#i would be so mean to him bc of how intimidating his height would be to me šŸ˜­
lis-likes-fics Ā· 1 year
i'm sorry I don't know why but seeing you thirst in tags is genuinely so hilarious to me
look šŸ˜­ i watched black panther again today and m'baku popped up and, out of nowhere, i just went "ooohhh, he's hot." like, he was attractive before, but now i'm clutching bottles of water for dear life like... i need some fics plEASE šŸ˜­
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thesecretmansion Ā· 6 months
heyyy could you please write smth where remus is with a taller reader (think 5'10 or 5'9) and other girls are talkinga bout how she won't fidn love bc guys will be intimidated and then this absoloute GOLIATH of a man (remus) appears and like hugs her and the girls have to shut up. also could you please please make her a girly girl. Im so tired of tall girls always being portrayed as masculine.
thanks a tonnnnnnnn!!!
"I mean she's pretty sure but she is justā€¦ so tall"
"Yeah I mean what guy would want that"
"Brad told me that guys like short girls specifically ones at yknow what height"
You heard all of these comments but none really stuck out to you. They were all phrases that you had heard before throughout your life. You were above average and lived in a town with mostly below average girls which made you seem even more massive. The gaggle of girls picked up their volume as they got closer.
"It's a waste she doesn't play basketball"
You almost let out a snort at that one. You were highly uncoordinated when it came to sports. You had in fact been pushed into basketball when you were younger but when it became clear that it was not something you enjoyed, you dropped out.
"I wonder how tall she is exactly"
5'10. That's how tall you were, give or take a few centimeters. You checked the time. Remus was supposed to meet you at 3:30 and it was currently 3:45.
"And she wears heels to parties. She is SO brave"
"Right? I wonder where she gets her clothes"
They couldn't be serious. You felt your eyes roll. They were acting like you were some ginormous creature and not 4 inches taller than them. You checked your watch again.
"I just wonder how hard it is for her to find a boyfriend?"
You heard someone behind you call your name and as you turned you caught a brief glimpse of the girls mouths hanging wide open. There a few feet in front of you was your glorious boyfriend holding flowers.
Remus hustled to catch up with you and gave you a sweet hug. His arms were huge as they wrapped around you and you felt bad for the way his poor back had to bend in order to give you a proper hug.
"I got these for you as an apology", He blurted before you could say anything.
"Remus", you laughed as you accepted the flowers, "you could have just called"
"Yeah but...", He trailed off as he shrugged. You craned your neck up even further too look him in the eyes. You felt your eyes crinkle from your smile.
Your smile only got wider as he grabbed your hand to walk. And it didn't even twitch when you passed the group of girls who were talking.
"Is that her boyfriend? Crikey how tall is he?", an incredulous voice spoke up from the group.
"6'6", Remus called over his shoulder smirking as he did so.
They quickly turned as to make it look as if they weren't staring but you didn't even notice too infatuated with your Goliath of a boyfriend.
heyy. I hope you liked this. my writings a bit rusty but I swear this time that I will actually write anything you guys send in within reason. I got a bit carried away with the comments. I'm not that tall myself (5'5) but there was a girl at my hs that was 6'2 and I wanted to be her so badd. Also unrelated fun fact but ginormous isn't a real word. Its a combo of gigantic and enormous and was first used in ELF.
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fairyhaos Ā· 1 year
how seventeen act with their s/o who's taller than them
requested by anon: svt with a taller s/o or an s/o close to their height? im part of the 5ā€™8 gang šŸ˜­
notes: the tall s/o counterpart to this post haha. i think it's only right that i write this for all the taller carats out there <3
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tells you that even tho you're taller than him he can still throw you over his shoulder with ease and he . he is totally right. insists that you still wear heels/ chelsea boots with a little platform to them etc. on fancy nights out even if it means you'll be a little taller than him, bc you look so cool with them n he doesn't care that he's slightly shorter bc you!! you're gorgeous and that's all that matters
asks you to reach stuff for him, like, all the time. has probably been carried bridal style by you before, left you in utter shock bc why was he so light????? you then made it your mission to feed this man more food bc he Should Not have been that easy to pick up. cranes his neck in order to rest his head over your shoulder while you're both looking at something
loves it when you sling an arm around his shoulder and kiss his forehead. thinks it's the absolute sweetest that his s/o is of similar height to him. if you're taller than him, then he's definitely leaning upwards rlly rlly cutely to give you kisses on the nose and on your forehead all the time. will Not give up his position as the big spoon tho
tries to rest his elbow against your shoulder every time he's standing next to you, but it looks really weird and fails most of the time bc your heights are just so similar. he still does it though. thinks it's adorable. loves that you're similar heights bc he can lean over to the side and bonk his head affectionately against yours super easily
acts out all those cliche drama scenarios involving a short girl and a romantically tall boy, except he plays the role of the short one and you're in the role of the taller person. even if you're basically the same height as him, he still wants you to reach for things on the top shelf for him bc he wants to live out the full experience of being a cute little babygirl for you okay
rests his head against your shoulder. loves it the most bc even tho you're only just a little taller than him, it's so comfortable and he loves the way you melt and relax so easily against him when he leans on you. can sometimes be found clinging to your back with his hands around your waist, face buried into your neck bc it's so comfy and wow i really think wonwoo would love having a slightly taller s/o
great there's yet another person in his life who's taller than him???? honestly tho i don't think he minds. denies liking how you can lean over and kiss his cheeks really easily but goes a bright red whenever you do. can sometimes be found wearing your sweaters n he's kinda drowning in them but he loves it bc how do you always have the softest clothes??Ā 
he likes it bc your similar heights mean that you have similar proportions so he can dress you up in a style that's similar to his and you basically look like fashion deities everywhere you go. has definitely stolen some of your layering pieces sometimes bc that oversized coat you have looks absolutely brilliant with this one scarf he bought. still manages to hold stuff over your head and make you jump to reach it
like seungcheol, also reminds you that he can and will still throw you over his shoulder like it's nothing. he thinks it's so cool that you're so similar in height to him tho, and gets all glary and intimidating whenever someone makes fun of you or judges you for being tall. drags you to the gym with him, promises that getting ripped will make you look even hotter (like him)Ā 
wanted to be the taller one in the relationship before this one time you put on slightly raised shoes when on a date with him. was silent for all of ten seconds and then decided that he didn't mind being the shorter one especially if you kept on wearing those boots bc damn they made you look so cool. loves wrapping his arms around your neck and tugging you down for a sweet kiss
makes those judgy eyes looking someone up and down if you're out in public and anyone stares at you weirdly for being slightly taller. you might have more height in the relationship, but he definitely will always have more fire and willingness to kick people. will still baby you no matter what, but also wants to be babied too bc you're the perfect height to look down and squish his cheeks
thinks it's like . really really cool that you're tall. probably wears platform boots w you if you like them bc they look cool on you and he wants to feel cool too. holds onto your shoulder while he leans upwards to press a kiss to your cheek. doesn't like it when you ruffle his hair, but stroke his hair out of his face and he's smiling like an idiot
decided to teach you ballroom/partner dance this one time, and for a few hours he had you learn the male part just for funsies bc you're just a little taller than him n he thought it would be really fun. was so so giddy and happy when you managed to lift him up during the routine. likes to grab your face and pull you down for kisses all the time
request guidelines
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miraluking-respectfully Ā· 7 months
How Tall are the SWTOR Boyfriends?
This was written some months ago, but the Theron Height Poll has inspired me to actually post it.
Basing my metrics around 1) the average male height in the USA where I live (5'9" or 1.75m, according to google) 2) what would be funniest or cutest when matched to their personalities and dynamics with the player character. Bear in mind: I am not operating under the assumption that being a short man is something to be ashamed of (it isn't in the real world and it isn't in Star Wars), but some of the husbands in this video game have personalities that are...enhanced by engaging in a little playful stereotyping. You'll see what I mean.
Jorgan: 5'11-6'/~1.8m, hovering somewhere in the above average range. It makes him more intimidating to the average private who makes the mistake of getting his attention, but by the same token, more charming when he warms up to the Trooper and proves himself just a big fuzzy kitty. With a big fuzzy sniper rifle
Andronikos: 5'6ish, 5'7ish (~1.7m), hard to tell because he slouches. He only really stands up straight when he's trying to be a big tough guy
Quinn: 5'7"/1.7018m. No ambiguity because his posture is perfect. Alternate Interpretation: However tall your SW is, he is exactly 6 centimeters shorter. Come Here Elbow Rest
Doc: 5'4"/1.6m. No, not because I think his womanizing personality is him "overcompensating"; in fact Doc's height is only ever an advantage in his romantic conquests. He comes on so strong that him being particularly tall might be intimidating. But nah, he's just a little birthday boy, so the hot people in his orbit let their guard down, allowing him to get in close and hit 'em with a pickup line related to his medical expertise. Being small also means he's harder to hit when helping retrieve wounded resistance fighters from the battlefield #BalmorraForever
Felix: 5'11"/~1.8m, he gets an ABOVE AVERAGE height bc he is an ABOVE AVERAGE husband can I get an AMEN
Torian: You ever met a high school freshman and been fucking shocked that children are allowed to be so enormous? The kid's like, 14 years old and shot up like two feet over the summer, and it feels illegal? That's Torian. He's 19 and he's been 6'2"/~1.87m for the past five and a half years, but he's still a little gangly and the only reason he knows how to control his extremely long limbs is he's literally a trained fighter. Alternate Interpretation: If your BH is taller than 5'10, he's 5'10 exactly
Corso: 6'/1.82m. I know I just said negative associations around short men don't exist in The Galaxy Far Far Away, but Corso seems like the kind of guy who would somehow independently develop a complex about his height, if he was short. The fact he doesn't means he must be tall
Vector: God, I really wanted to make him on the shorter side of average to pair with his mild-mannered personality and contrast the more unusual elements of his speech and his eyes, but his sleek character design makes him feel tall when I'm looking at him. He's also the only LI I've drawn beside one of my characters, and I just sort of unconsciously made him tall because my agent is kind of short, and it looked appealing. Results inconclusive; some boyfriends can grow as tall as starships while others can be as small as mites
Arcann: 5'8"/1.72m. (Thexan was 5'9")
Theron: No taller than 5'9"/1.75m. Theron seems like a pretty normal guy when you meet him, until he reveals himself to be an insane little freak (affectionate), so giving him the most Average Height Possible feels correct.
Koth: However tall Lana is, Koth is exactly 2 cm shorter.
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. I encourage spirited debate in the replies. Girl LI Height Opinions still percolating
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chanstopher Ā· 4 months
i mean yeah??? you observe it like a holiday by rewatching channieā€™s room. ofc iā€™d get you flowers!
oh yk i was thinkingā€¦ if i were to classify skz as flowers rightā€¦ it would be
chan: gladiolus
literally means ā€œlittle swordā€ whichā€¦ idk it fits so well! heā€™s tiny but packs a punch jddjdjsk and also the flowers symbolise strength of character, faithfulness, moral integrity and remembrance. all veryā€¦ chan-like traits
minho: lavender
i always associate him with lavender for some reason. they represent purity, silence, devotion, grace and calmness. itā€™s justā€¦ a very minho vibe. heā€™s just so calming and heā€™s very devoted to the things and causes he cares about. and ofc he moves like a gazelle.
changbin: tiger lillies (specifically lilium lancifolium)
changbin just always gives me tiger vibes. soft and cuddly but very very powerful and can go from cute to intimidating and majestic in seconds jdhsjjdjs i also associate him with the colour orange bc heā€™s justā€¦ so vibrant. and also spits fire on stage hahahahah
hyunjin: daffodils
kind of because of that poem daffodils by william wordsworth. he talks about how daffodils are happy flowers that always bounce around and dance in the wind. and cheer you up. and idk thatā€¦ that imagery reminds me of hyunjinā€™s smile haha. heā€™s got a very bubbly vibe to himself. daffodils are also said to symbolise creativity, resilience and new beginnings, and hyunjinā€™s all of those things plus heā€™s always getting new opportunities to shine.
jisung: forget-me-nots
they just feel so very jisung. the story behind why theyā€™re called what they are is so bittersweet and romantic, it justā€¦ pulls at your heartstrings. much like han jisungā€™s songs. his music is the embodiment of the sentiment of love and remembrance and comfort-in-a-bad-situation that makes up the symbolism of forget-me-nots.
felix: gerbera daisy
iā€™d say sunflower but i think the delicate-ness of daisies really fits him. theyā€™re bright, theyā€™re happy, theyā€™re usually yellow (and technically more sun-like since the sunā€™s light is actually white, not yellow dhhdkdjd). they symbolise purity and innocence (not in a naive way but in aā€¦ pure hearted wants the best for everyone kind of way)
seungmin: iris
they represent faith, hope, courage, wisdom, and admiration. and i feel like that encapsulates the kind of friend seungmin is. he always seems so emotionally intelligent and in-tune with everyoneā€™s needs despite being a jokester.
jeongin: purple clematis
they symbolise royalty, so ofc thatā€™s what maknae on top deserves jdhsjsjsks no but also, they symbolise mental strength. the flower itself has the ability to climb up and around obstacles, twisting and spreading to reach magnificent heights and yk innie is always overcoming little obstacle himself (and with the help of his members) and heā€™s come so far. reminds me of when chan said he was a ā€œblank canvasā€ that shaped into a beautiful painting.
dang this got long šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ anyway, enjoy my 3am musings jdhdjdj i am sick and my brain is just thinking of random shit lmao
ti these are all such beautiful choices!!! i think the only flower i know about this is a sunflower ironically just cause its my favorite but i really love all of these! i appreciate your 3am musings so much, but i also hope u feel better soon my love hehe
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xxoxobree Ā· 2 months
iā€™m here for the matchups <3
iā€™m kind of shy? and quiet but i can get quite chatty if im comfortable or excited. i like to hear others talk rather than talk myself. iā€™ve been told i give off nice answers welcoming energy when i get talked to. i loveeee making new friends but i tend to come off as awkward bc i get nervous around new people LOL.
i think i look a bit intimidating but my friends disagree i have longish brown curly hair and kind of doe? eyes im tall (174/175? cm)
i love to cats and animals in general i like reading (whether novels, manhwas, manga wtv) i like the colour blue and adore the cold weather. i hate people who are just mean like thatā€™s their entire personality.
i donā€™t like the quiet (i always have something playing in the bg whether brown noise or some music) i absolutely HATE roaches and anything thatā€™s related to them :3.
i draw, bake, play video games, and annoying my younger siblings as a pastime šŸ¤ž
my music taste is pretty diverse tbh i listen to a lot of things; stan getz, twice, rashed almajed, beabadoobee, w2e and get scared are some of my favs :D
i think thatā€™s all ? iā€™m an isfp and aries if that makes any difference?
anyways have a good rest of your day<333
Hi love šŸ„°šŸ„° thanks for sending
Iā€™m gonna give you my boy Yuuji Itadori
(sorry if heā€™s too young)
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Yuuji isnā€™t shy at all & lovable so heā€™d definitely get through that wall with you quickly but itā€™ll feel so natural. Heā€™d probably notice the awkwardness and how you struggle to talk sometimes so heā€™d definitely talk more and answer his questions with things he thinks youā€™d answer with and look at you for approval.
Your welcoming aura definitely attracted him to you, and he probably will tell you everything and ask about your opinions on things. Definitely values your opinion.
When you do speak to him, he hangs on to every word that you say mentally storing it for his own reasons.
Knows you like to meet new people so he invites you to things and introduces you to everyone and gives them fun facts about you to start up a conversation.
Literally loves your height, his type is tall girls after all šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰
Probably has ADHD , so heā€™s fine with background noise, it helps him too, thanks you for introducing him to white noises.
Will definitely go to shelters with you to look at cats, stops to pet every dog with you.
Family oriented, so would definitely love your siblings and annoying them with you.
Watches you play video games but heā€™s probably that annoying person that tried to tell you what to do all the time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Hope you like this šŸ«¶šŸ½
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oneirataxia-girl Ā· 2 months
Top 5 one piece characters whose design you love and 5 designs you just don't feel
SCREAMS. okay so I should say that I am Not Good At Styling (or pairing stuff in general), so just take my comments as the rantings of a gremlin probably way shorter than you, but other than that-
five one piece character designs I like:
Trafalgar Law - I could go on and on and on about how hot good he looks in every arc heā€™s in (yes, even stoner!Law), plus all the hearts in his tattoos with the connection to his crew the Heart Pirates and Corazon is elite tbh his tattoos and accessories in general have me looking respectfully
Killer - at first I was intimidated, but after Wano I have a newfound appreciation for him + his design, the mask makes him stand out bc not many characters cover their faces, and his hair is the single most glorious thing I have ever seen, I want a Rapunzel!Killer au for shits and giggles (Kid can be Pascal lmao) (if there's a fanfic of this pls link it)
Uta - UTA MY BELOVED, her look is gorgeous, the two-color hair?? the hairstyle?? the asymmetrical dress?? YES PLEASE, she looks absolutely beautiful and very pop singer-ish if you know what I mean, tbh if she was real I would go in the song realms no questions asked
Doflamingo - now let us be clear, I hate this mutated flamingo as much as the next person, but his design fits him so perfectly that I have to grudgingly give him this win, it's bright, it's over the top, it's hideous to look at, it feels like he too the flamingo part of his name too literally, it feels like Doffy, and so I do think it fits him well
Nico Robin - or more specifically, pre-timeskip!Robin, I just adore the gothy cowboy aesthetic (purple-black and leather fits you'll always be famous to me) and I feel like Robin looks really nice with those bangs. I'm sorry but I'm a part of the pre-timeskip!Robin squad through and through, which brings us to...
five one piece character designs I don't like:
Nico Robin - this time it's post-timeskip!Robin. when I say that I couldn't recognize her, I mean that I actually thought she was Boa Hancock but with a slightly different hairstyle. she's literally so different looks-wise it's hard to reconcile pre and post Robin as the same character. also, (and this is a nitpick) the sunglasses make me stressed bc I keep thinking they might fall off
Rebecca - I know, I know, One Piece defies the laws of everything real-world related, but the gladiator armor makes me unreasonably upset because it's virtually useless. I guess it's a testament to her skills that she's barely hurt during Dressrosa, but still, everytime I see the stupid armor it makes my eye twitch
Carrot - or just most of the Minks to be honest. Oda make them more animal-like challenge, give Carrot the round fluffy body of an actual bunny, don't just slap a fluffy tail and some ears and call it a day, I want a bunny Mink that's like Peter Rabbit, but considering that Oda's... preference as to drawing females, I'm not expecting a miracle
Caesar Clown - it might be influenced by his laugh, but I genuinely sigh whenever this guy comes on screen, his appearance does him No Favors, absolutely no drip whatsoever, heā€™s so difficult to stand on screen so I wonā€™t talk about him more, I just have an irrational hatred for him
Kozuki Momonosuke - more of a ā€˜wistful sigh of what couldā€™ve beenā€™ than anything, I just think it would be cool to have Momo be near Tokiā€™s height and Hiyori similar to Oden.
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lannisterdaddyissues Ā· 1 year
3, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 26 with slimav for the relationship ask thing pretty please <333
AHHHHH SLIMAV NATION RISE UP, WE TELL ONLY THE TRUTH HERE šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø (also i cant deny u anything cal <3)
3. What's their favorite thing to tease each other about? i think we all know this one but for mav itā€™s definitely his height. for slider itā€™s the fact that most people find him extremely intimidating when they first meet him when he is in fact a massive teddy bear
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other? OOOOH man ok. for slider, his favorite thing about mav is his personality. he loves that little shit so much. mavā€™s height comes in a close second (bc slider loves to hold him and pick him up and hug him more than anything šŸ„ŗ) but mavā€™s personality wins by a small margin bc heā€™s so damn funny and just so cool!! that little shit saved their lives!! he saved cougar and merlin!!! slider is his number one fan, defender, and apologist and donā€™t you forget it
his least favorite thing is, of course, mavā€™s self-loathing šŸ˜”
for mav, his favorite part about sliderā€”if you ask himā€”is naturally his MASSIVE dick. (but if weā€™re being serious his favorite part about slider is how warm he is, both in nature and in the way that he runs hot like a space heater at night <3)
also heā€™d say his least favorite thing about slider is his body odor but recently heā€™s developed a weird and frankly embarrassing appreciation for it because itā€™s part of his boyfriend and mav loves all of him. so his actual least favorite part about slider are his toenails which he does not fucking clip. look mav isnā€™t a paragon of personal hygiene or anything but my brother in christ please have some decency
8. What do they find physically sexiest about each other? mav: the 10 inches of height slider has on him (yeah he loves sliderā€™s big dick but the height comes first). also his hands are like so much bigger than mavā€™s and yeah thatā€™s hot.
slider: mavā€™s pretty little mouth >:)
13. How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages? slider expresses love through physical touch he fucking LOVES hugging his little guy if it was possible to live life while attached to another person at the hip he would do it !!! he loves hugging his boyfriend!!! he also expresses love through quality time i think, one of his favorite pastimes is just lazing on the couch with mav and doing absolutely nothing, just sitting close enough that their arms touch and itā€™s nice <3 mav expresses love through words of affirmation and acts of service but i think we already knew thisā€¦ slider never tires of hearing him say ā€œi love youā€ and heā€™s always so thrilled when mav does stuff for him to show his love :ā€™)
also obviously their love languages are compatible. they are IN LOVE. get with the program
14. What little things remind them of each other? planes are pretty big so i guess those are out LOL for slider heā€™s reminded of mav whenever he hears the clicking of peopleā€™s boots because they remind him of mavā€™s cowboy boots šŸ’ž and for mav heā€™s reminded of slider every time he sees axe body spray šŸ’€
26. How are they with PDA? i meanā€¦ it was the 80s so back then? there was no pda to speak of. but in the year of our lord 2020? ohhhhh theyā€™d be so sickeningly cute until slider starts grabbing mavā€™s ass in front of the daggers like babe please there are children present
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svt-vivi Ā· 2 years
Vivi w/ HHU
synopsis: vivi's relationship w/ the members of the hip hop unit
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S. Coups
#seungji (ģŠ¹ģ§€)
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he was slightly skeptical when she joined the official line up really close to debut as she was the only girl
but everything worked out as she fit in perfectly with the boys
since vivi was growing up without a father, he really filled in that spot for her
he became someone she always relies on and trust wholeheartedly growing up but she drifted away as she knows all the hardship he has as a leader
but she knows heā€™s always there for her so if sheā€™s in a pickle and needs someone to help, heā€™s the first one she will call always
he's just tad more protective of herĀ compared to the boys
especially after all the hate she got when they debuted for being the only girl and when her mother past away
constantly making him overly anxious
he's always making sure she doesnā€™t cause trouble and keeps her away from danger
literally tons of complications of him doing small and big acts to ensure she doesnā€™t hurt herself
pats her head often
spoils her like hell (the girl can get away w/ anything)
#viwon (ė¹„ģ›)
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their ship name means secret garden (i hope)
these two became close pretty fast
everyone else was intimidated by them so they usually just sat in silence at the back of the practice room together for the first few days
which only made them more intimidating to everyone else
eventually they had a conversation that neither of them remember and began to warmed up to each other
he always recommends new games to check out and play together
she is not the best but loves to play and learn all the tricks from him
when theres a horror movie she's dying to watch she drags him to watch with her
bc he's the only member that's willing to watch scary movies
and bc she needs someone to protect her
he goes to her when writing lyrics to get s woman's opinion
she sometimes tries on his glasses and she has to take a step back bc of how blurry her surroundings become
#minji (ėƼģ§€)
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ship name means sharp intellect (i hope)
the visual combo
literally give everyone heart attack when they stand next to each other bc their beauty is through the roof
but also the height difference
a giant & a midget
hides behind him when she doesn't want to be seen
lots of people often confuse them as siblings for their tan skin tone
loves to bully him w/ the other members (only out of love ofc)
the two love to cook together so they are almost always taking over the dormā€™s kitchen to cook for the group
they give each other different recipes they want to try
he's always cleaning up after her bc her room always looks like her closet exploded
her personal photographer
literally hunts him down bc she says no one else understands the importance of photos and can never get the right angles
#2V, #jisol (ģ§€ģ†”)
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he helped her adjust so much as a trainee
her korean was terrible and she was at risk of being kicked out as a trainee but he taught her korean and made it so simple for her to understand so she was able to write better korean raps
honestly if it wasnā€™t for their fluency in english, these two would have been awkward for a long time
so now they usually write lyrics together and get each others opinion
they have a lot of deep weird conversations
just two chill buddies
but sometimes she like how you r this chill????
if the two are out together eating and she has left overs (which is all the time), heā€™ll eat it for her
she is friends sophia
he pretty sure she is closer to sophia than him
sharing earphones to listen to each other music during car rides bc she always curious about what music he's into lately
has so many meme worthy photos of him on her phone and she always has one of them as her phone screen
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lamborghinitoothpull Ā· 1 year
How many shots Iā€™d take to sleep with the jackass/cky crew (2000s edition)
-2 shots
-heā€™s way too hot for me
-5 shots
-TOO annoying
-I feel like it would be so awkward lol but heā€™s so gorg I canā€™t lie
-6 shots
-not really my type
-I canā€™t even tell if Iā€™m attracted to Dave like that tbh bc sometimes Iā€™m like ā€œhaiiii :3ā€ and other times Iā€™m like ā€œyou scare me.ā€
-5 shots
-again not my type
-so so so sexy omg
-though Iā€™d force him to take a shower before we do anything
-3 shots
-itā€™s not that heā€™s not attractive, itā€™s just his height
-I feel like with our height difference (Iā€™m 5ā€™9ā€), we wouldnā€™t be able to do that much lol
-heā€™s a very cool guy tho
-baby boy baby boy baby boy baby boy baby boy <333
-Iā€™m sorry but no I just canā€™t
Steve o:
-1 shot
-just to calm my nerves down
-Iā€™d also force him to shower before we do anything
-Iā€™ve got a feeling heā€™s packing too if yk what I meanā€¦
-10 shots
-for confidence btw!!!!
-just thinking about him alone makes me incredibly flustered
-that man is sex on legs
-heā€™s absolutely insane and Iā€™d let him do anything to me idc
-heā€™s an absolute dilf like who wouldnā€™t??
-sheā€™s literally my wife
-so gorg
-my queennnn I would do anything for her
-3 shots
-idk not my type lol
-5 shots
-intimidating as hell
-I have no idea tbh
-I can see myself being blackout drunk or straight up sober but whatever happens happens
-he would teach me a lot about sex, it would be life changing
-HOWEVER, if he has long hair then Iā€™m S.O.B.E.R.
-so fucking sober
-marry me challenge
-Iā€™d rather kill myself.
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majoringinsarcasm Ā· 1 year
Well if we didnā€™t know from the title alone what was gonna happen heheheheh
Oh ok I see this chapter was made to hurt me personally ok cool
what the fuck
Hey uh here uh hey what the FUCK
HE HAD TO WAIT FOR THEM TO FALL im sick Iā€™m so sick
Iā€™m so serious if he dies or cannot go back home I will not be able to handle it. Like yā€™all donā€™t get it I will Not be consolable
I know a lot of ppl donā€™t like it bc early volume Jaune was a total dork loser nerd almost nice guy but really he wasnā€™t he was just a dork but I donā€™t have many super strong opinions about ships besides the bees, Renora and I think Rosegarden is cute. So while Iā€™m not like an active Whiteknight shipperā€¦. Girl get it lmao WEISS YOUR FACE HAHAHAH
Im gonna Cry
Like I just wanna be clear Iā€™m not Mad at Jaune At All. This poor guy has been here alone for years and has had plenty of time to ā€œlick his woundsā€ but he had to do it Alone with no outside input or kind words or a friend to cry with. Him being harsh makes me sad bc it just. When Ren yelled at him after they lost Oscar he didnā€™t lash out or Anything but the girls sitting and talking and arguing sets him off bc. Heā€™s been ALONE Iā€™m so sick
His village šŸ„ŗ he knows the names of places Iā€™m
What if he really doesnā€™t go back I know there was talk of Neo staying behind but yā€™all
Im. Going. To. Scream.
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ONNNNNNNNNNNNMN also I canā€™t tell if the Ever After has independent weather as well as reaching to Ruby OR if itā€™s now reaching to Jaune
Im scared
Is the cat Louis / Lewis
This cat leave my man ALONE
A PUNDERSTORM???? Or like Ponder said a different way THIS IS SO MUCH
And it does have its own weather lmao
she really is the star of this volume like Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s the truth
ā€œMustā€™ve had something bigger to work outā€ OK OK OK OK OK
Ok but I hate heights so I would throw up or pass out if I was Blake and Yang like bruh
LOL Jaune please
Ok so time loops and time trickery are hard. So. Jaune turned back time enough for Alyx and Louis to show up which was. A long time ago maybe idk. So itā€™s not Neo bc Neo had not yet fallen.so what the hell did Herb show her
Stop it oh my god theyā€™re too cute the emotional whiplash of me crying over Jaune and me crying over Bees I canā€™t handle it
Blake loves how honest Yang is. Adam only ever told her lies or tried to convince her that his way was the correct way. Yang listens to her and never sugarcoats; she never tries to trick. She Does What She Says
Blake never gave up on her even when she showed similar signs of being like Adam she decided to trust her. She wasnā€™t intimidated by how loud and brash and in her space Yang was. She knows what matters to her and has never been afraid to go for them
Also the blushing here is like idk what but it looks so good. Like I canā€™t describe what I mean but the way it makes their eyes look so bright itā€™s just very good AND SEEING YANG BLUSH SO MUCH SHE'S SO CUTE
and then back to my saddest boy ever GOD the whiplash
Alright cat I understand how you feel. But the girls up front told you they were trying to go home. Yes they were trying to get you to take them there but they didnā€™t offer you any deals or say they would bring you to Remnant. Unless youā€™re Louis and weā€™re betrayed by your sister in which case thatā€™s fucked up and Iā€™m on your side it all depends on WHAT THE FUCK ALYX DID DOES ANYONE KNOW CAUSE WE STILL DONT
but like we have four episodes left WHAT are we gonna do gang
oh my god if thatā€™s crescent rose Iā€™m gonna scream
Oh but she doesnā€™t want it / isnā€™t ready to pick it up again GOD IM CRYING
so. Is she gonna trade crescent rose in order to leave is that the vibe Iā€™m getting.
GOD THAT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I wonā€™t lie I was spoiled about the kiss but that was my own being silly fault but I only knew that they did kiss and not THE COMPLIMENTS AND CONFESSION BRIDGE and also like. Yā€™all I love Jaune Arc of the Arc Family so goddamn much so this episode was for me THEY CHANGED THE INTRO TO SHOW HIS SAD FACE god lordy what the fuck is next week gonna do to me
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thotsforvillainrights Ā· 2 years
hi!! How are u? I hope you doing fine šŸ„°šŸ„°
I would like to ask for match up pls.
I'm female, heterosexual, I'm either ISFJ/INFP (kinda feels like both šŸ¤·ā€ā™€), an artist, I have pretty intimidating face and I kind of proud of it but at the same time I'm insecure bc no one want to be friends with me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but I find myself as introverted, weird, and shy, people didn't know I'm that kind of person since I have rbf šŸ—æbut I'm loud with friends I'm closed with
I have long black haired, brown eyes, fair skin, rbf, my height is 165cm and wearing glasses
Hobby, watch movies, reading books, drawing, listens to music, daydreaming 24h and shopping
I likes anime, manga, novel, fashion, watch romance and horror movies, cooking, dark academia theme and style, animals, love and always wearing black mask (it sad bc covid is almost over šŸ˜­) coffee and anything not to sweet
I don't really like sweets I mean I like eat something not to sweet like pudding, coffee cake, any pastries, etc.. I hate pastel colors and anything that cute except cute animals (it just cringe for me I'm sorry), do any works late at night, anyone that annoyed me (I pretty much have anger issues with this one šŸ˜€), someone I'm use to know with ignore me, someone with adhd (I'm not hate I know some people had it so I'm said I distance myself), I hate when people makes me wash the dishes, that the only thing I know about myself šŸ¤·ā€ā™€
Positive about me is I'm very supportive, kindhearted, polite, hardworking, independent, forgiving with someone I love, ambitious, curiosity, I'm literally mom of the friends group šŸ˜­, concern pretty important for me, patience (depends on my mood)
Negative things about me, I have anger issues (only for those who annoyed/make me angry I'm not 24/7 angry sometimes I try to be more patience), careless, rebellious, stubborn and aggressive
About the aggressive part I love to take hand to hand combat bcuz I took martial art class and I'm good using any dangerous weapon bcuz I love to takes any risk and challenge
From what I tell u from the beginning I have problem to control my emotions, naturally I'm lil shy, emotionless and introverted but when I lost control I hurt people feeling where at the end I feel regret and I embarrass to apologize until now
I'm pretty good when it comes to fashion sense, I like to wear casual dress especially color black and red (I'm not emo and muscular btw) I wear what I feels like it good and makes me confident with my rbf (depends on what the occasion/season) and I wear makeup especially doing ombre lips šŸ˜
I don't show love through words but more to act of service, quality times and physical touch. Too bad I am quite inexperienced when it comes to love but doesn't mean I don't know how to show appreciation
Bonus, I'm not afraid of anything even insects like cockroaches, I do afraid of something but my useless brain didn't tell me what it is rn šŸ™„šŸ‘Ž. I made my own career. I'm very good when it comes to cooking but bad at cleaning.. Like very bad..
Well that the only thing I know about me. and sorry about bad English I hope u understand what I tryna to says and thank you so much šŸ˜‡šŸ„° sorry if I didn't notice the typos šŸ˜ƒ
(Okie Dokie!!!)
Match-Up #23
-I match you with Yu Hojo-
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-Upon first glance he'd thought you were tough as nails and that you didn't like him or the others in the least bit. Why Overhaul would let a woman join the yakuza was beyond him. However, Hojo never questioned the boss considering he'd placed his full trust in him. Maybe you were like him and the others here? Discarded and stomped on by society, trash saved by the leader himself and given another chance at life here with the Hassaikai. Or perhaps he just needed a maid right? A pretty face like yours would do well around here as the maid. The man let his thoughts run wild for at least 2 full days after he found out you were being placed in his team. Little by little you began to open up and confuse Hojo more and more. Just earlier you were sitting there as a menacing aura rolled off of you. Then here you were about 20 minutes later taking care of Tabe and speaking sweetly to him after he'd gotten a paper cut somehow. So which is it? Were you vicious or kind??? Hojo continued on with his work and watched you as the days passed. You started talking more and more with the other two and soon he'd found you were nothing like the facial expression that betrayed you so many times. You were a delightful person to be around compared to him and the rest of the brutes here. He secretly began to beat himself up when he watched you interact with the others. He wanted to be close to you as well, loudly joking about whatever dumb topic was on your mind at the moment but he kept his distance from you and just kept quiet. If it actually hadn't been for Setsuno intervening then Hojo would've never ended up as your partner to begin with. "Look man I'm not trying to get on your ass or play cupid, but I think if you really like the girl you shouldn't hesitate on it. She's become pretty popular around here lately and it's only a matter of time before some snub asks her out. You don't wanna live your life in regret man. You know I could give a shit less about something as fictional as love but I just can't stand the thought of having to deal with you moping around here any longer."
"Mopingā€¦have I been moping?" Setsuno sucks air in through his teeth and stares anywhere but at Hojo. "Yeah man. Moping."
-Hojo bites back on the nervousness that crept up on him the day he finally asked you on a date. You happily accepted it because let's face it: Hojo was pretty attractive and free food was involved as well. I'd say the date went fairly well. He asked a lot of questions about you but didn't really air himself out there as much for you. It was likely because he was actually a little shy for the first time in his life. He was a gentleman the entire time and it was clear to see that chivalry wasn't dead when it came to him. The next date that came around you actually ended up asking him out this time and he happily took you up on the offer. This time he incorporated some of the things he learned about you from the first date. He gifts you some anime merch (you should've seen how awkward he looked buying it lol), he offers his car stereo for your full control so you can play music you like, he ever takes you out shopping laterā€¦his treat! The third date was an indoor one. You curl up on the couch and show him a few of your favorite horror and romance movies while he snickers at the cheesiness in all of it. He comes up with the idea halfway through to have a drawing date where you both follow a tutorial and show each other the results. His drawing was awful lol. If you've got time left in the date you two cook together (maybe teach him a little something) and you even get to show him some of your favorite books. To be romantic, this man will read them to you if you wanted him to.
-A few more dates and you've basically grown comfortable with each other. It's okay for you to show yourself around him. You can daydream all you want, geek over fashion or cute animals even, or simply infodump everything you know about dark academia to him. He accepts it all with a smile and a little twinkle of interest in his eye. In return you have to take him as he is. He's protective, sometimes stern when he lectures you, but so gentle to you as if you're the most fragile thing he's ever touched. He loves you so much. He does little things here and there to express it rather than saying it as often to you. He'll steal your glasses right off your face and clean smudges off of them with his shirt (even if he's wearing an expensive shirt). He'll try to help you calm yourself if your anger gets out of control. Even if you end up lashing out on him, he's still there no matter what because he knows it's just your emotions making you feel like that. This man will even let you spar with him. He learns the hard way about why Overhaul let you into the Shie Hassaikai after he sees the damage you can do in a fight.
-He's not too much of a needy man so however you show your love to him, he'll take it and cherish it no matter what.
-The man admires your fashion sense and overall style you display. He'll admit to your face that he loves your eyes and your hair most of all. Honestly he's secretly given you a stupid nickname behind your back, his little doe since you remind him of that animal. He's not ever going to tell you this since he's worried you'll hate it lol.
-What you lack in one department, he makes up for in another. So even if you're bad at cleaning, he'll take over and cover that part for you. When you're upset, he'll try to remain calm for you to level things out. He really is a good person to be in a relationship with. He's knows you like the back of his hand after about a year of dating of each other!
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spoops-screams Ā· 3 years
| Short MC
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Character(s): Muriel, Lucio
TW: Self doubt (?)
Notes: Gender neutral MC || Short (like 4'11 or sm) mc bc it's really not that hard to be shorter than these two ;-; || I am going to kill someone if I'm stupid enough to delete my post again I swear- I spent only like 10 minutes on the other one but still, it was good šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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You think he was scared of accidentally hurting you before? Now he's down right terrified
There's an almost two foot difference between the two of you and it's so painfully obvious to him which he would find adorable if not for the fact that it was mortifying for someone like him who hated the very thought of hurting someone accidentally it without reason
He's aware of his own size and his own strength so he feels as though he might accidentally injure you without meaning to since he's both large and has more strength than he already looks to have which makes being around you down right terrifying to him
He doesn't want to exist too close to you because he feels as though any wrong move and he'll swat you like a fly so just about everyone can see how he's basically walking on eggshells and treats you like you're a fragile piece of glass
Once he realises that he won't accidentally squish you like a bug, he actually finds it really adorable
Absolutely had a heart attack whenever Inanna goes and smothers you but even he can't resist seeing you and the wolf cuddled up with each other what with you being practically hidden amongst the wolf's fur and size but he does make sure that they don't out too much pressure on you
He's just worried about you, please help him
Oh you poor soul, he is not going to let you live it down
He absolutely will exaggerate the differences in your height to get in your nerves, that's guaranteed, as if you're both children, he actually finds the difference between your height and his hilarious
"You're practically only half my height."
Throw the whole man in the bin, he's so cocky about it
Initially he only sees it as another way to exert his status and power over you, practically towering over you with you not even being able to reach his shoulders which he no doubt uses to intimidate respect for him into you, magician or not, thanks to his ego and pride
He does come to very much like your height later along the line
With his height in comparison to yours, he finds it so easy to protect you and hide you, he actually starts finding it endearing
He's still absolutely insufferable though
Do expect him to use your head as an arm rest, that's just how this man is, but he's the only one that's allowed to bully you (affectionately) about your height
He will definitely join a Melchior and Mercedes in a cuddle pile if he ever manages to find you
In that moment, your height is the biggest disadvantage, the three of them are massive and you absolutely will not move, completely hidden from everyone
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Tags: @rurifangirl bc I feel rly bad for deleting the other headcanon before you could even see it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I WILL DO SOMETHING TO FIX THAT THOUGH!
If you want to be added or removed from any of my tag list, dm me, send me an ask off anon or comment under this or any post (please specify which tag lists you would like to be added to i.e Arcana, mlqc, specific characters etc...)
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Do not repost, edit or claim. Only reblog šŸ’•
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frenziedslashers Ā· 2 years
Do you think you could Urge and Lower for Vincent, please? Maybe Y/N broke a rule and Vincent is repremending them (grabbing their face so they look at him when he tells em off for doing something dangerous/stupid) but then feels bad bc Y/N is scared of him (he's tol+stern+angry=scary) so he gets down to their level to, well level with them?
Yeah of course! Thank you so much for the request by the way! I appreciate it :)) I am in a Vincent mood(AGAIN) and appreciate this one haha
[ URGE ]Ā  for the taller muse to tilt the shorter oneā€™s chin up so they can look at their face.
[ LOWER ]Ā  for the taller muse to kneel in front of the shorter one so theyā€™re less intimidating.
Silent Apologies
You knew what you had done was idiotic. It was dangerous and put you at a risk and you knew vincent didn't like. He demanded that you stayed home. But no, you had to go with him. He caved in like he always did with you. You could ask for anything from him and he would eventually say yes. The only rule was that you stayed in the truck. That you didn't get out and you did not interact with the tourists.
"Vincent they would have killed you!" You snapped as he stormed into his room behind you. The two of you hardly fought, but when you did it scared you a bit. Bo was scary when he was mad, sure, but Vincent terrified you at times. Hell, you could tell that he scared Bo and Lester at times, even.
When he grabbed you by the shoulder to face him the look in his eye behind his mask had you shuddering. Full of rage and annoyance. Maybe today was the day you died. Finally pulling his last straw with how stubborn you were.
'I can take care of myself, they wouldn't have hurt me, I had the upper hand,' He signed, and you scoffed. Rolling your eyes while glancing to the side. Slipping past his grasp to treck over to the bed. "Oh, and I can't take care of myself? Vincent, I saved you, I didn't get hurt okay? Do I need to prove myself?" You snapped, yelping when he spun you around once more. Fingers reaching to grip at your jaw. Moving your head to meet his gaze. Which was practically boring into you.
'I didn't mean it like that, I just hate it when you interfere!' He told you, moving his hands quick and fast. It wasn't until after his sentence he realized how poorly he worded it. Frowning when you backed up from him. The look of betrayal in your eyes. 'Y/N...' He signed again, and you shook your head. "Get away from me, please." You murmured. A small sob forcing its way from your throat. Eyes clenching shut. You didn't really want him to leave, a part of you thankful when he grabbed you by the shoulders to set you on the bed. Kneeling down on the ground. Now in between your legs so he was a bit lower in height than you. Eye softened into an apologetic gaze. Hands rubbing at your thighs. Waiting for you to open your eyes before he spoke.
'I didn't mean that I don't like you interfering.' He told you. Thinking of his words before speaking again. 'I just get scared when you're around the tourists. They could hurt you, and if I lost you I'd never forgive myself.' He told you, and you nodded. Wiping your face with the back of your sleeve. "How do you think I feel when you nearly get killed?" You asked, and he frowned beneath his mask. 'I know.' Was all he signed before pulling you in for a hug. "I'm still mad at you." He let out a breathy chuckle. Nuzzling the side of your neck with a sigh. He knew you meant that light-heartedly. He hated fighting with you as much as you did with him. It didn't stop him from snapping and growing frustrated when you went against his wishes, but the arguments would never last longer than a day or two. He loved you too much to stay mad at you for too long.
You were his everything after all. The flame to his candle. The flame that melted his heart, time and time again.
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ihatebnha Ā· 3 years
Bakugo seems the type to stay on a strict diet but gets mad when you do the same bc he vicariously lives through you and needs you to eat cake bc he won't
You don't understand how much I love this, oh my god. The freaking head you have on your shoulders, legend, I swear...
It's actually funny you send this, though... because I just saw someone in the tags talking about how Bakugo probably wouldn't want a partner that doesn't eat and exercise the same as him... and I was genuinely like... that is the stupidest, most incorrect take I have ever heard in my life ever (I'm sorry to this person because they actually follow me LOL, but what I mean is that they, and EVERYONE, has higher chances w/ Bakugo than they might think). I honestly don't think Bakugo would notice weight on anyone besides him. He's THAT big headed and I love it.
Anyway, the Bakugo that person was talking about is NOT my baby. MY Bakugo makes sure you eat what you want to eat and doesn't care whether or not you go to the gym with him. In fact, he probably gets pissed at you when you try because he think you'll just get in his way. It's... kinda mean but it's just cuz he has a pro hero workout that only a pro hero can do, and it needs all focus. Go wait for him in the steam room and he'll meet you there after. Your job is to hold the gatorade and to hold the gatorade ONLY (and to cheer him on). I ā¤ļø Bakugo x his spoiled wife who he accidentally turns lazy... and one day we should talk about it.
(warning: body image is discussed but it's about bakugo not you... mild feeder vibes, eating)
Bakugo was so intimidating when you first started dating... so intimidating, in fact, that if it weren't for the sheer tenacity he approached you with, and how adamant he was that you went out with him the moment he got to know you, you're absolutely sure you wouldn't have bagged him otherwise.
I mean, his pro-hero status aside, look at him: at least 6' feet of pure and toned muscle and sinew, pretty, tan skin and abs of rock-hard steel; even his his handsome jawline and scowl could cut you... so it wouldn't surprise you in the least if you were to find out one day that there wasn't ounce of fat on his body in any way, shape, or form.
That's the way he likes it, the way he intends to keep it (at least, during the height of his career. In the rare instances when you pillow talk, he's mentioned that he doesn't care what happens to him when he settles down and retires)... and yet, it seems, despite all his diet food, the weird times in which he eats, and how often he insists he absolutely cannot have a cheat day... he refuses for that to be the same for you.
Bakugo knows, HE KNOWS, his eating habits are impractical; unhealthy for anyone who isn't a Pro and doesn't follow the same schedule and work-outs that he does... besides, it's not like he enjoys missing out on Kirishima's pizza nights (that guy needs the carbs) or the fun teacakes that Ochaco brings into the office on holidays... so to put his poor, unsupposing romantic partner (who already has to deal with him being a workaholic) through the same thing? It's hard for him to even ponder.
(Like I truly believe Bakugo's sense of romance is... both traditional as hell and straight out of the movies. Men are supposed to be good to their romantic partners, buy them treats, make them feel good, and it's because he's shit at words that these acts of service, these gifts, are so important to him. He wants to be perfect, and that includes being a perfect boyfriend.)
Besides, he doesn't have all this knowledge on baking and cooking so as not to use it (and youā€™re right: seeing you eat it, hearing you praise him for it is just as good as trying it himself).
He doesn't have pastries handed to him on the daily by the people he's saved, much less sees them in the window of bakeries he passes, so as not to bring them home to you, either... and whenever there are treats at the office, despite not having them himself, YES, he is absolutely bringing like ten of them home for you.
Bakugo's the guy who orders the prettiest slice of cake at the restaurant just because you (Y-O-U) said it looked good... and then pretends that he didn't and tries to make you eat it. I just don't understand how anyone could think otherwise.
Also, Bakugo who buys snacks just to take one humongous bite out of them and then give the rest to you. His cheat days just consist of eating off your plate. Sharing your fork. Good grief.
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introloves Ā· 4 years
i have had nothing but toshi brain rot for the past few days,,, he unlocks a new level of sub in me i didn't even know i had,,, he's so big and sturdy and strong but knows how to be gentle with his babygirlšŸ„ŗ,,,,all i can think of is him and the perfect mix of size kink (mainly bc of size difference)+ corruption kink + degrading praise + babying with a sprinkle of dumbification šŸ„µšŸ„µ
i love ushijima smmmm he truly would take such good care of his baby, this is with f! reader.
he always knew what you needed, sometimes long before you even did yourself. his hands nudged your legs apart, rough callouses spreading goosebumps.
he listened well to your soft whimpers, sitting back on his haunches, letting you relax before he continued.
your tremors from how well he ate you out, stretching your cute little cunt out were fading. the wetness he brought you stayed however, ushijima liked using your cum as lubrication for when he fucked you.
ā€œgood?ā€ he asked, voice deep but lower and just a tad softer.
he usually looked so intimidating, so mean. but with you, his edges rounded, spurred on by the need to protect the little thing that was you currently splayed down on his bed, legs shaking with every pass of his rough, broad hands over them. heā€™d steal the moon from the sky if it meant keeping you happy, your glazed eyes, prickling with tears, puffy lips from his teeth passing over them forming his name in a soft plea meant just about everything to him.
your response came with a nod, you couldnt gather yourself enough to answer him properly. with how he towered over you, the mass of him so much bigger, made you slip into a space where all you could do was lay there and take it, knowing that your big strong boyfriend, ushijima, was more than happy to care for you.
with slow movements, he nudged you open once more. grunting at the way your previous orgasms made you glisten, strings of it connecting your thighs together, drenching that cunt that had him absolutely whipped for you.
ā€œfuck babygirl.ā€ he hissed, eyes closing, pausing to inhale you. he had been inbetween your legs for quite a while earlier, but he liked indulging himself in everything that was you.
you burned hot and cold at the same time, cold chills running up and down your spine but the heat of him ogling at your ruined cunt simmering in the pit of your stomach.
he lifted himself up, the image of him unfurling from his hunched form was truly a sight. his body, toned, thick, and so so muscular shifting to guide the tip of himself right up against your already clenching pussy. when he extended himself to his full height, you could really appreciate the different.
just how he liked it, the head of his cock now glistened with your cum. helping him push in, hissing at the warmth and tightness.
it was a sight, looking down at your cunt stretch to fit him, seeing your pussy accommodate the thickness made his toes curl, teeth clenching at the feeling.
you always whined as he pressed himself in, but as soon as his head was popped in, it made the rest sink in easier.
ā€œalmost there.ā€ he grunted, reassuring you.
when he was pressed flush against your cunt, clit throbbing as his pelvis basically crushed it, you could exhale.
ā€œgood girl.ā€
you craved for more of that sweet praise, clamping down at the way he said it.
just like everything else, he let you give him the okay, letting your hips gyrate against his own, dragging your clit against him, practically sobbing at the feeling.
once he knew it was okay to move, he clamped his hand over your hips, lifting you to how he liked it.
the devastating thrusts of his hips where sharp and precise, leaving no room for your cunt to want more, to want anything other than his fat, big dick.
he made it look easy, keeping you slightly lifted off the bed while he pistoned in and out, showing you that with him, he would do anything to heighten the already numbing pleasure he fucked you with.
once again, like earlier he questioned you,
a silly question, you were practically drooling, sobbing, whimpering as his cockhead nudged up against your cervix.
but you let a wheeze that sounded similar to a, yes. it was all you could manage and he knew that, smiling slightly at your attempt to respond.
ā€œyou look real nasty right now baby.ā€ he hissed, your eyes widening at the words, not wanting to hear those words. you just wanted to hear him praise you.
ā€œnasty and all good for me. dumb little thing.ā€ bristling at his words you let a hand punch his pec, missing weakly kept you bounced you on his cock.
his laugh sounded strained at that, god he was so close.
he sped up just a bit more, an attempt at a sorry. he knew you wanted to hear only good things from him, but it was fun seeing your face scrunch up, even if you didnā€™t want to admit it, you really were a dumb little baby when he fucked you.
ā€œsorry angel, youre not a dumb, nasty, slutty, baby.ā€ he spat out, putting emphasis on those words with thrusts that knocked the wind out of you, vision littering with black spots.
the way your pussy shucked is cock, squeezing him so that it made it so hard for him to push back in let him know what those words did to you.
ā€œyouā€™re my pretty little thing, arenā€™t you?ā€ he questioned, licking his lips.
those words were enough to once again make you cum, lower body shaking, trembling against his hold. he marveled at how well you came, even this late, even having cum so much earlier.
it was a rapid chain reaction, his fine hair stood on end as he dumped whatever he could of his semen inside. spurts that didnt fit pooled at the edge of your hole, painting a ring around him.
in the end, he held you, littering your face in kisses, silently apologizing to his good girl for treating you like that.
once you could think straight, no longer in such a subby headspace, you confessed that it made you throb, being regarded as such a desperate and filthy slut.
he blushed hotly at it, eyes closing to take in the shocks of pleasure and want that coursed through him thanks to your words.
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