#i will add more pictures in reblog on the side blog. maybe
fantomette22 · 5 months
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Hey @bimbomcgee look who i met today! 👀 The Queen!
Yes it’s the real animatronic of the Xenomorph Queen in Aliens! It’s at the cinema and minatures museum in Lyon. That was so nice!
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^ From the Isle of Dogs movie / L’île au chiens (2018)
Those are miniatures yes V
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wildernezz · 2 months
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woahahaha im finally making an intro blog no wayyy, also dont mind me spreading my reblog > likes agenda
about me:
hey ho im wildernezz and we be ballin af. i'm an osdd-1b system and i might be more open about that later but i also maybe not who knows lol. i do animation, edits, writing, regular art, kinda anything art-related honestly, but i usually just post digital art here. pronouns are whatever tf you want but i prefer he/him. here's some other random stuff i can rattle off: infj, gemini, i like witchcraft, once made an album that currently has 200 pictures of joe keery because i thought it'd be funny, also once restarted the soviet union in 6th grade, currently making a presentation on david aames' mental stability for algebra, overanalyzing film is my only real personality trait, and i think bugs are funny-looking. anyways we vibe.
multifandom as all hell, but here are the ones i'm most consumed by currently and you can expect to see a lot of.
Dead Poets Society
Death Note
Musicals (BMC especially) & Film stuff in general
other fandoms that i'm also a part of but post less frequently about:
Camp Camp
My Little Pony
Sanders Sides
Stranger Things
there's a boat load of other fandoms but i don't engage that much in those so they're not entirely worth mentioning.
feel free to ask me for doodles btw. im always looking for ideas loll.
here's some other places you can find me but they're honestly not that important since i'm only really active here.
abandoned youtube #1
semi-abandoned youtube #2
also abandoned twitter account
surprisingly not completely abandoned ao3 account
my spotify & pinterest if you want those ig idk this is all i got guys
also this other side blog where i analyze people from time to time: @analyzing-people-like-hell along with my cringier side blog @nezz-cringe-crib
here's some of my friends who are very cool and you should check out :3
@awesomejedie (all kinds of cool thingies!!!! i think of it as a silly treasure box filled with random goodies :33)
@b0cc (posts many awesome art stuff :D)
@chick3nbot1000 (reblogs fun stuff and every now and then posts fun random stuff)
@dandebbfan (posts random cool stuff about her interests that are fun to see)
@rockymintscollective (also posts awesome art stuff but also analyzations and other random things)
thats all i can think of rn. i'll probs add more later but for now we ball B)
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Crafting Wings
I finally remembered today that tumblr is a blog, and that in addition to whatever fandom nonsense I reblog, I can also post bloggy things on it. Obvious, right?
I am making a set of dragon wings for an event coming up in mid-June. They are of course inspired by Simon Snow and will be red dragon wings (though the pattern I bought from them is technically for a wyvern). I'm hoping that posting progress updates here will help me stick to it and actually get it done in time. I'm breaking it down into teeny tiny easy peasy steps and only looking at the very next step to try to keep the overwhelm and executive dysfunction at bay. This is likely to lead me down a path of "If I'd thought about it earlier, I could have..." But you know what? I always end up there anyway.
So first, I spent a long long long long long (long long long...) time trying to decide how to make these wings. I really wanted articulated wings, bonus if I could move them without obviously pushing or pulling or something. But looking at how people had made that happen was overwhelming. They require so much time and skill and I am prone to procrastination and crying and quitting when I mess up. I finally settled on this DIY Mechanical Wing kit by Chimera Wings. That would give me the frame for the wings, but they also have a sewing pattern (with printed AND video instructions) to make the covers for them!
This is what the contents of the kit looked like when I got it:
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And this is the completed build! I almost didn't post this because I don't like the way I look, but you know what? Fuck that. I built something cool (using very simple, easy-to-follow instructions, sure) and I don't want to have to find a better fancier more flattering way to film that, so. I'm getting over it.
You can tell that I kinda struggle with the wing on my right side. I clearly need to stretch my arms out before wearing these. Truly. I tried it after I stretched and it's no big deal. Or maybe I'll add some sort of pulley after all. (HAH. Like I'll have time for that.)
Otherwise, the kit and wings are fantastic. It was so easy to put together and they feel very cool to wear. I should probably go write them a review...
I didn't actually takes pics of the next step, but I printed out the pattern on regular 8.5x11 paper and taped it together. It... was not very well done, but I'm hoping I got it close enough to not have messed up the pattern dimensions. After taping and then cutting out the completed pattern, I could move on to working with actual fabric!
I'm making a mock-up out of old sheets first because I have never once done any sewing project successfully the first time. I decided to mock-up only one wing instead of both, so this will surely be my downfall when I move onto the real deal.
The next two pictures are the front and back pieces for a single wing. I decided to cut them separately instead of at the same time by folding the fabric in half because every time I do more than one layer at a time, at least one of the layers comes out real fucked up. I blame being a lefty in a right-handed world. Scissors are of the devil.
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The next step was to make buttonholes that are actually strap holes. I have a little baby basic machine, and it has some limitations. I discovered one of these limitations during my buttonhole test runs. As you can see, the machine-provided "buttonhole" stitches are just... lacking. I messed with a screw that controls the length of these stitches, but for some reason it can only be used to balance out the stitch lengths, not make them overall longer or shorter. I have no control for generally change stitch length. I only have the options presented to me on my stitch chooser knob. Alas, I have less than optimal buttonholes.
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Pictured above: (Left) One very sad buttonhole test. (Right) A second buttonhole test in which one side is almost respectable and the other should be ashamed to call itself a buttonhole stitch.
Finally, I gave up and balanced the stitch lengths and just went with it. When I do the real deal, I will likely go use my friend's much fancier machine. For the mock-up, this is sufficient. The next three pictures show, with increasing zoom and blurriness, the completed buttonholes.
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I am intentionally using very bright, contrasting thread so that when I inevitably fuck up, I can hopefully see the point of fuck up more clearly so as to rectify it on my next attempt.
And that brings us up to speed! Next Step: Pin the pieces together. That's it. That's the whole step. How many days will it take to overcome executive dysfunction and do it? Only time will tell.
As long as I can remember to update regularly, future posts should be quite short.
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manonamora-if · 2 years
Supporting your IF Authors: A tutorial (?)
I had made a small tutorial back on @interact-if a few months ago. Here is the very extended version. Also this is a very long post.
Obviously, you are not forced to do every single one of those actions below (it would be hypocritical of me to say so), but it helps show the authors their readerbase care about their works. Most action only takes a few seconds to a couple of minutes.
Let me know if I forgot something or made a mistake!
Note: while this is specific to IF authors, it can also be applied to other creators.
TLDR: Engage with stuff you like. Lurking might be nice and easy for you but can be detrimental to your fav author. Sharing is caring, y'all! Also, please don't keep the base avatar, it makes us think you are a bot. Don't behave like a bot.
On this Hellsite.
Many ways to interact with the authors you follow. Some are very simple but not really effective. Others require a bit more effort but really goes a long way.
The easiest to do. Just one click on the heart.
Pros: - tells your fav author you like their stuff. - easiest thing to do. Cons: - It's pretty much just a bookmark function on this site. - The "algorithm" doesn't really care for it.
ALSO: don't feel weird about going through the archive and like old posts. You'll prob find some gems there. LIKING OLD CONTENT IS NOT CRINGY!!!
Requires maybe 3 more clicks and some typing if you add comments/tags. Still relatively easy. Best way to share what you like to others. The only way a post appears on a dashboard.
Pros: - tells your fav author you like their stuff in a more ✨🌟personalised 🌟✨way. - helps their post travel this hellscape and reach other people who could like this content (see addendum at the end). - the "algorithm" likes it. - you can queue them for a later date/so you don't spam your followers. Cons: None (lol).
Notes: - do not reblog posts with a #don't reblog tag. - consider adding trigger warnings to your reblogs if the original one has some too. - TEMPLATE/ASSETS/RESSOURCE: always reblog those to help your neighbour. Who knows? One of your followers or your follower's followers might be looking for that. Also: good karma. - post doesn't fit your ✨aesthetic ✨? have a side-blog and put it there.
Needs a bit more effort. You need to think of words to write or picture to send. Also, can feel a bit nerve-wracking interacting with someone you look up to (they're like you, don't worry). But one of the most rewarding note for authors.
Pro: - you have a direct line of communication with the author, making it easy to ask questions, give feedback/comments. - you can positively impact their days with a few words. Yup. Seriously. - most authors really like asks, it's probably the most engaging response you can get from your readers. - you can asks stuff anonymously (unless the author has turned it off), we've all done it. Cons: - you need to think of words to say and muster the courage to press ask. - it might not available because other people abused it/were dicks in the author's dm.
Ask Etiquette/Advice
Be nice and respectful! Just because you have a direct/anonymous like to that author doesn't mean manners can be thrown out the window. They are like everyone: humans with feelings. Internet may make it difficult to see other people as... well people, but they are. Don't be a dick. A Hello or How are you? really goes a long way.
Ask questions about the project/process Interested in a particular part of the project or the authors' process? Ask about it! We love to talk about our projects and characters.
Feedback doesn't have to be complex/long. If you don't know how to put your feelings about their works into words, take a small aspect of the project and explain why it stuck with you. I really liked how you portrayed X's relationship with Y. That scene with Z made me feel V. Or you can be a bit more generic (still add a bit of yourself): Your writing is great! The UI is very pretty. The game is amazing.
Don't demand things. Duh. That's rude.
Don't spam. Even if they don't reply to your question right away. They may have a reason not to do it. Or they want to keep your post for just themselves. May be ok for positive ones (ask first).
This is fairly new on Tumblr (2021?). They're pretty much comments without rebloging. Great for giving feedback/sending love to a specific post.
Pro: - Yay engagement. - Another way to send your fav author love! Cons: - That's it. It's not visible unless you open the notes of a post. Unsure if it makes any difference in the algorithm. - it is not anonymous.
Other ways
A non-exhaustive list:
Create fan art : Always appreciated, we love to see your interpretation of our work and your OCs. Caveat: only if the author allows it. Ask the author if you are unsure.
Participate in Beta-Testing : Big part of IF it testing before release. Many authors will have a call for beta a few weeks/months. Consider rebloging that too.
Answer Poll/Feedback forms : Aside from Beta-testing, authors may post a poll or ask for feedback for a functionality/path. This is a great way for us to get direct responses. Consider rebloging that too.
Published Platform
There are many places where an author can publish their games. Below are the most used/known ones. You will require an account for most of those (it's worth it, I promise).
Itch has a lot of games.
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A LOT of Games. To help your favourite game gain traction, you need to... engage with it! All ways are super easy and takes very little time too!
Play the Game
Duh. (Also I lied about the time it takes, that will depend on the game) Account not required.
You can add games/assets/whatever page on a collection (folder) to keep it as a to play later or share as a game you enjoyed. You can make those collections public and share it to the world!
To do that, click on Add to Collection (top left corner on laptop, bottom bar on mobile) and choose the collection you want.
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Rate the Game
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Nope, not joking. 3 clicks and that's it. Ready?
Click on Rate this... on the top-left corner of the page.
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Click on the amount of stars you want to give.
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And click Submit.
Aaaaand that's it. Easy-peasy.
For Mobiles: the UI is a bit wonky and doesn't give you the option to rate a game. As such, you have 2 options:
put your phone in landscape mode: the feature will be at the top of the page (see below, I took a random game from the front page).
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put the page in desktop mode (Chrome, Firefox) and follow the same description as above.
NOTE: This functions is not available if the game has been submitted to a Jam/Comp and said Jam is in its voting period! It will be available again when the ranking/votes have been released. If possible, consider voting for that game in the Jam/Comp as well.
Review the Game
Want to give your rating a bit more depth? Or you have a comment you want to give the author? Then add a review to your rating before clicking on Submit! Note: The review is only visible to the author.
Leave a Comment
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You can leave a comment at the bottom of the game's page. Can be a few words, can be an essay, whatever floats your boat.
Don't know what to say? Take a small aspect of the game and explain why it stuck with you. EX: I really liked how you portrayed X's relationship with Y. That scene with Z made me feel V. The UI/Design is W.
Also, you get notified if the creator answers your comment!
Share the game
There is not specific button on itch to share a game. BUT: you can copy the page's link and paste it wherever you want to share the game! Easy-peasy!
Other ways
Follow the Author: to get updated on the game's process, bugs fixes or updates.
Like/Comment on/Share Devlogs: those logs have a Tab similar to the main page where the most popular ones are more visible. You can like the logs on that log's page or in your feed if you follow that author; share directly on twitter/facebook (or copy paste the link to whatever platform); or comment on the page (if available).
Interact in the Community tab: a.k.a. Itch's forum. Discuss, review or recommend games there!
CoG Forums
Specifically for CScript games posted on Dashingdon or posted through CoG/HostedGames. Used for feedback, coding questions, writing questions... for CScript games.
Authors can create threads where the game can be discussed by other users. The thread locks itself automatically after 60 days since the last comment or if the author requests it.
As far as I know (not my preferred platform tbh), there are no rating systems on CoG. Games with payable content can be rated on other platforms (can be seen at the bottom of the page).
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IFDB/IF Community Forum
IFDB - Interactive Fiction DataBase
As the name implies, the website works as a sort of archive/database for IF works. There are over 11k games (ongoing/completed) listed. Reviewing and Commenting is fairly easy. You can also put a game on your wishlist or indicate whether you've played it.
Rating is a one click job: on the amount of stars you want to give. And that's it!
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Reviewing looks a bit more complicated at first, but I promise it's not too hard! The review link will send you to another page, where you will be asked to enter your comments about the game, add a title and optionally tag it. When you are done, click on the preview button at the bottom of the page. You get to review how your comment will look before publishing it (see below)
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You can also create polls or participate in one, join a club, browse other reviews and game listings, etc...
IF Community Forum
Very similar to the CoG forum, but is open to other programs (Twine, Inform, Renpy...) and all sorts of IF (text base, VN, parser...). You can find help for coding or writing, talk about games you like....
There are special categories to review IF games or recommend some to other users.
As with every Forum communities, please be mindful of the rules of said forum before posting!
Thank you @pomegranate-cuties for the reminder.
If a game is to be published on Steam, adding it to your wishlist will increase its visibility before and on release.
You have the possibility to:
leave reviews and comments (SUPER IMPORTANT)
post screenshot or fanart
create guides and walkthroughs for other users.
interact in the community tab
Other platforms
If the project is hosted on other platforms, simply check if their page allows for rating/review, and get cracking!
Other Non-Monetary Support
Share game with friends/other websites
Words-of-mouth is a great way to help a game get more attention. And if one person talks to another person who talks to another person... that's already 3 more players right there :D
Talk about your favourite IF with your friends, or family. Mention it to acquaintances or people who you think might enjoy it.
If you'd rather avoid sharing your love to people you know IRL, you can always post about it on other platforms than the ones above. Talk about the game on websites like Reddit (there are IF communities there, albeit not very large), Twitter (if it survives, lol), Discord Servers, Forums, etc...
Obviously, don't spam people. That might reflect badly on the author.
Do Streaming Parties!
This comes with the caveat of: with the permission of the author.
Doing Let's Plays of games or discussing IF works on streams might be another good way to introduce more people to games you enjoy. This can give a different life to the work, especially if you actually read the text aloud and do voices. This way it can let the work even speak for itself.
Platforms like YouTube or Twitch are relatively helpful to set streaming up. Though you may require some specific hardware to run it.
If you plan on streaming a game, do ask the author beforehand.
Monetary support
If you can afford it or if your budget allows it, you can consider supporting your favourite author(s) with real money! You may get extra content or special features (ex: alpha release) for doing so.
Below are a few ways I've seen being used, but the best way is to follow the author's links/preferrence.
Tumblr: Tips/Subscriptions
This is a new functionality (2022), where you can now subscribe or tip a creator for their posts.
Note: Tumblr takes 5% commission on subscription but 0% on tips.
I think everyone knows about Pateron by now. Tipee if the European version of Patreon. They work the same way.
Note: Patreon charged your account when you sign up and on the 1st of every month + takes 9-12% commission on monthly income. Tipee is 8%.
Another tipping platform (with less fees for the creator). Also used often for commissions.
Note: Kofi takes 0% to 5% commission + 3-4% from the payment processor.
Another way to tip your author or pay for commission. Commission depends per platform.
Pay as you want/Donation Button Itch
Some authors have left the option to pay as much as you want or have a donation button on their game's page. You can donate/pay for the game this was as well!
Note: Itch takes a 10% commission on each sale EXCEPT on Creator's day (2/3 times a year).
Reblog posts to make them travel.
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The images above are the Reblog Graph (Tumblr Lab Function), that shows part of the 100-ish reblog the intro post for my game @crimsonroseandwhitelily got since last year (original is the small red dot) and the one for the 80-ish reblogs of this post as of this edit (22 Aug 2022).
In the first one: there are a few branches that made that post travel and reach users who do not follow me but may have read the post and played the game. In the second, even if it has less reblogs, it has longer branches, showing how much it has travelled on this website. Note: a shame they don't have a function with likes too... That'd be useful.
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 2 months
hi hi sheep!!
👁️🧸 perhaps a lil domestic fluff for cathie? :0
Hello Ian! ☆
Thank you so much for your ask, and for responding to the OC x Canon ask game I reblogged!
Time for more Cathie! Yay! ♡
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👁️: What exactly do they want with their future with each other? Is that something they think of often or do they just stay in the moment?
I think they both are in it for the long run, and each of them imagine what their future together would be like! Ruthie is definitely the type to daydream about her future with Cater, especially about getting married! She could be working on a wedding cake order at the bakery she works at part time, or see wedding pictures online, and immediately start picturing what it would be like if the cake was her wedding cake, or the people in the picture getting married were her and Cater. Like the idea of them breaking up never crosses her mind, whenever she thinks about the future Cater is always included. There's no one she wants to be with but him, there's no one she wants to spend the rest of her life with but him. She writes Ruthie Diamond with little hearts around it whenever she's in the middle of writing something and starts daydreaming. (Half the time she does it without thinking) Trey borrowed a recipe from her one time and immediately saw all her little doodles on the margins of the paper and had to show Cater. He practically had a heart attack when he saw it, heart pounding in his chest as he took dozens of pictures. (He adds it to the special album he has on his phone that's just pictures of Ruthie, ones he took in secret or ones he wanted to keep for himself and didn't wanna post. Whenever he's sad or feeling lonely, he'll look through the album to help him feel better, or help him fall asleep if it's late at night) I think in the beginning Cater was very "stay in the moment", but gradually started having thoughts about the future and over time got to a point where he couldn't picture a future without Ruthie in it. Like he could be scrolling on his phone when suddenly a picture of a bride pops up on his feed, and suddenly the thought of Ruthie wearing that dress and being the bride in the photo invades his mind. Or maybe he sees a video of a really nice reception area, and imagines him and Ruthie using it for their wedding, and bookmarks the video before he even realizes it. (He would start referring to Ruthie as his wife/future wife jokingly, but the first time he did it he 100% meant it and proceeded to flush in embarrassment when he realized what he said. Ace still brings it up sometimes)
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
They do have kids in the future! They have two boys! (One of them biological, one of them adopted!) I know I talked about this briefly on my old side blog, but one of their kids is named Tate (Tay, Tater tot)! He's a fox beastman, and is twisted from Tod from The Fox and the Hound! They adopted him when he was around one years old, the same age as their biological son! (I don't have a name for him yet, so if anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it!) The boys are best friends, always hanging out and playing together. They don't like the other being left out, so if one of them is invited somewhere (by friends, family, etc) they'll always ask if their brother can come too, refusing to go if they can't. (When they grow up, one of them goes to NRC while the other goes to RSA, in a nod to how Tod and Cooper separated as they got older in The Fox and the Hound) Cater and Ruthie are very sweet parents, wanting their children to be happy but also knowing when to put their foot down. So many family pictures and home videos! The boys love their father's unique magic, Cater using his clones when they're playing tag or hide and seek. Ruthie helps the boys get away from him during tag, or has them hide with her during hide and seek. Though they usually end up making a mess, the boys love to help their mom in the kitchen, whenever Ruthie is baking or cooking dinner. Cater helps too, and turns cooking into a family activity for them.
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Thank you so much for your ask, Ian! I really appreciate it! ♡
If anyone else would like to ask about Cathie, either with the questions from the OC x Canon ask game or just in general, please feel free to do so!
I would absolutely love it if you did! ♡♡♡
Thank you! ♡
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Yes I have pretty neat fanfiction, head canon and reblogs on here. But my original intentions was to post things that relate to me, track hyper fixations and express my trauma. I'm sorry if you didn't follow me for that, your welcome to stay if you want. I'm also trying to branch out the content I make, such as reviews and interviews maybe.
Feel free to ask about anything using the ask option ok.
Might make a list for fanfiction linked to this post
Fan fiction links
Calm, Cool, and Collected
I'm tagging anything triggering with #tw ok, so avoid that tag
As much as I like the follows this is a side blog so i can't follow back so there's that. I don't follow to get a follow on this blog.
Also I follow a lot of people but you might not see it due to the fact it doesn't show up as this blog
I have a main but has one picture of me from years ago bc it's linked to my Instagram so i don't want that linked to my identity on here
However I do have a Twitter now so
Instagram here lol
TikTok here (place holder)
More Info on me below (reading this part is optional and I mean Optional)
Nicknames: Mars, Ren, Drien, Adrian, Leo, (trying out my options)
More personal info below 👇
Name: Adrien or Leonardo (trying out my options)
Age: 21, I'm over 18 for those in the back.
Zodiac ♉♎♍
Pronouns: he/him
Gender: Man (afab)
Facts about me
My dad doesn't love me. I want him to very much die.
I'm transgender IMPORTANT: I'm still in the closet.
I like books, rabbits, video games, and escapism.
I like Rottmnt because I envy it. I like Usagi Yojimbo because it's cool.
Yes I'd named myself after Chat Noir but only because i like the spelling better than Adrian from Cybersix which the character I actually named myself after
My other name option is for Leonardo from you guessed it TMNT lol bc a trans icon
My favorite colors are pastels, black, white and cream
Sometimes I would like myself to very much not be conscious.
Some I consume media to cope with my life
I have personal issues I wish to express some day and discuss it among people who can relate.
Will add more to the future but anyway thanks for listening.
Interests. TMNT, Usagi Yojimbo, ASOIF, PJO, Monster High, Mythology, LoZ, comics in general.
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minthe-lover · 2 years
Imo lo would be much better if it only had one villian or focus more time on them. Apollo and Demeter (I, for one, do not think Demeter is a villian but she is portrayed as one) are the main villians. Zues, Minthe, Leto, and Kronos are secondary villians. It all feels too much and none really gets the time they need to feel like full fleshed villians. The most fleshed out is Minthe with her arc but as she is in the mortal realm I doubt she will do much to get in the way of Hades and Persephone. (She better still be in it as she was one of the best things about lo)
I wouldn't talk much about Persephone's sa by Apollo as others have spoken about it better than I could ever. So I will speak about him wanting to overthrow Zues. We are given hints that he wants to be king or at least gain a shit load of power. We see the Apollo for president (that doesn't makes sense as Olympus seems to be an absolute monarchy so why do they need a president), that dream thing is not the best evidence but it does show Apollo as king and Persephone as his wife so hint ig, and the fates saying something about overthrowing Zues with a picture of Apollo underneath.(I tried looking for this example but couldn't find it so I might have made it up in my mind) Considering the in Greek myths Apollo along side Poseidon, Hera, and Athena tried to overthrow Zues doing something with him wanting to do that is fairly close to myths.(don't get my words twisted Lo is in no way shape or form close to the myths) However, it will take a lot of effort to make compelling as Kronos was defeated in like 5 episodes. If it's so easy to stop Kronos from overthrow everything then why should I care about Apollo wanting to overthrow Zues? And it's not like we know he has powerful allies. Hera hates him so she wouldn't work with him. And we are not given a reason to why Poseidon and Athena would want to overthrow Zues. And in that panel that I might have made up only shows Apollo and not anyone else. The only person we know that would help him even just morally is Leto.
Zues was the villian during the great divide saga. Zues wants to make an example of Persephone and Demeter but why? We see mortal women so Pandora lived. It would be logical to think then Prometheus stole fire. If he did then an eagle would be eating his liver the trial would be happening. So why go so hard on them if he as an example? Sure it could be another but as far as we know is rule is going good. Blocking realms would give people a reason to go against him. If this was a bit more fleshed out sides that was not Persephone than maybe we would have a answer. And Kronos was the villian for a bit.(or still is at the time of writing which is when 220 is the newest free chapter) But he was taken out pretty quick.
There is not enough villians to be character vs society as there are too many characters on Hades and Persephone's side or don't care. But too many villians to be that compelling and fleshed out. Lo is a romance so it doesn't need any villians just some obstacle. There needs to be less villians or more time focused on them. Almost everything I said was from memory so I might have gotten something wrong.
P.s your my favorite lo critique blog and you recently reblog one of my post so thanks for that.
all your points are great! and I honestly don't have much to add!
and I'm so honored that you enjoy it!
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
I would like to kindly add some criticism if that’s okay ^^ please don’t take offense to any of this! This maybe is personal experience with your blog’s writing. I really love your blog and honestly you are the only writer I’ve ever truly cared enough to write in a suggestion for.
You are a writer who does not rush the plot, which I love!!! I hate when the plot climax feels rushed, you do very great job at slowly developing the plot to get everyone interested and wanting more and more. However, as a non native English speaker, I feel confused sometimes.
Like, you do not rush, however, sometimes the main details feel fuzzy?
Like in your recent Diluc fiction, I didn’t understand the details of him finding his wife hanging, just that there’s blood and she’s dead. What I mean is. A lot of words focused on blood, side points and trauma but I’m like “wait, what actually happened again?” And had to reread until eventually I assumed. Then you reblog get visuals which made me reread it again and then I totally understood now.
Maybe what I’m trying to say is : you do such a good job developing plots at nice pace and it never feels like a rushed plot. However, sometimes I think there’s a lack of balance in descriptions. A lot of your focus goes on describing surrounding and past to help develop the main plot, but then fewer details get put into main plot and I get confused on the situation again. Enough for someone to understand enough but you’re so good at writing I feel like it could be more balanced for full understanding without taking away from your beautiful descriptives🥺🥺!!!
Great writing though!! One of the best on this app. Not just Genshin, I’d nominate you a million times for best writer overall. Love your blog ♥️
I mentally prepared myself when you said you'd like to give criticism but all i felt was full on fluff 🥺✨💕
Thank you for telling me this!! I'll try to be more aware in my detail-oriented works to not forget the main picture. I sometimes worry if I'm over analyzing a scene, which is probably why I add too many side details hahahhahshdjhxisjd
admittedly, the recent Diluc fic (Suddenly—) was written within an hour while i was on vacation so it was kind of rushed 😅 I guess it was confusing because I didn't get to the main point (which was the fact that reader is dead somewhere) I wanted to leave much of the background details to reader's imagination.
AGAIN THANK YOU!! anon I'm soft!!!! and im honored by how you see my blog and im really grateful for your support!!! hxjdhxjsjdjud
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friendlylifecherry · 1 year
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I posted 9,273 times in 2022
That's 6,997 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (1%)
9,210 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 352 of my posts in 2022
#obey me - 200 posts
#obey me lucifer - 62 posts
#dialuci - 49 posts
#obey me diavolo - 38 posts
#danganronpa - 29 posts
#obey me shall we date - 19 posts
#obey me mammon - 15 posts
#obey me satan - 12 posts
#kiyotaka ishimaru - 11 posts
#obey me mephistopheles - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#and i had to spend the whole time with my jacket wrapped around my waist because my jeggings looked like a murder scene the whole day
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hamefura AU where Maria ends up unlocking her past-life memories of being a Fortune Lover fan who just absolutely adored og!Katarina (to an unhealthy degree) and makes it a mission to make herself a Katarina route, because Katarina deserves to be with someone who genuinely cares about her, not that dirt bag Prince Geordo! If all works out, awesome! If it doesn't, well, she knows the secret route, she knows where to find a good basement
110 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
You know, it's kinda weird, but even though the brothers definitely deserve to get called the fuck out about how they treat Mammon, I don't think I've seen much of Mammon getting mad at whoever was doing the callout. Both because it makes him feel bad to hurt his brothers, and also in a "fuck you, you don't know me/us, this is private family shit" kinda way. Even if it's by MC, Mammon seems like he would still be pissed at them acting like they speak for him and for hurting his brothers (even if they deserve it), like most people in pretty toxic situations when that toxic person gets called the hell out and the person stuck in it gets mad at the caller
150 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
So according to Wikipedia, Melinoë was born at the mouth of the river Cocytus, where Hermes is stationed as a psychopomp just on the border of the living world and the underworld, which is just a hilarious image of a heavily pregnant Persephone taking a break over by the river when she heads into labor. None of the House of Hades is going to get there in time, thus leaving poor Hermes to play midwife in between bouts of trying to get literally anyone else to help
155 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
Lucifer has just enough characters with history with him to feasibly be the main character of an otome game himself. For example:
Diavolo is the clear simp and lonely rich boy with more to him than meets the eye and a very complicated relationship with Lucifer
Simeon as the former childhood friend/first ex who would like to reconcile despite how badly the break-up went [I see them more like brothers in how monks are brothers, don't @ me]
Mephistopheles is the poncy vain jerk who resents Lucifer for past slights but has a nice side to him that he gets super embarrassed about
Solomon is the mysterious weirdo trying to prove to Lucifer that he means no harm and trying to get past all his abandonment issues.
MC is the brand new exchange student that Lucifer warms up to a lot and ends up getting super attached to, despite just how dumb they can be
And for the secret character, Michael, who is a fucking weird dude (I say this with love) and fellow former bestie trying to get close to Lucifer in secret so that Lucifer doesn't push him away again
Add in the brothers and the other characters as a supporting cast and write up some bad endings and you have yourself a good base for a dating sim!
326 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fic idea based on this where the RAD newspaper club is going to the Mausoleum of the demon kings for some fluff piece when one gets the bright idea to head inside and do some stuff for the Demon King, pay some respect and maybe some funny pictures. So as one of the members goes in, the others record for a combination of posterity and a desperate attempt to explain it to the authorities if they get caught where they aren't supposed to be.
But as the little leader gets close to where the Demon King lies, they notice something off; the king should be in eternal sleep but he doesn't seem to be breathing. Not like they would know about how the Demon King sleeps, but it's still weird, isn't it?
Then they get close enough and there's definitely something wrong. They haven't seen the King in millennia at this point, but he has this unnatural grey-ish pallor and his body looks limp, not unlike a corpse.
The leader gets a bright idea: approach and touch the King, just to check if he's alive. This is risking getting eaten and their club members all tell them so, but still, gotta try, right?
A gentle poke, nothing.
A soft shove, nothing.
A whisper in the ear, nothing.
A semi-distant shout from an irate Mephistopheles (he must have called the other members at some point about why they went inside), nothing.
That's when the leader decides to check something; touching his chest to see if he's still alive, checking for a heartbeat. So they use their wings to fly up and reach a careful hand to push onto his chest. Only that it sinks upon their touch, like the Demon King's flesh is mattress foam instead of muscle over bone. But what their fingers sink into is the worst part.
It's a stab wound to the center of his chest, with stagnant black blood leaking out onto their hand and coating their fingers with a revolting sheen.
Mephistopheles can barely tell what's going on between all of the screaming, even as he tries to get back order and get some semblance of an explanation. But then he gets the worst news that he had ever heard in his life.
The Demon King is dead, stabbed in the chest who-knows how long ago.
The news is all over the Devildom within hours. It's understandable, their sovereign had been killed at some point and no one had known. The video evidence of the RAD newspaper club finding out is all over social media within minutes, and it's a mass panic for everyone that sees it. Mourning, fear, furious blaming the angels or the humans or just anyone because this can't be real, this can't be happening. The Demon King is dead, murdered.
Diavolo was the first to find out, Mephistopheles calling him in tears. It felt like the world had frozen in place, he was trapped in shock.
Not because his father was dead.
Diavolo was the one who killed him.
It's that people had found out.
371 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
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pinkrose1422 · 1 year
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I posted 7,413 times in 2022
That's 6,532 more posts than 2021!
71 posts created (1%)
7,342 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,082 of my posts in 2022
#arcane - 961 posts
#arcane league of legends - 562 posts
#silco - 508 posts
#arcane netflix - 422 posts
#jinx - 317 posts
#yandere - 278 posts
#arcane silco - 265 posts
#viktor - 194 posts
#art - 191 posts
#league of legends - 168 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#there’s nothing gentle in the way he grasps either side of your face; calloused palms rough against your cheeks and fingers curling into you
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Here’s a better picture of the scene.
See the full post
124 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
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See the full post
173 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Something I love and noticed right away when watching was these robot bugs
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This bug was first seen in Act 2 where they fly around and even land on a child’s finger.
But than Jinx gets her hands on some and alters it and turn them into her bombs
See the full post
288 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
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Arcane just released a size chart (including child Vi and Jinx’s/Powder’s size), along with Heimerdinger.
Here’s the post on twitter
511 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what doesn’t get talked about or mentioned at all (from what I’ve seen in post or even fics/head cannons): Jinx’s freckles.
I saw them so much in the show and I just love them. They’re so subtle but adds to her face, ya know? (No duh they add to her face. They’re on her face lmao)
Gods I just love them. No one ever mentions them in fics or head cannons. No one! Do people not know she has them? Maybe people don’t like them? I don’t know but I love them!
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See the full post
620 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 804 times in 2022
12 posts created (1%)
792 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 35 of my posts in 2022
#digital art - 10 posts
#the untamed - 9 posts
#i made an art - 8 posts
#word of honor - 7 posts
#wen kexing - 6 posts
#shl - 6 posts
#fan art - 5 posts
#mdzs - 5 posts
#killing me softly - 3 posts
#wang yibo - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#or something something the recurring tragedy of older siblings leaving their younger siblings behind
My Top Posts in 2022:
I decided I didn't like the lighting on the face (too daylight for a nighttime scene) and went back to redo it. Wen Kexing in the moon window.
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And a side-by-side to show the changes
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28 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
I've been trying to learn digital art, and failing. So I went monochrome, and pretended it was pencils and charcoal, and it worked! Not bad for a first go. Of course, it had to be Zhou Zishu.
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Decided to add some detail shots.
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I was particularly happy with the eyes.
See the full post
35 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
I decided to try ArtRage, which is supposed to be more intuitively like working with paint. I think I chose the wrong paper texture for what I wanted, but it I'm happy with how it turned out.
Wen Kexing in red.
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65 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
To keep from doomscrolling US election results, or maybe because I'm kind of nuts, I decided to draw Mei Changsu as a ferret.
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I don't know why he's a ferret, but he is. As I was drawing, I took a picture of my screen and sent it to my friends group chat. They made me cackle like Witch Hazel.
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73 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have been working on this (digital!) painting of Li Daikun in a gorgeous embroidered hanfu for ages, and it's time to call it done. I wanted to practice cloth draping and the rich colors were a plus. It might have turned out a bit dark and some of the embroidery is not as sharp as I would have liked, but I'm still pleased with it. (I use ArtRage, which is a paint simulating digital art tool. I developed a sensitivity to the smell of real paint, and had to give it up. This is close to the experience without the mess and debilitating headaches.)
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94 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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akwardlyuncool · 3 months
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Friday March 15th 2024
Hi..... (Picture me akwardly in the corner figuring out how to intro this ish.)
Some people say that if they tell the internet something, toss it out into the universe or just write it down somewhere somewhat visible, that you're more likely to do the thing. I don't know if that is true or if it will work for me, but it doesn't seem like it would hurt.
I took a little break after Akward Class Favorites 2023 (go check that out, I spent a lot of time on it) and now I'm ready to start chipping away at the backlog of stuff I've been wanting to post and write out and get out to the universe and even current ish, cause I've been doing things in 2024 too. I have concert posts from 2022, an album listening project that I've been doing every week this year and I even took some really cool pictures for my favorite albums lists the last few years and don't know if any that work will ever truly get the shine it deserves. Again there's just all kinds of stuff I want to share and I hope that this is the moment I really get back into sharing that work.
So to start, I'm testing out a collage/ "Love Letter" format for older concert posts that I just want up and documented and the first one will follow the post you're reading now. This weekend I might also share the weekly album listening project I've got going and maybe you might want to join along?
Don't know how often I'll do these update posts, but I like the idea of them so I might just toss one up periodically. So here's to sharing sharing more and giving myself the project feelings that I love and crave so much.
Akward Goodbye.....
PS: I have an Akward Side Blog that I made for "behind the scenes" content and reblogs, that rarely gets used (mainly cause no one follows me there) but it might also be time to add stuff there too.
0 notes
goatcheeses-ocs · 4 months
Hay! This is my OC side blog on which I'll post OC content. Most of the stuff I post might be photos of my tablet screen because I didn't originally intend to make a wholeass blog, so I didn't bother with the picture quality 😭. Tho I'll download the stuff and properly post it in the future..... Maybe...
° This is a 13+ blog. I will definitely be posting mild gore, horror, and suggestive themes,, so yea,,
° I WILL NOT BE POSTING NSFW HERE. (Idk, maybe I'll make a side blog,,)
° No hateful comments, No racism, No hate in general,, like, jeez, we're here to have a good time, Karen.
° I WILL block any Pro-shippers or Pedos I come across. So, fuck you in particular if you are one.
.. I suppose I'll add more if I'll think of more, so, until then,, um, have a nice day! (Except you, Pro-shippers and Pedos. Fuck you, I wish you'll stub your toe twice a day for the rest of your life right after you wake up and when you go to sleep.)
Main: @goatcheese-anon, other side: @goatcheese-reblogs
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wutlaikalikes · 10 months
*chirp chirp*
my new Tumblr layout just amuses me lol (just scroll past)
I don't remember when it changed but only how much it annoyed me. My previous theme is called Minimal by arturkim and I like it cause I can showcase whatever I like on the header space and the icon not only act as my blog's identifier, it also reflects on the favicon.
The main body layout is of course for my tumblr posts but it also have a side body for my profile description where here I was able to add tag links I want to highlight. Under that I can also showcase things I liked from other Tumblr users. And, though not seen on the photo below, I can also show Tumblr blogs I am following. Above the headers are more tag links to my interests.
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I don't remember when I realize it but the pictures I post or reblog will always be inside a scrollable space and somehow it annoyed me. I tried to temporarily change the layout to different one and switch back but it still put the images on a scrollable space. Turns out that the layout was updated.
So I thought maybe I should just change it to close to my preference. And so I change it to a theme named Chirp by rachaels, which is based on Twitter (I still refuse to call it X).
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The pictures are no longer on a scrollable space. The layout background color could also be changed (there were 5 options) and since I prefer dark mode, this new layout is just nice.
I specially like that I can still put my intended description for my tumblr under What's happening section which I don't remember ever seeing on Twitter, maybe it was a space of news highlight, idk. Then there's also that side image that I would guess was intended for an ad space on an older version of Twitter. I was also able to highlight my tumblr just for my art and projects, along with Tumblr blogs of my friends (though they are no longer active) under the Who to follow section. And my favorite part, Trends for you, I mainly add my oshi tags.
My only thing now is that the videos are cropped. I'm not sure how to fix it but I would guess this layout was made before the new wide aspect ratios where added on YouTube.
I actually can also change the favicon to whatever I want and for a moment, I customized the old Twitter logo and used it but honestly it just looks weird!
The header and profile pictures are customizable and of course I used Holostars JP as my header and to change things up I used Hatena from Dogengers: Metropolis (2023) which is voiced by Aragami Oga. These are also inpendent for the chirp layout and doesn't reflect the actual profile picture that shows when you highlight a poster's icon seen on the dashboard.
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So for the favicon, I put my current profile picture which is Daidou Shinove so it wouldn't look like that you've stubled upon another tumblr blog.
Also adding this here cause I'll be removing them. I wanted to have a place for it just incase I want to use again in the future.
情報 || 日記 || 好き || アート || 設計 || 欲しい物
情報 (jōhō) - information = this page! 日記 (nikki) - diary = my blogs アート (a-to) - art = artsy stuff i posted 好き (suki) - like = my favorite thing on the internet 設計 (sekkei) = my current and past tumblr avatar and header 欲しい物 (hoshii mono) - things i want = wishlist
Well that's it, I there's really no significant info here. I'm just satisfied with this layout.
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redbreloom · 1 year
My Other Blogs
I have a bunch of side blogs, they're mostly reblogs but I think they're all nice so I want to share so other people can see them too. I have like a decade of likes I can sift through whenever I feel like it so I can pull from a lot of stuff. (If you are curious how to do that too I'm gonna make another post about that soon.) At the moment some of them still need some fixing up but they all have themes and stuff. I have a few other side blogs that I haven't done that much with yet that I'll link later as well.
Not all of them have a lot of stuff on them yet but it'd be epic if you stick around on them to see more. No schedules or anything, I just reblog when I feel up to it usually. If I get enough people to follow I could actually use the queue even.
Silent Hill Blog (I reblog A LOT of Heather Mason art here, though I will try to vary it up more in the future)
My Little Pony Blog (ponies ponies ponies! Primarily G4 right now)
Yume Nikki + Fangames Blog (.flow will be prominent here)
Cool Art And Pictures Blog (Cool and pretty art stuff!)
Five Nights At Freddy's Blog (There will be more than just vanny eventually I swear)
Night In the Woods and Weird Aesthetics (Mixed bag of stuff)
Blogs I'll add some other time: Magical girl stuff, personal nostalgia, cute food and aesthetics, pokemon, maybe steven universe?
0 notes
nejiraez · 4 years
relationship hcs | shinsou hitoshi
my lowest mark this semester so far is a B, it’s time to turn tf up...
pairing: shinsou hitoshi x reader
genre: fluff
© all rights reserved to this blog. reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and straight up plagiarism. - reblog are welcomed
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Shinsou tends to have the automatic mindset that people are wary of him or don’t like him due to the results of his quirk.
So if his future S/O or crush happens to like him, they would have to make the first move and approach him first to let it be known.
Otherwise, you’d just have to settle for admiring each other from afar for the time being.
Once you both start dating though, you start to notice newfound tidbits about your boyfriend.
Starters being that he is hygienic as HELL. Shisnou smells fucking amazing. 
Anytime that you borrow one of his hoodies/oversized jackets or you’re enveloped in his embrace and you catch a whiff of scent? You swear you fall in love with him a little bit more because no fucking way can somebody smell that fresh.
“What was that for?” Shinsou would ask, sitting up from his spot on your bed seconds after you nosed your way against the curve of his neck to sniff him.
“I’m sorry! It’s- Look- I couldn’t help myself, shut up.”
Smells like laundry detergent with a good mix of apple cinnamon, it’s so warm and inviting that you resist the urge to drool.
He’s a good kisser. Fantastic, even. So much so that it intimidates you in a way that leaves you a bit hesitant, but for good reason. 
Don’t tell him that though, he’d be smug as hell about it.
Every time he kisses you or shows you the slightest ounce of reckless affection, it leaves you with the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins.
Sometimes to settle your nerves, Shinsou would encircle his hand around your wrist and graze his thumb against your palm before he leans in to lay one on you.
But that just adds more onto that case as to why he’s so smooth. Sure, it helps but at the same time, it doesn’t because shit!
Majority of the selfies and pictures that you send your boyfriend are immediately saved for safekeeping.
Shinsou has a million things to say about the way you look. You never fail to have him whipped every time he gets a notification from you on his phone, alerting him with “2 New Attachments”. 
But someway somehow, his compliments dial down to, “You look cute” or a heart emoji, maybe both if you’re lucky.
It’s just difficult for him to put into words exactly what he’s feeling because it’s an overwhelming flurry of emotions.
A little later into the relationship, you clue into the fact that Shinsou is a giver. He doesn’t really mind sharing with his stuff with his future S/O, to a degree.
For instance, Shisnou would be the type to add his S/O onto the accounts of his paid monthly subscriptions and whatnot, free of charge.
All he asks in return is that you don’t share it with anybody.
Sometimes you’d catch odd activity going on in your account though. Like the shows you’ve watched are a few episodes ahead from where you last left off on. 
And when you bring this up to your boyfriend, he claps back with a, “Why are you watching Grey’s Anatomy out of all the shows on Netflix… do better.” 
He loves nitpicking/critiquing what you watch, and would put you onto the shows that he favours.
Shinsou shows you off, in the sense that his friends and family are acquainted with the fact that you’re together. That is if they ask him about it first. 
Shinsou makes sure that you’re familiarized with his friends. Would even go as far as to add you into one of his group chats where they all game together, if you ever wanted to play with him and his friends.
“I’ll see if (Y/N)’s down to hop on tonight.”
And if you fucking suck at video games, that’s okay because Shinsou would allow you to ride on his coattails and would bring the dub home for you and your team.
“Shinsou, I beat the level!”
“... Sure.”
Speaking of friends, he tolerates yours and can’t remember the names of them. 
But he does remember their key physical features, which is better than nothing <3.
Also, this man is blunt/sarcastic as hell, it also plays well into his humour. That side of him will stay in the relationship, but honestly, it drives the oomph factor/energy of your relationship home.
“Shinsou, would you still be my boyfriend if I were-” 
“Okay, thank you~”
You two have the kind of relationship that makes people go, “God, I’ve seen what you have done for others...” or “It hurts to see other people living your dream.” You’re just so compatible with each other.
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