#i would be a loving father to faramir
echinocereus · 1 year
I would die for Samwise Gamgee. I would marry him immediately if he asked. Everytime he spoke in Return of the King i wanted to cry hes so loving and caring and thoughtful and brave and
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girls-againstgod · 2 months
thinking about how much it probably meant to faramir when he let frodo and sam go knowing his life would be forfeit and sam told him "captain faramir, you've shown your quality sir; the very highest."
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borom1r · 9 months
look there r critiques to be made abt the characterization of movie!Faramir but he’s actually so important to me. the fact he Is tempted and that his temptation mirrors Boromir’s in that they’re both centered around love means so much to me, actually
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torchwood-99 · 11 months
There's a bit of a role reversal with Faramir and Eowyn, in terms of how their narratives include tropes and plot points that are often traditionally applied to characters of the other sex.
Eowyn goes to war because she refuses to be left behind to be burned inside the house when the battle is done, as is often the fate of women.
Faramir actually is nearly burned alive at the hands of the patriarch of his family when said patriarch believes the battle is over and hope is lost. While Eowyn is out on the battlefield, fighting, Faramir is stuck inside the home, burning.
Between the two, Eowyn is the one we see go on more of an inner journey. She changes more over the narrative, and has to deal more with her own flaws and personal demons, as well as the injustices inflicted upon her. The climax of her story comes with a great moment of heroism and courage in battle. She is rescued by a hobbit, but as an ally in battle, not as a damsel in distress.
Faramir in the books doesn't feel tempted by the ring, and is almost a paragon of virtue. About as much as a Man in Middle Earth can be. He's closer to Arwen and Galadriel than Eowyn is, in his near perfection, in how he inspires and guides others. He is also rescued by a hobbit, but in that moment he is helpless, a damsel in distress. He is rescued because others love him for his virtue and goodness.
So often it's the other way round. Not only is the woman usually the one trapped inside, in need of rescue, while the man is out there fighting, the woman's heroism traditionally comes from the list of virtues she possesses, while the man's heroism comes from his deeds and the things he accomplishes. The man fights, the woman inspires.
But during the Battle of Pelennor fields, it is Eowyn who fights, and while she does inspire Merry, she inspires him not as a paragorn, but as an example of courage that Merry finds himself compelled to live up to. He is inspired to fight by her side, instead of fighting for her.
Faramir is sick and unconscious. His agency is denied him by his father, who decides on his behalf there's nothing left for him to live for. And it is a rush for the heroes; Pippin and Beregond, to save Faramir, and it is explicitly stated that Beregond only broke the law because he was inspired to do so out of his great love for Faramir, which is shared by all. In that moment, Faramir's role is closer to the traditional fairy tale princess, whose goodness inspires the heroes into fighting for her during her peril.
And afterwards, it is Eowyn who has to fight to find meaning in life again, to choose joy and hope over despair, which Faramir, with his loving kindness, wisdom, and gentleness, inspires her to do.
I love that, and love thinking on how that affected their relationship going forward.
Eowyn must have liked that with Faramir, she's not being married to someone who will require her to take on every aspect of the so called "woman's role" (necessary, but limiting) which has been inflicted on her at her own expense by the men in her life, so they can be free to partake in the "man's role". Perhaps in turn, Eowyn's predisposition for more martial pursuits; even if she has embraced healing and gardening and no longer lives for battle, would also mean she can take on some of the certain necessary duties that Faramir finds taxing.
Between the two, there must have been a more equal division of labour and responsibilities, and therefore more freedom on both sides. Neither one of them fully suits the roles that society has assigned to them due to their gender, and in marrying each other, they no longer have to.
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doberbutts · 4 days
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I'm pulling this out because this shit is funny as hell hold on
Merry and Pippin (2 in 1) actual hijinks and shenanigans of mutual stumbling over each other's first times. Bonus points if they are hours apart. Pippin finds Merry rolling in the hay in the morning, decides he wants in on this and doesn't want to be outdone, finds himself a willing partner, and Merry interrupts them by accident. Comedy gold.
I don't view Frodo as someone interested in sex (boos and hisses from the Sam/Frodo crowd) however Sam I think would similarly be Frodo opening the door to their shared living space after the quest and Sam's, err, "helping" Rosie in the kitchen. Sam stutters an apology, Rosie starts trying to explain, and meanwhile Frodo's just like "really? where we eat???"
Blink and you'll miss it moment between Legolas and Gimli OR the most intense, drawn out, intimate yet tasteful scene with a bonus at the end where Gimli goes "wait wym we're elf-married now". Probably in Rohan, after the drinking contest.
I'm choosing to believe that the scene between Arwen and Aragorn in Rivendell before he left, where she's wearing a mostly translucent shift and he is in a state of far more undress than we've seen him prior and ever seen him again, is a post-sex scene. So just put it there.
There is not a single person who will ever be able to convince me that Boromir did not get mad pussy in Gondor. The same goes for Faramir, who was loved by all except their father.
Gandalf, also, is not a sexual being to me. But with PJ's insistence on highlighting Gandalf's relationship to both Galadriel and Celeborn, I would believe him to be a third in whatever dynamic suits them.. Maybe he and Galadriel have telepathic elf magic ring sex and Celeborn is just like "yeah sure that's fine w/e". This is movie-canon only, of course.
Bilbo also- reclusive, kept to himself, constantly wandering the wilds alone or with Gandalf? Either he and Gandalf are regularly FWB adventure buddies or they're just plain uninterested in the whole deal.
I'm of two minds with Smeagol. On one hand there is great comedy gold with the little fucked up loincloth man and on the other hand there is so much tragedy to his character that I can't decide if it would be funnier to have him still have sexual desires or if it would be sadder to take him at his word when he states that he lost all desire and interest and pleasure in everything except the Ring. Perhaps he attempted to have sex with another Stoor early on in his possession of the Ring, before he was chased away. Maybe someone he had been trying to court, before the murder of Deagol and the subsequent chained events of consequences.
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I just don't understand boromir haters. Most of them likely haven't even read the books and just because he made a few mistakes in his life he's now unforgivable? They don't even have good reasons, it's just things like "o he tried to kill frodo" or "he was being selfish and wanted the ring for himself" like what?
He did not want the ring for himself. He wanted it to protect his people who very likely had the most damage because they are so close to mordor. And in the books he only commented about it once (except for the end). I love movie boromir but I hate how they make it this huge thing where he just constantly is thinking about the ring. Not to mention he was around the ring for at least two months. There were so many others who gave into the ring after only just seeing it. I think the ring was trying to specifically get him to try and take the ring. Seeing as it probably knew he was the most vulnerable to it because of everything else going on in his life (e.g his people and cities dying, the pressure from his father, everything with faramir, ect,)
Boromir is not a bad person. Yes, he makes mistakes, yes he's prideful. But that doesn't mean you can't forgive him, he repented, and without him where would the fellowship be? Aragorn wouldn't have known what happened to the hobbits, therefore Merry and Pippin would probably be dead. There's just so much he did for the people he loves, and if you think otherwise then that's your loss.
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jamiewintons · 5 months
Boromir Relationship Headcanons
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Boromir x F!Reader, headcanons are both SFW & NSFW (so no minors, please!). This is based on the movie version of Boromir, so if anything contradicts the books, I apologise 🙏
These are just some of the first headcanons that came to me, so I may end up doing a second post at some point! Anyway, hope everyone enjoys, and if you’d like to discuss Boromir headcanons, my askbox is always open!
SFW Headcanons
- Boromir is quite the romantic. He’s never really been in love before you, so it catches him by surprise how strongly he feels for you. Like he finds himself randomly thinking about you while he’s training and ends up all flustered and distracted. He never saw himself getting married either - he’d always been too busy defending Gondor - but once he falls for you there’s no doubt in his mind that he wants you to be his wife.
- Even if you’re of a proper status to be Boromir’s wife, there’s a good chance that Denethor won’t think you’re good enough for his favourite son. But Boromir will not relent in his desire to marry you, even if that means defying his father and marrying you in secret. There’s a good chance that Denethor will get past it eventually anyway, because in his eyes Boromir can really do no wrong.
- He is incredibly physically affectionate - he loves giving hugs, and cuddling, and picking you up and carrying you. He loves being the big spoon, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close to him while he buries his face in your hair. Even if he’s had the most stressful day imaginable, holding you in his arms makes all of the stress and bad things in the world seem to melt away, even if only temporarily.
- Boromir hates being away from you, though obviously his duty to Gondor means he often has to leave for battle, sometimes even for long campaigns. But he keeps you on his mind always, and he fights in your name just as much as he fights for his country and his people.
- One of the ways to make Boromir melt is to show him gentleness and tenderness. Like you tending to his wounds after a battle? You washing his hair? He’s going to fall even more in love with you and look at you with pure adoration in his eyes, just feeling so lucky to have married the most wonderful woman in Middle Earth.
- I think he’d want to have a big family, maybe four or five kids, and a mix of daughters and sons! Of course if you’re not comfortable with that, he’ll defer to your choice - he understands that when it comes to making a child, he’s really got the easy job. If you do end up having children, he’d be such a sweet and attentive father - just imagine him playing with your kids the way he did with Merry and Pippin in Fellowship 🥹 - and I like to think that he would encourage his daughters’ interests just as much as his sons’! He’s definitely making sure not to play favourites at all either, because he saw how much that hurt Faramir when they were growing up and to this day.
- (I saw an imagine post talking about dad Boromir where he plays knights with his daughters and it solidified girldad!Boromir as my favourite headcanon, but I’m having trouble finding it again - if anyone knows the post I’m talking about please send me a link, I’ll love you forever ❤��🙏)
NSFW Headcanons
- Boromir is a very attentive lover, and so so handsy. This man will be touching you all over while you’re making love, particularly focusing on your hips, breasts, and thighs. I think he’d love it if you’re on the thicker side, because it makes it even more satisfying for him to touch you.
- He can be a massive tease - especially if you have particular sweet spots that he knows how to exploit in the best way possible. When you moan loudly, he’ll look at you with the biggest grin on his face as he asks you if you’re enjoying yourself. He’s a tease with his words too - sometimes he’ll whisper something dirty in your ear in an otherwise innocent situation just to see you blush - but he’ll certainly follow through on any promises he might have made to you later.
- When Boromir’s not being a tease he’s still talking a lot, mainly a lot of praise and whispered sweet nothings. If you talk dirty to him, it drives him crazy.
- This man absolutely has a breeding kink. I don’t know what exactly makes me think that but I just get that vibe from him. Like I said above, he wants to have a big family, and he certainly fantasises about getting you pregnant. If you beg him to cum inside of you he will fold so quickly. And when you are pregnant, he can barely keep his hands off of you, though he makes sure to be extra gentle as to not accidentally hurt you while you’re in such a delicate condition.
- He eats pussy like he’s starving and you’re the first food he’s seen in weeks. If he could spend all of his time with his head between your thighs he’d probably die happy.
- Also he loves it when you sit on his face.
- He’s very proud of himself when he makes you come really hard, and he usually won’t think about his pleasure until he’s made you come at least twice, maybe three times. As such, he’s not really into quickies, he wants to take his time.
- His favourite places to have sex are in bed, and also sometimes in the bath (but touching each other in the bath usually leads to him taking you to bed).
- Boromir prefers to be able to look you in the eyes when you have sex, so any position that facilitates that will be a favourite. He does like putting your legs over his shoulders, but he also likes watching you ride him.
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tossawary · 4 months
I'm thinking about "What if the main character did not have a secret, powerful family background and was just some random person?" AUs for different stories, because I personally find that situation more compelling most of the time and I think it introduces more interesting struggles. While thinking about a bunch of other stories, I ended up thinking about Aragorn in "Lord of the Rings".
Now, Aragorn is a special case because 1) I wouldn't really call him THE main character and the "noble" members of the Fellowship are well-contrasted by the hobbits. The hobbits may be mostly Shire gentry (except for Sam), but on the grand stage of Middle Earth, they're still unimpressive nobodies. Frodo is already our ordinary hero. 2) Aragorn's road to kingship comes with him struggling with his ancestor's failures and accepting the heavy burdens that come with being Isildur's heir. This is specifically an arc of a character struggling with their family history. I am absolutely not saying that Aragorn being royalty makes LOTR a bad story and that it would be better if he was just some random guy. I think this is a well-written character storyline that is a key feature of the overall story.
But I do think it would be really funny to write fanfiction where Aragorn wasn't Arathorn's son. (There is the issue of the heritage that makes Aragorn age slowly, but maybe you could wiggle that so that Aragorn has that kind of heritage from a different source?) Like, the line of Isildur has died out, and let's say that Aragorn's mother takes shelter in Rivendell with her son, and kid Aragorn ends up wandering around to the broken sword and picking up the handle. And either Aragorn's mother lies to Elrond about Aragorn being Arathorn's son or Elrond happens across kid Aragorn with the broken sword and thinks... "Hey, what if we just... lied about it?"
Now, this could end really badly! As I vaguely understand it, the Silmarillion (which I have not read) contains a bunch of examples where lying did not go well, so maybe this lie is how Middle Earth falls into chaos in this AU. Whoops.
But even though this breaks some plotlines, I'm a sucker for adoption storylines. I love adoption being treated as important. It's compelling to imagine Elrond and Aragorn's mother carefully explaining the situation with the sword to him, and then this child just... stubbornly deciding that he's going to become Isildur's heir. Maybe Aragorn's determination falters at some point, he gives up on the idea, and he later has to return to Elrond as an adult and persuade him that no, he means it this time, mankind isn't just about bloodlines, he's going to pick up this burden on behalf of all of humanity. I think that there's something powerful in a person deciding that no, I'm not of Isildur's blood, but I have his same potential for success and for failure, and I'm here. I'm fighting. I picked up the broken sword and that's good enough, isn't it? Who are you to say I'm not his heir? I'm HERE.
I think there's powerful magic in that too. (Also, Arathorn is dead and getting adopted as a father by some random kid. Sure. Okay. I think that's just funny.)
(Also, oh my, there is SO MUCH tragedy if Aragorn being Isildur's heir is a lie and Boromir died believing it. The GUILT. The GUILT that Aragorn would feel when Boromir says, "I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king." Like, oh man, now you HAVE TO make it true.)
Now, maybe Aragorn doesn't become King of Gondor in this AU or maybe he does. Maybe Faramir becomes king instead. Maybe it becomes well known by the end of the journey that Aragorn isn't a blood descendant of Isildur and maybe it's a secret known only to the Fellowship. I'd like to think that he still marries Arwen. I like the idea of Arwen happily and knowingly marrying some nobody lying about his heritage and Elrond internally being like, "This is kind of on me."
The most important thing here is that it would be so fucking funny if Aragorn (and Elrond and Gandalf and Galadriel) successfully lied to Sauron the Deceiver. Sauron's like, "Oh? A secret heir come out of hiding to fight against me? Sounds legit." And at some point near the end, just before some hobbits chuck a ring into a volcano behind his back, Sauron is looking at Aragorn like, "Wait a minute, what the fuck, you lying little SHIT."
(Or Sauron finds out via Pippin that Aragorn is lying and feels SO SMUG about how he's going to crush a false king, which just adds to Aragorn's whole "made you look!" distraction keeping Sauron from noticing the hobbits sneaking into Mount Doom.)
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edges-of-night · 1 year
hi! I've just discovered your blog and I love it - from the url, profile pic, everything 😍 and most importantly your writing, it's so cute and you're able to write so many characters 🥰 as a fellow fic writer - I'm impressed 💜 can I request how they would first realize they love you, and how they would say it for the first time? No pressure, and thank you so much if you end up doing it. 🥰
- @wordbunch (sadly can't send asks from my Tolkien sideblog, so I'm on anon lol)
Thank you so so much for your kind words!! ♡ I’ve actually had this scenario in my “to do notes” already, so I’m very happy you requested it haha! Sorry again for posting so late, I hope you enjoy the read!
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Aragorn is not someone to make the first step in romance, even if he is the one falling in love first. He’d probably realise it during the ranger job you do together, like looking for herbs or reading traces – where his hand brushed against yours! But Aragorn is very much the person to respond to a love confession of yours, after which he tells you that he reciprocates your feelings in a very romantic manner: “Me too. I am bound to you by honour and affection alike. If you would have me…”
・゚✧ Arwen.
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Arwen would fall in love with you after dancing together. It could be on a ball her father’s giving, or just the two of you under the moonlight, where she’d laugh of bliss. You’d notice a slight change in her behaviour afterwards, more smiles, stolen glances – but you could only be sure after she finally told you, “It is because I have fallen for you, melethel. And there is nothing you can do about it!”
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Boromir takes a casual approach to love and romantic relationships. This is why his love confession to you would be rather nonchalant, maybe over a lunch you’re preparing together over the fire. “I love you, you know that?” he’d say, all cool – as if he didn’t fall for you when he saw you fearlessly wielding a sword and shield during combat training…
・゚✧ Elrond.
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Elrond would fall in love with you so gradually he wouldn’t be able to pinpoint an exact moment of realisation. Maybe it would be over a book you’re reading together, or when he told you about all the ancient stories he witnessed himself – or a grand love story. And then he’d turn to you and say, “Are you aware that this is how I feel about you as well?” He’d be very tender and playful about it, but earnest at the same time. He is very considerate toward you.
・゚✧ Éomer.
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Éomer doesn’t fall in love easily. Maybe due to this lack of experience, he has trouble expressing his feelings after that one horseback ride you did through the rain, where he helped you out of your dirty clothes afterward. His love confession would be a tedious process, with lots of phrases like, “Don’t make me say it. I lack the words to tell you…” – before he eventually leans in for a kiss and quietly adds, “Forgive me. I hope this tells you all the same.”
・゚✧ Éowyn.
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Éowyn is always brash and joyous around you, so her love confession would take you quite by surprise. She’d pick “an old Rohirrim tradition” to show you, maybe a special exchange of gifts, a traditional dance routine etc. “This is how the people of Rohan express their love,” she’d tell you with a soft smile and hopeful eyes. If asked, she would tell you when she realised she loved you: during sword lessons, of course!
・゚✧ Faramir.
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Faramir falls in love with you as soon as he meets you. He’s always been like that, heart racing with as little as a soft look or touch of a hand. For this same reason, and Gondor’s marriage policy, he swallows down any confessions because he has little hope in his own feelings. But after months, maybe years of courting and mutual affection, he’d finally tell you, in some grand romantic spot he chose – on his knees – because he’d connect it to a marriage proposal!
・゚✧ Frodo.
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Frodo would realise he loved you on a warm summer morning, as you’re walking barefoot in the grass – and then not tell you. He’d keep his secret to himself (haha), just smile to himself and subtly check the way you’re feeling before confessing to you – probably while holding both your hands, because that’s how sincere he is! “It gives me hope to hear you say that, because I, too, hold you very dear and love you very much!”
・゚✧ Galadriel.
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Thanks to her powerful telepathy skills, Galadriel probably knows you love her before you yourself do. She knows all about your feelings – but nothing of her own. I like to imagine her as blissfully oblivious, right up until the moment you confess to her. Then something would click inside her, and with a blank stare ahead, she’d whisper, “I love you, too. I haven’t realised it until now – but I do.”
・゚✧ Gandalf.
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Gandalf would realise he loved you after you’ve said or done something incredibly smart, like maybe found the solution to a problem that he was unable to solve. It’d make his heart skip a beat, he even looks away with a blush! And then he’d despair trying to find a “suitable moment for courtship”, as the old ways suggested, full of ceremony – and probably end up telling you his feelings very casually over a cup of tea he invited you to.
・゚✧ Gimli.
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Your usually hard-shelled Dwarf gets very flustered when he says the three words to you – followed by some nervous babbling, like, “There! I said it first. And I mean it very earnestly.” The moment he fell for you was probably connected to seeing you in a new light: Working in the mines all day leaves little room for elegance, but after seeing you in your beautiful banquet outfit, Gimli was walking into walls for the next three days!
・゚✧ Haldir.
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Haldir has always dreaded falling in love. But when you smiling at him makes his heart skip about three beats, he cannot lie to himself any longer. He can lie to you and everyone else though, needless to say. Not that anyone actually believes his denials… But Haldir would only confess his love in a life-or-death situation, when he thinks he’d never get the chance again. Then, of course, he’d be as elegant and romantic as all Elves are.
・゚✧ Legolas.
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If you are near Legolas the moment he realises he loves you – on a scouting trip, for example, or during preparations for a ball in Mirkwood – he’d tell you right away. He’d give you an analysing look, with a smile dancing around his lips, and say something like, “How I love you right now! I love you very much, my dear.” Thanks to his royal training, of course, he’d respectfully draw back until you’ve made your own feelings clear.
・゚✧ Merry.
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While he’s usually rather easy-going, Merry would plan out his love confession (meaning: a speech!) step by step, including an outfit plan and meal schedule designed specifically for you. He is the thinking type, and when it comes to this, he tends to overthink. He’d include a line like, “From the moment I first saw you…” when in reality, he probably fell for you when you joined one of his shenanigans without any reservations, proving just how similar you two are at heart.
・゚✧ Pippin.
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Pippin strikes me as a very “love at first sight” kind of person. At the same time, he’s really casual and playful about it. He’d only talk about it in return of your confession to him, like, “I never thought about that! I fell in love with you the first time we met!” – and probably shower you in a million compliments in the process!
・゚✧ Sam.
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Sam would realise he’s in love with you while thinking of new poetry to write – because all he thinks about is you! Somewhen along the line, he’d lean back in his chair, starting at the dozens of pages he wrote about you – and then have the overwhelming urge to go up and meet you to tell you right away, in his adorably sincere and gentle manner ♡
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live-laugh-legolas · 2 months
hi!! may I ask for some headcanons of the members of the Fellowship dealing with a puppy? or any pet, that is, whoever you think suits each of them :3
Omg so cute!!
The fellowship with a puppy
-He probably found this puppy in a box in a town he was passing through
-He had no intention of getting a dog, but it was raining and he couldn’t leave this sweet thing out in the cold
-He’s really good with animals so he knows how to care for it
-Honestly I think he is good at not allowing himself to get attached, but puppies don’t have that skill
-The puppy adopts herself
-Seriously she won’t stop following him and cries when he tries to give her away
-And well, he’s a bit of a pushover sometimes
-Maybe Arwen would like her? Yeah, it will be a gift for Arwen
-He won’t want to take the puppy with him wherever because he doesn’t want her to get hurt
-Talks to the puppy like a person
-Ok this is kinda a story sort of thing, but he found a mom and her babies
-The mom isn’t doing well, so he promises to her that he will take care of her babies
-Does he know how, no, but he will die before he lets these puppies come to harm
-He has a quiet funeral for the mom and he takes the pups home
-His father is not impressed
-He finds homes for all but one
-Well he found a home for it, but it’s with him
-He fell in love with going out on runs with him and definitely goes hunting with him
-He lets his dog kinda roam wherever, kinda like a barn cat
-He was planning to get a dog
-A big fierce one to stand by his side
-But when he goes to the shelter he falls in love with a little guy
-I’m talking a tiny little yorkie
-He dresses her in the finest bows and gold incrusted collar
-Would kill for her
-I just love seeing big tough guys with their little dogs in bows
-He was looking to get a dog as a gift for Faramir
-He thought it might cheer his brother up to have a furry friend to take on patrols
-But he becomes attached to the puppy and refuses to give him up
-He says he is for both of them, but Faramir knows better
-He absolutely baby talks his puppy
-“He doesn’t understand I’m talking to him unless I speak to him like this”
-I think he would agree to foster a puppy to help someone out
-He takes very good care of it and trains it well
-He has every intention that he will adopt it out, but once someone says they are interested he realizes he can’t part with it
-I think he finds a lot of peace with the routine that comes with caring for a puppy
-Although I honestly see him as the type to have more unique pets like some sort of lizard
-He didn’t really want a dog
-Rosie brought one home for their kids
-But it ends up being the situation where the dad doesn’t want the dog but then they become best friends
-The puppy tries to eat his flowers, and Sam tries to get it to pull weeds instead
-I imagine he would end up with a really lazy dog once it grows out of the puppy phase that just chills with him while he gardens
-He literally squeals
-He’s such an animal lover
-How could something be so cute
-Absolutely the type to never shut up about his puppy (me too tho)
-Trains it to do tricks, possibly to steal…
-Would have an instagram for his dog in modern day
-Also side note, I think he would be the type to have birds, like parrots and such
-He just picked up a stray puppy once and was like “uhm you’re coming home with me”
-Dresses him up and takes him on lots of walks
-He doesn’t understand why everyone is scared of his little puppy
-He doesn’t realize until the puppy just keeps getting bigger that this is not a dog
-It’s a wolf
-But it’s his wolf and he loves him and he is his baby
PS: I mention giving puppies as gifts, but in general this isn’t something you should do unless it has been discussed prior :)
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sweetshire · 3 months
for @genworkjune i’ve put together some of the fics i’ve loved reading (ignore that it’s the last day of the month please). as usual, don’t forget to leave a kudos or a comment if u enjoyed them! oh also, if this formatting seems familiar — that’s because i’ve shamelessly copied it off of @emyn-arnens; i just think it’s neat XD! onward, and enjoy :)
O Wandering Winds by yet_intrepid (G, Faramir & Boromir, 3.5k):
By the time Faramir is told in his sleep of Isildur's Bane, he is already accustomed to seeing with more than his eyes.
The Darkest Lord by rhymer23 (G, Sauron, ~600 words):
Sauron sings us a summary of his nefarious deeds, in an attempt to prove that he is the ultimate Dark Lord of fantasy fiction.
Home Fires Burning by starryeyedknight (G, Hobbits, 5.2k):
The War of the Ring rages on and, in the Shire, the hobbits learn to live without those they love.
Eowyn’s New Toy by @torchwood-99 (Éowyn & Gimli, 1.1k, cw gore):
Gimli, son of Gloin, pays a visit to the White Lady of Rohan, and brings with him a very welcome gift.
Something of Home by @emyn-arnens (G, Faramir & Finduilas, ~800 words):
Faramir never stops bringing his mother flowers.
with every seed you sow, let it wash away, wash away by @afaramir (G, Faramir & Legolas, Éowyn & Faramir & Legolas, 3.9k):
In which an elf and a prince of Gondor speak of grief and death and the sea, and life and song and brothers.
Looking for Dragons by Raksha_The_Demon (G, Gandalf & Belladonna Took & Bungo Baggins, 1.3k):
Gandalf makes a new friend, in an unanticipated and fruitful meeting.
Too Burdened to Fly by @hobbitwrangler (G, Finduilas, 3k):
A look at Finduilas' thoughts during her final moments.
On Gardens and Growing Things by rhymer23 (G, Sam & Aragorn, 2.5k):
En route to Weathertop, Aragorn tries to ease Sam's distrust of him. It doesn't go quite as planned.
Bitter Was Their Parting by @dreamingthroughthenoise (G, Arwen & Elrond, 2.2k):
“You knew,” Arwen said, unable to meet her father’s gaze. “You’ve always known what path I would follow.”
On These Hither Shores by @emyn-arnens (G, Frodo & Boromir, 3.2k):
As the Fellowship travels south, Frodo and Boromir speak of their homes and families and come to understand one another, for a time.
The complexity of bachelorhood by unknownlifeform (G, Gimli & Boromir & the Hobbits, 1.5k):
Gimli explains to the Hobbits and Boromir that marriage is for Dwarves only one of the paths that can be taken.
The Horn of Gondor by @saentorine (T, Boromir, 3.5k):
Five-year-old Boromir receives the horn of Gondor, which goes about exactly how you'd expect.
Greenleaf’s Tree by @sotwk (G, Legolas & Thranduil, 2.8k):
Six-year-old Legolas goes on royal progress with Thranduil for the first time and learns more about the sort of king his father truly is.
The Fathers of Fools by Carlandrea (G, Glóin & Thranduil, 1.3k):
Gloín, on the way home to the Mountain, tells the Elvenking what has happened to his son.
The Adventures of Peregrine Took by bunn (G, Pippin & Sam & Merry, ~450 words):
A Poem by Samwise Gamgee (Mayor) and Merry Brandybuck on the occasion of Peregrine Took, Knight of Gondor, becoming Thain of the Shire.
What Keeps Us Here by @sallysavestheday (G, Celeborn & Thranduil, 1k):
Celeborn and Thranduil after the War. To sail or not to sail.
Different Ways To Light A Path by baby_bat_98 (G, Gimli & Legolas, 5.1k):
Legolas has a hard time in Khazad-dûm. Gimli helps.
For Want of a Ring by @tathrin (G, Gimli & Legolas, 4k):
The aftermath of the Battle of the Hornburg is a time for the survivors to rest and heal, a brief pause in the long march to war. The same is true of the lone Dwarf and Elf who fought there—but the members of the Fellowship of the Ring faced peril long before this bitter night, and some scars sit deeper than any mere bandage might soothe.
The Ring has gone beyond their reach now, with but one casualty from their Company to its name so far; but that does not mean its dark whispers do not linger still within the hearts that heard it.
But what could tempt an Elf of Mirkwood to look upon that terrible Shadow with aught but loathing?
the innermost life of my life by pinkmoon (G, Frodo & Sam, 1.5k):
Sam meets Frodo for the first time.
A Corner of the Hall by Zdenka (G, Aragorn & Bilbo, ~550 words):
Aragorn gives Bilbo the promised help with his song.
a red book pressed into his hands by dirgewithoutmusic (G, Bilbo & Frodo, Sam & Frodo, 2.4k):
Even on the sweet walks of the Shire, things come along that sweep you off your feet—adventures, wizards, children. Bilbo came down, a month after he’d adopted this strange, quiet boy on a whim and a wonder, and found his whole (second) living room scattered with some unholy combination of paint, jam, and mud. Frodo sat in the middle of the mess, with dirty hands and innocence plastered all over his face.
Bilbo leaned on the door because something in that bright grin had taken his balance from him. He went for a mop. He had not felt so at home since thirteen dwarves had tumbled through his round green door. He felt like Frodo had stolen something from him and then given it back better than it had left.
Thievery, perhaps, ran in the family.
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velvet4510 · 5 months
Perhaps I’m reading this the wrong way, but one of the countless reasons why I prefer the book version of Faramir is that I think his book characterization more strongly depicts the positive impact that his big brother had on him. Despite their mother’s absence and their father’s cruelty, Faramir always had Boromir as his support system growing up. So the fact that book-Faramir still has a good bit of self-esteem - and isn’t desperate to prove himself to Denethor like film-Faramir is - is a testament to Boromir’s success in gifting Faramir with that invaluable sense of self-worth. In Faramir’s young childhood mind, “Mom went away too soon to leave much of an impact, Dad is always mean and nothing is ever enough for him…but big brother says I’m enough, and big brother is the best person in the whole world, so he must be right, and I AM enough.”
Maybe I’m mistaken and I should be considering other factors in book-Faramir’s strong self-possession, but I firmly believe that one of the factors in the film’s massive mischaracterization of Faramir is it does not reflect that Faramir indeed grew up with a loving support system in the form of Boromir that helped him to realize his worth didn’t have to be defined by Dad’s approval. Thus, he would never try to take the Ring to Minas Tirith to impress Dad.
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e-louise-bates · 5 months
Recently I've been mulling over the way Faramir and Boromir are presented in the LOTR movies, and why I find even their brotherly relationship unconvincing (I'm sorry, Boromir fans, but I do). I feel that everything about Faramir in the movies is presented in narrative as though he is a lesser version of Boromir, and the big issue for him is that he's always trying to live up to his brother's ideal, and his father is always criticizing him and Boromir is always trying to build Faramir up. It isn't just that Denethor thinks of Faramir as a lesser Boromir, it's that he genuinely is, and he needs to come to terms with who he is (and I guess he sorta does that when he rejects the ring? but then fails when his father tells him to go retake Osgiliath? and then there's never really a satisfactory conclusion to his arc because he just gets healed and falls in love with Eowyn and decides there's hope for the future after all and everything's ok?).
Whereas in the books Tolkien tells us outright--Boromir is a lesser version of Aragorn, but Faramir is a lesser version of Gandalf. Faramir has the wisdom that his brother and father lack, and Denethor resents him for it, but Boromir respects him for it. Tolkien tells us that Faramir is certain that in all of Gondor there is no one like Boromir, and Boromir thinks the same (which I am pretty sure Tolkien means as Boromir thinks Faramir is the best of the best, but could also be interpreted as Boromir agreeing with Faramir that he, Boromir, is the best, which is kinda hilarious to imagine). Boromir is not always trying to build up his little brother, who is desperately trying to win their father's approval. Boromir recognizes the ways in which Faramir is superior to himself, the same way that Faramir recognizes Boromir's strengths.
Faramir in the books is a strong and capable leader of men (all of whom love him and are wholly loyal to him) as well as a mighty warrior, but his true strength lies in his wisdom. When he obeys his father's order to go attempt to retake Osgiliath, it is not a desperate attempt to win approval, but an acknowledgement that Denethor is still in command and he, Faramir, is bound by oath and virtue to obey his orders, even when they wrong. The quiet plea for his father to think better of him when he returns is a glimpse into the pain he feels at his father's constant rejection, but that pain does not control him, nor is it his driving motivation. Faramir's goal, in all things, is to be a man of virtue, even as Boromir's goal is to be a man of honor. Boromir finds that under the ring's temptation, honor breaks, and though he is redeemed it takes his death. When Faramir is confronted with the same temptation--a stronger one, even, as he has not spent weeks and months with Frodo as a companion and therefore has not built a relationship of trust and loyalty, and he has not heard with his own ears the strong warnings against using the ring!--virtue holds fast. Boromir redeems his own honor by his death, but by his life Faramir redeems the line of the stewards of Gondor, which is why he is able to receive the task of redeeming Ithilien once Aragorn is crowned king (and why he is actually a better husband for Eowyn than Aragorn would have been, but that's a whole other post).
All of this was lost in presenting Boromir as the superior-in-every-way elder brother, with Faramir as his shadow-self, who failed the same test with the ring but in a weaker way (and then passed at the last minute because ... Sam gave a moving speech about good in the world being worth fighting for and not giving up, and he decided that was a good reason to let them go destroy the ring after all?), and whose entire character was defined by desperately striving for his father's approval and never getting it, and then somehow just being ok at the end.
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streets-in-paradise · 5 months
Secret Presents
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Relationships: (platonic) Faramir x Sister!Reader, (platonic) Boromir x Sister!Reader.
Genre: family fic, sibling bonds, fluff, birthday fic.
Warnings: Denthor's terrible parenting, use of she/her pronoums. I am not sure if birthdays are culturally accurate for gondorians, but since in lotr we saw at least one hobbit birthday let's pretend they also could have birthday customs for the sake of this.
Summary: Boromir and Faramir surprise their sister on the morning of her birthday filling her with affection while furtively bringing her different sorts of gifts their father wouldn't approve.
Note: (Late) birthday gift for my bestie @beautifultypewriter, also inspired in her gondor girl concept. I hope the fluff will be good enough to compensate the delay <3
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She didn't expected anyone to remember, there were allways more important things going on in such convoluted times.
Completely absent from her father's thoughts, only her brothers could possibly think about it. During the occassions in which Denethor do cared to celebrate her, he was always actually celebrating himself. Birthday parties that were generic social events for the nobiity, occassions for him to show off his might in decline and pretend for the public that he could resemble a father.
If he could possibly be thinking on doing something, she would rather hide far away from it for as long as possible. The only good reason the Steward of Gondor could have to remember that he had a daughter were the men arround him making the recall. He would only use it as an excuse to push yet even more insufferable nobles in her direction.
Feeling the call of the servant announcing her waking time that morning made her groan of frustration, wanting it to be over before it ever began. She emerged from the covers only caring to make sure to be in a visible state before opening the door, trying hard to remember not to share her mood with the servantfolk through terrible manners.
What she found instead were her two brothers hidding their presence on the usual call, ready to join forces as soon as they will find her. Their happy faces said it all, and she almost regretted her grumpyness.
" What are you doing here? "
To a gestural sign of Faramir, Boromir went ahead to lift her up from the ground. Almost like a father would do for his child, only with tons of chuckling in between.
In a matter of instants she was smiling again while being carried back inside her bedroom.
" Are you insane? What is this? "
Faramir calmed his own laughter to explain.
" Your birthday surprise! I bet you thought we would forget. "
She was perfectly aware of how strongly they loved her, but war kept them always bussy and she was perfectly ready to forgive them if that was the case.
" Orcs are constantly pushing the limits of our borders, of course you could forget! "
" But we would never. " Boromir cheerfully insisted, releasing her on her bed. " Have we ever failed you? "
She giggled and nodded negatively.
" ... Then why did you seem so upset looking at us from you doorframe ? " Faramir inquired. " It think somone really needs to get their spirits lifted. "
With a mischievous look he approached for a strong hug ending only when he sneaked one hand to her already known ticklish point. Her loud laughing comforted them all, so Boromir encouraged Faramir to keep going untill she started fighting back and the situation could escalate into an actual tickle fight unleashed right in front of the servants.
She was red from laughing and playfully smacked them in return, when her eldest brother gave premission for the maidservant to enter. She was carrying a curiously long chest with the help of one lad and presented it to the lady by command before retiring.
" See, if we would have waited untill you would come down for breakfast, we wouldn't be able to bring your presents. " Faramir continued. " These are of the kind our father will not wish to see. "
A sparkle of excitement lighted her eyes.
" Certainly not fitting for a lady, by his expressed opinion. " Boromir added. " He would be very dissapointed of me if he would find out I'm letting Faramir present you with this."
" Not as much as when he will see what you got her. " He commented in response. " ... And yours can't be hidden easily, as one can do with mine. "
Curiosity was growing with each of their teasing recalls and she rushed to open the mysterious casket used to hide such secret present from the world untill reaching her.
It revealed a bow, perfectly new and with its matching quiver following the style of the one that was her brother's favorite.
" Nurturing your passions is important to me, and being honest i'm slightly jealous you have gained more practice with Boromir's weapon of choice. "
He was joking and she could perfectly tell. Her brothers never had to compete for her love the way their father intended them to.
Here eyes were roaming the weapon with increasing surprise, then inmediately directed to look at her brother with the happiest adoration.
" It's perfect!! Just, ... perfect!! Beloved brother, I would love to practice with you. " She thanked, hugging him from up front and practically jumping from the joy. " I can't wait to try it!! "
" We will tell father is an harp." Faramir joked, sharing her excitement. " I doubt he would ever ask you to play music for him, so he will never discover it."
You chuckled together seeing that Boromir was allowing you the mean spirited commentary.
" My gift will also work as a distractive strategy: he will never get a moment to wonder about anything else. "
She questioned Faramir with her glance, but he provided no clues.
" Boromir ... what have you exactly done?? "
Their eldest brother began to chuckle, assuming the mysterious guilt for some possibly memorable mischief.
" Come down with us and you will find out. "
She smiled and quickly followed the instruction, begging them to leave her proper space to at least dress decently before being publicly perceived for the first time in the day. Neither of her brothers wanted to miss what was about to come, so they awaited outside only to find themselves going after her later because excitement made her run her way down.
Hardly catching his breath, Boromir indicated her to go outside. Her cluelessness made her even more desperate for finding the surprise, but she inmediately stumbled with it once the final instruction was correctly followed.
A magnificent horse, one that she never recalled to have seen before.
" It was almost impossible to import, but your dear brother planned things with time and sent clever merchants on the quest for it. " Boromir recalled, pridefully. " They wouldn't have sold this easily for a mighty lord of the city, but couldn't refuse when told it would dissapoint a young lady. "
She looked at him in disbelief, unsure of the guess she was about to make.
" No,no, no ... There is no way. You couldn't ... "
" Send men to Rohan despite the uncertain danger it implies just to get you a horse? " Faramir followed, finishing her sentence in a wondering tone. " Don't worry, your present also worked as harmless excuse to obtain trustable testimonies about the state of our old allies. Something we have been wanting to find out for a long time, but father kept refusing to investigate. "
The clarification amused her more than the explanation itself.
" You are unbelievable!! How are we going to hide this? "
Boromir wasn't troubled by her very logical reasoning.
" We won't, and I will assume all guilt. Wait to see how fast he will find a reason to excuse me. "
He made her laugh through that lighthearted mock of his unwanted privilege, aspect he manipulated in contructive ways when it could bring a side benefict to his siblings.
Looking at her smiling brothers awaiting her final verdict made her feel the luckiest girl in Middle Earth.
" I have the best brothers in the world. "
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secondratefiction · 5 months
could you maybe do Boromir relationship headcanons (or headcanons for him in general)? i love him so much and he deserves happiness
Let me go ahead and put the disclaimer out there ahead of time... your girl has been day drinking, so pls forgive me if things go a little off track, or I miss correcting something...
Also... everything I have so far is an unofficial little series of Boromir x Reader snippets
He's secretly a romantic. Maybe not so secretly...
Actually, he's really bad at hiding how much of a sap he is... Faramir teases him relentlessly about this.
Very good about carving out time for his significant other wherever he can... be that asking you along with him when he has to go out on inspections of the surrounding lands, or coming to see you before he heads off on some special assignment by his father that is going to take him away from you for an extended period of time
Man is absolutely infatuated, would move heaven and earth for you. Waltz straight into Mordor if you asked it of him.
Being Denethor's favorite is a double edged sword... so please, even if he acts like he doesn't need it- dote on the man wherever you can.... He's slowly coming to accept that love isn't always conditional.
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oda-cipresi · 2 months
Omg you have so many dragon requests but I have to add. Do you think you could write head canons about how it would be for the fellowship include a reader with a dragon companion? If not the fellowship then Frodo x reader with a dragon companion. Sorry if that’s confusing. I’m a confusing girl 🤷‍♀️ I love your writing and I hope your doing well ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for the compliment :D I went with the entire fellowship but did focus relatively more on Frodo (somewhat). I honestly like the dragon requests but I always think too much into what do you guys imagine the dragon as so I try not to specify too much. I hope you like it :)
(This is not proofread so I apologise for any grammar mistakes. If you find any please point them out)
~Cipresa <3
Fellowship with a reader who has a dragon companion
-I think that in general they would all be scared at first, except Gandalf who has seen similar things in the distant past.
-I think Aragorn would be the first to accept the fact that there's a dragon in their company.
-Second would be either Marry and Pippin or Legolas, for for the latter I can't quite decide since he did fight in the Battle of Five armies and has seen the damage dragon's flame did to his father, but then again with his personality he would be more understanding and would eventually make peace with the dragon.
-Frodo and Sam wouldn't be that thrilled, especially Sam since he can get quite worried but would put up a brave front for Frodo, and Frodo, while wary due to the stories about Smaug Bilbo told him, would still be quite quick to accept, especially due to his curiosity taking over.
-Boromir and Gimli would be the last. GimlI would hold his ground and call the dragon every name under the sun until the very end, and would accept the dragon only after realising how helpful the “overgrown lizard” is in battle. Boromir would be fascinated but also not thrilled, though he couldn't wait to tell Faramir about it one he returns home (he doesn't die in this because I said so)
-Mary and Pippin would use the dragon in their pranks, oddly enough the dragon would comply with them.
-Everyone did start appreciating the warmth that radiated off of the dragon and the fact that they didn't have to carry all the luggage
-The dragon adored Gandalf and ended up acting like an overgrown cat with him.
-The dragon didn't like Frodo at first due to him being the ring bearer, but eventually got over it after you scolded him. Frodo managed to bargain with him by secretly giving him snacks and you started wondering why you precious companion was gaining weight and suddenly started being around Frodo more. Once you caught on you banned Frodo from feeding the dragon which resulted in the overgrown fire lizard sulking.
-At the battle of black gate they saw the dragons full potential when it burned the orcs by thousands, frying them completely, and they started respecting it even more.
-I think after everything is over Frodo and Aragorn would over to to live there, if you chose Shire, the kids there would be using the dragon as a playground, of you chose Minas Tirith then the dragon would be the guardian of the city
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