#i’m so mopey
stardust-kitten · 1 year
long distance is all fun and games until they have to go back home 😭😭😭😭
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lavampira · 5 months
how much am I going to destroy myself by putting on more grey’s anatomy after only 4 hours of sleep and an emotional rollercoaster kind of day, let’s find out 🥴✌️
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
I got my booster yesterday and today I feel like butts and I’m Extremely Whiny about it.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
I was wondering if you saw that ask about Steve's character analysis from @steveharrington and how he's abandoned by the narrative, written very 2 dimensionally and never gets a follow up for his physical/ emotional/ mental trauma while all the other characters do. Lil fic idea where Steve and Eddie don't really know each other yet. It's maybe right before vecna, where the party somehow ends up at Steve's place for Hellfire where the older Hellfire members are still snide and bitter towards him, and something happens where Steve has to take of his shirt or something, and it's the first time everyone (maybe besides Robin) actually sees how physically scarred Steve is, and that maybe he really isn't emotionally okay either. (bc I am Sure that boy has SCARS even before the bats with everything he's been through)
I have seen it! It’s an incredible commentary that is far more coherent than I could ever hope to be, op explains their thoughts so well and really is a wonderful post (thank you op)
I’m firmly of the belief that Steve has capital s Scars. And the thought of the impact on him is heart shattering. Steve sitting at home on his own, getting changed in the dark but can feel the scarred skin under his fingers tips. His thoughts spiral. He’s been commodified his whole life, packaged up to be an ‘ideal’ and now he sees these imperfections and he’s scared. He’s terrified. What value does he hold now? Why would anyone bother with him now that he’s visually damaged and belongs at the back of the shelf. He cries. Cries so hard his head hurts and he can’t make it stop, travels down his head to his neck and shoulders as he sobs. Body wracked with it. After the first night he pushes it down, refuses to acknowledge it again, wants to pretend that things are okay when his thoughts lurk in the dark telling him he’s worthless.
So he puts on a face, and carries on. Avoids showing skin successfully for a good few months. Until there’s a Christmas party for everyone but the adults at Steve’s place and it’s fun and loud until Mike bumps into Erika who knocks into dustin who trips into Steve. Steve who was holding a mug of hot chocolate that is now covering him head to toe. It’s not even that hot but before he knows what’s happening Robin is whipping his jumper off ‘it might scald Steve! We need to check!’
He fights her but his reaction is delayed after the shock of the liquid hitting his skin. And that’s when everyone sees it, sees him. And the silence is deafening but he can’t stop them from seeing. Can’t stop them from knowing that he’s ruined and good for nothing and a disappointment so he tries to walk off, fighting the hot and angry tears threatening to spill. He won’t cry, he can’t, not again. He manages to take a step away but then Robin is hugging him, Dustin too. He drags air into his lungs. Not sure if what to do next but then he hears the party slowly start back up and he’s thankful, thinking he’ll get out of this one alive.
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microsuedemouse · 6 months
okay it’s time to find out if I have any room in my heart for DS Scott
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larsnicklas · 5 months
there’s something there though in my brain that again i can’t fully articulate right now bc i’m just sad about nicklas more than usual but the. uh. ghost isn’t quite right. and neither is hole, he hasn’t left a hole. maybe what i’m thinking and feeling is the concept of White Space in graphic design. the Absence that is its own presence; that brings into relief the elements around it. it’s like, all of this exists in relation to this space it’s surrounded by. does that make any sense at all. the team is there on the ice, in the room, on the plane, and he is not, and that in itself is how he is there
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gambitandrogues · 1 month
livesies is literally so fun idc
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mifhortunach · 5 months
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theovergrowth · 9 months
(( the problem with The Overgrowth as a primary “antagonist” (sorta) of Titus’ story is that I’m always trying to find good plant metaphors and shit when i write about it, but I am haunted by any mention of the word Seed ))
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godblooded · 1 year
ayo peeps: update on the situation: my fuckin’ ears have basically clogged and i cannot hear out of my right ear. oh my god last night it was so painful it felt like it had fucking exploded. i had to twist upside down in my bed to find a place to tilt my head so the crackling would stop killing me. why my ears? why must it be the thing that triggers the shit out of me???? i can do migraines but after literally 20+ ear infections throughout my childhood and life… why???? i’ll take anything else this feeling fucks me up all day.
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pink-car · 6 months
womp having one of those “wow i don’t know how to make friends or have relationships” nights
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floral-hex · 1 year
Spent almost 5 hours in the ER with my mom. I am wiped out and I probably have a stomach bug, but I’m going to power through so I can do some dishes and then go pick up her meds when the pharmacy opens. Blegh.
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enzymedevice · 1 year
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Sketches from ages ago of some goths I like :>
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uglyseasonmp3 · 1 year
the faggot spirit is unkillable btw
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mifhortunach · 5 months
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ushiwhacka · 2 years
the way love island can make me hate men is unreal
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