#i was thinking about recently when i took an mbti test for fun for the first time since i was 20
hawkhills · 1 year
talk to me about profound, formative events in adulthood impacting people's settled daemons. are their shapes set in stone? would a strong enough experience manage to cause a crack in their settled shape? is there such a thing as daemon dysphoria? do our daemons define us, or do we define them?
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sophieinwonderland · 13 days
I recently got an INTJ result and found there is a subreddit for the mbti test (r/mbti). I suggest checking it out; the memes are hilarious and fitting lmao.
That sub... as someone who only took the one personality test and doesn't have all of these personality types and their letters memorized by heart... it's like trying to decipher an alien language!
I don't understand anything!😜
I've gotta be honest and make a confession...
I don't really like what I'm seeing on that subreddit. It just feels wrong to group people into these sorts of categories based on pseudoscience, and then making huge stereotypes about how those people must think because of them.
Don't get me wrong, I had fun doing the personality test and I think it fits me pretty well. (But there are others that I think could have fit me too.) But I also enjoy Tarot readings despite not actually believing cards can predict my future. It just seems that people in that sub are taking these Myers-Briggs tests way too seriously, and that boiling down the incredible diversity of humanity to 16 personalities is just overly reductive and a tad problematic when taken to an extreme.
And I feel the subreddit definitely takes it to the extreme a lot.
I believe there are healthy ways to use the Myers-Briggs test. I just don't think that subreddit is doing it in a healthy way.
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ragsy · 2 years
all these questions are really good and tbh I'd be interested to see answers for all of them/ any of your OCs 👀 BUT in the interest of brevity for an ask: 3, 9, 19 for Arji, 4, 8, 10 for Mark, 1 for Fishwoman Diane Fishwoman? :D
OHOHOHO these are some good ones, thank you >:)
3: What does their voice sound like, in a couple of words? (ie soft, scratchy, seductive, high-pitched, etc)
a little high, a little breathless, and enunciated. my normal voice is none of those things so those are kind of the first things i landed on when differentiating his speaking voice.
9: What is their main love language? (gifts, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation)
Physical touch. He's a big cuddler, but sometimes doesn't pick up on other people's boundaries. This hasn't gotten him into trouble yet, but... He just really likes huggin', okay???
19: If they had a theme song, what would it be?
There's no "if" here, he 100% already has two of them:
4: Do they have any underlying motivations? (ie they seem hard-working but secretly just don’t want to fall back into poverty, etc)
As of right now (that is, current established developments in the MOTW game he's in) he's working on controlling his anxiety, not for the betterment of himself, but so he doesn't end up causing Capital P Problems. it recently came to light that he's possessed by an evil spirit that turns him into a murderous dog monster if he gets too stressed out (one of the player characters in that game really wants him dead for revenge reasons, but she can't do anything about it because if he dies, the spirit moves on to its next victim. but that's another story.) so, the party is keeping him heavily under their watch like he's an 8th grade "care for this sack of flour" project but with a bomb inside it.
8: What is their coping mechanism?
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Translation: anxious avoidance, denial, and occasionally substance abuse (when he isn't broke as shit)
10: What is their MBTI type?
ISTP, according to the personality test i took for him awhile ago. the 100% introverted result cracks me up a lot.
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Fishwoman D. Fishwoman:
1. What are your OC’s best and worst qualities? What do they think are their best and worst qualities?
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[Send me oc asks!]
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collarious · 3 years
lessons that i’ve learnt so far
I haven’t been on this space for a couple of years. Revisiting this space is like a step back into a part of my past self - the part that’s most anxious and depressed. When life got too difficult, I would leave traces of struggle in the form of words. Punching the ‘post’ button always felt so strange — it wasn’t cathartic, it never truly encapsulated what i felt, it didn’t exactly make things feel better — but at least those thoughts were out of the mind and contained in a space. 
Recently, I’ve rediscovered this space, reread my entries and realised how far I’ve come through the years. I guess I want to summarise the things that I’ve learnt so far, in this journey of life and hope to continue practising. Excuse the shabbily typed out brain dump. 1. Be humble, learn about yourself + the world
The brain is extremely tricky and stubborn. More often or not, we probably don’t know ourselves as much as we think we do. We tell ourselves narratives of who we are, especially when life is hard and we’re not feeling good.
Know yourself, in and out, through objective means. Cross-reference like crazy using personality tests (Attachment styles, MBTI, enneagram etc), horoscopes, ask your friends what they think of you. Constantly question: who am I really? 
Read and research repeatedly — read self-help + non fiction books / listen to talks + podcasts by renowned professionals that debunk your understanding of you and the world. I personally love watching Youtube vlogs of people I look up to - especially when I’m feeling down. The change in perspective is almost always refreshing.
From there, you can break the narratives that you tell yourself everyday. Knowledge is powerful, it keeps us humble and open. 
This journey of self-discovery has no end. But that’s the fun of it, because we are always changing as time goes. We’ve got to understand ourselves because no one else will do it for us. Truly understanding ourselves really is the first step to knowing what works for our lives.
2. Acknowledge your shortcomings, but celebrate everything As we learn about our strengths and weaknesses, there comes a point when we have to accept our shortcomings. Accept, then take action to improve on the things that we can. There’s going to be so much inertia at times - some days feel fine while others make you feel like you’re back to zero. 
Track your progress, celebrate the small wins. Encourage yourself constantly, be your biggest cheerleader. 
3. Your feelings are not you. Feelings come and they go.
Feel. Do not push away your feelings, even though they are so intense & you feel like you want to disappear. 
I find solace when I think of them as: 1) The sky. Yes, the weather changes, there are seasons. Rainy days, sunny days. But the blue sky can be there, at the core we are that beautiful calm sky. 2) The ocean. The waters are always different. Waves roll in as they roll out. Despite how the ocean behaves, you can’t help but think how beautiful and vast it is.
It’s so easy to attach yourself to intense feelings as they come, because you feel every ounce of it so deeply. The brain naturally attaches to painful feelings much easier than the good ones - its really our job to try to rewire its preference against negativity.
Fear, anxiety, sadness - they are real. But so is love, grit, resilience and all the wonderful emotions we have the pleasure to feel. 
4. Take good care of yourself. Find healthy coping mechanisms.
You are your biggest asset – believe it with all your heart. 
It can be really difficult — sometimes life feels so intense, there’s so much destructive energy, and a lot of times we take it out on ourselves if not on others. My question is — will you ever want the people you love to do the same thing, to suffer? No.
Instead of doing things that simply distract you, replace them with things that uplift you. There are things that are proven to work if you stick to them — journalling, working on what you love, exercising, meditating, hanging out with people who support you. Healthy coping mechanisms look different to everyone and they change over time - so find the things that help you feel better and hopeful about the future.
Taking care of yourself; no one is going to take that job and frankly, do we really want to pass that responsibility on to someone else? When we take care of ourselves, we then have the strength to tend towards those we love. 
5. Set boundaries
Boundaries. If only they taught that in school. 
Know your triggers. Set boundaries that protect you from your triggers. Communicate your boundaries, make sure to uphold them. Find people who respect your boundaries. 
Yes, there are some people who will shit on your boundaries, gaslight you blabla. Do not give them the power to affect your reality. Distance yourself if you can. Cut toxic people out of your life. If you can’t, try to do what’s within your means to not let them take away your energy.
We have a limited amount of energy in a day. More when we are having a good day, less when we wake up to a bad one. Where you place this energy, is where you choose your focus. Focus on the good, always.
6. Learn to plan
Some people are natural planners, but others are not due to their personality or the environment that they grew up in. It took me so many years to understand the power of planning, even more to learn how to do it. I’m still learning every day.
When you’re someone with emotions that come so intensely, planning takes a whole lot of stress off for your future self. Having a plan can also feel like hope. When the mind is depressed, at least there’s a routine to follow. Learn to plan the way that works for you + your life. Kickstart this by learning how other people plan (Youtube, I love you so much) & tweak it to your liking.
So many days when I felt like doing absolutely nothing. But doing absolutely nothing will only make you feel even more shit and its just a downward spiral.
Do the easy shit first, feel good about the easy shit, then do a slightly harder task and another and another. Remember to congratulate yourself always, even if that task is ‘eating a proper meal’. 
Oh yes, there are gonna be days when you can’t do anything even after planning .. when you absolutely can’t, don’t beat yourself up for it. Rest, recharge, try again.
7. Get up and learn
There’s going to be many bad days + failures. It’s life, we just got to accept that. But really what matters is getting up and learning from them. There’s always something positive to be learnt. A mistake not to be repeated. If your failures look similar, its life giving you the same lesson.
Getting up and learning is resilience, grit and humility. There’s nothing more romantic than this. 
8. You are not alone. Seek help.
We can do a lot, but sometimes there comes a point when we are just struggling way too hard. Ask for help. Reach out. A friend. A lover. A therapist.
You’ll find love and support in ways that you can’t imagine, plus the strength to live again, fuller + brighter.
9. The Breathe
It truly blew my mind when I learnt about the power of breath through yoga and meditation. When the mind is going absolutely batshit insane, don’t think - just breathe. There’s no point adding fuel to the fire. Breathing and being present in the moment - it recentres, grounds and resets.
Learn about the breath and how it affects you + the world around you. Sometimes — when I stop to properly breathe, I feel connected to the universe again. It’s simple but endlessly interesting.
That’s all I can remember for now. May peace and joy be part of your every day.
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yanderememes · 3 years
Hi hi if you're still doing matchup can I get one pls and thank you 🥺 so I used to be an istp but recently i took the mbti test again and i'm now an isfj 😀 astrology wise i have sun + ac sagittarius and moon taurus (although usually i find myself not acting like my sun sign a lot if not at all 😂 so i just vibe with my moon side the most) as for personality, i think i come across as reserved/shy and i withdrawl a lot but to my close ones i withdrawl even more and seldomly state my feelings. I do have a goofy side, like one time i decided to be a crackhead and wear a hawaiian shirt to my midterm test for goodluck 🤦‍♀️💁‍♀️ but that was a while ago. My love language is quality time + act of service, physical affection is fine if i'm in the mood for it (though with strangers it's a big no no).
P.s: thanks again for doing this ily 💗💖💓💞💓💞💝💝💓
Ah, an ISFJ!!! 🙌 Sensors are misrepresented and underappreciated in the MBTI community which is so unfortunate. STAND PROUD. I won't tolerate any hate towards sensors here. ISFJs are super sweet and supportive!
I ship with you Joseph, Mista, and Abbacchio!
Joseph will appreciate your goofy side because he's a goofball himself! I honestly can't imagine him having a partner who's boring.
I get the feeling you'd be able to just let loose and enjoy life with him. He'd be able to get you to try new things.
He's a total extrovert so I think he would help you get out of your shell
He's a really chill guy, so I think he would be able to handle both your crackhead moments and reserved side. He's just going with the flow~
He'd never push you to share or talk about your feelings because he knows it can be uncomfortable. He'd be more than willing to listen when you're ready to share
Speaking of wearing a Hawaiian shirt for good luck, I think the both of you could spend hours talking about superstitions (even if you don't believe in it), it would all be for fun since he's a firm believer of the number 4 being bad luck lmao.
Only another introvert would understand your need for alone time. Unlike Joseph and Mista who are extroverts, Abbacchio wouldn't force you to go out and do stuff with him. He's totally fine staying indoors and doing nothing cuz he likes it that way too
I think out of the 3, Abbacchio would truly treasure your love languages! I hc that Abbacchio also demonstrates his love through acts of service and quality time! So there's little room for miscommunication between you two
Your goofy side will catch him off guard but in a pleasant way. He'll probably chuckle at it, thinking its cute.
Thanks for the ask, ISFJ anon! Side note, I'm so glad that there's an ISFJ here because there are so many mistyped people out there and the intuitive bias is insane.
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angies-aesthetics · 3 years
Hey hey!! I know it says that requests are open, but I still hope that it's ok to send this in with you having a lot of em!
I came to ask for a Kin Matchup! I hope that sources Deltarune, Cookie Run, Pokémon, and Danganronpa (any game works!) are ok! You can remove one of them if it's too much! :0 (or add on if you feel like it >:3)
I'm an ENFP-T 9w1! (I recently took a more accurate personality test and it gave me this MBTI hehe) Well I'm overall more of an ambivert though? I just barely got E after all
Anyway!! My signs are:
Gemini - Sun
Pisces - Moon
Capricorn - Rising
A quick note ( in case it helps!) that I most likely have ADHD with every sign lining up, though it's definitely not confirmed yet since I have yet to get a place to get diagnosed officially,, it's kinda hard at this time y'know!
Alright, onto the actual good bits!
General personality traits I have, regardless of who I am around:
Generally, I'd consider myself kind! I care for others needs more than mine and tend to forget about myself a lot- but hey! Others say that I'm easy to talk to!
I generally have a problem with taking things seriously! I dunno I just?? Can't get into the mindset of being serious when I need to be? Like I can't relate man-
Another problem is that I maaaaay bottle up my emotions a lot and then tell people not to do that like a dumbass lmao
Aaand I also am a lousy multitasker- Like I cannot concentrate on more than one thing- especially auditory things! So if I'm doing something it's gonna take like 10 tries to get my attention by just talking-
And lastly, I'm very impulsive! Like impulse spending included- if I think something is funny I'm doing/buying it. No questions asked.
Ok and now specific things:
How I act in public differs a lot from how I act online!! I seem a bit quiet and withdrawn but in reality I'm just anxious and awkward and literally don't know what to say since physically interacting is EXHAUSTING- Well it's slightly to my advantage anyways since I can't talk a lot cuz otherwise my throat starts to hurt badly!
Thats- that's literally it really-
But online or around friends will be a lot more! I think!!
This is generally where I put a LOT of my energy! I'm, well, energetic and such, and I am also super super chaotic! It ties in with the impulse thing lol- if it's cursed IM MAKING IT. As long as it's appropriate of course!!
I love to joke around with friends and tease them about stuff, though I'll stop if they express their discomfort! Hopefully not in a way that looks like joking to me though because otherwise I'm gonna misunderstand- it's generally good to use tone indicators around me!
I express myself and my opinions a lot more, and will speak up if there's something that I don't think is right. At least when It's a small group and not a whole server-
Ok this wasn't a lot longer but that's ok??
Oh here are some of my kins if you need them:
• Sara Chidouin, B E A N I E M A N (weird combo I know but aha aha) -YTTD
• Hu Tao - Genshin Impact
Ok what else uhh
Hobbies!! I love to draw! I have been doing so for about 10 years now, and I'm not thinking of stopping anytime soon! 5 y/o me made the right choice to copy my sister with doing art as well >:)
I also love to play video games hehe- I prefer singleplayer, but I can do multi if I play with friends! Especially for stuff like Dead By Daylight- I'm not going in without at least one other person! That being said, my fav genres atm would probably be RPGs, Indies and horror! Horror doesn't give me the scares at all but it's amusing nonetheless!
I also really really love listening to music! I cannot go without it since I don't like it when theres a lot of people talking (either in general or to me)- my fav genre will always be Jazz
Pretty sure this should be all, please please take your time on this since it's long!! ★
hello!! you got it :]
for deltarune, you remind me of noelle holiday !! (I haven't played the new chp so this is all based off of what I remember from chp 1 lol) but she's super sweet, people oriented and friendly, but definitely more awkward generally (and especially around newer people) but this is mostly based off of vibes, if I'm honest !!
from cookie run, you remind me of pancake cookie !! they're a younger cookie, a little bit more childlike and wonderous, but enjoys playing with others and enjoys making new friends :] I really like them!!
from pokemon, I've decided to assign you both an actual pokemon and a character: for the pokemon, I think you remind me of the electric-type, emolga !! super cute and fun and a little mischievous!! and from pokemon swsh you remind me of Hop! he's really passionate and looks up to the people around him-- he's a bit bold and a little reckless at times, but he's very goal oriented and very personable!!
from danganronpa you remind me of aoi asahina !! she's super energetic and friendly, comes off as a little airheaded at times, but is really a sweetheart and loves taking care of others !!
I hope this was fun for you!! have a wonderful day!!
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Hi guys! I I'm an ENXP and I was looking for some advice about knowing myself better. I saw the mods are ENPs and maybe you guys could help me. I recently noticed a pattern regarding my own actions that is basically ruining my life. I seem to rely too much on my Ne, specially about my future and my career. I'm ruled by a need of pursuing anything that catches my attention in a determined moment. I obsess over it for a while and then move on. I've changed my major 4 times now. Every activity I do is temporary. And if I don't find something I can obsess over I get depressed and bored. Anyways, I think this has led me to not trust myself anymore, since I can't commit to anything because I lose interest in everything and I'm always looking for new possibilities. I have reached a point where I can't allow myself to pursue everything I want and I have to make decisions and commit. But I'm too scared to become trapped and take responsibility for my own decisions. I think this would be easier if I knew myself better, but I don't think I know who I am besides my own random interests, which is weird I guess. How can I develop my own Fi? Or Ti? How do you guys deal with your dominant Ne? How do you commit to things? I'm 23 by the way. Shouldn't I have developed some Fi or Ti or something by now? I turned to mbti because I wanted to gain a better understanding of myself but holy shit this is hard. I could only recognize my dominant Ne. All this self analysis seems useless if I don't really know myself, I realized I'm not self aware at all. So anyways, as fellows Ne doms how did you guys developed your auxiliary functions? Any advice will be amazing! Thank you guys for everything you do here!
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The first thing you need to do is recognize is you are an Enneagram 7 and all of this is ‘normal’ for them in lower health levels. To overcome this, you have to ‘grow up’ as a 7 and stop allowing fear of commitment or quick loss of focus from dominating your life. You have control over yourself, you are not utterly helpless to your whims (said the Fi user who has a moral tone of ‘you make your own choices and messes and you have to get out of them’ ;).
7s have to learn to be open to the scary idea of commitment to reap the dividends of hard work.
Read the 7 profile and see how allowing yourself to ‘run away’ from commitment (which includes not finishing or devoting yourself to any project) can hinder your life. Once you recognize WHAT you are doing, and WHY you are doing it, you can develop the power to STOP YOURSELF from doing it, or from allowing ‘excuses’ or fear to run you away from good things.
ENTP Mod. : Charity is right. Here is also where the judging functions come into play. With Fi, you can eventually weed out that which you aren't personally passionate about/ those goals which don't align with your personal values. With Ti, you can see a chain reaction of the patterns in your life, and determine the most effective path to help yourself using logic to streamline your processes, make it more elegant.
Slow the hell down. Force yourself to stop running toward the future and live right now. Repeat the mantra of ‘right now is all that matters today’ a 100 times an hour if you have to. Be present. Be invested. Bring yourself into ‘now.’
My co-mod is a 7w6 ENTP who suffers from a lot of the same issues; I will nudge her to offer her two cents to this post, in regards as to what she is currently doing about it. Basically, she had to talk herself into getting a permanent job rather than talking herself out of it. Once she got into it, she realized it didn’t suck as much as she feared. Her brain is her own worst enemy.
I had to talk myself into this job. I gave myself lots of reasons why I would love it. It might sound a little unrealistic going in with pre set expectations but at least you will not go in blind. Making a pros cons list is always a good idea. It helps to sift through your multiple ideas, and narrow down the ones which can really work. Test out the feasibility of your ideas, opportunities before hand. Talk to people, do your research. Just remember that things will never be as bad or boring as you think them to be. This is a cliche but something which helps me in the mornings when I know I have boring work to do is "Get up, dress up, show up. Never give up." Also it helps to live from day to day. Don't worry too far into the future, you never know what variables might upset your plans.
Work-wise, a 7 needs to travel, get the ‘high’ of meeting new people, and not to be involved in sheer detail-driven grunt work. They need challenges to work toward and obstacles to overcome. Pick a career that offers you all of that. If you do not, you will have a string of 6 months at ___ jobs that do not look good on your resume. Find a career in something that you feel passionate about, that offers some kind of mental stimulation.
ENTP 7 co-mod is an attorney who loves to find ways to ‘get around things’ in the law.
ENTP Mod. note: Always try to remember the root of your passion when you feel like defecting from one option to another. If you must leave, leverage what you have learned in one place and how you can dress that up to make your hopping about look good. That's what I did, and it worked for me. Some of the reasons I love my job are the constant intellectual stimulation, creative aspects of it, my love for criminology pays off, meeting interesting people. Sure there are sucky days when you have to deal with the bureaucratic demons. But that won't be every day. Unless your role requires you to do something like it. In which case I would suggest that you avoid picking up detail heavy, low Si or adherence related work which will make you feel miserable and frustrated. Try to pick something that plays to your strengths, improve your weaknesses. Compete with nobody but yourself. Every day you are better than you were, yesterday. Even with a little effort. It is important to not give up. It is so hard for 7s but we have the gift of rationalizing. So instead of using it as a mechanism to justify dropping things, use it to tell yourself why you should stick around. You as a 7 can make most things fun. So find little tricks and ways to make the work day fun. Whether it is achieving small, impactful targets or making games out of small, low stakes things. Also, having money and being able to live nicely is fun. Nobody is gonna pay you if they think that their money will be wasted on training you if your pattern is just leaving jobs. It took me a long time to develop this perspective but I am glad I did.
I (ENFP 6w5 sp/so) chose a career in magazine editing, because it gives me time to do what I actually love, which is write novels. I’m afraid I can’t give you advice from my own life that would work for you, because a 6w5 sp/so is far more focused and driven to finish their projects than a 7w6, which means I push through ‘the boring, tedious bits’ of projects regardless of how ‘excited’ I am. It’s not fun to edit a book 7 times, but I still do it. I force myself to show up to work, to sit there for 3 or 4 hours, and commit to X amount of words, pages, etc.
Do you think it’s “fun” for me always to keep this queue stocked, or to type up characters at the end of a long day because the queue is low? Or go back and update old profiles and move them from this blog onto wordpress? No. I hate it sometimes. It’s boring as hell. But I committed to it, I will see it through, even though looking into my “to update” folder makes me want to scream. I tackle huge projects one step at a time. I’m disciplined but I can procrastinate at work, rather than doing whatever needs doing.
Which really is the bottom line. You want to finish things? Just do them. Force yourself to show up and do the work, even if it’s “boring.” Most of life isn’t fun. Paying the bills isn’t fun. You do boring stuff to make a living, so you can have the money to do fun things. If you do not learn to do it, whether or not it is fun, you will wind up ‘stuck at home this month, because I have no money.’
That frustrates a 7 even more than being bored at work.
Accept that your fear of commitment is a fear-driven lie.
You are not going to get trapped by committing to something or someone. Head types massively over-think things and allow fear – in the 7’s case of “missing out” on better things – to dominate their life. Admit it’s fear. Admit that allowing fear to ruin your entire life is stupid. Then do something against the fear. Do the thing fear tells you not to: commit and work at it. Fight the urge every day to leave. Stick it out, and prove you ‘can’ to yourself.
Middle functions. You’re in college so you should be seeing either some Ti analyzing or Te “buckle down and set goals and get this schoolwork finished by the deadline” kicking in. Are you more inclined to self-doubt and beat yourself up like a young FiTe user after ‘failing’ to organize your time efficiently or to make excuses and blame external circumstances like a young TiFe user?
My Fi has always been strongly evident, though I didn’t know what it was at the time. Things that set off a NOPE response in me vs. the ‘rest of everything, which I don’t care about.’ The intense sensitivity as a child. The compassion for other people and especially for small animals. The understanding of emotional dynamics and how people ‘feel.’ The constant angst between caring too much about people’s feelings and being low Te blunt or rude when I’m having an off day. The ‘going away from everyone’ to deal with my feelings in private. I have always fiercely, Fi-ishly known what I like and do not like, and have no ability to ‘tolerate’ things that I do not like. Once, I didn’t like half the people seated at my table at a public event, so I shut down completely and did not say a word to anyone at the table for two hours. My Fe friend also hated them, but smiled and charmed them all. Lucky girl. She can fake her feelings. I can’t.
- ENFP Mod
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snapeaddict · 4 years
My interest in MBTI has dwindled for a long time now (I used to love all those types of tests, which led me to study the enneagram in school) but seeing your posts/rbs on its inaccuracy made me think of how recently, corporations in my country have been asking job applicants to write down their mbti types and how when I first heard it I was just struck by how weird that was,, I don’t know exactly how they use the info, but I fully agree that treating this as a science could have real damages
Yes it is exactly what I'm taking about when I say it can be damaging! It's really not about people enjoying it as entertainment or trying to find meaning in it while being aware it isn't psychology or science, I mean we all like to do this and it's great if it can be of use to people and for self motivation <3
For example saw on twitter:
To people bringing it up, I’m fully aware that Myers Briggs is essentially pseudoscience. I’ve never even understood it to be something people took literally at all? It’s just a fun personality test that can double as a nice way to self reflect.
And NO problem with that. It's even lovely and interesting.
BUT it is what it is: pseudoscience. You give it the meaning you want it to have. You cannot be not biased when it comes to yourself. And like my mother, a specialist, said, "it's not psychology, and there is often no point in this, because most people will be unable to improve their behaviour even with a broad overview of how they function at the moment they took the test." What can help and IS science is cognitive psychology (for example find out what are your automatic thoughts, the most important values in your life and your motivations to ACT accordingly. This works).
Dr. Adam Grant explained, “The Myers-Briggs is like asking people what do you like more: shoelaces or earrings? You tend to infer that there’s going to be an ‘aha!’ even though it’s not a valid question. ... [It] creates the illusion of expertise about psychology.”
Personality tests like Myers-Briggs give people labels. Those labels are often taken at face value and used as a fundamental aspect of a person's identity. "I am a [fill in the blank]."
Why is it harmful that this is used when hiring people?
1. The scientific grounds for the MBTI test are missing and based on OUTDATED science.
In 1917, Katharine Cook Briggs began research into personalities to determine her future son-in-law’s personality. Soon she was joined by Isabel Briggs Myers, who added the different personality types based on the then recent work of Carl Jung. Neither Myers nor Briggs were formally educated in psychology and lacked scientific credentials in the field of psychometric testing. The work attracted the attention of Henry Chauncey, head of the Educational Testing Service. They developed their work to a commercial test in 1975 then sold the test and the manual to Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP). MBTI is based on eight hypothetical assumptions and until this day there has been no scientific proof to support the claims of the method. Carl Jung admitted the basis of his research was anecdotal and has not been subjected to any control study. So he just made these things up by himself and added some stories from his friends. 
2. The black and white MBTI scales force binary behavior
3. The MBTI test results are a Self-fulfilling prophecy
4. It is a huge BUSINESS using pseudoscience to make profit
The test only takes 45 minutes and can be purchased by certified MBTI organizations. Most of the time it is an online test program. The MBTI test is owned by the MBTI Foundation and executed by Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP), a privately owned company with no annual report available online. At the MBTI Foundation you can certify yourself as an official MBTI testing facilitator (amongst others). A percentage of the money you pay for your MBTI test goes to CPP. A study by David J. Pittenger shows 2 million copies of the MBTI test are being sold annually. This roughly calculates to a market with an annual turnover of about 500 million dollar in testing fees alone. This explains the extensive investment in marketing and research projects to generate pseudo-scientific proof for this method. There is a lot of money to be made from MBTI testing and from the additional training and coaching programs. MBTI is big business.
5. Makes people believe PERSONALITY IS INNATE. Spoiler, it's not.
So using this in workplaces is damaging and wrong and unethical. It has no predictive value so isn't predictive of your performance.
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alucience · 5 years
Master Post - Key AU Information
So, I’ve decided that as my blog grows and information about this AU gets buried in old posts, I think it would be helpful to create a master post to organize all the information I believe is important for you to know. I’ll update this as I see fit. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! 
*Keep in mind that currently on Tumblr, if a post is reblogged by another person and then edited by the OP, the edits will not appear on the reblog - so, for the most up-to-date version of this post, please seek my blog’s description! I’ll keep a link for this there. 
What is this AU about?
In a nutshell: Titled “The Structure of Blood”, this AU explores the story of an ill man known as the Creovorce; a highly intelligent scientist skilled in bioengineering, microbiology, and chemistry. With demented morals and untreated quirks, he used his sharp mind to fulfil his desired philosophy of equilibrium: a balance between life and death. Using a perfect set of similar DNA samples he found and stole (DNA from sextuplets of course; same genetic base with different acquired traits, a perfect variable), he created six living beings. Six living beings programmed to kill, to end life rather than to give. He created a new nature; not one of reproduction or procreation, but one of simply destruction. One wired to see and accept and understand the concept of death rather than life. 
The Creovorce created Otsumatsu, Karumamatsu, Kyoromatsu, Shishimatsu, Kuchimatsu, and Toramatsu (later coined by Osomatsu as their “anti” versions). His perfect little creations were finally awake and curious, quiet and observant as the young little lives that they were. However, it soon became clear that the Creovorce had programmed a flaw, one that could not be undone: for in their beating hearts was a strange bond with their DNA donors. If their original counterparts were to die, so too would their hearts stop. Distraught by his mistake, the Creovorce was desperate to undo this weakness, this imperfection. Taken by his growing episodes of insanity, the Creovorce could not stop the six beings from plotting their escape. It was only 7 weeks after their birth that the oldest four - Otsumatsu, Karumamatsu, Kyoromatsu, and Shishimatsu - successfully broke out of the lab. The youngest two remained trapped, and Shishimatsu vanished. From there, the older three reached out, trying to find their counterparts as soon as possible. Counterparts that didn’t even know they existed. 
The rest of the story is written in my documents (200 pages and counting), but isn’t fully available online or in comics.
Where can I read the comics for The Structure of Blood?
Due to personal issues and my fluctuating mental health, I don’t have much done - even after all this time. I’ve tried to start the comic three times over (all at different points in the storyline), but never finished them. You can read what I have here:
- This was the start of it all. It’s several years old (from 2017, so I was still in high school) and a tad bit cringy, and in the end I was just never satisfied with it. I got farther here though than I did with any of the others, so here are the links! Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 
- This is one that I worked very hard on at the time, and it looks the most official - but I haven’t had the motivation to finish chapter 2 yet. Who knows if I ever will. It starts out with the backstory of the antis, narrated by Anti Kara. (This is from 2018.) Chapter 1
- This is my most recent one, but still a few years old by now (from 2019). It takes place a little later in the story, AFTER the oldest four antis escape the lab and met their counterparts. They were recaptured with the help of Karamatsu (who by this point is acquainted with his anti, Karumamatsu), and Karamatsu is now in the lab with the Creovorce, busy contemplating some harsh lies. This one was drawn on paper in hopes of getting more production, though I haven’t updated it in some time. Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 
Who are the “antis”? (Detailed) 
The “antis” (a term coined by Osomatsu) are the six beings of destructions created by the Creovorce using the original brothers’ DNA. Although they possess adult bodies and the innate intelligence of a regular person, they are only seven weeks old. Despite their violent nature, they hold a child-like essence, being naïve, simple-minded, wide-eyed/curious, observant, and truly lacking bias. They still take naps and have some childish quirks such as rubbing their eyes when sleepy, twirling a strand of hair with their finger when bored or tired, staring at and studying faces closely when curious (like, to the point where they break boundaries), touching others’ faces when analyzing or observing, becoming rowdy right before bed, innocently mimicking others to understand the purpose of an action, and holding no boundaries between themselves and their counterparts (such as grabbing on to them, keeping them physically close, playing with their hair, etc). 
I have a post that discusses their name meaning/kanji, MBTI type, birthday, and general personality/information (plus information on The Creovorce). To read that, click here.
Why do the antis all seem to hate Shishimatsu (Anti Ichi)?
Well, it started at the lab. As the antis were created, the Creovorce spent time and energy day after day studying them, testing them, loading them with information through tubes and wires. With every little flaw he caught - whether it be behavioral, physical, mental, emotional, - he took all of them back into the testing tubes and manually fixed. Although the tubes left them unfazed, it’s not like they liked it (or really the Creovorce, for that matter. Or each other. They weren’t very happy fellas.). So when it became clear that Shishimatsu had the most quirks (often emotional) that the Creovorce saw needed to be fixed, the others were pretty exasperated. Time and time, it was Shishimatsu’s fault yet again. Back to the tubes. Back to the tubes again. Oh, here we go again. The others don’t necessarily hate him for this, but it gave them someone to blame and make fun of.
As for the younger two - Kuchimatsu and Toramatsu - their hate stems from a different reason. When the antis sought to escape the lab and formed together, the plan was that all of them would make it out - it was the only way to defeat the Creovorce. It was all or nothing. None of them could rise against him alone, not when this was a person who knew them better than they did themselves. However, the plan fell through. Shishimatsu made a mistake while attempting to separate from the others during their escape, and the result was that Kuchimatsu and Toramatsu were trapped and left behind. As the others ran free, the younger two were left to grow their hatred together as their lives were put in danger in a situation that was out of their control. All because of Shishimatsu. 
Why didn’t Anti Jyushi or Anti Todo escape the lab at the beginning of the story?
Seek the answer above. 
Why do the antis cuddle with their counterparts when they sleep? Aren’t they supposed to be vicious?
This is a concept I’ve had since the beginning of the story way back in early 2017, but I realize I’ve never actually explained it here. The antis themselves are very light sleepers - they’re programmed to be alert and ready for a fight at all times. They don’t even dream at night. This increase in sensitivity gives the antis a special intuitive ability that aids in their protection: the ability to detect irregularities in a person’s heartbeat. When an anti sleeps with his head resting against his counterpart’s chest, he can sleep listening to their heartbeat. Even during their most vulnerable state, they feel a sense of control when they can unconsciously detect wakefulness, sleep, dreams, anxiety, excitement, etc. It’s commonplace for the anti to wake up multiple times during the night as their counterpart dreams and speeds up or slows down their heart rate. My friend described them as living baby monitors. 
It’s also likely they find subconscious comfort in hearing a heartbeat that matches their own. After all, if their counterpart dies, so do they. Even as violent killers, the beating signifies life and therefore hushes them slightly. 
Why don’t the antis dream?
Again, another early concept that I’ve never explained. It was supposed to be revealed later on in the story, but that’s taking too long. 
During the time that the antis’ bodies were still developing at the lab, they resided in testing tubes in a state referred to as “cunae” where they could not breathe air or experience full consciousness. As their growth progressed closer to their “birth”, the Creovorce took note that Anti Oso (Otsumatsu) had developed nightmares. As the nightmares began taking a toll on his development, the Creovorce saw this as a flaw and - just as he did any other “flaw” - erased it. From that point on, the antis lost their ability to dream. 
Otsumatsu remembers this. He remembers his nightmares. He doesn’t recall seeing or hearing anything, or even what they were about - but he knows he had them, and he remembers what they felt like. He remembers the feeling of helplessness and terror, but nothing more. He also remembers the point where they suddenly stopped. The “flaw” had been fixed. While he was aware that he was the reason they don’t dream, the others grew up not even knowing what dreams were.
What sexual orientation are the antis? 
The antis are being of destruction, and therefore find no use in attempting to procreate. Their sex drive is pretty much as dead as anything else that comes in contact with them. 
Sometimes it’s fun to imagine what a beast one of them would be in bed though~ I don’t blame you for that. 
Is the story for this AU actually finished?
Ehh that’s a complicated question. There are several story arcs in my documents that I continue to play around with and add to. Some arcs are complete, some are almost complete, and others continue to get added to over time.
Worst case scenario: years and years down the road when everyone’s abandoned this story/fandom and I’ve moved on to other AUs, I’ll just tell you guys how it ends (anyone who’s even interested in hearing anyway). I mean, I’ve seen unfinished AUs before and it drives me mad never learning how it ends or what happens. I’m way too nostalgic to do that. 
What is this blog’s relation to the timeline of the AU? 
It’s a little hard to explain. The official AU/story is its own thing. I even update the comic every once in a while (thought I’m not very consistent - which is my bad!) 
Meanwhile on the blog, I like to just pretend that the story already happened and now Anti Oso and Anti Kara (and sometimes the other four in some scenarios) are all just living with the sextuplets at the Matsuno Household. Since they have nowhere else to go, they’re allowed to live with them as long as they don’t kill anyone (and they get their sedatives every night). 
I always like to remind people that the scenario on the blog may be inconsistent with the original story. For instance, if in the AU Shonosuke had died, then maybe he’s suddenly back on the blog for comedic purposes or something. Or if Anti Oso moved to Australia in the AU and now he’s suddenly back on the blog, despite him moving. The blog isn’t necessarily canon - but feel free to ask what is and isn’t. 
Are there any other posts you think are important?
I think each post provides just a little more insight on the lives and personalities of the antis. My Tumblr blog was started in 2017 and has lots of early comics and stories you can scroll through (since this was originally an Anti Kara ask blog). There are some things that are even too old to have been posted on my Twitter. 
If you don’t want to spend a thousand years scrolling, you can see most of my artwork without all the annoying text posts on DeviantArt (yeah I know, we’re in the 20′s and I’m still using DA). I’ve even compiled a Journal entry on my page that compiles a list of questions people have asked me over the years regarding this AU. Check out my DA here.
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stusbunker · 4 years
Dr. Emery Simmons-Winchester
Hey guys! An ask post got me thinking about my girl Emery from my Sam series For Better or Worst.
So I decided to fill out the questions about her, in case you’re interested since a lot of her background has been kept as only small glimpses due to the plot so far. Here are those questions from the ASK POST. (Since I know no one would actually send me asks, especially about OCs.)
1. What is their gender?
2. What is their sexuality?
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
Meaning: Derived from Emmerich, which can mean brave and powerful. Also a hard, dark substance (i.e. emery boards)
Sam calls her ‘Em’ and ‘Baby’
Georgie used to call her Mama E
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with?
She has an older half brother that she isn’t close with, but that’s just because he lived across the country from her and her son.
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Emery loved her parents to the ends of the earth. Though her dad wasn’t always around, his parents helped raise her. She was by her mother’s side when she died from cancer.
6. What would they give their life for?
Georgie. And redemption. Though there are others that she cares for and her dedication to them will be tested deeply soon.
7. Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet?
Is an arranged marriage romantic? I guess it depends on who you ask. She is currently married to Sam Winchester. They met via some shady dealings from one Naomi, Angel of the Lord.
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Can I laugh at how deep we are getting in the “Basics” section of this?! Like, damn and then the next question is like a Teen Bop quiz.
Emery believes in Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. She grew as a psychic, knowing the world as it exists on the show. She still believes the angels are on humanity’s side and are her path to forgiveness, if not salvation.
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
Emery likes rich earth tones with some gold in for accents. She looks good in just about anything though.
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
She is a medieval history professor, and an outstanding lecturer. She reads people really well, even after losing her psychic powers. She has a decent singing voice. Is an amazing mom. And when she makes up her mind to do something, she follows through. Very hard to change her mind or challenge her moral compass.
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
Just that the world was better, in any small way, from her influence.
12. How old are they? When is their birthday?
She is 39, born January 16, 1981.
13. What do they do for fun?
Read. Play with her dog Bandit. Go for walks. Listen to music. She used to mess with people who didn’t know she was psychic, but nothing malicious just little things that would stump strangers. She also used to play video games with Georgie.
14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it?
Potatoes in all of their glorious forms. She also love Cajun cuisine. She isn’t much of a cook, because she never had time to go all out. But french fries are easy enough to come by!
15. What was something their parents taught them?
That no matter who you are, you have a place in this world and a job to do.
Family always comes first.
16. Are they religious?
Yes, but most of the strict devotion rose from the death of her son.
17. Where were they born?
Gary, Indiana
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages?
Different dialects of American English. She can read Old English and Middle English from her years of study.
Latin, from high school and some college.
19. What is their occupation?
Currently a professor, formerly a part-time psychic.
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them?
She has a PHD in History and a Masters in Education. Dr. Simmons-Winchester if you’d like. ;)
21. What is their favorite thing about their personality?
She appreciates her own snark, when it comes out.
22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?
Her psychic upbringing game her a lot of empathy for others. She hates how weak that makes her seem.
23. Do they get lonely easily?
No, she keeps too busy to feel lonely. Her son was always enough for her... until she found Sam.
24. Do you know their MBTI type?
No because those tests are way too fucking long.
25. What is their biggest flaw?
Self-assigned guilt.
26. Are they aware of their flaws?
Not all of them, who is?
27. What is their biggest strength?
Her dedication.
28. Are they aware of their strengths?
Yes, she isn’t one to sell herself short.
29. How would they describe their own personality?
She would say she is smart, kind and generally tough.
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
She isn’t one for physical violence, but she will stand up vocally. She has had to defend herself physically in the past and that cost her her son.
31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
Constantly, in the past it was mostly her son, but now also her husband.
32. What is their self esteem like?
Good. She owns her strengths and is aware of her shortcomings. Though she is slightly shaken from a recent rejection, but she knows better than to get too attached when there are other factors in play.
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
Failure to protect her son. She would go to the ends of possibility to save him.
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives?
It took almost five months of an arranged marriage for her to tell Sam about her son, his death and her side of their deal with Heaven. Though she trusts Sam, she didn’t reveal much about her past.
We’re going to have to wait and see if she can trust Sam or Cas with her life.
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
Talk cruelly about other people on end. Chew with your mouth open.
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.
She has a pretty decent sense of humor. Not too dark, but definitely has a sarcastic streak. I think she would love memes, especially living with a preteen gamer, she would have seen her share. But she’s still a dorky mom, so she only shares the obvious ones with her TAs.
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37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
Fairly easy, especially with family. Never.
38. What do others admire most about their personality?
Her strength of character and her determination to DO GOOD.
39. What does their happily ever after look like?
She hasn’t really thought about it beyond the task at hand. Keeping up her charade with Sam in order to save Georgie’s soul and Dean. They have quiet the dream life from the outside: great jobs, nice house in a good neighborhood. But none of that can last, not for them. Right?
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
Her mother, but she passed about two years ago. Yes.
Physical Profile:
41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh?
Her voice is smoky, much like her faceclaim Rashida Jones. Her laugh can get breathy or silent if it is a really deep one. She laughs in little spells, but nothing like she used to.
42. What is their favorite thing about their physical appearance?
Her sparkling hazel eyes.
43. What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance?
She thinks she has a big nose. But her complex is so good, she doesn’t dwell.
44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars?
Yes, she had a total hysterectomy after her mother died so she has laparoscopic scaring. She also has stretch marks from pregnancy. The biggest scars are on her left upper arm, where her son scratched her when he first shifted into a werewolf.
45. How would they describe their own appearance?
Just a 30-someting mixed girl rocking what she’s got.
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
She is tempered first and foremost. Being vulnerable is not something she does regularly, but she doesn’t hide the big things. They’re too much for a reason.
47.    What’s their pain tolerance like? 
She is a women of color and a single mother, her pain tolerance is insanely high because people don’t listen anyway. (yes, that’s shade)
48. Do they have any tattoos? What are the stories behind those tattoos?
She doesn’t. (Desperately trying to remember if she does now... oops?)
49. Do they have any piercings?
Just a single on both ears.
51. What is their height? Weight?
5′4″ 130lbs ish
52. What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc?
She thin, not overly fit.
53. What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone?
Dark brown/ Hazel/ Dark Beige
55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?
She has a fairly low tolerance for alcohol, but that’s generally because she doesn’t drink often. When she gets wine drunk she gets affectionate. The few times she has been hungover have been exhausting because she doesn’t give her self time to recover.
56. What do they smell like? Why do they smell like this? (Is it the things they’re around or a perfume they wear?)
Her natural scent is warm spices, with almost a vanilla finish. She has a jasmine perfume that makes her slightly more feminine and floral.
57. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin?
She hasn’t had an active sex life until she married Sam. Before that it had been a few years. No, she isn’t a virgin and this is a dumb question because it is an outdated misogynistic construct.
58. What is their most noticeable physical attribute?
Her big, bright, multicolored eyes. Then her smile.
59. What does their resting face look like? Do they have RBF?
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Not exactly resting, but you get the point. Yes.
60. Describe the way they sleep.
She sleeps curled on her side, in the middle of the bed. If Sam’s already up, she is stealing his pillow to cuddle. If Sam is sleeping elsewhere, she stays to her side.
61. Which season is their favorite season?
Summer, though she was born in the winter, she prefers it if she can function outside or at least read by the lake.
62. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others?
Okay, yes, everyone has been betrayed. She is currently dealing with the ramifications of an unjust deal with Heaven. It’s not easy for her.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
Her dog Bandit.
64. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily?
Yes, she is a slight woman, she gets cold easily.
65. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick?
She has a solid immune system, even when she gets sick she powers through. Bad mental health days knock her down a few pegs though.
66. Where do they live? Do they like it there?
Currently living in Denver, CO with Sam and Bandit. She lived in Chicago with her son and dog previously.
67. Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room?
No, she keeps her bedroom clean because she shares it (for the most part) now. The bathroom and kitchen are always spotless. The living room is a little cluttered, but that’s generally Bandit’s toys and research she leaves out when she’s not grading in the dining room.
68. How did their environment growing up affect their personality?
She was surrounded by love. Her mom was a waitress at a diner and her paternal granddad and big mama helped raised her. She knew she had to work hard for anything to come to her and she also was psychic so she was able to sense how her family was “odd” or “wrong” depending on whose thoughts she heard. She grew up learning to respect people and kill them with kindness, or wit if she had to.
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
See above.
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?
She loves animals, but is very much a dog person. Yes, Bandit, the best boy ever.
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
She is amazing with kids, especially one on one. She has a son George, who would have been 13 last spring. She is unable to have more.
72.   Would they rather have stability or comfort? 
Stability. Knowing what to expect is its own level of comfort.
73. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors?
She is generally indoors, but generally all of her active free time is spent outside.
74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms?
To be in, sunny and clear. She likes storms from the safety of inside and thunder more than the lightning.
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
She would probably doodle old geometric patterns found on ancient manuscripts as a border. Possibly make a list of things that need doing or write the same word over and over again in different fonts.
76. How organized are they?
Fairly, not obsessively so.
77. What is their most prized possession?
Her PhD.
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend?
She was close with a few colleagues at her last job, a small college just outside of Chicago. But her mother was her best friend so it is hard to put that title on someone else since she lost her.
79. What is their economic situation? 
Currently upper-middle class. Previously working class struggling with medical bills.
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
She is not a morning person, but doesn’t stay up too late unless she has too.
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
No. Unless someone is severely hurt.
82. What is their handwriting like?
Not too neat, but generally a combination of print and cursive.
83. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim?
Yes, well enough to not die, she doesn’t know all the strokes or anything. Sure, but not as much as she likes sunbathing.
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best?
Oh, this is a tough one! I am going to say Envy, because though she had a great family growing up, she was still very much aware of what other people had. And their problems always seemed so frivolous.
85. Do they believe in ghosts?
Yes, she was a psychic, she spoken to spirits before.
86. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays?
She has her great-grandmother’s china that she keeps for the big holidays, Christmas, Easter, etc. She would host the cousins and aunties with her grandma and once her mom got too sick, it was harder to get everyone together. She and George would go to her Aunt Janice’s house when they could for Sunday dinner, but traffic in and out of the city was a pain during the school year.
87. What is something they regret?
Killing her son in self-defense.
88. Do they have an accent?
Not usually, she was in an academic setting for so long she doesn’t let it slip out often.
89. What is their D&D alignment?
Neutral Good, laws and those who enforce them should evolve quicker than they do.
90. Are they right or left handed?
92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
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93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
She groaned, grabbing his face in both her hands. “Fine! Asshole. But you better make it worth it.”
She was pointing a finger at his agreeing puppy dog face now.
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My Classpects Through the Years
I started getting into Homestuck in late 2012, about a year after [S] Cascade dropped, and like most of y’all I got pretty interested in the system of Classes and Aspects.
...Okay, I got obsessed with it. Who wouldn’t? A highly-flexible system of essentially taking an aspect of reality and interpreting it through the lens of a key verb or idea, creating unique and self-determined power sets limited only by your own imagination? That’s wild. And when I say I got into it, I mean I really got into it. I dove deep into Homestuck’s lore, reading up on popular and somewhat fringe theories about what each Aspect related to, how the Classes utilized them, what the potential Active/Passive pairings were, and how certain Aspects seemed to oppose each other. I even went so far as to contribute to a theory regarding the future of Tavros Nitram, which... didn’t exactly pan out as expected... but it was a ton of fun! And of course, while I was certainly interested in what this all meant for our cast of characters, I was also interested in how it could be interpreted and/or applied to real people.
People are, of course, far more complicated than a simple personality test could possibly explain, but I still got a lot of entertainment out of trying to pin down the classpects of characters or people I knew irl. Which naturally included me. Looking back on it, I think it’s very interesting to see the progression in ideas that led up to my more recent musings, so I figured it would be cool to dive into that and share my past and current classpects here!
All images are pulled from the Homestuck Classpect Chart Updated posted by JosiahR94 on DeviantArt.
Artists: Zynchilada (compiled, partially drawn) and Owyn (updated at original resolution). Both blogs listed on the artwork have since been deactivated.
2012-2013 - Knight of Breath
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This one is the byproduct of some test manipulation on my part - the fan test I was using was based on MBTI and Jungian archetypes, and honestly I’ve never found them to remain accurate for longer than a couple months at a time. I’ve wound my way around four different MBTI results over the years so I’m not inclined to use them as the basis for much, especially since the original test included fan-created classes and aspects that I really didn’t understand or jive with. But even once I narrowed it down to strictly canonical classes and aspects, I still wound up going with the 3rd-most accurate one. At the time I saw the Knight as the Active Exploiter class, the type to jump into action and wield their aspect as a weapon. I really related the idea of a detached loner who was fiercely protective of their friends, and John had shown off very, very recently (for me, anyway) just how powerful wind could be. The powers were sick, the outfit was neat, and it was absolutely wrong in nearly every way. Nearly. But we’ll get to that.
2013-2015 - Seer of Doom
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You’re probably a little familiar with this one if you’ve been keeping up with Homestuck theorists lately, as there are two prolific content creators I know of who identify as Seers of Doom. For some time, I did too! The change was largely brought about because I thought my initial Knight of Breath result hadn’t been accurate enough, and also because I wanted to try my hand at classpecting myself without the aid of tests. At the time I was really feeling the Doom aspect and I saw myself as a guide (or maybe a teacher?) so it felt like it fit. There was just one sliiiight problem - I was entirely focused on how the Doom aspect related to the problems I was having in my life, rather than how I viewed the world around me and interacted with it. I still felt like I was sort of onto something with Doom, but it took some major life events to give me the nudge I needed to see things a little more clearly...
2015-2020 - Sylph of Life
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For me, 2015 felt like the year I was finally coming out of my funk and figuring my shit out. It’s the year I started taking college courses (well, a college course), getting into meetups, making new friends, and reinventing myself. At some point I decided that the issue with my initial Doom analysis was that I was overly focused on the challenges I had instead of how I actually dealt with them, and my new aggressively-optimistic outlook would simply not mesh with Doom. Not one bit. I also felt that my class didn’t quite fit, and Sylph was sitting right there with their magick-y healing and creation powerset -- the ultimate support, and the type of person who makes their own way through life by simply refusing to accept they could be stopped or put down by anything. By the time the Extended Zodiac Quiz came out in 2017 and confirmed I was Lifebound, I had already proven to be on top of my game in college in a creative field. I joined our LGBT+ club and started somewhat aggressively railing against overly-restrictive labels and social constructs in Contemporary English to the point that I was exceeding the page limit on our essay assignments on a regular basis and still felt I wasn’t saying everything I wanted to say. Sylph of Life just clicked for me in a way the Knight of Breath and Seer of Doom never had, so I figured I’d nailed it.
Then, earlier this year, I found out I was actually a girl.
2020-Present - Knight of Life... or maybe Heart???
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Imagine for a minute that you’re at a theater watching some movie through the perspective of the protagonist. You think you’ve got the plot all figured out, you’re guessing every story beat, and then in the last 5 minutes the big twist reveals the protagonist has unwittingly been an unreliable narrator for the last two hours. Literally everything you thought you understood has been flipped on its head, and it’s still good but it’s all very confusing. You leave the theater wondering what you just watched, and as you turn on your car you suddenly realize there were subtle hints foreshadowing the twist for over half the film. With every passing second the pieces start coming together, and you just know that watching it again would leave you going “How the hell did I miss that?!”
That’s about the best way I can explain what I’ve been experiencing for the past four-ish months. All the puzzle pieces I had put together were thrown totally out of whack and I’m finding every day that there are aspects of myself and my personality that I never knew where there. Discovering myself is hard work, but it’s a wonderful feeling, and it’s no wonder that on the heels of this I’m seriously vibing with the aspect relating to Personal Identity. That said, I still find myself parsing labels and identity through the lens of Life - words which are too restrictive to properly convey who I am, and an experience that can’t be explained or constrained by the stereotypical narrative people tend to have about people who are bisexual, polyamorous, transgender, and at once more complicated than those words can really describe. When I take the Extended Zodiac Quiz I find that I’m still Lifebound, but changing even a single question by a single step leaves me Heartbound instead, and I think that dichotomy really mirrors where I feel I’m at as a person.
Class-wise, I feel drawn to both Sylph and Knight to a degree, but in the years since I first chose the Knight of Breath classpect I have come to understand the class as a Passive Server - one who gives for the benefit of others - and that speaks to me. The wonderful Mythological Class Quiz by @homestuckexamination has only confirmed my suspicions about that. I have yet to decide between Knight of Life and Knight of Heart, but they’re both very interesting classpects imo, and either way I’m sure I’ll be spending far too much of my free time developing powers and things for them :P
Whew, that’s a lot of words! But what exactly does it all mean? Well... if you ask me, Classpecting is sort of a process. I’m sure that, years down the line, I’ll probably say I had it all wrong and I’m actually some other combination of class and aspect, and I’ll reminisce about the days when I was so obviously misreading myself. But that’s kind of the fun of it, isn’t it? It’s just another form of personality quiz, albeit one where you get sick powers and a nifty set of pajamas at the end. And for all the good that introspection can do to help you understand yourself a little better, you better believe I’m going to be spending the next hour or two debating whether passing out heals and buffs while tanking everything would be more cool than body-surfing and turning enemies into clones à la Agent Smith in The Matrix: Reloaded.
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stfuisaac · 4 years
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hello hello it’s lucky again and,, sadly,, we don’t have the technology that makes the thoughts we have just.... appear onto our screens yet... so this took a hot sec and still isn’t perfect bc i don’t plan on proofreading :\ but! here,, is,, my new,, drummer boy,, parumpumpumpum
‹ avan jogia, he/him, cis man, bisexual. › ISAAC BAROT is the TWENTY-SEVEN year old from SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. when a friend asked them what they thought of the manor they said,  ❝ I HEARD THIS IS WHERE THEY DECIDED TO MAKE THE TWILIGHT ZONE. ❞ they claim GET OUT is their favorite scary movie, and if they were to die in a horror film they would BE OBLIVIOUS TO THERE EVEN BEING A KILLER UNTIL IT’S TOO LATE. their fears include MANNEQUINS, HITCH-HIKERS and DYING WITH NOTHING TO SHOW, and they don’t know we know, but… HE GOT INTO A (MUTUALLY) NEAR FATAL ALTERCATION WITH A STRANGER HE GAVE A RIDE TO (YES, HE WAS AN UBER DRIVER - HIS GREATEST SHAME). hope they enjoy their stay. ‹ PLATANCHOR requested by JOAKIM from STRESSED OUT penned by, LUCKY, 20, EST. ›
full name: isaac benjamin barot
date of birth: september 12, 1992
*does not perfectly reflect the below Big Three zodiac chart because that’s so much math
zodiac big three: virgo sun, taurus moon, libra rising
gender & pronouns: cis man & he/him
sexual orientation: bisexual
occupation: session drummer + lyft driver + ex-uber driver
mbti: entp
enneagram: 5w6
the song i listen to on repeat while i write the intro: “deja vu” - roger waters
alright. so.
isaac's backstory is neither tragic nor easy. his father was an immigrant who married his mother solely to get a green card (y’all, to be fair... the citizenship tests are whack). there wasn’t any real romance between the two, but the drop-ins always said otherwise. no, outside of putting on a show for government officials, isaac’s father and mother were friends at the best of times.
the best of times culminated in a son who grew up in an interesting dynamic. his father and mother never even attempted to be anything more than friends (with, as you can see, the occasional benefits). after the check-ins finally stopped, his father and mother even began sleeping in different rooms. his mother would trade in her queen for a double and replace the space his father used to take up with his cradle.
it was nothing like the ‘unhappy marriage’ trope, though... again, because they barely ever pretended to be married. they would take their wedding rings off when they went out with friends. sometimes they would even take off their rings around each other and talk the other up to someone attractive.
so it was unorthodox, but it was much better than his parents pretending to be in love in that way and giving him a skewed version of what romance should look like.
one down-side to it, though, was that isaac never knew who he was supposed to go to for what. usually it’s just a given that “if you need/want x, go to the matriarch, if you need/want y, go to the patriarch” but... what happens... when your parents are basically just your friends?
so thank god for growing up in the age of technology. like,, ya,, a literal baby can’t google things like “how to say ‘mom’” but a 15y/o can google “how to shave”
so... ya... his parents were his friends, the internet was his parent(s?).
one thing the internet couldn’t do? give him drums. it could introduce him to the likes of ringo starr, john bonham, keith moon, and ginger baker, but it couldn’t give him drums... not when he was only, like... 10, at least.
so he put a set on his christmas wishlist and figured they would divide amongst themselves.
so ya, his 10th christmas, he got a shitty little rockwood hohner kit that he would use for the next nine years.
he never received any professional training. again, he didn’t know who to ask and... youtube wouldn’t exist for another three years. he tried to teach himself using a few books and, if nothing else, figured out a few simple beats and how to gain independence.
after learning those simple little beats and not knowing if he wanted to buy the next book, he decided to take a break and, instead of going back to professional books, he’d just listen to some of his favorite tracks... most of which were ginger baker... which made things kind of hard when he only had one bass drum, two tom-toms, and one floor tom. those, plus the really low quality pearl cymbals. still, he did his best to make it work.
just a side-note that, because of videos of ginger, isaac used (and still uses, out of habit) a mix of traditional and matched grip.
he went back and forth between the books and mimicking the patterns of other drummers (mostly ginger) up until he was around 16 and his friend, ribs (y’all), decided to teach him a few more technical skills. what you want to learn for this song are polyrhythms, but those are hard and no, ginger isn’t using a crash there, he’s using a splash and do you want a discount on some better cymbals and drumheads from my parents’s music shop because this is a very functional kit but it kind of sounds whack
he continued using the same whack kit, but replaced the heads with aquarians, as per ribs’s recommendation (but evans and remo are also good) and, after literally examining baker’s kit, replaced the cymbals with various zildjian collections
even though we stan istanbul agop in this house.
he also started listening to more drummers than... pretty much just baker with a hint of john bonham, keith moon, and ringo starr. as his friend suggested, he tried out drummers like buddy rich, art blakey, travis barker, dave grohl, karen carpenter, neil peart, nick mason, simon phillips –– even was told to listen to ac/dc songs just to see how a successful band could be made using essentially the same beat over and over and over.
so now he had some split time. school. work. practice. figure out who the hell was making dinner that night/if there was someone making dinner last night because they might both be talking each other up.
although he applied to various colleges, and although some of these colleges actually accepted him, he ultimately decided not to go. instead, he moved from san jose to los angeles in the hopes that he’d find something bigger than himself... and a new drum set...
he found the latter in a ludwig kit with two bass drums, two tom-toms, and two floor toms. then he just added a bunch of stuff and tried to make it like ginger baker’s. pretty much spent all of his money on it and then some.
when his friends formed a band and found success, he was very very happy for them... but... he found himself stuck... driving ubers.
and lyfts!
he’d seen the twilight zone before. he loved that show. he’d seen the episode ‘the hitch-hiker,’ so he was really driving for the companies against his better judgment. 
his worst uber story? the time a guy got into the car, had pinged a location that was still marked as a store on the uber gps but had recently been torn down, and tried to attack him when they got there :\ he 110% fought back, though. was fired because the other guy was the one who made it out injured.
only drove for lyft after that :\
he did take on a few projects, but he... proved to be too much of a roger waters for people who just wanted to chill and have fun. there would be adverts for people who wanted to form a band and he’d be like “hell yeah! finally! a band!” then he’d get pissed that they advertised it so seriously but really... just wanted to jam. did not have any plans to try to do anything with it.
the few projects he did join that involved people who wanted to actually achieve success... if they were slacking, you best bet his inner roger waters came out! which is why he never stuck around in any projects for too long!
but ‘projects’ and ‘jam sessions’ were totally different. you want to do ‘wipeout’ in a project? he’s gonna take that intro that literally everyone on the planet knows SERIOUSLY. you want to do ‘wipeout’ in a jam session? LET’S HAVE SOME FUN WITH IT.
he does some session/studio drumming for other artists to make some extra money while doing something he genuinely enjoys... but... still... it is no project™
in between things right now, he got a call from joakim that, while muffled and staticky, sounded like it said ‘get here, please’ and clearly stated where he was.
of course, voicemail lines were crossed and many many many essential words were left out – words that were basically saying the exact opposite ahfsdkjl. the shadow’s really playin them :\
so here he is, in all his glory.
i was gonna kms if i didn’t play another drummer, so this is my ginger baker fanboy whose parents were literally just best friends and, as a result, were also both his friend. the internet raised him. started playing drums when he was 10 on a low qual kit with low qual cymbals that his parents got him for christmas, but literally why would you get a beginning a good set? continued playing. eventually moved to los angeles and tried to form many successful projects, but was too much of a roger waters. was summoned up here by the shadow man fucking around joakim. his greatest shame is how many ubers he has driven.
he will always say his proudest moment was when he learned how to play ‘toad’ by ginger baker cream all the way through.
big ginger baker fanboy.
loves the twilight zone and will just spill a random fact out about it every now and again.
a lowkey control freak which completely goes against the way he dresses and the vibe he gives off. 
is only a dick about it if you’re part of one of his ‘projects’ but aren’t taking it seriously tho :\
ok i’m too tired 2 write a personality section rn when im already rly bad at them but!! again!! feel free 2 j refer to the zodiac big three + the personality types!!
mannequins: they’re already creepy enough when you really think about it, then you add in that episode of the twilight zone where the characters wake up in an unfamiliar house and go outside and basically everyone is just a mannequin? ya he hates mannequins.
hitch-hikers: so, as we have just seen, he’s had it bad enough with people who were registered to an app, paying, their personal information readily available, etc., etc... so then what would happen if it was just a complete and utter stranger who didn’t have any personal information, any ping, and was the sole focus of a different twilight zone episode? he... is going... to drive past you. he’ll feel bad about it, but...
dying with nothing to show: here’s the money shot! here’s the deep fear! as has been shown throughout, isaac craves success and some form of a legacy. if he dies with nothing to show for his life, then was his life ever worth it in general?
ok,,, it might be bc im tired rn,,, but i have the most basic list that will hopefully be updated tomorrow bc it is SO VERY BASIC:
enemies (much easier to get on his bad side than it is w/ fluke)
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ohlukcs · 4 years
                                                          – task 001 : ooc survey
AGE — 22
TIMEZONE — aest babey
MBTI — um i have no freakin idea except definitely introvert, i would do the test but i woke up like ten minutes ago so i am no functional enough for that rn lmao
HP HOUSE — now listen i wanted to be a ravenclaw when i was 11 so i believe i have to stick to that, based on my values and who i think i am now i think it’d be more hufflepuff but 11 yr old me wanted to be the smartest bitch around so im a ravenclaw 
ARE YOU A STUDENT? WHAT DO YOU STUDY? — i used to be, i graduated last year i studied film and television
ARE YOU ENJOYING IT? — ya! it was a lot of fun and i got to make a lot of cool stuff ! made a film that won best student horror at toronto short film festival so that was really fucking exciting
LINKS TO OTHER ACCOUNTS & SOCIAL MEDIA — im @spookyrps and on weheartit and pinterest 
DISCORD USER — im scared of bots so not gonna put the whole thing but im skelesam in the chat 
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FICTION GENRE? — horror, thriller, anything crazy and ridiculous and fun. starting to like comedies a lot now too but it really depends on how its made
TOP FIVE FAVOURITE FILMS — oh boi um booksmart, the martian, whiplash, god help the girl, and the scooby doo movie. theres a million others i could put there but im just gonna go with the first five that came to mind or else i’ll be here all day (special shoutouts: bad times at the el royale, hereditary & midsommar, the new it movies, jennifer’s body, clue, the barkley marathons, harry potter series, se7en, and the saw franchise)
A BOOK YOU FEEL “CHANGED” YOU? — the night circus by erin morgenstern
WHAT IS YOUR SIGN? — aquarius babey
ARE YOU INTO ASTROLOGY? — i dont like follow it but i do like to read up on them and use the signs to help build my characters (eg. lukas is a scorpio and drea is an aquarius too)
WHAT PLATFORMS HAVE YOU ROLEPLAYED ON? — almost exclusively tumblr but i was in a forum rp back in like 2009 or something lmao
WHAT OTHER HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE? — i do a lot of stuff based around film making, like everything from script writing/reading, production design, filming, editing, thats what i love to do. and i wanna be a gamer but i have a shit computer and very limited hand eye coordination lmaoo
HAVE ANY PETS? IF SO, TALK ABOUT THEM! —  ya ! i have a black cat named zelda who is admittedly a lil .... thicc. i love her so much and she barely tolerates me. she grooms me and my roommate bc i think she thinks she’s our mom and like she is tbh
IS THERE A TV SHOW YOU RECOMMEND A LOT? — search party, its so fucking good and funny and crazy and i love it. if u like zany comedies with a lil mystery, its really fun. big broad city vibes
ANY SHOWS YOU LIKE SOME MIGHT BE SURPRISED TO HEAR THAT YOU DO? — um i dont think so, i think i’m very predictable in my media consumption lmao
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? WOULD YOU RECOMMEND IT? — bro its been so long since i finished a book, i think it was the miseducation of cameron post by emily m danforth. idk if i would recommend it, i think it depends what ur after from a book bc this was VERY DEPRESSING and threw my little bi ass through the ringer lol
CURRENTLY READING? — jonathon van ness’ autobiography over the top: a raw journey to self love (im rlly enjoying it so far)
LAST FILM? REC IT? — not technically a film but i watched unnatural selection on netflix last night and it fucked me up and i need everyone else to watch it so i can talk about it
THREE MOVIES YOU NEED TO WATCH — gattaca bc of the unnatural selection viewing lmao, the cat and the moon to support my boi alex wolff, and knives out bc it looks so fucking good i wanna see it so bad
WHAT MOVIE DO YOU THINK YOU’VE SEEN THE MOST TIMES? — harry potter and the philospher’s stone probably. i used to watch it multiple times a year and now i watch it at least once
WHAT ALWAYS PUTS YOU IN A GOOD MOOD? — watching my fave stand up comedies lol. go tos are john mulaney and bo burnham
WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE MUSICIAN / BAND? LIST IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE. — all time fave is the front bottoms but a more recent fave is rex orange county
ANY PHOBIAS? — not really
DO YOU LIKE BUGS? — fuck no but i dont really lose my shit over them
BIRDS? — they can chill, except for emus fuck them
ARE YOU A CAT OR DOG PERSON? BOTH? — more cat than dog but i want a dog rlly bad
BIGGEST PET PEEVE? — being talked over/ignored lol
FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THE RPC? — that i’ve met and become friends with so many cool people from all over the world ??? like what the fuck ???
TOP TEN FAVE FCS TO USE? — i mean obv at the moment its alisha boe and alex wolff, but also love liana liberato, benedetta gargari, joe keery, really love using all the skam nl fcs, lili reinhart, oliver jackson-cohen, zoe kravitz, and probs a million more i just cant think of
FIVE YOU LIKE WRITING AGAINST? — literally all of them bye lmao
FAVOURITE TYPE OF FOOD? — i luh me some pasta ok
WORST FOOD? — seafood lol i’ve never eaten it and i probs never will
DO YOU PLAY VIDEOGAMES? IF SO, WHAT ONES AND ON WHAT PLATFORM DO YOU PREFER? —  i play a lil and wanna play more! atm i have a ps4 and i like to play a lot of like “””decision making games””” (until dawn, detroit become human, etc) but mainly i play graveyard keeper. currently saving to get a pc so i can play more
ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH THE TAG? — i said something about the barkley marathons before and i would just like to say netflix took it down recently and i haven’t recovered i feel like pure shit i just want her (the barkley marathons) back x
LASTLY, HOW DID YOU FIND US? — i follow a couple of the admins from my ooc blog and saw it was back (after never having time to join any of the other iterations of lockwood) and was like fuck it yk
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simbagos · 2 years
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I posted 2.490 times in 2021
140 posts created (6%)
2350 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 16.8 posts.
I added 132 tags in 2021
#lol - 65 posts
#simbagos irl - 16 posts
#:) - 15 posts
#the invisible library - 7 posts
#simbagos thoughts - 7 posts
#anyways - 5 posts
#:( - 5 posts
#<3 - 4 posts
#🥰 - 4 posts
#skajskajdskajs - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#apparently when i was a small kid i loved the movies and the books so much i would constamtly watch them
My Top Posts in 2021
My friends recently really got into the MBTI personnalities test and I would honestly recommend, even if it's just to make time pass :)
Apparently, I'm an ENFP which essentially means I've got the extraverted, intuitive, with Feelings and prospecting personnality traits.
It also means I'm the "campaigner" and my little character is green and somehow looks like a turtle? Idk, it's weird.. but cool 😏
And looking at the memes, I also adopt all the introverts like I would adopt dogs. However, I am the most introverted extravert... which is kinda true ngl.
Anyways, if any of you know it maybe you would like to share it?
15 notes • Posted 2021-04-07 19:45:46 GMT
I need to remind myself that twitter is not the same thing as tumblr. I can't just keep retweeting on twitter, there are actual implications to my actions on there, i have friends there. No. The embarrassment is too big on twitter. I shall just keep shitposting on here
19 notes • Posted 2021-08-18 20:38:56 GMT
Does anybody know what decade The Invisible Libary is set in? We know it’s during the Victorian era, but do the books mention a decade?
I’m asking because my brain wants to imagine what type of dresses Irene would wear  😂
21 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 21:59:46 GMT
I just came back from this camping trip and honestly i had such a great time.
As predicted, i did freeze a hell of a lot during the night even though i slept next to another person and my dog in the tent. But during the day i was really hot and before sleeping i was nice and cozy because we were all in front of a bonfire. On top of that one of my friends made me not one, but 3 cups of tea lol. Shout out to him :)
We were awake until like 3 in the morning, 2 hours after putting "the kids to bed". These persons were really drunk and just wouldn't cooperate. You know, we took the alcohol out of their hands and they would just go back and get some more. Eventually, one of them got stuck in their attempt to fetch a new bottle -we surrounded him- and bloody idiot jumped out of the WINDOW. He obviously cut himself quite badly and then i had to clean it (given that i am the only one who doesn't gag at blood and was willing to ignore my disgust to help). After all that dilemma, the rest of us just talked for like 2 hours and it was really nice. We toasted marshmallows in the fire and looked at the clear sky.
Being the "youngsters" that we are, it took us about 2 hours to light a fire, 1 hour to put a few tents up, and 2h30 to walk a path that takes 2 hours lol. In all fairness, we were all carrying at least 10kg on our backs in the sun. But it was all worth it when we finally got there.
The views were absolutely splendid and my group of 12 just talked and played a few games during all the time, made fun of another and helped each other, and just lived in the moment. The lake, the stars and galaxy, the marmots, Simba, the fresh air, the shit ton amount of sweets and just our company. I wasn't actively participating in the conversation but i was there to enjoy the moment with everybody else.
The bad thing was that, even though we walked like 4 hours yesterday in such a beautiful place, i still got blisters on my feet -_-. The result of that was torture on the hour and a half walk back today. They are really painful :'(
On top of that, everybody loved Simba and i kept getting compliments on the subject of his behaviour. He really is a charming dog :)
I think that is all that happened in a few words.
Take away from the experience: we will totally do it again, but next time i'll be more careful with my feet, bring warmer clothes and BUY MY DOG SOME SORT OF JACKET
22 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 14:51:08 GMT
So tomorrow I have got my Bac Blanc and I really don't want to do it. It's a 4 hour exam where absolutely phenomenal grades are 16/20 and the average is around 8/20
I should really study
72 notes • Posted 2021-02-24 18:20:06 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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classesandaspects · 6 years
I think this will be about my final analysis on this test, unless I get a ton of new responses.
tl;dr When comparing quizzes to each other, the most accurate aspect test is the Extended Zodiac (by quite a wide margin) and the most accurate class test is either Page of Hopes (except fan classes) or inaniloquacity.
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Class Quiz Accuracy
In the time since I made these observations about quiz accuracy, the trends have pretty much solidified.
Page of Hope's Enneagram-based class test is more accurate by a wide margin... as long as you don't get one of the six fan classes, which unfortunately excludes about 1/3 of the population.
Second up is inaniloquacity's MBTI-based class test, but that doesn't seem to mean much - less than 1/2 of inaniloquacity's quiz-takers got a class that they felt was accurate or close to accurate.
homestuckexamination's Mythological Class Test was pretty good at finding results that were close to accurate, but also had the fewest number of exactly correct results.
Aspect Quiz Accuracy
The Extended Zodiac won in aspect accuracy by a landslide, and I wish I asked more questions to find out why. @desireddefenestration's survey helps a bit - it found that about 27% of their survey-takers let the result of the EZ quiz choose their classpect. That's pretty high! So these results are likely skewed because the EZ may be the cause of someone's classpect, rather than its quiz result being a mere effect of that person's classpect and quiz responses. From the same survey, only 15% chose a classpect based on other fan quizzes. Split that up among all the fan quizzes over the last ten years and it's obvious that the EZ has the advantage.
Not only was the EZ the most accurate, it was also the least incorrect of all the quizzes and didn't receive a single "HAHA what the FUCK??" response. Are fans reluctant to disregard the canon Homestuck/Hiveswap quiz created by Andrew Hussie himself? Or did the most diehard EZ-haters see that the EZ was a required question of this survey and refuse to take it at all? The world may never know.
Other results were not so impressive.
Inaniloquacity took second place again, and was again not very close to the front-runner but still better than the other quizzes.
Page of Hopes surprisingly didn't do well at all. It only tied with RLabs when the 4 fan aspect results were excluded, while the vanilla PoH ended at the bottom or within 0.5% of the bottom in every category. I haven't calculated margin of error or any of the real statistical, uh, statistics, but I'm fairly certain that 0.5% is not a significant difference.
Quiz Recommendations
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This question allowed survey-takers to choose multiple answers and/or write in their own responses.
The Extended Zodiac was the most-recommended quiz and the only one recommended by more than half of all quiz-takers, followed by the Mythological Class Test and Page of Hope's test.
Inaniloquacity looks pretty bad in this graph, but that's because a lot of survey-takers skipped that test. Of the 37 people who did take the test, 11 (about 30%) recommended it, putting inaniloquacity's test just behind PoH. (You may notice a slight discrepancy between these numbers and the ones shown in the bar graph above. 2 people didn't take inaniloquacity's test but recommended it anyways. I checked.)
(To clarify, inaniloquacity was taken by 37 survey-takers (54% of all responses), PoH by 56 (82%), Myth by 60, RLabs by 64, and Zules by 65. So it's possible that PoH and Myth should have slightly higher percentages, but they're already on the high side, and RLabs and Zules wouldn't change much at all.)*
RLabs and Zules are the least-recommended tests, in that order.
The unweighted Extended Zodiac was suggested by one of the write-in responses.
The last 6 write-in responses (10% of total responses) are variations on "take the quizzes but ignore the results, do your own classpect research instead."
* Note: The numbers in this bullet point are missing one most recent response, since I didn’t feel like going back and calculating them again.
(Aside: Extended Zodiac Weighting)
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I wanted to see how accurate the EZ is and how the weighting might affect that. The EZ weighting, in order, is: Time, Space, Heart, Mind, Hope, Rage, Light, Void, Breath, Blood, Life, and Doom. For example, if you tied between Space and Breath, the quiz would give you Space and you'd never even know that Breath was another possibility.
55% of survey-takers got the same aspect that they entered as their own classpect at the beginning of the quiz.
22% may have gotten caught by the weighting - for example, a respondent who put Breath as their aspect but was given Space. But there's no way for me to tell how many points towards Breath that person actually got, so I can't be sure it was the weighting's fault.
15% were passed over for their aspect - for example, a Space player who receives a Breath result. Space is weighted higher than Breath, so we can know for sure that the quiz-taker did NOT get a plurality of their points in Space. But there's no way for me to tell how many Space points that quiz-taker did get, or how close it was compared to Breath.
8% got the "wrong" aspect - either caught or slipped by the weighting - but said that they had seriously considered (or were seriously considering) that aspect, so it's not exactly a wrong result?
So the weighting system affects a maximum of 22% of quiz-takers.
Ultimately there were not enough respondents for any single aspect to identify significant trends by aspect.
Every Light player and almost every Time player were correctly identified. If you didn't receive Light or Time on the EZ, your aspect probably isn't Light or Time.
Light was incredibly overassigned, given to all 8 Light players as well as 8 non-Light players.
The EZ is shit at identifying Mind players. Only 1 out of 6 Mind players actually got Mind on the EZ. Meanwhile, the EZ also assigned Mind to 3 non-Mind players.
Void was only assigned to actual Void players, so I guess that's good? No one mistakenly received a Void result. Most Void players received a non-Void result, though. ...Also, the EZ only gave Void twice, so I'm sure it would wrongly give Void more often with more results.
Most Breath players got Breath. Huzzah.
The EZ did not often give a Blood result correctly. Only one Blood player got Blood. Another was a Blood player who had been seriously considering Mind anyway.
The EZ identified most of the Life players, but also gave Life to several others: 2 Hearts, Void, and Blood.
No one got a Doom result from the EZ. The Prince of Doom got closest with Life, though.
When comparing quizzes to each other, the most accurate aspect test is the Extended Zodiac and the most accurate class test is either Page of Hopes (without fan aspects) or inaniloquacity. 
But looking at the numbers by themselves, you only have a 30% chance for the best quizzes to find your class/aspect correctly, or 60% chance for a quiz to find a class/aspect that is correct or that you've at least seriously considered. Meanwhile, about 10-20% of results you get from quizzes are just going to be dead wrong.
Personally, if you're still looking for your classpect, I'd definitely recommend the Extended Zodiac. It's only a few questions long (about 16 total? I don't remember how many questions there are for lunar sway) and it's a nice user-friendly presentation that will immediately give you your results and a description, and a sign, and a title. That's a bargain.
If you're willing to go more in-depth, I'd suggest checking out the scoring behind the Extended Zodiac and seeing what some of your top aspect choices were. This isn't just the unweighted EZ, which will give you your highest aspect score even if it only beats out another by 0.25 points. I mean actually count up the scoring that @katanahime​ discovered.
(I’ve just finished making a google form that I’m fairly certain works correctly based on their scoring. Fill out the form here and then check your results in the results spreadsheet. Like the earlier unweighted EZ form, you’ll need to highlight and drag down the colored cells on the right (columns Q through GB in this case, please do not unhide the hidden columns!). Your aspect scores will show in the blue cells.)
Page of Hopes is good for class, especially if you already know your Enneagram type and don't even need to take the quiz. Inaniloquacity is mediocre for class and aspect.
The others... well, you may as well take them for fun, I guess? They're short, and sometimes they're right.
Thank you to everyone who took the survey! I enjoyed it and I hope you did too.
Survey is here, although I won’t be doing more analyses unless the trends drastically change from what I’ve found in this post.
Summary of responses is here.
Detailed spreadsheet is here.
Most unexpected result of survey: memorizing the spelling of “inaniloquacity”.
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angelluckovich · 6 years
Tagged by: @mystofthestars
1. First things first, what is your MBTI type? INFP-T (I had to take the test which was interesting and also gave me a WTF feeling when I finished it for certain things)
2. When did you learn to read? During my first year of school... I think I was 6... I guess.
3. What languages can you read in? Spanish, English, I can understand a bit of Portuguese and Italian.
4. What books are you currently reading or most recently read? “Men without women” by Haruki Murakami (I haven’t read a page in like a month tho...)
5. Name 3 books you never finished: “Fablehaven” I got bored,  “The Night of the Iguana,” I was told by my Spanish professor that I didn’t have to do the final exam and didn’t finish it (then I suffered with the questions about this book in the national test X.x) and “Don Quixote” it was also part of the education program, but I couldn’t move forward from episode 5... the Spanish was just too weird x.x and I feel bad, but I just couldn’t.
6. What are your favorite books from childhood? The one I remembered to read the most and reading it because I wanted and not because it was part of the school program: Platero by Juan Ramón Jiménez. Also, “Cuentos de mi Tía Panchita,” these fairy tales scared the hell out of me, but there was something about them that made me read them , they were written by Carmen Lyra. Then I probably could add “Cocorí” this one was part of the school program, but the story is part of our national identity so it was fun to read... tho I hated the snake.... it was written by Joaquín Gutiérrez. 
7. What are your current favorite books? The best book for me will always be “Marcos Ramírez” by Carlos Luis Fallas aka Calufa, he is one of the best Costa Rican authors, at least for me, and Marcos Ramírez was kind of the reflection of his life and it’s a way in which you can learn a lot about how Costa Rica was during those years, you can look at how hard times were, but also how happy could a person live if they knew how to take only the good things. The book has a pretty sad ending and I remember I was devastated at the end, but I could go back to reread certain chapter that I love, weird thing, I do not have my own copy of this book, I actually borrowed it from one of my uncles.
Multiple Choice (bold as many as apply to you & add your own choice if you must)
8. Your favorite genres: Mystery/Sci-fi/Chick Lit/Young Adult/Horror/Nonfiction/Memoirs/Dystopias/Poetry/Self-Help/Historical Fiction/Fanfiction/Realistic Fiction/Biographies/Satire-Black Comedy/Philosophy/Fantasy ** I’m adding: Comedy/Adventure
9. Your opinion on rereading books: I do it all the time/It has to be a really good book/I can’t stand it/I haven’t done it since I was a child/I only reread my favorite sections/I used to do it until I was in highschool now I don’t have time anymore
10. How long does it take you to read one book on average? ........... I’m pretty slow at reading and I hate to admit it, even a small book can take me months... like three months... I’m so ashamed of this.
11. How do you typically read? Every opportunity I get, in transit, while waiting, etc./Before bed/On the go by audiobook/When I can truly relax/When I remember to/When I’m traveling by train  (I actually read a lot while waiting at the airport, so I don’t bold the train part XD)
12. How many books do you typically read in a year? None or 1/About 1 to 3/Maybe 4 to 10/At least more than 10/At least 50/Too much. I can’t keep track/I simply read whatever I want, whenever I want. 
13. For school assigned books, what type of student are/were you? I read all the books in detail/I read all but sometimes skimmed/I nearly read all, I may have skipped a few because they were too boring/I only read the interesting ones/There’s a reason why Sparknotes was made!
I was actually better at reading when I was a kid... I was always looking what to read and then I got into drawing and writing.... I have always preferred to write and it’s awful when someone tells me that I cannot be a good writer because I don’t read, like I already know that and that’s why I’m trying to read at least one book per year now x.x. Also I was to embarrassed of completing this one and that’s why it took me so long to do it, sorry for that TT.TT
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it.
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