me other wise" you giggle softly before pulling his lower eyelid down and gentaly running the pencil over it.
After you finish that up you quickly apply some mascara pulling the eye make-up together. You step back adimering you work before grabbing some highliter and lightly dusting it over his cheekbones and nose to give him that sorta Edward Cullen look.
"We done" he smiles desprately wanting this to be over "no not yet" you run to the bathroom and grab some black hairspray temporary dye. "YOUR NOT DYEING MY HAIR BLACK" Kristoffer jumps from the chair holding his hair as if it would fall out if you got the can anywhere near his hair.
"Its only temporay it will wash out in like 2 washes if you scrub hard enough" You say rolling your eyes sarcasticly while shaking up the tube. You hear a groan before the chair sqeaks as kristoffer sits back down he eyebrows scrunched hands clamped togther.
"You'll be fine kæreste (sweetheart in danish i did you google translate tho sorry)" you grab a row of dreads a spray over them the black washing over them completely before you move onto the next row. You made sure to do all the visible dreads first just in case there wasn't enough spray to cover them all and your glad you did as the can could only cover like 90% of the dreads.
"Hair all done what do you think babe" You spin his chair to face the mirror like they did at the salon. Kristoffer's eyes which had been shut tight slowly opening them squinting in the mirror before opening them completely taking in the whole affect.
"Wow babe, didnt think i would look this great with spray dye black hair gosh" he says with fake shock. You smack him lightly over his head rolling your eyes again at his antics. You move towards the closet to grab some clothes of his that could kinda match the look you were going for.
Only finding a black baggy shirt you were NOT happy you rummage through your draws and find a back singlet with some graffic design on it. You chuck it over your shoulder "Put this on" you say to Kristoffer "Wait i have to dress as well" he sighs but goes along with it "of course you have to dress up dont be ridiculous" you say leaning on your hip sassy chucking a pair of your black yoga pants that would stretch comfortably over his waist.
"Pants as well" he groans grabbing the pants you chucked at him before gripping the bottom of his shirt pulling it over his head gasping when he sees some black residue on the neckline of his grey shirt "Ah there spray on my shirt" "It'll wash out" you laugh grabbing it and putting it inside of the washing basket.
You turn back around and see a struggling Kristoffer his arms in an uncomfortable position bent at a weird angle with the shirt bunched up at his collar bone "Help" he says. You giggle before rushing to help him get unstuck.
Straightening the shirt once you fixed it you move a couple of his braid around to make them look nice and neat before turning around so he could remove his pants while also grabbing a couple of your studded belts, necklaces and bracelets with vibrant colours.
"The yoga pants are doing wonders for your ass babe" you laugh when you turn around "my ass always looks great thank you very much" he says snapping his fingers making you laugh even harder "really getting into character now, well put these on" you say showing him the assortment of accessory's you placed on the bed in there respective groups.
"Ooooo" Kristoffer says grabbing the colourful accessories and putting them on " How do i look" he smiles brightly showing off his outfit doing a quick 360 of it all "very snazzy" you giggle.
With the outfit you are currently wearing and Kristoffers new outfit you decide you need to do a cute little photo shoot. You drag you boyfriend over to you decorated wall and make him do some poses before you get dragged to go some selfies with him, laughing your asses off while snapping photos.
A week later Kristoffer comes back to your house running up to your room after your parents said that you were in the shower and you would be a couple minutes longer. He closes the door behind him and takes in the room's decor noticing something was a little off. His eyes leading over to your photo wall his eyes focusing on some of the new photos. A couple of your friends at some concert and some random ones of pets and then seeing a few of the pictures you two took together his eyes softening running his finger over the picture smiling softly.
Hope you enjoyed please do leave requests of anybody you would like i can even be people i haven't written before i am trying to get back into writing.
Taglist: @oppopotamus@violentnewmarley@saumspam@adissonsss
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
I love your bleach paint shirts they are amazing and you look incredible 🌠
Would you by any chance have any pointers on how to get started with that for someone who'd love to do stuff with bleach but has zero idea how it works nor much artistic talent/skills?
Honestly the reason I'm so into bleach painting lately is that I tried it last year and discovered it is like. CRAZY easy to do. all you need is regular household bleach, an area that it's ok to get bleach on, and a paintbrush. other stuff that's useful is electrical tape and card (for masking/stencilling) and a good spray bottle/mister. Recycling the kind of spray bottles cleaning products come in will give you a very blotchy/streaky effect which looks cool but will probably not stencil super well in my experience - I use a hairdressing mist bottle for stencils that gives a really even coverage.
As a step by step, my process looks like:
Put on light coloured clothes/clothes I don't care about, make sure soft furnishings are well out of the way, and cover any fabric (I have lino floors so usually just move the rug and work directly onto the floor)
Get the clothing I want to work on and put some thick cardboard inside it to hold it flat and make sure I don't bleach through onto the back
Draw out a design in however much detail is useful to you. I use a white pencil so it shows up well - dressmakers chalk would probably also be a good shout.
Cut any stencils I want to use (card, cartridge paper or tracing paper all work but bleach will just soak through regular paper. I have also had solid results cutting shapes directly out of gaffer tape) and stick them on with double sided tape.
Pour some bleach into a jar to work with, put bleach in the mister. Make sure you have some tissue or paper towel on hand bc bleach does go everywhere.
Paint with the bleach! I just use regular nylon paintbrushes for this. You should see the line developing almost straight away, but it might take a while depending on the fabric - sometimes you have to paint a bit blind while the bleach takes a while to work. Resist the urge to paint over it again until you've given it plenty of time!
Rinse it when you think it's developed enough! As soon as I'm done, I take the shirt to the bathroom, take the cardboard out, hang it up in the shower and just fire water at it. Once the water runs clearish, I rinse it properly in the sink. I do the shower step to make sure I've taken off a decent amount of the surface bleach before I submerge it cause I worry about the bleach spreading, but it may not be a necessary step. The water will probably run rust-red or grey for a while - that's what you want, that's the dye washing out of the bleached fabric.
I usually hang it on the bath for a tiny bit to drain off and do any last bits of developing, then stick it in the washing machine on a rinse/spin cycle.
Once it's dry you did it! New t-shirt!
Strongly recommend buying a good few plain black t-shirts to practise on and try out techniques with ☺️ I may go to fast fashion hell for this but I have a box of like 5 black shirts in my wardrobe that I replenish regularly for when I Get The Urge - I get ones that are like £3 from supermarkets and Primark/H&M and hoard them 😅
More details under the cut:
Some stuff about the properties of bleach:
Compared to pretty much any paint, bleach is SUPER viscous. Putting a brush in and pulling it out will stretch out a long string of bleach, and you have to reload the brush a LOT because it'll really only do one brush stroke because bleach likes to stick together
There's a temptation, always, to water it down to make it lighter or easier to work with. DON'T DO THIS (except if it won't come out of a spray bottle without it, and then water it down SUPER sparingly). Reducing the concentration of the bleach will extremely suddenly take it from "will give you a clear bright line" to "the fabric is very slightly paler if you squint in the right light"
The wetter the fabric gets, the more all the bleach will spread. So the more layers of bleach you put on the surface, the less crisp and more glowy the mark gets. In particular, cause spraying the fabric gets it fairly wet, I would always advise doing most spraying and stenciling last if you want to mix painting and stenciling.
Bleach obviously develops over time - depending on the fabric and the concentration you should get a fairly clear idea of how it's going to look after 5 minutes or so, but it will keep developing for a while and it looks a bit darker when it's wet, so you don't 100% know how it'll turn out until it's washed and dry.
There's two ways to moderate tone in bleach painting:
How much bleach you put on the surface (which you can control either by how much bleach is on the brush, or by layering up several rounds of bleach...remembering that the more you layer it, the blurrier it gets)
How long it sits (there's an upper limit to this - if it's been 10 or 15 minutes and it's still not as bright as you want you probably need to go over it again)
Because of this, you always want to start with the stuff you want to be brightest - so, on the ACAB design I started with the highlights on the lettering and the pig, the white squares on his hat, and his white fangs. Then I did the outlines, then worked down from brown to black.
Design notes:
You can't rely on getting crisp edges when you layer bleach on bleach, so I think it helps to leave some empty space around key details like lettering (like a black outline). One thing I've been experimenting with is masking areas off with cut out electrical tape or gently stuck-down card stencils that cover slightly more area than the design so I can work on a background without making everything a blurry mess
It's also very hard to rely on how dark or light an area will come out, so if you try to do bright white against dark brown, you might end up with a whole area of bright white. So again, outlines and empty space are your friends.
Bleach does spread and it is heavily affected by the weave of the fabric, so don't rely on getting tiny clear detail
Cool stuff bleach can do:
Spraying from a mister, spraying from a spray bottle, and just splashing/dribbling/throwing bleach directly onto the surface all give really different and fun effects and it's really nice to layer those up imo
Because of how viscous bleach is, you often leave drops and trails of bleach unexpectedly when you move your brush. this is a feature not a bug it looks Cool And Punk and you can use it to add interest
Different fabrics go different colours. Some go bright white, some go orangey/yellow - if you're really lucky, I've seen some t-shirts that go a really reddish orange and you get some cool bloody effects like that. As far as I can tell, fabrics with a higher cotton content are likely to go brighter (my denim jacket has gone almost bone white under concentrated bleach whereas most cotton mix t-shirts I've done go a fairly bright yellow/orange) while ones with a higher synthetic content may bleach a bit darker/greyer/murkier.
One other note is that bleach does damage the fabric's integrity a tiny bit. Not much, but if when you rinse it the back side of the fabric is more or less as bright as the front, you might want to treat the shirt with a little more care than otherwise - it's not a huge issue, but a few of the shirts that my partner made a few years back have started to develop holes in areas where there's been particularly heavy bleach.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
Oh my gosh, colorless au! I can already imagine the stunning visuals! Although I have to say, when it comes to the colorless parts, I don't think they should be all shades of grey like how we typically depict colorless things. Since Alma color trauma stems from standing out amongst the wilderness, the colorless parts should be dull shades of brown and green. I also think this version of Encanto, or at least the colorless parts, should look somewhat overgrown (courtesy of Isabella), with the houses and paths hidden by foliage, because Alma would want to hide the Encanto from invaders. I'm really wondering how the story of Encanto would go with the elements of Coco mixed in, does Mirabel get cursed and go to the land of the dead? would Mirabel's goal be saving the miracle or trying to convince her Abuela to accept color again? Speaking of the miracle, what about the candle? It normally shines a bright yellow, would the candle be different or would Alma simply hide it? So many questions!!! Please at least give me a colorless Casita
Sobbing I so glad you like it <333
I do agree with the being the colors being not out there. Covered in foliage. In the original post, I did want to use neutrals along with muted, and possibly desaturated, in some cases, colors. They don't stand out as much (although I am biased, because gray is my favorite colors, and most of the clothes i tend to wear are on the darker/desaturated side).
I also like the foliage idea! I think even before Isabela got her gift, don't think care for the exterior of the house would be prioritized, as they want it to overgrown.
Also, while it's no enforced, it's heavily 'suggested', that you wear darkened clothes, muted and desaturated. Implied. It's kind of considered taboo (bad luck even) to wear bright, light colors. Clothing dye is very rare, and marks up at a high rate since it isn't made on the regular. How Mirabel gets access to these? Probably Agustín. Ignore the fact that I didn't do the embroidery 💀 colors for the family aren't set in stone, but its mainly to get an idea.
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Also, Casita. I really wanted an au where Casita was in a mountain becase houses inside of mountains are so cool. Plus it quite literally blends it. Colors aren't set in stone, i just took the colors from what I remember and timed them down by a ton and removed the flowers and replaced it with overgrown plants. Possibly weeds. They live at the top, and while it's not a long walk, it is always snowing and cold (not because of Pepa though, that's just the magic and natural nature things) so it's not unusual to see the Madrigals coming down the mountain with some kind of covering over them. The inside of Casita is pretty warm though, it's not cold.
Can you tell I suck at drawing houses.
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As for the candle, I think it would be different, but probably not by much. And I imagine Alma doesn't just keep it in the window, and if she does, it's not shining as bright. Not because of problems (until later), but just because. Alma kind of wills it to not be too bright.
And Mirabel, going to the land of the dead. Yes. How she gets there. I'm not sure. Right now, the best I can come up with is that she does something with the candle and accidentally ends up there. And Pedro is the only person who she can think of to send her back, so she's basically running around looking for him (while also being mezmorized by the brightness, and lights, and colors of the land of the dead.)
And I don't mind the questions❗❗ Just shows me your genuinely interested <33
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archiveofmypinkmind · 2 months
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-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Charm _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
-------------------------ᓚᘏᗢ 16 ᓚᘏᗢ she/her ᓚᘏᗢ --------------------
Over excitable but well meaning, she has a big heart that loves many things- her friends, family, her black cat Liquorice, the supernatural, and her absolute favourite thing: extra terrestrials. She has believed in aliens since the moment she heard of them. It's the very core of her personality, and she relishes in the chance to talk about sightings and rumours. She even runs her own blog, Charming the Unknown, documenting her own research and apparent discoveries. It's quite popular... in specific circles.
Her obsession quickly went from cute (if not a little childish) to unsettling when the new kid, Laika, showed up. Charm was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He's so strange! Have you noticed he never hangs out with anyone after school? And he never tells anyone anything about his life at all His eyes glowed during the black out, didn't anyone else see that!?
No one else appreciated her vocalising these...inconsistencies. It kind of freaked them out. Even her closest friends thought it was getting out of hand. But she knows something is off about Laika, even if no one believes her. She's determined to prove herself right!
Wait...where did he go?
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-
Thank you for your patience, it's a delight to introduce you all to Charm! I first created her in 2019, she's changed a lot since then. I've recently been reworking her universe and story. It's funny, the first full drawing I post here isn't even one of my pink coded characters! Charm and her universe aren't my main muses but they are all still so dear and special to me.
I don't really have any WIP's since I used a photo of myself as a reference, but I included the little bit I can share under the cut, as well as some fun tid bits about her design <3
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Her jumper (or, if you're American, her sweater) is based on a real jumper I own from Dangerfield. I got rid of the turtleneck as honestly, even IRL I don't like it that much but luckily it's not the star of the show! Fun fact about this jumper- it glows in the dark! And yes, so Charm's jumper glows in the dark, too!
She was originally pink-coded as well before I decided I just have too darn many pink oc's. She originally wore a grey bomber jacket adorned with NASA and alien patches on top of a pink jumper with a little black cat face on it. I really wanted to keep the alien/space/cat motif. If I find my original drawings, I'll share it with you all!
She may be Indonesian, but she lives in Australia, so she does wear a school uniform when she isn't wearing her casual clothes. Her story takes place in the early 2010s.
She always was a red-head, it wasn't until recently I thought it would make more sense in the setting for her to dye her hair red than have it be natural. She likes her roots showing, so she gets it done a few centimetres away from her scalp.
I tried using this...idk, pixel-y brush for the first time? I kind of like it. Suits the theme.
Yes, her hair outline being a darker colour of her hair is inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic's artstyle.
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