#i will never be willing to open my ears to the idea that betty being obsessed with him was bad wroting dor a female character
hiii :) for the song prompts could i get #11,16 & 29 for sweet pea x ex!reader who both still have feelings for each other but are too stubborn to admit it, please? 🤍
hey! i love this idea so much so i’m so excited for you to read it! thank you for requesting! also, i got a little carried away, so sorry!
lyrics: things will change they always do, but my heart will stay open for you (stay open: maya hawke)
if you dance with me, darling, if you take me home. will we talk in the morning? (will we talk?: sam fender)
the millisecond that you're away i get the loneliest feeling (give me a try: the wombats)
“I can’t believe we’re here.” You say quietly and he nods, both of you looking at the paintings on the walls and silently wishing that you were anywhere else.
“I know.” He replies, glancing at you quickly before looking straight ahead.
Somebody behinds you coughs, and you can’t quite figure out if it’s a genuine one or if they’re just trying to tell you shut you up in a polite way. Either way you roll your eyes and sit properly in your seat, however you can still feel Sweet Pea’s arm against yours, the soft material of his blazer rubbing against your bare arms making you hyper-aware that he is, in fact, here.
It’s barely been five months since you broke up, and things are still...awkward, to say the least. And it's made even more awkward by the fact that you’re sat together at Fangs and Kevin’s wedding, despite both of you trying to get them to change the seating plan and both of them telling you that they’re stressed enough with this stupid wedding and so you’ll sit on the ceiling if that’s what they tell you to do, that made the both of you shut up and accept your fate.
You’re gonna spend a day, forcing smiles and pretending to be okay with the fact that the other is right next to you, yet you can’t touch them, no matter how much you want to.
“We did it!” Kevin cheers when he pulls away from Kevin, the two of them grinning from ear to ear and holding their hands in the air. Everybody stands and claps, while they walk back down the aisle, now husband and husband and both of them looking so happy that you think they’re gonna burst.
“Congratulations.” You grin and pull them both into a tight hug, squeezing you’re two best friends and trying to convey just how excited you are for them.
“Yeah, congrats guys.” Sweet Pea adds and leans around you to hug them both. You move back awkwardly and send an uncomfortable smile to Toni who just sends you an odd thumbs up before chatting with Veronica and Betty.
“We’ll see you both at the reception right?” Kevin adds. He tries to mask the fact that he’s on edge, worrying about whether everyone is gonna turn up, with eagerness, but the smile he's giving you just looks painful.
“Of course.” You smile.
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Sweet Pea adds and you give him a shy smile. His gaze lingers on your for a little longer than it probably should for ex’s and you feel his eyes trail up and down your body, focusing on the parts that you made sure were accentuated in anticipation for seeing him again.
Fangs and Kevin share a look before excusing themselves and leaving you to try and look busy while Sweet Pea does the exact opposite. You know you shouldn’t, you know it’s wrong to still be loving the attention, to be dressing just to impress him, maybe make him a little jealous, but you can’t help the fact that you love how it makes you feel. All the attention, the small touches, the way his breath fans against your neck when he leans in to say something sarcastic, or the smirk that tugs at his lips when you do something to make him laugh, either on purpose or accidental.
You may have ended five months ago, but you’re still madly in love with him, and even though he tries to deny it, he can’t say he doesn’t feel the same about you.
“How are you doing?” He asks and your surprised by his bluntness. The two of you walk in the same direction as the rest of the guests, both completely unaware as to where you are going, and so you just stumble along blindly and hope that at least somebody around you knows what’s happening.
Sweet Pea’s hand ghosts the small of your back as he lets you through the door first, and the small pause gives you a chance to think of what to say. Do you lie and say that you haven’t spent every night thinking of him, and that the fact that he’s this close is making it difficult to breathe.
“Honestly?” You ask and he nods, his expression serious and he looks genuinely concerned. “The millisecond that you’re away, I get the loneliest feeling.” You laugh bitterly and his eyebrows furrow.
“Oh.” He says and grabs your arm, letting the rest of the guests shuffle past you until it’s just you and him stood in the corridor.
“Oh?” You repeat. “Is that a bad oh?”
“No.” He shakes his head quickly. “It’s a relived oh.”
“...oh.” You say and the two of you giggle.
“Same.” He adds and you nod awkwardly.
“Do you think we made a mistake?”
“Breaking up or being together in the first place” He asks and you frown, forcing yourself to look at him. “I’m sorry things are the way they are.” He adds and your expression softens.
“I’m sorry too.” You reply and grab his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He stares at it for a few seconds before slowly pulling you closer to him and you feel your breath hitch. “Do you wanna dance tonight?” You ask, trying to change the subject in order to give you a chance to remember how to breathe.
“That depends.” He shrugs, leaning closer to you and your cheeks heat up.
“On?” You ask, trying and failing to steady your voice.
“If you dance with me darling, if you take me home...will we talk in the morning?” He asks, almost begs as his lips brush against yours and you feel yourself falling for him all over again. Your hands cup his cheeks and his grip around your waist tightens around you, and for a brief second, everything that has ever happened between you, all the fights, the tears, the make-ups, the 3am calls and the drunken nights spent together when you told yourself no more, they’re all replaced by this one kiss, and all the possibilities that it could lead to, you just need to make sure you follow the right path this time.
You pull away, desperate for breath, but also yearning for him to keep kissing you, you want him to kiss you forever, you want to be held by him for the rest of time, until you can no longer hold each other.
But then you’re reminded of what drove the two of you apart in the first place. You’re lack of communication and the fact that life had been grinding the two of you down, far too much for you to focus on one another. That sort of things kills a couple, it makes them too stressed to love and even more stressed to talk about their issues so the only thing you can do is argue, and even then, that gets exhausting quickly.
You hated who you were then, you both did. You knew neither of you were the person that the other fell in love with, and you hated the way the other one looked whenever someone said something they instantly regretted but were too stubborn to take back.
You desperately want to go back to a time where you were happy together, but can you really go through all of this again if it goes wrong? But then he looks at you, his expression full of hope and love and there’s a shy smile playing on his lips thats only reserved for you, and you know. Of course you can, he’s worth the heartbreak.
“I don’t know.” You say honestly. “We can talk, but I don’t know where it’ll lead us, I hope it’s somewhere nice, things will change, they always do, but my heart will stay open for you, no matter what.” You say honestly, it’s the only thing you can say, but his smile shows that he’s willing to try, and then he grabs you and kisses you, and you know that you will talk, and you both hope it never stops.
song lyric prompts
sweet pea masterlist
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novanekoma · 4 years
I miss you
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pt 2: here
 ☼ I miss you
☼ tetsuro kuroo x reader
☼ song: Betty by Taylor Swift
☼ summary: main lyric of inspiration: I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything, but I know I miss you
☼ status: ongoing, maybe? I have an idea of doing one from the reader’s pov, if anyone is interested
☼ genre: angst, teenage love,
☼ warnings: mentions of cheating, cursing, some slight suggestive themes, hints of cliché moments 
☼ word count: 3.1k
☼ disclaimer: haikyuu, the music and any other assets used in this fic, DO NOT belong to me, all credit goes to their respective owners
☼ A/N: So… as I was working on finishing the first part of always you, taylor swift released a new surprise album and I cannot get the song betty out of my head! it just squeezes my heart and is absolutely breathtaking. Especially when I found out that cardigan and august are linked to this song, I immediately got an idea for this fic and I was going back and forth between whether I wanted to write it about bakugo or kuroo, but in the end my main squeeze kuroo won. I hope if you take a chance and read this, that you enjoy it!
Also thank you to all the new followers! I appreciate everyone who has liked and reblogged always you ☼ I will have the first part up soon!
© novanekoma 2020
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"God y/n, I don't know how it happened I- I-"
"Please, you have to know I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry."
"I know you are, but right now, in this moment, it's just not enough."
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
           betty, I won’t make assumptions            about why you switched your homeroom, but            I think it’s cause of me
            Kuroo let out a small sigh, the ticking clock of the classroom echoing louder in his ears as each minute passed. The teacher droned on about something that he couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to, he was passing with flying colours anyway. Instead, his focus was on the empty desk by the window a row in front of him. A newly empty desk, one that had previously been filled by a certain someone. A memory of you sitting there, turning back to smile at him during class flashed in his mind.
            His hand slipped into his pocket to bring out the photo that had been by his side for the last couple months. The photo was slightly withered, his index finger moving to play with the crease forming at the bottom of the polaroid. A little caption scrawled underneath in your handwriting,  July 13th kuroo x y/n; you with an elated smile across your face as he pressed into your side, an arm thrown around your shoulder as he leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss on the cheek. He remembered the way you giggled and the pretty red blush that spread across your cheeks as he stole more kisses from you that day.
          betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard          when I passed your house            it’s like I couldn’t breathe
           The bell was what broke him from his thoughts, the piercing shriek that indicated that class was over, and thankfully so was the school day. Kuroo quickly packed up his things, carefully placing the photo back into his pocket, before slinging his bag over his shoulder. He tried to leave the class as quick as possible, being one of the first out of the classroom- and his breath caught in his throat once he made it into the hallway. His eyes quickly spotted you coming out of your new classroom, naturally being drawn to where you were. You were laughing at something one of your friends was saying as you exited the classroom, completely missing him, or ignoring him, as you continued down the hallway.
           you heard the rumors from Inez            you can’t believe a word she says           most times, but this time it was true           the worst thing that I ever did           was what I did to you
           His heart clenched as his eyes followed you, memories of you walking down that same hallway with your hand entwined with his as you planned your weekend together flashed through his mind, the little dimples on the apples of your cheeks deepening as you smiled at him was the image he was stuck on as you disappeared around the corner.
           Coming around that same corner was her, memories of secret meetings and tangled bedsheets bubbled up, God what an idiot he had been. He shook his head, hand clenched in anger as he thought back to where it all went wrong. Kuroo quickly turned on his heel before she noticed him and made a break for the gym where volleyball practice was being held.
           Shouts of, “Kuroo!” echoed as he walked into the gym, his team already beginning to warm up as he made his way toward the change rooms. He used to love this place, being here and practicing new plays with the team, but the gym was also where you two went to steal a moment alone together. Memories of stolen kisses and make out sessions locked in the storage room, sweet words and laughter rang through his mind as a familiar warmth that always came with thoughts of you spread through his very soul.
           betty, I know where it all went wrong            your favourite song was playing            I was nowhere to be found            I hate the crowds, you know that            plus, I saw you dance with him
           The memory that hit him the hardest was the moment he almost let you slip away, it happened here in the gym during one of the Nekoma vs. Karasuno practice games where their captain Daichi, started flirting with you. He could recall the exact moment he saw you two together, you were collecting a stray nekoma ball when Daichi caught your attention. Kuroo remembered the way he tensed when he saw the dimpled smile that was usually reserved for him being used on the brunette male as he made you laugh and stood closer to you than Kuroo was comfortable with. Kuroo ran a hand down his face, letting out a deep breath as he shoved open the door to the locker room.
           Tying his volleyball shoes up in the change room was Kenma, his best friend, who was surprisingly on time for practice. As Kuroo got ready for practice, the tactical pudding head scrutinized his best friend.
           “You’re still thinking about y/n.”
           It wasn’t a question, Kenma could already see it in Kuroo’s eyes. He knew his best friend like the back of his hand and there was a hidden anguish in Kuroo’s calculating gaze. The darker haired boy didn’t say anything, which only confirmed the blonde’s statement.
           Kenma sighed, blonde hair falling over his face as he stood, “You fucked up.”
           The older boy harshly put his gym shirt on as a glare was sent Kenma’s way, “I think I fucking know that,” Kuroo spit, not meaning to get so angry with his friend, but god he knew, he fucking knew how much he messed up. Every time he thought about it, all he wanted to do was rip his hair out in the frustration that came along with it.
           There was a moment of silence as the two stared at one another.
           “Now that you’ve processed it, what are you going to do about it?”
           Kuroo sighed, plopping down on one of the benches, his head falling back and hitting the wall behind him as his eyes closed.
           “What the fuck can I do? y/n won’t even look at me, let alone talk to me,” he muttered. Not that he could blame you, if the roles were reversed… he moved an arm to cover his eyes as his heart clenched again. He would not let the tears out here, not before he had to run practice.
           Kuroo felt movement beside him and looked only to confirm that Kenma came to sit next to him.
           “You fucked up, badly, but that doesn’t make you a bad person.”
           Kuroo laughed scathingly, “Then what kind of person does that make me?” he muttered sarcastically.
           “One that made a mistake,” Kenma started, “One that’s sorry. One that has learned from his huge fuck up, but is about to let the best thing that’s ever happened to him slip away because he's not willing to fight for them.”
           Kuroo didn’t answer, not willing to fight? After what I did, I don’t deserve to.
           Another beat of silence.
           “You know, y/n is throwing a party for all the third years, one last welcome back party since you’re all graduating. ”
           Kuroo peeked an eye out, but all he saw was the blonde boy leaving the change room.
           but if I showed up at your party            would you have me? would you want me?            would you tell to go fuck myself            or lead me to the garden?
           in the garden, would you trust me            if I told you it was just a summer thing?            I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything            but I know I miss you
           The scheming captains thought’s began to circulate, what if… god there were so many. He shook his head, composing himself before leaving the change room; he just missed you so fucking much.
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
           Lately, the walk home was always the worst for Kuroo, before you quit being the manager, (which he knew was his fault), this would be a walk you would take together. Kenma lagging behind as he usually did while playing a game as the two of you walked a little bit ahead, laughing and making jokes with one another as you walked hand in hand, stealing a kiss every so often as you paused to cross a street or wait for Kenma to catch up. The pure love and adoration that he would bask in, knowing you saw the same thing reflected in his own gaze.
           Of course, it had to be on this walk where things went wrong.
           I was walking home on broken cobblestones            just thinking of you when she pulled up like            a figment of my worst intention            she said “James, get in, let’s drive” those days turned into nights            slept next to her, but I dreamt of you all summer long
           A different set of lips moving in synch with his, a different pair of hands roaming his form as they tumbled in her sheets. Never going too far, just far enough. Lithe fingers running through his dark hair, tugging on the long strands, moaning his name as he peppered kisses along her neck, the bite marks he left on her skin as she left angry red scratches down his back. The guilt of what he was doing to you pushed further into his mind as she kissed down his chest, leaving her own marks to claim him as hers, even though he belonged to you.
           As he lay on his bed, Kuroo roughly wiped the tears that fell from his eyes. The picture of the two of you clutched to his chest as he stared up at the ceiling. Not stopping the thoughts that infiltrated his mind, the sinful things he did toher when he was supposed to be loving you. They tore it his heart bit by bit as he thought about all the times, each day he allowed himself to sink further into the betrayal. He was just as disgusted with himself now.
           Even with those thoughts, he fucking missed you. The memories he wanted to remember were the ones of you kissing his neck, pressing the sweetest kiss on the spot just under his ear, the one you knew drove him absolutely insane. His hands running down your form, memorizing every curve and dip of your body as you pressed closer to him, arms tightening around his neck as your lips moved in perfect chemistry. The way you would arch into him whenever he pressed a kiss to the center of your collarbone, leaving little love bites as he trailed the skin up to your neck
           Kuroo threw his arm over his eyes again, letting the tears slip out.
           He missed you so fucking much, he missed the way you laughed at his science jokes while you studied together, he missed the way you bit your lip in concentration as you tried to solve a problem and the way you would get so focused you barely processed what was happening around you. He missed the way you held out your hand from him whenever you walked somewhere together, the way your fingers fit perfectly with his. The way you turned red when you walked hand in hand to the gym for practice and the whole team would tease you, no matter how many times it happened. That pretty red blush spreading across your cheeks, your dimples deepening as you smiled up at him, only causing the teasing to get louder when he would lean down to kiss you, because you looked too damn cute not to.
           He missed the way you would cuddle up next to him as you watched movies, the reactions you had when certain scenes flashed across the screen. He missed how the two of you would play games together with Kenma, the way your brow furrowed whenever you tried to make a tarantula island, and the triumphant grin that graced your lips whenever you caught one, your eyes shining as they caught his, practically vibrating with happiness and excitement.
           He missed the way the two of you would just lay together, talking about everything and nothing all at once, you tucked into his side so perfectly as your hands lay together on his chest. Your head tucked under his neck as you talked about the future and all the thing you were going to be and do together. The way you kissed him sweetly and told him to get home safe, watching from your window until he disappeared down the street because you wanted to make sure he was okay walking home.
           A person who is going to let the best thing that’s ever happened to him slip away…  
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
           “You look fine.”  
           Kenma didn’t even look up as he continued to play a game on the switch, his dark eyes trained on the screen. Kuroo ran a hand through his hair, taking one last look in the mirror before looking at the blonde on his bed.
           Kuroo let out a breath, “I’m ready.”
           Was he really about to do this? Today was the day for the welcome back party, Yaku and Kai were already there. They sent text of encouragement and let him know there was a rumor going around that the Karasuno third years would also make an appearance.
           Kenma nodded his head, looking up from his game to meet Kuroo’s eyes, “Then get going.”
          betty, I’m here on your doorstep          and I planned it out for weeks now            but it’s finally sinkin’ in            betty, right now is the last time            I can dream about what happens when            you see my face again
           “Tetsu! Stop!” You were laughing as he brushed his fingers over your waist, tickling your sides and making tears of laughter stream down your face as you tried to push him off.
           “Sorry? Keep going? If you insist,” he teased, digging his hands into your sides even more, causing hysterical laughter to fall from your lips. Your stomach was hurting from laughing so much, your face pink with mirth as you reached up to place your hands on his chest in a weak attempt to push him off. The grin on his face matched yours and when you reached up and swiftly tugged his face forward, successfully stopping his tickling attempts in order to kiss the breath right out of you. Only for you to turn the tables and flip him onto his back.
           “I think I won that round,” you said, grinning proudly down at him as you straddled his waist, knees on either side of him.
           He laughed, “I don’t know kitten, from this position, I think I’m the real winner here,” moving his hands onto your waist and squeezing your hips as if that proved his point.
           Your face immediately went beet red and Kuroo took the time to memorize the expression on your face, the smile you had on despite the blush you were trying to control. He loved when you were flustered, that he could make you feel that way, you were the cutest thing…
           You laughed against his lips, his arms had snuck around and tugged you down towards him so he could kiss you again.
           “I love you Tetsu”
           “You have my entire heart y/n”
           Each step toward your house, each thought, each memory of you, fueled Kuroo’s resolve. Thoughts of you swirling in his mind, he knew he had to at least try, you meant more to him than he could describe.  
          the only thing I wanna do          is make it up to you
           God, he could imagine it now, the best possible outcome. Apologizing to you, grovelling, explaining and doing everything in his power to show how much he loved you, wanted you. He would do anything and everything in his power to show you that he wanted your forgiveness, that he would work every single day to get your trust back, to earn the right to call you his again. You were worth that, he knew that now more than anything.
           “Hey Tetsu,”
           He hummed his response, arm tightening his hold around your waist as you leaned back in his chest.
           “What do you want to do after graduation?”
           “As long as your there, I don’t care”
           You twisted to give him another dimpled smile, “Sap,” he could hear the love in your teasing tone.
           What he wouldn’t give to be able to go back.
           so I showed up at your party            yeah, I showed up at your party
           He could see your house coming into view, lights on and the faintest sound of music playing through the streets.
           yeah, I showed up at your party            will you have me? will you love me?
           His heart beat faster as he got closer, his mind racing at the thought of all the possibilities of what could happen. His feet carrying him up the path towards the familiar porch where he would kiss you goodbye until he could see you again.
           will you kiss me on the porch          in front of all your stupid friends?            if you kiss me will it be just like I dreamed it?            will it patch your broken wings?            I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything            but I know I miss you
           His breath caught in his throat as he reached the door. This was it, there was no turning back. He took a moment to collect himself, breathing, ignoring the music and the people he could clearly hear on the other side of the door. Picturing your face on the other side of the door, running through his apology, again and again, practicing once more what he would say when he saw you. He reached a hand up and pressed the doorbell, the sound vibrating through his nervous form.
         standing in your cardigan          kissin’ in my car again          stopped at a streetlight          you know I miss you…
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ohshit-itsyagorl · 4 years
Four Dipshits and a Michelle
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Part 1 
Hey, Loves! This is a fanfiction I’ve been working on recently. Hope you like it!
Summary: Michelle never believed in soulmates. But what happens when she turns seventeen and gets her mark? What happens when she inevitably finds the person with the matching tattoo? And what is she supposed to do with Peter Parker. Her best friend in the whole world. Her crush. Someone she feels drawn to for some inexplicable reason.
Michelle Jones never understood the infatuation human society had with soulmates.
As a little girl full of hopes and dreams, she admits she was rather fond of the idea: someone out there who was perfect for her, someone who she could share her life with, her soul-bonded partner.
Until her mom got sick. And her dad started treating his wife like his own personal punching bag and then left them with barley enough money to get by. And that sucked, but Michelle could deal with it. She really could.
(But she was not okay.)
But after that initial honeymoon phase, after seeing a relationship that was supposedly written in the cosmos fall apart, she was wrenched back to a sad, logical reality.
After giving up on her soulmate, she found it grating how often it came up in seemingly normal discussion.
This, Michelle thought, was rather ridiculous, considering they were all freshman in high school, and wouldn’t be turning 17 for at least two years, three for most of them.
When she woke up on the morning of February 27th, she was not expecting the day to be anything special or different.
Trudging to the bathroom, half asleep with hair in her mouth, she thought she might pass out. Damn her for opting to take the PCB (physics, then chemistry, then biology) route instead of being normal like almost every other kid at Midtown Tech.
The only bonus to PCB was that she had the same kids in her science class every year. Betty and Cindy and Ned and Peter. The only downside was Flash, who was insufferable on the very best of days. He was also on the PCB track.
Point was, Michelle had stayed up super late the previous night studying for a massive test with Peter and Ned, and she was absolutely exhausted.
(Physics could be a bitch sometimes.)
“Hey, Sweetie, how did you sleep?” Her mom was laying on the couch, nose shoved into her book, right arm hooked up to an IV. When Michelle didn’t answer immediately, she looked up and let out a soft oh. “Rough night?” She asked.
Michelle sighed. “Yeah. Big test today. Studied with the losers last night.”
“Well, good luck, honey.” MJ started walking toward the door. “Oh, and, Michelle? Don’t call your friends losers.”
Michelle ran a hand through her hair, the chocolate curls a tangled mess perched atop her head.
“Hey, MJ.” Michelle looked up to see Peter waving at her, toothy grin and glasses and a dark blue sweater. She narrowed her eyes, shaking her head. Too early, Idiot.
Physics went as well as could be expected. Lunch was a different story.
“I can’t wait,” Betty said dreamily. “I wonder what they’ll look like.”
“I wonder what my soulmark will be,” Ned said, looking up from his English notes. “With my luck, it’ll be worse than that senior with a foot tattooed down the right side of his face.”
Michelle snorted. “Yeah, maybe it’ll be a giant dick or something.”
“Maybe yours’ll be a unicorn, MJ. You know, to match your personality,” Ned fired back.
She stiffened, looking around at the group. ‘‘I don’t want a soulmate,” she muttered.
“What? Why not?” Cindy exclaimed, her eyes almost comically wide.
Peter looked up at that. His glasses had fallen down his nose considerably, and he shoved them back up his face. Dork.
Michelle shrugged. “I just don’t. They’re pointless.”
“Well,” Peter started, “maybe one day you’ll change your mind.”
She rolled her eyes. “Not likely, Parker.”
“Tell that to your soul-bonded partner.”
A soft chorus of oohs echoed from the Table around her. She needed new friends.
“Whatever. Even if I find my soulmate, I’ll just avoid them like the plague. Shouldn’t be that hard with all my practice when it comes to you lot.”
Peter let out a small uh-huh, and went back to whatever the hell it was he was doing.
It wasn’t like she and Peter didn’t argue. As best friends, it was kind of part of the job description. But Peter and Ned already knew how she felt about soulmates and soulmarks. Michelle was surprised he had pushed her on that front. Weird.
She cleared her throat.
Sophomore year rolled around, and with it came Academic Decathlon. Michelle befriended Liz almost immediately. She was so nice, and perfect, and smart.
About halfway through the year after a field trip for AcaDec, Peter missed school for over a week. Something about catching a bug on the trip. On day 10, Michelle went to his apartment.
May opened the door. “Oh, hey, MJ! Peter is in his room. He’ll be glad to see you,” she said, a smile gracing her face.
Michelle walked past May with a small nod of acknowledgement. When she entered Peter’s room, she was fairly surprised to see that he, in fact, did actually look very sick. He was on the floor covered in sweat and shaking.
“Ohmigod, Peter! Are you okay?”
“Oh, MJ. Didn’t know you cared. How sweet of you,” he managed through chattering teeth.
“I don’t, Loser. Here,” Michelle leaned down, “let me help you to your bed.”
“No!” Peter scrambled backward over a pile of schoolwork, the pages sticking to his hands. The sweat, probably, thought Michelle
She quirked an eyebrow.
“I, uh—I don’t want to get you sick, is all,” he explained.
“Whatever, Loser,” she said. “I brought you your schoolwork, so… here you go.” She dropped the stack onto his unoccupied bed, spared Peter one more glance, shrugged, and turned to walk out of the room.
“MJ, wait. Thank you, for, uh, for the schoolwork.”
She flipped him off on the way out the door. Weirdo.
Peter started changing after that. He started filling out his shirts more. She figured he had started working out or something.
Not that she was looking at him. Because she wasn’t.
He no longer wore glasses, and dropped out of marching band and robotics club. He disappeared at nationals, showing up only for the ride home after the fiasco at the Washington Monument (of all the times to gain a rebellious streak AcaDec nationals was not the time or the place). Michelle glared at him nonstop for a week after that.
People started avoiding the topic of soulmates and soulmarks around her, knowing it was a touchy subject.
Over the course of the year, Michelle grew closer to Peter and Ned than the other kids in Acadec.
“MJ?” Peter looked back at her from where he was squatting down in front of the DVD player. He was wearing sweats and a math pun t-shirt that stretched tightly across his chest. His arms across his legs were lithe and muscled. How had she never noticed before…
And she was staring. Michelle blushed furiously. Peter smirked. She flipped him off. He chuckled.
“What do you want?” She asked. His hair was gelled back like every day, but it was a bit mussed, falling onto his forehead. Her blood heated. She wanted to run her fingers through his hair, wondered how soft it would be.
Peter ran a hand through said hair, biting his lip. “Have you—uh—have you ever seen The Princess Bride?” He asked.
MJ rolled her eyes. This boy. “Bits and pieces. I was never really interested in that mushy, gushy, sappy shit. Besides, we are not watching that.”
“Uh, yeah, we are. It’s simply tragic how your previous social circle failed you,” he said, scrunching his nose up. It was cute annoying.
Michelle squinted at him, mouth becoming a thin line. He smiled back innocently. She flipped him off. Again.
She relented in the end.
Peter hopped up next to where she was sitting, stretching his arms up and over the back of the couch. Michelles’s eyes snagged on the bit of exposed skin where his shirt had ridden up. Were those… abs? She shook her head, looking back toward the now-glowing TV screen. Her nerdy best friend Peter Parker could not have abs. But.
Michelle had to admit that the movie wasn’t actually as bad as she had initially thought. The reason for that was mostly Peter. The absolute dweeb was acting out the fight scenes with himself. Watching Peter try and punch and defend himself at the same time was pretty funny.
MJ looked over at Peter during the end of the movie. He was looking at her.
“Why don’t you believe in soulmates?” He blurted, then proceeded to clap a hand over his mouth. “Shit, I’m sorry. You really, uh, really don’t have to answer that.”
And maybe it was the laughter they had shared together. Maybe it was the way she felt safe around him, or how his hair curled behind his ears, but, “My parents were soulmates. It—it didn’t work out."
That was all she was willing to share.
Peter nodded, swallowing thickly and looking back to the movie. “I think Ned’s right,” he said. Michelle raised an eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat, “Your soulmark is definitely going to be a unicorn. Or a pegasus. Or a rainb—”
“Shut up, Parker.”
Peter raised his hands defensively, grinning.
They talked for another hour, but Peter couldn’t seem to drop the conversation about soulmates.
“Hey, MJ?” He said, giving her a curious look.
Michelle hummed.
Peter ran a hand through his hair. With all the posing while acting out the movie, it looked like he had just gotten out of bed. Maybe even just had—
No. Best friend. Peter was her best friend. Nothing more.
“On your birthday,” he ventured, “when you get your mark, will you tell me about it? We could, like, make fun of each other’s or something. Once I get mine, that is.”
Michelle hesitated. Then: “Sure, okay. Yeah, that sounds good.”
Peter beamed at her and her heart did a backflip. It was worth talking about her soulmark to see that smile, different from his usually timid upturned lips. She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Awesome! What are best friends for if not to make fun of shit,” he said.
Best friend. The words stung a bit, even if they were true.
Junior year came faster than any of them expected, and with it, standardized testing. Michelle was sad that Liz had moved away the year prior when her dad was caught selling alien technology illegally, but she was excited to be team captain this year. She, Peter, and Ned had all celebrated with aLord of the Rings movie marathon, but over the past few months, Peter and Ned had been sharing hushed conversations. MJ wasn’t sure what was going on, but it made her feel kind of shitty—like she was being pushed out of their friend group.
But then Peter would shoot her a shy smile, and she would feel a little better. There was definitely something going on, though.
Betty got her mark over the summer—a small cat’s eye in the palm of her left hand—but she had had no luck finding the person with the matching tattoo, much to her chagrin.
Michelle truly felt like she was rocketing toward her birthday. Somehow, she and Peter had found a way to turn her soulmate into a bit of a joke, which helped. A little.
That’s how Michelle found herself on the phone with Peter, wearing a tank top and shorts in the middle of winter, watching the seconds tick down to midnight.
“I’m so excited,” Peter said over the phone. “I can’t wait to see if it’s a unicorn or a pegasus.”
“Can it, Parker,” Michelle snapped. She was strangely terrified, though she wasn’t sure why.
“Okay, Magic Princess Unicorn—”
“I mean it, Pete.”
“Ten seconds, MJ.”
“Shit,” she whispered, hands shaking as she hastily put Peter on speaker, and set down the phone, turning to face the floor-length mirror.
“Do you see anything?” He asked. Did he sound… nervous?
Michelle scanned her arms and legs in the mirror, turned around and did the same on the back. “Fuck.”
“What?” Peter said, voice crackling over the phone. “What is it? Is it a Unicorn?”
“No,” Michelle gasped out. “I don’t see anything.”
It was true she didn’t want anything to do with her soulmate, but it did hurt that she didn’t even have one.
She let out a sob, then slapped a hand over her mouth, eyes wide.
“MJ—MJ, calm down. It’s probably just somewhere else. Try taking your clothes off.” Michelle felt her toes curl into the carpet, her breath hitched. “Fuck,” Peter said. “I didn’t mean it like that—fuck, that came out wrong.”
You don’t need to apologize, Michelle thought. Instead, she nodded, then, realizing he couldn’t see her over the phone, she cleared her throat and said, “No, I get it—what you meant, I mean.” She cringed, Christ, she was absolutely horrible at this. “God, I hope it’s not on my ass.”
Peter let out a bark of laughter. Michelle smiled, then remembered her situation, frowned.
“Stop frowning, you’ll get premature wrinkles,” Peter said.
Michelle frowned deeper. “How do you know I’m frowning?”
“I know you, MJ. Now stop frowning. There’s only one way to know if you have a tattoo on your ass,” Peter said, choking on the last word. “Just check.”
Michelle loosed a breath. “Okay. I guess you’re right.”
She turned back toward the mirror, reaching for the waistband of her shorts and underwear, pulling them both down at the same time. Nothing on the front. She shimmied around a bit, before giving in and stepping out of her shorts. She glanced over her shoulder into the mirror. Nothing.
She took off her tank top next, checking her back first, since she was already facing in that direction. Still nothing. She turned around and ran her fingers over her stomach. Nothing there, either. Goddammit.
She slowly reached back to unclasp her bra and let it slide down her arms. “Mother fucker,” she said quietly.
She’s not sure how, but Peter heard her. “MJ? What’s the status? Did you find it?”
“Yeah, I did. And I fucking hate the universe.” She hissed.
Peter laughed nervously. “Well, what is it? Where is it?”
“Like hell I’m telling you!” MJ screeched.
“C’mon, Michelle, we had a deal!” Peter said. She could picture him laying down in bed, then sitting up abruptly, hair mussed like that night they had watched The Princess bride together. And that strip of skin she’d glimpsed and—fuck, she was thinking about him while she was naked.
“Peter, I literally had to take all my clothes off just to find it. I am not telling you about this ever. God, this is so humiliating.” Michelle looked in the mirror again and winced. Staring back a her was her naked body, dark skin gleaming in the moonlight, curls coming down over her breasts. She moved her hair out of the way to get a better look at her mark, and… there it was. A fist-size black spider sitting in the middle of her left breast, right over her nipple. She groaned, burying her face in the crook of her elbow.
“Oh, c’mon, M. It can’t be that bad,” Peter said.
“It’s bad, Pete,” Michelle sighed. “Well, at least this way my soulmate won’t be able to see my mark.”
Michelle stroked a finger over one of the spider’s legs and shivered. Peter swore over the phone.
“What?” Michelle asked.
“Nothing,” Peter said, though his voice was shaky. “Just got a shiver. That’s what I get for not wearing a shirt.
This boy.
And now she was picturing him shirtless. Fuck. With that mussed-up hair. Double-fuck. She looked down to find that the hand near her breast had grabbed on, kneading the soft flesh. Holy mother of god, an infinite amount of fucks. But it felt good. Really good. She let out a quiet moan.
“MJ? What’s going on, are you okay?” How the ever-living hell did Peter keep hearing her? She could barely hear herself.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she managed. Thankfully she sounded normal, if not a little breathy. “Just a little messed up after seeing the mark, you know? I wasn’t expecting to feel so… attached to it.” Because that’s what it was, she realized. She could already feel her connection to someone else, and she hated herself for loving it, for craving that sensation to be stronger.
“Okay. We should probably both go to sleep anyway,” Peter said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” He sounded worried, but he was willing to give her space. That was one of the things she valued most about their friendship.
“Yeah,” Michelle said. Then, when she heard him start to shift, presumably on his bed (God help her), she interrupted, “and, Peter?” He hummed in response. “Put a shirt on. It’s cold out.”
He grunted. “Yeah, will do, M.”
Somehow Michelle got the feeling he wasn’t going to put on a shirt. Idiot.
Part 2
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 37)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:2041
Warnings: Language, fighting, sad moment, angst
Song for this part: Better- Betty Who
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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As soon as Shannon’s parents left, you and Shannon head to the apartment. 
Once you’re there, memory lane hit you like a semi-truck. You took a look around the apartment you two purchased what seems like lifetimes ago. Your eyes traveled over pictures of you two graduating, the first day Shannon took a job with Stark, your first patent in physics… Pictures and paintings you two had bought together, that super comfy blanket you found at the mall… Every little item was a new memory. 
“Wow. I forgot just how good we were at decorating,” you said in a sort of amused, awe inspired tone. 
“Yeah, with your color palette and my great knack for finding unique items, this place really looked great,” she agreed. 
Next, you wanted to see your bedroom. You wondered if it would be exactly as you remembered it.
When you opened the door, you were stunned to find it was. All the brainwashing and time away couldn’t even change that. The black and purple comforter was still on your bed. Your walls were covered with your favorite movie posters and whiteboards. The dresser was covered in papers and pictures of years past. 
“I had your bed sheets washed periodically,” Shannon suddenly said from behind you. You turned to face her.
“Ah, yeah, thank you.” You tucked your hair behind your ear and looked around. You went to your closet, surprised at how many bright colors were in there. Now, you mainly opted for black, red, green, and purple. “I don’t even know what to take… Actually…” an idea struck in your mind. “Shannon, you said that I could have this apartment, right?” 
“Of course, Y/N. There’s not much else I can do with it. I mean this is our home.” She waved her hands around the place. “I think it’d be more suited if you had it, it’s all paid off so no need to worry about much there.” She smiled knowing her friend would stay close to her even if it wasn’t a floor away. 
You chewed your lip, hoping this didn’t sound awful. “Well… instead of me taking stuff back to the cell -- because I’d really like to stay out of it, and making it feel like home feels awful -- what if… well what if you took some of your stuff back to the tower, with Tony? I mean, you’re engaged now, and Loki and I would like a place all to our own. I’m sure he’d want to go get some things… What do you think? I mean, I don’t wanna sound like I’m kicking you and your stuff out…” 
“Um… yeah sure I can probably get Stevie to help me pack my things and have it out in a few days,” she said trying not to sound hurt. “Well I guess I leave you to it then, I’ll be in my old room collecting my things.” 
Shannon walked out of the room slumping her shoulders a bit. She knew it was childish to feel hurt because she’s not living with her bestie/sister. But it hurt knowing she no longer had a place in their home. She entered her room and was flooded with emotions and memories of when it had been just the two of them here. Shooting a quick text to Steve, she got to work placing her things in her suitcases.  
Seeing your best friend this hurt made you feel worse than when you two were physically fighting in New York. You sighed and went into her room and sat on her bed.
“You know… you don’t have to just rip all your stuff out of here,” you said, looking up at her. You took the sweater she had in her hands from her gently. “What if… we did this? Loki and I will share a bedroom, we don’t need the second. You’re welcome to stay here any time, as long as you call ahead? Just to make sure you know… it’s a good time? This was your home for years, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m booting you out.” You reached over and gripped her hand, smiling up at her. 
Shannon had been concentrating on packing so she wouldn't let the little tear slip out. She looked up at the ceiling and then at you. “It’s okay, Y/N. I get it, you want a place to create new memories with Loki.” She stopped packing and sat down next to you. “I shouldn’t have assumed everything would be like before everything happened.” She went on to say how she understands that you’re both different people and that’s fine because you two are adults. 
The rest of the day was just you two talking and remembering things that were once forgotten and after eating dinner together and watching some movies like old times, Shannon excused herself for a moment.  She headed to her room and made a call to the tower.
“Hey babe, I’m still at the apartment with Y/N. I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be home soon and that she’s decided that she would like to live here in the apartment with Loki once he gets out too.”
“You had me worried for a moment. I thought you were going to say that you two will be staying the night there.” 
“And what if we had decided that huh? We’re adults plus I figured she wouldn’t want to sleep away from him.” She walked around looking at all the things she had left in her room. “I was wondering if you could have someone come help her redecorate the place to their liking?”
There was silence on the line. “If that’s what you really want then sure we can have that done once he gets out of the cell too.”
“I’ll see you at home soon enough.”
“See you here.”
With that Shannon went back to the living room. And they finished watching the last movie they had picked. 
You turned your head to Shannon lazily on the couch as the movie started to end. It was one both  of you had seen at least twenty times. “This has been the best possible day for me being released.”
“Yeah?” Shannon asked, happy to hear that.
“Of course. I became your maid of honor, we went wedding dress shopping, we went out to that great lunch spot, I got to see Lucky, and Diane and Tom… You and I got to spend the whole day together…” 
“Yeah, yeah it was nice, wasn’t it?” 
“Mhm. And I’m sorry about the whole apartment thing,” you apologized again. “It’s just…”
Shannon held up her hand. “I get it. You and Loki have never been alone. This is a place for you to start your lives together. Tony and I have the whole tower, and I have my old floor. If you and I need time away together, we can do it on my old floor.”
“You’re sure?” you asked, still worried you’d hurt her feelings.
“I’m positive, hun.”
At that, you smiled. As soon as the movie ended, the two of you picked up all the food and plates you’d accumulated during the day and cleaned the apartment. 
“Well, I better get back to Loki before he thinks I’ve abandoned him.” 
She laughed. “No, we wouldn’t want that.” 
Back at the tower, you and Shannon parted ways, bidding each other goodnight while she went upstairs to Tony and you ventured downstairs to Loki. 
As soon as your eyes landed on him, your chest filled with warmth, then a bit of chagrin when you remembered where you two were. You walked up to the cell door, put your hand on the scanner, and entered. 
“Hi, darling,” you greeted as you walked into the living room. It was odd, to say the least, having the freedom to come or go as you please in this place. “Happy to see me back?”
“I am,” he admitted to you. “How was your day out?” he asked, putting his book down.
“It was… a little overwhelming, but overall it was great.”
“Did they give you any stipulations or anything like that?” 
You got up and headed to the kitchen, readying to make some coffee for yourself. “Uh, actually, yeah. I have a parole officer. I have to report to him a few times a week, work with him… you know…” you said, dancing around the topic. 
“That sounds stressful.”
“Actually, my parole officer couldn’t be more laid back,” you assured. 
“Oh? Is that so? Well that’s good then.”
“He can have a bit of a temper,” you added with a bit of a smirk. 
“Well just stay on the right side of that,” he encouraged as he reached around you to grab a mug and pour himself some coffee. 
“Yeah, I think I can. We’ll be working in his lab. He wants me for my physics brain so…”
“Oh, he’s a scientist? I thought on Midgard they had officers dedicated to this sort of thing?” 
You slowly nodded. “Well.. Yeah, they do. But I’m sort of a special case. A normal cop can’t exactly control me if I get out of hand so--”
“Is your parole officer Bruce Banner?” he asked point blank suddenly, cutting you off.
You pressed your lips into a thin line and that was all the answer he needed. A man as clever and witty as Loki would of course see through the thin veil of truth you’d weaved.
“Yes… he is but--”
“Are you serious? They stuck you with that animal?” 
“Bruce is not an animal,” you calmly retorted.
“I beg to differ, or do you not remember the broken ribs and mangled face I acquired last time we met?” he demanded.
“I do, but… my love, we kind of… we brought that on ourselves, did we not?” 
“I want you to demand someone else,” he ordered. “I don’t want you working with him.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “Loki, I’m not going to do that. Bruce is highly respected in my field and if this goes well, he could really get me back in. A foot in the door doesn’t even begin to explain just how much working with him would fatten my resume. I could work for virtually any company.”
“I don’t care. You would be willing to work with the man who nearly killed me? Your career means more than my life?” 
A bitch face clouded your expression. “Now, Loki, that isn’t fair. I’m not choosing one or the other. As long as you don’t piss him off, he won’t do it again.”
“Ah, right, don’t raise his blood pressure or we could all die. It’s amazing to me how I’m the one in a cell when he’s the one that can’t be around loud noises or he could kill hundreds of people because he got shocked.” 
“He can’t help turning into a monster but--”
Loki stared at you. “But what, darling? Go ahead and finish that sentence. Let me guess: but I can? Is that where you were going with that?” 
You stared at him, your face even. “No,” was all you said to him. 
“This is amazing. You’re out of this cell for less than twenty-four hours and you’ve already turned on me.”
“Turned on you? I came back to you. I came back to this cell, which I fucking hate by the way, just to be with you, to spend the night with you.”
“Well who asked you to do that?” he asked with a cold smile. “Please, don’t let me burden you,” he coldly replied before walking into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him. 
On that note, you let out a huge sigh. Well, what to do now… 
You went into the office and tapped on the tablet, pulling up your only contact and calling it. After three rings she picked up. 
“Hey,” you greeted, not hiding your sadness.
“Hey, hun. What’s up?”
“Can I come up?” 
“Sure thing… I’ll meet you on my old floor, yeah?”
You nodded and ended the video call. Leaving the cell for the second time today, but no intention of returning in your mind this time.
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaeling @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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Call Me A Safe Bet, I’m Betting I’m Not - Chapter 15
(AO3 Link- Chapter Fifteen)
Even though scientists are still quite baffled after multiple millennia of medical and technological advances of exactly how the soulmarks work, there has been enough research and study that we now know when and how to expect them… There has yet to be one soulmate coupling occur before the female has experienced a menstrual cycle and the male to begin producing sperm. In short, soulmarks have never appeared before entering puberty…
There are many, many more cases in which two people have insisted they are soulmates only to not mark with one another. All in all, only about 3% of couplings are correct in predicting they are soulmates before marks form.”
Betty Cooper is four years old when she meets Jughead Jones. She knows he is her soulmate, he’s not so sure.
Chapter 15
folie à deux
fo·lies à deux [fo-leez uh doo]
noun, plural
1.the sharing of delusional ideas by two people who are closely associated.
A folie a deux is a mental disorder that two people share and experience at the same time.
Folie à deux means "shared madness," or "madness for two" in French.
Folie à deux is particularly common among soulmates with combined mental illness, moreso than with those who are not soulmates. It makes some relate it back to the time of Ancient Egyptians who had soulmates that seemingly knew when their mate was in danger or pain. Are these stories simply a product of the first accounts of folie à deux and not a psychological link?
Psychiatrists and the like are torn on the issue..."
From Spotlight: Psychiatry & Soulmarks, 2018
When Betty wakes it’s not because of her alarm, or even because of a subconscious worry in the back of her head that it’s a school day and Jughead needs to go before her parents find him naked in her bed.
No, Betty wakes up because of the steady thrum deep in her pelvis, an ache deep in her bones, a need for Jughead that she’s decided is simply a part of her now.
It’s been this way since their first time—they can’t, or maybe won’t, go long without at least touching each other. But more often than not they need more, only going completely without being completely part of one another when she’s on her period (and even then, heavy make-out sessions ensue and it’s sometimes hard to stop).
She wants to ask her mom if it’s normal to feel like this, to always be ready and so willing, to yearn for her soulmate this much, but she can’t. If Alice knew what they were doing, it would probably be the straw that broke the camel’s back given the Polly situation. Seeing as she already had one daughter unwed and pregnant, it wouldn’t be a stretch to see Betty the same way, even if Jughead is her soulmate. It’s not like she and her mother are as close as they once were.
Betty feels as if her home life is at a stalemate—she refuses to play the role of the perfect doting daughter as long as they refuse to admit what they did to Polly is wrong and attempt to do something about it.
Betty’s tried to take a page from her soulmate’s book and do research, but it’s just universally common that once teenagers do ‘it’ that it’s all they want to do. There is the historical data from the ancient Egyptians, but that is more of a psychological link, and while that’s something Betty is definitely interested in exploring, she also just wants to know if there is always going to be a wet spot in her underwear from the constant wetness she seems to be dripping.
Without even opening her eyes to look at the time or her phone or listen for the tell-tale signs her parents are awake, footsteps or water running or muffled conversation, Betty simply takes Jughead’s hand from it’s resting place in between her bare breasts and slides it down her stomach until she’s pushing his fingers between her slick folds and gasps as they touch her already sensitive clit.
“Jug—Juggie,” she breathes while nudging up at his chin with her head and tapping down on his fingers to stimulate herself.
He groans, or perhaps moans, and she knows he’s awake when his fingers press down hard on her clit, making her pants quicken. “Betty,” he says, his tone low and full of gravel and his breath hot on her neck.
“Juggie,” she sighs and keeps working his fingers against her.
“Elizabeth Cooper,” Jughead’s suddenly full of life as he rolls them over so she’s belly down on the bed and he’s hovering over her, both of their hands pinned by her head.
“Y—yes?” she gulps against the pillows.
“Were you just fingering yourself with my own fingers?” he asks in her ear, his tongue jutting out to lick at her lobe.
“Yes,” she repeats and arches her back to try and give some relief to her hardened nipples, but the friction only makes it worse. “I—I need…” she stops to wiggle her ass up against his cock. It’s warm and hard and she wants it inside her.
“I know what you need, but it’s only polite to ask for it, don’t you think?” he questions as he mouths at her neck and shoulders—any skin he can get in contact with really.
“Please?” Betty offers weakly, her pussy clenching around nothing and hating every second of it, especially when he’s so close to her.
“Alright, you need to stop that,” Jughead orders, his hands moving to steady her hips, and she only realizes now that she had been bucking up against his dick. “Jesus Christ, Betty, you’re going to kill me, you know that?”
“So you keep saying… Now, could you?” she stops and struggles against his hold on her hips, letting the action do her talking.
“I don’t fucking think so,” Jughead growls and he’s squeezing so hard she’s sure there will be new bruises adorning her skin by the end of the day. “You wanted my fingers so you’re going to get ‘em.”
Before she can even respond his fingers enter her from behind and she buries her moan into her pillow as the two digits pound into her. “Juggie, fuck!”
“Isn’t this what you wanted? Didn’t you want to cum on my fingers, baby?” he demands to know, his mouth next to her ear.
“N—no,” she manages after a few more pumps.
“No?” Jughead stops immediately and bites her shoulder, hard.
Through the course of their experimentations, they’ve discovered he has a kink for marking her. She’s found that she likes it when things get rough. Like always, they’re very good at giving the other exactly what they want.
Betty bites her lip to stop herself from crying out. “No,” she repeats defiantly.
“I want you to beg for it, Betty,” Jughead says as his wet fingers reach forward to tweak her nipple.
“Ah,” she squeaks and gets up on her elbows to get a better look at him. “I want you inside me.”
“You can do better than that, Betts,” he insists, his other hand moving to grope at her free breast.
“I want your cock inside me,” she says as she grabs onto the hand with fingers slick with her juices and takes them into her mouth.
“More,” Jughead urges, his dick twitching against her ass and his mouth open as he watches her lick him clean.
“I need your cock buried so deep inside my pussy I don’t know where I stop and you start. Juggie, please,” she pleads and slaps his hand onto her breast, and he’s mesmerized by the jiggle and by how she’s fondling herself with his own hand.
“Fuck, yes,” he swears before taking his hands back and gripping onto her hips to pull them off the mattress so he can get a better angle for his dick to slide in.
She squeaks as he gives her what she wants and is driving into her, his thrusts deep and strong. Betty feels the euphoria taking over, the trickle of pleasure seeping down her spine until it’s curling at her toes and has her hands gripping at the sheets. “There, there, there,” she chants against her pillow as she buries her face to keep her voice down.
“Fuck, Betty, your—your,” Jughead stutters and takes a handful of her hair and tugs, hard.
Her head is lifted off the pillows and she thinks she’s crying from pleasure, but it could also be the pain, but either way, it’s glorious. “Juggie, yes!” she yowls. “Almost, almost.”
“Your pussy is so fucking perfect, Betty, it’s—fuck, it’s everything,” he grunts as he pounds into her.
Her alarm startles them both, but with Jughead’s free hand he smacks it so hard it falls off her bedside table.
“So close, just—” they are cut off by a knock on her door.
“Betty! Betty, are you awake?” her mom’s voice comes calling through. Panicking, Betty clenches down even harder on Jughead’s cock.
“Fuck, fuck, Betty, don’t, I’m gonna,” Jughead sputters and pulls out before he empties himself inside her. “Jesus Christ, your alarm just went off,” he groans grumpily while hastily searching for any remnants of his presence around the room.
Betty is off the bed just as quickly but crumbles down to the floor when her legs give out. “One, one second, Mom!” she yells, her voice too-high.
Her mom knocks again. “Betty, are you okay in there? Why is your door locked?” Alice questions as she attempts to turn the knob.
“One second!” she screams more harshly than intended. “Go!” she mouths to Jughead, who is stumbling for the bathroom, one hand around his dick almost protectively, the other fisting his clothes. “Don’t you dare!” she whispers while tugging on her pink bathrobe.
“What?” Jughead asks, almost entirely in the bathroom to get out of sight.
“That is mine, don’t you dare touch it!” she warns with a pointed look towards his boner.
“Handle your mother first, will you?” he insists before disappearing behind the bathroom door.
“Betty!” Alice’s shrill voice cuts through the air.
“Mom, what?” Betty asks as she opens the door, the pink robe tight around her body.
“Why was your door locked? You know I don’t like it.”
Betty sighs. “I’m a teenager, Mom, I need some privacy. Anything else?”
“I heard a noise,” Alice tells her as she looks around the room for evidence of Jughead, no doubt, but they aren’t that dumb.
“My alarm, Mom, then you scared me and I fell out of bed,” Betty says while trying to keep her composure. “I’m not Polly, I never have been, and I don’t need you looking over my shoulder at every turn. Okay?”
Alice seems to bite her tongue. “Your father and I are heading into work early. I didn’t want you to be worried when you came downstairs to neither of us home,” Alice informs her stiffly.
“Okay, noted. I’ll see you after school,” Betty replies before closing her door and re-locking it. She listens for the footsteps of her mother walking away before heading to the bathroom. She finds Jughead sitting on the closed toilet, his clothes in a pile on his lap, and his phone in his hands.
“Coast clear?” he asks while standing, his clothes falling in a heap, and his hard cock once again on display.
“Well if it wasn’t, my mom would definitely know what we were doing,” Betty answers and drops her robe.
Jughead shrugs and grins sheepishly. “I figured I would have heard yelling if she actually expected anything.”
“I think you broke my alarm clock,” Betty informs him as her eyes go from his dick to his eyes and back.
“This is the only alarm clock you need,” he jokes and pulls her closer for a kiss as she rolls her eyes. “I was a good boy and didn’t touch myself once,” he says against her lips.
“Hm, I think that deserves an award, don’t you?” she asks under heavy- lidded eyes before leading him to the shower. “We do have to get ready for school, but we can multi-task.”
“I love it when you talk dirty,” Jughead says into her neck, and Betty only giggles in return.
“Ow, V!” Betty exclaims hours later during lunch.
“Stop moving!” Veronica responds and adds a tug in for good measure.
“I never would have let you braid my hair if I knew what a perfectionist you were about it,” the blonde grumbles with a frown.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” Veronica ignores her as she carefully takes each strand out of the French braid, removing bobby pins as she goes. “Showing up to school with wet hair is not a good look. You’re lucky I had enough time to work my magic before first bell.”
“So lucky,” Betty mumbles with a roll of her eyes but lets her friend continue her painstakingly slow process. It feels like she’s prolonging it on purpose. “And technically my hair was barely damp, you just wouldn’t shut up about how it looked ‘lifeless’ and insisted you had to do something about it.”
“Details. Anyways, isn’t the honeymoon phase supposed to be over by now? It’s been, what, three months?” Veronica asks after a few silent moments. “And you two are still going at it like rabbits.”
“Sorry?” Betty offers but bites her lip to hide the smile threatening to form.
“No, you’re not. But you should start watching yourself. If you guys keep coming to school all ruffled and Jughead keeps smiling so much someone is going to get a clue, and that clue is going to make it back to your mother,” Veronica insists.
“I know, we just can’t help ourselves,” Betty admits.
“Okay, turn,” her best friend orders and she does as she’s told. One always does when told so by Veronica Lodge. “Hold still, I gotta dig for my hairspray.”
“Hairspray? You carry hairspray with you?” Betty asks in a laugh.
“Yes, it’s a must. You think my hair looks like this naturally? No, the frizz is real, B,” Veronica tells her almost solemnly. “Cover your eyes.”
Betty does one better and uses both hands over her whole face and lets Veronica work her magic, and it feels like the brunette is doing each strand individually.
“Any time now, V,” Betty sighs a minute later.
“Ta-da!” Veronica finishes with a big smile. “Beautiful! Here, look.”
Betty takes the compact handed to her and can’t help but smile at her reflection. Her hair is now curly, and looks effortlessly so, giving her fullness and honestly, makes her look like her mother during her younger days. Of course, her outfit adds to that as well. A black sheer top with roses decorating it, and because she’s at school, a black tank-top and bra underneath. Her jeans are high waisted and holey, definitely not Alice Cooper approved. Her make-up is darker than usual and she’s wearing a pair of black boots she found in the attic.
The curls just add to it. A whole new Betty Cooper. Or maybe, just a different version?
“It looks amazing, V, thanks!”
“Never get a perm though, it would ruin you,” Veronica advises with a wink. “But in return for my services, I request that you dish. How is it going? I know it’s good and blah blah, but you really never get tired of it or just say you have a headache?”
Betty pinkens and looks down. “No, I don’t. I actually think I’m worse than Jug,” she admits.
“Wow, really?” Veronica asks while leaning in.
“Yeah, I just—it can’t be like this for everyone, can it? You didn’t always want to do it, did you?”
“I mean, no,” Veronica answers honestly and laughs a little. “It wasn’t until later I wanted to do it more - after I’d gotten good at it, you know? The first couple times were mediocre at best, I don’t think I was ready down there. The guy was too eager. It felt good but I didn’t come. Eventually, I learned what I wanted and once it started to feel better for me, I wanted it more. But even then, I could have gone without. I’m not an addict like you two.”
“I know I’m lucky to have Jug and that a lot of girls’ first times weren’t like mine. He made sure I was ready down there, you know? I wanted to get right to it, he’s the one that slowed it down and gave me an orgasm before and—”
“I know, I know, you two make me nauseous,” Veronica cuts her off with a hand wave. “I already know about all that. Is it the same now? Or did does it feel like the first time every time?”
“No, it’s definitely not the first time. It’s different, very different, it’s like…” Betty stops to gather her thoughts. “It’s like you said, we’ve gotten better at it, figured out what we like or what doesn’t work. I’ve gotten a lot more confident and so has Jug, and that helps a lot.”
“I can’t picture Jughead sexually at all,” Veronica says aloud with a wayward look on her face. “I just feel like he’d wax on about Capote or Edgar Allen Poe or something.”
“No, but he did bring up Kerouac once,” Betty tells her and the two laugh. “But, really, he’s so giving. One time we were, you know, and he like threw me on the bed and held me down, and—you don’t need details, but—”
“No, I’d like details. I’m going through a dry spell over here, literally,” Veronica cuts her off and they both giggle.
“You’re lucky I love you and you’re my best friend,” Betty says, already turning pink just at figuring out how to put it into words. “You know how my life is. Living with my parents and dealing with all the Polly stuff. My parents have always tried to control everything in my life, school, extra-curriculars, hobbies, my future. It’s why they practically pushed Polly out of the house, they couldn’t control her anymore. When Jug and I are together that way... I’ve learned that I can give up all control. I trust that he’s going to take care of me and give me what I need. Like this morning, I started it, but he finished it. I was a brat on purpose, and he took control - on the rougher side. He rolled me over and held me down and—” she stops to clear her throat though her heart is racing happily as she describes this. “I like disobeying him when he tells me to do something. I’ve never been a rule breaker, so it’s exciting. I like when he punishes me for being naughty.”
“You dirty girl!” Veronica teases.
Betty’s so pink she feels like she’s on fire but continues. “And Jug, he likes being in control. I think maybe it’s psychological for him. He’s never felt like he had control over his life because of his childhood and our marks. When we’re having sex, making love—whatever you want to call it—I can let it all go and give it to Jughead. He’s there and will take care of me. He’ll never hurt me unless it’s in a way I want him to. In a way I let him. I get what I need and he gets what he needs and thankfully, it gets both of us off.”
“Only you would look for meaning behind your kinks. I like it,” Veronica comments, with an endearing eyeroll.
“Jughead also likes marking me,” Betty adds on, proudly grinning as she looks around before she pulls on her top to show the angry red bite. “Probably because he loves our soulmark so much.”
“Wow! You and Mr. Beanie certainly know how to get freaky, I like it,” Veronica says with wagging eyebrows and Betty uses her always-cold hands to pat down her warm face. “Now, motherly moment coming—you two are using protection, right?”
“Yes, Mom,” she answers. “I’m on the pill, and we have condoms. Although, it is a good thing my mom interrupted us this morning because we were both so close and hadn’t put one on yet.”
“Wait, your mom interrupted you? And you didn’t tell me this first? What happened?” Veronica demands.
“Well, we were going at it, and she knocked on the door and made us both very grumpy,” she begins. “Once she was gone, we showered together, but again, no condoms, so he ate me out until I literally cried. It’s why the shower was so long and my hair was still wet. Then, we did it on my desk. With a condom.”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to look at Jughead the same way again,” Veronica admits. “But, I’m happy he makes you happy and is skilled, I guess,” she adds on with a laugh.
“He is, very much so,” Betty confirms, a smile spreading across her face. “What about you?”
“What about me? I just told you about my dry spell.”
“I meant you and Archie,” Betty explains. “Nothing there?”
Veronica stiffens. “No, I—it’s just…complicated.”
“I’ve left you alone about it, but you’ve known each other for a while now. Do you think you like him like that?”
“I don’t know, he’s cute, he’s sweet, but I don’t know,” Veronica sighs and picks at nothing on her dress. “I’m happy he broke up with Grundy, but I kind of wish it was because it was something he realized was wrong and not because of me, which I don’t think is how that happened.”
“Yeah, I’m happy she’s gone too, but he made me promise not to blow that whistle, unfortunately. It’s wrong, what she did, and she deserves punishment,” Betty states and both girls look down at their food—Veronica’s almost gone, and Betty’s barely touched.
“Then there is Daddy’s case, which isn’t going well. They want to go to trial, but they’ll crucify him on the stand, and—I know what he did was wrong, I know he can be a bad guy, but he’s my dad, you know?” her friend goes on.
“They still aren’t offering any deals?” Betty asks quietly.
“None Daddy thinks are ‘fair’ to him,” Veronica says with air quotes and all. “My mom is my main concern right now. Her weight is up and down, her drinking has increased to ‘disgraced celebrity’ status. They are rebranding Lodge Industries, but it’s a slow process and cousin Andre is Daddy’s puppy, which isn’t helping since my mom’s ideas are going completely out the window.”
“You know I’m here for you, right, V? Always,” Betty assures her.
“I know, thank you,” Veronica murmurs. “Archie just isn’t my main concern, you know? I appreciate that he’s keeping it quiet, but I just can’t with him right now.”
“You don’t have to be with him to talk to him, you know,” Betty reminds her. “He can be just your friend. He’s a good guy and he worries about you.”
“I know, I worry about him too. Stuff with his parents are hard right now too, it’s why I think it’s best if we keep our distance,” Veronica says solemnly.
“That’s up to you, but you can rely on each other. The mark doesn’t have to mean love or a relationship, it can just be a really good friendship,” Betty adds on.
“I hear you, B, okay?” Veronica insists.
“Good, because I think he could use you. Both of your parents are separated right now, it could do some good to have someone to relate to. He doesn’t like talking about it with me and Jug because of my stuff with my parents and how messed up Jug’s are,” she continues. “Maybe if he talks to someone going through something similar, he’ll actually open up.”
“Know when to drop it, B,” Veronica advises with a thin line of a smile.
“Got it,” she nods.
The blonde picks at her salad, but doesn’t take a bite, and lets Veronica get her thoughts together without pushing.
She thinks about Grundy, how it makes her stomach churn that she got away scot-free when she really should be rotting in a jail cell, but—she understands Archie’s side. If it were to come out, there would be a trial, he would be at the center, his parents would be devastated, it would be impossible for him at school. She also thinks about what Grundy could be doing now, if she has her sights set on another young boy, or if Archie was a one-time fluke.
A Serpent good with computers—Joaquin, Betty thinks his name is—looked into her past for them. What Archie told them is true about her abusive ex-husband she left and after seeing the police reports Betty understands why she changed her name and ran, but to do what she did to Archie is unforgivable.
Her and Jughead have discussed continuing to look into it, to make sure it isn’t a pattern. Apparently, Joaquin has some kind of alarm set up for any suspicious activity, but it’s on the backburner with everything going on in the South Side.
Jingle Jangle is everywhere, even trickling in on the Northside, but the Serpents are outnumbered by the Ghoulies and have no idea who the supplier is, just that the Ghoulies are dealers.
Betty winces and shuffles in her seat.
“You okay B?” Veronica speaks up, looking up from her now empty place. “You barely ate.”
Betty automatically smiles. “I’m fine, just getting my period and you know what that means for me—”
“Cramps,” Veronica finishes her sentence. “I feel so bad when you get your period, your cramps suck.”
“You’re telling me,” she mumbles just as Kevin comes up. “Hey, where have you been?”
“Getting the scoop,” he answers like she should have known all along.
“Of course,” Veronica says and they share a smile.
“But is this like the scoop about what’s actually in the mystery meat, ‘cause sorry Kev, but that just isn’t going to make it into the paper,” Betty reminds him.
“No, although I stand by that disgusting tell-all,” he insists. “I just talked to my dad, there was a raid at Southside High, they are shutting it down, a bunch of people are going to jail, and the schools are merging.”
“What?” both girls echo one another.
“Yeah, it’s related to Jingle Jangle, apparently,” he goes on. “They got a tip that one of the teachers was a big player, if you know what I mean, and was using some Ghoulies to get the supply out during school hours. It turns out it was quite a few teachers, and many, many Ghoulies. With the place so understaffed to begin with and the numbers dwindling, they went to Mayor McCoy who made the call.”
“Is that it? For Jingle Jangle, is the whole operation shut down?” Betty demands.
“No, my dad said the guy isn’t naming names and was just a dealer with a big circle. They are still trying to figure out who the real supplier is. They called him the Sugar Man, and I wanna know how exactly that name came to be, personally,” Kevin tells her with a grimace.
“I gotta find Jug,” Betty states and grabs her backpack before taking off.
“Bye?” Veronica calls after her, but she’s already gone.
Betty finds him with Archie in the student lounge, where the two were supposed to be talking about their feelings and such since the red-head hasn’t been opening up since his parents announced their separation. Divorce hasn’t been brought up yet, but he’s worried, rightfully so, and struggling. He broke up with Grundy less than a week after he marked with Veronica, and then she quickly resigned without a further word to administration or him, then disappeared.
She figures they are done because Jughead’s eating, of course, and Archie has his guitar out, probably to show Jug some new melody.
“Hi, I need you, now,” Betty interrupts while grabbing Jughead’s arm.
“Wow, Betty, too much information,” Archie jokes and Jughead laughs a little too.
“Not like that, shut up,” she orders while tugging her boyfriend until he’s standing.
“Ow, Betts, what’s up?” he asks. “Uh, see you later, dude,” he calls to Archie as his soulmate pulls him towards the Blue and Gold office.
“Sorry!” she calls over her shoulder but doesn’t answer Jughead’s question until they are behind closed doors. “You need to call your dad. Kevin just talked to his dad and—basically, there was a big Jingle Jangle bust, a bunch of arrests, and they are shutting the school down.”
“What? What about the kids there?” her soulmate asks, his phone already out.
“They are going to be bussed here, I guess. Kevin said they are merging the schools,” Betty tells him. “They arrested someone called the Sugar Man? And a ton of Ghoulies. But he’s just a dealer, they still have no idea about a supplier.”
His phone is at his ear now. “It’s Riverdale PD, Betts, they aren’t exactly the best and brightest,” he mumbles.
“I wonder who the tip was,” she sighs while sitting on one of the desks. “We thought a dealer could be someone with power at Southside High, a teacher makes sense, and Ghoulies as his gophers, that’s just smart. Kids would be more willing to buy from another kid than a teacher.”
“It was probably a Serpent,” Jughead answers before cursing. “Voicemail. My dad’s at work. Damnit.”
“Hey, we have time, Jug,” Betty reminds him while pulling on his hand. “School’s more than half over, we’ll go by your trailer right after and talk to him. What makes you think it’s a Serpent?”
“They’ve been trying to figure out a short-term solution. Pea says it’s been running rampant there, that kids are snorting it in the halls and passing it around like candy. They’ve been trying to cut it back, figure out who is giving the Ghoulies their stash to stop it,” he answers. “I didn’t know they decided anything though.”
“Hey, this is a good thing,” she tells him softly with a hand on his cheek. “We may not have busted it wide open, so to speak, but it’s a step in the right direction.”
“I know,” he murmurs and kisses her gently. “I think I should spend the weekend on the Southside, try to blend in, get some leads, you know?”
“Blend in? Jug, you’re the Serpent Prince, you’re not going to be able to blend in,” she insists with a ‘duh’ look. “And if you’re going, so am I,” she states and hops off the desk to stand before him defiantly. Jughead opens his mouth to argue with her, but she shakes her head. “No, you’re not going alone or leaving me out of it. We’re a team, remember?”
“It could be dangerous, Betts. I’ve been jumped twice there now, I don’t want you mixed up in it,” he maintains.
“Exactly. We’ll lose the beanie and your jacket and add some flash and spikes. You’ll blend in a lot better with us posing as a couple looking for Jingle Jangle and a good time,” she goes on. “And that’s the end of it. No keeping me safe or whatever.”
“Are you done telling me what to do? Because I thought that was my job,” Jughead whispers with a hand along her neck.
Betty smiles and leans up, but the bell rings before their lips can touch. “It’s probably better this way, don’t need another replay of this morning.”
“I don’t know, I think I’d like one,” he sighs.
“I’ll do my best,” Betty says with a wink while dragging him out of the office before he convinces her otherwise.
“I know you’re not into labels, and being called a hipster would definitely offend you—”
“No,” Jughead cuts her off easily.
“Come on, you don’t even know what I’m gonna say!” Betty insists, her pout in full force.
“I do, and the answer is no,” Jughead replies, keeping her close as he eyes everyone they pass warily.
“But you look so good in glasses, who knew?” she asks and beams up at him.
“Kevin, apparently,” he mumbles, already filled with regret. When they decided to go incognito on the Southside to get some intel Betty insisted he needed more of a disguise than just no beanie. So Kevin grabbed a pair of glasses from the theater department, meaning the frames don’t have prescription lenses. They are round and a bit old-timey, but Betty likes them. Probably too much. His hood is up, so his head is still covered, but so far the disguise seems to be working.
“What if we did a professor-student type roleplay? Oh! Or like a sexy librarian and I haven’t returned a book in a year,” Betty suggests, letting Jughead lead the way since she doesn’t frequent the Southside, at least this part of it.
Jughead stumbles a little. “Shouldn’t you be the sexy librarian in that scenario?”
“We can be progressive about it, boys can be sexy librarians too,” she insists.
Her soulmate’s head swivels, keeping vigilant, before boxing her in against an old brick building covered in graffiti. “Betty, listen,” he begins and looks over his shoulder once more. “We have to remember where we are. If one person spots me—”
“I know, Jug,” Bettys cuts him off, her voice low.
“My dad doesn’t know we’re doing this,” he reminds her.
“I know because we both know he wouldn’t have let us do it,” she continues.
“I only told Pea, Fogarty, and Toni, and they all told me I was crazy, then yelled at me when I said you were coming with me,” he goes on.
“I’m glad they care about my well-being,” Betty comments.
“Jug, stop. I get it. We’re deep in enemy territory. We have to be smart and anonymous,” Betty says, her face serious. “But shaking in our boots doesn’t make the matter any easier, and a panic attack will just cause a scene. So why don’t you just let me keep things light and seduce you, hm?”
“Seduce me? Is that what you were doing?” Jughead asks, a wolfish grin overtaking his lips.
“Starting to, at least. I was being very serious about that sexy librarian thing,” she insists.
“Noted, but this is weird,” he responds, checking over his shoulder once more.
“We can do a role reversal at a later date—”
“No, not that,” Jughead stops her and tries not to smile, but fails. “Usually this area is crawling with Ghoulies, and I’ve only seen a few, and none of them dealers,” he explains.
“Well, Kevin said a ton were arrested, and a bunch of Jingle Jangle was seized, so maybe they are just low on supply and dealers,” Betty suggests, her eyes scanning the street too. “Or they could be worried about getting picked up, I have seen more squad cars than usual.”
“Yeah,” Jughead mumbles and pushes the glasses up his nose, making Betty bite her lip. “Stop, we need to be serious.”
“I am being serious,” Betty murmurs and gets up on her tiptoes to brush their noses together. “Jingle Jangle causes euphoria and lowered inhibitions, right?” she asks, pulling on his neck to bring him closer.
“Yeah, it’s like a new version of ecstasy. Riverdale’s very own love drug,” Jughead tells her.
“So, being close like this just makes it seems like we’re looking for a good time,” she counters. “But enough Southside kids are addicted, there should be some kind of way to get it around here.”
“Yeah, and if you���re a Ghoulie you probably know, but I’m not, I’m a Serpent, Betts,” Jughead says, his tone edgy and irritated.
“Not everyone is a Ghoulie, Jug, some kids are just trying to get through. Think, how would they get it?” she asks.
“Uh, somewhere kids hang out where you wouldn’t automatically look like you’re doing a deal. Somewhere crowded, somewhere it’s not suspicious for Ghoulies to be,” he answers and pauses before his face lights up. “The Dead.”
“The what now?” Betty questions.
“The House of the Dead, their Whyte Wyrm,” he explains excitedly and pulls on her hand to get moving, but Betty stands still. “C’mon.”
“Uh, Jug, that’s… I get why that’s a good idea, but trying to get a deal on a street corner is a little different than walking into their headquarters,” she points out. “I know you’d do anything to keep me safe, but—”
“No buts, I’ll keep you safe, end of story,” Jughead assures her. “We won’t go in, I promise, we’ll just see if we can find a dealer. If we can’t, we’ll just call it quits and check out the bonfire at the Pit before heading home.”
“Fine, but I still am hesitant to go anywhere called ‘the Snake Pit’ just FYI,” Betty says as Jughead pulls her away.
“Yes, as you’ve said, but it remains just a nickname for an old abandoned warehouse we have bonfires in,” Jughead tells her as he throws an arm around her shoulders to guide her toward The Dead, something she hopes they don’t end up by the end of the night.
It takes less than ten minutes to get there, but with how nervous Betty is getting, it feels like ten seconds, and fear trickles down her spine.
These are Ghoulies. Gang members who use any blunt object as a weapon, steal cars for fun, race them for sport, often crash them ‘cause they are so high and run hard drugs as their main income. These aren’t Serpents who try to run legit businesses, who basically outlawed drugs besides weed on their South Side turf, protect the streets, and try to stop kids from turning to a life of crime.
“Betty,” Jughead turns on her, clutching at both her hands. “You’re clenching, babe,” he points out, and it’s only then that she notices the stiffness of her fingers. “We’re leaving.”
“What? Why?” she asks.
“Your hand just squeezed mine so hard it almost cut off circulation,” he tells her. “You’re not comfortable, and I’m not making you do something you’re not comfortable with.”
“No, I’m nervous, but I’m fine. I’m allowed to be nervous,” she insists.
“I don’t know…” he trails off and looks back at the macabre decorated building. There are graffiti skulls and grim reapers all over it, smoke leaking out of every crack, and people so skinny they could pass as skeletons loitering out front.
“Juggie, I promise you, I’m alright,” Betty states while biting her lip and looking up at him. “Well, besides the pain emanating from my lower half,” she grumbles off-handedly.
Jughead immediately moves closer and sets hands on her hips as he looks from her abdomen to her eyes. “Betty—”
“Cramps, Jug,” she answers before he can ask and winces as his hand covers her stomach. “Ah, I wouldn’t… it’s sensitive,” she explains.
Jughead retracts his hand. “Maybe we should just go home. You don’t feel good and—”
“No,” Betty cuts him off. “We got this far, we’re going through with it. Plus, we told everyone we’d meet them at the Pit to tell them what we found.”
“Which is nothing,” Jughead points out.
“Yet,” she corrects.
“Promise you’re up for this?” he asks with a pinky out.
“Really? Jug, we haven’t pinky promised since we hit double digits,” she reminds him, but he just raises his hand, and an eyebrow, higher. “Fine, fine, pinky promise,” she says with a roll of her eyes as she loops their fingers together.
“How about we make the Pit a quick stop, then we head to your place, take a bath, and watch Netflix? One of those cheesy movies I never say yes to, and cuddling, of course,” he suggests as he presses her against the wall with hands low on her hips.
“Practically naked cuddling?” Betty asks before reaching up to nibble at his bottom lip. “It’s not sex, but I still crave your skin against mine.”
“Anything you want, baby,” he murmurs before capturing his lips with hers and, despite the pain, Betty smiles into it.
They are so lost in each other they don’t notice the shadow-like figure approaching them wearing a hoodie with skeleton bones on it, and a face full of piercings. “You two lost or lookin’ for somethin’?” he asks, interrupting them.
Jughead instinctively pushes Betty behind him, and she manages to hide the wince. Her cramps, once dull, are now becoming more sharp, persistent and centered on one side of her stomach, but her cramps have been horrible since her first period, just as her mom warned her during that first one.
“Little bit of both, depending on what you’re offering,” Jughead answers, and Betty plays the part of horny girlfriend, not that it’s hard, by wrapping her arms around him from behind and even slipping her hands under his shirt to play with his happy trail.
The Ghoulie nods at her knowingly and gives Jughead a deliberate grin. “I might have what you need, but uh,” the guy says while rubbing his patchy chin, “supply is low, demand is high—”
“How much?” Jughead cuts to the chase and the Ghoulie looks satisfied with himself, like he’s going to take Jug for all he’s worth, but he doesn’t respond. “Look, man, we’ve been out here all fuckin’ night looking for a fix and if you’re just playing with us, you’re not gonna like how—”
“Baby,” Betty stops them and looks up at Jughead with big, needy eyes. “Don’t mess this up. He’s the only one we’ve found with a hookup tonight. You promised. You said we’d find some and—” now she’s cut off by Jughead’s lips. “I need it, baby,” she practically moans.
“Lemme guess,” the Ghoulie speaks up with that same grin on his face. “You two have fucked on JJ?”
“How does that—”
“And now you’re hooked,” he continues, ignoring Jughead. “First mistake, man, it changes everything. You think you’re the only one to fuck and feel the high? It gets ‘em every time, it’s how I stay in business. You need some? Like I said, I’m low on supply and high on demand. The deal is a c-note for two sticks, fifty for one, but from the looks of you two, you’ll both need the dust. That’s the best I can do for now.”
“When will that change?” Jughead asks as Betty digs through her purse. She definitely doesn’t have a hundred bucks, but she did come prepared. “We heard about the bust, but one will only last…” he trails off to look at Betty and take the bills from her hands. “Fuck, it will barely last.”
“We’re working on it, this shit comes from high up, but it’s not something that can be rushed. As they say, all good things take time,” the Ghoulie tells him, passing the pixie looking stick to Jug and winking at her.
“When?” Jughead presses, holding the green tighter between two fingers as the gang member tries to take it.
“You need more, you know where to find me, and you know how much it will cost you,” he answers as he takes the money. “Until then, the big man upstairs thanks you,” he says and scurries off like the rat he is.
“Ugh, finally, that whiney girlfriend thing is only something I can do for so long,” Betty sighs.
Jughead pockets the Jingle Jangle and wraps an arm around her shoulders as he leads her away. “So about that roleplaying thing, can we add like, you’re a sex addict and I’m your fix?”
“That’s not roleplay, that’s getting to be real life, Jug,” Betty reminds him.
“Mm, maybe, but I’ve been studying knots and tying you up and making you beg for my dick—whoa, you alright?” he asks when she trips at his words.
“Yes, but that was a lot to unload in one sentence, Jug,” Betty breathes honestly as her breathing picks up. “You’ve been studying knots? Really?”
“It’s fascinating, and I’m kind of into it,” he admits. “Maybe I shoulda been an Adventure Scout, huh?”
“I don’t know about that, but the knot thing has me interested too,” she tells him. “Can we hurry up? I’m fucking freezing here, like getting chills.”
“On it,” Jughead says and picks up their pace.
It takes almost half an hour to get to The Pit, even with their fast pace, and the mid-January weather isn’t being kind. When they do arrive Jughead practically pushes his way through the leather masses to get Betty front and center of one of the bonfires.
She’s instantly grateful and kisses Jughead on the cheek as she is enveloped by the orange glow.
“I need to find Pea,” he says as he rubs her up and down to get her warm, all while looking over her head for his inner-Serpent-circle. “Tell him we didn’t find much, but the Ghoulies are still holding and dealing.”
“And that there are plans for more to be coming in. Clearly the raid didn’t set them back too far,” Betty adds on with her hands out closer to the fire.
“I’m trying to remember the shit he said, like ‘the man upstairs’ and that it comes from ‘high up’ whatever that means,” Jughead mumbles, probably more to himself than her.
“Any ideas?” she asks and actively stops her teeth from chattering. She still feels frigid.
“Nothing worth sharing. Where the fuck are they? Fangs and Pea are always together, and Pea is so fucking tall—”
“Go,” Betty urges and bumps his hip with hers. He looks down at her worriedly. “Jug, go, I’m going to ignore you for the heat anyways,” she assures him. “Go get them.”
“Alright, be right back,” he mumbles against her forehead before kissing it and disappearing into the crowd.
Betty slumps as soon as he’s gone and puts a hand to her forehead—it feels considerably warm, but her hands are also freezing, so. As she’s breathing in and out evenly to calm her stomach, someone comes up behind her.
“Rum punch?” a girl asks, making Betty jump. She looks familiar, but Betty doesn’t recall her name.
“What?” Betty counters, having trouble focusing between the pain, the chill in the air, and her churning stomach. She hates the periods that do this—make her sick. The girl holds up her cup, reminding her what she asked. “Oh, um, no thanks,” she answers with a shake of the head.
“You sure? It’s Topaz’s grandmother’s recipe. You can barely taste the rum, but after two cups you end up on your ass,” she tells her like that’s supposed to make her want some.
“No, thanks though,” Betty insists. She’s never been a big drinker.
“You’re Jug’s girl, right?” the girl asks, as everyone often does. “His soulmate?”
“Yeah, Betty,” she answers. It was a bit of a surprise to the South Side, Jughead having a soulmate. After all, more than half the area is made up of ‘unnatural’ children.
“Peaches,” the girl introduces herself and Betty must make a face, because she follows it up with, “nickname, of course.”
“Not surprising since I know Fangs and Sweet Pea,” Betty insists and the two nod, but before they can go on everything suddenly gets louder and when Betty looks towards the doors all she sees is a sea of blue. Bulldog blue, as in Riverdale High kids. “Shit,” she mumbles and starts making her way through the crowd.
She thinks she can hear her heartbeat in her ears, a loud ‘whomp, whomp’ but it could also be the beat from the metal music filling the warehouse.
They’d been so preoccupied with finding out what’s going on with Jingle Jangle they forgot about the schools merging and what that could cause. Northsiders look down on the South Side, especially the Serpents. The Ghoulies used to be even further down the totem pole but with them now having Jingle Jangle they’ve moved up.
This is not going to end well. Jughead has steered clear of the Bulldogs, having Archie on the team has helped keep the peace, but with more Serpents coming to school who knows what will happen.
By the time Betty gets to Jughead Reggie is spewing his regular crap, and Jughead is already getting irritated. “…the fuck outta here, Reggie,” he’s saying when Betty loops her arm through his to be his anchor.
“We’re just being friendly Jones,” Reggie responds and looks her up and down. “Mm-mm-mm, Mini Coop, looking fucking good as always,” he goes on.
“Keep your fucking mouth shut, Mantle,” Jughead warns, his tone low and menacing. “You might have the numbers at school, but I’d take a good look around right now to remind yourself where you are and who has more people behind him.”
Betty notices Fangs and Sweet Pea getting closer to Jug, their fists wrapped around something, but her concentration is broken by Reggie.
“Calm down there, Serpent Prince, we’re just being the Welcome Wagon, that’s all,” the football player insists.
“You don’t get to call him that,” Toni speaks up, coming forward, and Betty notices something in her hand too. But this one she can make out. “You don’t know what it means, what being a Serpent means, so keep that shit out of your mouth.”
It’s a switchblade. She looks to see that was what was in Sweet Pea and Fangs’ hands too.
Betty tugs on Jughead arm, but he doesn’t falter in his staredown with Reggie.
The warehouse starts to swim around her, the orange of the fire too bright, the floor moving underneath her, and her stomach feels like it’s being ripped open.
“Jug,” Betty breathes before crumbling to the ground.
“Betty!” she hears Jughead practically scream, but her eyes are closed and she can’t find the strength to open them.
Notes:   Don't be mad, all will be explained ;)  Hey, it only took me a month to update this time!!! And I've made an 'endgame' timeline - named after Avengers not Riverdale (which can they please stop saying?) and this story is going to 18. I think I might cry when it's over. No worries, there could be codas, or epilogues, or other literary devices. I have a hard time letting go, after all. As always, a massive thanks to @jandjsalmon <3
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Unforseen Chasm (part 37)
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Part 37 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 2041 Warnings: Language, fighting,sad moment, ANGST!!!!!! the angst gets me sad so you know its good lol song for this part: Better- Betty Who Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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As soon as Shannon’s parents left, you and Shannon head to the apartment. 
Once you’re there, memory lane hit you like a semi-truck. You took a look around the apartment you two purchased what seems like lifetimes ago. Your eyes traveled over pictures of you two graduating, the first day Shannon took a job with Stark, your first patent in physics… Pictures and paintings you two had bought together, that super comfy blanket you found at the mall… Every little item was a new memory. 
“Wow. I forgot just how good we were at decorating,” you said in a sort of amused, awe inspired tone. 
“Yeah, with your color palette and my great knack for finding unique items, this place really looked great,” she agreed. 
Next, you wanted to see your bedroom. You wondered if it would be exactly as you remembered it. 
When you opened the door, you were stunned to find it was. All the brainwashing and time away couldn’t even change that. The black and purple comforter was still on your bed. Your walls were covered with your favorite movie posters and whiteboards. The dresser was covered in papers and pictures of years past. 
“I had your bed sheets washed periodically,” Shannon suddenly said from behind you. You turned to face her.
“Ah, yeah, thank you.” You tucked your hair behind your ear and looked around. You went to your closet, surprised at how many bright colors were in there. Now, you mainly opted for black, red, green, and purple. “I don’t even know what to take… Actually…” an idea struck in your mind. “Shannon, you said that I could have this apartment, right?” 
“Of course, Y/N. There’s not much else I can do with it. I mean this is our home.” She waved her hands around the place. “I think it’d be more suited if you had it, it’s all paid off so no need to worry about much there.” She smiled knowing her friend would stay close to her even if it wasn’t a floor away. 
You chewed your lip, hoping this didn’t sound awful. “Well… instead of me taking stuff back to the cell -- because I’d really like to stay out of it, and making it feel like home feels awful -- what if… well what if you took some of your stuff back to the tower, with Tony? I mean, you’re engaged now, and Loki and I would like a place all to our own. I’m sure he’d want to go get some things… What do you think? I mean, I don’t wanna sound like I’m kicking you and your stuff out…” 
“Um… yeah sure I can probably get Stevie to help me pack my things and have it out in a few days,” she said trying not to sound hurt. “Well I guess I leave you to it then, I’ll be in my old room collecting my things.” 
Shannon walked out of the room slumping her shoulders a bit. She knew it was childish to feel hurt because she’s not living with her bestie/sister. But it hurt knowing she no longer had a place in their home. She entered her room and was flooded with emotions and memories of when it had been just the two of them here. Shooting a quick text to Steve, she got to work placing her things in her suitcases.  
Seeing your best friend this hurt made you feel worse than when you two were physically fighting in New York. You sighed and went into her room and sat on her bed.
“You know… you don’t have to just rip all your stuff out of here,” you said, looking up at her. You took the sweater she had in her hands from her gently. “What if… we did this? Loki and I will share a bedroom, we don’t need the second. You’re welcome to stay here any time, as long as you call ahead? Just to make sure you know… it’s a good time? This was your home for years, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m booting you out.” You reached over and gripped her hand, smiling up at her. 
Shannon had been concentrating on packing so she wouldn't let the little tear slip out. She looked up at the ceiling and then at you. “It’s okay, Y/N. I get it, you want a place to create new memories with Loki.” She stopped packing and sat down next to you. “I shouldn’t have assumed everything would be like before everything happened.” She went on to say how she understands that you’re both different people and that’s fine because you two are adults. 
The rest of the day was just you two talking and remembering things that were once forgotten and after eating dinner together and watching some movies like old times, Shannon excused herself for a moment.  She headed to her room and made a call to the tower.
“Hey babe, I’m still at the apartment with Y/N. I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be home soon and that she’s decided that she would like to live here in the apartment with Loki once he gets out too.”
“You had me worried for a moment. I thought you were going to say that you two will be staying the night there.” 
“And what if we had decided that huh? We’re adults plus I figured she wouldn’t want to sleep away from him.” She walked around looking at all the things she had left in her room. “I was wondering if you could have someone come help her redecorate the place to their liking?”
There was silence on the line. “If that’s what you really want then sure we can have that done once he gets out of the cell too.”
“I’ll see you at home soon enough.”
“See you here.”
With that Shannon went back to the living room. And they finished watching the last movie they had picked. 
You turned your head to Shannon lazily on the couch as the movie started to end. It was one both  of you had seen at least twenty times. “This has been the best possible day for me being released.”
“Yeah?” Shannon asked, happy to hear that.
“Of course. I became your maid of honor, we went wedding dress shopping, we went out to that great lunch spot, I got to see Lucky, and Diane and Tom… You and I got to spend the whole day together…” 
“Yeah, yeah it was nice, wasn’t it?” 
“Mhm. And I’m sorry about the whole apartment thing,” you apologized again. “It’s just…”
Shannon held up her hand. “I get it. You and Loki have never been alone. This is a place for you to start your lives together. Tony and I have the whole tower, and I have my old floor. If you and I need time away together, we can do it on my old floor.”
“You’re sure?” you asked, still worried you’d hurt her feelings.
“I’m positive, hun.”
At that, you smiled. As soon as the movie ended, the two of you picked up all the food and plates you’d accumulated during the day and cleaned the apartment. 
“Well, I better get back to Loki before he thinks I’ve abandoned him.” 
She laughed. “No, we wouldn’t want that.” 
Back at the tower, you and Shannon parted ways, bidding each other goodnight while she went upstairs to Tony and you ventured downstairs to Loki. 
As soon as your eyes landed on him, your chest filled with warmth, then a bit of chagrin when you remembered where you two were. You walked up to the cell door, put your hand on the scanner, and entered. 
“Hi, darling,” you greeted as you walked into the living room. It was odd, to say the least, having the freedom to come or go as you please in this place. “Happy to see me back?”
“I am,” he admitted to you. “How was your day out?” he asked, putting his book down.
“It was… a little overwhelming, but overall it was great.”
“Did they give you any stipulations or anything like that?” 
You got up and headed to the kitchen, readying to make some coffee for yourself. “Uh, actually, yeah. I have a parole officer. I have to report to him a few times a week, work with him… you know…” you said, dancing around the topic. 
“That sounds stressful.”
“Actually, my parole officer couldn’t be more laid back,” you assured. 
“Oh? Is that so? Well that’s good then.”
“He can have a bit of a temper,” you added with a bit of a smirk. 
“Well just stay on the right side of that,” he encouraged as he reached around you to grab a mug and pour himself some coffee. 
“Yeah, I think I can. We’ll be working in his lab. He wants me for my physics brain so…”
“Oh, he’s a scientist? I thought on Midgard they had officers dedicated to this sort of thing?” 
You slowly nodded. “Well.. Yeah, they do. But I’m sort of a special case. A normal cop can’t exactly control me if I get out of hand so--”
“Is your parole officer Bruce Banner?” he asked point blank suddenly, cutting you off.
You pressed your lips into a thin line and that was all the answer he needed. A man as clever and witty as Loki would of course see through the thin veil of truth you’d weaved.
“Yes… he is but--”
“Are you serious? They stuck you with that animal?” 
“Bruce is not an animal,” you calmly retorted.
“I beg to differ, or do you not remember the broken ribs and mangled face I acquired last time we met?” he demanded.
“I do, but… my love, we kind of… we brought that on ourselves, did we not?” 
“I want you to demand someone else,” he ordered. “I don’t want you working with him.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “Loki, I’m not going to do that. Bruce is highly respected in my field and if this goes well, he could really get me back in. A foot in the door doesn’t even begin to explain just how much working with him would fatten my resume. I could work for virtually any company.”
“I don’t care. You would be willing to work with the man who nearly killed me? Your career means more than my life?” 
A bitch face clouded your expression. “Now, Loki, that isn’t fair. I’m not choosing one or the other. As long as you don’t piss him off, he won’t do it again.”
“Ah, right, don’t raise his blood pressure or we could all die. It’s amazing to me how I’m the one in a cell when he’s the one that can’t be around loud noises or he could kill hundreds of people because he got shocked.” 
“He can’t help turning into a monster but--”
Loki stared at you. “But what, darling? Go ahead and finish that sentence. Let me guess: but I can? Is that where you were going with that?” 
You stared at him, your face even. “No,” was all you said to him. 
“This is amazing. You’re out of this cell for less than twenty-four hours and you’ve already turned on me.”
“Turned on you? I came back to you. I came back to this cell, which I fucking hate by the way, just to be with you, to spend the night with you.”
“Well who asked you to do that?” he asked with a cold smile. “Please, don’t let me burden you,” he coldly replied before walking into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him. 
On that note, you let out a huge sigh. Well, what to do now… 
You went into the office and tapped on the tablet, pulling up your only contact and calling it. After three rings she picked up. 
“Hey,” you greeted, not hiding your sadness.
“Hey, hun. What’s up?”
“Can I come up?” 
“Sure thing… I’ll meet you on my old floor, yeah?”
You nodded and ended the video call. Leaving the cell for the second time today, but no intention of returning in your mind this time.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ @weclassygirl​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @georgialouisea​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek​ @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​
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underoos-shield · 6 years
little italy
summary: short days and long nights
warning: none
A/N: hi loves!! hope u enjoy this chapter :)) my lovely friend and co-writer @petey-verse is amazing! so please read her work and support her! :) love u!
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<< chapter 6
it was a rare occasion whenever y/n had a day off. she’s usually helping out at the hotel every day of the week, not that she minds. if anything, it gave her an excuse to see peter everyday. but she convinced her father to allow her to rest for the day.
and by “rest”, she means spend the day with peter and his classmates while they venture off to their planned activity. today happens to be their follow up class for their cooking session yesterday.
there’s adrenaline racing within her blood. she was always a good girl, and never went against her father’s word...but here she is, giggling with peter as they board the bus to the next city. peter is beaming and he’s quite honored that she was willing to risk getting told off just to spend the day with him and his friends.
she prances her way towards the back of the large bus, taking the outside seat. peter takes a quick moment to look at her as she laughs. he can see the smile lines next to her mouth and the squinted skin near her eyes as the beautiful sound escapes from her. peter worships her prepossessing features as her hair is tied back and away from her face, allowing peter to see her cheek bones and the way the rays of the sun reflected off of her skin. she’s just so pretty.
“this will be fun, yes?”. peter smiles at her and admires her enchanting accent as he takes his seat by the window. he blushes at the thought of her speaking english, but also struggling to frame the sentence the correct way. still, it was sweet. the boy kisses her above her eyebrow in agreement and y/n reveals a satisfied smile as she rests her head on peter’s shoulder. the engine starts and y/n’s heart races as they slowly pull away from the bus stop.
her head moves up and down slightly as she feels peter let out a soft sigh. he’s just taking in the moment of being with her right now.
peter holds his hand out, palm up for y/n to take. he loves holding her fragile hands in his much larger ones. he feels more connected that way. instead of lacing her fingers through his, she allows her fingers to lightly run over the divots in his palm as he holds it out for her, tracing letters and eventually spelling out sweet italian words along his skin. it feels so good and so soothing to the point that somewhere in the mix of his pleasure, peter’s head lowers and rests against her own. and he would’ve been able to comprehend what her fingers were outlining if the sensation didn’t make him so sleepy.
the group had an early lunch as they all finished making their dishes from their cooking class in a timely manner. they made simple and classic italian dishes like spaghetti and meatballs and chicken parm. and while it was exquisite, it was just nearing four o’clock when peter and the rest of the gang were feeling hungry once again.
“i’m in the mood for something sweet”, ned proclaims. peter nods in agreement. apparently both his and ned’s palette had taken enough savory food for one day.
y/n’s ears perk up at the sentence, knowing just where to take them. “venire. voglio portarti da qualche parte (come. i want to take you somewhere)”. y/n’s words send shivers up peter’s spine as she whispers in his ear and he becomes almost putty-like as she guides him to a quiet bakery a few doors from where their class had been.
it’s a quiet little bakery with glass windows and a high-pitched bell that chimes whenever the door opens. peter’s eyebrows lift in delight as the smell of coffee grounds fill his senses and his mouth waters at the pastry’s that are on display.
“vedi qualcosa che ti piace? (see anything you like?)”y/n asks sweetly. she’s holding onto his bicep as she curls into him, resting her chin on his shoulder. peter lets out a soft laugh at his own thoughts and gives her a wink.
“just one thing”, he whispers to her. his american accent always has an effect on her and she blushes under his knowing gaze.
while ned, betty and mj occupied themselves by picking out which sweet dessert they wanted, peter and y/n stayed towards the back by the door, as they were enjoying each other’s company.
“are you not hungry?”, she asks worriedly. her italian roots were showing and she feared that peter would be quite famished later if he wouldn’t join his friends for a snack. peter shakes his head as he slips his arm around her shoulders, keeping her close. he wasn’t hungry just yet, maybe in the next hour he will be.
“posso portarci qualcosa da condividere più tardi. forse a casa mia? (i can get us something to share later. maybe at my house?)”. there was a teasing, but also sultry tone in her voice that made the hairs at the back of peter’s neck stand up. he wanted that more than anything. he wanted her more than anything.
it was nearing ten o’clock, when the two agreed that they would meet, and peter cringed as he tip toed against the harsh gravel. it didn’t seem to matter how light he walked, he still managed to make noise at the slightest motion.
peter calls her name a few times as he stands below her window, careful not to be too loud. the last thing he wants to do is wake up her father. god knows what would happen if he does. peter lacks a response and he abandons the idea after waiting a few more minutes for her to approach the window. he does not give up, though. he’s determined to see her before the night turns to day.
peter reaches down and grabs a tiny pebble from beneath his feet, rolling it between his fingers for a moment. he glances to the side in search of any prying eyes, though it’s unlikely that anyone can see him since it was quite dark, the only light coming from the moon; now in its gibbous phase. he tosses the pebble towards her window and it hits lightly against the side of the house. peter hopes it’s enough to get her to notice. and after a few more attempts peter hears the soft click of the lock and a ‘swishing’ noise as the window slides open. y/n’s head pops out of the large opening and peter waves at her shyly, giving her a polite greeting. she does the same as a beaming smile sports her lips.
“posso venire? (may i come up?)”. he’s whispering and she’s giggling at it’s such a whirlwind of emotions that neither of them notice how nervous they actually are.
she’s just about to tell him how much she missed him after their small trip ended but her words are cut short. peter wastes no time to catch up, roughly pressing their lips together and tangling his fingers in her hair. he lets out a soft groan, the feeling of her making him feel relaxed. she lets out a little squeak in surprise but recovers quickly, holding onto anything she could grasp. she has never seen this side of peter before. he was so full of... lust.
peter reluctantly pulls away after a moment and rests his forehead against hers. she nervously tucks her hair behind her ears as she takes a few moments to process what just happened. “anche tu mi sei mancato (i missed you too)”, peter says with a laugh. y/n beams and they share a few sweet pecks before she laces her hands with his and pulls him to the floor by the foot of her bed.
a platter of snacks for the two to share awaits them; strawberries, cheese, crackers and the pastries they bought a few hours before. peter smiles at her and it reminds him of the first time they met. “sei così premuroso (you’re so thoughtful)”, he says. she hums and proceeds to enjoy the meal she has made, engaging in light conversation for a bit.
“mi puoi leggere stasera? (may you read to me tonight?)”. y/n already has the copy of their favorite novel held out in front of her, and the hopeful look in her eyes makes peter melt. how could he resist?
“of course”, he smiles. y/n beams and positions herself so her legs are crossing over peter’s lap. her fingers dance along his collarbone as his does the same to the skin of her leg. she loves the feeling. as peter begins to speak, it makes her realize just how soothing his voice is. it’s so peaceful being here with him, not having any distractions or having to worry about flash or anyone else. they’re in the little world, and she’s sure that neither of them want to come out of it any time soon. but alas, time keeps ticking.
peter softly reads until the sun started peaking through the leaves, not noticing that they had successfully stayed up through the night.
“you should rest”. her voice was softer than usual, it not being used to talking since she had been listening to peter read all night. the exhausted boy nods in agreement and stretches before sitting on the edge of the window. he can see the sleepy look in her eyes and he reaches his hand to her cheek to stroke it softly. she leans tiredly into the sweet gesture.
“i’ll see you later”. peter phrases it as more of a statement rather than a question. but she didn’t mind, she would see him later.
y/n nods and he pulls her close, pressing their lips together in the hundredth kiss of the night.
taglist: @ephermcls @directionerfae @milkyholland @tomshufflepuff @spideychronicles @unicorntrooper @cloudyyparker @spideyphysics @evrthngblvk @im-marvels-slut @marvelousmorales @legendarypenofeating @mrvlfangirl3190 @bbscx1987 @honeymarvel @emistrash @bisexual-jesus-jr @schyuler @stylemute @shuriwithparker @unknwn98 @ohhowiwishtobemrsstyles @unusual-kindred-spirits @bands-and-shietz @midtownhighs @godisavalkyrie @iwillalwaysreturm @softestgalaxy @peterbparkerthsecondblog @tangledmusee @stydia-4-ever @bbyeliza @spideylovely @spidey-holland67 @grayxswan @mewcury @holland-peters @holsterfieldxdreams @jin-hyuks @smexylemony @swtnrholland @marvel-musicals @fanboy-tom
petey-verse taglist: @embrace-themagic @musicgirl234 @tominhoodies @tom-hollands-eyelash @dangerousluv1 @awkwardfangirl2014 @gentlethunderstorm
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madelainesvixens · 6 years
Sweetvee 41&61
I’ve been working on this one for four nights, I hope you like it, xx
Please continue to sent requests from this list of prompt!
41. “Who the hell do you think you are? My dad?”
61. “I’ve had enough.”
It was mid December when Veronica Lodge walked in the Whyte Wyrm looking, white snowflakes covering her black cape. She removed her hood and kicked the snow off her heeled boots. Her dark brown eyes scanned the bar, searching for a familiar blonde head but, she wasn’t present.
The raven haired girl sighed discouragingly. She had been searching for her best friend all night and the Wyrm was the last place on her list.
Where are you Betty?
“I think your chauffeur took the wrong direction.”
“Excuse me?”
“Northside is opposite way, Princess.”
Veronica turned around, catching sight of a very tall Serpent. “Sweet Pea,” she acknowledged.
“Mobster Princess.”
Usually, Veronica would’ve chuckled at the dark humor but, not tonight. Her night had been eventful and she didn’t have the heart for a laugh.
It took Sweet Pea one glance at the rich girl for him to catch on that something was up. He gave his cue stick to another Serpent and made his way over to her.
Sweet Pea wouldn’t call her a friend but she was definitely not a stranger. He had seen her before in the halls at school and at Jughead’s birthday party and always thought she was an uptight rich bitch that didn’t think farther than the tip of her nose. It was the vibe he got from her. His opinion changed when he found her crying in her fancy dress outside the school at Homecoming.
The reason of her tears: Archie Andrews.
That idiot had been making out with Valerie Brown backstage after his musical number and Kevin had caught them. Being the loyal friend he was, he immediately told Veronica about her boyfriend’s tongue jumping the fence.
Sweet Pea had sat with her on the cement stairs and let her cry on his shoulder, his unfinished cigarette crushed by his feet. He wasn’t good at comforting people and had no idea what to do but he couldn’t leave her by herself.
“Fuck him. It’s his loss if he want to trade a ten for a six.”
Later than night, they ended up hooking up in his trailer.
“Is everything okay?” Sweet Pea stood in front of her, raising a worried brow.
Veronica looked up and smiled tightly. “Yeah. I’m good.”
She opened her mouth to argue but closed it. He already knew she was lying.
Eyes were on them as they stood in the middle of the Serpent bar. Her raven hair and the pearls around her neck gave her identity away. Or, maybe it was the fancy handbag resting in the crevice of her elbow.
Sweet Pea put a hand behind her lower back and led her to the bar, taking the attention away from them. “Want anything?” he asked her.
“The strongest you have.”
“We’ll take two shot of vodka and another beer,” he told Hog Eye.
The man nodded and poured their drinks, handing them to the young Serpent. Sweet Pea took the drinks in his hands and led Veronica to an empty table at the back of the bar. They sat down and Veronica immediately reached for the shot glass, downing its content without grimacing.
“What did Andrews do again?”
Veronica knitted her eyebrows. “How did you-”
“When is Andrews not the reason why you’re upset?”
“So,” Sweet Pea started, taking a sip of his beer. “What brought the mobster princess on snake territory?”
Chuckling, Veronica removed her cape coat, revealing a black top with an embellished collar. “It’s over. Archie and I. I came here in hope to find Betty but, clearly, she isn’t here.”
“Until when this time? Monday morning?” he joked, knowing Archie and Veronica always get back together despite their several breakups.
“No. I mean it this time. I’ve had enough. Archie is a boy, he’ll never change his juvenile attitude. We went on a movie date at the Bijou tonight and his phone went off during the movie. Moodkill, I know. I thought it was Jughead or his dad but no, it was a notification from Tinder. I almost let it slide because, maybe he had made a profile we were broken up and forgot to delete the app but then, I realized you don’t get notifications from people who swiped right unless you pay for the app. So, he’s still paying although we are dating. You’re probably thinking he’s done fucking up for the night but, listen closely, it gets worse. He opened the damn notification right there, in the middle of our date. This is totally unacceptable. I was furious.”
Out of all the shitty things Archie has done, checking Tinder during a date was probably the worse. It was beyond disrespectful toward Veronica - his girlfriend. To her, the betrayal hurt more than all the times he cheated on her behind her back. At least, then, she didn’t have to witness her boyfriend smiling at whatever that bitch on the other side was writing.  
“Andrews really surpassed himself this time, uh.” Sweet Pea laughed at the Bulldog’s lack of brain, shaking his head. “I can’t believe he opened Tinder right in front of you. It’s like he’s silently saying you’re his side bitch.”
Talking about the beast, Veronica’s phone went off, Archie’s name flashing on the screen. She flipped the device over and ignored it. She tried to but, Archie didn’t get the hint and kept calling again and again which infuriated Veronica.
She sighed dramatically. “Oh my god, will he ever stop?”
“He might have orange hair, he’s not the brightest crayon of the box.”
Veronica stifled a laugh, smirk curving on the Serpent’s lips.
“This is it. He’s gonna have a taste of his own money.” She grabbed her phone and for a second, Sweet Pea though she was giving in and answering Archie’s call, she pulled it up in front of the Serpent. “Please, hold the pose,” she said, and snapped a picture, adding a cute filter and posting it on Instagram with the caption: ‘fun night with my new bae’, knowing Archie has her social medias notifications turned on. “Should’ve known not to mess with a Lodge.”
She knew Archie despised Serpents but, mostly their guard dog Sweet Pea. The two strong headed teenagers had gotten into quite a few fights together over the past year. Jughead had tried his best to keep the peace between the two clans but, he couldn’t do miracles. They even got souvenirs from their opponent. A scar below the eye for Sweet Pea and a chipped tooth for Archie. The rivalry between the two sides of town is nothing new but, ever since they merged the two schools together, both boys started a secret contest for the most powerful alpha and, needless to say, it didn’t impress anyone. If anything, it got them to spend more time together in detention.
“I bet if we go outside we’ll see him fuming from here.”
She watched as Sweet Pea took another sip of his beer, his shot of vodka still untouched in front of him. “Are you going to take it?” The Serpent hummed. “The shot.”
“I intended to, yes.”
“I’ll go get myself another round, then.”
The raven haired girl stood and headed to the bar to order more drinks. A minute later, she come back to she and Sweet Pea’s table with a crimson colored cosmo.
“I thought you were getting more shots?”
“It’s coming,” she replied with a fierce smile, glancing back at the bar.
Sweet Pea followed her gaze, seeing Hog Eye pouring what seemed to be tequila in several shot glasses which was much less forgiving than vodka. Both will get you drunk pretty fast; vodka will make dance on tables for a few minutes before ending with your head down the toilet while tequila will increase your bad decisions and you’ll wake up in the morning, having no clue what happened the night before.
“Not to pop your bubble but, I’m not drinking any more shots. I need to take my bike home.”
Hog Eye deposed the tray on their table and returned to the bar, flashing Sweet Pea a knowing look. The younger Serpent ignored it. He could bet his life that more than half the population of the Wyrm expected him to take Hiram Lodge’s daughter back to his trailer tonight. They’re all gonna be disappointed because it wasn’t on tonight’s agenda. He wouldn’t oppose to having sex with Veronica but, it wasn’t what she needed tonight. She needed someone to listen to her rants and change her mind from the ginger Judas that is Archie Andrews.
She shrugged, picking one shot glass and downing it before biting into a piece of lime. “More for me.”
“You’re not drinking all of this.”
Veronica scoffed. “Who the hell do you think you are? My dad?”
In true Sweet Pea fashion, he would’ve responded with a dirty comeback like: ’Not yet’ or ’No, but I can be your daddy if you want’ but, he didn’t.
“Drowning your sorrows in alcohol isn’t the way to go. Been there, done that. You’ll feel like death tomorrow if you get shitfaced.”
Holding the Serpent’s gaze, Veronica tasted her cosmo. “Would you happen to have another solution to propose? I’m all ears,” she said, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as she let her heeled boot crawling up Sweet Pea’s leg, stopping right by his crotch.
Sweet Pea hissed, grabbing hold of Veronica’s foot. “I wasn’t going to suggest it but…if that’s really what you want.” If she was looking for a rebound from Andrews, that was a role he’d willingly play. He had been looking for an occasion to bang her again ever since she left his bed the morning after Homecoming.
She grinned behind her drink, loving the grip the older boy had on her. One major thing she liked about sex with Sweet Pea was that he wasn’t afraid to be rough with her. Not too rough but just enough, something Archie was never willing to do.
Just like going down on her. The Bulldog was a selfish boy that clearly didn’t care enough about his partner to give her single pleasure.
Veronica wasn’t going to lie, the alcohol was starting to kick in, the mix of vodka and tequila feeling warm in her belly. She wasn’t drunk but, she had drank just enough to feel confident and sexy - more than usual.
“Shall we head out?” she asked, arching a perfectly plucked eyebrow. Sweet Pea let go of Veronica’s foot and slide out of his seat, waiting for the raven haired girl to do the same. She put her cape back on and downed the rest of her cosmo. “Lead the way.”
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Qi Flows for Her
Chapter Nine
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC x Bucky Barnes  |  Word Count: 6581 Warnings: Language. Angst. I apologize in advance.
This update was brought to you anonymously through Coffee Updates. Thanks for the support, nonnie!
They were sixty minutes into the trip before Bucky's fidgeting finally forced Steve to put the jet on autopilot and turn toward his best friend. “Alright. Spill.”
“Huh?” Bucky muttered. “S’nothing.”
Steve shook his head. “You're as antsy as that time you nearly got caught making out with Betty Wilford by her dad. You're lucky I was waiting for you outside, or he would have beat your ass. Now spill. What's the matter with you?”
“Steve,” Bucky sighed and pushed from his seat to wander back into the jet. “This isn't something we need to go over right now. We’ve got a job to do and don't need- I mean- we shouldn't- Fuck!” he shouted and tugged at his hair. “I kissed Celine!”
The blood rushed in Steve's ears as it drained from his head. “What?” That wasn't at all what he’d expected Bucky to say.
“I didn't mean for it to happen. We were talking, and she was saying this stuff about how she could help me get the trigger words out of my head. How she could help me blend past and present to give me a future, and her hand was in my hair, and she was looking at me with those eyes… God, Steve. She smells… so good. And then her mouth was on mine and… and then she was pulling away and crying, and I told her I was sorry. That I'd really been there to talk to her about you.”
“Jesus, Bucky!” Steve barked, lurching to his feet. “What the hell?”
“Fuck, Steven! I know! Okay? I fucking know!” Bucky yelled. “I felt like dirt after, alright? Like scum! Of course, it's you. It's been you with every woman since that happened.” He waved at Steve, indicating his change in size.
“Yeah? And it was you for years before that!” Steve snapped. “It was me that was invisible. You think I liked being set up on your pity dates? Being the odd man out?”
“Do you think I liked hearing about from my date afterward when her friend bitched her out?”
Rage filled him, so strong he was lunging toward Bucky before stumbling to a stop. “Jesus,” he whispered, staring at Bucky in horror. “I just about… over a dame.”
Bucky unclenched his fists and sat slowly down on the floor. “Me too. Shit.” He hung his head. “Though she's one swell dame.” 
“Yeah… well,” Steve dropped to the floor beside Bucky and let his head thunk against the wall. “What the hell do we do now, Bucky?”
“We can't keep dancing around it. We both want her.”
“Yeah, but she doesn't want us. She's terrified of an emotional connection. Says she destroys what she loves. That she's cursed and destined to be alone. That she deserves to be alone.”
Steve sighed, his heart hurting for her. “I wish she'd talk to us. Tell us what went so wrong.”
“You think Charles would? Or Logan?”
“I think contacting Logan anytime in the next century will be met with a frosty reception. The Professor might, but if it's personal to Celine…” Steve gave a defeated shrug. “I didn't mean what I said, Buck.”
“I know, Steve. Even if it was true.” Bucky bumped his shoulder against Steve's.
They sat in silence for a few minutes before Bucky began to fidget again.
“What?” Steve asked.
“It was a perfect kiss.”
A smile twitched Steve's lips. “Yeah, it was. Best I've ever had.”
“Well that's not saying much,” Bucky teased. “You've kissed what, like three women?”
“Shut your piehole, Barnes.” Steve shoved him over. “Quality over quantity.”
“Sure, sure. You keep telling yourself that,” Bucky snickered. “We’ll get that cherry of yours popped someday.”
Steve rolled his eyes and stood up. “I ain't no virgin, Barnes.”
“Considering you haven't gotten any since 1940 you may as well be.”
“Fuck you,” Steve muttered, ignoring the red in his cheeks.
Bucky laughed and jumped up to follow him back into the cockpit where he dropped in his seat. “Seriously though. What are we going to do about Celine? If she can fix my head, I want the help, but I don't want my feelings for her to strain against our relationship, Steve. We've been friends too damn long for that.”
He sighed and nodded, agreeing with Bucky. “No, you're right. She's made it clear she's doesn’t want a relationship, but I think she needs friends. Something's going on with her and Nat. More than what we saw today. Peter’s never spoken out like that before. When we get back, we get to the bottom of things. If that means I have to make a personal visit to Xavier, I will. I want answers, and Nat’s out of control.”
“She was spying on Celine and me in the library.”
Steve frowned and glanced at Bucky. “I don't like it. I also don't like Celine lying about needing to feed.”
“Maybe,” Bucky sighed. “But Wanda's right. We don't ask permission to eat. Why should she simply because her food source is different? She's not hurting people. Logan looked a little shaky when he stormed out, but they've done that before, clearly. Guess he's a teammate she's willing to feed on.”
The slight bitterness didn’t escape Steve's notice, but he didn't point it out either. “Logan's got that advance healing ability. It's likely he could sustain the loss of chi and rebuild it easily enough. It was Celine I was worried about. She looked… like death.” Gray and wasted away, as if she'd aged rapidly in minutes.
“Do you think that's what having no reserves is like? She said she'd purged the negative after her talk with Stark. If she was already running on fumes and then lost her connection to her chi when Nat sucker punched her, Steve… could she have died while we all stood there looking on if Logan hadn’t been around?”
The idea made his chest hurt. “I don't know, Buck. But it makes me wonder something.”
“What's that?”
“If Celine's supposed to be able to feed on emotions, and has fed on the negative ones associated with a mission, why would she need to purge these ones? And why would living in a writhing cesspool be a problem for her?”
Bucky looked momentarily surprised before frowning. “That's a damn good question, punk.”
A week went by in which Celine spent as little time as possible with the others. Her freedom had come at a price though no one knew it but her and the shadow which dogged her trail. Every time Celine left the tower, Natasha followed. The woman made it damn near impossible to feed without her constant hovering presence.
It was tricky to slip into a bathroom stall and seduce dinner out of a willing subject when seconds later the door would open, and a throat would clear, indicating Natasha was waiting. The first time it happened, Celine had been livid. How dare the woman interrupt what was essentially Celine’s lunch break? But Natasha was determined to make Celine’s life as difficult as possible and didn’t seem to care Celine was gradually growing weaker.
Celine had taken to leaving at night and making the rounds of the clubs closest to the tower, but her shadow never faltered. Still, she could dance and feed in the dark edges of the clubs, and if she happened to syphon off the outcome of a few transactional relationships taking place in the alleyways on her way home, she doubted Natasha noticed.
Then, somehow, a tabloid got ahold of a picture of her one night while she was out dancing. When speculation was made about the new Avenger and her penchant for partner swapping and partying, the brass had gotten involved.
Fury and Hill had appeared the next day and made it clear they wouldn’t tolerate bad press. Celine had made it equally clear she didn’t appreciate having her name or face associated with the Avengers when her position on the team was supposed to have been a secret. They’d both looked guilty, but no one was talking about just who had sold her out, or how someone had gotten ahold of those pictures. Like she couldn’t guess.
Natasha had looked too smug and pleased with herself not to have been involved.
After that, Celine had gone on a mission with Tony and Sam. The ease of the operation made her think they’d brought her along so that she could have a break from Natasha and get something to eat. Little did they know the fear and anger she’d feasted on was doing nothing but making her sicker by the day.
Then Vision and Wanda were called away. Sam was asked to speak at a Gala for Veterans Affairs. A crisis at the UN required Tony’s input. Soon, the only ones left were Celine, Natasha, and Bruce.
A few days passed in relative peace. Celine was far too tired to deal with Natasha and spent more time reading or sleeping than was healthy. She went out long enough to feed when and where she could before returning to the tower, her stomach growling in anger at being denied a real meal, but anything longer than a snack was interrupted.
Steve and Bucky had been gone for three weeks when the call came in late one evening. Clint was visiting, and Peter had stopped by with questions about his history paper, but no one else had returned from their current missions, leaving only the five of them in the tower.
“Suit up,” Clint said when he ended his phone call. “We’ve got a foreign dignitary whose daughter was taken by kidnappers thirty minutes ago.”
“What makes this an Avenger call?” asked Peter when he hopped up from the floor, his homework forgotten.
“Chitauri powered weapons were involved in her taking. They’ve got more firepower than the police are equipped to handle. Friday’s already been tracking them and has a location pinpointed.” Barton frowned when he looked at Celine, climbing slowly from the couch. “You up for this?”
“I’ll be fine,” Celine murmured and headed for her room to change. “I’ll meet you at the jet in five minutes.”
She made it back in three and walked up the ramp as she was tying her hair back. “What else do we know?”
All business, Natasha had the jet rising the minute Celine joined Bruce, Clint, and Peter. “The girl is fourteen-year-old Gerda Jensen. Her father is a Prince of Denmark, and they’re here because Gerda needs a new heart. She’s been on the transplant list for almost a year.”
“And they found her a heart?” Celine asked.
“Finally,” Clint nodded. “She’s got some rare condition which made it damn near impossible. We’ve got four hours to get her back and get her to the hospital before the donor's heart is no longer viable.”
“Dang,” Peter muttered. Suited up, he sat perched on a beam with his mask in hand. “What they want with her?”
Clint shrugged. “We’re pretty sure the ransom demand is bogus. Nine billion? Yeah right. The prince doesn’t have that kind of money even with his ransom insurance. They’re buying time, but for what we don’t know yet. So keep your head up and your eyes open.”
He pulled up the satellite images Friday had managed to capture of the warehouse in the industrial area they were holding Gerda. “Nat and Celine will go in through the ground floor. There are doors here and here.” He pointed to the North and East of the building. “Parker and I will secure the roof and work our way down. We’ve got a dozen bad guys to deal with, and when we find Gerda she’s likely going to be scared out of her mind and with her bad heart…” Clint looked pointedly at Bruce.
“Everyone gets one of these.” Bruce held up a little syringe. “I’ve had a chance to look over her files, and it’s not good. Too much stress and she could go into cardiac arrest. This is a mild sedative. It will keep her calm long enough for us to get her back to the doctors who can treat her best.” He passed one out to each of them, while Clint chucked Natasha’s at her which the woman easily caught. “Having the Hulk tear through the building is just a horrible idea unless necessary. No code green if we can avoid it. Once you’re secure, I’ll come in with the jet and extract everyone from the parking lot behind the building.”
“How are we getting in without anyone noticing?” Celine asked. Dusk was falling, but it would still be easy to see them without cover.
Clint zoomed out the satellite image. “Nat will set the jet down in stealth mode here in this empty lot. We’ll have to hoof it from there, but we should be fine for coverage. I'll have a clear sightline of the building from this roof and will deal with these two sentries myself.”
“Sounds good,” Celine murmured, ignoring the pain in her middle. A young girl’s life was on the line. Whatever discomfort she was in was nothing when compared to the terror Gerda must be feeling. “Are there schematics for the building?”
The holographic image which appeared was all Friday’s doing as the AI began to speak. “The main portion of the warehouse has been sectioned off into individual bays and what appears to have once been office spaces. The second floor, though relatively more open, has an unstable floor structure. Step in the wrong spot, and you will fall through. Which makes this all the more difficult as Gerda is on the second floor.”
“Great,” Barton grumbled. “Pete looks like that’s all you.”
“I can help if needed,” Celine offered. “Use my power to hold the floor together. I’ve done it before.”
“Alright, change of plans. Once I’ve got thing one and two taken out, you and Pete start down from the roof. Nat and I will work our way through the building, quietly taking out the baddies,” Clint said.
“Cool!” Peter grinned at Celine who only arched a brow. “I mean, it will be nice working with you again, Celine.”
She chuckled softly and ruffled his hair. “Fast and quiet, little spider. We must make rescuing the princess our priority.”
“Haha! I can’t believe someone said those words aloud,” Clint snickered. “We just became a flipping Disney movie.”
Celine rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but chuckle as the three males all laughed.
“Two minutes!” Natasha called, dragging them out of their mirth.
Peter pulled on his mask. Clint checked his bow and quiver. Bruce went and readied everything he thought he might need when they returned with Gerda. Celine only turned to face the door. The combined emotions of her teammates weighed heavily against her. As hungry as she was, it made focusing past them difficult. She needed to feed, even if it was anger or fear. Depending on how unstable the floor was, she would need the energy to hold things together.
The jet slowly touched down, and Clint appeared beside her holding out an earpiece. “You alright?”
“Still fine,” she muttered as she put the com in her ear.
“You’re looking a little sallow there,” he murmured. “Not your usual chipper self.”
“I’m fine, Clint. Don’t worry about me,” Celine said as the ramp for the jet opened.
“Team leader worries about everyone,” Clint said as he followed her down the ramp. “That’s just what we do.”
Sincerity rang in his words and suffused his aura, singing truth to her. He honestly did care if something was wrong, but Celine could never tell him the truth. “Thank you, Clint. But I’m fine.”
“Time’s wasting away,” Natasha snapped as she stalked past them. “Move your ass, Barton.”
“Hard to do when someone is a monumental pain in my ass,” Clint grumbled but followed her. “Let’s get this done.”
Celine bit back a laugh. The relationship between Natasha and Clint was so pure and just right, even if it was Natasha “stick up her ass” Romanoff on the receiving end of the playful banter.
“Com check?” Bruce murmured in her ear.
“Check,” Celine said, listening as the others answered.
At the fire escape stairs of the building just north of the warehouse, they parted ways. Natasha continued toward the entrance, while Peter, Clint, and Celine climbed the rickety, rusty stairs to the roof of the neighbouring building where they all crouched low to avoid being seen by the two guards watching for anyone approaching.
“Sir?” Friday murmured in everyone’s ear.
“Yeah, Friday?” Clint asked, pulling an arrow from his quiver.
“We just got word. They’ve demanded the Prince outlaw all Mutants in Denmark.”
“Can he do that?” Peter asked.
“No. Though he is a Prince of Denmark, he has not the authority to make such a decree,” Friday informed them.
“So why ask for a second ransom you should know will be impossible?” asked Celine.
“Because when they ask for the third one, which will be attainable, the Prince will pay it.” Clint let the first arrow fly, the second streaking after it barely a second later. Two gas clouds puffed up and both men slowly slid to the ground. “Sentries are down. Nat?”
“I’m in. Clear so far.”
“You two find the princess. We’ll see what these idiots were really up to,” Clint murmured, turning to climb down off the roof.
“I could-” Peter offered only to have Clint hold out his hand.
“No. The stairs are fine.” His head disappeared over the side of the roof.
“Wow, you push a guy off a roof one time,” Peter grumbled.
“Explain?” Celine chuckled as she snuck her way across the roof to get closer to the warehouse.
“He said he wished there was a faster way off the roof. I shot him with my webbing and gave him a shove. It worked, and he landed nice and soft. Still, Clint didn’t appreciate my genius.”
Celine snickered. “I suppose if one wasn’t prepared to be shoved off the roof it might come as a surprise.”
“Maybe,” Peter huffed.
“Can you see through those windows?”
“No, but Drony can.” He tapped the spider centred on his chest. The little robot spider lifted up and flew across the gap between the buildings. “Looks like five, no six guys. I don’t see Gerda, but the windows are really grungy.”
“Is anyone looking at us?” Celine asked, calculating the distance between the two buildings. A twenty-foot span roughly.
“No. Why?”
Celine backed up a few steps, then sprinted forward. She hit the ledge and pushed off hard. It was a distance she’d cleared many times in the past, but on the slow arch down, she realized this was going to be one of the times she didn’t quite make it and hit the ledge stomach first with a bone-jarring thud. A mad scramble ensued as she jerked herself up and over the edge, falling to the roof to pant and mentally swear at her weakness.
“Jeez, Celine!” Peter hissed, dropping down beside her. “I could have swung us both over without the need to scare the life out of anyone.”
“Didn’t think of that. Sorry,” she wheezed, rubbing her midsection.
“Are you okay?” he asked, helping her to her feet.
“Little sore. I’ll be fine. You remember to stay out of the way this time, alright?”
“I have little desire to get shot again. You be careful too. I’ve dealt with these Chitauri made weapons before. They’re dangerous.”
Celine patted his masked cheek. “I believe you, little spider.”
Together, they made their way across the roof to the access door. Before Peter could pull it open, Celine placed her palm against the metal, sending a trickle of golden chi along the hinges. “Let's not announce ourselves if we don’t need to.”
He nodded and tugged at the door. It swung open without a sound and no resistance, nearly hitting him in the face. Peter slipped inside, jumped to the ceiling, and crawled along it to see down the stairwell. “All clear,” he whispered, continuing forward along the ceiling.
The door swung shut behind her with barely a click as Celine descended the steep stairwell. Another door hung off its hinges leading into the second floor, and she crouched down to have a look through the opening. Three men stood smoking off to the right, large guns of a type she’d never seen before hanging from their backs.
Along the floor were boards laid end to end, creating a network of pathways to walk upon over the weak, hole filled floor. The three stood in a half circle muttering to each other, partially hidden behind what was left of a former office wall. Celine listened for a moment before looking up at Peter. “See if you can find the princess. I’ve got them.”
“You’re not going to do that whole River to the Underworld thing again are you?” he whispered.
Her face fell. “No-”
“Good. It was loud last time, and if you were, I wouldn’t want to miss it.” He winked, somehow, with his mask and snuck through the opening to climb quickly to the ceiling.
Surprise filled her, but Celine only smiled and shook her head. The boy was too damn sweet. Rising to her full height, she gave the zipper front of her suit a tug, allowing her cleavage to spill forward far more than necessary. She pulled her hair from the tie, allowed Styx to rise, and sent tendrils of lust curling along the ground to ensnare the three men before they could react with fear.
She walked out onto the wood and swayed toward them, a siren call in her chi. Each turned to look at her and inhaled in shock. “Now, what are three fine men like you doing here?” she purred as she moved into their circle.
The first stuttered softly when she dragged her nails over his chest. “Waiting.”
“For?” she whispered, running her fingers over the second’s arm.
“Instructions,” said the third when his hands landed on her hips.
“From who?” she asked innocently.
“The Lash,” he said.
“And who’s The Lash?” Celine asked, running her hands over his body.
“Whip’s partner,” he murmured, eyes dark with want. “Girl, you’re a fine piece of ass.”
“I know, baby and I’m here for you.” She stepped back into the first man who was grinding up against her. “For all of you. Don’t you feel it? How much I want you?” she purred, pulling the second man closer.
“Fuck, yes!” he groaned, his voice thick.
“Then kiss me,” she whispered. “Kiss me like I’m yours.”
His mouth was on hers, lust-drunk and delicious. Celine fed his fantasy, made it burn hot and hard and dirty until he came in his pants and dropped to his knees. Feeling a little high, she reached up and gripped the hair of the man groping her breasts. “Gently,” she crooned, allowing him to slobber on her throat.
The man before her was staring at his comrade on the ground, some of the lusty haze fading from his eyes. “Look at me,” she purred, slipping her hand over his groin. “Don’t you want me?”
“Yeah, baby, but Bob…”
“I was too much for Bob,” she purred. “You’re so much better than him. Come. Kiss me like you mean it,” she coaxed, licking her lips.
He swooped down and sealed his mouth to hers. Celine pulled hard, fed fast and deep and dropped him to the ground before spinning around to feast on the third man, completely oblivious to what was happening around him. She dropped him to the ground when she’d had her fill.
A glorious throb of chi pulsed through her, making Celine shiver as she pulled up her zipper. She was full. Wonderfully full, and the three of them would be out of commission for a good twelve hours. Celine rolled her shoulders and turned to follow the winding pathways. No sound came from anywhere around her, but she could feel Barton and Natasha working their way through the first floor. Peter was above at the far end of the building, but he was approaching at a rapid pace.
“Celine!” he whispered, dropping from the rafters upside down. His eyes widened at the pile of men a few feet behind her. “Wow.”
“What did you find, Peter?”
“Oh, the Princess. She’s tied up in the corner over there.” He pointed to the far side of the building. “There are three more men with her, but she doesn’t look so hot.”
“Alright. I’m on my way.”
“Follow this path, then take the left fork,” he said, climbing back into the rafters.
Celine made her way quickly but cautiously forward, running her chi beneath her feet to be safe. When the path forked, she crouched down behind another rundown wall. “Friday,” she whispered. “Time?”
“Three hours, ten minutes remaining until the heart is no longer viable.”
Peter landed beside her. “What now?” he whispered.
“We need to get Gerda out of here.” She appeared to be tied to the wall by a piece of rope. Another bound her feet, and a third her hands. “If I get her untied and hold their attention, can you get her out of there without being seen?”
“Yeah, no problem,” Peter nodded.
Celine brought her hand to her ear. “Clint, Natasha. We’ve found her. Be ready to move when things get loud. Bruce, we’re going to need that evac in five minutes.”
“Celine?” Clint muttered. “Cap would say something profound at a time like this so… you get shot, walk it off.”
She chuckled. “I’ll do my best.” Concentrating on her hands, Celine created three little golden mice and sent them crawling across the floor until they could slip through a hole and run along beneath it, coming up again a few feet away from Gerda.
The girl jumped but didn’t scream. It wasn’t everyday mice of sparkly gold appeared out of a hole in the floor after all. Her eyes darted up and around. Celine allowed her chi to flicker over her fingers drawing the girl's notice, then brought a finger to her lips when Gerda appeared about to cry. The mice were already at work chewing through the ropes binding her.
Eyes on the girl, Celine mimed inhaling and exhaling calmly, trying to keep Gerda from panicking. She gave Peter a nudge, sending him back into the shadows and up into the ceiling.
“I don’t know why we’re doing this,” one of the men muttered. “What’s the boss want with some sick kid?”
“Who knows why Whip does anything,” another grumbled.
Celine rolled her eyes. What in the world kind of names were The Lash and The Whip? Again she lifted her finger to her lips for Gerda, then skirted the wall to come upon the men so their backs would be to the girl.
Celine's blood hummed happily, her chi strong, her body sated by her excessive but delicious meal. She felt fabulous, and when she rounded the far side of the wall, Celine let her tiger walk along with her. “Gentlemen,” she smiled, pouring the full power of Styx into her voice. “I think you have something that doesn’t belong to you.”
All three turned toward her with weapons raised. “Who the fuck are you?” the bigger of the three asked.
Her tiger leapt and tore the weapon from his hands, returning it to Celine. “I am the Gatekeeper. The River of Life flows through me. You have done great evil here today. If you wish to live to see tomorrow,” she hesitated, watching as Peter dropped down, gathered Gerda close, and ascended back into the ceiling, “you will leave now and give me the girl.”
“We’re still two guns to one,” said one of the other tattooed, muscle-bound idiots.
Celine flicked her fingers, and the tiger became a phoenix, wings spread wide, red chi sparkling along the feathers and tail. “I care very little for your guns,” she sneered, tossing the weapon away.
“Celine, we’re out,” Peter said in her ear.
“I think we’ll keep what we came for.”
Ice poured through her veins at that voice. “Thomas…” Slowly, Celine turned to face him, the boy she’d once cared for deeply, and the man whose world she’d torn apart. She took an involuntary step toward him. “Thomas. Where have you been?”
His once beautiful face twisted into an ugly sneer. “Dealing with what you’ve done. What you did to me!” he screamed, and the building shook.
“Celine?” Peter’s voice echoed through the com. “We need to go! Where are you?”
“Thomas… I’m sorry. I looked for you. The Professor looked for you. After what happened with Jacob-”
The building shook harder. “Don’t you speak his name!” Thomas roared. “You killed Jacob! You did!”
Celine took another step toward him. “Thomas, please. Come home. Let us help you.”
“I helped myself, Celine. But you. I’ve been looking for you for years.” Fire flowed from his fingers like a whip. “I couldn’t go back to the school to find you. Couldn’t find you out in the world. Imagine my surprise when I saw you whoring it up on the front of some trashy magazine. The newest Avenger.”
“So you took the girl to draw me out?” She took another step toward him. “Thomas, please. Don’t do this.”
“Do what?” he smiled, his dark eyes and rich red hair the only things about him still familiar. “Kill you? I’ve wanted to do that for years!” he bellowed and swung the fire whip.
It cracked against her phoenix when the bird flew in front of her, sending explosive balls of fire into the air and raining down over all of them.
“Celine!” Peter screamed through her com.
“Go!” she shrieked at them. “Go now! Save the girl!”
The sound of a blaster charging had her lifting her hand to deflect the weapon, but the energy just blew through her chi and slammed into her side. Agony screamed through her ribs as Celine stumbled backward. Then the floor gave way beneath her, and she was falling through the air, reaching for her phoenix.
The bird streaked down in a flash of gold and red, barely arriving in time to break her fall before her body slammed into the concrete. Celine coughed blood, choked on it, and laid there staring at Thomas above her.
“You should have killed me when you had the chance!” he screamed.
“Sure thing, pal!” Clint snapped, firing an arrow.
The second floor exploded beneath Thomas’s feet, sending wood and people flying through the air.
“Celine!” Peter cried, rushing toward her. “Oh, my god! Oh, my god! How bad is it? Can you move?”
“Parker! Pick her up! We don’t have time to worry about it now,” Clint barked, notching another arrow.
Celine whimpered in pain and coughed again when Peter pulled her close. “I’m sorry, Celine,” he whispered as he hurried toward the door, Clint backing out with him.
She tried to speak, tell him it wasn’t his fault, but the darkness took her.
Bucky was used to dreaming. He was used to nightmares and the memory of pain, so when he woke to darkness, it wasn’t much of a surprise. What did surprise him was the quiet whimper he could hear somewhere in the dark.
Slowly the dark lightened until a dirty living room with a dingy, sagging sofa appeared. A TV sat in one corner, tinfoil wrapped around the rabbit ears. The shag carpet was butt ugly orange and brown. The walls and ceiling yellowed from cigarette smoke. Through the hallway, he could make out two doors.
The open one showed a single bed with a pink blanket, more of the ugly carpet, and a beat-up white dresser. From behind the closed door, the sound was one he knew well. Someone was fucking, loudly and with vigour.
A second whimper sounded, and he turned to see a child, a little girl crouched down in the space between the sofa and the side table, huddled over her knees and sniffling.
“Hey,” Bucky whispered, moving to crouch down in front of her. “You okay?” She curled further in on herself. “My name is Bucky,” he said, sitting down close to her but not too close when she pulled away. “Can I sit here?”
She peeked at him through her hair but nodded.
“Man, they’re sure noisy,” he said, playing with the nasty carpet.
“Mama’s workin’,” she whispered. “I gotta be quiet and not a brat.”
“Looks like you’re doing a good job of that.”
“She said I could watch ‘tunes, but the TV doesn’t work no more.”
Bucky looked around. There wasn’t a light on in the place. “Maybe it’s broken?”
She shook her head. “Mama didn’t pay.”
“Sorry?” he blinked at her.
“The bill. She didn’t pay.”
“Oh, baby,” he murmured, heart breaking for the tiny child who knew things no child her age ever should.
“It’s okay. I snuck enough money to get bread.” She smiled at him.
Shock rippled through Bucky’s entire body. “Celine?” he whispered, staring into her too familiar eyes.
“Who’s she? I’m Adeline.”
Bucky startled awake.
“You bitch!”
Steve turned around in time to watch the woman slap the girl across the face. “What the hell?” he muttered, frowning at the ratty looking apartment.
“I didn’t take nothing!” the girl cried, holding her face.
“Don’t you lie to me, girl!” The angry woman raised her fist again but didn’t bring it down. “I had twenty dollars this morning, and now I don’t! You give it back! I need it.”
“I didn’t take it, but even if I had I wouldn’t give it back, mama! We need to eat this week!”
“I need a fix!” she screamed.
“Then whore yourself out like you always do!” the girl shrieked only to take the woman’s backhand to her face. All of ten, she fell to the ground with a sharp cry and laid there as the woman stormed out.
“Hey,” Steve murmured, finally finding his legs and making his way over to her. He crouched and reached for her arms, only to have her jerk away.
“Don’t touch me!”
Steve sat back as she shifted to sit bent over and hold her face. “Does that happen a lot?”
“So what if it does?” she snapped, her hair hanging in her face.
“I can help you if you want to leave.”
She snorted. “No one can help me. Not yet.”
“Why?” Steve asked.
“I’m not ready yet. For now, I skim what I can from Tammy’s purse to get by. I’ve kept a roof over our heads and my belly full. I just need three more years.” She sounded nearly gleeful.
“Three years until what?”
She lifted her head and threw her hair back, revealing her battered cheek, but a vicious smile curled her lips. “Until I escape.”
Shock rippled through him for he knew her eyes. “Celine?”
She frowned and shook her head. “My name is Adeline.”
Steve jolted awake and stared at the ceiling of the small apartment Shield had set them up in for the last three weeks. A creak of floorboards had him turning his head in time to watch Bucky walk past his door. “Buck?”
He stopped and backtracked. “I had a weird dream. Did I wake you?”
Steve shook his head. “Had my own weird dream.” He sat up and shoved at his hair. “You tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine?”
Bucky wandered in and sat with a thump on Steve’s bed. “Dreamt about a little girl crying in a fucking ugly apartment. Six years old at most. Pretty clear her mother was entertaining in the other room. It was weird. She seemed to just… know stuff no kid that age should know. When she looked up… I… I could have sworn…” He shook his head. “It was weird.”
Steve scrubbed a hand over his mouth. “Mine wasn’t any better. A girl and her mother were fighting. The mom hauled off and backhanded her one. Looked like something that happened a lot, but when I said I could help her, she told me no one could help her. Not yet. That it would be three more years before she escaped.”
They sat there for a minute, contemplating the weirdness of it all.
“I thought she was Celine,” Bucky admitted, causing Steve’s head to snap up.
“I thought mine was Celine.”
They stared at each other for a heartbeat before saying together, “But she said her name was Adeline.”
Bucky lurched from the bed. “The fuck is this! Someone better not be fuckin’ round in my brain again!”
“If they were in yours they were in mine,” Steve said.
“What the fuck!” Bucky huffed, tightening the tie on his sweatpants. “Christ, Steve.”
“Don’t freak out. It could just be a weird coincidence,” Steve said, pushing to his feet when his phone buzzed on the desk across the room. “We’re headed home tomorrow, and we’ve talked a lot about Celine. Maybe we just… made it up?”
“You trying to convince me or you, Steve?”
He rolled his eyes and picked up his phone. There was a text from Peter, something rambling with emojis and shorthand Steve had no desire to learn. “It’s late for Parker to be texting.”
Bucky shrugged but sat on the foot of Steve’s bed. “Best call him. He doesn’t text you unless there’s a problem.”
Steve was already doing so. “Pete? What’s up?”
“Cap! It’s all my fault! I should never have left her. We were partners. You’re supposed to watch your partners back!” There was a wet sob. “I’m sorry. I know I’m not supposed to bother you when you’re working, but Mr. Stark said you’d be back tomorrow.”
“Peter?” Steve frowned. “What happened?”
“There was a mission,” Peter whispered. “It’s Celine.”
Fear hit him like Thor’s hammer. “What about Celine?”
“She fell through a warehouse.”
“Christ!” Bucky hissed, rising to his feet to start throwing Steve’s clothes in his duffle.
Steve put his phone on speaker and reached for a shirt. “Peter, how bad is she hurt?”
“She fell through a warehouse! She was coughing up blood. I had to pick her up and carry her out, and I could feel her bones-” he gasped a raspy breath, “grind together. Now... Cap, she’s on a ventilator.”
Bucky’s knees went out, and he crashed into the dresser before catching himself on a chair. “Steve…” he whispered, sounding lost and scared.
“Peter, we’re on our way back right now.” Steve hung up the phone and moved toward Bucky, his best friend shaking as much on the outside as Steve was on the inside. “She’s not going to die, Buck.”
“Steve.” Bucky’s hand wrapped around the back of Steve’s neck. “She can’t die.”
“She won’t, pal. She’s strong.” Steve hugged Bucky tight. “She’s powerful. She’ll pull through. She can heal like no one we’ve ever met before remember?”
“We can’t lose her,” Bucky whispered.
“We won’t,” Steve assured him.
They couldn’t. They needed her as much as she needed them.
Next Chapter
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ffwriter2018 · 5 years
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Toni and Cheryl should both be out of the SQM, not both of them stuck in there hiding. This is not how Toni expected her night to be. She wanted to get Cheryl out of that hell hole bring her home and make sure she was ok. They didn’t know each other all that much or that long but Toni felt something so strong for the feisty HBIC red head she was willing to do anything to help her. She did not expect to be stuck in a cellar hiding from a bunch of crazy delirious nuns. The only thing that was keeping her calm was the fact she was with Cheryl and knew nothing els was happening to her. Even though this situation was not helping the fragile and hurt red head. Toni thankfully had her phone and luckily the spot they were ducking in had decent service. So she was texting Veronica and Kevin on a way to get the hell out. They were sitting in complete darkness saved for the very dim light from Toni’s phone but Toni felt eyes peering through her. They were both afraid to talk in fear of being heard by anyone. Toni pulled up her notes app waiting for Ronnie and Kevin’s plan to come through. She types in her notes and hands her phone to Cheryl who takes it very carefully with trembling hands.
“Are you okay?” Cheryl reads the message and lets out a deep sigh she tries to type back but her hands are shaking so bad Toni places both of her hands on Cheryl’s to try and steady them. It takes a minute before Cheryl is steady enough to type. “No I’m so scared Toni. What if they find us? This place is bad if they find us who knows what’s going to happen. I might never see you again I can’t be alone in here again.”Cheryl lets out a sob and Toni takes her phone back just as a message from Ronnie comes in. She doesn’t read the message yet she needs to respond to Cheryl’s panicked thoughts. “Hey they will not find us. We will get out of this TOGETHER and you will be safe I PROMISE YOU that.” Cheryl is reading the message over Toni’s shoulder and sighs as she takes a deep breath. Toni opens her message and Cheryl sees what her name is in Toni’s phone it’s “😍BOMBSHELL❤️” Toni feels her cheeks flush she’s glad it’s dark but Cheryl just smiles a true genuine smile in so long. The message from Ronnie is now on the screen and both girls are reading it over and over again. “So this building is so old it’s been easy to peak in and see around. Most of the nuns are in a backroom but we can’t find 3 of them so we figure they are walking around looking for you both. So what were are going to do is Fangs is going to sneak in through a busted window which is right near a fire alarm he’s going to pull it. Kevin and I will be at the door. We saw where you guys ran into when the nuns were close. We will be screaming for you both follow our voices. We have a bunch of the serpents keeping eyes all over. Before you ask I freaked out and told Betty and she told Jughead and we are here to rescue both of you. So once you hear the fire alarms both of you RUN okay. “ Toni looks at Cheryl to make sure she read it and is on track with everything Cheryl nods against Toni’s arm. Ronnie texts them “Get ready Fangs is at the window.” They are standing holding hands at the door ready to run when Cheryl leans in this time and kisses Toni with everything she has in her and whispers “Thank you.”
These next few minutes are the most terrifying minutes either girl has ever experienced which says a lot with both of their childhoods.They are standing at the door when they hear the alarm Toni whips the door open and both girls run as fast as they can. They hear the screams from Kevin and Veronica and run towards them. They finally spot the two both girls are tired and out of breath wanting to stop but both not slowing down even once they get out. Toni finally managed to stop Cheryl once she spotted Veronica’s car a little bit ahead. “Cheryl easy, breath you’re out of there it’s ok.” Toni says between huffs. Cheryl just engulfs Toni in a hug sobbing she starts hyperventilating. Veronica catches up to them and ushers them into the car quickly. Getting away from the woods and that hell hole as fast as they could. Veronica and Kevin are in the front while Toni and Cheryl are in the back no one has said a word. Toni had texted the group letting everyone know they got out and just thanking everyone for rescuing them. Cheryl had calmed down and reached for Toni’s phone opening the notes app again,not truly having the strength to talk. “I don’t want to be alone tonight will you stay? With me?” Toni tightened her hold on Cheryl and placed a soft peck on the top of her head. They pull up to Cheryl’s house and just sit for a minute.
The four teens just sat in silence trying to process what had just happened. Cheryl try’s to speak but instead a sob breaks out and Toni is right there holding her again. “I’m going to stay with Cheryl tonight, I’m not leaving her alone.” Toni speaks to the two concerned teens in the front. “I think that’s a good idea. Do you want one of us to also stay?” Veronica asks but already knowing the answer. “I think the two of us will be okay. But if we need anything I’ll be sure to text you.” Toni answers sincerely. Kevin get out of the car to open the door for the two girls in the back. He helps Cheryl out of the car and she hugs him tight as she cries. She whispers a fragile but truthfully honest “Thank you” which Kevin just responds by hugging her a little tighter. Cheryl looks to Veronica who walks over and wraps her tightly in her arms. Nothing was actually said but yet everything was said. Toni stands behind Cheryl holding her by the waist just incase. Both girls walk into the house and head right for Cheryl’s room. They both are standing there face to face ,Toni hates how broken Cheryl is right now. Toni knows not to make any sudden movements so she says.”How about you get out of this then shower or bathe and get into something comfortable.” She has Cheryl’s attention so she lifts her hand to caress Cheryl’s cheek. “I-I-don’t know if I can move Toni. Everything feels weird, detached. I’m afraid if I move by myself I’ll fall and never get back up.”Cheryl admits in a defeat tone tears brimming her eyes. “I’ll bathe with you.”Toni cuts in after what she said she felt the need to quickly rephrase what she said. “I-I didn’t mean I’ll get in the tub with you I I meant that I’ll stay in there with you or something or i don’t know I.” Cheryl places her hands on Toni’s arm and sadly smiles at her. “Will you please help me Toni I can’t do-.” She’s about to breakdown but Toni catches her.
Toni starts undressing Cheryl as they stand in the bathroom that’s when Toni’s heart breaks. She unbuttoned Cheryl’s shirt and she saw all the bruises. Multiple different shades and it made her sick to her stomach. She held in the gasp not wanting Cheryl to think she was ugly but Toni was surprised when Cheryl took Toni’s hand and laid it on a fresh new bruise.Toni had just helped her get in the tub and was ever so gently washing Cheryl’s hair and back. Her legs were covering her chest and her head bowed on her knees finally feeling a little safer. It was silent between the girls neither not sure of how to start the conversation. Toni not wanting to pressure Cheryl and Cheryl not sure where to start. Toni helped Cheryl out of the tub and got her dressed. She laid Cheryl in bed then went to clean up the bathroom when she got back into the room Cheryl had a soft smile on her face staring at Toni. “Why you looking at me like that?” Toni smiled “I have some sweatpants and T-shirt’s in the bottom draw if you want to change to.” Toni smiles as she held up exactly what Cheryl had told her. “While I was looking for your pajamas I didn’t know what draw so I started at the bottom and went up. Hope you don’t mind.” Toni said as she started to undress. “Not at all Toni.” Cheryl watched as Toni lifted her shirt Cheryl spotted Toni’s toned figure and a few scars.
Toni is standing there looking at Cheryl not sure what she should do now. “Toni come in the bed don’t just stand there.” Cheryl smiles and watches Toni climb into her bed getting comfortable. Cheryl is the first to break the silence feeling much more relaxed and calm. “I honestly do not know where to start.” Toni grabs her hands and gently rubs them just showing Cheryl she is all ears and willing to listen. “It was horrible,the things they made us do. I always knew that I wasn’t into guys and it wasn’t the first time my mother has sent me somewhere like that.” “Wait your mom sent you to a camp before?” Toni cut in.”Yea when she caught me with my first girlfriend we were just laying on the couch and she flipped sent me away when I came back Heather was gone.” Cheryl takes a deep breath wiping the stray tears that feel. “When I was in there this time I couldn’t help but think they were right there was something wrong with me. But the same time those voices, beatings and brainwashings were happening I couldn’t help but think about..you Toni. It’s crazy but dreaming and picturing life with you and life just outside of there is what kept me grounded I guess. When you ran in calling my name I thought this was it I’m completely insane I lost it. When we first kissed I froze because I never felt that secure like I did in that kiss. When we were ducking I hated myself because I was so scared that because of me you were going to have to suffer what I did. Reading the message on how we were getting rescued I was going to make sure you got out and then just give up but you kept a tight hold of my hand while we ran. I couldn’t stop running once we got out cause I didn’t want to get caught again but there you were bringing me back to reality yet again. I know I’ve been through a ton lately but before I was sent away we were hanging out everyday I grew to have feelings, very strong feelings for you. We are young but I think we both are so mature for our ages. I know things are insane right now and I have a lot I need to work through but going through this process I don’t want to lose you in away way. It might sound self-.” Cheryl is cut off “It is not selfish I WANT to be right there with you through everything because you said you have feelings for me. Well Cheryl I have very strong feelings for you to. What you went through doesn’t diminish them it made my feelings about you grow because you are going to be even stronger once you overcome this. I care so much about you. As long as you want me I will be here with you in any way.” Toni wipes her cheek then Cheryl’s. “Thank you. There’s still a lot of details I didn’t get into but I’m so tired.” Cheryl can’t finish cause Toni starts rustling under the blankets hold her arms open for Cheryl to cuddle in. “It’s okay we have all the time. Whenever you are ready I’ll be here to listen. Right now you need sleep I’m going to be right here to hold you,if you want me to.” Toni goes to put her arms down when Cheryl lays right on Toni’s chest. Toni squeezes her kissing the top of her head and whispers, “I got you you are safe now.”
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spider-manoutoftime · 6 years
shipping info meme
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER?: This is a hard one for me. Miguel’s canon relationships from the comics were great for storytelling (i.e. Miguel x Dana and Miguel x Xina in the 1992 series or Miguel x Tempest in the 2015 series) but never really clicked with me on a personal level. So, the jury’s still out on this one.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO WRITE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING? I’m willing to simply adhere to my RP partners’ comfort level, depending on what kind of thread they have in mind. Also, Smutt-only threads aren’t necessarily a hard no, but I am very, very selective with that sort of thing.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? I portray Miguel as being about 24/25, so I’d say the comfortable range for potential partners would be 20 to about 35.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? I ship with chemistry, but am willing to hear out certain ideas. If you think a ship between are muses could potentially work, I’d mostly be willing to at least give it a shot.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NSFW? Probably about 3rd base... maybe 2nd and a half, depending on specifics.
WHO ARE OTHER CHARACTERS YOU SHIP YOUR CHARACTER WITH? This isn’t necessarily in reference to specific blogs. Just characters I think Miguel would have decent chemistry with.
Jessica Jones, Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson (we live in the post-One More Day world after all), Gaveedra-Seven, Felicia Hardy, Betty Brant, Mayday Parker. Though I’m open to others.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: You don’t have to, but if you have an idea you’d like to work out ahead of time, feel free to drop it on me. 
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? I’m game for it pretty much whenever.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: It’s can definitely be fun to go all in on certain ships.
WHAT IS/ARE YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP(S) IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: Just in Marvel in general? Because Rogue and Gambit have been killing it as of late as Mr & Mrs X.
I mostly ship with chemistry (e.g. something developing naturally in a thread.) Although, like I said, if you have some sort of ship-related plot you think would work, I’m all ears.
tagged by: @spiderballet
tagging: @octaviusindustries, @bcdkitty, @webheadjrr, @spideymentor, @lackspraise, anyone else who wants to steal this
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mindmeafterdark · 3 years
An In Person Hang Up with @OneCheekyGal
-The evening with Maxwell was long gone from my thoughts, seemingly eons ago, replaced by something much more enduring, and in a shocking turn, transformative. There truly hadn’t been anything like it since I’d suffered the loss of Cora. I had remained rooted in the past, as much as I tried to run from it, I could never escape the weight of her death. Though there were times my languishing had waned, it was a constant backdrop, training behind me for longer than a lifetime. 
That was until I’d happened to call for an appointment at the Toy Box and reached Camille. Her voice and its every inflection had been identical to Cora’s, my physical and emotional responses had confirmed it. Despite this haunting similarity, I felt unweighted and firmly rooted in the present instead of lost to the past. That was most notable in my expanding interest in Camille. 
Though the sound of her voice had initially initially hooked me, I realized there was something more that was luring me. The conversation may have been ordinary to any observer, insignificant even, but it was nothing of the sort. The underlying nuances may have escaped anyone else, but once her voice had captured my attention, I was entirely engaged. The evolution of her reactions, from distracted to considering to flustered to laughing and finally the abrupt farewell, she seemed to be affected as well. Without having seen her or had any true personal exchange, I was at the genesis of a building attraction, something I thought was an impossibility for me. I’d repeated her name several times during the intervening hours, reveling in how it felt on my tongue. 
And we were about to meet. 
The sun had burned away all cloud cover as the hours passed by or I would have left to arrive at the earliest opportunity. Instead, I had too much time to mull over how to present myself for this second first impression with her. It may have been lunacy to feel such a way before laying eyes on a person, but I was not going to take for granted this rebirth of feeling captivated. I finally landed on a brighter, blue t-shirt and casual slacks as opposed to darker attire. It suited my new locale, especially given the heat and proximity to the ocean. After a shower, a shave, a taming of my hair, and a very light application of cologne, I’d dressed and headed to my car. It was a short drive away and I parked just around the corner from Camille’s shop with five minutes to spare.  I walked up to the door, anticipation peaking, and used the back of my knuckles to knock.- 
*Somehow, as the day moved along, I worked to find a way to put Kai and his coffee voice out of my mind. I filled my day with cleaning every single display that was set up in the shop, straightened and re-straightened bottles on shelves, I even wiped down the water feature wall. The few customers who came through the store in person, I scrutinized the sound of their voice only to end up disappointed when I concluded none of them belonged to him. 
I was beyond curious and as the hours ticked by I began to worry. I didn’t want to lose my cool when he was here the way I had over the phone. At least over the phone he wasn’t able to see embarrassment on my face. I needed to take back control, if for nothing else than to feel like my normal, confident self. 
After checking the clock for the millionth time, I knew that was a lost cause. Time had started off with moving entirely too slow even while I had been cleaning as a distraction, and then suddenly, without any warning, it sped up like it was the white rabbit...late for a very important date. I scoffed at myself for that particular train of thought and went in search of my own white animal. Betty had kept her distance from me all day which was odd for her, then again, she always had been a good judge of my moods and must not have appreciated the energy I had been putting out in my efforts to forget the way a certain conversation had affected me.
Time had ticked down to minutes now, and my nerves had returned in full force. I didn’t like the way it made me feel. In my search, I found Betty curled up asleep on top of my desk next to a sample box of novelty masks that had been sent to me by a company in the hopes that I’d place an order with them. Originally, I had been on the fence about them, but now, as an idea formed, I could see their appeal. 
Choosing the female version, I returned to the front of the store and removed the mask from its plastic, slid the loops over each ear then checked myself out in one of the changing room mirrors. My laughter at the sight of the pink-lipped mouth and black ball gag printed on the front of the mask was immediate and left me feeling more like myself. This was exactly what I needed...there was no way he’d be able to disarm me like he had earlier on the phone while looking at this. 
As I adjusted the wire nose piece to fit better, I continued to laugh. All humour ceased when I heard a knock at the door, because of course he would knock! I had left it open for him, but given the way he spoke, I really shouldn’t have been surprised he was the proper knocking before entering type. 
After one last glance in the mirror, I moved to the door and swung it open with a smile...not that he’d be able to see it beneath the mask.* Hello, Kai? *snorting at myself, I shook my head and stepped aside, purposely not looking too long at him out of fear that I’d lose the return of my normal self.* Of course you are, duh. Nobody else asked for an appointment tonight. Please come in. 
-Anticipation mounted as I waited for her to open the door and just when she did… muttering about my name, I broke into a chuckle on sight of the mask she was wearing. It was an instant reminder I’d forgotten one, not that I needed it. It had been easier in Texas to roll around without one for the sake of appearances. I couldn’t help but continue to laugh as I stepped in. The ball gag mask commanding my attention for its bold humor.- Camille… I don’t even know your safe word. -dropping my lips close to her ear as she closed the door behind us, I whispered one more word.- Yet.
-Not the best of lines, but not the worst either, at least I hoped. While she finished locking up behind me, or attending to whatever business she had at the door, I had the opportunity for a better look . Her stature would have her tucked perfectly below my chin, just where Cora would fit. Her hair was also the same, rich color Cora had pinned into curls, though Camille wore it straighter, the light catching the nuances of natural highlights. With every detail a piece of the puzzle filled in for my wishful heart. I wanted her eyes… needed her eyes, but I knew no image of her could be complete so long as she wore that mask. Even with part of her face undercover, I was moved by something unseen, an electricity in the atmosphere, something beyond comprehension, but definitely sensed. I was determined, one way or another, to get the full picture before I left. 
As I stood in the store, my eyes scanned the area to see what I could see. The place was impeccably kept, I could even scent the cleaner in the air, though it wasn’t at all off putting like a hospital. From the water feature wall adorned with some suction cup sex toys, to the candid and organized displays, nothing appeared to be placed without thought or careful consideration.  I absolutely loved the idea of Camille owning a shop brandishing all the wares for proper kink, and sexual indulgence. I awaited the attractive proprietor before venturing any further into the store, after all the visit had become as much about her as procurement, if not more.-
*The sound of Kai’s laughter upon seeing my mask was enough to convince me they deserved a spot on my shelves, it had done exactly what I had hoped for, slid me straight into a familiar ease. I was used to making people laugh, I enjoyed it, and I enjoyed the sound of Kai’s particularly when it continued as he stepped inside. 
I had already turned off the OPEN sign so I took my time making sure the lock was twisted into place after closing the door. I was feeling proud as a peacock until he spoke. Thank the gods of kink my back was to him when he made mention of not knowing my safe word. UM WHAT?! That was not a normal thing to say to someone even if that someone happened to be wearing a ball gag mask. And holy hell, his voice was right there. Next to my ear. He had gotten close enough I could just barely smell the scent of whatever cologne he was wearing through my mask.
My mind went completely blank, offline, blue screen of death level inoperable. I was back to the phone call from this morning speechless all over again. Shitshitshit. 
How does a person even reply?! Should I pretend I didn’t hear him? No. Only a deaf person could claim that. And more importantly, since when does Mr. Speaks-Like-He's-From-Another-Time-And-Knocks-On-Doors talk like that? He was nowhere near flirting with me on the phone this morning...wasn’t he? 
So. Many. Questions. Zero answers. I was in trouble. 
Fortunately, as I turned around from the door, his attention was not on me. I took the reprieve to shake my brain back online only to realize...DUH, of course he would know about safe words, everyone and their mother knew what that was. And really, thanks to the 50 Shades of Trash, safe word talk was far from uncommon. Maybe he was just messing with me. I blamed the mask. Definitely was not going to order those fuckers. Absolutely not. 
Control. Where had it gone? I needed to regain it, at the very least of myself and return to being a professional. If that was still possible...Likely not, but I was willing to live in my own delusions for as long as Kai was in my shop. Deciding the shock value of my mask had worn off, I removed it and stepped closer to the counter to set it aside, and in the process, found my cheeky side...not exactly the professional I was aiming for but far better than the bumbling mute I had just been. 
My smile was still in place as I spoke, this time I made sure to take a proper look at his face since my previous avoiding tactic hadn’t worked at all.* Can’t say I remember the last time I had a need for a safe word, Kai. *I held back a cringe at my far too honest answer, I couldn’t take it back now. Not wanting to leave him too much time to interpret that confession, I spoke again.* So...what can I help you find tonight? 
-Even with my back to her, I could sense Camille’s fluster; I thrived off of it. I liked having such an impact on her, mostly because I had been bewitched by her in the course of a phone call. I could feel her movement, she was closer to me but to my right. My grin widened into a lopsided smile when her confession slipped, providing me insight. I was emboldened, confident, ready to get her out of that mask. 
I turned and stepped closer simultaneously, bringing my eyes up to find hers, and that was when the world flipped end to end. Everything engaged all at once, realization dawning that if my mind was playing tricks that it had executed to perfection. The atmosphere was sparking like a live wire. I stepped even closer.
The world stopped then spun. 
Blurred out of focus.
Zoomed back into clarity.
My vision tunneled, magnetized to her. Gods...by the air I breathed, her every flawless feature was there. From the warmth of her eyes flecked with mischief, to the sweet bow of her lips with the slightest, unique upturn at their corners and her perfectly auspicious nose, she was the very image of the love I’d lost. I was sucked into the vortex of my past, her name on the tip of my tongue but I would not speak it. The beautiful woman who stood in front of me was very well, breathing, and undeniably of modern times. 
I’d been stricken by the familiarity in her voice, but seeing her identical resemblance, there was no passing it off as the fantasy of a wishful mind and a weary soul. With everything in place, the sight of her ignited a backdraft of reactions, and urges I had to immediately suppress. I did not want our first meeting to end up our last. I wanted to be her last first. My hope had been dismantled when Cora’s soul had dispensed…but now it was as if I could see that I was standing on the precipice of something that defied explanation. 
I was curious. Did she feel anything at all stirring in her bones?  Was I alone in this welcomed haze of déjà vu? I wanted to ask her. I wanted to know. I was fighting my own impatience. My heart stuttered in my chest, beating some erratic rhythm I couldn’t quite call to order, but I found a raspy form of my voice and did my damnedest to call my sanity to order.-
I am quite finicky about this particular item...perhaps you can show me to your stock of nipple clamps? 
Nothing novelty. -a slight command had returned to my tone, praise the Gods. 
Heart. Hammering. 
I was unused to being caught off guard, but I waited for her answer like she was on the cusp of revealing all the mysteries of the universe and a free round trip to the seven wonders of the world.-
*I didn’t know what to make of the silence that followed my question. Was he suddenly feeling shy about what he wanted to look at or was he mulling over my admission and coming to realize my sex life had been as stagnant as a murky puddle on the side of the road. I hoped it wasn’t that. I could work with coaxing out what he wanted to see, but I didn’t think I could recover from the alternative. 
Embarrassment began to burn my ears but before it could creep onto my cheeks he answered and relief flooded the blush, washing it away like a candle being snuffed out in the rain. 
Nipple clamps. 
He wanted to see nipple clamps. I almost laughed. In all my years, I never would have guessed he’d say that. It was a rare occurrence when I couldn’t figure out what someone might ask for prior to them telling me. It was a weird feeling to be taken by surprise like that, but the weirdness gave way to a thrill of the unknown akin to the way it felt when riding a rollercoaster for the first time. 
My lips twitched and I nodded as I moved past him, still keeping a mindful distance while heading toward the room hidden by the heavy black curtain, I spoke to him as I drew the curtain back and tucked it behind a hook.* Do you know what style you are looking for? 
*Moving deeper into the room, I grabbed a few varieties off the display on the wall as I listed the types for him, figuring if he decided upon staying where he was, I could bring them to him to look at, though something inside me I couldn’t exactly identify hoped he’d be curious about what else was behind the curtain, and might want to look at more than just nipple clamps. Not to make a larger sale, but to lengthen his visit.* Alligator clamps, with and without teeth, tweezer clamps, string and bead clamps for longer wear, magnetic clamps, spring tension rings that work with piercings, nipple suckers. Vibrating clamps. 
*I grinned proudly at my variety as I turned around and found he had definitely followed me and was practically next to me, so I used my hands as a table to spread all the styles out for him to inspect, curiously waiting to see which he would be drawn to.* 
-I couldn’t help myself from following her into the room I knew had been partitioned because of the types of items found there. I was lured to her in a way that failed definition, and was for more than her being a doppelgänger.  I felt like I could breathe for the first time in damn near a century. I looked around the room while she plucked some of her wares to share, impressed that her inventory was definitely quality over novelty, not that her shop was free of those items. It was the balance she struck that I respected. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, but my instinct was screaming not to back off. Her scent was… subtle, cherry blossom-esque, earthy, delicately floral and faintly sweet, too. 
I could tell she took care in selecting the clamps she did, my mouth hooking up at one side in a grin as she held them out. I picked up the vibrating clamps, setting them aside on the nearest shelf. I brushed my fingers over the nipple suckers, though I admired their mechanics, I set those aside, too. My eyes raised to hers, noting she was concentrating on what I picked, and I wanted to draw out all the suspense I could. In the end I left the Alligator clamps with teeth, black-tipped tweezer clamps with a weighted chain and… a stunning and expensive looking pair of butterfly clamps. I was not permanently discarding the other options, but I was engaged and had particular intentions that hopefully would result in extending our evening. Lifting the butterfly clamps, they struck a particular cord in this moment with her.-
I’m sure you know that most instruments of pleasure and pain have a history that came before their current use? -grinning, turning the clamps in my fingers, pleased with their weight-
These I have a true affinity for. They were invented by women, Japanese seamstresses, and originally called clover clamps. They were used to hold fabric in place so that the hand stitching was impeccable. I love their simplicity and strength. How the tension increases as you pull on their ends. The way they can bring about pain with a slow burn, like a good whiskey down your throat, is also divinity. 
Now, tell me, Camille, what is it that I set aside you would add back to my selection? -I raised a brow, awaiting her reaction and further insight into what her own taste might reveal-
*Never before had I been so curious as to what someone might choose from my offerings. With each item Kai had put aside, I felt a tiny bubble of excitement grow and grow, like air being pushed into a piece of gum. Would it pop all over my face or would I be able to suck the air back in my lungs and control the gum without embarrassment. I wasn’t sure. Most customers checked the back of the packaging where the price sticker was always placed when considering items they were wanting to buy, he didn’t even bother looking. I couldn’t decide if that meant he was trying to impress me or if he actually cared about what he purchased, and that the price wasn’t part of the decision making process for him. 
It was as he began describing the history of a particular set of clamps that I decided his interests were that of someone authentic and not just some guy who thought a kinky lifestyle was the next cool thing to do. I was impressed. The bubblegum bubble in my stomach threatened to blow wide open, stretching dangerously thinner when he asked his question. 
The tone was one of someone who was used to being in control and the subtle command wasn’t at all off putting. In fact, I smiled at him as I sat down his choices, away from the ones he made clear were not to his liking, and moved back to the display wall. 
I hadn’t originally shown him everything I stocked. My initial selection was to gauge his true interests. Now that I had rather safely assumed price point wasn’t a concern for him, particularly after he kept the more expensive items, and discarded the lower end, entry level clamps, I knew what I wanted to show him. I took my time browsing my selection, I knew exactly where they hung on the wall, but if he was wanting to see what I would add to his options I needed a couple steadying breaths before turning back to his scrutinizing gaze. 
I wanted to impress him, now. I wanted my choice to go home with him and earn a place among what I was starting to imagine was a rather extensive collection of items he knew how to expertly wield. And if I was really being honest with myself, I wanted him to remember this appointment tonight every time he looked at this particular item, and be reminded of me. 
As I turned away from the display wall and popped open the packaging, I slid one of the wide flat disks out and held it up. To anyone else it would be mistaken for a delicately designed nipple shield, but I knew the secret it held.* I think you did a great job weeding out the clamps I showed, and instead of putting one back in the pile, I’d add this instead. 
*Returning to stand in front of him again, I reached for one of his hands and lined up the opening of the shield to his pinky finger.* Most people overlook the use of a nipple shield. It’s usually designed for comfort of the wearer and generally chosen for personal expression with all the different types of designs you can get them in. But these ones are different. They can still work with any of the clamps you’ve picked out but…you see this outer ring right here? *I slowly twisted the ring I knew he was watching and waited until he felt the tiny circle of points close in around his pinky finger. Gradually, I twisted the ring a little further to demonstrate the degree of control he could have with them while showing how they could add another layer of pain when combined with any clamp he wanted to use.* 
-She. Was. Stunning. Every reaction she offered complimented mine before it with a remarkable ease. I could sense her anticipation and it only multiplied my own. Her smile held an enigmatic allure, one I was sure came natural and was not practiced. 
When Camille set aside the clamps I’d selected and seemingly the options I’d discarded, the urge to say “good girl” was hard pressed to die on my tongue. I hadn’t taken her for anything less than savvy, but when she turned to go seek something new, the tension in the smaller room stretched like a rubber band, escalating my ambitions. She’d held out, and didn’t that just whet my appetite.
It was in that span of drawn out moments, I became aware my attraction was not to an unfinished past, or a recollection of love.  Time had changed me. Experiences had forced my growth. Modern influence had weighed in on my adaptation. I realized I had shed the Kai I was a near century ago, evolved into a different man, and with that my understanding deepened. It was Camille who drew the man I had become.
My eyes followed her and only her. I wasn’t trying to see what she was looking for, and when she turned away, my staring was unabashed. I blew out a quiet breath on sight of her pert and curved ass, small waist, and the strong shoulders of her petite frame. Her body cinched and swelled in all ways enticing. The opportunity to admire her physical attributes was both a privilege and an indulgence that only served to elevate my attraction. 
She multitasked as she turned back in my direction, opening the packaging while she walked, then revealing what she’d chosen. A sleek, brushed metal, thin disk, simple in design, a nipple shield of some variety. Curious, I raised a brow. Behind her casual words I sensed something more, and she did not disappoint that expectation.
When she took my hand, a surge of blood rushed through my veins as if her touch could conduct electricity. My grin hooked up at one corner as she slid the shield onto the tip of my finger, providing me explanation in a tone of voice that was sensual, and pleasing. When she turned the ring in demonstration, the points pressed into my skin, the biting sensation against the nerve endings of my finger inciting a riot of reactions. 
I was impressed.
I was aroused. 
I was captivated. 
I was admittedly a little smug at her reveal. I wanted insight into what turned her on and she had delivered beyond my wildest imaginings. Not only had she shown me something about her tastes, she had nailed mine. It didn’t matter that the clover clamps may have indicated my own preferences, making it less than a guess. What mattered was that she had paid attention, and what that exposed. My grin widened as my eyes raised, getting caught on another unintentional moment of show-and-tell. In subtle outline, under her green blouse, was most definitely a pierced nipple. My gaze quickly darted to the opposite side to answer my next question. And, yes, she had completed the set. I swallowed a groan, wanting to explore the entire landscape of her mind and body. My eyes finally made it to hers as the ring continued the pinch at my finger, and her hand had not dropped from mine.-
I am thoroughly taken with these. First, I’ve never come across them. Second, they pair with my taste consummately. Third… 
-I paused, knowing what I was about to say was more dirty than gentlemanly, but time was of the essence.-
Don’t you find that far too often the nipples are overlooked as an erogenous zone? 
*I had never been one to seek out the approval of another. EVER. Not as a child, or teen, or even as an adult and absolutely not in any of my relationships, platonic, familial or romantic. It just wasn’t who I was as a person. I have always known who I was and had always been content with that. My self-awareness was strong, and stronger than that was my inability to yield to the approval of others. I had always taken the approach of if someone didn’t like something about me, that was their problem, not mine. 
And yet...
With the look in Kai’s eyes as I showed him how the nipple shield worked on his finger, and the way he spoke about them fitting in with his tastes, I felt the bubble of gum explode inside my stomach, leaving behind a desire to seek more of his approval. I didn’t know what to do with this feeling or myself, and so, I continued to stand there, staring into his eyes, listening to him speak in that coffee voice I found oh so irresistible. Until he asked a question I normally would have side-stepped like a landmine because I was still a professional, and knew better than to get tangled up in the inappropriate with a customer. 
And yet…
My head was nodding immediately and my mouth was running away with my agreement before my brain could even find the emergency break.*
OH MY GOD. Yes. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times my nipples have been disappointed in the past. I mean, what is the point of a gal piercing the damn things if she doesn’t want them to be played with?! That alone should be an open invitation, if you ask me! They are not an ornament you put on display on the mantel above the fireplace, never to be touched and only appreciated. And they are certainly not meant to just be looked at because they are pretty! Nipples deserve so much more than to be overlooked. They are not wallflowers. *I ended my single-breath tirade in a huff then laughed as I shook my head, feeling the burn of embarrassment high on my cheekbones.* 
Shit. I did not mean to unpack all of that *my hand moved in the air between us* on you. I’m not apologizing though, because it’s true...I’m just usually a lot better at filtering my thoughts around clients, but damn, if you didn’t hit a sore spot for me. Hell, I have even said those exact words before. 
*As I came to that realization, my eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion.* You don’t know any of my exes, do you? *Speaking more to myself, I shook my head and muttered my own reasoning of that away before I went with the next most ridiculous reason on the list of how he could say something exactly as I had myself.* 
I can’t imagine any of them knowing you and not mentioning it to me at some point. Mind reader then. That has to be it. There is no way you could ask a question so succinctly worded that it sounds like I was asking it myself. 
*I was so singularly focused on his question, I didn’t have time to consider all the revealing things I had said, least of all being the fact that I admitted to having my nipples pierced, I could die of mortification over that later, when I was alone like a normal girl would.* 
-Camille continued to impress and my amusement was instantaneous, expressed in a low chuckle, as she revealed her own frustrations. I was not a spy, nor a friend of an ex, or otherwise positioned to have known how my question would affect her. I had stumbled onto rose gold, which was somehow the color that bloomed in her cheeks, probably at the realization of her disclosures. 
The animation in her features only heightened her beauty, the way her eyes widened in kindred recognition, the way she huffed in exasperation as an exclamation point on a valid argument, and the casual dismissal of her assumed oversharing with a wave of her hand. 
I was taken with her candor and how her thoughts poured out without reserve. There was only one stutter, and not in her speech, but when she referred to me as her client. A fact for certain, but one I was immediately intent on changing. Camille deserved someone who could show her nipples proper attention. By the sounds of her venting, she’d suffered a string of disappointments and lackluster attempts in this department. 
Excitement tightened my jaw and stiffened my cock at the mere thought of an opportunity to show her how good it could be if she were put in the proper hands. My past relationship had been chaste; despite her aplomb, Cora and I had remained fairly traditional. My expanded experience only came after, and was predominantly male-oriented. 
Here and now, I was every ounce the modern man and not at all bound by antiquated formalities. Something cemented in me at the realization. In a world of possibilities that encompassed reincarnation and biologically immortal super humans, we should be unbound, and not destined to repeat the preceding cycle. It was a divergent path, one I would take without hesitation into undiscovered territory. 
I laughed easily, nodding my head in agreement to all she said, laughing more when she suggested I might be a mind reader, if I wasn’t an acquaintance of one of her exes. Comfortable, emboldened, all ice obliterated, I was ready to delve into every point she had left me to answer.-
I’d have a difficult time being a friend to anyone who neglected any nipples so egregiously, Camille. And while I credit your powers of deduction, I am not a mind reader, either. Admittedly, my eye for detail did reveal something before you confirmed it...I am a sucker for pierced nipples. -A sideways smirk hit my lips as I chanced another glance, making sure she caught it. It was well worth the risk of getting smacked to reveal my interest.- 
We do have a problem though, if I’m being upfront. You have everything and more I want to purchase, and I would certainly and solely support your business as a matter of taste. But, you see, I would rather ask you out. -leaning in, I wanted the weight of my inhale and exhale to register- And, if I were so fortunate to have you agree, I’d make sure your nipples were never wallflowers, or adorned with piercings for naught.  -I stepped back, wanting to give her the physical space to consider my words- I don’t want to be a client, if it means a conflict of interest. 
*His reaction to my unsolicited tirade made me laugh. A lot. The formal speech paired with the topic of pleasuring nipples was a dichotomy enough that I almost missed him admitting to already knowing I had piercings. The realization brought some levity back to the moment and I fought hard not to cross my arms over my chest. I felt exposed despite being covered though the smirk that followed his confession left me feeling more empowered than embarrassed, and my grin up at Kai was a genuine one.
The curve of my lips faltered when he spoke of a problem, and my brows knit together as I quickly went over in my mind how things could have taken such a turn for him. I thought things were going perfectly. He liked the product samples I showed and even seemed pleased when I tested the nipple shield on his finger. 
Much like when we had spoken on the phone earlier, he got straight to the point before I could even ask what the issue was, when he was done, my mouth fell open in surprise. He wanted to ask me out?! Not even if I was psychic could I have seen that coming. More to the point, he was willing to shop elsewhere despite liking my product lines  just to prevent any kind of conflict of interest for me. 
I was stunned silent for a few seconds, overwhelmed by the way he had moved in close and spoke low, reminding me of the way he had sounded earlier through the telephone. Except now, I had the added benefit of catching the scent of him and seeing his face and watching the way his lips moved as he spoke. Oh boy. 
I licked over my lips and pulled the bottom one between my teeth as my heart hammered away erratically in my chest. I knew my answer, and I offered another smile to him as I reached out to remove the shield from his finger.* Well. It’s a good thing I am the boss, isn’t it? While I normally say no to these kinds of situations, I’m finding it really hard to follow my own rule at the moment. 
*I slid the shield back into the packaging, closing it then waving it between us a little before picking up the rest of the items he previously said he wanted.* You don’t have to shop anywhere else unless that’s what you want, though I don’t see anything wrong with you supporting my business and us going on a date. *I moved past him, making my way toward the cash register and speaking over my shoulder to him as he followed behind.* I have no doubt with all of these items you are going to buy, my future nipples will be very happy. 
-I loved her laugh. Adored it. I wanted to record it so I could replay it. Of course, it wouldn’t bear the same effect if I did. It was that it was in reaction to me and its unforced quality laced together by the bell-like tone and uninhibited sound of it. Apparently we were done in the backroom, but I didn’t have time to raise any objections. I had a grin plastered on my face for a multitude of reasons. She had said yes, but it was not that simple. It had flustered her, I had noted it in the quiet that preceded the drop of her bottom lip, followed by the press of her teeth into it before she landed on her answer. She wasn’t done then. She took the shield off the tip of my finger, repackaged it and waved it in front of my face, a silent admonishing for even the consideration of me shopping elsewhere. Finally, there was the admission that I was essentially an exception, worth breaking a personal rule for. I did not take that lightly. I turned on my heel as her petite yet curvy body easily slipped by me. 
I normally did not follow, but she was also an exception for me. She might even succeed in getting me on my knees and under her command, were the circumstances optimal. That was a self-revelation I wasn’t expecting, as I had never submitted or even considered it. Those cards were going to be held close to the chest. For now. 
She earned a laugh that ended on a groan when she mentioned her future nipples being very happy. Even in jest, that told me she was thinking about me in a certain way, I welcomed the innuendo. As I met her at the counter, I had to resist joining her behind it. Instead, I remained a gentleman, ignoring the instinct to behave otherwise.-
Does the fact that you’re ringing me up also mean you’re kicking me out? Early bedtime, Camille? -I wasn’t about to let the night end so easily, but would respect any request she made. While I watched her carefully add up my tab, it dawned on me why she had hung up during her call, I must have flustered her then as well. That small epiphany increased my heart rate. If she felt an attraction just during the course of our discussion, maybe there was more than just coincidence to our meeting. Now, standing in her store, she couldn’t end it as she had abruptly done with our call, but she was giving it the most valiant of efforts with the move to close the sale. Toying with a small vibrator on a counter display, I kept my tone purposely casual.-
And after you answer that, tell me, do you like to be the boss in every aspect of your life? -my eyebrow lifted as I awaited her eye contact, along with her reply.-
*Hearing his laughter behind me when I joked about my nipples had a smile growing on my lips. I couldn’t help it now that he had made his interest in me known. I wasn’t sure that he was finished browsing, however his request earlier had been about nipple clamps, and we had successfully taken care of that. If he wanted something else, he could book another appointment. I had reached my limit of trying to maintain my professionalism while under such a scrutinizing set of eyes. 
I needed fresh air and food and to be out of my shop. It had been quite the day, that was for sure. As I scanned each of the items and set them aside, I gave him his total and pushed the card machine toward him, assuming he wouldn’t be paying by cash, before starting to bag things up. It was customary that I added a few sample items when someone made a larger purchase, and I wasn’t about to let Kai go without his. I rummaged through the box of samples below the counter, choosing the flavoured lube packets and condoms I thought were the best of the bunch as I answered his questions.* 
Yes, I am kicking you out, but no, not for early bedtime. *I smiled as I dropped the freebies into his bag then grabbed one of my business cards, flipping it over to the side that was blank, then grabbed a pen from the cup beside the register that was in the shape of a naked female torso.* It’s been a long day, and because I hadn’t planned on staying late, I didn’t bring dinner with me when I came in this morning. We can arrange another time for you to browse the rest of the shop, if you’d like? I’ll be better prepared then. 
*I lowered my gaze to the business card and wrote my cell number on the back before dropping that into the bag along with the receipt that shot out the top of the debit machine once he had entered his card and PIN. I held out the bag for him to take, and grinned because I had yet to acknowledge his last question. It felt like my answer would be one that carried some weight for him.* Do I like to be the boss in every aspect of my life? Not really. I mean, I am pretty type A with work, but outside of this shop, I’m less so. At least that’s what I like to think. I guess it just depends on the situation, really. 
*Nodding to myself as I finished answering his question, I reached below the counter to grab my purse and fished out my keys. He hadn’t said anything yet, and I wasn’t sure what to make of his silence. I hoped I hadn’t answered in a way he thought was boring like the nipple clamps he’d discarded earlier. Then again, I hadn’t asked him any questions, maybe he was insulted or simply didn’t have anything to say now that he had his answer. I blew out a breath and summoned up my lady balls. I could ask questions, too.* Do you want to join me for dinner? Have you eaten? It will only take a couple of minutes for me to close up. 
-I watched Camille’s every move and as I did so, it occurred to me she was literally doing it, an in person hang-up. I refused to display my shock as she filled my bag with various accessory items either out of habit or propriety, slightly stunned. A part of me found humor in her blunt and verbal kick to the curb as it reminded me of my past love, and the spine she possessed. I almost laughed when she said that she was indeed kicking me out, confirming what I had thought. Perhaps I had been too forward...
That thought was quickly quelled and my ego soothed as she disclosed why she was actually booting me, and a pang of upset struck me, as she clearly stayed past closing time at her own expense. I would find a way to make that up to her as I never wanted to inconvenience anyone, let alone someone I was interested in pursuing. While she wrote what I presumed was her number on the back of the business card, I weighed the idea of asking if I could take her for dinner but before I could offer, she answered the question I had forgotten I asked. A grin tilted my lips up on one side as she satisfied my curiosity about her out-of-business preferences and images flashed in my mind...images of her in ways I really shouldn’t have allowed myself to indulge in. 
As she blew out a breath and gathered her belongings, I was about to speak up but she beat me to it, and my resulting smile was full blown. I wouldn’t have cared if I had just finished a six course meal, I would have developed an appetite just so I could take her up on the offer.-
I would love to join you,on one condition...You allow me to buy? - I held up a hand in anticipation of her protest, signaling I wanted to explain.- It’s the least I can do after I was the one who delayed your dinner. You’d also be doing me a favor since I’m just getting acquainted with the area. Aside from those things, if I’m being upfront, I cannot express how much I want to get to know you better, and that is after a mere thirty minutes in your company.
-I hoped she wouldn’t change her mind after my emboldened statement, but something told me Camille wouldn’t have asked in the first place if she was at all hesitant, and her independent spirit and self-assured nature only served to increase my attraction to her.-
*I tried not to fidget as I waited for Kai’s answer on whether or not he wanted to join me for dinner. There was something unsettling about asking someone out that always left me feeling...overexposed. Sure he had indicated he was interested, but that didn’t mean he was looking to go on a date with me right away. The possibility of being rejected was still very real in my mind, and as I waited, I bit down on my bottom lip to stop myself from saying anything else. This wasn’t like our phone call earlier in the day where I could hang up on him because I was feeling out of my element and flustered. It was intimidating to put myself out like that even when I already knew he liked me. 
He saved me from too much internal debate on how to react to a rejection gracefully when he accepted and then demanded to pay. I was stunned and began to shake my head as he lifted a hand and continued on, explaining why. Was it not enough that he spent a large amount on products? It felt too much. I didn’t know what to do with that and laughed in disbelief.* 
Please don’t feel bad about keeping me. I was the one who agreed to the appointment tonight, I could have told you tomorrow when you called. *I really wanted to argue about paying for dinner since I was the one who asked him to join me, but again, there was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on that suggested I was better off not pushing the topic. Just like I could have said otherwise, he, too, didn't have to offer to pay. I smiled lightly and nodded my head.* 
I can play restaurant guide for you, sure. There are actually a bunch of great local places that are walking distance from here. Just give me a couple of minutes to take care of a few things. 
*I thumbed through the key ring I still had in my hand and locked up the register, grateful I had taken care of removing all the cash minus the regular float before Kai had arrived. I'd balance the day’s earnings in the morning. Next was returning to the room Kai and I had been in, flicking off the light switch and making a mental note that I’d have to return the items I’d left on the floor display back to their spots on the wall. Normally I’d pull the black curtain closed but instead left it open to help remind me when I opened for the day tomorrow. Last, I returned to behind the counter and flipped off the rest of the light switches along with the water feature wall, leaving the bubbling to continue behind me, just without its accompanying purple glow. 
When that was complete, I hooked my purse over my arm and gestured to the door. Next to it, I pressed the away function on the alarm panel and unlocked the door, opening it wide for Kai to exit first then followed behind him, sliding my key into the lock and twisting it to secure the door. He hadn’t said anything in the time I took to close up, but now that we were outside, I could leave my worry about being professional inside the shop and grinned up at him.* 
Maybe leave that in your car before we go? And then you can tell me how you feel about Thai food. *I gestured to the bag he still held and laughed at myself as I realized I had just contradicted the answer I had given him before about being bossy in all aspects of my life, but before he could call me on it, I quickly added.* Unless you’d rather take a bag of nipple clamps to dinner with us, it doesn’t bother me any. The staff there know where I work. 
*There was a gleam in Kai’s eyes that I wasn’t entirely sure was from the glow of the neon CLOSED sign that hung above my door, but as he held my gaze so intently, I got the impression he wouldn’t be bothered either. It was a look that left me feeling emboldened enough to grab his hand and lead him down the sidewalk, away from my shop, his car, and into the evening together.*
0 notes
wordsinwinters · 7 years
Then Again P6  Peter Parker x Reader
Author’s Note: Hello, everyone! Now that my AO3 account is up and running, I’ll post a link to this chapter from AO3 in a few minutes.
Thank you to everyone who favorited, followed, left kudos, commented, and messaged me! I really, really appreciate it - more than I can say! 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
This is the last moment of (almost) calm before the storm. 
Let me know what you guys think!
- Jane
Then Again, Part 6:
(Words: 1,521)
Halfway through unpacking my things, I realize Michelle is right. I have to talk to Peter. Now. Especially if the pool is still a plan for tonight.
When I tell Michelle so, she nods but doesn’t look up from her book. (She mentioned it a minute ago and promised to lend it to me when she finished; consequently, the moment she dug it out, she decided to put off unpacking and read instead.) I toss my bag on my bed and go to the hallway.
I knock on the boys’ door.
Ned answers.
“Hey Y/N. Wow, I haven’t seen you in a whole-” he looks at his watch, “seven minutes!”
“Can I have a quick minute with Peter?” I ask.
“Are you really asking me to step out of my own room?”
“You can get on my laptop and message Betty from my Facebook. Ask what she’s up to. Maybe mention yourself, see what she says?”
“What, why wou- I don’t- can’t you just- I mean, honestly.”
“I put the little knob thingy in the door, so it’s open if you want to go do that.”
Ned considers the idea.
“Actually, that’s a violation of trust. Not cool. But I will go chill in your room. I need to talk to MJ anyway.”
Talk to MJ without me?
“Wait, why?”
“Um, there’s just... a thing. Anyway. Yeah. Hey, Peter!” Ned opens the door all the way and shouts behind his shoulder. “The stripper’s here!”
“The what?” I ask, bewildered. “Why-why would you say that?”
Ned shakes his head, hands open.
“Dude, I don’t know! I just- I need to go! Bye!”
Ned shoves me out of his way and into the room.
“Ned, the what?” Peter says, jumping into frame from their bathroom.
God, my face must be red.
“I’m a stripper now?”
“You’re a- you’re a what, now?”
Peter’s eyebrows nearly graze his hairline. My face is definitely warm.
“Nothing. Ned was just being really... weird. Anyway, I wanted to ask you something.”
I close the door and walk over to Ned’s bed, thinking Peter will sit across from me on his. He doesn’t. He stays, standing next to their closet.
“About this morning. With Flash. Do you want me to... say anything, to Mr. Harrington?”
“Wh- no, no, definitely not. It’s nothing. I- I don’t even know why you’re bringing it up. It's not like he can hurt me, obviously.”
“Physically, I know, I just mean that you shouldn-”
“Can we just forget about it?”
“Absolutely, if that’s what you want. And last night, with dinner-”
“And maybe that too? I was a dick. I’m really sorry. I kind of feel like I almost ruined your night and that would have been awful because I know you were excited.”
You were excited too, remember?
“It’s fine. Is everything okay with you though? The last few days were... odd.”
He runs his hands through his hair and clasps them behind his head. He makes a face like he’s trying to remember if he’s had any minor inconveniences recently. He avoids eye contact.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything’s, ah, everything is... normal.”
Everything is not normal, Peter.
“Peter, I....” I want to say that I don’t believe him, that he shouldn’t have to put up with how Flash treats him. I want to say that he can talk to me. “I’ll go back to my room. You probably have more to unpack.”
I start to get up.
“Eh, not really.”
I pause. Does he want me to stay? Is he going to tell me why he’s been so an-arm’s-length-away this week?
“But if, um, you could tell Ned that I wanna talk to him, I’d appreciate it.”
He half-smiles.
“Tomorrow, I’m either going to hug him or kill him.”
It’s tomorrow and I’m leaning toward kill. Killing all of my friends. What does everyone need to talk about without me?
But that won’t get Peter (or anyone) to talk to me about whatever’s bothering him (or them).
So I end up doing a stupid thing. As I pass Peter on my way to leave, I turn around, pivoting on my heels like a robot programmed for a sharp corner, and I hug him. I just latch on like a parasite. It’s a pretty tight hug. Especially for two people who don’t hug a lot. Or ever. Except when May made us this morning.
He smells so good. I know from half-living at his apartment that it’s Old Spice deodorant, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking how much I associate it with the word home (or from thinking how awkward that thought is in the first place). Peter and home remind me of warmth and comfort and fireplaces and being okay.
Last night he was close enough to kiss me, then with the way he looked at me before I rambled about the dirt, and now this. I’m self-sabotaging my Stop Thinking About Peter mission.
He jerks back at first, but after a second he’s almost leaning into it. His hands are cautiously, sort of, patting my back. Oh, fuck me. I had to make this weirder. Why not make it worse? I squeeze him harder. It’s meant as a “You’re my friend and I love you more than you realize, so please, please, please, trust me - talk to me” squeeze. I’m not sure it comes through, since he doesn’t do it back. Or move at all. He clearly wants it over with.
Thoroughly embarrassed, I pull away and beeline to the door. Neither of us say a word.
Oh my god. I... I don’t know why I did that.
During the ten seconds I stand in the hallway between our two doors with my hands on my head thinking about how stupid I am, I decide not to tell Ned or Michelle about this awkward hug. If they ask me about it later, then I’ll know Peter is willing to talk to them and not me... or that they really are all communicating without me and it’s not just my paranoia. Then... I’ll just need to figure out why.
Maybe they're sick of you.
Or maybe you’re overreacting.
Ten seconds up, I turn quickly to push my door open.
It’s locked. My key card is sitting on my bed, next to my bag.
“MJ?” I call, knocking. “Ned? Can you guys let me in?”
Nothing. I press my ear against the door. They’re definitely having a conversation.
“Guys, seriously. Please let me in.”
I really don’t want Peter to hear this and open his door right now.
Ned answers, his voice a bit distant.
“Just hold on a second! I need a minute with MJ.”
“It’s been a minute! It’s been like five minutes!”
“Only three, dude.”
I jiggle the door handle and bang my head against the door.
“Let me in, please.”
I stay silent a moment and hear a phone dialing somewhere past the door. Seriously? Are they calling Peter now? When did my friends become such secret-keepers? (I know, I know. That’s rhetorical.)
I press my ear to the door. All I can hear is a muffled cloud of hushed conversation. Whatever is going on, I know Ned and Michelle well enough to know that I could be out here for a while, so I sit.
A door opens.
But it’s not mine and it’s not Peter’s. It’s at the opposite end of the hall.
No, no, no, no, no. Not right now.
I’m too lost with this new, weird exclusion dynamic at the moment. I’m not going to let Flash anger me. So when I scramble and jump up, I try a knock on Peter’s door.
“Hey, Y/N!” Flash shouts.
Open the door, open the door, open the door.
Thank God, the door opens.
It’s only slightly ajar, but I can see Peter with a phone up to his ear.
“Hey, um, I’ve got a call.”
The door closes.
Needless to say, Flash had the opportunity to get at me, and he did. For the whole seven minutes I was locked out, he had a lot of observations to make. Mostly, “Oh my God, are you locked out of your own room? And isn’t that Ned and Peter’s room? They won’t let you in either? Ha! That’s a weird place to be, huh? They’ve seemed really secretive around you lately. Lots of texting and side conversations when you’re not around. Then that dinner thing where you’re Silent Sally the whole time. Hey, why’s Penis Parker so mad at you, huh? You’ve looked like such a lost dog the last couple days. You know, the kind whose owners dropped it off in the middle of a road, but it doesn’t get the hint and keeps searching for them?”
Rule #1 of being anywhere in Flash’s vicinity: Never listen to Flash.
If I had to choose between my three best friends and Flash, I would always choose my friends. No matter the circumstances. No matter the repercussions. I just don’t get why Flash’s regularly shitty behavior is somehow reassuring. At least I know what to expect.
Part 7
Next Update: Tomorrow, October 14
Part 7 will be the “shit goes down” chapter. 
(It’s around 3k words, just a warning.)
Tag list: If anyone wants to be tagged for updates, you can reply to this post or send me a message!
Additionally, I should mention that I’ve barely had time to write anything for this fic lately, so if I start releasing once a week (or biweekly) as opposed to twice a week, I really apologize! I want to write so badly, but midterms are taking over my life.
@look-how-far-i-come @i-love-superhero
214 notes · View notes
daisy-chain-gardens · 7 years
Sweet Creature
Summary: Wherever I go, you bring me home; An angsty one shot based off the Harry Styles song, 'Sweet Creature'
A/N: Here’s an angsty one-shot I wrote a while ago but have only just edited. For some reason it has disappeared from Tumblr so I figured I’d post it again.
Read it on AO3
He’d passed the Riverdale sign hours ago, the town no longer shrinking in his rear view mirror. Jughead had thought that leaving would be a tremendous event, an act of independence and finality, but his victory was bittersweet and left a sour taste in his mouth. He reached over and turned on the tape, hoping the noise would help distract him from the darkness of his thoughts. Of course, he had no such luck.
The stereo in the old truck hadn’t worked for as long as Jughead could remember, leaving only the tape deck. Betty had always loved making tapes full of songs for every occasion; road trips, birthdays, bad days, just because. They’d been driving around last summer listening to one of her tapes when the car had finally given up, trapping the plastic rectangle within itself and refusing to let it go. Jughead could probably recite all of the songs on that tape. They’d listened to it so many times, their only option to drown out the deafening silence which had a tendency to fall between the couple in the recent months.
Sweet creature Had another talk about where it's going wrong
"Betts, I'm not doing this again. There's nothing here for me anymore; no family, no friends, a job that doesn’t even require me to be in this godforsaken town. I have nothing here except you. But I can't keep having this same fight. Can't you see what it's doing to us? Doing to you? I’ve hardly seen you smile since the summer and I know you’re miserable, even if you hate to admit it. How can you not at least consider this?" Jughead's voice was strong and broken, cold and loving. Betty could hear the pain behind his every word but she wasn't giving in, just like she hadn't given in any other time they’d had this same conversation over the last few months.
He knew how she felt about this.
"Am I not enough for you?" She sounded quiet and unsure, the complete opposite of how she's felt only moments before. She could feel her nails curling into her palms. If she pressed just that little bit harder they'd reach their goal, allow the scarlet drops to pour from her palms and drop onto the too white carpet which still looked new despite them living on it for the last four years.
"God, Betts, how could you even think that? You are my everything and I love you so much but I can't keep doing this. I need a change and I need ... I need to get out of here. I feel like this town is pulling me under and you're the only one who can stop me from drowning but that's not fair on you. We need a fresh start somewhere new because I can't even imagine what’s going to happen to us if we don’t." He stepped towards her and reached for her hands, prying them open like he had so many times over the last ten years. He felt Betty relax beneath his touch, waiting for her to take a deep breath and praying to whatever god was listening that when she opened her eyes they wouldn't be filled with tears. None of the gods were listening that night.
"We’re both too stubborn to change our minds." Her eyes finally overflowed and a flood of tears spilled down her face, taking her carefully applied make up with it. "We’re both so stubborn, Jug, and it's killing us." She was looking straight at him, ignoring the mess of her face and slipping her hands from his, letting go of his final hope at redemption. His eyes stung with the threat of tears but he refused to give in, refused to finally admit that it was over.
We don't know where we're going But we know where we belong
Jughead looked across at the empty passenger seat and could almost see her sitting there, her arm stretched out the open window as her golden hair whipped around her face, as if the wind wanted to make her one of it’s own. When she wasn’t singing her laughter would mask the sound flowing from the truck, becoming the only music in Jughead's ears. He remembered when she’d first made that damned tape. She’d been so excited for him to hear it that she’d bounced over to the truck and jammed the tape in before either of them could say a word. As soon as the music started to drift out of the tinny speakers she’d leant over and kissed his cheek.
“I know you said that we already have too many tapes at home but we can’t have a proper road trip without a proper road trip tracklist so I just had to make one and here it is.” She was practically bubbling and her excitement was contagious, Jughead smiling softly at the sight of her looking so carefree.
It had been months since he’d seen her like this. Everything had been slowly piling up and he could tell she was almost at her breaking point. The Register, Polly, the twins, her mother, Kevin moving, and an infinite amount of other small things that had a tendency to get under her skin and stay there tauntingly, whispering their snide remarks until she finally released them with her nails and let them fall to the ground in thick scarlet drops.
He’d helped her clean up her palms a countless number of times, mumbled words of encouragement and support in her ear to lull her to sleep, held her as she broke down in his arms. Jughead wouldn’t change it for the world, because despite all the darkness there was still that glimmer of hope hiding in there, that something that was purely Betty and whenever she came to the surface it was almost as if the darkness had never really existed. It was moments like these that made up for all of the pain and suffering they’d been through, and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
No, we started Two hearts in one home
Ten years and it had come to this; both of them standing in the middle of their sparse apartment, the gap between them so small but the words that filled it were larger than anything they could cross. Betty wasn't coming with him and he wasn't staying so that was that, there was nothing left to say or do except leave.
Jughead tore his gaze away from Betty's piercing green eyes and walked into their bedroom, grabbing a backpack and shoving things in at random. Betty hadn't moved an inch when he returned to the living room, staring straight ahead as though he was still there. He walked over and stood in front of her once more, reaching for her hand just so he could feel her touch one last time. She didn't respond and continued to look right through him. To her he was already gone.
Jughead lifted her limp hand up to his lips, willing her to say something or give him any indication this was the wrong decision. He knew that this was the best decision for both of them but she only had to open her mouth and he'd change his mind, stay in the town he hated just so he could be with the woman who’d stolen his heart all those years ago. He guided her hand back down to her side and then walked out the door, unable to look back as he got into his truck and started the engine.
It's hard when we argue We're both stubborn I know
They’d driven for hours and hours, no destination in mind as the truck rolled along the winding roads, leading them further and further from the only place they’d ever been able to call home. Jughead had been so happy when she’d agreed to go away with him, hoping that a change of scenery would help convince her to leave that suffocating place which ran on secrets and lies. It had almost worked. Their whole trip had felt like a dream, both of them happier than they’d been in a long time as their troubles melted away under the warm sun and disappeared on the constant whisper of a breeze which seemed to follow them around.
He distinctly remembered the moment everything had changed. Betty had gotten a phone call as they were driving along a long empty stretch of road, the wheat fields on either side of them seemed to hide them from whatever dangers might try and pounce on them. All dangers but one.
Betty’s phone had started ringing; Alice again, calling to check up on them despite them both having lived together since they’d graduated from high school. Betty put her phone on speaker o Alice could undergo her usual interrogation. This wasn’t a check up call.
“Elizabeth I’m … I’m so sorry.” Alice’s broken sobs filled the car and Jughead stopped in the middle of the road, noticing the way Betty’s face dropped and turned a ghostly white.
“Mum, Mum what’s going on?” Betty’s voice cracked in the middle of her sentence, turning to look at Jughead and letting him see all of the fear inside her gorgeous green eyes. “Mum, tell me what’s going on.”
“It’s your father.” With those three words everything fell apart.
Sweet creature, sweet creature Wherever I go, you bring me home
As soon as he turned off their street he pulled out his phone and called Archie. There was no one left for him to turn to now that he’d let go of the one person he knew he could rely on unconditionally. His brother would have to do.
“Hey Jug, how’s it going?” Archie was always upbeat and Jughead honestly had no idea how he did it. Somehow he managed to make to make things seem not quite so bad and if anyone needed that at the moment, it was Jughead.
“Hey Arch, it’s not going too great to be honest. Any chance I could come and crash with you for a few days?” Jughead’s voice sounded small as he once again tried to stop his tears from spilling down his cheeks. He focused on the road and Archie’s cheerful tone, wondering he could be so happy when Jughead felt so … empty.
There was no other way to describe it. He felt empty and numb and so so tired, but he couldn’t stop. He knew that if he stopped he’d turn right back around and run straight back to her, but he couldn’t stop. She’d said it herself, they were killing each other. As much as it ached he knew he couldn’t kill her anymore than he already had, leave her hollower than the shell of a human being she had slowly become.
“Thanks Arch, I … it means a lot to me. I’ll see you in a couple of days, ok?” The line went dead moments later and plunged the truck into silence. The darkness of night outside the windows was nothing compared to the black pit of darkness that was forming inside his mind.
Sweet creature, sweet creature When I run out of rope, you bring me home
Something had broken inside her that day. It was like the last piece of string that was holding her together had finally snapped and left her to fall apart into a million pieces. The sob that escaped her lips was heart wrenching and she had collapsed into Jughead’s arms, her tears staining his shirt as his fell silently into her hair.
They stayed like that until the sun had fallen and risen again, somehow managing to produce enough tears to last them the night. Once Jughead’s hands had stopped shaking enough that he could hold the wheel he quietly restarted the car, both of them knowing that their trip was over. Betty stayed huddled into his side, his arm only ever moving from around her shoulders to occasionally indicate as they slowly made their way back to Riverdale. Neither of them wanted to face the demons that were waiting for them there but they knew they had no choice.
Something had broken inside her that day, and it had taken all of her light with it.
Sweet creature We're running through the garden Where nothing bothered us
The tape stopped when the sun started to rise beyond the tree line. It just … stopped, and so did Jughead, his grief finally overwhelming him. He pulled over to the side of the road seconds before he finally broke too, a flood of tears spilling down his face and dripping onto his dark jeans.
By the time he pulled himself together again, the sun was high overhead and all Jughead really wanted to do was fall asleep in their bed, his arms wrapped around her waist as she tucked her chin into his chest. He took a deep breath and tried to steady his breathing, praying that he had some small amount of control left that would allow him to drive without a drastic ending.
He pulled back onto the road, driving straight for a few seconds before changing his mind and turning around, back to the girl of his dreams and the town of his nightmares.
Sweet creature, sweet creature Wherever I go, you bring me home
The trip seemed to take ten times longer than it did the night before and he had to stop once or twice to calm his breathing and try to prevent himself from breaking down once more. He was about an hour from home when a familiar car drove past him in the opposite direction, his favourite blonde sitting behind the wheel. He quickly turned around and drove behind her, pressing on the horn to get her attention. A few minutes later she pulled over and jumped out of the car, rushing towards Jughead.
“Jug I’m so sorry. I love you so much and I don’t know what I was thinking. There’s no way I ca-” Jughead’s lips crashed onto hers, interrupting her ramblings and stealing her breath away all in one motion. His hands reached up to cup her face and pull her closer to him, wanting more of her than was humanly possible.
“I love you Betty. I love you so much more than you’ll ever know and I don’t know what sort of idiot I was to think that I could ever survive without you. I meant what I said last night. You’re my whole world and I have no idea how on earth I thought otherwise. Please forgive me Betts, I’ll do anything. I’ll even live in Riverdale for the rest of my days just so I could be with you.” Betty could hear the desperation dripping from every word. Jughead’s thumb was wiping tears off her cheeks as fast as they could fall, the action in itself so comforting that she could feel herself melting into his touch.
“I wouldn’t ask that of you Juggie, you know that. We need to start over somewhere new. I’ve been thinking about it all night and you’re right. I’m letting myself fall deeper and deeper and I’m dragging you with me.” Betty wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head on his chest, causing Jughead to smile and dropped a kiss to her hair.
“Where to?” He asked quietly.
“Wherever the road takes us.”
Sweet creature, sweet creature When I run out of rope, you bring me home
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allskynostars · 7 years
50. going through a divorce au (just a warning, mention of miscarriage)
Betty had been having the day from absolute hell. She was cutting it fine with the deadline this week, and all she had managed to write down were notes. Nothing substantial had managed to come from her endless hours of typing. She also had her mother breathing down her neck, sending her prospective apartments for the inevitable move. Even if she got the house in the split, how could she live somewhere that held only the happiest memories? Memories that ran fissures along her heart every day. 
Her mind had been flooded with him ever since she had told him to leave. Every time she lay in their bed she reached for him, out of a 10 year habit. That one would be hard to break. When she stood in the kitchen she could feel his arms around her waist, humming in her ear while she cooked. There was even a night she couldn’t bring herself to get into that bed, so she wrapped herself up on the couch and watched all his pre-recorded shows on the DVR. Shows she hated. But she didn’t sleep that night. 
And so, to top the day off, there was a brown A4 sized envelope waiting for her on the doorstep as she got home. He hadn’t even gone in the house, yet he still had a key. Betty felt her heart sink in her chest as she picked the envelope up. It was heavy, thick with pages. Ones that she presumed would now be inscribed with his signature. 
“Betty, please don’t do this,” Jughead was begging, pleading with his wife not to pull back into herself again. “I’ve lost too, you can’t just push me away.” 
“I can’t give you what you want anymore, Juggie. My body is useless. I am useless,” she sobbed through her tears. Jughead grabbed her face between his hands, forcing him to look at her. 
“You are not useless, you are the furthest from that. Don’t ever say that.” Jughead was crying too, they had matching tear tracks down their cheeks. “We can work through this, babe, I swear it.” 
“No, this is my fault,” she shook her head fiercely. “There is nothing wrong with you, this is on me.”
So although Betty couldn’t control her own body, something that would never sit well with her, she could control her choices. She knew how badly Jughead wanted children, it had been something they always spoke about. When she told him she was pregnant, his eyes had never grown so wide.
Except maybe that fateful morning, the one where she woke in pain like she had never felt. The Doctor informed them both what had happened, but Betty was hardly listening. All she could think of was what she lost. Had it been a boy, with eyes like hers? Or a little girl with a shock of black hair? 
But then came news that caused her world to crash and burn around her. 
“We can try, or we can adopt. We will get through this, I promise.” 
“You heard the Doctor, Jug. I can’t have children. You shouldn’t have to ‘get through this’.” Betty knew she was being ridiculous, but in that moment she didn’t care. “It’s all you’ve ever wanted, I-”
“No,” he interrupted, his fingers were digging into her cheeks. “All I’ve ever wanted is you.” He watched her face, felt her shudder with uncontrollable sobs against him. 
“I won’t do this to you, I won’t,” her voice wavered, so she cleared her throat and pulled away from his grasp. She wiped at the tears under eyes, looked Jughead dead in the eyes and told him, ‘I want you to leave.” 
They spent the next month after the news floating around each other, and every time Jughead tried to broach the subject Betty would shut him down. It was no way to act in a marriage, and she knew it. But she was so broken inside, no matter how many times he tried to comfort her she knew she was keeping him from a life he wanted. One he could have with someone else. So she took matter into her own hands. 
”Excuse me?” His head jerked back in surprise. 
“I said, I want you to leave,” her voice didn’t falter this time. Not even with the way his face broke under his words.
“No, no fucking way. This is my house too, you can’t just kick me out,” he shook his head, as if he was trying to gather his thoughts, “We’re not doing this. We are stronger than this, you are stronger than this, B-”
“Don’t you dare tell me how strong I am, don’t fucking dare,” she spat at him, anger coursing throughout her. “My body doesn’t work like it is supposed too, what is strong about that, huh?” Jughead had no words, so she continued, “Exactly! This can’t work anymore, it just can’t. You will look at me in another ten years and just resent me. I know it, and don’t try and tell me otherwise.”
“Betty, please, I could never resent you,” his voice broke over the words. “We can go and see someone, get some help, for us.” Betty laughed then, it was cold. Harsh. 
“Just get out, Jughead.”
“Betty, please, I love you, just let me,-” he was pleading, begging. 
“GET OUT!” Betty had never once raised her voice to him, not once throughout their 3 year marriage, their 10 years together. 
It had been 3 months since she told him to leave. 2 months since she sent him the divorce papers. The ones she held in her hand now. Jughead had fought against it, determined not to sign. He told her countless times that he was not going to give up on them so easy, that he understood she was broken but so was he. He was going to wait for her, no matter how long it took. 
But then she told him they should put the house on the market. She had even started packing up his things, there were boxes piled in the garage containing all the life they had made together so far. Simply inscribed on the side with either a ‘J’ or a ‘B’, each lining opposite sides of the garage. A true divide. 
Betty walked into the house and chucked the envelope on the coffee table. She sat on the couch and stared at it for a moment before ripping it open. There was a note on the top, Jugheads scribe across the page. Betty put it down before she read it, instead flicking through the stapled pages first. And there it was, his name signed in permanent ink. She couldn’t even bring herself to cry or feel anything, this was what she wanted after all. Wasn’t it?
She pushed the fact that she hadn’t even signed them to the back of her mind. Her eyes fell back to the note. And with a deep breath she picked it up and began to read. 
Betty Cooper. All those years ago my heart chose you, and not the idea of what you could give me at any point in the future. I could live happily every day for the rest of my life, as I have done to this day, just knowing you exist. Whether it be by my side, or not. You are the most spectacular person I will ever know, you are my heart and I have no say in the matter. I would work through anything the world throws at us, battle any storm,  just to be with you. Nothing and no one else, just you. That is more than enough for me. You are enough.
But I respect your wishes, all I ever wanted to do was keep you safe. Keep you happy. But just remember; 
I still choose you. I will spend my forever, choosing just you. I love you, and it’s endless. 
She went upstairs, leaving the papers on the coffee table but taking his note with her. She read it countless times, his words bringing an endless flow of tears. But they were different than the ones she had been crying the last 4 months, ever since that horrible morning in the doctors office. They were tears of hope, of love. She missed Jughead with her whole being, and she couldn’t believe how stupid she had been. It had taken those signed papers for Betty to realise that she could not lose him. 
 And yet here he was, willing to love her for eternity, no matter how reckless she had been with his heart. She didn’t deserve him. So, before she really realised what she was doing, there was a dialing tone in her ear. 
“Betty?” Hearing his voice, the way it broke around her name, caused a fresh wave of tears to flow down her cheeks. 
“Juggie, I know it’s not enough, b-but, I’m so sorry,” she cried, “Can you come home, please?” 
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flannelplanet · 7 years
The Incident™
Rated: Explicit Word count: 2673 Summary: Being roommates for as long as they had been, they really should’ve seen this coming before now… OR she saw his, then he saw hers, then they did something about it.
Thanks to @cutiepiemish who helped beta 😊
- The Incident™
Betty was exhausted. She had just finished her fourth twelve hour shift in a row- “a story never sleeps, Elizabeth,” her mother would say- and she was so excited for her head to hit the pillow she could hardly see straight.
That’s probably why she didn’t hear the shower running when she entered her apartment, that’s probably why she didn’t notice the dirty clothes sticking out of the slightly open bathroom door, and that’s also probably why she didn’t register that her very handsome, very wet, very naked roommate was getting himself out of the shower and reaching for his towel when she barged in, until it was infinitely too late.
He screamed. She screamed. Neither of them moved. He was frozen in all his toned, lithe glory, completely exposed before her and she was equally frozen staring, embarrassed while simultaneously sending thanks to whatever gods happened to be on her side.
After several moments spent suspended in time, Betty broke the silence. “JUGGIE! Oh my god, I am so so so so so so sorry!”
It was as if her words snapped him out of whatever trance he was in. He scrambled for his towel to cover himself in order to preserve whatever modesty he still had. She tried to cover her eyes and step out of the steamy room to give him the illusion of privacy.
“It’s okay, Betts,” he assured her. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me almost naked before anyway, right?”
“Haha, yeah.” Except she hadn’t almost seen him naked. You’d think so, because they’ve lived together for the duration of most of their adult lives, but she had done very well at giving him the space she knew a twenty-something guy would want. She was his roommate, not his girlfriend.
The closest to naked she’d seen before that night was probably him sans shirt after a hard day of work with Archie and his father at the construction company. She’d never even seen him in his boxer briefs and absolutely never without his beanie.
“Okay, so I’m just gonna… go to my… room now. Okay?” He said, awkwardly trying to shuffle past her.
“Um, yeah. I’m just gonna… go to bed.” She forwent any bathroom usage and buried herself in her pillows, embarrassment and all. -
She tried so hard to pretend that night never happened. Really, she did. Except she had always found Jughead attractive and after you see a body like his with a face like his and hair like his, it’s really hard to pretend you didn’t see a thing. So she avoided him the next day, and the day following that, until she was finally able to meet with Veronica.
“V!” Betty whined, shoving her face into a pillow, willing it to smother her shame. When that didn’t work she continued: “What do I do now? I mean, we’ve been roommates forever! You and Archie have known us forever! Did I just disrupt the dynamic of the Core Four? WHAT DO I DO?!”
Veronica struggled to hold in her laughter. Leave it to Betty Cooper to feel guilty about seeing a gorgeous man in all his glory, as if Jughead would mind. He’s only loved her for forever. “Uh, B? First thing’s first; get a hold of yourself. Secondly, you are aware that to Jug you may as well have hung the sun in the sky, right? He’s in love with you, sweetie.”
Betty rolled her eyes at Veronica’s suggestion. Seriously, she and Jughead had lived together for almost six years. If he showed any interest in her the way she had in him, surely he would have said something by now. Veronica continued despite Betty’s stubborn denial. “You should give him a peek, B. It’s only fair.”
“What.” Betty replied using a statement rather than a question. She could hardly believe Veronica would suggest such a thing. “How in the hell would you suggest I give him a ‘peek’ exactly?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Use your imagination. You don’t even need to tell him if you aren’t comfortable with it.” She paused, tapping a well-manicured fingernail against her chin. “Oh! I got it! Sometime when you know he’s home, run out of your bedroom in your lacy cheeky lingerie set. You know the one. When he sees you, pretend you didn’t think he was home and voila! Everyone is even and the two of you can bang and get it out of your system. Or marry him. Whichever”
Betty laughed. Whether Veronica was joking or not (Betty had a feeling she was not), she thought that her idea might actually work. It would, at the very least, help Betty feel less guilty.
The two women spent the rest of the afternoon discussing mundane topics while simply enjoying one another’s company before Veronica left for her and Archie’s apartment. “See you soon, B. And if you follow through, you better provide me with all the deets!” She spun with a flourish and took off towards the elevator down the hall.
That night Betty dreamt of smooth skin glistening with slick moisture sliding over her own warm, bare body, fingers exploring uncharted territory and tongues warring with one another through deep, intoxicating kisses. It was a really great dream and she most definitely did not want to wake up.
Betty, wearing her finest lacy lingerie set- light blue cheeky panties with a matching bra and garter- checked herself over in her floor-length mirror. Her bedroom door was closed and the rest of the apartment empty for the time being, though Jughead was due home any minute. She had a plan. She would hear him come in, put her earbuds in her ears, and strut her stuff “accidentally” in front of her roommate, feigning ignorance to the fact that he would be home at all.
She turned so that her butt was facing the mirror. Did she look alright? Would he think she was attractive? A very big part of her hoped so.
She finally heard the apartment door open then close again. She took a deep, centering breath and put the earbuds in their designated positions before turning on her playlist and heading out of her room.
She was disappointed, however, to find that he was nowhere to be seen. She could’ve sworn she heard the door though. She walked through their apartment and yanked her earbuds from her ears. “Juggie?” No answer. His bedroom door was closed, though, indicating he had probably gone straight there. Still avoiding the awkwardness, no doubt.
Well, Betty couldn’t exactly just barge into his room unannounced and nearly nude, could she? No. She went back to her room and threw some leggings on with a comfortable tee and ventured to the kitchen to dig up some lunch.
As she was standing at the stove watching her burgers sizzle, she heard Jughead’s door open. “Whatcha makin’, Betts?” He asked, leaning over her shoulder to get a better look.
“Your favorite, Jug. Grab some plates?” If this was the most normal they had been in several days, she would take it without complaint, despite her plan not having worked the way she would have liked.
She flipped the burgers and checked on the fries which were finishing up in the air fryer as Jughead brought two plates over. They worked together to finish their lunch, then sat down to enjoy.
After their lunch that day, everything seemed to be back to normal, except Betty found Jughead wore less clothing and more confidence around her. She both loved and hated this new version of him.
He was pretty much constantly in shorts if not his boxer briefs alone. No shirt. No beanie. His body wasn’t incredibly built, but more defined and toned with hidden hills and valleys of muscle. He had the body of someone who was much stronger than they appeared.
Betty really liked it.
But for the length of their friendship and their roommate status, he’s been boxed up in Betty’s mind as Jughead: Friend and Roommate and Totally Off Limits. This new Jughead made fitting into that box in Betty’s mind incredibly difficult.
She tried her hardest to ignore that feeling deep in her belly that suggested she needed a new box for him.
Betty was late as hell. She had a 20 minute commute to work and less than ten minutes before she was due to start. She was floundering around trying to find a damn shirt when she looked at the clock. She was so fired after today.
“FUCK!” She yelled as she started digging deeper… nothing she picked up looked as though it would fit or look right and she was about to break down and cry.
“Betty?” Jughead asked as he opened her door. “Are you… Naked! Oh god you’re naked fuck Betts I’m so sorry…” he was staring. Not covering his eyes. Apologizing, yeah, but made no move to correct his error before Betty grabbed the nearest thing she could find to cover herself. His eyes darkened.
“Hi, Jug,” she said, her voice a mixture of embarrassment and something… else. Satisfaction, perhaps, that her plan was carried out after all despite it coming into fruition in a completely unexpected and inconvenient way.
“Call off work, Betty.” He told her. It wasn’t a request but rather a very serious demand.
“Why?” She asked, noticing but trying her best to ignore the sultry look in his eye.
“Just… Do it. Please.” And with that, he turned and headed for his own room.
He was only gone a few moments before returning to her bedroom just as she was hanging up her phone. She, much to his dismay, had thrown a baggy shirt over herself in his absence.
“Did they take it well?” He asked her, the dark features of his face still taking in the parts of her that remained exposed.
“They said I deserved a day after all the extra hours I’ve put in. I’m off the hook.”
“Excellent,” he muttered as he strode toward her bed. “May I sit?”
She shifted to make room for him. In doing so, the hem of her shirt reached a dangerous position, nearly baring her to his hungry gaze. She could have sworn she heard him whimper, though he would deny it she was sure.
“So… That happened.” She laced her fingers together and placed her hands in her lap willing her forced, awkward smile to get the hell off her face.
“That it did. So. You saw mine and I saw yours.”
“Yep,” she replied, her lips audibly popping at the end of the word.
“And what should we do about that, Betty?” He asked, clearly suggesting he already had an idea of what he’d like to do. She blushed from her chest to her forehead. He tossed a devastatingly handsome smirk in her direction.
“Listen, Juggie. We’ve been roommates forever and more importantly friends. Whatever happens here today, let’s not forget that, okay?” Ever the voice of reason, Betty needed to say it.
Jughead nodded and she pounced.
She brought her hands to either side of his face and brought her lips to his in a bruising kiss, which he eagerly returned. His hands found her waist with ease as he pulled her onto him so that she straddled his lap, allowing their bodies easier access to one another.
“You know, you’re really sexy under all those layers, Juggie,” Betty said between breaths.
He let out a small chuckle. “Your body is incredible, Betts. Incredible.” His mouth connected with hers again, tongues tasting one another, before he added, “Your legs go on for days.”
Her mouth moved from his over to his jawline where she nipped, eliciting a growl from his chest which she was very eager to hear again. Her lips traveled from his jaw to his ear, down to the thick tendon in his neck.
His hands roamed her body as she tasted his skin. He filed away the hills and valleys of her form over her clothing before he grabbed the hem of her shirt and silently requested permission by tugging at it.
Betty nodded, permission granted.
She broke away from the spot she had been lavishing on his collarbone so that he could remove the only thing separating his hungry gaze from all of her. He tossed the offending article to the ground before bringing his hands to her breasts with a soft groan of appreciation.
“Betts, you’re perfect.” He lowered his mouth to one of her nipples while finding the other with his thumb. She rolled her hips over him in response.
“Are we really doing this, Jug?”
“Fuck, yes, Betty Cooper. Absolutely.”
“Excellent,” she replied before shoving herself off his lap. She kneeled beside him and encouraged him to help her remove his boxers. As he did so, she wasted no time feeling his impressive length. “I’ve wanted to do this since the day I saw you,” she said.
“Do wha-” Before he could finish his question, her mouth had descended. He uttered wordless praise and wound his fingers into her golden locks as she worked him with both her mouth and hand until he could hardly stand it.
He gently, and reluctantly, pulled her off him before he could finish. “Your turn,” he whispered urging her to lay before him.
He nudged her legs open. Starting at her feet, he softly drug his fingertips up her legs, approaching her inner thighs but he completely bypassed where she wanted him the most. He could see her desire, yet he couldn’t resist teasing.
He brought his mouth to her breast where he nibbled and kissed her nubs until she was practically panting his name, begging for his touch.
“What do you want, Elizabeth?”
“Your mouth, your fingers, your dick… just you. All of you. Please.”
He smiled before dropping his fingertips to her center. She was so wet, he had to taste her. Once his head was nestled between her legs, her fingers found his unruly black strands where she held on for the ride.
His tongue danced around her sensitive bundle of nerves while his fingers pumped in and out of her, quickly unraveling her to a shaking mess. “Juggie, I’m so close,” she sighed. He quickened his pace until he felt her come undone. He slowly worked her through it before bringing his lips up to hers where he allowed her to taste herself.
Before she had a chance to say or do anything, Jughead had already procured the condom he must have brought from his bedroom and stashed somewhere in the bed and was rolling it onto himself. He lined up with her entrance and paused.
“Are you sure?” He asked
“Just do it, please! No more teas-ah!”
He thrust into her causing her words to get caught in her throat. He allowed her to adjust to his size for a moment before slowly pulling almost all the way out. Again he paused and after a moment pushed back in. Both Betty and Jughead became lost in the pleasure of it along with one another.
Through it all, their lips kept finding each other and hushed whispers were passed between the two of them. Why did we wait so long, you feel amazing, Juggie, please don’t ever stop, and I think I might love you along with I think I might love you too.
She shattered first, her inner walls fluttering around him causing him to tumble after, coming with her name on his lips.
“That was… wow.” Betty said.
“You bet it was,” Jughead replied as he laid back down beside her.
They sat in comfortable silence for several moments before he asked, “So where does this leave us, Betts?”
Her face lit up with a dazzling smile. “Well Forsythe, as long as you never call me Elizabeth again, you’re never getting rid of me.”
He smiled that kind of smile reserved for the best moments in life before wrapping himself around her. “You got it, Betts.”
Please let me know what you think! 💛💙
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