#but once again maybe act a little more concerned about the actual person you couldn’t save then?
yourqueenb · 7 months
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Ok I know we’re focusing on Mal rn, and I’m happy about that. But this right here would’ve been a great moment to give MC a chance to speak on how holding the team together affects her since he just commented on how hard it is. Like now you have a bit of an idea of how she feels, but you still don’t know the half of it because she had to come back, pick up the pieces, and rally everyone together again AFTER being kidnapped and held captive.
And I get that MC being gone was hard for Mal, especially since he’s my LI. But he still ultimately got to move on and pursue something he’s always wanted to do. Meanwhile MC went from saving her brother to saving the world to saving herself to being thrust right back into saving the world and her friends again!
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cozycottagetarot · 2 months
PAC: How Can You Break The Cycle
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Messages From Elle: We did it guys!😮‍💨
This PAC Covers:
What is the cycle?
What keeps it going?
What will it take to break it?
What could that look like for you? (Patreon Extended)
‼️ THIS READING IS MEANT FOR SELF-REFLECTION AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY -- While this reading does broach topics relating to mental health & mindset, contain a bit of advice and reflective questions, IT'S IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM MEANT TO REPLACE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OF ANY KIND. Please use your discretion, think carefully before you act and only take what resonates be it a little, some or none at all. ‼️
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
PILE 1 (Brick Wall)
Current Energy
Cards: 10 of cups, The Empress, The Chariot
I feel as though you’re currently in this energy where things couldn’t be better…. But then why are you here? I know that's my job to figure out but still. I feel like you’ve been making strides to create the life that you want. You’re charging forward, becoming more disciplined and things are starting to feel warm.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: The Wheel of Fortune, Nine of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Four of Wands
The cycle that needs to be broken is one of constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. You’re tired of fighting or always fending off the downward turn of the wheel of fortune and while you may try to keep your faith that things can get better and stay better, you're always expecting things to get bad again. You could be worried the new beginning won't start, the relationships won't come, or the financial abundance won't find you. I think this fear or vigilance has such a tight hold on you, that you end up not taking action. You may need to readjust your game plan. You don't allow yourself to relax. You don't allow yourself to celebrate your wins… you're always in this state of hyper vigilance.
What keeps the cycle going?
Cards: The Sun, The High Priestess, Two of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles
I don’t think you really allow yourself to be happy. That may be the current energy I was picking up on as well. When things are going great you don’t really let them go great. I also think you’re neglecting the things that are really important to you inside… maybe so much that you don’t even know what those things are anymore. Not knowing how to navigate this internal world of yours keeps fueling this cycle of 'oh, what bad thing will happen next?' You may also have a hard time making decisions or generally deciding what you want, floating back and forth between options. This back-and-forth stops you from actually putting in the work it takes to succeed and enjoy the FULL results, therefore keeping the cycle going. Another thing I picked up on is maybe the wheel keeps turning back and forth as well because from going back and forth all the time, you’re never really getting to move past the lessons you may need to learn in order for you to reach your desired outcome or abundance.
What will it take to break this cycle:
Cards: Seven of Cups, Five of Cups, Two of Cups, Ace of Pentacles
If you want to break this cycle, you have to make a decision on what exactly it is you want. It might mean leaving behind something, but you have to remember that so much more also awaits you in the process. Stop dwelling on what has gone 'wrong' before, especially if it’s past events that influence your lack of decision. It's okay to have that vigilance and use the past to better navigate the future-- HOWEVER, it's also important to get honest with yourself about whether it's a valid concern or a fear talking. It's time to change your mindset to focus on what can go right. I think also there will be someone available to help you once you make a decision about what you want to pursue. The alternate I'm getting is that you have to allow yourself to lean on others if you want to break the cycle. This could be through personal and professional relationships. But you have to actually decide yes, this is what you want. It doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to change as you grow, but first, you have to plant the seed. Once your seedling sprouts you can cultivate your plant however you’d like. There’s a lot out there available to you but making the decision to move towards it is where it begins.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next pac!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 2 (Statue)
Current Energy:
Cards: King of Wands, The Star, The Tower rev, Queen of Wands
I see you showing up as being in a hopeful energy and that good fortune of some kind is coming your way. A good balance of masculine and feminine energy. There’s a sense of resisting something internally, however. A transition of some kind that you're wanting to make. It seems like it could be good for you and a lot of different areas in your life would improve, but what you know or are accustomed to might clash with what you want. However, you have what it takes to succeed. If you were drawn to pile 1, after reading this pile consider checking it out as well.
The cycle that needs to end:
Cards: Eight of Swords, The Devil, Ten of Swords, Knight of Swords
I feel like you’ve got a gloomy inner world. Very melancholy. You’re turning a blind eye to the things that are holding you back and draining your energy. It feels like you almost escape it but it gets you every time. You might not take the best care of yourself mentally or physically. With all the swords it could be a mental thing too and it’s important that you get (professional) help and take those steps (of taking better care of yourself). The cycle that needs to break is you getting stuck in this energy.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: Four of Swords, Eight of Cups rev, Ace of Wands rev, Ace of Cups
You don’t rest. You won’t walk away from the things draining your energy. You won’t open up your heart and you won’t do anything with your creative sparks... more or less.
It’s so important that you take a moment to take a good pause and regroup. You could find yourself turning to poor coping mechanisms and that's not good. You can't try to leave a bad situation either if you don’t know what made it bad. You also have to sometimes stick things out. If you tried breaking a habit and it didn't work, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to always have that habit. That’s a bad way of looking at things, and while it’s understandable to feel that way, you still need to work on it. You’re allowed to connect with your emotions and create as well... There's a need to review your plans/goals as well. You can be successful, but may lack the resources to easily be so... that’s also understandable but you can still work with what you do have. You may also lack confidence in you abilities to achieve your goals. You can manifest so many things you want but you have to believe in yourself and open your emotions to be able to connect with the feeling of what you want. It’s easy to say I want XYZ, but if you don’t figure out what that’s going to feel like, then how will you know when you’ve got it? It’s easy to get caught up in material things but the last thing you want is to wake up one day to a life that looks exactly like you wanted it to, only to realize it doesn’t FEEL the way you wanted it to.
What will it take to break the cycle:
Cards: Judgement, The Hierophant, Knight of Wands, Page of Cups
It’s time for you to get it together. Get serious about moving on to the next phase. I feel like it’s all going to work out based on the cards but you really do have to stop holding yourself back. Find a support group. Consider finding creative/artistic ways to express yourself. Step into a leadership role because there’s a good chance you can lend the wisdom you’ve acquired to others… This could be through a social media platform, sharing your writing, attending a local community event, etc. Work on making sure how you’re living aligns with your beliefs and vice versa. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Give yourself your all. I also feel like this is one of those situations where you have to remind yourself that sometimes motivation follows action.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 3 (Broken TV)
Current energy:
Cards: Wheel of fortune, Queen of swords, Queen of pentacles, Two of wands
Your current energy is that you've shifted to a 'really good' energy or you're about to shift to a 'really good' energy. The Magician isn't here but that's kind of the energy I'm picking up on here too. Either being very faithful right now that everything is going to work out for you or that's the energy/mindset that you need to tap into. There are options available to you... You need a plan of some kind. You feel unable to move... unequipped even. Thinking about (or needing to) your long-term future. With the two queens, I think you're leaning into one of the two embodiments of the queen, maybe even both. You might have a hard time seeing yourself as either.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: The Hanged Man, The Tower, The World, Judgement
The other piles were definitely what I would consider a cycle on a loop that needed breaking but yours feels less like a cycle and more like you're just... stuck. You're ready to or have 'level/ed up', but it's as though you're stuck in limbo. This could be because you've gone through a 'tower moment' recently (say within the last year give or take) that's left you stuck in limbo. Or it could be a fear of having a 'tower moment' that is leaving stuck in limbo. Regardless this cycle is one of you needing to bring something to completion.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: Knight of Wands, The Emperor, The Sun, Eight of Pentacles, The Fool
You might be rather impatient. When you do things you may expect to see results immediately...that sense of 'oh, I did this tasks once, why don't I feel better 👀'. It could also be that you might not plan out your goals thoroughly or you may not be very clear on what it is that you want to do/achieve. I feel like since you don't take that moment to strategize and figure out what actually needs to be done, this cycle keeps going. You may just charge forth into whatever you think will bring you happiness. However, this means you can't put in the work required which can bring you back to a place of fear and doubt. This can create anxiety and likely catastrophizing which brings us back to that fear of a 'tower moment'. It could also simply be a case of being too laid back? On the flip side, while it's always good to have faith that things will work out, it's important to remember that a lot of times, you still have to play a role in that.
What will it take to break the cycle: Cards: The Star, Justice, Three of Pentacles, Knight of Cups
Have hope, yes. Dream and believe that good things are meant for you and those good things will find you. BUT, balance that with meaningful/conscious action. You must consider the long term. What is the end goal going to look/feel like? What is the journey of getting there going to take? Some of you already have the knowledge you need while others may still need to acquire it. Regardless, learning and implementation will help break the cycle. You have what it takes, but you have to stay the course. It's also important that you use action rather than simply ideas to motivate you. Fall in love with the act of doing.
I also feel like you should make a love list. I initially thought of that while going my first glance at the cards.
Also, do me a favour and take a nap, please! ✋
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 4 (Hammer)
Note: If you're someone who reads what cards were pulled, I mistyped the Seven suit for Current Energy and The Cycle so now that I'm editing, I realised I have no idea which suit the card belonged to hence the (?). Okay, that's all!
Current energy:
Cards: Seven of Swords(?), Queen of Pentacles, Three of Wands
It's time for you to broaden your horizons, however, you currently have to tread carefully. You could currently be job searching or looking for scholarships etc. There's a lot of opportunities available to you or becoming available to you. But you need to be diligent and read the fine print and get the details to make sure you won't be compromised in the process. It's important though that you be able to maintain a balance between your home/personal and academic/career life. You're in an energy of needing to remember to put yourself first.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: Two of Swords, The Emperor, Page of Swords, Seven of Wands (?)
The cycle that needs to break is one of constantly being at odds with everyone. I feel like you’re constantly bending over backwards or breaking your neck to try and appease others-- and no matter what you do, it’s not enough. I think this might potentially resonate more with those who are academics. When faced with a decision between what will benefit you vs what will benefit someone else, you have a tendency to either not make a decision of choose the option that will benefit someone else instead. This could be because you either live under someone with authority over you (like a caretaker or family) or you're in a position where you feel like you have to take care of others (siblings/family, partner).
I feel as though for some of you it could also be a romantic relationship? I'm not familiar with 'channeling' through music, but find myself doing it a lot lately. The song 'Lifetime' by Livingston just resonated with part of this pile for some reason. When asking if it’s a romantic situation, I got the cards: Eight of Pentacles, The Devil, and Justice rev. I’m also getting 'the right person, but wrong time'.
I think if it's someone with whom you share romantic feelings for, it's a situation where the relationship likely feels imbalanced and like hard work, but you don't feel like you can step away. If that resonated then that could be it. It could also be any unfair relationship dynamic.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: The Hanged Man, Ace of Wands, Death, The Moon, Eight of Swords
I think you’re in a cage of your own making, but not because you can’t see. You can see, but what you’re seeing isn’t clear. Because of this, you tend to end up pressing pause on moving forward. There's a lot of creative energy around you... for some, it's that it's a creative field waiting to accept you. However, you're too afraid to actually go for it and give it your all so I think you keep 'pulling the wool' over your own eyes. I think if there are people around you in opposition to you moving forward, you might see it as a convenient excuse to not move forward and transform into the next stage of your life. It's almost like the cycle doesn't need to be a cycle. You know when you're listening to a song and you keep restarting it 'cause you keep getting interrupted? And sometimes it's just you being extra because it wasn't even your favourite part you're just kind of nitpicking? Yeah, same vibe I'm getting here.
If the relationship resonates: I think you may need to let go of (or loosen your hold on) because they could be holding you back to the point they're dragging you down. Things are shifting for you, especially internally. You could be trying to hold it back though, but in doing so you could burn up and out. You’re seeing what really is and maybe you don’t want to. That’s the part that keeps this cycle going. I see images of a phoenix rising too.
What will it take to break the cycle:
Cards: Queen of Wands, The Chariot rev, Judgement, Three of Pentacles, The World, The Lovers
It’s time to use the things you’ve learned. Let go and let the cycle close. Trust that you’ll find love again or that you’ll find inner harmony. Trust that it will all work out in your favour. Take steps, even if it's baby steps to doing whatever it is you want to do. I feel like I said this already in a different pile, but even if you can't make a complete switch yet, start engaging in the things you want to do or eventually pivot too in small steps. You can always research or engage with it as a hobby for the time being. Also finding balance between who you are and how you show up to the world. Remember you have a lot to offer and it's going to do everyone a whole lot more good in the long run, the more authentically you can show up.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Part 17
Illumi x Reader x ??????
Part 16
Part 18
warning: Hisoka is actually smart and knows about relationships(SCARY)(/j) Illumi is horny for reader
taglist: @tsukilover11 @mercyboluthecrazychicken @merinfawleygoestohogwarts
if you want to be tagged in the next update, comment a red heart❤️ make sure you’re able to be searched/tagged or I won’t be able to mention you!!
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“Good morning, (Name).”
(Name) nearly jumped out of her skin when she woke up to the sound of someone right next to her in bed, the feeling of thin fingers in her hair.
The man next to her chuckled, using his hand to grab her chin and turn her face towards him.
“Miss me?” It was Illumi(again), smiling at her. He thought that this was the peak of romance, but…
Illumi paused when her eyes met his. Instead of her usual bright and cheery eyes, they were red and puffy and he could see tear stains running down her plump cheeks.
“… were you crying last night?”
She sniffled, refusing to look him in the eye.
“Why do you care? We’re not even friends.”
That hit him in straight in the heart. Had his words from last night affected her that much? He frowned at her, letting her go. She turned away from him and pulled the blanket over her head, scooting away as far as she could.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now. You can’t say things like that to me then act like everything’s okay.”
Illumi stood up, letting the comforter fall off his shirtless form and stepped off of her bed. He’d crawled in with her at around 3 am when he’d arrived home, nearly forgetting about his little blunder hours before.
The manor was quiet. It was still early, only 6 am, so this was to be expected. Although he hadn’t gotten much sleep that night, Illumi couldn’t allow himself to catch up on his rest.
He padded down the stares, stopping when he spotted Kalluto pacing at the staircase.
“Kalluto, what are you doing here so early?”
Illumi’s younger brother paused, giving him a greeting before answering.
“I heard (Name) crying last night, so it’s been hard to sleep. I’m not sure what got her in such a bad mood, but whatever happened was enough for her to fall asleep in tears.”
The boy seemed upset, maybe even angry. Illumi had never seen his brother care this much about another persons well being, and a small part of him was beginning to feel guilty.
She’d been kind enough to be friendly with him despite his strange behavior and bad attitude, yet he’d scoffed at her offer of friendship, like he didn’t crave some kind of a relationship with her.
The sun was taking its time rising, and so was (Name). It was nearly 8 am and she had yet to leave her room, which Kalluto informed Illumi of it being unusual.
He knew she was awake, he could sense her walking around and practicing Ren.
“She knows Ren already?” Illumi asked, a bit surprised. Kalluto gave him a nod, not paying much attention to the question. The youngest Zoldyck grew more and more concerned by the minute.
When it reaches 9 am and (Name) still hadn’t left her room, Illumi decided to go and check on her.
He had the common decency to knock, calling out to her.
“(Name). It’s time for breakfast.”
No response.
Illumi waited another hour before he tried again.
“(Name), you can’t stay in your room all day, you know.”
Again, no response. Frustration was beginning to build in Illumi’s stomach. Surely what he had said wasn’t bad enough to get the silent treatment. He began to pace outside her door, hands on his hips.
Illumi left once again, this time telling Kalluto to try.
He watched his younger brother approach the door and knock from the shadows. Kalluto carried a tray of food with him.
“(Name), it’s Kalluto. I brought you some breakfast.”
The door creaked open, (Name) glancing around the hallway before opening it enough for Kalluto to slip in. Illumi watched this with an ever deepening frown.
Kalluto did not stay for long, but when he left his expression was that of intense worry. After (Name) shut the door, he approached his brother timidly.
“She says she’s not coming out, that she isn’t feeling well. I’ll have a physician come and check on her once she’s finished her breakfast.”
Illumi nodded, folding his arms over his chest. He wondered why she had lied about her reason for staying holed up in her room to Kalluto. Did she not want to make him look bad?
Guilty, guilty, guilty. Illumi’s mind raced with bad thoughts, imagining her never wanting to speak with him again. He’d never though women were such fragile creatures!
The eldest son didn’t know much about relationships, his only friend had been (Name) ten years ago, and he’d NEVER had a girlfriend. The assassin would need to ask for advice, but from who?
Illumi scrolled through his contacts, most of them being clients or his own family. He only had two contacts besides that, (Name), and…
He clicked on the contact, hitting the call button with a sigh.
“Hello, Hisoka.”
The magician chuckled at Illumi’s monotone voice, causing him to frown.
“Listen, I need to ask you something.”
“If you’re calling me this early in the morning, it must be important. Ask away.”
Hisoka may be annoying and an weirdo, but Illumi knew the man had had various lovers. Despite his strange personality, both men and women seemed to flock to his side, so he had to at least know something about Illumi’s little… problem.
“… you know (Name), right?”
“Why yes, I know her quite well. Intimately, you might even say.”
Illumi decided to ignore that last remark.
“Well, last night I seemed to have… upset her.”
“Oh? How did you accomplish that? Isn’t she just a way of sunshine that seems impervious to insults? You must’ve really messed up.” Hisoka teased.
Illumi bit the inside of his cheek, looking down at his feet.
“She told me if I was a mindless killer, she wouldn’t want to have me as her friend, and I replied ‘who said I even wanted to be your friend?’. I climbed into bed with her when I got home, and when I woke her up I discovered she’d been crying last night. Now she won’t speak to me.”
“Climbing into bed with her? Naughty Illumi.”
“Stick to the point Hisoka, or I’ll hang up.”
Hisoka laughed at Illumi’s embarrassed tone, causing the latter to angrily tap his fingers against his arm.
“Illumi, darling, women are sensitive. When you say things like that, she’ll assume you don’t want to be around her, or dislike her. That would be confusing to her, considering you crawl into bed and caress her randomly. She probably doesn’t understand what you want from her, and why you’re being unkind all of the sudden.”
That actually made sense to him. He’d been handsy with her since the exam had ended, constantly caressing her and holding onto her.
Of course she’d be confused about his intentions when he said he didn’t even consider her a friend. What was a girl to think having a man all over her, then say he wasn’t interested in her friendship or romance?
“She may think you are trying to pursue a more… sexual relationship. After all, you have been in her bed when she wakes up.”
It’s not like he didn’t want a sexual relationship, god just thinking being with her in that way was enough to make his head spin.
“… but I’m not after just that.”
“I know, dear. Maybe try getting her a gift and apologizing? What’s something she likes?”
He thought back to their childhood, going through each memory he had of her until present time. Throughout these memories, one thing remained present through all of them.
“I know the perfect thing.”
(Name) pulled the blanket off of her form as the doctor walked in, carrying a bag of equipment. As he examined her, she couldn’t take her mind off of Illumi.
She couldn’t understand him. One moment he’s caressing her and being so sweet, the next he’s cruel and then back again. What did he want from her? If he didn’t want her friendship, what else could she possibly offer? Why was he being so kind to her, if he didn’t want to be friends?
“Hmm, it seems your body is healthy considering your injuries, but you are exhausted. I’ll inform Master Kalluto that you’re training is cancelled for today. Get some rest, your meals will be delivered to you.”
She nodded, pulling the cover back to her chin. (Name) thought back to her childhood, remembering when boys would be nice to her. Their intent was never friendly, either looking to take something from her or humiliate her. ‘Illumi has everything though, there’s nothing he could take from me… except…’
Her face heated up. Of course, why hadn’t she thought of that earlier? If a man doesn’t want your friendship or romance, what other reason does he have to have his hands all over you?
She felt sick. Had she allowed this man to touch all over her just to fulfill his sick desire? Kurapika and Leorio had been right, he was a creep!
Or… he was doing this as some sort of prank. His kindness was a sham, a way to mock her naive mind. That made a lot more sense to her. She’d always been on the insecure side. Why would a man like him want anything to do with her? She was kidding herself if she thought he would want her, even just sexually.
But why did she care if he wanted her? He was an assassin, a person that killed for profit. Why should a man that didn’t care about human life’s opinion matter to her in the slightest?
Still, her heart thumped painfully against her chest when she remembered the way he looked waking up next to her, the way he caressed her so gently…
‘Ah, just go to sleep, (Name) there’s no reason to think about him like that!’
Drowsiness began to take over the girls mind, her being teetering between the edge of sleep and consciousness.
She fell over the border of sleep, sighing softly into her pillow.
Kalluto visited (Name) a few times, bringing her lunch and sitting on the edge of her bed to chat. She seemed even more depressed than before, covering herself in her blanket completely.
When Illumi walked in, (Name) didn’t even bother to look up. Kalluto told him that she’d gotten worse, and wouldn’t even peek her head out of her fluffy cocoon.
“(Name). Will you please come out of your… cocoon?”
The man lifted an eyebrow. He thought about just yanking the blanket off, but remembered Hisoka’s words.
‘Women are sensitive.’
He strolled over to her side of the bed, staring down at the lump that was (Name), and sat next to her.
“… I’m…”
He bit his lip. Illumi hadn’t said a genuine apology in years.
“I am sorry.”
An eye slowly peeked out of the blanket, blinking at him. “Sorry for what, Illumi?”
He frowned, a groan leaving his lips. “I’m sorry I said what I said. It wasn’t how I actually feel.”
The cover slowly slid from her form, revealing (Name) in a white top and shorts. He tried not to stare at all her exposed skin on display for him, turning his head to look out the window.
“How do you actually feel?”
She was sitting up now, her leg nearly touching his. She peered at him from her seat, her eyes curious.
He was glad he was facing away from her, because his cheeks were starting to turn a light shade of pink.
“I wouldn’t mind being your friend.”
When he was finally able to meet her eyes, his breath caught in his throat.
She was looking at him with a sweet smile, her eyes bright again. The way she looked at him with such love and kindness made him feel… soft. Like he was easily pliable, ready for her to mold him into whatever she wanted.
“I’m happy. Let’s be friends then!”
She leaned against his shoulder, reaching a hand behind his back to wrap around him in a half-hug. He did the same, pulling her by the waist closer to him.
Right now the only thing he wanted was for her to be close to him. He couldn’t think of anything else he wanted more than that.
“Illumi, I’m feeling a bit better. Will you walk with me to dinner?”
Illumi waited outside the door for (Name) to change out of her pajamas.
She’d decided to go with something comfortable, throwing on a soft pink seater and white pleated skirt. She pulled on a pair of white and pink striped thigh highs and slipped on the pair of black Mary Janes from before.
Illumi couldn’t help but swoon a bit when she left the room. (Name) looked good in anything she wore in his eyes, but the cute oversized sweater and skirt combo was quickly becoming one of his favorite looks for her.
He offered a hand to her, which she took gingerly. The two made their way to the dining hall, Kalluto joining them halfway through.
Before they reached the dining hall, illumi stopped.
“Kalluto, go ahead. I need to speak with (Name) for a moment.”
“But I-“
Illumi shot him a look, causing the youngest Zoldyck to scurry away. (Name) raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What is it you need to say to me, Illumi?”
The tall man was quiet, his hands reaching into his pocket. He seemed to hold onto something there, hesitating on pulling it out.
“What are you hiding, Illumi?”
She waited for him to answer, rocking back and forth on her heels.
“It’s.. it’s a gift.”
He opened his hand, revealing a palm sized (fav Sanrio character) plush.
(Name) stared at the tiny plush, her eyes glued to it. Illumi motioned for her to put her hands out, and she did.
He placed the plush in her hands. She looked up at him and back to the plush, pulling it to her chest and squeezing it tight.
“Thank you, you’re very sweet.”
She gave him that big smile he loved so much, her cheeks pink/darker. Illumi just nodded and held out his hand.
“Let’s go to the dining hall now.”
The entire Zoldyck family(minus Killua and Alluka) watched with bated breath as the two strolled in. (Name) seemed much more comfortable with Illumi’s touch, holding his hand because she wanted to, not for comfort.
Illumi pulled out her chair for her, pushing her close to the table before taking his own seat. His eyes never seemed to leave her, almost as if he did she would disappear.
This didn’t go unseen by the oldest son’s parents, who watched the pair with growing interest.
“(Name), I’m so glad you were able to join us for dinner! Are you feeling well?” Kikyo asked, not a hint of concern or care in her voice.
“Yes, I am feeling much better.” (Name) replied, placing her plush in her lap. Kikyo watched this with a grin growing on her face.
“Where did you get that cute little doll, (Name)? Did illumi get it for you?”
(Name) only nodded, the blush returning to her face.
Kikyo exchanged a look with Silva, the latter nodding in thought. “Illumi, that’s so sweet of you. I’ve never seen you give a gift to someone before.”
Illumi glanced at (Name) before replying. “… an acquaintance told me that giving gifts to someone is a good way to apologize.”
(Name) leaned against Illumi’s arm, looking up at him with her pretty (e/c) eyes. “Well, that’s not wrong, but I don’t need gifts. It’s appreciated, but just being around you is enough for me.”
Illumi couldn’t help but slip a hand to the small of her back, keeping it there as she laid her head on his shoulder. His hand was cold and a bit clammy, but (Name) didn’t seem to mind.
Kikyo watched the interaction, a happy squeal leaving her throat.
“(Name), you’ve continued practicing Ren, correct? Kalluto informed me you weren’t feeling well today.”
Zeno interrupted the conversation, taking a bite of his food in between sentences. The girl nodded, sitting up. Illumi’s hand slipped away from her, settling in his lap.
“Yes, I wanted to keep practicing Ren while I rested. I made sure to take plenty of breaks, i promise.”
“(Name), how long are you able to maintain Ren?”
This time it was Silva asking the question. (Name) visibly froze, not used to speaking with the head of the Zoldyck family.
“Right now it’s 2 minutes.”
Illumi blinked, staring down at her in awe. “2 minutes, already? That’s a major development, (Name). They say it takes a month to get to 10 minutes, with your progress it may only take two weeks!”
He cupped her cheek, looking her over closer. She didn’t seem much different, even her aura was the same, but her eyes told a different story. They were determined, shining brighter than the morning star.
“I want to finish training as soon as possible. The faster I do, the faster I can accept jobs and support my family.”
He’d forgotten about her goals. Illumi had been so busy with his own feelings and motivations that he had put hers on the back burner. This was no ordinary girl, she was a woman on a mission.
“That’s very honorable of you, (Name). What branch of Hunter do you plan to go into?”
“I don’t have any plans on doing anything specific, just whatever pays the best.”
Illumi stiffened.
“I see. Even if the job is dangerous?”
“Danger has no bearing on my decisions. If it pays well, I’ll do it.”
This seemed to excited the elder Zoldycks, though Illumi was quiet next to her. He hadn’t thought about her doing jobs. Him bringing her to his estate to return a favor had just been an excuse to keep her around. Was he sending her to a death sentence?
“… we’ll, you won’t be taking jobs anytime soon. You’re much too weak.” Illumi stated, setting his fork down. He didn’t have much of an appetite at the moment.
“Oh nonsense, I’d say she should be able to accompany someone on a job within the next week or so! She’s progressing so fast, it would be a shame to not let her experience battle first hand.”
Illumi glared at his mother for her suggestion. Didn’t they understand that she wasn’t ready for that yet? (Name) wasn’t like them, she was just a weak girl, barely able to hold a blade without shaking.
“Oh, that would be nice! Illumi, can I accompany you on your next job?”
(Name) paused. She looked up at the dark haired man, wincing at the intensity in his eyes. “My jobs are much too dangerous. You’d be better off training here.”
A huff escaped her lips, her arms crossing over her chest defiantly. “Well I can’t learn if I never get to go on jobs!”
“You just started training four days ago, (Name). I’m not saying you can never go, you just have to be…”
He pushed her hair out of her face with a soft sigh.
(Name) slowly undressed herself, quickly putting on a pair of pajama pants and a sweater. The moon had risen outside, and she was tired.
Illumi’s parents had requested her to perform Ren for them, and were thoroughly pleased with the results. She however, was now exhausted due to straining herself too much. Kalluto scolded her harshly after dinner, but Illumi shooed him away saying that he should be kinder to women.
Her eyes slid to her nightstand, where the plush sat. Illumi had been kind enough to help her to her room after dinner, and sat it there after leaving. She made him promise not to sneak into her bed that night, as she didn’t feel like being jumpscared in the morning.
Speaking of jumpscares, (Name)’s ringing phone nearly made the girl jump out of her skin. She looked down at the caller ID, smiling when she saw Kurapika’s contact.
“Kurapika, what’s up?” She answered the phone, lying down on her bed.
“Mm, nothing much. We heard through Zebro that you were feeling unwell today, so I decided to call after training and see how you’re doing.”
Kurapika was a sweet boy, always making sure she was okay. (Name) giggled.
“If you want we can FaceTime and you can see for yourself.”
Once she accepted the FaceTime call, she saw the three boys gathered together to fit into the screen, all waiting for her to show up. When she did, their expressions brightened.
“(Name)! How are you? We just got done with our baths!” Gon exclaimed, his hair still wet.
“Oh, me too. I’m doing alright. I happened to make a new friend today!”
Leorio raised an eyebrow. “Who did you befriend this time, (Name)?”
She scratched the back of her head sheepishly. She didn’t know how Gon would react to her message, but she wouldn’t lie.
The three shared a look, Kurapika frowning deeply.
“You mean the man who basically kidnapped you, has been randomly touching you, and made you cry last night?”
Oh dear, she’d forgotten she’d told them about that.
“Ah, yeah. He apologized though…”
She twiddled her thumbs, not making eye contact.
“You’re an adult, so I won’t tell you who to associate with, but you should be careful.”
Kurapika crossed his arms, Leorio grabbing the phone from him.
“(Name) that man is bad news! Friends don’t sneak into your bed and caress you! He’s a creep that’s only after one thing!”
“And what is that?”
Leorio glanced at Gon before sighing. “You know what I mean, (Name). You shouldn’t trust men, they’re wolves!”
“You and Kurapika are men, but I trust you!”
“Yeah, well we wouldn’t-“
Kurapika hit him with his sheathed weapon. “Let’s try that again. I wouldn’t do the things Illumi has done. It is strange to sneak into a woman’s bed without telling her.”
A light blush was on Kurapika’s cheeks. Was he embarrassed of this topic? That amused (Name), a small smile on her face.
“I trust you, Kurapika. You’re too much of a sweetheart do do anything like that.”
Kurapika turned away from the camera, hiding his face. “Y-yes. Thank you, (Name).”
Gon watched the scene with an unreadable expression.
“(Name), I won’t judge you for your friendships, but I don’t think he’s a good guy. He said all those mean things to Killua and…”
He paused. “I’m afraid he may hurt you. Physically or emotionally.”
He didn’t give her time to speak, quickly putting his hands up in surrender. “It’s your decision though, but just keep in mind that he’s willing to hurt people to get what he wants. I don’t want that to happen to you.”
(Name) had a lot to think about after her phone call ended. Something about Illumi pulled her towards him, maybe it was his good lucks or his strange personality, but there was something in him that felt familiar. To be by his side felt soothing, like hanging out with an old friend.
She didn’t want to believe he had the capacity to hurt her, even knowing he’d kill if it meant furthering his goals(whatever those were).
‘He may not be perfect, but I don’t think he’s awful either. I… I want to be his friend. I can’t even understand why, but I want to be near him.’
Sleep didn’t come easy to her that night, spending hours tossing and turning. Her restless mind kept replaying Gon’s words.
If for some reason, in the future, (Name) became an obstacle to his goals, would he strike her down with no regret?
So many questions, but no answers. When sleep finally took her, she could only dream of her childhood friend.
She missed him more than anything.
Illumi pulled his legs to his chest and stared out at the midnight sky. His dark eyes took in the sight with little reaction.
Something about being in bed by himself when (Name) was so close by felt wrong. He craved her touch, craved the little sounds she made as she slept peacefully.
Before he could realize it, Illumi found himself at (Name)’s door, cracking it open. He promised her he wouldn’t get into bed with her, but said nothing about watching her sleep.
His large, dark orbs observed her every movement, glancing from her slowly rising chest to her lips where a light drool pooled from. Illumi held back a snicker, using his sleeve to wipe her mouth.
‘She’s so cute when she’s sleeping. It’s much easier to watch over her when she isn’t aware.’
(Name) shifted in her sleep, her face scrunching up in displeasure. “N-no… Illumi, please don’t go.”
His heart pounded against his chest. Was she dreaming about him? (Name) whined out, feeling the air for something that wasn’t there.
“Stay… a little longer… til I gotta go back home… for dinner.”
Oh. She was dreaming about him, but not the current Illumi. In her subconscious, she remembered her childhood friends name. This confused and frustrated him to no end. If she could remember him in a dream, why couldn’t she remember him when she was awake?
The smell of salty tears shook Illumi from his thoughts, his eyes drifting from her outstretched hand to her face.
“Miss… you… please…”
He leaned down, grabbing her hand and pressing it against his cheek. It felt nice to feel her warm palm caress his face, his lips meeting her fingers in a tender kiss.
“Shhh, I’m right here. Don’t cry.”
They stayed like that for a while, (Name) slowly calming down enough to sleep peacefully.
He let go of her hand, laying it down to rest on her chest. His eyes caught sight of her pouty lips, barely restraining himself from stealing a kiss.
‘This girl is going to be the death of me…’
He left her room and walked back to his, curling up under his blankets. He held his face, smiling to himself.
Illumi would be able to sleep now, with the ghost of her touch on his cheek.
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Vampire Caretaker- Part 2
Part 1
“Little one?”
Whumpee stirred but didn’t open their eyes. They were laying in something incredibly soft and enveloped in something warm. They wanted to stay here, wherever here was. It was so cozy, they didn’t want to go back to reality. Whumpee distantly heard a voice chuckle.
“Well, at least you’re somewhat awake, I was getting worried for a moment.”
At that, Whumpee’s eyes snapped open, reality hitting them all at once. They looked up to see Caretaker from before. They scrambled up into a sitting position. Caretaker reached out a hand to steady them, but Whumpee flinched back. They took in their surroundings with wild eyes. They were in a dimly lit room with wooden paneled walls and great crimson curtains obscuring a window. They were sitting up in a very large bed with a deep red comforter and several soft pillows. Caretaker was sitting at their bedside, their red eyes glinting in the dim lamplight. Caretaker wore a concerned expression on their face.
“Wh-” Whumpee started, “where am I?”
“You’re in my home,” Caretaker explained, “don’t excite yourself now, you’re still weak from residual poison.”
Whumpee felt something scratchy against their neck. They reached up and felt soft bandages wrapped around it.
“I patched you up as best as I could,” Caretaker said, “I’m sorry it had to come to biting you, but you were running out of time. If I hadn’t acted when I had… I’m not so sure you’d still be here.”
“What do you want with me?” Whumpee asked in a small voice.
“Nothing,” Caretaker said, “I just want you to get better. I saw you needed help, and I couldn’t just leave you to die.”
“You’re… not going to turn me into your bloodbag?” Whumpee asked.
Caretaker visibly cringed.
“No, little one,” Caretaker said gently, “I’m not that kind of vampire.”
Whumpee took a minute to breathe. Caretaker’s words seemed to be genuine; after all, Whumpee had been in their home for who knows how long and they hadn’t been bitten again as far as they could tell. Maybe they were safe here?
“If you don’t mind my asking,” Caretaker said, “what is your name?”
“…It’s Whumpee.”
Caretaker smiled.
“Lovely,” Caretaker said, “it suits you.”
Whumpee thought back to the last time they were awake. They remembered Caretaker removing the poison from their system, but they couldn’t remember how they got poisoned in the first place.
“What’s wrong, Whumpee?” Caretaker asked.
“I- I can’t remember,” Whumpee said, “I can’t remember anything about last night. How I got poisoned, how I got in the alley, anything.”
“Ah, well,” Caretaker said, “I must admit my knowledge is about as limited as yours is, I’m afraid. All I know is you were exhibiting symptoms of being poisoned when I found you. There are some dangerous characters in the city that want nothing more than to cause trouble for innocent people like yourself. Tell me, Whumpee, do you live in the city?”
Whumpee shook their head.
“I just arrived yesterday. I was staying at an inn, but I haven’t found a place to live yet.”
“Would you like to stay with me until you do? It might be safer than the inn, especially if that’s where you got poisoned in the first place. Besides, you still need to recover from your ordeal.”
Whumpee was taken aback. First Caretaker saved their life, now they were offering them a place to stay? Whumpee wasn’t sure what to say.
“I- I would love to,” Whumpee finally said, “if you’re sure it’s no trouble.”
“No trouble at all,” Caretaker said with a smile, “I haven’t had company in a very long time. Now tell me, what would you like for breakfast? Although I don’t really eat food myself, I keep the pantry well stocked in case someone stops by.”
Whumper clung to the shadows of the castle courtyard. To think all it took was poisoning a random person for the vampire to come out. Following them back to their home had been simple. Whumper couldn’t believe that Caretaker actually lived in the decrepit, old castle. It was almost cliché really. No matter, soon Whumper would get Caretaker alone and would put an end to yet another vampire that plagued the earth.
part 3
Tags: @rainy-knights-of-villany
Special thanks to @deckofaces and @thepenultimateword and @rainy-knights-of-villany for helping out with this part!
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I’ve been gone for so long but I have so much to say and idk how to say it so please be prepared for an absolute mess of an ask lol
First, I just really wanna give appreciation for Super Emeralds (The comic creator) and their dedication to THOAM. I’ve been on Tumblr for just a little more than a year at this point, and I only joined in the first place because of this comic. I got into it way back in… What was it, 2020?? 2021? And I fell in love immediately with the concept! Sonic feeling insecure about his new Werehog form? Chip being an active member of the team and a great friend?? TEAM DARK??? SONADOW DONE RIGHT?????????? Ohohoho! You can bet I was completely on board! I tried my best to comment on every page, because I just love giving positive feedback for things I enjoy, and took note of how Super Emeralds evolved their style as the years went on. I wasn’t there during the beginning, and I really wish I was, but the time I’ve spent following this fun little comic has made me feel so much appreciation not just for Super Emeralds as a person, but for the entire Sonic art community as a whole! Art is a creative endeavor, a passionate career, and sometimes it’s really hard to just. Draw. Comics are especially hard as I’ve discovered. So just… Good job to Super Emeralds for sticking around all these years and for giving us such an incredibly thought out and beloved series. And thank you.
I’ve been a bit absent from Tumblr for the last few weeks due to sickness and lack of interest so I am undoubtedly missing a page or two from the equation but OH MY GOSH. POOR SONIC. Bro wakes up from like a 2-day long nap and the first thing he sees is his little brother screaming in his face at 3AM. He’s so confused haha! I noticed he isn’t as insecure or he isn’t really freaking out as much as I assumed he would way back during the exposition pages. This is obviously due to the confusion and whiplash after waking up as his “Normal” self again, but I feel like it’s just him putting on another fascade around his friends. To an extent, at least. He isn’t aware of the new pink markings all over his body and he isn’t aware of just how worried all his friends were. All he knows is that they know about his new form and they for some reason aren’t acting weird about it, so he’s likely just playing along to make sure nobody gets overly concerned. It just seems like something he’d do. Or maybe I’m just grasping at the angst straws, idk.
Also let’s not gloss over how Omega doesn’t care that Sonic mauled him to death. Let’s not gloss over the fact that Omega clearly cares for the others because of his ignorance to Sonic’s rampage.
Yeah if you couldn’t already tell I’m a sucker for this kinda stuff-
Uhhhhh I don’t really have much else to say, honestly. Maybe I will later, but right now I’m on a time crunch so I gotta keep this all pretty concise. Thank you so so much for reading all the way through, I know this was a really really long one. And again, thanks to Super Emeralds for being able to last this long and not losing motivation for the comic. I know I would’ve given up after just 5 pages! (I actually tried to make a comic of sorts and I literally gave up after 5 pages I am not kidding.)
Aight I gotta go now bye bye!! 👋
ur gonna have a field day in 2-3 weeks depending on when u decide to go on rampage haha
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yxstxrdrxxm · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS: Detectives are supposed to be trusted, right? So why does it feel like the one with her felt so… Hollow?
TW/s: delusional thinking, yandere tendencies, unrequited love, toxic dynamic/s, Heizou is fucked up in the head, short term isolation, pre heikazu matchup, nsfw tws include horrific imagery, body horror, arson, mutilation(?). Please dni if you are uncomfortable.
NOTE FROM HR: Happy late Valentine’s Day, miss Phitre (@a-dose-of-phitre). It seems your date went well with Heizou, but I’m rather concerned with how you’re looking right now. Is it just me, or did you plan to go with someone else?
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Heizou is regarded by a lot of people for his expertise and quick wits as a detective. That in and of itself is normal, considering how he seems to excel in those aspects. However, what they don’t seem to remember about him is that he’s a bit of a trickster to the people he found… Fun to be with.
Don’t get him wrong, he likes doing it all in harmless fun. He doesn’t enjoy taking things too far if he could really help it, and to him, he didn’t want to put his recent dates through the horrific things he can do. But for some of them, they like stepping a bit too far from those boundaries he set for their sake.
One such incident is actually days before that happened. He has always wanted to save the ones he loved the most for last, since he thought that it felt more fitting to savor the time with his beloved, Kazuha.
“Oho? It seems that my partner in crime is up bright and early! And here I thought I have to get you again,” he told the woman as they met up by the park, grinning madly upon seeing her try to catch her breath. “Oh dear, relax, breathe. I’m not going to leave you behind, Febronia.”
His date, though, huffed. Catching her breath, the woman turned her head to face the cheeky detective, hitting his arm in return.
“Yeah, but not when you decided that we’d meet this far from our usual spot!”
The latter laughed once again. Oh, he knew what he did wasn’t right, but can you blame him? He wanted to play a little joke on her, and their destination would take ages if they met up in their regular area to walk there.
He’d have to blame Sara for that. She had told him he couldn’t use his motorcycle due to too many joyrides, and to add insult to injury, she confiscated it back at the agency! He couldn’t even show his face to her when it happened, and even Kazuha has told him that it was only inevitable.
The horrors, he says! All because she didn’t know how to have a sliver of fun… What a tragedy indeed.
“Well, you’d have to thank Sara for keeping my ride from me. She’s the one who told me to quit it, saying that I was only doing it for my leisure. The audacity of her to assume that I'm not even doing my job, too!”
Febronia rolled her eyes, hitting his shoulder with a scoff. It was obvious that he was simply being a drama queen, which isn't foreign to the two of them.
… Although, maybe it should have. After all, Heizou isn't always the one to act such a way, right?
“Anyways, why don't we go and see what you want to show me? If we spend too much time here, we're bound to miss whatever appointment we have for the trip.”
“Haha, right you are, my partner. Right this way!”
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Arriving to their location, Febronia could tell that he has a preference with his choice of escape rooms. As a detective, he must be so keen and excited to be able to go through them, since he solves cases faster than a person can think.
Still… she did wonder if he remembered that she couldn't solve it, or to actually inform her that their venue would be so extravagant.
“Heizou, did you forget to tell me that this place would have a theme with masquerade?”
“Ah, I didn't,” he answered truthfully, snapping his fingers with a smile on his face. “Actually, I wanted to keep this as a surprise for you! After all, I've always thought about visiting a venue such as this, and we also have the appropriate attire before we head inside.”
Really now? She found it hard to believe. After all, this is the same man that knowingly hid this information from her, deeming that it isn't important. What a bother.
Still, by the sparkle in his eye, she found it hard to tell him no. It would simply be far too rude for her to turn him down when they're already at their destination.
“Okay, okay, fair enough,” Febronia answered, sighing. “I do hope you have the right outfit for us, mister detective. If you forgot about that, I'd seriously question if you want us to be shamed in there.”
“Nonsense,” he replied, patting her head with a cheeky grin. “It won't be that bad! All you need to do is just relax and have fun. After all, the outfits we'll get won't be too restricting… or even too eye-catching. I'd rather not have people stop us.”
Stop us?
“What do you mean by—”
“Anyways, here they are! Come, Watson!”
Heading inside, the masked guards simply nodded and stared at the dumbfounded date, this time out of confusion. He just cut her off, like he didn't want to hear her ask.
… What a strange predicament. She felt like something was up with him.
“Partner! Aren't you coming?”
Her eyes flitted over to the waiting Heizou, and she ran towards the entrance, ignoring the sorry looks of the masked men that followed the detective.
“Sorry, I got distracted,” she apologized to Heizou, but he simply shook his head. Holding her hand, he smiled and spoke, “It's alright. Anyway, let me lead the way.”
Walking down the empty halls, her eyes trailed down to their hands. Although hers were warm, Heizou’s felt… cold. Like there was no semblance of body heat coming out of them, or maybe he's not as warm there than other parts of his body.
Still, it made her worried. He doesn't talk much about himself, and this set of one of the many alarm bells in her head.
However, she kept quiet. She didn't want to make this awkward as is.
Arriving at the dressing room, he let her in first before he followed inside. Closing the door behind him, they were greeted with the multiple closets and drawers of clothes of all kinds: dresses, suits, gowns, and even others that aren't tied to the masquerade theme.
She reached over to one of the clothes, eyeing it then putting it on her body. It looked a bit short, so she dropped it.
“I'll go ahead and change in the bathroom,” he told her, opening the door to her left. “Just knock if you're done, okay, Watson?”
“Alright. It'll take a while before I can get dressed, so I hope you're fine with waiting.”
“Haha, I won't!”
It was only when he left that she turned her attention to the dresses, eyeing each and every one of them. Some were too gaudy, too revealing, and a few were just… nonsensical.
Sifting through each and every article of cloth she was given, Febronia’s brows furrowed in confusion. There were far too few that fit her taste, and it felt like she would be stuck there forever if she couldn't find something that fits her.
Then, she stops as she stares at the dress that fits her style well.
Granted, it was a pale white dress, the beading and accessories were that of crystals and golden leaves. There were even feathers that are on it, and combined with the heels and how it was tailored, it covered her enough that she could breathe but have the right places shown.
It was also not a form fitting dress, so she was relieved. The weirdest thing, though, is the veil of the mask that came with it. It was almost as though it wanted to cover her face.
Taking the dress and its mask, she looked down at the others and shrugged, turning around to put it on. The dress smelled nice, like it was freshly doused in mild perfume and washed as well.
Come to think of it, it looked cleaner than the ones she had to check. It's almost like it had been deliberately picked and hidden so she could find it.
What a strange coincidence. She felt like something isn't going so well because of how fortunate the tides have gone in her favor. Alas, it may just be a simple fluke or something of the sort.
As she discarded her original attire and put it on, she felt the weight of heaviness prior leave as it was on her body. And she was right—it fit her like a glove, and it complimented her body well. Though, looking at the colors, she's reminded of what a dove would look with it's pearly white condition.
God, I hope I don't stain this. It probably costs a fortune to even clean the slightest bit of stain here, too.
Walking to the door with her new get up and the heels that came with it (she swore she'd fall, so she needed to take her time walking in them), she knocked on the door.
Knock, knock.
“Heizou? I'm done changing! Are you done yet?”
… Nothing.
She knocked again.
Knock, knock.
“Heizou? Come on, this isn't funny.”
No response. The lights are flickering, but she paid no heed. She needed to see what was going on.
Knock, knock.
Knock, knock.
“Hey! Answer me, Heizou!”
This time, she turned the knob of the door, and was surprised that it wasn't even locked. No, she could open it.
What the hell?
Pushing the door, she rushed inside, catching a whiff of metallic and soot. Coughing, she swiped her hand so she could see and breathe clearly, and her eyes simply widened at the sight before her.
Heizou wasn't inside, but the room was up in flames. Some of the items were already burnt down, and the flames were reaching to the walls and on the door.
Stumbling out, she dashed to the exit and found that it was jammed. Febronia could only panic as the flames got out and entered the room she was inside.
“Heizou?! Heizou?!”
Slamming the door, she began to try and find something to use. Grabbing the chair, she began to slam it repeatedly, but to no avail.
Tossing it to the fire, it traveled to the clothes she discarded and it began to melt, letting the terrible stench of plastic greet her and make her wheeze. Some even traveled to where she was, touching the glass heels and plastic dress she wore.
Then, the flames got to her skin.
The pain of being burned alive was making her scream. She tried to put it down, but it went further up, making her let out cries. Some descended from below to her head, setting her hair up on fire.
The flames and plastic got to her form, to which she was only greeted with the feeling of pure and utter agony.
It hurts to be burnt alive. It was a fate she wouldn't want anyone to have, as her skin was becoming nothing but charred. And God, did it hurt. It was even worse with the plastic melting in her.
Her eyes began to bulge as she heaved, crumbling onto the ground. She needed to breathe fresh air, but all she could even get was smoke that filled her lungs.
What ripped from her throat was screams of anguish and rage, blaming the one that led her there— the damned detective, who left her for dead.
… Which was funny, for even she can't blame him. After all, had she paid attention, she would've found out the truth of the detective she's with.
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Several investigators came to the scene after the locals have brought up the concern of hearing screams late at night. It had been days after the incident that led to the manor burning, and they wanted to see what was left behind.
An anonymous tipper has left them something vital to investigate, especially for the disappearance of Phitre, a lady who was last seen being with “Heizou”.
When they got to the scene of the crime, one of them leaned over to the burnt plastic that was made to be dresses and cringed at the stench. Some were not even taken care of, and it was almost like it had been taken decades ago.
However, what caught their eye was the mask laid next to a charred, disfigured and melted body. It smelled the same as it had been prior, and even when the dress melted into the skin of the victim, the mask remained pristine.
The only difference, though, are two pairs of jeweled eyes that stared right back at them, like the corpse still looked at them with disdain in their soul.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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fatuismooches · 11 months
SMOOOCHES!! Hii my lovely dove!! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ʚ🍓ɞ
Okay okay! I know I’m flooding your inbox again but I have some fluff! (With angst) so if you don’t mind! —Okay I just have to say that soft Dottore is <3 especially since he’s cold and serious all the time (and doing evil man things) so him being soft for his lover could make me cry!! (especially since although he may have a soft spot for you him actually being full blown soft is like once in a blue moon) Okay okay so! Dottore most likely takes a few weeks or maybe more than a month to make new medication for Fragile!Reader whenever his last prototype fails. And with it I’m sure he gets frustrated, of course never to sweet little you. But, at times these medications he makes can have their side effects. Which is why Dottore almost always supervises you himself whenever he injects you with these medications. Since well, your fragile body sometimes may reject them, or lead to you on some occasions feeling fatigued or nauseated. So usually when you do receive a new medication you find yourself in his lab for most of the day. Always having to inform him how you’re feeling and if something feels off. Zandik of course is always keeping a keen eye on you even if he might be busy with some experiment. As one moment you can be talking about some fun thing you had done with the clones a few days ago, and the next you could be vomiting or worse, faint. So to say that Zandik isn’t concerned about you is an understatement. He really wishes he didn’t have to experiment new medications on you every few weeks or so to hopefully cure your illness. (He has injected at times some of his “patients” with the medication he’d use before giving it to you, but since your body is frail and weak the outcomes are always much different than compared to a regular healthy person) but Zandik would definitely let you sit on his lap while he works. Since he knows you’re very very vulnerable in this state. Which he doesn’t mind (as much as he hates to admit it Dottore is quite possessive over you) and he’ll even gently caress your hair with his free hand while the other writes away. So although you may feel yucky and absolutely exhausted. Zandik tries his best to alleviate your pain. Since you always say that being near him or being held by him makes you feel 1000% better. (Which he knows may not be true in actuality, but he just wants to make his lover happy) ૮꒰ྀི⊃´ ꒳ `⊂ྀི꒱ა
But I hope you enjoy this brainrot I thought of this at like 12 AM at midnight since the power in our neighborhood was out for a whole 2 hours this past Sunday. It was kinda creepy seeing all the houses and streetlights have no lights turned on. The heat was unbearable Ꮚ ᵒ̴̶̷̥ ‸ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥ Ꮚ but I hope you’re doing absolutely wonderful! I love u so so much I give you so many hugs and chu chus!! I just wanna squeeze n cuddle u smooches !!! >< may you have an absolutely wonderful week and continue enjoying the rest of your summer!
-From your dear boo boo 🎐 anon! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
I am happily consuming soft Dottore, thank you for this sm 😭 (soft dot has been on my mind lately, I'm just. I need him to cuddle me) You’re so right, if he isn’t being serious, he’s being cunning or mocking too, so seeing him being actually genuine with his love for you!! Is so! <33 You can’t help but feel special because you’re the only person who will ever witness him like this!
It’s kind of funny actually. Dottore, the mad doctor, spending this much time on a cure. Helpful medicine. Everyone else would guess that instead he’s concocting poisons and injections to hurt others with (which they aren’t wrong) but they would never guess he’s carrying out genuine doctor things. Which he honestly couldn’t blame them for. If anyone saw how softly he acted with you, well… either they’d be dead, or he’ll never live it down if it was one of the Harbingers.
You dread taking new medications or getting shots, but you can’t help but feel you owe it to Zandik. You know how hard he works on these things, only for them to not work. His expression remains the same but you know he feels disappointed every time nothing seems to change in your condition. At the very least, you have a good amount of time to finally hang around him uninterrupted. Archon knows how challenging it is to be a Harbinger’s spouse, much less Dottore’s, with his schedule and lack of time. And to have his undivided attention on you? Phew.
Being treated by him so softly is enough to make you swoon!! But too bad you feel too tired to do that, so you have to opt for snuggling into his chest on his lap (which is arguably more comfy than your bed.) Feeling his gloved hand stroke your hair along with the soothing sound of pen against paper is far more relaxing than you thought it’d be. It felt like you could sleep for hours. Seeing him so concerned about your needs was so <3 to you, even though you felt crappy and down, he still wanted to be in your company and comfort you too <3
Omfg I love this crazy psycho doctor man so much. He would be so good with you too, he would have all the necessary equipment and such when you start to show certain side effects, already have his bed prepared for you to nap in if you get tired. He has many notebooks dedicated to you and how your condition, mental and physical, has changed over the countless years, he even has a section for new things he noticed about you and certain things you told him that he found amusing. Of course the lengths he would go to for you is limitless and he’d have some unwilling test subjects ready for whatever batch of medicine he’s working on next 🚶‍♀️(This is a little hc I thought of literally just now, but I was thinking, since he’s a doctor and all, he probably draws diagrams of the body every now and then, so what if he doodles you sometimes ;( he finds himself drawing your hand with your wedding ring on it!!)
I’m so sorry about your power! I would be so scared, I hope you’re okay now 💖 I am doing fine, I hope you are too my dear boo boo 🎐 anon 🫶🥰 GIVING YOU MORE HUGS AND KISSES SMOOCH!!! ILY!! ENJOY YOUR WEEK TOO!! As for me, I just hope I’m able to move around this summer. Whenever it’s hot, all my energy is sapped out of my body lol🧍‍♀️
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amberstormblade · 3 months
It's almost 3am here so I'm gonna try my best to make this coherent! TwitchSMP Viking lives in my brain rent free along with about a million other Vikings. Recently, he got messed up in lore! And my brain came up with this idea and wouldn't let it go so here's T!Viking having a really bad time!
Ruby was sick. Ruby was sick. His sister best friend was sick and maybe even dying because some weird fourth dimensional being decided to destroy her body whenever she possessed her. Ruby was sick and Viking was doing his best not to panic but it wasn’t going very well. Especially since his head wouldn’t stop pounding. Part of it could have been that he hadn’t slept properly in days, too concerned that Ruby’s condition would worsen and that they would be left to suffer alone. He also kept thinking through the conversation he’d had with the other Ruby, trying to remember the moments surrounding his blackouts and failing miserably.
That’s what led him here, prepping another round of health potions in a brewing stand while simultaneously making up another batch of soup and trying not to scream as it felt like something was pounding at the inside of his skull. He’d take another potion in a bit and pretend he was fine for Ruby’s sake. He didn’t want to make them worry so it was best to just act as normal as he could until they were better. Once that happened, if he still felt like crap, he’d probably just hide away in some hole somewhere until things were better, more manageable. He laddled some soup into a bowl just as the potions made a gurgling sound, letting him know that they had finished brewing. He quickly chugged one and sighed as it gave him a slight reprieve from the attack in his skull then stowed the other two away to give to Ruby with their meal.
Viking walked the short distance between their houses and knocked on the door before letting himself in. Ruby sitting up and mostly awake was a very welcome sight, as he’d been sleeping most of the time to keep the pain and misery at bay. Gritting his teeth, Viking gave what he hoped to be a reassuring smile as his headache struck again, a sudden sharp pain spreading from his temples to almost behind his eyes. 
“Hey Ruby, how’re you feeling this lovely evening?” He crossed the room to his bed and set the soup in order to grab the potions out. He reached out a hand to feel for a fever and noticed it had gone down quite a bit.
Ruby gave a little cough and cleared their throat. “I’m actually feeling a lot better, I guess bedrest and potions really do wonders for a person. I think I might try stretching my legs for a bit tomorrow. A walk around the beets sounds nice.” They gave Viking a tired smile as they accepted the first potion from him, humming as it took effect.
“Oh? Are you sure you’re ready for something like that? Do you want me to come with you?” The sudden panicked feeling that had overcome him was making it feel like someone was going crazy on a drum in his skull. Viking knew he wouldn’t be able to hide this much longer but he needed to make sure his sister was going to be safe. He didn’t know what he would do if she collapsed by herself out in the fields.
She gave a slight laugh. “Since when were you so protective? Besides, I’ll be fine! Vintage is going to be with me. She knows I’ve been sick lately and wants to help keep me company, she’s just been busy. I’m sure you’ve been dying for some free time too, taking care of me for almost an entire week can’t be very fun.”
“Hey now! Don’t put yourself down like that, you’re my-my best friend, of course I’m gonna worry.” He stumbled over his words slightly, almost calling her something else, something that he wouldn’t know how to explain. “I’m here to help you out for as long as you need it, and that’s a promise. If you’re sure you’ll be okay with Vintage tomorrow, I’ll give you two space! I just, I want to make sure that you’ll be okay.” Viking could feel his eyes starting to water. He couldn’t tell if it was because of the conversation, the pain spiking in his head again, or a combination thereof. He cleared his throat and stood up a little too quickly, having to blink spots out of his vision. “You should probably get some more rest, can’t wander the fields while napping now can we!”
Ruby sighed a bit, tired eyes searching him for something they couldn’t quite find. “You better get some rest too! Can’t have you being a hypocrite.” They smirk a bit as they once again snuggle into their bed, soup and potions finished and energy slightly more depleted. “Good night, Viking.” They yawn.
Viking whispers back “Good night, Ruby. May your sleep be dreamless.” Seeing his sister actually comfortable for the first time in days was amazing.
Quietly closing the door behind him, however, he knew he was on a timer now. The potions never seemed to help him for long and the headache was coming back fast. He was starting to panic at the thought of being caught in such a weakened state so he did the only thing he knew. He ran. Passed his house, through the beets, down the hole, passed the cactus, not thinking about anything except needing to get away from any prying eyes, about needing to hide.
For reasons unknown to even himself, he ended up back at the clock tower, the place where things turned for the worst it seems. He’d had headaches before, had moments where he figured someone else had been in control but he wasn’t too worried about it since Vikings help Viking after all. Everything seemed to have shifted after Sapphire knocked him out. The headaches were stronger, more frequent and he felt like he was constantly teetering on the edge of something bigger than himself. The thought that maybe not all Vikings were wanting to be helpful was terrifying. He found himself resisting letting anyone else through but the more he resisted, the worse the pain got. He tried to safely make his way to the bottom of the cavern, not wanting to go in the tower itself and ended up slipping halfway, just barely landing in a pool at the bottom. Quickly crawling out and coughing up the little bit of water he had ingested, he started to shake and curl up into a ball. Something was trying to break out of his head, that was the only explanation for why it was practically killing him. Knowing he was alone down here and that no one would probably come looking for him for a while should have been a relief but it just added an extra level of pain. The first tears started to spill as he began to scream. Thrashing around as though possessed, he accidentally hit his head on a rock causing his vision to go white with the pain. He caught a glimpse of himself in the pool. He didn’t recognize his own reflection, face contorted in agony, skin pale as snow, his eyes almost didn’t seem to be the right color for a second. His own shrieks were echoing back at him and the shadows seemed to laugh and jeer at his misery. At some point, he’d rolled over to an area that was just pure stone, no moss covering it or anything. He pressed his head against the cold slab beneath him and started beating his hands against it to stop them from tearing out his own hair. This went on for ages, a performance of agony for a crowd of ghosts, echoes of a forgotten past cheering as it continued. His voice had died long ago and yet screams still crawled from his throat. Viking could barely move now, it was all he could do to just hold his head and hope it stopped soon. He couldn’t see anymore, vision too blurred and spotted to make anything out. Dry sobs wracked his body as it hopefully came to an end. Maybe the pain was finally gone or maybe he was too far gone to feel it. Either way, unconsciousness came calling and he had not the strength to deny it. As everything finally faded, he swore he heard someone calling his name.
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kairoot · 7 months
NOT YOUR FAULT: feelings not mutual..
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it had been about 2 weeks since you and jay decided to “take things slow”. it hadn’t been a good 2 weeks, though.
sunghoon had been ignoring you and jay, keeping a distance and staying to himself. you tried starting conversations with him, making jokes, asking him to eat with you; none of it seemed to work.
if only you hadn’t posted that screenshot, none of this would happen.. maybe, just maybe, he would be a little bit more understanding..
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Jay had been in his room all day, lying down and pacing. He’d racked his brain, stressing over the tiny things and he’d only been in a relationship for 2 weeks. He was dating his best friend’s little sister and now he won’t even look Jay’s way. He’d even gotten to the point where he started to doubt everything. ‘What if this is a mistake?’ ‘What if she doesn’t even like me?’
Thoughts flooded his head all at once. He didn’t eat today.. He didn’t even say hello to Y/n.
He pulled out his phone and scrolled to the bottom of his messages.
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He took the ‘read’ as a yes, and listened to Nari’s instructions. It’s been ages since these two have even spoke.
He grabbed his black windbreaker and slipped on some sneakers. Jay walked out of his room and into the living room where most of the members were scattered. Some on the couch.
He was almost to the door when one of them called out. “Hey, Jay? You okay? Where are you going?”
It was Y/n. The one person Jay had been stressing over. He wasn’t even sure if he really wanted to see her right now, due to all the thoughts flooding his mind.
“Oh, uh yeah. Listen, don’t worry, I’m just going—“ Jay began to wrap an arm around her as he spoke, but caught a glimpse of Sunghoon in the kitchen, glaring at them both. Not directly, but from the corner of his eye. Jay patted Y/n’s arm, glancing up at the blonde in the kitchen. “— to the music store. I think one of my favorite bands dropped..”
Y/n nodded as Jay placed a piece of hair behind her ear. He acted carefully, though. Not wanting to cause any more trouble with his friend.
“Okay, well, be back soon? Eat something..” She sounded worried. Concerned. Jay thought for a minute, maybe she did care for him. Maybe she did like him. Or was that all in his head too?
Jay stood in the January winter, looking around for any sign of a brunette. He shivered, shoving his hands in his pockets, going to take his phone out.
“Well, this is certainly a surprise.” A voice spoke from his right. His gaze met with just the person he was looking for. Her lips turned in a smug smirk.
“Nari,” Jay let out a breath, leaping to engulf her. She wrapped her arms around his small frame, smiling completely this time.
“Jongseong,” Nari stepped away from the hug. Her face more soft, but serious now. “Haven’t seen you since the breakup. Only messages here and there.”
“For the last time Nari, that was not a breakup. We were never together.” He sighed, sitting on the wooden bench. Nari scoffed, bundling herself into her coat, taking a seat next to him.
“Hm. The way you held me said different.” Her voice rasped, recalling the way Jay would hold her when times were rough. When she couldn’t even fix a proper meal for her and her mother.
Jay didn’t speak, staring down at his shoes. He knew him and Nari had their moments. They were never official, though.
She cleared her throat, “So, what’s the deal? Manager scolding you again?” Nari snorted.
Jay scoffed in annoyance, he shook his head. “Uh, nah, it’s actually real serious this time. I’m in a relationship.”
Nari made a surprised noise, waiting for him to continue. “Well, who‘s the lucky gal?”
Jay hesitated for a moment. He recalled Nari hating Y/n so much, during his survival show. She went as far as threatening to run away from Jay. She truly liked him so much but couldn’t stand the thought of someone else getting in the way.
“It’s—“ He started, but his phone lit up with a message notification. The contact read ‘Y/n 💓’.
Nari glanced down at his phone, only to do a double take with her eyes. She felt her heart sink. Not necessarily in a sad way. More in a jealous, angry way. She would never admit that she did actually feel sad at some point. Now it all just felt like rage.
“So, it’s her, huh?” Her tongue poked at the inside of her cheek, her leg bouncing slightly.
“Yeah, uh, two weeks.” Jay flipped his phone over, turning it on silent. He felt the air tense up, causing him to sweat. Even in the cold.
He knew how angry Nari got when the topic of Y/n came up. Even the sound of her name irritated Nari.
She hummed, looking out at the white covering the grass.
“I’m sorry, it’s just.. I feel like, maybe she doesn’t even like me. Her brother hates me now. My own best friend.” Jay put his arm on the back of the bench. He stared down at the white ground.
Nari stared at him, her legs curled up on the bench. She would never say it, but she secretly hoped it was true. That Y/n didn’t like him. And that she could be with the one she wanted.
“Well..” She chuckled, shrugging. She didn’t really know how to respond to him since that’s actually what she wanted.
“Well, what do you want me to say? I mean, it’s a possibility..” She mumbled the last part under her breath.
Jay huffed, shaking his head. He stood up to leave but Nari stopped him.
“Before you get mad, let’s go shop for a few vinyls.” Nari shoved his side playfully. She stood up heading towards the small music store.
Jay sighed, eventually getting up to follow her.
taglist: @haechansbbg @contyynishimura (message or comment to be added)
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
Pardon the wall of text. I wanted more before putting it on AO3… cuz I kind of still want to write Fierce’s war path or Wind and Mask getting the scarf back but… have some more of your adoption AU
Fierce, for the second time in as many months broke the speed limit by nearly criminal amounts as he rushed to the school. The heartbreak in his kid’s voice when Warriors had called him…drove him to push the speed limit even further. He'd gotten precious little from Warriors about his school-mates. Mask had been a little more illuminating… but Warriors, whether from fear of his bullies or mistrust of adults given his history, had been reluctant to admit what was happening. He’d gotten names out of the boy, and occasionally a surface-level note of what his tormentors had done. But it had gone beyond an occasional smack in the hallways or rumors. This Cia had crossed a line now.
He carefully hit the record button on his phone as he threw the vehicle into park. Maybe it was paranoia, or his own experience as an MP and his friends in the civilian police force that drove him to have evidence that couldn't be taken as here-say. Warriors had an arm curled around his stomach, trying to crawl to the building wall.
“Warriors…” the boy looked up, several expressions crossing his face at once, fear and despair being the first two. There were several darkening welts on the boy’s pallid face, and his eyes were unfocused.
“Fierce?” Warriors sobbed anew, then whimpered as the force of the sob clearly hurt. “I’m sorry. I-I… I didn’t…” he curled up where he was as he stammered out apologies. Fierce murmured assurances as he knelt beside the teenager. Getting close meant being able to see several more livid marks on his collar and bare neck. There was a worrying goose-egg on Warriors’s head, one that Warriors jerked away when he touched. That, and the boy was breathing far too shallowly for his liking. Fierce started to try to help the boy stand. They got halfway up when Warriors jerked away and retched, throwing up bile mixed with an alarming streak of scarlett. Blood. This was bad. He briefly made an attempt to assure the boy as Warriors panicked and began trying to further apologize, then opted to simply warn Warriors as he scooped the boy up. The apologies and stammered denials tore at Fierce’s heart as he tried to move quickly and carefully to the car.
“It’ll be ok, Warriors.” He assured as he set the lanky teenager in the passenger seat, reclined the seat as far as it would go and then hurried to grab a blanket from the trunk. Warriors was shivering far too much already.
Warriors didn’t remember much of the car ride. His head, his ribs, his stomach, all ached. Fierce asked questions, and seemed very concerned with his answers. Did Fierce not believe him? Had he pushed this newest guardian too far? Now panicking that he’d done something to make Fierce upset with him, he tried to sit up, to get his ‘hysterics’ under control.
For goodness sake, you’re 17. He thought savagely to himself. You’re acting like a toddler who just had his toy taken… but his soul died a little more even thinking those words. The scarf had been from his mother… her last gift to him. The kiss…
You’re about the only person who holds stock in a first kiss… but it mattered to him…
“Son, just relax…” a careful hand pushed him back into the reclined seat.
“I’m sorry. I’ll… I’ll be fine…” I’ll be good. I’ll stay quiet. I promise…
Fierce only made a soft shushing noise and set a hand on Warriors’ forehead.
“You will be because we’ll make sure you’re taken care of...”
His next awareness was as Fierce’s arms slid behind his shoulders and under his knees again. He opened his eyes to see the bright red lights in the doorway behind Fierce and recognized the ER entrance even if he couldn’t focus enough to see the actual words.
“No… I’ll be fine. I don’t…” hospital trips meant money, money he certainly didn’t have… money most foster families couldn’t wouldn’t deal with. It would mean more questions from people who assumed he’d provoked his assailants… or that he’d done something to deserve it.
“Warriors, you threw up blood and you have a mild concussion at minimum. This is worse than a fractured ankle or a simple flu…” Warriors shrank under Fierce’s words and Fierce used the moment to pick Warriors up. “It’ll be ok, Son. Let me get you taken care of, alright?” He missed his scarf keenly as Fierce carried him inside the building and spoke to people at the desk. The blanket Fierce had wrapped him in was pinned around him by Fierce's carry and he couldn’t pull it up to hide, though he desperately wanted to.
Whatever Fierce said to these people had them moving, he was set down on a wheelchair and hurried deeper into the hospital.
Mid-grade concussion, two cracked ribs, and an internal bleed from the sheer amount of punishment the boy had taken from his assailants…Warriors would be staying in the hospital at least overnight while they monitored his condition. While they were settling Warriors in a room, Fierce took the opportunity to step outside and make a few calls.
“Time, I need yet another favor…” he began without preamble when his brother answered the call.
“What’s wrong?”
“Warriors was assaulted by those bullies. We’re at the hospital. We’re… going to be here a while and I don’t want Mask staying alone much longer.” Time was silent for several seconds.
“He knows Twilight and Sky… I’ll take them with me and we’ll either stay with him or take him home with us…” Time assured. “How is Warriors?”
Fierce sighed. “He’s terrified… of me…of the doctors… of the…” Fierce fought for an adequate word. “…punks that did this to him. He’s scared to admit how much he’s in pain… “ Fierce sighed. “That Cia girl has crossed a line this time.” He’d heard far too many of Warriors’ confused and anxious rambles in the last couple hours. He pulled himself out of the rising anger and frustration at this situation. “I need to call Mask and warn him you’re coming and I don’t want to leave Warriors alone much longer.”
“Go.” His brother urged. “Let us know if we can do any more to help.”
His next call was to his other son, who answered on the first ring.
“What is going on? Where are you? Where is Wars?”
“I’m with Warriors. We’re… we’re at the hospital. I promise I will explain when I can. Do you remember my brother? The one who teaches at Wars’ school?”
“Kinda?” He could hear a restrained barrage of questions.
“He’s coming over to either stay with you until I can come home with Warriors or to have you stay with his family until then.”
“Was it Wizzro and Volga again?” Mask asked quietly.
“From what Warriors would tell me, yes.” He deserved to know that much. “Behave for my brother, please?”
“Can I come see Warriors?”
“When he’s up for visitors, I promise.” When he ended the call, there was a young officer standing at a respectful distance. So his message had gone through to his old friend… “Did Captain Daniels send you?” He asked.
“Yes, Sir.” The officer answered. Fierce pulled up the video he’d taken and offered the ‘send to’ screen to the officer. The officer took it and then after inputting his contact info, offered the phone and a contact card back to Fierce. Detective Raru nodded in thanks. “I’m on my way to the school to see if I can get their cameras as well, but I couldn’t help overhearing… would your boy feel better if we posted a guard here for him?” Fierce wanted to accept the offer. He didn’t think the teenagers would have the foresight to attack Warriors now or maybe even for several weeks, but he wanted to assure his boy that he was safe. But ultimately, he knew a guard wouldn’t convey that message to Warriors.
“Thank you, but no. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go be with my son.”
“I’ll let Captain know…” and Detective Raru gave a nod and headed off towards his patrol car.
The nurses settled Warriors in a room with strict instructions for him rest and not to get out of bed. The rest half of those instructions was difficult, however, as nurses made their rounds what seemed like too often, checking his responsiveness, checking his vitals, drawing blood, changing his position on the bed, something at a rate of every hour. Warriors was exhausted and wrung out from… everything and frustrated to the point of tears. The light hurt his head, and as he lay with his eyes closed in the dark, he began to realize what was happening. He was in the hospital and unlike the previous emergency room visit, he wasn’t talked to like they were trying to get him out and back home. They seemed to think he’d be here… for how long? He’d miss school. He was already so far behind. Most of his teachers wouldn’t readily give makeup work… not when they all were convinced he was a terrible student. He’d miss work…He didn’t have his phone… he didn’t remember even picking it back up after calling Fierce. He hadn’t called his bosses. He’d be considered a no-call no-show and that was instant grounds for firing. He’d lose that job and the show of responsibility that came with it, and he’d look like an unreliable caretaker when he was old enough to be Mask’s guardian…if Mask even wanted that…
“What’s wrong?” He was startled as Fierce spoke from beside him, setting a hand on the top of his head. Fierce sat beside him, what was he still doing here?
“What…? Why are you still..? Mask…”
“Is staying with Time and Malon tonight. I’ve already received three texts that he and Time’s boy Wind get along like a house on fire and the older brothers are regretting letting the two of them meet… he’ll be ok for one night.” The hand on his head carefully ran fingers through his hair in a soothing motion. And Warriors broke… the hand on his head stilled and sat heavily on the top while a second hand took his.
“They’ve really done a number on you haven’t they, kid….” Warriors clutched at the hand holding his and to his relief, the grip tightened rather than pulling away. “It’ll be ok, Son…”
@shyrule @shyrule @shyrule @shyrule @shyrule
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sparklyslug · 2 years
For the WIP tag game, "fucking > forgiveness"
What a fun working title!
AHAHAHAHA YES! Simple premise for this one, Our Flag Means Death where Ed and Stede are fucking for a long time before they forgive each other. FUN!!
Name the wip, I’ll share a snip!
To punctuate his point, and because he’s a fucking prick, Stede shoves Ed against the side of the stable.
“Ah,” Ed says.
Except. It’s kind of more of an aa-hhh. A high, trembling sound punched right ouf his gut, horrifyingly out of his control and unmistakable in its tone.
Stede should know it. Stede does know it. He’d panted that little ahh right into Stede’s face, Stede’s arms locked around him and Stede’s blade in his gut, Ed feeling high and filled up with moonlight and not as guilty as he should have been for kinda (okay definitely) tricking Stede into what wasn’t quite just another fencing move. Had felt like a laugh, had felt like a joke, and they’d laughed and joked about it. But the fuck-that-stings-please-don’t-stop fucking little noises had to be laughed at because they certainly couldn’t be suppressed.
Stede was a bit clueless then. Maybe he’s less clueless now though, because he’s frozen in front of Ed. Hands still wrapped tight in Ed’s collar, forearms braced strong against Ed’s chest.
Neither of them says anything. Ed’s busy trying to keep his breathing under control, refusing to let himself show his soft vulnerable underbelly to this asshole ever again, refusing to let Stede see him sweat. He’s not sure why Stede’s gone quiet, pretty unlike him actually, more prone to reciting his thoughts as he wanders through them (something that had delighted Ed once upon a time, happy to follow those rambling reflections anywhere they– hey fuck you, don’t think about it). He’s just looking at his hands, looking at Ed’s face, his own breath coming suspiciously hard.
Then, slowly, experimentally, he pulls Ed forward. Just a bit, just enough to rock Ed onto his toes. Ed’s not a huge guy, alright, but he’s a little surprised at how little effort it takes on Stede’s part, and surprise is cut in half by terror at being drawn closer to Stede because is he– he’s not–
And he isn’t. Because just as soon as the thought crosses Ed’s mind, he’s been pushed back again, slammed with force back against the wooden planks behind him.
He grunts. Like, grunts. Might be, arguably, more of a moan. And even if it wasn’t, the way his back fucking arches a little, totally invulntary, neck tipping back like a fucking invitation before he can stop the motion, is even more of a fucking giveaway.
Fuck. This sort of thing has never done it for him before. But clearly, that’s just because this sort of thing has never been done to him. Before. By Stede.
So much for acting cool, unbothered, untouchable. So much for protecting his soft underbelly. So much for pretending that after the last six months, he couldn’t give two shits about Stede Bonnet, his eyes full of concern and his hands on Ed’s body and his mouth–
–His mouth, hungry and demanding and hot against Ed’s.
“Fuck,” Ed says, high and desperate, and Stede makes an inarticulate sound of fury or desire or both and shoves at Ed again, crowding his body against Ed’s for better leverage, Ed’s dick making the sudden aquiantaince of the unmistakable hard length of Stede’s own.
This isn’t a tender confession on a beach, tentative romance and flutterings in his chest. This bears no resemblance to that moment, and not only does Stede feel like a different person, Ed feels like a different person. They couldn’t be further from those two idiots sitting side by side in the sand, and thank fuck for that.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Someday | F.H
Paring: Five Hargreeves X Wife!Reader
Summary: The Handler kidnaps Five’s wife in hopes of him coming for her, yet he never does.
Request: Well I'd like to order a FiveXWifeReader but I'm afraid you're full of orders and I don't want to get in the way🤧
She sighed, “ This is bloody exhausting, ya’ know? “ 
“ Well, maybe if you hadn’t abandoned the commission, this wouldn’t be happening, Mrs.Hargreeves. “ The older woman spoke. 
The eighteen-year-old girl was tied to a chair. It had been approximately five years since her and Five’s last run-in with the commission after doomsday in 1963. Why they had decided to get them back on their side is unknown.  
“ So Y/n, how does it feel? “ The adult woman taunted, “ Your taunting doesn’t work on me. “ Y/n retorted with boredom. 
Nonetheless, the adult woman held a glass of whiskey, “ Whiskey? You have absolutely no taste. “ Y/n commented, and the woman rose her eyebrow, “ Really now? What would you prefer? Rum? Perhaps moonshine? “ 
“ Vodka, straight. “ Y/n snapped, “ What a tough cookie you are. “ The Handler cooed. 
“ I’m not thirteen anymore. “ The young girl replied, “ It appears so. “ The Handler stated. 
Y/n scoffed quietly, “ What’s the plan here? Why have you kidnapped me instead of one of your pawns? “ 
“ Well, hun, you know more than anyone that this task isn’t easy. It’s easiest for me to get this job done myself. “ The commission superior answered, “ In case you’ve forgotten, I willingly did this. “ Y/n informed. 
“ I know. You did it to protect your precious Five and your sibling in-laws. What brilliant timing of mine. “ She boasted inconspicuously, “ Ah, so that was your plan. Get me at a moment where I’d willingly let you have me. So smart. “ Y/n rolled her eyes as the sarcastic comment rolled off her tongue. 
The Handler winked at her, causing her to scoff again. Getting kidnapped wasn’t necessarily on her to-do list, but Five needed time, and she couldn’t let his siblings get hurt. Truthfully, getting kidnapped by the Handler wasn’t torture. It was just irritating with the constant belittling comments. 
It was a tedious thing to go through. Five wasn’t around when she did it. Otherwise, the Handler would’ve been shot dead by now. How she managed to come back after the barn incident, she knew not. What she did know was she was threatening her husband's siblings. 
The Handler paced with her cup of whiskey, “ What's it like? “ 
“ Pardon? “
“ What’s it like being married to him? “ The commission superior queried, “ That’s none of your concern. “ Y/n snapped. 
“ Does drinking make you sentimental? “ The Hargreeves girl narrowed her eyes, “ And for what’s it’s worth, Five and I are just fine. “ 
The Handler pondered, “ So where is he? “ 
“ Hell, if I know. I’m only here because I wasn’t letting you take Claire. “ Y/n replied, “ What is the little girl to you? “
“ Five’s niece. “ She answered, “ His pride and joy. “ 
“ Do I hear bitterness? “ The Handler teased, “ No, you don’t, you blithering idiot. “ Y/n retorted, annoyed. 
Hours went by of annoying banter that, frankly, Y/n didn’t have time for. It would only be a matter of time before Five noticed her disappearance. The last thing he needed on his mind at the moment was the reappearance of the Handler. So when the commission superior left, Y/n began her escape. 
The girl flicked a knife from her back pocket, “ You’d think for a commission superior she’d be a tad bit smarter. “ Y/n rolled her eyes as she cut off her restraints. 
Even the assassins who had kidnapped her beforehand took her knife off her. Maybe they just knew her better. Since the apocalypse, Y/n always had a knife or some form of sharp object in her back left pocket. It was something she nicked from Diego in the apocalypse. She never told Five where it came from. 
So when Diego was almost hit with one of his knives while fighting her after arriving in 2019, he was astonished. Her aim was impeccable and seamless. Possibly better than Diego’s. Nevertheless, a sharp object was always on her person. 
Running out of the motel and towards the academy was easy. All that walking she did really came in handy when needing to stay in shape. Despite being a master at her power– telekinesis, she still trained countless days. Five and her would spar. An activity that kept them together. 
Knocking on the wooden door to the academy, a nine-year-old girl opened the door, “ Auntie Y/n! “ She yelled, hugging her aunt tightly, “ Hey sweet. “ Y/n replied. 
“ So, where have you been? “ A male voice queried, making her look up, and Claire let go, “ We can talk about it later, I promise. “ Y/n replied, not wanting to talk about it in front of Claire. 
He sighed, “ Fine. “ 
“ Thanks, love. “ Y/n smiled gratefully, “ Yeah, whatever. Claire, you should go see the cookies Grace made. “ Five smiled softly at the little girl. 
“ Okay. “ Claire responded, walking away. 
Once she was out of eyesight, Five embraced his wife closely, “ I was worried. “ His voice held so much concern and love it made her heart melt, “ I tried to be fast. “ She answered. 
“ What happened? “ 
And so she explained everything. From top to bottom, she informed him on everything she learned, which wasn’t too much but enough to know for now. But when she brought up the fact she went willingly, the look in his eye was not one any person would want to cross. 
“ She threatened to take Claire. Or one of your siblings. So I went willingly. I watched her tie my hands and tie me to a chair. “ Y/n informed, “ You voluntarily decided to get kidnapped to save my family? “ Five questioned, not meeting her eyes any longer. 
She shrugged, “ Perhaps. “ 
“ You choose the right woman. “ Diego announced from the steps, and Five had a prideful smile present, “ Don’t get too full of yourself, Hargreeves. “ Y/n replied, playfully walking away towards the kitchen. 
“ What's it like? “ Diego questioned his brother, “ Excuse me? “ Five responded. 
Diego turned to look at Y/n and Claire in the kitchen, “ What’s it like being married to her? “ 
“ Well, it’s- “ Five couldn’t find the right words, “ It’s like coffee. “ 
“ The meaning is? “ Number two inquired, “ Well, some days it’s like hot and cold others it could be warm. It depends on the day and how the person feels. “ Five answered. 
It was silent for a minute as Five watched Y/n happily talk with Claire about something. She looked absolutely stunning. Her eyes shined as Claire spoke passionately about the topic. Maybe that’s why she liked Y/n so much, because she listened to her no matter the subject. 
Diego swallowed, “ Do you want kids? “
The question took Five a long moment to ponder. He wasn’t expecting that question in the slightest. Sometimes he forgets that he’s already lived his life and is still mentally sixty-three. Sometimes he prefers to act like an actual eighteen-year-old. 
“ Someday. “ 
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albakore · 3 years
Office Adventures
Synopsis: (office!au) Sometimes Kaeya’s ideas can be brilliant. Other times you wonder how this man even made it this far in life. This time, however, the outcome is a little different than you expect…
Characters (together): Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma/Tohma, Childe, and Zhongli (fem!reader)
Warnings: not sfw (18+), like pure unadulterated filth. public-ish sex, voyeurism, unprotected sex, vibrator, masturbation, Diluc fucking you while everyone else watches because i am Diluc’s whore before i am human,
part 2
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It felt so downright perverted to be acting this way. You tried your hardest to stay focused on the presentation in front of you but your mind kept drifting back to the device that was sitting between your legs. Kaeya had managed to slip a vibrator in your underwear right before this meeting, after he pulled you into an empty office and worked it inside of you. He pulled up the app on his phone and tested it to make sure it worked properly. It did, much to his delight (and your dismay.)
Zhongli was up at the front presenting some information about this months sales. He was flipping through various infographics in the presentation he had prepared, motioning to them every so often to accentuate his point. Diluc was sitting across from Kaeya jotting down notes as he went, next to him was a bored looking Thoma. Childe occupied the seat on the Kaeya’s left and was very keenly watching Zhongli as he presented. The seat to Kaeya’s right was empty, as that’s where Zhongli had been sitting. You watched Kaeya reach for his phone again that was sitting on the table in front of him. He tapped the screen a few times and you felt the vibrations inside of you grow stronger. You pressed your thighs together desperately trying to mask what was taking place. You couldn’t help but chew your bottom lip desperately trying not to let your pokerface drop.
“Ms. (Name), are you alright?” You heard Kaeya call from across the table, interrupting Zhongli. That little shit, you thought. You took a deep breath to help calm you down, putting on the best neutral expression you could muster before glancing up and meeting Kaeya’s mischievous smile.
“Of course. Why do you ask?” You tried to ignore how all of the men’s eyes glanced over in your direction. You could feel your impending orgasm looming as the vibrator continued to buzz inside you still even with all their gazes on you.
Thoma chimed in this time, completely oblivious. “You’re looking a little flustered, do you need to step out for some air?” Your eyes drifted to meet his, a genuinely concerned expression on his face as he scanned over you for signs of sickness or injury.
“I’m fine, really,” you assured him quickly, “I just picked the wrong day to wear this outfit.” You joked, motioning to your matching blazer and skirt that were made out of the same thick material. You added in a smile to really sell your excuse, fanning yourself to make it seem like maybe the heat was just getting to you.
Zhongli, who had been interrupted in the middle of his presentation, cleared his throat to take the attention away from the disruption. “Well, this is the last slide so if you’ll allow me to get through this then you can go back to your office and cool down a little. May I?” You nodded your head quickly and added in a small sorry before you ducked your head back down to focus on the notes in front of you. You were grateful when you felt the attention slowly shift off you and back to Zhongli.
Your mind drifted again with Zhongli’s voice as the perfect background noise for your fantasies that played in your mind. You thought again about Kaeya pulling you into that office right before this meeting with his fingers working you open slowly saying he had a surprise for you. You two had joked about doing something like this before, but you never thought he had the gall to actually go through with it. He was definitely enjoying this entirely too much, you could tell by the way his attention shifted from his notes to study you every so often. Whenever he altered the frequency of the vibrator, your resolve would fall just briefly and you’d allow yourself one shaky breath as your fists clenched and your eyebrows furrowed, desperately trying to fight the orgasm that had been creeping up on your for what felt like forever now. You were completely unaware of the vermillion eyes that would drift your way every time your face would scrunch or your hips would shift.
“And with that, we’re done for the day.” Zhongli’s concluding statement cut through your lewd thoughts. You let out a sigh of relief thinking about how you wanted nothing more than to get out of this meeting room and to the privacy of your own office. Zhongli returned to his spot at the table beside Kaeya and began gathering up his papers. The rest of the men also shuffled their stuff together, starting to stand from their seats and stretch.
“Say, Kaeya,” Childe’s voice cut through the shuffling. You watched in slow motion horror as he reached out and grabbed Kaeya’s phone that had been sitting face up on the table while Kaeya had stepped away from his seat to go return something he grabbed before the meeting. “What is this app you kept toying with throughout the meeting?” He asked as he examined Kaeya’s phone. Kaeya’s eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of a way to draw Childe’s attention away from the phone without being obvious. As Kaeya opened his mouth to reply, Childe tapped something on the screen.
“Wait!” You and Kaeya exclaimed in unison but it was too late, the vibrator in between your legs kicked up a few notches and in a matter of seconds the orgasm that Kaeya had had you dancing around for the last half of this meeting came crashing down. You let out a loud, sultry moan as you ducked your head to keep some sense of your dignity as the men watched you clench your legs and squirm in your seat. Kaeya quickly made his way back to his phone and snatched it away from Childe, cutting off the vibrations. There were a few beats of silence as the men all watched you carefully while you caught your breath, head still lowered and hands still gripping the arms of your chair harshly. The realization of what just happened finally hit you as your head cleared. The fucked out expression on your face shifted to a mortified one as you tried to think of some sort of response.
Childe’s voice rang out hesitantly from the other side of the room, “uh, sorry..”
Instead of addressing his apology you used every ounce of courage in you to spit out a ‘please excuse me’ before getting up from your chair and promptly exiting the room. You ran for the nearest empty bathroom and locked yourself inside, suddenly thankful for the first time ever that your office had single person bathrooms. Your back hit the door as your head reeled from the events that just took place, embarrassment washing over you. I’m gonna get fired, you though bitterly, they probably think I’m disgusting. You slowly reached down and pulled back your underwear to see the soaked mess that had become your panties. You sighed, pulling them up again before your eyes met the mirror. Your appearance was disheveled: your lips were swollen from biting them to stifle your moans and your legs were still shaking from your recent orgasm.
A loud knock sounded on the door behind you. “(Name)?” Kaeya’s voice called out. “…I know you’re in there.” He added after a few moments of waiting for you to respond. You still didn’t answer his calls so he continued, “they’re all waiting for you to come back.” Your heart dropped. What does that mean? Are they going to discuss the consequences of your actions already? Why so soon? Couldn’t they wait and sleep on it?
You turned around hand gripping the door handle as you took a deep breath to calm your racing heartbeat, figuring it best to face this head on. You opened the door with a click only to be met with Kaeya’s fist inches from your face, evident that he was about to knock again. “There you are!” He quickly withdrew his knuckles and gave you a quick concerned once-over.
You glanced around nervously to make sure he was alone before slumping against him. He pulled you into his embrace as his way to apologize for the events that took place. He knows it was his bad to leave his phone out there like that, especially given the fact that Childe knows his passcode. He stroked your back a few times soothingly, allowing you to inhale his scent hoping that it would provide you some comfort.
“C’mon, let’s not keep them waiting.” He spoke after a few moments before gently taking your hand to lead you along behind him through the hallways. You approached the meeting room again in quick strides, your anxiety climbing higher and higher the closer you two got.
Kaeya stopped in front of the meeting room door and turned to face you, sensing your anxiousness. His hands grabbed your shoulders gently. “There’s no need to be nervous. You’re not going to get in trouble or anything of the sort, I’m certain of it.” He leaned forward and let his lips rest against your ear, “I’m also certain that they all had a boner when I left them. I mean who wouldn’t after the show you put on.” A shiver ran up your spine at his words. You opened and closed your mouth a few times trying to form some sort of response, but before you could he had turned around and pushed open the meeting room door.
“Where is she?” You heard Childe ask. You peaked over Kaeya’s shoulder into the room. The men had returned to the seats they had been in during the meeting.
“(Name).” Zhongli addressed you firmly when his gaze met yours. You squeaked and ducked behind Kaeya again. The man in front of you chuckled before taking a few steps into the room, motioning for you to follow. You swallowed thickly before taking a few tentative steps.
Kaeya closed the door behind you as you finally straightened your back and addressed the men in front of you. “Um…” you tried to keep eye contact with them to appear more collected than you actually were but quickly found your fleeting confidence fading. Instead, you settled for fixing you gaze on the ground in front of you. “I’m very sorry for what happened.”
“Did he force you into this?” Diluc’s question caught you off guard.
“N-no!” You stammered quickly. "He and I talked about it beforehand." You said assuredly, not wanting your actions to reflect worse on Kaeya than they already had. Your cheeks burned and your shoulders were tense. “I know it was very unprof-“
“(Name), come here.” The firm words from Diluc caught you off guard. You studied him for a second, trying to read his intentions. Kaeya finally took his own seat across the table from Diluc. You made your way past Thoma to where Diluc was sitting before you paused. Diluc patted his thigh to motion for you to sit there. It caught you way off guard. You noted how Kaeya was absolutely right, though you couldn’t see Childe or Zhongli, you could definitely see both Diluc and Thoma were noticeably hard. You went to straddle his thighs but he stopped you. “Other way.” You turned yourself around and settled against him with your back flush with his chest. It took everything in you not to grind against his boner that was even more noticeable now that it was pressed against you.
His lips met the shell of your ear. “Is this alright?” He asked, fingers hovering over you, waiting for your permission for him to touch you. You nodded, swallowing thickly and his hands came into contact with your skin. Diluc’s fingers worked to hike your skirt up. He let his fingertips ghost up and down your outer thigh a few times, pressing a kiss to your neck. He pushed his chair back from the table and spread your legs wide to make sure the other guys could see what he was doing to you. He stopped again briefly as his fingers came to rest on the edge of your panties, waiting for your go ahead before pushing them down your thigh. He paused to admire the string of slick that connected your sex to your underwear. You didn’t even have time to feel embarrassed before Thoma let out a groan beside you at the sight. Diluc continued working your panties down your legs until he slipped them off completely and tossed them on the table in front of you two. Next, his hands reached down and pulled the vibrator out of your cunt that Kaeya had stuffed in there with a quiet squelching noise. He held it up and examined the way it was coated completely in your arousal.
“I can turn it on, if you want.” Kaeya offered as he watched the scene in front of him intently. His signature cocky smirk had returned as he noticed how wet he had gotten you with his vibrator.
“Please do.” Diluc answered, turning his attention from the toy back to your cunt. “May I?” He whispered in your ear as the hand not holding the toy traced the skin below your bellybutton down to the area just above your clit and back up again.
“U-uh..” you hesitated, gauging the reactions from the men around you. Zhongli’s gaze was fixated on you. He was leaning forward on his elbows, his fingers locked together resting over his mouth. His irises looked like they were quite literally glowing as he drank in the sight of you. Otherwise, he looked completely calm. His breath was slow and steady and he was relatively still.
Childe had never looked more relaxed in his life. He was slouched against his chair, one ankle crossed over his knee and his elbows resting on the arms of the chair. His boner couldn’t be any more obvious as his eyes languidly trailed up your body, down your body, and back up again. He was truly basking in the sight in front of him.
When your gaze shifted to Kaeya he made sure to hold eye contact with you. He licked his lips seductively, eyes trailing down your body before snapping back up to your complete the eye contact again as he sent you a wink.
If there were any doubt left in your mind after looking at those three, that was all dispelled when your eyes drifted over to Thoma. He already had his cock free and was pumping himself slowly as his eyes stayed fixated on you. His cheeks were flush and his breath was fast, and the tip of his cock looked deliciously red as you watched his thumb swipe over it.
It had only taken you a few moments to be sure that none of the men in front of you were uncomfortable with what was happening before you gave Diluc the go ahead. A simple, but firm, 'yes' left your lips and in mere seconds the vibrator that he was holding roared to life, courtesy of Kaeya of course. He pressed it to your clit and immediately you mewled, back arching off his chest. You rocked your hips against the device and in turn also rocked yourself against Diluc’s boner that was growing harder by the second.
“D-Diluc,” you whined. “I want you inside of me.” You panted, focusing on grinding against him. He hummed at your request, pressing a few more open mouth kisses up your neck. Your eyebrows were furrowed and your mouth parted slightly.
“Let me prep you first.” He stated, shifting his arm and wrapping it under your thigh so he could insert two fingers into you. Your slick coated them easily, allowing him to add a third finger. He stretched you as much as he could slowly and gently, pumping his fingers in and out of you. After a few moments he pulled them away from your cunt before putting his fingers, now coated in your slick, up to your mouth. You took them in without hesitation, sucking and licking them. “Good.” Diluc praised. You locked eyes with Zhongli first, then you moved to Childe. Childes hand had also found it’s way inside his pants and was pumping himself lazily as he watched you.
You released Diluc’s now clean fingers from your mouth. “Unzip me.” He instructed, one hand working to unbutton your blouse the other one still had the vibrator pressed to your clit. You reached under you and unzipped his pants, hand trailing along his clothed dick eagerly. You pushed down his underwear and leaned forward to allow room for his cock to sprang free. You pushed back and let yourself rub against him eagerly.
He finally withdrew the vibrator from your clit so he could put both his hands on your hips to guide you onto him. He let out a low groan as he sank into you, your walls clenching around him. He bottomed out and allowed you to just sit there like that for a few moments to adjust to the girth he had. Slowly, he lifted your hips before sliding you back down again. You let out a wanton moan at the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of you. Diluc finally replaced the vibrator on your clit again, causing your thighs to tense around him. You placed your hands on his knees and took the lead lifting yourself up and down, slowly speeding up as the slightly painful stretch was replaced with immense pleasure. Beside you, Thoma moaned your name, matching his pace to yours as he worked himself to his own orgasm. Kaeya upped the speed of the vibrator again, enjoying watching you squirm around Diluc's cock.
Zhongli had even taken to pleasuring himself, his stoic expression fixated on watching as Diluc disappeared into your heat only to come back out again coated in your arousal. You were positively drenching Diluc's cock, leaving a wet spot on the chair underneath you two. Moans — hng, a-ah, mmh~ — left your lips as Diluc's other hand found your nipple, toying with it. Your legs started shaking as you got closer to your orgasm, but you tried to push through it to continue riding Diluc. He picked up on your fatigue quick though, and in return he lifted you up and bent you over the table in front of him, grabbing your hips from behind and pushing back into you. You moaned his name again, cheek squished against the hard tabletop, hands splayed beside your head.
"Diluc! I'm gon- I'm gonna c-" you desperately tried to choke out, feeling another strong orgasm coming on as the man slammed into you over and over. His tip curved perfectly into your sweet spot, making you arch your back. He groaned again at the feeling of your smooth walls throbbing around him.
"Let go, angel." You heard him murmur behind you. With one loud whine, your walls clamped around him as you creamed all over his cock. He let out a low 'fuck' as he was launched into his own orgasm, burying himself inside of you before filling you up with his seed. You glanced behind you to watch as Thoma coated his own hand with his cum, moaning your name loudly. Childe had also made a mess out of his shirt when he shot his semen in spurts all over it. Zhongli's hand was still working himself under his dress pants — and then you noticed Kaeya. Kaeya hadn't bothered to touch himself at all, cocky smirk plastered on his face as he stood up from his chair while you and Diluc caught your breaths.
"Is it my turn now?" Kaeya mused as he took slow deliberate strides toward you. This was going to be a long night.
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amimimi · 3 years
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sk8 boys would reacting to you pulling them in by their belt
synopsis: you pulling the sk8 babes in by their belts for a kiss
pairings: joe x reader, cherry x reader, reki x reader, langa x reader
warnings: kissing, suggestive themes, swearing
notes: not me just seeing this tiktok trend ...but thoughts are being thunk...❤️ also, i apologize in advance for any grammatical/spelling errors
word count: 1,930
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this flirty ass b*tch 😒
he thinks he’s so smooth...and he is!
i see y’all bar hopping in the early talking stages of your relationship
so you’re seated the bar and you’re kinda annoyed because maybe there are a couple girls who come up to him and offer to buy him a drink? (of course they would, have you seen how he’s built?)
this mf get’s up from his stool and starts FLIRTING BACK?? AND YOU’RE JUST SITTING THERE LIKE —🧍‍♀️
but then he turns back to you and see’s the displeased look on your face.
cue joe nervously laughing and gently shooing the other girls away
but you’re already pissed bc like? the nerve of him? and in front of you??
you stare straight past him, leaning your elbow up on the bar table as he stands in front of you. babbling out apologies(?)
if you can even call them that?
“babe, i’m sorry! you know it’s force of habit! i didn’t even get to see what they looked like! and they were being nice! what was I supposed to do? tell them to get gone? i was just being polite to them, i’m a feminist after all 😏—”
you feel like you’re getting dumber just listening to him
so you kinda tilt your head to look at him and let your hands settle on the front of his belt
his voice kinda tilts? like it slightly gets a just a bit higher ?
before he can even make a smart ass remark, you firmly tug him towards you and kiss him
he hums in surprise before chuckling into the kiss and bringing his warm, calloused hands up to your face
he pulls away and quickly pecks at your lips before playfully outing
“oof, so mean”
“but you like that” you reply before kissing him again
meanwhile, the bartender is watching yall like “😐😑😐”
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like with joe, i imagine you pulling this stunt off in the beginning of your relationship
you and reki are in the little workshop behind his house doing normal relationship stuff
you know, reki working on a skateboard repair while you lovingly admire his side profile...yea ❤️
he’s so absorbed in his work, his eyebrows are furrowed every so slightly, and he’ll randomly clench his jaw and WOWOWOW HE LOOK SO GOOD!
you feel so blessed just being able to take this sight in
you’re watching him intently with your elbows propped up on the table and your face resting between your hands
reki’s in the middle of tightening the screws when he notices you looking out of his peripheral vision
he glances over to you and sees you staring at him
have y’all seen that meme of meghan markle at her wedding looking up at harry?
YEA, YEA you’re literally looking up at reki like that
and boy does reki get FLUSTERED
he tries to act cool about catching you staring but baby is blushing way too hard
“w-what?”, reki mentally kicks himself for stammering as he returns his focus to the skateboard
“you look really hot right now”
reki damn near chokes and his face gets even more red (if that’s even possible)
he turns his back to you to reach for a wrench on the wall adjacent to him
but he's trynna hide how hard he's blushing uwu
you're laughing now and the melodic sound makes the tension in reki’s shoulders dissipate
yea...y’all are whipped for each other
reki is pouting with his back to you, still “looking” for his wrench
when all of sudden, he feels your hands settle on his waist, urging him to turn around
"rekiiiiii", you playfully whine. "i can't admire my boyfriend?"
he's turning around to tell you that he's busy, but then your fingers hook onto his belt
and before his brain can compute what's happening, you're sharply tugging his belt and your mouth is on his, hot and heavy
and reki moans
and it's so high-pitched and so earnest and so loud, you almost want to giggle
but then his knees buckle and he kinda collapses forward into you
so y'all both kinda shuffle back, but reki manages to catch himself by wrapping his arms around you for support
you're about to pull away to ask if he's okay, but then he brings one hand up to your face and parts his mouth
and when you gasp against his mouth, he feels slightly relieved knowing his dignity has been saved somehow
reki pulls away first, panting, and rests his forehead against your collarbone, trying to hide his face again
"you suck" he murmurs into your chest, slightly dizzy
you hum contentedly, combing his hair back before kissing the top of his head
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first of all, this mf is an aries (just when i thought he couldn’t get sexier)
and aries men...🥴
basically, you have to do a lot to actually fluster this man
so let’s say he takes you with him for a two-day work trip on a nearby island
while he works with his clients during the day, you busy yourself by wandering around the hotel or walking along the beach
basically, the only time the two of you have together is in the evening
it’s your last night before y’all have to return to okinawa
kaoru tells you to get dressed and takes you out to this expensive ass restaurant and he’s sooooo f*cking romantic
the love in his eyes,,,, his soft ass smile as he watches you ramble in between taking sips from your wine glass
he’s looking at you as you’re personally responsible for the sun rising each day
i mean, you could’ve been talking about how you saw a crab on the beach that was missing a leg, and kaoru would just be like “tell me more bby 🥰😍”
when y’all make it back to the hotel, you’re both a little tipsy (kaoru is more so buzzed)
you’re holding onto kaoru’s arm as you both take the elevator up to your hotel room
kaoru feels you slightly sway against him and he leans over to kiss the top of your head
“you alright, darling?” he murmurs into your hair
he takes your hand in his and runs the pad of his thumb over the back of your hand
and he does all of this while his lips are pressed against the top of your head— SIR PLS ✋😩
it’s an chaste act and you know he’s genuinely concerned but after two glasses of wine, your brain is just—🥴
hornknee thoughts only 😩💯
sloppily, you wiggle out of kaoru’s embrace before centering yourself in front of him with your hands placed on his chest
at your action, kaoru’s eyebrow raises ever so slightly but he keeps silent, slightly amused
“you’re so f*cking fine” you murmur, slightly smoothing your hands over kaoru’s chest, staring him right in eye
“yea, and you don’t even try. What’s that like?”
by now, kaoru’s softly smiling. “what’s what like, my love?”
“what’s it like to be so hot without even trying?”
and before ol boy can even reply to that, your hands find his belt before firmly pulling him in for a kiss
kaoru hums at the sudden jolt but then sighs appreciatively through his nose and wastes no time parting his mouth for you
b*tch, you’re the one who’s moaning skxhsnwje
still kissing you, he smooths your hair back with one hand before grabbing a fistful of your hair
he firmly yanks your hair back and deepens the kiss, and you just— 🤸‍♀️
the moan that elicits from you, is OTHERWORLDY
you feel the elevator roll to a stop
kaoru pulls back with a grin on his face and so much love in his eyes that you’re tempted to go in for round two
but then the elevator door slides open and he grabs your hand, tugging you into the hallways
as he leads you to the hotel room, kaoru slightly turns his head back to smile at you, with the same amount of love in his eyes
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i feel like langa may get flustered as easily as reki might, but he’s manages to be a lot more cool about it
which kinda drives you up the wall? you just wanna see your boyfriend embarrassed for once
all he does is slightly blush with a straight face and glance away
so let’s say he’s walking you home after you, him, and reki were hanging about at a skatepark
the sun had already set and langa is walking beside you with his skateboard under one arm.
the walk is pretty silent, but it’s a comfortable silence. langa finds that he and you can soak up each other’s presence without having to say a word
you see him jolt out of your peripheral vision and you’re like ???
before you can glance over and ask if he’s okay, he quickly grabs your hand
you glance up at him, confused, and he simply replies “i forgot to hold your hand, sorry”
langa wtf??
fighting back the urge to laugh, you squeeze his hand and tell him it’s fine
both of you share a soft smile, before the easy silence continues for the rest of the walk
when y’all arrive on your porch steps, you turn to him and thank him for walking you home
langa assures you it’s no problem before saying goodnight
he’s turns around and takes a couple steps away, when you clear your throat
he glances back at you, quizzically
you’re standing on the porch step, with your hands behind your back.
there’s a mischievous glint in your eyes
“aren’t you forgetting something?” you playfully chide him
langa: 😐😑😐
you can literally see the gears turning in langa’s head
“...did you want me to walk you to your bedroom?”
you can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of you, and langa feels his cheeks reddened slightly
“angel, no. I meant a goodnight kiss?”
“o-oh, right”
his brows furrowed slightly as he determinedly making his way over to you
he’s so—&:&72737
as he’s making his way over, an idea pops into your head and you kinda “>:3”
when langa is standing in front of you, your hands grip onto his belt and you yank him into a kiss
bby boy almost drops his skateboard
he quickly inhaled through his nose before giving a stuttered moan and you smile into the kiss
you’re standing on the first step to your porch so the added height is giving you more access
BITE HIS MFIN LIP! he will gasp so prettily into your mouth
entranced, he keeps leaning more and more forward, that is, until the back of your foot hits the step behind you
stumbling backwards, you fall back and pull langa along right with you
you fall right on your ass, yelping as you knock foreheads with langa as he falls into you
so now, you’re both left moaning, gripping your foreheads
“are you okay?” langa asks you, dropping his hand from his forehead revealing a red mark
you begin to laugh at the sight of it and langa just stares at you, confused but slightly defensive
“your forehead is red” you giggle
“well yea, you slammed your forehead into mine”
“you slammed your forehead into mine” you give him a quick peck on his lip before smoothing his hair hair back
“that looks like it’s gonna bruise,” you murmur and press a kiss to his forehead “I’ll get you some ice, come inside”
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end notes: i wanted to get this out in time for cherry’s bday!
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Hi I love your blog especially how accurate it is compared to other slasher blogs who don’t really portray the slashers as accurate as you. Could you do one where the slashers who aren’t as nice like Bo, Michael, and who ever else accidentally hurt their plus sized s/o feelings by jokingly making fun of their weight and apologize for hurting their feelings. (And possibly yaujta not realizing that they’d be ashamed or embarrassed about their body).
Hi! Thank you so much!!!
Includes: Michael Myers, Bo Sinclair, and Yautja (Predator).
Accidently hurting their S/O’s feelings:
Michael Myers
Micahel had never commented on your weight before, but then again he doesn’t comment about much...
He practically grew up in the Sanitarium, so there was a lot that he wasn’t exposed too.
He really doesn’t care all that much about appearances or what society might consider attractive and unattractive, he is simple attracted to who and what he’s attracted too. And that just so happens to be you.
He likes you as a whole, not in separate parts. He doesn’t see your weight as a negative or a positive, it simply is.
However, this means that he doesn’t really see a problem with mentioning it or drawing attention to it in someway. Especially if you’ve never mentioned an insecurity before.
For once, Michael didn’t actually mean any harm, if anything he was being...playful? But the playfulness didn’t land at all...
He had pinched your stomach, not hurting you (physically anyway). He was just aware of the soft flesh there, he didn’t think anything of it.
“Michael!” you snapped in shock, pushing his hand away. Then he knew that he had done something wrong, you were clearly angry with him, hurt on your face before you stormed out of the room.
He had never really given you a reason to doubt his attraction to you, most of your insecurity came from your own internal thoughts, but this just made you think that you had been right this whole time. Did your weight bother him? Did he not like it? Was he not attracted to you? Was he mocking you?
At first Michael just rolled his eyes and dismissed it, you must have just been in a bad mood or being sensitive. What could he have done wrong?
But when he realised that you were avoiding him and were still clearly upset with him, he figured that he had done something more serious than he previously thought.
So, he tracked you down to the bedroom and he won’t let you leave until you tell him what’s going on.
At first you didn’t want to say anything, worried that he would think you were being silly or just make fun of you more.
But he is persistent, not liking when you act strange.
So, you give in and tell him what upset you. He’s still confused and tilts his head at you to explain further, so you do. Tears brimming in your eyes as you tell him about your insecurities and assumptions that he felt the same way.
He didn’t feel the same way and he didn’t know why you would worry about something like that.
Of course he didn’t respond and that only made you more worried.
But Michael’s shoulders dropped before approaching you, placing both hands on your waist.
You were about to slap his hands away and question his actions but you didn’t get the chance as he lifted you up and tossed you down onto the bed.
If you truly thought so lowly of yourself and worried about his opinion on your body so much, Michael would show you show he actually felt about your body the only way he knew how.
Bo Sinclair
God, Bo is such an asshole.
Before you started dating, he had made comments about your weight, passing jokes and jabs that made you feel bad about yourself. You tried to accept it as a part of who he was, that it wasn’t personal and that he was just trying to get a rise out of you, but the words lingered in your mind and fed your insecurities.
The worst part of the whole thing was that you had started to fall for the man who you could practically call your bully.
You had actually been surprised when he started showing a more sincere interest in you, since he had been pretty awful to you in the past.
But when he started to show a real interest in you, the jokes and jabs stopped. He was no longer trying to make you feel bad because he had accepted his feelings for you and had started trying to be decent.
Then the two of you started dating. The past comments faded out of your mind, practically forgotten about.
Things went well for a while, until one evening.
Bo hadn’t straight out insulted you or anything but he had made a passing playful comment about your weight. He had meant it fondly really, though he struggled with expressing that.
With that one comment, all the comments he made in the past came to the forefront of your mind. Is that how he truly felt about you? Was he even truly attracted to you?
Obviously and understandably, you were upset by the comment. But you tried not to react, just hanging your head and keeping quiet.
He didn’t notice instantly but did eventually when you were being unusually quiet, asking what was wrong.
You were hesitant to tell him what was wrong but eventually gave in, explaining how the comment hurt and all the insecurities that his past comments had left you with.
“Hell, I’m sorry, Sweetheart” you were a little caught off guard by the flat out apology, it was a very rare thing to hear from Bo. “I was only messing around, and I never meant any of that stuff I said in the past...I was just trying to push you away” a part of you knew that but his words had stull stung.
“You know I think you’re sexy as fuck” Bo smirked a little, managing to earn a small laugh from you.
“You’re such an asshole” you shook your head at him, a small smile on your lips. You knew you could get away with calling him such a thing right now, he was in one of his rare soft moods.
“I know, darlin’“ he nodded along, making you smile some more.
“C’mere” Bo opened his arms for you as he sat back on the couch, inviting you down onto his lap.
Bo would make sure to not make such comments again and he would try to prove to you that he hadn’t meant all that stuff he said in the past, he would try to make up for it.
Yautja (Predator)
Yautjas are pretty much pure muscle but he doesn’t see that as the norm for humans. He loves you exactly the way you are, he loves your size, he loves your softness.
He doesn’t understand that it’s something that humans are made to feel insecure about, he doesn’t think it’s a flaw in the slightest.
He adores how soft you are and Yautjas are very blunt. So, he tells you that he likes how soft and squishy you are, maybe even complimenting his comment by physically squeezing your stomach, thigh, or other body part.
The blunt comment about your appearance hurt, you weren’t sure how to take it. You already worried that you couldn’t compare to his own race and now he was commenting on your weight, it stung. 
He instantly knew something was wrong, noticing the tears welling in your eyes as you excused yourself from the room.
He knew that he must have done or said something wrong but honestly had no idea what...
But he followed you, concerned. Asking you what was wrong, what he had done, and how he could fix it.
You were hesitant to talk about it but finally asked if your weight bothered him, completely confusing him. Why would you think that? Didn’t he just express that he liked it?
He expresses his confusion and you realise that he truly hadn’t meant any harm.
You have to explain to him many differences between your cultures, including some of the insecurities that humans feel. 
He listens intently so he can understand, instantly apologising for having upset you and hurt your feelings.
But he also goes on to explain that he loves everything about you just the way it is. He loves the way you look, the way you feel in his arms. He had spoke so bluntly because he wasn’t aware that you would ever see your size as something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.
It’s very easy to forgive him, knowing that he didn’t understand but also how couldn’t you forgive him when he was complimenting you so sincerely.
You’re mate will make it up to you and make sure you know how much he meant it when he said that he adores your body.
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dwaynepride · 3 years
how ncis characters act when they’re jealous:
characters: leroy jethro gibbs, dwayne pride, tony dinozzo, chris lasalle, tim mcgee, tammy gregorio, nick torres, sebastian lund
a/n: might make a part two with more characters if i get the inspo
leroy jethro gibbs: he wouldn’t realize it was jealousy until somebody points it out. he’s usually wearing this stern look with hard eyes so jethro’s jealousy takes the form of not talking at all. and lots of staring. he would internalize his behavior as being concerned for you, or something not feeling right deep in his gut. and the guy who’s taking up so much of your attention will forever be an annoyance to gibbs.
jethro doesn’t interfere, though. not unless he feels like he has to - until then, gibbs will likely just sulk in the corner until you were free. but you can really start to feel his jealousy once you’re at his side again and he’s barely saying two words to you and still glaring at the annoying bastard. if you ask him what’s wrong, he’ll say it’s nothing. and later, when you both are alone, that’s when he reflects and feels like a stupid ass for acting the way he did.
dwayne pride: honestly, he gets a Kicked Puppy Vibe whenever he’s feeling jealousy. dwayne is a very sensitive person and he feels the loss of your presence like the sunshine hiding behind a cloud. he’ll try to ignore that twisted up feeling in his stomach and go on to enjoy the night, but dwayne always finds you in the crowd. always huffs a little when he sees you with someone else. always reins himself in from stealing your attention away.
later on, his affection is amped up to the max. dwayne will absolutely shine under your attention, and he’ll honestly get a bit clingy for the rest of the night. of course, he knows himself well enough to know what he’s doing. he feels a little embarrassed by it. so maybe some of the kisses he gives you is his secret way of apologizing.
tony dinozzo: he doesn’t get jealous. not at all. why should tony care if this loser keeps making you laugh so fucking hard at jokes that aren’t even funny? he only steps in because this other guy is so wildly unfunny that tony is afraid you might just die of boredom, and as you know so well, tony is a pretty heroic guy. it’s his job to take you far, far away from the asshole who was starting to stand just a little too close.
tony couldn’t hide his jealousy to save his own life. he likes to believe he’s suave and cunning and doesn’t let things get to him. and maybe that’s true for most things. but just as soon as he gets you alone, tony has this primal need to pull you in close and remind you what’s what. he doesn’t like to think of it as proving himself, but the marks on your neck prove differently…
chris lasalle: very little truly gets under christopher’s skin, and jealousy isn’t one of them. sure, he likes your attention, but chris is also very secure in the relationship. it’s kinda hard to feel threatened when he’s the one who lead you into the party, arm over your shoulders, showing you off and giving lots of kisses and doesn’t really give a fuck who sees. he might even revel in the fact that onlookers start to feel a little jealous of him.
if there’s any jealousy to be had, it’s toward your glass because your hands and mouth are all over it, instead of him. it’s toward the music itself for making you move so fluidly and sexy. it’s toward the liquor for putting that big grin on your face when chris should be doing that himself. he does later, rest assured. makes dumb jokes when his hands are all over your body, and he has nothing left to be jealous over.
tim mcgee: if jealousy could be adorable, it would be on tim. he’s prone to self-consciousness and self-doubt, and that would all come out whenever his position with you feels threatened. he loves and trusts you explicitly - it’s just his own dumb head making up crazy thoughts that you’ll find somebody better than him and tim works himself into a frenzy and he ends up embarrassing himself in front of you in some way or another.
at home, tim just apologizes. stutters his excuses with pink cheeks and shaky fingers. it won’t be until a while into the relationship when he’s more confident and self-assured. but until then, sometimes you just gotta wrap your arms around him and hold him tight and let him figure out for himself that you really do love him - even when you can hear abby reassuring him from across the room.
tammy gregorio: when she’s feeling jealous, it’s going to be loud and it’s going to be obvious. tammy will deny it, of course. insist she isn’t the jealous type and that she’s got more self-respect than that. but she’s not the only eagle-eyed person on the team - you can always see her watching you from across the room if somebody’s getting a little too friendly. she’ll tell you over and over she doesn’t feel threatened, but it’s always proven wrong when tammy always subtly puts herself between you and some slimy asshole.
even if you call her out on it later, she wouldn’t really care. in fact, tammy will probably turn it around on you, somehow - ask why you were paying so much attention to how she reacted. did you want her to get jealous? do you think it’s hot when tammy intervenes and puts on her Scary Agent Face? you’ll say no, of course. but she’s a profiler.
nick torres: this man is an opportunist. that’s how he lived as an undercover agent, and that bleeds into his normal life. nick will take the hot, twisted jealousy he’s feeling and turn it into something he can really enjoy. this means coming up to you, grinning at the guy who’s been chatting you up, and really laying it on thick. kissing you, touching you, making sly little comments. nick is also really good at insulting people without actually saying anything rude (which he does.)
nick will act all innocent at home when you confront him. he’ll tell you that he just likes showing his girl off because you’re too fucking cute. but that act doesn’t hold up for very long, and nick just kinda ends up insulting the guy some more by saying he was an idiot and didn’t deserve you and he kinda smelled anyway so why would you ever give him the time of day?
sebastian lund: a man who’s in touch with his feelings knows when he’s feeling jealous, and it just makes sebastian feel guilty. he trusts you more than he trusts anybody else, and he knows you wouldn’t do anything - still, sebastian just gets this unfamiliar tightness in this stomach when he hears you laugh across the room and it wasn’t him you were laughing at. he’ll push it down and try to act nonchalant and like he doesn’t notice you. it doesn’t work. everybody on the team picks up on it and they just look sympathetic.
sebastian would get talkative at home. he can usually talk a lot on normal occasions, but now, he just feels like he wants to have your attention and rambling is the best way for him to do that. sebastian probably won’t even stop talking until you two lay in bed, and his words are stunted by a soft kiss. he’ll eventually feel better - at least until the next day when he’s teased about it.
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