#i was talking to my dad and he just dropped the bomb that we might lose eva and it's just
daughterofsarenrae · 11 months
fajsdlkfjslkfjsdlkfj my dad is upset with my bc he just discovered kill la kill and i told him i watched it in like high school and apparently i should've recommended it to him back then
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raazberry · 5 months
vent sorry
0 notes
wondernus · 10 months
SYNOPSIS: seungcheol accidentally reveals he has a daughter on a first date and doesn't know how to tell you that his daughter is a dog
PAIRING: csc x reader
GENRE: fluff
TAGS: first dates, dog dad cheol
WC: 575
MESSAGE FROM NU: s/o to this seungcheol for making it out of the dating app conversation phase & making it work bc I did it once and it did not turn out like this
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seungcheol doesn't know if he has the heart to tell you that it was all a misunderstanding that he accidentally took too far. several hours of conversations on a popular dating app about various niche topics that piqued both of your interests led the two of you to skip the basics. he didn't find out about your occupation until twenty minutes into the current date.
when you accidentally drop your phone on the sidewalk, he immediately bends over to pick it up for you. but one of kkuma's several hair clips from the last time he walked her falls out of his jacket pocket and slides a few centimeters away from his hand. by the time he slips it back into his pocket, you've already seen the pastel-hued flower clip.
you tilt your head at him while he hands you back your phone as if to ask him who that clip belongs to.
"my daughter" — the answer slips out of his mouth before he can correct himself. he's already so used to calling his dog his daughter that it feels right to address her in that way.
when he realizes his mistake, he's expecting a question from you asking for an explanation about the bomb that he just dropped. his correction forms on the tip of his tongue, but you're quick to beat him. and weirdly enough, you ask him about her clips and whether or not he does her hair every day.
the several pistons that churn his brain are all firing at once. there's a frenzy happening in his mind. are you going to ignore the fact that he said he has a daughter even though the daughter is technically a dog? would you think of him differently? he already knows about how you always look at city bike riders to see if they've adjusted their seats high enough, but he doesn't even know if you're a dog person.
yet he casually continues the conversation. he's been sucked into a black hole. he loves talking about her accessories and the different ways he dresses her up. she's his daughter. of course he's going to spoil her and dote on her all the time. he can't stop talking about her and embarrassingly spends a good chunk of the date talking about her.
he talks about how she's the smartest in her class, how she's a picky eater, and how she sleeps by his side. he thinks you're fully convinced that he has a human child at this point, but he doesn't know when exactly is a good time to casually drop the fact that he has been talking about a dog the whole time.
"do you have pictures of her?" you ask him. the question causes him to physically stop in his tracks.
"huh?" he dumbly asks in response.
"your dog right? I remember seeing a pic of her in your profile." you're smiling at him.
all of the little fires in his head extinguish. smoke rises from the top of his head. gosh, it feels so nice to know that there wasn't a miscommunication. you're a good listener and you pay attention to tiny details that even he might miss. he thinks you're cute, especially the way your eyes seem to smile more than your mouth. he blushes.
"yeah. lots of them." he grins while pulling out his phone from his pocket. "we can picnic with her next time."
"great. it's a date."
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avatar-anna · 1 year
I was thinking you could do a “5 times y/n told Harry she was pregnant” for the young!dad series !! That would be so interesting especially since in the last piece you mentioned that Harry already had a feeling she was pregnant before she even told him
The Thing About Having Six Kids
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so i got this ask and a couple others that were kind of about the kids' birth/pregnancy a while ago, and went with five different instances about each kid in the youngdadrry universe. it's all surrounding their birth, finding out about pregnancies, etc. enjoy!
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader
(a text conversation between Harry and Y/n)
Y/n: i'm pregnant
(one day later)
Y/n: Harry?
Harry: Are you sure?
Y/n: i'm sure
Y/n: i have four different pregnancy tests to prove it
Harry: I don't know what to say.
Y/n: the 24 hours it took you to respond kind of told me that
Harry: I'm sorry about that. It's just...a lot
Y/n: it's fine i guess. at least you finally responded.
Harry: Did you think I wouldn't?
Y/n: honestly? yeah. it's not like we're married or in love or anything. you don't even live in the same country as me
Harry: What are you going to do?
Harry: I know but I wouldn't just like disappear on you
Harry: I was just shocked that's all
Y/n: idk. i'm still trying to figure out a way to tell my parents
Harry: Shit my parents!
Y/n: that's kinda where i'm at right now
Y/n: but i think i want to keep it
Y/n: the baby
Y/n: fuck that sounds crazy to say. i have physics homework due tomorrow but let me stop and make a life altering decision really quick about whether i want to have a baby or not
Harry: I'm sorry. You know...
Y/n: for getting me pregnant? knocking me up? putting a bun in the oven?
Harry: It seems too early to joke about this
Y/n: it's keeping me from freaking the fuck out at the moment
(ten minutes later)
Harry: I want to talk about this properly and figure this whole thing out but I have to go
Y/n: please don't feel obligated or anything. this was just a courtesy
Y/n: i don't expect anything from you. i get it if your management wants you to delete my number and never see me again. i just thought you should know.
Harry: What are you talking about?
Harry: Y/n?
3 missed calls from Him <3
"Let's have another baby."
Y/n was close to nodding off, so it was very possible that she was dreaming. She looked behind her. It was dark in the bedroom, but Harry was close enough that she could see him, could see that his head was propped on his elbow so he could look down at her.
"What did you say?" she asked, because she needed to be sure.
"I...I want another baby," he said, voice soft even though they were the only two people in the room. Simone was fast asleep in her own bedroom, tuckered out after a long day of playing at the park and eating ice cream and fingerpainting with Harry. Now that One Direction was officially on hiatus, it was just the three of them—Y/n, Harry, and Simone. Y/n thought it would take some getting used to, living a relatively normal life. But their little family actually fell into it quite easily.
Perhaps a little too easily.
"Say something."
Y/n hadn't realized she failed to respond, but to be fair, that was a pretty big bomb her husband just dropped. Her husband. They'd been married for a few months now, but it still felt surreal, which was probably why the idea of having another baby felt too far from reality to comprehend.
"I just...I don't know what to say," Y/n said honestly. "I—I'm not sure we're ready for that."
"We weren't ready the first time," Harry said when Y/n finally flipped on her other side to face him. This seemed like a conversation he really wanted to have, so she thought facing him would probably be best. "I just think this might be the time, you know? I don't have an insane schedule anymore, there's no more management to say that we can't, and I've always thought about giving Simone a sibling. Don't tell me you've never thought about it."
"I...I have," Y/n said.
She did think about more kids. As young as she and Harry were and as impossible as their relationship seemed at times, Y/n couldn't help but think about wanting more. She loved Harry, and she'd been loving these moments they'd been able to share as a proper family recently. Harry was right, if they wanted to have another baby, now would be the time.
"Tell me what you're thinking," he said as she felt more than saw his hand push some hair away from her face.
"What happens when you start working again?" Y/n asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I know you, H," she said. "And I love you. Everything about you. And one of the parts that make you who you are is the music. This...this little bubble we're in, I love it too, but I know you'll want to go back to it someday. And then you'll go on tour for ten months, and I'll be alone to raise two kids by myself for a majority of the year."
It was harsh, but she trusted him enough to take it. This was the thought that always held her back. Y/n thought about the possibility of expanding their family on more than one occasion, especially in recent weeks when things have been practically perfect. But the reality was that Harry would want to go back to work. She knew, maybe better than anyone, the desire he had to make his own music, to create and write in ways he couldn't while in the band. And perform. Harry loved to perform live. Y/n knew that this time spent with just their family was fleeting, and she cherished every minute of it, the same way she knew Harry did. It was only a matter of time before he went back to work, and she wasn't sure she could raise Simone and a newborn without him.
"That's...That's all over now," Harry said. When Y/n tried to protest, he continued on. "What I meant to say was, the ridiculous schedules, the strict rules about when we can and can't spend time together, the separate hotel rooms. Mama, things can be different now."
"But management—"
"I bought out my contract," he said. "I haven't really given it much thought in a while because I just want to be present with you and Simone, but I've got a few people in mind for new managers. People who will prioritize our family."
This was certainly news to Y/n. It was hard to talk about Harry's management or the harsh thumb they pinned him under, so oftentimes it was a topic they avoided. Hearing him say this now, knowing how much money it would've taken to buy out his contract...that was a huge deal. As far as she knew, the other boys were just sticking with it until the contracts were finished. But Harry went and did what Y/n didn't even think was possible.
"Our family," Y/n repeated, and for a moment, she could see it. The three of them becoming four. It was crazy to think about, to think so far ahead into the future, but Y/n wasn't scared by it.
"Let's have another baby," Harry said again.
Looking at him, Y/n's heart squeezed in her chest. He'd been growing his hair out for a while now, and it was long enough that it reached just passed his shoulders. She loved it, thought it made him look older, more mature. And okay, hot. And Simone loved it too. She loved braiding it and putting bows and flowers in it or just twisting it around her finger. His shoulders were broad and lean, though he'd put on a little muscle in his arms from doing handiwork around the house, something he claimed he loved to do even though Y/n had heard him curse from another room while he worked on his latest project.
She looked at his face, the one that looked so different yet so similar to the one she'd met when she was seventeen. She wondered what those teenagers would think of the people they'd become, of the things they'd seen and experienced.
She thought about it. The baby-to-be. It would have Harry's eyes and smile, her nose and hair color. If it was a girl, she could wear matching outfits with Simone, if it was a boy...Well, they could maybe still match. Y/n thought about all the baby clothes—the adorable little onesies and shoes and mittens to keep the baby from scratching their face while they slept. She didn't let herself think of the late nights and sore boobs and dirty diapers. In this moment, she just thought about all the good feelings, every perfect moment that could be.
"You promise things will be different? I can't—I can't do it alone," she said, needing to hear him say it again.
Harry didn't try to kiss her, he didn't put his hands on her waist or pull her to his chest—all tactics he would normally use to distract her. This conversation was too serious, too important, and she loved him all the more for understanding that.
"I promise, Y/n," he said, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. "I will never make you regret living this life with me."
"That's not what I—"
"I know, but I just...I needed to say it."
He needed to make that promise to her, to himself. Life had not been easy, and Y/n knew Harry blamed himself for a lot of the hardships they faced.
"I don't," she said, kissing their joined hands. "And I won't. Ever. "
Harry grinned, and Y/n could tell even in the dark that his gaze was a little watery. Still, he inched forward and said, "So...?"
Y/n leaned forward and kissed him, her leg slotting between his. "Let's have another baby."
Maeve and Jules
"I'm sorry, did you just say twins?"
"I did. I'm seeing two heartbeats here. See?" The doctor said, pointing at the monitor she'd been observing closely the last five minutes.
Y/n couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. It was one thing to be pregnant (again), but an entirely different one to be pregnant with twins. "That's—"
"Amazing," Harry breathed.
Y/n turned her head away from the monitor to look at her husband, whose eyes were glued to the screen with a look of wonder in them. As she'd begun to process her own feelings about housing not one but two babies in her belly for nine months, she hadn't really considered how he might feel about it.
Looking at him now, she could tell he was ecstatic.
Y/n was still panicking a little, but seeing the elation on Harry's face was comforting. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it hard, needing to feel the warmth of his palm to ground her.
"Hey," he said softly, bending down to kiss the top of her head. "This is a good thing. Unexpected, but good."
"I know," Y/n said, letting out a shaky breath. "I know it's just...a lot. I mean...twins?"
"Nothing we can't handle," Harry said, kissing her cheek.
His confidence was reassuring. Maybe he was freaking out on the inside and not letting it show for her sake, but Y/n felt better about the situation at hand and was ready to continue with the appointment.
To the doctor, she said, "Are they healthy?"
The doctor smiled warmly. "They are. It looks like one of them is about a week behind, but that's nothing to worry about."
"Really? They're twins. That doesn't seem possible," Harry said, his brow furrowing adorably.
"It's rare, but it is possible. Fraternal twins can be conceived as much as twenty-four days apart," the doctor said.
Y/n understood perhaps a split-second before Harry, but when he did, he turned as beet red as she felt. The doctor didn't seem to mind their embarrassment, though she'd probably seen all sorts of couples and situations. Y/n imagined there wasn't much that the doctor hadn't seen before.
The appointment wrapped up pretty quickly after that. Harry snuck out of the hospital through a separate door while Y/n set up her next appointment. She met him in the staff parking lot, where he was standing by the passenger door to help her in. Harry gave her a quick kiss before closing her in and walking around to the driver's side. As he drove, Y/n was thinking about a number of things—twice the amount of clothes, twice the amount of crying, twice the amount of diaper changes. She was excited at the prospect of having a baby. It was a conversation she and Harry had before they started trying, but the idea of twins was a lot to wrap her head around.
She looked at Harry, wanting to ask how he felt now that they were alone, but she stopped herself.
Harry had one hand on the steering wheel, the other covering a wide grin. He was blushing a little too, and Y/n couldn't help but ask what had him smiling like an idiot.
"I'm trying to figure out which times," he said.
"What do you mean which—Are you kidding? Which times we conceived the twins?"
"Aren't you curious?" Harry asked. "Twice, babe. I put a baby in you twice. I mean, one of them had to be when we were on the yacht, right? I always feel good after we have sex, but I feel like we really outdid ourselves there. Clearly."
Y/n just looked at her husband in shock. "You are..."
"What? It's cool!" Harry insisted, but he was laughing too. "And it takes the edge off a little. Come on, you try."
So he was more nervous than he was letting on. That was comforting in its own way too, but Y/n appreciated his attempts to lighten the mood. They could have a serious conversation later, but for now it was fun to just forget all of that. Just for a moment.
Y/n gave him a dry look, trying to appear like she wasn't impressed until she eventually rolled her eyes and smiled. "Mm...I agree with the yacht, and...when you came back from London."
"Really?" Harry asked, more curious than surprised.
"Yeah," Y/n said with a little sigh as she remembered the night in question. "That was a good night."
It was one of those rare occurrences where Simone was in her own bed and Collette managed to sleep for more than a couple hours. They'd spent the whole night catching up and giggling like idiots and kissing and enjoying the pleasure of being truly alone with each other. Y/n loved those moments with Harry, where everything was just so simple and easy and it was just them having a little fun. They definitely should've been catching up on sleep while they could, but neither of them wanted to, so they stayed up with tired smiles and slurred movements until they heard Collette's cries through the baby monitor.
"It was. We should do that again sometime," Harry said. Taking Y/n's hand, he kissed the tops of her knuckles.
"You just want to go for triplets," Y/n teased, even though she knew that wasn't what he meant.
"I'm not that crazy," he said, but his smile told her he was thinking about the possibility. Maybe just a little. "I'm excited for this."
"Yeah? What do you think? Boys? Girls? A boy and a girl?"
Harry shrugged. "Our track record would suggest girls, but..."
"You never know," Y/n finished for him.
"We have some pretty big news to share."
Once a month, the Styles family held a Zoom call with their friends and family who were scattered across the globe. Since lockdown began, there was a lot of adjusting—online school, not being able to go to the park to play, being at home all day. It was a lot for everyone, but Harry and Y/n did their best to make the adjustments smoother. And when they needed a break, they set up the monthly Zoom calls.
They were mostly just to catch up. Once all the children went to sleep, Harry and Y/n stayed up late talking to other adults about everything and nothing, maybe even played a different drinking game or two to round out the night before they went back to being parents. Tonight was a special night, though.
Multiple faces looked at Harry and Y/n expectantly through their computer screen. Both of them were sporting big smiles as Y/n leaned on Harry's side, one of his older sweatshirts covering her body and the almost imperceptible bump that was beginning to show now. Today was the first day she'd begun to show, and Harry nearly lost his mind with excitement. Finding out Y/n was pregnant had been somewhat of a surprise, but when she told him, he was over the moon. He's started to suspect, having recognized some of his wife's symptoms by now, but they'd been waiting for the right time to tell their families and friends, and tonight was the night.
"What's going on, darling?" Anne asked.
Neither Harry nor Y/n could barely contain their excitement, which probably gave away the news before they actually said anything. However, in their own eagerness to share the news, neither of them saw a few people on the call sporting knowing looks.
"We're having a baby!"
Cheers went all around as everyone congratulated the couple. Questions were asked about due dates and how far along they were and what they were going to do about the lockdown situation. Everything was just as Harry had hoped it would be.
And then things took an interesting turn.
"Who won?" Jeff asked.
"Won? What do you mean—"
"If my math is correct, which I'm pretty sure it is, I believe it goes to Gem," Sarah said, looking down at her phone. "She went with three and a half months. Glenne narrowly missed with three. No one had four so it goes to Gemma."
A collective groan went throughout the Zoom, leaving Harry and Y/n very confused.
"Did you place bets on us?" Y/n asked, sounding more astonished than offended.
"When lockdown became permanent, we knew it was a matter of when not if we would be getting the announcement," Jeff explained. "Someone has a physical copy of the pool somewhere."
"And all of you did this? Mum?" Harry said, brows raised higher than Y/n had ever seen them. When Anne nodded sheepishly, Y/n had to stifle a laugh. "So none of you were surprised?"
"I love you, dear, and I'm so so happy for you, but since you were seventeen, anytime you've come to me with big news, it's been about having a baby. For my own sanity, I've just come to expect it."
Harry looked down at Y/n, who was grinning behind her hand. For her husband's sake, her gaze softened as she reached up to kiss his cheek. "I mean, they have a point. Even you guessed it before I told you."
As the shock finally wore off, Harry smiled. He supposed it wasn't the worst thing in the world. So, he and Y/n were predictable, even though they hadn't really been trying this time around. They were in love and had a lot more time together currently. Things were finally back on track for them and their relationship troubles seemed behind them now. They were happy, and as long as his family was happy, some light teasing and bet placing seemed harmless.
He did pin everyone on the screen with a mock glare before moving on, though. "You guys made a whole pool. Really?"
"Yeah. Can you believe Jeff thought it would take eight months for you to get pregnant?"
"It was for the adjustment to lockdown period!"
"Eight months?"
And on and on it went. Harry just smiled and rested his hand over Y/n's belly, thinking about how much it would grow in just a few short weeks.
"I want Mommy!"
Harry sighed and pulled his only son into his lap, pushing the curls away from his face and wiping the tears from his cheeks. "I know you do, JuJu."
Harry and the kids were waiting to hear from Y/n's mother, but he hadn't gotten so much as a text. He was anxious, worried that something was wrong, but Julian's crying served as a good distraction for the time being.
Julian continued to cry, still not understanding why he couldn't see his mother when he'd become so used to seeing her everyday. Harry would've been with Y/n had it not been for the little boy's crying, and he made the split-second decision to stay home while Y/n delivered the baby with her mother as support. He'd never missed any of his children's births, but for this, he could stay behind.
"She'll be back soon, bubba, I promise," Harry said, kissing Julian's cheeks and holding him close. "Should we go play with your Lego set? I know you've been excited to build it. Maybe we can build something to show Mummy when she gets home."
Julian shook his head and continued to cry into Harry's neck. Realizing his son was content to be miserable, Harry didn't ask again. He sat with Jules for a while, holding the boy to his chest and running a hand through his hair until his sobs turned into sniffles, and the sniffles into long, slow breaths. He waited a few extra minutes before taking Julian up to his room and setting him on his bed, making sure to place his favorite stuffed animal in his arms before leaving him to sleep off his troubles. As he walked away, Harry sort of wished he could do the same.
Every birth had been different. When Y/n had Simone, it hadn't been extraordinarily long, but it was extraordinarily stressful due to their young age. Collette was a fairly quick birth, perhaps a little too quick, seeing as Y/n barely made it to a hospital bed before the baby started crowning. The twins came early, which was apparently common for twins, but that didn't make it any less surprising to Harry and Y/n, especially because Harry was at the grocery store and Y/n was at the park with Simone and Collette and a nanny who was also there had to call an ambulance. Even still, Geneva's birth was probably the scariest, only because of all the rules and regulations brought on by Covid. Y/n's mother quarantined for two weeks so she could stay at the house while Harry and Y/n went to the hospital, as Y/n could only have one person in the room with her.
And now a year later, they were doing it all over again. Harry had been confident that this birth would go off without a hitch, that everything would be just fine, but the lack of word from his wife or mother-in-law made him nervous.
Later that day, Harry was still waiting. He'd gotten a text from Y/n's mother, which let him know that Y/n still wasn't ready to push but that they were getting close. That was an hour ago, and Harry had to believe that it was all happening now.
And he was missing it.
He knew being here with the rest of his children was important. That they were worried about their mother and probably found Harry's presence comforting. He just wished they could all be there in the waiting room instead of at home and fifteen minutes from the hospital. The not-knowing was killing him, and he was pretty sure his kids could sense it.
Harry's eyes flicked to where Collette was standing in the doorway of his bedroom. She was in her pajamas, a shirt and matching pair of bottoms with her favorite cartoon on them. Harry had been pacing around his room, his phone gripped tightly in his hand as he waited for someone to call him, but seeing his second daughter standing there, squinting at the light from his bedside table lamp told him he was up a little later than normal.
"Hi, peanut. What are you doing out of bed?" he asked.
Collette shrugged, her hair catching the light. She wiped at her nose and stepped further into the room until she stood in front of him. "Mommy always braids my hair before I go to sleep."
"She does, doesn't she?" Harry agreed. "She's kind of the best, huh?"
Nodding, Collette turned toward his bed and climbed up on it, looking at him expectantly. Even after having four daughters, Harry wasn't an expert at braiding hair. The girls always went to Y/n before school, and she did each of their braids or ponytails or pigtails happily. Harry always made sure to watch with a keen eye, and practiced on Y/n when she let him. He supposed now it was time to put all his practice to work.
The braiding didn't take long, and Harry didn't do half bad, in his humble opinion. Collette was just going to sleep in it anyway, so he wasn't too bummed by the few loose strands that he'd somehow missed.
He'd finished rather quickly, though Collette didn't slide off the bed to go back to her room. In fact, she nestled under the covers on Y/n's side of the bed, mumbling, "Night Daddy," before falling asleep. Harry didn't really mind. It wasn't the first time one of the kids stayed in his and Y/n's bed, and tonight, he figured he could use some company.
What he wasn't expecting was all of his children to stumble into his room. First it was Maeve, then Jules, then Simone, and finally Harry went to get Geneva, just so it was a proper sleepover. No one fought for space—which was a first. All the kids just found their spot and went back to sleep as if they were in their own rooms. Harry resisted the urge to take a picture so as not to wake anyone up with the flash of his phone's camera.
He hadn't planned on falling asleep. One moment he'd been watching a football game with the volume off, and the next he was blinking his eyes open as the sun began to stream in through the curtains. All of his little ones were still fast asleep, though Harry knew that would change soon. Maeve and Simone woke up early to watch morning cartoons, and Geneva would want her bottle within the hour.
Harry began to shuffle around and prepare for the usual morning routine—brush teeth, ok prepare the bottle, make breakfast for the early risers—when his phone rang. Startled, Harry rushed over to where his phone was plugged in, a huge grin splitting his face when he realized it was a video call from Y/n.
"Hi," Harry whispered, careful not to wake anyone up. "How are you? How's the baby? Is everything—"
"I'm fine, H. Everything's fine. Everything's perfect," Y/n said, a sleepy smile on her face.
Hearing that helped his heart stop racing, but only a little, as excitement flooded his veins. Y/n called him, which could only mean that—
"Wanna meet your daughter?" Y/n said, and even through the phone, Harry could see tears line her eyes.
Harry nodded, too overwhelmed with love and anticipation to form words. Quickly, he found an unoccupied spot on his bed and carefully sat down.
Y/n passed the phone to her mother who angled the phone so that Harry could see the baby, whose face was just barely visible through a pink blanket. He immediately felt tears well in his eyes, his throat going dry as he looked down at his daughter. Even through the phone, he felt every emotion he'd ever experienced when meeting his children for the first time. It was the most unique experience, Harry always thought. He'd seen and done so much, yet he still thought there was nothing like looking down at his newborn baby for the first time.
"Is that baby sister?"
Harry looked behind him to find Julian peering over his shoulder. Jules looked at the sleeping baby curiously, taking in his sister's little nose and tiny fingers and pouted lips. Then, he said, "Is Mommy there too?"
The camera panned up to Y/n, who was smiling and blowing kisses to Julian. "Hi JuJu, my love. I've missed you!"
"Mommy's home?"
Now everyone was up and crowding around Harry, taking turns talking to Y/n and baby sister, who had yet to be given a name. No one seemed to mind, though. If anything, they were more concerned about when Y/n and the baby would be coming home so they could have a party.
"Soon, my loves. The doctor wants me and the baby to stay one more night to make sure we're healthy. You think you can be good for Daddy?"
There was a chorus of yeses before everyone said their goodbyes, the novelty of a new baby sister wearing off when there were cartoons to be watched downstairs. Harry kept Y/n on the phone while he got Geneva's bottle ready, wanting to stay on the phone as long as possible.
"I know you must be tired," Harry said an hour later. He was in GiGi's nursery and watching her toddle around and play with her toys while talking to his wife.
"I'll hang up soon. I want you to get as much screen time as possible before I go," she said, turning the camera to where the baby was sleeping in the bassinet beside her hospital bed.
"Have you given her a name yet?" he asked.
Y/n shook her head. "I know we decided on one, but I wanted you to be with me when I said it for the first time."
"I love you," Harry said as his heart melted to mush.
"I love you too," Y/n said. She lifted the baby out of the bassinet, cradling her head with the expertise of someone who'd done it for years. Looking at Harry through the phone she said, "You wanna do the honors?"
Laughing out of pure bliss, he nodded. With all the tenderness and care he would've used if he'd been there in person, he said, "Welcome to this crazy, crazy world, Natalia Styles."
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jd07201990 · 8 months
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One might think I went a little overboard when I used my talents, to give my old college buddy Charles Wentworth II, the son he'd always wanted. Life threw him a curveball when his little boy just, stayed little. It took only 8 months to change that.
At 19, he was almost fae. 5'4" 110lbs soaking wet, the 3rd Charles in the line was thin, lithe, soft-tempered and good mannered. Clean and neat, always top of his class, the boy was head of the Student Council in High School, when his Father hoped he'd have excelled in Football, the same as his old man.
Charles II knew I'd gone into psychiatry out of college, majoring in Behavioral Studies with a minor in biochemistry. He'd seen what I could do to a person with just 10 minutes of talking. Out like a light, I'd fill their heads with all sorts of triggers, innocent fun to make the guys in the dorms laugh.
But Charles II knew where my interests really were. Behavioral Modification. He'd only seen this one time during our school days, when I tranced Jimmy Palter, the school's most annoying nerd, and by graduation, he'd packed on 50lbs, mostly in his belly, dressed like a hick, and went off to drive Big-Rigs across the country, adding notches to his creaking belt as he screwed his way across country, bedding pretty Diner girls as he hauled goods for my Dad's transport company. Last I'd checked, he was still trucking, with a wife and 5 kids somewhere out west.
Anyway, the strapping young stud you see here, with absolutely no intelligent thought behind those handsome eyes, is Charles Wentworth III. Or, as he preffers now, Chett. Sometimes his football buddies call him Chetworth, but one headlock with their faces pressed to his sweaty pits is enough to stop even the strongest of them, at least for a while. He's an aggressive, hot-blooded powerhouse, and doesn't let anyone forget it.
It had only taken an hour to wriggle my influence into his good natured, innocent mind. His father had asked him to come see me, and an hour later, the boy was thrilled to have sessions with me every day for the foreseeable future. I'd given him a perscription for what he was convinced were vitamins, but were really prototype HGH and Testosterone boosters a friend at a Pharma-Lab in Serbia gives to, well, select clientelle, with the agreement that we send the results asap. Some of this stuff may as well be nuclear Hormone-bombs, its no wonder the FDA refuses to even look at it!
So, A month in, and the boy was a nervous wreck. Trembling with excess energy, his feet tapped anciously during the first sessions, the supplements and my trances sending his body into overdrive. He said he felt like he was on fire, all the time, hot and clammy, and that his body tingled, pent up, wound tight like a spring. I let him suffer with this for a few weeks, I watched as the confusion led to annoyance, and he finally came to my office in the middle of the day, skipping class for the first time in his life, asking me for help. I tried to hid the wicked smirk on my face, and really got down to it. It was easy to drop him down into trance, and from there, My work really began.
4 months in, Chett had gotten a bit of weight on him, his body now tight and toned, working out alone when the gym was empty. The supplements really kicked his body into overdrive, sweat poured from him, soaking his shirts and shorts. He'd complained about it for only a short time, until I convinced him that was the smell of Effort. Of athletic Prowess. Of well-worked Male. As usual, anything I said became the truth, and I soon found him taking sniffs of himself after working out, flexing absentmindedly as he noticed the changes to his body.
By the 6th month, the supplements had shot through his body, setting it into a second puberty of sorts. He grew taller, hitting 6', his legs long with a solid densness that rivaled some of the soccer players. His torso was like a marble statue, each muscle easily traced, as he had very little bodyfat. The Chett was stuffing himself with pritein and calories at my suggestion, really pushing for some size, but his pesky metabolism just wouldn't let him bulk. His father decided that, "Behemoth" as the original plan had intended, wasn't necessary, and we went with "Classic All American Boy" instead. What began as a shrimpy welp, turned into a marble stature, then the beginnings of a diamond-cut stud.
His shoulders widened, giving him that perfect masculine taper, while his face lost its boyish softness, replaced with sharper, more intensly sharp features. His size 7s grew quickly, his feet ruinding sneakers left and right, until he'd leveled off at a wide size 13. His chest began to grow a smattering of hair, his pits were thick, dense wiry bushes. He had that Pretty-Boy look. Fuzzy in all the right places. Sure, he reeked like a Varsity Locker room, but hey, Charles II wanted an athletic son, he knows from our own college days what that entials.
I could see the Sorority Girls and cheerleaders beginning to take notice, but for now, I'd kept Chett firmly away from women. That would come later. I recieved several new prototype supplements, each targeting a different system of the body. By the time he'd finished taking these, he was 6'2" 170, a tall, well built stallion, with nothing but the gym and my trances to quell the neverending storm of energy and hormones flooding his system. He was pent up, on edge, ready to go off anytime. And I knew just what I had to do.
I'd had him on edge for the last 8 monnths. his grades slipped until he nearly got ckicked from school. Luckily, I miraculously had a place for him on the Football team. And he eagerly joined, wanting nothing more than to try and burn off all the aggression on the field. He was a beast from his first practice, I'd programmed everything he'd ever need to know about the game into his mind for months. He absolutley plowed through opponents. It was incredible to see.
I finally let the damn break after a hard-fought summer Game. he'd performed just as I expected. Like a perfectly trained, expert player. Nobody would ever guess Chett had ever been a weedy little boy. Expecially not after I'd set him loose, allowing him to notice the girls all over the field, cheering and buoncing about from player to player. when Sandra Rinaldi, heir to an immense national Grocer's fortune slid up to him, pushing the sweaty hair from his eyes, he couldn't help it. One look at her, and he pounced, kissing her hard right there in the field. 8 months of hormones and denial had been released.
From what I learned through locker room talk in the days following, Chett had given Sandra quite the workout that night, and every day since. Although the two weren't exclusive, Chett tending to get his dick wet anytime, anywhere, with anyone just as programmed, Chett seemed to have a natural incling toward her, and ended up asking her to marry him just after graduation, his father thrilled at the possibility of grandkids and Sandra's inheritence bolstering their own family's fortune.
From tiny waif of a boy, to a true blue American Stud, Charles Wentworth III was now both satisfied and thrilled with his family's future. His strapping, handsome Jock of a son made him proud, cleaning up well for his father to parade him around Gala's and business events, other big-wigs taking notice of the Wentworth's "good genes", not knowing what it took to build the boy up as you see here.
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annathesillyfriend · 1 year
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...so I might be a bit late with that 😅 I have nothing to say for myself. But hey, better late than never!
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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warmth by sugarcoated-lame
↳ one shot, 18+, the fact that i don't wake up to this man is criminal
eyes wide shut by @topguncortez
↳ one shot, i am not okay :')
he's all that by @withahappyrefrain
↳ one shot, love this fic <3
someone to watch over me by @lewmagoo
↳ one shot, 18+, secret service agent!bob, we love a good au
of admirals and paperweights by lewmagoo
↳ one shot, 18+, wife!reader, this is so hot, i don't know what else to say, my brain is empty
wedding day. by @sebsxphia
↳ one shot, robert floyd is the definition of husband material
best friend and sweet as honey by bradshawsbitch
↳ two shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, this made me a little crazy, not gonna lie
better by @delopsia
↳ one shot, 18+, friends to lovers, beautiful work 💕
headache #2 by waklman
↳ one shot, 18+ bradley is stinkybutt and that's all you need to know
the zipper incident by @tongue-like-a-razor
↳ one shot, 18+, that's a hell of a fic, let me tell you
5 times the bronco was a third wheel by @thesewordsareallihavetogive
↳ one shot, my beloved man with his beloved car
the purrfect storm by @roosterforme
↳ one shot, vet!reader x new cat dad!bradley, word of advise for you all - you see 'roosterforme' on your dash, you drop everything you're doing and go read the absolute masterpiece of a fic you stumbled upon
what's in a name? by @sometimesanalice
↳ one shot, 18+, i can't tell you how many times i've reread that fic
the pregnancy glow by @topgun-imagines
↳ one shot, wife!reader, 🥰🥰 <- this is me after reading this
forever young by @greenorangevioletgrass
↳ one shot, this is a platonic bradley x maverick fic, absolutely wonderful just like any other work written by my beloved Ava
to rest for a while by @familyvideostevie
↳ one shot, oh to go on a road trip and exchange live confessions with bradley bradshaw 🥺
superstar by @maggiedanikka
↳ two shot, 10/10 would read again!
when all is said and done by @sunlightmurdock
↳ one shot, 18+, maverick's daughter!reader, uh this is bloody good fic
same mistakes by @ofstoriesandstardust
↳ series, maverick's daughter!readr, enemies to lovers, such a banger of a story!!
to the moon and back by katsu28
↳ one shot, made my heart 5x bigger 💓
what a look on you by @thewulf
↳ one shot, best friends to lovers, great story 👏
to make a house a home by @beyondthesefourwalls
↳ one shot, i'm gonna be dead before i can actually afford a house but at least i can dream about house hunting with bradley :')
2 a.m. by @thebastardprincenikolai
↳ one shot, 18+, friends with benefits, we love a little bit of a friendly competition ;)
hourglass bysugarcoated-lame
↳ one shot, 18+, this is just so sweet 😫
glue song by @waklman
↳ series, friends to lovers, we love pining jake in this household
delicate by waklman
↳ series, natasha's friend!reader, i want to hold jake in my arms 24/7
touch me by @bradshawsbitch
↳ one shot, 18+, excuse me while i go scream into a void
left at the altar by @tip-top-cloud-surfer
↳ series, 18+, ex!jake, bit of drama, bit of angst, all our favourite stuff
sweet as candy by @halsteadsbradshaw
↳ one shot, all i need in life is jake seresin and candy
talk with my hands, maybe take it real slow by @theharddeck
↳ one shot, 18+, roommate!jake, he is just such a helpful guy 😌
cherry bomb by @flaming-tgmcu
↳ one shot, jake seresin, the man that you are
our shirt by @whoreforseresin
↳ one shot, you need this morning fluff in your life, trust me
take it off slowly by whoreforseresin
↳ one shot, 18+, you need this bloody hot smut in your life, trust me
it's all about you by @bussyslayer333
↳ one shot, i love this format and this fic in general!
oh deer by @wkndwlff
↳ one shot, best friend!jake, can you hear me yell? cause i'm yelling
she blinded me with science by wkndwlff
↳ one shot, the lab workers representation i never knew i needed!
move on by @starlightstories
↳ one shot, if you're looking to get your heart broken, this fic is your guy :')
i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever by @demxters
↳ one shot, perfection 🙌🙌
man, i didn't kiss her and i should have by @folkloreslovechild
↳ one shot, college!au, the love epiphany trope is something so personal to me
i think there's been a glitch by folkloreslovechild
↳ one shot, “TOPGUN isn’t about working hard. It’s about looking good in uniform.” <- facts!!
5 times hangman got older + 1 time he got wiser, too by folkloreslovechild
↳ one shot, childhood friends to lovers, he is an idiot but we love him
the fuck you universe by @roosterbruiserexclusive
↳ series, 18+, kazansky!reader, enemies to loves, A👏MA👏ZING👏
always a bridesmaid by @sugarcoated-lame
↳ one shot, 18+, bradshaw!reader, just simply phenomenal story 🙌
one sunny afternoon by @rhettabbotts
↳ one shot, 18+, fiancee!reader, my brain turns to jelly when i think about this fic
speeding cars by @teacupsandtopgun
↳ one shot, this fic did me so so dirty and that's all i'm saying
water droplets by @siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, 18+, javy's chest is not the only wet thing in this scenario hehe
daylight by siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, 18+, sorry i can't come to the phone rn. why? oh cause i'm dead, this fic killed me
how sweet it is... by @coyotesamachado
↳ one shot, javy machado, love me, feed me, never leave me, i am begging
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time to giddy up, yeah? by @loveshotzz
↳ one shot, 18+, mustache or not, there's nothing i would not do for this man
love on the brain by @vendettaparker
↳ one shot, pregnant!reader, someone make this man a dad asap
glitch by @forevermoreharrington
↳ one shot, 18+, fwb to lovers, THIS 😫
sping breaks loose by forevermoreharrington
↳ one shot, soft boyfriend!steve deserves the world
whispers of "are you sure?" by forevermoreharrington
↳ one shot, 18+, friends to lovers, he have a hattrick on our hands!
bathroom break by @stvharrngton
↳ one shot, 18+, old money!steve, oh man 🥵
dizzy bystvharrngton
↳ one shot, 18+, steve is very rideable 🤤
relax, lay back by @superblysubpar
↳ one shot, 18+, i love this so much, you do not understand
delicate by @bejeweledmunson
↳ one shot, best friends to lovers, sometimes all it takes is a reality check
never could've seen you coming and i've had no love like your love by @supernovafics
↳ two shot, 18+, i love this with everything i have!!!
lemon over ice (part 2) by @upsidedownwithsteve
↳ two shot, 18+, i am unwell in the best way possible
and they were roommates by @sunshinesteviee
↳ one shot, this >>>>> everything else in this world
teach me how to be soft by @lovebugism
↳ one shot, bad at feelings!reader, i just love him, you know?
dial-a-thrill by @bimbobaggins69
↳ one shot, 18+, phone sex operator!eddie, it is exactly as hot as it sounds honestly
penny'verse by @queenimmadolla
↳ series, young dad!eddie, this is just so wholesome!!
dinner buddies by @katsu28
↳ one shot, i want to hold this story in my arms and never let it go
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your back beneath the sun by @laracrofted
↳ one shot, 18+, remember, spf is your best friend!
259 notes · View notes
mytalemyworld · 4 months
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This episode felt more like an old-school episode of Yabani than the last episodes of the season have thus far but I am still angry at some writing choices. For example I refuse to talk about the su*cide matter, because it was the worst thing Yabani writers have ever written and no, it was never acceptable. In no way. I know this show has dark undertones since the beginning like Poyraz Karayel but this doesn't change the fact that they screwed up badly this time.
But all dialogues…oh my, grieving part wasn't unserious and not for the sake of drama. Everyone dealt with the pain differently which looked so in character.
And of course Alaz's pain what the show chose to focus on.
Because damn, everybody knows Alaz centered episodes always hit right in the feels.
First with his mom.
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Then with Asi.
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Then with Yaman.
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All these scenes showed painfully what he thought and gave some insight into what would possibly happen.
1-The episode ended with the mystery about who shot Serhan and we knew Neslihan was afraid that Alaz might do something to Serhan. Mind you Serhan was trying to strangle Yaman and this episode was mostly about the pain of losing a sibling.
2-Not even Asi could pull Alaz away from the misery he was in. She wanted to give a reason for him to move on but he clearly stated that this torment caused by his own family would never end. But some hesitation on his part was leaked even though he was strongly arguing with her.
He definitely showed some reaction… not in his usual angry bitter way…which made all of these moments even sadder.
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When she chose to walk away he got worried for the first time -finally.
There was an obivous attempt coming from the writers. They tried to justify Alaz's comment about Asi's parents. It was like they were saying that he might have preferred being an orphan, not having a family might be a better option if one has been through the most unbearable pain because of them. However, this doesn't justify anything for me. Yeah, he might not be the most thoughtful person but they just chose to write these lines so Asi would feel worse about this pregnancy thing.
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When she held the baby he looked at her in a way that made me want to scream. He still saw what was happening around him, he wasn't completely unaware of everything. He never saw this side of her. How she's with younger, little people who need her protection and compassion.
And when you know she is already pregnant with his child, it made you feel like you were punched.
(Btw the baby is so cute. Look at how his little fingers were grasping her curls. *sigh*)
3-The confrontation between Yaman and Alaz.
More reasons to worry about his future with his dad and his unborn baby.
The writers dropped a bomb but didn't give them a quick dead. This is going to be a long, torturing process.
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prof-ramses · 6 months
This is a very real SM theory
What I've stumbled across this time is, I'll admit, completely batshit on the face of it. BUT, if you follow my flow of logic, I think you'll actually be more convinced than you'd expect
So, what is it that set my theorist mind off? Well, the character we knew we were meeting this episode, Aaron (which is apparently the name of Ross's dad in that model sheet)
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We only see him twice (and no, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, his tattoo changes what arm it's on between scenes) and in those scenes, he's mostly silent and is notably not paying attention to Jaune, despite her talking with their obviously distressed shared friend in the first scene and is separated from Jaune by the cinematography in the second scene.
From what we've seen of Aaron, both in this episode and the TT photos, he isn't very expressive, but he still shows his feelings through movement, or rather, a position in the photos, something absent in his present self.
So, what, if anything, lead to this seeming slight rift between Aaron and Jaune?
Well, we could assume it was something after Ross's birth, but could we narrow it down further? Yes, yes we can, mainly due to the first bomb I'm about to drop on you.
Jaune is a cult spy
Yes, I'm dead fucking serious. Let's look over the way the cult operates, shall we? They carefully monitor anything related to their plans while other members are on stand by, should something go wrong. How does this tie to Jaune?
Simple, she's the one keeping tabs on Lila, Ignacio does live closer, but is so abrasive, he could never get close enough to someone for intimate spying. Jaune on the other hand, as Lila's best friend, could theoretically keep tabs on certain aspects of Lila's life.
The next obvious question is why. Why would Jaune spy on Lila for a cult? Well, she wouldn't. She would, however, keep a close eye on her friend if someone else close to said friend, like say, said friend's husband, expressed concern for her emotional well being.
I know I'm probably losing some of you now, but this is where we get to another insanely counter intuitive yet convincing claim.
Jaune isn't spying on Lila because Lila's husband asked her, she's spying on Lila because she doesn't want Lila to know that-
Jaune had an affair with Lila's husband
I KNOW, I KNOW, I sound like Dale from King of the Hill right now, but I swear to you, this will all click together by the end.
Picture this, Jaune, a heavy drinker, is over at her friend's house one night when Lila's husband starts coming onto her and you know what happens, this goes from a one off event, to a semi-regular ritual for the pair. Some time later, he tells Jaune that he's worried Lila might catch on, and encourages her to carefully pay attention to any sudden mood shifts and.... share them wit ha trusted associate of his.
So, now that I've established the logic of this happening and that it will likely come into focus at some point, but what does this have to do with Aaron's detachment and how could it come into play?
It's not just that Aaron knows Jaune cheated and will reveal it to Lila, no, it's so much worse.
But first, I have to dispel some fanon for a moment, despite how popular the concept is, we have no in or out of series proof that Ross dyes his hair, the only photo of him we see is him and Aaron with Ross looking just as he does at present.
Why do I bring this up, oh my poor unsuspecting friends, it should be clear. If Ross has naturally black hair, that would mean-
Ross matches the genetic profile of Jaune and Skidad's biological child
And there you have it, the dark underbelly at back of the newest instalment in our beloved Halloween series.
And, if by some chance, you still don't believe this theory of Ross and Skid being half-brothers to be at the very least valid, well then, I have something that will blow your fucking mind.......
And I'm not telling you cause it's 'Pril Fools Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lynzishell · 11 months
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Dawn: So, how did your coffee date go? Phoenix: [rolls his eyes] You don’t have to keep calling it a date. Dawn: Why? It’s fun watching you squirm.
Phoenix: If you’re jealous, you can just say so. Dawn: Stop it, I’m not. Phoenix: But it’s fun watching you squirm. Dawn: Aha
Dawn: Seriously though, how was it? Phoenix: It was fine. Good to clear the air, but I’m kind of glad it’s over. Glad to be here with you. Dawn: Aw, me too.
Phoenix: How are you doing, by the way? I kind of dropped a bomb on you the other day. Dawn: Yeah, you did. [laughs] I’m good though. Thank you for telling me. It means a lot that you trust me. Phoenix: You can trust me too, you know. Dawn: I know, and I do. Phoenix: Okay, good.
Dawn: I think the hardest part, honestly, is not being able to talk to Atlas. He’s the person I tell everything to, and it feels weird keeping it from him. I’m not going to say anything, and I’m not complaining. I guess I’m just saying that I hope one day you feel like you can tell him too.
Phoenix: Maybe. I’ve wondered if it would be best to tell him and Kiyoshi since we’re all going to be on that mountain together. And I know Kiyoshi has been questioning Aurelio about it. I don’t know. I’ll think about it. Dawn: Okay.
Phoenix: So, what do you usually do for the holidays? I know you don’t speak to your parents (which you still haven’t told me anything about), but do you have any other family that you see or talk to? Dawn: [pauses thoughtfully] No. Phoenix: [shakes his head] Right, my fault for asking a yes-or-no question.
Dawn: Alright. So, leaving was not as easy as just moving out and not talking to my parents. We didn’t just leave them; we left our church too. Turning our backs on that meant losing the family and community that comes with it.
Phoenix: Hm. That sounds very… cult-y. Dawn: [laughs] No, it’s not ‘cult-y’. They’re religious, yes, but it’s not that extreme. Phoenix: Well, as someone who’s literally never stepped foot inside a church, they all feel a bit cult-y to me.
Dawn: Fair enough, but no. Anyway. Phoenix: Anyway.
Dawn: Holidays feel a bit weird, especially just being me and Atlas, so we don’t really do much celebrate. We cook food and watch movies, and maybe go see pretty lights or something. That’s about it. Maybe one day when I have my own family, I’ll enjoy them more again.
Phoenix: Is that something you want? Like, marriage and kids? Dawn: One day, yeah. I’m not in any rush or anything. Though the kids part might be complicated. Phoenix: How so?
Dawn: Well, there’s a slim-to-none chance I’d be able to get pregnant or carry a baby to term on my own. I have a fertility issue that I inherited from my mother. She calls us her “miracle babies” because she wasn’t supposed to be able to have kids, but then she ended up with twins. I suspect they had us through IVF, and they just lie to everyone about it.
Phoenix: Why would they lie? Dawn: Because it’s what they do. Um, anyway, sorry. Didn’t mean to launch into all that. [takes a breath and a sip of wine]
Dawn: So, now I’m curious what you think. Do you want kids? Phoenix: Not any time soon, but I’d be open to having one or two someday. Dawn: Hm. I think you’d be a good dad. Phoenix: I don’t know about that, considering I never had one. Dawn: You had a great mom though. Phoenix: True.
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crossroadsdimension · 2 years
I’m still rolling around in analysis mode with Trigun Stampede, and I remember folks familiar with the serious complaining about how much of Vash’s backstory gets revealed.
Except...while there is a lot that’s blatantly said, it doesn’t outright confirm what old Trigun fans already know.
Here’s what we know so far in the first 3 episodes, if you’re coming in as a newbie:
-He was a kid living on a colony ship when the crash happened
-He has a brother named Nai (going by Knives) who is absolutely off his rocker and wants the Plants to survive more than the humans on this desert world. (I mean, just look at Ep 3 again if you think I’m wrong)
-Vash is something more than human (my dad, who is watching this with fresh eyes, thinks that Vash is a cyborg because of the circuitry). Other than his appearance, how quickly he moves and how well he can avoid bullets even while scrambling around like a clown in Ep 2 makes this clear.
-Vash has excellent eyesight and sharpshooting skills, considering he isn’t using a sniper rifle to shoot at EG Mine’s feet as the man sat on his perch in Ep 3, and a single boulder and a single bullet can destroy an entire cluster bomb. Considering how quickly he probably had to calculate how big of a boulder to throw and where to hit it, that means he’s got a very good brain between his ears. (Whether or not he uses it, though....)
-Vash doesn’t want people to know he’s skilled. He said in the first episode that destroying that cluster bomb was all luck on his part.
-Vash is terrified of his brother. It’s a through line in the first three episodes that culminates with Knives showing up. Anyone inexperienced with the series probably thought the piano was pretty until they saw the look of pure terror on Vash’s face, and his shots went very wide when he was shooting at his brother.
-Vash doesn’t like killing/hurting anyone and wants to keep people safe and alive, and he gets furious when someone threatens the status quo because they live for killing others (like EG Mine. I’ve seen that clip of his voice dropping an octave while he points his gun in the bomber’s face, and I know you all have, too).
At best, we could guess that Vash and Knives are enhanced humans, like the two Nebraskas, but with Lost Technology instead of cobbled-together experimental materials. It would explain the “circuitry,” as well as maybe some feelings of betrayal on Knives’ part, if he doesn’t want anything to do with the humans who “re-made” him.
Again, the above is looking at the information the show has given us and extrapolating on what newbies could be thinking. I don’t know if anyone’s actually thinking this or not, but considering my dad’s current perspective....
Here are the things we don’t know because the show didn’t spell it out (putting under a read more if you don’t want to see these questions, and because the post is getting a little long):
-How long it’s been since the crash (or what they even call the crash, because the manga has a name for it!)
-WHAT Vash and Knives are
-The “gate” that Knives talked about, and what Vash might have that mirrors Knives’ abilities (insofar as they’re brothers, at least...I expect some character foil/mirror nonsense)
-Where Millie is (in all seriousness I expect her to show up at some point)
-How Vash lost his arm and where he got the prosthetic
-How Knives knew where Vash was at the end of Ep 1 (it sounded like he was talking to someone....)
-Knives’ long-term goal for himself and the Plants (beyond getting rid of the human “parasites,” as he calls them in Ep 1)
-How far back before the start of the show Vash gained the “Humanoid Typhoon” status
I’m sure there are some other points, but I hope this makes it clear that no, Trigun Stampede does not give us everything about Vash right off the bat. It gives us some points, but not everything. And I’m looking forward to how they reveal everything else as we go along
139 notes · View notes
jungle-angel · 1 year
*GASP* 19 and 20 for Miles please? 😊😊😊
Babes.......you had me at Miles Miller.......the genie shall grant thy wish!!!! (lol).
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Miles hummed happily as Baby Jesse nested further into his chest, the tiny little baby all snuggled under his cowboy blanket and his blue knit cap warming his little head. Miles's whole entire hand covered his newborn son's little back, holding him safely with the other as the precious little one began falling asleep.
"Dada I got Jesse's blankie!" Benny proudly declared, hauling the heavy quilt into the room after it had been freshly washed and hung in the living room to dry.
"Oh Benny be careful buddy," Miles said, cringing a little as Benny dragged most of it behind him.
"Miles, relax," his mother assured him. "Your dad and I swept the floors earlier and I helped (y/n) with a few things, so it's no big deal."
"You sure Momma?"
"Yes I'm sure," Kathy assured him. "She's doing fine, no need to bring her to the hospital in Bozeman, but Jesse will probably have to go for shots tomorrow."
Miles cringed at the thought of it. He remembered the day after Benny had been born, taking him to the hospital in Lake Tahoe the day after to get his shots. Poor Miles had cried when he heard Benny wailing like a banshee, but it had proved to be for the better.
"You wanna stay the night in that case?" Miles asked her.
"I think we might," Kathy answered. "Snow's getting bad and I don't want your father falling and breaking a leg or some other bone on the ice."
"Plus it's colder than a witch's tit outside!" Otis called from the hallway.
"Hey watch your mouth Otis John!" Kathy ordered. "Your grandchildren are present!"
"I've watched my mouth for thirty years Kathleen Ellen!" Otis called back, laughing. "That's nothing compared to what the boy heard at their age."
"Oh don't even start," Kathy chuckled. "I'm still mad at your brother for teaching him to swear in fifteen different languages."
"It wasn't my fault that Frank learned how to curse in Chinese," Otis informed her.
"Yeah? And lest you forget that your father taught him some pretty obscene things in French and Spanish before you taught him how to drop F-bombs in Japanese."
"Hey when you spend a good year and a half driving a gunboat around Okinawa and having to spend fifteen days there after the fact, THEN come talk to me!"
Miles laughed and rolled his eyes at his parents banter. It made for great comedy in the end, listening to Otis and Kathy go back and forth, but when it came to getting the boys to go to sleep, that was a different matter.
You emerged from the bathroom to find your husband, sons and mother-in-law all in the same room, everything still sore as hell but relieved that at last you didn't have to be encumbered by your heavy bump.
"Oh honey c'mere, do you need help?" Kathy asked.
"Just a little," you said. "I'm still kinda sore, especially in the legs."
"Lets get you into bed then."
You changed into your favorite white lace nightgown, cut low enough just in case Jesse needed to be fed. Kathy left you both alone for the time being, leading Benny out of the room to tuck him into bed.
Once you were snug in your shared bed, you couldn't help but marvel at your husband and your precious little boy all snuggled against his father, nor could you ignore the soft look of pure love on Miles's face.
"My sweet little angel," Miles cooed softly, rubbing the tip of his nose against Jesse's. "You know, you're alot lighter than when you were in your momma's tummy."
You smiled a little listening to Miles coo to the little boy in his arms, but the moment Jesse's little fists went to his mouth, Miles brought him right back to you.
"I think he's hungry," Miles said with a chuckle.
You gently took Jesse from your husband, opening the front of your nightgown and letting your little one latch on. "Giving your daddy trouble I see," you laughed.
Miles felt a stirring in his chest, a deep desire to reach for the sketchbook and his charcoal pencil box to draw the intimate moment. His hands quietly sketched it all out on the thick paper, going from dark to light and shading everywhere in between until a clear image of you with Baby Jesse had formed on the page.
Miles had gone to turn the page when he was suddenly taken aback by an image on the other page, one of him all snuggled with the baby in the rocker, his lips forming a soft kiss on Jesse's head.
"Sweetheart did you.....?"
"I did," you answered, smiling broadly.
"When you sat in the rocker earlier this morning after breakfast."
"You were supposed to be sleeping," Miles told you, the smile breaking out on his face.
You stuck your tongue out at Miles, playfully as you carefully switched Jesse to your other breast, laughing a little bit.
Miles kissed your lips sweetly, putting away his book and pencil set. "You need sleep," he told you. "As soon as he's done I'll tuck him in, but I want you sleeping."
"Yes dear," you laughed sleepily.
As soon as Jesse was done and all had been taken care of, Miles tucked him back into his crib at the foot of the bed, his tiny little belly full of milk and ready for sleep. Miles crawled in beside you and kissed you again, turning out the lights and settling in for a long winter's night.
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woodsfae · 1 year
Babylon 5 s02e15: And Now for a Word so2 Table of Contents • previous episode
September 16, 2259! Love me a good documentary!
Never not going to be funny to me that G'Kar's actor and Talia Winter's actor have the same given name (Andrea).
This is really not the time for reporters to be harassing personnel for soundbites.
:| and a very fuck you too, Ambassador Mollari.
Love having the dockworkers back!!
"Overall I've found this to be a good working environment. I've learned a lot here. […] Yes, it's a calm, pleasant environment. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get upset here." - random Earthforce personnel, lying like a liar
Stephen Franklin channeling classic, spacephobic McCoy here.
Oh my god, seventeen-year-old Stephen Franklin either accidentally killed his friend hiding in an airlock, or watched his friend accidentally kill himself messing around in an airlock. It's ambiguous, and horrifying either way.
Good trauma story sharing. But for real, how can he even live in space after that? I'm horrified and impressed.
Dang, that's pretty bad. Almost 60 deaths total, multiple bombings, and several narrowly-averted wars. In three years.
Literally idk how G'Kar can keep his composure. The Centauri are war criming like crazy.
This documentary format is actually delightful. I am loving seeing how the actors are choosing to portray their characters being interviewed. It's so fucking fascinating.
Susan Ivanova continues to be The Best.
Garibaldi wants to be bored and to make a difference. I propose that he could make the most difference by not assaulting people or threatening them with his rank.
This reporter isn't very likeable, which makes me wonder if she's going to end up doing something impactful.
"I am a friend, in peace." and then being met with such vitriol and journalistic malfeasance! This reporter sucks!
A hell of a thirty-six hours to happen to arrive to document!
Fuck, can you imagine a space battle going on outside b5's fragile little, punctured shell and being sent to start repairs while unknown, hostile aliens are still fighting outside? Hope they get hazard pay.
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Yeah, I'd be tempted to get into a spacesuit.
Narn vs Centauri literally fighting outside B5 is a significant escalation of risk.
G'Kar backstory!! G'Kar's dad served the Centauri and as a punishment for an accident, was killed horribly over days and died in front of G'Kar. That'd drive anyone into resistance, I think! I respect B5 more for calling it a resistance in-universe, especially compared to in DS9 when they repeatedly and insistently called the Bajoran resistance terrorists doing terrorism. The Narns are increasingly impressive the more we learn about them. They went from low tech to occupied to equaling to if not surpassing the Centauri in a hundred years.
"The Narn have rewritten history enough, don't you think? [..] We have to take a stand. They are the ones who declared war, not us. We want only peace."
:| And then drop a Centauri war cruiser to blockade B5.
A commercial for PsiCorps. I have…so much to say about this. tbh, it's better propaganda than the US military recruitment videos I've seen. Hate that the PsiCops might just beam into your house! Did we already know they have teleportation? Or is that just creative license taken by the commercial?
Super uncool how, yet again, a critique of current events in the 90s being equally as relevant to 2023 current events.
Lotta hard stances being taken. Sheridan is so calm under pressure, but it's weirdly believable that he can out-yell the entire council and then go and calmly discuss the likelihood of mortal threats being mere bluffs. Aaaand awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with the camera that's in his line of sight, hah.
eeeee yikes another space battle! Third for the episode, I think.
I wonder how they clean up space debris. Surely they can't leave it to pose a hazard around the station.
Londo is leaning away from the camera a lot while he talks. Can't even buy his own bullshit.
The reporter was so mean and unethical to Delenn, and Delenn is talking to her again anyway. She's too good and her kindness is too calculated to be deterred by a dickish reporter. Plus, I bet the Minbari reporters are way meaner. Instead of being like "You do war crimes!" they'd be like "You should kill yourself so your memory can be less of a stain on your clan's honor than your life is being right now." Still, they made Delenn cry which isn't exactly a fun human experience to have for the first time on camera.
The inspiring peace lecture would be more believable if it wasn't being delivered by the military.
Anyhow, a very fun episode, especially considering how dark the topics were! Babylon 5 is alone in space, very puncturable, and hosting volatile political enemies bound on murder and/or war.
On to the next!
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter twenty-one
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 2.6k
my masterlist
series masterlist
TW: drug use, suggestive content (decently sfw)
"Shit.. shit shit shit no! Come on.." John B says as we slow to a stop, in the marsh still a ways away from land. I look up from where I had my head pressed to his back. I spent most of the drive back sobbing, and I just stopped, but apparently, there is no time to relax.
"Fuck. I sigh, hugging John B tighter for a moment.
"We've gotta swim." He says, turning to look back at me. I nod softly, and swing my leg over, steadying myself before jumping in, and John B follows behind me. We swim back to shore as fast as we can manage, and John B leads me to a property with a very colorful house. Lana Grubbs.
"Wait- John B." I stop him, placing my hand on his forearm and he turns, eyes read and chest heaving. He's angry- and who wouldn't be? I am too. "Here... I, uh... I found this. On the boat." I say, digging in my soaked shorts pocket and pulling out the watch, holding it out to him.
He stares down at my hand, slowly reaching out and taking it from me before turning it over in his palm. He nods softly and his lip quivers. Before I can think about it, I'm wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "I'm so sorry..." I say, feeling him squeezing me back.
"Thank you." He whispers, afraid that if he talks any louder he'll burst into tears.
After a few moments, we walk up to the door, and John B opens the screen door. We see Mrs. Grubbs standing there making tea. She looks up at us, saying nothing.
"I need to know." John B says.
The whole walk home after our talk with Lana was silent- I tried to talk to John B more but he wasn't having it. We eventually return to The Chateau, where everyone else is waiting for us and prepping the pully system we made to remove the gold from the well. John B storms inside, shoving past anyone who gets in his way. He's furious- understandably. I decide not to say anything to everyone until he does- it is very much his story to tell. We all watch as he grabs the gun, and then we follow him out to JJ's bike, which he hops on as everyone bombards him with questions.
"John B, please, talk to us." I say, feeling tears on my cheeks again. I'm heartbroken for him.
"Ward knows about the gold. He killed my dad." He says, and everyone is shocked. Just then, John B speeds off, leaving me to pick up the pieces and fill in the blanks of the bomb he just dropped on everyone.
Instantly, everyone looks at me. "He's gonna kill Ward..." I mumble, still in shock after the events of the day.
"What happened, Snowy?" Pope asks me.
"It- it's a long story." I sigh, wiping under my eyes. "Ward wanted a cut if he could help us with legal crap with the gold, and then when John B realized he had killed Big John, Ward tried to kill us too. He shot a spear right at me. It missed by like an inch." I explain. "He literally tried to kill us."
"Holy shit- man, he's definitely going after Ward." JJ sighs, running his hand through his hair.
"I... I need to call Rafe. Like, right now." I say quietly, ignoring everyone as they talk about what to do next. "Kie, can I have your phone? Please?" I ask and she looks at me, seeming confused and obviously upset.
"No, we need to call the cops, you can't call your boyfriend right now." She says, pulling it out of her pocket as I grab it right out of her hands.
"He's Ward's son, Kie, he might be able to help- or do something, I need to tell him."
"You're not telling him anything." JJ shakes his head.
"I can't tell him his dad just tried to shoot me? It seems relevant to what we're going to do- maybe he can distract his dad or something so John B doesn't get to him first and kill him! It will buy us time- if nothing else." I say quickly, unsure if anything was even English.
"Guys, she's right. We need time- and I don't think we have any better ideas." Pope agrees with me.
"Thank you." I sigh, opening Kie's phone finally and stepping away to call Rafe.
It rings for what feels like an eternity before he picks up. "Hello?"
"Rafe? It's Snowy."
"Oh, hey, what can I do for you, baby? Why didn't you call with your phone?"
"Rafe, I-" I break down at this point. I don't know what to say, there was a moment this morning when I didn't ever think I would hear his voice again.
"What's the matter?" He asks, sounding worried.
"Where- where is your dad?" I ask, trying to pull it together.
"I- I don't know, why? Are you okay?"
"I need your help, okay? Can you help?" I ask him.
"Alright... Yeah, of course, anything. Where are you?" He asks as Kie runs up to me.
"We're taking the boat, and we're going to go there to see if we can find John B." She tells me and I nod, waving them off.
"I'm at the Chateau, but don't come here. Please, just see if you can find your dad okay? And don't tell him I talked to you. He can't know, okay?"
"Okay, yeah.." Rafe agrees hesitantly. "Please, tell me what happened. You're crying right now, something is wrong, so just let me come help you."
I shake my head a little as I sob into the phone. "Can you come to get me instead? Please? I changed my mind. My friends are leaving now, I don't want to be alone. Please." I sniffle.
"Alright, I'll be there in ten minutes, okay? Hold tight. I'll be right there." He says and I nod as if he can see me, and then he hangs up.
Rafe must have sped here, because he arrives much faster than he said, jumping out of the car and jogging up to me where I'm sitting on the porch.
"Snowy, hey, hey, are you hurt? What's happening?" He asks, pulling me into his arms as I stand up to greet him.
"I'm okay.." I say shakily.
"What happened?" He says, pulling away and grabbing my shoulders, looking me up and down to see if I'm injured at all.
"Nothing- I, nothing happened, I just need you here." I lie, my voice shaking as I hug him again and he sighs, resting his hand on the back of my head.
"What about my dad? Why were you asking about him?" He asks worriedly.
"I- uhm.." I should at least tell him some of the truth. "We think he killed Big John, and John B came home and stormed out with a gun, so I was worried he'd go after him." I explain.
"My dad? No. No, no, no, he didn't kill anyone, okay? I know he didn't do that." Rafe insists, and I nod a little as I look down.
"Look, I told you, and Kegs has told you, these Pogues are crazy, Snow- they're putting these insane ideas in your head, and, and, you can't keep listening to this. I'm sorry, but I can't watch them hurt you like this anymore, put you in danger over and over again, I just can't do that." He says, looking down at me, then running his hand through his messy hair. "Look, let's just go back to where I'm crashing, okay? Come and stay with me for a couple of days. Get your mind off this- you need a break from them."
I nod and he takes my hand, leading me back to his car and helping me in. "You're gonna be okay, alright? You're safe with me." Rafe says, leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek.
Rafe takes me back to the house he's staying at, which I don't recognize at all. We decide to order some food, but I feel so sick about what happened that I can hardly eat. We're sitting at the dining table, and I'm just picking my food apart.
"Snowy, you need to eat that. Seriously." Rafe tells me, and I notice he's already done.
I sigh a little bit and push my hair back behind my ears. "I just don't feel hungry. I think it's stress."
"See? This is what those Pogues are doing to you. They're killing you, you need to eat." Rafe insists.
"I will." I agree, nodding softly. "Do you have any weed?" I ask him, leaning my elbow on the table.
"I, well, yeah, I do. Do you want some?" He asks, holding his thumb up over his shoulder, offering to go get it.
"Yeah, I think it would help." I grin, and he nods as he gets up and runs upstairs. I pull out Kie's phone and text my friends.
K: find jb?
P: yeah, he's fine. we're back at the chat.
JJ: where'd you go snowy white?
K: i'm with rafe at the place he's crashing at. everyone okay over there?
P: we're all fine, ward lives to see another sunset
JJ: bad news tho, gold is gone.
I sigh and put the phone back in my pocket. Of course, Ward got the gold. Just like that, our hopes were crushed. I guess we still have my plan B, but I don't actually think I have the heart to do that to Rafe.
Rafe comes back down the stairs, holding up a zip lock bag and his bong, shaking them a little as he speaks. "Let's go out on the deck?" He asks, and I nod, getting up and following him outside.
After being friends with JJ and John B for so long, my tolerance is pretty high, so it takes a little while for me to actually feel anything. The first time I ever smoked it was the three of us with Big John, and I'm not sure I've ever had so much fun. Kie was in her kook era, but at the time we didn't need her. I never felt out of place with them, especially with Big John there, who treated me like his own daughter. I miss him every day, it's hard for me to finally swallow the truth, that he is dead; even if I kind of already knew that.
I find myself giggling as I remember that day, out on the porch of the chat. I was coughing my lungs out, and Big John was rubbing my back. He really was so kind.
"Is it finally hitting?" Rafe asks, grinning at me as I look up at him, a smile still spread across my face.
"Yeah, sorta." I admit. "I was just thinking about the first time I ever smoked." I tell him and he laughs a little.
"Oh yeah? How did that go for you?"
"It was good. I mean, I thought I was dying for a bit, but it was still fun." I shrug. "Big John bought it for us after John B beat him at poker. He had the condition that we had to share it with him, so obviously we did, but he wasn't weird about it or anything."
"Big John?" Rafe asks, and it seems I've piqued his interest. "You were close with him, hey?"
"Yeah," I nod, looking down at my hands in my lap and my smile fades. "He was like a father to me. That sounds so stupid, but he really looked out for me. He cared for me when my parents were focused on Kegs and the twins, so pretty much always." I explain.
Rafe nods a little. "Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about how you're doing, with that, uhm, that situation."
That's so sweet. "I'm good, you know. Up until this morning, I was doing fine." I say, not really wanting to think about what happened to him at the hands of this boy's father. Luckily, weed is my friend and the thought is quickly lost.
"Yeah, I couldn't imagine what you guys went through..." Rafe says, and it's pretty obvious he doesn't know what to say. "If I can help, you know, if I can do anything, tell me, alright?"
I smile at that. "Thank you, Rafe... You know I'd do anything for you, too."
"Yeah, so... So, so, do you mean anything?" He asks with a slight smirk and I nod, leaning closer to him a little.
"Anything," I whisper, my lips just inches from his now. He looks down at my lips and then back into my eyes before leaning in to kiss me.
It's a matter of seconds before it starts to get a bit more heated, and then he pulls away, holding my cheek.
"Anything?" Rafe asks again and I nod, biting my bottom lip. "Come with me." He says, getting up and grabbing my hand to help me up.
I follow him back inside, looking back at the stuff we left behind us on the deck as the door closes behind us. I know I shouldn't be okay with this- I remember what happened to me this morning, but I feel so disconnected from that fear in this moment, so I decide to let it go.
We get upstairs and he turns me around, grabbing my hips and kissing me as he slowly walks me back towards the bed. "So, I've kind of been having this dream, lately..." He mumbles into my lips as he pushes me back so I'm laying down, my legs hanging off the edge of the bed as he leans over me. I hum back against his lips, letting him know I'm listening.
"I just, I think you're so hot, and I really want to do this so just hear me out, okay?" He says, sounding almost nervous, which makes me hesitate. I don't think I'm about to do anything crazy the first time we sleep together. But of course, I'll hear him out.
"Yeah? What is it?" I ask, smiling at him as I play with his hair, both my arms wrapped around his neck.
"I want to do a line off you." He says, and I feel my eyes widen a little but I try not to freak out. He's supposed to be quitting coke.
"I, well..." I start, still trying to figure out how to word this without him thinking I'm shutting him down.
"Snowy, please, I'm trying to get clean I promise, I just- I've dreamt about this. Please, just one..." He pleads, kissing down my neck.
I sigh a little, my eyes fluttering closed. How could I say no? It's not like he's supposed to stop all at once anyways.
"Yeah, yeah. Of course..." I whisper, and he stops and looks up at me, a slight smile showing on his lips.
"You're amazing." He smiles, kissing me again for a few seconds before getting up, going over to his backpack in the corner, and pulling out a bag full of white powder and a credit card. I can't believe I'm about to let this happen, but I suppose it could be much worse.
He comes back over and kneels down in front of me as I look up at the ceiling. I don't want to watch. I feel his warm hands against the skin on my thighs, and I giggle as he places a few kisses on my skin before getting to work making his line. I focus on taking deep breaths while he does it, then goes back to kissing my thighs. I look down at him, sitting up a little and smiling at him.
"Fuck- I'm obsessed with you, Juliette." He mumbles, smiling as he climbs back on top of me and connects our lips again.
Not this chapter being lowkey spicy... I do not write smut so this is as close as we're gonna get lol
taglist: @boo22sstuff @madelynie (message me or reply if you want to be added!!)
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A Chuisle Mo Chroi (Pulse of My Heart) | Ralvez
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A Chuisle Mo Chroi (pronounced Mu Kooish-La Mu Kree) Irish term for Pulse of my Heart.
Summary - Spencer chronicles his unrequited love for his best friend in the form of letters to his mom. But when she meets the person Spencer has detailed to her, what happens when she inadvertently confesses her son's feelings for him?
A/N - Yes I mixed up the timeline. Just pretend the episode “300” happened after the episode “Luke”. Prison arc didn’t happen but Spencer’s mom was still moved to DC and Spencer still starts teaching. Also I don’t speak Irish. I googled terms of endearment from around the world and enjoyed this one the most. Thank you my darling @sassymoon for being my beta!
Anon request - Hi! Since you opened your requests I wanted to ask if you could write a sweet fluff fic/blurb for Spencer x Luke with them confessing their feelings and maybe having their first kiss? ❤️
Pairing - Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez
Category - fluff
CW - unrequited love, pinning Spencer, references to 1406 “Luke” and 1401 “300”, a single F-bomb, case related stuff, bisexual Spencer, first kiss.
WC - 5.4K
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Spencer Reid loathed the term momma’s boy. Sure, he was close to his mom, when you grew up without a dad you clung to what you had left. Even if his mom didn’t recognise him half of the time, she was the only person in the whole world who understood him. When she was lucid at least.
Throughout high school all the much older kids had always referred to him as such due to the fact he spent so much time at home. What they didn’t know was that he spent all that time at home because he was looking after his mother. But he never told them as much, he’d rather them call him that than admit the truth to them. 
When he moved to Virginia to join the BAU he wrote her a letter every single day. He told her everything, all the ins and out of the team, vague case details without getting graphic. He documented his meals, what books he’d read and everything else he could jam onto the page. 
Over time life got in the way. His letters started becoming weekly, then monthly until the point when he’d forget the last time he’d put pen to paper and sent his mother one of the letters she loved so much. 
He had to make more of an effort. She adored his letters, it allowed her to feel like she was there with him, embarking on his adventures alongside him. Spencer often thought they might be her last tangible grip on reality. So regardless of how tired he was, how busy he was, he ensured he would try to sit down at least once a week and write his mother a letter. 
As of late his letters had revolved mostly around one topic, giving Spencer the opportunity to get his feelings out on paper so as to never have to admit them out loud. He was sure he’d written research papers shorter than the letters he was penning these days, and he was sure given his moms declining mental state she wasn’t reading them and if she was, she would surely not remember anything he had to say in those pages. 
It was cathartic, almost like keeping a journal. He found the words flowed so easily when he had that particular subject matter on his mind. 
We were on a case in New York this week, as usual I won’t go into detail. We caught the guy though, you’ll be pleased to know. 
On the second day we were in the police precinct in Central Park and we both went to reach for a case file at the same time. Their hand brushed against mine and I swear I heard fireworks going off somewhere. Which is absurd because it was the middle of the day and of course there weren’t fireworks going off. But it happens a lot. 
When they look at me I’m sure I can feel my IQ level drop in half. When they smile at me it’s like the whole world lights up. And those accidental touches make my heart race and make me feel giddy. 
I know I’ve spent a lot of time in these letters talking about them recently and I’m sorry if it’s boring you. But I think I’m falling in love, mom, and I don’t know who else to talk to about it. Scratch that, I am in love and that terrifies me because they don’t look at me that way. 
They’re one of my best friends, my teammate. I don’t even know if they like…it doesn’t matter. I just know I should not be feeling this way about them and I have to get these thoughts out of my head. I’m sure you’re not even reading these so you’ll never know anyway, but I feel lighter for having written it down. But just in case you do read these, I’m too scared to say their name. 
Most letters read in the same vein. Spencer’s unrequited love was clouding his brain, causing him to be slower at making deductions and he feared it would hinder his work. Writing down his inane thoughts helped. Even if no one was reading them. 
Hey mom, 
Me again. We got back from a case in Ohio yesterday and Rossi invited us all over his place. 
You know me, I’m not a big drinker, I had two glasses of wine but that was enough for me. Also I don’t trust myself around them when alcohol is involved, inebriation would loosen my tongue and I’m worried about what I might say. Those kinds of confessions are only for my letters. 
They had quite a bit to drink though, I was watching them. I’m always watching them, it’s like I can’t stop myself. But I swear every time I looked up at them, they were looking right back at me smiling. 
They even found me on the back patio while I was getting some air. 
“Hey Spence, what are you doing out here?” 
That’s what they said. There’s something about people calling me by nicknames that makes my heart soar. There’s no scientific data to back that up, love is all in the brain not the heart. It’s simply my brain releasing oxytocin and vasopressin, giving me a surge of positive emotions every time I see them. 
Or hear them call me Spence. 
“Just getting some air.” I told them, trying to ignore the way they were looking at me.
I don’t know how to describe it, it was like they were seeing me for the first time, really seeing me. It was as though the alcohol actually helped them see clearer, the way they looked at me, I just can’t describe it. But for a split second, I actually believed they might feel the same about me. Of course that was completely foolish of me to think but just for a moment I allowed myself to succumb to the fantasy. 
“I uh…I wanted to talk to you about something.” 
When they said that and stepped closer to me, I’m sure I saw a hint of nerves in their eyes and my breath caught in my throat. But then it got even stranger. 
“Oh, you’ve got something…let me.” 
Then they reached forward and brushed something off of my cheek. We’ve touched accidentally before but I think that might be the first time they’ve done it deliberately. I wish I could accurately describe to you the way their fingertips felt as they brushed against my skin but I’m not sure there are enough words in the English language. Or in any of the other languages I can speak. 
There is a saying I recently learnt which comes close. It’s an Irish term “a chuisle mo chroi” which essentially translates to “pulse of my heart.” That’s what they feel like. They are a part of what keeps me alive. It’s the only thing I know how to say in Irish, but it seemed fitting. 
Anyway, they never did get to tell me what it was they wanted to say because someone else joined us on the patio and soon we all called it a night. 
I’ll never forget the look in their eyes though. 
All my love,
Hey mom,
Another letter for you. I realised recently I’ve spent so much time talking to you about a certain person and I don’t remember the last time I asked you how you were doing. I’m sorry for that. How are you? How is Bennington? I hope to get time to visit you soon. 
We had a pretty rough case recently, one that affected someone on the team personally. I won’t give you a prize for guessing who. 
I’ve never seen them like this before, I was genuinely scared they would do something to jeopardise their place on the team. They lost an old friend in the process and I’m scared it might tip them over the edge, that there may be no coming back from this for them. 
It’s not my job to comfort them though, as much as I wish it was. I’m sitting here at my desk after everyone else has left for the night writing this letter so I don’t go after them. Because they already have a person to be their shoulder to cry on, and it isn’t me. 
I think I’ve failed to tell you that before and maybe I just didn’t think it was necessary or maybe it was a deliberate choice, I’m not sure. They already have their own a chuisle mo chroi which makes my feelings even more redundant. 
Thus far I’ve done a really good job at not allowing myself to dwell on these feelings except for when I write you these letters. But lately they’ve started to consume me and I don’t know how to make it stop.
They are all I think about. When I’m at home alone, I imagine what they are doing and it makes me sad. They’re probably cooking dinner for their partner, maybe cuddled up on the couch watching a movie or maybe even in bed…I won’t finish that trail of thought. 
It hurts me to see them everyday and know they will never be mine. I value our friendship too much to risk losing it all over these feelings I have for them but I worry those feelings are slowly destroying my soul. They’re right there, right in front of me and I can’t have them. I never will. They will never be mine. 
I’m sorry about this. If you’re reading these I hope my words don’t make you worry. I’m fine, really, I’m just having a hard time right now. But I’ll be ok, I always bounce back don’t I? 
I love you mom, speak soon. 
Hey mom,
Sorry I haven’t written in a while, things got really crazy. I won’t go into detail because I don’t want you to worry about me but…
…you aren’t reading these letters, I know you’re not. So I suppose it doesn’t really matter if I go into detail. 
I was abducted. Kidnapped. We arrested a cult leader and failed to see that one of his disciples worked for the FBI. She took Garcia, and I tried to save her, because you taught me to be the kind of man that does that. But it resulted in her taking me too.
If you are, on the off chance, reading these, I need you to know I’m ok. I’ve got some bruises but I’m mostly ok. If it wasn’t for the team I might not have been, the cult wanted to make me their three hundredth victim. 
For as long as I live, I will never forget the way they looked at me after I was unstrapped and helped down the steps. They ran to me, panic written all over their face and if I didn’t know any better I might actually think they had tears in their eyes. 
“Oh my god, you’re ok.” 
They sounded as worried as they looked and then their hand was on the side of my face, gently stroking my bruised cheek. 
“I thought…I didn’t think…” 
It was as though they physically couldn’t get the words out. I was so hyped on the adrenaline of coming close to death that I didn’t realise it until later. 
“I’m ok. I’m ok.” I assured them although I’m not sure why I was doing the assuring. 
And then they flung their arms around my neck and pulled me so close, held me so tightly for a moment I couldn’t breathe. I was so close I could feel their erratic heartbeat and they buried their face into my neck and panted against my skin. 
For a second I was dumbfounded. I just stood there frozen. But eventually I wrapped my arms around their waist relished in the moment because I knew it wouldn’t last. And as expected, a few seconds later we were torn apart by someone calling our names. 
Is it wrong that I’d go through that whole ordeal again just to get them to hold me like that one more time? Is it so utterly absurd to say that almost dying was worth it because having them embrace me like that erased all of the fear?
I felt safe, mom. In their arms I felt safer than I’ve ever felt before. But it only hurt worse when they let go and pretended nothing had happened, following the rest of the team away. 
Unrequited love is the worst feeling in the whole world. You’d think I could handle it given everything I’ve been through. But honestly, I think it’s worse than anything any unsub has ever done to me. I really don’t know how more I can take, mom. 
I don’t know if I can keep working with them and being in love with them. 
Love always,
Hey mom, 
You’ll be pleased to know I’m feeling a little better since my last letter. It’s been a few months I know, and I know I promised I’d write every week and I’m sorry. 
I thought my writing down my feelings was helping but it started having the opposite effect. I decided to take a little time away from the BAU after everything that happened with the cult. I came to an agreement with the bureau to split my time between case hours and teaching classes at the university. I’m doing much better, my head is clearer and I’m not pining quite as much as I was the last time I wrote to you. 
It’s still hard sometimes but I’ve learnt to live with the fact the object of my desire will never love me back. We remain friends, best friends, but that’s all it will ever be. And I’m ok with that. It’s just how it was meant to be. 
I’ll come and visit you soon, I have more free time when I’m teaching. I’ll be sure to bring you some books and there’s a great little cafe I’ve discovered near the university that sells the best…
“Hey man, what are you doing?” 
A voice snapped Spencer away from his trail of thought and he lifted the pen from the paper and looked up to see Luke Alvez standing over his desk. 
“Oh, just writing to my mom.” He quickly scrambled to hide the letter from prying eyes even though most people struggled to read his chicken scratch, as Garcia dubbed it. 
“Isn’t she living in DC now? I thought you said-“
“Yeah she is.” Spencer cut him off, stuffing the paper in his satchel. “But I uh…I forget all the things I want to say to her when I visit so I like to write it down.” 
Luke was smiling at him, the kind of smile that Spencer often found himself lost in. The kind of smile he’d spent hours writing about in great detail to his mom. 
“I’d like to meet her.” He leant against Spencer’s desk, seemingly not in a hurry to go anywhere. 
“You would? Why?” Spencer frowned which made Luke chuckle. 
“You talk about her so much I already feel like I know her. It would be nice to meet the woman behind the genius.” 
Spencer didn’t think having his mom meet Luke was a good idea. Although even if she read his letters and remembered them, he’d never specified who he was talking about. But his mom knew him so well, surely if she saw the two of them together she’d be able to tell exactly how Spencer felt about Luke. Spencer wasn’t known for his subtlety. And even in her less lucid moments, Diana Reid was extremely astute. 
But nonetheless Spencer found himself nodding. 
“Uh…ok. Sure. I guess that wouldn’t be a problem.” He frowned a little. “I’m going to see her this weekend if we don’t get pulled away somewhere.” 
“I’m in.” Luke beamed brighter than Spencer had ever seen. 
“You uh…you don’t have plans with Lisa?” 
Luke chuckled, leaning forward and patting Spencer’s shoulder. 
“I know you’re not here all the time, Doc, but have you been living under a rock? Lisa and I split up months ago.” 
Spencer hated the way his heart seemed to do somersaults in his chest at this. How had he missed that? Had he been so consumed in the overwhelming unrequited love he was feeling that he’d completely missed what was going on around him? 
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Spencer hoped his voice didn’t give away how unsorry he was. 
“It’s ok, these things happen. She wasn’t a, uh, good fit for me.” His eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke but Spencer didn’t know why. He chose to ignore it. “You heading out?” 
“Yeah, sure.” Spencer nodded, grabbing up his things and shutting off his computer before following Luke over to the elevators. 
And he only had a handful of heart palpitations in the process.
The weekend rolled around without a case and as promised, Luke accompanied Spencer to visit his mom. 
Spencer made a point of not hanging out with Luke outside of work, not unless the rest of the team were involved anyway. Over the years Luke had asked Spencer to grab a beer with him on multiple occasions but Spencer always made up an excuse as to why he couldn’t go. 
He knew it was only due to the fact that he was the only other guy on the team around the same age as Luke. Although that did offer up some confusion as to why he still asked even after Simmons joined the team. Maybe because Matt was married with kids, Spencer didn’t have anyone to go home to, much like Luke, until he’d met Lisa anyway. And once he met her, the invitations stopped coming. 
Luke picked Spencer up at ten am on the dot, just like they’d planned, he even brought Spencer coffee from his favourite coffee shop down the street with the perfect amount of sugar. If he wasn’t already smitten with this man, he would have been now. 
Luke drove and they listened to the radio as they travelled to Diana’s facility, giving Spencer something to focus on that wasn’t the close proximity to Luke he found himself in. They made idle chit chat, it wasn’t lost on Luke how Spencer wouldn’t look at him. 
When they pulled up in the parking lot of Diana’s facility, Luke cut the engine and turned to face the younger man. 
“Does this make you uncomfortable? If you don’t want me to meet her I can just wait in the car.” Luke questioned him. 
“No, no I can’t ask you to do that after you’ve driven me out here.” Spencer shook his head.
“I don’t mind. It’s nice to actually spend some time with you outside of work.” Luke felt his cheeks burning as he spoke. 
Spencer frowned, noticing the way Luke reddened although he wasn’t sure why. 
“I’m just worried what state she might be in. I don’t want you to meet her if she’s erratic. And as of late she’s been like that quite a lot. She barely even knows who I am half of the time.” Spencer changed the subject. 
“How about I come in with you and I’ll hang back while you see how she is. If she’s not in a good state I’ll wait in the car.” Luke’s blush faded and he smiled at Spencer. 
“Yeah, I guess that works.” He nodded, quickly getting out of his seatbelt and exiting the car. 
Luke followed him across the parking lot and up the front steps of the building. He noticed the way Spencer clenched and unclenched his hands at his sides as he walked and it only then occurred to him what this must be like for him. It must take its toll, never knowing what state he would find his mother in, never knowing if his own mom would recognise him until it was too late. 
Luke prayed in his head that today his mother would know who he was. He didn’t want Spencer to suffer that embarrassment with him here to witness it. 
Spencer went on ahead into the day room while Luke hung back. He’d never been overly religious, not the way his parents were anyway, but what took place next might just make a believer out of him after all. 
He watched Spencer tentatively approach the woman Luke recognised from the photograph on his desk. She was in an armchair in the window, her head in a book so much like her son. She looked up when she heard movement, looking up at the man standing before her. A few seconds passed before she suddenly leapt to her feet, throwing her arms around Spencer.
“Spencer!” Luke heard her call. “Oh how I’ve missed you.” 
The size of the smile that broke out in Luke’s face could only be beaten by Spencer’s own. Spencer hugged his mother back while Luke watched, his heart feeling like it was floating out of his body. When the hug ended, Spencer turned to Luke with a smile and motioned him over. 
“Mom, this is my friend Luke. Luke Alvez. We work together at the BAU.” Spencer tried to keep his expression as neutral as possible as he introduced Luke. 
“It’s so nice to meet you Mrs Reid, I’ve heard so many things about you.” Luke held out his hand which Diana shook. 
“Luke…” she mused as the three of them took a seat. “I’m sure Spencer has told me about you but the name doesn’t ring a bell.” 
“Sure it does mom, I’ve told you about the whole team.” Spencer hated using his mothers memory loss to his advantage because she was right, he’d never mentioned Luke, not by name anyway. 
“Well if you say you have, you must have.” She gave Spencer a look that told him she didn’t believe him. 
“How are you finding it here in DC?” Luke spoke, sensing a strange tension between mother and son and trying to ease it. 
“Oh you know, dear, a nuthouse is a nuthouse, no matter the city.”
“They prefer the term psychiatric facility, mom.” Spencer rolled his eyes. 
A nurse came over and offered them drinks. Diana opted for chamomile tea, they didn’t encourage coffee drinking for the residents, while Spencer and Luke both took the caffeine route. Once the three of them were alone, Spencer spoke again. 
“This is the best I’ve seen you in a long time. You seem…clear.” He said for lack of a better word.
“I feel clear.” Diana nodded with a soft smile that Luke thought was the spitting image of her sons. “The doctors say it won’t last but it’s a nice reprieve.” 
“I can only imagine.” Spencer sniffed a little and Luke couldn’t help but reach out and place his hand on his arm. 
Spencer turned to look at him, unshed tears behind his eyes. Diana looked between them, a small smirk tugging at her lips as she watched the way her son and Luke looked at each other. 
“Friends you say?” Diana spoke up, causing Luke to quickly pull his hand away. 
“Yes.” Spencer nodded, swallowing thickly. Really good friends.”
“Some might even say best friends.” Diana shook her head in amusement. “Sorry my memory is not what it used to be. So you met at work?”
“Yeah, I’ve been at the BAU for almost three years now.” Luke answered. 
“What did you do before?” 
“Mom, it’s not the Spanish Inquisition.” Spencer scolded her. 
“It’s ok.” Luke laughed with a shake of his head. “Before the BAU I worked for the Fugitive Task Force, man hunting I suppose. And before that I was in the military, the 75th Rangers.”
“You served overseas?” 
“Yeah, I did a tour in Iraq and a couple in Afghanistan.” 
“Your father was a soldier.” Diana didn’t ask, she stated. She always had been good at reading people. 
“He was, yes.” Luke smiled, so many things about Spencer making so much sense now he’d met his mother. 
“Ok, can we stop grilling my friend now?” Spencer interjected. 
“It’s not grilling, Crash, it’s getting to know him. He’s clearly important to you.” Diana spoke like she was speaking to a small child. 
Spencer couldn’t help the blush that spread to his cheeks and he tried to hide it from Luke and looked down at his lap. 
“Yeah he’s important to me, he’s my friend.” He emphasised the last word. 
“Do you know you’re the first “friend” Spencer has ever brought to meet me?” She used air quotes around the word friend and Spencer wanted the ground to swallow him whole.
“Mom!” He cried in exasperation. 
“What? It’s true.” She shrugged, not perturbed by Spencer’s tone. 
Thankfully their drinks were brought over and Spencer managed to direct the conversation onto literature and what she’d been reading lately. 
Luke took a backseat just content to listen. Spencer wouldn’t make eye contact with him anymore and Luke didn’t know why. He thought he was missing something but he just couldn’t pinpoint what. 
After a few hours of conversation with Diana she started to get tired and the boys decided to let her rest. Spencer excused himself to use the bathroom before the drive back into the city. 
Once they were alone together, Diana’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Luke. 
“So you must be the one.” She clapped her hands together in excitement. 
“The one?” Luke’s brows knitted together. 
“The one in Spencer’s letters!” She looked so pleased, not deterred by Luke’s obvious confusion. “Oh I must have hundreds of them detailing this mystery person. But it has to be you. You’re the best friend my son is in love with.” 
Luke felt his breath hitch in his throat as he stared at the older woman in shock. The combination of the schizophrenia and altzeimers often made her confused, that’s all this was. Luke just had to be delicate in how he approached this, not wanting to call her crazy to her face. 
“Uh…I don’t think so.” He tried to laugh it off. “Maybe you’re mistaken?”
“Oh no, Spencer is very clear in his letters about being in love with his best friend. A member of the team.” She leant forward, her elbows on her knees. 
“Uh…he might be talking about JJ. Definitely not me.” Luke shook his head. 
“My son is incredibly smart.”
“He is.” Luke agreed. 
“If he were talking about a woman he would have said she. But in every single letter he used gender neutral pronouns. He wouldn’t do that unless…” she trailed off, eyes sparkling at Luke. 
“Spencer isn’t…I uh, I don’t think that he’s…” he scratched the back of his neck. 
“Don’t worry, dear. He never came out to me either. But a mother always knows.” She tapped the side of her nose. 
Before Luke could reply, not that he knew how to reply, Spencer returned, offering Luke a smile. 
“Are you ready to go?” 
“Yeah, sure.” Luke nodded, pushing himself to his feet. “It was nice to meet you Mrs Reid.” 
“Oh please,” she smirked, standing and pulling Luke into a tight embrace. “Call me Diana.” 
Spencer hugged his mom goodbye and soon the two were leaving again. They made it out to the front of the building and as Spencer was heading towards the parking lot, Luke’s voice stopped him in his tracks. 
“Your mom told me about your letters.” 
Spencer’s back straightened and he took a breath before he slowly turned back to face Luke. 
“Letters?” He tried to buy himself some time. 
“Yeah.” Luke took a few steps closer to him. “The ones where you told her about your best friend who you're in love with.” 
“Ah.” Spencer sighed. “Those letters.” 
“I tried to tell her it was probably just JJ.” Luke looked suddenly serious, his jaw set. 
“Uh yeah.” Spencer nodded. “You got me. I’m in love with JJ. Really awkward, please don’t tell anyone.” 
Spencer turned to leave again but then Luke’s hand was circling his wrist, keeping him in place. 
“You didn’t use gender specific pronouns.” 
“So why didn’t you?”
“I don’t know.” Spencer shook his head. It was no wonder Luke was so good at getting criminals to confess to their crimes because he was making Spencer want to confess too. 
“Yeah, you do.” Luke shrugged. “You never told me you were gay.” 
“I…I’m…not?” Spencer sighed, scrunching his nose. “Bisexual maybe? I don’t really know what I’d call it, which I guess is why I’ve never told anyone.” 
“So you’re in love with a guy, who is your best friend and that you work with?” Luke clarified. 
“It would seem so.” Spencer felt his heart start to race. “And I inadvertently outed myself to my mother and then to you. So it’s a good day to be me.” 
“I mean that only leaves three people.” Luke’s brow furrowed. “You’re not that close to Matt, and I would think Rossi was too old for you.” 
“Would you believe me at all if I said it was Anderson?” 
“Your mom didn’t know my name.” Luke seemed to ignore him, stepping even closer to him. “Your mom didn’t know my name because you never mentioned it did you? You spoke about me but never said my name.” 
“Fuck,” Spencer hung his head. “Fine, the secrets out, ok? God I didn’t even think she was reading those letters!”
Luke swallowed and raised his hand to cup Spencer’s jaw, lifting his face so he would look at him. 
“What are you trying to say, Spence?” 
Spencer tried to ignore the way his heart did a cartwheel at the way Luke was touching him and the use of his nickname. 
“Please just keep in mind that I don’t want to lose you ok? You’re one of my best friends and I don’t want things to be weird between us.” Tears swam in his eyes. 
“Just say it.” Luke croaked. 
“I…goddamnit,” his first tear fell. “I’m in love with you, Luke. I’m sorry.” 
“Why are you sorry?” Luke kept his hand on Spencer’s face. 
“Because I just ruined our friendship, right?” 
Luke surprised him when he laughed, moving even closer still to him. 
“You know you aren’t the only one who talks to their mom about their secret crush?” Luke chuckled with a shake of his head. “Only I’m not shy in mentioning his name.” 
“You…I…I don’t understand.” Spencer mumbled. 
“Yes you do.” Luke laughed again. “You’re a genius right?” 
“Well then, what are the facts telling you, Spence? All those times I asked you out for drinks, the way I can’t keep my eyes off of you when you’re in a room. The way I can’t stop looking at your lips right now…” Luke inhaled sharply. “What do those things tell you?” 
“I…I have a theory.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Hmm.” Spencer nodded. 
“Wanna test it out?” 
“Most definitely.” 
Luke chuckled again before closing the small space between them, and still keeping his hand cupped around Spencer’s jaw, he kissed him. 
Spencer whimpered against Luke’s lips, his knees buckling beneath him. The kiss was gentle but filled with so much longing it almost took Spencer’s breath away. 
It was only brief and when Luke pulled away he was smiling at Spencer from ear to ear. 
“I love you too, by the way.” He shrugged. 
Spencer made another whimpering sound and couldn’t help himself but lean in and kiss Luke again, slightly deeper this time. Luke wrapped him in his arms and held him close. 
“A chuisle mo chroi.” Spencer mumbled against his lips. 
“What is that?” Luke replied. 
“It’s Irish. Don’t worry about it.” 
Luke chuckled, kissing him again before leaning his forehead against Spencer’s. 
“Mi vida.” Luke whispered, stroking back Spencer’s messy hair. 
“I speak Spanish, you know? Mi vida means my life, romantically speaking.” 
“Of course you do.” Luke’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. 
Spencer let out a small sigh, running his fingers up Luke’s strong bicep, over his shoulder blade and over the base of his neck. 
“A chuisle mo chroi. The pulse of my heart.” He confessed, causing Luke to kiss him once more, so passionately Spencer felt as though he was floating. 
From the window, Diana smiled to herself as she watched the two men on the sidewalk, her heart soaring for her son. She continued to watch for a moment or two, a warm, fuzzy feeling enveloping her as she leant against the window frame and whispered to herself, “A mother always knows.” 
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clonerightsagenda · 29 days
His Dark Materials season 3 continues!
These were slightly less grueling although part of it might be that I had a task to work on while watching. I still get the sense that they dragged out every beat with a bunch of additional conversations whenever they could. Maybe that would be more welcome if I was watching this week by week as they were released rather than in a row.
Episode 5:
Oh thank god the mulefa do have their seedpod wheels, just not all the time.
I bet Mary wishes her degree was in botany, zoology, or anthropology, not theoretical physics.
We really speedrun the mulefa plotline in this. I wonder if it's difficult for show only people to follow? I naturally can fill in the gaps without thinking about it too much. The take that Eden is a savanna filled with rollerskating elephants remains bold.
They put Mrs. Coulter back into skirts... the monsters. Mrs. Coulter x pants is the real flagship of this tv show.
Will misgendered his daemon but then immediately switched to "her" when he talked about her being with Pan. Maybe the reminder that Pan is male tipped him off.
Going to the land of the dead and saying 'do you guys want to like. leave' remains a power move. Love a good harrowing of hell/afterlife breakout. The walls being piles of cast off objects from the living world is an interesting addition.
Roger: I've changed. My mom: I got a lot older. Me: It turns out if you die you can still go through puberty. It's part of our torture.
They cut the liar/Lyra bit with the harpies which is a shame. I guess they sort of used it earlier with the guard in the entry area of the land of the dead calling her a liar. Still all the harpies stuff is kind of out of order, with Gracious Wings saving her before they made their deal. Also instead of human heads the harpies look like they are part turtle.
Will and Lyra: languishing in hell Mary: hot girl summer
They sure dragged the bomb thing out. Honestly I don't hate it missing Lyra because the target locked too early, considering 'a ghost magically knows about the bomb and they defeat quantum entanglement by giving her a haircut' was kind of an ass pull. I also don't necessarily hate the rift being the angels retaliating, since it makes Metatron a more major player before his defeat and it makes the increasing loss of Dust a more direct part of the 'battle'. It does sort of undercut so much of the damage to the worlds being humans fucking shit up in the name of the Authority though. The angels in the book really don't do much, and I think that's by design. Also talking to you, Good Omens showrunners.
Episode 6:
Nooooooo not more voiceovers
Ruta lampshades it in the books but really how did Lord Asriel build his massive compound with foundries in like 2 months after crossing universes with nothing but the clothes on his back.
Asriel seeing a giant rift rip open between worlds: clearly this is about me
Mrs. Coulter: Our daughter is dead. Asriel: *read 4:16 pm*
Mrs. Coulter is like what they say about converts being the biggest zealots except she's converted to parenthood
Sergei got sucked into the rift? Ok so they racebent Ruta, made her clash with Serafina as the more violent/impulsive one, gave her the tension with Mrs. Coulter, and then killed her off even though she doesn't die (at least onscreen) in the books. Not a good look, guys!
Adding some Roger/Will active jealousy rather than Roger just sadly observing how close he and Lyra are now while Lyra doesn't even realize it. Suppose that's harder to do in video. But Will are you really gonna beef with a dead kid. Let him have this
Asriel and Iorek talking is show!original but I'll let it slide because it was satisfying to see someone finally hit Asriel
Will's dad finally (vaguely) drops the lore about the wrong world killing you, even if he didn't make it sound fatal in the same way. You guys couldn't have even had him dramatically coughing up a little blood in the last season? That's a classic
IDK why Will's dad got to explain what happens to ghosts while Lyra keeps saying she doesn't know. Babe you have the alethiometer
They didn't have Lee and Will's dad stick around to be a gay ghost warrior duo! I'm genuinely surprised considering how they went out of their way otherwise to give LMM more scenes.
Mrs. Coulter heart to heart with the golden monkey. Golden monkey sympathy arc has been THE most surprising adaptation change tbh. Not even joking about this
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skylarmoon71 · 10 months
Clark Kent (Smallville) Short Story - Chapter 2
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It’s easier when you’re not ducking hallways and sneaking out of classrooms.
Clark’s secret is a lot, but you’re no longer afraid.
Yep, life was looking up.
You grin to yourself, closing your locker and you jolt at the blond right behind it who appears like a ghost.
“What the hell!!”
She smiles.
“Hi, I’m Chloe Sullivan, you must be (Y/N) Wells.”
“How does she know my name! Does she work with the government? Is she trying to find out Clark's secret? I promise I’ll take it to the grave Clark! TO THE GRAVE!!”
“Clark told me about you, I just wanted to say hi.”
“Oh thank goodness.” You exhale.
She quirks a brow. You cough, rubbing your arm.
“S-So uh Chloe you said. You run the torch right?”
“I do! Have you read my work?”
“A couple of them. It’s smart to stay up to date of the crazy stuff that goes on around here. “
She nods excitedly.
“It sure is. If there’s a story, I’ll be there to get it. Which leads me to my next question. Would you be willing to sit down for an interview? I wanted the inside scope on what happened with Kyle.”
You swallow. It’s not so much you’re scared. That memory is just unpleasant. Maybe she notices the uneasy look.
“Oh I’m sorry. If it’s too much we don’t have to. I’m sorry sometimes I just get ahead of myself.” You shake your head, taking a step back. You really don’t want to have this conversation. Your backtrack causes you to hit someone and they grab you by the shoulders to steady you. You turn, and to your relief it’s Clark.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah. Just had some bad milk this morning. “ Clark releases you, then turns to Chloe for an explanation.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pry. “ She looks a bit guilty, and you offer a little smile.
“It’s alright. You don’t have to feel bad. I’m just not comfortable talking about that. I hope that's okay.”
Maybe someday it won’t hold such a weight. As of right now, putting that incident in the paper would be too much.
“I understand. Sorry again. I’ll see you later Clark.” Chloe walks away and Clark moves to your side.
“Chloe might be a little forward but she means well. “
You got the same impression. She doesn’t seem like a bad person. Just very assertive. You figure that’s a trademark for any good reporter.
“She’s passionate about what she loves. That’s commendable. When she’s a big shot, maybe she’ll still be open to writing my story.”
Clark smiles.
“I’ll put in a special request just for you.” A laugh escapes your lips and he looks happy at the content expression that graces your face.
“Are you busy after school?” He steps a bit closer and you tilt your head.
“Not particularly, did you need help with something?”
You can’t imagine him needing any help to be quite honest.
“No, I was just hoping we could talk.”
That’s strangely vague, but when he’s looking at you like a puppy, you can’t exactly say no.
“Okay, text me the address and I’ll stop by after my club activities.”
His face lights up and you find yourself smiling.
“Okay, I’ll see you then.”
He’s still wearing a smile as he waves, leaving.
You wave back a bit awkwardly.
“This is going to be interesting.”
Your activities take about an hour. You’re very curious about what exactly Clark wants to talk about. That’s why you don’t understand why you can’t seem to get out of the car. There’s really not much of a bigger bomb he can drop. There’s also a very expensive car parked outside.
“I guess farm work really pays off.”
Stepping out of the car, you move towards the cute little house.
As you reach the door, you knock twice.
It sounds like Clark’s mother. When she opens the door she’s wearing a bright smile.
“(Y/N). Clark is expecting you. Would you like something to eat?” She ushers you inside and you shake your head.
“No that’s okay I’m fine Mrs. Kent.” His dad walks from around the corner, sending a friendly smile as he catches sight of you.
“(Y/N). It’s good to see you again. How are you?”
“I’m good Mr. Kent. T-Thank you both again for what you did. It was really comforting to know that someone knew we were both in danger.”
“Of course sweetheart, We’re really glad everything worked out that day.” Martha speaks. Jonathan moves to her side.
“Clark told us what you did. Keeping his secret.”
You’re a bit tense.
“S-So you both know?”
They nod.
“We’ve known since he was a child that he was special. You might not know this but those green meteor rocks are dangerous for Clark. They're one of the few things that can actually cause him harm. What you did saved his life.”
You’re a bit shocked. Because you had no idea.
“So thank you.”
You nod.
“N-No problem I guess.” You laugh awkwardly and they smile.
“W-Well I-I should probably go see Clark now.”
“He’s in the barn.”
“Barn. Okay, thank you. Enjoy the rest of your evening!” You’re heading out the door and out to the barn. You can’t help but glimpse at the car as you pass by.
That’s what the plates read.
You’re a bit confused, but you don’t read too much into it.
Walking through the entrance, you look up.
“Up here.”
So you head up the stairs. You expect your puppy dog eyed friend but you’re greeted with another man.
Nothing about that is subtle and he smiles. Clark looks like he’s trying to hold in his smile.
“I am, and you must be (Y/N).” He holds out a hand to shake and you do, eagerly.
“You’re actually bald.” It slips out before you can stop it and you’re immediately mortified.
“I-I’m sorry I didn't mean to- it’s just that..I-I..you..”
Nothing can really save you from that.
“It’s alright, I get that a lot.”
You really wish another meteor would come down and strike you. If nothing but to get away from this situation.
“I should get going. It was nice meeting you Ms. Wells.”
“Y-You too.” You bow, you aren't sure why. It just feels necessary.
“I’ll see you later Clark.”
“Bye Lex.”
He’s already heading down the stairs and you turn to Clark.
B-Be quiet!! You could have told me you knew Lex Luthor. He’s like ten times more handsome in real life. What other secrets are you hiding!” He simply laughs, moving to the open window and you move to his side. His eyes track Lex as he’s getting into his car to drive off. The sound of his tires echoing. Clark looks a bit thoughtful.
“You’re the only one who knows.”
“Know what?”
“My secret. Aside from my parents, no one knows.”
“Could have given me a heads up about that too.”
You just shrug it off.
“They are your parents, I guess it would be weird if they didn’t know. I can’t imagine it being easy hiding the fact that you were affected by the meteor rocks. “
Clark becomes a bit silent for a moment. Almost like he’s contemplating something. He finally seems to come to a solution, because he turns to you.
“I didn’t get these powers from the meteor shower.”
“What do you mean? Are you saying you were born like this?”
“Yes but it's..a little more complicated.”
“More complicated than running a hundred miles a minute.”
His shoulders drop in defeat.
“I’m an alien. The meteor shower, the meteor freaks, it’s all my fault.”
He lets it out in one quick breath and your brain tries to track everything he just said. He turns his back, creating some distance.
“Now you know everything.”
He still refuses to look at you.
After discovering his powers, you were freaked out. But if you were being honest, if he was some evil maniac sent to take over the world, you’re positive he wouldn’t be here attending high school trying to be normal. Neither would he be displaying such guilt. It’s apparent that more than anything he wants to be normal. Treated like a normal person. Have a normal life. But for him, that’s impossible.
There’s no assurance that you can provide for him.
So you do the next best thing.
“At least you’re a cute alien.”
You’ve been known to just blurt what’s on your mind. Maybe this time it might bring him some happiness.
The statement gets the reaction you hope, because he wears a little smile.
“You’re not green and you don’t have black beady eyes. I’m also thankful that you’re not trying to take over our planet. Wait..you aren’t right?”
He just smirks.
“I guess we’ll never know.”
“That’s not funny, leave earth alone!!”
Clark burst out in a fit of laughter as you begin to list all the reasons he should not pursue world domination. 
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