#i will forever be thankful that grace chose to play her as being really sweet
pollenallergie · 10 months
this user would like to discuss sapphic!chrissy cunningham again
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chatonne-rousse · 4 years
Three Kids and a Hamster
This was my contribution to the @adrienettezine.  I joined the zine as a beta and ended up as a pinch hitter - this sweet little fluffy story was the result.  I hope you enjoy it!  I just love these two so much.
Read it on Ao3 here.
The same full moon that lit their way over rooftops and across the Seine an hour before shines through the hatch above the bed, illuminating their entwined legs in its gentle glow and casting shadows on the room below. Even if she weren't tucked beneath his arm with her cheek against his chest, this would be a place of perfect peace, awash in a sense of rightness and comfort and home. It makes his chest constrict all of a sudden, his next inhale a sharp shudder that rouses her immediately from near-sleep.
"You okay, Chaton?" she murmurs, eyes wide and worried.
He reassures her with a soft, genuine smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...thinking."
Bending forward to press a kiss to her forehead, he pulls her back down to his chest and starts up a purr for her. The breathy giggle he gets in return is always worth the twinge of embarrassment and the weird tickle in his throat.
"About what?"
The purr dies down, replaced with a contented hum. "How much I love you, of course, Princess. What else?"
As expected, she swats him playfully and laughs, but a moment later he feels her hand stretch across his torso as she cuddles closer into his side.
"I mean it," she whispers into his shirt. "Your breathing got all weird. What's wrong?"
"Bugaboo, you know you take my breath away!"
Her voice is all no-nonsense Ladybug, but it just makes him grin wider.
"I'm actually not kitten, Marinette."
She groans and lifts her head again but when she meets his gaze after an exaggerated eye roll, her features soften in response to his. She begins to duck her head shyly before changing course and pressing her lips to his instead, soft and sweet and warm. His eyes slip shut and he melts beneath her, his ever-romantic heart singing her name over and over in a three-beat cadence.
"I love you, too," she whispers against his lips, finally breaking away after a long, slow kiss that leaves them both breathless.
After a quick kiss at the corner of his mouth and another on his jaw, she settles back into the crook of his neck, her breath warm and tickly and perfect against his skin.
Logically, he knows he needs to transform and head home, but the stark difference between his bedroom prison and Marinette's warmth is enough to keep him here just a little longer, stretching time and tempting fate.
Wouldn't it be wonderful, he thinks, as the sleepy calm drifts over them once more, to stay here forever, just like this?
He imagines waking up this way, morning breath and snoring kwamis and a warm tangle of limbs illuminated by a new day's dawnlight instead of the quiet moon. Perhaps there would be a purring cat asleep on the bed with them. And one day, maybe, he'd wake to find a toddler who had crawled up onto the bed and wriggled between them in the night to be close to maman and papa. A family. His heart squeezes with emotion again, but he keeps his breathing steady and Marinette doesn't seem to notice this time.
Dreaming of what the future might hold seems like an extravagant luxury in a world where a supervillain regularly terrorizes Paris and threatens to rend the very fabric of the universe and its delicate balance. Then again, isn't that all the more reason to dream?
Even with the freedom being Chat Noir grants him, the responsibility of avoiding that fate is a heavy weight across his shoulders, and a far more cumbersome yoke on his Lady's. Imagining a day when they can transform for fun instead of necessity, cook dinner together, fall asleep just like this, and not have to wonder if an akuma alert will rouse them before the sun—well, that just makes him fight each battle harder and despise Hawkmoth that much more. After all, the fate of humanity includes the fate of Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng, too.
Her fingers glide feather-light at his wrist, so he knows she's still awake, and before he can think twice about it, he's murmuring a question into the dark.
"Hey, Bug?" He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Do you ever think about...the future?"
Her hand stops its gentle, soothing motion against his arm, and he misses the feeling immediately.
"After we defeat Hawkmoth, or...?" she trails off.
"That could happen tomorrow, so let's start with tomorrow and go from there."
She resumes her caress, though this time her hand trails higher, up and under his t-shirt sleeve to the warm skin of his bicep. He smiles against her hair and hugs his heat-seeking little bug tighter.
"Well, tomorrow we have a calculus test, then you have a piano lesson after school. I really didn't plan anything beyond that, but if we're going to squeeze in an epic final battle with Hawkmoth, I suppose I should work on my history project at lunch to get ahead."
"Cheeky bug!" He tickles her in retaliation, and she giggles into his chest. "I was being serious!"
"I know, Minou." She laughs for another moment but says nothing more.
He waits through one deep breath, then two, before he whispers her name, questioning, against her hair.
She cranes her neck to look up at him, her gaze shy but warm. "It's just...can I be weird?"
Ah, that explains her reticence. The delighted half-smile that crosses his face is pure Chat Noir, but he can't help it. He loves this.
"Of course, My Lady. Always."
Five months and four days ago (yes, he's counting—it was the greatest day of his life, so far), after more than three years of superhero partnership and civilian friendship, an unplanned reveal, and the awkward nine day aftermath (yes, he counted—it was awful), they'd finally made it official. Adrien and Marinette had, at least. Ladynoir was still under wraps for now to avoid suspicion, but he looked forward to the day when a real kiss they could both remember would grace the front page of the Ladyblog.
At the beginning, between blissful kisses and timid touches, they'd taken the time to really get to know each other—with no secrets between them, a whole, beautiful picture emerged. It was amazing and thrilling and freeing. It was also a bit embarrassing.
She'd seen him in his Ladybug pajamas one evening when she'd stopped by his bedroom for an unplanned visit. Another afternoon, he'd opened a drawer in her room looking for a pen and discovered approximately two dozen photos of himself looking back at him. Plagg had unceremoniously dropped Adrien's Ladybug and Chat Noir action figures onto Marinette's lap while they watched a movie and proceeded to tell her that Adrien sometimes played with his dolls and made them kiss. He'd never been so mortified in his life (and he once fought an akuma wearing a banana costume, so that was saying something), especially when Marinette had laughed until she cried.
He'd have sentenced the tiny magical agent of chaos to eating Velveeta for a week if Marinette hadn't caught her breath, removed his hands from his beet-red face, and kissed him silly.
Afterward, lovestruck, he'd asked, "So I'm not...weird?"
Cheeks still stained with the sweetest blush, eyes soft and bright and full of love, she'd responded, "Of course you are, kitty. I already knew that," and kissed him again for good measure. "It's a good thing your Lady is just as weird."
And just like that, it was okay. His pajamas, her photo collection, his action figures, her calendar.
Can I be weird? preceded his admission of being unable to sleep if his Marinette lucky charm wasn't beneath his pillow. It was asked before he learned she slept with her handmade Chat Noir plushie beside her every night.
The question is rhetorical, of course. Permission to be weird is simply indemnity from embarrassment, a solemn vow of understanding between them. It's been the lead-in to many shared secrets and it still gives him a little thrill every time, just knowing that he's about to learn another closely-held tidbit about his Lady.
Tonight, he's especially curious—the question he asked was about the future, after all.
"I used to think about it a lot," she begins quietly. "And I mean, a lot. I'm a planner, you know."
Oh, he knows. Thank goodness one of them is.
"You've seen my sketchbook. You saw my wedding dress designs and all your possible matching tuxes. Alya's dress and Nino's suit..."
"And they were beautiful, Bug. I loved them all."
He can feel her smile against his t-shirt collar.
"Thank you, Chaton. But...it's not just that. I, um...I chose the flowers for my bouquet, I planned the menu for the reception dinner—"
"And your parents will make the croquembouche," he whispers, suddenly entranced.
She nods, but goes silent once more. He wants to hear about everything—the venue she imagined for the service and reception, what they'll wear at the civil ceremony prior, whether their guests will throw rice or rose petals or wheat as they exit as newlyweds. It's all so beautiful, his heart is positively singing; how could she ever think this is weird?
"I named our children."
The song in his heart comes to an abrupt stop when the rhythm falters before restarting at hummingbird speed.
Dazed, he breathes, "Our..."
"I know!" she groans. She covers her eyes with one hand and buries her face in his shirt. Her voice is muffled, but he's hanging on every word. "I told you it was weird! I named them! I thought about who would be youngest, oldest, middle--"
"Three?" He chokes on air. Is he even breathing?
"I designed the little outfit we'd bring each of them home from the hospital in. Their nursery had a theme! Our hamster had a name! I imagined our house, our garden, the layout of the kitchen, the color of our master bathroom!"
"What color?" he asks weakly.
A pause.
"I love blue."
"I know."
Silence descends again, as he attempts to regulate his breathing and bring his swirling, scattered thoughts under control. She hasn't moved a muscle, and neither has he. Honestly, he's thankful to be moored to his steadfast port in the storm right now, so he can't float away or slip under.
He hums questioningly in response.
"I'm sorry." Her voice is small and tinged with sadness, slicing directly through his current bubble of overwhelmed euphoria in an instant.
Sitting up so quickly that she's dislodged from his side with a startled squeak, he pulls both of her hands between his and brings her close enough to really see her face in the shadowy moonlight.
"Why are you sorry?" he asks, baffled. "That was..." he trails off, shaking his head as he searches for the correct word, wanting to convey his feelings properly. Incredible doesn't seem like enough. Perfect, perhaps? A dream I didn't know I had until you said it, and now I want that exact thing more than I've ever wanted anything in my life?
"Crazy, I know. Selfish."
"What? No!" he exclaims, and her wide eyes snap to meet his. "Marinette, it sounds amazing!"
He lets go of her hands to gather her in a hug instead, happy to feel her arms wrap tightly around him in turn.
"Amazing," he murmurs against her hair, hoping she can hear the sincerity in his voice. "Why do you think it's selfish?"
"Because...because I never thought about what you'd want, not really. Maybe you don't want kids—"
"I want kids," he interrupts.
"Or maybe you don't like hamsters."
"Mari, I love hamsters."
She smiles against his skin. "I'm glad. I thought you'd want a cat."
"Oh, I do," he says, nodding.
"I knew it!" she laughs. "But I didn't know any of that back then. I just dreamed my own wild dreams and brought a fantasy of future you along for the ride. It wasn't fair to you." She leans back, settling her wrists over his shoulders and searching his gaze with her own. "You deserve to have a say in your own life, Adrien. For once."
A wave of stunned gratitude wells up within him and he swallows around the sudden lump in his throat. No one, not even his beloved mother, has ever extended him the courtesy of autonomy, much less apologized for not considering it in the first place. The way Marinette loves him, with a selfless, gentle kindness, is like nothing he's ever known, and it overwhelms him sometimes.
Oh, he loves her so much.
"Marinette," he says, when he's able to. "Do you want to live on a desert island with me and eat only fruit for the rest of our lives?"
She blinks, confused.
"Because that was one of my dreams," he continues. "You—well, Ladybug—me, our hamster, and a ton of fruit. Silly, right?" He shrugs. "I was a lovesick teenager. I have a feeling you know something about that, don't you, Bugaboo?" His cheeky wink and Chat Noir smirk are rewarded with the blush and giggle he'd hoped for. "My point is, I wasn't thinking about what you wanted when I daydreamed about that, and I never worried about it. You have nothing to be sorry for, Bug."
Her smile is bright even in the shadowy loft. "Thanks, Minou. Those were fun dreams."
"Were? You don't want the hamster and the blue bathroom anymore? I was just getting excited about our house and three kids."
"What do you dream about?" She asks, clearly dodging the question with one of her own.
He doesn't even have to think on it to know the answer.
"A family. Hugs. Eating dinner at a little table together. Going to the beach and seeing you in your bikini."
She snorts. "Tomcat."
"I'm only human, Mari."
"Adrien, you can purr."
They can only laugh. Their lives really are ridiculous.
"Princess?" He asks after they've settled into silence again. "What are their names?"
"Our kids."
She takes a deep, deep breath, and it feels like an eternity before she speaks. "Emma, Louis, and Hugo."
"I love them already," he breathes, imagination awhirl with scenes of bedtime stories and blanket forts and the myriad other childhood joys he only knows about from movies and tv. It's so beautiful, they're so beautiful, that he has to clench his teeth for a moment to keep from crying. "Have you drawn them?"
She nods, brow starting to furrow in concern at what must be one hell of an expression on his face.
"And their clothes? The nursery? Our kitchen?"
"Yes, I told you I was—"
"You're amazing, Marinette. I can't wait to see them. I can't wait to meet them."
Before he knows it, she's pulled him into her embrace, whispering her love against his shoulder. If a few tears escape into her hair, she doesn't say a word. They stay like that for a few long, sweet moments, until a thought pops into his mind.
"Mari? Why didn't Plagg find those drawings when he found your sketchbook of wedding ideas?"
She pulls away from him and giggles. "Because that sketchbook is hidden under the mattress."
"Along with how many of my photos?"
The mock-glare she levels at him would be terrifying if she weren't so adorable. He leans in and watches her stern expression slacken just before their lips connect and his eyes close, and her soft sigh tells him he's forgiven once more for teasing her.
They fall back against the cat pillow and soft pink sheets once more, rearranging their bodies to that perfect fit that reminds him every time how phenomenally lucky he is to have found his soul's other half as a teenager via ancient magic and fated proximity. The kiss deepens, his hands clutch at her back, and he thrills at the feel of her fingers in his hair. This is everything, everything—love and light and power and freedom, the chance for a future, a home, a family.
It's just another late autumn Tuesday night in Paris. Marinette will convince him to stay for another hour, he'll set an alarm. They'll go to school again tomorrow and, though it's certainly possible they'll defeat Hawkmoth before the day is over, it's more likely they'll simply fight and cleanse another akuma before returning to the library to work on that history project.
But it's suddenly different. He's always fought for Paris, for the safety of his friends and family, for his beloved partner. Now? A new and different feeling of protectiveness rises in his chest, even as her tongue brushes the seam of his lips and his purr rumbles gently between their bodies.
Hawkmoth will rue the day he tried to take Emma, Louis, and Hugo away before Adrien could meet them. He makes the promise right here and now, with his Lady in his arms and their kwamis sleeping on the desk below: Every akuma from now until he can punch Hawkmoth in the face and rip the misused miraculous from him, Chat Noir will fight for Paris, the world, and that shining dream of the future. He's one half of an unstoppable team. Together, they can, and will, do anything.
He and Marinette have three kids and a hamster to look forward to, after all. And it's going to be amazing.
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icollectyoursins · 4 years
Heyy!! Congrats on making it to 50 followers!! I know it's not much but sooner or later it'll grow big and you'll have tons of mini minions who love and adore you! + your writings too!!
I just want to say that your Caesar blowjob with a twist got me hooked on recreating questionable scenarios while I was folding the clothes and my brain said "How dare this person make me go horny without consent!!" Just kidding, I give my utmost thanks from getting my hormones set off from your writing❤❤
I just recently finished watching SDC and I'm in the big sad from seeing Kakyoin dying while listening to Goodbye Nostalgia before crying because the lyrics hit me so baddd
Would it be alright if I were to request a small scenario that Kakyoin survived the hit? I just want my cherry boy healthy and well dhdhdhdhdhvf
I also love my cherry boy, so yes. You can have that. Now I need to go mop up my tears because this whole thing was so sweet. This may be a little sad, but it gets better. Just... my poor boy, he needs to heal. Honestly, this was a nice break from what I usually write, so thanks for that! Had to hold back lots of happy tears with this one.
Kakyoin is finally released from the hospital after healing from his DIO-induced injuries and he could not be more excited.
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: A little bit of sad, but mostly happy reunions! Paraplegic!Kakyoin.
Word Count: 1205
Hope and Recovery
     Kakyoin’s feet dangled over the side of the hospital bed. He looked at them with a sad curiosity, narrowing his eyes and focusing, willing them to move, to feel that tingle, the feeling of stretching them out. But, they wouldn’t. No matter how hard he tried. It was still too soon, according to the doctors. He couldn’t help wanting to be that tiny 1%, that little miracle person. For now, he would have to be okay with a wheelchair seeing as using Hierophant would be a little too odd for people who can’t see stands.
     He sighed, pulling his legs back onto the bed, arranging himself so he was lying down again. He smiled, staring at the bed table near his feet. Various pictures of smiling family, friends and whatever Iggy was feeling in the picture Polnareff took. A chuckle escapes him freely. Iggy had sunglasses on and what looked like a smaller version of what Mr. Joestar would wear on vacation with a small vibrant drink in the lower corner.
     Looking over to the calendar on the wall next to the clock, he checked which day it was. Of course, he knew what day it was, he just needed to keep reminding himself that it was happening. He was going home today. After so many months of healing in the hospital, he was finally allowed to go home. Home to his bed and games and beanbag chair, his dad’s awful jokes and his mum. He missed her the most, he thinks. 53 days travelling and then another 3 months on top of that was too much, to say the least. They’d visit, of course, but nothing compares to waking up to her cooking.
     Kakyoin laughs to himself, thinking of what his father and uncles would say at parties when he was a kid. He really was a mama’s boy and proud of it! He looks at the clock, then back to the calendar for the umpteenth time today, pinching himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. This day was finally here.
     And Avdol was late.
     Funny, the warm-hearted man was usually very punctual. Maybe Mr. Joestar was driving them. He and Avdol had grown close, sharing this room together while they healed. The Speedwagon Foundation had given him robotic hands, like Mr. Joestar, so it was a bit easier for him to heal probably. Meanwhile, Kakyoin chose to keep his legs. When he woke up, they had told him that there was a small chance that he would be able to walk with his own legs again and, by God, he was going to take it. Even if it didn’t work, he was sure they’d come up with some way to help him.
     All of the sudden, Polnareff burst through the door, flowers and balloons in his hands, smiling like a buffoon, not that he could blame him. His own cheeks hurt from smiling so much today which was only amplified by the grin he gave his friend. The two laughed whole heartily as they hugged, being careful of Kakyoin’s injuries, babbling about how exciting this all was. He barely remembered what they said! It was all a blur. Someone came in and gave him his clothes, then helped him into the wheelchair so he could change with a little help from the nurse.
     Everything was a buzz with excitement as Avdol pushed him down the hallway, flowers in hand and the balloon tied to the handle of the wheelchair. They all waved at the doctors and nurses, laughing about the good times of Egypt, exchanging inside jokes, the like. When they arrived at the doors, he saw Mr. Joestar and Jotaro standing together, a rare smile graced Jotaro’s lips as he saw his friend approach him, joking about him looking like shit when he could see how tried Kakyoin was.
     “I couldn’t sleep last night. I was looking forward to the morning too much.” They all smiled sincerely, Joseph clamped a hand down on shoulder, laughing loud enough to draw attention from the passers by.
      Looking out the glass door, his eye was caught by a familiar form. “Mom!” He said, putting his hands on the wheels and rolling as fast as he could towards her. She turned at the sound of her son’s voice, then grinned. 
     “Noriaki!” She ran to him, almost falling to her knees when she was close enough to hug him. He tried his best to catch her, pulling her close to him. They laughed through happy tears, reunited. She immediately went into telling him about what happened at home when she pulled back. His dad came over and did the same, kissing him on the temple gently, patting his back. 
     It was evident they were all happy to see each other, happy to get back to their usual routines. With these people around him, healing would be a breeze! It would be like it never happened. Perfect.
     “Oh, come on! No way!” Kakyoin shouted with glee, hitting the buttons on his controller harder than he was before. He was trying to beat Dark Link from Legend of Zelda 2, but to no avail. One final stab from the black pixel counter part and he was toast, dropping his hands to the couch and letting out an exasperated sigh. He looked over to Jotaro, who was trying to hide his smug smile. “As if you could do any better!”
     The two laughed lightly, reaching into the bowl of pop corn they had sitting between them. He closed out of the game, done with the fight for now. One day he’d get it. One day. 
     “Was there anything you wanted to play?” He asked. Jotaro shrugged. “There’s not a lot, but there is Super Mario Brothers. You seemed to like that last time. Until the Goomba.”
     “The what?” He looked over, confused and perturbed. 
     “The Goomba. It’s the mushroom thing that kept-”
     “Oh, right. Is that what they’re called?”
     “Yes, that’s what they’re called. Do you want to play it? If not, we could watch a movie,” Kakyoin mused, trying to get his friend interested. He heard him sigh and smiled.
     “Fine, I’ll play.”
     “Great! Would you mind getting it set up? I would do it myself, but...” He gestured to his legs. Jotaro got up wordlessly, getting the new game and setting it up the way he had taught him to, the proper way as he says. Kakyoin did whatever he needed to on his end, the familiar, joyful music filling their ears. He quickly reminded Jotaro how to play and then they set off on starting a new file. 
     Everything was going well, until the Koopas at the second stage. Jotaro made Mario jump on to the first one properly, and then hit the wrong side of the shell, making it barrel the other way, killing his tiny character. Kakyoin laughed.
     “Well, it wasn’t the Goomba!”
     “Let’s just watch a movie.” Another loud laugh made the taller teen hide his head behind his hat. He couldn’t help letting a small smile creep across his lips. Content. Glad that he has his friend, now and forever, as cheesy as that was. It felt nice. For both of them.
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klossykaylorswift · 4 years
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My version of what I think went down with Kaylor.
I’m a long time OG Kaylor from 2013-14. I would love it if they were still together. It would make my little lesbian heart so happy! But, there are a few songs on this album that make me thing they broke up. I just want to throw some things I’ve noticed out here. Some are facts and others are hypothesis. I’ve gone back-n-forth on whether I think they’re still together or not. I think her last couple albums have had some songs that made me think... well, maybe they’re not.
The 1
We were something, don't you think so? Rosé flowing with your chosen family And it would've been sweet If it could've been me In my defense, I have none For digging up the grave another time But it would've been fun If you would've been the one
The above lyrics say to me that Karlie choose Josh’s family and the Rosé is about her wedding to him. Then, the grave reference reminds me of the “I TRIED” pin with the daisy growing out of it. “For digging up the grave another time”. I think that means Taylor tried many times to get her back. There’s another lyric, “never leaving well enough alone”. That one also makes me think Taylor really did try. I think when she says “You wear the same jewels that I gave you, as you bury me”. Means, Karlie married him any way, even knowing that Taylor’s heart was broken beyond any pain she will ever feel again.
Chase two girls, lose the one
I’m going a different direction than some of you because I think the person who chased two girls and lost “the one’ (being Karlie) is Taylor. These two songs are linked in my opinion because they are both about ‘the 1’ I think maybe Taylor made a mistake, she confessed to her (make confessions and were begging for forgiveness) but because of it, she lost Karlie: The 1  
I think after they broke up, Karlie chose to go back to Josh and because he lost her the first time, he quickly put a ring on it. She took his family not Taylor’s.
Then, here’s where I get back on the Kaylor Train. I just think Josh is really gay with Mikey and that it very well could be a long time bearding situation. But, if it isn't just bearding then maybe she really did marry him. It would make sense of why Karlie would continue bearding even after finding happiness with Taylor.
I can see you standing, honey With his arms around your body
Laughin’ but the jokes not funny at all And it took you five whole minutes To pack us up and leave me with it Holdin' all this love out here in the hall
I again get the feeling this is Karlie marrying Josh. And, right after that comes:
My Tears Ricochet
I know some of you think this is about losing her masters to SB2. I do not think a song with this much lost love emotion would be about that, Mad Woman is about that, definitely. Again, I think Taylor tried very hard to get Karlie back but it was too late. Probably why Taylor has a lot of regrets about it. However, I think what Karlie did to Taylor on multiple occasions (in my opinion) was so awful.
This song rips my heart out. How much pain Taylor felt watching Karlie being with Josh, her working under Scooter, the person who said he ‘owns’ Taylor. If you recall, Karlie was hanging out with that uber rich group including Scooter and his wretched wife on Geffen’s yacht. The worst people, the very ones that caused Taylor so much pain. I think Karlie burned her bad. Like they were all enjoying themselves, laughin’ (just like the above lyric, but the joke was not funny). It was in Taylor’s face. Like how could Karlie do that to her?  I know some of you think ‘contract’, but I don’t think so. Karlie doesn’t need money. And, If she’s in a relationship (or was in one ) with Taylor, she certainly did not  need the money! I just know Taylor would not want her girlfriend (or wife, whatever you want to believe) to be with the same assholes that behind her back bought her masters and forever took away her music. These are the people who fucked up her life, took her life’s work and basically tore it from her grasp. You want me to believe that Taylor was okay with her woman doing that because she was bearding for Josh? I mean really, just think about it.
It must have emotionally destroyed Taylor. I think she must have been so angry and cried a lot over this scenario going down. Watching Karlie laughing with those assholes must have ripped her heart out. I think Taylor may have went off screaming and crying, trying to get her back. That’s why she didn’t have it in herself to go with grace because maybe she went off on Karlie, Maybe, this song is about how things went down when they ended it.  
Okay, that’s my hypothesis. I then, recall the home video of CIWYW and when Taylor is singing, playing the guitar, she puts her foot up so the camera cant see her mouth and then its clear as day: Karlie sings the next part. Taylor smiles! If that happened before or after the yacht thing, I don’t know. But for me, that’s the biggest piece of Kaylor proof that they’re together. Taylor says “I love you” to the person who filmed it ( I know for a fact it was Karlie) when you watch that clip on Miss Americana. That, along with many, many, many, other pieces of proof.
As you can see, I go back and forth as to if they’re still together or not!
Here’s a couple things people probably already know:
Peter Losing Wendy is a Peter Pan reference. Peter Pan’s part was mostly (or always) played by a women. Interesting she picked that couple.
Rebekah West Harkness is also known as Betty Harkness.
Rebekah had a group of female friends she called the “bitch pack”. It was not used by Taylor as a 2014 “squad” reference.
Okay, thanks for coming to my Ted talk... good talk!  Happy 2020!
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ohallthecrushes · 4 years
Wherever you go I’ll find you // Joker x Reader // Part 1
A/N: Thank you, @call-me-harley-quinn for this idea, it turns out it’s gonna have at least 3 chapters, because there’s so much to discover in Arthur’s transformation and how it affects his life and mind, and I really like the idea of Joker realizing how much he loves his S/O and goes after her to win her back. <3 I had two ideas how this is gonna be and I chose this one, I hope this is what you wanted. <3
Summary: Arthur is so ingrained in his Joker persona, he forgets that his S/O has only seen Arthur. Not knowing him anymore, she runs. When Joker realizes this, he is devastated and does everything he can to find her. After days of searching, he finds her and takes her back. She is scared out of her mind, but it ends up being a beautiful reconciliation.
Cointains: mention of murder, rough sex, dark jokes
Word count: 4378
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It was a crazy week. Crazy in every sense, good and bad. So many things had happened that had changed everything. So many accidents, coincidences, opportunities... Every single thing in his goddamn miserable life had changed. It was all unexpected and Arthur didn’t want this much complication in his life, but he couldn’t changed what he’d done and therefor he wasn’t surprised that his action had serious consequences. He couldn’t change it or erase it, so he went with the flow.
After killing Murray, he expected to be caught and escorted to jail. He laughed at this. What possibly could they do to him to humiliate and hurt him again? Nothing new. Nothing that he wasn’t already used to.
He didn’t fight when two men jumped on him. He laughed. And he didn’t fight when they were a little rough on him, giving him a few unnecessary punches to his face and kicking him when he was lying on the floor. He didn’t fight, no, he laughed.
It was happening all very fast. Handcuffs, police car, a short ride through burning Gotham, the accident, blank page, and the crowd chanting his name, encourage him to dance. Somehow he suddenly became noticed.
Oh, what a wonderful feeling it was to be finally noticed and wanted.
He heard the crowd screaming his name, he heard police sirens coming his way. He saw happy faces all over the place, he put on one too. Even though he felt tears filling up his eyes, he didn’t let himself to be bothered with them right now. He swirled around one more time with a grace that had always been in him. All that mattered to him in that moment was the eyes that was watching him. Mesmerized. He was mesmerized.
He wanted to pause this moment forever, only if he could. So he paused it in his mind and kept it as a good memory - one of very few that didn’t have you in it.
Joker wasn’t sure anymore how and when did he end up back in his old apartment, he somehow got away from police and his tired legs just led him back here. Back home. But it didn’t feel like home anymore. Even though everything was exactly how he’d left it (well, beside the splash of blood on the wall and floor, a new modern decoration that gave a quite nice and fresh touch to this place), it wasn’t the same place anymore. He wondered if this was because of the blood, or something else.
He smirked as he walked over to the couch. He sat down with his hands rested on the back of the couch. Suddenly he felt extremely tired. Completely jiggered. He let his eyelids droop closed and let his mind wander freely.
Images started appearing before his eyes, one after another - images of people dancing in fire, red and blue colors, police sirens, fire and blood, chanting crowds, bullets flying through the air, Murray spread across his chair. Oh how tired Murray looked, even more tired than Joker was. One could say that Murray must had been dead on his feet...
Joker laughed and changed his position a bit. His hands rested on his thighs as he laid his head on the back of the couch.
Imagines were still flowing in to his mind. He was watching them as if he was watching a movie. Dancing feet on a police car, people laughing at his jokes, guns appearing in a thin smoke, you smiling...
Oh, the only thing that had been missing in the crowd of people watching him.
You were supposed to be there. If you only hadn’t gone out of town for a business trip.
He focused on your image, on your smiling face, on your beautiful eyes looking at him. He missed you, he missed you so much it hurt. But you were expected to come back soon. He had been counting days... no, hours even until you came back to him. But things had started to happen and he’d lost his count. He wasn’t sure what day it was today and how soon it was to see you again. All he was was sure however is that he was going to hug you and kiss you and make love to you until he felt like you two made up for the time you hadn’t been together. And after that he was going to keep you in his arms and never gonna let you leave him for so long ever again.
You were walking fast, passing by people in a zigzag course, almost running on your tiptoe, and tripping every once in a while. You were back in Gotham and you were heading to Arthur’s apartment to finally have a talk with him.
He hadn’t talk to you for over three days and you couldn’t reach him by phone until yesterday when he’d called you, just like that, asking when you were going to be back home. He’d asked his question so casual, like he hadn’t goneout of radar for three days! You wondered what had happened to him and if you did something wrong that could cause him to act so strange, making you go crazy with assumptions and worries, but the only thing that you could think of was having to travel to another city due to your job’s obligations. He hadn’t taken that information very good...
The first few days with you being out of town had been really hard for him, making you got seriously worried about his mental state. He’d sounded depressed and exhausted, like he’d never been before. You’d asked him if there’d been something else that had been happening, but he hadn’t answered. He hadn’t lied to you, he’d just started talk less and less... Until he’d stopped answering your calls all of the sudden.
And then you’d picked up the phone and it’d been him at the other side of the line sounding all joyful and excited. He’d said that he’d been fine and everything had been taken care of. You’d tried to put your worries aside and believe him, but you knew that something had been going on and at least one thing hadn’t been alright despite of what he had told you.
Your feet led you to the stairs once you got inside the building, since you couldn’t afford more time to waste on waiting for an elevator, and you soon found yourself standing before apartment 8J, panting heavily. You hadn’t felt so worried, rushed and excited at once for a long time. It was a bittersweet feeling being back here. Being excited to see him again and worried as hell. Butterflies were flying inside your entire body, reaching through your throat to your head, making you dizzy and weak at the knees.
You lifted up your shaking fist and knock on the door two times.
Waiting for the door to open was almost unbearable. It was only seconds, but they were stretched out in your mind, feeling like the longest seconds in your life. You tried to keep your brave face on and acted normal, but you shifted the weight from your right leg to left, impatient and full of worries.
You heard as Arthur opened all the locks, your eyes were tracing his hands, even though you couldn’t see them, and the door finally opened wide. You saw him standing in front of you wearing a red suit that you hadn’t seen before. His hair was dyed green and his face was painted in Carnival make up, though it was more sloppy and messy. He looked at you and smiled widely, his whole face   lit up with happiness, and he took you into his arms and hugged you firmly, pulling you into the apartment, his arms wrapped tightly around you, and his face buried into your neck.
- Oh, Artie... - you couldn’t help but feel tears forming in your eyes.
- Hey, sweetheart, welcome home - his voice came out as soft and sweet as always.
You breathed in his scent and cologne as you hugged him back. You could feel his body shaking a bit.
- You’re alright? - you asked against his chest.
- I’ve m-missed you - his voice shaky too, filled with strong emotions.
It was such a wonderful feeling to be back in his arms, he felt like home and you were so overwhelmed by love, that you almost forgot that you were upset a moment ago.You were home and you had to feel him first.
You sank your fingers into his hair and played with his green curls. Your other hand caressed his back in soothe motions. You could feel his body relaxed under your touch. You could tell that he felt it too, this lovely feeling of being home.
Having you in his arms was the only thing that he had been thinking about for the last days. Now that his imagination reached the reality, he finally could rest his mind and body, and have a moment of piece. You on the other hand could worries less about him as he was clearly alive and seemed to be alright.
He smiled against your neck and slightly leaned you back. His chest pressed against you and he made you both swaying right and left, left and right.
- Ooh, my pretty Doll is finally here, I’ve missed you so, so much, my love - he tilted his head and started peppering your neck and face with kisses - so, so, so, so much...
You couldn’t help but giggle despite you being upset at him and you tried to capture his lips with yours, but he didn’t let you, moving to the other side of your face, putting kisses wherever he could.
- I... missed you... too - you said between the giggles.
When his mouth ended pressed on yours you closed your eyes and kissed him back, parting your lips and putting out your tongue. He welcomed it by deepening the kiss. His tongue found yours, beginning dance a slow tango.
You were locked in lovers’ embrace for a long while, kissing hungrily as if it was the end of the world and you had the last chance to kiss each other.
A need for a break to catch your breath came to you eventually, and you stood with your foreheads abutted, panting and smiling. You looked at his face and down at his red suit. This was new, you didn’t remember him wearing those clothes, except for a yellow vest.
- Is that your new Carnival outfit?
- No, honey, it’s my new self, new me, I’m reborn.
You slightly knitted your eyebrows and looked up at his green hair. The color looked good on him, you had to admit. And the new outfit gave him a sexy, kinda intimidating look. It wasn’t exactly a clown outfit, it was too elegant, but his choice of colors was crazy and made him look very noticeable, which was probably his point you guessed.
- That’s a very nice looking, sexy suit - you said as you ran your hands over his red jacket.
- I know - he agreed, the smile on his face was a mix of self-proud and enjoyment - I’m glad you like it.
- Have you performed already with your new self, darling? - you asked as your eyes were admiring his clothes and his new little messy make up. You wondered if he’d gotten a new gig he hadn’t told you about yet. Since Hoyt fired him, which wasn’t fair in your opinion, cause Arthur was harmless even with a gun, you felt sorry for Arthur for being fired like that. Maybe he’d found a new job and telling you about it was a surprise he had for you? Maybe that was the reason he hadn’t talked to you, cause he hadn’t had time?
- Yes, I did - he swayed his body, a little tiptoe dance - At Murray’s show.
Your eyes widened and you looked at him with incredulity.
- What? Murray’s show? - you asked surprised - you’re kidding?
He shook his head and smiled.
- I’m not kidding, Murray invited me on his show and I was at a sta-
- W-why... - you interrupted him still surprised and a little disappointed - why you didn’t tell me? I could have watched you and-
This time he interrupted you, shaking his head.
- No, no, sweet thing. It wasn’t something you’d like to watch.
- Why? Did it go that bad? - you could feel your heart beating faster again with worries. This was important, this was a big topic for Arthur. You’d been talking about it several times in the past, how it would have been like if he was invited on the show. This had been his big dream for years. He’d shared that with you, so why he hadn’t told you that he’d been invited?
- It was just... something unexpected - he started to explain - something that changed my life, but it wouldn’t do any good if you watched it, believe me.
- What? I don’t understand, Arthur, please explain that to me.
He sighed and reached his hand behind you to close the door. He locked it and turned around to you with a smirk. He leaned down, putting one hand under your knees and the other around your waist. He lifted you with an ease and took you to the couch, before putting you gently on the floor. He sat down and as you were about to do the same, he took you by your wrist and led you onto his lap. You got comfortable there right away, it was your favorite place to sit after all. He wrapped his hands around your waist and kissed your neck, nibbling gently on your skin.
- You smell so good, Kitten, I want to take you now on that couch.
You gasped at his directness as you stretched your neck for him. You hadn’t given a thought to that before, but he was less shy than usual, more energetic and the confidence that beamed from him was as strange as appealing. You didn’t quite understand where it came from, but you thought that maybe it was the time apart and homesick that temporarily changed his behavior. Maybe something good had finally happened to him?
- Arthur, a-are you gonna expl-ain... - you tried to get back to the subject that needed to be discussed, but it was hard to form words now that his lips were kissing your collarbone with his hand slipping under your shirt to caress your skin. You’d been feeling too untouched and underloved that past week so now your senses just got crazy with a simple touch and wet kisses. You decided to let go for now, you could go back to it later after all, after you reunited with him. You missed your boyfriend and it had been too long since you hadn’t seen and touched each other.
You caught his lips with yours and shifted, putting your legs on both sides of his hips. While your mouth was busy tasting his lips, his hands slid down to your lower back and pulled you closer to him. You were pressed against his hard cock and he definitely could feel your panties getting soaked, thanks to your decision to wear a skirt today. You rubbed against his crotch eliciting a moan from his mouth. You pulled away and started to kiss the line of his jaw heading to his neck. You tasted greasepaint and you could swear it tasted real good, though not as good as his bare skin that you nibbled on.
His grip on your hips tightened as he made you rub against him again. He was hard as stone and you couldn’t wait any longer, you wanted to feel him in your hand. You reached to the waistband of his red trousers as you unzipped his pants and freed his cock. You wrapped your fingers around his shaft, your thumb rubbed circles around the moist head. He was hot and unbelievable hard. Pre-cum already leaking from him as he pressed you against his crotch, his teeth dug into the crook of your neck a little bit too hard, but you didn’t mind, you were too aroused to feel anything but pleasure.
You moved your hand a few times up and down, feeling every veins on his member, making him groan against your skin. As were you about to attack his neck with kisses, he pulled you away from his lap and laid you on the coach.
- You have no idea how painfully hard it was to wait for you - he said as he slid his hands under your skirt, grabbed your panties and took them off of you - How much I needed you to come back.
He crawled on top of you, his green curls hanging loosely as he pinned you down, his stare full of desire and hidden pain. Dominance and arrogance. A mix of happiness and sadness that you could see in his eyes, but you couldn’t figure out where it all came from. And there was something more also, something more complex, a bunch of emotions from the previous week and whatever had happened back then that you didn’t know about. His intense gaze intimidated you.
- You’re still mine, right? - he asked, lowering his voice.
- Yes, of course, pumpkin - you placed an open palm onto his cheek, trying to stay cool - I’ll always be yours.
He searched your face for a second, maybe looking for any sign of a lie, before he smiled when he of course didn’t find any and pressed a sloppy kiss on your mouth. His disbelief always sent a little pain into your heart, but you knew it was the result of his insecurities and it wasn’t something easily to control. You knew he didn’t doubt your love to him, he always doubted his mind.
He placed himself between your legs, moving his hips, his shaft started rubbing against your clit, giving you friction you needed. You could feel goosebumps all over your body and all the butterflies already gathered in your lower stomach, flicking their wings in anticipation.
- Come inside, I need to feel you - you whispered as you wrapped your legs around him.
He didn’t need an invitation, nor an encourage anymore, but it was always arousing to hear your pleading voice begging for him and anything that he could do to you.
And oh, the things he could do to you now as Joker. All those positions and scenarios that he could see in his mind. He thought about them often when he was alone in his bedroom, tormented with his insomnia. The things that would make Arthur so embarrassed, the things that would never cross Arthur’s mind due to his shy and timid nature. All of those things that Joker wanted to do and gonna get from you eventually. He felt like he could finally be a lover that you deserved. Not clumsy or too shy to ask for things, but confident and dominant, ready to explore new things with you. Now that his mind was finally unchained, he could wandered to corners of his imagination that was always too dark and too perverted for Arthur to look at.
He slipped into your warm and wet walls and moaned into your ear. That was the best feeling in the entire world, to be inside you. To be as one. He wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
He started moving in a steady pace, supporting himself with one hand, while the other were gripping your thigh. His tongue lick up a trace on your neck, stopping right under your ear. He took your earlobe between his lips and sucked on it. Your hand caressed the back of his head and he pushed deeper into you a few times, forcing you to grip his hair into a fist. He smirked and fastened his pace, tilted his head to look at your pretty face.
- Do you like it? - he asked with a little raspy voice as he caught your eyes with his - Do you like my cock stretching your walls, filling you up to the brink?
You parted your lips in slightly surprise, knowing that he hadn’t been the one, initiating a dirty talk before and not with that much confidence in him.
- Y-yea, I- Love it, i-it feels so good - you answered looking into his deep, dark eyes. You wondered if he was alright. The look he was giving you was different, his eyes were different. You’d seen that gaze before, but only when he was very angry. Was he angry right now? He seemed quite relaxed.
- Mmmm - he hummed as he pushed against you, his cock reached your cervix and you rolled your head back, moaning his name.
- Arthur...
No, no Arthur, dollface, it’s Joker that’s fucking you.
His eyes glanced at your hand resting on a pillow, your palm formed into a fist, your wrist so delicate and thin, waiting to be grabbed... With a boosted confidence that arose a new side of him, he quickly wrapped your wrist, pinning it against the pillow. He didn’t know why but if felt like a good idea to show you his dominance you’d never seen before. He hoped you’d like it... no, he knew you’d like it, he remembered all the times when you’d asked him to be a little bit more rough and he just couldn’t do it for you.
Artie couldn’t do it.
Joker dived his face into the crook of your neck and bit your skin, sucked on it, leaving a very visible mark. You made a sweet sound at that, that turned him on and encouraged him to keep going with his teeth, leaving a few more marks on your skin. Your hand that was pinned by him tensed, he could feel you trying to release yourself from his grip, but he didn’t let go. He focused on your moaning and his own pleasure, as he was pounding into you faster and deeper, hitting your cervix every time. He loved how responsive you were to him, how your perfectly shaped body wriggled underneath him, and how he was the cause of it.
You left out a sound that was something between a loud moan and a suppressed scream and he captured your lips, sliding his tongue inside your mouth, finding yours to dance with. He loved how you pulled his hair while he lowered his body to weight you down.
You were lacking of air that Arthur took from you with his passionate and demanding sex, taking you like he owned you and forcing you to be submissive.
To say that you were in shocked, was an understatement. You and Arthur always made love to each other. It wasn’t a vanilla boring sex, no, there was a lot of passion and playfulness in it, but he never went rough on you, he’d never fucked you. He could fasten his pace or go harder when you asked him, but he wouldn’t do things that could make you any harm and he definitely wouldn’t hurt you on purpose.
And he always asked when he wanted to try to do something.
Except this time.
You didn’t mind him being a little rough, sometimes you’d even imagined Arthur taking you like that, being a bit more demanding and dominant. Being pinned down by him right now was like one of your dreams came true and at first it turned you on very much - being under his body, not able to move your hand, him pounding into you like a hungry animal... His confidence made you squirm and pleading for more. But eventually your wrist started to hurt and your cervix apparently didn’t like being hit so often with so much force, so you had to ask him to slow down.
But it wasn’t easy to say something with his tongue inside your mouth.
You were silenced, so you tried to free your hand on your own, but he was holding you down very firmly and every attempt to free your hand would only hurt your wrist. So you tried with your other hand as you pulled his hair up, in hope that he pulled away from you for a moment.
It worked after a few more thrusts.
He slowed down and looked at you, his eyebrows slightly knitted in surprise.
- What is it, doll?
- Can you... It’s... A little bit too... much - you answered feeling a little bit guilty all of a sudden, you didn’t want him to stop, but the uncomfortable pain started destroying your pleasure.
- Oh... - he stopped moving completely and the grip on your wrist loosened. He looked surprised and more guilty than you.
- I’m so sorry, Kitten, I didn’t... I didn’t mean to... - he brought your hand to his mouth and started kissing your wrist, quickly to ease any pain he’d caused you - I’m sorry. Feels better now?
- It’s alright, don’t worry, love, I’m fine - you smiled at him slightly, observing his face, it was hard to see Arthur underneath his greasepaint - Can we just... talk for a while?
He furrowed his brows concerned, but nodded and slowly pulled out of you, giving you a hand to help you sit up.
You both fixed yourself up and sat in front of each other. As you looked at his face you started to realize you were facing someone that wasn’t quite your boyfriend and it disturbed you and made you wanna scream.
But you suppressed your emotions somehow and decided to ask for explanation. Demand it if you had to.
And just as you were about to ask him about his strange behavior, you saw something in the corner of your eye. Something on the wall that attracted your attention. Something you hadn’t seen before. Something red.
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dandelionflower · 5 years
@mcheang I want a Felix episode AU, where Felix is taken with Marinette but doesn’t really try to go out of his way to see her. And then he meets her cousin
[Send me Felinette prompts!]
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, famous child designer.
Her mother was a famed model and her father a gentle baker. It was no surprise that with that encouraging environment surrounded by beautiful clothes that Marinette’s fashion sense bloomed. Her brand, Cheng, skyrocketed when she was barely ten years old.
When Marinette turned thirteen, her father, Tom Dupain, disappeared. Her mother became a recluse and Marinette took it upon herself to heal her broken family.
Her mother was taken to therapy and soon rejoined the modeling world, becoming the sole model for Marinette’s new line, Dupain.
Marinette was a legend, she was graceful, responsible and humble even in the face of success.
And she had been sitting in front of Felix in class for most of the school year.
Felix had to admit, he had had a little crush on Marinette ever since she offered him her umbrella after her first day of school, and the first day Felix became Crimson Spot.
He kept his distance, but there were still times where he found himself abandoning logic to hang out with her, but not to the extent that he could be.
But Marinette’s job as a famous designer did take a toll on her, as she put so much pressure on herself to learn languages, play piano and guitar and be a generally well-rounded human being. It caused her to have to skip some friendly outings.
Today was one of those days.
The whole class had met up to discuss ways to lighten Marinette’s mood on the anniversary of the day her father disappeared.
“What if we sent her videos?” Felix suggested. “Telling her how happy we are to be friends with her.”
“Great idea dude!” Nino elbowed him. “Why don’t you go first?”
A shock of fear ran through him as he snatched the tablet from Nino’s hand. “Why don’t I just record them for now?”
Nino gave him a look, but allowed it and moved on.
Gina Dupain stared down at her granddaughter, sitting next to her daughter-in-law, both of them looking at the statue of her son, singing the little kitten song he had taught them before they left.
She had so desperately wanted to tell them, console themselves with the information that he would return, just as soon as she got the miraculous from those pesky heroes.
She was the ‘villain’ Lady Violet and her darling son was resting under her families home, comatose, because of the peacock miraculous.
She wanted to tell them, to ask them to help her, but she just couldn’t.
Gina walked down the stairs and sat next to them, wrapping her arms around the only family she had left.
The doorbell rang and and they all jolted from their song and they walked to the door just as it opened, revealing a large shadow.
“Papa?” Marinette whispered, stepping forwards.
The figure walked forwards just a little more, revealing him to be Sabine’s brother, Wang.
He stepped aside to reveal a petite girl with deep blue hair tied in a high ponytail.
“Bridgette!” Marinette smiled and launched herself at her cousin. “It’s been so long.”
“It certainly has.” Sabine grabbed her brother by the arm and began chatting with him in Mandarin, a language the whole family was fluent in, thanks to Marinette. “Remember when those two would dress up like each other and you ended up taking Marinette home?”
He chuckled. “I was so easily fooled.”
After Bridgette had successfully detangled herself from her cousin, she glanced at Gina, more specifically, the necklace Gina was wearing.
Gina caught her glance and casually tucked the necklace into her shirt.
“So, sister, I don’t mean to pry, but would you consider giving me the family rings?”
“Of course, Tom’s is somewhere upstairs. Marinette, take Bridgette upstairs and help her get settled.” The four of them went upstairs and Gina was left alone, staring at the ring on her necklace.
That girl better be worth an akuma.
Bridgette scrolled on her phone absentmindedly, as Marinette chattered on about who knows what.
“I’m just so glad you’re here!”
“Yeah... so am I. Anyway, can I take a shower? I feel like I’ve been on that plane forever.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
Bridgette stood up and began walking to the room she gestured to, before she got an idea. She turned slightly, wrapping her arms around Marinette and slipping her phone from her pocket into Bridgette’s.
“Thanks for being here for me, Mari.”
She heard a soft hum and Marinette hugged her back.
Once the shower was turned on, Bridgette slid to the floor and started going through Marinette’s phone.
“A superhero crush? Seriously?”
Just as she was about to go onto social media, the phone buzzed with a video message.
“Hey, girl.” A girl in a plaid shirt waved at the camera. “I know you’re probably having a bad time right now, but-“
“Boring.” She deleted it.
“Markov and I have done the research an jokes are statistically proven to improve your mood by ninety-seven percent. So, knock knock?”
“Lame.” She snorted.
“You’re so sweet and kind and considerate and-“
“Wow. Original.”
“Marinette. I know you’re likely going through something right now, and I want to let you know that I’m here for you, because... I adore you. I have for quite some time, ever since you gave me your umbrella that day at school.”
After the last video had been deleted, she leaned her head back against the wall.
So the little princess has some good friends... not for long.
“Hey Bridgette?” Marinette spike through the door. “I’ve got some stuff in the oven downstairs, mind if I leave you here to go get it?”
“No problem, but do you have any extra clothes I could borrow?”
“Sure thing, I’ve got some in my closet. Take whatever you want.”
She heard the door close and turned off the shower.
First, a little more snooping.
She checked the drawers, computer, and a really smelly cabinet.
“Yuck.” She threw the awful thing on the bed and pushed a pillow on it.
Finally, she opened a drawer and found the biggest stash of hair ties in the world.
Good, now she could put her hair in those insufferable pigtails.
She opened the closet and chose a navy jacket and neatly cuffed jean shorts, along with a white t-shirt.
She pulled out the phone and pressed record, a smile on her face.
“I hope you’re happy, Tikki. Because I am never doing anything again.”
She giggled, floating over his head. “Don’t be so dramatic! I’m sure Marinette will appreciate the confession.”
“During the time she is most vulnerable, another thing to think about is the last thing she needs.”
“Well...” His phone buzzed before she could answer.
“Marinette answered.” He remarked, walking up to the rest of his friends.
“...It only served to make me feel worse! I hate all of you!”
“I can’t look at this.” Alya passed the tablet to Nino.
“How could she say that about us?” Rose whimpered. “I thought we were her friends.”
“Marinette said all of that? Impossible.”
“She did.” Juleka shook her head.
The girl who made sure she was at every rehearsal, every practice, everything she was asked to go to?
“Nino, I really think-“ he was cut off when a cloud of violet attacked his three classmates, transforming them into their former akumatized selves.
“He’s not ‘Nino’ anymore.” Reflecta spoke, transforming Alya into a carbon copy of her.
“I’m Bubbler now.” He swung the tablet-shaped wand in the air, deadly bubbles pouring out.
“One of the three Punishers!” Princess Fragrance remarked with glee, a familiar toxic cloud pouring from her gun.
Felix gulped in a breath of air, barely muttering “Spots on” as he dove into the water.
It can’t be an akuma, maybe a sentimonster?
He threw his yo-yo out, swinging after the three punishers, hoping to save the true Marinette and get some answers.
“I made cookies!” Marinette sang, opening her door with the tray. “It’s been so long, I can’t remember what your favorite is, so I went with an old classic; chocolate chip!”
She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw Bridgette rocket off of her office chair, hair in pigtails.
“Whatcha doing, Bridge?”
“Marinette!” Her mother barged in. “Akumas, get the both of you to the bunker!”
“Too late.” Reflekta walked in, accompanied by Bubbler and Princess Fragrance.
“Dude, which one’s the real Mari?” Bubbler whispered.
Marinette glanced at Bridgette. She needed to transform before anyone got hurt.
“It is I! The cruel Marinette!” She cackled, relishing in the concerned and confused look on Bridgette’s face. “You’ll never take me alive!” She dashed out of the door.
Once she had made it into a secure hallway, Plagg flew out of her pocket.
“So, I know you’re against using cataclysm on a person but...”
“No, Plagg.”
“She smushed my cheese!”
“I’ll get you more cheese, now come on, claws out.”
She felt the familiar magic leather clothe her and jumped out a window, eyes landing on the familiar red bug in the distance.
Felix swung into the room, grabbing Marinette and swinging her out and onto the roof of the nearest hotel.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know!” Her eyes were wide and innocent; Felix felt his composure slipping.
“Well, if you don’t have any information, just stay here and hide; I’ll deal with the akuma.”
He turned to leave.
“Wait! Crimson Spot!” She grabbed his arm and Felix swallowed.
She started walking and Felix stepped backwards in an attempt to preserve personal space.
“How ‘bout a little extra courage?” His back bumped against the wall and he stood, frozen, as he watched the girl he had adored from afar lean closer.
“That won’t be necessary.” He tried to gently push her away, but she persisted, her lips mere millimeters from his.
Something within him burned red and snapped. He crouched low and swept his right foot in a circle, knocking her to the ground.
“You’re either an imposter or a sentimonster, because Marinette certainly understands that no means no.”
“That’s Bridgette,” Catastropheline landed gently on her toes, not making eye contact with Crimson. “Marinette’s cousin. I ran into her and she told about the... situation.”
She glanced at Bridgette, who was backing away ever so slightly.
“It must be difficult keeping what few friends you have with you acting like that, huh?”
“If she’s not a sentimonster, then we need to stop wasting time and find the akuma.” He threw his yo-yo into the air and a small can of whipped cream fell into his hand.
“As always, Tikki.” He groaned.
“Cataclysm.” Darkness collected over Catastropheline’s palm just as three thumps sounded around them.
“I wouldn’t if I was you, kitty.” Refleckta had her brooch aimed at the dark clothed hero’s heart.
“I usually prefer my servants to wear pink,“Princess Fragrance twirled her gun around, “but I suppose red would do.”
“And if that’s not enough, I’ll send you both on a one way flight to the sun if you so much as move.”
“Crimson.” His partner spoke from beside him. “Do you have a plan?”
Before he could deliver the depressing answer, a shout turned them both to Bubbler, who was clutching his hand with Bridgette in front of them, holding the tablet.
“Good! Bridgette, break the wand now! Then this torture can be over.”
“Oh, I don’t want it to be over. I’m just switching the roles.” She smirked before she held up the rectangular wand. “Lady Violet! Are you listening? I can help you; all I need in return is a certain piece of jewelry.”
“Get the miraculous first, and I’ll consider it.” Bubbler growled, holding out his hand for the wand.
She grinned wider. “With pleasure.”
She tossed the wand to Bubbler and started running towards the superhero pair.
“Feline, batter up.” Was all he said as he launched his can into the air.
Even without the use of her ring-bearing hand, she swung her baton effortlessly, slamming it into the can.
It fell just ahead of Bridgette’s feet, and she stepped on it haphazardly, tripping and sending it into Bubbler’s face.
The wand flew through the air and started its decent to the pavement.
“Crimson! Go!”
“What about-“ He glanced at the imposter who had stood up and was moving towards him, only to see a metal baton slam into her abdomen.
He took in the two Punishers struggling in the pool and dashed to the side of the building, jumping off.
He landed directly on top of the bubble wand and heard the reassuring snap of broken plastic.
He purified the akuma swiftly and launched the battered can of whipped cream that had landed beside the wand, into the air with a shout of “Miraculous Ladybug.”
He swung back up as the cure swept the streets and landed beside Catastrophiline, who was helping Rose out the door.
“Pound it?”
She grinned and attempted to step over to him but ended up tripping over her own baton and, in a series of impressive acrobatics, landing on her face in front of Crimson Spot.
He chuckled and held out his hand. “I’d just begun to think you’d grown out of that.”
“Well, old habits hie dard, I mean, die hard.” She sprung to her feet with a sheepish grin, twirling the leather straps holding her pigtails in place.
They pressed their fists together and left, a screaming Bridgette still on the roof.
“... I just want you to know, Mari, that I am so sorry. I just... I was jealous that my father named his famed Celestial soup after you, and not me.” Bridgette, back in her own clothes looked down.
“What are you talking about?” Wang looked down at his daughter. “I’ve named so many of my dishes after you. My Angelic stew, to name one.”
“What?” She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I thought...”
“If every dish I wanted to name after you was called ‘Bridgette,’ people would get confused.” He explained, pulling her into his arms. “If only I had noticed, I could have explained.”
“It’s okay, Papa. I overreacted.” She spared another glance at her father, then turned to her extended family.
“I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, after all the strife I caused.”
Marinette was the first to hug her, whispering a soft apology.
Sabine joined next, until it was just Gina standing beside the group hug with a hand on Bridgette’s shoulder.
She felt a slight tug and was pulled deep into the hug. The tension seemed to melt from her body and Gina allowed herself to feel content.
Bridgette was the first to pull out of the embrace.
“Thank you all, for forgiving me so quickly.”
“Of course.” Marinette grinned.
“You’re welcome back anytime.” Sabine added. “And, brother, I’ll call you if I ever find Tom’s ring.”
“I’d appreciate it.”
The two entered a black vehicle and drove off, Bridgette still waving through the window.
“Hey guys! I’m really sorry, but I wasn’t able to see your videos. It really warms my heart that you were thinking of me today, though. I want you to know that I love you. All of you.”
Marinette’s beaming face filled the screen as Felix watched the video again and again.
“She’s so considerate.” He sighed.
“Yeah, considering all that just happened with her cousin.” Tikki remarked. “It’s too bad she didn’t see your confession, though.”
“It’s probably all for the best. However, that Bridgette girl may prove to be an issue.”
“Yeah, working with Hawkmoth and his akumas all on her own, it’s kind of scary. I wonder what could be worth that?”
“It’s truly a pity that Sabine couldn’t find the second ring.” Wang sat down next to Bridgette, allowing her a window seat on the train.
“You mean this one?” Bridgette pulled a chain from her pocket and displayed the ring adorning it.
“Yes, Bridgette, that’s it!” He stared at the ring, transfixed for a moment, before hugging his daughter. “My little magician, always saving the day at the last minute.”
Bridgette smiled and, as her father turned to slip the ring in with its partner, turned to the window, her innocent features twisting into a cruel smirk.
It really was a shame their trip was cut so short. She could have had a lot of fun in Paris.
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sharinluna · 5 years
MLQC Chapter 18 Part B Translation
DO NOT COPY, QUOTE, REPOST OR REBLOG THIS ANYWHERE. Links are okay but I don’t want this post to spread too much in other communities or websites.
This is not a full translation, only some parts. It’s more like a abbreviation/summary/paraphrasing of some parts of the story. Do not ask me to translate more or reveal more plots in the story.
The translation is based on KR version text. I’m not a professional translator and get things wrong. So do not regard this as the actual canon story.
I used Yōurán as the name of MC because that is the unofficial default MC’s name in CN version.
READ THE PREVIOUS TRANSLATIONS otherwise you won’t understand a thing. Search mlqc translations and they will pop up.
According to “me”, the world would come to an end six days later.
I went upstairs to the attic. I saw Victor leaning on a dusty wall, asleep. He looked so forlorn like this. His shirt was wrinkled and he held the glass cup from yesterday. The broken pieces were patched up together. Even though he was sleeping, he was holding onto it lest it broke again.
I felt like choking up as I sat down next to him quietly. I noted that he lost so many weights. There were dark shadows under his eyes and he looked haggard. He didn’t look like Victor at all.
He said he would find my previous self, but didn’t he know that he was also losing his self? The previous Victor was always confident and austere. He would never let anything get to him like this. “Victor” was not supposed to hide in the attic like this, scrunched up and clutching a broken glass…
This was wrong. If I l weren’t such a wreck, he would never have to go through such hardships
I took hold of his hand, and then a vision came before my eyes.
I saw a single streak of tear running down his face.
I saw his trembling hands and pained eyes.
I saw pale light behind him, like the world was ending.
Victor was still asleep. Despair and hopelessness could be seen in his face, like he was afraid that his worst nightmare would come true. I turned around and bit my knuckles hard to stop from crying.
I knew right then and there what I had to do. What decisions I must face.
It’s easy to figure out what’s right and wrong when we are talking about someone else. But when it comes to oneself, selfishness gets in the way. In the end, everyone is inclined to choose themselves over the world.
Someone close to me was faced with a calamity, someone else went missing. Someone gave up their faith. And many more became lost with no place to rely on.
I cannot, and will not escape my fate. I will not excuse myself with cowardly words and weakness.
I wasn’t trying to be heroic, I just wanted to protect everyone I cared about. Sometimes, people are faced in a situation where you can’t really choose anything else. No matter how reluctant, or unwilling I felt, I cannot turn my back on this. If peace would come with my sacrifice… then that’s what I truly wanted.
Victor opened his eyes, saw me and slowly raised himself up.
Victor: How did you get in here?
Yōurán: I found my previous self again…
I smiled at him.
Yōurán: Victor, you’re right. Tomorrow is going to be a better day. I was such a mess last night, I’m sorry! I pulled myself together now. I won’t be like that again, I promise.
Victor handed me the cup and stood up.
Victor: I know what you’re worried about. Don’t underestimate yourself, and don’t underestimate me.
Standing in the sunlight, he looked so strong and majestic. This was what Victor was supposed to be like.
I mouthed the word “thank you” at his back. Victor, you have no idea that you gave me the courage to walk toward the right path. I will never regret the choice I made today. This time, I will take full responsibility and save everyone.
There was so much to do during the last days of my life.
I came to my deserted office and stroked the plants on my desk. The post it notes next to the desktop computer seemed to urge me to get to work right away. I took them off one by one. Then I wrote the name of every colleague who worked with me.
Anna who was always with me since the beginning, Kiki, always cheerful about everything, Willow, who’s enthusiasm was admirable. Minor, clumsy but endearing… I wrote a letter to each and every one of them and looked around my office for one last time.
After I exited the office building, I went into the nearest store. As I held on to a bag of chips, I wondered if another pair of hands would grab at them too, just like that day. I would turn around and my eyes would meet a pair of eyes that held all the light in the world.
Yōurán: This time, the chips are mine, Kiro.
I whispered as I bought all chips that was left on the shelf, except one bag of chips with a picture of batman on the cover.
Yōurán: But I will leave this one especially for you. Don’t try to take mine when you come back.
Then I went to the orphanage. Despite the world being in turmoil, the children’s smiles were still innocent and carefree. I handed out the chips to them.
Yōurán: Your favorite superstar Kiro asked me to give you these. Keep this a secret between us, but he told me to tell you that everything will soon get better. That there’s no need to be afraid.
The children put their fingers to their lips with wide eyes and vowed to keep the secret. When I was about to leave, a girl grabbed onto my clothes shyly.
Girl: Will you come back soon? No one has visited us for a long time…
I stroked the girl’s head gently, plastering a smile to keep the tears from falling.
Yōurán: When everything becomes normal again, I will come and see you, I promise.
After that lie, I went to Loveland High school. There was no one on the campus. I went to the familiar piano room.
I opened the piano cover and played a melody that connected me and Gavin. If I looked up, maybe I would see gingko leaves dancing in the winds outside the window.
But all melodies, no matter how sweet, must come to an end.
Yōurán: Gavin, it seems that this time, I’m the one who’s leaving you for a change. I hope this is the last farewell between us…
After that, my footsteps took me to the park.
“You know, even if the end of the world did come, it would never come in summer.”
How wrong I was back then…
I walked around the park until I saw a stand selling kites. An old man was drawing pictures on them.
Old man: What picture do you want, Miss?
Yōurán: Not pictures… but I’d like the words “All goes well.” written on them.
Old man: Very well. A simple but powerful wish.
He wrote the worlds with graceful calligraphy.
I took the kite and went to that place underneath the camphor tree. I saw a boy sitting alone under the tree. He looked like the loneliest boy in the world. I sat down next to him.
Yōurán: Were you talking to that cat that just passed by?
Boy: Cats can’t understand people.
He spoke with his head down. I smiled.
Yōurán: Here. Take this.
Boy: Why?
Yōurán: For… telling me that animals can’t talk with people.
He slowly took the kite from my hands and muttered a thank you. I stood up and said goodbye to him.
Boy: Aren’t you going to fly the kite?
Yōurán: It’s not spring anymore. I’ll fly it next spring.
I walked away. Lucien and I promised each other that we would fly kites next spring. It saddened me a little that I would never see another spring in my life.
Lastly, I went to the place where I used to live with my dad. On the walls I could see the marks showing how much I grew every year. I stroked then gingerly.
Yōurán: Dad, we will meet again soon…
Nothing can last forever. But at this moment I felt like I had everything. I felt free, brave and confident.
Yes, it was time to say goodbye to my past and move on. To keep walking forward without turning back…
Victor and I watched helplessly as all the people infected with the virus turned into thoughtless mobs and slaughtered each other on instinct.
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??: This is the true face of humanity. Everyone will deceive you and betray you, but not me.
Yōurán: Who the hell are you?!
??: Like I’ve been saying, I am you. There’s no need to be afraid. I won’t hurt you, because you are me. We are one and the same.
??: I know you made your choice. I’m proud of you. But you don’t really want to die for them, don’t you? I will erase them and claim you on my side again. If they are all gone and we are alone, no one will hurt us ever again. You agree with me, right?
Yōurán: What do you mean?
??: I’m not going to hurt you. I already experienced all the pains that you’ve gone through. At first, I chose to sacrifice myself like you. But no one thanked me or remembered me. They even took my sacrifice as granted. The human race continued to slaughter each other for greed.
Her face revealed endless sorrow, and I could feel her emotions as if it were mine.
??: That’s when I realized that love and trust is nothing more than a delusion. This world doesn’t deserve to be saved. Humankind is evil. I know you don’t believe me. But I wanted you to know that killing them off is they only way to end your pain.
Victor suddenly smirked and looked at her, the another me.
Victor: You are not her. And you can never be her. You may look the same, but your eyes are so different.
??: It doesn’t matter. We will be the same now.
The soldiers started to fire their guns at her. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my chest like I was shot too. I could feel her pain and hurt as if it were mine as well.
When they seized fire, she stood up. The bullets did nothing to stop her.
??: It quite hurt a lot back there, right? Now do you see that we are one and the same?
Yōurán: No, you can never be me, and I can never be you. Maybe some people are so evil that they don’t deserve to be saved, but you have no right to decide that. We have the law for that.
Yōurán: Yes, I feel hurt and betrayal, but that’s because I love them. The love that came from the people you hate. You are not me, so you can never understand that. You should atone for what you did.
??: Really, and you think my atonement has nothing to do with you? Well, then I’ll start now. It’s going to hurt, but bear with me.
I felt excruciating pain taking all over my body. I could feel her triumph seeping inside my head.
??: I’m going to make you return back inside me now, then I’m going to kill every single human on this earth.
I felt her pain, her cries when we were strapped to the med table, when we experienced the car crash, when we bled together…
She was me. Everything I went through, she did too, and vice versa. Her pain and thoughts were mine as well.
I grabbed on to Victor’s hand.
Yōurán: Victor. I have an idea. It will save everyone. You have to kill me.
Victor: No!
Yōurán: She’s trying to take control of my body. When she does that, nothing can stop her!
I tried to smile reassuringly.
Yōurán: Don’t worry. I’ll survive. You know how stubborn my life is. I faced death many times but I outlived all of them. I will do it this time too. Don’t make me turn into her, please?
Victor: Don’t even think about it!
Yōurán: But this is the future I saw! You can’t change that now!
I finally spoke out what I saw in my vision on the attic that day. In my visions Victor was the one who was ending my life. And my visions always came true.
Please do it, Victor, so that the beautiful future can come, so that the people I love can go on living…
Yōurán: All your life, you were always the winner, right? Well, this time you have to lose. You always told me I was a fool, but I don’t want to be one anymore. I’m going to win this time.
I forced myself to say this as I felt fire burning inside my heart.
Yōurán: Victor, promise me that you won’t be alone. The pain is becoming too much. Please kill me before it’s too late…
Soon, everything will go back to normal. She won’t be able to kill everyone on earth. They will keep on living. I would meet my dad again.
I finally understood that this was a cycle that I couldn’t break out of. There was a reason everything felt so familiar. I have went through this countless times already.
I saw Victor crossing the timelines repeatedly. I saw him throw the pocket watch to the ground and turn back time again.
I saw white light spreading behind him.
Victor: Yōurán, I will never admit that I lost. I am always going to be the one who wins in the end. And I will do what I said I would without fail.
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With trembling hands he held a knife. A streak of tear flowed from his eye.
Yōurán: Victor, please don’t forget me…
It wasn’t death that was so painful after all…
As I let go of my life, I thought I heard him say these words.
Victor: I will find you, wherever you are in time and space.
Happiness was in everyone’s faces. The theme park opened again, and the schools resumed their semester. It was a beautiful world without me.
I turned around and saw another me in another world.
“If I were still a little kid, I definitely wouldn’t let you have the last bag of chips.”
“You should watch yourself. Someone can’t come to your rescue every time.”
“Lucien? What do you want with him?”
“Surprised? You probably thought I would be in a jail rather than a police station, right?”
A single drop of tear fell from my eyes.
It’s revealed in this chapter that the story thus far is a time loop. MC chose to die for the world many times and after her death another MC is born in a parallel world and repeats the cycle of chapters 1-18.
The dark MC (aka Black Queen) is MC from a parallel world who sacrificed herself to save the world just like this MC did. But according to her, everyone forgot her and took her sacrifice for granted. Feeling betrayed, she plans to kill everyone except MC as a revenge.
Meanwhile, Victor vows that he will find her, turning back time again.
Whenever I read chapter 18 I am reminded of a quote from Harry Potter book 6.
It was, he thought, the difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head held high. Some people, perhaps, would say that there was little to choose between the two ways, but Dumbledore knew - and so do I, thought Harry, with a rush of fierce pride, and so did my parents - that there was all the difference in the world.
How you choose is just as important as what you choose. Yōurán chose sacrifice, but she didn’t do it because she was pushed into it out of despair or as a suicide attempt. Her choice is based on her belief and her love for the humanity. That makes her a hero in my eyes rather than a scapegoat.
Thank you all for reading my translations. I skipped out a lot of parts and paraphrased the sentences quite a lot. So I recommend that you regard the official EN translated chapters when they are updated as canon. I just wanted to let you get a glimpse of what’s to come.
I will continue to make more analysis posts, various translations, and miscellaneous others, but chapter translations are going to be on hiatus. When Elex updates chapters 15-18 on EN server, I will continue the future chapter translations starting from chapter 19.
I will end this post with chapters 19+ PV.
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Brace yourself for the cold everyone, for winter is coming.
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angstalottle · 5 years
Lana On The Case
Part 3
Lana knew she shouldn’t have been expecting much, especially after spending the last week lying in bed stewing in her own filth and misery.
That didn’t change the fact that her current appearance still shocked her.
Her skin had gained an ashen quality about it and dark circles under her eyes.
She was sure is Red hadn’t practically force fed her she was have lost much more weight then she already had.
She felt drained and heavy, like her life was sucked out from her when Hannah left her…
Keith showing up had given her a small glimmer of excitement perhaps even hope but as soon as he was gone and she was left alone to her thoughts they turned right back to the fact that her best friend was gone from her life forever.
That thought hurt even more than knowing her sweet wonderful Hannah killed people.
Job offer or not Lana likely would have spent the rest of her life lying in her bed if her aunties hadn’t decided to do something about it.
One moment she's dozing staring into space, the next Blue has pulled her covers away while Re dumped a bucket of warm soapy water over her.
The two manhandled her out of bed and into some clean clothes before giving her two options.
One was to stay cooped up inside and suffer through them inviting every nosey friend they could think of over to omard her with questions and pinched cheeks followed by of course the dreaded relationship advice that everyone over a certain age believed they knew.
Or go down to the police station and actually do something with her life/
Though neither option was particularly fun in the end Lana chose to go out mainly because Red had also made a swinging joke which of course practically sent her bolting through the door.
The police station like everything else in the village was only a short walk away from the Altea estate, you could get pretty much anywhere by cutting through the large gardens that have unfortunately fallen into a state of disrepair.
The lady of the manor had died when Lana was away and since then the place hadn’t been the same, like some of the beauty of the world left when she did.
As far as she knew the only daughter of the family Allura was away for school or something while her father worked in London.
Lana had fond memories of Allura, being a few years younger then the girl and quite a bit poorer, she always seemed like this fairy princess that could have anything or do anything.
Looks like not even princesses could escape tragedy.
Lana hiked up her skirt as she climbed over the thick mess of weeds and flowers careful not to disturb anything as she passed through.
Even if everyone took the shortcut it was an unsaid rule that you were not to disturb the gardens or ever go close to the house.
Of course when Lance got her foot caught in a bramble and fell face first into the ground she broke that rule by flattening at least a dozen flowers beneath her.
“Oh dear are you alright?” A woman wearing a veil and long white gloves asked as she hurried over from the main house.
Odd appearance aside what really caught Lana’s attention was her snow white hair. A characteristic that was common amongst the Altean family.
Going off her build she could have been anywhere between 20-30 but without the face or hands it really was impossible to tell.
Lana felt her cheeks burn as she pulled herself up and dusted herself down frowning at the rip that now worked its way up her blue skirt.
The woman put her hands on her dress and examined the rip tutting softly “we really must get the gardener back in this place really has fallen to ruin.”
Now that she was closer Lana could smell the sweet scent of roses coming off her in such a large volume it would almost be suffocating if they weren't outside.
“Do you work here?” Lana asked trying to swallow her embarrassment while this strange woman kept hold of her skirt.
One strong breeze and she would see next weeks washing.
The woman chuckled “not exactly. I used to live here I never actually planned on returning but in light of my father's disappearance I suppose I didn’t have much choice.”
Lana couldn’t help but flinch, since what Hannah did came to light any case of men running off in the middle of the night or simply not returning after a day out is now considered suspect.
Their still digging up all the bodies and people have been flocking from all over in search of their missing husbands, fathers and brothers.
Lana then realised something very important.
Mainly that if Alfor was missing and this woman was his daughter then it must have been Allura!
Lana couldn’t see her face but she imagined a smile on those pretty pink painted lips she used to know very well.
“That’s me, im sorry but who are you?”
Lana had her suspicions of course that this was all a scam, someone swooping in to steal the Altean family fortune, but she wasn’t really in the mood for any other mysteries right now.
That and according to Keith she was pretty forgettable.
“Oh im Lana… I used to play with you in the garden as a kid.”
“Oh my i'm so sorry Lana, im afraid my memory hasn’t been that good since the accident. She gestured to her veil and gloves “I got caught up in the Blitz and i'm afraid my appearance paid a higher price then by mind.”
Lana felt guilt crawl into her stomach, well at least she didn’t outright accuse  her of being a con artist. Besides Coran was a dear friend of the family, there's no way someone would be able to just take over Allura’s life without him noticing.
“Im sorry, I didn’t realise.”
Allura waved her off finally letting go of her skirt “don’t worry about it, ive made my peace with my situation, it is a tad lonely though, people aren't exactly eager to visit the manor these days.” She sounded so sincerely sad that Lana couldn’t help but feel for her.
She knew what it was like to lose everything because of a situation out of her control, the war had stolen many things from them, Lana was lucky to keep her beauty at least.
“Well then I suppose I have no choice but to come round for tea, I would invite you to my aunts cottage but they tend to get too excited around anyone they used to know.”
Lana gave her the best smile she could manage and was rewarded by Allura taking her hands and kissing them.
Once again her face turned an interesting shade of red.
“That sounds simply wonderful Lana, how about Thursday at 8 o'clock?”
Lana had lost her ability to form words so simply nodded earning her a small chuckle in response.
“I don’t want to keep you if your busy so ill just see you Thursday?” Allura asked startling Lana out of her stupor.
“Yes I should go, but i'll erm see you then I promise.”
Lana stuttered deciding it was best to continue on her way before she made an even bigger fool of herself so mustered up what grace she had to give an awkward curtsy realising that was dumb halfway through and instead turned and hurried on her way hitting herself muttering “stupid stupid stupid” over and over again until she finally arrived at the police station.
As expected of a small town the police station was fairly quiet this time of day home only to the drunks that were picked up the night before and only now being released to go back to their family or in some cases the church.
Of course one would expect it to be much busier with the number of bodies being dug up but unfortunately since Hannah left and it became national news the investigation had been taken over by some fancy out of state law enforcement that walk around in nice suits and a stuck up attitude to match their overall pompous appearance.
Going off the sour atmosphere in the station no one was too pleased to have the villages first ever big case stolen from under them.
Lana did her best to smile politely as she made her way to reception preparing herself for awkward small talk with someone she really hoped wouldn't recognise her.
“Hello im here-”
“If you got a crime to report fill out the form if not get lost.”
The woman behind the desk looked too young to be working, her slight frame and big doe eyes making her seem like she couldn't be much older than 15 but then again looks can be deceiving. Like the fact that despite wearing big round glasses and squinting at a book in front of her the glass within the frame appeared to be purely decorative and not actually serve any function.
Lana cleared her throat “no actually i'm here about the job. Im expected.”
This time she at least bothered to look up from her book and glanced Lana up and down “what they replacing me with some tramp, i've worked here ten years and they bring in some totty to take my job”
Lana quickly held up her hands feeling actually pretty threatened by this tiny angry lady “no! No i'm the new consultant im supposed to be working with Keith and-”
“Oi Keith! Some broad here says shes your new partner!” She yelled and just like that, all eyes were on her.
Lana smiled awkwardly at them really wishing a hole would appear beneath her and swallow her up whole so she could escape this situation.
However the only thing the universe sent her was a very flustered keith running in from the back.
He was carrying a stack of papers and had that god awful mullet tied back in a ponytail that honestly didn't look half bad on him.
“Thanks Katie i can take her from here.” Keith dropped the papers on her desk “Also Griffin needs you to file these for him.”
“He could do it himself” Katie grumbled grabbing the papers and flicking through them “he didn't even bother filling some of these out!”
Keith quietly grabbed Lana’s arm and pulled her towards him as Katie got distracted with her angry mutterings “Sorry about her, she's just pissed that her dad lost his job to a hot shot whos dad just happens to be a governor.”
“Ah where would be be without nepotism” Lana chuckled letting Keith led her back into a small office where five other people were sat. She assumed the cells were behind one of the closed doors and perhaps the archive room behind another.
It had been a long time since she had been back here, it was certainly before the war was even a possibility and she had broken the wrong persons window and ended up having to wait for her mother by Corans desk.
People tend to say that places from your youth always seem so much smaller when you visit them again. Until now Lana wasn't really sure she bought into that nostalgia fueled nonsense.
But seeing the row of chairs her feet used to dangel off while she prepared an excuse for her behaviour for her furious mother now looked like they would fall apart if she just got too close let alone sat on one.
At least not all the changes were bad. Coran really did deserve that nice office and the title Detective neatly painted above his name.
“You know I was starting to think you wouldn't be coming” Keith said as they came to what Lana assumed was his desk. It was a little away from the others and scattered with paper work in various states of finished. It lacked much personality beyond a couple of knives and oh boy keith standing next to an incredibly attractive man that Lana realised fairly quickly must have been his older brother.
“To be honest i wasn't sure either, my life kinda went to hell but Aunt Blue and Red practically shoved me out of the door.”
Keith chuckled in response as her perched on the edge of his desk “that sounds about right. Though I hate to say it but you've kind of come on boring day. Everyones so desperate for something to do that their even taking the grunt work from me.”
“So what your just sitting around all day?” Lana asked right as a hand collided with her behind.
Lana likes to think herself an understanding woman. Or at least she tries to ever since the instadent where what she thought was a gropper on a train turned out to be a blind man having dropped his cain. So rather then turning around and grabbing the arm of whoever just did that to break over her knee she calmly turned to them.
She came face to face with a tall man that she unfortunately recognised.
James Griffin top of the class when they went to school together and by far the most arrogant man she ever met. And that was before he got a cushy job thanks to his dad.
Lana glared up at him giving him a chance to apologize or say he had mistaken her for his girlfriend that was into that kind of thing.
Instead he just smirked “wow Keith how did you find yourself this hot piece of ass.”
Ok she was going to break his nose now.
Unfortunately before she got the chance keith stepped in front of her “don't talk to her like that Griffin, Coran hired her himself as a consultant and i'm sure he wouldn't take that kind of behaviour.’
James rolled his eyes but did visibly tense as he shot a glance at the closed office door. “Whatever. This whole thing is just for press, whoever heard of a woman police officer. Their far too emotional.”
“Last I checked you were the one that cried when i kicked you in the nuts as kids.” Lana huffed crossing her arms.
“Ah buck teeth Lana! My my you did fill out nicely. How about after work I take you out?” Jame smiled looking her up and down in a way that made her skin crawl.
“How about I tell your mother that you slap my ass, if i remember right she was a reasonable woman.”
Oh how quickly his attitude changed. He swallowed whatever response he had ready and scurried off to his office next to Corans.
“What a creep.”
“Yeah but a rich one.” Keith sighed “you ok?”
“Yeah just kinda pissed i didn't get to make that jerk squeal like in highschool.” Lana noticed a small smirk appear at the corner of keiths lips at that and decided to take it as a win even if she could still feel his disgusting hand on her.
Unfortunately the next few hours were not as exciting.
Lana pulled up a chair across from Keith and kept herself busy by flicking pieces of paper at him, an activity that he avoided joining in with for exactly ten minutes.
They were so wrapped up in their game that they didn't notice coran standing next to the desk until after Keith made the winning shot and jumped up to let out a victory cry.
“It's nice to see you've found a way to keep miss Mclain here entertained during our slow day.” Coran chuckled as Keith startled and quickly cleared his throat trying to hide the blush quickly creeping up his face.
“Detective i can explain”
Coran held his hand up quickly cutting him off “no need, I understand the importance of a bit of fun to avoid dying of boredom. The time for that has now sadly passed im sending you to look into a missing persons cases.”
Keith and lana exchanged a look, while lana’s was excitement Keiths was confusion.
“Sir while im happy for a case why not give it to someone else? Im sure all the others would kill for a case right now.”
Coran simply chuckled to himself handing over a case file “because Kogane your the only officer here I trust not to get side tracked while investigating. That and i'm sure Lana here will make sure your eyes don't wander too far.”
Lana wasn't really sure what he meant by that until they got to the scene of the crime.
Or as everyone else calls it the ‘Galra Gentlemens Club’.
When the club first opened it was met with outcry from the church and the school boards and well anyone with too much time on their hands.
Now after being open for more than a decade, those same people have become the most lucrative clientele, who know stuck up prudes could have such deep pockets for the sinful arts.
Keith had kindly offered to give Lana a ride on the handlebars of his bike since the club was located uphill from the station and there was no way the poor old police car would make it up the whole way. Apparently a replacement was on its way but they had been promising it since before the war.
Lana had of course told Keith that while she appreciate the offer she would find the very idea outlandishly improper, so of course made him ride the handle bars while she put her years of missing the bus and not wanting to be late training to good use.
After a quick check with her compact and a nod to Keith they entered the club.
Lana was no stranger to Gentlemens clubs, she had been to more than a few during the war to meet with people who were usually a lot more willing to give up information when they had a few drinks in them.
This club was no different, everything was a sickening deep purple as if the colour alone could make it classy or hide the disturbingly prominent wet patches on the couches.
Lana tried her very best not to stare at the men already here this early on a weekday morning and instead focused on following Keith back to see the manger.
“Just let me do the talking, guys like this aren't always that nice to women” Keith whispered as he knocked on the door and it swung open to not show a greasy man but instead a very tall muscular woman with short black hair wearing a suit.
Lana felt her mouth go dry just looking at her.
“A-are you the manager here?” Keith asked clearly feeling equally intimidated and aroused as Lana was.
“Yeah i am, who wants to know?” She asked leaning against the doorway and looking down at him. Her gaze however moved quickly from keith to Lana and a smile spread across her face.
“Usually we don't hire new talent outside of auditions but for  a beautiful girl like you im willing to make an exception.”
“I” Lana squeaked finding herself speechless for the first time in a long time.
Thankfully Keith came to her rescue before she could actually contemplate working for this greek god of a woman.
“Actually we came from the police station. You called about one of the dancers going missing?”
The woman nodded and stepped back into the room hurrying them inside before closing the door.
“Yeah my best girl Ezor, she was seen leaving the club last week but no one has seen her since.”
“Does she often disappear like this? Perhaps to visit a gentleman caller miss...?” Keith asked pulling out a notebook while Lana looked around the office.
“Zethrid…. And trust me she's not the sorts to make house calls.”
It was fairly empty save for a punching bag in the corner and a few pictures on the walls. Most of them were group shots of all the dancers in costumes. But those actually on the desk seemed only to contain Zethrid and a slim woman with pink hair tied in a high ponytail. It was just the two of them over and over again smiling like they didn't have a care in the world.
“Is this Ezor here?” Lana asked picking up one picture showing the two in the park, judging from the bunting and celebrating in the background it was the day the allie ‘won’ the war.
Zethrid nodded “yeah that's her… we actually live together and yeah she disappears sometimes but never for this long and never without contacting me.”
“Is it possible she ran off with a sweetheart?” Keith asked taking the picture.
“She wouldn't. I know she's been taken its the only explanation.”
Something told Lana that this relationship was deeper than friendship “The last night she was seen, was there anything unusual happening?”
Zethrid thought for a moment “now that you mention it there was a black car parked outside the club all day. I didn't give it much mind incase it was a customer trying to work up the nerve to come in but it left right after she did.”
“Did you happen to catch the plates?” Keith asked hopefully only to let out a disappointed sigh when she shook her head no.
“But the car was old looking with a dent in the drivers side door.”
Keith noted it down “thanks we will be in touch.”
He led the way out but Zethrid grabbed Lana by the arm before she could leave “please i can't imagine life without her… she's my best friend.”
Lana knew what it was like to lose one of those. So she smiled and put a hand over hers “I promise ill do everything I can to find her.”
Once they were safely outside keith let out a groan “you should promise people anything, it just means you'll get attached to the case.”
“Isn't that the job of a detective though? How can i love a case if i don't care about it?” Lana huffed hitching up her skirt and getting on the bike.
“I'm just saying that it will end up hurting you more if we find her dead in a ditch somewhere.”
Lana rolled her eyes “ever the optimist huh Mullet. Besides we have a lead how many people in town have old black cars?”
“Excluding the police cruiser i'd say seven.” Keith noticed the sceptical look Lana was giving him and rolled his eyes.
“My brother owns the mechanics remember, i help out sometimes and not many people really have cars round here.”
Lana sighed “maybe we should get a second opinion from your dreamy brother.” she batted her eyelashes playfully at him as he climbed onto the handle bars.
“Shut up and pedal we've got a lot of groundwork to do.”
Five hours!
It took five hours to find all the cars, to check for dents and alibis.
In that time Lana fell into two ditches, got attacked by a chicken and the rip in her dress traveled up to past her knee.
As her mother would say she's only some red lipstick away from looking like a whore.
Lana wished she could say that time was well spent and while watching Keith getting chased by an angry family of pigeons that had taken resident in one of the old cars they ultimately ended up on a dead end.
So while the light began to fade and the two slowly walked up to the station the mood was sour.
“It could always have been someone from out of town?” Lana suggested holding the split in her dress to try and keep it from travelling any higher.
“No they would have been too noticeable. If someone from out of town drove through here everyone would know about it by now. We must have missed something.”
Lana shivered in the cool air and was surprised when Keith handed over his jacket without taking his eyes off the path.
The red really did suit him better but the warmth from his body made her feel better.
“We should check surrounding houses tomorrow, maybe one of the cars was taken without the owner realising.”
“And what they dented it and then undented it?’ Keith snorted “no if the dent was fixed it would have had to come through the shop. Shiro may be able to help.”
“I'll try to hide my disappointment” Lana laughed earning her a playful push from Keith which she returned.
The two were laughing and having a moment of fun that when cold hard reality finally came crashing down Lana felt like she had been punched in the face.
Just as they walked in the car they were looking for pulled in behind them.
Old, black and with a large dent on the side.
The only problem was that it was Coran driving it.
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twistedrunes · 5 years
The Arrangement
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Prompt: This was written for the Peaky Blinder Fic Exchange on AO3. One of my prompts was for Esme and Tommy - there were a number of ideas for this pairing (here) - but I chose to focus on the arranged marriage prompt. 
Warnings: Fluff, drinking, canon typical racial slurs.
The flash of black and white through the trees as his only guide Tommy spurs his horse onwards in a vain attempt to catch up to the Gypsy girl leading him on a merry chase. He ducks down to avoid a low hanging branch taking the opportunity to look behind him. He hadn’t seen a soul behind him, other than John and Arthur since they left the lanes of Birmingham. Yet the Gypsy had insisted they were followed and had commanded they follow before darting off between the trees.
She was an exceptional rider, while he doubted she could match his ability on a track, or around town, here in the forest she and the horse were one. Her raven hair streaming out behind her, matching that of her horses tail. The pair move effortlessly through the forest.
“Stop,” Tommy calls out, pulling back on the reigns of his own horse. Arthur and John falling in behind him.
The Gypsy lifts her head and slows her horse to a trot, turning in a circle to come alongside Tommy.
“I’m here to meet with Queen Mary Lee, not to careen around the forest like some Lord on a fox hunt,” Tommy says haughtily.
“Oh, I thought you liked playing at being high born.” The Gypsy girl laughs.
John snorts and earns himself a clip over the ear from Arthur.
Tommy scowls “Stop wasting my time and take me to her.”
“I am.” The girl’s voice is light and playful. “If we don’t keep stopping to chat we should be there before nightfall.”
“Nightfall?!” Tommy can’t hide the irritation in this voice.
“What did you think she would just meet you, in some clearing, on the edge of the city?” She scoffs.
“She would have been safe.”
“Oh, so those men were your guards were they?” The girl mocks.
“There were no men.” Tommy snaps.
“There were. If you’d taken the time to pay attention you would have noticed. The forest would have told you.”
Tommy sucks his teeth. “Don’t try that Gypsy bullshit on me girl.”
The girl straightens on the horse, shoulders back, head held high, jaw set and eyes blazing. Tommy realises she’s not quite the girl he had thought, in her mid to late twenties, he guesses now he’s looked closely. Pretty. “You’ve forgotten who you are, Thomas. Forgotten your heritage.” She chastises before she digs her heels in the side of her horse and urges him on. “Try to keep up, if you want to get there before dark.” She calls over her shoulder, as she disappears between the trees. Tommy clicks his tongue and digs his heels into the horses flank, feeling a rush as he pursues her.
“Finally,” John moans as they reach the circle of caravans by a small river. He slides off his horse immediately and kneads his ass.
“Give me a car any fuckin’ day.” Arthur agrees, joining his brother on the ground.
Only Tommy remains mounted, watching the girl already striding across the clearing.
“I’ll take your horse, Mr Shelby.” A young man says appearing at his side. “There’s some sweet grass down by the river and we’ve got some oats.”
Tommy nods and dismounts, handing the reigns over before striding after the young woman. A wave of irritation washing over him. He wasn’t in the habit of chasing after anyone, especially women. Normally they came to him, more so recently since he’d earned a reputation as someone dangerous to know. Yet this woman seemed indifferent to him. She hadn’t given him a backwards glance since they’d arrived.
“Oi! Lads!” Johnny Doggs calls from the fireside. “Come wait ‘ere by the fire.” Tommy ignores him and continues after the girl. “Now Tommy you’ll not be winning any friends bursting into people’s caravan’s uninvited.” Johnny chastises. “Here to make peace remember.”
Tommy grunts in irritation, but follows Johnny’s counsel at joins him by the fire.
“Here you go, Tommy.” Johnny says pushing a bottle into his hand. “A little some’in’ I made meself.”
Tommy takes a long pull on the bottle, nearly choking as the harsh liquid hits him like a punch in the gut. “Fuck!” He manages before handing the bottle to Arthur.
“Ay, it has a kick,” Johnny says proudly.
“A kick?” Arthur splutters “More like being hit by a fucking freight train.”
“So where is she, Queen Mary?” Tommy, irritated with being made to wait, demands.
“She’ll be out presently,” Johnny says handing the bottle back to Tommy.
The sun has set, and more people had joined them by the fire, the evening taking on the air of a party. As the moon rose more bottles were opened and dinner was served. Still, Tommy waited. He declined the offer of food from Johnny and excused himself under the pretext of needing to check on the horses.
“Shhh,” He whispers against the horse’s neck as it whinny’s softly. “It’s just me, I know you’re not used to being out here. But you’ll be okay, it’s only for tonight.”
“He’s beautiful.” A voice says from the other side of the horse. The woman who had led them here ducking under the horse’s neck. “Not as beautiful as my boy of course.” She says teasingly, the reflected firelight dancing in her eyes.
Tommy can’t help but smile, “You ride well.” He acknowledges. “How old were you when you learnt?”
“I could ride before I could walk my dad says.”
“It shows,” Tommy says awkwardly, unsure of what else to say. He turns his attention back to the horse, petting his neck and casting subtle glances at his companion. The silence between them draws out like the night, seemingly going on forever.
“You should eat something, Mr Shelby,” she says, eventually. “You can have some of what I’ve made. There’s no hedgehog I promise.” Her voice has a hint of a laugh behind it.
Tommy finds himself smiling at her quick tongue. “What a shame, just what I was hoping for.” He quips.
“I'm not one of your city girls Mr Shelby, you can't just get whatever you want here.” She shoots over her shoulder as she strides towards the caravans.
Tommy steps out from the huddle of horses and pulls a cigarette from the case, lighting it and drawing the smoke deep into his lungs, watching as she strides towards her caravan. Tommy glances over at his brothers. They seem to be trying to organise a fight, John stripping off his shirt and Arthur calling for bets.
Tommy’s just about to head over and put a stop to it when she calls to him. “Thomas!” Tommy’s head snaps back to face her. “Keep up.” She calls back, turning to face him and walking backwards as she does so. The firelight behind her brings a glow to her hair, her eyes dancing as she beckons him to follow.
He does. She stops at one of the caravans and lifts the lid on a pot of stew hanging over a small fire. She picks up a bowl and serves out a portion. She motions to one of the stools by the fire and holds the bowl out to Tommy.
“Thank you.” He says taking the bowl.
He’s just about to take a mouthful when a young man approaches. “Mr Shelby. If you come with me Mary will see you now.”
Tommy stands but hesitates for a moment with the bowl in his hands.
“I’ll keep it warm for you.” The woman says holding out her hand for the bowl.
“Thank you,” Tommy pauses realising he doesn’t know her name. “What’s your name?”
“Esmerelda.” She says with a smile her eyes truly sparkling this close to the fire. "But my friends call me Esme."
“Thank you, Esmerelda.”
"Esme," she says taking the bowl from his hands
“A Shelby must marry a Lee.” Queen Mary says with finality. “Join the families in kinship, it’s the only way to end this war.” She looks to Zilpha Lee and then to Tommy “Agreed?”
Tommy nods, already deciding it would be John who would marry. He needed a mother for his children."
Zilpha glares at him across the dimly lit room “Only if it’s you Tommy.”
“What?” Tommy splutters.
“You are unmarried are you not?” Queen Mary challenges.
“And you are head of the family. It will show that you take this seriously.” Zilpha adds.
Tommy sits for a moment, lighting a cigarette as a way to give himself some time to think. This time no easy plan springs to mind. He thinks briefly of Grace, the subtle glances and accidental touches.
"Tommy?" Queen Mary pushes.
Tommy nods once "A wedding it is then."
“The sooner the better. The Lee’s are here, you are here. We will hold the ceremony tomorrow morning.” Queen Mary decrees.
“Who?” Tommy asks.
“Does it matter?” Zilpha quips. “I will need to consult with my people. Tomorrow should be soon enough shouldn’t it?”
“Tomorrow then.” Tommy agrees.
Tommy hasn’t felt this dazed since the world collapsed on him in France. He can’t see a way out. He can feel himself starting to panic as he stumbles across the camp. He flinches away when Arthur’s heavy hand claps down on his shoulder. Arthur doesn’t notice, eyes pinpricks and breath heavy with liquor. “All sorted brother?”
“Sorted,” Tommy confirms, taking the offered bottle from his brother before slipping out of his grasp. “Horses.” He grunts by way of explanation as he walks away.
Thankfully Arthur is distracted by a pretty girl asking him to dance and simply replies with a hurried “Right.” Before allowing himself to be pulled away.
Tommy presses his face into the neck of the first horse he comes to. He stays there breathing in the scent until he feels a gentle pressure against his back. “Why don’t you come and have that food now?” Esme's gentle voice matches her touch.
There’s something in her tone or touch that renders Tommy helpless to resist. He allows her to take his hand and lead him to her campfire. Once he’s settled in a chair she serves him a fresh bowl of stew and hands it to him. “You’ll feel better once you’ve eaten something.”
Tommy nods and brings a spoonful of the stew to his mouth. He chews slowly, his mind still reeling. He follows it with another and another. It’s good he realises. Really good. “Venison heart?” He asks, looking across at his host.
She nods happily. “Liver too, I’m surprised you recognised it. Perhaps you haven’t lost all your heritage after all.”
“Mum used to make this. When dad went poaching, he’d sell the meat but keep the heart and liver for us.”
“Good food for growing boys.” Esme comments.
Tommy takes a swig from the bottle he had taken from Arthur. He holds it out towards Esme who takes it and takes a long draft and hands it back. Tommy scrapes the last of the gravy from his bowl “That was excellent, thank you.” Tommy feels himself slipping out of the grasp of the panic that threatened to consume him. He sets the bowl down, lights a cigarette and hangs his head back, looking at the sky.
“Did the meeting go well?" Esme asks as she takes the bowl back.
“Hmm,” Tommy confirms looking over towards the main fire, people dancing and talking around it. His eyes follow some of the younger women wondering which will be his bride.
Esme shuffles around the fire, drawing Tommy’s attention away from the larger throng of people. In the firelight, her features shine. Radiant face with a smile seemingly always playing at the corners of her mouth, her brown eyes are deep and warm. There’s fierce independence and intelligence there too.
Catching him looking at her she smiles warmly “Tea?” she offers, placing the kettle on some coals on the edge of the fire.
“Thank you.”
Each holding their teacup in their hands Esme and Tommy sit side by side watching the revellers. They watch John win his fight and then immediately get into another with some men trying to win their money back. Watch Arthur be led away by a pretty girl with deep auburn hair.
“Tell me about your brothers,” Esme asks softly.
“What about them?” Tommy asks, relieved for a distraction from the thought his brother may be about to bed the woman who would be his wife in the morning.
“Are they married? Do they have children? I don’t know really. Just tell me about the Shelby’s, the family who stopped travelling.”
“Why do you care that we don’t travel?” Tommy asks in response.
“I don’t really, I’m just curious about what it’s like to be in the same place every day. Stuck in the city, unable to smell the earth or hear the whispers on the breeze.” Esme pauses tilting her head back to look at the sky. “Unable to see the stars at night.”
“You sound like mum,” Tommy says after hanging his own head back and taking a deep breath.
“Did she miss it?”
“Yeah, she used to take us out sometimes. Usually when dad got out of hand. But then she got sick and we didn’t go anymore.”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Yeah,” Tommy agrees. “It was nice to run around, not go to school. Plus there were lots of horses.”
Esme tilts her head to look at Tommy, an easy smile, bringing the same to Tommy’s lips.
“So tell me about your brothers.”
Tommy does. Telling far more than he would usually. Finding Esme’s eager expression when he paused or hesitated about telling more easily pulling more words from him. Explaining about Arthur’s troubles after the war, but also his fierce loyalty. John’s children and that he had lost Martha and now seemed lost and overwhelmed by raising a family on his own. Esme listened, asking questions occasionally. She offers tales about her siblings too.
When the wind starts up Esme finds a blanket and they shuffle closer together to share it. She asks about his mother and his father, about how Polly had raised them, about Finn and Ada.
As the bottle, he’d taken from Arthur runs dry so do Esme’s questions. He wants to know more about her. But stops himself. He’s to be married in the morning after all. “How long have you had the stallion?” He asks. A weak compromise, not wanting the evening to end and still wanting to the melody of her voice.
Esme positively beams and happily explains how her father had won him in a bet. Her enthusiasm for horses matching his own they both recount tales of all the horses they’ve owned. As the night gets colder and the party is dying down when they finally run out of things to say about horses. A lengthy but comfortable silence developing between them. Tommy feels lighter than he has in years. He looks down on Esme feeling her weight against his side, on the verge of telling her, he’s to be married. That’s it for the good of the family. That he wishes it wasn’t happening. But Esme has drifted off, long lashes kissing her cheeks and head nodding. Tommy slips his arm around her shoulders, bringing her tight and allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. It takes a long time, but eventually, sleep takes him too.
“Tommy!” John’s voice bellows from across the camp.
Tommy’s eyes flutter open and he’s disappointed to find himself alone at the fireside. He glances around for Esme but she’s nowhere to be seen. He doesn’t bother to respond to his brothers yelled greeting waiting for both John and Arthur, who was trailing behind John, to reach him before he speaks. “Mornin’”
The brothers nod in returned greeting, both grinning. Tommy waits silently for them to speak, unable to be bothered with their games this early in the morning.
“Johnny tells us you’re to be married.” Arthur breaks first.
“This morning” John adds with a laugh.
“I am.” Tommy agrees, delving into his pocket for a cigarette.
“What?” The brothers cry in unison.
“It’s the only way to end the war between us. A marriage between the families, bringing us together.” Tommy explains tersely.
“Who?” Arthur splutters
“A woman from the Lee family,” Tommy says as he gets to his feet.
Tommy stands in front of Johnny Doggs, a carnation, which Polly had brought with her in his lapel. She had told him how what he was doing would be good for the family. Strong ties to the other families important in case they needed more bodies during the expansion.
While he waits for his bride he looks out over the small ground, disappointed when he doesn’t find Esme amongst them. He can’t help but stare when the small woman is led towards him, a veil obscuring her face. When she reaches him her veil is lifted.
Tommy can feel himself beaming as Esme is revealed to him. Johnny speaks some words and produces a knife. Tommy holds out his hand and doesn’t feel the blade cross his palm. He watches as Esme’s palm bears a scarlet mark too.
“By the mixing of blood, two families become one,” Johnny says.
Esme reaches over and takes Tommy’s hand pushing their palms together. “Family.”
Would love to hear peoples feedback on this or any of my work! Feel free to comment here or send an ask if you would like to be anon.
Interested in my other work? Find them on my MASTERLIST
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Chapter 53 - Captain Kirk, the talk and the ex talk
In the previous chapter: Eddie and Angie talk every day on the phone. The day of the concert in Portland is near, Meg will go with Grace and Laura, whereas Angie won't be there. Cornell's going back home at dawn when he finds Eddie sitting outside Angie's door. He tells him he's hitched a ride and travelled during the night because he wanted to go back home. Angie and Eddie finally see each other again after the kiss.
“What the fuck have I just seen?” Meg's right here next to me, laughing and clapping her hands, together with the small group who rallied around our friends in the parking lot.
“Need bleach to disinfect your corneas?” Stone stoops to talk to her, keeping his arm around my shoulders “Want me to go inside and ask for some?”
“They're admirable though” I remark.
“For their courage and total lack of shame or restraint? I couldn't agree more” he said seriously.
“No. I mean, that too. But I meant their artistic choice”
“Artistic?” Meg eyes me suspiciously, then Jeff and Laura drag her away and they all walk up to the champs who've just given the performance.
“Well, yeah, they could have played it safe without taking any chances and go for an easy WMCA or In the navy. Yet they chose a niche song”
“Well, I wouldn't call it niche...”
“You gotta admit it's not the typical Village People party tune” I shrug and turn around and start walking back to the club.
“Now that I think about that...” Stone follows and reaches out to take me by the hand.
“They even had to make up a dance routine”
“Hehe that's true, you're right” he smiles and gives a little squeeze at my hand and I just snap.
“What the fuck are you talking about Stone?” I plant myself pretty close to the entrance.
“Did you take any drugs that are kicking in now?” Stone studies my face with a perplexed look and a badly hidden smile.
“Come here!” I change direction and drag him back into the parking lot but towards the back, actually towards the band's van.
“Did Village People give you subliminal advice on how to spend the night? Well, the rest of it...” he asks as I gesture for him to open the door of the van.
“I see you've still got some sense of humour for me too!”
“Gracie, what's wrong?” he opens the van and flails his arms, while I walk around to get on the passenger seat.
“Get on and I'll tell you”
“So?” we're sitting and we're locked in and that fucking grin is still there.
“What's happening to you, Stone?”
“To me? I should ask you this question...”
“You haven't even made fun of me once since I got here!”
“Being tender and sweet is ok... although I have to admit that sometimes while we were talking on the phone I wanted to yell 'Leave this body!' because I don't know you anymore”
“I can't... I don't understand”
“But at least you were joking with me, I mean, it was always you, though covered in a thick layer of … candy? Tonight you just keep on... fucking agreeing with me!”
“Should I not?”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I'm sure, I want the good old... well, the old Stone, not his pale copy. If this is the way you are when you have a girlfriend, you know, I'm not sure I want to take on that role”
“Oh. Well, that's curious” Stone looks surprised and he's not even trying to hide that grin anymore.
“I mean, I want that role, I like you, I really do... It's just, I can't understand what's wrong with you lately”
“That's curious because all my exes preferred the pale copy”
“Your exes?”
“Actually, they required it”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that girls usually get with me, then regularly try to change me... 'Did you really have to make that joke?'... 'Don't embarrass me!'... 'You said you'd call at 7. It's 7:01, what the fuck are you doing?'... 'Do you need to spend the whole night of your concert with your bandmates?'... 'Do you really have to play tonight?'... 'How could you make fun of my dress? My record? My mother? My dog?'... And each and every time I was like, you know, where have you been? Who have you been dating? Don't you know me? I thought you wanted to be with me and this is literally who I am”
“I don't wanna change you, you're fine to me the way you are”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, you can call me 15 minutes later, sleep with your guitar or... with Jeff! And you can easily insult my whole wardrobe”
“Even 20 minutes later?”
“Even one hour!”
“Sure! This is bullshit, stupid little things, nothing to focus on”
“Ok in that case... it looks like you passed the test” Stone holds his fingers up to his chin as if he's pondering something, then gives me a peck on the nose and gets out of the vehicle just like that. He walks around the van and opens the door for me.
“And with flying colors!”
“What test?”
“Stone Gossard's Stress Test”
“And what the hell is it?”
“A kind of stress you couldn't stand for... mmm... not even five hours” Stone looks at his watch to calculate the time spent together tonight and I get out shocked from the van.
“Are you telling me... you did it on purpose?”
“And the cheesy phone calls?”
“Those too.” he's about to lock the van and my puzzled face tells him he needs to elaborate more “Oh that was to figure out if you're a clingy psycho. And you're not. You're a normal young woman with normal insecurities and doubts about the guy she's just started dating”
“So, what if I had given in and gone along with you?”
“I'd have dumped you on the spot” he finally locks the van and circles my shoulders with his arm once again, kissing me quickly on the lips.
“On the spot?”
“Well, no, of course I'd have waited for us to at least meet in person so we could talk” we walk up to the back entrance of the club and I can't help burst into laughter.
“Hahaha shut up! You'd have broken up with me on the phone with no remorse. Actually, you'd have probably asked Jeff to do the job for you!”
“God, you really do know me” he stops in his tracks, grabs me by my hips and pulls me in a tight hug, amused.
“Yes. And I still want to be with you, isn't it crazy?”
“Well, when I called you normal I was clearly putting it mildly”
“What are we then? I mean, are we a couple, are we dating or what?”
“What do you want us to be?” he asks as he rests his forehead against mine.
“Well, I want to be with you... but I want to take it slow”
“Uh what a coincidence! That's exactly what I want as well” he suddenly pulls away and takes me by the hand as we resume walking.
“Anyway, considering we already had the talk, I'd say we're well on the way”
“The talk?”
“The ex talk”
“Uh, that!”
“Well, you didn't give me the details but...”
“We can easily skip those” he shakes his head.
“And then there's the part about my ex boyfriends that still remains untold”
“Can't we skip that too?”
“You're not jealous, are you Gossard?”
“Nuh, it's just pathetic cases make me sad”
“You said you liked my sense of humour, now enjoy it” he jokes as we walk hand in hand and he delicately rubs the back of my hand with his thumb.
“Can I reconsider it quickly?”
“No. You've even just called me by my surname to act as the funny alternative girlfriend, you can't go back”
“Any other remark before we get in?” I question when we're at the door.
“Yes, one thing. How many M&m's did you kill to make that skirt?”
“You can't imagine the struggle to keep my mouth shut the whole time. And I did it for you, you should appreciate that”
“Hey, did you see Mike?” Eddie runs into me in the parking lot and asks the wrong person.
“Mmm no, the last time I saw him he was mimicking tango moves with Cantrell along that railing, while the other Village People were doing the wave”
“That was... intense”
“I don't know now. Oh you know what? You should try and find the coordinates of the spot where I'm standing right now and calculate the one that's exactly the antipodes on the earth's surface 'cause that's were he probably is. Most likely” I spew my bile on poor Eddie, who remains confused.
“That or... he's, you know, inside” I add as I calm down.
“Ok, thank you Meg.” Eddie smiles and is about to leave, then waits “Mike's got nothing against you, he just wants to be by himself for a while so he doesn't fuck anything up”
“Yeah, well, I can't wait for him forever” I flail my arms then fold them back against my chest, buttoning up my jacket. It's cold tonight, fuck.
“Don't worry, he knows” Vedder nods at me and gets in the club, leaving me standing here like a lemon.
Sure he knows, he knows pretty well. Maybe that's what he hopes for. He wants me to get tired of waiting for him. I just need to find someone else and he wouldn't be in trouble anymore, right?
“Hey? Hey girl!” I hear someone yelling behind my back so I turn around to see if by any chance they're talking to me.
Two guys, apparently intoxicated by alcohol or something else. They come close smiling and elbowing each other. Yeah, unfortunately they're talking to me.
“Hi! Excuse me, my friend and I are right in the middle of... of a...” the blond guy can't find the words, his friend with the dreadlocks comes to the rescue.
“A dilemma”
“Yes! A dilemma. You're the only one who can help us”
“You can't decide who's the biggest jerk between the two?”
“Hahahaha that's a good one!”
“I told you she seemed funny”
“We can't decide what's the worst cover version between Hotel California by Al B. Sure and Under my thumb by Sam Kinison. Do you know them?”
What. The. Fuck.
“The first one, for sure”
“Yeeeeeeeeeeeah! See? What did I tell you, I won!” blondie growls and beats his chest like a gorilla.
“Fuck you always win, that's not fair”
“And what did you win?” I ask 'cause I wanna see where this nonsense is going.
“The chance to hit on you, sweetie!”
“Don't you have a friend?” his buddy asks, still disappointed.
“Fine. Well you had your chance. It didn't work. Sorry. Bye!” I make wide gestures with my arms and hands and quickly step off.
“Aw come on! Why? Where are you going?”
“Guys, you need to change your technique because I swear this isn't just the worst pass ever done at me, it's the worst I've ever witnessed in general”
Sorry, Mike, given the available men around, I'm afraid the solution to your problems is still way too far.
I get back into the club right when Vedder's exiting, together with two friends of Mike's. That's why he was looking for him.
“Good night Meg!”
Is he leaving? Where? Huh. The hall seems even bigger now that the show is over and there's a little less people on the floor, dancing to the dj's setlist.
“Baby here I am, I'm the man on the scene!” a Mike, but not the one I was looking for, sings aloud into my ears, dancing and skipping behind my back.
“Hey Starr, I've been told from a very believable source you're not a bad dancer at all”
“That's right! Your roommate was very satisfied with the performance”
“Yeah, despite your quick hand!” I retort as I jokingly squeeze his asscheek.
“Shhhhhh don't say it too loud! If Jerry hears us, he will get all upset and want to beat me up once again” Mike stops in the middle of the hall, looking around and gesturing me to shut up.
“Did he beat you up?”
“Nuh, he's all talk and no action, he never does it in the end. But there's a first time for everything”
While Starr describes his fears, I inspect the crowd and at some point I spot a Stevie Ray Vaughan style hat I know too well. Two girls are talking to that hat.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're killing me!” I give him a small nudge but he doesn't move.
“Ok. It didn't seem such a brilliant joke to me though”
“Hahaha no it wasn't but just laugh all the same, ok? Laugh! Would you please fucking laugh?!” I grab him on his shoulders and literally shake him.
“Are you high?”
“Just pretend we're having very much fun, ok? HAHAHA!” I throw my arms around his neck and maybe this dumbass finally understands something.
“Aaaaaah I see! Mikey's looking this way, isn't he?” he understood but doesn't uderstand that if he turns around he's gonna ruin the whole thing.
“Don't look!” I grab his curly head and straighten it forcefully up so he looks back at me.
“Hey, relax... I just wanted to check if he was with any girls”
“I can tell you: yes, he is. Happy now?”
“Well, yes, because if there's girls around, you get mad” he smirks and he almost gets me more mad than the girls themselves.
“Oh thank you! And why would that make you happy exactly?” I grasp his neck again but less gently.
“Because the more upset you are, the more you'll be seeking for revenge. And I can take advantage of the situation!” he wiggles his eyebrows and tries to cop a feel.
“You're such an asshole” I shake my head and let go of him, leaving him alone in the middle of the dance floor.
“Meg, where are you going?” Mike, still the wrong one, follows me as I make my way through the dancing people and catches up with me at the bar “Come on, I was just kidding! You know me, we're friends, aren't we?”
“But if you want to do what that chick with the bandana is doing to Mike, I'm in. Anything to help a friend in need!”
I frown and turn around and see the girl has just pulled up her shirt right in front of Mike, who just stands there in the middle of a group of howling men without batting an eye. First her friend laughs at the scene, then imitates her and pulls her top up as well.
“Fuck you, Mike” I hiss after I down my whiskey shot.
“Who? Me or him?”
Monday. Weird day choice for a concert, especially for the last gig of a tour. Actually, as far as Eddie told me, they were initially supposed to play last Friday. Then there were problems and it all slipped to today, so the guys had a long free weekend. This kind of gift is even better when it's unexpected. Just like the cancelled class this morning. I spend the morning running errands and doing all the chores I needed to do, I had a slow lunch, I studied for a couple of hours not to feel guilty, I even baked a cake, which would actually make me feel partially guilty, and now I'm free. Free to make a small change in my plans with Eddie. Luckily I manage to park just outside his condo, I grab the cake, enter the building thanks to a guy that's perfectly dressed for a bike ride who holds the door for me and I run up the stairs.
What if I disturb him?
You don't.
He must be resting after his shift.
His shift ended hours ago, he's got nothing to do.
Maybe I'm about to show up right in the middle of the writing of a new song and he'll lose inspiration because of me.
Well, if he really tells you he's busy-
He'd never tell me, Eddie's too sweet.
If you actually notice by yourself that he's busy, you can just give him the cake and leave, after all you'll see him at the show tonight.
That's not the same.
You can see him whenever the fuck you want, Angie.
What if he's not at home?
If he's not, nobody will open the door.
What if Jeff's there?
Then Jeff will have the whole cake, just stop with the drama.
What if he's with another girl?
Please! Who?! Eddie's so antisocial you're the only girl he found.
I get to the aparment and through the closed door I can hear the unmistakable voice of Ian MacKaye. This is Eddie, for sure. I ring the doorbell and the music is turned down a little. The door opens almost immediately, in a tiny crack.
“Hey!” Eddie greets me, quickly closes the door to unlock the chain, then opens it again.
“Hi E-” he pulls me towards me and without realising it, I find myself inside his apartment, in the middle of a hug and a kiss.
“What are you doing here? What time is it?” Eddie glances at his wrist but there's no watch on it, then clumsily walks backwards, dragging me within.
“It's almost half past four, Eddie”
“Wait, were we supposed to meet now? Sorry, my mind's kinda confused” hi little lines on Eddie's forehead! I missed you.
“Hehe no, we said tonight at the show, don't you remember?” this morning I saw him at the mini market and went there for a quick hello before going to class. He almost got us caught by Hannigan as we were kissing beside the ice cream department.
“Right! Weren't you busy today?”
“Yeah, but once I got to the university I found out two professors weren't there, so I got some free time” I put the cake on the small table at the entrance to keep it safe.
“Great!” he exclaims maybe with a little too much energy as he hugs me once again.
“And I thought... well, I could drop by and... surprise you”
“Even greater!” I takes me by the arms and loops them around his neck before kissing me.
“Didn't I disturb you?”
“Pfffft no”
“Are you sure?”
“I was just chilling a little”
“Chilling? With Fugazi?”
“You know, I'm weird.” Eddie rubs his nose against mine and his dimples are way beyond the alert level “You look so beautiful”
“Did you smoke pot?”
“Can't you just... like... take a compliment?”
“Sure I can. But that doesn't change the fact you've been smoking” my nostrils don't lie, neither does his face.
“Yes. But pot's got nothing to do with the fact you're beautiful”
“Ok. Do you have any left?”
“Sure, my princess!”
I realized I like hanging out with Eddie. Wow, what a huge discovery! I've always liked it, obviously. It's just, well, after... what happened, I was afraid things would change, that we wouldn't be us anymore, that nothing would ever be the same. Yet it's exactly the same. We're friends, we laugh and joke together, we talk about anything, we go out together, everything is the same. Since he came back, we met every day. On Friday afternoon we played basketball at the court, on Saturday he came to the diner at closing time, yesterday we did another tour of Pike Place. I mean, it's all like it used to be. Kisses, cuddling and make out sessions are a plus, lovely interludes that take nothing away from the rest. Everything's going just right and I'm sure it'll stay like that. As long as none of us talks about the whole matter, of course. Meg can't believe we didn't say anything to each other, whereas I think that's why this thing works. I mean, sure I'd  like to make sense of all this, to figure out what we are: we are together, we're not together, we're a couple, we're friends... I don't have much experience about relationships: with Sean, well, we both set up what we would do together, whereas Martin asked me with a card (Do you wanna be my girlfriend? Cross Yes or No); then came Drake and Dave that were, in two totally different ways, actual non-relationships, nobody said anything, nobody knows if they even started, we just know they ended by themselves; and finally, Jerry, well, no need to explain that. I mean, I went from school boyfriends to adult relationships, there's nothing in between and I have no idea how you know as an adult wether you're in a relationship or not. Do you have a talk specifically about that? Or one of the pair simply starts addressing the other spontaneously calling him or her my boyfriend or my girlfriend and you just start considering yourselves a couple by implication from then on? Nobody says shit and if you haven't told each other to fuck off after N months then you're a couple? Do you automatically become a couple after a minimum time-span of exclusive sex? How do I figure out if I'm with Eddie or not? Is it so necessary to figure it out? Uhm probably yes, if you don't want to get shafted like with Jerry Cantrell. I have the right to know what's happening and decide if I’m ok with it or not. The truth is, I'm so very ok with this situation, with Eddie, the way it is, that I'm scared stiff I'll do or say the wrong thing and fuck it all up. Eddie's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. I loved Jerry, and I somehow still do, I can't deny it, 'cause I care for him and everything. Anyway I never had the same connection, the delicious complicity, even the intimacy I have with Eddie, although we haven't done anything actually intimate... What if he wants to do it? SHIT, WHAT IF HE WANTS TO DO IT NOW?! Lounging on a small couch with Eddie listening to post-punk, eating chocolate cake and smoking substances that remove inhibitions: not exactly the best recipe for abstinence.
“Hahaha this was a particularly good idea” Eddie grabs two more squares of cake, he eats one immediately and places the other on his leg, his thigh that keeps rubbing against mine.
“And I had no idea about your induced appetite”
“It's a great idea regardless of the munchies. Take another bit” he suggests chewing.
“No, I'm fine, I ate a quarter alone!”
“So what? I ate half of it, there's another quarter left” Eddie gets all serious as he shows the different fractions of cake on the plate with the knife.
“That's for Jeff”
“But... Jeff's not here now” he whispers seductively, as if he was suggesting to cheat on a boyfriend with him and thank god I don't have a boyfriend because Eddie can be so convincing. Even now that his eyes are two thin slits and he can't stay more than ten seconds without laughing. Actually, when he laughs it's even worse.
“But if he still finds some when he comes home and eats it, that will make me happy”
“So selfless” he moves a lock of my hair away from my face and it falls back in the same place right away, he gives me a small kiss, then another, then one more, and he keeps smiling so wide that I'm afraid he'll gouge my eyes out with those cheekbones.
“Err Eddie?”
“The cake” I point at the chocolatey square that's about to crumbe between our legs.
“Oops!” he lets go of me and takes the piece of cake, eating it in one bite.
This couch is a mess, there are crumbles everywhere.
Luckily it's not your apartment and it's none of your business. Focus on something else!
The B side of 13 songs has come to an end and this time I decide to go and turn off the stereo. I need a diversion.
“I... gotta go to the bathroom!”
My interior monologue goes on, both on the toilet and at the sink, as I wash my hands.
Why am I like this?
Because you're stupid.
Why do I freeze? I'm comfortable with Eddie... so why do I have these totally awkward moments?
Because it's a new thing, you still have to get used to it.
Get used to what? To making out with a hot guy? That should be the easiest most natural thing in the world! I should be in the living room with him now, not here, fixating on my face in the mirror.
The joint you smoked may be responsible for the fixation, the rest is just insecurity. Try and act normal, relax and don't think too much.
Easier said than done...
I get out of the bathroom and walk back into the living room. Eddie's not here. He must have gone away. And he probably left a message with FIX YOUR FUCKING PROBLEMS written on it.
He can't leave, you dork, you're at his place.
Oh. Right.
“Hey, here you are! I was looking for something to drink. There's a bottle of red wine I really wanna open with you but not today. With the show and all the rest, I'd better not, what do you think?” Eddie comes out from the kitchen with a carton of ACE juice and two glasses.
“Hehe yeah, maybe you'll better not” I answer as I take my glass from his hands.
“This is Jeff's stuff, healthy and vitamin filled” Eddie fills my glass then does the same with his, puts the carton on the coffee table then seats on the armchair.
On the armchair. Sure.
Well done, Angie. Congratulations. You sent him the message to stay away. I drink a sip of juice and place the glass on the table, Eddie makes gestures and mumbles something I can't decipher because he does it as he's drinking.
“What? Do you need something?”
“The cigarettes?” I ask pointing at the pack.
“The remote. Let's watch some tv, do you want to?” he finally explains himself. Eddie wanting to watch tv? I guess my message was too strong.
“What's up with the tv? Do you wanna take a nap?” why don't I just keep my fucking mouth shut? He gets close and you push him away, he finds something to do to pass the time and you have to pick on him. Nothing is ever good for you.
“Hehe no, no napping, just relaxing a little” he replies stretching out a little to put his empty glass on the edge of the coffee table. I move it towards the center so it doesn't fall down, then I get the remote for Eddie.
“Thanks” I'm about to go and sit down on the couch but Eddie grabs me first by the arm, then by the hips, and in a couple of seconds I find myself sitting on his lap .
“Eddie! Come on, what are you doing?”
“Where did you think you were going?”
“On the couch, I can't sit here... like this...” I pry up the backrest of the armchair to turn around and look at him as I speak.
“No? And why?” he reaches between my knees and pulls up one of my legs so it lies across his.
“Because I can't be... all sprawled out on you like this” he does the same with the other leg and now I am indeed in his arms.
“Who said that?”
“I'm heavy, Eddie, I'll crush you...” we'll end up falling asleep and I'll suffocate him.
“I can't fell any burden at all” liar.
“It's the drug, it numbed you”
“Haha Angie, it takes much more than a couple of joints to numb me, trust me” Eddie squeezes my hip and with the other hand is still caressing my knees over the jeans.
“But... you're uncomfortable”
“I've never been so comfortable in my whole life” he states and rests, well, actually drops his head against my chest.
“If you say so...”
“Are you comfortable?” he asks looking up. Hi again, Eddie's frown!
“Great,” he kisses me in a way that I almost fall off this fucking armchair, then gives me the remote “turn it on then”
“Ok, what do you want to see?”
“You choose”
I start zapping through the channels and hope to find something that can give us a prompt of conversation and thank god I find it amost immediately.
“Uh! Star Trek reruns! Do you like it?”
“I used to watch it as a child. I'd say I was more into super heroes and sitcoms rather than science fiction, but I do remember it”
“So you haven't seen the new series? The Next Generation?”
“Uhm no”
“No big deal, I prefer this old one too, but the new one is not bad at all, you know?”
“Hehe ok”
“If you don't like it we can watch something else”
“No Angie, it's good” he steals the remote, turns up the volume a little and sticks it somewhere between the armrest and the pillow.
“That is...?” Eddie gives me a perplexed look for my sudden excitement.
“It's a memorable episode! Captain Kirk against the Gorn, have you seen it?”
“Err it's not like I remember it all, as I told you”
“Oh if you had seen this episode, you'd remember, trust me” I adjust myself better on Eddie's knees.
“Is it good?”
“It's one of the best episodes ever!” I let go of the backrest and clasp my hands behind his neck.
“And it has the worst fight scene in the history of American television”
“Maybe even world television but I don't have the instruments to venture a guess”
“How can it be one of the best episodes if it's got a scene that literally sucks?”
“It's something I can't explain, you wouldn't understand”
“You mean that it's so bad that it's good?”
“Yes, but no. Not really. All I can say is that Star Trek is made of this too”
The episode has already started, although not long ago, so I do a quick summary for Eddie. The attack on Cestus 3, the space battle between Enterprise and the enemy ship, Metrons getting upset because fuckers invaded their sectors.
“Isn't it basicallly some kind of fight trial?” Eddie asks as he's still holding me firmly. When his limbs start tingling and losing feeling and I crash down on the floor, I'll say I TOLD YOU!
“Exactly! A trial by combat. As in, you came here fucking around in our space, now we're gonna take your two captains and put you in this desert planet so you can take this shit elsewhere and sort it out between you two, until one of you dies”
“Who lives, wins”
“Yeah and the one who dies condemns his crew to death too”
Eddie watches the episode in silence, either he's very focused or he's stoned. Now it's me resting my head against his shoulder. All in all, it's just Eddie, why should I freak out? I don't know if I owe it to Captain Kirk or if it's because of the forced contact on the armchair but I feel much more relaxed now.
“I think I smoked too much, I see it all in slow motion” he points out after a while and try and I hardly stifle a laugh.
“It's not you, that's the scene”
“What do you mean?”
“This is the terrible fight I told you about, it's at normal speed”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Hahahaha no”
“What the fuck was that two-handed punch?”
“That's Captain Kirk signature move! He uses it often”
“Yes but it's totally useless”
“And why is that alien so slow?”
“He's big, he can't be too sleek”
“He couldn't even kick him! Here, now he's crushing him”
“But Kirk reacts and tries to strangle him”
“He'll never make it”
“Oh he will, with the powerful move of the-”
“Head slap?! Hahahaha”
“See? He stunned him”
“Run away!”
“He can't, he has to fight him to save himself and the Enterprise”
“What the fuck is he doing now?”
“He throws a rock at him”
“That guy's big, the rock won't do him anything”
“Metrons told them they'd find all the resources on the planet”
“If he kills the alien with that pebble, I swear I'll scream”
“It must weigh a lot. Look, look at the elegance of the throw gesture”
“There it is hahaha! As I said, he didn't even move”
“He managed to make him even more upset”
“Where is he going? Jesus Christ yes! Now that is a rock”
“He wants to respond by throwing an asteroid at him basically”
“Such a poor figure for the Captain of Enterprise”
“Shut up, heretic! Kirk is not up for debate”
“Come on, you can't deny he sucks at fighting right now”
“But he's good at dodging asteroids”
“If they go on like this, this fight could last for ages”
“Hehe luckily, it ends at some point”
“Are you sure they're not still fighting right now?”
“No no, I swear”
“Thank god”
And the end of the fight finally comes. Kirk builds some kind of mortar with bamboo, diamonds and colorful dust he found on the planet. He fires it and hits the Gorn.
“So MacGyver didn't invent anything new?” Eddie says and I giggle.
“Hehe no, he didn't”
“Won't he kill him?”
“No, he won't. That's the best part of the episode. Rhetoric, I know, but I'm a sucker for the Federation's moral culture”
We watch the episode till the end: Kirk spares the Gorn's life because he realizes he was just trying to defend his corner of space. The Metron shows up and he's touched by Captain Kirk's pity, a trait he wasn't expecting to find in humans, and saves both him and the Gorn.
“A positive moral in the end”
“Yeah, there's still hope for humanity”
“Anyway... that fight really sucked, I can't” Eddie lets go of my legs and covers his face with his hand as he laughs.
“I can't deny it. But you gotta understand it was 1968”
“Yeah, sorry, you're right. That's how people fought lizard aliens at the time”
“Hehe yeah, now we know much more about lizard aliens but at that time that's how it was done”
“We should have recorded it so we could watch it again in slow motion. I didn't really understand what was happening during the fight, they were too fast”
“How can they broadcast such a violent thing at this time of the day? Don't they think about children?”
“You're funnier when you watch Star Trek, I'll take a mental note”
“It's got nothing to do with Star Trek”
“Oh right, it's pot. I'll take a note anyway”
“It's not that either”
“What is it then?”
“It's you”
“Did you hear that too?” Angie abruptly breaks our kiss and looks around.
“That noise”
“What noise?”
“I don't know, some kind of thud”
“I didn't hear that... I don't know, I must have left a window open” I shrug and kiss her again.
“When I went to the bathroom I didn't see any open window from the hallway” she insists.
“No noise then” I nip her nose gently and try again with the kissing.
“But I'm sure I heard something” it seems there's nothing to do.
I thought she was calm now. She was so tense... I can't see why though. I'm trying everything to make her comfortable.
“Maybe it came from outside?” I cup the side of her face, lean in and...
“I don't know, it seemed more like it came from round here” she explains generically pointing at the entrance and the hallway.
“As I said, maybe someone has just got home and shut the door”
“Yes... it can be... you're right” she finally smiles at me and I can pick up where we left off.
At least until someone rings the door bell. Unlike the previous imaginary sound, we both can hear this clearly.
“Someone's at the door” Angie slips away from my arms and stands up in the middle of the room.
“Yeah, let's see who the fuck it is.” I reluctantly get up from the armchair and walk to the door “Jeff?”
“Sorry man, I forgot the keys” my roommate enters and throws his backpack on the floor.
“It's ok. But what are you doing here? Didn't you have to work until six?”
“Yeah. It's almost seven o'clock, Ed” Jeff laughs as he takes off his jacket and hangs it on the rack.
“WHAT? Already?”
“I see you couldn't stand Violet but if I were you, I'd wear the watch she bought you as a present, you'd need it” he pats me on the back a couple of times, folds his arms and looks at me. A huge grin on his face.
“I'll buy another one...” I nod and walk to go back to the living room, then turn around expecting to see him right behind me, following me. No. He's still there, standing near the door, laughing. Why the fuck is he laughing?
“I'm gonna go and take a quick shower, we're supposed to do soundcheck in half an hour” he finally breaks from his position and makes his way through the hallway.
“HI JEFF!” Angie calls him from the living room and Ament turns tail.
“Angie? Hi! I didn't see you!” I join them and see Angie, holding her bag with her coat on. I can't say I was expecting to see her like she was five minutes ago, stretched out on the armchair with her shirt unbuttoned, but...
“Eh you were walking fast...”
“What are you doing here? Wait, don't tell me you're not coming to the show!” Jeff pretends to get mad and Angie doesn't buy it.
“Don't get all worked up, I'm coming tonight! I just popped by to bring you something” she barely points at the plate and the bass player basically throws himself on the cake.
“Chocolate! Great. Well done, Angie, especially since you brought it to us and not to the other losers”
“I wanted to. But bringing a cake to the Off Ramp was kind of impractical”
“Extremely impractical, totally agree” he adds with his mouth full of cake.
“Weren't you going to take a shower? Aren't we late?” I ask as I walk up to them.
“Oh well, whatever, the acoustics always suck at the Off Ramp”
“Ok, so, gotta go now” Angie dribbles Jeff, and me.
“Already?” I complain.
“Yeah, I can see you're busy”
“Why don't you just wait and come with us to the club?” Jeffrey has the best idea of the century.
“Sure! A little patience and we can go all together” I chime in.
“Thank you but... I can't, I've got a couple things to do that I can't postpone hehe. See you tonight!” Angie dashes my hopes and heads for the door.
“Bye Angie, thank you for the cake” Jeff shrugs and sits down holding the plate in his hand, cutting another slice. I'm surprised he's not splitting the cake with his bare hands. Maybe it's because she's still here. Not for long though.
“Bye guys!” she stops and looks back at us one last time, waving her hand, then disappears. I can barely make a move to catch up with her and I already hear the door open and close.
What the hell...?
“Did I interrupt something?” I'm still trying to process what's just happened when Jeff asks me.
“Are you sure? It looks like there was a nice party going on in here...” my friend points at my shirt randomly abandoned on the coffee table, the stubs in the ashtray, the glasses.
“Sure. Ehm... I'll be back in a minute” I take a few steps back.
“Where are you going?”
“I gotta... I forgot I had something to tell her”
“Really? And what is that?” Jeff crosses his legs on the couch and keeps on cackling at me.
“Work stuff... I'll be right back” I clear out and dash down the stairs.
I didn't tell anything to Jeff but I have the feeling he sensed something. Well, it's not like he didn't know before, he's not stupid. Anyway, I'd tell him. But obviously Angie doesn't want anyone to know. How can I tell? Well, let me think... maybe the fact that on Friday, after we had spent a great afternoon together, when we met with the whole gang at the Scottish Pub to celebrate the end of the tour, she barely talked to me and sat as far from me as she could? And what about Saturday night, when I went to Roxy's to see her and we were holding hands and she dropped mine in a second as soon as Meg appeared? I see it's been only a few days but I can't see why we should hide.
“Angie!” I draw up to her between the second and first floor and she looks particularly confused when she sees me.
“Eddie? What's up?”
“What do you mean, what's up? What was that?” I stop a flight of stairs higher.
“What was what?” she asks and it looks like she really doesn't understand.
“That” I reply, mechanically waving my hand at her and going down a couple of steps.
“A universal greeting gesture?”
“And didn't you forget anything?” I roll my eyes and keep walking down.
“I don't know... what did I forget?”
“I don't know... something like this?” I get right next to her, cup her face with both hands and kiss her.
“Oh. You meant this” she awkwardly answers.
“Yes, this.” I add with another quick kiss “Why did you leave like that?”
“Well, Jeff was there...”
“So what?”
“He could see us”
“I repeat: so what?” Angie and I haven't talked about it yet. Actually every time I try and talk about us, she changes the topic of the conversation and I didn't want to push until now. After all, it's only been a few days. But maybe now it's time to finally do the talking.
“What's wrong if he sees us? He'll find out sooner or later”
“Yes but... I don't know” Angie drops her gaze down to the floor.
“You don't want anyone to know, I get that. I just can't see why”
“Just for now”
“I didn't ask you how long, I asked you why”
“Because... you know how it is with the guys... they never mind their own business” she starts bantering and gesticulating.
“You're in my friends' band and if something happene-”
“Angie, I'll tell you a secret: they really don't give a fuck about us. Sure, they can tell a couple of jokes, make fun of us, gossip a little. Then every one goes back to their own lives and their own problems”
“Hehe I know!”
“I just want to wait before telling them, that's all”
“We don't need to actually tell them, we don't have to make big announcements, we can just... stop hiding. And our friends will sniff that out”
“Can't we just wait for a while before having them... sniff?”
“You're ashamed. Of me”
“What?! Shut up, what the fuck are you talking about?!”
“What's the matter then? Don't you trust me?”
“It's not that, Eddie”
“'Cause if you don't, just tell me what I have to do so I can be trusted”
“You don't have to do anything”
“I am not Jerry” if she doesn't want to talk about the elephant in the room, then it's up to me.
“God, I know!”
“Are you sure?”
“Sure I know or I wouldn't be here with you”
“I'm not... shit, I don't want to hide 'case I've got nothing to hide, ok? What am I? The new non-boyfriend? The secret boyfriend of the week?”
“What... what did you just say?” Angie finally looks up at me, only she does it like she had just seen a ghost.
“That I don't want to hide and-”
“No, after that” Angie leans against the stair railing, holding on to it with both hands.
“That I've got nothing to hide?”
“Right after that”
“Secret boyfriend?”
“Yes. That one. What... what is it supposed to mean?” she asks wide-eyed.
“Well that's something I don't like. Being your boyfriend and nobody knows. I can't-”
“You... are you my boyfriend?”
“Well yes... am I... not?” I thought I was. Maybe I got it wrong.
“YEAH! I mean, I don't know, we never talked about it...” she looks down again and I get closer to her.
“I never talked about that because you didn't seem at ease, every time I tried and say something...”
“I know, it's true... it's my fault”
“Fault? What fault? There's no fault. It's... this new thing started between us and it's a beautiful thing and we're spending time together. And it's great but you're kind of embarrassed because it's fresh, there's nothing strange, it's perfectly understandable”
“So... what are we... you and I?” she asks and I can feel it's really hard for her to be so upfront.
“What do you want us to be?”
“I asked... uhm, I asked you first” she retorts with a little smile. Her well known irresistible smile.
“We're together”
“And what do you think?”
“I think we're together too”
“Great” I take her hands off the railing and kiss them one after the other.
“So... you haven't been seeing other people?” she asks and my eyes roll so hard I can see my brain.
“No, Angie, I haven't been seeing anyone else...” then suddenly, a suspect as I drop her hands “Wait, are you seeing someone else?”
“What? No!”
“Tell me if you have” what if all this secrecy and embarrassment are only because she's been dating another guy? After all, we never talked about it, so we never decided how exclusive this relationship was. Who the fuck is going out with her? I swear I'm gonna beat the shit out of-”
“Who do you think I'm going out with?”
“I don't know, you tell me”
“Nobody, Eddie. Only you” this time she takes my hand, delicately holds it caressing the back first, then the fingers and the palm, carefully studying it, without looking at me.
“So... we're a couple”
“Yep... let's go tell Jeff the good news!”
“Eddie, please”
“Just kidding”
“Let's keep this between us, for a few days... ok?”
“Ok, princess”
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 2X03 - Lady of the Lake
Did you think it was safe to go back in the water?
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Well, you’re half right!
While there’s not a lake, you CAN go below the fathom of the cut to see my thoughts on this episode, and that’s cool too!
Press Release Emma and Mary Margaret, with the aid of Mulan, Aurora and brave knight Lancelot, attempt to find a portal that will bring them back to Storybrooke. But a dark force threatens their safe return. And Henry tries to talk Jefferson into reuniting with his daughter. Meanwhile, back in the fairytale land that was, on the eve of meeting Prince Charming’s mother, King George poisons Snow White, and the only antidote lies within the waters of the Lady of the Lake. General Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness Past So this is another case of the segment being all well and good, but not leaving me with a lot to say. I think the story worked pretty effectively, the characters were pretty consistent, and it was an enjoyable and emotional story to take in. I actually got choked up as Ruth was dying.
I did have an interesting character point to make about King George: ”I had a son I loved die before his time.” Now, when you take “A Murder Most Foul’s” flashback into consideration, should one consider George’s love for James as being love to the best of his understanding, albeit more problematic (Along the lines of Cora for Regina or a certain Infinity War spoiler) or as a fake love that’s just for show? His next line about wanting to “replace” James and the fact that he cried at James’ funeral makes me think of the former. Enchanted Forest I’ll never get over how disturbing Cora is when she pretends to be friendly. Normally, with characters like Umbridge, the creepiness of a false friend character comes from how sickly sweet they are, but that’s absolutely not the case with Cora. She plays her roles so naturally that if she were any other character, I feel like I’d believe her at first sight. There’s a warmth in her voice and a gentleness to her being, and that holds over to when she’s “Coralot” too.
Emma and Snow have a really great conflict in this episode. Emma’s unfamiliarity with the fairytale aspects of her culture when combined with her stubbornness allows her to gel really well against Snows understanding of the world and people here and it pits them together in a very interesting scenario where they’re definitely not fully getting along, but there’s unquestionable love there.
Additionally, the metaphorical as well as physical place where this episode brings Emma to is just beautiful. I actually forgot just how good the buildup of Emma and Snow’s relationship was, but the way that the episode builds so subtly and slowly to that revelation leaves me speechless as I am overcome by how profound it is.
“I’m not use to someone putting me first.” It’s so beautifully sad hearing Emma’s voice break as she says this. I know how a lot of people wanted more backstory for Emma, and don’t get me wrong, I’d never oppose an Emma-centric, but I feel like lines like this capture everything we need to know about Emma’s backstory better than any centric could. In this line is a dropping of one’s guard and vulnerability.
One thing that I think is misconstrued in this fandom is strength. Strength in this show is not simply the ability to yield a sword, make snappy one liners, or destroy an apple tree. Strength in this series is emotional vulnerability. Characters in this show are at their strongest when they make they discuss the darkness in their lives and why it made them who they are or what they discovered on their journey. Try to think of your favorite main character and your favorite moments with them. I’m pretty sure that among the more serious moments you chose, those where they expose the most raw parts of themselves to those they love rank highly. That’s why I love the final scene between Emma and Snow in the bedroom. It’s a revelation, and an empowering revelation, one that will come back during their later confrontation with Cora on the way home.
And speaking of Cora again...
Cora’s display of power in the episode’s climax is really amazing here. In the past, the only beings we saw her go up against with her magic had no magical or weapon-based abilities (Or in Regina’s case, she wasn’t aware of those abilities) and in this episode, we saw her magic take down not only Emma, a tough fighter, but Snow, someone we just saw shoot an ogre in the eye, as well like it were nothing. It made her (temporary) defeat so much more meaningful as it (a) involved Emma learning from her fairytale surroundings and (b) only came about as a means of unpredictability thanks to Mulan, allowing for Cora to retain that menace. Storybrooke I love how David is the only Charming who hasn’t spent an extended amount of time with Henry, thus passively characterizing him as the only one who wouldn’t see Henry running away from school coming from a mile away. That leads to some great bonding between the characters and further paints just how deep in the shit David is.
This segment does a great job with Henry. We see not only how good of a schemer he is, but also how vulnerable and unfamiliar Henry is with these magical elements. It’s rare that Henry gets such a central role, but when he does, until he hits his adult iteration, it’s important that these two things are present. Henry retains his competence as both someone who can weasel out of pretty much anything and someone who knows how to emotionally bring people together. But, the story is also clear to show his failings when his search goes too far with the snakes. It paints him as a kid, someone who can be overwhelmed with circumstances, but can also handle quite a lot, painting a more nuanced picture to his character. Additionally, while it’s only in one speech towards the end of the episode, we see the first inklings of Henry’s several seasons-long arc of wanting to be a hero in the same vein as Snow and Charming. Henry gets to talk about how he wants to sword fight and ride horses All Encompassing The theme of this episode is parents putting their children first and it’s pretty overtly shown. Note that every character framed positively (Snow, Emma, Regina, Charming, Ruth, and Jefferson) intrinsically knows this to be true and only needs to prove their understanding of this to someone else or reinforce it for the audience’s sake (Snow and Emma risk their lives fighting monsters to protect and get back to their kids, Regina respects Henry’s wish not to see her by getting David to pick her up, Charming doing more to involve Henry in their quest to save everyone, Ruth through not taking the potion, and Jefferson through heeding Henry’s advice and finding Grace for her own sake). Meanwhile, those negatively framed (Cora and George) take steps that belittle what their children want (Trying to get back to Regina after Regina banished her and George making Snow infertile). It’s a very well delivered theme that’s effectively felt throughout the episode. Insights - Stream of Consciousness -Emma, run! She’s bad news! -I really miss the more unorthodox Operation names. Cobra, Scorpion, Firebird, and Mongoose were just so clever and while those with weaker names are cool too, if only because they were normally named by characters who aspire to be more like Henry, I do like the really out there ones! -Watching the tall-as-hell Lancelot hugging the teeny-weeny Snow is just the most adorable thing ever! -”We can trust him.” *Rumple clips about knowing the future proceeds to play forever* -I actually completely forgot this subplot of Aurora being out for Emma and Snow’s blood! And now Aurora’s got a knife! -Lancelot’s actor, Sinqua Walls, does remarkably subtle yet poignant acting as a disguised Cora. -”Family is everything. Losing all hope of having one -- there is no greater misery.” *Can’t help but roll my eyes as I don’t want kids* -I’m loving watching this great Emma and Snow scene while Aurora is trailing them in the background. I missed that the first time! -Regina looks so cute in her moving outfit! Everyone rocks short sleeves in my not-so-humble opinion and Regina/Lana is living proof of that! -I would pay real money to see who had the balls to ask a magically-powered Regina to leave! -What a douchey throw! It’s bad enough you poison Snow, but throw her out? What a douche! -Awwww! Ruth is just so fucking cute!!! -I love how Charming’s performing his biggest display of sword prowess yet in the exact place where Anna taught it to him! -”Back away from my daughter!” Anyone else getting a Molly Weasley vibe here, or is it just me? -Ruth is just so loving to Snow and it’s so beautiful!!! -Going back to those short sleeves, Emma’s quite the contender too!!! -You have to wonder, did Henry know his late grandpa’s name from his book or Regina or did he just discover that little tidbit now in the vault? While Henry does give a weird look at the placard with the name, given how Regina visits his grave, it’s possible that he learned it from her or even through the book. -Also, not to beat a dead horse, but I love how Henry has an easier time unlocking the secrets of the vault than Graham. -Not to jump on a bandwagon that I don’t much care for, but Regina, you really should return those hearts. -”Maybe we should’ve gone with Operation Viper.” This is an underrated one liner. -Nice segue between the vault and the bones. XD -Ruth, no! Snow’s infertility is a temporary problem that can possibly be fixed with help from the fairies. Your problem? Not so much! I’m so glad that Snow learned from this come Season 6 when it came to another curse that befell her. “Parents put their children first,” indeed. -I know it’s night time, but i hate how dark this scene in the castle is. This is such a poignant scene, Emma discovering what should have been her room, but it’s so hard to make out! -I’m legitimately choking up at Ruth’s death. -Lancey, trust me. You want to stay FAR AWAY from that cup! -Okay, so all of my Ruth tears went away the SECOND Snow pulled out that sword on “Coralot!” Snow, I love you so much!!! You’re such a badass! -”I killed him [Lancelot] a long time ago.” Don’t be so sure about that, Cora! -Why does no one try to put the fire out? Like, water, a blanket? At least try! -Again with the badass segues from a roaring fire to a candle. Also, that candle reminds me of a “yahrzeit” candle, a candle that those who follow Judaism light in honor of deceased relatives. -”Is there something I should know about?” I love you, David! You’re doofy as all hell and I love you for it! Arcs - How are These Storylines Progressing? Emma accepting her parents - This was such an important episode to further this arc. The scene in what should have been Emma’s room is particularly poignant because for the first time, Emma gets to see a physical manifestation of all of Snow’s hopes and dreams for Emma and the fact that it’s all in ruin matches perfectly with the feeling of the two of them as to where their relationship is as of now (Note how after their final scene, Snow’s final look at the bedroom shows it repaired and in its original glorious state once more). Additionally, Snow in general gets to prove her support to Emma in this episode through her sheer protectiveness. And Emma’s speech in her old room is just a magnificent moment of realization that follows through on the conflict from “Broken.” Finally, she’s given context and it’s this that brings about the change in her. Emma and Snow stuck in the EF - We get to see a bit more of an exploration as to how Emma and Snow can hope to get home. I think this plot is so far going at a good pace, balancing out character work (see above) with exposition and world building. Storybrooke working to get them back - While not doing much in terms of forwarding the plot, David comes to the realization of needing to work together with Henry to bring Emma and Snow back. Regina’s Redemption - Regina’s redemption doesn’t get a lot of focus in this episode, but there are two big actions having to do with it. The first, obviously, is Regina preparing to leave the mayor’s office. It’s a great show as to the progress she’s trying to make and a great progression of her efforts. The second is shown not through her, but through Cora’s sheer determination to get to Storybrooke, something that threatens (And succeeds temporarily) to undo Regina’s redemption. Favorite Dynamic Henry and Jefferson - Now, to be honest, Emma and Snow had the best dynamic, but since they’re the main players in their plot, I wanted to highlight another dynamic so that I wouldn’t run the risk of repeating myself. Additionally, I did find that this was a great dynamic and given the hard time I’ve given Jefferson’s present form, I wanted to highlight just how impressed I was with him here. For the first time since the past segments of his centric, I didn’t feel like Jefferson was behaving like a moron while communicating. He, while still clearly agitated and off, was clear and actually spoke like someone who wanted to persuade Henry to leave him alone. This is what I wanted from a Jefferson scene because it’s consistent with his past self and pits him against a belief-heavy character at his lowest point who can relate to this conflict, but still disagree and provide real advice. And Henry’s a good character to do this with. He has a childlike innocence and bluntness that would make Jefferson more likely to talk with him. There’s even a great contrast to Jefferson’s common line through Henry: “Not knowing is the worst” and because so much of Henry’s current anger at Regina (And later on this season, Emma) comes from not knowing, it’s especially strong. Writer Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg, last season’s best writers, are up for their first shot at bat this season and they knocked it out of the fucking park! Three fantastic stories were told and the portrayal of the episode’s theme was very well shown, and only one occasion made it anything but subtle. I’d say that this is their best episode since “Fruits of the Poisonous Tree” just on the centralized theme and Emma’s speech. Rating Golden Apple This episode was delightful. As I said before, each ot the stories were really fun to watch and that was made even better through their combined theme. Each character got their time to shine, in ways both outward (Ex. Snow, Ruth, and Emma) and subtle (Regina). Additionally, Emma’s character development as she and Snow explored the land and all of its dangers was simply divine. Finally, we got to see Cora at her best (Or rather, at her worst) and further reinforced her menace as the main villain of the half season. Flip My Ship - Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness” Snowing - Snow and Charming are just so dopily in love in this episode and Ruth is such a great show of that. Throughout the episode, she’s so giddy and happy for them and she just makes every Snowing moment a million times cuter! ()()()()()()()()() This season better find a new body of water soon because it is on FIRE! Thankfully, I think I know just where it can find one. We just have to follow the crocodile. ;)
Thanks for reading and as always to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales for putting this together and helping me keep the lights on. See you all next time!
Season 2 Tally (30/220)
Writer Tally for Season 2: Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis: (10/60) Jane Espenson (20/50) Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg (10/50)
Operation Rewatch Archives Tags: ouat, once upon a time, watching fairytales, ouat episode code, ouat rewatch, jenna watches ouat, ships mentioned
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topfics · 7 years
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Stay With Me
Harry Styles X Reader
A/N: so this is probably going to be the last part to the sam smith inspired series? Idk i can’t decide if i wanna leave it with a happy ending or with a heartbreaking ending. What do yall think i should do??? Anyways, thank you guys so much for supporting this series, i really hope you enjoy this part. Idk how long it’s gonna be, hopefully longer than the last few parts but here it goes! Let me know what you think!!!!
“Why didn’t you fight for me?” her voice broke Harry’s heart, hearing how torn she was. He could easily tell how much he hurt her. Harry felt like an idiot. Of course he wanted to fight for her, but no words came out of his mouth. He didn’t know why, and every day after he regretted it.
But the line was silent once more. Harry didn’t know what to say now, even in this moment. What the hell was wrong with him? Maybe it was the fact that he had yet another one night stand last night? God, was he awful at it. He was just a man, he still needed love. He need her.
“God, I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have called… bye Harry.” she weeped as she wiped at her eyes on the other end. Just before she could hang the phone up, she heard a familiar voice.
“Y/N, wait.” there was a pause. Harry took in a deep breath before continuing. “Can we go somewhere and talk? In person…?”
Y/N shut her eyes tightly, knowing that seeing her best friend and lover would hurt even after all this time. However, she needed to know. Consolation… that’s what she needed. The answers she wanted… only Harry could give her. And she deserved that much.
“Y/N, are you still there?” he hiccups. She could tell Harry was hurting, too. Scrolling through her social media, she would see pictures of him and how dark the circles under his eyes were. Harry always smiled, showing off that adorable dimple of his. But after she left, that smile faded away into nothingness. Harry looked exhausted, both mentally and physically. Sure, touring did that to him, but everyone knew it was more than just that. He would go out to drink every night after a show had ended, leaving his bandmates to have to drag him away. He slept around way too much for his own good, knowing that he only needed Y/N. That he only wanted Y/N.
“Yeah… I’m still here, H. I just… don’t know if I can see you quite yet.” she admitted. Harry didn’t blame her. He wouldn’t want to see him either if he were in her spot. She could hear him sigh on the other side, knowing he was disappointed. After all, she called him, right? He at least deserved something.
A couple beats later, Y/N heard him chuckle. She furrowed her eyebrows, curious at what the hell he could be laughing about at the moment.
“You called me H…” he simply stated. It was something she hadn’t called him in ages. He missed the term of endearment. Harry was smiling slightly to himself, a confirmation to let him know that she still loved and cared for him.
A small smile graced Y/N’s face as well, not even thinking about it when she said it. It came so naturally to her that she never really notices when she does it. However, the smile fades away when reality hits her again. They were still broken up. They weren’t together anymore. She wasn’t sure if she could go through that again.
“Guess I did, huh…?” he could hear a small laugh coming from her sweet lips, the sound making his heart happy and full. Y/N deserved to be happy, and he wanted her to know that.
“Miss your laugh, love. ‘M sorry for everythin’. Really am. Hope you know that.” Harry began. He wasn’t positive where he was going with this. A part of him hoped this would coax her into meeting with him again. Harry need to see her face. He just wanted, no needed her company back in his life.
“Harry… you know I miss you too but I just… can’t. Not right now.”
“I understand, Y/N. Just hope we won’t be like this forever.”
“Me too. I gotta go, Harry.”
And just like that they were alone once more. Harry stared at his phone and sighed to himself, plopping down on his bed. He rubbed his forehead, wondering what he could do to fix this. The more time they were apart from each other, the more empty the both of them felt. Why was this so hard for the both of them? Neither Harry nor Y/N could place why it hurt so bad. They’ve been in relationships before, but nothing could ever match the pain the both of them felt when they separated.
Picking up his phone, he dialled Niall’s number. He didn’t know why he was calling, but he needed to talk to someone.
“What’s up mate?” Niall quickly inquired.
“Nothin’. Jus’ needed to talk to someone.”
“Alrighty well go on then, lad.”
“I miss her. I miss Y/N. Don’t know why it fuckin’ hurts so bad. Never happened before.” Harry sighed deeply. “She called me. I think she was drunk. Asked me why I didn’t fight fo’ her. God, I don’t even know why.”
There was a long pause before Niall began to speak once more.
“Lad… I don’t think you’ve ever been good with words. So, use yer talents, mate. Write or cover a song, sing it. Get it on the radio or somethin’. She will hear it. I’ll make ‘er. Sick of yeh both bein’ all mopey and shite.”
Harry laughs and nods his head a bit, getting up from his bed.
“Yeah… guess you’re right. Thanks, Niall. Let you know when it’s finished.”
“Great. Good luck.”
And with that, the little cogs began to spin in Harry’s head. What could he do to make her understand what it was like to be apart from her? Then, something hit Harry. Why this breakup hurt so much more than the others. It wasn’t because he lost the love of his life, but it was because he lost his best friend in the process. That was worse than any romantic relationship. Losing a best friend was devastating. She was there since the beginning, and he fucked everything up. Even if they would never get back together romantically, he needed her to be his best friend again. That was all he wanted.
Around midnight, Harry heads to the studio, beginning to record what would hopefully become the first part of his apology. He didn’t know how to express his words or feelings, and he was praying that this would help him. He emailed his PR people, asking them to broadcast this worldwide on all radio stations. No matter what, he was determined to have her hear this. Harry then asked them to have the radio hosts announce that this is for Y/N. Harry knows she listens to Nick on BBC One all the time, so he personally called him to ask for the favor himself.
“Hey mate, I have a favor to ask you.”
“Sure mate, what’s up?”
“ ‘m recordin’ somethin’ for Y/N… I know she listens to you every day in the mornin’. Loves your show. I need yeh to play this recording ‘m currently doin’… and say somethin’ like ‘Hope you’re listenin’, Y/N. This one is for you’.”
Nick laughs on the other line, happiness evident in his voice.
“Finally using your talents to do somethin’ about your miserable life after she left, huh? Proud of you. I can do that. Just send it over whenever it’s ready. I got you.”
“Thanks, Nick. Means a lot to me.”
Y/N sat in the library, studying for her final exam of the semester. She was thankful that this could distract her for a bit after her call with Harry. Opening her laptop, she plugs in her headphones, tuning in to Nick’s radio. She begins to hum along to some of the music that’s being played, flipping through pages of her notes. Y/N didn’t notice when the show went silent for a couple minutes.
She paused when Nick began to speak, not in his usual fun tone of voice. It was more serious and she was curious as to what was happening. Pressing the sound button up higher, the background noise was drowned out.
“Alright folks we have something pretty special today… this is a new recording from Mr. Harry Styles himself. A little homage to someone he holds dear to his heart. So… Y/N, if you’re out there listening right now… this one is for you.”
Her heart skipped a beat, and it was now racing a million miles a minute. What the hell was he doing? She turned the channel off, playing a local radio station instead, but the message was the same. Had Harry really gone through the trouble of getting all the radio stations she could possibly listen to to play this song he recorded?
Looking down at her phone, a text from Niall popped up.
“Hope yer listenin’ to the radio right now, lad. I heard it last night. It’s a good one. Give it a listen, will ya? Xx”
Y/N sighs softly, going back to BBC One. She didn’t notice the looks that were coming her way, most of the girls touching their heart at how sweet this thing was.
A soft strum of the guitar began to play, and she could hear his sweet voice. She took in a deep breath, missing the times when he would sing her to sleep when she had a bad day.
“So your friend’s been telling me, you’ve been sleeping with my sweater And that you can’t stop missing me Bet my friend’s been telling you I’m not doing much better ‘Cause I’m missing half of me And being here without you is like I’m waking up to Only half a blue sky Kinda there but not quite I’m walking around with just one shoe I’m half a heart without you I’m half a man at best With half an arrow in my chest I miss everything we do I’m half a heart without you.”
Y/N’s eyes began to water, knowing exactly why he chose this song. She missed her best friend. More than anything in the world, all she wanted was to be doing all the little things that they would do on Sundays.
Harry’s voice sounded beautiful, and she could hear the pain in his voice. All the regret and all the hurt that was living within the both of them began to pour out in this cover. Every emotion that was swelling within her seemed to come out all at once. Her heart longed for Harry, she needed him back in his life but she was afraid. Being hurt like that again would kill her. Perhaps she thought it would be easier to forget him, but how can someone simply forget about someone after all those years? After all the memories that were made?
“Forget all we said that night No, it doesn’t even matter 'Cause we both got split in two If you could spare an hour or so We’ll go for lunch down by the river We can really talk it through And being here without you is like I’m waking up to Only half a blue sky Kinda there but not quite I’m walking around with just one shoe I’m half a heart without you I’m half a man at best With half an arrow in my chest 'Cause I miss everything we do I’m half a heart without you Half a heart without you I’m half a heart without you.”
Y/N clutched her chest and lightly cried, grabbing her things to get out of the public area. She ran back to her apartment, shutting the door behind her loudly. Dropping all her things, she lay in bed and closed her eyes, knowing that this needed to be fixed. At least, whatever could be fixed.
“Though I try to get you out of my head The truth is I got lost without you And since then I’ve been waking up to Only half a blue sky Kinda there but not quite I’m walking around with just one shoe I’m half a heart without you I’m half a man at best With half an arrow in my chest I miss everything we do I’m half a heart without you Without you, without you, half a heart without you Without you, without you, I’m half a heart without you.”
The pain of losing a best friend was never easy. In fact, it was the worst pain either of them had felt in a long time. It wasn’t the kisses that they missed, it was all the movie nights, the lazy days, the shopping. It was everything. She missed the way she could talk to Harry about anything without being judged. She missed the days when he would just sing to her when she had a shitty day, the way he would laugh when she told a bad joke. It was the little things that were getting to her. She missed them. The way they used to be.
Y/N takes the earbuds out of her ears, laying on her bed for a couple more hours, just staring at the ceiling. It was getting late, but she couldn’t focus on studying for her final. But she knew she had to. Dragging herself out of bed, she goes to her desk and turns on the lamp, finally getting back to studying. It was going to be a late night for her.
Niall looks over at Harry as he paces back and forth in his trailer.
“Do you think she heard it?” he asked, worry filling his voice. “I just… she hasn’t messaged me or anythin’ and ‘m wondering if it wasn’t enough. Maybe she just didn’t hear it…”
Niall sighs and grabs Harry by the shoulders.
“Calm down, lad. ‘M sure she heard it. Maybe she’s just processin’. Ya know that cheesy quote that’s like… if yeh love ‘em let ‘em go, and if they come back yer meant to be together? Well perhaps that’s what’s ‘appenin’. Things will fall into place, mate. Stop yer worryin’. It ain’t gonna do yeh any good. Give yeh white hairs for all ‘m concerned.”
Harry simply glares at Niall and sighs deeply.
“Still… maybe I fucked up so bad that even this won’t help. I mean… what was I expectin’? That she would come runnin’ back into me arms? Guess I was hopin’ really…”
‘Harry. Things are gonna work out the way they’re supposed to. That, I can promise you.”
Harry nods and runs a hand through his hair, grabbing a pillow next to him with his free hand.
“Why am I so emotional? Really not a good look is it…?”
“Depends on the situation, I guess. Just… gain some self control for now, yeah?”
Harry groans and lays on the ground, screaming into the pillow.
A couple days later, Y/N is holding her phone, staring at Harry’s number. Should she call him? What would she even say if she did? She shakes her head and throws it back on her pillow, pacing back and forth. It was near 1 am. He probably wouldn’t even be awake. Y/N wasn’t even sure why she was awake. Though she had to admit, the past couple of nights were hard for her to sleep at all. The only thing she could think of was Harry.
She was surprised when there was a knock on the door. Maybe her roommate had left something? Y/N sighs and walks to the door, opening it. Her mouth drops when she sees Harry there, leaning against her door frame.
“ ‘m surprised you actually answered.” he slurred.
Y/N furrows her brows and folds her arms, in a sense that she was trying to protect herself.
“Harry… are you drunk…? At this hour?” she asks, a little worried about what could’ve happened to him as he was making his way over here. She knew he couldn’t make it back to his trailer while he was this tipsy.
“Just a little bit, don’t worry, love. Jus’ need to talk to yeh.”
Y/N pursed her lips but nods slightly, stepping aside to allow Harry into her flat.
“Do you need water?” she asks quietly. Harry shakes his head no and walks over to her, sitting down at the kitchen table.
“I miss you. So fuckin’ much it’s drivin’ me insane.” Harry begins. Y/N tries to stop him from going any further but to no avail.
“Harry, you’re drunk you aren’t even going to remember what you sai-”
“No, I know ‘ve been stupid. Know I fucked up. Don’t care if yeh never want to get back together with me, but… I need my best friend back. I don’t care if we aren’t in a relationship, all I know is that I need to ‘ave you in my life. Even it it’s just as a friend. Miss the late night conversations, the weird text messages, even the damn tampon runs you would make me go on when you were out. I miss our movie nights, our lazy Sundays, our treehouse sleepovers… miss us. Hurts so much…” tears begin to fall from Harry’s eyes, and instantly, Y/N knows that he’s being genuine.
“H…” she walks over to him and helps him up from the chair, laying him down on her bed.
“Will yeh lay with me…? So it doesn’t hurt so much? Will yeh just… stay with me tonight?”
Y/N frowns but agrees. She climbs behind him, spreading her legs around his body, pulling his large frame up so his head was resting on her chest. He was sobbing now, and she couldn’t help but shed a few tears as well. She scratches his head and hums softly, hoping that he would fall asleep soon. She didn’t like seeing him this way.
Harry wipes at his eyes and gets up from his position, looking at her with desperate eyes. He scoots over and pats the area next to him, wanting her to hold him like they used to. Y/N shifts her position and lays down next to him, holding him from behind. Harry always did like being the little spoon.
Harry reaches and intertwines their fingers together, the two of them falling asleep in each other’s arms.
This was all they needed to know things would be okay.
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bodhilevin · 6 years
uhhh it’s ya boy,,,,,,, 👀bodhi. i’m not even going to try introducing myself this time we’re going straight into it. like/dm me if you’d like to plot you know the drill!
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「 THOMAS DOHERTY, MALE, 23, BRENDON URIE/P!ATD. 」┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on BODHI “BO” LEVIN?  he is the LEAD VOCALIST in AFTERPARTY, one of my favorite POP ROCK groups. they’ve been releasing music for TWO YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last TWO YEARS. get this, i think i heard THAT DESPITE THEIR BAD BOY IMAGE, THEY’VE NEVER HAD ANYTHING HARDER THAN WEED. they’re known as the RECALCITRANT of the music industry, since they have a rep for being GENEROUS but DISTRUSTING, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.  ( ADMIN MONA, 18, EST, SHE/HER. )
let’s start at the beginning. to anyone who asked, his mother used to say that the world stopped when bodhi was born, and that the moment that he opened his eyes she knew he would become something amazing---even if he was about to get whisked away by the nurses in the next second.
which is sweet and all... but the thing is, his mom was a really well-known celebrity pr manager, and bodhi was the fourth child in his family. what his mom really saw in bo was a spark for potential that she hadn’t seen in his older siblings.
so when he turned four, his mom decided that he should start getting into modeling. and with his round cheeks and pretty blue eyes, sure enough, he was soon gracing ads for different toys and even gap posters.
a few years after appearing in various commercials and having small cameo roles on tv shows, he had his breakthrough role where he played one of the lead roles in some tear-jerking, inspirational film alongside a hollywood movie star that was a major heartthrob at the time. it was nominated for and won multiple oscars (he didn’t win any personally though).
and after that, the roles only continued to come in, and he started to get homeschooled. whenever he landed another role, he knew that he should be grateful for it, but part of him resented it when he heard his other siblings talking about having friends and going shopping and trying out for football and just generally having a normal life in general. especially because this was a life that bodhi never chose to have.
so he started applying to colleges behind his mom’s back with his teacher, and when he turned 18 there was this huge legal battle that was covered in the media that he ended up winning where he cut off all ties with his mom. he enrolled in nyu, and effectively disappeared off the map. bar a few dumb disney covers he uploaded from his dorm on youtube. he was never a disney channel boy, but ya know. disney music’s lit and it was still his childhood.
in college, bodhi started to go by bo, and college was where he really started to develop his voice and his musical style (he had taken vocal lessons for a few of his roles but hadn’t really released any music of his own). the videos were uploaded with little fanfare or notice, and often were one take and still included all of his mistakes and ad-libs. a lot of media outlets (viralgossip included) probably made fun of him for being part of a oscar-winning film to becoming a youtuber who didn’t even have a regular uploading schedule. said he peaked early and all that.
the last video he uploaded was a cover of ‘i will go the distance’, and he was still in his purple graduation robes. and the comments were all sad and stuff b/c they thought he was finished with being in the public eye foreVER.
「 AFTERPARTY, DNCE. 」┈ lyrics hastily written on café napkins, smoking breaks on city penthouse rooftops, pens with missing caps, torn contracts, an endless pursuit for perfection, a turned-off cellphone, using a platinum amex card to order in pizza
a few months after his graduation, he dropped his first album titled self-titled (it wasn’t actually self-titled that’s just what it was called) with his band out of no where. the band was a secret project he was working on, and the first album had mixed, but generally positive reviews? and it was edgy as fuck b/c bo never got to have a rebellious phase in his teen years and basically most of the songs have this vibe where you can just tell that he wants to LIVE and be free!!11!!
some of his fans were super blindsided by this because he was singing disney music for four years lookin really soft and shit in his dorm? and suddenly he’s screaming at the top of his lungs and wearing guyliner it’s liT.
the band was something he was thinking about for AGES ever since he first befriended SOMEONE (wanted connection!) at a college party (and they are now one of his best friends) and they inadvertently gave him the idea to do something that would piss off his mom the most. so instead of acting, he invested his time into music. and instead of going solo and having his name plastered everywhere, he decided to produce music with band whose name doesn’t even have “bodhi” anywhere in it and he’s not even singing.
don’t want to be to presumptuous, but the band kinda has a modern the rolling stones vibe? in that bo (at least) is upper class, but the music is catered to a rebellious working class audience if that makes sense.
also, since he still had a ton of money from his acting career days, he started the band by holding auditions and selecting talented musicians to join their roster. it was super lowkey and under wraps, but it worked.
the band is super into experimenting in the studio with different sounds and stuff, and bo doesn’t mind spending his money on different types of recording techniques and multiple takes if that’s what it takes to get the sound that he wants.
and along the same vein, bo and his bandmates were definitely not the closest at first? since they had just met and i feel like sometimes bo can’t help but be a spoiled white boy sometimes because he’s never known a life outside of wealth and fame (even in college he was probably recognized a loT and given preferential stuff). but now they’re like the family bo never really had, and maybe even because they weren’t the closest at first they’re that much closer, you know?
after they released their first album, they dropped their second album only nine months after, and are now slowly working on a third. because even bo knows when to take a break.
when i post an aesthetic moodboard for afterparty, i’ll link it here.
bo is super sweet and super nice and super soft! aka the total opposite of simon. despite everything that’s happened to him, he’s still super soft and hasn’t let himself get jaded. well done, bo!
like i said earlier, sometimes he’s always had money, and never had to worry about his next meal. and nyu is one of the wealthier private schools? so there are definitely times where he forgets his privilege but when that happens just let him know. and he’s the type to buy presents for his frienDS? and not think that much of it. it’s his love language so let him spoil your muse.
DRUGS MENTION FOR THIS BULLET ONLY afterparty mentions drugs, sex and all that good stuff in their music. but bodhi has never tried drugs and never plans to. he’s tried pot at a college party once and it made him sick so he’s never touched it since and he wasn’t really a fan of drinking underage or at parties sooo he’s v pure.
and is he inspired by trish walker? you bet he is!
also, my boi bo is bi. hahaha jk he’s pansexual like all my muses are sdjfkls so give me all the ships
TL : DR ;
bodhi---but please call him bo---is a former famous oscar-winning child actor who cut off all ties with his momager four years ago to go to college where he uploaded videos of himself singing covers on youtube. after he graduated, he started afterparty, a teenage rebellion pop punk band. *finger guns*
will be linked HERE once i finish writing that up!
thanks for coming to my ted talk !!
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For honesty hour...who are some of your fave fic writerd,? Some of your fave fics?
You’re a tad late for honesty hour, nonny, but that’s okay! I’m always happy to talk about my favorite/go-to people (note: these are not in any particular order, just the order I thought of them in) and my favorites from their masterlists (most of these links are for Tumblr posts, with the exception of some AO3 ones. Let me know if anything isn’t working right).
I love everything Jamie writes (and I love Jamie herself- we have so much in common, it’s kinda scary), but here are my three faves:
I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - If you haven’t read this series yet, get on that shit. It’s a Jared x Gen x Reader that fulfills all my favorite fantasies and is the perfect blend of angst, smut, and fluff. I never want it to end.
Forgive Me, Father - this fic. THIS FIC. I have no words. It’s pure smutty goodness, with Virgin!Priest!Sam who’s so cute I could cry.
Soy Un Perdedor - Stripper!Sam. Nuff said.
Some honorable mentions are: Ask For What You Want, the entire Daddy!Sam verse, and her Series Rewrite
Mana is the sweetest person who can also rip your heart to shreds and I love her very much, especially when she puts up with me always asking her to beta my fics (the woman is magic, I swear. She makes everything better). Her masterlist if my go-to when I’m craving some John Winchester or some cry-into-your-pillow angst. Some highlights include:
When Your Grace is Gone - Tears. Literal tears were shed. Sam x Reader, but Cas-centric, and the feels were almost to much. Mana would know. I yelled at her about it, lol
Wild Horses - So cute and so hot. I love me some Sammy. Sammy in the backseat of the Impala is even better. There are some things Dean will never know.
Wild Bloom - This is a long one, but 100% worth it. Fuckin’ slayed me with the porn. Gotta love some John x Younger!Reader and middle-of-nowhere sex.
Kim is the first multishipper I followed and she kills me regularly with the porn (especially Porn Gif Drabble Days. They’re too good). She’s got such a great variety to choose from, but I particularly enjoy her Wincest and Poly fics:
Sketches - Wincest, Voyeur!Artist!Cas, and eventual Wincestiel. Need I say more?
Cursed - If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I thrive on Dom!Sam. I love the idea of a giant man without much control in his daily life taking complete control during sex. But this fic is just one more reason why I’m now so partial so a more submissive version of my favorite moose. The imagery of Sam begging for Dean is too much to handle.
Both - This fic is the poly ship I didn’t know I needed. The idea of Dean getting both of the people he loves it so satisfying.
Release and Relief - I was trying to limit this to three fics per author, but this one cannot be left out. I’ve been shipping Sam/Rowena for a while, but Dean/Rowena is just so good and I’m always a slut for a sub!Dean. Read all the parts. You will not regret it.
Kitten’s fics were kinda my gateway into the world of smut and reader-inserts, and she definitely inspired me to start this blog! Kitten never ceases to amaze me. I adore everything she writes, so it was really hard to pick just a few fics:
Spin Cycle - It’s hard to chose just one of Kitten’s John x Reader fics, but this is definitely in my top three. It’s got all the good stuff- a damsel in distress, Handyman!John to the rescue, cheesy flirting, and filthy smut.
Substitution - If you have a thing for sex worker!Dean and jealous!Sam (like me), this is the Wincest fic for you. Kitten doesn’t usually (read: ever) write bottom!Dean, but she did such a good job and I still love it (clearly).
Come as You Are - Fluff and smut and enough angst to have you yelling at your phone screen cos WHY WON’T THEY JUST TALK. Also, tattooed!punk!Dean. What more do you need?
Breakdown - Sometimes Kitten’s premises read like the beginning of a porno and this is definitely one of those, and i absolutely love every word of it. Makes me wish my car would break down in the middle of nowhere just so I could run into a tall, gorgeous farmer names Sam. Please and thank you.
Honorable mentions are the Magic and Mark serieses (Strippers and smut. That’s all you need to know), and, of course, Left Behind.
Dean introduced me to the wonderful world that is poly ships and interesting kinks I never knew I had. I thought picking fics from Kitten’s masterlist was hard, but picking from Dean’s was nearly impossible:
Tails of a Demi-Demon and His Doms - I was a little hesitant going into this fic, but I’m not entirely sure why? Cos it’s got everything I love- Wincestiel, sub!Dean, some lovely kinks I’d forgotten I have. It’s a little on the longer side, but well worth the time.
Four’s Company - I’m a sucker for a good fix-it and while I did enjoy Season 12, I was bummed to see so many amazing characters go in the finale. Luckily, when I get sad, I can just reread this amazing series and pretend Dean got banged in the Bunker bathroom by Ketch and everyone is still alive.
The Scars We Leave - Speaking of kinks I didn’t know I had and pairings I didn’t know I shipped. This fic is not for the faint of heart, but if you like Demon!Dean x Crowley, Sub!Dean, predicament bondage (specifically my favorite kind and a position I’ve put Dean in before, because he’s so much fun to torture), and some pain kink, this is the fic for you. It’s filthy and dark and oh so good.
@floweryhanzo (you might know him as @beekeepercain)
If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you probably know of my adoration for anything Leo writes. His depth of understanding of the characters and the way he can paint a picture with his words just never ceases to blow my mind. I highly recommend reading everything on his AO3, but here are a few of my favorites (and they’re not all SPN fics!):
Soft: A Story - This fics is so sweet and cute, but also angsty and deep and thought-provoking. It was written for Nanowrimo, so it’s really long, but it’s honestly just amazing. Little Dean is so stinkin’ cute and Sam’s trying to hard to be a good big brother after being the little brother his whole life, and I just love every moment of it.
A Bark With A Bow - this fic was actually written for me, for a Christmas exchange in 2016, and it’s perfection. I’ve always said Sam needs a dog, particularly a therapy dog, and Leo delivered in the most splendid fashion, complete with brothers being cute brothers. It’s a Christmas fic, but I read it all year round.
Gibralter - I DON’T EVEN PLAY THIS DAMN GAME. All I’ve done is watch some of the videos and read this fic. Multiple times. It’s so damn good. Forever long, but so intriguing. I’m a sucker for brother dynamics (have you seen my favorite show??), and this has all of that, with a fantastic blend of lack-of-communication, beautifully written trauma, bottled up emotions, and some action to spice things up a little. I love it so much.
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mistylane059-blog · 7 years
Practice Challenge 2
((Heya! So figured out how to put it on Tumblr!! Thanks to @avalyn-cadly and @ladyaadamaier for the RP!! Sorry if there are any mistakes. Also, this is a long one (sorry Grace and Claire)))
I take my stance, knock my bronze arrow and aim. “It's time for me to buy new arrows. All of these are bent in one way or another.”
“They're fine, at least they don’t swerve like mine do,” Amber says knocking her arrow. I pull my hand back from the string letting the arrow fly. 10 pointer!“ I say lowering my bow. The report was playing in the back. I start to hear names and provinces being said by Harvey Steve. There is no way I'm going to be a selected, I think. There were at least 50 girls there when I turned in my application.
I knock another arrow onto my wooden bow and take aim still listening to the report in the background. “From Waverly, Miss Misty Lane!” Harvey Steve says on the TV. I accidentally fire and my arrow hits the wood below the target. I get startled by the sound of the arrow hitting the wood. I look up at the TV behind us. It shows my picture, a bad one in my opinion. “ I’M A SELECTED,” I say in pure shock (And maybe yelling a little too loud). All the heads turn. I can feel it. All the parents watching their kids, the people in my class shooting, and our coach, Aidan.
I turn to Amber who was shooting next to me. “Congrats ‘Lady Misty’” Amber says in a teasing way. “You know you could be Queen.” She says as we put our bows on the rack.
“Shut up Amber,” I say nudging her. But that thought hit me. “I could be queen”, and that thought scared me.
“Are your parents in the shop ?” Amber says.
“I believe so. Wait, do you think they're watching the report on the TV in the back?” “Probably, call your Mom or something,” she says. Since we live upstairs from the shop, it's easy getting in and out so our parents are probably there.
I dial my mom's number as Amber and I step outside. I hear the ring that I somewhat hated. She picked up.  “Mom, are you in the shop?”
“Where exactly?”
“Whereby the counter with Amber’s parents.” I hear Dad say. I must be on speaker.  “Are you watching the report?”
“No, why?” Mom says.
“Are you recording it?” “Yes, but why.” “Go to the back and skip to the part where they announce the selected.”
“Why can't we watch it later?”
“Just watch it, ok.”
“Alright, Love you.”
“Love you too,” I say as I hang up.
My phone vibrates in my coat pocket a minute later. I look to see it Mom calling. “Can you put me on speaker so Amber can hear,” she says, so I put her on speaker “WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL US THAT YOU WERE A SELECTED!” Mom yelled through the phone. For a second I thought I was in trouble. “I wanted you to find out on your own,” I say. Congrats Misty,” Mrs. Katie and Mr. Noah said. “Thanks,” I say back.
“So how did you find out you were a selected?” I hear Dad say on the phone. I give a nervous laugh. “Umm, well, the report was playing in the background and when I was aiming I heard Harvey Steve say my name. I accidentally fired my arrow into the wood below the targets. I don’t think my arrow is damaged but yeah,” I say and let out a big sigh. “Alright, we’re proud of you but we have to go close the shop. We will see both of you at home,” Mom says to me after my rant. “Alright, see you then!” I said then I hung up.
Amber and I head inside. It was cold out. 37 degrees Fahrenheit, which is cold. Once inside I grabbed my arrow from the floor. I headed back when I heard Simon say my name. God, I hated him. He was always so annoying during class. “Congrats on being a selected,” he said with a sheepish grin. I looked at him dead in the eye. “Thanks, and don’t go bragging that you know the selected girl from Waverly.”
“Fine,” He said with disappointment. I always knew how to crack him.
The class finally ended. It was time to go home. Out of Amber and I, I was the better driver, so I drove. The range wasn’t that far, only 15 ish minutes away. Those 15 minutes felt like forever. Once we arrived at home I grabbed a cup of water and was surprised with a hug from the waist down. I turn to look who that would be. “Yusuf! I didn’t see you there!” I turn around and pick him up. Yusuf was my 5-year-old cousin. “Wow, your getting big!”
“Mom says I’m becoming a big boy!”
“You definitely are! Have you seen anyone else?”
“Noo,” He said shaking his head. “I wanted to see you first!” I was dying of cuteness. What a perfect way to end this crazy day.
The next couple weeks were a blur. We had A LOT more customers come in once the province-newspaper mentioned that I was the daughter of Waverly’s Jewels owner and that I help make jewelry for them. Then we had the people from the palace come talk to us about the selection. That part was weird. Literally every time one of the people from the palace came to talk to me and my parents, I would be at my desk, with my left earbud in listening to the radio, making a ring, but I rolled with it. All the officials from the palace were really sweet.
After that, I started packing. “T- minus 3 days,” I say to myself in my bedroom. I pack enough to fit in my crossbody bag. I call it my ‘Mary Poppins bag’. It can fit just about anything. I put in my contacts and glasses (I'm severely nearsighted so I need contacts or glasses), my e-reader, earbuds, my phone, camera, and my travel jewelry making supplies. I also pack my travel ukulele in its case. It's nice because its called a ‘peanut ukulele’ because it's the shape of a peanut (that makes it small), but it's also quiet and there's a place to plug in an amp or headphones.
3 days later it's time for my send off. I hear my alarm go off. 7:15 AM it says once I turn it off. I get out of bed, rub my eyes and put on my glasses. I walk over to my closet. I put on our Selection Uniform that they provided when they came to measure me. We also had to wear our province flower. For me, that was a rose. I chose a yellowish-pink rose that they also provided me.  I also grab a pink jacket because it’s cold in Waverly now. Plus I can easily get cold. For jewelry I put on a crystal necklace that I wear just about every day; I also put on studded earrings and a simple bangle with a piece of amber encasing a tiny shell. The bracelet, of course, reminds me of Amber. I brush my teeth, wash my face and put on a little bit of mascara and lipstick, and finally brush my hair out.
I grab my crossbody bag and my peanut ukulele. By this time it was 8:25 AM. I take one last gander at my room. “I’m gonna miss this room,” I say to myself in the doorway. I turn off my lights and start to head to the kitchen. The kitchen was also in the ‘back’ of the store where the TV was.
On my way downstairs I knocked on Amber's door to see if she was there. Amber is an early bird so she’s usually out of bed by now. “Come in,” she says. I turn the doorknob and step inside. “Heya it me, are you ready to go downstairs?” She’s in her bathroom putting in an earring. She looks about ready. “Yeah, hold on.” I walk over to where she was and planted my arm on one of her shoulders. “Hey, don’t rub it in!”
“Who’s going to do it in when I’m gone!” She laughs. “Ok fine, I’ll let you do it this once.” I’ve always been on the taller side. I’m currently 5’7 ish and she’s 5’5.
We start to head downstairs. “I can’t believe you're going to be gone all the way on the west coast!”
“ I know! Hard to believe quite honestly. I’m going to miss all of y’all here at the shop.”
“I’ll make sure that our parents are watching the report every week.”
“Thanks,” I say grinning.
After 20 ish steps, we are in the kitchen. “Hi Mom, Hi Dad.”
“Good morning,” Amber says. Dads reading the newspaper and Mom’s making tea for herself. I’m a coffee gal and so is Amber, so I make some for each of us. I grind the coffee beans, put them into the French Press and pour the leftover hot water Mom made. I put ice in two cups, press all the coffee beans down and pour some for both of us. We both like ice coffee more than hot coffee, but in the winter we will have it warm.
“Big day,” Mom says finally. “Yup, do you know when they're going to pick me up to go to time square?”
“I think at 10.” It was 9:45. I put on my shoes, tan-suede boots with pink laces.
Amber and I finish our coffee so we go open the shop. Maybe for a while. I don't know to be honest how long I’ll stay in Angeles. But I think everyone thinks that. We turn on all the lights, including the lights inside of the showcases,” open the drapes, unlock the door and turn the sign over. By that time the car to pick me up arrives.
I give everyone a hug. I give Amber the biggest hug. “Now try not to die when I’m away,” I say to her looking straight into her eyes. “I won’t, don’t worry you have to call me every day though.” Our parents both have the hugest grins on their face. I think they think things like that are adorable. I give Amber one last hug as I say “I will.”
She decided to come with me in the car to my send off, even though it was literally 5 minutes away by walking. We arrived in Town Square where it looks like EVERYONE who lived in that part of Waverly came. I got out the car, and got on the stage they set up in the middle. There stood the Mayor. Below the stage were news reporters. I put on a smile and start to wave. “Please welcome, Our wonderful daughter of Illea, Lady Misty Lane!” The mayor said. I walked up the stairs to greet him in the middle.”Thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to come see my send off! I will be making sure I make Waverly proud!” I said projecting my voice. My send off was short because I needed to be at the airport at a certain time.
I give Amber one last hug before we go our separate ways. I was going to the airport and she was going to go get food then head back to the store. I was escorted by my driver Ben. I took a deep breath and glanced at Waverly for one last time (for a while I hope). I step into the car taking off my bags and placing them next to me.
“Ben,” I said once he was in the car. “What’s the drive time?”
“Hour and a half to two hours miss.”
“Ok, thank you,” I said and Ben smiled. I got out my phone and put on my headphones. I had a road trip playlist from a while back and lucky for me it was 2 hours long. I hit the first song, which was called ‘We Came to Party’. I pulled out my camera just in case there was a pretty shot. I ended up reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell instead.
I got thro a good 30 chapters before I arrived at Labrador Airport. I was the first one there. “Lady Misty for your safety you will have to wait for the others inside,” Ben said. “Alright,” I say ad I am handed my bags. I look around. “Guess Waverly is closer than I thought,” I say as I give a small shrug. It wasn't too long till I saw another car pulls up. I turn to the sound of the doors opening. “That must be Avalyn,” I say as I recall the list of names and pictures we were provided. Then another girl follows her. “I think that Aada,” I say as the two girls approach me. “Hello, I'm Avalyn,” she says as she approaches me. “Hello, I'm Aada,” the other girl says. So I was right. I extended my hand to Avalyn first. “Hey, I'm Misty of Waverly.” I don't why I said ‘of Waverly’.
“Nice to meet you both,” Avalyn says as she shakes my hand back. I extended my hand toward Aada. She extends her hand to meet mine. “Nice to meet y’all,” I say.
“Nice to meet you too,” Aada says back.
I see a figure coming our way. “Who's that?” I say as Aada goes to sit in the corner. I join Aada in the corner with Avalyn following me. “I'm guessing that's Juliette,” Avalyn says as I sit down next to Aada. “I'm pretty sure you're right,” I say as Aada shifts to look out the window. Avalyn sits next to me. “Oh, sorry Aada.”
“It's fine, I just don't like flying.”
“It’ll be ok. The winds going across aren't that bad actually.”
“It's not as bad as it seems, trust me,” Avalyn said.
We tried to comfort her. “I’ve flown before,” Aada said. That made me feel a little weird.
“Have y’all been to Angeles?” I said. Avalyn nor Aada has been to Angeles, but Avalyn said that her brother had been there. I have been before for work. “How old is your brother?” Aada asked. “23, Misty do you have siblings?” Avalyn responded. “I have my unrelated sister Amber,” I said giving a small laugh. They both responded with an “Ah”. “I have a good friend like that,” Aada said.
“Is Juliette ok?” Aada adds. We all notice that she's sitting alone. I start to stand. “I'll go check,” I offer. “Hey, I'm Misty, do you want to sit with us?” I say gesturing to Avalyn and Aada as they give small waves. “No, I'm good. Thanks though.” Juliette said turning her head away from me. “Oh, Ok,” I say walking back. “Well, that didn't work,” I say sitting back down.
We finally see a palace officer. “I'm guessing its time to get on the plane,” Avalyn says. “Ladies, please come with me,” the officer says. “Oh thank god,” I say. He led us through a gated pathway surrounded by people. I put on a smile and waved. We finally make it to the plane. “Well this is it,” I say to Avalyn and Aada since Juliette didn't really want to talk. We all give one last smile before boarding.
I start to board. I look back to see the 3 other girls behind me still at the entry point. “Are yall coming?” I say. “Right behind you,” Avalyn says with Aada. I reach the plane and I'm greeted by a young woman. “Welcome Lady Misty,” she says. “Thank you,” I respond walking to the middle of the plane and sitting down. I take out my jewelry making supplies, camera, phone, and earbuds. I set all of this objects on the table and put my bags down. Avalyn takes a seat across from me pulling out a book. Aada also takes a seat. Juliette is somewhere in the back of the plane.
“Does anyone know how long the flight it?” Aada asks. “I’ll go check,” I say. I stand and walk over to the front of the plane. “Excuse me, how long is the flight?” I ask one of the flight attendants. “Little over 2 hours.” She said. “Ok, Thank you,” I say turning back to Avalyn and Aada.”2 ish hours,” I say sitting back down. “Only 2?” Aada asks. “Yup, Only 2 ish,” I respond.
I doze off a bit till I hear Aada say “I'm from the German Federation.”
“Really! I've only lived in Waverly!” I say giving a small laugh. We talk about Aada living in the German Federation for a good 5 minutes till our conversation dies down. I end up putting in an earbud to listen to music and start to make a bracelet. Whenever something big happens I make a bracelet commemorating it. I will probably be making a few during this journey.
When we arrived in Angeles, there was a lot of people there. I just smiled and waved. I saw a couple people who were cheering me on. I recognized a 2 who I make jewelry for. That was sweet of her for coming. We made our way to the cars to go to the palace. It was only little ways from the palace.
Once we got there we got our before pictures and started our makeovers in the women’s room. I sat in a chair that they set up. The stylist started to brush out my straight, black hair and complimented me on how well I treat it.  I think we shouldn’t do too much to your hair because it's a good length and looks very good.  Would you be ok if I put in red highlight? They would look like your normal hair inside, but it would have a reddish tint to your hair.”
“That sounds good. I actually really like that idea!”
They put my hair in segments wrapping them in tin foil. The stylist took a brush and dipped into the bowl full of dye. He started to paint the dye into my hair,
While the dye was drying I got my nails done. They were painted in a deep pink-magenta color. Once that was done my hair was just about ready. My stylist took me to a washing bowl to rinse out my hair. They wrapped my hair in a towel and took me back to my station.
They blow dried my hair and brushed it out. I could see a little bit of a red tint to my hair already. The stylist curled my hair and put into a simple half up, half down. After the hair and nails, another stylist came. I’m pretty sure the stylist was the makeup artist.
She didn’t do much. I told her that my skin was sensitive so she didn’t do much. She put on a little bit of foundation, eyeliner, mascara and magenta lip. Apparently, I suit magenta because I'm covered in it. I look at myself with all the makeup on. “Thank you,”I say to the stylist.
I'm taken to a rack of dresses. I pick out navy blue dress with lace on the top. Its knee length and suits this blazing weather.I put on gold heels that I can surprising walk in. I did do ice skating till I was 12. Maybe that's why. It weird to think I'll have dresses that are custom fit. The women helping me told me that this was day dress and my evening dresses were in my room. I pin on a silvery name tag onto my chest. It read ‘Lady Misty Lane’. “What a beautiful name you have.” the young women said.
“Thanks!” I said back.
I'm lead to another backdrop with a camera. “Smile,” the photographer said. I did as told. “You look beautiful Lady Misty,” the photographer said. “Thank you,” I say back with a polite smile.
I go to find my room. Grace Hall, room 32. I eventually found it. I step inside to see my things hung onto a chair. I immediately go over to the balcony. I open the door to be greeted by the ocean. I took a deep breath and was greeted by the sweet smell of the ocean. It was beautiful. The sound, the blue waters. “What a day it's been” I mumble to myself feeling the breeze. This is going to be one heck of an adventure.
Archery Terms:
Knock: placing an arrow on the string of a bow
Shoot/Fired: To release the arrow letting it fly
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isempiterna · 7 years
TAGGED BY: nicked it from @starbrosforever eyyyy TAGGING: @blasianbutterfly, @silhcuetted, @merrickals, @odharnaiit, do u wanna do it? do it
    Lark.     Sparrow.
    Yeah, that is my real name. My mom likes birds.     Sparrow...Weave? Er, Grace Weave. Oh, sorry, Grace is my middle name, I mean—     Sparrow Grace Weave is my full name. Is that...?
    Oh. Guess I just answered that in the last question, oops.     Well my mother loves birds quite a lot, aha. Although I’m not sure why she chose Sparrow,     specifically.
    Single—for now.     Single.
    You mean like if I could choose one? Super strength. Oldie but a goldie, and     everyone loves a classic. Especially if it means I get to lift cars. Alternatively, though,     I make a pretty good latte.     I...don’t think I really have any? Or, well, none worth mentioning. Oh, but I do play the     violin, if that counts.
    Brown, but like a really light brown. Like, really light. Think pennies—so copper, I     guess.     Blue.
    I came this close to going cherry red, but in the end it never happened.      No—I expect it would be rather difficult if I did try, though.
    Oh yeah, my family’s huge. Mostly they’re over in Europe, though.     Yes, but my father’s side of the family is...rather distant.
    Not right now, no.     No, but I think I’d like to have one eventually.
    Bullies. Hypocrites. Cold weather, God, who’s idea was that? But Sparrow likes it, so     whatever. It can stay.     Um...cruelty. 
    I like to hit the gym and hit things at the gym. I also play piano.     Well I love to read, and journal, too. I try to go running at least once every day, and I play     the violin. Every now and then I’ll paint a bit, but I don’t think I’m very good at it, aha.
    Oh yeah.     Never intentionally, but...sometimes intentions don’t matter. I certainly hope I haven’t,     though.
    Not yet. No, I’m kidding, I wouldn’t kill someone. I mean, maybe I would—but right     now I wouldn’t.     No, I could never...no.
    Well I like food, and I like being warm. So either a cat or some kind of reptile. I’m not     cuddly enough to be a cat, though.     Um...? Hm. I’m not sure.
    Acting before I think, I guess. I’ve gotten way better about it, though, especially since     I can’t just punch a rude customer and be done with it. I’ve got a business to think     about.     I suppose...I’m not very decisive? 
    ...My dad, I guess. I don’t really go for the whole role model deal, but if I had to pick     one I’d go with my dad.     My mother. I think she’s really a wonderful person, and I’m glad to be a part of her life.
    I’m bi, personally, but hey. You do you.     Er...hm. I suppose I would be straight...?
    Not anymore, but I did manage to graduate.     Yes, I’m actually a sophomore in college right now.
    Meh, I dunno. Maybe if I find the right person.     I would love to be able to raise kids, but...I’m not sure about marriage. Ah, not that I     wouldn’t get married I just...can’t really imagine it?
    Nah. Friends, sure.     Oh, no.
    Anything bad happening to Sparrow. Um...I’d really hate to lose the café, but I don’t     think I’d classify that as a fear.     Losing my loved ones.
    Comfy stuff. If I can’t move in it, I’m not wearing it.     Nothing too...elaborate, I guess. Or would “flashy” be a better term?
    My sister. My family. No “significant other” if that’s what you mean.     My family and friends.
    Middle class, I guess. I’m comfortable but not rolling in cash or anything.     Um...somewhere in the middle class. Maybe lower middle, taking debt into account.
    A lot, maybe. There are a lot of people I call friends, but not so many I’d consider     close friends. A good amount, though.     A few.
    What kind and who made it? I mean you can’t really go wrong with apple pie. Or     banana cream. Not really a big fan of key lime, though. Makes my teeth feel     funny.     I like it. I like that there’s so much variety.
    Any kind of coffee drink, but I tend to prefer it sweet. Also orange soda.     Ah, that’s difficult. I suppose teas? Maybe fruit teas. Or flower-based teas. There are quite a     lot of each, though, so...I suppose I’ll just go with “tea,” aha.
    I like hanging out at the café, but I also like just spending time at home with Sparrow.     I kind of really want her to move in with me, but at the same time I want her to have     fun at college. As long as it’s a good experience, I’d hate for her to miss out on it.     I really enjoy spending time at the library, or public gardens. I don’t go shopping very often,     but it’s fun to go with Lark.
    Nothing serious, just passing interest. There are a lot of cute people that come     through the café, okay?     Oh, no, not right now.
    Wow, gender biased much? Keep your inappropriate questions away from Sparrow,     thanks.
    Depends on the lake. Probably ocean, though. Check out that coral reef.     I don’t really mind, I think either would be lovely. This is where my bad habit comes in, aha.
    Let’s be real, looks are generally what we notice first, and who doesn’t like looking at     cute people? Gotta be someone I’m comfortable with, though. And they have to get     along with Sparrow, that’s non-negotiable. Call me crazy but it’s a deal-breaker.     There’s no good reason to not like Sparrow anyway, so just don’t be an asshole and     you’re fine. Otherwise...hm. I mean, it’s not like I’ve got a rule book written out.     Either we click or we don’t.     Oh, um...well, I suppose someone kind...? Er, I haven’t really thought on it much...
    I don’t see how that’s your business unless we’re going to be collaborating in them.     (And don’t you dare ask Sparrow this, I’ll break your god damn face.)
    Where’s the fun if you can’t switch it up? (Face-breaking is still applicable, by the     way. Don’t you do it. Don’t test me.)
    Why not both. Camping is fun, but I wouldn’t want to do it all the time.     I think camping with company is nice.
    Are you waiting for this interview to be over?     Not really? Not that I’d want it to go on forever, but I think it was rather fun, aha.
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