#i’m overthinking it i know i am
shekilledherself · 2 years
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shima-draws · 8 days
My boss: Schedules a Teams meeting titled “Check In”
Me: Ah. I’m going to be taken out back and shot
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[pointing towards you emoji] favorite blaseball team. go
(if you want to practice drawing in another style, then draw yourself as a transformer OR as a human character)
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months
I think it’s such a lovely thought that the stuff you’re going through now is preparing you for the things you want.
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tflaw · 7 days
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campbyler · 2 months
i JUST hit the end of chp.4 and could not be more thrilled about being late to the acswy party, as spring is here where i am and i am VIBING. Questions: 1) which of you is the over-thinker? Mike talking about the scientific method re: will is WILD. 2) please explain exactly what the camp whiteman water tasted like irl if possible. 3) SHARK PATTERNED SWIM TRUNKS. Oh boy i am going to make this LAST
OMGGGG WELCOME!!! it’s crazy to me that you just read chapter 4 but i am also so excited you just experienced it now!! especially bc as you said we are approaching summer so the vibes are perfect 😎☀️
1) i’d say we are Both over thinkers but i actually was def channeling suni during that part! suni is a woman(?) in stem and i love the way she includes a lot of more scientific terminology into her writing so i was Thinking of That during this part. however i am def also an over thinker myself sooo 😗 2) it unfortunately tasted like Metal and a little bit like Salt even tho it was fresh water sooo idk what they were doing but probably not their best!! 3) SHARK PATTERNED SWIM TRUNKS!!!!!
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lynxfrost13 · 6 months
Man for some reason the “not living up to my potential” in terms of my art is really hitting today which is stupid.
Hey brain you know that art is a forever journey and that it’s okay to grow and learn and not be perfect right???
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spooksforsammy · 3 months
Is also hard trying text because timezones. They different for everyone :(
And don’t want text when my time early in morning and their time zone middle of night. But also timezones are just confusing because like
What do you mean it’s 9 in the morning for me and 2 at night for you??
Also school doing asl club. Want join because want learn asl for self. But also because have so many deaf hoh students in the school (to point where they able have own classroom) and because thats their language and want be able talk to them.
But couldn’t do club even if wanted. Tried to middle school and it ended horrible for me. So scared
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kuiinncedes · 13 days
#i luv my friends ;-; i feel like i’m gonna lose my mind when i’m not living right by all my friends lmao 😭#i’ve literally been hanging out w ppl like at least every other day if not every day#we made semi spontaneous plan to go to pride tmrwwweww 🥹🥹 i’m excited#i just am so happy that i get to spend sm time w ppl rn bc we’re all somewhat free bc summer 😭#also idk i was just thinking abt this recently but like#it’s kinda new to me to like actually be comfortable/confident in knowing my friends want/like my presence ;-;#even then i’m not that confident LMAO bc after sm time together i’m like surely they’ll get sick of me#like we’ve seen each other every day the past like three days#but no 🥹 ugh like idk man i had one elementary to sort of middle and high school friendship#that like fucked me up i feel like lmfao 💀#like girl sidelined me so much for other friends that i just#:l and cried so much bc of that 😀 anyway 😀#so like idk i’m just so grateful rn 😭😭😭#also was thinking abt it recently bc my mom made me feel judged/ made me feel like she was annoyed that i was staying here on campus#when i technically don’t need to and my main/only reason is bc friends#and after that conversation w her i got kinda annoyed bc i was like#i have had so many conversations w you where i was sad af or frustrated that my friends wouldn’t reach out to me ever#or my friend who never paid attention to me when other friends were around#like i don’t think she’s actually judging like me staying for friends but it was that one conversation we were both kinda annoyed idk#and i was just like . pls#anyway 😀 i always have so many friend thoughts i always be overthinking it LOL#anyway anyway i need to be up in like 6 hrs LOLLLLLL pride tho yay 🥰🥰🥰#rip me not having clean cute clothes for this LOL 🤪#ong last yr i tied my hair in a ponytail w like rainbow hair ties tied down the ponytail……#idk if i have those but if i do maybe i should do that again LOL#idk might be too lazy tho we’ll see how much time i have to get ready when i wake up 🤡#jeanne talks#TOO MUCH BYE
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ultimateaclrecovery · 5 months
Been trying to have more conversations with the boy but it’s hard. I’m bad at it and he’s even worse. It just feels like we aren’t always very good at talking to each other both about small things and big things and it’s like if we don’t have that what we do we have?
And like sometimes the conversation is easy, but then it’s almost always about frisbee. And it’s like I do not want to either be carrying the whole conversation or talking about frisbee for the rest of my life (and yes that’s a hyperbole and I’m being dramatic but like still)
And then when I finally talk to him about how it feels like he gives me all these one word answers it’s always that he’s just tired and if he doesn’t think the answer is important he’s not gonna put his energy into it. And like he’s being apologetic but it’s not like if talking to me isn’t worth your energy what is? And like we only see each twice a week and sometimes only once a week.
And partly it’s because with the holidays I’ve been gone for two weeks and then had a Covid exposure and now he’s gone so we’ve barely seen each other. And I’m an abysmal texted so it’s hard to maintain connection when we don’t see other (and yes I really am the problem here and yes I’m working on it (although he was always says it’s fine)
I just feel sometimes like I just don’t understand him very well especially considering we’ve been dating almost a year.
And when I brought up doing something for our year, that is when he mentioned that his grandmother had died earlier this week and so he’d be leaving for her funeral. And I had asked him about various aspects of week like seven times at this point and he had yet to mention it. And I have no idea how to be there for him or if he even needs or wants that because he just never shares.
And then because he never shares I feel like I’m being over emotional and needy whenever I share. And then we just talk about anything ever.
And his family’s going to Italy in may and when I saw his family over thanksgiving she invited me but he has never even hinted if he’d like me to go with them (I probably can’t regardless but like I would like to be asked)
And even when his family was here for thanksgiving he only invited me to see for actual thanksgiving even though they were here for like a week and he did lots of other stuff with them. And I had to be the one to ask if he even wanted me to meet them when they came and to let me know what he wanted me to join them for. And turns out the answer was very little.
And it just sucks that it feels so hard to build an emotional connection because he’s so great in other ways. Like he’s so sweet and kind and thoughtful. And he remembers all the things I like and is always seeking them out or trying to do things to make me happy. And whenever I do manage to try and talk to him about the things I feel he’s always really nice about it and never makes me feel like my feelings are stupid. (He sometimes get hung up the logistics (it almost always twice a week and only rarely once a week) )but also always ask what he could do make me feel better. But like how do you tell someone to just be a more emotional human?
And like I hate that it’s always me telling him things. Like I know I can be annoying and I’m far from perfect but like he just never has any complaints, often even when asked point blank. And even when I did ask him what he would change about the relationship he one made me answer first and two just said he’d like it if I texted him back a little quicker. Which while fair I had just told you five minutes ago how was feeling disconnected probably in part to me being a terrible texter so is that really what you want or just what you think I want? It’s also annoying because when we first started dating I told him I was bad at texting and he said he actually preferred to not text that much. And like it could be that it’s a spectrum and also things evolved but it makes me worried that he’ll just tell me what I want to hear and then just deal with it even if it’s not really what he wants. And then I worry that he’ll end up resenting me for that and then just break up with me out of no where.
And this fully me just being anxious but I can’t help but feeling sometimes likes he’s just waiting for a good time to end things because he’s too nice to do it at an inconvenient time.
And I guess a lot of it just circles back to the thought I’ve been having since this summer that while he’s a really good boyfriend, he’s just doing the things that a boyfriend should do because he likes having a girlfriend and not that he likes me in particular. It’s like I check all the boxes so he’s committed to make it work and emotions are irrelevant. I like I want to have that deep emotional connection and it feels like that’s not enough. But then I go to describe what is that doesn’t feel like “enough” and it feels like I am describing a really good relationship.
And I don’t know if I’m just getting caught up in the holiwood or social media fantasy of relationships where people jump into each other everyday and talk endlessly for hours and no every last detail of the other persons psyche, because that’s not what we have.
He’s pleasant to hang out with, even if sometimes I feel like I want to shake him until more words fall out. He’s like the least annoying person I’ve ever met, he’s super easy to travel with. He’s considerate of me and my feelings. He puts effort into the relationship. He can be silly and we can have goofy moments together. He checks all the lifestyle “boxes” and my ideal life and being with him work perfectly together. He’s never dismissive of me. He’ll do things just to make me happy even if they aren’t his favorite. He feels safe.
And I don’t know how to balance all the wonderful against the intangible lackluster emotional connection. Especially when I am the other half of the emotional connection.
Like is the reason I have more deep feeling conversations with my girls friends just because THEY are good at it? And does it feel hard with Anthony because I am actually bad at it or because he is? (I mean probably both). And at the end of the day does it matter? Even if I’m the problem if I can’t figure how to make it better, it’s still not really working. And we all know the answer to every relationship question is just to talk to the other person. I just wish that didn’t feel so hard
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monochromemoomin · 7 months
ok so we all know will wood dropped new merch right? some of it drawn by the fantastic @potato-lord-but-not and some by will himself. you didn’t know? now you do.
‼️prescription 31 spoilers ahead‼️
now anyone who’s read all of the prescription knows the last thing jimmy does (in his POV) is go for a drive
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will has dropped this lovely piece of art as the illustration for jimmy mushroom’s last drink:
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you see that? that cup of petrol (i assume)? that exhaust pipe?? the tyre???
and you all remember the subject matter of the song? the lyrics?
i’m worried for our good friend jimmy mushrooms
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lesbianfakir · 6 months
So finally broke my art block a little bit but l! Painting my girl anthy and want to make a commentary on how she’s constantly oversexualized BUT running into the trap of oh now how to do this tastefully since she is in fact 14 years old. And just aaaaaaa how to draw her in a “sexy” pose while still getting across that I am making a commentary rather than trying to sexualize her myself. You know.
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00queasy00 · 9 months
Rambles in the tags as always lol
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exopelagic · 18 days
i said i wouldn’t do it this time but it’s 3am and mods asleep. boy
#welcome to another episode of Luke is insane abt hockey boy!#this time featuring a guy who is actually this time almost (ALMOST) confirmed to be queer#the almost is partly me being insane because I don’t trust anything anymore#but like. there are only so many reasons you wear pride converse. that is not ally behaviour#it just threw me this time I think bc I’d been like no. heterosexual. bc I think I became aware of him when he joined the real hockey team#because the OTHER problem is that the whole time I’d been thinking he was cute as hell (bc he is) and simultaneously being like no. bad.#anyway this meant that I have actually talked to him a bunch without overthinking it this term which honestly has been very cool#not like a whole lot but we’ve played together a decent amount and hopefully will keep doing that#and yesterday discovered hes recommending other people talk to me abt goalieing which is insane to me bc I am truly not that good#but apparently I made an impression!#anyway it does not help that this guy has gotten incredibly good at hockey in the past few months#idk man I make bad decisions (I say as if this was a decision) bc it is now the end of term once again <3#which means absolutely nothing can or will happen until after summer. which isn’t an issue#I’m just frustrated by my tendency to realise these things right before I’m about to not see the guy for X period of time#I also desperately need to stop crushing on hockey boys I swear but in my defence that is the main way I meet people#I think I’m cursed actually. that would explain many things#anyway he also has exams until next Tuesday which means he’ll be at hockey next week but idk abt this week which is devastating#i just wanna have talk to the guy more honestly to see how that goes bc we’ve not rlly talked individually for an extended time yknow.#in other words we have not had A Conversation it’s been groups or like quicker exchanges#he’s kinda quiet but i can’t quite tell which way yknow. I know he’s Watching basically all the time. and he is slightly awkward#which is also kinda cute. he gets a lil rambly when he talks abt hockey and I wanna push that button more#i. topsy if you’re reading this you’re gonna laugh so hard I just realised. he’s captain of the team now.#which sidenote is INSANE bc he started playing with them THIS YEAR#but oh my god. okay.#anyway. I need to start complimenting guys more for multiple reasons but also#1. he dresses very cool 2. he caught me looking at his shirt last week without saying anything (BEFORE I caught the rainbow converse)#i compliment women on their clothes and jewellery and hair and shit all the time but I do not with men bc. I mean do I need to explain.#but ​this is so unfair I am haunted by existence of boy and here we are once again. posting on tumblr with the possibility of seeing him lik#two more times before summer. might be three or four depending on what he comes to#luke.txt
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bravevolunteer · 5 months
also. if i THEORETICALLY were to simply draw michael afton in a slightly different font and removed from the actual plot of fnaf, should i make the fake plot a...
horror comedy about ghosts in a silly little purgatory situation . he's still working minimum wage
food service sitcom/family drama. that's it. perhaps also a romcom.
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sakura-code · 10 months
[Yuma ponytail anon] I'd also imagine that it was no.1s usual hairstyle, or at least the one he had b4 (gestures at game)
Id also bet that part of the reason Makoto (presumably) bleached his hair was to match the body double
I just believe that Yuma had his hair in a bowlcut to either look professional as Number One, or so he could have looked more approachable in the game.
I more assumed that Makoto bleach his hair blonde to separate himself from Yuma/Number One’s identity and be his own person. I also personally headcanon that Makoto also dyed his hair blonde to make him resemble or have connections with the Former CEO of Amaterasu Corporations. If you have seen his model, you would see how he has bleached blonde hair like Makoto, and it was implied that the two seem to have a close relations with each other considering Makoto seemed to have visited him frequently even after he died and became a zombie.
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