#if he ever looks at me like jonah did with my love i wouldn’t handle that well
shekilledherself · 2 years
0 notes
imaginewarehouse · 4 years
Various Males x Fem!ExModel!Reader || Oneshot
Plot: You, a retired model get hired at Cloud 9 and, not-at-all-surprisingly, you get harassed by every allegeable (According to them) bachelor in the place- but god fucking damnit! You’re just here to get a paycheck??!  
“You can’t knock ‘em out, you cant walk away,
Try desperately to think about the politest way to say,
“Just get out of my face,”, “Just leave me alone,”
“And no you cant have my number,”,
“Cuz I lost my phone.”
(Inspired by Lily Allen’s Knock ‘Em Out)
Includes (In order of appearance after the introduction bit): Sal Kazlauskas, Garret McNeil, Tate Staskiewicz, Isaac (And I think my favouritism here definitely bleeds through*Cough*), Elias Greene, Cory, Jonah Simms, and Marcus White.
Warnings: Sal, harassment (They leave after you say no though. Just to be sure) 
🔆  🔆  🔆
“And uh, yeah one last thing before we all hop off to work! We have a new Cloud 9 family member. Y/N! Would you like to stand up?” Glenn, the lovely man who took your interview a week ago and then went out of his way today to look for you out front in the morning to show you around quickly and guide you through clocking in, finds you in the crowd of workers and gestures for you to stand.
Oh, uh- uhh, okay! Up we get, then, you think as you stand up like he said and take a look around at all the judging eyes, which normally wouldn’t phase you but here is a lot scarier than what you’re used to. This an entirely different environment to getting up at a modelling gig- you know nothing about working this kind of job! You’ve never done it, so, you’re afraid they’ll judge you right off the bat and make it difficult for you to ask questions. And you can’t keep bothering Glenn- he has more important things to do.
Oh god, you hear whispering. You peer around. Where is that coming from?-
“This is Y/N L/N! She’ll be working with Go back’s today,” Right, Go Back’s Easy enough; Glenn explained them earlier before the meeting started. “So if you see her in your area- be sure to say hello and see if she needs some help, K? Good. We’re jazzed to have you with us Y/N.”
“Thank you!” You quip quickly, then sit down and focus on Glenn again, hoping dearly at the same time that attention disperses from you immediately.
Glenn smiles, glancing down at his clipboard for any last-minute messages. “Okay! I think that’s it, so- “
The whispering from before suddenly cuts off. “Uh yeah, question?” Glenn stops short when a man in the back kind of rudely cuts him off, but sighs out a ‘Yes, Marcus?’ as the woman beside him - Dina, - rolls her eyes severely. Oh, you let a tiny ghost of a smirk slip over your lips. That’s kind of a reaction, isn’t it? “Yo- new girl.” What- me- w h y- You immediately get awkward again and twist around in your chair, but don’t really know who to look at. Luckily the tall brunette in the warehouse uniform is pointing, so you figure it out pretty quick that that’s who you’re looking for, and calm down. Mostly. 
Yeah? You raise one eyebrow. “Hi?”
He grins back to the right and the left of him, to his equally pleased buddies and pals, before raising a Vogue magazine- and it’s the issue on which you scored the front page. Jeez, that was months ago! “Is this you?”
A chorus of ‘Ohhhhh’ and general excitement travels around the room and for the first time ever, you’re half ashamed to admit that yes that is you. In your usual circle this is something to be proud of… but you get that it isn’t really like that, in non-modelling circles. In fact, it could be something to be embarrassed about.
Especially seeing that oh dude and his gang of Michael Myers fashion wannabes look like a hungry, dim-witted, wolves rather than plainly interested about your modelling career.
But, still, you smile politely and nod. Hopefully it’ll be forgotten before the afternoon, at least. “Yeah, that’s me.”
Hmm… you really, really hope that it’s forgotten soon, at least, as you turn back around to face the front again as Glenn sends everyone off to work. Because if not, then these boys are going to learn the hard way that models take self-defence classes religiously.
Or at least you are going to have a very uncomfortable day, which is just great. You groan inwardly at the thought, as you gather up your coffee from the table beside you and drop it in the trash can on the way out.
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You’re just doing your own thing and someone
Comes out of the blue,
They’re like,
But he’s saying
“Yeah can I take your digits?”
And you’re like, “No, not in a million years, you’re nasty.
Please leave me alone.”
There’s already so many Go Back’s! You think excitedly, as you get to work looking for where things should be. You’re glad to have something to do- at your first job with Chuck E Cheese, before you got into the modelling thing, you were basically useless the first day because you weren’t allowed to grill yet, you didn’t know how to assemble, and they didn’t want you out on the floor for the birthday party that was happening, in fear that you would mess up royally. So you just sat around trying not bother anyone, and that felt terrible. So, wandering the aisles of Cloud 9 with a full shopping trolley searching for products and neatening things up? Sounds like a good deal to you. Yes please.
“Uhh, hi.”
You practically jump entirely out of your skin, hearing the voice right beside you and whip your head around to see a balding guy in a blue Cloud 9 jacket. Is this man licking his fingers!?
“Uh,” You step back with your brightest, most polite smile, picking something up from the Go Back’s cart and rounding it to put it between you and the man, before acting like you’re stupid enough to be putting barbecue sauce in the Barbie section, and then… “Oh, oops! Silly me!” You flash the guy a nervous look. “I’m still working things out… “
Well? Better to look like an absolute idiot, then be standing within grabbing radius of the creepy man licking his fingers that you’re all alone in the middle of an empty aisle with. “Um… so, what’s up? Did someone send you to find me, or… am I doing something wrong? You know better than me, after all!”
“No… “His gaze licks up your form and if it weren’t for all your ‘training’ in staying still and not feeling this kind of thing- you absolutely would have wigged out. “You’re doing fine… Just wanted to see you.”
Boy- if anyone else could see your face right at this moment, full of disgust and mild horror, you’re sure you would be YouTubes next hit. Or a meme. “Oh… “You nervously chuckle. “Um, well, I’m gonna… go… “You pull the trolley around so that you can back up out the back of the aisle and escape through stuffed toys, into the open but his hand comes down on the other end of the trolley- stopping it. Before you can stop yourself, verbal diarrhoea spews from your lips. “Glenn has my resume- there’s a photo on there you can have.”
“That’s okay I prefer them to be breathing.” Both his hands are on the end of your trolley now, tight so his knuckles turn white, and he’s breathing unnecessarily heavy. He’s even leaning over the trolley some like his body really can’t handle whatever terrible heat is plaguing it right now. Oh god, oh god oh god oh god… this is so gross.
“Well, that’s… u-understandable...”
He looks up into your eyes, now, and doesn’t blink. Who the hell is this guy?! “Say… “ Oh no, oh no- he’s coming around the trolley-he’s coming around-he’s close-too close-too close-mayday-MAYDAY- Slowly, in your face, he licks up his thumb, makes an ‘Mm,’ sound, and you deeply wince; So much so in fact that one of your eyes completely closes. “Could I take your phone number?”
You absolutely couldn’t have helped what happened next if you had wanted to.
“Eeeeuuuwwwwwwww no not in a million years, your nasty, please leave me alone!!” You exclaim in a high voice before abandoning the trolley and rushing off to customer service.
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“No you cant have my number,”
“Cuz I lost my phone.”
By the time you got to the front desk, you had basically calmed down and were mostly just stressed that you left the Go Back’s behind- but still must look troubled as the guy manning the front desk makes a confused, half-concerned but mostly intrigued kind of face at you as you stop there. You’re about to explain your appearance - that or just shrug, not too bothered about reporting whatever mess that was. Not on your first day, at least. No way. - when his face relaxes, and he nods. “Ohhh. Damn, Sal got to you?”
Sal? Was that the guy’s name? You didn’t check. “Oh, was that his name? I was a bit too preoccupied by his eyeballs sucking out my soul, to notice his name tag.” Now that you’re thinking about it, though, you glance at this man’s name tag. Garret.
“Yep, that’s Sal. That’s just one of the wonderful things involved in working here that you’ll just have to get used to.” Garret grins, offering you a chill perspective with a side of cynicism. You sigh, truly feeling relieved that you’ve found a normal person and relax your back against the taller part of the desk.
“Brilliant.” The sarcasm drips off the tip of your tongue.
“You’ll have to deal with a lotta that here, though, looking like you do.” You turn your head to the side to look already exhausted just by the idea, at him. He shrugs. “Hey, I don’t make the rules. I just speak the truth.”
“God- I feel sorry for the other women working here.”
“Oh, no. They’re in a completely different wheelhouse to you. Sorry.” Garret leans on his forearms on the desk, and you roll over to lean on your shoulder and pay attention. “See, you’re a model- “
“I was a model,”
“You were a model- which through primitive male thought process makes you prime real estate. Whoever manages to ‘bag’ you, for lack of a better word I apologise, gets some serious bragging rights.” He shrugs, and looks vaguely apologetic but still some how shameless as this utter bullshit slips out of his mouth. “We can’t help it- some of us don’t even know we’re doing that, but we are. Actually, I’m probably the only one who’ll admit it… which… kinda makes me your best option. Self-awareness, and all that.”
Oh. A dry laugh comes out of you as you feel a text come through in your back pocket and pull out your phone. As you see that its not an urgent message, you immediately put the phone back and glance around for any supervisors before returning to your conversation with Garret. “Oh- of course it does.”
“Exactly!” He grins, and you can’t tell through his expression at all whether he’s genuinely this clueless or if he’s just shooting his shot. “So- “
“No, you can’t have my number.”
Deadass, in a very monotone voice, you say: “I lost my phone.”
Then the two of you just have a stare off for a minute. Garret because he just saw you use your phone, and you because you wont back down.
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“Oh yeah, actually yeah I’m, I’m pregnant. I’m having a baby in like 6 months, so no. Yeah, yeah… “
“You know,” The chemist pipes up from behind the Pharmacy desk as you put back some pill boxes he said were fine to return to the shelves, and you glance over at him to show you’re listening, and check his name tag. “I myself considered a career in modelling, before this. People even say, now, that I could model.”
Oh boy. You think, fighting not roll your eyes. And how old are you? Early 30’s? I don’t think so buddy.
“Oh, well, I wouldn’t recommend it.” You flash him a nervous grin before returning to your shelving. “You’re good for, like, 3 years. But then you hit 22 and unless you look like Victoria Justice shared with you whatever youth fountain she got chucked into, then you have to find something else to do with your life- despite having nothing to fall back on.” Okay… so… I might be a bit bitter.
Tate chuckles - and oh boy, he sounds just like your old manager. Totally fake, -, hiding his hands in his lab coat pockets. “Yeah, you’re probably right… Besides, I got the better end of the deal, anyway. Doctor for the doctors, they call us.” They call Pharmacists that? Who? That’s news to you. “Ahhh, yeah… I’m doing pretty well for myself.”
“Yep.” Forcing a fake smile his way, you leave the shelf you were stocking and get closer to the desk to stock another, as Tate’s eyes follow you waiting for encouragement of some kind. Doesn’t he have a job to do?? “You chose well!”
“Yeah, thanks. I know.” Ffffff-f a r out. This guy! “You know, you and me, we’d make a good couple.”
Oh? Dear god? You pause your shelving in surprise at the bomb this man has just dropped so casually, fish oil tablets paused on their journey to the shelf mid-air. Could Garret’s crazy-pants theory have been right?
“Ohh,” You giggle nervously, returning to work a bit faster now. “I don’t know. I think for a pharmacist like you, I would envision, like… “An actual doctor? No, I can’t say that. “A personal trainer, or something. Keep you both healthy all-round, you know? Now that’s a power team.” As long as that personal trainer has humility enough for the both of them, at least.
“Mergh,” He makes a face, like ‘What the heck are you talking about??’, before shaking his head of the things you just said and leaning over the desk towards you. You keep packing, even faster now. Like the Flash. Go! Go! Go! Death Con 5!! “So, whadaya say? I could pick you up Friday after work, and we could head up to one of my timeshares?” He says that like it’s such a selling point! You think, fighting off the powerful urge to laugh but still feeling the panic deep in the pits of your soul. “Stake it out together for the weekend? Get to know each other?”
“Uhh… “Excuses! What are they? You slowly stop stocking, turning around to face him and crossing your arms. The man deserves to at least be faced as he’s rejected; You’re kind enough to give him that, at least. “I’d love to! But, the thing is… “Chewing your bottom lip, you think hard.
Ding Ding Ding!!
“The thing is, Tate… “You fake some nerves, now. “I’m actually, uh… “You look up, face relaxing. “Pregnant.”
Oh boy, the way that man recoils at that word, like a terrified, disgruntled, blonde hedgehog. You’re going to laugh so hard about it, later!! “Oh.”
“Yeah! Oh, I mean, yeah… I’m gonna be having a baby, in like, 6 months so… yeah… Yep.“ You shrug to him, as if its just so unfortunate. “Shame.”
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She looks in her bag, takes out a fag, tries to get away from the guy on a blag,
Can’t find a light.
‘’Here, use mine.’’
‘’See the thing is I just don’t have the time.’’
Ahh, lunch. Now you can check your texts! Hmm, you look through your notifications and gradually lose excitement. Mum… mum… mum… phone bill company… friend… mum again…
Ah, the glamorous life of the famous.
You roll your eyes, and get to responding to your mothers texts about dinner and when you’ll be home and how your first day is going, not noticing the not-so-jolly, not-so-green-(unless-you-meant-pot) giant approaching you. When you finally finish responding to both your mum and your friend, you put your phone away and start unwrapping your lunch- a typical ham sandwich that you’re actually pretty excited about. That’s one good thing about your sudden drop in financial status; You can put in your damn sandwich as many pieces of ham and cheese as you like. Grinning excitedly, you pick it up and have it halfway to your mouth before another person - a very heavy, large person, - drops down beside you on the bench you’ve commandeered behind the store. You close your mouth without any delicious lunch inside it and look up, politely to the person who’s joined you.
And all you can think, is wow.
He could put you in a suitcase and walk off with you right now and have no problems.
That’s wow.
“Hi! I’m Y/N,” You introduce yourself, offering a hand for him to shake.
“I know.” Oh, well yeah okay that’s understandable. Glenn did introduce you to everyone this morning. Despite the man’s less-then-excited response, he takes your hand in his and shakes. It makes you all giddy inside, honestly. So b i g. “Names Isaac.”
Do you remember Isaac in the breakroom this morning? You wrack your brain for him, because surely if he was there you noticed him-
Oh. Yep, you remember him. He was one of that Marcus-Dude’s pals chuckling and whispering behind him. He was one of the men that had the magazine with you on the front, and if there’s one thing you know about men who carry Vogue in their locker’s it’s that they fit into only 2 groups- interested in fashion, obviously… and interested in the women. And this man clearly is not interested in fashion. Immediately, on this realisation, you feel disappointed- you really could have liked this man right off the bat…
But it looks like he’s just going to be another of the men at this store you have to get to know, before becoming friendly with.
“So,” He starts, and you fight off a wince. Hopefully, you don’t know what’s coming. But… the likeliness of that is not high. “You wanna go out, some time? I’m a big fan of your work.” He smirks.
“Oh, ha ha.” You laugh sarcastically, shaking your head and returning to your sandwich. You take a bite and- Ahhhhhh, so worth the wait. Oh my god. Food orgasm. “At least you’re honest!”
“Yeah, so is that a yes?” His face brightens a smidgeon, which is a lot seeing as he doesn’t seem to be totally all there, in the first place.
You look up at Isaac, and look apologetic. He was honest with you so its only fair that you’re genuine with him. “Sorry… “
“Ah- actually, I don’t know if this’ll change your mind, but I have 2 weeks to live, so… “
Never mind on that honesty thing, then.
Dull-eyed, you stare up at him. “… Uh-huh.”
“Its true! I have, uh, cancer.” He insists, nodding his head and forcing his eyebrows up his forehead all serious-like.
“Cancer.” Right.
Right, time to look in the bag... You start to wrap up your lunch again - sadly, as now you’ll have to wait until the end of the day and the bus ride home to eat it, - and plop it back away in your bag, getting up and pulling out a cigarette instead- that should hold you over until the end of the day. “My lunch break is actually over, so I should go- Damn, where’s my light?“
Isaac rifles through his pockets until he pulls out an old looking neon orange lighter, and offers it to you. “Here, use mine.”
Oh, no. You stare at it like a deer in headlights. If you accept that, like you really want to right now because it’s been a month since your last smoke, then you have obligations to sit with him for another couple minutes, at least.
Aghh… You groan and whine on the inside, before making up your mind and flinging the cigarette into a puddle. “See the thing is, I don’t actually have the time-”
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“Go away now, let me go.”
“Are you stupid? Or just a little slow?”
“Ughhh… “This one has been giving you looks all day, but had no courage until now to speak to you- but the thing is? He didn’t have the smarts, either, to take off his wedding ring at least before he decided to be a bastard and bother you. So you feel absolutely no regret about being exactly as dismissive or plain rude, as you feel. “Elias? Go away now.”
The nervous man, who’s been ringing his hands this whole time and stuttering through failed date requests that you pretended you didn’t understand because of his struggle, gets panicked. “Just let me ask!- Will, will you go out with me?”
“No.” You yawn, dropping a piglet toy into a basket.
“But!- “
Turning away, you start pushing your trolley along to get to the next aisle. “Let me go.”
“We can go wherever you like!”
Sighhhhhhhhh. You turn around and grant him an audience, putting your hands on your hips and raising you brows at the wedding band on his left hand.
“Are you stupid? Or just a little slow?”
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“Please fuck off.”
Oh good god in heaven, they’re going bigger with their proposals.
“Y/N! Will you go out with me?”
This man, Corey, has grabbed the announcement phone now that you’re walking away, making you freeze like the dad possum in Over The hedge and seriously consider playing dead, too, as you slowly turn around to look at him again.
Oh, if only looks could kill- he would be so dead that even Vlad the Impaler’s victims would laugh.
This is your first day, and the fact that you’re being harassed by multiple stupid men is bad enough but now he’s calling attention to you like this? Glenn’s going to think you’re a troublemaker!! Jesus fucking Christ- you need this job! Corey continues to talk into the speaker phone, even as he looks into your eyes and sees his death.  “And… now… you’re looking at me like that, so uh… I’m just gonna… say please?”
… “’Please’ fuck off.”
“Yes ma’am-“  
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“Go away now, I’ve made myself clear.
I don’t think so.
Nah its not gonna happen.
Not in a million years.”
Since the run-in with Corey and the following spike in your blood pressure, you’ve calmed down again. But now you’re looking into the two faces of a ‘Mateo’, who you apparently work with, and a ‘Castor’ who does not work here and is not shopping but is still in your face and is t h i s close to feeding that ugly tie to his cousin.
But, still, you’re going to stay graceful, because Castor constantly looks like he’s 3 seconds from pooing himself. “Now please go away, now… I think I’ve made myself clear.” By explaining, politely, that you aren’t looking for a man but thank you for the offer, Castor.
“Oh, but you haven’t heard what Castor does for a living! He’s in insurance,” Mateo explains to you, like this is some huge game changer. When you don’t react, he adds that there’s good money, insurance.
You almost laugh. Does this boy really think you’re such a gold digger? Boy- if I wanted riches then I could’ve easily become a C-Class actor who has no skills in the area, but is pretty so gets praised like she does- like a lotta my model friends.
Instead I’m here, at Cloud 9.
Come to your own conclusions.
But instead of saying that, though, you just shake your head nervously. “I don’t think so… “
“But!- “
“Nah… sorry, its… not gonna happen… “
“But Castor is- “
“Not in a million years… “
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“Aw, no. I gotta go. My house is on fire.”
Now, at least this one is respectful, you think, listening to him talk about the products you’re shelving together. He had come over and offered to give you a hand when you looked confused, as a ‘Cheyanne’ had handed you a scanner earlier and then promptly ran off, despite your utter incompetence. You were so relieved that this guy turned up!!
“… so, you just punch in reduce .50, and scan! Its pretty easy, if you have it properly explained to you. I- I was actually in the same situation, as you! When I first started here, except I ended up, uh, reducing all the items in electronics to 15 cense rather than discounting it all 15 percent.” A grin spreads across your lips at the story, and thank god that Jonah had turned up before that happened to you and, with your luck, you got fired for it.
“Oh no!”
“Yeah- Amy, our uh, floor supervisor, was pretty cranky with me about that… “He laughs himself, resting his hands on his hips; Still looking nervous at the memory.
You look back down at the scanner you’re holding and shake your head. “Well at least you know, now! And thank you so much for coming to my aid, haha. I was so lost- you’ve been a huge help! A life saver, truly.”
“Yeah… “ He gives a cute little, reserved smile. “So, uh, its basically the end of the day! Hope you’re first day hasn’t been too strenuous. At the end of my first day, I know I was tired. But I got to go out with a couple of the other employees and have a drink, to destress. If-If you were free, we could… do something. Together.” Your eyebrows slowly raise up your forehead at that, and you turn to look up Jonah, sceptical. What was that? You sure have had a long day, and its about to get a lot longer if this boy is asking what you think he is. “Sorry! Sorry, that sounded weird. Um, I guess what I’m really asking, is… would you like to, I dunno, go out with me sometime? I know some great places.”
Oh, noooooo! You cry, on the inside. You thought you found a normal one!
Still, he is being so nice… The least you could do is let him down easily.
“Oh, Jonah, I actually… oh- sorry.” Your phone beeps in your pocket and you take it out quickly to have a glance - its just your mother… again, - … and suddenly get an idea. Feigning shock, you quickly put the phone away and put down the scanner. It’s time to clock out and go home, anyway, thank god. “I have to go! That was my mum, uh- I really have to go!”
“Wow, wow, wow, what’s wrong?? Can I help with anything?”
Oh… he looks so concerned. He’s sweet.
But before you can rethink your words, this living horror slips out. “My-my house is on fire.”
Oh god, you’re a horrible person.
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“I’ve, I’ve got herpes. No- Syphilis!”
Oh thank god the day is over. Rolling your shoulders back, you kneel down at your bottom locker, open it up and take out your bag. Now you can go home and put on Gotham on Netflix, wear no pants and eat thin mints until you fall asleep.
When you get up, you aren’t watching out for a man to be standing barely half a foot away from you - Your mistake, obviously, - so you jolt right out of your skin when you see him and curse. What is wrong with these men? Does Cloud 9 offer complimentary staff ninja classes along with their lack of health insurance? Man, classy company. “Sorry!” You look up past the coveralls after stepping a safe distance back from him, and immediately feel dread deep in your chest. “Oh, hi. Marcus, was it?”
“That’s me! How was your first day?” He asks, seeming polite enough despite the fact that you’re cornered between tall boy and the lockers. And you’re too tired to try and slip away- this boy will get out of your way.
“It was good! Thanks for asking. I’m ready to go home and collapse, though.” You admit, shoulders dropping and a tired smile on your lips. Mmm… thin mints… bed… blankets… Cory Michael Smith… I can taste it… Marcus just needs to get out of my way.
“I hear that.” Evidently not quite as deeply, though, as he moves on pretty fast. “Listen- I was thinking if you’re into it we could… go out, some time.” He tilts his head forward to clarify, “On a date,”, in case that part hadn’t translated, and chuckles. “We could see a movie or get drinks, or something, I don’t know. How about tonight?”
T-tonight? The word nearly slips from your lips; All disbelief and tears and exhaustion, included. You’re so tired. “Um… you know, tempting offer, but um… “He looks so hopeful. It nearly changes your mind. “Not tonight.”
“OH! So like, tomorrow?” Oh christ- “Cuz I’m supposed to watch Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here with my mum, but… no, I can blow that off! So, tomorrow?”
You take a deep breath, not really knowing what you can say. “Marcus… “He raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. “… I have herpes.”
“Wait, what??” He steps back, nearly tripping over a table in his fear that just being near you will cause him to contract the disease, and you let your guard down in relief. Yep, for sure, definitely. If it makes him back off, then yes- you have herpes. You have a raging, festering case of herpes.
“Yeah! Or-“ Squinting, you pretend to sift through your brain. “Was it Syphilis?” This boys eyes basically bulge out of his head and you’re totally going to laugh about it later, but right now you have to get out of there. You waive your hand dismissively and walk on by him towards the door like you don’t have a care in the world. Before you leave though, you turn around a flash Marcus a big smile. “Either way, ew, right? Well, see you tomorrow buddy! Gotta go! Enjoy I’m A Celebrity with your mum.” Then you’re gone.
Tomorrow is going to be a much better day, once that rumour is properly spread.
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hello! I was wondering if u could make a summary of all the suitors' flaws n how Jonah would react to them
I would be more than happy to!
Ray: his main flaw is his willingness to trust others that are close to him. That doesn’t really sound like a flaw, but in Seth’s route, even though he knew that there was a spy, he still refused to believe that his one of his friends could’ve betrayed him. That’s super nice of him as a friend, but I feel like Jonah wouldn’t consider it as a good trait for a King.
Sirius: he has the physical inability to express his feelings properly. Like, in his own route, he barely ever said “I love you” to MC, and I feel like he’s trying really hard to fit into the “mature and stoic guy” category. Jonah kinda struggles with the same things (can’t talk about feelings + tries to be cool), but I don’t think he’d appreciate them in someone else. 
Luka: he’s unwilling to change his own perceptions. For example, in his own route, one of the big things he struggle with is feeling unimportant because ppl don’t need him. That’s not actually true, bc he’s the Jack of Spades now and an entire territory is depending on him, but he’s so stuck in his own idea of himself that he can’t even see it in another way until MC comes along. He also applies this to Jonah, and strongly believes that Jonah abandoned him when Jonah was training to become Queen. I don’t know if Jonah will understand why Luka acts likes this, but he’s always going to be sad when his beloved little brother detests him.
Fenrir: he’s way too obsessed with fights. Look, I know that his description is “a battle-crazy gun maniac” and he uses magically modified guns and he doesn’t mean any harm by liking to fight bc he’s a super active guy, it’s still kinda unsettling (also bc I can’t actually think of any other character flaws bc Fenrir is a good boi). Jonah would definitely find this behavior untasteful, especially since Fenrir also comes from a good family.
Seth: probably how manipulative he is. In his own route, his mission is to “seduce” MC into joining the Magic Tower (remind you of anyone else???), and he succeeds in making MC fall in love, like, 10 parts in. He also fell in love with MC along the way, but he lured her with his body XDD. Jonah probably disapproves of some of his methods, but he can’t complain too much because he kinda did the same thing.
Lancelot: he’s too self-sacrificing for his own good. I mean, when Amon became a threat, instead of telling everyone else about it, he chooses to shoulder the burden himself. I can understand that he’s trying to spare those that he cares about, but he should know that the others aren’t exactly weak and fragile. Jonah would be super frustrated by this (like in part 23 of his own route), and he’ll try to help his King in whatever way he can.
Edgar: his shadiness oof. Like, at first you think that he can be trusted, and then you think that he can’t, but in the end you find out you actually can. He’s like an inverted oreo: white on the outside, black on the inside, but actually still white deep down inside. Being the honest person he is, Jonah probably struggled with Edgar’s personality at first. But they’ve known each other since they were children so Jonah probably got used to it over time.
Zero: you know what? After mulling over this for ages, I can’t actually think of any of Zero’s flaws. He’s literally the goodest boi in Ikerev.  
Kyle: his insensitivity to others’ emotions. He cannot read the atmosphere most times and he’s also one of the most emotionally clumsy people in the game (afsdfdf he’s adorable). However, Jonah is the type of person who needs to be handled with care, since he’s not the most emotionally able person ever. It would’ve definitely rubbed Jonah the wrong way at first, but just like how it was with Edgar, Jonah probably got used to it over time.
Harr: his unfrienliness probably. He’s literally the nicest person once you get to know him, but the emphasis is on once you get to know him. Unfortunately, not a lot of people have that privilege, and this is even before he became the infamous Joker. He’s just naturally introverted and aloof. Actually, pre-Joker!Harr reminded me of Jonah, because they’re equally tsundere and bad with expressing their feelings. Apparently Harr and Jonah didn’t get along great tho, so maybe Jonah doesn’t like to see his own personality reflected in others.
Loki: he’s a bit too clingy and has a tiny bit of yandere-ish tendencies (though I wouldn’t consider him as a yandere). Jonah would understand the clinginess to those he cares about (he’s the cling of hearts for a reason guys), and he could probably understand Loki’s desire to hold on tightly to people that are important to him.
Blanc: he’s a jerk because he’s only giving us glimpses of his backstory without any clarification and it makes me want to tear my hair out. Jonah is gonna march up to Cybird HQ and demand a route for Blanc.
Oliver: in Ikerev TW, one of his descriptions was “毒舌” and it literally means “poisonous tongue,” which describes Oliver pretty well. I get that some people are pretty attracted by his quick wit, but generally speaking, insulting someone every other sentence isn’t exactly a good habit to have. But like, just imagine Oliver and Jonah getting into an argument. Idek who’s gonna win.
NOTE: I don't really know that much about the next three suitors (Mousse, Dean, and Dalim), so I'll have to make my best guess about their flaws. If their route comes out (goodness knows when that'll be), I'll come back and see if I've got anything wrong!
Mousse: definitely his sleepiness and tendency to fall asleep in places other than his bedroom. I totally understand the desire to sleep all day every day, but I can see why it’d be super annoying. At any rate, Jonah certainly seems to think so, since he abhors laziness and Mousse is pretty much the epitome of laziness (unless it comes down to the things that he like, and then he turns super energetic).
Dean: his cruel and unusual ways of punishment that’s referenced many times throughout the series??? I don’t know much about him tbh (sorry to all the Dean stans!!!). Jonah has never complained about it (or even mentioned Dean at all), but he must’ve been Jonah’s teacher during some point in the Ikerev universe, especially considering that Jonah and Harr were in the same grade and Dean makes an appearance in Harr’s Class Companions event route.
Dalim: probably that he’s overly-dedicated to those he’s loyal to. Dalim knows that Amon is not a good person and what he’s doing is very wrong, but he still does Amon’s bidding because he is a firm believer in Amon supremacy. However, he has tried to save Cradle on multiple occasions, so I guess that makes up for it. In fact, I think that Jonah would actually appreciate this flaw, because he’s just as dedicated to Lancelot as Dalim is to Amon, and they both tried to intervene when they believed that their King/Lord was up to something bad.
You could also say that one of Dean's more obvious flaws is that he's very blunt. While he's a smooth talker when it's convenient for him, more often than not he doesn't sugar coat his words when he's pointing out other people's flaws.He says it like it is. This might lead to Jonah being offended on more than one occasion. On the other hand, i don't think Jonah likes Dalim's debauchery. He might think that he fools around too much. He might've chastised him at some point, but gave up when he saw that he wasn't listening. Dalim is hard to tame. There were a few times when he didn't listen to Amon's orders and he also did that thing at the end of Ray's ttlg route which proved that he's not as loyal to his lord as he seems.
Jonah: Jonah literally stated himself that he knows how reckless and stubborn he is, but he doesn’t have any intentions of changing that. And I just. That’s actually such a strong thing to do??? He legit accepts himself as he is without trying to change anything about the way he is. Self-acceptance level 10/10.
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nonbinaryeye · 3 years
What a nice day for a walk
Written for @jonahmagnusweek
Day 4 - Bones
Jonah Magnus has traveled to visit his friend in Bavaria. Unfortunately he ans Albrecht have a bit different idea about how they should spent their time togerther.
Read on AO3
To say that Jonah Magnus is not very fond of traveling would be an understatement. Even occasional rides between his Institute in Edinburgh and London are highly annoying and serve only as a confirmation that moving the Institute to more convenient place is a necessity.
However it can still be called a relaxation in comparison of making a trip abroad. Unfortunately Britain happens to be an island and so only way to travel outside of it is on the sea. Jonah hates the sea – not only the constant swinging of the ship on tides keeps making him sick. The knowledge that the hull of the ship is the only thing standing between him and the deep mass of salt water is also not helping him to feel comfortable. How could some people choose boat as their preferred means of transport and not only as last option is a mystery to him.
Although to be honest Jonah never understood the appeal of traveling in general. He won’t be persuaded no matter how much Barnabas is always urging him to join him on his vacation to explore the world. Ah, was urging him actually… it is still easy to forget sometimes...
His lack of excitement isn’t given because he wouldn’t be curious. Of course that he wants to know everything there is about the world. Nevertheless knowledge and experience are two separate things. For example Jonah would be perfectly happy left with only knowledge of the fact that the forests in Bavaria are full of fallen branches, threes, stumps and very unfit for his usual footwear. Unfortunately he gained this certain piece of knowledge the harder way.
“What’s the matter Jonah? Should I slow down? Are you tired already?” Even though Albrecht was several years older he seemed to have no problem moving on through the forest and easily avoiding all the obstacles from broken branches to hidden puddles. He and Albrecht got very different idea what afternoon walk is supposed to be.
“I told you I am not a fan of wandering in nature, Albrecht.”
“You are not? I always suspected you would be. You must have beautiful nature in Scotland. At least according to the poems.”
“Whose poems have you read?” Jonah asks even though for once he doesn’t even need a help from the Beholding to guess the answer. It must have been either Wordsworth or Coleridge. He vaguely remembers picking them up when he was bored once. It is important to note he almost immediately put them back down.
“I am not sure… But he was describing one’s connection with nature and all its beauties.” That wouldn’t be much telling even if Jonah read more than few lines.
“Well you can show me the book when we return if you have it somewhere in your library,” he suggests hopefully finally getting the opportunity to bring up the true reason behind his visit. Unfortunately Albrecht von Closen has decided instead of boasting with the library to show him the local culture and drag him all around the town, then the neighboring town and now nature. So far Jonah barely seen anything he would dare to call culture but that’s nothing he would express out loud.
Lost in the thoughts and trying to do his best not to complain Jonah barely notices when the branches under his feet stop crunching. They are also smoother as he notices when he loses his balance and falls on the ground.
The recognizable snap of breaking bone cuts the air.
And a bone is indeed broken but luckily it’s not a one belonging to Jonah. Relieved he finally decides to pay a bit of an attention to his surroundings. What at first look might remind yet another dry branch is actually part of the whole skeleton. It used to be a deer... No. It was a roebuck. The knowledge of an animal comes to his mind – of course this is the kind of information Eye decides to provide. Unlike a warning to look better where he steps.
He should probably get back on his feet and try to catch up with Albrecht but he is tired. And also weirdly fascinated by the remains of what once was majestic animal wandering through the same path Jonah walked. He wonders about its fate. Was the animal killed by a predator? Was it ill? Or did it simply die of an old age? It doesn’t matter. The roebuck is dead. It has been for quite a while. And it is perfectly natural because death is part of the life and Jonah hates it.
Yes death is everywhere and one can meet their end so easily. One moment you can hold all the power and all the knowledge of the world, and the other there is nothing and your mind, your thoughts, that all disappears. How comes that most of the people are not dreading how their whole existence will be one day completely erased? How they do it? Just living their life blissfully ignorant? How are they doing nothing about it? Jonah cannot remember a time when he was not noticing anymore.
He would love to blame the Beholding for bringing him so often information of so many ways he could die at any moment. But the truth is he has been haunted by ever-present death much longer before encountering the fears and choosing one to serve.
What else is a man than bones and flesh all put together? Same as the long dead animal in front of him. So imperfect and breakable. One can so easily end up as a pile of bones…  
As a pile of bones in ones office. As a pile of bones that used to be a friend and a lover. As a pile of bones which were price for the knowledge. As a pile of bones-…
“Jonah! Oh here you are,” Albrecht's voice brings him back to reality. “Did you fell? Are you alright?”
“Apologies as I said I am not used to walks like this very much.” Jonah quickly gets up to stand in Albrecht’s view of the remains. He cannot fully explain why. He just doesn’t feel like sharing them with his friend. What else could he offer than some comment about ‘that’s what nature is’ as if they weren’t part of it. As if the threat of sudden death is not as real for them as it was for the roebuck. He just could not understand what really those bones represent.  
“Oh no, it’s my mistake I should have noticed sooner you are having trouble to keep up. It will perhaps be better if we turned back… I really believed you will enjoy a little walk on the fresh air as much as I do.”
“No reason to be concerned. I am happy to finally see the land you wrote me so much about. Though as I said, I believe I will appreciate the beauty of it much more from the inside of your manor.”
They leave back in the direction of Albrecht’s mansion leaving the pile of bones behind. Everyone will turn into just a pile of bones one day and Jonah finds a vision of such future simply unacceptable. And he doesn’t care what will be the price for it.
“We indeed do have some nice view from there. Especially from the grand window in the library… Oh which reminds me I have books I wanted to show you. I believe I was writing you story about how I obtained them.”
“Yes that sounds familiar… I would be the most delighted to finally see them then.”
“You will just have to be really careful since they are not in the best state...”
Jonah smiles. “Don’t worry I am quite used to handling antique books and taking care of them. If you were interested I could recommend you excellent binders in case you wanted to have them rebound…”
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Speak of the Devil (S2, E2)
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Damn. I love this show.
As usual, my time stamped SPOILER FULL thoughts are below.
As always, I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if talk about depression/mania/suicidal ideation is going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading. 
0:14 - Hector’s back!! hahaha :) 
0:40 - So Martin is worried about Malcolm.....he could stop manipulating Malcolm if he’s so worried. That would make Malcolm feel slightly better at least. 
0:50 - What. A. Boss. That ambush was gorgeously executed *chef’s kiss*. haha how many times do you think Jessica has orchestrated this type of ambush on one of her children? 
0:52 - I love this outfit on Malcolm. Seriously - why is it sooo attractive when he’s not wearing a tie?
0:55 -........he’s not seeing Gabrielle....but but he had a lollipop last episode. Am I supposed to believe he buys his own lollipops? Maybe he bought some to throw the team off the scent? UGH. MALCOLM, SWEETHEART, GO BACK TO THERAPY. YOU’RE IN CRISIS. ....wait. I bet you he’s not seeing Gabrielle because she knows when he’s lying. He’s probably scared that he’ll end up telling her about Endicott. And I’m pretty sure that legally Gabrielle can’t keep a crime a secret regardless of doctor-patient confidentiality. 
1:02 - .....Malcolm didn’t know that he wasn’t paying his own therapy bills? WHO DID HE THINK WAS PAYING THEM?!?! Damn. Rich people, am I right?
1:10 - You ever wonder how many therapists Malcolm saw as a kid before they found Gabrielle? Just me? Cool.
1:15 - OMG. “Sexual in nature”?!?! Calm down Jess. He’s a grown ass man and even if it was sexual Malcolm sure as hell wouldn’t want to talk to his mother about his sex life. 
1:19 - Oh so now both of your kids are in a “good place”? Martin, less than a minute ago you were ‘worried’ about Malcolm. Further proof that Martin is a liar and we can’t believe anything he says. Ever. 
1:43 - Tom Payne’s physical acting during this interaction with Jessica is incredible. Ugh. Honestly, can I give him an Emmy myself? Look. Look at his face when he says, “You wouldn’t understand.” This is a teenage boy trying to hide something from his mom and is terrified that she’ll see the lie if he makes eye-contact. <3 
1:45 - You know, Jessica really isn’t a perfect mother (especially to Ainsley) but she does care about her kids. I love her for it. She actually shows more concern for her adult children than most parents with adult children that I’ve been exposed to. 
2:08 - I can’t decide if I love the music that was playing through that scene or if it’s just super cheesy and cringey. I mean “I did a bad bad thing” right as the title page rolls out? Kind of amazing but also super dorky. 
2:13 - So Mr. David hears this whole conversation. Malcolm talking about his guilt, Martin calling Malcolm a hero, and Malcolm saying that the only person he can talk to about his problems is Martin. Sooooo either
 Mr. David is being paid very well to keep quiet on Whitly family drama, 
 Mr. David stopped listening years ago.
 Mr. David is a moron who can’t connect the dots. OR
 Mr. David is going to blow this whistle on this fiasco to Jessica soon. I mean, he called her in the first season when Malcolm started visiting Martin. Mr. David has Jessica’s number...and I have a hunch that Mr. David cares about Malcolm. He’s watched Malcolm grow up into a troubled, bizarre, but very sweet man. 
2:14 - “Why are you calling me?” Malcolm sounds upset that Martin is calling him; so why pick up the phone? I mean, I guess Martin will call him back incessantly but still. 
2:19 - Malcolm’s completely honest version of how he’s doing mentally is heartbreaking. He “doesn’t recognize himself anymore”? Ugh. Baby. My heart is shattering. Someone hug him. OR TAKE HIM TO GABRIELLE.
2:30 - There is a moment when Malcolm says, “narcissistic psychopath” where is genuinely sounds like he’s about to have a complete breakdown. This boy is on the verge. My whump heart loves it and it makes me evil. 
2:56 - aaannnnnnd there’s Malcolm on the verge of tears. This boy. Ugh. <3 
3:00 - “It’s not going away Malcolm. The guilt. Take it from me.” Sooooo Mr. David isn’t a moron right? He’s going to connect the dots. He has to. ISTG Jessica keeps saying “No more lies” in the promos because Mr. David told her what he overheard. 
3:06 - And that is the face of a boy who is dead on the inside. Seriously, he’s spent his whole life trying to convince himself (and others) that he is nothing like his father. But here we are - all his fears confirmed and it’s killed him. 
3:20 - “Is this what you used?” Ainsley is talking about how Malcolm disposed of the body right? Because last episode she thanked Malcolm for covering for her. Sooooo she clearly knows that she killed Endicott even if she doesn’t remember it. I mean, she was covered in blood - Malcolm wasn’t. 
3:23.- OMG. Endicott was killed with the Milton family silver. hahahaha why is that so funny to me?
3:43 - Just how big is that gap in her memory? I’d truly like to know. When did she check out, when did she check in, and are those times different than what she’s letting Malcolm believe?
3:55 - Yeah - I still want to know why she moved in. COVID? Is she afraid she’s going to do something else murdery? Because surely, living in the house where you know you killed someone can’t be pleasant. Or easy. Unless of course Ainsley is more like Martin than we’d like to believe. 
4:09 - hahahahaha I am living for Malcolm’s facial response to Jessica saying, “I am in charge of boxes.”
4:22 - hahahaha Malcolm and Ainsley teasing Jessica about Gil is so precious. I love it. I wish they were always that happy. 
4:40 - Look at Malcolm’s face when he says, “You and a certain Lieutenant”. He’s practically giddy. Whether that’s because he’s thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to tease his mother OR because he’s always wanted Jessica and Gil to be together in that way that many children who grow up in single parent homes hope for a fairytale parental ending. My guess - a mixture of both.
4:45 - Ainsley looks delighted at the idea of Gil/Jessica too. I assume it’s because she loves the gossip and the opportunity to tease Jessica. BUT I also wonder what Ainsley’s relationship with Gil is like? Do they have one? 
4:58 - “Does he let you wear his turtlenecks?” OMG. bahahahaha comedic GOLD. 
5:10 - THIS. The evolution of JT and Malcolm’s friendship is everything. 10/10 would recommend. So sweet. LOOK AT HOW CONCERNED MALCOLM IS. <3 <3 Malcolm’s been calling JT?!?! UGH. This warms my cold dead heart.
5:20 - JT is a bad liar. This dude is not okay. 
5:27 - “When I say I’m fine, I’m always lying.” .....we already knew this but it hurts to hear Malcolm say is so nonchalantly. 
5:32 - JT does the sign of the cross....so he’s definitely religious. 
5:56 - “Holy...” “Watch it Bright.” hahaha how much do you want to bet that Gil took Malcolm to church once (1) time as a kid. It went so poorly that Gil never brought him again. Malcolm was probably questioning the priest and generally just asking a lot of “why” questions. 
6:15 - Gil is so done with the Edrisa+Bright banter. Look at his face - he’s just sooo tired. .....is Gil particularly cranky this episode because Jessica is dodging his phone calls?
6:23 - Malcolm looks pensive as soon as Gil mentions that the Father had been with the church for 30 years. Why? 
6:56 - I’m not going to lie. I’m really getting tired of the crap Dani (and even Gil in this episode - is he mad at Malcolm for avoiding him when he was hospital-bound? Or just cranky because Jessica isn’t calling him back?) are giving Malcolm. He’s asking a question relevant to the case. Sure - it’s not an easy question to ask but last season they wouldn’t have glared at him for asking it. I understand that Dani is upset with Malcolm for lying to her and she probably thinks he knows something about how Endicott died. I get it - Malcolm screwed up. BUT Dani’s reaction is so over the top. I understand where she’s coming from - she has trust issues. That doesn’t give her the right to treat him like garbage for the rest of his life. It’s been literally MONTHS. 
7:11 - “That’s not a no.”....Damn, he looks cute when he says that. 
7:30 - I LOVE that Malcolm knows so much about the Bible and Catholicism even though he’s not a believer. It makes me think he investigated a ton of religions as a kid - looking for relief from his trauma. I respect that he did the research and I respect that he doesn’t (openly at least) think other people are moronic/short-sighted for believing in God(s). 
7:56 - I’ll be honest, my first reaction to Jonah was: “Why does he look and sound like he’s dying?”
8:03 - “Catholic.” haha I love some good religious comedy. BUT AGAIN GIL, THAT GLARE IS SO NOT NECESSARY. That wasn’t a ‘warning - you’re being insensitive’ glare. That was a ‘I’m your father and you’re in sooo much trouble’ glare. I love Gil with my whole heart but everyone is being a dick to Malcolm today (minus JT and Edrisa) and I’m done with it. Malcolm’s fragile mental state can’t handle it. Be nice to my boy. 
8:35 - Is this Gil’s church?!? Why does he know all the church staff by name? He either attends this church or someone gave him an amazing briefing before he got to the church.
9:34 - At least Gil knows something is wrong with Malcolm. 
9:41 - What? That’s it? No. Gil - press on. Don’t accept Malcolm’s “I’m fine”.
10:18 - I wish this scene didn’t end with Gil’s look of disbelief and concern. I wish we got to see Gil tell Malcolm not to go see Martin. I wish we got a more concrete papa!Gil moment. 
10:42 - Something about the fact that Martin is tethered to a pole like a tether-ball is hilarious to me. Also - why are some prisoners not tied up? The inmate talking to Friar Pete has no rope. 
10:52 - Ugh. When exactly did Martin give Malcolm “The Talk”? Like how old was Malcolm? How traumatic was it? Ugh. It’s very upsetting to remember that Martin acted like a good father to Malcolm for a good portion of the first 10 years of Malcolm’s life. It really doesn’t help Malcolm’s PTSD. 
11:00 - That’s right Malcolm. Don’t let Martin ramble. Stand your ground. <3 So proud of Malcolm <3
11:15 - Listen to the way Malcolm says, “Who is that?”. He’s some combination of resigned and scared. I love it. 
11:33 - Friar Pete is so creepy. The way he just walks up to Malcolm until his rope goes taught?! UGH. Poor Malcolm looks so done with this whole situation. He’s rolling his eyes and grimacing at various points throughout this scene. He has some major sass right now and I’m here for it. 
 11:41 - “You two should talk!” ....Is this Martin’s really eff-ed up way of trying to help Malcolm with his guilt about Endicott? I don’t like it.....and Malcolm’s face tells me he doesn’t either. 
12:48 - Is that true? Can churches really not exorcise people without medical permission in the current day?  I thought exorcisms were just banned? IDK - I’m a Christian, my branch of faith doesn’t do exorcisms. 
13:33 - YES! A JT AND MALCOLM SCENE. <3 <3 I’m unreasonably happy about this. 
13:45 - sooooooo is this Norman’s real home and his real mother? The first time I watched it I thought it was some sort of weird catholic-inpatient facility but now I’m not sure. 
15:10 - Ok. I can’t hold back anymore. Malcolm’s shoes. They. Are. Awful. I understand - Tom Payne is a short guy. He probably needs heels to fit in the shot. I’m not mad about the heels. I’m made that they gave him very very ugly heels. Is it just me? These shoes are hideous. 
15:14 - “Hi Norman.” .....Malcolm is so soft here and I’m in love with it. My cold dead heart is melting. Also JT’s freaked-out look in this scene is everything. 
15:25 - There’s something about the way Malcolm says “Good.” that just hits me really hard. It’s beautiful. He sounds and looks a little scared but he’s also really calm and professional and it’s just...*chef’s kiss*. 
16:44 - “He’s clearly mentally-ill.” I love this. I love that Malcolm is defending the person with a severe mental illness because he doesn’t have any proof that Norman committed a crime. It also breaks my heart. Makes me think of how many people dismissed or judged Malcolm poorly throughout his life because Malcolm’s mental illnesses. Even though they weren’t quite as extreme as Norman’s.
16:54 - I love this. JT is telling Malcolm to stay behind the line partially out of fear (because this whole Norman situation is clearly freaking JT out big time) but also partially because he just cares about Malcolm. I love their friendship and it’s evolution. SO. MUCH. 
17:21 - Is there a mirror of something? How the hell did Norman know that Malcolm crossed the salt? Was it the slight creaking in the floorboards?
17:54 - Dude. Is every suspect this season going to accuse Malcolm of being a killer? First Boyd, now Norman. This is not helping Malcolm’s mental state or his ability to hide his guilt from the team. 
18:30 - “Malcolm Bright. Always crossing the line.” lol. I love JT here. He’s half-teasing Malcolm. Makes me think that he subtly trying to tell Malcolm that he isn’t the killer Norman says that he is. 
19:00 - “What the hell do you have?”. Wow. Okay. No. I love Gil. I understand that he loves Malcolm like a son and he’s scared for Malcolm and Malcolm’s mental state. But this question is so over the line. Gil knows damn well what Malcolm’s mental diagnoses are. It feels like he’s accusing Malcolm of being crazy. I don’t like it. 
19:17 - “Are you serious?” Ok. Dani really needs to start being nicer to Malcolm. She doesn’t have to trust him but some professional civility would be great. I really don’t like how hard the writers are pushing this tension between Dani and Malcolm. It makes Dani look so immature. An adult would be pissed but get over the anger after literal months. The relationship wouldn’t necessarily be the same but it sure as hell wouldn’t be this hostile.
19:40 - Something about Malcolm being the calmest person in the room is both comforting and upsetting. 
19:55 - “My father gave it to me.”.....that’s so not going to help Gil’s concern about Malcolm.
20:50 - This is cute. We don’t get to see enough of Jessica and Ainsley acting like a semi-normal mother-daughter duo. I love it. 
21:00 - “We are WASPs. It’s. What. We. Do.” OMG. Hahahaha 
21:05 - I love how invested Ainsley is in the Gil/Jessica relationship. It’s so clear that she wants her Mom to be happy and I love it. It also makes me wonder if she ever wanted Gil to be her real dad as a kid.
21:30 - Damn. This episode is creepy.
21:45 - First clue that this is a dream - Malcolm says “we” but he’s alone. 
21:57 - ...are Nuns allowed to paint their nails? #GenuineQuestion
22:14 - Not going to lie. This made me cry. I relate to Malcolm so damn much here. I’ve had a severe anxiety disorder for as long as I can remember (seriously I saw my first therapist - against my will - at the age of 4). I’ve also had chronic depression for almost as long. AND I’m a christian. I can’t tell you how many times other christians have told me to “cast my worries on the Lord” and “be free” of my pain. Or that I don’t really believe in God because I’m still suffering so visibly. The problem is - I don’t know if I want to be free. I’ve had these issues so long that I’m genuinely not sure who I’d be without them. It’s how I define myself. It affects every aspect of my personality. I feel like Malcolm might feel the same way - he doesn’t want to suffer anymore but he’s afraid of finding out who he is without the pain. 
22:17 - Okay. So there’s Gil’s voice. So Gil+ Malcolm = “we”. As though I’m supposed to believe that Gil would split up with Malcolm when they’re looking for a nun, who isn’t even a suspect, at a church. Nah. I don’t buy it. This is clearly a dream. 
22:30 - “You have to tell them what you did.”...and then we see the knife. Does this mean Malcolm is slowly convincing himself that he killed Endicott. Not Ainsley? Either way - I agree with nightmare-Ainsley. The team loves Malcolm but they’re also detectives. They’ll figure out what happened. And when they do - yikes. 
22:46 - I hate this. All season suspects have been calling Malcolm evil. Martin has been calling Malcolm a “hero”. Malcolm’s guilt is eating him alive. Simultaneously, the people who are supposed to trust and care about him (Dani, Gil, the precinct, Jessica) have all shown signs of doubting him. Dani alone has pointed a gun at Malcolm’s head. Now she’s wearing body armour? AND LOOK AT THE OTHER COPS. THEY ALL HAVE THEIR HANDS ON THEIR GUNS AS THOUGH MALCOLM IS A CRIMINAL. A THREAT. DANGEROUS. This is very bad for Malcolm’s mental health......God, the whump-whore in me hopes he has a major panic attack or something this season. 
23:23 - I love this scene. This is the papa!Gil content I’m here for. 
23:51 - JT expressing fear and concern for his unborn child makes my heart grow several sizes. Look at his puppy dog eyes here? Ugh. So precious. This whole JT arc is heartbreaking and beautiful. I love it.
24:15 - Sooooo JT knows about Jessica right? He’s a detective and a husband. He so knows. hahaha this is so cute. 
24:19 - Gil. You. Are. A. Liar......and you’ve been really grumpy this episode but I’m going to forgive you because I love you. 
24:28 - GIL. You’ve waited 20 years. How much longer can you wait for Jessica?!?!
24:35 - Maybe JT didn’t know? At least - not until Gil rambled on about waiting? JT looks like he just connected all the dots and he’s super uncomfortable.
24:43 -...... so she verbally attacks him all episode then drives him home and acts like she did toward Malcolm by mid-season 1? I’m getting whiplash. 
25:18 - This scene is so cute. They actually made the real life version of heart-eyes at each other. And Malcolm pours her a glass of water. Because 1) she’s driving and 2) she’s a recovering addict. He’s so casually respectful and I love it. 
25:28 - “Are you any different?” Ouch. Look at how hurt Malcolm is. :( Although, props to Dani for confronting him about it. Someone needed to and she’s being really calm and caring about it. 
26:10 - Dani’s little speech about being a black woman feels a little forced? Like the writers put it in so she doesn’t feel left out compared to JT? Idk, the whole thing just seemed not quite believable. Probably because when JT was racially profiled Dani - a black woman - pulled out her badge and all the white cops listened to her. It just doesn’t track. They wouldn’t have listened to her if they were racist and bold enough to attack JT in the first place.
26:47 - Anyone else think that all those lit candles are a fire hazard? Just me? Cool cool cool. 
 27:21 - Yo. This is stupid. I understand why this happened - because the plot needed it to happen. BUT WHY DID ALL THREE ARMED COPS LEAVE THREE UNARMED PEOPLE ALONE?!? And when does a team of 4 split into a group of 3 and 1??! It makes no logical sense (except for plot purposes).
28:03 - Creepy. 
28:30 - Oh. HELL no. This is absolute bs. My entire heart is breaking for JT.
29:05 - I really like how chill this Priest is. Like - he respects that Malcolm’s a disbeliever and he’s willing to talk to him without trying to convert him. 
29:55 - Listen to how upset JT sounds here!! :( :( :( My heart. :( 
30:08 - Ok so how did she end up tied in the closet and not murdered? 
30:40 - ....so did Jonah ruin that painting while Sister Agnes was in the closet or is the Sister just a moron who didn’t say anything about the guy ruining the painting?!?
30:50 - Sooooo Jonah is an “expert”. He taught Sister Agnes how to safely handle the lead-based paint. Yet - he didn’t use the protection? We saw him with a gas mask at the beginning of the episode? Did the sister not notice that he wasn’t using the protection? So much of this doesn’t track. Thankfully, I don’t watch this show for the “murder of the week” plot line.
31:30 - Malcolm is a good dude. Even now. He’s trying to help Jonah. <3 Heart of gold. 
32:25 - Martin - shut. up. 
32:45 - Friar Pete is a creepy treasure. I love him. 
33:24 - “Oh you’ve gotta be kidding.” hahaha I feel you Malcolm. I feel you. 
33:34 - Not gonna lie - when I watched this the first time all I could think is “How the eff does Malcolm remember everything Pete just said?” Maybe it’s just me but I would need Pete to go 1-2 words at a time. And slowly. ....maybe Malcolm took Latin in school? 
24:06 - Oh so all the killers this season are also going to accuse Malcolm of being a killer and/or evil. 
34:40 - Damn. I wish the team walked in right as Malcolm was screaming “the power of Christ compels you!!!”.
35:15 - I. Love. This. Gil screaming on the phone is everything. Him going to bat for JT is everything. Malcolm saying “This is bad”?!? *chef’s kiss*. ISTG Malcolm’s been scolded by Gil when Gil is that mad at some point during his teen years. 
35:53 - “I’ll take care of it.” JT. Is. My. Hero. What an absolute king. He’s going to take care of it, even though he’s terrified, because he needs to protect his family. Not just Tally and the baby. But little sister Dani too. <3 My heart is full. 
36:11 - ....okay so not to ruin a totally beautiful and profound scene but every time I’ve watched this scene JT doing that lean into the wall is very weird to me. Because he turns to face the camera. If he just slid down the wall or just leaned his head against the wall - it wouldn’t have felt so strange. It honestly distracts me from the scene. Every. Time. 
36:18 - This is hot garbage. I don’t even want to rewatch this scene because it makes me so upset. 
37:51 - I understand where Jessica is coming from but I also think she’s being a moron. I will say though, I respect the hell out of Gil for walking away when asked. A lot of men wouldn’t but he respects Jessica even if he doesn’t like what he’s hearing. So he left because she asked him to. 
39:00 - If this isn’t a red flag for Jessica about Ainsley’s mental health idk what is. 
39:25 - Poor Malcolm looks like he’s on the verge of tears here. :( I’m genuinely scared that Malcolm is becoming suicidal. He’s reaching the level of depressed and guilt where I think it’s a possibility. I genuinely think he’d rather kill himself to stop his guilt and suffering than to admit it to Gil, Jessica, JT, or Dani. ...for legal reasons he definitely can’t tell Gabrielle. 
40:00 - Sooooo Martin is finally suggesting that it was his idea to dispose of the body. I hope it’s the truth. 
40:05 - Martin is a piece of trash. He really needs to stop playing with Malcolm’s head. It’s literally killing Malcolm. 
40:50 - Oh. SHIT. Malcolm just clapped back hard. I am so so proud of him. ...also concerned about this deep anger in him though.
 41:46 - I swear - if we don’t get a Gil and Martin face-off when Martin breaks out, I will lose my mind. It’s one of the top things I want from this show. A Martin+Gil showdown. 
Ok. So I kind of loved this episode? Even though there were...many plot holes and things that annoyed me about it. Is it just me or has this season felt much darker than last season so far? It makes sense given last season’s finale but it’s still thrown me a bit. 
BUT I CAN NOT WAIT FOR 2x3. That promo. Ugh. <3 <3 We’re going to get traumatized teen!Malcolm content and I’m a sick bastard who is living for it. 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Déjà Vu (Or are we losing our minds?) VIII -Modern!Shirbert
A/N: I need a group of friends that live near my house so we can all have crisis together -Danny
Words: 2,790
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Chapter Eight: 2nd. Déjà Vu.
'We are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known’
                           —Carson McCullers
"Anne, I’m sorry!” Cole called from the other side of the door, “If I had known that finding out about that asshole’s engagement was going to upset you like this, I would’ve kept my mouth shut…”
“You couldn’t take a guess?” Josie scoffed, leaning against the wall beside him. She continued in a whisper, "She's on her period, and you thought it'd be okay to just drop the bomb?"
Anne opened the door abruptly, almost causing her friend to fall forward into the bathroom. Her face was still red from anger, but there was no sign of tears treatening to come out.
“He’s a monster!” She yelled, making a bee line back to her bedroom. “First tries to make me believe I’m the love of his life and that he’s the man of my dreams, and then cheats– now he’s telling the same tale to one of my classmates he met thanks to me! What the actual fuck?!”
“Anne,” Ruby said tentatively. “I think that you need us to leave you alone...”
“What?” Her eyes widening. “No, no, no, no, please don’t leave, please don’t go, I need you here! I thought I was going to be better in the morning but I had this dream… and the nightmare from real life just continued, Roy and Lauren were inviting me to their wedding and I was so upset! I was plotting to ruin their party, I was… oh, it was so out of control– don't you dare say this is because I'm on my period, Josie!” She glared at the blonde in front of her, who just raised her hands in surrender.
“Then let’s do something,” Cole put one hand on her shoulder, “let’s go downtown, let’s visit Muriel! I bet she’s eager to see us, c’mon Anne, you love visiting her...”
“Maybe we could ask her about her husband?” Anne asked, suddenly hopeful. “Her love story could give me hope.”
“For what?”
“For believing love not is not yet another scam of society,” She sentenced.
“Oh my god,” Josie let out a tired sigh. “Fine, we’ll visit her, but please take a shower first, you stink of anger and drool.”
There she was again, the same girl. Was it the same girl? Gilbert couldn’t remember her face at all, but both definitely had the same red hair, the same soft-looking skin…
“Gilbert, you’re spilling coffe on the table!” Mary’s yell brought him back instantly.
With a start he lifted the kettle and stopped pouring the liquid onto his cup, it was filled to the brim. He let out a tired sigh and reached out for a napkin.
“Sorry,” He mumbled. “I was thinking…”
“A bit too much,” The woman raised a brow. “What is it this time, a scholarship you’re trying to get? An essay that might’ve been one page too long?”
“A dream,” He said quietly.
“A dream,” Mary shook her head skeptically. “You can't even rest while sleeping, then? I’m glad Winnie’s taking you out for the day, Lord knows you need a distraction...”
Winnie arrived at two o’clock, punctual as usual. She was holding a bouquet of flowers that were meant to be for Dellie, but the little girl was having a nap, so she left them on the kitchen counter.
“Sunflowers,” Gilbert raised his eyebrows. “You’re trying to call us haughty?”
“What?” Winnie tilted her head. “No, I just thought they were pretty– Hold on, that's their meaning? How the hell do you know that?”
“I…” Gilbert smiled faded. “I think I dreamt about it.”
Winnie laughed at this.
“You dreamt about it, so it must be real, right?” She shook her head. “Come on, Gilbert, it’s time to get you out of the house.”
“Anne, why are you stopping?”
The redhead was standing outside a flower shop, she was glancing at it inquisitively, as if pondering whether to take a quick look or keep walking.
“Anne?” Cole called her softly. “Are you okay?”
“What if I do exactly like in my dream?” She asked absentmindedly. “Is it too petty to buy a bouquet just to say 'fuck you'?”
“Very,” Cole raised a brow. “It’s classy though, I like your style.”
“We can talk about whether you should buy your ex venomous flowers once we’re at Muriel’s,” Josie pulled both of them forward. “Let’s go, she’s waiting for us!”
The woman was delighted to receive her former students, they sat in the small dining room and talked for hours until lunchtime. Anne was in a much lighter mood, and offered to prepare a meal, to which they responded with skeptical looks.
“Don’t worry,” Anne rolled her eyes. “I’ll stay far from the oven. Honestly, you burn something once and everyone acts like you’ve been ten years in jail for arson…”
Ruby, Cole and Josie remained at the table while Muriel and Anne entered the kitchen.
“How’s my best student coping with college?”
“You ask that every time I come to visit,” Anne grinned. “And it’s always the same answer. I’m fine, it has been kind to me, it's nothing I can’t handle.”
“Cole told me something happened,” Muriel leaned against the counter. “He said you wanted to ask me about my husband?”
“Oh,” Anne looked up from the bowl she was rinsing, a blush covering her cheeks. “Yeah, I did say that but you know me, I was… upset. You know I tend to be dramatic–”
“If it makes it easier for you, I’d love to tell you about my Jonah, not many people ask me about him, they think I’ll get upset,” Muriel smiled. “It’s been quite some time now and to be honest, talking about him feels different now, the further the memories are, the sweeter they taste.”
Anne wasn’t sure she understood what Muriel was saying, but it encouraged her enough to ask.
“Was it love at first sight? Did you know it’ll be him?”
“Oh no,” She chuckled. “We got along right away, yes, but we didn’t date until our last year in Uni, when all was a bit quieter. Just then we realized that it was always meant to be that way, us together.”
“Did you had partners before him?” Anne went redder. “I’m sorry, is not my business–”
Muriel laughed.
“Anne calm down, I said that you could ask, didn’t I? We’re friends, it’s fine,” She stayed quiet for a moment. “Hmm… well, I only had one official boyfriend before him when I was in highschool, I dated a few kids and never settled– Now, don’t look at me like that!” She laughed, “I was not a heartbreaker, every single sweetheart left with a smile, I think they knew it wasn’t meant to last. I have the feeling that all humans have the ability to know when a person is meant to be with them.”
“I never felt it,” Anne lowered her gaze, “I mean, Roy was the first man I ever dated, he talked about big plans and a future together… but it didn’t matter how much I liked him, how beautiful he was, I never felt the thrill.”
“Sometimes is not thrill what takes over you,” Muriel replied, “sometimes, it’s a subtle tickling on the tip of your fingers, the anticipation that comes a second before you walk into the rain, when you can feel the breeze on your face and… am I making any sense?”
“Yes,” Anne said breathlessly. “Like knowing what’s coming because it’s right in front of you, yet there's something stopping you from having it and remains there, unreachable until you are ready to walk up to it…”
“Exactly,” The woman smiled. “Love is different for everyone, Anne, and most times is not a fairytale, but we make it work when we are with the right person.”
“I suppose you’re right,” She walked up to the fridge. “I’m an adult, I shouldn’t be daydreaming with princes coming to my rescue- especially since I do not need to be saved from anything, my life is great. It’s silly, I'm a grown up now but still have such a childish spirit.”
“It’s okay to dream,” Muriel said reassuringly. “Real life can be magical if you look at the right things, if you pay enough attention.”
“The little things in life?” She looked over her shoulder as she kept handing ingredients to her former teacher.
“Yes, but also no,” The woman frowned, a little smile playing on her lips. “It’s funny, I hadn’t thought about it in a long time...”
“What thing?”
“A month before Jonah and I got together I was having the weirdest déjà vu’s… whenever I was with him it was like watching a scene I had already lived out in a dream, so strange…”
“I read once that when you dream about someone, in a romantic way, that means that person is also thinking about you!” Anne said with excitement. “Maybe he was dreaming about you too!”
“I never asked him,” Muriel shook her head, “what a shame, if he was indeed dreaming of me, that would’ve been such a romantical tale to tell you, I’m sorry I can’t confirm your lovely story.”
“You can’t deny it either,” Anne winked. “That’s enough for me.”
“All this time I thought I’d dreamt about him simply because I was thinking him too much during the day,” Muriel laughed. “It’s so much better to see it through your eyes! I might need to change my version of the story.”
“I had a dream this morning,” Anne giggled. “I was buying Roy a bunch of flowers to tell him to fuck off,” She laughed louder at Muriel’s expression. “Am I allowed to swear in front of you? It feels so weird… anyway, I was buying flowers and the poor man helping me…” She felt a giddy as soon as she remembered him, “he had to deal with my anger while still being completely helpful, if only real people were as patient as he was when I rambled on about my ex and how much of an asshole he was!”
“I hope you gave him a lot of imaginary money for helping you,” Muriel joked.
“Oh, he wouldn’t take it,” Anne rolled her eyes, a silly smile on her face. “That's my childish self, imagining a flourist man- a very handsome flourist man- just giving away his work to me for free, like some sort of selfless hero,” She chuckled. “Well, not so selfless. I remember him asking me to go back and have lunch with him. I mean, I offered the lunch part, but he was the one who asked me to go back…”
“Looks like the mistery man managed to charmed you. I thought the dream was about your ex but it sounds like you were having a jolly time with the flourist!”
“I was,” Anne shook her head. “I have no self-control, even in my dreams I'm incapable of keeping it in my pants.”
“Anne!” Muriel exclaimed over Anne’s cackles. “You’re right, it does feel strange listening to my former student talk like a sailor.”
“A sailor?” Anne asked, still laughing. “More like a pirate! Ahoy, you dirty animals! Hold the anchors! Let’s go south and kill those ravenous monsters while we steal their gold! Captain Shirley doesn’t have time for this buffoonery!”
“Oh Captain, my Captain!” Muriel replied, following the joke. “If you consider it addecuate, we shall start cooking!”
“Oh,” Anne looked down at the untouched ingredients. “Yeah, we should do that.”
“...And then I told her we could still be friends, but I wasn’t looking for anything serious,” Winnie shrugged, finishing her drink.
“Did she cry?”
“She understood, I told her since the start. I wasn’t leading her on or anything, but I guess she’d grown fond of me, she did cry a little, yeah.”
“Winifred Rose, you must be a nightmare back in Paris,” Gilbert snorted.
“Well I’m not lying, am I? I tell them exactly what I want since the start and they agree!”
“Probably just because they’re too distracted by your looks to actually listen to what you’re saying,” He teased.
“Well that’s on them,” Winnie raised her brow. “Now really, I know you said you’ve had zero fun, but c’mon, there’s gotta be someone…”
“You mean like a prospect?” Gilbert took a quick sip of his coke while Winnie nodded. “I told you before, I don’t have any.”
“Why?” She tilted her head. “I didn’t raise you to be like this, Blythe.” The man laughed.
Winnie was a year older than him, when he was a freshman in Highschool she had taken him under her wing, she was popular (and wealthy) so Moody and him had a decent time during their adolescent years. That if you didn’t take into account the time his father got sick and died, which had been the majority of three years.
“You want me to be honest?” He let out a sigh. “I guess that if I tried, I could make time to go out and meet new people, if I were that eager to go out and… Have something.”
“You’re gonna laugh at me.”
“Of course I will, but that doesn’t mean I’ll think less of you!” Winnie saw his distress and her smile faded a little. “I’ve known you long enough to know that you’re not the type to sleep around with strangers. I thought that you would at least try to meet someone and see how it goes, though. Formal relationships are not that hard to find, you know?”
“I know,” Gilbert shook his head. “Every time I consider it, just when I’m this close to ask you or Moody to set me up with someone you think would be a good fit for me, something just stops me. It’s like I’m stuck in one place, waiting around for a girl to pull me out of where I’m drowning.”
“I’m going to ask you something, and I want you to answer honestly,” When Gilbert gave his agreement, she continued. “What's stopping you? Is it that you’re secretely gay, or is it that you actually met someone, and you don’t want to tell us who she is?”
“I’m not gay, Winnie,” Gilbert rubbed his forehead. “I’m being honest, I feel like I’m on pause. I don’t know, maybe I met my soulmate and I fucked up so now the universe is forcing me to turn around and find my way back, or I could be losing my mind,” He joked. “It certainly feels like I am, lately.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing, it’s stupid,” He shrugged, signaling to the waiter so he could bring them the check. “I had this dream two times in a row, or more like I dreamt about this girl two times already…”
“So there is a girl!”
“No! Not really— She’s not… I think I’ve seen her before,” Gilbert frowned, struggling to remember something besides her striking red hair. “Maybe on tv? She might be a minor celebrity… I’m so sure I’ve seen her somewhere in real life, there’s no way I’m dreaming about her with such clarity…”
“Gilbert you’re not making any sense," Winnie raised a brow. “If I’m honest, it does sound like you’re losing your mind.”
Gilbert gave up on trying to explain, he didn’t know what he was trying to say anyway, so what was the point? He hung his head low and kept on rubbing the weariness out of his temples. He felt like crying but didn’t know why; the more he thought about this girl, the more the void got bigger and bigger, like having some kind of treasure handed to him only to watch it disappear just as quickly.
“How about,” Winnie started, “I’ll stop nagging about finding you a date until New Year’s Eve. It’s the Orchard’s anniversary, right?”
“Yeah, the fiftieth,” He said. “Why is it important?”
“I’d like you to have someone on your side by then, the anniversary's on January, I know, but your father would’ve wanted you to build a life outside school and work, if you let me find you a nice girl…”
Gilbert frowned, it wasn’t that easy, and it was low to bring up his father so casually when he was well aware that he hadn’t done the one thing his father had asked him before dying, which was to live a life full of love and adventures. He knew this, but he couldn’t stop now… could he?
Or was he stopping himself because he was, as Bash had kindly put it, crushing on a fantasy? Some sort of dream-mermaid lurking in the back of his mind, ready to eat him up and finish him when least expect it…
“I’ll think about it,” He mumbled awkwardly.
@ninizkd @http-itsrebecca @fuckthisshitimoutyall @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​​ @little-boats-on-a-lake @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual
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suttttton · 4 years
The Mage of the Castle and the Mage of the Cavern
Written for Febuwhump, Day 3: Imprisonment
The guards come for Jon while he’s sleeping, and it’s only when he is gagged and bound and slung over one of their shoulders, being carried down an endless staircase, that he starts to stir. Even then, awareness comes to him slowly, his mind sluggish. It won’t occur to him until much later that he has been drugged.
Still, Jon does eventually realize what’s happening. He fights against his captor’s grip, but the man’s arms are strong and unyielding. Good thing, too—Jon realizes belatedly that breaking his captor’s hold on him would only lead to a bad fall and bruises for him.
“He’s awake,” the man carrying him grunts.
“Stay sharp,” a second voice answers. Jon looks up, and there is a second guard walking behind them. The staircase is dimly lit, but Jon can just make out Jonah’s crest prominently displayed on her uniform.
Jon tries to ask her what’s happening, where they’re taking him and why. But his words are hopelessly muffled by the gag in his mouth.
The woman’s mouth crooks into a smile. “Told you the gag was a good idea.”
The man shifts Jon on his shoulder. “I still think we should have followed our orders exactly.”
Orders? What orders? From who? These guards are wearing Jonah’s crest, but surely their ‘orders’ didn’t come from him. They must be traitors, then, or, or spies. Taking him hostage, to be held for ransom.
(Or tortured. Or killed. Jonah has plenty of enemies who might want to enact vengeance by harming his beloved.)
Jon doesn’t let himself think of that. Instead, he focuses on taking in as many details as he can. It’s not an encouraging sign that the guards chose not to hide their faces, but Jon resolves to make them regret that fact. He’ll escape this, make it back to Jonah.
(How did they get him out of Jonah’s private rooms? How did they get past Jonah’s wards? Is Jonah alright, is he safe?)
It doesn’t matter. Jon has to believe that Jonah is fine. There’s no point in keeping Jon, otherwise. Unless—No. Jon refuses to waste his energy on idle fantasies. He watches the guards. He watches the stone walls, twisting down deeper and deeper into the ground. He counts their steps, and when he loses count he counts the torch sconces on the walls. When he loses count of those, he pays attention to the quality of the stone, which is getting less and less impressive as they go deeper.
They reach a door, and the guard holding Jon lets go with one arm to open it. The door is bolted shut with a beam of heavy iron, and the second guard has to help him lift it. Dread pools in Jon’s stomach as they carry him into the room.
It’s a vast cavern, dimly lit, although not by any natural means. It’s largely empty, nothing but a stone floor and blank stone walls. At the center of the room is a massive rock, with two iron shackles connected to it by long chains.
Jon fights the guards as they attach the chains—his pride will allow nothing else—but he knows it’s fruitless. Either of the guards could handle him on their own, and there are two of them. They untie his hands, and the woman holds him down easily as the other places the shackles on his wrists.
Only when he’s so restrained do they untie his feet, allowing him to stand. And then… They leave him there, chained to the rock. The door closes behind them, and he hears the iron bar swing down with a loud thunk.
He’s alone. Still gagged, more trapped than he was before. His breath begins to come faster as he starts to panic. He doesn’t know why he’s here, he doesn’t know what to do, he—
No. Panicking is not going to help. He has to hold on to his composure, no matter how difficult it is. He takes a deep breath. Another. His breathing is still shaky, but it’s better.
He sits down for a little while, thinks. Takes everything he knows about what is happening, and arranges them, negatives and positives.
Negatives: There is most likely nothing he can do for himself in this situation, chained and trapped as he is. He is hidden far underground, in a prison that is likely shielded from magic. He is entirely at the mercy of the traitorous guards that brought him here, as well as whichever party gave them their orders.
Positives: Jonah will look for him, if he hasn’t started already, and he won’t stop until he’s found him. If Jon can stay calm until that happens, he’s in a perfect position to obtain information about Jonah’s enemies. And… Maybe his captors made a mistake in chaining him to the stone.
The chains are heavy, but if Jon can break them, he will have a decent weapon to attack the next person that opens the door. They’ll have to come back, if only to give him food. And when they do, Jon can swing his chains at them and escape.
Jon examines every inch of the chains, but they are solid. Even the place where they are driven into the stone is magically fused. There is no way to break them.
Jon sits down again.
(Jonah will come for him.)
It’s two days later, as far as Jon can tell. Jon lays on the cold floor, too exhausted to even shiver anymore. He’s thirsty, and hungry, and it seems increasingly likely that he’s been left to die in here.
The door opens, and Jon’s eyes snap towards it. He sits up, heart pounding with something between hope and fear.
And then he sees who has entered his prison, and Jon forces himself to his feet, feeling the most acute relief he’s ever had. It’s Jonah, of course it is, Jonah.
Jonah approaches him, and as soon as he’s close enough, Jon throws his arms around him, careful not to hit him with the chains. He buries his face in Jonah’s shoulder, torn between laughing and crying. He’s so happy, so relieved. (He’d been so scared.)
Jonah’s hands go to Jon’s hair, softly carding through it. Jon melts with it, letting himself relax. He can’t wait to go home, for this nightmare to finally be over.
Jonah pulls away, unties and removes the gag. “There now,” he says, tracing his thumb softly over Jon’s cheek. “I did ask them not to gag you.”
“Jonah, I—” Jon stops, his heart stuttering as he realizes what Jonah just said. “What?” his voice sounds faint.
“I was hoping to avoid this, to be honest. I wanted you to Ask them, for them to explain all this to you.” His hand slides down to Jon’s wrist, over the shackle there. “I really hate seeing you like this. But I couldn’t leave you down here without an explanation.”
Jon can’t—think, his heart is too loud, his breath is too loud. He can hardly hear himself say, “What are you talking about? Jonah, I haven’t done anything!”
Jonah looks fond. “Dear Jonathan. Of course you haven’t. This isn’t about you at all.”
“Then—then—” What’s happening? Why is Jonah doing this?
“Ask me,” Jonah says.
“Jonah, no, I—” Jon doesn’t compel Jonah. He doesn’t. He loves Jonah, he trusts him, there’s no need—
“I want you to know that I am telling you the truth,” Jonah says. His voice is gentle.
Jon swallows. When he speaks, his voice is shaky. “Why are you doing this?”
Jonah closes his eyes, feeling the compulsion wash over him. He inhales, breathing it in deeply. He opens his eyes again, looking straight at Jon and they are still fond, but there is something—cold, in them. Something that sends a spike of fear through Jon’s stomach, that causes his chest to tighten.
“I find myself in a precarious position, Jon,” Jonah begins. “I have many enemies, and few resources to prevent those enemies from encroaching on the few holdings I possess. Given my disinheritance, I also don’t have any bonds of family loyalty to rely on in case one of my enemies gets greedy.
“I need power. Not the kind that comes from a massive army, because I simply don’t have enough subjects to throw into military service. I need the kind of power that an individual can possess. The kind of power that can only come from magic.”
They’ve discussed this before. How to consolidate power through magical means. It’s been the center of their studies since they’ve known each other, but—
“I know you’re confused,” Jonah says. “I’ve been working on a theory, recently, based on our studies of various kinds of emotional magic.”
Jon remembers those studies, but they didn’t yield anything conclusive. Emotional magic in general is more powerful than non-emotional magic, but as far as they could tell, no particular emotion was stronger than the others. And all forms were much harder to control.
“There’s something you don’t know,” Jonah says. “Since we began that research, I’ve been running my own experiments. I had this room constructed in secret, and I confirmed what I already suspected to be true—fear is by far the strongest emotion with which to cast magic. The tradeoff, however, as I’m sure you already guessed, is wild unpredictability. So, I began a new experiment: Is it possible to cast magic fueled by the emotions of another?”
Some kind of despair rises in Jon’s throat as he begins to see where Jonah is going. But he refuses to believe it. Jonah can’t—Jonah wouldn’t—
“The experiments were a success, with a single caveat: the strength of the magic I could cast with another’s fear directly correlated to the strength of the magic they could cast themself. I could become the most powerful mage of our age by far, but I would need another strong mage to act as a sort of... battery. And, well—” Jonah looks around the room, then back at Jon. “Here we are.”
“Jonah, that—What? You can’t be serious.”
“I am serious,” Jonah says. “This room is charmed, to keep you alive, no matter what. You won’t die for lack of food, or water. Any wounds you sustain will heal quickly. And age won’t be able to touch you. In spite of that, however, I’m afraid this will be a rather unpleasant experience for you. In order to be an effective battery, you must spend most of your time afraid. You’ll be alone, for the rest of your life, trapped here with nothing and no one to save you.”
Jon swallows, a hard lump forming in his throat. “You’re just—you’re just leaving me here? How—” How could you? He wants to ask, but that sounds horribly naive, now. He doesn’t know if he should laugh, or cry, or scream. He’s split between heartbreak and fear, and he can’t—
Jonah looks at him for a long moment as Jon tries to think of anything to say, and then he turns away. “Goodbye, Jon,” he says. And then he starts back toward the door. Leaving Jon—here.
“Jonah,” Jon says, starting after him, his voice breaking. “Jonah, don’t—Please, please Jonah, don’t leave me here, don’t—”
The chains clank, reaching their limit, and Jon strains against them. Jonah is leaving, and he can’t, he, he, he—
Jonah turns back, and something like hope stutters in Jon’s chest. His arms are pulled back behind him by the chains, his chest heaving with his too-fast breaths, desperate fallen tears wetting his cheeks. Jonah comes back to him, cards a hand through Jon’s hair. He places his hand against the back of Jon’s head, one finger scratching at his hairline. Then he leans forward, pressing his forehead to Jon’s.
“I will miss you,” he says, and then he lets go.
“Jonah,” Jon says, but Jonah doesn’t react in the slightest. “Jonah, don’t do this,” Jon tries again. Jonah reaches the door, and something in Jon breaks. “No, no, no, no, Jonah, please, please Jonah, no—”
Jonah opens the door, and Jon is screaming now. “Jonah, please—”
The door swings closed, and Jonah is gone.
Jon is locked in.
It’s silent now, except for Jon, whose stuttering breaths sound very, very loud. They’re coming too fast, and he knows that, but what does it even matter?
Jon falls to his knees, his entire body trembling. His arms ache where they’re pulled so harshly behind him, but that doesn’t matter either, does it?
Jon is alone. No one is coming to save him.
Jon lets himself panic.
It’s intolerable, being trapped all alone in the dark. It’s intolerable, but after the first few days, after the thirst and hunger and aching cold and heartbreak all fade, it becomes a numb kind of intolerable. Jon lays on the floor, staring at nothing, drifting in and out of sleep.
It’s peaceful, in its own way. He thinks this might be what death is like, and he finds a bit of solace in the thought.
Then Jonah starts sending him visitors.
The first time the door opens, Jon’s heart surges with a manic sort of joy. Perhaps Jonah’s had a change of heart, perhaps he’s being rescued from this prison.
But the man who comes through the door is not Jonah. And he is not here to rescue Jon.
The visitors are all different, but they all hurt him. Slowly delivered cuts and deep, painful burns, and bruises upon bruises upon bruises.
His wounds heal quickly, but the fear remains. His dreams are unpleasant, his waking hours no better. He watches the door, constantly fearful of the next moment it will open, bringing some fresh pain with it.
No one comes to save him.
The visitors stop, and Jon doesn’t get an explanation. They have stopped, Jon is sure about that. For a long time, he thought Jonah was just letting him fester for a little while. Giving him a break from the pain while Jonah himself rested between battles, between campaigns.
But it’s been months now. Years, maybe. And no one has come.
He isn’t less afraid. He keeps wondering if Jonah has something worse than the visitors planned, something that Jon can’t even imagine. Even that is better than wondering if Jonah has just forgotten about him.
The thought brings him to tears, and Jon hates himself for it. Hates himself for missing Jonah, hates himself for how often he fantasizes about curling up beside him in the early morning, Jonah’s fingers combing through his hair, their bed soft and warm.
It’s so cold in the cavern.
One day, one of Jon’s chains breaks. One of the links just… crumbles to dust, leaving him with a heavy shackle connected to a rusty chain that isn’t attached to anything.
The other chain breaks not long after that. It doesn’t matter. The door is still bolted shut. Thunk. Jon tries it, just to be sure, and he works himself into a panic attack trying to force his way through the door. He didn’t think he had any panic left in him.
Still, it’s… better, sort of, being able wander the cavern at will. He wonders idly if Jonah will send someone to fix the chains. He remembers his plan, from so long ago, and practices swinging the chains around, trying to make them as lethal of weapons as possible.
He can only practice for a short time before he needs to rest, but it’s nice to be doing something. It’s nice to have a plan.
Then he swings the chain badly, carelessly. It hits his knee hard, and he falls to the floor, seized with fresh, sharp pain. Broken. It heals quickly, of course, but he’s still lying there for hours (days?) waiting for the agony to end.
He gives up practicing. It’s obvious by now that no one is coming.
A few weeks (months? years?) later, the iron has degraded enough Jon is able to pull most of the chain away from his shackles, leaving behind just a few useless links. It’s better, marginally, than dragging the long chains behind him.
He continues to be alone for a long, long time.
No one comes.
Jon opens his eyes a crack, but the cavern is still just empty. The door is closed. Just his imagination, then. A dream, got too loud. He closes his eyes again, tries to get back to sleep.
The voices get louder, and now Jon can hear footsteps. Outside the door, getting closer.
His heart rate picks up, and he presses himself closer against the cold stone behind him. His hand drifts toward his chain, but by this point it’s so degraded that it won’t make much of a weapon.
If it’s a visitor, they’d probably enjoy watching him try to defend himself. It isn’t good, when they enjoy themselves.
But if it’s Jonah—
Jon dismisses the thought. It won’t be Jonah.
They’re more than one, judging by the noises outside. Grunting, straining. Struggling with the bolt on the door.
There’ve never been multiple visitors before. Jon swallows, shrinking into himself in fear. He should have known that this was only a break, that Jonah would eventually bring him more pain, worse pain.
The door swings open, and there are three that step through. He doesn’t recognize any of them, although they all look like people. Once, Jon would have taken comfort in that.
It takes a little while for them to spot Jon, hidden as he is in the shadow of the stone. They’re clearly impressed by the vastness of the cavern, talking excitedly to each other. One of them has a notepad that she is scribbling furiously onto.
The shortest one spots him first, followed by the one with a sword at his hip. They both nudge the notepad one, and then three pairs of eyes are trained directly on him. They look like he’s doing something wrong, by being here, and he shrinks deeper into himself, wrapping his arms tightly around his ribs.
All three of them move forward, and Jon lets out a sharp gasp of fear. He can’t do this, not again, he can’t take it.
They stop, and the shorter one murmurs something to the other two. Then he approaches, alone.
He crouches down a few paces from Jon, well out of arms’ reach. It’s meant to put Jon more at ease, but Jon knows that distance isn’t necessarily protection from the kinds of things that visit him. “Hello,” he says, his voice soft.
Jon doesn’t respond, just keeps watching him closely while also keeping an eye on his friends. When they decide to attack, it will not come as a surprise to him.
“I’m Martin,” he says. “What’s your name?”
Ah, so they’re that kind. The kind whose torment comes from names and identity, confusion. Jon isn’t going to make their game easier for them.
“Okay,” Martin says, if if Jon had actually given him an answer. “That’s Tim and Sasha,” he gestured to the other two, who both smiled when he looked over. “Um, we’re researchers?” Martin continued. “Well, Sasha is, anyway. We’re studying the ruins here, comparing the surviving architectural details to the extant descriptions of various homes that belonged to the Lukas estate. And uh—” he laughs, but not with humor. It’s higher-pitched, almost manic. “We really weren’t expect to find any living things, other than mice, so you’ve given us a bit of a shock.”
Jon just stares at him. What is he talking about? Researchers? Are they trying to get his guard down by—by confusing him?
“We don’t want to hurt you,” Martin says, raising his hands.
Jon can’t help it; he laughs at that. Do they really think he’s that stupid?
A complicated expression passes across Martin’s face. “Well, it’s at least good to know that you understand what I’m saying,” he mutters. He looks away, drums his fingers on his wrist a few times. Then he looks back at Jon. “It’s fine if you don’t trust us, but—can you at least tell us how you got here? Just, if there’s a group of, of bandits or something that hang around here, we’d rather be prepared for it.”
Jon narrows his eyes, looking from Martin to Tim and Sasha. What is the point of these questions? They know why he’s down here. They wouldn’t be here, otherwise.
“Right,” Martin sighs at his silence. “Listen, are you okay to walk? I mean, it’s a lot of stairs back to the surface, and I don’t want you to exhaust yourself, but—”
“To the surface?” Jon interrupts. His voice is rough from disuse, and he hardly recognizes it. “You, what—You’re taking me out?”
Martin nods. “I mean, not—Unless you’d rather stay here? We’re not kidnapping you or anything, but—”
Jon tunes him out, can’t listen anymore over the sudden buzzing in his ears. Jon—Jon doesn’t know what to do. What is this? A trap, or a test, or—
“Where is Jonah?” Jon demands, compulsion flowing from his mouth without him thinking about it, without meaning to. He didn’t know he even could, anymore.
But Martin is just blinking at him. “I don’t know. I don’t know who that is.”
Jon’s mouth is dry. “Who sent you here?”
“No one. I told you, we’re researchers. We came of our own accord, and found this cavern on accident.”
Jon’s heart is pounding, loud, loud, loud. “I don’t—Who is Lord of this castle?” Martin had said Lukas’ name earlier, hadn’t he? Was he the current Lord?
“No one,” Martin says. “The castle’s been abandoned for thirteen hundred years, at least. It’s not really even a castle anymore, just ruins.”
Jon stares at him, swaying slightly, feeling as if the entire floor has been pulled out from under him. Thirteen hundred years. He opens his mouth, closes it. What else is there to even ask?
Jon lets out a sharp laugh, then claps a hand over his mouth before it can turn to a sob. He muffles a harsh whimpering noise, then takes a deep breath, collecting himself. He feels fragile. He feels numb.
He pulls himself to his feet, and starts walking toward the door, chains still jingling around his wrists.
“Alright then,” he hears Martin mutter, getting up and following after him.
Tim and Sasha don’t stop him as he passes by them, although he does hear Martin stop and exchange a few words with them. Then he hears three sets of footsteps, following him.
Getting up the stairs is an ordeal. There are a lot of them, and he doesn’t have the stamina to get up more than ten at a time. At one point, Martin offers to carry him, but Jon doesn’t dignify that offer with more than a glare.
Eventually, they make it all the way up the stairs, and Jon sees—the place that once was his home. Except it’s different now. The tapestries are all gone, along with some of the walls. The soft, luxurious rugs have been replaced by creeping moss and weeds.
He finds the stairs, and begins the painstaking journey to the second level. The three start to follow him, but he stops them with a glare. “Please,” he says, and to their credit, they stay behind.
He goes to the bedroom, what’s left of it, where he would lay for hours, safe in Jonah’s arms. (Where Jonah betrayed him.) The bed is gone, of course, and tree branches creep in through the window where he once sat watching the sunset.
He lays down in the spot where the bed once was. Thirteen hundred years. Thirteen hundred years, plus however long before that he was already imprisoned. Thirteen hundred years, all alone, and Jon didn’t even know it.
Jon curls his arms around himself, arms that haven’t been near enough comfort for centuries now. He doesn’t want to see Jonah again, except for how he so desperately does. He wants warmth, comfort, safety. He wants his home back. He wants for none of this to have ever happened.
He lets himself cry, and for the first time in such a long time, it’s a choice that actually matters.
He wakes up, and it’s dark. Not the dim-dark of the cavern, but a new kind of dark. A moonlit darkness. He looks out the window, and through the canopy of trees overhead, he can see stars.
He’s forgotten about stars.
He heads back downstairs, and to his surprise, the three are still waiting for him. They’re seated on the floor, a lantern lit between them. Tim and Martin are talking in a low voice, heads dipped together. Sasha is laying on her belly, scribbling on her notepad.
The conversation stops when he enters the room, the four of them all just staring at each other.
Jon feels awkward, all of a sudden. It’s been so long since he’s had to talk to people. He doesn’t know what to say, where to begin.
But Martin saves him from that. He smiles at him, says, “Hey.”
“Hello,” Jon says, trying a small smile of his own.
Tim stretches, yawning massively. “Right, well now that we’ve got this one, how about heading back to the hotel?”
“Sounds great,” Sasha says, flipping her notebook shut.
“Uh,” Martin looks at Jon. “How do you feel about that? Are you okay with leaving?”
“Not permanently,” Tim says. “Just to sleep somewhere where there are actual beds.”
“Yes, that sounds—fine,” Jon says.
They lead him outside, and he shivers in the cold nighttime air. He’s well-used to the cold by now, but Martin notices.
“Here,” he says, holding out the soft blue cloak he’s been wearing around his shoulders. “I don’t want you to be cold.”
Jon takes it, a little hesitantly, and wraps it around his shoulders. It’s warm, and more than that, it’s soft. Jon wants to sink into the feeling, revel in it forever. But they’re still moving, so he keeps following.
Jon expects that they will have horses, and is a bit shocked to see their ‘car.’ He swallows his questions about it, taking a seat beside Martin. He can’t stop himself from flinching when the engine roars to life, but after that it’s—nice. It’s warm, inside the car, and he leans against the window, bunching up Martin’s cloak to use as a pillow.
He drifts off, warm and safe and surrounded people who will eventually become a new home.
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5sos-seavey · 4 years
Bothered - Jack Avery
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Jack Avery Imagine
Warning(s): some swearing
Word Count: 4741
Summary: The boys try to set you up, but it only infuriates Jack. The boys know this and are tired of him not doing anything about it.
Tags: @kvd963, @baby-bearie, @0totally-tubular0, @katie-avery, @snarkystarkey, @jonahmaraisstuff, @maybe-maybanks, @caswinchester2000​, @kaceyjost​
A/N:  it took a while to get to the good stuff but I’m really proud of this one and I’m lowkey glad it took me a year to finally write it lmao ALSO we’re gonna pretend covid isn’t a thing for this
You had met the Why Don’t We boys through your best friend Ashley, Corbyn’s sister, the two of you had been friends since the Besson’s moved in across the street when you, Ashley and Corbyn were little kids. When the three of you were older Corbyn started hanging out with you and Ashley more, the three of you became inseparable. So when Corbyn and the boys became a band, you were so happy for him and were there every step of the way, as long as Ashley was also there.
When the boys went on their Something Different Tour, Corbyn asked Ashley and you to come along since Jack’s sister, Ava, and Daniel’s sister, Anna, were also coming; Corbyn always saw you as his second sister, so naturally the two of you went along. You were both really excited, of course you had met the rest of the boys and their siblings before but spending the entire summer all together was going to be really fun. Ever since that tour, you, Ashley, Ava and Anna were closer than ever, and would join the boys on tour whenever you could. It would also be important to note that ever since that first tour you joined the boys on, you had a crush on Jack, and it only grew as the years went on and the closer you got with him, and the other boys.
Through the years, you’d been able to keep your crush a secret aside from telling Ashley and Anna. You didn’t want to tell Ava, but after a couple years she ended up finding out from Ashley and Anna slipping up when the four of you were hanging out, “oh my god! You like Jack?!” You obviously couldn’t deny or keep it from her any longer, “yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you…are you mad?” “No! Oh my gosh! I mean like don’t tell me the detailed things you like about him,” she laughed, “but I’m sorry you felt like you had to keep it from me!” You sighed in relief, “I’m so glad, it’s been hard keeping this from you for so long. I obviously know nothing could happen because he’s with Gabbie now but, I don’t know sometimes it’s just hard being friends with him but,” you trailed off. The three girls came and hugged you and spent the rest of the night watching movies like you planned.
Just a few months after that happened Jack told you all that him and Gabbie were having a baby. To say that destroyed you was an understatement, but what could you do. You hugged Jack, “I’m so happy and excited for you boy,” the nickname you had for him. He hugged you back, “thank you sweet,” his nickname for you, “I appreciate that so much. I was honestly so scared to tell everyone.” “Just as long as you’re happy and this is what you want,” you pulled away from him and smiled. “Yes Y/N, I’m really happy, and it makes me even happier that the guys and you girls are happy and excited for me too, thank you so much, I love you sweet,” he kissed the top of your head. “Love you too boy,” you gave him another quick hug as Anna approached. “Jack, I’m so happy for you,” she hugged him. “Thanks Anna. I’m going to the other room, you guys coming?” Anna spoke before you could, “yeah sure, we’ll be there in a sec.” Jack nodded and walked away. Anna turned to you looking concerned, “are you okay?” “I mean what can I do?” Anna hugged you and then Ashley and Ava made their way over to the two of you. Before you could keep being sad you turned to Ava with a happy expression, “this is so exciting! You’re gonna be an aunt!” “I know! I’m so excited for Jack. But I’m also worried for you, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” You hugged Ava, “thank you girl, I appreciate it,” you pulled away and continued, “I’m really excited for him, I know he’s always wanted to be a dad, I love that all his dreams are coming true at the same time.” Ashley chimed in, “but how are you?” “There’s nothing I can do, I think I’m just gonna mirror his emotions, if he’s excited, I’m excited, that’s all I can do; be supportive and be happy for him I guess.” Ashley smiled sympathetically at you and pulled you into a hug. You hugged her right back and tried not to cry. You know that you never dated Jack and that he had no idea of your feelings, but you’ve had these growing feelings for the last two years, you love him, and there isn’t anything you could do.
The months went on as the boys did promo for their debut album and upcoming tour, you were so proud of Corbyn and the rest of the boys, this is what they’ve been striving for since their first EP and everything was finally happening for them.
During the 8 Letters Tour, you couldn’t join them because of school, and honestly you didn’t really want to. It was getting closer to Gabbie’s due date and you didn’t think you could handle being with the boys while Jack was always facetiming her and talking about the baby. You were obviously still so excited for the two of them and their families, but you couldn’t put yourself through that. Corbyn had noticed your distance from the boys and questioned you about it, and you, not ever being able to lie to Corbyn, ended up telling him everything, from the beginning to where you were at now. “I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell me, you can tell me anything, always, even if you think it could make me uncomfortable. I’m always here for you no matter what,” he had said to you while holding onto you tightly. You started tearing up a little, “thanks Corbyn, love you. So that’s why I don’t wanna come on tour with you guys this year, especially tour after she’s had the baby and it’s all anyone talks about. I don’t want it to seem like I’m being rude, but I just can’t do it.” Corbyn, still holding you, kissed the top of your head, “you don’t have to apologize Y/N, I understand, and don’t worry, I won’t tell the boys, your secret is safe with me.” You held onto him tighter, “I love you Corbyn, I don’t know what I’d do without you and Ashley.”
The birth was hard for you, but those emotions were quickly pushed aside when you got to see Lavender for the first time. She was definitely the cutest little baby you’d ever seen. You expressed your love and excitement to both Jack and Gabbie, “oh my god guys she’s incredible, I’m so happy for you,” you hugged the two of them. “Thanks Y/N, that really means a lot,” Gabbie said to you smiling while she looked at her baby. Jack pulled you into a hug again, “sweet, thank you so much for supporting us through all of this, it really means the world.” You were released from the hug and smiled at him, “of course boy, this is gonna be such an exciting journey for the three of you.”
When Jack and Gabbie broke up, you wouldn’t say you were happy, you were obviously sad for him because you know they tried hard to make it work, especially for Lav, but in the end it just didn’t work out. He leaned on the boys, his sisters, and you a lot. He found it harder to lean on the boys’ sisters because they were close with Gabbie and her sister, but you were also closer to the boys and their sisters since you weren’t actually family. He found it easier as the months went on and the more distracted he was by being with you and the boys so much. You found yourself hanging out with Jack a lot more than you used to, sure you were closest with him after Corbyn, but you hadn’t ever really been able to spend that much time together because they were either in the studio, on tour or he was with Gabbie or his family. It was definitely a change, but you certainly were not mad at it, you loved spending time with him.
Jack’s POV
“Dude did Y/N just leave,” Corbyn asked. “Yeah, why?” “Wow she didn’t even say bye to her best friend.” “What do you mean she just said bye to me?” “Ha. Ha. Very funny Jack, I’m her best friend here, you can be number two, but I’m number one,” Corbyn laughed, I knew he was joking. I laughed with him, “yeah yeah, I know, no need to rub it in.” He looked at me blankly for a second, so I gave him a questioning look. “How’s everything going man?” I tilted my head, still confused, “what do you mean?” “Just life, stuff in general, how’s everything?” I was still confused but answered him anyways, “It’s fine, same as usual, why?” “Just wondering. When are you seeing Lav?” “This weekend, we can all hang out one day so you guys can see her too. I know you’ve all also missed her.” “Yeah man thanks! That’d be great, I miss the little peanut,” he paused for a few seconds before he continued, “is Y/N gonna come too?” “Sure yeah, I can text her, or you can if you want.” “That’s fine, you can ask her man.” I was confused a little again, “okay…am I missing something here?” “What do you mean?” “I don’t know, you’re being kinda weird man,” I laughed awkwardly. “I was just seeing what you wanted to do when we all see you and Lav, nothing weird.” I side glanced quickly before looking back at him, “okay man, whatever you say.” He smiled at me and then he walked away back to his room.
The next day was just as weird, but this time it wasn’t just Corbyn, it was Daniel, honestly it was all of the boys. So when we were in the kitchen, I said something to them, “okay guys what gives?! Why are acting all strange, yesterday it was Corbyn and now it’s all of you! What’s going on?” The boys all looked at each other before Zach spoke up, “do you have something you wanna tell us?” I looked at them very confused, “huh? What the hell do you mean?” This time Jonah started to talk, “I don’t know, maybe about girls, or one girl.” I was even more confused than before, but Jonah kept talking, “you know it’s okay to feel how you feel, it’s been a while since you and Gabbie broke up.” Correction, now I was more confused than before, “guys I’m honestly so lost, what the hell are you talking about?” Corbyn’s turn to talk, “bro I wouldn’t be mad at you, it’s not a problem at all that you like Y/N, you don’t have to hide it from any of us.” “Woah what? Yeah sure, I like Y/N as a friend, but honestly Corb, it’s nothing more than that,” I couldn’t believe what was going on, “sure we spend a lot of time together now but that’s just because we’ve gotten a lot closer and we have a good time together.” “Jack,” Daniel started, “you don’t have to deny your feelings man, we all just want the best for you.” Jonah started talking again, “alright bro, maybe you don’t realize it yet, but we all can see it, you obviously like Y/N, but if you need some time to see it now that we’ve pointed it out, that’s fine.” Then they all walked out of the kitchen.
Corbyn was the last to leave and he grabbed my shoulder and said, “I’m serious about what I said man, I love Y/N, she’s basically my sister, but you’re also my brother, and I just want you to be happy, however that may be,” and with that he walked out of the room leaving me with my thoughts.
I had never thought about Y/N and I like that. Sure, we hang out a lot and have a good time together, but I had genuinely never thought about that, I didn’t think I could for a while after Gabbie. But I guess thinking about it, and after the boys talking to me, I can kinda see where they’re coming from, and I think they might be right.
Corbyn’s POV
“Do you think he’s gonna realize it now,” Daniel asked. “Man I hope so, or else Y/N is gonna be devastated,” I said to the boys. “Wait what,” Daniel said. “Shit. I didn’t mean to say that, it was supposed to be a secret.” Jonah spoke up excitedly, “wait hold on Y/N likes Jack too?!” Zach piped up now, “bro that’s so good! We have to tell Jack! They could be together!” “No,” I said loudly, “we can’t tell Jack, I didn’t even mean to tell you guys. It’s just me, Ash, Ava and Anna that know.” “Hold on Anna knows? And she didn’t tell me? Damn what a sister.” “I know you’re joking, but Y/N didn’t want anyone to know, she had only told Ashley at first and then Anna, it took her a while to even tell Ava, and then even longer to tell me. She had only told me just as the 8 Letters Tour was about to kickoff. She’s felt this way for like three years.” Daniel spoke again, “damn, I hate that she had to go through all of that then, ya know, all the Jack and Gabbie stuff.” “Tell me about it, I’m glad that she had finally told me, but I hate that she felt like she couldn’t, but at least she had the girls.”
Zach spoke up, “I have an idea.” “That’s never good,” Daniel laughed. Zach rolled his eyes but continued, “what if we make Jack jealous. We pretend to set Y/N up on a date, and, hopefully, Jack tries to stop even the idea of it and ends up telling her sooner than later.” “You know what Zach,” Jonah said, “you might be onto something.” I interrupted, “we just can’t tell her it’s a plan, we have to make it seem like we’re actually setting her up with someone, I don’t want her to know that I told you guys.” “Yeah, that’s fine man, we’ll make it seem real, and when it works out, we’ll tell both of them,” Jonah said. “Hopefully it works,” I said and continued, “he has Lav this weekend and said we can all hang, including Y/N, we should do it then.” All the boys spoke at once, “sounds good,” “I’m in,” “hell yeah.”
Your POV
The day you saw Jack last was Wednesday, and then Thursday afternoon he had called me to come over on Saturday because he had Lav for the weekend and he and the boys would be hanging, and he wanted me to join. You loved how great of a dad he is, it honestly makes me love him more, but you can’t let that get in the way of our friendship and his relationship with his daughter, you know that he’s been working really hard on it since he doesn’t see her everyday like he used to. You loved seeing him in his element, and you love Lavender and missed her just as much as the other boys had, so now you’re on your way to their house to see them all.
When you got there and knocked on the door, Corbyn answered almost immediately and hugged you, “my girl! I missed you kiddo!” you laughed, “you know that I’m closer in age to you than Ashley is right?” “You’re still kiddo, kiddo,” he said, laughing now too, letting you out of the hug and bringing you into the house. “Where’s Lavender?” He nodded his head to follow him further into the house and to the living room where all the boys were. “Y/N,” Jack said excitedly when you walked in with Corbyn. “Hey boy. How’s the little girl?” “Better now that one of her favourite people is here,” he said handing her to you as you sat down. She wrapped her little arms around your neck, you hadn’t realized how much you missed her until now.
“Hey girlie,” you said and kissed her cheeks, which made her laugh. When she let go, she started to grab for Jack, so he took her and smothered her face with quick kisses which kept her laughing. It was one of your favourite things, seeing Jack with his daughter, he was meant to be a dad. Of course, he was meant to make music too, but this, this was something even more amazing, you thought. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Y/N,” Jonah asked you. You shook your head getting yourself out of your thoughts, “huh? Oh nothing.” Jonah looked at you like you were guilty, but you just didn’t pay any mind to it.
It was after dinner when you had arrived, which meant Lav wasn’t going to be up much longer. You and the boys had planned to watch some movies and just hang out since the six of you hadn’t done that in a while. When Jack went to go put Lav down in his room he stopped at the living room entrance, “actually Y/N? Can you put her down while I warm her bottle?” “Oh uh, sure. I can warm the bottle though instead?” “No, no, it’s fine. She’ll be good, I’ll be up in a sec to actually get her to sleep.” You got up from the couch as the rest of the boys had just stared. Were you missing something? Jack gave you Lavender and he went to the kitchen. Before you walked upstairs though, you turned to the rest of the boys, “you guys are weird,” and you turned and walked away. When you got halfway up the staircase you heard the boys whispering but decided to not think much of it.
When you got up to Jack’s room, you didn’t want to put Lav down until Jack was there since he was getting her bottle. Instead you just bounced her around while walking around his room. Lavender wasn’t being fussy, she had her head on your shoulder and you could feel her breathing get heavy, but that’s right when Jack walked in, which make Lavender wake up more than she was. She lifted her head off your shoulder to see who was there and then put it right back where it was before Jack walked in. “Do you want her now? I can go downstairs.” He just shook his head, “no she’s good with you. Here.” He handed you Lavender’s bottle while you continued to hold her, “you can put her down in her bed, she’s good on her own once she has the bottle.”  You looked at him and nodded, put her down in her bed and she reached for her bottle which made you laugh.
Jack’s POV
Dammit. Those damn boys. I was doing fine. Y/N and I are friends. Ever since Wednesday, I can’t get what the boys said out of my head. I knew for sure that when I saw Y/N today I’d know for sure what my feelings were. And well. They were right. Not only seeing her when she walked into the living room, but especially when she was holding Lav. There was no way I could deny it now, especially to the boys. I don’t think I could tell Y/N. I don’t think I could ever risk our friendship by telling her. And what are the odds she even likes me, or would even want to be with me? I’m a dad, and a young one at that. But the way she is with Lavender. She knows how much Lav means to me. The way Lavender seems so comfortable with her too. She was falling asleep so easily in Y/N’s arms. Seeing good Y/N is with her too. No. I can’t convince myself of something when it isn’t even true.
“Jack?” Shit. How long was I out of it? “You okay to go back down with the boys,” she asked whispering. “Oh, uh, yeah. I’ll meet you down there in a sec. I’m just gonna tuck Lav in and read her a quick story.” “Oh okay,” then she leaned down and kissed Lav on the forehead, “goodnight cutie.” Which made Lav smile. Oh god. She’s definitely not making this easy now. Then she turned to me, “we’ll try to pick a movie before you come back down. You know how they are though,” she laughed, which got me to laugh. “Yeah. Okay I’ll be down in a minute.” Then she walked out and closed the door behind her. I took a seat on Lav’s bed, “do you like Y/N honey?” She only just laughed again, which I definitely did not take as a no.
Your POV
When you got back downstairs, you sat next to Corbyn and he opened the blanket he had to share with you. “Jack said he’s just gonna read Lav a story and then he’ll be back down. Any movie ideas?” Corbyn put his arm around you, “we can wait for him. We haven’t seen ya in a few days kiddo, how’s it going?” You laughed, “Corb, I literally text you everyday.” “Yeah but the other guys, I’m sure they’d love to know about your life.” You gave him a weird look, “okay…um I’ve just been at home. I saw Ash yesterday, but other than that, I haven’t done anything.” “I have a question for ya girl,” Zach said to you. “Well maybe I have an answer for you.” Zach laughed, “are you seeing or talking to any boys?” Daniel was raising his eyebrows like he was so intrigued, and Jonah tilted his head in interest. You looked at Corbyn and he shrugged, “um no. Why do you ask, Zach?” “Well we kinda wanna set you up on a date,” Jonah said. I looked at the four boys a few times back and forth, “what? Why? I’m fine.” Corbyn leaned into my shoulder, “I don’t know kiddo, you just haven’t been out in a while.” You gave Corbyn a look that said, you know why I haven’t gone out and the reason is currently putting his daughter to bed upstairs. He widened his eyes and raised his brows, “just hear us out. Please.” You sighed, “fine.”
Just then Jack walked down the stairs and into the living room laughing, “still no movie?” He sat down on the other side of you. “These idiots are trying to set me up on a date,” you said not looking at him. “Oh? And with who?” You and Daniel spoke at the same time, “no clue yet,” “one of my friends.” “Wait which friend,” you asked Daniel. Jack was Daniel’s friend, was it too much to hope. You laughed to yourself. “Yeah what friend? And why wasn’t I part of this plan,” Jack asked. “Well it’s actually one of Kian’s friends, but we’ve become friends too.” “Yeah, we’ve actually been thinking about this for a week. We just didn’t tell the person yet because we wanted to make sure you were cool with this,” Jonah said to me sweetly. “No pressure kiddo. If you don’t want to go out it’s fine.” You shook your head, “you know what, I’m actually down. So who is this person.” Daniel widened his eyes at Corbyn which made you turn your head to look at him, but he was looking at Jack. When you turned to Jack, he had his head down, so you looked back at Daniel, “what? What’s wrong?” “No.”
All the boys and you turned your heads to Jack, who was now looking straight ahead. “Huh? Jack, what to do mean no? What’s wrong,” you asked him, putting your hand on his shoulder. He finally turned to you and he had a sad expression on his face. Was he okay? “Don’t,” is all he said while he just stared at me. “What? Don’t what? Go out?” “Yeah.” The other boys all have excited looks on their faces, but you were too focused on Jack. “Jack. You’re gonna have to give me more than word answers. What’s up with you?” “You can’t go out with him.” He looked at his shoulder where your hand was, and then he was grabbing that hand and your other with both of his. Your eyes widen, “and why not?” You looked you straight in your eyes, only focusing on you, “because I wanna go out with you.”
Your jaw dropped and Zach, Daniel and Jonah got up from their seats and came to Jack and grabbed him and shook him while Corbyn grabbed onto your shoulders and shook you as well and kissed the back of your head. “Woah what’s happening right now?” All the boys started to laugh and Corbyn rested his head on your back and chuckled, “oh kiddo.” Jack squeezed your hands to get your attention. You looked back at him and he was smiling sweetly at you, “sweet. I’m telling you that I like you and I wanna go out with you.” You smiled at him, “I like you too, boy,” which made him laugh.
“It worked,” Zach said excitedly. “What? What worked,” you asked looking confused at Zach. “Well, a few days ago we had a talk with Jack about you and his feelings for you. And then Corbyn let it slip that you liked Jack too, so I came up with an idea to pretend to set you up so Jack could tell you how he feels and then you’d tell him! And guess what? It freaking worked!” You turned around to look at Corbyn who had a guilty look on his face, “you told them?!” “I’m sorry Y/N, it was an accident, but look at what happened! All those years brought you here!” You widened your eyes and Jack spoke, “years?” Corbyn’s eyes widened now too and he mouthed, I’m sorry, and you just shook your head laughing and rolling your eyes. You turned back to Jack, “uh yeah. I’ve kinda felt this way for a few years. Actually, and I don’t wanna freak you out, but I don’t wanna lie to you either.”
Jack grabbed your hands again and smiled, encouraging you to continue, “well guess I’ll say it in front of the guys since Corbyn spilled anyways,” you laughed before continuing, “please, obviously, don’t feel obligated to say anything back. Since I’ve had these feelings for a few years, they’ve grown a bit, so um, I just wanted you to know that uh, I love you boy,” you laughed. Jack had a huge smile on his face, “that means so much, sweet. I can’t say that yet, but I want to one day, soon. But I do wanna tell you that I love so much about you, but I think what I love most about you is how you are with Lav and how much you care about her, and she loves you so much too.” You saw Jonah tilt his head towards the living room entrance and he got up to leave with Daniel and Zach following behind, and you looked back at Corbyn. He was smiling at you, “I’m happy for you kiddo,” then he got up, kissed your forehead and turned to Jack, “be nice to her.” The two of them laughed and Corbyn patted him on the back.
The second Corbyn walked out, Jack attacked you with a hug and now he was laying on top of you, both of you laughing. The two of you just laid there with your back to him while he held you for a while just talking about anything and everything. Then Jack got serious for a second, “I’m sorry I was oblivious for so long.” You turned to face him and smiled, “do not apologize, who knows what would’ve happened if I had told you all those years ago. I am so happy with how everything worked itself out.” He just smiled back at you and then finally, he kissed you.
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toloveawarlord · 4 years
The Jack of My Heart (Ch.1)
You can find my masterlist in my bio!
Pairing: Joanna Clemence x Edgar Bright
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​ @thetwinkims​ @youreawizardharr​ @starry-starry-night24
A/N: I finally have a solid story planned for genderbent Jonah series! Edgar and Joanna are already in a relationship at the start of this story. Cooper Aldrich is the Ten of Hearts, a new oc that resides in this universe!
Enjoy! Merry Christmas!
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“Good morning, my Queen.”
Most in headquarters would still be sleeping soundly in their beds, the day not ready to begin for them. The sun was not above the horizon, only soft hues of red and orange brushed along the navy sky signaled the coming day. Joanna removed one last book from the shelf for reference, amber irises flickering over to catch a glimpse of him, widening in surprise at how close he’d become.
Ever so silent.
She took a step back only to hit the wall, caged in as he leaned his arm against the hall above her head. “You didn’t sleep well last night. I do hope it wasn’t on my account,” Edgar teased, brushing a mint strand away from her face. Not many would notice the tiredness on her otherwise perfect features, but the Jack had spent more time than most studying her.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Edgar. I had a lot of work to complete.” What a ridiculous notion. 
Why would it matter to her that he’d been away on family business the whole of yesterday and failed to return until an hour ago? She’d only happened to be passing by the window when she’d spotted him coming through the front gate. Of course, she wouldn’t tell him even if she had missed him a minuscule amount.
The Queen of Hearts wouldn’t waste her precious time on something so trivial.
“Oh? What work?” Jade irises focused on the curve of her pink lips, parting and then pressing together in irritation. He didn’t need her to admit it. He knew that she completed all her work in a timely manner, as expected of a Clemence. 
It was oh so adorable when she denied her feelings so adamantly.
“You see, I have a theory that you missed me so terribly that it affected your sleep.”
Her nose turned upward. “A fantasy. I’ve no such feelings. In fact, I’d rather you’d be away today as well, as I’ve much to complete and having you begging for my attention-- what are you doing?” Amber eyes were drawn down to where Edgar had sunk to one knee.
He took her hand, placing a kiss to her knuckles before meeting her gaze. “Would you like it if I begged? I surely don’t mind showering my lovely Queen in affection.” He teased as easily as he breathed, but it always worked in his favor.
Joanna bit on her lip as he turned his head to pepper kisses on her thigh over the fabric. His fingers laced with hers, no resistance, or complaints. He could expertly undo her like no one else could.
But their relationship was still very much a secret. Only a handful of those in the army were privy to that information.
The door handle clicked, signaling new arrivals. A small spark of anxiety rose in her chest. Even after she called his name, Edgar only egged her on with a hum of a response and another kiss to her stomach where he’d managed to tug her pink button up out of her waistband.
It was clearly his fault. Utterly, entirely his fault.
Her boot connected with his shoulder, shoving him off balance and onto the floor. Not hard enough to actually harm him, although with the giddy grin on his lips, Joanna imagined he might enjoy it. He must be alright if he could look at her like that.
Like he was daring her to come down there with him, to give into her desire to kiss him until she had no air left and feel his skin against hers.
But the door was shoved open as Joanna managed to shove her shirt back into her pants. It would be suspicious to attempt to throw on her army jacket, so she refrained from reaching for it. Her shoulders relaxed at the sight of Zero and Cooper assisting a half-awake Kyle into the office for the morning meeting.
“This is not your personal quarters,” Joanna fussed as Kyle lazed across the couch, one arm over his eyes and the knuckles of his other hand brushing the floor as he groaned. Amber eyes shifted to the Ten of Hearts staring at her with a curious expression. “Do you need something, Aldrich?”
Cooper crossed his arms, head tilting to the side. “I’m simply trying to remember if I’ve ever attended a meeting with you not in full uniform.” His gaze flickered to his superior on the other side of the desk, but Edgar shrugged his shoulders as if he’d no idea.
Joanna took her jacket off the back of the chair and slid her arms into it. “It’s not any of your concern. Wipe that ridiculous dumbstruck expression off your face before King Lancelot arrives.” She smoothed out the jacket with both hands.
The only noise that filled the quiet space was Kyle’s constant moaning and groaning as he rubbed his temples. All four standing officers straightened when Lancelot entered the room. He took a seat at the desk before speaking. “You are all aware of the letters we received both last week and yesterday. Reports.”
“Well, according to my informant in Black Territory, the Black Army also received similar letters a year back, and they had three cases of arson varying in severity before the guy went underground,” Cooper started, bypassing his superiors to speak first. 
It mattered little, so Joanna let it go this time.
“Black Territory was probably a testing ground, but an entire year is a long waiting period for someone who caused so much damage,” Zero continued. Most arsonists accelerated, growing bolder with their targets.
Lancelot nodded in grim agreement. It was unlikely that this person simply stopped causing fires. He could not allow someone so dangerous to roam free within his country. “The decoded letter left us with a location, did it not?”
“Yes, and with permission, I’d like to go investigate it personally. The message was much too easily deciphered, and I believe there could be something of value to be found there,” Joanna said. It would be careless to simply send a soldier.
Cooper didn’t hold back his loud, resigned sigh. “Respectfully, my Queen, it’s clearly a trap.” He’d mapped out the coordinates to find an old sawmill in the countryside. Going there would be doing what this psychopath wanted. “My suggestion would be to wait it out.”
“Wouldn’t we be risking angering him by not showing up at his first location? Arsonists are known for being narcissists,” Zero said.
“They also like to watch their handiwork. This first letter is taunt to see if we are listening. It’s worth going, and I also don’t remember asking for your opinion, Ten.” Her voice sharper than her blade. He had a tendency to speak however he felt, regardless of his rank.
The tension in the room became thick. Amber irises narrowed; the Queen of Hearts annoyed at the defiant expression on Cooper’s features. Two opposite plans clashing into each other.
Lancelot turned to the third highest ranking officer, who hadn’t said a word. “You’ve been oddly quiet.” Most of the time, it meant he was up to no good, but for important matters, it simply meant Edgar was analyzing all the information.
“I’m in agreement with Joanna. It’s undoubtedly valuable to see what is so special about the sawmill.” The Jack was more than intrigued. Whoever this person was, they might cure his boredom for a while.
The King folded his hands together, regarding his officers with absolute authority. “We cannot risk the lives of our citizens. I want this solved as swiftly as possible. Joanna will be in charge of the investigation; you will all report directly to the Queen. Dismissed.”
With his final words, the four officers vacated the office, leaving the sleeping Kyle behind. When the door closed with a thud, only then did Cooper speak again. He did not approve of this plan at all. “You should reconsider. It’s the wrong move.”
“As opposed to what you proposed? Do you really think that ignoring a narcissist is going to bode well for our citizens? We can’t predict how they will respond if we don’t go. I, for one, am not willing to risk a town burning to the ground because you were too frightened to go to the given location,” Joanna snapped in return. The two clashed often but never to this degree.
Cooper looked as though he would draw his sword and challenge her to duel at any moment. Anger swelled up inside him. “You might be my superior, but you aren’t always right, Queen.” Golden irises brimmed with aggravation. This mistake might cost them their second highest in command, and that would reflect badly on the army. But he refrained from arguing more, instead taking a deep breath. “Don’t be reckless.”
And he stalked off in the other direction, needing to cool down before he trained his squad.
“Well, that was certainly heated,” Edgar commented. He never inserted himself unless absolutely needed, especially when it came to Joanna. There were plenty of rumors about the two, saying that their relationship might cloud their judgment.
Joanna brushed her hand through her mint hair, irritation etched into her features. She hadn’t the time to deal with Cooper’s little tantrum. “Zero, I want a list of all the suspicious fires in Red Territory and Central Quarter mapped out by the time I return.”
With a salute and confirmation, Zero left the two as well.
Silence hung in the hallway. Cooper made plenty of valid points, of that she was sure. It didn’t, however, change the truth of the matter. This was not a random location. It had to mean something to the arsonist. The Queen had far too many questions and not nearly enough answers.
It wasn’t until a pair of jade irises were peering into her amber ones, gloved hands holding her face, that Joanna heard Edgar speaking to her.
“I was asking if you would like to-”
“Come with me.”
The Jack of Hearts quieted at her sudden command. Whatever she meant, his answer remains the same, but he’d wait until she’d elaborated. Her porcelain cheeks now tinted with pink. He wanted to kiss her so badly, making her oh so flustered.
“What I mean is, it would be irresponsible to go alone, and another set of eyes would be a little helpful.” Her gaze flickered around, unable to settle. She shouldn’t have blurted that out, as he would tease her endlessly about it. “Not that I need you specifically--”
Edgar grinned, thoroughly enjoying the panic as she tried to cover up what she’d said. But it was too late. “The two of us, alone, on a mission? I would be honored to join you, my queen. Then I can kiss you whenever I like without the constant worry that someone might see.” His lips brushed against hers, but ultimately denied a true kiss.
“This isn’t permission to do as you please! We’ll be working.”
“Of course, but...” Edgar bent to whisper in her ear, hot breath sending a shiver down her spine. He continued to wind up tightly, patient enough to wait until she released all that pent up desire. His voice low, speaking solely to her. “Once we’re finished with all the day’s work and retire to our private room in a small, hidden inn, I promise I’ll bring out that naughty side of yours.”
Joanna lost the ability to focus on anything other than the sound of his voice echoing in her head, repeating the same words over and over, like a sexy broken record. It became too much for her to bear. She shoved him away, turning her back to him as he snickered.
She couldn’t admit it, but she was looking forward to seeing if he’d deliver on that promise.
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i don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you
summary: cyrus and tj are childhood best friends. tj’s there for him when cyrus comes out to his family and it doesn’t go well, he watches him grow up and be proud of who he is, and he may or may not fall in love in the process. the only issue is, he’s not nearly as proud of himself as cyrus is. and yeah, cyrus is always gonna be there for tj, but now, a recent college grad, he’s done hiding. will they make it out together?
word count: 6.2K
(hey so i kinda accidentally deleted the whole thing and lost all of my formatting so other than the major flashbacks the previously italicized things aren’t anymore and it bugs me too but just like,, deal with it)
taglist: @citrus-thelonious @heart-eyes-kippen @danceacademys @kippenmittens @vi-the-best-you-can @tjskipping @simplycyrus @luzawithoutu @lizzybeth-eleventyseven @green-lemonboys @oblivioustj @theobligatedklutz @nineteenohtwo @theconfusedravenclaw @i-swear-its-just-me @bambiandambi @isisisak @fallout-of-my-chair
“TJ?” Cyrus’ voice shook, cracking from the tears, but whispered from fear of his parents overhearing.
TJ may have been asleep before, but he sure as hell wasn’t now, hearing that tone in his best friend’s voice. “Cyrus? What’s wrong?”
His tone remained hushed, even less stable than before, “Can I stay over at your house tonight?”
TJ glanced over at his clock. 2:38am. Why now?
“Please,” Cyrus choked out.
TJ didn’t even hesitate in answering, “Of course. Come in through my window, okay?”
Not even ten minutes later, Cyrus crawled through the window and stood for a moment before body racking sobs erupted from him. It was painful to watch, and TJ wanted to burn alive whatever could’ve possibly made him feel that way. He didn’t deserve that. He never could.
Cyrus collapsed into TJ, who gripped him like he was falling off the edge of the earth. He knew for a fact then that he would always be there to catch him.
But Cyrus was gone before TJ woke up that morning.
“Hey,” TJ caught up to Cyrus while walking in the hallway towards their history class. To say that he was scared for his friend after what happened the night before was an understatement. “Are you okay?”
Cyrus laughed incredulously, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He hoisted his textbooks closer to his chest.
TJ furrowed his brows. “Last ni—“
“I don’t want to talk about it.” The look on his face was something terrifying. His lips were pressed into a tight smile, but his eyes told three stories at once. They told him to shut up, they told him he was angrier than TJ had ever seen him, they told him that he was still aching, still crushed from whatever happened.
“Okay,” TJ spoke slowly, “but you know I’ll always be here for you, right? No matter what’s going on?”
Cyrus’ hard visage almost melted for a second, like he wanted to cave in so badly, but after a flicker of fear sparked in his eyes, he shifted his gaze to his feet and continued walking.
“Yeah. I know.”
“What do you mean you’re ‘not gay anymore’? That isn’t exactly something you can just switch on and off, you know,” Buffy retorted, bewildered by the words coming out of her best friend’s mouth. Andi sat beside her, equally surprised and confused.
“I mean, I’m not gay anymore. It was a mistake, I probably just judged my feelings wrong or something,” Cyrus mumbled, then sighed, straightening up in his seat. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore, alright?”
“Too bad, because something obviously happened if you went from total heart eyes with Jonah and TJ and running away after kissing Iris to suddenly being straight, so spill,” Buffy pushed back, trying to make sense of her friend’s behavior.
Andi leaned forward, taking his hands in hers. “Look, Cyrus, you don’t have to tell us anything, but we’re here for you no matter what, okay? We’re always gonna be here for you.”
His eyes grew misty despite not losing their closed-off demeanor, and he threw them a watery smile. “Thanks. I...” he trailed off. “I want to tell you, but I can’t. I want to tell you so badly, you know.” He stood up then, grabbing his coat. “I’m just gonna take off and head home,” he paused, “see you guys later.”
Andi and Buffy shared a worried look, shoving their baby taters away from them a bit.
They lost their appetite.
Sophomore year just began, and yet TJ was swamped with homework already, which became his primary focus on his walk home from school. This explains why he ran directly into someone while trying to think through his schedule, and how the hell he was possibly going to handle math this year.
TJ quickly moved to apologize, “Oh, sorry— Cyrus? Hey, what’re you doing?”
Cyrus gave him a tight-lipped smile. It’d been two years since they last talked, two years and a little bit more since that night. “I’m on my way to Andi’s,” he explained.
TJ looked down, squinting. “With two suitcases and a duffel bag?”
Cyrus nodded, yanking his jacket to cover his torso more. “Yep.”
TJ grew even more obviously concerned. “Is everything alright?”
Cyrus closed his eyes and took a terse sigh. “Everything is fine, TJ. Mind your business, please.” He shoved past the taller boy, making his way to, presumably, Andi’s house.
“For two years, I’ve let you all do this to me. I’ve tried to be the mediator, I’ve tried to repress it all, but for god’s sakes, you’re all the therapists here! This is your job! Not only as a therapist, but as a parent, you should support and be there for your kids!” He took a sigh. “This is not just something I’m confused about, alright? This is a part of me that I’ve known for years, and a part of me that I’ve had for even longer. You don’t get to choose what parts of me you want around, you get all of me, or none at all. Take your pick.”
His mother closed her eyes, while the other three adults stared at him with disdain and pity, something you should never be getting from your fucking parents. “If you’re going to choose to continue living this way, then I guess we’re forced to say none at all, Cyrus.”
Cyrus’ hand shook as he pointed at her. “You are not forced in this situation, Mom. You are the one making a choice, not me.”
“Just make this easier on everyone and start packing your things,” his father interjected.
Cyrus did so, body-racking sobs overtaking him all the meanwhile, reminding him of the first time he’d tried to bring this up around them, the last time he had his rock still around.
The four adults watched him leave, they watched as he stopped himself in the doorway and turned back to say to them. “If you really think I’m going to hell, I’ll see you all there.”
The door slammed shut, and yet it was the most silent moment that house had ever had.
Two weeks after their run-in, TJ spots Cyrus waltzing into school with a pride pin adorning his typical polo shirt.
Cyrus may have been proud of himself, but TJ was almost prouder.
The first time Cyrus got a boyfriend was when TJ really noticed it. The weird aching yet stabbing feeling in his chest, that wait, something is wrong here feeling.
That green-eyed monster feeling.
Had TJ thought it was weird he’d never really gotten a crush before while all of his friends would talk about girls all the time? No, maybe he was just a late bloomer, he presumed. Did he feel off whenever one of his teammates comments on how hot a girl is and he can’t bring himself to understand why he thinks that? No, he probably just didn’t think that specific girl was cute. Right?
Did TJ notice a weird fluttery feeling, a swoop in his stomach, something his friends only associated with their girlfriends, every time he saw Cyrus as of late? Hell yeah, he did.
And it was terrifying.
When Cyrus got a boyfriend, it made it even worse. Especially when everyone kept saying that they were shoe-ins for homecoming royalty, and that they would be the two to make it all the way past college, that they were perfect for each other. Especially since this was the period of time that Cyrus chose to become better friends with TJ again, because he “missed his company”.
Yeah, okay, guess he’ll just deal with it then. Right?
The universe was now obviously out to get him. That had to be it.
Two more years passed, TJ’s crush didn’t let up, and neither did his guard. He remained heavily in the closet, and was prepared to stay there for potentially the rest of his life. It’s not like people wouldn’t support him, I mean, there’s only two homophobic assholes at their school and TJ could definitely handle them, plus, his mom seemed pretty open-minded with things. The whole concept to him was just terrifying. Too many layers of different.
Anyways, two years passed, and TJ received a text from his best friend that would either ruin or save his life.
Him and Cyrus got into the same college. Cyrus’ boyfriend did not.
The universe had to be fucking with him, at this point, like come on.
TJ’s night before graduation was surprisingly filled with pints of ice cream and cheesy romcoms that were easy to make fun of.
Oh yeah, Cyrus’ boyfriend broke up with him that day, something about not wanting to deal with an LDR, and that he wasn’t expecting it to last, anyway. Naturally, TJ stepped in to his role as best friend and offered a place for him to sleepover.
After Cyrus threw popcorn at the screen in anger for the third time that night, he huffed and grabbed the remote to pause the movie. “I’m over this. I can’t watch this anymore. It’s unrealistic.” He looked over to TJ, who was already looking back at him. He always was, wasn’t he? “You know what I’m talking about, right?”
TJ shrugged. “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been in a relationship,” he pointed out.
Cyrus sat in thought for a moment, drying tear stains shining from the glow of the TV. “Oh, wait, wow, you’ve never been in a relationship. Why the hell have you never been in a relationship?”
“I... don’t know,” he replied, but as he looked at the boy in front of him, he realized he knew exactly why.
It had always been him.
A small brunette boy walked up behind the sandbox timidly. He asked with a small voice, “Can I help you make sandcastles?”
The blonde boy already sitting in the box, knees already covered in sand, turned around to see the other boy. “Yeah, of course! Do you wanna make the moat?”
The brunette boy nodded and knelt down to play with the blonde. From a distance, some of the blonde’s friends pointed and laughed. “Look, Kippen’s playing with the baby!”
As the brunette’s face dropped, the blonde knew then that he would make sure he never felt sad like that. He turned to look at the boy and said, “Don’t listen to them, they don’t know what they’re saying. They’re just a bunch of butts.”
The brunette laughed, and the blonde already loved the sound. “I’m TJ.”
“I know.” The brunette threw him a small smile. “Cyrus.”
“I don’t know, TJ, something just feels off, you know? Like, I should like her, she’s my girlfriend, but I don’t know,” Cyrus ranted.
TJ internally huffed. For some reason, he always hated it when Cyrus talked about his girlfriend, Iris. He didn’t exactly know why. “Maybe you just don’t like her, Cy.”
“But she’s exactly like me! She’s like the perfect girl! And yet, nothing,” Cyrus rambled, exasperated.
“Maybe that’s why. I mean, they do say opposites attract, right?” TJ shrugged.
Cyrus squinted at him in thought. “Maybe.”
TJ couldn’t help but notice that the two of them were almost complete opposites and yet they were the best of friends.
To say that TJ was jealous was an understatement.
That day was the third day in a row that Cyrus blew him off to hang out with Andi and Buffy. It was obvious he had a crush on one of them, and that’s why they had so many closed meetings. It had to be. He had just broken up with Iris, maybe he realized he actually had a crush on one of the two girls he’d grown close with over the course of middle school. TJ just wanted his best friend back.
TJ slammed his locker door shut with a huff, turning to nearly run into a confused Cyrus. “Hey, what’s wrong, Teej?”
TJ closed his eyes for a moment. “It’s nothing.”
Cyrus only grew more concerned. “It’s obviously something if it’s bothering you this much.”
TJ sighed. “Do you like Andi or Buffy?”
Cyrus’ eyes widened. “No, of course not! What in the world could possibly make you think that?!”
“You keep blowing me off for them,” TJ replied in a small voice.
“Ohhh,” Cyrus’ doe eyes widened more in realization. “Believe me, TJ, there is no way that I like either of them. I just really needed to talk something through with them.”
“What could you talk about with them and not me?” TJ asked.
“School project, that’s all. I’m really sorry for blowing you off, TJ,” Cyrus replied, patting TJ’s shoulder, then making his way to class.
College was underway, and with more and more work piling up and super conflicting schedules, TJ and Cyrus drifted apart again. It wasn’t intentional this time, at least, they just didn’t have enough time to see each other.
Despite not being around each other anymore, TJ still watched Cyrus thrive. He watched Cyrus join the college’s GSA and soon become president of it, he watched Cyrus put out his first short film as it quickly became a big hit, he watched as Cyrus’ film became a stand out piece in a local film festival— the first one to feature a gay main couple, and he watched as Cyrus headlined his own float for LGBT+ members of the film industry at their local pride parade. He watched Cyrus come into his own.
And yet, TJ was still trapped himself.
He studied education with a minor in history, he was a star player on the school’s basketball team, and he had a few friends. A couple friends. A friend. A roommate. Who was gone half the time with his girlfriend.
He wanted to be out, god knows he wanted to be out so badly. He wanted to confront and yell at himself, asking, why the hell aren’t you being who you are?! What’s your excuse?! Why’re you such a coward?!
Because if he truly lived as he was, maybe he would be that much happier. Have some actual friends. Do something other than work.
But god knows he couldn’t do that.
So he watched Cyrus do it instead.
They graduated.
TJ had a job now, he’d become a guidance counselor at a middle school maybe ten minutes away from Shadyside. Not exactly his intention going into education, but it worked well enough.
He couldn’t help but think that a certain brunette would be much better at breaking down young minds than he would be, but that certain brunette was debuting his first major film in a local theater that weekend. It was a memoir type story, about his life. TJ was too busy to see it.
It was mid afternoon in late October when it happened. TJ had been walking to his apartment, headphones in, when he ran into a stranger walking the opposite direction. He turned to apologize, “Oh, sorry— Cyrus Goodman?”
The man turned to look at him. “TJ Kippen?”
TJ smiled. “Hey, long time, no collision.”
Cyrus gave him an easygoing smile. “Yeah, I guess so.”
TJ shrugged his jacket on more, the cold biting at his spine, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “I heard you’ve got a movie coming out this weekend?” At Cyrus’ proud nod, he continued, “I know how much you’ve loved doing that stuff. I’m really proud of you.” You have no idea how proud I am.
“Thanks, TJ,” Cyrus replied, his countenance only growing softer. Then, suddenly, he grimaced. “I guess we lost contact again, huh?”
It’s not like I wanted to. “Yeah.”
“How about I get your number and socials so that doesn’t happen again?” Cyrus said, an apparent teasing lilt to his voice.
TJ smiled softly. “Of course.”
Within weeks, the two became inseparable again. Yeah, they had busy schedules, but they were adults now. Priorities.
And apparently, these priorities included binging Netflix on a Friday night and ordering pizza at Cyrus’ house.
Everything that had happened between the two of them over the course of the time they had reconnected reminded TJ so vividly of the last two years of high school, it was like his giddy schoolboy crush had come back tenfold, like he had his favorite elementary school buddy back. They had both matured, sure, but they were still the same. They were still TJ and Cyrus. Attached by the hip.
“Everything on here is shitty, let’s just talk,” Cyrus suggested, turning to face TJ while they both sat on the couch.
“Okay,” TJ shrugged. “Talk about what?”
“Don’t know, didn’t think I’d get that far,” Cyrus joked, the two of them sharing a small laugh.
“Any boys?” TJ asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Cyrus shoved him with his elbow, laughing, “What is this, a middle school sleepover?”
“You didn’t say no,” TJ teased.
“No, there are no boys,” Cyrus replied, rolling his eyes. “What about you, any girls catching your eye lately?”
TJ laughed, mildly nervous now, the same as he always was whenever the topic of girls came up. “N-no, no girls.”
Cyrus scoffed, mouth full of pizza. “Please, a guy like you’s gotta have tons of ladies falling all over you.”
TJ shrugged again, more falling in on himself now, “I guess, I just don’t like any of them, though.”
Cyrus raised an eyebrow. “Did you have a girlfriend in college or anything either?”
TJ shook his head, crossing his arms to hide his now fidgety hands.
“TJ, have you ever even liked—“
“Cyrus, just... drop it.”
Cyrus just furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed the remote. “Ohhh...kay.” He switched it over to Hulu and picked a random show for them to watch, the comfortable silence from before having shifted into one of tension.
To say TJ was nervous was an understatement.
Why was he so nervous? He had no reason to be this nervous. He had 23 years to prepare for this moment, and yet he was still fucking nervous. His hands shook as he slowly took a seat on a park bench, the one nearly twenty feet away from the swing set. Their old swing set.
TJ had arrived 20 minutes earlier than he asked Cyrus to meet him, as an attempt to try and calm himself down. So far, it wasn’t working, all he could think about was how horrible this could end; how once he said it, he could never go back. It would be real.
Cyrus, being Cyrus, got there ten minutes after TJ did, slowing his pace of approaching when taking in TJ’s nervous state. “Hey, Teej, you alright?” he asked, taking his seat next to TJ.
“No,” TJ mumbled.
“I know you wanted to tell me something, but if it stresses you out this much, you don’t have to,” Cyrus said, placing his arm on his friend’s shoulder. He removed it quickly, however, when TJ flinched away. “D-did I do something?”
“No,” TJ jumped to respond. “I just, I don’t know why I’m so nervous about this, I have no reason to be, I—“
“But you are, and those feelings are valid, alright?” Cyrus said softly, as if approaching a small animal. TJ hated it. He wasn’t some fucking bunny, why couldn’t he just say it?
“Cyrus,” TJ started almost breathlessly, then took a deep sigh, looking at the ground. “I’m gay.”
“Teej.” Cyrus took TJ’s hands in his, forcing him to look back up at him. “I am so proud of you, you know that, right? I know how hard it is to come out and say it— no pun intended. Thank you for trusting me with this,” he continued, a soft smile ever present on his face.
“Of course I trust you,” TJ replied in almost a rasp. “I just feel bad that I never told you earlier.”
“You know when it’s the right time, TJ.” Cyrus let go of his hands then, and TJ did his best to mask his disappointment as he leaned back in his seat. “If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you known?”
“Don’t listen to them, they don’t know what they’re saying. They’re just a bunch of butts.”
“I mean, they do say opposites attract, right?”
“I know how much you’ve loved doing that stuff. I’m really proud of you.”
TJ closed his eyes. As long as I’ve known you. “I don’t know. Maybe I always have. Just didn’t wanna face it, I guess.”
Cyrus looked down at the ground, at his feet, nodding. “I can understand that.”
TJ looked over at Cyrus, not moving his head, and seconds later Cyrus did the same, causing them both to break out in small laughter. “Hey, now we can watch gay movies together and I can tease you about boys!” Cyrus quipped.
TJ laughed along, the two boys leaning into each other with their shoulders, and TJ tried his best to hide the small blush appearing on his cheeks.
Maybe coming out wouldn’t be that bad.
So maybe coming out was that bad.
It wasn’t him, necessarily, instead it was his sister, Amber. She’d brought her girlfriend home to introduce to their parents the past weekend, and apparently it hadn’t ended well, considering TJ heard nothing about it until he visited home the following weekend.
“What do you mean I shouldn’t talk to my sister anymore? Did Amber end up in jail or something?” TJ asked, sitting by the kitchen island while his mother made herself a salad.
The woman set the small knife in her hand down on the counter and turned around to face TJ, a horrifyingly icy look etched into her eyes. “Did you know that she was a homo?”
And that’s when his heart dropped into his feet.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and hoped to god that his mother didn’t notice how his face paled at her statement, saying, “No, I had no idea.”
He stared back down at the marble on the kitchen island, memorizing every crack and crevice held inside while his mother talked about who knows what— it all sounded muddled as if he was underwater to him, and he quickly escaped the confinements of the house that no longer felt like home after dinner, pulling the excuse of having lots of extra work to do out of thin air.
That’s what it felt like he was breathing. Thin air, less and less and less of it. He was suffocating.
Cyrus and TJ grown a lot closer since TJ came out, their glances just a little longer and their smiles just a little softer, and their Friday movie nights almost became a unspoken mandatory thing. But Cyrus noticed that TJ had been more closed off that past week, and it especially showed when he came over to watch some movie that Friday. They settled down to the couch, but significantly further away than usual.
“What, are you not going to let me use the blanket tonight or something?” Cyrus teased with a small laugh.
TJ almost snapped out of whatever dazed state he was in and tossed Cyrus the other end of the blanket with a “Yeah, sorry.”
Cyrus looked him up and down, then put the TV remote back on the table. “You know what? No movie tonight. We’re talking about whatever the hell is throwing you off.”
“Cyrus, I don’t wanna talk about it,” TJ sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Okay, fine,” Cyrus replied, turning his body to face TJ completely. “Then we can talk about something else.”
TJ knew what he was doing, they would talk about something else and then he would pull his psychoanalyzing shit and maneuver the conversation to what was bothering him because it’s not good to bottle things up. He knew that. Maybe TJ did wanna talk about it, but he couldn’t.
“Fine, whatever.”
Cyrus fiddled with a tassel on the blanket. “Any boys?” he asked, causing TJ’s breath to hitch.
Yeah, you, but it’s not like you or anyone else can ever know that.
“TJ,” Cyrus whispered, putting his hand on TJ’s, “talk to me.”
TJ looked up into Cyrus’ eyes, trying to say something, anything, but he was frozen still. At least, he was until he noticed Cyrus looking at him with the same intensity he had. He found himself leaning in and Cyrus doing the same, the closeness almost becoming overwhelming.
“Cyrus, I—“
And then they were kissing.
It was perfect, really, the feeling was amazing and the massive choir of anxiety that seemed to hover over TJ all the time lately faded in the background for a minute. He let himself enjoy it, because the second it was over, he would have to deal with it all, with all the consequences that come with it.
After Cyrus pulled away, TJ’s eyes remained closed before slowly fluttering open. Trying to form a coherent sentence at Cyrus’ expectant gaze, the best thing he could come up with was, “Are you pitying me?”
Cyrus grew an incredulous face. “What? No, TJ, I like you.”
I like you.
Oh my god, he likes me.
“I like you, too, Cy.”
The two boys shared a soft and private smile, before Cyrus mumbled, “So, what does this mean, then?”
TJ shrugged, “I don’t know, what do you want it to mean?”
Cyrus looked at him with an incredibly adorable hopeful smile that was hard to look away from. “Boyfriends?”
Ah, shit.
Cyrus obviously could see his face drop at the word, notes by his “What?”
TJ sighed. “Cyrus, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted you to ask me that, for any of what’s happened today to happen. But...”
“But what? What’s the problem?” Cyrus scoffed.
“I’m still not ready for any of this. I thought I would be, I mean, I should be by now, but I’m not. I can still barely say the fucking word out loud, let alone have a public relationship and ask someone else to deal with my bullshit fear. I really, really like you, Cyrus, but there is no fucking way that I can be any form of out right now. So unless you’re cool with, like, a secret relationship, then I can’t let anything happen right now, no matter how much it devastates me.”
Cyrus just sat in silence in front of him, eyebrows furrowed in thought. TJ watched him as the warmth slowly drained out of his eyes and was replaced with ice, the one face he never thought he would see from the brunette. Cyrus started speaking, a steady yet terrifying tone to his voice, “You think I haven’t been waiting for this, TJ? Are you kidding? I’ve liked you since, like, middle school. But I can’t do that for you, I can’t have a secret relationship. I’m not going to shove myself back in the closet just because you’re scared. I did that for way too long for too many people, and there’s no way I’m doing it again. I’m too proud of who I am now to do that.” Cyrus scooted away from him on the couch, biting his nail, before adding, “I hope that one day you are too.”
“Me too,” TJ whispered, before quickly gathering his things. “I’m gonna head out.”
“I think that would be best,” Cyrus replied quietly, tone filled with disappointment.
Shutting Cyrus’ front door felt like severing a limb.
Two days later, TJ got an email.
It was an automated email, from Cyrus to a bunch of his closest friends, inviting them all to watch a filming of a scene for a movie he was directing. Cyrus probably forgot to remove him from the list after what happened. He wouldn’t still want him to come, would he?
He decided to go.
He showed up the next day to the set mid-scene, probably ten minutes late, and immediately took note of Cyrus sitting in his chair. He looked drained, paler than usual, irritated. TJ hates that it was probably his fault.
He stood a distance away from the rest of the standing audience, spotting Andi and Buffy across the room, older than he had last seen them but still just as lively. Andi had grown out her hair to her shoulders with a few blonde streaks in it, and Buffy donned business attire, a large briefcase next to her suggesting to him that she’d arrived there from her job. He wondered what they’d ended up doing with their lives, but he was snapped out of his reverie by Cyrus’ exclamation.
“Oh my god, are you kidding? Can’t you see the level of emotion this monologue is supposed to have? Do you need me to act this out for you?” Cyrus shouted, getting up. “Here, give me the script,” he continued angrily as he marched toward the actor, who handed him the script fearfully.
Cyrus began reading, fully in character, not taking his eyes off the paper at first. “I know it’s gotta be hard for you, right? I mean, you have all these expectations to live up to, most of which come from your own head. I know you’re scared, Tyler. But don’t you think that I am, too? I’ve got expectations, too. I have so many people that hate me for who I am without even knowing who I am. I used to be so fucking terrified of it all, for god’s sake, my parents hated it too. But I’m proud of myself now. I don’t hate it anymore, I can’t hate something I can’t control. You can’t either.”
Cyrus looked up from the paper, locking eyes with TJ. TJ didn’t think those eyes could possibly get any deeper.
“You could be up here with me, above all of those shitty high school bullies and annoying parents and idiot strangers. I know that you have it in you, Tyler. You should give yourself the ability to be whoever the hell you want to be. You deserve to be yourself, don’t you understand that?”
Cyrus took a step forward. He was speaking to TJ now, it was obvious to anyone watching. But for some reason, it felt like no one was.
“You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
And damnit, TJ broke.
He stormed out quickly, not angrily, but instead trying to hide the free flowing tears dripping off his face.
Inside, Cyrus dropped the script, saying quietly while moving to follow TJ out,  “Uh, just excuse me for a minute.”
TJ had made his way well down the sidewalk, but Cyrus caught up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. TJ whipped around, wiping his face, to which Cyrus responded softly, “You came.”
TJ closed eyes for a moment before mumbling, “Of course I came.”
Cyrus launched into a ramble, “TJ, I didn’t mean to make that about you, I just’ve been so hung up over this, the movie isn’t even related to what’s going on and, god, I’m sorry I didn’t remove you from the goddamn email list, I—“
“You were right, though,” TJ interrupted.
“What?” Cyrus froze.
“You were right.” TJ took a step closer to him. “I shouldn’t be afraid anymore.”
“But what about what you said? About not being ready?” Cyrus whispered, also inching closer to him.
“I’m still not, Cy. I’m terrified,” TJ admitted, “because once I face it, it’s real, I can’t hide it away anymore.”
“But,” TJ continued, taking another step forward, “if you’re willing to wait just a little longer, I will be ready. I just need time.” At Cyrus’ speechless gaze, he added, “I promise it won’t be another ten years, though.”
“TJ, I’m not hiding again,” Cyrus stated, the most sure he’d been this entire conversation.
“You won’t be.” TJ took a hold of one of Cyrus’ hands. “Just be there for me like you always have been, and I promise you, it’ll happen. I like you too much for it not to.”
“You promise?” Cyrus asked in a whisper.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” TJ replied, his voice raspy and smile soft and small.
Cyrus closed his eyes, sighing. “Alright.”
“How about we do something different tonight?” TJ suggested, only two weeks after he made his promise. He had a plan to fulfill it that night.
“What, do you want to watch Hulu instead of Netflix or something?” Cyrus asked, confused.
“No, I mean, let’s go to the movies,” TJ suggested, a wide grin on his face.
A hesitant smile slid its way onto Cyrus’ expression. “You never want to go out, why?”
TJ shrugged, the grin not leaving his face. “Thought it could be fun.”
Cyrus squinted, then smirked. “Drive-in?”
“Like you even need to ask,” TJ scoffed. “Let’s go.”
They had pulled into the lot playing Love, Simon and Booksmart, a hazy glow setting the mood as dusk settles over the crowd. Small fireflies dot the sky, and Cyrus watched them with amazement. TJ looked with amazement too, but not at the fireflies, instead at the brunette boy next to him, wrapped under their shared blanket in the trunk of TJ’s car.
It was in that moment that TJ really got a good look at him; maybe it was the streetlight making his hair glow with a golden tint, or the way the moon reflected in his eyes, but he noticed something here never really had before. There was still his classic smile and the same cheerful brown eyes, but he was no longer the person that TJ had met long ago in middle school. He had grown into his figure, no longer lanky like he was in high school and stood only an inch shorter than himself. He wore less button ups than he used to, especially those with patterns, and TJ couldn’t remember the last time he’d worn a cardigan. He held himself differently than he used to, as well; he seemed more confident, less falling into himself and more chin raised up with somewhat of a sense of pride. He wasn’t the person TJ had gotten to know. He had changed, and TJ got to witness it, he got to see him truly come into his own.
He realized then that this was his chance to do the same.
“Cyrus?” TJ whispered, causing the brunette to tear his eyes away from Simon having a heart to heart with his mother.
TJ’s voice was caught in his throat, not knowing what to say, where to start, and it was apparently enough for Cyrus to notice, as after a beat, he asked quietly, “Is there something you wanna tell me?”
“Yeah,” he rasped out, inching his hand ever so slightly towards Cyrus’.
Cyrus scooted closer to him, took TJ’s hand in his, and intertwined their fingers. “Then say it.”
TJ’s hand was practically burning, and if he turned his head just a smidge, their faces would be a mere inch apart. It was as if every molecule in his body, every force in the universe was screaming at him to just do it, just say something. “I can’t,” he whispered.
“Why not?” Cyrus asked, matching tone, and this caused TJ to turn his head.
The two boys looked at each other for a moment, as if they were both mapping out every detail of the other’s face, committing every scar and freckle to memory— that is, until TJ shifted his gaze down to Cyrus’ lips, for only a moment, a millisecond.
That must’ve been what did it, what made him snap, because then they were kissing.
It was nothing like the first one, really. The first one was questioning, a puzzle piece sliding into place, figuring out that yes, this is what I want. But this one, this one was passionate, it was I never want to lose you again, it was you’re what was meant for me this entire time, I need you, I love you...
Okay, maybe a little early for that one.
Regardless, it was perfect, and he could see the slight fear in Cyrus’ eyes when they pulled away.
“I have never wanted anything more than to be with you, Cyrus. You know that, right?” TJ mumbled, slightly out of breath.
Cyrus nodded, taking a long blink.
“And, I...” TJ looked down, fiddling with his fingers. He continued, “I’d love to be your boyfriend, if you’ll take me.”
Cyrus smiled at him, almost blinding, filled with affection and pride. He nodded, throwing his arms around TJ’s neck in a tight hug, and TJ held him back just as tight.
TJ never told his parents, he never felt like he needed to. He never told his parents when him and Cyrus had started dating, and he never told them three years later that the two of them had gotten engaged. Which is why some may have found it odd that he sent a wedding invitation to them with no warning. Needless to say, they never RSVP’d.
It might’ve been weird to that same some that neither of the two men’s families were at the wedding, no parents of either groom present for slow dances, only many, many friends that they had made throughout the years, old and new. But it was perfect to them. It was theirs.
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wren-bishop · 4 years
Bishop Gameroom // The boys
Wren, Stevie, Jesse, and Chase get together to go over some text messages. 
@stevie-summers @jessekxller @chase-stephens​
Wren: Wren was sitting with his phone plugged into the TV to cast, "Seriously, look at these" he said, happy they were having a moment away from Jonah. He felt bad about it all.
Jesse: Jesse watched as the text messages played came up on the tv. "Oh my god." He said speachless
Wren: "Also! I posted this instagram story at [insert time] and she tweeted, hear me out at [insert time]. Am I crazy??? She's tweeting about me, right?" said Wren feeling like a maniac.
Stevie: Stevie couldn't help but laugh, "This girl is really a piece of work."
Jesse: Jesse's eyes went wide. "Oh yeah thats def about you, but you could chill with the grey. My poor eyes can't unsee that."
Wren: "I wasn't thinking about that" said Wren, "I was just tryna be confident, gimme a break. Also trying to catch a new honey" he added.
Chase: Chase rolled up, "hey guys, she has strep so I'm here and why is Wren's gray sweatpants thirst trap just chillin on the tv?" said Chase as he sat down on the couch, Wren caught him up to speed and showed the texts. "So is anyone gonna tell Jonah?" he asked.
Stevie: "You look dude. Nothing wrong with showing off a bit." Stevie told Wren with a smile before turning her attention to Chase. "Not it! I got nothing to do with this. This one's on you guys."
Chase: "Can't someone just tell Juliette? I feel like she gives him bad news all the time" said Chase, hoping to god it wouldn't be him. But lets be honest, it was totally going to be him.
Jesse: Jesse shook his head "I would... but Me + Jonah + devyn = a bad discussio"
Jesse: "I just..... I can't believe she called you daddy right up in there.."
Wren: "Right? At first I was kinda into getting even with Jonah, but she kept mentioning him and then hitting on me? Like I'm usually not good with this stuff ... but even I noticed" said Wren
Jesse: "And people look at me sideways when I say she plays them mind games. The 'I only think of you' meanwhile she trynna slide down my pants and yours"
Wren: "In my defense, I am horny and weak ... and she's so hot" said Wren with a wince, "but I think she might legit be nuts, also did you see that thing about how she said I'm friends with nerds?? The audacity when she's wanted like half of us"
Stevie: "You think she would've learned after screwing you over." Stevie motioned her head towards Jesse. "I guess Chase is next." she patted the boy's back.
Chase: "I mean, she called me a perv ... so I think that I'm safe for now" said Chase, "also two out of three of these conspiracies are traaaaaaaaaaaash. Riley not being blind? That's a low blow" he added, kinda annoyed.
Jesse: "Yeah, shes hot be let me be real. Her head game is weak and the sex is kinda boring." Jesse said with a shrug. "Bro. I heard that the car accident she was in was like.. really bad. She told me she was in the hospital for months."
Stevie: "Couldn't be me." Stevie shook her head. "But yeah, I'm not really sure why she would think Riley would lie about something like that."
Jesse: "She said its because shes good at cheer." Jesse said pulling out his phone and pulluing up her instagram and scrolling. "Whats a worlds champion?" He said before watching some videos from before her accident. "Oh my god how does someone do flips like that????" He said a bit shook. "I don't think shes lying. I've witnessed her walk into a door once"
Chase: "Riley was the best on the team before the accident, and she definitely still kicks ass" said Chase.
Wren: "The sex was boring? Not doing that again" said Wren with an eyeroll.
Jesse: "And shes hot." Jesse pointed out. "Go griffin, hot and flexiable" He said with a laugh. "Was Val boring in bed too? God I got lucky with Olivia."
Wren: "We only fucked once" said Wren, "didn't even get my dick sucked" admitted Wren.
Stevie: "So hot." Stevie smiled to herself. "Cut these girls some slack, at least you all get off by the end of it." she teased them. "But seriously dude, get your dick sucked. Have fun."
Wren: "People keep playing me, do I just look like I enjoy used by girls with no perks?" asked Wren, half joking.
Jesse: "stop!" Jesse said shaking his head. "You deserve it all, wrenny." Jesse added on. "Okay but like, If imma go down on her, she should at least return the favor." Jesse pointed out. "What if you gave all the head and didn't get any back?" he asked Stevie
Stevie: "That's gotta be someone's kink." Stevie said as a joke. "I'm sure you'll get your dick sucked soon." she gave Wren a thumbs up. "Well that's just being inconsiderate. I like to hookup with nice people that care about making me feel good as well." she said, placing her hand over her heart.
Wren: "I swear to god, cone of silence ... looking at you Chase. But I've never gotten head, only given it" said Wren, kind of embarrassed.
Jesse: "Wren, baby. You have to be more assertive." Jesse pointed out. "But Devyn would prob do it if you asked her, but like I said. It was weak." He added in. "But we can't deny shes a simp for simp nation"
Wren: "Girls just aren't into me. Maybe I should just take Asher up on his offer" joked Wren, well about the second half. "She is! That's what makes no sense" he replied.
Stevie: "Dude, how many times do I have to tell you? Girls are into you. I wouldn't lie to you." Stevie shook her head. "I mean I heard Asher already made himself quite comfortable in your room at the party so..."
Jesse: "Careful. Make sure that boy gets tested before you even look at him." He said with a laugh. "There are plenty of single hot girls in this school that would love you blow you." Jesse took out his phone again. "You guys should see the texts between me and devyn"
Chase: Chase kept his damn mouth shut about the fact that it did not happen.
Wren: Wren passed the connector to Jesse, "Feel free to demonstrate to the class" he said.
Stevie: "God there's more?" Stevie asked after laughing
Jesse: Jssse plugged in his phone. “This is the text message saying she thinks about me and my dick when she is in bed alone” he said before scrolling a big more up. “This is her telling me how much she likes my dick and then throws in a hope it runs in the family comment. Like gross.” He said before scrolling to the bottom “and this is her apologizing for it because I actually stood up for myself and let’s not forget how she tweeted the world that I was small.”
Wren: "Yeah calling a man small, not cool" said Chase, war flashbacks to the gossip blog anons.
Jesse: “I’m not even small and hate to share I’m not even average.” He said with a shrug. “She just trying to make all the girls think I am so they stay away but jokes on her because Olivia loves me and not just for my dick size”
Wren: "Not to shit on her sexuality and stuff, but what's with the dick obsession? And voicing it that much? Like if I tweeted about boobs like that, I would be absolutely cancelled" said Wren.
Jesse: “I heard she made out with that blond girl, Kelly’s sister. Maybe she’s gay.AND and. During spin the bottle she made out with Riley.”
Stevie: Stevie tried holding in her laugh when she read his response saying he was hard. Men. So weak. "So uh, did you ever tell Olivia about these?" she asked with raised brows.
Jesse: “I told her” he said simply. He didn’t want to say that he kissed her but they probably knew since devyn also tweeted that he was a cheater. “Told her how she was all over me and begging. Also told Jonah that but I’d love to hear how she is twisting that around even when she asked me to go back to her house with her.”
Wren: "So someone needs to tell Jonah" said Wren, kinda worried about him, "He shoulda just stayed with my sister"
Stevie: Stevie let out a sigh, "This shit is such a mess." she said as if she wasn't dealing with her own mess with girls. "Yeah like soon." she agreed. "How is she by the way?" she asked Wren.
Jesse: “Well it won’t be me. I don’t want him to think I’m doing it out of jealousy or some shit. But I also don’t want to see him hurt but like... I don’t want to give him another reason to hate me and is not talk again,”
Wren: "She's vulnerable and will hurt anyone" said Wren, "so don't try anything. Just talk to your little internet girlfriend"
Jesse: Jesse gave wren a look before pulling up rorys Instagram which presented into the tv.
Stevie: Stevie looked over at Wren with wide eyes before hitting his arm, "I wasn't going to try anything, and she's not my girlfriend."
Wren: "Guys, we're twins. Can we not do this?" said Wren with an exaggerated sigh.
Jesse: “Oh don’t worry. We are going to your page next.” He said before switching to wrens.  “Devyn was right. You are hot.” He said playfully
Stevie: "Sooo hot." Stevie nodded her head and winked at Wren.
Wren: "I haven't managed to post enough to get the pictures of Chanel down on my page" said Wren, "or Valerie" he said realizing he should have probably said that first.
Jesse: “That’s what the delete button is for” he said pointing out. “Or the acrhive feature so it doesn’t delete them but they are hidden”
Stevie: "His heart couldn't handle deleting them." Stevie said, nudging Wren.
Wren: "I like the pictures, it's just ... they don't need to be at the top of my feed" said the boy, "haha very funny Steve"
Stevie: "They do look good in these pictures." Stevie looked through the pictures he had with the girls. "We can do like a whole photoshoot and get some sweet pics. It'll be fun. My parents have one nice ass camera we can use."
Jesse: "We can take some thirst traps and put them all up. Some snazzy captions abou how we are not all losers." Jesse pointed out as well
Wren: "Turtlenecks?" said Wren half joking, his sister had put him in one and he rather liked it. He'd never lived anywhere cold before, and he knew Stevie always commented on them.
Jesse: "I should invest in some turtle necks, i think people are tired of seeing me in plain long sleeves." He said playfully, thats really all he wore. "Are they really comfortable?"
Stevie: "Ah you know I just love the turtlenecks." Stevie teased her friend. "I think they are. We can all wear one and have one festive ass photoshoot. I'll make some corny family Christmas cards with the pictures. It'll be great." she said jokingly.
Wren: “Sounds like a plan to me” said Wren putting in a game. “But enough of that, let’s blow off some steam, boys and Steve” he said tossing each of them a controller.
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Untold Tales of Spider-Man 11: Poison in the Soul – by Glenn Greenberg
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Ultimately a good story
Markie Macchio and Ralphie Bernardo have visions of moving to Mexico or the Caribbean to open a bar and captain a fishing boat respectively. They rob a jewelry store in service to their dreams, only to run into Spider-Man and find themselves webbed up, awaiting the police. A stolen ring, found by Spidey in Ralphie’s pocket, reminds him that he has just asked Mary Jane to marry him and has not yet gotten an answer.
The next day, Harry Osborn calls him to tell him about Marty Schultz, who was Pete’s lab partner in a couple of ESU Freshman classes. Pete recalls that Marty called him recently and they set up a lunch date but a need for Spidey prevented the meeting. Now, Harry tells Pete that Marty is dead… a suicide who left a note saying he couldn’t get rid of the poison in his soul. Hearing this, Peter berates himself for standing Marty up. “If I hadn’t been adventuring, I could’ve been there for Marty, I could have helped him through whatever was troubling him. He’d still be alive!” But he also realizes that, if he hadn’t been Spidey that day, all of the people he rescued from a burning building would be dead. “But what about Marty?” he thinks, “Couldn’t he have been there for Marty, as well?” Pete sighs heavily. There is no answer for this.
The next day, Peter goes to Brevoort Funeral Parlor but, riddled with guilt, can’t bring himself to go inside. He wanders to the Daily Bugle where J. Jonah Jameson tells him that the Shocker has broken jail. JJJ demands “photos I can use for my front page!” Spidey finds the Shocker fighting police in the intersection of Broadway and Nineteenth Street. After a short battle, the Shocker uses his vibro-blasts on a building, sending “large chunks of rubble and broken bricks” to the street. Spidey pushes the “dozens of people standing there” to safety allowing the Shocker to blast him from behind. The rubble buries the web-slinger and the Shocker escapes, though Spidey tags him with a spider-tracer. A cop who doesn’t buy into Jameson’s editorials (“That crank?” he says, “He’s just a loudmouthed blowhard looking for attention.”) pulls Spidey from the rubble. Wondering why the Shocker didn’t stick around to finish him off, Spidey follows, searching for his spider-tracer’s signal.
Spidey locates the signal at Forest Hills Cemetery, prompting recollections of Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacy…and Marty Schultz. Remembering that Marty was going to be buried in this cemetery, Spidey locates the grave and pays his respects. The guilt strikes him again and he feels “as if it’s all seeped through me, right down to the core of my soul.” Spidey thinks he understands what Marty meant by poison in the soul…”I’m sure feeling that way now”… but he decides “you took the coward’s way out, Marty…Death is never a solution, no matter what problems have to be overcome.” Suddenly, the Shocker strikes, enraged that Spidey is standing over Marty’s grave. He reveals that Marty was his kid brother and that he escaped jail because the authorities wouldn’t let him attend Marty’s funeral. The Shocker’s own guilt over letting Marty down fills him with his own “poison in the soul.” Feeling sympathy for his opponent, Spidey polishes the Shocker off quickly, then lectures him on his squandered talent and potential. “You have the chance to embrace the future,” he says, “It’s a chance your brother threw away. What’s it going to be for you, Schultz, the future… or a dead end?”
The Shocker decides to go straight after serving his sentence. Spidey lets him pay his last respects to Marty before taking him away. “I still don’t know what the poison in your soul was, Marty,” thinks Spidey, “Probably no one knows, or ever will. But what I do know is that the guilt and anguish that I felt over your death-the poison in my own soul-is gone now. I’m not sure if your brother will really be able to reform. That’s for the future to decide. But right now, at this very moment, all is right with the world, and the future looks bright. And moments like this are so rare, so few and far between, that I can’t help but cherish it.”
Several days later, Spidey stands on top of the Brooklyn Bridge. He’s been thinking about Gwen Stacy lately, particularly since MJ has turned down his marriage proposal. Part of him wishes he could live in the past and avoid the hurts like Mary Jane’s refusal but he knows he must choose the future over the past. “I’ll always love you, Gwen, and I’ll always remember you. But the future is calling, and I have to go meet it head-on. I think that’s what you would have wanted me to do.” Spidey web-slings through the city knowing, “with tomorrow, there was a chance for hope, for opportunity, and maybe, just maybe, for happiness.”
The drawbacks of this story are:
The name dropping of 90s Spidey editors 
The thugs at the start getting way too much page space devoted to them considering how insignificant they were
Greenberg arguably going too far with Peter’s sense of guilt
Everything else with the story works fine, unless you want to hold it in contempt for defying canon (wouldn’t Spidey have mentioned Shocker’s attempt to reform at some point?) but by this instalment that’s rather moot.
I’ve said before how each story in this anthology both takes place during a particular era of Spidey and tries to represent a component of his (then existing) mythology. 
In hindsight the prior story about Fancy Dan is probably touching upon the crime noir elements in Spidey’s mythos whilst this story is about both Peter’s sense of guilt and never say die attitude. 
it uses Peter’s desire to marry MJ and the aftermath of Gwen’s death as the vehicle to explore this. Whilst listening to the story I was prepared to hold the story in contempt for giving so little attention to MJ herself as I thought Peter’s proposal was intended to be the crux of the story but in reality that wasn’t what this story was trying to be about in the first place. As such I don’t mind that being something paid so little attention.
I was also ready to call out greenberg’s handling of Peter’s guilt, the idea that he feels like Marty’s death was his fault at all and his desire to run away from the funeral was at best overwrought and at worst out of character.
Thankfully Greenberg stuck the landing and had Spidey realise (refreshingly all on his own) that Marty’s death wasn’t on him, that he was likely going to take his own life no matter what. 
I can’t say for sure if this was Greenberg’s intention but I think the story illustrates what I have often said about Peter’s guilt. It’s not that he is inherently and perennially guilty but rather his kneejerk reaction to dealing with a crisis, especially death, is to assume guilt onto himself so he feels in control but deep down he doesn’t believe it/eventually he gets over it.*
As for the Shocker this is definitely one of the best Shocker stories of all time but also might be THE best in terms of characterization for him and depth. 
The story also drives home a great aspect of the character that wasn’t exactly explored on panel in the 1970s, Spidey’s ‘never say die’ attitude. We never got to explore Peter’s feelings about trying to find love again after Gwen’s death but you had to figure he did it because he knew there was hope and he wasn’t one to surrender to darkness. If he was he’d have been crushed long ago.
So having Spidey have his hopes for his personal life (and retroactively Shocker’s too) crushed by MJ’s rejection but persevere in spite of it was ultimately very dramatic and spoke to the heroic nature of the character.
*A great bit of writing by Greenberg was the moment Peter acknowledged that had he been there fore Marty people might’ve died in a fire. This then led into an intriguing moment where Peter hears a voice in his mind and realizes it belongs not to himself but to ‘Spider-Man’. 
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Mark of the Wolf Part 12
Catch Up Here!
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader (Lastname: Markolf)
Words: 5k
Warnings: For once... no violence in a MOTW chapter. But... maybe some poorly written rushed angst? I’m sorry... I just wanted to keep this story alive without having to wait a month in between updates... Oops!
A/N: Ayyy... Next chapter things are gonna heat up a bit.... and not just with our killer hunter tree people (Oh gawd, this sentence was stupid.) Enjoy meeting the family!
Leave a like or reblog if you enjoyed this chapter! It helps ☺
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The drive to the Homestead was filled with awkward silence, half snores and faint mumbles traded in for regular conversation. You had been resting against Derek's chest the whole drive, teetering between full-on sleep and temporal distortion from constantly zoning in and out -or at least, it felt like you were time travelling whenever you'd close your eyes for a second and then the next thing you knew, a whole hour had flown past.
Your dreams were foggy, hitting you vividly one moment then incomprehensible the next. Several symbols flooded your thoughts when your eyelids closed, so did Alyster’s hoarse voice, but you blocked most of that out. Through all the disorder within your brain, only one image presented itself clearly and repeatedly: the bow and shank of a golden key without a bit. You kept sketching it in your mind. Over and over and over again until you started tracing the outline of the shape on your thigh using your index finger. Derek noticed but didn’t say anything. You were grateful because you wouldn’t know what to say had he asked.
You knew instantly the moment you were close to home. The air smelled of pine and rain. The sound of chirping and crickets filled the night. You felt Derek's muscles uncoil as soon as that fresh forest air hit his nostrils. He took a long, deep whiff and that caused his chest to rise and the beating of his heart to accelerate. The sound was… calming.
A howl woke you from your half-slumber. You were greeted by a tense energy swarming inside the car. Markus chuckled before reassuring everyone it was simply your youngest brother, Jonah, alerting the rest of your family to your arrival.
The driveway was narrow and paved by pebble-sized stones in place of tar or cobble, the sound of tires rolling over stone was familiar yet odd. Out from behind a tall hedge was the old, two-story wood and brick style house and behind that was the cabin and shed. Your mother and father were standing on the porch, tight smiles on their faces diluted by the breezy way they waved their arms. Beside them stood your sister, Esme. She was wearing workout clothes, undoubtedly from spending her day training Jonah -who was nowhere to be seen.
"Home, sweet home," Markus said as he got out of the car and was promptly greeted by Esme's fist punching his side. "Oof! Why do both my sister's insist on punching me? Are hugs and handshakes no longer an acceptable form of etiquette amongst werewolves?"
Esme's brow was furrowed, she looked furious, "Werewolves, yes. Siblings, not so much.” She punched him again, “You had us worried."
You were certain she was ready to rip him a new one right there and then by scolding him with a wordy speech she had undoubtedly practised several times in the mirror, but it never came. In place of a tongue lashing, she completely blindsiding him with a strong hug. A relieved sigh leaving her full lips.
As soon as you stepped out of the car, you were nearly toppled to the ground by Jonah -who had no doubt picked up the same blindsiding habit from Esme- with one of his trademark sprint hugs.
"Y/N! I missed you! How's your new job? Saved any pups lately? Get bitten by any mean cats? What about your new house? Is it spacey? Do you have your own porch swing? I know how much you love porch swings. You probably noticed ours is gone, I kinda, sorta, maybe broke it. Anyway, what about your neighbours? Is it weird moving someplace where your nearest neighbours can hear it when you sneeze? You sneeze really loudly! Are they nosey or rude or--" Jonah rambled at a faster than lightning pace.
You were still winded from his surprise hug, you almost didn't know what was happening. You couldn’t even get a word in between each speed round of questioning he threw your way.
"I missed you too Speedy," You giggled as you patted his lithe back, he was taller and skinnier than when you last saw him. That worried you. "The real question is: 'What have they been feeding you?' You're practically all bone!" You gawked at your parents.
Your dad chuckled, pushing his glasses farther up his nose, "Don't look at us. He eats more than Esme and Markus combined."
"Hey squirt," Esme wrapped you in a hug after she released Markus from her stony embrace. After she peered over your shoulder with an arched brow at all the strangers currently disembarking from the cars. "I see you've brought guests. Good thing you called ahead of time to give us a heads up." She retorted.
"Oh tish, Esme. Don't be rude," your mom walked down the steps and welcomed the strangers at her doorstep. “Please, ignore her boorish manners. Any friends of Y/N are friends of ours. Welcome, welcome.”
Stiles fumbled a bit, wiping his clammy hands on his jeans before offering a handshake. Scott and Liam inched closer to offer their own introductions while Derek and Peter took in the sheer scope of the Homestead, the latter of whom let out a whistle before remarking, “We invested in the wrong kind of real estate...”
“We?” Derek huffed.
“We’re family. Family is always entitled to a ‘we’,” Peter pointed out.
“I think we are the exception to the rule,” Derek strode away from the insulted looking Peter and introduced himself to your parents. Theo had remained silent and guarded during the entire welcome wagon. The overly warm ambience threw him off. He stood out like a sore thumb. An uncomfortably sore thumb.
"How's the fiancé?" you asked Esme with a bright smile as you made your way inside the house. It was probably the first time you'd been able to smile freely ever since you moved to Beacon Hills.
It comforted you that the house still smelt the same: sandalwood and lavender. Sandalwood was your dad’s go-to scent, he used it to try and mask the smell of tobacco from your mother whenever he’d sneak a cigar. He was never successful in that endeavour. Lavender was the go-to scent of all the candles Maggie made from scratch. She was a dabbler in aromatherapy. Everyone else in the house would always complain about strong smells during Summer, that’s when she did most of her brewing and mixing and distilling like some new-age witch without the pointy hat or warty nose. Your wolf nose wasn’t as keen as everyone else’s, so it never bothered you much. Not unless she was working with jasmine, you couldn’t stand the smell of jasmine.
Esme rolled her eyes, "She's driving me up the wall. Who knew planning a wedding could be so… stressful."
You cocked your head to the side, "Wait, I thought Maggie wanted to elope?"
"She did, originally," Esme sighed in your mom’s direction before shooting you a small smile. "Mom talked her into having a traditional wedding instead."
"All I did was show her your grandmother's wedding dress and a few photo albums, Maggie is a grown woman, she is allowed to change her mind," Your mother winked in your direction.
Jonah darted around Derek and Scott, nose high in the air as he far-from-discretely investigated the new werewolves.
"Hey, Speedy, what is the general rule when you meet other werewolves?" Esme asked with a hint of exasperation in her tone.
Jonah huffed a sigh and pulled his lips into a pout, eyes cast down, "Never be too obvious…”
“And?” Esme pressed.
Jonah bit his lip, “And don't sniff the air… it's rude."
"And what were you doing?" Esme's hands were on her hips now.
Jonah kicked at the air, "Being rude."
You elbowed your sister when you saw your brother's pouting face pull lower, "Cut him some slack, E. He's allowed to fib a little. He’s still a kid. You all had a learning curve too." You held out your hands for Jonah and he dashed to your side and cradled under your frame as though you were his security blanket. He shot Esme a shit-eating grin. "Don't worry Speedy, I'll protect you from the big, bad wolf."
Esme snarled, her eyes turning blue for an instant and then she chuckled and ruffled Jonah's sandy curls, "You're lucky Y/N's here. But don't think for a second that you can use her to get out of morning training."
Jonah shone his golden eyes in a puppy dog manner and Esme simply smacked his face playfully, not having any of his younger sibling bullshit tactics. You laughed at the weird sound he made after Esme’s palm left his face.
You had been so caught up in just being back home and slipping back into comfortable habits that you had forgotten to introduce everyone. "Oh, how rude of me. I haven’t done proper introductions yet. Mom, Dad, Esme, Speedy, these are my… friends from Beacon Hills. That's Derek, his uncle Peter, Scott, Liam, I'm not sure who he is because we met two nights ago and we took separate cars and, of course, we all know Deaton. We had a seventh, but we left her in Mexico."
Theo smirked at your quirky way of saying you hadn't been introduced and gave a half-wave as he decided to handle his own introductions, "Theo."  
Everyone gave a wave or a nod or an inaudible, 'Hello'.
"Everyone, these are my parents, Christian and Estella Markolf. The sour face over here is my sister Esme, you all met Markus and this little runt over here is Jonah.” You shook Jonah around like he was a ragdoll, prompting a giggle from him. “Our emissary, Maggie is… somewhere, though I'm not sure where."
"She headed into town early this morning, apparently a package arrived for her," Esme filled you in.
Jonah sniffed the air again, though not as subtly as he thought he was being. Then he turned and whispered to Esme, "Does he smell strange to you?" he set his eyes on Theo.
"Yeah, I'm not all werewolf, that's why. I'm surprised you picked up on it," Theo explained to him loudly.
Esme hid her embarrassment behind a scowl, “Speedy, we just went over this…”
Jonah ignored Esme’s protests and started up a conversation with Theo, "I have a condition that makes my wolf senses more excited than normal. It means I’m constantly running about or my nose picks up on strange smells from miles away. One time I smelt a campfire that was lit on the other side of the property line. Oh, and this one time I heard scratching in the house and it nearly drove me up the wall because it was so loud but no one else could hear it… turns out it was a rat in the basement."
"Ah, Chimera," Theo offered in explanation. "What's your…uh, condition?"
"ADHD," Jonah said simply.
Peter looked at your brother like he suddenly transformed into a peacock and you protectively glowered at him. Derek subtly stomped on Peter’s foot and he let out a hiss in pain. You bit back a laugh.
"Well," you father cleared his throat. "Now that we're all… acquainted, let’s see if we can make some room for all of you. And then after, we’ll let Markus explain what exactly he was doing in Mexico and why he and Esme never bothered to tell their parents they were planning on doing something stupid." he glanced between Esme and Markus with an inquisitive brow arched high. Both your siblings looked away like they’d been burned and shuffled awkwardly.
“Before you go on and tear Markus a new one, remember to mind your temper, your blood pressure is a whole thing now and I don’t need to tell you to keep a handle on it,” your mother patted your father’s chest lovingly before turning to her eldest son. “And you. March on upstairs and take a shower and a couple of aspirin. You reek!”
 The house was full and bustling with energy. In every room there was a conversation to be had or a chore to be done. The only time the house had been this full was the time when Maggie had invited her extended family over from Ireland to visit over the holidays.
The house was already beginning to bud off into smaller groups. The youngest members gravitated towards each other. Jonah and Theo hit it off quite easily and it didn’t take long until Liam was pulled into their orbit. Before you knew it, they were outside roughhousing like teenagers -though, to be fair, Jonah was barely over eighteen.
Peter and Esme got to talking about her former pack down in Sao Paulo and Deaton, Scott and Stiles were in the study looking over several open books and notes Maggie had compiled about the hunters. Derek and Markus were outside somewhere talking in hushed whispers. Meanwhile, your dad was helping you and your mother set up your old room.
"It's good to have you home," your mother said as she unfolded the duvet cover. "Despite the circumstances."
You shrugged, focusing your energy on putting the duvet cover on the right way round.
"Though it is rather ironic," your dad chipped in as he brought several sleeping bags down from the attic. "You left to get away from all this werewolf business and somehow you come home with more werewolves. Next thing you know you’ll be marrying a werewolf."
"I get it, I'm a walking disaster with a magnet for the supernatural," you half-joked.
"That Derek boy and his uncle seem quite familiar to me," your mom's face scrunched up in thought. "He wouldn't be a Hale by any chance?"
"Y-yeah… how did you--?"
"I knew his mother, way back when, before I left my old pack." She interrupted you as she fluffed several pillows and took down several blankets from the wardrobe. "He looks so much like his mother..." her eyes glanced out the window and then back at you. “And quite handsome."
You tossed a pillow her way, "Very subtle."
She winked, "It's just an observation."
Your dad grumbled as he took the blankets out of her hands and headed out of the room, "I sure do hope that’s all that was."
“Ignore him, he’s only just gotten used to the fact that he isn’t alpha anymore, he’s a little more territorial than usual,” she snickered behind a quilt.
 You heard the clinking of Maggie's chunky metal bangles and numerous pendants before you heard her footsteps when she barged in through the front door holding a cardboard box marked with a 'Royal Mail' stamp on it, "Hey, who are those two strange boyos with Jonah outside?"
She stopped with wide eyes when she saw you, arms spreading wide so she could squeeze your frame between her two plump arms. The frilly sleeves of her summer dress rolling up so you could see her tattoo sleeve in all its glory. You noticed she had gotten a new tattoo added to the collection.
"Aww, Y/N, I've missed you! I didn't think we'd be seeing you so soon after you left..." she studied your face and frowned when she noticed the dark circles under your eyes. "You haven't been sleeping at all. You got a bad dose of stress, don’t you? This won't do." Her strong Irish lilt was still very much present on her tongue.
"Hey, Maggie, I hear you aren't eloping anymore?" you asked and she blushed dotingly.
"What can I say, I decided I wanted the fairy tale wedding after all," She tucked her short hair behind her ear as a deep blush set on her freckled face. “I’m guessing those new additions amongst the garden gnomes belong to you?"
"Oh, I brought more," you nodded behind you where Derek, Peter, Scott and Stiles were all gathered.
"Who is that tall drink of water?" she whispered, but you knew they all heard.
You ignored her comment and glanced down at her parcel balanced between her arm and hip, "What's that?”
"Oh, it's a book my brother sent over," she used her shapely nails to rip open the box with little to no finesse. "Aha!" she cheered when she finally got it open. "It's the right volume too! I’ve gotta crack on with this sweets. We’ll hang properly later, yeah?"
You nodded and stood aside to let her through.
She trotted over to the study and immediately started flipping through pages after a short and sweet introduction to the rest of the pack. Maggie and Deaton got to catching up while Stiles, who was face timing with a pretty girl, pulled up a chair to join them with their studies.
Derek glanced your way while Peter rambled to Esme and Markus about something. He flashed a quick smile at you that caused the temperature in the room to grow much hotter. You hovered aimlessly for a second before seeking out something to do. You settled for sticking your head in the fridge to try and cool down.
Those words Alyster had spoken before kept fading in and out of your subconscious all day like a malfunctioning dimmer switch you could never turn off all the way.
That night, you, Esme and Maggie had curled up under your covers with a pint of lemon sorbet and an old boxset of Friends on DVD. Even though you enjoyed your time away from the madness and bloodshed and time being hunted to the ends of the earth, you never quite relaxed into the secure sanctuary of your bedroom walls.
The crappy TV in your room had the worst sound and you had spent most of the night pretending to watch the poor quality video while Esme and Maggie rotated between bridesmaid talk, the new pack of wolves you had brought home and how many muscles Derek was hiding under his shirt -that particular topic seemed to interest Maggie more that Esme, who simply made disinterested noises every time her better half brought up the topic.
"I mean… I bet his muscles have muscles..." Maggie ate her spoon full of ice-cream slowly, mind elsewhere. "He seems like the kind of guy who would work out shirtless."
"Come with us, and all this chaos can end. Come with us and I'll tell you the truth."
Esme sighed, "If you like him so much, marry him." her words weren't mean or unpleasant, simply the ramblings of a bored woman tired of hearing Maggie fawn over Derek's muscles.
"Come with us and you will learn of your importance to the Order... And the fate of the world."
"I mean… with your permission," Maggie said sarcastically before peppering what could only be cold kisses onto Esme’s cheek, smudging her rouge lipstick all over your older sisters face. Esme didn't mind it one bit.
"All we want is you."
"Easy there, future Mrs Quinn-Markolf," Esme wiped the lipstick smudges onto her t-shirt sleeve. "You keep smothering me like this and I may just have to rethink the, 'Till death do us part' clause in our vows."
Maggie snorted, "Yeah, you'll have to rethink it if you think I'm going to be known as Maggie Quinn-Markolf for the rest of my life."
"Your blood is special.”
Esme pulled away from Maggie, “What? Is Quinn-Markolf not euphonic enough for you? I thought our love was stronger than the clashing sounds of our hyphenated last names!” she retorted.
“Your lineage is special.”
Maggie scrunched her nose and gave a blunt, “Nah, you’d be sorely mistaken there, love.” Esme gasped and Maggie peppered her cheek with more kisses before she could escape from beneath the covers, “I am only codding ya!”
“You are special."
Despite the playful atmosphere, you were too distracted to enjoy the moment.
Esme noticed you had been absent from their conversations and she chalked it up to more than just exhaustion or anti-social behaviour, "You okay, squirt?" she nudged you with her shoulder.
You hummed, taken by surprise by the question. "Yeah, why?"
"Because you've been a little… distant tonight," Maggie finished her thought for her.
"I..." you wanted to say everything was fine. You wanted to put up a brave front and soldier on, but something in you cracked and you had to hold back a sob as you finally caved in, revealing everything that had happened to you since you saved Derek in the vet clinic. You even revealed the part about you almost agreeing to be the sacrificial lamb when Alyster was in your head.
Neither your sister nor her fiancé said anything, they just let you talk and talk until you passed out. It felt good to be open and truthful without the fear of sudden judgement.
The next day, when you woke up, you were squished between Esme and Maggie. Their soft snores waking you from the longest sleep you'd had in a long while. It felt good to get that off your chest. But for some reason, the atmosphere in the house changed. It grew a little more tense.
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The days following your homecoming blended together. The pack had spent their free time doing research and trying to come up with a viable plan of action. Liam, Jonah and Theo began to form an odd bond over their werewolf otherness -Liam with his IED, Jonah with his ADHD and Theo with his being a Chimera. Together, they were one ingredient short of turning into some form of an incendiary device. Their energy was exhausting, as was their constant rough-housing. You couldn't fathom how Maggie managed to reign them in whenever they got too rowdy. 
Things with Derek were different. He was more distant and whenever you did interact, he'd act pricklier than usual. He was giving you the cold shoulder. Most of the time, if he could avoid it, he wouldn't look you in the eye when he talked to you. His jaw would twitch every now and again as he spoke between clenched teeth. Peter delighted himself in watching your painful interaction. He’d always have a snide comment that would cause Derek to sigh or just walk away.
It was like Derek was being accosted by your very presence and that drove you up the wall. That was why you were storming into the woods at dawn in old combat boots and baggy pyjamas. This behaviour couldn’t continue. You wouldn’t allow it.
You found him in the middle of the meadow, he was shirtless and sweating. His biceps were straining as he dipped his body low in a single armed push-up. You were dazed for a moment, the first glimmers of daybreak causing his sweat slickened body to glisten. It seems Maggie was correct in assuming he worked out without a shirt. A flush burned at your cheeks and you bit your tongue in frustration. Damn him and his perfectly chiselled muscles.
"What are you doing out here so early?" he grumbled out without looking at you.
"I have a bone to pick with you. Didn't want to do it in front of the others," You placed your hands on your hips as though that would make you look more imposing. It didn't. 
He stood and let out a strained exhale, bare chest heaving up and down as his midriff tensed and relaxed with every breath. He brushed a hand through his dark, sweaty hair and strode over, picking up his water bottle and spritzing himself with water in an effort to cool himself down.
You could have sworn you saw some of the moisture evaporate off his body. It made you gulp.
"Alright," he was panting, eyes dark. "What is it?" his jaw did that thing again and your face grew even redder. You hoped he'd chalk it up to anger.
"You've been acting… strange around me ever since we got here. Most days you don't even look at me. Usually, this wouldn’t bother me, but we’re supposed to be working together here and I can’t help but feel like maybe I did something wrong... Well did I?"
His eyes narrowed, "Did you do something wrong?" he repeated the question with a condescending tone and then laughed darkly. "Oh, I don't know. I'm usually elated whenever the person I'm trying to protect from sudden death flirts with the idea of giving themselves over to the homicidal maniac that's been stalking them across the country!"
You gasped, "You heard me?"
He rolled his eyes at you, "Of course I heard you! The whole house heard you! You live with a family of werewolves that have super hearing!"
You were growing antsy. What gave him the right to be so angry over something that didn't concern him? What gave him the right to eavesdrop on your private conversations with Esme and Maggie?
You were positively fuming now, "Well, since you took it upon yourself to listen in on my private conversation--"
"I wasn't listening in. I have supernatural hearing!"
You held up your hand to hush him, "Let me finish. Since your supernatural hearing picked up on my private conversation, then you obviously heard why I flirted with the idea of giving myself over to that homicidal maniac. He promised to let you live. I thought you were going to die… all of you."
"That doesn't make things better. He could have been lying to you for all you knew!"
"What if he wasn’t?
"He was!"
"What if he wasn't and all this madness would have ended once I gave myself up?"
"I don’t believe that! And neither should you. I can’t believe you were so reckless. Do you have any idea…" He ran a hand over his scruff roughly. “We promised to protect you. How do you think I would have felt if you wound up dead? Or how Scott would have felt? We chose to put our lives on the line. That was our choice.”
"If it comes down to me choosing between myself and everybody else, it’s simple math. It's my life! I never asked you to try and take it upon yourself to save me! I don't need your permission."
"Maybe you don't get a say in the matter!" Derek's eyes turned blue as he took a step closer to you. “Math isn’t all it’s about. It’s not all check and balance. Death isn’t permanent for everyone else who’s left behind. It just becomes an addition to their own equation.”
You were shaking now, voice going hoarse from all the shouting, "What gives you the right to presume to know what is and isn't best for me or what I can and cannot get a say in?" You finger poked at his chest repeatedly.
He wrapped his strong hands around your wrist, but there was no pressure, he simply used his hold over you to pull you closer so you could better hear his whispers, "Absolutely nothing."
Voice feather-light, you whispered back with a searching gaze, "Then why are you so mad with me for trying to do the right thing?"
"Because..." he tried to explain but gave up with a sigh and then dropped his water bottle.
Before you knew it, Derek's arms snaked around your body and his lips crashed onto yours in a heady kiss. His sharp canines grazed over your sensitive tongue and lips in a seductively dangerous manner. The kiss felt dangerous…forbidden. The perfect balance between pain and pleasure.
You gasped in shock when he deepened the kiss, his tongue coaxing yours to become as fervent as his -lapping, suckling and massaging tender flesh in sweet torment. A deep rumble emerged from his chest that caused your locked tongues to vibrate. Instinctively, he pulled you closer until you were pressed flush to his hot body. You moaned on reflex and felt blood rush to your head until your vision started to spin.
When he finally broke away, you stumbled and took a few breaths to try and gather your wits. Derek's wolfishly warm palms were cupping your face, forcing you to stare up into his deep green eyes. "Because you drive me insane." He finally finished.
"Oh..." a frog set itself in your throat and you had to clear it with a few awkward sounds, "I- Uhem! I, uh… didn't know that. I… I-"
You were flustered and in shock, your body burning with a sensual desire you hadn't had a second ago. All you could think about was how good his lips felt on yours. How soft and tender and deep the kiss was. How talented his tongue was.
You had to fan yourself to try and cool your skin. When that wasn't enough, you grabbed Derek's water bottle off the ground and sprayed yourself with the remnants inside.
With a shrill gasp, you turned to Derek, mustering what little dignity and authority you had left and spoke sternly at him, "That still doesn't excuse your behaviour. I'm glad we could resolve this like adults. I'll see you at the house. I have… things to do. Have a good… exercise."
You nodded to yourself and marched away, leaving the sounds of Derek's baffled chuckles behind. Before you reached the house, Jonah had appeared out of some unseen position and stopped you mid-stride. You shrieked from freight and frowned at him when he gave you an apologetic look.
"Jesus, Speedy! Don’t do that… Announce yourself next time or wear a bell," you steadied your breathing. "What is it?"
"Sorry, it's just, Maggie you know, she… uh, sent me with a message and told me to get to you as quickly as possible," Jonah rambled.
You placed a hand on his shoulder to slow him down, "Talk. Slower."
He nodded, a yawn deforming his smile, "She -Ah, good you're here, I don't have to run after you too. And, oh wow, you’re shirtless. I like running around shirtless too. Esme doesn’t like it though. She says I blind her with my pale skin. It’s not my fault that I can’t tan as nicely as the rest of the family," he spoke to someone behind you.
You turned and noticed Derek had run down from the meadow after hearing you scream. The flush from before threatened to return but you chose to focus on Jonah’s message and not Derek's intense stare.
"Right, okay, back to why Maggie sent me out here to look for you guys," Jonah continued. "She thinks she's cracked it."
"Cracked what?" Derek asked as he pulled his shirt over his shoulders.
"You know, the mystery behind the hunters who’ve been killing werewolves all over the place and what it is exactly that they want," Jonah smacked his palm on his forehead. "She thinks she knows what they are too, thanks to that book Caleb sent her –Caleb is her brother in Ireland– Deaton and that clumsy dude… Stiles, they helped her with everything. They spent all night translating this book with a girl called... Lyria? Lyra? I can’t--" he clicked his fingers repeatedly as though that would magically bring the name back to him.
"Lydia," Derek stated.
Jonah clicked his fingers once more before continuing, "Yeah, her! Anyway. Family meeting in five. Chop-chop. Before Maggie sends Esme after me… And I don't want that."
Jonah sprinted for the house and you were left a little winded by everything.
Derek placed his hand on the small of your back to urge you forward and you shuddered beneath his simple touch and he snatched his hand away as if your skin had electrocuted him.
Things just got complicated.
 To be continued...
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Next Chapter>>
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multimetaverse · 5 years
Andi Mack 3x18 Review
Something To Talk A-Boot was a pretty good ep that was surprisingly fillery and made apparent the cracks in the show’s writing. Let’s dig in!
We got some great Tyrus scenes that more than made up for the crappy writing we’ve seen the last two Tyrus eps. For once they got to end on a happy note which was much appreciated. We returned to the same fun and flirty dynamic we saw before costume day and it’s like that whole mess never happened (which I’ll discuss more in the negatives). 
We’re back to the confident and flirty TJ we had been seeing up until costume day and it’s good that the show has abandoned it’s incredibly ill advised and poorly done internalized homophobia story line which is necessary because Tyrus can’t canon in the finale if TJ and Cyrus aren’t both comfortable with themselves and with each other. Luckily for the show, most of the audience will never know what the hell was going on with TJ in eps 13 and 15 and will just ignore it as bad writing. 
Lot’s of completely unnecessary touching between Tyrus in this ep like holding on to each others shoulders after the verdict and TJ tapping Cyrus as he was putting his seat belt on. I was pleasantly surprised by the full on hug we got; I didn’t think Terri would get a hug approved in this ep and be able to get hand holding approved in the finale but looks like she pulled it off. It made for a rare rule of three for Cyrus as we saw three increasingly gay hugs between him and TJ this season. I loved the whole you’ll visit me on the inside bit, that’s the kind of thing only couples say. 
Man was that Tyrus golf cart scene ever romantic. Just pure flirty fluff and it was wonderful to see. Really the only reason TJ stole the golf cart again and drove off to find Cyrus was to flirt with him. It’s the closest a show with 14 year olds can get to a classic drive off into the sunset ending. Has there ever been a better nerd/jock ship? The golf cart scene was a perfect encapsulation of their dynamic and showed such growth on Cyrus’ part from the scared kid who couldn’t imagine breaking the rules to the more confident self TJ has helped him become. It’s a bittersweet thought but even though a good chunk if not most of the audience still thinks Tyrus is a friendship or one sided crush, everyone who ever starts the show after the finale will know that Tyrus is a romantic relationship and for them subtext will be text from the very start. 
I think it was very deliberate that all of TJ’s scenes were at the school, we needed to see him interacting like normal with Cyrus at the place they’ll spend most of their time. This ep really was in many ways a glimpse of what canon Tyrus will be like after they get together and come out to the world; supportive, flirty, comfortable.
They really took advantage of Luke being 17 and a good driver. I wonder if ‘leggo’’ was in the script or if that was a Luke ad lib.
This was the last confirmed ep they ever filmed at the school and there’s an extremely good chance that the very wholesome and very gay Tyrus golf cart scene was the last scene we’ll ever see at the school. Which is a hell of a way to say goodbye to the school. 
We got just under 5 minutes of Tyrus screen time and just over 5 and a half minutes of total TJ screen time this ep (excluding TJ cheering in the stands). This is the most he’s had since 3x06 and may actually be the most he’s had or will have all season. And this was more Tyrus screen time than we’ve had in 3x11, 3x13, and 3x15 combined which is a damning indictment of Disney’s censorship. Partly this was likely because the writers were trying to pad his screen time a bit since he was originally supposed to be gone for 3 eps in a row instead of 2. Funnily enough, because his story line was left intact even with the cut ep and re-shoots it now looks as though he may actually get a little more screen time in these final 7 eps than Marty does.
It’s impressive too because all of TJ’s scenes were filmed over two days; it makes such a difference when they’re actually allowed to have him on set for more than one day and that they let Luke and Josh actually have scenes together and took advantage of them being older and able to work longer hours.
This ep really built TJ’s character back up and it’s easy to see that the writers knew they had to get the audience back on TJ’s side and remind them of his and Cyrus’ dynamic especially since he was supposed to have been gone for 3 eps in a row instead of 2. 
Josh did a great job hamming it up at the trial. Loved the ‘’you’re showboating’’ ‘’thank you for noticing your honour’’ bit. And Cyrus adding ‘’sir’’ when he was pretending to respond to himself from the witness box was good too. Love that Cyrus took the time to change back into a suit before hearing the verdict.
It makes such a difference for Cyrus’ character is TJ is in an ep or not and I don’t even mean from a shipping perspective. In non TJ eps Cyrus is almost always reduced to therapist friend or comic relief, when TJ is an ep he usually gets to be an active character and actually get to do things. 
We had Buffy saying he used to be the worst and is now the best and Cyrus taking credit for seeing the good in him which was a nice reminder of the amazing growth TJ has had. And of course, there was no real reason to have TJ be the one to help Buffy get to class except to make him look good in the audience’s eyes.
I know a lot of people wanted to see more of Buffy and TJ’s friendship but I’m fine with their brief interactions. The only reason he had so much time with her in S2 and why the end of S2 set up a friendship between them was because Garren had left and they didn’t know they could get him back.
Such great growth on Buffy’s part from the girl who wouldn’t even pass the baton to her team mates back in S1. The Spikes have largely been treated as a joke but we really saw a great dynamic between them and Buffy tonight; they all felt like a real team for the first time ever. And it was interesting seeing Buffy’s room and seeing her doing normal teen stuff with people outside of the GHC. Glad the Spikes got a win and glad Buffy was able to bounce back from her injury and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. 
Very sweet last scene between Jonah and Amber, it was a nice call back to 2x01 when Amber confided in Jonah about her family’s money problems. It was messy but they did help and support each other. I’m happy that Jonah will now be in a more secure place. 
This was also the last confirmed ep they filmed at the Spoon and Jonah watching Amber get him a milkshake is a sweet way to say goodbye to a location that was almost a character in and of itself. We also got to see one last glimpse of the ginger waitress who we’ve seen in a couple of eps.
I liked that Jonah pointed out how well the GHC know each other; he’s a part of the friend group but he’s always stood apart from the GHC itself. 
I also liked that Jonah didn’t know what an existential crisis was. Always funny when they lean into dumb Jonah. 
Jonah and Andi had a sweet scene; glad he’s self aware enough to know he’s not a good advice giver. Liked the callback to Jonah scaring Andi. 
Bex is doing her best. Andi is definitely reacting like a teen. 
No Kira this ep which was great.
Shout out to the FBI and SLPD for shrinking the gap between TJ’s appearances. As much as cutting Ham has ended up damaging the other story lines it will definitely make Cyrus’ story line age much better. Having TJ be gone for 3 eps in a row only to come back after the wedding and only being able to have this kind of screen time and nice scenes after the wedding is so transparent that even kids would have noticed why that was.
I plan to have a happy finale night so I’m going to get my criticism of Terri’s handling of Tyrus out of the way now. I’ve seen quite a few posts on different social media sites wondering if TJ was in the cut ep and that’s why Kira isn’t mentioned or if there were cut Tyrus scenes but the plain simple truth is that this is just bad writing, some of the worst Terri has done. It’s not a satisfying explanation but it’s reality. 
I’d like to hear Terri one day explain what she thought she was going to accomplish with this internalized homophobia plot line on a show with so many restrictions and with an audience that doesn’t know TJ is gay. I don’t think there is a good explanation but I would like to know what the hell she was thinking. She’s always shown such care with the gay story line and to just drop the ball so badly when the show is almost done is more sad than anything else. Thank god Disney let her have canon Tyrus in the finale.
It’s clear from the writing of S3 that they knew from the very start that Tyrus couldn’t canon until the finale, if at all. It’s been nothing but drama that keeps them apart up until now: Buffy is still kind of mad at TJ, Reed had a gun, Jonah is mad at TJ, Bubbe Rose dies, Kira comes in. TJ isn’t even involved with the Spikes after 3x04 and barely had any scenes with Buffy and he hasn’t had a single scene with Jonah since so it’s not like those plots were meant to have an impact. And Terri would have known that TJ could only be in 9 eps max this season and she was the one who cast a 14 year old to play Kira, knowing that Raquel just wouldn’t be able to be on set nearly as long as Luke which of course she did because she knew it didn’t matter how old she was because Kira and TJ would have limited screen time anyways. And she would have known that the look back had been edited to make it look like TJ was straight and yet she still went ahead. 
Honestly, Terri is lucky that most of the audience will never know that TJ was supposed to be struggling with his sexuality in 3x13-3x15 because if they did this story line would come off as much worse than it does for them. I can buy that she wouldn’t have known how far she could go with canon Tyrus until close to the finale itself but that just makes her decisions even more baffling. If she ends up being able to have a textual ending then she has to have TJ be confident or it just won’t make sense. But if Disney said no to canon Tyrus then there’s no way they would have let her properly explore an internalized homophobia arc anyways which makes it all pointless. 
Now that we’ve seen up until 18 we can see just how defensive Terri’s instagram post back in November about not complaining about Disney censorship or queerbaiting was. At the time all she had actually accomplished was Cyrus saying the word gay which was historic and wonderful but only one ep. There’s obvious censorship by Disney and it would have been even more apparent if it wasn’t for Stoney’s arrest. And up until now there’s really nothing differentiating  Tyrus from queerbaiting as Cyrus hasn’t even been able to say he has a crush on TJ. I know she’ll do a good job with Tyrus in the finale but I really hope she doesn’t do something egregiously bad with Kira’s ‘redemption’
It doesn’t make sense that no one would mention Kira. We had TJ scenes over 4 days in universe and no Kira in sight. So either she’s not clinging to him or he told her off. It’s all just so her appearance at the party can make Cyrus flee to the bench for one last bit of contrived drama. 
We finally ended the very poorly plotted Jamber arc. It’s clear that they first decided to get Jamber back together, likely to keep Jandi apart and as a shocking twist, and then worked backwards from there to figure out how to make it plausible and settled on Jonah also having financial issues. The problem being is that those financial problems were largely ignored and we never got an in depth exploration of Jonah or Amber’s psychology. It’s not like they didn’t have time for it since Amber set a new record for recurring characters, excepting S2 Bowie. It’s hard to say Amber has had a true arc over the series. She definitely got nicer but we’ve only really gotten character development from her these past couple of eps. She’s in the same place she was back in 2x01, newly broken up with Jonah, with parents who fight, and forced to work at the Spoon to help support her family. 
Loved that the Spikes were watching footage of their game with the Spartans, which hadn’t happened yet, at their sleep over. Back in the S2 finale when Buffy announced that she was founding a girls team I never imagined that they would be written as a joke and barely shown. I’d guess that was another casualty of them being able to get Marty back for S3.
Looking Ahead:
I’m a lot more content with the show ending after S3 after seeing these recent eps. There’s been way too much filler and a lot of bizarre decisions. Yes the cut ep and the re-shoots hurt a lot of plots but it doesn’t seem like the originals were all that much better. It’s clear that the Muffy plot in 3x17 ended after the bowling alley and Amber’s plot ended with her leaving Cyrus’ house which means that Marty went with Buffy as her date to the wedding in the original 3x18 only to friendzone her and tell her to get her foot checked. And Amber still went with Jonah even though she knew he had been lying to her and they only broke up at the wedding. I’m sure the Mack family A plot would have been great but the B and C plots look like they would have sucked. 
Terri’s never had a show that went beyond 2 seasons and I think in some ways she struggled with plotting out 21 eps worth of story lines. Better to end now when the show will go down as historic then drag it down in a potential S4. And better for Terri’s reputation as well, she gets to end the show as a visionary whereas if we got a S4 she’d likely end up with more of a Michael Jacob’s type reputation. 
Also this ep shows that any hope for seeing canon Tyrus in S4 was just a dream. Disney is clearly only willing to let things get textual in the finale itself. Even Mack Chat didn’t mention Cyrus once tonight despite him having a big role in the ep. An odd game Disney plays with showing the bench scene in promos but not letting Mack Chat get too gay. 
New finale promo sheds a little more light on things. Two Cyrus waving scenes, probably one is before the bench scene and one is after. Bench scene starts with some extras near the fire and once they leave is when things get textual. TJ and Marty will probably have an interaction after both Tyrus and Muffy canon. Looks like there doing something with Jandi but again I don’t think we get canon Jandi, just something ambiguous. Bowie and Bex dancing in the back ground, Bowie in his dad’s tux and Bex possibly in her wedding dress. Obviously they’re already married but it’s probably them re-creating the wedding they had planned for but didn’t end up having.
Next ep is one with a ton of re-shoots and should feature the new wedding. We’ll see how smooth it is. My one hope is that we get some word that Jonah has told his parents about his panic attacks, even if it’s off screen. 
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hadesglance · 5 years
All hail the new queen... - 21 (Hades Original Story)
You fought your way through the maze of the underworld to make a deal with the King…intrigued the lonely king listens…
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six Part Seven  Part Eight   Part Nine  Part Ten  Part Eleven Part Twelve  Part Thirteen  Part Fourteen  Part Fifteen  Part Sixteen Part Seventeen  Part Eighteen  Part Nineteen   Part Twenty
NOTE: no edit on this one... and  Image from iceprincess7492
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You sat in your parent’s couch letting out a soft sigh as you brought your coffee back to your lips. You made the mistake telling them you were in an accident. That’s what you had decided to tell everyone. Bike accident…
They insisted on seeing you more. You tried your best to get out of it but they threatened to find ‘Nick’s’ house and storm it. You were sure that Hades would be irritated when you told him you were expected to be elsewhere, but he surprised you saying he thought it would be a good idea.
He even came with you almost fifty percent of the time. Zeus had been calling him away a lot recently. He wouldn’t discuss it with you, but he’d often show up in the afternoon to pick you up. However, when he stayed he was roped into doing a lot of manual labor.
First you were furious! This was so…so beneath him…but then you saw how much Hades enjoyed it. Mowing the lawn, weeding, painting, and even building a new deck with your brother and father. He wasn’t good at most of it at first, but by the end of the day he was spot on with your brother.
“You’re still so pale…” You looked at your mother rolling your eyes, “You should eat something!”
“Ma…I’m fine. I live with a doctor, he is more worried then you and he even says I’m doing alright.” You told her letting out another sigh, “You guys really shouldn’t work him so hard…he’s…he’s a city boy…”
“Nick can handle himself, especially living with you...A girl who is so accident prone and riding a death machine!” Your mother threw up her hands shaking her head, “I don’t know why you keep it.”
“You know why…” You looked down to your lap picking at some lint, “And it wasn’t my fault, I told you that. I’m always safe…”
“It doesn’t matter Lígo…” You looked at your mother full of worry, “I already almost lost your brother…I won’t go thru that again.”
“Aw…Ma…” You scooted over wrapping your arms around her, “That’s not going to happen. I promise.”
She kissed your head as you both rocked a little watching the boys out back working on the deck. You smiled seeing Hades rolling his neck back and forth trying to get his muscles to relax. While relaxed clothes was not his style, you didn’t mind seeing him all sweaty.
With everything that had happened he was actually being the most reasonable. He only hovered over you the first few days in Olympus, but once you were home he seemed to relax. He relayed the story to the school, and since it was almost break for the holidays he managed to get you excused. Not that you doubted he could.
Then he told you he put the barrier back up. When you asked about Scott his face contorted with anger briefly. He told you the boy was the one who hit you. He didn’t remember anything, but being stressed and tired it was possible to hit a person on a motorcycle.
“He doesn’t remember anything?” You frowned shaking your head, “As in…you told him not to remember?”
Hades shook his head in frustration, “No…I mean he doesn’t remember anything. Hecate is looking into it for us. So far she recognizes that it was a spell or curse. Someone wanted this to happen.”
“What does that mean? Why?” You wrapped your arms around yourself tightly as you got worked up.
He stepped forward pulling you into a tight hug. “I don’t know, but we’re going to find out. Zeus, is not amused by this turn of events and plans to get everyone involved.”
“You love him.” Your ears turned pink as you looked at your mother’s smiling face.
“Ma…” You let her go huffing as you sat back into the couch.
“Don’t try to deny it.” Your mother stood up, “Even Jonah as said something to me, and I know it’s serious when he brings it to my attention. He has three little ones to run after and barely takes notice to anyone else.”
You rolled your eyes as she walked out. She wasn’t wrong though. You just didn’t want the first person to hear it to be her. You sighed again as you let your head fall back shutting your eyes. You didn’t know why you felt you couldn’t just openly say it to Hades, but every time you got there…it just didn’t happen.
“Go tell the boys dinner will be ready in 15 mins!” Your mother shouted at you.
With how loud she was, you were pretty sure they heard her, but you didn’t dare disobey her. You stood up walking toward the back slider meeting your brother as he entered. He smiled at you, “Lígo…”
“What?” You stared up at him as he had a smirk on his face.
“We heard her…but I wouldn’t go out there right now…” Jonah shut the silder.
Your eyes narrowed on him, “…why not?”
“I think dad is giving Nick the family talk.” You instantly tried to move past him, “Hey…no…this is something that needs to happen sis… I like Nick, and we all see how you two are around each other. It’s time.”
“Jonah, you don’t understand…Ha…Nick, isn’t as traditional…” You began to explain.
“Yeah, but, we are. He’s gotta know what he’s marrying into. This is dad’s thing, so let him have it okay?” Jonah ruffled your hair as you scowled slapping his back as he passed making him laugh.
You stared out the back seeing your father handing a beer to Hades before sitting down next to him. You couldn’t help but smile a little seeing two of your favorite people next to each other. You only hoped that this… ‘talk’ went easily enough…
“I can’t thank you enough Nick for all your help. I know you work hard at the hospital, so to invest your time afterwards here…it means a lot.” Hades looked at your father taking a long enjoyable drink.
“It’s not a problem, sir.” He told him before sipping his own, “It’s been nice to do things with my hands again…”
“Good. Manual labor is one of the most rewarding things man can do.” Your father waved his hand out toward the deck, “Instant gratification…you see your progress and feel it’s completeness. What more could a man need?”
Hades looked at him, “I don’t know, Mr. Petrakis…”
“Please…you’ve been here enough times now…call me Chris.” He smiled at Hades, “I’ll tell you what is better, son…Family.”
Hades swallowed before looking away a little, “I suppose you’re right. Family above all, right?”
“Right…” Chris nodded slowly, “I know you love my daughter. I see the way you look at her when she’s not looking. It’s the same way I look at her mother.”
Hades felt the back of his neck get hot, “Uh…”
“It’s alright. I approve.” Chris patted his shoulder looking up at the sky, “I can only thank the gods that you were sent her way. You have brought this family so much, Nick. You saved my boys legs, allowed him to live again, and now you take care of my baby girl. I only hope you intend to do right by her.”
“I do…” Hades nodded slowly feeling a weight in his chest. Of course, he couldn’t tell this man the reality of everything so he…lied? Was it a lie when he did intend on never parting from you, “I just am waiting for the right time…She’s still in school…I’m trying to get my loans under control…I just want it all to be right…”
“I am glad to hear that.” Chris raised his drink to him clinking the bottles together, “But Nick, that’s only part of what I wanted to say to you. Like I said family is important and I know it’s important to you from how you talked about your brothers and sisters from time to time.”
Hades watched as Chris slid off the deck to stand next to him as he went on, “I see how you care for my daughter, and I appreciate it so much. She gives so much to everyone all time it is nice to see someone giving back to her. For that I am proud to call you my son.”
Hades felt a knot form in his throat as he looked down into this drink. He didn’t know why his words hit him quite so hard but they did. He sniffed and cleared his throat, “T-that means a lot, sir…thank you.”
“Nick, I get the feeling your father wasn’t exactly the man you wanted him to be.” Chris spoke quietly next to him.
“That’s an understatement…” Hades whispered clearing his throat again, “He…never really wanted any of us, but he tried everything to make us into what he really wanted. When it wasn’t enough he’d just…try repeating the same thing to see if it would work eventually, but it was never enough.”
Chris put his arm around Hades’ shoulders squeezing him tightly as a tear slipped down the old god’s face, “I’m sorry…”
“You know, even now…I have so much that I’ve worked for, so much that I’ve accomplished…” Hades didn’t know why he kept going, it just seemed to spill out of him like his tears, “I have it all…and it still wouldn’t be enough for him, and even now I still just want him…I just want him to be proud of what I’ve done…but it’ll never be enough.”
“Oh son.” Chris set his beer down and pulled Hades to him hugging him tightly. Hades froze for a moment before embracing this man back burying his face into his shoulder, “You have nothing to prove anymore. You are so much more then what he ever wanted from you, do you understand?
Chris pulled away planting his forehead against Hades’ to look into his eyes, “You made yourself from the clay he refused to help shape. You molded yourself into a bright and beautiful soul that gives back to this world. Any man who can’t see that is a fool and doesn’t deserve a second thought.”
Hades took in a shuddered breath before nodding, “...thank you…”
“Any time.” Chris kissed his cheek pulling him into a hug again, “Even if for some unknown reason you and Y/N choose to part, you call me. I will be there.”
Hades nodded as he parted from him tapping his cheek lightly before moving back on to the porch telling him it was time for dinner, “I’ll be right there…”
“Don’t take too long or else Jonah will take everything. He acts like his wife can’t cook…” Chris grumbled as he walked toward the slider smiling when he saw you walking out. He pulled you into a hug kissing your cheek, “My Lígo...I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled at him as he walked inside. Hades glanced over to you as you walked up, “Hades?”
“I’m alright…” He sniffed looking away from you as you slid of the porch, “I see that you are just like you father…”
“Why do you say that?” You moved in front of him wrapping your arms around him finally seeing his puffy face, “What happened?”
He looked down to you finally putting both of his hands on either side of your face caressing your cheek with his thumb, “I made deal with a mortal woman…and she brought me home to meet her family and I have never felt more at peace…”
You smiled at him as he leaned down kissing you for all to see. You took a deep breath through your nose when your eyes shut and he pulled your closer. When he parted from you, you wobbled a little allowing him to steady you before you opened eyes looking at him.
He brushed your hair back into place before taking your hand in his giving you a big smile, “I’m told if we don’t hurry, there will be none left.”
You laughed a little, “Well you’ve been informed correctly.”
He smirked as he put his hands on your hips lifting you up onto the porch making you let out a yelp. He moved in between your legs holding you there, “We do have food at home…”
You blushed as he breathed heavily on your ear, “…w-we do…”
“But it would probably be rude to leave right?” He whispered as he kissed your neck.
“Mmm…” Your eyes shut as you cleared your throat, “Uh…Ma probably would not…uh…”
“What was that?” He nipped your collar bone.”
“Oh god…Hades…” You rasped out putting your hands on his shoulders, “…she would be very upset.”
He chuckled before he gave you a peck on the lips releasing you, “Then I suppose we need to go inside.”
You nodded as you let the small breeze cool you off as he crawled up. He held his hand down to you and you accepted, “You have got to stop putting me in these positions when we are here…”
“I suppose I just feel enough at home here to put you in any position without caring too much.” He smirked at your face turning bright red as he slid the door open for you hearing your mother yelling for them to hurry up.
Meedia stared at the gate holding her breath for a long time before feeling the rumble beneath her feet. A wicked smile fell across her features as she pushed the door open, “Finally…”
Long withered fingers grasped the door for support before a pair of golden eyes darkened from rage met hers. Quickly, his grip on the door was replaced with her throat the sound of dragging chains echoing against the prison walls, “Tell me…everything…”
Meedia’s eyes widened in fear as she was lifted off the ground, “…Y-yes…I-I will…”
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dandylion240 · 5 years
☀️🌙🔥🕊️ for Jonah and Ethan
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🌟 When your OC loses all hope, who do they turn to first? What helps make them feel better? What calms them down and reassures them? Why?
Jonah: I turn to this guy (takes Ethan’s hands) he’s my support whenever things become too much for me to handle.
Ethan: you know I’d do anything for you right?
Jonah: I do. I wish I could do the same for you.
Ethan: you do.
Jonah: (shakes head) I don’t  not really. I know you worry about putting too much stress on me.
Ethan: it’s not that I don’t want to come to you but…
Jonah: but you go to your dad when you need someone to destress with.
Ethan: I’m sorry I just…I won’t if it makes you feel bad
Jonah: no it’s okay. I understand. I want you to have someone you can go to when things get bad. You’re always there for me. It can’t be easy always being strong just don’t assume I can’t handle things. I’m here for you too.
Ethan: I’ll remember that. I promise.
More under the cut.
🌙 If your OC could have one wish come true what would it be and why? Would there be consequences to this wish or would they regret it once they get what they want? What would they give in return for this wish to come true?
Jonah: I wish that I hadn’t runaway from home. I wonder what would have happened if I had stayed at home and accepted the help my parents were offering. Maybe if I had made them listen to what I wanted things would have turned out differently.
Ethan: I know babe I know. I have regrets about that too. I wish I had been the person you needed me to be. If I had been we could have been together sooner without all the awful stuff in between. 
Jonah: we’ve learned a lot though haven’t we? We’re together now and that’s really what matters, right?
Ethan: yes that’s true but when I think of how things could have turned out...
Jonah: let’s not dwell on the what if’s. No matter how much we wish things had been different we can change it. We’re who we are because of what we’ve overcome.
🔥 If your OC known for having temper tantrums? If not, what gets them really angry? What makes their blood BOIL? Is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? What are they like when they’re angry? Do they take it out on their loved ones?
Ethan: I don’t think I’ve ever seen you really angry. Hurt yes but not angry.
Jonah: No one has hurt my babies yet. If anyone does I’ll be the proverbial mama bear protecting her cubs.
Ethan: I can see that. I’m the same way. No one is going to hurt my family. We worked to hard to get where we are and I’m not going to let anyone take that from us.
Jonah: you’re that way with your brother too. You were out there searching for him too
Ethan: fat lot of good that did though. I was looking in the wrong spot.
Jonah: you couldn’t have known. The point is you were doing what you felt you had to do.
Ethan: I think that’s when I started to realize that you’re stronger than I thought you were. The way you were with your brother. Calming him down when the rest of us couldn’t.
🕊️ Would your OC ever get married or are they already wed? If they’re married, describe what their wedding was like! If not, describe their ideal wedding (or do this if you feel like it anyway!)
Jonah: one of the happiest days of my life.
Ethan: it was a perfect day. We were married on the beach in Sulani with just our family.
Jonah: I didn’t want anything fancy or a lot of people staring at me.
Ethan: I would have been fine with just going to the courthouse but for Jonah I wanted it to be special. 
Jonah: it was. I wouldn’t change a thing.
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Thanks for asking!
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