#i wish i was pretty sksksksk
himbo-in-limbo · 1 year
"Your true colors"
[pretty sure this idea has been done before but I wanna give it a shot sksksksk]
You and your yautja mate were visiting a tech savvy friend who had called you unexpectedly this morning.
(3am to be exact) your mate wasn't to pleased about this since it ruined your perfect sleep together.
But they had called you in for good reason! You see your tech savvy friend has been working alongside other yautja technicians and together they have developed a new vision setting capable of giving yautja partners "ooman vision!!"
Since your friends with the techs you two were given first rights to test it!
Your yautja mate clicks in hesitation to being set up as a guinea pig...but for the chance to see the world through your eyes??? Worth any risk.
Since the bio mask feature is in its testing phase it still has a lot of wires connected to it and after proper application...your mate looked like the inside of a computer monitor (you couldn't help but snicker a little as to how funny they looked)
Tech: Systems running.... synchronizing bio helms infrared settings to the new update...and we should be clear! How's it looking [insert yautja mates name] ???
Tech: can you see us???
Your mate takes a moment to focus their eyes to the new flash of colors...a bit more irritating since they never had to perceive this much detail before.
Soon enough they were taking in the view of the room they were in and started to look down at themselves, realizing this is how their skin color looked to you.
You couldn't contain your excitement and proceeded to rush your way to them! "How do you like it love?!"
They turned their heads to you immediately and they got up so fast the tech almost got yanked to the floor while carrying the wires that were attached to the mask 🤭
Tech: WOAH EASY THERE!! these wires are delicate!!!
Your mate grabbed your arms and all you could hear were cute purrs mixed in with happy clicks! "Your...colors!!"...their so... beautiful!!!
You couldn't help but get a bit teary eyed at their tender expression (even if they were wearing a mask)
The way they tilted their head, the way they began to coo at you and marvel at your unique beauty...
They gently cupped your face and took their time to take in all the details they couldn't see on you before!!
(oh my how they wish they could see more of you in a private setting...)
You melted into their touch and showed them any tattoos or markings you had so they could see it how it was meant to be seen! Afterwards you heard the tech drag something into the room.
Tech: figured you'd like to get a good look at yourself in full view! (They've brought in a large mirror)
You pulled your mate closer towards the mirror, "I'm so happy you can finally see all of your pretty skin patterns the way I've always been able too [insert mates name] ♥️"
Tech: I'm confident that I can get this finalized and installed permanently since testing has gone so much better than I hoped for, so this won't be the last time you'll get to see like this!
You thanked your friend for this amazing opportunity, and you turned back to your mate and the two of you continued to look at yourselves (well you were mostly looking at your mates reaction)
They were staring at you as well, (you were starting to blush a bit) Do you...like how I look?
Your mate turned to face you, "My ooman....you were appealing to me even in the darkest shades of red and black..."
"Your true colors are even more breath taking than before..♥️"
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fortheloveofarchons · 5 months
Been playing Love and Deepspace for the past few days and here's my take on this.....
Content warning though, it's gonna be a long post! And this is just coming from someone who only played the game a few days ago so this is just my first impression!
Let me just say this, algorithm...
It's your fault for making me download the game.
You knew I like hot attractive fictional men. You knew I like bratty boyfailures. You knew I like older, stoic yet kind men. You knew I like mysterious softboys.
So you bombarded me with L&DS content on my socials, my home, my walls, and even my grass!!! I won't forgive you for dragging me into another gacha hole, especially when you knew that I promise myself to never spend a dime on any of these games!!! (I'm an f2p player)
Anyways-- Here's my take on this game as a newbie.
The VAs and character designs?
Amazing. I love the boys (including Caleb) and the MC customisation is really detailed. Though, I wish we could have short hair MC permanently but I'm glad we get to experience it on photoshoots. I do wish we get to explore more of the boys on the main plot cause it feels a bit underwhelming. Then again I just finished chapter 3 so we'll see!
I love the dates and the playtime mode since it gives us time to get closer to the boys and understand more about their past and their characteristics. (I'm convinced the claw machine gacha is so random cause one day Xavier won a lot and the next it was Zayne)
I will say tho for now I feel like Rafayel is more developed and interesting compared to the other two. I like Zayne in terms of how much he really cares about his patients and how he was closer to MC back then, but I wish we get more of him soon. For Xavier he's such a mystique as well and I really like him too! Overall, I wish we get more events dedicated to Zayne and Xavier.
The fluidity of the animation and graphics?
Really good considering that I'm playing it on mobile, I set it to medium and its runs pretty smoothly without any low pixelated quality. I love how detailed the backgrounds and designs are, and I really love some of the cinematic shots the developers added during the date scenes. I can't wait to pull for more dates for the characters!
Combat wise?
It's fine for now ,and I really appreciate the proceed 10x button when farming for materuals considering that I'm more of a casual player rather than a combat one.
Though I'm still frustrated that one of the requirements of getting 3 stars for extra diamonds would be to win the combat within 90 secs and I'm like-- boy if that dragon didn't have that short animation I would've gotten it faster!!! If it had been 120 secs I would have gotten it easier... I know that the whole combat system will get a bit complicated the more you ascend your hunter level so I'll just farm for materials just to prepare the inevitable.
Also I wish there were more ways to gain more exps for your hunter level instead of doing the daily tasks. Imagine you are about to head to the next chapter get some main content and yet you can't bc your hunter level is just two level away so you have to wait for the next day...
The plot?
I would say its okay for now since I'm about to head to chapter 4 and even though I finished chapter 3 it still feels like the beginning. The worldbuilding is really interesting but I'm still a bit confused on some aspects of the story. Overall, I can't wait to finally see Caleb on screen (I already saw him on Youtube and I wish he's playable he's so pretty sksksksks)
Edit: I just finished chapter 4.... what in the sweet metaflux world... CALEEEBBBBBB!!!!!
So yeah this is my impression on the game as someone who only joined after a few days! I hope to see more contents for the boys and I can't wait for more chapters (I spoiled myself at chapter 4 and my god... I want Caleb to be playable plzzzzz)
I'm aware that as a newbie my opinions are probably flawed considering that it's barely even a week since I joined, I would love to hear some advices from you guys just so I can prepare myself in terms of combat and to understand more about the characters if I missed anything about them!
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star-mum · 2 years
How Ep 7 should’ve actually happened if not for Plot™
OKAY– so I was going to write this as like a scene rewrite BUT i don't want to sksksksks soooorry :D EITHER WAY LET'S GET TO IT BABIES
posting this specially for my angels @pinkchubbiebunnie and @trice-divergent thank you so much for letting me take so much of y'alls time with my bullshit :3
For the purpose of this, I’m going to assume the accusation scene happens somewhat similarly, but the only one who's actually suspicious of Jason is Rachel, cause her thing is directly linked to him and she's more angry and upset than anything. The others will bring the stuff that happened to them but more as in a “huh… something hinky is going on here” and maybe try to investigate it properly
A day after Jason almost dies NO ONE has talked to him until Dawn asks Dick to do it, neither her or Kory seem sure he’s okay enough to do a good job at it – he's obviously distracted with something else. Which leads me to my first 2 points: 1. at least one of them would take that as a clue someone should do a follow up with Jason after Dick talks to him and 2. it's crazy to think that NO ONE ELSE in the entire team didn't even try to check up on Jason – specially Gar or Dawn – that’s stupid at the least and INCREDIBLY out of character at most.
So with that in mind, I'm going to do a character by character “analysis” to show what I think really happened, in an AU where events aren't controlled by Plot™. I'm so glad this is what I'm currently using my psychology education for !! hooray !!
Dick Grayson
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i can't say for sure how much of this is an accurate read on Dick’s personality or and how much is just wishful thinking on my part but let's get to it
Even though Dick is – clearly – going through some stuff I think he’d try to be a little more honest with Jason, like actually talk in complete sentences for one, but also actually make sure Jason at least heard him before he bolts out the building. He could've done more, this whole episode Dick is so worried about the past and its implications on him now that he completely ignores pretty obvious warning signs. There's I think 2 things he says that IF FOLLOWED UP BY ACTUAL SENTENCES could have actually meant something:
“Good thing Conner was there -> “Im sorry” SORRY FOR WHAT?????? BE CLEARER PLEASE !!!! Dick does feel responsible for Jason’s kidnapping AND the fall, he knows Conner being there was pure luck, he knows what would've happened if he wasn't – they both do – so apologize like you mean it, say where you failed and what you are sorry for, you can't just hope the other person is going to guess what you meant, SPECIALLY Jason, he doesn't feel cared for, he thinks you're apologizing just to say it, HELP HIM BELIEVE YOU
“All of this is my fault for going alone” -> “No. I don't think that” This ties into the other paragraph but FINISH YOUR SENTENCES !!! SAY WHAT YOU MEAN !!! You could just be saying that to make Jason feel better, thats what hes gonna think anyways, say the words, tell him “I'm sorry I wasn't there for you” “I'm sorry I let you go” “I'm sorry I let you go alone” HE KNOWS Jason is impulsive, he really thought if he let the teens unattended nothing would’ve happen? And YES Jason is grown enough to make his own decisions this isn't ONLY on Dick BUT he could have tried to be a better mentor to him before all this happened, he should tell Jason that
“Rest up” at the risk of sounding repetitive I'm just gonna say, Dick knows Jason is training like that to keep his mind of the bad thing that happened, he’s done it too – probably still does – tell him it that even tho it can help now it won't solve everything forever, connect with him, share your failures and bad experiences with him BEFORE he’s standing on a fucking ledge.
Hank Hall
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I fell in love with Hank while writing his part, I'm so sorry
I think Hank would be the 2nd to talk to Jason. First I thought he’d go with Dawn or because she asked BUT !! ACTUALLY !! It makes more sense for it to come from him.
His whole job before coming back to the tower was helping at-risk youth was it not? I know it focused more on addiction but suicidal ideation – and life risking behavior in general – is very linked to people who suffer from any substance abuse, not to mention emotional distress/trauma can be the leading cause for developing it as a coping mechanism (look at me and my professional lingo)
He would recognize the signs, is what I'm saying here. Hank and Jason might not be super tight friends but he cares for the kid, that's clear. I can’t decide how he would approach Jason tho, it could go one of two ways: 1. he uses the training room as an excuse – either during sparring or some other training thing (?) like holding the punching bag for Jason or something, idk im not athletic – so it feels more like a conversation than an intervention AND it would be a good bonding moment for them, to show that even tho they find each other UNBEARABLE, they can still be there for one another OR 2. i did say two ways huh well the second way could be the next morning before everything blows up, he tries – although a little emotionally constipated, cause bro dudes – to have an honest conversation with Jason about the risks of isolating himself after a traumatic experience, THAT approach however – like being more direct – might “scare” Jason a little and make him lash out
Dawn Granger
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At first, I had Dawn as the second person who’d talk to Jason, but now I think she’d be third. She's really good at reading people and social situations/cues, so obviously would notice Dick was acting very weird and probably didn’t talk to Jason as well as he could have BUT Hank did go to Jason first, so she’s gonna trust him to do the right thing and talk to the kid when she sees him in the morning – that is, if Hank goes right after dinner, when Jason is still training, which makes the most sense to me.
I think she’d probably talk to Hank first, to see how it went, so she has a better sense of what Jason needs to hear right now. Even if there wasn’t anything to add, she would still wait for him to show up in the common areas — I don’t think she’d go look for him, just wait until “he wants to be found” kinda deal — and the very least tell him she’s glad he’s safe, and offer him a space to talk about what happened. I don’t know how positive of an interaction this would be, but I think anyone — even Jason, in his current emotional state — would find it very hard to snap at Dawn, and IF he did she seems like the person to keep her cool and try and understand their side while still setting down boundaries (she’s so calm when speaking that you’d feel silly for raising your voice, you know?)
Kory Anders
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“You're making me feel helpless and I hate feeling helpless” you cannot tell me this woman wouldn't even THINK to check on her number 1 problem child, like that's stupid. HOWEVER I can’t just ignore her reaction to Jason’s death “he made a mistake and didn't learn from it, now he's dead” which is,,, well accurate BUT the problem isn't that Jason “didn't learn his lesson” after Deathstroke, he did, just not the right one – he learned not to trust anyone but himself, people betray him, leave him for dead, accuse him without proof -> instead of learning to lean on and trust others.
So because of that I think she would talk to Jason at some point but not be very nice and sweet about it, she’d be very direct, to make sure this doesn't happen again. Like not mean either, don’t get me wrong, just direct. I think after all the weird inspirational speech vibes from Dick, Hank and Dawn, Jason would appreciate someone talking to him normally and not “babying him”. I'm assuming things don’t escalate so fast at breakfast, so Kory has time after that scene to talk to him
Like I think Kory would also wait until she sees him, instead of seeking him out, and I can definitely hear her saying something like what she said in season 3 -> “you made a mistake, now you have to learn from it, make sure you’re picking up the right lesson”. Probably the most efficient out of everyone, cause she is still holding Jason accountable for his own actions BUT she’s also letting him know he isn’t a lost cause, so even tho he might still say something annoying or even mean back, he WILL think about what she said for the rest of the day
Donna Troy
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Donna follows the same like as Kory, very straightforward, although I do think she’d check up on Jason for a more “basic” line, like checking how he’s taking care of himself — if he’s eaten, drank water, also warning him about overworking himself — almost in a casual or even “acidic” way tho —> “there's leftovers in the fridge” instead of asking if he’s eaten, demanding to have the gym to herself when she notices him way too long in there, wordlessly pouring him a glass of water if she’s already getting herself some — she’s more actions than words, to me at least
Garfield Logan
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OKAY SO— I realize now I should’ve probably put Gar before Dick for what I'm about to say but idk do that right now. Gar would be the first person to check on Jason after they get back AND it’d go so bad, he’s also the reason dude’s training himself half to death— I'LL EXPLAIN !!!
So Gar is an angel who cares too much for his friends, yes? Of course. AND because of that he feels INCREDIBLY responsible for what happened to Jason: he agreed to go with him check the thing out, didn’t call Dick or tell anyone else where they’d be, agreed to get separated AND didn’t fight harder to go with the older Titans — “maybe with his powers, they’d have a better chance”.
And, unlike Dick, Gar would make that abundantly clear to Jason. But it wouldn’t be well received because Jason isn’t taking Gar’s apology as “I’m sorry I didn’t do more to help you”, he’s hearing it as “sorry I didn’t save you from yourself” WHICH would make him really mad at Gar for “implying” that AND even more mad at himself for doing what he did —> arguing with Gar and then go to the training room to let off some steam from the terrible day/evening he just had
Rachel Roth
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I don't know how to say this without making her seem like an asshole but I don't think she would actively check on Jason. There is already so much on her plate because of her powers, she’s still resenting him a bit for what he said, and the mirror thing happens so soon she doesn’t even HAVE time to go and talk to him. I can’t remember now when she argues with Gar but it’d definitely make her even more mad at the whole situation, even if she’s not completely aware she’s projecting that stuff onto her feeling about Jason.
Extra - Zephyr
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I wasn't going to, but I love to talk about self inserts/OCs SO if my self insert Zephyr – hero name – was part of this shit show, this is the role I’d want her to play !! : D
Little context: she's my on going self insert for just about anything, literally just me but with powers – if the universe demands – and cooler hair – I missed the days of having fantasy colored hair. She always has some version of “air bending” as her power, cause I noticed that a lot of main casts don't have an air bender in their groups
I imagined her having a kinda bickering rivalry with Jason, nothing too serious but also not super buddy buddy, she doesn't go with him and Gar to check out the thing – she’s not aware they left, until Gar gets back – and when Dick leaves with the older Titans, she follows him after he told her to stay in the tower, cause her powers could be useful – and they are :3 – long story short, instead of Dick catching and then dropping Jason, she manages to stop/catch him with her powers, but before she can start either pulling him back up or lowering him to the ground, Slade sneaks up behind her and knocks her tf out and Jason free falls again. (I HAVE THIS SCENE SO CLEAR IN MY BRAIN !! ITS LIKE REALLY GRUESOME AND EVEN MORE TRAUMATIC FOR JASON :D PLZ LMK IF YOU I SHOULD EXPAND ON THIS !!)
SO— because she got her shits absolutely rocked, she would ALSO be in the medical area, in a different room from Conner, I think either Kory and Dawn would switch places to watch them both OR they would stick to Conner and Rachel would be the one keeping an eye on Zephyr. Considering that the two people who did the most to help Jason got fucking wrecked because of it, I think it’s safe to say he’d feel too guilty to visit any of them.
If we go with Rachel on Z watch duty, I think she’d maybe try and use her powers to heal her, not completely tho cause she’s still unsure about them but enough for Z to be able to at least get up next morning, so after helping Kory out with Conner, Rachel would update Z on most of what happened last night: Conner saving Jason, Dick just leaving in the middle of the night, how Jason is doing, etc.
Now Jason doesn’t really goes to breakfast, and the whole thing with Rachel happens pretty early (everyone is still in the kitchen) SO I think the time Z actually goes downstairs (??? I have no clue what the fucking layout of this tower is like) is when all the yelling starts. Like I said in the beginning, the other guys aren’t gonna accuse Jason cause,,, it doesn’t make sense, so there’s not much to defend him from — maybe just help Rachel calm down “you said he was barely leaving his room for anything other than training, what would he do that,,, now specially?”
And only after everyone else starts sharing the weird things/messages they got she tries to talk to Jason, asking him if he’s okay, if he’s eaten, the basics — in their bickering way like “when’s the last time you drank some water ? your lips look chapped as hell” “why are you looking? 👀” — and then after diffusing some of the tenseness, getting a bit more serious with the questions and genuinely apologizing for dropping him (if he tries to change subject/dismiss her/even walk from her, she’s gonna play the “i'm pretty sure I’m concussed” card so he’ll at least stay put)
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hausofmamadas · 2 years
I have no idea why tf, or for what tf, or who tf I even wrote this for besides it came to me and I don’t know what else to do with it but share bc like I think it’s kinda funny and like gifs. So, yeah, here’s a thing sksksksks a drabble? as the real fanfic writers say??
| Only good for a good time |
Character/Pairing: Isabella Bautista (heavily implied Isabella Bautista x Enedina Arellano Félix)
Word count: smol ~850
✷ TWs: the general stupidity of men none ✷
Because a pretty face, dirt poor from Culiacan, can only possibly be good for one thing, right? If Isabella Bautista had like a lifestyle guru blog or a Wordpress diary or was like some kind of YouTube vlogger and/or Instagram influencer or god forbid, had a Tumblr, I feel like this would be an entry?? Regardless of the exact avenue, she is out here, screaming into the void of the internet about how her almost bestie and the rest of the world did her so beyond dirty and questioning what it means to be so damn sexy all the time. (You think I'm joking ... I promise you, this might actually be that shallow.)
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It was almost like every breakup I’d ever had. A pat on the ass, a “thanks for your time” and “be on your way.” Actually it was worse, because none of the dirtbags I ever dated had left a check to add insult to injury. Another thing this one had that those breakups didn’t? The worst part? The absolute and complete cherry on top of this shit sundae?
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I didn’t. fucking. see it. coming.
In hindsight, I probably should have. I’d never worked with another woman before, so I kinda just chalked it up to that. Less dicks and egos to dance around and deal with. But if I think about it now, there were always three operating in the background, after hours, and things were going too well, working too smoothly, had too few headaches, too few fires to put out. That should’ve tipped me off. Because life is never so kind. I mean, they say you can’t have it all, right? I never used to believe that but I’m beginning to. Because a pretty face, dirt poor from Culiacan, can only possibly be good for one thing, right?
And yeah, I do like to have a good time, if your idea of a good time is watching endless reruns of El Derecho de Nacer with a seventy pound German shepherd, drooling, half-asleep in your lap. I guess I don't mind dancing either, but that always depends on the company you're with. (If you're ever in Colombia, I've got a number for este chulito viejito who ruined dancing for me because it's just not the same without him ...
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... he made that much of an impression.) But people are always projecting things onto me based on my looks. Which isn’t actually my problem … but is still somehow my problem.
So, it’s a question I ask myself often. Is it worth it to be beautiful? And now, don’t even start because I already know what you’re thinking like qué debo ser tan loca, sí? Oh poor linda, bonita, chulita, fresita. How life must be so terrible and hard for you. Cry me a river, pendeja. Ya cállate alashingada pues and smile.
And look, I get it. It sounds nuts to be asking that question porque por supuesto que sí, que ser linda, lo vale la pena.
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And you’re right. The answer to that question is "yes" ... in some ways. I mean, sure, it may have gotten me out of a ticket, paying a fine or two. And well, yeah, actually come to think of it, I’ve never paid for a drink in my life.
It’s also part of, but definitely not all (not even close) of what got me out of Sinaloa and onto bigger things. Tijuana, Colombia, beyond.
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Because people are nicer to you if you’re pretty. They tend to give you things when you ask (for the right ones) nicely.
But (and there’s always one of those) when I replay every single leer, every joke some sleazeball cracked about how “Colombians love a girl with a fat ass,” every pair of hungry, beady eyes behind sunglasses slid down the bridges of their noses. When I replay all of that? Yeah. I wish wasn’t. Or at least, not in the way I am.
See, because as much as I admire and respect her, the most annoying thing about Di— scratch that. One of the most annoying things about Dina is that she’s beautiful too. Noticeably so. I mean hey, I certainly noticed. Hell, I wouldn’t have passed up the opportunity had we not been in business together. He probably thinks he taught me so much, but Miguel was right about one thing: business in lust or love is a Bad Idea. (Well that, aaaand had she not been so busy making eyes at that Snack of a sicario working for them, whose name I can never remember.)
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(And really …. I can't blame her.)
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(… Or him, for that matter.)
So yeah, she’s beautiful. And yet, still, somehow people always seem to take her seriously. And okay yes, she’s someone who does naturally command respect, sure. But hey! Newsflash! We’re not that fucking different!
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How do you think we worked together so well in the first place?
I guess, maybe it’s that she’s beautiful in a way that’s honest and doesn’t make too much noise. Frankly, for the longest time, I always thought it was because of how she dressed, like in those unflattering, oversized tiger sweaters. And good god, that 80-year-old librarian’s polka-dotted suit jacket, the one that made her look like a kooky preschool teacher …
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If preschool teachers came customized with a mouth that savage. (I don’t think they do.)
But that theory went right out the window. Because when I did that, no matter how hard I tried to make myself look hard, they still all saw the same thing. One Thing. (Except the One Person I might’ve actually wanted to see the One Thing. Then again, what’s that saying? Don’t shit where you eat? As I said, bad for business. Although, now that I think about it, maybe I should’ve thrown caution to the wind since the whole thing went to shit anyway. Oh well. Así es la vida.)
Oh, I’m not even gonna bother spelling it out for you. Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to. And you do already know what it is. Because it’s the One Thing you see too, isn’t it? I mean, isn’t it what you all came for in the first place?
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evansbby · 2 years
i just finished season one of outer banks AND
Firstly, them being 16 is CRAZY. like the main dude looks 30 and I looked it up and he actually is 30 sjdjsjsjs and like… they could’ve easily made these kids in their early 20s bc it would’ve made more sense? Or at least 18?? Idk yall 16 is just crazy to me, running around being fugitives sksksksks
Also tell me why I thought this was gonna be a dystopian teen drama about them surviving on an island after a post apocalyptic event 😭😭 like I was so off with that but for some reason that’s what I thought it was gonna be
Okay so I liked it tho! I didn’t love it at first but it picked up and I was super invested towards the end. But I hated how so much injustice happened like PLEAZE GIVE THOSE KIDS THEIR GOLD BACK THEY FOUND IT FAIR AND SQUARE 😭
Also just as you think justice is about to be served, fuckign Rafe pops up out of nowhere and kills the policewoman 😭😭😭 I was so mad !!
I liked all the characters but I feel like they could’ve done more with Kie. JJ x gun was a whole ship bc he was obsessed with that thing 😭😭 John B and Sarah were really cute. Topper was EMBARRASSING, Pope was funny although I wish he hadn’t ran out of his scholarship interview 😭😭 AND IT WAS ALL FOR NOTHING AS WELL UGH. Also why is Rafe so weird 😭😭 like he straight up makes me feel uncomfortable like the way he speaks is so weird and his whole vibe is strange AJSJSJAJAJA but he’s really pretty so I guess it’s okay. I STILL HATE HIM FOR KILLING THE POLICE OFFICER. Like bro you were not needed 😭😭😭
Apart from that, I really liked the setting and the vibe of the show like it felt really original and summery. I also liked how it had minimum pop culture references which is so rare in teen shows these days. The end lol I just wanted to write all that down before I start season 2!
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tubbietommo · 2 years
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I said it yesterday, Seb’s quotes were going to be the inspiration for this Monday Motivation. Mainly because I strongly believe that if we keep talking about Seb as a human, he is never leaving us for real. Yes, I am in denial and it hasn’t sunk in yet. I wanted to make a whole Daniel/Mick/Seb/Nicky Monday Motivation… but now I think I’ll shine a little spotlight on these beautiful quotes.
Yesterday I saw a TikTok that said ‘only six more weeks till 2023’ and normally it would give me the biggest rush of anxiety. “SIX WEEKS? But I haven’t achieved a whole lot and there is so little time…” But this year I am taking a different approach. Instead of just looking at the big things (like working for a company I loved, getting back on track with making myself healthier and of course getting my bachelor diploma last week), I am looking at all the small things that in hindsight made a big difference for my happiness and I want to ask you to do the same. I would love to hear the small things that made your January till November happier! 🧡
Here’s a small list of mine: I got closer with my friends since high school, I met new people and became close with them, I started doing these Monday Motivations and we became closer, I went on small little trips that are now big memories, I put myself out there and started this dating journey, I went to more concerts in a year than I’ve ever done, I started to take more pictures (no… I am not starting a babette.jpg even though I do think I could run a good account), I’ve seen more F1 cars in a year than I’ve ever done and most importantly I chose myself countless of times.
So, am I gonna give you a piece of homework this week? Yeah, I am! Write that list! Sit yourself down and write/record/sketch/whatever else a list of moments. Little moments of happiness and positivity to combat the stress of this year almost coming to an end. And if you feel like sharing, I’m a nosy bitch so… send them my way 🥰
Have a great week! 🍀
Damnnn getting homework from Babette. I gotta do my best.
I'm still sick so I missed this post on Monday (also I'm still very much not over Seb having officially retired. I think I'm gonna join Lewis his delusional world and convince myself he's coming back).
You got your bachelor diploma?!?! CONGRATS. PROUD OF YOU ❤️❤️
Anyways I'll give you my list right here, right now (might forget some things):
Being able to watch Seb drive irl at Spa. Super grateful to my dad that he wanted to share that experience with me. I still think about that day.
I learned how to crochet!!! And I'm loving it so much. I make plushies, I make flowers, I made a tote bag for my friend's birthday.
I finally after years having felt like I had to lose weight for others (like as a kid I had to do it for doctors or my mom etc etc) and fail. I finally can say I'm 100% doing it for myself, doing it my own way and letting no one interfere with it, and I already am having small victories. Which I'm really proud of. I also am going to make a documentary about this for my school project. So wish me luck on that one haha
I realized how much more happier and relaxed I was when I was single. So I decided to choose for myself again.
I think 2022 is the first year where I would say "hey this was a pretty good year" (apart from the whole Seb thing. But not everything is about f1 sksksksk).
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cafffeineconnoisseur · 6 months
I’m pretty positive you’ll do great bestie you don’t have to worry. It really is hard to study but when it comes to the actual exam it’s usually easier than you think.
I wish you luck on going to med school, it’s totally worth the effort and the time. Once you actually get in the field you’ll see everything you studied right before your eyes and it’s really incredible 🤩
Although i’m not sure if there are any better ways for them to teach chemistry lol 😂
Ik it's just so scary like I have dreamt about this for so long and the success rate here is like 2% so hehe
Yes omg I can't wait to go to med school either, for me the real struggle is getting in lmao but aaaa even thinking about it makes me ho sksksksks
I mean idk for me my teachers were horrible and I have studied pretty much everything myself so I'm hoping it gets better lmao 🤡
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httpkittenn · 5 years
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lovers over haters
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What can u tell us about sugar daddy aizawa 🎤
CW: smut and fluff 💕
I have! So many thoughts!
So let's start by talking about Aizawa and his money
Although Aizawa doesn't do any publicity stuff, he works hard enough as a hero that he's making bank
Like I imagine he gets like $100,000 a year for being a hero
Like he just captures so many villains that he's just rolling in cash
Not to mention his teaching job which doesn't pay as well as being a hero but is STILL adding to his bank account
But Aizawa doesn't use all this money bc he's a minimalist and doesn't buy things that he deems unnecessary
He's only got one plate, one spoon, one knife--you get the idea
So he's got all this extra money that he doesn't really care for
UNTIL he meets you 💕
I have no fucking clue how yall would meet sksksks but let's just say you do and one thing leads to another and Aizawa becomes your sugar daddy
He comes to you when he's stressed from work and needs some sexual relief and you open him with open arms, open legs, and an open mouth sksksksk and in return you get lots of goodies 🥰
He'll just give you a credit card and let you use it for whatever you want
He's not really interested in going out shopping or buying stuff for you himself
But of course he will ask you to model the clothing you get bc he wants to admire you and ruin the pretty lingerie set that you just bought
He's quiet and reserved, he doesn't care for being flashy and showing off
But he does feel a sense of pride when you wrap yourself around his arm as you walk down the street, dressed head to toe in items bought with his money
He thinks it's amusing to see people look at the two of you, flabbergasted as to why a pretty thing like you is hanging onto a scruffy man like him
He doesn't care what you wear bc he just wants you to be comfortable and happy
But he does enjoy seeing you in lace and pastels
He can't explain it, but he likes how delicate and sweet you look for him
He kind of has a corruption kink when it comes to you sksksks
Idk man!! He just thinks it's hot when you buy a white or pastel pink babydoll and look up at him with those pretty doe eyes and bite your lip like—
God, the thought of bending you over and pushing your head down into the bed while he fucks you senseless makes him so fucking hard
But don't worry: no matter how rough he gets, he'll be super soft and sweet with you afterwards, giving you the best aftercare you've ever received
No seriously he started a bath and brought you a snack and lit some candles and put on some calming music and—
DUDE calm down, we're good, this is more than enough thank you
Lowkey he isn't satisfied with just being your sugar daddy
Yes, he loves to take care of you, but he wants you all to himself
He wants to spend quality time with you and have deep conversations and cuddle up on the couch in soft pajamas and fluffy blankets with cats on your lap and—
Basically he wants more
But mans isn't able to express himself so he just suffers in silence and wishes he could just ask you to a goddamn movie already
He'd probably slip up during sex and say that he loves you and he won't realize it until you bring it up after
He's prepared to apologize but you say you love him too
When I tell you this man has never been so happy in his entire life!!!
He still acts like a sugar daddy at times, letting you buy whatever you please, but he's much softer with you now
It's not just buying objects anymore, it's him providing and taking care of you bc he cares for you deeply and just wants you to be happy
Long story short: horny man turns into soft man and sex turns into love 🥺💕
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rekilogy · 3 years
sk8 boys going on a date + some fluffy scenarios
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includes: reki kyan, langa hasegawa
synopsis: where the sk8 boys would take you on a date
warnings: none
note: this is taken from my wattpad hehe. hope you'll like my first post on tumblr, lemme know if you want part two. i wanted to add miya but unfortunately tumblr only allows 10 images per post sksksksks.
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can i just mention that mans is literally whipped for you
since he's such a simp, he'd ask you where you want to go
if you skate then he'll for sure skate with you at a park
but if you don't, don't worry he will either take you to a festival if there is one or somewhere to eat
also reki will buy you anything you like, even though you tell him not to
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"reki slow down!" you pant, trying to keep up with your energetic boyfriend. "i'm sorry, here" he giggled, offering you his hand to hold.
"thank-" "IS THAT THE FAMOUS RAMEN SHOP?!" reki pointed excitedly at a shop filled with tons of people.
you smiled at his cute childish antics but you didn't realize that you were staring at a necklace for too long since you were too lost in your own world.
"y/n that necklace is really pretty"
you already knew what he was going to do afterwards, he'll talk you through it all and buy it for you.
"but i bet it'll look more prettier you though" he winked.
"reki i swear to god if you buy me another thing i'll-"
yours eyes widened as he gave you his signature look that he always gave you before he bought you something against your will.
"here! try it on bub"
you sighed, there was no way he was going to stop spoiling you. well you better hurry up, he's waiting for you so he can try out that delicious ramen with the love his life.
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he is a shy boi
he'll be blushing the entire time uwu
reki will try his best to convince him to ask you out physically
but langa ends up texting you to meet him at night lol (pls this is literally me)
langa is a reserved person so going on a late night walk is the most ideal thing for him
you both would just sit in silence, admiring the night sky
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and enjoy each other's company while your pinkies are interlocked together
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"a shooting star! make a wish langa!"
even though you couldn't see clearly because of the dark, you definitely felt your lover smiling at you with pure adoration in his eyes.
"did you make the wish? or are you too busy staring at me?" you teased, making the boy flustered and look away with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
"i did" he replied to your question in a quiet voice, still blushing at your actions earlier.
"what did you wish for?"
"its a secret"
"you're lucky you're pretty, or else i would've annoyed you until you told me" you lock your eyes with him.
"but, you're prettier"
both of you looked at each other in shock at his words, after a solid ten seconds of staring at each other you burst out in laughter as he covers his mouth in embarrassment.
the words just slipped out of his mouth, poor boy but your laugh makes up for it.
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jessamine-rose · 4 years
Sebek Zigvolt’s Fae-Human Identity and Why He Deserves All the Love in the World
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Author’s note:: It is I, Jessamine, back with another simp essay--this time, for Sebek Zigvolt!! But unlike the Leona post I wrote for EBG, this is an actual analysis of Sebek’s character following the recent Pomefiore update. The casual info drop about his half-human ancestry ended up explaining a lot of preexisting lore around our lovable Diasomnia bby, and I plan to list down all of those connections I’d made in the past three hours!! To all of the Sebek simps and Twst writers, I hope you all enjoy reading my messy (over)analysis ヽ(`Д´)ノ
♡ 1.1k words under the cut ♡
♡ Sebek is half-fae and half-human - As soon as Silver brought that up, a lot of Sebek stans started crying on Twitter. I mean, think about it--can you imagine what kind of identity crisis our cucumber bby must be going through?? In the world of Twisted Wonderland, Sebek is a mixed-species character who has presumably rejected his human ancestry yet still suffers a disconnection from his fae identity. His ancestors are split between two different species, and Sebek can’t fully identify as either despite having the blood of both. Sure, he’s probably more in touch with his fae side and family since he lives in the Valley of Thorns--but he can’t call himself a pure-blooded fae, much less a human ;-;
♡ Sebek’s perception of humans - Okie, we all know that Sebek is harsh with humans, especially if it concerns Malleus. That’s why his half-human identity is so important because if you think about it...when Sebek looks down on humans, is he actually projecting his hatred towards his own humanity?? Maybe that’s why he acts more fae than human--because he doesn’t want to directly admit his perceived inferiority or his fragmented sense of identity :0
♡ Sebek’s identity as Malleus’s retainer - Sebek‘s character practically revolves around his wakasama, to the point that he’s even known as “The Ardent Draconian” in Night Raven College. His grandfather had probably contributed to his admiration for Malleus, but there could be a more personal reason as to why Sebek values his role as a retainer so much:: When Sebek becomes a full-time guard for Malleus, he will finally have an identity which he can take pride and comfort in. He won’t be known as a fae-human hybrid but as an honored knight of Malleus( ゚Д゚)
♡ Sebek’s need for praise and validation - I’ve already explained why Sebek is so devoted to his role as a retainer of Malleus. But this is going to be a separate point because the third point is already pretty long sksksksk xD Okie, we all know that Sebek seeks praise from Malleus and Lilia. His Alchemy Lessons even feature this important voiceline--Please praise me. Why is he so weak to praise?? I believe that the reason for this is because Sebek’s main source of validation is the acknowledgement of his efforts. He won’t be praised for being a fae or a human--and he probably wouldn’t be happy if anyone acknowledged that--but he can be proud of his hard work and his subsequent individual achievements ╥﹏╥
♡ Sebek has a history with Silver and Lilia - We don’t know much about their past, but we do know that the Valley of Thorns is a land of fairies and magic. But Silver and Lilia are unique in the sense that they have deep connections to humans. In an environment where he doesn’t fit in and has less magic capability than the fae, Sebek probably felt a sense of kinship with a human like Silver. Could that be the reason why they grew up together?? What I do know is that Lilia didn’t take in Sebek just so that Silver would have a childhood friend. He likely did it because Sebek is the living embodiment of Lilia’s greatest wish. In Dance and Wishes, Lilia wishes for the different species in Twisted Wonderland, particularly the fairies and humans, to live in harmony. Those two species are still at war in Sebek’s identity, but his birth originated from peace <3
♡ Sebek calls everyone by their species - One thing I’d like to clarify about Sebek is the fact that he addresses almost everyone by the name of their species. The clearest example is “ningen” for all humans and “neko” for Lucius. But Sebek...can’t do the same for himself. He can’t call himself a fae nor a human because he is a mix of both. As of now, Sebek is the only mixed-species character in Twisted Wonderland, and his speech mannerisms are another allusion to that ٩(× ×)۶
♡ Sebek’s hobby is reading - It’s ironic that an extremely loud character has such a quiet hobby. While we still lack much Sebek lore, we do know that he has an affinity for literature and that he has a problem looking for subjective answers in Art. So how do those two character traits exist simultaneously?? My headcanon is that Sebek likes reading because it helps him understand the languages and feelings of the two species he belongs to. Literature places you in the perspective of another person, and reading qualifies as a method for Sebek to feel closer to his own two species (°◇°)
♡ Sebek’s favorite food is salmon carpaccio - Am I the only one who was introduced to salmon carpaccio by Sebek?? At first, I assumed that it was his favorite food because salmon is part of French cuisine and Disney’s Sleeping Beauty was set in France. But after the new update, it finally clicked--salmon is an anadromous fish which can survive in both freshwater and saltwater. Furthermore, no matter the long distance, the salmon is able to navigate its way back to the stream it was born in. If I were to connect the dots, Sebek (the salmon) has assimilated into the Valley of Thorns (the sea) but in the end, he needs to remember his human roots (the stream) (ºΔº)
♡ Sebek’s least favorite food is black coffee - Here’s another sh*tty analogy!! Sebek’s favorite food is pretty sophisticated, but he lacks the same sentiments for black coffee. I originally thought he disliked it simply because he’s still bby, but now?? Black coffee is just coffee without milk, sugar, or any additives. Since Sebek is mixed-species, his beverage counterpart could never be black coffee, because he is neither a pure fae nor a pure human. And if the illogical superiority assigned to black coffee drinkers has any additional significance to his character…SEBEK I LOVE YOU PLS DON’T FEEL SAD ABOUT YOUR IDENTITY (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Okie, that’s all I can say for now!! Those Sebek crumbs rlly turned out to be a vital piece of information about our precious bby and I hope that Yana-sensei sheds more light on this in future stories. What I can personally say about Sebek’s fae-human identity is that…it hit me on a personal level. Sebek is a character whom we can’t understand as of now, but his fragmented sense of identity and heritage is something which some players can sympathize with. We don’t know yet if Sebek is truly burdened by his mixed-species identity but there is a struggle and it has explained a lot about his character. And that mutual pain was what upgraded my love for Sebek from a cute cinnamon roll to a comfort character whom I ended up crying over. I hope my analysis actually made sense to all of you, and let’s keep showering Sebek with the love and validation he needs!! ⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃
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Tag a Sebek simp!! @twsted-caramel​ @momochiiiiiiiiii​ @ji-yaaan​ @lys-hazuki​ @twistedwonderlxnd​ @mobagehelllocal​
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
domestic life hc—tartaglia | childe
word count: 2.8k
pairing: tartaglia | childe/gn!reader
genre: fluff
a/n:  idk man i got the childe brainrot,, fictional kgb member, i love you <3
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who kisses the other on the nose and the one receiving the kiss blushes?
childe would do it a lot to you, especially at the beginning of your relationship.
not that he doesn’t like giving you nose kisses—he still loves kissing you in general <3
it’s just that when you both just started out, your reaction would be more potent. you’d be more flustered, stammering as you stared him with wide eyes.
if you asked him why, he’d give a smile that’s so painfully honeyed, while his eyes twinkled with mischief.
« you’re just too cute when you act all shy. » his voice teasing.
but here’s the secret.
he is not immune to nose boops.
do not hesitate to do it to him!! give him a taste of his own medicine!!!
he will not expect your boldness and he will be caught very off guard.
his own reaction would be just or even more incredible than yours, actually sksksksk.
tease him and reap the rewards man.
he’d snap up and blink at you, surprised. not quite believing that yes, actually, two can play at this game. he’d try to stutter out a witty comeback, but it holds no bite due to the furious blush covering his face.
either way, the both of you would laugh it out.
nowadays tho, you mostly just playfully roll your eyes at him and smile lazily, waiting until he gives you a kiss on the lips too.
who sits on their partner’s lap as they wrap their arms around their partners neck?
this man is your throne and you will sit on your rightful place.
real talk tho, childe makes a p decent chair considering. and he actually likes having you on his lap—it gives him free and unrestricted access to everything.
his arms would snake around your waist, pulling you closer to him. he’s not letting his prey you go anytime soon, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
as you wrap your arms around his neck, his hands may even wander elsewhere.
maybe you’ll simply hold each other close, tenderly closing the distance between the two of you, happy to have his affection, and him yours.
or maybe he’ll take it as an opportunity to kiss you, roughly, with desire, with want, until you’re breathless and your lips are bruised. this position, you think, as you feel his hand sneak under your clothes and trace your bare skin (which now feels unbearably hot), may also lead to something else. something more.
who kisses the inside of their partner’s palm before reassuring them everything is going to be okay?
before setting off on his travels, childe would press a gentle kiss on the inside of your hand, reassuring. it’s a message, a reminder, a promise.
a promise that he’ll stay safe, that’ll he’ll return to you, unharmed.
he does it to soothe your worries and let you know that there was nothing to be worried about—he doesn’t want you to get all stressed on his behalf. as much as it pains him to part from you for too long, he needs to do what he must; but he’ll be thinking of you and your health every step of the way.
so like
to go on a bit of a tangent
we know that childe’s work, as a fatui—a harbinger no less—is of course very dangerous. and even though he’s more than capable of handling whatever his travels throw at him, you can’t help but be worried for him.
and i also feel like, if you didn’t know this [his true nature] from the get-go, he’d hide his actual line of work or obfuscate most of the details from you.
it’s because he doesn’t want to stress you with the more gruesome details.
if you were never aware of the darker side of his profession, then he’d rather not have your perception of him be tainted. in your eyes, he was just sweet, darling tartaglia—not the murderer or weapon of war that he really was—and he'd prefer to keep it that way.
he’s aware that fatuis get bad rap as is, and he doesn’t know how he’d feel if his status made you afraid of him, or even worse, detest him. you hating him was the last thing he wanted.
you generally respect his boundaries, and accept whatever vague descriptions he gives you about his current “commission” (location, length of time). you have your doubts about his work as a “merchant”, but you have faith that he’ll see his endeavours through, even if you yourself are unsure and concerned.
anyway i…
i’m getting horribly off topic 0A0
moving on—
who initiates the forehead touch™?
after a long day of gruelling work, he’d probably long for your touch and affection, without exactly having the energy left to really vocalise his feelings. 
or at least, eloquently.
that’s why on quiet evenings, he’d seek you out and gently press his forehead against yours, pleased; you happy enough to follow his lead.
maybe childe lays his head on your lap while you play with his hair, untangling knots that have somehow formed in his unruly hair. at some point, he may reach out and pull you closer, close enough that your foreheads are touching. close enough to feel his warm breath fan your face.
you have to bend down a bit, and truthfully the position’s awkward, but your back’s protests are the last thing in your mind as you stare back into his pearlescent blue eyes.
despite his weariness, your comfort brings a smile to his face.
sometimes, he may even murmur something about how happy he was to be back home.
no words are exchanged, but there doesn’t need to be.
the love is there, and the both of you are content enough to simply revel in it.
where do they first say “I love you”?
things such as “i love you” and “i need you” are hard to utter for childe.
it’s a sign of weakness for him, and it’s a sign of weakness he does not wish to reveal nor acknowledge. if he says it, if he says that he loves you, he’s admitting a defect.
he has very little allies, and his enemies would not hesitate to take advantage of any leverage they can get. he doesn’t want you to be in danger because of him, he doesn’t want you to be used against him.
so admitting such vulnerability is very difficult for him.
however, though childe may be cold and calculated, tartaglia, ajax, is a man of feelings.
despite his consternation, he puts great importance over his loyalties and whom he offers his love to.
the first time he admits that he loves you, it is with great difficulty, as if it was a sin he shan’t utter.
he loves you, he thinks, but he cannot vocalise.
the first time he admits it, it was an accident. an impulse, the words whispered out against his consent, escaping before he was able to hold them in.
he carelessly lets the phrase out, and a part of him regrets while the other rejoices.
you make him weak when no other stands a chance to subjugate him so.
he hates it and he loves it oh so much.
it’s so so dangerous, and yet he is addicted.
he loves you.
who wraps their arms around their partner who’s cooking?
ok so like, it’s canon:
his siblings acknowledge him as the “the bestest big brother ever!” because he can cook and do housework. we stan a househusband.
anyway, this means that he’s at least a decent chef.
but because of his busy schedule as a harbinger, he rarely ever finds the time to cook, or to even be home. when he does get home, he would greet you before promptly passing tf out.
so he’d usually buy food when he remembers to eat. besides, his salary pretty much allows him to savour whatever liyue delicacy he wants to. the price, whatever it may have been, was negligible.
but honestly, truly, regardless of how luxurious and mouth-watering such expensive dishes were, nothing could beat home cooking. it hit different.
knowing this, you tended to prepare enough for two during dinner and save his portion on the dining table for when he gets home while you retreated to bed.
but on the off chance that he does get a day off, you best bet he’ll spend all that time within your presence. he is not letting you out of his sight and his arm’s reach.
he’ll ask you what you wanted to do. what you wanted to eat; he would treat you to anything, to repay your kindness, your thoughtfulness, as a way to say thank you, to say he’s glad to have you here and that he honestly truly cares for you.
you didn’t have to make him food but u did 🥺
if you said you just wanted something homemade, or if you wanted to taste what traditional snezhnayan food, he’d be more than happy to make you some of his favourite comfort food.
honestly you’re just shook that the man knows how to cook, and is quite good at it. an unexpected talent that makes you go “damn he’s the one, lads.”
as he works his magic, you’d help him around here and there, bringing this and chopping that. but for the most part, you’d just be his distraction and annoy him.
he will also annoy you back tbh.
playful digs and shade will be thrown… among other things being thrown…
yeah… cleaning up the kitchen is going to be a pain after this…
but he wouldn’t have it any other way—neither would you, for that matter.
you’re either gonna make something very delicious or nothing’s getting done, there’s no in between. you set the tone for this day dkfjd
if you want a chance in hell to actually get to eat something at the end, your best plan is to just wrap your arms around him and rest your chin on his shoulder. you’d pepper his skin with kisses while he tries his best to not be distracted from the task at hand (and maybe not slice his hand open with a knife).
oh well, what’s a little collateral damage here and there?
he’s here.
he’s yours, at least for now.
and you will take advantage of this.
who breaks out the first aid kit when the other gets a paper cut?
paternal cell.
paternal cell.
paternal cell.
we know childe do be a family man tho.
like let’s be honest, this man is a family man.
he loves his siblings and he loves his family. he has a very honest protective streak over his family and proclaimed loved ones. he hates seeing them hurt or unhappy so he will do anything to avoid such a situation.
if it does happen, he will do his damndest to remedy it.
so if he sees you getting hurt, even if it was simply just a paper cut, you best believe it’s protective ajax time and he’s pulling out the first aid kit.
bandaids, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory lotion, you name it. you tell him you don’t actually need half of these items and he shushes you before fussing over you.
he is making sure whatever ailment you have will heal up nicely and quickly.
he doesn’t want to see ur hurt :( and he rlly hopes u heal as fast as possible. you being hurt hurts him tenfold.
but not to worry, if he gets hurts? you’re also there very very quickly. you will rush to his side and you will fret over him, and his heart will fall all over for you once more, because you care about him and honestly it’s a nice feeling.
to be cared for.
maybe he doesn’t mind getting hurt if it means you would give him all of your attention and dote on him.
he just has to make sure you don’t find out he’s been getting injured intentionally because that’s instant banishment to the sofa for at least a few days.
who cuddles up to the other?
i like to imagine childe is a pretty affectionate dude, as in, he’s pretty touchy-feely. there’s also a little bit of possessiveness i think.
a lot of pda with this guy.
he wants to hold you close, he wants to be able to feel you near him.
so regardless of the time and place, he will make it known that you’re his, as he is yours.
it is no different as to when you’re in private. he’d snuggle up to you.
idk he just likes being near you? holding you, touching you, feeling you.
sometimes he can be a little restless in bed. if he doesn’t immediately conk out, he might build up some nighttime anxiety and paranoia. having you sleep soundly besides him makes it a little more bearable. it makes him feel safe and it certainly grounds him.
he finds that he sleeps a lot better and wakes up feeling a little more refreshed when you’re there with him.
of course, you were more than happy to reciprocate and curl up to him, his arms enveloping you.
though he might make a bit of a fuss and whinge, he lowkey highkey likes being in your arms. he won’t admit it, but being the little spoon is nice actually.
childe won’t ask for it or anything, he still wants to save face, but as you cuddle, the two of you would gradually shift until he has his head over your chest and he can hear the rhythmic beating of your heart. calming him.
who falls asleep on who? what is their reaction when the other falls asleep on them?
because of his job as a harbinger (not that you know that), he rarely ever comes home early or during normal human waking hours, so despite your determination you’re usually asleep by the time he slips inside your shared home.
that or by the time childe was comfortably sat next to you, more than happy to cuddle and listen to you ramble on about your day your excitement has already worn off, and in its place, drowsiness.
but it’s ok.
he would smile softly to himself, you asleep in his arms, small smile gracing your own lips, and gently lift up and carry you to your shared bedroom. slowly, carefully, he’d place himself near you without waking you up.
oh well, it can’t be helped. he’s happy enough to be around you, to have someone waiting for him.
but on the off chance you’re still awake while he was asleep, you would definitely take this chance to admire him, quietly watch the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
without that characteristic smug and self-satisfied grin, you’d wager he looked “innocent” you chuckle. but “innocent” and “childe” don’t belong in the same sentence.
stroking his hair, you’d notice how he looked so peaceful, carefree, even, when he’s asleep, and you long for the time when he’d look such a way when he was awake
you’d gently kiss his forehead, unable to bring yourself to break his peaceful repose to bring him to bed. instead, you wrapped a blanket you nabbed from childe’s bedroom around his shoulders and settle in his arms, happy to be near the man you love.
the next day, the both of you may wake up with terribly stiff necks rip
who likes to be held and who likes to hold?
i feel as if this is a shared sentiment. you both hold each one another an equal amount. ^u^
he’s used to being the older brother, the protector to his younger siblings, and he doesn’t oppose to having that role.
so in true childe fashion, he’d tease you for being all cuddly and insatiably hungry for his affection, but coddles you all the same (because he just loves the thought of, and being, held close).
you on the other hand love being adored by the object of your affection, paying no mind to his quips (ok maybe paying a little mind, as you huff and playfully hit him for being mean).
it’s ok though. he makes it up through his actions. and being paid attention to, cared for, adored and cherished by childe? you revel in it.
when you take him in your arms, he feels immensely happy and relieved.
to know that you care for him, that you’re looking out for him and that you love him—it brings forth a part of him he has long believed to have locked away and discarded.
a part of him that would’ve been considered weak, a part of him that wishes to be vulnerable, protected, and loved.
he figures that when it’s with you, it’s alright. he embraces it all the same because he trusts you.
you’re both smitten and you think to yourself that it’s alright his way.
because you have his heart, and he has yours.
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
For the ask game… our boy toad?
Yes! Let's give him another go lol
Favorite thing
Another one for the personality aspect tbh. He's very shy most of the time, but he can be assertive when he wants to be, so lots to play with when writing him which I like. However, I will say that his appearance is what drew me in at the very start, so maybe that.
I have no excuse here, I just like stereotypical looking British guys with the long face and huge, sad eyes combo 😪
Least favorite thing
The way that he's treated in comics and most media hnnnng. He's always someone else's clown or plot device, never his own person. Like.... NEVER. I get it, someone needs to be the henchman I guess- but this is just relentless sksksksk I'd like to see him with a moment of triumph or even redemption sometime.
At his core, he's really not a bad guy, he's just so severely rejected by literally everyone else, he feels like he has no choice but to play the villain half the time
Favorite Line
This is always hard for me bc 1) I never really pay close attention to lines and 2) I haven't actually consumed much content with Toad in it bc I don't usually like how he's represented ksskssk I did like his line in the Wolverine school comic or whatever where when he's asked what he had to say in his defense for all the shit with the hellfire club attack he says "All I did, I did for love"
It sticks out to me bc it shows he has at least something of a poetic or intellectual side, aside from the fact that he's actually very caring, perhaps even empathetic towards a romantic partner. It's also extremely fucking sad bc it goes to show how he's so easily manipulated all the time, considering he'll do quite literally ANYTHING to get his targeted person(s) to like him even just a little, but yeah
Nightcrawler, for reasons you can read on my previous ask in this game lol, but also Spiderman. I just feel like he and peter have that "smart kid outcast" vibe together
I think I'm going to have to unironically say me again for this one skskkss Literally no one in the comics can be bothered to give even a FRACTION of a legitimate fuck about him, so 😔😪
Again, also an unironic pretty much everyone but me. See above
Random HC
This is a headcannon that I can also back up with science to make a case for why it should be canon, but: Toad's toxin is so insanely powerful that, if the proper conditions were made available, he could kill guys with the regen power of even Wolverine with it, making him actually one of the deadliest, most dangerous mutants to live. However, he either doesn't even know this about himself, or refuses to take advantage of it. Like I said, he's not ACTUALLY villain
Unpopular opinion
I'm pretty sure last time I said that I find the x-men evolution version of toad actually kind of annoying, so idk if that counts if I say it again, but yeah.
Oh, someone was upset once when I said that his NEURO-toxin is potent enough to kill wolverine, sabretooth, or deadpool for good, even tho I, again, have air tight science to back me up on it- so there's that one ig lol. Their argument was a whole bunch of stuff, but at the very start they said that "unless his poison was somehow attacking the brain first, there's no way he could kill any of these characters bc Blah blah blah"
But guess what organ a NUERO toxin attacks first tho. Go on, guess.
Song I associate
You're going to have to pry my association between Toad and Liam Gallagher from my cold, dead hands lmao. I'll never not associate an Oasis song with him primarily- Lately I'm feeling either Rockin' Chair or Fade Away both off of The Masterplan album
The former has a line like "I'm older then I wish to be, this town holds no more for me" and the latter "While we are living, the dreams we have as children fade away". Basically just giving up on happiness and being disillusioned with life, both very accurate to his sentiments as a character
Favorite Picture
Idk my dude lmao. I like how he looks in contest of champions, the days of future past movie, and how he looks in that comic arc I was talking about with his quote, but only the ones where he actually looks like a person and not a little gremlin ksksks
Most of my own art of him I like as well, but that might just be me lol
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yuutasprincess · 4 years
Yes, Yuutas birthday 😭💖 I have to request sksksksk puppy Yuuta has been a good boy on his birthday so his girlfriend rewards him with a blowjob, (deep throating, whiny/whimpering Yuuta and a lot of praising) pretty pretty please.
He can hardly contain his excitement, nails digging into your scalp while he jerks your head forward and slams his hips into your mouth, “Ah! deeper! deeper!” drool slips past your lips as the puffy head hits the back of your throat and makes you gag. his cock only seems to grow in your mouth, base so wide the corners of your lips burn and your jaw tingles. you struggle to move your tongue, muscle going flat and trying to relax as he constantly pushes into you.
Your sweet puppies howling, lips forming an O as glittery tears slip past his eyes and highlight his cheeks. he’s a mess above you, panting and sobbing about how good you feel. how tight your throat is, how your mouth is so warm. so impossibly wet that he wishes you could always suck on his cock. wishes he could feel your nails digging into his thighs everyday while your nose is buried in his pelvis as you try to push him away and get air into your burning lungs. wishes he could watch you cry like you are now- tears, drool and snot dribbling down your face as he fucks your throat raw.
“So good! never wanna stop! Ah, ah” he’s shaking his head vigorously, hair swaying and falling onto his sweaty face as he moves his hands down to cup the sides of your head, “I’m- I’m cumming!” chokes mid cry as he suffocates you on his cock. hot cum shooting into your mouth and hitting the back of your throat like a bullseye, he keeps rutting against you to the point you worry his cums going to come out your nose. when he releases your head you’re falling to the ground in a fit of coughs, gasping for breath as you claw at the floor.
He’s on you in a second, gripping your hair again and tugging you until your looking up at him with tears eyes. lips puffy and numb while your face is wet, loose strands of hair sticking to your cum stained cheeks. “Can you.. can you do it again?” the starry look in his eye has you nodding timidly, jaw aching as you watch his cock come back to life.
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years
My nickname is CR and I'm 24! I work in marketing and currently getting my master degreen. I'm an infp, I'm pretty much a homebody but I enjoy going out for dinner & drinks with my friend time to time. I'm not really an active person but I'd go running with my dog if I got time. My dog name's zimba, I just love her so much🥺
I would say I'm funny but my rbf and my nonchalant attitude said otherwise, I love making new friends but I hate small talks so I'm quiet 99% of the time. I love baking and walking in silence (it's calming). I wish i could bake more often these days (but what can a corporate slave do *sigh*). I don't think I have hobbies these days but I tend to get fixiated on something and leave them. Last month was candle making and this month was bead bracelet making (i got some leftover beads from last year because i decided to make army x bts bracelet like hobi looolll).
My love language is act of service & gifts! I don't think i'm a very romantic person, so I guess my type would be someone romantic but not too romantic (lol). Probably just someone who's considerate and funny, also the outgoing one out of the two of us but also okay with me not being so outgoing because my social battery ran out pretty quick (now this is why i don't have bf sksksksk)
I hope that's enough and sorry if it's too long. I don't know what to say because i'm sooo boring irl lol. Thank you in advance if you ended up writing my ship, I read your works and it's sooo lovely. Have a great day!!!💗💗💗
I can see why you'd be Yoonjin person. And really there's nothing boring about you. You live a decent life and the amount of things you try (other than stanning bangtan which by itself is a full time gig ) is a lot more than so many people I know who don't even think about trying. I'm glad you like my writing :). Hope you enjoy your ship.
The person I ship you with is Taehyung.
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It was just another day of your ordinary life when you met Kim Taehyung. You had been running with your dog Zimba enjoying the lovely weather, you had stopped to take a water break when Zimba got distracted and ran towards another dog.
You rushed before Zimba got you into trouble.
"I'm sorry." You apologise holding her leash.
"It's fine my Tannie is so cute that a lot of dogs like playing with him." That or a lot of people let their dogs free so they could chat with the handsome owner.
"He is adorable." You say.
"Nice bracelet." He comments at the result of your obsession that ended last month.
"Thanks it's not that tough to make. Candles on the other hand are painful." You say. You do not know what caused you to overshare. Probably his cute face.
You both went your way except that he took the same path as you and that rang alarm bells in your head. You calmed yourself it must be a coincidence. He probably lived nearby.
You weren't expecting the nearby to be literally next door.
Soon enough you had formed a deep friendship as you both took your respective dogs to run often together. Bonding over the love of art and pets.
That was how one evening you found yourself outside Taehyung's door unsure and contemplating whether should you knock or not. Before you could knock Taehyung opened the door.
He raised his eyebrow in question.
"Um.. I was thinking of trying acrylic pour art and I know you have more experience painting so.. I was thinking if.. uh.. you would like to join me ?"
"Of course." He replies beaming.
And that is the first of your many hangouts and unofficial dates until finally three months later he asks you to be his girlfriend.
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sierice · 3 years
okay but think about my tears ricochet by taylor swift but in apollo's pov like in a way where he's talking to the olympians that if they hated him, why did they care?? (bc let's be honest, i have a feeling that most of the olympians were worried about him deep down but didn't really express it)
Hello Diya!! <333
This song is just??? Perfect for explaining the other god's opinion of Apollo???? Like??? It especially fits in with that council meeting in ToN and that dream of all the gods watching Apollo's trials. Like-
Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day
And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels that I gave you As you bury me
And you can aim for my heart, go for blood But you would still miss me in your bones
I feel all these lines apply almost perfectly to the Olympians to some extent at the very least like- During his trials, no one except Artemis really showed any indication that they were worried about him (and if they did, it wasn't too obvious). But when Apollo was back in the Council, and was in the Council meeting, none of them had the guts to mock him, or act like they didn't care- because they were all under the impression that Apollo wouldn't come back, Zeus especially. This was something mentioned a little in detail in this analysis post:
It seems clear that Zeus expected Apollo to die. He had no intention to help him. He’d dressed all in black, put on an appropriately somber air. It might have been all an act. Apollo calls him a consummate actor, and we can trust his word on this. It takes one to know one. But it’s possible Zeus truly felt some measure of remorse. It’s possible he felt genuine pain as he prepared to witness his son exhale his last breath. Yet he was still willing to do it. He’d made his choice.
See? They were all ready to accept the fact that Apollo would die on his trials (Except a few, like Artemis for example)
I don't really know if any of what I said makes sense sksksk 😂😂🤣🤣, It's just what I personally think skskskskk
Also, I think that part is just neat:
And I can go anywhere I want Anywhere I want, just not home
This part is quite literal in the sense that...yeah- He really could go anywhere, just not back to Olympus sksksksk
And I still talk to you (when I'm screaming at the sky) And when you can't sleep at night (you hear my stolen lullabies)
THIS!!! Oh my god this part fits absolutely perfectly with Apollo's relationship with the other gods during his trials. Like- in THO he literally screamed at Zeus. What's to say he didn't do that during the rest of his trials, and with other gods? Like- just hear me out: I am pretty sure like everyone around Lester thought he was downright crazy, because he kept screaming at the sky and talking to it almost all the time- but he kept saying things like "Oh they'll hear me"
*When Lester tries to cook something in the Waystation but fails awfully*
Lester, walking up to the roof of the Waystation: WHY CAN'T YOU LET ME COOK SOMETHING EDIBLE JUST ONCE DEMETER?! WHY?!
Meg: Why are you cursing my mom?
Or something like that sksksksk
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves
Look.... I'm not saying that 'grace' means Jason... but like.... it would be very funny... haha... and the battleships could be Caligula's yachts.... wouldn't that be funny..... (I'm so sorry but it's so funny I can't-)
And that's all I got for now sksksk. I honestly went on a bit of a tangent there- did not expect to go so in-depth into this but oh well-😂Hope this was what you had in mind Diya!!! 💙💙
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