#i wish u could flirt w the bachelors back
generousqueen21 · 5 years
Dick Grayson [if only he knew] pt.1
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A/N : There will be a part 2, from both of your perspective’s!
w o r d s : 892
w a r n i n g : lovesick angst
s u m m a r y: You’ve fallen for Dick Grayson. Hard. And you don’t know how to tell him ( your perspective ).
Sometimes you wished Dick wasn’t a ladies man. 
You had barely seen Dick since you had gotten to the Gala. He had been whisked away dozens of times by tall, glamorous women wearing this season’s gowns. You’d only gone with Jason because you had assumed that Dick would have asked someone already. You didn’t know he would be followed all night. 
You’d assumed that Dick would always be a friend to you. You had led yourself to believe that you weren’t like those others girls who chased after him for his looks or wealth. He was more to you than just an eligible bachelor for Gotham’s hottest models (and god, you knew you weren’t one). You fell for him like people fell asleep; aware you were falling, but not sure when just as it hit you. When you went to buy a dress, you cursed at yourself when you realized you had subconsciously grabbed a blue gown. You wished you didn’t have to try so hard to feel like he would ever notice you.
Jason noticed you squeezing his arm with vigor, as you watch another one of Gotham’s socialites flirt with Dick. You wanted to believe he would turn and look at you with the amount of money you spent on your outfit and shoes. Jason wished he could just tell you idiots that you both were in love, but he knew that he had to let you two work it out. 
Finally, when it seemed that Dick had run out of rich women to talk to, you aggressively pushed through the crowd, smiling like you belonged here. 
When Dick finally saw you, your smile grew wider. “Dick! Hey, where you going?”
Dick flashed his million dollar smile, raising a glass of champagne in the air. “Y/N! You look amazing, as always.” You felt your skin flush as a group of the models that had been talking to Dick before seethed at the sight of you. 
Again, at this moment you wished Dick wasn’t a ladies man. 
Jason started to shift uncontrollably, tapping his foot. Unfortunately, he wasn’t too good at keeping secrets under pressure. If you weren’t so close to him, Jason would have thought it was kind of funny Dick was jealous of him tonight.
You nervously tried to break the tension by clearing your throat.  Noticing Dick’s glare, Jason winced and frantically excused himself, muttering something about crab cakes. 
You looked back at Dick and started to anxiously giggle. Dick raised his eyebrows and started to laugh. “What?”
Nothing,” you smiled, shyly brushing your hand against his arm. “It’s great to see you.” You two stood there, rocking back and forth, until you broke the silence once more. “So,” you offered, “Wanna come over after this gala? Watch a movie or hang out for old time sake?”
Dick nodded, grinning. “Yes!” You sighed, missing this. You wanted him so bad, but for now, pretending he was just a friend to you would work.
Your breath hitched in your throat when his hands firmly held onto yours. “Dick?”
You squeezed his hands impulsively, leaned into his touch. He was staring at you so intense that you thought you would melt into a puddle if he did it another moment just as he whispered, “Do you want to dance?”
You laughed with relief, walking onto the dance floor to avoid him seeing your face like this. Awkwardly, you twirled him around, standing up on your toes to arch your arm around his head, which he did with grace. 
The cocky motherfucker. 
Late into the night,  when you weren’t sure whether your legs were shaking and your knees were wobbling because of dancing or being around him, you both strolled into the garden behind the Manor. You were still in a trance after you had both slow danced in front of the whole city, as if you were the only two in existence. 
 “Well, Grayson, I guess it’s fair to say that after tonight, you’re still a horrendous dancer!” You lied, trying to break the tension. You collapsed onto the grass with your shoulders shaking with laughter. 
 Dick scoffed, dramatically flopped next you, leaning back on his hands. “I think I’ve gotten better.”
 You rolled your eyes and snorted, turning to face him. He was so pretty, prettier than all the other girls he wasted his time talking to. You wished he could see himself right now. Pink lips that were begging to be bitten. Eyes that glowed under the light of the full moon. Eyelashes that would make any girl jealous. In the midst of your daze, you leaned forward and tugged on his silky bangs, wanting to run your hands through them. You could tell him now. You had the chance to lean forward and let your body tell him your secrets. 
You couldn’t risk losing him. 
 As the city began to fall into a slumber, the two of you stumbled into a cab, muttering your address. Tired and drowsy from hiding your urges all night, you buried your face into his neck, pretending in that moment that he was yours. You didn’t even think to feel embarrassed. 
 You hadn’t been thinking clearly when you had invited him over either.
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faintblueivy · 5 years
Alphabet of Shikatema
Ah, well, here’s a new Shikatema piece from me! I’ve been wanting to try this for them a while now. Hope you all like it!!!
A – Affection
She knows that she’s never been efficient in showing affection. Yells of 'you idiot', punches of concern, and a tongue lashing of worry was all she could offer at times. But somehow he always sees past that, thanks her and tells her, “I’ll try not to repeat that.”
B – Bachelor
It’s unsettling when his photo and profile appears in a magazine in the list of most eligible bachelors in the five great nations. They talk about how he’s a war hero, a genius strategist and the head of prestigious Nara clan. He is very curious about what a particular Suna kunoichi thinks about this.
C – Cloud
Cloud watching was his favourite past time. But when her eyes flick across the vast expanse of blue above dotted with whiteness, she wonders when it became hers too.
D – Daughter
She’s is the daughter of her parents. But Shikamaru chokes on his tea when his mother gushes over how much she would love to have Temari as her daughter, a day too soon after their first meeting.
E – Exception
Temari doesn’t like to provide comfort or sugar-coat things. Well, she’s not very kind to men in general. Her brothers may be exceptions but it’s not soon enough when two other men join the list as well. One of them, she calls him her husband and other is the tiny crying child on her lap.
F – Fear
She understands the source of her fear when the Hokage tells her about Shikamaru's latest mission in a tight voice. And it haunts her till he’s in front of her. Pinned down. But alive.
G – Game
It’s a little weird to see a miniature version of himself, with sparkling green eyes, right across the tiny shoji board. It’s hard to explain the rules of the game to a child but the warmth that swells up in his chest at the scene makes him wonder if this is what his father had felt back then.
H – Hair
He’s exhausted and sleeping. And to be honest, Temari has always been quite curious about his hair. They way he ties it up makes him look like a pineapple head. She tries to imagine how he would look with his hair down though.
I – Idea
Strategies and plans flow to him when he concentrates enough. But when it comes to her, no matter how hard he tries, he has no idea how to even propose for a date on a nearby Ramen stand.
J – Journey
The journey between Suna and Konoha takes approximately three days. But when they travel together, the time ends up way too soon.
K – Kicked
Her loud gasp makes him drop the large sheaf of papers and files. He jumps over the mess, races to the kitchen. The alarm on his face is real when he finds her bending over with an arm over her womb. But she immediately looks up, her eyes shining with unveiled happiness and places his hand on her swollen belly. It takes a moment before Shikamaru’s louder gasp echoes throughout the house.
“He kicked!”
L – Light
The light of the candle flickers in the shrine dedicated to his father. His vision is hazy with tears as he extends the sleeping infant in his arms to show the photo of the man.
“Look dad, he’s…mine. Your grandkid. Mother named him Shikadai. Are you happy there? Cause I sure am.”
M – Mornings
Mornings with him are lazy. But should she be surprised?
N – Nights
There are nights when they find each other on the porch, trembling with the pain of having lost comrades and loved ones in the horrid war. But it makes them move forward solemnly towards the peace to preserve the future.
O – Older
“You know, I’m older than you are.”
Shikamaru tries to deduce where that came from. Her eyes are focused on somewhere beyond the sun they were supposed to be watching roll down. It takes him a moment before he responds.
“I know that. But you’re already too troublesome. I can’t imagine how troublesome would it be to deal with a younger version of yours.”
It is then her lovely laugh rings out in the meadow.
P – Perfection
He has always known that perfection is just an illusion. But when she wakes up in the morning, hair all dishevelled, eyes droopy and the sleeve of the night dress slipping down her shoulder feeding their infant son, it defines perfection for him.
Q – Quarrel
The first time they had a marital quarrel, he was kicked out of the house. And it was also the first time that she stepped out in midnight to drag him back home. It became a ritual somehow.
R – Rain
For having always lived in a desert enclosed land, Temari hadn’t witnessed torrential rain like this. So Shikamaru is stunned when he comes home to find his wife drenched to the bone, still out in the backyard, rainwater pelting against her skin, eyes closed and a genuine smile that spoke millions on her face.
And he swears that it is the most breath-taking sight in the world.
S – Sun
She talks about her mother sometimes, comparing her to the sun, telling him how the woman brightened up everyone’s lives around her and how the love was so much abundant in her heart. And the way her eyes shine as she talks, Shikamaru loves it all.
T – Trust
He trusted her blindly. Because she was the one to have seen him at his weakest, because she was the one to come to his aid and protect him when he needed someone strong.
U – Unforgettable
She watches him pray at his teachers’s gravestone regularly and often gathers up the courage to accompany him. She doesn’t stop him when he smokes only one particular day of the year and offers him her shoulder to cry upon because she understands there will always be some people and their memories in your life who would be unforgettable.
V – Valuable
Due to their position so up high in the social ladder of their respective villages - a lot of council members, socio-political experts and commoners believe their marriage to be just a treaty. And obviously, it irks them. But on their wedding day, the genuine way Gaara smiles and Kakashi's eyes crinkle beneath his mask and their friends tease them, they understand that the people closest to them have always considered their bond much more valuable than that.
W – Wishful
It’s her wishful thinking that he would wear their wedding ring always, if possible. But she never really expects him to wear it around his neck and show it off to the world.
X – Xylographs
Nara clan has a ritual of engraving the name of the head of the clan and their consort on the sacred wood tablets. Shikamaru feels his heart pound in his ears as the artist xylographs her name beside him.
Y – Yes
Her 'Yes' to his 'Will you marry me?' is an awkward kiss to stop him from embarrassing himself further because he’s such a bumbling mess that he eats half of what he wants to say and she had enough of waiting done.
Z – Zenith
Their love was always at it’s zenith. Shikadai knew it. Throughout the one-sided arguments, weird flirting and soft smiles their love stood undaunted. He places a flower between the two graves that stand beside each other and whispers a 'thank you' into the wind.
I wanted it to be a little deep and I hope I succeeded in catching glimpses of their life together. Aaaahhh, do share your thoughts me! Please?
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