#i will edit my previous post brb
raamitsu · 2 months
saw Mya tweeted "24 hours to go for #jjk255" and I was like, "wait what do you mean by 24 hrs?" and then i came to realize that the leaks were supposed to come out tomorrow and NOT TODAY...
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whitepadi · 2 years
you went from "i'm gonna have my legacy name mean 'bastard'" to "i'm gonna have my legacy name mean 'gift from god'" and while i find the latter very beautiful and am a sucker for names with deep and pretty meanings, i still am somewhat disappointed that it's not gonna be "bastard" anymore
/lh & pos
LMAO YEH It's still how I'm gonna call them Badjingan in general tho since it's my official project name and Pangestu is more of a family name.
It just that Pangestu sounds handsome even for local standart knowing they are basically a "Boomer surname" here, it would be a miss to not use it.
Thanks for this ask tho because now i'm gonna call my lineage (Nathandra-Kresna-Sokta) as "Badjingan Lineage" been thinking about their lineage names for MONTHS.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Trevor Zegras (Part Eleven)
previous: ten
next: twelve
corresponding quinn post
note: i’m posting this as if i posted on game day but bc the game wasn’t uploaded on espn+ til midnight, i’m posting now!
i kinda hate this but it’s fine
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liked by colecaufield, jamie.drysdale, and 4,782 others
yourusername welcome to my pregame penalty box update: bets edition! tonight is a very special game because it’s the ducks vs canucks, zegras vs hughes, trevor vs quintin, z vs huggy, z-baby vs quinny, trevy vs quinner, trevorsaurus rex vs quinncerarops, trevanthemum vs quinnrose, boyfriend vs best friend! the current standings are as follows:
trevor zegras (11): 1 game since his last penalty
quinn hughes (43): 3 games since his last penalty
let the chaos commence🧡💙 (oh and good luck babe and side hoes)
tagged trevorzegras, anaheimducks, _quinnhughes, and canucks
view all 271 comments
jackhughes tag yourself i’m trevor vs quintin
jamie.drysdale i’m z-baby vs quinny
colecaufield i’m trevanthemum vs quinnrose
_alexturcotte i’m the entire collage
trevorzegras i better be babe
yourusername 🤷‍♀️
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername i wanna go back to side hoes plural, whomst is the plural??
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale 🤷‍♀️
trevorzegras I BETTER BE BABE
user1 brb making y/n’s collage my lockscreen
_quinnhughes why?
yourusername you’re going to have to be more specific
_quinnhughes why to all of it
yourusername yes :)
jamie.drysdale i’d like to focus on the collage please
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale she made it with love
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i wouldn’t be so sure
user2 there’s not even new out of pocket photos and this post is one of my favorite updates due to nicknames alone😂
user3 i cannot pick a favorite part about this post
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liked by trevorzegras, lhughes_06, and 7,553 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update ft drunk y/n!! somehow, even though these two teams get so many penalties, there was only two in the first period. but i took a shot per goal for both teams so i’m winning in life!! life is grand!!
my lovely boyfriend, trevor zegras, is now at two games since his last penalty! he’s been working on not getting as many penalties, and he’s proving to be successful in this endeavor so far!
sorry about the loss, but at least you got some money! i love you, always, z-baby🧡
p.s jamie-baby says hi everybody!!!
p.s.s bet winnings will be posted on quinny-baby’s post!
tagged trevorzegras
view all 591 comments
trevorzegras there’s so much going on here but i’m pretty sure you said you love me so i love you, forever, y/n-baby😘
yourusername i did say that!! get home faster! jamie is fighting cuddles
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale love her
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras she climbed under my shirt
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale there is no way this is the first time she’s done this
user1 some people have bitches, y/n has babies
lhughes_06 i knew betting on him was a good idea
trevorzegras i knew you were my favorite hughes brother
yourusername “remember i’m still betting on you girl on fire”
lhughes_06 @/trevorzegras how many times has she watched the hunger games series since it hit netflix?
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 i stopped counting at four
user2 easy, breezy, beautiful, cover girl
user3 drunk y/n posts>>>
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras congrats on your loss
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes how’s your face?
jackhughes @/trevorzegras DAMN Z
user4 drinking should’ve been the move i hate tnt games
jackhughes i’d like to change my bets
yourusername well, well, well, how the turntables… (michael scott)
jamie.drysdale i gotta hand it to ya… your tolerance is impeccable
yourusername thanks it’s a talent
trevorzegras my girl>>>
user5 z was so pure interacting with the refs tonight!!
user6 and how they said he had a heart to heart with dallas?!?! swooning. what a man.
colecaufield @/trevorzegras atta boy, trevorsaurus rex!!
yourusername !!!
trevorzegras yeah okay😂 thank you
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itwoodbeprefect · 2 months
ooh there's so many good questions in that writers list. ummmmm 10, 18, 22, 59, 74
10. Cltr+f “blinks” on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
with a previous answer i did this for the starsky & hutch wips, so i'll do it for h50 now, which brings options. the main document with more or less Everything in it has 12 blinks, a flip-flop state of mind has 4 (though those have all already been posted), and sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola (which is, despite appearances, not dead) has 7, one of which is this one, from the aftermath of my gratuitous surf buddies scene rewrite ("“That’s so cute,” Mary says, while she accepts the coffee. She’s smiling, and Steve looks happy and clueless and good enough to eat, and Danny is, quite frankly, insulted."):
When he crosses the doorway he’s indignant, but by the time he’s hopping up on the kitchen counter there’s a nasty doubt creeping in. “Hey, look, we are more than just surf buddies, right? I’m not reading this whole thing wrong?” Steve has his head in the fridge, but at this he closes it without taking anything out. He turns to Danny and blinks. “Of course we are. We’re-” He predictably gets stuck right there, because they haven’t said anything like that out loud before. “Partners,” is what he settles for.
also, oh my god, that's 23 mcdanno blinks. brb editing out these people's twitching eyelids.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
answered this one here!
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
ooh, interesting! and i'm leaning towards no, because i have very few hard boundaries with fiction. there are definitely things i'd be very unlikely to ever write, but there's very little i feel sure about ruling out completely. i'm not responsible (yet) for what tomorrow me thinks would be a good idea, and i only very recently had the experience of watching a show (one of the thai ones, predictably) that got me SO annoyed i had to grab myself by the back of my own shirt and forcibly yank myself back from attempting to rewrite the entire plot of a lazy thing about which i liked practically nothing, not even the characters. so i guess that's one thing i AM trying to actively avoid, and hope for future me's sake she won't be doing either: writing some giant project purely out of spite for a media property i don't enjoy. (peace and love, girl.) beyond that, i don't know! chances are vanishingly slim, but maybe i'll suddenly decide i have a great take on mpreg omegaverse deathfic tomorrow.
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
oh, yes! all my friends i think, my sister, my parents - though my parents wouldn't know where to find it, probably, and i wouldn't mind keeping it that way. i don't mind telling people, it's just that i also don't necessarily enjoy explaining (and defending) the concept of fanfic to random non-fanfic people, so it depends on the situation.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
also already answered this one, here. clearly people agree you picked the best questions!
Get to know your fic writer! 🔎
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thetomorrowshow · 2 years
poisoned rats in a pot of grain - ch. 8
Masterlist - Previous - Next
anyway i've been fairly busy!! main draft for this fic is just about completed; the next part of the trust au is ready for posting later this week; i can post the next chapter of scott's backstory any time i want as long as i edit it lol. much love!
cw: implied/referenced torture, onscreen murder (of unnamed character), blood, dehumanization
“The plan,” Scott says, hitting the convoluted stringboard with a ruler, “is simple.”
The plan is anything but simple.
In the past seventy-two hours, Mythics has been moved into what solely Scott refers to as ‘witness protection’ (actually into the care of the hero Pearl, who had taken him quite willingly); fWhip has sent out drones that found the precise location of Xornoth’s base rather than vague directions from Mythics (a manor on the edge of the city); and Xornoth has somehow, through entirely illegal and frankly impossible means, become an elected senator. None of them can figure out exactly how that happened.
“fWhip is on bed rest,” Joel pipes up before Scott can properly begin. He waves his phone. “He just texted me. Surgery went well, but he shouldn’t be up for a week at least.”
That’s fine, Scott had expected that. He taps a photo of a hero on the board. “That is why I planned ahead. Lady and gentleman, Blossom.”
“No,” Blossom says, smiling apologetically. “I’m a pacifist, Major, you know this. I don’t seek out fights. I just want everyone to get along.”
She shuts the door in his face.
“And that is where Pearl comes in,” Scott says, tapping the stringboard.
“Yeah, I’ve kinda got my super-hands full?” Pearl says, grimacing. “Mythics isn’t exactly easy to entertain. I’d love to, don’t get me wrong, but he’ll definitely wreak havoc if I leave.”
“And that is why we depend on and trust one another,” Scott says, tapping the stringboard. He eyes his two compatriots seriously. “If any of us proves to be a traitor to our cause, we fail.”
“We literally know the plan,” Lizzie deadpans, arms crossed. “We helped make it.”
“It’s still best that we go over this, just to make sure we have it memorized.”
“We wrote it down?” Lizzie pulls a slip of paper out of her pocket, waves it.
Joel sighs, leans over to her. “Lizzie, let him have his action movie moment. He built a whole stringboard and everything.” “First step,” Scott forges on, “is to sneak into the manor. Our best bet for getting us in is Joel—he can make the guards think they heard a sound or something, I don’t really care. He does something to get any guards away, and then we’re in without an alarm being immediately raised.”
“Unless there’s a security system.”
Scott nods to Lizzie. “Unless there’s a security system—and they don’t disable it. That’s why I’m going in first—if I see anything that looks like an alarm or a camera, I freeze it. It’s not foolproof, but hopefully it can keep them off our tail for a couple of minutes so that we can find Gem.”
“Are we sure that Gem’s in the house?” Joel brings up, hand slightly raised. “Like, she could be anywhere in the city. She could be dead. If she’s the fourth member of our party and we can’t find her, what are we gonna do?”
And when I have your little friends, that Gem and that Blossom and the mayor, I will make you watch me torture them.
“She’s alive,” Scott says, shaking off the memory. “Xornoth isn’t interested in killing anyone at the moment. She’ll probably be locked up somewhere, though. Maybe a basement of sorts?” He scribbles basement? onto a sticky note, throws it onto the board under a cut-out of a photo of Gem. “This is probably where we’ll split up—Joel heading off to find Gem, while Lizzie and I look for Xornoth and Solidarity. Of course, things could change once we get there. In the heat of the moment, there’s a million things that could go wrong.”
“Right. What if Xornoth kills us?”
Scott glares at Joel. 
“What if we kill Xornoth?” Lizzie asks. “I know the goal is just to lock them up, but what if something unexpected happens?”
“Nothing unexpected will happen,” Scott says resolutely. “Not in this case. Xornoth isn’t going to go down like that, they’re too powerful. But they won’t want to give up Solidarity.”
Lizzie shrugs. “Not my problem. I’m just here to kill him.”
Scott sighs, taps a corner of the board that reads RULE NUMBER 1: DON’T KILL SOLIDARITY.
“I mean, I’m just here to . . . not kill him. Right.”
Oh boy.
“Right, you all know the rest of the plan,” Scott concludes, rubbing his forehead. “Just . . . no more casualties than necessary, okay?”
“You got it.”
“I’ll try my best, Major.”
This isn’t going to go well.
There’s screams coming from the basement.
He can only hear them occasionally, when the door to the meeting room opens for lackeys or official-looking businessmen to bustle through. His master is in constant meetings and conversations now, several seats around the table always occupied by a rotating door of people.
Jimmy’s been here for hours, he thinks, maybe even an entire day. He hasn’t moved from Xornoth’s side, cheek pressed to their leg like the obedient dog he is. When Xornoth stands, leaves the room, Jimmy stays, eyes demurely on the floor, not even processing what others say. The only words worth hearing are his master’s.
He’s been staring at the ground for some time now while waiting for Xornoth, perhaps longer than an hour, when his master finally returns, angry words spewing from their mouth.
“You think you can defy me? This is my city, fool!”
“And—and someone has to stand up to you!”
“Pet,” his master hisses, pulling Jimmy up by the hair. They unclip the leash from his collar, point him in the direction of a rather scared-looking man in a too-tight button-up. “Kill.”
Jimmy dives at him without hesitation, long nails tearing into his face and pulling at his hair. The man screams under him, and Jimmy lets the adrenaline flow as he grips the man’s throat—he doesn’t have enough physical strength to snap his neck, but an accident—
There’s an awful crack and the man crumples, eyes rolling up. Jimmy releases his neck, watches dispassionately as his body hits the ground. Then he turns back to Xornoth, waiting for their next command.
His master is smiling. “Good job, darling,” they purr, beckoning Jimmy close. There’s other people still around the table, Jimmy notices, people now silent, people looking anywhere but at the body behind Jimmy.
Xornoth fixes the leash back onto Jimmy’s collar and he relaxes into the familiar weight, rolling his shoulders back. This is good. He’s done good.
There’s a bit of blood under his fingernails and staining the pads of his fingers. Nothing abnormal. Nothing that should make him want to shake apart.
Xornoth leads him back to their seat, where Jimmy obediently drops to his knees, uncaring of the sharp pain that shoots through his bad hip. He doesn’t feel anything for the body just meters away. He doesn’t look at it. He doesn’t think about it.
He just killed someone. He just killed someone who did nothing to deserve it. He just killed someone because his master told him to.
He’s spent so long not letting his brain catch up to his actions. He can’t start thinking about what he’s done now.
Xornoth’s hand cards through his hair as his master begins speaking, and Jimmy does nothing but lean into it. He rubs the hem of his shorts under his fingernails, clears out some of the blood.
The door opens again, another distant scream echoing through the room. Jimmy chews on his tongue. He’s glad that whatever is happening to whoever that is, it’s not happening to him. He’s good. He’s a good pet. He does what his master tells him to do.
Jimmy hears the word in the middle of the conversation, glances up a little to see that while his master isn’t talking to him, they’re smirking down at him, something almost . . . triumphant in their gaze. Jimmy rests his head against their lap, stays still even though his hip screams for him to shift just a little bit to the side. He’s a good pet.
His eyes wander out to the side, where only the shoes of the dead man are visible. Why has nobody removed the body? Why is it still here? His first ever intentional kill, committed thoughtlessly, automatically, and now a man is gone like he’d never even been here.
He’s losing his grip, Jimmy realizes, his tremulous hold on the compartmentalization that keeps him sane beginning to slip. He can’t have that, that’s very bad news, he can’t let emotion leak into this part of himself because he’s a good boy. He’s a good pet. He’s good for his master.
He twitches his head, just slightly, as if trying to scare off a fly on his nose. His master doesn’t notice, doesn’t notice that Jimmy’s carefully-crafted delusion of control is crumbling before his very eyes. He hadn’t wanted to kill anyone. He hadn’t thought that would be required of him. He doesn’t want to be here.
You’re fine, he tells himself, careful not to let his lips make any noise. You’re a pet. You can’t do anything that master doesn’t command. You can’t risk the cage.
Because that’s all it really ever boils down to, isn’t it? He’s not a pet because his resistance will hurt others. He doesn’t warn away the heroes of the city out of any actual care for their wellbeing. He only cares about not getting put in that cage ever again.
People file in and out. He doesn’t hear any more screams. His master holds a meeting, then another, then another, and Jimmy sits at his side and doesn’t doze for once, stares at what is left of the blood from the scratches he made down that man’s face.
When he’s finally alone, Jimmy rinses his hands in the too-cold water from the broken sink in the corner of his cell. 
There’s still dark red crusted under two fingernails.
He leaves it.
A stakeout reveals that, likely due to Xornoth’s new political position, cars go to and from the manor frequently, a mix of classic kidnapper vans and government vehicles. It might be as easy as driving to the front door, Joel pulling a Jedi mind trick, and then walking right in.
That’s what Scott hopes, at least, jostling on the floor of the white electrician van that Lizzie had somehow acquired.
Joel’s up front in the driver’s seat. Even through the small grate window, Scott can see his knuckles turning white around the steering wheel. Lizzie’s across from Scott, staring determinedly at the floor.
This doesn’t feel like Scott’s typical base-busting. This feels like a shady, villainous operation. Which is sort of what it is, with Lizzie involved.
There’s a huge chance that everything will go wrong. They’re only three people, after all. One of whom certainly wants Solidarity dead, and is therefore untrustworthy. But Scott has to rely on them. He can’t do this alone.
The van jolts to a stop and Scott swallows, balls his hands into fists. This is it.
“This is it,” Joel calls back to them, voice filled with false cheer. “If this doesn’t work out—”
“Lizzie, I love you,” Joel continues, undeterred. “And Major, you’re a prick.”
Scott rears back. “Unprovoked?” he sputters, before Lizzie shushes him and suddenly Joel is rolling the window down.
Scott ducks down, Lizzie following barely a half second later. “Cargo?” an unfamiliar voice requests, and Scott can feel his heart pounding. They’ve done absolutely nothing to protect themselves here. If there’s anyone examining the van with some sort of x-ray vision there’s no way to get out in time. Even if they do, the alarm will be raised and Xornoth will be conscious of their efforts. There isn’t a second try here. They’ve pinned everything on this.
There’s a moment of quiet, too long, a moment only filled with the sound of the idle engine and Lizzie’s breaths. Then Joel’s seat creaks, and the voice says, “All in order. Go ahead.”
The van jerks forward and they’re moving. Scott dares to raise his head a little, catches Joel’s cheeky grin in the rearview mirror.
“Headed to the garage!” he calls back, and Scott bites his lip, his stomach flipping. The first checkpoint has been passed—they’ve gotten in without detection. He ought to be celebrating, ought to be excited. He can’t help that everything feels like it’s about to go horribly wrong.
He hasn’t been this nervous in years. It’s just another fight, he tries to tell himself. You’ve busted tons of bases in your time, including Xornoth’s. It’s just another fight.
It’s not just another fight. This is Solidarity’s life on the line. This is Gem’s life on the line. This is the entire city on the line.
And then they’re pulling into a garage, and Scott has to suck it all up and clamber out of the van.
There’s nobody else in this garage. A black van is parked beside them. There’s a screen door leading into the main part of the house. Shelves of typical garage items line the back wall—spare tires, jacks, rope. Nothing out of the ordinary.
It’s quiet. Not too quiet, not eerily quiet. Quiet like a church on a weekday. An accustomed quiet. A not-to-be-disturbed quiet.
Joel behind him has fixed his mask onto his face, and Lizzie behind him is climbing out of the van, smoothing down her hair. She’s got a canteen strapped to her hip, ready to spit out a stream of water just in case.
“Should we head to the door?” Scott whispers, nodding toward it, but Joel points instead to the opposite corner of the garage. There, Scott notices, set into the floor, is a trapdoor.
A basement.
That’s their first place to check for any prisoners—and somehow, it seems safer to come in through a trapdoor rather than the main one into the house.
Joel takes point, stealing toward the trapdoor and easing it open. Scott follows Lizzie down the ladder, glancing around behind them. This is too easy. A door straight to the cellar? Through the garage? There’s no way they’re this lucky.
It appears that they are, though, because when, unhindered by non-existent guards they begin going through the rooms, the third room they check in the dark basement (which is eerily quiet, quiet in the unnerving way rather than the natural way) houses Gem.
She’s not in the worst shape of anyone Scott’s ever seen, but he rushes to her side as soon as they spot her. She’s chained to the wall, a flickering purple force around her, hair tangled and face bruised. Her eyes are closed, bags beneath them deep and dark.
Even asleep, just by looking at her Scott can tell that she won’t be up to accompanying them for the rest of the mission. He’s not sure what they can do for her, though—she can’t take the van home, seeing as it’s their current escape plan and would alert the manor to their presence. They can’t abandon the mission to help her, that would be consigning Solidarity to his fate. They can’t just leave her here—they can’t do anything, it seems, and Scott’s starting to panic which he can’t afford to do—
“Gem,” Scott whisper-shouts, stuck outside her shields. Gem starts awake instantly, raising her arms to cover her face—until she sees Scott.
“Major,” she breathes, and her entire body visibly relaxes. The force flickers once more, then disappears. Scott shoves himself forward on his knees, pulls Gem onto his lap.
“Gem, it’s so insanely good to see you,” he tells her, trying not to betray any actual emotion. They’re still in the middle of a mission, after all. He doesn’t have the time to let down any defenses.
Gem mouths something. Scott leans forward, ear over her mouth, and she tries again.
“Get out,” she croaks. “Scott, it’s—he’ll come back any moment—they know you’re here—”
Oh no.
Things had been going too well, hadn’t they?
“We’ve been made,” Scott hisses to his companions. Lizzie curses, Joel spins around to face the door.
Gem’s stirring, fruitlessly pulling at the chains around her wrists. Scott takes a link, applies tighter and tighter ice, he doesn’t know the physics behind this move but he’s broken metal by freezing it far too many times—
The first chain snaps, and he makes quick work of the other one, pulling Gem up to her feet. She can stand, surprisingly, shakes out her arms with a pained grunt.
“I’m fine,” she mutters when Scott tries to help her. “I just wanna get out of here.”
Everything is suspicious, everything including how injured Gem had seemed at first to how capable she seems now—how she warned them, but there’s no one nearby—but Scott pushes aside the prickling in the back of his brain and nods to her, continues on his way out.
He’s barely turned his back on her when something heavy slams into him from behind, sending him flying into Lizzie with a loud crash.
The air is totally knocked out of him and it’s a few seconds before he can even see, let alone breathe. When he does manage to suck in some air, he blinks his eyes open—he and Lizzie are on the floor, Lizzie shoves him off of her and rolls to her feet—Scott pushes his aching body up, gasping, only to see Lizzie dive at Gem and take her to the floor. 
He cries out, pain forgotten in adrenaline as he sprints forward—he has to protect Gem, he has to save her—but Gem’s hands go loose from where they’re pulling at Lizzie’s hair as Lizzie slams her head into the concrete floor. 
Gem’s unconscious before Scott can get there, and he goes to shove Lizzie away—that’s Gem, that’s his friend, how could she—but a hold on his cape stops him. He whips around; Joel is there, face white, holding him back.
“Major, Gem—she just tried to kill you,” he says, and Scott doesn’t need to be able to read minds to know that Joel isn’t lying. He glances back to Gem’s lax face, Lizzie dusting her hands off as she stands.
“Thank me later,” she bites out, stepping over Gem to stare Scott down. Scott looks between Gem and Lizzie, trying to work out—why would Gem—?
Joel groans at the same moment that Scott connects the dots. “The other telepath,” Joel grumbles. “They must be here.”
And Scott, still looking down at Gem, knows exactly what’s about to happen. He almost doesn’t want to turn around, as if not looking will make it not happen. But he sighs, pushes a hand through his hair, and turns around.
Joey Graceffa waves from the doorway.
Graceffa seems put out, almost, when he gets no reaction from the group. “C’mon, nothing for the richest man in the country?” he pouts, slipping out of his expensive suit jacket. Scott’s lip curls.
He can take Graceffa, easy. He’s known for years that there was something up with him, that he wasn’t just corrupt in that all-billionaires-are-evil way, but in more pressing ways as well. He’d never had sufficient evidence to go after him, though.
Right now, evidence doesn’t matter.
But once again, Joel pulls him back by his cape. “Don’t,” he says lowly, and Scott can feel the power in his voice. It’s not directed at him, not right now, but Scott hasn’t been on the other end of a telepath’s powers in a long time and he certainly doesn’t want to break that streak now. He backs down, lets Joel approach Graceffa.
“So,” says Joel, gesturing toward Gem. “Your work?”
Graceffa shrugs. “Quick and dirty,” he says. “Nothing near what I had going with Mythics. I suppose you would know what happened to him?”
Joel barks out a laugh. “It’s not gonna be that easy, mate,” he says confidently, pressing closer to Graceffa.
And then they both go silent, staring into each others’ eyes.
An entire minute passes.
Scott exchanges a look with Lizzie. She shrugs.
“Is this a straight man thing, or. . . ?”
Graceffa slaps Joel across the face, points at Scott. “How dare you accuse me of being straight!” he gasps dramatically, and there’s something pushing at Scott’s brain, behind his eyes, and he doesn’t like this, he doesn’t like this at all—
Then Joel is slamming Graceffa into a wall. “Both of you, head out and find Solidarity! I’ll catch up!” he shouts, as Graceffa wriggles free of his hold and kicks him in the knee.
Scott doesn’t need to be told twice. He runs, Lizzie on his heels, further down the basement. The basement isn’t too large, quite a bit smaller than Scott expected for a manor of this size, and within sight of the room Gem was in is another staircase. Scott freezes just before it, holds an arm out to stop Lizzie.
“Joey Graceffa knew we were here,” he whispers. “He could’ve alerted anyone.”
“Who even was that guy?”
“Classic billionaire type, and apparently a telepath?” That part is still fuzzy, but Scott’s pretty sure they’ve just left Joel and Graceffa having some sort of telepath showdown. So Joey Graceffa is the telepath, and for some reason, he’s been hanging out in Xornoth’s basement. Scott entertains the idea that Graceffa is Xornoth for about .2 seconds, before dismissing it entirely. Laughable.
Scott leads the way up the stairs, slow and careful. Something still isn’t right about this.
It’s the middle of the day. Sure, they sort of hoped people would be out to lunch, but there’s got to be some sort of staff here, right? And they know for a fact that Xornoth employs some basic muscle, so theoretically there should be any number of thugs around the building.
It’s not right that Joey Graceffa of all people is the only one to notice that they’re here.
But when Scott pushes open the door at the top of the stairs, there’s no one there.
It’s just him and Lizzie, alone in a grand, painting-lined hallway.
The prickling in the back of Scott’s brain has grown to a roar of dread, because this just isn’t right. They shouldn’t be alone in a building that constantly has vehicles shipping to and fro, a building where Xornoth and presumably all of their thugs reside, a building where Solidarity by all rights ought to be.
But it’s just the two of them, and the quiet that had been unnerving earlier is downright oppressive now.
There’s an open doorway to Scott’s right, light spilling onto the polished wooden floor beyond it. Scott looks to Lizzie, who shrugs.
It’s the first sign of proper life that they’ve seen. And if Gem is to be believed, it’s not a secret that they’re here.
Xornoth is most certainly there. It’s also most certainly a trap. But Scott’s not a hero for nothing, and Lizzie’s not a villain for nothing. Both kinds are quite notorious for getting out of traps.
Scott stretches, rolls his neck out, then leads the way into the room.
It’s a ballroom, large and grand, all sorts of intricacies decorating the walls and ceiling, but Scott only has eyes for the two figures on the dais at the opposite end of the room.
Xornoth in all their dark glory, resting back in a jewel-encrusted throne. The Canary in full costume (glider wings and musketeer hat included), kneeling at their feet. A chain connects the Canary’s collar to Xornoth.
Xornoth raises a hand, and Scott suddenly realizes that it isn’t just the two of them in the room. There’s a small guard made up of eight or so thugs standing by the door, and it’s barely a second before two of them have Scott by the forearms and two others have Lizzie. Scott struggles, but only for a moment—they’re not attacking him, just pulling him forward to meet Xornoth. He was already planning on heading that way, anyhow.
“Well,” Xornoth says once both Scott and Lizzie are before them. “Here to destroy me?”
And Scott’s seething, because he is here to destroy them. Because Solidarity is right there, chin on Xornoth’s lap. Because they’re finally here, and Xornoth is still acting like they have the upperhand.
When Xornoth removes Solidarity’s musketeer hat and glides a hand through his golden hair, Scott can’t help but yank one of his arms free. A shard of ice shoots down his arm and into the thigh of someone holding him. That person curses, smacks Scott over the head.
Scott curses as well. He needs to calm down. He can’t lose control here, in front of his nemesis, with an innocent’s life at stake. He stares up at Solidarity, searching the little bit of visible skin for any signs of recent injuries, trying to catch the man’s eye. Solidarity isn’t even looking at him, eyes fixed on . . . on Lizzie.
Lizzie’s staring back at Solidarity, face tight. Her hands, restrained as they are, are clenched in fists, knuckles turning white.
What’s visible of Solidarity’s face is expressionless, even as he leans into Xornoth’s hand.
“Nothing to say to me, Major?” drawls Xornoth, lip curled. Scott returns his attention to the villain. “Nothing to say to your . . . brother?”
In what? Being powered? 
Maybe it’s some sort of tax bracket thing, Xornoth pleading to his anti-establishment spirit. Even so, it’s weird. Confusing. Probably meant to throw him off. Scott doesn’t like it at all.
“We’re not brothers,” he spits out, “and we never will be. Anything else cryptic to say to me, or should we skip to the part where I kick your demonic butt?”
Xornoth laughs, strange and echo-y in this space. It sends a chill running up Scott’s spine, one that he tries fruitlessly to shake. “Why, why, Major—or should I say, Scott,” they say, and the chill spreads to all of Scott’s body, stealing the air from his lungs.
There’s only two people on earth who know Scott’s secret identity, and neither of them have taken up supervillain activities in the last ten years—unless his therapist has something to tell him. And his therapist is a middle-aged woman named Nora, so it would be more than a little concerning for Xornoth to remove their mask right now and reveal themself to be her.
“How do you—?”
“Brothers, Scott,” Xornoth tells him, one finger idly wrapping a lock of Solidarity’s hair around it and pulling hard. Solidarity doesn’t move. “You’ve forgotten your poor, lonely brother, cast from the home at just fourteen? Surely you remember something of me, you at least stood taller than a toddler.”
No way. There’s literally no possible way that’s true. Scott was an only child. He hates to think of the people who raised him, the place he grew up, but now he casts his mind back, tries to recall any evidence of such a sibling.
There’s nothing. Not even a faint echo of a teenager occupying the house when he was young. No photos, no possessions, no memories.
Xornoth’s probably lying. They’re probably just trying to shake him before the battle, give themself the upper hand. But the fact that they know his name is scary. Incredibly scary.
If they know Scott’s name, who else does?
He’ll just have to make sure to bring Xornoth in alive. He needs answers about this, but right now they’re going to have to wait.
Scott sighs, tugs himself free from the guards easily. “We fighting or no?” he asks, then doesn’t wait before sending an icicle flying at Xornoth. The villain dodges it easily, stands, unclips the chain from Solidarity’s collar (Scott’s blood boils at the sight of it) and places the man’s hat back on his head.
“Pet,” says Xornoth casually. Solidarity’s eyes instantly leave Lizzie, turning instead to Xornoth. “I have some business to take care of with my long-lost brother. Keep her—” they point at Lizzie— “out of my way.”
Scott barely has time to process the words before the Canary leaps at Lizzie, and Xornoth flies toward him.
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alpacaparkaseok · 2 years
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Hi 🥺
I really don’t know what to say besides I just blacked back in 😭. Let’s get a few things out of the way:
1) I did in fact turn back on my notifs for your blog bc I thought I was safe (I am in fact not safe but it’s okay bc I can shut my eyes really fast 😂🥲). But having them off was distressing in an odd way.
2) I have not read chapter 14 yet and it’s killing me BUT I am close. I thought about not messaging you until I was about to dive in but as I sat down today and looked at all the reblogs of previous chapters and ask I have in my drafts I thought I better just come clean right away 😞. This way I’ll post as I get done editing in my comments (and let’s be honest rereading even more) instead of just reblogging an embarrassingly amount of posts at a time and it being…✨a lot✨.
3) I saw the new pinned post…it was inevitable 🤧 (saving my freak out for later, but also I did kind of spoil the concept for myself from the get…there is still a lot to freak out about tho 😳. Oh and no other spoilers have breech so that’s good. I am still very much in the dark besides the title of the sequel. Which I am obsessed with by name alone)
4) Fourthly and most important: I missed you 🥺
I just saw you post about the prince Jimin fic and I couldn’t stand it anymore! I am feeling much more human these days and I’m really excited to catch up on what I missed (and send in my final 🤡 predictions for the ending of htss…I know I’m not safe to scroll your blog for anything until I’m caught up too!). I hope school started up okay and I know you’ll be busy with that so if you don’t get to go over all my reblogs and things I get it! Because it’s gonna be so much I will probably send an ask before I start reading chapter 14 that summarizes my predictions bc you know how much I love to clown myself 🤡🙃🥲. Otherwise my mad ramblings will be scattered amongst all the chapters 😂.
Honestly time freaks me tf out and I have no idea how almost 2 weeks went by??? I swear it feels like days to me. Stupid Einstein and his relativity. But yeah I am here and alive (a little sad so much time passed but trying not to dwell on it bc I can’t change it) and playing catch up on social media and just things in general. Yeah…so reblogs will start…probably immediately 😬
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Hi 🥹🥹
1) I was literally about to send out a search party so I’m happy you’re here
2) I am happy to read all the reblogs and all the incoherent screaming you can manage.
3) pls I’m so excited. Htsm is purely self-indulgent and I can’t wait.
4) brb crying 😩 missed you too
Yes lots of time has passed. School has started, life is still crazy, and I’m happy to hear from you! I hope that when you get to chapter 14 you love it and enjoy it as much as I did. So happy to see you back in my inbox, it never ceases to make me grin and cackle haha
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
Hi, I have a question, and I hope it would be interesting for you too... Could we talk about angel's wings and feathers?..
I always thought that angel's wings were a part of their true form, a kind of energy which we can only see as a shadows or electric sparks or ash or something like this.
And I didn't think that it could be a real wings with feathers as bird's. Until, while rewatch, I've noticed that angel's feather were mentioned in SPN at least twice (maybe you've noticed more?):
1) In 8.12 when Henry Winchester time travels he uses an angel feather in spell. And then Dean tells that Henry stole an angel feather from the trunk of the Impala. So feathers are reall??? Why did the Winchestets keep the feather in the trunk of the Impala and where they get it? (ok, maybe they found it in the bunker)
2) In 12.13 Sam uses a white feather in spell returning Gavin back in time (we know this spell needs an angel feather)
So now we can see how the real angel feather looks like???
Does that mean that the angel's wings can be presented in physical world like a real wings with feathers and this is not fanfiction? I like this idea so much.
I think that the creators of the show didn't let us to see it, as many other great things, that is sad...
I would really like to know your thoughts about this.
(Sorry for my bad english, it is not my native language...)
Hi there! First off, your English is fine! (lol it’s my native language, and I just typed it “Inglish” by accident, so you’re already doing better than I am :’D)
ETA: DON’T REBLOGGY THIS YET. I forgotted something that @thayerkerbasy just reminded me of, and I’m editing this post... brb... okay NOW YOU CAN REBLOGGY!)
As far as I know, those are the only times in canon we ever see or hear mention of an angel feather, and both times it’s for the same exact spell. They reference that it’s Henry’s spell when they use it again in 12.13, but make no mention in dialogue of it being an angel feather. Yet Sam had a whole jar of fluffy little pin feathers, so the assumption is that they’d been collecting them for a while (unless those were either found in the Men of Letters’ spell ingredient stockpile when they moved into the bunker, or otherwise given to them by Cas at some point).
It’s weird, because they seem like a very limited commodity, especially after the angels fell and their wings all burned up. Even after Cas got his original grace back, his wings never seemingly recovered. When we did finally see his wing prints in 12.23, they were still... not healthy... So my thinking is that any spell that would require them will become impossible to cast when their current supply runs out. All the other angels-- at the end of the series-- were either dead or locked in Heaven with their broken wings. We never learned any of their fates. Maybe they were all rendered obsolete under the Heaven Remodel?
A little behind the scenes from the early days of SPN as a bonus, since it’s tangentially relevant:
When they were filming the very early episodes of SPN, they had a lot of choices to make about what to show us based on what their budget would allow them to portray. Think of an episode like Wendigo, 1.02. One thing I see people say often was that it was a shame we didn’t see more of the monster, but only saw like... bushes shaking, or a vague form moving through the underbrush, or a blur. They made a stylistic choice right there to keep it within budget.
The options they faced were showing us a “dude in a rubber mask” type monster and showing it more, versus one really terrifying shot of a Proper Monster™ dying in spectacular fashion. Rather than go full-on cheesemonster, they chose to leave most of it up to our imaginations, giving us glimpses or hints of the monster.
They went back and forth on this a bit over the years, attempting to show us more on occasion, but most of those times the audience reaction has been varying degrees of wtf... Think about some of the scenes where they attempted to give us more than a glimpse at the supernatural, or a blood splatter, or whatever. It didn’t always work well. Think: the wire fight from 13.23...
I mean, it took us until 11.14 to ever see an angel “flap away,” when we saw Casifer zap Dean off the exploding submarine.
For the most part, I appreciate the fact that they understood the limitations of their own budget and didn’t give angels cheap little wings just to be able to show them on camera. Over time, only being able to see them as shadows, or as char after the angel died, became part of the lore of the show.
I blame Adam Glass for writing that spell, because he probably thought it sounded cool or whatever, that it was effectively a throwaway line because no other spell they’ve ever used has required an angel feather as an ingredient, and in story it was only linked into this larger Men of Letters Legacy plot that in retrospect feels like Chuck tying up loose ends and putting previously “deactivated” plotlines back into play.
I do find it kind of interesting that both iterations of this spell (the second resurrected by Bucklemming) were both tied to Abaddon. Henry’s spell in 8.12 brought her into the story from the past, she eventually travelled to the much further distant past to bring Gavin into the present (presumably with her own power alone, no angel feather required), and then after she was killed, they used the spell to return Gavin to his own time. So in a a way, the spell was part of a closed narrative loop, never to be referred to again.
Kinda wild that we’d never heard of angel feathers being a thing for spells until we learn that Dean apparently had some just stashed in the trunk, though... :’D
As for how corporeal angel feathers are/were, they exist in the earthly plane enough to leave char marks when they burn, when an angel is killed, so they must always have had the potential to manifest physically. I can’t imagine they ever would’ve had a budget to show us anything more than what we usually saw, though. It did give them a LOT of flexibility over how exactly they presented them to us when they DID show us. And I can’t even imagine the suffering Misha would’ve endured as an actor spending all those years wearing some weird wing harness rig. It would’ve been... impractical. And the CGI the show could’ve afforded-- especially in earlier days-- would’ve been... bad...
But what they were able to show us? Was often awesome. Remember when Raphael showed off his wings in 5.03? LIGHTNING!
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And when we finally did see actual corporeal-appearing wings in 8.23... it was Dramatique™
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And for More CGI Is Sometimes A Bad Thing Science, please have the attempt at Michael’s “true form” from 14.01:
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It’s kinda a super-letdown after AU!Michael’s previous shadow wing displays from 13.01, but more specifically from 13.22:
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those... were... badass... 
Even the pre-wire-fight wing shadows on Dean were badass:
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But if they’d tried to show us more of them, to make them move through action scenes for example, it would’ve been... bad...
So what we’re left with is the knowledge that there is some sort of corporeal element to wings that we simply can’t see most of the time, but clearly angels have the ability to show or hide them at will, even from other angels. Could it be an act of will on the part of the angel that manifests a bit of their grace in the form of a physical feather? Honestly, that’s the theory I’ve personally adopted toward canon. In fanfic, I’ve read tons of various headcanons about what angel wings are and how they function-- everything from “a manifestation of their true form” to “angels share a lot of traits with birds” to “an extension of their grace,” and everything in between.
I personally, in canon, like to think of it as akin to how they’ve used angel grace for other spells. I mean, when we recall that angels haven’t been on Earth much for the last few thousand years (aside from at least a couple of known incidents where angels interfered with humanity, like Ishim and Company in 12.10, for example, and the presumptive extension that the Men of Letters knew of the existence of angels and likely summoned one up a time or two the same way Lily Sunder had, giving one explanation for how Henry Winchester knew of this spell and had an angel feather to use for it, but also recontextualized when Lily Sunder taught us that humans can use their own souls to power spells in the same way angels used their grace... which sort of makes the notion of needing an angel feather AND his own soul to charge that particular spell in 8.12 a bit redundant unless Lily’s knowledge of angelic magic was more advanced than Henry’s... hrmpf.... so much tangent... back to the point)...
We did eventually learn of other spells that required an angel’s actual grace, not concentrated in the form of a feather. The Angel Fall Spell in 8.23 being the prime example. Metatron took ALL of Cas’s grace for that one, even if he didn’t use all of it for the spell and left a “fragment” (Metatron described it as “not a lot, but enough.”). 
ETA: HECK. I have 9.03 on the tv right now and it’s distractedly made me disgusted enough to have forgotten something that Thayer just reminded me of: Lucifer’s “fossilized feather” in 12.07. It held enough grace to restore and heal him after Rowena’s spell in 12.03 had degraded him. Which really only adds to the theory that “feathers” are simply bits of grace that have been rendered solid somehow, but that can be transformed back into grace as needed.
And then there was the Rift Spell for travelling to alternate universes that required archangel grace, as well as the time travel/ward breaking spell that Sam found in 11.14 that ALSO required archangel grace specifically. Would these spells have worked with an archangel “feather?” Possibly, if material feathers are somehow just crystalized bits of grace, but since we never got a full explanation in canon, and never even really saw corporeal feathery wings that dropped feathers or could be plucked, and never even had mention of corporeal feathers outside of their use in this single spell, it’s really up to our own interpretation. And I kind of like it that way, because that way we get to have fun little discussions like this one. :D
I know this isn’t a definitive answer, but it’s how it all makes sense to me, in the hand-wavey sort of way that all of canon works. :’D
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recklessrex · 4 years
Rexy's Cats OCs Part 4: Jellicle Allies...
(Honestly I don't really need the pronunciation guide for these ones because they're just normal names but I'll include it anyway for consistency's sake)
(eh-ZEE-kee-el) An old acquaintance of Taro's and one of Munk's teachers at the training grounds. A veteran fighter with extensive battle scars
Gruff, sharp, and strong-willed
Also surprising mellow
Big people watcher
Like it's his favorite hobby, just chill and watch the world
Keen and vigilant
But not afraid to speak his mind either
Knows how to use weapons, but only does so against enemies that are also armed
"Claws against machetes ain't exactly fair"
Carries one of those snap-out collapsible batons that police use as a quickly deployed, easily concealed emergency weapon
Also very skilled with a staff and can make use of stuff like brooms in a pinch if cornered by a machete wielding madman for example
Yes he taught Munk these things too
Typically very casual in speech
Not always very good at talking about emotions
Cares more than he lets on, or admits to himself
Would rather not care but can't help it
Will risk his life to save yours, scold you for getting yourself in this mess, and then continue on as if nothing happened
Invariably calls Munk "Kit" even when they meet again years later and Munk's an adult
Cares very much for Munk as well as Alonzo and Cass (other students of his) even though he'd rather not "get attached"
Munk, Lonz, and Cass in turn look up to him, respect him, and care about him more than he feels he deserves he'd like to be cared for
Used to be on good terms with Taro, though they met rarely and only when Taro was traveling on ahem "important protector business"
Has increasingly lost respect for Taro over the years
No he's not Yaji's favorite teacher
Asexual/Straight romantic
About Skimble's age, give or take
Average height, athletic
Short, unkempt fur
Calico, white and black with orange blotches including an orange patch over his right eye/ear and crossing over his nose, black over the rest of his head, white chin and neck… and so on
Odd-eyed, the left eye is orange, the right is blue
Lots of scars, including a few noticable ones on the face
Most notably he lost his left ear to a machete weilding madman during the same event that killed Cety's family and Arbutus
Not quite deaf in that ear, but sound on that side is now severely muffled and distant, and pinpointing the direction of sound is much more difficult
Nickname: Zeke
(HERM-an) A sly, independent young Cat that helps the Jellicles when they arrive at the Isle of Storms (more on that in a future post)
Cool, clever, and resourceful
Like for real, he's Mr Resourceful
Calls himself a "Resource Acquisitions Agent"
Gets shit you need
In return for other shit that maybe he needs or that another "client" needs
Obfuscates obliviousness and nonchalance to hide his keen interest in pretty much everything
Legitimately a chill dude
But has an agenda
What's his agenda? I'm not telling (:
Cares far more than he wants people to realize, but isn't in denial about it like Zeke
Separated from his parents in pre-adolescence, has been taking care of himself ever since
Lives alone in a small tent on a 5 meter square fenced in plot of land
No you can't come in
Well, you can hang out in the garden, but stay out of the tent
Has stuff going on he doesn't want you to see
Lacking in education due to growing up in a severely isolated community with banned heavily controlled "limited" internet access
Dude seriously had never heard of Auschwitz and Munk had to explain it to him
Also limited on his pop-culture knowledge
He's learning
Everyone knows who he is but very few people really know him
Seems to be able to come and go from anywhere, locked doors and fences be damned
Like is he magic? *shrug* maybe, maybe not. I'm not telling C:
Will suddenly appear in your camp to trade you three cans of soup for your warm jacket, then immediately go trade the jacket to someone else for a working desk lamp, then trade the lamp for…
Lol for real tho. Will come through for you. Just be patient and considerate (and have something to offer), and he'll get you anything
Be a jackass and he might decide to leave you to your own devices or maybe swindle you ah um er not give you a bargain discount yeah
Was very interested in the Jellicles, and particularly Munk, from the first day they arrived, for reasons he's keeping to himself thanks very much
No not like that. He doesn't do that. Like literally the one thing he has no interest in whatsoever
About Misto's age
Slim and kinda shortish
Soft short fur
Solid grey
Teal-green eyes
Very mild surfer-dude accent left over from his early childhood in southwest California
Nickname: Herm or Hermie but prefers Herman thanks very much. Also called "The Ghost" because he's grey and not at all because of the aforementioned ability to come and go as he pleases he doesn't know what you're talking about bruh he just came through the front like a normal person you dudes are crazy
Some notes
My feelings on male calicos in the Cats universe here
The "event" I keep talking about was on a global scale, Zeke wasn't associated with the Jellicles at that time, aside from occasionally encountering Taro. More on that event coming up in a future post if I can ever get it banged out
There's a lot about Herman that I know, but I don't want to reveal until I actually get around to writing this story
Also Herman isn't my only ace or aro character, just the first one where it's come up in context while writing these bios, idk why I didn't think to list sexuality/romantic orientation before…
brb editing previous bios real quick
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6
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So you didn't do the original art for Harley?
if you’re referring to my previous reblog, nope
if you’re referring to my original post explaining my self insert, again, nope. that one was just made on picrew (i tHink i forgot to mention that in the tags? brb gonn edit that)
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shidiand · 5 years
How do you imagine Tenco's Story ending in your head?
that is a GREAT but UNEXPECTED QUESTION freshlybaked "spider" bread and i'm really happy to have the opportunity to try and answer this ageless question that has burned within all of us in the tenco's story iv waiting room community since 2013. it is an incredible coincidence (or is it? 👀) that i was just talking to Risa about tenco's this (edit: yesterday) morning so i am extra double super in the mood to talk about Tenco's Story today. so excellent of a coincidence is this that i am tempted to refer you to them in case you wanted to hear their thoughts on the matter that would probably turn out super cool, but that is neither here nor there; let us talk Tenco's Story.
i of course must mention my unadvertised and modestly detailed commentary on tenco's i-iii at https://shidiand.tumblr.com/tencos, presenting slightly interesting facts in an unwieldy and difficult-to-use format, but as it dates back to june 2017, i want to take some time to understand my feelings about the series once more.
tenco's story is a series that has a lot of meaning to me.
i took on my current name of shidiand in november of 2013. i was still in 11th grade at the time, 4th year of high school, and a very socially isolated person. i should say i was introduced to touhou in 7th grade, 2010, so i was still working through a 3 years-strong phase of trying to simultaneously both find an outlet for and bottle up an endless wellspring of awkward weeaboo-gamer nerd energy at the time.
i had my first real foray onto the internet in 2010, tried out twitter, followed some RPers and other people who had Cool Touhou Usernames. didn't really go anywhere. i had maybe 50 followers, i dont really know the count but it was definitely a) double digits and b) pretty low. didn't know what to tweet about. didn't know how to hit it off with others. i think there was basically maybe only 3 other people i ever properly interacted with. oh shit i was playing league of legends at the time. oh my god. i really did play league of .. oh my god. let's move on.
aw shit im super digressing amn't i. well.
this is just how it goes when i write essays on tumblr.com.
i'm afraid you're just along for the ride at this point so please do your best to enjoy it.
i got kind of tired of twitter at the time because i didnt know what to do with it. didnt know how to interact with people and didnt find the people i was following interesting, so i ghosted on out of there by the end of 2012. didnt deactivate it until like 2015 but at that point that was just burning away my dark history. anyways. november 2013.
--im taking a lot of time here trawling through old files on my computer, my tumblr blog, notification emails still lying around in my gmail inbox from twitter, the dropbox i didn't actually use but it had several tenco's story pictures on it but i deleted them so this was useless, ... to trace the timeline of this story and im really seeing a lot of remnants of dark history here you know? did you know i wrote a letter to a girl i had a crush on valentine's day 2014, slipped it into her locker, and anxiously hung around nearby at lunchtime to see how she reacted at lunchtime? i certainly didn't, or at least i made darn ass sure to forget about this incredible virgin incident and not remember it, ever, until i came across the records of it that i thoughtfully preserved for the me of 5 years later today. ok well now i have to read the letter to see if it was as bad as it just sounded there brb
ok so the good news is that it was actually very focused on being positive and full of admiration for the cool things she did instead of being a confession letter so i am very glad i was able to be a respectful chad 5 years ago, but the bad news is that the jokes, the actual sentences i put together. oh my god. but i mean. well. at least i got the spirit. its certainly a step up from this other person in my grade, WEEABOO ANDREW, YOU MAY RECALL THIS STORY AND HIS NAME FROM PREVIOUS STORYTIMES, THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND who came to school on halloween once cosplaying kirito from sword art online and got very possessive about people asking if they could hold his black replica plastic sword, and probably worse, dropped a "will you be my girlfriend" letter into the locker of my homie and fellow trombonist samantha, who was a little bit nerdy, hung out with the anime-likers who were actually sociable and fun to be around so you can imagine why weeaboo andrew was into her, which had i) a direct quotation from SAO chapter 16.5 (origin of the famous "glopping noise" line), and ii) a condom. jesus christ. i dont want to talk about this any more. next topic.
i also put this drawing of iku nagae and her skarmory (actually an albinoss from 18 DRAGONS) on the other side of the letter because it was the coolest thing i could think of drawing at the time. and i completely agree with 2014 me because it IS super fucking cool. hell fuckin yeah
alright that was a fun little trip down memory lane but lets get back on track. november 2013. i started anew as shidiand. still awkward, still learning how to express myself and looking for my place among others. i followed some touhou bloggers, hung around r/touhou a lot as well. in december i got my first tablet for christmas, a wacom bamboo splash. i still use this thing! the usb cable disconnects if you bump it so i have to find just the perfect position to sit in whenever i want to draw, but its served me well. anyways. i was just starting to play around with digital art but i remember, probably just before new years, for some reason i wanted to find out more about tenshi hinanawi (i don't remember why. tenshi wasn't even one of my favourite characters at the time) so i went googling and right there on zerochan i found this:
this was during my dark souls phase so i just went BANANAS at the sight of this. this was literally the coolest image i had ever seen in my internet life. That image alone made me want to draw in hopes that I could make something as cool as that someday.
it wasn't immediately after but i soon discovered tenco's story, and it was love. kannnu was my very first artistic inspiration, and for a long time, my only one. i absolutely idolized them at the time. since then, ive found other artists to look up to, in a more healthy manner, but to this day i still look up to kannnu, still admire their work a lot.
i played around with drawing, followed the lives of people on tumblr, started reading touhou fanfiction, made a new twitter. i met a lot of new people along the way. some people i havent stuck with, some i cut ties with, and some people i still keep in contact with today. over those long 5 years of being shidiand, i found a name (i used to use shidian and then shid, but someone called me shidi once and i realized that was a lot better), how to reach out to others, how to express myself, places that i could feel included in. this is why i owe a blood debt to evelyn, who permitted me to kneel at her throne and was like "yea ok you can join my discord server u seem cool". evelyn, if you were confused by me ominously mentioning this blood debt/blood oath in a tumblr reply 1-2 years ago, this is the context. those 5 years were like a coming of age of sorts, that i never had when i was in high school.
and my love for tenco's story, that inspired me to draw that day, has been with me since almost the very beginning of my time as shidiand. from the beginning, i have always encouraged people to READ TENCO'S STORY, like the kin of those who cry PLAY MELTY or WATCH SYMPHOGEAR. i think my very first sidebar description was something akin to a prayer, written in very choral language, hoping for the day tenco's story iv was completed, ..., "meanwhile, furious shitposting". kannnu's work, finding delight in whatever they chose to draw, has been at my side, all along. my true mentor, my guiding moonlight...
so that's why i still to this day love tenco's story so much.
let's talk about tenco's story.
tenco's story is a story told through single pictures. the plot is vague, and details are sparse. dialogue is rare. we only know what has happened; we seldom know why. furthermore, there are many gaps between scenes that the reader is left to fill in for themselves; we see only snapshots that form an hazy outline of the events that occurred, and must imagine the rest. motivations and explanations fail me. but even with a barebones plot, tenco's story has themes, and if nothing else, those have to be carried through.
the main theme, of course, is journey and travel, but there are also other ideas, too. i actually think they start to change as the series goes on:
book i, where tenshi runs away from home, is about striking out on your own. it's a very fun and unpredictable journey, together with a friend.
book ii, where tenshi and iku are separated, forces tenshi to find and rely on companions of her own even more. but they do so, and they are able overcome hardships, and there is food and festival.
book iii marks a climax, reasserting tenshi's goal of finding the sword of hisou. i feel like the journey shifts from a travel (visiting) to a path forwards (making your way through). perhaps this is just something i get from knowing the locations from dark souls (Anor Londo, New Londo Ruins, the Great Hollow), but the locations start to give more of a sense of verticality, like they're emphasizing tenshi's climb to the summit. the hardships and enemies are the greatest they've been yet, and right when they near the top, tenshi and iku start to bleed. the book ends on an uncertain note.
if i had to describe the type of journey and travel that tenshi and iku undertake, there's this sense of wonder at discovering new places, wandering from vista to vista in delight, but also a sense of conquering, making it through a difficult patch. the sequence from pages 2-44 to 2-51, taken together, convey this sense of overcoming the best. it's one of my favourite parts. again, although the tone definitely starts to lean towards struggle in book iii, i think tenco's sense of wonder really is the heart of the series. there's no map of the world, no predicting where tenshi and iku will end up next. and through their travels, though they come across many enemies, they also find friends -- places of refuge, places full of life, people who will look after them for a few days, companions who will stay with them for the rest of the journey. at the end of book iii, we see a long haired tenshi with purple hair being impaled by the sword of hisou (3-33, see also this extra illustration that risa pointed out to me http://sinnnkai.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-195.html), and regular short haired tenshi continuing on her journey (3-42). if we ignore the out-of-story images where tenshi has the sword of hisou, tenshi has actually only ever used her sunlight blade (2-24, 3-26, etc), so i think that the long haired tenshi on 3-33 is a different person altogether. (if i had to guess, she might be the purple haired woman in the top left of https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35443328 as we have never seen that woman appear anywhere.) she probably has something to do with the flashbacks at the end of book ii and she might somehow be short-haired tenshi at the same time, but this is just speculation.
however, in 3-43, tenshi's hair is rather blue, so i don't know if this is the purple haired woman or not. if it is, tenshi is probably still fine and closing in on the summit, but if it isn't, then it's very worrying to see a picture of tenshi without any of her companions. it's very ominous.
meanwhile, iku, while climbing the red carpeted corridor, is stabbed, and disappears for a few pages. there's a black page, a shot of a shrine that strongly resembles the hakurei shrine, and a picture of iku standing behind someone in a tux, with the line "In the past, I was saved by the lady I was serving, you see?". and then iku wakes up in a field of flowers.
i think what this scene makes clear is a theme that has continued to appear and reappear throughout every book of "being saved, being aided by someone's kindness".
i think another theme that is implied and has to be addressed by this story of running away from home is "return". something im imagining is that the reason tenshi makes finding the sword of hisou her goal is because she wants to have something to prove herself with, to vindicate her when she comes home. but i don't think she needs to prove anything, and i ultimately think that she would be happier spending the rest of her life exploring.
so i think this should be what happens in the ending.
open on iku's journey, and give her a long sequence of travel without seeing tenshi. underline her newfound resolve. she climbs to the summit with albinoss, and finds the rest of tenshi's companions fallen. and in the last room is sword of hisou tenshi, who has lost herself, and it comes down to iku to bring her back. after a difficult battle, when both of them are on their last legs, iku is unable to stand any longer. but at this moment tenshi sees her companions struggling to get back up and reach her, and that's what brings her to her senses. and iku gets to see how many friends tenshi's been able to make on her own, and they finally and properly reunite. together, tenshi and iku carry each other out of the last room.
i don't think it's necessary to return to heaven. as a conclusion, dedicate some time to tenshi and iku travelling together. they're on their way back, revisiting old friends who helped them along the way, enjoying the journey. their last stop is the house of the elderly nawis (1-42). tenshi shows off the sword of hisou; she decided to keep it not as a trophy to show her family but as proof of the bonds of her companions. surrounded by friends, tenshi and iku decide to part ways with each other, knowing that the other will be alright. iku drifts among the clouds once more, and tenshi sets off for the horizon.
that's the plot that i'd write/just wrote. i don't really expect tenco's story iv to ever come out, though. i mentioned my first sidebar description earlier in this essay, but of course, you can see that it's been changed. 2 years ago, i read my hopeful prayer once more and was struck with a terrible melancholy, so now it reads this: "having come to terms with the fact that tenco's story iv will never be released, i can still live, knowing that the spirit of the journey will live on through kannnu's original works [...] meanwhile, furious shitposting".
on one level, tenco's story is a story, but in the process of following it, i came to think of the work itself as a journey too. you can constantly see kannnu's improvement between and even within each book. they have always drawn whatever they liked; what plot matters in the face of "I wanted to draw a beautiful sky." "I wanted to draw a fantastic battle." "I wanted to draw Dark Souls and Monster Hunter and Pokemon and Brave Fencer Musashi and Bokura no Taiyou and Touhou."
its not really kannnu's style to go back and tie up old ends. they just draw whatever makes them happy. so as i watch them continue to draw beautiful places and fantastic creatures, new characters heading out on journeys of their own or just enjoying their everyday lives, it's as if tenco's story never ended. the limits and consistency of that world ignored, and a new one springs up; in a way, the world of tenco's, which had such thin boundaries, just gets bigger.
but even so, having said all that, i still see them draw that short-haired tenshi from time to time. it makes me happy to see them remember tenco's story with such fondness. often crossing over with orion or roar or elweiss, you can see tenshi on another journey.
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owlareyoudoin · 6 years
so like this is my third time doing this. ill copy the previous update 8 hr post but first im gonna see if it was the length. there will be no main update for 6:27 am as im still working on the one for 5:27 am. if u really want to know what im listening to its a L.E. review on Bright.
edit: ok i just tried to post this and it had the same problem brb taking a photo and opening a new tab
edit 2: test post went thru here we go again
edit 3: ok worked pray for me im gonna type the update once more (my hand is cramping)
edit 4: wait wait wait my phone is at 3% gotta plug it in and email the photo to my self (it 6:24 am god)
edit 5: im back, emailed the photos, cupid was awake and crying so i petted him for a bit and am ready to start again (7:00 am) will not be adding anything cause i might have to write it again and i dont want to have to type more if i do
edit 6: IT IS DONE, PRAISE THE LORD. i might actually go to sleep or something soon, the first post was too ambitious past me, done with update hr 8 finally. included hr 9 and 10 cause thats all i did for them was work on this
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neohowphinktams · 5 years
11/8/19 - re:cap
Today was one of the best days I've had in quite a long time. Connecting with my heart is so powerful for my memory. I had some great music today as well.
Gini came over in the morning for about an hour and a half. She showed me her tattoo on her foot. The geometric butterfly looks very gothic with just the black. I played some guitar for Gini when she was like saying I couldn't play. I freestyled and it was good. Then I played her some of my old licks and she started crying and she said it was because it was so beautiful. It really is my favorite lick ever. I miss all those tunes I used to play. But I also freestyled for Dustin today and it was even better than the morning because I had practiced.
Got really high at 1pm. Texted my Mom. Apparently you can get shingles even if you have had chicken pox. News to me. I practiced some guitar, and then practiced gloving.
Dustin came over and we watched the sunset which was beautiful as usual. So much smog though. We could see it walking back after our short walk. Just around the street lights ugh!! That shit is GROSS. I gave Dustin a Lions Mane, and we meditated to Alexa's Zen Sounds "Healing". It was truely wonderful. We meditated for like 25 minutes. I reached enlightenment by synergizing with the mushroom and my heart, because I've reached enlightenment in one of my previous psychosis'. Using my heart I was able to liberate myself. The world seemed to be a completely compassionate landscape, even though it's not. But that was how I felt. I'm listening to it again. Brb. I am the universe experiencing Dylan. Love it. And I'm becoming real again. Just thinking about how I've lost it so many times, it's a real shame that psychosis is able to take that from me. And also give it back with a slap in the face. It's really all fixable. I can be real by using my heart to respect myself. And who I am and what I've been through. I really needed to love myself all the way through. It was just second nature to not have a connection with my heart. And that's because of tye last psychosis. I had to protect B. So my heart doesn't care about the last psychosis because the feeling was lame...technically speaking.
Loved hanging out with Dustin. It's Nice To Have A Friend. I lit a candle and turned the lights off. We listened to some of that music that fits so well with Lions Mane. I think I posted some below. But here's one just in case
So trippy with Lions Mane coursing through my body. I gave Dustin my password for Gaia.com so he can watch Rewired on my free trial too. That and Limitless are the ones I want to watch. Gaia doesn't have great content usually.
I practiced gloving again just a little while ago in the mirror and I've got 2 styles of light show now. Liquid and Finger Rolls. SO MUCH FUN. I'll have to post a video sometime if I can figure out how to edit.
Ttyl Alice
0 notes
j-cypher-moved · 7 years
Girl... im a gif maker and my gifs get reposted all the time even tho theyre not even that great, but it still pisses me off. Because ~i~ spend time on it, not you, the least you could do it at least ASK me if you could repost it on twt or smth. but sometimes, people even repost it on tumblr and its like ?? bich i already posted it on tumblr whats ur point. lmao i get so pissed when people start saying shit in the caption and ruin it instead of the tags too.. its hard but i cant stop giffing ;o;
U G H  i know what you mean......Like,i know people think it’s ‘whatever,it’s just a gif’ but let me honey tell u how hard it is to make just a gif.To find the best quality of the vid possible,to crop it properly,make a decent psd,the sharpening,the t i m i n g and so so many other things.And this applies for any process out there,gif making,video/photo editing,fanarts,writing etc.
Tbh it seems so natural to me,not to steal someone else’s work,i cant even elaborate on it that much.I’ve also seen people repost gifs from tumblr to tumblr and even post a screenshot of a gifset as a photo (???) like why oh my god.My ‘biggest’ fear is actually twitter,because i see people doing both:steal from twitter to tumblr and from tumblr to twitter.like how HARD is it to ask someone for permission or (in the worst case) put the:”credit to user X on Y”.
N u kno when i get even more pissed?When you say to people “hey,that’s my work” and they actually???get??defensive???? and start saying things like “but i wasn’t trying to steal anything” and “relax” and my blood pressure just gives up.Oh,and i know the thing about ruining the caption/removing it with the credit.Like..why,but compared to reposting it is ‘nothing’ (imo).
Im sorry this reply got so long and angry..it’s just that i used to make gifs as well and my previous blog was actually pretty ‘popular’ but i also remember going to the tag section nearly every day and seeing my works reposted and that’s why i left.Right now i’d rather patiently wait for someone to gif the part i want than to start giffing myself bc as you said ..it is very addicting and im also very competitive lol.Anyways,im sorry your gifs get reposted/unnecessary captions get added,i hope that won’t happen to you again frond n brb,while i try to cool down with a new episode of htgawm 🛀🌻
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Trevor Zegras (Part Sixteen)
previous: fifteen
next: seventeen
corresponding quinn post
SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 2023
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liked by jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, and 8,702 others
yourusername welcome to my pregame penalty box update: ducks v canucks edition!
my bashful boyfriend currently has gone six games without a penalty. he has done this two other times this year, but has yet to make it to seven! let’s see if he can do it tonight on his birthday eve!
my boundless best friend resides at three games since his last penalty, much to trevor’s enjoyment. he might not be a duck, but he is mighty, so let’s see what tonight holds!
the bets for this game are at much smaller stakes, and no side bets were allowed this time. apparently jacky baby and i have a “betting problem” and need to be stopped.
best of luck my boys! z, i love you always🧡 quinner, i love you legally💙
tagged trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, lhughes_06, colecaufield, and _alexturcotte
view all 117 comments
trevorzegras i love you forever y/n/n🧡
yourusername simp
trevorzegras so what?
jackhughes brb gagging
user1 y/n and jack are the type of duo that would run to vegas to spite everybody
yourusername @/jackhughes 🤔😏
jackhughes @/yourusername 😈
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes @/yourusername NO
_quinnhughes i love you legally, too, you addict (you called me a doo doo head?)
yourusername i came with defects, so what? (you can’t prove that)
_quinnhughes i want to trade you in for a newer model
yourusername we all want things we can’t have QUINTIN
colecaufield bringing snacks
yourusername smirnoff**
colecaufield did huggy give you permission?
_quinnhughes you know very well no one has control over her and we all cater to her every will
colecaufield ah yes, the princess treaty
yourusername get peach!
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, and 10,556 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update show: whoopsy daisy edition! trevor received a “slashing” penalty against the canucks’s dakota joshua during his endeavor to throw hands to defend troy. personally, i would’ve liked some more drama in this but i’ll take what i can get!! that’s my z baby!!! (we made a group decision to count this in the fights category of our betting pool!)
i’m sorry you didn’t win your birthday eve game, but you skated beautifully regardless, my favorite criminal🧡 you’ll be winning at home tonight ;)
i love, always <3
tagged trevorzegras
view all 209 comments
trevorzegas i love you, forever 🧡 living room sleepover?
yourusername ofc my love it’s tradition!
colecaufield dibs on cuddling with z
jamie.drysdale dibs on cuddling with y/n
yourusername i mean i guess
trevorzegras yeah okay
user1 z during the national anthem >>>😍🥵
_quinnhughes it’s selfish to get yourself a present for somebody else’s birthday, but i made the exception tonight
yourusername (trevor this is not for you) HA
trevorzegras check your texts hughes
_quinnhughes @/yourusername your boyfriend just texted me profanities i didn’t know existed
yourusername i know i wrote them
jamie.drysdale “i really don’t want to pay his bail i’m just gonna leave him in there” (y/n, in reference to cole’s question of what she’d do if z went to the government penalty box)
lhughes_06 @/yourusername you’d leave him in…jail?
yourusername @/lhughes_06 yeah he’s a big boy he can handle himself
jamie.drysdale is he a big boy though?
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale I’M TALLER THAN YOU
jamie.drysdale no but she threw a fit when she didn’t get a violent fight
jackhughes i believe you owe me something miss
yourusername yeah yeah yeah i know
_quinnhughes what did we say about side bets?
yourusername @_quinnhughes we didn’t bet with money! we bet with our bodies!
trevorzegras i’m gonna need you to elaborate crazy girl
yourusername @/trevorzegras i have to wear his jersey to your next game and it’s your fault
jackhughes i’m doing you a favor z! you always say how good you think she looks in red!
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes FIX THEM
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras I’VE BEEN TRYING FOR THREE YEARS
user3 new pbg (penalty box gang) lore unlocked: trevor birthday eve living room sleepovers and the princess treaty
user4 i am not a fan of that group name lmao
_alexturcotte is he feeling 22 yet?
yourusername nope, 21 is still doing his thing
trevorzegras not a lot going on at the moment
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00001100x-blog · 7 years
7:07; 150702
To my dearest baobei, my one and only Senpai #0,
Hi. If ever you’re wondering on why this started at July second, it’s because I kind of failed trying to type down what I wanted to say back in July first.
Actually, I’m not a fan of sending letters repeatedly because I have a tendency to write down the same things I wrote from the previous one and of course, it is boring just reading  the same stuff over and over again. But right now, I’m going to write something new. Some things I have never told you back on my previous letter.I don’t really know what I’ll be putting in here because as I told you in my previous letter, my ideas vanishes whenever I try to write you something. I don’t know why but they seem to hate me. ene
How many twelves has it been? Why does it feel like an eternity? Actually, I don’t really like celebrating this kind of things because I don’t want to measure how long we’ve been together but I just counted with a loud voice right now. February, March, April, May, June, July. From March, there were five twelves. (I actually panicked bcs I forgot March and April and I kept on counting February, May, June, July. /shot/)
I don’t know if I have told you that I actually planned on asking you on exactly Valentine’s Day and for some reasons, I was two days earlier. (But it was a good thing bcs became busy two days later) Idek why I’m telling you this but I’m really embarrassed right at this moment. Why did you do this to me I used to be nonchalant about being honest why am I so embarrassed right now this is not fair.
I don’t really know how this letter will go because I’m pretty sure this will be even more fucked up and gay unlike last time because this time, I promised to be as honest as I could and I don’t break my man words. I never break my man words. #mnalymannam
So yes, you have plastic surgeried into a J—Lee Taegyun and what the heck. Why do you look so much cuter for some reason? (I still haven’t forgiven that person who sent me a ton of your pictures okay. ene) What do you think would have happened if nanay Taeng didn’t expose your profile? Would we be reprimanded/ reported for yaoi-ing? /shot again/ Well, actually we were yaoi since the start so I don’t think it’s going to be a big issue. (I need my meds right now I think i’m getting mentally unstable again otl /shot)
I actually still am adjusting to your character change tbqh so I’m sorry if ever I don’t mention any names or misspell your name and mix it with Ambo. It takes me days (and even weeks) to adjust and I think I’m slowly getting into it though so I guess it wouldn’t be so hard anymore. unu
-8:13 -
If you have realized, there’s a reaaaaally huge gap on the time where I started and when I continued but you have been talking to me in between those hours. I don’t know why but I can’t really focus on writing this while I’m talking to you lately ‘cause I have been treating our time when we’re together so precious ‘cause we can’t talk as often as before unlike a few weeks ago where we had all the time for ourselves.
I kind of miss it.
You know, just… talking to you the whole day and acting so cute to “disturb” you. (I still think that I look so werd and that it’s stupid whenever I pretend to be a kitty/ puppy but I’m actually enjoying it whenever you’re all “omg u cute let me hug you ily eric” on me. /shot bcs why does this sound so weird)
Honestly, now that we’re a little more occupied, I just want to…
I don’t know with myself a hahahah a goodbye why do I sound like a child this is unfair i wanted to sound manly. D8
You have been posting links on my wall and I know I tend to ignore some of them but I only ignore them bcs I’m on mobile and I wanted to see/ watch them first before giving my reactions on it. So yes, don’t feel so bad if I do so, Okay? unu
I know I tend to joke around and tell you I’d do really weird things (Like spilling your pictures to the whole sbliss community) but I don’t really mean all of them, okay? Just a few. I also don’t mean harm, okay. I only do that because… um… because I want attention. ouo
How am I saying this without getting so embarrassed though, I—
I’m going to get some air and cry at myself as I ponder on what I just typed and why I am typing this-
-9:04; 150703-
Okay, so as I said earlier, I have been bullying you a lot lately and I know at times I juust go overboard and do weird things. If you don’t like it though, just tell me to stop, ok? Because I don’t want you mad at me or anything unu. At times, I just don’t get the situation so easily. I’m just too dumb to handle at times. I’m sorry. Tbh, I don’t know how you deal with me whever I act like a kid and just annoy you the whole time. /shot/ I’m really sorry for being like this. Really.
I also know that whenever I play around and pretend as Tao and just blurt out really weird and cheesy crap like last time gets you in trouble (Like hurting yourself bcs I’m pretty sure you almost jumped off your seat while trying not to scream and squeal and contain all the feels last night). Tbh idk but I pretty much got a lil jealous when I found out you did bcs tao mentioned and Idk. I just… yeah. That.
And speaking of jealous, Forgive me if ever I suddenly say that I would “burn this /insert name/ guy right here”. It’s just that I really gET EASILY JEALOUS IDEK WHY BRB SOBBING AT MYSELF THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING WHERE IS MY MANLY NOW. But it’s true that I would gladly want to burn them men (and girls included at times tbqh) without any second thought.
Edit: I will seriously rip wonho’s head tho. ouo
But I’m a good boy so I won’t actually do it. ouo
-10:52 -
-9:09; 150704-
Okay. So yesterday, I just made the bravest decision in my life.
I have been the forbidden peach named Huang Zitao. Actually, I was really going to change even if I can’t change my name but that will be on the sixth.
Yes, on your birthday. Wow. Why am I even telling you this oh my gA
I don’t really plan on bullying you to be honest. I just want to legalize my AB puns. /shot so hard rn there’s blood everywhere/ And to be younger and not labelled a grandpa- /shot again- hEAD SHOT DOUBLE KILL/
I just realized that it has been days and it still hasn’t been as long as my last letter. For some reasons, I actually wanted it to be longer than the last one so hopefully it’ll be but I’m pretty sure you’ll get so bored in the middle of this and fall asleep at me since you’re a bear and all you do is sleep. /shot/ jkjk ily baobei
But really though. This letter is typed on microsoft word, Arial, size 8 and it’s only been two pages with 1,300+ words. It’s so short. And I was planning to add a thousand more to my word count goal. (So at least 3,000 words. Wow. I can make a novel with the letters I’m sending you xD)
So to make it longer, I will just tell you the cheesiest and most cringe- worthy puns and pickup lines I will hear and watch over on the next few days. I wanted to sound a little romantic but I just can’t. For some reasons, I just sound so lame whenever I do that.
And by lame, I meant so lame that people will just stare at me with a poker face and say “u kidding me bro?”
But it isn’t as cheesy as the things I send you, alright. I’m just trying to sound like I’m gonna spoil you so much one day.
I don’t know if I should send you the whole thing but then I re-read it and laughed because there was a line that said: “I’ll make sure to time travel back to the Jurassic era to get you a dinosaur or ten”. I might have missed taking meds that day because time travelling sounds im—Wait- It’s not impossible for me now I just have to activate Tao pow—I think I’ve lost it- ouo
-10:47; 150707-
I haven’t been writing in this document for two/ three days because I was busy and I had to do a lot of other stuff but hERE I AM YAY AFTER A MILLION YEARS—
Alright, what else should I say?
So yes, I know I have rEALLY lacked a lot. I know at times I am a lil wimpy and I only know how to be logical and I really don’t fight back to people (Because if I do I’ll get back the worse way possible and I admit that I’m a nerd that’s why I don’t fight back) and you kind of saved my butt when the bs fight happened. unu (Truth is that I’m tired talking to her tbh and I’m not good at insulting others in front of their faces. /shot/ Also, I act like a kid a lot of times- Tell me if I’m getting annoying okay I just— idk why i’m doing it when I get really embarrassed doing aegyo on other people-
Warning: You’ll find the word sorry a lot from this point on.
If you don’t know, I’ve been trying to write something during my free time that’s why some are cliff- hanger-ed and some are just damn short. (Like your height. jkjk ily baobei) tbh, I feel bad about that- Not being able to write you something as long as my previous letter. You know that I get mad at myself if I fuck up or if I didn’t get things right. I actually am a little upset at myself for not being able to write paragraphs and paragraphs of cheese that I have promised myself to write in this letter.
I guess I failed again.
I’m sorry for always being like this okay? I just think I should do better the next time and surpass what I have done the last time. This is why I wanted to write at least 3,000 words because 2,700 is not enough. I just need to do much more for some reason. Honestly, I don’t even know why I have the need to do that when I barely challenged myself into something. Maybe it’s just not enough?
I still am wondering on why I still remember most of the things you tell me. Useless or not. (Yes, I still remember it. It’s red. You told me to forget but it just crossed my mind again.) I really am so sorry if I use it against you at times and teasing you about them. I just—you’re just so cute whenever I tease you and I can’t help but tease you more because you’re so cute. So much kawaii pls u kawaii. You’re a living kawaii god. /whispers/ jesus.
I actually wanted to put the word “my” before “kawaii god” but it just doesn’t sound so right. Not in a dirty way, though- But it kind of sounds as if I’m actually worshipping you and that’s just too extreme and it sounds a lil obsessed. (I wouldn’t mind worshipping you tho if you want to eue /shot/) It’s not that I don’t love you, okay. I just don’t want to sound so obsessed and weird though I’m pretty sure I would end up planking in the middle of the road and scream your name out in agony as the cars beep at me because I’m causing a traffic jam when you’re not around.
I think I’m a little overreacting right now and I should stop doing that.
-17:02; 150709-
I blabber a lot of nonsesnse sometimes ok and it doesn’t mean that I do them on purpose. I really don’t want to make you mad or anything. You shouldn’t mind me if I do that ok. unu
Also, please do tell me when you’re upset ok. It makes me feel a lil bit uneasy and want to go back to my man words and wanting to leave because I start to have thoughts that it would be better if I disappear. I’m sorry. At times I just get to be really depressed and i do things that are beyond stupid.
Shoot. My head is aching even more. Hahahaha
Anyways, so, yes, I don’t know what in the fuck is wrong with me that I keep on fucking things up and stuff. I also don’t know why I keep on saying sorry but I am really, really sorry. I’m so sorry no words can describe how sorry I am.
Isn’t this a creative letter? Hahaha Sorries are most likely 95% of my letter.
… And I said it would be really cheesy this time. /shot/
-15:39; 150711-
I should be really honest right now and say that I really was supposed to do a few paragraphs each day but I failed. It’s not because I was abandoning it, okay. It was because I prefer to Talk to you and hug you and stuff than write something here. I also wasn’t really planning on making you a letter this time but then I thought I couldn’t really do anything more than that because I pretty much suck at things that I’m supposed to be good at.
Like making good puns.
… In which I was never good at.
But my AB puns are still unbeatable okay, b AB. eue /sHOT RIGHT AT THE SPOT/
I really think you don’t need to read this whole letter tbqh because It’s just full of nonsense crap anyways. The main point here (again) is that I love you so much. Very muuuuch. Like this -> o <-Because circles doesn’t end and I just love you that much okay. unu
But I guess I should end this letter reaaaal soon.
What else should I say?
Yeah. I’m a little short of my own word limit and this is dumb because I said I’d write 3,000 words and get you so bored reading this but I guess I failed. unu
Whatever, though. I already feel accomplished as I have finished another letter once again.
I love you so much.
Even if you’re so mean and you bully me a lot and you like taking advantage of things especially when it comes to aegyo. /shot bcs semi- describing myself/
-13:46; 150712-
But I guess I shouldn’t end this just yet.
I really don’t want to say thank you and stuff because I’m pretty sure that I’m trying my best to show you how thankful I am that you existed in my life ok. You always make me feel that I’m important even if I’m a really annoying weirdo sometimes.
About that one we had a fight, by the way, I only said it wasn’t a big deal but to be honest there was one time I really begged people so I can get one ok. tHIS IS EMBARRASSING OH MY gOD. And of course I’m sure you know all about that because Sica tells you all the embarrassing things I tell her and do in front of her.
But really though, I deleted most of what I got except for yours pls.
Wow. I’m so out of words now.
Actually, I already had this letter done last night but then the urge of dragging it longer is just so biG.
All I really want to say is that I love you even if you’re mean and you like calling me cute even if I’m trying to be manly in front of you.
I love you even if you’re a really big klutz and you’re confused all of the time.
I love you even if you’re the most imperfect creature in this world bcs pls there is no flawless creature in this world.
I love you because you’re you so no matter how dumb you get jUST REMEMBER THAT I LOVE YOU OK.
And never forget that bcs if you do I will seriously just… sulk in a corner there because I’m unmanly enough to do something manly about that.
Yes. And no matter what happens, you’ll be my small, fragile and kawaii oppa. (Even though you’re really not an oppa. Stop confusing ppl pls they’re starting to think we’re gay tho it’s kind of true that we’re gay.)
And seriously, okay. I will try my best to protect you even though the truth is that you’re the one who saves my butt.
But yes, I want to tell you that I love you so much. Very much. So much that words can’t explain it anymore. It’s unfathomable. (what the fuck am I saying. Hahahaha /shot/)
Let me say it again,
I love you, Jung Daeun.
So much.
By Huang Zitao, 71215
Total words: 3,021(Time and emoticons included)
Pages: 5 (portrait) 6 (landscape)
0 notes
starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Quinn Hughes Edition (Part Eight)
(ft Luke Hughes)
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liked by lhughes_06, _quinnhughes, and 8,731 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update: the beloved 43s edition!
the star of my show, quinnjamin hughes, has now reached three games without a penalty! just like the amount of goals the canucks scored to bag a win against the kings💙💚💙
my featured guest, lukey moosey, however, did get a penalty in his game. despite his L, the wolverines brought home a huge W in winning back to back B10 tournament championships!!!! #GoBlue〽️
umich (who played first) scored 4 goals, the canucks (who played second) scored 3, both boys wore the A, both are d-men, both wear 43, both have blue as a color, and the blue and yellow (umich) makes green (canucks) AND both boys played for umich— coincidence?!? i think not! your wins were written in the stars hughesy boys!!! (but carried out by wonderful hockey players, all of which i couldn’t be more proud of <3)
love you both more than words!💙💛💚💙
tagged _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, canucks, and umichhockey
view all 217 comments
trevorzegras i thought i was the star of your show???
yourusername you thought you were the star of my penalty box post game update show quinn hughes edition?
trevorzegras yes?
yourusername ur delusional, babe, go take a nap
umichhockey we love our hughes boys!
yourusername we really do!!
user1 brb tattooing 43 on my forehead
_quinnhughes i’ll accept not having my own post for this reason and this reason only. proud of you, moose! love you! (and y/n)
lhughes_06 thank you quinner! and congrats on your win!! love you too! (and y/n)
yourusername my love cannot be contained within a set of parentheses, you stupid boys
user2 2/3 of hughes nation rise!!!
user3 rutger really popped off
lhughes_06 putting in my best friend application since i’m giving you the penalties you want
_quinnhughes our contract is for 100 years
yourusername plus you have to be smol
_quinnhughes actually, you can have her
user4 let’s play “who’s y/n’s least favorite hughes? hard edition”
yourusername it’s still quinn
canucks you get a win! and you get a win!
yourusername whoops we ran out of wins!
trevorzegras hi, me again, your boyfriend. when do i get love?
yourusername i’ll have to check my schedule
jamie.drysdale i prebooked her
trevorzegras this is ridiculous
user5 devils best take care of our lukey!!
jackhughes jealous of the post, but beyond proud of my brothers!!!!
yourusername one day jacky, one day
jackhughes soon?
yourusername who knows
_quinnhughes thanks rowdy!
lhughes_06 thank you!
_alexturcotte atta boy(s)!
_quinnhughes thanks turc!
lhughes_06 thank you! miss you!
user6 i’m in love with quinn’s left eyebrow specifically
edwards.73 4+3 is 7…
yourusername college is paying off i see
lhughes_06 this is my post go away
_quinnhughes this is OUR post go away
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