#i would have included a photo of the 2 side by side except it would be kinda useless
roosterforme · 9 months
The Intern Part 2 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Five minutes into an interview with you, and Bradley knew he was in trouble. You were attractive, funny and smart, and now the summer was stretching out before him like an obstacle course he would have to navigate carefully. At least a visit from an old friend should be enough to help him work through his frustrations.
Warnings: Language, mentions of smut and masturbation (eventually 18+)
Length: 4200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
The Intern masterlist. Check out my masterlist for more. Banner by @mak-32
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When Bradley got to the Avio headquarters the following morning, he rode the elevator up to his office. He'd already eaten breakfast, gone for a long run and taken a shower, and he was still one of the first ones here. Except for Judy. He smiled when her desk came into view as he turned toward his office door. She was sweet, and it scared him a little bit how much she reminded him of his mom. She was a widow with one son in college, and Bradley would be lost without her. 
"Morning," she said, handing him his mail as he walked past without her even looking up at him. "You have a very busy day, and I already turned on your coffee maker."
He really needed to give her another raise. "Thanks, Judy. Hey, what time is that interview I have?" he asked, flipping through the stack of envelopes in his hand. 
Now she looked up from her computer and met his eyes. "Nine o'clock. And it's Ted's daughter."
"I know," he replied with a small smile. 
"Do you really think she would be a good fit? You'll be working on the yacht for weeks, and all she has is a graduate degree and a daddy with a bankroll." She handed him your résumé with a concerned look.
He shrugged as he skimmed the page again. "She has some related work experience. She volunteered to run the finances for a handful of Philadelphia based charities every year. Her references include the Philadelphia deputy mayor. But you're right, she's pretty green. I'll take this with me," he said as he held the résumé up and headed for his door. "Let me know when she arrives."
"Will do," Judy muttered. 
Bradley made himself another cup of coffee before he settled into his seat. His office had a fantastic view of the Pacific Ocean in the distance along with the Naval base at North Island where he'd spent several years working. Sometimes he missed it, other times he didn't. Flying was in his blood, but after five air-to-air kills, it seemed like he'd given up enough of his soul to the Navy. Now he was helping oversee the design of software components that would help keep aviators safer in the air. 
He turned his gaze from the view outside back to your resume. Your name at the top made him smile, and the more he read about you, the more he liked. None of the other people begging him for a job in his department had the same level of academic chops or philanthropic endeavors you did. And he couldn't imagine you begging for a single damn thing, ever. He tapped his keyboard, wondering what your LinkedIn profile looked like. 
Well. Your photo was gorgeous. It was professional looking without a doubt, but he knew better now that the way your smile tilted a little higher on one side meant you were about to deliver a line that would make him laugh. He wondered if you'd had the photographer smiling nonstop, too. 
Bradley paused with his fingers on his keyboard, but he couldn't help it. He typed your full name into the search bar and sorted it by images. There were more headshots of you from academic articles and a few newspapers, but when he scrolled he almost spit his coffee out. There was one of you wearing that same bikini you had on yesterday. When he clicked it for more, it took him to your private instagram page. 
He stared at that tiny thumbnail before he closed his eyes. Really, the way you looked wasn't why he asked you to come here today, and he'd spent a good portion of last evening trying to focus on anything other than how it felt to have your body pressed against his while he held you.
"Fuck," he grunted. He really needed to get laid. He made another mental note next to the one about Judy's raise. He would call one of his friends with benefits and get that taken care of, because if you agreed to join him for a couple months on the company yacht, he'd probably see that bikini again and again. And there was no way he could touch Ted's daughter. Not like that. Even if he wanted to.
And that thought brought him back to the main reason you would be here in the next few minutes. What kind of information could he get out of you? Bradley noticed that the profit and loss sheets from several departments didn't seem to add up. That had been the case for two quarters in a row. When he mentioned it to one of the harried looking accountants one floor down, he told Bradley they wouldn't have time to run an unnecessary audit before next quarter started. 
Someone in this company was doing something shady, and Bradley wanted to know who it was and why. He'd gone over those numbers for days, double checking his math. He knew he wasn't crazy, but he didn't know who he could safely take this information to, especially when the specs on the software they were creating was considered top secret. 
"Your interview is here," Judy's voice suddenly announced through his intercom.
Bradley quickly closed out of the photo of you in a bathing suit that was still on his screen and slammed his laptop shut. "Send her in."
A few seconds later, Judy was holding the door open for you, and you thanked her as you strolled in like you owned the company. Your hair was styled in some sort of clip, and you were wearing a perfectly tailored black suit. Bradley shook his head; it was rich that you called him out for his proclivity for Armani when yours was probably worth three times as much. His gaze drifted down your legs. Your black and white heels were the kinds of things he would love to have thrown over his shoulders in bed, and the bit of white silk peeking out above your jacket buttons reminded him of your skimpy pajamas. 
Inviting you here was a terrible idea. 
You smirked as you ran your right index finger along the charm from Tiffany's that hung from your necklace, and then you reached out to shake his hand over his desk. "Mr. Bradshaw. So lovely to see you again today." Your voice was playful, and Bradley gestured for you to take a seat while he tried his best to gather his thoughts. 
"I was a little afraid you'd show up in your bathing suit," he said, and you nodded as you crossed your legs and set your leather portfolio on your lap. 
"I can certainly understand the cause for that concern," you replied, not missing a beat. "However, I promise you'll see nothing but Armani suits from here on out if I end up coming to the office every day. Now what would you have me do for you all summer? Fetch your coffee? Give you the abridged version of the Wall Street Journal? Sit in on pointless meetings in the conference room across the hallway?"
"That's just it," he said, tilting his head to the side and taking in your neutral expression. He hardly knew what to do with the fact that you made him feel warm and slightly uncomfortable when you were being sassy. "We wouldn't be here at all. And actually, you could wear your bathing suit and swim half the time for all I cared."
Your eyes lit up immediately as you leaned closer to his desk. "This sounds like a trap, but please, carry on. Tell me more."
He chuckled as he moved a little closer to you as well. "I'm being tasked with taking a few weeks to a couple months on the company yacht in the Mediterranean. I have the technical knowledge as well as the access to arrange meetings with members of Avio's European sales team to close some deals. This is all top secret information, but since you've got the right connections, I'll go ahead and tell you that the US government has given us the greenlight to sell our software to a select list of countries."
You licked your lips, and Bradley could barely focus as you said, "So you'll be the one calling all the shots. And you need to have access to some of these countries to schedule meetings and dinners and cocktail parties. You'll be working from the yacht in much the same capacity you are currently working from your office, still expected to head the research department here. But you'll have the added workload of trying to answer questions and sell the software in Europe? Did I miss anything?"
Bradley's eyes went a little wide as he chuckled. "No. Not really."
You were smiling now. "This sounds like half work and half sorority party, and let me tell you, I am more than capable of making both of those things go as smoothly for you as possible."
"Yeah," he said, his voice a little raspy now. "But you'll have to put up with me. And some of these clients have been known to be a little difficult in... a variety of different ways." Bradley's mind drifted to last summer when he'd been on the yacht for a week as well as the summer before that. The wealthier a man becomes, the more he seems to think he could have whatever he wants, and Bradley had seen some wild shit. "But I'll do my best to keep you comfortable and safe. The workload will be intense, to say the least. But it'll all be happening on a one hundred and thirty foot superyacht." 
You eyed him carefully. "This sounds like it was custom made for me, so you either want me or you don't, Mr. Bradshaw." 
Bradley smiled, and his gaze followed your hand as you touched that pretty charm again. "Oh... I want you plenty. Something tells me yachts and Mediterranean vacations are something you simply grew up with. I'm just trying to sell myself now."
The way you laughed reminded him once again of that night in December when you asked him if he wanted to share a bottle of wine with you. "You're very persuasive, Mr. Bradshaw. I can practically smell the sunblock and taste the pasta from here." You bit your lip and considered him, and it felt to Bradley like you could see every flaw and indiscretion inside of him. "Where did you go to school anyway? Yale? Brown? No wait... you look like a Princeton boy to me."
He shook his head as he pointed to his college diploma on the wall. "I went to a state school." 
You gasped, and your eyes went wide as you muttered, "Jesus," while you read it. "Political science? At the University of Virginia? Oh... you should be lying to people. I mean, at least say you went to Dartmouth."
Bradley tried and failed to hold in his laughter, because you truly looked scandalized by this turn of events. "Aww, come on, Ivy League. It's not so bad."
You sputtered with laughter, too. "Did you just call me Ivy League?"
"I sure did," he told you, still laughing. "It's about ten times nicer than what I was going to say."
Your soft gasp as your eyes positively lit up made Bradley's heart beat a little faster. "Well, what were you going to say?" you asked before biting your lip. 
Shit. You were trouble, and you knew it. "Never mind. My lips are sealed. Can't say that to Ted's daughter."
You sighed and rolled your eyes. "You're no fun right now, but I'm sure as soon as I get you loosened up in some Armani swim trunks on the yacht, you'll be an absolute pleasure for me to deal with."
The way Bradley's cock was twitching should have been warning enough. He was about to get in over his head. But all he could say was, "Does that mean you want the internship?"
Your smile tilted up a little higher on the one side. "Oh, absolutely." Then you stood before him looking like the cat who got the cream, and Bradley had to hope for the best as he stood as well. He could mark this as the first time he'd ever become slightly aroused during an interview, a sign that he desperately needed to get laid. 
He shook your hand and said, "We leave in a few days. Judy will help you get your visas in order. Sound good?"
"Sounds perfect, Mr. Bradshaw." 
The way you here still holding his hand and calling him Mr. Bradshaw left his voice barely louder than a rasp. "Judy and I will be in touch."
You turned and shot him a smile over your shoulder as you headed for his office door, and Bradley dropped back down in his chair. He'd call Callie about getting together to hook up before he left for Europe, but he had another more important call to make first. He cleared his throat as he opened his contacts and then put his phone on speaker. He was greeted with a familiar voice filled with laughter.
"Rooster! When are you going to get that yacht warmed up for me?"
Bradley just shook his head and said, "Hangman. You're not going to believe who my summer intern is."
You were floating on a raft in the pool wearing your second favorite bathing suit when you were greeted by the sound of your father's voice. "I sincerely hope you know what you're doing by wasting your time right now."
"Daddy," you greeted with a smile. "My day was a complete and utter success."
He checked his watch as he said, "Please, elaborate."
You had the trump card, but you knew all too well what it would be like if you didn't. Instead of lecturing you like you could tell he wanted to, he smiled when you said, "I have a job."
He nodded in appreciation as he said, "I am actually impressed right now. You managed to secure an internship at the company I've spent decades with, and you did so without me knowing anything about it. Which department?"
"Research and development," you replied smoothly.
His eyes went wider. "With Bradley Bradshaw?"
Your tummy swooped, and you sucked in a breath at the mere mention of his name. Spending weeks working with him and entertaining guests with him was going to be... well, something. "Yes. With Bradley Bradshaw."
"Sweetheart," your father said. "He had a career in the Navy."
"Yes. He was an aviator," you recalled from his Avio bio.
"That means he's not going to put up with any nonsense. You don't make him repeat himself, and you don't give him attitude. I'll know immediately if he's displeased with you, I'm sure."
Bradley didn't seem stuffy. He'd already encouraged you to pack your bathing suits. Hell, you were determined to get him to join you in some fun. "Well maybe not immediately as he and I will be on the Avio yacht in the Mediterranean."
Your father stared at you, speechless. Finally he said, "I really don't know how you managed to get exactly what you wanted, but I applaud you, Sweetheart. Well done. I know it sounds fun, but you'll be kept very busy. I hope you know what you're in for."
When he finally wandered back inside after you promised to join him for dinner, you soaked up the last few rays of the dying sunlight. Then you made a mental list of everything you needed to spend the next few days packing as you brushed up on your French and Italian.  "J'adore mon travail. Amo il mio lavoro. I love my job."
Bradley was still chuckling as he got off the phone with Ted a few days later. Your father tried to warn him that you could be a bit of a handful. Like Bradley wasn't fully aware of that fact. As if he hadn't known since December. He could practically hear your disdain for his alma mater and your delight in international travel from his condo.
He was stacking his suits up in his extra bedroom along with several pairs of shoes, and he shook his head as he looked down at his swim trunks in his hands. They actually were all Armani, and you'd have a field day when you realized it. Or perhaps skinny dipping would become a thing?
Fuck. He needed to stop thinking about you like that. Callie Bassett was on her way over, so that should help alleviate some of this tension. He'd been friends with Halo for over a decade, and she had slowly and naturally turned into a friend with benefits over time. She was still in the Navy, and she was discreet. It was easier than having a girlfriend. It was all he had time for. 
As he organized his suits, he remembered you told him he looked like a Princeton boy. He could just picture you with a parade of preppy assholes following you around, and he wondered if you ever slummed it with anyone like him before. It made him want to pack some of his casual clothes including his Virgina baseball cap and his worn out golf shorts. So he did. 
Then his doorbell buzzed, and he went to let Callie in. He needed this taken care of right now. She smelled good, and she looked cute. She always did. And she wore something a little skimpy just for him. The kiss on his cheek in greeting quickly turned to her lips brushing his as she said, "I haven't seen you in weeks."
"Been busy," he replied, taking her by the hand and heading for his bedroom. "And I'm leaving for Portugal on Saturday."
"How long?" she asked, pouting a little bit as Bradley reached for the hem of her dress and eased it up and over her head in one fluid motion. 
"Couple months," he whispered, taking in her soft, naked body with his gaze. 
"Months?" she whined as he wrapped his hands around her waist and smirked at her. 
"Don't even act like we are anything close to exclusive, Cal. Now... how do you want it?"
She licked her lips and looked up at him with those familiar dark eyes just as his phone rang in his pocket. He didn't hesitate or check the number; he never did. "Bradshaw."
"Hey, State School. I have a few questions for you."
Bradley froze with your voice in his ear and Callie's fingers on his zipper. He grunted softly as she eased it down and touched him. He just knew if he closed his eyes and listened to your voice, he'd probably finish in her hand within two minutes. 
"Ivy League," he rasped, taking a step back away from Halo who was now standing before him completely naked and rolling her eyes.
"Are you busy?" you asked, and Bradley looked Halo in the eyes without remorse as he answered you.
"No. I'm not busy. I can talk." He held up one finger and zipped himself up as he left his bedroom in favor of his office. "As long as you tell me how you got this number."
You laughed as he sank down into his desk chair. "You think it's exclusive or something? Judy gave it to me. And it's probably listed on the company website."
Brat. He narrowed his eyes, adding a note to his mental list to make sure it was not listed on the company website. "What can I help you with?"
"Well, I'm packing and hoping for a little input from you."
"On Thursday night at nine?" he asked. "And don't you have a butler to help you with that?"
"Like you have anything else going on?"
Bradley thought about Callie waiting in his bedroom, but instead of ushering this call along, he asked, "What did you pack so far?"
You sighed. "Sixteen bathing suits, piles of lingerie, and sunglasses. And I'm only kind of kidding."
Fighting the urge to ask for more details, he said, "Unfortunately I can't let you wear any of that in front of potential clients. So throw in some suits and dresses."
"Some suits and dresses? You'll need to be a little bit more specific, Sir." 
That one word was echoing through his mind along with your bratty tone, and he had to take a deep breath. "Why don't you bring the suit you wore when I interviewed you? That looked good. And so did the dress you wore to your father's holiday party. The dark green one."
There was a pause before you said, "You remember what I wore to the party?"
"Yeah," he grunted, rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. "It looked nice. Pack some cocktail dresses, too."
"How many should I pack?"
"How many do you have?"
"Do you really want me to answer that?"
Bradley laughed. "I'm sure you know better than I do what you should wear."
You scoffed. "You're acting like you've never spent a summer on the Avio yacht before."
"I haven't," he replied easily. "Just a few days here and there. I'm sure I'll be learning things from you."
"Then you'll be learning from the best."
He bit back a groan as he said, "That's what I'm counting on. That's why I hired you."
"I won't let you down," you promised, and Bradley believed you. "I'll see you at the airport on Saturday morning. Don't forget your swim trunks."
You ended the call before he could say another word, and now he was convinced you had called him simply because you could. If he was frustrated before, it was nothing compared to the way he felt now. Spending weeks on end with Ted's daughter was supposed to help him get to the bottom of the messy business with Avio, not cause other issues to arise. 
He unzipped his pants, intent on touching himself,  before jolting to his feet. "Shit," he muttered as he left his office and went back to his bedroom. "Cal?" he called out. "Sorry. It was a work call." But he was completely alone. He laughed as his phone vibrated in his hand with a text from her.
Have a great time in Europe. Don't bother calling me when you get back.
Bradley was sure he'd hear about this from his old friend Natasha when Callie bitched about him at work. But it didn't really matter. After she had a few weeks to cool off, she'd come back when he needed her again. For now, he'd take matters into his own hands and hope that would be enough.
Your father insisted upon seeing you off on Saturday morning which gave Bradley a few minutes alone with him. He was listening to Ted as he watched you struggle with your seven pieces of Dior luggage on the tarmac next to the chartered airplane. 
"Bradley, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into," your father told him with a laugh. "She's tenacious though. And whip smart. Make sure you challenge her, because she will certainly challenge you."
Now Bradley laughed as he shook Ted's hand. "I'll do my best."
"If she gets to be too much, just leave her in one of the marinas with her passport."
He would never do that to you. He doubted it would ever come to that. In fact, he was already impressed by the way you took care of things for yourself. Sure, you looked like you belonged in an ad for designer gym clothes with your leggings and soft hoodie zipped over your sports bra. But you were also taking your luggage from the back of the black Mercedes-Benz G-Class yourself.
"I can assure you that she and I will be just fine, Sir."
"What have I told you about calling me Ted?" Bradley received a friendly cuff on the shoulder before shaking his hand and turning toward you. 
He picked up the last two pieces of your luggage at the same time and carried them to the cargo hold while you trailed after him. "I don't need help," you told him as he stowed them away. Then you added, "You look weird out of your Armani."
"I look weird?" he asked with a laugh as he glanced down at his chinos and Oxford shirt.
"A good kind of weird. Like when you wore that Fair Isle sweater last year."
Bradley examined your pretty face, and you didn't look away. He remembered the dress you wore to Ted's holiday party, and you remembered his sweater. Right now he was wishing he'd joined you for that bottle of French wine that night, something he'd remedy on the yacht. A flood of bad decisions just waiting to happen filled his mind as he said, "Go say goodbye to your father. It's almost time to go."
"Yes, Sir," you told him with your chin held high and a smirk gracing your lips. Bradley stood at the bottom of the stairs while you flung your arms around Ted and kissed him on the cheek. Then you came strolling his way once again, and he followed you closely up the stairs as you turned back and softly said, "I'm all yours."
Ivy League spells trouble for Bradley, but at least he knows it. And he didn't get an ounce of relief before getting on that plane. What could possibly go wrong? Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Omg a fellow F1 enjoyer here!! I absolutely love all your works, but I especially loved that one even more! 🥺 can I request for the dateables and side characters too pleaseee? 🫣
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a/n: I'm glad you liked it! the demon bros were more like mc's little crew and it was such a cute idea. I think the others would still support mc in their own way too.
➤ when MC is a professional F1 driver | the dateables + mephisto
1.3k words | sfw | gn!reader | fluff & slice of life shenanigans
cw: developing relationships with the other characters (except for baby brother luke who is strictly platonic and mc's #1 fan).
related versions: the demon brothers
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— He's thrilled that you're forging your own path in the Devildom and that the demon brothers are involved.
— He's impressed by your abilities but he still worries about your safety.
— Every morning when Barbatos brings him his morning paper, he scans the front page and sports sections for articles or photos about you or your latest race.
— He saves clippings of all your newspaper/magazine appearances and keeps them in a scrapbook.
— His original intention was to give it to you as a gift when you finished your year in the exchange program. He ends up making copies for everyone who wants one and keeps the original for himself.
— He has his own impressive vehicles. your excitement is palpable when he shows you the collection in his garage. When you go out together, he offers you the keys and hopes that you'll take the wheel. (He can't explain why he likes it so much.)
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— He's a skilled driver himself even though he rarely needs to drive. Portals are so much simpler.
— The Devildom racing league tightens up its safety and security measures when you join. Barbatos personally oversees that their lax approach to rules and safety are amended. He argues that there's a fortune to be made for having the novelty of a human world driver on their track. He promises with fake smiles that their license and investments will suddenly be forfeit should anything happen to you due to their negligence.
— Barbatos doesn’t have a lot of free time to watch your races in person, but he follows your Devilgram account and watches the highlight reels that Asmo posts when he is done working for the day.
— He receives your fan club's newsletter. He's also purchased some merchandise as well, including a coffee mug he uses when he drinks tea privately in his chambers
— The Little D’s are some of your biggest fans too. Some of them make zoom-zoom noises as they race each other in the halls of the castle. (Little D Number 2 has tried to "borrow" Barbatos' fan merch, several times, but always gets caught.)
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— He's not sure why humans are so fascinated in sports or activities that look far too dangerous. He admires your passion and hates it at the same time.
— He’s a little nervous the first time you offer to take him out for a joy ride, but later he admits it was surprisingly enjoyable. (Anything with you is enjoyable, though.)
— He and Luke go to your races and both of them have a small collection of your fan merch.
— He’s very concerned about your safety. He knows humans are less durable than demons are and he watches from the stands with the pent-up energy of a bird about to take flight. If something happens, he's going to be out of his seat and flying to your side to help you.
— He secretly hopes you’ll retire from this career sooner rather than later because he’s terrified you’re going to get hurt (or worse) one day.
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— He’s fascinated by the sport and how talented you are. He thinks it's a little scary how fast the race cars drive and he reminds you before each race that winning isn't important, as long as you're safe and having fun!
— He makes cupcakes and other yummy treats for you to celebrate your big wins. The cake and icing is dyed the same bright colours as your racing car.
— He loves it when you give him a chance to visit you behind the scenes at the track: exploring the pit, letting him sit in your car with your too-big helmet teetering awkwardly on his head.
— The others get a little jealous when you show Luke special attention, like when you wave to him in the crowd before a race or hug him when he runs up to you after.
— Luke likes sitting shotgun when you drive him and the others around town or for little day trips. Mammon even gives you permission to take him for drives in his own car sometimes. (Mammon lets Luke sit in the front seat with you if the three of you go somewhere together.)
— Luke talks about you constantly with his roommates in Purgatory Hall. He also mentions you a lot to Michael and even offered to send him some of your fan merch.
— (Michael grows more curious about you with each story or photo Luke shares with him, but he won't admit it to himself or anyone else.)
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— Solomon doesn't have an interest in most human sports, but when he meets you, his interest in the racing world is piqued.
— Whenever he wants to go out somewhere, he insists that not only should you go with him, but that you should drive, too.
— (There's something about your cool confidence and quiet joy behind the wheel that makes him feel things.)
— Your fan following in the human world is almost as impressive as your growing popularity in the Devildom. He goes on a little shopping spree, buying up the various official and fan-made merch that was sold during your rise to success.
— He keeps his favourite items for himself but lets the others have their pick. You think it's embarrassing how he even managed to find some of this junk (really, who has a pristine copy of an old racing calendar?). The demons and angels divide it all amongst themselves without too much arguing—at first. (You leave when someone suggests Rock, Paper, Scissors to settle some of the arguments over the most coveted items everyone wants for themselves.)
— Solomon rolls his eyes when Mammon claims loudly that this stuff is gonna sell for a fortune in the Devildom, but he knows the Greed demon has no intention of selling any of it. (Asmo confirms later that Mammon keeps everything he claimed, including the little collectible figures of your old racing car, on a shelf in his bedroom.)
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— He's completely unimpressed with you when you first arrive, and he really doesn't understand what all the fuss is about. So what if you're human? You're completely ordinary and boring and unremarkable, so why should he care?
— The revelation about your human world profession, and your dramatic debut into the Devildom racing scene, changes his mind. Professionally, anyway.
— It's hard to refuse his next assignment when the prince himself takes such an interest in you. Mephisto is the RAD Newspaper Club representative tasked with covering your career and setting up interviews and photo-ops that the rest of the school are clamoring for.
— Mephisto really underestimates your popularity. He grits his teeth when Asmo cackles on the other end of the D.D.D. and informs him that he'll be added to the list of news outlets that want an interview with you.
— Seriously???
— (He refuses to be affected when you admit bashfully that interviews are something you'll never get used to, and that maybe if he's feeling generous, can he be kinder than some of the human world reporters used to be?)
— He gets special access, along with one of the Newspaper Club photographers, to the front row staging area so they can capture the best shots of you before, during, and after each race. He hates your bright smile when he grudgingly hands you a photo afterwards. Don't get the wrong idea, either: it's for his younger brother. Mephisto couldn't care less.
— (His brother is over the moon when Mephisto gives him the signed photo later. If he's smiling, it's only because his brother is happy!)
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odyssean-flower · 5 months
The Winding Path of Fate Chapter 12 - Summer: Photos
Pairing: Neuvillette x Female Reader Summary: The date has ended successfully, but it also brought about an unexpected turn of events
Warnings: None except for the fact that this story is 50% written based on vibes Note: This chapter isn't beta'd so sorry in advance for any typos or rough edges Note 2: If you want to be on the taglist for this fic, please make a reply to this post, send a message or send a private ask
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Have a pic of Neuvillette enjoying some tea
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“My dear Iudex, are my eyes deceiving me, or is that a smile on your face?”  
Neuvillette raised his gaze from the documents spread out before him. Furina was standing on the other side of his desk. Of course, he had heard her enter his office before she even spoke, but he was so used to her unannounced intrusions these days that he treated it as a part of his daily routine now. I only hope that she makes this quick. I have a rather heavy agenda today, and I would like to return home before dark.  
Furina leaned over his desk, her heterochromatic eyes eagerly scanning the desk for some sort of incriminating evidence to grab onto. Of course, she found none. Neuvillette wasn’t so foolish that he would make such a careless mistake.   
“Hmph, I didn’t know that paperwork could inspire such a joyous expression on one’s face. What a contrast you make with the Gestionnaires outside your door! You really must get out more.”  
“My dear Iudex, are my eyes deceiving me, or is that a smile on your face?” 
Neuvillette raised his gaze from the documents spread out before him. Furina was standing on the other side of his desk. Of course, he had heard her enter his office before she even spoke, but he was so used to her unannounced intrusions these days that he treated it as a part of his daily routine now. I only hope that she makes this quick. I have a rather heavy agenda today, and I would like to return home before dark. 
Furina leaned over his desk, her heterochromatic eyes eagerly scanning the desk for some sort of incriminating evidence to grab onto. Of course, she found none. Neuvillette wasn’t so foolish that he would make such a careless mistake.  
“Hmph, I didn’t know that paperwork could inspire such a joyous expression on one’s face. What a contrast you make with the Gestionnaires outside your door! You really must get out more.” 
“Indeed, I have, thanks to your urging. I believe you’ve already read the note I left you.” 
“Ah, yes, that sorry excuse for a note,” Furina sniffed. “‘Will be away for a day due to personal reasons.’ No mention of where you’re going or who you’ll be with.” 
“I see no reason why I should have included either of those things. I followed all the necessary protocol for requesting leave, as I’m sure you’re aware.” 
“Oh, I am. I’m overjoyed to hear that you’ve been picking up new hobbies lately. It must be the influence of your new wife. If only you’d allow me to meet this remarkable woman so I can thank her.” 
“New hobbies? Whatever do you mean?” Neuvillette ignored that last part. 
“Why, your new hobby of photography, of course!” Furina propped her head on her hands, affecting an air of nonchalance, but her eyes gleamed like a cat that had a tantalizing mouse set in its sights. It was a look that Neuvillette was all too familiar with. “I’ve heard whispers that you’ve sent off a large number of photos to be developed, and that you’ve gone on a recent shopping spree for photo albums. Your day-off seems to have been very fulfilling.” 
“It was, indeed,” Neuvillette nodded. His face gave nothing away. This was also not a surprise and was in fact well within his expectations. He had felt the gaze of Furina’s spies more frequently as of late, but it was not a difficulty for him to evade them. The one who developed the photos for him was a trusted agent of the Marechausee Phantom, and the envelope which contained the finished products (which he had fortunately received well before Furina’s intrusion into his office) hadn’t been tampered with.  
“Oh, I know it was. A boat ride on the sea, huh? How romantic! I didn’t know you had it in you, Neuvillette. All those romance novels I’ve supplied you with seem to have paid off. Oh, if only there had been someone there that day to take a commemorative photo of such an astonishing sight, the Iudex taking a human out on a date!” 
Neuvillette went very still. “Get to the point,” he said, his voice cold. 
Furina’s grin widened. The cat was getting ready to pounce. “It just so happens that a subordinate of mine was out at sea on the very same day that you were out and saw that astonishing sight for himself,” she took out a photo from her pocket and slapped it onto his desk. It was a clear picture of him helping his wife off the boat after they returned to the docks at the Court of Fontaine.  
Neuvillette’s blood ran cold. How could this have happened? 
“Not the most fashionable, is she?” Furina peered at the photo. “I don’t recognize her, so she must not come from a very important family, either. But putting that aside, what a charming couple the two of you make! Honestly, Neuvillette, I do wonder how--” 
"Leave my office. Now.” Neuvillette’s palms slammed against his desk as he rose to his full height, causing Furina to back up a few steps despite herself. He felt an absurd urge to cover the photo with his hands, to protect the image of you from the scrutinizing gaze of an outsider. “You've seen her face now. Be satisfied with that and resign yourself to the fact that you will never meet her.” 
A startled expression appeared on Furina’s face before it was quickly replaced with a smug smile. 
“My, my, Neuvillette,” she purred before plopping herself down on the couch next to his desk and crossing her legs. “I would reconsider, if I were you.” 
"Have I not told you to leave—” 
“Now that I know what your wife looks like, it’ll take very little effort on my part to find out who she is soon enough. My network of informants is extensive, as I know you’re aware. But I’m a magnanimous god, so I shall give you a week to think it over. If you won’t allow me to meet your wife by that time, then I’ll have to take matters into my own hands and find her myself.” 
“You wouldn’t dare. I had expected better of you.” 
“Oh, don’t give me that!” Furina suddenly stood up and marched over to his desk. “You’re the one who won’t agree to a simple meeting! I’d expect you to be more grateful, considering how I’m the one who pushed you to get married! If it weren’t for me, you would never have even thought of approaching this woman, who you clearly care for a great deal, and you’d probably spend the next five hundred years continuing to mope about on your own, never knowing what you could have had!” 
There was a long, tense silence after her rant. “Are you finished here?” Neuvillette said, struggling to suppress the violent tempest of emotions swirling inside his heart. 
“I suppose I am,” Furina stood up. “By the way, Neuvillette, you should be thankful that it was a subordinate of mine who took this photo and gave it directly to me, and not someone from those third-rate tabloids you despise so much. I’d love to see you ignore that scandal away.” 
Neuvillette said nothing, simply glaring at her. His hands were curled into fists at his sides. 
“See you in a week, my dear Iudex. Do pass on my regards to your wife.” 
After saying that, Furina spun around and strode towards the door. It was only after the door closed behind her firmly that Neuvillette leaned back in his chair and let out a long sigh. 
Torrential rain beat against the large window behind him. He wanted to walk into it, to wade into the sea. 
I was too negligent, he cursed himself in his head. I should have been more careful. 
Throughout his long career, he had become adept at evading reporters and paparazzi. And yet, somehow, this happened.  
Anger and fear gripped his heart. He didn’t care what the papers said about him. But the thought of you becoming fodder for them was intolerable. 
The sight of your tear-filled eyes had been like daggers to his heart. He never wanted to see them again. 
He took a sip of water (imported from the frozen rivers of Snezhnaya) to cool his head and gazed at the painting hanging near his desk. By a fortunate twist of fate, you hadn’t signed it. However, its usual calming efficacy was diminished today. 
Neuvillette had wanted to look at the photos again during his break, but now he was too on edge to even think of opening his desk drawer and taking the envelope out. It felt like just the act of it would be exposing its contents to danger, even though he knew that was irrational.  
He could sense the clouds covering the sun outside the window behind him. There would be a downpour on this fine evening, and he silently apologized to the people of Fontaine, and especially to a certain young lady who was doubtless in the garden right about now. 
The sooner I finish my work, the sooner I can return home, he thought, in a vain attempt to calm himself. And give the photos to her. I know she has been waiting for them eagerly. I’m sure she’ll be overjoyed… 
Unconsciously, his feet began tapping against the floor. 
This can still be salvaged, he told himself. Nothing has happened yet. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her peace. 
Switching back into work mode, Neuvillette sat up once more—and let out a pained grunt. His hair had gotten caught in the cracks of his chair. 
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“Where is this rain coming from? It was clear just a few minutes ago,” you grumbled as you stared up at the lead-colored sky. It had been a beautiful day like it had been for weeks, but for some reason, the clouds decided to unleash their water just as you had finished taking the daily sunflower measurements. 
I bet Neuvillette is enjoying this, you thought as you went to stand under the eaves. It hasn’t rained in quite a while. 
“Madame, it’s raining,” Marie opened the porch door. “You didn’t get wet, did you?” 
“Just a little bit, but it’s nothing too bad. Marie, could you fetch me my umbrella?” 
“You’re still planning to garden in this weather, Madame?” 
“I just want to take one last look. I’ll be done soon.” 
After Marie gave you your umbrella, you marched back out to the plot of sunflowers again. 
The sunflowers were coming along nicely. They now reached the height of your hip and formed small, tightly closed buds. There were no yellow petals peeking through yet, but you were confident that they would appear in the coming weeks. 
You brushed your fingers against the leaves. They were the size of your palm now. You could see little bug bites dotting them. Perhaps you should ask Marie if there were any pesticides on hand. 
It was the evening hours now, though the sun had been in the sky until a few moments ago. Neuvillette should be back by now. Maybe he had a lot of work today? You couldn’t help but feel a sting of disappointment. You had been looking forward to showing him the buds.  
It had been a week since the date. Neuvillette had sent the photos out to be developed, and you would be getting them today. You were a bit excited to see them.  I don’t think I’ve ever taken so many pictures in my life. 
After you finished taking the last measurements, you returned to the house and went up to your room. Your eyes automatically went to the plump azure flower tucked into a vase on your desk. It brought a vibrant splash of color to your elegant but sparse room, and you liked looking at it. It gave you a sense of pleasure. You wondered where Neuvillette put his flower. 
I wonder if it would deflate like a balloon if I stuck a pin into the middle, you thought as you sniffed the flower’s cool fragrance. That would make it easier to press, wouldn’t it? 
Perhaps it was because you talked about pressing flowers on the date, but it had been on your mind lately. Your fingers itched for your old flower press, sitting in your closet back home. The lily would look striking against a white page. If only you picked some of those wildflowers you had seen on Erinnyes and in Merusea Village... they could serve as accompaniment to the lily, which would obviously be the centerpiece, and a strand of blue leaves from the Weeping Willow could be the finishing touch, forming a wreath that framed everything neatly. It would be a beautiful memento of one of the most magical days in your life. 
We picnicked together and took pictures of each other; he showed me all sorts of sights…he even held me in his arms…and I cried in front of him… Gah… 
You resisted the urge to bury your face in your hands. The memories of what you said and done still mortified you a week later. It had been even worse when you got home and was left alone in your bedroom. How you got to sleep that night, you didn’t know.  
You would rather take a dive into the sea than cry in front of people, especially someone like Neuvillette. But on the other hand, if you had to cry, you would rather it be in front of him. Not your parents, not even your sister, but him. You weren’t sure why. 
Neuvillette hadn’t said anything comforting or encouraging, and his hug was honestly a bit stiff and awkward, like he wasn’t used to doing such things. And yet, you felt as though the weight on your shoulders had been lightened just a bit. It wasn’t until then that you realized how you were barely holding yourself up by sheer force of will, like a sunflower with shallow roots and a too-heavy head, on the verge of falling over without a support.  
Neuvillette never brought up that moment again, for which you were grateful. Although, even now you still couldn’t really look at him without a tingling sensation in your heart. He, on the other hand, seemed unchanged. Well, of course he would be. It would be problematic if he did start treating me differently, you told yourself. 
You knew very well that you were not the type of person who people like Neuvillette would think of as a romantic partner, much less a wife. But still, after what you had observed of him and what you heard from the Melusines, you thought that it’d be nice if he did have someone like that. After the divorce, Furina would no doubt start pestering him even harder to find a spouse. It would be smart for him to start finding someone soon. He would probably have to wait a bit before remarrying, though. 
Neuvillette should definitely find someone who’s more of a romantic than me, you laughed at yourself. 
Unfortunately, you were out of your depth when it came to matters of matchmaking. But still, maybe you could keep an eye out for a potential partner. What was Neuvillette’s type, anyways? That would make for an interesting topic to investigate. 
You decided to put this thought aside for now. Neuvillette told you that he wanted to take you to a restaurant next time. You had no idea where he would take you. His taste in food was so peculiar, after all. But you were sure that it would be a high-class, excellent restaurant, wherever it was. You would have to get some suitable clothes for the occasion. I want to make a better effort next time. 
Neuvillette had given you a quite frankly exorbitant amount of spending money. Maybe it was finally time to use it.  
Perhaps it’s a bit pointless…but I still want to do it. 
You sat in your window seat, daydreaming about how your second “date” with Neuvillette would go as you gazed at the setting sun, now peeking out of the clouds after the sudden spell of rain had passed. 
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Neuvillette finally returned home by the time the sky was dark. You had already eaten dinner without him and was reading in the parlor when you heard the front door open.  
“Neuvillette,” you called out to him as you went into the foyer. “You came home so late. Did something happen?” 
As you approached him, you noticed how tired and tense he looked. But the fatigue in his face seemed to vanish as he fixed his eyes on you, replaced by something that was almost like relief. 
“Madame,” he greeted you. “My apologies for worrying you. I had a rather busy day. I hope you’ve already eaten dinner?” 
“I have. But have you eaten? If not, I can warm up the leftovers for you, or I can ask Marie to cook something fresh if that’s what you prefer.” 
“I’ve already eaten, but thank you for the consideration. Have you gone out today?” 
“No,” you shook your head, and Neuvillette visibly relaxed. You definitely didn’t imagine that.  
But before any suspicions could form, he spoke again.  
“Madame, I have a surprise for you,” he took a pause there. It took you a moment to realize that he was doing it for dramatic effect. So even he has that side to him...how cute, you thought, trying to hide your smile. “I received the developed photos today.” 
He took out an envelope from his coat pocket and handed it to you. “They turned out quite well, I must say,” he added. 
The envelope was thick and heavy. You must have taken more than a hundred photos.  
You decided to look through them in the parlor. Neuvillette followed you, and the two of you sat side by side on the couch as you spread the photos out on the coffee table. He was right, they did turn out well. You had been a bit worried that they might come out blurry or at odd angles, but overall, they all looked pretty good, considering the fact that you hadn’t used a Kamera in a long time. 
“You have a very good eye for photography, Madame,” Neuvillette remarked as he picked up a photo of the Weeping Willow. “Have you considered pursuing a career in that field?” 
“Oh, not at all. My old drawing teacher was much better at it than me, enough to make a living out of it, and she taught me a few tricks.” 
“‘Was’? Do you mean...” Neuvillette trailed off.  
“Yes. It was a few years ago.” 
“Ah...I see. I'm sorry to hear that.” 
There was a brief, awkward silence. Neuvillette looked as though he wanted to say something more. You would rather not deal with that, so your eyes roamed around the scattered photos on the table until they landed on something silver. “Oh, my pictures of you!” you said, leaning forward to grab them. “See, what did I tell you, Neuvillette. There’s nothing more picturesque than beautiful scenery and a handsome man.” 
Neuvillette leaned closer towards you to examine the photos for himself. His hair brushed against your shoulder, and you could feel the heat of his body against your arm.  A thought suddenly struck you. If you turned your head right now, your lips would brush against his cheek in the same spot where you had kissed it before. 
Inexplicably, your face turned warm at the thought. The back of your hand tingled. 
Perhaps things didn’t quite remain the same after the date. 
It truly had been a spur of the moment move. Your roiling emotions, aided by the instigation of the Melusines, had pushed you to do it.  
Later that night, as you laid in bed, your mind replaying that scene over and over to an infuriating degree, you had rifled through all the emotions you had felt at that time. Embarrassment, disbelief, a strange sort of elation… 
But the one emotion that had been missing no matter how hard you searched for it, was regret. 
Overt acts of affection had never been your forte, but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. 
Well, cheek kisses don’t inherently mean anything significant, you had told yourself. Friends do it with each other all the time. And Neuvillette is my friend. A very dear friend. So it’s perfectly fine. Case closed. 
Indeed, Neuvillette didn’t seem to look at you or treat you any differently after the fact, so why should you? No doubt he was used to receiving such acts of intimacy—most likely even more intimate—from people who were far more glamorous than you. A brief brush of lips against his cheek probably meant nothing to him.  
As for the hand kiss, well, that was something that gentlemen like him did. It also didn’t mean anything. It couldn’t. 
The thought that these kisses were all meaningless did sting a little bit, but considering the circumstances, you had no right to complain.  
“I must confess that I do not see what makes these pictures any better than the ones you took of the scenery,” Neuvillette’s voice interrupted your thoughts. His eyes were fixed on the photo, so thankfully he didn’t notice your reddened cheeks. “Or of the Melusines, for that matter.” 
“Well, even if you don’t appreciate them, I do. I’ll treat them like a family treasure.” 
“A family treasure? That’s a bit excessive, is it not?” 
“I don’t think so. These are pretty rare items, aren’t they?” 
Since Neuvillette didn’t appear in public much, there were not many pictures of him outside of the rare interview and official events. Hmm, I wonder how much they’ll sell for? Not that I would ever do that, of course. …Well, maybe if I’m in dire financial straits. I’ll ask for Neuvillette’s permission beforehand if it ever comes to that. 
You went through the remaining photos. Each one sparked a memory. The Weeping Willow, the sea, Merusea Village underwater—you really had been to all those places. With Neuvillette, no less. The entirety of that day was only known to the two of you.  
The days after your date had been so mundane and normal that you were half-convinced that it had all been a strange dream. Thoughts and memories were such mutable things, after all. Someone like you on a date with the Chief Justice? Not even in your wildest delusions would something like that ever happen. But these pictures were proof that it did.  
You knew that you would probably think back on that day for the rest of your life, holding it close to your chest like a treasured gemstone and taking it out whenever times got tough. A sparkling memory of your youth that you would smile back fondly upon in your autumn years, a lone glimmering star in the dark that would inspire you move forward… 
Wait, why am I getting so sappy and sentimental? Just because of a date? Ugh, come on now. 
You glanced at Neuvillette, who was currently enjoying a glass of water (imported from Inazuma). You doubted that he felt the same way as you about the date. It was probably just like a drop of water in a vast ocean to him. 
That thought pricked at you, but you chose to ignore it.  
You sifted through the pictures until you came across a certain snapshot. Just as you were about to flip it over, a gloved finger pressed down against the photo, stopping you. 
“This one is my favorite,” Neuvillette said. Once again, his face was right next to yours, but you couldn’t read his expression.  
“Because you were the one who took it?” 
“No,” he said, then turned his head towards you. “Because it’s of you.” 
“Neuvillette…” you said after a short silence. You fidgeted with your reddened fingertips. “I don’t understand how you can say things like that with such a straight face.” 
“Is it truly so strange?” Neuvillette looked perplexed. “I was simply saying my true feelings. And it is not as though you have refrained from such comments either.” 
“You do have a point,” you conceded, although that still didn’t mean it didn’t catch you off guard. You turned your attention back to the photo of you. To be honest, it didn’t turn out half bad. Sure, you looked incredibly stiff and awkward and your hair was a mess and you had no idea what you were thinking when you matched that sweater with that skirt, but…it could have turned out worse.  
“May I keep this photo?” Neuvillette asked. 
“Of course, but what will you do with it? Surely you aren’t going to put it on your office desk or anything, right?” 
“No, of course not. I would put it in a drawer, so I may take it out and look at it whenever I like.” 
“Why would you want to do that?” 
“Is it so wrong for a husband to want to look at a picture of his wife every once in a while? Many of the Palais staff also keep pictures of their loved ones on their desks. Why shouldn’t I?” Neuvillette paused for a little bit before adding, “And it would be one way for me to see your face more often, considering how I don’t get many chances of that during the day.” 
“Hmm…very well, then,” you didn’t quite get why he would want to see more of your face, but if it made him happy, then you supposed there was nothing to complain about. Neuvillette is actually quite good at this kind of thing, you thought to yourself. Just imagine what he would be like when he gets married to someone he loves. 
Now you really felt bad about your (hypothetical) future plans about selling Neuvillette’s photos. I’m an insensitive boor compared to him. 
You reached the last of the photos. It was the one of you and Neuvillette standing in front of the sunset. 
“You made two copies for the both of us,” you said as you looked at them. “How thoughtful.” 
As you gazed at the pictures, you couldn’t help but feel a complex mixture of emotions. There was a surrealness to this photo that the others lacked. If this were a novel, this would be the point where you would wake up and return to reality after discovering something out of place in your life. No matter how you looked at it, you and Neuvillette were mismatched. Two people who were only brought together because of a weird quirk of fate.  
But on the other hand…it was a beautiful photo. You had been somewhat worried that the two of you wouldn’t be centered in the frame, but it turned out well. The sunset made for a lovely backdrop. Even though both of you were looking very stiff, and neither of you were smiling.  
You remembered that moment clearly. In those few minutes, you felt as light as a feather, like there was nothing tying you to the ground. 
Would you ever feel that way again?  
“I’m also very fond of this one,” Neuvillette said next to you. When you turned your head, you saw that he was not looking at the photos, but at you. It was then that you realized you were smiling. For some reason, you turned your head away.  
“I just realized something,” you said, to cover up the awkward moment. “I’ve taken so many pictures, but I’ve got nowhere to put them all.” 
“Ah, about that,” there was an excitement, subdued but present, in his voice. He sounded the same as he did when he introduced you to some new exotic variety of water. “I have a surprise for you. Please, come with me to my study.” 
A surprise from Neuvillette? You had an inkling as to what it could be, but that didn’t stop you from putting all the photos back in the envelope and following him upstairs to his study, a domain you had yet to step into. It was a smaller version of his office at the Palais Mermonia, with its large desk, soft rugs, and tall bookshelves that lined the walls. There was also a fireplace here and a cozy-looking couch. 
As Neuvillette went to take something out of a cabinet, you covertly examined the shelves. They were mainly filled with books on law, human psychology, history (most of which you’ve already read, having borrowed them from the library), and other similarly serious topics. Oddly enough, you even spotted a few romance novels. They were the fluffy, self-indulgent kind that your mother and sister liked to read. Should I pretend I never saw them? 
“Madame, here it is,” Neuvillette said, and you walked over to the desk, where there was a large, leather-bound album with metal corners. 
“Oh, Neuvillette, you shouldn’t have!” you exclaimed, flipping through the album. There should be just enough space to put all the pictures from your date in it. You looked up to thank him, but was met with the sight of Neuvillette taking out yet another album from the cabinet. This one was wider, with a ribbon tied into a neat bow on the spine. Perhaps Neuvillette bought a second album, just in case the first one wouldn’t fit all your pictures? 
But, as though to dash all reasonable explanations, Neuvillette took out another album from the cabinet, then another. It seemed never-ending, this deluge of albums. After a while, it became sort of funny, like a comedy sketch. You watched, open-mouthed, as the desk became covered with albums of all shapes and sizes.  
Finally, after the tenth one, the deluge stopped. Neuvillette looked at you expectantly. “Well, Madame, which one do you prefer?” 
“Wait a minute, let me get this right,” you said, backing up a step and surveying the desk. “You bought all these albums just for me to choose one?” 
“Yes, I did,” Neuvillette said, nodding as though this was a perfectly normal thing to do. Was this how the minds of the wealthy worked? It was beyond your comprehension. “I was unsure which one would be most to your liking, so I decided to buy them all.” 
“Oh, Neuvillette, you really shouldn’t have…” you said. “This is too excessive. Why didn’t you ask me to come with you when you went shopping? And you know I’d like anything you picked out for me.” 
“I wanted it to be a surprise…” Neuvillette said. He looked a bit deflated, and you felt bad.  
“Can you return them?” 
“It would be highly inconvenient for the shopkeeper if I did so,” Neuvillette said, then added in an abashed tone, “And I was told that all sales are final.” 
“How unfortunate,” you looked down at the desk again. Was it possible for anyone to fill up all these albums in their lifetime? Maybe if they had a lifespan as long as Neuvillette’s. “Maybe they could make an exception for the Iudex?” 
“I would rather not use my position in such a manner.” 
“Well then, how about we give them away?” 
“Give them away…” Neuvillette considered your words. “I-I suppose that could work… it is a reasonable idea. Yes, quite reasonable indeed.” 
Neuvillette…if only you could see the look on your face right now. He looked like a kicked puppy. However, you decided to hold your tongue. 
“Hmm, on second thought, it would be quite rude of me to give away presents from my generous husband,” you said. “I’ll keep them all. Thank you, Neuvillette.” 
You patted his hand. He looked down at your hand on top of his, his eyes unreadable. He lightly brushed his fingers against your own.  
“You need not force yourself to accept them if you do not want them,” he said quietly.  
“But I do want them. They’re from you, after all. We’ll just have to take plenty more photos to get your money’s worth.” 
“Yes, ‘we.’ Did you expect me to fill up these albums all on my own?” 
“Certainly, it would be more efficient if we worked together,” Neuvillette nodded to himself. “Very well, then, Madame. I will assist you in this endeavour.”  
With that settled, you decided to put the date photos in the first brown leather album. It had a vintage look to it that you liked. 
“It’s getting late, Madame. You should be going to bed soon,” Neuvillette informed you.  
“What about you?” Neuvillette didn’t seem to be making any moves to retire for the night just yet. 
“There are a few more matters that I need to take care of, but do not worry, it won’t take very long.” 
“Okay then,” you nodded, stepping towards the door. But just as you were about to leave the study, you thought of something. “By the way, Neuvillette, when will we be going on that restaurant date? I know you’re quite busy these days, so I can wait as long it takes. Do you have a restaurant in mind? I’m perfectly happy to go with any one you choose. Oh, and I know I promised to attend a trial, but I’m not fond of the very loud and chaotic ones, so which of the upcoming ones would you recommend?” 
“I’m afraid, Madame, that we have to put a hold on both of those arrangements. A few…unexpected matters have come up, so we will not be able to go anywhere together for a while.” 
“Oh. I see. Well, I suppose it can’t be helped,” a sharp sense of disappointment pierced your heart. It seemed that you had been looking forward to it more than you expected.  
“Madame, are you enjoying your life as it is right now?” Neuvillette asked you out of the blue. 
“Huh? What brought this on all of a sudden?” 
“Please answer my question.” There was an undercurrent of urgency in his voice.  
“I…” you had to think about it for a moment. “I do. Of course I do. I never want for anything, and everyone has treated me with nothing but kindness. I can’t even begin to repay them all, really.” 
“I see. Then, is this the sort of life you’d prefer to live?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“A quiet, peaceful life, where you are never bothered by anyone.” 
“I…suppose so? I think most people would want that.” 
“I see…” Neuvillette stared at his desk, seemingly deep in thought. Then, he looked up at you. “You should go to bed now. It is getting too late.” 
“What…” but he was already ushering you towards the door before you could say anything more. 
You observed him as he stood in the doorway. He was an unreadable cipher, but you sensed a resolve emanating from him, like he had made up his mind about something.  
“Good night, Madame,” he said quietly.  
“Good night, Neuvillette.” 
You felt like you had to say something, but you weren’t sure what.  
He saved you the effort by gently closing the study door on you. The sense of giddiness had all but completely dissipated. You felt like a deflated balloon. 
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Your unease wasn’t dispelled the next morning.  
At the breakfast table, Neuvillette was reading the newspapers. This wasn’t unusual in itself. It was part of his morning routine. What was unusual was how intensely he was looking through them.  
You looked at the headlines of the paper he was reading. There was nothing there that would warrant that deep furrow in his brow. At least, not to your knowledge. Perhaps there was some sort of secret investigation going on?  
“Madame, would you like to read the paper?” Neuvillette’s voice broke through your thoughts. It was then that you realized that you had been leaning forward and squinting your eyes to read the newspaper print. “I’m nearly done with it.” 
“Oh, no, I was just wondering if something happened, since you seem to be engrossed in them.” 
“No,” Neuvillette took a pause before replying. “I was simply looking for something.” 
“I see,” you said, then cut a piece of pancake and popped it into your mouth. After swallowing, you continued, “Is it work related?” 
“I…would not say so,” Neuvillette said. It was strange for him to be so evasive, but maybe it was one of those things he wasn’t at liberty to tell you.  
“By the way, Neuvillette, I’m going to start on the albums today. You’ve given me a great burden to carry, but I’m willing to take it on.” 
You were teasing him a bit, but in truth, you were a bit excited. Your teacher had a whole shelf of albums that were filled with photos from her travels throughout Teyvat, and you had pleasant memories of flipping through them and asking her the stories behind each photo. Of course, you wouldn’t be able to replicate her on that scale, but the Court of Fontaine was as good a start as any. You had even thought up a sort of system as to which area you would cover each day and what you would photograph, which you explained to Neuvillette. 
“You plan on going out into the city today, Madame?” Neuvillette asked after you finished speaking. He put down the papers and stared at you. 
“Er, yes?” you answered hesitantly. He seemed strangely preoccupied with your answer. “Is there something wrong with that?” 
“…No, not at all,” Neuvillette said after another pause. His lips were pressed together in a thin line. “Where do you plan to go?” 
“Just the plaza…” you said, raising your eyebrows at how grave he sounded. “And maybe the Palais.” 
“Do not go to the Palais,” Neuvillette spoke abruptly. His face was all seriousness. “Please, promise me that. If you have any business there, ask me. I will assist you with it.” 
You stared at him, wide-eyed. “What do you mean, I can’t go to the Palais? Did I do something wrong?”  
“No, of course not,” he said quickly.  
“Then why can’t I go there?” 
“I cannot tell you, but I assure you that I only have your safety and happiness in mind when I am asking you to not to go anywhere near the Palais. Please, Madame, promise me this.” 
You stared into his violet eyes, trying to gauge what he was thinking. There was a note of desperate urgency in his voice you had only heard once before, not to mention the weightiness of his words. “I promise,” you found yourself saying. 
“Thank you, Madame,” Neuvillette was visibly relieved. His shoulders relaxed and he closed his eyes for a second before opening them again.  
“Neuvillette, what’s going on?” you demanded. “You’re acting strange. Did something happen?” 
“Do not worry. I will take care of everything,” he said, not answering your questions at all. He stood up, and you did the same, intending on getting to the bottom of this.  
The two of you headed to the door. “You’re hiding something,” you said, glaring up at him. He met your gaze, then looked away. “It has something to do with me, doesn’t it?” 
“I’ll take care of it. Please don’t worry,” he repeated, then attempted a smile. “Focus on your photography project. I cannot to wait to see the finished product. And…Madame, if you see any suspicious persons lingering around you, you must tell one of the Melusines right away.” 
“Huh?” you gape at him, but he simply bid you goodbye and left the house. You watched him get into the carriage and set off.  
For such a stoic man, he’s actually quite terrible at hiding his feelings at times, you thought.  
Your outing at the plaza went mostly as planned. You were able to take many pictures of the fountain, the hulking Meka walking around, and the street performers. The patrolling Melusines, once you told them what you were doing, became quite enthusiastic and asked for you to take their pictures as well. It would have been a great day, if it weren’t for the gray skies and the heaviness of your heart. 
Neuvillette’s behavior at home did nothing to quell it. Though he did his best to hide it, but he was obviously stressed and worn out. He would eagerly ask you about your day but seemed distracted by his thoughts as you talked, and rebuffed your questions, whether they were innocuous or direct, when you tried to probe him for answers. He came home later than usual and worked into the late nights in his study. 
Over the next few days, you continued your urban outings, criss-crossing the city to take more pictures. You ate lunch outside and people-watched as you sat at your table. Often, a Melusine would join you. Being able to spend time in such a carefree, leisurely way would have been an unattainable dream to the past you, but you couldn’t enjoy it fully, not when you were always worried about Neuvillette at the back of your mind. He definitely seems more haggard these days. Is he eating well? I hope he isn’t just drinking water and passing that off as having lunch. 
“Are you not hungry, Madame?” a sleepy-sounding voice broke through your reverie. It belonged to Menthe, who was sitting across from you. “You’re not eating your fish and chips.” 
You looked down. The savory dish, deep-fried to a golden brown, was one of your favorite treats, but not something you ate often, and yet you found yourself with zero appetite.  
“I suppose I’m not,” you sighed. “You can have it if you like.” 
“Oh, really, Madame? Thank you!” 
You watched as Menthe happily dug in. She had accompanied you to this café after you decided to take a lunch break.  
I wonder if the Melusines are in on this too, you thought. It wasn’t unusual for Melusines to come up to you when you were walking around town, but you couldn’t help but notice that there seemed to be an awful lot of them at the places you went to. The places where you told Neuvillette you would be.  
They were as cheerful and talkative as ever, but you also noticed how intently their bright gazes flitted around, even when they chatted with you, almost as though they were on the lookout for something. 
You considered several possibilities and narrowed it down to two: One, there was a serial killer on the loose, or some other crazed criminal, who was after you. Two, your relationship had somehow been exposed to the paparazzi.  
It was doubtful that Neuvillette would let you leave the house if there was a killer after you. And why would someone want to kill you, anyway? For marrying Neuvillette? What a lame reason for murder. Then again, some of his more extreme fans were known for their passion… 
The second option seemed more likely. However, you had scoured all the tabloids for any articles on the matter, and while you did find some claiming that Neuvillette was involved with some woman or another, none of them were you (although you didn’t feel as relieved as you ought to have, for some reason). If you knew anything about these kinds of publications, it was that if they caught wind of something juicy, like the Chief Justice being in a secret relationship, they would waste no time in making that their headline, no matter how flimsy the evidence was. 
Thinking back on it now, you and Neuvillette definitely hadn’t been as discreet as you could have been. The two of you had been in public together enough times that someone could get suspicious. 
It would be easy to deny it though, you mused. In most of those cases, we were just talking or walking together. Just because a man and woman are together, it doesn’t mean they’re a married couple. 
Whatever the case was, you wished Neuvillette would talk to you about it. 
If it has something to do with me, then just tell me, you thought. You were now back home and staring up at the ceiling of your room. Why all the secrecy? It’s clearly stressing him out. 
Sure, there was probably very little you could do to help, but…but… 
Why are you acting so presumptuous? A small voice whispered in your mind. Didn’t Neuvillette say he would take care of everything? When will anyone ever offer to do that for you again? 
Yeah, but… you argued back. I shouldn’t just sit back and do nothing! It’s unfair to him.  
What does fairness mean in a relationship like this? What can you, a baron’s daughter, do for the Chief Justice of Fontaine that he can’t do for himself? If he doesn’t want you to know about something, it’s for your own good, just like last time. He clearly doesn’t expect you to do anything. What you can do to put him at ease is living your own life carefreely and supporting him at home. 
But… you struggled to come up with an argument. Or maybe, you were unwilling to.  
Your bed was nice and comfy, and your room was cozy. The sunlight streamed through the lace curtains of the window. If you wanted to, you could run a bath and soak in it for an hour, or read at your window seat, or ask Marie to make a snack for you. You could do anything you wanted. 
You continued to lie on your bed until dinner time. 
Neuvillette didn’t come home until very late at night. By that time, you were already in bed. 
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The next day was grayer than usual. It rained all day. As you were in no mood to undertake the challenge of photographing in the rain, you decided to stay home and brush up on your science. You had neglected your studies for far too long. 
As you rifled through a notebook, you suddenly came upon a nearly blank page. It was titled “List of Neuvillette’s associates.” 
You remembered writing those words all those months ago. It seemed like an eternity had passed since then. You resisted the urge to bury your face in your hands again at the memories of your embarrassing behavior. It was a wonder that Neuvillette hadn’t changed his mind and married someone more well-adjusted after all that.  
You glanced at the Lakelight Lily on your desk. It looked a little less plumper than before, but its refreshing scent was still there. You recalled Neuvillette’s words as he put in your hair. 
He was always so considerate and thoughtful. What’s more, you could tell he genuinely meant it. He never failed to ask after your comfort and health. He even inquired about your family on a regular basis when he didn’t need to. He even accepted your awkward offer of friendship when he could have just ignored you. 
You still had no idea what possessed him to ask you to marry him. He probably would have had an easier time if he had picked anyone else. No, not just anyone. Whoever he married should be just as kind and caring as him. Someone accomplished and beautiful. Someone who he could proudly show off in public as his spouse. Someone who could teach him the “joys of matrimony.” 
But until he finds that mythical someone, he’s stuck with me.  
Resolve formed in your heart. 
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Neuvillette came home late again that night, but this time, you stayed up. You listened to his footsteps as he went down the hallway to his study. After you heard the door close, you sat up in bed. 
Okay, let’s do this, you cheered yourself on, then put on your robe and slipped out of your room.  
You padded down the carpeted floor towards the study. You found yourself walking on your tiptoes for some reason.  
The mahogany door seemed to you like an imposing barrier. It wasn’t too late to turn around and crawl back into bed. You were sorely tempted to. 
But I’m here on a mission and I’m going to see it through no matter what, you told yourself firmly. 
You raised your hand and knocked on the door. “Neuvillette,” you called out. “May I come in? I would like to speak with you.” 
A scraping sound came from inside. “Madame?” Neuvillette said as he opened the door. “What are you doing up so late?” 
You opened your mouth to answer, but your jaw remained hanging open as you took in the sight before you. 
Forearms. The words popped into your mind out of nowhere. Neck.  
Neuvillette’s usual long blue robes were nowhere to be found. For that reason, he was only wearing a white dress shirt, and his hair was unbound. That wasn’t what made you speechless. You had seen him in that state plenty of times before. No, what stunned you was the fact that his sleeves were rolled up and that the first two buttons of his shirt were undone. Without his clothing obscuring them, you were able to feast your eyes on the sight of his sinewy arms and the smooth, unblemished skin at the juncture between his neck and collarbones.  
He was usually so covered-up, even at home, that seeing so much of his skin exposed felt akin to seeing him naked. Oh no, don’t think about that, don’t think about that…   
“Madame? Madame, is something the matter?” Neuvillette’s voice broke through your thoughts, which were heading in a rather dangerous direction. To your extreme embarrassment, you realized that your mouth was hanging open slightly. No wonder he looked so concerned. I feel like a giant pervert. No, I am one!  
“Um, er…it’s nothing!” your voice came out in a higher octave. You took a step backwards. This is just wonderful. 
“Are you sure? Your face looks a bit red,” Neuvillette stood up. “You shouldn’t be staying up so late, especially if you might be sick.” 
“Oh, no, no, I assure you, I am definitely not sick, not at all,” you babbled, even as the words “forearms” and “neck” danced through your head. “I really just wanted to talk to you. It’s urgent.” 
“If it’s urgent, then please come in,” Neuvillette gestured for you to enter his study. His shirt shifted slightly with the movement, exposing a sliver more of his chest. You wanted to cover your eyes. 
You entered the study. Neuvillette sat back down in his chair and looked at you. You looked at him. Or rather, you looked at the air above him. 
“Madame, what is this urgent matter you wish to discuss with me?” he asked. He looked terribly concerned, and you didn’t blame him. The way you were acting right now was definitely a cause for worry. 
“I…um…want to…uh…you know…” you gestured with your hands. “I want to…brush your hair! Yes, brush your hair. I’ve noticed how…dishevelled it gets when you come home, so I would like to fix that. Yes, that’s it.” 
“You…wish to brush my hair?” Neuvillette repeated, sounding confused. 
You nodded vigorously. “And talk,” you added. 
“I see,” he still looked confused, but he stood up and went to the door. “I shall go get my hairbrush, then.” 
“Please do so,” you said, and watched him go to his room. Once he was gone, you buried your face in one of the pillows on the couch and screamed. 
What was going on with you? Why were you getting so worked up over skin? It wasn’t as though you were some sheltered maiden who never saw shirtless men before. And Neuvillette wasn’t even shirtless! And just what would he look like without his shirt on, anyways? 
“Stop it,” you told yourself. “Stop it right now. Think about something else.” 
“Pardon me, Madame?” Neuvillette’s voice made you jolt upright. “Did you say something? And why are you lying on the couch?” 
“It’s nothing,” you quickly got up and clasped your hands together, making yourself the picture of composure and self-possession, ignoring the voice in your head that told you it wasn’t too late to excuse yourself and run back to your room. “Please forget what you just saw. I am perfectly fine.” 
You held out your hand for the hairbrush, and Neuvillette gave it to you after some hesitation. The hairbrush was silver, its back carved with a swirling design. It was heavy and cool in your hand. You tried to picture Neuvillette brushing his hair with it every morning, like a princess in a fairytale, and had to suppress a (most likely crazed-looking) smile. 
He sat down in his chair, and you stood behind him. You slowly ran the brush through his silver locks, careful not to touch his horns. You did this in silence for a few moments. It had a strangely calming effect on you—you felt your heartbeat settling down, your mind becoming clearer. The fact that you couldn’t see his face was also helpful. 
“Neuvillette,” you began. “I know that you’ve been hiding something from me. I would like you to reveal it to me.” 
You heard him let out a sigh. He tried to turn his head, but you prevented him from doing so. “Madame, I have already explained to you that it is nothing for you to worry about. Please allow me to take care of it. It was caused by my own oversight in the first place.” 
“I am allowing you to take care of it. But I would still like to know what it is.” 
“It will only distress you, and I do not wish to do that.” 
“I will be the judge of what distresses me. And besides, seeing you obviously so troubled by this matter already makes me feel wretched, so there is really nothing to lose here.” 
“My apologies. I will work harder to mask my feelings as to not affect your mood.” 
“Neuvillette, that’s not the point I’m making,” you groaned as you worked to loosen a particularly tough tangle in his hair. “Right now, not knowing what’s troubling you is causing me more distress than whatever this mysterious ‘something’ is.” 
“I do not believe you would think the same way once you learned what it is.” 
“How do you know that?” you asked. Realizing that you had raised your voice, you quickly softened it. “Let me put this another way. This is how I’m repaying you.” 
“Repaying me?”  
“Yes. For listening to me, for allowing me to cry into your arms on our date. Do you know, Neuvillette, that it’s been a long time since I was able to vent my feelings to someone like that? I’ve forgotten how nice it feels. It…really saved me. And I want to do the same thing for you. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do anything, but it’s easier to come up with a solution when you’re discussing things with someone else, isn’t it?” 
Neuvillette didn’t say anything. He didn’t move. But you could tell that he was wavering. You picked up the ends of his long hair and brushed them. You needed to give him one last push. 
“If you don’t inform me about matters that are related to me, then I see no reason why I should tell you anything more about myself.” 
“Madame, what are you implying?” there was a note of what almost sounded like panic in Neuvillette’s voice.  
“That’s right. If you do not tell me your secret, I shall not speak to you ever again for the remainder of our marriage. You will lose the privilege of conversing with me.” 
You had expected him to let out a chuckle or something. You hadn’t meant it seriously. Well, maybe a little. You were feeling a bit frustrated. 
What you didn’t expect was that he would wrench himself out of your grip and turn around to face you. His lips were pressed together tightly, but his eyes were wide. His gaze burned through you. 
“I will tell you,” he said, voice almost too calm. “So please reconsider. It will pain me greatly if you go through with it.” 
“I won’t,” you said, caught off guard. 
He turned back around. After taking a pause, he told you about the photo Furina obtained, and the ultimatum she gave him. You listened to him intently as he talked, brushing the bottom half of his hair and occasionally untangling snarls.  
After he finished speaking, you took a few minutes to digest what you’ve just heard. 
“So, no one else except Lady Furina has that photo?” 
“You don’t believe that she would lie or go back on her promise?” 
“In this matter, I do not believe she would.” 
“I see,” you put down the brush, then moved yourself to meet Neuvillette’s eyes. “Then, I agree to the meeting. I think that’s the most reasonable thing to do here. In hindsight, we should have done it a long time ago. It would have saved us all this trouble.” 
“You agree to it?” Neuvillette repeated, sounding stunned.  
“Well, it was either this or let Lady Furina dig up my sordid past and do whatever she wants with that information, right? Besides, what’s so scary about a meeting? Plenty of people from all walks of life have made appointments with her, including my own great-grandparents. If they could do it, so can I. And I’ll have you there with me, so there’s really nothing to worry about.” 
“But once she meets you face-to-face, you will become known to her. You will not be able to live the peaceful life that you desire.” 
Oh, so that’s why he asked that question, you thought.  
“Well, we don’t know that, do we? For all we know, once she meets with us, she would judge that we are a perfectly uninteresting couple and leave us alone for the rest of the year.” 
“That is unlikely to happen,” Neuvillette murmured. “And what if she discovers our arrangement?” 
“She won’t if we don’t do anything that would reveal it to her. You know the saying, ‘Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.’ As long as we don’t do anything that would make her want to go through the records in the license office, we should be fine.” A thought suddenly struck you. “She can’t…prevent us from divorcing, can she? Or force us to remarry?” 
“There are no laws that grant her the powers to do those things. But, I expect that she could make life difficult for you, should she choose to do so.” 
“Hmm…” you thought. “Well, I’ll just think about what to do when that time comes.” 
“Madame,” Neuvillette rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Please don’t be so irresponsible about your own future. This is why I did not wish to tell you. I did not want you to push yourself needlessly for my sake.” 
“Push myself needlessly? I see things differently. There’s no guarantee that things will go smoothly, but that’s just life, isn’t it? All I know is that if we don’t do anything, it will most likely turn out badly for us. So I would rather choose the other option.” 
You sounded braver than you felt. In this cozy, quiet study with Neuvillette, where you were the only people who would ever know the words exchanged in this room, it was easy to feel self-assured and optimistic about the unknown. Perhaps this was also its own sort of danger.  
But when you looked at Neuvillette’s worried face, you found it easier to feel brave. 
“Neuvillette, do you remember the promise I made to you on that first night? I promised to make sure that your life is as inconvenienced as possible. This is how I’m trying to fulfill it. Will you allow me to do that?” 
“You need not go that far. You have never inconvenienced me, not even now. In fact, you have been a reassurance. It was due to my folly that we got into this situation in the first place.” 
“If it was your folly, then it was mine as well. I should have also been paying attention,” you let out a sigh. “Look, Neuvillette, we can go around in circles about this all night, but when you get down to it, it is for situations like these that you married me. You didn’t marry me because you liked me in that way. Oh, don’t look at me like that. You know it’s true. If I don’t do my part, then I’m just a freeloader living in your house, right?” 
“I have never thought of you as a ‘freeloader’… I have always considered you as my wife,” Neuvillette said curtly, but then he smiled at you gently. “You’ve made some very good points. You are correct. It was irresponsible of me to hide it from you. I still have much to learn when it comes to how a husband ought to behave, it seems.” 
A warm, tingling feeling spread through your body when you heard his words. He thought of you as his wife. Well, of course he did, since you were officially married and all. But hearing him call you “my wife” was an entirely different thing. 
“That’s my job, as your wife. To discuss problems and come up with solutions with you. And from now on, please tell me whenever you’re feeling troubled over something. I’m inadequate in many things, but I’ve been told that I’m a good listener,” you said, fiddling with your fingers. You felt your mouth stretching into a wide smile for no reason and looked down to hide it. 
“I will. My apologies for all the distress I’ve caused you. I will tell Furina tomorrow about our decision.” 
You and Neuvillette held each other’s gazes for longer than was necessary. In the dim light of the study, his eyes looked darker, obscuring his slitted pupils. You felt weak-kneed all of a sudden. You realized that you had been running on adrenaline until now, but you didn’t feel sleepy. In fact, you were wide awake. 
“Will you go to bed now?” he asked. His voice was lower, huskier than usual. 
You shook your head. “Will you?” 
“I still have some work to do.” 
“Then I’ll stay up with you. Since I’m your wife and all.” 
Neuvillette looked like he was about to argue, but you went over to one of the bookshelves and took out a history book, then went to curl up on the couch. “Feel free to disregard me,” you said, opening the book. 
After a few seconds, you heard an exhale, then the resuming of a pen scratching against paper. 
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but when you woke up, you were in your bed with the comforter neatly pulled up to your chin. You were quite sure you had a dream, but didn’t recall its contents except for the instinctive knowledge that it was a good one.  
You also had the vague memory of feeling something warm brushing against your forehead, but it was so brief and fleeting that it might have been part of the dream as well.  
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Taglist:@just-simping-over-genshin, @xalphafox, @jqnehr, @favficdump, @thetwinkims, @cielclassy, @the-mxs-of-many, @mxyarylla, @lynettezz, @rosedpetal, @blue-sapphire-ink
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seoul-bros · 7 months
Jikook Week 9 Complete ✔️(06/02-13/02/2024)
Their ninth week and the second month in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this major milestone with a look back at this week in 2021.
This was the BE era. Between 31/01 and 06/02 BTS member notes were published on TwiX. RM introduced Life Goes On, Jin and JK introduced St ay, Suga introduced Telepathy, JH & JM introduced Dis -ease and Tae introduced Blue and Grey
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On the 09/02/21 Run BTS Episode 128 Hello 2021 was released. It was filmed while Suga was out of action with his shoulder surgery but they made sure he was still represented.
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This is a really enjoyable episode with a huge number of memorable moments, only a few of which I have included here. It was a studio shoot where they played three games: 1) Liar; 2) Harmonica Song; and 3) Red Light, Green Light.
Liar - All the members except one had the right word and the sixth member is the liar. They all had to ambiguously describe the thing and then everyone had to decide who was the liar.
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In Round 2, Jin, king of comedy, had Jihope rolling on the floor.
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In Round 3, there was a stalemate and they decided to call Suga to choose between RM and Jimin as the liar. Jimin knew straight away that Yoongi would pick him and he was right. Unfortunately, Jimin was not the liar and we were treated to a JK victory dance.
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Harmonica Song - JK was first and as usual Jimin couldn't help but comment on his cuteness.
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JK's ear for music reigned supreme throughout the game and he easily guessed Mic Drop when it was Jimin's turn.
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At the end of the round, RM and Jimin had to do the penalty and Jimin got the worst of it as RM the God of Destruction struck again.
Red Light, Green Light - This whole last game was a blast. J-Hope went first and JK managed to steal the photo but his victory was short lived. He's so adorable when he gets the giggles.
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Jin and V gave us this moment....
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...and Jimin who went last was assailed on both sides by Tae and JK.
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Tae made a grab for the photo, and it looked like it was all over, but Jin had other ideas.
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Great entertainment all round and it reminded me of why so many people became fans of BTS during the pandemic. They were out there spotlighting the group's unique dynamic and spreading laughter and positivity just when it was most needed.
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On the 11th February, BTS released its New Year Greetings. They always look so good in hanbok and this year was no exception.
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Credit to original Twix posters
Post Date: 13/02/2024
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sanagii · 1 month
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Hi,Tumblr! I’m open for digital and traditional art commissions again! I'll do a lovely art piece for you and/or your loved ones! Lately I’ve been struggling to find new gigs and I really need money to pay my bills, so If you can please consider to commission me. If it's not possible right now, a reblog would me help me a lot! Thank you for your support ♥
The art commission service includes:
Work in process updates
Monochrome background with simple elements if requested.
Transparent background version if needed
If asked, a Cropped version for client
And of course, full resolution png file.
Delivering time:
Your commission will be delivered in 2-3 weeks (Or more, for bigger projects). If you need te art for an specific date please let me know and I'll try have it ready in time! Send me a message if you have any questions.
ADDITIONAL CHARACTER INFO: Prices are below each example, 75% of the base price for each character. *Busts with additional characters are not available. Pets can be added for 60% of the base price!
Terms of service:
I will draw anything (OCs, fanart, real people, humanoid and pets) except mecha, because I’m really bad at it, sorry! I’m okay with NSFW as long is not really explicit. I’m OK with nude art.
Extra detailed accesories like wings, weapons, amors will count as extra details and they will be charged starting at $6 USD. Simple backgrounds such as monochrome bgs, gradients and simple compositions have no extra cost. For detailed backgrounds please send me your ideas and I’ll send you a quote :).
Payments are only through PayPal invoices in USD (US Dollars) or their equivalent in MXN (Mexican Pesos), for the protection of both sides. I also can take Ko-fi.
I Accept two-part payments. I’ll start working on the piece as soon as I receive the first part, first updates will be sent in less than 15 days. The rest of the invoice would be paid before I send the finished illustration.
These prices are only for personal commissions. If you need art for commercial purposes, please read my full TOS (link below) or send me an e-mail and I’ll gladly make a price quote for the commercial rigths.
I have the rights of every commission made. Please don’t take the credits of the art or reproduct it on commercial products.
For more important info, please READ MY FULL TOS.
How to commission?
If you’re interested to commission, please send an email to [email protected] or send me a DM filling this form:
Character/person name(s):
Art style: (Colored sketch, full rendered, handmade watercolor)
Size: (Bust, half or full body)
Photo references:
Outfit/costume references:
Quick Description of the character(s): (Age, height, hairstyle, complexion, personality, likes)
Pose, background and/or extra details
PayPal e-mail:
If you have any questions please leave a comment or send me a message and I’ll respond as quickly as I can! Thank you for your interest ♥ 
PS: You can also commission me directly on Vgen and Artistree!
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corvuscorona · 5 months
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The best thing about birthdays, all the time but ESPECIALLY in adulthood, is the opportunity they give you to really commit to a Themed Celebration of some kind.
I'm in adulthood + it was my birthday recently, and also, about 6 months before that birthday, @2000sanimeop & I were driven permanently insane by Stranger of Paradise, so obviously the only reasonable course of action was to invent an Astos-themed cocktail, learn to make edible crystals (for cake decorations), make burgers with squid-ink brioche buns, accidentally find a real recipe for a joke "what if tater tots were cube-shaped" idea we had at like 11:00 at night one time, and completely, fully go to town, all weekend, on manifesting The Jackstos Meal physically in our home.
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(Art by @2000sanimeop)
Please allow me to sell you on the KING OF THE DARK ELVES.
First & most importantly, it tastes fucking amazing. Having chosen ingredients based mostly on wishes + vibes, I wasn't sure what to expect, exactly, but between the berry flavor of the cassis, the orange in the curaçao, & whatever arcane bullshit is going on with the indigo gin, the final product tastes impressively like bubbly sangria.
Secondly: one (1) of these things is enough, which feels appropriate, somehow. An Astos cocktail should be powerous, I think, & this POTION of a drink fits the bill.
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It's elegant. It's over-the-top. There is so much alcohol in it. I cannot recommend the KING OF THE DARK ELVES enough.
If you can't find Astos-themed cocktail picks, homemade is fine.
[ Gold North Star Charm ] ☆ [ gold jump rings, any ] ☆ [ Circle Top Cocktail Picks ]
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Now, about the crystals.
They're strawberry-flavored! We used this recipe for kohakutō, which uses just sugar, water, agar agar [1], food coloring, and flavor extract (plus citric acid, if you feel like it).
[1] Ignore what it says about having to use the one specific brand of agar agar. What they mean is that this recipe is written for agar agar with no included sugar; if there's sugar in the brand that's most available to you, just do math about it! (Sorry. It will work, though.)
It took a couple of hours to cut the crystal shapes, but it was enjoyable, meditative work, and the candy itself doesn't take long to make at all. We got strawberry flavoring specifically for candy-making, which came in very very cute small tiny bottles, at Michael's.
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(The Birthday Soul Burst Cheesecake was orange-flavored, and also purple. This gave it an effect not unlike those skittles where the colors don't "match" the flavors, or a mystery flavor airhead, or some other Trick Food. It was awesome. Look at this thing!!)
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But, hey, now that we know everything about the crystals...
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Are those cubes?
(Yes.) There is a real, existing recipe, on our real internet, for cubes made out of grated russet potatoes. I made them. It was pretty easy, but if I had to do it again, I'd start earlier in the day (the "freeze the slab of cooked potato shreds before cutting it into cube shapes" step, while not strictly necessary, would have made it easier to get clean lines), and I'd probably try replacing the potato starch with a slurry of potato starch and water. I've used the slurry method for sweet potato fries in the past, and it gives them a really nice, crispy coating.
( I would, however, stick to my guns as far as "refusing to deep-fry them" goes. Nobody should have to deep-fry anything on their birthday. Also, I was correct to add some dried thyme and parsley while I was initially cooking the shreds. )
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(Art by @2000sanimeop)
Overall, the Cubes were a good first attempt, and made an appropriate side to eat with the Burger of Darkness [2]. The little glass cauldron of terrifying red slop, to the left of the plate in the photo above, is of course Jack's Chaos Sauce [3].
[2] A normal burger, except that the bun was made with squid ink. My household is split 50/50 on whether this made it taste weird or not, but it LOOKED fantastic. Incidentally, if you're like me 1 calendar year ago & think burgers might be kind of a pain in the ass to cook indoors, check out this method from smittenkitchen. (The Burger of Darkness is topped with Colby-Jack (lol) cheese, dijon mustard, and the pickled red onions on this page, also smittenkitchen.) [3] I know what you're thinking. "What could that possibly fucking mean?" Well, it means that I combined mayonnaise, white vinegar, and S&B crunchy garlic topping, which are all 3 of the ingredients for a dipping sauce I have made in the past for also sweet potato fries, and then I added red food coloring until it looked scary and bad. It tasted perfectly acceptable, but dealt psychic damage to everyone present. I recommend trying this. For fun.
The skull-shaped cocktail picks, I bought on a whim well before I knew what I was ever going to do with them. I like to think that this was fate, speaking to me via deeply mysterious channels, as usual.
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They now live with the Astos picks, in my cupboard, where I can easily reach them anytime I feel like it, which I hope will be often & for every possible reason.
🥳 💀 ✨
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sturn-wrld · 10 months
🪼pancakes for dinner
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pairing: matt x reader
summary: where reader is never able to say what she wants to matt and after she doesn't in the car on the way to the airport, her fear of planes kicks in makes some irrational decisions
genre: fluff
warnings: nothing
a/n: i'm going to do a part 2, not proof read!
inspired by pancakes for dinner by lizzie mcalpine
you have loved matt since the day you met him in the second grade.
it may seem cliche but you have without a doubt thought about him everyday for the last 12 years.
the only problem is that he doesn't know. you are an infamous introvert who only knows how to hide your feelings. every time you go to tell him about your absolute love for him something else comes out.
"hey matt, can i tell you something" you say from the passenger seat of his car
"yeah" he says cautiously "is something wrong?"
"no no no, nothings wrong it's just.." you pause not knowing how to say it "you have something in your teeth"
let's just say both you and your friends would beat you up for weeks after that.
you didn't know why you were like this though. you were so open with matt about everything except for this.
it was almost your twentieth birthday so you were flying back home to visit family and matt being your absolute best friend he was going to drive you. all of your friends including his own brothers thought of the fantastic idea of you telling him in the car on the way to or at the airport.
you hated this due to the fact that it had to be said out loud and you now weren't only stressing out over the fact you had to fly with your horrible fear of planes but how and when it was a good time to tell him. but your friends were being so serious. to the point that one of your friends threatened to post your ugly baby photos on her instagram story if you didn't do it. lord knows those don't need to see the light of day.
so you set out to tell him.
it was now day of the fly back home. you and matt were sat out side the airport as you said your goodbyes for the long week. as he was leaning in for a hug before you left his car all that was going through your head was 'do i tell him now?' 'how do i say it?' 'should i even say it?'
let's just say this wasn't matt's first time experiencing you overthinking and he clicked in pretty fast.
"is there something wrong?"
you immediately snapped out of your thoughts "no just... thank you so much. i truely appreciate it"
"no problem, you know that"
as you slowly slipped out of the car you instantly started beating yourself up not knowing why you were like this.
after going through security at the airport you were sat in the lounge now stressing about flying and matt.
as you were called to enter the plane, your stress levels started rising. all you could think about is how stupid you are for your fearing of flying and your fear of emotions.
as you sat in your seat restless and stressed not knowing what else to do you pulled out your phone to text matt.
"hey matt, how are things going at home?"
"they are going great, a bit boring without you"
"of course it is"
as you read his message and your response it suddenly clicked that you could just tell him how you are feeling over text.
"how are you going?" he replied
"fine. a bit stressed like always but fine nonetheless"
"there's no reason to stress, you'll be fine"
"i know. matt can i tell you something?"
as you read this reassuring text you knew it was time he knew.
"i've liked you from the moment i saw you in the second grade when i had to sit next to you. there hasn't been a day since then that i haven't thought, dreamt or loved you. you are stuck in my head and i don't know why it has taken me 12 years and stress that i'm going to die on this plane to do this but it had to be done. i understand if you don't feel the same and i don't want to pressure you to feel the same or even want to know me anymore but i love you and you needed to know that"
after you sent that message you got an instant reply.
"let's talk when you get home"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @its-jennarose
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akutasoda · 5 months
hello!! i found your blog through r1999, congrats on the 1k!!
i absolutely loved your angst hc for tennant, so i'd like to request something tennant-related for the event with number 10 & 2. i'm not sure if you can request two prompts at the same time, but if not, feel free to pick just one ^^ (smile)
i love your writing istg it's comfort food to me (even the angst ones) so pls take your time and have a wonderful day, you're doing great!!
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polaroids + do you feel that? i don't
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prompts - after you part ways the only thing they have left to remember you by is a singular photo + one sided relationship
includes - tennant
warnings - gn!reader, slight fluff, angst no comfort, flirting, wc - 1k
a/n: thank you so much! im glad my writing brings you comfort <3 (even the angst haha)
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'humans are all the same, no matter where they are from' was something the great ada tennant had said to pandora. tennant had thought that with all her heart as most people had the same weakness and strengths as everyone else, they were all human at the end of the day. however nowadays she could gladly same there was an exception to her thoughts.
obviously the exception to her was you. the same individual that she met on the streets of paris where she first attempted to sell diamonds to but you surprised her by knowing what her scheme was. you had piqued her interest from that encounter as she had never quite met a stunning figure such as yourself who had the intelligence to call her out on her scams.
it was no surprise to tennant herself that she quickly found herself enamoured by your presence and found herself seeking you out, not just for petty scams that you were very convinced she was trying to pull off. she loved spending her free time with you, the arcanist became much more chivalrous around you andade your heart swoon in ways you never thought possible.
you wanted to memorialize your first date with tennant and so before she picked you up, you made sure that your polaroid camera was brought with. tennant spared no expense when it came to taking you out and she wanted to make sure you had the best time, so when it came to the end of the night as you both sood side by side on the skyline of paris and you held up your polaroid, she couldn't refuse you.
she hasn't been oblivious to the camera that you brought with you but she never mentioned anything as she could take a guess what you brought it for. so when you brought your polaroid up and brought her closer to you, she smiled and pressed a small kiss to your cheek eight as she heard the shutter click. another photo was taken afterwards and after she escorted you back to your accomodation you handed her the first polaroid.
she held that photo close and kept it in perfect condition, she feared that if she lost it she would never gain anything as precious ever again - not even the most expensive diamond could compare to that photo's worth to her. you felt the same really, the second photo was kept in perfect condition and displayed with pride.
it all seemed to perfect in honesty, tennant was the one of the best partners you could ever think of being with - she was so supportive and very quick to compliment you, to treat you right. it was endearing at first, making your heart swoon and fall deeper into live woth her but eventually you're mind started disagreeing. you see, tennant was very good with her words and still treated over people with the same admiration she would with you.
you knew it was part of her character and her trade, it worked wonders with clients who would happily purchase her 'diamonds'. however it just didn't sit right with you when she would start overly complimenting certain high end potential buyers right infront of you. you almost felt selfish for how you acted but who could really blame you when your lover was flirting with others - even for the sake of business.
you voiced your concerns to her as you didn't want your simple jealousy to tear the both of you apart but her honey sweet words that usually made you forgive her for small mishaps sounded cold and fake to you now. her reassurance didn't soothe you and it certainly annoyed you when she began doing the very same thing not even a day later. now you didn't feel so selfish for wanting her to tone it down.
she talked about chilvary and how she wanted to treat you like the gem you were but you really didn't feel that chilvary when she started becoming more distant. she told you time and time again that it was only temporary and she didn't want to get you involved and it made it more than clear to you that when you told her you wanted all parts of her if you were dating her, it went straight over her head.
you hated it but now you could catch yourself staring at the polaroid in your possession with almost a bitter resentment. a part of you felt disappointed in yourself that you fell for her honeyed words and kind actions, maybe she really was just a con woman that sought you out for a long term sale. you decided that you're heart deserved to be let free from the hands that brutally ripped it from your chest with distance and a disregard for your feelings.
the moment the words left your mouth, tennants face dropped. she knew something bad was coming when she came home to see you with a solemn expression on your face but this was what she dreaded. tennant knew and understood that she was becoming slightly distant and did disregard your concerns multiple times but she now realised her words had become fake to you and it was her fault for it.
she somehow managed to work her way back into your heart and convinced you she would change and you could only hope but wish that this wasn't a mistake. it quickly became evident that it was a mistake and all you could do is wonder how long would it be befofe you built the confidence to finally break it off. tennant knew she wouldn't be able to keep you much longer and it broke her heart knowing she had pushed you away - it felt cruel of her to convince you to stay but she didn't want to lose you yet although the way you looked at her made her want to beg for forgiveness. but now, all she could wish for is that you atleast had the kindness to let her keep the polaroid of your first date as a memento to the love she lost because of her own fault.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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merrivia · 1 year
Quite random, but what length hair do you think laurent has? Fanartists seem conflicted between luscious locks and sensibly short. My heart wants it to be long but my brain says otherwise lol
Ooh, let's get into it!
Explicit mentions of Laurent's hair in the books where we can guess at the length (I haven't done all of them!):
In Captive Prince, Ch 3:
“Damen looked down into Laurent’s face, the fair skin a little heat-flushed, the yellow hair wet at the tips"
Damen poured water over his shoulders and back. This suggests that his hair is long enough to just perhaps brush his shoulders, or for the splash of water there to reach the ends.
Ch 8:
“No jewellery except for a fine gold circlet on his brow that was mostly hidden by the fall of his golden hair.”
His hair is long enough to hide his circlet, which makes me feel he has a middle part and the two sides fall across his face. Bangs? Layers?
Ch 10
“Damen’s eyes lifted to the white column of his throat, and above that the golden hair, parting around the shell cup of an unjewelled ear.”
Hmm. Ambiguous, as to length. Suggests it's cut above the neck/throat though.
Ch 11:
“His body language was calm and respectful; the fall of his golden hair hid his expression.”
Again, long enough or layered so as to fall about his face.
Prince's Gambit: Ch 2
“Laurent turned his back on Damen calmly and waited. The lacing of Laurent’s brocade outer garment began at his nape, and ran in a single line all the way down his back. It was ridiculous to . . . fear this. Damen stepped forward. In order to begin unlacing the garment, he had to lift his fingers and brush to one side the ends of the gilt hair, soft as fox fur. ”
Laurent's hair covers his nape/back of the neck here...
King's Rising: Ch 12
“Damen lifted his hand, slid his fingers into the short, soft hair at the back of Laurent’s neck, cupping his head.”
So definitely trimmed shorter at the back by KR? I'm beginning to think Laurent took the time to get regular haircuts lol. Actually, considering they trimmed Damen's hair before Laurent released him, there are barbers on hand.
Okay, putting this all together...
Here's what I think Laurent's hair potentially looks like!
So after a haircut I think a combo of these two on the left. The length of the left would fit the 'soft short hair' at the back of his neck referenced in KR. But the two on the right also give a good feel for the the way his hair can fall infront of his face I think.
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And here's a few more on what it could look like when it's grown out a little more. i'm especially fond of the top left, as I think that's the right texture for Laurent's hair, and a bit closer to his hair colour, but combined with the structure/layers of the others.
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I think this length would hold true to Damen having to sweep his hair away a little from his nape or back of his neck to access his high necked clothing, while retaining the sense of layers. So probably this is what it looks like while they are their way to the border and have weeks where Laurent may not have had time or cared to have had regular trims?
It could also look like this when it grows out. Which is dreamy! And hopefully a little luscious?
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Researching pics, this is quite close to my vision of Auguste I think:
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No idea why it's skewed left, but there we go.
That was fun, thanks for the ask! 🌸
Edit: And I just found some reference pics to 14th century hair and well...just had to include them.
'f' in the last photo feels a bit Laurent-y 😂 Definitely gives you the feel of Laurent's extravagant hat in 'The Adventure of Charls the Veretian Cloth Merchant' 😂
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secret0codename · 5 months
CREEPYPASTA - Headcanons
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~ Hello hello everyone! I hope you are well. This is Mannuh, I felt like writing... Why not?
~ Spooky hedcanons, I'll do the ones I know the most about and I'll update later!
-Nina -L.J -Jeff -Masky
-Toby -E.J -Jane -Hoodie
-Liu -Sally -BEN -Kate
~ I really hope everything is OK! Since I'm new to Tumblr, I don't really know how the question box and stuff like that works, so we'll be without it for a while! :) Well, I'll leave you with 1 headcanon of each character ^^
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~ He has a bad habit of facial hygiene, his injuries, especially the cut in his mouth, are infected, he no longer feels the pain he used to, so repeating it is not a problem! But he never cleans, after all he does not feel the need to. The more "nice" the more afraid his victim is, which will make him proud as always
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~ Nina is a 100% independent person. She has learned to develop her skills and doesn't have as much contact with Jeff anymore. Over time, she has given up the obsession with him and developed self-love. She still likes it when people try to focus more on themselves! It's worth noting that Nina has very good aim and is constantly training to surpass Jeff.
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~ She looks like a child, but she isn't! She may act like one, talk like one, but it doesn't change the fact that she would be around 60 years old currently. She is very polite and kind, she doesn't trust men but makes exceptions for Toby, LJ, Liu, Masky etc. Women she tends to be liberal, talkative when she wants! Even so, she is a spirit she can do whatever she wants with her body, her victims are very afraid of her in a certain way, even though she almost doesn't kill them, only if necessary! (She would probably have a very feminist side, but she doesn't act like one, she just thinks)
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~ Toby, he's a very reserved guy with certain people but he's very lively with those he meets, but that doesn't remove the fact that he can be serious, brutal or even sadistic! He has his interests, goals and objectives and always tries to fulfill them without being interrupted. He doesn't like Slender/Operator, not like before he realized that one time or another he will die and clearly his boss won't do anything just look a replacement. Apart from that, he can act anywhere from a 28-year-old man to a 19-year-old muleke who has just entered puberty, this man can have problems but he is extremely polite (with whoever he wants), respectful, and reserved and can have moments that he reveals something of his rarest trait
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~ EJ, a cannibalistic man who is extremely serious and well-behaved. A demon that walks on 2 or 4 legs depends on its state, it is not a guy of many words but it maintains relationships with other Creepys or Proxies. He is someone with experience about the human body, so he knows everything! He doesn't just eat kidneys, but his preference in food is clearly human or animal organs on certain occasions, in my opinion EJ always has something saved in case of need, he probably knows when to attack his victims, maybe you don't have 1 kidney and you don't know .. He is stealthy when he is in an angrier form he becomes more animalistic, bizarre and terrifying and scares anyone, but when he is calm and in his own person he becomes like a normal person! but it's not
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~ This guy is a professional hacker, if you want something that involves the Internet he can do it effortlessly, this includes, Hacking people, Stalking, Searching, He can change very advanced settings, disabling websites and things like that! I wouldn't want to pick a fight with him! He is not afraid of water, he just has certain traumas, but now (perhaps) overcome, he can range from playful to extremely violent, making his victim die through a screen! He is a spirit, don't expect something physically but expect discord in your life, leaked data, bizarre messages, photos, etc.
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☠People, I'm going to do the sequel soon, because I don't want to write much, you know? Maybe I can think about writing history and things like that in the future, even though I don't have the best writing skills in the world! I can try, what do you think? :^
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I’m here again bc I’m down bad for these men (and 2 exceptional ladies): What would they get us as a wedding gift, and how they react to us coming up the aisle 🥹💖💖💖
God I am down astronomical for them so I get that lol, I’ve included links to what wedding rings I think they would give you 😌 I just did the bachelors in this one but if you want the bachelorettes lemme know!
What the bachelors give you for your wedding and how they react to you walking down the aisle
First off, he’s sweating
This is a lot of attention and he’s not use to it
He got you something meaningful as a gift, something to symbolize what you mean to him
It’s a beautiful hand made photo album with all the pictures you’ve ever taken together in it, and a few he’s taken when you weren’t paying attention
Under each picture is a brief description and the reasons he loves the photos and you
Very worries you’ll think it’s cheesy or dumb but you love it and him
The moment he sees you walking up the aisle towards him?
He’s trying not to sob, he thinks you look absolutely ethereal
Could hardly stop complimenting you enough for mayor Lewis to get the ceremony started
This is the wedding ring:
He’s so excited, he’s been pacing all day
His mom and his friends could barely keep him calm lol
He got you one of those eternal roses that are in like the jars of liquid to preserve them
It’s not much but you love it none the less, it’s a super sweet gift
When you start walking down the aisle?
Tears, doesn’t even bother to hide it he just loves you so much, and to see you walking toward him ready to spend the rest of your life with him? He’s crying
Gives you a forehead kiss before mayor Lewis can start his speech
This is the ring he gets you:
He’s trying to remain calm on his wedding day, trying to look very nonchalant
But he’s readjusted his tie and shirt like 25 times in the last ten minutes
He’s frazzled but he won’t show it
He got you a silver heart shaped locket with a picture of you on one side and him on the other side
Your wearing it currently with your wedding outfit
When he sees you walking down the aisle any anxiety he had has gone out the window
He thinks your the most elegant person out there and he can’t believe he’s so lucky to have you
This is your wedding ring:
He’s so nervous and it shows, he’s sweating, he threw up this morning
His anxiety is off the charts
He got you a dainty bracelet with little emeralds embedded in it since you once told him those were your favorite gemstone
When he sees you walking up the aisle he’s so much calmer
It’s amazing how just the sight of you can help his nerves settle
Thinks you look absolutely amazing, he still can hardly believe that you want to marry him
This is the wedding ring:
He’s pretty calm day of, he is however enjoying watching his mom run all over the place fretting
Has to tell her to calm down a few times
He got you a dainty little necklace with a labradorite crystal on it in the shape of a star
When he sees you walking down the aisle towards him is when he starts sweating
He thinks your the most perfect person on the face of this earth and he isn’t sure how he managed to bag a baddie like you
Can’t stop smiling for the life of him
Just adores you, tears on his waterline but not falling cause that would ruin his eyeliner
Yes he wears eyeliner
This is the ring:
Oh god this man is so excited
He loves you with all his soul and he cannot wait to be married
He got you a very pretty pair of pearl earrings and a matching necklace to go with them
When he sees you walking down the aisle he has to physically stop himself from running down it to pick you up and kiss you
Thinks your absolute radiant, the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes on
Could recite a whole sonnet for you on how much you mean to him
He’s sobbing though so you’ll have to wait for that
This is the ring:
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makutaservaela · 30 days
Headcanon Ramblings: The BIO in Bionicle (Part 1, Reproduction and Infanthood)
Alright, I'm gonna ramble about how each species reproduces. Scientific and some mature topics incoming, including genital descriptions.
First of all, the canon info I'm working with:
Agori are mammalian, in the sense they have live-born. I expand this to presume pectoral lactation as well, large-gamete-female and small-gamete-male, etc.
Skakdi are more organic than anything else in the MU, to the point that replacing body parts could be dangerous or fatal.
Second, a few clarifying things:
I use "Glatorian" to refer to the species. I'd make up a name for them, but this is easier for readers.
Elsewhere I put up my ramble about Bionicle timing. Generally, presume that if I use years, I am using them to compare to human development, using Matoran/Agori development as the default. In other words, a "2-year-old Matoran" is a Matoran who is cognitively similar to a 2-year-old human. A "2-year-old Makuta" is a Makuta the same chronological age as that Matoran, even though Makuta brains develop different parts at a different rate to a Matoran, etc.
Matoran, Vortixx, Skakdi, Toa, Makuta, etc, will be referred to as "Muians" or "MUians" (Matoran Universe-ians). Agori, Glatorian, Skrall, Bone Hunters, Vorox, Zesk, etc, will be referred to as "SMnans" (Spherus Magnans). Specifically, these are referring to only the sapient beings of this evolutionary line, so any time I say "All MUians" or "Of any species", for example, I'm not including, say, Tarakavas or Spikits. MUians and SMnans are biologically of the same "evolutionary line".
When the MUians were converted organic, the sexes were evened out. Many beings who had been programmed male were recreated biologically female. As gender had virtually no bearing on them beyond elements before, and "programmed male" just meant "programmed as less gentle" (according to Farshtey), this has caused minimal identity concerns.
Reproductive Anatomy
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(A Photo of Lariska, pregnant with Zaani)
All Muians and SMnans reproduce the same way and have similar genitals and reproductive anatomy. Females contain large gametes, a uterus, two ovaries, and two pectoral mammary glands (except Takadox's species, who are partial quadrupeds and have two pelvic mammaries). All MUians and SMnans generally nurse young in an upright position while carrying their young, except Makuta (whose young can hang on their chest unaided) and Skakdi (who tend to nurse while laying on their side like dogs or cats. Despite this, Skakdi still have two pectoral mammaries).
Males contain small gametes produced in a pair of testes located under their penis.
This part is similar to humans. The part that is not similar is how these genitals are formed. MUians and SMnans do not have external genitals. Both have two orifices- Cloaca (leading to both urinary and reproductive tract) and rectal. The testes do not hang outside the body, as MUians and SMnans both do not have bodies that run hot enough to harm the sperm, and therefore the trait of them needing to be external never occurred. That being said, an observer can actually feel a male's testes through the skin on his crotch, until said male becomes uncomfortable and asks the observer to cease.
A male's penis is internal and sheathed. Upon arousal, it will move external, and when fully external, the base will swell, locking it from resheathing until it unarouses or ejaculates.
One would expect that I have some interest in lewding Bionicle, but I oddly do not. I have nothing against lewding things, and do so frequently, but for some reason, I pause at lewding Bionicle. I have been trying to work myself up to writing a lewd fanfiction on AO3, though.
Mammary glands, unlike those in humans, do not swell or remain swollen when not in use. There is some excess fat storage on the female chest, but otherwise, besides a more rounded appearance than a male's, a female's chest doesn't look that much different than a male's and does not hang off much more than a male's.
Gestation for all species generally lasts about a year, and is done exclusively by the female.
A male's abdomen is split into four sections, while a female's is split into six. During pregnancy, the two middle sections are the primary ones that stretch and grow to support the fetus.
MUian and SMnans both have much, much lower sex drives than humans do. They do have pleasure sex, and like humans they are only fertile in certain times. They also have something in between estrus and menses, although the MUians have very little understanding of this, and don't really know why most sex does not result in babies. They do understand "sperm + egg", though, as well as barrier contraceptives, but don't understand their own bodies well enough to have chemical contraceptives.
Reproduction Quirks
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(A photo of the now-female Zemya and her daughter Hinua)
Agori, Zesk, Vorox, and Glatorian are incapable of breeding with each other. Glatorian were previously able to breed with an early prototype of Toa, but it is unknown if any SMnans can breed with any MUians now.
Toa, Matoran, Toa Nuva, Turaga, and Makuta are the same species, and all of them can interbreed with others. It is unknown if Turaga can breed, as shortly after the switch to organic, all Turaga were either reverted to Toa or killed by unrelated circumstances. Toa can no longer become Turaga. For clarity, I will refer to this species as "Matoran" for this section.
Toa energy is inheritable, and comes in different states:
N- Not present (Matoran)
I- Inactive (Matoran who can become a Toa)
A- Active (Toa)
Toa energy can only be inherited in the parents' state, save for N, as it is possible for any Matoran to fail to inherit any Toa energy from either parent. Two I parents cannot create an A child. and likewise two A parents or an A and N parent cannot create an I child.
The next point refers to corruption:
0- Never been corrupted (shapeshifted, exposed to Antidermis, Mutagen, or Energized Protodermis, etc) OR has been corrupted, but all traces of the corruption have been removed at the time of conception.
1- Has been corrupted, but is not actively corrupted (shapeshifted, but has since turned back BUT traces of the corruption remain).
2- Is actively corrupted (actively a Makuta in their default form, Hordika, Toa Nuva, or otherwise shapeshifted).
If a being with natural shapeshifting power, such as a Makuta, shapeshifts mostly or completely into another species and then conceives, the being will NOT inherit Makuta from them, but it may be a shadow elemental.
Corruption-1 may or may not be inherited. Corruption-2 will ALWAYS be inherited and will ALWAYS be dominant. A Makuta in their default form at the time of conception will ALWAYS create a Makuta child, regardless of the species or corruption of the parent. Likewise for Toa Nuva. The child born of Corruption-2 will have that status as their default state.
Corruption-1 also may not entirely inherit. For example, of Matau's four kids, Irunak was affected by Corruption-2 (A Rahkshi shapeshift), Oohnora was affected by Corruption-1 (mental issues of Hordika, but no physical ability to turn into one), and Kekek and Usall were affected by Corruption-1 (ability to turn physically into Hordika, but not mentally). Oohnora inherited different aspects of Corruption 1 than her siblings.
This would mean, for example, Onua is an A2. Zemya is either a 0I or 0N
This... begs the question of what happens if a Toa Nuva bonks a Makuta... and this question has yet to be answered.
Elements inherit. There are few exceptions: a prominent one is that if the baby has no shadow parents, it is rare, but possible, for the baby to be a light elemental even if it has no light elemental parents.
When a Matoran has a baby, their baby will always be the size a Matoran's baby will be, regardless of if the baby is a Matoran or Toa. Likewise, a Toa's baby will always come out the same size as any baby a Toa would have. The heights eventually even out, so a Toa born from a Matoran will start out baby Matoran-sized, and eventually be adult-Toa size. I will go into more detail in a later ramble.
Infant Matoran still need masks, although the harm of being without one can be mitigated by nutrients obtained by nursing. They are not born with masks. The tradition is to give the first born child the same mask as their mother, and the second born the same mask as their father, and any subsequent children get the same mask as their parents' close friends.
Vortixx females have an interesting trait- their bodies can work with the sperm of a male of any other species (see clarification above), take only the parts that her egg can use, and reject everything else. In this way, a female Vortixx can reproduce with a male of a different species, and the infant will always come out a full Vortixx. It is highly likely it will also come out a female. A sperm of, say, an animal, will be too far off for any use, though, and will always result in miscarriage.
As far as observed, Skakdi can only mate with other Skakdi (save the above exceptions).
Skakdi have been able to reproduce this whole time. However, no one goes to Zakaz, so no one bothered to check. Out-of-story, this is how I explained why the Skakdi didn't go extinct after Spiriah's meddling- there would be no way factories could stay standing on the island to make more Skakdi. Warlords would obviously target opposing Warlords' factories.
The only other MUians who would have known were Spiriah and Krika (the Makutas of Zakaz) who just didn't care that Skakdi could eject tiny versions of themselves, and the Shadowed One, who quickly realised the distraction this would cause, and just as quickly invented a solution.
The Piraka are... "with the pillars, sans the stones", so to speak. Due to the way Skakdi process hormones, this had little effect on them outside of fertility, with the exception of Vezon due to his nature of coming into being. Vezon has no concept of mating, nor is really able to process the act.
After the conversion to Organic, the Shadowed One quickly updated to requiring sterilization of all Dark Hunters, although he had a poor enough understanding of female anatomy that about 30% of the females came out of it with still somewhat functioning reproductive systems. Lariska's daughter is likely the only child her body will be able to produce.
Infant Development Comparisons
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(A photo of Vezok (bottom right), one of his siblings, and his parents).
Matoran, Toa, Glatorian, Zesk, Vorox, and Agori have infant development similar to humans. Makuta are the only Matoran species whose development is much different, as infant Makuta are more physically able at a younger age (they can use their elemental, Kanohi, and Kraata powers starting around age 2-5, where Toa cannot until around age 10), but are more emotionally attached to their parents. We will get more into this in a later ramble.
Skakdi have the shortest wean time, at around 4-5 months. This is about when their teeth and jaw strength comes in, so weaning any past this would result in a mother with a large bite wound in lieu of a nipple. Makuta have the longest wean time, likely to strength maternal bond, as the infants can not only eat solid food, but can hunt independently years before they wean.
Mate Selection
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(A photo of an odd-looking Vorox Alpha-male interacting with a young Vorox and young helmet-less Zesk, while the alarmed mother Vorox looks on)
Matoran are still very new to the concept of mate selection. As Matoran tend to stick to their own element's homeland, the standard is for Matoran to either mate with their own element, or for them to mate with someone of another element but not cohabit. The child will grow up in their same-element parent's village.
Most MUians and SMnans have a natural inclination toward monogamous pair-bonding, with some exceptions.
Matoran do not yet have much of a concept of "cheating" or "only having sex with your spouse". They do have a concept of informing their spouse and communicating extra-marital affairs, but having sex without someone besides your spouse is seen as on par with a human eating meat while their spouse is a vegetarian- the actual offense depends on the specific family dynamic the two have. For some couples, it can cause a breakup, and for others, it is seen as harmless.
Skakdi are split into two categories: Rural and Urban. Rural Skakdi are less technological, but more physically imposing, and Urban Skakdi are more technological, and live in civility. Urbans also have armies and warlords, and so have a need to control reproduction. Urban females are beaten into submission at a young age, and are assigned mates with little say. Polygyny is very common for Urbans. Bastard Skakdi are considered shameful, as is a female committing premarital sex and homosexuality for either sex.
Rural females are more dominating and aggressive than their male counterparts. Rural females critically judge a male's fathering skills- showing subpar fathering skills is enough for her to drive him off at best, or kill and feed him to her young at worst. One easy way to attract a female is to find one with one or two young kids, and father her kids until she decides he is better mate than her current one, and she will replace him with the new one and allow him to impregnate her. This benefits him, as it means if he dies, his kids will be protected by the next male. The one risk is that a male may want to make the job easier by picking off some kids- usually targeting the older ones, since they get less attention. If he is caught doing this, he's as good as dead. If he isn't, then he doesn't have to work as hard to impress the female. Because of this, Skakdi with many siblings tend to live independently as young as possible, usually around age 10, although they will remain in their mother's territory and visit her. Rural Skakdi have close bonds with their mothers well into adulthood. Also because of this, it is very common for Rural males to show affection or care to other Skakdi's kids, regardless of if he wants to impress their mother, and his natural instinct will guide him to assist an abandoned child unless he considers it too much of a hassle.
Agori's concept of mate selection is egalitarian and include cohabitation and pair child-rearing. Sex with a non-spouse is heavily frowned upon and likely to result in break-up. Likewise for Vortixx. Male Vortixx who are unmarried are given worse jobs, and so are more likely to marry to get out of that.
Shortly before the Core War up until the reformation of Spherus Magna, Agori have wanted a strict control on Glatorian numbers. Because of this, Glatorian unauthorised mating is strictly forbidden. Glatorian mating can only occur when the tribes decide together that more Glatorian are needed. Then, they will look through the records of all females who may be in heat, cross this with the available males and how recently she has had a pregnancy, and cross this with how many babies to try for. Once the females are selected, the tribes with viable males then bid for their male to mate the female, with the auction money going to the female's tribe (since they will be down a Glatorian for a while). A male can pay his tribe leaders to bid on his behalf if he wants to mate- otherwise, neither Glatorian gets a say in the matter. Once conception occurs, the male is sent back to work and has no more say in the child.
Malum has a serious genetic defect that is inherited to all of his children. Disabled Glatorian children are usually abandoned to die in the desert, so the fact that he was repeatedly forced to produce children he knew would be killed was one of the driving forces to cause him to hate the Agori.
This has most likely changed since the Reformation, although my story doesn't follow the Agori/Glatorian, so what changes have occurred are unknown.
Makuta pairs only remain together as long as child is being reared. A male will show his interest in a female by obsessively following her around and protecting her until she agrees to his advances. Once the child is reared, the two will likely remain friends, but it is unlikely they will still consider each other mates, or have a second child together, and other mating will likely be done with a different Makuta. Makuta have very little, if any, sense of jealousy for a partner having sex with someone else, but a Makuta will also not assist at all in raising offspring he suspects are not his.
In a Vorox/Zesk pack, the Zesk are free-mating and do not pair off. They perform mating actions on each other and the Vorox as a social bonding exercise, similar to bonobos. The Alpha Male Vorox will mate with any of his female Vorox, and will viciously attack other male Vorox who attempt to, even killing repeat offenders (he will ignore the horny male Zesk since they can't impregnate the female Vorox). Despite this, in a decently sized Vorox pack (averaging about 100), he cannot keep track of all females at all times, so only about 60-70% of Vorox babies are actually his. Despite this, as long as he mated the mother at least once, he will just assume her child is his even if it is not. Despite acting as if all Vorox babies in the pack are his, an Alpha Male will attack or kill disrespectful young, so most Vorox females keep their young away from the Alpha or panic if he is too close to their little ones. A new alpha taking over a pack will also kill up to half of the babies already present, sparing only those whose mothers put up a good enough fight that he considers it a waste of energy. However, outside of these rare circumstances, male Vorox, including the Alpha, are usually quite playful with young.
Malum cannot impregnate any of his Vorox, being a Glatorian. He knows the pack needs to grow in number, so when he suspects a female is in heat, he will carry out his duties as usual, and then "happen to not notice" any subordinate males who follow her off. If he sees the subordinate with the female, he must act and attack the male in order to keep his own position, but as long as he doesn't see the two mate, he can pretend he was unaware without risking his position.
Tune in next time for rambles about child-rearing and child-education.
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byemambo · 2 months
We Are Lead Actors as K-Pop Boy Group Concept Photos: A Deep Dive [1/2]
Because I can't be normal about anything, I took it upon myself for self indulgence (rip We Are Wednesdays) to share my takes on which boy group concepts the We Are lead actors are based on their editorials/professional photographs (with my own ideas for future photoshoots). I had a lot of fun with this and if anyone has other comments to add, please feel free to do so!
Pond Naravit as NCT 127 - 2 Baddies
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Pond is such an amazing performer (yeah I see them kpop covers!) and I feel like his vibe definitely suits the more modern take on the hip hop concept. His pictorials from ELLE Thailand suited this perfectly, especially with the accessories (the earrings are my personal favorite). I'd love to see Pond's future editorials showcase more accessories and experiment with pattern and cuts of clothing, but keeping it on the darker side. His hair is also his selling point so styling his hair to show his facial features more is a huge plus.
What I'd Love to See: NCT 127 - Favorite (Vampire)
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Pond's features can be emphasized by playing around with lighting since his clothing is rather simple, or even utilizing motion blur like Taeil's image second on the left. It's also the era of vampire content in QL recently (still mourning over no Boss as a vampire but we have Zomvivor so I guess I'll let it go this one time) so playing around with set design and props would be interesting, even something as simple as the location of the photoshoot itself to take advantage of the architecture.
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I feel like from the images that I've seen Phuwin in, from his editorials to the fashion brands that named his ambassador like LOEWE, they seem to keep him in a more dapper and polished style such as the Frank Muller photoshoot for the Vanguard Beach watch collection. The green background instantly reminded me of one of the various concepts for ATEEZ's THE WORLD EP.2: OUTLAW EP featuring BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILI PEPPERS) as its title track, but the clothing for ATEEZ is more cyberpunk influenced to fit their alternate universe in their music video and lore. I'd love to see Phuwin take on more experimental fashion for his future editorials but I'm sure that's a big ask given he's very set on what he wants for himself as a person working in the entertainment world, which I heavily respect.
What I'd Love to See: ATEEZ - 멋(The Real) (흥 : 興 Ver.)
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Jongho's hat always sends me but to not take away from Phuwin's dapper style, there can be experimentation with color and pattern with minimal fashion statement accessories. From something as simple as including a turtleneck like San in the second image or adding mismatched pattern like Yeosang's dress shirt in the third image, I think his stylists could include more fun textures into his wardrobe without overwhelming or taking away from his established image.
Winny Thanawin as ONEUS - Baila Conmigo
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I was torn knowing that Winny is overdue for a new editorial since L'Officiel and I need someone to get on the ball with that asap. Although I included both images, ONEUS's La Dolce Vita EP had gorgeous photos for their mermaid concept (which I'm still mad at RBW for not even including it anywhere except the story teaser images like bruh not even in the damn MV or physical album), so I can totally see Winny embracing a more oceanic and beach vibe (just from scrolling his Instagram feed with all sorts of photos of the beach or poolside). Blue being his favorite color is also just a no brainer for this type of concept.
What I'd Like to See: ONEUS - 쉽게 쓰여진 노래 (A Song Written Easily)
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I need the photographer to take this man outdoors, preferably somewhere along the coast to really utilize the sun and ocean breeze. He also deserves to expand more with his blue tones, given that he seems to wear a lot of it just in every day life. If not a denim set, definitely in some cargo shorts with a Hawaiian inspired shirt.
Satang Kittiphop as P1Harmony - 겁나니 (Scared)
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We need to give P1Harmony their flowers because when I saw these Satang photos for KAZZ Magazine, my mind really went to their DISHARMONY: BREAK OUT EP with Scared as the title track. He's also around the members' ages (born between '01 to '05) so if he really wanted to, he could be their secret seventh member (he blends in so well with Keeho in the second image my god). I also think GMMTV should continue marketing Satang's visual image as more tough and badass simply because I find it enjoyable to watch him in series like We Are as the silly goofy little brother archetype while also serving face.
What I'd Love to See: P1Harmony - 때깔 (Killin' It)
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Y'all cannot tell me Satang wouldn't suit the best of both worlds with having his edge while also tying in his more silly image from the characters he's played that we know and love. Whether they achieve this look from fun statement pieces like fur coats or bold colors, I'd think seeing Satang push beyond his edgy image and becoming more experimental with his wardrobe would be insane.
If you made it this far, I really appreciate it! Y'all, I don't know anything about fashion like that so please: don't expect too much out of me. I recognize patterns because I'm neurodivergent and have a hyperfixations LOL so I have to split this post up into two due to the image limit (found here) but otherwise, I hope y'all get to check out new music or groups, or even the genre of K-Pop if you're unfamiliar and want to venture into it. All these groups are extremely talented and deserve all the love and support they can get <3
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
qsmp ghost investigator au dump
here is everything i spitballed into my sibling's texts. apparently their discord was "thriving on it". i'll divide this into categories and attempt to format it as reader friendly as possible. god almighty i hope the keep reading below this paragraph works
there's a main investigative squad formed by roier, cellbit, fic, pac, and tubbo
roier is in charge of their social media accounts
mike is their former college roommate who they constantly bring up and declare has died, except every time he comes up the way he died was different. he's actually a really successful movie producer (or something) so one time they do a live stream for a milestone celebration and in the last ten seconds mike comes flying out of the left side with ghost stage makeup and tackles pac off the side of the screen and they never address this publicly. any time someone asks what happened to pac they answer "who's pac" including pac
cellbit gets extremely disappointed when the perp isn't supernatural
roier is thrilled when the perp isn't supernatural because the peter parker in him loves taking the piss on a billionaire publicly
fit has photographic memory (à la canon screenshots)
pac is extremely good at breaking and entering
cellbit is an old fashioned polaroid kind of guy bc digital cameras don't capture ghost evidence as clearly
roier swears by digital photos bc he likes photoshop (he carries rolls of film with him in case cellbit runs out)
fit has an auto shop. tubbo and ramón work in this auto shop. this is a headache for everyone involved but at least the auto shop was already a thin disguise for experimenting with homemade pyrotechnics so things exploding isn't a big deal
whenever the team has to do a distraction, the only two options are 1) manipulation 2) explosion
when they get caught in a bad spot, pac plays on sympathy, roier plays dumb, tubbo plays along, cellbit pretends to belong, and fit uno reverses
they commissioned jaiden for their logo. she also beta reads the scripts
richarlyson works for mike. sometimes he joins the investigation crew as a cameraman on loan. fans have learned to recognize when richas is behind the camera because the camera doesn't shake when the monster of the week appears because homeboy does not fear death. cellbit knows mike will end his bloodline if anything happens to richas (and would probably end his OWN bloodline) so he tends to be double stressed when richas is behind the camera
the team has a house, courtesy of mike, because god knows a ghost hunter's salary probably can't pay for one
bagi belongs to a "rival" investigation group. she and cellbit talk MAD shit every time they're in the same room. they are also both incredibly fucking smart and often end up working together to crack the tough cases while continuing to smack talk each other
bad is also in the rival investigative group. he is very clearly a demon. this is never commented on.
skeppy is a ghost except bad is the only one who can see him. anyone who calls skeppy imaginary is shouted down by bagi. bagi also believes skeppy is imaginary
tina is the safety net / brawn for bagi's team. she trains in hand to ghost hand combat with etoiles because she is Not Human and can punch ghosts. bagi does not know this and she just thinks tina's super cool and super talented and super badass. tina definitely thinks bagi has realized she is Not Human but they haven't like had a conversation about it but bagi's super smart sooooo
dapper is the "guy in the chair" for the rival investigation team. bad tends to ask a question into a radio (or seemingly to thin air) and immediately get the answer via text. sometimes cellbit will wonder something aloud about various ghost types or signs ("they heard scratching in the attic, so that could be caused by--") and almost immediately get cut off by bad's text tone as bad reads aloud dapper listing off three paranormal options as well as potential structural problems and rodents having an extremely fun night, at which point bad cuts himself off with "LANGUAGE" or "OUT OF POCKET"
the main team thinks dapper is just short until they realize that no, dapper is actually like 14. bad's like WHY DO YOU THINK THEY STAY IN THE VAN???
baghera makes and posts music and consults for bagi's team. cellbit is scared of her and also desperately wishes he could poach her for his own team but she only answers jaiden's calls
pomme has a ghost gun. it was a gift from etoiles. she accidentally took foolish's head off with it one time. his head grew back and that was how they learned he was Not Made of Meat. this was not particularly surprising, because bad is still her part time dad. it still scared the crap out of pomme the first time it happened because the ghost gun SHOULD only work on ghosts but foolish is in a weird enough state of undead that he qualified.
foolish was thrilled to have a spare head, hence "the first time"
vegetta is a famous architect. he calls foolish to ask which paranormal team he should consult on whether a property is haunted, because vegetta trusts his partner of unspecific relationship's judgement, considering foolish is Not Human. foolish's answer usually depends on how spiteful he feels towards tina and bad at the time of the call
bonus, i really want maximus involved in one team or the other but since he hasn't interacted with bagi yet i can't decide his role or anything concrete. but just know that's in my brain.
EPISODES (in no particular order:
foolish summons bad during a sleepover with tina and then thinks it'll be funny to summon paranormal investigators (bad also thinks it's funny). they decide to play a game of "can the investigators figure out who's the immortal". it is revealed to the audience in the end of the ""episode"" once all the investigators have left that all three of them are immortal. bad and foolish devolve into yet another argument over which one of them won based on a win condition they somehow came up with and agreed on without ever consulting each other. tina was actually the winner. roll credits.
quackity owns a casino. he hires the team to look into some demonic activity his patrons have been reporting. he spends the entire investigation and episode demanding they find the demon and exorcise the demon and generally shittalking the demon. they spend the entire episode questioning more and more how quackity's casino stays in business as everything they learn about it and him does not inspire confidence. it is revealed that ironmouse is the demon and is also singlehandedly keeping the casino in business because she fucking loves gambling. quackity immediately changes his tune.
antoine calls the team because he's KINDA worried by the latitude and longitude he keeps finding on the walls at the company he works at, written in what looks suspiciously like blood. unbeknownst to them, bagi's team was ALSO contacted, by baghera. they eventually discover the recipient of the messages is etoiles. after an incident at his previous employment he is half ghost and can now fight ghosts. the messages were from an entity that attacks things when it gets bored and it may as well fight etoiles because etoiles is the only one who has beat it so far. they meet in various back alleys and restaurant parking lots to go at it and get drinks afterward. the entity has no idea how to speak any modern languages but Fighting is Universal.
pierre is a wine baron and claims there's a unicorn who watches over his family's vineyard. it's been part of the brand since inception and it's taken mostly as propaganda and old legend until people start actually catching glimpses of a unicorn around the vineyard and the rumor starts to spread until roier "investigative journalist and old money hater" drags the team to go on a tour of the production line in hopes of blowing the case wide open. fit, pac, and tubbo are in charge of distractions while cellbit and roier sneak away to explore the vineyard and track the unicorn.
the unicorn is pierre. roier ends up finding this hilarious and while his journalistic spirit cannot allow him to NOT expose that the unicorn is fake, he ends up calling it "a white horse with a taped-on horn" instead of the face of the company in a fursuit. pierre sends the team wine periodically as thanks and also because roier still has a picture of him in a unicorn costume in the woods.
fit and pac do a wine tasting together.
wilbur contacts them because ghost slime has taken up residence in the guest bathroom and while his daughter insists slime is part of the family, phil is coming with his son (chayanne) to stay with them for a festival or something and wilbur doesn't feel like getting roasted by the middle schooler who is his brother because the bathroom smells like algae and wet dog so he needs the team to babysit slime until phil leaves town. slime spends the entire time going through windows and walls with no warning and scaring the piss out of everyone. one time he was in the cabinet when cellbit was going in to make his midnight coffee and his scream sent everyone in the house into emergency mode. roier would have FULLY put slime through the wall if slime were corporeal. lucky for slime, and their wall, slime is not.
jaiden works at an escape room and her boss reaches out to the team because he is FED UP with some paranormal entity that keeps drawing on walls and moving shit around and throwing things and tripping him and he wants it GONE. jaiden is extremely fond of bobby and bobby is extremely fond of HER, so she reaches out to the team and asks them to NOT do that and just pretend or something. so the team goes in and pretends to investigate and stuff. roier and bobby feud in the background. by the end of the episode they're besties.
the episode concludes, shockingly, with the boss and bobby gaining grudging respect for each other. somehow. the boss threatens to reveal bobby's existence to the internet at large as a publicity stunt every time bobby trips him in the hallway but never actually does. bobby stops throwing things at him (as much). the themeing of the rooms shift so the drawings and moving objects fit in. the boss is mariana.
from this episode on bobby periodically appears in the team's house, because it's my au and i make the ghost rules
the end season villain is a guy who ran the biggest corporation in the world who died under mysterious circumstances. the corporation has a duck mascot for no reason in particular hahahaha. they're a company like nesquick or aquafina or amazon or something yknow REAL assholes.
the team is contracted by the billionaire's nephew (forever) who took over the business when he died and is extremely overwhelmed by 1) running a business on this scale and 2) all the paranormal bs happening in his office (which is where the former CEO died). he also happens to be cellbit's ex. this is highly awkward.
because i hate billionaires but like forever, let's say forever was contacted by the villain solely because the CEO does NOT want any of his immediate underlings to get the company and thus only reveals his blood relation to forever IN HIS WILL. except forever is A Good Dude and is trying to grasp the full scope of the company's corruption and dismantle the shitty practices while still keeping the employees paid, despite his only business experience being his current position of running a boardwalk/beach. this ends up being the cause of the paranormal activity: the CEO is panicking now that forever is trying to 'ruin his company'.
the episode ends with the CEO briefly succeeding in possessing forever, and the combined forces of the ghost teams bring him back and send the CEO to hell.
somehow the billionaire is involved in or mentioned during previous episodes.
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idleorbitals · 1 year
OF ep 2 watch through ...part 2
(part 1)
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sand he was inviting both of you *so* explicitly what is your move here. sand will complain repeatedly about this into the next scene but no one asked him to cancel his date. baby is in denial
side note ray enjoying begging sand so much?? side note also this is how we find out ray blacked out and sand left him their last night together? ouch
ohhhkay the extensive flirting in the car. "one night stand boy, huh?" sand patently enjoying himself /so/ much but whining the whole way. they are both in trouble and neither of them know it yet but sand is going to find out really soon and ray is not going to find out until they both are in much more trouble
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top has trauma-induced insomnia and he's serious enough about it to make this face. I'm still proud of mew for checking if he was trying to pull one on him and then being kind about it when it seemed like he wasn't
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alright tho didn't we just establish that your much comfier bed is right over there? mew no one did this to you but yourself
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I like these mockumentary cutscenes more than I thought I would. mew silently smirking as he checks off boxes is doing heavy narrative lifting and I'm into it
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the foreboding music the lighting the lingering on the photo of ray and mew boston what are you planning?? is he about to become a real antagonist? can't decide how I feel about this
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ray is sort of into sand insulting him? is this because he doesn't have the power to hurt him yet or masochistic kink
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...ray baby no. you're gonna be Learning
sand brings up the /who are you, my dad?/ except this time it's /who am I, your dad?/ convo again and ray makes this face:
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oh here we. fokking go
sand going "what am I supposed to be, your hooker" and ray saying "sure" and sand doing soft surprised pikachu for like ten seconds. ray doubling down and sand telling him to save it. instead of saying "I don't sleep with people for money" he says "I sleep with people I like for free" and we send silent thanks to screenwriters who understand the sex industry and have the cultural vocabulary to write compelling nuanced and still quippy conversations about sex. not to be heterophobic but queer people make better tv
anyway sandray are both playing a game and they both keep getting surprised to be one-upped. this is a very enjoyable dynamic to watch and they seem to be enjoying it too
...for now
at minute 8:30 sand's last vocal sound leaves his mouth. for thirty full seconds ray smokes and asks him leading flirty questions including "am I interesting enough for you?" and "are you open to someone like me?" and for thirty full seconds sand looks from rays right eye to his left eye and back again and lowers and raises his jaw infinitesimally and just generally:
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this boy is done for and I can't even be mean about it I'm right there with him
anyway at shortly after minute 9 they break the tension and kiss each other. they kiss each other! ray is the one leaning around from his cigarette to do khaotung's little smoke plume of high art but sand is very much matching him in coming in for this kiss. I love this framing so much. firstkhao have the absolutely ideal dynamic to pull this off*
*if anyone saw that one person copy pasting SANDRAYYYY SWITCHHH into the live comment box the entire end credits that wasn't me but I was there with them in spirit
they break away and sand says if they go further they won't just be friends and ray says some kinds of friendship start from sex you watched the same thing I watched I don't need to describe it but here I am. do you remember though that this was the look ray was giving sand while he said that because ho boy
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sand pronouncing that ray is going to keep wanting him but they're going to stay just friends right after he says we won't be just friends after this...what level to tackle this on. narratively this definitely feels like foreshadowing and I think he's right on the money on the first bit. but we know that sand is not going to get out of this remotely unscathed whether or not it could possibly be argued that he hasn't already lost that battle. sand showing his hand by contradicting himself out loud as well as internally?
they stub out their cigarettes Significantly and start making out again. can't coherently screencap this scene. it's so excellently done. top notch dynamic again. firstkhao are getting better at this with every go.
ok I do have one minor gripe
for some reason in the middle of sand pushing ray back onto the couch they have inserted a shot of ray on top of sand. it is from the beat that comes after the last little mockumentary cutscene—it's not a double, it's the exact same shot, just colored differently. screenshots below from 10:11 and 11:02
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editing mistake? intentional insert to lengthen the scene? I like this shot too but it breaks up the flow of the scene oddly and I want it gone from the first part
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mockumentary cutscene: even harder to focus on when I know what's coming back on screen right after but worth mention. obviously sand is reflecting on some past mistakes here. he knows he's playing with fire and he's denying it vocally and also not changing his behavior. self-awareness level relatable honestly. do we think he fell in love with someone he didn't want to? or fell in love freely and then got screwed over? why is he mr. one night stand boy
also don't know whether to credit ray or khaotung for this longest gayest look ever at his own pants. sublime
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okay back to the couch for our not-quite-ten-second final indulgence. ray's on top this time. I don't even like sex scenes that much I know what I am saying
I see, like sand's, my words are not matching my actions. and yet
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*trembling* sandray.... switch....
all ofts watch throughs
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whiskeyswriting · 2 years
What If I Missed You?
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😍pairing: Beau “Cyclone” Simpson x F!Reader
💭summary: Can two people be lucky in life and have a second chance at love after their respective spouse passed?
⚠️warning: mentions of death and grief; age gap
🎶 Song Inspiration: What If I Missed You by Jesse McCartney
📝A/N #1: This is a work of fiction. Please do not copy or post anywhere else. Feel free to like and reblog but do give credit. Any constructive criticism is appreciated. I do not own any of the photos included in this post. Photos used have been from Pinterest or Tumblr or Instagram. I also don’t own any of the characters mentioned.
📝A/N #2: While no physical description is assigned to reader, she is in a band that does covers of musicals and other songs. Reader is between 29-34.
Read Part 2
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The plan was just to enjoy a getaway trip with your two favorite coworkers and best friends. It helped that running a small business together allowed you three to take the needed time away for when reality was getting to be too much.
And this time it was getting to be too much for you. Your wedding anniversary was coming up… It would have been 7 years together.
Except he passed away 3 years ago… on your 4th wedding anniversary.
You remember getting a phone call as you were about to leave to meet him for brunch. It was a case of wrong place and wrong time. Your husband was killed trying to stop a robbery at the jewelry store he was at.
The first year after his death was incredibly difficult for you, but with time and therapy, you learned how to better handle your grief. While the grief and loss would always remain, each new day it was less than the day before.
While the grief and loss would always remain, each new day it was less than the day before.
Today started as one of those days that the grief made an appearance early on. You decided to combat it by going on an early morning run.
Each mile you run down the beach, the grief slips away. Once you’re done with your run, you shed your running shorts and shoes and head to the water for a swim. It was smart of you to have your swimsuit under as the heat was making its presence none by the second.
Speaking of presence, your friends suddenly made an appearance at the beach and proclaimed it as beach day. They brought along chairs, towels and snacks.
After a few hours of getting tanned and running back to the water to swim, you’re all sitting back and relaxing when a group of loud and beautiful specimens of aviators arrive at the beach.
Emma and you decide to approach the aviator that’s sitting to ask him what is going on.
Pete, you learn is his name, explains what dogfight football is. You leave Emma talking with him, as she’s always made friends easily with anyone she meets. You head to the bar and ask to open a tab so you and your friends can start heading over in a bit.
Looking down for shells as you’re walking back with your drink in hand, you don’t see the exasperated aviator as he was leaving Pete’s side.
You walk right into him, causing your drink to spill on your top and his crisp khaki uniform.
“I’m so sorry!” You exclaim as you try to find somewhere to set the drinks down, accidentally spilling more on him.
His sigh tells you just how frustrated and exasperated he is. “It’s fine,” his curt voice says.
You look up, first to glance at his name tag, then to his face. “I really am sorry. Let me at least get you something to clean up as much… or let me pay for the dry cleaning.”
“No no. It’s fine. I’ll deal with it when I get back to base,” he says as he continues to walk to him car to leave.
The next morning Emma and you are in line at the local cafe getting the coffee and baked goods for your morning of filming.
Emma is listing on her phone the possible songs you all can record that day. At the same time she's testing them to you so you can listen on your headphones to help determine if it's a good fit for the group.
Suddenly Emma nudges you and gestures with her head to the uniformed man in front of you. You can't help but admire the fine specimen in front of you... well really admiring the behind that is in front of you. You smirk at Emma and then shake your head.
Suddenly you feel a warmth at your chest. A warmth that starts to burn a little.
A gasp escapes Emma as she runs to get napkins to help clean you up.
You look to the culprit and can't help but laugh when you see one embarrassed Vice Admiral Beau Simpson.
"I'm so sorry!" He exclaims. "This week is just not my week... I'm sorry!" He turns to the barista to ask for a towel and iced water. He returns to you and hands you the towel.
"Is this how you decided to let me repay you for the beers?" You ask teasingly.
Emma looks at you suspiciously and then smirks when she sees your attempt at flirting with the distinguished Admiral.
"No! Goodness no! I would never do that on purpose!"
You put your hand on his bicep to assure him you were teasing him. "I'm okay. It happens to the best of us."
He stares at you for a moment. "At least let me buy you dinner. The spilled beers are nothing to the burn of freshly brewed coffee burns."
Before you can respond, Emma is replying for you. "Yes of course she would love that! We're staying at the mint-colored beach out not too far from the bar!" She slips him one of your contact cards. "Here's her info. She'll be ready by 7pm."
Beau just chuckles and stares as you both leave, having forgetten his coffee. He's brought back to reality when his phone rings and he sees it's Mav calling him. He groans picking up the call and making his way to the base.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*
📝A/N #3: As I was writing this part, I kept getting more scenes popping up to my mind so I decided to make it into a 3 part series. Hoping to get them out in the following weeks, as I am also trying to get back to another series I'm working on.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*
🏷 List: @callsign-dragonbaron @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @noirrose21-blog @cycbaby @luckyladycreator2 @callsignscupcake @abaker74
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