#i’m gonna do quests
heckinwacky · 1 year
man 10.1.5 tomorrow 🧍
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this is a completely normal and nonchalant post about the camera angles used for alhaitham in the archon quest and his story quest
when we’re introduced to alhaitham the camera angles avoid allowing us a view of his eyes, which creates a mystery around alhaitham, his motives, and in turn causing us to question the validity of his words - is he a trustworthy ally or not?
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Since this is a tactic used to reinforce the idea that alhaitham’s sincerity should potentially be questioned, i think it’s Interesting that this can be seen in the closing of the archon quest - after kaveh is introduced
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the camera angle yet again reverts to concealing alhaitham’s eyes, which then acts as obscuring the truth of the matter - as well as alhaitham’s vagueness, which is an evasion tactic he uses often, and is even addressed in his character story 2. “It’s reason enough” is indicative that his stated motive - although actually, it is a presumed motive supplied by dehya - is enough of a motive to satiate everyone’s curiosity
the idea here is that there is an alternate reason he undertook the archon saving plan, rather than just to secure the job of the akademiya’s scribe. this points to another reason which couples into his “way of life” - so it’s telling that this is the same quest in which kaveh is introduced and is seen only in his interaction with alhaitham, in which alhaitham reveals that kaveh is his roommate
kaveh becomes inextricably linked with alhaitham’s “way of life”, and thus alhaitham’s contentment. This subtext created by the camera angle becomes surface text when interacting with alhaitham after the cutscene
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Alhaitham attributes his enjoyment of the gathering to the genuine happiness that “the people” present in the grand bazaar feel - in this alhaitham indirectly links himself to “the people” feeling genuine happiness, as he, too, is present with the intention of celebrating
This discussion of happiness and overall contentment - first mentioned in alhaitham’s motive for maintaining his satisfactory “way of life” - is then immediately is followed by a mention of kaveh
Alhaitham mentions that he has taken “both” keys upon leaving the house, which references their living situation as roommates, but also refers back to alhaitham’s first mention of kaveh due to kaveh being missing from the archon quest, and therefore alhaitham had the house to himself
Kaveh returning to sumeru, back to alhaitham’s house, and therefore his key being present to take, is a premise explicitly linked with alhaitham’s happiness, and his general way of life - kaveh being present in alhaitham’s life IS the status quo which alhaitham wants to maintain, is the alternate reason behind “it’s reason enough”
Returning to camera angles, this is a little self-indulgent, but in alhaitham’s story quest, the deliberate choice to include kaveh in the frame when alhaitham mentions the importance of one keeping their priorities in check is interesting, not only in visual confirmation that, yes, kaveh IS one of alhaitham’s priorities, but also that it directly parallels the aforementioned scene in the archon quest with the frame “it’s reason enough”
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In contrast to the “it’s reason enough” frame, alhaitham is outright expressing his multitude of priorities, which extends to beyond that of his job - with kaveh being explicitly in frame
This story quest scene ‘pride and prejudice’ literally mirrors the archon quest ‘a toast to victory’ in this regard, as in the latter, the camera angle focusses on the opposite side of alhaitham’s face, ensuring his eyes are covered as he makes allusions to more than one prospective motive, but in the former scene, the other side of alhaitham’s face is shown where his eyes are revealed and his words are less cryptic - solely because kaveh is in frame and can directly be linked to one of alhaitham’s motives, or priorities
Overall, kaveh is extremely important to alhaitham and the game tries every angle (literally) to convey this point. Alhaitham wants kaveh in his life, so much so that kaveh’s presence has become engrained with his “way of life” he seeks to maintain
(Update: For more analyses like this, the essay this is taken from is now uploaded! It can be accessed here and here as as a pdf <3)
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spiderin-space · 1 month
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More new update stuff 😩
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roman-roy-apologist · 5 months
i love you animal symbolism
#like obviously i’m the dog motif guy but literally any animal symbolism is sooooo#like mq animal symbolism >>>#sharks and mice and wolves and butterflies#what that says about you — not just what you get but what you wanted to get#i’m a shark and i’m going to take you down. he smells blood in the water he’s gonna kill my pig and there’s nothing i can do#because i’m soft i’m a kid again im a mouse and im loyal and humble and a real team player! and that’s what will be my downfall#but it’s also what’s going to save me#why would a mouse choose foam over a delicious cookie? i don’t know. why would he? why would i?#i just got a little upset when you said i wasn’t a lion. you’re nothing without me#lions hunt in packs they’re sthe leaders. but i’m telling you that you dont get a pack you dont get someone to lean on and you will always#be alone.#then succession animal symbolism is like: youre a scorpion and i’m a snake and we are going to die at each others hands#it’s already written. we know the ending#im a dog and i’m mean and sharp and vicious#i’m a dog and i’m loyal and trusting#i’m a dog and i need to be kicked and i beg you to kick me because it’s all i know#you come for me with love?#lock me in a cage and feed me dog food (or chocolate cake but who knows) and i’ll never eat again#send me away until everyone knows their place#beat me with a slipper in gstaad for ordering lobster because it’s rude to order the most expensive thing on the menu when you’re not payin#because dogs don’t get a sliver platter they get a bowl of dog food in a cold wire cage#they get the scraps and they thank you for it#so you come for me with love?#you come in here guns ablazing to find they’ve turned to fucking sausages and you come for me with love?#jeez that’s a lot of tags#mythic quest#mq#succession#succession hbo
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tsuchinokoroyale · 9 months
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It’s so good to see you.
Lies of P (2023)
#I finished lying and penising for the last time…#I got the game for my PS5 after 100%ing it on game pass bc I was so impressed and obsessed I needed to get a physical copy#so I obviously had to 100% it again and I hilariously forgot to read a letter to unlock an achievement#so I had to play the game a FOURTH TIME since you only get the letter at the end and restarting the game wipes all letters from your bag#but that let me do something I LOVE doing with these shorter games#which is putting the effort to give these characters the best endings their quests allow#so I can leave the characters in the world with as much peace as I can#I also did this in majora’s mask with my final run of the game being about doing every single side quest I could and beating ever boss#so that termina would be as peaceful as it would be once the mask was destroyed and skull kid freed#that being said wearing the alidoro mask led to an unintentionally hilarious semi final cutscene#a tear is supposed to roll down your face at one point but instead it was just a completely still super close shot of the dog mask#and I burst out laughing like nooooooo#luckily I’ve scene the ending like 3 times already but can you imagine if that was the only time I’d seen it 😂#I one rounded nameless puppet this time I truly felt like a god I’m so grateful for neowiz for making this game its been so fun#even after beating it like 7 times I know I’ll be playing it again one day and I’m gonna be a preorder ho for the Lies of series#the DLC and sequel can’t come soon I’m so in love with this game I need to eat it#Lies of P#video games#lies of p sophia#lies of p carlo
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scionshtola · 2 months
it was a close call but i decided not to start a gpose at 10:38 pm
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chibishortdeath · 1 month
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I did a little bit of background practice yesterday. I usually forget that I could be drawing scenery and stuff so I’m kinda rough at it. It took like three tries to get the results of that first picture (second picture was one of those tries, and I’m not even showing the other one it was really bad 💀💀💀)
Also just throwing in some other doodles cause yeah :3. Simon. Some of these are from the same page and some of these are ones I think I forgot to post a bit ago so if there’s repeats then eh whatever lol. Explanations under a cut :)
This is pretty much just a study of a photo of a graveyard I ran into on Pinterest. Liminal spaces are very nice for finding background references because you can be sure no one is gonna be in them and they have the weird vibe that The Guy™️ should be in. But holy HELL trees are HARD. Like obviously I know what a tree looks like but the second I have to draw branches trees suddenly do not make sense anymore 💀
Another liminal space, this one was a path with the sky completely blacked out. I tried putting Simon into it but he kinda ended up a little muddled and too small augh. I’m also not very great at combining people and backgrounds so uh yeah. This one was also a much faster doodle just trying to warm up for the first one. But eh it’s cool idk. I need to put him in more liminal spaces or like try to draw the Simon’s Quest areas in 3D eventually.
Small practice comic! There’s no words, Simon just kinda walks a bit and passes out. I was gonna have more things happen but I didn’t have the room for it and decided to just leave it as a little practical piece. He’s probably gonna get up in a little bit and freak out about how much time he wasted.
Just a Simon head :3. His hair is fun to draw! I usually end up simplifying things as like a little uh polygonal… I think that’s the word… When drawing skulls, I usually go for octagons instead of circles because that’s much easier, but that ends up bleeding into how I draw hair making it kinda spikey and pointy in some spots on the top. I feel like I draw pretty inconsistently, but he’s very pretty and fun to draw regardless of how he ends up :3
This is some weird ass fan art of two things that aren’t related at all lmao. Sometimes you gotta crossover things that don’t make sense for the fun of it. This is Simon drawn based on a scene from the Fear Garden music video! Fear Garden is a banger, shout out to Chaa fr, it’s a vocaloid song about a girl who has a weird obsession with hands (Kira joke lol) and kills people to plant their hands in her secret garden where she treats them like flowers. Yeah, again it makes no sense, but the pose with the two mirrored characters was really cool and idk the vibes were there—
Simon sitting in between two graves, both say “BELMONT” in big letters, but one is for Christopher and Cyncia and the other is for Soleil and whoever his significant other was, we don’t have a name so it’s cut off. This has me thinking about the time in between all these characters hmm. Doing the math, Soliel would’ve been in his 90s when Simon was born, so there’s actually a good chance he wasn’t Simon’s grandfather, rather his great grandfather :O. Which means that there’s two generations we know nothing about between these two. And also that Simon would’ve never met either Soleil or Christopher or Cyncia :(. Then that has me thinking about fan comic stuff and how I’m gonna depict Simon hmmmmmmm. I imagine Simon spent a lot of time in the family graveyard tbh.
Simon is totally me when I dramatically collapse on a large marble monument of some sort in the graveyard— There’s also a couple attempts at drawing his paldrons at different angles but aaaa I can’t visualize these things properly. They’re just like kinda flared half ovals, why are they so hard to draw at any angle but like head on and top view 💀💀💀??? I’m trying to get out of the habit of drawing them bent in angles that don’t make sense but argggggg it’s hard lol.
Yeah, recent doodles tho yippie d(^^ )!
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eurodynamic · 1 year
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cluster-fandom · 1 month
Found family sibling angst actually makes me sick to my stomach don’t do this to me (<- will seek out more of it)
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white-weasel · 1 year
Thinking intensely about how Luke, in his final moments, trusts the force only for it to do nothing for him. He was betrayed by it just as he was betrayed when his chance to study under Obi Wan was ripped away from him and given to another. He gave one last chance to this force which was promised to save the galaxy, to save him and yet when he called out for it, it abandoned him
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starlooove · 1 month
Trying to make a netrunner v but I’m fucking stupid and wouldn’t know subtle if it bit me in the ass
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paimonial-rage · 5 months
The biggest recommendation I can give on writing dialogue that sounds in character for the character to say is, not to read the quests they are in, but to listen to the English dub whenever you get the chance. This may seem difficult especially if you are used to playing it in another language, but listening is key to getting the vibe of a character down. What you pay attention to is, not what they say, but the cadence in which they say it. Pay attention to the emotion in their voice, the speed at which they say things, the volume, etc. Once you get this down, it becomes easier to get an idea of what “sounds” right and what doesn’t. Cadence is an especially powerful thing. By training your ears to a character’s cadence, you can get a better idea of which words they would prefer to use, the lengths of their sentences, and things of the sort.
For example, reader asks Zhongli to dinner and he accepts. How would he respond? “Hmm, I’m not busy this evening, so I accept. Thank you for the invitation.” But that doesn’t sound right, does it? Is Zhongli the type of person that uses many contractions? I don’t think so, so let’s fix it. “Hmm, I am not busy this evening, so I accept. Thank you for the invitation.” But would he say “I accept?” Perhaps, but it still doesn’t sound right. How has he accepted proposals in the past? A bit of research shows he has said “sure.” How can I mix that in? “Hmm, I’m not busy this evening, so sure. Thank you for the invitation.” But hmm… the second sentence doesn’t sound right. What else could he say instead? “Hmm, I’m not busy this evening, so sure. It would be my pleasure.” That sounds a lot better.
Some people may ask why you can’t do these things while listening to another language. Personally, I don’t believe you can. If you are not fluent in those other languages, your ears are not properly trained enough to understand the nuance of the ways they speak. The correct emotion and tone will come through, yes, but you still won’t be able to intuitively know what sounds right and what does not. You only will get this sense by listening to it in the language you choose to write in.
The only downside to this is that your writing will become based upon the English translation of the game. As many people know, the portrayal of characters in English often does not completely match the portrayals in Chinese. This is especially so for characters like Zhongli, Xiao, and Kaeya. A lot is lost in the translation and dubbing process. Characters do not vibe the same. Thus, your portrayals will be more true to English, but not how it technically is “supposed” to be. Personally, I don’t necessarily believe this is a bad thing. However, it is something that can bother people. The only way I can imagine getting around it is by playing the game with the Chinese dub and by following accounts that speak Chinese and can give insight on the literal translations and what they mean and imply.
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jorvikzelda · 1 year
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Help why the fuck is starstablespoilers_community on instagram’s sso name Game Master Susan??? And GM Bee follows them? Are they like. Able to change their in game name???? Or is that… why they have access to all this shit and GM Bee follows them lmaoooo
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yourqueenb · 10 months
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Ok I know we’re focusing on Mal rn, and I’m happy about that. But this right here would’ve been a great moment to give MC a chance to speak on how holding the team together affects her since he just commented on how hard it is. Like now you have a bit of an idea of how she feels, but you still don’t know the half of it because she had to come back, pick up the pieces, and rally everyone together again AFTER being kidnapped and held captive.
And I get that MC being gone was hard for Mal, especially since he’s my LI. But he still ultimately got to move on and pursue something he’s always wanted to do. Meanwhile MC went from saving her brother to saving the world to saving herself to being thrust right back into saving the world and her friends again!
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tetsuskei · 10 months
i may have screwed up my genshin account…
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mossflower · 1 year
finished homestuck!! and adding it to my ever growing list of ‘media near-universally labelled as cringe that actually kinda slaps’
#like i won’t lie parts of it? terrible. i can’t even begin to piece together half of the lord english plot#but i think a lot more of it was actually really really good. especially act 4 and act 5 they were my favourite hands down#act 6 not so much. like separately? i loved the alpha kids and the dancestors and the concept of the cherubs was really interesting#but somewhere the execution fell short. it’s gonna annoy me cause i can’t figure out why#i think it might be the retcon. which i didn’t hate as an idea!! but it occurred closer to the end than i thought it would#i feel like if they’d explored the impact of the retcon more it might have flowed better?? idk#idk. act six as a whole i’m split on. i either loved what it did or was massively confused and exasperated by what it did#it’s like half of the comic and i got through it in about a week when it took me like a month to do acts 1-5#and it doesn’t feel like that much happened it’s weird#but yknow. it is the act that sold me on vriska!! like i liked her before but i really liked her ghosting it up in this act#the bit where ghost vriska and ghost terezi found each other nearly had me in tears#vrisrezi as a whole. what a concept. easily one of the best dynamics in the entire thing#i really hope terezi finds vriska post-canon. however i’m not sure if i want to read the epilogues and homestuck 2 or not yet#ooh ooh also!! john fulfilling his quest slapped!! that’s probably one of my favourite bits in homestuck ngl#and omg. did not see davekat coming i won’t lie but i was v happy about it#k ill stop now bc i will end up listing half the characters and my favourite bits about them. and as fun as that would be#i really need to sleep haha#homestuck
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