#i was sad that i wasn't excited for the release but then i realized. we haven't heard a single second of it. once a song comes out and
dotster001 · 1 year
Dark End
A/N: Another, For Tuna, custom content end is here! I've tagged everyone from the of tag list, and everyone who voted for this particular end. If you wanna add your vote for the next one, you can do so in the comments here.
CW: Kidnapping, Yandere, manipulation
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Choose Another Ending
You groaned, and lifted your head, your neck aching from resting in that position for so long.
How long was it?
The last thing you remembered, you were sipping tea with Jade, and he had said something about 'going home'. You made to stretch, and realized your hands were restrained behind your back. You shook yourself in your chair, hoping the chains were loose, but alas, nothing.
But the rattling was also how you realized you were not on the surface. 
The bubbles around you cleared, and you were met with two pairs of glowing, mismatched eyes. You couldn't help but roll your own as you released a released breath.
"Ha ha, very funny. You guys got me." You were used to the twins…. unconventional….pranks, at this point. You were pretty sure this one was to illustrate how easily you could be gently kidnapped. They'd been telling you to up your security system for months now.
"Heh heh," two voices echoed from the darkness.
"I get the point, I'll buff up security, and let you walk me to classes. Now are you going to untie me, or have I not learned my lesson yet?"
The glowing eyes turned to each other, before turning back to you. You shivered, your gut telling you you wouldn't like the expressions they were giving one another.
"Fu fu, while we appreciate you finally listening to us, that's not what we are here to discuss today," Jade said, his ever present smirk able to be heard in his tone.
The pair of eyes you knew to be Floyd's swum closer to you, bringing his eel form into view. No matter how many times you saw it, it took your breath away. So handsome, and yet so intimidating. But when you got over your initial awe, you noticed him holding a struggling, and gagged, Grim in his arms.
"What's happening here?" You laughed nervously.
"Hmm? Oh! Sealio," Floyd giggled, as though it wasn't obvious."See, he graciously volunteered to work for our family business!"
Jade swam up next to his brother, and gently scratched the top of Grim's head.
"So generous. But we need collateral, just in case something were to go wrong. Namely, you."
The twins looked at you expectantly, and you released another nervous laugh.
"Ha ha, very funny."
Floyd scowled, and Grim winced as his grip on him tightened.
"I don't know how we can be any clearer with you, Shrimpy. We. Want. You."
You were starting to get the impression that you weren't the one being held for collateral here.
But with the look in their eyes, you should definitely play their game.
"Um, how long would I be collateral?" 
"I dunno, Grimmy what do you think?" Floyd jiggled Grim a little, and you heard some jumbled words from behind Grim's gag.
"Interesting point, Grim," Jade said thoughtfully. "It sounds like he wants to work with us…forever?"
The twins both looked at each other in, clearly mock, surprise.
"That's so cool of you, baby seal!" Floyd hugged him tightly in excitement. "But obviously, Y/N's gotta make some agreements first."
The twins looked at you, sinister grins mimicking one another in perfect synch.
"What kind of agreements?" 
"I'm so glad you asked!" Jade said, pulling out a golden contract that you assumed they had gotten off of Azul. He pulled out a pen, running the top lightly along your jaw.
"We're going to unlock one of your hands, and you'll sign this for us."
"What does it say?"
"Fu fu fu, we'll worry about that part. All you need to do is look into Grim's sad, pathetic eyes, and sign the contract. Think you can do that for me?" It felt like he was saying it to a toddler. But you guessed since you were the one who was so easily gently kidnapped, it was probably necessary for you to be talked down on.
"Okay," you said shakily.
"Wonderful!" Jade swam behind you, and you felt his fingers gently brush your dominant hand, before fumbling with the lock of that particular chain. He placed the pen in it, then firmly placed his hands on your shoulders. Just in case you were stupid enough to get any ideas.
You brought your hand forward, signed the contract, and then…
How bout that?
What were you doing here?
Oh, there was Floyd!
And, you could tell from the distinctive cologne, Jade was behind you, massaging your shoulders, and softly kissing along your neck.
How sweet of him.
Sevens, you love them so much.
You just want to be with them forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever.
And ever.
And ever.
And ever.
And ever.
The End
Tag list- @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @offpaperponies @names-are-dumb @krenenbaker @dragontamer222 @soapybubbles0 @homestuckotaku @jackalope08
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minamorsart · 6 months
What , And how did you start pairing lotura, And Plance .?
Ooooh boy am I excited to answer this!!! This is going to be a long answer, hope you don't mind! Because I have some specific memories about these two ships, particularly lotura, that I would absolutely love to share with you!
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Prepare for a long read! Hehe
Starting with lotura, when season 3 came out and Lotor made his debut, of course I was all 👀👀👀 Because that day something awoke in 19 year old me that I didn't realize could ever be awoken lol. And I wish I could remember exactly what my reaction was to his cat-and-mouse chase with Allura in the episode "The Hunted", but at the time I must not have considered the idea of them ever going in the direction of a romance. Looking back now though, how could I have been so blind??! That chase scene is HOT. I mean just look at them!!! Look at Lotor especially woah mama 😳
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Season 4 was mediocre to me at the time, I will confess, for a lot of different reasons. But then season 5, man... SEASON 5!!!! I remember it was March 3rd, 2018. I wasn't keeping up with the show anymore, but I just so happened to see an article online that said season 5 had been released the day before on Netflix. I told my sister and we decided, "eh, let's watch at least the first episode."
And we watched the first episode, alright. And then another, and then another and another until we watched all six episodes in one sitting. We were both blown away! Lotor... Allura... together???? 😲
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Their adventures, their chemistry, their clear attraction to one another... I was OBSESSED!!! I shipped them hardcore after that. They were and are still my #1 OTP, and it's because of them that I really tried to work hard and improve my art! I wanted to draw them all the time, making mini comics and AUs, and while their tragic ending actually left me in tears and I was upset for a really long time, I can now say that I have been able to heal and move on from it--eh, mostly anyway, haha.
It still hurts, but 5 years later I feel that I've matured and come to a greater understanding and acceptance. I have come to really appreciate how perfect they are for each other, both aesthetically of course (cuz lookit that sexual dimorphism babeyyy) as well as the many, many things they have in common. I have also come to appreciate their flaws, their imperfections, and the mistakes they made regarding each other and their relationship. They may have gotten a sad ending, but they were still truly equals in every way. It's just beautiful, and my love for them now is stronger than ever :')
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For Lance and Pidge on the other hand, it's not quite as clear as when I started shipping them! I remember rolling my eyes at Lance and Allura's first meeting, like "okay Lance is one of THESE guys, here we go 🙄"
Other than that I didn't really ship Lance or Pidge with anyone! If I'm recalling correctly, I don't think it wasn't until after season 6 that I started shipping them together. I remember reading metas and analyses of their relationship that people were making in anticipation for season 7's release, and the more I thought about it, the more I started to really like the idea of Lance and Pidge getting together! And there are definitely subtle hints throughout the earlier seasons of Pidge's feelings for Lance, as well as their fun chemistry with one another, like the episode "Space Mall"!
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The hints are not so subtle to me now, but back then it wasn't until I watched season 7 that I actually became hopeful that they could be a couple! I especially loved the moments when Pidge indirectly called Lance "cute, in a creepy, hideous sort of way" lol, and when Lance become very protective over Pidge in such a way that I don't think we ever saw him react before! I was honestly taken aback by that moment!
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And again, their ending was definitely less than satisfactory, particularly Lance's ending (still hate it with a passion), but just like with Lotura's relationship, I have also come to appreciate many things about Plance's relationship today. While Lotor and Allura have so much in common and are able to reach an understanding with each other that they can't with anyone else, it would seem at first that Pidge and Lance are far too different to be compatible. And it is true that they are very different, but for one, that can be a good thing! The foundations of some relationships are built off of their differences. It can make someone more compassionate and more open-minded when they have a willingness to accept and appreciate the differences they have with their partner, and a willingness to take a genuine interest in the things that their partner is passionate about, even if they don't completely understand.
And two, at the same time, Pidge and Lance DO have things in common! They both love their families, both have a stronger connection to Earth compared to the other paladins, and they are able to bond with one another over fun pastimes such as video games! How cute is that??!
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And just like with Lotor and Allura, I also love Pidge and Lance for their flaws. It did take me a while to come around to Lance, because while he has his funny moments and one-liners, I also found him very annoying at times lol. But I think the fact that he can be really annoying honestly makes him the most realistic character in Voltron. Not necessarily the most relatable, at least not for me, but definitely the most human! Because there are people in our real lives that we love and cherish deeply, but they absolutely have their moments where you go, "ugh, you're so annoying and it really frustrates me when you act this way" but we still wouldn't trade them for the world 🥰
And just to draw one last comparison between Lotura and Plance, I especially LOVE how incredibly different the two pairings are even from each other! To me, Lotor and Allura are sexy and passionate, while Pidge and Lance are pure and fun! They're all so unique and special in their own ways, and they bring so much to the table, both for their characters and for their relationships.
I can't help but write essays every time I get asks, I'm so sorry lol 😭 There's so much more I could say about these guys, but I think I'd better stop here haha! I had a lot of fun writing about Lotura and Plance, and I hope you had just as much fun reading this! I really love these characters a lot. I'm so incredibly grateful that they exist, even if in the form of fiction, and I'm even MORE grateful that my love for them has continued to grow over the years. Thank you so much for the ask!!!! 💖💜💙💚
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Oh and one last thing: we were robbed of a lot of different potential interactions with a lot of different characters, but I have to say it would have been fun to see more of Lotor and Lance interacting with each other! Lance was always acting out due to his jealousy, while Lotor on the other hand mostly just ignored him lol.
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ahimhere · 4 months
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genre: smut, angst
pairing: hongjoongxfem!reader
au/summary: Hongjoong wants to get your pregnant
warning: smut, mentions of being infertile, pregnancy
rating: 18+
wc: 679
"You just look so damn good filled with my cum."
warning: unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampies
"Just one more baby."
"Joong we've been going at it for hours! I think you got it."
"I just gotta make sure."'
You and Hongjoong have been trying for a baby. The original plan was to just go with the flow, not really planning it, just going with it. But after months of no results, you both decided to get tested. The results were saddened to say the least. You found out you were infertile.
Hongjoong did his best to comfort you and reassure you. It took many months but with him by your side it was less painful.
While trying to get pregnant Hongjoong realized something in himself. He liked trying to get you pregnant. He liked cumming inside you, filling you up. Having his cum drip out of you. He wasn't sure how to bring up to you, but eventually did.
"You want to keep having unprotected sex? I mean it's not really a problem but why?"
"Honestly?" He said nervously.
"Of course, Joong."
"I like cumming inside you. I just...You look...It feels...I have a breeding kink." He blurted out, not sure how you would respond.
"A breeding...You know I can't..." You looked down, the weight of disappointment flowing over you.
"No! You don't need to get pregnant, I'm okay with that baby. I will keep telling you that. I just enjoy the process and seeing you with my cum...I just want to keep seeing you like that." He grabbed your face gently and planted kisses on your forehead and cheeks. "If it makes you uncomfortable we don't have to do it."
You shock your head and planted a kiss on his check. "I didn't hate it either..." Hongjoong smiled brightly and kissed you.
3 times weren't enough for him. He's cummed inside you three times and he still wasn't done.
"I know baby...Just one more please..."
"I feel full!" You pouted and rubbed your stomach.
"You just look so damn good filled with my cum." He placed his hand on top of yours and smiled. "Just one more please."
You agreed, you wouldn't admit it to him anytime soon, but you enjoyed it as well. The way his dick twitched inside as he came. The warm cum as it sat inside you, coating you entirely, before slowly dripping out. It felt amazing.
Hongjoong grabbed your legs and placed them on his shoulders before leaning down and planting kisses on your face and neck. "This is the last one...promise."
He slid in you slowly, allowing whatever was left inside you to flow out. You both moaned in unitions as he entered you. After reaching the deepest part of you, he pulls out just as slowly as he entered before slamming back into you.
He continued this pace, slowly pulling out and slamming back in for what felt like entirety before he quickened his pace, coating both the base of this dick and your inner thighs with the mess you both made.
Loud moans and groans, combined with the sloshing sound and the slapping of your skins touching only fueled the desire you shared.
"Joong..." You moaned out, your release just around the corner.
"I know baby...cum with me.."
Hongjoong gave a few more powerful thrust, ensuring the entire length of his dick was felt before cumming deep inside you. You came as soon as you felt the first shot of his cum, your legs shaking from the pleasure.
He quickly pulled your legs down and rubbed them. "I'm all done baby. All done okay?" Hongjoong cupped your face and planted kisses on four forehead.
You nodded trying to catch your breath but ultimately passed out.
A few week later and you began to feel sick. Hongjoong took you to the doctor, worried about your condition. The shock on both your faces when it turned out you were pregnant. Hongjoong was excited at first but was soon sad that he couldn't breed you anytime soon.
"We can always have more kids Joong."
"At least 8!" He said jokingly...maybe.
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A sad interaction I imagined with Goldenheart's child and Nimona
This could work with any fanchild but I used mine (Atticus He is just baby comic Ambrosius I ripped off his design and personality I thought he was cute and wanted to give a version of him a family leave me alone) because reasons, but-
We all know Nimona has trauma regarding children seeing her as a monster. Now imagine: Goldenheart baby AKA Nimona's little sibling/nibling/godchild accidentally triggers that trauma when they just wanted to play
Nimona thought things were going perfectly since Atticus was adopted. She loved playing with him no matter how rowdy he got. Ballister went to work during the day, Ambrosius stayed home, kept track of things, watched and cared for Atticus, and sometimes Nimona did her own thing, but sometimes she'd help him out by playing with the boy for a little while. He loved to play with her. Until one occasion, he caught her off guard.
Ambrosius was prepping the vegetables for dinner-- he couldn't cook, but he tried to be of help by having the ingredients ready when Ballister got home-- and Nimona was sitting on the living room floor playing a video game. She heard his excited voice off to the side. "Nimona! I wanna play a game!"
"Sure thing, Sport, what game?" She wasn't really paying attention. She heard his giggles as he ran towards her. "Monster attack!" Her eyes widened, and he jumped on her swinging his wooden sword at her. "Monster attack!"
In a flash and without thinking, she smacked the sword out of his grasp and grabbed his wrist, teeth sharp and eyes narrow and glowing, "Do not call me that! I am not playing that game with you, you get that sword out of my face and you keep it that way, do you understand!?"
Immediately she realized what she'd done when he stared at her with fear and shock in his wide green eyes, and then his face crumpled as he started to cry.
"No, nonono, hey, Kit, it's okay," she softened her appearance and released his wrist, pulling him in for a hug. "Don't be scared of me, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." She rubbed his back while he sobbed.
Ambrosius ran over, and Nimona winced, ready for him to yell at her or kick her out or do anything for making his child cry, but he just rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder before extracting his son from her arms. "Hey, buddy, hey, it's okay." He sat on the sofa and held him tightly, rubbing his back. "I'm sorry Nimona scared you, I know she didn't mean it. I think you startled her. You can't just run up to people and tackle them with swords, if you ask if they want to play a game with you, you have to tell them what game and wait for them to say yes before you start. I don't think Nimona wanted to play that game with you. We'll just be more careful next time, right?" He stroked his hair while Atticus blubbered.
He wiped his little eyes with his fists, hiccuping. "I– didn't– mean– to!" Ambrosius kissed his forehead. "I know. Where did you hear about that game? Monsters aren't real, baby. There is no such thing as a monster attack."
He sniffled, "I was just playing pretend! I th-thought she could tu- turn into a cool monster and we could play." Nimona looked down. If Atticus believed in monsters, what did he believe she was if not something to be attacked?
Ambrosius kissed his head. "Monster is just a mean word that people use to refer to what they don't understand. There was a time not long ago where people, including me, didn't understand a whole lot. And because of your Papa and Nimona, we do now. We know better than to call people monsters."
Atticus hiccupped again and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry, Mimona. I didn't mean to call you a mean name!"
"You're good, buddy. I'm sorry I knocked your sword away and yelled at you. We'll play something else next time."
Nimona knew he probably didn't listen much to the lecture. He hadn't meant anything hateful or prejudiced, he just wanted to play a game. But she heard the lecture her once-nemesis gave. And she appreciated it.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
In too deep part 2
Part 1
So excited to finally get this out. In too deep is one of my personal favorites so I really hope you guys enjoy it. We are getting a good ending :)
Not proofread:)
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Eddie doesn't remember exactly when he fell out of love with his girlfriend, but he did know it was months before he met Y/N.
His girlfriend wasn't who she used to be. She stopped loving Eddie a long time ago. She stopped caring for him. He felt alone when he was next to her. He felt abandoned. She stopped trying with him. It almost felt like they were playing parts in each other's lives.
He felt like his life already hit it's end. There was nothing left for him. He'd be in a dead end job and a dead end relationship. Then he met Y/N.
And his world turned. She walked into the bar, a sad look on her face. He didn't even know her yet, but he wanted to put a smile on her face. She sat at the other end of the bar and ordered an old fashioned.
Eddie slowly sipped his beer as he watched her. He probably seemed like a total creep but she was gorgeous.
She looked like she may have been on a date. A beautiful tight black dress, low cut on her chest. A necklace laying on her neck, giving Eddie an excuse to eye her chest. The dress cut off near her thighs. Her makeup was perfect, not a smudge found. Her lips were coated in a deep red color. Her hair looked curled but thrown up in a ponytail.
Her husband stood her up for date night again. She wasn't even surprised at this point, he always let her down.
She never wanted to marry him, but her mother pressured her into saying yes. She actually wanted to break up with him the second he started to turn violent towards her. Now she's too far into this marriage. Leaving him would be countless paperwork, loss of money, and honestly could put her in danger.
She tried to leave him once and he broke her wrist. She's been too scared since.
She liked to escape to this run down bar. She never had to worry about him trying to look for her, he didn't care enough.
She was sipping her drink slowly when she looked around the bar. Her eyes stopped at a figure at the other end of the bar. He was the most gorgeous man she has ever seen.
His long curly hair was thrown back into a bun. His arms were covered in tattoos, and a muscle tank top showed them off wonderfully. His arms were small but very toned. She was slightly embarrassed at how she had to clench her thighs looking at this stranger. His brown, doughy eyes were staring right back at her. His lips wrapped around his beer bottle, incredibly pink underneath the bar lighting.
She offered the seat next to her with a small smile. He gladly accepted.
Now that he was closer, she could see his black tight jeans, tightened with a belt. She could smell his cologne and noticed his rings, bracelets, and necklace. This man was sex on legs.
He practically drooled at the mouth being this close to her. She was even more breathtaking up close. Her perfume was sweet. He noticed the ring on her finger, disappointment filled his bones. And a slight pang of guilt that he allowed that to make him upset when he had a girlfriend of his own.
Within hours, and many drinks later, they gave in.
Her dress was pushed up, panties pushed to the side as he held her up on the bathroom sink. He was pounding into her at a fast pace. Their groans and moans filled the small four walls. Her head was thrown back against the mirror, hands gripping the sink. She was clenching around his cock as she was near her release.
He pulled away quickly and came all over his stomach.
Their heavy breaths faded into each other. Staring into each other's eyes, realizing what they did.
No ounce of regret filled either of them. There was something that felt too right between them. They refused to let that be the last time they saw each other, so they didn't.
Now it's been going on for a few months. And now they are in too deep
Eddie's girlfriend wasn't dumb. Eddie went from being bitter to actually smiling throughout the day. She had a good feeling he's been cheating. His eyes are glued to his phone, no care in the world where he's at. He hears his phone calls, calling someone else baby. She feels him leave the bed in the middle of the night, front door slamming behind him. Just to feel him climb in hours later.
She stopped touching him months ago, something in her didn't desire him any more. But he still chased her. Now he doesn't even try. That's how she knows he's going to someone else.
One time he came home smelling like her. Some strong perfume.
She begged him to fuck her that night and she left as many hickies on his neck, so whoever this girl was could see he was already taken.
Her last straw was when she went to leave for work and looked into his car. Laying in the back seat were a pair of lace panties, and definitely not hers. She unlocked his car and grabbed them.
Now she had the proof.
Y/N felt like she was in shock.
Her body has been sore, spending mornings hunched over the toilet, and puking for hours.
Her husband never came to hold her hair back, just brushing past her to get ready for work as she cradled herself against the toilet.
"you should get that checked out. I don't need to get sick with my promotion coming up."
She rolled her eyes and flipped him off as he walked out.
She took a deep breath and moved to the sink, opening the underneath cabinet. She pulled out the pregnancy test she bought years ago when her husband and her were trying.
Time felt like it was moving the slowest she's ever experienced. She was standing in the bathroom, a timer clicking on her phone. Once she heard the alarm she took a deep breath.
She gasped and let out a cry. She was having a baby. She couldn't stop the smile spreading across her face. She was finally going to be a mom.
She grabbed her phone and texted Eddie to come to her as soon as he could.
Within minutes Eddie was pounding at her door. Her smile hasn't left. She opened the door and pulled him in. The second the front door was closed she kissed him, pushing him against the door.
He pulled away a little breathless, "hello to you too." He smiled.
She couldn't hold her excitement, she pulled the test out of her pocket and shoved it in his face.
His smile fell.
His body was filled with anger, sadness, and jealousy. She was having a goddamn baby?
"What do you want me to say?"
Her excitement faded as his words came out cold. His face didn't seem happy at all. Did he not want a baby? She was so stupid, of course he didn't. He had another life. Now he's stuck to her.
"I just thought you'd be more excited for this." She admitted softly
"Why the hell would I be excited for you guys having a baby together?" He practically growled, moving away from her. His heart felt like it was shattering. The future she planned together was thrown out the window. She could never leave her husband now.
She softly laughed at him, his eyes glared at her. Venom on his tongue.
"I'm not having a baby. Him and I aren't having a baby. WE are having a baby" she spoke as she cupped his cheeks.
We are having a baby?
"oh my God. The baby is mine? Are you sure? How do you know?" He asked. He didn't want to get excited if there wasn't a 100% it was his.
"yes I'm sure. Him and I can't have children, he can't produce enough sperm. And we haven't had sex in months. It's only been you lately. So I know for a fact this baby is yours." She cried softly as she took his hand and placed it on her stomach.
A huge smile broke out on his face. A baby. They were having a baby. Tears flowed out of his eyes.
"we are going to be a family." He said and kissed her softly.
"you can't hide this from him once you start showing. We have to come up with a plan."
Eddie could sense something was wrong in the atmosphere. His girlfriend stared and watched him. She hasn't paid attention to him in months and now she's on his back like a back pack.
He was relaxing on the couch watching TV when she walked into the room. She stood in front of the tv with a look in her eyes. He turned off the TV and looked back at her.
"who is she? And don't lie to me. You text her all day, I hear you talking to her on the phone when you think I'm sleeping. I found her panties in your goddamn car! Tell me who the fuck she is!" a pair of lace panties was thrown into his face. He caught it, sure enough it was the pair that sat in the back of his car. A small smirk laced his face when he thought back to her.
"I met her at a bar a year ago. We had a fight and she had a fight with her husband. We fucked and it was good. The best I've ever had." He stood up. He didn't care to be nice about it. He cheated, so what? Him and his girlfriend weren't in love anymore. It made no sense to sugarcoat it and make her feel better. No reason to lie. This was his chance to get the girl he wanted.
She was fuming. He had the nerve to act so unbothered by the fact he was cheating on her.
"so you met a slut and kept her around?"
Eddie's body filled with heat, "don't you ever call her that."
"why? You care about her Eddie? Huh?"
"yes I fucking do!"
Eddie watched her pull out a small black box. He knew that box. He bought it two months ago. He was walking past the jewelry store and a ring caught his eye. Eddie never thought he'd ever buy a ring, but he now understood he'd never buy a ring for his girlfriend.
"is the ring for me or her?" She threw it at Eddie's chest. It fell to the ground next to the lace panties.
Eddie sighed, trying to stay calm in this situation.
"it's for her." He admitted it. No shame either. He fucking loved Y/N and he wanted her forever.
"are you an idiot? She's goddamn married Eddie! Do you think she's just going to leave her husband for you? She doesn't love you."
Eddie knew she was wrong, Y/N would leave if she could.
"yes she does."
"do you believe her just because says so? She probably said that so you'd keep fucking her!"
"no she didn't! Some night we don't even have sex. We talk, we make love, we plan our future together! I'm in love with her and I know she loves me too!"
"Well your little fantasy is over. I told him."
Eddie's heart stopped, "you told who?" He demanded as he stepped closer to her.
"I tracked your location. I copied down her address. I went to confront her Eddie. But when I got there I saw her kiss a man and leave. Both were wearing rings and I figured that must be the husband. He deserves to know how much of a slut is wife is. So I followed him and right before he went into work I told him. Truth is out now Eddie. You don't get a happy ending."
His blood was boiling. He has never been so mad before. He wanted to scream at her but he had more important things to do. He had to warn Y/N. He ran past his girlfriend and grabbed his keys and the ring off the floor. Dialing her number in his phone.
"EDWARD MUNSON, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" She screamed after him.
"YOU JUST PUT HER AND MY BABY IN DANGER. I NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" He screamed as he threw his car in drive.
Y/N was cleaning the kitchen when she heard her phone ringing. She smiled at the name.
"hi baby!" She was met with a panicked voice,
"baby he knows. You need to lock yourself in the bedroom and pack your bag. Okay? Remember our plan? I need you to do that exactly and do not open that door until I say it's clear."
She felt her body freeze. How did he know?
"Y/N!" He screamed. She quickly ran up the stairs and locked the door.
"okay yes. The door is locked." She threw her phone on speaker and began to grab the huge suitcase Eddie bought her when they found out she was pregnant. She was a few weeks from showing so their plan to run away was creeping closer. She did not know it was going to be today. She was throwing everything she could fit in the suitcase.
She heard the front door slam open and pounding feet leading up to the stairs.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU ARE FUCKING ANOTHER GUY?" Her breath hitched hearing her husband's screams.
She was packing even faster, Eddie was still on the line. Saying he was very close and to keep the door locked.
Eddie was trying to get there as fast as he could. His heart was pounding when he could hear her husband screaming on the line.
Once he pulled into her driveway he heard the door slam open. He quickly ran into the house and raced for her bedroom.
"EDDIE PLEASE!" He could hear her sobbing out as he reached the top step.
He flew into the bedroom to see her husband trapping her against the floor, a hand around her neck.
His head felt like it went blank. He couldn't feel a thing. He was flying on top of her husband and taking him to the floor.
Punches were thrown back and forth. Eddie was busted open and her husband was nearly passed out.
"Eddie! Come on." She begged once she saw her husband was knocked out. This was their chance.
Eddie quickly grabbed her bags and her hand and raced to the car. He threw her bags into his trunk and got in the front seat.
"You ready?" He asked as he looked over at her.
"one last thing." She said.
She looked at her left hand and peeled off her ring, throwing it out the window.
Eddie smiled as he peeled out of her driveway. His bags in his trunk have been packed for weeks.
This was it.
It was just him, her, and their baby on the open road.
!!! I love this even more than the first one. I'm planning a part 3 where we get to see them together and having their baby :)
I hope you guys liked it!
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet
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bandzboy · 3 months
I've been a stay for 6 years, I've seen all the bad and the good things, and skz have been a really important part of my life. With everything that was going on, I decided to take a break from skz until this whole lose my breath era was over. Now I wanted to come back for their new album, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. It's been months yet nothing has changed, they haven't apologized or addressed any of the concerns, they are still working with zionists. Their lyrics seems so meaningless now, this is from their new song "Head above the clouds, stand tall for the hell of it. Tower over crowds, don't pause 'cause I'm lovin' it. Heavy and I'm proud, backbone never suffering". In the past I would loved this song, but now them saying this while being silent about a genocide and happily working with zionists, just feels wrong. I know that one person leaving won't change anything, but I don't think I can support them anymore. As much as it hurts, it's time to admit that they really don't stand for what they used to.
anon i'm honestly on the same boat as you and tbh your feelings are valid if you decide to unstan it's truly okay bc i get you! truly i've been following everything going on and it's insanely sad that so many stays have been trying their hardest to make them know but all we get is silence. it doesn't help that jype is also trying to silence people too but you know it just sucks because there's no way they haven't seen it at this point there's no way they don't know their fandom is so divided over this ever since the lmb release. i wanna believe they are good people but it just so crazy they keep being tied to zionists or hanging out with them and it feels like a slap in the face every time i am not gonna lie and unfortunately, they aren't the only group that is silent rn and it truly makes me question all the people i stan at the moment and what their intentions are... like i truly sit here and think to myself what the really reality is! i can't be excited about things anymore because of how everything is looking rn. i knew i wasn't gonna tune in for this next skz comeback when the lmb fiasco happened because unfortunately it tainted everything for me and it's sad! i don't know what i'll exactly do either but since i'm so dead set on making things right and to keep pushing it i am sticking around for that because my interest in kpop is kinda slowly going away and it's sad. even tho i want idols to have better working rights and it's something that i will always bring up and, i'm very passionate about you could say, it's hard for me to stay knowing that these people are so comfortable being silent and it hurts to know this was probably the plan all along. the way when people started to bring up celebrities speaking up, people were already not including kpop idols with everyone else like... the group of people that should speak up and i think that was the moment that i realized how wrong everything is like how we expect them to essentially do nothing and not gaf about anything and that's messed up ESPECIALLY coming from groups like skz that have lyrics that are very much about rebellion and fighting back oppressive things and so on and it makes you really think that yeah maybe this whole shit was just a concept to them and they don't bring that into their real life. it just sucks atp i'm just venting i could go on because i have SO MUCH TO SAY i'm just now realizing i've been bottling this all up almost but yeah all of this to say that i truly truly get it and just know you aren't alone when it comes to feeling like this towards groups you stan because it's happening to a lot of people atm
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coff-in · 1 month
I feel like whenever I’m having a bad day (or in this case, few months), I see other people have bad days too. It’s crazy how the world works and we all unite together to have either crappy or happy moments; it’s kind of wholesome that we all are brought together through our experiences and can share those vulnerabilities. It makes me feel a little better knowing I’m not isolated or alone, and that I’m not the only person with problems or struggling to get by.
I saw your last post, you said to ask about pressure, so I’m asking: How do you deal with pressure?
This is what I do when I feel stressed (maybe you’ll find some relief in this too): It’s a rule for me to always cry when something goes wrong, because crying released happy chemicals!
If I’m still bothered, I sleep for a few hours, take a Power Nap or just sleep and see if it still bothers me. If it still bothers me, I eat strawberry mochi. I also like coloring in those coloring books with flowers and a inspiring quote, it makes me feel better. When I’m sad, I always put on some Lo-fi or old love songs.
I always try reading Andrew Graves x reader content—or, at least what I haven’t seen. It’s a small fan base for separate Andrew Graves content. It’s how I discovered you a few months ago too! I enjoy looking for your work on my dashboard and I’m excited to see what you do next.
I hope thing’s get better for you, Coff-in! Never be ashamed or feel guilty about your own feelings or mental health. Don’t worry about time or rushing things, rushed work is never good work. Always remember to take breaks and worry about yourself; it’s your life after all. From one human being to another, take care of yourself. 💜⭐️
hi stellar :D when i asked ppl to send me questions about pressure, i meant the roblox game pressure ^^; this is ok tho!! no harm no fowl! (or is it foul? fowl is a bird, huh)
when i get stressed i usually get take a nap, maybe eat something, or watch youtube to distract myself. crying sounds really nice but i can't cry easily, sadly :( i also just try to draw! i like drawing and i find it easy to just pick up a pencil and doodle something :3 i also do it when i'm bored
its a tad bit hard for me to realize that "oh this blog is my blog, i can do with it what i want". or maybe i do realize that but still feel like i can't do certain things. hm. hm hm hm. so neat, such whimsy :3 i also relate to you seeking out andrew graves x reader content, but recently for me i've been searching out sebastian solace x reader fics. idk if people know this but im mostly a selfshipper, so seeing the whole zerum drama happen in that fandom is like... idk kinda silly to me. tldr: people were mad that the co-creator of the game (zerum) shipped her oc (zerum) with the shopkeeper sebastian. there's obviously more to it than that, but it reminded me when i was younger and i made a boyfriend oc for my persona (who i also sometimes wrote/referred to him as her brother... huh)
i'm going to be busy with work again, so hopefully i'll be able to write more since i usually start writing when i'm trying to avoid work or just to get away from it ^^; i hope that you're still doing well despite these hard months! i think it's a bit too easy for some to cur inward and isolate themselves from others. it was kinda nice being away from my coff-in blog. i do not say this as in 'i want to leave', but it was nice to just... idk feel like i didn't have to write? or take my time. i felt kinda bad tho, like there was a lingering thought in my head that i was deceiving you all. i was still able to write, so why wasn't i writing? stuff like that i guess
thank you for sending your ask, please take care of yourself!! <3
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Just read that anon about the video, and I have to say it actually sounds legit. I don't see them asking for privacy unless they felt invaded and they were promised privacy at this resort in that way so it should've been respected. As far as I know, they've never really asked for stuff especially regarding privacy not even when that tik tok girl recorded them at the Crazy Horse place in Paris, and that was actually invasive. For all we know she recorded conversation and just didn't release it. That was invading for sure. I think the lack of respect we as fans have sometimes is so telling and it's sad. Two of the nicest celebrities and we can't let them alone for a little bit. And YESSS girl, I stand with you on social media. It's not everything. Someone said, Tom has changed. I don't think he has at all actually. Definitely more mature, but, still playful and loving from what I see on the outside. He's too diplomatic I think honestly, he let's people say things but doesn't really respond and when he does people attack him because they aren't use to him responding. He ain't passive, he just seems to always take the high road. Very admirable. This is about to be a married man, he is doing exactly what I would want my man to do celebrity or not. Protect me boo, and I will thank you later for it. Adore them as a couple and I hope the constant scrutiny they each endure, especially him, doesn't ruin anything. This world could really use the kindness, we see so little of it. Especially on Twitter. That's another story . Anywho, love your blog ma'am. Keep up the great work. Stay neutral and kind as always.
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Awww... thanks Anon for the kind words about my blog. ❤
In answer to your ask....I agree with everything you've said.
I promised myself I wouldn't discuss this anymore, but I keep breaking my promises..... 🤦🏾‍♀️
Anyway, I agree w/you...
I feel like the main issue in this case was the fact that they were on vacation with each other and they had more than likely chosen the place/location specifically for its privacy. So to see that someone deliberately broke resort policy and not only filmed them w/out their consent, but also went out of their way to POST it PUBLICLY for the world to see? 👀
Yeaaaa.....I can see how that didn't go over too well with either of them. 🥴
I don't blame them for feeling a little violated. It wasn't even the paps who caught them (who celebrities realize they just can't control, no matter how much they wish they could), but it was a fan/hotel guest!! 😳 Someone who doesn't even make their living trying to get celebrity photos caught them. I can see how TZ were worried that it would start to cause an influx of fans and maybe even paps to catch on to their location and snap even more pictures and post them online. 🤦🏾‍♀️
So yea, I totally get it why Tom and Z weren't feeling that too much. 🥴 I don't see anything wrong with them speaking up about it, especially if the location they were vacationing at was supposed to be private and had a strict policy against photographing guests against their consent...especially celebrities.
Re: Social media, lack of respect, etc
Yep! I agree with this also. I think social media has caused fans to overstep their boundaries a bit when it comes to celebrities. 👀 Just being honest. While I can totally understand the excitement and whatever, I think some fans need to just put themselves in the shoes of their celebrity faves for a hot second. Think about how YOU would feel if strangers did certain things to you! It might not feel all that nice.
That's not even going into the haters who post hurtful, mean and unkind things to celebrities on their posts, or tag them in tweets bashing them for no good reason, etc. 😔 Yea, some ppl can say, "well just ignore it" (and I'm sure many celebs try to), but at the end of the day, they're still human, and sometimes words hurt! Especially when you know that these ppl don't know a thing about you personally, or lies have been spread about you all over the internet and ppl are reacting to the lie instead of the truth that you know. It's just crazy. 🥴
Re: Tom...
Yea, I don't think Tom has really changed who he is as a person either! I mean, I'm sure he's seen the downsides to massive fame, and has kind of learned a bit how to be more wise with his fans and fame level. But overall, he's obviously still the nice, kind, good guy that we've always known, and fan encounters and the things that ppl say about him reflect that! 😃
And yea girl.... I want my man to PROTECT me too!! Shoot lol.... 😂 If anything, ppl could argue that he was really protecting Zendaya with that plea to take down the video, because in all honesty, Tom's back was to the camera, so he could have been any old dude walking along the beach. But it was Zendaya who's face could be clearly seen in the video, on her bikini, splashing in the water.....
I adore them as a couple too Anon 🥰, and I really wish that this world would be more kind to others.
I believe it was the Dalai Lama who said:
Be kind whenever possible. It is ALWAYS possible. - Dalai Lama
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egg-emperor · 1 year
[Hefty sigh]
How does one get into sonic prime, I mean I adore where they're going for the story but I'm still struggling to get through s1 because the voice are just not clicking with me. Don't get me wrong here props to the Canadian VA's and the crew as a whole but the fact that I don't really vibe well with the chaos council as a concept [since they aren't really as menacing as the actual egg but I get what they're going for..... kinda.... ] This is like the one sonic media I can't personally click into, and I honest to God adored Underground/Boom so it's probably just a me-squick....
I have literally been a sonic fan since birth reading the comics so it's just tonal whiplash trying to get used to it- I'm lost in my own confusion that they already produced 3 seasons @_@;;; I just feel like I'm alone in feeling this or something idk I'm just merely screaming into the sonic-fandom wondering if anyone else felt this way hsbshbsshv ////
I'm just as clueless as you on that unfortunately lol. Respectfully I'm not a fan personally, I think the ideas had potential to be interesting if done right but I just don't find the execution appealing. I hate to say it and don't wanna be overly negative but I was honestly bored watching the first eight episodes, they were hard to get through and it was a bit of a letdown for me.
It feels underwhelming and repetitive because practically the same cycle of events happens each episode and it's not very interesting at that. I haven't watched any episodes past those, I watched nothing but the Eggman prismatic titan thing in the last batch and don't plan on watching the rest. I just decided it wasn't for me, not what I'm looking for in a Sonic show.
I'm sad I didn't end up liking it after being interested in where they could take it, especially with how much potential I feel New Yoke City had because it was conceptually right up my alley but execution is just not to my tastes and I've accepted it. I shouldn't be surprised as I'm not into most of the non game media ^^; I was just hoping for a modern show like X again
If they had more regular Eggman they could've changed my opinion a lot not gonna lie because the small 5 mins of him was great. Characterization was good, he was funny, his model and animation were gorgeous, voice was okayyy just needed some improvements, and I was interested in what he would've done with the prism had Sonic not shattered it and erased him from existence. When he practically died my interest went along with it sorry dhfjsbfksbfks
The Chaos Council just don't interest me personally because each are missing all the parts of Eggman combined that make him his lovable whole to me. And when you just want the real deal to still have his place like he seemed he was going to initially in the concept art, only for him to not be there at all, it's hard to get into it when you're thinking about what could've been. Also yeah they're just not menacing and don't bring the same exciting world shattering chaos and action the real deal does
And oh no they're really still only on the first season, eight episodes isn't a season. Netflix is just being weird about how they have it realized in batches and how it separates them but no way is eight episodes a whole season. They only had the first season made and released with huge gaps but maybe they'll order for a second one to be made.
But yeah you're not alone. It's very popular and I'm glad people can enjoy it but yeah it didn't click with me either and I can relate on feeling like the odd one out. But that makes two of us! and I do know others who just don't like it either and I don't think we should feel a pressure to try to get into it, if we don't like it and it's just not for us then it's fine
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day6source · 1 year
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Young K talks about his new album, how music brings people together and his experiences in Brazil
The musician took some time to talk to the HIT team! in an exclusive interview and digital cover for the September magazine! Check it out below:
TIME HIT – “Letter With Notes” is your first album since “Eternal” and your break for military service. How do you feel coming back this time with a new album?
Young K: I'm nervous but excited. I can't wait to share my music with you! I wanted to come back with an album, but I wasn't focusing on a whole one. I only submitted several songs and I think 11 of them were selected.
TIME HIT – Putting the album “Eternal” and your new release “Letters with notes” under analysis, what do you think is the biggest difference between their concept?
Young K: Besides the concept, I think the biggest difference would be the time that has passed. My voice changed and so did my way of thinking. So the story I tell and the words and notes I took must be different in some way.
TIME HIT – You are one of the most famous composers in Korea, with more than 100 songs signed. What is your creative process like when composing songs?
Young K: I always try to compose something that matches the song. So I took another look before finishing and making sure everything is ok.
TIME HIT – Do you remember the first song you composed?
Young K: The first song should be “daydreaming”. A song I wrote on guitar when I was in Canada. It's been 10 years now, so when I look at her, I think she's cute.
TIME HIT – The lyrics you write and the songs you sing have a positive impact on the lives of many people, every day. What's it like to be part of people's lives with your music, to be present in the happy and sad moments of your fans' lives?
Young K: I'm grateful that they take it that way. When I publish my songs and present them to the world, it's like they leave me. It's really up to the fans to choose to listen to them. If they feel something with them, I'm grateful for that.
TIME HIT – What advice would you give to beginning musicians?
Young K: Always do your best, but don't forget to take care of yourself. Be clear about who you are and take time to ask yourself if you are okay. This is for everyone, not just anyone who wants to be a musician.
TIME HIT – You were in college during the release of “Every DAY6” and it was certainly a big challenge! What advice would you give to university students who are going through challenges in their academic life?
Young K: Besides taking care of yourself, experience life. As much as you can. Learn in classes, learn from your friends, learn from every event you may face. Go travel, maybe. Time never comes back, so it's an opportunity you won't want to miss.
TIME HIT – What is your favorite memory while living in Canada?
Young K: Spending time with my dear friends. Talking about nothing important until late at night.
TIME HIT – Is there an instrument you would like to learn? And one that you tried, but gave up on because it was difficult?
Young K: I wanted to play the piano, so I took lessons. But due to lack of time and desire, they took me to this point, which is very close to the beginning. I learned to play a little drums with Dowoon, but I realized it was something I hadn't dreamed of at the time.
TIME HIT – You have had many experiences and achieved a lot in life. What is your dream currently? Something you haven't done or achieved yet, but really want to one day?
Young K: My dream currently is to sing and perform on stage as much as possible. To do this, I have to stay as healthy as possible. Not just me, but you too.
TIME HIT – Latin American fans are a very passionate audience for K-pop. Is there a Latin American rhythm that you would like to incorporate into your music one day?
Young K: We actually tried to incorporate them into some previous songs! I'm still open to challenges.
TIME HIT – Language is no longer a barrier to the power of music. How do you feel with so many fans spread across such distant places and with such different cultures and languages?
Young K: I would like to meet them and sing. It's always impressive to see how this is possible. When they sing together, it really is a different feeling. It makes me want to come back with more songs.
TIME HIT – You have collaborated with artists such as Ben&Ben, Jamie Miller and Park Moonchi. Are there any artists you would like to collaborate with at the moment?
Young K: I'm open to collaborations! Anyone interested, just give me a touch. It would be an honor to do something, anything with Ryan Tedder.
TIME HIT – Your project “YOUNG ONE” is loved by fans and the videos have accumulated millions of views. Which cover did you enjoy recording the most?
Young K: I think recording on a boat was something I could never forget. The song was “Fly Me To The Moon” and the night in Amsterdam was beautiful.
TIME HIT – What is your favorite karaoke or to sing in the car?
Young K: The songs to sing in the car would be the ones I need to practice. I like to spend my time in a car practicing songs I'm going to sing, or warming up my voice.
TIME HIT – Which musical genre do you want to explore a little more?
Young K: Maybe jazz in the future. Jazz is a genre I'm interested in, but have never delved into.
TIME HIT – What memory from your tour do you like most?
Young K: The different energies of different cities. Spending time with the members on the tour bus, and recording “YOUNG ONE” in my free time. And last but not least, the food.
TIME HIT – What is your favorite movie of all time that you would recommend to fans?
Young K: I wouldn't say all time, but one of my favorite movies that I loved most recently was “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish”.
TIME HIT – Eating is certainly one of your passions. Have you ever eaten Brazilian food? Is there a Brazilian dish you would like to try?
Young K: I've tried barbecue and loved it. I would like to try Vatapá one day.
TIME HIT – Can you send a message to your Brazilian fans?
Young K: I hope you guys always stay healthy! And I also wish you happiness and luck. If we can meet one day, let the night be filled with passion and love!
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dotster001 · 2 years
Meet the Family
Summary: After Sariel offers to train you, you are taken to a secondary location for training. Now you need to meet your new house mates
Continuation of were creatures au
Sariel had given you some clothes and a collar that he assured you was enchanted to hold off any transformation, then he'd left to tell the mayor that he had killed the werewolf, but you had been a victim in the process.
It was sad to say goodbye to your town. It was the only place you'd ever known. And it looked like it was still going to be, since Sariel had blindfolded you on the journey, so you didn't know where you were. 
When his cold fingers removed the blindfold, you found yourself in a fancy room, surrounded by men doing various activities. It took them all a minute to notice you, and when they did, they all started chattering in various stages of excitement.
A blond man burst out of the crowd and gave you a tight hug. 
"You must be so scared right now, but you're safe now."
Even though a strange man was hugging you, you felt relaxed, like he would never hurt you. And suddenly the tension you didn't realize you'd been holding released itself, as you hugged him back.
"Rio," Sariel said firmly, and the man pulled away. He stood behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder, anouncing, "This is Y/N L/N. They are joining our household to train." 
Rio extended his hand excitedly. "Rio Ortiz. I'll be helping program your brain." He said with a bright smile.
"Rio is a vampire with telekinetic abilities," a man with a dazzling smile and dark black hair boomed. "Leon Dompteur. I'm a were lion. If you need help, I'll be there. It's hard to learn this stuff."
You shook his hand with a confused look, "Wait, a vampire? And there's more wear creatures than werewolves?" 
"Of course there are!" Another blond man with a haughty air about him said. 
"Evie, be nice,"  a tall man with hazel hair laughed. "Hey beautiful, I'm Jin Grandet. Were eagle. That's Yves," he indicated the blond haughty man. "He's a were cat."
"A cat?" You asked skeptically.
"Yeah," Yves said with a pout. "it's not cute, or whatever you're thinking."
"I wasn't…" you began.
"Don't worry, Y/N, Yves is just shy around new people," Leon laughed. "That's Licht over there. He's a werewolf like you. His twin is a were fox though. When licht warms up to you, they have an interesting family history."
"Not happening," Licht said coldly. 
"He's shy too," Jin whispered, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and giving you a squeeze. 
"Hey! Give them room to breathe,old man." Yves said, pulling you away from Jin, as a tall redhead approached you from the other side.
"I'm Luke, a were bear. Thank you so much for coming, I'm so tired of training." He said.
"You'll still be training, you'll just have company. And I can already tell that  they will be a much more disciplined study than you. So you'll have to step it up." Sariel said, grin dark and sadistic, much to Luke's disappointment. 
"Luke has only been with us for a couple months," Leon laughed. "The rest of us are fully able to control our abilities, so we'll be helping Sariel."
"You said something about Licht's twin. Nokto right?" You asked.
"He's out," Licht said, reading his book and ignoring you.
"He is my apprentice, so he will not be here very often," Sariel said. 
"He's the one who found me," Luke smiled. 
"We have two more who come in and out of the house," Leon said, sitting down on the couch and patting the spot next to him. You gratefully took the seat, noticing how exhausted you were by all the new things.
"Chevalier and Clavis," Yves said. "Chevalier is a king of some foreign country, but he comes in for visits and updates. He's a were tiger, who sought out Sariel of his own free will. He'll never let the rest of us live it down." He rolled his eyes.
"And Clavis?" You asked.
The room gave a collective groan, except for Jin, who laughed. 
"Clavis is his number two, at least until he gets bored of that. He's a were leopard, but we also think he's at least part fae," Jin explained. "He has a penchant for causing trouble, so be careful around him."
"That's everyone," Sariel clapped his hands, "Rio will show you to your room."
Rio jumped up and grabbed your hand, radiant smile still on his face.
"Let's go! You'll be in the room next to mine!" He said, practically running from the room with you in tow.
When the door shut behind you, Jin turned to Sariel.
"They seem different than the rest of us, somehow. Are you sure this is a good idea?" 
"I'm never wrong about these things Mr. Grandet," Sariel smiled. "Unless you are about to start doubting my methods?" 
Jin raised his hands in surrender, shaking his head with a wry smile. Sariel watched the door for a moment before going to his office without another word. He had some letters to send out.
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onipanda379 · 1 year
today is my birthday, and i've spent most of today just thinking about that.
like, we all joke about not making it passed 27 or or noy making it to 30, or whatever variation. but i knew i'd make it past 30. its just not really how i expected it to be. but i also really didn't know what to expect either, you know?
like, am i happy? i'm not the happiest i could be. but i'm certainly the happiest i have ever been. i actually do look forward to things, even if its just shallow things like video game or movie releases. i've also learned a great deal about myself that i would have never guessed when i was a teenager.
i have a job that i only hate sometimes, but its only due to being customer facing. it does wear a person out. but it pays the bills. i even occasionally have some money left over to buy things i want. whether its a newly released game, or just a doordash dinner.
i never hit the standard milestones of having kids or having my own house. but then, i never really wanted that either. well, i never wanted kids. owning a house will always be a fun fantasy. but it's not a huge loss to miss out on them.
there are things i want to improve. i want to be a better person. but i still think i'm so much better than i have ever been.
though there is a loneliness to it all that i'm starting to feel.
i wasn't really close to my family, so none of them really talk to me. which is fine, i'd rather not talk to them anyway. but i realize in this moment that i also have siblings that literal strangers to me. one lives with me and my parents, so we see each other a lot, so we're a little closer.
but i never talk to my other brother. we don't know shit about either other, and i honestly regret that.
and i also feel the fact that i don't have local friends i can hang out with in person. i have lots of friends who i talk to daily. but its all online and they all live so far away. i value them a lot. but there's just something about having someone in person to see.
but i don't really have that. i never made any friends locally after high school. but that's on me for not going out. but it's alright. its really not that bad. at least with hte people i do talk to, they know me. they know what i like and don't like.
so... i guess i can say its not so bad being 31. it's not as exciting as say, 21, or 18, or even turning 16. when the world was just so huge and unexplored.
i actually don't remember where i was going with this post. since actually writing it does make me sad. but i guess i can say that i'm at a good enough point where i'm happy at least most of the time. i'm not depressed. not really. i actually enjoy things.
and i have actually enjoyed today despite doing nothing but cleaning and laundry. i also took today off work, so that might have also helped.
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mikeys-bike-slut · 2 years
Untitled Part 18
With last night chapter being so bad I decided to upload this early to make up for that train wreck haha I hope you'll enjoy it!
Previous Part
Warnings: small angst, crack
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Next day: 
Finally this day came. My first Toman meeting ever since I got out of the hospital, finally we're going to find out who's going to be the new 1st Division captain. Mikey did not say a word about it and whenever I tried to ask about it he either ignored me or just changed the subject which made me uneasy, knowing this idiot I wouldn't be surprised if it's fucking Hanma or some shit as Mikey loves pulling stunts like that, but with Chifuyu being the vice captain I hope Mikey discussed it with him.
It felt great to wear the Toman uniform again and to ride on my own even if the weather wasn't exactly the best for bike rides. The snow been falling heavily and many of us cursed Mikey for being so adamant to meet at the Musashi shrine. Not enough we're going to freeze our asses off but also gotta somehow climb the goddamn stairs which I imagine gonna feel more like a fucking ice rink than anything else. Is that his plan? Who ever actually makes it to the top gets to be captain? I giggle to myself at the thought as I shut off Goki and take my helmet off once I arrive at the carpark by the foot of the shrine. 
"Someone's in a good a mood" I hear Takashi's voice from behind me and I just give him a wide grin.
"You kiddin'? I'm finally back, baby" I grin feeling like an excited child as I stretch.
"It's glad to have you back" Hakkai gives me a grin then gives me a bro hug and pats my back.
"It was too quiet without you" I hear a familiar voice and my eyes widen. 
"PAH!" I yell and I tackle the missing captain. "I didn't know you been released!" 
"Yeah they shortened my sentence for good behaviour" he winks then hugs me tight.
"They didn't know you, that's why" Takashi grins and we all let out a laugh and pat Pah's shoulder.  
"Definitely not" Draken chimes in with a grin as he appears behind us actually scaring Hakkai and me. 
"I didn't miss any of you fuckers" Pah frowns playfully and Peh just lets out an offended gasp.
"Pah you just lost your husband" I laugh and the guys burst out laughing as Peh acts like an offended lady. 
It felt nice to laugh. We all missed Pah so much, we missed the team. Everything felt like before I was just waiting for Baji to chime in until I suddenly realized he won't. I stop in my track and just turn towards the parking lot, my eyes desperately searching for him. I'm waiting to hear the Goki's exhaust, to hear his cursing as he gets off of his bike and cursing at the vehicle for almost dying on him before giving me a big grin. Even if I deep down I know he won't be there I just stand there and wait. A tear rolls down my cheek until I feel a hand on my shoulder. 
"I miss him too..." as I turn I find Chifuyu standing there looking at me from under his messy black bangs. "Not gonna lie I also waited for him to show up" he sighs then offers me a smile. "Don't be sad. Knowing Baji if he'd see us being sad and depressed over him he'd kick our ass" he frowns and I can't help but let out a small laugh.
"Thanks Matsuno" I smile at him then I hug him. "You're doing alright?" 
"Of course, Peke J keeps me busy" he chuckles. "Though I hate this weather. I do not like snow" he frowns which makes me chuckle a bit.
"To be fair I happily would've had this meeting somewhere indoors" I chuckle then sigh as I look at the stairs then suddenly let out a yelp as I see something sliding down almost knocking me over. 
Once the something stops at the bottom of the stairs we realize it's not a something but a someone and that someone is Hakkai.
"I hate Mikey..." he groans as he lays on his back rubbing his ass. Chifuyu and I couldn't help but let out a laugh before helping the vice-captain up onto his feet. 
"You good Shiba?" I chuckle softly as I brush the snow off of his uniform. 
"Yeah, but I will kick Mikey when I see him" he groans then let out a sigh. "I was almost at the top..."
"I'll help you kick him" I chuckle. "Alright let's give this a try"
Like determined climbers we started climbing the icy stairs but that determination was quickly destroyed when Draken himself along with Mitsuya -who he just dragged with himself the second he slipped- came tumbling down taking all three of us out like some human bowling pins resulting in a pile of Toman at the foot of the shrine.
"Fuck this meeting..." I groan as I lay on top of Draken and Hakkai with Mitsuya and Chifuyu laying across me. 
"You assholes are heavy..." Draken groans from the bottom of the pile.
"What are you all doing...?" a familiar voice comes from our right. Mikey...
"I'm going to kill him" I groan.
"Take a number" Hakkai groans from under me.
"I'll join" Draken joins the groaning meanwhile our commander just stands there giving us a confused look.
"Fuck you and your outside meeting, Manjiro" I say as I look at him then slowly getting up as Chifuyu and Mitsuya helps me on my feet. 
"What's up your asses?" he frowns still having a confused look in his obsidian eyes. 
"What do you think?" Draken growls as he finally gets on his feet brushing the snow off of himself. "The fucking stairs are life threatening" 
"That's why you all should've used the side path... idiots" he shakes his head then sigh. "Follow me" 
"There's a side path?" I whisper as I lean to Hakkai. 
"I don't know" he whispers back.
"I never fucking heard of it" Takashi whispers as we both look at him then all of us glances at Draken.
"Don't look at me like that, do I look like a guy who's good with direction?" he says almost offended. 
We all follow Mikey up to the side path and praise every existing God for finally making up the fucking hill to the shrine where Pah and Peh and rest of Toman already there giving us questioning looks. 
"Say a word and you're all dead" Takashi growls at his division who all just look away immediately.
"Okay, now that I have gathered all of the captains we can finally begin. First of all, thank you all for your hard work in the investigation that has been going on the past few weeks. There are a few things we need to discuss. First of all, I want to welcome back two very important members. Third Division Captain, Haruki Hayashida or as most of us know him; Pah" Mikey announces and raises his hand motioning to Pah who just grins as he stand in front of the gang and we all let out a loud cheer.
"Good to be back home" he grins. "Thank you for having me back" he bows to the gang and there's a mixture of cries and cheers. I wipe a tear from my eyes then let out a loud excited yell. 
"Glad to have you back home, brother" Mikey smiles as he offers Pah a hand which he happily takes then pulls him into a hug. They pat each others back then pull away and Pah comes back to join his fellow captains. 
"Second, I'd like to welcome our Angel back" he shouts then raises his arm to me and I just roll my eyes with a smile.
"Well, apparently you just need to get stabbed to get the spot light" I joke and a laugh runs across the gang and Mikey just rolls his eyes with a smile. "But on a different note, I'd like to thank all of you for all your help and support. You're all my family. Thank you" I say then I bow to the gang. The gang cheers the gives me a round of applause then just I walk back next to Draken who gives me a big grin.
"And now to discuss something that is less cheerful" Mikey starts and my stomach turns as I know what he means especially when Chifuyu walks up to him and stands beside him. I thought I'm going to be okay with it, ready for it but apparently I am nowhere near ready to let Baji go "With losing Baji we have lost not just our 1st Division Captain but a friend, a brother, a soul mate. No one will ever replace Baji, so know that the next 1st Division Captain isn't replacing Baji but will carry on his memory, his work and his devotion to Toman. I had discussed this with Chifuyu and we both agreed that our choice will be the perfect person to carry on Baji's legacy as the Captain of the 1st Division" Mikey explains and there's just pure silence amongst all of us. I clench Draken's hand trying hard not to faint or break down crying. Out of all of us losing Baji hit me and Chifuyu the hardest. "With no further delay, the next 1st Division captain is-" 
"I'm sorry I can't do this" I whisper to Draken as I let go of his hand and I turn away, start walking off, not wanting to hear those words coming out of Mikey's mouth. I just... I can't accept it. Baji's the only 1st Division captain. 
"Angel where the hell do you think your going?" Mikey's voice echoes in the silence and I just stop in my tracks. 
I turn around then bow. "Forgive me, commander but out of my own selfishness I cannot stand to hear nor talk about having a new division captain. No disrespect to who ever is the next captain but to me that division belongs to Baji and no one else. Forgive me for saying it so bluntly but no one other than Chifuyu deserves that title, no one knew Baji well enough to carry on his greatness" I say in a serious tone as I look at him. 
"No one, huh? You're questioning my choice as the commander of Toman?" he asks as he starts walking up to me. 
"Mikey..." Draken steps out but Mikey just quiets him with a simple motion. 
"If it comes to picking anyone other than Chifuyu then yes I do" I say with a more powerful tone as I start to get annoyed. I know I should just stay quiet and going against the commander really isn't a wise idea but when it comes to Baji I just can't think straight. 
"After all these years, you seriously question me...?" he cocks a brow but his tone... it's not his Toman voice, this is not the Invincible Mikey, I wasn't talking to the commander of the Tokyo Manji gang... I was talking to my childhood friend, that sweet dumbass who I have movie marathons with and play fights over snacks. "Matsuno!" he calls out without breaking eye contact with me. 
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curio-queries · 10 months
I totally agree with you regarding JK’s solo area, and it makes me a bit sad because I had been waiting for his first solo album for years. Now that his promo has ended, I realize nothing about it has got me truly excited. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it. For the most part I found it underwhelming. I haven’t been able to watch today’s concert yet though, I was busy at work unfortunately so I’ll try to catch up soon but it’s less fun not watching it in real time.
About GCF, to me it almost felt like watching a random YouTuber’s vlog and I find that meh. The whole point of GCF for me was that it was JK’s doing the editing on top of the filming but something is lacking now. It’s like they stripped GCF of its substance, as you said it could have been labeled as a Bangtan Vlog and I wouldn’t really have seen a difference. What I was expecting for this solo is to see the world through JK’s eyes and it hasn’t happened unfortunately. But I’m hopeful he’ll grow as an artist and come back with something more personal in the future. That being said he’s an amazing singer, his voice was really what stand out to me in this area!
Thank you anon! It's nice to know I'm not the only one! I've felt just so CONFLICTED this era. I YEARNED for JKs music for so long and now that we have it....hmmmm...I'm reminded why I try not to have expectations.
I honestly don't know if I'd feel better if I actively disliked everything so far because at least that would mean I felt SOMETHING about it all. It's just been so....meh.
Oh well, maybe when there's not so much 'pressure' and 'expectation' on him, we'll get more of what we've had a taste of.
Honestly, this whole GCF issue very likely just has a root cause of time. They clearly wanted it to release when it did but he's had a very full schedule and wasn't able to get the footage he usually would have or spend the time editing. I do wonder if he got the edit started though. The beginning is very much his style.
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zachsgamejournal · 1 year
COMPLETED: Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New 'n' Tasty
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Within the past couple of years I played through the original again and absolutely loved it (to the best of of memory). While the vibe is great, and I'm pumped for more Oddworld, I was disappointed in what I hoped to be the definitive version of Abe's first adventure...
I was surprised that I chose to play this game. But having beaten Kena: Bridge of Spirits--I needed more beautiful adventures: NOW! I kinda new I was going to be playing Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath next--but those games are a bit graphically dated--and came out when we thought 3D graphics could deliver more than they actually could. So that desire to have pretty graphics, a great adventure, and delve into the realm of Oddworld brought me back to a game I wasn't sure I'd ever play: New 'n' Tasty.
Well...actually, I've played it before. I think it was on PS3. I was pretty pumped when it released because I LOVED the original. I was really excited to see the classic gameplay realized in a 3D environment. But I wasn't sure how they'd pull it off, because the puzzles and gameplay really is about these "screens". Probably more on that later.
What I remember from my first time replaying was that it was similiar but different. Because I hadn't played the original the world, I wasn't quite sure where they were deviating and where they stayed true. I only made it to Scabania before never playing it again (for some reason...probably kids). The game was cheap over xmas, and I bought it with almost every other Oddworld game, but I never really thought I'd play it. Yet, it called to me and I answered.
NOW, playing it again I have the benefit of having played the original fairly recently, and knowing that the original is a perfect work of art. So if I'm not feeling this version, it's because something didn't translate...and it turns out, things did not translate.
The first thing that got to me were the graphics. I was surprised to find them so bland. The whole time I was thinking, "Didn't they look better on PS3??" And my laptop is PS4 Pro equivalent. I think. I made it to the Scabanian temple before I found the graphics were set to medium. I pumped them up to full power and the game was much prettier. But I'm sad that I played the first half not seeing the game at its true glory.
This is important.
The art direction of the original is amazing. Quite often, the graphics were insanely realistic. As humorous and cartoony as it could be--some of the scenes are the most realistic and impressive I've seen in a video game. Unfortunately, there was a cost to moving to 3D on Xbox. The series couldn't rely on good art, it needed good technology. And while Xbox was the most power of its generation, 3D games still often had bland textures and block models. Some games, like Resident Evil Outbreak, were able to pull off amazing 3D graphics, but those were tight, small areas with restricted camera angles. The fully explorable world of Munch and Stranger had to sacrifice detail for freedom. Being released on PS3/PS4 (I don't know), allowed the team get more bang for the buck--but also using the side scrolling format allowed them to focus more attention to the immediate instead of sacrificing resources to render are larger world.
So yes, once I amped up the graphics I was more impressed. Even with low settings, they managed to transition many of the interesting, organic environments into cool 3D spaces. While the game clearly reuses resources, they're able to make each area feel pretty unique. This is mostly noticeable when escaping the factor at night and in Scabania.
Moving on from the presentation, I start to get disappointed...
The main problem with the game is precision. In the original, there's a station screen. Enemies within that screen can help you and enemies outside of it can't. There's minimal to no interaction outside of your screen. (I was thinking a lot of Celeste while playing this, how each screen in Celeste is a challenge that must be overcome one at a time.)
Anyway, in the original screen, Abe's movements were exact. If you pushed forward, he moved forward 1 unit. If you held down sneak, he snuck forward 1 unit. If you tapped roll forward, he rolled forward 1 unit. And if you ran, he traversed by whole units. This probably to some degree related to the use of a d-pad on PS1--but also that precision was necessary for the challenges you faced. You had to trust that Abe was going to jump to where he was supposed to, move where he was supposed to, and that "luck" was minimal to non-existent. It allowed level challenges that were very tricky, but if you figured out the right pattern of moves, you could get through it.
New 'n' Tasty lost that completely.
Instead of having set screens that have to be loaded, the game follows Abe like most 2D side scrollers would. Because of this, it's hard to know what the boundaries are. You can take over sligs, right--but in the original, sometimes the sligs would run off the screen and sometimes they'd stay. This set a parameter for the challenge you faced--can you take over this slig or not? Since there's no screens--it's hard to know when a slig is going to stay in range and when they're not. Same with the drones that zap you. Am I out of range or in range? It made each challenge a bit more organize, but that also meant there were many uncontrollable factors playing into success.
This was made worse by the controls.
As I said, the original had Abe moving in predictable units. No matter where you jumped, rolled, ran, walked--Abe would always stop at specific points on the screen--allowing you to plan tricky jumps and maneuvers. NnT allows the player to move slowly, quickly, or somewhere in between. You never quite know where Abe is going to stop. And, the greatest sin, physics seem to have a play. In the original, moving meant Abe moved immediately. But in this, Abe often has to build up momentum. This makes timing really tricky. You have to account for the build up and animations. It's like in the Crash Bandicoot remakes. In the original games, pressing jump made Crash jump immediately. In the remake there was a windup where crash had to bend down before jumping. Meaning you had to press jump a split second before you intended to. making jmping horribly imprecise. Same thing here.
One of the worst things, there's only one jump button. In the original, you could push up to jump straight up, or push triangle to jump forward. That meant you could push a button and know the result. Depend on it, even. But now I have to press forward to jump forward. And if I don't push it correctly, Abe could take a step or two before jumping--leading to my death about 100 times. This was especially frustrating at the end, where I kept dying from the imprecise controls and momentum build up. This was also really annoying when possessing a slig. They weren't as responsive as the original, so tricky sections often required me to think ahead. I wasn't able to react to things, because if you were reacting you were already too far behind. You had to know, ahead of time, what you needed to do because every action needed to be activated a few split seconds before they were expected to be executed.
This honestly made the game nearly unenjoyable.
The other issue is the story. The story and cut scenes in the original are near perfect. I rewatched a little bit and saw that some of the cut scenes had been changed. There's a great slap stick moment in the original when Abe falls into a meat barrel. As he's flicking off goo, he hits his head on a low hanging pipe. As Abe falls back into the barrel, he passes two sligs that would have killed him immediately on sight. It's a silly moment that adds some fun. These things seemed to be missed or not as well timed in the remake. The original's story was just so tight and precise (like the controls) that it didn't leave wondering what was happening, or why.
That's all I really have to say. It was awesome to see this game get a facelift, but the controls and curious storytelling decisions cause it fall behind the original in the key areas that make the game great. So the the pretty 3D graphics come at a cost.
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multiverseprincess · 1 year
Fallen Star | MJ x Peter Parker
A/N: MJ: Mary Jane/Michelle Jones. No face claims as such- imagine who you want! Green eyes and red hair are mentioned. Peter has brown eyes. Comment and reblog, thanks!
W/C: 1.8K
Genre: Angst. Pure Angst.
listen to "fallen star" by the nbhd
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Peter was heartbroken. An everyday occurrence but it weighed on him heavier today. Today- Peter had decided, was going to be nothing short of life-changing, probably in the best way possible.
He soon realized that in true Parker fashion, that was setting the bar a little too high.
"Peter, I-I- can't do this right now"
He blinked, the sounds of the East River hitting his ears, while the hubbub of the people around them kept him grounded. The aw's turned into awkward shuffling, while the river steadily crashed.
"MJ, what?"
The redhead bowed her head in embarrassment and Peter realized him continuing to kneel would not help either of them, nor their relationship apparently.
Her green eyes shone with unshed tears, and her red hair fought to be released from the confines of her heavy scarf. She was cutely bundled up for their date. Peter told her he wanted to recreate a photo from the earlier days of their relationship. He had his arm around her, resting his cheek on the top of her head. She held him close to her in a side hug.
Right now, that comfort felt miles away.
"Peter, please, we-we can't, not right now", her eyes were begging him to take them away from here. Away from the slightly judgy eyes of the people shuffling about and how uncomfortable this spot had become due to their own actions.
He moved closer to her and she took his hand in hers. Both shuffling away from the crowd.
Once they reached the confines of their apartment, MJ unwrapped the scarf and threw it on their coffee table, right next to Peter's beanie, both covered in snow.
Peter looked at MJ, waiting for her to start talking. Peter's last uttered words were all he was capable of at the moment. He had kept mum on their way home, and as they settled in. He wasn't going to break his silence anytime soon.
MJ sat on their sofa, holding her head in her hands, she then untied her hair and let it fall in red waves, strongly contrasting their age-old grey sofa.
She had bought a sort of vibrancy to his life, that was undefeatable, she made love an excitable, fun, and light-hearted affair, that Peter desperately needed after Gwen's passing. Peter wanted to know more about MJ right from the minute she ran into him, late to her audition. They exchanged apologies and a couple of flirty remarks and with the promise that she would give him a text should she land the role, the rest turned history.
Peter always wanted MJ to make the next move. He was bold by all means, but he felt when it came to relationships- MJ knew better. He jumped headfirst into love, with little to no thought.
With MJ, he struggled to do that, his fear catching up to him.
Luckily MJ, didn't mind, she led them through their relationship with steadiness, with an excitement that sometimes made him feverish with wanting her more and more. Needing her right next to him.
The sickness Peter felt right now was a stark contrast.
MJ looked up after some minutes she had spent tousling her hair and taking some deep breaths.
"Peter, we are not ready for this", she said.
Peter felt sicker. His apprehension that MJ had buried since the beginning of their relationship, crawled its way out from his brain.
He could feel the unshed tears in his eyes, the shame and desperation at the back of his head.
"MJ, I-I- thought we were on the same page"
MJ nodded, her unshed tears giving up, falling through her lashes. When she started to speak, her voice suffused with sadness and desperation too.
"Pete, we're not ready, we have loans, we live on rent, and we barely make it through a week without one of us forgetting basic chores, c'mon Pete, we are not ready."
His apprehension spread through his head, to the back of his throat. He made his way over to her, his voice shook too,
"MJ, sweetie- we always figure things out, we can figure this out too, hm?"
He held her face in his hands, trying to wipe her tears gently, with his thumbs. God knows he would never tire of being there for her.
"Peter, you don't understand- I-I- I am not ready, I am still an understudy, and you-you- you barely make it alive back home every night, this is not the sign for a healthy relationship. Forget a marriage"
He nodded in understanding, still holding her close and he spoke, with his hands on her shoulders now,
"MJ, we can talk this out, figure out a schedule maybe-"
"Peter we have tried it! We tried that and we stick to it for maybe 3 days before both of us can't keep up! Neither of us has it in us to commit to something- long enough to build it, Peter. That is what I wanted to talk to you about last night-"
The apprehension threaded through his veins, spreading through his chest. His heart hurt, he walked away from her and he yelled, like a wounded animal-
"MJ, what do you mean? What do you mean we can't build anything? Look around us, look at this house, look at you and me, look at this! Does it look like something a dysfunctional couple would accomplish? Huh? Does it look like I can't commit?"
MJ cried a little hard at his pained speech, he was hurt she knew.
She had been delicately threading through the last couple of days. For two weeks she hinted at how she felt unsatisfied with the state of their relationship, at their living conditions. She hinted at wanting more. She wanted more time, for herself. She wanted to give more, to herself. Peter was a catch she knew, but she also knew that the current opportunity she had, was once in a lifetime and that she couldn't commit to it, with her battery half dead. She felt burnt out, not for her lack of trying though.
God knows she gave her all so that Peter could shine.
"Peter, I can't. I can't commit." She cried, her breaths coming out shorter. Tears blurred her vision, her throat clogged with sadness, sadness that she wanted to let out in the peace and comfort of her own space. She did not want to do this in front of Peter, for his and her sake. She never meant to hurt him. She wanted to delicately let them go, he meant too much to her to hurt him.
Now, with how dejected his face looked, his warm brown eyes sadly gazing at her- she knew it was a lost cause.
His hands hung at his sides, desperate to hold her close to him and shield them from whatever this was.
"Peter, I'm sorry, I really am. But I can't, I really can't", she fell to the floor, holding her face in her hands. Her sobs filled the apartment, along with Peter's light sniffles. He knew he wasn't too far behind, his hands threading through his hair, a little harsh at their memories flashing in front of his eyes, the last two weeks spinning through his mind to pick and pin where, where he had lost her. He tried to think of times she was lost or hurt, because of him. He came up empty. He looked at MJ, he watched her cry, like she never had before, some of her hair sticking to her neck and cheeks- the heels of her palms held to her eyes.
Had he really been oblivious? To their relationship? He knew she wanted them to grow. Did she want to grow out of them? Every time she mentioned, getting another place, another this or that- he thought it was them together. Not just her or just him.
It was clear to him that the more he looked at her, she grew out of the relationship. He grew into the idea of it. Them growing apart was the only growth left for whatever they had left. A friendship was on the cards, but right now- Peter thought that was unlikely- he was too ashamed.
He sat in front of her, bringing his knees close to his chest, his elbows on his knees, palms inching closer to her face. Once there, wiping her tears, with a kind of delicacy that made MJ wonder how was he capable of tearing into NYC's criminals with the same hands.
"MJ, if you don't want this- I don't either. I don't want anything you don't. If this is right for you, it is for me as well. You know better, you always knew."
She looked at him to see if he meant it, she found nothing but sincerity and sadness. Peter rarely gave up, if ever- she knew this was big for him. She felt a splurge of pride through her chest at his words, knowing that the man she chose was nothing short of a diamond in the rough.
She felt more tears come in at that, making their way through her lashes, the surface of the skin on her cheeks, and Peter's thumbs apparently. She watched him look at his thumbs and wipe her tears, a sort of pity in his eyes. She pitied them too. If only she could steer them off of the edge of this cliff, that they didn't seem to see themselves chasing.
It always felt like an open road with Peter, a sort of longing for more, the thrill of the ride made your heart beat faster, cheeks flush at the knowledge that no matter what turn the road had you knew your fellow traveler had your back, no matter what.
Now they were here, with no turnaround and no help in sight. She felt a longing to pull him closer and hide them both, shielding them from the inevitable fall. That's exactly what she did, making them both sob hard. Peter hid his face in her neck while she leaned her forehead against his shoulder. He was sturdy in a way no man she had ever been with.
He was more than comfortable with her calling the shots in their relationship. He enabled it further by listening to her and enlisting her help with his Spider-Man activities. He made her feel like no one ever had. It was a sort of power that only came with knowing you were heard, and seen for who you were. The faith he put in her made her bloom as a person.
But right now, they felt it all crumble, a heap of overthinking mess awaiting them below. The fall felt blinding. Each of them being each other's only comfort. Knowing that they had to let go made them both hold each other a little tighter, as though time would slow for them, making them fall a little softer.
They knew that beyond each other, the only comfort left was- the comfort of what they were, and what they could be. A memory that would shine forever, vibrant and steady.
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