#better than a history book
demadogs · 3 months
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More than anything I was relieved that in my unfamiliar babbling-and-wanting-to-talk state I'd stopped myself from blurting the thing I'd never said, even though it was something we both knew well enough without me saying out loud to him in the street - which was, of course, I love you.
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marietheran · 9 months
Add what country you're from in the tags.
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magnetothemagnificent · 5 months
"Superman is better than Captain America!"
"No Captain America is better than Superman!"
Shuttup, they are kissing.
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likeabxrdinflight · 1 month
tired of early 20-somethings acting like harry potter was never good or had no value in its day like shut the fuck up half of you weren't even there when it peaked
#sit with the cognitive dissonance like the rest of us or shut up honestly#was it a product of its time yes#was it's author a very basic neoliberal white lady from a country with a long and unchecked imperialist history yes#was the story influenced by said neoliberal worldviews and unexamined biases obviously#does any of that make it a bad story or an unimaginative world no#you can pick apart any fantasy world if you try hard enough#harry potter was a good telling of the hero's journey written in the format of seven mystery novels set against a fantasy backdrop#we can certainly talk about its flaws or how the author's biases leaked onto the page#but stop acting like it was never good and there was never a reason those books resonated with people#it's condescending for one thing and again- if you're younger than like...24-25 you didn't actually experience the heyday of the books#if you're 25 now you'd have been like 8 or 9 when the last book came out and probably weren't reading them yet#you might remember the latter half of the movie era but you have no idea how much it was the BOOKS that drove its popularity#never before and never since has any book series had the fanfare that harry potter did and that didn't happen for no reason#so find a way to make peace with that instead of acting intellectually superior because you grew up with percy jackson instead#this 'well MY generation's preferred childhood book series is morally superior to YOURS so I'm better than you' shit drives me up a wall#like get over yourself honestly#...sorry had to get that off my chest there was this youtube video and it was irritating me
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doll-elvis · 1 year
“while Linda mothered Elvis, Elvis played with Sheila; while Elvis played with Sheila, Priscilla raised their child. As you could see, each would give Elvis something different. I believe that Elvis still saw Priscilla as a wife, Linda as a mom, and Sheila as a childlike playmate. He wanted it all, and he got it”
(excerpt from “Memphis Mafia Princess” by Shirley Dieu)
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I thought this was some really interesting insight to elvis and his relationships. I think the reason elvis struggled with fidelity was because of what he required out of the women he was with. what woman could fulfill the role of his wife, mother to his child, mother to him and the “childlike” playmate that he could regress with? he’s a complicated fella, but what do y’all think? 👀
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curseofpower · 8 months
Currently imagining Tetra being so horrifically bored stuck in Hyrule's basement that when Ganon showed up and ripped the door open to kidnap her she was just like "Oh thank fucking god."
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krittec · 3 months
I need a portion of the HoTD fandom to sit down and stop being so overtly horrible towards actors and actresses simply doing their job and getting into the minds of their characters to do a better job, then being berated by people because it doesn’t fit their personal understanding of a character that they don’t play or spend elongated time in the mind of.
This goes extra for the women of the show because I’m sick of seeing ‘Cunt’ and ‘Bitch’ being thrown around because someone explained how the character they play saw a situation, or saw themselves in that moment because it’s always a vital way to play a character or give insight.
Some of y’all are no better than some of the characters in this show. It is a fictional TV show at the end of the day, take a damn walk if you feel the need to harass someone for no good reason.
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fictionadventurer · 4 months
Me: Is this Farmer Boy sequel written in 2012 really going to be able to feel like a legitimate follow-up to the style and atmosphere of the original, or is it just another modern cash-grab?
Heather Williams, on page 2: Best of all, he knew that fall meant crispy spareribs and sweet cider and hot roasted potatoes with melting butter and all the pumpkin pie he could eat.
Me: ....it looks like I can trust you. Carry on.
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aiteanngaelach · 1 year
"Saol trí mhíol mhór saol iomaire amháin, saol trí iomaire saol an domhain.
“Three times the life of a whale is the lifespan of a growing ridge, and three times the life of a growing ridge is the lifespan of the world.”
These thirteen words encapsulate just how far back the knowledge contained within the language stretches on this island, as a whale was thought to live for one thousand years, (although they actually live for about a century), so it was known that the cultivation ridges we can see in the fields around us could be up to three thousand years old. Archaeologists agree that there are indeed ridges of that age still visible in places like the Céide Fields in Co Mayo or Slievemore on Achill Island. The span of three cultivation ridges would amount to 9,000 years, which brings us to the date that archaeologists believe humans first arrived here – the beginning of our world. The fact that our people appear to have somehow kept a count of how long we have been on this island and that they encoded it in our language is precious.
My grandmother often pointed out the still-visible cultivation ridges left by her great-grandparents’ generation during the Great Hunger in the 1840s. Some were more visible than others as they had been left undug – with my ancestors either too weak to dig them, or, having noticed the blight-rotted potato stems, they realised there would be nothing but a slimy mush beneath the soil. I had been struck by the longevity of such memories, but it wasn’t until I heard the proverb that I realised quite how far back these folk memories actually stretch.
It appears, at least, as though we managed to keep some wispy thread of memory intact from our Neolithic forebears, who planted, weeded and harvested along these ridges thousands of years ago. The knowledge is contained within the land, and over the years I’ve realised the best way of accessing it is through the language."
-Manchán Magan, 'Thirty-Two Words for Field'
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chaeilay · 5 months
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Sun, Jan 14 - Re-reading The Secret History
I take the pictures that are on my blog myself. In case you're interested in this post, I also post/reblog content including travel/cultural pictures, books, book recommendations, analysis, quotes, anything related to movies, series, and girl blog entries.
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unexpectedstormy · 2 months
One thing I love about my geology teacher is that at the start of each lecture, he makes an acknowledgement statement that our city and our school are built on land stolen from the local ancestral native people and he prefers to use the native names for the mountains and hills in our area, and he gets permission from the local tribes to visit certain locations for field trips if they are sacred places (even though they are just normal parks and walking places for the general public).
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gotticalavera · 7 months
Sozin’s gotta be jealous if his descendant actually gets to keep his avatar boyfriend when Sozin couldn’t keep Roku.
Not only jealous, I also think he would be very upset that Gyatso's disciple (Sozin knows about Gyatso because Roku spoke highly of him).
It's not enough for him to make his only heir fall in love with him (this only headcanon that Azulon and Aang had their summer romance).
So that 100 years later he does the same thing again with the great-grandson who was the black sheep of the family, and together with him, they throw away what they worked for all this time
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elliottkay · 3 months
Current book project has built up enough car chases & nonsense that I decided I needed physical/visual aides.
And yes, I am 100% claiming this as a business expense on my taxes.
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Do you think love and light spirituality is toxic?
Definitely yes.
Now some of you will run away just from reading those two words, let me elaborate: It's not just toxic, it's actively harmful and racist, ableist, it's white cis hetero male supremacist in every way. Completely rooted in naz1 ideas from the very beginning of it. You just gotta look at the history of the whole movement and there's flaming red flags everywhere.
But even if you don't know the history and social context of how it came to be and popularized (which you should, do your research), just by looking at these people and how they move through life you can still clearly see the issues with it.
I have 3 main problems with the whole "love and light" thing that a lot of new age people spread, the first and biggest for me is spiritual bypassing. New Age "love & light" culture is not only completely incorrect (the dark is just as important, real and necessary for balance as the light, really, I'm saying it as someone with 10+ years of experience and a whole family background in ancestral traditions. The dark shit is Important and necessary, to understand all aspects of life, spiritual and not, to grow as a person and as a practitioner, to protect yourself and yours from both material and spiritual things and to fight either if needed.) but the whole "good vibes only" ends up being delusional at best and straight out abusive at worst, many times gaslighting people and denying racism, colonialism, oppression of all kinds, spiritual and physical illness, mental illness, basic history and science, all things that can have very real, physical consequences on people's mental health, overall health, and safety in general, not to mention the wider effects on society as a whole (having people running around with the emotional inteligence of a clam shell, scratch that, even clams are better than that lmao and spreading misinformation and harm like wildfire). The Second big mess is how much it promotes the complete lack of literacy and rational critical thinking. People will learn a new fancy thing and just run with it without knowing the full history and correct use of things and words, without questioning the source and context of the whole situation. Misinterpreting the little knowledge they have, either because it's something they overheard, or read in 1 book and never bothered to dive deeper into it's roots and history and true meaning, having the most shallow and incorrect "knowledge" of things, etc. It goes hand in hand with the 1st problem to create the 3rd issue: straight out willful malicious ignorance. They don't know any better and they can't be bothered to learn any better either. It's not just laziness or disinterest, it's straight out conscious denial of truth, repression of their own feelings and thoughts and identity even in some cases, to just be able to keep this facade of "love & light" that's killing them from the inside, hurting themselves and hurting anyone they come into contact with aswell, all to serve their selfish purposes and their own agendas.
All these three things feed off and enhance each other in an endless loop, that gets even worse in the kinds of conspiracy theory echo chambers these people move in. The ignorance and immaturity combined with someone who doesn't do any introspection at all and is straight out lying to themselves and others, either from a place of delusion, or in the case of most white people, priviledge. It's a huge system that only feeds white supremacy and keeps people of color disconnected from their true feelings and health, personal identity, culture and community, taking people away from any and every possible source of real power. It's keeping the priviledged in power and the disenfranchised in misery while denying the whole situation, spreading misinfo to confuse, divide and put the blame on the victims instead of the actual victimizer.
Priviledged people spread misinformation and lies because they don't know and don't care + actively benefit from keeping you in the dark, all while screaming from the top of their lungs that they have your best interests at heart and will "shine light on truths" while their actions are the complete opposite of that, then hide from the results of anything harmful they do under the "love & light positive thoughts only" thing to avoid conflict and consequences. It's bullshit. Call them out on their bullshit everytime.
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wonder-worker · 1 month
In early autumn [of 1456] Richard and Cecily travelled back south. By mid- September York was in residence at the bishop of Salisbury’s inn on Fleet Street. Cecily, however, may have stopped in East Anglia. That November John Fastolf mentioned in one of his letters that Cecily had been visiting him at his sumptuous castle at Caister in Norfolk. Here she had ‘soore mevid [him] for the purchas of Castre’. This was presumably on York’s behalf since, as a married woman, she could not own property in her own right. Fastolf had spent over £ 6,000 rebuilding his luxurious and well- fortified ‘gret mansion’, just a mile from the coast. By 1456 he was in his late seventies and childless, so he knew he would soon have to pass this ‘ryche juelle’ to others.
It seems that Fastolf was seriously considering Cecily’s request to purchase Caister since her visit prompted him to try to speed up his plans to complete this splendid memorial of his life and achievements. The finishing touch was to be a college within the castle to pray for his soul and that of his wife Milicent. Cecily must have considered visiting Fastolf at Caister again either the following summer or in 1458 because in a letter dated simply 18 June, Fastolf expressed anxiety that he would be too ill to receive her. It is plausible to assume that there were other, unrecorded, occasions upon which Cecily was transacting similar business with gentlemen on her husband’s behalf, perhaps sometimes with greater success. Like her negotiations with Queen Margaret, the episode indicates York’s respect for his wife and his faith in her abilities."
-J.L. Laynesmith, "Cecily Duchess of York"
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just-eyris-things · 10 months
Vent post. Because i feel like kicking a hornets' nest.
Honestly im just tired of how people will call someone ignorant/uneducated and will go for the throat for every little thing, while they themselves say shit like pierogis all the time. If you're going to point fingers at others, you yourself should be without fault.
The question is... can you?
#im just so tired of all the shit that i constantly see on the internet#ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEY DIDNT DRAW SOMETHING PERFECTLY#or ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEY USED A DIFFERENT COLOUR PALETTE#ARTIST CANCELLED BECAUSE THEIR IDEA OF A FICTIONAL CHARACTER ISN'T UP TO FANDOM'S STANDARDS#i bet other people also get shit like that all the time#for example my friend is a writer and he just happens to be a cisguy and whenever i mentioned it to people#they would instantly start saying that they are sure he writes shit like she breasted boobily down the stairs#or i remember how i got told off for making trahearne lives au because apparently#messing with canon is just as bad as falsifying information in history books#just stop for the love of whatever's devine#this has been boiling in me for so long i cant even express it#sorry for going off in the tags in case you decided to read them#peace out imma go and read a book and touch grass#finally its green and soft again after so many rains and storms so it will be a nice chilling time outside#oh btw proper plural is pierogi without the s. singular is pieróg. you want to add s - say pierógs#ngl that pierogi-pierogis is one of my biggest pet peeves#like i wont be stabbing you over it or throw a tantrum and i will just move on with my day i have better things to do in general than#than throwing fits and also im not omniscient myself#like i dont know all the words in english and my german knowledge is very scarce#so i in no way demand others know about pierogis#just give people some room to breathe for gods sake#ok ok ok i think im overwriting this and i cant edit tags on phone so now fr im gonna go and enjoy outside and watch the squirrels
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