#i was soooo terrified to do this step
emmafallsinlove · 2 months
i quit my job 💃💃💃💃
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Just finished all the shrines and got the reward, and not to vague blog but like, what the heck is that.
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ddejavvu · 4 months
the force is strong with him
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pairing: darth vader x reader
summary: various ways vader manipulates the force around you
cw: smut - minors dni, toxic relationship (it's literally darth vader), improper use of the force, sensory deprivation/overstimulation, manhandling, don't like, don't read.
happy indy day @hanasnx !!! okay i know i'm a bit late (for your time zone, at least) but uhhh. i was watching indiana jones and building legos okay i promise i was thinking about you the whole day. anyways vader is sexing you soooo hard for your birthday. so so hard and mean.
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You are so much more, so much different than a partner to Vader. You're allowed autonomy, of course- what you eat, drink, wear, read, watch is up to you- provided the outfits are selected out of the closet he stocks for you, and the meals are taken at his right hand. But in the desolate grey walls of your lover's in-progress battle station, nothing but vacuous emptiness beyond its walls, your autonomy has merged with his own complicated being, and more often than not you find yourself being directed by the invisible Force that guides his life.
He strides a half-step ahead of you down the halls, but a tight ring of pressure still encompasses your bicep - he's got you in his grasp, even if there's a disconnect between the bruising force around your arm and his curled, leather-clad fingers. He makes elegant, sweeping turns, and you do the same only because he makes you- he's still holding tight to your arm with the Force. If you tried to keep going straight, or turn the other direction, your arm would be separated from its socket.
You obey; the joint stays in tact.
He is particularly fond of nudging you aside with the Force. He doesn't need to - he could wait for you to catch on that he's trying to move past you, or he could simply shoulder you out of the way with his broad frame. But instead an invisible wall bumps into your left side, and you stumble to the right as it prods you sideways, making enough room for the black-clad figure to sweep by.
It doesn't matter if you huff and puff at him, 'I could have moved myself, y'know!' or if you stutter out apology after apology, 'sorry-!', he answers it the same each time. A silent, head-on stare from a menacing mask with no eyes.
Being regarded by your lover is as terrifying as feeling the Force suck the air out of your lungs, and you endure both. A thrill shoots up your spine whenever you hold eye contact with the mask, and Vader is more than happy to stare at you for as long as you'll be stared at. Blinking does not shift his attention; it is a staring contest that cannot be won. Only continued, prolonged, dragged out until your eyes flit elsewhere, and his remain fixed on your figure, watching, always watching.
He doesn't often need to restrain you- who would dare make that mistake twice? - but he does catch you once, only once with his lightsaber.
It had been set carefully aside for your lover's stint in the bacta tank, and you'd stolen it away to your chambers to inspect it. You've always seen it at his side- never out of its holster unless it rested in his black leather grip, and it's been intriguing to you since the day you'd seen it. You'd never gathered the courage to touch it before, though, not until you were confident you could squirrel it away while Vader was unconscious.
The hilt is heavy and cold in your hand- so heavy, so cold. You know the blade inside vibrates with plasma as hot as the fire that had warped your lover's skin, but it feels so soul-suckingly frigid that you're amazed it's ever been used. It's the weight of a thousand kills, the crimson of gallons of spilt blood, and it rests heavily in your hands.
You're only aware of the footsteps steadily pounding towards you after you're frozen in place, limbs suddenly locked- tied with zipties that can't be cut by your mortal hand.
Vader doesn't lecture you- not right away, at least. Instead he thumbs the triggerplate of the saber in your hands with one finger of the invisible hand that's holding you still, and the red blade hums to life mere centimeters from your face. The heat stings at your skin like a swarm of wasps, itchy, tight, hot stinging. It paralyses you only further, and your eyes yearn to widen where you're being held as a statue.
"That is what a lightsaber feels like when it is an inch from taking your life." Vader rasps, his voice mechanic and bone-chilling, "I urge you not to find out what happens when that inch disappears. I will take it away myself if you dare handle my weapon again."
He snatches it away from your grasp, but your hand is still trapped in his cosmic grip, molded perfectly around the hilt of his blade.
"See to it that you do not make me kill you." He speaks plainly, robotic voice inherently devoid of emotion as he towers over your frozen form, "I would not like to spend time replacing you."
Vader's insertion of the Force into your life is present even in sex. Sex with Vader is convoluted, something he enjoys very rarely in its traditional sense. But to reward you for your unfailing loyalty and obedience, you're pleasured quite often, and Vader revels in manipulating the Force around your body.
Sometimes it is merely that invisible hand prying your thighs apart, dipping into the wet warmth of your cunt and spreading you open for him to see. You're sure it's an obscene view, your cunt bared and open and hollow for him to watch as it expands and contracts around a girth that isn't there.
Other times, however, it is darkness, it is the absence of sound, it is the emptiness of floating in a void of your lover's creation. He steals your senses, takes your sight, your sound, your touch. He isolates you in your own body, you can no longer feel the sheets beneath you or hear the rustle of them in your fingers. All he lets you hear is the raspy rhythm of his respirator, not even your own sounds.
He does it because the less you can hear of yourself, the louder you become. You're sheepish to scream when your own ears pick up the sound, but when he blocks it from your senses, your shouts reverberate around the desolate grey walls of your chambers and each one fills up a meter of satisfaction inside of him that he didn't know was still active.
All he lets you hear his him, all he lets you feel is him.
Sometimes he leaves you in the void- all sound and sight and touch absent - for minutes. Sometimes it is an hour, until the surface of your skin beads with sweat and your brain itches desperately for sensation. Then a finger that isn't really there- that's just an extension of the leather-covered one that your lover is holding out beyond the inky blackness of your consciousness - plunges into your cunt, and the only sense you can feel is the penetration. After minutes- hours of feeling nothing, that single thick finger dips past your slit and shorts out the neurons in your brain. It is everything, it is something after nothing and it is Vader watching intently with that permanent stare that you can never escape.
It is touches far too few in quantity that make you squirt and writhe like you've been fucked within an inch of your life. It is something mysteriously disembodied tweaking at your perked nipples, something phantom putting pressure against your clit.
It is Vader, and it is the way he merges his autonomy with yours as a reward for your unfailing loyalty and obedience. You serve him and now you are granted a space within his person- budge over there below his mechanized lungs, settle into the weary cage of his ribs, stay a while.
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ratedfleur · 2 months
i'm obsessed with scream rn and i'm thinking abt ghostface!wonyoung.. that woman is so—[gunshots]
I JUST NEED TO SCREAM RNNNNN!!!!! also i feel like this is messy so! and i added this post i saw on x which pretty much gave me an idea for this request soooo 😁
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🔞 under the cut: bloody themes, ghostface, knives, blood.
okay so ghostface!wonyoung right? i just thought of her being a part of the photography club and she’d be the president because of her experience and portfolios. one thing about wonyoung and her works is that they were either gore themed or bloody.
her co-members praised her for her creative eye, always capturing her art in such a captivating way. the backdrop would be so simple and yet it would send a shiver up your spine once you saw her model. her models would be women and only women, her model would be unclothed as she lied on the floor, eyes all drained out with no signs of life with her body covered up in blood.
“oh no, it’s just that my models are just good at what they do.” wonyoung smiles when one of the members compliment her work, pointing out parts and bits that they liked meanwhile wonyoung simply listened and agreed.
“you need to send me at least one of their numbers, i need to shoot with them too.” sunghoon commented as he nudged wonyoung’s arm. the woman laughs as she shook her head, “they only work for me, oppa.” she chuckles.
you knew something was up, it was eerie how the ghostface reports would be put up in the newspapers right at the same time that wonyoung would send her portfolios in for approval.
nobody batted an eye, everyone had their own suspicions on who the ghostface was and their fingers would never point wonyoung.
deciding to follow wonyoung after she left the building, you trailed behind her merely a few steps away, close and yet far enough for wonyoung not to notice you. your strides become bigger as wonyoung picks up the pace as she crossed the street, head high as people looked her way.
feeling your phone buzz in your pocket, you take it out as you answered your phone, “hello? no, i’m home. i’m just busy with the club, i don’t have a portfolio for the month so i’ll call—“ you say before someone pulls your arm, pushing you into a dark alleyway. a hand quickly snatches your phone and slams it on the floor, making you gasp as you looked up and saw wonyoung standing in front of you, eyes staring right into your soul as she looked down on you.
"why the fuck are you following me around, ____?" wonyoung spat at you as she stared you down, eyes piercing and terrifying as you looked up at her with your own shaky ones. you blinked profusely as you tried to look for a way out, "i-i.." "you what, you little rat?" wonyoung spat once more.
seeing that you were unable to speak, wonyoung scoffs as she corners you into the wall, head still held up high as she looked down on you, “it’s because you’re jealous of me, huh? you want to be president of the club that’s why you’re trying to look for holes in my career.” wonyoung smiles sinisterly, orbs of brown shining with something else.
“it’s not like that—“ you say before she interrupts you once more, “then what the fuck is it, ____?” wonyoung replies as her face falls into a stoic expression.
“what? are you curious about how i work? is that how desperate you’ve become to try and beat me?” wonyoung exclaims, throwing her hands in the air like a maniac as she cackled— then her face falls flat, eyes no longer full of any life.
unable to respond, you watched as wonyoung silently turned around before she faced you. to your horror, thee ghostface was standing in front of you, “what if i tell you that all of those models were my victims?” the voice says— real voice hidden and morphed through the voice box in the mask.
“do you want to be next since you’re that curious?” ghostface says to you as she takes a knife out of her black coat, the knife shines under the white light in the alleyway, tip sharp enough to cut after one soft touch.
gulping a ball of saliva, you start to panic once wonyoung ghostface starts to walk over to you, knife facing you as she came close. you gasp when you feel it poking your shirt, close enough for you to feel it’s presence.
“stay silent about your little discovery and i’ll step down from president, take it for all i fucking care." ghostface says as she fiddles with the knife’s handle, making the tip nip a small cut on your shirt when she pushes it slightly. ghostface reaches up to push her mask up, revealing wonyoung’s face once more, “got it?” wonyoung says firmly as you nodded, eyes brimming with tears as her knifes digs past your shirt and into your skin, leaving a cut on your stomach.
“good.” wonyoung says as she stashes her knife back into her coat and her mask back into her bag, she steps away from you with her eyes full of fury and warning as she leaves you in the alley, knees all shaky before you fell to the ground, still in disbelief about what occurred.
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hanjisungslag · 6 months
attack on titan headcanons #8
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## - when they get jealous
genre - angst & fluff
pairing - aot x reader
word count -
warnings - none!
notes - i might start uploading more than once a month.. christmas specials coming soon😈
lil’ bro gets soooo mad. jean was chit chatting to you about something you guys had in common and there was too much laughing, giggling and jean was FAR too close. like he doesn’t need to be making you laugh first of all, but then being all up in your business?!? nahhh, eren was NOT having it.
“‘that’s it. i’m going up to him, how DARE HE—” then he feels a tug on his shirt and gets yanked back right into his seat.
“you need to learn how to chill out, eren.” reiner says, lecturing him “i know it looks bad, but it’s gonna be embarrassing for you and y/n if you go up there and cause an argument.”
god, he’s right. eren knew he was. but, he was SO angry, he needed to let out his anger somehow! the only option was to go to the dorm and just start punching shit.
silence suddenly took over in mikasa and sasha’s conversation. sasha slowly turned to her left to see what had mikasa in such shock and there you were with none other than ymir. ymir had her arm right above you, looking down on you. what the fuck did she think she was doing?! mikasa was furious and you could tell she was just by her energy. it was pure silence but those looks could kill.
sasha decided it was probably best for her to step back a bit.. she was also terrified that mikasa would kill her with one glance although she wasn’t doing anything bad..
as armin was strolling around town, he sees you! he starts walking over, shouting your name through the busy crowds of the town centre when he sees you and bertholdt.. laughing, bumping shoulders, looking through what seemed to be like some sort of gift shop. armins never really the jealous type, he doesn’t like to get worked up over things like that but something about this made his stomach turn.
he decided to head back to the dorms.
eventually, when you and bertholdt came back from your little shopping trip - you obviously, go to go see armin! you knock on his door and gently start pushing it open,
“hey babe~ whatcha doing?”
“oh nothing, just uh, sharpening my blades ready for tomorrow” he tried to put on a smile because he really doesn’t want to start anything. he just wants to act like nothings happened.
“oh.. well then. i- erm, i got you something today..”
“w-what?” he swung his head around to face you
“yeah! i know you’ve been wanting those maps of the outside world but i didn’t know where to find them but bertholdt did, so he took me to the shops!”
armins jaw dropped. first of all, maps of the outside world?!? that’s incredible! but also.. that whole situation that made him so jealous, was about buying something for him? god. he feels SO silly.
honestly, this queen isn’t the jealous type. i feel like she doesn’t care over little things like touching, laughing, spending time with others - it’s the BIG things like if someone’s trying to flirt with you. but even then, she doesn’t feel jealous. she loves you and you love her and that’s enough for her.
there was a celebratory party with the military after you guys finally caught the female titan. this include the whole military obviously the survey corps but even garrisons and military police.
a girl from the garrisons, whom you’ve never met before, makes her way over to you and strikes up a conversation. you think nothing of it until she starts laughing, shoving you away by your shoulder and then.. she started flirting. as you were about to calm the situation down before she got any ideas, your girlfriend walks over.
“hey babe” sasha exclaims
“oh, sasha!” you say in shock, you really hope she isn’t upset.
“hey i’m sasha, i don’t think we’ve met before!” she puts her hand out to the girl, “by the way, this is my s/o. i don’t mind you guys talking but boundaries! thanks.” she giggles slightly.
“oh god— this is so embarrassing. i’m so sorry, i have to go.” the girl says before she runs off.
“sasha, i’m so sorry. i was just about to tell her” you quickly explain yourself
“it’s fine! honestly, i know that you love me and i love you. i trust you” she says, giving you a tender smile.
he tries to act soo nonchalant. but omg he’s so jealous because, he sees armin as this insanely intelligent, witty, incredible leader and you, also being crazy smart, tend to help armin out with plans for the survey corps.
“i already sent some soldiers to do some scouting around that area, they’ll be back in a couple of hours”
“god armin!”
“it’s like you read my mind! i was literally gonna ask to go do that.” you giggle slightly at the coincidence. armin lets out a sigh of relief and says ‘y/n!! don’t scare me like that, i thought i did something wrong!” you both giggle at armins fright but as you two were laughing away, little did you know, a mr. connie springer was watching from the crack in the door.
connie quickly walked off after he realised he was literally eavesdropping on you and armin. ‘why am i feeling so jealous? god, get a grip connie.’ he thought to himself and he stomps down the corridor, getting far away from you two in that room.
eventually, you find connie chilling outside, “connie!!” you run towards him in excitement. “i’m so sorry, i’ve been stuck in that room planning with armin all day. but i missed you so much” you say before wrapping your arms around him.
“ugh, babe. it’s fine, seriously!” he says hugging you back, slightly too tight.. “connie. cant. breathe.” he quickly lets you go, “shit, sorry.”
you raise an eyebrow and ask “are you sure you’re okay..?” “what?! what a preposterous accusation!” he says defensively “okay now i know somethings wrong. since when do you say ‘preposterous’?”
he sighs in defeat, he cant lie any longer “okay fine. i just got a bit.. jealous.. when you were with armin today, okay? armins super smart and so are you, so maybe you two should just marry each other and have super smart babies” he says, as he slides down a post, hitting the ground with a thud.
“connie…” you slide down to sit next to him, “connie, i know you think me and armin are super smart but, i think YOU’RE super smart. you’re so emotionally and socially intelligent. i love that about you and not even just that, i love everything about you! and if i’m gonna get married and have super smart babies with anyone, it’s gonna be you.” you say as you give me a sweet, genuine smile.
thank god you know him so well or else he would’ve never had said anything.
is that what jean think he just saw? y/n, HIS partner with eren jaeger?? oh wow. greatttt, no it’s fine.
IT IS NOT FINE. why were you talking with him and why did you both seem so happy? this jealous anger that was building up inside of jean quickly switched so sadness. this man was so heartbroken.
his ego just felt it got crushed by a 100 buses. his first instinct was to fight eren as usual but, it had been a while since their last fight honestly and if anything.. jean looked up to eren. sort of. he really appreciated his boldness, his strength and his willingness to keep going no matter what. although, he was still a suicidal maniac.
jean already felt like second place to eren in most things but now his partner? really?! jean couldn’t take it anymore so he decided to go on a walk in trost, maybe even pop by his house and have his mum make him an omelette.
after you were done talking to eren, you go to find jean but.. he’s no where to be seen? and after EXTENSIVE searching for the whole place - you knew where he had gone. you get to trost as fasttt as possible and end up at his house, talking to his mother. she lets you inside, of course, offers you tea and omelette, which you politely decline and head straight for jeans childhood room.
you slowly open the door, the old creaking letting jean know of your presence before you even said a word. “hi babe..” you say slightly awkwardly, “so, how come you ended up here?” you ask and you slowly make your way towards the bed. jean stares at you as he chews his omelette, which he eventually swallows and continues to stare at you. “why were you with eren?” he eventually asks after some silence “oh jean! really? that’s what this is about?” you ask, slightly annoyed.
“yes it is!” he exclaimed and jumped off his bed in anger “do you know how—” he begins to choke up “how much i hate yet respect eren? he’s so much better than me in so many aspects and he has some god awful traits but also some incredible ones that people could only DREAM of having.” tears begin to stream down his face and before he says another word, you jump up and wrap your arms around him.
you guys stand there momentarily. while still hugging, you say to him “i’m sorry, jean. i didn’t know you felt like that. i just- i hope you know how much i admire you more than anyone else. it’s not just because we’re together, it’s because you’re an amazing person.“ you slowly pull away from him “you may look up and respect eren, but i look up to YOU.” you wipe his tears gently “and so do so many other people.” you smile tenderly at him.
he’s such a lucky guy to have someone like you.
big bro does not get jealous. sorry but, this man is too perfect. he doesn’t get jealous because why would he? he knows you love him and that’s more than enough for him. he genuinely trusts you with every fibre of his being however, he doesn’t trust other people.
it’s less of a jealously thing and more of a protective one. he doesn’t get jealous if someone’s flirting with you, he gets protective over you. like get the fuck away from my s/o, bro!!
hot take: annie gets so jealous and so insecure when someone she believes you could like gets too close with you.
the ONLY REASON she would ever get so jealous or insecure is because you guys are in a relationship. this cold demeanour that she keeps up with around everyone else is not a thing when she’s around you, she just feels so herself and so authentic around you and the thought of that getting taken away scares the ever living shit out of her.
so, when she sees you chatting it up with sasha, she shits herself. now usually, sasha wouldn’t faze her but sashas bright, outgoing personality seems like something that you would like and that’s terrifying.
however, annie doesn’t say a WORD about how jealous she’s feeling. she’s already scared enough but she’s more scared to piss you off by saying something. but, that’s your mfing girlfriend!! you know when there’s something wrong with her, so obviously you asked,
“annie, are you okay? you’ve been really off lately.”
she looks at you confusingly “what? i’m fine.”
no she’s not.
“i know when somethings wrong, so just tell me!”
she doesn’t even look at you. she cant bare to face you right now. while she’s ignoring you, you think long and hard about what could be wrong and you finally come to a conclusion..
“omg. you’re not jealous i’m spending them with sasha, are you?”
annie’s eyes widen in shock, how did you know?! well, now you’ve said something, i suppose there’s no point in lying.
“yes, i am. you caught me.” annie puts her hands up in defeat.
“annie~ you silly bugger! there’s no need to be jealous, it’s just sasha, she’s just my friend. as great as she is, i could never date her..” you say reassuringly.
annie smiles slightly, “i appreciate that, y/n..”
connie springer. most people wouldn’t be jealous of a 5’2 teenage boy but this 6’3 teenage boy is. connie is just so outgoing, bright and funny and bertolt is scared that you may just find him better than him.
so when he sees you two acting really close, he starts freaking THE FUCK OUT. he’s soooo flipping scared, he’s genuinely scared to face you again.
when you you over to him after being with connie, he just freezes and you’re so confused, “bertolt, what’s up with you?” you ask “o-oh, um, it’s nothing. i just couldn’t sleep last night.” he says, sounding very unconvincing. for the next week, he does EVERYTHING for you, just hoping that that’ll be enough to override connie’s impeccable humour.
“hey y/n, you can have the rest of my food! i don’t want it.” he says as he holds out his plate to you.
“bert.. why do you keep giving me your food? and making my bed? and washing my clothes? and just doing everything..?”
oh my god, he’s fucked it. HES DONE TOO MUCH, WHAT DOES HE DO NOW??
“i- umm. well—” he freezes.
you pat the seat next to you “come here, what’s wrong?”
he sighs “well.. you’ve been hanging out with connie a lot and i don’t know, he’s just a great guy..”
“bert..” you say sorrowfully, “connie may be a good guy, but you’re the greatest guy i know! there’s no need to ignore me or try to impress me. i love you just the way you are.”
bertolt puts his head in his hands “god, you’re right. i was being silly wasnt i?” he said sheepishly
you giggle at his embarrassment “yes, very silly.”
brother, this man has been through enough shit. honestly, he doesn’t get jealous - the worst that could happen to you is you dying. which happens to everyone he loves. if for someone reason you were to cheat or break up with him and move on to someone else, at least he knows you’re happy and loved.
“hey levi, i’m going to help erwin with something, will you be okay on your own?” you ask
“yes, i’ll be fine, y/n.”
“i’m sorry if i’ve been with erwin more often lately, it’s just that-”
he cuts you off, “y/n, it’s fine. i seriously don’t mind you spending time with him for whatever reason.”
you look at him sweetly “okay.. sorry. i’m gonna go now, i love you!”
“yeah, yeah.”
“I SAIDDD.. i love you” you say as you give him a wide smile
he sighs “i love you too.”
nile dok. always going around trying to take erwin’s partners man😭.
you’ve been in wall sina with the military police a lot lately, dealing with all the shit they’ve got going on and therefore, you’ve come in contact with their former commander, nile dok, A LOT.
although erwin had chosen the secrets of the titans over marie, doesn’t mean he wasn’t lightly suspicious and jealous when you kept mentioning nile. however, this is erwin smith, he’s a grown and mature man and what do grown and mature men do? talk about their problems!!
he chuckles slightly before speaking “gosh, this is going to sound so silly now i’m thinking about it. but, is anything happening between you and nile?”
you burst out laughing “what?! me and nile? erwin, come on now!”
he rubs his forehead “i knew it was silly.. i was just feeling a bit jealous, that’s all.”
you sympathise with him very quickly “aww erwin” you go into hug him “i’m sorry, i know i’ve been there a lot but i promise, there’s nothing happen, just pure innocent work.” you say as you rub his back.
you both pull away “i do know that, i think i just wanted some reassurance that’s all.” he says.
what is y/n doing.. talking to mr. levi ackerman? aha.
now.. hange wouldn’t think much of this, but they could see what people would like and appreciate levi, especially after seeing how petra was with him - for someone reason, they can’t shake this feeling of jealously! what does one do when they’re jealous? get angry? cry? talk to their partner?
nope. hange is going to distract themselves until they simply forget. they begin to get super indulged in their work like i’m talking, you’ll leave the lab and they’ll say they’ll be another 5 minutes then you go back in the morning and they’re STILL there. researching titans over and over, taking any mission they possibly can, yapping about random stuff over and over, and eventually, you reach a breaking point.
“and then i said YOU CANT DO THA—”
“OKAY HANGE. hange..” you yelled
hange looked shocked at the sudden outburst and quickly shut their mouth.
“hange, what on earth is going on here?! why’ve you been indulging yourself in your work more than usual? you’re spending hours and hours on work and random stuff and i feel like i haven’t been able to get a word into our conversations lately!”
hange stops and reflects, oh my god. has it really been that bad? hange just wanted to do a little more work than usual, to distract themselves but clearly it’s been much more.
“i-i-” hange is speechless for once. “i-i’m sorry. i’m sorry y/n, oh my god!! what have i been doooiiinnngg..?” they slam their head on the table in front of them
“i don’t know, what have you been doing? i wanna know!” you ask, feeling slightly frustrated.
“god, y/n!! i’ve been so stupid, i was JEALOUS over you and LEVI, OUT OF PEOPLE?!” it’s like it all hit them at once, how crazy and silly they’ve been.
“i am soooo sorryyyy, snuchems” they say, pouting. “please, tell me a really long story so i’ll finally shut up for a few hours, i’m begging you. im sick of hearing myself at this rate!” they say with their hands clasped together, pleading with you.
“first of all, forgiven. second of all, LEVI ACKERMAN REALLY? third of all..” you look mischievous.
“okay so it started when i was 13 right and i was still living—”
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
I’ve been contemplating serial killer!Eddie. I love him soooo much (even tho he be a murder bby) and would most likely fall for whatever he says cuz I be naive, don’t get me wrong, but I just can’t imagine being completely blind to what he’s up to. Like…I don’t mean knowing exactly what he’s doing, but there’s gotta be some little tells that just makes you go “hm…that’s weird” or “that doesn’t add up, did he just lie?”. And maybe sometimes instead of shrugging it off, those little worries just nag too much in the back of your head that you feel you need to have a talk with Eddie. I mean, the kind of conversation where you come home early, probably a bit unannounced (you usually give him a call when you’re about to clock off work) —maybe even when he has a victim guest over, yikes—and just worried out of your mind because these feelings have really been bothering you for a while. They keep you up at night wondering what Eddie is doing…is he seeing someone else? Are drugs or other illegal things involved(😏 there is but ya don’t know that)? Why has he been so secretive lately?
And could you just…imagine Eddie actually comforting you. He feels bad that you’re actually upset so he starts saying all the right things you need to hear and doing all the right things you need him to do (while his guest is just chilling out, mind you). Just trying to make things right because he loves you so much and doesn’t want you to be upset (but especially doesn’t want to expose you to what he’s really been up to—he knows that would be “the end” to the relationship and that would kill him). What would an actual argument be like with serial killer!Eddie? Normally, I’d say pretty terrifying cuz serial killer + anger = not too good ending, right? But, would it be different since it’s Eddie?
Hiii babes!! I hope you like this, but remember it’s an argument so it’s not super fluffy🥺💖
-find all things Serial Killer Eddie here✨
TW: Yelling, mentions of blood and Eddie is a serial killer
Tag List: @clairesjointshurt @sofaritsalrightt @squidscottjeans @stardustmunson @amberpanda99
*You finally ask Eddie the question you’ve been dreading*
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You feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest as you hear the front door open and close letting you know Eddie is home. Eddie smiles as he walks into the house and sees you sitting on the couch in the living room, he drops his keys on the table by the front door and hangs his jacket up on the coatrack. You stand up so you can turn and face him and the look you give him makes the smile instantly drop from his face.
“What’s wrong baby?” Eddie feels his heart sink to his stomach as the possibility that you found out his dark secret begins to creep into his mind. You take a step closer to him and his eyes go wide as he sees a shirt in your hands, a very specific shirt he was wearing while doing not so nice things to a man named Jeffery about a few days ago.
“How long have you been cheating on me?” Eddie wants to let out a sigh of relief but he knows better so he just takes a small step towards you with his hands reaching out for you. “And please don’t fucking lie to me Edward.” It’s the way you say his name with almost a hint of hatred that makes his heart want to break.
“I’m not cheating on you sweetheart.” You just shake your head as you toss the shirt at him making it land at his feet.
“Then explain why there’s a mysterious red stain on the collar of your shirt that looks an awful lot like a tacky shade of red lipstick.” Eddie bends down and grabs the shirt so he can look at the collar and when he sees the few smeared drops of red he can’t help but roll his eyes because how the hell did blood manage to get on his collar he could’ve sworn he was careful. “Don’t roll your eyes at me like I’m crazy.” Your voice is dripping with hurt making Eddie instantly regret his actions.
“It’s just blood baby.” You take a step backwards when Eddie takes a step towards you with the shirt still in his hand. “I swear I’m not cheating on you.” Eddie hears you sniffle letting him know you’re close to crying so he takes a few more steps and grabs your arms before you can move further away from him.
“It’s just blood? How did blood get on the collar of your shirt Eddie? Please explain that to me.” You pull your arms out of Eddie’s hold and cross them over your chest as he lets out a sigh and runs a hand over his face.
“I work at a plant baby and things happen, I must’ve cut myself or something.” Eddie knows by the way you roll your eyes that you’re not buying his excuse. “It’s not lipstick.” He snaps making you jump a bit since it’s very rare Eddie ever speaks to you in a harsh tone. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-” You turn and head into the kitchen making him take a few calming breaths before he rushes after you.
“I’d know if you cut yourself.” You begin washing the dishes in the sink as a way to busy your mind and keep yourself from crying. “Just tell me the truth Eddie.” He watches you grip the edge of the sink as your shoulders drop. Eddie slowly crossed the length of the kitchen so he’s standing right behind you.
“I’m not cheating on you Princess.” Eddie reaches out and gently places a hand on your shoulder so he can turn you around so you’re facing him. “It’s just blood.” Eddie feels his heart drop when he sees a few tears roll down your cheeks. “I don’t know how it got there but I swear that’s all it is.” He explains as he reaches up with both hands to cup your face so he can wipe away the tears from under your eyes with his thumbs. “I love you so much.” You reach up and place your hands over his that are still on your face.
“I love you too.” Your voice is low as Eddie leans down and places a kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions.” Eddie just shakes his head as you look down at your feet now embarrassed that you even accused him of doing anything bad in the first place.
“Don’t do that.” Eddie drops his hands from your face so he can place them on your shoulders as he bends down so you’re now looking him right in the eyes. “You had every reason to be upset okay? I’m the one who’s sorry I should’ve explained the stain to you the moment I got home and needed it cleaned.” You let out a sniffle as you rest your head on Eddie’s chest making him wrap his arms around you.
“I love you.” Eddie smiles at you when he looks down and sees you looking up at him.
“I love you too baby.” He responds before placing a kiss to your lips. Eddie feels the guilt begin to sink in as you wrap your arms around him in an attempt to pull him closer to you, he tries to shake it off as he gives you a squeeze and places a kiss to the top of your head. He knows one day you’re going to accuse him of doing something horrible and he’s not going to be able to lie his way out of it because it’s actually going to be the truth.
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multibugorganism · 2 months
uuuu i love metroid fusion i love metroid fusion soooo much i dont care that its linear i love that it's this condensed experience that focuses on the powerlessness of being hunted down and isolated, trapped and barely able to get by i love how the sa-x will literally kill you and you can't do anything about it, so its especially terrifying when you're just one room away from it and hear it's footsteps from beyond a door, its so good!! the specific sound they went for with the ost is like my favorite too it's not just the usual good atmosphere but it is so tense and sincerely dread inducing at times!! i dont think dread is a bad game, i enjoyed it a lot- it's mechanically awesome and a massive step up from metroid2-3ds but i really do think it missed out on what made fusion so good in this department..
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hi gf, i am having evil thots again soooo
what do u think about jake or reader being hit w sex pollen 🤭🤭🤭
Also, the way this concept just makes me FERAL ONGGGG
Tbh, I prefer when reader is hit with sex pollen bc she/they gets the chance to be all whiny at Jake and begging him to just fuck already and he'd definitely be a HUGE tease and an asshole about the whole situation
Oh God my pussy's purringggggg
Your whole life, you'd never seen the plant. Never heard of it. You didn't even know what it did. When you found it during a solitary expedition in the forest, the only thing you knew was that it smelled nice. Musky and sweet, earthy with a tad of something you couldn't quite place, but it reminded you of Jake.
Maybe that's why you get close. Maybe that's why you touch it, softly caressing one of the large, purple leaves. But it's a big mistake.
A light dust rises at your touch, flying through the air, making the atmosphere around you all purplish and pinkish, and at first, you're delighted. Until you inhale the dust.
You sneeze, the thin particles tickling your nose and you step away from the cloud of dust. The effect is immediate. You start feeling dizzy, your body growing hot. Your heart's racing in your chest, your pupils dilate and your skin prickles with need.
Your first thought is that it's poisonous, that whatever you've just had is going to get you sick and eventually kill you. Your mind becomes dazed in an unbearable ache that spreads from your womb. Terrified of your death, you stumble back to the camp, confused, a wetness growing between your thighs, little whimpers leaving your mouth.
As you near the camp, you run into Jake. He takes one look at you and frowns, quickly approaching. “Are you okay?” he asks you, grabbing you by the shoulders. “What's wrong?”
The moment his skin touches yours, you hum softly, and as his scent invades your lungs, you start purring from the deepest, most primal part of you.
“Help me,” you manage to say, a soft and breathless whine that makes Jake's cock twitch. “Please.”
Jake leads you into a tent, his hand touching your forehead for a fever, his eyes scanning your body in search of a wound. But you seem fine. Except for your pupils which are wide, making your eyes look almost completely black, and your scent, it reaches for Jake, makes him growl under his breath as his body reacts to the scent of your heat.
“What happened to you?” he asks you, trying to get you to sit on the cot. But you hold onto him, pulling him with you until he's kneeling on the floor beside the bed, between your legs as you take a seat on the edge of the cot.
You wrap your arms around Jake's neck and pull his mouth to yours, kissing him desperately, and Jake is taken aback. He pushes you away, asking again, “What happened?” but you ignore him.
“Please,” you whine. “I need you.”
Jake frowns. “You're not getting anything until you tell me what happened to you,” he tells you firmly, and you mewl in complaint.
“I don't know!” you tell him. “There was this pretty purple plant, and I touched it, and it sent pretty dust into the air, and then I breathed that in and it-it hurts. Here.” You drag a hand to your pussy, cupping yourself, repeating, “It hurts.”
“Purple plant...,” Jake murmurs at himself, thinking. His mind manages to pull out a memory from deep in his brain, something he heard the scientists talking about way back when he still led a human life.
They'd mentioned a purple plant, joked about it, said it would sell for millions on Earth because it was—
Alien Viagara.
Sex pollen.
Jake glances back at you. “No one ever told you not to get close to that plant, hon?” he asks, pinning your arms to your sides as you continuously reach for him.
You shake your head. “I've never seen it b'fore, and it smelled so nice,” you whine. “It smelled 'f you.”
At this, Jake's ears perk. He knows how the sex pollen works. He knows that this won't go away for a day—or more—unless...
Well, he can't leave you like this. A desperate, whimpering mess in need. He's not that mean.
“It smelled of me, huh?” he asks cockily, his hands falling to your thighs, caressing their way up.
You nod. “Smelled 'f you. So nice. So sweet.”
Jake chuckles. “Do you know why it does that?” he hums, fingers trailing dangerously close to your cunt before pulling away. You whine, spreading your legs, trying to pull his hands to your pussy, but he doesn't oblige. “It smells of whomever you want the most. Of whomever you ache to fuck.”
You gasp at the word, eyes fluttering shut, and beg, “Fuck me. Yes, fuck me!”
Jake smiles at you. “You've been thinkin' of me, haven't you? You've been wantin' me t'fuck you, huh?”
You nod. “For so long,” you admit. “Think 'bout you all the time. Always touch myself to you,” you blurt, hips rolling in search of friction to relieve the ache within you.
Jake groans softly. “Oh, you poor thing. Why didn't you just come to me? I would've helped you.”
“Help me now!” you beg, lying yourself back on the bed, legs wide open, your pussy soaking through your loincloth. “I need you now! Please!”
Jake drags his canines over his lower lip, his ego inflated by the fact that you've been yearning for him all this time.
He leans his face down to your crotch, kissing your thighs, making you jolt at the feeling, and then he presses his face right against your pussy, inhaling the scent of your arousal.
You gasp, back arching. “Yes!” you beg. “Yes, please!”
Jake removes your loincloth, exposing your soaked cunt, your throbbing clit. He licks between your folds, tasting your sweet slick, making you jerk and cry out.
His cock is hard under his loincloth, your scent and your taste driving him wild. He sucks at your folds, biting them gently, before he sinks his tongue into you. You mewl, cunt clenching around his tongue. His nose presses against your clit and you start grinding your hips against his face.
Jake lets you fuck yourself on him, lets you smear your arousal all over his chin and nose and mouth and cheeks. He holds your thighs open with his hands as he eats you out, slurping your juices. The sound of your pussy squelching in the tent echoes in his ears.
You grab his head in your hands, holding him in place as you rock your hips, your thighs quivering, your body alight with pleasure.
“Fuck,” you mewl, biting your lower lip until it bleeds. “Fuck, Daddy!”
Jake's not sure if it's the pollen that makes you say that or if you gave him the nickname on your own. Either way, it makes him groan into you, which in turn has you trembling against his face.
“Daddy,” you beg, “please, 's so good!”
Jake nuzzles his face deeper against your cunt, his every sense drowning in the sensation of you, in how warm you are, in how sweet you taste. You gasp, back arching, and place your legs over his shoulders.
Jake's hands move to your ass, holding you open for him, squeezing the plump flesh and making you whimper. His cock drips precum from the tip, needing to be inside you. His balls are swollen, aching to release his load deep in your cunt.
You dig your nails into Jake's scalp, your fingers tangling in his hair as you hiss, ears pinned against your head. “Fuck! Fuck! Daddy!” you moan, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you mewl.
Your slick torrents out of you in floods, dripping all the way down his chin and slithering down his throat. You're soaked in yourself, your thighs wet where they press against his cheeks which are smeared in your arousal, and it dribbles all the way down to the cot, leaving a wet spot where you lay.
“Fuck, I need you!” you insist, body trembling. “I need you inside me! Fuck!”
Jake pulls his tongue out of you only to slide two fingers inside your cunt. You gasp, body jerking. He curls his fingers upwards, finding your swollen, throbbing g-spot with ease. You cry out, eyes fluttering shut, hips bucking against his face, as you feel an orgasm approaching.
“Daddy!” you gasp. “Daddy, please!”
He places his mouth around your clit, sucking on the nub, biting it softly, and he has you blubbering out incoherent sentences that make you moan and cry in frustration and ecstasy.
The pleasure inside you is a flood. It takes over you, demolishing everything in its path, leaving behind a scorching ache that makes you almost scream in delight.
“Please,” you gasp, shaking violently. “Please, please, please!”
Jake keeps his pace steady, coordinating the movement of his tongue on your clit and the curling of his fingers inside you. He feels you clench tight around his digits and he knows you're close.
You keep begging, groaning, crying out as the pleasure increases, threatening to tear you in half. And then you're on the edge, so close, so close, so close, until Jake finally pushes you to your high.
Your orgasm wrecks you. It tears you into a thousand pieces, splinters your overly-sensitive nerves, makes you shudder and jolt as your hips buck against Jake's mouth. You squirt on him, soaking his face, and he eagerly drinks it all up, his cock aching to be covered in your slick.
He helps you down from your high, slowing the movements of his fingers and the licks of his tongue. When you've calmed down enough, he pulls his fingers out of you and places wet kisses all over your quivering thighs.
“Please,” you say, breathlessly, as your hands reach for Jake, trying to pull him closer. “Fuck me, Daddy. Please.”
Jake groans, picking you up and tossing you on the cot so that you're lying completely on it. Then, he pulls his loincloth off and crawls on top of you.
Your pretty eyes stare at his cock, delighted at the sight, and you quickly spread your legs, begging him in.
Jake doesn't waste a second. He slides his cock up and down between your folds to gather your abundant arousal before he slides into you. Your cunt is warm and tight, molding to his shape and size as your hands grab onto the bed sheets below, your hands curling into fists from the extreme pleasure.
“Fuck!” you gasp, moaning, back arching. Jake's so long, so thick, you swear he's filling you all the way to the womb. You can almost feel him in there.
His cock presses against your cervix, aching to go beyond that point, aching to fill you until it's too much. His heavy balls meet your folds and he shudders, your pussy fluttering around him.
“Goddamn,” he groans, taking a few deep breaths to regain his composure.
You wrap your legs around his waist, your skin warm with sweat, your chest heaving up and down with each ragged breath.
“Fuck me,” you insist. “Fuck me hard, Daddy. Please!”
Jake dares not disobey.
He starts rutting into you at a pace that would have you crying and gasping in pain if it weren't for the pollen. His cock slides almost all the way out, leaving only the tip in, before he thrusts back into you and fills you all the way.
His movements are so sharp and rough that your entire body bounces with each pound. The cot crashes into the wall, echoing around the room, and it only makes Jake more feral.
He's so thick, so heavy inside you, it makes you see stars as your eyes flutter shut. Your mouth is open, drool spilling from your lips as you try to moan more pleads for him to keep going.
Jake watches your face, the way your eyebrows pinch together in pleasure, the way your mouth is wide open, and an evil idea slithers into his mind.
He spits into your mouth and it makes you squeal, your every nerve ablaze with ecstasy, as you swallow his saliva.
You eagerly open your lips again, sticking your tongue out, and Jake spits again.
Your body quivers, cunt clenching around him at the taste of his spit.
“Fuck,” Jake grunts when he sees—when he feels—how much you fucking love it. “You're so fuckin' dirty, girl. Such a little whore.”
His words spur you on, your pussy sucking him in as if hoping he'll go deeper. “Please,” you moan. “Please, please!”
“You're so pathetic,” Jake continues, fucking you hard enough for his hips to bruise yours. Surely, you'll see the result of his merciless treatment in a few hours. Your hips will be bruised all over, the marks of his body on yours decorating your pretty skin. “Such a slut f'r me.”
You cry out, the pleasure coiling tightly within you. Your body is shaking, the pollen taking over as it feels your orgasm near, and it makes your pussy stretch open even more. And it allows Jake to very much literally sink past your cervix, fucking right into your womb, his cock lessening the ache deep in your lower stomach.
“Goddamn,” he gasps, body shuddering as you cry out, his cock relishing in the sensation of being so deep inside you.
“Please!” you gasp, your orgasm a few thrusts away, your pussy clamping down on him. “Daddy! Yes! Fuck!”
Your ears are ringing, stars dance behind your eyelids, and your pleasure makes you tremble, every inch of you quivering fiercely from the bliss.
“Fuck!” you gasp, and then you're falling over the edge, orgasm crashing down onto you, making you gasp and feel like you're drowning in the pleasure. You shake, hands fisting the bed sheets, nails almost tearing the fabric apart from how hard you clutch them. “Daddy!” you whimper, trembling, as another consecutive orgasm rushes through you, making you squirt onto Jake's cock, soaking his lower abdomen and his hips.
“Aw, fuck!” Jake groans, his movements ceasing as he comes, spurting his load right into your womb. Torrents of his cum flood into you, warm and thick, and it makes you shudder and gasp.
As Jake slowly comes down from his high, he keeps his cock in you and feels your pussy relax around him.
You blink a few times, your pupils returning to their normal size, your brain clearing from the daze of lust, and you breathe heavily as you meet his eyes.
Jake chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Alien Viagra, indeed.
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sugoi-writes · 2 months
Scream Machine - Part 2 - An Alastor x Reader Fanfic
A/N: Soooo, here's part 2! Horny brain went into overdrive and cranked this bad boy out. I do apologize if there are mistakes. I hope you enjoy!
Keep in mind I'm still keeping the reader/their parts/and such all neutral: the only thing is you are in a dress. But otherwise, that's it!
Mentions of grinding, light choking, some manhandling, biting, making out, tidbits of French, and generally... lots of clothed smut.
Catch yall in horny jail tonight 👈😎👈 Bring a sweater
The weather, despite the hellscape, was... perfect? Your stroll was casual, slow... and you felt like you were either being paraded around, or made claim on. It make your throat tighten as you continued walking with the radio demon.
You glanced upward, instantly regretting your decision. You caught the glint in his eye as your face heated.
"So, have you always been a musician, dear? In your time alive, I mean." You blinked at the question, nodding.
"On and off while alive. Music class here, trying new instruments there... but when I came to hell, something just... called to me. And I've been doing jazz band since I've gotten the hang of trumpet." You were surprised by the pleasant conversation, the ulterior motive becoming harder to crack.
"Do you play? With your broadcast and all, I'd assume you play too..." Alastor hums, positively delighted by your questioning.
"Indeedy! My Mother taught me everything I know. I'm a piano man, myself... never took up an interested in brass or percussion." Your eyes widened a little bit. How odd for an overlord to comment on... his mortal mother.
"I assume she was a good player..." The smile on Alastor's face faltered for a beat, before it quickly bounced back," Oh yes... she saved as much money as she could for lessons, as well. Whatever she couldn't do, she made sure I learned it elsewhere. You'd be hard-fetched to find a tune I can't play." You found yourself returning his smile as he looked down to you. Most of what you hear about Alastor is how terrifying he is... how dangerous he was... What a rare treat it was to hear about how he was just a child once, like you.
"And... I would assume you could keep up with demand, yourself," Alastor quipped," You must have a pretty good ear and lots of darling little fans.
You were going to confirm that yes, you made a name for yourself... but you remembered why you got here. Be humble.
You were shrugging shortly after," Y-You could say that, I guess. I wouldn't say I'm perfect by a long shot, but--"
You nearly fell on your face as Alastor rounded the corner suddenly. You grip at his arm tightly as your train of thought buffered. You didnt see the look on Alastor's... the look of satisfaction. He has you right where he wants you... Before you could continue walking, you felt your body become incoporal again, before materializing in the alleyway. Your breath hitches, Alastor now standing before you.
"Tell me... is music your only source of income?" Alastor asks, his voice taking on a nearly creamy quality. A shiver hits you again. That damned voice...
You scoff, laughing bitterly," Of course not... you should know that, with your hotel side project..." You seethe, immediately catching yourself. Don't lose your cool...not with this guy. His voice is already dangerous, a voice you typically fell asleep to... don't let him crawl further into your head.
Alastor's grin seemed to double, as he lowered himself to your level. A dangerous glint glided across his eyes," ...what if I told you it could be?"
You take a step back, your hand brushing against the wall of the alleyway. You were nearly pushed all the way to your back as Alastor loomed over you," I dont... quite follow I'm afraid, Alastor, sir..."
Sir. Ohh, he did like the sound of that. Your pulse picking up was music to Alastor's ears... His hand slammed into the wall next to your head, making you gasp and jolt. You looked to your right for your escape, but your head was tilted back and up towards the Radio Demon, his damned microphone forcing you to look his way.
"Well, with being the hotelier, and having my own... passion projects... I have been looking for people to delegate to. 'Many hands make the work lighter', and the like...," Alastor cooed, his voice sickeningly sweet as opposed to his demented face.
"And with this hotel... there is not shortage of entertainment, nor opportunities for employment..."
You swallowed hard, having heard of the hotel. You've seen the standoff that was brought about the most recent extermination. The things you saw made your skin crawl, as if infested with maggots. The princess of hell, Charlie, and her insane powers... the King of Hell himself, who was short a spouse, but not a punch... and the Great Alastor, who many had thought was gone; perished. But alas, how wrong you all were....
"Look, I-- I appreciate the offer. But redemption isn't what I need. I earned my ticket here, and I'd like to earn my keep to stay. This life-- this style--... I don't imagine heaven is very keen on wild jazz musicians up there." You grinned up at the Radio Demon, some of your fire bubbling back up from below," You have a lot of gals and boys just itching to get in... why me?"
Alastor's eyebrows raised, impressed," My friend, if there is anything that hotel and its residents lack, it's class... and what better way to fake it than with quality entertainment? Additionally, the more they partake... the more they adapt; and the more that YOU--"
A large pile of money vaporized out of thin air, it's bills fanning your face," ...stand to earn~"
You swallowed hard. The amount of money that was in his hand was... transformative. It was regal amounts of money. You could do so much with it. Pay debts, secure land... You'd be able to get out of the barrel of shit you'd been trapped in.
You glanced between the money and Alastor, your eyebrows knitting," ... well, what do you want out of all of this? Surely you're expecting something on your end, Mr. Overlord..."
Alastor sighs, tsking as his cane drops your chin, allowing you to relax," If you're worried for your soul, I'm afraid I have no interest in it." Alastor waves off your worry dismissively, still grinning maniacally," No, no... all I want is to become your patron. You supply entertainment for the hotel and its guests, and I supply you with cash... in the meantime, I can make any alterations and requests to your 'sets' at will." You blink, surprised as you process the words spoken to you. This man ALWAYS dealt with souls... and he had no use for yours? You huffed, almost offended. Of course... why would he have a use for a useless sinner like you?
You crossed your arms across your chest, your golden dress ridding up your thighs," So... let's say I were to agree to your little arrangement. Would I still be able to do my other music gigs? I'm still making a name for myself..."
"That would be quite alright, dear."
"And if I have a conflicting event...?" Alastor's silent smile sends the message. No calling out sick... got it. You nodded to the cash in Alastor's hand, eyes narrowed. You needed to play this up, see how much you could squeeze out of this...
"And that? Is that my weekly pay?" Alastor shakes his head, the money still gripped in hand like a bear trap. One that you were about to fall for...
"My my, you must take me as a sham... this is just the sign on bonus! I can assure you, you'll be making SO much more, once you start..." You gulped down the air around you like a fish out of water, gapping. Yep. That's all that you needed to hear.
"I... I dont..." Your mind was racing. Would you really be able to live with yourself by taking this? Would you really be able to accept a bribery like this from one of the most sadistic fucks in hell? ...of course you would.
You hold your hand our to Alastor, hellbent on making it official," Alright, Radiostar... let's make that deal." Alastor is quick to chuckle, his tone dark and rich as he closes the gap. The firm, resolute shake that was shared between you lit a spark in him, literally and physically, with an ominous green light. He had to keep getting more... MORE of you. More of your time.
Alastor backs you into the wall once more, your eyes doubling from panic. And there was your pulse, aching to be bit into... Alastor stoops down to your height, hands slowly raking down the walls of the alley. It their wake, he was leaving deep, wide rivets.
"Dear, I have to ask...," Alastor rasps out, his eyes threatening to flicker to dials. His voice drops an octave, making your legs squeeze together. Alastor's eyes move to them, taking note. So you were his little fan...
"...how is your stamina?" You didn't have time to ask, before Alastor crashes into your lips, tilting your chin up. You were breathless, hands instantly coming up and beating on Alastor's chest. This was so sudden! This was in public!!! This... this was pretty hot, honestly.
You weren't sure if it was the lack of oxygen, or how good his kiss had become... but Alastor was making you question your resolve. You felt Alastor's tongue, thin and keen on entering your mouth. You hesitated, before you felt two large hands grip you under your thighs. As you were hoisted up, you groaned, giving Alastor easy entry. The moment his tongue met yours, you were practically melting. Alastor was famous for his silver tongue, but you had no idea he could do this with it.
Your head was reeling from the quick, heated emotions you felt. Once or twice, you had pondered what it would be like to be endeared to the Radio Demon... but only that: pondered.
And yet today, you seemed to be having your lucky day. A fast paced, VERY lucky day.
When Alastor finally pulled away, you were panting, much harder than you did inside of the speakeasy. A strap to your golden dress had fallen down shoulder, only for Alastor's hands to move it back into place. A gentleman, despite everything.... and despite the mouthwatering sight of your dress riding further up your thighs. Alastor had to admit the display made him feel... carnal desires that he hadnt felt in such a long time.
"It's a shame... I figured the taste of metal would still be on your lips... but no matter. You taste just as sweet..." Alastor nearly purred, making you sigh shakily in his grasp. You fisted his blazer, eyes hazy as Alastor began to kiss your cheeks, then down your neck. You could punch, kick, scream... but this was playing out in sucj a delicious way... would a part of you really want to see this go any other way? You moaned into the crisp, hellish air.
You thought not.
You let your head fall back against the wall, eyes fluttering as you felt his hot tongue in all of his open-mouthed kisses. His breath set you on fire, and you were kicking yourself mentally, realizing this demon was getting you much too heated.
"S-Slow down! I-- ahh-- W-We're in public! Nnngh--" Your pitiful words were useless as Alastor suckled on the junction between your neck and shoulder, making your head feel even lighter. Your legs strained and buckled, and you could just tell that if Alastor touched you between your legs, you would be drenched with your own arousal.
"Aren't most performances live, mon cher~?" Alastor chuckled darkly, his nonchalant attitude making your breath hitch again. A broken, disjointed moan was the only thing you allowed to come out. With your head still thrown back, you couldn't see the way he drinked in your appearance. Alastor relished and memorized how your throat tightened and bobbled with each noise you made... Arguably, this was much better to watch than your strife at the speakeasy.
Alastor lapped at your shoulder lecherously, before sinking his teeth in. You nearly screamed, the pain soon replaced by pleasure as Alastor suckled at the wound. You let out a pleased hiss when Alastor's hands moved higher, gripping you by your hips. Then, you felt his knee come between your legs, anchoring you in place. To your horror, Alastor could indeed feel JUST how excited you've gotten.
Due to you dangling in the air, gravity was already threatening to pull you down. And with his knee the only obstacle, you felt the friction at your core... Worriedly: a place where you weren't sure if you wanted stimulated in an alleyway. But, the deeper parts of your psyche ached for the display to contiue... to see how much the Radio Demon would do.
Your toes curled as you let out a high pitched yelp, your hips involuntarily grinding into Alastor's knee. The deer Demon's ears perked up. Not only had your heart fluttered, but your voice had changed... so scandalous! He wasn't one to engage in this behavior before Hell... but with how far your dress had ridden up, clothed privates gyrating against his knee... he felt the need to indulge.
Experimentally, he pressed his knee further into you, forcing a whine as you ground down again. It looks as though you bit off more than you could chew... but you couldn't help but revel in the feeling. Alastor smiled mischievously, practically groaning himself.
"Oh darling, you taste absolutely Heavenly...," Alastor exaggerated," And your little cries... THIS is a performance I'd like to see~" Alastor nipped at your skin again, making you quake and grind. Your mouth hung open as Alastor hungrily licked a stripe from your collarbone to your ear. He shifted his tone to a gravelly, baritone inflection that made you clench around nothing. With the confidence of a succubus, he whispered in your ear.
"Should we see it to its conclusion?"
Your head rolled to the side, allowing Alastor more access as you panted below him. The fire in your belly beckoned your answer.
"Pl-Please... I-- I can't-- I cant...! n-not without...," you bite your lip," I-Internal stimulation." Alastor chuckled, sultry eyes gazing back to you through half lids. How quick you are to switch sides... how quick you were to be putty in his hands. Perhaps you would be willing to engage in other deals...
"You doubt my abilities? You wound me~" He ground his leg into your heat again, sending sparks up your spine," Then you'll have to work for it..."
You whined as Alastor leaned in to kiss you again, his hands holding your waist firmly," You may use me to meet your peak, love...," Alastor huffed, bringing you higher with just his knee. You found yourself unable to think, your body moving on its own to situate yourself.
"And when you climax, I want to look at me. And only me."
You panted like a dog in heat as your hips moved on their own, Alastor's grip rather unnecessary. Though, if he let go, he would be scared of losing this moment.
Your hair clung to your forehead as your voice hit a crescendo, eyes threatening to roll back. He wasn't kidding. With all of this wording, foreplay, and tension... you may just come from grinding on his leg afterall.
You felt a hot, girthy tendril come up to your lips, swiping your drool across your bottom lip. Alastor was lowering himself,  kissing the hem of your top. You shuddered as you felt the heat of his face ghosting your skin.
"Thats it... keep going. I promise I will give you something much more fulfilling soon~"
You whined as your mouth fell open, Alastor's tentacle pushing past your lips. The promise had to demanding more. On command, you sucked on his tentacle, hollowing your cheeks as you felt it wiggle and explore your mouth. He had also managed to quiet you down... effectively: he killed two birds with one stone.
In his case... something had been hardening in his trousers, straining against its confines. Damn it all, he was losing his restraint.
Alastor's hands guided your hips, rocking you quicker against his leg. He would ensure that you met your high before he pushed you too far. Your hands flew up to steady yourself, grasping his lapels tightly. Alastor chuckled in amusement as he watched you bounce against him, eyes rolled fully back into your skull as you took his tentacle and his teasing. Alastor rewarded you with a well placed kiss, landing on top of your clothed nipple. You nearly shrieked as Alastor suckled there, a new tentacle coming up to tweak and fondle the other. What a perfectly flushed and scandalous display!
You were putty in his hands, about to come completely undone. You looked towards Alastor, signaling to him that you were getting close. The Radio Demon grinned, removing his tentacle almost immediately. It instead looped around your neck, pulling you close to his face.
Your head spun as what little oxygen you had was knocked from your windpipe, it's grip around you loose. And yet, it was sensual enough to spike the feeling in your gut twofold. You let out a garbled whine, your lips forming the words "Close! Cl-Close!!!"
Alastor brusher your nose with his own, his voice low and demanding," You can cum now, dear... let me see your grand finale."
Your entire body convulsed, the suddeness of your orgasm shocking you. Your hands shook as your nearly screamed, Alastor's lips silencing your pleas. He helped your ride out your pleasure, magma coursing through you as you started to return to your senses. You panted, breath ragged as Alastor returned your gaze, catching his breath at the same time. You looked down between the two of you, eyes widening when you realized what had happened.
Alastor's pants now had a very evident wet spot... but not just from you.
You looked to meet Alastor's gaze, eyes wide in awe as he gave you a toothy, blissful grin.
"You'll have to excuse me, dearest. I am not used to this form of... entanglement. Though I can assure you that we can work on that stamina... together."
Alastor lowered you to your feet, before catching you hastily. Your legs wobbled and gave out, too unstable to keep you upright. You smiled back, eyes still glossy with lust.
"I-- I have to hand it to you, Alastor... that... that was a show alright."
Alastor laughs breathlessly, snapping his fingers. With a quick flourish, the both of you were wearing new outfits. You were now dressed in a deep red gown, while Alastor was fitted in a black and red pinstriped suit. Evidence of your mingling was gone, his sweaty, slick hair had now back to its voluminous, pristine look. You questioned if you looked just as fair...
"As I said! It was a performance I was most invested in... and one of many, I would hope." Alastor pats your cheek, stepping back once he knew you could stand.
"Unfortunately, my dear, I am out of time. Business to attend to. But... whenever you are free... you may come straight to the hotel for check in."
"Ch-Check in...?," you reply," But... I wasn't so keen on redemption, remember?"
Alastor laughs, a familiar laughing track echoing through his vocal frequency," You jest! Surely you know all staff are to stay within the hotel, dont you? Free room and board! What could be a better perk?" You smile sheepishly, wiping your hands down your sides, as if they were dirty from your exploits.
"Well... I guess after a freebie and getting my hair blown back, it'd be rude to refuse... I assume I'll have my own room?" Alastor nods, taking your hand.
"I'll ensure that it's taken care of. Of course... if you'd like, I could give you priority on where you'd like to be placed...?" You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, suddenly nervous after having been given the ride of your life by a near stranger.
"Well... if I could be next to your room... it may make... 'practice'... a little easier?" Alastor smiled wickedly, pulling your hand to his lips. You held back a mewl as he kisses your delicate knuckles.
"Consider it done... I'll send some help to collect your things." Alastor backs up a few more paces, and double taps the ground with his staff," Check in is before 8PM... don't be late~"
And with that, the Radio Demon disappears, leaving your head reeling and face flushed. You sighed, placing a hand over your still racing heart. You had a lot of work ahead of you...
You begin your awkward, wobbly way towards you apartment. The possibilities and the future were looking all too promising...
Indeed, you were about to be a much richer, much more satisfied sinner. And you were a-okay with that.
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meowizard · 2 years
rating cookie's forms while chopping wood part two
by someone who's taken classes
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immediately, i'm struck by the fact that they're not only using one hand, their other hand is.... supporting their arm? PLUS their legs are CROSSED??, and not only does that mean they could pull a muscle, all their strength is coming from their shoulder, which puts them at high risk of dislocating something if they swing it any faster. 1/10
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strawberry my beloved you've restored my faith. she doesn't have a tight grip of the axe, but she is holding it near the head and then sliding down as she swings. YES. she's not angled right but she gets a pass because shes 13. 9/10
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oh good lord. they start off alright, but then??? let go?? of the axe, making it look like they're throwing it at the wood like a swingball...?. . points for being funny but that is a terrifying thing to do with an axe. also, another child that should not be chopping wood. 4/10
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gramps? are you using magic sparkles to chop wood again? whatever. he's swinging it below his waist in a very nice arc, and has his hand firmly enough around the axe for me not to be nervous, but again, one hand. i really hope the flower can see for him. 6/10
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DTUFJZTJDTXJUTDTZZKSKSJS he fucking HATES this on god look at him. not only that, but hitting this with your non-dominant hand and backwards is likely to hurt AND take a long ass time on top of every other thing he's doing wrong. 0/10 i'm just sorry they did this to u king
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okay it's. kind of impossible to chop wood completely safely with. yknow. one arm. soooo ig she's angled herself right and she gets 5/10
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i wish his right hand was a liiiiittle higher at the peak of the swing, but other than that he's doing very well!,!... is what i would say if his eyes weren't fuckin closed!!! and WHERE pray tell is your passion?!?! 7/10!!!!
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stepping forward as you swing is very wrong and dangerous, and, shes not holding it right. it looks like shes hitting below her waist, but thats moot if she's swinging so far she could dislocate something. 2/10
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swinging the axe behind your head and out of your peripherals is SO dangerous oh my god. the arc is nice, but she's holding it by the end of the handle which means it could so easily slip out of her hands. however, i don't doubt she doesn't know what she's doing. 3/10
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NOPE! his clothes are a huge goddamn hazard, he's holding the axe by the end, his body is completely forward and he's hitting at face height!!! he's likely to get more splinters than firewood, 1/10
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riley-writes · 4 months
Damaged Goods (Dhawan!Master x GN!Reader)
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Hi! It’s been soooo long. Grad school will be the death of me. Enjoy this fic that I wrote instead of studying for an exam I’ll take in less than 36 hours that determines whether I graduate or not. This was more fun though. Please excuse any typos I proofread this once and now I have to go study to prove that I can be a professional at hearing people's worst memories while helping them be okay
Dhawan!Master x GN!Reader
You’ve accepted your fate on a planet you don’t even know the name of after being left behind. The last person you expect to see is your ex-friend’s best enemy.
Notes: So reader is gender neutral but there’s a throwaway line that more aligns with the queer/trans experience, but could probably read as anyone who is an outsider or struggled to feel accepted. Enjoy babes!
Warnings: Reference to torture, brief SI language but no followthrough, angst, abandonment. The works.
This certainly wasn’t the way you’d expected to die. Well, that might not be exactly true. You had expected some kind of trouble that you and the fam got into would end in your demise, but foolishly you’d thought that maybe it would be quick.
This was not quick.
While on some godforsaken planet that you couldn’t remember the name of, the Doctor had managed to piss off another alien race, leading to you all fleeing to the TARDIS under heavy fire. And only you hadn’t made it on time.
At first, you’d been confident that the Doctor would come back and rescue you. But the first day passed, and then the second, and then the third, and then before you knew it, you’d been being tortured for… well, you didn’t know anymore. Hard to keep track when you have no clue how long you’ve been passed out for after getting the shit beaten out of you for not knowing where the Doctor had run off to. 
You weren’t really sure when you’d started resenting her for it–for leaving you behind. She and the fam had taken you in when no one else was there for you, when no one would accept you for who you were. You had no one back on Earth. And now you had no one period. It hurt. To be left behind and forgotten like a toy that had been broken and discarded.
And that’s what you were. Broken. You’d held onto your spirit for so long, but as you heard the barred door down the hall swing open, you realized that you just wanted it all to end. You just couldn’t take it anymore.
You didn’t look up as the door to your cell opened and someone was shoved to the ground, followed by the door slamming shut and locking once more.
“Oh come on boys, it was all in good fun!” said a familiar voice, causing your blood to run cold. You snuck a quick glance, and confirmed– yes, the Master had just been thrown into your cell. Unfortunately, your movement didn’t go unnoticed, and his head snapped in your direction. You quickly diverted your eyes, but the damage was done. You heard him tut and wander towards you, and your entire body tensed. 
“Now what is one of the Doctor’s little pets doing in a place like this? Lost, love?” he asked cruelly. You didn’t respond or look up, still curled in on yourself. He stepped closer and your body got impossibly more tense. Your lack of response encouraged him. “Waiting on your precious Doctor to come and save you?”
You couldn’t help but let out a quiet scoff at that, which egged him on further. “How long has she left you here to rot?” He made an irritated sound when you didn’t respond. “I asked you a ques–,” you saw him reaching for you.
“Don’t touch me!” you shouted, vaulting yourself away from him across the cell. You could feel yourself start to hyperventilate, breaths coming quicker and quicker. Yep, this was it. You were dying. The Master was frozen in place, an unreadable look on his face.
The only sound was your quick breathing. He took a step forward, and you pushed yourself into the corner as far as you could.
“Don’t…” you sobbed, terrified. The Master held his hands up and took another step forward as if he were approaching a wild animal. “Please,” you whispered.” He hesitated.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said after a moment. There was some emotion on his face that you couldn’t quite place– though that was reasonable, being that you hadn’t been in contact with anyone that had shown you anything but disgust and anger. Still, you didn’t relax.
“You need to breathe or you’re going to pass out. You humans are pathetic like that, only having one respiratory system,” he said with jest, and you let out a short laugh in shock. He took this as a good sign, because he slowly approached and knelt down next to you. He seemed to not quite know what to do, but settled on a gentle hand on your back as you steadied your breathing.
“Now. I’m going to go destroy every other being on this planet, and then we’ll leave. Consider this my good deed of this regeneration. Can’t be ruining my reputation now, can I?” he said quietly. You looked up in surprise, and were met with an intense gaze. You nodded, throwing your trust to someone who’d never shown you anything but disdain up until this moment. What did you have to lose?
And as you got on the Master’s TARDIS, you couldn’t help but wonder what life had in store for you next.
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
when serial killers ghoap catch you and your friends camping in the woods, they tell you that they're going to have a little contest- the four of you will be set loose to try to run, and whoever evades them longest gets to live. (you try not to dwell too much on how confident they seem that all of you will eventually be caught) when the larger man in the mask says 'go' you run as hard as you can, all of your splitting off into different directions as you hear the cackling laughter of the man with the mohawk bounce off the trees. in less than five minutes you hear the worst screams in your life, and you know exactly who they belongs to. you keep running, muscles screaming and sweat pouring off of you, until you come across a giant hole in the ground. you carefully step to the edge and peer in- a punji stick pit with your best friend since 5th grade impaled at the bottom, lifeless eyes wide with shock. they've set traps in these woods, and as soon as the thought crosses your mind you hear another scream, further away, but instead of incoherent noise you can make out the words fucking bear traps look out they've got fucking bear traps before it's suddenly cut off. the silence is sickening. you carefully shuffle around the edge of the pit, eyes straining in the twilight dim for disturbances in the leaves the carpet the ground, trying to keep your wits about you. it's no good, out of nowhere you feel large, strong hands wrap themselves around your mouth and throat, cutting off the scream that tries to escape your body.
shhhh shhh shh, you win lass, good job bonnie, this way now, the voice in your ear insists as you're led back in the direction you were desperately trying to escape. he leads you back to a cabin, not uncovering your mouth until he shoves you to the ground in the little basement.
i thought the winner got to live, you say as you blink up at him.
oh, aye. never said where, though, did we? he laughs as the hulking frame of the skull mask man appears at the top of the basement steps, casually unzipping his fly as he stalks towards you.
the serial killer au ive got partly written is more of a most dangerous game au, but THIS one is soooo good too. anon you should write this and tag me in it so i can read it lol
"shhhh shhh shh, you win lass, good job bonnie, this way now, the voice in your ear insists as you're led back in the direction you were desperately trying to escape. he leads you back to a cabin, not uncovering your mouth until he shoves you to the ground in the little basement. i thought the winner got to live, you say as you blink up at him. oh, aye. never said where, though, did we? he laughs as the hulking frame of the skull mask man appears at the top of the basement steps, casually unzipping his fly as he stalks towards you." oh i am. i am having a moment. wow. this has done things to me that i don't know how to contend with
you've got this sick sense of relief that you're the final girl - you hate that everyone else died painful screaming deaths but... you didn't. only to immediately be confronted with the fact that "not dying" doesn't mean they're letting you go. they're still going to do horrible fucked up things to you.
johnny stroking his cock real slowly when simon ambles down the stairs, tells him look at our pretty little winner, si. gonna be a fun one this time. and all you can do is just stare up at them with glassy, terrified eyes. makes them even harder.
hnggg them praising you and offering like them fucking you is a reward. you worked so hard, did such a good job running and hiding, now you'll take your reward like a good girl. this is what you were competing for, isn't it? c'mon, stop whining like that, you know it's gonna happen no matter how much you fight.
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flwersgarden · 2 years
i don’t know if this is gonna make a whole lotta sense but i’ve been obsessed with your writing for like ever and i was hoping maybe you could do a combination between little!reader and daddy!elvis but make elvis like a yandere sorta with it? like he takes advantage of readers little space and uses it to make sure that he’s the only one who can really like take care of her when she’s in that space you know? i have no idea if that makes sense or not, if it doesn’t or you don’t wanna write it don’t worry about it! :)
note: it makes sense, my love, don't worry! i will write this one with austin!elvis in mind since i'm not very comfortable in making real life elvis a yandere soooo, either way, please enjoy!
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“ how are you, baby? ”
you looked up from your drawing book, smiling brightly at the sight of elvis with his leather suit entering the room you were in.
“ daddy! ” you squeaked out, running up to him, leaving your crayons on the floor.
elvis smiled, crouching so he could hug you; giving you some twirls before kissing your face making you giggle a bit at how funny it felt.
“ hey, baby. ” he whispered before leaving you on the ground, patting your butt a bit before walking to the sofa. “ how was it? ”
you immediately knew he was talking about the small trip you went to with one of his bodyguards; you insisted on someone taking you to the park since you felt yourself dying from boredom locked in the room, elvis being the amazing daddy he is allowed you to (of course, not without security).
“ it was great, daddy! ” you jumped, taking advantage of elvis' tired attitude to pick everything up so he wouldn't rebuke you about it.
elvis nodded, sitting on the couch, patting his lap as he looked at how cute you were. “ 'm glad. ”
you sat on his lap after putting everything on its place, kissing his cheek before patting your own pink dress. “ how was the performance, dada? ” you put your face in the croon of his neck, enjoying the small touches he gave to your hair and back.
“ it was good. i think. ” he murmured the last part, kissing your forehead before a knock interrupted the both of you. “ who is it? ”
“ the colonel, my boy. ”
elvis rolled his eyes while sighing, patting your butt again but this time for you to move.
you pouted, not only did you missed him but you wanted some cuddles. so when elvis opened the door, you subtly showed your tongue to the colonel, who just frowned at you before turning to look at elvis.
“ we need to talk. ”
elvis hummed and for a few seconds it was quiet before he looked at you, who was still sitting on the couch. “ doll. ”
“ yes? ” you asked.
he grabbed his wallet from one of the closest tables around him, giving it to you as you walked to him. “ go and buy us some snacks, will ya? ”
you nodded, grabbing his wallet before leaving.
but just as you were exiting the room, you stomped in colonel's foot making him howl in anger.
you couldn't hear the rest of it as you ran away.
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as you walked through the set, you couldn't help but stare at everything. when elvis and you walked in here you didn't paid much attention as you were too focused in playing with the new toy elvis gave you.
almost everyone in there knew you were little, that's why no one gave you strange looks. also because they were terrified of elvis and how he may react if you go and tell him if someone treated you badly.
you skip to the table full of food, beverages and drinks, smiling as you catch some cotton candy. you go to grab it but as you do it, some hand grabs it and offers it to you.
“ here. ”
you look up at the strange man, not bad looking but... strange.
“t-thank you. ” you stiffly say, grabbing the stick of the candy before turning to leave.
“ wait. ” he steps in front of you.
you are caught off guard with how this man is acting so you just bring the cotton candy to your chest, quiet.
he smiles. “ okay. look. ” he takes off a small notebook from his jacket, a pen too; clicking it as he searches though his notebook's pages. “ i wanted to interview you for so long and. ” he chuckles but it seems tired. “ that man of yours just doesn't fumbles the bag, huh? ”
you frown, confused at what he is implying.
“ so. y/n presley, would you mind telling me. ” he puts the pen ends in the notebook. “ is this, ” he points at your outfit. “ some kind of sickloving trap elvis has you in? ”
“ excuse me? ” you quickly answer.
the man just shrugs. “ yeah. is this some kind of syndrome he put in you after he married you? ”
you step back, feeling your heart crushing with his words. “ i don't know what you mean, mister, i-. ”
he laughs, interrupting you. “ come on. i mean, the press knew you were weird but-. ”
suddenly, a hand pushes the man's figure away from you as some arms surround you.
“ man, what did i said?! no fucking reporters! ” jerry exclaims from behind you, walking to the strange man with his fists clenched but abruptly turns and points at someone behind you. “ take her to ep! ”
that person grabs you, carefully, taking you to elvis while you drop the cotton candy on them ground. elvis' wallet is still being gripped by your hand as if it's the only thing telling you this is real.
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“ i fucking told every single one of you! ”
you sit in the white couch of Graceland, the home your daddy bought, drawing some flowers while he and his staff, alongside the memphis mafia, are sitting on the diner room. bit far from you. enough for you to not hear anything that was being discussed in that room.
“ ep, we told y-. ”
elvis raises an arm, turning with his hands in his waist. he looks at you.
silence overpowers the moment, everyone except you and elvis uncomfortable. elvis slightly smiled as you frowned in concentration with your gaze stuck on the drawing.
“ did y'all ever fell in love, folks? ” he suddenly asks. some men clear their throat as everyone denies it. elvis nods. “ some of y'all may think that yes. you have. ”
he turns to look at them. “ but you haven't. at least not like me. ” he points at you. “ that girl keeps me from going insane. ”
he walks to the fridge. everyone keeps silent.
the fridge gets harshly closed, making some people jump in their seats, a beer being opened is heard.
elvis takes a gulp out of the beer.
“ i thought i was very clear. ” elvis mutters.
“ you were, ep. ” jerry stands up.
elvis looks at him.
“ it's our fault. ” he looks at everyone in the room as they nod and gives affirmative responses. jerry looks at elvis again. “ i promise you, that man has being taken care of. nothing like that will happen again. ”
elvis nods, walking up to jerry patting him on the back and just as he is about to give him his thanks for admitting his fault, someone stands up. the chair screeching. everyone looks at that man.
“ no. ” he says, clearly afraid.
everyone, expect him and elvis, open their eyes in shock and horror.
“ man, sit down. ” someone mutters with a harsh tone, trying to make him sit but he pulls his arm away.
“ no, man, this is fucked up. ” he shakes his head, looking at everyone before sticking his gaze to elvis' piercing blue eyes.
“ ep, ignore-. ” jerry tries to take elvis away.
“ no. ” elvis raises a palm, making jerry quiet. “ i'm interested. ” he keeps his arms on a chair top, looking at the man. “ why do you say that? ”
elvis' calm demeanor makes everyone tremble. the calm before the storm.
the man sobs before pointing at you. “ that woman doesn't know what the fuck is going on half of the time. ” he whispers, his arm falls to his side again. “ when you just introduced us to her, she was... ”
everyone looks down.
of course, they know what he is talking about.
when you and elvis started dating, you weren't much into your little space. you felt safe enough in your relationship for you to run to that comfort zone.
but after something personal happened to you, you cried to elvis, telling him how the little space was something you weren't usually comfortable in talking with partners since some of them shamed you for it but that you needed to run into it for comfort.
elvis just smiled at your ranting, kissing your head and caressing your hair while nodding his head.
“ it's okay. i understand. ” he said to you.
you raised your head, teary eyed, looking like an angel. “ w-what-... do you mean? ” a sob interrupted you mid sentence.
“ i mean that it's okay. you don't have to feel ashamed about it with me. my love. ” he grabbed your cheeks, making you look at him. “ i accept you and love everything about you. it's not something to be shamed about. ” he kissed your nose, making you pout.
he smiled. “ you'll just have to guide me through it. ”
and that you did. you explained him everything trying to be as clear as possible.
elvis loved little you. for multiple reasons. but the one that stood out the most was because little you always looked for him.
she always wanted him.
he loved to come back home from a long day of filming to find little you drawing, to see your shiny eyes looking up at him as if he hung the moon and stars.
he loved that you were so dependent on him. he loved to take care of you.
but when he noticed that you weren't into your space as much as he'd like... he started to change both of your lives.
making your room bright pink with the excuse that the color suits you.
buying you fluffy dresses with the excuse of how comfortable they looked to wear and how they would match his own outfits.
gifting you candies and toys with the excuse of them being from a different state so he had to bring you a souvenir.
and with small steps, he turned you into his little babygirl.
you started slipping into your little space more often since everything reminded you of how wonderful it is to be in it.
and everyone knew. because elvis told them to don't say shit about it.
‘ don't you dare make her slip out. ’
‘ don't let anyone question her about it. ’
‘ she won't do any interviews, not even with me, she will stick to the room. ’
that's how it was. of course, only if they wanted to keep their job and their future secure.
but it seemed like someone didn't want that.
elvis fully stood up, the beer long forgotten in the table. “ so. ” he slowly walked to the man, his hands on his back. “ you are saying... ” he raised an eyebrow.
the man scoffed, feeling confident all of a sudden. “ what i'm saying is that what you're doing is fucked up and i will no longer take part on it. ” he looked at everyone else. “ and every single one of you are as guilty as him, you are all going to hell, you fucking assho-. ”
a gunshot sounded through the room. everyone covering themselves.
jerry just jumped back, staring at the scene in shock.
elvis had his gun pointed at where this man's head would've been seconds ago, his posture stiff, showing his side profile to everyone. his jaw clenched with his free hand besides him forming a fist.
but he relaxed, sighing.
everyone looked at him again, slowly lowering their arms.
“ no bad words in this house. ” elvis simply said.
jerry simply sits in the chair he was sitting in the beginning, still paralyzed.
“ daddy?! ” a girly voice calls out.
elvis throws the gun in the table before walking out of the room. “ yeah, babydoll?! ” he calls back, exiting the room.
jerry grabs the gun. he looks at everyone before moving to the gun to a side, revealing its bullets.
he feels like throwing up as he sees all of them empty.
he only had one bullet.
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starsomens · 9 months
"da?" your 5 year old called for his father
"Yeah bud?" he asked picking him up from where he stood and on to his hip
"Where do babies come from?" Noah's eyes went wide as you started laughing in the background
"U-uh well bud I mean..ugh that's a long story but they come from mommies" he said still baffled trying to figure out the fastest way to out of the question. You were leaning against the counter still trying to contain yourself. Noah was a great father but seeing him so lost and begging for help with his eyes was too good!
"ohh....how?" he asked. Noah was dying inside
"babe will you stop laughing and actually help me here?"
"No, no, no this is your son, literally you exact copy," you motioned to your son who really was his carbon copy "Come on, father to son, how well can you handle this?" you were having too much fun so Noah shot back
"...it's because mommies eat SOOOO much eventually the food make a baby in there. Does that answer your question bud?" he nods his head and Noah sets him down to run back to the living room. He stepped over to you, his frame looming over yours
"yess?" you try hiding your smile and looking away, he traps you between the counter and his arms and comes down to say
"oh I'll get you for that....just wait"
as funny as it was, the encounter was also terrifying
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sweetcreatxr · 8 days
♡ Always been you (3) ♡
Part 3 - La vie en Rose
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A Chris Evans x male reader mini fic 🎀
Here part 2 !
Warning : Chris being threatening and a savage but also vulnerable man, hurt/comfort beacuse its amazing ! , reader and Chris being idiots in love !
AN : soooo... I'm so sorry for the long delay omg...1 year...but in my defence, I've been caught up with school, and now that I've finished high school, I'll have more free time ! Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy it !
Chris' pov
Chris was now running down the stadium's aisle, Dan, the security guy trying to keep up with him.
" Mr Evans !! Please slow down"
But Chris had no intention in the world to do so. He had to be fast and to make it to the backstage before the end of the song y/n'swas now singing. But as he kept running around these walls, Chris ran into something. Or rather someone. And this someone was not other than y/n's bandmate. The very first cause he was in this situation in the first place. He had a small grin on his face plus eyes reflecting malice and distrust.
"Well, well, well...isn't it Chris Evans or should I say, y/n's ex boyfriend ?"
He chuckled a bit, probably amused by his words but it wasn't the case of Chris : he was passed and mad, first at this dude but then at himself to think his boyfriend will want anything with this man looking like a cockroach. Chris wasn't very what we could call narcissistic or full of himself, but at this very moment, he couldn't hide the bright smile on his face as he eyed David from head to toe.
David hasn't missed that as he confusions could be read on his face, his sight landing everywhere but at Chris, he was ashamed but soon it turned into anger.
"What the fuck are you smiling at lame ass ?? Uh ?? Anyway why the fuck are you here ? Y/n's said he didn't want to see you anymore !"
Chris kept smiling and then out of nowhere burst out laughing as if what he just heard was the funniest thing someone had just said to him. David stood still, unsure of what just happened and how he should react.
The Bostonian man then proceeded to call down a bit before speaking those words :
" Damn...I was so dumb to- to think my man will be somewhat interested in somethinglike you...I mean look at you ! All desesperate and shit...but you forgot something here little boy"
Chris got closer to him, trying to look somewhat threatening and he was as David stepped down a bit looking down.
" Y/n's is mine and we're in love so go play somewhere else before I break you in half."
His tone was cold, voice low and body tensed but with a devilish smile on his face. He meant everything he said and even if I doesn't know if he was capable of breaking off someone's body in half, he sure knew someone who could do it...
David ran away with wanting any further for more threats, he was definitely terrified and good, thought Chris, he didn't want to ever deal with this man ever again. And yes even if David wasn't 100% to blame about this situation, it still made Chris feel better about himself, he was still a man after all !
Dan on the other hand was still running toward Chris as they had a pretty gap of distance.
" Fuck...arggg Mr Evans...you're too fast for me...I- I need to-to do exercise more often"
Dan said feeling as if the whole world was about to collapse on him.
"Don't worry Dan, I'll teach you, but now let's head to the backstage shall we ?"
Y/n's POV
Y/n had finished the last song on the first section for today's concert, and after interacting with fans, doing some bad dad jokes and dancing to ABBA's song, it was now time to head backstage for a quick break and a outfit change.
" Okay okay guys, cigarette break !!! I'll be back but I gotta smoke !"
It wasn't actually true, y/n's didn't smoke and he didn't want to, afraid of damaging his vocal chords. Bit his fans knew the code : time to slut this body up !
He ran towards the backstage, his crew putting thumbs up saying he did an incredible job and reminding him of his 20 minutes pause.
After hydrating correctly, y/n went in the room he changed earlier, his outfit was already on the couch as well as...Chris ???
What was he doing here ?? Y/n thought he left since he didn't see him anymore on the VIP section. He figured he went home and was waiting on Y/n's to come so they could talk bit was NOT expecting this AT ALL.
It sounded like a whisper and it was one since the latter only saw his lover's lips moving without any sound coming out.
" Love..."
It was awkward, very awkward, the singer didn't know how to react ! If he should kiss him or kick him, it was very confusing ! So he stayed in front of the door, still wide open. Anyone passing by would have seen what was happening but y/n's then spoke first.
" Chris...i- what are you doing here ??"
Chris got up, slowly moving towards his lover and reach of his hands. And even though y/n's was tensed, he didn't kick him away, a good start !
" There are so many things I need to tell you baby i-"
But before he could finish his sentence, the singer cut him off.
" No ! Let me speak first. You left me. You left me and didn't even bother responding to my messages. More than 500 Chris. And same for the calls, you denied every single one of them. During 5 month you left me at my worst. I was crying night and day on our bed while you were at your brother's or at clubs. I'm not mad about the words you say to me even though yes they were horrible, because I believe I had once said even more horrible things to you and you forgave me the next day. No I'm not mad at that, couple fights it's just a thing ! But for you to leave during 5 months and not even let me know if you're okay or if you think we should break off is some devil's work Christopher. Imagine you instead of me and tell me how you'll fell uh ? Tell me how you will try to cope with the fact that your boyfriend doesn't want to even talk to you or look at you or-"
Chris's heart broke at every single word his lover was saying. He thought he could get with an apology and a quicky before the times up but oh dear he was wrong. Y/n's was angry, sad but mostly disappointed and he didn't know what to do. He couldn't just forgive Chris like that as if nothing happened and that it was a simple fight. No ! He couldn't ! But a part of him was telling him to give Chris a 2nd chance, and he wanted that so bad ! He was in love with Chris and even ready to marry him ! But things had changed now and he wasn't so sure about the whole thing.
" Baby please...i- I know what I did was terrible and I don't even deserve your forgiveness, I was a terrible boyfriend and let my insecurities get the best out of us...im so sorry...you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this-
Y/n's was now worried, Chris was spiraling and kept saying the same thing " you didn't deserve this" it was of of the first time of more than a decade knowing Chris that Y/n's saw him like this : vulnerable, weak and ready to finish off
The singer quickly put him into a tight embrace, leading them on the couch and laying down on it. Chris had his head on y/n's he was now singing a soft tune in his ear trying to calm him. An acapela version of La vie en rose was filing the room as Y/n's thrust his hands on Chris' hair, slowly massaging his roots.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça m'fait quelque chose
Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
This moment right here was the first time y/n has felt this way since 5 months : relaxed and actually happy ! Even though the situation between the two was still confusing and unsolved, by the very first time y/n had pressed his lips on the Chris' forehead he realised that he needed the actor too. He couldn't just pretend as if he didn't want to let him a 2nd chance, everyone deserves one after all !
His thoughts were cut down but one of his member crew rushing in the room and yelling :
" Y/n 5 MINUTES LE- oh my God...im so sorry, I'll go but make quick you're not even dressed !"
And there she's gone provoking a small chuckle coming out the singer. The latter quickly but safely pushed Chris away from him, covering him with a blanket and kissing him as he was asleep. He then proceed to undress himself but as he was to put on his pants he heard Chris' voice.
" Fuck...I'm missed seeing your body so much..."
And as absurd as it was, y/n blushed and continued to dress up which was easy since the pants was the only piece of fabric of this outfit.
" Okay I gotta go now Chris, we'll talked together after okay ?"
He was ready to go but Chris maintained his hand and pulled him into his arms, cuddling him.
" Never forget that I love you and...thank you for the song"
Chris was shy, and it was adorable to see, but he really needed to go, so he just kissed his hands and ran to his crew, wanting for him to restart the show.
" you're okay y/n ?"
Asked Laura, his 2nd guitarist.
" Perfect, thanks Lau, now let's kill it shall we ?"
AN : OMG I feel the need to express the fact that I wrote this in one go ! Like 💃 OMG ! OK so firstly I wanted to make it pure 100% fluff but then I thought : and where will be the confrontation then ?! Soo here it is and I'm pretty proud of it ! Hope you guys enjoyed it too !
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puari-vol · 10 months
I googled "how to undo hypnosis" but I wasn't finding anything useful, in fact I knew thinking about it made it worse, but I couldn't help myself, it was just so tantalizing...no no, not tantalizing, terrifying!
I closed the browser, and rubbed my temples, trying to sort my own thoughts from the ones that weren't supposed to be there. but It was just so hard not to think about her eyes, so pretty I coudln't help but stare, or the smell of her perfume, how it made me feel so dizzy and sleepy, or her voice, the way she just talked me down into a drooling empty mess...
I shook my head vigorously I needed to get out, take a walk, clear my mind...but it was just so hard not to think about it...it was just so easy to surrender, it felt so good to surrender...damn it!
I was walking now, I hopped the cool outdoor air would help me clear my head and make a decision. My phone buzzed and I started reaching into my pocket, then stopped myself. What if it was Her? Could she drop me in a text message? Of course she could, she could do anything to me, I was totally powerless...why did that make me want to check it more? no no...bad don't think about it, don't think...
and yet somehow my phone was in my hand, fingers seeming to work on their own until horrified at my lack of control I was reading a message from...not her, I sighed. was that relief? or disappointment? it was my friend asking where I had gone after the party last night...but I definitely should not think about the party.
and yet as I walked with nothing to occupy myself, I found my mind wandering back to the night before. It was a party in a friend of a friends backyard, I had just about gotten drunk enough to start enjoying myself when she walked up to me. She was small, nearly a whole head shorter than me, not threating in the slightest. I had seen her earlier standing alone in the corner, scanning the room completely expressionless. I remember thinking she didn't even look old enough to drink. But now that she was standing right in front of me, there was something in her eyes...an intensity that made me feel off balance...or maybe it was just the alcohol.
we chatted for a little bit about nothing in particular...or had we? The conversation was hard to remember...she asked me to check her eye shadow, to tell her how it looked, she had me smell her perfume, said it made her dizzy the first time she smelled it, she asked me how it made me feel. she asked me if I was relaxed and I just said, "sure" and she smiled a strange smile. then something distracted me and I looked away for a moment, when I looked back she had stepped closer, only inches away, one hand holding my arm gently
"wanna see something cool?" she said, still smiling
"uh, okay?"
"Good, just listen carefully, it won't work if you don't listen got it? you listening?"
"I'm listening"
"Good, all you have to do is listen and pay attention to my eyes, my eyes are pretty aren't they?"
"Good, you're going to drop soon, you're feeling heavy right? that's probably my perfume, you're body's very relaxed for me now, are you ready? it will only feel like a second, just close your eyes for a moment...and sleep...and awake very good"
I stood up straight, she had pulled on my arm suddenly, pulling me down toward her. my heart was beating fast now for some reason
"What...what just happned?" I stammered pulling away from her a little, she just smiled
"just put you in a little trance, nothing to worry about"
"A trance?"
"Yeah with hypnosis, its fun right?"
"You seem confused, here let me show you again real quick, it gets easier every time"
before I could say anything she moved in again, hand on my arm, tugging me gently toward her
"Eyes" she said, I found myself looking into hers and she smiled
"soooo good at following instructions, just like last time now, ready? three two one, sleep...that's right just like that, my voice is pushing the thoughts right out of your head, listening so so carefully, very good... remember, easier and easier every time, and awake!"
my eyes opened, we had somehow come inside from the backyard, and were now in a living room that was empty accept for a few sleeping drunk people.
"But...when...how did-"
"Shhhhh, sit down silly"
she pulled me down onto the couch with her
"But you're...I'm not...how are you doing this?"
she reached her other hand out and put in on my cheek, I was too bewildered to stop her, away from the music and people I suddenly felt like all of my focus was on her.
"Don't worry about it, there's nothing you can do about it at this point, watch I'm just gonna tell you to close your eyes and Drop, that's right, sooooo easy now to let your mind go blank for me, very good. it feels good doesn't it? surrendering to me? yes it does. next time you drop you're gonna go so deep that you'll stay like that for the rest of the night, then we'll really get to have some fun, coming back, wide awake now"
she was snapping her fingers in front of my face, I was blinked rapidly, my body felt heavy and drowsy, the smell of her perfume was overwhelming. she gently pulled me down until I was lying in her lap, staring up at her beautiful eyes...
"Don't worry now, you're going to love this"
she said running a hand through my hair
"Because I'm going to tell you to love it, You're heads so empty now you could probably just drop yourself don't you think? Since you're so good at following instructions, just look deep into my eyes, and say "I surrender" then you'll be all mine"
I was already lost in her eyes, and her voice made it so hard to think, but my lips moved
And that was all I could remember, I had woken up back home alone, with nothing but the smell and a note saying 'see you soon' to prove that it had been anything other than a dream.
I shook myself out of a daze, I had let my head go all fuzzy with the memories and my feet had wandered. I was standing outside of an 24 hour diner and I decided to go inside. I sat at the first available booth, and suddenly realized there was someone already sitting there, in my daze I had just sat down at someone else's table
"S-sorry I didn't see-"
Then my sluggish mind recognized the face smiling back at me and I froze
"good to see you again"
I tore myself away from her eyes and looked down at the table
"H-How did you...find me?"
she giggled
"Find you? I told you to come here silly"
"What? but...when-"
"Last night, of course the first thing I taught you was how to forget things and you are soooo good at following instructions aren't you? but I have so many more wonderful things to teach you...that is if you are accepting my offer?"
"Y-your...your offer?"
"Why do you think I let you go? you said you wanted to think about it, so we agreed to meet here tonight once you had decided...but of course, you wouldn't remember that"
for the first time since this morning I felt some hope, I had though I might never be in control again but...
"You're...giving me a choice?"
"Of course, have you come to a decision? do you need more time?"
I shook my head
"N-no...I've decided"
I risked a glance up at her, she was still smiling waiting for my answer...I suddenly remembered something
"About your offer...yes...I want to move in with you and be your pet...please"
"I'm so glad! we're gonna have so much fun together...but first, you know what you have to do, just look into my eyes and say your magic words"
"I surrender"
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