#i would do AXL too but i forget what the x stands for
one-flesh-one-end · 8 months
reblog if you think constance should kill pendergast and then peg diogenes on the regular
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
You Don’t Want My Love - Chapter 7
Pairing: Duff McKagan x reader
Words: 3,899k
Summary: Guns n Roses hires a new tour assistant, but nobody thought that Duff would fall for her.
In this chapter:  Late night talks on the bus can sometimes be your best friend. The band goes to a Scottish pub, but what happens when you mix love with beer? 
A/N: The only thing I can say after finishing this chapter is that I want Duff McKagan in my life! Enjoy… (new chapters every Tuesday)
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car @ladieswttda @teasid @metalheartofgold @ginny-rose-sixx @rumoured-whispers @vinylvintage @metalupyourash ​ add yourself to my tag list :)
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“Where’s my vodka?” Duff asked, searching inside the cabinets in the dressing room.
“Duff, don’t you think you’ve had enough for a day?” Y/N asked, concerned, he had drank a bottle already.
“Relax, sweetheart, I’ll be fine, I just want to ease my nerves....” He opened the last door, grinning widely. “Here it is!”
He placed the bottle on the top of the table, searching for a new plastic glass.
Y/N reached forward, grabbing the bottle just when Duff placed a glass beside it.
“Y/N, let go of the vodka, please.” He looked into her eyes, his tone was serious but his eyes had a glimpse that she couldn’t quite identify.
“No.” She took the bottle away from the table.
“Y/N…” He prolonged her name. “You don’t want me to go there and pick it, right?” He smirked, the glimpse in his eyes getting intensified, allowing her to identify it - mischief.
He started walking slowly towards her, while she started backing off.
“Y/N…” He said it again but she sprinted off the room, running through the corridors with him chasing her. 
At some points he almost got her, but there was always someone passing by that could be used as an obstacle. 
She grinned seeing the exit door at the end of the hallway. Pushing the door open, she met with bright sunshine. Looking back she couldn’t see Duff, she started moving backward slowly, facing the door trying to see any sight of the blonde.
Y/N abruptly stopped when her back hit against something, or better, someone. 
Turning around slowly she found Duff, he moved his arms and she closed her eyes by instinct, opening them when she felt him circling her waist and pulling her closer. 
He pressed his lips against hers, in a sweet and slow kiss. Forgetting completely about the bottle, she reached behind his neck with her arms, dropping the bottle beside her and pulling him even closer.
The crackling sound made him smile in the kiss, before he slowly pulled away from her.
“You good?” He looked down to see if she hadn’t cut herself.
A strong glow accompanied by a deafening crash woke Y/N. Looking out of the window she could see the rays covering the sky as heavy rain hit the road.
Great, we're under a storm. She thought to herself.
Hitting her head against the pillow, she grunted, running her hands over her face. Obviously it was a dream, Y/N.
She even tried to sleep, but she never liked storms, even when she was a child, they always made her scared and alert, two things that made it impossible for her to fall asleep.
Looking for her slippers on the floor, she got up, walking slowly to the common area of ​​the bus, rubbing the sleep from her eyes with both hands.
Opening the door, her eyes locked on Duff’s. He was sitting in one corner of the couch with an acoustic guitar on his lap, the radio was turned on at a low volume, playing some band that she had never heard before.
They stared at each other for a few seconds under the bad lighting generated by the red emergency lamps on the bus, and her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she recalled the dream she had just had, internally hoping he wouldn't notice.
"Can't you sleep?"
"I don't like storms very much." She headed for the small kitchen on the bus, turning on the lamp in the wall cabinet. "I came to make tea to see if it helps."
"It's been raining for a while, but the lightning started a little ago."
"Haven't you gone to sleep yet?" She looked at the clock on the bus, 4:10 am.
"I wasn’t sleepy, too many thoughts in my head."
"I know how it is." She murmured. "Do you want tea?"
"No, thank you."
Silence washed over the room, and she turned to face the electric kettle, waiting for the water to boil.
Focusing on the ambient sounds, the beat of the music enveloped her ears and she realized that Duff was playing the same song on the guitar, but on notes so soft they could hardly be heard in the rain.
"Which band is this?" She turned to him.
“Ramones. They are from New York. ” He stopped playing, looking into her eyes.
"It looks like a movie soundtrack ... of those that play before an adventure scene."
He smiled at her words. “It’s a tape I made, they are my favorite songs of theirs. This is I Wanna Be Sedated.”
"It's a good song." She turned, taking the boiling water to finish her tea.
"Now you can't say that you've never heard anything punk." He said remembering the conversation they had had at the record store a few months ago.
"Is that punk?" She opened her eyes wide. "I thought it would be something worth scaring little children." She laughed a little.
"No, it's not like that." He giggled. “They were the first band, you know? They arrived at the label with this tape with several 2-minute songs and ended up revolutionizing rock ”
She smiled when she saw the sparkle in his eyes when he spoke.
"Do You Wanna Dance?" He said calmly and she choked on the tea.
He laughed. "The music." He pointed to the radio, she hadn't even noticed that another song was playing. "This is the last one of the tape."
"Well, I don't know if I would listen to them willingly, but they are good!" She sat on the same couch as him, leaving some space between them.
"I figured you’d like it." He smiled putting the guitar on the floor.
"Yeah, but you're not always right."
"What you mean?"
"Those Dead Kennedys suck!" She said laughing.
"Oh no!" He touched his chest. "You’re hurting me, Y/N!"
“Like… Drug Me? What song is that!?”
"Yeah, maybe I gave you the wrong band." He laughed, leaning his head against the wooden panel that blocked the bus ladder.
The tape came to an end and the bus went silent again, only the noise of rain and wind being noticeable.
"What now?" She pointed with her thumb at the radio.
"I'll let you choose something."
Standing up and adjusting her knit shorts, she walked over to the radio, turning the station knob until she found a song she liked, playing at a local station.
"Scorpions?" He frowned.
"Is that their name?" She asked laughing, returning to sit next to him, this time closer.
He laughed as he shook his head. "I think I'm going to have to give you some rock lessons."
"Only if I give you some pop lessons!" Y/N smiled.
He pursed his lips. "That makes it difficult."
She laughed at his response, but then I Want To Know What Love Is started playing and she went silent with embarrassment, afraid that Duff would realize that the song represented exactly how she felt.
“So, where are you from?” She looked at him, trying desperately to initiate some conversation that could take her mind away from the song. 
“Seattle. Born and raised there.” He smiled.
“Just you or you have siblings?” 
“I have seven older siblings.”
“Wow! God bless your mom!” She widened her eyes.
“She’s a good woman. She would like you.” 
Y/N looked down, trying to cover the smile that formed on her lips.
“What about you? Any siblings?”
“I have one brother. He’s five years younger.” 
“The two of you get along well?” 
She yawned, the tea finally bringing sleep back to her. "Most of the time. He's a good boy. Started in college last year. ” A small smile formed on her lips.
“What’s his name?”
"Kevin." She placed the cup on the coffee table, resting her head against the back of the couch. "The nickname is Kenny." She closed her eyes, trying to fight sleep.
"I bet he’s very proud to be your brother." Duff said, looking at her closely and realizing that she was almost asleep.
"Yeah, maybe." She murmured.
After a few seconds of not moving, Duff called her name, but got no answer. She had slept.
He laughed softly, stretching his long legs on the coffee table, pulling Y/N to lie against his chest. She looked so small in that big sweater.
She moved a little while still sleeping, finding a comfortable position for her head right over his heart.
Duff wrapped his arms around her, gently kissing the top of her head. "Good night, Y/N."
And the sleep that had disappeared, finally came, if the cause of it was the sun coming up or the smell of her perfume? He couldn't say. But he closed his eyes, sighing deeply, allowing himself to sleep.
"Awn, look at them!" Steven said excitedly.
"Shut up, you're going to wake them up!" Axl replied.
"And isn't that the intention, idiot?" Slash asked, slapping the back of Axl's head.
Slowly, Duff started to open his eyes, all four were standing in front of him. Looking down, Duff saw her sleeping, she looked so peaceful, her hand was on his chest and her lips were slightly parted.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Izzy said, smirking.
Looking at the watch, he saw that it was 9:30 in the morning.
"We stopped for breakfast." Axl said, throwing a leather jacket over his shoulder before getting off the bus, being accompanied by Izzy.
"You guys look so cute together!" Steven exclaimed and Y/N moved a little.
Slash started pushing Steven lightly by the shoulders off the bus, leaving Duff and Y/N there.
She started to open her eyes slowly and Duff removed some hair from her face.
"Hey, good morning." He said in a soft voice.
Hearing Duff's voice she got up quickly, sitting on the couch and looking around, finally realizing that she had slept with him, or on him.
"My goodness! I'm sorry, Duff! Wow, I fucked up big this time!” She ran her hands through her hair, trying to untangle it, avoiding looking him in the eye.
"It's alright."
She kept looking ahead, so he touched her chin, gently turning her face to him. "It's alright." He smiled gently.
Slowly, Y/N nodded.
"Axl said we stopped for breakfast."
"Oh my God, did he see me like that?" She covered her mouth with her hand.
"Everyone saw it, but relax, they don't care." He smiled trying to comfort her.
"You coming?" He asked getting up, ducking his head so he wouldn't hit the ceiling.
“I'm going to change first. I'll be there in a few minutes. ” She smiled slightly.
Duff nodded and left the bus.
"Oh. My. God." She said slowly. The thought of spending the night in Duff's arms made a smile come over her lips as she slowly walked over to her suitcase, still not believing what had happened.
Wearing the first jeans she found, she kept her sweater on, brushing her teeth quickly and heading toward the cafe.
Sitting next to Slash and Axl, she asked for coffee with pancakes, avoiding the look in the boys' eyes.
"So Duff, did you sleep well?" Axl asked, smirking, making Slash nudge him.
"Yes, I did." Duff tried to be casual, but there was no way to make the situation any less embarrassing.
"Y/N." Izzy's voice made her look at him, hoping it wasn't another joke. "The driver said that we’ll get to Edinburgh in the early afternoon, do we have anything to do today?"
She breathed a sigh of relief. "No, today is a free day."
Izzy nodded, turning his attention to the coffee.
"I want to go to a pub tonight." Slash announced.
"Hell yeah!" Duff agreed, high fiving the friend over the table.
"You know what, I'm going with you!" Axl announced, leaning against the chair.
“I think we could all use a night of fun. Izzy? Y/N? What do you say? ” Steven said, his eyes sparkling with the idea.
"Maybe." Izzy said without taking his eyes off the newspaper he was reading.
Steven looked at her hopefully.
"Why not?" She brought a piece of the pancake to her mouth.
"I think the night is going to be good!" Slash said smiling.
“8 o'clock, in the hotel lobby? What do you say?" Axl asked, receiving confirmation from each of them.
For the rest of the day she found a book in her suitcase, sitting near the bus window and listening to a tape of The Rolling Stones that Izzy had loaned her.
As much as her eyes were on the book, her mind wandered freely about the night before. Recalling how his skin glowed with the thin red light, how relaxed he looked and how soft his voice was when he spoke to her.
He had become the first good memory during a storm. And to be honest, she had even forgotten that it was raining when she was with him.
Around two in the afternoon they arrived in Edinburgh. Checking in and choosing a coat, she went out for lunch, meeting Slash in the hotel lobby, the two of them decided to have lunch together, walking quietly through the city streets.
“How was your night, Y/N? Sleep well?" Slash asked, smirking.
"Oh no! You too!?" She crossed her arms.
"Relax, I'm just bugging you." He laughed. "But you were so cute cuddling together this morning." He smiled, mocking her.
She pushed him lightly by the shoulder. "You will never let me forget this, will you?"
"Nope!" He smiled proudly and she rolled her eyes, not holding herself and giving a small smile.
After placing their orders, the two sat at a table by the window.
Looking at the gray sky and the cold wind that hit the streets, she sighed. "I wanted to go with a skirt tonight, but I think it's too cold for that."
“We are going to drink! You won't even know what's cold after the third beer.”
She pursed her lips, making them a thin line. "Yeah, that worries me too."
"Let's say I get drunk very quickly." She gave a nasal laugh as she remembered the last Christmas party, when she had a few glasses of punch she ended up sleeping in the middle of the party.
“Relax, we'll be with you. We take care of each other. ” He offered her a smile and then the two started eating, remaining in comfortable silence, except for some comments about the food here and there.
After returning to the hotel, Y/N found herself without much to do. She reorganized her bags, watched MTV and even danced when some music she liked was playing on television.
When the clock struck 7, she took a shower, drying her hair with the hotel dryer and applying light makeup. Searching among her clothes she chose a white and black skirt that she combined with a black long-sleeved blouse and long black boots. Wearing a long black coat and applying perfume, she left the room, heading for the lobby.
After a few minutes, everyone arrived and together they took two taxis towards a famous pub in the city.
Sitting at a table at the back of the establishment, “Beer Night” began, as Axl decided to call it.
The place was poorly lit, there were dark wooden tables matching chairs with red upholstery. The walls were exposed brick and there were some decorative pictures scattered around.
To her right, Y/N could see a tall counter, behind it were several craft beer machines, as well as a variety of other drinks like whiskey and liquor on shelves on the wall.
Choosing a round table in the corner of the establishment, Y/N sat down between Duff and Axl, widening his eyes when a big glass mug full of beer was placed in front of her.
"Am I supposed to drink all of this?" She pointed to the mug, looking at the boys.
"Relax, there's food to go with it." Axl told her, and then two servings of appetizers were placed in the center of the table.
When the second round of beer arrived, Y/N was already more than dizzy, she found everything funny, while the boys started talking louder and louder.
"Tell her how you broke your hand, Popcorn!" Duff said laughing, his arm was supported on the back of her chair.
"Oh no!" He ran a hand over his face, shaking his head.
"Come on! I want to know!!" She prolonged the last word by making puppy eyes.
“Okay… It was just a few weeks before the tour started, I was leaving this bar and a guy and I got into a fistfight. As you can imagine, I was not very sober, I tried to punch the guy, ended up slipping and hitting my fist against a street lamp.”
Everyone at the table laughed at the incident, Axl even put his hand on his belly to try to relieve the pain that formed in his abdomen thanks to his laughter.
Two mugs and many excuses to go to the bathroom later, they decided to go to the hotel. To be fair they didn’t decide to go to the hotel, in fact, the owner of the pub expelled them saying that it was closing time.
It was funny to see the man getting mad, none of the six were used to the Scottish accent, understanding what he was saying became even more difficult with all the beer they had had.
The last thing Y/N heard was the man growling "Fucking cunts!" before slamming the door behind them.
To be fair, it took them 15 minutes to get out of there, drinking the rest of the beer from the mugs and laughing at his accent. So she understood why he was so angry.
Stumbling to get into a taxi with Duff and Izzy, Y/N found herself leaning against the blonde's side, who put his arm over her shoulders.
"Your hair is so beautiful." She laughed, touching his hair.
"You are beautiful." He replied smiling.
She laughed again, laying her head on his shoulder, rubbing her nose against the skin of the blonde's neck. "I love your smell." She whispered and it was the last thing she saw before everything became black.
"Y/N! ... Y/N, we're here!" She opened her eyes, realizing that the taxi had parked in front of the hotel, Izzy had already left and Duff was waiting for her.
"Hum? Are we here yet? ” Her voice was drunk, skidding on every word.
"Yes, love." He smiled, getting out of the car and waiting for her.
Stumbling on the sidewalk step, Duff caught her, laughing.
"Damn boots!" She murmured, breaking free of Duff's arms and sitting on the floor in the middle of the sidewalk.
"What is she doing?" Slash asked in a slurred voice.
"Taking off her boots." Duff said. The two looked at each other and started laughing.
Trying to get up, she realized that it was a more difficult task than she imagined, as she fell down sitting again.
"Ouch ... I can't get up." She complained.
Rolling his eyes, Axl pulled her by the hands, helping her to her feet.
Analyzing the situation from the outside, it was clear that Axl and Duff were the two most sober people there, as far as possible, of course.
"Where's Izzy?" Axl asked Duff.
"He's already in." He pointed to the hotel door.
"Okay, take the lady “I can't stand up” to her room while I take care of these two."
Duff nodded, putting an arm around her waist, guiding her into the hotel.
Standing in front of the elevators, Y/N looked at Steven, he was already looking at her.
"What?" She asked.
"What?" He frowned and they both started laughing again.
Duff's elevator opened the doors and he entered, taking the girl with him.
"Good night boys. I love you!" She said in her slurred voice, but the doors closed before she could receive an answer.
Stopping in front of her bedroom door, she took a few seconds to find the lock, turning around abruptly before opening the door, facing Duff.
One of his arms was propped against the doorframe, making him only inches away from her.
“Can’t you open it? ” He asked.
"I already opened it." She smiled victoriously, leaning her head against the door and tilting her chin to stare into his eyes.
"What is it then?" 
"I want you to kiss me." She whispered, moving her face close to his.
"Y/N." He prolonged her name in a warning tone.
"Please." She sighed, standing on her tiptoes.
Slowly, Duff leaned his head down and she closed her eyes, waiting for the kiss, but it never came.
Opening her eyes again, she found two brownish-green orbs staring at her.
"Not like this, you’re drunk." He said in a low voice. "Can you handle yourself or do you need help with anything else?" He pulled away from her, clearing his throat.
"I can handle it." She said looking down, unable to hide her disappointment. "Good night Duff." Entering the room she closed the door before he could respond to her words.
The next morning, Y/N woke up to a loud noise echoing in the room. Opening her eyes, it took her several seconds to realize it was the phone.
She frowned when a severe headache hit her as soon as she stepped out of bed.
"Hello?" Her voice was slurred with sleep.
"Good morning Y/N." It was Tom, he had traveled the week before. The initial plans were for him to accompany the band for at least three months, but an unforeseen event with a band in the United States made him rush back.
"Good morning, Tom." She rubbed her eyes, lying back on the bed.
"How is it going?"
“Everything is going ok. The boys are behaving, just the usual delays and problems” She said referring to drugs and drinking.
"Good to know, because I’ll need you to take care of everything for a few more weeks."
"What happened?"
“It is difficult to explain over the phone, many things have not gone as planned and they are about to lose their contract. I will have to stay longer. ”
"Ah, yes ... I understand."
"Call me if something serious happens, and if they start to get out of control let me know and I'll get someone to help you."
"Alright, and don’t worry, I’ll warn you if something happens. ”
"Right." She could hear the sound of something metallic falling on the floor. “Sorry, I have to go. Take care, Y/N. ”
"You too, Tom." She hung up the phone, realizing it was 11 am, the soundcheck would start in a few hours.
Closing her eyes, flashes from last night hit her, fast like lightning. A dark-haired man yelling at them, Duff waking her up in the taxi and her taking off her boots on the sidewalk.
She couldn't remember entering the hotel, much less arriving in her room. Looking around she saw her clothes from the night before scattered on the floor, all except the shirt she was wearing. Her hair smelled like a mixture of cigarettes, shampoo and beer and she noticed that she had broken a nail.
"What the hell happened last night?"
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niksixx · 4 years
~The final part!! Thank you for reading and supporting this mini series. I hope you enjoy part 5.~
Pairing: Axl Rose/Vince Neil x Female Reader 
A/N: Reblog so others can see! 
*Picture is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner!*
Tag list: @littlemisscare-all @curly-hudson @julessworldd @madamsixx @headlight-queen @metalheartofgold @ginny-baker-sixx @mickmarstookmyheart @gunsngunners @bex-tothe-rescue
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It’s raining again, and the weather outside matches your mood. Dark gray clouds cover the sky, and lightning strikes every so often. It’s one of the colder days in California, and you tug the sleeves of your sweater down to cover your wrists.
Vince hasn’t spoken to you in two days, and you haven’t heard from Axl since your boyfriend threatened him out of your house. You spent that day scrubbing the icing from the kitchen, tears sliding down your cheeks as Vince screamed at you the whole time. He left that night to visit a bar with Nikki, leaving you to cry softly in your bed. He didn’t return until the next morning.  
Two days later, your lips still tingle from the kiss you and Axl shared. It was the first time in weeks you’d felt something. Something good. Something wholesome. The tenderness in the kiss kept you wanting more, wanting to feel his lips on yours again.
In your heart, there’s conflicting feelings. And no one is there for guidance. Whatever Axl feels for you is strong. It could be love, and you’re not sure if you feel the same thing.
Of course, all three of the Mötley boys would listen to you ramble about your troubles, but none of them were experts in the dating scene. None of them had been in love before, with the exception of Tommy, but he fell in love with every woman he laid eyes on.
There’s an ache in your heart as you sit by the television, thinking back on the past three years you spent with Vince. Times that you hid in the shadows away from paparazzi. Times where you watched music award ceremonies on television, a pain in your heart knowing that you’d never be on Vince’s arm congratulating him. What kind of a relationship was that?
Even in the privacy of your own home, Vince struggled to love you and care for you. He wasn’t affectionate by nature. He’d greet you with small little pecks on your cheeks or lips, and his sex drive was usually through the roof, but being intimate with Vince felt anything other than intimate. It felt like a chore, and you were bored within ten minutes. With Vince, there was no cuddling or showering after sex, no confessions of love. It was hard to be open and honest with him about your wants and needs, because half of the time he seemed uninterested, or played you off as needy, clingy. It hurt, especially because you’d do anything for him. Mick had always said you deserved better. And Axl had said it too. When were you going to believe it?
There’s faint footsteps behind you as your eyes are glued to the TV, catching the last bit of a Skid Row music video. They were good, sure, but nothing compared to Motley Crue or even Guns N’ Roses.
There’s a change of scenery on the TV that makes you blink twice. It’s a live video, currently happening right at that moment, as Axl and his bandmates settle themselves into stools in an empty studio.
“Get them off my screen,” Vince calls from behind you. He sits at the dining room table, beer bottle suffocating in his grasp.
You don’t even pay him much mind. “You can leave if you don’t like it. I’m keeping it on.”
Surprisingly, he doesn’t fight back, but you hear him mumble a few curse words under his breath. The last words out of his mouth sound like a defeated “I give the fuck up with you.”
On screen, Axl is handed a microphone as more are distributed to the rest of the band. Tilting your head slightly, you drink in his appearance, obsessed with the way he presents himself. He’s more casual today, with both a bandana and a hat on his head, a short sleeve white shirt that shows off his unique tattoos, and tight leather pants that shouldn’t look as good on him as they do.
“This was a spur of the moment type of thing,” he says shyly, rubbing a palm on his thigh. Nervous habit.  “We wrote this song in about two hours a few nights ago and the reason I was eager to play it today...is because I wrote it for a woman who I’ve been shamelessly in love with since I was sixteen years old.”
Something in the air shifts. Slack mouthed, you sit up straight as you turn up the volume. The sound of a chair scratching against the floor has goosebumps littering your skin, and before you know it Vince is standing beside you, gritting his teeth. He takes a long swig of the alcohol, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, before setting his jaw, folding his tanned arms across the front of his black muscle tee.
“So Y/N, if by some miracle you’re watching this right now, I want you to know that you were the only person on my mind as we wrote this song. It is solely, purely, for you.”
“Along with all the other love songs he’s written,” Izzy deadpans.
Vince’s eyes burn into the side of your head, but all your attention is directed toward the television as Axl begins to hum a soft tune.
It’s almost as if you forget how to breathe. It’s an easy process, in and out, in and out, but you struggle with something so simple as the song ends.
Vince hasn’t moved. His face is still visibly flushed, knuckles the palest shade of white as his hand still grips his beer, but he stands completely frozen, eyes boring into the television screen.
You shift uncomfortably on the sofa, pushing your feet deeper into the back of the couch underneath you, reaching out to place a gentle hand on your fuming boyfriend’s elbow. He pulls away, uninterested, and he sips the remaining liquid in the bottle.
“The dude just doesn’t listen,” The laugh that falls from his lips is anything but humorous. It’s empty and dark. There’s an edge to his low voice, and while it’s not angry, it’s...cool. Even. It frightens you. “How many times do I have to tell him to stay away from you? How many different fucking ways can he come up with to get your attention?”
“Vince I had no idea he was going to do something like this.”
But hell, if it wasn’t the most romantic thing a man has ever done for you. He’d broadcasted to the world his raw feelings and emotions, and there was something so sexy about a man who wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable and knew what, or who, he wanted. And the song, so sweet and meaningful, confirmed your suspicions. Axl Rose, the little boy from the playground, the man who sang his heart out on live TV, was in love with you.
Vince shakes his head, clapping a closed fist into an open palm. “This is your fault, you know.”
You blink, standing from the couch, folding your arms over the oversized green sweater. “My fault?”
He takes a step forward, but this time you don’t back down. “You let him back in your life. For seven years you’ve been fine without him, but all of a sudden you meet him one day on the street and decide you apparently can’t live without him? Bullshit.”
“He was my best friend!”
“And I’m your boyfriend!” Vince shouts back. He takes another step forward, nose to nose, and with the strength you gather from your very core, you shove him out of your face.
“You’re nothing!”
The anger in your voice shocks you, startling Vince. He stumbles against the dining room chair, holding onto the arm to regain his balance.
The air between you sizzles with resentment as Vince licks his lips, chewing on the skin. You're both breathing heavily, neither one backing down. “What did you say to me?”
And everything you've been feeling for the last few years comes out in a wave. “I can’t be with you anymore, Vince. I can’t be with someone who is so controlling of my life. I can’t be with someone who would rather please his record label than his girlfriend. I have been waiting for you to wake up for three years now and realize that I deserve better than what you’re giving me.”
“What the fuck have I done that is so bad, huh?” Vince yells, throwing up his arms. “Tell me. Because I sure as shit don’t know.”
It’s hopeless.
He’s hopeless.
And there’s nothing else you can do besides give up.
You fight for two hours. Screaming, crying, followed by more screaming and crying. It’s exhausting. Somehow, after pointing out everything Vince has done to you, or what he hasn’t done, he convinces himself he’s never been the problem. And that’s when you realize he’s never going to change.
Your phone has buzzed four times in those two hours, but whoever it was would have to wait. There was too much going on, your head was spinning, skin sweating, heart beating wildly. You were on the brink of ending your relationship after wasting three years of your life trying to convince yourself the man, who was currently nestled in the couch nursing another beer, loved you.
Letting out a defeated sigh, your feet drag against the wooden floor as they carry you to your room. There’s a small duffel bag under the bed and you grab it, fishing out some clothes and stuffing it into the bag. Grabbing a few of your necessary toiletries, you shove them in the side pockets as Vince watches from the doorway.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m not staying here. I’ll go stay at Lei’s or maybe my parents or hell maybe even Mick will let me stay over, but I’m not staying here.”
“We still have a lot to talk about.”
The closet door slams closed as your blood boils. “No, Vince. We have nothing to talk about. Not anymore.”
You zip up the duffel and heave it to the living room, slipping on a pair of beat up Chuck Taylors. You pace the house for your keys, Vince following, watching your every move.
“I love you.”
You stop abruptly, spinning around, sucking in shallow breaths of air. No way. No fucking way was he going to manipulate you into staying. Not with those three goddamn words you longed to hear after such a long time.
“You don’t even know what love is, Vince.”
“Kiss me and I’ll show you.”
You find the keys to your car on the kitchen counter, snagging them from the tile. “I’m not kissing you, Vince. Never again.”
“Why not?”
“Because there’s nothing left!” Heaving the duffel onto your shoulder, you grab your phone and slide it into the side of the bag. “Fuck, at least with Axl I felt something!”
Vince freezes, veins popping out from his forehead. Fidgeting with the hem of your sweater, your mouth dries as you mentally scold yourself for the slip of the tongue.
“He...kissed you?” And for the first time in his life, Vince looks almost...upset. “And you kissed him back?”
Drumming your fingers on your jean clad thigh, you rub your palms against the fabric, wiping off the sweat. “Um…”
“Did you kiss him back?” Vince asks, emphasizing each word. “Yes or no?”
You can’t bring yourself to say it. So you don’t.
But no answer is always an answer.
In a flash, Vince is flying out the door, and you’re following just behind him. He throws open the door to his car, turning the key in the ignition, and fishes his phone from his jeans pockets, quickly dialing before holding it to his ear. “Sixx, what’s the address to Slash’s apartment? He still lives with the rest of ‘em, right?”
All the blood rushes to your cheeks when you realize what Vince is about to do. Throwing yourself at him, you try to pry the phone from his ear, but he stiffarms you, keeping you from the phone. “Don’t worry about what I’m going to do, man. Just tell me the damn address, I know you know it. You did coke with the guy for fucks sake.”  
“Vince, please don’t do this.”
A wicked gleam shines in his eyes, and you hear Nikki recite the address on the other end of the line. Frantically, you run to your car, throwing open the door, only to see Vince take off down the street.
When you pull up to the apartment, Vince is quickly climbing the stairs, cracking each knuckle. Grabbing your bag from the passenger’s seat, you stagger out of the car, locking it, before climbing the steps two at a time. “Vince, stop!”
He sprints down the hall, too fast for you as you heave the bag further up your shoulder. You watch as he knocks loud and hard on the door, and when it opens, he forces himself inside the apartment.
You hear Duff’s voice. “What the fuck--.” He peeks his head out, eyes widening when he sees you hobbling over. “Y/N? What is going on?”
By the time you reach the door, Vince has Axl pinned against the wall. From the kitchen, Izzy watches, horrified, as Steven and Slash pull on Vince’s shoulders.
“Stop!” Dropping the duffel by the door, you sprint across the room, pulling the two boys away. The last thing you need is someone getting hurt. “Vince, get off him!”
By some miracle, he lets go.
“You want to tell us what’s going on?” Steven directs to no one in particular, hands on his waist.
“How many times do I need to threaten you, Rose?” Vince asks, nostrils flaring as he glares at the startled redhead. “Because clearly, once wasn’t fucking enough.”
“She doesn’t fucking want you,” Vince continues. Axl fidgets under his gaze. “No song, no kiss, and yeah, I fucking know about that, too, will ever make her want you. You’re a pathetic excuse of a man. Your daddy didn’t want you, your step-daddy didn’t want you, and my girlfriend sure as fuck doesn’t want you.”
Your heart stills when Axl’s face falls. His father had always been a touchy subject. Though Axl hadn’t remembered much about his biological dad, there was still trauma hidden deep within as his brain tried to block it out. You were the first person Axl had told about the abuse, as he was a victim of both his biological father and step father.  You were there for him then, and just like you promised all those years ago, you’d be here for him now.
Vince backs away and you seize the advantage, positioning your body between them. Letting an open palm fall behind you, your heart bursts with love when another hand slides into yours.
Vince eyes your entwined hands, letting out a shaky laugh. “You’re kidding me, right?”
“We’re done, Vince. You have hurt me for the very last time, and I will not stand here and let you hurt Axl. I simply won’t. Axl is a good man with a good heart and he always has been. And I know he loves me. He’s proved it,” Glancing back over your shoulder, you offer Axl a smile. His eyes are full of love as he watches you, squeezing your hand encouragingly. “And that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
There’s nothing Vince can say. He can’t fix it. He can’t change. He’s lost you to a better man, a man that knows what he wants, and how to love someone the way they need to be loved.
He looks around the room, fists balled by his sides. Frowns, narrowed eyes, and bared teeth are directed toward him.
From the kitchen, Izzy is the first one to open his mouth. “You have three seconds to get your ass out that door before I call the police.”
With burning eyes, Vince backs away to the door, keeping his gaze locked on your face. “You’re going to regret this.”
He’s met with a confident shake of your head. “No, I don’t think I will.”
At the door, Duff gives Vince a warning stare. The blonde bassist towers over the scrawny blonde singer, looking even more intimidating in his leather apparel. Vince gives him a look before crossing the threshold, and Duff doesn’t hesitate shutting the door in his face.
Tension leaves your shoulders, the boys in the room letting out loud sighs of relief. You turn, lips turning upward. “I heard the song.”
Axl’s face softens. Sliding his hands around the sides of your neck, he pulls you close, foreheads just barely touching. “I figured. And you should know I meant every word.”
You don’t care that there are four boys watching you.
You don’t care that your eyes are shining with unshed tears.
You don’t care that you just ended a three year relationship.
All you care about is the moment when you push forward and kiss the lips in front of you with a fervent need. Arms circle your waist, pulling you deep as lips kiss you deeper. You cling to Axl’s shirt, never wanting to be apart from him again. But you know in your heart he’ll never let you go.
The warmth of his body dissipates when you pull back for a breath, the tips of your fingers grazing over the angles of his jaw, his cheekbones, and slowly coming back to the outline of his lips. They purse together, gently kissing the soft pads of your skin.
“I don’t want to rush anything,” Axl murmurs, and the butterflies in your stomach flutter at the sincerity in his voice.
“Oh, bullshit,” Duff laughs, leaning against the door. “He’d marry you tomorrow if he could.”
“Lovesick fool,” Slash chuckles in agreement, arm resting on Izzy’s shoulder.
“They’re not entirely wrong,” Axl says with a wink. “But the name of the song is Patience for a reason. We have all the time in the world, sugar.”
“I mean, you waited over seven years already, what’s another seven?” Steven jokes heartily.
Hands sliding around Axl’s neck, you pull him toward you once more. He dips to kiss you, and you savor in the feeling. Yeah, you’ll definitely get used to this.
“According to Izzy, you have a few other songs you wrote for me,” you say with a wiggle of your brows. “What do you say you sing them for me?”
In those perfect gray eyes, there’s nothing but love. And you feel it in your heart that you’re beginning to love him, too.  Maybe you won’t have to be patient after all. Love is natural, and with Axl, you don’t have to force it.
He whisks you away to his room, serenading you as you lie comfortably in his arms. He knows the songs by heart, and each one is unquestionably unique with different tones and melodies.
Turning in his arms, he continues to sing as you gaze at his face. So calm. So peaceful. So breathtakingly beautiful. And you realize now that somewhere in your heart, you had always loved that little boy on the playground.
And you were in love with the man he became.  
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julessworldd · 4 years
I love them Poly!Guns x reader
I seen where someone wanted more Poly!Guns, so you asked so you shall recieve. Who doesn’t love Poly!guns anyways.
Summary: The reader’s mom and sister show up unannounced, planning on taking the reader back home. Tabloids showed up her in her hometown, the family was worried about her in LA. I always wondered how Poly realtionships work when telling the parents, so here’s my take on it. 
Warnings: The boys being protective, silly with the reader. Cussing, arguing, implied smut. Think that’s all, sorry if I missed any
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I moved to L.A. the day after graduation from high school, and had been saving money since I was 13. Living in a small town Colorado, where you’ve gone to school with the same kids since Elementary school, becoming a townie scared me. Since then, I’ve not talked to my family that much.  I met the boys one night after a show, Izzy bumped into me while walking down the strip. We all became friends and then our little thing started, we dated each other. It had been a thing for two almost three years now, I loved every minute of it, and loved my boys as well. 
Duff and I were making breakfast as slowly each boy came down, pissed that they had to start their day. “Did you open that one envelope? Looked like it was from home”, Duff asked. “I’m not sure how they found me. I’ve not gave them my new address”, I laid eggs on a plate. “Why don’t you talk to them anymore?”, Duff asked again. “Just don’t. I’m the black sheep of the family, babe. I never wanted to stay in Colorado,work on the family ranch or get pregnant with a shitty high school football player. They didn’t like it so I left after graduating.”, I said. “I’m glad you left”, Izzy passed by us. “I’m not saying I’m not glad she left, but it’s weird that the envelope has stayed on the counter, unopened”, Duff said. “Fine, I’ll open it after I eat and shower”, I groaned. I know Duff was only being nice, but I didn’t like hearing from my family.  There was knock on the door, “Come in”, I said, sliding into some black skinny jeans. “Hey”, Duff said, shutting the door behind him. “You’re really determined to have me open that aren’t you, baby”, I smirked. “Yes. It could be a death in the family and you wouldn't know it”, Duff stubbed up.  “Alright”, I slides my finger under the seal and opened the envelope. 
 Jacqueline Bennett
It was my mom’s name and my childhood home’s address. “What the hell do you want?”, I groaned.  The doorbell rung, “You expecting anyone?”, I asked Duff. He shook his head no. “Y/nn!”, Slash yelled. I dropped the letter on the dresser and headed downstairs. “Think it’s you with the visitor babe”, Duff said, following suit. “Who knows”, I said. I made it downstairs, in the living. I looked up, it was my mom and older sister, Kelly standing in front of the door. “Mom. Kelly. What are you doing here?”, I swallowed. “We came to bring you home”, My mom said. “No, you’re not. I have a life here and did you forget I’m 24”, I said, crossing my arms across my chest. 
The boys stayed silent, watching me and my mom go back and forth. Kelly was checking Izzy out. “I left for fucking reason and swore I would never move back. Leave mother!”, I ran upstairs, slamming my door. 
Izzy’s pov-
 Y/n’s mom and sister stood there in shock, tension was tight. I stood up from the couch, “I’ll go check on her” I reached her door, heard crying. “Y/n. It’s me, Iz”, I said. A little ‘come in’ was said, she was crying her eyes out before I walked in. “Hey baby. Wanna talk about it?”, I said, shutting the door, her back was turned to me. Y/n jerked up, “Why does she think I need to come back home? It’s hell there, Izzy. I’m overlooked there, they forget my name, if I’m sick or not. My siblings have families and have good careers, I have five siblings, I’m just the second middle kid. Please don’t let her take me back”, She cried. “We’re not gonna let her. You’re 24, you have your own life. Screw what your siblings have, you have us, friends, free travel when we’re on tour. They’re stuck in some hick town while you get to see the world, don’t worry about them. I’m not being mean, but they really don’t care. Just worried that you’re with five guys instead of one. It’s not their business how many people you date or have kids with, you’re an adult”, I said. Here lately every magazine has been exposing our relationship with each other. Y/n has been called a groupie, whore that can’t be satisfied by one guy. Guess it made it to Colorado.
Y/n calmed down and was sitting on my lap, brading a strand of my hair. “Think I’m gonna take them on the patio, I hate that you guys were stuck between it.”, Y/n said. “Okay, I’ll have Duff take them out. Give you a little more time”, I said, walking to the door. “Thanks. Hey Izzy?”, Y/n asked. “Yeah?”, I turned back at her. “I love you”, She smiled. “I love you too, princess”, I smirked. “Hey Duff”, I said, locking eyes with the tall blonde. “She okay?”, Duff started to worry. “Y/n asked if we could take her mom and sister to the patio. She wants to talk to them in private. Can you take them out there please?”, I asked. “Of course”, Duff said. I watched as Duff brought them through the kitchen and out to the patio. Y/n’s mom gave me the stank eye.  “Izzy, are they out there?”, Y/n asked. “Yeah. You gonna be okay?”, Duff answered. “I think so. I love you, Duffy”, She kissed his cheek. “I love you too, Princess”, Duff kissed her lips. We both watched her go out there. “We’re not letting them take her back”, Duff said. “Oh hell no!” Axl and I said at the same time. “She won’t go down without a fight”, Slash said. “Okay, lets quit being peeping toms”, Duff said. We all went downstairs.  
Y/n’s Pov
“Okay tell me how wrong I am being with them?, I sat down at the table. “Why are you with them? Do they pay you?”, My mom asked. “Because I love them very much, I feel safe and loved by my boys. No, I don’t get paid to have sex or whatever crazy ass thing you’re thinking”, I giggled. “Are you together or it’s a groupie thing?”, Kelly asked. “What’s a groupie?”, my mom asked. “Someone who has sex with a couple members of a band or the whole band. No strings attached, some have girlfriends or are even married. But when on the road, they get lonely and their girl isn’t there to you know?”, I said. “And Kelly, we’re together”, I said. “Okay, huh. What made you get into a relationship with them?”, Mom asked. “I don’t know, it just kinda happened. Nobody hasn’t spoken up and said they wanted out and to be with another person.”, I said, looking at her face. Confusion and disgust was all over her face. Kelly was from my time, understood what groupies were and sure she’s married but she was passed around the offensive line and the quarterback in high school. 
“What it is called? When you go out with multiple people, honey?”, My mom asked. “Polyamorous”, I sighed. “Poly what?” “Poly means multiple”, Kelly said.  “Right. Mom, I know this isn’t something you wanted to hear that your daughter is in love with five guys. I didn’t think I would either but life put it that way. I’m happy with them, they all make me smile in their own way. I get something different from each other. You don’t have to worry, this might to be anything any longer, but let me enjoy it while it’s still a thing”, I said holding her hand. “Guess, we didn’t see that way. You do glow more, I’m sorry for never realizing how unhappy you were back home. I love you so much, Y/n. Please keep in contact with us okay?”She smiled. “Okay, you two want to stay for lunch?”, I asked. “No, thank you sweetie. We’ve been here a week trying to find you. Our plane leaves in a few hours”, My mom stood up. “Sorry, you didn’t find me sooner”, I sighed. 
“Can you at least meet them? I’ve met half of their parents”, I smiled. “After our tiny argument?”, Mom asked. “They don’t care, come on”, I giggled. They were just spooked that their girlfriend was yelling at a random lady in the living room. I would be too, if their mom came in guns blazing.
“Boys. I want you to meet my mom, Jacqueline and my sister, Kelly. Sorry about earlier”, I said. They were at the table, Duff was digging something out of the fridge.  “This is Izzy, Slash, Axl, Steven, and who is gonna hit his head is Duff”, I pointed at each of them. “I am not! Son of a-”, Duff groaned, after hitting his head on the edge of the counter. Kelly giggled. “You didn’t bust it open this time, bonehead”, I rubbed his head, for any nics or blood. “I hated having staples in my head”, Duff raised up, rubbing his head. “I know you did, I hated them too”, I giggled. Duff had pulled me into his side and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I caught my mom smiling at us. “Honey, I hate to leave but we have a plane to catch”, My mom said, tearing Duff and I apart. “Right. I’ll walk you out”, I said. “Axl, what are you doing?”, I asked as the red head followed us. “I have to get something out of my car, babe”, Axl smiled, grabbing my hips. “Not now”, I whispered, feeling his bulge poke my ass. “Not my fault you and your sister have ass”, Axl smirked, passing me to go to his car. “I’ll kill you”, I mouthed as I approached their rental car.  “It was nice seeing you, sis”, Kelly smiled. “You too. How are the kids?”, I asked. “Good, growing like a weed. Conor almost passes me”, Kelly said. “Wow, that means he towers me”, I giggled, thinking of my nephew. Kelly was 5’8, means Conor is at least 5’10, and I’m still 5’3. “Yeah. Annie starts 3rd grade next year, they miss their Auntie Y/n a lot”, Kelly gave a small smile. “Next time, if we’re close to home I’ll see what I can do to come see everyone. Tell everyone I love them.”, I said, pulling Kelly into a hug. “I love you, Kelly”, I whispered.  “Love you too, kid”, She tightened the hug. “Okay, my turn”, My mom whined.  “You’ve changed into a beautiful woman, Y/n. Your Dad would be so proud of how you’ve grown, he misses his buttercup a lot. Call him when you can, okay?”, My mom said. “I will, Momma. I love you and Dad”, I smiled. 
I watched them as they drove down to the neighbor, going to the airport. “You okay, Y/n?”, Steven asked. “Mhm, oh yeah. I’m good, Stevie”, I smiled. I walked over to Steven and smiled. “You forgot something?”, Steven smirked. “My good morning kiss”, Steven pouted. “Nobody got theirs, Stevie”,I giggled, leaning up to kiss his lips. Steven opened the door, there stood Izzy with his arms crossed,pout on his face. I pulled him down to kiss him, “There you, big baby. That better?” “Very much so”, Izzy grinned. I laughed, walking upstairs. Slash pulled me to his lips, “You’re off your routine girl” “Sorry Slashy”, I rubbed his cheek.  “Are you still gonna kill me?”, Axl asked, smirking. “No”, I kissed him. “Good girl”, Axl smirked, smacking my ass. Duff’s back was turned, I wrapped my arms from behind. “Hey Baby”, He said. “Hi. You wanna a kiss?”, I asked. “Mhm, I’ll take a makeout session instead”, I knew he was smirking.  “Put me on the counter and I’ll deliver”, I smirked as he picked me up. I kissed him. “Hey Y/n, is it weird I find your mom sorta hot?”, Axl yelled from upstairs. “Very! She’s bitcher than I am”, I yelled back, rolling my eyes. “I like your bitchyness, it’s hot”, Duff pulled me into  him more. “You’re fucking crazy”, I said. “That song is about you, you know?”, Izzy smirked. “Fuck you, Izzy”, I flipped him off before hopping down from Duff’s arms. “You did last night, hot lips”, Izzy said as he disappeared upstairs. 
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tuffduff · 5 years
Sunshine (Axl Rose x Reader)
Pairing: Axl x Reader (fluff)
Words: 1802
Request: @soundcitysession​ “Hi! Could you please write an Axl X Reader where he offers to teach her music, just fluff?”
A/N: This was kinda rushed towards the end, which is also where I began to struggle lol. Hopefully y’all enjoy this little fluff, I definitely enjoy writing cute, intimate moments. Requests still open! <3
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Axl was just about the hardest working man you had ever seen in your life and he was without a doubt the most ambitious. He still had time for whirlwind romances of course; what rockstar didn’t? Axl kept beautiful company, all but lately, where he had sworn off women entirely.
“I can’t afford any distractions right now. We’re just trying to focus on getting out this double album.” He would insist in interviews whenever they tried prodding and prying into his personal life.
You wondered where that left you. It’s not like he knew you were in love with him, you were friends first and foremost, always. And there were times you would sit and just watch him from afar, while he practiced and warmed up on stage and sent a grin your way that made you reconsider taking the risk, but the idea of losing him entirely was too awful to think. No, having Axl in your life in this capacity was good enough for you.
You were surprised when he invited you to the studio one day, since you were well aware of his zero tolerance for distractions.
It was just the two of you, which wasn’t surprising—it was about 6:30 in the morning and the rest of the boys would be arriving later. Axl was always awake early and he would always call you, sometimes as early as 5. Due to this, you were somewhat on the same schedule. It made you wonder if he ever got any sleep.
For a long time, you sat silently, not daring to make too much noise or movement as he played piano, pausing every so often to write something in a notebook and singing under his breath. You jumped when he slammed down hard on the keys. He turned towards you violently, annoyed creases on his forehead and lips slightly pouted and tugging down.
“How come you haven’t said a word to me this entire time?” He demanded. Your eyes widened.
“Y-You said you didn’t want any distractions right now! I was just...letting you work.” The annoyance immediately dissipated and he chuckled in new understanding.
“Y/N, if I really thought you were a distraction, I wouldn’t have an invited you, honey.” Your heart fluttered at the name, but that wasn’t anything new with Axl. “Come sit with me.”
You obliged, moving to join him on the piano bench.
“You know, it’s not like I minded just sitting and listening.” You told him lightly. “It’s always a privilege, hearing you play. I could never create something so beautiful.” He looked over at you and you wondered why he looked so incredulous.
“Of course you could, you’re a capable and smart person. Don’t ever say you can’t do something—you can do anything. Besides, all it really takes is just some time and practice and the ability to just...let your heart speak.”
“Well, I definitely can’t do that,” you mumbled, feeling the irony at his statement and avoiding his gaze. There was a long pause between you.
“I can show you.” He offered. You glanced over at him again.
“Okay, no Axl; now I’m becoming a distraction, really. I should let you work—” you had moved to stand, but Axl reached a hand out and grabbed your wrist, keeping you in place.
“Y/N, I always have time for the people I care about, when I said those things…I was never talking about you.” There it was again, that fluttering feeling in your chest that made you consider risking it all. “Now, sit. Let me show you something.” Tentatively, you sat back down and watched Axl’s fingers on the keys. He played a few notes, something very familiar to you, yet something that you couldn’t put a name to. “Watch my fingers,” he told you, repeating the sequence slower. You tried your best to concentrate, but you had never played an instrument before. Axl’s close proximity also wasn’t helping. “Now try.”
Naturally, the first key you pressed was wrong. You cringed and Axl chuckled.
“It’s okay, try again.” He encouraged. For a second, you allowed yourself to appreciate his patience. It always left a bad taste in your mouth when all the media badmouthed him and called him a selfish primadonna. Axl has always been anything but.
This time, you got the first note right, but the ones that followed were off. You shook your head.
“Axl, really, I’m not cut out for this—”
“Hey, shh, darlin’. You’re doing just fine. I’ll help you.” He placed his hand over yours and guided you over to the keys. He played the right notes, and then kept going, using your fingers as a means to play. “It’s not like I got this way overnight. I took lessons when I was a kid. You get better with time.” He mused to you, his voice smooth and relaxed. As you listened and somewhat played, the tune registered in your head. “You Are My Sunshine.”
It sounded so gentle, soft and twinkling on the keys and it made you smile. Soon, you couldn’t hold back humming along with the piano.
“How about you actually sing?” Axl encouraged you. You shook your head, growing shy once more.
“That’s your job. I can’t sing.”
He smirked to himself, pausing your hands.
“I don’t know. You sing pretty well in the shower.” You felt your cheeks warm.
“I definitely don’t sing in the shower.” You lied indignantly. He laughed, shaking his head.
“I think you forget I have a key to your apartment, sweetheart.” Dammit. You raked your head frantically, wondering when on earth he had ever caught you singing. “It was a while back, we were gonna get dinner, you told me 7, so that’s when I showed up.” He explained. You began to laugh sheepishly.
“We didn’t leave my apartment until 8.” You remembered quickly. He nodded. You watched his face as he continued recalling the memory, some distance faraway nostalgia making his eyes sparkle.
“You were singing ‘Here Comes the Sun’ over and over again. It was stuck in my head for days after that night. And you decided you wanted breakfast instead and we ended up at that Waffle House and almost left—”
“Because the waitress kept coughing her lungs out.” You finished, reliving the memory with him. It was a night so long ago, but felt like it had been only last night.
“If you hadn’t wanted that fucking waffle so bad there’s no way I would’ve stayed.” He laughed with you, trailing off. When you glanced back over, he was staring at you. “I think about that night a lot. You were wearing that sweet perfume—you smelled like citrus, like summer.” You could feel your breath caught in your throat. “Can I ask you something?”
With your heart pounding, you could only nod.
“How come you only wear that perfume around me?” He asked his question boldly and with authority, his eyes unafraid to stare right at you as he waited for your answer. His expression was neutral and unreadable, and you found yourself at a fork in the road, unsure of whether or not to blurt out the truth or brush it off.
“That’s what I wear when I go out.” You replied, trying to sound nonchalant and not like your skin wasn’t prickling.
“No, you don’t.” He replied confidently. “You were with Slash and Steven the other night. I didn’t catch a hint of it. You only wear it with me.”
“I…” You muttered, not sure of what to say. “Well, I just. Excuse me for caring about smelling good around you.”
“I just wanted to know if it’s because you’re trying to impress me.” Your mouth fell open in indignation, even more so when you noticed the corners of his mouth tugging upwards in amusement.
“Me impress you? Oh, c’mon, don’t flatter yourself, Axl. I’m not trying to impress you, don’t be ridiculous.” He smiled entirely now.
“You’re really cute when you’re in denial.”
“I’m not in denial!” You insisted, feeling your cheeks flushing. He turned back to the piano keys, lightly playing notes again.
“Okay. Sorry for making assumptions.”
“Yeah, you’re forgiven. You know what they say about assumptions.”
“Maybe I was just hoping you felt the same.”
“It only makes an ass out of you—what?” He smiled smugly.
“It doesn’t matter, clearly you don’t have feelings for me.” You blinked a few times, dumb-founded.
“I…” you groaned, hearing him laugh. “Am I really that obvious?”
“No, not really. I just notice every little thing you do, darlin’. You think I don’t feel you watching me whenever we’re on stage? You think I can’t see the way I make your eyes light up?” Again, you could feel yourself growing defensive, but Axl reached out to caress your cheek, stopping your words before they ever even came. “Hey, it’s not a bad thing. When I see you watching me, you make me feel like I’m on top of the fucking world. It’s like everyone else in those little clubs just disappear, and there’s only you.”
“But…you said that you didn’t want any distractions.”
“From what’s important. This double album, the band…and you. I don’t need or want any of these women throwing themselves at me, Y/N. Not when I’ve already got you. It just took me too long to realize it. And that’s what makes me an ass.” You giggled, your glee only lasting for a second before he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Just like I thought,” Axl breathed out once he pulled back, eyes still shut. They fluttered open and he searched between your eyes. “You taste so sweet. You’re my little piece of sunshine, babe.”
“I love you, Axl.” You blurted out, allowing yourself to finally embrace the truth, and the words felt freeing leaving your mouth. He kissed you again in reply, the force of his kiss ferocious, almost as though he couldn’t quite contain himself, as if he were allowing you his own kind of truth; he had been waiting God knows how long for this kiss. When you pulled back for air, you bit your lip and grabbed his hand in yours. You could feel various rings on each of his fingers. “Do you think maybe, once you finish the album and everything, you could maybe teach me how to play?”
“We’ll do a little every day,” Axl promised enthusiastically. “But I have to say, it’ll cost you.” He pulled you closer to kiss again, making clear his preferred method of payment.
“Do you offer payment plans?” You teased, giggling as he kissed down your jaw and down to your neck, nipping your skin playfully.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Shining Star | Part Two
[Axl Rose x OC]
Words: 3.1k
Warning(s): Explicit language, mentions of suicide
Tag list: @teller258316 @reigns420 @xpoisonousrosesx @oskea93 @blowinmeupwithherlove @redlipscrystalskies14 @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @sublimeprincesswasteland
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"Pretty as a picture." I say to myself, swiping lipstick across my lips in the bathroom mirror before I click the tube shut and make sure my hair looks good. 
My stomach churns at the thought of seeing Tommy...and Vince. 
I haven't spoken a word to Vince since he got Tami pregnant a year and a half ago, and I haven't spoken to Tommy since he leapt out of my bedroom window after 3 minutes of awkward sex. 
"Do you fuck all of your friends?" My mother's words come back to bite me in the ass as I groan out in frustration. 
The only plus to any of this is that I'll get to hang out with Viv. 
There. Viv. Just focus on Vivian. 
I leave the bathroom and glance around to see if I see any familiar faces. 
I pull the skirt of my dress down a little and rub my lips together, people passing left and right, looking either too drunk to be bothered or too busy. 
"Tansy?" I hear a confused voice and look straight ahead, seeing Vivian by the payphone. 
"Hey!" I reply excitedly, rushing to her as fast as I can, being careful not to trip over my feet adorned in red heels. 
Vivian Sixx—Kinston at that point—had a ballet scholarship to Juilliard, never missed a Sunday church service, and was one of those annoyingly gorgeous girls that genuinely thought they were ugly. She couldn't stand her red hair because she was teased in middle school and called "firecrotch," she hated her freckles and her height because she'd been compared to a giraffe--"tall as shit with brown spots"--and the fact her mom was a batshit crazy Jesus lunatic never helped matters…but that stuff was all in her head because after middle school, guys looked at her differently, Jesus-lover and all. She saw annoying traits, but most people saw legs a mile long, a unique hair color that stood out in the sea of bleach blonde, freckles that framed emerald green eyes, and a heart as kind and beautiful inside as she was on the outside. 
She's always said I was the most gorgeous woman she'd ever met, but she is, to me, the most stunning. 
She didn't have to try to get anybody's attention, she walked in a room and she had it--so much so that Matt Sorum called her "Fire Woman" after The Cult song because he claimed that's the first thing that came to mind when he first saw her walking back stage at his first gig with Guns N' Roses. "She could give me the fucking clap and I'd kiss her feet for it." He told me, his facial expression mimicking someone who'd been struck by lightening twice…
People always looked at her like that but she rarely noticed because she'd be too busy looking up at Nikki with utter hearts in her eyes, but we'll get into that later.
"What are you doing here?" She asks me curiously. 
"Vince called me and wanted me to come." I explain and she raises her brows. 
"Vince?" She asks and I nod. "The same Vince that cheated on you multiple times Freshman year? And your entire relationship?"
"It's been, what, four years?" I ask, in reference to how long it's been since he and I started dating. "Maybe he's grown up a little." I suggest and she just clears her throat, cueing the hollering of an angry girl.
"Fuck you! Piece of shit! Motherfucker!" She shouts, the sound of her hitting Vince gets louder and she stomps down the hall as he follows after her, continuously trying to get her attention by saying "babe" repeatedly. 
"My pants! Babe!" He's fully in sight now as she stomps off...and he's fully naked.
"Fuck you!" She calls back to him, leaving him behind. 
"I fucking love those pants." He whines, disappointed, cupping his dick. 
"Your swimsuit parts are out." Vivian tells him, and he and I make contact over her shoulder, my nerves tensing up anxiously as he looks at me with a grin. 
"Hey, Tans." He says to me, about to come closer but Vivian stops him. 
"Go put some clothes on." She orders to him and he rolls his eyes, turning and walking away, his butt shining as he leaves. "You had sex with that." She reminds me and I frown slightly. 
"Yeah, he hasn't changed a bit has he?" I ask her and she shakes her head a little. 
"He's gotten worse." She states. "Alright, c'mon, let's go see Tommy." She takes my hand and leads me to where he is, my heart nearly beating out of my chest. 
How awkward is this going to be? 
We turn the corner and see him and two other guys standing in their street clothes, and when Tommy sees me, all my nerves dissipate because he completely makes me forget our awkward sex never even happened. 
"Tansy fucking Reilen!" He exclaims excitedly as I walk to him to hug him. 
He leans down to reach my 5'3" height and wraps his arms tightly around me. 
"Hey, Tommy!" I reply, just as happy. 
This is the first time he, Vivian, and I, will be hanging out together...Viv's been having to hangout with us separately because we've been avoiding each other for the most part. I guess we don't have to, anymore. 
He releases me, immediately turning to the ball of teased, jet black hair. 
"This is Nikki," he informs me, "the band's bassist." 
Hazel eyes--nearly green--look down at me behind his hair, traveling down my face, to my chest, down my legs, and back up again, the tiniest, mischievous smirk on his lips, and I raise my brow a tiny bit…
Trouble. Trouble. Trouble. Trouble. Is exactly what Nikki was, and it was all he and I could get ourselves into for years to follow.
"And this is Tansy." Tommy tells Nikki, oblivious to how he's looking at me.
"Nice to meet you." I tell Nikki. 
"Yeah." He replies. 
"And Mick, our guitarist." Tommy says next, nodding to the shorter man who's also got jet black hair. 
"Hi." I say to him. 
He just gives a small smile and mumbles, "hey."
"He's a little quiet but when you get to know him he opens up." Tommy says to me, quietly as Vince reappears with clothes on. "We were about to head to the rainbow," he starts next, his eyes flickering to Viv. "If someone's willing to stay out late." 
"Fine." Vivian doesn't argue, sighing out. 
"Hallelujah. Thank fuckin' God." Vince pipes, sliding his arm around my shoulder, making me roll my eyes. 
The entire time to the Rainbow, Vivian and Nikki are constantly back and forth, tearing each other new assholes and going for each other's throats. I don't know what beef they have with each other but it's brutal and borderline sex fueled. 
Once we get to the bar and grill, I drag Viv to the bathroom with me so I can touch up my makeup. 
"So…" I start, looking in the mirror, "...have you lost your virginity yet?" 
"No." She says it as if she's slightly offended. 
"It's just…" I start but quickly decide that it'll just piss her off, probably. "Nothing." 
"Tansy." She sighs, irritated. "What is it?" 
"Nothing. I just thought you and that Nikki guy have messed around." I shrug and she looks like she's seen a ghost. 
"I—ew why would you think that? We haven't." She insists and I hold my hands up in surrender. 
"I'm sorry, I just thought you had." I tell her. 
"What makes you think we have?" 
"There's a tension." The words are framed by a smirk and she widens her eyes. 
"There is not a tension. There is so not a tension." She gets it out without laughing although I can tell she wants to. “We argue. All the time. He thinks I’m a self-righteous prude and I think he’s the spawn of Satan. If there’s a tension, it’s because we hate each other.”
"You don't have to like someone to have sex with them." I inform her, speaking from experience of the guys who've had sex with me without giving a damn, and me having sex with guys I didn't necessarily like just to make them happy. "I really like him for you, though. You get all riled up and firey when he's around." 
"Oh, please." She rolls her eyes. 
“I just met the guy and I can tell he has you acting different. You used to be so quiet and shy around people you don’t really know, now you’re jumping in to conversations just to piss him off and prove him wrong.”
“Because I don’t like him.” She shakes her head. “And he doesn’t like me. That’s where the tension comes from. See? It’s full-circle.”
"Hate-sex is always an option." I suggest. 
"Do not even start." She scolds me, pointing her finger. 
"What? It gets rid of all the aggression and ill feelings." I explain. 
“So does their shows. Did you know they encourage people to get their feelings out during a show so they go home chilled out and not so uptight?” she tells me and I look at her, not even the slightest bit convinced. “And it works.”
“Yeah, until he gets off stage and then you get all hot and bothered.” I reply with a grin. 
“I get hot because he’s Devil-Spawn and the heat from hell radiates off of him and I get bothered because he’s an arrogant idiot.”
“Or you like him and don’t know why you do so you displace your frustration and confusion on to him.” I shoot back. “I was honestly joking about the hate sex okay? I don’t want you to go jump in to bed with him if you don’t want to but you two were fighting like cats and dogs the whole time we were on our way here. I think you should try to let whatever kind of bravery he evokes in you come out in a way that’s not in the form of riled up anger or fiery hatred.” I recommend and she nods a little. “Now, c’mon because I have a slutty blonde waiting.”
That was the night Mötley Crüe was signed to Elektra records by rock-god signing Tom Zutat, who's responsible for record companies grasping ahold of a plethora of leather-patented hair metal douchebags that could make good music and snort their way through long enough power rails of coke that once they reach the end of white powder without flinching, China's on the other side. But you want to know a secret? It was all bullshit. Every person I've met in that rock scene, you know, the ones that despised the term "hair metal" yet teased their hair two feet above their heads and played heavy metal? Yeah, them. Every single one of them had this "I was made for this shit" attitude. 
Some of them nearly put bullets through their head, OD'd, hung themselves, turned their cars on and locked themselves in their garage...even the ones that hadn't purposely tried to take themselves out either almost pushed it too far and died accidentally from too much booze or drugs or vehicle accidents, or did push it too far. 
They weren't made for it. 
Nobody's fucking made for millions of people wanting a piece of them every single night, management running them to their grave for more money, dealers keeping them numb, all their relationships just exploding in their faces, all of their "friends" wanting more and more and more. 
They thought they were made for it because when someone gets a taste of what they decide the universe or God or whoever or whatever destined for them to become, they take it and run with it without reading the fine print. 
They see the fame without the lack of privacy and hangers-on. 
They see the fans without the people who hate their guts and make it known. 
They see the money without the gold diggers. 
They see the excess without the high risk that comes with taking advantage of having everything with the snap of their fingers. 
They see the glutton without the punishment. 
Until they're standing on the railing of the balcony of their Hollywood penthouse, their best friend trying to talk them down while the police are on their way. 
And then of course when they do turn up dead by suicide, people talk their typical, "how awful, they killed themselves in their mansion, surrounded by their expensive furniture, wearing their expensive clothes, with millions—possibly billions—in their bank account, how sad for them, boohoo." 
As someone who's been dirt broke, to the point of getting my water cut off and having to shower at a friend's house, but then growing up to have more money than I knew what to do with aside from blow it on drugs? Money doesn't buy happiness, jerkoffs. It can buy distractions to buffer pain and suffering, sure, but once the high wears off, or that new car loses its luster, or that new house starts to feel fucking empty, all while that wall full of awards and plaques and magazine posters cementing your fame and worth and stake in the industry you sold your soul for just reminds you that you don't even recognize who the hell you are anymore and nothing can change that...you get fucking depressed. Hate to say it. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, that even though you're poor as shit and are depressed as shit that even if you had money and fame you'd still be fucking sad. But I'd rather tell you the truth than sell you the fallacy that me and everybody else I was friends with bought, that landed every single one of us in situations where we felt we had no other way except to just off ourselves all while remembering when we were stupid enough to proudly say: "I was made for this." 
People are made for this like Matthew Trippe replaced Nikki Sixx, which—if you want the truth—is complete bullshit.
“He said we could possibly score a five album deal, Viv, why aren’t you happy about this? I thought you wanted us to get signed?” Tommy asks Vivian as she slings her keys across the guys' shitty living room, pissed beyond measure.
“You just told me you were dropping out of school, Tommy! We are so close to graduating, can’t you just wait?!” 
“No, I can’t! I can’t just wait because what I wanted is happening and I need to focus on the band right now more than ever!” He argues while motioning to Nikki and Vince, who, like me, are being smart and staying near the door incase we need to get out of sight once Vivian and Tommy kill each other.
“Your education should be your main focus, at least until you graduate! You are so close to being done, Tommy, why can’t you just—“
“Because I don’t give a fuck about school, Vivian! What I am passionate about doesn’t require a diploma, and I’m sorry if me dropping out makes you feel like I’m leaving you behind or whatever the fuck you feel, but I’m not sorry for wanting to focus on my main priority!”
“What I’m hearing is that I wasted hours of my time throughout school trying to tutor you and help you all for you to throw it away on the idea of being some hot-shot rockstar with girls and drugs and booze—”
“Oh, my God, you act like you would have had better things to do with that wasted time!” He sounds like he already knows he's gonna lose the argument while Vivian just rolls her jaw. “And it’s not a fucking idea, it’s fucking reality and you’re only mad because you have no control over it!”
“I’m mad because we talked about this and everything we agreed on, everything we promised each other, is absolute void to you now that it’s actually happening!” 
“Shit changes, Viv, people change! What I considered important junior year is completely different than what I consider important now.” He calms down, sighing. 
“We agreed we would both graduate high school and I could either put off college or drop out if I needed to...” she trails off, her voice shaking slightly with oncoming tears, making me feel bad for her. “That was our plan to avoid this from happening. To avoid you leaving me behind.” Now it's crystal clear why she's freaking out over them being offered a record deal. “You considered me important junior year when you came up with that plan. When you promised me you wouldn’t go on to bigger things without me and forget me. And now...” She takes a step back, while Tommy attempts to walk to her. 
“Viv, I didn’t mean it like that.” He tries to tell her. 
“No, you’re right.” she replies, her body shaking a little. “Shit changes.” I raise my brow because I've never heard her curse before. “People change.” She keeps on. “Glad this is happening now, though, so I don’t waste any more time on a completely different page than you, Tommy.” Her voice cracks a little and she grabs her keys quickly.
“Viv—“ Tommy tries to grab her arm as she heads to the door but she snatches away from him. “Fuck you.” she cracks, her voice barely coming out as tears spill over her  lashes. 
Nikki and Vince step aside to let her leave all while I contemplate following her, but if I know Vivian, I know she likes to think about things when she's upset, rather than just talk them out with someone. Which is the only time she likes to be alone. 
She just slams the door on us, and Tommy. 
Most definitely wouldn't be the last time she did that.
"Tommy, are you—"
"—I'm goin' home." He grumbles, grabbing his keys, and me and Nikki and Vince all look at each other. 
"Tommy, you are home?" Nikki reminds him. 
"I'm stayin' with my folks so I can vent to my sister because she's the only one who knows Viv good enough to know she's being fuckin' unreasonable." He states. 
"I barely know her and I can tell you she's unreasonable." Nikki scoffs, earning a glare. "Sorry, man." He mumbles in return. 
"Bye." Tommy says, closing the door behind him. 
"Well...I'm gonna go find a chick to fuck." Vince says, stretching.
"You got one right here." Nikki chuckles looking at me and I raise my brows. 
"Not since I knocked Tami up." Vince reads my mind and I nod. 
"Exactly." I reply. 
"Who?" Nikki asks. 
"Nobody. Don't wait up." He tells us, opening the door and leaving, too, more than likely heading to the strip club down the street. 
"So, like, how old are you?" Nikki asks. 
He just gets a shit eating grin on his lips. 
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game-fixer · 3 years
Game Fixes Episode 1: Mega Man X7
I'm gonna start my tenure with one of the most notorious games in all of Mega Man, not just the X series. I have several ideas that can make the game feel more in line with characters and feel less forced.
Of course this will come with general polish in many aspects including a redone script and voice work. No disrespect towards any actors/actresses in the games, of course, but the presentation needs some serious work. Anyway, let's start with the first change
No, I'm not gonna get rid of him. I think he's a welcome addition to the cast and, if worked right, could be made to be even more beloved in the game he debuted in, despite being the Silver the Hedgehog of the X series.
First idea would be an overhaul in his move set. I say ditch the lame Copy Shot thing for his charge. Also have him function more like Bass from Mega Man and Bass/Mega Man 10, where he stands in place and you aim manually from the start. In 3D, (because I'm not getting rid of 3D) this could even include a first person aim function so you can be more precise. Also a light will shine to show your path so you're not relying on blind fire. Now, I'm thinking he could still charge a shot. What would he shoot? Well you could target multiple enemies at a time, release, and shoot a spread shot of small homing missiles at enemies or even Mavericks which can take a lot of these shots, of course. This feels more like a proper special ability and something that requires a meter for. So what do we do with that Copy Ability that makes him special?
Bio Metal
Yep, the special little MacGuffins from the ZX series. The very same. I'm thinking Axl would be the first Reploid to be made with an early version of Bio Metal, allowing him to change forms at will. This would be his version of X's Weapon Systems. Axl would gain new armor and abilities from the Mavericks he fights to boost his arsenal. A regular shot and a special shot. For example, with Ride Boarski, you'd shoot his regular weapon, but his Special move could be a Tackling Dash that would plow through enemies until the Meter runs out. Flame Hyenard could give a flamethrower for the main shot and his special could give you a clone that shoots for a few seconds. Tornado Tonion could give his leaf shot as a main, and his special lets you throw a tornado and damage enemies in a wide pattern. That sort of thing. The Mavericks aren't the only ones you're getting Bio Metal data from, though. Before I talk about that, let's bring up the main boy himself.
I'm thinking X would still be unlockable just like normal, but you'd play as him through an intro stage to feel the power you need to have back. Is he moping about violence and sitting on the couch like a lump like before? Yes and no. X, after causing a serious accident and putting innocent lives in danger, requests to be taken out of active duty until he can sort himself out, but he doesn't want to stop helping. Seeing how lousy X treated our new friend in the real story gave me an idea. Make X train Axl as his superior officer! Axl could be a trainee Hunter, still dealing with his checkered past with Red Alert and realizing they were no better than murderers, thus joining the Maverick Hunters to pay his dues to himself and prove to himself he isn't evil. X, seeing some of his own plight in his Rookie apprentice, starts taking a liking to Axl's ideals, despite his hot-headed, quick-to-the-trigger tactics and lack of professionalism. They butt heads through the intercom, with X saying this needs to be done by the book, but Axl wanting to show how he can take on any challenge no sweat and all that. X would be the Navigator for Axl, though Alia would aid as well.
Unlocking X
While saving Reploids will still be a thing, X will be unlocked halfway through the game. The whole thing would be integrated into the story. Axl defeats 3 or 4 Mavericks. All the while, X is still dealing with his fear of becoming a Maverick, fearing all he lost and hating his carelessness. Before your 4th fight, X will start getting more hostile and snappy at Axl, making Alia worried for X, since she's never seen him so worked up at himself. Axl begins to suspect X going Maverick to himself (he'd think "H-he isn't going...nah, of course not. Commander X is too strong for that...but...) Once the 4th stage is complete we get a midstage, like in Mega Man 7 or 8. A Mechanaloid is causing havoc in the city and Axl offers to go help. However, X sees that it's the same one that he caused the accident with and this sends him spiraling into anger.
"It's still out there?! After all I did, it wasn't enough?!? Damn it!!"
"Commander! Let me go take it out! Those people are in danger!"
"Why? So you can cause more damage with your recklessness?! You want to be a Maverick Hunter? Act like one and grow up!"
"...that's it... I'm not taking this from an old man that's crying about one little mistake he made!"
"...tch...you can't go anyway...you have your mission... just... stand down for now, kid."
"Commander X, what are you-?"
"You're right, Axl. I've been stewing about this for too long. This guy's mine. I have to prove this to myself."
That's how I think the scene would go. You go in as X and fight the Mechanaloid after a short stage rescuing plenty of civilians along the way. Alia and Axl are watching the events and communicating with X as well. X wins the battle, but suddenly his Buster goes off out of nowhere again, nearly destroying something that would put civilians in harms way. They are saved in the nick of time by Axl, who ports in anyway to try to help. X starts to doubt himself again, but Axl could see that it was something out of his control. The two go back to Hunter Base to run diagnostics and they find a bug in X's Buster systems, a lesser string of the Sigma Virus. X gets repaired after seeing this virus as a warning that Sigma might be back. This snaps him out of it and this gets him to go out and fight. You can now choose to go out as Axl, X, or as a team. If you go solo, your shots will be stronger, but without the backup, you'll be left with less defense.
Nope, I'm not forgetting our favorite robot swordsman. At all. He will not make a physical appearance at all in the game. Why? Well...the Mega Man Zero series is still a thing. While I like the idea that Zero's ending in X6 being at the very end of the series, I'm trying to keep a stronger set of continuity here. Zero would still be in stasis, though he could communicate with X, since I'm thinking this could be a precursor to Cyber Elves, having Zero be something like a separate AI that can still communicate. As for playing as him? Oh he's still available...as a Bio Metal! I'm thinking after your first Maverick stage, a Zero spirit will appear in a level (kinda like the X Hunters in X2 but less stupid). Go find it, and Axl will be challenged to a fight against Zero, or at least a Reploid being controlled by his spirit. Before Axl finishes it off, X tells him to stand down, and Zero comes back to talk with X. The Spirit also leaves behind the Z-Saber, and thus infusing Axl with Zero's abilities, thus creating a prototype of the Z-Type Bio Metal from ZX.
Red Alert
So, get this. What if Sigma really WAS technically gone forever? I mean the bodies are all used up. The Spirit lives on, yes, but ol' Siggy ran out of his own bodies. Humor me here. What if Red Alert became the new villain faction full time? What if Red became the new face of Sigma? We'll call it...Red Doom or something. Sigma basically integrated himself into Red's systems and basically became part of his robotic code as thoughhe was always Sigma. This could also explain more why Axl needed to leave Red Alert, but it also shows how much in denial he was about Red going Maverick, since Red taught Axl everything he knows.
Script Changes?
I made my case about where the plot should go, but lemme try to work out personalities I think everyone could get down with in general.
Axl is the cocky, hot-blooded new kid who wants to prove himself to be better than where he came from. No petulant, childish talking or stupidity here. He'd be more like Sonic the Hedgehog but still acting just a little green. Still taking things just seriously enough for his quips to be endearing.
X takes his role as a CO very seriously. He's to the point and ensures that Axl is taught the way a situation must be handled. He hates how lax Axl is during his missions and tries to get him to focus. In combat, X is a no nonsense fighter who is ready to bring in the Mavericks, by force if need be. He doesn't try to get them to go peacefully considering his experience. (in fact he'll say once "I guess I can't expect you to come quietly?") No more "Why must Reploids fight each other" and blah blah blah. We all heard this. While he hates the fight, he knows at this point that the world needs a warrior, sort of like Gohan if that helps.
Zero is supportive of X and does his best to help keep his mind out of darkness. He'll even say "You were willing to stand by my side when I feared going Maverick, so I'll be here to do the same."
Red is a lot more cold at the start, outright insulting Axl, saying that he's no more than a worthless prototype, and the next generation of Reploids will be far superior to Axl's faulty design, or taunting X saying "How the mighty hath fallen. How does it feel, X? How does it feel to have to watch as the world crumbles to nothing through the eyes of your good for nothing amateur all because you couldn't keep a tab on your trigger finger?" Red will also be a boss at the end of Axl's first stage before the Maverick fights, and you're meant to lose it to show how powerful he is. You can see shreds of Sigma in there, but he is woven into Red's thoughts and personality in a way that makes Sigma and Red seem equal in the body, though a body can still be created (basically Red Sigma will be put in a more "Sigma appropriate" body with the bald head and big ass chin. Basically Sigma takes Red completely in a way. They're both in control, like their souls combined if that makes sense.
Everyone else is how they should be. Alia, for example is more like how she was in X8.
These are just a few changes that would make Mega Man X7 a much more plot centered game that knows how to work with it's characters. Other fixes like making it faster, tweaking the weapons, making Dr. Light stay as an AI, all that feels superfluous, because a lot of that just makes sense to change. Same with presentation, but with a new script, new lines are inevitable, so duh.
Stay tuned for more Game Fixes! If you want to request a game, lemme know!
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
skeleton key slash x reader
+++++++++ i wanted something cute and fluffy but ive been in a mood lately so here ya go lol, its kinda cute and fluffy but starts a little disconnected and stand-offish
i edited this but if i missed anything sorry lol
Song: ill always be around by waterparks
tag list: @cynic-spirit @satans-arse @slashscowboyboots @smokeandmirrorz +++++++++
i sat against the wall of the dressing room and swirled the unopened bottle of beer against the tile floor in front of me. it made a mesmerizing sound as the glass scraped against the linoleum. it was the only thing really keeping my attention. it had been a rough couple of days and i wanted nothing more than to feel normal again.
i watched slash slide down the wall out of my peripherals, hearing him sigh as he hit the floor with his full weight. we sat in silence until i broke my trance, opening the bottle finally, i just stared down into it. slash cleared his throat but i didnt look at him.
"You okay?"
He asked, nudging my arm with his elbow. I took a quick swig of my beer, making a sour face at the taste.
"As okay as I usually am."
I sighed out.
"So not very?"
He asked, sending me a look. I looked over at him and shrugged.
"I'm sure things could be better but I'm living life one day at a time."
He shook his head.
"That's no way to live."
i sighed again, taking another drink.
"is it ever?"
he hummed.
"well no, but whats been up lately? you haven't really seemed like yourself."
i took another swig.
"havent i?"
i asked, raising a brow quickly. he frowned at me.
"none of us think so. the rest of the guys have noticed it too. you arent the same as you were a week ago."
i sighed, dropping my head back into the wall and looking to the ceiling.
"im lost."
he looked a little confused.
"youre lost?"
i looked over at him, watching his hair as it fell into his face.
"i dont know, my mood just tanked all of a sudden. i have no drive, i dont want to do anything. the only reason im here is because i have to be."
he tried to examine my face but i was on the whole expressionless.
"you couldve stayed on the bus, not that it wouldve helped, but you couldve."
i let out a short laugh, bringing the beer bottle to my lips.
"i thought getting out wouldve made an impact, ya know, keep myself busy to forget about it."
He nodded.
"it didnt."
I said and he sighed out, pinching the bridge of his nose. i looked back ahead of me, staring at the wall. we sat in silence for a bit until he shot up, drawing my attention and looking at him like he was crazy. he offered his hand to me.
"come on."
he said, more chipper now. i raised a brow.
he shook his hand, wanting me to take it.
"come on, get up. we're going on an adventure."
i drew my brows before reluctantly taking his hand, setting my beer on the ground where i was just sat.
"where are we going?"
i asked as he pulled me out of the room and into the hall.
"It a surprise, but you have to come along to find out, thats why its an adventure."
i followed closely behind him, still unsure about the situation he was dragging me into. he walked comfortably down the hallway, looking from room to room as we went. i just watched him, trying to figure out what he was really after as we moved further into the venue. he nodded to the venue workers as we passed them, his grip on my hand getting tighter, making it known to them that we were attached. he relented as he ducked under pipelines and around mic stands. suddenly i was forced into someone.
"hey! watch where youre going!"
i heard as i looked up with wide eyes. in front of me was a large bald man with a stern gaze and i suddenly realized i was no longer tethered to slash. i looked to my suddenly empty hand in panic before looking back up the man.
"whats your deal?"
he asked, harshly. i looked around but the curly mess of hair was nowhere to be found. i breathed deeply.
"do you speak or are you just here to get in the way?"
the man said a bit louder. i jumped.
"no, i, i, uh-"
i stuttered out. he looked like he was waiting for an answer.
"you just gonna stand there looking stupid with your hand in the air or are you gonna move out of my way?"
he grunted out. then my hand got snatched away from me and i looked to slash with relief.
"sorry dude, i guess i lost my girl."
he apologized, pulling me to him. the man watched us as slash led us away from the man.
"keep her on a leash or something! i dont have time for road blocks!"
he called after us. slash waved his hand in the air.
"will do man."
he said before looking at me like 'yeah right' and making me giggle. slash looked around before ducking into an empty room.
"dude i thought id lost you there for a second. i saw one of the crew and went to squeeze your hand and i realized youre hand wasnt in mine anymore."
he let out a nervous laugh.
"it looks like i found you just in time though cause that dude looked like he meant business."
i nodded in agreement.
"yeah that was kinda scary."
we both laughed a little at the situation.
"but i found this place."
he said excitedly. i looked around, it was dimly lit but the furniture looked much better than the dressing rooms we were in. part of me wondered if it had been an office at one point but was now a storage room. i looked up as the light flickered overhead.
i said happily, raising my brows at him.
"well, im glad you like it cause i set this up for us."
i drew my brows as he took my hand again and led me around the bulky couch in the middle of the room. my mouth dropped at the layout of food, wine, and candles on the floor; all of it arranged on top of a black blanket.
"where did you get all of this?"
i asked, a bit shell-shocked. he half smiled at me, rubbing his arm.
"Well, i noticed youve been down for a bit and wanted to do something nice. i also figured we had a decent amount of time before the show starts so i went out and got this stuff earlier with a little help from duff and he helped me set it up. all i had left to get was you."
i could feel tears stinging my eyes. no one had really ever done anything this nice for me before and it made my heart ping. He really new what to do to make me feel better, he always did. i sent him a smile before pulling him in for a hug. he held me tightly to him, burying his face into my neck.
"thank you, slash, it means a lot."
i whispered against him. he pulled away and helped me sit.
"i wasnt sure exactly what you would like but we asked the lady at the shop down the street what she would want and thats just kinda what we got."
he said bashfully. i leaned over and kissed his cheek quickly.
"its great. really. it is."
i reassured as he started pouring two glasses of wine. he cleared his throat as he handed me one of the glasses.
"i, uh, also had a question for you while we're here."
he looked down at the blanket, and i almost thought i saw a small blush on his face but it was hard to tell in the low light.
"ask away."
i said raising  the glass to him in cheers and taking a sip. i watched as he swirled the liquid around in his own glass.
"well, i was wondering, if maybe youd want to go on a date with me. like officially."
i smiled widely at him.
"id love that."
he gladly returned the smile.
"great! i mean i know weve kind of gone on a date before but it wasnt legit, and yes i kind of blame axl for ruining that one-"
i laughed a little bit, shaking my head.
"lets call it a trial run."
i said, making him laugh too.
"well then i already feel more comfortable."
he clinked his glass against mine in cheers.
"same here."
i took a sip before setting the glass down and resituating to sit with my legs crossed under me.
"now, lets see what that lady made you buy."
i joked, prompting him to move the little basket he had acquired closer to me.
"dont blame me if its terrible."
he said through a laugh. i sent him a warm smile.
"thanks for this slash, you really know how to make a girl feel better."
he nodded.
"no, i know how to make you feel better, and i wouldnt have it any other way."
it was my turn to blush, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks at his words.
"im glad you have the thing that opens the door to my emotions or else this tour would be much harder."
i noted, taking a small box out of the basket and setting it next to me. he snorted.
"like a skeleton key to your happy place."
he said. i nodded.
he laughed a little bit before taking another sip of his wine.
"you have no idea how happy that makes me."
he said, leaning back in his spot. i leaned over, close to him.
"the feeling is mutual."
i said lowly, watching his eyes flicker to my lips.
"can i kiss you?"
he whispered out, looking back to my eyes. i nodded. his hand found its way to my face, caressing my cheek gently. like a slow motion film, he moved forward, it felt like every anticipation building inside me before our lips finally met. it was soft and warm and he tasted like the wine. when he pulled away i felt like my home had been ripped from me and i missed it immediately.
"cant wait for that date."
he laughed out and i couldnt help the amused look on my face.
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kessielrg · 4 years
[Mega Man X AU] Follow Me
Summary: After Axl breaks a promise with Aero to help fix her car, they instead go to a trampoline park to, in his words, 'fly above their worries'. Aero doesn't buy it, but Axl's hard to say no to. [oneshot]
Rating: T (for swearing)
Word Count: 2,419 words
If you like this story, please reblog!
Aero hated the summer heat; especially when she had to work on a broken transmission for her car in said heat. She was smart enough to leave out a jug of water beside her tools, but it was so hot out that it wasn't even cool anymore. The only thing she had to keep her company -and to drown out her numerous curses- was a portable radio, tuned to a station that played mostly mainstream music.
During some song with an exceedingly repetitive chorus, Aero took a small break from wrecking her car further to take a swing from her water jug. Savoring what she could from the lukewarm liquid, Aero found herself checking her watch for the time. A full hour had passed since she started this futile mission- she was a computer science nerd for God's sake, not a car nerd. Maybe if she was less frugal, she could have taken it to an actual dealership, but that was just the thing: she wasn't supposed to start this alone. Axl, who could hot-wire a car in his sleep and once worked on other (similarly shady) car related activities as a side job, had promised to help her. But, as obvious circumstances could show, he never showed up.
Taking another swing from her water jug, Aero looked back at her transmission and decided she was done for the day. No matter how much she needed her car, a heatstroke wasn't going to go over well for her health either. When Aero entered her home, she almost fainted from the cool air as it instantly covered her body like a well dosed drug. She just barely managed to stumble to the couch and flopped herself down. Aero might have even passed out for a few moments before coming to again- she felt groggy enough that she wondered if she did. Too lazy to go to the kitchen to actually drink something cold, Aero reached over on the coffee table for her phone.
Surprise, surprise: Axl had texted her when she had been working on her car. None of them pertained to his broken promise though.
Axl, 12:32 PM: Zero's laying the insults thick on you today so of course I defended your honor.
Axl, 12:34 PM: called him goldilocks twice just for you
Axl, 12:35 PM: your welcome btw
Okay, so she had to snort at that, but that didn't mean she wasn't still angry at him.
Aero, 1:22 PM: fuck you
Axl, 1:24 PM: okay
Axl, 1:24 PM: so I know I deserved that somewhere along the line today
Axl, 1:25 PM: but what did I do now?
Aero, 1:26 PM: one word loser: transmission
It didn't even take a minute after that Aero got a call from Axl himself. She answered it, but said nothing- as if the dark glare she was giving could radiate through the phone. It seemed to have worked, because once Axl realized she had picked up, he immediately said,
“Aero, I swear I didn't forget to help you.”
“Bitch you lie.” Aero hissed without skipping a beat.
“Yeah, okay, I absolutely am.” Axl sheepishly admitted. “And I'm totally sorry for it! What can I do to make it up for you Breezy? I swear I'll do whatever you want.”
To this, Aero cocked an eyebrow of interest.
“So when I get heatstroke?”
“I'll carry you to the hospital.”
“And when I get a sunburn so bad that I'll cry because I can't sleep or move because it hurts too much?”
“I'll rub aloe on you so gentle and smooth that X and Zero will be jealous.”
“And the outrageous bill the dealership's gonna give me to fix that damn transmission?”
For this, Axl hesitated. Aero found herself amused at this silence and found herself smirking at the challenge.
“I'm waiting.” she reminded him.
It was quite a bit of time before Axl quietly suggested, “I'll help take it to the dealership...”
“Like hell you will.” Aero snorted in return.
“And we'll go some place too while we wait.”
“Oh will we now?” the young woman mused. “And where would that be?”
“It's a secret.” came the cheeky answer. “Just get ready tomorrow and I'll take it from there.”
“You better not be lying to me, loser.” Aero hissed.
“Yeah, yeah. Be ready by noon- I've got plans to make!” Axl returned before hanging up the phone. For a moment, Aero just looked at her phone before letting out a deep sigh. Whatever Axl had planned, it sure was going to be… something: he always had better ideas than in ways on how to execute them. Knowing him, Aero was almost certain that it wasn't going to be as simple as going to a diner or watching a movie. Letting out another sigh that signaled the start of a headache, Aero started to dial X's number to talk about the situation.
. . .
It was just as hot the next day, so Aero waited for Axl inside her house. He didn't bother to show up until a little after eleven with his orange truck. Just to spite him, Aero still waited in her house as Axl attached her car to his truck's ball hitch and she still didn't come out when he waved to her- signaling that he was ready for her to come out. When he realized that she wasn't going to come out, Axl gave a small sigh before making his way to her door. Even after he rung her doorbell, Aero still waited a few moments before going to answer it.
When Aero swung her door open, the blast of hot air from outside greeted the cool air inside her house. Standing at the door was Axl with a sheepish hand behind his head.
“Still mad, huh?” he chuckled.
“Just slightly.” Aero mused with a smart little grin. She leaned against her doorframe before proceeding to ask, “Are you going to bother to tell me where we're going today?”
To this, Axl gave a wide smile of his own. “'Course not!” he proudly declared. “You're going in blind after we drop your car off.”
“Lucky me.” Aero snorted.
She should have known right then and there that Axl had something horrible planned. But for some reason she did not, so the duo walked to his truck and got inside. There was not much for the two to talk about on the drive to the dealership. Aero did give Axl some flack for when she got back into his truck after leaving her car behind. But they were back on the road again to wherever Axl planned to surprise her just as quickly.
Axl's truck was just old enough to still have a cassette player attached to its stereo. Some years back he had made a mix tape filled with songs that he knew Aero liked, and right now he had purposely stuck it in the player for them to listen to. Admittedly, it was rather relaxing as Aero looked out the window, watching as various scenery flew past them. It was when she noted a particular sign that a flare of suspicion shot through her body.
'Circus Man's Trampoline Park: Just a Mile Away!'
She should have asked Axl about it right then and there, but she didn't. She liked to pretend to give him the benefit of the doubt every now and again. But the feeling that this was exactly where Axl was taking her did not go away. Her eyebrows furrowed deeper as the path to the trampoline park became more obvious. She waited until Axl made a turn at the entrance that she finally gave him a glare that had been growing for the past few minutes.
“You're joking.” Aero demanded. He turned to look at her for a moment with a rather cheeky grin. It only fueled her annoyance more. “You have got to be fucking joking me Axl!”
“Where else are you going to fly above your worries, Breezy?” he said back, as if it were as simple as day.
“You ass!!” she indignantly hollered before making slightly aggressive punches to his face.
“Wait 'til I'm parked, wait until I'm parked Breezy!” Axl shouted back, trying to dodge and fend her off with one hand and trying to steer into the parking lot with the other. When he had the truck properly parked, he remained in his seat as Aero continued to hit him. She didn't seem to realize that they had parked for a moment, and when she did, she paused her assault to unbuckle.
“First you forget to help me with my transmission,” she spat at him, listing each offense off with her fingers, “Then make me pay the full bill at the dealership, and now you try to make it up by taking me to the fucking trampoline park?!”
“Well, when you phrase it like that...” Axl mused as he started to unbuckle as well.
“Axl, I'm going to murder you!” Aero screamed once more as she started to hit him again.
It was her fighting spirit that Axl liked the most about her. Not all girls could hold a grudge like this, and that truly made Aero one of a kind.
. . .
“I'll play popcorn if you don't attempt to have some fun.”
“Try me.”
Between the two of them, there were no adults. Axl was still obviously a child in some regards, and in moments when Aero would curl herself into a ball of annoyance while Axl jumped around her, it became clear that neither of them acted their age.
“Alright Breezy, you asked for it!” Axl decided as he started to bounce a bit more purposely. “Get ready to be popped!”
He only gave Aero time to give a grunt before he started to bounce around her. Despite her body starting to gain momentum in bouncing from Axl's jumps, Aero remained in her ball of annoyance for quite a while. It was when Axl almost tripped over her that Aero came out of her little ball to protect her face from Axl's foot.
“You can not stop the popcorn master!” Axl proudly declared, even flexing his muscles for the fun of it. After enjoying his hubris for a moment, he offered a hand to Aero to help her up. She looked up at it for a moment before giving him a smirk.
“Such a gentleman.” she mused as she accepted his hand.
“You know it!” he agreed with a wide grin. Aero only shook her head in playful exasperation. Axl admired her for a moment before suddenly getting an idea. “Come on,” he told her, taking her hand without permission, “Let's go throw ourselves off the wall! It'll be great!”
“Axl, wai-” Aero tried to say but didn't have the chance to finish as Axl pulled her along. It was honestly kinda hard to keep up as Axl almost ran on the trampolines like he learned how to walk on them. Aero barely had time to give Axl warning as she lost her balance. All Axl knew was that Aero let out a yelp of surprise, then the two of them were careening to the side. Aero ended up falling almost directly on her back with Axl on top of her. With the wind knocked out of both of them, the duo could only stare at each other in bewilderment.
Axl would have recovered sooner had he not stared into Aero's dark brown eyes.
“Admit it,” Axl then cheekily told her with a smirk. “You wanted to make out with me for half a second.”
“Get a load of yourself.” Aero snorted in return, pushing Axl off her. Axl remained where he was and laughed as Aero started to get up and brush herself off. From his lower position, he still caught himself admiring her as Aero fluffed her hair a bit.
Speaking a thought, he carefully said to her, “You know, I don't get the way X treats you, Breezy. I mean, he talks about you like he likes you a lot, but he normally never really acts like it. He doesn't buy you dinner, he won't lead you on, he just… acts like he's talking to another friend with you. Doesn't that bug you?”
“Does X have to flirt with me to show he likes me?” Aero questioned, looking at Axl with a raise of her eyebrow. “There are different love languages, Axl.”
“And X speaks nothing but gibberish.” her friend retorted with a bitter snort. He worked himself up with a grunt so he could give Aero proper eye contact. “Aero, please, I've been crushing on you for so long that I'm practically dust by now. Let X go. He's not interested in you.”
For a moment, Aero didn't know whether to agree with him or call him out for acting desperate. Her hesitation was evident on her face as well. Seeing it made Axl deflate a little.
“I'm gonna go jump off one of the platforms, then.” he said to her with a sullen sigh. “Don't wait up for me.”
“Axl, I-”
“Don't utter a thing,” he said, cutting her off with a rather dramatic raise of his hand. “I already know what you're going to say. 'Axl, I'm just not interested in you. X is the only one I trust enough to love like that after it happened. I like you, just not like that. Maybe in the next life. It's not you, it's me...'”
“Well, you downer,” Aero mused as she put a hand on her hip, “I was going to say that I had a fun time today. Even though you did jack squat in regards to my car. But if you want to turn this into a rejection moment, then by all means.”
Axl immediately perked up as he looked back over at her. “So I still have a shot?”
“Don't think I said that.”
“Don't think you're refuting it either.”
Aero shifted her weight to the side while Axl continued to give her a wide, cheeky grin.
“Let's race over to the other end of the room.” Axl happily suggested. “If you lose, you and I are going on a proper date. On the count of three; one...”
“I don't think I agreed to-”
“Three!” Axl merrily declared before jumping back onto the trampolines and starting to sprint away. Aero took a moment to laugh at him before making her way back onto the trampolines as well.
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Bad Reputation
A/n: Long time, no see. God, life has been a mess since the last fic I wrote. I know I don’t owe an explanation but I think I’ll give you guys one later because some shit that happened to me is shit that some of y’all need to hear. ANYWAY, I’m back now! Hopefully I’ll be more active on here. And yeah.
Axl Rose x Reader
Summary: Being  Broadway actress was all Y/n ever dreamed of. The lights and the thousands of eyes on her was a dream come true. But not all dreams are meant to be. Traveling the country to find her new dream, she stumbled upon the destructive leader singer of a rock band. She didn’t know it, but he had a lot to do with her knew dream. If only their reputations didn’t get in the way of it.
Word Count: 2.5 k
Warnings: None
The crowd cheered as the cast took their final bow. Flowers weren’t thrown on the stage like in the movies, everyone was tired. The night had been long and the audience wanted to venture back to their beds. As good as the show was, everyone wanted to be anywhere else. Before the cast could straighten, velvet red curtains danced across the stage, signaling the end of the show. 
Tumblr media
  Y/n breathed a sigh of relief, brushing a loose curl out of her face. The corset that had been restricting her would finally come off and her hair would be able to flow freely. 
Normally, she never complained. No one else but herself forced her onto the stage. Everything, the lights, the costumes, the acting, the singing, that was all what she had been dreaming of. She was the one that worked her way to that point. To be standing in the middle of the stage with all eyes on her. It was a dream come true.
But dreams change…
It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment in time when she wanted to start over, but it wasn’t hard for her to tell that her old dream was dead. There came a point when being on stage singing in ridiculous costumes made her feel like a fool. She no longer was the queen watching the jester dance. Instead, she was the jester dancing and singing for the queen. She no longer felt like the broadway star that everyone made her out to be. Y/n felt more and more like a puppet, doing what she was told to do. 
“What are you gonna do now that the shows over?” her costar, Cindy, asked as they stripped off their oversized dresses.
Y/n shrugged. “Beats me.”
Cindy shook her head. “Would’ve thought you’d already have another show planned out. I’m going to go to London for a couple of months, maybe try out for a show there.”
That sounded like a good plan. Once the idea had crossed Y/n’s mind to pick up and move to London. The shows there were just as grand as those on Broadway, if not bigger. The fame she would come across by doing that, oh Lord, it would be a dream. 
“I think I’m going to travel around a bit. See what feels right.”
“What about everything you have here? Your apartment, your stuff?” Cindy asked.
“Well,” she thought for a moment. “I think I’m gonna invest in a car, a fast one. I’m thinking red or black. And I’m going to sell all my furniture. What I wish to keep I’ll keep in storage. I’ll have to pick through my clothes. All my big fancy dresses will probably be sold. I’ll only keep what I can fit comfortably in the car and what I’ll wear.”
“What makes you think this is a good idea?”
Y/n shrugged, grabbing a towel to get the makeup off her face. “I don’t know.”
Cindy scoffed, “Don’t die because of you’re foolish idea, Y/n. That would be a horrible way to go.”
Y/n rolled her eyes as Cindy walked away.
It did seem foolish, she had to admit. Rash, unplanned and unprepared. But her gut was telling her that it was time to leave New York. The big city wasn’t the place for her, not anymore. She needed the open road and unexplored cities. She needed clean air and a different way of life. She needed everything that New York couldn’t offer her. Everything that she pretended to be when she stood on the stage. What Y/n needed was to find herself, not who everyone wanted her to be. 
She needed to find who her heart believed she was. 
It didn’t take long for Y/n to clear her apartment out and sell everything that needed to be gone. Everything was in good shape, almost brand new, as she was never home to use anything. It was hard for her to part with some of her dresses, but she knew better than to think that she would ever use them again. The life she once had was no more. 
All of her belongings consisted of a shoebox full of pictures, letters, and notebooks, a couple pairs of shoes, a suitcase packed full of shirts, pants, dresses, and whatever other clothing she decided she needed. Another suitcase had books and sheet music. The last thing Y/n packed into the black 1965 Mustang, that she’d bought off a horder in Buffalo, was her guitar. Cindy told her it wasn’t worth bringing, but it was hard to part with. That was what made her want to pursue theater. 
Throughout her childhood, Y/n had been told that music and theater weren’t worth pursuing. They were only hobbies to be enjoyed at home. Suzi Quatro and The Runaways proved to her that what she wanted was worth pursuing. No dream was too small with rock stars as role models. 
Y/n shut the trunk of the car and made her way to the driver’s seat, twirling the keys around her finger as she went. Sliding in she, smiled to herself at everything around her. This was her freedom. 
She started the car, feeling the roar of the engine under her fingers that landed on the steering wheel. Turning the radio on, “Black Betty” by Ram Jam filled the cab. Y/n couldn’t help but sit there for a minute. She knew this was what she was meant to do. This trip would change her for the better, she knew it. Or it would leave an everlasting impression on her. Either were what she was looking for. 
“Here we go.”
It had been a few months since Y/n had started her trip. Going up and down the east coast had been fun. She stopped in Flordia for a week and learned to surf. As much as she thought it would cure her fear of the ocean, it did no such thing. It didn’t help that everyone there went on and on about sharks in the area. She also stopped in North Carolina to watch NASCAR. That was an experience she wasn’t likely to forget.
Fast cars and the wind in her hair was a feeling she loved. It was an odd feeling of freedom that she hadn’t know to exist. 
Though the east coast was a delight, there was more to the U.S. than that. So, as manifest destiny allowed, she headed west. And that is how she ended up in Los Vegas.
It wasn’t her intent to go to Sin City, but that’s where she was forced to stop when her engine started acting up. She was told her car would take a few days to be repaired as a part had to be ordered. So, she was left to find some means of entertainment.
That is what lead to Y/n walking around the city with no set destination.
She window-shopped, sometimes going into stores to look at dress or shoes. Every once in a while she came across a bar and decided to get a taste for it. None of them were anything fancy. A haze of smoke obstructed her vision in each that she entered. The crowds in them were all different. Some had men in suits and ties, just looking for a place to kick back for a while. Others had half-naked women and men that looked rough around the edges. 
Y/n came across a shop that caught her eye. There was something about it, the rough exterior, that made her open the door and browse around. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, everything was ripped and ragged, but she’d find it. 
“Oh, now this is it,” she smiled and grabbed a leather jacket off a rack. 
Something about the item spoke to her and she had to have it. 
Y/n had decided along the Flordia-Georgia border that this trip was all about what felt right. If there wasn’t a good feeling behind doing it than it wasn’t meant to be done. Life does work in mysterious ways, she’d determined, with added effort, of course. So, what was meant to be would be. 
Three hours had passed since purchasing the jacket. It was now 7 o’clock at night and she still hadn’t found a place to stay, not that she was looking. Pulling out a pack of cigarette she’d bought earlier, she pulled one out of the pack and lite it. She put it to her lips and took a drag, watching the smoke flutter past her,  before spotting yet another bar. It didn’t look much better than any of the others she’d visited, but with nowhere to go, it really didn’t matter.
Y/n crossed the street, watching as people danced around her, all in their own little worlds. The only thing that had come out of being stuck in Los Vegas was that she learned that the world was full of people who were happy doing their own thing. 
Those were her people.
They didn’t seem to have a care in the world, any clock to worry about, as they walked around. That’s how Y/n had always wanted things to be. Calm and relaxing. But that wasn’t how her life had turned out. It dawned on her that it took money and zero stress to be at that level. 
She pulled the door open to be met by a cloud of smoke that hovered over everything. Everyone she saw had a cigarette in hand. It was good to know she wouldn’t have to put her’s out. Walking up to the bar, she slide onto a barstool and let her eyes wander. 
There was a group of three older men in a corner both that all looked like bikers. Their hair looked like the wind had got the better of it, tossing it around. A man and woman sat on the far end of the bar. Y/n didn’t have to look long to see there were hearts in their eyes. She didn’t get far in her observations before a loud ruckus pulled her attention away. Around a pool table, at the far end of the room, stood five men, by how they were acting some would call them boys. 
Y/n rolled her eyes. They looked ridiculous with their hair teased up and messy. And they wore all sorts of colors. Each one of them had a different array of colors, some clashed and some didn’t. But she couldn’t judge, she’d worn worse. 
Turning away from them, she caught the bartender’s attention and ordered a drink. Y/n had a feeling it was going to be a long night. 
She was a few drinks in, the world was only spinning slightly. It was a good thing that she stayed away from vodka. With that in her glass, she knew she would likely be on the floor. 
There were too many times, after shows, that she would order vodka and have no recollection as to what had happened the next morning. That only became a problem when she’d done a few things that ended up in the paper. Her manager didn’t want her to ruin her reputation, so vodka went out the window.
Y/n was just starting to wonder if it was a good time to leave. She was almost done with her drink and she knew if the bartender came back she would order another and that wasn’t what she wanted. Before she could move though, someone slide into the seat next to her. 
“What’s a girl like you doing here by yourself?” A rough voice asked her.
She couldn’t help but chuckle. A girl like herself? Like what? She didn’t look like any girl that was expected to be anywhere else. Y/n had stripped herself of what had held her to that standard. She was a nobody just like everybody else. 
There was no reputation to uphold where she was. 
Turning to face the person, she was shocked to see it was one of the men from the pool table. From this proximity, she saw how red his hair was and how it turned gold under the light. It was probably the liquor running through her blood, but for a second, the mess of a man looked like an angel. Shaking her head, the image went away. “0h, you know,” she drawled. “Just wishing life would work out for me,” she said dramatically. 
Moments like that, when around complete strangers, Y/n found it fun to slip into characters. No one would know the difference. She could be anyone she wanted. She could be a seamstress from Paris, a duchess from England, a professor from Harvard. The world was whatever she made it as long as she had an audience. 
“Life’s not going your way?” The ginger laughed. “Not the only one.”
“I’m well aware. But the world is what you make it. It only sucks when you think it does.”
“Is that so?”
“I assume.”
The ginger nodded, looking around the bar. His friends, at least Y/n assumed so, had taken a seat at a booth and were too engrossed in conversation to pay him any mind. 
“What brought you over here?” Y/n asked, wondering why he left his friends to sit next to her. She didn’t look like the girl worth ditching friends for.
He shrugged, “Who wouldn’t want to sit next to a beautiful girl?”
Y/n couldn’t help but scoff. That line had been used on her countless times at the bars she’d go to after her shows. “Is that the best you’ve got?”
The man laughed, “ Oh, that certainly isn’t the best I’ve got. But I can’t give that away for free, you know?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”
“I’m Axl,” he extended his hand out to her.
She grasped it, “Y/n.”
Axl smiled, “I like that name.” 
Y/n didn’t know why, but that there was something about Axl that made her want to sit next to him for hours and do nothing but talk. They hadn’t even exchanged many words so she wasn’t sure where the feeling came from. They were simply doing what strangers in bars do, try and make each other less lonely. 
As if fate were trying to prevent anything more, Y/n turned to see the clock on the wall. It was late, way too late for her to want to stay out any longer. There were a few places she wanted to visit before her car was fixed and if she woke up early there would be just enough hours in the day to do everything. Though she had no place to stay, there was a hotel around the corner that had to have at least one open room. 
“Oh, god. It’s late. I really should be going.” Y/n stood from the bar and placed enough cash on the table to cover her tab. “I’m sorry, Axl.”
He waved it off, almost like he expected an ending like this. “Do you think I’ll ever see you again?”
Y/n smiled, “ I think you just might.”
Before slipping out of the bar she waved back at the ginger, she had a gut feeling that Axl would cross her path again. If the cards worked out in her favor, she would at least see him one more time.
(Feel free to leave comments and if you have any questions or want to be added to one of the taglists, let me know)
Permanent Taglist: @rexorangecouny @jennyggggrrr @zestygingergirl @slash-me-up @tommyleeownsme @sheldonsherlocktony @teller258316 @fandomshit6000 @lucyboytom
Bad Rep Taglist: @dirtyddianaa @frankillol @axlsslut @whisperess33 @brianaraydean
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
The Poker Game
Title: The Poker Game
Summary:  Vince Neil, Axl Rose, Bret Michaels, Sebastian Bach, Jani Lane, and Jon Bon Jovi are sitting down for a poker game. Vince is a little low to make the bet, but he knows that his hand is the winner. He just knows it.
Warnings: Language mainly
AN: Tommy x Nikki, Slash x Axl. Just a random crack fic that I came up with because I was bored af.
Smoke filled the room as Axl puffed on his cigarette while Jon dealt out the cars. Vince poured himself and Jani another glass of whiskey, Bret was just sticking to water, and Sebastian was all about his vodka. The six frontmen had gotten together for a poker game, since they were all in the same area for a big festival and honestly, being away from the rest of their bands was a nice little break.
“So, your drummer and your bassist are screwing,” Axl laughed. “I figured it’d be you and the bassist.” He gave Vince a smirk.
“Oh, fuck you,” Vince rolled his eyes. “You’re just jealous that you can’t get in on that.”
“Why would I when I got Slash?” Axl shrugged. “You can keep your nasty band to yourself.”
“Are these two always like this?” Jon asked as he dealt out the cards.
“Yeah. Every poker game they argue like this,” Sebastian sighed.
“Just fuck already,” Bret and Jani said as one. Axl and Vince both glared at the blondes.
“Or not,” Jani raised his hands. “Fuck, you two have a mean glare.”
“Can we just play cards already?” Sebastian asked as he picked up his hand. There was a murmur among the group before they started playing and placing their bets. They played a couple hands, just some light jabbing and jokes, telling stupid stories about their bands and all that good shit.
“And then CC,” Bret looked at his cards. “I fold. Anyway, CC went running off naked down the street just because he didn’t want to eat the fucking peppers that Rikki was going to make him eat.”
“That’s some terror twins shit right there,” Jon laughed. “I don’t know how Vince and Mick put up with it. My band is so tame compared to Nikki and Tommy.”
“They’re hilarious man,” Sebastian laughed. “Those two come up with some of the stupidest shit and I love watching them try to do it while hiding from Doc.”
“Okay, I fold too,” Jani laid his cards down as Axl raised the bet. Vince looked in his wallet, and saw that he didn’t have enough to cover the bet, but he looked at his cards and saw he had a straight flush, 2 through 5, all hearts. He knew he was going to win.
“Let’s make this interesting,” Vince grabbed a card from his wallet for a bar that he went to and just never got rid of, and a pen from the table. He wrote on the back of the card and placed it in the middle. Axl picked it up.
“You’re fucking kidding,” Axl laughed. “Nikki’s gonna kill you.”
“Not if I win,” Vince smiled. The other four looked at the card, which was Vince’s bet. He had bet Tommy Lee.
“I’m out,” Jon laid his cards down.
“Me too,” Sebastian added. It was just Vince and Axl now.
“Okay, show me your cards,” Axl laughed. Vince smiled and laid down his straight flush.
“I think I’ll just be taking my goods…” Vince went to reach for the pile, but Axl stopped him.
“Wow, if you’re this premature in bed, no wonder you can’t keep anyone,” Axl laughed. “Gotta see my cards first, don’t you?” He laid his cards out then.
A royal flush.
“Oh my god,” Jani looked over at Vince, who was staring in horror at the offending cards.
“What the fuck did you just do?” Bret asked.
“Oh god, Nikki is going to kill you,” Sebastian added. “Jon, we might as well order the flowers now.”
“Flowers?” Jon asked, looking confused.
“For Vince’s funeral,” Sebastian laughed a little. Axl just smirked.
“I’ll be getting my new drummer soon,” Axl laughed. “I’m sure Steven wouldn’t mind a vacation.” Axl got up with his winnings. “Night guys. I’ll see you later.” He winked at Vince before leaving. Jani, Bret, Sebastian, and Jon all looked at Vince before excusing themselves too.
Vince dreaded telling Nikki and Tommy what he had done. He decided to head back to his room and sleep it off. He’d figure something out in the morning.
Nikki was awoke the next morning by knocking on his hotel door. Tommy groaned and moved closer to the bassist, keeping him in bed.
“Just pretend you don’t hear it and they’ll go away,” Tommy whispered, laying his head on Nikki’s chest. Nikki was about to go back to sleep when the knocking started again.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Nikki pulled on a pair of pants and shirt. Tommy groaned and did the same. He flopped back on the bed as Nikki opened the door. There stood Duff, looking slightly annoyed.
“Duff? What the fuck?” Nikki asked. Duff sighed.
“Nikki, all I can say is I’m really sorry about this,” Duff told him.
“What are you talking about?” Nikki asked. Duff sighed and motioned for Izzy and Slash, who held Nikki against the wall while Duff walked in. “What the fuck are you doing? Let me go!”
“Sorry man. We gotta do this or face the wrath of Axl,” Slash sighed. “Go ahead Duff.” Duff reached out and grabbed Tommy, throwing him over his shoulder. He was glad that Tommy was still half asleep, but he was still wiggling like crazy.
“See ya man,” Duff waved by, carrying Tommy out of the room, followed by Slash and Izzy.
Vince was asleep, until he heard yelling in the hallway. His eyes snapped open and he sat up to listen.
“Put me down Duff!” Tommy yelled. “Put me down!”
“Sorry, I can’t. Axl won you fair and square. And I’d rather not fight with him,” Duff’s voice flowed through the door.
“What do you mean Axl won him? What the fuck is going on?” Was Nikki’s voice next.
“Dude, Vince bet him in the poker game last night,” Slash explained. “Axl sent us to collect.”
“Oh no,” Vince whispered. He went to lock his door, but it was too late. Nikki threw it open and glared the frontman down. “Nikki, I can explain…”
“You bet Tommy?!” Nikki yelled.
“I thought I was going to win…” Vince told him, backing up until his legs hit his bed.
“So you bet Tommy!” Nikki was fuming. Mick came in then, staring at the two of them.
“What’s going on?” Mick asked. Nikki kept his eyes trained on Vince.
“Our singer decided to bet my boyfriend in his poker game!” Nikki explained. “And he lost!”
“You did what?” Mick asked.
“I had a straight flush!” Vince defended. “What is the likelihood that Axl fucking Rose would have a royal flush?”     
“Oh my god, you lost the drummer to Guns n’ Roses?” Mick groaned. “That’s just great.”
“How was I supposed to know he had a royal flush?” Vince asked. “That’s like, damn near impossible!”
“But he did. And now you have to get Tommy back,” Nikki growled. “Or I will personally end you.”
“You’re joking, right?” Vince asked. “He’s joking…” He looked over at Mick, who shook his head no. “How am I supposed to get him back?”
“Figure it out,” Nikki growled. “And fast.” With that, he stormed out, leaving Vince and Mick in Vince’s hotel room.
“You can’t just kidnap people!” Tommy yelled at he was carried to the area Guns n’ Roses was staying at.
“Vince placed the bet. I’m just claiming it.” Axl told him as he smiled at the drummer, who was placed in a chair. “I just plan on keeping you like a day or something. Just to make Vince stew.”
“Am I being replaced?” Steven asked, looking at Tommy.
“No Steven. Just wanted a little fun at Vince’s expense,” Axl patted his back. “Anyway, welcome to Guns n’ Roses, temporary drummer Tommy Lee.”
“Oh god, this is going to be in a book somewhere, isn’t it?” Tommy asked.
“That would be hilarious. Someone write this down so we don’t forget this when we’re doing drugs,” Izzy told them.
“On it,” Slash told him, already writing everything down. “Well find some random song to credit you or something just to piss off Vince even more.”
“God, I love that we’re all thinking the same thing,” Axl laughed. “Okay, who’s hungry?”
“How am I supposed to get Tommy back?” Vince asked Jon, Jani, Bret, and Sebastian. He had gotten the four frontmen together for coffee and needed their help to undo what he had done.
“Another poker game?” Jon suggested.
“Yeah because that worked out so great for him last time,” Sebastian added. 
“You guys are super helpful,” Vince groaned, laying his head on the table.
“Maybe kidnap him back?” Jani suggested. “Not like Axl has armed guards keeping him against his will or something.”
“Are we staging a robbery?” Bret asked. “Because I’m game if you guys are.”
“Okay, let’s go steal Tommy back before Nikki fucking kills me,” Vince sighed, downing the rest of his coffee. He stood up, giving Jon, Jani, Bret, and Sebastian a look that told them if they didn’t help him, he would let Nikki tear them apart too. They all stood up and followed him.
“Draw four Izzy,” Tommy laughed as he threw down a change of color card. “And I’m feeling very yellow right now.”
“Fuck you Lee,” Izzy grumbled. “That’s the third fucking draw card you’ve used on me. I’m switching spots with Steven.”
“Nah. Us drummers gotta stick together,” Tommy laughed, giving Steven a high five. Duff just shook his head and laid out a yellow card. “Where’s Slash and Axl?”
“You don’t wanna know,” Duff grumbled. “Bad enough we have to hear it.”
“Yeah, let’s just have fun playing Uno,” Steven added.
“At least you guys are having fun!” Izzy held up his large hand of cards. “This fucking blows!”
“Hey, you’re the one who suggested Uno,” Duff told him. “Not our fault you suck at it.”
“First off…” Izzy started, only to be cut off by the door opening up and five frontmen coming in.
“Vince? What are you doing?” Tommy asked, standing up.
“Uh, this is a rescue Leia. Let’s go,” Vince grabbed Tommy’s arm and pulled him.
“A rescue? I’m not in distress,” Tommy tried to pull free from Vince. He wanted to finish his card game. “Vince, let go!”
“Can’t. Your boyfriend is going to literally kill me if I don’t bring you back. So we have to go now.” Vince told him, the other frontmen stopping the rest of Guns n’ Roses from following them.
“I mean, you’re the one that used me as a bet…” Tommy pointed out.
“I had a straight flush!” Vince defended. He tugged Tommy back to where Motley Crue was staying. Nikki and Vince were watching TV when Vince appeared with Tommy. “There! I got him back!”
“I was having fun, we were playing Uno,” Tommy sighed. He looked at Nikki and smiled. “Hey Nik.”
“Next time you run out of money Vince, bet yourself,” Nikki growled, wrapping Tommy up in a hug.
“You know, Axl’s not gonna be happy his winnings just walked off, right?” Mick told them. “And we’re still here with them for two more days.”
“Neil!” Axl’s screech came from the hallway. Axl burst into the room with the rest of his band right behind him. “I was going to give him back like tomorrow before your set! You can’t just take him!”
“He’s our drummer, I’ll take him back,” Vince crossed his arms over his chest.
“You bet him in the first place!” Axl screamed.
“You shouldn’t have put the stakes so high!” Vince called back. Tommy, Nikki, Mick, Izzy, Steven, Duff, and Slash all looked at each other as the two frontmen yelled at each other. Nikki motioned for them to all leave, and Duff nodded. The two bands made their way out of the room, leaving Axl and Vince to yell at each other.
“Where’d they go?” Vince asked.
“Damn it! You lost them!”
“How did I lose them! This is your fault!”
“Oh fuck you Neil!”
“You wish!”
“Draw four Mick,” Izzy said, about to lay down the card, but one look at the other guitarist had him changing his mind. “On second thought, I think I’ll just play this seven on that seven…”
“Good choice,” Slash laughed.
“Why are we playing Uno again?” Duff asked.
“Because it’s fun,” Tommy told him. “Right Nik?”
“Right,” Nikki nodded, peeking over Steven’s shoulder at his cards.
“Maybe we should make Vince and Axl play this game instead,” Steven pulled his hand to his chest so Nikki couldn’t see. The bassist gave him a sheepish smile.
“They’d still find a way to screw it up,” Slash told them, laying down his card. Two left and…
“Uno!” Tommy called out, jumping up and smiling.
“I hate this game,” Izzy sighed.
“You’re just jealous you never win,” Mick laughed. “Come on drummer, win already so we can play Slapjack.”
The End
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogarukes @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk @tommyleeownsme @marvelismylifffe
Motley Crue Tags: @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings @estxxmotley @arianareirg @the-normal-potato @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @stella20131991 @tarahell @wowilovenikkisixx @i-want-to-shoot-myself @motleycrueee @sams-serialkiller-fetish @getbackhonkycatt @are-you-reddie54321 @flamencodiva @deacyduck @scarecrowmax @major-tom-is-a-junky @anyasthoughts @bandaids-not-groupies @ilovetomkeiferslips @kaitieskidmore1 @useyourillusion @xpoisonousrosesx
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meleuki · 5 years
Duff Mckagan x Reader
Word Count: 2,900+
Request: This is an imagine with Duff Mckagan. You too date since 2 years and it makes 3 weeks that Duff always go home completely drunk. You're tired of this because you can't remember when was the last time you have spoken to him and he was sober or when you have a sexual relation and he was sober. You're fed up and you too have a violent argument about this. You decided to leave for the night and when you come back home he tries to apologize. (it could finish on smut... he wants to show you how he could apologize)
A/N: Please give me some feedback, it would be very appreciated! Also, I have another drunk Duff imagine, but I’m going to space it out so that you don’t get two very similar ones at the same time. Oh and @guns-n-crue @xx-kurt-cocaine--xx  and @sunflowerkiszka, because they all were excited for this!
“Duff I’m fucking tired of this!” My screaming didn’t seem to trigger any response of care inside the blonde’s body, all I got in return was a fiery glare and his lips curling over his top row of teeth to form a frustrated sneer. My heart shrank a little as the love that I used to see inside his eyes failed to shine through his angry state.
“Tired of what?! Me?! Because this is me (Y/N)!” Duff shouted back, his arms flying outward as he did his best to defend his drunken state, trying to make himself larger than he already was. He was already intimidating as it is, his height portraying a sense of power that only he could possess.
“Drunk is not you!” I cried, tears springing to my eyes as I looked him over, gesturing towards the slightly lopsided position he stood in. Duff’s eyes looked himself over, straightening out his jacket as he tried to stand with better posture.
“I’m a fucking rockstar, not a drunk,” Duff snapped, pressing his pointer finger against my forehead before he turned to walk away down the hall, towards our bedroom.
“I can’t remember a time when you haven’t been drunk, Duff,” I sighed as he stopped in his tracks, turning to face me, “I can’t remember the last time you touched me and you didn’t have booze on your tongue. I can’t remember the last time I had a decent conversation with you. Tell me, when was the last time you told me you loved me?”
“I don’t-”
“Three weeks ago, Duff, three fucking weeks ago,” Tears began to flow freely from my eyes, rolling down my cheeks before dripping off the edge of my chin.
“(Y/N), baby, if I had known I-”
“If you had known what? Surely you would know if you were being an asshole or not. If you knew me, you would have seen that I was in pain at the sight of you stumbling through my door drunk as fuck. Oh wait, that’s right, you’re always too inhibited to realise anything,” I couldn’t contain my tears at this point, body wracking sobs escaping through my lips, “I’m leaving,”
I rushed past Duff to our shared bedroom, leaving him standing in the hallway like some awkward gaping fish. I chucked a backpack on the bed, grabbing a few changes of underwear and pants to change into if I needed it. I wasn’t sure how long I was going to go away, but I knew I needed out of this house, why should I stay if the man who had promised me comfort and asylum was doing the exact opposite? I would head to Slash’s, no, he was probably no better. I guess it was Axl, I didn’t want that, but it was my only choice at this moment. Axl and I didn’t have the best past together, fights and arguments tainting all the peaceful moments that we had ever shared, but I knew he was my only real option in this moment. Surely he wouldn’t turn me away as soon as he saw me behind his front door. I hoped he would be able to forget the bad times for a night, and let me into his home, tear-stained cheeks and all. I swung the backpack onto my shoulder, grabbing my car keys off the vanity before storming out of the bedroom door. Duff sat at the other end of the hallway, his head in his hands, his back against the door. His body shook with each sob that passed through his mouth. The jingle of my keys made his head slowly rise from his lap, his bloodshot eyes peering up at me as I stood over him. I probably looked just as messy as he did; my eyes still producing rivers of tears, my nose runny as I wiped it along my sleeve. I needed to get past Duff.
“Move,” I tried to sound strong, but my voice shook tremendously, revealing every inch of what I was feeling. The heart-wrenching sobs that echoed from Duff’s mouth only got louder at my words, his head falling at my feet, his hands clutching at the material of my pants. My heart ached at the sight of him.
“No, no, please,” Duff begged helplessly, lifting his body up, his face falling against my stomach as he continued to grip at my clothes. Pleas and mumbles fell from between his chapped lips, each word smacking against my chest like a tsunami.
It took all my strength to pry his fingers from my body, my cries becoming almost as loud as his as he gave up, falling into a heap, curling into himself on the wooden floor. Yet I pushed past him, taking cautious steps around his body to reach the door. My hand grasped the door handle hesitantly as I looked back at Duff, still on the ground sobbing into his hands. My heart fell into my stomach, shattering as my eyes looked over his weak form, but I still walked out that door, I still left, I still drove to Axl’s. I don’t know why Axl had let me in, but he’d seemed to have forgotten all the broken memories we shared, just for the night. I’d been treated to the guest room, a cup of tea placed by my bedside table, along with some sleeping pills. I don’t think Axl had ever been nicer to me, he’d let me feel at home while I didn’t have one, even if it was just for a night.
The morning had come quicker than I’d expected, the memories of last night almost seemed hazy, like I had been the drunk one. The only thing clear in my mind was Duff’s tears, Duff’s cries. I could feel a dam beginning to form in the corner of my eyes, threatening to spill over the more I thought about his miserable face. I needed to go back home.
I stood up from the bed Axl had given me to rest in, my feet pressing against the soft carpet. My slouched figure slowly padded downstairs and into the kitchen. The brisk air was full of silence, I could hear my own breathing as I made my way over to the island counter in the middle of the kitchen. A pale white sheet of paper was stuck to the middle of the counter with sticky tape, Axl’s messy signature catching my eye as I snatched it up into my shaky hands.
‘I’m out at the studio, make yourself at home.
    You should probably go see Duff, god knows what he’ll do if you’re gone too long.’
W. Axl Rose
I was gonna go see Duff, right now. I didn’t care for the fact that I was still in my pyjamas, the need to see his stupid face overwhelming my thoughts. My eyes were blurry as I drove, probably almost hitting some things, or people, as I drove. Duff was the only destination in my mind, fueling my adrenaline as I sped down the street. I pulled into our driveway haphazardly, slamming the door shut as I jumped out of the vehicle. My legs carried me to the door faster than I thought possible, I needed to see him. I brought my fist up to bang against the door, fresh tears beginning to fall from my eyes.
No one answered.
The thought that something had happened to him took over my brain. I gave turning the doorknob a shot, and surprisingly it worked, the door swinging open in front of me. My eyes were immediately greeted by the sight of the hallway mirror, smashed against the floor, shards of glass spread everywhere. I could see the remnants of a few bottles of beer mixed in with the clear glass of the mirror, creating a scene of destruction. My heart began to hammer against my chest with worry. What if he had gotten himself hurt? Was he okay?
“Duff?!” My voice trembled as I called out for him, taking a timid step inside the house as glass crunched under my feet.
“(Y/N)?” Duff’s voice rang through my right ear, the sound I usually love was distorted with croakiness, a sadness that I had never heard him mutter an ounce of before.
I tore my gaze from the mess in front of me, looking into the entrance to the living room where Duff stood. He looked worse than yesterday, his hair sticking out all over the place, some of the strands sticking to his face due to sweat. His eyes were red, accompanied by deep grey bags that seemed to draw his face downwards. I flinched as he made his way towards me, making him halt in his steps, leaving a fair distance between us.
“I came back to see you,” My words barely left my mouth in a whisper, my eyes staying locked on his, wondering how he would react.
“Are you going away again?” Duff’s voice was tired as his hand came up to brush away the sweaty bits of hair in his eyes.
“Let me make it up to you,” Duff stated, making his way towards me again, this time I didn’t flinch, I welcomed his torn-up presence; meeting him halfway. My hands rested against his chest, feeling his heart beat beneath my finger tips. Duff leaned down to press his lips to the side of my mouth, pressing sweet kisses against each of my cheeks as he drew circles on my hips with his thumbs.
“Ok,” It was almost a whisper, almost silence, but it was an agreement.
Duff’s lips crashed onto mine, moulding to my mouth like clay against water. I whimpered at the rushed contact, my hands flying upwards to tangle into his blonde hair, tugging on the strands forcefully. My body was pressed flush against his, feeling every inch of his form against mine. I didn’t realise how bad I had been missing him until his lips were on mine, his hands roaming my body like he owned it. Duff’s hands slid down to my ass, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around him. I inhaled sharply as his hard-on pressed against my core, my body cursing the layers that separated our skin. Our lips stayed connected the entire time Duff made his way into the living room, dropping himself down onto the couch with me in his lap.
I ground myself down into him, relishing in the way he groaned into my mouth at the unexpected friction. Duff’s hands clasped themselves onto my ass, squeezing the muscle between his fingers. I moaned into his mouth, feeling his crotch jerk upwards. Desire was coursing through my veins, heating my whole body up, coursing through my fingertips as they traced over his bare torso. I traced my hands over his chest, down his stomach, my exploring being halted by the hem of his jeans. I drifted my fingers over the small trace of a snail trail that led down to his crotch, moving my kisses from his mouth to his jaw and down his neck. I licked a stripe up his neck, biting down harshly on the curve of his jawline. Duff jumped at the sudden pain, but I could tell he liked it from the way his jeans tightened beneath me. I began tugging at Duff’s jeans, eager to get them down his legs. Duff’s large hands came down to grab mine, halting their movements as he brought them up to his chest again. I looked up at the blonde, giving him a quizzical stare as he smiled lovingly at me.
“I said I would make it up to you,” Duff pressed a kiss against my nose, gripping my hips and moving me to his side so that I was laying down, my back against the couch, “it’s not about me right now, I need to apologise, the best way I know how.”
Duff slid himself between my legs, his chin resting on top of my stomach as he stared up at me, moving his hands along the sides of my body. Duff gave me one last look before he ducked his face down between my legs, his fingers hooking around the waistband of my pyjama pants, dragging them down ever so slowly. The feeling of the soft material sliding over my legs had me shaking for him already. My pants slipped over my feet, being thrown to the other side of the room by Duff, his face dropping back between my spread legs once again. I felt his hot breath against my core over the material of my panties, my hips bucking up slightly with need. Duff’s hands made their way to my thighs, his large fingers gripping them to prevent me from squirming too much. I closed my eyes as he began to place light kisses against the inside of my thighs, biting the soft skin occasionally. His nose brushed against my clit as he made his way to my core. A sigh brushed over my lips as I closed my eyes, my stomach tightening with anticipation of what was to come.
A sweet kiss was pressed against my clit, my eyes being closed only making the sensation all the more prominent. Duff’s fingers slid over my hips, hooking themselves under my panties and dragging them down my legs, the flimsy material soon joining my pants on the floor. Duff’s lips re-attached themselves to my clit as soon as he dropped my panties on the floor, his tongue flicking out against the sensitive bundle of nerves. I arched my back, my hands reaching down the tangle themselves in his hair as he dragged his tongue up my soaking slit. I looked down at him as he growled against me, drawing a circle around my clit with his tongue. I tugged against his hair, pulling him upwards from my aching pussy. My lips pressed against his softly, my hands cradling his face delicately. Duff broke the kiss, running his fingers gently over my entrance. My mouth fell open at the feeling, my hands gripping onto his shoulders; nails digging into his pale skin.
“What do you want me to do?” Duff pressed his face into my neck, mumbling softly as he continued the movement of his fingers against me.
“Fingers, I want your fingers Duff,” I gasped, my hands sliding to the back of his neck, holding onto it like it was my life support.
I could feel Duff’s smile against my skin as he began to dip his fingers into me, teasingly bringing them out before sliding them in just enough for me to feel it.
“Duff stop teasing-”
My breath caught in my lungs as he shoved his fingers past my entrance, filling me up. My back arches off the couch once again, pressing against his sweaty body. The pace he set was slow, but with every flick of his hand he went deep. I could see him watching over my face, his eyes lighting up with pride each time I let out a noise of pleasure all because of his touch. I knew he was sorry for what he had been doing, what he had done. Right now I couldn’t seem to think of a better way to apologise- a million other ways, sure, but a better one; never. I looked up into his brown eyes as the heat inside my stomach grew with each stroke of his long fingers, the rough pads of his fingertips brushing up against my sensitive walls. I could feel the sweat running down my neck, my body was so hot and with the added heat of Duff, all I could muster were incoherent rambles. I pushed my fingers through the knots and tangles of his hair, bringing his forehead down to rest against mine as my breath became heavy, escaping me in low, drawn out sighs.
“You gonna cum for me?” Duff whispered against my lips, moving his fingers at a slightly faster pace than before, my eyes scrunching shut as I felt my orgasm building inside of me, “Let it go, let it go.”
A low moan erupted from my lungs as my hips twitched, bucking into his fingers that continued to pump themselves in and out of me. My eyes rolled back into my head, all I saw was white, my body convulsing under Duff’s touch. I could barely hear him whispering in my ear, praising me as I came for him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as I came down from my high, pulling his body into mine, whimpering at the feeling of his fingers sliding out of my heat.
Duff pressed his forehead against my temple, placing little kisses against my cheek, still whispering encouragement and praise as my breathing slowly returned to normal.
All I could seem to catch within his whispers, “I love you.”
My heart swelled as I said it back, and I could feel his fingers tighten their grip on my waist. His eyelashes flicking against the side of my face as he closed his eyes.
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gunsnbowies · 5 years
think about you - izzy stradlin x reader
summary: a short little thing that shows just how soft Izzy Stradlin is for the reader
warning(s): fluff, mention of drugs and alcohol
word count: 1.7k
author’s note: i’m going to be writing for some underappreciated, under-written for boys, so get ready for more izzy stradlin, steven adler, and john deacon stuff
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I said, "Babe, you been lookin' real good" You know that I remember when we met It's funny how I never felt so good It's a feelin' that I know, I know I'll never forget
Waking up in Izzy’s bed was nicer than you thought it would be. Usually, the first thing you smelled was the smoke of his first cigarette of the day, the quiet strumming of a guitar accompanying the grayish wisps as they curled away from the blistered end of his the vice between his lips. That scent was a comfort to you now where it once was a disturbance, a reminder of the danger that one thing could mean. Of course, you still would pester Izzy about the dangers of cigarettes, but now those complaints were accompanied by pecks on the cheek that assured him that you truly only had his well-being in mind, whereas when you first met him, you would tell him all the ways he was killing himself (he called you a hypocrite, because you still indulged in other drugs when they were around, but you would just stick your tongue out at him). You’d love it if he quit, he knew, partly because you want him to live a long life, but mostly because then you’d get the satisfaction of knowing he listened to you and valued what you said. No, he didn’t quit, but he did scale back a bit, which pleased you enough that you wouldn’t say anything about his habit. So here you were, in the bed of the man you loved, finding solace in the action you once couldn’t stand.
His plucking ceased when he noticed you had woken up, and a lazy grin made it’s way across his face. You sat up, stretching your arms with a over-dramatic sigh, “What are you doing all the way over there, Iz?” You crawled to the edge of his bed, and Izzy just laughed, pushing the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray and placing his guitar into its stand and standing before you, arms wrapping around your waist, nuzzling into your neck. You giggled when his eyelashes brushed your skin, thinking about how soft he was around you. It was a drastic change, and the boys never left him alone about it. He could go from snorting line after line and drinking like a fish to snuggling you and taking showers with you, and not the sexy kind of showers. Axl had introduced you two when they were still apart of the band Hollywood Rose, and it had been kind of awkward when you and Izzy first got together because you were originally with the ginger singer, but that feeling was relieved when you and Axl both agreed that you hadn’t felt any type of romantic feelings for each other. You and Axl were good friends after the fact, though, and he felt no shame in teasing the two of you, telling Izzy that he stole his girl, but you always made sure he knew that he was the only one you wanted. Izzy was so thankful that Axl had brought you into his life, even if it meant knowing that you had made out with Axl Rose before.
You fell backwards, pulling Izzy into the bed with you and relishing in the sun seeping through the blinds that late morning. Izzy just turned on his side, running his fingers up and down your arm and admiring the way you looked wrapped in his sheets, barely covering you up, your legs peeking out among the gray fabric. “Y’know, the best I’ve ever seen you look is when you’re in my bed,” he murmured, admiring you with his hungry eyes. You were his favorite part of every day, and he had never had that feeling about any of the girls he’d hung around before.
Oh, it was the best time, I can remember Oh, and the love we shared Is lovin' that'll last forever 
When you guys were drunk and sick with all the drugs you had done, you would just fall all over each other, talking about any thought that popped into you coked-up little heads. From his mundane yet mischievous childhood in Indiana to his escapades with his fellow band members, he had the most fun when he was with you, drinking everything in sight and loving on each other until the sun came up. The two of you felt like you’d be young forever, in each other’s arms until the end came.
One of the first rehearsals with Steven in the band, you had popped in to see how the new lineup was turning out, and the boys got to introduce your relationship to the drummer. As soon as you entered the dingy apartment, Izzy pulled you into his lap, lips attaching to yours as you straddled him, his hands finding their way into your back pockets. Steven glanced at the two of you, then at Duff, Axl, and Slash who were drinking beers in the kitchen, “Does this happen a lot?”
Duff shrugged, “You get used to it. And hey, (y/n) gets really mad when you ask if you can have a turn.” You raised your middle finger to him from across the apartment, lips not even parting from Izzy’s. 
“As much as I enjoy free porn,” Axl started, “We need to get back to work.” You rolled your eyes, sliding off of Izzy’s lap and pecking his cheek, falling onto the couch so you could watch them play. The rest of rehearsal was cut short, as Izzy couldn’t take his eyes off you, and the two of you were in Axl’s bathroom, making noises nothing short of musical as the boys packed up. Axl grinned at Steven, “We get our own free show after rehearsals.”
There wasn't much in this heart of mine But there's a little left and babe you found it It's funny how I never felt so high It's a feeling that I know, I know I'll never forget
Axl could see the effect you had on Izzy. He had known him for so long that they had messed around with instruments in garages and smoked cheap pot wherever in town they thought they wouldn’t get caught, and never had he seen Izzy so excited about girl. His usually stony demeanor dissipated, and instead, the guitarist turned into a lovesick young man, hands all over you, trying to get enough of you. His heart belonged to you, and he didn’t think that something like what he felt for you would be in his future, but here you were, taking care of him when he came home drunk and kissing him softly in the morning. It proved that there had been something missing from his life, but now he had it. You stole into the deepest part of his soul, which he hadn’t even known existed until you showed him. He had learned more about himself as you got to know him, and not only was that a plus, but he was invested in you as well. He cared about the time you broke your elbow in the fourth grade, and how you felt when your parents divorced when you were twelve, and not only did he care, but he related and talked about things with you, things that he didn’t talk about with anyone else. He taught you how to play guitar, and you taught him to look inside himself. 
Oh, it was the best time, I can remember Oh, and the love we shared Is lovin' that'll last forever I think about you, honey, all the time, my heart says, "Yes" I think about you, deep inside, I love you best I think about you, you know you're the one I want I think about you, darling, you're the only one I think about you, yeah! 
Izzy had absolutely zero problems being faithful to you or anything like that. He loved you, and for the first time, he could see himself ending up with you. One night after a bar gig, Izzy and the boys sat in a booth in the corner and chatted. “Where’s (y/n) tonight, Iz?” Duff questioned, sipping his beer from across the table. 
Izzy shrugged, playing with the label on his bottle, “She picked up a double at the diner. Tryna pay rent.” Izzy sometimes felt bad that you had to work so hard to keep up the life the two of you lived with his lack of income, but you always just told him you were happy to do it because you loved him.
“You’re really lucky, y’know?” Steven sighed, “Not a lot of girls would do what she does.” Steven was right. You did so much not only for Izzy, but for all of the boys. You took care of them when they drank too much and were always looking out for them. You were their fiercest protector and biggest fan, and they loved you for it. You liked to make sure the were still on their feet.
“I know,” Izzy smiled, though he tried to hide it behind his hand.
“Izzy Stradlin!” Axl proclaimed, “(y/n) has thawed your ice cold heart! You’re even smiling!” Axl really liked to tease him about you, and the boys would pile on, too, especially when he would get distracted by you. You were constantly on his mind, and it made him feel like he was thirteen. One day when all the boys were over, they were trying to write some songs, but Izzy just kept glancing over at you, grinning as you cleaned the kitchen. Such a mundane task, but he could watch you do anything and he’d think you looked beautiful. His eyes were on you constantly, and eventually, the boys began to notice his lack of attention.
“He’s doing it again,” Slash groaned, throwing his pen at the brunette’s head, to which he rubbed his forehead, glaring at the snickering guitarist. You turned slightly, and saw it as nothing but an opportunity for mischief.
“Slash!” you whined, walking to where the boys were sprawled on the floor and flopping down into Izzy’s lap, “Don’t do that.” You placed a kiss where the pen had landed on his skin, before turning back to the curly haired man, “He’s fragile.” You giggled, a sound that usually comforted Izzy, but much less so when it was accompanied by the laughter of his band mates.
“You’re lucky I love you,” Izzy sighed, tucking his chin over your shoulder as the boys mocked him.
“I know,” you grinned, leaning back against him, relishing in the fact that you had someone like him to love.
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privateplates4u · 5 years
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Porsche 911 Turbo S: 3rd Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car
Long the performance flagship of the Porsche 911 line, the Turbo S adds a healthy dose of crazy. Rather than mess with success, this 991.2 iteration tackles the only criticism of the previous Turbo S: It wasn’t wild enough. Some will feel even this version is too sterile; they’re nuts. Porsche fitted two new variable-geometry turbos to the 3.8-liter flat-six engine, which now conjures 580 hp and 516 lb-ft of torque—or 553 lb-ft in temporary overboost. An anti-lag system keeps the throttle open but cuts the fuel during shifts to keep air flowing. Porsche’s PDK dual-clutch automatic transaxle remains, as do the all-wheel-drive system, electronically adjustable shock absorbers, carbon-ceramic brakes, front splitter, and rear wing. A new Sport Response button gives you 20 seconds of on-demand sharper throttle response, and a new rear-wheel steering system sharpens the handling. It’s Best Driver’s Car week! Don’t miss the incredible story of how we chose the 2017 Best Driver’s Car right here, and stay tuned for the World’s Greatest Drag Race, coming soon. The result is the hardest-launching car we’ve ever tested, at 1.26 g of horizontal force. Tesla? Nope. Demon? Nuh-uh. From a stop, this 911 will dust a Bugatti Veyron to 60 mph—just 2.5 seconds. The quarter mile flashes past in a stunning 10.6 seconds, at which point you’ll be traveling at 129.6 mph and pulling hard. It pulls hard in corners, too, registering 1.05 average g on the skidpad and 0.95 average g during a brief 22.9-second figure-eight lap. Stopping the 3,557-pound missile from 60 mph takes only 92 feet. We Say “My litmus test for whether a car has a shot at taking the BDC crown is what I’m doing with my head and shoulders when driving. If I’m cocking my head and leaning into the turns along with the vehicle, I am in sync with my steed. We are one; the man-machine interface is engaged, the singularity has occurred. It happened with the winning McLaren 570S last year. “I’m doing that head tilting, lean in thing whilst carving the canyons in the Turbo S. It is nearly the complete package. So fast and completely unflappable. It’s really hard to find a flaw here. Just so fast. Smooth. Lovely to hear the wastegates dump as you lift throttle and the beats of silence between gearshifts. But yes, a more thrilling sound from the back would be appreciated. Unbelievably fast. It is really a focused tool intended for one purpose: going very fast.” – Ed Loh Read about other 2017 Best Driver’s Car contenders: Ferrari 488 GTB Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 1LE Porsche 718 Cayman S Lexus LC 500 Mercedes-AMG GT R Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Aston Martin DB11 Nissan GT-R NISMO Mazda MX-5 Miata RF McLaren 570GT “Goose bumps—it’s so easy to handle. Steering is stiff, but it gives you exactly the kind of feedback that you want to feel on a road like this. The sound coming from the engine is superb. Suspension is rigid but comfortable. I felt the confidence to go faster on the corners and push for more. The 911 stands out not only for its handsome looks, but also for that great feeling of confidence that it delivers when you drive on windy roads.” – Miguel Cortina “So, so, so capable on 198. But the trade-off of having such a highly capable car is that it’s quite a bore to drive in normal situations, which is likely how the 911 Turbo will be driven 91.1 percent of the time. It’s really boring on the road. But again, great car to drive hard.” – Erick Ayapana “To me, this is the perfect driver’s car, in that you can do it all: drive for hours and hours on an interstate, then suddenly twist a dial to sport plus, put the hammer down, and the 911 leaps to life, assured, forceful, and pragmatically intense. It is so composed, so nailed down, so very fast, and so full of grip. There is never a hint that something might go awry. It squirts out of the apex and fills you with so much confidence. If you carry too much speed into a corner, lay into the brakes through that entry portion of the curve, and the 911 just tucks in and says, ‘Yeah sure, we got this.’” – Mark Rechtin “My god it’s so capable and so easy. The engine almost feels lazy while piling on the speed. It’s really deceptive how powerful it truly is even at low rpm. It’s amazing how much confidence this car gives a driver. Not just the brakes, but the steering and the stability. The car shrinks around you and becomes an extension of you. I’m looking for a complaint, and I can’t find one.” – Chris Walton “There’s a reason this car is at the top of the rankings in any competition. The 911 Turbo S is so amazingly competent on every level—without having any visible compromises—that it’s easy to forget how high its limits are. Right out of the box, the 911 Turbo S lets you drive as fast as you dare, brake as hard as you can, and turn as much as you wish. It doesn’t just inspire confidence … it inspires a relationship with the driver.” – Derek Powell Randy Says “Yeah, the 911 Turbo S was super great, but it almost seemed a little bit unsatisfying. Somehow? This 991.2 has so much more torque than the last GT3s, any GT3 I ever drove. And it’s just so satisfying to drive. The balance under power is amazing to me. Knowing how little weight is on those tires especially when you’re under about 0.9 g acceleration in second gear, and it doesn’t push under power. This car seems more rewarding to drive to me, and it really … it blows away some great cars. I guess ‘cause it’s easy? But it’s rewardingly easy. It’s not boring; it’s satisfying. It just makes me feel like I could drive better than I really can. I literally said that to myself, driving off of turn 11. “In the slower corners, when the revs are down, there’s no sense of lag whatsoever. I love the way it’ll dig off the corner without understeer. I could go to the power really early, and I’d just know that a lot of cars would want to understeer under this condition. And it doesn’t, it just comes on. Just fascinatingly, thrillingly good. “You have to be just a wee bit careful about entry oversteer. Don’t leave that weight on the nose for too long on a high speed corner. It takes a real specific combination of great on-the-nose, aggressive turn-in, and off throttle to bring the tail out. A couple of times when it came out it still was not scary. It was a pleasant experience. Back to the power, and there you go. I’m just really, really impressed. “With PDKs you’re just wasting your time shifting manually. It might be fun just to do it for the fun of it, but it’s completely unnecessary to shift yourself. The brakes held up completely; even the tires held up. I mean, the loads, what they’re going through is mind-bending. The amount of speed, the amount of braking, and how hard those tires are worked—they still hold up. The car retains its balance. I just seem to be able to repeat my braking performance. I was in so deep a couple times halfway through the brakes I thought maybe I wouldn’t make this. But then it would slow down enough and ride into the apex, and away we’d go. It’s a nice, firm pedal, and that means the braking performance is repeatable. It also made me push it harder. “I don’t feel the rear-steer except that, maybe, it’s my guess that it’s one of the ways they keep the front traction in the middle of the corner when it really shouldn’t have any, but the car responds to the steering wheel in the middle of the corner. Low-speed, high-speed, anything you want. I think I set my speed record over the corkscrew. “It’s a real testament to what’s possible with modern technology when you are creating a sports car and you know what you’re doing. It’s an amazing piece of machinery. A living testament to how good a car can be with the stability control off.” 2017 Porsche 911 Turbo S POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Rear-engine, AWD ENGINE TYPE Twin-turbo flat-6, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 231.9 cu in/3,800 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 9.8:1 POWER (SAE NET) 580 hp @ 6,750 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 516 lb-ft @ 2,100 rpm* REDLINE 7,200 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 6.1 lb/hp TRANSMISSION 7-speed twin-clutch auto. AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 3.44:1(f) 3.33:1(r)/2.06:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Struts, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, adj shocks, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 12.5-15.0:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.5 BRAKES, F; R 16.1-in vented, drilled, carbon-ceramic disc; 15.4-in vented, drilled, carbon-ceramic disc, ABS WHEELS 9.0 x 20-in; 11.5 x 20-in forged aluminum TIRES 245/35ZR20 91Y; 305/30ZR20 103Y Pirelli P Zero Corsa N0 DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 96.5 in TRACK, F/R 60.7/62.6 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 177.4 x 74.0 x 51.0 in TURNING CIRCLE 60.7/62.6 in CURB WEIGHT 3,557 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 39/61% SEATING CAPACITY 2+2 HEADROOM, F/R 37.7/32.2 in LEGROOM, F/R 42.2/27.1 in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 51.3/47.9 in CARGO VOLUME 4.1 cu ft (+9.2 cu ft beh fr seats) TEST DATA ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 0.9 sec 0-40 1.4 0-50 1.9 0-60 2.5 0-70 3.3 0-80 4.1 0-90 5.1 0-100 6.2 0-100-0 9.7 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 1.3 QUARTER MILE 10.6 sec @ 129.6 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 92 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 1.05 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 22.9 sec @ 0.95 g (avg) 2.2-MI ROAD COURSE LAP 1:33.21 sec TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,500 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $189,150 PRICE AS TESTED $196,360 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 8: Dual front, fr side, fr curtain, fr knee BASIC WARRANTY 4 yrs/50,000 miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 4 yrs/50,000 miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 4 yrs/50,000 miles FUEL CAPACITY 17.9 gal EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 19/24/21 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 177/140 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 0.93 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded premium The post Porsche 911 Turbo S: 3rd Place – 2017 Motor Trend Best Driver’s Car appeared first on Motor Trend.
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julessworldd · 4 years
Punk Duff x reader
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 Summary: Duff brings his long term girlfriend on tour with Guns and during an interview, Duff gets asked what he would do if some model came in his dressing room. The reader gives me the cold shoulder for a bit.
Word Count: 1358
Duff said the tour would be something that I’m not used to, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I partied with him and the boys way before they got on tour with Motley Crue, ran from the cops with Axl and Slash, got into a bar fight along with Duff when a biker gave another biker a drink that was a ‘Blowjob’. Like I said we’ve had crazy times together, what's gonna be different besides that they had to work. 
This was a tour with Motley Crue, bad boys of Hollywood, famous ‘Terror Twins’ running around. The boys had been nice to me and bought me a couple of drinks at a bar. Nikki had grown a liking to me and he looked out for me when Duff was on stage or had an interview.  Duff and Steven were currently doing an interview for MTV, I sat on the old, lumpy couch in a back room. The door opened and I smirked, “Hey Baby” “Uh, baby that’s different. Hey yourself” Izzy said shutting the door. “Oh it's you, forgot you had an interview” I sighed, throwing my head back on the couch.
“Sorry for not being prince charming, princess” Izzy pushed my knee playfully.  “Do you know what’s going on after their interview? I’m starving, Iz” I asked. “Not sure, Y/n” Izzy said, lighting a cigarette.  I nodded and moved my foot away from Izzy’s space.  “What would you do if she did come into your dressing room, thou?” Steven asked as the door opened. “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t do what that interview was suggesting to do. How many pictures of Y/n and I do they need that I’m not single?” Duff rolled his eyes. I raised my head from the couch and stared at him. Izzy must have sensed it, “You guys wanna get something to eat, Y/n said she was hungry earlier” Izzy asked standing up. “Yeah, I could eat,” Steven said as Izzy walked towards the door. Duff was quiet and looked down at his cowboy boots. Izzy held the door for me as Steven and him raced to the car, Duff trailed behind.  “Hey, can we talk? I hate when you’re mad at me” 
“Duff, I’m not. Nor am I upset, let's go get lunch, okay?” I sighed, turning on my heel, walking to the car. “Babe” Duff groaned. We stopped at diner, that looked decent or could be where teeangers stop at before being killed. An older waitress sat us down in a booth towards the back, per Izzy’s request. I was gonna sit with Izzy, but Popcorn had already plopped down next to him. Great a weird lunch with Duff. Duff stood letting me in and sat down as a young, pretty, blond haired girl with a preppy smile waitress started asking what we wanted to drink. Steven was shaking the table from bouncing his knee from his energy that built up. Normally, it would be fine, but I laid my head down on the table. “Hey kid, you okay?” Izzy nudged my calf. “Fine, Iz” I sighed wrapping my arms in front of my face. “She okay?”, The waitress asked as she sat our drinks down. Duff looked over and finally noticed me, “Hey Y/n, you good?” I stayed silent and hid in my arms. “You guys ready to order?” The boys had ordered and I told her I wasn’t hungry, which was a lie but after, hearing what Steven asked Duff just ruined my appetite. Believe me, I would munch down on a bacon burger with extra fries and would still get some Duff’s.  Steven went to the bathroom and Izzy went out for a smoke, leaving Duff and I alone. 
 “What’s wrong? You were hungry before the interview, Baby” Duff asked, turning to me. I stared at the booth in front us, watching our waitress clean a table.  Trying not to scream at Duff in public, I dug my nails in my hand, the universe wasn’t strong enough to hold my tongue.  “What the fuck was Steven talking about a chick coming into your dressing room before at show? Are you cheating on me?” I said turning to face Duff. Duff was shocked and just stared at me, “No, I would never cheat on you. Interviewer mentioned that a model was a fan of Guns and apparently she has a thing for me. And if she did come into my dressing room with you in the room or not, I would tell her to get lost. I only have eyes for you, always have. I was wanting to tell you before we got here, but you stormed off and attached to Izzy” Duff said while holding my hand. I grabbed him by his chin to look in his eyes, to see if he was lying. No lies in his green orbs, I smiled, “I’m sorry for thinking you would cheat on me, Duff. I know you would never, but I got worried that you would get tired of me and would get a groupie or something.” I said letting my hand go, but he laid it on his cheek as he nodded. Duff leaned in and dipped to my lips, it got pretty heated, forgetting we’re in public. Izzy cleared his throat as our waitress stood at the table with their food, watching us make out. I pushed Duff off and turned back around in the booth. Duff just smirked at me as she walked away, clearly blushing. “It’s not funny, McKagan” I whined. “Yeah, it was hot,” Steven said as he ate his burger, he spit it out as Duff kicked his calf. I shook my head knowing his little crush on. Slash had too many and confessed that Steven thought I was pretty and got sad when he realized Duff and I were together.
The boys were getting ready for their show, Duff was putting on a Misfits tank top. “Do you ever stay mad at him?” Izzy asked, making me jump in fear. “Have a few times, Stradlin’”, I said looking at Duff. Rest of the boys were outside waiting on Axl and Duff, “Hey, I’m sorry for being a pain in the ass earlier. Just that I haven’t got used to the whole you being famous and women finding you attractive.” I said as Duff pulled his last cowboy boot on. “It's okay, I drug you down here from home when you barely graduated from school. I’ve asked you to do a lot of stuff for me, and put you through a lot. I should have let you decide if you wanted to move to LA or if you wanted to go to college. It bothers me that I didn’t ask you what you wanted” Duff wrapped his arms around my waist. “There was nothing in Seattle for me anymore, hell half of our friends were on heroin and couldn’t tell what day it was. I’ve not regretted one time, running away with you. It makes me happy seeing what you love and wanted to do since you were 14. Sure, it gets hard not having you home, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you, Punk” I said, looking up at him. Duff grinned, “I love you too, baby” I stood up and kissed him as Axl opened the door. “Hey Doll, I need your boyfriend for a bit. Then you can have him again and in a week have a pregnancy scare” I rolled my eyes, “Fine Ax, you can have him, I guess”
 Duff grinned as he finished his beer. “You’re still on your birth control, right?” “Yes, babe I am” I snickered. “Good good.. Be back later” Duff kissed me before running to the guys. “Crazy fucker” I smiled watching him do what he loves in life. 
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tuffduff · 5 years
Dead Batteries (Izzy Stradlin x Reader)
Paring: Izzy x Reader
Words: 1,517
Request: @tonightiggypop “Hi! Could you write an Izzy Stradlin imagine where he meets you after becoming sober?”
A/N: So...I wrote all of this only to realize you had said “meet” (oops) so this is slightly different, but I hope you like it anyways! I know the least about Izzy out of the original five, so I also hope he comes across right. Thanks for requesting beautiful!
You had been Izzy’s companion for years. Maybe companion wasn’t the best word; companions got the luxury of being side by side with someone, right? But that wasn’t always the case.
Growing up in Lafayette, Indiana, there wasn’t exactly a lot to do. You were there before Axl came into the picture. And even when Izzy started spending more and more time with the unpredictable firecracker redhead, he would come back to you. He needed to, he would say when he turned up at your bedroom window late at night and you had to sneak him in so your parents wouldn’t hear. “I need to recharge my batteries.” He would explain after spending days on end with Axl.
“Then why did you come to me?” You would ask. Surely, recharging batteries was a solo kind of thing. He would merely shake his head.
“You’re the only person who really gets me.”
He talked about moving away all the time, to LA was what he reckoned. By the time you both graduated, you were heartbroken; you always knew he was going to do it. It was bittersweet. It was time.
“I wish I could pack you up and take you with me in my suitcase,” he would joke. You would never forget the day he left. There was a long moment of silence between the two of you, along with long looks that always led to you both looking away, only to look back helplessly. It was as if you both wanted to say something, but that something might have changed his plans, and you weren’t about to let that happen. So, you put your own feelings on the back burner and kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly, allowing yourself a tear or two to fall when he couldn’t see, making sure they were gone when you pulled away to look at him one last time.
“Make me proud,” you whispered. He nodded solemnly, still unable to share anything he had inside of him.
Did you love Izzy? Probably. You would actually be lying if you said anything otherwise, it was almost like you didn’t have a choice. He seemed to be a fixture in your life, like furniture that had always been there. “How’s Izzy doing?” Was what your parents would ask you second to how you were doing. You knew in your heart you loved him; it was a truth weaved into the fabric of your very being.
You were still in Lafayette when Guns N’ Roses made it big. Of course, Izzy had kept you updated on every band he played with up until that point, the gigs that had been shitty, the ones that made him feel like he was actually doing the right thing. The low points, the moment of doubt, asking your opinion on lyrics he had written, playing you “Happy Birthday” over the phone on his guitar when he couldn’t be there. You cherished those phone calls, but over time, something changed. He sounded different, after all, you would know. Izzy didn’t sound like your Izzy anymore.
Soon the calls stopped coming altogether. You watched from afar as Guns N’ Roses really made it big. You were absolutely shattered. It was more bitter than sweet now; yes, he had made it. Yes, you were proud. But making it also apparently meant leaving you behind. With fame and fortune and success, you were a part of his life he seemingly no longer needed, or wanted. Forgotten. Or so you thought.
It was raining one night, a downpour so violent you couldn’t really relax in your lone apartment. You almost thought you imagined the knocking on your door. You almost thought you were going crazy entirely when you finally opened it to see Izzy, soaked to the bone and looking as though it were hard for him to breathe.
“Izzy?” You managed to get his name out of your mouth. “What are you doing here?” Any other person would’ve pushed their way inside to take shelter from the rain, but as he stared at you, it was like he didn’t feel it. His eyes softened, and you could see them glistening despite the rain. Finally, he stepped inside silently, dripping water onto your floor, and pulled you tightly against him, effectively soaking you too. You let him.
“You look exactly the same,” he whispered into the crook of your neck. His voice was breathless, and thick with relief. His embrace was tight, keeping you bound to him, refusing to let go.
“What are you doing, Izzy...” You asked, holding him back. The moment felt surreal. He was a big rockstar now, he shouldn’t be standing in your apartment.
“I got your address from your parents.” You pulled back finally to give him a bewildered look. He sighed, shrugging and avoiding your gaze. “I’m here because...I’ve got a lot of explaining to do. And my batteries have been dead for a long time.”
He didn’t want to get your furniture wet, so the two of you sat together on the floor of your apartment as he explained how he got mixed up in heroin. How exhilarating it was to have a taste of success, but how he knew in the back of his head he needed to cut the shit. How he felt like he couldn’t. How he was too ashamed to call. How it got worse and worse.
“I thought you got too famous for me,” you admitted, now being the one to avoid his gaze. After a long moment of silence, Izzy grabbed your hand.
“You have no idea how much I missed you this entire time, Y/N. I wanted to call, I just couldn’t. Axl would try to get me to call, to fly you in to see us play, but I just felt so...ashamed. I didn’t feel good enough for you to see me. I didn’t want you to see me like that.”
He explained he was sober. That he came back home, for good.
“I needed to get away from LA. And this is the only place that has you in it.” He smiled a little as he looked down, playing absently with the bands around his wrist. “I’ve got a lot of good memories here.”
Maybe there was something about having him back physically in front of you, maybe it was the vulnerable spilling of emotions, the way it felt like the two of you were teenagers sitting in your room again, but you finally grew the courage to suck in a breathe and spit out the only thing you had been thinking for the last few years.
“I should’ve gone with you.” He looked surprised. You wondered for a second if he didn’t feel the same until he squeezed your hand that he was still holding.
“I had the same thought every day. But really, I shouldn’t have left without telling you how I really felt.” The pounding rain had softened outside the four walls of your apartment, allowing you to really focus on his light words, on the weight they carried. “Y/N, I’ve been in love with you since we were 12, I’m pretty sure. And there were times I thought maybe you felt the same, or at least hoped. Like the time you made me come with you to the junior high ball and we slow-danced, but never talked about it again. You wouldn’t believe how many songs I’ve written that were inspired all by you. And leaving you behind that day was the hardest thing I had to do.” Overwhelmed, you grabbed the other hand you weren’t already holding.
“But you did make me proud,” you reasoned. He chuckled, shaking his head.
“It never felt like it to me. But I’ve decided that’s up to you—you’ve always believed in me anyways. I don’t care who I make proud anymore. I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished, but I want to move forward. I don’t want to make you proud, Y/N, I want to make you happy. And I want you.” All prior feelings of hurt completely evaporated. It was as if the old and rusty lock to the gate of your heart’s emotions had been cut loose, freeing you to feel only unwavering love, empowering love—love that made you feel like you were soaring.
“I wanted to tell you too, before you left. God, I wanted to stop you but I didn’t want to keep you from your dreams. I love you, Izzy, I always have.” He pulled you towards him by your interlaced hands into a kiss, your first kiss together, making up for lost time with years of passion, longing, and love fueling it. He pulled back finally, taking one of his hands to smooth down your hair.
“Screw dreams, once you’ve lived them you realize what matters in life is something real. My heads never been more clear than now. No matter where life takes me next, I know I want you with me. I love you.” It was an apology, an affirmation, and a promise all in one, and better than any song to your ears.
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