#i'd draw something if I weren't lazy
wandaluvstacos · 2 months
dragon saddle design
i hate that people don't think deeply about dragon saddles cuz I certainly have. I hate that people are like "oh you just put a horse saddle on a dragon." WRONG. A horse cannot fly at 2000 feet in the sky, fly vertically down or up, or do a barrel roll. If they do, you're dead. like damn my horse stepped in a hole at a walk and I fell off, and that was only a fall of about 5 feet. A dragon saddle needs to look more like a roller coaster ride harness. These things are actually designed to keep you on no matter what.
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I know people like the look of horse saddles but this shit will get you murdered instantly
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at least this saddle kinda makes it hard to fall off backwards or forwards
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Personally if I were designing one, the key features would be:
Laying down design: The wind you'll get at cruising heights when you're sitting up will be significant and uncomfortable. Also, if you're riding that thing for hours, it makes sense to lay down cuz you can also take a nap (if you don't need to be steering). Also, it's much easier to stay on a wobbling monster in the sky when you're laying down on your stomach than if you're sitting straight. ALSO, if the dragon is not horse-sized, you cannot straddle it unless you know how to do the splits.
Like when I saw this I thought: oh you are falling off IMMEDIATELY
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2. YOU NEED TO BELTED THE FUCK IN. I'm talking straps, straps, and more straps. Failsafes for your failsafes. Think of rockclimbing harnesses. Shit that will keep you on that dragon no matter what.
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3. Something rigid to brace against. For this I think of how side saddles work, in that you've got two cups for your thighs for support.
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I'm thinking something like this, but something you can wedge yourself under so that when your dragon does a barrell roll, you aren't getting thrown around. Again, think of how the bars work on a roller coaster.
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I think it's worth considering how the saddle is connected to the dragon. It takes significant strength to buckle a girth on a horse. Dragons are much bigger than horses, so to buckle a girth even three times the size of one on a horse would be a huge chore. You also need more failsafes. Girths come loose on horses sometimes. This is something you DON'T want happening in the sky. I'm thinking multiple straps with multiple smaller buckles, as well as a second harness that attaches you to the actual dragon and not the saddle.
Lastly, I do see bits used on dragons and I think it's a bad idea. Bits only work on horses because they have a huge gap between their molars and front teeth, and nothing is sharp. This wouldn't work on a dog, cat, or anything that has a consistent row of teeth. They'd end up just constantly biting the metal. Also, dragons spit fire! That bit would get melted so fast!
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I think a much better idea is to use a bullring.
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These are a rather quick installation on a young calf, and because they work on sensitive, soft tissues, they're much more responsive than trying to steer via the horns or neck or face. If you've got a 3000 lb dragon, there's NO FUCKING WAY you are controlling that thing with a regular halter and reins unless you've got a mindlink or something. A bullring takes care of that issues, and they look bad ass anyway.
Also, I know this is AI garbage but anything that requires you to sit IN FRONT of the wings is just... not going to work lol. No one rides a horse on top of their shoulders. You ride behind the shoulder for a reason (so you don't immediately fall over their head every time they stop)
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
Titus [Space Emperor Yan] and former Assassin Cat-Hybrid Darling. (Just a blurbo for now but I love these two now so I'd love to come back to this)
When the pair met, Darling thought Titus was no different from the rest of their targets. A self proclaimed god untouchable by those below him. Little did they know that their employers were basically setting them up on a suicide mention as the tyrant is a damn near immortal deity. As they perch atop his bed - knife planted in his chest, Darling counts their cards as a large hand locks around their wrist; pulling the blade out as one night remove a splinter. There was nowhere for them to run. The element of surprise had been swept from under their feet. They struggle and claw at the man, but there is no give to his iron grasp. As their brain draws to any conclusion a trapped animal may have, the knife in their hands is tossed across the room before they can take the final plunge.
The Emperor should have his little intruder punished. Waking a kind from his beauty rest is a serious offense. A crime in which the accused receives no trial and punished to the highest degree. Their eyelids removed so they never experience another second of slumber before their execution. There is also the more "amusing" route of electrocution or burning everytime they attempt to shut their eyes. Darling surely would have been subjected to this fate if they weren't so... So...
Did this adorable little feline really think they could kill a god so easily? They insult him, but fortunately for them, they're cute enough for him to let it slide. The poor thing could use a bath though... And those scars.... When was the last time they had a proper meal? Oh, and those rags!
Titus scoops up the feisty kitty and thrusts them into the hands of his guards while he sorts through his closet for something to throw on until he can get them measured. Darling attempts to flee any chance they are alone, but with Titus promising to have the heads of everyone in the palace if they escaped - they never got far. Once they had some food in them and fully realized Titus wasn't bluffing when he called his home their new place of resident - Darling came up with a plan to lure Titus into false security and learn his witness to take him down when he least expected it. The only flaw in their plan was they underestimate their own commitment to the role as day by day their acceptance of the tyrant's obsession became less of an act.
They no longer had to work for their meals. Everything they could ever deserve was thrust placed right in their hands if they snuggled up to their new master or swished their tail just right in Union with those big adorable eyes. Their word stood above all in his counsel. They were waited on hand and foot by everyone under Titus' rulevIt was paradise. Their former comrades and the person they once were would be disgusted by what they've become, but if the former ever came to drag them back to their old ways they were swiftly cut down without so much as a passing glance from the royal that once stood beside them.
Titus is ever so glad he managed to bag that angry stray and turn them into the sweetest lil dear anyone has ever seen. He nearly loses his composure everytime he catches them lazying around in his robes - cloth barely clinging to their smaller figure. He knows they only do it to make sure he never says no to him, but there's hardly anything he would deny them beside their freedom. Whatever their heart longs for is a small prize to pay for their company. The Emperor is absolutely whipped for his little bedmate and would do anything to keep them collared at his side.
Assassin: You used to be something.... You could have lived a life similar to this without sacrificing your freedom if you had just taken his head. You are but a shell of the person I once knew. I despise you.
Cat Hybrid Reader: Hm... What you say might be true, but there's still something this life grants me that makes it all worth it
[Reader tears their shirt and knees on the floor closer to the cell as they shout]
Cat Hybrid Reader: Titus! Help!
Titus, storming down the dungeon stairwell: Oh, my precious angel. [Picks up Reader and checks them over for injuries] Don't worry, my love. I will have these awful, awful person executed at once. I'll have a necklace made from their ashes, but for now - will a massage and treats make do for leaving you all alone?
Cat Hybrid Reader, wiping fake tears from their eyes: yes....
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palestaticexchange · 9 days
i said i'd do this again~
Welcome to the Pale Static Exchange... Two!
A few people lamented they weren't able to make sign up for last year, since it was such a short timeframe. I have ~listened~, I have ~learned~ from the first exchange, and ~*HOPEFULLY*~ I have streamlined the experience for you all!
So without further adieu, this is how it's going to work:
Fill in this form to be included in the draw.
The form will be active until the 8th of June 2024, at which point I'll post a link to an incognito draw website (unless results in THIS POLL indicate otherwise!)
Me and @koreplus will message half of you each, letting you know WHO your recipient is as well as their likes/ dislikes
As long as you provide me with a valid Tumblr URL that allows me to tag you then everyone will be tagged on the post when it goes live :)
Access to the likes/ dislikes form will then be distributed..:
The likes/ dislikes form:
When the draw went live last year, a participant - rightly - pointed out that posting a link to a spreadsheet listing everyone's likes/ dislikes may not have been the best idea; since the dislikes section allows participants to list potential triggers.
Since the draw was already live, I rectified this by deleting the post and making the document accessible ONLY through being sent a link. This worked perfectly well last year, however (if somebody wanted to be a grade-A prick) they could have taken that link and posted it anywhere.
I've put a lot of thought into it and come to the conclusion that the only *perfect* solution would be to do the entire draw process myself, then individually message everyone who their recipient is, as well as their likes/ dislikes.
I'd really rather not have to do that, as it's going to make the entire process a lot more involved on my end; there were 56 participants last year (including myself) and I expect that number to be higher this time around since people have been following this blog in the off-season. I am very depressed and very lazy disabled and work so hard and have no monies.
But for the love of god, frotting, AND communism: I WILL pull my thumb out my ass and do that if people prefer it: Answer a poll!
You have until August 1st 2024 to create something; be that art, writing, music, ect. You then post your work and @ tag @ your partner in it! You can also submit it to this blog, however I will try to share everyone's works regardless.
Due to time zones and life in general I'll give a day's grace period, but the cut-off will be August 5th (If you fill in the form then PLEASE do try to create something for your partner, even if it's something small) Obviously things come up, so if it's looking like you won't be able to create something then please get in contact ASAP so that I can sort something out.
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Survivor Tessa AU (Murder Drones AU Concept???) [Episode 7 Spoilers]
So, you know when you want to make an AU but you also don't want to dedicate to the grueling process of actually writing a story and writing how we got to this part? No? Just me?
EDIT: I should clarify as well I also feel apprehensive in doing so since in my own opinion it feels mildly pretentious of me to essentially take someone else's work, rewrite it a bit and then be like "See! I did it better!" I'd much rather focus on my own original projects rather than take someone else's.
Well, regardless here are a couple of potential examples of scenes that could have unfolded
Click the "Keep reading" button if you either don't care or have already watched.
had Tessa been a survivor of the fall of Earth. I guess these are just concepts for potential scenes or something?
Unlikely Alliance
N: Fine. You're right. Maybe I'm not the real N. So I won't pretend to be. But that doesn't mean we can't help eachother! I want the patch to save Uzi, you want it to defeat Cyn. We can make this work!
Tessa: ... *Sigh* Fine. It would be smarter to work as a team for now I suppose.
*Suddenly Tessa presses the barrel of her gun right against the side of N's head*
Tessa: But I swear... if you even dare THINK, of trying to cross me... I'll kill both of you. Understand?!
N: Y-Yes... m'am.
Tessa: Good.
I Found You Faker
*The scene with "Tessa" and Uzi at the chapel unfolds the same until-*
"Tessa": No worries, makes my job easier.
*A gunshot reverberates throughout the chapel as a bullet rips through the back of "Tessa's" helmet and ejecting through her visor leaving a bulletwound behind*
*"Tessa" collapses to the ground bleeding heavily revealing the real Tessa standing behind her with a smoking gun*
Tessa: You must think you're real funny, huh Cyn? Running around impersonating me?!
Uzi: W-What?! W-Who?!
Tessa: Shut it! I'm getting to you. Where is the patch!?
Uzi: The what?!
Tessa: Don't have it? Bloody hell... Then who does?!
The Patch
*N reaches out expecting Tessa to hand over the crucifix usb but she steps back, drawing her gun on N with the other hand*
N: Tessa?
Tessa: No.
N: I-I thought you finally trusted me?!
Tessa: Trust you?! Please! You and that little monster took everything from me! Oh! But you weren't satisfied with just that! Now you oughta' go and destroy everything else while you're at it! Huh?!
N: Tessa... please-
Tessa: No. I won't let you have it. It means too much to me!
*Tessa clutches the crucifix tightly*
Tessa: This, this might be my only chance of finally destroying her. And I won't let you take it away from me too!
N: But... I thought... I thought we were friends.
Tessa: ... No. I was friends with the real N. Not you... You're just a fake...
N: ... Fine. I don't care what happens to me, but please! You have to help Uzi!
Tessa: Why should I? Doesn't she want to kill us all too?! Don't think I didn't overhear that. I'm onto you lot. Can't trust anyone but myself anymore. I learned from my past mistakes...
Old Enemies
Tessa: Fine... just do it already. Finish it!
Cyn: "Manical Laughter" I promised I wouldn't kill you, didn't I? Besides, I wouldn't get the satisfaction of watching you suffer if I do.
Cyn: ... But, there's still a chance. The Solver is pretty chill, maybe you could like join us or something.
Tessa: I'd rather DIE than to serve you!
Cyn: Oh well, it was worth a try. Have fun watching everything you know and love die for the second time. Loser.
I dunno what to call this one but I couldn't not include
*To Tessa most likely*
Cyn: I won't kill you and you can't kill me. I guess we can just sit in this room and glare at eachother until somebody drops dead. But I have a better idea.
Closing thoughts or something
I don't know what to call this. A proof of concept or something? I don't know. Because sadly I'm too lazy in addition to just not having enough time to make a full genuine AU about this but I thought the idea was interesting so I dunno, if people with more dedication or time on their hands want to steal these ideas for stories, art whatever. I don't care. You don't even need to tag me or credit me or anything. (And I mean that. It's not like my ideas are very original anyway.)
Basically in general the idea of this AU as I said at the start is the idea of the real Tessa having survived the destruction of the Earth. Now she's hellbent on destroying Cyn whom she perceives as the one that took everything and everyone she loved away from her.
She doesn't trust the disassembly drones in the slightest, not seeing them as her friends from the manor but as crude mockeries of her friends created by Cyn.
Cyn treats the entire thing like a game. Think of it like a sort've reverse Batman and Joker where Cyn refuses to kill Tessa due to her promise to not discard her. However all it does is fuel Tessa's unending rage when she laughs in her face and tosses her aside.
As for Tessa herself I like to imagine she's missing at least one hand and maybe even an eye. Of course her missing hand being replaced with a cybernetic one. (Definitely not a Berserk reference.)
That's about it. I imagine her personality would be totally different from Episode 5 Tessa as well. She'd probably still have funny moments or one liners but in general she'd probably be a lot more deadpan and monotone. When she's not being "Girl too angry to die" anyway. I imagine her in contrast to her past self being very quiet, cold and distant. Not wanting to be hurt again by becoming too attached to those around her.
All she wants is REVENGE. (You could even play with the idea of this desire slowly turning her into a monster too if you want to be really angsty with it.)
I imagine for the most part things would play out MOSTLY the same but with the added element of real Tessa also landing on Copper-9 to find the patch before Cyn (Disguised as Tessa) does. I guess serving as a rouge 4th element or something?
EDIT: I also like to imagine the real Tessa looks similar to canon "Tessa" (Which is just the fake Tessa in this version.) but without the stickers, hat and bow on her suit. Maybe a more visible oxygen system on the back too, like one of those big air tanks or astronaut backpacks. Something like that. Could get more creative with it, but yeah that's how I imagine it. I feel like the cybernetic hand probably wouldn't be visible due to the suit. As for the eye for me it alternates between it just being stuck closed like Guts or her having an eyepatch. (Personally I prefer it being permanently closed.)
P.S. EDIT: Most of this was born out of my disappointment that they killed off Tessa more or less. Yes, I admit I wasn't too happy to find out she was already dead since I felt like the character had a lot of potential to shake up the story. So, these ideas were kind of born from an idea of what might have happened had this not been done. But with a bit of a twist.
Oh yeah of course also feel free to like... reblog... whatever. Give your thoughts? I guess? I don't know. I just wanted to get these ideas out of my head I guess and this was the most efficient way to do it. Now if you'll excuse me I have more not actually working on my personal projects even though I really should be to get back to.
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nachosforfree · 7 months
If I weren't a lazy bastard who can't draw something unless it takes over my brain I'd redesign all you fuckers
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py-dreamer · 6 months
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U'know that one trend of drawing flowers over a character's scars? Well I haven't seen any yet with our favourite lego Bois so here we are!
Tried to use a more painterly style, pretty proud with how it came out honestly!
Also anyone getting flowerfell flashbacks?
That's honestly one of the main reasons I chose buttercups and I thankfully had MANY references to choose from
Like this is literally flowerfell frisk with monkey. I had a lot of fun with it of course but still-
So the flowers around the head would kinda be expected right? Circlet scars and all
But why the eyes?
Well, as we know Wukong's eyes weren't always blood red. They were made that way via the trigram furnace. Permanently.
And idk bout you but since its a part of him which was permanently changed via something which damaged him, I consider that a scar!
There would most definitely be scars and flowers on other parts of him but I just got bit lazy and didn't know where to specifically put them. 😅
And on that note:
I feel like Wukong gets put through a lot of smack in the fandom.
Like A LOT.
Some of its deserved but then I see all he's been through and...yikes
But that's a rant for another day...
I do have some sketches for some other characters ie Nezha & Macaque (obviously) but actually don't have one for mk cause idk what scars he has exactly...
So if anyone has any ideas pls let me know! I'd love to hear about more ways I can decorate our favourite legos in flowers!
And what do you think what flower corresponds with what character
Reblogs > likes
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sonnysonder · 9 months
I fucking hate drawing full-bodies so have a shitty half assed Ramon bust instead. If I weren't lazy I'd draw Fit cause I like to draw him comically intimidating so it's extra cute when he's with his little son :D
I imagine the eggs to be around the 6-8 age range so Ramon is something like that here.
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eternalwritess · 3 months
Hey there! I'd like to ask for a platonic matchup from either Hazbin or Helluva.
Pronouns: They/He
Neutral Good
Personality: I'm a bit shy when you meet me first, but when we become friends im very loud and expressive. I'm pretty touchy (i'll usually just randomly touch you on the face or i'll pet/hug you). I'm pretty lazy tbh.
Hobbies: Videogames, reading, the VERY occasional drawing will pop up here and there
A fair warning: sometimes when i get pissed i lash out. I have been known to draw blood, but it hasn't happened recently.
I'm honestly really curious as to who you match me with :3
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓲 𝓑𝓸𝓶𝓫!
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She probably met you at a very crowded place where you got pissed and lashed out at someone drawing blood
She thought that it was epic that you did that but the guys still weren't back off so she came into the rescue and told them to fuck off which got their attention
She looked at you and asked if you were okay making sure that they didn't hurt you in any way
"You good there mate?"
You were shocked at first and didn't talk much but she took it as a sign that they did something to you so she told you to wait there while she beat the crap out of them
When she came back she asked you to start talking about yourself and you did and she also began talking
She caused you to open up to her and you began getting to know her and liking her more and more
As you got louder she did too and you became great friends from there on out
You and Cherri probably are both lazy in some circumstances not wanting to do much when you don't have to
"Gonna be honest mate... I'm so tired"
So instead you both just play games all the time
Sometimes she'll get a little competitive, beware of that but most of the time if not all the time you can match her and she loves it
She doesn't get the whole reading thing but when you are she'll try to stay quiet. Either that or she'll start working on new bombs
"Shit! That one went off... sorry!"
She doesn't mind at all when you get touchy in fact she loves it
She'll pull you in for a hug, side hug, grab your shoulders and shake you around if you fuck up she loves messing with you and loves when you do the same
Overall you got a pretty powerful friendship my friend <3
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"of course i know what sort of thing a tradition is." it isn't that he's begun to suspect her ability in understanding just what he's trying to get at but more so that he'd feel better if the one who would reveal just what exactly he has managed to conjure up tonight it would end up being her rather than alice and her good-natured curiosity and stubbornly does he find himself turning his face to the side, moving forward closer and closer until he manages to find a way that leaves him exactly opposite her in the spot where the mistletoe peeks out between the clouds with an inability to move, perhaps, now in his domain.
"after all, there's no way you can move from that spot now ... can you?" he reminds her, though not at all ill mannered, shifting his head up before peering to stare back down at her figure. "in this place, they're upheld ... so it looks like you'll have to get kissed, even if you were going to move it" and move it she can, he knows that well, but this is their sort of play, game, that has him on the edge of his seat. the one that guides him forward, with a hand on the back of her neck, and ever so close until their lips are right opposite each other, a lazy smile across his face.
the kiss is no different, something gentle once he closes the distance between them, a fluttering in his pulse that pulls him to spend as long as possible with her, that once he lets them part, his skin remains burning against hers. it's a simple gift, he believes, something she can no doubt return herself, if she feels the need. but for now ... it contents him, in ways he hadn't exactly expected before. / belphie!
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random scenes in the inbox ( always accepting ) + @dangaer // belphie
Her BEST ENCOUNTERS with Belphie were always sunk within that deep space within their heads. They both of them more dreamers than they were anything else, and better than that, didn't it feel as if they understood one another? Something in the core of their memories, the marrow of themselves. There's a wicked gleam to the grin that peaks across her lips, in this dream he draws for the both of them. On a night that's meant to celebrate something grand of his Father's creation, he's pried apart her dreams, made a space for him amongst the clouds and by her side. And what a cheeky means for him to try to lure out something she would have given him freely, but she knows his love, measured out like a test.
Perhaps she ought to have scolded him instead. But it was foolish to demand a demon to play fair, especially him, especially with her. After all, weren't they two sides of the same shiny coin being flipped? To which impulse would you lean towards, good, or evil, and the longer she spends in this DEVILDOM-SOAKED EXISTENCE, she thinks perhaps it's harder to tell. "Why do you think I'd want to move in the first place?" She'll push back, all wide blue eyes blinking back within the dark, those clouds leaving everything muted, except for his brilliance. Of course - after all, he crafts every part of this experience, allowing for a breezy sigh, how she'll always, ever, savour that nearness of him.
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How proud a thing, a demon is! He'll never admit that it's just because he likes her, even as Alice pulls and prods and laughs when spilling all her honeyed confessions and sweet proclamations at his feet. TO HIM, she'll still be a foolish mortal flavoured in something different, her arms winding round his neck, to keep him as rooted to the spot as she. Belphegor! The forgotten brother, steeped in sloth-like exhaustion, what a wolf to wear sheep's clothing with her, her pretty little hum left to cut in between them. "Do I only get one? I feel cheated. It's Christmas after all~ can you afford to be less stingy tonight?"
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robotgirldisc · 1 year
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
Tagged by @petallswildsurge
What book are you currently reading?
I've had Gideon the Ninth on my nightstand for months now, I do really wanna finish it, but I find I struggle with keeping focused on printed books
Online I'm reading Zoe Storm's Bradford McKinley series, I really like book 3 and 4 Performative Masculinity and To Own the Libs, and the first two chapters of book 5 are out on her patreon and look really promising
What do you usually wear?
Jeans and hoodie is my usual lazy-fit, I'll wear a denim jacket or t-shirts based on occasion and weather. I used to wear a skirts every day pre-pandemic, but I didn't bother when I was stuck at home for months, and then I kinda fell out of the habit
How tall are you?
I'm 5'6'' (and a half, but I only bring up the half inch cus of a certain someone who says she's 5'6'' despite actually being 5'5'' and a half)
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? 
Gemini, I can't think of anyone who shares my birthday
Do you go by your name or a nickname? 
I have like 4 names in my bio, I'd say one of them is a nickname and the other three are regular names. I'd say the regular names get more use
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child? 
I did a paid internship as ambulance personnel for like a year before figuring out that my social anxiety and inability to hold a conversation made me unable to continue in that field. On a positive note, dropping out of that was what got me into therapy for the first time, and while the quality of the care I got that time wasn't the best, it at least made therapy seem less forbidden to me, which I ended up needing later on.
What’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at? 
I'd like to think I'm a pretty good game master. I've been doing it for over a decade now, so I feel pretty confident (I still get some pre-game nerves tho)
I'm not very good at keeping things organized.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? 
idk if he's my favorite, but the most successful npc I've created for a campaign this year was Puck the fae prince from the monsterhearts campaign I MCed over this summer. the Players seemed to get very invested in him. I'm very attached to a lot of NPCs from that campaign, but they're from an older campaign, so they weren't created this year
Dogs or cats?
I like both, but I'm slightly more of a dog person
What's something you would like to create content for? 
I really wanna get into TCG design in some capacity, whether that's for an exiting game or an original creation
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? 
I've been obsessively making new commander decks this week
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
my birthday this year was a bit of a letdown
What’s a hidden talent of yours? 
I taught myself to finger count up to 31 on one hand (or 1023 on two hands) when I was 15 and hyper-obsessing on number systems
What's something you wish to have at this moment? 
I wish I had all the Christmas presents I'm gifting ready, I'm way behind this year
Tagging @lovingpoet @trans-sachlichkeit @zeroraiser and @thegreatandpowerfulversy but no pressure to respond
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ghoulietbat · 11 months
sorry not sorry for not being able to upload much art, and good art at that. i may post some speedpaints to entertain you since my drawing app automatically generates them. i'd love to make videos but i am packing to move to canada right now and it's just not feasible. i have not really introduced my comic yet and i'm a bit hesitant to because last time i tried to make a comic i didn't finish it and i was so embarrassed i kicked myself off the internet. but im feeling pretty confident about it this time, and i'm in college now so it's about time i make something real. i think i'd rather introduce my comic once i have a few pages finished though, i think that makes more sense. pretty much all i can work on right now is that comic, i've turned the whole living room into my own personal manga studio.
also i have been practicing and experimenting with my new dip pens, since that's what im inking my comic with, and holy shit. i'd love to get a video of this dip pen action but i think that will have to wait until i've moved too. it's irreplicable by digital tools. its like magic. i have so much control over my lines and even though it can be very easy to fuck up if you're not careful, i never worry about making the wrong line. i have total confidence that it's a great drawing tool, you just have to be paying attention. it takes so much dedication i just love the process. i'd totally recommend it if it weren't so much effort just to get started with dip pens. gotta get the right ink and the right tips and the paper and gotta know how to clean em and how to even write with em in the first place. it's crazy. but so worth it.
in any case. things are in the works and things are coming soon. i'll keep being lazy and posting sketches for now. maybe some sweet treats on the way. maybe. enjoy my weird writing and rants and subpar jokes for now.
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~I Wish~
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Unfairness, unfairness everywhere.
I wish I could write poetry, or dance;
Or sing, or play an instrument, or draw;
I wish pencils didn't go stubby after a while,
I wish my hair didn't either;
I wish I didn't have so much to write;
I wish I was someone's priority;
I wish I could do something if I put my mind to it;
I wish I didn't lose interest as soon as I started writing;
I wish someone would find this and read it.
I wish...
I wish God would make me special,
I wish I could ever feel special;
I wish they weren't so much better than me;
I wish I stopped pitying myself;
I wish I wasn't such a disappointment;
I wish my iPod worked,
It's dark inside my head.
I wish I could write better,
I wish I stopped wishing to be better;
I wish I could stop wishing altogether.
I wish I hadn't wished that...
I wish my feelings were true,
True enough to be acknowledged.
I wish I deserved better;
I wish I stopped being so anxious about every decision I ever made;
I wish I stopped feeling shitty ;
I wish I'd try to be content.. for once..
I wish writing hurt less;
I wish someone cared.
I wish someone didn't care so I'd have a reason to wish that but if that's the case then why do I feel...
Why do I feel like this?
I wish I wasn't so scared;
I wish my pain was real;
I wish I'd be appreciated one day, I wish...
I wish I wasn't so ungrateful...
I wish this is just a phase,
I wish this is not a phase;
I wish they would notice me;
I wish my wishes would get less pathetic;
I wish I had the will;
I wish I realised I'm just not good enough;
I wish I'd realised more things sooner;
I wish I don't realise things anymore.
I wish that didn't sound self pitying,
I wish everything stopped sounding self pitying;
I wish I'd stop fantasising about that perfect future,
Because it will never come;
I wish I'll never stop dreaming, cause I will make it happen;
I wish I wasn't so confused;
I wish I was more confident;
I wish I wasn't so lazy and would get off my ass and work for what I want...
I wish I'd die.
No, no I don't;
I wish I'd live...
Maybe not anymore...
I wanna end the pain,
Fill the gaping holes,
I wish I just...
Wasn't such a pitiful abyss any longer.
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caspalooza · 1 year
2022 Art Summary & Reflection!
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A proper blog post, this one! ;D I'll be talking your ear off about my art under the "keep reading" break, if you feel so inclined. Otherwise, please appreciate my 2022 art overview (ooooh. aaaah.)
So! 2022. Oh, 2022. Yeah, this year SUCKED! BIG TIME! Or at least, it sucked in terms of my, ahem, artistic journey (sparkle emoji). Graduating high school and stuff was cool. Anyways, I feel I should be unhappy about my art progress (or lack thereof), and I suppose to a certain extent I am, but at the same time I have a hard time blaming myself for this one. I had so, SO little energy this year, and almost any time I did have energy, I was weighed down by mental blocks, art blocks, creative blocks, you name it. Getting anything finished was very mentally draining, even more so because I wasn't getting any practice, meaning my art abilities weren't quite up to snuff, which discouraged me even more! In the past, whenever I've become discontented with my art, I've liked to do what I call BRUTE FORCING improvement!!! but I just didn't have the energy to do that at ALL this year. My main and possibly only consistent motivator for drawing was my oc, Jesper (this really was the year of Jesper for me, holy jeez!).
But right now, I'm thinking AHEAD! To the FUTURE, BABY! Because I REALLY want to make some progress by the end of 2023. Even though my rendering got a lot better in 2022, I improved pretty much NOT-AT-ALL when it came to the fundamentals. That bothers the HELL out of me and I want that to change next year. I can't describe how it is to SUFFER when I want to render something because it's fun, only to spend hours rendering GARBAGE and looking back at it 5 minutes later and realizing, "Hey wait a minute! That's GARBAGE!"
Lucky me, I'm in a pretty good state of mind about my art right now, and I feel myself fixating on it again (which is pretty good timing since I'm on winter break now). So here are my main improvement goals for 2023:
DRAW MORE and FINISH MORE ART, even if it's SHIT! Which is finally a realistic goal for me since I hate so much of my art that I'm highkey just desensitized to it at this point.
Pay WAY more attention to composition and use of negative space! And not just in color, which for some reason was what I thought negative space exclusively referred to until an embarrassingly short amount of time ago!
Similarly, pay much more attention to pose readability! These poses should be CRYSTAL!
Keep pushing expressions, not just in sketches but FINISHED ART!
And finally, I want to stop worrying so much about making finished art. I want to draw whatever the fuck I want even if that amounts to drawing a guy standing in the void 20 times in a row. If that's what I have energy for, that's what I have energy for! At least it's SOMETHING!
And of course I'd like to improve somewhat with proportions and anatomy and shading and such, but I'm not feeling the urge to focus too strongly on that stuff right now.
My relationship with my art is and has always been that I just want to get it to a point where I don't hate looking at it, because really the only reason I draw is because I either want to vent my love for something and/or because I like looking at my ocs. That's sorta why after improving so much in my first few years of learning to draw humans, I slowed down a ton. It wasn't out of laziness, I was just content, and why would I want to spend all my time and energy practicing when It was already good enough and I could just draw my ocs NOW! I have no professional aspirations for my art. My art's for me first, and I hope it stays that way.
That said, I'm hoping for a lot of changes in general in 2023, some of which aren't strictly related to the visual arts, necessarily! All my ocs and their lore are to be revamped (and some are in the process of it already) to recapture their original vibe which I have missed oh-so-much. I don't want to rush myself with that process, but once the ocs are all set and the basic lore is all set I would love to try making some short comics about them. I don't know if that'll happen this coming year, but it's something i'd like to work towards. I had actually already started working on a comic and had the first few pages thumbnailed before I realized I really, really didn't like the way some of my ocs were characterized. Like, I'm not suggesting they were PROBLEMATIC or something, they just didn't feel right. Like they weren't quite themselves anymore, and I had lost their essence. Also, it was probably a bit too ambitious for a first comic project, anyways. All's that to say, I've an interesting path in front of me! I hope to make some cool stuff this coming year, a healthy mix of epithet erased fan art and original content! And who KNOWS what other fandoms will destroy my life along the way!
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light-is-typing · 2 years
Special Afternoon
Dwayne Hoover x Gn!reader
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Word count: 1.5K
Summary: You come over to watch a show with Dwayne
Tags/warnings: nothing but fluff :))
A/N: ahh first time posting a fic here
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"Hey y/n, you wanna come over today? We could watch a few episodes" 
Dwayne was of course talking about you guys' regular tv show you watched together. You've developed a habit of coming over to his house to watch it every so often, 'course you never actually understood what it was about, since the show was just an excuse.
An excuse to get closer to each other, to feel time freeze in place.
You were no strangers to each other's touch, having grown up together, but something about these lazy afternoons made every brush of your skin against his special.. Different. Something about the hazy orangy-yellow light coming from his window made everything seem like a daydream.
"I'd love to!" You smile at him, and his cheeks, which quickly turned pink, flushed a smile back.
You don't really remember exactly when you started having this kind of effect on him, but you don't complain, if you were as white as he is, he'd be able to tell that he made you just as flustered. Having a crush on your best friend seemed awfully cheesy, and undoubtedly he'd tease you to no end if he knew. Sometimes, it'd look like he liked you back, evident by the pink coloration now coloring his ears too, and, well, your special afternoons together. Oh, right. You're drawn out of you're thoughts as you snap back to reality, startled by the bus's noise as it starts to move out of the parking spot, you realize you're somehow sat next to Dwayne in the back of the bus. Wow, you really do get lost in your own thoughts. 
Dwayne looks like he's lost in thoughts too though. You can't help but staring, as the sun lights his green eyes, making him look so dreamy and content. He's listening to an audio book, probably some smartass stuff- 'course you like him for having smartass interest, you find it amusing, honestly you could listen to him for hours on end, rambling about his favorite philosophers. 
"Hm?" You're once again brought back to reality, this time by Dwayne's voice.
"You were staring" oh, yeah.
"Oh, yeah." You're huffing out an embarrassed chuckle. "Sorry, I was just thinking"
"Thinking" he smiles playfully. "What about?"
"Oh, I just can't wait to get to your house already! I'm dying to give Olive the painting I drew for her". That wasn't a complete lie, you were excited to see her reaction to the painting you made especially for her birthday.
"She's gonna love it" Dwayne says honestly.
"Can't believe my best friends is the best artists out there."
"Shut up" you say, hitting his shoulder softly; that familiar pink color is slowly heating his face again.
Finally, the bus stops. You rush out of the hot steady air in the bus, and breathe in the familiar smell of Dwayne's neighborhood. Dwayne follows you shortly, and hands you your school bag you forgot in your hurry. None of you say anything, but his eyes are teasing you, and yours shut them up.
"Olive!" You call when you enter the house. Dwayne's little sister is sitting on the couch watching a cartoon. As soon as she hears your voice she's rushing to you, and you hold her up, giving her a big hug. "Happy birthday kiddo!". She's giggling when you put her down. You catch a glimpse of Dwayne, his eyes are brightened up, he looks as if he's proud of your relationship with Olive. You kneel down in front of her and take the painting out of your bag- it shows her in her favorite costume on a stage, holding an award; you'd drawn it when you heard she won her local beauty pageant, and although you weren't a big fan of them, you liked that she had a dream.
Olive looks at the painting and you hear her squeal before she even opens her mouth. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" She is practically dancing as she holds the drawing In a hugging motion, careful as to not tear it though. You can hear Dwayne giggle as his mom is coming out of the kitchen to greet you. 
"Hi, y/n" she smiles at you.
"Hi, it's very nice to see you" you greet her back. Dwayne is now tugging your sleeve, motioning at his room. "Sorry" you smile at her apologeticly, and you let Dwayne drag you into his room.
"Finally." He huffs as he closes the door and opens the drawer in which he keeps his laptop. He puts it on the bed and you glance at the stickers decorating it, showing images and little drawings of jets and the sky. You get comfortable on his bed, as you put your favorite pillow behind your head, knowing you won't need it for long, as you'll have something else to rest your head on. Dwayne grins at you as he climbs onto the bed, laying next to you and opening the episodes he has saved. You slowly rest your head on his shoulder and he sighs in relief, as if he's worried every time he's scared you off and you won't do that again.
The opening song starts to play, and you shove yourself closer to him, until your hands touch. You guys have held hands before, but you were never sure if it's the right time, or if he understands its meaning differently than you. Nevertheless, your index finger starts to trace his thumb softly, and you can hear a soft inhale as he tenses next to you. "Sorry" you murmur, you feel an uncomfortable sense of shame as you've misread the situation.
"No, no, don't be!" He blurts out almost too desperately. "Ah" he realizes how loud he was and gets red again "sorry, I mean, I liked it" he gestures to your hand. You feel a relieved smile washing over you as you lay your head on his shoulder again. You scoot closer to him and let your body relax again as you take his hand in yours. He makes a soft noise again, but you can feel his fingers wrap around you and it makes you feel loved, cared for. Dwayne had always made you feel this way, he just felt like home.
You then become aware of his hand slowly petting your hair; this had only happened a couple of times before- it seemed that as the days go by he gets more and more brave with his physical affection, and you had no complaints. You give his hand a light squeeze, reassuring him that you liked his touch, that you liked him. His finger traces your face now, brushing your jawline, your cheeks, the bridge of your nose - you hold your breath. You've never been this intimate with each other, and a million thoughts run through your head as you try to keep as quiet, as still as you can, to not ruin the moment. Does he actually.. Nah, of course not.. Or does he? you look up slowly, and you inhale softly as you catch him looking at you. He goes beet red now, like he's been caught doing something he's not supposed to do, but your eyes, lazy as if you were intoxicated by his touch , look at him and he can't think, he can't even be embarrassed, he just wants to lean in and.. 
Suddenly your face is very close to him, and he's startled at first because he didn't move at all- and now you're running your hands through his hair, and the hairs on the back of his neck rise. You move your hands lower to hold the sides of his face, and as you look deep into his eyes, you can see the sunlight shine through them again. And maybe that was it - that weird spell that made you act on your thoughts, maybe it was the sunlight that made you both feel like you're dreaming, as your thumb slowly brushes his parted lips, and he's gasping softly; maybe it was the magic of the moment that made you lean in and allowed you to feel the same lips with your own now, so soft and.. Eager for more? It couldn't be, but it was, he was kissing you back, and he's now cupping your face with his hands.
The kiss feels like it lasts forever, but eventually you guys are brought back to reality by Dwayne's mother, who yells at him to help her get the cake from the car. None of you say anything, but your eyes are locked in place as you take in this special moment.
Finally, red faced and short of breath, Dwayne speaks up.
"Will you-"
"Yes. Yes!" You breathe out, your thoughts still hazy and slow, but you know what he's asking, and he knows your answer.
"Then it's time I reintroduce you to my family"
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hi, I recently read your if without you scenario and it was so good. i really liked the way you write and I saw that your requests are open if I'm not mistaken so I wanted to request a yunho scenario. i want a scenario where yunho has a day off and they are doing a lazy sunday and his s/o starts to kiss his moles on his face?? can you make it super fluffy and maybe just a little bit suggestive? rest is up to you I just wanted to add that detail. thank you!! have a good day 💕
yunho x reader
word count: ~1k
genre: fluff, suggestive
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The first thing you felt was the unmistakable weight around your waist- the one you were now so accustomed to, something that felt so reassuring you weren't sure you could wake up grinning without it- Yunho's arms, lazily draped around your waist.
You rubbed your eyes, stretching your arm a bit to drink water from the table- you two had a late night in, watching a season you two were absolutely hooked on, and the snacks were still lying around. Your shift in position caused Yunho to groan, and when you were done, you turned, unable to stifle your smile when you saw him put one hand over his eyes to block the light from the window, stretching the other hand blindly to find you.
"Wait," you laughed, "Let me help you with that."
You got off the bed, much to his protest at your absence, sighing as you shut the curtains because gosh, he was an absolute fluffhead in the mornings. You climbed back now that he was able to open his eyes and see you, and you waited in the bed.
"Big spoon again?" You asked.
"Come here," he said instead, making you lie down in his arms, your arm sprawled across him as your head rested on his chest falling up and down regularly.
"You're so sleepy," you commented on the way he was slowly caressing your arm, "Go back to sleep. It's still early- good thing you have the day off."
"Mmm," Yunho held you closer, pulling the covers up on you two and resting his face on your head.
"Want me to make you some pancakes if you're not sleepy?"
Yunho heard you well, heard the teasing tone. He squeezed your arm, putting one leg over you and trapping you.
"I'd rather you kiss me until I fall asleep."
You gasped dramatically, "Kiss you until you fall asleep? And leave me hanging, wide awake?"
Yunho opened one eye to look at you, searching your face at the suggestive remark you'd made. "Well then, tell me what you'd rather have."
"Hmm," you decided to tease him a little more, drawing back a little to caress his absolutely adorable morning face, pushing his hair back. "I could sing you one of those lullabies that should erase any sleep in your system."
"Now, now," his body shook with silent laughter, "Way to put one to sleep."
"Or," you trailed your fingers down his neck, making him shiver, "I could get up right now to dump some cold water on you- hey!" You laughed as Yunho tickled your waist, doubling over and slapping his hands away, grinning at the way he himself was laughing, "That's cheating!"
"Is it?" Yunho kissed your nose before bringing you back in, hugging you but practically suffocating you as he squeezed you once before letting you free, "That's for being the cutest little tease so early in the morning."
"Well," you pouted, "that's because you fell asleep last night. I had plans."
"Plans?" Yunho raised a brow, kissing your pout off, "Pray tell, what plans?"
"Oh, you know, the usual," you shrugged, putting his leg back over you because you liked the weight, "Put some romantic movie after a few episodes and then kiss the everliving... fuck out of you."
"Ooh," Yunho cooed, and you weren't sure if his flushed cheeks were because of his morning face or your comment anymore, "Someone's... angsty."
"And someone's so sleepy and lazy that he only has the energy for talk, not action."
Yunho bit his lips as he looked at you ever so slowly, making your stomach swoop. "Go on then. I'm yours, do whatever you want with me today. If I sleep- and I'm sleepy enough, you lose."
"Now that's a challenge I like," you grinned, "And you know what I'm gonna prove? That I can be slow, so slow, and still keep you wide awake."
"Gosh," Yunho put a shy hand over his face as he laughed, putting his arms back around you and bringing you in. "Go to sleep, I'm gonna bleach your mind first thing when I wake up."
You grinned, positioning yourself up a little so you were still in his arms but were almost facing him. You caressed his hair, lulling him to sleep, and when his breathing got a bit even and you couldn't hold it back anymore, you pecked his lips.
The light squeeze on your waist told you he was half asleep. You brought your hand to his face, perking your own face up to kiss his cheek, once, twice, small kisses peppered everywhere.
"Put me to eternal sleep, why don't you?" Yunho's voice was low and sleep-heavy.
"It's so dark, baby," you teased, "I wanted to kiss every mole, every freckle on your face."
"I can allow some mistakes," Yunho teased back, and you raised a brow- so he wanted you to kiss him everywhere?
Before you could act, Yunho decided that he'd had enough- he flipped you over, earning a loud gasp of surprise from you as his face hovered extremely close over yours, a lazy smile spreading on his face. "My turn."
Before you could mention how he was half asleep just now, he kissed you so passionately that your back arched into his body and your arms went weak, allowing him to pin them up so easily because of his absurdly large hands, and you supposed he took your teasing way to seriously because he was kissing you like it was your last time, swallowing every moan and groan that escaped you and barely letting you breathe. And it was different this time-
He had always been the one for soft and lovely kisses, making you feel special and loved all the time. Even when he went hard, you could feel that he was being careful or maybe that was just how he was- caring. Always letting you have the upper hand when guiding him. But this time?
It made your legs absolutely weak and you moaned his name into the kiss, which was when he allowed you to breathe, watching your dazed flush face with a smirk.
"Cat got your tongue?"
"I thought you were sleepy!"
"I am," he laughed, pecking your lips and about to get off of you but you held him by his collar, making him raise a brow.
"More. Just like... earlier. I like this new side of you."
The smirk that creeped on his face made you wonder just what you were in for as he took off his shirt and unbuttoned yours hastily, going back to kissing you just like before if not more intensely, trailing kisses down your neck and making you gasp out louder than you ever had. He let you take a breather, laughing at your state.
You laughed back, "It should be Sunday everyday. Sleepy sunday."
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fang-natic · 3 years
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Sing, Nightingale (part 1) - keigo tamaki x top!reader
You needed to know what he knew, but he wasn't going to give it up without a fight. Not that that matters. You know exactly what kind of fight to give him.
cw: kidnapping, noncon, bondage, mild knifeplay, orgasm denial, bdsm elements, humiliation, blackmail, drugging, needles, overstimulation, wing kink (is that what we're calling it)
an: i said i'd do it so i did. i dont know why i did it. or why it's so fucking long (gdocs says it's 1.3k, what the fuck). but i read some oneshots and did some limited browsing of the wiki so here you go. if you see something that doesn't make sense with the canon, no you don't <3
now i need to write a part 2 for this where you actually get to fuck him stupid. part 2 will probably establish reader to be amab, but you can read this part one as gn!reader
"So, who are you working with?" Hawk asks, cheeks still pink from where you'd ripped the duct tape off. "The Liberation Front? Some evil-League-offshoot? Or are you rogue?"
God, he's talkative. His wings are depleted to ragged, feathery stumps and ropes are criss-crossed over his arms and torso. He's on his knees right now, legs spread with shins bound to his thighs, and a bruise forming nicely on his cheek. Despite that, he still has the gall to mouth off.
You respond with another sharp backhand, this time across the other cheek, sending him careening to the side. "That's none of your concern," You drawl. "You're simply here to tell me what you know, and I'm here to learn it. However long that takes is up to you."
He slowly draws himself back up, shaking his head. He spits some blood onto the floor - "Damn, bit my cheek," he mutters - and looks up at you again. Still no fear in those golden eyes. A lazy grin on his abused face. "You get right to the point, huh? Damn, I like you a lot better than the other villains already."
"Then I take it that you'll be cooperative?"
"Ha, fuck no."
You kick him this time. Not hard enough to break his neck, but you catch him upside the chin, and hear the sharp clack of his teeth snapping together. His head almost droops to the floor in pain before he catches himself. "Almost felt that one."
"You're insufferable." You debate kicking him again, but you need his jaw intact so he can actually give you the info you need.
"That's what they all tell me," He laughs around the blood in his mouth. "Don't flatter yourself by thinking you're the first one to catch me. Plenty of other villains have tried the same thing, and none of them have actually made me sing. You're not gonna be very different."
"I wouldn't be so sure."
You crouch down with a knife in hand, and start the process of cutting away his clothes. He shivers as you make quick work of his shirt, and you can feel his heartbeat peak against his skin, though that doesn't actually stop the cocky lilt of his voice.
"Ah, classic, classic. The ol 'strip-and-whip' method. Most people buy me dinner first, but you're hot so I can make the exception-" He stutters a bit as you grab the waistband of his pants, jerking it upwards so you can drag the blade down the seams. "Phew, you're thorough, huh? Though I can't blame you, my ass is to die for-"
"You're rambling," You chide him. He's now entirely naked, save for his underwear and the shreds of his clothes that are still pinned do this body by the ropes. "Are you nervous, Keigo?"
"Hey now," He protests. "We're not on a first name basis. And this isn't my first rodeo, so..." He trails off as you pull at the elastic of his underwear so harshly it rips. "Whoa, okay, buy me dinner first." He laughs, but it's pitched a little higher.
"I know the kind of villains you've dealt with, Keigo." You touch the knife under his chin and tilt him up to meet his eyes. Finally, some reaction - his pupils have gone small with poorly-concealed fear. "The ones that use electricity and knives to try and make you talk. But you're a spy, aren't you? You're trained to deal with pain. I could cut you up bloody and you still wouldn't sing."
Your other hand squeezes his thigh, traveling up to his hip, tracing along the curve of his hipbone. "But I'm not like those other villains," You say, voice low and murmured right into his ear, as you press your palm against his cock, feeling it twitch as he yelps. "You're going to wish I was."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
You have him blindfolded now, and still kneeling in the middle of the cold, concrete room. His cock is stiff and drooling against his abdomen, leashed by a ring at the base. Vibrators hum from where they're clipped to his nipples, and stuffed deep into his ass.
His spine jerks as you play idly with the remote, a whine breaking out behind his clenched teeth. You've been at this for a while now, and he'd been mouthy at first, telling you how this was 'a normal Saturday night for him', and 'I don't need a safeword, don't worry' and 'can I call you daddy or is that off the table.' He'd shut up at the half-hour mark when he realized he was wasting his breath, and that you weren't kidding when you said you had no time limit.
Even so, he was handling things impressively. His bottom lip was bitten raw from where he'd tried to keep quiet, and not once has he begged or pleaded. You were going to need to step things up.
You turn the vibrations down, and he relaxes for an instant, before tensing up the moment he hears your footsteps approach. "What, bored already?" He rasps, making a grin that was more like a snarl. "And here I thought I was putting on a good show."
"I'm about to make it a better one, no worries." You pull the ring off his cock in one quick motion, and it bobbles obscenely. When you lift up a corner of the blindfold, a golden, watery eye blinks back. In your other hand, you hold a syringe, courtesy of Dr. Garaki himself (or pilfered from his laboratory, more like), and he darts between looking at you and it, eying the little needle nervously. "Don't worry, little bird. This isn't a Quirk-eraser or anything like that. It's just going to make you feel things." You pause. "Feel everything, in fact."
"Get away from me," He hisses, facade cracking as you bring the needle down near his neck. You fist your hand in his hair and force his head back, exposing the smooth contour of his throat. "Don't you fucking dare-"
"Whoops," You hum, as you inject him. "Too late."
His entire body shudders, and his eyes goes wide, pupil shrinking to a thin slit, and his mouth drops open in a shaky gasp. Garaki really outdid himself with this one, because the moment you release the hero he's curling in on himself, skin already flushing brightly in the cool air.
"What did-" He groans, throat working in a dry swallow. "What did you fucking do?!"
"It's terrible, isn't it?" You watch as he writhes, trying to position himself in a way that won't make him feel the ropes that are cutting into his skin, or the grit on the floor beneath his knees. "Everything that touches you is now amplified. Like so-" And you demonstrate and dragging one finger along the base of his wing, and he shakes like a leaf, a helpless whimper falling out of his throat. "Isn't that overwhelming?"
He growls, and flaps pathetically. "Don't you fucking touch them."
Ah, that's right. You remember he'd mentioned something about that. In some talk show or another; how he could feel things through his feathers, but only the ones at the base, and how he'd sometimes spend his free time combing through them.
You reach out now and grab one of his wings, squeezing and twisting, feeling all those little feathers tickle at your palm. Keigo, on the other hand, screams as if you shot him, and-
He cums just like that. Splatters white across the gray cement and onto his own stomach. His thighs shaking with the force of it, getting rubbed pink and stinging against the floor, and the blindfold darkens around his eyes with tears. He's gasping for breath like he just finished a race.
You can't help but laugh - one rough touch, and he was undone. You reach down and squeeze his softening cock, and he spasms, shaking his head. "Wai wait wait no, too much it hurts I can't-"
"Sure you can," You twist your hand, and he chokes on air. "Or do you want to be a good boy and finally tell me what I want to know?"
His jaw clamps shut at that, and you sigh. "Guess not." You shrug, and you squeeze a little tighter to watch him cry out.
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