#i wish i could animate cause i have so many songs that just fit them so well
crystaljopeshi · 6 months
I have to say it..
I'm in love with a monster by fifth harmony is so kyman coded
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
i was so excited to listen to glass animal's new song 'creatures in heaven' today and instead my heart has been ripped out because it's so awfully painfully fitting for our mota boys (i'm currently making an angsty heartache–y edit to it lol whoops) BUCKLE UP because i need to yell (and keep scrolling if lyric analysis/song fics aren't your thing <3)
also tumblr keeps screwing with the formatting ignore that pls lol
What do you think about when you think about love? I'm dumbstruck when you're tender, but It's three in the morning, be in the moment It tears through my head, does it haunt you too?
i mean, the imagery. pillow talk, sneaking off base before dawn, vulnerability and raw honesty laying side by side in a field, looking up at the stars and wondering which ones are the people they've lost looking down at them, every peaceful, happy moment laced with the knowledge that so many friends will never get to have another one.
You held me like my mother made me just for you You held me so close that I broke in two
fuck my life. dave bayley count your days. these lines are just so viscerally painful and stunning? john feeling like every core of his being was made to fit gale, like puzzle pieces slotting together, the gaps in his life filled the moment gale enters his orbit. both of them never having experienced being treated so gently and with so much reverence, feeling taken apart and put back together in each other's arms.
You pass through my head, does it haunt you too? Never really said that I loved you, too
heavy on the angst here because this reads like post–war john pov, filled with regrets but plastering on a smile as he watches gale marry someone who isn't him, aching to tell him how he feels but knowing it will only make a mess of things. and more than anything, he wants gale to be happy, and if that means staying quiet and loving him at arm's length, he can do that. but late at night he can't help but wonder if gale ever thinks about what could've been, if all the moments they shared haunt him too.
Lucky, lucky you, 'cause I'm fortune's fool Such small words but they hit so huge
this reminded me of gale's father and his gambling and how despite everything he falls in love with john, a gambling man. such small words (don't count on it) but they mean everything :(
I don't think I realize Just how much I miss you sometimes We were young and so in love
this hurts on SO MANY LEVELS. i immediately read this as curtbucky– john never gets time to grieve, everyone just has to keep trucking on. but sometimes late at night it hits him so hard he feels like he's drowning, realizing how empty of a space curt's left, how much he truly loved him, the first person to make him feel that way.
but also can be read as buckbucky, both of them properly feeling the emptiness of not being by each other's sides for the first time before they reunite at the stalag, maybe both having a feelings–realization moment when they're hit with how wrong everything feels when they're apart.
or, post–war, john aching for gale and wishing on everything that he can just fall out of love. he knew that it would be hard, going back home and going their separate ways, even with the promise to stay in contact, but it's so much harder than he ever could have imagined.
Three in the morning, safe inside Bury me here in your laundry pile
ouch ouch ouch. a few images: john seeking out one of gale's worn shirts after his plane goes down, falling asleep with it pressed to his chest in his bed. or john stealing one of gale's shirts before they all go back home post–war, shoving it to the bottom of his suitcase, sleeping with it every night despite the way his stomach turns, feeling hollowed out as the smell of him slowly fades away. or, john staying at gale and marge's house for the wedding, having a breakdown the night after, finding himself on the floor of their laundry room at three am, curling up in a pile of dirty laundry just to feel close to gale one last time before he goes home in the morning.
I don't see the point in a subtle romance Ten tonne heartache sitting on your back
john is so all or nothing with love; when he's in, he's in, barrelling full speed ahead, giving it all up for his person. maybe the secrecy when they first start seeing each other is okay at first, little midnight rendezvous, but he craves more, he wants a future with gale so badly, he wants a house and a wedding and kids and a dog and sitting side by side on a porch at eighty years old. but he knows that gale is giving him all that he can right now, and it's better than nothing, so even though he wants so much more, he'll settle.
Scared of the crack where the light comes through I'm only really me when I'm here with you
ughhh both of them being so scared to be really seen by someone that it's terrifying how quickly they grow close. that nauseating feeling you get right after opening up to someone for the first time, the feeling of holding your breath waiting for rejection– but it never comes. they accept each other with open arms and patience and unconditional love and they show each other what it's like to be able to be so fully unapologetically real with someone for the first time. a shell of themselves when they aren't together, like they're missing one half, and it's so obvious that everyone around can see it. they share the same name for a reason.
And it gets into your head like a cosmic zoom Coat on the door like an old space suit So long cowboy, you're so cool Cash in hand with a memory of you
okay, ngl this just made me think of john ditching his coat that gale hates– even in the heat of going up on a mission, it's still in his head, enough to go through the motion of swapping it out. so long cowboy just sounds like something sweet he and curt would've said to each other honestly; thinking about john saying it again when he looks up at the stars the night he finds out curt didn't make it.
cash in hand with a memory of you? come onnn it's literally the lucky deuce. may as well have just slapped that bit of the song behind the scene of gale going through his belongings when he makes it back to base, picking up the cash and thinking about his man. </3
–anyway! apologies for the word–vomit, sometimes i just get a song wedged into the front of my skull and i am paralyzed from doing anything else until i get my thoughts out about it. and it's truly such a gorgeous song, 10/10 recommend if you feel like crying, been listening to these guys for a decade now and they never disappoint.
literally gonna agonize over making an edit for this for hours to get the vision just right and would not be surprised if i end up writing a oneshot inspired by it lol i adore every song they've put out but this one just gripped me so strongly the moment i pulled up the lyrics with how perfectly it slotted into the mota–verse. <33
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Speaking of their depiction of Will's anxiety- the Stymphalian birds were specifically chosen for him, because in the myths they can only be taken down by archery. But they're saying here that Will had a traumatic experience at the hands of monsters who have historically been defeated by archers. And then he didn't dedicate himself to archery at all? For the 5+ years he's been at camp? Reverse superhero origin story where instead of vowing to fight crime as the result of a loved one's death they just never leave the house ever again
Yeah! Or music/sound (which his satyr is specifically noted to be skilled at - Woodrow teaches the music class at CHB in The Hidden Oracle), which Will also doesn't do anything with besides his sonic whistle or healing hymns (which apparently are actually just his mom's songs and not hymns) at all until that gets retconned in TSATS. Like, we know he has a sonic whistle and healing hymns, but it's kind of a specific thing that he's not as musically or archery inclined as his siblings. So why half-retcon half of that, make these birds that can specifically only be defeated by sound and archery a major part of his backstory, and then... we never get any payoff for it? He faces them again, but it doesn't go any better than it did the first time? There's no building of his character there.
Also, Stymphalian birds are actually sacred to Artemis. Yknow. Apollo's twin.
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I get that TSATS was trying to cameo a lot of monsters we've seen before, but making Stymphalian birds specifically part of Will's backstory feels kind of weird and doesn't make a ton of sense? Because when we see them in SoM it's implied they were specifically sent to CHB, so why would they try to maim the random kid? Especially a son of the sibling of the goddess they're sacred to?
The only explanation I would accept is that the Stymphalian birds that attacked Will in New York were actually the ones from CHB in Sea of Monsters after they flew away, and Will just got really unlucky. But timeline-wise that actually doesn't work, cause SoM and TTC are the same year, and Nico and Will are the same age, so Will should be 10 or 11 in SoM/TTC (depending on if you accept Nico is 13 or 14 in HoO). And TSATS tells us Will arrived to CHB at age eight, which would mean he's been at CHB longer than Percy has and so the birds couldn't be the same ones from SoM. (Yes I'm still mad about the absolutely broken timeline there.) Also if they're dissuaded by noise, there's no way they're going to land in the middle of New York City of all places.
There's just other monsters they could have picked that would have made more sense. Or even mortal animals! We know from previous books that there's a thing about mortal animals sometimes having vendettas against the children of gods associated with their species for curse reasons or etc! Apollo actually has a lot of those! And it can become enough of a problem even to young demigods that it can require them to come to camp early before monsters can begin tracking them (ex.: Annabeth with spiders - monsters seemed to only become a problem after she tried coming back home the first time). Why not have it be Will being attacked consistently by normal mortal crows, because he's a son of Apollo? Or snakes - in the first book Percy even mentions fighting off two snakes when he was a baby because they were sent to kill him. I mean, Will's from Texas! We can absolutely scrounge up some snakes for him to fight. And it would fit more with acknowledging how he's from Texas specifically, just like how much the book tries to emphasize that Nico is from Venice.
It feels like one of many dropped plot points that make me say I wish TSATS had been worked on longer so that these types of things could have been ironed out and maybe turned into something consistent.
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maple-rose · 1 month
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I went to see Gundam SEED Freedom tonight.
I don't ever talk about it here, but before I fell into the Fire Emblem hole, Gundam SEED was my obsession throughout highschool and university (if you ever find my deviantART or livejournal account, uh.... the proof is all there, embarrassingly...).
Anyway I've been waiting for this movie for like 15 years. It's kinda surreal that it even exists, amidst rumors of it being cancelled and all.
I wore my Murrue cosplay jacket I made 15 years ago (it still kinda fits, lol), brought a Haro plush and a Lacus plush.
The movie itself, it was fun! Lots of fanservice (both in terms of people and mechs). The pacing felt too fast in the 1st half, and most of the new characters aren't very well developed but that's kinda expected given the run time. Other than that, as a long time fan, it was a good movie!
Also it looks really nice! SEED/Destiny always had inconsistency in art and animation so it's good to see more good animation.
Some specific thoughts under the cut (spoiler warning):
Mu x Murrue scenes! screams Have I mentioned they were my OTP throughout highschool and university? Mu cut his hair and it looks way better! The new ORB uniforms look good, though kinda wish to see Mu in casual outfits more
RIP Archangel T__T You went through and survived so much…
Mu said his line lol (actually 2 of them, Shinn called him an Ossan and he said he's not an Ossan (callback to same exchange with Dearka))
Kira's pinboard has some nostalgic photos on it! Including the shot of the Archangel crew from the 3rd Destiny ending <3
Lacus got so many new outfits! I'm not sure if I like her role in this but she is more interesting than in Destiny
I got new respect for Athrun now. I was hoping someone would slap Kira out of his slump and he delivered!
I actually like Shinn more now too, when he's not being an angsty teen and instead a simpleton kid/the comic relief
Kira.. I think this Kira is an improvement from Destiny at least; he was really boring in Destiny… so it's good to see some emotion and see him crack. But also be more honest with his feelings
New girl Agnes is Flay 2.0? but if Flay could actually pilot a mech?
I was expecting more new mechs (to sell kits), so I'm really surprised they brought back so many existing ones (even the Buster and Duel… but not Aegis)
Though when Freedom deployed and they played Meteor, it was very nostalgic! (Meteor is basically Freedom's theme song, it first played when Freedom was first shown SEED)
New songs by TMR, Nami Tamaki, and See-Saw (who broke up pretty much after Destiny ended, came back for another song)! Also some nostalgic BGM came back
The new antagonists aren't really redeemable or sympathetic, which is a shame 'cause that's one of the things I liked about SEED; but with the runtime I get it, they're supposed to be the "bad guys" so the main crew can come together
It's kinda funny how that guy keeps calling Kira a failure, 'cause Kira is literally the Ultimate Coordinator
Lacus's pilot suit is really funny. This is actually the first time she's been sexualized like that; usually she's the pure one
The final scene is.. what I expected from a SEED climax, but a lot more hammy lol. Power of love!
They did end up confirming AsuCaga, but funny thing is Athrun and Cagalli never actually talked to each other or were in the same room even.. Meyrin is the one with Athrun (not sure if I like her new hair...)
Who is that kid with Cagalli?? He called her "Nee-san". He looks like Mu... it can't be Mu's kid, he looks too old for that. Another clone of Mu's dad? Some new guy who happens to look alike?
I saw a lot more cameos than I thought I would. The whole Archangel crew, Miriallia and Sai, Erika (ORB's head of tech, the one who gave them all Gundams), Arthur (Minerva's 2nd in command guy), Andrew Waltfeld (why didn't he have a bigger role?! He was just shown in 1 passing shot). Even some dead people were shown in flashbacks. Actually I think the flashback at the end showed all the major characters who died.
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planetbluegaming · 9 months
"Emails I Can't Send" Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
Did I decide to make a Sims 4 legacy challenge based on Sabrina Carpenter's latest album "Emails I Can't Send"? Yes I did!
The album is very love and break up based in my opinion however I still thought it could be pretty fun to try and turn that into a legacy challenge. I've decided in this to cut a couple songs from the main album to use a couple from the deluxe album "Emails I Can't Send fwd:" since those gave me more ideas.
I have made some general legacy challenge rules however I am not going to dictate your gameplay so if you do something different such as a different career or trait then go for it!
General legacy rules:
1. Regular legacy challenge starts with 1800 simoleons or 0 if you want a bigger challenge. However, you can use money cheats for your first lot/house if you wish.
2. Mods are allowed. Use CC, use cheats, use MC command center, use whatever your heart desires.
3. Follow the rules in each generation. *rules are optional additional rules that are up to you to decide if you wanna complete them.
4. I have a brief storyline/background for each generation but feel free to make up your own or adjust to fit your gameplay.
5. If you want to play as an occult sim for any generation go ahead! I won't be making any of them occult so you have the freedom for that.
6. Keep the same last name throughout all generations.
7. Feel free to move lots for the start of each generation but don't move during a generation. If you do this, roll a number between 1000 and 7000 for the money you can take with you.
Gen 1: Vicious
As a teen you had a relationship and your partner seemed almost perfect, as did the relationship. That was until you found out that they were jumping between you and another. Finally realising this, as a young adult you cut all ties with them and tried to move on with your life, first healing yourself before wanting to help others heal.
Main colour: Red
Traits: Hot Headed, Geek, Good
Aspiration: Inner Peace (move onto Zen Guru if you finish the first)
Career: Yoga or Meditation Instructor (choose a part time job as well if you want to)
1. Complete the Inner Peace aspiration
2. Max the wellness skill
3. Find true love as an adult
4. Have at least one child
5. *Complete the Zen Guru aspiration
Gen 2: Read Your Mind
As a child your parent(s) always brought you up to believe in inner peace and that everything was hard but you could make it easy. However, you decided you wanted to live in reality. As soon as you aged up into a young adult you moved out and started to navigate the harsh world on your own.
Main colour: Yellow
Traits: Adventurous, Gloomy, Overachiever
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Business
1. Complete the Renaissance Sim aspiration
2. Max the business career
3. Max the logic and writing skills
4. Adopt at least one child no younger than a toddler
5. Marry someone with the overachiever trait
6. *If you have Get to Work, open a business of your choice
Gen 3: Tornado Warnings
Growing up, your parent(s) didn't really have an awlful lot of time for you. They were very career and business focused but never parenting focused. You caused a lot of trouble as a kid in attempt to get their attention but it didn't work. As a young adult you find yourself a partner who isn't the best influence on you but you're both in love. You both always ignore those tornado warnings.
Main colour: Purple
Traits: Goofball, Jealous, Party Animal
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Retail Employee
1. Complete the Chief of Mischief aspiration
2. Max the Retail Employee career
3. Max the mischief skill
4. Be with a sim who has the kleptomaniac trait
5. Have as many children as you want
Gen 4: Because I Liked a Boy
Growing up with parents who cares more about fun than grades and behaviour, you developed a keen eye for theiving. Especially from your second parent. You never really wanted to work or settle down either, life was just a lot of fun for you.
Main colour: Pink
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Ambitious, Self-assured
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal
1. Complete the Public Enemy aspiration
2. Max the Criminal career
3. Max the fitness and mischief skills
4. Never settle down/get married
5. Have at least one child from a "one night stand"
Gen 5: Already Over
As a teen you have a partner who is no good for you and you know it however, you can't get your mind off them. After high school you decide to end things because you want to be a better person, especially better than your parent and they weren't making that any easier. For a while you go no contact until one day they pop back up into your life and you can't help it, they're already over right?
Main colour: Orange
Traits: Art Lover, Romantic, Ambitious
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Painter
1. Complete the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration
2. Max the Painter career
3. Max the painting skill
4. Have a long-term live in partner who you cheat on when the ex comes back into your life
5. Break up with your partner and marry your ex
Gen 6: Nonesense
Seeing your parent get back together with their one true love, their highschool sweetheart, made you want to find that kind of love. You have troubles along the way as you see the best in everyone even if they aren't that good. You do find your true love and live happily ever after.
Main colour: Rainbow (all colours)
Traits: Romantic, Neat, Cheerful
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Social Media
1. Complete the Serial Romantic aspiration
2. Max the Social Media career
3. Max the charisma and media production skills
4. Don't find THE ONE until you've completed the serial romantic aspiration
5. *Have children with whoever along the way or with the one in the end
Gen 7: Skinny Dipping
Seeing what your parents went through to get together and being so happy made you excited to find love of your own. However, the one you thought was the one ended up having you swimming in the edge of cliff. Arguments and expectations, you want it to just be water under the bridge so you can find happiness.
Main colour: Blue
Traits: Active, Loves Outdoors, Music Lover
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Writer
1. Complete the Soulmate aspiration
2. Max the Writer career
3. Max the writing and singing skills
4. Make sure your soulmate isn't the original partner (from the storyline)
Gen 8: Decode
You thought you'd end up having a big happy family in life. That was all you wanted. Your partner was very indecisive about having children with you so eventually instead of letting their confusion keep you up at night you decided there was nothing left to decode and ended the relationship. On your life's journey you found you didn't need a romantic partner to have a family.
Main colour: Monochrome (black/grey/white)
Traits: Family Oriented, Childish, Foodie
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Culinary (Cook branch)
1. Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration
2. Max the Culinary (cook branch) career
3. Max the cooking and gourmet cooking skills
4. Have a minimum of four children with at least two different sims
5. *Find love in the end and settle down
Gen 9: Feather
Your life was laid out on a platter. Your parent(s) had a career in mind for you and even a partner but that wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to decide for yourself. Besides, that potential partner wasn't all that nice to you anyway. So you slammed the door on your way out to start your own life.
Main colour: Green
Traits: Music Lover, Genius, Clumsy
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Entertainer (music branch)
1. Complete the Musical Genius aspiration
2. Max the Entertainer (music branch) career
3. Max the singing, guitar and piano skills
4. Find love after your career is stable
5. Have two children
Gen 10: Opposite
This was it, you thought you'd found the one! Except when your wedding day rolled around they said "I don't" instead. Your heart shattered but to make it worse, only days later your saw them with another that was the polar opposite of you. That destroyed your heart. For good.
Main colour: Black
Traits: Mean, Loner, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine
Career: Critic (either branch)
1. Complete the Villainous Valentine aspiration
2. Max the Critic career
3. Max the charisma and writing
4. Don't have any children
If you play this legacy challenge whether you build, create Sims or share you journey I'd love to see! Use either hashtag #EICSLegacy #Emailsicantsendlegacy
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skunaskitten · 2 years
Thinking of you through songs
Making a list of songs that I listen to that remind me of Sukuna or Yuji.
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Links to song below to listen to and a short meaning to the songs between you and the lovely boys. Some will be NSFW and others SFW.
Enjoy lovelies.
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Ryomen Sukuna
NSFW ( i have to many naughty ones for sukuna)=
*Desire The Unknown (ft. pre kai ro) - Still Dying (slowed version)
^Sukuna being the demon that he is telling you what he is. Him saying "baby i'm a demon". But you don't listen and just want to go home with him, to scream his name to the ceiling. He gives you all the warnings and yet you still follow him.
*Nicholas Bonnin x Angelicca - Shut Up and Listen (slowed )
^Sukuna just having enough between the both of you having the small bickering with each other. He just wants to hear the truth, of the heat growing between the both of you. This leads you both to the bed and wanting to dominate eachother. Him pushing you against the wall grabbing your neck, but then you push him to the side wanting to be on top. The heat battle between the two of you, none of you complain and just want to begin.
*nine inch nails - closer (slowed) <watch this video has sukuna in it!
^Mainly sukuna in his true form. You love him no matter what. And he loves you from the inside. He loves to have his cock deep in you, breading you like a animal. Hearing you screams of pleasure makes him keep going. He holds onto you everywhere with each arm as he slams his hips into you. You let him violate your body leaving marks onto your skin. Sukuna craves you making him feel alive. (this song fits him so well)
Battle/being scary=
*Nicholas Bonnin - Nightmare (slowed)
^When you met sukuna and fell right into his domain you wanted him. Since you belonged to him now he wanted to show you his world. With a devilish smile on his face taking you hand and telling you "welcome to my nightmare".
In love
*myles lloyd- angel (slowed) <i use this my CEO sukuna, my heart
^Sukuna being the play boy that he was he never settled down. But over time he begin to realize that something was missing in his life, he was getting older. His home was empty and only him, he soon was starting to feel alone. That is when you came into his life. He opened his heart to you making him feel things he has never felt before. He did not know what he would do any more if he doesn't have you. Sukuna just hopes your love is real cause he gave you all of it. When he holds your face in his hands he tells you "you're my angel."
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Yuji Itadori
*Make you smile- franc moody
^Yuji is always a happy boy and you move him so much that he just wants to take you out to a dance floor. He doesn't wish for much so all he wants to do is make you smile to see your bright face light up. When its just you and him its the best feeling you cant help but to smile.
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Both Men
*How Do I Make You Love Me?- the weeknd
^both the men are completely in love with you. But because of both of their past and how yuji feels about himself they just want to know. How do they make you love them? Sometimes they feel like you will never be theirs. This mainly hits Sukuna more because of him being a curse and feeling that he will hurt you, but still wants you to fall for him. They just do not how. Little do they know you have already fell in love with them both.
*Kyle- perfect <this could work for all characters
^The men have to express to you how perfect you are to them. They can't help but to get hyped around you and making their life better when you're with them. Life made the perfect person which is you and they will tell that everyday. This is also the fact with all of jujutsu high and how they see you. You are just so perfect to them.
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Feel free to send me suggestion in my ask box and I will check out any songs you may have in mind that makes you think of the JJK crew. Will probably make a list of your suggestions and what you all use for inspiration, ( i will be sure to tag you next to your song if you want to be known). I will also update more to this when i find the other songs.
Tagging lovlies: @sukunassoulmate @sukunastoy @yuujispinkhair @poe-daydreams
Go check out the music and tell me what you think.
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l0velyinc · 1 year
ooo, i'd love to hear 3, 8, 10, 13, 20 for the ask game. whichever questions you feel up to answering with however many of your stories/worlds you want to answer with because they're all so good ;w;
THANK YOU!! For the questions and my first asks <3
I’ll respond with all my stories, (minus any of the ARPG folders (technically not my lore haha.))
Almost all of my stories have similar vibes: found family, animals & biology, religious & cult-y vibes, psychedelics, etc. Specifics include:
. VIAJE : EYES, Diseases & Curses, Hearts, Stars, The Moon & Sun, Tarot Cards, Lots of Birds, Aliens & Cosmic Horror Vibes, Oh and religious imagery… lots of it… too much of it…
. SACRELIGIOUS : Dogs & Cats (obviously), Scars? Scratches?, Trees, Islands, Books, Candles, Calligraphy
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : 1970’s to Early 2000’s Music, College? Small Town, Rivers & Lakes, Scientific Latin Names for animals??? I dunno like Saturday morning cartoons but with hidden jokes parents would enjoy. And music, lots of music.
OOOH SO MMUCH!! I wish I could just say: EVERYTHING but I feel like going into specifics would be best!!
. VIAJE: Religion, I love learning about other religions & cultures & traditions! “Anthony Bourdian’s Parts Unknown” was surprisingly a huge inspo!
“Mad Max (Fury Road)” & “The Haunting of Tram Car 015” had some light inspiration to it, the latter of two made me discover the whole Afrofuturism genre, the former helped me realize I wanted this world to be after an apocalypse!
RECENTLY I have been inspired by Jordan Peele & Wes Anderson films, Peele for themes & storytelling, Wes Anderson for well… visuals?? Colors??? The obvious stuff.
. SACRELIGIOUS : I watched a youtube video about the genre of talking animal books. Ones like Plague Dogs, Watership Down, Warrior Cats, & Guardian of Ga'hoole (for clarification: I have read none of these books…)
BUT I did end up liking the youtube video and I do intend on actually reading these types of books… But that’s the main inspo behind this world. Animals can talk to each other, they are confused about human lore, and they read the bible- oh no-
this one is also based on religious themes (less so than Viaje, ironically)
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : Look, I watch Zootopia once and hear me out- I LOVE worlds with talking animals so any world with talking animals is an inspo here: Sing, Robin Hood, Spongebob, (and very very very very minor inspo includes: Smiling Friends & Bojack Horseman…again very small amount)
Also did I mention 70s to 2000s music?
. VIAJE : This one has been through SO many changes. GLORIOUS would technically be its “true” name, it’s the name of the overall lore Viaje takes place in. It was inspired by both a song lyric & from a show I was watching where it was just part of the dialogue. I thought it was a super fitting word!
VIAJE used to call Urban Renaissance, but I couldn’t find a good way to shorter it (don’t like long names) so I had called it Sacreligious at one point (but again, too long, didn’t fit well), then I looked up words in Spanish (made sense for the lore) and VIAJE just sounded perfect (it is “Journey” in Spanish),
I could also shorten it to “Via” which still fits. Technically the FULL title is: “Buen Viaje” (“have a nice trip”).
. SACRELIGIOUS : Was originally gonna call this story “GOD” (cause, y’know, dog spelt backwards). But that was around the same time I changed Viaje’s name so… they stole it… I still call it “GOD” for short (or DOG in certain places to prevent questions)
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : Both the most fitting and most unfitting name out of all of them. Was originally gonna call it “Animalia”, but a few people on toyhouse had the same idea… so I wanted to make something more fitting for myself. And I was listening to the song at the time and uh…. it’s LSD. and I have the humor of a 12 year old.
. VIAJE : Oh since 6th grade I think? Okay technically GLORIOUS was made towards the end of highschool, BUT THEN a few years ago I merged it with a story I loved dearly. So it still technically is the same story I had in 6th grade, although extremely different. The bones are still there! *stare at Eve & Adam*
. SACRELIGIOUS : Lol I think, not even a year? I mean I’ve had bits and pieces for this story here & there, but the complete story I’ve only very recently started writing.
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : Same age as Viaje. Whoever didn’t fit in that story was turned into a furry and thrown into this small town! (or they just… were always a furry and started here.)
HOWEVER the character of Nora is fairly recent? I always knew I wanted at least one human in the story, but I didn’t come up with the full story of Nora until a year or two ago! In fact, she was named THIS YEAR! Before then, she had many “fake” names.
This is THE best question!
. VIAJE : Any pro-capitalist, pro-controlling religion, pro-patriarchy, status quo following trash. Dear god, if they give Jesus’ dad any redemption arc, make Deja straight, or worse… white wash… I would DIE, like actually. Any merch would kind of go against the vibe too? (there is no currency in their world) If any large studio got their hands on this I’d be MAD.
If it were made into a trilogy… actually that might work there’s a lot of little small stories. But Deja & Jesus would probably only be in one movie. The rest would HAVE to be other characters, those two got one goal and would not span a trilogy lol.
. SACRELIGIOUS : Any life action adaption would kill this story, Old Yeller Style. It would never be trilogy material because this story is extremely short. It’s a very clear beginning, middle, and end. Stretched out like that would make it so unwatchable. 
I feel like, if it were to be really cringe, they’d throw Church into a love triangle or give them a musical number (I’d start crying, for many sad reasons)
I also feel for this story, and Viaje, the religious aspect (like the warning of cults and the negative commentary on evangelical christianity) would get destroyed, which would make me sad as they are both sort of a callout on toxic behaviors in religious spaces I’ve seen growing up. 
. LAKE SHORE DRIVE : There’s no way this could be a movie (or at least an interesting one). I’m thinking this might turn into something like Sing or Secret Life Of Pets? Jukebox musical, pop culture references, family friendly cartoon movie. It’s meant to be a “meh” story, but seeing it produced by a studio would make it extra mid (and thus me extra mad)
Also any romantic relationship for Nora, dear god, the implications. OR WORSE one of those carnivore vs herbivore stories (ugh I can’t take anymore bad racism allegories.) OR EVEN WORSE they have Nora look for her “human parents” (any storyline like that would make me gag, Sadia & Russell will always be her parents and are the only parents that should matter.)
Thank you for the questions and I can’t wait to finish the profile codes for these stories’ characters so I can show off more lore!!! >:)
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Writing Advent Calendar
Day 11
Prompt: Santa's Elf AU
Aka: A dcla crossover where everyone is elves
Read on ao3 in the link above or under the cut
In the north pole, Santa's elves worked hard to get all the work done. However, it sometimes didn't go exactly as planned.
Luna came rolling by in a room with tons of workers. She was a delivery elf and thought it went quicker if she went on roller skates.
"Luna!" Nina said, handing her a book, "Take this to the arts department and ask Bia to illustrate the pictures."
"On it!" Luna said and rolled away with her book in her hand. 
On her way, she passed the musics department, where the elfs inside were very busy finishing all kinds of instruments, songbooks and singing toys.
Violetta was right now recording a song for a voice box that would be inside a singing racoon. 
"No, Violetta," Naty said, "You have to make your voice more high pitched. You have a beatiful voice, but the racoon is supposed to sound more like a baby."
Violetta took a deep breath and made her voice more high pitched. She made sure to also sound a little bubbly and energetic, like a little kid.
Meanwhile, Broduey, Maxi and Andres were over at a table. They had just finished a keyboard for toddlers - one of those where you pressed different buttons and music would play. Andres was already pressing buttons, dancing along to the beat.
"Easy Andres, we can't let the batteries run out!"
"I wish we could just sing for fun and not to create stupid toys," Ludmila sighed.
"We can," Naty said, "Every month from janurary to september, essentially."
"I'm gonna get this to the crafts room," Francesca said, holding the voice box Violetta had just recorded. In the crafts room, they made all the stuffed animals.
As she went out in the corridor, she encountered the roller skating elf.
"Oh, good! Luna! Can you get this voice box to the crafts room?"
Luna was going very fast and Francesca had to stop her by holding her hand and spinning her around several times. Eventually Luna could stop.
"Oh..." she said, all dizzy, "Uh, you wanted me to get that voice box?"
"Yes, please. To the crafts room."
"I am sorry, but I can't. I just delivered a book to the arts room for illustrating, and they asked me to retrieve some more paint."
"Aah... do you know who else I can ask?" Normally, anyone could be a delivery elf for the time - really, many of the elves had rotating jobs. You just went to whatever department or room of your preferred choice of the day. Though, many elves often stayed in the same spots. And Luna loved exploring every surface, which was why she more or less had taken the delivery job permanently. Though, she also helped out in other ways when necessary. Just the other day, another elf realized her laughter would fit for a talking doll they were making. So, she spent the entire day recording laughter.
"I think Jim and Yam aren't doing anything!" Luna shrugged, "They should be around here somewhere... anyway! Gotta go!" 
Jim and Yam were elves that very rarely were seen without each other. Francesca only really saw them whenever they came into the music department to sing or help creating instruments. Otherwise, they were over at the sewing room creating outfits, or just doing various things in the arts department. 
Francesca however realized they could've been at another place. She had heard a sound from a nearby closet.
Since elves were so short, they could easily hide behind normal human-sized furniture and almost create little cozy corners from it. In this closet, there were a bunch of instruments. And behind the piano, placed in the corner, she could see a tiny little elf shoe. She immediately pulled it, causing two startled elves to shriek.
"So here's where you're hiding," Francesca said teasingly.
"We were just..." Jim said.
"Uhm..." Yam said and stumbled over a guitar, almost getting her feet stuck in the strings.
"You're not busy, are you?" Francesca asked. "I know, it's easy to get bored and... get busy... but you have like 9 months of the year to do that. Now it's december, and it's chop chop!"
"Of course!" Jim said awkwardly.
"You two can do me a favor. You can take this voice box to the crafts room."
"But you only need one to do that..." Yam said.
"Well, it's good to be two, one can make sure the way there is safe."
Yam got her foot out from the strings and then accidentally made a box of maracas trip. Francesca gave her the voice box. "Can I trust you two?"
"Yes!" the girls said, standing up and then running out the door.
Francesca then observed the corner behind the piano. Hmm... this looked like a good place to be when you wanted to have a private conversation. Or do... something else. When you're an elf and you live for so long, you more or less have to keep yourself busy in one way or another... let's just say, everyone got with everyone and that was just how it was. Well, except for Jim and Yam. They seemed to not prefer anyone except themselves.
Francesca hoped they didn't break the voice box on the way. Or that Luna crashed into them while she got paint.
Then again, she would be surprised if an accident didn't happen. There was always something going on in Santa's workshop.
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realwaldojeffers · 1 year
thank you! not too much work left for me i hope haha
my first language is russian and i also speak a tiny bit of german! been too long since i practiced it though
thank you for recs on bowie and VU!! i'm far from an expert on them lmao so i'll listen to these albums! i've only listened to earlier bowie albums from the man who sold the world to diamond dogs i think. life on mars must be one of my faves, i remember having it on repeat for WEEKS last year lmao. i dreamed of getting hunky dory on vinyl but couldn't find it in my local record stores :( the same with many other bowie, UV and lou albums too, no idea why they're such rare animals here. a ziggy copy i have must be one of the best sounding records in my whole collection tho! do you collect physical media?
i love velvet goldmine too!! i love todd haynes' style and it really does kinda feel like an ao3 fanfic lmao. this kind of biopics must be my favorite, when they're unauthorized or loosely based on actual stories. do you have any favorite music biopics?
my favorite artists are the beatles and john lennon! and as for the third one ehh.. even though it's not classic rock i'll say lana del rey, ever since her new single came out i've been listening to it obsessively
i see you love beatles too, so i'm just gonna say my favorite albums by them are the white album and magical mystery tour! as for john, my absolute fav of his is walls & bridges, but i guess imagine would be a good place to start as it's his dreamiest and maybe... softest? while still showing some of his edgier sides of the early 70s. plastic ono band is close to my favs after W&B but it definitely can feel too unsettling, not without lighter parts though. his part of double fantasy is full of highlights too (i like yoko's songs too though!) ugh sorry i could talk about john for hours really lmao
and as for lana- since we're into classic rock i think ultraviolence is right up that alley. it sounds so timeless it could well fit into the 70s. my other favs of hers are honeymoon and blue banisters!
i wish i watched more music documentaries and concerts but it's often too hard bc i know i'll never get to experience it live 😭 i've seen the beatles' shea concert tho and it was good! do you have favorite live shows and docs?
Once again, srry that it took me forever to reply and omg it’s almost Christmas lol But I’m excited to finally know you btw
By this time, you probably are done with your work, right? I hope that is the case so you can finally have a nice winter rest
I also try to learn German too cause like I have been obsessed with so many German artists for so long, the obvious one is Nico 😂 and also I love Kraftwerk and Rammstein, but my knowledge in German is limited to the random odd of the language
I’m also a big fan of Bowie early work too, just not so much on his folkish day lol. Still, The man who sold the world gotta be one of the my most fav albums of all time. Hunky is amazing too! Life On Mars is literally one of the song that hooked me on to David. I’m not sure if you knew this but the song Queen Bitch from this album is literally David trying to do a VU-style songwriting. So basically the narrator of that song supposed to be Lou or smth lol So yeah another weird Bowie-Lou Reed fanfic vibe 😂
About Vinyl, all of my fav artists’ records are hard to find here too, except for Bowie lol he is everywhere for some reason so prob a good thing. But no one in Thailand seems to know Velvet Underground or Lou hahaha.
I don’t own much records cause they are tbh quite expensive for me. But I have Diamond Dogs, VU’s debut album, and Lou’s Coney Island Baby on vinyl. All of them are the best things ever! But I do collect a lot of CDs
I truly not very big on biopic but Nowhere Boys is very amazing in my opinion. I love that films very much. I see that you are a big Beatles fans, what do you think about the film? I’m not sure about the accuracy but I think it’s beautiful how they depict Lennon-McCartney friendship.
Omg! I love Lana too! She is one of my all time fav artists and songwriters! Her new songs are so amazing. I’m alway intrigued by her lyrics and the way she expresses them
I haven’t listened to all of the White Albums and Magic Mysteries but so far I love George’s guitar style in the White Album so much that it’s prob gonna be my new favorite Beatles album. Personally, Let It Be is my favorite album by them but I haven’t watch the Get Back doc yet so I might need to do that!
Thank you for your recommendation on John’s music! I have been interested in John and Yoko’s works for sometime now but didn’t know where to start. They are such an iconic artistic present of the past century!
You probably have psychic ability for sure cause recently I just put Ultraviolence on repeat lol. Also it’s just delighted me how she put Lou’s name in Brooklyn Baby >< For Kana, I also love Honeymoon and Norman Fucking Rockwell
For live concert, I think I watched a bit too much Bowie’s live tbh. But I just cannot resist cause his stage crafts are just one of the best and his shows are my comfort place. I think Ziggy’s live and Diamond’s Dog’s live (you can see those in Cracked Actors’s doc) are probably his best. My fav act is the one he did Hamlet with Cracked Actors. But the one that comfort me the most is the Glass Spider tour live tbh. It’s a pretty meh album overall but the live show are so great and late 80s Bowie is like a father figure to me so I come back to that all the time
Not sure if you’ve watched Hayes’ Velvet Underground documentary yet but it’s very good! It could be focus too much on the early years of the band at time and doesn’t go beyond the post-John era so much but still there are a lot of direct history to learn from the doc as it has John and Moe, as well as, everyone who involved with the band and New York avant-garde scene of the 60s. Still, I personally think it doesn’t talk enough about Sterling Morrison and completely dismiss Doug Yule which is a bit sad. But I understand where Hayes is coming from tho, having John as the strongest present of the band as the leading narrative lol. Also the film is a bit pro-John Cale cause well… Lou is dead 😐 so that is a head-up
Anyways, I hope you have a great holiday and cannot wait to know who you are!
Tons of love,
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pillow-anime-talk · 3 years
dating them.
synopsis: Some sweet, funny and also crazy moments in your relationship.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; romance; mild comedy; fluff; PDA; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. reki kyan, langa hasegawa, miya chinen, kaoru sakurayashiki & kojirou nanjou {sk8}
author’s note: so... i’m just in love with this anime...
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↘ He’s such a precious boy who cheers you up in the blink of an eye; I think he has an extra sense, so he knows when you feel worse than usual or when you are in even the slightest pain (for example, you bumped your elbow or you haven’t eaten breakfast before ‘cause you missed your alarm clock and therefore you have a stomachache).
↘ Reki is a supportive lover; whether you are passionate about singing, learning languages, reading manga, sewing mascots or painting, a seventeen-year-old will always be right next to you to praise what you do or the way you look. He will notice every, even stupid detail about you and mention it immediately when you’re going to hang out. He’s definitely your fan and doesn’t hide it. Additionally, if you introduce him to what you love, he will also get interested in it in a way and then he will come to you to show off what he has done like a sketch of the two of you or an opinion about the anime you recommended him three days ago.
↘ The boy is really devoted to you and loves physical contact; grabbing a hand, kissing on the cheek or forehead, cute texts in the morning it’s something totally normal for the two of you. I also think that Reki could melt if you run your fingers through his soft hair or make small braids for him, decorating his head with a few colored hairpins or hairbands.
↘ If you know how to skateboarding, he will be delighted and your dates will mostly be about riding together or learning new tricks. Plus, it’s another thing Reki loves about you and wow. He’s even bigger fanboy than before!
↘ However, if you have never ridden or even tried to do it, it doesn’t matter. A teen will be happy to be able to offer you some private lessons if you wish. Again, red-haired adores physical contact, so holding your hands/waist while you stand on his beloved skateboard will be a dream come true for him.
↘ He always has ticket for you, so you make a new banner for each race to support him. Hit me, but I’m 120% sure that after race (whether he won or lost it) he takes your pretty banners and hides them in this special box that has its place on his bedroom closet.
↘ Overall, Reki is a boy who fits to the definition of high school, first love.
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↘ Your relationship is a bit more peaceful, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a bit of humor or abstraction.
↘ Langa loves your company so, so, so badly; Reki is quite hot-tempered and is literally everywhere, so when the two of you hang out together after school or at the weekend, blue-haired feels that he can breathe and relax every muscle in his body. You’re his comfort person, and your room is a safe place without fear and noise.
↘ He also enjoys physical contact, but much more prefers to show affection in private, for example in your home or in his own bedroom.
↘ His favorite type of PDA is cuddling; he prefers to be a big spoon and hug you from behind, but he has no problem hugging against your chest or warm stomach, especially when he feels down because of school or racing.
↘ I have a strange feeling that Langa is the type of romantic who would make an amazing Spotify playlist for the two of you so you could listen to the songs, cuddling each other in the bed.
↘ If you can skateboard that’s great! For sure you, Langa and Reki will be a good trio that will meet often in the skate park or in ‘S’. I’m also pretty sure he’ll cheer for you, but at the same time he’ll be very cute with it and definitely more calm than his bestie. For example, if you do a trick... you’ll get a quick kiss on the nose or Langa will buy you your favorite drink. He definitely likes to pamper you.
↘ If you don’t know how to skateboard but you really want to start skateboarding to share your lover’s passion... Well, he will definitely give you a short (long) monologue about how dangerous it is, and you need to be careful – because he knows best of all how a fall on butt or face hurts.
↘ He always keeps a tiny set of colored plasters in his jacket or pants pocket to take care of you in the case of an unexpected accident, as Reki used to care for him.
↘ He’s a good teacher, but he will definitely need to calm his emotions, because sometimes instead of showing you how to slide down the railing, he will suggest something more down-to-earth, like going to the cinema to watch the movie you mentioned three days ago.
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↘ Ahh, my precious smol baby.
↘ You are Miya’s first partner, so he still thinks that he’s not good enough for you, although you always reassure him with a light peck on the nose that he’s the best thing that has happened to you and that you’re very glad that you can be with him in every good and bad moment.
↘ The teenager is terribly shy about any physical contact outside, so if you aren’t at home, don’t expect a ton of hugs or kisses from him. He much prefers when you two are alone – then he doesn’t feel overwhelmed by the gazes of other people, especially other skaters who like to make fun of him. 
↘ I swear I’ll bite and beat them all...
↘ Miya is a delicate soul and he really likes to feel that someone look after him, so in a relationship he definitely prefers when you cares for him. For example; just touch his soft hair, ask about his well-being or when he will have a race and a huge smile will appear on his face.
↘ I think if he feels that you are the only one for him... Maybe he will lend you his favorite hoodie with cat ears and tail? He’ll be overjoyed to see that you feel good in it. You look extremely cute, but he’ll never admit it. 
↘ It smells like him, like wet earth and a hint of sweet perfume, and although it’s a strange combination, it feels really beautiful, downright safe and homey.
↘ For the next holiday (your birthday, your anniversary, Valentine’s Day or Christmas), he will give you a sweatshirt that matches to his own. It will be in your favorite color and will also have an animal accessory, not necessarily catish, because if you prefer dogs, rabbits or cows... You know, there are many options.
↘ If you know how to skateboard, he will be really calm and will feel that finally someone will want to spend time with him, training and riding together; not like in childhood when everyone turned away from him. He will definitely be moved when you grab his smooth hand and offer a long ride in the park. He definitely loves praise, so give him praise every now and then when he does a nice trick. He will also compliment you more than once and even give you a kiss on the cheek (of course if nobody is watching!). He’s not good at words, but he tries!
↘ If you don’t know how to skateboard... He may be a bit skeptical, but naturally he’ll agree to a few lessons in front of your or his house. Of course you originally just wanted to be close to him and hold his hand more often than usual, but it turned out to be pretty fun! Now, training is your typical dates.
↘ Miya is a sweet boy and although he may not look like that, he’s really protective, often jealous and always puts you at first place.
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↘ This beautiful man, this angel-looking ideal, this ahhhh... Being in a relationship with him is pure pleasure and daily healing for the soul.
↘ He’s a calm, understanding and loving partner. I think he’s a bit old fashioned but that only adds much more charm to his person.
↘ He often calls you his ‘dearest’, ‘darling’ or ‘sweetheart’, isn’t that cute?
↘ You two don’t go out on dates too often, but I think Kaoru loves to spend time at home, having tea or on the couch while one of you is reading a book and the other is listening to music or just sleeping. He definitely doesn’t look like that, but he loves PDA/cuddling and is the best at it!
↘ He also likes it when you suggest learning calligraphy together. He never forced you to do this, but when he first heard that you would like to meet one of his passions, he was really happy and immediately showed you how to write with ink on the special paper he had in his flat. Obviously, more than once you ask him to write a simple letter or word, because you just love his handwriting and how focused he seems. He’s really hot then, I swear to god!
↘ You love his long hair and are always eager to give him a new, nice hairstyle; normal braid or fishtail braid. Maybe a bun or a ponytail with a few hairpins? He loves everything you do on him. In addition, the gentle head massage you give him each time is the most soothing thing in the world for him.
↘ If you know how to skating... He’s really surprised, but that doesn’t mean he’s unhappy or angry. He wants to see what you can do right away and you will surely feel a sweet kiss on your forehead more than once when the trick will be good or even better than you both thought. He’s a supportive boy, but doesn’t show it as vehemently as Reki, for example; he prefers to smile at you or clap softly.
↘ If you don’t know how to skate yet, but you asked him to teach you how to even stand on it... I imagine Kaoru going pale and trying to distract you from this idea because, as an experienced skater, he’s afraid that you will hurt yourself like any beginner. But your big eyes and ruddy cheeks are his weaknesses, so he’ll trust both you and Carla and help you keep your balance on his beloved, black-violet board. Reward him later with quick kisses or give him his favorites, okay?
↘ To sum up, Kaoru is a good and honest lover. He definitely loves your company and won’t mind spending his free time seriously and frivolously with you.
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↘ This guy is the definition of the sentence ‘Through the stomach to the heart’. Any objections? No. So let’s gooooo!
↘ Kojirou is a PERFECT second half. Both in character and appearance. If he fall in love with someone seriously, and it will be you, then know that he’ll care for you like about a member of the royal family; breakfasts in bed, an Italian supper, the perfect choice of wine for a chicken or steak are things that have become a sweet daily thing for you at some point.
↘ He loves to show you affection and absolutely has no problem doing it in public, even when he’s working or when you two are in a tight crowd on the train or in the ‘S’ before his race. He will kiss you hard on the lips, grab your skin on your butt or hug your waist. It’s just that everyone needs to know that you belong to him. He’s just as clingy as Reki, and sometimes even worse and bolder.
↘ Of course he has cute side; he likes to lie on the bed or the sofa with you on his chest. He loves being between your thighs and sleep there. He definitely has a weak point in that when you you run your finger on his tattoo or cook dinner with him, throwing ingredients at him and laughing out loud.
↘ Another romantic who uses thousands of pet names (like babey, cutie, doll, pumpkin, kitten). Plus, he loves to dance with you in the kitchen and steal a few kisses here and there. Also, if you aren’t looking, he likes to surprise you with a big, bear hug.
↘ I think he’s a bit impatient, so he doesn’t like to sit at home and prefers dates in crazy places (such as an amusement park, swimming pool, karaoke bar) – it’s his favorite way of spending your time together. As a gentleman, he always pays for you, unless you go faster and bring your ATM card to the card reader as first. But don’t be surprised when Kojirou will just buy you cotton candy or popcorn shortly afterwards.
↘ If you know how to skateboard, he’s as excited as a kid and will definitely offer you a date at the skate park. Naturally, he wants to show off to others what a super cool partner he has, but he also wants others to know that you’re here together to kick everyone’s asses with your abilities. You’re definitely a powerful couple and you have the matching necklaces!
↘ But if you don’t know how to skating then... well, well, well. Just be prepared that one day (without even asking for it) you’ll stand on his beloved board and he will grab your hips, smiling silly. He enjoy skin ship so this guy feels utopian when he can be near you. He definitely won’t spare you compliments, long pecks, and smack your butt when you do something great, so you have to get used to it... and it’s going to be a long training session, so good luck, my friend.
↘ He’s a funny guy, but he’ll never cross your limits, so don’t worry about that. However, he will always find a topic for conversation or a joke to relax the atmosphere or cheer you up. You will never be bored with him.
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lacrimosathedark · 3 years
Who'd like some good old fashioned name analysis?
Okay, so, I been doing so much research for Resident Evil stuff and learning shit about fairy tales and timelines and genome editing and searching for impossible Romanian poetry I got overwhelmed and went, fuck it. Why not just look at their names? Maybe I'll learn something there.
So, here I have done it. Name meanings for characters of the Mold Saga so far aka 7 and 8 aka Biohazard and Village.
(Sorry I'm on mobile I'll put a cut here when I can)
Ethan: Firm, enduring, strong, impetuous, long-lived. An incredibly consistently common and popular name. E name just like Eveline, so could be a successor of sorts to the mold.
Mia: Derivative of numerous other names of many possibilities. Mia as a word means “mine” in Italian and Spanish. Mamma Mia is a well known Italian phrase, particularly due to the ABBA song and musical of the same name, and it being the catchphrase of the Nintendo character Mario. The phrase means “my mom”.
Winters: First and last season of the year where everything becomes dormant and cold and either dies or sleeps.
Eveline: Contains “Eve”, as in both the biblical first woman. Also means a night before an event, and the game takes place in the span of one night. The name Eve means “ life”, “living one”, “mother of life”, or “giver of life”. Another possible name origin is as a variant of Aveline, which is a diminutive of Ava, which is the same pronunciation as the name Eva as pronounced in Village.
Baker: Occupational surname. In older times consider an upper-middle class job, much like the family. Also adds the emphasis of the “food” and also how they essentially make more molded.
Jack: God is gracious, supplanter. A nickname for John and other related names, but also a name in itself. It is also a word with a couple meanings, including a heavy lifting tool, to steal something, to take control of something, or an everyman.
Margueritte: Pearl. French name for ox-eyed daisy. Derived from Margaret. Sounds like maggot.
Lucas: Light. Derived from Lucius which means “the bright one” or “the one born at dawn”. Luke is also an Apostle of Jesus and was a physician.
Zoe: Life. Came from the name Eve. Fitting as Zoe was practically pushed out of the family after Eveline’s arrival, replaced as the daughter of the family.
Joe: He will add. Was added as DLC. Short for Joseph. Joseph is the name of multiple biblical figures. One is a child of Jacob and Rachel and Jacob’s favorite son in Genesis (note: Jack is a nickname for Jacob) who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, but rose to become vizier, the most powerful position nest to the Pharoah, and forgave his family and brought them to Egypt. One is the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus, who loved and raised a child he knew was not his against social norms. Another is a disciple known as Joseph of Arimathea who notably took Jesus down from the cross for his burial and testified when he revived and was gone. 
Rosemary: Dew of the sea. Combination of Rose and Mary or the plant rosemary. Roses as a plant vary in meaning depending on color. Mary and its variations have many differing meanings, among them being, “beloved”, “love”, “bitter”, “rebellious”, “wished-for child”, and “drop of the sea”. There are also the allusions to Mary, mother of Jesus as she is sometimes worshipped with roses, and you say Hail Marys on your rosary which is only two letters from her name. In regards to the plant, it is relatively resistant to drought and cold, though some breeds are susceptible to frost and they don’t like too much water. They have fibrous roots, so they spread and fan out like we see with the mold. They thrive in more alkaline soils and seem to have been named by a taxonomist named Carl  Linnaeus. In stories, folklore, and tradition, the plants or flowers are often used for remembrance, specifically for the dead. It’s also been used as a spice and in medicine.
Miranda: Worthy of admiration. Latin in origin. Character in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and whether she is a strong female character or not is highly debated, as she frequently defies men like her father, but often when they expect and/or want her to. She is otherwise compassionate and naive. The titular character of a Polish novel in which everyone is a mage and Miranda is a medium connected to another character, Damayanti, who is portrayed as the ideal woman and has a romance with the male protagonist, yet sacrifices her body so her spirit can experience a higher state of consciousness. Miranda can contact her soul, and disappears when she dies. Miranda in the US refers to the required practice by police of reading suspects their rights before interrogation.
Eva: Latin form of “Eve” and meaning “life”, “mother of life”, or “giver of life”.
Duke: A ruler of a duchy. A title bestowed by royalty or passed through family, often given to royalty or nobility, but can be given to anyone. In France,  the peerage system was abolished in 1789 (vive la révolution), brought back in 1814, and finally perma-abolished in 1848. 
(Note: While the wife of a duke becomes a duchess, the husband of a duchess does not become a duke. At least, from what I gather. This shit is confusing.)
Alcina: Strong-willed. Greek origin. There are two operas using the same story about a sorceress named Alcina who lives on an island with her sister Morgana and seduces every knight who comes to the island, but turns them into plants, animals, or stones when she bores of them. When the source of her power is destroyed, she, her sister, and their palace crumble to dust. The Hungarian name for Alțâna, a commune in Sibiu County, Romania in the historical region of Transylvania.
Bela: Bela Lugosi was an actor who famously portrayed Dracula. His name is Hungarian and meant to be spelled Béla meaning “heart”, “insides”, or “intestines”, roughly translating to “having heart” or “having guts” in modern terminology, as in being brave. However it is considered a male name and as Bela is female there is also the possibility of the influence of the name Bella short an l, Bella an Italian name meaning “beautiful”.
Cassandra: The one who shines and excels over men. Name of a Trojan princess and priestess in Greek mythology. She was given her gift of prophecy by the god Apollo but, in most versions of the tale, he asks for sexual favors in return, and she initially agrees but then rejects him once she’s gotten her gift. In anger he cursed her to always tell true prophecies that no one would believe and was thus thought a madwoman. She served a temple of Athena, goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare. When Cassandra was assaulted and possibly raped in Athena’s temple and dragged out while desperately clinging to Athena’s statue, Athena was so enraged by the damage done to her temple and/or her priestess that she enlisted the help of both Zeus and Poseiden to exact revenge on the Greeks for failing to punish the man who attacked Cassandra and caused the resulting damage. Zeus gave her one of his own bolts of lightning and she struck them down at sea. While Cassandra was never believed, she was always right.
Daniela: God is my judge. Feminine form of Daniel. Daniela is also a genus of moth with only one species in the genus, Daniela viridis. It is also another name for the Italian wine grape Prè blanc.
Dimitrescu: Child of Dimitri. -escu suffixes in Romanian are like -son suffixes in English, it derives from parentage (ex. Jackson is Jack’s son, Dimitrescu is Dimitri’s child). Dimitri means “devoted to Demeter”. Demeter is the Greek goddess of the harvest, agriculture, sacred law (i.e. cycle of life and death), fertility, and the earth. Like many Greek myths, she is repeatedly wronged, and rather severely, by multiple male figures. Demeter in particular is a mother who has her daughter Kore, later known as Persephone, stolen away from her and goes on a rampage searching for her and those responsible.
(Note: Considering the founders had these names it’s a bit dumb seeing as this trend of parentage -escu names supposedly came about mid 19th century (1800s for those who find that confusing cuz I do), long after the Village was founded)
Donna: Lady or lady of the home. Italian name and a title of respect. Derives from the Latin term Dominus. The Romanian form of the word (not the name) is Doamnã. The Atropa belladonna aka deadly nightshade have berries and foliage that contain tropane alkaloids including atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine which are extremely toxic and can cause hallucinations and delirium, but are also used in pharmaceutical anticholinergics. Throughout history people cluelessly used the berry juice as eye drops to cosmetically dilate their pupils, giving them a seductive doll-eyed appearance. Symptoms of belladonna poisoning are dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, tachycardia, loss of balance, staggering, headache, rash, flushing, severely dry mouth and throat, slurred speech, urinary retention, constipation, confusion, hallucinations, delirium, and convulsions. The plant's deadly symptoms are in atropine’s ability to disrupt the parasympathetic nervous system’s involuntary regulation like sweating, breathing, and heartbeat.
Angie: Diminutive of many names containing “angel”. Angels are messengers and warriors of Heaven, a realm souls go after death. Angel statues are also common grave markers. Children are also often told they have guardian angels, a being watching over them to protect them.
Claudia: No sure meaning has been found, but some think it comes from claudus, meaning “lame”, “limping”, or “crippled”, or clausus, which means “shut” or “closed”.
Beneviento: Good wind. Neapolitan spelling of Benevento, the name of both a province and its capital city, located in the Campania region of Italy.
Salvatore: Savior. Italian name. In the movie version (I specify as I have not read the book and the movie synopsis has more on the characters) of The Name of the Rose, the character Salvatore is hunch-backed and twisted, and has a history of not-really-acceptable religious beliefs. He was also tortured and falsely accused of witchcraft. He dies when a library is set on fire.
Moreau: Moorish, dark-skinned. French surname. Titular doctor in The Island of Doctor Moreau, in which said doctor performs disturbing and torturous experiments on people and animals, especially through vivisection, to make beastial humanoid creatures.
Karl: Free man, strong man, manly. Werner Karl Heisenberg was a German theoretical physicist who made notably important contributions to hydrodynamics, ferromagnetism, cosmic rays, and subatomic particles. Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, and socialist revolutionary who believed societies develop through class conflict, and in a capitalist society this is the “ruling” class (the bosses) having power over the working class. He believed people should have equal footing and should and would inevitably fight for it. Karl Jaspers was a German existentialist philosopher and psychiatrist. His humanist ideals had him dissatisfied with the medical community’s approach to mental health and worked to improve it, and philosophizing on it after.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: Since I’ve seen accusations of the RE character and his influences being so, I feel I must state it here. Karl Heisenberg is NOT a Nazi. Both Heisenberg and Jaspers lived through World War II and neither were Nazis. Jaspers was blackwalled because of his Jewish wife. Heisenberg was forcibly drafted into the Army Weapons Bureau, but pre-war he had been repeatedly slandered as a “white Jew” and his career held back, and post-war became more political, worked against traditional primacy in the education system, and actively protested the government considering equipping the army with American nuclear weapons. Capcom reps have also stated that Karl Heisenberg has nothing to do with Nazis.)
Heisenberg: Calling mountain (could not find a specific definition, “heisen” means “to call” and “berg” means “mountain or hill”). Reference to Werner Karl Heisenberg, (explained above). Likely unrelated, but another well-known (in the US at least) name thief of Heisenberg comes from the popular TV show Breaking Bad as the alias/street name for the main character Walter White who takes the name and starts selling drugs when he is unable to afford medical care for his in-need child, but grows more twisted throughout the series. Also place name.
Berengario: Italian form of Berengar, which is derived from Germanic root words meaning “bear” and “spear”.
Cesare: Italian form of the Latin word Caesar, which is an imperial title like an emperor or empress. The word Caesar itself may come from caesaries meaning “hairy”. 
Guglielmo: Italian form of the Germanic William, meaning “vehement protector” or “desired helmet”
Nichola: Anglicized form of the Greek Nikolaos meaning “victory of the people”. Also a variant of Nicholas (Considered a female variant but fuck gender roles and the description says he.). This character is also referred to as Father like a priest I looked into saints and while I found no notable Saint Nichola (meaning on Wikipedia) there are multiple Saint Nicholases, most notably Saint Nicholas of Myra, also known as the Wonderworker and the model of Santa Claus. Stories of him include gifting gold coins through a window of a home for three nights to prevent three girls from being forced into prostitution, calming a storm at sea, saving three soldiers from execution, and chopping down a possessed tree. More connected to where his treasure is found, there is also a tale of him resurrecting three children who had been murdered by a butcher who had had intended to sell their meat as “pork” during the famine.
By that I mean these are less important so I did slightly less research and/or didn’t  feel like typing all the research so there’s less info, but it’s still relevant, so here you go!
Chris: A rare name in its own right, often a shortened version of names like Christopher, meaning “Christ-bearer”, and Christian, as in the religion.
Redfield: Literally red field. Fitting for the trail of blood in his wake because have mercy on any of his enemies, but regrettably including many of his friends and allies (rip in peace Piers Nivans). 
Elena: Shining light. Greek origin.
Leonardo: Strong as a lion. Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese version of Leonard.
Lupu: Wolf. Romanian surname. Fitting as the surname of the man we saw become a lycan before our eyes. 
Luiza: Renowned warrior. Polish, Portuguese, and Romanian name.
Iulian: Romanian name from the Greek iulius meaning “youthful” or “juvenile”, or ioulos meaning “downy-bearded”.
Vasile: Romanian name from the Greek basileus meaning ”king”. Vasile Voiculescu wrote a poem called Schimnicul, The Recluse in English, about varcolacul.
(Note: For those who don’t recall or didn’t notice his name in Ethan’s diary, this is Luiza’s husband.)
Rolando: Famous throughout the land. Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese variant of Roland.
Elba: Spanish form of Alba, which can mean “dawn”, “white”, or “elf”, depending on origin.
Dion: Shorter form of Greek Dionysios meaning “of Zeus”.
Wilson: Lineage surname, “Will’s son”. Very common surname in English.
Charlie: A name in itself but often a nickname for names like Charles meaning “man” or “warrior”
Graham: Gravelly homestead. Habitational surname, apparently derived from Grantham in Lincolnshire, England.
John: God is gracious. The most common name ever with the most variations.
Perlman: Ashkenazi Jewish surname. Also literal, “perl” possibly meaning “pearl” thus being an occupational name, or Perl being a woman’s name making it mean “husband of Perl”.
Emily: Rival. Latin name. 
Berkoff: Could be Jewish, Dutch, or German surname. Definition not quite certain, but likely related to birch trees.
Josef: German, Czech, and Scandinavian version of Joseph.  
Simon: He has heard. From Hebrew Shim’on.
Roxana: Bright, dawn. Latin form of Greek Rhoxane and Persian Roshanak.
Anton: Priceless, praiseworthy, flower.
Sebastian: From the Latin name Sebastianus which meant “from Sebaste”. Sebaste is a town in Asia Minor and comes from the Greek word sebastos meaning “venerable”.
Eugen: Well-born.Romanian form of Eugene. From the Greek name Eugenios. 
(Note: This is the man who lived in the house with the red chimney.)
Ernest: Serious. Germanic name.
(Note: This man is noted to be missing in a letter to Luiza and his diary is found with the Cannibal’s Plunder in Otto’s Mill.)
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mahiwaga-bghn · 2 years
I have just finished watching episode one and also screaming gleefully because finally, this long awaited moment that I've always wanted ever since I decided to read this series has finally come and to see that it is getting more love from the people than before and appreciating it is more than enough to make me the happiest person.
See, despite the title, I am not here to make some kind of essay how Spy x Family will revolutionize the world and end world hunger (but believe me, I will read that if ever someone will make it 😆) or something. I only came to Tumblr because I am still a giddy idiot that can't contain her happiness with just episode 1 so she's here to blast it all in one go cause she'll flood her darn twitter wwww
Still, please go watch or read the series if you love the perfect formula of action, comedy, family wholesomeness and some razzle dazzle of romance here and there! 💖
Anya's introduction:
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Her VA, Atsumi Tanezaki-san really brought out her character, too! I love her very much just from the manga but actually hearing her plus all the little noises she makes is what really makes her even more lovable and I appreciate Atsumi-san for that ❤️
They really did choose the best for this series and for what? ; - ; I don't deserve this much from a series I very much love T.T
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This scene hurts even more animated :')
6 years old, which she only made up to be adopted by Loid is already too young enough as it is. For her to be experimented, used like a lab rat only to run away from said facility. Yet, even after that, she was tossed away from family to family because she just can't fit in.
She's just a child damn it. Let her experience it ; - ;
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Loid being a child abandoned in an ongoing war and only wishes that other children won't experience what he did so he did his job to the fullest...
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Snippets of scenes from each of the family's past like this hurts me on a spiritual level.
But that's exactly why, I cherish their happy family moments. Even with the painful past they had to endure to get to where they are now, they moved forward from it to get to where they are.
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Just broken people that lived strong for themselves and eventually found a place they could call home together 💖
The ending song which I vibed with already the first time I listened to it, now also holds quite the special place in my heart just as much as the series. It holds everything that I love for a series. The specific genre/theme I look for.
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Yea I'm quite the found-family hoe
I could make a whole 'nother bullcrap of an essay just about this ending song and how it resonates with me but let's leave that for another day 😆
Before I even rewatched Gintama again after so many years, which I've already forgotten about the story, I was able to read this masterpiece first.
I am saying this quite early even though the series is still pretty much new and there are only few arcs to judge it but the perfect combination of genres and how well it was executed along with the beautiful artstyle was what drew me into it. And a wide variety of cast whether minor or major, some that appear only for a short arc, holds their own personality which makes almost everyone atleast likable for me.
That's what draws me into a series because the characters itself are what makes the story.
(Though I am just rambling to myself, no this is not a this is better than this and that copied that.)
Maybe that's why, despite having completely different plots, Gintama and Spy x Family has such similar themes working around them that I can't help merging the two ( and even making silly crosover fanarts 😆)
Aaaaand that's really all I have going. I probably already exhausted enough excess energy I had to be able to write this wwww
Overall, this adaption was all I could ask for! I will be waiting for each episode every Saturday which makes me have something to look forward for every week 💖 And well, maybe I could also sorta go back to making more Spy x Gintama thingy since I still have some ideas left to do 😆
Plus, nothing makes me more than happy to have Anya and Kagura drawn side by side ❤️
I'm really excited to see Yor and Bond be introduced!!!! Would really love to see the Forger Family be completed 💖
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Tues 6 Apr ‘21
In this day and age, even real journalists are struggling with what it means to report news when facts can so easily be falsified and truth is so slippery-- how much more so your humble fandom chronicler, with no access whatsoever to the players in our stories! Fandom in general is nothing but grasping at shadows on the Walls(tm) and trying to make sense of it all without ever being allowed to see the real events, and being very aware that not only that, everyone involved in telling the stories is actively trying to mislead us, usually in multiple wildly different directions (truly unfortunate for a fandom more terrified of uncertainty than any group of people I’ve ever come across). Add in technology that makes it near impossible to discern the real from the fake and well… you start to understand the appeal of NFTs I guess! Given a truly verifiable DM screenshot someone could probably get a good bidding war going am I right?! I personally would pay good money for yall to start blockchain verifying your damn receipts (HOW sad am I that this isn’t really how NFTs work, imagine if they were actually so useful!)
Luckily, in fact things pretty much always turn out to be way simpler than fandom makes them, and usually it’s possible to get to what’s most likely the truth eventually. In this case: that Louis DMed Jedward! (In almost every other case, of course, it’s that things have been faked, screen recording or no, so this is the exception to the rule.) Anyway today saw some dramatic debunking of a DM from Louis, but then that debunking was (less dramatically) itself debunked, meaning if you’re just coming on board now you’re WINNING cause the whole middle part could be totally skipped and we are now back to the beginning and all of that can be ignored. And thank god, trying to understand it as fake when it seemed (to me) so obviously real was doing my head in (see tortured opening monologue.) So, the series of events goes like so: Jedward got up early this morning and continued to tweet about the industry and Syco and 1D, growing increasingly hysterical (“Justice is gonna be served!”, “You can’t silence the truth! Nobody can drag me down!”...uhhh that’s a lot for 6 AM damn) and then, boom, dropped a pic of a DM... from Louis!! In it he writes (the night before) “you guys have lost the plot hahahahaha you must be high”, lolll. Why would they make up him saying that, why would a faked message not be like “yeah right on” or something?! I mean, is he wrong-- what ARE they doing?? ARE they high? What is their endgame, other than getting attention to promote their new music, in talking so much about 1D and Little Mix? Louis is, as usual, asking the real questions, and more importantly, without actually giving anything away or committing to anything. Additionally I wondered if he may have wanted to sort of disrupt the narrative that he unfollowed them because he supported their message and wanted more people to see it (which you have to admit is a, uh, counter-intuitive conclusion and not remotely the most obvious way to interpret an unfollow); he may in fact wish people would shut up about his business and let him handle it himself as he sees fit, as he’s indicated many times in the past in similar situations.
Some people are enthused about Jedward’s crusade though, and happy to speak publicly about it- Nicholas Liddle chimes in about some of their points to say “from a journalist AND publicist standpoint I can confirm this”, plus “Louis Tomlinson is one of the most sweetest, genuine, unproblematic artists...take it for what you will,” and “stream Walls,” aw. Singer Lily Allen congratulates Jedward on “being iconic” and says yes, she agrees with what they’re saying.
AND there are actual OTHER THINGS GOING ON: Liam for example!! He’s got a beautiful bushy mane of lion locks and he’s tweeting about NFTs, are he and Louis twinning or what?! Liam actually let a pap get a glimpse of him though, unlike SOOOME Louis’- he was photographed in a parking garage looking like he really wished he had a jacket. According to the pap captions he was outside a TV studio in London and “gearing up for his BAFTAS performance”. Well idk about all that but I do know that he was looking good! Additionally he posted “I’ve had my eye on NFTs for a minute now and love this new piece” and goes on to promote some animated digital art featuring his old collab buddy Zedd, and to say that he’s gotten a few pieces by the artist and “can’t wait to get more!” He shares a still from one that he bought from the same people (who have been doing tour visuals for years apparently).
And Niall’s back with the aesthetic pics! We got scenery, we got a studio pic, we got scrumptious desserts and stylish selfies and we got a PUPPY, hell yeah! Hitting ALL the insta bases there (well, he could show a little titty…? but other than that…) Oh yeah and did I mention-- tiny song snippets!! Nice. What’s he working up to I wonder? Something is coming I bet you!!
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I wish I knew what The Plot-verse Jen and Mish are doing for the wedding day <3 I like to think that Dani is having a small argument w Jen over what he should or should not do regarding the fan (and chad and samantha) wedding.
And just like that ... you have me writing more Cockles in The Plot-verse.
They got in late last night. Dani and the kids are still asleep, but Jensen is just too excited stay in bed. It’s been far too long since they’ve seen each other, and he can hear Misha hobbling around in the kitchen—something he really shouldn’t be doing just two days after a hip replacement.
But when he walks around the corner, seeing the man standing by the stove—skin glowing gold in the morning sun, Jensen waits just a minute longer before going over to bitch at him for being on his feet, because he doesn’t get to see this sight often enough. The man he loves … right here, finally within reach.
“Good morning” he says eventually, walking up behind Misha just as the man is reaching for the coffee pot. “What the fuck are you doing walking around?”
Misha laughs, leaning into Jensen as Jensen’s arms snake around his middle. “Makin’ coffee. I figured everyone in the house needs it after staying up so late.”
“I don’t think the kids do.”
“Not directly, no; but if they want me not to beat them with my crutches—they’ll want me to have my coffee.”
Jensen rolls his eyes and smiles. “They’ve been giving you grief?”
Misha finally rotates in Jensen’s arms, looping his own around the back of his neck before kissing him. “They’re animals.”
“Just like their dad” Jensen snickers, nuzzling Misha’s nose.
Misha scoffs in feigned offense. “I’m an angel … didn’t you know?”
“Yeah, yeah” Jensen muses. “Well, Angel. You need to go sit down. I’ll make the coffee.”
With a frown, Misha groans. “I don’t want to let go of you just yet. You’re quite an attractive crutch, and I need the support.”
Jensen squeezes the man tighter, breathing in the smell of him—a rather pungent smell. He probably hasn’t showered since the surgery; but he’s still his Mish. He’s still his home, his constant, and Jensen will never not want to fill his lungs with the man. “I’ll always let you lean on me, no matter what.”
Misha’s face softens, and his eyes widen as he looks him over. “Aw … what’s gotten into you? You’re so mushy today. I love it.”
Jensen finally tugs the man back, repositioning him so he’s braced against his side and Jensen can help him to one of the kitchen chairs. “Well, it is Valentine’s Day” Jensen chuckles, setting Misha down softly. “Also, I’ve missed you—a lot.” He leans in and kisses those pink, chapped lips, but when he pulls away again, Misha’s eyes are even wider.
Jensen furrows his brow. “What?”
“It’s Valentine’s Day?”
Jensen chuckles. “Yeah. Why? You forgot?”
Misha swallows thickly and then nods.
Jensen rolls his eyes and then kisses him again. “Don’t worry about it. Just having you within kissing-distance is gift-enough for me.”
Misha half smiles but his gaze turns far-away, like he’s deep in thought.
“You didn’t get anything for Vicki, did you?” Jensen surmises after another moment later.
Misha eventually shakes his head.
Jensen straightens back out before turning towards the kitchen counter, knowing that the man will truly need coffee now if he’s going to start worrying so early in the morning, but maybe Jensen can help with that too. “It’s not a problem, Mish. I actually ordered flowers for both Dani and Vick… they should be getting here any minute. Just pull the card off and give her the other bouquet” he says, taking the coffee pot out of the machine and moving to the sink to fill it up with water. He raises his voice to talk over the noise. “And if you’re really worried about it—I also got two small things for Dee, so you can have one of them for Vick … I don’t know if she’d like it though. Vintage tees and headbands aren’t really her thing.” He shuts off the water and glances towards the man sitting at the table—who is now trying to stand up yet again. “Jeez—Mish!” He sets down the pot and scurries back over to the table to push Misha back into the chair. “Will you stop? I can handle things in the kitchen, alright? Just stay put!”
But Misha only reaches up, taking a fistful of Jensen’s t-shirt in his hand in order to yank him down and kiss him hard.
Jensen stumbles a little, but he catches himself on the edge of the table, quickly melting into the kiss a moment later, losing all comprehension the moment after that.
“You …” Misha starts when he finally breaks away, “are an extremely thoughtful man.” He kisses him again, harder still—slipping Jensen just enough tongue to make his body arch.
Jensen bites Misha’s lip as his sweatpants begin to tent; but he forces himself to pull away—knowing there’s nothing either of them can really do right now, and he really doesn’t need blue balls before noon. It’s a shame though, because he could spend all day tangled up with this man and never tire of it.
Misha smiles at him, face lighting up with many things that he could say, but doesn’t have to, because Jensen knows them all. “I love you—and thank you … for the flowers, that is. I’ll give those to Vicki; but you keep the gifts. We don’t normally do too much for Valentine’s day anyway; but I do usually get her flowers and cook her dinner.”
Jensen pulls away a little more and then leans his forehead against Misha’s, looking into those ocean-blues, feeling them calm him with their waves of warmth. “Well, that’s why we’re here, babe. To help you cook … help with the kids. Help you and Vicki manage while you heal. I got you, so just sit back and relax, alright?”
Misha nods against him, giving him one last peck before Jensen slips away to tend to the coffee—but Misha gives his ass a quick slap just before he’s out of reach. “Damn … I wish I could get on that.”
Jensen looks back over his shoulder and gives Misha a wink. “You and me both.”
The Coffee brewed and breakfast cooked—a filling array of waffles and eggs and spicy gourmet sausage that Misha had stockpiled in preparation of Jensen and Danneel’s visit. In fact, the man had loaded up on all the Ackles favorites—from beer, to games and toys for the kids, to all their favorite meals and snacks. He took care of just about everything they could possibly want or need; which makes the fact that he’s fretting over forgetting Valentine’s day all the more hilarious to Jensen.
“I can’t believe I didn’t get you anything!” Misha whines for the twentieth time today as he looks over the bracelet Jensen just gave him.
It was hand carved, ash and oak, with lines of black onyx inlayed between the woods, creating almost a braided effect. The craftsman said it was symbolic of two differing souls coming together to become something entirely new. And the onyx represented that new reality—black like the endless universe, reflecting all the light and love that shines within it. It was perfect, and Jensen felt that he was fated to find that bracelet—having accidently stumbled upon the tiny shop after taking a wrong turn when trying to find a gas station near their new cabin in Colorado.
They had decided to buy the place only a few months back—inspired by Misha’s purchase of Faith Ranch. So now, their families have two properties to go to be alone together. Faith Ranch and Serenity Lodge.
Yeah, the names are a little corny, but Jensen feels like they’re pretty fitting whenever they’re all finally together. The serenity he feels seeing all their kids playing … the faith he has in the future when he watches Misha and Danneel and Vicki all laughing with one another – it’s perfect; and he feels so very blessed that they have those places to run away to now. To be together and to be themselves.
In fact, the original plan was to have Misha and Vicki and the kids come up to Serenity to stay with them as Misha recuperated from his surgery, but with the winter storms and all the new frost hitting the area, Misha’s doctor said that Colorado was probably not the best environment for a man with stiff joints and limited mobility. So, Jensen and Danneel changed their plans and headed towards Washington, knowing that ultimately—it didn’t matter where in the world they were, as long as they were all together.
 The kids had all gotten up with the smell of breakfast, and once they shoveled in their food—they were all begging to go out back and play—meaning that the adults’ peaceful morning of gift giving and quiet coffee-drinking came to a speedy end. So, Danneel, Vicki and Jensen spent twenty minutes after breakfast trying to wrestle all the little ones into jackets and long pants and winter boots, which was quite a feat, even with three sets of hands, they were still outnumbered. Arrow and Zepp kept pulling off their jackets because they said they were too hot. JJ and Maison kept torturing West with annoying, made-up songs that all seemed to end with the same line “West smells like poop”; which ultimately made West retaliate with pokes and tickles and name calling—and that of course caused the girls to run away and scream at the top of their lungs, which of course meant that the three adults were chasing them all over the house—just trying to finish dressing them so they could finally kick them outside.
Misha sat back and laughed as he watched all the commotion go down, for once—seeming to enjoy the fact that he was immobile and unable to help.
Eventually however, the kids did get dressed and were set loose in the yard, leaving the grownups to watch them from the sunroom, drinking their second and third cups of coffee in somewhat relative-peace. The glassed-in space was warm and bright, and filled up with the scent of roses and gardenias. The two beautiful bouquets that Jensen had ordered (one of which, Misha did end up commandeering) are sitting on the coffee table between them all, adding just the right amount of color to the room.
Misha leaned against Jensen’s side as he scrolled on his phone; and Danneel and Vicki sat in the chairs across from them, talking about politics and lamenting over the current state of the senate, while Jensen just sat there quietly … smiling to himself because he hasn’t felt this happy in a while. His family is all together. The coffee Misha got was his favorite, and he has a belly full of waffles and sausage. This is quite possibly, the best Valentine’s Day he’s ever had.
“Fuck!” Misha yelps suddenly, bolting upright with a groan. “It’s our wedding today too?”
Jensen crinkles his eyes as he stares at the side of the man’s face, cracking a smile because—surely, the man is losing his mind. “What?”
Misha is still staring at his phone, scrolling furiously through—what Jensen thinks is Twitter; but Misha is moving too fast for him to be sure. “Apparently—it’s Dean and Cas’s wedding day today.”
Vicki and Danneel stop their conversation to gawk over at him too. “What?” They both ask again in unison.
Misha finally looks up from the screen, and then around to all three of them. “It’s our wedding day!”
And Jensen is rolling his eyes now. “We heard you the first time, Mish—but we’re gonna need you to explain it now.”
Misha shifts in his seat, wincing as his sore body twists in his hip-brace. “Remember that whole Chad-thing I was telling you about?”
“Chad? Chad who?” Danneel asks, and Vicki snickers to herself, obviously remembering something about all this, but Jensen is drawing a blank.
“Lindberg—he played Ash on Supernatural. I’ve only ever met him at conventions though. Nice guy.”
“Funny guy” Jensen adds on, starting to recall Misha mentioning the man at some point last week.
“Very funny—so funny in fact, he has written this whole additional arc for the show, set in Heaven, where he and Ellen are running the Roadhouse again, and of course … the fans are eating up.”
Jensen laughs. “I’d expect nothing less.”
Misha nods before continuing. “Yeah, well … it all started on Dean’s birthday … a party at the Roadhouse seemed to be the event. Both Chad and Samantha Ferris made this whole story out of it; but now, I guess the story went on to include Dean and Cas’s wedding … on Valentine’s Day, no less. Looks like Chad is going live in a little bit to talk to fans about it. He and Samantha are making it a whole thing. And now ‘DeanCasWedding’ is trending on Twitter.”
“That’s adorable” Vicki chuckles.
“So adorable! Oh my God! You guys should totally join in!” Danneel squeals.
That makes Jensen’s eyes go wide. “No way! Not gonna happen.”
Danneel’s smile somersaults into a pout. “But why not? You guys would break the internet!”
“Yeah, and that’s exactly why not. I’ve been pretty quiet about the finale; so, I don’t think the first time I really break my silence should be about our characters’ supposed marriage. That’s treading a really thin line in our contracts.”
“It’s just a silly story by one of the past actors. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal” Vicki offers, but now Misha is the one shaking his head.
“No, Jensen’s right. The simple act of us participating in something like that might be an invitation for the network to extend our NDA’s. As harmless as it would actually be to them and the canon of the show, our direct participation in it would raise too many eyebrows” Misha finishes, but now both the women are frowning.
“Well, maybe there’s something subtle you could do. Even if it’s just liking some of Chad’s tweets or something.”
“Maybe” Jensen offers, already thinking that that probably won’t happen; but who knows. He’s feeling rather soft today. If applied right, he can probably be pressured into just about anything.
“Mommy!” Arrow screeches, and the sound is immediately followed by Maison’s dubious laugh.
Both Vicki and Danneel look at one another before sighing and setting down their coffee cups.
“I’m sorry. Our daughter loves to torment those around her. She gets it entirely from her father” Vicki says, tossing a pointed look at her husband.
Misha gasps. “Who … me?” he mocks.
Danneel laughs as she looks at him adoringly. “It’s good-hearted torment, I’m sure.”
“Is there such a thing?” Vicki asks before moving around the chairs towards the screen door to the backyard.
Misha fakes a cry and then burrows his face into Jensen’s neck. “She’s so cruel, Jensen. Hold me!”
Jensen busts up laughing, but he does as he’s told, wrapping his arms tightly around the man’s body. “Shh—it’s okay, baby. I got you.”
Vicki smirks at the two of them nestled together on the couch. “You can have him. I’ll just take your wife off your hands.” And with that, she loops her arm with Danneel’s and pulls her out the door.
“Sounds good to me!” Danneel chirps, skipping along beside her as they go to check on the kids.
“Hey! I tend to like my wife!” Jensen yells, but Vicki just flits her hand in the air and waives him off.
“Hmm” Jensen grumbles. “Those two better not forget about us.”
Misha laughs, kissing his neck right after and it shocks goosebumps up all over Jensen’s body. “Don’t worry. They’ll remember we’re here as soon as the kids get too crazy.”
Jensen smiles. “True enough.”
They fall silent a moment, melting into each other’s warmth as the outside chill seeps in through the cracked back door, but the contrast only seems to make their closeness feel more intense.
“So—do you think you’ll do it?”
“Do what?” Jensen asks, mind already wandering towards all the future days that could be like this one. Their families—together, happy and full of love.
“Do you think you’ll actually like one of Chad’s tweets or whatever?” Misha finally pulls back a little so he can look Jensen in the eye.
Jensen sighs and then shrugs again. “I dunno, man. I’m just really hesitant about anything having to do with the show right now, even if it is just a silly makeshift fan-fiction put together by some of the past characters. I just don’t want to start picking at that scab, you know?”
Misha sighs as well, and then nods—leaning his head back onto Jensen’s shoulder as he scratches beneath his leg brace. “I get it. It should be harmless and all in good fun, but these things can snowball pretty quickly.”
“It is fun to think about though.”
“What’s that?”
“Dean and Cas—tying the knot.”
Jensen huffs a laugh before gathering Misha’s hand in his own. “Yeah. That would’ve been a fun scene to shoot.”
“Dean—all nervous at the end of the aisle…” Misha says dreamily.
“Cas, picking apart all the wedding traditions—talking about their archaic and barbaric origins” Jensen laughs.
“Charlie, punching him in the arm and telling him to stop killing the romance.”
Jensen nods. “She so would! She’d totally do that. Oh, and you know Bobby would be crying.”
“Oh yeah... and Sam would probably tear up a bit too.”
Now Jensen shakes his head. “Nah, Sam would just be making a smirky little bitch-face as Dean cried.”
Misha grins wide against Jensen’s shoulder. “Oh God … Dean would be bawling his eyes out.”
“He’d be marrying the love of his life … so yeah, of course he’d be bawling his eyes out!”
“You think Cas is the love of Dean’s life?” Misha asks, pulling back again suddenly to wonder at the side of Jensen’s face.
Jensen turns to him, a little surprised by the question. “Sure … don’t you?”
Misha’s face shifts into a cautious smile. “Well … I mean, I know that Dean is the love of Cas’s life. Obviously … the show admitted as much; but we never really talked about what you thought Dean’s take on the whole thing would be. We talked about the confession scene itself, and Dean’s reciprocation and how it was a long time coming for the show; but never what it might’ve actually meant for our two characters … if they ever had the chance to actually do something about it, that is.”
Jensen straightens out on the couch, being careful not to move too quickly and accidentally jostle Misha’s still fragile body. “Well …” he begins, trying to get back into Dean’s mindset, something that used to be as easy as flicking on a light switch for him; but now—with months and months having passed where he hasn’t been Dean Winchester, he’s finding it’s a little harder to get there, “I guess… since Dean is in Heaven now, he’d finally let his guard down. He wouldn’t be so hell bent on keeping his distance, because he’d know he finally doesn’t have to worry about losing everyone he loves; and that includes Cas.”
“But … a wedding?” Misha laughs; however, Jensen doesn’t miss the hopeful uptick to his voice.
“It’d take some doing … but yeah. I think Dean would eventually pop the question. He’d drive Cas around Heaven for a while, listening to some tunes, eating some good ass food. And then they’d find some beautiful lake somewhere, sit on Baby’s hood … and Dean would just know, ya know? So, he’d throw his arm around Cas’s neck and say ‘Cas—what the fuck are we doin’? We should just get hitched already’ and then he’d kiss him like there’s no tomorrow.”
Misha smiles, eyes scrunching up with his grinning cheeks. “I suppose in Heaven, the concept of tomorrow isn’t really a thing.”
“Yeah, time works different in Heaven … isn’t that what the script said?”
“Something like that” Misha mutters, inching himself up to reposition the leg he has propped against the table. “So … we’d be super corny and get married on Valentine’s Day?”
“Why not?” Jensen laughs. “Dean does enjoy a good Rom-Com moment. And we all know he’s about as corny as they come.”
“True” Misha chuckles. “Well, in that case …” He sits up straight and sobers his face, narrowing his eyes a little before he turns a serious gaze in Jensen’s direction. “Happy Wedding Day, Dean” he says—in his deepest, raspiest Cas-voice.
Jensen starts to laugh, but quickly stops himself so he can get into character—half smiling, looking away … bashful, but still intense. “Back at ya, Cas.” He clears his throat as he looks around the room, trying to think of what Dean would say next … but then it hits him. Dean wouldn’t say anything. Without a second thought, Jensen leans forward and reaches out towards one of the bouquets, pulling out a long strand of Baby’s Breath … quickly breaking it in half and twisting the stem around itself, finally tucking the ends between one another to make a small, vined circle. And then, turning slowly in his seat, he grabs Misha’s—Cas’s left hand and holds it between them, slipping the make-shift ring onto his finger.
Misha looks down at it a moment, breaking character as his voice cracks in a sigh; but as he looks back towards Jensen—a slight sheen of tears in his eyes, he falls back into the angel’s grace, eyes seeming to glow blue in the morning sun, shoulders squaring on the wings of the day. “I do” he says raggedly, sounding choked up, but still like a tried-and-true angel of the lord.
“Me too” Jensen rumbles, voice just as deep before finally leaning in to kiss his angel’s lips; but soon enough—their Heaven falls away, as do Dean and Castiel, leaving just the two of them, real and mortal and alone in the sunroom of Misha’s home.
A flowered ring on one hand.
Each other’s hearts in the other.
Two families growing together in the grass and sun.
And a real-life paradise, alive and thriving all around them.
Yes … Jensen thinks, this is indeed the best Valentine’s Day he’s ever had.
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
Holiday Wishes, Mistletoe Kisses
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A/N: This was meant to be a blurb, but I got carried away. I honestly don’t know how I feel about it, but I wanted to post some Christmassy stuff in between now and Deck the Halls, so here’s a little something. It’s basically over a thousand words of Harry pining for some girl he just met. That seems to be my favorite trope, yeah? Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I hope that you all remember that Christmas isn’t about what you have or what you’re able to give, it’s about spending time with the people you love the most. I’m always here for you all if you need me and I love you loads. Thank you! 
Word Count: 5.1K+
Warnings: A little smut, pining, flash forward, ofc
Prompt: “You’re wearing the Santa hat, whether you like it or not” | Taken from this post here! 
It wasn’t that Harry hated Christmas. 
He loved spending time with his family, drinking mulled wine and talking shit with his Mum and Sister on the couch until the morning light. He loved the Christmas cookies that everyone seemed to bake just for him. Every single one of his friends would wrap them up in cute, candy cane striped cellophane bags with a little bow as if they were worried he’d been deprived of sweets. He loved the warmth that enveloped him when he stepped into any building, dodging the cold winter winds and brutal snowflakes that hit his skin. He loved most things about the season, but he truthfully hated the actual holiday itself.
He hated the music, each song covered by about twenty different artists, (yet, they always sounded the same, somehow), playing on a loop on every single Christmas station. He hated how rude people were in the shops and on the road, as if their time was more important than anyone else's. He hated the stigma around giving expensive gifts, stressing over the perfect thing to get each of his friends. If he could, he’d give them all something homemade, but he was shit at doing anything crafty. 
His boots crunched against the snow as he walked towards his mother’s front door. 
He let himself in, kicking his shoes off before he removed his scarf and his winter coat. He could hear laughter from the kitchen, Gemma and his Mum giggling far too loud. They must have cracked into the mulled cider a little early, and truthfully, he was jealous. He’d spent the last four hours stuck in traffic listening to white Christmas over and over and over again. He shut the front door as Evie wrapped herself around his legs, her soft purring catching his attention as he glanced down at the black and white kitten. 
“Hiya, darling girl.” He crouched down, scooping her into his arms before he delivered a series of kisses over her head. “Daddy’s missed you, eh. Have you been good for your nan?”
She meowed in response, causing Harry to coo at her before he scratched under her chin. 
“That’s my girl.” He pressed another kiss to the top of her head before setting her back to the ground. 
He knew they would indulge in several cuddle sessions over the next few days, so he wasn’t worried about missing his one and only pet this holiday season. He walked through the house, finding his way into the kitchen where Gemma was tipping back a glass of dark red liquid, and his Mum was rolling out cookie dough with a bright smile on her face. What Harry wasn’t expecting, was the curly haired girl with a cookie cutter in her hand next to his Mum.
“Hello!” He called out, offering a smile as he walked over to the kitchen island. “I see we’ve started having fun already.”
“It took you forever to get here!” Gemma said defensively, picking up a chocolate kiss before tossing it at Harry. “Do you want a drink?”
“Something hot, it’s like the bloody tundra outside.” He shivered at the thought of the harsh wind, his eyes trailing back towards the new girl. 
“Stella makes the best peppermint hot chocolate you’ve ever had in your life.” Gemma groaned out, her eyes rolling back in her head. “She puts peppermint vodka in there.”
“I can make you one if you’d like?” Stella’s voice was soft and painfully american. “We’ve got a slow cooker full of hot chocolate.”
“If you don’t mind.” Harry gave her a smile as he pulled out a stool, sitting next to Gemma. “Nice to meet you, Stella. I’m Harry, by the way.”
“She knows who you are.” Gemma reached over, pinching Harry’s side. “Stella is a new transfer at work. She’s new to England, and we thought we’d show her a proper English Christmas.”
“Stella, love, you should probably find another family to spend Christmas with if you want a proper English Christmas.” Harry snorted. “Ours is half arsed at best.”
“We have a lovely Christmas, thank you.” Anne piped up, flicking flour in Harry’s direction as Stella laughed softly. “Don’t scare the poor thing off, we’ve just made her feel at home.” 
Stella turned her back, walking towards the stove.
“I suppose we do have a good time.” Harry hummed out. “I can’t wait to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas for the millionth time.” 
“They’ve got an animated one now!” Gemma exclaimed. “We’re going to do a double feature.”
“Lovely.” Harry rolled his eyes. 
Moments later, a steaming mug of hot chocolate laced was placed in front of Harry. 
He looked down at the grinch mug before looking back up at Stella. 
“Thanks.” He offered her a smile, but she merely nodded back at him before taking her place next to Anne again. 
He watched her, sipping at his drink as Gemma and Anne chatted about some Hallmark movie that was meant to premiere at some point during the week. She wasn’t normally the type of girl that he dated, but he had to admit that she was beautiful. Her cheeks were round, a soft blush smeared over them that he assumed came from a makeup product. Her lashes were thick, and long, shadowing her hazel colored eyes. She had thick brows that seemed a little unruly, and plump lips stained with a plum colored lipstick that matched her smoky, purple eyeshadow. He wasn’t a huge fan of the plum color, but he had to admit that it brought out a lot of the warmer tones in her eyes and in her beautiful, brown skin. He also thought that it complimented the lighter strands in her curly brown hair that bounced about everytime she turned her head. 
He tried not to be too obvious with his curious gaze, but he couldn’t help it. He was almost mesmerized by her beauty, but he was more so confused by his attraction to her. She was far too quiet for his taste, her eyes cast down on the cookies she’d been cutting out for the last few minutes while everyone else chatted. 
He watched her place them on the tray carefully, obsessing over how they landed before she reached for the colored icing. He watched her pipe onto the little shapes, her tongue nestling in the corner of her mouth as her unsteady hands worked diligently on the cookies. 
This was a Styles family Christmas, and the Styles were a rowdy and messy bunch. He’d never seen his Mum or Gemma put that much work into sugar cookies before, and it was almost painful to watch her perfect each and every one before she slipped the tray in the oven. He watched her reach for the cheeky little chicken shaped oven timer that Gemma bought when his Mum fist moved into this house. In all of those years, he’d never seen anyone actually use it. 
“Did you hear me, my little turtle dove?” Anne brushed her hand over Harry’s back as he sipped at his cocoa. “They’re calling for a huge storm this weekend, are you packed for that?”
“I left some stuff here the last time I was around.” He turned his head, smiling back at her. “I think I should be fine if I get stuck with you lot.” 
“Good.” She nodded, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “I’ve missed you.” 
“Missed you too, Mumma.” He wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her into a hug. 
The warm scent of vanilla and musk greeted his senses, flooding him with comfort and nostalgic memories of cuddling with Mum on the couch. He missed having her around him. He missed having his best friend around to comfort him when he needed it the most. When he let go of her, his heart sank a little in his chest. She pressed a kiss to the top of his head before moving back to work on more cookie dough. 
“Why are you making so many cookies?” He asked, brows furrowing as he brushed his fingers over the sickly green mug with the cartoon characters face on it. “Do you plan on feeding an army?”
“No, but Stella suggested that we take some down to the local homeless shelter on Christmas Eve.” Anne smiled over at the girl. “That’s her family's Christmas tradition, and since she’s not with them this year, we thought we’d make it happen for her here.”
“Thank you again, for agreeing to this.” Stella smiled at Anne. “It really means the world to me, and I can’t thank you enough.”
“You’re a part of the family now, dear.” Anne teased. “Even if you’re not spending Christmas with us, this little tradition of yours has been officially integrated into our own Christmas tradition. We’ll always have a little bit of Stella with us during the Holiday’s now, eh.”
Stella laughed at that, reaching her arms out to wrap Anne in a hug. 
Harry almost felt a little jealous at how seamlessly she fit in here. 
“If you keep staring at her, she’s gonna want to run back to America.” Gemma nudged her elbow into his side. “We get it, she’s hotter than you.”
“Oh, shut up.” Harry rolled his eyes at Gemma as she smirked. “I wasn’t staring.”
“Okay, Casanova.” She snorted. “Whatever you say. 
Harry wasn’t sure why he was hard. 
He just wanted to close his eyes and go the fuck to sleep. 
After a long day of travel, and an even longer evening filled with Harry pulling down Christmas decorations from the attic, he just wanted to sleep. He wasn’t looking forward to taking the annual trip to the Christmas Tree Farm tomorrow. Since Robin passed, Harry was the only man in the family, which meant that he often had to do the heavy lifting. He found that most of his strength lay in his core, despite the amount of lifting he’d done to buff up his arms, and he wasn’t looking forward to tossing a tree on top of his car while everyone watched. 
Truthfully, that was the worry that should have been plaguing his mind as he lay in bed. Instead, his mind was lost in hazel colored waves that crashed on dark plum shores. He couldn’t stop thinking about Stella’s eyes or her perfectly shaped lips. He spent most of his night watching her drink from a wine glass, her cheeks turning a shade darker with each joke that she shared with his family. If there was one thing that he was shocked about, it was the dry humor that tumbled from her perfect plum colored lips. She was a funny girl, despite being quiet, and he laughed at every single joke she told without shame. 
As he shifted his about, trying to avoid any further thoughts about her lips, the tip of his cock brushed against the warm flannel of his pajama pants. He let out a throaty groan, reaching down to push his palm into the crotch of his pants to soothe the pressure building in his lower belly. He couldn’t jack off to the thought of Gemma’s new friend, it would be awful, and it would surely land him on the naughty list. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best not to picture her lipstick staining his lower belly, his upper thighs, and eventually...the shaft of his cock. But after a few minutes of trying not to think about it, that was the only thing he could see behind closed eyes. 
With an annoyed grumble, he dipped his hand into his pajama pants, tugging his cock out while his free hand pushed the band of the pants down his hips. He licked over his dry lips, making a mental note to buy some chapstick tomorrow as he gave himself one, swift stroke. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to moan as he brushed the pad of his thumb over the weeping slit of his cock. He was pathetic, dripping down his cock over a girl that he barely knew. He couldn’t believe that he was being that guy right now, tugging at his cock desperately to the thought of a beautiful girl on her knees for him. He wanted so badly to have her there, whispering filthy words in that gentle tone she had, encouraging him to cum on her tongue. 
When he did cum, her name spilled from his lips. 
His chest was heaving as he came down, the tinkling of Stella’s laughter filling his ears. 
Seconds later, he heard her bid goodnight to Gemma before the door next to his own shut. 
He was totally fucked for this girl. 
The next morning, he didn’t expect to see Stella sitting at the breakfast bar when he came downstairs. 
He stopped in the doorway, his cheeks growing warm as he looked over her sweater covered back. Thoughts of her name tumbling from his lips last night flooded back as he looked at her. She was wearing a lavender colored, cable knit sweater, and her curls were tied up in a messy ponytail on top of her head. Most of the curls had fallen out, covering up some of her neck alongside her fingers. Her cheek was propped on her palm, her gaze focused on her laptop as she lifted a mug of steaming liquid up to her mouth with her other hand. 
Harry cleared his throat, walking toward the stove so he could put the kettle on. No one else in the house would be up for hours, but Harry couldn’t turn off his internal alarm clock no matter how he tried. He also hoped that he might find a moment of peace from the very girl sitting in his Mother’s kitchen. She haunted his dreams, her face playing on the silver screen in his mind all night long. He hated how infatuated he was with this woman that he barely even knew. 
“Morning.” She spoke up first, her voice scratchy and tired. “Did you sleep well?”
“Splendid, yeah.” He nodded, filling the kettle with water. “You?” 
“I’ve slept better, but that’s to be expected.” She said softly. “I spent a little bit of time on a skype call with my brother’s, so I was up longer than expected.” 
“But you’re up fairly early this morning, aren’t you?” He put the kettle on the stovetop before turning around, his eyes landing on hers. “Why’s that?”
“I wake up this early anyways.” She smiled at him. “I usually like to go for a walk in the morning to wake myself up.”
“That’s nice.” He lifted his hand, scratching at the stubble on his jaw. “I usually like to go for a swim or a run in the morning, too.”
“Where do you swim?” She asked. 
“There’s a men’s swimming club not too far from my home in London.” He said. “It’s freezing cold, but you get used to it after a while.”
“Jeeze, you swim outside in this weather?” She lifted her head from her palm, her eyes growing wide. “I could never.” 
“It’s an acquired taste.” He chuckled softly. “What are you working on?”
“A new piece for my blog.” She said. “I started out using it as a diary of sorts, but people apparently love reading about the disaster that is my life.”
“I’m sure it’s not all horrible.” He hoped that he sounded encouraging and not rude. “You seem like a lovely, and positive person.”
“I try to be.” She shrugged, reaching for her mug. “I could say the same about you.”
“I try to be.” He smiled at her. “Would you like some breakfast?” 
“Oh, I was actually thinking of popping down to this little bakery Gemma told me about-” 
“Mandeville’s.” His heart picked up, a smile stretching across his lips. “Had my first job there.”
“Yeah, that’s the one.” She laughed, wrapping both hands around her mug as she leaned back in the barstool. “I figured I’d go grab some pastries for everyone. I know it’s kind of a busy day with the Christmas Tree Farm, so I thought it would be best if your Mum didn’t feel the need to cook.”
“She would love that.” Harry said. “Maybe I could go with you? We could both get our walks in, and I can see Mary before she hunts me down and drags me to the bakery.”
“I would love the company.” She smiled. “But enjoy your tea first, I’ll just be working on this until we’re ready to go.”
“Cheers.” He nodded, watching her eyes drop to her computer screen. 
She wasn’t wearing a stitch of makeup this morning, and Harry almost wished that she was. 
He wished that she had covered up her beautiful, freckle covered skin so that he didn’t fall harder for her beautiful face. He wished that she was hiding away those little blemishes that made him swoon, because she was actually a human after all, not some angel sent down from heaven to torture him. He wished that she covered those beautiful lips in that plum lipstick again so that he could imagine kissing it off of her. He hated the feeling stirring inside of his belly, the butterflies a tell tale sign of his feelings. 
He had a crush on Stella. 
And there was nothing he could do to stop himself from falling for her. 
Stella’s gloves were precious.
They were a bright red, little snowflakes and reindeer stitched into them. 
She offered to let Harry borrow a pair of her gloves, claiming that she’d brought plenty of pairs for the winter, but he politely declined before shoving his hands in his pockets. She looked so cozy, wrapped up in her winter coat with a beanie on top of her head and a matching scarf tied around her neck. Harry wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and cuddle her so that they could both stay nice and toasty on their walk. He wanted to kiss her bare cheeks, paying special attention to each freckle on her skin as the winter sun cast over them. 
He was so infatuated with her that it was almost embarrassing. 
“I can’t even imagine what it was like, growing up in a place like this.” Stella turned her head towards Harry, the tip of her nose a little red. “It’s so picturesque.”
“It’s alright.” He gave her a small smile. “I always wanted to get out when I was a kid.”
“Of course you did, we all do.” She chuckled. “I think everyone should run away for a little while, it really gives you all of the tools you need to really appreciate your hometown when you go back. I don’t know that I’ll ever move back to my hometown, but when I visit it, I feel a little bit more appreciative of the pivotal role it had in raising me.”
“I feel the same way about Cheshire.” Harry nodded. “It’s a big part of who I was, and that helped make me who I am. I wouldn’t be the same without this place.”
“Exactly.” She said. 
“So where exactly are you from?” He asked. “I mean, obviously America-”
“Is it that obvious?” She asked, narrowing her eyes playfully, her lips pursed. “I don’t think it is.”
“It’s a neon, flashing sign above your head kind of obvious, love.” He snorted. “But I can’t place what your accent is.”
“It’s not really an accent.” Stella shrugged, turning her attention back to the sidewalk. “I grew up on the road for most of my life, but my family settled in Georgia when I was about twelve.”
“Interesting.” He said. “How did you like Georgia?” 
“I didn’t, at first.” She laughed. “I hated it so much. I loved being on the road with my family, traveling places like Hawaii and Los Angeles. When we moved to the south, I despised everything about it. It was so plain and boring compared to places we’d lived before. But like I said, moving away has made me learn to love it more when I go back.”
“How long have you been gone?” He asked. 
“About three years.” She said. “I lived in Amsterdam for a year, and then Paris, and now I’m here.”
“Which place is your favorite?” He asked. “Be honest with me, now. You don’t have to say London just because you’re trying to get on my good side.” 
Stella tossed her head back, laughing loudly. 
“I think it’s truthfully London, Harry.” 
His name sounded like honey falling from her lips. 
“Why is that?” He asked. 
“Because I’ve found my chosen family.” She turned back, giving him a smile that thawed out the chill creeping up from his toes. “Starting with Gemma, of course. She was the first person to take me under her wings, and I’m so happy that I have her in my life. Then I started to find other people, and we all became this really close knit group of friends that felt more like family than my actual family does. I don’t know how I’ll ever leave this place.” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t.” He said softly. “Maybe this is home.”
Please don’t go, Stella. 
Stay here with me forever. 
Love me. 
“My contract is up at the end of the year, but we’ll just have to see how things go.” She said. “I might be convinced to stay.”
“Well, I guess I have a lot of work to do.” He chuckled.
“Why are you so keen on me staying?” She asked him, her brows raising as she gave him a knowing smirk. “Do you have a crush on me, Styles?”
His cheeks grew hot against the cold wind. 
“Alright now, don’t let that go to your head.” He grumbled, tucking his neck into his scarf as Stella’s smile grew wider. “It’s all your bloody fault, you know?”
“What have I done?” She laughed louder. “I’m just me.”
“That’s exactly it.” He let out a breathy chuckle. “You’re you, Stella.”
The Christmas Tree Farm was going well. 
That was up until Gemma decided that they absolutely needed to take a family picture in front of the big Christmas tree, Stella included. They had picked up a few little trinkets and such while walking around the market included in the farm. Anne picked up a reindeer headband with bells stitched in, plopping it on her head the second she found it. Gemma found an elf’s hat with little ears attached to the side, putting it on her hair before fussing with her hair. Stella found a crown made of poinsettias that she plopped on top of her curls, the red and gold working perfectly with her red lipstick and gold eyeshadow. Harry, however, wasn’t exactly in the spirit. 
“You’re wearing the bloody santa hat, whether you like it or not!” Gemma shoved it towards him with a frown. “If you stand next to Stella, you’ll like Mr. and Mrs. Claus!” 
“Shut up, Gemma.” Harry sneered, snatching the hat from her hands. “I didn’t tell you about that so you could throw it in my face!” 
“Well, I’m doing it for the greater good of our family photo!” She glared at him. “Put that hat on before I shove it on your head myself.”
“Are you two alright?” Stella smirked, adjusting her crown on her head as she walked up to Harry and Gemma. “Santa is still putting people on the naughty list you know?” 
“If anyone’s going to be on the naughty list, it’s Harry.” Gemma tossed her arm around Stella’s shoulder with a proud smirk. “He’s being a pain in the arse.”
“Is the hat really necessary to the photo?” He groaned, dropping his head back. 
“Yes.” Stella and Gemma said at the same time. 
“Alright, alright.” He groaned, tugging the hat over his curls. “Are you both happy now?”
“Ecstatic.” Stella smiled brightly at Harry. “I think you look handsome.”
“I’m going to just point out…” Gemma pulled her arm from around Stella, tucking her hands behind her back. “That there’s mistletoe hanging from that piece of wood above your heads.” 
“Gemma-” Harry’s eyes grew wide. 
“And I’m promptly going to walk away.” She smiled at Stella. “Meet us at the tree in ten minutes.” 
“Gemma-” Stella held her hand out as Gemma walked away, her eyes growing just as wide as Harry’s were. “What a sneaky little elf.” 
“Tell me about it.” Harry shifted, adjusting the hat on his head. “Devious little-”
“Well, I guess we can’t break tradition.” Stella looked up at Harry, shuffling forward slowly with a little smirk on her lips. “I mean, what would Santa say if we didn’t kiss under the mistletoe?”
Harry licked over his bottom lip, his fingers twitching. 
“You really want to kiss me?”
“I might.” Stella’s toes were almost touching Harry’s now. “But the question is, do you want to kiss me?”
“I do, yeah.” He nodded. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since I laid eyes on you, Stella.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” She raised her brows. “Now is your chance, Mr. Grinch, lay one on me.”
Harry lifted his hands, pressing them to Stella’s face hesitantly before he lowered his lips to hers in a soft kiss. It was a gentle peck, one that anyone would share underneath the mistletoe, but Harry wanted more from Stella. It seemed that she wanted more as well, her arms sliding around his neck as she pressed up on her toes. He let his hands fall to her waist as the kiss grew more intense, his hands holding onto her tightly as she brushed her tongue over his lower lip. He tried his best not to smile into the kiss, letting her have what she wanted by parting his lips. When her tongue slipped over his, he let out a tiny moan, gripping her hips tighter. 
“Get a room, you two!” Harry groaned, pressing his forehead to Stella’s. 
“Gemma, I swear to god-” Harry turned his head, whipping his santa hat off before he threw it in her direction. “Go bother someone else!” 
Stella laughed, ducking her forehead down to Harry’s chest as he rubbed his thumbs over her side gently. He felt her body shaking underneath his hands, his heart hammering in his chest when he realized just how close they actually were. He turned his head back, lifting a hand up to guide Stella’s chin up. He pressed his lips to hers once, twice, three more times before she pressed her palms to Harry’s chest. 
“We’ll never stop if we don’t move away from the mistletoe.” Stella whispered. “And I think Gemma might physically pull us apart if we miss that Christmas picture.”
“Let it be known that I’m only partaking in this picture because I want to stand next to you for as long as I can.” Harry smiled. “I think I have a little more than a crush on you, Stella.” 
“I think I have more than a crush on you, too.”
“Madeline, stop right there.” Stella let out a frustrated sigh as she looped her arm under the baby carrier, her eyes falling down to the sleeping infant. “Milo, promise Mumma that you’ll listen when you get to that age?”
“Give him here.” Harry brushed a kiss over Stella’s temple, his hand massaging her lower back gently. “You go catch up with speed racer, okay? I’ll be right behind you with the baby and the diaper bag.”
“Thank you.” Stella turned her head, puckering her lips out. “I love you.” 
“I love you.” He hummed out. “And our beautiful babies, even if one of them has a death wish and two left feet.” 
Stella snorted out a laugh, pulling her arm from the carrier before she stuffed her hands in her pockets. “I better go help her up the stairs.”
“Please, we don’t need a repeat of last year.” Harry smiled. 
“Yeah, I would like to avoid a trip to A&E this year.” Stella snorted. 
He watched Stella walk over to an antsy Madeline, her pigtails bouncing about as she jumped from foot to foot in excitement. Harry chuckled softly at his daughter, amused by her excitement. He was happy that she found so much joy in Christmas, just like her Mother did. He watched Stella hold a hand out, waiting for Madeline to take it before they both conquered the brick steps outside of his Mum’s house. When they got to the top, Stella lifted Madeline up, kissing over her cheeks as their daughter giggled. Harry lifted Milo’s car seat from the base, his eyes falling down to the six month old with hazel eyes and soft cheeks just like his Mother’s. 
“We’ve got our hands full with those two, mate.” Harry pulled the soft, wintery blue blanket up to Milo’s chin, tucking it around his shoulders so that he would stay warm. “Gonna keep us both on our toes, I know it.” 
Milo cooed up at him, causing Harry to smile wider before he ducked his head down to kiss his son's soft cheeks. 
“Let’s get you into Nan’s before you turn into a popsicle, my love.” Harry said. “Mumma won’t be happy if we have to spend Christmas thawing you out.”
As Harry made his way up the stairs, he couldn’t help but remember five Christmases ago. 
He was walking up the exact same steps on his own, unaware of the magic that was waiting inside for him. He was unaware that the girl Gemma brought home for Christmas would one day be his wife, and the mother of his two beautiful children. He had no idea that they would spend long nights together, planning their future and holding each other tight. He opened the front door to his Mum’s house, smiling at the sound of Madeline telling his Mother a story with animated gestures, her curly pigtails bouncing around as Stella tried to wrangle her jacket off. 
“And then Daddy told me we could get a puppy next year if I was good enough!” Madeline squealed out as Harry shut the door. 
He dodged the steely gaze he got from Stella after she heard the word puppy.
“Sorry.” He mouthed over at her, causing her to shake her head as she tried to fight off a smile. 
“You’re a menace.” She mouthed back. “But I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” He said it outloud, his heart soaring in his chest. 
Stella gave him a heart warming smile, Madeline’s coat still in her hands. 
Seconds later, Milo let out a tiny cry causing Harry to snap back into dad mode. 
He rested the carseat on the ground, carefully pulling his son out before pressing a kiss to his chubby little cheeks. As if Gemma could sense his presence, she barreled into the living room with her eyes set on Milo. 
“There’s my little man.” She held her hands out, wiggling them as Harry rolled his eyes. “You get to see him every day, Harry. Pass him over to his auntie.” 
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes. “Please be careful with him, I kind of like this one.”
“Piss off.” Gemma snorted out, sliding Milo onto her hip before pressing a bright red kiss mark into his forehead. “Has Daddy told you that without auntie Gem, you wouldn’t exist?” 
“Can you believe that?” She looked up at Harry, a hint of something nostalgic and genuine sparkling in her green eyes. “If I’d never brought Stella to family Christmas, we wouldn’t have two beautiful babies to dote over every year.”
“I can’t even begin to imagine what life would be like without them.” He whispered. “Thank you, Gemma.”
“Harry, I really didn’t-”
“Gemma.” He said her name sternly, pressing his palm to her bicep. “Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” She said softly, her eyes watering. “Now, if you could do me a favor and bring a hot friend around, I’d really appreciate it.”
“I’ll see what I can manage.” He let out a wet chuckle, his own eyes watering. 
“What are we managing?” Stella wrapped her arms around Harry. 
“We owe Gem a favor.” He sniffled, turning head to press a kiss to Stella’s forehead. 
“Why are you crying, baby?” Stella frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing at all.” He pressed his lips to hers, softly brushing his nose against the tip of hers as his. “Just so incredibly grateful to have you in my life, that’s all.”
“You’re so sappy around the holiday’s.” Stella brushed her palm over his belly. “I love you, Mr. Styles.” 
“I love you, too, Mrs. Styles.” He said. “Merry Christmas, Darling.”
“Merry Christmas.” 
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
MATCHUP PLEASE??? IVE LITERALLY BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. i'm sorry if this is very very rambly, im just excited. Ghost, he/they/xe/its, whoever but stirs towards more masc people, poly. I am a March Aries, born march 31st. I have two sides to me, overly loud/chaotic, and then the quiet side.... who is normally trying to plan how to fucking kill everyone or wishing i wasn't there. Anger issues to the max. My knuckles are scarred due to black outs because at school i bottle up my anger so i don't lash out and hurt someone, so i end up punching brick walls/trees. Which end up causing wounds on my knuckles/hands. I hate idiotic people, people who don't know how to stop being immature even when repeatedly being told countless times. I have quite literally stabbed someone in the arm because I asked her about ten times to stop laughing and staring at me. Very bad anxiety, so I normally bottle everything up until I hit a breaking point. This point could be me either having an anger fit(ex, punching shit, yelling, just in a angry mood), or have a silent breakdown(ex, where i shut everyone out, go nonverbal for a hot minute, and ignore everyone). I love natures and animals, both literally deserve to be treated better than they are. Half of the animals now days wouldn't act aggressive towards us if we have left them alone. I heavily believe that animals deserve the world. I listen to music 24 fucking 7. I cannot live without it, I have quite literally had breakdowns because I didn't have something to listen to music with. I listen to a lot of rock/metal genre type music, but my music taste is all over the place. I do NOT like country music minus a few songs, and all of them are the older songs. Famous Last Words, SlipKnot, KoRn, Get Scared, Hollywood Undead, Guns N' Roses, Queen, Falling In Reverse, Black Viel Brides, the list goes on. Weird facts/facts/extra, basically me just rambling; I love collecting. Animal bones, tapestry's, blankets, rocks, crystals, sticks, literally anything. I love dancing in the rain, even if its lighting and thundering. Huge anything horror/weird type of person. I love weird shit and gore. Like even if I'm cringing at it, I'm like "holy shit this is fun to watch" I kinda believe in zodiac signs? Like they make who you are but I'm not the type of person where it controls every little thing about you. Very very awkward in person, and I have anxiety. I love talking though, if I know/trust you please expect your ear to be talked off if you even remotely bring up a topic I love. Artist!! I have like 5 filled sketchbooks. I love writing as well, although I'm not really good at it. I love walks, especially if its quiet and in nature. I just get irritated if the people im walking with are constantly talking. LEMME KNOW IF U NEED MOREE
Here you go, dude. No need to pester anymore. >:)
Just a reminder that I don't take matchup requests anymore, I am just answering them!!!
🧢Bo Sinclair🧢
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"I have two sides to me, overly loud/chaotic, and then the quiet side.... who is normally trying to plan how to fucking kill everyone or wishing I wasn't there."
Bo relates heavily to that. His usual self is rather loud and annoying and he knows that. However, there's a lot of tranquility in him whenever he needs to seriously focus. He has his town and brothers to protect. He definitely understands this point of you and it fills him with relief. He hasn't met many people, well he hasn't met anyone at all, who feels the same way he does.
"Anger issues to the max. My knuckles are scarred due to blackouts because at school I bottle up my anger so I don't lash out and hurt someone, so I end up punching brick walls/trees. Which end up causing wounds on my knuckles/hands."
Oh, he understands that. During his time in school, he faced thousands of such accidents that often left his classmates scarred and bruised and he won't tell you that, but it wasn't even his intention. He did not want to hurt him, yet the internal pain he felt at that time was simply too much. He couldn't take it. He still hasn't faced his anger issues. They often ruin good "hunts" because his emotions cross with his strategical, rational thinking and he hates it.
"I hate idiotic people, people who don't know how to stop being immature even when repeatedly being told countless times. I have quite literally stabbed someone in the arm because I asked her about ten times to stop laughing and staring at me."
I can hear Bo laughing about that story from here. But yeah, he feels the same. Bo has general hate for everyone he deems idiotic which is everyone really so he agrees to that.
"I listen to music 24 fucking 7. I cannot live without it, I have quite literally had breakdowns because I didn't have something to listen to music with. I listen to a lot of rock/metal genre-type music, but my music taste is all over the place. I do NOT like country music minus a few songs, and all of them are the older songs."
Same with Bo, he can not live without his music. He always has it playing in the background, be it during a nasty process of torturing or simply while he works on his cars. Just a warning: He will play country music to annoy the shit out of you. But he himself, prefers hard rock and punk rock, too, so it's not a regular occurrence.
"Famous Last Words, SlipKnot, KoRn, Get Scared, Hollywood Undead, Guns N' Roses, Queen, Falling In Reverse, Black Viel Brides, the list goes on."
You listen to a lot of stuff, he used to listen to as a teen so he does have quite the knowledge. Nowadays he's circling more and more to the classics: ACDC, Marylin Manson, Black Sabbath, maybe even a bit of Slayer, and so on.
"Huge anything horror/weird type of person. I love weird shit and gore. Like even if I'm cringing at it, I'm like "holy shit this is fun to watch"
Bo fucking loves that. I don't think he watches a lot of horror, simply because he doesn't have any movies at home, but he does enjoy some good gore. Something he absolutely doesn't like are squeamish people. He thinks people who can't stand gore are pussies so Uhm, he does appreciate your open mind.
"I love walks, especially if it's quiet and in nature. I just get irritated if the people I'm walking with are constantly talking."
Surprising, but Bo loves walks as well. He will talk though. Just drown him out, really, he just likes to vent about his day during times like this, encased by quiet woods that'll never spill any of the secrets he's so carelessly letting out.
🪁Rufus T. Firefly🪁
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Impossible to find a gif from this man, Jesus.
"Very bad anxiety, so I normally bottle everything up until I hit a breaking point. This point could be me either having an anger fit(ex, punching shit, yelling, just in an angry mood), or have a silent breakdown(ex, where I shut everyone out, go nonverbal for a hot minute, and ignore everyone)."
Rufus doesn't look the type but he definitely understands that. He too gets anxious a lot. How could he not, with this family? He's there for you, whether it be to listen to you vent or let you cry into his shoulder.
"I love natures and animals, both literally deserve to be treated better than they are. Half of the animals nowadays wouldn't act aggressively towards us if we have left them alone. I heavily believe that animals deserve the world."
He'd never openly admit this but he agree. As someone who eats meat and also kills animals, he tries his best to treat them at least with a bit of respect, not like his brother would. Otis has less empathy for smaller beings like animals than Rufus.
"I love collecting. Animal bones, tapestry's, blankets, rocks, crystals, sticks, literally anything."
Rufus does that as well! Though, he mostly focuses on bones. and not just animal bones. He likes to make little stuff out of them, maybe even carve something into them. He'll likely gift you some of his creations every now and then.
"I love dancing in the rain, even if its storming and thundering."
The first time he sees you outside he just scoffs and grins softly. You look adorable like that. He quickly joins you, wrapping his jacket around you so you don't fucking freeze to death. It will take years to convince him to dance but god, after you've convinced him, he fucking loves it. (pls tell me you want a fic with this I want to write this now.)
"I kinda believe in zodiac signs? Like they make who you are but I'm not the type of person where it controls every little thing about you."
He really doesn't believe in it and he loves arguing about it. If you're comfortable enough with mindless bickering, he could spend the whole day doing it. Baby finds it extremely amusing, and Otis fucking hates it.
"Very very awkward in person, and I have anxiety. I love talking though, if I know/trust you please expect your ear to be talked off if you even remotely bring up a topic I love."
Like I said before, Rufus absolutely understands that. And he's like a giant teddy bear. If you want to calm down by just rambling while he holds you, that is fine by him. That man is touch starved anyway. And he finds your random talks endearing, he really does. Rufus is not the biggest talker so he adores if he can just listen to you.
"Artist!! I have like 5 filled sketchbooks. I love writing as well, although I'm not really good at it."
he has never drawn anything and he doubts he'd be good at it. He prefers to work with wood or bones, so his subject's more carving and that kind of stuff. He does like to watch you draw though. And if you draw him, he melts. Obviously, he doesn't show it. But every drawing you give him, he keeps in his drawer, safely tucked away from his nosy siblings.
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