#i will not feel ashamed of this i will have fun with my evil mind barbies
amatres · 1 year
do i like to think about balaerra and astar. actually managing to be lamer versions of the brairwoods for baldurs gate? yes. do i also like to imagine that they eventually get their shit wrecked? yes
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firewasabeast · 17 days
prompt: something where buck and tommy argue over gerrard. like, buck doesn't know how tommy could have been so passive, and tommy's like way over that version of himself or something. I know a lot of people don't want that to happen in the show, and I get it, but I'd like a fic version!
“I have never, in all my life, dealt with someone so- so... so evil!” Buck was pacing back and forth in Tommy's living room, just as he'd been for the last half hour since he arrived.
“Really, Evan? Never?”
“You don't understand, Tommy. Gerrard is, it's like he's targeting me, but not in a bad way.”
“There's a good way to be targeted?” Tommy asked from his spot on the couch.
Buck sighed, placing his hands on his hips. “It's like he- he wants us to be buddies, ya know? He thinks I'll be his puppy or something. H- He's treating everyone else like garbage except for me and it makes me feel really weird. He took me golfing, Tommy. Golfing.”
“You fit his ideal firefighter, Babe. He needs minions, he's gonna latch onto you.”
“What do you mean his ideal firefighter? What even is that?”
“White, strong, straight,” Tommy replied simply.
Buck raised an eyebrow. “What we did yesterday morning was very not straight.”
“Yeah, but does he know that?”
“Does he know what we did yesterday morning?”
Tommy tilted his head. “Evan.”
Finally, Buck plopped down on the couch, staring toward the blank TV. “I figured he knew after we went to the medal ceremony together.”
“It's not like we made out in front of the crowd. For all he knows, we're friends.”
Buck was silent for a moment. “I've never really talked about my personal life with him,” he admitted. “Didn't really want to. N- Not because I'm ashamed or anything,” he added quickly, looking at Tommy with wide eyes. “I'm not. I promise, I- I'm not ashamed.”
“I know, Evan.” Tommy reached over and gave Buck's hand a squeeze. “You're a very good ally.”
He glared at Tommy. “I'll never live that down, will I?”
Buck grew quiet again, and Tommy was beginning to think the conversation was over.
Then Buck, barely above a whisper, said, “I don't want him to think we're just friends.”
“It's fine if he does,” Tommy replied. “I don't mind. Probably best that way, honestly.”
Buck's eyebrows furrowed. He turned more toward Tommy, his back leaning against the armrest. “What do you mean?”
Tommy contemplated his words before speaking. “Listen, I'm not telling you to be buddy-buddy with the guy. I definitely do not recommend that. I'm also not saying to turn a blind eye to all the crap he pulls. But, why make it harder on yourself?”
“Because it's living a lie, Tommy.”
“It's not lying if you just don't mention it.”
Buck huffed out a breath. “You want me to hide who I am? I distinctly remember that being the reason our first date ended so abruptly.”
Tommy let out a deep breath. “I'm not saying to hide, Evan. And that's not exactly the reason our date ended, you know that. I'm saying if there's been no reason to bring it up so far, why bring it up now? What he thinks about you doesn't matter.”
“It matters to me.”
Tommy squeezed his eyes shut, trying to rid himself of the growing frustration. “So, what? You wanna walk into Gerrard's office and say 'Hey, I'm bisexual by the way. Also, I'm dating that Tommy guy you worked with years ago. You know, the one you made fun of when you saw him at the medal ceremony?' You really think that's the best thing to do?”
“It's better than being his puppet like y-” Buck cut himself off abruptly.
“Like me?” Tommy finished. “That's what you were gonna say, isn't it?”
“Tommy, I-”
“It's true,” he continued with a shrug. “I was his puppet. I did whatever he wanted me to do and I didn't question it. Even after he was going to let me die in that explosion, I still stuck by his side. I don't deny that part of my life, Evan.”
“I wasn't trying t-”
“You know I apologized for all of that well over a decade ago, right? I feel like I remember us talking about that.”
“W- We did.”
“And I would never want or expect you to be who I was. You know that?”
“I know, Tommy, I-”
“And I'd never ask you to hide yourself, because I did that too and-”
“If you'd let me finish a damn sentence,” Buck snapped.
Tommy stopped, stared at Buck with pursed lips. A silent go ahead.
“I don't- I didn't. I... Ugh, Tommy!”
A pause, then. “That's what you needed to let out?”
“God, you're being so annoying right now!” Buck could feel his body getting hot.
“No, I'm trying to stop you from getting needlessly harassed at work.”
“By essentially cutting off a part of myself every time I'm there!”
“Evan, if your sexuality hasn't come up by now I don't see a reason why it ever would! It's not cutting off a part of yourself, it's just existing!”
“But I- I'm getting special treatment because he doesn't think that part exists,” Buck tried to explain. “I don't want to be his right hand man, Tommy. That might've worked for you but it doesn't work for me.” The words came out harsher than he intended. He knew it was a low blow to bring up something from so long ago, something long dead and buried. But Tommy had made him upset, and he needed to make Tommy upset too.
Except Tommy didn't get upset. He got quiet.
Somehow, that was worse.
A tension so thick you could cut it with a knife filled the air.
After what felt like an eternity, Tommy stood, letting out a sigh. “I'll be back,” he said, beginning to walk out of the living room.
“What- Where are you going?” Buck nearly shot out of his seat. “Are you leaving?”
Tommy turned back to him. “First of all, my house,” he said, motioning around the room. “Second, I'm going into the kitchen to get a drink.”
“Well, I- do you want me to leave?”
“I didn't say that, Evan. I mean, I'm not gonna block the exit if you wanna go, but I prefer to finish the arguments I get involved in.”
Buck sat back down. “Then I'm staying.”
“Good. You want water or something?”
Buck folded his arms over his chest. “With ice.”
A couple of minutes later, Tommy returned with two cups of water in his hand. He held Buck's out to him, Buck taking it with a low, “Thank you.”
“Mhm.” They both took a few sips, then Buck stared down at the ice in his cup until Tommy started talking again. “You're not wrong,” he said. “Being his right hand man did work for me for a long time. It's not something I'm proud of, and I don't make excuses for it, but I also don't really appreciate it being thrown up in my face.”
Buck set his glass on the coffee table. “That wasn't fair of me, I- I know that. I was just angry. I'm sorry.”
“I probably should have tried explaining myself a bit better,” Tommy replied. “I'm sorry too.” He set his own cup down, then held his arm out toward Buck. “Will you come here?”
Buck didn't hesitate to move into Tommy's space. He curled up next to him, resting his head on Tommy's chest while Tommy wrapped him in his arms. “I can't help wanting to protect you, Evan,” Tommy said, pressing a kiss to Buck's head. “I know you don't need it, and I know it's selfish, but the idea of you getting harassed by that man for any reason, it- it scares me. I have,” he let out a humorless laugh, “I have never been as brave as you. I still feel nauseous every time I see the guy. But I never want you to feel like I want you to hide yourself, or that I want you to be like me. That's not what I meant.”
Buck ran his hand slowly up and down Tommy's chest. “I know. I- I get it. I've never dealt with a Gerrard before, not directly. Didn't think I'd ever have to.”
Tommy hummed. He ran his fingers through Buck's hair. “I will back whatever decision you make,” he assured him. “Whether you tell him or you don't, I am right beside you. I never want you to think I'm not.”
Buck propped himself up enough to be able to look at Tommy. “I know you are,” he replied, bringing a hand to Tommy's face. He stroked his thumb along Tommy's cheek, then leaned up for a kiss. “That's why I love you.”
Tommy sucked in a breath. His heart began to race. They'd never said those words before. Honestly, Tommy had stopped himself a few times, figuring it was way too soon.
But, as always, Evan burst through every door Tommy had locked up in his mind.
“I love you too, Evan,” he replied, and he hoped Evan could feel just how much he meant those words.
But, in case he couldn't, Tommy pulled him in for another, deeper kiss. Holding him close and tight while he wished they could stay right here in this moment for the rest of their lives.
When they finally separated for some air, Buck sat up straighter. “I'm going to tell him,” he said without an ounce of fear or hesitation. “Maybe not the way you suggested, but I... I want him to know I'm yours, and your mine, and screw whatever he has to say about it.”
And God, if Tommy thought he couldn't love this man anymore than he already did, there went Evan proving him wrong.
He nodded. “Okay.” He brought Buck's hand to his lips, pressed a kiss against his knuckles. “I'm with you. I love you.”
Buck smiled, wrapping himself up in Tommy once again. “I love you more.”
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weebsinstash · 7 months
Not me sitting here thinking of the most DISGUSTINGLY SELF INDULGENT shit with platonic yandere dad Lucifer that is actually making my heart hurt 😩❤️
There was a TV series called Lucifer where that devil protagonist could utilize his position as ruler of Hell, the dominion of souls who have sinned, to charm people amd look inside of them to reveal their hidden desires or true evils. He could have them spouting their real feelings or blurting out something they were ashamed of or trying to hide, and he could always sort of generally tell what people were thinking or feeling by looking at them
I can't help but think of Hazbin Lucifer having similar powers. You're a human soul down in his dominion of Hell and he can sense the quivering amd shaking of your spirit when you're lying or concealing something from him. You're sitting around the Hotel depressed and in your mind you think "God I wish I could kill myself a second time" and he's quaking out a shocked WHAT from the other end of the room and it's like, Charlie dude ummmm can your dad READ MINDS? And she's all casual, "oh yeah sure haha there's never hiding anything from him :)" and you're sitting there *duck quack sound effect* as Lucifer has basically now made you priority number 2 (priority 1 is Charlie and you're ALSO a priority for her so... you know...)
Lucifer who finds you depressed and crying and trying to bury all your sorrows in liquor and you're getting so drunk you can barely talk and it breaks his heart as a father, that you can't even walk, can barely string together a sentence, just going from inebriated joy to deep, deep sorrow while still trying to be nice to your friend's dad. He's helping scoop you off the floor as you sob your father never loved you and you deserved to die, that you should've killed yourself a long time ago, and he's asking how old you are, or, how old your soul is now, and when you answer he just looks so pained, "but you're still just a baby" and hugs you tightly as he's basically adopting you right that second
Lucifer who finds you crying/flinching in your sleep like you're having a nightmare and he goes into your head and looks at your memories and sees you're having nightmares of being struck as a child. the devil feeling this deep well of disgust gurgling inside of him as he witnesses for himself how many times you were cruelly abused just for acting like a normal kid, how many times your little heart was broken, how many times your little baby hands reached out for help from someone else only to be pushed away, and suddenly, you start having these weird dreams about being a child again. Charlie catches her dad sitting on your bed at your side while you sleep, combing his fingers through your hair as he all but mind-melds with you and she asks what he's doing. the second he tells her what he's seen and how it makes him feel and what he wants to do, she approves and wants to help
Suddenly you start having all these little dreams of being a kid again, but, they aren't scary dreams anymore... no one is bullying you here... in these dreams, you can run around and play and... and... your big sister Charlie is there. Your big sister Charlie and your dad Lucifer. You're small and vulnerable again and Lucifer will call the two of you his little ducklings as he takes your hands and tells you you've all got to hurry or you won't get good seats, and you feel an actual sense of excitement in your heart as he tells you he's taking you guys to the circus
The dream keeps going and going and it's so wonderful and FUN that at some point Charlie and Lucifer watch your little self break down crying, hugging the demonic pair as tight as you can because you know you're going to wake up and... reality is different. No one... LOVES YOU like you can feel here, and you're just bawling. This dream actually kind of makes you HORRIBLY DEPRESSED because you wake up and realize you don't actually have what you were experiencing, that it's just some weird fantasy your brain is cooking up that makes ot awkward to look at your friend and her dad
Meanwhile in the hotel Alastor is poking his head into your room to see you conked out while both Morningstars sit/lay on each side of you with their eyes closed holding your hands or some shit to form the connection and, Lucifer cracks an eye open to make direct contact with Alastor like "interrupt our family moment or say something to them about this, I fucking dare you" and for some reason, Alastor has a sinking suspicion he shouldn't push this, just this one time, or it might end badly for him...
You're waking up accidentally almost calling Lucifer Dad when you see him because you spend almost every night getting to go to amusement parks and play carnival games and eat ice cream and cotton candy with memories of a sister and father you know you don't actually have, but, wait what? Charlie and Lucifer are actually genuinely pushing to spend more time with you? What a lovely coincidence! You wake up really depressed because your 'family' isn't with you and suddenly Charlie peeks into your room and says Lucifer made pancakes for everyone and you're invited to come and you're practically racing out of bed because, oh boy a chance to recreate Dad's pancakes in real life? And that's his exact intention. He doesn't even fucking care that a certain Louisiana gentlemen is shitting on his cooking; if cooking for the whole hotel gave him an excuse to have a "family breakfast" with you and Charlie in the real world for once, he would do it
You're sitting at the table next to Charlie, awaiting your pancakes that you know were made with love and care, and when Lucifer sets down your plate in front of you, affectionately calling you Ducky just like he's done in all your dreams, you're ready to bawl your eyes out??? You're just sitting there tearing up eating homemade pancakes while Charlie is like about to start sobbing because "family is just so beautiful, waaaaaah" and pulls you and her father into a hug
'Family' huh.... it sounds nice... you wouldn't mind having people actually caring about you and looking out for you... too bad you're underestimating how attached and protective of you they already are...
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aishangotome · 3 months
Alfons Sylvatica: [Blind Love] Chapter 25
Chapter 24 Normal Story
If life were a fairy tale, it would be easy to become happy.
Do not listen to evil temptations.
Do not be deceived by convenient illusions.
Then a calm, ordinary, and commonplace happiness awaits.
But - isn't that boring?
Jude: 'Ey, commoner. Catch.
Kate: Huh? Wow, ... a letter?
With 2 days left until the promised 1 month later, in the morning while eating breakfast, an envelope fluttered in front of me.
The culprit who threw it sat down and opened the newspaper without any explanation.
Ellis: Yours was mixed in with Jude's letters.
Kate: Ah, I see, that's what happened.
Alfons: It's rare for Jude to deliver a mixed-up letter instead of turning it into charcoal.
Jude: Throwin' it in the fireplace or on a plate is the same.
Ellis: Who's the letter from?
Kate: Let's see ... from the postmaster.
What was written there when I opened it was -
Kate: "If you're coming back as planned after finishing your work at the palace, you're welcome back" ... that's what it says.
(Come back, huh ...)
The scent of my former daily life wafted from the envelope and letter paper, and I narrowed my eyes.
Kate: It's kind of nostalgic ... It seems like a long time ago that I was delivering mail.
Liam: Are you going back, Kate? To the post office?
Kate: Huh?
Harrison: ... That's Kate's freedom. It's not for us to say anything about it.
Liam: But, Al, you're curious, right?
Alfons: No, not really.
Alfons slowly turns his gaze towards me.
Alfons: Why don't you do what you think is fun, Kate?
Kate: - Yes, of course.
Kate: I'm going to do what I want to do.
Victor: Yes, yes, it's well written.
Victor: As expected of Miss Kate, the contents of the report are concrete, detailed, and perfect.
Kate: Thank you, Victor.
Victor: In the beginning, I can feel your eagerness to understand all the cursed people equally.
Victor: From the middle, it gradually turns into a research essay on the mirror curse.
Kate: ... I'm ashamed to say, there's no room for excuses ...
The report I was gradually writing, just like my mind, clearly showed how it was gradually being eroded by Alfons.
Victor: If you give it to Roger, he'll be delighted.
(... Sorry, I actually already "gave" it to him.)
I've shared excerpts from the middle and later parts of the report with Roger.
(I can't tell Victor that I leaked the report to Roger.)
I want to continue having a good relationship with Roger.
His knowledge and research are essential for what I "want to do."
---Isn't that a bribe? You can't say anything about me.
(No. This is just ... an investment in the future, an investment.)
I answer Alfons, who's stirring things up in my head, insincerely.
Victor: Tomorrow is the deadline for the promise I made with you.
Victor: For this month, as per our contract, you kept the secret and recorded their sins.
Victor: If you get through tonight - you're free.
Victor: Can you tell me? How do you intend to live from now on?
Kate: I -
Kate: As a Fairytale Keeper, I want to continue searching for a way to escape Alfons' fate.
Looking up, Victor gently narrowed his eyes.
I remember the day I first saw their eyes shining in the darkness.
I wanted to escape this place, but now I don't want to leave.
Because I found something important that I can only do here.
Victor: ... Why do want to do so?
Kate: Because I don't want to forget a single trace that he carves on me.
Kate: If he dies before me - at that time, I want to say "I will never forget you."
Kate: And if possible, I want those words to be ... not just a convenient illusion.
Kate: I want them to be reality.
The fate of the cursed is absolute.
But - I can't give up without trying.
(Besides ...)
Kate: I'm going to spend my life proving to Alfons, who surely thinks it's absolutely impossible, wrong!
Victor: ...
Kate: If the tragedy turns around, it will become the best comedy, right?
I know it's mostly a gamble.
A big gamble with my life at stake.
If I lose, despair awaits.
(But, I'll surely turn it into a comedy.)
(I won't let him become a stage device for tragedy.)
Victor: ... Escape from fate, huh. ... Yeah.
Victor: That's a wonderful goal. I feel like you can do it.
Victor: You're free. You can go anywhere and do anything.
Victor: When you feel lost, don't forget that we're on your side.
Kate: ... Yes. Thank you.
Victor: Well then, once again - welcome, Kate.
Victor: Let me welcome you to the world of darkness.
--On the way back from getting permission to meet the postmaster and submitting my resignation.
Harrison, who accompanied me, asked as he walked a little behind me.
Harrison: Hey ... are you really okay with this?
Kate: With what?
Harrison: I'll tell you because I know ... but Al is probably out in the night town again.
Kate: ... I know.
Even though we're lovers now, it seems Alfons' "rotten private life" continues.
Harrison: You threw away your everyday life and chose a dark path.
Harrison: Is it okay to forgive him?
Kate: ... I -
At that moment, a carriage stopped next to us.
(Wh-what ...!?)
While I was on guard, the carriage door opened ----,
Harrison: ---!
Kate: Kyaaah!?
I was pulled into the carriage by the arm that reached out.
(Who, what!? An enemy of the Crown!? A kidnapper!?)
Alfons: Kate, it's me, me.
Kate: Ah, Alfons!?
Before I could be surprised, the carriage starts rattling away.
Kate: Ah, I need to explain to Harrison...!
Alfons: This carriage has the Crown's exclusive exterior, so Harry will probably figure it out.
(I see...)
Realizing I was the only one panicking, I feel a bit dissatisfied and glance at Alfons next to me.
(Oh, he doesn't have that scent today...)
On the nights he goes out, he always has that cloying, twisted scent of nightlife, a symbol of his decadent lifestyle.
Harrison: You chose a dark path, throwing away your everyday life.
Harrison: Can you really forgive that?
**flashback over**
His words from earlier flash through my mind––
In that shady room?
Were you out drinking?
Were you giving illusions somewhere?
Kate: Were you giving illusions somewhere?
Alfons: Well, yes, something like that.
His nonchalant profile makes me push down the frustration in my throat.
As I'm caught in a swirl of conflicting feelings, wanting to question him more but also afraid to touch the subject,
Alfons: ...Does it not bother you?
A straightforward question comes flying from Alfons.
Kate: Well... it would be a lie to say it doesn't bother me at all.
But I can't bring myself to blame him.
(It's not that I'm afraid of being seen as troublesome.)
(Because, I...)
Kate: ...It's because you do those things that I fell for you.
Kate: Whether you're giving illusions in the slums, providing an escape in the back of a tavern,
Kate: Or something else... I don't know,
Kate: But I know there's a kind of pain there that makes you want to offer an escape.
Alfons: ...
(Even without looking, I can see Alfons' dumbfounded expression.)
But it can't be helped.
Kate: It's fine! Ah... but at least...
Kate: Heartfelt kisses, sincere "I love you"s, those kinds of things... please keep them for me alone.
Alfons: ...
Alfons: Then––is it okay for me to do this kind of thing with other people too?
Kate: ...?
Alphonse's palm smoothly slid around my waist as I sat beside him.
Pulled closer, unable to escape, I surrendered to his touch. His hand crawled up my leg, causing my body to jump in surprise.
Alfons: Don't you hate it when I touch anyone other than you?
The hand that was messing up my skirt went from my back to my chest, playing with my clothes.
As I tried to hold back the voice that was about to leak out, he gently bit my ear.
Kate: Hahh, uhh...
Alfons: Hey, Kate.
Alfons: How far would you let me go?
Kate: Ah, ah...
His fingertip nearly entered my underwear, and I couldn't take it anymore, so I raised a white flag.
Kate: ...N-no...
Kate: Of course I don't want that...
Alfons: Hehe, you've finally become honest.
Even though I tried to be an understanding girlfriend, he pulled out my true feelings and made me tear up.
He looked at me like that and gave a troubled smile.
Alfons: I'm afraid I can't stop going out at night. It's my hobby, my pleasure, and my life's work.
Kate: I... I know...
Alfons: Going out drinking, showing illusions... but
Alfons: I want to try to love you properly, so
Alfons: I won't do that with anyone other than you... no kissing, no caressing, no sex.
(I want to believe it but......)
Kate: ... ... It's definitely a lie... ...
Kate: So that I won't suffer again, so that I won't be sad again, that's how you––
Alfons: Ah ha! So that you won't suffer? No way! I don't have that intention at all.
Alfons: ––You're happy, right?
Alfons: I'm yours alone. I only do pleasant things with you.
Kate: ……?
Whether it's "true" or "not true."
Like a coin that keeps spinning, the result is unknown.
Alfons: Even with these words that are unclear whether they are lies or truth, they are engraved in the depths of your heart.
Alfons: You'll surely remember them every time I go out at night.
As if under a spell, Alfons' words are engraved in my head.
Alfons: You might tail me again to see if it's true, right?
Alfons: If you find out it's true, it will be engraved even deeper.
Alfons: That way, you can keep thinking about me forever and ever.
His words enter me.
It's surely another wicked spell that will take root and cause mischief.
Alfons: I don't make love to you properly to make you feel at ease.
Alfons: It's to dig my claws deep into your heart and leave a scar that won't disappear.
Kate: ... ... Uuu... ...
Unable to endure it any longer, tears finally spilled out.
Alfons wiped away the tears with a smile, as if comforting a child.
Alfons: Ah ha, are you scared?
Kate: No...!
Kate: These are... ... tears of joy.
Alfons, who tried to disappear without leaving a trace, is trying to leave deep claw marks.
Because that is the undeniable proof of his love.
Kate: I'm crying... ... because I'm happy.
Alfons: ... ... Then cry more.
His wicked hands touch me, not to test my true feelings this time, but to love me.
Kate: ... ... In a carriage like this... ...
Alfons: You said that before, too.
Alfons: That time, I didn't finish it...
Alfons: ––Today, please make me feel good too.
A sweet and dangerous temptation is poured into my ear.
Even without being shown an illusion, I already...
––I can't resist this voice.
We made love in the cramped carriage, unable to even muffle our voices, and drifted off to sleep—
Kate: Hmm...
Alfons: ...Ah, you're finally awake?
As I woke up, Alfons' voice gently fell upon my eyelids.
Alfons: How was it? Was my thigh comfortable to sleep on?
Kate: ...It was...very nice...
Alfons: That's good to hear.
He chuckled and his fingertips gently stroked my hair.
As I slowly sat up, I noticed my blouse was crumpled and falling off.
I hurriedly picked it up to cover myself, but Alfons laughed again, saying, "There's no need to hide now."
Outside, the sky was tinged with pale pink, and the carriage seemed to be parked in front of the Crown Castle entrance.
There was no sign of the coachman.
Alfons, with his back to the window, was faintly outlined by the light, as if the morning sun was blessing him or the darkness was reluctant to let him go.
He was so beautiful that I held my breath and stared, and our eyes gently met.
Alfons: Hey, Kate.
Alfons: I secretly heard what you "want to do"...
"I want to keep searching for a way to escape Alfons' fate."
I wonder what he thought of me telling Victor that.
Alfons: Honestly, I thought it was foolish.
Alfons: It's called "fate" because it can't be escaped.
Alfons sighed softly and then smiled serenely.
Alfons: But—I quite like that overly serious side of you.
Kate: ...Don't say "quite," say you like it "a lot."
Alfons: ...
He fell unusually silent at my retort, then gently took my hand.
His gesture was unusually respectful, so I was surprised and lost for words.
Alfons: ...I'm not good with straightforward words of love.
Alfons: I've said "I love you" and "I like you" too many times without meaning it.
Alfons: The moment I say it, it feels like a lie.
Alfons: So—please forgive me with this.
His lips gently touched the back of my hand, like a sacred vow.
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Alfons, with his eyes downcast, had a very sincere expression.
If there was such a thing as a true love's kiss in this world, I think this kiss would be it.
Alfons: I will make you supremely happy...and someday, I will make you despair.
There's no guarantee that fate can be changed.
So, for him, this is a love that will lead me to tragedy.
Kate: ...I will be made supremely happy.
Kate: But I won't despair.
Alfons: ...Honestly.
Alfons: As long as you're laughing in the end, I feel like any tragedy can turn into a comedy.
Kate: Heh, leave it to me.
You can make fun of me all you want.
So, Alfons, please keep smiling happily.
Kate: I'll turn your life, my life, everything into a comedy.
Alfons: Yes, yes.
Alfons: Let's have as much fun as we can, shall we?
Mirror, mirror, don't show me convenient dreams.
Even if reality is full of sadness...
Tell me your truth.
Carve it into my heart, my body.
Because I will never let this love become an illusion.
Blind Love: Epilogue
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carlsdarling · 1 year
How to save a cat Part III
The relationship between Carl and Y/N evolves, and not everyone appreciates that… Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw, angst, violence
Over the next few weeks, Garfield recovered. And it was inevitable: The relationship between you and Carl evolved rapidly. You only met secretly, either at secluded places in Alexandria, or Carl climbed on the roof under your window at night, woke you up by tapping softly on the window, and then you sat together on the roof for hours, holding hands, making out a bit and looking at the stars. Most of the time, though, you just talked. But there was always the danger of being seen and caught.
One night the mood between you was very sexy, and it ended with you having your hands in Carl's pants and stroking him, Carl bucking his hips, moaning softly, and caressing your boobs. "Do you mind if I cum on your hand, baby?" whispered Carl, breathless with arousal.
"No," you kissed him softly on the lips as he also began to spill his cum all over your hand, whimpering. With hearts beating wildly, you held each other. You didn't have anything with you to clean yourselves up.
Carl looked at you. "Y/N?" You raised an eyebrow. "Would you like to maybe... sleep with me?" he asked shyly.
"Now?" you responded in shock. It wasn't very comfortable on the roof - especially for someone who was inexperienced - and the night breeze quite chilly, and there was no way you could take Carl to your room. Your parents could notice it. But you also desired it - Carl's caresses excited you incredibly, besides, you were head over heels in love with him. You wanted to be as close to Carl as possible.
"No," he said hurriedly, laughing nervously, "Of course not right now. I meant sometime, soon." He cracked his knuckles and glanced at you uncertainly.
"Yes," you replied simply and kissed him. "I want to make love to you, too, Carl."
He beamed happily at you. "Okay. I'll take care of condoms." A little later he said goodbye and climbed down the tree in front of your house, walking home elated. Neither of you suspected that he was being watched from a downstairs window.
The next morning, Carl was on his way to his guard duty. He had slept too long and was already running late, hurrying down the streets of Alexandria. Guilelessly, he rounded a corner when someone unexpectedly grabbed him by the upper left arm, brutally punched him in the stomach twice, ripped off his bandage and threw it in the dirt, then twisted his arm. Tears welled up in Carl's eyes, he couldn't even scream, the pain in his stomach was so intense. "You stay away from my daughter, Carl," your father hissed hatefully in Carl's ear. "Y/N is way too good for you, you're not worthy of her, just look at you," he said with a sneer. "The sight of you is an inconvenience. Your scar is hideous. No wonder you always cover it up. It would have been better if you had died from that shot. I won't let my daughter ever be seen with someone like you, understand? You look like some creature from Wrong Turn, who could ever love you?" he taunted Carl before pushing him to the ground, sneering at him and sauntering off as if nothing had happened. Carl lay curled up on the ground holding his stomach, tears streaming down his face.
No one had ever spoken so viciously about his injury; not even Negan. The latter had made fun of it and marveled at the empty eye socket, but then conceded that it had just been a joke and Carl had no reason to be ashamed of the scar. But this was different. Carl was aware that he might have been the first to look behind the governor's smooth facade and realize what lurked behind it: an abysmally evil and empathy-less man. Robert Andrews, the governor, was dangerous, and Carl was very afraid for you.
After a while, Carl managed to get to his feet and made his way to your house with a bad feeling.
There, hidden behind a wall, he spotted your father who was chopping down the tree in front of the house. Carl knew there was nothing he could do right now; reluctantly he went home, with his stomach ache and sprained arm he could not do his guard duty anyway.
You were caught off guard by events just as Carl was before. You left the bathroom to go downstairs to breakfast when your father grabbed you by the hair, yanked you around and threw you against the wall. You yelled out loud as your shoulder was bruised. Before you could get up again, he kicked you several times, then grasped you by the collar and dragged you to your room. "You get to watch me cut down the tree in front of the house now," he let you know with a cold smile. "No more Carl climbing up to your window. No more sneaky dates. No more dating at all! I warned you. You're to stay away from that white trailer park trash. You stick to your room!"
He slammed the door and locked you in, and you broke down crying. Garfield lay on the bed watching you from his big amber eyes, then came to snuggle up to you. He meowed quietly. You buried your face in the cat's soft fur, sobbing desperately. But you were already so used to your father's abuse that you quickly shrugged it off. You just hoped he would leave Carl alone.
Not wanting other people to become aware of how he was treating you, your dad let you out the next day. "'See Carl Grimes again, and you'll regret it. And so will he," he threatened. "I'll find out."
That's why you were half-mad with fear when you met Carl behind the stables a few hours later. He looked pale and unhappy, and you fell into each other's arms. You noticed immediately that Carl tensed in your embrace, as if he were in pain. "Carl? What's wrong?" you asked alarmed. He held his stomach, his face contorted. "Are you hurt?"
"It's nothing," he groaned, avoiding looking you in the eyes. "It's just... yesterday I was fighting with a walker, and he grabbed me and threw me onto a trash can."
You reached for his flannel and shirt and lifted both. "Oh, God, Carl," you said in horror. A huge hematoma was visible below his ribs. "That must hurt terribly. Poor you. Come here." You stroked his back. "We have to be more careful," you whispered. "My dad, he knows. He chopped down the tree."
Carl nodded somberly. "I saw it. Do you want us to break up? I could understand," he said sadly. "I might not be good enough for you anyway, either. You're so pretty, you come from a politician's dynasty, and I'm just... maybe someone else would be better for you." He fiddled with the bandage. "You don't have to feel obligated to be with me just because I helped you with Garfield, you know."
Disgruntled, you groped for his hand. "Carl, what is this bullshit? What makes you think I don't want you anymore? I love you, you moron. And I don't want to be with anyone but you." You involved him in a kiss. "We just need to be more careful," you repeated. "Already forgotten, you get condoms," you tried to lighten the atmosphere.
Carl silently hugged you to him and stroked your head. "We'll just meet outside," he then decided. "I'll take the car out by myself, and you climb over the wall, and then I'll meet you outside Alexandria."
You nodded. "That's what we'll do."
When Carl went home later, he encountered Michonne in the kitchen. Rick was apparently not home. Carl had been unable to bring himself to tell you about your father's assault on him; he didn't want to add fuel to the fire, and he was also ashamed of how helpless he had been.
It had also stirred up unpleasant memories in him, of how he had almost been raped then, of how he had been lying on the wooden soil, unable to defend himself, at the mercy of his tormentor. Most of the time Carl repressed it all, but now it was present again and tortured him. He just couldn't talk about it.
And your father's spiteful words burned inside him and made him feel bad and worthless to top it off.
Michonne immediately recognized that something was wrong with Carl. "Carl? What's the matter?" she asked cautiously, lowering the knife she had been using to slice carrots.
He hesitantly met her gaze. "Uum, it... it's just, I have a girlfriend." Michonne tilted her head in confusion. Carl's expression didn't match the happy news. "It's Y/N, the governor's daughter, and... and he doesn't want that. He's told me very clearly that I'm not what he wants, and I'm not good enough, and he doesn't want me and Y/N together, but we love each other." Carl rubbed his chin defiantly. "So we're meeting secretly, just outside of Alexandria now, but I... we plan to... soon, so, we want to have sex with each other, and I need condoms," he then blurted out, red-faced.
Michonne was trying to process all this information. Despite everything, she was glad that Carl had confided in her. "The condom thing is no problem Carl, but where are you guys going to go? Why don't you just come here and go to your room? You know you have your privacy there.“
Carl's eye widened. "No," he protested. "Y/N would never enter our house, she's far too afraid of her dad finding out!" He looked scared himself.
Michonne frowned and pushed aside the incredulous anger at the governor. Carl and Y/N didn't deserve this. So it would probably happen in the back seat of Carl's car, on some country lane where Carl and Y/N could neither relax nor feel safe. Michonne felt bad at the thought - Carl wasn't just her best friend, he was like a son to her. She would have liked something less complicated for him.
Carl seemed to have read her mind, because he said, "We have a place we can go where it's safe and we'll be undisturbed," he revealed to her. "Don't worry about it."
Michonne looked at him inquiringly, registering how tense he was and how pasty. "I'm glad to hear that. But Carl, that's not all, there's more," she said softly. Carl's lower lip quivered, then he began to cry.
Michonne took him in her arms, and now he was sobbing. "Robert Andrews... he said to me I was ugly because of the scar, no one would ever love me, and it would have been better if I had died then," he said in a choked voice. "He said it was an inconvenience to have to look at me."
"That's not true," Michonne said, aghast, holding Carl a little away from her to stare at him. His eye was red from crying.
"Yes, it is," he sniffled. "That's what he said." He didn't mention the beating.
Michonne was speechless, she would have preferred to go right out and kill the governor, but she forced herself to be calm so as not to upset Carl even more. He looked like he had hardly slept anyway. She cuddled him gently and murmured comforting words. "I'll get you the condoms, and then the two of us will bake waffles with strawberries," she announced, struggling to somehow cheer Carl up. He loved waffles with strawberries. "And after that, you're going to sleep." Later, she would talk to Rick about it.
Rick was sad and angry when he learned about it later. Carl had endured so much awfulness in his short life, so many losses, and now this douchebag of a so-called governor was insulting him and shattering his self-confidence. Rick was so proud of how Carl's personality had developed, and Lori would have been, too, had she lived to see it. Hershel as well.
Couldn't Robert Andrews see how lovable, brave and sensible Carl was? How could he behave so callously toward him? Besides, it just wasn't true that the scar disfigured him; even if Carl himself still saw it differently. "I could kill Andrews," Rick growled. "Where's Carl?"
"He's asleep," Michonne informed him. "He said he had a headache. And I'm afraid you'll only make things worse for Carl and Y/N if you confront the governor." Frustrated, she threw a rag into the sink. "I already told Carl that it's really important that they use protection every time. If Y/N gets pregnant, it would be fatal."
The next day, Carl made his way to the main gate. Negan had arrived, some goods were to be traded, and since Rick was on a mission of exploration in a nearby town, that task fell to Carl.
His stomach still aching, he slowly circled one of Negan's pick-ups and looked at the goods on the back of the truck - oranges, lemons and more exotic fruits. "Okay, we can use several palettes of these," he said, holding his stomach unobtrusively. "In exchange, we'll offer eggs, bacon and corn."
Negan eyed Carl from top to bottom. "What's the problem, serial killer?" he then asked straightforwardly. "You look like shit."
"Oh, thanks, Negan," Carl replied aggrieved. "I already know I'm so ugly I'd better be dead, and the sight of me is an insult! You don't have to tell me that, just shut the fuck up!" he yelled at Negan.
The latter flinched, startled. "That's not what I mean," he said, puzzled. "You look really sick, Carl. You're as white as a ghost." Again he eyed Carl. "You haven't been... bitten, have you?" he asked in a lowered voice.
"No," Carl muttered. "It's just, a zombie threw me on a trash can, and my stomach's been hurting ever since. It'll be fine," he finished sullenly.
"Doesn't look like it. You have two doctors in your crappy Alexandria town," Negan opined sternly. "You should see one of them. For your own sake. Just my two cents." He shook his head in annoyance.
So, after completing the trade, Carl went to the doctor's office, where he found Siddiq, and also told him the tall tale of the walker who had attacked him. Siddiq instructed Carl to lie down and expose his abdomen, then carefully palpated Carl’s body. Carl wailed in pain. "That's a massive bruise, Carl," Siddiq expressed with concern. The injury was just below Carl's old scar. "What other symptoms do you have? Did you throw up after the accident?"
"Twice," Carl admitted meekly. "The abdominal pain is pretty bad, too."
"Did you witness blood coming out of any part of your body?" insisted Siddiq.
"Um, no." Carl pulled down his shirt and sat up.
Siddiq sighed and rummaged around in a closet. "I hope you don't have a ruptured spleen, and that it's just a bad bruise," he then informed Carl, handing him some pain killers. "We'll have to wait and see. Take the pills, and get into bed. You need rest. Do not lift anything heavy. No strenuous activity. I will check on you tomorrow." Carl nodded gratefully and went home.
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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"Pleeeease," Sean hissed as you applied a another layer of lipgloss to your full sexy lips and pointedly ignored him. "Please take off the key now."
He looked at you pleadingly, but you refused to meet his gaze - not because you were ashamed - but because you had no intention of contaminating your eyeballs with his embarrassing display of subservience.
You could feel the key nestling sexily above your cleavage like it belonged there. You had no intention of removing it.
That wasn't something you ever thought you'd have, but there they were on your chest, two full rounded firm titties that were all yours to play with and dominate boys with.
You were almost shocked at how good your voice sounded. So full and sensual - the voice of an entitled brat. Like poison honey. You almost wanted to say more so you could hear it, but that would be going too far.
There wasn't a need to say more. You didn't need to explain yourself. Brats like you NEVER explained themselves, just expected boys to obey.
If you had been minded to explain to Sean, you would have told him that removing the key would turn you back into a boy.
Your beautiful hair would shorten, your long sexy black nails would retract and your beautiful pussy would seal up as your useless boy cock grew back.
The key had set you free, unlocking the bratty potential within you and making you a Goddess. You had transformed into a rich, popupar, beautiful girl and it seemed that Sean was the only one who even remembered the original you.
"Please," he begged again. "Goddess, my cock hurts... please set me free."
You sneered and tossed your hair contemptuously, enjoying how the silken wave moved effortlessly over your shoulders. Adjusting the hem of your satin skirt, you casually turned and reaching down grabbed Sean by the balls.
He squealed and you grinned, your perfect white teeth flashing. "It only hurts because you've been trying to take off your cage again. I told you - I'm the only one who can remove that now."
The key round your neck and the cage on Sean's cock were magically linked. It could never be removed without your desire to do so and unfortunately for Sean you had no intention of doing that.
You squeezed and he groaned. With a flick of your will you made the cage tighter and you also strengthened the sense of devotion and worship he felt for you. Through the cage you controlled everything about Sean. You could make him do or believe anything. So far you'd left his mind relatively untouched, after all it was far more fun to break him manually.
You knew it was the key doing this to you. You never used to be this cruel, this manipulative, this sadistic. Wearing the key had made you beautiful and popular, but it had also rotted your soul and turned you into an evil bitch.
You smirked as you saw the light of worship blaze in Sean's eyes. "I... I'm sorry Goddess. I should be punished for trying to undo what you did to me. I am a worm."
"You ARE a worm Sean," you sighed, "but you're my worm. Goddess forgives you - but there does need to be a punishment. How about you eat another creampie?"
You saw Sean quail and it made you laugh. "Oh yes my little pet. The reason I'm putting on this lipgloss is we are on our way to Shane's house and once there I'm going to suck that big fat cock then get fucked. You can eat his cum out of my freshly fucked pussy as your punishment."
"But Shane was our bully... you wouldn't..."
"Shane only bullied me when I was a loser like you. Now he's all over me like a rash. He's not very sophisticated, but he does know how to make me squirt. Now come along loser - it's play time."
The magic key that had turned you into such a bitch bouncing on your chest, you walked off - high heeled boots clopping as with a snap of your fingers your pet followed.
Being a keyholder felt so fucking good.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
happy Easter. <3 I'm the anon who kicked the door the other day :D ANDDDD the petit reader x gods fic HOLY MOLY got me on my knees, I NEED TO SEE THAT WITH OTHER GODS, please please please, like Buddha and hades, pleaseeee. 😩😩😩😩😩
-You were a petite little goddess, being only a minor flower goddess, but you never seemed to let your size get your way.
-You were a fierce warrior in your own right, using a whip made of briars, so you weren’t a pushover, not by any means.
-Here lately you’ve been the butt of a lot of jokes regarding your darling husband, others, mainly goddesses but a few gods, asking how you handle him in the bedroom.
-Some had been a bit cruel to you, asking you if you could even satisfy them due to your petite size, which has left you feeling not only upset, but rather self-conscious as well.
-He noticed you pouting in bed when he entered your shared bedroom, raising an eyebrow, seeing you hugging his pillow tightly to your chest.
-He sat beside you and reached out, brushing your hair out of your face, “Wanna tell me what’s got you upset?”
-Your eyes shifted to him for a moment before you sat up, putting his pillow down and sat up on your knees, “Are you happy being with me?”
-Your bold question made his eyes widen, only for a moment, “What brought this on?”
-Your eyes fell, sliding to your rear, looking a bit ashamed, almost embarrassed, “Am I good- umm… do I- do I satisfy you, in bed I mean?”
-He was even more surprised by this question, a small grin appearing on his face, which made you upset, “Of course you satisfy me, Y/N. Now tell me, who’s got you thinking this nonsense?”
-You bit your bottom lip lightly, annoyed as you thought he wasn’t taking this seriously.
-He noticed that you didn’t think this was a silly thing, you were genuinely upset about this, which made his eyes narrow, as he knew someone had said something.
-Your cheeks puffed up in a pout and you lunged, surprising (God) as you easily pinned him down on his back, sitting across his waist, “Fine! I’ll prove it to you that I can satisfy you!”
-He grinned slightly up at you, seeing your determination to prove this to him, he wanted to just roll you over and cuddle you senseless to help you get rid of these thoughts in your mind. He made a mental note to find out who had been upsetting you, as nobody upsets you, as he relaxed, letting you do as you please.
-Had he known you were so sadistic, he would have taken control when he was still able to move his arms, as you had bound them together with your whip, the dull thorns giving him just the slightest bit of pain as you sucked the tip of his cock, making him throw his head back.
-Having just forced two orgasms out of him, he was so sensitive, and now you were overstimulating him with your kitten licks.
-He bucked his hips up, part of him wanted more, he wanted to be inside you, while the other was begging you to stop.
-Your soft giggle made a chill run up his spine as you sat up, your hand wrapping around his length, stroking him slowly.
-You smiled down at him, seeing him huffing harshly, mouth open, sweat making his hair stick to his forehead, “You look so good like this my love~ I may have to do this more often.”
-He bucked his hips up into your hand, clenching his teeth, “You can do what you want just let me fuck you!”
-His words made your self-confidence soar, but his eyes widened as your smile morphed into a smirk, evil flashing across your eyes, “Hmm~ why should I?”
-He paled up at you, terrified that you were going to torture him some more, before you smiled, quickly moving to straddle him, “Next time~”
-He threw his head back as you sank down on top of him, your own moan mixing with his, sharp little gasps of pleasure escaping your lips before you lifted your hips to slam back down.
-Your pace was tortuously slow, making Buddha writhe beneath you, trying to buck up into you, but your hands were on his chest, keeping him held down.
-Your fun was interrupted when he snapped your vines with ease, losing his temper and he immediately sat up and pulled you down hard before bucking harshly up into you.
-Your nails dug into his shoulders as you let out a cry of pleasure, followed by several more as your legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
-His eyes were focused on making this end, needing a breather, for a bit at least and his rough pace quickly had you coming undone, crying out around him as he made sure you were fully seated as he pumped you full, spilling out easily.
-He was gasping hard, hugging you to him as your hands wound in his hair, clutching at him, panting heavily.
-He dared not to move, fearing he wouldn’t be able to, but slowly he did, first his head, pressing a kick to your neck, then to your cheek, then your lips.
-His forehead rested against your own as he closed his eyes, “I can’t feel my legs.” Your giggle made him grin before you slowly tried to untangle yourselves to clean up.
-His hand lifted to cup your cheek, smiling up at you softly, seeing the fire and determination in your eyes, he knew you were doing this because you were upset, someone had said something, as he knew you were a very confident person. He grinned, letting you pin his arms down to the side, letting you take control.
-He swallowed hard, trying to keep his hands on the bed, one of the orders you gave to him, as you slowly bobbed your head up and down his shaft, the pace torturous, he wanted nothing more than to grab your head and face fuck you, the thought alone nearly made him cum.
-He looked down at you, your name barely a whisper on his lips and you peeked up at him
-He saw the corners of your mouth tilt up in a smile before you swallowed deeply, relaxing your throat to take him as deep as you could.
-He groaned loudly, his head tilting back and his back arching just slightly as you bobbed deeply, hollowing your cheeks as you went, sucking his soul from his body.
-When you pulled away with a wet pop, he huffed deeply, his chest rising and falling rapidly but he was given no time to think as your hand wrapped around him as far as it would go and began to pump him at a fast pace.
-You smiled down at him, moving to straddle his legs, just below his cock, he struggled to make eye contact with you, as when he would try you would give him a harder squeeze, taking his breath away.
-When he finally came undone you smiled, letting him rest, slowly stroking him through his orgasm; his eyes felt like they had crossed, only for a moment, when he fell over the edge.
-When Hades caught his breath you immediately stole it away from him as he looked up at you, seeing you licking his cum from your fingers, meeting his eyes. He swallowed when your devilish tongue poked out again, licking your lips and you couldn’t help but smirk down at him.
-You lowered your body to lay on his, his cock hardening against your belly as your nails trailed over his nipples, “You were so good for me, my love. So good~ do you think you can cum for me again like that?”
-He instantly snapped, lunging up and easily manhandling you to quickly have you on your hand and knees before shoving your head down into the mattress.
-You went to protest but the only thing that came out was a long moan as he fisted his cock, quickly entering your soaked pussy with a hiss himself.
-He gave you no chance to adjust and began to jackhammer into you, pounding you into the bed.
-Your voice was shaky as you cried out his name, your hands stretching out to clutch the blankets in front of you.
-One of his hands slid up your arm to hold your hand from the top while the other kept a firm grip on your hip, pulling you back hard, forcing the air in your lungs out with each thrust.
-Your voice went up in pitch, whines leaving you as you were begging him for more.
-For a half a second he contemplated teasing you like how you teased him, but he decided not to, this time, quickly pulling back and grabbing your waist with both hands.
-He filled you up so quickly, making you cum hard around him, milking him as you whined softly, twitching around him, gasping for air as his hands shook on your waist.
-Hades inhaled deeply before slowly pulling out, watching his cum gush out of you, making a groan leave him as you collapsed to your side.
-He was quick to pull you into his arms, both of you whispering praises to each other, exchanging soft kisses, completely exhausted but satisfied.
-Your strength never failed to impress him, grinning fondly up at you, a pair of his hands coming to your waist while the others laid out to his side. His eyes were full of love for you, but he quickly felt himself stiffening at your dominance, finding it very attractive when you took control.
-Rudra made a mental note to find out whoever upset you because you were killing him, but if he died like this, with you riding his cock, he would die a happy man.
-It had been almost an hour since you first started ‘torturing’ him, playing with his nipples, sucking him to the point of where his thighs were shaking, and forcing three- three orgasms out of him!
-He knows you had not cum once, focusing on his pleasure only, something that made him feel almost shy but at the same time happy, so happy that you were doting on him so much.
-When you finally sunk down onto him, he almost broke his resolve, wanting to grab you and hold you down and ravage you until you fainted, but he held back, wanting to show you what you did to him.
-He was gasping up at you, pleading with you as your pace had slowed, just as he was getting close again, denying him his orgasm, the second time that night.
-His teeth were clenched together, fury blazing in his eyes as he gazed up at your beautiful body, his voice husky and deep, a warning in his tone, “Y/N I swear- if you stop-” you slammed down hard, drawing a groan out of him before he hissed up at you again.
-You smirked down at him, never looking more beautiful, your hands on his stomach as you rolled your hips once more, “Oh~ what are you going to do, Storm God?”
-Your sass, your disrespect made his eyes flash red and he quickly had you on your back with a sharp squeal; one hand held your above your head, two were on your hips as he back to fuck into with no regard to your comfort, while the fourth went to your throat, giving it a slight squeeze.
-He groaned, his head falling as he felt you clench hard around him, giving your neck another squeeze as you whined out his name, making you gasp.
-His hand that was pinning your hands down moved quickly as he sat up, only slightly, pulling you hard down onto his cock, his hand moving to your cunt to rub against your sensitive jewel, making a shriek leave your lips.
-He almost froze when you squirted around him, your head falling back and your mouth opening in a silent scream as your eyes crossed but he continued, fucking you through your orgasm until he came deep within you.
-His hands gripped you tightly, almost to the point of pain, as his head lowered to your chest, feeling lightheaded as you whimpered through the remains of your orgasm, your hands rising to his head, as he slumped against you, scratching your nails against his scalp.
-Once he calmed down, his throat now sore, he pulled back before moving to kiss you deeply, making you hum into the kiss, your arms around his neck.
-Once you were both cleaned up, having soaked in the bath together, you held Rudra against your chest as he laid on top of you, he felt so relaxed and refreshed, “Once I can move again, I’m gonna go beat up whoever upset you. I want names, Y/N, now.” You giggled only softly before you quickly realized he wasn’t joking.
-His smile was shining brightly like the sun at you, his hands on your thighs, holding you in place. Loki loves it when you get more aggressive in the bedroom, and this time was no different, you didn’t need to prove anything to him, but he wasn’t going to turn down any bedroom fun.
-If you had known how much fun it was going to be to ‘torture’ Loki in the bedroom, you would have been doing it for years.
-He was such a brat to you, disobeying your orders, he kept trying to grab you, and just being more of a little shit than normal, until you were quick to realize that he wanted you to put him in his place.
-Your vines were quickly holding his arms down about his heads, his legs spread, running a nail down the underside of his cock, making him groan loudly, unable to speak after you put a ball gag in his mouth, one that he usually made you wear.
-You giggled softly, pressing a kiss to the tip of his cock, holding the vibrator just far enough away where he couldn’t feel it as he tried to buck his hips.
-You licked the tip like it was a lollipop, relishing the groan that escaped him, the sound going straight for your cunt, making your own back arch.
-You sat up, crawling over so your head was in front of his, his eyes were blown wide from pleasure, and he could see the delight in your own as you brushed a tear from his cheek, “Do you want me to remove the gag? Are you going to be my good boy now and beg nicely?”
-He was instantly nodding, and you quickly removed the ball gag and the sound of him begging you, calling out your name, nearly made you cum around nothing, “Please-please- I want- please I’ve been good- so good for-for you! I wanna-wanna cum- please!!”
-You’ve been edging him for almost the past half hour, and that’s after forcing two out of him already, he wanted another so badly.
-You slid down and grasped his cock and let your wet core hover over it just for a moment before you sank down onto him, a breathless gasp leaving you and an elongated moan falling from his lips.
-You sat there, completely still, only for a moment before you began to ride him, letting his legs go, which he thanked you for, wiggling beneath you.
-You smiled down at him, leaning over so your lips were almost touching, “If I let your arms go, will you be a good boy? I will reward you if you behave?”
-He throbbed deep within you, making you squeak before he nodded, unable to form words, pussy drunk on you and your vines were quick to vanish.
-His hands wound in the blankets by his head, gasping up at you and you smiled, reaching behind you to grab the vibrator, lifting it to your lips with an evil grin as you turned it on to full power, “Would you like your reward, my love?”
-His eyes went wide in fear, only for a moment before he swallowed hard, “Now- yes please! Give-give me- YES!!!” you reached behind you and pressed it against his balls, making him buck hard into you, making you shriek in pleasure.
-You felt him twitching within you and your head fell back, “Cum-cum-cum!!” he nearly screamed, and you felt warmth flood into you and he nearly sobbed as you kept the vibrator against him, rocking against him until you fell undone as well.
-You turned the vibrator off, tossing it to the side before you looked down at Loki whom you weren’t sure was still conscious.
-You whined as you lifted yourself off of him and cleaned you both up.
-You peppered his face in kisses as he slowly came down from his high, basking in your soft affections, calming him down.
-Once he was coherent enough to speak, after you gave him water, he spoke, “I don’t think I can have sex again for the rest of the month.”
-You pouted lightly, sitting up as your index finger came to your lips, “Oh~ that’s too bad. I got a strap on that I wanted to try out~” he was instantly sitting up, grinning brightly at you, standing at full attention downstairs, “I’m ready when you are!!”
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jqmalikhsgib · 5 months
Meet YN Rihanna Fenty-Hotchner
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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, Rihanna has been a name we’ve all heard and seen everywhere!
The thirty-five year old musician has made many of us swoon over her music, iconic fashion moments, and many many more. Now the RnB artist is venturing out to be an Entrepreneur, Wife, and Mother.
“I’ve enjoyed the music and I still enjoy writing! I just think it was time to dip my toe into the fashion world more!” Rihanna States.
Over the years she’s been through many struggles and heartbreak. Rihanna rumored to date stars like Asap Rocky, Drake, even Ashton Kutcher. But she’s found love outside of the music industry.
Rihanna and her now husband [Aaron Hotchner] have been dating in private for three years before the star announced her relationship with him nearly a year ago.
“I just thought it was time,” Umbrella star starts. “Aaron and I were in bed and I mentioned to him I was ready to let the world know about our tiny little family. He supported whatever decision I decided to make. With that I slowly introduced my husband and son to the world.
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Rihanna talks more about her past relationship and her current one.
“I never actually confirmed anything to the public because it never came up with former partners. If it did, they didn’t want to tell the world we were dating. It felt like they’d be ashamed of me.” She states.
“Not gonna lie, it brought so many insecurities into my mind. Whenever Aaron and I started dating, he picked up those pieces pretty quickly. I knew he was different from that moment.”
Rihanna explains to us how she met her lovely husband.
“It was so unbelievably crazy, actually! Him and his team had just finished a case and they’d been out celebrating. It was before I made it big. Some guy was flirting and he saw I was uncomfortable and came to the rescue. Since then, I’d never looked back.”
“I think the main difference between the relationships I have with Aaron versus the relationship i had with others is his ability to read me and have patience with me. Others didn’t have that in the past. Instead they treated me like I should be lucky dating them. They made me feel like given me a chance was a privilege. Aaron’s never made me feel like he was special and he was too good for me. If anything he’s shown me we’re good for each other. And that’s why it was so easy to fall for him!”
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Rihanna explains her shift in the world now being a married woman and a mom.
“I use to see the world in black and white. We have the good and the bad, bad always outweighs the good, but my husband and son have taught me that I have to look at what’s right in front of me. With my husband being out there, catching the creeps and evil men and women out there, putting them away, one less bad guy is out there. It’s always gonna be someone dangerous, but in the end one less evil roaming the streets is still worth seeing the beauty in the world.”
Rihanna talks about her new identity in the industry. “I’m still Rihanna Fenty, that will never change! But now I think I’m ready for the world to see Yn Hotchner! Wife, Mother, and Philosopher! I want the world to see who Yn is. Not just Ri.” She explains.
“Being pregnant has really opened my eyes to so many possibilities of who I can be, honestly. I have learned so much about my body and my ability as a woman! I’m still young and can have fun, but being a mom and being pregnant, it’s really brought a new light to my eyes.”
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We asked her about how big she’s prepared to grow her family.
“Aaron and I want a littler of kids! My husband is a bit older than me, but he’s always planned on slowing down, having multiple little babies out there. I’ve always wanted to have a big family of my own. I’m the only child, so having lots of babies been in my deck of cards for the longest time.
We asked Rihanna [Yn] what she expects in her new career choice.
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“I’m almost done with a few skin care treatments for Fenty Beauty! We’re also launching Savage x Fenty, which I believe the fans will love! And with my pregnancy and being a mom, this launch will be for all! I hope the world is ready for what’s in store for the Fenty take over.
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lowkeyed1 · 1 year
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Willow Month 2023: Day 3 - Favorite Episode This is a tough call for me, because it's very close. I love Episode 7: Across the Shattered Sea because it has so much gorgeous character development for everyone and so much beautiful scenery, but Episode 4: Whispers of Nockmaar just barely shades it. I think it's the whump. This ep is basically 45 minutes of whumping on poor Graydon and.... he suffers beautifully.
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This poor kid starts off the ep infected with dark magic. He and the group both know it will eventually corrupt his entire system, cause him to become possessed and try to kill everyone, and they will have to kill him. And they spend the first part of the episode chaining him up and not doing anything about it, except Elora comforting him.
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They finally decide to do something and this leads to him restrained even more, splayed out on some kind of bench. He spends a lot of time writhing and moaning in pain. They tear his shirt open while he gasps, exposing horrific scarring he feels deeply ashamed of and doesn't want to talk about, while he sweats and groans even more.
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Then they throw a bucket of liquid on him while he writhes around some more and it's obviously painful and I should probably just acknowledge it's not just the whump I love in this episode? They did NOT have to make this whole thing so BDSM but they really did, god bless them. Plus lovely grace notes in the script referring to him being ravaged and also reamed -_-
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ANYWAY we go on from here to his having hallucinations about his painful past, then the possession really starts to set in and he gets aggressive, then starts talking in the voices of loved ones to scare and distract people. Then we have a break in the action and when we get back to Graydon...
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well. all right then. Spoiler, he's fully possessed here but acting like he's not. You can tell because they flat-ironed his hair! Lol, but also he's uncharacteristically comfortable with his exposed flesh and touching other people which seems like a nice, subtle hint.
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Trust me, Graydon in his right mind is never leaving that many buttons unbuttoned. He leads Elora up to the tower so he can complete the banishment ritual Bavmorda was trying to do to baby Elora at the end of the movie, but then everyone else shows up and he gets whumped on some more...
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Literally I would die, as an actor, if I had Erin and Ruby holding me down and Amar crawling on top of me and pretending to pummel me but like. That's the biz, I guess?
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At any rate, Kit convinces Elora that she is magic enough to fix this, so she goes and almost-but-not-quite kisses him (she does call it a kiss later) and sucks the evil out of him. He tells her he never doubted her, and the boy is clearly smitten after that
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Unfortunately, Elora had a vision of him shoving his brother out of a tree when he was possessed as a child and feels like he might be sketchy. So he's giving her a big smitten smile when they leave....
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(credit to willowgifsdaily for this gif)
...but that smile starts to falter bc she's giving him this look in return, yikes
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Anyway, that was good wholesome fun for the whole family and kudos to Disney+ for realizing they needed to put in a bondage-themed whumpfest to really sell me on the show! And kudos once again to my boy Tony Revolori, who sells every inch of this episode just amazingly. The emotional range is all over the place and there's no part where he falters in just performing the absolute shit out of this one. This episode changed my brain chemistry forever, I think. And that is why Whispers of Nockmaar is my favorite episode of WIllow! Send help!
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maleswillbemale · 3 months
I just peaked. Yesterday. And now I feel so ashamed, so foolish, for everything I believed before. It feels as though I've been seeing things right in front of me, and instead of accepting them as simple fact, I've been doing insane mental gymnastics to justify them. My teen years were spent defending trans women, and eventually, every single one of them I knew either sexually mishandled me or somebody else. I was a teen runaway, and they took me in and harmed me. I'm still not able to openly talk about what some of them did. One of them was known to be an accused rapist, but when I brought this up, I was told the accuser was a crazy bitch and to pay it no mind. When this person then raped one of her own trans women, THEN she was cast out. Not when it was a female. Another one eventually got outed as a serial rapist of her partners, so bad that one of her exes still cannot go outside much. This same trans woman groomed me and tried to strike when I was 18. All the other trans women were fine with it. The things they would say about their gender identity behind closed doors, about their kinks, their sexuality... they're fucking disgusting. And I somehow believed it was normal, and powerful, and that I was an oppressor in that situation. I was someone who would laugh at "kill terfs" jokes. Who completely dehumanised TERFs in my head. I would be so vocal in high school about how evil TERFs are and how wrong -- because I live with trans women! They took me in! They're fun and kind! Now that I realise what they were truly like, I feel so much shame for what I said and perpetuated. I'm so sorry. Truly. I'm still very young, so I hope I can do some good to counteract it still. I am so so so sorry for being a part of that abuse for so long. I wish I could take it back. I was so foolish.
It's going to be a long process of unlearning what was shoved down your throat and learning more about radical feminism, but I'm really glad that you've made the first step. I'm so sorry that you were taken advantage of and manipulated by those men when you were so vulnerable, you didn't deserve any of that.
Give yourself some grace; when you were trying to defend trans women, you had good intentions at heart. You wanted to be a good person and uplift a group of people that so many people around you insist have it so hard. It's on the adult men who manipulate others and victimize themselves to achieve access to places they don't belong and empathy from well-meaning people like you were.
Take some time to unpack everything that has happened to you. Be gentle with yourself. It'll be okay
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italicized-oh · 2 months
hiiiii sorry this took me so long to get to! i had some Irrational Fear to deal with. but i kicked its ass so we're back, baby
all right. look. we all know i have religious trauma. and so a Very large part of me wants to go back to make me an instrument (the v distorted reality fucked up timescape flashback experience jace has post-death and/or post-shatterstar). and i probably will if anyone else wants to read it lol. but!
as far as something i haven't written yet but have just been noodling on. i'm v v curious about what an amnesia fic would entail for any combo of zarajaceporter (or if i'm gonna janelle-bait then. any clone combo too). like we've done a lot of tropes so far and i am in Absolute Undying Love with every single one of them. but unless i've missed it i think it would be v v fun (and also evil) of me to write either porter or jace losing their memories post-fhjy finale. the whole coming back wrong thing, but like. coming back wrong 2: electric boogaloo. oops no memories of the One Meaningful Event that tied us together. of the years of devotion and manipulation and salvific fantasies and. well. scorching hot sex.
idk who it would be worse for in which role, but here's some initial thoughts below.
if it's porter who comes back w oops no memories. then jace is all alone w his trauma (unless zara's there but even then. she wasn't ensared by porter like jace was). like. he's carrying the weight of knowing porter, knowing porter-rage-god, and knowing this. not shell bc it's still v much porter. but it's somehow not the same porter as before bc this one knows something is missing. and lives with a hollowness inside him that makes him so, so fucking angry (at ankarna, funnily enough. some things never change). and he's so deeply in love with jace all over again, but jace has decided that This Time he won't fall into bed/love w porter again.
if it's jace, though. ohhhh boy. i almost feel ashamed of how brutally naive he would be all over again. if you're a jaceclone enjoyer, think j2's whole deal. like. do we watch him fall for porter all over again? does this jace inherently distrust porter for some reason unknown to him? does this jace know why porter looks at jace like porter's expecting jace to stab him or mind sliver him at any moment? does this jace even care? like, idk, it might actually be good in a twisted kind of way, because porter gets a do over and jace doesn't have to have literally been consumed and used up by a rage monster. hmmm. i don't think jace is angry, though. i think he's secretly relieved, because context clues and the haunted look in porter's eyes are plenty. he doesn't need to remember (bc in my heart and my headcanons jace is at his core a coward. not in a really derogatory way, just in a. that man has no spine. only under the Most Extreme circumstance will he stand up to someone.)
anyways tl;dr: amnesia fic featuring so, so much pining, theorizing about what it means to come back wrong but at least you came back, and the question of whether it's better to remember or not remember the years of your life when your mind and body were not your own. oops now we're into my trauma personally so im gonna end it here. hope this entertains! <3
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anthroposeen · 5 months
i finished red valley s2 (literally 30 seconds ago) and i have very swirly, conflicted, and bemused thoughts! this review is just gonna be some loosey goosey simplified thoughts on the season as a whole :)
i really enjoyed the format of the pacing this season, with the perspective switching from the future and aubrey's pov back to the past recordings, i thought it added a nice layer to the way information was revealed. i also just generally thought it was paced really well, especially considering the story is dealing in several time skips.
the character development this season was also delicious- i really didnt expect grace's sorta-redemption arc? and i really liked how aubrey's journey "out" of red valley was sort of a foil to both grace and briony's change in career directions. i also just loved the entirety of aubrey's arc in general, shes become my new favorite character and i think easily the most interesting one (and i hope she doesnt turn out to be another evil mad scientist in s3, i enjoy her as a morally sound grassroots terrorist, thanks).
im ashamed to say that i need briony desperately. "need" can be taken in many directions- as a lab specimen, as a lover, as an enemy, carnally, in a self disgusted manner, in a cage fight, as a medical prescription or psychiatric diagnosis. i simply need her. i love aubrey and i want to sit down with her and have a really long chat. but i want to beat briony's skull in with hammers and eat her entrails with my bare hands and teeth. i needed to confess this to god, to anyone reading these tags, and to whatever cruel power made this woman so perfect for being put in a blender.
as for warren and gordon, who i feel need to be picked apart as a unified entity, holy shit. i mean actually what the fuck is this. so we're just going to go with the fact that warren's brain is being turned to cherry slushie and hes been in hypersleep for 44 fucking years and everytime he re-wakes up he has to wonder why his best friend sounds like siri??? and gordon. gordon who has never gone under hypersleep and had the faulty meds used on him and has been in a cryonics tube for nearly half a century after being shot at close range. ok! ok!!! ok. right. so we just need to accept this and move on and not question it and not worry about it. my threat about killing everyone in the room and then myself upon gordon's demise very much still stands and i am fully prepared to take a leaf out of aubrey's book and approach this issue with a homemade flame thrower. at least waffles is fine (also, that's my cat's name, so thats fun!!)
overall, i really ate this season up and im so very scared to start s3. like actually terrified. but what a wonderfully written and crafted show!!! im losing my mind and going full yellow wallpaper!! congrats to the team behind this!!
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pixelle401 · 10 months
BOO Legacy Challenge
Do you wanna play with occults in a way you never have before? Do you want a challenge while also fully experiencing everything each occult has to offer? Do you like the idea of occults but hate the execution of them? Well then this challenge is for you!!! We give each occult depth and personality outside of their occult type! We have eco friendly werewolves, OCD vampires, paranormal scientists and SO MUCH MORE!!! Info-Mercial aside I put alot of love and hard work into this challenge so I really hope you enjoy playing as much as I enjoyed making it and playing it.
-This challenge uses ALOT of pack specific features seeing as occults are not base game and there are alot of skills and traits that come from other packs in order to complete the challenges.
-Reminder that this is your game and if you do not have some of the packs for a specific gen feel free to switch it up and add a different skill or trait this challenge was made for everyone to have as much fun with occults as I do!! (because I know they are a huge hit or miss in the sims community) 
-If you make any changes to my challenge please credit me if you re-upload it, do not claim it as your own and any videos or streams made from the challenge please link the challenge.
-And lastly just enjoy yourself!! Occults are fun and wacky especially when you give them jobs and goals and families it gets super super fun!!!
Overall Rules
-No cheats- money cheats allowed (only if building can’t be used for gameplay unless stated otherwise in gen rules)
-You can live wherever you want unless gen rules state otherwise.
-Gen 1 must be a Vampire.
-CC is allowed
-Must have children with the same partner until the next heir is the proper occult
-Deadly vampires mod NOT required but encouraged!
GEN 1- Gothic Brainiac- Vampire 
-You are the first born Vampire of your family so you want to learn everything you can about being a vampire for your future descendants. You also really enjoy gardening.
Family oriented
Master Vampire
-Must master Secret agent career and Master Vampire aspiration.
-Must max out Vampire lore, Gardening and pipe organ skills.
-Must marry and have the next heir with a spellcaster.
-Must have Sleep of the undead weakness point.
 GEN 2- Cute but Deadly- Spellcaster
-You put on the sweetest front to hide your true intentions, not even your parents know of your darkside, with your charismatic ways and your super cute front no one would ever guess you are the apprentice to the most twisted spellcaster in all of glimmerbrook. I mean you’re just a baker right?? No harm there right??
Spellcraft and Sorcery 
-Must master the Spellcraft and sorcery aspiration
-Must own a Bakery
-Must master baking, charisma, and mischief skills
-Must master all Mischief Magic spells
-Must train under the Mischief Magic sage in the magic realm
-Must have next heir with a Mermaid
-Must live in glimmerbrook
GEN 3- Sulani’s Pearl- Mermaid 
-No one saw your parents' wicked ways except for you. Growing up you swore you would never be like them and would only bring light to this world not darkness. You strive to keep your mind, body, and the planet around you clear and healthy, while also keeping in touch with the island spirits and nature around you.
Child of the islands
Child of the ocean
Inner Peace
-Must master Inner Peace aspiration and Conservationist Career
-Must master Wellness, Fitness, and Flower arranging skills
-Must live in Sulani 
-Must be good friends with a dolphin
-Must be good friends with the island spirits
-Must have next Heir with a werewolf
GEN 4- Rustic to Riches- Werewolf
-With your super humble upbringing you have wanted to live off the land and survive off of nature and what it provides for you, since you were a child. You have always been super interested in Humans and have always wanted to be one, truthfully you are ashamed of being a Werewolf because of the negative assumptions that come with it. You devote your life to building a bridge between Humans and Werewolves and even end up falling in love with a Human.
Loves outdoors
Green fiend 
The Curator (does not have to be completed)
-Must start on a bare lot with 0 Simeoleons (use cheats to set money to 0 after buying lot)
-Never get a job, forage for your earnings
-Make neighborhood have a green eco footprint
-Must master Fabrication, Handiness and Gardening skills
-Must become alpha of The Moonwood Collective
-Must live in Evergreen Harbor
-Must fall in love and have next Heir with a Human
-No money cheats allowed for building
GEN 5- Serene Scientist- Human
-While you are human and the rest of your family are of supernatural descent, you still have a connection to things more supernatural… or rather paranormal. While getting in touch with your spiritual side and strengthening connection to the “otherside” you pursue your other passion, Science!!! 
Music Lover
Soulmate (does not have to be completed)
-Must live in a haunted house
-Must master Medium, Violin, and Painting skills
-Must fall in love with only Guidry and marry him
-Get abducted as a scientist and only have that child/children
-Quit scientist career as an adult to become a fulltime paranormal investigator.
-Must Unlock “Brave” reward trait
GEN 6- Strangerville Superhero- Alien
-You always knew you were different from your family, I mean besides your colorful skin and the fact that your father is a ghost, you always felt like something was missing. Turns out when you age into a young adult you’re an alien… what?? Your parents always just told you that you felt different because of the spiritual connection your family had, who knew you were from a whole other world. After you find out where you belong you dedicate your life to finding your home planet. And in the process uncover something much bigger than intended.
Family Orientated 
Strangerville Mystery
-Master astronaut career and Strangerville Mystery aspiration
-Visit Sixam and reconnect with your birth parent
-Master Rocket science, fitness, and Parenting skills
-Must live in Strangerville
-Must uncover Strangerville Mystery 
-Next heir must be conceived with a spellcaster in the Sylvan Glade 
GEN 7- Sylvan Sorcerer- Fairy (technically spellcaster shhh use ur imagination)
-Growing up your parents were always super honest with you about where you came from.. Maybe a little too honest, as a child your parents would take you to the Sylvan Glade every weekend and have you practice your powers along with helping you pursue your interests in gardening and making bouquets for your friends and family.
Loves outdoors
Freelance botanist 
-Must Master Gardener career and Freelance botanist aspiration
-Must master Gardening, Flower arranging, and knitting skills
-Must be good friends with Your parents, siblings, spouse and child/children
-Must Master all practical magic spells
-Must have a well maintained garden in the Sylvan glade
-Must have next Heir with a Spellcaster
GEN 8- Master? of potions- Spellcaster
-Being surrounded by all kinds of plants and ingredients growing up sparked an interest in you to make things. Everything you could get your hands on you would start to combine and cross all your limbs hoping that it didn't explode in your face. Eventually you got super good at actually identifying the plants and herbs going into your potions and spells.
 Purveyor of Potions
-Must complete Purveyor of Potions aspiration
-Must Own a Potions shop
-Must master Herbalism, Cooking, and photography skills
-Must master all Untamed magic spells 
-Must master all potion recipes 
-Must have next Heir with a Vampire 
GEN 9- Supernatural Clean Freak-Vampire
 -You never cared about sims or other supernaturals, they’re all filthy creatures that deserve to have their life forces drained from them in order to cleanse them, or better yet they all deserve to be Changed, changed into the only form that can keep the pristine lifestyle that you upkeep.. Vampires. Draining the life from sim after sim not caring about the changes being made until…. You meet them.
Vampire Family
-Must complete Vampire Family aspiration and Business career
-(if deadly vampires mod is in use) Must kill 5 sims 
-(if deadly vampires mod is in use) Must turn 2 sims into cattle before meeting spouse
-Must master Logic, Violin and Charisma skills
-Must never have a positive relationship with anyone besides family until you meet your spouse and change
-Must have 5 declared enemies 
-Once you meet your spouse You must repair all bad relationships you have
-Must become grand master Vampire 
-Must have Power of creation powerpoint and Eternal Sadness Weakness point
-Must Marry and Have next Heir with a Werewolf
GEN 10- Wild Fangs -Werewolf
-You have heard all kinds of stories from before your parent met their spouse, what kind of vampire they were, you want to be just like them! You want to be a wild werewolf and do things as you want, not as the world wants. You strive for Chaos and Wreckage and you think being a werewolf is the greatest gift your parents ever gave you.
Extreme Sports Enthusiasts(does not have to be completed) 
-Must Master Criminal Career
-Must master Fitness, Rock climbing and Guitar skills
-Must become Alpha of the Wild Fangs
-Must Marry a Werewolf in the Wild Fangs pack
-Must Have a one time affair with a Mermaid resulting in next heir (if heir is not a mermaid have another affair with same mermaid)
-Must live in Moonwood Mill
GEN 11- Siren of the Seas- Mermaid
-You never got the chance to know who one of your birth parents were but you knew you weren't like the parents you had, their animalistic tendencies disgusted you and you didn't have the best relationship with them growing up, instead you bonded with the sea and you quickly found that with the melodic tone in your voice you can convince anyone to do what you wished, When you aged into a teen and sprouted a tail everything made sense to you.
Villainous Valentine 
-Must run away as a teenager to Sulani and never look back (drop all contact with family no get togethers no visits)
-Never get a job steal all earnings
-Must Complete Villainous Valentine aspiration
-Must master Charisma, Singing and Mischief skills
-Must never marry or have any serious relationships 
-Next heir results from a siren seduction gone too far with a Vampire
GEN 12- Guilty- Vampire
-You Grew up to a single parent that refused to talk about their family and history so you did some digging yourself and what you found made you eternally guilty for your existence. You come from a long line of… monsters…. Even though you never actually harmed anyone yourself you have seen what your parent did to all the innocent sailors that passed by, and what your Ancestors did to all the sims of the past, absolutely insufferable, out of all your research into the past you find one ancestor who can help you rid of this curse.
Good Vampire
-Must master Good Vampire aspiration and Law Career
-Must Move in with Gen 1 when you age into a young adult
-Must Master Writing, Vampire lore and Piano skills 
-Must Have Eternal sadness, and guilty drinker weakness points
-Must never have Natural children only adopt
-Must only marry a human after being cured
-At the end of the challenge take Vampire Cure and become human.
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
Maestro (Harpy Peacock) x Anonymous Reader
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(AKZZKSKXKSKSXKS-- I wanna know who sent this on my gosh! Who is responsible for this??? x//Dc
I-is that you peacock harpy anon?? Are you back to give me more peacock prompts?? What do I do with all these fowl?!? These foul fowl. . . (Joking!)
This made me laugh out loud when I saw this prompt in my que, I wanted to say something as soon as I saw it, but I was good and went in order instead of skipping ahead! :')c Here is Maestro, a classical composer, and a bit of a jerk! Can you get them to chill out? Methinks the answer is yes 👀 )
You shuffle into your seat, next to your fellow musicians that made up your instruments section, hurrying to get your own instrument ready so when the great cantankerous composer swanned onto the podium you wouldn’t have to be given the evil eye. You sat up and craned your neck, trying to see if you could spot them from where you sat. Before turning your head down and furiously fumbling through your folder of piece music. “They’re coming— quick!” A soft murmur of noise causes you to drop your papers. Swearing under your breath and leaning down to attempt to gather them.
Your gaze meets a shiny pair of dark talons standing in front of you, and your heart sinks. Slowly looking up into a fierce face with bright blue-green feathers surrounding high cheekbones, a sharp nose and arched eyebrows. Their lips a fine pursed line, before they stoop and help you reclaim your papers, thrusting the ones you needed under your nose before stalking away. You wilt in your seat, a minotaur who sat beside you pat your shoulder with a gentle sympathy. A sharp impatient tapping on the podium that has everyone quickly ready their instruments to begin.
You had thought joining a band again had sounded fun, until you had the displeasure of meeting Jameson M. Maestro, or Maestro, as everyone called him. He was brilliant, with a razor sharp wit and even a sharper fuse. Every once in a while people would refer to him as Mr. Kettle. Which brought about a very vivid description of a tea kettle whistling steam and jumping around. You had laughed at the image your mind had conjured, and then had felt ashamed.
He never joined in on anything, when the band would gather for an after practice gathering. He was “too busy” or “had too much to do,” refusing to join and typically keeping to themselves after practice.
“I can’t believe he helped you pick up your papers!” Quipped a gnoll, licking the leftovers of a pain au chocolat from their nose.
“I hoped I wouldn’t have to step in again,” Murmured Bo, the big minotaur that was your chair mate. “He gets so angry and tense, I think he needs to take it easy on the newcomers, not everything can be perfect all the time.”
You sat with the few friends you made at a local coffee shop, staring down at the cup of tea that rested in front of you.
“Maybe he finally has?” Mariette, the gnoll, whiskered hopefully. “I feel like he’s getting a little better at least. With the whole temper thing.”
“I don’t know guys,” You said, “I’ve been thinking about quitting, the atmosphere is pretty intense in there.”
“What no!” A clawed hand gripping your shoulder, Mariette’s eyes wide. Bo’s usually angular features deflate. “Oh. . .”
“It’s only been a few weeks since you’ve been there!” Mariette shoots a look up at the Minotaur, “It’s too early to quit! Right Bo??” Bo, blinks and looks uneasy, “Well. . . he has been pretty tough on you kiddo. . . Maybe instead of quittin’ we can talk to him together. Talk to some of the other band mates and talk to him as a team. If it doesn’t get better. . .” The shaggy minotaur shrugs, “Well. . . if you leave, I leave. I don’t like seeing my little ball of sunshine cry.”
Mariette bristles before clenching her jaw, “. . . If you and Bo are outta there, so am I! We’ll just have to find some other hobby to do together.” You look over and smile at them, the stress and worry has your eyes beginning to flow over with tears. “Th-thanks for having my back guys. . .”
The unlikely friends share a big hug and a round of consoling before all going their separate ways. Before you knew it, a week had flown by and the conversation that you had put into the farthest corner of your mind had reared its ugly head.
“I really don’t wanna have that kind of talk with Maestro” You said to yourself in the mirror. “But if I quit I don’t want Mari and Bo to feel like that have to jump ship too.” You watched your brow crease before you sigh, splashing water on your face.
“I wish I knew what to do. . .”
You find yourself arriving to practice early, holding your instrument in front of you as you cautiously push the door open. Alarmed at finding an empty recital, you check your phone and groan inwardly.
“Oh man. . . it doesn’t start for another hour! Dummy— dummy!”
At least. . . it’s quiet. You shuffle up the stairs and leave your instrument on your seat. Putting your hands on your hips as you survey the empty building.
“I guess I can go get a coffee or something. . . I’d hate to go all the way back home just to leave again. . .”
You give another exasperated sigh, checking your phone as you walk back down the stairs. That’s when you notice out of the corner of your eye, a dim cast of light from underneath the door.
You slowly peek around the corner, seeing a brightly colored figure slumped on their desk, hands crossed under himself.
“Ah— Mister Maestro, are you okay?” You open the door and uneasily enter the room, “Maestro?” You put a nervous hand on his shoulder, and give him a little shake. Blue steely eyes crack open, causing you to retract your hand and jump back.
“Oh— thank goodness—“ You flustered, “I was afraid you— I don’t know, passed out?” You rest a hand over your heart and huff. Watching the harpy rouse sluggishly and hold his head.
“Enough, enough—“ He grumbled, “Who?” Before he turned his head and squinted in your direction, snatching a pair of spectacles and peering through them. His feathers did something funny then, ruffling up as he sprang to his feet, suddenly alert at your presence.
“You! What are you doing here?!”
You flinch and back up, “I-I’m here for recital! I j-just got here early!” Holding up your hands defensively.
“Recital. . . isn’t in another hour—“
“Y-yes! Yes I know that! I mean, I know that now, I came early on accident!”
The bright fluff of feathers slowly sink back down into their normal refined state, and he pinched the bridge of his nose with taloned fingers. The two of you standing in a silent and awkward stalement.
You suck in a breath of air.
“I-I can go— If you want. I didn’t mean to distu—“
“It’s fine.”
Both of you wince at the sharp sound of his voice and Maestro sighs grumpily, massaging his forehead.
“Let’s. . . try that again. What I meant is that, you are not disturbing me. I haven’t been sleeping well, and I was glad someone woke me up. Or else I could have slept the whole day away.”
“. . . Would you. . . like me to get you a cup of coffee. . . ?”
Steely eyes glance at you for a moment before he looks away. “. . . I can get something myself, thank you.”
Well. You tried.
You nod and make the mental choice not to take it personally, “Alright then, well if you change your mind, I’ll be going to the coffee shop a block away—“
You blink as you watch him shrug on a coat. Stepping back hastily as he marches forward, but then freezing as he comes to a stop beside you.
“Since,” He intones quietly, his eyes not meeting yours, “You had to deal with the trouble of meeting me on a particularly dismal morning. . . I’ll treat.”
You stare at him taken aback, his eyes dart to yours ruffling uncomfortably before he stiffens and raises his head high. “I. . . don’t know the way. You have to show me.”
You blink a couple of times, trying to process the situation, as Maestro continues to fluff up with unease.
“O-oh! Sure I can show you where it is!” You give a hesitant smile and gives an almost mechanical nod, refusing to meet your eye.
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arya really speaks to me as a character, and it drives me crazy how some will make arya out as this cold assassin when she’s incredibly sympathetic.
Hello @bridesofwolves
I completely agree. Arya is no more cold-hearted than anyone else in this series. Actually considering she's one of the more compassionate characters to the suffering and the vulnerable and innocent, she's better than the average character, morally, in my opinion. Admittedly, Arya has had to harden herself, but what can people expect? She had only two choices, to either curl up and die, or try to survive and persevere in a literal warzone as a forced child soldier and an enslaved POW. And she does this rather admirably because she isn't always thinking about herself (she hardly does), and she continuously tries to protect others and get justice for others.
The amount of judgement Arya receives in fandom is insane, because Arya has literally done no different than Ned. Ned got Northern Justice, Ned wants to get justice against criminals (I mean just look at the anger Jorah's escape from Northern Justice elicits in him), Ned fought in numerous battles and had to kill to survive, Ned has fits of impulsivity and violence (shoving and trying to choke out LF at only a perceived slight against Catelyn), and Ned made a list as a coping mechanism of the people he wished would die while in the black cells. Yet it's Ned who is lauded in the fandom as "good" and "honorable" while Arya is considered a "psychopath" and "cold-hearted" and "too far gone". Just because Arya was forced to do these things at a younger age does not make her any different from any of the male characters doing the exact same thing, Arya was never looking for violence, but I guess her want of learning to swordplay like all the boys are allowed to, and the trauma of almost dying at the Trident, losing Nymeria, and then learning she lost her friend, is continuously used against Arya to try to make her out to be more violent than average, even though if she was truly THAT violent, why didn't she attack Sansa or Jeyne in her first chapter when she felt they were all mocking her and making fun of her? Instead she ran away in tears.
And just because she decided to stay at the HOBAW, as a last resort in order for her to be sheltered, protected, and made stronger and more capable, does not mean she's cold-hearted. And we saw this displayed right in the story. Arya kept delaying the assassination of the insurance man because she saw no evidence that the man was bad. She didn't want to kill a man who could be good. So Arya delayed and hemmed and hawwed, and tried to come up with reasons for why he was "evil". It wasn't until she learned that he was stealing from widows and subjecting them and their children to starvation and probable death, did she finally act. It's obvious to anyone who has read Arya's chapters thoroughly that GRRM is telling us that Arya is not capable of indiscriminate killing, because Arya does have a conscience and a moral center. Just because Arya doesn't grieve the death of rapists, torturers, and killers (mind you, most of these people hurt her and her friends) doesn't mean she's "cold-hearted". She does feel guilty and ashamed that she's had to kill in order to survive, which is why she will occasionally think about the stableboy, the guard at Harrenhal, and the squire. And let's not mince words here, Arya was forced and groomed into this assassination. If she hadn't of done it, she would have been back on the streets. Funny how people in this fandom seem to forget that Arya is also being manipulated and groomed.
Either way, the double standards in the fandom are atrocious. Arya is condemned for doing the same things as most of the male characters, yet some of the male characters that have done far worse than Arya like Sandor and Stannis and Jaime are lauded as "heroes" and "redeemable" and deserving of long life, a love interest, and a heroic ending. But Arya, on the flipside is constantly condemned and people think she's not deserving of an important narrative arc, or happiness, or a long life, or having love and family in the future. They think she's unimportant and deserving of punishment and death, all because she's proactive and has fought for her life and the life of others and the continuation of getting justice against evil people. Yeah, she's so "cold-hearted" and "evil" for caring about her life, the lives of others and for trying to prevent more suffering. /s But this fandom hates proactive female characters. They would have much preferred for Arya to curl up in a passive ball to wait to be brutalized and killed rather than her doing something "the men do", which is wildly misogynistic because "masculinity" and "femininity" are all social constructs that are constantly changing to suit society, typically patriarchal society, in order to oppress. I would say these people need to evaluate why they hate Arya so much for doing the same thing as the male characters, but I fear most of the people hating on her and Dany already know why.
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clownazon · 3 months
She doesn't directly like it or maybe not even like JJD does, it's like a guilty feeling that she has. While JJD's reasons include pain, Jenna's is more about power and the tickling itself, both as coping mechanisms that makes her feel better
But like I said, she's ASHAMED and hates so so so much that she doesn't DESPISE what JJD does just like everyone else :c
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Amanda knows that and is always trying to help her with different things to distract her mind from those type of thoughts, but JJD is doing the exact opposite by encouraging her and supporting her, saying that being a weirdo is not a flaw and that they're the only ones who matters in this wide world
Fun fact: she's not even doing this for the "haha I'm so evil imma bring this girl to the wrong path >:)", she's just genuinely happy as fuck that she's THIS close to have someone just like her by her side, so none of the sides wants the worst for Jenna but they also have totally opposite morals
I might, MIGHT kin Jenna guys. Just maybe a lil bit /silly
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I need it in my brain /srs /silly
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