#i’m probably gonna give them more powers on top of the one’s they have bc why not?
stealingpotatoes · 1 year
can we get a rundown on the anakin-raises-leia au? i’m totally in love with (read: obsessed with) it but i missed most of the context and i’m so curious!
are they coparenting? was it a parent trap style agreement to split the twins? is it temporary, until the war ends? who decided who gets which twin? did mustafar just never happen?
the answers to ur questions in short are: not really, arguably, absolutely, i did, and no!
in longer, the main thing you need to know for context is it's an Anakin-doesn't-turn-to-the-darkside-but-Palps-still-succeeds AU!
Anakin chooses not to try save Palpatine from the Jedi council and instead goes to Padmé's to angst abt the fact he might be losing her -- only to feel a very solid Other loss in the Force and see the temple up in flames ): he tries to go help but gets his shit kicked enough he leaves when Bail shows up
obi-wan and yoda both return to coruscant, obi-wan shows up to Padmé's to ask her hey do you know where Anakin is??? except Padmé's not there either bc after Sidious made his Big Speech anidala realised Anakin's totally a fugitive so they decided to Leave
i'm not 100% on what happens around here (lbr we all know my focus is the kids) but i'm currently thinking they nearly get caught or smthn, fight happens (??), Obi-wan gets there just in time to help thanks to Dormé snitching -- and Padmé goes into labour w the shock/stress
whatever exactly happens, Obi-Wan is there when they get Padmé to a medical station and the normal rots ending group unite. Padmé gives birth (keeping her will to live) and a question hangs heavy in the air: what are they supposed to do with the twins?
Anidala are too caught up in the joy of being parents to think about it, but they're quickly and forcibly snapped out of that when the Survivors all have a chat like canon. Yoda's the (brave) one to say they need to be apart because their force signatures would be too strong together and in the dire case Palps finds them, he could NOT take both. He's probs initially like they shouldnt even be kept w you two, Anakin's too powerful himself and Padmé you're too visible (while I imagine Bail and Obi-wan know their respective besties and are like king they are NOT gonna take that well)
and theyre right! Padmé, fresh out of like three of the top ten most harrowing experiences of her life, is like stfu u little green bitch im not losing my kids. but after some convincing she sees the need for her to remain in the senate and anakin's need to fight/run. she knows they can't fight the empire effectively together and she knows it's too dangerous to put the twins together. both parents want more than ANYTHING to be with their kids -- but they also don't want their kids growing up in a galaxy eaten by tyranny or being stolen by palps.
so they made the hardest goddamn decision of their lives and each take a twin (probably chosen on "anakin thought the baby'd be a girl/padme thought it'd be a boy" or smthn) and after some time planning their next moves, Padmé and Anakin are forced to go their separate ways to save the galaxy for and with their kids ): knowing the better they fight, the sooner they free the galaxy from the empire's clutches, the sooner they can reunite and be a family
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holy-hysteria · 1 year
I’ve seen a lot of headcannons on the Sinclair brothers in high school and here’s my take on them:
Bo Sinclair
I don’t think Bo was popular AT ALL.
He’s the kid that gets in fights all the time, disrespectful to teachers + peers, and just doesn’t give a shit whatsoever about anything.
He’s super smart though. He never does his work but he understands what’s going on. I think he was a naturally gifted kid, didn’t have to try in school to get good grades, probably could have been in the top of his class. He probably tried to use his grades when he was younger to get his parents attention but when that didn’t happen, he just gave up.
Along with being smart, I think he’s also pretty good at art too. I feel like if Trudy gave Bo as much attention as she gave Vincent and his art, Bo could have been just as good as Vincent. But since Trudy neglected Bo and his interests, he kinda gave up on it. Thought that it really wasn’t good enough.
His favorite class was probably math. I know most people would think shop but i really think he’d like math.
I think he did play sports in high school, or at least tried to. His temper got him kicked off most of the teams. Out of all the sports he played though, I think he probably enjoyed wrestling. It was a sport where he could get on the mat and all he had to focus on for a few minutes was getting a pin and scoring points. No thoughts about home or his parents, just the sport.
He probably didn’t have many girlfriends in high school. I feel like his whole demeanor in school kind out girls off so he didn’t get much action till high school was over.
I think the one teacher to actually like him was the librarian. The librarian probably knew about how Vincent was favorited and they felt like he was misunderstood. He probably ate lunch in there too since it was quiet and no one was around. He’d even help shelf books and things like that.
I don’t think Bo really had friends. Sure he’d hangout with the douchebag jocks, but it was never more than being friendly and cracking a joke here and there.
Probably started smoking bc of them.
Wanted to be an electrician and would read any books he could find on it while eating lunch in the library. ( That’s why the town still has power and everything works electrical wise down there. )
Vincent Sinclair
I’m gonna say it, Vincent was probably popular. He’s the kid that’s nice to everyone, teachers love him, and he’s always willing to lend a hand.
He was on student council. He helped make decorations for the dances and design the class shirts.
He did get bullied a little in school, only by certain kids, but I feel like he got through school pretty unscathed.
Like Bo, Vincent really didn’t have any true friends. Sure he was friendly with people, and would eat lunch with them sometime, but they weren’t super close.
Vincent had a lot of pressure put on him by Trudy. He always felt like his every move was being watched. As the “gold child”, Vincent felt like he had a lot to live up to.
Vincent was average in school. He wasn’t terribly bad but he wasn’t a child prodigy either. He had to study, things didn’t come easy to him, but he got good grades.
He HATED high school art. When he signed up, he thought we he’d be able to create whatever he wanted, but when he got into class and realized he had to follow assignment rules and didn’t get to have as much creative liberty as he would like, he dropped the class.
His favorite class would have to be English. I can see him liking the classics they had to read in class and would often go home and draw the scenes from the books. His favorites are To Kill a Mockingbird and Mice of Men. He cried while reading both of them.
I’m guessing Bo and him went to high school during the 80s/90s? But i think they both dressed somewhat similar, in that twin way that most parents dress their young children. Probably band t-shirts, pearl snap shirts (since they’re from a rural small town), and jeans. Vincent would have a turtle neck or sweater thrown in there somewhere though.
Vincent wanted to be an art teacher, so that kids wouldn’t have to get projects with little room to take creative liberty.
He drew comics for the school newspaper.
He took french. Just look at him. He DEFINITELY took french.
Also like Bo, he’s very awkward with girls. Not as much as Bo. He’s just shy and i think he doesn’t realize when someone hits on him.
Lester Sinclair
He’s no different than he was in the high school.
He was very much the class clown. Cracked jokes in class all the time and definitely planned the senior prank.
Unlike his older brothers, he had lots of friends. He had one or two super close friends but he got along with everyone.
No one was a stranger to him. He got along with people so well that when a new student came, he was asked to show them around.
He’s also very much like abi when it comes to school. He’s super smart but plays himself down to make people laugh.
HATED math class. Didn’t like the material, didn’t like the teacher, thought he was super creepy bc he flirted with all the female students.
Wore Vincent and Bo’s hand-me-downs.
He played soccer in school. I can see him play forward/striker. He’s super fast and very aggressive.
Unlike his brothers, he’s a ladies man. Always had a date to dances, always had a girl fawning over him. He’s funny and nice, true southern gentleman.
Favorite class was science. Loved learning about how things work, why things are the way they are.
If you looked in his senior yearbook, he’s on almost every page.
Wanted to be a park ranger. I don’t have to explain why, it fits him so well.
Went to parties all the time. He was the life of them too. He smoked pot a couple times too. Still does to this day just to relax.
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rynnthefangirl · 1 month
Ranking Daeron Targaryens by how much I like them:
1. Daeron the Drunken- im sorry but he is too funny not to be #1. “My brothers may have my measure with fighting and dancing and thinking and reading books, but none of them is half my equal at laying insensible in the mud.” Self aware king. Also being a powerful dragon dreamer, but rather than it being a gift, it is instead a curse, the terrible burden of prophecy driving him to self destruction? Oh my lord give me two of them.
2. Daeron II- objectively the best Daeron and it is not even close. Probably a top 3 Targaryen king, wise and kind. A good man, good father, listens to the women in his life, established long time peace with Dorne. And also still very interesting a character as well, his whole dynamic with his father and bastard half siblings fascinates me, and learning more about it is one of the things I’m most looking forward to in Fire and Blood 2.
3. Gay Daeron- actually insane that after watching his father suffer through the aftermath of three broken marriage proposals, he went and said “ya know what? Fuck dad I’m breaking mine too.” I can’t even be mad bc that’s kind of iconic. He didn’t even have another option he married instead. Like he could have just married Olenna and kept being gay with Jeremy on the side, it’s Olenna so long as she gets hers she isn’t gonna give a shit. Also turning down our glorious Queen of Thorns? Another inexplicable power move.
4. Daeron the Young Dragon- *sigh*. Did you have to do all that? Did you really have to do all that? I guess he decided that his dad was a pussy for wanting world peace, well not Daeron, Daeron wants war and blood and glory! Deserved to die young for that shit. Although I do think it’s cute that Jon Snow and Robb Stark looked up to him. Honeys, you are so much better than that loser.❤️
5. Daeron the Daring- he is definitely one of the better members of of Team Green, but he is still Team Green so… yeah. Also fuck him for Bitterbridge and Tumbleton (though I admit with Tumbleton there wasn’t much he could do since Hugh and Ulf were the issue and they both had bigger dragons). Tessarion is cool though. And again, still leagues better than his brothers. If I’m being unbiased he is 3 or 4, but I’m not so dead last the Targtower goes.
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goldensunset · 7 months
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i’m not about to draw a minimum of twelve entire pictures but i wanna do this anyway (i guess i could just edit the images in there but that’s lame lol)
•my favorite gym leader is probably either tulip or clay! something about tulip i just always found very endearing and respectable and i love clay’s no-nonsense attitude and sheer strength. plus he gets bonus points for his daughter being lacey
•fav champion is clearly volo. like how could you not classify that as a champion fight. that was so freaking hard man. runner up goes to kieran though bc he was also really hard for me. but of course if we’re talking official true pokémon league champions then cynthia
•fav elite four member has gotta be lacey. i adore her. first time i’ve ever lost to the same opponent multiple times in a fair fight (aka being prepared and on-level). she’s sooo cute and fun! she also terrifies me severely
•favorite protagonist is akari no surprise there. la does such a good job of making it clearly important why the protag is the protag. it offers a legitimate in-universe explanation as to why this one child in particular is so much more powerful than all the others. out of place in time and space, literally chosen by a god… the way certain characters question her humanity, both in a good and evil way… it’s so good
•favorite rival… well pokémon fans use the term rival really loosely. it can mean any friend character that you battle for funsies even once. it can mean literal arch nemesis. idk. arven stole my heart with his story but i don’t consider him a rival like most people do so that goes to cheren. i love his story and he has also mopped the floor with me several times
•favorite antagonist is also volo next question. i’m sick in the head about him. n is a strong and clear second place obviously though. i’ve done enough rambling on here about them
•professor laventon is the guy ever he feels like he actually personally cares about akari so much. that’s her dad. the way he’s actively involved in plot stuff, he accompanies the team on field missions even when he really doesn’t need to… he’s always there. you see him a lot. and he’s clearly writing the pokédex entries himself and they’re absolute gold. but seeing as professor is also a broad term because they’ve been really breaking up the older tradition in recent games, i nominate director clavell as second place bc i respect the guy a lot. that old man (tm) enjoyer here
•fav battle facility leader… well. i don’t really have one bc i’ve done very little with the battle facilities in the two games i’ve played that had them lol. so i guess throwaway answer is ingo but mostly for pla reasons. actually i think he counts as a battle facility leader in pla with the daybreak update and i’ve done some of his stuff so he does in fact count for me
•for fav clan member i’m gonna say arezu i like her a lot. she tried doing the right thing in a very chaotic way and i respect her for her efforts. plus her design is cute and she gives great haircuts and her noble is adorable
•character from other media… well i’m obsessed with the way n is portrayed in pokespe. perfect blend between sad prettyboy and freak behavior. they just made everything so intense. and i love oshawott from poképark 2 with the way he’s trying so hard to be serious and cool but snivy keeps getting on his nerves lol. that’s the reason i chose oshawott in pla bc that was the only of those pokémon i recognized
•i’m classifying arven as miscellaneous bc like i said i don’t consider him a rival but MAN!! man… this guy just got shortchanged so many times but i’m glad he was able to get closure for his parents’ disappearance and death and that he can move on and just live his own life. also certified dog lover moment
•top fav character… yeah you all know it’s volo LOL. completely shrimp fried my brain. the absolute hyperactive high i was on when he revealed himself. made even more insane bc i had literally been spoiled that he was a twist villain but i had no other context so i was just waiting the whole game for him to be evil. imagine the sinking in my gut when the credits rolled and it didn’t happen i thought i’d been embarrassing myself the whole time but then the postgame punched me in the gut HARD. i thought he’d end up being like the sad sympathetic frenemy guy where you don’t really want to fight him but NOPE full on evil full on he was just using you. made even better by the context that he had been your biggest fan throughout the whole game while everyone else had been suspicious of you. i lost my entire mind. once again second place to n though
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aquaquadrant · 8 months
Deep Breath in.... Deep Breath out....SCREAMING
Thank you for this amazing update it was so so good. I will probably end up sending multiple asks (apologies in advance) because there is so much to process. This was such an amazing chapter! Your ability to capture these strong emotions and display what I feel is accurate characterizations is truly captivating. I've been so pumped for this chapter and I was just so blown away by it.
God first off Impulse. IMPULSE!!! My man literally carried Tango to a safe place, helped the ranchers feel safe, and just went full Dad mode. I flipped when he went full demon mode after finding out what happened to Tango. Man was ready to enter Hels and destroy Hels Tek block by block.
Jimmy getting hints about Watcher stuff as well was *chef kisses*. Kinda curious can Martyn and Scott hear what the Watchers are saying to Jimmy? Martyn seemed to step in just when they were getting extra hurtful.
God you fed us with Ranchers too. I was so happy that Tango may slowly be starting to get that he is loved. The way Jimmy didn't back down. uggggg perfection
Also Tango associating quartz with Hels was so painful. My man went through every trauma response this chapter and probably will still hit like 30 more.
Small questions you might not be able to answer yet but will ask anyways. When Tango went through the portal, is it still open on Double Life or did Jimmy get in at the last second? If Tango did break the portal would he or Bravo be able to get back to the rest of the universe? You mentioned that Bravo's sense of superiority shows up differently in Tango, is that Tango enjoys watching other suffers. That he enjoys the power it gives him or is that more of a trauma response due to strong need to be in control and by killing others he feels like he is strong enough to protect himself? Or I guess a combo of both hahaha. Ummmm last question for now can I like stab Atlas for like everything? Especially the collar? That cool ya awesome I'm gunna assume that's a yes
HEY NOVA always great to hear from my readers, no apologies needed ^^ i’m glad u enjoyed it!
loved getting to give impulse a bigger role in this update- as tango’s oldest friend on hc, it just made sense that he’d be front and center. and getting to show demon mode was the cherry on top 👌
martyn and scott CAN indeed hear jimmy’s watchers if they’re close enough, scott just tries his best to pretend they don’t exist out of spite while martyn is more sympathetic to being the brunt of their jokes. neither of them want to talk to jimmy abt it tho bc they think he’s better off not knowing abt the watchers, even tho the alternative is him thinking his own thoughts are super mean ;(
(but neither of them were close enough to catch grian’s brief slip into watcher state, in case anyone was wondering)
GLAD U ENJOYED THE RANCHER MEAL 💃 there’s a lot of interesting hels dynamics and worldbuilding and angst to explore in this au but at the end of the day, this is a rancher’s au for a reason 🙏😤
obvi u sent this in before i answered other asks abt it but JUST in case u didn’t catch those, tango was interrupted before he could break the portal, and if it were broken, they would still be able to open a portal out of hels using another player’s data.
as for ur other question, it’s def a bit of both. tango’s always had a bit of sadism in him as an amplification of bravo’s superiority complex. one of his favorite pastimes pre-hels tek was to set traps outside of the cities and wait for players to stumble into them and perish terribly, while he watched with delight. but after hels tek, he fixated more on mob farms as a way of trying to reclaim that trauma, while ALSO being a more socially-acceptable way to scratch that itch.
and last but not least, u can TRY to stab atlas but ur gonna have to wait at the end of a very long line.
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your saul/ftm reader fic gives me life and i’m OBSESSED
do you have any more sleazy chaser saul at all🙏
TYSM!!!! im glad you like it 💖💖
i do have some ideas abt chaser saul 👀 so i hc he’s bi but i think he has a lot of little bit of internalized homophobia so i think he’d be into trans men bc it’d be easier for him to rationalize. like he seems like a very “it’s not gay it’s not gay pussy is pussy” type of dude. so when he learns about trans men he’s fascinated bc to him it’s fucking dudes but without the guilt.
if ur physically smaller than him he ABSOLUTELY gets off on the power imbalance btw (especially if you work for him too). like he has a lot of pent up feelings about his attraction to men so he’d definitely be rougher and meaner towards them (consensually ofc) bc he just kinda lets his instincts take over. he’s not thinking about trying to be sexy and suave he just needs to fuck nasty. he’d be growling, biting, leaving bruises, pulling hair. just a fuckin ANIMAL about it. he’d love cumming inside you or on your face because he loves the feeling of marking you as his and using you as a cumdump. (also he loves going down on you after cumming inside bc he’s gross and loves you all sloppy and overstimulated). humiliation and degradation really get him going so if ur into that he’s gonna be AWFUL to you.
if you haven’t had top surgery he’d be obsessed with your tits and would grope them/suck on them constantly. if you have he’d probably still be into your chest but he’d say some bullshit like “what a shame. i bet you had such a nice rack before.”
maybe he’d want you to top eventually but he’d have to really trust you before that. like you come into work one day and he says he got something for you and it’s a strap and he’s giving you the most pathetic puppy dog eyes when he asks you to do it. if you take him up on it he’d be a whining whimpering mess and he’d beg so sweetly for it 🥺 he’d probably cry a little when he cums too bc oh no it’s so good and he’s never felt like this before and he loves getting his hole filled what a slut
hope this is what u wanted >:3
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withdenim · 1 year
Uhh hi!! Just saw your post in my tl and I really love your sora design!! You might know me from emo tho, im one of her/their friends— sorry if its makes you uncomfortable but uh yeah, what's your opinion about the newest season/series of ninjago??
Oh hello!! It’s nice to meet you! Emo’s a great mutual friend to have, love ‘em to death 💜💜
It doesn’t make me uncomfy at all! I have SO many opinions on Ninjago and no one irl to ramble to lol
Solid RGB siblings content. We love to see it. The hug? God, Ough, that was beautiful. But also all the ribbing at each other. They’re so cute 🥺
“Kai??” “I made a huge mistake!!” “I’m gonna kill you!!” Was so incredibly sibling of Kai and nya
The introduction of Arin and Sora was very cute imo. I love that we got so much content of Sora this season but I hope the next one is more about Arin. He was sidelined a lot in this one 😔
The addition of lloyd following them bc he thought Arin was one of the ninja was a fantastic way of getting them into the same place naturally
MY CRINGEFAIL SON??? What was he even DOING this season???? His BEST, that’s what.
The beard gag was so transmasc swag of him honestly
Um. I want them to Dragon Ball Z lloyd more. By which I mean continue boosting his powers to ridiculous extents. We got two of those this season iirc and I am THRIVING
Imperium City being so. Like That. Holy fuck. Girl that’s fascism with a feminist twist. Like we stan a girlboss but not when they’re giving that energy fr
Soras entire story and arc I’m sobbing??? That’s so. I’m holding her.
Killing her parents killing her parents killing her parents
Dude bring Oni Lloyd back or I’m gonna riot. You can’t leave the oni Lloyd arc unfinished forever. Let him go batshit
Or at very least let him come to terms with his anger and maybe even harness a more peaceful and controlled version of his oni side !!! Lloyd has so much to be angry at and crystallized acknowleged that and then didnt see it through.
Um. The giant fucking dragon in the tank????? Fire as FUCK dude
I stand by my post where I said Zane should have been found via falcon honestly trapping him in the basement felt weird like. Girl. Context pls?
It also felt somewhat demeaning like hm youre leaning away from his inherent humanity and only acknowledging his robotic traits
The dragons were all diversely designed and that goes hard
The “stay calm” bit with Lloyd and wu had so much potential and it kinda just. Sat there and looked pretty.
Arin was really just fantastic I love him so much.
OH. LLOYD TELLING ARIN HE HAS A FAMILY,,, guys holy fuck they are The Same and Different
Lloyd expanding the RGB gang AS WE SPEAK
Whoever said “Lloyd is to Arin what Kai is to Lloyd” you’re RIGHT
ALRIGHT that’s everything off the top of my head I think? I probably forgot a whole ton. Thanks so much for asking about it!!
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hilarychuff · 2 years
get to know me tag meme
got tagged by @staceymcgillicuddy and am doing this one only THREE weeks later as opposed to even more weeks like last time
rules: tag (8-10) people who you want to get to know better.
relationship status: single but sometimes i invent a little romance for myself in my head which is fun until i have to confront the fact that it’s made up!!! that part is less fun 
favorite color: ummm my ~power color~ is red but i also like pink and yellow
three favorite foods: a very fancy bagel (lox or salmon roe or whitefish salad), my poké bowl (including pickled mango), aaaaaaand pasta 
top 3 tv shows: considering how much tv i watch this is a surprisingly hard question to answer!!! i guess i’m not much of a rewatcher unless i’m showing something to somebody. but sweet/vicious for sure is one of my fave shows that ended too early that i always try and make people watch. i don’t think it is like a “””good””” “””show”””” per se but i’m always excited for an episode of 911 or 911 lonestar lol. aaaaaaaand let’s go with a league of their own bc it made me weep several times. honorary shout out to yellowjackets. will bump it up if they commit to shauna/jackie’s gay feelings for each other being canon. 
top 3 characters: ooo well my current blorbos include sansa stark and chrissy cunningham and i’ll always have love for lily evans. just bc i only have two other blorbos i’ll also give shout outs to beth greene and jemma simmons
what i’m currently reading: not in the middle of anything rn. just finished seven percent of ro devereux by ellen o’clover and thinking of either starting out of character by jenna miller or honey and spice by bolu babalola
song stuck in my head: ok i actually don’t have one today but for several recent days in a row it was take on me by a-ha
last movie watched: the menu halfway!! i’d already seen it but was skimming for reasons. but before that it was m3gan lol because i had to show it to people!!! and last weekend i watched a whole bunch of other spooky movies with my friends. 
last thing i googled: technically it was “how to see google search history” but before that and anything else related to this game it was “young angie will trent” lol 
last song i listened to was: hmmm i’m not sure exactly. something from the annie dirusso mix playlist on spotify. let’s say it was “my kink is karma” by chappell roan but i think that was actually the one before whatever i listened to last
dream trip: idk!!!!! i am not really a trip planner unless it is a trip to see people. maybe a road trip all over the us to see all kinds of different places and people. that probably would be the dream actually. 
time: 6:15 p.m. rn 
tagging: ummm let’s go with @beholdthemem, @chdarling, @cellsshapedlikestars, @julvett, @mistysharks, @gorgeousgreymatter-x, @loulanorth, @enoughtotemptme
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werewolf-w1tch · 2 years
i’ve been sitting on this shit for like two weeks since starting rottmnt and watching the movie before realizing there was a whole other season i accidentally skipped so it’s time to combine the hyperfixations
this is probably gonna have to be at least a couple more posts cause i a.) haven’t finished rottmnt (so hush hush please and thank) and b.) i haven’t reached a solid conclusion for all the characters. these are just my opinions and i’m just another loser on the internet but you’re getting my opinion anyway
on that note...
what TMA entity i think each member of the rottmnt cast would serve/vibe with!
(spoilers for ROTTMNT and TMA obv)
just for those unaware, there are 15 TMA fear entities. they are the embodiment of the fears of humanity and were created as humanity learned to fear shit, as one does. they aren’t really physical things, more ideas that influence the “real” world.
starting off with a banger
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ms. o’neil!
ngl, april was one i really wanted to hit hard but wasn’t sure where to start. while i do love her as a character, she isn’t quite my favorite, so initially i didn’t give her much thought. entities like the dark, corruption, flesh, buried, vast, end, desolation, extinction, web, lonely, spiral, and stranger were out the door pretty much immediately; none of them really fit her character (corruption maybe just a tiny bit cause of her interactions with mutants but like. that’s pretty much it). 
personally, i was leaning towards an eye-marked/avatar april with a hint of slaughter and a dash of the hunt. april is someone who very obviously LOVES learning given how often her schooling/assignments come up in the show and how often she geeks out over science stuff with donnie. the hunt mostly comes from her determination to get to the bottom of things regardless of the outcome. i threw the slaughter in there too bc i feel like april really wants to get into a fight with someone(s) at all times. 
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(tiny boy. tiny. sobs loudly over him)
raph is one i didn’t want to go the obvious route for, but he kinda speaks for himself imo. he is very family-driven and cares deeply about his brothers; he serves as the leader (until leo takes his place anyway) and the powerhouse of the team and is very set on using his size and strength to protect his family. 
raph is a corruption avatar with a pretty sizable helping of slaughter (most of if not all of the mutants are gonna be corruption avatars or corruption aligned but it probably won’t be the only thing for all of them). savage raph was honestly a big influence on the slaughter, but i also headcanon that baby raph had issues with his temper and had to learn to reign himself in cause he was built bigger and tougher than his brothers. he doesn’t let himself rage out often, but it’s fucking terrifying when he does. 
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(holds gently)
gotta love mikey!! he is so web aligned. i wasn’t sure about him for a while but then it hit me like a freight train. web. web 1000%. MAYBE a lil spiral if you wanna get a bit spicy. oh and he’s eye-touched.
in all seriousness, i fucking adore mikey (he’s not my fave either but still). his creativity and positive energy bring a whole kind of lively to the team and his family. he’s fun and upbeat and holy shit who was gonna tell me he’s 13 in the show. on top of all that, mikey is defo smarter than he seems, which fuels my web opinion. he has DEFINITELY used his youngest sibling status and his adorable face to manipulate anyone and everyone he has ever met to get what he wants. maybe not intentionally, but he’s done it. the spiral is honestly the closest thing i could think of that could relate to his ties to his mystic power. his eye ties come from the fact that he probably hears everything and everyone cause they assume he either doesn’t understand or he doesn’t really care. he does. he can and will use anything you say in a court of law. be scared. 
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splinter was an interesting one to think about. i wanted to take his history into account while also keeping in mind the kind of person he is in the show and how he interacts with the people around him. 
splinter is also a very family-oriented man after he picks up the tots, but i feel like he goes through major personality changes after his time in the battle nexus and his transformation. we can see hints of lou jitsu in splints every now and then, but it is painfully obvious that lou jitsu is gone and he’s not coming back. with that being said, i wanted to split splinter into two different avatars: lou jitsu and splinter (mostly cause i’m interested in exploring both of them). 
lou jitsu is a slaughter avatar that is eye marked with sprinkled in lonely (cause what actor as popular as he was has many real connections. esp when he’s trapped with big mama). i feel like despite being blinded by stardom, lou jitsu was still a very smart tactician who could handle himself very well in a fight (hc that leo gets his quick battle analyses from splints/lou). 
splinter is a lonely avatar with a healthy helping of corruption. splinter is less lonely in that he doesn’t have people around him and more that the toll that having his life falling apart in the span of like 10 minutes and being harshly cut off from everyone and everything he’s ever known is SO apparent. that kind of extreme isolation leaves its scars. i think that despite having his family around him, splinter still misses the people he used to know, even if he wasn’t as close with them as he thought. he misses the normalcy sometimes, even if he would never go back and lose his sons. 
fuck it im splitting this into multiple posts. expect more bullshit in the future!
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fivveweeks · 2 years
I am so sorry to bother but I’ve been FERAL for your shit since like. Ever, lmao. I just gotta know how you imagine the smut going down between Brassius and Hassel is?? Bc like before I binged your fics I was like “hmm maybe they switch??” But you’ve converted me to the “whiny needy Hassel who lets reader wring 3 whole orgasms from him and they haven’t even touched his ass” camp. And now with brassiusxhasselxreader??? My good Buddy you are KILLING ME
haha thank you so much for enjoying my fics!!! tbh bottom pathetic men is like one specific thing im into so any men that goes into my gdocs comes out... destroyed i guess LMAO welcome to the service top/soft dom camp
the funny thing for Hassel x Brassius is that they're both Switches to me too! for me it depends on the mood I guess. I see Hassel as a service top and Brassius as a power bottom usually. Brassius can also top when he brings out the ropes and wrecks Hassel either by fucking him or riding him lmao. basically he has a vision to fulfil and by god he’s gonna achieve it. Brassius is used to giving instructions (he probably enjoys watching too) and Hassel will gladly follow them to the letter
I also think Hassel can top! c'mon, that teacher/elite-four/dragon clan's eldest vibe... + the long fingers combo to hold you down by the neck... he comes off as a soft dom to me most of the time (maybe he disciplines Brassius when he’s neglecting his health from all the all nighters and events) but on the off chance you manages to sorta piss him off (super duper rare) he can really slowfuck you into the wall until you pass out
but no matter what position or role i put them in I follow a few personal rules and it’s that Hassel will ALWAYS CRY. man’s like a leaking facet and gets overwhelmed easily, even if he’s topping he’ll shakily sob into the back of your neck the moment he comes. followed by BITE and differing levels of being needy and whining
for Brassius the rule I follow is that he never shuts up! he runs his mouth very often tbh he definitely praises and compliments easily, but he can degrade or mock if that’s what you want? (he defaults to the former most of the time tho). and like Brassius, Hassel is equally noisy and loud but his is more of moaning and sobbing instead of words
(so whoops I don’t have a specific vision for how it goes down for them both bc I like all of them!!! I’m a greedy bastard and saw too many jp fanart and all the possibilities and they’re all… great!!! it just really depends on the scenario hehe as long as it builds up to the porn part I generally just enjoy it)
for Brassius x Reader x Hassel it’s fascinating to me bc on one hand I can fulfil my delusions of having the both of them breaking down from you at the same time OR you work w one of them to make it good for the other OR I can make them both team up seamlessly to wreck your ass. but only after enough plot and interaction bc my stupid brain needs to be warmed up ughhhh
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krystaldeath · 2 years
Hmm…how about the Traffic Light Trio having a sleep over? Like, what would they do, who’s house would they stay in and how would the parents feel about it (depending on where they are of course)?
I’m gonna assume this was meant for my BBU au and if it wasn’t I hope you don’t mind I’m going with that (Also this got… way longer than it shouldve so I’m gonna put it under a read more)
I imagine Mei and Red had sleepovers with just the two of them growing up, usually at Red’s place bc Mei’s parents didn’t want two children running around their priceless artifacts and such. When MK joins its especially not happening at Mei’s place, and since I don’t think MK, Pigsy & Tang have a very big living space (probably an apartment that just barely fits the three of them), they’d probably still be at Red’s.
Mei’s parents don’t exactly care much about what happens since they’re not gonna be there, but they do give Mei tons of rules and give her lectures on how to act when she’s staying over at a non-family members house (which she only half listens to).
PIF, while a bit wary of Mei (her great xhowever many times it’s takes to be correct grandfather was friends to the guy who imprisoned her husband, and while that’s a rather remote connection, still stings a bit) at first, and then MK later on, the two grow on her and so she’s happy to host them. It also gives her the opportunity to tell embarrassing baby stories about Red to his two closest friends!
Pigsy is always nervous about letting his boy be out of his sight and being unable to immediately check on him, but Tang soothes his worries. Their son may be a tad but reckless at times, but he can handle himself! He’s got two dependable friends with him as well! And that mom of Red’s would never let any harm come to any children in her presence (supposedly) so there’s really nothing to worry about! (MK doesn’t get to have any sleepovers for a while after the day he came home with a choppy new haircut courtesy of Mei, and then Red who insisted they could fix it/make it better)
As for what they’d do, probably play a ton of video games! MK would want to watch Monkey Cop and other such Monkey King franchises, but since they normally have sleepovers at Red’s… yeah that’s not happening. It’s okay though they just watch a Power Rangers-like show (that ends up having a arc based off of JTTW that they almost break the tv trying to hide from PIF; she knows and feels conflicted about it, though if she leaves the room quickly so the kids can fully enjoy themselves, no one would have to know).
Bonus: When they get closer to Bai He they have her join them too (which terrifies her monkey dads bc 1. She’s only ever been out of their reach for 9 hours tops before and 2. It’s gonna be at PIF’s place and she is BOUND to figure something out). When Wukong (Macaque had to do something idk maybe he has a job) comes by in a human disguise to pick her up the next morning, PIF gives him a knowing look, then tells the teens to watch the girl as she has a “private talk” with him and has him walk with her through the house. He’s terrified she’s gonna try and fight him and that it’ll somehow get the kids caught up in the crossfire and that he’ll have to reveal he’s the Monkey King and have Bai He never interact with any of them again, but instead the unthinkable happens. She tells him she doesn’t hate him, not anymore. She figured it was the right thing to do, DBK was terrorizing citizens and he is expected to protect mankind; it also couldn’t have been an easy decision for him, considering he and her husband once considered each other brothers. Plus, holding a grudge for centuries can be rather exhausting when you’re a single mother. So, until she finds some way to free her love, they will have a truce. ———— Help the “Bonus” is longer than the actual answers so sorry lol
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
caught in the nets (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: caught in the nets
Requested: no
Couple: spencer reid/fem!reader
Category: smut, fluff
Content Warning: SEXUAL CONTENT (penetrive sex, unsafe sex, public sex (public bathroom), fingering, handjob, grinding, groping, heavy petting, fucking with fishnets on, tipsy sex, possessive), hand on jaw/neck (no pressure), swearing, drinking, mentions of a gun, mentions of casework, friends to lovers
Word Count: 3,944
Summary: Spencer loves what reader is wearing while out at a bar with the team
A/N: hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Here’s another thing i wrote. this is another thing I was super excited to write. AND I wrote it for one of my bestest friends @spencer-reid-in-a-pool for pom’s server fic swap. I wrote it in literally two days bc I had a week to write it. But it does have a prompt and a few other things she likes in it! also quick shout out to @newportonmymind for proofreading this!! i really appreciate you! I really hope you guys enjoy this piece! Thank you all so much for the love and support! I appreciate it and you! Check out my masterlist!
Rough cases will always be the worst. Sometimes they felt hopeless, like we weren’t able to figure out how to save a victim. In the end we were able to save the victim and arrest the unsub. But it was still rough.
So drinks were a must when it came to the end of rough cases. I know it’s a bad thing to turn to drinking in a rough time. But sometimes nothing helped more than a drink. It was easier to relax with a little liquor in your system. Well, it was easier for me to relax with a little liquor. I couldn’t say about the rest of the team.
I was the one who offered up the idea of going to a bar when we returned home. I just needed a little something to help me unwind. Luke, Penelope and Tara were the next to say they’d be coming. After some light convincing, Emily, JJ, and Matt agreed. David was quick to leave before we could get to him about it.
Which left Spencer. At first he put up a fight, arguing that he had to go home. Home to what? We have the same situation. Eventually Penelope wore him down and got him to go.
“Okay, I’ll meet you guys there. I need to change out of these clothes.” I looked down at the business attire I had worn on the plane. I really wished I had changed out of them too, and into something more comfortable.
“Sounds good, Sweetness! See you in a bit.” Penelope looked at me with a smile. I returned the smile before collecting my things from my desk, and leaving.
Part of me wanted to wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants. But I also wanted to wear jeans and a tee-shirt, just to be comfortable. I also wanted to wear something more… party like. Mostly because we’re going to a bar, where there were going to be lots of people. Mmm…
I went with the latter. My outfit ended up consisting of a plain black top, paired with short-shorts and a “comfortable” pair of heels. Under the shorts I wore one of my favorite clothing items, a pair of black fishnets. They were one of my favorite things because I always gained the attention of someone. And I usually enjoyed that attention. I just don’t know whose attention I wanted.
Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I grabbed my bag and left for the bar. I was the first to leave the BAU, but the last to show up to the bar. Even Spencer was there before me, which was a rarity.
“Hey sorry I’m late. Traffic was nuts… And I just wanted to look nice,” I laughed nervously as I looked down before sitting beside Penelope. Everyone’s eyes were on me, and I tried to avoid the feeling of the stares. At first I tried to not be self-conscious, after all I was the one who wanted to dress a little more… sexy and get the attention of others.
“What are you wearing?” Luke asked after he took a sip of his beer. I looked down at my attire and shrugged.
“Wanted someone’s attention. Figured I’d get it here.” I gestured around the room towards the many groups of people. “Already got yours, Lukey-poo,” I cooed as I looked at him. He looked back at me with a weird look in his eyes. “Where’s Spence?”
“He went to get a drink.” JJ nodded towards the bar before sipping her drink. I looked over my shoulder and towards the bar. My eyes quickly identified the lanky and awkward body of Spencer standing beside the bar as he waited for a drink.
“Has the bartender been flirting with him the whole time?” I looked back at the team with wide eyes. Tara looked over at JJ with a smug smile before nodding. “No ones gonna save him?” “Figured we’d give him a try first.” Matt shrugged as he looked back at me. I let out a mildly annoyed sigh before standing up.
“Where are you going?” Emily asked as she looked at me. I smiled as her eyes very slowly lingered down my body. There was an obvious struggle, and I liked that. I was definitely getting the attention I craved tonight. Even though it’s from my superior.
“Gonna go save boy wonder from inevitable embarrassment that he will probably succumb to.” I rested my hand on the table as I looked at the team. JJ and Emily shared a knowing glance. “And I’m getting myself a drink.” I shrugged before shoving my hands in my small pockets and walked towards the bar and Spencer.
“Hey Spence!” I exclaimed as I looked at him. He looked away from the bartender and smiled. His smile, however, quickly melted away and a hungry look took over his eyes.
“H-hey,” he mumbled before looking back at the bartender. She looked between me and Spencer before muttering a few profanities and walking away. I smirked before taking the space up beside Spencer.
“You seeing something you like, Reid?” I asked as soon as I noticed him staring at me again. I leaned over the bar beside him and smiled.
“I.. Uh, I…” He cleared his throat before looking away from me and down at the counter. Well, maybe I did know whose attention I wanted…
“Anyways, I’ve come to save you.”
“Save me?”
“The bartender…” I whispered before nodding in her direction. Spencer looked down at her and we both caught her looking between us before dropping her gaze.
“The bartender?”
“Just get your drink and come on,” I laughed before standing up and away from the counter. Spencer looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. He was obviously confused as to what I was talking about. But I’ll honestly save him the embarrassment. “Oh, wait. I want a drink too!” I exclaimed as I leaned over the counter.
Once we both had our drinks, I silently led him back to the table. I enjoyed the feeling of people’s eyes on me as I walked by them. I could even sense Spencer staring at me. To be fair, my shorts were a little on the shorter side…
Maybe the attention I was getting was from the person I wanted it from the most…
Spencer and I returned to the table, and we were quick to join into whatever conversation they were having. The entertaining stories that Matt told about his kids made everyone go into a fit of laughter.
The laughter only grew the more drinks that everyone had consumed. We weren’t exactly drunk, well some of us weren’t drunk. But when someone in the bar orders a round of drinks for the table, it’s hard to say no.
JJ, Spencer and Matt were the only ‘mostly sober’ ones. Followed by Tara and me being tipsy, but sober enough to know what was happening. Penelope, Luke and Emily had enough to drink and had left the table to go dance with each other and random people in the bar.
“I wanna dance,” I muttered as I looked down at the table. Matt cleared his throat, causing me to look up at him. He was nodding a Spencer, who was looking around the room at all the other people. A small smile grew across my lips before I jumped from my seat. Spencer and JJ both looked at me with shock on their faces.
I looked right at Spencer and smiled. “You.” I pointed at him. “Me.” Then I pointed at myself. “We’re dancing,” I spoke as I jerked my thumb behind me. Spencer’s face fell slightly as he watched me walk to stand in front of him. I smiled as his eyes lingered on my body for a brief moment before landing on my face. “Come on. Let’s leave mom and dad alone.” I lifted a hand for him to take. He looked at it for a moment before hesitantly placing his hand into mine.
Once he stood, I dragged him over to the dance floor, where we both stood still. I didn’t know what was going through his head, but I wished I did. His body wasn’t tense, in fact I could tell he liked that I was being daring and the close proximity I was in.
We, and by we I mean me, hardly danced. It was mostly just me. And my dance moves consisted of me grinding on him. Which seemed to rile him up enough to entertain me. I enjoyed it more when he rested his hands on my hips and held me in front of him.
I looked around the room at all the people, watching as they continued dancing with their friends and people. Then I looked back at Spencer before grabbing his hand. His once hazel eyes were blown out black and a look of hunger and lust was settled in them. He looked like he knew what he wanted, and he was about to do anything in his power to get it too.
I looked away from him and around the room, again, looking for a familiar face. It wasn’t that I needed someone to save me from this moment. No. I needed to make sure none of our friends saw what I was about to do next.
I turned to face Spencer again and pressed my chest to his. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled them flush against his. The breath was knocked from my lungs when I felt how hard he was through his slacks and my shorts.
I grabbed his wrist and turned away from him before dragging him out of the bar and towards the bathrooms. He didn’t say anything when I pulled him into the women’s bathroom and into a stall. I’ll forever be grateful for that too because I don’t know where else we would go to.
I pulled him into a stall and locked it before pushing him against the door. His lips quickly attached to mine, and before I knew it his teeth grazed across my lower lip. And just like before, when we were out in the bar, his hands fell back to my hips and he pulled me against him. He rolled his hips to mine, pressing his bulge into my body.
“I can’t believe you,” Spencer groaned against my mouth. I looked up at him and smirked. “Why’s that? What makes me so unbelievable?” I whispered as I pressed a hand to his front. Spencer’s body froze and a hiss came from his lips.
“You coming to this bar, dressed like that, acting like you own the place,” his voice was low as he spoke. I smiled before I looked for his belt. “Acting like you aren’t arousing every man-- and woman-- here. That’s right, I saw the way Emily looked at you,” he continued as he looked at me.
“I just wanted attention from someone. But I’m sure happy that it’s your attention that I’m getting, Spencer,” I whispered before I pressed my hips against his.
“Well… I don’t think you’ll be getting attention from anyone else other than mine from now on.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re mine now, Sweetness,” he mildly mocked the pet name Penelope had given me earlier today. I stared at him, my breathing growing shallow. “And no one else’s.” Goosebumps grew like fire across my skin once I realized the honesty and reality of his words. Or, well, I should say his possessiveness. At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted or believed what he said, but a moment passed and I realized… I wanted it so bad.
We both fell into a silent stare down. My hands, however, kept busy as they looked for his belt. But then a smirk grew across my lips the second I realized he still had a hard on waiting for me.
I was quick as I tried undoing his belt buckle, hoping he wouldn’t notice. But he obviously did when I began struggling and fumbling for a moment.
“Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me, Reid?” I whispered as I carefully slipped my hand into his pants and briefs. My question was otherwise rhetorical. I knew for a fact it was a gun. But I also knew it wasn’t a gun.
Spencer took a deep breath of air once my hand was wrapped around his length. I smiled as I slowly moved my hand back and forth, gently applying pressure.
“It’s a gun,” Spencer returned, keeping his voice low, “But I’m more than happy to see you. Trust me.” I could tell he was trying to be sly with his words. Because when he started talking his voice was deep and a little rough, but as he continued on talking, they got a little shaky and a little bit higher. I wanted to mock him, but I knew better than to do that.
“Oh… I do,” I whispered as I quickened my pace. My lips were hovering over his. His breath fanned across my face, and I could just barely smell the gin and tonic he had drank earlier.
My heart was beating hard in my chest because I was about to fuck my co-worker in the bathroom at fucking bar. I wondered if his was doing the same thing. I wondered if his thought process was the same as mine too.
I also wondered if he felt the same way. Maybe I’ve always wanted the attention from Spencer. He was right there, and always has been, and always will be. Plus we’ve known each other for years. So what’s the harm? Maybe he felt the same?
The grip Spencer held on my hips started to tighten as I continued to stroke his length. I could feel his tension growing the longer I went. My lips slowly curled at the corners as I realized how much I was going to enjoy this.
Then it happened. Spencer flipped our positions so I was pressed against the door. Both of my wrists were in one of his hands, held above my head. His other hand was already messing with the button of my shorts.
“You think you’re the only one who can do that, Sweetness,” he whispered before pressing his lips to my neck. It was his turn to grind his hips against mine, easily taking my breath away again.
“Spence…” I gasped once his hand was finally down the front of my shorts. I tried hard to pull my hands from his hand, but his grip only tightened.
“See, two can play at this game,” he spoke softly as he swiped a finger up my slit. I bit my lips together as he gently moved his finger around the sensitive nub between my thighs. “But unlike you I’m going to let you finish.”
“I was go-oh…” I whimpered as my knees buckled down causing my hips to grind on his hand. He smiled before carefully pushing a finger into my entrance. It was suddenly hard to concentrate as he curled his fingers just right.
“That’s what I thought,” Spencer murmured against my ear before moving his mouth to the corner of my mouth, then to my neck. A small moan fell from my mouth as he sucked a spot onto the base of my neck.
I stayed silent as Spencer continued whispering dirty things in my ear. Part of me almost forgot who I was with. Not because of what was happening, but because of what he was saying. I had no clue Spencer could say such dirty things. My train of thought was all over the place, derailing the moment I would gain a coherent thought.
Once I did eventually finish on his fingers, he pulled his hand from my shorts and looked down at me. It was a silent moment of a stare down. I was quiet because I was sure of what was about to happen. I was about to fuck Spencer Reid. I was willing to bet Spencer was calculating how long the events of everything would take. I didn’t care, I just wanted it and I wanted it now.
I broke the stare down, looking down at his slacks and the bulge that was still pressing against the fabric. I silently undid the button and zipper and pushed his pants down.
Spencer stopped me before I could do anything else. I looked up at him, my eyes staying on his face as he pushed down my shorts. Then it happened. I was expecting sex to happen like normal. Half naked.
I furrowed my eyebrows when he started getting ready. My tights were still on me properly. He didn’t forget. Man has the best mind in the world. He wouldn’t forget about my tights.
“Wait,” I whispered as I went to pull my tights off, but Spencer stopped me. His hand wrapped around my wrist before he pulled it away. “I gotta take my tights off if we-Oh…”I looked up at him with wide eyes once I realized what he wanted.
“Keep them on,” he whispered so softly I almost didn’t hear him. I nodded lightly. Truth be told, I could see the appeal in it. I did wear the fishnets for a reason. And I knew how I looked in them.
“I can do that.”
Spencer hoisted one of my legs around his waist and pressed my body against the wall. I stared at him, my arms wrapped around his neck to keep me up right. He also helped keep me up by keeping his hands on my hips. Once I was steady, Spencer ripped a hole in the crotch of my tights.
My teeth bit down on my lower lip as he dragged the head of his cock down my pussy. I almost couldn’t handle the way he teased my entrance. I wondered if he could see how frustrated I was starting to get. He’s a profiler. He should just know already how much I needed this.
“I swear to-” ‘God, Spencer.’ My words were cut off with a moan as he pressed into me all at once. It was hard to keep my head up right, and I fought for a moment before finally dropping it to rest on his shoulder. I brought my hand to my mouth and bit down.
Spencer moved a hand around to rest on my bottom. My mouth fell as his hand began massaging my flesh. That, paired with the way he began moving his hips started becoming too much for me.
He looked down at me, sweat beginning to mat down his hair to his forehead. His eyebrows were furrowed together as he picked up his pace. My leg around his waist pulled him closer to me.
“Don’t stop, please, please don’t stop,” I whined as he finally moved closer to me. My body began moving up and down the door. The cloth of my tank top had started riding up, and my hot skin was instantly touching the cool steel door.
Spencer lifted a hand to my head, placing it on the backside before pulling my face to his. His lips pressed everywhere on my face, not one spot was ignored. I pulled my hands away from his neck and grasped his shirt and tie, keeping him in his spot.
“You could’ve worn anything and I still would have wanted to fuck you. Sweatpants and oversized tee-shirt, that pencil skirt you wore back in Oklahoma… But the fishnets really do take the cake.”
“I-I knew someone would like them.” I tried to keep my voice steady. But it was so hard when pressure began growing in my stomach and between my legs.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted this? You here, looking like this,” his voice was almost a growl. My chest began heaving with each word he said and each movement he made. “Too damn long, that’s how long.”
Spencer removed his hand from the back of my head and dropped it to between my legs, resting it high on my thigh. His thumb moved back and forth on my leg, over the material of the fishnets. The look in his eyes drove me wild, and I loved it so, so much.
“Better me than anyone else. I’m not willing to share.” Spencer actually growled as he moved his finger to the crest of my legs. He smiled when I looked up at him with a mildly panicked look in my eyes. “Do you understand why, Sweetness?”
“As I told you earlier, you’re mine,” he struggled as he tried to hold back a moan.
“Fuck,” I cried as my head dropped back down to his shoulder. I pressed a hand to the wall beside me. I gasped for air as the pressure in my stomach grew to the point of exploding.
“Only I can make you feel like this. You got that, Sweetness?” Spencer groaned, which quickly caused me to nod.
It was impossible to stay quiet as the pressure built up more. The situation was pushed more as soon as Spencer started moaning more into my ear. It was so overwhelming the second he said my name.
And then it happened. I finished before him. But it wasn’t too long after that a familiar warmth spread throughout me.
Spencer dropped his head to my shoulder, and we were both left in panting, breathless messes. My eyes were stuck open as I tried recollecting myself.
“I waited a long time for that too, Spencer,” I whispered, breaking the silence after a few minutes passed. He laughed and nodded.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Of course you do.” I shook my head and pushed his body off mine. He looked down at me with a smirk. “What… What does this mean?”
“Could mean anything. We let things happen naturally, or we pretend nothing happened at all. I’d prefer the former, if I’m going to be honest with you.” He gently lifted a hand and rested it on my face. My nose twitched as soon as I felt something rolling down my thigh. Then my eyes widened.
“N-naturally… Yeah,” I whispered, mostly to myself, as I reached for a wad of toilet paper. I quickly cleaned up the mess that was between my legs and shook my head.
“We should go. Get you properly cleaned.” Spencer spoke up once I was done cleaning myself a bit.
“Well now we gotta go out there and pretend like nothing happened,” I whispered as I looked up at him. Spencer shrugged like it was no big deal. “Where did this sudden cockines come from?”
“When I realized you could have any guy in the bar… And you chose me.” He smiled before wrapping an arm around my waist. I widened my eyes as we exited the bathroom and entered the crowd of people together. People stared at us as we walked by, but I couldn’t tell if it was both of us they were staring at or just me. Spencer’s grip around my waist tightened as he pulled me closer to him. “Remember, Sweetness… I don’t like sharing what’s mine,” his voice was low. My body stiffened once the reality of his words hit me. His.
“Where were you guys?” Emily looked between Spencer and I. I looked at her with wide eyes, my expression telling her (and the rest of the team) everything they needed to know. I’m sure I looked like a hot fucking mess.
“Sweetness here was outside not feeling too well. So I brought her to the bathroom and helped her out a little bit,” Spencer lied with a smile.
Even he knew the lie was useless. But I think everyone would rather believe the obvious lie than rather just know the truth. To be fair, I’d rather tell them all a useless lie rather than the truth. “She still doesn’t feel too well. So I’m going to take her home.”
“Oh! Bummer! I hope you feel better!” Penelope was the first to speak up. I was thankful too that she played along because I really couldn’t handle that embarrassment…
“I will.. Hopefully by morning… I’ve got the best doctor I know taking care of me.” I smiled softly as I looked up at Spencer. He glanced back at me with a smile.
“Have a nice rest of the night.” Spencer nodded to the team before guiding me away from the table and towards the front doors.
“My place or yours?” I looked back at him once we were finally outside and walking towards his car.
if you want to be a part of a taglist (lmk if ur 18+ for smut) or have any comments about this one-shot, let me know here
taglist: @thebluetint​ @muffin-cup​ @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​ @spencersmagic @90spumkin​ @jareids​ @broken-stardust​
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doublesidedpan · 2 years
so it happened. i watched top gun: maverick again, and my God it’s just as good the second time around. because head empty only top gun brainrot, here are some of my thoughts which are basically all over the place:
the ending scene. jfc. i already had a slight discussion with a lovely tumblr user here because that ending scene was one of the best scenes i’d ever seen (pun intended lol) in quite some time. and that’s saying something bc the movie itself had tons of great scenes. apologies bc i’m gonna dissect the fuck out of this sequence. you’ve got penny and mav meeting up, with the score “penny returns” in the background. (and “penny returns” is really just a lovely orchestra rendition of “hold my hand”). there’s so much emotion from the audiences at this point: there’s happiness that the mission succeeded, hope that mav and penny have a happy ending, and even more happiness that mav and rooster have reconciled. and then lady gaga’s “hold my hand” comes in. it flows with “penny returns” as mav and penny get into mav’s plane (which i hear is tom cruise’s actual, personal plane??? to be expected ig from The Actor when it comes to realism lol anyway), and i bet for many people in the audience this visual only brings that sense of satisfaction with a tinge of nostalgia because it’s that scene in the movies, where the hero rides (or in this case flies) off into the sunset with his love interest. the strings in the orchestra (disclaimer that i’m not a music nerd) bring that specific emotion to a head, and then we get to rooster facing that locker with mav’s pictures. we focus on that picture, the one with goose and mav and wow the nostalgia’s really kicking in. rooster then knocks on that picture twice and God, it’s so many things. it’s closure for the past. it’s acknowledgement of the wisdom he gained from the present - learning to trust his instincts, to don’t think, just do. it’s resolve to move towards the future. it’s everything, all held together by one thought: i’ll make you proud, dad. there’s a beat of silence in the music, we’re given literally a second to absorb all that. and then the chorus soars as we focus on one final picture: mav and rooster after the mission. in the backdrop of lady gaga’s powerful vocals, the ending is breathtaking: it’s great because we’re given that layer after layer of emotional pay off that’s just right and doesn’t come off as too corny.  we’re given the perfect closure to what’s probably a perfect sequel (and perhaps, the perfect closure to every major player’s arc). if ever i’d go and see the movie a third time, just getting to watch that final scene again would be completely worth the trip and the money. 
this may just be me lowkey fangirling about the score now but that scene where hangman tells rooster to give ‘em hell always gets me for a couple reasons. one of them is the fact that right before they meet, you see the tension in rooster’s walk. you hear it in the score as those short, tense notes (again, not a music nerd so do feel free to correct me!) and then we get to hangman. because this is probably their first interaction right after mav announces rooster as his wingman, it’d be fair for us to expect any type of negative reaction from hangman. but then he says “give ‘em hell”, and the music swells. it becomes larger, fuller: it aids in making this feel like a big scene for them despite lasting only a couple seconds because this is where the secondary protagonist and his antagonist (for lack of a better term) start to see eye to eye. i remember listening to the track (You’re Where You Belong/Give ‘Em Hell) and repeating those couple of seconds over and over again bc i could see the scene in my mind’s eye bc despite being a subtle scene it was just so good. (from a shipping viewpoint it was just a whole yep they have a Thing scene for me so really thank u to hans zimmer for confirming hangster lol)
 speaking of hangman, just how much has he changed this entire movie??? i’ve lowkey spoken about it at length here but seriously, watching it a second time just makes you realize how much the story would’ve changed if hangman never existed. there are a couple plot points but the one that comes to mind right now is the whole love interest shebang. right so at this point we all know that way back then, phoenix was supposed to be the canon love interest for rooster. and honestly? completely fine with me. would’ve been nice ofc if they didn’t make the only lady in the main squad a love interest but then again there’s the whole “a good strong female character shouldn’t be deprived of love” which i also agree with but. i digress. the point is it would’ve been fine as long as the writing was good. the fact that they scrapped the canon love interest plot point entirely and simply maintained phoenix and rooster as really good friends (with a very plausible romantic future if we go down the rooster/phoenix hole)....was this because of hangman? did he singlehandedly change the love interest route too? did the filmmakers and editors and hell, even the actors realize that ya know what? why not. let’s honor the first top gun and make things a little ~ fruity ~. this is basically me just having fun but imagine if miles and glen were all “mmkay u know that bar scene we have together? yeah i’ll be all coy and do the whole lip bite thing while eye fucking u as i say my line" “for sure for sure and i’ll just be sneaking a look at ur lips while ur talking and we’ll let the audience decipher whatever the fuck our characters have going on”
top gun really has a history of having the weirdest sex scenes huh
the beach scene. ah yes. the scene that singlehandedly changed my life. yeah yeah it’s an homage to the original beach volleyball scene but just like its predecessor, it’s gratuitous fan service in the form of an eye candy-fest. but hey, it works. it’s team building, even if that team building involves an unforgettable dancing rooster. so no. it's no longer enough for me to watch top gun multiple times. i HAVE to be in the beach scene watching them all work up a sweat. HAHA. but for real, it’s a great scene because i always love me a good team bonding scene. and you just get to see these characters and even the actors behind them having so much fun with each other. the gorgeous sunlight/filter really helps set the mood of summer too. if anything, it probably pulls up memories for a lot of movie goers about their own fun times in the sand: just playing with their buddies and, maybe just for a couple days or a couple hours, not worrying about responsibilities or in this case, the weight world peace on their shoulders. back to the movie though, the cast already has great chemistry. so to see it play out on screen in the form of faux competitiveness and just a general all around great time....that scene has my heart.
MAV AND ROOSTER. seriously can’t get enough of their interactions. even though mav is older and supposedly wiser, it feels like rooster is the adult holding the brain cell whenever they’re together. case in point: when they were about to steal the f-14 before the final dogfight. mav heads off to check out the f-14 and rooster’s all mav no but eventually he says ok in the most resigned, we’ve-already-almost-died-once-so-fuck-it-what’s-a-second-go, mom-friend voice you could possibly hear. 11/10 would not be surprised if bradley bradshaw is the actual mom friend of a group, no matter how carefree he seems to appear. kinda makes you wonder too about how all their interactions pre-pulled-out-papers were. willing to bet it’s that meme with a dude struggling with two dogs on a leash going in separate directions but it’s rooster as the dude and both the dogs as mav.
speaking of rooster, now that i’ve thought about it more, i’d love to see more of miles teller as rooster. the role fit him like a glove. i remember that one twitter post criticizing miles as a top contender for rooster (back when glen was a top contender for rooster too so really, funny how things work out) and now it’s crazy to imagine anyone else. he played rooster with all of goose’s sass, all of carole’s frankness, and put a lil bit of his own swagger in the role. and his chemistry with everyone is just. so. good. literally with everyone from mav to hangman to phoenix, it’s just been an absolute pleasure watching him on screen. (that electric tension with glen’s hangman though...whew. they knew what they were doing they KNEW.) and i guess that’s one of the reasons too why the ending hit me so much: bc it’s him being our movie’s “ending fairy” and i can’t accept that we’re not getting a minute more of canon rooster content beyond the 2 hr 10 minute runtime of TG:M.
speaking of the ending (bc i clearly can’t get enough of it), i think one of the reasons why it’s good is because it also deals with passing on the torch. these young aviators (with special mention for rooster) are the inheritors of mav’s spiritual position - that role of crazy, daring fighter pilot who would dive below the hard deck just to take the shot. of course, there’s no replacing mav. however, as the film decides with its ending, he’ll always be there but he doesn’t have to always be there. everything he’s left them would be enough to push that legacy forward, in-universe at least. but out of universe??? ehhhhhh.....
.....on a potential top gun 3.....hmmmm. at this point i’d for sure love to see more of the history and chemistry between the young bloods. the community of elite naval aviators graduating from one of the most prestigious programs on the planet is probably a small one, so everyone definitely knows everyone (’cept for bob, poor baby :( ).  while i’d love for that to be explored, i also feel like it’d be too much of a good thing. it could even go the other end of the spectrum and fall into the trap of becoming another tired franchise. plus, the movie already ended things so well that unless we had a really, really good script, i don’t think we should disturb the sanctity of top gun’s brilliant ending. can a top gun movie be carried on the shoulders of rooster, hangman, phoenix, and the rest? maybe. completely without maverick? that’s a much trickier question. for now, i’m satisfied with what we have, but a sequel isn’t something i’d hate. a top gun 4 though? ehhhhh, maybe 3′s enough.
if you read all that, thank you. and even if you didn’t that’s totally fine! because at the end of the day the tldr is: top gun good.
(edited 06/30 for more thoughts bc it’s top gun lol and also for grammar/spelling reasons)
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings; smut, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, degradation, light choking, creampies, slight thigh riding
Synopsis; during a night out with your friends you spot a tall man in a dark suit with an even darker look in his eyes
a/n; this is literally just smut with very little plot lmaoo uhh i’ve been struggling in my smut writing/writing in general so here’s this, hope its not completely trash and you enjoy!
fic inspired by swim by chase atlantic, bc god knows i can't write anything original sdhfdh
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It was 10 o’clock when your girlfriends rounded you up for a night out, hopefully full of sweet drinks and good company. By 11:30 you were happily buzzed and the feelings of warm bodies around you brought a heat to your lower stomach. Maybe tonight you’d go home with someone, wake up the next morning with that delicious sense of soreness between your legs. The only task at hand was finding a companion.
Once the current song ended you walked over to the bar grabbing a water and taking a seat next to your friends.
“How are the prospects lookin tonight y/n/n?” Jessica, the short brunette you’d known for years asked. Being around her had rubbed some of her boldness onto you. Hopefully that could make an appearance tonight.
“No luck so far,” you sighed “but my eyes are wide open.” You brought the straw to your lips, gulping down the cool water as you looked around the dimly lit room.
“Woah check out suit and tie over there. He’s been checking you out for a while,” chimed Erika. While she has happily taken, that didn’t stop her from going out with you guys and pushing you into random laps.
You looked up to see the darkest pair of brown eyes on yours. Maybe it was the lighting but here was something in them. Lust perhaps? His eyes travelled down your frame as you stood up. The tight lilac dress you had on hugging each of your curves perfectly.
"I'm gonna get some air, let me know if you guys wanna head out," you said never letting your eyes drift away from the handsome stranger a few feet away.
Once outside you let your back hit the brick wall. The music from the building could be felt vibrating through the cracks. You looked up seeing the stars barley visible through the city lights.
"Contrary to popular belief you can never see millions of stars, they simply aren't close and bright enough. On a really exceptional night, with no moon and far from any source of lights, a person with very good eyesight may be able to see 2000-2500 stars at any one time."
You turned to see the same man from inside. He was gorgeous, a light stubble grazing his cheeks, long hair falling past his ears. He was a lot taller than you had thought probably taller than 6'0 but all that made you think about was him towering over you.
"Did you make that up off the top of your head? Or do you approach all your conquests with astronomy facts?"
"That depends do you usually let strange men corner you behind bars or am I just special?" he said walking closer to where you stood.
"Touche Mr."
"Doctor actually."
There was a brief pause where you both let out a giggle. The dark eyes from before seemed lighter and you cold almost make out a blush on his cheeks. The lack of alcohol on his breath told you it was from the conversation, though there was nothing to be flushed about yet.
“But seriously a pretty girl walking out to a back alley late at night is just a recipe for disaster,” he finished scanning both ends.
“Well do you plan on hurting me doctor?" you said coyly. You did you best to flutter your lashes looking up at him.
"Is that what you want?" he said letting one of his hands tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. That same hand ended up resting loosely around you neck making you gulp.
"Yes," you breathed out, "please doctor."
He wasted no time in crashing his lips to yours. You moaned into his mouth as he slid his thigh in between your own. His unoccupied hand went down to your hip, slowly guiding the pace of your frantic rutting.
Your lips parted as your head tilted back onto the brick wall. A symphony of whimpers leaving your mouth.
"Look how desperate you are for me. I haven't even done anything and you're already such a mess," he said leaving wet kisses, cooling on your scorching neck.
"Oh fuck doctor," you said clinging onto his arms, "need y'to fuck."
The power he had over you turned your brain to mush. It was sad how quickly he had you melted in the palm of hand without even doing much but kissing. At this point you didn't even care. The only thought swimming in your head was having him inside you.
A pout formed on your lips as his hands dropped from your frame. However it was quickly wiped away as you heard the familiar sound of a belt unbuckling.
"Is this what you needed baby? You need my cock to stretch you out?" he said pulling your hips closer to his.
You looked up at him for permission before you reached forward to pump your hand along his shaft. He lifted your right leg, hooking it over his arm as he pulled the thin material separating the both of you to the side.
Guiding his length to your glistening folds was a sight you'd want engraved in your brain forever. The first intrusion of his fat tip in your tight hole had you mewling a mix of curses and his title.
All you could do was wrap your arms around his neck and hold on for dear life as his thrusts gained speed. The sound of your skin slapping luckily wouldn't have been heard through the door with the loud music playing inside. But anyone who walked by the alley or decided it was time for a breath of air would surly be in for a show.
"Fuck you're such a good little whore for me," he said gruffly against the skin of your shoulder, "letting me fuck you out here where anyone could see."
Your pussy clenched at his words and your moans amplified as he continued to pound into you. The curve of his cock hitting the spot inside of you that had you seeing all the stars in the sky contrary to what he said before.
"More doctor! Please wanna cum," you whined.
He made a noise of disapproval before pushing you back farther into the wall. At this point you and the red bricks were one. You were sure to have crescent marks on how hard he was holding up your thigh.
"Greedy little whore aren't you," he gritted out, "You take whatever I wanna give you."
"Please I need it! Need t'cum please please please," you rushed out bucking your hips to meet each one of his thrusts.
His hold on your hip got tighter as he started drilling into you. You could feel his heavy breathes on your shoulder and the way his cock was throbbing inside you ready to fill you up.
Your mind was dizzy. It felt like you were in a bubble of him, the scent of his cologne trapped in your senses. Your nerves were on fire, any pressure on your neglected bud would be sure to set you off.
It was as if the gods had answered your prayers when he spoke, "I can feel you clenching around me baby. Go ahead and touch yourself for me," he rasped out.
Reaching between yourself you felt the slippery mess where you both connected and started rubbing at your stiff clit. Your fingers sent lighting strikes through your body, breaking the damn that was building in your lower tummy.
"Gonna cum! I'm oh god cumming doctor," you all but yelled out. If people walking around the corner were unaware of the spectacle they sure would be now.
"That's it.. such a good girl."
Your arms around his neck let up as you pulled him in for a sloppy kiss. His lips swallowing the moans you let out as he helped you ride out your orgasm.
"Where do you want-," he tried to speak out but you cut him off.
"Inside," you begged, "Need to feel you cum inside." His thrusts turned frantic as you spoke against his lips. Pleading for hum to fill you to the brim with his seed.
You sighed as you finally felt the warm liquid coat your walls, his thrusts continuing to pump into you.
He pulled out stepping back to watch the creamy mess spill down your center before be swiped it away with his fingers, bringing them up to your awaiting mouth.
Happily you took his fingers in your mouth, moaning around them at the salty taste of your mixed release. You looked up at him keeping your gaze on the sliver of brown around his dilated pupils.
Walking back into the bar Jessica and Erika's eyes nearly popped out of their heads as they took in the limp in your walk and your disheveled hair.
"You whore!," Erika screamed out greeting you with pats on the shoulder.
"Shut up," you said looking down feeling the heat rising to your cheeks.
Jessica giggled handing you her compact mirror, "Yeah I bet we're not the only ones who called her that," she finished with a raise of her brow.
Looking back up across the bar you saw the same dark eyes from before staring at you with a smug smile, proud how much of mess he left you in. If the little business card tucked in your bra told you anything, it was that the stunt from outside would be far from the last.
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tutyayilmazz · 2 years
so, more about supermodel. well, with their onstage charisma it does seem more interesting and perhaps with live instruments it will take a new form but the fact remains that what was released is a short overpolished track that hardly contains the strong, heavy instrumental sound that drew many of us in the first place. without damiano’s characteristic voice, there wouldn’t be much making it a måneskin song. if it was any other artists’ song it could be their greatest hit but knowing how much more they’re capable of, this doesn’t cut it. i don’t know how much of it is due to the producers or to them, perhaps bc mammamia didn’t chart as well as they hoped (which not all of us loved but was so clearly theirs) but what’s clear is that this
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will never sound as authentic and complex as 
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i fucking hate american hegemony over everything, where “global” success means ~making it in america~ and that means diluting what makes them appealing. i know this probably seems overdramatic over one song that i hope will be a blip in their career but it’s frustrating that not so long ago damiano was saying that he wouldn’t let someone else write for him and yet just 3 months in LA does what everyone could see coming but was hoping wouldn’t result in this. they say the song is a criticism of the LA culture and yet in all honesty does anyone actually get that from the lyrics?
and they’ve done 10 songs with this guy! yes i’ve also read the interview where vic says there will be songs written just by them but i fucking hate that that won’t be a given anymore! what i wouldn’t give to hear the “teatro d’ira vol. 2” that they “finished” last summer bc this release makes me certain that what we get won’t be no vol. 2
and finally i just can’t get over not performing zitti e buoni at fucking eurovision?!? laura pausini introduces them as the rock n roll we needed and they proceed to not even play the beloved song that brought them here in the first place?!? there’s really no excuse. i’m not saying they should keep doing the same thing over and over but when you won over the audience with an angry italian song coming back a year later to play a much lighter song and a goddamn elvis presley cover(?!?) instead is quite jarring. i was wondering how they’re gonna transition between ZeB and supermodel, well they avoided that altogether 🤡🤡
and like, i saw them in verona. i saw how they utterly delight in the hard and heavy, the extended solos, their power of just 3 instruments with my own eyes. even if you say that’s just their own home gig they’ve been doing these at festivals and shows in the us as well. they also all seem excited about supermodel but i feel like there’s a disconnect between the må that loves thrashing on stage and the må that wants to have top radio hits and i wish it could be possible all at once
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thefuchsianeko · 3 years
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never posted these here i guess. well
a while ago something compelled me to do edits with my redesign of Alastor (I WOULD link back to my original post with the redesigns, but it’s old and ugly so...)
got really into it I think
too lazy to write it all out again so I’m just gonna copy-paste what I wrote about them from Instagram... so under the cut will be the original screenshots, as well as some design notes and stuff
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I sketched a couple of other characters but I mostly did Alastor... also those are the only ones I actually finished lol. I'm most interested in his redesign than the others.
tl;dr -- I tried simplifying his design while also making it more period-accurate (he died in the '20s apparently), as well as giving him details and a colour design that I think would help him stand out amongst the other characters (tho I did nothing else to edit these but if I was in charge of design a lot of colours in the environment would be changed to help characters stand out from the bg). I also kept some of his deer-traits (the ear-tufts and antlers specifically) bc idk i like deer whatever. (also if these edits are inconsistent idc if the pilot won't be consistent then neither will i)
I don't think it's a secret that I kinda don't like Hazbin Hotel that much... I mean I'm interested in seeing where it goes but the pilot itself very flawed. ANYWAY hehehh... I fucking hate Alastor's design but at this point I kinda love hating him (for reasons unintended by the creators). His design is ANNOYING AS SHIT and he comes off as try-hard so I can't take him seriously. Some design notes... So he supposedly died in the '20s but like, his outfit looks like it'd be from a lot earlier? Annoys the shit outta me but anyway I just gave him a simple suit (after skimming one of my books about '20s and '30s fashion I saw a lot of that) along with some coattails for a cooler silhouette. Almost gave him a regular tie too but I kinda like the upside-down cross thing he has goin' on (a symbol often mistakenly attributed to satanism but whatever looks neat). Cleaned up his hair, kept the ear-tuft-things for the deer-look but also I kinda like how the ears blend into the hair (here it should be assumed they're ears at least). Made his antlers bigger so you can uh ACTUALLY SEE THEM. Muted his colour scheme to help go with the '20s theme and make him stand out against allllll the fkin red, and gave him flat teeth instead of sharp teeth. I think it’d be cool if everyone else in Hell had sharp teeth except this fuckin’ guy… it’d stand out. Didn’t change his radio-staff much but I’d probably make it look more like a mic from the ‘20s. Also I changed his nose bc I want more variety and I hate his goddamn button-nose like wtf.
Oh also, his story's kinda different; in my rewrite Alastor has become a kind of a recluse for years after finishing his last big radio-show (the one that Vaggie exposition-dumps to Angel Dust in the pilot) because he’s having trouble trying to figure out what his next show will be (basically he has art-block lol). He wants it to top (or at least equal) the quality of his last show. When he hears about Charlie’s project from her news interview, her passion and belief in the hotel ignites new inspiration in him (plus the idea of the hotel is insane to him and whether it succeeds or not it’d make a great show). He goes to the hotel in the hope to make a deal so he can cover the story as it unravels. Also he doesn't show off his power that much, if anything it's all only sprinkled in and/or hinted to. He can be pretty friendly but people feel uneasy around him bc 1) he just has that kind of aura and 2) people try not to make him upset in fear of being ripped apart.
Idk if any of this doesn't make sense you can ask about it and I'll try to explain better.... maybe idk i hate words
btw don't be surprised if I make more stuff for this later on bc I kinda love him and have been thinking about a rewrite of the pilot (this is all for fun, of course. If you like the show that's great and I can see how others would like it, there's just details about it that bug me specifically).
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