#i’ll post the whole thing later
chodoyodes · 1 year
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ohnomysoul · 3 months
I think we should have a conversation about how people tend to portray Hornet as having a hair-trigger temper/being always just angry and how that’s both a disservice to her character and really odd considering how much of a stoic she tends to be in game about her feelings. She’s blunt and sharp but not explosive and straight up abrasive. She has tact. Just like someone who’s both a spider and born into a royal family has to be to survive.
And along with that, as a Lesbian myself, the way people write her as being always angry and pissed off mixed with the other defining trait of being a lesbian or sapphic in some way also rubs me the wrong way.
Like… I hope people realize that they are making her into the “angry/bitchy lesbian trope” right??? And by making her like be especially rude towards the men (who are written to hit on her) also plays into that? I doubt it’s intentional but it’s still offensive.
(Clarification too just in case: I love when people headcanon Hornet as being a Lesbian for obvious reasons that are not limited to me simply loving her as a character, but I do beg people to think more about how making the self controlled guardian that Hornet is into a lesbophobic trope that isn’t even adhering to her canon character is disheartening.)
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whoblewboobear · 3 months
Jace lets Zara feed on him sometimes bc that’s his best friend and he loves her, Send Tweet
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purple-ravaged · 6 months
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unfinished sketchbook page :3 should i do more kacchan or someone else???
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 8 months
Eusine being one of the most stacked units in pokemas will forever be the funniest thing to me because everytime I send him out I just imagine it like
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Directly based on this;
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life-of-kalos · 1 year
"Hm, this is quite the dire situation." Ginjiro remarks, having witnessed for himself the empty valleys surrounding them. Not a living soul in sight. "I would not blame anyone for fearing the very soul who did this. Yet it is in Yveltal's nature to do so. And it is in Xearneas' to counteract. Balance must needs be restored." He scratches his chin in thought. "Though I suppose you should already know this. But where is Xerneas in all of this? And how are you faring through all of this? This is quite the burden to bear."
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“It’s very kind of you to think of my personal state. While I am not the only baring this burden, I will admit it is not easy.” Harumi becomes so distracted by the handsome fellow in front of her, she doesn’t notice his gaze has shifted to something in the distance. “As for where Xerneas rests…”
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It seems another has arrived
[Hawke is open for asks]
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bajaja-blast · 1 month
tw/ sexual assault
does anyone know what’s up with the Melanie Martinez allegations?
ik this is nothing new anymore, and even though I love Meanie’s music I would much rather side with a victim of SA. I did find this Reddit comment on a post about it from a year ago and I was wondering if any of the things in this comment are still relevant.
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I agree that the gender fluid thing is queerbait if I'm understanding you right. Like I think it's like one of the only instances of queer baiting in the show
yeah like i don’t think lokius is queerbait by the definition (they never actually said it was gonna happen, or heavily hinted at it, etc). BUT i do think that if you observe their interactions in the show it’s clear they were doing SOMETHING with that. just thinking in a sense of like, if they were a straight couple then people would absolutely be saying yeah there’s something there. but i don’t think it’s queerbait because while yeah it’s in there, the creators, writers, etc. never actually said anything about that.
and the whole thing about him being genderfluid. it. bugs me so much because before the show came out i was so hyped for that because they DID say like, yeah in the show he’s genderfluid and then didn’t actually do that. the credits scene with the file where it says sex: fluid was. idk not good rep at all because it’s SO EASY to miss even if you do watch the credits. and then playing it as if the loki variants think it’s strange that there’s a woman variant of them. it’s not at all what they made it out to be and it bothers me so much. like the queerbaiting there was absolutely intentional.
ALSO i was very disappointed at the bi rep. like it’s more than i expected from marvel honestly BUT they still hyped it up as this big thing like yeah loki’s bi!! it’s canon!! and then just threw in a 3 sentence thing that’s super easy to miss. and then like. never brought it up again ever. and that wouldn’t be a big deal to me in the sense of like “yeah, he’s bi, it’s normal it’s not a big thing, it’s just part of who he is” like i would think that would even be a great aspect of it IF they didn’t hype it up so much and make it a big thing outside of the actual show. it’s just. idk it bothers me
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shizandgiggles · 2 months
Ik I haven’t posted in like forever but the hyperfixation on my op wh ocs (from Jacenotjason’s AU)(that almost all of I haven’t shown anywhere) has gotten so strong I’m debating taking them away from the AU and making my own lil project with them
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adamprrishcycle · 1 year
Just a wip I’m working on (that I’ve been working on since november) canon divergence pynch that is just an excuse to make them fall in love under diff circumstances and also an attempt to satisfy my need to dig into adam parrish’s brain and sort the contents into little piles. This has no context but if you like adam you might like this :) send post close app
He knew now that he wasn’t in a dream, not the usual kind anyway. The rainfall had been brief but thorough and the clouds had closed in making the summer night as dark as winter. There were voices somewhere close to Adam, behind doors and down corridors but the room he was in was silent. He stood over the basin in the corner with the shades closed and he’d filled it with cool water, letting his fingers slide through it a number of times before drying them somewhere on himself. He didn’t feel the wet as he stared into the gently rippling water, unfocusing his eyes and staring into the dark liquid.
So he was among the trees. And it was comforting like heavy velvet draped around his shoulders, perfectly weighted and soft to the touch. He wasn’t alone and this fact had his heart beating faster with anticipation. He felt the pull of the other being strongly. A deep, heavy tug that sat low in the base of his stomach, so warm and indulgent, he sensed his body taking a shaky breath. It had never felt quite like this before, perhaps because he was so close to the pure, raw energy of the ley line.
He plunged, leaving everything that was Adam Parrish behind. He told himself it was just for a moment, that he could get back to the conscious world but he had doubts about that and he was prepared to ignore them.
The trees knew Adam by name and he knew them too. It was a word that was made to be said in a hushed whisper. But he didn’t say it.
The energy from the ley line fed Adam willingly and he reached out with fingers made of light and dust and stroked something dark and coiled. It tensed, pulling away and for a moment he saw a flash of familiarity.
He saw his own face looking back at him, standing in broad daylight, frowning and stubborn and sad.
He pulled away too. He pulled hard, rocked off balance and he began to fall.
And fall.
And fall.
And fall.
When Adam hit the ground, he gasped in pain, the surge of it so strong that he saw stars and for a moment he lay there winded, his nerve endings alight with a deep seated panic that he hadn’t felt in a long time.
Eventually he grasped a hold of what was going on. He remembered he was at 300 Fox Way in Persephone’s old bedroom and the daylight outside was dim as the sun began to sink below the rooftops before disappearing behind the distant mountain range.
“Well, that’s one way to wake up.”
Adam started at the voice, turning where he sat on the floor to look at the bed in the corner where Calla was now sitting in the gloom.
“How long was I– How long have you been there?” Adam asked, his voice sounding heavy and sleep-drunk to his own ears.
“About twelve minutes,” Calla told him, “luckily I didn’t have to use this.” She held up a large kitchen knife and Adam stared, open-mouthed despite himself. He hadn’t needed the shock of physical pain to bring himself back to his body. He’d fallen. Or he’d been pushed.
As he struggled to his feet, Calla stood up as well and she left the knife on the sheets as she approached Adam, reaching up without warning to touch his cheek. The gesture wasn’t aggressive, but Adam flinched anyway and pulled away from her, only for her to latch onto his wrist next, gripping firmly and closing her eyes.
“Quit it.” Adam yanked his arm free and backed up to the window. He saw the look on her face. Her eyes widened, then narrowed and she rested a hand on her hip as she studied Adam coolly.
“That hunger of yours can never be sated, can it?” She said, her tone accusing. “You’re never full up.” Adam’s jaw tightened and he tried to set his face into one of indifference, but from the way Calla straightened up, he knew he was wearing the face his father gave him.
“I didn’t say you could touch me,” Adam said as calmly as he could muster but there was venom beneath the surface, “this is none of your goddamn business.”
A rush of air came from Calla’s nose in the form of a single, humourless laugh and she smiled darkly. “What will you do with it, Adam?” She said his name with a sneer. “When you find this power source, what will you do?”
Shame was like a disease, something that no matter how hard Adam tried, he couldn’t be cured of and it gnawed at him now. The only defense his body had ever devised to combat it surged through him and he gritted his teeth, balling his hands into fists at his sides. He tried to shake it off, he took a deep breath but he couldn’t get a handle on it and he knew he needed to leave. Now.
He turned, nearly falling over a cat who was loafed just outside the door. He swore and the cat yowled its own protest as he stumbled and caught himself on the wall loudly. A face appeared from a doorway down the corridor. He ignored them, jogging down the staircase with his head down.
Out on the street, although daylight was failing, everything felt too big and too bright. Adam felt as though he’d been asleep for a long time and he’d just been rudely awoken. He ran to his car and instantly felt better once he was shaded from the afternoon sun but he could feel his heart beating in his throat, the thud of it making him shake all over.
He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, skull pressed into the headrest. He thought of the trees. His trees. He felt himself calming, his pulse steadying.
When he opened his eyes, movement caught his attention. There was a car parked further down the street and the driver was sitting inside. Adam pressed his cheek to the drivers side window, squinting into the side mirror to get a better look. The person was shadowy and nondescript but it looked as though their face was turned in this direction.
Adam felt watched, the invisible eyes of the stranger upon him like the sun shining through a magnifying glass onto an unsuspecting insect. Adam was that insect.
He started the engine and the car revved loudly as he gave it too much gas. He took off, reaching the speed limit and exceeding it.
He was running away.
He thought he’d stopped doing that.
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tired-inyxe · 6 months
Yk what. I’m doing it
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arkacarian · 10 months
I see a lot of people talk about a Kirby RPG concept and as someone who loves RPGs and has replayed one single RPG over 60 times, I wanna give my own thoughts on how I would go about it
Just a teeny tiny little read more here because I know I’m gonna ramble. So y’know. It’s gonna be long
Ok so I would have it focus on not the main characters. Kirby isn’t even there. It’s a spin off, he doesn’t really have to be. Kirby is napping through some big giant threat, Bandana Dee is out training somewhere, Meta Knight is fixing the Halberd, and Dedede is just totally oblivious. So instead, characters that aren’t the main four have to take up the quest
Biasedly I’d put Adeleine there as the main protagonist, but also, human girl. She’s the only human. I feel like that just works well as an RPG’s main character. Also she 100% deserves a game of her own, so
She sees this scary evil thing, realizes nobody else is gonna do anything about it, grabs a sword (that isn’t possessed or anything because she’s actually aware of what Dark Matter is [unlike a certain someone]), and then goes around trying to find anyone else who can help her
She doesn’t use the sword though she just. Wanted to hold a sword. And smack some people with it and go “we need to go on a quest” and then she throws it away in favor of her paintbrush
I feel like this could actually work just having the members of the Wave Two Dream Friends. Out of all of them, those four (yeah I’m counting Ribbon separately) are the most ragtag misfits. None of them really work together well, so this could be a way to actually explore their dynamics, because 0, 1, and 3 are all pretty explanatory. 0 is the main team, 1 are just silly guys, and 3… yeah everyone knows how those three fit together
So Adeleine as the leader, Ribbon who gets to be separate because she deserves to be her own character and also RPGs are better with four characters in my opinion (totally not bias from the one I’ve played over 60 times), Daroach, and Dark Meta Knight. Who are apparently the only people around to stop some… thing
Who or what would the villain be? What are they trying to stop?
My brain is telling me Dark Matter, since it’s one of the biggest overarching things in the series, and could totally have just seeped into this spin off too. But also… that’s lame
I think it’d be an entirely new, random villain because pretty much all the spin offs do that. Also a lot of spin offs are art themed for whatever reason so now Adeleine being the main protagonist makes sense
Yeah I’m not sure what the force of evil would be
But anyway, there’s my thoughts on what a hypothetical Kirby RPG could be. Extreme amounts of favorite character bias included
And for anyone wondering what game I’ve replayed more than 60 times…
It’s Miitopia
I love Miitopia
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iolitemoth · 1 year
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Meet Solam! She’s a quantum physics major who joins Wild Ventures after her classmate Gab (Gabbro) talks her into it. She’s excited and ready for adventure!
Some Facts:
Solam uses a text-to-speech device as well as sign language; I’m not sure if she’s mute or has trouble speaking or something else, but she gets by well enough.
She plays piano! She brought a keyboard from home and set it up in her dorm room as soon as she could.
Her favourite animals are goats :) Some of her other favourite things are science, mysteries, and learning.
Solam is fairly tall and has a habit of walking on her toes.
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dogboycolumbo · 2 years
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background gwen and courtney i drew :-)
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deityofhearts · 1 year
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
- 👁️
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? suddenly every face I’ve ever learned has left my head like I genuinely am blue screening rn. fun fact bpiled peanuts are a popular snack eaten in southern states (and probably elsewhere but idk) (ususlaly you buy a bunch of peanuts yourself, boil them and because you bought so many peanuts because they take so long to cook you might as well make a bunch you then invite your family and friends over to have some and take some home and then eat off what you have until you’ve decided that you’re sick of them so you freeze the rest until you want more), this is a fun fact because I did not know that they weren’t common elsewhere until a few years ago and yes i will never shut up about it because it was world shattering what do you mean y’all aren’t having boiled peanuts as a snack what do you mean you don’t know what a boiled peanut is what????
send me an ask
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
unrebloggable bc this is not finished but do you all want to see my attempts at definitively proving that all of seasons 1-10 takes place on the same planet. it’s. So Much. under a read more bc it’s LONG.
okay so like a month ago i made this chart:
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sorry if you can’t read this it’ll all be explained anyway. anyway here’s what i wrote today. when i made the chart i checked references but today was 100% from memory which is why there’s no episode numbers lol. note that i’m using the map names for zanzibar, high ground and rat’s nest, though those are not their canon names. i’ll probably replace them if i ever finish this.
BLOOD GULCH -> RAT’S NEST: In season 6, episode , Sarge leaves Blood Gulch and arrives to Rat’s Nest on a warthog
(NOTE: Wash is explicitly stated to have to downgrade his armor to go back to BGC, while Sarge seemingly upgrades without comment. Is this a diegetic change? Shrug.)
RAT’S NEST -> BLOOD GULCH: In season 6 episode , Sarge, Grif, and Simmons leave Rat’s Nest and arrive to Zanzibar on a warthog.
ZANZIBAR -> BLOOD GULCH: In season 3, episode , Sarge, Grif, Simmons and Donut leave Zanzibar and arrive to Blood Gulch on a warthog and a ghost, respectively. In season 4, episode , Church leaves Zanzibar and arrives to Blood Gulch presumably on foot.
ZANZIBAR -> QUEST: Throughout season 4, Tucker, Caboose, Andy and the alien walk from Zanzibar through all the various locations associated with the quest (Great Burning Plains, Great Swamp, Great Freezing Plains).
QUEST -> BLOOD GULCH: In season 4 episode , the quest crew leave from the final quest location and arrive back to Blood Gulch presumably on foot.
ZANZIBAR -> DESERT: In season 10, episode , the entire BGC leave Zanzibar and arrive to the desert on warthogs.
DESERT -> STORAGE: In season 8, episode , Caboose and Epsilon walk/float from the desert to the offsite storage unit. In episode , Sarge, Grif, Simmons and Tucker also NEED TO CHECK THIS I FORGET
STORAGE -> SIDEWINDER: In season 8, episode , Tex and Church NEED TO CHECK . In episode , Wash, Meta, and Doc also NEED TO CHECK on a warthog.
(NOTE: Sidewinder is stated o be an ice planet in season 1, episode , as well as seemingly shown to be an ice planet in season 10 episode . Whether or not Sidewinder is on a separate planet is up for interpretation.)
DESERT -> YORK DEATH: In season 10, episode , Carolina and Epsilon leave the desert and arrive to the site of York’s death on a mongoose.
YORK DEATH -> NORTH DEATH: In Recovery One, episode , Wash leaves York’s death site and arrives to North’s death site on a warthog
NORTH DEATH -> CITY (R1): In Recovery One, episode , Wash and South leave North’s death site via warthog, which we later see with them when they are in the city. NEED TO CHECK THIS.
(NOTE: The city where York and Tex meet in Out of Mind is never shown to be traveled to or from, therefore cannot be confirmed to be on the same planet. I believe it is a valid interpretation to assume the city in Recovery One is the same as the city in Out of Mind, but this is speculative and unconfirmed.)
YORK DEATH -> VALHALLA: In season 10, episode , Carolina and Epsilon leave York’s death site and arrive to Valhalla on a mongoose
VALHALLA -> DESERT: In season 7, episode , Sarge, Simmons, and Caboose travel from Valhalla to the desert via warthog, through the water. In season 8, episode , NEED TO CHECK
DESERT -> VALHALLA: In season 8, episode , Sarge and Grif drive from the desert to Valhalla via Warthog. In episode , Church and Caboose NEED TO CHECK. In season 10, the BGC travels from the desert to Valhalla via warthog. NEED TO CHECK ALL OF THIS
VALHALLA -> STORAGE: In season 10 they go from Valhalla to the storage unit but i really don’t remember the exact sequence. they end in valhalla, so do they go back and forth? NEED TO CHECK
VALHALLA -> COMMAND: In season 6, episode , the guys travel from Valhalla to Command via tank.
(NOTE: There is the possibility to connect Command to Zanzibar, though it’s speculative. In season 10, episode , the cast travels from the place the UNSC is storing Epsilon to Zanzibar via warthogs. Both Command and the UNSC storage facility use parts of the Halo map “Standoff” to portray their exteriors. However, the UNSC storage facility uses the map “Orbital” for its interior while Command uses a variety of other maps. For example part of command uses the map “High Ground,” which is the base Church was at for 14 months between seasons 5 and 6. This shows that simply using the parts of the same map is not enough to be considered proof of two places being the same location. Therefore it cannot be confirmed whether or not it should be Command or a separate storage location that connects to Zanzibar.)
VALHALLA -> HIGH GROUND: In season 6, episode , Church, Wash, and Caboose travel from Valhalla to High Ground via mongooses. NEED TO CHECK
HIGH GROUND -> VALHALLA: In season 6, episode , Church states that he, Wash, and Caboose walked from High Ground to Valhalla.
HIGH GROUND -> ZANZIBAR: In season 6, episode , The Meta leaves High Ground on a mongoose which is later seen at Zanzibar. NEED TO CHECK
The places that remain unconnected to the rest of the planet are Battle Creek and the city in Out of Mind. Battle Creek is only accessed via teleporter and the OoM city has already been explained. There’s also the teleporter nexus but I don’t consider that a. place. though anyway it is only accessible via teleporter.
so uh. yeah. this is what i do with my time.
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