#i wouldn't necessarily say they'd be enemies but
wraith-caller · 3 months
I'm gonna be That Guy. As far as I'm concerned, Mohg has not beaten the allegations. Spoilers ahead.
So with the reveal that Miquella was charming Mohg at some point, I've seen a lot about how this vindicates Mohg on the kidnapping(this one at least, as we know he undoubtedly kidnaps the war surgeons). I think it's a hastily declared victory, however, and here's why.
Ansbach tells us that he's a knight of the dynasty, a pureblood knight. He wears the same brooch that Varre gives to us to access Mohgwyn, the Pureblood Knight's medal. Either he was there at the beginning of the Mohgwyn Dynasty, or it existed before he pledged himself to Mohg. That's important since it indicates that the dynasty already existed by the time Mohg is charmed. Mohg has already made himself the Formless Mother's vassal. We can further validate that through the Bloodboon spell received from his Remembrance:
The mother of truth craves wounds. When Mohg stood before her, deep underground, his accursed blood erupted with fire, and besotted with the defilement that he was born into.
This highlights that bloodflame is a result of his encounter with her. Ansbach also uses bloodflame, as evidenced by the incantation he drops on death, "Furious Blade of Ansbach":
Incantation of Ansbach, Pureblood Knight. Produces a bloodflame blade from the side of the hand, then lunges at enemies to cleave through them.
So put that all together, and it is reasonable to believe that Mohg was serving the Formless Mother before being charmed. Otherwise, it's doubtful that Ansbach would know the difference between a charmed and not-charmed Mohg the way he seems to in the DLC. We know from Mohg's remembrance that his goals with his dynasty involved raising Miquella to godhood so that he can rule as a monarch. Of the Empyreans, Miquella easily makes the most sense. Malenia is already claimed by the rot god, and Ranni is presumed dead/missing. (This assumes the kidnapping takes place during the fallout of the Shattering, as indicated by the opening cinematic.) While we know this overlaps with Miquella's own desire to become a god, we also know he was unresponsive to Mohg's plans, and has taken a different route to achieve his goals. It's unlikely he would want the yoke of an outer god like the Formless Mother around his neck, too.
For these reasons, it seems doubtful Miquella necessarily wanted Mohg to kidnap him. Ansbach tells us of what Miquella wants of Mohg:
As if using Lord Mohg to gain entrance to the land of shadow were not enough, he plans to use his corpse as the vessel of his king consort. He has forsaken Lord Mohg's soul. He desires only his empty shell.
What he wants of Mohg is his corpse, and entry into the realm of shadows. While there is no reason for Miquella to be kidnapped to get access to Mohg's corpse(after all, Miquella is in no state to be the one to kill him, so him being there is kind of unnecessary), the other point remains unclear. What is it about Mohg that helps Miquella access the land of shadows? Is it Mohg specifically, or is it the simple fact that Miquella has to work with what he's got? The other point is the nature of Miquella's charm. It isn't total brainwashing. This is evidenced in the NPC followers. Ansbach never professes devotion to Miquella, and rather says he's trying to discern why Miquella is here at all. The Hornsent freely expresses his distaste for Tarnished like us and his compatriots. Leda observes that it's such an eclectic group, they'd have likely been at each others' throats were it not for the charm. And after it breaks, Ansbach can recall his distaste for Miquella, Leda's paranoia ratchets up, and the Hornsent admits Miquella is just an avenue for revenge.
It's very similar to the Bewitching Branch's effects. It isn't that you've brainwashed anyone into taking actions they wouldn't normally take. It isn't that they're all suddenly holding hands and singing Miquella's praises when they weren't before. The Hornsent still despises us and merely tolerates Miquella. Ansbach is still hesitant and doubtful about him. Leda still recognizes all of their differences. The enemy still wants to fight - you've just made it so they don't want to fight you.
All of this taken together is why I don't think Mohg's kidnapping of Miquella is the result of a charm. Mohg has always wanted a place to belong, has always seen in the Formless Mother a replacement for the one who threw him away. His dynasty is always framed in terms of truth and love. Miquella did not make that happen. And Mohg still needs an Empyrean to create that dynasty, a dynasty which runs counter to Miquella's own plans. So why would Miquella want to risk him succeeding? I think the kidnapping is just another unintended failure in a long string of them in Miquella's endeavors. But it was a failure he was able to mold into something useful.
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victorbutnotreally · 2 months
I'm Sorry
A/N: No member or group is specified, so this isn't necessarily stray kids x reader. Could be anyone.
warnings: terminal illness (no illness specified) , mentions of death (no actual death scene or aftermath)
He's been spending much more time with the members lately, not knowing when he'll die. He didn't have the heart to tell them. He's been staring at the members a lot longer, trying to memorize their features before he inevitably left this world. He became the last person to pull away from a hug, the one who'd always take one of his members' hands in his.
He'd stay up writing letters, not wanting to use his daytime for that.
"I love you."
"You're my everything."
"I'll always love you."
As the days passed, quicker than he hoped it would, his fear grew. He didn't want to die in front of his members. He didn't want those smiles to fade. He tried not to talk about death, but he couldn't help it. He'd be careful to always use a sugarcoated 'if' instead of the hard to swallow 'when'. He didn't want a flicker of worry in those shining eyes.
He'd write more songs, wanting to put all his feelings into words, only to end up crying in the lonely studio. He'd brush off the members' worried glances when he was clingier than usual.
"Don't let it get to your head," he'd say.
His words of love turned numerous, but a thousand words would die in his throat each time. He'd purposefully pick movies with deaths in them at movie nights just so he could say something like "Don't whine like that if that happens to me."
He'd feel his body declining, and he'd try to hide it. He'd kiss the members more times in a day than he's done in years combined. He'd stare at the members while stargazing, not wanting to see the stars he's seen so many times before. If they notice, they'd be worried. He had always preferred to stare at the sky. He used to tear up from the beauty of the stars sometimes, but now he just looks at the members as if he'd have to paint them with his eyes closed.
His hold on a member would unconsciously tighten when they come to him after having a nightmare about losing him. They were losing him.
He would struggle to explain why he'd randomly tear up sometimes, or why he'd spit out some poetic nonsense. He couldn't help it.
"You okay, hyung?"
He's heard that more times than he can count. He'd nod, hiding everything even as his heart was shattering inside.
"Hyung's okay, sweetheart."
He'd hope everyday that it wouldn't be his last. It wasn't fair. He didn't want to leave them.
He wakes up in the hospital to the sight of his sobbing members. He had fainted. The doctor had told them everything.
"Are you really...dying?"
As much as he wished he wasn't, he was. He nods, cursing himself mentally for being the cause of his members' pain. He wouldn't wish this pain on his worst enemy.
"I'm sorry."
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acourtofthought · 3 months
I know a lot of Elriels cling to Feyre thinking that Elain would cling to Azriel for the quiet, that they'd be an attractive pair and her asking Rhys, "Why not make them mates?" All as evidence that she ships Elriel but personally, I always saw it as her just wanting an excuse to keep her sister near her.
If Elain were to accept Lucien, she wouldn't have a reason to stay permanently in the Night Court and given that Feyre has always had the mentality of, "I need to take of/protect my sisters" especially with Elain, who almost everyone sees as this fragile, delicate women who needs constant sheltering, she's scared of the amount of unknown the Elucien mating bond brings.
With Azriel, though, it's simple. Elain stays in the Night Court, and that's it.
So, my interpretation isn't that Feyre ships necessarily Elriel. It's just that she wants to keep people close to her, and that is the most convenient way to do it.
Feyre had these thoughts in ACOMAF and the start / middle of ACOWAR. When Tamlin was the enemy, when she was mad at Lucien and when the IC were her newfound BFF's.
It's a lot like what you said, her envisioning her sisters into her cozy new life has a lot to do with Feyre wanting to, as always, make sure she could watch over them and ensure their happiness. It's what she'd done for so long that I think at that point it was a very difficult habit for her to break but her pairing off her sisters with the people in her immediate orbit (Az and Elain would be so handsome together, Nesta and Amren would be the best of friends), is a very high school mentality where the cool kids group all end up taking a turn dating one another because god forbid you take it out of your clique and bring in an outsider.
That's exactly what we get with Feyre, the following pretty much confirms this exact thing:
"And where, exactly, do you believe I will fit in? The Night Court?"
I didn't answer. I didn't have one, honestly. As High Lady, I could likely offer him a position, if we survived long enough to make it home. I'd do it mostly to keep Elain from ever going to the Spring Court, but I had little doubt Lucien would be able to hold his own against my friends.
In MAF, Feyre had already left Lucien and Tamlin behind therefore of course she wouldn't picture her sisters with anyone from Spring. Then in ACOWAR, we have Feyre saying she would go out of her way to keep Elain from Spring but that she can't picture Lucien with her friends (something Lucien turned around and proved otherwise by offering his help repeatedly and eventually working up to chatting about sporting events at a later point) so she instead questions why Elain and Az aren't mates.
As you said, Feyre doesn't really ship Az and Elain for any reason outside of it's convenience for her. Nesta and Cassian clearly had a thing, Az and Elain can be together because they're single and Feyre can pat herself on the back for fulfilling her promise to her mother. However the Mother clearly disagreed and was not concerned about giving Elain a mate based on what was most convenient for Feyre. It instead gave her a mate that was going to be the right person for her.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Molly X Chang is receiving all this backlash because her book was marketed in an absolutely atrocious way, and you don't need to blindly believe my words: you can check for yourself, her posts about it are all still up. The book was very clearly being sold as an enemies-to-lovers story between the girl who lives on the colonized planet and the prince that's doing the colonizing*, and the first ARC reviews talk about it as having a love triangle between her, him, and her childhood best friend.
I don't necessarily think any of these tropes would've been such a problem, if so much of the marketing hadn't relied on "based on Unit-731.". This is the part that is attracting so much criticism, because it's juxtaposing actual horrors that signed history to a YA fantasy book that was sold as being a love story. This is bound to cause people to be a lot harsher on your story than they'd be on any other occasion.
I don't know whose fault for this is, if it's the author's or the publishing house's, but this whole scandal wouldn't have happened if they refrained themselves to saying that the story was inspired by the ghost stories the author's grandfather used to tell her when she was a child, without feeling the necessity to add that they were based on actual events.
That's about it.
*And yes, he's been whitewashed. I've seen an anon here say "nu-uh" about it, but... yes, the colonizers were whitewashed, and you'd know if you read the book. The main prince is described as being green-eyed and blond, and all the other Romans are described as having European-centric features. It wasn't until recently that she started posting art of the character with dark hair, and more recently she posted a piece of art that depicts him as looking Japanese, but that's not accurate to how he's described in the book. I think it's more than fair, for other Manchus, to be pissed at an author who made 500k dollars by trivializing the suffering of their ancestors, whitewashing it, and then marketing it as a love story because that's what sells best.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 3 months
While he's mostly faded from history, I'm pretty confident that all four Chosen should know who Jergal is (maybe not that Withers is Jegal, although they'd know the signs (bald, robes, scrolls, portents of doom, flat tone, taking the form of an undead (especially a mummy (I don't know why the game calls him a skeleton)). At the very least Orin and Durge who are/were neck deep in the cult kool aide (obviously Durge may get a pass for amnesia).
Insofar as I've been reading; the further you get into the church hierarchy, the more and more lore and secrets you learn (and are responsible for - at the very least high ranking clergy know the forbidden lore in order to know what knowledge to suppress and keep from public view to keep their god's reputation looking good). You also know the basic lore of all the pantheon, some of whom will be your god's allies and enemies. Most priests probably know of Jergal, and he's a part of the Dead Three's history, I'd expect their priests to be familiar with him.
Wouldn't necessarily come up in-game, but still.
It's also interesting how the Three seem to be ignoring Withers. Like you get the 'unfamiliar familiarity' thing for Durge, so while they don't say anything the portion of Bhaal's divine essence within them has seen him and recognised him and Durge has felt it (plus the threat to cannibalise his godflesh in the feral ending). The idiots definitely know he's meddling with their scheme, they just don't seem particularly bothered by it.
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dashielldeveron · 26 days
Hi! I absolutely adored your Soulmate Trope series and it inspired me to get into writing fanfics.
The thing is I've been struggling with whether my stories (working on multiple ideas rn) would fall under x reader or OC. They are supposed to be x reader (unspecified name/physical description, and a vague backstory if any) but i've seen some people say that x readers should be as generic as possible, even when it comes to personality.
So since you're one of my favorite fanfic authors, I wanted to reach out and ask you: Where do you draw the line between a reader insert and an OC, especially when it comes to portraying their personality?
Thank you!
disclaimer: there's no set way to do this, but this is what i do for readerfics, having been writing them since 2013.
writing advice incoming.
Specificity about the body is your enemy, especially numerical measurements. They are immediately deniable and can break immersion. "You were a 5'3", petite, blonde woman with small breasts--" No, I'm not. I'm not 5'3". I'm not blonde or petite. Height, weight, body type, hair colour, eye colour--everyone's different. You immediately alienate part of your audience by specifying these things, and even vaguer phrases like having "a great ass" can still be off-putting, bc what if your audience doesn't consider their ass great. The main thing is you don't need to mention physical traits at all. They don't contribute to the plot, generally. So, leave out stuff like "his green eyes looked into your e/c ones" because the colour makes no difference whatsoever. The only real reason to specify about the physicality of the reader is if it's a plot point, such as the whole fic being a comfort story about the burdens of having big boobs or the stigma of having a wing quirk--OR if there is something particularly non-normative about a canon character's body that you're comparing the reader to, and even then you don't want specifics. Here I'm thinking about Levi Ackerman (snk) and how short he is. He's 5'3". Me, personally, I'm 5'9", but to avoid alienating people, I'd say something a bit vauge like "your height difference kept you from looking Levi directly in the eye, but you managed to shoot a glare in his general direction." Like, through that, we get that reader and Levi aren't the same height, but we don't even say who's taller, keeping both taller and shorter readers along for the ride.
2. If you do decide to specify a physical trait for a reader that doesn't necessarily contribute to plot, you want to tag it. I wouldn't worry about fewer people reading your fic bc it "doesn't apply to them," bc for me, there's a sense of shock/breaking immersion if suddenly I am a tiny, tiny blonde woman. But if you tagged short!blonde!reader, then I'm prepared for that. In general, you always want to tag gender.
3. I personally don't use "Y/N" in fics. I come from back in the days when authors would just put __________ in fics for you to imagine your name, and I can't divorce that odd blank from the placeholder. I do, of course, use that interactivefics plugin, and if I really want a character to say our name, then I just say in narration that he does, not in dialogue. This is because seeing the "Y/N" breaks immersion. Reminds us we're in a fic, and that lots of people are reading this, not just you. Makes it feel a bit less special.
4. Reader personality. Listen. Lots of people have lots of opinions on this. Think about what's relevant to your story, the plot, the relationship with other characters. That's the stuff you want to include. If a piece of info doesn't affect any of that, cut it. For instance, in my Soulmate Trope series, reader always has a quirk, but I never specifiy what it is--because it doesn't matter for the plot. I mention that she's good at stealth, because that gets us working with Aizawa, or getting Shigaraki to practise tailing us. And by not specifying what type of stealth work, the audience is left to imagine what parts of stealth they'd be good at, and insert it. And really, when people say they want a generic reader--they're doing the reader character a disservice, because she still has many personality traits--kind, shy, easily flustered, secretive, stubborn, easy to love, keen to fall in love. These are still distinct personality traits, but since this combination of traits tends to be a bit passive, it can feel dull. But even if it feels dull, reader is still the character driving the plot. Like, think about the reader in my Hawks fic, "and i've gotta crow." She's manipulative, violent, impulsive, closed off to love but continually surprised by it, eager to hold grudges, and continually seeing life as a game. Because that's the sort of person who would fake amnesia, going so far as to marry her hot bully as revenge. Reader personality drives the plot: for your reader characters, consider what types of person would get into these situations, what personality traits would help in this situation, and what traits would make everything worse. In Torodoki's route, reader needed to be a bit situationally unaware and bullheaded; Aizawa's route's reader needed to be a professional Yearner; Shinsou's route's reader needed to be an anxious virgin who overthinks everything; Shigaraki's reader needed to be someone chewed up and spit back out just like him--otherwise, these readers wouldn't get into the situations the plot calls for. Personally, if I read a fic with a reader with a personality trait I would never exhibit, but the trait drives the plot, then, of course, I can pretend for the sake of the story. It's fun to imagine yourself being a bit more daring, perhaps, or smoother with flirtation, or more self-destructive. We can always pretend for personality, because it's like acting or roleplaying.
5. This one is super specific to me: specifying clothes/makeup bothers me, mostly because people like to put reader characters in gold, and I am cool-toned and would therefore never wear gold. Or saying something like "silk that clings to your body" what if I hate my body and don't wanna show it off? What then? I tend to not specify what particular shades of a colour that reader is wearing, because then the audience can imagine light or dark, whatever looks better on them, and as for shape/material, if the clothing is not plot relevant (as in, there's not going to be a clothing mishap), then I say something vague like "long and made out of a flowy material that reminded you of a jellyfish." Lets the audience imagine what that looks like for them, since everyone has a difference idea and would know what looks good on them. One time in Soulmate Trope I mention a specific article of clothing is in Aizawa's route, when reader is dressing up to go out with friends but shifts to Aizawa's shower. She's wearing a mostly backless tank top, and the reason we get a description of the cut is because it's plot-relevant: Aizawa places his hand on her bare back, marking her with the pink handprint.
6. If your reader character has a name, then it is not a reader character. It is an OC. It is, of course, acceptable to make the reader character have an in-universe nickname with good reason, such as my reader character in "Viper," who goes by...Viper, to protect her real identity from other mafia members. But if a character has a name name, that's an OC. If you write an OC, do not tag it as readerfic. For me, personally, an easy way to get around this in BNHA fics is to call reader by her hero name--but, of course, those are usually tied to quirks, which, again, may alienate some readers if they don't think they'd have that quirk. You have to decide which you're more willing to have.
7. In the decade+ I've been writing/reading readerfic, these are the things that make me think a character is an OC over a reader character: a name, a specific family dynamic (such as having a single mother and two brothers, especially if those family members are plot-relevant), specific physical traits that do not contribute to the plot, or being born in a long line of special people (think magic users, or something, like a chosen one situation). All of these things have one, main throughline: they're things that a person can't change about themselves, pretty much ever. All of them point to being a bit too different from your audience, and there's nothing they could do to change it. Your audience could learn to dance better, or get shyer, or have the courage to ask that guy out, because those are potential paths of growth in real life. Because they're things that your audience could realistically change about themselves IRL, it's much easier to imagine being that in a fic. It's harder to imagine only living with your mother if you live with both your mom and your dad. It's hard to make up a brother to have in a fic if you don't have one IRL. (though i personally work around some of this by imagining jeff goldblum and emma thompson as my parents in fic, bc my irl parents would NEVER be, like. incredibly cool or super abusive or whatever.)
8. But again! If you don't like any of this advice, ignore it! This comes down to personal preference, and I'm picky! These things are, at the end of the day, just things I personally like. Ultimately, fic is fun. It's not supposed to be a chore. If you think it's easier to go against any of the above, go ahead. It's your art.
i love you v v v much. we are holding hands. i'm immensely flattered that you'd reach out to ask for writing advice; wow. will you tag me in your finished fic??? no pressure, of course!! but i love reading new stories and spreading them around!!! very best of luck to you!!! xx.
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yellowhollyhock · 26 days
thinking about how the dynamics would be different if Venus hadn't been separated from the turtles
Raph would be the most similar. He treats her the most the same as how he treats his other siblings. Raph has his circle of people he is extremely protective of and devoted to; he can't have that level of responsibility towards everyone of course so if you're not 'in' you're 'out' (not (necessarily) in a malicious way). When he first meets Venus she's 'out,' but after he sees her fight at the park and realizes she'll put it all on the line for their family, he makes the mental switch to 'she is now my sister and I will care for and protect and make fun of and spar with her' pretty seamlessly. It would be fun though if she'd always been there, they would know each other really well (they're both quite observant about people) and the sort of 'twin' dynamic they have would increase. I can imagine them finishing each other's sentences, probably purposely in a way that derails or contradicts what they know the other was trying to say. It's a fun little game for them and everyone else is so confused
Leo is always trying so hard to impress Venus. He has so much doubt about himself and the way he leads his brothers; I think he's as excited as he is terrified to have an outside perspective. If he had known her forever, though, this aspect of their dynamic would be completely gone. I don't think he'd be as prone to seek her advice. On the other hand, when she gives it anyway he might be more likely to listen. Leo is so full of anxiety, it would be really interesting to see how he is with her if he were as comfortable as he is with his brothers (ie grew up together). He'd be more competitive with her, less performative, and they would definitely bond (more) over dream walking. If we're assuming Venus still learns magic (which I am because otherwise that's too much change for my brain to handle atm), he would learn with her, and even though he'd be more openly competitive, I feel he would also be more comfortable and okay with it being her thing if he doesn't have the same propensity for it. Also because of her encouragement he would lean more into. Idk how to explain. His speeches and catchphrases and just, The Way He Is. Venus is very supportive in general as a person and Leo specifically just really needs pep talks sometimes.
Donnie wouldn't have the same rivalry with her I don't think. Magic vs Science would be more of a fun intellectual debate. Which it often is anyway, but because of the situation there is this underlying bite. Donnie is defensive of his position as the smart one on the team, and also defensive of his relationships with his family. If Venus had been a cohesive part of that group from the start, there'd be no reason for that defensiveness. Venus can also be cutting with him; she misses her old life, it's a lot of change to take in, since he picks on her he's an obvious target for lashing out. I could see them still going at each other just because they are both, well a bit verbally vicious for the fun of it sometimes, but it'd be a very different kind of thing. And considering how Donnie is with Leo and Raph, and how Venus is with everyone ever, I definitely see her being very protective of him and him really appreciating having a Big Sister who does not let the bad guys be mean to him
Michelangelo. If they had been siblings from the start I think these two would get very into each other's interests! They share a lot as is, especially in particular their interest in 1) protecting animals 2) not sure how to explain this, peace? seeing the enemies' pov? social justice in general maybe?
but anyways, Venus would get into media by proxy and maybe even occasionally have a segment on the Sewer Hour. Mikey would be super into magic, and even more into the idea of Venus being good at it. They would dance all the time and make weird foods. I think if they'd grown up together Venus would have more of a soft spot for Mikey, letting him get away with stuff even when she disapproves. On the flip side when she puts her foot down Mikey would take it more seriously compared to how he responds in the show. Where I see their interests diverging is, Mikey would still be hanging out with Donnie figuring out how to make stuff go Faster and watching tv or something like, while Venus is more likely to spend time sparring or practicing other sports with Raph and Leo. Also I don't think Mikey would really like meditating. He might be better at it if he learned it earlier on, but it's definitely not what he'd choose to do with down time
Splinter is interesting. He does favor her in the show and it very much seems to stem from the situation (she lost her family, she's in a foreign country, he also probably has mixed squishy feelings about the idea that she could've been and was in fact this close to being his kid and yet he didn't meet her till she was practically an adult, and for that matter a more mature adult than his children who grew up with him). Same as with Leo (only different), I feel he wouldn't be trying to impress her as much. Other than that, they would still become very close-knit like they are in the show. Like he is with all his kids. It is also interesting to think about how Venus would respond to his insistence on hiding if it had been her whole life, and with her brothers' influence. Thinking about how she responds to Chung I (in the single very brief time we see of them interacting), I feel she would be very similar to Leo where she thinks of it as part of their training and takes pride in it. When they get older I could see her starting to see things Raph's way more, especially since I'm sure her and Raph would talk about it often. But I still feel ultimately she would always try to uphold Splinter's wishes even if she might disagree
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aerbiscuit · 6 months
Hi I have a question about the centaur lore. How would centaurs react to a non-taur farting? Either a stranger in their presence or someone they've befriended?
Thanks for being so interested in my ideas! :3
That answer has two parts to it. First, we'll start with Part A: all non-taurs/humanoids.
When it comes to non-taurs farting, centaurs would generally react in non-negative ways. It all depends on context, of course, such as the personalities of those involved, whether or not it was an accident, etc. But here are common responses:
Amusement: Centaurs not only fart a lot, but they fart impressively. Centaur farts are either loud and sputtering, loud and long, or silent and SUPER long (with an audible hiss and visible flapping tail). Either way, they're usually always thick and strong-smelling, not necessarily bad but always noticeable. This means that when a non-taur/humanoid farts, some centaurs will just laugh and go, "Awww, how cute. That all you got?" They find "weaker" non-taur farts kinda silly and adorable. Imagine how you feel when you hear a dog or cat farting.
Relief: In the case of the non-taur farting intentionally because they're relaxed (or they just don't care), a lot of centaurs will assume this means the other person doesn't mind a centaur relieving themselves as well. Society at large has the taboo against farting, and most non-taurs don't have bodies that make it really hard to avoid being "rude." Farting intentionally around a centaur basically says there's nothing to worry about around you, and maybe even that you're joining them in "transgressing" this idea of politeness. Don't be surprised to hear a centaur mutter, "Oh thank god," before letting out a pent-up horse fart that puts the non-taur's to shame.
Competition: This response will usually only happen around a certain type of centaur and a certain type of non-taur. If a non-taur lets out some gas that's anywhere CLOSE to the level of a centaur's, some centaurs may find they're being... challenged. Sometimes the centaur will put a little more force into a fart than usual to outdo the other person. It's unlikely that a non-taur will win if they turn this into a fart-off, but that won't stop people from trying, nor from having fun.
A sub category to competition is interest: If a non-taur lets out a fart close to the level of a centaur's, a centaur may be genuinely interested in just what that non-taur ate (or how their body works) to make such gas possible. Not all non-taurs are comfortable answering that. The ones that are... curiously, they often become great buddies with centaurs.
Of course, there's always the matter of how a centaur would feel if a non-taur farted while riding them. If a non-taur becomes a centaur's "rider" (a special bond where the centaur will always be comfortable giving them a lift for hours on end), then the centaur wouldn't mind HOW many farts get drilled into their back. "Ride or die" has never been more appropriate.
In all other cases, the reaction is how you'd expect. Unless the centaur has a great personal fondness for farts, they'd enjoy getting farted on less than somebody farting around them. Still, they'd probably just brush it off, only really getting annoyed if the farts sounded or smelled particularly disgusting. Ultimately, it's up to the personality of the centaur involved. (In most cases, the centaur will back their ass up into their rider once they've climbed off, let out a thick one against them, and claim that now they're even.)
Now we get to Part B, the one thing that occurred to me a while ago, but that I've never brought up until now. What happens when another KIND of taur farts around a centaur?
I present you with: the minotaur. The only animal hybrid whose guts are on par with a centaur's.
Minotaurs and centaurs aren't enemies, no way. But they ARE rivals. Think of it less like warring families or classes and more like... local sports teams, the kind that meet up in the park every so often and will take breaks from trying to beat each other to get drunk and have a nice time.
When a minotaur farts around a centaur, there's a 50/50 chance a centaur will either respond to it like a competition (especially if the minotaur was trying to start one) or in encouragement (the minotaur was finally letting out something that was bothering their stomachs all day; the centaur welcomes this and joins in too).
... welp, this got very long. Hopefully I've sufficiently answered your question!
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izzyspussy · 1 year
You said asks so NO PRESSURE but since you said S1 RoyJamie I now can’t stop trying to imagine it with a more realistic Roy and/or whatever other departures from the zeitgeist you would enact 👀 👀 👀 if you wanted to say anything more about that that would be exciting
Okay so, re: my tags about it being different than everyone else's that you eyeballed like. Maybe I'm just too aromantic for All This, but the biggest reason I usually don't love the season 1 royjamies that are already out there is because I feel like they warm up to each other emotionally and catch feelings and all that way too fast and imho without much actual romancing? Like, they have sex a few times and then they're like okay I was totally wrong you've never done anything wrong in your life. Which like honestly....... boring.
And my second biggest issue is usually more with Jamie's characterization than Roy's! (I mean I do always wish people wouldn't slough off a lot of Roy's anger and other various Problems and all, but that's consistent lmao). But like season 1 fics make Jamie such a woob and a sadsack and take away his agency quite a bit, like all his bad behavior is someone else's fault - and like, okay, to a degree, I GUESS, but like...... idk man him having a reason to act that way doesn't make it less of a choice that he made.
I also think there's way too much emphasis on him being protected and rescued, which like, listen. I love a good romantic rescue as much as the next guy, but it was also something I really loved in the show that Jamie got to defend himself. He got to decide to be fed up, he got to fight back. And!! He always had a belligerent do-your-worst attitude, which he maintained all the way up through season 3 to the end!! I love that about him and I find it lacking in general, but especially in season 1 fics when it should be most present, when Jamie has the most people and reason to be defensive.
Anyway, back to the first thing. I do think that having sex with each other would change their perspectives of each other significantly, but not necessarily toward romance or even friendship. Like, their Feelings develop totally independently of their physical relationship! Besides which, I feel like there's this really interesting stage in any enemies-to-whatever type of relationship, especially when it starts with a (literal) Bang, where they stop seeing each other as The Enemy and start seeing each other as a living, breathing, vulnerable human being who they happen to be enemies with. And I feel like in a lot of enemies-to-whatever things that stage is sorely neglected, and I think it would be an ESPECIALLY interesting - and vital - stage for royjamie.
So if (IF) I ever wrote one myself, it would still start with a literal Bang. They'd impulsively have sex. Not exactly hate sex, because neither of them can really hate someone they're having sex with - but that's the perspective shift isn't it. They can't hate each other anymore, but that doesn't mean they start to like each other or even really care that much about each other.
So anyway, they would sleep together, and they'd both be way different in bed than they thought the other would be. And they're a little bit mean, not quite in a fun sexy way, but not quite enough to be hurtful either. And then they'd do it again a few times, and they'd be vastly humanized to each other. But they'd still be just coworkers with workplace tension who are fucking and also sometimes Jamie stays for dinner just because they both get lonely and it's only polite for whoever lives in the place they're at to offer. They're slightly more than tolerating each other. They're empathizing with each other and being incredibly intimate - off the clock - and it's a bit weird but a bit not weird and they're just going with it because. well. what else are you gonna do.
And then I'd have them stop sleeping together when Jamie gets transferred, without ever moving into that What Are We stage nevermind any further along than that. And then they become friends, semi-long distance. Texting and stuff. Kind of like the fic Waterfalls, which idr but might be gen. But also I'd probably have it even more of a slow burn than that, at least wrt Roy learning about James. Just because like... another thing I feel like happens a lot is that people have Character A find out about James and then suddenly they like Jamie after that and all. And I don't really like that either, I liked that they had all bonded at least a little before That Whole Thing in canon as well, and I'd want to keep that. OR maybe even bump it up a bit, but have them not suddenly be buddies after it. It would be interesting to explore mixed feelings on that front, where maybe Roy feels protective of Jamie and angry on his behalf, but without having a fully formed (if reluctant, at that point in canon) personal relationship with him.
But anyway so. It wouldn't really be enemies-to-lovers. It would be enemies-to-not-quite-strangers-who-fuck-and-are-intimate (I know allos cannot handle this concept, at least when I bring it up as something I want irl lmfao, they just don't get it! but listen. it happens, it can happen, and it can be pretty good too!), then half-hearted-enemies-again-to-friends, and then friends-to-lovers.
And WHO can say what I'd do or not do with Keeley. But I also hate when she gets just completely written out of the dynamic because I feel like that doesn't make a whole lot of sense and also is a bit boring. Even if it's not an OT3 endgame, I still feel like she should be all kinds of up in their business.
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alicewritingstories · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 14: Bloodstained tiles
CW: Blood, injury, aftermath of battle, underage whumpee (Wind)
Warriors had always had a routine of counting after a battle. Counting keeps taken and held. Counting enemy leaders slain or captured. Counting casualties. Those could all be done through reports, but there was one thing he had to count for himself: how many of his closest friends had survived.
It was selfish and didn't help the resentful looks he could always feel on his back, but he had to know for himself.
There was Wild helping to scour the battlefield for useful materials. One. Twilight and Sky helping the medics with triage. Two and three. Time talking to Impa and Zelda. He should be with them, but he waved a greeting and kept walking and counting. Four, five, six. He'd join them when his count was ten or when he was sure it wouldn't be. Four directing a group of men as they moved some rubble. Seven. Legend and Hyrule sitting on a fallen wall, Legend bandaging Hyrule's arm. They both waved and Hyrule gave a reassuring thumbs-up, so Warriors gave one of his own and kept going. Eight and Nine.
As he criss-crossed the battlefield, he couldn't find Wind. When he saw the others again, he asked them, but none of them had seen him either and the search spread as best it could.
Warriors tried to be clear: he wasn't saying Wind's safety should be prioritized. He wasn't saying that small shoulders he'd slung his scarf over in camp and bright eyes that shone with admiration at his stories were inherently worth more than any of his men who had families who loved them. But in his heart he knew that there was a lot of loss he could bear more easily than a gap by the Chain's campfire. Especially if that gap came from the death of Wind, who was so much too young.
There was one place he hadn't looked yet. They'd not needed to call on the nearby Great Fairy for this battle. Her spring lay dark and dormant a little way away and Wind wouldn't even necessarily have known what it was; there hadn't been much time for sightseeing before the Chain was caught up in combat. In fact, he didn't think he'd even pointed it out to any of them.
All the more reason to check it himself.
He hardly dared to hope as he hurried over to the hidden spring and ducked through the entrance. He didn't much like coming to these places and only came when he had to, but this definitely fell into that category.
It was lit by a dim glow that seemed to come from the walls and ceiling themselves. The light was just bright enough for him to see something dark smeared on the tiled floor. He gasped and rushed forward, following the stains down the dark corridor.
In the doorway, there was a much larger puddle. He looked at it for a moment with his heart in his mouth, then followed a smeared trail with his eyes. It led towards the pool at the far end of the room.
He swallowed hard and followed, eyes on the shimmering, ever-moving water, looking for any stain.
Any sign of someone lying at the bottom of the pool.
That had been a lot of blood, especially considering Wind's size. If he'd fallen in…
"Hey, Wars…"
He'd been so focussed on looking for a body under the surface that he'd not even noticed the figure propped up against the side and when Wind's voice broke the silence Warriors startled, his hand going to his sword. Only then did he see the half-shadowed face just under the lip of the pool. Wind was almost entirely submerged, but he was sitting up, smiling weakly.
"Wind!" Warriors dropped to his knees by the side of the pool. "Are you OK? We're searching all over for you!"
"Better than I was…" His voice was weak and hoarse. "I remembered about fairy fountain water having healing powers. I made it to the door and then fairies dragged me the rest of the way." He grinned. "Your fairies are incredible."
Warriors grinned back through the tears in his eyes. "They certainly are."
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It makes me laugh whenever I see people say Zutara would have been “revolutionary” and “subverted stereotypes” as if enemies to lovers isn’t done to death as well. And I already knew that Mai bashing was a thing (girl can never catch a break) but to discover that people bashed AANG as well? The central character of the show?All over a ship? Do these people even like ATLA? Zuko and Katara would murder these antis lmao.
I also have a sneaking suspicion that if Aang was a girl, Zutarians would probably see Zukaang as the seen as the “e2l ship that should’ve been canon.” It’s fascinating how a character’s reception would likely be different had they been the opposite gender.
Also, fandoms REALLY need to stop worrying about any writting decision being "revolutionary" or "subverting expectations." It just has to narrative make sense.
Game Of Thrones would have been worse if Ned Stark had not died. Snow White would have been worse if she had not been saved by true love's kiss and lived happily ever after. "Cliche" isn't always bad, subversion isn't always good.
Even if Zutara WAS never-seen-before kind of dynamic, it still would not necessarily mean they'd make a good couple. Good, coherent writting is more important than showing audiences something new.
And yeah, if Mai was a guy but kept her personality, people would be simping for her as much as they do for characters like Zuko and Jet, and if Aang was a girl and Katara was a guy, all the "12 is too young" discourse wouldn't exist AND Zukaang would be incredibly popular.
(Also, even though I don't ship Zukaang, it makes a billion times more sense than Zutara, since their developing friendship was a major theme of the show).
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throne-for-queens · 2 months
i believe, if I can chime in to share my guess, If they were to FINALLY break up, he would keep dating in the industry, not necessarily only red carpet habitués but also people who work and live in adjacent industries and entertainment cities. So maybe going back to the models and even the adult stars while keeping it on the low, especially now he has a growing child he'd want to shield from the bs. But also, I don't see him going out of his way to hide them and doing the most to protect their peace. I don't think he would be totally freaking out if people knew about him and potential future promiscous partners of the moment, once it was over with his current girlfriend, ofc.
Unless these women were "Alt", if workers from the erotica world and fitness influencing were ever to be associated with him again, I don't see them struggling, they'd probably be more than fine since they appeal to the male gaze more than a 2008 Megan Fox could ever do. They'd even get some clout of it, especially if the Andrew Tates type of men (Dub & co🤣🤣) were to argue with Jennifer's Body worshippers Waif type of girls. These two groups of people always fight over anything, anyways. But hold on, isn't it crazy to see based grown men and young girls being natural keyboard enemies?
Anyways. Back to the main topic. He's a very honest dude who hates to lead girls on so, if he were to have a crazy baby fever, it's 2024, there are many other options than forcing himself to settle down! He just don't strike me as the type who would rush life for a white picket fence despite the lyrics "Even if I got a wife, she just somebody I fuck: Hollywood whore". I can only see him possibly settling down with Megan to finish what he started and that being SHORT term. Don't see them lasting, not even making it down the altar to be completely honest.
ALL OF THAT, unless he meets the one... or should I say... UNTIL he goes back with -same- one (in my best Nessa voice). It's his life and he owes me NO fan service. Having said so, from the bottom of my heart I wish him the best, and that relationship MIGHT be the best, ALLEGEDLY *wink wink* ."Why you try to run when it feel like you're the one sometimes?: Waste Love".
These are my opinions, I don't claim to be right and I don't want to be😅. So far, he still is with his Twin Flame/ Twin soul, Twin this/ Twin that, so there is that.
You are most likely right about dating someone Hollywood adjacent, even though I wish he wouldn't. But I guess there would be some downsides to someone not used to the industry. I'll settle on a dancer or touring manager 😂( I'd love to work on a tour one day, feel like it's the easiest way to see other states and countries.)
I feel like even though there are options like surrogacy, adoption, etc, I feel like he'd aspire to be romantically involved with the next mother of his child. Just because he'd want to give them the family dynamic he missed growing up. Glad his mom and him have made up now, but it really hurt him when she was away, I don't think he'd purposely sign up for that for his kid. But I do think this is a good take overall.
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I think the reason the monks turned on Jack in season 3 was because of Omi town even hell I don't even like Omi as a character but even I want to beat Jack's ass for that because it was such a horrible betrayal like. Omi who had believed in Jack and been kind to him and helped Jack when no one else would have.
They were already enemies and they'd been actively antagonized for a while, so I wouldn't necessarily say they "turned on" Jack, but there definitely is a harsher vibe to it, specially in that fight at the start of the finale two-parter.
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Jack feels more picked on in season 3 because there's nothing for him to do but take L's, even next to other villains that aren't getting to do much in the season either.
After going out of his way to antagonize the monks in previous seasons, even going as far legitimate murder attempts on the monks or making them relive their worst nightmares, Jack is reduced to a character with no bite or agency or weight (until the Bad Timeline). The writers of season three wanted most of the cast dumbed down for the sake of streamlining the leadership competition arc, and Jack's character was hit particularly hard by that decision. They're not fighting back against someone who started it anymore, they're fighting a ragdoll. It doesn't help that the monks personalities are all flatter too, and most of Omi, Kimiko, and Clay's best points are just removed.
Also doesn't help that season 3's pretty inconsistent.
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I mean, we got this literally one episode prior, where the monks decided they'd rather Jack than the others, and saved him from being merked by Chase and Wuya.
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And the season starts with them being annoyed by him being after them and wanting to sabotage their mission again, but still begrudgingly rescuing and protecting him, even after he stole Leafy and even know that he'd eventually betray them again.
And Omi specifically is a different story (but in a nutshell, he'd only hold a grudge for betrayal against someone who he was actively allied with, he doesn't react as strongly to "betrayal" from someone he knows is currently an enemy), but it seems unlikely that the monks would hold a grudge on each other's behalf anymore. The monks interpersonal bonds weren't particularly strong anymore in season 3.
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They kicked Omi out of the temple while he was sick as a dog, the writers have sort of unceremoniously dropped the previous seasons "found family" aspect after the brief mention of it in Omi Town, and there was that whole thing in the Return of Master Monk Guan episode where the Dragon of Kindness had no qualms about emotionally and physically hurting his friends as a means to an end. They go behind each other's backs and spy on each other in the leadup to the finale.
I think the best in-universe reason would probably be that the competition setting the monks against each other was just detrimental to their teamwork, work ethic, and personalities all around. Master Fung inadvertently created an awful work environment that brings out the worst in everyone and throws trust out the window. They're back-biting and putting less care into their missions than they are into showing each other up.
They've essentially turned on each other here, they're definitely not going to spare much thought to a frenemy.
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So, I did struggle somewhat with focusing my attention on tonight's eps, in part because of the Faith-centricness - I try to pretend any scene with her or about her isn't happening, for my own sake - and in part because I just haven't been feeling great today. That may also lead to this recap of my thoughts being a short one.
But all around, I did think they were both quite good! The Max and Jodie scenes were as much of a highlight as I expected, in particular.
Episode 1, "The Ostrich Effect":
The Max scenes in this ep, especially with Dylan, were utterly fantastic. I really, really love Max. And I also really, really love Dylan. So maybe it's stating the obvious to say that I loved these scenes, but they were just so great!
Max is not coping with all this very well, is he? He seems to have gone into the 'deny and repress everything' mode typical of my favourite characters - I think I'm going to have to keep saying every week how much Max reminds me of Henrik - and... well, yeah, it's understandable, though not necessarily good for him.
And it was wonderful to see Dylan show his caring side so much. Especially with Max, who he's not really been getting on with well previously. Nigel Harman and William Beck played those scenes brilliantly.
It was nice to see Jacob so much, even though he didn't have a big storyline of his own this week.
I hate Faith and, as I say, tried to ignore her storyline. But I will say: I felt so sorry for both Stevie and Natalia. Especially Natalia. She deserves a better mum than Faith. :(
Also, I don't know what the title of this one meant. Oh well.
Episode 2, "One Hundred Years":
I loved the aesthetics of this one. I like episodes set during storms, maybe because they remind me of Holby's "The Perfect Storm" which is one of my favourite episodes. They can also provide interesting challenges for the characters, as they did here.
Getting to see Max's mum was very interesting! I was surprised she told Jodie that Max is ill, I thought it would take longer for Jodie to find out.
It also added further to the mystery of Max's past that I'm hoping will start to unravel soon - and I suppose it already has. He seems to get along pretty well with his mum, which I wouldn't have expected, because I thought they'd have had him be estranged from his parents or something. But we still know basically nothing about his dad, so that's a storyline avenue left to explore.
I don't normally like Iain, but if he gets Faith to leave, I'll be cheering him on. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and I've hated Faith for years, so yeah.
Teddy asking Paige to marry him... wow. I mean, it was certainly a surprise. I can't see the wedding going ahead - I'm expecting more drama between the two of them and Sah to get in the way. I'm also feeling less and less like this will lead to a polyamory story like I'd previously hoped, so yeah. :(
Dylan and Jodie working together was fantastic. I wish there had been more of that.
I felt quite sad that there wasn't more focus on Donna's storyline tonight. I would've liked less Faith focus and more Donna focus. Jaye Jacobs was excellent in the Donna scenes we did get, though!
So, yeah, I don't have a lot to say apart from repeatedly rambling about how much I like Max, lol.
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lunarthing159 · 1 year
"Cover Your Ears Witches; For It's About To Get LOUD!"
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Here's A Witchcraft SMP OC I Made Around The Time The SMP Came Out (But Forgot To Post Here Lol)! Below Is What I Think Her Power Stages & Relationships Would Be Like If She Was In The Tournament (Although Created Her As A Bystander Of The Games Who Just Happens To Live In The Same Forest Eloise Set Up In)
Musical Witch |
[Groovy] - You Are Slightly Quicker On Foot Than Others
[Quarter Rest] - You Can Spawn A Cloud Of Regeneration & Slowness Around You
Musical Witch ||
[Volume] - You Have More Knockback Than Usual
Musical Witch |||
[Shriek] - Every So Often You Can Yell At The Top Of Your Lungs To Make All Nearby Mobs Run Away From You
[Glyphs & Notes] - You Roll Better Enchantments At An Enchanting Table
Musical Witch |V
[Final Chorus] - Whenever You Get Down To 2 Hearts Of Health, You'll Gain Strength & 2 Absorption Hearts
I Don't Necessarily Think She'd Be Enemies With Pris, I Just Don't Think They'd Get Along Well. Pris's Tendency To Yell & Have A Tiny Bit Of Main-Character Syndrome Would Most Certainly Cause Lunar To Keep Her Distance From The Water Witch.
Prismarina - The Water Witch
Lunar (As Shown Above) Doesn't Actually Have Any Attack Based Magic. It's Almost All Smaller Effects Like Being Quicker Than Others Or Having More Knockback. Cleo On The Other Hand Has Multiple Magical Abilities & Artifacts Which Can Help Her In Offence, Defence, And Practical Senarios. I Don't Necessarily Think They'd Be Friends But I Do Think Lunar Would Look Up To Cleo, Thinking Of The Time Witch Like A Role Model Of Some Sort.
Cleo - The Time Witch
I Think Lunar Would Be Pretty Neutral With Scott. They'd Probably Do A Trade With Spellbooks Every Now And Again If They Could, But They'd Both Generally Keep Their Distance When It Comes To The Idea Of Friendship. Their Powers Don't Help Eachother In Any Kind Of Way, They Have Quite Different Personalities (With Scott Being All For Mischief & Lunar Generally Not Wanting To Spark Trouble), And They Generally Don't Need To Be Friends To Have A Stable Trading Arrangement.
Scott - The Necromantic Witch
Cupquake - The Nature Witch
This Might Be A Bit Unexpected, But I Don't Think She'd Get Along Well With The Nature Witch. Cupquake Seems To Represent All That Is Natural, Flora & Fauna. Meanwhile Lunar Is More About Things That Are Created By Humanity Like Instruments Or Cooking. It Wouldn't Be Anything Personal I Think, It'd Just Be Them Being Narrative Foils For Eachother.
Lauren - The Sand Witch
Same Thing As Prismarina, Not Enemies But They'd Certainly Keep Their Distance From Eachother. Lunar Would Be A Bit To Serious For Lauren To Get Along With Meanwhile Lunar Wouldn't Quite Be Able To Understand The Sand Witch & Her Thought Process.
Eloise - The Illusionary Witch
As Neighbors Living Within The Same Forest (Possibly Within Eyesight Of Eachother), I Think They'd Both Silently Realize It's Easier For Everyone If They Don't Become Enemies With One Another. This I Think Would Eventually Blossom Into An Actual Friendship With The Illusionary Witch.
Shelby - The Storm Witch
I'm Actually Quite Unsure Of What Their Relationship Would Be. On One Hand, They Both Seem Like They'd Say "I Like Your Outfit!!" "Oh My Gosh I Love Yours Too!!". Buuuuut- I Can Also See Them Starting Off On An Awkward Foot If Shelby Decides To Make It Start Raining (Lunar's Hat Isn't Very Thick). I'll Leave Her Relationship With The Storm Witch Vague.
Joey - The FireFrost Witch
Enemies. By Their First Sentence Said To One Another It Was Rivalry At First Sight. With Joey Being Confident Yet Certainly Too Prideful For Lunar & Lunar's Rather Clear No Shenanigans Policy Would Quickly Tick Off Joey. This Would Probably Only Get Worse As They Both Start Meeting More Of The Other Witches. I Can Say Without A Doubt In My Mind That Lunar Would 100% Be Enemies With The FireFrost Witch.
So Yeah! That's My Witchcraft SMP OC! Feel Free To Ask Any Other Questions & I'll Try To Answer Them If I Can Think Of Something ^v^
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valiant-if · 1 year
“fire” for everyone from the OC ask? or just Anton and Kiran if it’s too many! thank you!
Hi, anon!
fire: what’s one thing they’d destroy if they could, and why? would that destruction bring them any satisfaction or catharsis?
I can't go into the "why" on all of these, but I will where I can.
Anton - This might be a little more abstract than the question intends, but... Injustice, in the broadest sense, and it would absolutely bring him satisfaction. Most, if not all, of the members of his crew ended up where they are because of some form of injustice done upon them in the past. It may have been what brought his little mercenary family together, but he would much rather they'd never met if it meant they were happy.
Switch - A certain person's military service records from the Damiren Primacy. I wouldn't say it would bring her catharsis or satisfaction necessarily, but it would be the right thing to do.
Zero - MacKenna Industries. In some ways, that company ruined her life. To see it disappear wouldn't change anything and wouldn't make her feel satisfied, but it would certainly be cathartic.
Path - His first choice has technically already been destroyed, so he'd have to go for his second: The Damiren Primacy. He was forced to live out a life he never wanted there, and he's been forever changed by it. It would be purely cathartic since the only scenario that would bring him satisfaction out of this has long since been impossible.
Kiran - Like Anton, Kiran's one thing is pretty abstract: Poverty. Kiran has had a strange and difficult life, most of which was influence in one way or another by poverty. But he has managed to make it through thanks to his pretty unique disposition. They know that isn't true for a lot of people, however, so they would be satisfied if poverty no longer existed.
Yulia - Her greatest mistake—which actually happens during the course of the story, so I can't say too much about it. Suffice it to say, she fucks up in a very big way and it has lasting consequences. Catharsis and satisfaction aren't as important as integrity.
Hex - Ironically, the divide between The Damiren Primacy and Archon Systems that give Skiptracers most of their business. He has friends under both sovereignties and has seen unique suffering brought on by their seemingly neverending conflict. If that conflict were gone, he'd probably lose a lot of his business, but things would be better for everyone, so he would absolutely be satisfied with that.
A2 - Marauders. She's seen her fair share of carnage brought on by them and wouldn't wish it on anyone else, maybe not even her worse enemies. It would bring her both satisfaction and catharsis to destroy every marauder gang out there.
Ebrahim - Because I usually don't include him in these, but maybe I should start. His answer is also a little more abstract: Politics. Ebrahim knows enough secrets and enough about history to know that some of humanity's worst crimes are commited in the name of politics. Would he be satisfied if politics didn't exist? Hard to know, but it certainly wouldn't make things worse.
Thanks for the ask!
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