#i was so used to looking at her recolored version i forgot what she actually looked like
gorgojijijijito · 2 years
okay so i have barely done ANYTHING in sumeru bc im so behind on genshin quests (i absolutely hate having to sit thru dialogue and lore) and also im very disappointed in the character designs. it's a shame bc from clips ive seen i REALLY like they ways theyre WRITTEN, especially nahida and tighnari, but i have barely seen anything but gameplay and a small theory for layla and im already super attached to her. hate her voice, wish it was deeper and not as forced, but im super interested in the theory of her possibly having a connection to abyss mages. thing is i hate looking at her colors (fuck hoyo and their current fixation with white/black/gold/cool color schemes), so i did a lil recolor when i was bored. then, i finally had enough and actually did a full redesign, which i havent done before so please let me know if it’s not very good or accurate djgfjgh
heres the original 🤯🥶🤢
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heres the recolor 🥳😉😘
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and finally, the redesign 🥳🥳🥳😍😍😍🥰
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i looked up her name and it had persian roots, but i couldnt easily find anything on persian women’s clothing so i just went with modern day iranian clothing, specifically of the hormorzgan province. then i tried to tie it more with cryo abyss mage patterns and colors and keep some elements of fantasy. it’s not very clean bc i mostly made it as a reference for future drawings (self shipping) but i think i did okay considering it’s my first full on redesign
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kisses her and wishes with all my might she gets a cool khaenri'an backstory that deeply affects the plot
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Download 10/30/2022
Before you download this version: I have no idea if this will replace your character or not. I’d go to:
Graphics > Characters
And copy either TrChar000, Boy_Run, Boy_Surf, and Boy_Bike, or TrChar001, Girl_Run, Girl_Surf and Girl_Bike and paste them somewhere outside the game’s files. If your character changed after downloading this version, close your game, then paste the copied files into the “characters” folder and say “yes” to replace them.
Otherwise if you want to play as the female character with two-toned blue hair and default clothes, go ahead and keep it.
-I know I’m taking a risk by doing this, but I really don’t remember what the hell I have to do to end Cerise’s first story, even after playing through it. So I ended it for sure this time. It continues after you go to bed after Cerise locks her self in her room.
-Made it so you can’t date Cerise without seeing her first event first. Of course this means nothing if you’re already dating her. If you are then you won’t be able to marry her without seeing it. And you’ll still have the opportunity to see it, but she’ll act like she’s just friends with you.
+Finished Cerise’s pre-marriage schedule
+Started Ollie’s pre-marriage schedule
-Thanks to this God send right here, I was able to replace most (if not all) of the Gen 5 and 6 back sprites so they don’t look so pixelated and short. They look great!
-I recolored the shiny Flabebe line. I did this before but I’m not sure if I ever actually finished Florges’ line. They’re all finished now.
-I also recolor the shiny Deerling line. I made their skin gray so they stand out from the original.
-I did the same thing for Vivillon even though I don’t think you can catch them in case I do want to add them somewhere. All I did was played around with the hue slider on FireAlpaca with them. I think describing what I did just now took longer than actually changing their colors.
-I made the background around original Mikon transparent. I forgot to do that after I majorly fixed up the sprites so before this update build there was pink in the background of Mikon. Whoops.
-There were other Pokemon with the same pink background that I forgot to make transparent. I don’t know if they are in the game though.
Oversight and glitch fixes:
-I moved Ollie so her date isn’t on the bench but right next to it because RPG Maker XP is an old man who forgets how to work properly sometimes.
-I (should have) fixed Esmaralda’s and Ollie’s trading quests. For Ollie I forgot a line of code and for Esmaralda I didn’t forget it, but I forgot to complete it somehow? And the part I forgot was the first part. I left it blank somehow. I don’t understand how that happened.
-When you place down either the Cacturne Doll or the Pokemon to guard your berries for you, I forgot to limit it to only one. So if you put one down two would show up. And they would start moving. Now you will only place one item or Pokemon down.
Oversights I noticed but I don’t remember how to fix right now:
-When you place some of the furniture, it won’t show up while you’re choosing where to place it. That’s because I don’t know how to correctly align the items because there’s no guide to help me with that. But they are still there. You just have to drop them.
-The “evolution” music doesn’t work. I’d replace it but it crashed again when I converted the file into an .ogg file and now I can’t get into the debug version of the game without it crashing either. (It’s called “Evolution.ogg” but it’s also used for trading and other things.)
-I reduced the amount of berries you can get per tree significantly. Before I was just going by what’s canon. What’s canon makes sense in the context of a Pokemon game- you have to wait real days to get somewhere like 1-9 berries or 4-20 for some. But when I was able to get 65 Pecha berries in one cycle (less than 30 minutes real time) I was like “okay I need to do something about this.” So I did. So now the most you can get is 4 for some of the berries.
-I had something leftover from when I tried to have the plants show their progression beyond the first and last stage. So when you water your plants it will turn into whatever progress you’re at, which would then go away after you leave the map. I deleted those. This means that trying to add plots will be quicker. Speaking of,
-I also added two more plots to plant berries in! I’ve tried this many times before but I would have to go back and change something for all ten plots. At this point I deleted enough that I think I won’t be going back, unless it’s for one more thing. But that won’t happen unless I make like... 40 plots available, at least. I made 12 so far. I’d probably add them by 2 at a time.
This will be the main thing I work on while watching something live from now on.
-If you don’t have the National Dex yet, Kiana will send you a letter after you go to bed to see her so she can give one to you.
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modmamono · 3 years
Are you going to do the another characters? Mostly the Primp and Suzuran, since they are already in a class setting, so I'm wondering how your gonna update some of them
Of the Primp kids, not a lot of them are gonna be main characters, so they’re on low priority. And Ringo and Maguro are even lower. But I can go one by one how I’d update each hypothetically until they’re possibly made.
A weird thing with the Primp Characters is that some would fit in well in that world and some of them less so.
Not sure what I’m gonna do with her besides having her have the beanie hat. Because what she wears is just something that seems like she threw on because she likes it and has no fashion sense. I might leave her mostly unchanged.
Oh, I forgot, we made her a cheerleader. We might rework with that. At least a pom-pom.
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As we do.
This Raffina is all about getting attention on her, her usual outfit will work fine, it will draw in eyes.
I forget if we still made her a martial artist or not, not out of the realm of possibility she practices that. But her trait here is that she’s a cosplayer:
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And besuiting her vanity, she has no real passion for most of the things she dresses as. Just to make herself look good and get likes on her social media.
And that’s how we updated Raffina. Though, that’s not all. Ever seen this Puyo Quest character?:
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She’s called Raina, we didn’t so much adapt her, as much as we used her to have our cake and eat it too.
Raffina is a huge jerk in Fever 2 & 15th, she really only cares about herself. That’s what we like about her. Raffina is a low-key antagonist in our fic.
But she lost some of that audacious personality as the games went on. And we wanted that side of Raffina too. That’s why we made Raina Raffina’s younger sibling.
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Raina is the more amicable one of the two. That said, I’d say they’re both very neutral characters. Or rather, Raina is neutral, Raffina is on her own side.
Not to say we don’t plan on making Raina her own character, Raffina is rather tomboyish and secretly unrefined in the games, no matter how hard she tries to hide that fact. Raina is either better at hiding it or is just naturally more feminine than Raffina which makes Raffina kinda insecure.
That’s my headcanon for my fic I’m writing anyway, can’t guarantee that ever comes up.
Sig’s one of those who doesn’t really need an update. Clothing wise he generally looks the most normal of Accord’s students. Here he is:
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warelander had input on Sig’s costume here. He liked the idea of the 20th shirt with the PPT1 jacket open over it.
I don’t feel confident explaining how he’s recontextualized. In this fic, he’s ware’s side of the story. I can say he’s a little less stoic. Just a little.
I’d just take his stupid hat off. I just wanted to say stupid.
Klug will be in the fic, but it’s gonna be a while before he is. So I don’t wanna say just yet.
We gave her more reasons than just her horns to be skittish, not gonna go further than that.
Clothing-wise: I don’t know yet, at some point she’ll be a major player, but that time isn’t now yet. Maybe something that makes her look slightly younger than she actually is in our fic (she’s 13 or so) instead of dressing like she’s 6? Maybe?
Honorary Primp Kid, Feli
She’s in the same boat as Klug at the moment.
Ringo & Maguro
They’re not major players. Likely not to do much. Low priority
I’ve wondered if their 20th clothes were summer school uniforms or not. But I am operating on that assumption. I’d make them wear something they’d wear when they can wear what they want. This Primp High School is a school in that world’s version of Germany, not Japan.
They’re Lagnus’ DnD buddies.
He’s the school principal. I just gave him a pin of the School’s symbol, that being the Green Puyo.
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And that’s all the real physical change he’s gotten. The switch from museum curator to principal should be self-explanatory, but he does teach some history classes I believe. That answer is in our notes.
That pin was supposed to replace that thing it’s attached to, but something was lost in communication. I do like this more though.
Speaking of miscommunication, Vice-Principal Accord’s skirt.
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It was supposed to be shorter than her regular skirt, knee-high or so. But it ended up being a mini-skirt.
Two reasons why I didn’t change it:
1) Symbolism. 2) Didn’t wanna bother ChaoPlushie redrawing it.
That said, I got a bit nervous and made him recolor the legs. Which I even regretted at the time. There’s no timeline where I like the color choice on the right image no matter the color. I don't think it’s good color balance.
As for the update aspect... All I say that her original outfit is too much for a contemporary setting. Also, I don’t remember seeing a long skirt in real life that wasn’t near a catholic school.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
Kasumi’s PT Outfit Analysis
Tell me what do these two have in common?
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If you said “Cat theme” you are correct! If not, well then buckle up my dudes cause this is gonna be fun~! :D (I also want to take the time to point out, while this isn’t want I’m talking about, I do like this fan artist’s perspective on her gloves :D)
I know what you’re thinking, and no I’m not smoking anything I don’t do that, but Kasumi really does have cat thief themed origins (and no not because of the fan art, didja click on it? it’s cute!). I realized it after realizing she was a gymnast and was like “Why? Why does she get a gymnast theme? How does this fit with the outlaw theme? Has there been a thief who had gymnast outfit?....wait....could it be.....omg it IS!” AND THE ANSWER IS YES! 4 thieves actually, 3 are sisters in one series, and 1 is an expy of those sisters by the same author in his other work. If you know who I’m talking about I’m talking about.....CAT’S EYE! (and Phantom Thief 305 from City Hunter, I dunno the meaning of the name tho)
Let’s start with Cat’s Eye (not a 100% expert in it, but I know more than City Hunter tbh). Cat’s Eye is about a trio of sisters (Hitomi the middle who is the main character, Rui the oldest sister, and Ai the youngest) stealing things using their multiple skill sets (such as gymnastics), partially because they want to contact their missing dad who is also a thief (and their attempts to contact him are through the calling cards and stealing the items in hopes he comes as well). And....that’s basically it I think (been awhile since I read the manga and I’m in the process of re-reading it now). Movie wise, it seems they are in the process of trying to rescue him (hard to find info, no eng subtitles for me to watch so efsljdfl;aj).
Anne and Kasumi are the biggest shout outs to Cat’s Eye than anyone else (tho you could argue Cat’s eye is probs the reason Makoto drives a Motorcycle and Futaba is an semi-orange themed tech genius, and Haru who is “Noir” tho I don’t feel like looking up who came first, her or the Cat’s Eye Pachinko machine cause it’s not important). Anne’s outfit is more a shout-out to the Cat’s Eye Movie version while Kasumi’s is more a shout-out to the original manga/anime. Let’s focus on the Cat’s Eye movie for a second tho.
This isn’t the first time Cat’s Eye movie was used as inspiration for Persona. Back in P2 Tamaki Uchida dressed as Ai (the youngest sister of Cat’s Eye, but is the lead role in the movie), as the actress she is based off of (Yuki Uchida) played Ai in the movie.
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Anne, however, seems to be based on Hitomi outfit with some Rui flare to it (they differ slightly)
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(btw the movie opens up with an anime sequence before going full live action, Hitomi Left, Rui Right I think for both pics, Ai is in the middle for the bottom pic, and recolored Anne for better comparison and also because I can 8U)
I know what you are thinking, “But what about Catwoman????” I think she’s still related to Cat’s Eye tho. Catwoman came first in creation, and Catwoman was the first to use the leather outfits (tbh, mask wise, Tamaki’s mask/ears seem to draw from the Catwoman 60s tv show outfit), and it seems she/Batman were the inspiration for the movie costumes. Also considering how Persona likes to use Batman, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the cat theme stuff was also Batman/Catwoman related as well as Cat’s Eye. So there’s still a connection to Catwoman esp with the movie! 
Another possible connection to the movie is Anne’s name, specifically “Anne,” as the person who went by the stage name “Anri/杏里” (I mean Anne is just the  杏 kanji but still) who sings the theme song “Cat’s Eye 2000″ for the movie. Fun fact.
Now let’s look at the manga/anime, where it’s Kasumi’s time to shine (tho Anne will come back up).
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As you can see they’ve been redesigned a few times (btw Hitomi’s colors in the first vol of Cat’s eye is actually blue with an orange ribbon, it was changed to yellow later it seems, also the top right is a spinoff manga of Cat’s Eye called Cat’s Eye: Ai where Ai is the MC)
As you can see, the girl who is mostly in the blue is Hitomi, and she has a tendency to wear a chocker with her leotard. Kinda like.......Kasumi! 
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Recolored with blue to highlight the comparison (also because I NEED COLOR IN HER DESIGN ATLUS LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH DX) 
Fun fact, Hitomi I believe is a gymnast and she utilizes her skills as a thief (and thus where we get the gymnast as a thief outlaw theme and why it only works for Kasumi/gymnasts and not runners like Ryuji). 
But Kasumi also has similarities between her and Ai, both have red in their theme, both I think are first years. Also, while Ai isn’t as strong or skilled as her older sisters in fighting, she is the most agile (which we don’t know if Kasumi is in the same boat but it’s worth noting just in case). Another thing about Ai, is her connection to Tamaki up above, Tamaki who is based off the actress who played Ai was in the fencing club (which Yuki Uchida was also a fencer), and what weapon does Kasumi wield? A one handed sword similar to other fencers in Persona (like Mitsuru), so woot we’ve come full circle on that! (also if Kasumi is Hamuko reincarnated, or Hamuko’s younger sister, it should be noted that one of Hamuko’s theme colors is orange along with pink and red so fklsdjfsajf; bonus points if that comes true!)
Kasumi’s mask is also probably based on the Cat’s Eye calling card (or at least it follows a similar pattern):
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Same point pattern, same eye shape and design (it’d also explain why it’s so thick, cause the emblem is thick looking too 8U)
So I mentioned we’d come back to Anne, and here we are! There is one last thing that is similar to Anne and the Kisugi sisters, and it’s that they are all hafus! The sisters are all half german, and Hitomi looks just like her western grandmother if Hitomi had blonde hair, and later dyes her hair blonde for her thieving:
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Also *cough* a pink/red outfit I wonder who that reminds us of? 8U
Now onto City Hunter, which....I think is the biggest evidence that Kasumi was based off these people. And it’s this girl:
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The girl with the glasses is the same one as the girl in the same girl in the green leotard (the one in the red isn’t a thief, but was wearing one to match the other girl while they stole a flower). 
This is the first episode this girl shows up (only one I’ve seen too tbh), she’s actually 17/a 2nd year iirc.... And guess what her name is? Kasumi Aso. Kasumi is spelled the same way too (aka only in hirigana)! From my research she only steals what is commissioned of her (I think she steals back what is stolen from other people). She has connection to flowers like Kasumi Yoshizawa (Aso is connected to the [black] tulip, Yoshizawa has flowers on her belt). Both are pretty unassuming in their civilian outfits too tbh. (tho slightly off topic, fun fact, there was a Japanese hafu rhythmic gymnast named Kasumi, I’ve been wanting to post about that for awhile but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s who IRL Yoshizawa was based off of)
Sadly I don’t know much else about Aso, I need to read more of City Hunter to find out (even tho she’s not a super main character), and tbh this is where I kinda end with the Kasumi/Anne and Cat’s Eye/PT 305/Catwoman analysis. But I’ll use this time to talk about a few misc stuff and maybe a few theories related to cat themed thief ladies:
P5 probably got the “Thief who works at a cafe during the day (and the Cafe name also is a reference to their thieving as well as possibly housing a cat)” from Cat’s Eye and City hunter (which take place in Tokyo/Shinjuku, tho in different locations), as the Kisugi Sisters work at their cafe called “Cat’s Eye,” and Aso being their expy, also works at a cafe by the same name (tho it’s run by different people cause it’s in a different/parallel universe). 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Tamaki’s tendency to house a Nekomata in her workplace to be similar to the kitty (Tiger I think it’s name is) that Ai has at the cafe (esp considering, again, Yuki Uchida played Ai). 
According to the Japanese fan wiki of Cat’s Eye, in the sequel “Cat’s Eye: Ai,” the Cafe is moved to a new location, which is Kichijoji, which is the new area that has been unlocked in P5R (maybe a certain cafe will be available for us to wander into? :0 Or maybe Kasumi works at a cafe XP or maybe is connected to the billiards place, tho that DARTSLIVE3 screenshot seems to have a “cafe” poster in the background so maaaaaaaybe that’s a cafe XP)
Part of me wonders if Mitsuru’s Arena outfit is related more to Black Cat, due to the signature “white fur” both characters wear. 
Kasumi Y’s hairstyle (aka if her hair was down, so basically we are going off her bangs) is similar to Hitomi (at least the Pachinko machine ver)
Anne’s circle zipper designs might be more of a shout-out to Marvel’s Black Cat, not that Catwoman hasn’t had that as well, but I don’t feel like figuring out who did the circle zipper first 8U 
Satomi Tadashi dressed up as Zorro and was romantically involved with Takami. Anne who is a Cat’s Eye expy is crushed on by Mona (who wields Zorro). And Kasumi, another Cat’s Eye expy, looks like a Hamuko Expy, while Mona’s human form looks like a Minato Expy. 
Kasumi has a similar black mask with silver line design (not the mask shape itself, the line design) as a woman named “Noir”(?) who appears in the Cat’s Eye Pachinko Machine (yes I did come across interesting things, no I don’t know what her deal is or really who she is tbh cause I think she’s a pachinko original 8U ;w;)
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So yeah just gonna kinda end it here awkwardly. FYI this doesn’t mean you HAVE to like her outfit (you have every right to dislike or like it tbh), it’s just a history lesson, and explaining how it fits the outlaw/PT theme, where’s Ryuji’s track or Haru’s ballet doesn’t.
Oh! Edit cause I forgot, if you push her mask up over head, it might look like cat’s ears, just a theory tho (of course it might look like devil horns but so does Anne’s so fklsjdfk;aj;faj;f take this for what you will):
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 4 (Cont)
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The gremlin challenges Tsubasa, a Symphogear, whose entire shtick is to sing to channel power, to sing.
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It dawns on her, however, that Tsubasa is part Greninja. Tsubasa used Shadow-Weaving! It’s super effective.
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“tell me, you jellyfish looking weirdo...”
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“hey- hey, time out. are you gonna do what i think you’re gonna do. this is gonna like, kill you. you know that, right? that you will literally die? you do understand you can just retreat now or- or just take hibiki away, right? i even told you that was the whole point of this... uh... oh shit.”
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“tsubasa please i will literally lend you my remaining brain cell to stop you from this really stupid mistake”
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Dad has entered the server.
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“oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. o- ryoko. stop breathing on me. this isnt helping my anxiety over my adopted daughter figure literally preparing to kill herself over my commands.”
“sorry babe its just the asthma, forgot my inhaler”
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“i cannot FUCKING believe of ALL the opponents i had to fight i had to fight the DUMBEST one on the goddamn block, you idiot, you absolute dunce, RETHINK THIS”
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“just used up my last brain cell for this attack, pal. you’re through.”
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The gremlin could not begin to comprehend Tsubasa’s intense love for incredibly well-built redheaded women.
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Hibiki can, though.
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“SO......... MUCH........... SAUCE...................”
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The gremlin retreats after getting her licks. This scene subtly implied something; the Nehushtan armor she wears regenerates over time, which means no matter how much damage it sustains, it will always return in one piece. The same can’t be said for the user, though.
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Hibiki runs to Tsubasa, checking if she’s okay, totally oblivious to the gravity of what just happened.
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“i came just as i could and ive brought happy meals for everyone”
Genjuro asks if Tsubasa is okay.
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I dunno man, this is a pretty tough judgement call here. I mean, is she okay? Pain is a pretty subjective experience, after all.
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“oh my god i get it. i get the joke she implied. she wanted to jam. she’s jammed! cause it- it looks like jam! no, wait, its more like sauce...”
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It dawns on Hibiki that people actually do die during this job.
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Tsubasa, as it turns out, survived her Swan Song. It makes sense that she would because she was naturally receptive to her relic, Ame-No-Habakiri. Still, the injury comes with great gravity. She’s benched for the next season, and it’s likely she’s gonna miss the playoffs.
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Stuck on a respirator on the edge of life, Tsubasa will probably look back at this and go, “Gosh, I was such a wild child. Haha. Almost dying and all.”
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Hibiki wraps her single braincell around the idea of death. Most main characters aren’t familiar with the concept of death, you see, because most don’t die. But this is Season One Symphogear. Flirting with death is common.
Ogawa comes in to comfort her.
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“dumbass had her opponent bound and the gremlin still escaped anyway”
Ogawa then explains shit we already know. Thanks, Ogawa.
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“in summation: i get where you’re coming from, but stop fucking saying ‘im gonna replace kanade’, please, im begging you”
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Hibiki FINALLY gets it, and naturally upon realizing, feels really bad for it. A real right and true asshole.
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“oh thank god i was worried not even that was going to get to you”
Meanwhile, in Tsubasa’s mind...
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“ah fuck me. im trapped in metaphor limbo. see, im falling because i clipped my wing, cause i nearly died, you know, like icarus and shit”
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“hold up my gay senses are tingling”
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Her senses confirmed. Kanade is in her mind, in probably the most romantic metaphor possible. There is absolutely no way to interpret all of this platonically.
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Tsubasa is literally submerged in a sea of her own emotions...
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Involving Kanade, and how she strives to be like her and honor her memory.
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Tsubasa, in her Symphogear Brand Medical Cocoon for the Dumb and Beaten Down, quietly slumbers in her semi-comatose state as she wrestles the water metaphors of her own sexual identity.
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The poor thing just misses her girlfriend.
Meanwhile, Hibiki sits and thinks more than usual. In a flashback, Genjuro muses about how The Gremlin wanted to kidnap Hibiki.
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“i dunno maybe The Gremlin’s super lonely or shit”
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“i mean if thats the case ill just adopt her too”
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Since Tsubasa is away, Hibiki has to pick up the quota for teenage angst in the 2nd Division. Unfortunately, she has very big shoes to fill, but Hibiki isn’t one for slacking in the misery department. She blames herself for everything.
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“im really going to fire the therapist we have around here for being pretty damn useless”
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“can i be the therapist?”
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“ryoko i am absolutely begging you to filter your bad ideas given the several teenage crises we’re dealing with right now”
Hibiki then yells out, for what is possibly the third time, out of the blue:
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The flashback ends.
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And speaking of girlfriends.
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“there is no force on this planet stopping me from having some quality fucking time with my girlfriend damnit”
Miku points out Hibiki has been pretty lonely. Says she heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another she was messin’ ‘round.
Unfortunately, Miku is a goddamned chad.
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Immediate handholding. Make no mistake. Behind those soft-spoken eyes lies an absolute master.
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“o-oh, my hand, you’re holding it, so smoothly”
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“hibiki, you’re my sunshine. i want to soak up your rays so hard that every piece of flesh of my body is horribly mutilated from skin cancer.”
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“jesus christ miku at least use sunscreen in your metaphors”
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“ill use them just for you, hibiki. just for you.”
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Their relationship is interesting. When one of them is sad, the other sorta acts as an angst vacuum. You’ll see them flip flop with their points of misery with each other, but when together, those problems always melt away.
Of course, emphasis on being together. Season 1 is the worst with keep them away from each other.
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“Just Be Yourself!” Miku Kohinata, Symphogear, 2012.
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“fuck me, you’re right. im the protagonist. i cant just eat shit here the whole time. i gotta do protagonist things!”
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“was that an invitation?”
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“another time. but now... let’s just catch up.”
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And so, they laugh together about how the recorded footage of the meteor shower was all black. Truly the greatest couple of all time.
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It is this realization of being her own self, coupled with her renewed gay energy, and new perspective on what she must do, that causes everything to go uphill for her from here. Take note.
Here is where a God is truly born.
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Tachibana Hibiki.
The end of this episode cuts to a specific dojo.
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Genjuro’s dojo.
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“i dont fuck around with training, even though i probably should have trained you sooner. you sure about this?”
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“dadman either you do this or i will most definitely die next time”
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Part of their training involves watching action movies, because Genjuro is so unreal that he should frankly be a fictional character in the very universe he exists in.
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Fucking adorable.
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“im so conflicted its so clear she’s part of /fit/ now but i cant help but imagine her washboard abs”
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Hibiki balls even harder at karaoke now, due to her Symphogear training, and not because she’s secretly Aoi Yuki playing a recolored version of Madoka.
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Her significant other is mildly terrified at the superhuman that is slowly unfolding her powers before her eyes.
In the end, things all reach their logical conclusion.
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Hibiki becomes a Tekken character, just like Genjuro.
Of course... Miku pushes the fact very subtly that she would never hide anything from Hibiki...
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Turmoil brews in the worst way... soon...
19 notes · View notes
khremixed · 6 years
Part 6:  Traverse Town and Getting the Gang Together
We’ve finally gotten to our first real world and man is it a good one.
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I’ve always loved the look of Traverse Town.  The cobblestone streets, Victorian buildings, and bright neon signs just combine into something amazing for me.  Each of the three districts has its own unique flavor, but they don’t feel disparate from one another.  Traverse Town also has the feeling of being inhabited, at least in the First District.  The Second and Third Districts are overrun by heartless, so it makes sense in story why no one seems out and about.  It might be my favorite world, so I’m fine that it’s the world we are going to be using as a home base for this game (and miss it dearly in the games it doesn’t appear in).
The transition here is good too.  Donald and Goofy arrive and Donald notices a star going out.  Then Pluto runs off and finds Sora knocked out in an alley.  Pluto wakes up Sora, hears some noise outside human hearing, and then runs off, not to be seen again until the closing cutscene.  Sora wanders off into a nearby store and you meet Cid of Final Fantasy VII fame.
Real talk, but I’ve never played Final Fantasy VII.  Actually, I’ve never beat a Final Fantasy game.  I find turn based combat tedious so the only one I really enjoyed was XII (you know, the one everyone else seems to hate).  I played VIII for a while because of my love of Leon/Squall (more on this in a bit), but the battle system there is broken as all hell.  But anyway, I’ve never played VII, so when I first played this game, I thought Cid was like 35.  Yeah, he’s clearly older than the rest of the gang in Traverse Town, but it didn’t seem like that big of a gap.  His hair is bright yellow and he doesn’t move in a way that reveals being that old.  It’s a jrpg so I assumed that we were going with the anime convention of any person over twenty being treated as a senior citizen.  It wasn’t until Kingdom Hearts 2, when Cid gets a voice actor, that I realized he’s way older (wiki says 42 but that’s ancient in anime/jrpg terms).
Cid’s great, though.  I mean, you are some random kid who just wandered into his store who tells you a tale he’s probably heard a million times over (world destroyed, everyone scattered) and he just immediately offers to help you.  No ulterior motive there.  He’s one of the good ones.  Cid tells Sora to look around town to see if maybe Riku and Kairi did end up here and to come back if they really didn’t.
Sora heads to the Second District.  Everything is nice except for that guy that runs out and immediately gets turned into a soldier heartless in front of you.  It’s genuinely disturbing.  This is the closest thing Kingdom Hearts gets to when it comes to depicting death.  Plus, for someone playing this the first time, you don’t really know what’s happening other than the fact that that dude is terrified and you see his heart literally leave his body to turn into a monster.  Sora then fights a bunch of other heartless and will continue to do so as you explore the various areas.  There is also a great running gag of when you go into one place, Donald and Goofy just miss you as they exit another place.
Heading back to the First District, which is now equally overrun, you go back to Cid, because really, who else does Sora know?  Cid gives a pep talk and Sora goes back outside and this is the moment I’ve been waiting for.  A voice tells Sora that he really has no clue what he has and wonders why it would ever choose a kid like Sora.  And this, my friends, is how we meet Leon.
I’ve had a crush on Leon since I was 12.  Hell, I’ve had a gunblade on my keys since 2007.  As I said before, I love him so much I tried to get through Final Fantasy VIII.  And Leon totally owns Sora in this battle.  Even if you win, which isn’t that difficult if you hide behind the pillars to block his fireballs and nets you an elixir from him down the line, Sora still faints.
While Yuffie helps Leon collect Sora, Aerith finds Donald and Goofy.  Also, between these two scenes, we get our next big Final Mix addition.  Riku wakes up on Hallow Bastion (we don’t know the location yet, but it is) and calls for Sora and Kairi.  Watching him from afar is Maleficent.  At first, I really liked this bit.  It’s fun to see new stuff and I’ve always kind of wondered how Riku ended up with Maleficent.  But the more I think about it, the more I wish it wasn’t there.  Like Sora, the player originally had no clue what had happened to Riku for several hours of gameplay.  The reveal later that Maleficent is manipulating Riku was great and this new scene is detrimental to that reveal.
Anyway, Sora wakes up and has his first hallucination of Kairi, who then turns into a concerned Yuffie.  Since this is the first one, the player can assume that Yuffie’s theory that Leon gave the poor kid a concussion is probably accurate.  Donald and Goofy are in the adjoining room and whole explanation about the heartless is given to everyone by cutting back and forth between the two groups.  It’s a pretty dynamic way to get all the exposition.  This is also the first time we hear about Ansem and his report on the heartless.  I’m sure that that won’t be a reoccurring thing that will reveal previously unknown horrific facts!  I’m sure the whole mess that is Ansem the Wise/Xemnas/Xehanort won’t cause me to start screaming obscenities at the tv screen again!  (Sidenote:  but I totally forgot that we don’t find out that Ansem the Wise was the leader of their home world here or even that his title is “the Wise”).
On a character note, but I’d forgotten just how much of an apathetic asshole Leon is.  He just cannot be bothered to care about Sora’s friends or even feelings.
This is all interrupted by a heartless appearing and Leon and Sora go off to fight.  And this scene is bullshit.  Yuffie getting Leon’s attention, fine.  Her not attacking but instead running?  The hell.  And Leon is the one who tells her to run!  Why?  It isn’t to go protect the healer in the next room because Yuffie just blows past Aerith.  What is with this game and women not getting to do anything but get kidnapped unless they are evil or mermaids?  KH2 does have Yuffie fighting, but still.
Our gang still doesn’t hook up though.  You have to make your way to the Third District, where Donald and Goofy literally crash into Sora.  Cue boss fight!
The boss battle is pretty fun.  And in another change for the Final Mix, but they recolored the armor.  Don’t know why.  (Actually, the further in I get, the more I wonder how many of the heartless were recolored for this and I just can’t remember everyone’s original look so I’ve missed some.)  You have to kill each piece of the armor separately and they will attack independently of each other.  Nothing outstanding, but still fun.
Donald and Goofy try to convince Sora to come with them.  Unlike with Cid, who just wanted to help because he’s a standup guy, Donald is an asshole who straight up lies to Sora about the likelihood of finding Riku and Kairi (Goofy is a standup dude though).  Leon also says he thinks that Sora should go, but is more like Eeyore about it.  Goofy hugs everyone and says “One for all and all for one”.  Now that I’ve played KH3D and know that he was a musketeer with Donald and Mickey, I think that’s rather sweet in retrospect.
Oh, and also, Donald and Goofy tell Sora that if he’s going to join up, then he’s going to have to smile and have no sad faces.  Fuck them.  Sora just lost literally everyone he ever knew and loved and they want him to swallow those feelings.  That’s messed up, y’all.
You also get some stuff, the most important of which is the ability to dodge roll.  I love dodge roll!  I’m always mad when you don’t get it in other games.  There is literally only one ability I like more and that is the high jump (glide is close too).
Before taking off, you can go open up the secret passage to Merlin’s place.  Before Merlin shows up we get another Kairi hallucination.  She thinks that the room is like the secret place on Destiny Islands, but she’s a hallucination, she’s allowed to be wrong.  There Merlin arrives!  I always found his help sort of useless (the Fairy Godmother was more helpful in turning stones into summons but I think in all my years I’ve only ever used a summon once).  Also, feminist aside, but why does the Fairy Godmother hang out as an inanimate mini-carriage when not doing stuff?  Is it so they don’t imply anything going on between her and Merlin when you aren’t around?
When you leave you get the villain conference table scene where they discuss the unlikelihood of Sora winning.  It’s a good introduction of the villains, but I can’t tell if the Final Mix version changed the animation or if I’m just on a better tv because you can now see the silhouettes of all the villains rather than just hearing their voices with extremely shadowed shapes.
4 notes · View notes
elkian · 5 years
chapter 23
“lol elk you’re a bit behind did you forget-” no. this chapter fucking murdered me.
First thing’s first
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Ivan is a cheating cheater who cheats, so he has a crit rate at range with the shadow sword, which in theory is not supposed to be possible. I found this out 20+ turns in to this 24-turn map.
I tried to train some of my lower units (Itsuke, Yue, Arthur, and Rex; Lirin to an extent) on my previous attempts. I will not do that. I am bringing Team Steamroll because I need someone who has a fucking chance to hit the boss.
re: having chance to hit the boss: I cheaped out on weaponry last attempt, and what few attacks could hit couldn’t finish him and he would murder anyone on a counter.
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What do these four shots have in common?
These are my only units with 20+ Skill. I have 33 Units - including a number of Prepromotes - and a grand total of 4 of them have 20 or more Skill.
I’ve said it before on previous chapters, but this playthrough more than anything burned into my brain that, at the very least, Skill is not a dump stat when you don’t have enough of it.
With his paltry Defense but excellent Luck, Anakin had the least chance of being critted to death but could barely survive a regular hit. And a 4% chance to lose a Plot Character is officially Too Damn High.
Levion will be my Tactical Nuke of choice this run. Not only does he have the best Skill of most of my army, he has the defenses to tank return fire and enough Con to keep his Speed above being doubled, not to mention access to Lances.
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While I was in here - and I need to clear some Inventory space for this and the next stage - I realized there’s no reason not to promote Kelik. He’s capped, Anakin’s promoted, Shon’s going to promote this run, and Sieg can’t use it.
Note that Kelik cannot go head to head with Ivan either. I’m not really sure what Blazer was thinking - Shon’s promotion gains are far better (though that might be a slight on Shon, since he needs all the help he can get).
Oh, and his official titel is...
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Suuuuuure, Blazer. Sure.
Actually, he has a support with Althares and Levion, so it may be worth bringing him next attempt.
Anyways. Upon actually checking the numbers, trying to Dodge Ivan is nigh-impossible, which is a useful consideration.
I’ve replaced Yue, Itsuke, Arthur, and Rex with Levion, Inanna, Tamiko, and Ace.
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Yes. Inanna. Why?
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Because Triangle Attack if Levion can’t nuke Ivan in time is why.
Alice is an absolutely amazing Prepromote and comes equipped with an Elixir, Silver Lance, and Wind Sword(40 charges!). She doesn’t take up a deployment slot nor require inane recruitment shenanigans to start. One of my few regrets on this level was not requipping her better so that she didn’t need to keep using Wind Sword charges.
Oh, and I have a save file from my failed previous attempt if anyone wants to figure out how to kill Ivan with 4 turns to go and a passel of units that would melt if he looked at them wrong.
I just noticed that Inanna and Alice are the same level. After being fed like 3(?) Angelic Robes, Inanna is +6HP, -4 Skl, +1Spd, -6Lck, -3Def, and +1Res. Ouch.
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Some inventory management. One of my BIGGEST regrets on my last attempt was only bringing the Armor Cutter and then the person wielding it always being in the wrong spot.
Oh yeah, I promoted Mark. He and his shiny new stats look super sweet. He’s a few points up on Liquid, who was my first pick for this level.
If I have to repick, I’ll probably trade out the pegs for Eduardo and Liquid, or possibly Shadow there.
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An important consideration for Shon’s (absurdly heavy) super-special sword is that the Brave Effect takes place before enemy counterattacks. And he caps for-
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-oh god, this is going to be one of THOSE runs isn’t it.
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Anyways, Shon fulfills his Destiny(TM). Something I realized is that his sprite looks oddly probably because it’s a recolored Eliwood sprite. That hair in particular.
Again, the stat gains! +2 minimum in everything but luck, +3 and +5 to Def and HP respectively. Did Blazer use standard gains for Kelik and not Shon, or the other way around?
I recommend following along Blastinus’ LP, btw, since I’m very tired and not going to go over every detail, especially inventory management.
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I’m more careful re: positioning, so the steel Lance cav closest attacks Inanna (miss)  and this mage attacks Mark. I’m kinda surprised he managed that counter, to be honest. No one else is in reach.
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And here we have the True Boss of the map. This Bishop is equipped only with Physic, and is bound and determined to make your life a living hell.
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:( even with Effective Weaponry Karina cannot 1-shot this cav. She and Innana do not have Delphi shields, so I need to be sure to knock out that archer before proceeding. (Archer is also in the outmost range of the hand axe Fighter nearby).
Lirin eats the Steel Lance Cav that attacked Inanna. 
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On one hand, I’m enthused that she can almost double this archer to death. On the other, I’m sad she can’t double this archer to death. Also, 33 HP feels like a lot even for a level 16 Archer.
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I always forget about Berserker crit rates
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Everyone piles on the Steel Sword Cav, the last living foe in range. Sieg was doing this on my last attempt, too, as if to taunt me.
I was wrong, Karina’s in range of the Fire mage and a Javelin Cav to the north. Ace runs up to switch her to Javelins.
Anakin refreshes Tamiko and she takes out the Axereaver Soldier through the wall.
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Dream big, buddy, dream big. (She crits them immediately)
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And again! Crit on the second hit.
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This is important: this is the range of the Bloody Rifle Sniper. I’d forgotten that Bloody Rifles are Killer Longbows.
Also, you can see that the jav cav stayed put since the mage moved first (and missed on 70+%. glad it’s not just me.)
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Parking Mark on that hill just out of BR range leads to some unexpected hilarity and an excellent level.
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This Fighter makes some questionable choices, though I will say I think this is the first time Alice took a hit on any of my attempts.
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Jav Cav runs into melee range and joins the ranks of mooks who failed to hit Tamiko. The level’s a bit meh but she’s already incredible.
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Lyam managed, across two turns, a pair of BR hits vs the stationary soldier indoors. I guess the first hit didn’t bring their health low enough to proc the Bishop.
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Anakin Motivates Mark and gets this timely, if not exactly impactful, level.
Why did he refresh Mark, you may ask?
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this is why. GET BENT.
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By coincidence (Mark) and design (Shon), this plants my dudes right out of mage range. I will walk someone in there in a second though.
By luck I manage to Rescue-chain Althares to just below that zone, with Alice and Emma and no real wasted movement.
That Knight has the Brave Lance, btw, so be sure to keep them switched to the Javelin til you can kill them.
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oop. Forgot that indoor Knight had a Jav too.
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Karina misses but doubles since Elfire is heavy, and gets a timely level.
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This troubadour is bugged or something - this is the second attempt in a row they’ve run up to a wounded ally and done nothing.
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Of course it’s the redundant (Knight Levion just damaged) that you get a crit on. Still better than Storm.
Mark and Shon team up to kill the Knight (Shon has a free inventory slot and I don’t want the Brave Lance ending up with Liuke) and Karina takes Lirin’s Delphi Shield and soars up to switch Shon back to javelins.
Honestly one of the biggest crimes of this level is there’s no chance Liuke will be mobile, so if you mess up on inventory management sweet, useful loot will drop and have nowhere to go. There’s no shortcut back to him - it’s turn 6 and we’re just now in sight of the door.
that lower Mage has Dasher, which apparently has an animation in other versions of this Hack, but not this one.
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Probably the smartest move in terms of survivability. Shon’s high Luck negates the Short Bow crit.
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jeeeeez-us. Shon doubles the Dasher mage to death for a decent level whilst I contemplate how close we came to a reset here.
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Aircalibur mage. The tome is fittingly as light as air, so they can put their full 11 speed to work fwiw. I will not be parking Karina in range.
That Fighter has a Steel Axe and the Sage has Thunder. Tread careful.
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Mark dispatches the archer for this dodgy level.
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It’s a good idea, on a map like this, to manually end each unit’s turn. For example, while paging through Units, I’d totally forgotten Anakin to the south. That would have been a pain to make up for. Instead he runs up to refresh Lyam for giggles.
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Althares is on a House so he has some terrain advantages. Kinda wishing I’d brought his promotional now. Ah well.
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Oh and I lied. I put the Short Bow (remember, Blazer hacked it to have 1-2 range) on Lyam and put him on the forest in front of the Fighter just to see, and he ends up melting the AC mage for no damage himself.
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I actually got a crit on this potshot on the next turn only to realize that wasn’t the Sage and to reset. Sage does not get hit and I reset again because that was for actual joaks. I have no idea with the Bloody Rifle, honestly.
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7 turns in to a 24-turn level and we are just now in sight of the door. A thief is about to spawn btw. The Door Key Knight and Chest Key Mage are buggy - the Knight will unlock the door, while the Mage will step on, but not open, the upper-leftmost chest, which is the first one the thief can reach. It can be pretty hilarious actually.
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God. Even Sieg’s super-special effective sword isn’t enough to keep his ass intact. We don’t do this. instead, every non-magic-proof ally moves up to just out of range and every magic-proof one walks in.
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Almost forgot to finish this joker off.
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All the enemies on this level are high enough that low-promos can get decent chunks off them. I’d complain, but honestly I’m okay with these stats.
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Every single JaveKnight goes for Lyam. He crits one, fells none, and doesn’t get hit once.
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Lirin, meanwhile-
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Yeah, I did not brain that good. Thankfully her Luck-Res-HP are all high enough to keep her in one piece.
Crunch the numbers, kids. Don’t end up with dead ponies.
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Tamiko restore Lirin to full and she annihilates the Sage for a decent level. Wish she’d had that strength before - she could only do 14 with an Iron lance so I gambled on Steel instead.
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Cia incinerates a remaining Knight for her first Sage level. Outstanding.
I doofed up and had Cia end turn after refreshing her so Levion and Lyam step into Hero-Merc range
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Ow. Also, wishing I’d brought a sword for him after all. Didn’t use it at all last attempt. Guess I could have trade-scummed it.
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It’s a good thing none of them can double him. He can’t double back, though (Cia can). He misses the Hero, too.
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Shon smacks the Hero down and snags the Angelic Robe from them.
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Lyam notches the Steel Sword Merc for a level I have no right to complain about.
Liring and Innana finish off the Mercs; Emma and Althares dash for the left side treasure. I come to the realization that Emma could very likely solo the entire left side, since the Mage drops the Chest Key. I want to try grabbing the Lockpicks this time, though, so Althares joins her.
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Okay, solo is an exaggeration but not by that much. Also, dammit, I should have kept her at the edge of range. Ah well, Javelin drop is good too.
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...well okay then (that’s the Emblem Axe btw)
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I’ll take it!
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The chest key Mage steps down to fail at hitting Althares, but the Thief still goes right. Maybe the Mage isn’t meant to move.
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Althares, with Anakin’s help, steals both Lockpicks and Dracoshield. Howard kills the mage (needing a steel sword for it too) and Emma obligingly melts the thief for an odd-for-her but very welcome level.
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Right side needs to be cautious. I don’t think it’s an accident that this Cappricio-wielding General is right in range of that cracked wall. The Shaman just has Flux, but that Physic Bishop is right there. That Warrior at the bottom is carrying a silver axe, too.
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Yowch. Alice and the Shaman both land a hit, Alice whiffs the second.
Althares grabs the Earth Master Animate Seal and the squad swings back around.
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Levion gives no fucks about your critty lance, though I actually sit him on a pillar instead.
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Enemy phase, everyone misses.
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not Levion, though.
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Honestly, having this guy out of my hair is well worth the Silver Axe uses.
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Innana and Lyam knock down the wall and Mark has better odds with Iron. He gets up to 98 EXP too.
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Ace and Levion finish off the General for a surprisingly decent level.
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Thanks to some trade shenanigans, Alice pops the chest. I decide to send the Axe on since Levion is about the only person who has a chance landing a hit on the boss with WTA
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Halberdier with Drizzle
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Archer with Steel and Longbows
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I really wish Anakin had a prestige class of some kind. His high utility means he earns EXP super fast - ten per phase just from Motivating - and he’ll ram 20 sooner than later.
Innana and Lirin kill the Archer and Alice grabs a Bloody Rifle from the chest.
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Levion and Mark move into Drizzle range- thanks to WTA Mark can just scrape by not getting critted to death and Tamiko heals Lirin for a decent level
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times like these I really wish I had the Heavy Lance. I keep forgetting to trade the Armor cutter off Howard too - all the armored units have Lances so I keep forgetting.
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Mark initiates The Slaughter and gets a great level for it.
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Drizzle’s low hit (Ace’s on a pillar) means that no one has gotten hit yet, thank god.
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Inanna finishes the job and gets a level.
Yup. That sure is a level.
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We don’t start the final offensive just yet, but I check the numbers of Swordslayer vs Swordmaster and conclude that I love Levion.
One of the biggest problems I had in my last attempt is that no one had the HP to tank a crit from that damn thing. Levion can take a crit, as well as a single Silver Sword Crit I believe and the double.
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Also, I can’t tell if this is deliberate or a coding bug/fail, but unlike other ranged swords the Shadow Sword uses Strength at both ranges and can crit at both ranges. Don’t get crit if you can help it.
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Althares opens the leftmost door and Karina snags this, sending the now-redundant Delphi Shield back to the convoy. Be absolutely sure you have space before you play this level. The next one gives you a ton of shopportunities too.
Alice and Lyam take down the Shaman. What does it say when it takes two prepromotes to kill an unpromoted enemy, I wonder?
Oh, btw.
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Ace can double a swordmaster.
we won’t be doing this (jfc that crit) but still.
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It takes Howard (2 misses with the Emblem Axe) Sieg and Cia to kill the true boss of the level.
NOW we can start on Ivan.
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Bad: Ivan doubles and hits twice while Levion misses.
Good: He doesn’t crit and has switched off of distance attacks. I forgot about plinking.
Althares grabs the last item - an Eclipse tome - leaving boss and throne all that’s left undone.
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Even with his Accuracy woes, Ace whips out two Javelin hits. I love you, Ace.
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just for chuckles, I let Howard take a shot with the Killer Lance. No one dies and he doesn’t hit.
I move Anakin up for Motivating Ace before having second thoughts.
Remember what I said about Light Magic being a good finisher due to its high accuracy?
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No one dies, but he makes both hits.
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Oh. Huh.
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I’ll take it.
And this chapter is FUCKING FINISHED. I have so many regrets, largely due to making bad starting choices and not knowing how to finish. I probably didn’t need to steam roll it this hard, but Aside from some scares no one was actually at risk of death at any point. And there’s an arena next map for actual training and purchasing purposes.
Night all.
(if you have interest in my failed attempt, it’s a private post over here)
0 notes
Download 10/6/22
Before you download this version: I have no idea if this will replace your character or not. I’d go to:
Graphics > Characters
And copy either TrChar000, Boy_Run, Boy_Surf, and Boy_Bike, or TrChar001, Girl_Run, Girl_Surf and Girl_Bike and paste them somewhere outside the game’s files. If your character changed after downloading this version, close your game, then paste the copied files into the “characters” folder and say “yes” to replace them.
I wanted to do a bit more but right now I’m emotionally exhausted, and on Friday I’ll be physically exhausted too for a few days. I feel like I need to focus on something else at the moment (it probably won’t take long) and I think I did significant work on this build anyway.
+Finished Kai’s pre-marriage schedule dialogue.
+Started on Kalani’s.
-I have transformed the “video game floor” in the Nemorensis department store to a clothing floor, where you can buy “special clothing.” Specifically what you wear during contests in ORAS, DPP and BDSP. I do plan on having more simple, cheaper outfits, probably based on Pokemon in the future.
-Also you can get your hair dyed in two tones on this floor. No different hair styles yet and I doubt I would ever want to subject myself to such, but maybe I’ll do “wigs” in the future so I’d have an excuse to not color every hair style 15 times for every new hairstyle. Even wigs are a big “maybe” though.
-The “video game floor” in the Fulgora department store is still that, except you can buy a TV and game systems as furniture from there, plus a game that you can play on the NES. It’s only one game that you can play at home right now though. You know those Fossil puzzles in Gen 2 and their remakes? It’s that but the puzzles are art from Pokemon Cards. There’s up to five different pictures you can play with.
-That floor also allows you to play “demos.” One of them is of the puzzle game, except you can only do Pidove. The other is a dungeon crawler game that I made just to prove to myself that I can. I’ll talk about that game below
I don’t know what other games I can make. I thought about making a small dating sim within the dating sim, but I’m already having trouble writing for the dating sim, so how am I supposed to write for the dating sim mini game?
I also thought about making “Pokemon Box” available for purchase. The joke being that it would just function as a PC.
-I finally recolored the white male’s and white non-binary’s back sprite to have skin color that matches their overworld sprites’ skin color. I’m not exactly sure how I forgot that I never changed their skin color from the original sprites I based theirs on until now since I didn’t forget to do that for the female’s sprite. I also did some general fixes to the back sprites of all three. (Mostly focusing on the hair and shirts.)
-The two-toned hair made me want to make the back sprites match the clothes and hair you wear, so they do that now. At least they mostly do. I can’t see myself spriting the “special outfits” in the back sprites any time soon (not unless I’m actually commissioned to do so sooner) so whenever you wear one of those outfits your back sprite will be wearing their original shirts.
-Made the “surprise” and “super happy” mouths look better.
-Fixed up Alan’s, Cerise’s, Alderic’s, and Kai’s overworld sprites.
-I basically completely redid Ollie’s overworld sprites. (I did use one of the “special dresses” as the base for her body, and I fixed up her original head, so it didn’t take me that long.) After fixing up her head the rest of the body seemed weird and I figured out why- her body type in general was kind of messed up.
I used an overworld NPC from Ruby and Sapphire that was completely replaced in Emerald. She didn’t have arms, nor did she have breasts. I know that sounds weird but if you look at the overworld female sprites with dresses on they do have breasts that separates the top and bottom of the body.
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-This also means that I redid her Halloween overworld sprites. I didn’t do that for anybody else since it’s only one in-game day but it’d be kind of weird to have a completely different shaped sprite for her on Halloween.
Glitches and oversight fixes:
-I forgot to delete the old “clock” thing where it’d show you the time of day but not the hour on the farm map, so it’d flicker between two different images and it’d look weird. I found and deleted the one that would just say “day, midday...”
-I moved the men who sold TMs in both department stores to the ground floor where they’ll probably be the most noticeable.
Pokemon Dungeon Crawler (about the game):
You can play a “demo” of this game in Fulgora’s department store. Rather or not I make it into a “full” game will depend on feedback and/or if I just feel like finishing it. It’d be a good thing to do while I’m stuck on what to do with something else in the game. Or if I don’t feel good and I don’t feel like thinking too hard since a lot of it is just copying&pasting battles with some tweaks here and there.
In the "demo:" -The demo only has the most basic stuff, which is why it's so small: --You start with one full heal, one potion and one revive. (Though I'll probably keep it that way if I make it into a "full" game.) --There's a treasure chest in the demo map. There's chance that Voltorb will pop out of it. (Since Voltorb is Pokemon's version of a Mimic.) Defeating it will gain you more items than not having one pop out at you would. --There's only up to five Pokemon you can battle in the "demo." (Including Voltorb.) --You can recruit a partner, who'd be the healer of the group. --You can maybe get burned or poisoned by some Pokemon. ("Maybe," because despite this it hasn't happened to me yet.) --You get a sneak peek of the first boss. --Hiro can level up to 5, where Happy (and Nyura, maybe) can level up to 3. There's no "stats" on display but for every time you level up you can see the difference when you fight. --You control it the same way you control your character outside of the game. So if you have your running shoes toggled on, you'll rush through the dungeon. If you don't like this, you can always toggle them off.
Problems and possible problems in the demo that I can't figure out: --Happy's HP display is reversed for some fucking reason. I know for a fact that I flipped the numbers but the numbers themselves didn't flip for some reason so it's just stuck like that. --I forgot to change some sound effects, so for some magic attacks you'll probably hear a "poison" sound effect. I'll fix this in the "full game" if I make that (and I remember) but I wouldn't fix it for the demo since it's more fun that way. Any other small things like this would also probably remain unchanged in the demo version. (I still hate the HP thing though.) --I forgot to change the names of some of the Pokemon in places. So you might see a message like "Houndour used Electric Magic!" because I forgot to replace "Houndour" with "Voltorb." (I just caught it so that instance has been changed now.) --I haven't fainted or have gotten a "Game Over" yet, so I don't know what will happen if that happens. If it works out the same way it SHOULD you just lose your turn until you're revived, and if everybody dies you go to the title screen. --You can still open your menu and save your game. I didn't test it and I doubt that this would effect anything, but I'm mentioning it just in case it could.
In the "full game," if I were to make it: --Make it so you can "buy" and play the game at home. (That'd be the only way to actually play it.) --Add a "manual" that you can read with it. (I'd probably just have it within text boxes instead of making graphics for it.) --I'd make the first map bigger. (The "demo" map just shows you the things that could happen in the game.) --Have up to 3 rooms, and maybe make you crawl out of all three of them once you reach the last room. --Every time you defeat one of the bosses, you'd gain their magic ability. --Give you another partner, this one more focused on physical fighting. (It's the BETA Sneasel.) --Have a better balance between the enemy Pokemon and you. I'd probably actually raise your party's defense during level up, too. --There would be around 13 different Pokemon to fight for each floor, instead of just five. All based on common RPG monsters, so you can probably guess what they'd be based on that. (Plus their evolutions.) I'd restrict them to Gen 1 and 2. (And mostly the 1997 and 1999 demos of Gen 2, where the sprites look a bit worse.) --I'll probably make you take damage for every step if you're burned or poisoned.
Some fun facts about the game: --I didn't need to, but I thought that it'd be fun to recolor the Pokemon with an NES color palette. I was right! --I did not do that for the other graphics. They just didn't look right when I tried. --I got most of the sprites from Pokemon Yellow, but I got some of them from the 1999 version of Pokemon Silver since those are a bit wonkier than the final product. --The Pokemon I chose I chose based on common RPG monsters. Right now you can only fight a Geodude, (golem) a Houndour, (hellhound) Oddish, (mandrake) a "Betobebe," (slime) and Voltorb. (Mimic.) --"Happy" is BETA Blissey. I like the design but I don't think I want to revamp it and turn it into a Pokemon you can catch, so I placed her here. If I were to revamp it it'd be a fairy type so I made her a fairy type in this game. (Blissey's Japanese name is "Happi," so... Happy.) --"Nyura" would be BETA Sneasel, since again I like the design but I can't find a reason to put it in the main game. (Like "Happy," I got the name from it's Japanese name, "Nyuura.") --You can waste your potions and full heals, but not your revives. I did that on purpose since some old RPGs won't stop you from wasting some items either.
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