#i’m kidding don’t come after me
clownjacket · 1 month
If Kipperlilly DOES end up betraying Porter/Jace as part of a secret other scheme she has (whether good or evil) and it has to do with saving Lucy, I just know she’s going to be a bitch about it and pull a ‘sorry, I only save High Five Heroes’ before leaving her other friends to die or some shit. And then she will take her final form: Magic Betty from Adventure Time, betraying her allies and saving her frost gf at the expense of the world. It would also parallel what Ankarna is going through (‘your girlfriend’s out of town, it sucks’, becoming a little imperialist rage machine under the influence of Porter/Sunstone but not being able to fully turn on Lucy despite going against her values and turning into a violent weirdo). This is my wish. My dream. I am manifesting it. Magic Betty Kipperlilly I believe in you.
#I am currently painting clown makeup on my face rn but this is what I’ve been rooting for from the beginning so let me dream#Come on though she HAS to have some other shit going on though right?#She was DEFINITLY in that temple when the Bad Kids said Ankarna’s name#Brennan literally rolled#and we know she was in Porter’s office#so WHY hadn’t she told him Ankarna’s real name yet? We know he genuinely believed Fig found it#Also the BKs couldn’t see who was in the window during the Wanda Childa scene#Which one of the RGs has invisibility?#HMMMM#Wanda saying ‘Kipperlilly? Why are you doing this? Is it because you’re jealous?’ before getting carried off by a fake Porter would let KP#know ‘okay they FULLY saw what happened after I killed Buddy and are onto us’ which would cause her to follow them to the temple#Also…if NONE of the Rat Grinders knew Ankarna’s name then what did Lucy write on her form to change her divinity???#We KNOW it was Ankarna’s name and not the ‘symbol representing her’ because no one could see it BECAUSE the god was dead and no one alive#knew her name#Which means Lucy HAD TO HAVE KNOWN and was keeping it from the others right?#And when she died and didn’t come back they were fucked because they couldn’t even check the form anymore#But#Brennan also said that if Porter WASNT using Devil’s Honey and genuinely believed in Rage And Conquest goddess Ankarna instead of just her#domain then he and his ritual would (maybe) bring her back instead of killing her permenantly so he can take her domain#And idk#A powerful goddess of rage and conquest who despite everything can’t be turned against her sister and ex#who’s resurrection would mean the rune could be broken and Lucy can come back to life#One who has (or had) a personal vendetta against at least one of the bad kids#and a personal vendetta against the people who led to Lucy’s death#that sounds pretty appealing to someone as spiteful and obsessive as Kipperlilly doesn’t it#especially after her best (maybe only real) friend died and didn’t come back#especially if she stayed dead specifically to stop Porter#Again I’m putting my clown makeup on but I don’t want her to be secretly good or anything just unhinged and gay and a parallel to Ankarna#Please world let me have this I’m on my knees#dimension 20
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evie-a · 2 years
Okay but Claire and Isaac getting married? Him not having to change into someone with human emotions to be accepted but still showing growth and maturity and and a genuine care for her and her children? Her loving him for who he is and understand his way to express himself??? Him trying his best to follow earth customs by inviting his entire species (not seeing the problem in the fact that they were just at war with the whole galaxy and that them showing up in their ships would freak everyone out)??? That line about him taking care of her descendants forever?
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edettethegreat · 6 months
”orphan/abandoned child finds out he’s the long-lost prince” is a perfectly fine cathartic rags to riches storyline. but what about the stuff that comes afters. Gimme a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of a street kid running a Kingdom.
because on the one hand having the commoner’s point of view at the forefront of every political decision will ensure that we finally have a ruler who truly is for the people. but on the other hand this kid’s got no formal education and knows nothing about politics.
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novelconcepts · 4 months
It’s always so funny to me when someone can’t tell the difference between an actor who’s over the top and an actor who is doing an intentionally over the top performance. The former can be super aggravating, I get it—but the latter can be so goddamn effective. Especially when you know the actor already, know they’re fully capable of giving normal human facial expressions and chill line deliveries. And they’re out here doing The Absolute Most all of a sudden? It’s for a reason, dude. It’s almost always for a reason. And once you can see past the camp on the surface, it’s so much fun digging in to what emotions the character is actually hiding.
#this is mainly about servant (and to a lesser degree YJ)#like Ambrose in servant is (pardon me) serving SUCH a chaotic performance#but having known her for decades I know full well that’s on purpose#Dorothy is over the top because she HAS to be. because she’s built walls so high around her own grief that the denial comes out in Crazy#and she fully thinks she’s the only one paying attention. the only sane one in the room.#you get glimpses of her being ‘normal’ in flashbacks#still a little Much. still a product of wealth and expectation. detached from reality to a degree.#but the character she becomes after the tragedy is. A Character.#it’s not the woman she was before. she bricked that woman up. she’s taken her performance from television and made a baby blanket out of it#it’s so. so intentional.#and you sort of get a similar thing going with Hewson in early eps of YJ#totally different starting block. Van doesn’t start out traumatized. but she does start out Big#she’s loud she’s silly she’s being intentionally wacky to get laughs out of people#and some of it comes off a little cringe. because it’s a kid playing a role#this is how you like me. I’m gay. I’m butch. I’m hiding.#if I’m a jester you’ll see what I want you to and nothing more. that’s the plan. it’s working. don’t look at the goalie.#not as a person.#but as the show goes on (or as she’s spending time with taissa) she slows down some. quiets. she’s snarkier. holding tension differently.#Hewson starts the performance at an 11 so they can really delve into who Van becomes when the mask is off#when there’s no point in playing the class clown#when it’s like. ah yeah. here’s the kid who grew up too fast.#here’s the kid who’s scared to death. and angry. and willing to fight to live.#it’s not an overacting thing. it’s VAN overacting to keep her secrets#watch the face so you miss what the hands are doing#actors man. actors are fucking cool. storytelling is fucking cool.#deconstructing the illusion is my favorite thing#(anyway still watching servant and it’s still really. Something Else.)
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kidsnextdoor-doodles · 2 months
If combining KND with any random ass interest I got was illegal I’d be in jail for life
Hey what if I made an Ever After High AU
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toxictranny · 2 months
hey sisters, i know u (my fans) were wondering what i’m gonna wear to my ex stepdad’s wedding because i’m best man and there’s gonna be 200 ppl there who haven’t seen me since i was single digits so it’s a rly big event BUT i’ve got no clue what the fit will be because the dress code he gave me: wear whatever you want. GDNKE.???ATFJJF...!!! ARE YOU OH-FUCKING-KAY???? WHATZVER I WANT ??????THEY WONT EVEN GIVE ME A COLOUR SCHEME WHAT THE FLCUKC ALso no i can’t wear a wedding dress it was the first thing i thought of but i asked my mom and she said that would b mean :/
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malmagmafr · 1 year
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A winter-y veilspun!
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
*Repeating 'I am not immune to propaganda.' while looking at your blog*
GOOD the more people i can convince that scc are actually really charming characters the better i think
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warlenys · 7 months
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thatfaerieprincess · 9 months
Feel free to skip on past this, I’ve just gotta ramble for a minute bc i cant stop thinking about this kid from work last week. They were so much like me at that age (5-6th grade) that I didn’t know how to interact with them? I didn’t know what to say to them bc I don’t know what I needed to hear back then, what I would’ve WANTED to hear? What would I have even listened to? They were almost entirely silent and looked out at the world with a hesitant curiosity, but would pull back so fast as soon as you tried to interact w them. Little to no eye contact, face hidden in hair, always looking down, following others until they could strike off on their own and just quietly explore. Intently focusing on drawing any chance they got. We did an art project and they hunched over their piece the entire time and wouldn’t let any of us see it in progress, refusing to look up or acknowledge us if we asked to see it or to know what it was. Idk. I barely interacted w them while they were with us for those few days bc I didn’t know how? It almost hurt to try? It was like looking back into a time machine and i didn’t know how to tell them that it does get better,,, I still don’t even know if where I am is better, some days feel so unsure that I don’t think I’ve made any progress at all. But seeing that kid, idk. I’ve come pretty far. And it DOES get better. Maybe it’s not the best now, or even that great at all, but it’s better. I wish I could’ve told them but I don’t think they’d have wanted to hear it anyway
#im a rambling sam#I’m in a weird place again since getting here for this season of work#idk maybe I’ve been in a weird place all year probably#I don’t think I’m that far from where I was at that age but I know I am there’s just still so much further to go#one day I think it’ll feel easier but maybe not today#I do love working w kids but I’m considering going into horticulture instead of outdoor education bc I don’t know if I can handle this#I can#but god I don’t know#in my heart I’m still that exact kid and she’s still in there so damn anxious and unsure and needing to observe the world and everyone in it#just to get some sense of understanding of just what the fuck is going on around here#but by the time I’ve gotten a good handle on what is going on everything is already so set in place and my place is outside the system and I#I don’t know how to step into it#sorry sorry I’m still rambling I’m having a weird day I probably just haven’t eaten nearly enough in the last few days and I’m about to#start teaching on my own this week which is terrifying and I can’t stop thinking abt that damn kid I wish they stayed longer I think#we probably would’ve gotten along#but groups only come here for a couple days and then go home which is v weird after having the same kids for 3 weeks for summer camp#idk life gets better and it gets worse and sometimes u grow into the world a little more but there’s still a mute child in your ribcage#little hands pressed up against ur ribs like laying a palm against a bus window#I put my hand over my sternum as if we could press our hands together thru time#when I was that age I used to pretend to have someone around me like an imaginary friend but usually it was a book character that I liked#and I’d talk to myself in my head like having a conversation and giving myself motivation and assurances from someone else to me#and now I’m here and I still talk to myself like that but without the imagined friend as a buffer I just talk to myself in my head#now I’m the imaginary friend for the little Sam that lives in my chest#when I talk to myself I’m talking to her#I’m giving her the assurance she needed back then#the assurance I still need now#I am here for her so I am here for myself#this is getting poetically nonsensical maybe it’s time for bed
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clownsnake · 19 days
Lmao junghyeok left dokja out of the sixth scenario team bc he thought he was in wuv & didn’t want to have him risk his life when WUV was on the line. lol. lmao even
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sammygender · 3 months
thinking about how one of the last things john ever tells dean is an admittance that the way he treated him was fucked. & of course this destroys dean and makes it so much harder for him to come to terms w his death right after and with his childhood in general bc he’s spent his entire life chasing after johns approval. he’s spent his entire life telling himself that the way he was treated was okay and justified and that their childhood was good because he could handle it and he was strong enough and that was how it had to be. he’s worshipped john as a hero and seen nothing wrong with any of it. because he’s had to. his entire life is built around this idea there’s nothing else. he’s his dads perfect soldier and punching bag and wife-replacement and suddenly his dads gone & he said he’s sorry and that he shouldn’t have treated dean that way. what the hell is he supposed to do now.
#augh. i don’t know i haven’t seen enough of this show yet but.#thinking about that episode with the abused kid who has psychic powers like sams and sam sees himslef in the kid a lot#but is horrified by the extent of the abuse and keeps saying like. Dean i never thought i’d say this but you’re right dad was pretty good i#guess we were really lucky to have him. it could’ve turned out a very different way.#and deans just like. idk there’s something about his face. like he wants to agree cause this is what he’s always saying but he Cant.#because. well. sams thinking about this kid with circumstances so similar to him who ended up entirely victimised by his father and#thinking Wow i had something that kid didn’t. i had MY dad who was so much better after all (despite kicking me out of the house and#always refusing to support me but wtv)#but really the thing sam had was DEAN.#dean as sam’s protector and john’s golden child and the adult of the family. dean as the person#john winchester comes home to after a hunt the person who tells him it’s okay#dean playing the part of his dead mom and still shielding sammy from the worst of their father and as a result internalising that this was#fine.#what the hell is he going to do now that his fathers dead? after his fathers dead and wrong and theoretically morally weak and admitted hed#raised dean badly?#IDK!!! i’m sure excited to see him continue to break down though#(have just finished s2e2 for future me ref)#supernatural#<- Sorry guys i’m batshit obsessed.#father by the front bottoms dean song of all time#spn#oliver talks
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tariah23 · 9 months
ur tags on that kenjaku post… oh my god you saw that too? i was truly horrified
YEAH… I saw that shit, I hate stsg so much lmfaooo. It’s so obvious that they want Getou to be the “girl,” so badly. He’s getting the treatment of every dark haired best friend in a popular shounen 🚶🏾‍♀️. He’s too good of a character for this!
#I don’t really hate it fr but I’ve never been too crazy over it at all like the I don’t feel too strongly for it but I like some of the art#that I come across and all that and I’d prob draw it myself one of these days but the fans make me want to turn the other way most of the#time#they just hit getou with the girl beam and it’s unfortunately become like another case of fans acting like fanon is canon when regarding the#ship and the mischaracterizations of getou’s character has been insane#I feel like.. what’s the point of liking a ship if you don’t like the characters at all because this is how I feel whenever I see most stsg#fan content if I’m being real#they even draw him shorter on purpose just because they want him to be that girl it’s so stupid to me sorry#and he’s always being abused in fan content and now im even thinking about that one doujin where he was being assaulted by kenjaku and#forced to bare his children only for Kenny to kill the kids immediately after birth…? and then Gojo somehow saved him and at that point#getou had become obsessed with sex and it ended with gojo committing a murder sui#man what the fuck ever#I will save getou he’s so cool and doesn’t deserve THIS#and if you’ve noticed anything about them ship wise then like#I hope I’m not the only one who’s found it odd how most stsg is always weird and fucked up vs gego being mostly lighthearted??? I have no#clue as to why but!!!#maybe it’s because most stsg again. still treat getou like the girl vs in gego well I’ve noticed that they’re usually the same as canon???#(outside of the genderbent content but you get it) it’s just something that I’ve noticed#sasukeless#tkf replies#um#getou get behind me-
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ivyithink · 1 year
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back to my roots (drawing alfred and aethelflaed interactions, cause they melt my heart)
also the 1st season squad is very important to me, i love them a lot
+ moments from books that were stuck in my mind while i was drawing))
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cakemousse · 2 years
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sad ladynoir hours because i watched a few episodes from earlier seasons and saw how chat noir declares his undying love for ladybug
and then to hear what he said in exaltation, it shattered my heart T^T granted i know he’s lying to himself but 😭😭😭
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goldkirk · 2 years
Here’s what I know.
1. I am not dead
2. I don’t need to suffer to justify being alive
3. I can’t save other people
4. I will always want to try
5. That’s not stupid of me
6. I have a responsibility to save myself
#I hate all of it#this is bullshit and I’m sick of being a human and life SUCKS when things are good and everything in my head is FUCKED#I’m preparing for battles that don’t happen and leave me feeling stupid#and never see the ones that DO come until they hit me#I’m not going back to Missouri for the holidays#it’s going to be a miserable round of guilt tripping for the next two months#UNLESS IT ISN’T#I tell people things for once#and then my family DOESN’T do what I JUST told someone they’ll do#and then I feel SO stupid. I hate this stage#I don’t know what to expect from may of them#they treat me like an outsider now but still are sweet and kind and include me and stuff#but they’re engaged in criticism and spiritual warfare and an anti-Katie’s-fallen-ways campaign behind my back with all the kids#because that’s what they did with me in regards to other relatives#UNLESS THEY AREN’T#I want nothing more than for them to change but if they change what the FUCK was all my suffering for?#if they change after all this time then why wasn’t I enough for them to change for when I was begging#and if they don’t change then my suffering and fears will be valid but we’ll also probably have two dead kids or at minimum estrangement#this is a mess but I also overcatastrophize EVERYTHING#which is leading to the 10 month journey of “Katie becoming the girl who cried wolf#…again#anyway whatever this is a weird week I’m kind of fucked up and need to go walk and think#I can’t feel anything but I feel /weird/#you know??#shh katie
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