#i’m trying so hard not to be grumpy but i am just furious about the gig i took tonight. i had a bunch of rich privileged art hs students and
^ how i feel (i’m the fish)
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sirianasims · 10 months
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Chapter 16
Second Chances
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Cora and Zane waste no time in getting married. The wedding is planned in a matter of weeks.
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It seems to Don that it isn’t that long ago he stood in this church with Alex. It’s hard to believe that both his little girls are married now.
“Don’t you dare grow up too quickly”, he whispers and hugs Daniel tight.
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Brie is also emotional. Both of her parents are now gone, with Johnny dying only a few months ago. At least Alex got to see Cora return, even if she won’t see her married.
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In the back of the church, on Zane’s side of the isle, Layla and Aidan are showing their support. Layla is expecting their second child and is happily chatting to their old university friend Conor, who was on Cora’s football team. Conor is seated next to Zane’s sister Isabelle.
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Zane’s father, Wolfgang, is struggling with some mixed emotions. He wants his son to be happy, but marrying into Don’s family wouldn’t have been his first choice for Zane.
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As the ceremony finishes, Daniel squirms out of his seat and runs to his parents.
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Zane and Cora scoop him into a hug.
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Even grumpy Wolfgang can’t help but smile at the happiness radiating from the trio.
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Outside the church, Morgan finds Don.
“Don, have you ever met my daughter, Isabelle?”
“Isabelle. You are certainly the spitting image of your mother. Just as beautiful”, Don replies, and gallantly kisses her hand.
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“Mom, you didn’t tell me Don was such a gentleman.”
“There are many things I have’t told you, dear.”
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“Mom, Isa, I see you have managed to corner my new father-in-law but I need you all to join us for a few speeches.”
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During the speeches and toasts, Isabelle gets tipsy and starts trying to grill Don about his personal life. Morgan barely manages to steer the conversation away from her and Don’s past.
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As Wolfgang passes the table where Don is talking to his wife and daughter, he shoots Don an angry glare.
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Zane also joins the table. Wolfgang is so focused on Don that he even ignores Payton’s attempts at congratulating him on his son’s wedding. After a while, Don retreats to a quiet corner to get away from the awkward situation.
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It doesn’t take long before Isabelle finds him.
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“Heeeey Don… mom didn’t tell me how handsome you were, you know…”
“Isabelle, please. I think you’ve had enough champagne.”
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“No no, I’m fine. C’mon, gimme a kiss…”
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A furious Wolfgang storms up to them as Isabelle quickly climbs off Don’s lap.
“I knew it! Keep your hands off her, you sleazy bastard!”
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“Wolfgang, I haven’t done anything to Isabelle, and I’m not going to…”
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“Do you think I’m blind? I know your tricks! I know what kind of man you are!”
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“And what kind of man am I, Wolfgang?”
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“Dad – no!”
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The punch barely fazes Don. Wolfgang himself actually seems surprised at what he just did.
“Don… I didn’t mean… I just…”
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Luckily for Wolfgang, Don, former world champion bodybuilder, simply walks away.
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Zane pulls his father aside.
“Dad… how could you? I asked you not to make a scene.”
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“Son, you don’t understand. That man has no morals. I know him. Something happened years ago… your mother…”
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“Dad, if I recall correctly, you had walked out on us. According to mom, Don was the one encouraging her to give you another chance when you came back.”
“She was still my wife! I… he… he had no right…”
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“Dad, you need to get it together. I know you don’t like Don, but he’s my father-in-law and you can’t just go around punching people in the face.”
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“Take mom and Isa home. And find a way to deal with your issues that doesn’t involve hitting anyone.”
beginning / previous / next
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tmntartblock · 8 hours
Chapter 3: The lost child, part 2
previous chapter
“When I got back home sensei Kuma was furious. They isolated me, interrogated me and didn’t let me eat for a week. Every second I wanted to come back here, to see you and the others again. 
Of course I made a stupid plan to steal a necklace to myself. I knew if I ever got caught having one, I would’ve been executed but I never cared. When I finally got back to you, I was so happy.
“In the middle of the night. You scared the shit out of me.”
“Luckily you didn’t wake up the others with that scream of yours.”
“It wasn’t that loud.”
“I still haven’t recovered.”
“Ah, shut up.”
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“We did it for like… five years maybe? ”
“They were maaaad when they finally caught us when we were doing popcorn.”
“Mikey had never looked so insulted in his life when he realized what was going on.”
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“I was so sure master Splinter was gonna double-kick me to the atmosphere.”
“He for sure was not happy. I got a really long lecture on trust. But he got around eventually when he realized you made me better.”
Usagi flustered.
“Ah, shut up.”
They sat in the comfort of their silence. Even taking a glimpse of Usagi next to him made his heart flustered. Going down the memory lane had made him think about all those little moments with him and how, eventually, the friendly comfort of Usagi had changed into something else. Something deeper. It had been hard to explain. Hard to grasp what it was. First Leo thought it was just how a best friend was supposed to feel. Like home. Like comfort. 
But friends never made Leo feel so flustered. Stumble so much on his words. Make him stare into other ones eyes and feel like it was never enough. Like no matter how close they got, it was not enough. 
“It was so damn hard to tell you how I felt”, Leo said while the last rays of the sunshine disappeared, leaving the world quiet.
“Tell me about it.”
“Mikey bullied me about it so much. He thought it was hilarious that I didn’t have the guts to tell you.”
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“In our defense, we had a lot going on.”
“Yeah, Gen had left and I had to fight Shredder.”
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“But in the end it didn't matter. We had each other”, Usagi gave that smirk of his. He was done talking deep. 
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“I need to leave in the morning”, Usagi said when they went to sleep after seeing the sunset.
Leo couldn’t help himself but feel disappointed. Usagi had talked like he wouldn’t go back. That he was done.
“I don’t know how long I can be away, Leonardo. They are getting suspicious. I am here for too long. Too… often.”
“You are saying you don’t give a shit about them but at the same time you are worried about them.” Leo still remembered the disappointment filling his chest. 
“Leonardo-chan. You know it’s not simple. If… If I could, I would stay here. With you. You know I would. But like you can’t leave your family, I cannot leave my Realm.”
Leo couldn’t say anything. Could he leave if Usagi asked? If he said that he was going to escape the Realm and wanted him to join, could he leave his family behind?
“If it came to that you had to escape the Realm, I would go with you”, Leo said. 
Usagi sighed.
“Easy for you to say.”
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The next morning Leo was still feeling grumpy and he hated it. He didn’t want to ruin their last moments together who knew for how long.
“I’m sorry to leave you like this again.”
“I know”, Leo said, trying to sound cheerful but he knew Usagi read him like an open book.
“Please don’t be angry at me, Leonardo-chan.”
“I am not. I… I’m just angry at this whole situation.”
Usagi reached for his little bag and took a small pouch from there. 
“What is that?”
“I have a little gift for you”, Usagi said and put it on Leo’s hand. Leo opened the pouch and saw four little turquoise crystals.
“These crystals are the main reason we need to protect our realm so others cannot have them to use for evil.”
“Why are you giving them to me? They are dangerous.”
“I… I want to show how much I trust you. And how important you are to me because I think you tend to forget that.”
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previous chapter | next chapter on 29th of September
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cynicalone94 · 7 months
No... Not Like This
Read on AO3 here.
Several people wanted to see Jay dealing with double casts after I'm Doing This Because I Care About You so here y'all go. Not really whumpy but hopefully the angst makes up for it.
Hailey carries a lot of the bags while Will is helping his brother into the apartment.
Jay is grumpy about the assistance but he’s still feeling the effects of the blood loss and needs Will’s stability.
And the grumpiness is nothing new. Jay had been tolerable about losing the use of both hands when he’d still been slightly medicated from the surgery but once he’d been lucid enough to truly process the situation, he’d been furious.
He’s trying really hard to keep from taking his frustration out on anyone but he’s been a grumpy asshole for the last day and a half, especially once the hospital had decided to keep him for an extra day while they gave a few more rounds of transfusion.
He drops onto the couch, reaching for the remote, visibly pissed off when he realizes that he can’t.
He’ll regain a lot of functionality with his hands within a week or so but for now his arms and hands are pretty much just for show.
And she can’t imagine how hard that is to deal with.
She sets up pillows for him to rest his arms on and he nods his thanks despite the permanent frown etched on his face.
She reaches for the remote.
“Can I turn something on for you?” she asks, trying not to flinch as he glares at her.
“Just… whatever.” I don’t care.” he mutters.
She offers hi a weak smile and turns the tv on, searching up a documentary.
Will comes in from the kitchen with a travel mug in hand. He’s able to prop it up on Jay’s lap, angling the the straw where his brother can reach it.
“Thanks.” Jay whispers, focusing on the screen and Hailey and Will retreat to the kitchen.
Will sighs, leaning against the counter.
“Sorry he’s so grumpy.” he says, shaking his head.
“I would be too if I was looking at at least a week without use of either hand.” she says with a shrug.
“Eh.” Will says with a shrug. “I know this is about your first time dealing with an injured Jay but he’s always grumpy when he’s hurting.”
“That sounds like my partner.” Hailey says with a grin. “He’s worth a little grumpy.”
Something off crosses Will’s face for a moment and then he just smiles.
“Well then, he’s lucky to have you.” he says. “You want anything to eat? He doesn’t have a lot of food around here but I figure we should just eat it for him since he’s going to be on smoothies for the next week.”
“Poor guy.” Hailey says, shaking her head and walking over to open the fridge. “But lucky me. For a health nut, Jay buys the best bacon.”
Will chuckles.
“Cook me some up too.” he asks.
Jay’s getting some control back in his fingers.
The swelling that had compromised the nerves in his wrists is starting to go down.
Adam would have thought that would make him less grumpy but he thinks it might have actually made it worse.
Jay’s sitting on the couch, hand resting over the remote.
But his fingers don’t always do what he wants or have the strength that he needs and Adam can tell that it’s pissing him off.
He’d offered a greeting when Adam had sat down next to him, sounding like some kind of a cave man, but he hasn’t said anything since then.
Adam jumps when Jay growls, batting the remote off the couch and then clutches his arm to his chest.
“You okay?” he asks.
“I’m fine.” Jay hisses, stumbling to his feet and storming out of the room.
“Jay.” Adam calls, standing up and following him.
He finds Jay in the bathroom, staring back at his own reflection.
“It was stupid.” Jay mutters. “Hurts like hell but I really am okay.”
“I get that you’re frustrated, man.” Adam says. “This has got to be hell.”
“I just… it’s getting better.” Jay mutters. “And some part of me wants to believe that its almost over even though I know I’ve still got weeks before I get the casts off.”
“Yeah, I hear that.” Adam agrees.
“It hurts too.” Jay whispers. “The nerves have been… largely off-line because of the swelling. The swelling is down, the nerves are starting to come back online and they want me to know that they aren’t happy with the situation.”
“Ouch.” Adam whispers.
“Yeah.” Jay laughs. “Been trying to distract myself with the tv but I’ve got a short attention span and it doesn’t work for long.”
“And your fingers aren’t quite ready for channel surfing.” Adam finishes.
“Yeah.” Jay agrees. “It’s only been six days, Adam. And the docs are saying because of the severity of the breaks I’m definitely looking at eight weeks in the casts, minimum.”
“Don’t look at it that way, bro.” Adam says. “Just focus on those nerves coming back, okay? Your fingers are coming back online, you’ll have your hands back soon. It’ll get better. And it’s going to just keep getting better right up until those casts come off.”
Jay sighs but swallows hard and offers him a nod.
Kevin watches Jay eat his lunch.
His hands are pretty functional at this point in the healing process but he still doesn’t have any motion in his wrists and limited lifting power.
He’s managing the maneuvering but it’s slow going and the shake that Kevin can see in his wrist tells him that he’s running out of steam.
Sure enough a moment later the fork holding hand crashes down to the table.
Jay slumps back in frustration, pounding his fist onto the wood.
Which is a mistake.
He groans, dropping his head to the table.
“I don’t think hurting yourself is going to hurry things up any.” Kevin says hesitantly.
“I’m so over this.” Jay mutters.
“I know you are, brother.” Kevin says, rounding the table. “But you’re getting through it. Two weeks down, right?”
“Six plus to go.” Jay grumbles.
“And huge improvements already.” Kevin reminds him.
Jay rolls his eyes.
“I’m going to go take a nap.” he says, using his feet to push back from the table and then storming out of the room.
Kim doesn’t know how she let Jay convince her to do this.
She doesn’t mind the run, it’s actually kind of nice to be able to keep up with him for once.
She just isn’t sure this is a good idea for him.
She can tell the motion is hurting his arms no matter how tightly he keeps them pressed against his chest.
But she also knows he needs this so she tries to keep quiet. She’ll do her best to bully him into some extra pain meds when they get back to his apartment.
“You think I’m an idiot.” Jay says, and she bitterly notes that he’s barely out of breath.
“I think you needed to get out of the apartment.” she says. “But we could have walked.”
He glances over at her with a single raised eyebrow.
“But on the flip side.” she says with a grin. “I think I can totally kick your ass right now.”
“Race you back to the apartment.” he challenges.
“You’re on.” she agrees.
He still wins but he’s grinning broadly despite the obvious pain that he’s in so she’ll take the win.
One week left.
At least that’s what Voight keeps telling himself.
The cynical part of his brain, which is most of it, keeps reminding him that the breaks had been pretty damn severe and that there’s a chance the kid gets stuck in the casts longer than planned.
But there is no way in hell that he’s going to be the one to point that out to him.
Jay’s playing a video game with his brother right now. They’re playing a co-op game with the difficulty set on easy and he’s still struggling, though mostly because he’s had to keep the controller on his lap and manipulate it in a totally different way.
But he seems to be in good spirits, not as frustrated as Voight would have expected.
He hopes that’s not too much on the fact that there’s a finish line in sight right now. Because if that’s the case, an extension might get ugly.
Will watches his brother’s face as the doctor delivers the bad news.
This morning’s x-ray doesn’t show the healing that they were hoping for and they want to leave the casts on for another two weeks.
Jay’s bad attitude has been steadily improving as they’ve approached today’s magical landmark. Will doesn’t know how today’s news is going to impact that.
The doctor leaves the room, promising to see them in two weeks and he turns to his brother.
“Hey.” he says, reaching for his brother’s arm. “It’ll be fine. You and me can spend some more time together. Hang out. It’ll be cool.”
“No…” Jay says, shaking his head and looking at his feet. “Not like this.”
Will sighs, putting a hand on his brother’s back.
“We’ll get you through this.” he promises.
Jay just sighs, reaching for his jacket and struggling into it. Will steps back, swallowing back an offer to help.
The casts are finally coming off.
After the disappointment of the first removal day, Will had asked Hailey if she’d be willing to be there with them and she’s doing a great job keeping Jay distracted while they cut through the plaster.
“I knew you were practically a ghost but this is a whole new level, partner.” she jokes as the plaster falls away and Jay’s skin comes into view for the first time.
“Not all of us can actually tan, Upton.” Jay says, rolling his eyes but he’s grinning.
“I’m Greek.” Hailey says with a laugh.
“And I’m Irish.” Jay retorts. “A little sun and I go full lobster.”
“I’ve seen it.” Hailey says. “Almost as amusing as this is.”
He sticks his tongue out at her and Will steps back. Maybe it’s just getting the casts off finally but he thinks some of it is having Hailey here.
He doesn’t know much about this new partner of his brother’s but he thinks he likes her.
She’s good for Jay.
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xtinyaurora · 3 years
Heyyyyy I’m new here :3 could I request ATEEZ reaction to you being a brat? :3
Ateez reaction: Bratty Y/N
➼ requested?: yes
➼ genre: smut
➼ pairing: Ateez x neutral!reader
➼ Word-count: 2k+
➼ Warnings: nsfw content, strong language, cursing, threads, annoyance, bratty behavior, pet names...
➼ Note: This is not based on their real behavior or meant to represent real life. This is simply a fan fiction and is only for the purposes of fun, it’s a hobby. Read at your own risk!
➼ A/N note: Sorry for updating after a longer time, I had a few mental health issues... Thanks to everyone who waited tho and thank you so much for 200+ followers... Please let me know if you have ideas in mind for a ‘special'! Hope you all like this one tho. Feel free to leave some feedback! Also, let me know if any of you wants to be added to my taglist!
➼ Taglist: @teeztheflag @darkstarlights
Park Seonghwa
You were sulking because Seonghwa didn’t bought you that dress you saw in one of those expensive shops today. Actually, you could call him your „sugar daddy”. He bought you anything you wanted whenever you wanted, but not today. Today was different, because you already started to provoke him in the early morning, disobeying and yelling at him. He didn’t know what happened to you, even after asking a hundredth of times, you just kept on being bratty towards the male. Soon, he had enough. While the two of you were sitting in the car, at the parking lot of the shopping mall, you kept on complaining about that dress. Seonghwa leaned into your side and grabbed your throat, immediately shutting you up. „You better stop talking, before I lose my shit and hit you right in the face and fuck you right on top of this car, baby. Would you like that? For all people to see how I put you in your place. Huh?” You silently shook your head, a hint of fear written on your face. „I thought so. Now stop being a bratty little bitch and start behaving, understood?” Again, you remained silent, nodding your head this time. Seonghwa then sat back and started the power of the car, driving off, back home.
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Kim Hongjoong
Hongjoong finally took a day off, immediately calling you to go on a date but you were mad at him. Why? He knew that you had other plans today but still choose this day to take a break. „Y/N, baby, come on. You know I have no say in this. This is not my fault, so please come to the restaurant we always go to, okay?” You let out a ironic laugh. „Tz. First, you pick the worst day and now you want me to come there myself? Oh no, if you really want to get out with me then you are going to pick me the fuck up.” Hongjoong was kinda shocked, not excepting this kind of behavior. After massaging his temples, since this boy was stressed and annoyed by your way of behaving, he just hung up the call, not in the mood to keep up with you right now. You went absolutely insane. Like, how dare he? When midnight came around, Hongjoong entered the front door, food in his hands. You were sitting in the living room, still pissed about earlier today. A knock on the doorframe made you look up. When spotting your boyfriend, you rolled your eyes and kept watching tv. „Haven’t cool down yet?” You got back to 180. „Excuse me?! Get your ass out of this room Mr. 'I think I can allow myself whatever I want' because yes, I am still mad at you.” He stared at you, not believing what was happing. Since when did you get so bratty? Shaking his head while approaching you and placing the food on the table, he grabbed both of your forearms and looked you deep in the eyes. „Okay now listen here you bratty bitch. You’re gonna listen to me and start behaving or I will punish you so hard that you wish you could turn the time back and thank me for making time for you, okay? I want my good little kitten back because I don’t like nasty strays that don’t obey me. No one would like one, so be happy and appreciate me you ungrateful pice of shit and shut the fuck up.”
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Jeong Yunho
He was just staring at you blankly, while you were throwing a tantrum. This already happened a couple of times but it was never this bad. He kept on watching you, until you eventually calmed down yourself. It really provoked you that he didn’t stop you or has done anything for that matter. At some point, you gave up because you knew how well Yunho could control his anger. Honestly, you didn’t even know why you freaked out like that. Both of you were searching for a movie to watch and when Yunho picked one that you already saw and absolutely hated, both of you started auguring. It’s his turn to pick the movie because you picked last time, yet that didn’t sit with you. Maybe you were just having a bad day? At least that’s what Yunho told himself. „Are you done now?” You sat there, at the ground while Yunho sat in front of you, on the couch. „Yea... sorry.” Yunho nodded, pulling you up on his lap. You thought he will cuddle with you but sike, he flipped you over so you were laying on your stomach, over his knees, ass in perfect view for him. „How many hits do you think you deserve? Hm? Maybe 20 or 30? Or... 40 or 50?”
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Kang Yeosang
He had this furious and annoyed look on his face. You got kinda terrified now, knowing what a beast this boy could be when he was mad. He watched you until you went silent, sitting next to each other and waiting for what’s going to happen next. You started to get nervous because Yeosang kept looking at you without saying or doing anything. His silence never meant anything good... „Stop looking.” He raised one of his eyebrows. „Stop talking.” You did keep quiet, not knowing what else to do now. „Dumb pet, do you think you’re worth my time? Oh how embarrassing... It’s such a shame that there are so many people who want me yet I chose you over everyone else, an ungrateful little bitch.” His words kinda hurt and you stated to doubt your worth. Maybe he’s right? You maybe should have followed the rules. You shouldn’t have told him no and most important, you shouldn’t have done all of that in front of his friends. You kinda started to regret it but it was way too late now. Even if you did apologize now, Yeosang wouldn’t forgive you, he will punish you no matter what. The more silence there is, the harder the punishment will be. „Go into the bedroom. Take your clothes off and wait for me.”
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Choi San
To be direct, you were unnecessarily overreacting. When you visited the boys and watch them while they practiced, San didn’t greet you as usual and you didn’t like that. At all. He was too focused to even notice you tbh. When he finally turned around and spotted you, he rolled his eyes, taking in your grumpy state. He made his way towards you, so he could give you a kiss but you pushed him away. He gave you a questioning look but you just turned your face away. „Hey, give me a kiss.” You still didn’t move, hoping to upset somehow. „Y/N.” His first warning. „Look at me.” Still, you didn’t move. The other members started to notice but kept on practicing because they didn’t wanted to get involved in anything. San exhaled loudly, pulling you up and dragging you out with him. „Don’t touch me!” You yelled at your boyfriend. He didn’t even bother to listen to you. „It hurts!” You hoped that he would loosen his grip a bit, but instead his grip on you got stronger. When he reached his room, he threw you on the bed and undressed himself. „You hurt me!” Still having that attitude on, you again yelled at him. He gave you a murderous look, finally shutting you up. He the hovered over you, staring you dead in the eyes. „If you ever dare to pull something like that in front of the other members again, I will make you regret visiting us, okay? Now better behave, before I completely lose the last bit of my self control, you stupid kid.”
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Song Mingi
„Mingi, Mingi! Wake up!” You shook him until he groaned out in annoyance. „Y/N? What’s wrong?” You huffed. „I am bored. You have to do something with me, come on.” You tried to pull him up but he was stronger than you, resulting that you were the one being pulled and laying on top of him now. „Did you loose your mind? It’s three in the morning, let me sleep!” He half yelled, half whispered. As he was about to drift off to sleep again, you pulled on his hair, making him tear his eyes open and cry out loudly. „Ouch! What the heck, Y/N? That hurts!” A smile creeped on your face, finally achieving your goal of waking him up. He just stared at you, giving you a ‘are you serious?’ type of look. „Now that you’re awake, we can do something! Should we watch a movie or should we play some ga-“ „No! We are not going to do any of these! It’s bed time, so lay down! I am not in the mood for all of this.” You smacked his thigh. „No Mingi, get up! What do you not get from 'I am bored, let’s do something’, huh?” He really has enough. „Okay Bunny, you wanna do something? Let’s play a game. It’s called ‘try not to scream while getting your ass beaten and brain fucked out’. Sounds fun, right?” You gulped, then getting pulled and flipped around, so that your backside faced up. At least he’s full of energy now...
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Jung Wooyoung
Both of you were sitting in a restaurant. He was already fed up with your behavior but he let go because he didn’t had enough strength to deal with you right now. This cutie was so hungry and tiered after practice, that he didn’t wanted things to go wrong but you really left him no choice. Just because you didn’t wanted to eat in this restaurant and wanted to go to your favorite one instead, you stated to act up, gaining lots of attention from all the nagging and yelling. Wooyoung grabbed your upper arm and pulled you near him, whispering in your ear so others wouldn’t hear. „Shut your mouth now Y/N, I’ve had enough of your bullshit. You’re so fucking embarrassing you stupid brat.” He then let go, harshly shoving your arm away and leaning back. When the waiter approached you two, to note your order, you remained silent. After rolling his eyes, Wooyoung ordered food only for himself. When he finished eating, he stood up and threw some money in the table. He was about to walk away when he turned around to face you. „If you don’t get up within the next two seconds, I will break your legs.” He gave you a last condescending look before walking out. You obeyed and followed him out, joining him in his car. He didn’t even spare you a glance, driving straight to your apartment a grin forming on his face, several ideas for your punishment popping into his head.
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Choi Jongho
Hit after hit, you put in more effort to annoy him. You soon realized that this wasn’t enough, so you started pinching and biting him. „Ouch, Y/N, are you crazy?!” Ah, finally! You smirked at him and wiggled your eyebrows, satisfied that he finally showed a reaction. „Do you think that’s funny?” You smiled. „Very. And now that I finally have your attention, you can do something with me. Oh and, get me some water please I am thirsty.” He stared at you in disbelief. „Are you okay, Y/N?” You gave him a look of disapproval. „Uhm, yea? I still am but if you don’t get me my water I won’t be and than I am going to hit you, again.” He was kinda amused now. „Oh? Where does all that attitude come from, all of a sudden?” You shrugged with your shoulders. „I don’t know and I don’t care. You gotta deal with it now.” You laid down on the couch both of you were sitting on and placed your legs on his lap. „I am still waiting for my water Jong.” He didn’t move. You wanted to raise your head up to scold him but he was faster than you, now hovering over you. „I will give you something else to drink. Get down and kneel. We have to clean that bratty mouth of yours, yea? Come on brat, suck me off. You don’t want me to get mad now, do you?”
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sweetery-ko · 3 years
Hello!! May i request hcs for the 3 characters with an s/o who's like "don't touch me" when they're mad, tho even if they don't touch them, the reader will likely to pinch them (in a cute way) because of frustation and it happens almost everyday? Uhh yea hope you get it and thx you!
Could you tell my motivation went 📈📈📈 at Nagito's part? Also I'm not sure why I suddenly went with a different style for Izuru????? Brain is weirddd
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CW: Hajime Hinata, Nagito Komaeda, Izuru Kamukura, 1 mention of T/rut/ru H/nam/ra, self deprecation
Hajime, Nagito and Izuru with an S/O that won't let them touch them but pinches their cheeks if they don't touch either way
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His temper isn't the best and most of his other peers are a handful to deal with so he definitely gets you losing your temper so quickly.
What he doesn't understand though, is that you get frustrated every single day, even without communicating with anyone you go out of your cottage with the most grumpiest (yet cutest) expression you could do.
He wanted to know if everything's alright. You always manage to cheer him up when he's upset so he should try it too right? He's not the greatest at comforting but he couldn't bear seeing you so moody anymore.
He was pretty shocked about you telling him off and want him gone, Even got pretty pissed when you say that you will not let him touch in an aggressive tone, like he's some sort of dog.
"Ugh, fine! I'll leave you alone then!" quoted Hajime as he was about to storm off.
But when you grabbed and pinch his checks softly, he went "(`ー´)???" he was so confused on what's going on. Do you want him to touch you or not?
If you (manage to) explain it, he will be berfuddled. Even with the explanation, he hopes that you don't be too mean on him. His temper and patience is the worse out of all people in the list, after all.
Please, he begs you to tell reason why you're so frustrated as that's the real reason why he tried to confront you in the first place. Was it just your personality? Some sort of hassling work? Did Teruteru said something upsetting again? Just tell and he'll be more understanding.
It's gonna be a rather long time on getting for him to get used to your grumpy attitude but he's gonna try his best to not get caught off guard again and not embarrasses himself.
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He would always wait outside your cottage so you both can walk together to the restaurant but this time it's not like the ordinary. Even if you're the type to be late, you're too late that it's suspicious and worrying.
He didn't want to bother you as he doesn't feel like he's worthy enough to ask you anything but he feels like that hearing grumbled noises of what is supposed to be from anger is... Hard to pass on as normal.
He would try to softly knock your door and ask if everything is ok. Depending on your answer, if you even said a word that is on an existing language no matter what it is, he couldn't help getting more worried each second passes. What if his luck is the reason you're like this?? No doubt about it. I am the trashiest--, he continues to deprecate himself.
He snapped out of his thoughts when you say open the door in a furious manner and glared at him. He felt very intimidated, would be shaking in his zipper shoes if you were taller than him.
"My hope, is everything alright?" he softly spoke as he touched your cheek but you slapped it away, causing him to flinch.
Nagito was very hurt by the action. He awkwardly rubbed the slapped hand to hide his sadness. "Of course you don't want to trash like me to touch you." he muttered as he was about to turn around until you stopped him.
When you pinched his cheeks to stop him from going away, he was shocked and confused but then smiled as he realized that it's not a painful pinch but a rather agressive yet still loving one.
"My hope..is there something wrong? It must be awful to touch scum like me." he asked as he unintentionally just, goes soft at your pinches no matter how hard you're pulling.
He would really want you to tell him your frustrations out as the last thing he wants is seeing you so upset all time, he would even let you pinch his reddening cheeks for stress relief too if it helps!
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You were studying for an upcoming test and you were very left behind from your studies because there may or may not be an apocalypse that lasted for a year and now that everything is back to normal, so is the education so the sudden stressed university student life is really punching you in the gut for the past few weeks.
Izuru really loves spending time with you and without you around smiling and being yourself feels lonely and boring. He doesn’t want to experienced the feeling of what the scientists have done to him before so he's apparently now unintentionally has separation anxiety.
Fortunately, he's the ultimate hope and has enough intellect to educate you so he became your personal tutor but there is a problem however. Even if you're his partner, he's still not the best with taking care of other's feelings so...
When you're at your limit and yelled out your frustrations out of nowhere, he felt conflicted. He was right, you kept doing the same mistakes no matter how much he corrected but he felt really guilty for some odd reason, it's sickening and he wants it to stop.
"No, you're doing this wrong..", "I have thought you this already." You know, stuff like that. Of course, you being the normal human being with emotions, this will tick you off. You were so pissed and sad, you wanted him to comfort you but you get this instead? Ouch..
"s/o-" he was about to reach your shoulder until you almost slapped it away, he has quick reflexes and even if it was predictable, he was still hurt by your words and actions. Though, he will realise that he upsetted you so he will take the blame.
The silence was deafening and he picked up that he should leave but once in a life time, he was wrong. As soon as he turned around, you softly tugged a few of his strands and pinched his cheeks, making him gasp very, very quietly.
You...You actually suprised this God of a man! Your luck must have been very high as you can see a shocked expression rather than the usual neutral one he always does. The feeling was different and he wanted more yet he didn't quite understand it either.
When you explain it to him, he wouldn't really understand it that much but wouldn't mind it either. Izuru thought that pinching is something you do to someone you hate or are angered with but it seems that is always not the case.
There is no need to tell him your problems as he already knew and he's gonna do great use of practicing his empathy and comforting you the best way he can. It might be a little awkward but he's trying!
Also big bonus; go all out and rant your problems and be grumpy all you want with him as he can easily get used to it and not mind it one bit. He finds it rather cute, if he has to be honest.
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sunookkii · 3 years
hii can i get an E2L with jake please <3
YESSS!! Thank you so much for requesting,, I really hope you like it 😋
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Jake Sim x Reader
Genre : enemies to lovers
Warnings : some swear words here and there.. a little scene where main character almost gets assaulted at night
Word Count : 2.4K
Requested : yess <3
(Warning : It kind of sucks, I’m not really sure if this is e2l PLEASE I TRIED MY BEST ANYWAYS)
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❀ You and Jake were enemies since birth, you two supposedly hated each other’s guts since diapers. It didn’t help that your parents were really good childhood friends and would always hang out together forcing you and Jake to try and get along. Though it didn’t work.. Jake would always picked on you, weather it was calling you stupid nicknames, tripping you making you fall and land on your face or bothering you every time he had a chance. You were always his main target. To him your reaction to his mean jokes were always so entertaining. You absolutely hated him, how cocky he was, how annoying he was, how handsome, charming he was, and how he was always better than you at everything. And the list goes on.
“I hate history why do we even need to learn it” you thought to yourself. Tapping your pencil back and forth not paying attention to the lesson that was taught on the board. Out of no where you feel pieces of paper being thrown at you from behind,,,, it was from Jake. You thought that he would stop throwing pieces of paper at you after awhile but oh you were wrong. Jake laughing silently to himself thought he was sooo funny. He kept throwing pieces of paper at you until you finally had enough, you turned your body facing him and started giving him a whole lecture forgetting that there was a lesson being taught right at this very moment.
You yelled at him a bit too loud causing the teacher to hear,,”Ms. l/n and Mr. Sim OFFICE NOW!”
You groaned at your teachers words, this is all Jakes fault, if he hadn’t bothered you, you two wouldn’t have been in trouble. At this point all the teachers knew you weren’t really fond of Jake, because every week you two would always be in detention together after school.
J: “This is your fault” you turn around to look at Jake, furious, body filled with hatred and anger
Y/n: “ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU WERE THE ONE THROWING PAPER AT ME, (you breathe in and out trying to calm yourself down) if you hadn’t thrown those stupid pieces of paper i could’ve been at home right now.”
J: “woah woah calm down..” he said, that didn’t help one bit
You decided to ignore him this once because there really is no winning when arguing with him. You two finally arrive at the principals office waiting for yet again another detention slip.
P: “I heard that there was a bit of a ruckus, during history class? Care to explain why you used such vulgar language during school?”
Y/n: “it wasn’t my fault sir, Jake was bothering me and wouldn’t stop.”
P: “Mr. Sim is that true?”
J: “no sir I was simply minding my own business, until she started yelling at me for no reason.” He lied through his teeth,
Y/n: “SIR HE’S LYING” you pointed at the boy smirking at you knowing what he just did.
P: “well it seems to me that there’s a little bit of a problem and someone is lying. Whoever is telling the truth can be excused from detention”
J and y/n : “sir I’M telling the truth”
P: “Well since no one is stepping up I guess I’ll have to put both of you into detention, here is the detention slip for both of you. Remember after school until 5, if you miss it you’ll get detention for the whole week. Got it?!
Y/n: “*sigh, yes sir”
Y/n’s POV :
The bell rung indicating that school was over, well not for me at least. I still have to show up for detention since well you know... I arrived at the detention room that read room 206. Walking towards an empty desk, I sat on it and lied my head down.
J: “so how was your dayy :)” knowing that this was all his fault he had the audacity to ask me how my day was??
Y/n: “shut up.”
J: “ooh someone’s grumpy cuz they got detention” he laughs annoyingly at me.
Y/n: “you’re in detention too idiot.”
J: “at least I’m not alone stupid” he rolls his eyes moving away and pushing back his dark brown fluffy hair,,
Why was that kind of attractive? Wtf why am I thinking like that get out of my head!
❀ The bell finally rung and we were dismissed, it felt like ages~
Walking towards the the exit I see myself accidentally walking besides Jake. I quickly realized and distanced myself, the sky outside was pitch black. Forgetting that I’m terrified of the dark I quickly walk home by myself so I don’t have to be outside any longer. As I was walking towards the direction of my house I sense someone following me, my pace got faster as I was scared what could happen this late at night. I ran quicker and quicker then all of a sudden I feel someone grabbing my wrist hugging me pushing me towards the corner of a house. I try and let out a loud scream right before they cover my mouth with their hand. I open my eyes only to see Jake.
J: “boo!”
I push him off, why is he holding me in his arms like that?
Y/n: “wtf Jake! Why are you following me?” I said kind of mad that he scared me thinking I was being followed.
J: “some guy was following you when you left school and I didn’t want anything to happen to you so I kinda followed you home..”
Y/n: “oh well you can go now... I don’t need your help..” feeling a little bit awkward that he kind of cared..
J: “are you stupid or something?” He said angrily “you should take better care of yourself! The man could’ve done something to you if I hadn’t been there!”
I had no words to say, how could someone I hate so much care for me? I guess he isn’t bad after all.. but my stubborn self obviously had to snap back,
❀ ❀ ❀
I’m not gonna lie to you I kind of regret saying that to him, it’s not really fun walking home alone when it’s pitch black outside. It was all silent walking home untill I heard something walking towards me, I assumed it was Jake so I turned around getting ready to yell at him, but to my luck it was a random man who came walking up towards me, he came over touching my waist giving me a creepy look, making me feel uncomfortable.
Stranger: “hey baby girl you look beautiful tonight, you want to come over to my house? We can have lots of fun” He winks creepily at me. Does he not know I’m a minor?? Gross.
Y/n: “get away from me!” I tell him as I walk faster pushing him off of me, he quickly grabbed my wrist and started touching me “you’re not going anywhere!”
I start to panic, not knowing what to do, I wish Jake was here I thought to myself as I’m about to cry feeling hopeless not knowing what I could do. Suddenly I hear something running towards me, a tall figure with dark brown hair, is it Jake? The familiar figure punched the creepy man leading him to fall on the ground groaning. He grabed my wrist “lets run!” He held my hand tight as we were running, his hand was soft and fit perfectly in mine.
J: “are you okay” he looks at my scared face holding my cheeks in his palms. I nod feeling a hard lump in my throat as I soon burst out crying tears. “It’s okay, it’s okay I’m here you don’t have to be scared anymore” he held me tight in his arms. Embracing me, his arms and chest were so warm something I really needed. Never in a million years did I think I’d be hugging my enemy like this. I continue crying in his chest as he strokes my hair in reassurance that I’m safe. “Y/n you’re so stupid, you could’ve gotten seriously hurt.”
y/n: “I’m sorry” I continue crying
He walked me home safely still holding my hand, I look at him weirdly looking at him then looking back at our intertwined hands.
J: “oh right.. sorry”
Y/n: “how did you know I was in danger?”
J: “oh well it’s kind of silly actually, I was mad at you so I decided to do a mean prank to get you scared, but then that’s when I heard you scream so I ran up to you”
Y/n: “oh, well thanks for helping me I guess...” I said looking down at my fingers feeling ashamed.
J: “uhm anyways I’m gonna go home now.. gn loser” he said before he ran off putting his hood back on.
“Goodnight” I whisper, thankful that jake was there with me that night.
❀ The next day of school I went to my assigned seat which was in front of Jake. Then suddenly a non familiar boy comes inside the class, was he new?
T: “Class! Listen up.. we have a new student attending our school, and I would like for you to pay attention as he’s about to introduce himself.”
S: “Hi! My name is Sunoo Kim! Please take good care of me :)”
Who’s this new guys Sunoo he’s kind of cute....
T: “Sunoo you can sit next to y/n over there, y/n please raise up your hand so he knows who you are!”
S: “Hi!”
Y/n: “Hi I’m y/n, and your Sunoo right?”
S: “yess.”
The cute boy gave me a cute cheeky smile, I could tell we’ll become good friends. Class was over and it was time for lunch, I could tell that Sunoo didn’t have much friends since he’s new, so I asked him to have lunch with me. Sunoo and I talked about everything! It felt like we knew each other for so long, as if we were best friends. Jake passed by us giving us a weird glare. That’s weird I thought, he never usually glared at me like that, well I mean we’re enemies but he usually gives me a stupid teasing smile,, hmm that’s odd maybe he’s just in a bad mood.
School was over and it was time to walk home,
S: “Y/n!! Let’s walk home together, where do you live?”
Y/n: “oh I live near this block,, what about you?”
S: “OH really??!! I live here too, we live close to each other, lets walk home together sometimes!”
He’s so cute, charming and extroverted, we just got to know each other but I feel like we’ve been friends forever, is that weird?
Y/n: ok!
❀ Many weeks have passed and me and Sunoo became really close friends! Though Jake has been acting strange lately..
School ended quickly today,, Sunoo suddenly called out my name
S: “lets wak home together today!”
Y/n: “alright su-“
As I was about to finish my sentance Jake came over and grabed my hand intertwining his into mine.
J: “ahh sorry Sunoo she can’t, y/n’s mom told me to walk her home today.”
R: “ahh ok.. bye y/n I’ll see you next week!”
Y/n: “wait but but!” I wasnt able to finish my sentance since Jake already pulled me to the opposite direction. His hands... were in mine? Why am I feeling all sorts of butterflies in my stomach.. this is new, I never felt this way towards Jake before. It was kind of quiet during the walk home until the tension was broken and Jake said something as he stopped walking.
J: “lets go to the ice cream shop, just you and me.”
Y/n: “dont we hate eachother?”
J: “just shut up and come with me.”
He grabbed my hand forcing me to follow,
Y/n: “okay but you’re paying”
We arrived at the pretty ice cream place which was bright and pretty chilly. Jake went to go order the Ice creams while I looked around since I never been here before.
J: “two chocolate ice creams please”
He’s always been so polite towards everyone but me, his fluffy dark brown hair right about his eyes. He’s so cute.. why am I feeling this way towards him? We’re supposed to hate each other but here I am falling head over heels for Jake? No it can’t be, do I have a crush on him? How did he know I liked chocolate ice cream?We sat down at the near table, the place was super cute, perfect for a date. WAIT IS THIS A DATE?
Y/n: “Jake why did you take me here?”
J: “I needed to tell you something but finish your ice cream first”
Y/n: “oh uhm ok-“
I stool there frozen like a popsicle, did my enemy Jake just confess to me, this seems crazy but I think I like him too.
Y/n: “Jake I like you too..”
J: “iknowyoumightnotlikemebecausethewayItreatedyouwhenwewerekidsbutpleasegivemeachanceisweari’ll-“
Y/n: “JAKE! I said I like you too”
J: “what- really you mean it? You like me back” it was cute seeing him nervous because of me.
Y/n: “yeah I guess you’re not so bad..” I said teasingly
His worried face quickly turned into a big smile, we quickly finished the ice cream and walked outside of the ice cream place side by side. He stoped walking and looked at me.
J: “you have something on your lips” he said pointing
Y/n: “what where” I rubbed my mouth looking for the leftover ice cream”
J: “here” he grabbed my face leaning in for a deep kiss. “There all gone!” he runs away laughing like a little kid.
Y/n: “JAKE SIM I DIDN’T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO STEAL A KISS FROM ME!” I said chasing him, I guess you could say our relationship turned into an enemies to lovers type of thing.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
King Of My Heart.
Devil!Seb x Reader AU
Run-through: You always used to joke about how if one day you die and go to hell, you would most likely just follow the King of Hell around, annoy him, flirt with him and just be a brat and push his buttons, maybe even sit on his throne for the hell of it. It was always such a funny thought. And then one day, it actually happens…
Themes: devil!seb, somewhat bratty!reader, fluff, smut, mention of death by car accident, grumpy!seb
a/n: yeah, it’s a long fic… many apologies. Also it’s just a fic, don’t take it too seriously :)
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Darkness engulfed you. And that was it. Stillness, tranquility and just nothing at all.
You woke up feeling nothing, not even your own weight. As though there was no gravity pulling you down anymore. You blinked a few times, trying to re-orient yourself and figure out where you are. Your mind seemed blank, void of memories.
Think… what’s the last thing you remember?
Fear. Speed. Danger – car crash. You had been in a car crash. So you must be in a hospital. But since when do hospital have vintage furniture, and marble flooring and such nice color themes. You cleared your throat and supported yourself up on your elbows, checking to see what hurt.
But nothing did.
“What kind of a hospital is this?” your memories might be all over the place, but you were sure hospitals didn’t have extravagant chandeliers.
Then a reply came. “It’s not a hospital.” A male voice spoke up, and you turned your head to look at him. He was sat in the corner of the room,.
Ignoring whatever he just said, you shamelessly checked him out. “Oh, you’re the most handsome nurse I’ve ever seen. Damn.” You were a very confident, somewhat inappropriate and shameless person.
He frowned at you, still sat at the velvety cushioned chair in the corner of the room. “I’m not a-“ he cut himself off and sighed loudly. “Look, you died. And you’re in hell.”
He groaned and rolled his eyes. “You had a car crash. You didn’t make it. You died in the ambulance, and now you’re here. In hell.” He said it almost monotonously, like he had said it before a million times.
You looked around. Well shit.
“I had low expectations but this is actually kinda pretty, not gonna lie I-“
He cut you off, frowning again in disbelief. “You find out you died and are now in hell and the first thing you have to say is that it’s pretty?” he couldn’t believe it. He was kind of broody to be honest.
You shrugged, sitting up. “You expected me to scream and shout?”
He raised an eyebrow at you, signaling that that was actually the reaction he was expecting. How were you so calm? He could not understand.  
You scoffed. “I’m dead, there’s not much I can do. Besides, I won’t even ask why I’m in hell because let’s face it, I’m-,”
He cut you off again. “Okay.” He said rather bitterly, to shut you up and he stood up and closed the button of his dark suit. He was tall, and really, really handsome. Although, dealing with the fact that you had died seemed like it was no big deal. You couldn’t figure out why.
“Are you like, do you… who are you?” you asked, looking him up and down.
He finished securing his button and turned to face you with a smirk which could kill. “I’m the King of hell.” He said, and walked over to the door, opened it and walked out without another word.
“Wait!” you called out as you jumped out of bed, realizing you were still wearing that tight red dress from the club. That’s what you were wearing when you were drunk driving back home. But you didn’t make it home.
The beautiful stranger was tall, so he took longer steps than you did. So you had to jog to catch up to him. You looked around as you did, this place was definitely not what you expected hell to look like. It was all very clean, and well-maintained. Marble flooring and antique furniture, a perfect balance of lights and shadows. It was, like you said earlier, pretty.
“Who takes care of this place? Do you have demon maids who dust and stuff?” you asked, once you managed to catch up with his long strides.
He groaned under his breath and kept walking, without even looking at you.
“Also where did you get all this furniture, you-,”
He finally spoke up, cutting you off.
“Why are you following me?” his tone was just as cold and monotonous as before. He didn’t turn to look at you, nor did he slow down. So you just kept walking beside him along the long hallway.
You shrugged, “I don’t know anyone else here.” You said like it was nothing. He was so tempted to stop and ask you to go back to the room but he didn’t. He wasn’t used to having company. This was all very new to him.
“You don’t know me either.” He spoke, grumpily. Clearly annoyed.
“No, but you were there when I woke up. Were you watching me while I slept?” you asked, genuinely curious.
He sighed, embarrassed at the actual reason why he was in the room when you woke up. “I was just making sure you don’t run off to someplace you aren’t supposed to be. You are reckless as it is” He answered, just as cold and bitter as before.
You smirked. “So you care about me? Didn’t know the Devil has a heart!” you were undoubtedly annoying him.
“I don’t.” he said, still grumpy and broody.
“Don’t care or don’t have a heart?” you asked, really beginning to push his buttons.
“Shut up.” He shut you up and kept walking.
And you kept following him.
“Where are we going?” you asked. And not much to your surprise, he didn’t answer. Well, maybe if you’re the King of Hell, you have the right to be so cold and plainly rude.
So you spoke up again. “Also, what should I call you? Lucifer?”
“No.” he sighed in annoyance.
“Luci? I like Luci.” You were talking to him as though he was your friend, and he wasn’t used to that.
“Stop.” He said, bitterly.
“Choose one then, or I’ll keep going. How about Prince of Darkness? No that’s too long, it’s-“
“Stop it.” he chided.
“Papa Goat? Seriously, tell me w-,”
He cut you off by stopping dead in his tracks and grabbed you by the shoulders, stopping you as well. “Go back to the room. And stop talking to me.” He said, sharply. He stared into your eyes and you were blown away by how pretty his eyes were.
You had spent your whole life thinking the Devil would have horrible red eyes, and red skin, and horns. Yet, here he was. Handsome as hell.
But you weren’t done questioning him yet. Ignoring his furious words, you spoke up again. “Speaking of which, why am I kept there? If this is hell, shouldn’t I be kept in a cell and tortured by your little minions? Or is that all just a myth?”
He stared at you in disbelief. “How dare you question my orders?” part of him was blown away by the confidence and audacity you had.
You maintained his icy stare, “Same way you dare watch me sleep. Now answer me.” You sassed. He frowned and let go of your shoulders, letting his hands drop back to his sides.
“I am the King, I don’t have to answer to anyone. Let alone a human soul. Now keep your little mouth shut, and get back to your room.” he spoke, slowly and bitterly.
You scoffed. “Fine, your Majesty.” You mocked him by doing a little bow. And he immediately started walking away. “But this conversation isn’t done yet.” You shouted after him, but he walked away as fast as he could, pretending he couldn’t hear you.
What would he say to you? He would be a little embarrassed to tell you the truth, but even he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it from you for too long. You sure were a brat, but you weren’t stupid. You were catching on already.
He tried to set the thoughts of you aside as he went about his duties as the King of Hell, yet each time, the image of you asleep on the bed would force their way into his mind. He has never felt like this in… forever.
He almost smiled to himself at the thought of you and how you ran that little mouth of yours. You were entertaining. A brat, but entertaining. He hadn’t meant to be so cold, and so rude. But he was the Devil, being gentle wasn’t his forte.
 You thought of him too, as you laid in the soft bed, looking up at the chandelier right above the bed. For a moment, you thought if this drops down on me, I’ll probably die on the spot.
Then you realized, well good thing I’m already dead.
You tried hard to feel bad for not being alive anymore, but there was no sense of sadness. You just felt light. You weren’t necessarily happy about being in Hell, but if this is it then you weren’t complaining.
You thought of the handsome Devil, and immediately a smirk formed on your face. You remembered how you would always tell people that you were sure you had the talent to annoy even Satan. And today, you proved it.
There was something about him which, surprisingly, didn’t make you want to run away in fear and hide from him. You remembered how he had held you by the shoulders earlier, and how warm his touch had been – a complete contrast to his bitter words and icy blue eyes.
You drifted off to sleep with a faint smile, and the thought of broody blue eyes on your mind; mindlessly concocting ways on how you could pester him more.
The King was on his throne, barking orders and watching over his dark kingdom when you showed up, at the stairs which led to his majestic throne. You stood at the end of the stairs, looking up at him with a smirk and mischief in your eyes.
He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow, silently asking you to behave and not make a scene in front of all those in the room.
You looked around the spacious room and spotted many smirking faces. All dressed in black, guess that was a code here in Hell. And here you were, in your little red dress. The room was everything one can imagine how the Devil’s lair would look like. Quite dark, and shadowy. Shades of red here and there, but mainly just black. And there he sat, high up on his throne. Looking as arrogant and handsome as yesterday.
Without a second thought, you started walking up the stairs which led to him. Seeing you were coming up towards him, the King flicked his hand slightly and ordered everyone to leave the room. He didn’t want them all to endure your antics.
You stopped right in front of him and smiled. “Scoot over.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, confused and surprised. “Pardon?”
You chuckled. “Oh, a Devil with manners! I said scoot over, I wanna sit.” You repeated and he blinked a couple of times, frowning at your words.
“You want to… sit on my throne?” he had been around for so long, but no one – until today – had ever asked him to scoot over so they could sit on his throne. He was very much surprised at your audacity.
You rolled your eyes at him. “Would you like me to shout it out? Because trust me, I can d-,”
He cut you off by reaching out, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto his lap. He secured one arm around you and sighed. He figured it would be less embarrassing to have you on his lap rather than scooting over and sharing his beloved throne.
You were the one who was surprised this time. “Well, you know I usually wait a while before getting on a guy’s lap, but oh well.” You shrugged and made yourself comfortable on his lap. “You’re so warm.” You pointed out and snuggled closer to him.
He gently pushed you away. “Behave.” He muttered, still grumpy as yesterday.
You scoffed, smirking. “Or what? You’ll punish me?” you asked, forgetting for a moment that you were talking to the Devil. The King of Hell, and not some guy you met at a club.
He groaned. “If you keep behaving like this, yes. With pleasure.” He answered, unintentionally staring down at the low cut of your dress, before quickly peeling his eyes off you.
You giggled. “Ooh, kinky. I like it.” you commented and he groaned again.
“Stop it.” he muttered under his breath; as though he was so done with you. But he wasn’t pushing you off his lap yet, so maybe he wasn’t that annoyed. Not yet.
 For the next while, you bombarded him with questions. Questions he had answered many, many times before. So all of his replies were monotonous, and he sounded like being here with you was the last thing he wanted to do. But even in his grumpy mood, he wasn’t asking you to leave.
He didn’t know why. He had been alone for so long, that having the company of someone else seemed like the kind of luxury he could rarely afford. Even if it was the company of a brat, who wouldn’t behave at all.
“So if you’re the King of Hell, then does Hades exist?” you asked, curious to know. Despite being somewhat annoyed, he had been answering all your questions without complaining.
You got all wide eyed and excited. “And Cerberus?”
“Yes.” Came the monotonous reply.
“Have you met them?” you asked, not dropping the topic.
He sighed and leaned back in his seat, with you still sat up straight on his thighs. “I’ve been around for millennia. I have met everyone and everything.” He answered, closing his eyes momentarily.
You were genuinely amazed.
“But how do you and Hades exist at the same time? I don’t get it.”
He groaned, “Like how you are a grown woman, yet act like a child at the same time.” He sassed, opening his eyes to give you a smug look.
You gasped at his reply and got off his lap abruptly. “You, sir, are rude.”
He smirked at your reaction. “Are you going to leave me alone and let me do my job now?” he asked, sounding like he was enjoying this.
You didn’t answer him. You just turned around and walked down the stairs and disappeared into the long corridor which would lead you to the room where you slept. Guess that was your room now. During one of your many banters earlier, you had brought it up again; asking him why you were being kept there and treated rather nicely. And as expected, he didn’t answer.
But you knew you were going to get it out of him sooner or later.
 Once in your room, you realized that there was nothing to do here, even in this grand bedroom. You weren’t alive, so you didn’t feel hunger or thirst. You inspected the bathroom, and found a large tub. Well, might as well take a bath.
You rummaged through the wardrobes, and drawers. You found everything a woman could need in there. And you were beginning to wonder, was your arrival pre-planned?
You could ask the arrogant, handsome King. But you knew he would never tell you. So you pushed all those thoughts aside and took a nice, long and warm bath.
On his way to his room, at the end of the day, the King thought of you. He walked down the long corridor, and heard nothing but the echo of his footsteps as he went. He hated it; the loneliness. He caught himself smiling faintly as he thought of you, and how perfectly you fit in his lap earlier.
He wanted to hold you close for a while longer, but then a sense of guilt washed over him. Because he wasn’t too sure that you would still act the same around him if you knew the whole truth. He figured perhaps that was the reason he was always so unintentionally cold towards you.
His smile slowly diminished as he entered his room.
He closed the door behind him and heard a giggle. He closed his eyes for a moment and groaned. “What are you doing in my room?” he asked, turning around slowly to find you sat on the edge of his bed. Wearing his clothes. “And why are you in my clothes?”
You rolled your eyes at him pulled your legs up, sitting criss cross on his bed. “Relax, your Majesty. I’m just borrowing a shirt and sweatpants. Which, by the way, you don’t seem like a sweatpants kinda guy. You look like you sleep in your dark suits.”
He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at the ground for a moment before looking back up at you. “Well, if you’re done judging me. Do you mind getting out of my room?”
You shrugged. “Nah, I’m comfortable.” You spoke and let your body fall back onto his bed. You heard him walking around, but you couldn’t see him. “We need a name for you.” you said after some moments of silence.
“No we don’t.” as expected, he argued back.
Ignoring him, you searched for a name mentally. “See, if I saw you in the streets I would think that you were an Adrian, or maybe a Josh. How about Christopher?”
You supported yourself up on your elbows and watched him as he poured himself a drink. “You also look like a Sebastian.”
He didn’t say anything, he simply turned around and glared at you. You smirked.
“Sebastian it is then.” You made that decision all on your own. “Hey Seb, make me a drink as well.”
He rolled his eyes at you and turned back around to the mini bar he had in his room. Although grumpy still, he made you a drink and brought it over to you. You remained sat in his bed as he handed you the glass.
You were about to thank him rather sarcastically when your gaze fell on a closed door, right beside the mini bar. You pointed towards the door, “What secrets are you hiding in there, your Majesty?” you asked, and took a sip of the liquor while he turned around to look at the locked door.
He turned to look at you again. He bent down a little and gently, but firmly, held your chin between his thumb and forefinger. He stared into your eyes with his stormy blue ones, and you immediately ran out of things to say. His stare was intense, and it pulled you under his spell.
“I know you’re not good with rules. And you hate being obedient with a passion. But I need you to understand one thing, never go beyond those doors. Break this one rule, and there will be consequences. And they won’t be pretty.” He spoke calmly.
With no ounce of anger or authority in his voice. Just overly calm. His words embedded into your brain and his tone was so low that it sent a tingle dancing down your spine.
“Did I make myself clear?” he asked, still staring into your eyes.
You nodded.
He gave you a faint smile. “Good girl.”
And then you had to pretend that him calling you a ‘good girl’ didn’t sent your mind straight to the gutter. It took you a few seconds to recover from his words and his brief touch, and once you did; you went back to being your bratty, borderline annoying self.
“Hey Seb?”
He hadn’t gotten used to the new name yet, so it took his a few seconds to process and answer. “What?” he spoke up from a couch, not far from his bed. Which was where you were sat, comfortably as though it were your own.
“Did it hurt?” you were about to use the cheesiest pick up line ever created on the Devil himself.
“Hurt when?” he asked with a frown, as if he was also preparing himself for whatever bullshit was about to fall out of your mouth.
You smirked. “When you fell from Heaven.”
And you laughed at the disgusted face he made.
 You ended up spending quite some time in his room. Annoying him with your useless questions, and nonsense talks. He put up with it though, he put up with you. He gave you faint smiles at times, whenever you said something funny. But overall, he remained his grumpy self.
You eventually left his room, and turned in for the night; giving him a goodnight kiss on the cheek. And he wasn’t expecting it so he remained frozen for a while.
You giggled at his reaction. “You totally like me.” You sassed as you walked out of his room.
 He thought about what you said to him, before you left, as he laid in bed at night. Another faint smile formed on his face.
He did like you. He just had a terrible way of showing it.
For you, the greatest temptation was to do what was forbidden. It was just naturally embedded in you; the urge to do something you’ve been strictly told not to.
And although for the next few days, or who knows how long because time worked funny here, you hung out with Seb, and annoyed him and got most of your entertainment by pushing his buttons. You followed him everywhere, like a lost puppy basically. And he made you feel tingly and warm at times. Yet, you couldn’t get rid of what he had said the other day.
What could be behind those doors? What did he not want you to see?
Besides, you were really beginning to wonder about why you were here, and what your purpose was. Sure, you had been no saint on earth. And it wasn’t a big surprise that you were not here in hell. But why were you being treated differently? Why weren’t you in a dark, damp and cold cell?
 Then one day, you set off to find the answers to some of your questions. Seb was sat on his throne, in the dark, majestic room. And you sneaked into his room. You knew it was a terrible, terrible idea. But you had nothing to lose, right?
You were dead, and in Hell. What’s the worst that could happen?
You entered his room, and walked over to the door beside the mini bar. There was no locks, nothing. Perhaps, his orders were enough to keep people out of his room. But of course, you had the reputation of never being able to abide by the rules.
You pushed open the door and it creaked a little as it opened. You peaked inside and couldn’t figure out what you were looking at. You turned around and took one good look at his empty room, and turned back around to enter the forbidden room.
It was much more shadowy than there was light. As you stepped further in, you were amazed at what you were looking at. It seemed like a dream, but there was a pair of large, feathery wings enclosed in a glass cage. Some of the white feathers were on the bottom, some stained; brownish in color. You pressed your palm against the glass and admired the wings.
Was this why he had asked you not to step in here? Because of the cut off wings?
You looked around, more intently – desperately trying to find out why he asked you to stay out of this room. And then you saw it.
There were pictures. Of you. Pinned to the wall.
Pictures of you at university parties; getting wasted, pictures of you and your group of friends smoking weed and having edibles. Pictures of you at the strip club, and basically every bad things you’ve ever done in your life. There were even pictures of you taken at the club, on the day of the accident.
You were frozen in place. Only your eyes moved from picture to picture. He had been watching you? But why? And who even took these pictures?
You were trying to take in all of this, trying to process and understand it all when you heard a voice speak up from behind you.
“I thought we agreed on one rule.” He spoke up.
Speak of the Devil…
You turned around slowly, still in somewhat of a shock. “Why do you have my pictures?” you asked, ignoring what he said.
He sighed and looked down for a moment, before looking back up at you. “Why are you in here, when I strictly told you to stay away? Is it so hard to listen?” his demeanor changed. He wasn’t grumpy or pretending to be annoyed like always. He was angry. But something told you there was something else he was hiding beneath the anger.
And you were a little scared of the look on his face at the moment. But you persisted. “Why are my pictures here? Even on the day I died, I…” you trailed off and involuntarily, a thought flashed in your mind. “Did you kill me? On purpose?” you asked.
He frowned. “What? No!” he was getting more and more irritated. “I told you there would be consequences if you stepped in here.”
You couldn’t believe him. “Screw you! Why do you have my pictures? Who took them? You psycho-,”
He cut you off by grabbing you and backing you against the wall and pinning both your hands above your head. He leaned in dangerously close to you, his eyes began changing color; getting either dark red or black.
“Enough! You will not disrespect me, I am the King!” his voice wasn’t velvety smooth anymore, it was gruff and scary. His grip tightened around your wrists. “One fucking rule, why don’t you ever fucking listen?” he growled.
Your eyes watered at his tone. “Just because I treat you well, and let you do what you want doesn’t mean you won’t be punished when you overstep a line! Would you rather I send you to the dungeons, huh? Where they’ll rip you apart and put you back together over and over again?!” he was frantic, growling in his gruff voice which made you tremble.
This wasn’t the grumpy man who liked having you on his lap while he sat on his throne. This wasn’t the one who had been indirectly complimenting you these past few days, making you feel all warm and tingly. This wasn’t the one who would actually take the time and answer all your questions, even when they got repetitive.
This wasn’t him. This was the Devil humans were scared of. This was the Devil in all the folklore and myths.
You tried hard to hold back the sob, but it escaped your lips anyway. The hot tears fell down your cheeks as well. “No, please.” You sobbed.
He let go of you abruptly. Lowering his eyes to the ground. “Get out of here. Go!” he yelled again and you took off running.
 The minute you left the room, sobbing on your way out – he felt terrible. So terrible. He hadn’t meant to be so rude, or scare you away. He just didn’t want you to see all this, and hate him. But he was short tempered. And he couldn’t help it.
 You didn’t stop running until you reached your room. You slammed the door shut behind you and leaned against it, sobbing with your face into your hands. He was the Devil, for fuck’s sake. You should have never thought that he would ever be your friend.
He was the King of Hell, he was incapable of warmth. You should’ve known that. Yet, somewhere deep within you, you felt something for him. You didn’t know what it was, but each time he’d pull you onto his lap, or brush his hands against yours, you felt something. And you couldn’t understand why. You couldn’t understand anything. The pictures… your pictures, why were they here?
 He couldn’t sleep that night. Not when he had been so mean to you earlier. Not even alcohol was helping. Technically, he could never get drunk but he liked the taste. But even that wasn’t helping today.
So, after much overthinking and cursing himself for how he acted earlier, he set off to find you. He couldn’t deal with the burden anymore, so he decided he would just tell you the truth today.
He found you in your room, because there was nowhere else you could go. He knew you weren’t sleeping because the shape of your body moved under the covers upon his entrance. He sighed, this was his doing.
You were always so bubbly and talkative, so silence from you really hurt him. But he realized he was wrong, and he had to apologize. No matter what.
He cleared his throat, awkwardly. He didn’t know how to apologize to someone. He never had to, never wanted to. He never actually cared enough before. But now he did.
“I know you’re not sleeping.” He said, walking further into the room.
But all he got as a response was silence. He sighed, he was indeed expecting silent treatment from you. He deserved it, he had been ruthless earlier.
“I came to apologize.” He spoke up again, and took a seat at the edge of your bed. He had his back to you so he didn’t see when you lowered the blanket just a little and peaked at him with a frown. The Devil was apologizing? But before he noticed, you hid under the blanket again.
“Go away.” You said, as bitterly as you could. Your voice sounded muffled by the blanket, but he didn’t move an inch.
He sighed and shook his head at himself, and his stupidity and his lack of control over his anger. “I know you’re mad at me. You have every right to be. I just… I need you to hear me out. Please.” He sounded genuinely sorry.
Your silence suggested that you wanted him to go on. So he did. “I’ve been watching you. Since way before the accident.” He confessed.
You were shocked, under the blanket. “You creep.” You commented; your voice still muffled by the blanket.
He scoffed under his breath. “I’ve been called worse things.” He said, a faint sense of melancholy in his words. You caught it immediately.
You pulled the blanket down a little and saw that he still had his back to you. “So you’ve been stalking me?” you asked. And since the sound of your voice was clearer this time, he turned to look at you immediately. And he found you frowning at him.
At least you weren’t crying like earlier.
He lowered his eyes for a moment. “I’ve been… tempting you to sin. In every way I could.” He chose his words carefully, he didn’t want to ruin this anymore.
You scoffed, loudly. “Did you kill me as well?”
He groaned. “No. No I would never do that. Your… accident was predestined from even before you were born.”
You were quiet for a little while, looking at him and thinking how the hell you even ended up here, in this exact situation. “Why are my pictures in that room? And why were you stalking me?”
He was quick to correct you. “Not stalk, watch over you.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Okay, guardian freaking angel. Why though?”
He sighed. “I’m… I’m lonely.” He replied, finally voicing out the feelings he had tried so hard to conceal.
And you didn’t mean to, but you couldn’t help it. At his words, you wheezed uncontrollably. And he turned to give you a look which only made you laugh harder. He sighed and waited for your laughter fit to be over.
“So, you want me to be your little girlfriend? That’s why you have my pictures in your secret room?” you smirked. And just like that, your mood switched back to how you usually were.
He shook his head in disbelief. “Are you ever serious?”
“How can I be? I just found out Satan has been watching me all my life and probably has a little crush on me.” You raised an eyebrow at him, smirking still.
He playfully glared at you. “I needed you here with me. So I made sure you committed enough sins to… earn a place in hell, but not enough so that you would be kept in a cell and tortured.” Now that he said it out loud, he realized how selfish he was. “I know that sounds wrong, but I… I needed someone.” He lowered his eyes again, unable to face you. “I’m sorry.”
You took a few moments to process what he said to you, and took it all in. Were you mad? Not really. Did you wish he’d just tell you that from the start? Yes.
“You think I’m selfish.” He stated.
And you were quick to give him an answer this time. “No.” he looked up at you at the sound of your voice. “I know what it feels like to be lonely.” And just to clarify, you added, “I’m not mad at you.”
When he gazed into your eyes after that last exchange, something shifted. Something changed, in a good way. That warm and tingly feeling was back again.
You did have another question though, “Why did you act like you hated me in the beginning then?”
He thought over it and eventually told you the truth. “I thought, like everyone else, you would be scared of me. And that you would push me away, and I’d have to earn your trust and affection.” He paused for a moment, then continued, “But you were… absolutely shameless. I didn’t know how to act.”
Your eyes widened at his confession. “Ouch.”
“Not that it’s a bad thing, really. You’re perfect.” He truly thought so.
Meanwhile, his mood swings were giving you a whiplash. “So you liked me so much that you paved my way to hell, so I could be with you?” you asked, all of a sudden with a serious face. “You’ve been impatiently waiting for me to die, huh?”
He groaned. “Don’t say it like that. I-,”
You cut him off, smirking. “Chill, I’m kidding. Life wasn’t sunshine and rainbows on earth either. I’m not saying I’m glad I’m dead. I’m not saying I’m mad. I just wished you’d tell me all this on the first day.” You paused for a moment, then added, “Were you scared I would reject you?” you had a smirk on.
He muttered something under his breath. And closed his eyes momentarily, smiling faintly at how easily your mood switched to a better one.
“Why me?” you asked, another burning question of yours.
He nearly broke into a full smile at that question. Why you… he had asked himself that very question so many times now. But he never got an answer. It was always unclear, and it’s not like he needed a reason to like you. He just did.
“I don’t know. I knew you weren’t going to be on earth for long, and I’ve liked you since the moment I first saw you.” he gave you a cheesy reply and smirked softly. So soft that one might mistake it to be a smile.
You chuckled. “Yeah? And when was that?” Part of you was all cocky and confident at what you were hearing. Most girls would run away if they found out Satan has a crush on them, but not you. You were slightly twisted like that.
“When you went skinny dipping on your 21st birthday.” He answered like it was no big deal.
Your jaw dropped. “Dude… gross. You’re such a perv!” you said, smiling up at him. For some reasons, you didn’t mind it.
He shrugged. “Well, I am the Devil.” He said with a smirk.
You noticed how the tension which was present when he first walked into the room, had now disappeared. Unknowingly, both of you had inched closer to each other. You were within arm’s reach from him. You felt warm. You felt sparks flying between the two of you – ones that you had hoped to feel with another person your entire life, but never did until now.
“Still, you watched me while I was naked? Disgusting.” You said with a playful smirk on your face.
He scoffed. “Am I now? What about all those times you scrutinized my pictures and discussed my anatomy in complete details with your friends? Who was disgusting then?”
You almost blushed at the tone he used. He sounded like he knew he had full power over you.
“That wasn’t- I didn’t know you were real. Besides, that’s eavesdropping. Very rude.” You argued, like always.
He turned his body some more, facing you better. He reached out and gently caressed your face. His knuckles lightly grazing your skin. “No, not eavesdropping. Just making sure my girl is alright at all times.” He answered, softly looking into your eyes.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Your girl, huh?”
He smirked. “Why, won’t you be mine?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. You were mean to me earlier.” You said, purposely just to mess with him.
He groaned. “I’m sorry. I truly am. I mean it.” he sighed. “I… I got scared. I thought you would hate me.” He confessed.
You lifted the blanket off you and scooted towards him. You wrapped your arms around him from behind and placed your chin on his shoulder.
“Anything else you’re hiding from me? Any weird satanic ritual you conducted to summon me? Any goat sacrifices?” you asked, nuzzling his neck.
He smiled.
“No, none.” He replied, gently placing his hand on top of yours around his torso.
“And get rid of the pictures. It’s a little weird.” you said, pushing your face into the side of his neck.
“I will. I promise,” he turned his head to look at you. “I only kept them because I missed you.” he murmured softly.
You chuckled. “Still. Creepy.”
“You’re in Hell, what do you expect?”
 The banter went on for a while. And he sometimes got grumpy and groaned at your words, but he always had the perfect comeback.
“So… you like, like me? For real?” you asked, teasing him. Mainly because you liked how he looked anytime he tried to fight back a smile.
Only this time, he didn’t fight it. He genuinely smiled. “I more than like you.”
You giggled. “You’re a dork.”
He raised his eyebrows at you. “That, I’ve never been called before.” He gave you another faint smile and stared into your eyes with his icy blue ones.
His eyes momentarily glanced down at your lips, then back up to your eyes. He began leaning in, without thinking much about it. You leaned in as well, and your lips met in the middle. And they felt just like you expected them to; warm and soft. Irresistible.
His kiss was gentle at first, he waited to see if you had any objections. But seeing you had none, he tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss. He lifted his body off the bed slightly, turning around and lowering your body down on the bed and hovered above you.
Your hands reached out to cup his face while one of his warm hands mindlessly slipped under your shirt and caressed your skin along your side. He kissed you feverishly; pushing his tongue past your lips and stroking the top of your mouth. You moaned quietly and he pulled away for a second, letting you breathe before he leaned in again to kiss your skin.
He kissed along your jaw, and down to your neck. His lips were warm and soft as they peppered your skin with kisses, making you instinctively tilt your neck to give him an easier access to your skin. He smirked against your skin when he felt you squirm under him.
But then he stopped abruptly, pulled away and stared into your eyes again. “I… you’re really okay with this, right?” he sounded not so confident anymore.
You smiled and gently caressed his face. “You’re a little weird, a little broody and a bit of an arrogant prick. Not to mention you stalked me and made me a shrine in your secret little room.” you pointed out and he groaned in shame and hid his face into the crook of your neck. You laughed. “But that’s alright. I’ve been shameless, inappropriate and annoying as well. We’re one hell of a pair, you know like the King and Queen of Gotham city.”
“Like who?”
You sighed and muttered a ‘never mind’ under your breath.
He chuckled against you skin and then kissed his way back up to your lips. A soft, unexpected moan left your lips as he slipped his hand under the oversized shirt you were wearing (his shirt which you stole) and inched higher and higher up your leg, and caressed your inner thigh. He smirked when you moaned and he kept going. He leaned in to kiss your jaw and down your neck; his stubble brushing against your skin gently.
His knuckles brushed against the front of the underwear you were wearing; flimsy and serving no purpose because he could feel how wet you were through it.
“You really want me, huh?” he spoke against your skin, cocky as always; his lips hovering over the corner of your mouth.
He slipped his hand past your underwear and touched your wet folds, his two fingers circling around your clit for a bit. He smirked as you moaned when he pushed a finger past your entrance. Then another and started gently pumping them in and out of you. He placed his thumb on your clit and brushed it occasionally while he pumped his fingers in and out of you; your wetness dripping and smearing all over his hand.
You moaned out loud when his fingers touched you in all the right places; curling just right and massaging your walls perfectly. He searched your eyes again for any negative signs.
You whimpered and moaned each time his fingers brushed against your walls, and the sounds you made alone were enough to make him want to ravish and devour you even more. He reached out and wrapped his hand around your throat; squeezing just a little. His breath was just as ragged as yours; his lips inches away from yours.
He sped up again; his fingers stroking your walls perfectly and increasing the sweet, almost agonizing pressure forming in between your hips. You felt a rush and a warmth washing over you; you felt his lips kiss down your body. Each feathery touch of his mouth drove you wild, and the only thing you could focus on was his hands and mouth on your body.
You felt him dragging his lips across your skin and down until he reached your core. He kissed his way around it and eventually pulled his fingers out of you and pulled down your underwear; getting rid of them and placed his mouth right where his fingers had been.
He slipped his tongue past your wet folds, teasing your entrance relentlessly. Occasionally, he’d bite and tease the skin around your clit but he’d eventually get back to where you wanted him the most. He wrapped his hands around your thighs, locking you in his tight grip, leaving you no other choice but to endure his sweet assault.
The wet sounds his mouth made against your dripping core was downright filthy, and so was the moans coming out of you. Your hands slid into his hair, and you tugged on it gently as he ate you out like his life depended on it.
His tongue lapped up all that you gave him and he pushed his fingers into you again; slowly pumped in and out of you as his tongue flicked your sensitive clit.
You soon felt the familiar pressure forming in between your hips. He flicked his tongue over your entrance rapidly and soon, you came undone with a loud moan. A series of cuss words left your lips like a chant as your back arched off the bed. You squirmed under his touch and he watched in awe how your pretty face frowned in pleasure.
You gently cradled his face in your hands as he kissed his way back up your body. You noticed the dampness on his face and how it coated his chin and his lips. The sight of it was filthy enough to make you come again. He kissed you again, hungrily.
You sensed it then, the change in his demeanor. His kiss was slightly more rough and demanding than earlier. And while you focused on his lips against yours, he grabbed your shirt at the neckline and ripped it open. You gasped through the kiss, but he just smirked and threw the torn fabric somewhere behind you and ran his hands down your back; cupping your ass and pulling you closer.
His hands touched you wherever he could; your breasts, your waist – leaving trails of goose bumps wherever his fingers touched your skin. The cold tip of his nose ran along your throat and up to your ear, where he whispered all his obscene thoughts, making you blush. And you couldn’t help but notice how many times he mentioned how much he needed you.
He did indeed, need you. With you, he didn’t feel cold and alone. He felt warm and alive. He felt powerful with you by his side, yet he knew that he was ready to drop to his knees and surrender to you, if you ever just asked him to. He would do anything for you.
“Hey,” he gently grabbed your chin and looked deep into your eyes after he got rid of his clothes, and after you were done admiring the work of art his body was. “Tell me if it hurts.” He whispered, lips dangerously close to yours.
With a slow, steady push, he inserted his length into you. You shuddered as you felt all of him, his beard tickled your skin as he kissed your lips repeatedly and told you how good you were doing. You hissed when he fully penetrated you, the thickness of his length stretched you to your maximum and you were gasping as he filled you to the brim.  
He gave you a quick moment to get used to his size, you whimpered and whined and felt your walls clenching around him. When you kissed him, slowly brushing his lower lip with your tongue, he took it as a sign which meant it was okay for him to move. You heard his ragged breaths as he removed himself out and pushed himself back into you again.
He sped up just a little, rocking his hips against yours and his hand reached up to wrap around your neck gently. He stared into your eyes, speeding up into you again. “Fuck… you feel so good...” his voice cracked by the end and he closed his eyes and bit down on his lip as he slipped in and out of you with ease. He leaned in to kiss your open mouth, shamelessly shoving his tongue past your parted lips and stroking the top of your mouth.
You felt all of him; his warm mouth against yours, the prominent vein along his cock, and his throbbing red tip and it brushed against your walls each time he rocked into your wet heat. He moved faster; your clit occasionally rubbing against the hairy base of his abdomen and adding to the pleasurable sensation.
He tapped your thigh, letting you know that he wanted your legs around his waist because that gave him a better angle. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he pounded into you relentlessly. You moaned again as he bit and licked the skin beneath your jaw, all while slamming into you relentlessly; stretching you out and pounding into you like his life depended on it.
His toned body rubbed against yours; your breasts pressed against his torso and he placed his forehead on top of yours. The simple gesture was so sweet and so intimate that suddenly, you didn’t want to let him go. You wanted him, here, with you.
You felt your walls clench around him, and tightening around his thick member; making him swear out loud. He panted against your lips, occasionally kissing you as he gripped your jaw with his hand. He didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, he kept pounding into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came – hard.  
You whimpered at how he kept pounding into you even after you came, and your face burned as you felt the knot forming again right at your core. Seb growled and bit down on your shoulder to keep himself from making any loud noises while he fucked you. He grabbed both your hands and pinned them down on the bed, above your head.
He was relentless, as though each moan, each mewl which left your lips only encouraged him to get more and more rough. He panted and groaned at how good you felt and shamelessly told you about it; whispering against your skin about how perfect you felt around him – wet and warm all for him.
You moaned as you felt your second release approaching while the first was weakening. Your legs were numb, and your body moved along with his like a rag doll; yet, you wanted more of what he had to give. You craved him. And he craved more of you.
“Cum for me,” he murmured at the side of your mouth as he very gently squeezed the side of your throat. But hard enough to make you lose your mind. A rush coursed through your veins as you felt your mind clouding with lust again. His large frame hovering above you as he tightened his grip around your throat just a little more.
He bit down on your lip as you lifted your hips to meet his thrust; chasing your release. Your body trembled under him as you came again; gushing out around his cock while he still pounded relentlessly into you before slowing down again. You felt him quicken his pace as he chased his own orgasm.
He groaned and whispered your name quite a few times before coming undone; buried deep within you – growling and mumbling swear words under his breath. His warm cum shot at your walls and trickled out of you when he carefully removed his length from your entrance and laid down next to you on the bed.
“I need you. I need you here with me.” He mumbled, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead.
You smiled and snuggled up to his side, his body heat wrapping around you like a protective cocoon. He wrapped his arms around you again and tucked your head under his chin; none of you minding the nudity.
“I want to be here with you.” you replied, then added, “I mean it’s not like I have much of a choice really, just don’t get all bat shit crazy on me like earlier, and get me some clothes and I need some m-,”
He cut you off by grabbing your face and pressing his lips to yours; shutting you up with a kiss. He deepened the kiss, pulling you closer and caressed your face softly.
“Don’t start already. We have all of eternity to argue.” He mumbled and rolled on top of you, pushing his face into the crook of your neck.
You giggled and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer and kissing the top of his head.
Well, who knew your love story would begin in afterlife? And that the King of Hell would end up stealing your heart…
Devil!Seb Tag List:
Seb Tag List:
@almond-butter @chontellaa @tyranneosaurus @maggotzombie 
Permanent Tag List:
@fizzahocleirigh @adolesences @nightlygiggless @snugglemedaddy @lighttomydark @lemonadygirl 
Everything Tag List:
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cruelfeline · 4 years
So, I was admittedly distracted by something a little more... distressing, back in season four. Y’know: that bit where Hordak gets... Well; y’all know. Yes. But now that I’m re-watching various bits and pieces, I’ve realized exactly how much Bow’s friendship speech on Beast Island bothers me.
Though I may be misinterpreting it? Am I misinterpreting it? I don’t know.
I kind of hope I’m misinterpreting it
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But to me, it feels as if, upon learning that Entrapta is giving up on friendship because she’s had such difficulty with it, Bow kind of... implies that she needs to work harder?
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Is that what’s happening? Because that’s what it feels like.
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Again: I may be misinterpreting. But I don’t know that I am? I mean, even his claim that the Alliance never gave up on Entrapta kind of... implies that she’s the one who gave up on them? Is that... is that right?
not even considering the fact that they’ve kind of not really cared about her for a season and a half... until she becomes potentially useful via a mass of magic needing defusing
Because if it is, then I’m not a fan. I’m not a fan at all.
I feel like Entrapta works so hard, throughout the series, to be a good friend. She just does it in a way that makes sense to her.
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Back in season one, she tries to provide the Princess Alliance with weapons and technology in order to cement their friendship. She participates in their attempt to rescue Glimmer and Bow after the Princess Prom. She does her best to work with the group during their foray into the Fright Zone, despite their less-than-respectful way of dealing with her. She does her best. She tries. She endures their lack of clear communication in an effort to be useful and belong. 
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And, for her troubles, she is left behind. Yes, it’s an accident. No, they don’t mean it. But, at the same time, they don’t go back to look. They don’t make sure. And Entrapta, whether intentionally or not, is left to her own devices in the Fright Zone.
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Once there, she repeats her attempt at friendship-building. She again provides weapons and technological know-how, trying to use them as the foundation of a relationship because, well, that’s what she understands. That’s what she’s comfortable with, and that’s what she has to offer. So she does.
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And it honestly works! She becomes friends with Scorpia. They seem to genuinely enjoy one another’s company: they talk about their (different) interests, engage in friendly physical contact, enjoy the anticipation of hot cocoa on one of their missions. Entrapta seems to make a legitimate connection with her, one that Scorpia canonically admits to missing.
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Entrapta likewise befriends Hordak and develops a sweet, loving relationship with him. She connects with him in a way no one else ever has, owing both to her lack of fear and to her willingness to see humanity in a person everyone else writes off as a tyrannical monster. I don’t know that I need to say much more about this: we all acknowledge the wholesome, wonderful nature of Entrapdak.
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She tries to befriend Catra, too, both by providing her with tech and by going so far as to petition Hordak to spare her after the Shadow Weaver incident.
My point regarding all of this is that Entrapta does try. She does work at it, attempting to be the best friend she can be. She enjoys an easy companionship with Scorpia (apparently being the only real friend the latter has had, by Scorpia’s own admission!). She falls in love with Hordak, entering into a mutual relationship that eventually gives him the strength to break from his abusive slavemaster of a god-brother. She tries to provide Catra with honest help, succeeding in helping her fulfill her Horde duties and actually saving her life.
And yet, with all of this effort, what happens?
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Catra sentences her to death. There’s no way around this: it’s the only honest way to put it.
Scorpia ends up caring more about Catra than anyone else and subsequently allows Entrapta to be shipped off to Beast Island
Hordak... oh, by the gods, Hordak tries, but he ends up a victim of Catra’s manipulation and his own emotional pain. To his credit, he promptly loses his mind when he realizes what has happened. 
In the end? In the end, all of Entrapta’s work has led to multiple functionally failed friendships (well, Scorpia squeaks out a save... eventually) and one romantic relationship put on hold because of a tragic misunderstanding. And it’s not her fault. It’s not that she doesn’t work hard enough. It’s not that she thinks friendship is easy. It’s not that she gives up on people. Entrapta does try. She works hard with the tools and the understanding that she possesses. And despite all of that effort, she ends up on Beast Island anyway because Catra doesn’t value her, Scorpia doesn’t value her enough, and Hordak is too wounded to realize what’s happening
So this moment when Bow gives her this talk, when it sounds like he’s telling her that she needs to try harder and really work on friendship in order for it to happen for her... I just... is that really what this scene means? Because, if so, then it just falls so incredibly flat for me.
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It falls so very flat, right alongside that uncomfortable moment in S5E2 when all of the princesses are furious with her, and she just doesn’t understand why, because in her mind, she’s been trying to help in the only way she knows how. And no one has clearly told her any other way, so how is she supposed to know?
Agh. I just really don’t like this implication that Entrapta has failed at friendship because she didn’t work hard enough. I don’t like this implication that she is the one that needs to buck up and try harder, when she has been putting forth an honest effort to understand people and give them useful things and interact pleasantly, even when said people refuse to communicate clearly with her.
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And for pity’s sake, she’s a wonderful enough friend that she helps Hordak find the strength to take back his memories and his life and his name so that he can free himself and kill his god for her. That’s pretty damned successful, isn’t it?
needless to say Hordak is exempt from this entire pseudo-rant because he actually respects and reciprocates her efforts
So why does the Alliance continuously put forth this demand that she “work harder?” Why do the princesses constantly imply that she’s the one not trying, when they never actually try to understand her even one iota? Why does it always have to be Entrapta picking up the social pace and adapting to everyone’s demands?
And why doesn’t the narrative call out this gross discrepancy?
I can understand the characters engaging in this nonsense, but why doesn’t the narrative point it out for what it is? Why doesn’t the narrative mark it as unfair and wrong?
It’s a major aspect of Entrapta’s “friendship arc” that just doesn’t sit well with me. I feel like there’s this constant theme of “Entrapta needs to work harder to understand people” when she’s already working hard. She’s already giving it her all, but she’s the only one who is. It’s all so uncomfortably one-sided. The actual problem, to my eyes, is that no one save for one (1) grumpy clone is meeting her halfway, and the story just completely fails to recognize that.
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finiteuniverse13 · 3 years
Bravo's Banned List
With the help of @bravo-four-seal-team, @@jayhalsteadfan-2417 and @rebelwrites, we made a list.
A list, posted on various walls throughout the Naval base, the plane and the cage room. About 1/3 of it is typed up, the rest is in hastily written pen. Made by Blackburn to try and corral Bravo. It's doing its best.
Tag: @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @bravo-four-seal-team @velvetcardiganbucky @supervalcsi @abby-splace @itsonautopilot @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @mrsmarvelous1995 @jayhalsteadfan-2417
Just so you're all aware, this is a 6.5-page document.
0: On the days of Adam and Swanny’s Death, leave the group be to remember them. I will not protect you.
1: Brock Is Not Allowed Coffee. No exceptions.
1.1: Do not leave Metal alone with Brock when Coffee is around.
2: Dick jokes are not required in briefings
3: If a single one of you bastards get between me and my coffee, we will be having issues
5: You made the dog sad; you die.
10: Dirt bikes (don’t ask)
13: Fire. That is all
16.1: Scratch that, they stab people with the metal cutlery. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. They can eat with their hands.
19: BOY BANDS (not allowed to be played on the plane)
19.1: GIRL BANDS (for the love of god, they will try and imitate them)
19.2 RAP MUSIC (they think they are the next Eminem and will make your ears bleed)
20: Do not tell Jason he is not allowed to do something. He finds a way to do it
20.1: Apparently Ray will do the exact same without question
21: Do not leave any members of the team with upper brass. (How did you make an Admiral with years of combat CRY!)
22: Clay is under Jason’s protection don’t go after him they will not find your body
22.1: If Clay calls Jason dad just leave it ok
22.2: Actually, check on Jason, he’s been standing staring for the past hour now
24: Only Trent is allowed to call Metal by his legal first name. Ensign Williams learnt that one the hard way.
25: Paintball is banned from the base the last time it was extreme and got violent
26: The transformers movies because clay tried to do a stunt it ended badly
27: Thumbtacks apparently
28: Any Marvel movie (Jason you’re not Captain America)
28.1: DC movies are out as well
28.2: Disney Princess movies as well (don’t ask)
30: Do not leave phone unlocked around Sonny, he will not hesitate to change everything
38: Grenade launchers are not required for every mission Trent
42: Yes, Clay does know an Admiral by name. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.
45: If Clay starts angrily ranting in a foreign language, don't worry. He's thinking out loud, not plotting to destroy the base
45.1: If Clay is calmly talking in a foreign language just back away slowly
48: SpongeBob is a Bad Idea because they are way too Annoying and make References (I’m looking at you, Clay)
52: Sharpies. When I find whoever gave me this sharpie tattoo sleeve, there will be hell to pay
57: Red paint. I went to check something at 3 am and Clay was painting a satanic ritual on the floor
58: 3 am checks are a bad idea. (I have seen things, people!)
62: Explosives are to be locked away when not on mission Sonny and Clay will try and play catch with a live homewrecker
62.1: I expected Metal as a Master Chief to know better - he falls under the same rule as Clay and Sonny.
63: Don't wake Clay when he is sleeping back away slowly and leave the room
64: If I'm sleeping, back away and leave the room. Interrupt me if they've broken a rule, or if the base is actively being bombed. If not, I don't care.
65: Have multiple phone chargers or they will disappear and you’re not getting them back
68: If you call Clay anything other than a nickname expect to get punched or stabbed or sniped in the ass when least expected
68.1: Metal will stab you. Please remember he has a shovel and lye in his truck (WHY DO YOU HAVE IT)
68.2: Don't try to take the shovel and lye off of Metal
69: NEVER say the number 69 around them they are all immature children and expect tongue in cheek comments
70: NEVER interrupt Sonny when he is eating breakfast, he is grumpy in the morning
72: If they are all asleep make no sound - YOU WAKE THEM THEY ARE YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE
73: For the love of god, stop giving Clay earth mineral nicknames. This is the third time this week I've watched Sonny empty limestone dust from his pack
75: Do not give them hammers! What is wrong with you people?
79: Do Not talk to Trent unless it’s after 2 coffees
83: For the love of god, don't ask Metal if he ever did nude modelling in art school. He will begin stripping, literally anywhere
91: Cerberus is a good boy and you hurt Brock you die
98: Super Glue (never again)
100: Do not give in to their peer pressure while they are drunk, I will not be doing it again
100.2: Sweet Caroline won't work twice
103: Don't tell Sonny he looks good in pink because you better believe he will keep wearing it (and probably some girl clothes too) to keep getting compliments
115: HAIR DYE (Why did you dye Metal and Trent’s hair pink?!)
115.1: Face paint (Sonny, their faces did not need to match their hair)
116: Do NOT touch Clay, Charlie team learnt that, and someone ended up nearly losing a finger. (And it wasn’t because of the dog)
117: If they offer you a drink whilst smirking DO NOT take it
118: Sea shanties – if I hear one more SEA SHANTY while we are FLYING
119: If you hear someone shout incoming, run, it’s not an attack, it is Bravo, someone has done something and they’re coming to tell me
120: Vegemite is not allowed in the base after Jason let Clay eat it
122: Hawaii 5-0, if I hear one more thing about how we should hang people of the rook of buildings I am going to shoot someone
124: Mortal Kombat (Clay was acting like Scorpion for a month)
130: Itching Powder (looking at you Brock)
131: DO NOT TOUCH JASONS TOMATOES - you will get a bamboo cane jammed into your thigh
138: Laser Tag is fun until someone gets hurt (Sonny and Clay you know what happened)
138.1: Laser Tag! (Ray needed to go to the hospital guys, come on)
143: Basketball. My nose will never be straight again.
144: Bravo and Ice skates don’t mix (the only person good on them is Jason but no other member of Bravo is allowed on the ice again)
144.1: Same goes for rollerblades
145: Ash Spencer is not allowed to be alone with Clay (Jason punched him last time he was on base)
145.1: Do not leave Jason, Metal or Sonny alone with Ash Spenser, it’s going to end up with a murder charge.
146: Clay is Jason’s adopted kid and needs to be supervised when Jason is away
153: SCISSORS - Jase cut a chunk of Clay’s hair in the night now the base is a war zone
153.1: DONT FUCK WITH COVERBOY'S HAIR see point 68 for consequences
154: NAIR (why do you even have it?)
156: Call Of Duty (Clay must be supervised when playing it)
157: Do Not leave Clay unattended with Metal (They are both recovering from the ONE CHIP/DEATH CHIP Challenge)
158: Marshmallows (don’t ask)
163: The Hunger Games (are not a good training exercise)
164: The Olympus Has Fallen movies are not allowed to be mentioned in any given time)
173: If you mention the word ice-cream just run, run for your life
176: If I am sleeping STOP THROWING PAPER AT ME
177: Yelling FOR NARNIA is not an appropriate battle cry
178: The Fast And Furious movies (Clay you are not Brian so stop)
182: Nap time is important if their asleep do something else but if you wake them run like hell
190: Any movies about WAR are BANNED (I need a drink to talk about that one)
200 (From Bravo): Blackburn isn't allowed any more paper
200.1 (From Bravo): or pens
200.2: (Blackburn) Handcuffs. They handcuffed me to my desk and wrote that
200.3 (Blackburn): Bravo will not be allowed to tell their Commanding Officer what to do
202: Who keeps giving them superglue? This is the 8th time we are having to unglue Sonny and Clay’s hands
203: Do not let any of them take point on Briefing EVER
205: Are you serious? Paperclips! Do not give them PAPERCLIPS
206: Leaving anyone unattended with fire is a bad idea - I can still smell burning
210: This is Sparta (Jason don't kick people off the roof)
213: Ash Spenser is not allowed on base. DEVGRU heard about what kind of dad he is, and now its kill-on-sight
214: Puppy dog eyes because Clay has been using them on anyone to get out of doing paperwork
218: DO NOT PUT LION KING ON - they will cry like babies and there’s no consoling them over Mufasa
220: If I have to explain why BRAVO will not be joining teaching GREEN TEAM please see rule 1 and understand from that then ask the Green Team Instructor. (Brock terrified them by running the O Course in 30 minutes, all because someone gave him coffee)
220.1: And yes, that is the on the 50-minute-record O course. The time hasn’t been counted since it involved performance-enhancing substances
222: Gray’s anatomy (That is all)
228: HATS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN BRIEFINGS (Sonny you know what you did)
229: MAGIC MIKE AND MAGIC MIKE XXL (still haunts my dreams)
233: I am begging you can you please BE NICE TO THE FLEET ADMIRAL (it's the 3rd time he's left in tears)
234: Chocolate - just run ok
235: Please stop re-enacting the screen from titanic when we are on a boat (I’m looking at you Brock)
237: Monopoly got violent last time and Jason got punched
237.1: In fact, any board games turn violent even snakes and ladders
237.2: Board games. Just please stop playing board games
240: Why am I revisiting the nerf guns people? IT WAS A FAMILY BARBECUE! (You lot need to learn to let your kids win!)
241: Brock is banned from Cooking - I do not want food poisoning again
246: If they pass out around the fire pit for the love of god move them Clay and Sonny tend to like melting the sole of their boots on the flames even when passed out
251: Plastic cups only (this rule is to stop sonny from smashing them)
254: Why am I needing to revisit Sharpies? They aren’t allowed them, give them Crayola's or crayons
254.1: Scrap that YOU CAN’T EAT THE CRAYONS
256: Clay you are not Spiderman get off the walls
258: Don't mention Hawaii five 0 just don't
258.1: They will attempt the intro to it, it’s just painful
259: Don't mention Harry Potter because they will all cry over different characters deaths
287: Soup is now banned (Ray. I honestly thought you were the normal one of the team. I am disappointed)
321: If you see Clay and Sonny cuddling just walk away, pretend you didn’t see anything, one of them had a bad day and the other is the only one they will confine in
322: Don't mention the Philippines or India just don't
330: If Metal and Trent are talking, just leave them be. (No one wants to know if Metal is yelling about something stupid Trent did)
331: Popcorn is not allowed on base it ended up in everyone's gear
342: Non-Aerosol Deodorant. (Two of them tried to eat it before realising it wasn't edible)
344: Aerosol Deodorant. (Metal and Sonny used it with lighters. to create a flamethrower)
344.1: Side note LIGHTERS ARE BAD
345: Headphones. DO NOT ASK
346: Rubber bands are not slingshots
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king-finnigan · 4 years
hey so like I was on tiktok last night and saw this video and instantly thought, this is something Jaskier would do to Geralt https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSxxAyBG/ do you think Geralt would crack a smile?
Jaskier tries to hide his giggles behind his phone as Geralt bursts into the apartment, frantically looking around, fire extinguisher already in his hands.
"How'd you even manage to get it to smoke?" he throws over his shoulder at Jaskier as he makes his way to the bathroom quickly. His arms fall to his side, though, when he sees the toilet in question, two rolls perched on top, an empty toilet roll clamped between the lid and the seat.
He turns to throw a furious look at Jaskier, who bursts into full laughter, nearly crying at the sight in front of him. "You-" he hiccups "you peer-pressure it."
"That's not funny, Jaskier." But he can see the way Geralt's lips twitch, he can see crow's feet crinkling.
"It is, though. It's hilarious, admit it, Geralt, you find it funny, too"
Geralt harrumphs, clearly trying very hard not to smile, to keep his face into that familiar scowl. "I was worried, though," he says, and that does manage to quiet Jaskier down. "I was sc- I don't want you to get hurt." and either Jaskier's ears are fooling him, or Geralt almost said he was scared for Jaskier.
But this is his neighbour. His quiet, grumpy neighbour who only cares for his pitbull Roach, and his niece Ciri. His easily-annoyed neighbour who once hosed Jaskier down while he was cleaning his car because Jaskier was leaning over the fence and wouldn't stop talking (though he only wouldn't stop talking because Geralt was shirtless at the time and Jaskier was sure that if he stopped talking, he would've drooled all over Geralt's meticulously kept roses.)
This is Geralt and sure, Geralt's hot and funny and kind and a real sweetheart once you get him talking, but it's Geralt nonetheless. He wouldn't be scared for Jaskier, would he?
Would he?
"I'm sorry," he says. "It was just a prank. I won't do it again" But he can't keep the small smile off his face. "Though I really appreciate you coming to my rescue. Very knight-in-shining-armour of you."
Geralt rolls his eyes, but seems a bit more at ease, now. "I am not a knight. And if I was, my armour wouldn't be shiny."
"Sure you are! And, you know, you did just save a damsel in distress. You have every right to claim your reward." And dammit, he shouldn't be doing this. Geralt clearly doesn't feel the same way about him, and it's only gonna make things awkward between them.
But he's been dancing around it long enough, he's been pining for years, by now, and he's tired of it, tired enough to risk it all.
Geralt hums thoughtfully, approaching Jaskier with slow, measured steps. "And what would this reward be, exactly?" he asks innocently, cocking his head to the side. He's so close now, barely a foot between them, and Jaskier knows he could bridge the space between them in a second, if he dared.
Now or never.
"Well," he says, tongue darting out to lick his dry lips, and he sees Geralt's eyes follow the movement. "Traditionally, that reward would be true love's kiss." His voice is barely above a whisper now, breath caught in his throat at the proximity.
"Hmm," Geralt muses. "Who am I to break tradition, then?"
Jaskier's heart barely manages to skip a beat before Geralt presses their lips together, one hand coming up to curl around the back of Jaskier's neck.
Fuck, Jaskier thinks between soft kisses. I should've pranked him years ago.
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amenomiko · 4 years
Linguist MC Gets Angry
Nobunaga - East Malaysia (Borneo)
It was that moment when he lift her chin during their argument with "You have become very bold in lecturing me, aren't you, fireball?" And he expect for her to pout, or maybe sulk, just like she always do, but..
"OI. Ko pikir ko siapa oh??" (Translated: Oi. Who do you think you are??)
He blinked. Thrice. "..What-"
"Lucky charm la, bebola api la. Sa sumbat nasi lemak dalam pantat kau biar ko jadi api naga sana nah baru ko tau apa maciam jadi fireball. BUDUH la ko sana!" (Translated: Lucky charm, fireball. I will shove nasi lemak in your asshole and let you become a fire dragon so you know how a fireball is! IDIOT!)
Then she roll her eyes, flipping her hair before stomping off angrily, leaving bewildered Nobunaga alone in his Tenshu. "As expected of my lucky charm.. She is very unique indeed. Hmph."
Somehow he is happy. Not knowing what he is called just now.
Hideyoshi - Indonesian
"MC! Stop running in the hallway!"
"MC! Don't carry those stuffs! What if you fall and scrap your knees??"
God..! Another day, another nagging. What is he? Disciplinary teacher??
She fumed, turning to him with a gritted teeth, "Iya udahlah. Brisik, lebay banget sih. Cerewet betul orangnya. Anjir." (Translated : Yes, enough already. So noisy-- you are overreacting. Such a naggy person. You dog.) then earn a very confused Hideyoshi.
He literally froze, even when she look at him, up and down, shaking her head and continue with her task in hand.
It took him few minutes to realize that she is somehow cursing him, ...in a weird language.
Masamune - Korean
MC is a lucky woman. She got a handsome lover, the most good looking warlord (as voted by the women of Azuchi town), which is Date Masamune.
She would always be happy and giddy around him. If this is an animated world, she could see flying hearts all around her when he is nearby. But today..
Is not the best day. EVER.
Everything pisses her off. Ah yes, it's just what you think. That damn time of the month. Oh gosh she is angry, she was so, so angry thanks to her mood swings, and was trying her best not to show it away. Which she failed miserably.
Masamune had brought her to the tea house, not knowing she was cursing the whole time when she was walking. "Let's get an anmitsu, shall we? They say it was good as they imported those 'ice cream' thing." She smiled (not reaching her eyes) and nodded.
He had realized this; it could be those time of the month again, he thought. But maybe with some sweets and kisses, she would be better. Ah..! Good timing. The dessert has arrived and he instantly let her have a taste first. And another perfect timing. There was a stain of vanilla near her lips.
His lips pressed against hers, aiming for the vanilla, yet also a sweet gesture that makes the people around them gasped. However..
"....YA!!" (Translated : HEY!!)
"OPPA MICHYEOSS-EO?? AISH- JINJJA!" (Translated : Oppa (A way to call a lover other than brother) are you crazy?? Aish- really!!"
His only eye widen like plate, taken aback and rub his painful cheek that were smacked by her. "K-Kitten- I didn't mean to--" What language is that anyway??
"Wait..! Lass!"
She already walk away, back to the castle before he realized it.
Note taken. No affection should be given when she is in a bad mood. "Ahh.. That time of the month is horrifying indeed.."
Mitsuhide - West Malaysian (Semenanjung)
If Mitsuhide could choose one thing that he like about MC, it would be (obviously) her interesting reactions to his teasings. Her angry face, her pouting face, and her frowning is his favorite, yet there's one thing he always be curious about.
She never get angry. As in really, really angry. Especially towards him. Sometimes he think she is too pure for him, loving him to the point she won't do such thing no matter how hurt she is.
"AMBOI." (Translated : Interjection word used to express angry/admiration/wonder feelings. But in this case, it's for feeling angry)
'Amboi' what now? For as long as he live, such word is new to him. He read her gesture-- furious expression, hands on hips,.. Ah, it could be an angry word? "I believe I require for you to explain what does that mean. Is it a new language other than Japanese back in your time--""Hang diam." (Translated : You be quiet.)
Miraculously he stopped, somehow feeling uncharacteristically nervous to her unknown language. She huffed, shaking her head, "Hang ni memang dah takda keja ka hah? Dok asyik nak cuba buat aku marah. HAH tahniah pada hang la aku dah marah ni. Perangai poyo. Nasib hang hensem kalau tak dah lama aku hantaq hang ni pi kahwin ngan Hideyoshi. Hisshhhh!" (Translated : Don't you have any other work to do, huh? Do nothing but keep on trying to make me angry. HAH. Congratulations to you, I AM angry. You act like a damn show-off. Thankfully you are handsome or else I would've sent you to get married with Hideyoshi. Hisshhhh!)
"....." He watched her turn around with a groan, and couldn't bring himself to call out for her. Trying to understand what she's trying to say (which obviously NOTHING), all he can understand is the word 'Hideyoshi'. "Somehow I don't think it's a good thing."
Ieyasu - Chinese
"How many times do I have to tell you to NOT overdo it?"
He takes the bow and arrow from her, despite the adorable way she pouted; which is very hard for him.
...Not knowing she was not pouting, but being angry. Seriously angry.
"I know you are worried about me, but just give me chance to learn more about this..! Bow and arrow is way better than a sword itself don't you agree?"
"It is not for the purpose of killing, obviously. It's for me to protect myself! I'm determined to do it! H-hey wait..!"
He already walk away from her, giving the weapon to a nearby vassal before continuing with a grunt, "No means no. I've told you that there's no such need to do so as I will be the one to protect you, have you forgotten that?"
"Of course I didn't! But let me just--"
"No buts."
"Stop right there!"
He ignored her, and continue to walk yet about to give another answer when she suddenly shout on top of her lungs;
"Ni zhè wángù de háozū. Ni yiwéi ni shì shéi? Ni bixū ganxié wo méiyou zài ni yan li sāi jièmò!" (Translated : You stubborn porcupine. Who do you think you are? You have to thank me for not stuffing mustard in your eyes!")
...in a weird language.
Making the nearby vassal goes ( ☉д⊙)?? until the bow and arrow in his hands loosen its grip.
"Hmf! Fine!"
Ieyasu swallowed the lump in his throat, he didn't know why but he got a feeling he will be sleeping in a different bedchamber tonight. Obviously.
Mitsunari - Romanian
Being a chatelaine; particularly appointed to be the tactician's assistant, is NOT easy.
Yeah, okay. He is the less complaining type. The one who is easy to discuss with, and the one who won't make your eyes roll. Haha. Ha. Ha. Nope.
Mitsunari as a whole is easy. But to ask him to eat is NOT easy. There were time when he mistook MC's hair as ramen, and her fingers as crab stick, to MC's misery. It will take half of her life to successfully feed him completely, making the bowl empty until there's no rice grain left.
Eyes glaring at the book in his hands, MC tried for another method. "Mitsunari. Look at me."
She take the book away from him. "Mitsunari. Look. Here."
"....Hm? Oh- oh..! Hello princess I didn't see you there-"
His cheeks were then cupped tightly with her hands as she said with a gritted teeth; "Hei! Vrei să-ți dau una peste față cu un dicționar sau cu un morcov. Alege!" (Translated : Hey! Do you want me to smack your face with a 1000 pages of dictionary or a carrot? Choose!) ...while squeezing her cheeks inwards until his face literally goes like this ( O)3(O ).
"Mmh- mmmh- mmm." He nodded, silently gulped to the flare of glare in her eyes.
"(눈‸눈)....(❁´◡`❁) Good!" And she hopped away happily, placing his meal in front of him before tossing away such book from his room (which got a handful of nagging session because the book accidentally knocked on passing Hideyoshi).
Kenshin - East Malaysia (Kadazan)
He is strucked with nightmare again. Nightmare of MC leaving him, but it was.......
"I saw an animal, similar to Motonari's pet. But bigger. We were about to get married, and it came. Placing you in its pouch, jumping away no matter how I've tried to reach to you. Even with my fastest horse-- I- I couldn't--"
MC watched as he cupped his face, being emotionally emotional, secretly pursed her lips to hold back her anger. Yes. Anger. It was not of pity but anger.
First, she had a rough day lately. Lack of sleep, that's for sure.
Second, when she FINALLY get some rest, certain good looking dragon shakes her in the middle of the night, telling a story about a kangaroo kidnapping her during their wedding.
Problem is--
They are already married for fu- fish sake.
"I see now. There there. It's just a silly nightmare. You will be fine."
"It's not MC..! You were kidnapped..! Just like those days when you were attacked and I wasn't there-- and--"
"Yes, yes, I understand. Now let's forget about it slowly and once you get some sleep those dream is nothing more than a dream itsel-"
"I can't forgive myself..! MC-- I--"
"Kada agagau, Avantang tanak laja do kusai! Siodop noh ku tih!" (Translated : Shut up handsome prince! I want to sleep!) She said under one breath, and with a grumpy huff, she takes all the blanket and sleep facing the other side.
Meanwhile, Kenshin: ( ゚д゚).... (He was dumbfounded until sunrise)
Shingen - Tagalog
She had found herself being kabedon-ed again.
In any other normal days, this is how he start their daily routine - flirting session. Her eyes stared at those openly broad chest in front of her, ah that is so nice. That will be a very nice feeling if she could feel it with her palms now but--
Ah, she is tired. Her body feels like a log-- heavy and tired, and slumpy. It is as if all, ALL the fatigue in the world just slapped her-- no, just KICKED her on her lower belly area; yes, that time of the month is coming soon. There comes the usual pre-menstrual syndromes, she feels fatigued, clumsy, and most importantly,.... irritation. Irritated to the point his handsome voice couldn't reach her ears.
He then let out a chuckle, lifting her chin to kiss it, when her already bored eyes changed into menacing ones as she grunted, "Hoy! Dyan ka lang, poging oso na to. Subukan mo kong halikan, pagtatatadyakan ko kalamnan mo hanggang walang matira!" (Translated : Hey! Stop right there you charming bear, if you dare to kiss me I will kick your guts until there's nothing left.).
It instantly send jolt of cold shivers all over him, hands automatically back away from her and legs took a step back cautiously. "I- I'm.. sorry..?"
"Hmn (눈‸눈). You are lucky. For now."
Shingen gulped, lips pressed tight as he watch her go with the same scowl on her face all the way. "Somehow I... Escaped a death warning.. Maybe? Heheh. Heh. Uhm--" Feigning a cough, he pats his chest to calm his rapid heart beat of fear.
Yukimura - English (Just assume all this while they were speaking Japanese and suddenly she let out this language)
"H-hey wait-- MC..!!" He chased after her, who have been stomping her way off from another of their short arguments of the week. Yukimura realizes this, it's good for relationship bond they say, but he can't help but to be afraid of it. Usually it will be him to start it, but this time,...it came from her.
With "Get away from me, damn it!" As a morning greeting. All of sudden. Making him confused, thinking if he had offended her a day before, of which he just came back from long mission that took him a week. And to assume he will be greeted with a hug, or a kiss, or maybe a word of "I miss you" plus a cute smile of hers, is indeed wrong.
"MC please..! Just tell me what's going on?? Did I make you wait for too long? But I have informed you that I will be in a long missio-- hey MC did you hear me?? Just stop stomping off like a REAL wild boar will you--"
Ah. She stopped. That is definitely an ultimate magic word.
"Inform-- informed you say--" He stared at her trembling fists, but before he could hold her shoulders, he was startled to her change in language--
"(English) Informed MY FOOT! There's no single letter coming, NONE! I don't see any damn birds nor eagle or those pelican whatever bird that is assigned to send your letter! I've been worried sick, and you came back yesterday to just casually slipped into the bed to sleep?? To. Just. Sleep?? Even without KISSING or HUGGING ME?? YOU- YOU- *sniffs* EEEHHHEEEE ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥A˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚!!"
Too late. Shingen and the others has appeared to separate him away from her, and Sasuke has made him feel EXTRA guilty after translating it.
Sasuke - Nepali
Sasuke blinked at his wife, who is currently glaring at him. "MC, you look like those meme with a bald man with hands on hips." He said casually, earning a loud sigh from her as reaction.
"I believe you are still injured from your previous trap check in the ceiling, and I believe I've told you to have a meal and rest, so why are you still here, sitting on your futon, and clean your weapons?"
"...MC, you will be a good inspector because you have a very detailed report (´・_・`)👌."
"..Honey. I am NOT in the MOOD to be playing around now ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ."
Pressing his lips shut in instant, he nodded at her while placing his weapon away. "I apologize, MC. I will eat my lunch now, as you wished. I wouldn't want to make my wife worried."
She huffed through her nose, pursing her lips before narrowing his eyes at him. "Really? You promise."
"Yes. ..But may I have the permission to clean another set of my shuriken and kunai, I will be rest assured if I do so--"
"...SARUTOBI SASUKE! TYO FERI GARA ANI MA TIMRO SISA SANO THUKRAMA FUTAERA TIMRO CHAMAL SANGA MISAUCHU ( ☉д⊙)!" (Translated : Do that again and I will break your glasses into small pieces and mix it with your rice!)
"....." The box of weapon in his hands fell, despite having expressionless emotion on his face.
"EAT. NOW." She groaned before stomping away angrily, continuing to curse in any other languages.
Meanwhile, Sasuke who turned to his phone after MC stomped away be like
"...If only my phone is alive. I want to translate that (´◦_◦`)."
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
I think I drank too much - with ma boi John Tracy, Eye in the Sky?
(I hope you wrestle uni into submssion)
A Bad First Impression
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family/Friendship Characters: Scott, John, Penelope
Brain is in default Scott mode (when is it not?), so more Scott than John, but it is John saying the line, so that counts, right?  Haven’t proof read this or anything, but alcohol+John gave me one idea straight away, so here we go!
4am so the other prompt currently sitting in my inbox will have to wait until post-sleep (and probably post-more uni work), but feel free to send more in!
(Uni is... not going down without a fight but I have got my lecturers on my side so it’s not quite as terrifying as it was the other day.  Still got a heck of a lot of work to do, but hopefully it’s survivable now.)
Lightheaded/Fainting Prompts (I know it says ‘starters’ but I figure as long as the line’s in there somewhere it counts).  Or honestly any other prompt games I’ve reblogged are fine, too, just make sure to tell me which one it’s from!)
Scott glowered down at his phone, where his message was stubbornly remaining as sent.  Ideally, he wanted a reply, but it had been five minutes and it still wasn’t even showing as read.
People were sending him disapproving looks, no doubt seeing a stranger with a backpack lurking outside a door and drawing their own conclusions the longer he remained slouched against the wall.  Apparently even in England, people didn’t take too kindly to loitering, and Scott would appreciate it if his brother would hurry up and let him in.
Maybe for some people, five minutes was too soon to be getting cranky, let alone worried, and any of his other brothers, in any other situation, Scott wouldn’t expect an instantaneous reply, but it was John, at midnight.  He should be wired into whatever technology he was playing and receiving messages instantly - especially as Scott should be expected.
The journey had been a long one, jet lag was hammering hard, and he just wanted to greet his brother, catch up for a bit, and then crash out on the couch.  It had been too long since he’d last seen him - why John had decided to go to college in England, Scott had no idea.
Seven minutes, and still no answer.  No little icon assuring him John had even seen it, even though John had known exactly what flight he was on and had been the one to tell Scott how long the taxi would take from the airport.  Scott had fully expected his younger brother to open the door just as the taxi pulled to a halt.
The fact that he was still standing outside, seven minutes later - and midnight in Oxford was not warm - had Scott one part annoyed to three parts worried.
The looks were getting dirtier.  He was surprised no-one had confronted him yet, and hoped that didn’t mean they’d decided against talking and skipped straight to calling the police.
“C’mon, John,” he muttered.  “What’s taking you so long?”
Looking up from his phone again - nine minutes - he caught sight of a pair staggering their way in his direction.  One was ginger, and he straightened, more than a little disbelieving when his younger brother staggered right past him without looking and pawed at the door ineffectually.
“Honestly, John,” the girl he was with - petite, blond, and in high heels that made Scott’s feet ache just to look at (his younger brothers didn’t know about his time in high heels and it was staying that way) - sighed, although the giggle that followed it ruined whatever gravitas she was trying to exude.
There were many things wrong with the sight, from John being not inside, to John looking like he’d been at a nightclub, to John apparently bringing a girl home, but the thoughts all temporarily abandoned his head as John swayed just a little bit more.
“I think I drank too much,” his brother commented, in that sort of detached fashion Scott recognised from his own nightclub experiences, and ignoring the girl, he lunged forward just in time to catch John as he crumpled.
This wasn’t the greeting he’d been expecting.
Nor was the stiletto kick to his chest, winding him and almost making him drop his brother.  It was fortunate his first instinct was always to hold on tighter, otherwise John would probably have just gained a concussion to go with the hell of a hangover he was going to be facing in a few hours.
“What do you think you’re doing?” the girl demanded, drawing herself up to her full height - and even in those dagger stilettos, still failing to reach Scott’s chin.  “Unhand him at once, or I’ll call the police.”
Scott was tired, grumpy, and had no patience for irritating girls trying to get in with his not interested younger brother.  He straightened, hefting John into his arms - he might be tall, but John had never been a challenge to lift on the rare occasion Scott had carried him - and made a show of looking down at the small female.
“And I suppose you were planning on carrying him inside?” he challenged, shifting John’s weight until he could slip two fingers into his pocket and extract his door key.
John always kept his key in the same pocket.  Scott was glad that hadn’t changed.
“And now you’re trespassing,” she huffed as he fumbled the door open.  “No-one invited you in.  Leave, before I call the police.”
“Actually, I was invited,” Scott snapped, stepping through the door.  “You, on the other hand, are not welcome.  Go home.”
He kicked the door shut with his heel, knowing Grandma - and probably John, in the morning - would be furious with him for leaving her outside by herself at midnight, but not finding it in himself to care right then.
The apartment wasn’t large, just a kitchen with a sofa and a door that Scott determined had to lead to the bedroom and en suite, which meant he heard the front door open again as he shouldered his way into the bedroom.
“Who are you?” the girl demanded.  Scott ignored her as he settled his brother on the bed - planets and stars embellishing the otherwise plain navy comforter.  “Look at me when I’m talking to you!”
Scott pulled his brother’s sneakers off and set them down on the floor, making a mental note to find where John kept his shoes and put them away properly before his occasionally-clumsy brother tripped over them later.
“Why are you in his apartment?” he asked, kicking off his own shoes and letting his backpack fall onto the floor before pulling himself up onto the bed.  John could sleep in his clothes just fine, but that coat and jumper had to come off before he overheated.
“Are you stripping him?” she shrieked.  “That’s it; I’m calling the police.”
...Okay, Scott could see why it might look bad if she didn’t know who he was.
“Look, miss,” he started.
“Your ladyship,” she interrupted.
“Uh, what?”
“It’s your ladyship,” she said.  “Not miss.  I am Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, and I insist you tell me who you are and why you’re manhandling my friend.”
“John has friends?”  John did intellectual peers, but he’d never cared for friends, mostly because he found it tiring when people couldn’t keep up with him - or tried to force him into socialising, which Scott was starting to suspect this girl, Lady, whatever, had done tonight.  His friends were computers.
“Of course he does, you pervert,” she snapped back.  “Now answer my questions, and if I don’t like the answers, I’m calling the police.”
“Perv-”  Scott interrupted himself with a sigh.  “I take it John didn’t bother to tell you I was coming to visit for the week?”
“Your name,” she insisted, and he rolled his eyes.
“Scott Tracy.  I’m his brother, so if you could stop the ridiculous accusations that would be great, thank you very much.”
“You don’t look related.”
Oh, for-
“You should see the rest of them.”  John shifted against his chest in a quickly-aborted attempt to sit up.  Scott tightened his grip.  “Scott, Lady P.  You won’t get rid of her.  Trust me.  Lady P., my big brother, Scott.  You won’t get rid of him.  Trust me.”
“So stop arguing and let me sleep.  My head kills.  Penny, why did you let me drink so much?”
“I was curious what you’d be like drunk,” she answered, completely unapologetic.  “You didn’t tell me your brother was coming.”  She paused.  “Why didn’t you tell me when I came to get you earlier?”
“You’d have accused me of lying to get out of going,” John muttered.  “Sorry, Scott.  Thought I’d be back before you turned up.  Wasn’t expecting to drink so much...”  He trailed off with a yawn, and Scott helped him lie back down.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said - not strictly true, but as far as reunions went it was already terrible.  He had no intentions of worsening it with an argument.  “Get some sleep.  I’ll find you something for the hangover in the morning.”
John was asleep again before he’d finished talking, and with a fond smile, Scott slipped off the bed and pulled the covers loosely over him.
Then, he eyed the blonde in front of him.  John didn’t like socialising, and yet she’d dragged him out regardless - and apparently never took no for an answer.
Scott did not like the implications of that.
“We need to talk,” he said, quietly enough not to wake John, but seriously nonetheless.  Blue eyes flicked from him to John and then back again.
“Yes,” she agreed.  “I suppose we do.”
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melancholic-pigeon · 3 years
Too Short For Ao3 Fic #3? 4?
SO this is the extended edition of the bonus wip I did with Sally's birthday. The overall fic it belongs to is Extremely Smutty, so I went in and revised out the brief references and I'm posting the family-centric g-rated stuff for anyone who wants that but not the smut! Cough.
Also, I felt bad about missing WIP Wednesday again. Lolsob.
Percy rouses at around eleven PM to a sketch of himself on Jason's pillow. There's a note on the other side. 
I wanted to wake you up to say goodbye, but you looked so comfy I didn't have the heart to. your mom's presents are in the bag by my desk. say hi to everyone for me. I'll call tomorrow anyway.
love you to the moon and back.
-J. ❤
Complete with a little red heart. He doesn't even care that the doodle of him next to it, burritoed in a pile of blankets, includes a little spot of drool— he can tell by the rest of his cartoony, ballpoint features that Jason put it in because he thinks it's cute.
(And by the fact that he's said so, several times.)
Percy gathers up his junk. The cornflower blue sweatshirt he steals goes halfway down his fingers. He's come to accept that at six foot three and counting, Jason is the taller of them and always will be— barring some sort of horrible wood-chipper accident or curse from a grumpy deity. 
Fortunately, there's something about looking up to meet someone's eyes that Percy finds incredibly attractive. He has since Annabeth outgrew him for the first time in eighth grade. 
He heads out in his own jeans and the boxers he packed and the sweatshirt that smells like cinnamon. Once he boards the train, he stands with his arm around a pole and the other holding the bag against his chest, and tries to stay casual and keep the grin off his face.
It's almost midnight when he gets home. His mom, of course, is still awake, so he heads into the living room to greet her.
"My other half says hello."
There's a pile of presents on the coffee table. He puts the bag with the rest of them and sits down, kissing her cheek.
"He didn't have to get me anything." She closes her book and eyes the bag with a fond sigh. "How is he?" 
Percy's the same way she is, always happy to do favors and give gifts, but feeling pretty awkward about receiving them. Jason's even worse, the three of them in an ongoing and circular competition to never let any of it go reciprocated. 
"Working too hard, as always. Pulling As and winning games and barely sleeping to do it. His stepmother's up his ass and his father's a bully, so, you know, news at eleven." He leans his head onto her shoulder. "That's why he gives you stuff. He's trying to show you how much he appreciates you." 
She sighs, and Percy knows it's because she's just as frustrated by the whole thing as he is. 
"He knows I appreciate him too, I hope." 
"Without a doubt." Percy smiles at her, watching as she goes a little pink and smiles back. "You have a talent for making him feel appreciated." 
"He treats my baby like a prince," she says softly. "That's why I appreciate him so much in the first place. How could I do anything else?"
Percy turns his face into her shirt collar, another futile attempt to hide his goofy expression, 
"He really does, doesn't he?"
Holding doors, pulling out chairs, offering an arm on unsteady streets. Jason's never laid his coat over a puddle, but Percy's pretty sure he would, if the option presented itself. 
His mom starts playing with his hair, her fingers light and familiar.
"I'm just happy you're happy, sweetheart."
He knows that feeling too. 
Half asleep from the petting, Percy lets himself be a little babyish. It's after midnight now, which means it's her birthday, and he knows that sometimes she misses when he was Estelle's age and little enough to curl up in her lap. He's way too big for that now, obviously, but he can still slide down the couch and rest his head there. 
"You too, Mama." 
She looks at him, her eyes misty with emotion and almost green in the light.
She's smiling, too. 
She smiles a lot, these days.
In the morning, Paul makes coffee while Estelle helps unwrap the avalanche of presents. She's at the age where ripping paper makes her squeal with hysterical laughter, which worms its way into Percy's heart and melts it into pudding. 
Several of them are from Percy's friends, including a handbound book of original recipes from Leo, a lovely silver bracelet inset with mother-of-pearl that Beckendorf made himself, and a huge sheathed knife with a matching decorative handle from Clarisse. The last one makes his mom snort as she gets up to put it on the bookshelf, out of reach of curious toddler hands. 
"Decorative. Sure." 
"I bet she'd teach you how to use it if you asked." 
"I know how to use a bowie knife, dear. Your father and I used to catch and cook our own fish when we went camping."
"Which reminds me, he still hasn't taken me out," Paul cuts in, frowning. "I've been saving up dad jokes and embarrassing stories for four years."
"I'll bug him about it the next time we talk," Percy promises. "It's probably the ADHD." 
"Do you want me to bug you about bugging him?" 
"If you haven't set something up by blueback season, yeah." 
Percy and Paul went in on a pound of jasmine tea, which his mom reaches for next. She immediately asks for a cup— it's one of two days out of the entire year where she lets other people wait on her, for a change, and even that took a lot of cajoling. 
Paul makes the tea, since Percy usually scalds the leaves and it turns out tasting like grass. She probably wouldn't complain anyway, but it's her birthday, and she deserves to have the best tea that can be made in their kitchen. 
"Is the last bag from Jason?" Paul sets the mug on a coaster in the middle of the coffee table, and Percy scoops the baby into his lap so she doesn't try to grab it. She mashes her tiny hand against his cheek.
"And Thalia. I'm not sure if they went in on stuff or he just packed them both in one bag to make it easy." 
Either is a possibility. He watches as his mom reaches in and pulls out a large wrapped frame, Thalia's spiky handwriting answering the question. 
Whatever's inside, it makes her shut her eyes and exhale deeply through her nose. 
"Please pass on that I am absolutely furious."
She turns the frame around. An autographed vinyl EP of Sign O' the Times by Prince— one of the albums Percy grew up on, though she skipped a number of the songs when he was little. Thalia must have spent a fortune on it. 
"That woman is incredible," Paul breathes, lightly touching the glass. "How does she get this stuff?" 
"She has friends in high places." Percy grins as Estelle reaches for the album, and holds her over the glass so she can touch it too. "She's also really good at barter chains."
His mother shakes her head, but he can tell how delighted she is— the two of them have spent hours animatedly talking about music, Thalia hanging on every word and groaning with jealousy over the concerts his mom went to in the eighties. 
"I know exactly where I'm going to put it." 
Thalia got her a turntable for her fortieth birthday last year, as well as a full set of replacements for every worn-out record in their collection— and had the originals framed too, since they had sentimental value. They're currently occupying the better part of two walls of his mom's study. 
There's a blank spot by her bookshelf, right underneath the first copy, that the autographed album will fit into perfectly. Percy grins. 
"I'll hang it up for you later."
She doesn't argue. There's only Jason's left, his careful print written out across the same paper Thalia used. The crinkling draws Estelle's attention, and she gleefully reaches over to help tear it off.
Their mom gasps at what's inside and puts a hand to her mouth, her eyes going bright.
It's a watercolor portrait of Percy and Estelle, laughing by the shoreline. She's dressed in a little bucket hat, a ruffled swimsuit patterned to look like a clownfish and the coolest shades in the world— sparkly blue frames shaped like seashells that he kind of wishes he could get in his size. He's in a wetsuit, having spent the morning surfing, and he's holding onto her hands so she can jump at the waves. In the distant background is the Montauk lighthouse.
It's beautifully done, like everything else Jason's ever put to paper, but Percy's never choked up like this over one of them.
"You remember that, Beluga? That was on my birthday, when you came and visited me and Jason at the beach."
"Beach?" she asks, expectant. Paul bursts into laughter, sounding as rough-voiced as Percy feels.
"You're your mother's daughter, sweet pea."
"Beach!" Estelle insists. Percy noses her pudgy cheek.
"It's too cold to swim, baby." His mom's eyes are sparkling, still a little teary. He can see Estelle in the smile on her face. "But we could go for a walk and visit." 
"Brunch first." Paul kisses her— Percy averts his eyes, wrinkling his nose at his sister to make her giggle again— and gets up, heading back into the kitchen. 
It's a lovely way to spend a late morning. Pale blue araucana eggs courtesy of Grover's new hens, a blueberry coffee cake from Nico by a fantastic hole in the wall in Hell's Kitchen, Paul's signature home fries made with blue potatoes and seasoned to perfection; all of it delicious.
Jason calls while Percy's doing the dishes. After his deep, resonant performance of the happy birthday song, the five of them chat on speakerphone for a little while, though he has to excuse himself pretty quickly to keep banging through his reading. 
"Maybe next year," Percy sighs. His mom puts her hand on his hip, then crouches down to help Estelle with her light-up sneakers. 
"He's always welcome for a rain check."
"He's always welcome, period," Paul adds. For the second time, Percy gets dangerously close to sniffling. 
Montauk is a little far for a day trip, so they head to Brighton Beach instead. Estelle's shrimpy legs get tuckered out more quickly than the grownups' do, so Percy ends up carrying her on his hip, snuggled into his jacket to block the chilly breeze. She points at seagulls, shouting triumphantly every time. 
"More bird!"
"That's right. A whole flock of 'em."
They watch for a while as the gulls fight over a discarded pizza crust. Then Percy feels an arm around his back and a head against his shoulder.
"I don't know how I got so lucky," his mother murmurs, barely audible over the rushing of the waves.
Percy's eyes sting. 
For most of his life, her birthdays had been spent without fanfare. He was rarely actually there for them anyway, and Gabe complained so much it was easier to just ignore the day and focus on survival instead. 
She'd been triaging like that since before she even met his dad, keeping herself afloat when nobody seemed to care if she drowned. It would have been easy to lie down and give up. Percy's pretty sure he would have, in her place. 
He turns to hug her with the obligatory proclamation of a Stella Sandwich. He catches Paul's eye over her shoulder, and gets a wide, sentimental grin in response. 
"Luck's got nothing to do with it," Percy tells her, leaning his cheek against the top of her head while his sister wriggles with delight between them. 
"Listen to our son," Paul adds. "He's very wise, as you raised him to be. This is all on you, honey." 
Within moments, she's surrounded by her whole family on all sides, and Percy has another arm around his back, and he's getting a little choked up over it all. 
When she first started dating Paul, back when Percy was still in middle school, she'd spent weeks all aflutter. It was the happiest he'd ever seen her at the time. They'd sit outside and work on her car together, and she'd slip into song like a grease-stained fairytale princess without even thinking about it. 
Seeing them interact is like cool water on a burn, Paul's devoted kindness soothing a lifetime of sitting back and watching people treat her like dirt. He worships her, just like she deserves and long overdue.
"I love you," she says, tearful and muffled in someone's shoulder. "All of you, more than anything." 
"Love Mama," Estelle replies, and that's it— Percy's blubbering.
It'll never undo the damage, but it's about time she got a chance to heal and thrive. 
-here in our bed, chapter 7, ~6200 words
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Could you write for kyle with these prompts maybe? “How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?” “Why can’t you just love me”
you know I’m a sucker for Kyle lol here it is! I altered the second prompt just a hair, but I hope you love it!! 💛
Fool (K.S.)
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(cursing, angstttt)
You woke with a start, the sound of your alarm deafening in the peaceful quiet of morning. You groaned, pulling yourself upright to turn it off. Kyle’s arm was still limply draped over your middle, ever the deep sleeper.
“Kyle, wake up,” you grumbled, pushing on his shoulder before slipping out of his arms to get dressed. He simply groaned, pulling your blankets up further over his face. You sighed, deciding to let him sleep for a little bit longer.
Still half-asleep, you pulled on some ripped jeans and an oversized band tee that you knotted in the front. You threw up your tangled hair into a bun before placing yourself in front of your mirror to cover your dark circles with a little concealer. Dark purple, pink splotches dotted your collarbone and throat, making you grimace. Color correcting it was.
Once you finished getting ready, you had about 15 minutes left to get to your lecture. Kyle snored softly from your bed.
“Kyle Dean Scheible,” you called, raising your voice. “I need to get to class. Lock the door on your way out, okay?”
He sat up, rubbing his eyes and squinting at you. The crazy curls on his head stuck this way and that, making you wish you could just stay and be lazy in bed with him all day. “Mmmokay… seeyoulater,” he mumbled, stretching out his long limbs with a yawn.
You grabbed your bag, giving him a small smile before hurrying off to your class.
“God, that was brutal. 99% convinced he’s a lizard person.” You shook your head, following your friend across the campus toward a café.
She laughed, elbowing you. “You’re starting to sound like your conspiracy theorist boyfriend,” she teased, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Shut up; he’s not my boyfriend,” you protested.
“Oh, right! My bad. He’s just a boy you take to parties and sleep with. How could I have been mistaken??” She feigned earnesty, raising the back of her hand to her brow dramatically.
You rolled your eyes, not dignifying her with a response. Kyle had been in and out of your life for the past few months. You were never the type to fight to keep someone around, so you enjoyed him while he was around and kept yourself busy when he wasn’t. You knew it probably wasn’t healthy, but every night you spent with him under your bed sheets made you convince yourself it was okay. You two had a definite bond besides that; you often spent hours together smoking and talking about everything and nothing. You secretly ached for his company every time you found your mind unoccupied.
The smell of coffee pulled you like a magnet into the café, both of you ordering before settling into a corner to study for a bit. You still felt exhausted and ached to crawl back into your dorm to nap for the rest of the day. Much to your irritation, a couple of girls sat right next to you and began to talk loudly despite the whole seating area being practically vacant. You made eyes at your friend, making her laugh at your grumpiness. You tried your hardest to ignore them, but their conversation quickly grabbed your attention.
“He lied to me Julie… I feel so.. dirty. I don’t know what to do,” the one girl choked. She had short, pink hair and bright blue eyes brimming with tears.
The other girl shook her head, holding her friend’s hands in her own. “There was no way you could have known, Lady Bird. He didn’t deserve you.”
Lady Bird? You recognized the odd name, but hadn’t ever interacted with the girl. You shook your head. ‘Focus, Y/N,’ you thought, forcing your attention back to your textbook. Your ears, however, refused to obey.
“I just.. thought he was different, you know? He always seemed so… I don’t know.. wise, I guess. I would have never imagined him being so clueless about this stuff,” Lady Bird sniffled.
Julie sighed, squeezing her hands. “Kyle is a pretentious douche, okay?”
Your eyes snapped up, finding your friend already looking right at you in shock. You swallowed, trying to act like you were unbothered by giving her a curt shrug and looking back down at your books.
“But I’ll never be a virgin again, Julie. Don’t you understand??”
Dread filled your stomach. What the fuck did he do? You’d heard enough. You closed your books, shoving everything into your bag. “I’m sorry, man, I need to go.. deal with this, I guess,” you apologized, being sure the two girls couldn’t hear you. The pinch in your chest made it hard to breathe as you collected all your things and hurried out of the café, desperate to get away before you heard anything that made it worse. Worse? Could it get worse? You were furious. How could he do something so thoughtless? You focused all your emotions on how he’d hurt that girl, not allowing your mind to acknowledge any of the hurt you were feeling for yourself. Fumbling fingers pulled out your phone, sending him a text.
‘Meet me at the dorm in 10’
He rarely checked his phone, so you sat and waited for him for nearly 45 minutes in your dorm, stewing in your anger. You sat on the bed you’d shared with him the night before, understanding the pink-haired girl’s words: “I feel so dirty.” A soft knock pulled you from your thoughts.
You opened the door. “Get in here.”
“Woah, someone’s in a mood,” he chuckled, stepping inside and closing the door behind himself.
You had to restrain yourself from letting everything out right then and there. “Yeah, I suppose you could say that,” you replied coldly, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed as you watched him kick off his shoes.
He looked up at you then, his brow furrowed.
You cut to the chase. “Did you plan on telling me about Lady Bird?” Your works hung heavy in the air, the tension instantly palpable.
Kyle shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as he hesitated. “Your friends are such gossips.”
“Are you serious?” White hot anger flooded your system, your fists clenched as you stepped closer to him. “Actually, I heard it from the source; she was bawling in the middle of a public place over a boy who lied to her and took her to bed, Kyle.”
He stayed quiet, looking at you expectantly.
“Do you seriously not see how fucked up that is?? You took her virginity on the basis of a lie!” you shouted incredulously.
“I didn’t lie to her, okay? She must have misheard me or something. I never told her I was a virgin,” he sighed. Fighting with him was like yelling at a brick wall. “I don’t see why you have any reason to be upset over this.”
Ouch. You shook your head, your hands holding your temples as you turned away from him in frustration. “How could you think this couldn’t hurt me?” you mumbled, barely audible. You knew you were about to open a whole new can of worms, but you couldn’t really see what you had to lose.
You ignored him. “You never answered my question.” You turned back to him, pain in your eyes. He had to know; how could he not know?
He paused, trying to read your mind. “No,” he responded, unashamed as always. “I didn’t plan on telling you.”
You dropped your arms, letting out a sigh and a bitter laugh. Did he really think so little of you? Did he really just see you as a warm body to keep him company? Tears filled your eyes. “I think you should leave.”
“Y/N, you aren’t making any sense,” he protested, reaching out for you.
“Am I not enough?” you choked, angrily wiping away your tears.
He stared at you like a deer caught in between crosshairs. He didn’t know how to respond to such a loaded question without starting a fire.
“I can't believe I let myself catch feelings for you, Kyle Dean,” you sobbed bitterly, pulling away from his touch.
His eyes widened, suddenly understanding everything. “This isn’t just about Lady Bird, is it?”
You shot him a scornful look, and he promptly realized it was a stupid question. He slowly reached out, tentatively pulling you into his chest, allowing you to cry into his shoulder. Contradictions fought inside of you, wanting you to shove him away but also to pull him closer. So you stayed still, sniffling against his flannel shirt with your arms crossed over your chest and his wrapped around you.
“Do you think you could love me?”
The question caught even you off guard as it left your lips. But not nearly as much as his reply.
“Yes.” His voice was quiet, but sure.
You pulled back, looking up at him with confusion.
You could see the confliction in him too; he was terrified to be telling you this. “I was out fooling around because I needed to get my mind off of you. I feel bad about Lady Bird, I really do. I should have never been there in the first place.” He couldn’t meet your eyes, his eyes bouncing about the room. “I just didn’t think you wanted me that way.”
Your chest ached. You cupped his cheek, making him meet your eyes. “You’re a fool, Kyle.” He practically melted into you as if it was the first time you’d touched him. He has a new air of vulnerability about him now that you had never seen before. What he had done sickened you, even if it has been a miscommunication. But now you could see that he could never do such a thing with malicious intent.
“I know,” he sighed, closing his eyes.
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
This would not leave my head after the Tmastuck talk and the catboyJonah sprite. It's not long enough to put on ao3 sooo enjoy the sort of? soft lonelyeyes.
FALLINGTITAN: Oh come on Peter is not so bad! Look on the bright side!
FORSAKENTUNDRA: I'm sorry what bright side should i be looking into? The fact that my sprite is now a weird fusion or that you got my cat killed? What bright side should i be looking into Simon??!!
FALLINGTITAN: Well now you should be able to get things done, no offense but the cat only ever tried to cuddle you and say how much he loved you.
FALLINGTITAN: Well isn't it lonelier like this?
FORSAKENTUNDRA: You don't seem to understand what you did, you threw Jonah’s original body into my sprite. Which was my cat, who loved me very much.
Peter turns to look down to his lap where a very angry looking JonahSprite was currently kneading at the skin of his arms while also purring uncontrollably. He seemed to be contemplating his own existence. Meaning that Peter was being used as a stress reliever while the man was having an existential crisis.
FORSAKENTUNDRA: ….Elias will be very mad about this and you know it.
FALLINGTITAN: Good thing i'm exploring my land and im very far away from his range then, shame you decided to go to his place instead of sticking around. Anyways i have some imps to throw away ill be seeing you later ;) 
He regrets letting Simon be in charge of helping him get into the game, but since Elias said he wanted his help, he had no other choice than to ask the other man. Maybe he should have asked Martin instead, but well…. it did not pan out as he wanted.
Peter looks around trying to figure out what to do next. 
“So… hello?” Jonah squints at him and he can see the ears at the top of his head move.
“You are a Lukas” Oh god he doesn't even know him does he? His face must have gone through a journey because he huffs.
“You are Peter correct? I met you briefly as James” That actually baffles him.
“You… remember me from when you were James? How is that- Wait do you recall being Elias at all?” He shakes his head, the ears twitch again and he wants to touch them. 
No, stop that.
“I recall up until i switched bodies, i assume i succeed-”
“That you did!”
“But since i don't recall being Elias i did not switch before starting up the game” Peter nods and the other sighs going limp on his lap. For saying he does not know him, he is being very forward right now. 
He also appreciates that he is even shorter than Elias by a few inches.
“No, he should be in the next land, I was just passing by when Simon decided to be funny and throw his body- your body?” This was giving him a headache “Into my sprite to make it more helpful apparently” He has patches of fur and his pupils were now slithed, along with sharper teeth for what little he could see. Plus there is the whole ghostly figure going on that completes the look. Peter caves and touches his ears., making him hiss, but also lean into it.
“Stop that you heathen i- Love you Peter!!” He covers his mouth and now he knows that there is some leftover captain there huh? Scratching his head makes him push himself up and Peter caves kissing his forehead, its hard not to when he knows its still his husband, with less memories, but still the same man. Plus he looks adorable doing the scrunched up nose that even 200 years later he can't drop while looking grumpy about it.
“You are the biggest menace i have ever met by far, but once we find Elias i will dump you with him, its bad enough to have one of you, what am i supposed to be doing with two?”
“Wha- what is your relationship wiiiith- do that agaaaain” His pupils go round at the way he scratches behind the ears. Oh he will have to break it to him then huh?  Smirking a little and trying to get him off his lap he replies.
“Why, of course he is my loving husband. Congratulations are in order”
“Oh no, no im-” He pushes him off and snickers getting up quickly, while the other curses him and floats up to his height.
“Times up, lets keep moving otherwise the imps will get here and i know you both will hate if they wreck the place”
Jonah grumbles and keeps throwing insults at him, but floats towards his direction at the very least, he looks still mildly disturbed while checking himself out, particularly his hands, which he opens and closes while looking… stressed? Upset? So in the spirit of not wanting to be yelled out later he holds one.
Elias will be even more furious at him, if he lets.... himself?? Be more traumatized, he will claim that Peter is not being a good husband, so Its for that and not any other reason that he interlaces their fingers. Jonah's hand is limp, but after a while it closes around his and tugs him around.
“You don't know your way around do you?” Peter shrugs and lies.
“Not at all! Can you guide me?” He gives him a long suffering look, the one he gets every time he is being difficult according to his husband. Still he looks marginally more happy anyways.
So he calls it a success.
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