#i will not actually be deranged i will be reasonable haha. anyway it's not any legitimate thing that upsets me
taterdraws · 6 months
Hiii you’re actually not that far away from reality with morning star = sun, bc in Rome where Luciferus was an incarnation of Venus it was “the first star” on the horizon, right before the sun outshines it. Lucifer is our beautiful darling ☀️
Your art is so good thank you for the food ❤️🌹🫡
hiii! bfdkjbg ugh i know there were reasons why it is Venus and i would not be miffed about it if not for the fact that the sun is right there. i will be deranged in the tags.
and aaaaah thank you kindly!!!!! ❤️🥹i love drawing these fuckers so i'm so glad you like the art <3
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Higurashi When They Cry - Watanagashi Chapter 9
Time for the third of my four remaining daily posts this year!
Keiichi's new plan is to never be asleep at any point in time, ever. Mion wasn't asleep either, so Keiichi says she was up all night playing video games instead of studying, but Rena knows that's wrong.
Somehow, Rena decides that the mayor's disappearance is a great way to accumulate more Rena Points. All the other characters have all sorts of reactions to that too, including some nameless faceless ones.
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W-Wait, I understand now! This is Attack on Titan's horrifying LUNCH SUBPLOT!
Well, I won't worry too much about it.
Although I can't wait for the horrifying revelation that the reason Toddler 01 hates pumpkins is because of the Jack O'Lantern Ghoul or something.
Also Keiichi suggests that Mion and Toddler 02 might be sleeping together. An interesting idea.
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Dear lord.
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I feel like I should be able to make a joke here, but every horrible label I can think of is probably true about Rena on some level or another of the narrative, if we account for Keiichi's dubious speculations at certain points within certain scenarios.
Toddler 02 isn't sleeping with Mion, obviously. Toddler 02 is in the Wet Place. Also, she's in Trash Mannequin Mode.
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Yeah I would shudder too if she was that huge.
Toddler 02 wants to know Keiichi's secrets. Keiichi is getting fed up of how repetitive this arc is.
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So true!
Keiichi decides to make this arc less repetitive by actually divulging secrets for once, but then he gets scared and changes his mind.
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Toddler 02 tells an awesome story about cats. It's super cool if you like cats. Keiichi isn't sure who the cat's supposed to be.
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I'm not sure that's true.
Keiichi starts mucking up this awesome story by introducing even more, less cool animals.
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Ah yes, your inability to rely on a Toddler is definitely because you're extremely confused.
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haha oh fuck that's badass
Toddler 02 also tells Keiichi to completely erase Camera and his girlfriend from his mind. Well that's callous. Have some respect for the dead, Toddler 02! Everyone knows dead people love being the center of attention.
Toddler 02 is also sick of Kaiji Joke Parts. She wants Mion to stop being a character in the story instead. Well that's no good at all Toddler 02! Shame, shame, shame, shame, shame on you.
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what the fuck this got deranged fast
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Keiichi gets another Shion phone call. Shion wants to be a detective. Like L. From Death Note. Playing at being your sister, are you, girly? Well I wouldn't blame you for that.
Shion thinks she has a Schrodinger's Stalker depending on whether or not Keiichi has a Stalker. Keiichi says "I don't have a Stalker," and then immediately thinks to himself "Or DO I?!"
God that sucks shit. Well anyways
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Shion can make him worse.
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Boooooo! Be more like Mion. (<-I would say this to anyone)
Shion reveals that her family being seen as evil criminals goes back to the dam. It all goes back to that damn dam. That dam looks like a DAMN dam.
Also a little kid teleported to the mountains or something.
Also Mion is apparently the ultimate evil.
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Wow so much for the broiling tension between Shion and Ooishi. I guess I really WAS wrong about that.
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Man she's really Ling from Death Note hard. Although I still haven't watched it.
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Uhhhhhhh maybe you should tell her about the MAYOR'S DISAPPEARANCE???
Well, not that I like her or want her to have access to information.
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Oh, oh good, she's not entirely out of the loop. I mean "bad". I mean "neutral".
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Bah! Hypocrisy.
Oh, Shion actually trusted the mayor so much she told him a bunch of cool secrets. Is that the same thing as how Rena said Mion was the mayor's best friend or something?
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wait what the fuck this is exactly what Rena said but about Mion, not Shion
Rena are you Keiichiing?
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The problem with this theory is that there's no reason someone as lame as Keiichi should be target numero uno.
Keiichi decides Shion's theory is correct and that it means certain doom for Toddler 02.
Meanwhile, in Side Story Land...
Somebody's been SCHEMING??? A shrine-visiting SCHEMER???
Ooishi's investigation says that someone made the events of this arc plausible on purpose. A sinister incompetent locksmith or some such.
Actually, it just so happens that the sinister incompetent locksmiths were a major-Toddler 02 duo. Well that's a silly coincidence.
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faggotcitosis · 1 month
absolutely crazy text below about me explaining the cat dynamic on our household and how much i find partners cat annoying and yet that creature fucking loves me
partners cat, starlight, really really likes me. i dont know why. i dont particularly like her - i dont enjoy clingy cats who walk all over you, rub on everything to the point of dropping/breaking stuff, climb everywhere, always lay against you/get in the way of you being comfortable, scratch at closed doors, don't like being picked up and snuggled, purr loudly, chew on wires and papers, beg for food and steal food, throw up all the time etc...
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this is starlight. yes, she looks like she has down syndrome and no, nobody ever told partner that until ME four years ago for some reason.
i know i sound absolutely deranged because these are all obvious cat traits, but my cat doesn't do any of that. biju is great. she has only puked twice. when i call her, she meows back and trots over like a puppy. she rarely purrs (sensory bad) and she enjoys being picked up, wiggled and put into situations without complaint. biju is generally very good, she only enjoys snuggling in winter which is awesome (summer is too hot to have a pet all over you). of course she isn't perfect - she is very very stupid (has gotten stuck in a wall, couch, fell inside the washing machine), clumsy and has really bad anxiety around new things to the point she has behavioral (pee on items that smell like dog or are laying on the floor) issues so she's on anti anxiety medication.
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here's biju my beautiful baby girl who is silly and quirky
anyway. back to starlight. every time that she comes up and glues herself on my side in summer, i push her away, but she keeps coming back, even if partner is RIGHT by my side. she hates being picked up but she will come right on top of you and lay there with no regards to whatever you're doing. also, she has a horrible habit of opening drawers and getting everything in there outside.
starlight is like this because 1) partner got her when she was like 8m old and 2) it was partners first cat, meaning all her bad behavior went unchallenged due to the idea of "haha that's just how cats are". due to that, she was never socialized around other cats/animals, so she sort of tolerates dogs and absolutely hates biju and any other cat. biju is comfortable around other cats as she was brought around other cats regularly.
my absolutely insane complaint is that if im alone on the couch, she'll come RIGHT on top of me. if partner is alone on the couch, she curls up on her side. if im the other room studying and partner is in living room she will choose hang with me !!!!! in the damn room !!!!!!. like LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEE WHY WON'T YOU JUST GO TO YOUR ACTUAL OWNER. I DONT LIKE YOUUUUU I THINK YOU'RE UGLY AND YOU HAVE A STUPID NAME i only like 2 syllable names for pets AND YOUR FUR IS A SHITTY LENGTH AND YOU HATE GETTING YOUR NAILS CLIPPED AND YOU ARE HORRIBLE TO GIVE MEDICINE TO
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actualbird · 3 years
I like your analysis(es?) so much hh, and apparently my brainworm of the day is the NXX crew getting a flowering cactus called Karla, for some reason. It’s a therapy cactus XD. No other thoughts. - Book
thank you, Book!!! and also wait no get back here and tell me more
KARLA!!! KARLA!!! oh i love her already but please understand that i have so many questions and all those questions have accompanying THOUGHTS oh gosh okay let me just hm wordbarf both those things very messily, you know how i do things
what kind of flowering cactus?
there are so many, afterall.
given that vyn is into botany and gardening, i assume he would have a lot of opinions on this.
actually, ive met a lot of botany hobbyists in my life, and the snobbier ones among them actually HATE cacti (and succulents). theyd say stuff like "oh cacti are the in thing with the millenials these days, theyre the plant people get when they dont know anything about plants."
WOULD VYN BE LIKE THAT, LMAO????? he seems like the type to at least THINK IT.
but also deep down i assume vyn is like "a plant is a plant is a plant" bc among the sweeter botany hobbyists ive met, theyve got this notion that "as long as you help it grow strong through the challenges, u did a good job" WHICH....MAKES ME THINK....VYN THINGS....vyn is not going to admit it, he will never admit it, but hm. what a strange plant. shaped to protect itself yet in need of care all the same.....
ANYWAY if anybody is getting a premeditated-bought cactus for the HXX HQ, you bet that vyn will, one way or another, have some kind of say in what the cactus will be. if it isnt premeditated-bought, he'll definitely have many things to say about the cactus' future care
or does the cactus just kind of appear there? is it brought into the NXX HQ in the dead of the night like jesus in the manger? if that's the case, who brought it?
i think it would be artem. or, well, i think it would be FUNNIEST/PATHETIC-EST if it was artem.
let's just say that a non-NXX and non-MC person decides eyyy, artem, got u a gift, it's a cactus! haha, get it! bc ur a prickly unapproachable dude! and artem is like ".........." BUT LIKE IT'S RUDE NOT TO ACCEPT A GIFT EVEN WITH THE BACKHANDED CRITICISM OF HIS GENERAL STATE OF BEING
so he takes the cactus and like leaves it at NXX HQ because if he brings it to his apartment hes going to get vaguely annoyed by the cactus and what it supposedly represents and he'd want to set it on fire
(sidenote: cacti do not burn well, by the way, ive set some on fire for cacti funerals and sigh, you have to put gasoline on them for a good burn)
anyway he brings the cactus there, leaves it vaguely hoping that the air conditioning will like, kill it (cacti live in the desert, right? so cold...bad?) and then somebody else will go "where the fuck did this dead cactus come from, can we throw it away" and then artem can throw it away (ALONG WITH THE REST OF HIS EMOTIONS. artem...GET HELP....)
but that doesnt happen because get fucked, artem wing
who names it Karla?
naming a plant most often comes from somebody who has gotten VERY ATTACHED TO THAT PLANT. i first thought hmmm maybe it's luke, but then i remembered that luke has this HILARIOUS tendency of making comments about eating MANY ORGANISMS HE COMES ACROSS (ssr shape of you, he threatens to cook and eat goose, chara story ep 1, hes very happy at eating the cooked crabs for their crab crimes, sr aquarium date forgot the name, hes like let's eat seafood SURROUNDED BY HAPPY ALIVE FISH, luke....what the fuck?) so maybe it's not luke and that leaves...
marius von hagen getting attached to a cactus and naming it is SO FUNNY TO ME but also makes me soft. hes the first one who sees the cactus in HQ and is like "who the fuck left this here?" //big data lab googling what it is. "well good thing it's fine with cold temps wouldve died if not, you cant just leave a thing in a place...with no warning....with no help...thats tough....huh, thats tough, isnt it, cactus?"
am i saying that marius von hagen gets attached to the cactus because it vaguely reminds him of his own life story of being pushed into very stressful circumstances and essentially left to fend for himself? yeah. yeah. because im deranged
"the cactus' name is karla," marius says at the next meeting, spraying the cactus with a mist bottle. "be nice to her or else im biting you."
who declares it a "therapy cactus"? aka who realizes that literally EVERYBODY else on the team is, one way or another, projecting themselves and/or their desires onto the PLANT???
luke. luke does. luke has the habit of dissociating and spiraling at any given moment when he encounters anything even ADJACENTLY related to what hes going through (again, sr aquarium date, luke u were just looking at the jellyfish, WHY R U GETTING DEPRESSED PHILOSOPHICAL OVER LIFESPANS???? SIR, GET HELP.....), so like lol he can clock that shit in from a mile away because hes the worst offender of that too
he doesnt bring it up of course. i mean, im sure he thinks about it because it's just the right kind of shithead move to pull just in case the others try to push him around again but mc gets mad at him when he goes agent scary at the rest of the boys so okaaayyyy he'll retaliate against getting dunked on in a more...civil way. so he doesnt bring it up. he also doesnt bring it up because...
well, if it makes them happy, then it makes him happy. thats all that matters to him
"keep making them all happy, yeah?" luke absentmindedly says to the cactus one day. "i heard you guys can live for a hundred years."
the cactus, of course, does not reply.
mc gets very into taking care of karla. pls expect many conversations where the boys are talking about the "cactus" (theyre talking about themselves) and mc is just like "okay im 90% sure this is a metaphor, you guys aint slick, but i like this cactus very much and thats true whether it's a metaphor or not."
thanks for making me go insane over a cactus, Book. it's 8am here.
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plounce · 3 years
a thing i am doing right now is i am writing a post-canon cardassia garashir fic BUT it is wholly made up of primary sources and secondary sources discussing garashir in later cardassian society because in present canon cardassia is like homophobic so their relationship was kept verrrrry private, so a lot of historians in the future debate over whether garak and bashir were together or not. ambiguity and all that. im a history major. all the secondary sources are post-post-canon when cardassia is like. more socially liberal about certain things, where the writers are reflecting on that period of cardassian history. anyway these are the sections i have written / planned so far
bashir's will that asks for certain documents to be preserved “for the sake of historical preservation, so that future generations may know Elim not just as a patriotic statesman but as a warm and loving man.” <-- homo
a book on present-canon cardassian homophobia, going into the social history. this section got really long because i talked about trans cardassians navigating around homophobia a lot. bc the homophobia is from a place of “you have to have children” but like (binary) trans ppl are okay so like those people who marry in ways that don’t appear childbearing tended to have children really quick to escape that. but yeah i still need to finish this bit bc i need to actually talk about the homophobia not just the trans people
list of cardassian homophobic slurs. yeah lmao i know. we have fun here. one of the ones for “lesbians” is “friend of sapohi” because i couldn’t resist making up lizard alien sappho
first physical letter garak sends bashir post-canon when there’s power shortages and bashir is stationed a long way away. they’re not together yet. sort of an introduction. these letters are one of the only personal documents garak left behind bc he’s paranoid and very private
a federation relief worker’s notes on a briefing about power rationing, which is some further explanation about why the fuck star trek people would be writing letters on paper instead of their weird ipads
second letter garak sends bashir. idk what’s gonna be in that yet but i do know garak says “your doodle of me was charming but inaccurate”. just one side of the conversation bc bashir kept his letters from garak while garak read the letters bashir sent him, memorized them, and destroyed them for security reasons.
record request emails from a cardassian history graduate student to a federation archivist asking for access to any messages from the o’briens about bashir but oh no :( the o’briens only marked for archival some videos of their grandkids :( and also a video of a random cardassian kid from bashir? weird. this one was really fun
one of the last messages bashir sent o’brien through starfleet comms that’s like right before he leaves for cardassia. nothing Concrete but definitely Hmmm-able
an excerpt from a book about the history of offworlders on cardassia, which includes a letter from one of garak’s political opponents as an example of reactionary xenophobia. basically it’s just a letter where this dude is very rude and homophobic about bashir. but it’s fine because he uses fake homophobia
political cartoon where bashir is portrayed as a seducer trying to get cardassia to assimilate into the federation. meant to be kind of funny imo. might commission karin to draw it for me. i think bashir tried to frame it in their house but garak like super hated it but idk if i can squeeze that in
transcript of an interview bashir gave on his views on cardassian politics, trying to be like “haha im just here to be a doctor, im not trying to be a spy or anything, but yeah i do agree with the people who like social programs and the rights of the disadvantaged etc etc”
an excerpt from a speech parmak gives like a decade after that after a piece of orphan rights legislation got passed that thanks bashir for the consultation and support. heheh
third letter from garak to bashir. probably like. subtly indicates that their relationship is on the verge of romantic. the last letter
a negative book review of a book that argues that garak and bashir were together. the review is just like “terrans are just Like That!!” plus some other stuff like “they lived together bc nobody would rent a house to an offworlder in this era!!” and stuff like that. im looking forward to writing this
the entries on garak and bashir from a children’s book on cardassian heroes. very saccharine and glossy and patriotic. bashir especially is like “once he stepped foot on cardassian soil he knew he loved this land” etc etc. amusingly inaccurate
the speech of one of garashir’s grandchildren (they take in some wards - non-blood related adoption is formally recognized on cardassia after the wards are of age) while accepting some medical award that thanks her grandfather elim garak for the support and her beloved elder julian bashir for his advice and support
a foreword from a book of poetry written by one of their GREAT-grandchildren who thanks his grandfather for the love of literature passed down to him. because Oh You Know
idk where this will go but cardassians discussing a federation documentary about The Heroes Of The Dominion War that says “oh yeah bashir went on to become the first naturalized citizen of cardassia. elim garak became an important figure in the new cardassian government. they were common law married” and the cardassians being like THEY REALLY SAID THAT? and some cardassians being mad and some cardassians being like Someone’s Fucking Saying It Finally!
still thinking of other sections that go a bit more into their children/married life. maybe also some other incidents. the thing about this is it’s such a fun little exercise to think of different ways to angle into this relationship and this society through surviving primary sources and variations on secondary sources. it’s a puzzle though because i want a lot of differentiation
im thinking ill conclude it with like their great great grandchild releasing some documents from them that confirm their relationships that were meant to published like a couple centuries later when hopefully cardassia was more accepting. because i want gay people to get the last laugh and assert their places in history and regain control over how society sees them. yk
sorry this post is like so insanely long and also kind of deranged in concept. im kind of fucking tired of my main twitter being this place where i have to remember that 21k people follow me (because i post c*tcrumb art on my main twtter) that im trying to make tumblr a place where i can just run my mouth yk. anyway. hey i got really into ds9 in the second week of march
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whetstonefires · 4 years
mcu ethics bad
The thing is that, while I was angry at Tony during Age of Ultron, particularly when he rode over Bruce’s compunctions about building a giant combat super-robot and pressured him into the project like a very very bad friend who happened to also be wrong...
...and when he equipped Hulkbuster armor and fought the Hulk in the middle of a city rather than attempting de-escalation or attempting to haul the Hulk out into the giant adjacent desert....
(And my suspension of disbelief snapped like a frayed cable when he brought down a skyscraper that had had no time to be evacuated on a street full of fleeing people and the only reason we were given to believe he hadn’t just cold-bloodedly created massive civilian casualties was that he told his AI to find the impossible magic angle where doing this wouldn’t kill anyone...)
While I was angry with him then, and unspeakably relieved that he recognized his own damage and retired at the end, haha psych, I was revolted by him during Civil War.
It’s supposed to make us sympathize with a character more, spending so much time with them, getting into their heads, being shown their emotional drives and reactions to things, and we spent so much time with Tony during that film, understanding his point of view. And...I did understand him. He’s not complicated. I even sympathized with his emotional state.
But in the context of his actions, throughout the film, I gazed into that understanding the way I did into Kylo Ren’s face in the seconds after he first unmasked. I see you, I know you, everything you are is written here, and the lines of your shame and self-revulsion are so thick upon you, and you should be ashamed but your self-destruction does not expiate or justify one jot of the harm you do.
Because everything Tony did in Civil War came from a place of selfishness. He was selfish all throughout that movie down to his very spine.
And selfishness isn’t itself necessarily bad--you need a little, to get through life, you have the right to your own portion of it. Your boundaries and your needs. But the type of selfishness that is forcing other people pay dearly for your emotional comfort and sense of control: no.
That is tyranny. That is not acceptable.
And you know how I know he was being selfish? Because his motive for pushing the Sokovia Accords was his personal guilt for the destruction of Sokovia.
But the Accords didn’t address that at all! They were tangential to the issue! None of the terms of the Accords would have saved Sokovia--in fact, the existence of them could easily have prevented the evacuation and harm-reduction the Avengers managed there, without saving a single soul.
The Ultron crisis was something Tony did, not as Iron Man but as Tony Stark, with Bruce Banner’s help, and which Wanda as criminal fugitive later helped exacerbate, and which all the other Avengers were involved in only to mitigate harm.
Legislation, or...treaties, idk, the UN isn’t actually empowered to pass laws so who knows what this thing was...aimed at preventing another Sokovia would mandate constant ethical oversight of billionaire science man’s mad science. At the very least! He never has to run things by ethics boards because he’s self-funded, at the very least let’s invent a mechanism to make up for that.
That would address the actual Sokovia issue, both in terms of risks and in terms of Tony’s personal guilt feelings.
But no one suggests that! It’s not even on the table! Because no one, certainly not any government, can tell Tony Stark what to do unless he lets them, that’s been a clear matter of record since Iron Man 2.
And because no one writing this legal instrument of whatever description was actually motivated by wanting to avoid another Sokovia, or even another ‘Wanda tries to neutralize a suicide bomber but merely gives him a different, smaller victim pool’ incident.
They didn’t care! They blatantly didn’t care! The entire thing was a ghoulish use of the dead to gain enough political leverage over the Avengers to put a leash on them!
(Which might not be a bad thing in principle, everything needs its checks, but when the last quasi-governmental organization you worked for turned out to be Nazis who were only prevented from staging a mass slaughter of undesireables by the skin of your teeth, I think you’re well within your rights to be very choosy about who you agree to obey, and to be firmly against pledging your honor to follow people whose first move was dishonest coercive tactics.
Actually you’re well within your rights to demand to negotiate the terms of even a much less sweeping contract, even without the Nazis. The whole approach to this thing stank to high heaven.
The fact that it was written by the UN like a treaty, expected to be signed by private individuals like a contract, and then enforced like a law except not because 1) laws are for everyone 2) if you break a law you get a trial not extrajudicial incarceration and 3) being pressured to consent to a restriction and then punished for refusing consent is hypocritical circular logic and in fact police corruption at its finest, all continues to show it was a bullshit nonsense franken-document.)
The whole movie is people ghoulishly using the dead to manipulate Tony into making bad decisions in response to his emotional pain. That’s. The plot of the film.
Then Zemo staged T’Chaka’s assassination and framed Bucky for it to raise the tension, ramp up the pressure, and prevent any sitting-down and talking reasonably through this, which might have allowed for the recognition of how extremely bullshit the entire concept was.
Tony was being used. Tony was a tool of bad people for most of that movie, and while Zemo banked on using his wrath for it, the politicos were leaning on his guilt.
And there’s honestly little I hold in deeper scorn than going out and hurting other people to assuage your own guilt and treating this as having the moral high ground. No. You don’t have the moral high ground on account of your guilt motivation. You have it if the actions you took were just, or at least could reasonably be assumed to have been so at the time.
And Tony fucking knew they weren’t. He didn’t even last to the end of the movie before recognizing that he’d been manipulated and fucked up, and doubling back.
That he then walked into a different manipulation, turned on a dime, and had to be stopped from doing a murder doesn’t unwrite that.
And it drives me nuts that people will say Tony was acting out of principle while Steve was acting out of personal attachment. Because sure, the Bucky thing was important, was the reason he was walking forward against all opposition instead of standing still to argue, but it wasn’t the reason Steve said no, while...
Tony wasn’t acting out of principle. Tony isn’t...very good at having principles. That’s not even a criticism or condemnation, it’s just how he functions. Since Iron Man he’s been substituting good intentions and emotional investment, which has worked out to varying degrees. It works best for huge, difficult, very straightforward decisions like ‘ride the nuke through the portal and save my hometown.’ It works less well for nuanced situations.
Tony was, as usual, acting out of emotion. And some awful shitheads who’d figured out where his levers were had calculated how to jiggle his emotion switches in the right places to make him do exactly what they wanted.
And you can tell he wasn’t acting out of principle because, for example, someone who was trying to get the superhero community under outside control for the sake of harm mitigation...
...well, firstly wouldn’t have chosen to stage a massive battle? But it’s possible someone in the UN specifically told him to do that, and in theory they at the very least signed off on it, presumably for its PR value of making Captain America look deranged and violent since it’s a deranged decision from every other angle, so yay, he can pass that responsibility up the chain and not have to angst about it, as promised.
But I was going to say would not have approached a minor who (this timeline takes pains to show us) had no prior experience of battle or even, somehow, serious violent crime, to recruit him to go be a government child soldier on another continent, without his guardian’s knowledge or consent. There were overtones of blackmail in Tony’s approach, before it turned out Peter was such a big fan he didn’t need that. What the fuck frankly.
That is not the action of someone who wants to start doing things by the letter, scaling the violence down, keeping within the law and putting the power of decisionmaking in other people’s hands because he’s realized he can’t trust his own.
And frankly even if he did act like that I wouldn’t necessarily support his choices, in particular his snap decision to behave coercively toward other Avengers with vastly less social power and security than he has.
And that’s the other thing! Everything about ‘Tony + Accords BFFs’ rings so hollow because he has never thought rules applied to him, and he knows perfectly well the entire time he’s fighting to force this surrender of agency down other people’s throats that he is going to be practically immune.
This man was technically a terrorist, proabably the most prolific single terrorist in world history until his rogue android exceeded his body count, but he was immune to prosecution because he was in tight with the United States military-industrial complex and basically untouchable due to his status within capitalism, and pursuing their international goals anyway. In the time between Iron Man and Iron Man II he was basically a one-man upgrade of the US drone program, and so good at it that the crest of blood he carved through the Middle East allowed him to announce he had ‘privatized world peace.’
(You are never going to get a world peace worth anything on the basis of a giant flying gun, okay.)
He went to war as a private individual, against non-state actors who were not directly threatening him, which is very much defined as ‘mass murder’ in all domestic and international law, and the US army in response sued him for control of his weapon. And lost! Lost.
No one attempted to press charges. No one. Because Tony Stark is above all that. And he knows it.
And like. I’m willing to accept the mass murder under the heading of ‘superheroing’ within the terms of this setting! Even if, after his vengeance rampage on his specific kidnappers, this violence was kept strictly off-screen for a reason. I did that! I bent that far! Genre convention!
But this history is kind of vitally important to any analysis of what he thought he was doing, and what he actually was doing, when he decided to become the iron gauntlet of the Sokovia Accords.
The currently active member of the Avengers who needed muzzling most was very manifestly Iron Man, and he knew even as he jammed the muzzle on all his comrades to make himself feel better that it would affect him the least, even if he didn’t finally retire for real this time. You don’t force Tony Stark. Not if you want anything out of it but blown up. You persuade him.
And once you have...oh, look at what he can do.
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birbleafs · 4 years
[fic] A Tragicomedy In Five Acts
Series: Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan || The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Rating: T Genre: Friendship, Humour, Breaking the Fourth Wall Character(s): Akechi Touma, Saiki Kusuo, Saiki Kurumi, Saiki Kuniharu, Saiki Kuusuke Warnings: None, save for the canon-typical shenanigans Summary: Akechi has made a habit of showing up unannounced, uninvited at the Saiki residence. The inevitable "bonding" occurs and Kusuo despairs; the world continues to turn. A/N: A piece I wrote for the Disastrous Life Zine, a charity zine. I wanted to share the uncut version here since I like how it reads more (it's not too different from zine version, though). Leftover sales are currently still live, so here's your last chance to grab some limited items if you had missed the pre-orders earlier! Thanks to the mods & other contributors over at @disastrouslifezine, for all their hard work on this project. Many thanks also to my bro Digi for the awesome beta work and for always being an all-round great pal ❤ Fic can also be read AO3. _______ i. It’s a problem Saiki Kusuo should have—could have—nipped earlier in the bud, when he’d been forced to spend a whole Sunday with Akechi Touma betting on horse-racing. But between Akechi being (begrudgingly) accepted as one of the PK Psychickers to Kusuo having to stop a meteor from slamming into the planet—well, a lot had happened. Akechi had since taken to visiting the Saiki residence at random, with little notice in advance. On his second visit, Mom had invited him in before Kusuo could intervene. If it weren’t for the cupcakes Akechi had brought along—not to mention the terrifying heat of Mom’s demonic glare at the first sign of a protest—Kusuo would have teleported him miles away without hesitation. That’s how Kusuo finds himself now—glowering at Akechi who’s sitting politely in his room and firing a running commentary about nothing and too many things all at once. Resigned, he leans back into his study chair and asks, point-blank: What do you want, Akechi?
“Your mother is lovely as always,” Akechi replies instead, dancing around the question. “I’m grateful she’s gone from remembering me as ‘Pee Boy’ to ‘Kusuo’s Friend Who Only Ever Wets His Pants Occasionally’. Surely that’s a sign we have gotten closer.” It sounds just as terrible as the first—only a simpleton would be okay with that as a defining trait, Kusuo retorts. In any case, we’re hardly more than classmates. So, why are you here again? “I thought you would have realized it by now with your telepathy. But I suppose I can explain it for the sake of the readers!” Akechi beams, holding up a small case in his hand. Don’t just casually break the fourth wall, Kusuo frowns, even as he leans forward for a closer look. Akechi pops the case open and turns towards the game console. “I was recently gifted this game by my cousin, who assured me that, while underrated, it’s still a cult hit among fans. I thought it would be fun to play it together.” Kusuo stares flatly at the title OVERWORKED displayed on the disc as it slides into the console drive, already unimpressed. That is such a blatant rip-off. “Oh, no, it's a completely different game from the one you’re thinking of!” Akechi says. “Here you play as the overworked waiter of a cafe who serves multiple orders at once and takes over the cooking whenever the head chef throws a tantrum and storms right off.” How is that different from OVERC***ED? It is totally OVERC***ED! “Regardless, shall we have a play-off?” Akechi offers the controller to him. “Winner gets this box of cupcakes. I got them from the best pâtisserie in town, which is no easy feat. Why just this morning I left home at the crack of dawn to secure a spot in the queue, and even then, there were already about 30-odd people ahead of me! Who knew it was so popular—A-ah!” Kusuo yanks the controller easily from Akechi’s hand towards him with telekinesis, a glint of determination in his eyes now. Best two out of three levels. Loser also has to leave immediately. Akechi grins knowingly and cracks his knuckles, reaching for the second controller. “You’re quick to assume victory, Kusuo-kun. Very well, then!” Thirty-seven minutes later and Kusuo’s left staring at the final scores, appalled. He would have won if his character hadn’t kept freezing in place and glitching at crucial moments, messing up in the kitchens and sending out wrong orders. How is he always losing to Akechi like this? Clearly the universe is still conspiring against him. “You were so close to beefing my lask score dhoo,” Akechi says shamelessly through a mouthful of strawberry frosting. “And my, deez fupfakes are s’per dhasty!” Are you taunting me now? Kusuo scowls enviously at the cupcake in Akechi’s hand before he huffs, slinking back into his chair. Well, I’ll be staring dejectedly out my window for a bit, so feel free to eat your cupcakes and then leave. But Akechi only laughs then and, to Kusuo’s surprise, moves to place a chocolate cupcake before him. “You’re so melodramatic, Kusuo-kun. I never said the winner can’t share.” ... I guess you didn’t. They spend the rest of the afternoon eating cupcakes. _______ ii. This again? It’s been a month, but Kusuo already feels a sense of gloom settling over him when Akechi steps into the genkan. He would have been fine with leaving Akechi outside blathering away through closed doors for the entire day while he pretended not to be home, but obviously Mom is having none of that. “I’m so glad you’ve been coming over to play with Ku-chan!” she greets cheerfully. “I couldn’t believe it when I first heard, but you and Kusuo are getting along well, huh, Akechi-kun!” Dad says with a sagely nod, looking every bit the part of the morally upright, reliable father. Bold of you to believe such delusional notions of camaraderie, or that you even look the part of an admirable adult, Kusuo comments drily, before turning to leave. “We don’t just get along,” Akechi chimes in reply. “You could even say our friendship is super-califragilisticexpialidocious!” GET OUT. If looks could kill, Kusuo’s current expression is pure genocide. But his parents are already fawning and AH-HYUU-!!-ing at Akechi’s words, tears of joy gushing down their cheeks like an endless waterfall. Kusuo watches in quiet despair as Akechi is readily accepted into their fold with welcomed embraces, a key development in this romantic soap opera. Oi, what’s with the misleading narrative?! We’re not in that kind of fanfic right now! Dad and Akechi hit it off well enough, one thing leads to another, and Kusuo suddenly finds himself roped into playing MECH-O ARENA VR on the WAB station in Dad’s study. Seriously, stop it with the terrible rip-offs of actual games already, Kusuo frowns as he watches Dad’s and Akechi’s characters flitting about on the screen to fight off an incoming attack. “I suppose it’s not very original, is it?” Akechi says, punching the controller buttons in a flurry of movements. “But it’s different enough that we can probably avoid any unwanted copyright lawsuits.” That’s completely beside the point. Dad’s wholly immersed with the game now, so it’s impossible for Kusuo to get rid of Akechi without Dad throwing a childish fuss about losing his new gaming buddy. Not to mention Mom’s uncanny ability to appear with coffee and snacks each time Kusuo had tried to inconspicuously retreat back into his room, all while exuding an ominous aura that effectively dissuaded his need to leave immediately. Good grief—everyone’s being such a pain today, Kusuo sighs, before he finally relents to Mom’s cajoling to team up with her against Dad and Akechi in the final round. He figures it can’t get worse than this anyway. That is, until Kuusuke gets involved. _______ iii. When Kusuo returns home from a quick grocery trip for Mom, he walks into a surprisingly empty living room. He can hear Dad and Kuusuke’s voices from upstairs but for some reason he’s not quite able to perceive the atmosphere within—it’s as if his senses are partially blocked by a cognitive fog with the study engulfed in a dead zone. Must be that prototype “router” Kuusuke had installed in Dad’s study yesterday. Kusuo has zero interest in his brother’s tiresome antics, but is compelled nonetheless to check on them, if only to ensure Kuusuke isn’t playing Mad Scientist and coaxing Dad into yet another deranged human project. He opens the door, nearly lashes out in shock with telekinesis when he sees Akechi staring through the doorway with a creepy, owlish expression. “Oh, were you actually surprised, Kusuo-kun?” Akechi says. “My apologies for frightening you like that.” Kusuo studies the room cautiously, only to realize he’s unable to hear anyone’s thoughts with telepathy. He glares at his brother in suspicion. “Welcome back, little brother!” Kuusuke greets him with a Cheshire grin. “I see you’ve got yourself a new playmate. Hmm? Ah, you must think it strange that I've taken to Akechi-kun so readily.” Strange and highly dubious, Kusuo counters. What are you scheming? “Well, Akechi-kun shows the most potential and capacity for mental growth amongst the lesser primates close to you—” What a disparaging worldview. And stop deflecting! I know you can still understand me. “—So, he may yet make a good test subj—Ah, I mean, a good friend! Interesting specimens tend to gravitate towards you, after all. Though his propensity for peeing sure is troubling, isn’t it? Haha!” You can excuse questionable human experimentations, but you draw the line at incontinence? Kuusuke attempts a nonchalant shrug. “Priorities, amirite?” “But this is amazing, Kuusuke-san,” Akechi says, glancing up in awe at the blinking device on the ceiling. “The telepathy canceller really does block our thoughts efficiently!” “It’s child's play compared to Kusuo’s abilities,” Kuusuke says, seemingly modest, but Kusuo doesn’t miss the devious glint in his eyes when he reaches into his coat pocket to pull out what looks suspiciously like a detonator with a giant red button. “Still, with this, Operation SM☆SH can now finally commence—” Wait, Operation what?? Kuusuke, don’t you dare...! But Kuusuke is already pressing the button, and the study is plunged into darkness as the lights flicker off and the blinds draw shut. Alarmed, Kusuo wrenches the detonator away from Kuusuke’s grip with his telekinesis. What did you just do?! There’s an electronic whirr, a blinding flash, and Kusuo finds himself suddenly staring at a large LCD screen as it emerges from the ceiling. Music blares from overhead speakers as a cinematic opening sequence begins to play. “There you are, Kusuo!” Dad looks up from behind the coffee table where he’d been fiddling with the game console. He adjusts the VR headset over his eyes. “It’s time to finally beat you at SUPER SM☆SH BUDS as payback for last time! HII-YAAAH!!” ... Oh. So it’s just another game. “That’s right!” Kuusuke claps his hands together, blissfully ignoring the heat of Kusuo’s baleful glare. “I heard about your horse-racing bet from Akechi-kun and found this as the best way to even the odds for other types of games.” “The idea came to me while peeing in the shower; to find ways you could play and not get bored easily, Kusuo-kun,” Akechi adds in unnecessary detail. “But I didn’t think Kuusuke-san could actually pull it off.” “Here, Kusuo,” Dad says, waving his controller. “Come choose your character—” But Kusuo’s already teleporting away, fleeing the wretched upheaval within his own home to hide at Cafe Mami for the rest of the day. _______ iv. Akechi corners him after school three weeks later. Kusuo is surprised and unsurprised all at once; he had worn the germanium ring to class, after all, in a bid to avoid spoilers for the direct-to-streaming release movie adaptation of a book he’d been fond of. It’s easy to ignore everyone’s spoilery chatter when it isn’t droning directly into his mind—he’d kept his fingers stuck into  his ears each time class ended, oblivious to the strange looks thrown his way, and had even hidden away in the restroom cubicle during breaks, successfully avoiding any interaction with the usual human nuisances. Until now, that is. “Let’s walk home together, Kusuo-kun!” Akechi calls, jogging after him. I’m suddenly deaf and sound has eluded me, Kusuo deadpans as he breaks into a sprint, determined to leave before Akechi starts blabbing spoilers. “I noticed you weren’t quite yourself today,” Akechi continues, catching up with him.  “And I thought it might have something to do with the ring on your left index finger that you’ve fondled precisely seventeen times throughout the day.” What an awful way to describe it. I didn’t fondle anything. “Perhaps the material of that ring works in the same manner as the telepathy canceller—which would explain why you seemed uncharacteristically skittish today since you’re pretty bad at discerning people’s intentions without your telepathy.” What are you? A psychic? But Akechi only persists. “I realized later that you’d always leave whenever anyone started talking about that new movie on Netfl*x—” Can’t hear now, Kusuo slaps his hands over his ears. Gone horribly deaf. “And I figured it must be that you haven’t watched it yet for some reason, like maybe your home internet is down because your father forgot to pay the bills for three whole months and so it got cut—” How did you even..? Kusuo grimaces. N-nope, not listening! 100% deaf! “I know you don’t have a mobile phone to watch it on either,” Akechi continues. “So, that’s why I wanted to invite you to my house today, to watch it together. Oh, don’t worry, I know absolutely nothing about the movie. In fact, I’d only heard Kaidou-kun screaming out the title just ten minutes ago.” Kusuo pauses then, glancing back at Akechi in hesitance. Akechi only meets his wary gaze with a knowing smirk, and says, “We also have strawberry shortcake in the fridge.” _______ v. I don’t suppose there’s a good reason this time either, Kusuo sighs wearily, closing his book. Still, there’s a glimmer in his eyes; he knows Akechi had come bearing gifts—a selection of coffee jellies topped with cherries and chocolate drizzle. “I’ve made a habit of crashing your place unannounced, haven’t I?” Akechi offers a contrite grin, watching as Kusuo helps himself to a spoonful of jelly. “I do apologize, but whenever I get restless, I find myself wandering here by instinct. Admittedly, I was worried about being a bother, but your mother is always so welcoming at the door despite that dreary, constipated look in your eyes—” You are being a bother. Like a persistent mosquito that thinks it's summer all year round, Kusuo grouses with his Most Annoyed Expression, knowing how ineffectual his Feigning Ignorance Face had become over time. Also, have you graduated from pee references to shitty jokes now? Disgusting. But Akechi takes it all in stride, undeterred by Kusuo’s ugly grimace and acerbic jibes. “—Plus, it’d be considered extremely rude if I didn’t come in after that, and I certainly do not want you to think of me as rude. You’re a friend I hold in high regard, after all. I always have, ever since I found out it was you who saved me from the bullies back then.” The earnestness in Akechi’s words stumps him, if only a little. And though Kusuo is careful to keep his surprise from showing, there’s a part deep down in his not-so-granite heart that feels a touch of warmth at the sentiment. Akechi’s already placing the Scrabble board on the floor, so he misses the ghost of a smile that crosses Kusuo’s lips. Did Akechi honestly think he could beat a psychic at Scrabble too? How naive. “You’re probably thinking how naive I must be, believing I could beat you at a board game with your powers and all,” Akechi notes cheerfully, almost as if he’s a mind-reader himself. Kusuo frowns, slightly disgruntled by the fourth-wall breaking once more and wishes they would give it a rest for once. Overusing a trope gets really tiring, you know? Still, he smiles again as he takes a seat across from Akechi—who is now shuffling the Scrabble chips while nattering away about the history of board games and how the loser would have to give up his share of coffee jelly (as if Kusuo would allow it to come to that again). Two Sunday visits per month only, Kusuo says, lifting several chips into the air with a wave of his hand. If you beat me... I’ll allow it. Akechi’s eyes widen, before he breaks into a playful grin. “Very well, then. May the best man win.” Kusuo only lets out a soft laugh. Perhaps it’s not too late to pick up where they had left off in grade school. —End—
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sid471 · 4 years
Cinder vs Adam
Fair warning: This isn’t a theory post about a Cinder vs Adam fight lol. Because we all know Cinder would win right?
So I love Cinder... Shock and awe I know. And I hate Adam, as most do and should. But why do I love Cinder and hate Adam? They’re actually pretty similar in terms of their attributes as villains. Both are liars, manipulators, and murderers who only seek power above all. They both have an obsession with a member, or members, of Team RWBY, Ruby for Cinder and Blake and Yang, mainly Blake, for Adam. And they’re both skilled fighters with swords and/or bladed weapons... A smaller similarity but still a similarity.
So again, why do I love Cinder, and hate Adam? The difference lies in their actions and personalities. Cinder is always confident in her plans, even when WE know it ain’t gonna end well, you may say that just makes her delusional. I disagree. I think she’s earned her confidence. She devised the plan defeat Amber by herself, without Salem’s help besides the beetle, claimed half of the Maiden powers, defeated and killed a world renowned fighter, and brought about the Fall of Beacon. All that was orchestrated by her, by herself. She ONLY started to slip when she got blasted by Ruby’s Silver Eyes. And THEN she started to lose herself.
Adam on the other hand has always been a fuckin... mess. We’ve never seen anything that makes us feel sympathy for Adam, we only saw his SDC brand, which, yes, horrible. But... be honest did you REALLY think “Aww poor Adam...” Or was it “Oh he’s just showing it to make Blake feel bad .-. What a dick >_>”. The only time we see him as “Good” is the Black Trailer. And I mean even then..... he’s actively stealing cargo off a train and is fully prepared to kill the crew members, who did literally nothing 😶. Hell! He even got his OWN character trailer. If they WANTED to portray Adam as a sympathetic villain, THIS was their chance to do so. But uh... They kinda didn’t. They just showed us more of what we already knew. That Adam is a sociopath, a murderer, and a manipulator who clings DESPERATELY to his grudge against humanity.
Cinder, in comparison, didn’t start to lose herself and go crazy until AFTER she miscalculated and underestimated someone she viewed as beneath her. Also ANOTHER similarity between Cinder and Azula .-. How do I keep finding these I swear I didn’t write that with the intention of finding another Cinzula parallel ._. Awesome stuff :3
ANYWAY Adam is emotional as FUUUUCK, and he always has been. Adam’s emotions don’t let him think clearly. Because like I said in my 2nd hot take post, if Adam WASN’T deranged in any way, he would been able to beat the Bees. But because he was blinded by his rage, he was sloppy. Cinder, prior to volume 5 I’ll say, never showed her emotions. She was cool, calm, and collected. For the most part lol. But even WHEN she shows her emotions, you FEEL something. Be it “Haha you deserve it bitch >_>” Or “Poor thing...” 
Take her ENTIRE backstory. Like with Adam, that’s the only time we’ve seen Cinder as sympathetic. Intentionally anyway lol. And with Cinder’s backstory, there was a WHOLE shift in how the fandom viewed Cinder. Before liking Cinder was something of an oddity but now there are more people who DO like her and new people in the I Stan Cinder club. If you are a new member of the I Stan Cinder club welcome and I hope you got your free cookies :3. Anyway, before Cinder wasn’t much of a discussion topic besides “Oh. Cinder relies on her maiden powers too much. She should stop relying on them as much as she does >_>” or “Cinder mistreats her allies. She should stop <_<” Which, both are true lol. But like... I dunno now with her back story revealed, there’s more INTERESTING discussion around her with like what could have been if Rhodes was around more or if he didn’t try and turn her in, people noticing how her sword in volume 5 was identical to Rhodes’ sword, a new debate of if Cinder SHOULD have killed her family or tried to wait just a little longer until she could take the huntsman exam. 
Adam’s character short...... didn’t do any of that .-. if anything it showed us MORE reasons to hate him. Hell, I’d watch that trailer more for Sienna Khan. If it were a Sienna trailer? Iconic. Okay, fine, I’ll be a little bit more fair. We DID see the start of the Grimm masks... But that doesn’t make ADAM interesting.... It makes TRAILER interesting. Besides we kinda already knew Adam started from Blake back in volume 2. We saw that Adam was fully prepared to kill people, and when he was praised for it by Sienna and the other Faunus around him, it only increased his desire to spread this method of intimidation even more. And that... is not... Good >_>. In my opinion, Cinder’s backstory did it better. You can say it felt outta place if you want, but you have to admit it WAS a damn good sequence. The contrast between Cinder’s life in Mistral, being pushed around and punished when she DOES stand up for herself. Compared to the sheer hope and AWE on her face when she arrives at the hotel, thinking her dreams are about to come true, only to find out that she’s only going from one environment of abuse to another. We FEEL for her naturally through out the whole thing. To the point that MOST of us consider Rhodes, the huntsman who WAS doing his job, the bad guy.
In conclusion: Cinder is a complex character with a tragic backstory full of abuse and a lack of power. Adam... I’m just gonna say it, is a brat >_> He’s used to getting what he wants, from Sienna and the other faunus in the white fang, from Blake, he’s USED to getting praise for the horrible things he does and when he DOES get called out, he’s used to being able to talk himself out of those situations or BEING talked out of those situations. When he DOESN’T get what he wants, he basically just throws a massive temper tantrum. I’m not saying Cinder doesn’t have her own share of temper tantrums, she does lol. But they come from a more... I dunno how to explain it, you just UNDERSTAND where she’s coming from. I do anyway.
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jesse-mills · 5 years
Convenience Store AU
Quick summary: Jesse dies on the beach and wakes up in a convenience store back near Crestwood. A dimension in which Jesse has sick new tattoos, the OA looks like an actual goddamn angel, French is a nerd ass loser who's been pining for Jesse for like 2 years, and everyone gets to be happy.
(apologies for awful formatting, this was so fucking long that I got tired of trying to make it read perfectly.)
ok so after Jesse dies it's just. dark for a long ass time right? but he wakes up to blinding light and it takes a moment for his eyes to focus. his first thought is "is heaven a 7/11?" and his second thought is "OH SHIT OA?!?!?" She found him passed out in the middle of the store aisle when she came in from the back room and after a very confused minute of conversation they realize that oh shit, it's the real OG them from the Crestwood dimension. so OA basically hires Jesse on the spot and Jesse has to help her get Hap (the manager, he's suppressed in this body but still a jackass of monumental proportions) kicked out and sent somewhere else. They do succeed after a few weeks (aka they get everyone to file complaints about him until he's relocated to somewhere out of state).
Jesse, however, has a Hell Of A Lot of new things to adjust to, the first of which being that What The Fuck, he looked in the mirror and he has fucking moving tattoos that Definitely weren't there before!! Turns out this dimension has such a thin membrane between it and the invisible river of the Between, weird ass shit tends to happen around people who have travelled through worlds. Jesse soon finds out that he isn't the only one with weird shit happening to him: the angels from the lab, especially OA, have some definite traditional angelic characteristics. OA has a ton of extra eyes on her face and neck and like. everywhere so she tends to wear gauzy scarves around her neck and ling sleeves everywhere. nothing can really be done about the ones on her face but she doesn't really show her face anywhere anyways so it's not that big a deal for her. Homer works at a patisserie in town and has extra eyes on his arms and back, as well as extra mouths on his hands (he wears gloves during work, don't ask). Rachel works there with him (and yes they're all in a thruple because. Oachel rights yo) and has extra vocal chords as well so her singing sounds absolutely ethereal. (She convinced Homer to hire Buck and Angie to work with him there after the OA told them about them.) Scott doesn't have too many extra weird eyes but his hair grows flowers and though he acts pissy about it he secretly really likes them. He works as the town's electrician and Steve apprentices under him. Renata tours around and always brings them back gifts from places she visits, and has both extra eyes on her arms that become part of her signature style (she claims it's prosthetics for the press) and a second mouth beneath her collarbone hidden under scarves so she can harmonize with herself.
BBA already works at the school and so knows them all already, and she shops at the convenience store for snacks at night during Jesse's shift and so is already close to him. She slowly puts the puzzle together herself, but in a very peaceful, calm manner; basically, she notices that he's acting different but doesn't throw a fuss about it ("I think Jesse's a different Jesse now. Hm. I'll ask if he still likes shortbread next time I go."). Lucky for Jesse, BBA and the angels all kind of adopt him.
Why do they keep working at the store after Hap leaves? a) it pays bills and like. they need to eat. and b) it's something to do, it's a normal part of a normal life that lets them spend time with each other and feel like they can finally live happy lives. Plus, Jesse and OA both desperately want to contact their home dimension and tell the others that they're okay, so the store provides a good space to do that.
and then French walks in the door one night because Olive Garden fired him and he needs to support his brothers and mom, and Jesse's world suddenly becomes a Hell of a lot more convoluted. French is confused when the pretty boy from school he was always too nervous to talk to looks up from the front counter and chokes on his drink; he's even more confused when Jesse stays bright red through their entire awkward conversation of "I need a job, are you hiring?" "UH. we are now. let me go grab the paperwork" (read: gay hyperventilating behind the backroom door for the minutes before grabbing the papers.) French is very concerned when as soon as he signs his name the paper just. crumbles to ash without any warning but Jesse just sweeps it into the bin and says "yeah you're hired, UHHH what hours???? work for you????? actually just come in when it does work and we'll get you started okay goodbye!!!" Of course night shift works best for French so Jesse has a mini conniption when French walks in the next night an hour after Jesse gets there and asks if he can start working Now.
French is a fucking NERD ASS LOSER in this dimension. so he's very confused when after a week of training almost nightly (hey, he needs to provide, yo) Steve, his old bully, walks in and greets him very nicely and apologizes for anything he did in high school (he does not notice Jesse glaring at Steve. he is also not aware of Jesse calling Steve the first night he came in and incoherently rambling for twenty minutes straight before yelling "I'M GAY" and hanging up. Steve was confused because didn't Jesse come out in like 10th grade to him??? he didn't bully French for being gay he bullied him for being a nerd ass loser).
French also begins to notice that things are fucking weird in this convenience store, and by that I mean he walks in one night and Jesse is calmly reading a comic book while one of the freezers is literally emitting fucking fire. ("Jesse. Tell me you fucking realize that THE FREEZER IS ON FIRE." "Yeah, OA said to just leave it. Scott's gonna fix it later" "But. But it's on FIRE." "Yeah lol apparently she's been workin on portals without dying and opened a hell dimenson? haha wack right. Just keep the door closed and it'll be fine.") He ends up calling Steve (who is being almost suspiciously friendly now under threat of bodily harm, and who is genuinely trying to be a better person) to ask if this is normal after Jesse tells very seriously after setting up "wet floor signs" that he should stay away from the soda fountain, OA accidentally fucked with it and it's biting people. (French, talking to Steve over the phone: "Yeah dude and then it just fucking crumbled to ash and he said I was hired. Like what the fuck. What the fuck." "Oh yeah lol apparently her husband's shop does the same thing. Btw tell Jesse to stop hoarding snakes in the cupboards behind the desk bc I'm the one Scott sends to fix that shit." "...........SNAKES?!"
Jesse has a weird thing with snakes in this dimension since he 1) found a weird tattoo of a snake with wings that just roams around his body as it pleases and acts like a pet (yes he named it Ramen Noodle. no he does not have shame.) and 2) realized that he can basically charm snakes just by talking to them. Friend shaped noodles. French walks in one night to find Steve trying to convince Jesse to "take them out of the cupboards" and after French cautiously asks what's in the cupboards Jesse just opens it to reveal like 30 snakes that he rescued from the cold (French yells and almost falls on his ass. Steve just sighs as Jesse picks up a ton of them and lets them curl up around his arms). OA does bi-monthly snake banishing (read: making Jesse go to different animal shelters to give the snakes away during winter or releasing them into the wild in warmer weather). (For his birthday about three months in she and Homer and Rachel find him an albino boa constrictor and Jesse genuinely looks like he's about to pass out from joy. He names it Theo, and for some reason, BBA tears up when he tells her and gingerly pets the snake.)
And the thing is, French is such a skeptic that he just can't bring himself to take Jesse seriously when one night about a month in he locks the glass doors and sits down to tell French very seriously that he's not the original Jesse from this dimension. Jesse realizes that French won't very easily be convinced, so he just does his best to flippantly include it in conversation in the hopes that it will slowly convince him. Even after French notices the moving tattoos (he was staring at Jesse's stomach when he stretched one night and almost yelled when a weird, almost tentacle looking tattoo idly moved across his skin) he can't bring himself to believe it, even when he realizes Jesse's eyes are a odd, almost shifting blue as opposed to the warm brown he searched for in the halls every day of senior year, even when there's fire and weird portals and a manager who has even more eyes than her husband (Homer comes in often with baked goods for Jesse and French. the first time French saw what he thought was a prosthetic eye on the back of Homer's hand wink at him, he almost passed out.). What finally convinces him is when Hap comes back.
Hap' s consciousness somehow came through after almost four months of wondering what was wrong with his old job, and when he comes back, French is in the store early just as Jesse is getting there and Homer is about to pick up OA when Hap comes in and points a gun at him. He's yelling what French thinks is nonsense, about a rose window and Prairie and how she lied to him, but he knows better now, he knows, and French is dead sure he's going to die when OA starts yelling back that he's wouldn't dare harm him or any of her friends. He can see in the reflection of the mirror above the front desk that Hap looks deranged, and it's enough to convince him of two things: one, Hap is about to kill him, and two, Jesse was telling the truth all along. He's about to do something desperate, kick Hap or try to grab the gun, something, when there's movement in the mirror and he spots something heavy swinging towards them. He ducks just as Homer creeps up behind them and brains Hap with a piece of scrap metal. The cops are called and everything is mostly sorted out-- Hap, of course, is going to jail-- but French is still shellshocked from realizing that it's all real, that Jesse died and came back in this dimension and that there are angels that act more like his parents than his mother ever has. It's a shock to him, but he gradually adjusts, and Jesse begins slowly filling him in on their old life in the original Crestwood, how they came together when a once-blind victim of a kidnapping came back with vision and stories, how he died on a beach on the way to San Francisco after overdosing on an old man's pain medication. Eventually, he gets the go-ahead from OA to tell the others and fill them in on exactly what happened. They reunite as they're supposed to and eventually become just as tightly knit as they had been. The Steve from Crestwood eventually joins them and while it takes him some time to adjust, he's so thrilled to have Jesse back and that everything is okay here that he's content.
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zekhromss · 5 years
we lasted 18 minutes boys we really did it we got to double digits!  anyway.
hi everyone please do not.  associate me with gang shit or prison or say id do good in either one like i know i make jokes about “join my gang” all the time but do not.  come out of nowhere and make those kinds of comments towards me lmao.  like just dont do it, dont say “oh youd be GREAT in prison or maybe a gang haha” bcs literally what kind of a compliment is that i dont even understand what that means and i hate it.  im literally allowed to make these kinds of jokes, randos on the internet are not.
do not associate me with drugs/alcohol or violence like i get it, im an angry person, but dont say those kinds of passing comments like again.  nobodys really done it but i do not want to be associated with anything violent as i am not actually a super violent person?  like we all make jokes abt slapping the shit out of someone or beating the fuck out of randos thats fine but do not paint me as a violent crazed lunatic bcs yeah.  we all make those jokes.  so theres no reason to associate me specifically with violence.  or drugs.  im a recovering alcoholic.  i am allowed to make jokes abt my problems involving both.  again, randos are not.
ALSO and this is one that actually has happened, here on tumblr (actually mainly discord and real life bcs on tumblr it hasnt happened in years), Do Not by ANY means associate me with being so deranged id create diseases on purpose to hurt innocent people like.  yes i know a lot about them and even jokes abt “lukas is gonna be the one to take down the 1%” like those are fine but comments like “SO HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE YOU GONNA KILL” like im not a eugenicist i actually literally hate the association that id knowingly cause harm to real actual people when theyve done nothing wrong.
anyway thanks for coming to my tedtalk again nobody that i currently follow or engage with has ever made these kinds of comments but i just needed to clarify.  also sorry for the long post ive got Cannot Shut Up Disorder
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sikereviewdotcom · 5 years
wilfred (2011) - season 1 ep1 “happiness” review
ok so today were reviewing fucking "wilfred" basically its a story about a depressed guy who tried to kill himself but he failed because hes a pushover in life and even suicide is mocking him yea jk actually his sis prescribed him placebo so the meds he used in his suicide attempt were useless yada yada
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then he sees his neighbours (on who he tots have the hots for) dog as a man and hes like lol wtf why is there a furry standing in my yard? im not into dogplay dudette, please dont do this to me ah-
unfortunately for him the chick, on the next day asks to take care of her dog meanwhile because idk shit happens in her house? and she has to work? yea something like that so anyway he accepts because hes into her and out of it aswell more out of it than anything tho
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our man, ryan is pretty disturbed but it happens anyway he has NO control over his life so why would he have control on  a dog fursuit wearing 40 yo man? yea exactly wouldnt make sense
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wilfred enters his house and smoke a damn bong thats right, a very efficient way to introduce what kind of character were up against see, jason gann has the perfect face for such character looking all dirty in that suit with a big ass black painted dog nose you gotta think "that dawgs up to no good" and youd be damn right keep reading to discover why so basically nm happens in this episode if it isnt the setting of all the shit because well ryan has a lot of issues and its gonna get worse you cant believe this dog is gonna make things better for ryan not really hes just scamming the loser with cheap tricks and drugs
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btw after (trying) to vape or w/e with wilfred, the man falls asleep, wakes up because his sis whos a bitch, remember her
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its important to spot whos a bitch in each show ill be reviewing its pretty easy to balance whos the antagonist and who isnt although it often is much more complexe than that which is why im here making it all very easy and very interesting, aside from lost cases like the magic school bus i cant make that shit any worse nor TOO better like i have limited power my reviews are sike but some shows are just nah back to our whipped cream: ryans depression: he is jobless ok? so his sis is mad that he doesnt make the effort to come work and do what he has to also he used to be a lawyer btw because his father wanted him to be and then his father died and he lost his job and he hated being a lawyer so w/e but he also seemingly lost all reasons to live and redacted more than one suicide letter so im not sure what to think about it he was really eager to die yknow his sis couldnt care less tho its like "yo stop ruining my image im trynna get you a job in my hospital fuckface" yea see that why shes an inconsiderate bitch
so instead of going to work because of wilfred, ryan takes him for a while btw that vermin also tries to get elijah (the actor playing ryan is elijah wood obvs btw so this series already gets 5 points to begin with i dont make the rules) to throw a tennis ball and dont forget this ball ok? its gonna come back and start a whole drama its the beginning of our adventure a ball
next theyre in a restauration thing eating chips and drinking a beer together dog and his friend then the waitress comes and
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happens the tiddies eating, it almost one fucking minute im sure we could all feel the embarassement of having your animal rubbing its balls and penis against your friend whos over for the nights leg in the middle of spring and youre just trying to get it back but wow the hormones are hitting it hard its like a cleaning robot vibrating on a grandma whos cardiacs chest and you trynna take that little asshole away but for some reason its rubbed in olive oil so not only does it reeks of olive, its also slippery as heck and you can see your grandma spasmming on her soon-to-be deathbed, she has spasms for god sake no the robot no someone stop it from stimulating the old ladys torso ah shit marguerite died after drowning in her drooling 
not even died of an heart attack nah, it was such a messy death she suffered so much no one could do anything its like the robot was sentient yknow and well same goes for wilfred hes making it on purpose but uses the excuse : he likes the boobs it nothing personal, ryan
w/e they leave after paying (not for the side tits tho, it was a freebie for dogs) after that shit happens (i wont spoil you EVERYTHING, im just painting a pic here ok?) at this point you could wonder "is wilfred being a dick on purpose or its just about said instincts? how much percentage of his behavior is actually dog and how much is ryans mind (the guy is deranged  there is no denying that but how much? )) whats sure is that his owner likes her dog vm and hes maining that chick
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good for him? but it also happens that before that, elijah just threw the ball above the gate and into his much less friendly neighbour because he was sick of the dog asking to throw it and so yea, there is a tension between ryan and wilfred not any kind of tension, exactly the kind of elija x reader fanfic i wanted to read except pov: im a canine furry and i smoke weed on a daily basis and im a jackass
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theyre almost breaking up someone does something about it i was seriously getting into it wow oh no fuck look at me tearing one or two here
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rip their new born bromance? or... is it all there is to it? well see no obviously its the problem we were waiting for because when our fella enters back home and idk whatever else happens its night and his sister comes home and she goes all "lol actually i gave you placebo itd be dangerous otherwise you numbfuck" but shes quickly muted once our man notices his dog friend in his yard... its time for a reunion a heart to heart conversation to proceed so he has to ditch his sis which he casually does bros before hoes
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its again about the ball which HE WILL go and fetch by passing over the fence to get in neighbours yard but damn it cant be just that? wouldnt it make a lame crappy story? we need some actions, we got the tits, the beer, no job, delinquency has no limit so fuck it says the dog as he smashes the window and enters the bikers house because he SMELLS (like he smells the shit streaks you have on your pants) the weed, ryan is like "no fuck bro no shit fuck ah-" then sees the damn weed which they steal ok? hes really a pushover he has not got the right idea of stopping being one because thats what his new friends supposed to be here for yknow trynna get his loser into a winner, that lil camper gotta level up his game, go get into the business of life barging in kicking the door to enter, no shame nor hesitation were trying to make him STEP UP for HIMSELF but guess what? ill tell you later or itd be a spoil in a spoil surely a bad paradoxal medium w/e business going on blablabla theyre up to no good thats for sure as sure as how much ryans actually enjoy this the mans into this pee slash poop affair:
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spoiler alert: he does it and
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im just quoting him here : he never felt more alive nor glad to be so i guess thats whats life about shitting in peoples affair, stealing weed plants and quitting your job on your first day (you havent showed up tho so w/e you never really worked in that place no one knows you its all good you can get back in that place looking innocent and smiling with your broken ribs "yea nah i never had a job here and ditched yall huh" thats foxy of him kinda but not really since he had no intention back then to do anything for himself it was all strings pulled by a fucking dog hilarious really im having a kick haha no
so what next? theyre best friends? man and dog, a wonderful friendship happens he has no more family to support him but HE HAS A DOG guys he was so into it im feeling sorry for this hobot-to-be schizophrenic man
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i wont spoil you but trust me when i say not to trust a furry who eats tits on your first date
in conclusion: it was a pretty decent first episode ill update my final thoughts on the first season once im done watching it but so far its recommandable the camera work is pretty cool like its not just thoughtless filming we actually have a nice feel to it, the setting of the series is esthetically pleasing you get nice colors and it aint boring, its not like a FRIENDS episode yknow? dawg i dislike how boring it looks filming wise for start but damn i aint reviewing FRIENDS rn so next, the comedy? after all its a comedy genre series not a drama, idk if id review an actual depressive show on here thatd bum the vibe out ok? i know im making all my revs awesome w/e it is that i choose to rate and comment but still im serving you a plate of my finest sheez not any fizzle in the mizzle ok?
anyway yea the humor aint bad, i havent laughed my ass of but i did find it amusing to watch the jokes may actually kick in in the second episode ill have to update this rev alright? just hang on to your balls peeps this fam will serve in due time
rating: 7,5/10 scenery/camera work 7/10 comedy 8/10 interest/entertaining points total: 7,5/10 for a first episode is fine enough to be recommanded, like a "give it a chance" sorta case yknow isnt the most hilarious show youll watch but its fine especially if youre into homoromantic tension between a furry and elijah wood 
tg, out
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sholiofic · 7 years
Supergirl, Brainy finding out about Winn's family/what Winn's dad did by accident
Combined with a different prompt from an anon that worked perfectly with this one: Alex coming back to the DEO to find Brainy and Winn arguing with each other again.
Also on Ao3: Supervillain Family Values. About 1500 words, gen.
As if it wasn’t bad enough that they’d been out all night searching the city for a deranged genius before he killed someone with booby-trapped stuffed bunnies and cymbal-clashing monkeys, Alex had to come back to what some of the DEO techs had started calling the Winn and Brainiac show. In her current angry and sleep-deprived state, she found herself with little patience for it, especially since she could see how tired and stressed both of them were. Winn in particular; he looked like he was running on the ragged tightrope of too much caffeine and no sleep. He’d been on edge ever since his father escaped from prison for the second time, but she couldn’t help noticing how worn down he was getting, as the hours slipped by and the Toyman continued to evade capture.
“If you’re so smart, then,” Winn snapped, “why don’t you just fix all our problems for us? War, disease, famine? That should be easy for you, right, with that twelfth-level intellect you keep bragging about? But then, talk’s what you’re good at, as opposed to coming up with actual, practical solutions.”
“It’s not bragging,” Brainy shot back, “it’s simply stating facts. All any of you have to offer are these – these toys!” He flung one of the DEO’s sensor devices, a recent development of Winn’s that could detect life signs and identify species up to 200 yards, onto Winn’s desk. “Perhaps you should go play with the Toyman; at least he has some ability to innovate. He might teach you something.”
Winn’s face went white and still; he got up and left the room without speaking.
“Brainy,” Alex said. She gestured to him. “Could you take a walk with me, please?”
“I know what you’re going to say,” Brainy said as soon as they started climbing the stairs. “I let my temper get the better of me. It’s a bad habit of mine, really unbefitting a superior intellect –”
“It’s not that. Well, not precisely that.” She stopped him with a hand. “Do you know why Winn reacted that way?”
“Possibly because the truth hurts,” Brainy said sharply. He paused then, and took a deep breath. “All right, I realize I was being insensitive – again –”
“It’s because his father is the Toyman, Brainy,” Alex said. “The man we’re having a citywide manhunt for.” When Brainy simply looked blankly at her, she said, “You didn’t know that, did you?”
“No,” he said softly. “No, I did not.”
Mon-El had told Querl that when Winn wanted to be alone, he could usually be found in the DEO labs. And indeed, all it took was a quick life-sign scan in the labyrinthine depths of the DEO building (perhaps the little device was good for something after all) before he stumbled on Winn soldering an object that Querl recognized at a glance as one of the DEO’s primitive incapacitation weapons.
“Come to mock some more?” Winn asked sharply.
Querl opened his mouth, and then closed it. He wasn’t good at people. He’d never been good at people. He was all too aware of it.
But … there were times when he wanted to be.
“Alex told me some things,” he said. “About – why you reacted the way you did. Throughout this entire – that is to say, when I called your device a toy … I didn’t realize you were related to him.”
Winn looked up sharply from the object he was working on. “Seriously? You didn’t think it’s a slight clue, just maybe, that his name is Winn Schott and my name is also Winn Schott?”
“I’m from the 31st century and the planet Colu. For all I know, it’s an incredibly common name here. Like your planet’s version of Zimple or Skax.”
“I … okay, you know what, I don’t actually want you to elaborate on that.” Winn shook his head and looked down at his work. “I, okay, look, I know in your own weird way you’re trying to apologize. So yeah. Apology accepted. We’re all tired and stressed out. I just want to be alone for awhile.”
“My ancestor and namesake was the greatest criminal who ever lived on Colu.”
That got Winn’s attention. He looked up, startled. “Say what now?”
“The first of the Brainiacs. He’s long dead in my time.” Querl looked away; it was strange explaining this to someone who didn’t know. The last person he’d run into who didn’t know his family history was Mon-El, and Imra was the one who had eventually told him. “One of the reasons why I have the mental prowess that I do is because I chose to learn all I could learn of his accomplishments. I reasoned that science itself is neutral, neither good nor evil, and even if the original Brainiac – my many-greats grandfather – chose to devote himself to evil and eventually gave up his humanity completely, it didn’t mean his inventions were inherently evil. Some of my mental augmentations …”
He hesitated, aware of Winn listening very intently.
“– are derived from Brainiac’s original technology. I was also able to adapt some of his inventions to improve the lot of all Coluans, improving our crop yield, for example, and fixing some of the damage that we’d done to our ecosystem – using technology that Brainiac had used in his attempts to blow up planets and to turn whole worlds to deserts.”
“Well, that sounds like a better thing to do with it, for sure,” Winn said, his voice hushed.
“I thought so too. In the end, though, I became unwelcome on my home planet. Not explicitly banned. Simply distrusted. My people see me as Brainiac’s successor.” He touched his forehead, the visible technology there. “There are those who say that the enhancement tech I’ve used on myself will inevitably have the same effect on me that it did on him. It doesn’t help that other Brainiacs have also gone mad and tried to kill people.”
“Yeah, we kinda ran into one of those.”
“Really?” Querl asked, looking up in surprise.
“Yeah. Brainiac 8. When we were first going to wake you up from hypersleep to save Kara, there was a pretty intensive debate once Mon-El told us who you were. Mon-El said he trusted you, and we figured the risk wasn’t too bad and was totally worth it anyway. I mean, Kara did defeat the other Brainiac. We figured we could do it again if we had to.” Now it was Winn’s turn to hesitate. “You didn’t know any of that, did you?”
“No,” Querl said softly. If the 21st-century humans had behaved oddly around him when he’d first come out of hypersleep, he hadn’t noticed. In truth, he had paid little attention to them. They were all dust in his own time anyway. Aside from Kara, he’d had little concern for what they thought of him at all.
And then he’d begun to experience the thrill of working together with Kara and J'onn in the field, arguing with Winn, Alex’s wariness starting to shade into respect …
He liked them. He wanted them to like him. He wasn’t sure if he’d cared this much what other people thought of him since, well … since the Legion.
“Yeah, so,” Winn said abruptly. He kicked another stool, rolling it out from under the worktable. “Welcome to your lifetime membership in the exclusive ‘I come from a family of supervillains and everyone thinks I’m going to turn into one eventually too’ club. Except that’s way too long to fit on a button. We need some kind of pithy club motto. The 'not as evil as we could be’ club?”
Querl couldn’t help smiling. “It still lacks a certain panache.”
“Mon-El’s a member too, you know. One more and we’ll have a barbershop quartet.” Winn nudged the stool with his foot. “C'mere and show me why this stungun won’t shoot.”
“Aside from the fact that your technology is so dated that you might as well send your agents out in the field armed with rocks and sticks, and the best thing you could do for that t– that piece of junk is melt it down for scrap?”
“Yes,” Winn said, with dignity. “Apart from that.”
“In that case, let me see if there’s something I can do for it.” Querl took the offered seat, and Winn flashed him a quick grin as he handed the gun over.
“Hey, is that one of my life sign detectors you’ve got there?”
There were times when Winn was actually too sharp for his own good. Querl tucked it into his pocket. “It’s mine; I’ve claimed it for study.”
“Haha, so you want to study it. Think you could actually learn something from our 'primitive’ technology?”
Querl could think of 143 different clever comebacks to that statement – or those that seemed clever in the moment, anyway; one thing he was learning was that his algorithms were not much use at predicting actual, lasting cleverness. On Colu he’d tried to be the consummate genius they recognized him as, knowing that to show weakness was to call into question every one of his past decisions that his people had ever questioned. He could only survive through perfection. Here … perhaps he didn’t have to. Perhaps it was all right to question and to doubt.
“Only a fool,” Querl said, “thinks he has no more to learn,” and Winn grinned at him.
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therez · 4 years
23 juin 2020, 0140
Hello Perenelle (shout out yo you if you know who I’m refering to: I just finished reading The Alchemyst and it was really good, currently looking for the rest of the series),
I’ve been ok lately, but not feeling ok because honestly, I haven’t been feeling anything for a while now. I mean, when I’m not working, I’m sleeping or eating or watching Arrow on Crave TV. There’s always this constant buzzing in my head, but I’ve grown immune to Advil and to sleeping pills because I abused of them. So I don’t know how to dull the buzz, but at the same time, feeling pain is a debut right, feeling something for once. Therefore, I’m not sure if I actually want it to go away, because that means I’ll be back to numb, to nothingness and avoir des petits yeux. But right now, It’s not that I want to kill myslelf, and actually, now that I think about it, I never wanted to kill myself you know. For those of you that are reading this being judgmental bitches, know that most suicidal people self-harm, not because they want to die, but because they want to feel something other than self-loathing, than desperation and they want to interrupt their never-ending-boule-de-neige train of thought that always bring them to the conclusion that they’re not enough and that they’ll never be. Or it could be that they just want to feel something, period. Well, I mean, I can’t speak for everyone out there because things are never than simple, but those are my reasons, I think. I always thought that killing myself would be the selfishest thing someone could do because you’re not making your suffering go away, you’re just passing it on to someone else and because come on, I am fully aware that humans overpopulate Earth by a fucking lot (don’t have children, seriously, they’ll die before they get to live and you’ll kill the planet you fucking donkey), and that there’s way to many children on this planet, but those cancer kids or all the persons that are sick would kill to have your life (haha..). Not necessarily the fucked up head, but the healthy corpse. So it’s unfair to throw away your woking lungs, your beating heart, your walking legs, your sight or your hearing. Anyhow, what I was thinking about ten minutes ago is that I don’t want to kill myself, but I want to die, my solution is living fast and dying young. I don’t want to die knowing that I existed but was too much of a pussy to actually live. And that explains my life: I’m Free Soloing it till the end of the line (Captain America: The Winter Soldier reference, if you didn’t get it, fuck off). I’m looking forward to living fully or die trying because above, all, I’m an adrenaline junky, I’m looking for things thats will make me feel alive. I want impatient, irregular gasps for air as my heart flutters in my chest, trying to provide for my tensing muscles while I’m standing on the edge of a hundred-storey building and a gush of wind makes my hair dance, my goosebumbs travel from the back of my neck to the small of my back, a trickle of cold sweat pearl on my temple. I want my knees to shake violently: I want to get off the ledge right when they’re about to give out, to lay there on the gravel of the rooftop laughing. I want to come back tomorrow to start over again. And again. Until a hundred stories becomes ordinairy and I move to fucking Dubai.
That’s the saddest thing: we think we’re unique and especially deranged for feeling this way, but we’re just the same as everyone else. We didn’t invent depression on recklessness. In our quest to being our own person and to being different, we end up being all the same, and that’s sad, because we’ll never be special, we’ll always be un grain de sable dans le désert. Yet, the thing to remember here is that we are not alone, we all have our motives, but they all converge in the end. By not being alone, we can talk to each other and share our worries: chances are they’re all similar anyways. Text me.  
On to the life update, haven’t seen Ju since last time I wrote an entry on my blog, so there’s nothing to say here except the usual he doesn’t care about our relationship. Nothing new for me. Sandy is long gone by now, and here I thought that this would be our summer. Oh god, I’m just kidding myself more and more these days. Linz, Linz, Linz... Well, have fun with your fuck-buddy Sandy, I tought you were different. That means right now, I don’t have any friends, just my sister. I’m not joking, but I don’t give a fuck anymore. I stopped believing in people and in relationships a while ago. Unbothered: welcome to my life. Je vis la nuit.
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lowat-golden-tower · 7 years
Out on a Limb
Haha... so this is Yandere's chapter. Do I even need to warn you about the impending blood and violence and deranged-ness? It's Yandereplier. Shit's gonna get a little real here.
Oh, and a small warning for animal abuse threats. No squirrels were actually harmed in the making of this chapter.
@alcordraws and @angstphilosophy, sorry for this. X’D Though I bet you’ll enjoy it too.
AO3 Mirror
Chapter 9: carving for senpai
"He loooves me, he loves me not. He loooooooooves me, he loves me not."
King was roused from a late afternoon nap by the sound of a voice. It was far, far too close to the tree and he was honestly surprised his subjects hadn't woken him sooner. Scrubbing the sleep from his eyes, he looked around, fearful something might have happened to them.
Thankfully, they were all gathered nearby, perfectly safe and sound. Though the fact they all appeared to be watching something perked his interest. It was odd for them not to be panicking or going into a frenzy at someone so close to their nesting boughs. Maybe that meant the interloper wasn't a threat? Then again, they'd been freaking out over Artiplier, and he hadn't proven antagonistic. Just weird. King was still trying to sort out that particular encounter.
Heaving himself away from his preferred nest of overlapping branches and leaves, King shimmied out to his usual perch when it came to dealing with those on the ground. The squirrels parted and made space for him, but otherwise didn't tear their gazes away from the mop of bloody crimson bobbing along below.
Oh God. There was only one ego who'd kept that color throughout all of Mark's hairstyle transitions.
Yandereplier hummed happily as he plucked another petal from the daisy he held. His grip on the poor thing could only be likened to a stranglehold. "Senpai loves me." He giggled and gave a happy little sigh, setting the petal in a little pile on his lap. He was sitting beneath the tree, his back to the trunk, and there were several mangled flower stems scattered on the grass around him.
His fingers plucked- no, ripped- off another petal. "Senpai loves me not." Yandere's voice dipped into a deeper, more dangerous register as he glowered at the little petal. Rather than dropping it into the pile with the others, he proceeded to mangle the bit of flora between his thumb and forefinger.
King could only compare the sight to someone squashing a particularly disgusting, annoying bug. Worse yet, Yandere proceeded to eat the remnants, chuckling darkly to himself.
"Yeah, right, as if that's true. Senpai loooves me, of course. Stupid flower petals." Having apparently run out of both petals and flowers to mutilate, Yandere carelessly tossed the empty stem away. He looked down at the petals in his lap with an adoring expression. "You're my lucky little charms! I'm gonna press all of you into the photo album I have of senpai. One for every page, so I know for a fact he must love me!" Yandere's fists were clenched, and there was an eager, violent gleam in his eyes.
King felt his insides shudder. Fantastic. Of all the egos to decide hanging around his tree, it just had to be this one. Artiplier might have been a little unstable too, but at least he'd been harmless. King didn't need to see a knife to know Yandere had one on his person. It was a constant.
No wonder his subjects were just watching. Any little thing could set Yandere off. They weren't stupid. The only reason they hadn't vacated the premises entirely was because of the babies. They were just as on-edge as he felt; anxiety gripping at their hearts, at the possibilities.
Maybe, if they just stayed quiet, Yandere wouldn't even realize they were there. Yandere was always absorbed into his own world anyway. If he was just going to pick flower petals and sing and mutter to himself about his senpai, then there was no problem. He'd eventually get bored and leave, and everything would settle back to normal. King knew he didn't have to reiterate this point to his subjects, but he made a "shushing" gesture anyway. Nice and easy.
Yandere had been humming while he delicately slipped the petals into a plastic baggy and sealed it up, stuffing it down his shirt. King had no idea how that kind of logic worked, as the shirt was so loose on Yandere that anything inside should immediately fall out, but then Yandere never really followed the rules. Of anything. Including the universe.
The uniformed ego rose to his feet with another happy hum, dusting off the back of his skirt. He combed fingers through his hair; meticulous and anxious. King might have found the display endearing, if it wasn't for the fact he'd seen both hair and hands covered in blood more than once. "Now, let's see. I came out here for a reason, I wanted to do something super special kawaii desu ne for senpai~ Something that would be around forever and ever and ever, just like our love." King shuddered when Yandere's voice dropped to a rumbling growl again and ducked a bit further into his tree.
Yandere, however, was still sunshine and rainbows for the most part as he turned around to face said tree. "Oh yeah~! I remember now. I wanted to immortalize my love for senpai~ Trees are around for centuries, just like our love will be. And it's soooo romantic!" He pulled out the knife King had been waiting trepidatiously for and held it up, a wicked grin on his face and that same dangerous gleam in his eyes.
"Oh, fuck, he's gonna carve up the tree...." King muttered almost inaudibly under his breath. He could see his subjects immediately grow agitated and tried to quiet their angry chitters. "No, no, shhh. It's better that knife go in the tree than in you, I'm sorry, I know, it's too dangerous. Just calm down... shh..."
Yandere, thankfully, seemed oblivious for the moment. Too wrapped up in his fantasies, most likely. "...and when we're oooold and graaay I can bring senpai here to this tree, and we can smile and laugh at the cute little heart with our names in it~ Uguuu, it's so sweet, I think I might just die!" He heaved a ragged breath, the knife trembling a little in his grasp as a faraway look entered his eyes. It only lasted for about ten seconds, then the "peaceful serenity" returned with another giggle. "But not before senpai~!"
King watched Yandere move up close to the tree, tracing the blade along the old bark. He attempted to pull his subjects in close to his body; to comfort and soothe them and prevent impending disaster. He was only minutely successful. It was clear as day the squirrels wanted to jump in and defend their tree as they had against all the other egos.
Yandere wasn't like the other egos. Yandere might not hold any reality warping abilities, but he was by far the loosest cannon- even compared to Wilford. Wilford probably wouldn't harm King or his subjects on purpose. Yandere, on the other hand...
King's mind drifted back to the incident where Billy had stolen shirt scraps from Yandere's room. The ego had been utterly furious, near to foaming at the mouth with eyes wild and crazed like a rabid animal. He'd threatened to catch King's squirrels and skin them all alive. To make a hat out of their fur for his precious senpai. He said it'd be easy, like skinning a person but less work, or like dissecting an animal in biology class.
King had returned the scraps and proceeded to take all of his subjects into deep hiding for over a week. He only ever ventured out for supplies, and every time he did, he swore he felt himself being watched from the shadows. Eventually, Yandere's mind shifted to more current transgressions, but King always worried the ego held a grudge.
"It's gotta be perfect. The very bestest spot for senpai! Riiiiight... here!" Abruptly, Yandere rammed his knife deep into the tree. It practically sank to the hilt, and the brief display of power set all the tree's inhabitants to cowering.
"See? He'll kill you if you bother him, just let him carve his stupid thing and maybe he'll leave," King whispered, fretting. All the squirrels had taken to hiding within his clothes and cape; one even tucking away beneath his marvelous crown. He sighed in relief. At least they were listening to him. The last thing they needed was to draw any attention to themselves.
With some effort, Yandere wrenched his blade from the tree, and began the ardous task of carving into the bark. He traced out a jagged heart first, of course. Then came the more precise art of drawing out the names. He lean in close, eyes squinting and tongue poking out as he focused on every tiny line. It had to be perfect. Perfect for his perfect senpai. Only the best. Nothing else would do. In his contentment, his intermittent humming shifted to soft singing. "I love senpai, yes I do~ He's for me, not for you~"
So far, so good. Yandere hadn't noticed any disturbances. Surely, surely after he completed his task, he would leave. King watched from his perch, holding and comforting his agitated subjects. They were furious, understandably so, and he was irritated as well. Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do. The best course of action was no action at all. He'd make it up to them, somehow.
Of course, King had discovered fate quite enjoyed toying with him at this point. Just as it seemed Yandere was scratching out the last "e" in his name, King felt something wet and sticky drip from his chin. His heart stopped and his eyes widened. Oh no.
A small glob of peanut butter landed on the curve of Yandere's wrist, giving him pause. He blinked out of what appeared to have been some sort of trance, turning his attention to the smudge of light brown. Slowly, his head tilted, as if he were attempting to process the information. King watched with baited breath, hugging his subjects closer and silently cursing his majestically nutty beard.
Yandere's head snapped up without warning, deadened brown eyes locking onto King in a single breath. King choked, feeling frozen in place by that merciless gaze. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
He wanted to speak, to say something, but he'd lost track of his words and his breath just wouldn't come out right. Yandere, nonplussed, didn't tear his gaze away from King as he brought the marred wrist up to his mouth. He licked the glob of peanut butter from his skin, agonizingly slow, never breaking eye contact. He didn't immediately swallow, or move, but when he finally did a spine-chilling smile slipped onto his serene face.
"Denka...." The word slipped off Yandere's tongue thicker than the peanut butter he'd just consumed; a deadly purr which promised only pain and suffering. The grip on his knife had tightened, and he tore it from the bark with a wretched sound. "So. This is your tree, is it?"
At last, King found his voice, though it was breathless and stuttering as he tried to placate Yandere while he was still apparently subdued. Maybe he could still avoid any violence or conflict. "N-no, no! It's- it's just a tree. Just staying in it, that's all. No ownership over it or anything. Totally free tree! Just pretend I'm not even here." He held up his hands, praying Yandere would take his words and gestures at face value. He had a nasty tendency of reading far too deeply into things, and contriving his own meanings from them.
Yandere's grip hadn't visibly loosened any, though. The smile on his face escalated to a rather unhinged grin; showing off his pearly whites while his upper lip minutely twitched. He looked positively manic. "Oh, you can't fool me, denka! I've heard the others. You won't let anyone near your precious tree. Won't let them come up there. Because you've got something to protect! Riiiiight?"
King swallowed hard. Normally, he'd be flattered that any aspect of his reputation preceded him. He was so often forgotten about, after all. However, in this particular instance, he wished his notoriety wasn't quite so high. It had only been causing him problems as of late. "I-I... uh... I mean, yes, but- I c-can make an exception...!"
"Awww, well isn't that generous of you." Yandere hummed sweetly, toying the point of his knife. He either didn't notice, or didn't care, when the deadly sharpness cut through the skin of his fingertip. A droplet of blood trickled down the blade, and King knew it wasn't the first- nor would it likely be the last. "Unfortunately, I don't! No exceptions for senpai! No exceptions for anyone! Senpai is mine, everything about him, everything he owns, is mine, because senpai loves me very much, and I love him, and no one can be a part of that! No one can take that from me! No one!" Yandere was practically screaming by the end of his rant, swinging his knife about dangerously.
King was uttering every last curse he knew in his head. This wasn't good. The situation was rapidly spiraling beyond his control, as it was wont to do with Yandere involved. Shifting gears, he ushered his subjects to the deeper branches; their nests and burrows. If all Hell broke loose, he didn't want them to be trapped with him. Yandere was more likely to attack the human target. "Yandere, c'mon, let's just talk about this..."
"No! No talk! The only voice I want to hear, is senpai's! The only eyes and face I want to see, are senpai's! You're not my senpai! You're just a silly king up in his tree! Well..." Yandere's grin, already chilling, turned utterly sick in appearance. His eyes were bloodshot suddenly, almost the same color as his hair. He was trembling, head low and twitching between his shoulders. "What's a king to a radical, anyway?"
King's breath caught in his throat. "Yandere, no-"
"YANDERE YES!" The ego let loose a blood-curdling cackle and stabbed at the tree again. This time, however, he used it as leverage to pull himself up, planting his penny loafers firmly against the bark. His eyes were wild swirls of brown and red, his grin deranged and his bangs falling messily across his face.
King screamed on reflex. He couldn't help it. He had stemmed off of Mark's subconscious ideas, after all. Terrified, he looked wildly around, but they'd exhausted the last of the tree's walnuts on Ed. They had no defenses, besides their location, which was quickly becoming a moot point in the wake of Yandere's vicious determination. He was scaling the tree with a ferocity and reckless abandon, not caring for the bits of bark and wood he sent flying or the smaller branches he snapped off. So long as he reached his destination, he would be satisfied.
King only wished that destination wasn't him. If Yandere got up there, who knew how much damage the ego would cause. It could be a complete massacre. Everything King had worked so hard to protect and defend would be gone. Any remaining subjects he had would have lost faith in him, in his abilities as their king. He wouldn't be able to blame them.
"One little, two little, three little squirrelies! Four little, five little, six little squirrelies! Seven little, eight little, nine little squirrelies! Lots of dead squirrelies laying all on the ground!"
"Oh god, oh fuck, fuck, what am I gonna do, oh god, ffffffuck..." King gasped, panicking, tugging at his hair and pressing knuckles to his mouth. He could feel his heart racing wildly in his chest. He had to do something. Yandere was closing in; it would only be another minute or two before he was in the heart of the tree. Then it would be all over. King had to do something.
Yandere let loose another deranged chuckle, and the sound shook King to his very core. This was it. He had to do something. He couldn't just sit back and allow Yandere to terrorize his kingdom. He'd tried playing nice, and he'd tried being diplomatic. Clearly, diplomacy wasn't the answer here. Clearly, Yandere only understood one language: his own. If King couldn't get through to the murderous ego, then he'd have to stop him. Period.
He really wished there was a better way to do it.
Removing his cape, King carefully set his crown off to the side. His subjects sniffed at it warily, confused, but he merely shot them another reassuring smile and a thumbs up. "Don't worry. I've got this." Turning to look back down at Yandere, who was now far too close for comfort, King drew a deep breath. His chest was tight, but he knew what he had to do. There were no other options. No one was going to help him.
With a high-pitched shriek that was more terrified scream than ferocious battlecry, King threw himself down from his perch. He held out his cape in front of him and slammed hard into Yandere, sending them both plummeting to the ground below. Their mutual screams mingled into a terrible sound, only cut-off by the harsh impact of their combined weight meeting the grass. King had landed fully on Yandere, said ego's body covered almost entirely by the expanse of his cape. Beyond King's heaving breaths, there was silence again.
The impact had knocked the breath from his lungs. Once he regained enough of it, he grimaced. Yandere hadn't so much as twitched since they hit the ground. "Uhh..." Crap. What if King had killed him? Could he even kill another ego? What if Yandere snapped his neck, or broke his back, or smashed his skull against a branch on the way down? Could he come back from that?
Panic began creeping along the edges of King's consciousness. He ached all over, and there was a sharp pain in his side, but Yandere had completely broken his fall. Clearly, the smaller ego had taken the brunt of the damage. "Oh god."
Frightened to find himself looking into hollow, empty eyes or to see Yandere's neck twisted at a gruesome angle, King slowly pulled down his cape. He had to know. If he'd accidentally killed Yandere, if he'd committed ego murder...
He was met with a groan and a huffed exhale, and he felt his lungs seize deep within his chest. Yandere's head shifted, lolling slightly to one side, but otherwise he didn't stir. His eyes were closed, his face and mouth slack with unconsciousness. He was knocked out cold. Not dead, still breathing, not horribly disfigured or mutilated. King released a shuddering breath of his own, tension easing out of his muscles. "Oh thank god...."
With the false alarm came better awareness of his surroundings. King could hear the anxious chittering of his subjects and looked up. Several had meandered down the tree, clearly worried, while the rest remained near the nests as he'd requested. Their concern warmed his heart and brought a small smile to his face.
"It's okay, everybody! I'm okay! Just a little bruised up. I'll be just- ah-" King sucked in a sudden, harsh breath as he started to pull fully away from the unconscious body beneath him. He hissed, wincing and grimacing, and pressed a hand to the side which had been twinging since they landed. He jolted again when his fingers brushed metal, slick and warm with some kind of liquid. His heart rose up into his throat and stayed there. "Oh..." The word was so soft it might as well have been just another exhale.
Slowly, scared of what he'd find, King lifted his arm and craned his neck to get a look at his torso. Color drained from his face. Yandere's knife was sticking out of his ribs, still gripped tightly in his hand. It had pierced through his robe and either skewered him upon landing, or Yandere had stabbed him during the fall.
Either way, he'd been hit. It wasn't extremely bad, seeing as he wasn't spitting up blood, but the wound wasn't exactly shallow. Hissing further, King knew attempting to wrench the weapon from Yandere was likely futile, even in his unconscious state. Desperately staving off the urge to hyperventilate and panic, he drew rapid breaths and carefully pushed his body up. A pained whimper slid out of him along with the knife, fresh blood gushing to stain his shirt and blend with the red of his cape. It was tannic and sharp in the air, making him want to gag. "Shit..."
Pressing a hand tightly to the wound made him grit his teeth and flinch, but he knew it was necessary. He needed to wrap the wound with something. Staring at his already ruined cape, he thought a silent "fuck it" and took advantage of the knife still sticking through the material.
It took a few minutes, but King managed to obtain a sizable chunk from the bulk of his cape. Yandere still hadn't stirred, which was a relief. King had no doubts the younger ego would be all too happy to finish the job. Wrapping the cloth around his torso, he made the makeshift binding tight as he dared and carefully knotted it off. By that time, sweat was beading on his brow, and he was feeling a little sick. He sat, heaving and gasping, until he felt a soft weight drop onto his shoulder.
Something fluffy and warm nuzzled along his jaw, and King's smile returned. "Billy..." He managed a weak laugh and reached up with his less bloody hand to gently stroke a finger along his subject's side. "I'll... I'll be okay. Thank you. Hang on."
King couldn't just leave Yandere by the tree. The moment he woke, he'd be right back on the warpath. No, King had to get him out of there. He wasn't looking forward to what would happen next, but like with everything else so far, he didn't have much choice. Setting his jaw and furrowing his brows, King wrapped the remains of his cape around Yandere and hefted him into his arms. His side absolutely screamed in protest, and he felt more blood trickle from the wound as he exerted the muscle there.
His knees wobbled. King cursed, quite colorfully, under his breath. Billy bumped in concern at his cheek again, and he forced up another weak grin. "I've got it. Don't worry." His voice was tight from the strain. Thankfully, Yandere wasn't too big. It was only a struggle to carry the ego because of King's injury. Stumbling and swaying, he made his way through the back door of Egos, Inc.
King wasn't certain if it would be advantageous to run into another ego or not. Seeing a bloody mess associated with Yandere was nothing new. However, apparently the egos weren't regarding him in a very happy or positive light nowadays. They might get the wrong idea if they spied him toting along an unconscious, bloodied Yandere.
No, it was probably for the best he didn't run into another soul along his journey.
Unsure of how else to handle the situation, King settled for locking Yandere in a closet. He'd be furious when he woke up, but unable to immediately seek vengeance- if he recalled who knocked him out in the first place. One of the other egos would eventually hear him screaming and pounding and maybe come let him out. It wouldn't be King, that much was for sure.
With that threat out of the way, King could turn his attention to his wound. He winced as he realized he'd been trailing and tracking blood through the building. He was an ego, which meant he could withstand more than a normal human, but even he had his limits. He should probably go see the doctor in the clinic. Yet... his gaze drifted out a nearby window, landing on the tree. If he went to the clinic, Dr. Iplier would restrict him to bedrest, and his subjects would be defenseless. Vulnerable. The mere thought alone constricted his lungs all over again.
No, no... King could manage. It was just a little cut. Yandere hadn't pierced anything vital. He wished he could at least swipe some painkillers or actual bandages before he left, but all of those supplies were in the clinic. Far too risky. He snatched a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread and a large bag of trail mix from the break room instead.
He'd survive. He could manage. Even though dragging his limping form back to the tree was an effort in and of itself. Heaving his body up the branches was worse, but once he was settled into his perch, he felt better. King pressed a hand to his side, grimaced, then forced another smile for his worried subjects. "I'll be okay. I'm glad none of you were hurt. Please don't worry about me."
The squirrels exchanged glances, intelligent creatures they were, before promptly swarming onto King. He gasped softly, but every squirrel was careful not to step on his wound. They linked up together, crossing paws and tails and fluffy bodies until they'd formed a sort of blanket over their injured ruler. It was getting late, with the sun setting beyond the leaves, and King was touched by the caring gesture. A tingle started up in his nose and his eyes burned with the threat of tears as he sniffed. "Guys..."
His lips wobbled, and he wrapped bloodstained arms around his loving subjects. He'd never felt so warm. This, their loyalty and trust, made everything worth it. Gradually, the pain in his abdomen lessened to a barely noticeable throb, and he was able to drift off to sleep. Comfortable with the knowledge his kingdom was safe once again.
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super-not-naturall · 7 years
“It’s Been a Lonely Year” Appreciation Post!
If you’ve been following me for a bit, then you know I’m an overemotional little bean who cries over everything, so why would comments on my posts be any different? 
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Thank you to every single person who read, liked, replied, reblogged, or even just glanced at this fic. Even though it was angsty af, I really enjoyed writing it because it was based off one of my favorite songs of all time. Also, seeing everyone’s comments made me smile/laugh (is that horrible to say?). I love each and every one of you guys so much. As always, replies are under the cut!
No idea what I’m talking about? Read “It’s Been a Lonely Year” here!
@papa-murf-likes said: “You know Real Friends has made it when they are inspiring Supernatural fanfic.”
I’m not even sure if you actually read this, but your comment made me laugh so I added you to my responses anyways. I had the exact same thought when I saw their name on the choices I could pick from; I never thought I would see a pop-punk band on any prompts. (Also, side-note, HOW DID YOU FIND MY NON-FANDOM BLOG FROM THIS? I’M SO CONFUSED!!) Okay, have a great day Papa-murf :)
@hannahindie said: “This was so good and it hurt and I loved it. Your imagery was on point. Poor Sammy.”
Thank you so much! I’m sorry it hurt, but if you loved it, then I’m not too sorry. And I agree: poor Sammy. I just want to wrap him in a blanket and give him love. (Am I allowed to say that after I’m the reason he’s in pain??)
@wheresthekillswitch said: “If your goal in tagging me in this was to kill me, congrats, you’ve succeeded.Side note- Sometimes they would take turns randomly calling out directions, other times Y/N would bring along a quarter and flip it every time they came to a T in the road: heads they’d go right, tails they’d go left.The goal, however, was always the same: drive until you have no clue where you are.- I used to play this exact game with a guy I dated.”
I’m sorry! I swear I didn’t mean to kill you, but you’re typing so hopefully you’ve been revived. Unless you’re a ghost then maybe we should give a call to our favorite brothers . . . I play this game with my best friend/roommate when we’re bored. Living on a small campus means there’s not much to do haha.
@thebabeontheback said:  “That broke my heart.”
Is there anything I can do to put it back together again? Maybe some glue? Tape? No? Okay, sorry :( Thank you for reading, though!
@keepcalmandcarryondean said: “Tristan, what are you doing to meeee? There hardly is anything more painful, than two people in love with each other denying their feelings - even if the reason is as noble as Sam’s. It hurts so much to know that they are both suffering and you did an amazing job on getting the emotions across.This might easily be my favorite story of yours up until now! ♥”
OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Seriously, your comment made my entire day just 100000x better and made me smile like an idiot and just thank you so much. I’m sending you so much love from across this computer screen!! <3 <3 <3
@growningupgeek said: “I didn’t need my heart anyway.”
Of course you do! Thank you for reading even if it did something to your heart. Maybe I can make it better someday?
@trexrambling said: “But that was then. This is now. What…what have you done to my heart??? It hurts… The raw emotions in this, the way it all ended… IT HURTS! You need to write a second part. You need to fix this. But I have a feeling you won’t… because writing things, destroying emotions… it’s the author business.”
I’m so sorry about your heart! Also, your comment about the author business made me giggle; I’m going to start using it. As for fixing this, I actually did have a thought about making a second part just because I hate leaving Sam so sad. We’ll have to see if it goes anywhere . . .
@fandomismyspiritanimal said: “I....was not prepared going into this. So lovely, and sad. I loves me some angst, and this struck just the right cord for me.”
Awe thank you so much! I’m happy it struck a cord with you, as an author that’s actually probably one of the greatest compliments I could receive, so thank you! 
@assbutt-still-in-hell said: “This was cute until it hurt and crushed my soul into a million pieces and burned them”
Is it mean of me to say that this made me actually laugh out loud like a crazy person? Seriously, people were looking over at me like What is wrong with this deranged person? Thank you for reading even if it did crush and burn your soul. (I’m still laughing at this, sorry. I’m literally dying XD)
@sofreddie said: “Its okay. I didnt need my heart in tact anyway....”
Awweee, I’m so sorry. Here; you can have some of my heart! I have plenty to give! Thank you for reading!
@sammy-moo said: “OMG MY HEART!!!! Not the ending I was bracing myself for but I seriously love this! And what’s freaky is this is seriously my favorite song by Real Friends. 😱”
GIRL, THIS IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE SONGS TO SING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS WHILE DRIVING WITH THE WINDOWS DOWN! But, also the ending almost was different. When I was originally thinking of a night drive fic, I was gonna kill Y/N off, but I knew I had this challenge coming up so I just combined the ideas instead of writing two fics. I’m glad you loved it; I was a bit unsure at first, but everyone’s kind words have kinda given me an ego boost haha.
@mrswhozeewhatsis said: “Um, yeah, no, NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE.”
No? I’m so sorry that this seems to have upset you. Do you want some tissues or chocolate? How about a hug? I love you!!
@bambinovak said: “Ohhhh that hurt . . .  amazingly written though!”
Awee thank you! I’m sorry it hurt, though. That seems to be the general consensus; maybe I should buy everyone ice cream as an apology?
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