#i’m 22
maniacjohnny · 7 months
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and so, 22 years ago, Sexy Bitters Guy was born on this day
so tender and mild
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starsofang · 2 months
it’s my birthday today
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gothic-alpha · 2 years
Not to sound old, but if you’re new to the VC fandom, reeled in by the new (absolutely phenomenal) show and now you want to read the books, especially if you’re gen Z, you need to understand something before you pick up Interview: this series, its original source material, is about villains. Though they are complex in many scenarios, these are not your romanticised tumblr-crushes, Dean Winchester, Loki Laufeyson type villains either, where you want to laugh and think “Oh I could fix him!” “Oh but look at his trauma!”
The protagonists are the genuinely unlikable, irredeemable, committing-atrocities-at-every-turn, bad guys. There is nobody in this series who comes out of it morally defendable, neither is anyone going to face the appropriate consequences for being the way that they are, or for the actions they take. But that’s unfortunately often the way life is, and just because a book series, especially a horror book series, is fantasy does not mean it is under any obligation to keep you comfortable.
This series is not going to apologize for potentially making you feel like you can relate to or even like characters who are terrible people. It’s not going spell it out for you, either:
If you need media that’s going to do that, look elsewhere. What this series is great for a lot of the time is making you think.
Can I understand that this action is bad even when presented in a way that makes lines look blurred? Why is it bad? Why am I against this? It can make you examine why you believe what you do, which I think at this point in time, especially amongst younger generations who are often getting their opinions from Instagram infographics, could actually be hugely beneficial, but what’s not beneficial is taking to the internet to cry about how awful these books are because Louis is not the sanitized, sympathetic version of himself we get in the show (even if he thinks he is), and because Lestat isn’t put in time out for treating him and everyone else horribly. If you only like the show, great. The show is fantastic. Just stick to that. I fully anticipated it, but I’m so tired of this book burning already.
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burnt-bombyx · 9 months
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*lip wobbles in olds*
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brandiph0 · 9 months
Happy birthday 🎈🎊 to me
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Yup …. And I don’t even know what to say I’m just speechless. 🥲 and you guys brighten up you guys are the best I thank you all for everything is been a heck of a adventure
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dylanisdazed · 1 year
I was talking to a friend and I said “I’ve got the kids this weekend” and I felt so divorced daddy
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cartas-de-safo · 1 year
it’s actually inhumane the way I was deprived of the knowledge that I am the most homosexual person I know for 95% of my life
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Quitting a job because I have to wear a helmet all day and the flat helmet hair is against my aesthetic is the most me thing I’ve ever done I think
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eddieschains · 2 years
why are my tits so saggy LOL
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frogmask · 1 year
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veteran’s discount. now
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you’re not a true anakin fan until you hold him accountable for his own actions sorry not sorry
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murderturtles · 2 years
It is
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morosoro · 2 years
Bro being in your early 20’s is so fucking wild man, because like, I still feel very much like a child myself. I feel like I just graduated like last year (even though it’s been like 4-5 years actually) and to find out that the kids I used to go to school with now have kids of their own is baffling.
Like what do you mean you’re married and have a son??? Bro I still live in a fucking basement! I still eat instant ramen for dinner at least twice a week and here you are taking your baby with you to the supermarket to get your ‘biweekly grocery order’ that’s compromised of like actual fucking food that you are then you to cook yourself??? Like bro I’m standing here with a single chocolate kinder egg with a toy inside that I am buying for myself with the pocket change I found in the couch cushions… and you’ve got a whole ass fucking child?!?! What the fuck?!
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stephstars08 · 2 years
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mangozic · 2 months
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the wettest of cats
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I can’t believe I’ve had instagram for half of my life
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