#i will answer it though!!! i just dont know when i'll finish it😭
mysticficti0n · 1 year
Okay first of all I love your work😭 like it literally keeps me going!!
ANYWAYS! I had a request for a fluff tom fic where the reader and Tom are together and the reader is a ballerina and she comes home super tired from rehearsals n such and Tom just comforts her (I hope it makes sense😭) (maybe a lil suggestive👀👀 BUT YOU DONT HAVE TOO!) just an overall very cute and fluffy fic!! Idk i just thought I’d be cute😩
Thank uu :) <3
(all my attention will be back soon but I'm taking time to do some request as I have so many and all you guys have such good ideas!)
∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧✧༺♥༻∞
My little dancer
warnings- swearing, then just pure cutie Tom
words- 942
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Lugging my bag up the stairs I finally breathed seeing my apartment door, ballet killed me today I didn't realise how stiff I'd feel after just stretching let alone doing the routine and now my whole body feels like- shit I feel like shit
I pulled my key from the pocket, stuffing it in to the keyhole and unlocked the door, the slight hum of the tv welcomed me in and the smell of something good cooking "Tom?" I called for my boyfriend, he was usually on the sofa or in the kitchen when round my place but he was in neither today. I placed my bag by the door and made my way to my bedroom, I pushed the door open to see him making the bed "hey babe" I went to him wrapping my arm around his waist
"WHAT THE FU-" he shouted not realising it was me "fuck Y/n I didn't know you would be back yet" he spun round taking me in his arms pressing a kiss to my forehead "how was it?"
"okay, I don't feel like I did that great though, after stretching my body went like a rock and I could barely hold a position then it came to doing my actual routine and- it was horrible, I'm surprised I wasn't pulled up after class for it" I huffed letting my head fall onto his chest again, feeling tears prick my eyes "its pathetic but I just feel so stupid I should've been able to do it" Tom's arms tightened softly around me, the warmth soothing the pains
"I think your to critical of yourself doll" I shook my head "see your doing it now- look why don't we just relax tonight, I don't need to be anywhere- you don't need to be anywhere, just me and you tonight, I'm making (Your fave food), so?"
"that sounds good" I sniffled looking up into his gentle brown eyes "thank you" I stood on my tip toes to reach his lips and press a small kiss to them, then a few more kisses just to be safe
"why don't you get changed- I can help if you want?" he wiggled his eyebrows looking back at me with a playful grin
"I can do that thank you, plus you need to be back in the kitchen Gordon Ramsey" I poked seeing the boy pout at my answer "well actually you do need to unzip my-" before I could even finish his fingers were pulling the zip down then pulling the leotard of my shoulders freeing my arms "thank you"
"no problem- I like that being my job every Wednesday" we laughed as his hands drew shapes on my bare back "okay, you change, I'll do food, then you?" a suggestive smirk lay hopeful on his face, his lip ring spinning as he played with it
"only if you make this (your favourite food) good" he pressed one last kiss to my lips and left the room, closing the door so I could get changed, I slipped into some baby pink shorts and one of my comfy shirts that went to just above my thighs, I quickly untied my hair and brushed it back to how it usually looks, lastly wiping away my make up I had to wear and went back into the living room, Tom was stood in the kitchen staring at the tv "it smells so good in here"
"ooh you look nice" I blushed at his words rolling my eyes "this is basically done so wanna eat now or wait?" I decided that I wanted to eat, I was so unbelievably hungry. Together we sat on my sofa, watching MTV and smiling when the band appeared on an advert
"aww look Tom!" I hummed seeing his old dreads as he rocked his head to whatever song was playing at the time, he smiled at me now with long black braids, he looked beautiful with either in my eyes. I finished my food and fell back into the sofa with a happy sigh "Tom that was literally amazing!" I grinned leaning over giving him a peck on the cheek then standing as I went to take our plates but he just looked blankly at me "I'll do dishes just pass it over"
"will you sit down" I knew this wasn't a question so I sat myself down and watched as Tom went to the sink dropping them all in, wiping his hands and came back to me "you told me you were hurting so why would I make you stand up and do more then you already have hm?" his back was against the arm of the chair, his one leg resting open on the pillows I took it as an opportunity to curl up to him, my body straddled his hips, hands around his neck and head resting on his collar bone
"I dunno" he laughed pressing a kiss to my head before lying down more to be comfy, as the tv played in the background I stayed entangled with the boy matching his breathing and relaxing into his body, his hands drew circles around my back and up to my shoulders, I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier, the world fading between sleep and reality. soon his hand fingers made its way to my hair, combing through it with ease over and over, I herd him speak but I couldn't make out the words as I finally closed my eyes and let sleep wash over me- I am so lucky to have Tom- was the last thing I thought to myself
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
IM CRYING I GOT SICK SO I DONT FEEL WELL😭😭😭😭 Still I'll push through and get these Valentine's scenarios to you!!! You might get the other two a bit later tho so sorry!!!
Azul would definitely make sure to give you your gift first. He has done extensive research and came to Ramshackle with a bouquet of your favorite flowers! Though Valentines wasn't foreign to him, the way humans celebrated was a bit different! Then he'd take you to the town on the island, because somehow he got permission from Crowley!
It was with a bribe
At least you think so? But you got to go and have a great time on the rest of the island so who cares? He took you to multiple shops and then to the beach after. When you got back to campus you both went to his dorm. And it confused him to no end when you told him to wait while you ran off towards the dorms kitchen. He waited like an hour until you came out. He was a little annoyed but he couldn't go into the kitchen since the twins were keeping guard of the door as he heard sizzling. Hands down you enter the room with a, "Missed me?"
He'd question why you took so long but little did he know you ALSO did your research! Leading him to his own VIP room you'd explain nothing to him and watch as he blushed and tried to get answers from you. I mean why go to such a private room on such an intimate day? He's embarrassed even more as some other dorm members walk past him, a blushing mess, being tugged into his private office.
Not to mention your teasing the entire way there with hand holding and little pecks! He wouldn't say it out loud (7 forbid the tweels hear him) but he loves your affection just as much as it embarrasses him! And sevens, does it embarrass him!
When you get to the room the foods already set up! Courtesy of the twins. He knows the food was made by you, why else would you be gone for an hour!? and is kinda nervous for two reasons.
He's not too sure you can cook
2. Gifting food (for octo-mers) is usually part of their courting process
And I mean, yeah sure he's already dating you and everything but it feels really intimate! And it gets even more so when you lift the fork and bring it to his lips. (sorry to the people who CAN cook) But it seems Azul was right about questioning your culinary abilities.... Its kind of charred around the edges too, not a lot but to someone who's skilled at cooking its hard to not notice.
"Its burnt!" Azul laughs light heartily even though he still takes a bite.
"Yeah well its made with love, not skill," you reply sarcastically. As he eats his fill he makes comments about how he wants to avoid getting chubby, which you quickly dismiss saying you'd love him however he looked. To be completely honest he practically melts into your side on the couch. Its cute how shy he gets with this, and he seems to be leaning in more to your touch more.
Idk how to end this so HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! I hope you enjoyed and I'll finish the other ones soon!!
Happy Valentine's Day (late, sorry baby I got busy yesterday until night time)
This is so cute! I love it! Food is def my love language, so I would love cooking a meal for Azul!! It's such an intimate thing to hand feed your partner...Azulito let me feed you 😭
Thank you for the gift my love! I appreciate it! Maybe in the future I can write a series on food as a love language with the twst cast!
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spiderprincess-suffet · 3 months
So for the past few weeks and honestly even longer I've really been struggling with my artstyle, not in the way that I don't like it though more so IT TAKES WAY TO FUCKING LONG TO FINNISH ANYTHING!!
Before my current one I used to have an art style I called the Hazard style, because it was basically stolen from an artist called Hazard Girl (They were a Frans artist so I figured they didn't deserve their artstyle lol) well anyways I original switched to that style because the one BEFORE that (I've had a lotttt of styles-) was like the current one IT WAS WAY TO COMPLICATED!
So I switched styles using a more simpler one because well
I have Hdhd like really really bad BUT I do have meds for it but those meds have a time limit..a very short one even taking it twice a day leaves me in a panic trying to Finnish the stuff I wanna draw because I know as soon as it wears off I'm basically useless any time I attempt to start or Finnish any drawings when it wears off all I end up with is like 25 more wips I'll never finish.
And so I switched to the Hazard style, it was soooo much faster I could get stuff finished and hell sometimes I coule even fet multiple things finished before my meds wore off!
And the same things happening now and honestly worse, my meds wear of so fast to me I've been trying to finnish stuff all week and ive gotten hardly anything because it takes so long by the time I even get to the coloring my meds have already worn off and I'm left unable to finnish it, or worse and the most frequent thing to happen lately it takes me so long to decide what I wanna draw or i do know what i wanna draw i just cant get it to look right and next thing i know my meds have worn off and i dont even have a sketch done!!
That's honestly why ive been debating going back to the Hazard style but like..I really like my current artstyle and yes I do like the old one to but the current one is what I always wanted ESPECIALLY for my Undertale comic it gives the exact feels that I want it to and it's perfect for that sort of art, but I literally can't do it i just it takes soooo longggguhh to the point I literally can't finish anything I start.
Not to mention I'm almost out of my medicine for the month and I don't usually get refilled right away i have to wait WEEKS until my next refill so I end up not drawing at all for weeks Wich I hate because I have so many ideas but literally CANT do them, so now I'm stuck
I can't Finnish literally anything
I don't wanna change my style because I love it
And I'm very quickly running out of my Hdhd meds
And no I can't just not take it for a day it causes MASSIVE headaches and dizziness if I don't take it twice a day like I'm supposed to 🫠
..anyways here's some Hazard art of clockwork i managed to do 🥲 sorry for the rant even if I don't get any answers I at least wanted to get it out there...
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apopcornkernel · 6 months
thank u sm @lisascumslut78 for the tag mwah kiss tayo
how many works do you have on ao3?
48 on apopcornkernel and 23 on poppyf1owers!! the numbers aren't the same as on my profile bc i have some anon works hehe. so that's 71 in total! woag
what's your total ao3 word count?
136,751 on apopcornkernel and 50,067 on poppyf1owers, making 186,818 in total!!! and i have around 70k lying scattered around in my wip drive so :>
what fandoms do you write for?
i started with miraculous ladybug, dipped my toe in asoiaf (specifically jaime/brienne), went into genshin & hsr, and rn all my current writing is going into dc!!
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
all this, and love too — spy x family — a whopping 4,379 kudos (??? still don't understand how)
lesterlicious — trials of apollo — 980 kudos (okay woag did not realize the numbers were that big now)
a fine bird nests wisely — hsr, jingfu — 384 kudos (one of my personal favorites dont read the others here just read my jingfu <3)
a chat in disneyland — miraculous ladybug — 337 kudos
Enough — miraculous ladybug — 327 kudos
do you respond to comments?
yes of course!! im just really bad at keeping up but i read and treasure each comment i promise 🥹
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i have an unfinished jingfu fic (propaganda movement chinoy au) where there will be major character death! im really looking forward to finishing that one
as for published works, my friend sent me death threats when i posted redder than february flowers (hsr/jingfu), so I'll answer with that :3
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think it's gotta be all the stars crowd around the moon <3 just softness and love and warmth <3
do you get hate on fics?
i was about to say i thankfully dont but then i suddenly remembered that single comment i got on a fine bird nests wisely KNCNDVSHAHS let me just grab it for your viewing:
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do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i do! i have! there's one published (among our other torments not the least) which is wriolyney hate/desk sex, and there's an arlefuri one in my wips which will remain a secret until i finish writing it hehehe cant go spoiling the content yk
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
i dont think i have :0 but i like to transfer concepts into another media, like for example yelone (yelan/pantalone) in a death in the nile plot, or crimson peak !!
have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope, or at least not to my knowledge LOL pls dont do it though
have you ever had a fic translated?
nope! i once wrote just dialogue for a liubai fic in my terrible chinese, tho, and then i translated it into english and added description and everythig!! here it is with the translation
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have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!! i dont think im cut out for it tho because im very bad at powering thru wips. i cant turn my writing on and off like a spigot :(
what's your all time favourite ship?
this is sososo hard and sososo evil but i guess jingfu </3 not thinking much about it rn tho bc im busy witj dc huhu
what's a WIP you want to finish but sometimes doubt you ever will?
JINGFU CHINOY PROPAGANDA MOVEMENT AU, dinahbabs fake dating, vichelena post-breakup situationship, hawk & dove aftermath of titans burning rage and legion of bloom in connection with the mordru arc, yelone crimson peak au, SO MANY . SO SO SO SO MANY
what are your writing strengths?
i genuinely don't know anymore bc my writing changes sm all the time. uhhh. i know how to perfectly format dialogue tags?
what are your writing weaknesses?
i hate starting things i hate too much description,, im also prone to really really long sentences, which i try to cut in half when editing, but sometimes im too tired to edit so...
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
girl im filipino wdyt HAHA
serious answer: absolutely. just make sure your target audience will be able to comprehend ur meaning. do this by either making a translation easily accessible without extra steps, or by making a translation obsolete by clarifying the meaning within the text!
or if you're writing, say, maria clara at ibarra fic, just write in taglish bc ur readers are almost all gonna be filipinos anyways LOL
first fandom you wrote for?
miraculous 😞😞😞 ladybug 😞😞😞😞😞 i wrote a chloe fic for an english assignment it was really bad but it was my first real story ever HAHA
favorite fic you've written?
VERY HARD especially since some of them aren't even published yet. but i will have to go with, again, redder than february flowers <3
tagging: @queer-cosette @theladyfae @hanaasbananas uhh anyone else who sees this and is a writer!!!! thank you for reading til the end LOL
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cauldronoflove · 11 months
JJ, my favorite nonfiction reader, I seek advice! I've been trying to branch out in my nonfiction reading journey which to this point has been celebrity memoirs and true crime primarily, and I've been stuck on my current read for MONTHS. I just don't know how to tell when I should keep pushing through in order to learn something and when I should throw in the towel because it's actually just a bad book and not me giving in to the urge to read something I don't have to actually think about
bec i have absolutely no idea how long this has been in my askbox because tumblr never notified me my apologies 😭 feel free to ignore if this isnt needed
i think one of the biggest things when you're trying to get into any new-to-you genre, but especially something like denser nonfic, is picking something youre really really interested in and using that interest to acclimate yourself to the style and expectations of the genre. like there are some key differences in what, for example, a high sci-fi author expects their reader to bring in with them in terms of mentality and knowledge vs what a meticulous biographer expects, but there are still so many areas of overlap too and you have to let the dials adjust as they may
that said like any genre god love 'em sometimes the book is just ass and no amount of acclimation can change that. some key points to look out for in nonfic are a) are you noticing a lot of repetitive information and dont feel like youre learning anything new or the narrative isnt progressing b) do you find yourself thinking 'thats just the authors really bad opinion how did they even get that into this format' a lot or c) does your disinterest/distaste outweigh what you should conceivably be leaving this book with
if you really want to finish the book out of genuine interest or even just spite, try picking up the audiobook if its available bc i do find that helps me if something just isnt clicking and sometimes getting that human intonation helps greatly. if it isnt or you dont do audiobooks, pick a small amount of pages to read every day until you finish it. 5 pages or 10 or whatever (though for the purpose of this exercise i wouldnt go more than 20) and then stick to it. by giving yourself a sure start- and stopping point it alleviates a lot of the dread and also is a nice little accomplishment for the day. and if you end up wanting to read a couple more pages to finish a chapter or just put a bow on the author's current thoughtline, even better. for that reason i find that setting a specific time period like "oh i'll read this for 10 minutes or 20 minutes" or whatever does not work bc i zone out so much all the time when im reading and if i do that in the time frame i generally feel worse at the end bc i didnt "get anything done". if something youre reading in nonfic makes you stop and think and consider what youre feeling or how it fits in with things you feel you already know or has you forming opinions thats good! thats part of the function of nonfic! so if it takes you longer to read a nonfic book than something you dont have to think about that means youre doing it right
and finally if youve been, as you have, slogging through something for months and just cant get there, give yourself permission to put it down for the time being. if you find yourself wanting to get back to it after a while, then it just wasnt the right time which is something i find happens a lot for me with nonfic. if you dont go back to it and the thought of having to makes you want to hit your head against a wall, then that answers that and you can move on to greener pastures
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maria-ruta · 1 year
would it be too much to ask ALL the OC ask meme questions for Blueberry? :3c (if you don't want to do all of them I'll just ask for red lol)
Oh my gooood aren't you greedy ahaha 🤣
Well i already answered 4 questions for Berry here
So I guess I could cover all the rest haha
🟠 Orange- What is a trait your OC hides about themself from others? Do they refuse to acknowledge it or begrudgingly accept it?
his origins, his deadname and surname, the family he's came from. Mostly bc he doesn't want them or other lumeris officials to find him. Among official lumeris the rules are pretty strict, and by their laws Berry counts as traitor, and if he was caught by officials he'd get a traitor sign burned/cut on his face (he doesn't rly want such a fancy makeover tbh)
Tho over the years he got a little more relaxed about that and can share his story with his friends (he still prefers not to say his parents names and surnames though) probably some other punishments too but that's the one i remember the most haha. He doesn't think that after so many years his parents would still search for him
He doesn't know that but his parents actually stopped trying to search for him in first year of his absence, because they know about what kind of punishment their kid will receive from officials, and they actually don't want that for their daughter(well, actually son, but they dont know that)... so they decided it would be better to just let go. More about Berry's parents and runaway
Oh he also right now pretends to be human, hides that he's lumeris from everyone but his friends and crew
But tbh he already was exposed few times so.... idk if he will keep up with that for long lol
🟣 Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
Honestly i don't know... probably overall curiousity and desire to find himself? But I imagine him joking that the only thing that keeps him going is alien hatsune miku/new season of his favourite show coming out/big pile of sushi he just ordered
⚪️ White- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
Oooh idk honestly 👀
Maybe long ago when he was betrayed by his commissioner, who asked him to steal info from one of the racers at the race, Berry participated in
And oh this racer lady was so pissed that she and her agents and her fans still haunt Berry up to this day lol
He was alone back then. And he decided to never take such suspicious dirty missions ever after. Lesson learned and his mail is always filled with hate and death threats, no matter how many times he changed acaunts or tried to hide x)
⚫️ Black- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most in control and secure? Was it gained through negative or positive means?
Fhjfgjdhetdjsjs HAVE YOU SEEN THIS ANXIOUS BLOB OF A MAN??? X'D he's mostly so insecure
But I gotta say that most in control he feels when he's piloting/driving - he's very good at it and it makes him feel like he's one with the machine, either he participates in race or chasing someone or flying away from the chase. I guess that's why he has a history of participating in different kinds of pirate races and such
I got tired of writing... please ask me other questions later (its better if i post this much now, then keep this post in drafts for the hope to finish it all and then forgeting... 😭)
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loud-whistling-yes · 2 years
💐 (... how many flowers do you think can i get way with- HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS THING THAT SHOWED UP ON MY KEYBOARD)
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anyways since there's 6 there i guess you get 6 sentences?... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The boy on the ground shakes too, whether in laughter, pain or both she doesn’t know until he cracks a grin of his own, massaging where a bruise would soon appear on his chest.  --- this one is from a mcyt writing/drawing event that i pulled out of a few weeks ago. not sure if i'll ever come around to finishing this fic since i have no need to anymore, but i think its a pretty nice read so far. this section's supposed to be a childhood fic of esmp!pearl and sausage lol
A lonely boy stands on a pillar in the clouds and all the sky can see is him. --- This one’s from an au i was working on?? p sure it was hermit!tommy and sun/moon/star grian/pearl/gem that came from that one post from @/hermitcrossovers. never actually got around to doing much with it though, the docs only has half a page filled 😭
No wonder their bodies break so quickly. It takes longer than a blink, of course. Longer than a sneeze. A yawn perhaps. Or maybe enough time to do a quick stretch only to come back and find out they’re gone. --- okay technically this is half a paragraph but this particular wip was made completely of short sentences that only made sense together so here’s a huge chunk of text from an abandoned drista fic. i have so many drista fics that i never finished you dont even know. something something to love things you can never comprehend 
(God, she hopes he’s scared. Hopes he’s hurting. Hopes that when she dies he dies and he finds out this is what he gets for leaving her alone.) --- yeah another rapid-fire short sentence paragraph so you just get a buy one get more for free deal. this one is a dl!galaxy duo fic i never finished? i think i started this one a few days after session 1 came out and never bothered to continue after session 2 came
The moon was so bright and round that he swore that if he reached for it he would've felt it. --- this one’s from the REALLY shitty old fic i wrote like 2 years ago?? again another dsmp fic i never got around to finishing... i might rewrite this one though, cause the idea itself was pretty neat the execution just sucked ass
Whether he was trembling from the cold water, the excitement, or the fear, Tommy didn’t know, and didn’t care. --- ALSO from previously said shitty fic, cause it actually has some good sentences in between the really really bad ones
oh yeah SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER MAE IT’S BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR MONTHS. my brain doesn’t like functioning apparently. also yeah the first wip sentence and everything before that was written the same day the ask was sent, then i got distracted somehow and it got saved into my drafts??? i dont know whats wrong with me
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irritablepoe · 1 year
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
PS: I'm still working on answering my asks asgdhsjsjs, already have the outline done at least? and a couple of them done (...like the quotes part which is um yeah, you'll know when u see it asgshsjdj). Oh!!!! Forgot to tell you but finished reading the first book of Jackaby last week!!! So I actually recognized the quote you mentioned in ur last ask (ᗒᗜᗕ) (also recognized the one from six of crows that i somehow still remember when i read it in like january but omg yes 😭) (i dont remember if i ever mentioned that i finished c&p a while ago but yeah also got that one 🌟) (the only one i actually need to go and read is the kafka letter 😆)
hiii mila!!! :D thank you so much for the ask!
dw, take all the time you need for answering :3 and omg!!! wait you actually read it, that's so cool😭😭😭 did you like it? who's your fav character? :D jeyyyy c&p too? you gotta tell me about how you liked both books omg!!! :333 and good luck with kafka's letter (as in i hope you don't cry lmao :'))
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
my room is probably very cozy. like i have a big bed and there are many pillows and blankets on it. i also have a lot of art (of others and me) + book pages on my wall. there are three shelves full of books and a record player + vinyls + some old magazines. so it's probably a very typical room for someone in fandoms lmao. also people are always confused about this but i don't have a mirror in my room. it freaks me out a little bit xD
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i would really like to move to heidelberg bc i love the city deeply. i also would really like to travel outside europe (but also in europe hehe). as for more mundane things i would like someone irl to actually hear me out on stuff they may not understand bc they're not in fandoms or don't care about the things i care about. but it would be nice to talk about this stuff and not be interrupted or sth yk. that's also probably the least likly to happen lol. ut i still hope :3
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
so when i'm happy i get really giggly and childish and i laugh a lot (especially about my own jokes (i'm so funny, trust me)) and tend to get very loud with my emotions (though only when i'm around people i like, otherwise i just smile a lot). on the other hand when i'm annoyed i'm usually really overstimulated and i will not respond to external stimuli of any kind. you tell me sth? i probably didn't hear. i tend to just go very still and quiet. it's probably the same when i'm sleepy, though there are also times when i get giggly too. when i'm upset there are two options: either i will cry or i will defeat you with pure and cold logic. there's no inbetween. in a normal state i'll crack a lot of jokes that are often overlooked bc i always tell them quite dryly. i also will complain a lot when i'm in a normal state (not about anything important, it's just fun). when i'm really in pain though i will go quiet and probably snap at whoever talks to me.
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
i would say it depends on the quality and themes of the medium (i tend to like sad/angry themes) but normally i show the most reaction when i listen to good music or read a good novel. though when i was in paris and looked at the statues in musee d'orsay i was also very intrigued. as for music, there's often lyrcis that are really relatable but they're combined with instruments that give them more... power? ig??? and for the novel, i really like connecting to characters, like who do i see myself in/who do i like the most/find the most interesting etc? and then i experience the story out of the characters eyes, therefore also experiencing loss and tragedy and stuff? yeah, but idk about the statues though. i especially liked the ones that displayed pain, probably bc i feel empathy towards them?
thank you again, mila, that was really fun to answer! :D
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louismygf · 2 years
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khuzena · 2 years
Hello! If possible can I have hc or a scenario in which Cypher decides to meet his agent crush in completely different clothes that he usually wears n without his mask, in a place outside the headquarters, and his crush doesn’t realize it’s him (because they were just on their free day n not supposed to meet with anyone or smt) until after they have parted ways. Sorry if this is too long and oddly specific 😭😭
Cypher x g/n!reader
Tw: fluff and no angst, wholesome but confusing
Hehehe back from my hiatus, i know damn well you waited for a long time for this one 😨
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You and cypher were on good terms and was always hanging out, he knew your habits and mannerism and so did you vice-versa.
Before cypher decided to visit you without his mask and stuff he was internally shaking because what if someone recognizes and remembers him and everything he planned will fuck up?
Though he got pass those fears and decided to wear dark brown pants and a simple white long-sleeved shirt.
He remembered yesterday when you said you were going to spend your day off at a particular park nearby the city so he prepared everything and also a hidden gun in case things go wrong.
He went to your location through your phone gps which could be considered stalking since you had no idea but as long as no one finds out he's fine.
At the park where you sat with a coffee to your side on the bench, you were scrolling through your phone until a man with brown messy locks and glasses came up to you and sat right next to you.
"Hello? You don't mind if I sit here right?"
You were hesitant to let some stranger get so close to you but he sounded friendly so you answered,
"No it's ok you can sit here... Are you from this city?"
Trying to ease the tension and maybe get to know him better but his breathtaking eyes made you a little shy inside— 'ah! No no no you just met him' you thought.
He slumped backwards, gazing at the crowd before replying, "No actually, it's my first time here"
"Ah... I see, but have you been to the other cities in this country? There's a lot of popular cities compared to this so you must've went to the others already" you say before standing up
"Leaving already?"
You kinda felt bad for leaving him alone here so you decided to just tag him along with you.
Spending the entire day walking around the city, chatting about random topics to atleast find something in common and ranting about things that irritate you both in the meantime was what you both did.
The two of you enjoyed each other's company so much time passed by so quickly, you stare at your wrist watch and it was already 7 pm.
He stares at your physique for a few seconds and it seemed like he was concerned, the two of you are agents but he was sure you were quite tired from not even getting a break and spent the time waltzing around the city, "Are you not hungry yet? We walked for hours straight and it seems like you're tired"
You tried to laugh at it off and act tough and blurted out, "Pfft, I'm not hungry or tired or anythin— *stomach growling*" ...
Cypher didn’t respond but held his sides as though he had a stomachache. His eyes crinkled at the corner and held his laughter and the more you observe him the more you got embarrassed so you both didn't say anything and just went to the nearest restaurant.
Soon after you both finish eating, before he said goodbye you tug his sleeve and ask him something.
You puffed out, "Before you go, can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead dear."
"So uhm— what's your name?"
The man raises his eyebrow but answered, "My name's Amir" his voice husky and his lips formed into a soft smile.
"Oh uhm.. Sorry if I forgot to ask your name earlier-" he quickly cut you off,
"Dont worry, (y/n). I'll see you soon"
You were in shock because he knew your name for some reason but you didn't know his, just before he walked away he slipped a card in your pocket with out a word and waved you good bye.
Opening the note you read the content and heat rushed up to your cheeks, "09XX - Cypher"
It was cypher's number.
It was embarrassing really, you didn't recognize him when the man earlier was very similar to the cypher you knew back at work.
How were you both supposed to face each other next week at work?
The moment cypher got home he was screaming onto his pillow because his heart was racing from back then, the way you looked at him and even laughed at his silly jokes made his heart pound aggressively.
He knew he wasn't normally like this, but when it comes to you he gets all flustered; it's the first time in a few years after nora where he felt like this, where he felt comfortable enough to even reveal his true identity to you but for now all he could think of was how he would approach you next week.
Next week, all the agents from their vacation was back to work and everyone was talking about their fun adventures last week but he just sat down at an armchair hoping you'll approach him.
Cypher was checking his equipment and you slowly walked up to him, he stared at your shy expression before you muttered,
"S-so... Do you want to go to the same restaurant later at 9 pm?
"I would love to."
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Fuck fuck fuck why did I write this so horribly omg you did not just wait 3 weeks for this disappointing shet im so sorry im lacking motivation 😭
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
❆ HELLO HELLO AVA PLS DONT MIND ME POPPING IN ><. I HOPE YOURE DOING WELL!! AND FEEL FREE TO ANSWER THIS WHENEVER! I missed these two and had a cute lil idea 😞♥️ gwen basically begging to just sit and watch ryuuto work 😭 lil guy would probably watch paint dry with this much enthusiasm. ❆
┊ ┊ ┊. ➶ ˚
Practically skipping through the halls of Richter’s manor, Gwen’s hands rested themselves in the pockets of their pants. Usually they would spend days off elsewhere, instead of here— Though today they couldn’t help but feel inspired. So desperate to see paint fly across a canvas again. And it isn’t like they would be making any works of art any time soon, but they did know someone who would be —
“Knock knock. Anybody home~”
The teen’s voice swayed this way and that, words lining up perfectly with their soft knocks. Not too loud, not too quiet. They figured they startled the poor man the last time they were here, s~o they decided to knock this time. They also couldn’t be too certain that he would leave his studio unlocked this time, how unfortunate.
“You have a very important delivery~ Is anyone home? It’d be a shame if you missed it~”
‘Very important delivery’ being themselves of course. They were important! Maybe— they could assure themselves that they weren’t boring, at the very least. So now, there they stood; arms now coming to cross themselves across their chest, as they leaned against Ryuuto’s doorframe. Patiently awaiting for him to open his studio door.
// Im SO sorry this took forever to get to >< These two are soo cute, even when they're not even trying uwu. Feel free to ignore btw <3 if you're disinterested in continuing Gwen-related rp!!
[ Ryuuto hadn't even stirred from his canvas, finishing the minute details of the treetops within the landscape, when the door creaked open with the assistance of his familiars. Thank God for them, sometimes, offering a hand when he couldn't even spare a finger. Especially when his nose was this close to the wet canvas, the fumes of the paint licking his face at such as a short distance, impregnating his pores; He was sure to smell ripe of fresh canvas varnish and oil paints for the next few days. ]
Leave it down there, then. I'll get to my "special delivery" when I'm done here in, say... twelve, or so, more hours.
[ He was teasing, most obviously. What bait Gwen had left for him to take, though~ By calling them an "it", he could objectify them with ease - just as they had made themselves out to be, in all fairness. Although, the entire time he did so, not even a moment was taken turn away from his artwork, lest he forget his place. ]
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