#i would not call her overrated as i believe her music is generally fine but its not revolutionary by any means
fridayiminlcve · 1 year
seeing u slowly become a taylor swift hater is the biggest character development in the history of this planet not going to lie to you fam
😭😭😭😭 thank you ig
#asks#anon#not gonna lie to you fam i appreciate you sending this ask but also please do not describe me as a tswift hater#i used to love her at some point. as you probably know but i have deeply moved on from her i feel#like her songs are nice but they are just. not something i would typically enjoy anymore#and also despite having swiftie mutuals even if i enjoyed her music i would strongly detach myself from the fanbase#not on tumblr not really just in general. fans theyre so invasive and give me the ick especially thr hardcore ones#and her music is deep if u read into the lyrics and she does know how to write a song but also. this online thing where people worship her#is um. in bad taste like a while back on pinterest i saw a meme which went “listening to these artists is indie cottagecore lesbian culture#and instead of like clairo who you would expect somehwere in that list. she was there#bitch you mesn the world no.2 singer after the weeknd??? swifties online are insane#i do disagree with her on quite some points also like her political silence and environment and i can admire her as a singer songwriter#but its like how far can you go. you have the influence. she did that equality act petition in 2019 so we can see that#i would not call her overrated as i believe her music is generally fine but its not revolutionary by any means#she didnt bring anything new and unheard of to the pop genre except like wiping your insta page before a release#this was completely unneccesary sorry. but yeah i wouldnt call myself a hater but i dont like her much either#this was completely unwarranted you dont need to read this
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angelsswirl · 4 years
Whatever Makes You Happy
Chapter 6: you're unashamed and naked
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Let's go to a place where we can forget
We haven't left the room yet
You eloquently stated
That leaving's overrated
"You're coming with me today." Lisa rarely spoke in suggestion. Most of the things she said were voiced as indisputable statements. Not in a bossy, agaisnt your will way, but in a I'm confident I know that I'm right way. This was one of those statements.
"Okay...what do you want me to do?"
"Shadow me."
You try not to scrunch your nose up in distaste.
"Won't that be boring?"
"What do you think I do all day, Y/N?" Lisa wiped her hands on one of the kitchen towels placed throughout the kitchen in order to make the twins more likely to use them. She threw it onto her shoulder and slid you a mug with coffee just the way you like it.
You're not sure when she learned that. And you wished she would unlearn it so you're heart wouldn't soar into your throat anymore.
"I don't know, sit at a desk and read scrupulous paperwork while I slave after your children thanklessly?" You pouted dramatically. Lisa chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully.
"Well, it's like that sometimes. But not today. I wouldn't do that to you." Lisa gestured for you to get ready to leave.
"Then what are we doing today?"
Lisa smiled conspiratorially, "It's a surprise."
You arrive at the company building unceremoniously, if only because you've gotten used to being driven around the city by someone not related to you.
You are however surprised by Lisa introducing you to almost every employee you happen pass. And she doesn't introduce you as her children's nanny either.
Eventually you find yourselves sitting in on two of her idols dance rehearsal. The idols, Moon and Chris, are solo artists preparing for a collaboration stage.
Lisa takes a seat in the far corner of the room, just out of view. You scrambled to sit next to her as not to disturb anyone.
You watched Lisa's face light up as she watched the two waltz across the room.
"You miss it, don't you?" You asked as softly as you could.
A frown began to encompass Lisa's face, but somehow you knew it wasn't directed at you. Her eyes where moving a mile a minute. Darting over every line and step the dancing pair made. She wasn't mad, she was analyzing.
"What do you mean? I dance whenever I want to."
You shook your head, "No. You see yourself in them. You miss performing. Doing what you love in front of an audience."
Lisa sighed heavily, "I can't help it. But that's neither here nor there at the moment. The 'here' is the fact that my idols are acting like they've never done a waltz before."
She suddenly stood up. The same frown plastered on her face.
"What's wrong with you two today? Your acting like you've never dance together before. Like your not friends."
You noticed the slight sneer Moon made in Chris' direction. Uh oh. Maybe they weren't friends anymore.
Lisa looked to you for a second, sensing something was off as well, "...And even if you're not, dancing is just as much about acting as it is about feeling. You should be able to pretend for the sake of authenticity."
Lisa had them do another run through. You giggled as her nose immediately scrunched up in distaste.
"Please stop." She huffed.
She stared at the two idols before connecting eyes with you. You immediately stopped giggling.
"Y/N, come here please."
You hesitated only a second.
"Do you mind being used as instruction material?"
You chuckled, "No."
"I didn't think so. Chris, can you start the music?"
As soon as it started Lisa pulled you close by the waist. You had to stifle a yelp. Her arm still around your back, she took your other hand in hers and began to lead you elegantly around the room.
It was a simple waltz. At least the part that Moon and Chris were currently learning. But with Lisa, you had learned nothing was simple.
You could feel her heart beating against your chest. And if you had maybe believed just a little bit more it would have seemed like you were the only two in the room.
You jumped at the holler. Lisa somehow managed to be unstartled.
She let go of you with a sigh, then turned back to her idols, ignoring the person who called for her at the door.
"See? Act and feel. I don't care if you two don't like each other. Play pretend."
The idols nodded and hurriedly started discussing their routine with each other.
With that, Lisa finally turned to the door, "What, Chae?"
Chaeyoung eyed you with an odd look before answering, "Accounting needs you. Something about the balance sheets. I don't know, I don't do the numbers thing around here."
"What do you do, Chae? Lisa asked sarcastically.
"Well, apparently, today I'm your little errand girl, which is comical because I could have sworn I was vp of music production." Chaeyoung didn't seem too happy about those turn of events. She didn't seem too happy in general.
"Could've fooled me." Lisa exclaimed. She watched as Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, then turned back to you.
"I don't know how long this will take, so do you mind if I call the car to take you back home?" Lisa asked with a wince.
"That's fine. It's okay, Lisa. You have a job to do. No big deal."
"I can take her back. It's almost my lunch anyway." Chaeyoung chimed in from the hallway.
Lisa stayed twisted facing you, her teeth gritted together, "I hate that idea like I've never hated anything before."
"What was that?"
Lisa finally twisted back, a fake smile covering her lips, "I said that's perfect. Thank you, Park Chaeyoung!"
Lisa waved goodbye to you as she practically sped walked out the room.
You giggled to yourself before walking toward Chaeyoung.
"What's with you two? You bicker like a very angry old married couple."
Chaeyoung rolled hers eyes and shook her head, "We don't hate each other or anything. We're just...very competitive. Always have been."
"Could've fooled me." You teased.
Chaeyoung only sighed before continuing to lead you to her car.
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viperthefangirl · 5 years
The Makeup Artist-An Introduction/Preview of my Lotura Alternate Reality FanFic
Pre-notes: This is one of my first fanfictions (this is NOT the completed first chapter), so, I’m sorry if it is awful XD. In this setting, “Lukas” is this alternate reality’s version of Prince Lotor (my all-time favorite cartoon character). If you don’t want any future spoilers, stop reading here and continue to the start of the story, but I’ve put a general backstory here in case you want some context to see what I’m working from. This will all be told eventually if I ever finish this fanfiction.  He was held in a cryo-stasis pod at age 5 on Daibazaal for around 10,000 years (as well as Allura, but she was on Altea) and, when he was released, ran away from Emperor Zarkon and Empress Honerva at age 7. He sneaked aboard a cargo ship headed for Earth (which is a major power player in this universe and far more technologically advanced than ours). He then lived on the streets of New York City under the name Lukas Frinell (which he got from a guy he stole a wallet from). He lived in alleys and doorsteps with his friend Nicholas, this reality’s version of Lance McLain (who’s family were intergalactic businessmen that were all killed-including extended family-by space pirates). They were later adopted by Gabriel and Maria Garcia (at age 12 for Lukas and 9 Nicholas. Their tiny age difference is because of how long Lukas was in the cryo-stasis pod) after Lukas and Nicholas hotwired Gabriel’s Lambo and almost got away with the car. Gabriel Garcia, the leader of an organized crime group, had had a similar childhood and didn’t want to see them end up like him. Lukas and Nicholas have a very strong brotherly bond, and Nicholas is always trying to get Lukas a girlfriend.  
The Makeup Artist: by Viper
“I think we should send a security detail to prom with Allura…what do you think, Melenor?” Alfor asked as he looked over today’s newspaper.  
> he read to himself.
Melenor looked up from her phone. “I mean, whatever you think. She’ll be angry with you for months though…”
“I guess she would be angry…I’d-” Alfor began.
“Hey, Mom,” Allura called from her room upstairs, ”one of my friends is coming over right now to do my hair and makeup before my date gets here, okay? Will you let him in?!”
Alfor rolled his eyes at the interruption.
“All right, Allura! We’ll let her in!” Melenor called back.
“Did she just say ‘him’?” Alfor asked.
“I’m sure you misheard, dear-now, what were you saying?”  
“I was just saying that I’d at least have peace of mind if someone trustworthy was-”
A knock at the door cut him off before he could finish.
“With her,” Alfor finished in an exasperated tone as he put down his newspaper, “That was fast…I’ll get the door.”
Melenor got up as well. “I’ll come with you. I hope it’s Raven. She’s such a nice girl.”
Alfor opened the door and froze.  
“You’re not Raven,” Melenor said abruptly.
She was right too. The person at the door definitely wasn’t Raven-in fact, it wasn’t even a girl. Standing on the front porch of the royal family’s mansion was a six-foot tall Altean teenage boy.
“I would hope not,” he said with a smirk. “I rather like being a guy. I’m Lukas, by the way. Allura and I go to school together.”
Alfor raised his eyebrows. Lukas did not look like someone that went to the same school as Allura. Her schoolmates were all rich and related to famous families, and the usual thing the male students at Central Altea High School of Technology and the Sciences for the Gifted wore on a daily basis was crème khaki pants and a sweater vest. They all has the same side slicked black or brown hairstyle too. And freckles. Definitley lots of freckles.
This boy, Lukas, had almost shoulder length thick blonde hair, the top layer of which was tied back in a short ponytail, and he had perfect-almost platinum blonde-eyebrows. His skin tone was a dark tan with no blemishes or freckles, and his eyes were a piercing deep blue, the color of the sky on a perfect day. His left ear had a piercing, as well as several cartilage piercings, and a hipster-style pair of plastic, black glasses hung from the neckline of his black hoodie. The hoodie had large, white text printed on it that read “Off The Wall”. Lukas also wore a pair of worn, true black, distressed skinny jeans and black Vans Hi-Tops. A backpack hung from his left shoulder, and he held a beaten-up skateboard in his right arm. A small, silver, Catholic cross hung around his neck as well. When Lukas smirked, Alfor noticed that some of his teeth were sharpened, like Galran fangs, meaning that he must be part Galra. Alfor’s eyes narrowed as he noticed several curse words drawn on the grip tape of his board and heard rap playing through his airpods.
“I can hear your music through your earbuds,” Melenor said flaty.
Lukas squinted his eyes as he looked at her. “Thanks, so can I.”
Alfor looked over his shoulder as he heard footsteps racing down the stairs.
Within seconds, Allura, dressed in a high-low red satin dress, appeared by her parents and pulled Lukas into the house. Thrown off balance, Lukas almost fell over and dropped his skateboard on the porch before he regained his composure and straightened himself.
“Geez, Ali, you trying to kill me?” he asked while raising an eyebrow and taking out his airpods. “Wow…you look amazing!”
His entire face lit up in genuine awe at how beautiful she was, regardless of her hair being a mess, her lack of makeup, or her Hello Kitten slippers.
Allura blushed slightly and looked down.
“Thanks…” she said with a small smile.  
“Michael’s lucky you said yes,” the boy laughed. “I’m surprised you said yes, actually. He’s a total douche bag. Rich and popular, but still a douche bag.”
Allura smiled, her eyebrows raising slightly, “He’s my boyfriend. What was I supposed to say?”
Alfor raised one eyebrow at Melenor. She simply shook her head.
Lukas set his skateboard by the door and looked around.
“So, where am I doing your makeup?”
“In my dressing room on the third floor,” Allura answered simply. “Come on, I’ll show you.”
Alfor and Melenor stared at them as Allura began to take the boy upstairs.
“Are we just going to let this boy walk around our house? Who knows who his parents are. Where he’s been? If he’s safe? If he goes to Allura’s school, how come I’ve never heard of him?” Alfor asked quietly.
Allura stopped halfway up the stairs and turned around.
“Mom, Dad, this is my friend Lukas. He does the stage makeup for the theater group at school…I’ve told you about him before…”
Lukas stood slightly behind their daughter, fidgeting with his cross. Their perfect little girl who was never in trouble and had always had the perfect friends that were more interested in the stock market or runway fashion to ever be as dangerous as this boy looked. If Allura hadn’t told them that the boy was her classmate, they would have thought he was a commoner, maybe even a street kid. How come she’d never mentioned this “Lukas” before?
Then the boy shifted his weight, his face darkening as he acknowledged that he was not welcome in the Altea home. Then he smirked.
“You know, I came here to help Ali have a good prom, not to be judged. And who my parents are doesn’t mean shit. It was nice meeting you boomers, but I have to get this over with as fast as possible. I’m going skating with my friends after this.”  
Allura’s head swiveled around to look at Lukas. “Are you not going to prom?”
“Hm?” Lukas asked before realizing what she asked. “Oh, no, I didn’t have anyone to go with me. Plus, prom is so overrated.”
Allura looked at him sympathetically. “I can get you a date…my friend Jennifer would love to go with you. She doesn’t have a date yet either.”
Lukas shrugged and shook his head. “No thanks. I’m going to hang out with Raven and Nick and some my old friends from James Madison High in New York.”
Meanwhile, Alfor and Melenor continued to looked at them in confusion.
“How are they friends?” Alfor whispered to Melenor.
“How is he in our home?” Melenor whispered back.
Alfor shrugged.
“Listen, I’m going to take Lukas up to my dressing room to do my makeup…is…is that all right with you?” Allura asked, her eyes begging her parents to be kind to her friend.
Finally Alfor caved.
“Fine. You can go. But, Lukas was it? Don’t try anything. We have guards stationed around the house.”
Lukas made a disgusted face at the king’s implications. “Excuse you, your highness, but I am a person of moral dignity and class. Your suggestions of my behavior disgust me, and I demand at least some sort of ‘benefit of the doubt’, as you have never met me before.”
Allura laughed and took Lukas by the arm, almost dragging him up the stairs. It was hilarious, actually, to see the tall boy tripping on the stairs as Allura continued to drag him upstairs. Alfor would have laughed at the sight himself, but something about Lukas stopped him. His tone of voice had become commanding and almost regal, for a spit second, his eyes cold and dark, and his face as though set in steel. His entire being had become hostile, his Galra fangs making him appear more menacing. But more importantly he saw, mirrored in the boy’s mannerisms, a reflection of something he never believed he would see again.
“Alfor…” Melenor started, “just then…something about that boy reminded me of-”
“I know...” Alfor finished for her.
Melenor looked at her husband, worry seeping into her expression, and nodded.
Upstairs, Alfor heard Allura recalling when she had pretended she was a paladin of Voltron when she was little in that very house. Lukas laughed. But the laugh no longer was mildly annoying, depite how kind he sounded, but instead put Alfor on edge. His laugh was almost identical to Zarkon’s.
P.S. Something about Tumblr wouldn’t let me indent my paragraphs (which mildly infuriated me) so, I’m sorry if it bothered anyone who might be reading this…if anyone would read this…
Please give me some tips or ideas for the fanfic anyone has!
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Aric/Aedan Vernersson Character Survey
Basic Character Questions
First name? Aric. Psuedoname is Aedan 
Surname? Vernersson 
Middle names? Axel 
Nicknames? Brother 
Date of birth? September 23rd 
Age? Early to mid-twenties (died around his 25th birthday), but he's quite responsible for a young man. 
 Physical / Appearance
Height? 6'3
Weight? 240
Build? Buff but still soft. 
Hair color? Pale yellow/white. 
Hairstyle? Long, thick and wavy hair that is usually pulled back 
Eye color? Silver 
Glasses or contact lenses?: He wears glasses when he has to do a lot of writing or reading for eyestrain, but other than that, he has excellent vision. 
Distinguishing facial features? He's not big on shaving, so he generally has some form of facial hair. 
Which facial feature is most prominent? His jawline. 
Which bodily feature is most prominent? His arms or his monster hands. 
Other distinguishing features? Bright silver eyes. 
Skin? Tawny brown, like his mother's. 
Hands? Ginormous meat hooks. 
Makeup? Not his thing. Lucio made him put on his eyeliner once. It melted in the sun, and he swore it off because it burned his eyes. 
Scars? His hands are a little rough, and he's got a few cuts up his arms, but nothing too pronounced. 
Birthmarks? Some darker brown pigmentation on the back of his arms. Pretty faint. 
Tattoos? He has some sun paintings (one on each pec) reminiscent of the rock art from his village on his chest in a dark sienna color.
Physical handicaps? Bone spurs on his heels, but that's just an annoyance. 
Type of clothes?: It depends on what he's doing. In the palace, he wears grey and charcoal with red and gold accents. When he's just going about his day, he wears lightweight linens in a rainbow of colors. 
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc.) Like I said, the boy has bone spurs on his heels, so they were already giant monster feet, but that just adds to their length. He takes good care of his feet. He likes high-quality boots and shoes. (Unlike his sister who would go barefoot everywhere.)
Race / Ethnicity?: His father is from Lucio and Morga's tribe, and his mother is one of the southern tribes on the frozen sea. (A/N: for all intents and purposes, I write them as Swedes/Post-Spanish Mission  Chumash Indians because...that's what Kristen (Celeste) and Erik (Aric) are.) 
Are they in good health? Aric was always in generally good health. Until he wasn't... 
Do they have any disabilities? None to speak of. 
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(image of Chumash Rock art for tattoo reference) 
What words or phrases do they overuse? "Yeah, Bud!" 
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic 
Are they introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
Do they ever put on airs? Nope. You won't find a more chill, friendly guy. 
What bad habits do they have? Nail-biting and hair pulling (trichotillomania, but he has to be very, very anxious) 
What makes them laugh out loud?: So many things. And at inappropriate times. 
How do they display affection? Gifts, acts of service. 
How do they want to be seen by others? Reliable, approachable, trustworthy.
Strongest character trait? Seeing the best in others. 
Weakest character trait? Blind loyalty. 
How competitive are they? Very. 
How do they react to praise? He loves hearing praise and being told he's doing a good job. It gives him warm fuzzies. 
How do they react to criticism? He is very open to criticism as long as it's constructive. 
What is their greatest fear? Not being able to save his loved ones. 
What are their biggest secrets? He's an open book. Except for that whole...fake name-Lucio is my cousin thing. (Which he is not terribly good at hiding) 
What is their philosophy of life? How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
What haunts them? His mother's face when he left home. 
What will they stand up for? Anyone, anytime. 
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Outdoorsy. 
What is their sinful little habit? He wouldn't consider it immoral, but he does indulge in some of the magician's...herbal remedies. 
What sense do they most rely on? Sight. 
How do they treat people better than them? As equals
How do they treat people worse than them? As equals
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Temperance.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?   Probably would do better to realize that some people just can't be reached, but damned if he doesn't try. 
What is their obsession? Fishing and his dog. 
What are their pet peeves? People that touch his food without permission. Aedan doesn't share food! He will buy your food! NO TOUCH. (Though Celeste will note that he has no compunction about stealing her food.) 
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Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?: Small. Mama, Papa, Sister, and Him. There is, of course, the extended family and his tribe, but the core group was relatively small. 
What is their perception of a family? Family is the most important thing. 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?: One sister. Same age. 
Describe their best friend. Bit of a ditz. Funny (though it's unclear if he means to be). Dog lover. Drinking buddy. 
Ideal best friend? Someone not afraid to throw their stuff in a satchel and get lost for a day. Bonfire under the stars. Loves dogs. Not scared of touching fish. 
Do they have any pets? Ebba! Borzoi like M & M but with big brown patches and knows how to mind. 
 Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child?: He was a happy, inquisitive baby. He was rough and tumble, always on the go. Occasionally he’d scare himself (falling) but he only needed to be told that he was okay and he’d keep on going. 
Did they grow up rich or poor? They had no real need for money unless they were traveling, and then they mostly traded for what they needed.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured. 
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Left them. Wasn't his idea, though. Still feels terrible.
What are their ambitions? Getting to be free and live his own life. 
What smells remind them of their childhood? Woodfire. Briny seawater. Spice. 
What was their childhood ambition? Be the head of the rowers that went out to the islands. 
What is their best childhood memory? Traveling with dad to the surrounding tribes and making friends with other kids. 
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No. He had so many friends he didn't have time for imaginary ones. 
Do they believe in love at first sight? Maybe? His parents had an arranged marriage, and he thinks that's pretty fine.  He likes getting to know people to make sure that what he's feeling is real. 
How do they behave in a relationship? He's all about making his partner feel cherished and comfortable. He likes to move slow...ish. 
What sort of sex do they have? He's not exactly wild. But, he's open-minded. 
Has your character ever been in love? Sure. 
Have they ever had their heart broken? Nah. If he parts with people, it's amicable. 
How do they respond to a threat? Try to reason. If not, try to subdue with as little injury as possible. 
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fists, honestly. If it comes to that. Even then, he'd probably just try to wrestle and pin them. 
What is your character's kryptonite? The concept of someone he cares about being hurt. 
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? His dog. Not an object, but things aren't that important. 
How do they perceive strangers? Never met one. 
What are their phobias? Ophidiophobia, so it's probably good that he never really got to know Asra because Faust would have scared him to death. 
What is their choice of weapon? If he had to really fight, he'd use a one-handed battle-ax. 
What living person do they most despise? Valdemar, but living and person are both kinda uncertain terms. 
Have they ever been bullied or teased? No. Even if he was, it wouldn't bother him. 
Where do they go when they're angry? For a walk. 
 Work, Education, and Hobbies
What is their current job? Head guard of the palace. 
What do they think about their current job? Get to hang out with his bud most of the time, so that's pretty neat. Could do with less having to enforce his stupid decrees (which he finds ways around if he can.) 
What are some of their past jobs? Fisherman and hunter. 
What are their hobbies? Fishing, hunting, falconry, reading. 
Educational background? No formal education. Dad taught him how to read and write, but he didn't have much use for either of those skills until he came to Vesuvia. 
Intelligence level? Himbo-lite. 
Do they have any specialist training? Jack of all trades, master of none. 
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? Rowing and wrestling. 
What is their socioeconomic status? Upper class? Lucio pays well. 
What is their favorite animal? Ebba. 
Which animal to they dislike the most? Snakes. 
What place would they most like to visit? He'd like to travel like his dad did before his parents got married, but he's not picky. 
What is the most beautiful thing they've ever seen? Poppy fields! 
What is their favorite song? No Hurry - Zac Brown Band
Music, art, reading preferred? Reading but music is a close second. 
What is their favorite color? Green or blue. 
Favorite food: Grilled stuffed portobello mushrooms with bleu cheese. 
What is in their fridge: Beer, red wine (that hefty stuff that leaves long tendrils when you swirl it. he likes to chew his wine). Meat, cheese, mushrooms, bread, a lot of veggies. 
What is on their bedside table? Reading glasses and a book. 
What is in their pockets? Money. 
What is their most treasured possession? His dog. But calling her a possession feels terrible. 
Do they believe in the afterlife? Sure. 
What are their religious views? He believes in spiritual guides, and he believes in magic. Though he is sadly more like his father than his mother in that he really can't cast.
Are they superstitious? He's a little 'stitious. 
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A peregrine falcon. 
How would they like to die? Not the way he did, that's for sure. That sucked. 
What is your character's spirit guide? Duckhawk! 
What is their zodiac sign? Libra. 
 Daily life
What are their eating habits? An army marches on their stomach. He always makes sure to have a decent breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
Do they have any allergies? Just pollen. 
Describe their home. The palace. His room is pretty spartan. Bed, dresser, desk, couple side tables, mirror. 
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist. 
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Try to get to the bath before everyone else does. 
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Nap or go for a hike out in the woods. 
What do they do on a Friday night? Drink with Lou. 
What is the soft drink of choice? If such a thing existed, it would be original Coke. 
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? He's an appreciator of fine whiskey and wine. But, he won't turn his nose up at a good ale or cider. 
What is their character archetype? The hunter. 
Who is their hero? His dad. 
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? Thor. 
Are they comfortable with technology? Ehhhh. Not really. He can use it but would rather not. 
If they could save one person, who would it be? He couldn't pick. 
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Linnea. 
What is their favorite proverb? Friendship is love with understanding. 
What is their greatest extravagance? Gifts. He buys gifts like the world will end tomorrow. 
Do they believe in happy endings? Sure. 
What would they ask a fortune-teller? Am I doing the right thing?
@vesuviasfastestcourier​ Will this help until I can write more Aedan fic? :)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you think you're clever? I can be but I wouldn’t say it’s a dominant personality trait. Did you wear socks today? No, I haven’t worn socks since the last day I went to school :/ Can you remember how you celebrated your 10th birthday? I don’t remember how the whole day went but I do have a photo of me on that day. We were in our old house then and I was at the dining area smiling with my cake, surrounded by my mom and sister.
Know any magic tricks? Nah I can’t perform any of them. Do you sleep well most nights? These days I certainly do. They’ve suspended online classes, and acads is really the main thing taking up my time (and head) most days until recently. Without that I’m just sleeping, eating, and having random bursts of productivity everyday.
Are your nails painted? No. Is there somebody you know that you really don't trust? Yeah I have a couple of orgmates that are a little sketchy. I also dunno if I can trust my mom in the bigger scheme of things - we’re just not close like that. Is there music in your head right now? No need to have it playing in my head, I already have a lo-fi livestream playing on YouTube at the moment. When's the last time you baked a cake? Grade 6 when we baked a rainbow cake in home economics. What time was it half an hour ago? 7:26 PM. Did you ever play cowboys and indians when you were growing up? I have no idea what that game is. Probs an American thing? Can anyone confirm? When did it last rain? My dad said it drizzled earlier this afternoon, but I wouldn’t know because I was taking a nap. The last time it rained and I caught it was two nights ago. Would you like to become a dancer? I would love to be able to dance gracefully and call myself a dancer, but I wouldn’t want it to be my Number One Agenda, as in joining contests or have it be my whole career and stuff. It’ll be nice to simply have it as a hobby. What colour is the bathroom of your house painted? The top half of the wall is white, the bottom half consists of light brown tiles. Which country is to the north of your home country? Taiwan. Name one person of the same sex as you you wouldn't mind doing: My girlfriend. Haaaaah you thought. What is the most gory film you've seen? Evil Dead, but I’ve only seen the 2013 reboot. Is there anybody that you know that you just feel really sorry for? Yeah I guess, like my uncle for stubbornly never getting his life back on track. I’ve been done waiting for him to get better. Do you like the Austin Powers films? I’ve never seen any one of them, even the one Beyoncé is in.
Where is the worst place you have ever travelled to? All the places I’ve been to have been wonderful and it wouldn’t feel right to tag one of them as the ‘worst’ because all the trips have been paid for by my parents lmao. But the one trip that didn’t exactly turn out the way we would’ve wanted it to was Caramoan in Camarines Sur. It was raining almost the entire time, so the scenario was either 1) the rain messed with the cable signal and we only had one channel every time we were in the cabin or 2) we had to make do with being rained on whenever we wanted to go out to the beach. It was also in the middle of nowhere, so we didn’t have internet. Ever fallen down a hole? Nope. That’s one of the scenarios I’m particularly afraid of. Do you like to read poetry? No I hate having to. I’ve never understood poems. What's your preferred frozen snack? Other than ice cream? Idk, frozen fries maybe? Those hit differently. Is rap music overrated? I’d say some are, but rap generally has a rich underground culture as well so I wouldn’t say all of it is overrated. Do you work better in a clean or messy environment? That doesn’t matter to me. I care more about how warm/cold it is, because I can’t start working anywhere I find too hot or else I’ll feel too sluggish. Do you know any vegans? Only from the internet. Filipinos are big meat eaters so it’s hard to find resources for if you want to become vegan. There are vegan food stalls but they’re VERY few and far between, and they’re typically situated in hipper, more cosmopolitan parts of the city since veganism isn’t a known concept here. Earphones or headphones? Earphones. Do you like bananas? Eugh no. What's a film you've seen that confused you? Interstellar confuses me to this day. But I loved it a lot and I enjoyed the premise, and that’s what matters to me. Do you ever wear black lipstick? I don’t think I’ve ever worn it before. You can take any illegal drug without any bad consequences, which one? That’s a really dark question but uh... I’d go with meth because idk, Breaking Bad? I certainly wouldn’t want to try heroin though. What is next to your bed? I have a drawer with my clothes and other knickknacks on one side, and a chest with a bunch of memorabilia and old books I’ve had since I was a kid on the other side. Are your fingernails dirty? Nope. What would you change about yourself appearence-wise? I’d straighten my front teeth and make my teeth in general smaller. I’d also have some hair grow on my left eyebrow because I permanently damaged the hair growth there by plucking too much as an anxiety habit. How long do you normally spend in the shower? Depends on how relaxed I need to feel. If I’m showering for school it takes me 4-5 minutes. If it’s been hot all day like in the summer I’d take up to 15. When's the last time somebody called you "baby"? Sometime today, I don’t exactly remember when. Have you ever had to keep something important from your family? Like... my 4-year same-sex relationship? Yup. Don't you think things feel much better after a good cry? The things that made me cry don’t get better or automatically get fixed, but it’s always nice to give myself a break and to let everything out. Do you think the UK should keep its monarchy? I honestly don’t know enough about their system to confidently form an opinion about it. My only contribution to this conversation is that the royal family does interest me and I know more trivia about them than the average person should hahahahaha. True or false: you'd do Mila Kunis. I’d do her character in Friends with Benefits but like I don’t really feel that way for IRL Mila, mostly cos I’d rather do wholesome stuff with her hahaha. Which colour would you rather have your hair: pink, grey or green? Green > grey > pink. Don't you just hate the sound of people eating? NOOOOOOO are you kidding. Mukbang ASMRs are my faveeeeeee. What's your favourite music video? Meh I don’t really watch music videos. Is it your aim to be perfect? About the things I do, yeah. I’m not obsessed about having *everything* be perfect, even stuff I have no control over.. Ever climbed to the top of a mountain? No. That’s on my bucket list though. Have you ever fell for someone believing you could "fix" them? No. That’s never been a reason I’ve had feelings for someone. Someone's paying for a fancy dinner, where do you eat and who do you take? BLACKBIRD. I’ve wanted to try it for a while now but Makati is a bitch to get to + their food would literally take away two weeks’ worth of my allowance. I’d take Gab with me for sure. Can you honestly say you are truly happy with your life? Not right now, but I’m not hopeless about it either. Can you paint well? I can’t paint at all. Describe a picture of yourself that you hate: The candid ones are the ones I end up hating the most. If you could keep any animal as a pet, which would you choose? Just all the dogs would be fine, thanks. Something you did in the past that you're embarrassed about: I was bidding Gab’s dad goodbye because he was leaving to meet up with his friends or something. Anyway my shoes chose to be slippery that day and I completely tripped the whole way walking over to him and I even unconsciously grabbed onto his arm to keep myself from falling flat on my face. I AM WINCING JUST TYPING THIS OUT PLS SEND HELP Would you rather play a good or an evil character in a play? Evil. It’d be easier acting that way. Do you like porridge? It’s alright. I mostly avoid it because it was all I ate for breakfast from when I was 4 up to when I was 10, and I’m so so sick of the taste and texture by now.
Has anybody ever lied to you just to impress you? Idk, probably. Strangest gift you ever received: Don’t think I’ve ever received anything I was genuinely baffled by. But I try not to be like that - all gifts are gifts so I’m always grateful whenever someone gives me one. Do most people annoy you? Nah. But 14 year old Robyn taking surveys would probably say yes just to sound edgy :/ Don't you think you should really be doing something more productive? Idk man we’re in the middle of a global health crisis. I think being productive shouldn’t be a priority for once. Have you ever felt really out of place? Yesssssss this was me when I was trying to apply for AIESEC. The crowd was just too different and I didn’t last long in the application process. What's your favourite shade of blue? Royal and sky blue. Do you have any odd phobias? I used to be afraid of watching advertisements at night, but I think it’s mostly gone now. What's the longest you've gone without sleep? 18-20 hours maybe. I don’t let myself pull all-nighters. When was the last time you just wanted to be left alone? Earlier this noon when I felt disrespected by my dad. Do you believe in karma? Sure. Can you remember a world before iPods? Nope. Google says the first iPod came out in 2001, and I don’t remember being 3 years old or younger. When was the last time it was sunny? This morning. Would you like to be photographed by Terry Richardson? I’ve never heard of him but I checked Google just now and apparently he’s been an asshat to his subjects? So no. Smoke? Yes please I so have been needing one throughout this quarantine. I ran out of puffs for my vape pen which is even worse. Would you rather have a lazy day or a day of being really busy? I’ve had 31+ lazy days now. I wouldn’t mind a busy day. Do you like the way that spoken French sounds? I don’t get to hear it all that much but it was spoken so beautifully in Portrait of a Lady on Fire, so I guess I’m alright with it for the most part. I just don’t like the times it comes from the throat and it sounds a bit like hawking. D: But maybe it’s just a cultural thing - Filipino isn’t throaty at all so when we hear sounds like that we’re just not used to it. What's the best film soundtrack? As stupid as the storylines were, they really made sure the Twilight Saga soundtracks SLAPPED. Bon Iver, St. Vincent, Muse, Death Cab for Cutie, The Black Keys, Florence + The Machine, PARAMORE?????? They weren’t fucking around. Interstellar and Gone with the Wind also had amazing scores. Where did you go on your last date? My informal first date with Gabie was at a museum + this quaint Italian place in Greenbelt that has since closed. My legit first date with her was at a Bonchon LMFAOOOOOOOOOO Do people find you "cute"? Not really... only my girlfriend calls me that. Who does the best remixes? Eh not a fan. What is most of your money spent on? Gas, food, dates.
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bearpillowmonster · 5 years
Frozen II Review
I saw Frozen II with my little sister and while I was mad because Frozen overtook The Lion King, and I wouldn’t want to support that, there’s a Lion King remake now that is higher than both so I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m on Frozen 2’s side, bring back animation to the top and pummel it even if it has to be Frozen's team in the end! I'm on team animation. I'll try to keep this as spoiler-free as necessary.
So I hear that the visuals are pretty stunning and they are but that doesn’t mean anything to me because you can’t sacrifice story for spectacle. However I will say, it’s not the animation that gets me, it looks great and all, to be expected but it’s what it does with it that intrigues me, some of it really taps into that sweet spot that Frozen 1 started to do. While I think the first one is overrated I have to admit that I always liked the way the music and visuals popped together which is best displayed during Let it Go, I cant really explain it but I felt good about it. In this one, it kind of follows in that same vein.
I don’t like how Disney tried to predict which song was going to be a hit because let’s be honest we knew at least one of them was, when last time Let it Go and Frozen itself were surprise hits. However the song they’ve chosen “Into the Unknown” is no doubt the best in there and seeing it in it’s full form definitely complements it. But it has a similar beginning to “Do you want to build a Snowman” with the piano.
There were theories when the first came out as well as Easter eggs, while I can say this one has Easter eggs (including a Baymax one!) I thought they confirmed some of them. They go back on that in this one and it kind of bothers me, breaks the illusion that Disney movies are connected in a way. I was afraid of that before watching it because I feel like you’re changing what you already somewhat established. Also nobody was revealed to be gay like some were saying fyi.
I liked all the songs in the original but it took time for them to grow on me, this time it might be the same thing but at the moment I only feel a draw to a few of them.
Another thing I liked about the first but was also a weakness was the way it was cut and edited, I liked how it was Anna then Elsa then Anna then Elsa and while the pacing was fine I guess, it felt a little whelming.
This one’s pacing was fine, I actually expected it to take longer ,but more seems to be happening. Having the characters together definitely helped, that way we didn’t keep cutting back to Arendelle, however while they showed it as “we stick together” they couldn’t resist. Yep they split them up eventually, no sense hiding it.
I'm a bit confused with the whole lesson because it does have some pretty strong lessons but one of them just seems to go away and that’s the “we stick together” thing because nothing seems to really be learned from that in the end, they kind of overlook it, I guess they just overlook it then replace it. Also one of the main plots has to do with a “voice” that Elsa hears and it calls her...
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Moana said that too but I think she was being figurative, it seems a bit weird if you ask me, I mean why is it just now calling her? Matthias, the new character was supposed to be trapped in there for 35 years but looks the same while all the others aged...
Olaf is the champion of this film. He asks questions, he kind of introduces the new stuff and goes over the old stuff then keeps it funny but he was easily my favorite of the film. Also who knew he was such a philosopher.
Kristoff...yeah his side plot didn’t interest me, I’ve seen it all before and his song wasn’t all that either other than the very beginning and that part wasn’t even “his song” it was everybody’s. I didn’t really like him in general and I think they just made the side plot up so that he would seem cooler at the end and yeah it is cool but was it a good enough reason?
Ok, ok, so last movie Elsa was my favorite out of the bunch, but I never knew why and I feel like everyone else felt the same way so I kind of used this movie to try and come up with a reason since they do go more in depth with her character. And I think one thing I liked was that she had villain potential. She wasn’t really “the villain” of the last movie but she was backed into a corner and she would fight back. I could feel that angst with Into the Unknown because of how determined she was and it seemed like she could get lost in it but then the potential just kind of drifted, there is no “Evil Ice Queen” like the original story by Hans Christian Andersen may suggest, I almost say that disappointed though I never really expected it. With that I would’ve liked to see actual Hans and what happened to him.
Anna is insecure this time around and at first it was like “Where’d her confidence go?” but then I started thinking “Man Hans really got to her. I would feel the same way tbh, I can’t blame her.”
I don’t want to say what has been said before from what I’ve saw of reviews but this seems to be for everybody, it acknowledges that the people who grew up with the first are older now as well as new people and I have to appreciate that even though I don’t fall into that category, the category I do fall into is the older audience and it accounts for them as well. It references all the characters in a similar way as Finding Dory. I'm trying to give you reasons to see it.
It had some really good moments, some I actually wanted to cry because of how powerful it felt, sounds cheesy but something about this movie got me. It has some of the same problems as the first but does improve on them and learn. This is the true sequel to Frozen in my opinion, it doesn’t do too bad though I can’t say which I like more. I certainly had a good time if that’s all you’re looking for. I'm doing a new thing so give me some time to get used to it but instead of numbers I'm doing pizza so the more sauce, the better, we want less cheese. I put a little Parmesan on there which I think all would have, it has some cheese on the side though like for example, there's a scene where Elsa and her mom sing to each other, I know little girls might resonate with that but I didn't, came off as cheesy. I'm thinking other than a few drawbacks, it's a game of tug and pull, it could actually be considered superior over the other one given a little time.
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abrasife · 5 years
👍🏼 ana and fos
MEME ┊accepting.
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Their first impression of them: ❝ She was… odd, in a way. I mean, it isn’t likely for a stranger to call someone cute? Actually, I still don’t like the fact she thinks that. ❞
Their current impression of them: ❝ Well, it’s honestly hard to tell what the right thing to say around her is. It’s kind of tense. ❞
If they have the potential to be in a romantic relationship: ❝ I’m not really that interested in dating. It could be nice, but I really don’t know. ❞ [he says no to everyone; don’t take it personally]
If they have the potential to be friends: ❝ Possibly. I mean, I would like to get to know her better if that means anything. ❞
What their most attractive physical feature is: ❝ Umm, she’s overall aesthetically pleasing? I mean, Diana is Diana, and her look suits her well. She wouldn’t be her without that. Her fashion choice is definitely iconic. ❞
What their most attractive non-physical feature is: ❝ The confidence she has in herself. I wish I had some of that sometimes… wait, don’t tell anyone I said that! ❞
What nickname they have for your muse, if any: ❝ I don’t really use nicknames. ❞
How much they like your muse, on a scale of 1-10: ❝ Uh, seven? I don’t like rating scales to be honest. ��
Out of character:
Do you have a song associated with the muses: me don’t have songs. It’s very rare that I think of something, especially since the music I listen to is very limited.
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** “he’s not here right?? I can talk freely?? I don’t want to get myself beaten up.”
Their first impression of them: ❝ I didn’t have one other than the one thought equivalent to an exclamation mark plus a question mark side-by-side because of that stupid cockroach he let crawl over my bad arm. I heavily freaked out, okay. ❞
Their current impression of them: ❝ … I… actually don’t know at the moment… ❞
If they have the potential to be in a romantic relationship: ❝ Hell no. Romance in general is overrated and a waste of time and with this person, no way in Mila’s good grace would I ever consider a demon who might as well be the same as those damned Rigelian soldiers who made me crippled in the first place. ❞ [I know this stuff references main verse things, but rating memes kinda blend the mindsets of verses because there is no set verse for them even if it would be implied by the muses involved??]
If they have the potential to be friends: ❝ As much as I want to believe he has some good part to him, he’s making it very hard. Knowing myself and my own stupidity, I’ll probably hope for it anyway. ❞
What their most attractive physical feature is: ❝ Nothing about him is attractive. Why would I find a guy attractive anyway? ❞
What their most attractive non-physical feature is: ❝ I find it hilarious he can’t peel a fricken orange, ❞ a smile forms on his face at the thought, ❝ every time I think about it, I can’t stop myself from laughing inside. ❞
What nickname they have for your muse, if any: ❝ I don’t have one for him. And either way, he’d probably break my arm if I used one. ❞
How much they like your muse, on a scale of 1-10: ❝ Oh great. I don’t want to answer this, especially not with people who’d actually hurt me for giving an unlikable answer,  ❞ but of course he had no choice in the matter, ❝ fine. I give him a… four?? ❞ He can’t believe he sounded so unsure after that stupid pre-rating ramble.
Out of character:
Do you have a song associated with the muses: see the previous note for this section.
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honeybearloco · 7 years
“Hola Mami.”
Requested by an anon. This beautiful man, I just can’t.
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Yu Kwon in enjoyed everything about you. From head to toe. Inside and out. You were just so perfect. It was very obvious he had the biggest crush on you. You could spot it a mile away. Of course you didn’t listen at all when his members were trying to tell about his little crush on you. 
Even their manager saw how Yu Kwon would act around you. It made it worse since you were assigned to him as his makeup artist. 
You were a makeup artist under KQ Entertainment. You were studying abroad in Korea. It was far away from home, but you liked it here. You needed to make money to help pay for your way of life. You didn’t want anything basic. Batista is so overrated. 
KQ Entertainment was in need of new makeup artists. You decided to take it upon yourself to had in for a job interview and got it. You weren’t big on the whole Korean music scene or KPOP. You stuck to your traditional Mexican folk and Bachata. (I love bachata, dude! Just Spanish music in general. It’s amazing) That’s what you listened to, not all you listened to. But mostly. 
Your first day was fairly easy. Your first assignment was of course easy. At first you were assigned to Zico. You became good friends with him. While doing his makeup, you’d talk about your everyday lives. 
Yu Kwon didn’t like it one bit. Ever since he laid his eyes on you, he felt like it was destiny to talk to you. He didn’t like how close you were to his group mate. He was as happy as he could be when you were reassigned to him. He just loved your smile. He didn’t know much about you. Your smile and body attracted him to you. But he wanted to get to know you. 
As the days went on, you grew closer to him. You liked to spend time with him. Sometimes you spent time together when you weren’t working. He showed you Korea in detail when he had the time. He even showed you places you’ve never heard of before. The both of you enjoyed each other’s company.  
Today after work he took you to a newly opened cafe just down the street from the building. You were your happy self today. He noticed. “Hey, Y/N, are you okay?” 
“Oh, ah. I’m fine. I just miss somethings from home.” You said very quiet. 
“Things? Like?”
“Dances. Clothing. Parties. Just a few things.”
“We dance here in Korea.”
“It’s not the same Yu Kwon. I want to see salsa dancing again. I want to hear the sounds of my home countries music with my family. I miss going to Mexican styled parties. It’s just not the same here. I want to speak Spanish and not be looked weird at. I want to dance to Bachata! I might even wanna salsa dance in a traditional dress.” He couldn’t understand.
“Huh? What’s that?”
You sighed “Yu Kwon, what I’m trying to say is, I want to go home. Thank you for dinner. See you later.”
You got up from the table and left. He felt bad. He thought of ways to make it up to you. The word ‘Bachata’ he kept repeating in his head. He began to say it to himself. Trying to get the word correct. 
He grabbed his phone and searched. “Spanish lessons online.”
He was going to make me happy again, no matter what it took. He didn’t care if he had to upset people to put a smile back on your face. 
For the next couple of weeks he’s been learning about the Mexican culture for you. The language, the music, the dancing, and the parties. He needed you to smile again. 
Finally you had came back into work. It’s been about two to three weeks. You had no more vacation days left. It was going to be awhile until you got a refill of vacation. You wanted to go back home. Yu Kwon spotted you a couple of feet away. He made his way over to you. You looked slightly and waved. “Hola mami. Come estas?” 
You arched your eyebrows. “What did you say?”
“Le dije hola mami, come estas?” He reapeated moving a bit closer to you. “Are you trying to hit on me in Spanish?” You asked. 
“Is it working?” He whispered. You shook your head no with a huge smile.
“Okay then. Y/N, I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise? Where is it?” 
“You have to wait to receive it.” He added.
You groaned. You hated waiting for things. But usually if Yu Kwon told you to wait, it must be something really good. “Can I have a hint?” You asked holding his arm and giving him the puppy eyes. 
He never could resist those puppy eyes you had. If it was any other girl, maybe he could. But it was you. The woman he’d been had a crush on the longest time. 
“UGH! Fine, it’s a party. I can’t tell you anymore. Just be ready at 9 tonight. Okay?”
You nodded and smiled. You got to work and finished up everything you needed to do early. You decided to leave work early and go home. When you got home, you began to prepare for the party. It always took you hours to get ready for a party. I mean who doesn’t take about two to three hours get ready for a big party? 
You slipped on a beautiful tight red dress that went to your to the top of your knees. You picked out a pair of Louboutin Bianca 140 Black Patent Leather (A/N: It’s oddly specific, I’m sorry. I really like those shoes) to go with it. 
You began to put on a few layers of makeup. You didn’t want to put too much on. You knew you’d get a mouthful if Yu Kwon spotted you with a lot of makeup. He didn’t like when you had a lot of makeup on. 
He loved your bare face. He was fascinated by it. No matter how much makeup you thought you needed to wear, Yu Kwon loved you with no makeup the best.
At 8:40, you heard a rather loud knock at the front door. You walked to the front door and opened it, to see Yu Kwon in a suit looking as sharp as ever. “Woah, Yu Know, you look sharp. Is this party that formal? Should I go change?”
“No! You already look so stunning. It’s already 8:42, we should get going. Are you ready?” You nodded and the two of you locked arms. He walked you to his car and you both got in.
He drove to the venue. When you got there, you looked at the venue building. It was huge! “Yu Kwon, are you sure this is the right place? It looks a bit too formal for a party.” 
“Of course I’m sure this is where it is. Y/N, trust me. Don’t worry about anything. I just want you have a goof time tonight. I want you to remember this night years from now.”
He parked his car and the both of you got. You locked arms and walked into venue. When you walked in, you went through wide double doors to see a beautiful Mexican themed party that looked just like the parties back at home. 
“SURPRISE!” A crowd suddenly appeared. 
The crowd was filled with coworkers, his members, your friends, and your mother. 
“Yes, it’s me Hija.”
You rushed over and hugged her tightly. “I missed you so much hija. How is Korea treating you?” 
“Good mama.”
You let go of her. “How did you get here?” You asked. 
“Your boyfriend over there, helped me. I rode in a private jet! Can you believe that?”
You smiled hearing the joyful in her voice. It had been awhile since you had seen her. You ignored the part where she called Yu Kwon your boyfriend. 
During the party you watched dancers attempt to dance the salsa. Most did it very well. You turned to your left to see a hand reached out for yours. It was Yu Kwon’s. “Let’s get out there and show them how it’s done.” “What the heck.”
You grabbed his hands and followed him to the dance floor. You were center. The rest of dancers backed off. The DJ changed the song. He quickly grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close. “Follow my lead.” You nodded in amazement. 
And that you did. You followed his lead, your eyes not once leaving his. There was something about Yu Kwon dancing salsa that was unlike anything you’ve seen before. He was already a very attractive man, but he was even more attractive dancing to the salsa. 
Your mother always wanted her son in law to be a good dancer. Maybe she might get her wish.
Suddenly he spun you around. You swayed your hips against him. He spun you back around to face him when he stopped, he picked up your leg and wrapped it around his waist. He dipped you slowly. His hand slowly caressed your body. You could hear the sudden screaming of the crowd. 
He slowly picked you back. Your faces were about five inches apart. Your eyes were fixed on his lips. His eyes were fixed on your lips. “Are you just gonna stare at my lips or are you gonna kiss me?” 
He smiled a bit before smashing his lips on yours for a passionate kiss. You were on cloud nine. The crowd clapping, screaming, and hollering was being drowned out. You pulled away and became back to reality. 
“Would now be a bad time to say I like you?” He asked. 
“No, now is a perfect time.” You answered. He gave you a sweet kiss to your lips. 
The party went on for a couple of more hours. You were in the corner with Yu Kwon. His head was in your lap. 
“Yu Kwon, thanks for tonight. I really enjoyed it. And thanks for getting my mom here. I think she likes you.”
“No problem. And good, so she’ll be at our wedding and by then, maybe I could say our vows in Spanish.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Well keep practicing. Maybe I could teach you a thing or two.”
I’m back finally. I hope you enjoyed. I kind of rushed because I lost the original ending and I don’t remember what it was. I’m really sorry about my little “hiatus” and the ending of this. Thanks for reading. Have an amazing day/night. 
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wolfhourr · 7 years
100 questions
I was bored af and tried to do these questions.
1. Is a kiss considered cheating? ya.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Not one I could think of
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? probably flying
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? hopefullyyyyy
5. Tell us some funny drunk story. Oh my god I know so many but a bunch of friends and I were celebrating midsummer and we had this wooden cross which we’d decorate with branches and flowers and one of my friends (he’s got long wavy hair) stole my flower crown and carried that cross halfway home through half of the town we live in and it was like half past 1 in the morning and the people on the streets were shouting ‘oh my god it’s Jesus’ all the time and that was freaking hilarious
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? long distance isn’t cool
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? I don’t think of shit like this often but I’d like to have it quick and simple
8: What are your current goals? becoming a pro in photography (concerts mainly) and drone videography (basically shooting aerial footage for music videos and movies, that would be the most rad thing)
9. Do you like someone? I actually like a lot of people
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? ugh, there are a few people who do that frequently but mostly band members
11. Do you like your body? parts.
12. Can you keep a diet? Nope I’m pretty weak regarding food
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? Stop fucking killing each other and try to love everyone regardless of their origin or religion or sexuality or views
14. Do you work? I study Scandinavian Studies but I’ll be working as an aupair in Finland starting in August 2017
15. If you could choose only one food to eat for the rest of you life, what would it be? This is the toughest freaking question anyone has ever asked
16. Would you get a tattoo? I actually have 5
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? concerts, cameras, things that make me genuinely happy
18. Can you drive? what? A car? A person insane? Like a fucking champ
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? my best friend aka Julienne that gorgeous shining bean
20. What was the last thing you cried for? my dad being my dad
21. Do you keep a journal? I have a scrapbook where I put random little things like receipts from vacations or stuff like that in and I also print out mini photos for it
22. Is life fun? What kind of question is this? Life’s an up and down
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? as long as they don’t hear it and you can smell it away
24. What’s your dream car? VW Golf R in metallic dark blue
25. Are grades in school important? As long as you don’t fail the class entirely or get kicked out of school it’s fine. Grades are so fucking overrated these days
26. Describe your crush. Ahahahaha he’s suuuuch a dork, especially whenever he’s drunk haha no but seriously he’s a dork and he get’s pretty touchy then
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? uhh, can’t rememberrrr
28. What was your last lie? I really don’t lie often but maybe I said I wasn’t feeling well just to avoid going out with some friends
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? I think there are a lot of dumb things I told so I can’t really think of one specifically right now
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? depends on the people but generally yes even though it shouldn’t be
31. Something you did and you are proud of? my photographs of band members
32. Favorite cocktail? Not tasted all of em but I love Mojitos
33. Something you are good at? sleeping, eating, taking photos, being dumb
34. Do you like small kids? depends on the kids
35. How are you feeling right now? stuffed with lunch and tired but generally fine because life’s good
36. What would you name your daughter/son? daughter: Ebba son: Heinz-Ewald!
37. What do you need to be happy? music, positive vibes and photography
38. Is there someone you want to punch in the face right now? I’m a very non-violent person so nope.. maybe Trump tho
39. What was the last gift you received? my grandma bought me a new handbag yesterday and it’s fabulous
40. What was the last gift you gave? frozen flavoured water to my beloved Fachschaft
41. What was the last concert you went to? A Finnish band called ‘Wake The Nations’, I had the pleasure to take pics for them there hehe
42. Favorite place to shop at? C&A, H&M
43. Who inspires you? Sawyer Hartmann & Logan Henderson, actually a lot more human beings
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? I’m pretty good with alcohol so I have to drink a ton to get drunk and I’m a poor student so basically I was 20 (and I still am 20 lol)
45. How old were you when you first got high? never got there
46. How old were you when you first had sex? never got there either
47. When was your first kiss? 2013 lol
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? staying in Finland haha
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? A lot of embarrassing things honestly
50. Post a selfie there are photos of me on this blog come on
51. Who are you most comfortable around? my best friends of course!
52. Name one thing that terrifies you. insects
53. What kind of books do you read? none honestly
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? “Nick Jonas won’t marry you and never fall for boys, they won’t value your good heart”
55. What is your favorite flower? white roses
56. Any bad habits you have? I have many, can’t choose
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? ugh, I deffo don’t have a specific type of person, it really strongly depends on the person. It can be the metalhead in one of the other Fachschaften and it also can be the hot model or the mysterious musician whose head is in the clouds 99% of the time. As long as the person treats me right and isn’t suuuuuper weird it really can be anyone.
58. What was the last thing you cried for?  didn’t we have that question already
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? Yaaaaa. I hate mushrooms, any sort of fish, snails, insects, basically all that stuff that Germans don’t eat, and oh yeah we have that thing called blood sausage here which is the most awful thing ever
60. Are you in love? all the time
61. Something you find romantic? lying in the grass at night time staring into the sky and talking is something I wanna do with someone special
62. How long was your longest relationship? 6 months? long distance I mentioned that
63. What are three things that irritate you about the same sex? - why do girls bath their faces in tons of make up EVERY SINGLE DAY like I don’t even wear more than mascara EVER - why do girls have to be so disgusting when it comes to public toilets and stuff - arrogance
64. What are three things that irritate you about the opposite sex? - superior behavior - beards - can’t think of the third rn
65. What are you saving money for? for my further studies in October 2018
66. How would you describe your bad side? bad..? 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I always try to be nice to people and approach them without any prejudice and I try to make people feel good in my presence
68. What are you living for? music and photography haha
69. Have you ever done anything illegal? I parked illegally a couple times lol
70. Do you like your body? check out question 11
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? I strongly hope I haven’t
72. Ever sent nudes? lmao nope
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? In my mindddddd lol
74. Favorite candy? Ferrero Rocher. I’d die for them.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day or almost every day? Tag it! nopeeee I’m sorry I’m lame
76. Do you play any computer games? What’s your favorite? I used to play Rollercoaster Tycoon and Sims 2-4 a loooooot
77. Favorite TV series? Riverdale!!!! And the old German series ‘Wege zum Glück’ which is such a soap opera but I’m a sucker for it still
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? There have been so many “coincidences” that make it hard to believe he isn’t existent. And also there’s so much positive stuff in my life right now, I think he led me where I am right now.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? I read a Swedish book from Henning Mankell about murders and it was cool
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? everyone is allowed to eat what they want, I don’t even careee
81. How long have you been on tumblr? since 2011/12, not sure
82. Do you like Chinese food? every now and then, yes.
83. McDonalds or Subway? Megges!
84. Vodka or whiskey? V!
85. Alcohol or drugs? only done alcohol so that’s it for me
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country? of course!!!
87. Meaning behind your blog name? it’s my favorite song by the Swedish band called ‘DNKL’
88. What are you scared of? not finding someone to spend the rest of my life with
89. Last time you were insulted? I tend to suppress things like this
90. Most traumatic experience? being taken away from my grandparents regularly when I was young
91. Perfect date idea? it has to do with sunsets and the ocean
92. Favorite app on your phone? Instagrammmmm
93. What color are the walls in your room? white
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favorite youtuber? I love the vlogs from Lex&Los and I am obsessed with the videos of the Swabian comedian Dodokay.
95. Share your favorite quote. boy there are so many I can’t even come up with one right now
96. What is the meaning of life? finding that one passion and doing everything to live that passion every day
97. Do you like horror movies? N O P E
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? probably my birth has made her cry at some point
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? the way some bandmembers treat me is truly something special hehe yes
100. Can you keep a secret? for sure!
7 notes · View notes
Tony Robbins – The Seller of Nothing
Tony Robbins is a fine example of people who make it big through selling BS products. He is called the infomercial king for a reason, he is good at that. He is so good at selling BS products that he has made a fortune on the same. But it doesn’t mean that he is a legitimate coach. If I say a lie a thousand times, will it become truth? Certainly not. Tony Robbins is a compulsive liar. He preys on people’s emotions and through their hearts, finds his way into their wallets. He plays with people’s emotions and if you ask me, that’s not a good thing. It’s unethical. He is a scam and his entire brand is based on lying to everyone. The only difference between him and any other con artist is of style. Tony yells a lot and uses a lot of cuss words.  You won’t find these many self-help coaches who yell the F-word this many times. Tony has no (or little) knowledge of all the topics he talks about. He is simply a liar who knows his way around a crowd. His seminars are worthless and their price is always in thousands. He manipulates people and if you will see any one of his speeches with some logic, you will see that he only speaks rubbish. Amazingly, his lies are selling books and people are falling prey to his scams again and again. I went to one of his seminars, bought one of his books and I can say, he is nothing other than an overrated yelling liar. Whatever Tony is today, he is because of his large web of lies and cheats. I can’t believe the amount of turmoil he has made others go through. His seminars are painful, useless and cost a lot.  
Who is Tony Robbins?
  There is a whole Wikipedia page about Tony Robbins. There is another biography present on his own website if you take a lot of interest in his biography, feel free to visit his site. Tony was born as Anthony J. Mahavoric on 29th February 1960 in North Hollywood, California. He says his early life had been full of chaos and he used to work as a handyman to help provide for his family. He left his home when he was 17 years old and started working as a janitor. He did not go to college. His scams started as a motivational speaker after he met Jim Rohn. He used to do promotions for speakers at that time. He became a business partner with John Grinder later on. He started teaching Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP. He released his first infomercial in 1988. This is when he started his scam. His infomercial was a big hit because of his good deception skills and lying ability. If you would go to his website, you will find a profile of a narcissist. There, you will see the bio praising Tony’s lifetime achievements. It tells you that Tony is six times best-selling author and a guy who has changed the lives of over 50 million people. Do you know why he has this many bestsellers? It’s not because he is an expert or a thought leader. It’s because he writes BS books on topics that sell and markets them as if they’re going to change your life. If you will see the ad of a book, which costs a few dollars, telling you that you can transform your life completely by getting a copy of the same, chances are, you’ll buy it without a doubt. Like many successful con artists, Tony knows how to deceive and manipulate people. He uses different strategies, used by scammers and con artists, to deceive people on a large scale. If you will read his ‘life-changing’ books with attention, you will find them full of useless, vague advice. There is nothing valuable present in all of his bestselling books. He is a renowned businessman, however. His fake persona has helped him gain accolades and awards. He is not only a con artist and a scam but he is also a narcissist. The start of his biography (present on his website) can give you a glimpse of his narcissism: “The #1 Life and Business Strategist” His bio keeps telling you how great he is, how generous he is, and what an impact he has made on the world. When I went to one of his seminars and read a few reviews of the same, I found his egoistic nature in its best form. When you hear him talking about something on the stage, he only praises himself. Tony’s companies have a business of $5 billion per year. This depraved man has made a fortune on the hard earned money of innocent people. It’s a sad truth that such liars and scammers are living lavish lifestyles by cheating other honest people. I wish this review will help you realize how narcissistic and depraved Tony Robbins really is.  
He Sells Lies (My Story)
  I had attended one of his seminars because I was intrigued by his daunting presence. I searched for him online and found him to be one of the highest earning self-help coaches and motivational speakers. I thought to myself this guy must be amazing. But before I thought of going to one of his seminars, I thought I should check out one of his books. Now, you should note that Tony Robbins is also a bestselling author and anyone would trust a bestselling book, wouldn’t you? So I bought his book “MONEY: Master the Game.” And  I can tell you one thing, it is full of nonsense. The book doesn’t tell you anything about wealth management or boosting one’s income. Like his all other self-help books and seminars, this book was also full of rubbish content that provided me with no value or insight. I’m not a book reviewer so I don’t know how to say this but if I wanted to sum it up in a few words I would say that THE BOOK IS USELESS. It was my first book regarding finance and I was amazed by the thoughts Tony was sharing. When a multi-millionaire is giving you advice on how to manage your funds to get rich, wouldn’t you take it? I was foolish at that time to believe in Tony. Now I know that one should always check the credentials of a financial guru before heeding his/her advice. The irony is, Tony tells you to check the credentials of a finance guru as well. When I think of it now, I consider it as one of the stupidest mistakes of my life. This guy has zero credentials and he doesn’t have any finance experience. It’s true that he is rich (too rich to be honest) but that doesn’t give him the qualifications to give financial advice to middle-class Americans. His book first discusses some motivational garbage. You shouldn’t be surprised to see useless motivating garbage in any of Tony’s books because that’s what increases his sales. And talking about motivation is the only thing Tony knows in reality. I am talking about the rubbish present in his book now but at that time, I didn’t find his advice useless. I was impressed by his writing and I thought I could learn more if I attended one of his seminars. Moreover, Tony’s infomercials always plague the television. Every American has seen Tony Robbins’ infomercials at least once on TV. I was too stupid to trust this guy. Anyways, I booked a ticket for one of his ‘Motivating’ seminars. It cost me $5,000 and believe me, it was a lot for me. I had to switch up my budget and cut back on some expenses to afford this seminar. But the seminar promised valuable knowledge and life-changing insights. And like any other desperate financially struggling person, I was lured by these words. When I attended the seminar, I realized my mistake. It was packed with people who also wanted to change their lives for good and find useful knowledge that will help them in this regard. We had to wait for half an hour after the designated time for Robbins to arrive. There were all kinds of people present in the crowd. What we all visitors got in return to our $5,000 ticket and 30 minutes of waiting was a 45-minute speech from a 6-foot guy who was constantly yelling f*ck. The seminar started with music and Tony entered the stage with enthusiasm. Everything was just too energetic. I was excited to hear more of Tony but after a few minutes into the speech, all my excitement vanished. He was just yelling and saying nonsense things. In about every 2-4 minutes, he would bring up his struggles and how he managed to get ahead in life. Then he started asking questions to the public. He brought out a member of the audience who was suffering from depression. This lady discussed how she has grown tired of her life and that she no longer sees any hope. Do you know what Tony did? He told her that she is wrong to think that way. I loved this part but hated the next. He told her to come to the stage, then he picked 4 random strangers (all men) and told her to hug them tightly. He said, they are your friends and they believe in you. What kind of rubbish was that? Did he really force a woman, who is suffering from depression, to hug four random dudes? I was disgusted. I realized that Tony is a misogynist and he acts as he cares about his followers. Believe me, he doesn’t. His rest of the seminar was full of such BS and trash. I learned nothing of value and I felt angry because I had wasted $5,000 (not counting the cost of the trip) to listen to a middle-aged crazy guy who likes to yell. Oh, and also, he is ignorant. When I asked other visitors, some told me that they had burned up their savings to get to this seminar. They were struggling in their lives and they had hoped Tony would give them some useful guidance. When the seminar ended, the organizers started pushing us to buy more of his tickets and products. One of his ‘advanced’ seminars cost about $8,000! What kind of advice will a guy receive there? Tony Robbins is running a huge scam. He is deceiving people, telling them that he would give them useful advice while all he does is yell for an hour and share his life stories. There is nothing you can learn from Tony Robbins apart from the fact that the world is unfair. There are scammers, liars, cheats, and frauds like Tony, who are earning the big bucks for doing nothing while an honest person toils day and night. I began doubting the book I read, “MONEY: Master the Game”. I did a little research and I found that it is one of the most useless finance books present in the market. Why did it sell so many copies then?  
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  It’s because it sells fake promises and dreams. It’s written by one of the biggest con artists present in your world and Tony spent a lot of money on marketing it. This book is supposed to give you finance wisdom. But the truth is, it gives you nothing more than some vague advice and some motivational garbage. I still regret my purchase of his book and the $5,000 ticket to his seminar. I would have been better off if I hadn’t wasted my money on Tony’s rubbish. My advice is, consult with a certified professional and not with this ignorant, narcissist, who doesn’t have an idea of finance or wealth management.  
Allegations and Complaints
  There are many people who have suffered due to the malicious lies of Tony. I’m not the only person who thinks Tony is an overrated piece of shit who shouldn’t be allowed to share his views. He is selling lies and the worst part is, people are buying them. A critical review of his book, which I unfortunately read, called “MONEY: Master the Game” was published on the Guardian. Here is the link: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/nov/24/infomercial-king-tony-robbins-wants-to-be-the-next-suze-orman The reviewer discusses how Tony Robbins is not the right person to give you financial advice. This guy caused countless people to be deprived of 90% gains of the stock market when he told his followers to pull out of stocks in 2010. Tony doesn’t know a thing about finance and he is the wrong person to give advice on this topic in all sense. This review also  shares how Tony Robbins has used the name of popular investors such as Warren Buffett, Paul Tudor Jones and Jack Bogle. The reviewer has also discussed how Tony Robbins’ advice is useless for most of the readers. The investing tips he is sharing are for those who have hundreds of thousands of dollars in spare (if not millions). And most of the readers of this book, like me, don’t have that kind of money. If you ask me, I think Tony has no idea of finance and investing. He saw an opportunity in finance writing and thought to himself, “Fuck, I’m gonna make myself some money with this now.” And with no prior experience and no basic knowledge of finance, he wrote a book on this subject. I highly suspect that he even wrote it himself. He could have hired a ghostwriter to do the job for him while he goes out there stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from other innocent people. That’s not all -  To fuel the sales of his book, he lied publicly about the contents of his book. I’m not the one saying this. You can check the review and see it yourself. He told everyone that he was going to share a ‘never before shared’ strategy of Ray Dalio. The strategy which he shares, in reality, is a common one for any follower of Ray. So, Tony Robbins is a guy who lies vehemently and sells rubbish to thousands of people. To ensure people buy that rubbish, he spends lavishly on marketing and advertising, tricking others into believing that he is legit.  
The Truth about his Seminars:
  His books aren’t the only trash he sells to the world. Many other people who have visited his seminars have found him to be utterly stupid and vague. I have already shared my story with you. But there are hundreds (if not thousands) of people who agree with me on the point that Tony Robbins is a cheat and his seminars are nothing but a waste. And don’t even get me started on his ‘fire walking’ stunts. They are for show-off and he organizes them to deceive people. Not one, not twice but many times, people have been severely burnt and hurt because of his firewalking routine. The worse thing is the people who get hurt because of the routine blame themselves and not the ‘guru’ for the failure. They think they are unworthy or they lack the will power to succeed in life. They don’t think logically. They don’t look at the facts. They don’t look at the 6-foot guy forcing them to walk on burning coal. No, they blame themselves. These guys don’t sue Tony because of the shame they feel. If Tony asks you to walk on fire and you fail, you are perceived as a wuss and a failure in the eyes of other ardent followers of this monster. Countless people have burned their feet and faced injuries because of Tony’s negligence. But none of them sued this guy. It’s a shame. His nonsense firewalk has been featured in the news because of the injuries it has caused. His firewalk sent 30 people to the hospital whose feet were burnt severely because of the burning coal. According to his website, the firewalk is a symbolic way to help people overcome their fears. And if 1% of the 7,000 participants get burnt, it doesn’t affect them. They don’t care about the well being of their customers. This means if 70 people get burnt, they don’t care. Why should they? The people who are fire-walking have already paid Tony for participating. Frankly, this attitude doesn’t surprise me. If you get physically hurt during a fire-walk with Tony Robbins, don’t expect to get a refund or any aid. You’ll end up with some physical injuries, low self-esteem and a number of people calling you a loser. The kind of businesses Tony Robbins is running is all deceitful. Take a look at all of his information products and you’ll find vague advice on a cashable topic. Tony also has a Netflix documentary called “I’m not your guru”. The title is wasteful because the whole documentary is about him being your guru. I have already discussed one of his seminars (which I attended) and his Netflix documentary is about another one of his events. The main highlights of his event are: Tony forcing a woman to break up with her boyfriend in front of thousands of other people Tony forcefully assigning a few ‘uncles’ to a survivor of sexual abuse Tony hugging a sexual abuse survivor (very tightly) Tony forcing a suicidal lady to speak about the reasons why she wanted to die, in front of thousands of strangers All of this happens in between the constant yelling (of the F-word) by Tony. The fun fact is, all the attendees paid $5,000 for the event. The value they got was zero.  
  Tony Robbins has created a multi-million empire through his deception, lies and malicious schemes. He sells useless books, yells constantly about his life and uses cuss words more often than necessary. He doesn’t care about his consumers. And he has ruined the lives of innumerable lives. I’m glad that I came to my senses and stopped listening to this cheater. But there are many people who are still falling prey to this wicked fraud. What do you think of Tony now? Do you think he is a legitimate coach or malicious fraud?  
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Robbins https://www.tonyrobbins.com/biography/ https://www.headstuff.org/topical/science/heres-tony-robbins-definitely-not-guru/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfYtHbmI-NI https://www.quora.com/Is-Tony-Robbins-a-scam-or-con-artist Read the full article
0 notes
bewarereport-blog · 6 years
Tony Robbins – The Seller of Nothing
Tony Robbins is a fine example of people who make it big through selling BS products. He is called the infomercial king for a reason, he is good at that. He is so good at selling BS products that he has made a fortune on the same. But it doesn’t mean that he is a legitimate coach. If I say a lie a thousand times, will it become truth? Certainly not. Tony Robbins is a compulsive liar. He preys on people’s emotions and through their hearts, finds his way into their wallets. He plays with people’s emotions and if you ask me, that’s not a good thing. It’s unethical. He is a scam and his entire brand is based on lying to everyone. The only difference between him and any other con artist is of style. Tony yells a lot and uses a lot of cuss words.  You won’t find these many self-help coaches who yell the F-word this many times. Tony has no (or little) knowledge of all the topics he talks about. He is simply a liar who knows his way around a crowd. His seminars are worthless and their price is always in thousands. He manipulates people and if you will see any one of his speeches with some logic, you will see that he only speaks rubbish. Amazingly, his lies are selling books and people are falling prey to his scams again and again. I went to one of his seminars, bought one of his books and I can say, he is nothing other than an overrated yelling liar. Whatever Tony is today, he is because of his large web of lies and cheats. I can’t believe the amount of turmoil he has made others go through. His seminars are painful, useless and cost a lot.  
Who is Tony Robbins?
  There is a whole Wikipedia page about Tony Robbins. There is another biography present on his own website if you take a lot of interest in his biography, feel free to visit his site. Tony was born as Anthony J. Mahavoric on 29th February 1960 in North Hollywood, California. He says his early life had been full of chaos and he used to work as a handyman to help provide for his family. He left his home when he was 17 years old and started working as a janitor. He did not go to college. His scams started as a motivational speaker after he met Jim Rohn. He used to do promotions for speakers at that time. He became a business partner with John Grinder later on. He started teaching Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP. He released his first infomercial in 1988. This is when he started his scam. His infomercial was a big hit because of his good deception skills and lying ability. If you would go to his website, you will find a profile of a narcissist. There, you will see the bio praising Tony’s lifetime achievements. It tells you that Tony is six times best-selling author and a guy who has changed the lives of over 50 million people. Do you know why he has this many bestsellers? It’s not because he is an expert or a thought leader. It’s because he writes BS books on topics that sell and markets them as if they’re going to change your life. If you will see the ad of a book, which costs a few dollars, telling you that you can transform your life completely by getting a copy of the same, chances are, you’ll buy it without a doubt. Like many successful con artists, Tony knows how to deceive and manipulate people. He uses different strategies, used by scammers and con artists, to deceive people on a large scale. If you will read his ‘life-changing’ books with attention, you will find them full of useless, vague advice. There is nothing valuable present in all of his bestselling books. He is a renowned businessman, however. His fake persona has helped him gain accolades and awards. He is not only a con artist and a scam but he is also a narcissist. The start of his biography (present on his website) can give you a glimpse of his narcissism: “The #1 Life and Business Strategist” His bio keeps telling you how great he is, how generous he is, and what an impact he has made on the world. When I went to one of his seminars and read a few reviews of the same, I found his egoistic nature in its best form. When you hear him talking about something on the stage, he only praises himself. Tony’s companies have a business of $5 billion per year. This depraved man has made a fortune on the hard earned money of innocent people. It’s a sad truth that such liars and scammers are living lavish lifestyles by cheating other honest people. I wish this review will help you realize how narcissistic and depraved Tony Robbins really is.  
He Sells Lies (My Story)
  I had attended one of his seminars because I was intrigued by his daunting presence. I searched for him online and found him to be one of the highest earning self-help coaches and motivational speakers. I thought to myself this guy must be amazing. But before I thought of going to one of his seminars, I thought I should check out one of his books. Now, you should note that Tony Robbins is also a bestselling author and anyone would trust a bestselling book, wouldn’t you? So I bought his book “MONEY: Master the Game.” And  I can tell you one thing, it is full of nonsense. The book doesn’t tell you anything about wealth management or boosting one’s income. Like his all other self-help books and seminars, this book was also full of rubbish content that provided me with no value or insight. I’m not a book reviewer so I don’t know how to say this but if I wanted to sum it up in a few words I would say that THE BOOK IS USELESS. It was my first book regarding finance and I was amazed by the thoughts Tony was sharing. When a multi-millionaire is giving you advice on how to manage your funds to get rich, wouldn’t you take it? I was foolish at that time to believe in Tony. Now I know that one should always check the credentials of a financial guru before heeding his/her advice. The irony is, Tony tells you to check the credentials of a finance guru as well. When I think of it now, I consider it as one of the stupidest mistakes of my life. This guy has zero credentials and he doesn’t have any finance experience. It’s true that he is rich (too rich to be honest) but that doesn’t give him the qualifications to give financial advice to middle-class Americans. His book first discusses some motivational garbage. You shouldn’t be surprised to see useless motivating garbage in any of Tony’s books because that’s what increases his sales. And talking about motivation is the only thing Tony knows in reality. I am talking about the rubbish present in his book now but at that time, I didn’t find his advice useless. I was impressed by his writing and I thought I could learn more if I attended one of his seminars. Moreover, Tony’s infomercials always plague the television. Every American has seen Tony Robbins’ infomercials at least once on TV. I was too stupid to trust this guy. Anyways, I booked a ticket for one of his ‘Motivating’ seminars. It cost me $5,000 and believe me, it was a lot for me. I had to switch up my budget and cut back on some expenses to afford this seminar. But the seminar promised valuable knowledge and life-changing insights. And like any other desperate financially struggling person, I was lured by these words. When I attended the seminar, I realized my mistake. It was packed with people who also wanted to change their lives for good and find useful knowledge that will help them in this regard. We had to wait for half an hour after the designated time for Robbins to arrive. There were all kinds of people present in the crowd. What we all visitors got in return to our $5,000 ticket and 30 minutes of waiting was a 45-minute speech from a 6-foot guy who was constantly yelling f*ck. The seminar started with music and Tony entered the stage with enthusiasm. Everything was just too energetic. I was excited to hear more of Tony but after a few minutes into the speech, all my excitement vanished. He was just yelling and saying nonsense things. In about every 2-4 minutes, he would bring up his struggles and how he managed to get ahead in life. Then he started asking questions to the public. He brought out a member of the audience who was suffering from depression. This lady discussed how she has grown tired of her life and that she no longer sees any hope. Do you know what Tony did? He told her that she is wrong to think that way. I loved this part but hated the next. He told her to come to the stage, then he picked 4 random strangers (all men) and told her to hug them tightly. He said, they are your friends and they believe in you. What kind of rubbish was that? Did he really force a woman, who is suffering from depression, to hug four random dudes? I was disgusted. I realized that Tony is a misogynist and he acts as he cares about his followers. Believe me, he doesn’t. His rest of the seminar was full of such BS and trash. I learned nothing of value and I felt angry because I had wasted $5,000 (not counting the cost of the trip) to listen to a middle-aged crazy guy who likes to yell. Oh, and also, he is ignorant. When I asked other visitors, some told me that they had burned up their savings to get to this seminar. They were struggling in their lives and they had hoped Tony would give them some useful guidance. When the seminar ended, the organizers started pushing us to buy more of his tickets and products. One of his ‘advanced’ seminars cost about $8,000! What kind of advice will a guy receive there? Tony Robbins is running a huge scam. He is deceiving people, telling them that he would give them useful advice while all he does is yell for an hour and share his life stories. There is nothing you can learn from Tony Robbins apart from the fact that the world is unfair. There are scammers, liars, cheats, and frauds like Tony, who are earning the big bucks for doing nothing while an honest person toils day and night. I began doubting the book I read, “MONEY: Master the Game”. I did a little research and I found that it is one of the most useless finance books present in the market. Why did it sell so many copies then?  
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  It’s because it sells fake promises and dreams. It’s written by one of the biggest con artists present in your world and Tony spent a lot of money on marketing it. This book is supposed to give you finance wisdom. But the truth is, it gives you nothing more than some vague advice and some motivational garbage. I still regret my purchase of his book and the $5,000 ticket to his seminar. I would have been better off if I hadn’t wasted my money on Tony’s rubbish. My advice is, consult with a certified professional and not with this ignorant, narcissist, who doesn’t have an idea of finance or wealth management.  
Allegations and Complaints
  There are many people who have suffered due to the malicious lies of Tony. I’m not the only person who thinks Tony is an overrated piece of shit who shouldn’t be allowed to share his views. He is selling lies and the worst part is, people are buying them. A critical review of his book, which I unfortunately read, called “MONEY: Master the Game” was published on the Guardian. Here is the link: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/nov/24/infomercial-king-tony-robbins-wants-to-be-the-next-suze-orman The reviewer discusses how Tony Robbins is not the right person to give you financial advice. This guy caused countless people to be deprived of 90% gains of the stock market when he told his followers to pull out of stocks in 2010. Tony doesn’t know a thing about finance and he is the wrong person to give advice on this topic in all sense. This review also  shares how Tony Robbins has used the name of popular investors such as Warren Buffett, Paul Tudor Jones and Jack Bogle. The reviewer has also discussed how Tony Robbins’ advice is useless for most of the readers. The investing tips he is sharing are for those who have hundreds of thousands of dollars in spare (if not millions). And most of the readers of this book, like me, don’t have that kind of money. If you ask me, I think Tony has no idea of finance and investing. He saw an opportunity in finance writing and thought to himself, “Fuck, I’m gonna make myself some money with this now.” And with no prior experience and no basic knowledge of finance, he wrote a book on this subject. I highly suspect that he even wrote it himself. He could have hired a ghostwriter to do the job for him while he goes out there stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from other innocent people. That’s not all -  To fuel the sales of his book, he lied publicly about the contents of his book. I’m not the one saying this. You can check the review and see it yourself. He told everyone that he was going to share a ‘never before shared’ strategy of Ray Dalio. The strategy which he shares, in reality, is a common one for any follower of Ray. So, Tony Robbins is a guy who lies vehemently and sells rubbish to thousands of people. To ensure people buy that rubbish, he spends lavishly on marketing and advertising, tricking others into believing that he is legit.  
The Truth about his Seminars:
  His books aren’t the only trash he sells to the world. Many other people who have visited his seminars have found him to be utterly stupid and vague. I have already shared my story with you. But there are hundreds (if not thousands) of people who agree with me on the point that Tony Robbins is a cheat and his seminars are nothing but a waste. And don’t even get me started on his ‘fire walking’ stunts. They are for show-off and he organizes them to deceive people. Not one, not twice but many times, people have been severely burnt and hurt because of his firewalking routine. The worse thing is the people who get hurt because of the routine blame themselves and not the ‘guru’ for the failure. They think they are unworthy or they lack the will power to succeed in life. They don’t think logically. They don’t look at the facts. They don’t look at the 6-foot guy forcing them to walk on burning coal. No, they blame themselves. These guys don’t sue Tony because of the shame they feel. If Tony asks you to walk on fire and you fail, you are perceived as a wuss and a failure in the eyes of other ardent followers of this monster. Countless people have burned their feet and faced injuries because of Tony’s negligence. But none of them sued this guy. It’s a shame. His nonsense firewalk has been featured in the news because of the injuries it has caused. His firewalk sent 30 people to the hospital whose feet were burnt severely because of the burning coal. According to his website, the firewalk is a symbolic way to help people overcome their fears. And if 1% of the 7,000 participants get burnt, it doesn’t affect them. They don’t care about the well being of their customers. This means if 70 people get burnt, they don’t care. Why should they? The people who are fire-walking have already paid Tony for participating. Frankly, this attitude doesn’t surprise me. If you get physically hurt during a fire-walk with Tony Robbins, don’t expect to get a refund or any aid. You’ll end up with some physical injuries, low self-esteem and a number of people calling you a loser. The kind of businesses Tony Robbins is running is all deceitful. Take a look at all of his information products and you’ll find vague advice on a cashable topic. Tony also has a Netflix documentary called “I’m not your guru”. The title is wasteful because the whole documentary is about him being your guru. I have already discussed one of his seminars (which I attended) and his Netflix documentary is about another one of his events. The main highlights of his event are: Tony forcing a woman to break up with her boyfriend in front of thousands of other people Tony forcefully assigning a few ‘uncles’ to a survivor of sexual abuse Tony hugging a sexual abuse survivor (very tightly) Tony forcing a suicidal lady to speak about the reasons why she wanted to die, in front of thousands of strangers All of this happens in between the constant yelling (of the F-word) by Tony. The fun fact is, all the attendees paid $5,000 for the event. The value they got was zero.  
  Tony Robbins has created a multi-million empire through his deception, lies and malicious schemes. He sells useless books, yells constantly about his life and uses cuss words more often than necessary. He doesn’t care about his consumers. And he has ruined the lives of innumerable lives. I’m glad that I came to my senses and stopped listening to this cheater. But there are many people who are still falling prey to this wicked fraud. What do you think of Tony now? Do you think he is a legitimate coach or malicious fraud?  
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Robbins https://www.tonyrobbins.com/biography/ https://www.headstuff.org/topical/science/heres-tony-robbins-definitely-not-guru/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfYtHbmI-NI https://www.quora.com/Is-Tony-Robbins-a-scam-or-con-artist Read the full article
0 notes
liarscheatersrus · 6 years
Tony Robbins – The Seller of Nothing
Tony Robbins is a fine example of people who make it big through selling BS products. He is called the infomercial king for a reason, he is good at that. He is so good at selling BS products that he has made a fortune on the same. But it doesn’t mean that he is a legitimate coach. If I say a lie a thousand times, will it become truth? Certainly not. Tony Robbins is a compulsive liar. He preys on people’s emotions and through their hearts, finds his way into their wallets. He plays with people’s emotions and if you ask me, that’s not a good thing. It’s unethical. He is a scam and his entire brand is based on lying to everyone. The only difference between him and any other con artist is of style. Tony yells a lot and uses a lot of cuss words.  You won’t find these many self-help coaches who yell the F-word this many times. Tony has no (or little) knowledge of all the topics he talks about. He is simply a liar who knows his way around a crowd. His seminars are worthless and their price is always in thousands. He manipulates people and if you will see any one of his speeches with some logic, you will see that he only speaks rubbish. Amazingly, his lies are selling books and people are falling prey to his scams again and again. I went to one of his seminars, bought one of his books and I can say, he is nothing other than an overrated yelling liar. Whatever Tony is today, he is because of his large web of lies and cheats. I can’t believe the amount of turmoil he has made others go through. His seminars are painful, useless and cost a lot.  
Who is Tony Robbins?
  There is a whole Wikipedia page about Tony Robbins. There is another biography present on his own website if you take a lot of interest in his biography, feel free to visit his site. Tony was born as Anthony J. Mahavoric on 29th February 1960 in North Hollywood, California. He says his early life had been full of chaos and he used to work as a handyman to help provide for his family. He left his home when he was 17 years old and started working as a janitor. He did not go to college. His scams started as a motivational speaker after he met Jim Rohn. He used to do promotions for speakers at that time. He became a business partner with John Grinder later on. He started teaching Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP. He released his first infomercial in 1988. This is when he started his scam. His infomercial was a big hit because of his good deception skills and lying ability. If you would go to his website, you will find a profile of a narcissist. There, you will see the bio praising Tony’s lifetime achievements. It tells you that Tony is six times best-selling author and a guy who has changed the lives of over 50 million people. Do you know why he has this many bestsellers? It’s not because he is an expert or a thought leader. It’s because he writes BS books on topics that sell and markets them as if they’re going to change your life. If you will see the ad of a book, which costs a few dollars, telling you that you can transform your life completely by getting a copy of the same, chances are, you’ll buy it without a doubt. Like many successful con artists, Tony knows how to deceive and manipulate people. He uses different strategies, used by scammers and con artists, to deceive people on a large scale. If you will read his ‘life-changing’ books with attention, you will find them full of useless, vague advice. There is nothing valuable present in all of his bestselling books. He is a renowned businessman, however. His fake persona has helped him gain accolades and awards. He is not only a con artist and a scam but he is also a narcissist. The start of his biography (present on his website) can give you a glimpse of his narcissism: “The #1 Life and Business Strategist” His bio keeps telling you how great he is, how generous he is, and what an impact he has made on the world. When I went to one of his seminars and read a few reviews of the same, I found his egoistic nature in its best form. When you hear him talking about something on the stage, he only praises himself. Tony’s companies have a business of $5 billion per year. This depraved man has made a fortune on the hard earned money of innocent people. It’s a sad truth that such liars and scammers are living lavish lifestyles by cheating other honest people. I wish this review will help you realize how narcissistic and depraved Tony Robbins really is.  
He Sells Lies (My Story)
  I had attended one of his seminars because I was intrigued by his daunting presence. I searched for him online and found him to be one of the highest earning self-help coaches and motivational speakers. I thought to myself this guy must be amazing. But before I thought of going to one of his seminars, I thought I should check out one of his books. Now, you should note that Tony Robbins is also a bestselling author and anyone would trust a bestselling book, wouldn’t you? So I bought his book “MONEY: Master the Game.” And  I can tell you one thing, it is full of nonsense. The book doesn’t tell you anything about wealth management or boosting one’s income. Like his all other self-help books and seminars, this book was also full of rubbish content that provided me with no value or insight. I’m not a book reviewer so I don’t know how to say this but if I wanted to sum it up in a few words I would say that THE BOOK IS USELESS. It was my first book regarding finance and I was amazed by the thoughts Tony was sharing. When a multi-millionaire is giving you advice on how to manage your funds to get rich, wouldn’t you take it? I was foolish at that time to believe in Tony. Now I know that one should always check the credentials of a financial guru before heeding his/her advice. The irony is, Tony tells you to check the credentials of a finance guru as well. When I think of it now, I consider it as one of the stupidest mistakes of my life. This guy has zero credentials and he doesn’t have any finance experience. It’s true that he is rich (too rich to be honest) but that doesn’t give him the qualifications to give financial advice to middle-class Americans. His book first discusses some motivational garbage. You shouldn’t be surprised to see useless motivating garbage in any of Tony’s books because that’s what increases his sales. And talking about motivation is the only thing Tony knows in reality. I am talking about the rubbish present in his book now but at that time, I didn’t find his advice useless. I was impressed by his writing and I thought I could learn more if I attended one of his seminars. Moreover, Tony’s infomercials always plague the television. Every American has seen Tony Robbins’ infomercials at least once on TV. I was too stupid to trust this guy. Anyways, I booked a ticket for one of his ‘Motivating’ seminars. It cost me $5,000 and believe me, it was a lot for me. I had to switch up my budget and cut back on some expenses to afford this seminar. But the seminar promised valuable knowledge and life-changing insights. And like any other desperate financially struggling person, I was lured by these words. When I attended the seminar, I realized my mistake. It was packed with people who also wanted to change their lives for good and find useful knowledge that will help them in this regard. We had to wait for half an hour after the designated time for Robbins to arrive. There were all kinds of people present in the crowd. What we all visitors got in return to our $5,000 ticket and 30 minutes of waiting was a 45-minute speech from a 6-foot guy who was constantly yelling f*ck. The seminar started with music and Tony entered the stage with enthusiasm. Everything was just too energetic. I was excited to hear more of Tony but after a few minutes into the speech, all my excitement vanished. He was just yelling and saying nonsense things. In about every 2-4 minutes, he would bring up his struggles and how he managed to get ahead in life. Then he started asking questions to the public. He brought out a member of the audience who was suffering from depression. This lady discussed how she has grown tired of her life and that she no longer sees any hope. Do you know what Tony did? He told her that she is wrong to think that way. I loved this part but hated the next. He told her to come to the stage, then he picked 4 random strangers (all men) and told her to hug them tightly. He said, they are your friends and they believe in you. What kind of rubbish was that? Did he really force a woman, who is suffering from depression, to hug four random dudes? I was disgusted. I realized that Tony is a misogynist and he acts as he cares about his followers. Believe me, he doesn’t. His rest of the seminar was full of such BS and trash. I learned nothing of value and I felt angry because I had wasted $5,000 (not counting the cost of the trip) to listen to a middle-aged crazy guy who likes to yell. Oh, and also, he is ignorant. When I asked other visitors, some told me that they had burned up their savings to get to this seminar. They were struggling in their lives and they had hoped Tony would give them some useful guidance. When the seminar ended, the organizers started pushing us to buy more of his tickets and products. One of his ‘advanced’ seminars cost about $8,000! What kind of advice will a guy receive there? Tony Robbins is running a huge scam. He is deceiving people, telling them that he would give them useful advice while all he does is yell for an hour and share his life stories. There is nothing you can learn from Tony Robbins apart from the fact that the world is unfair. There are scammers, liars, cheats, and frauds like Tony, who are earning the big bucks for doing nothing while an honest person toils day and night. I began doubting the book I read, “MONEY: Master the Game”. I did a little research and I found that it is one of the most useless finance books present in the market. Why did it sell so many copies then?  
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  It’s because it sells fake promises and dreams. It’s written by one of the biggest con artists present in your world and Tony spent a lot of money on marketing it. This book is supposed to give you finance wisdom. But the truth is, it gives you nothing more than some vague advice and some motivational garbage. I still regret my purchase of his book and the $5,000 ticket to his seminar. I would have been better off if I hadn’t wasted my money on Tony’s rubbish. My advice is, consult with a certified professional and not with this ignorant, narcissist, who doesn’t have an idea of finance or wealth management.  
Allegations and Complaints
  There are many people who have suffered due to the malicious lies of Tony. I’m not the only person who thinks Tony is an overrated piece of shit who shouldn’t be allowed to share his views. He is selling lies and the worst part is, people are buying them. A critical review of his book, which I unfortunately read, called “MONEY: Master the Game” was published on the Guardian. Here is the link: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/nov/24/infomercial-king-tony-robbins-wants-to-be-the-next-suze-orman The reviewer discusses how Tony Robbins is not the right person to give you financial advice. This guy caused countless people to be deprived of 90% gains of the stock market when he told his followers to pull out of stocks in 2010. Tony doesn’t know a thing about finance and he is the wrong person to give advice on this topic in all sense. This review also  shares how Tony Robbins has used the name of popular investors such as Warren Buffett, Paul Tudor Jones and Jack Bogle. The reviewer has also discussed how Tony Robbins’ advice is useless for most of the readers. The investing tips he is sharing are for those who have hundreds of thousands of dollars in spare (if not millions). And most of the readers of this book, like me, don’t have that kind of money. If you ask me, I think Tony has no idea of finance and investing. He saw an opportunity in finance writing and thought to himself, “Fuck, I’m gonna make myself some money with this now.” And with no prior experience and no basic knowledge of finance, he wrote a book on this subject. I highly suspect that he even wrote it himself. He could have hired a ghostwriter to do the job for him while he goes out there stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from other innocent people. That’s not all -  To fuel the sales of his book, he lied publicly about the contents of his book. I’m not the one saying this. You can check the review and see it yourself. He told everyone that he was going to share a ‘never before shared’ strategy of Ray Dalio. The strategy which he shares, in reality, is a common one for any follower of Ray. So, Tony Robbins is a guy who lies vehemently and sells rubbish to thousands of people. To ensure people buy that rubbish, he spends lavishly on marketing and advertising, tricking others into believing that he is legit.  
The Truth about his Seminars:
  His books aren’t the only trash he sells to the world. Many other people who have visited his seminars have found him to be utterly stupid and vague. I have already shared my story with you. But there are hundreds (if not thousands) of people who agree with me on the point that Tony Robbins is a cheat and his seminars are nothing but a waste. And don’t even get me started on his ‘fire walking’ stunts. They are for show-off and he organizes them to deceive people. Not one, not twice but many times, people have been severely burnt and hurt because of his firewalking routine. The worse thing is the people who get hurt because of the routine blame themselves and not the ‘guru’ for the failure. They think they are unworthy or they lack the will power to succeed in life. They don’t think logically. They don’t look at the facts. They don’t look at the 6-foot guy forcing them to walk on burning coal. No, they blame themselves. These guys don’t sue Tony because of the shame they feel. If Tony asks you to walk on fire and you fail, you are perceived as a wuss and a failure in the eyes of other ardent followers of this monster. Countless people have burned their feet and faced injuries because of Tony’s negligence. But none of them sued this guy. It’s a shame. His nonsense firewalk has been featured in the news because of the injuries it has caused. His firewalk sent 30 people to the hospital whose feet were burnt severely because of the burning coal. According to his website, the firewalk is a symbolic way to help people overcome their fears. And if 1% of the 7,000 participants get burnt, it doesn’t affect them. They don’t care about the well being of their customers. This means if 70 people get burnt, they don’t care. Why should they? The people who are fire-walking have already paid Tony for participating. Frankly, this attitude doesn’t surprise me. If you get physically hurt during a fire-walk with Tony Robbins, don’t expect to get a refund or any aid. You’ll end up with some physical injuries, low self-esteem and a number of people calling you a loser. The kind of businesses Tony Robbins is running is all deceitful. Take a look at all of his information products and you’ll find vague advice on a cashable topic. Tony also has a Netflix documentary called “I’m not your guru”. The title is wasteful because the whole documentary is about him being your guru. I have already discussed one of his seminars (which I attended) and his Netflix documentary is about another one of his events. The main highlights of his event are: Tony forcing a woman to break up with her boyfriend in front of thousands of other people Tony forcefully assigning a few ‘uncles’ to a survivor of sexual abuse Tony hugging a sexual abuse survivor (very tightly) Tony forcing a suicidal lady to speak about the reasons why she wanted to die, in front of thousands of strangers All of this happens in between the constant yelling (of the F-word) by Tony. The fun fact is, all the attendees paid $5,000 for the event. The value they got was zero.  
  Tony Robbins has created a multi-million empire through his deception, lies and malicious schemes. He sells useless books, yells constantly about his life and uses cuss words more often than necessary. He doesn’t care about his consumers. And he has ruined the lives of innumerable lives. I’m glad that I came to my senses and stopped listening to this cheater. But there are many people who are still falling prey to this wicked fraud. What do you think of Tony now? Do you think he is a legitimate coach or malicious fraud?  
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Robbins https://www.tonyrobbins.com/biography/ https://www.headstuff.org/topical/science/heres-tony-robbins-definitely-not-guru/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfYtHbmI-NI https://www.quora.com/Is-Tony-Robbins-a-scam-or-con-artist Read the full article
0 notes
unhappyclient-blog · 6 years
Tony Robbins – The Seller of Nothing
Tony Robbins is a fine example of people who make it big through selling BS products. He is called the infomercial king for a reason, he is good at that. He is so good at selling BS products that he has made a fortune on the same. But it doesn’t mean that he is a legitimate coach. If I say a lie a thousand times, will it become truth? Certainly not. Tony Robbins is a compulsive liar. He preys on people’s emotions and through their hearts, finds his way into their wallets. He plays with people’s emotions and if you ask me, that’s not a good thing. It’s unethical. He is a scam and his entire brand is based on lying to everyone. The only difference between him and any other con artist is of style. Tony yells a lot and uses a lot of cuss words.  You won’t find these many self-help coaches who yell the F-word this many times. Tony has no (or little) knowledge of all the topics he talks about. He is simply a liar who knows his way around a crowd. His seminars are worthless and their price is always in thousands. He manipulates people and if you will see any one of his speeches with some logic, you will see that he only speaks rubbish. Amazingly, his lies are selling books and people are falling prey to his scams again and again. I went to one of his seminars, bought one of his books and I can say, he is nothing other than an overrated yelling liar. Whatever Tony is today, he is because of his large web of lies and cheats. I can’t believe the amount of turmoil he has made others go through. His seminars are painful, useless and cost a lot.  
Who is Tony Robbins?
  There is a whole Wikipedia page about Tony Robbins. There is another biography present on his own website if you take a lot of interest in his biography, feel free to visit his site. Tony was born as Anthony J. Mahavoric on 29th February 1960 in North Hollywood, California. He says his early life had been full of chaos and he used to work as a handyman to help provide for his family. He left his home when he was 17 years old and started working as a janitor. He did not go to college. His scams started as a motivational speaker after he met Jim Rohn. He used to do promotions for speakers at that time. He became a business partner with John Grinder later on. He started teaching Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP. He released his first infomercial in 1988. This is when he started his scam. His infomercial was a big hit because of his good deception skills and lying ability. If you would go to his website, you will find a profile of a narcissist. There, you will see the bio praising Tony’s lifetime achievements. It tells you that Tony is six times best-selling author and a guy who has changed the lives of over 50 million people. Do you know why he has this many bestsellers? It’s not because he is an expert or a thought leader. It’s because he writes BS books on topics that sell and markets them as if they’re going to change your life. If you will see the ad of a book, which costs a few dollars, telling you that you can transform your life completely by getting a copy of the same, chances are, you’ll buy it without a doubt. Like many successful con artists, Tony knows how to deceive and manipulate people. He uses different strategies, used by scammers and con artists, to deceive people on a large scale. If you will read his ‘life-changing’ books with attention, you will find them full of useless, vague advice. There is nothing valuable present in all of his bestselling books. He is a renowned businessman, however. His fake persona has helped him gain accolades and awards. He is not only a con artist and a scam but he is also a narcissist. The start of his biography (present on his website) can give you a glimpse of his narcissism: “The #1 Life and Business Strategist” His bio keeps telling you how great he is, how generous he is, and what an impact he has made on the world. When I went to one of his seminars and read a few reviews of the same, I found his egoistic nature in its best form. When you hear him talking about something on the stage, he only praises himself. Tony’s companies have a business of $5 billion per year. This depraved man has made a fortune on the hard earned money of innocent people. It’s a sad truth that such liars and scammers are living lavish lifestyles by cheating other honest people. I wish this review will help you realize how narcissistic and depraved Tony Robbins really is.  
He Sells Lies (My Story)
  I had attended one of his seminars because I was intrigued by his daunting presence. I searched for him online and found him to be one of the highest earning self-help coaches and motivational speakers. I thought to myself this guy must be amazing. But before I thought of going to one of his seminars, I thought I should check out one of his books. Now, you should note that Tony Robbins is also a bestselling author and anyone would trust a bestselling book, wouldn’t you? So I bought his book “MONEY: Master the Game.” And  I can tell you one thing, it is full of nonsense. The book doesn’t tell you anything about wealth management or boosting one’s income. Like his all other self-help books and seminars, this book was also full of rubbish content that provided me with no value or insight. I’m not a book reviewer so I don’t know how to say this but if I wanted to sum it up in a few words I would say that THE BOOK IS USELESS. It was my first book regarding finance and I was amazed by the thoughts Tony was sharing. When a multi-millionaire is giving you advice on how to manage your funds to get rich, wouldn’t you take it? I was foolish at that time to believe in Tony. Now I know that one should always check the credentials of a financial guru before heeding his/her advice. The irony is, Tony tells you to check the credentials of a finance guru as well. When I think of it now, I consider it as one of the stupidest mistakes of my life. This guy has zero credentials and he doesn’t have any finance experience. It’s true that he is rich (too rich to be honest) but that doesn’t give him the qualifications to give financial advice to middle-class Americans. His book first discusses some motivational garbage. You shouldn’t be surprised to see useless motivating garbage in any of Tony’s books because that’s what increases his sales. And talking about motivation is the only thing Tony knows in reality. I am talking about the rubbish present in his book now but at that time, I didn’t find his advice useless. I was impressed by his writing and I thought I could learn more if I attended one of his seminars. Moreover, Tony’s infomercials always plague the television. Every American has seen Tony Robbins’ infomercials at least once on TV. I was too stupid to trust this guy. Anyways, I booked a ticket for one of his ‘Motivating’ seminars. It cost me $5,000 and believe me, it was a lot for me. I had to switch up my budget and cut back on some expenses to afford this seminar. But the seminar promised valuable knowledge and life-changing insights. And like any other desperate financially struggling person, I was lured by these words. When I attended the seminar, I realized my mistake. It was packed with people who also wanted to change their lives for good and find useful knowledge that will help them in this regard. We had to wait for half an hour after the designated time for Robbins to arrive. There were all kinds of people present in the crowd. What we all visitors got in return to our $5,000 ticket and 30 minutes of waiting was a 45-minute speech from a 6-foot guy who was constantly yelling f*ck. The seminar started with music and Tony entered the stage with enthusiasm. Everything was just too energetic. I was excited to hear more of Tony but after a few minutes into the speech, all my excitement vanished. He was just yelling and saying nonsense things. In about every 2-4 minutes, he would bring up his struggles and how he managed to get ahead in life. Then he started asking questions to the public. He brought out a member of the audience who was suffering from depression. This lady discussed how she has grown tired of her life and that she no longer sees any hope. Do you know what Tony did? He told her that she is wrong to think that way. I loved this part but hated the next. He told her to come to the stage, then he picked 4 random strangers (all men) and told her to hug them tightly. He said, they are your friends and they believe in you. What kind of rubbish was that? Did he really force a woman, who is suffering from depression, to hug four random dudes? I was disgusted. I realized that Tony is a misogynist and he acts as he cares about his followers. Believe me, he doesn’t. His rest of the seminar was full of such BS and trash. I learned nothing of value and I felt angry because I had wasted $5,000 (not counting the cost of the trip) to listen to a middle-aged crazy guy who likes to yell. Oh, and also, he is ignorant. When I asked other visitors, some told me that they had burned up their savings to get to this seminar. They were struggling in their lives and they had hoped Tony would give them some useful guidance. When the seminar ended, the organizers started pushing us to buy more of his tickets and products. One of his ‘advanced’ seminars cost about $8,000! What kind of advice will a guy receive there? Tony Robbins is running a huge scam. He is deceiving people, telling them that he would give them useful advice while all he does is yell for an hour and share his life stories. There is nothing you can learn from Tony Robbins apart from the fact that the world is unfair. There are scammers, liars, cheats, and frauds like Tony, who are earning the big bucks for doing nothing while an honest person toils day and night. I began doubting the book I read, “MONEY: Master the Game”. I did a little research and I found that it is one of the most useless finance books present in the market. Why did it sell so many copies then?  
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  It’s because it sells fake promises and dreams. It’s written by one of the biggest con artists present in your world and Tony spent a lot of money on marketing it. This book is supposed to give you finance wisdom. But the truth is, it gives you nothing more than some vague advice and some motivational garbage. I still regret my purchase of his book and the $5,000 ticket to his seminar. I would have been better off if I hadn’t wasted my money on Tony’s rubbish. My advice is, consult with a certified professional and not with this ignorant, narcissist, who doesn’t have an idea of finance or wealth management.  
Allegations and Complaints
  There are many people who have suffered due to the malicious lies of Tony. I’m not the only person who thinks Tony is an overrated piece of shit who shouldn’t be allowed to share his views. He is selling lies and the worst part is, people are buying them. A critical review of his book, which I unfortunately read, called “MONEY: Master the Game” was published on the Guardian. Here is the link: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/nov/24/infomercial-king-tony-robbins-wants-to-be-the-next-suze-orman The reviewer discusses how Tony Robbins is not the right person to give you financial advice. This guy caused countless people to be deprived of 90% gains of the stock market when he told his followers to pull out of stocks in 2010. Tony doesn’t know a thing about finance and he is the wrong person to give advice on this topic in all sense. This review also  shares how Tony Robbins has used the name of popular investors such as Warren Buffett, Paul Tudor Jones and Jack Bogle. The reviewer has also discussed how Tony Robbins’ advice is useless for most of the readers. The investing tips he is sharing are for those who have hundreds of thousands of dollars in spare (if not millions). And most of the readers of this book, like me, don’t have that kind of money. If you ask me, I think Tony has no idea of finance and investing. He saw an opportunity in finance writing and thought to himself, “Fuck, I’m gonna make myself some money with this now.” And with no prior experience and no basic knowledge of finance, he wrote a book on this subject. I highly suspect that he even wrote it himself. He could have hired a ghostwriter to do the job for him while he goes out there stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from other innocent people. That’s not all -  To fuel the sales of his book, he lied publicly about the contents of his book. I’m not the one saying this. You can check the review and see it yourself. He told everyone that he was going to share a ‘never before shared’ strategy of Ray Dalio. The strategy which he shares, in reality, is a common one for any follower of Ray. So, Tony Robbins is a guy who lies vehemently and sells rubbish to thousands of people. To ensure people buy that rubbish, he spends lavishly on marketing and advertising, tricking others into believing that he is legit.  
The Truth about his Seminars:
  His books aren’t the only trash he sells to the world. Many other people who have visited his seminars have found him to be utterly stupid and vague. I have already shared my story with you. But there are hundreds (if not thousands) of people who agree with me on the point that Tony Robbins is a cheat and his seminars are nothing but a waste. And don’t even get me started on his ‘fire walking’ stunts. They are for show-off and he organizes them to deceive people. Not one, not twice but many times, people have been severely burnt and hurt because of his firewalking routine. The worse thing is the people who get hurt because of the routine blame themselves and not the ‘guru’ for the failure. They think they are unworthy or they lack the will power to succeed in life. They don’t think logically. They don’t look at the facts. They don’t look at the 6-foot guy forcing them to walk on burning coal. No, they blame themselves. These guys don’t sue Tony because of the shame they feel. If Tony asks you to walk on fire and you fail, you are perceived as a wuss and a failure in the eyes of other ardent followers of this monster. Countless people have burned their feet and faced injuries because of Tony’s negligence. But none of them sued this guy. It’s a shame. His nonsense firewalk has been featured in the news because of the injuries it has caused. His firewalk sent 30 people to the hospital whose feet were burnt severely because of the burning coal. According to his website, the firewalk is a symbolic way to help people overcome their fears. And if 1% of the 7,000 participants get burnt, it doesn’t affect them. They don’t care about the well being of their customers. This means if 70 people get burnt, they don’t care. Why should they? The people who are fire-walking have already paid Tony for participating. Frankly, this attitude doesn’t surprise me. If you get physically hurt during a fire-walk with Tony Robbins, don’t expect to get a refund or any aid. You’ll end up with some physical injuries, low self-esteem and a number of people calling you a loser. The kind of businesses Tony Robbins is running is all deceitful. Take a look at all of his information products and you’ll find vague advice on a cashable topic. Tony also has a Netflix documentary called “I’m not your guru”. The title is wasteful because the whole documentary is about him being your guru. I have already discussed one of his seminars (which I attended) and his Netflix documentary is about another one of his events. The main highlights of his event are: Tony forcing a woman to break up with her boyfriend in front of thousands of other people Tony forcefully assigning a few ‘uncles’ to a survivor of sexual abuse Tony hugging a sexual abuse survivor (very tightly) Tony forcing a suicidal lady to speak about the reasons why she wanted to die, in front of thousands of strangers All of this happens in between the constant yelling (of the F-word) by Tony. The fun fact is, all the attendees paid $5,000 for the event. The value they got was zero.  
  Tony Robbins has created a multi-million empire through his deception, lies and malicious schemes. He sells useless books, yells constantly about his life and uses cuss words more often than necessary. He doesn’t care about his consumers. And he has ruined the lives of innumerable lives. I’m glad that I came to my senses and stopped listening to this cheater. But there are many people who are still falling prey to this wicked fraud. What do you think of Tony now? Do you think he is a legitimate coach or malicious fraud?  
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Robbins https://www.tonyrobbins.com/biography/ https://www.headstuff.org/topical/science/heres-tony-robbins-definitely-not-guru/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfYtHbmI-NI https://www.quora.com/Is-Tony-Robbins-a-scam-or-con-artist Read the full article
0 notes
topscammers-blog · 6 years
Tony Robbins – The Seller of Nothing
Tony Robbins is a fine example of people who make it big through selling BS products. He is called the infomercial king for a reason, he is good at that. He is so good at selling BS products that he has made a fortune on the same. But it doesn’t mean that he is a legitimate coach. If I say a lie a thousand times, will it become truth? Certainly not. Tony Robbins is a compulsive liar. He preys on people’s emotions and through their hearts, finds his way into their wallets. He plays with people’s emotions and if you ask me, that’s not a good thing. It’s unethical. He is a scam and his entire brand is based on lying to everyone. The only difference between him and any other con artist is of style. Tony yells a lot and uses a lot of cuss words.  You won’t find these many self-help coaches who yell the F-word this many times. Tony has no (or little) knowledge of all the topics he talks about. He is simply a liar who knows his way around a crowd. His seminars are worthless and their price is always in thousands. He manipulates people and if you will see any one of his speeches with some logic, you will see that he only speaks rubbish. Amazingly, his lies are selling books and people are falling prey to his scams again and again. I went to one of his seminars, bought one of his books and I can say, he is nothing other than an overrated yelling liar. Whatever Tony is today, he is because of his large web of lies and cheats. I can’t believe the amount of turmoil he has made others go through. His seminars are painful, useless and cost a lot.  
Who is Tony Robbins?
  There is a whole Wikipedia page about Tony Robbins. There is another biography present on his own website if you take a lot of interest in his biography, feel free to visit his site. Tony was born as Anthony J. Mahavoric on 29th February 1960 in North Hollywood, California. He says his early life had been full of chaos and he used to work as a handyman to help provide for his family. He left his home when he was 17 years old and started working as a janitor. He did not go to college. His scams started as a motivational speaker after he met Jim Rohn. He used to do promotions for speakers at that time. He became a business partner with John Grinder later on. He started teaching Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP. He released his first infomercial in 1988. This is when he started his scam. His infomercial was a big hit because of his good deception skills and lying ability. If you would go to his website, you will find a profile of a narcissist. There, you will see the bio praising Tony’s lifetime achievements. It tells you that Tony is six times best-selling author and a guy who has changed the lives of over 50 million people. Do you know why he has this many bestsellers? It’s not because he is an expert or a thought leader. It’s because he writes BS books on topics that sell and markets them as if they’re going to change your life. If you will see the ad of a book, which costs a few dollars, telling you that you can transform your life completely by getting a copy of the same, chances are, you’ll buy it without a doubt. Like many successful con artists, Tony knows how to deceive and manipulate people. He uses different strategies, used by scammers and con artists, to deceive people on a large scale. If you will read his ‘life-changing’ books with attention, you will find them full of useless, vague advice. There is nothing valuable present in all of his bestselling books. He is a renowned businessman, however. His fake persona has helped him gain accolades and awards. He is not only a con artist and a scam but he is also a narcissist. The start of his biography (present on his website) can give you a glimpse of his narcissism: “The #1 Life and Business Strategist” His bio keeps telling you how great he is, how generous he is, and what an impact he has made on the world. When I went to one of his seminars and read a few reviews of the same, I found his egoistic nature in its best form. When you hear him talking about something on the stage, he only praises himself. Tony’s companies have a business of $5 billion per year. This depraved man has made a fortune on the hard earned money of innocent people. It’s a sad truth that such liars and scammers are living lavish lifestyles by cheating other honest people. I wish this review will help you realize how narcissistic and depraved Tony Robbins really is.  
He Sells Lies (My Story)
  I had attended one of his seminars because I was intrigued by his daunting presence. I searched for him online and found him to be one of the highest earning self-help coaches and motivational speakers. I thought to myself this guy must be amazing. But before I thought of going to one of his seminars, I thought I should check out one of his books. Now, you should note that Tony Robbins is also a bestselling author and anyone would trust a bestselling book, wouldn’t you? So I bought his book “MONEY: Master the Game.” And  I can tell you one thing, it is full of nonsense. The book doesn’t tell you anything about wealth management or boosting one’s income. Like his all other self-help books and seminars, this book was also full of rubbish content that provided me with no value or insight. I’m not a book reviewer so I don’t know how to say this but if I wanted to sum it up in a few words I would say that THE BOOK IS USELESS. It was my first book regarding finance and I was amazed by the thoughts Tony was sharing. When a multi-millionaire is giving you advice on how to manage your funds to get rich, wouldn’t you take it? I was foolish at that time to believe in Tony. Now I know that one should always check the credentials of a financial guru before heeding his/her advice. The irony is, Tony tells you to check the credentials of a finance guru as well. When I think of it now, I consider it as one of the stupidest mistakes of my life. This guy has zero credentials and he doesn’t have any finance experience. It’s true that he is rich (too rich to be honest) but that doesn’t give him the qualifications to give financial advice to middle-class Americans. His book first discusses some motivational garbage. You shouldn’t be surprised to see useless motivating garbage in any of Tony’s books because that’s what increases his sales. And talking about motivation is the only thing Tony knows in reality. I am talking about the rubbish present in his book now but at that time, I didn’t find his advice useless. I was impressed by his writing and I thought I could learn more if I attended one of his seminars. Moreover, Tony’s infomercials always plague the television. Every American has seen Tony Robbins’ infomercials at least once on TV. I was too stupid to trust this guy. Anyways, I booked a ticket for one of his ‘Motivating’ seminars. It cost me $5,000 and believe me, it was a lot for me. I had to switch up my budget and cut back on some expenses to afford this seminar. But the seminar promised valuable knowledge and life-changing insights. And like any other desperate financially struggling person, I was lured by these words. When I attended the seminar, I realized my mistake. It was packed with people who also wanted to change their lives for good and find useful knowledge that will help them in this regard. We had to wait for half an hour after the designated time for Robbins to arrive. There were all kinds of people present in the crowd. What we all visitors got in return to our $5,000 ticket and 30 minutes of waiting was a 45-minute speech from a 6-foot guy who was constantly yelling f*ck. The seminar started with music and Tony entered the stage with enthusiasm. Everything was just too energetic. I was excited to hear more of Tony but after a few minutes into the speech, all my excitement vanished. He was just yelling and saying nonsense things. In about every 2-4 minutes, he would bring up his struggles and how he managed to get ahead in life. Then he started asking questions to the public. He brought out a member of the audience who was suffering from depression. This lady discussed how she has grown tired of her life and that she no longer sees any hope. Do you know what Tony did? He told her that she is wrong to think that way. I loved this part but hated the next. He told her to come to the stage, then he picked 4 random strangers (all men) and told her to hug them tightly. He said, they are your friends and they believe in you. What kind of rubbish was that? Did he really force a woman, who is suffering from depression, to hug four random dudes? I was disgusted. I realized that Tony is a misogynist and he acts as he cares about his followers. Believe me, he doesn’t. His rest of the seminar was full of such BS and trash. I learned nothing of value and I felt angry because I had wasted $5,000 (not counting the cost of the trip) to listen to a middle-aged crazy guy who likes to yell. Oh, and also, he is ignorant. When I asked other visitors, some told me that they had burned up their savings to get to this seminar. They were struggling in their lives and they had hoped Tony would give them some useful guidance. When the seminar ended, the organizers started pushing us to buy more of his tickets and products. One of his ‘advanced’ seminars cost about $8,000! What kind of advice will a guy receive there? Tony Robbins is running a huge scam. He is deceiving people, telling them that he would give them useful advice while all he does is yell for an hour and share his life stories. There is nothing you can learn from Tony Robbins apart from the fact that the world is unfair. There are scammers, liars, cheats, and frauds like Tony, who are earning the big bucks for doing nothing while an honest person toils day and night. I began doubting the book I read, “MONEY: Master the Game”. I did a little research and I found that it is one of the most useless finance books present in the market. Why did it sell so many copies then?  
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  It’s because it sells fake promises and dreams. It’s written by one of the biggest con artists present in your world and Tony spent a lot of money on marketing it. This book is supposed to give you finance wisdom. But the truth is, it gives you nothing more than some vague advice and some motivational garbage. I still regret my purchase of his book and the $5,000 ticket to his seminar. I would have been better off if I hadn’t wasted my money on Tony’s rubbish. My advice is, consult with a certified professional and not with this ignorant, narcissist, who doesn’t have an idea of finance or wealth management.  
Allegations and Complaints
  There are many people who have suffered due to the malicious lies of Tony. I’m not the only person who thinks Tony is an overrated piece of shit who shouldn’t be allowed to share his views. He is selling lies and the worst part is, people are buying them. A critical review of his book, which I unfortunately read, called “MONEY: Master the Game” was published on the Guardian. Here is the link: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/nov/24/infomercial-king-tony-robbins-wants-to-be-the-next-suze-orman The reviewer discusses how Tony Robbins is not the right person to give you financial advice. This guy caused countless people to be deprived of 90% gains of the stock market when he told his followers to pull out of stocks in 2010. Tony doesn’t know a thing about finance and he is the wrong person to give advice on this topic in all sense. This review also  shares how Tony Robbins has used the name of popular investors such as Warren Buffett, Paul Tudor Jones and Jack Bogle. The reviewer has also discussed how Tony Robbins’ advice is useless for most of the readers. The investing tips he is sharing are for those who have hundreds of thousands of dollars in spare (if not millions). And most of the readers of this book, like me, don’t have that kind of money. If you ask me, I think Tony has no idea of finance and investing. He saw an opportunity in finance writing and thought to himself, “Fuck, I’m gonna make myself some money with this now.” And with no prior experience and no basic knowledge of finance, he wrote a book on this subject. I highly suspect that he even wrote it himself. He could have hired a ghostwriter to do the job for him while he goes out there stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from other innocent people. That’s not all -  To fuel the sales of his book, he lied publicly about the contents of his book. I’m not the one saying this. You can check the review and see it yourself. He told everyone that he was going to share a ‘never before shared’ strategy of Ray Dalio. The strategy which he shares, in reality, is a common one for any follower of Ray. So, Tony Robbins is a guy who lies vehemently and sells rubbish to thousands of people. To ensure people buy that rubbish, he spends lavishly on marketing and advertising, tricking others into believing that he is legit.  
The Truth about his Seminars:
  His books aren’t the only trash he sells to the world. Many other people who have visited his seminars have found him to be utterly stupid and vague. I have already shared my story with you. But there are hundreds (if not thousands) of people who agree with me on the point that Tony Robbins is a cheat and his seminars are nothing but a waste. And don’t even get me started on his ‘fire walking’ stunts. They are for show-off and he organizes them to deceive people. Not one, not twice but many times, people have been severely burnt and hurt because of his firewalking routine. The worse thing is the people who get hurt because of the routine blame themselves and not the ‘guru’ for the failure. They think they are unworthy or they lack the will power to succeed in life. They don’t think logically. They don’t look at the facts. They don’t look at the 6-foot guy forcing them to walk on burning coal. No, they blame themselves. These guys don’t sue Tony because of the shame they feel. If Tony asks you to walk on fire and you fail, you are perceived as a wuss and a failure in the eyes of other ardent followers of this monster. Countless people have burned their feet and faced injuries because of Tony’s negligence. But none of them sued this guy. It’s a shame. His nonsense firewalk has been featured in the news because of the injuries it has caused. His firewalk sent 30 people to the hospital whose feet were burnt severely because of the burning coal. According to his website, the firewalk is a symbolic way to help people overcome their fears. And if 1% of the 7,000 participants get burnt, it doesn’t affect them. They don’t care about the well being of their customers. This means if 70 people get burnt, they don’t care. Why should they? The people who are fire-walking have already paid Tony for participating. Frankly, this attitude doesn’t surprise me. If you get physically hurt during a fire-walk with Tony Robbins, don’t expect to get a refund or any aid. You’ll end up with some physical injuries, low self-esteem and a number of people calling you a loser. The kind of businesses Tony Robbins is running is all deceitful. Take a look at all of his information products and you’ll find vague advice on a cashable topic. Tony also has a Netflix documentary called “I’m not your guru”. The title is wasteful because the whole documentary is about him being your guru. I have already discussed one of his seminars (which I attended) and his Netflix documentary is about another one of his events. The main highlights of his event are: Tony forcing a woman to break up with her boyfriend in front of thousands of other people Tony forcefully assigning a few ‘uncles’ to a survivor of sexual abuse Tony hugging a sexual abuse survivor (very tightly) Tony forcing a suicidal lady to speak about the reasons why she wanted to die, in front of thousands of strangers All of this happens in between the constant yelling (of the F-word) by Tony. The fun fact is, all the attendees paid $5,000 for the event. The value they got was zero.  
  Tony Robbins has created a multi-million empire through his deception, lies and malicious schemes. He sells useless books, yells constantly about his life and uses cuss words more often than necessary. He doesn’t care about his consumers. And he has ruined the lives of innumerable lives. I’m glad that I came to my senses and stopped listening to this cheater. But there are many people who are still falling prey to this wicked fraud. What do you think of Tony now? Do you think he is a legitimate coach or malicious fraud?  
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Robbins https://www.tonyrobbins.com/biography/ https://www.headstuff.org/topical/science/heres-tony-robbins-definitely-not-guru/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfYtHbmI-NI https://www.quora.com/Is-Tony-Robbins-a-scam-or-con-artist Read the full article
0 notes
stokan · 8 years
Grammys 2017: Adele’s Revenge
Who gives a damn about a Grammy? Other than Chance the Rapper hopefully no one. But what I DO give a damn about is the Grammys telecast. It’s great! Sometimes for the wrong reasons, but whatever! I love watching it. So, as always, here are some thoughts on each of this years performances:
Adele (Hello) “Heeeellllooooooo from 12 months ago” - Adele
Nothing like showing how you have your finger on the pulse of music like starting your music awards show out with a song from 2015. Keep up the good work Grammys!
James Cordon opening James Cordon is the best case scenario for a musical theater kid.
The Weeknd The Weeknd is the best case scenario for selling out.
Also, The Weeknd is great in any situation, but definitely the situation The Weeknd is best in is when Drake cancels on your awards show last minute.
Keith Urban/Country Music Barbie Is this country music is now??? If so I guess it’s true what they say: one generation’s dance-influenced guitar pop is the next generation’s country music.
Either that or genre is now officially dead.
Ed Sheeran Fun game I like to play: Former Harry Potter Actor or Ed Sheeran Fun fact that is definitely true: No one over the age of 26 can name a single Ed Sheeran song Fun thing to watch on The Grammys: Not this performance
Lukas Graham/Kelsea Ballerini It’s been fun not knowing you Kelsea Ballerini. Best of luck with everything.
HOT TAKE SO HOT THAT IT’S ON FIRE: “7 Years” is a good song and I enjoy it. (Feels good to get that off my chest)
Beyonce In retrospect Destiny’s Child is the most fitting name possible for a young-Beyonce fronted group. This Beyonce is where the last 20 years of popular music have been building to. If 1998 Lauryn Hill, 2008 Lady Gaga, and 2010 Kanye had a daughter, that daughter would want to be 2016/17 Beyonce when she grows up.
Having the platform, permission, vision, and talent to give this performance is really the final level possible of popular artistic success. Clearly Beyonce is there and it’s awesome to see. But mostly I just enjoy how Solange Beyonce is now.
Bruno Mars Bruno Mars paradoxes: -Bruno Mars remains somehow both incredibly overrated and incredibly underrated at the same time. -Bruno Mars is one of the most charismatic performers in history, yet also somehow has no discernible personality. -Pretty much everyone would agree that a Bruno Mars concert seems like it would be awesome, yet I doubt there’s a single person I know who would ever actually want to go to one.
Bruno Mars remains a great live performer and an even greater enigma, and the Earth will now die and crash into the sun before The Grammys will ever again happen without a Bruno Mars performance.
Katy Perry I don't know if its acceptable to unironically love Katy Perry yet or not, but regardless, I audibly expressed excitement when her performance was introduced. Listening to new Katy Perry singles is my heroin. I know I’ll never get back that original high of “Teenage Dream” but I’m addicted to trying anyway. It just makes me feel so good inside. And it will somehow probably lead to my death.
Also, how quietly Katy Perry is winning the Perry/Swift civil war is so Katy Perry. And as much as I like Taylor Swift I’m gonna be one of the first people off the boats at Katy Perry’s Normandy.
Gary Clark Jr. Gary, you're great and I'm sure that was lovely, but I gotta be honest, I was still Perry drunk for your whole performance.
Alicia Keys/Maren Morris I feel like we as a society have failed Alicia Keys. She’s some parallel universe’s Beyonce.
And I had no real idea who Maren Morris was coming into tonight but I have a strong feeling her album sales just picked up significantly. So way to Ricky Martin that thing Maren!
Adele (George Michael tribute) In an existential twist, messing up made that way better than it would have been had everything gone according to plan. (Wake up sheep! Adele’s Sound Issues were an inside job!)
And the in-the-moment confusion over how much of Adele’s post-song emotion was about George Michael and how much was about the restart is why there's still nothing quite like watching live TV.
Lady Gaga/Metallica Wow Lady Gaga’s country phase sure just took a dramatic turn.
Pretty sure Lady Gaga is the first person to perform on the Grammys with both Metallica and Tony Bennett, but I’ll have to check on that. All I know is I’m looking forward to next year when she performs with Wu-Tang Clan.
Sturgill Simpson Dwight Yoakum introducing Sturgill Simpson feels even more on the nose than Beyonce being introduced by her own mother.
After that performance Sturgill Simpson easily retains his title as My All-Time Favorite Live Performer That I Had Never Even Heard of Two Months Ago. Also there's literally nothing in life The Dap-Kings don’t make better.
The Bee Gees Tribute I know that literally no one in the world needed or wanted that, but hey, good news, Little Big Town covering “How Deep Is Your Love” is now the official theme song of CBS. So there’s that.
A Tribe Called Quest and Friends My review 1st Half: ….honestly? Kind of a mess. 2nd Half: ALL THE FIRE EMOJIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you kick it? I’m pretty sure you just did. The ONLY bright side to the next four years is the hope that we might get to experience even more shit like that.
Prince Tribute Bruno Mars and The Time doing the Grammys' Prince Tribute is the occam’s razor of Prince tributes. It also feels like the last word. Although I also think we’d all be totally fine with just continuing to do Prince tributes forever.
Chance the Rapper There was a 100% chance that was going to be transcendently great, and indeed it was. I don’t believe in God, but Chance the Rapper is so great that he makes me think that I do.
John Legend/Cynthia Erivo HOT TAKE SO HOT IT CAN MELT STEEL BEAMS: I’m over awards shows doing solemn In Memoriam segments.
Neil Portnow NEIL PORTNOW BITCHES!!!!! James Cordon thought he could upstage Neil Portnow with his Neil Portnow intro but NOTHING CAN UPSTAGE NEIL PORTNOW!
Real talk: At this point I legitimately don’t know if my excitement about Neil Portnow is even ironic anymore. This is my cry for help.
The fact that The Grammys ended the performance section of the night with In Memoriam and Neil Portnow #ThatsSoGrammy
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drunkensurvs-blog · 8 years
1: Do you have a crush at the moment? Not on someone who isn’t a celebrity aha.
2: Have you ever been deeply in love? I believe so. But that was only once so we shall see how I feel about that down the line.
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in? 5 years.
4: Have you ever changed for someone? I alter myself slightly based on who I’m around all the time, but I’m always a version of my true self. I would never change the core of who I am for someone else.
5: How is your relationship with your ex? We haven’t spoken in years.
6: Have you ever been cheated on? No.
7: Have you ever cheated? Yes.
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating? No. If someone can cheat once, they can do it again(and I’m talking about myself as well). And if they’re well known for it they definitely will.
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship? Mutual happiness. And I believe in that very strongly.
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? Right now I’m in no position for a serious relationship.
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”? As someone who went there once, I would never advise it. It won’t end well most of the time.
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with? 9 I guess depending on your definition.
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship? I said some shitty self-esteem killing things, so I would take back those I think. Nobody deserves that.
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex? Kids shouldn’t have sex lol. But if you’re asking when it’s acceptable for young adults to have sex, I would say...when they’re truly ready.
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”? I’d like to be open minded and say yes...but no.
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”? No. Based on the way I define love, this isn’t possible.
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet? I do if you’re both open and honest, video chat, text, and talk I guess it’s possible.
18: What do you consider a deal breaker? There’s about a million so I won’t sit here and list them all.
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship? When having them in your life causes you more unhappiness than it does happiness.
20: Are you currently in a relationship? Nope.
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends? I guess some people can. I don’t think I’d personally want that, but who knows.
22: Do you think people should date their friends? I don’t necessarily think you should date your friends, but I do think the person you date should also be a friend to you.
23: How many relationships have you had? 1.
24: Do you think love can last forever? Seems unlikely to me, but who am I to say?
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things? No.
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of? Not solely because of that. But I most certainly would take a step back to get a real understanding for why they felt that way. It would at the very least make me question my relationship decision.
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be? If you don’t respect him, break up with him.
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work? They can.
29: What do you notice first about another person? General shape I suppose. Or their voice if I hear them before I see them.
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual? Straight. I’ve sat back and thought about this for a long time in the past trying to think of any single tiny instance where I felt anything other than straight, and I couldn’t find a single one. I have a lot to say on this if I were to really get into it, but the short answer is that I’m straight.
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness? Depends which ones lol.
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? Not physically.
33: Do you want to get married one day? It’s not a goal of mine, but let’s see what life throws at me.
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed? I can’t think of many tattoos that would be worse. And that includes getting a dick on your forehead.
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex? Yes, but not without ANY sexual contact.
36: Are you still a virgin? No.
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality? Personality.
38: Do you enjoy love films? They’re fine. What is not fine imo is needless romance that doesn’t add to the plot/character development and is ONLY there because of the romantics who are hoping for a love connection.
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses? I’ve received them.
40: Have you ever had a valentine? Yep.
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”? Going to an amusement park to ride the fastest and scariest rides, eating greasy food, and then having a downpour to wash all the sweat off of ourselves while we dance to shitty pop music. Then maybe some fireworks, and a strip tease from Zac Efron.
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”? I feel like I definitely did in high school.
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends? Friends.
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”? Eh..I’d say not.
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends? No.
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”? No.
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite? I love Jenna and Julien. They are legit the only couple I would actually be sad about splitting.
48: What’s your favorite love song? I’m not a fan of those, so idk.
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Yeah.
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are? I’m single because I’m emotionally, mentally, and physically in the complete wrong place.
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy? Depends how long I have to date them haha obviously at the end of the day I’d pick the nice poor guy.
52: Are you good at giving other people advice regarding dating/ relationships? I’m good at it because I’m not emotionally involved so I can see the truth more clearly. My advice is either: suck his dick/lick her clit OR break up with them. Because at the end of the day it’s either one or the other.
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single? No. I’ve never understood this concept.
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)? To me it’s essential to declare exclusivity if you want to go around calling someone your bf/gf.
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”? No.
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship? There are times when I certainly have not helped, but I wouldn’t say I destroyed any relationship.
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart? Yes.
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship? I’d wear the pants most of the time if that’s what you mean.
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary? No.
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships? I remember years back thinking I’d like to have that freedom. But I know deep down I wouldn’t appreciate my partner having that same freedom.
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family? Fam.
62: How do you define “cheating”? Kissing or more with someone who isn’t your S.O.
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate? No.
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated? Yep. You shouldn’t need a specified day to show your loved one appreciation.
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”? Yes. Unless I want to sleep. If I’m trying to sleep you can get the fuck out of my bed.
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