#i’m going to main tag this bc i want more ppl to talk to about it
salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
i have so many thoughts about bee and puppycat but i don’t know anyone else that likes it so bear with me while i ramble about how i’m feeling about the story rn
right i’ve watched lazy in space the whole way through about 6 times now trying to figure shit out and i think i have more questions than when i started .
let’s just . so puppycat is the space outlaw that was made very clear multiple times from the very first episode . the sleeping lady that was thought to be the jellyfish princess in the original youtube series is now violet, the space outlaws .. friend?? since childhood . cardamon is violets son. the island belongs to violet
bee never ages . bee got sick presumably as a child . as a result she was made a cyborg by her dad who is still alive ?? but only connects with her through the music box on her birthdays and when she needs fixed . puppycat has known bee and her dad for most of bees life .
the song said that the princess and the warlocks were after the space outlaw. the princess was killed in the first episode and the hands that follow bee and puppycat throughout their temp work are the warlocks which we found out in like ep 8 i think that’s the earliest i can remember
the stuff in the lake is said to belong to bee . pretty sure that’s all bits and pieces for puppycats ship.
i have so many questions
where is bees dad and what is his connection to puppycat, bee obviously acquired him in the first episode for a reason and as the episodes go on we learn that they’ve known each other for years, but what happened for bees dad to find him???
the hair kind of reminds me of ,, the kid (i can’t remember if he was given a name or not) ,, in the recovery team . which would also explain how cardamon has the same smiley face hammer . and also why bee gets the ‘candies’ from her dad every year and now the child said he wanted to use the candy to ‘make something better’ and soon after splitting the candy in half just like bee does when she gets them on her birthdays . and why young bee looked so much like the kid and why violet says they need to get bees dad to clean up the mess .
upon reflection i have decided the kid is definitely bees dad . i may have been a little slow with that one
wait hold on ,, was that even the princess or was it the space outlaws teacher from that one sequence in the flashback episode . if so why was she there and why did she take the space outlaw / princess story personally
anywya . what happened to bee . obviously she stopped aging because she’s like made of fucking metal now but there were previous clips of her as a young child and a baby .
what happened to violet and cardamon?? why have they been asleep for so long ?? how did cardamon wake up ??? why did they go back to sleep ?? who is cardamons dad ????
what happened to the recovery teams ship for it to end up so broken and seemingly part of the island that grew around it ???? how long has violet been asleep . will puppycat become the space outlaw again ????? how do violets tears work ????
what about the multiple bees at the end??? all 5 make up the physical bee but how??? is there any connection to the multiple puppycats in bees dream sequences ??? are they going to be able to fix bee ??? they’re leaving the planet but where exactly are they going ??? what about the warlocks ????
i have so many thoughts about this show but i’m tired and i have a rlly bad cold so i need to take a break from staring at the screen
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“no one can know I can tell what people will manifest as!!” why not? ability detecting is basically torture. u could save sooo many elves so much wasted time. and just how do u think the neverseen will use this against u?? it’s literally useless to them. but it is useful to the elves. like SUPER useful. people can spend their whole lives training w their abilities before they even manifest. like omg keefe cmon
edit (I put this in a reblog but don’t feel like reexplaining it so I’m putting it here)
I get what ur saying about Keefe not wanting the council to exploit him and that having all those ppl go to him but I really think that’s the only good reason which is still a very good one bc it’s about what HE wants (but also think of terik who did it for a bit then stopped but occasionally does it for some people) tbh the only good reasons are Keefe just not wanting to and that’s fair. but honestly I’m talking about the use of the ability and how in the grand scheme and when Keefe is in a better mental place that it can be SOOOOOO useful and like when he’s past all this and is happy and healthy then I would say he should tell ppl about it even if he doesn’t open up to “readings”
with a ability training thing that was one of my main points (tho I did put it in the tags and those go away when u reblog 😒) but ability training is literally TORTURE. like they put these like 11 year old kids in burning hot rooms for hours hoping to trigger a froster… like that’s soooo unethical idk what the councils reasoning for that is. it’s literal child abuse and I’m not even kidding. its brushed off but omg wtf. and imagine going through all that only to discover you were talentless and all that was for nothing. like that would suck
and for the talentless. keefe not wanting to tell ppl they are talentless is a very valid and good reason, but aside from that I think his talent would be more helpful. bc it would give talentless ppl more time to grow up and adjust to the predugist (hate bc I can’t spell 😭) against the talentless. bc even though they would have to deal w it from birth, isn’t that better than living a normal life w friends then BAM one day ur talentless and all of ur friends stop hanging out w u. like ur WHOLE world would be flipped and it’s better to give the talentless more time to adjust to it imo.
also the schooling thing u meantioned is another reason knowing ur talentless form the start would be helpful. BECAUSE THE TALENTLESS ARE PULLED OUT IF FOXFIRE WHICH IS SOOOOO MESSED UPP. like they go to foxfire for like 3 years then the council is like “haha no ability? sucks for u lol! go off to a different school where u know no one and make different friends yk just forget ur whole life up to now haha” like WTF. (honestly the bigger problem here is how the talentless are treated but we already know that has to change so this is about how keefe can help).
also it could give “bad match” couples where one of them is talentless (like Kesler and juline) comfort to know their kid isn’t talentless. And if their kid is talentless then it saves them years from worrying over it and the suspense of it all. Also I just think knowing ur ability from childhood and being able to train for it before u even manifested would be soooo helpful
but in the end of the day yeah, keefe just not wanting to is the biggest thing. and I might be remembering incorrectly bc I haven’t read the book in forever but I remember something about keefe thinking he accidentally triggered the triplets abilities which would be more problematic but idk if I’m remembering it wrong. but I do think like years after kotlc ends (or when ever he feels ready) keefe should defo start using his ability for good. like it doesn’t have to be everybody. it can just be kids of q talentless parent(s) to help their parents out yk bc if two telepaths have a kid then it’s obvi going to be a telepath u don’t need keefe to tell u that
also the main point of the pre-editted post was about how he doesn’t want the NEVERSEEN to know bc he thinks they might be able to use it against his friends. like how. literally how? what use is it going to do them.
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crippleprophet · 1 year
hi, i just ordered my first cane n wanted to ask some questions about how to. idk not be too self-conscious about it/handle people asking about it (esp older folks)?
ik the main thing is to just. ignore people but i struggle with not paying attention to ppl who wanna be weird/intrusive
congrats on your first cane!! i hope it’s helpful for you & you have as easy an adjustment as possible 💖 i’ve answered some similar asks in my cane user & faq tags so you might find some other relevant info there :)
there are a few things that were helpful for me when i was adjusting to new mobility aids & the ableism people often meet that with –
planning my response ahead of time. i’d often feel bad about myself for not defending myself or whatever when people asked invasive questions, but if i had a plan like “okay i’m gonna just be like ‘oh yeah i have knee problems, it’s been super helpful!’ & disengage as quickly as possible” then i didn’t feel bad about not directly addressing their ableism or whatever bc i’d already decided it wasn’t worth my time
surrounding myself with as many other mobility aid users as possible, on social media & in art & in the theory i read &, when i was able to, in person. knowing that other people are going through the same thing (& talking shit whenever possible) really helped me feel less alone
if academic writing is accessible to you, rosemarie garland-thompson’s staring: how we look is a great starting point for disability theory around this topic imo! there’s also a lot of community knowledge + theory around (hyper)visibilized disability, which has only grown more robust in the wake of ableist responses to wearing masks
in this kind of situation i firmly believe that whatever response best helps you survive in an ableist society is the right one. whether that’s cursing somebody out or pretending you didn’t hear them or pacifying them with as polite a response as possible depends on the circumstances & the people involved, & all of them have different risks. in my experience it gets easier over time to get a feel for weighing those decisions
self-care afterwards in whatever way(s) you prefer. my senior year of undergrad my go-to after an obscenely ableist class was taking my mobility scooter on a fast ride through the park next to campus, blasting an angry playlist; the best response for somebody else might be a bubble bath or getting high or gay sex or listening to a disability podcast or all of the above or something else entirely – whatever makes you feel like you have a right to exist.
i also started a (18+) bitter cripple discord server when i was overwhelmed by the ableism i was experiencing a few years ago, which @cane-you-dig-it & @autismnep now moderate, so if you or somebody reading this want to join that just shoot one of us a dm!
i hope some of that was helpful, i’m wishing you the absolute best of luck & feel free to lmk if you have any other questions! 🖤🖤
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solar-halos · 25 days
this is my most embarrassing post yet but it has to be said
please everyone don’t think less of me for not only thinking about this au but also having so many of the details planned out please. please. but in my defense it’s 1am and i’m showing no signs of going to sleep anytime soon so now i am subjecting u to every single thought i’ve ever had. ok i need to stop stalling here’s what’s been on my mind lately:
total drama/hg au. like total drama island but with characters from the hunger games
yes ive watched total drama island. yes i continue to re-watch total drama island as an adult. yes i do lurk on the tag. yes my brain is theoretically getting more and more developed by the day 😔😔 anyway let me tell u which character would be which
• ok i know it would be so easy to say that annie and finnick are bridgette and geoff cos they’re beachy surfers obsessed with pda, but that’s so predictable. also i don’t even think they’re that big on pda. also duncan and courtney are literally peak so i think that’s why i feel so strongly about this, but like, finnick is so obviously courtney coded. like being so people please-y and diplomatic on the surface but then lowkey being a type a control freak as the game goes on and then annie is there being a rebel without a cause and it rubs of on him. like at the end of the day duncan and courtney are the same ppl but different font and i think that works very well with odesta. also i love bridgette and geoff but oh my god those mfs don’t argue. not like i imagine odesta to argue
• ok enough about odesta. lets talk about everlark. i know this is so basic but katniss needs to be gwen like god INTENDED. like this antisocial little weirdo (gwen) who has a heart of gold and everyone knows it but her. s1 gwen/trent was so sappy and corny and normal up until The Kiss and love me hate me say what u want about me but i liked it. like wayyy more than duncan and gwen bc that ship is just like “what if a boy and girl got together” like they weren’t similar at all they just both wore black. anyway i love black cat and golden retriever pairings and that is so everlark to me. peeta literally would carry a boulder for katniss
• heather is so clove. lindsay is so glimmer. case closed
• this works especially well bc (and i know im jumping ahead in the series lore) cato is so alejandro. and tyler is so marvel. i don’t personally ship them that much but i know its definitely a Thing so it works out nicely
• beetee is harold 😭😭 the main total drama cast is so huge that’s it’d be kinda impossible to keep the characters within a similar age range but i’m kinda obsessed with Teenager Beetee. he would so commit voter fraud
• also i know it’s basic to say that johanna would be eva but like. eva literally allied with a fucking nerd she hated the fuck outta and some certified weirdo no one rlly fucked w. that’s so cf-core
honestly i don’t have as many thoughts on this as i thought. for some reason i don’t personally like having snow in more modern au things, so i think chris mcclean would still be chris mcclean. that’s the only thing that stays the same it’s still s1 of total drama island so its not a crossover chris mcclean just transcends fandom spaces. haymitch can def be chef hatchet tho
anyway i’m getting rlly embarrassed again, so bye
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angelsdean · 2 years
like, i get that some people are upset that dean is still in heaven but, it wasn't really a shock to me at all ?? sure i clowned a bit w/ the 'time traveling aliveboy dean' stuff but they literally said before the show even started that dean was on a "hiatus" from heaven and that was always in the back of my mind thru out my clowning. and it really was a hiatus from heaven ! it all took place in the heaven drive time gap as like a finale coda (and what a huge time gap that is to fill. there's still so much they can do w/ that bit of time alone imo). we also don't know how much jensen + robbie were allowed to change, there may have been stipulations w/ spnwin to not change the heaven finale, something that might have to wait for a reboot / continuation of spn prime.
but regardless, crucially ??? what spnwin did is it completely recontexualized dean's ending. i said this in the tags of this post but i'll say it again: the spn finale said. ok dean's dead. he waits for sam. and that's it. spnwin said. no actually !!! he's not accepting that peace !! he's not waiting around for sam !! and giving dean back that agency is important to me. giving dean back the ability to make his own choices and want things for himself is important to me.
and i know some people are doubtful that we'll get a s2 of spnwin, meaning dean's story would end here, on him being unhappy in heaven. but personally, i don't think it matters if we get a s2. i think jensen is Not done with dean or the spn prime story. he's said before that spnwin is only one of many stories he wants to explore in the spn universe. also, after that answer he gave recently at jibcon re: a destiel reunion, i think he def wants more spn ("hopefully we get to see that at some point / i'm sure it would go how we all think it would go" and dean wanting to talk abt the confession)
i think even if we don't get a s2, everything that spnwin established re: dean's story will be the foundation for that reboot / mini series they're always talking about. personally, i Don't think we'll see dean again if there is a s2. (tho we may hear him in voiceovers as they read his journal and use it as a guide. and we may learn more abt dean and his journey this way). overall, i think dean helped establish this story and these characters, but moving forward it will be focused on them and not dean (tho we will see familiar spn faces, and maybe they will get involved in the multiverse too and visit the main spn universe, who knows?)
i think we needed what spnwin gave us re: dean's story not being over, dean unhappy in heaven, dean still searching more, (hints about jack possibly being "off" too / chuck won theory...) as a foundation for future stories in the main spn universe post-15x20. we want to see dean bust out of heaven and find happiness right? well, the seeds for that have been planted. and i knowww that's asking for optimism and faith that we WILL see a continuation in the future, and i get that some people are just doubtful and hopeless, but i really think we will see a continuation in the (maybe not so distant) future. and imo having this foundation to work off w/ dean's recontextualized time in heaven is important for all the things we want to see in a continuation.
and like, even tho i'm annoyed that ppl think his 'ending' now is worse than it was in 15x20, i don't think it's wrong to feel upset, because if that really were where it ended for dean i wouldn't be happy either. but for me the thing is i really really do Not think this is it for dean. i don't think jensen will be satisfied w/ dean staying dead in heaven forever. it completely goes against the thesis of the show, and dean's personal desire for freedom over peace in 'paradise.' and after everything jensen said abt dean + cas reuniting, i think there's a lot of unresolved things in spn that he wants to address, and he'll keep trying to make more spn until we get a better ending for all these characters (bc lbr, sam's ending also sucked. we never saw cas again and all he got was a throwaway line in the finale. jack deserves better too. they all do).
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
If I see ppl saying this or that theory is stupid in the tag, then yeah, I mean I feel weird posting about agreeing with that theory now bc it’s recently been established by some that it’s a stupid one 😭
Like the whole birthdaygate thing. I love that theory, but after talking about it I’ll suddenly see ppl in the tag hating on the theory, as if I didn’t just specifically mention it 😳 like…
Not saying people can’t have their own theories, but if you’re repeatedly posting in the tag, publicly, where everyone see’s, about how this or that won’t happen no matter what some people think, now suddenly it’s an atmosphere where no one knows if they can even post about those theories anymore, I just feel like it makes me look like an idiot bc I’m now one of those people others think is stupid for believing.
But honestly I’m also an over-sensitive person, so maybe it’s just me.
Like the whole byler confessional thing is something I also have no interest in. Bc it centers on this tendency fandom has to constantly bring up hot takes. Like oh EVERYONE thinks this, but I don’t!!!
Like some ppl will invalidate theories solely bc they’re popular. Like, that will genuinely be an argument for the basis of why a theory isn’t solid, bc a bunch of ppl believe it.
I personally believe a lot of theories, even the crazy ones, bc it’s fun. Like i’d rather believe all of them, and hopefully some are actually accurate, than to just believe what fits with what I want to believe and play it safe.
I’ll even believe theories I don’t necessarily like, but the story is giving me signs that it’s going to pay off. Like the whole byler getting murray’d thing. That’s sort of a hot take now to talk about bc some fans don’t want it to happen, so they’ll kind of push it into obscurity as something they believe won’t happen, solely bc they don’t want it to.
But the thing is, I don’t necessarily want/not want it to happen, that’s beside the point. The show has hinted at a lead up to this for years, that’s why I believe it. So when I talk about it, don’t think I’m pushing that theory on you despite you not personally liking it, and don’t assume I think byler is solely going to get together bc of a snide remark from Murray. It’s simply a theory based on evidence. And it’s gonna be a lot more complex than Murray being the sole reason they end up together. If anything it’s just a small component to the pay-off of that story arc, based on the watching the show as a whole and seeing the signs leading up to it with Jancy and Jopper, followed by an endgame payoff with the main ship of the show following suit, aka byler.
I’ve been in fandom theorizing before. I’ve been disappointed. And I’ve been impressed with fans ability to figure shit out before it played out. Tbh theorizing will always be the best part, especially when the people working on the show really care about where it’s going narratively.
You will never see me on here hating on peoples theories. Bc honestly most of you are smarter than me and I care about what you guys think. I also don’t want to rule anything out definitively, even theories I don’t initially like, bc who knows, they could be right!!
So if I offend anyone by talking about certain theories or headcanons, I’m sorry for that.
If I ever talk about a theory that somehow directly contradicts yours, I’m sorry for that.
I think despite others opinions, I’m just going to try to keep theorizing things, without invalidating other theories in the process.
That just feels like the best way to go about things.
And I’m gonna try to ignore ppl saying they hate this or that take when it applies to me and just post what I want to post and if some agree then yay and if no one does then I’ll stfu bc there’s no point in stirring the pot if no one even agrees with me anyways 🤣
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navysealt4t · 1 year
SORRY for rambling in your notes i have BRAINROT and i will talk forever about it if presented the opportunity
also. where would you recommend starting for jrwi. because im Curious now
okokok soo there r a few different places u can start :33 there r like 4 campaigns that r easy to access.
there’s the main one Riptide!!! which is what i post about most :3 theres pirates and gay people and idk i’m really bad at summarizing things. but very much found family and a good mix of seriousness and silliness :] this playlist has all the episodes in order (108 episodes…. it’s very daunting. i stared watching at about 80 episodes i think?) it’s currently still going (and according to the dm, grizzly, about halfway through!)
the other on going camping is prime defenders !! idk anything about pd rlly, except that it’s like teenage/young adult superheroes? and i think it starts pretty lighthearted but gets way more serious. i barely know anything about this campaign tbh. i think there’s 5 episodes on the youtube and the rest is on patreon (there may be a totally approved playlist with the patreon episodes though. idk tho) this is the first episode tho !
then one of the two completed campaigns is APOTHEOSIS!!!!! i think apotheosis is tied with riptide for my fav campaign :] i think u might like apoth, idek know how to properly summarize it it’s so so good. like. godslaying, queer people, sex jokes, religion, angst, it’s amazing . i can’t pick a fav pc either it’s so so good. the first episode is on youtube and the rest (12 or 13 i think) are on patreon (i have a link to a totally approved and public playlist tho if u want it). it’s genuinely such a good campaign. i’m not an expert on it tho uhh if u wanna know more my good friend @/scrubbythebubble knows a lot about it :3
and last but not least BLOOD IN THE BAYOU!!!!!!!! ogh. i can’t even start this campaign is amazing. like horror? friendship? middle aged men? bugs? this is the campaign for u. charlie slimecicle is such a good dm. it’s a call of cthulu campaign but if u don’t know the mechanics they’re explained very well through the campaign . it’s genuinely so so good it’s given me the shivers so many times. the first episode is on youtube and the last 3 are on patreon. the last 3 episodes r audio only so i sadly don’t think there’s a totally approved playlist out there 😔 it’s rlly good tho just uh. quite a few content warnings
YEAH!!!! sorry this is so long and took so long i just love love jrwi. uhh if u plan on watching anything i would block the tags ‘jrwi spoilers’, ‘jrwilb’, and ‘[campaign name] spoilers’ if it’s pretty hard to stay unspoiled for like apoth and bitb, but i REALLY recommend going in with no spoilers bc shit just hits soo much harder :3 and jrwilb is the liveblogging tag !!
but yeah!!! councilblr/jrwiblr is (usually) very chill and we like to have fun and leave ominous messages for new ppl to freak about over :3 if u wanna know anything else feel free to dm or send an ask i loveeee talking about jrwi hehe
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snowblossomreads · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
😌 thanks @smilingformoney for the tag (i know u tagged my main blog but that thot doesn't write anything but gibberish well..i guess it's the same here to..)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I would say Harry Potter but honestly, it’s just Snape and then other Alan Rickman characters…so Alan Rickman LOL. Also I’ve been known to write Final Fantasy fics (for 7,12 and 15 specifically) and a wild Naruto one in my olden days. There are others but Alan is my main thing rn and for the foreseeable future.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bad Habits, Young and Beautiful, Seven Devils, Thrilling Tea Time, You Don’t Love Me Anymore
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes because it’s just nice to talk to folks who have enjoyed your things ^o^!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t know what those are. I mean I guess Seven Devils? But it’s not really angsty (too me at least).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them because I don’t know what sad endings are.  Havent my blurbos suffered enough.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have not and hope not!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes (3 of the the top kudos are smut ranging from…unhinged to unhinged). I’ll write almost any kind of smut but I have some no goes but mostly anything.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Do I write them? No not generally. Have I written them? I was going to say no I haven’t and I would be lying. I have one that will never see the light of day that I wrote as a young teen that was a crossover between multiple fandoms that that had nothing to do with each other than I had OCs for each of them. The premise was that they all put on a homecoming production (if you don’t know what that is, in short students put on a whole thing where they dance and sing to songs from specific decades that end in the same date as the year the current year to celebrate alumni who graduated on years that ended in the same date. i.e. 2023, 2013, 2003 etc). ANYWAYS I don’t know what I was doing and it never got finished but I think about how unhinged it was. There had to have been like 5 different fandoms in it minimum. Man was preteen me having a great time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and lets keep it that way 😊 or else.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, it would be a disaster tbh bc idk what deadlines are.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Any of my blurbos/OC or reader 😊. (i.e blurbo/me) LOLOL but like for a media where it’s not me, fictional me, or me again it would have to be Tidus/ Yuna from Final Fantasy X. They had a such a wonderful love story and they make my heart wobble.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them but unfortunately some of them (most of them) may forever stay unfinished because I’m just not good at writing multiple chapters. See Seven Devils and how long it took me to get the last 2 chapters up. AND IT WAS ONLY 7 CHAPTERS THAT WERE PREDETERIMED. Anyways I have a Final Fantasy 15 one I would like to finish because all the chapters were planned out but then I went to university.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Erm I’ve gotten comments about how well I write details and it’s flattering because honestly, I feel like I’m just word vomiting (stares at the next question with dread). But I guess details are my strengths? 😅
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything! Next question.
Jk (is she) Uhm I think my dialogues can be a bit bland and go on and on with no real end or why the conversation is going that way (she should go outside and talk to ppl more). Also the transition from platonic to romance (nervous laughter) it’s why one of my HP fics isn’t being written and why I usually just dump readers into things that area already established or almost close to.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
What an apt question, I’ve actually been struggling with this for some fics lately because I have characters who speak another language (Mandarin). Some languages work well for fics written in English i.e the ones that naturally have Romanized words like French, Italian, etc etc . And some (stares at Mandarin) don’t because of how every word would need a tonal mark basically and it’s tedious (again just my thought). I could just write them in characters but that would be even worse for English readers LOL. So now I just go "and so said this in Mandarin" and sometimes I add clues giving readers a hint letting them know. Anyways TLDR: Go for it if you want to, some languages are tricker than others.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Either Final Fantasy 12 or Naruto can’t remember 100%
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Really asking the hard hitting questions aren't yall 😭Erm um. Ayo I don't really know tbh. I'll go with Seven Devils bc it was absolutely unhinged and it was the first multi chapter thing I completed which I'm proud of!
But also I'm quite having fun writing my current fic (shameless plug for Entangled Hearts right here u should click it!) mostly because @smilingformoney lets me yell at her about my thoughts and she yells at me about her thoughts and we are like yeee good times. Also I can also give my OC some trauma LOL but also a sweet puppy in human form as a boyfriend (and maybe even husband)
That's it my friends thanks for listening to the rambles and thanks again to Millie for the tags (ilysm 🥰) feel free to be nosy whenever.
Tags: Anyone who wants to do this!!
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Thoughts as a black person seeing the Hogwarts Legacy stuff
I’ve re wrote this so many times so I’m gonna stop fluffing it and build on point lates.
A main draw in for a lot of black people was the diversity. From the looks of it Hogwarts Legacy was able to capture a lot of black features and hairstyles accurately. A thing you still don’t see a lot in “popular” games less it’s the same 10 hairstyles.
I’ve seen loads of talks of transphobia but little to no talks of antisemitism and racism. While the transphobia gets the deep talks antisemitism and racism are usually added as tag on. And I know her transphobia is more prevalent especially on Twitter but I don’t think that means the other two should be talked about less
Brings me into my next point(WHICH IN GENERAL; NOT SPECIFIC) I think it’s an interesting to see how discrimination between (yt) lgbtq+ is handled compared to discrimination between poc/racism. This isn’t just a Hogwarts Legacy thing or a Harry Potter thing this is more widespread. You can say you don’t support Jk and majority of ppl will agree with you but you say the same things for idk Jefree Star(I have a better example but it’s for my next bulletin) and it’s the opposite
This one’s more for POC/black people who are watching this go down. A before I say what I’m about to say just know I don’t support JK nor will I be buying the game.
Does anyone feel sort of idk how to say it disconnect or non vigorous about the whole conversation. For me personally it’s seeing people go so hard on people buying the game, go hard on JK for transphobia, and then they will turn around and support a racist. MSI, Jefree Stars, literally one of the many yt ppl who have actively been shown to be racist on multiple accounts but are still shown to be in high regard of a mainly lgbtq+ group. And when black people say “hey don’t support xyz bc their racist” many times you’ll see people go “idc I’m still going to listen/watch them” and then you expect me to support you when dealing with a homophobe/transphobe? Not saying I wouldn’t but it feels…harder/frustrating.
I’m losing my train of though so before I totally forget I’m gonna jump the gun a bit. This is gonna be crazy and not favored by many. This is stupid but I have to say it. When it comes to something like Chik-fil-a that is a known costly restaurant that has donated to conversion camps(Ik this need to be fact checked but to my common knowledge it was true). And when lgbtq ppl were made aware of this many ppl responded “idc” “I still want to eat their” “joke” “joke” The jokes have continued even when ppl of conversion camp theory have come out and spoken how not funny the situation is. My point is I think that and Hogwarts Legacy shows a very similar pattern of lgbtq supporting something and giving them money even though they know the money is going somewhere that will harm ppl like them. But bc it’s not actively hurting them they support bc it gives them the entertainment/satisfaction or nostalgia they so desperately want. When it’s something racist, like Dollskill, you usually don’t see the same(I can only speak for the younger generation)
That was all but I’m really trying to open the discussion. This was written at 12:30am so it’s probably full of errors and nonsense. Also pls don’t be racist or rude. This just me brain blobing. It’s not a true reflection of me just some of my thoughts.
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puppy-phum · 2 years
~ getting to know your BL mutuals ~
got tagged by @wanderlust-in-my-soul​ ♥ thank you so much and sorry i’m so late!
rules: answer the questions and @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answer.
What have been the BLs that took you by surprise this year?
i’ve watched so many bls this year it feels a bit insane but at least i have stuff to choose from! all those shows have also brought me amongst a large group of amazing ppl here :’) i wish i could talk about all of them bc of that but well.
Bad Buddy - when i got into this one, i did not expect it to fill my mind, heart, and soul the way it did. the title made me expect something very silly, especially knowing how ohm and his roles are. but i am incredibly happy we have something like bb, it means so much to me ♥
Blueming - i remember seeing snippets of this one and semantic error around the same time. the general feeling i got was that ppl preferred semantic error, or that there was more talk about that one. personally, i prefer this bc there’s something in it that made me fee extremely seen ♥
Enchanté - didn’t really expect anything from this show once i finally got into it. i basically went there just to get a bit more of jimmy content (which i did. my boy ♥). but jokes on me, i adored akktheo too. the ending could’ve been different but they had one of the best slow burns i’ve seen in a while ♥
You’re My Sky - i will never get over how good this show was. i was very surprised bc i didn’t think a sports bl could do something like this. but this one just feels like there’s been a lot of thought put into it and it managed to get under my skin in similar ways as blueming did ♥
Triage - expected something as wild and kind of silly as manner of death was as these two happen in the same universe. also exected something very aesthetically pleasing once i learned who the director was. got both but on top of that triage was an interesting look at life, death, and everything in between ♥
Color Rush 2 - i was very into the first season but saw other ppl being kind of let down by this second one. i was also a bit confused about the second main lead getting changed/left out but then decided to just watch this one night. was very happy with everything i got and despite the runtime obviously being a bit too short for what they were attempting here, i got filled with a lot of love and some heartache ♥
Bonus: The Shipper - i don’t want to label this strictly a bl bc this doesn’t feel like it belongs there. but i still want to mention it here bc it totally blew me away. after i go over the cringe at the beginning of this show and settled into its humor, i adored this show to bits. i will always think about this one very fondly, even after all the heartbreak it gave me ♥
What have been the BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
none of this is intended as hate, just saying
KinnPorsche - don’t get me wrong, kp is one of the most stunning shows i’ve seen in a while. their cinematography was amazing, they had obviously paid attention to detail, and i liked many of the characters. i just thought the plot fell a bit flat and some of the characters didn’t make sense as the story developed. maybe i expected too much or just wanted something different from what i got? vegaspete still makes me insane tho, god bless. 
Not Me - the show is a masterpiece and i am very, very happy we got it. it was a blast to follow it all way through and it has some of my fave scenes, themes, and characters ever. but then the obvious issues they had with the writing and especially the ending of the show kind of took away some of the shine. i know it was not the team’s fault entirely bc they weren’t given much but i still mourn a type of loss, even more so when over half of the show promised so much. also am still somewhat bitter about gramblack. 
The Eclipse - i looked forward to this one a lot once i watched most of the gmmtv2022 trailers at the beginning of the year. this, vv and never let me go were the ones that drove me insane. i had a lot of theories about how the plot for this might go and i was very on board with what they did until like. maybe ep 7? i cannot remember. but at some point the plot just totally flew out the window and i was not satisfied with how things ended :/ i still love that we got both akkayan and kanthua. they are very important to me. 
What has been your favorite BL this year?
The two bls that became my personality for a while aka Bad Buddy and Vice Versa. I know I am very biased. I do not care. I adore both to bits and find such comfort from both of these shows and their characters ♥ I can also thank both from various amazing friendships on this site plus a lot of inspiration I still keep treasuring and using every day. 
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(is it even me if i don’t somehow make it about vice versa?)
Favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
i have waaay too many but let me list a few then (hopefully i can remember any from other years bc it’s been so long):
PatPran (but also WaiKorn)
FahPrince (from Sky in Your Heart)
PureFolk (from My Gear and Your Gown)
MingKit (from 2Moons, speciafically 2Moons2)
Haoting x Xigu (from Make Our Days Count)
KornKnock (from Together With Me)
NubsibGene (from Lovely Writer)
What's your non-BL favorite this year?
i think it’s a tie between 55:15 Never Too Late and My Dear Loser: Edge of 17. i dunno what it says about me that both of these are nanon led series but this is where i am at the moment :’D 
i haven’t watched that many non bls this year but both of these left an impression. 55:15 was amazing, both with the plot and the characters. i kind of want to watch it again just to see more of the details. both the older and younger actors were acting their asses off, and i enjoyed the whole experience down to every emotion the show tore out of me. my dear loser then again surprised me by being super sweet but also very rough. young nanon as oh is a treasure (i wish i could just pat his head and pinch his cheeks), but i can also see a lot of pain in there under his goofy smile. he and his personal journey made me feel a lot, and the show also brought up some issues that hit close to home. 
thank you so much once more for tagging me into this ^^ i dunno how many ppl have already done this but am still tagging a few! feel free to ignore, or just link me your post if you’ve already done this! also wishing everyone very happy holidays, may it be warm and cozy ♥
@oswlld​ @dimpledpran​ @stormyoceans​ @nongnaos​ @snimeat​ @thanawins​ @phukaoapologist​ @winmon​ @machikeita​ ♥
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
honestly i’m not into the type of content you post but there’s no reason for people to get nasty. you’re a human being and people can express disagreement politely, no matter what happened, two wrongs don’t make a right, and nobody should be harassing anyone either way. i don’t know the full story here but this kind of behavior is never acceptable. sorry people are being mean!
the origin of all this was: in january i stumbled upon a post with like 40+ notes of her and some others talking about disliking my use of the austin tag. i was really taken aback bc *no one* had come directly to me, not even by anon, about my tag system, then boom i was seeing mutuals and blogs i really liked gathering in a public complaint session about me. i was admittedly a little bitey about not wanting to change how i tag things (and idk if y’all have noticed but i don’t use the austin tag as liberally now that we talk a lot more abt him and kaia since he’s not doing much. i try to keep posts tagged with his name to 1-3 per xyz specific topic if it’s related to someone other than him). but it was coming from a place of frustration that no one came to me personally. linds did message me directly, eventually, and i was trying to take my time with responding so i could draft up what i wanted to say civilly. but by the time i went to send it an hour later she had blocked me. which objectively, fine. i was frustrated bc i was going to try and talk things out with her, but i’ve always said ppl can block me if they please so, it was what it was.
the main issues however started shortly after all that. people that already didn’t like me and were aware of our falling out went to use her as a sounding board. which she happily welcomed, and she posted numerous anons of people accusing me of harassment and bullying without any actual stories of when i did that/what i did. there was one anon in particular that genuinely really hurt, because they were saying i left the theatre industry bc people hated my broadway gossip tumblr, which isn’t true. my blog was generally liked. i distanced myself from the theatre industry because i was groomed for 4 years by an industry professional and exposing my groomer and seeing first hand how little theatre cares about abusers (the alice ripely stuff happened not long after i exposed my groomer, and i exposed mine around when scott rudin was finally getting ran out) made me want nothing to do with it anymore. i have been open about why i left theatre, and incase they missed that made a post asking for someone who wasn’t blocked to ask linds to take that particular anon down. but i don’t think it ever happened.
as for the kaia stuff- i gen think that was born from her just wanting to be the anti thesis to my gossip. which is…interesting when the whole reason she was upset about me using the austin tag ‘too much’ was because she thought gossip was disrespectful. but here we are.
that’s the gist of ‘what happened’, and sorry it’s so long i tried to make it as brief as possible. thank for your kindness. <3
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charmspoint · 2 years
with the twitter junk I’m trying to move to tumblr 😭 but idk how tagging works and what ppl usually do and wanted to ask you bc your main site is tumblr iirc sjdjdj so like. do you have any advice 🎤
So the way tagging works is you press the hastag at the bottom of the post and just tag one by one anything you find relevant
For example i usually tag the fandom and if its art i also tag that, i tag my own posts under #lucy blabs and i tag my asks as #answered, aside from fandom tags most of these are basically whatever u want like someone might tag their asks as #ask or #thank you for the ask or anything they really want, those are kinda more to make ur blog be more searchable (as searchable as tumblr can be lmao) then to actually be found in any wider tags (tho if ur posting art of fics or edits or whatever youd tag anything relevant like #fandom #relevant character #relevant ship etc so ur works CAN be found in those tags) I hope all of that makes sense. Tags are also used to just kinda, talk in them! Like usually if i want to comment on art or make a joke or anything ill do it in tags like #Great art op! I usually think of this as unobtrusivly whispering your thoughts, fbvhb i found twitter v intimidating because if you wanted to say something u had to comment on the post and that felt like walking right up to the creator and talking in their face! Scary!
What people usually do...basically anything? Im not really sure what this is refering to chfg. Its not that different from twitter, you can post your own stuff and share other peoples stuff. The biggest difference i can think of that unlike twitter where u may see content the person u followed reblogged/liked/commented/even just is following the person whos content ur seeing, tumblr is 100% about reblogs. There is an option to leave ur likes visible on ur page, but ppl will only see those if they specifically go to your page. What your followers see of you on their dashes is 100% what u reblog. It makes it super easy to currate your dash because you get exactly what you follow, you wont be getting some random persons content on ur dash just because the person u follow is following them (unless its a blazed post ofc). Use tags, block tags u dont like and follow ppl who post what you like and you should be good! Also dont worry about the follower count or unfollowing someone if u stop liking what they post, follower count isnt publicly visible on tumblr and nobody seriously cares about it
I hope that helps!
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majoringinsarcasm · 5 months
It wouldn’t be my favorite show if ppl didn’t keep up the 10 year long tradition of not acknowledging banana boy as an important character the writers write things about on purpose. Feels like home going out this way.
“Why did they waste an episode focusing on JAUNE instead of anyone else? What about Ruby or Raven or Yang?!”
Deep breath.
Because the company is shutting down and anything that they release are the episodes or parts of the episodes they had already finished and can edit in such a way where they feel it’s good enough to release.
We don’t know. And may never know. What their entire plan for Beyond is. The last stream is on the 26 so maybe someone will ask how many episodes they had PLANNED before learning THE COMPANY WAS BEING SHUT DOWN.
“This is the very first entry in which I guess is going to become my journal.”
Maybe their goal was for 12 mini episodes to touch on specific things that they can’t show super in depth in volume 10 / things they wanted to shine a light on. In rwby proper Sun and Neptune being silly goofy detectives would not match the somber and serious tone of the epilogue we saw. Much like world of remnant was a world building story book of exposition and narration, Beyond doesn’t quite fit into show proper. What I love about rwby being a web series is that it CAN have these offshoots and branches and funny side things and STILL have the main story. Like an OVA.
IF we had gotten Ruby v9 aftermath in this episode instead: what would ppl be okay with seeing. It’s less than six minutes just like volume one episodes. She could not “Tell Yang about Raven, bond with Oscar, have a talk with Pietro” all at the same time. If anyone reads this then maybe they’ll snap “any one of those is better than what we got” and maybe they truly believe that. Or maybe if crwby picked the “wrong” thing to focus on they’d say why This and not That.
The company is shutting down and anything that is released is what they already had finished Enough.
Knocks on the glass. We still have Two Whole Episodes. Next week could be Bees or Weiss family or Penny talk or Ruby. We. Don’t. Know!!!!! What I do know is that it feels familiar in a toxic relationship way to see people bitching YES BITCHING about having a Jaune focused episode. That’s an uncomfortable constant. Won’t miss it but as the Company Shuts Down it truly feels like old times.
The episode was amazing by the way in case people haven’t watched it bc of Jaune. The art style is lovely, it showcases the lingering trauma of the ever after. It’s got Jaune having sympathy for Oscar. “He never apologized!!” And neither did Emerald who episodes before joining the team was helping Cinder fight Penny. It’s not a plot hole. It’s not lazy writing. We clearly have seen Jaune grow to care and worry about Oscar post his volume 6 wall push. Immediate after that he’s so upset when they find out he’s missing. I’m assuming in the show context they had made up. Just like I’m assuming Raven has told ppl she’s the spring maiden after her daughter went missing. Like. I too wish we saw more of things but we didn’t and we gotta move on about what isn’t gonna happen or might not happen the way we Think It Should.
It’s less than a month until the company is shut down along with the apps. Isn’t that fucked.
I WANT to tag this. But I won’t. But if you do find and read this please know that I’m not knocking people for Wanting Other Characters. I’m 100% on board with man I wish we had gotten a glimpse into someone else.
But under the circumstances of who they can get, what they’ve already made, and just. Their own emotions about working so hard for something they might never get the legal rights to work on again. Having a short episode about the secondary main character of the show (I count all of team rwby as main characters all four are the mains) after what he’s gone through and the specific context of feeling out of place. Coming Back Changed in a way that relates to Oscar. Was Intentional.
And to be perfectly honest if they took up five minutes of a show proper episode yall would fucking riot so. As a Jaune fan who understands the anting to see team rwby count your blessing this Jaune Feelings is presented the way it is bc again. Yall would throw a fit if this was a PART of the show proper.
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nouies · 8 months
hey hey, lou! 🩷
i keep asking you about movies/tv series and songs, but i just add them to my whatchlist, because i haven't been able to consume new things for a while. but soon i will watch/listen to what you have recommended me, so expect a feedback. 😝
thank you for the advice and for believing in me! i really appreciate it! and know whatever you decide to create for your giftee, it will turn out wonderful! 🎀
it's so amazing how one person can give so much comfort to millions of people around the world. louis is just so precious. the energy he has, the way he talks, the love he gives. just thinking about him and writing this, warms my heart. 🥺
i have been feeling the same way, like i'm not contributing to the fandom. that's the other reason i signed up for the event. i was thinking about making smau, but it's so hard and i don't have good ideas. but one day maybe. it's one of my new year's resolutions as well. i don't know if i will ever try to make gifs tho, but who knows... 🌷
this is actually a great question. i have read a lot of fics with tag actor louis, but i have never asked myself in what kind of movie i would have liked to see him. probably in crime series. louis as a detective. or in tv series about doctors, for example the grey's anatomy. louis as a doctor. i definitely don't see him in romcom, even tho if he plays as the business woman coming back to hometown and his boyfriend from high school. like the basic scenarios, but louis playing the woman's role. he is too soft to play the farmer or something like that. i don't know if i'm making sense or i'm just living in a fic at this point. i hope i managed to give you a reasonable answer. 🤐
my question for the day: if you had the opportunity to go back in time, what would you change and why? 🐽
hope you have a lovely day,
- your valentine 😙
hi lovely! how are you?
don’t feel obligated to watch those things hehehe even if you decide to watch other things, let me know bc i’m on the same boat. i forgot to mention that i’ve been watching k-dramas as well! the latest was “romance is a bonus book” and i loved it.
i know we both will create great things! i have faith in us <333 what i said abt feeling like i was not contributing was before i truly interacted with the fandom. if you reblog/retweet gifsets, photos, ART, or write comments under fics and talk abt them on your blog, or with smaus if you quote them with your reactions, that’s contributing! without those interactions, ppl wouldn’t know if you’re enjoying what they’re posting so feedback and promotion are a great contribution in the fandom. at least that’s how i see it.
i made a tiny smau last month and if you want, i can help you with that once you reveal to me who you are heheh.
abt louis being a comfort person you’re so right! he’s honestly (besides my friends) the main reason i’m still here and i love him so much 🤧
omg i would love to see him as a detective or a doctor! or like a spy maybe? idk if he will ever try his luck at acting, but i’d definitely love to see his work!
do you want a funny answer or a deep answer? heheh tbh i’m always making weird decisions, so even going back in time to last weekend to chance some of them would be fine with me. but if i truly think abt it, i would probably go back to my high school years to spend more time with my mum, and to socialise more, and maybe to change my career path. although if i wouldn’t have studied my degree, i wouldn’t have met my best friend and i wouldn’t have become a 1d fan so 🤷🏻‍♀️
what abt you? where would you go?
have a great day, my friend! it’s finally the weekend 🥳 take care
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margaetyrell · 2 years
honestly i’m so tired of all this gaylor stuff that is going on. look, this is the first time i speak about it and i won’t do it again but i just need to get this off. idk what even started it now, but people seriously need to understand once and for all that it is just as weird to hate an almost non-existent group in the fandom and argue against it to earn coins to be the best fan, while underestimating and prejudging other people you don’t even know, and when you are gonna say hurtful things that you will later on regret, bc there is a 98% chance they will be understood as homophobic even if that wasn’t your intention. that is what it is. 'no but i’m bi and i find gaylors disgusting' that statement is even more damaging tbh, bc once again you are prejudging when you should know better how this hate form has always been harming to the collective you belong to
that’s the main reason ppl are afraid to even joke about it in their own blogs, or analise lyrics under a extremely brilliant, queer lens that is kept to themselves precisely bc the fear of being judged and attacked. i’m a gaylor and i have no shame admitting so, but i don’t talk about it nor write my own connections in terms of her lyrics bc of this, as i felt personally hurt by such judment in the past and talked about it with one only person privately. in fact, if you go to my gaylor tag you aren’t gonna find k*ylor, crazy easter eggs and conspiracy theories, instead it is full of quotes that she herself has said, queer campaigns she has been part of, thoughts ppl have found behind her lyrics and lots of gifs of her wearing lgbt+flag colours - all public. that is all, and i’m even reluctant to rb anything related to her past relationships, just as candids or posts about her current one. which btw does not mean that bc i’m a gaylor i don’t consider it true or that i automatically don’t believe anything she says and think joe is a beard, as most of you simply assume
THIS when that’s all some of you seem to talk about, like every time she releases a rerecording, the memes that circulate are 'well j.jonas will always be mr perfectly fine and all these songs are about him' fact that even his wife got to see and at which they both laugh now, probably to downplay how fucking tired of it they must be. and what about the hate harassment jake has been receiving since red tv came out, which he hasn’t spoken a word about, despite facing even death threats. or the fact that ppl keep saying 'lmao harry you are next, cannot wait for speak now tv so john gets what he deserves.' like ??? but that way of talking about your fave is alright just bc she is straight? is that supposed to make her feel better? isn’t all that just as toxic or even more so?? bc gaylors in general don’t make that much noise or harm to begin with. so to excuse all of this under 'all those relationships have been confirmed by both parties and that is why i have the right to talk about them' sorry but it’s the biggest bullshit i’ve ever heard 1) bc no, most of such relationships have in fact never been confirmed by both parties and by no means have these songs been confirmed by Taylor herself, ever. 2) the fact that a relationship has been public does not give you the right to inspect it and talk about it, once again, as if you were taylor’s bff and not even that !!! as in general friends and real fans don’t talk about her life so frivolously, no matter how much you excuse yourself under this shit that keeps crossing all boundaries
so basically, talk about her private life all you want like i personally dgaf, but i find it quite hypocritical to hate on a minority that happens to be lgbt, casually!! for saying 'hmm wait a sec, wonderland sounds gay and has too many similarities with dianna' 'hmm i wonder what happened there, whether they were friends or not, that was such a weird relationship' which even j.lawrence joked about saying ‘i’d just like to know what’s between kk and ts' - not the best example, but you get where i’m going. frankly, i highly doubt taylor would give a shit if i write a post on a social site she doesn’t even use anymore, that it’s gonna be reblogged by 4 ppl and possibly get 20 hate asks in return, like @13sleepless deals with on a daily basis, which is terrifying and admirable of them. bc who really care about this are those who claim not to be homophobic or have nothing against queer interpretation while continuing to make arguments against it and not only song interpretations, but the very words and actions that taylor herself has done on purpose, under advertising her albums, tours, or whatever and i’m not even talking about easter eggs. i mean, is it not by logic the same to say 'well i’m not declaring anything new if i say that dear john is about j.mayer' as to say 'well i’m not declaring anything new either by saying, hey, taylor made a song/mv full of gay themes, full of ppl from the collective, where she even wears clothing and a bi coloured wig that has been publicly recognized, started a campaign in support and an entire album promo where in the previous mv she said gay pride makes me ME!!!’ like...... isn’t it? sorry weren’t those her literal words?? okay....... then please explain to me how it is for you bc if you really think that doesn’t sound problematic or i’m making it up, it may be time to evalue your own morals and stop questioning those you judge under the same closeted box, without respecting them individually and without wanting to learn a shit about the matter
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merotm-a · 2 years
  you know .... ever since i remade + switched from being t//wst main to fandomless i’ve had some things i wanted to get off my chest about it all. and i think i’m gonna do it now because it does affect my ability sometimes to get on and write on this blog. pls go ahead and blacklist ‘vent.’ if ur not interested in seeing this post but i just have had enough of thinking on it. 
  this is like a rpc callout tbh 
  for me, personally, i can’t enjoy the series or writing in the verse as much as i did before bc of things that go on in this rpc sometimes (not all the time or at least not that i’m aware of nor do i wanted to be made aware of more than i already know). 
  first of all, the division in this place is terrible for lack of a better term. if u end up being ostracized from one group you’ve essentially lost like half of the potential writing partners in this space. if this fandom were bigger, getting pushed out or cut off or what have you wouldn’t be so bad but it’s not a big fandom so it’s like ‘ oh well ’ if that happens. secondly - and idk if it’s just bc i only talk to like two or three people consistently enough so i’m out of the loop or whatever - the amount of ooc shit talking that goes on behind the scenes away from the public eye is frankly appalling. there is no reason why there are little groups dedicated to talking shit about other rpers in the fandom. if you have a problem with someone, you can go talk to them. 
  if you don’t like someone, just block them or blacklist their tag or whatever you need to do to have a peace of mind. that’s what i do when my mutuals interact with ppl i don’t like or i have blocked. i just move on. y’know, like a normal person. literally no excuse to be in dms saying awful things about people or making people feel shitty like they might get blocked just because they disagree with you on something or for whatever other silly little reason that may be ( like you just talk to someone they don’t like or have a problem with ). 
  why is there always this constant feeling of walking on egg shells ??? the tumblr rpc can be toxic; i know i’ve been here since like 2012. but this is on a different level since i’ve been on this platform. 
  regarding the pro vs. anti stuff that goes on in this rpc ( i literally never came into contact with this stuff much until i got here ). now, i am personally someone who adheres to the ‘you do you’ mentality. i have content i won’t write and that i wouldn’t be fine seeing from my mutuals hence why i either unfollow or block someone if they write said content; i leave people alone to write what they write. THAT ALL BEING SAID, this is a public platform, so when you write stuff that is publicly frowned upon, you really shouldn’t be that surprised when people have issues with it or give it attention bc, you know, you’re putting it out there. people being rightfully uncomfortable when you write sensitive subjects isn’t “”harassment”” and certainly doesn’t make you a victim. 
  on the flip side, i personally think that you can’t just jump to conclusions based on what someone writes right off the bat since quite a few of us also write for fandoms that are violent or have darker topics woven into the narrative and doing so can come across as being bad faith and lacking nuance. a lot of my evaluation is based on the intention of the writer ( why are you writing this ? are you doing it respectfully ? do you really HAVE to incorporate this into your character / story - if it’s original for an oc or hc for a canon ). frankly, if you’re writing downright terrible things because you get off on it then it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people will criticize or ostracize you; you’re not treating the subject matter with the appropriate time and respect it deserves. and not only that, instead of writing such a thing privately, by writing it on a public platform you are subjecting it to people who could potentially read it and judge it.
  saying that i support murder because i have a character that kills someone is downright stupid and it takes away any nuance in this line of thinking. 
  everyone does have a responsibility to curate their own space to navigate the internet as much as possible but they also have a responsibility to not subject others to unwarranted, unwanted and potentially triggering content ( either through having a proper tagging system or writing this stuff privately or on another website ). 
  the pressure to have labels in this rpc is dumb imo because they really don’t explain everything that person is thinking or what they actually support. you can be an ‘ anti ‘ but still be okay with writing a toxic dynamic between two characters provided it’s done right. you can be ‘ pro ‘ but not support certain things like CP or n*ncon. it’s dumb. it’s pointless. idk why this rpc is rampant with this issue in particular but it’s one of the main reasons that so much shit goes on. 
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