#writing advent calendar
Day 18
Prompt: Writing the perfect christmas song?
Aka: Simón and Matteo both have trouble writing christmas songs and both get a person who can help them with that
Read on ao3 or under the cut.
Simón was trying to play on his guitar, but after just playing a few notes, he sighed to himself.
"Simón!" Luna shouted, running up to him. She did a small jump, landing in a sitting position next to him on stage. "How's my best friend forever?"
"I wish I was happier, but I was tasked to write a christmas song and I don't have any ideas."
Luna started to swing her legs up and down, "Can I help?"
Simón played some notes on his guitar. Luna nodded her head to the music.
"That's all I got," he said.
"Hmm... try adding..." Luna then hummed some tones. Simón curiously played it and then lit up.
"That sounds so good! You're a genius!"
"No, i'm not. I just came up with something."
"You're always coming up with something right when I need it."
Luna smiled, "Well, I do it unintentionally."
Simón played the notes on his guitar again.
"Ooh, ooh..." Luna hummed, "Writing a christmas song..."
"Writing a christmas song..." Simón sang, "With my best friend..."
"I'm your best friend..." Luna sang, giggling. They continued to sing random lines as Simón continued to play random notes his guitar.
"It's christmas and the sun is shining..."
"So now we really should stop... whining?"
"Luna, can you tell me what rhymes with snow?"
"We don't have snow here, maybe oh oh oh?"
Both bursted out laughing. 
"Ah, I love singing silly stuff with you," Luna chuckled.
"Remember when we were kids and we did that all the time?" Simón asked, "We just made up songs."
"Yeah, and we even performed them at that christmas talent show for the kids in that part of town!"
"Ah, we were glorious!"
"Christmas always brings me nostalgia in some way," Luna admitted. "So many happy memories..."
Simón gasped. "That's right! Nostalgia! Luna, you did it!"
"That's what I'm gonna write! A christmas song about the nostalgia you feel around that time of the year! I think I'll call it "childhood jingles" you know, like jingle bells? What do you think?"
"That sounds awesome, Simón!"
"I better get to work! No, we better get to work! You're gonna help me get more inspired!"
Matteo was sitting backstage, also stringing on his guitar. He, too, had been asked to create a christmas song, and just like Simón, he was struggling.
He had no childhood friend who could help him. However, someone who did come into the room was a certain rapper boy.
Things had been a bit... odd between Matteo and Ramiro since 2 days ago, where they kissed under a mistletoe at a christmas party (which, despite its name, didn't occur on christmas. Actual christmas was for spending time with their families, so they had this party some days before). 
The boys didn't really... talk much, but it was like they were moving towards each other all the time.
"What are you doing in here?" Matteo asked.
Ramiro shrugged, "I have no clue, I just had a...." He had his hand in his pocket and his other hand waving around as he snapped his fingers, "... a gut feeling? Like something inside me said I needed to get in here."
Ramiro smacked his lips, trying to keep his cool posture or something. "So... what are you doing?"
"I'm... uh... trying to write a christmas song."
"Oh-ho!" Ramiro jumped up at the table and sat there as he looked at Matteo. Matteo awkwardly tried to look back. He didn't want to, but if he looked away, Ramiro would wonder why. "How far have you come in your sing-song-sing-writing-thing?" Ramiro asked.
"I... haven't gotten anywhere."
"You haven't gotten anywhere? Woo!" Ramiro started to rap, "The king of the rink, he has no sync, he needs some inspiration, cause he's in desperation..." He then beatboxed a bit, before going "...yeah!"
"You never stop rapping, huh?"
"You gotta keep it up to not lose the flow."
"I guess... I mean, I am the same with music. I need to play or sing some to not lose it."
"You understand it, man."
Matteo chuckled. "Uhm... do you... have any idea what I could write for a christmas song?"
"Mmm..." Ramiro grabbed the table with his hands and made himself slide closer to Matteo. This caused Matteo to bit his lip and grow a bit nervous, but Ramiro didn't care. "So, the first thing I think of right now is like... christmas trees, decorations... mistletoes-"
"Hm-mphm!" Matteo coughed.
"Are you okay?" Ramiro asked, trying not to laugh.
"Yeah... yeah..."
"Matteo..." he put a hand on his shoulder, "Mattito. Matty boy-"
"Are you really okay? Is it because I mentioned mistletoe-"
"I'm fine!"
Ramiro looked at him and Matteo looked back. The Matteo sighed.
"Ok, I knew... at the party, I said it was ok, I liked it, and I did. But... it's been so awkward ever since. Every time I see you, I... I don't know, it feels odd. Don't you think it feels odd?"
Ramiro was silent for a moment. Then he looked down on the floor as he snickered.
"Yeah... yeah, I think it feels odd. That's why I think I constantly get dragged closer to you, cause I feel like we started something we now can't end. Cause... it didn't really end at the party, did it?"
"No, it didn't."
"We have some unfinished business, Matteo-man. I just gotta put it out there... I feel like... maybe I feel something more for you than just... bro-feelings... ugh, maybe friendship feelings sounds better..." Ramiro was cringing at himself.
"No, bro-feelings is exactly something you would say," Matteo chuckled, "It's so you. You're never afraid to be yourself and that's what I love about you."
Ramiro beamed. "And I like... how you're so... yourself, too, in some way. Sorry, I am terrible at this."
"Terrible at what?"
"Giving good compliments. Flirting."
Matteo frowned, "Wait, you were flirting?"
"I was? I wasn't sure myself."
Both looked at each other and then laughed.
"For the record," Matteo said, "I think I... feel something for you, too. But I don't know what. It was like, the mistletoe incident made me wonder... is there something more? I want to explore the emotions, but I didn't know how to, cause I didn't know how to tell you that..."
"You want to kiss me again?"
"Cause..." Ramiro moved closer, "I wanna kiss you again, too."
Matteo got a bit surprised, but he quickly smiled. He moved closer as well. Soon, the boys lips met.
As they kissed, Matteo started to play on his guitar. It was like the music came to him as he felt the emotions of the kiss. This caused Ramiro to let go.
"Wow, you liked it so much?"
"I..." Matteo started to play some more and realized he got an entire melody just by the flow.
"Wow!" Ramiro applauded, "Did I make you do that?"
"I guess you did," Matteo said, "Now I just need to make a lyrics."
"Maybe we can make out and you'll get inspired in no-time."
Matteo smirked. "Maybe so... there's only one way to find out."
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Twenty-Fourth Day of Gift-Giving
Twenty-Four Touches
Softly getting hold of the other’s hand, afraid to make a mistake
A casual touch on the shoulder to acknowledge them
Foreheads pressed together, a silent way to say “I’m here”
A gentle hand holding the other’s neck while staring into their eyes
Whispering, lips almost touching the ear
A quick brush of hands, almost unnoticeable
Tracing the other’s lips with their finger
An arm sneaking around a waist, holding them close
Pressing their face into the other’s neck, hiding from the world
A hand in the other’s hair, not quite grabbing it
Sighing into the kiss, melting together at last
A swift kiss to the other’s cheek
Brushing away an unruly lock of hair
A firm handshake, professionally at first, but a second to long
Gently kissing the other’s knuckles
A tender hug, just staying together for a while
Hands rubbing together to warm them up
A firm hand grabbing the other’s elbow to guide them
Feeling for the other’s pules with their lips
A quick kiss on the crown of their hair
Sitting on the other’s lap, being hugged from behind
A slow dance, entangled with each other
Cold feet warming each other up under the blanket
A gentle kiss on the forehead, a sweet goodbye
24 Days of Gift-Giving
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cybertroniannugget · 9 months
Snowball fight on base
Dec 14
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Literally what's going on
The title pretty much gives it away.
"I prefer the old base actually...", Sam mumbled under his breath, but you and Mikaela heard him.
"Don't be a wuss, it's only cold if you go outside."
"He's scared of the Polar bears.", Mikaela snickers, adjusting her scarf.
You turn to look at your brother. "Polar bears...? In a severely feced, supervised and protected area like this? There are none here. Outside of the fence, yes but as long as you don't go there you'll be fine."
"Hrmph", was the only thing he brought out, regretting ever leaving the warmth of the base.
The three of you didn't walk for long, when you spot a group of bots and soldiers having an intense snowball fight.
After getting a closer look you noticed that there aren't any teams, just them throwing the cold bullets everywhere.
Before you could ask to join, a snowball hit Sam's arm. You take this as an invitation, bending down to grab some snow and running towards the battlefield.
Ratchet and Ironhide had a rather bitter 1v1, and you couldn't figure out what fueled it for the better of it.
"Alright, let's form teams.", you say looking into the round of bots and humans alike.
"I will not be in HIS team.", Ratchet states, shooting a glare at Ironhide, who already held two snowballs, one in each servo.
With that, the Medic walks over to Jazz.
"Fine, we'll win.", the weapon's specialist grumbles, staying next to you.
"Wait, you're participating Ratchet?", you ask rather confused.
Usually the medic distanced himself from such activities.
"If I can get some sense into this bot's processor I'll do this."
"That's the spirit.", Epps chuckled, standing next to the Medic.
"Oh come on Epps, that's betrayal!"
"That's what you get for eating the last coconut macaroon. Now that is betrayal"
He points at you. "You gotta make more of those."
You show a thumbs up at him. "Will do!"
"Come over here.", Jazz calls to you.
Shaking your head, you decline, forming a snowball in your hands.
"No chance, I wanna beat yo ass!", you yell, laughing.
You look over to Lennox, who walks up to you, armed as well.
"Alright everyone, walk over to the your team of choice.", Lennox shouted for everyone to hear.
"And keep it even!", you add.
After some rustling, uncertainty and more yelling, everyone had found their teams.
Your team consisted of Ironhide, Lennox, Mudflap, Jolt, Dino, Mikaela and 3 other soldiers.
Jazz's team got Ratchet, Bumblebee, Epps, Skids who was adamant on beating his twin, Arcee, Wheelie, Sideswipe, Sam
"That is not even!", Skids complains in frustration.
A snowball hits him right in the face.
"Cuz we ain't 20 people. We're 19 so live with it!", Mudflap shouts across the freshly formed battlefield.
This was the non communicated sign to let the fire begin.
In the span of 5 seconds, what was a peaceful spot turned into a storm of flying snowballs.
You realized that you didn't agree on any rules, the rather big snowballs hitting you being a cruel reminder of that.
"Try not to make the humans fly away with your throws!", Ironhide calls out loudly, saving your and the other human's behinds.
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jacksgreysays · 9 months
"dirty paws," Shikako & Kakashi in an AU where she signed the dog summons?
Dirty Paws
“You…” Pakkun says to her with his deep voice, “You may touch my ears.”
Shikako is too delighted to notice the way Kakashi-sensei’s eye widens in alarm. She reaches a hand out to Pakkun immediately, then stops mid air. “Are you sure?” She asks, even through the eagerness to do so. His ears must be so soft!
Pakkun’s expression doesn’t change, but his tail wags. Once. He tilts his head even closer. “They’re velvety soft,” he entices her.
“Pakkun, maybe we should—” Kakashi begins, too late.
Shikako does not need to be asked twice! Her hands darts forward, swiftly but gently, and rubs along the floppy ears in smooth strokes.
They are indeed velvety soft!
… and they are also the last sensation Shikako registers before her insides twist, chakra and natural energy swirling around her in a nauseating blend, and she disappears from Konoha.
Shikako wakes up to the contradictory feelings of being watched yet somehow safe. Also, something cold and wet pressing against her cheek.
Blearily, she blinks open her eyes and rasps, “I’ve been betrayed.”
Pakkun, pulling his snout away from her face, corrects, “Tricked at most.” But his scrunched face has the smallest hint of guilt, maybe. “My ears really are velvety soft.”
“They are velvety soft,” Shikako confirms. “Are they also a method of reverse summoning?”
“They can be,” Pakkun answers. “I didn’t think it would hit you so hard, pup,” he says. In apology, he places a paw delicately on her hand. It is also velvety soft.
“It’s not your fault,” Shikako says, sitting up from the grassy meadow in what must be the dog’s territory in the Land of Spirits. “If I’m not prepared, an influx of too much chakra can knock me out.”
“That’s dangerous information to share, pup.”
Shikako meets Pakkin’s eyes then slowly reaches out to press one finger against his velvety soft ear.
Nothing happens.
“Only if you’re going to betray me,” she says, dropping her hand before looking around the area. “But I don’t think you would have brought me here if you were.”
Pakkun steps back, tail wagging once, twice. “Kakashi did say you were clever,” he says, before breaking out into a run, Shikako following after.
“Let’s hope you can prove it to the others.”
A/N: This is all I have for now, anon, and unfortunately it’s less Shikako & Kakashi and more Shikako & Pakkun, but that’s pretty close I think? Basically, Shikako proving herself to the dog summons and assembling her own primary pack. Maybe she gets into the Hatake/White Fang history? Not sure.
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twostepstyless · 2 years
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Okay here goes…
INTRODUCING… my 2022 Advent Calendar. Starting December 1st enjoy a new piece of writing from me every. single. day. until Christmas Day. I don’t really know why I’m doing this to myself but here we are. I’m trying to get better at posting writing more frequently and this is sort of forcing myself to do that. So join me at 9pm GMT every single day for a new piece. We will have a mix of one-shots, blurbs, concepts (at least one smut piece thrown in for good measure) all with a festive theme to get us through the season. The writings will work whether you read every single day or drop in and out throughout the month, you won’t miss any plot points if you miss a day, they’ll all work as standalone pieces too !! This Advent Calendar masterlist will be updated daily for the new piece and will be pinned at the top of my blog for the duration <3
Door number 1 will be opened Thursday December 1st at 9pm GMT - I suppose I better start typing
My Full Masterlist
* - indicates smut (18+ only please)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4*
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10*
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22*
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Read my full Masterlist
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nucarnievents · 2 months
NuCarni Advent Calendar Signups Open!
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Signup now until August 26th with your top 3 prompt selections. Matchups will be emailed August 29th to all those that filled out the form. You can check out the full breakdown of the prompts on our Carrd or on our IC Results post.
Fill out our signup form. A confirmation email will be sent to you shortly after.
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one-boring-person · 10 months
Cardinal copia x reader getting him a Star Wars advent calendar and hot chocolate
Thank you for requesting! I hope you like this! ☺️💛
Cardinal Copia x reader
Warnings: none
Make a request!
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The corridors of the Abbey are bustling this morning, filled with siblings desperately trying to get their chores done so they can join in with the decorating process later in the day. Many are already red-faced as they hurry past me, a few of the clergy's ghouls also looking somewhat breathless as they do their own work. I can't help but chuckle at the sight, eager to get my own jobs done swiftly but finding it amusing to see the members of the clergy so irate with urgency. 
Turning down the hallway lined with each respective papas’ offices, I duck to the side in time to avoid a tall ghoul carrying a heavy box. A head pokes round the side at the sound of my surprised yelp, a familiar, toothy grin spreading over the features exposed by his mask.
“Sorry ‘bout that, (Y/n),” Swiss apologises, his tail flicking behind him.
“No harm done, Swiss.” I wave him off, smiling at the multi-ghoul pleasantly. 
His golden eyes hone in on my hands, clearly inspecting the wrapped gift and old mug with curiosity.
“What've you got there?” He sniffs experimentally, his grin widening, “Ooh, you've got treats!”
His tail snakes over to me, but I shy away from him.
“None for you, sorry,” I laugh, ducking out of his way, “Anyway, I'm already late. I'll see you later, Swiss.”
“And you'd better have stuff for me then,” He huffs jokingly, nodding his head in farewell.
By the time I finally knock on Copia's door it's already ten minutes past the time I'd intended to arrive. He calls me in quickly, glancing up at me as I step into his small office.
“Oh, (Y/n), I wasn't expecting you,” He smiles and gets up, pausing whatever paperwork he was doing before.
“Sorry, Cardinal, I should've said I was coming,” I reply, placing the items in my hands down before returning the embrace he offers me. 
The Cardinal places a soft kiss on my lips, looking me up and down as he pulls away.
“But what are you doing here? Aren't you eager to help with the decorating later?” He questions me, trying and failing not to look at the gift on his desk.
Chuckling, I pass it to him.
“Happy first day of Advent, Cardinal”
“I've told you to call me Copia,” He pouts briefly, taking the gift.
Carefully, the Cardinal unwraps the rectangular parcel, his features lighting up as he sees what's inside. He practically vibrates with excitement, lips pulling into a wide grin as he pulls the Star Wars advent calendar from its wrappings, dropping the paper in favour of grasping it with both hands. Leaning closer, he traces every detail on the front with his eyes, muttering happily to himself.
“Like it?” I ask him, biting back a smile.
Copia's mismatched eyes snap up to meet mine, bright and eager.
“I love it! It's perfect!” He gushes, stepping forward as if to show me, “The picture…it's The Empire Strikes Back! My favourite!” 
I chuckle, leaning into him to watch as he points out the characters, a little lost in his enthusiasm. 
“Thank you so much, cara, I love it,” He finally concludes, wrapping me up in a tight hug that almost knocks me over in its intensity.
“I'm glad,” I reply, returning the embrace, revelling in his closeness, “I thought you might like a little pick-me-up every day. I know it's a busy time of year.”
“It's very much appreciated,” Copia confirms, pulling back to press a kiss to my lips once more.
“And I brought you a hot chocolate from the canteen so you can have it with the first chocolate,” I point out, nodding to the desk.
Turning, Copia places the calendar down to pick up the old, fading mug.
“In my old mug, no less. You have outdone yourself this time, (Y/n).” The Cardinal takes a deep drink, sighing at the taste.
“Perfect. Whatever would I do without you?”
“You'd manage just fine,” I reassure him, winking as he smiles.
He places the mug down on the desk again, picking up the calendar. This time, he traces a finger over it, peering closely at the small numbers printed into the card. As he finds the first window, he lets out a small “aha!”, digging the door open and fishing the little chocolate out of the crevice. Wasting no time, he places the treat in his mouth.
Just in time for Sister Imperator to open the door.
“Sister-!” Copia greets, forgetting his mouthful of chocolate momentarily. 
I nod cordially at the older woman, turning to the cardinal to excuse myself as she gives him an odd look.
“I'll take my leave of you, Cardinal.”
“Thank you again, (Y/n),” He swallows his mouthful, smiling at me a little nervously now.
As I leave, I can't help the small laugh that bubbles out of my throat.
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inkcurlsandknives · 4 months
Join Pride Open Mic Night!
I'm reading an excerpt from Saints of Storm and Sorrow!
Starting June 7th 5pm-9pm CST Share a clip of you reading your favourite prose or poetry by a queer writer or yourself!
Published and Unpublished work is welcome!
Post a clip of yourself reading your selection (aim for under 90sec due to reel sharing constraints!) make sure to use the tag #SaintsPrideOpenMicNight
So I can boost!
Check out the tag #SaintsPrideOpenMicNight to make sure you don’t miss out on any of our other awesome readings!
Head to gabriellabuba.com to find more fun pride events on the #SaintsOfStormAndSorrowPrideAdventCalendar to celebrate the Launch of my debut novel Saints of Storm and Sorrow coming out June 25th with @titanbooks
Filipino POPPY WAR
Lunurin hides as a nun-from the Inquisition branding her a witch, and her Goddess of Storms, who sings of drowning colonizers. When she’s discovered, a marriage-of-convenience might save her from the Church, but it won’t stop the typhoon brewing in Lunurin's bones.
Preorder your copy today!
Buy link: https://linktr.ee/gabriellabuba
More info at gabriellabuba.com
#saintsofstormandsorrow #bisexualbooks #queerbooks #filipinofantasy #bipocbooks #bookstagram #pridemonth #pride2024 #bookstagram #openmicnight
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princepqul · 10 months
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im going to challenge myself and my writers block by writing a small prompt each day during the festive season!! like an advent calendar, the prompt is a secret, so you'll just have to see each day :3c -- ill try my best to update each day!! AND THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!!
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short-wooloo · 5 months
2024 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar leaked
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Writing advent calendar
Prompt: Christmas baking
Aka: Franletta is baking and it goes exactly how you'd expect
Read on ao3 in the link above or under the cut
"Alright, let's do this thing!" Violetta exclaimed as she put on an apron. She and Francesca were gonna do christmas baking. Camila was supposed to join them, but she got stuck babysitting her sisters. So, now it was just the two of them.
They were planning on doing it all. Gingerbread, that was a given. They also wanted to try to make their own caramel. Also, chocolate, candy canes and marshmallows were on the list to do something with. Either as decorations for the other things or just to eat as they were. They would see.
They started with the gingerbread. It was easy enough. Violetta took out the gingerbread cookie cutters. 
"Hey, wouldn't it be fun if we made our own carvings?" Francesca asked and took a dinner knife, "I'll try to carve a bow."
Violetta snorted, "That doesn't look like a bow."
"Oh, it will, when I decorate it later."
"It looks like a broken hourglass." 
Francesca looked at her teasingly, "Ok, do something better yourself!"
"Alright! I'll carve a music note!"
Violetta was very concentrated on carving and it actually did seem to end up looking like a decent music note. However, when they got all the gingerbread in the oven, Francesca started laughing.
"Your music note is not much of a note anymore..."
Violetta peeked inside the oven and noticed to her despair that the gingerbread music note had grown thicker and now looked like a toddler's attempt at drawing a rainbow or a bridge. She sighed.
"Let's hope we get better luck with the caramel."
The girls read the recipe very carefully and things were going well. They were moving it around with a spoon in the pot. Only that, they took turns moving around and both wanted the spoon. Eventually, they accidentally grabbed each other's hands instead, dropping the spoon into the caramel.
"Ooh..." Francesca mumbled.
"Noo..." Violetta mumbled. "We need to get the spoon, Fran."
"I know, but how do we get the spoon, Vilu?"
They weren't sure if they would turn the stove off or if they would try to grab the spoon with their hands, or...
"Oh, I'll use this other spoon to get the spoon up," Francesca said, "You hold the pot."
"Got it."
Francesca carefully lifted up the caramel-covered spoon. But then, she accidentally touched it with her fingers.
"Ow! Hot, hot!"
This caused her to drop the spoon and her reaction caused Violetta to get startled and accidentally drop the whole pot on the floor. Both girls screamed.
"Olga's gonna be so mad!" Violetta cried.
"The floor is gonna melt!" Francesca cried.
"No, the floor isn't gonna melt, but the caramel will take forever to get off."
The two girls grabbed spatulas and tried scraping it off the floor. Since they were rather quick, they could get up a lot, but it was very sticky. And the floor was sticky afterwards. How were they gonna solve a sticky floor?
"I don't know how to solve the sticky floor," Violetta sighed.
"We need to get cleaning supplies!" Francesca concluded. But before she could get them, the alarm on the oven beeped. Their ginger breads were done.
Violetta made sure to carefully take them out, not wanting to drop them too. She once again sighed at her now deformed music note, while Francesca saw in delight that her previous bad attempt at a bow had magically in the oven gotten a better resemblance to a bow. The other ginger breads were from cookie cutters they used, so the girls weren't really surprised by their look.
"So, are we gonna decorate them?" Francesca asked.
"Yes!" Violetta replied excitedly. "Wait, aren't we forgetting something?"
"I don't think so, no."
"You're right. Let's decorate!"'
As they were decorating, Violetta had a hard time getting the frosting out. She twisted and turned, but it barely came out.
"Here, let me help," Francesca said. Then she squeezed so hard she accidentally shot frosting on Violetta. "Oh my god, so sorry!"
Violetta, however, smirked. She held up the frosting and shot some at Francesca as a revenge. Now the war was on. They chased each other around. The candy canes, marshmallows and chocolate, which they didn't know what they were going to do with, they decided now had the purpose to be thrown. They started throwing it all at each other, laughing in the process.
Violetta then accidentally stepped on the sticky floor and got her foot stuck.
"Francesca, help."
Francesca noticed immediately what had happened, and instead of helping her, she laughed at her.
"It's not funny, Francesca! Help me!"
Francesca shook her head as she went up to Violetta. "You know what I should do know?"
Violetta noticed Francesca had a bowl of chocolate in her hands. She could only fear the worst. However, Francesca gently put down the bowl on the side.
"What are you gonna do?" Violetta asked nervously.
Francesca smiled. "Something I've been wanting to do for a long time."
She then kissed Violetta right on the lips. 
As she let go, Violetta had her eyes widened. But then she smiled.
"So..." Francesca said, just to say something. "Did you... like it? Was that ok?"
Violetta nodded eagerly, "Fran, I wanna kiss you back, I love you so much!"
"Yeah, but I am stuck with my foot on the sticky floor and you haven't helped me."
"I kissed you!"
"But I am still stuck!"
"What am I gonna do about it?"
"I don't know, help me with the power of love!"
Francesca looked down on Violetta's feet. Then she frowned. "Are you sure you're stuck? You can't lift your foot?"
Violetta smirked. She then very strongly lifted her foot, getting out of the sticky mess in a second. "Alright, you got me. I only tricked you so I could do this!"
She then started throwing marshmallows at Francesca, who giggled as she held up her hands to protect herself.
Eventually she leaned against the wall. Violetta went over. "Open your mouth." She then held up Francesca's bow-shaped ginger bread and fed her with it. As Francesca had eaten it, Violetta gave her a kiss.
"We gotta clean up this mess, huh?" Violetta asked.
Francesca pulled her closer. "Can't it wait?"
"What do you wanna do instead?"
Francesca wiggled her eyebrows, to which Violetta gave her an oh, proceeded with another smirk.
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Sixteenth Day of Gift-Giving
Sixteen Sinful Sentences
"Oh, is that how you like it?"
"You are such a tease!"
"No touching right now. That comes later."
"Think you can handle that?"
"You're so very tempting..."
"How do you like that?"
"I don't think you've had enough already."
"Someone should punish you for that."
"You can be a bit rougher if you want."
"I want you to be louder, my love."
"Please, mark me."
"Tell me exactly what you want."
"I want to make you mine."
"Yes, please keep doing that."
"The night's definitely not over yet."
"I believe I could make you do it."
24 Days of Gift-Giving
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cybertroniannugget · 10 months
Downside of cold weather
Dec 5
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About this fic: sfw, no gender mentioned, OPxreader romance
“How was your day?”, you ask, putting your arms on his shoulders, crossing them behind his neck.
“Today has been uneventful, but it got better just now.”
He leans forward, kissing you for a brief moment, turning to look at you shortly after, with a rather worried expression on his face plating.
Now confused, you frown. “Is everything alright?”
Placing a digit on your lips, he gently traces over them. “You are wounded.”
Even more perplexed now you do the same as him and touch your lips, while he retracts his servo.
“Oh, that?”
The Prime nods with a hum emitting from his vocalizer.
A hand on his cheek now, caressing his shimmering plates with a thumb, you smile lovingly.
“Nothing to worry about here, Love. My lips are just chapped. It's because of the cold and dry weather at the moment. Give it a few weeks, and they're back to normal.”
“Is there a way to tend to this condition?”
“Well, there's different kinds of balm, but I gave up on using these a long time ago.”
He tilts his helm in confusion.
“I always lose my chapsticks. Never finished one in my life because of that.", you snicker.
“I could keep one for you to request upon need.”
“That's so sweet, but you don't need to do that. I'll survive.”
You raise an eyebrow at him.
”But the Optimus I know will do that anyway.”
Both of you chuckle amused.
“Perhaps.”, he mumbles as he kisses you again.
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jacksgreysays · 9 months
"soldier, poet, king" + POV of team 7 from someone in the far future, maybe through the lens of a distant descendant build off surviving myths and historical texts
Dear anon, I hope you don’t mind, but I took a gentle step sideways and backwards with this prompt. In my search for all of the royalty!AU posts, I refreshed my memory about Foundation of Yesterday in which DoS/the Elemental Nations is the extremely distant past of FFVII. Coupled with the SOLDIERs of FFVII and my assigning of which member of Team Seven corresponds to which character of FFVII, I think it all combines well with your prompt. Additionally, I couldn’t tell which members of Team Seven I would assign soldier, poet, and king. But it was easy for me to assign solider, poet, and king to their FFVII descendants and then reverse engineer from there. So we get Cloud, obvious Soldier, descendant of blue-eyed blonde, storm and strife. Yuffie as King, inheriting a pendant that summons a sleeping goddess in times of need. And Vincent is less obvious as Poet, but you can probably get into a sort of meditative philosophizing of working for tyrants and falling in love with a scientist only for her to betray you and then going into hibernation and maybe meeting your distant ancestor who is Chaos? Unfortunately, I don’t actually know that much about FFVII—as I’ve never played it, nor the remake—except for what I’ve gleaned from fanfiction and cultural osmosis, lol. And then this does get into the problem, similar to the Fear to Tread (a world unseen) post in that the primary setting/POV of the fic WOULD be the world/characters that I am less accustomed to writing and then making up the history of the world between the events of DoS and FFVII. So I’m going to continue with my gentle sideways and backwards steps and give you this, instead:
When Yuffie finally activates the strange summon materia she inherited from her father, everything goes dark. At first she panics—maybe something went wrong? did she not have enough mana? was she cursed with blindness?—but then little pin pricks of light appear, like distant stars coming ever closer.
She doesn’t see what the summon does exactly, the battle ends so quickly after that, but that doesn’t matter too much considering the summon just… doesn’t leave.
The Shikabane-hime—once the tendrils of star-filled shadows have done their damage and tucked themselves away out of existence—looks human. Like one of Yuffie’s people, a girl far from home, displaced from Wutai, just like her.
But as the other members of the party shift and stare, uncertain as to what it happening, she remembers who exactly she’s looking at. What she is looking at, that is: a summon, inherited from her father, who only showed up now after her homeland has been ruined by ShinRa.
Later, when they have made camp for the night, when the Shikabane-hime has still not disappeared, even though Yuffie’s original mana offering should have long run out, she confronts the summon.
“Where were you?” Yuffie asks in Wutaian so the others can’t understand her. She tries to make it accusatory, tries to sound authoritative, like a proper Princess of Wutai, but she’s afraid it comes out more hurt, plaintive, like a child who realizes that legends are nothing more than stories, than lies. Like the legend that the Shikabane-hime would come in Wutai’s time of need.
The Shikabane-hime tilts its head, gaze sharp but not unkind. Yuffie thinks for a moment, perhaps it can’t understand her, what language do summons speak? Please not Midgarish.
But then the Shikabane-hime answers, “Your father never called for me.” Its gaze, somehow, becoming sharper but also more kind. Concerned, maybe. “Perhaps he did not believe. Perhaps it was not enough of a threat.”
“Not enough of a threat?” Yuffie shouts.
The rest of the party turn their way, hands on their weapons, except for Vincent whose attention had been on the Shikabane-hime the whole time. He waves them off and the others, with reluctance, stand down.
“What do you mean not enough of a threat? ShinRa invaded our homeland. It is a shell of itself! My father—” she cuts herself off before she can say anything else. Before she can realize what else in her childhood is a story, a lie.
“In the future, you will reclaim it, rebuild it,” the Shikabane-hime says, too casual for a command, too simple for a prophecy. “But first, we must ensure there is a future.”
When Shikako meets the almost familiar red eyes of Vincent Valentine, she does not say the following:
Is he doing okay in there? How did he manage to survive so long? If you could let him know I’m sorry, I miss him. Tell him thank you from me for holding on so long. Too long. Tell him he can let go, that he doesn’t have to stay if it hurts. If he needs to move on, it’s okay. I’ll meet him there when I’m done. And I’ll bring Naruto with me. You can rest now, Sasuke, I’m here now. I’ll see you soon.
When Vincent looks at the Shikabane-hime—
(Kako, Yuffie introduces it as, trying to play it off as just a late coming fellow Wutaian. If the other members of the party make the connection between the godly manifestation of starlit shadows and the normal looking woman following them blandly, they aren’t making a fuss about it, so neither will Vincent.)
—the Chaos inside of him settles into peace.
“You resemble your ancestor quite a bit,” Kako says to Cloud during a quiet stretch of their travels. It is the first thing she says to him.
Cloud nods, because what else can he do in response to that—
(Of course nobody believes that Kako is just a normal Wutaian woman, but they’re up against the biggest superpower in the world and also an ancient evil and also an undying Sephiroth while the Planet riots in its attempt to save itself, like a fever willing to burn everything up to stave off the infection.
They’ll take any help they can get, imposter or no. And it’s not as if he has room to talk about that anyway.)
—but he does notice that her eyes are closed as she says this, implying her remark isn’t about a visual resemblance but something else, something deeper.
“He was named after a storm,” she says, and for once her tone changes, the apathy gently flavored with fondness, “but he was truly more like the sun.” Her expression, too, shifts: a small, sad smile gracing her face.
And because Cloud knows what it’s like to lose someone you admired—in both ways, the aching grief of losing an admired person, and the sharp lance of a hero no longer being admirable—he asks her, stumbling “Were you—did you know them well?”
Her eyes open at this, an assessing glance sent his way. Her smile melts away, as if it had never been.
“Yes,” she says, tone flattened once more. “He was a good man and the Planet turned him into a WEAPON.”
Cloud startles. He looks to Aerith as he does whenever Planet and Cetra stuff are brought up, but he finds her face turned away, as if guilty, not wanting to meet his or Kako’s eyes.
“But no need to worry,” Kako says, voice not so much reassuring as it is grimly determined. “I will ensure you do not follow his path too closely.”
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twostepstyless · 2 years
Fic Advent Calendar Day 7
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Author’s Note: Harry always get's a little unwell when he finally takes a break after a long stint of a busy schedule, and Y/N jumps at the chance to baby her clingy, sick boy, who's usually the caretaker between the pair.
The Gavin and Stacey reference is purely self-indulgent, I reckon I could recite the entire Christmas Special word for word.
As always, likes, reblogs and feedback of any variety is encouraged and always appreciated - G x
Word Count: 1.6k
Harry had been sniffling since he arrived home a week ago. He always got a little poorly once he came home after a few weeks of having an intense schedule. Y/N is convinced his body just doesn’t know how to react when he relaxes or goes from suddenly having everything to do to having no obligations, so it gives him a lovely cold to force him to relax for a bit. He had been wiping his nose and clearing his throat for days, and it peaked during the night. Granted him running round various shops in -1-degree weather after a long flight and then traipsing round a muddy field the day after probably hadn’t helped his developing illness at all. His throat had grown scratchier, and his nose was running like a tap and when he woke this morning his body ached so much that a whimper escaped his mouth before he was able to bid his love good morning. 
Y/N loved when Harry was sick. Not that she would wish an illness on him but when he was sick, he became the neediest, clingiest little baby known to man. As Harry blinked his eyes open, he groaned and shuffled closer to Y/N and buried his face in her neck, cursing himself for not shutting the blinds all the way when he got into bed last night as the bright, winter sun shot a splintering ache through his head. 
“G’morning,” Y/N croaked out as Harry hummed in response, her fingers coming up to card through his hair, “y’feeling okay?” 
“Feel like shit,” he grunted into her throat, the warmth of her skin soothing him from the shivers that wracked his body. Y/N wrestled one of her hands up to hold against his forehead for a second. 
“Baby, you’ve definitely got something, your foreheads burning up,” Y/N pitied before trying to get free of his hold to begin her duties as Nurse Nancy. 
“No, no, please don’t go yet, y’so warm an’ m’so cold,” Harry mumbled, looping his arms around her body to hug himself closer to her. 
“Jus’ want to go get some supplies t’make you feel better m’love,” Y/N said. 
“Five more minutes then go, ‘kay?” Harry’s voice slowed, seconds away from falling asleep again. 
“The second y’fall asleep, I’m going to get up and get you some bits,” Y/N said as Harry gripped her wrist before depositing her hand back on his head so she could scratch at his scalp and twist her fingers through his hair. 
“Not gonna, not gon-,” Harry yawned, “fall ‘sleep, not gonna fall asleep,” it took him a few goes to get the words out, and then suddenly as if someone had flicked a power down switch on him, he was asleep as if he’d never been awake in the first place. She waited a few minutes until she knew he was dead asleep, his arms had relaxed their grip, and his blocked nose and congested throat made him let out little snores that she was so fond of as she slipped his grasp. Harry was, usually, fiercely independent. He liked to look after himself and more importantly after others, he would rather have to slug away at a task alone before asking for help, as much as he enjoyed being pampered, he’d never outrightly ask Y/N to do it for him. So, when the opportunity ever presents itself for Y/N to look after him, she grabbed it with two hands. 
Her first stop on her ‘get Harry better’ mission was the living room, where she set up a little camp for him on the sofa, knowing he hated vegetating in bed unless he was there just to sleep. She popped a few blankets in the dryer so she could wrap him in them when he got himself settled and fluffed the cushions for him. She then went into the medicine cabinet to decide what was best to give him, she stuck to a multipurpose cold and flu pill that had paracetamol to ease his sore muscles and headache, leaving the pill packet on the coffee table next to his full water bottle that she would keep reminding him to drink from to keep his fluids up. She prepared a little snack plate of crackers, a little cheese, and some grapes that he could pick at if the notion took him and finally was off to boil the kettle to make him a hot water and honey with a dash of lemon to soothe his aching throat. She padded back up to their bedroom and stirred him from his restless sleep with a gentle nudge of his shoulder. 
“Morning baby, got your little campsite set up in the living room, okay? Want you to drink all this first though and then we’ll get you cuddled up down there,” she nodded with a gentle smile as Harry came to, making grabby hands at the mug that billowed steam and a sweet aroma he so wished he could smell if it wasn’t for his blocked nose. 
“Our campsite,” his voice was rough before he took his first sip. 
“Hm?” she mused, pushing back his slightly damp with sweat hair back off of his clammy forehead. 
“Our campsite, y’not going to leave me down there myself are you,” his voice sounded smoother after swallowing a mouthful of the liquid but also slightly panicked as he imagined Y/N ditching him to fend for himself, like she had ever or would ever do that to him. 
“I’d never leave you,” she said sincerely, knowing he needed just a little reassurance. 
“Then it’s our campsite,” he drank down nearly all his mug, leaving one last sip left. “Know m’sick but can I have a kiss please? Miss your kisses so much, it’ll make me feel better,” Harry tried bargaining. 
“Drink that last sip and you’ve got a deal, Styles,” Y/N bartered as Harry quickly swallowed his honey lemon concoction, before showing Y/N the empty mug and pouting his lips out with his eyes closed. She huffed out a breathy laugh before leaning forward to give him a few slow pecks before Harry had to break away and violently sniff his running nose. 
“Sorry,” he said meekly, “tha’ was gross.” 
“S’okay, let’s get you downstairs and get some medicine, yeah?” she hooked the empty mug on her pinky finger before letting Harry’s hands settle in her grip as she pulled him to his feet. He shuffled slowly out of the bedroom letting some of his weight droop onto her as they got downstairs. 
Y/N had kept the blinds and curtains drawn so the daylight didn’t aggravate Harry’s headache any further. She turned on the twinkle lights on their Christmas tree, so the room had a soft glow and wasn’t completely in darkness. She led him to the couch and got him laid down before running to their laundry room and getting the warm blankets from the dryer and running back to get him tucked in. She knelt beside the couch and popped out two pills from the blister pack, handing them off to him, before unscrewing the lid to his water bottle so he could wash the pills down, which he did so gratefully. 
“Think you’re all set, my love,” Y/N began to shuffle backwards to get herself up to standing so she could go strip their bedding to launder it and begin making some soup for him to eat later. 
Harry’s arm shot out from under his mound of blankets to grip her shoulder before she could back too far away from him, “wait, please,” he croaked. 
“Do you need something, H? I’m just going to go wash our bedding and start making you some food for later,” she smiled softly as Harry blinked slowly, his fuzzy head taking a little longer to process her words. 
“Need somethin’,” his voice slurred a bit. 
“What’s that? Tell me, hm?” the back of her knuckles stroked his flushed, warm cheek, as he leant into the wintery, cool caress of her fingers. 
“Need a cuddle,” he whined slightly as he rolled onto his side and pushed himself against the back of the couch. “Jus-just need y’to baby me, just for a little bit,” he said, sounding slightly embarrassed. 
“I’ll baby you whenever you want, lovie,” Y/N shuffled onto the couch to lie parallel to him as his face slumped against her chest. She ran soothing circles across his body before settling in his hair again, his favourite place to be touched. 
“If m’head stops hurting later, can we put on Die Hard,” he asked, his nose-skimming her throat. 
“Whatever you want,” Y/N said.
“Even though y’keep saying it’s not a Christmas film?” he clarified. 
“Even then,” Y/N finalised. Even if he asked her for the moon while he was feeling poorly, she’d do everything in her power to lasso it down for him. “But jus’ know you’ve signed yourself up for watching the Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special with me by asking for Die Hard, and I get to say all the words along with it, ‘kay?” Y/N whispered against his forehead before kissing along his hairline as he nodded. He’d never agree to that normally, even on a good day, so he must be feeling really poorly. “Want you to try and sleep for me for a little bit, okay? I’ll wake you when it’s time for more medicine, okay?” 
“Jus’ don’t leave, please,” he mumbled. 
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12daysofmystrade · 10 months
12 days of Mystrade and Friends - Third Edition
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November is drawing to a close, and for many of us, the winter season is about to begin. We are about ready to snuggle under blankets with hot chocolate or tea and, of course, a nice story!
We’d like you to join us in celebrating this season by sharing your creations! Consider joining the third edition of:
12 Days of Mystrade (and Friends) Advent Calendar
December 21, 2023 - January 1, 2024
We’re looking for new fanfic and art about Mystrade, Johnlock, or any other pairing within the Sherlock universe! Please note that general fics and art are also welcome! Your contribution can be a story, picture, video, collage – we are open to all kinds of art, as long as there’s some kind of winter or holiday theme. Go where your muse takes you – be it something fluffy, funny, or angsty! We also accept WIP, and there is no minimum or maximum word count or rating requirement.
Submissions are open until December 6th. Once they’re in, we’ll get back to you with a particular day for you to post your work on Archive of Our Own (AO3). 
To sign up, fill out this Google form with:
your AO3 handle
the main pairing (if there is any)
how to contact you (for the date assignment)
a summary & the title of your work (if you have them - this is only to organize the calendar order - a general idea is also fine)
any dates you prefer and/or need to avoid.
If you’d like to submit more than one work, that’s great! Please submit a separate form for each piece. 
Please submit by the end of the day on the 6th of December. You will be assigned a posting day by December 15th; the calendar will run between the 21st of December and the 1st of January.
If you have any questions, send an email or an ask, and we’ll answer as soon as possible! (Sadly we cannot answer a DM on Tumblr since this blog is run by multiple users - please send an ask or email to [email protected] instead!)
Last year, we had a successful calendar, if you’d like to see previous works!
We hope you will join us in making this holiday season very special!
Don’t forget to reblog to spread the word!
Your mods:
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