#md fanfiction
Survivor Tessa AU (Murder Drones AU Concept???) [Episode 7 Spoilers]
So, you know when you want to make an AU but you also don't want to dedicate to the grueling process of actually writing a story and writing how we got to this part? No? Just me?
EDIT: I should clarify as well I also feel apprehensive in doing so since in my own opinion it feels mildly pretentious of me to essentially take someone else's work, rewrite it a bit and then be like "See! I did it better!" I'd much rather focus on my own original projects rather than take someone else's.
Well, regardless here are a couple of potential examples of scenes that could have unfolded
Click the "Keep reading" button if you either don't care or have already watched.
had Tessa been a survivor of the fall of Earth. I guess these are just concepts for potential scenes or something?
Unlikely Alliance
N: Fine. You're right. Maybe I'm not the real N. So I won't pretend to be. But that doesn't mean we can't help eachother! I want the patch to save Uzi, you want it to defeat Cyn. We can make this work!
Tessa: ... *Sigh* Fine. It would be smarter to work as a team for now I suppose.
*Suddenly Tessa presses the barrel of her gun right against the side of N's head*
Tessa: But I swear... if you even dare THINK, of trying to cross me... I'll kill both of you. Understand?!
N: Y-Yes... m'am.
Tessa: Good.
I Found You Faker
*The scene with "Tessa" and Uzi at the chapel unfolds the same until-*
"Tessa": No worries, makes my job easier.
*A gunshot reverberates throughout the chapel as a bullet rips through the back of "Tessa's" helmet and ejecting through her visor leaving a bulletwound behind*
*"Tessa" collapses to the ground bleeding heavily revealing the real Tessa standing behind her with a smoking gun*
Tessa: You must think you're real funny, huh Cyn? Running around impersonating me?!
Uzi: W-What?! W-Who?!
Tessa: Shut it! I'm getting to you. Where is the patch!?
Uzi: The what?!
Tessa: Don't have it? Bloody hell... Then who does?!
The Patch
*N reaches out expecting Tessa to hand over the crucifix usb but she steps back, drawing her gun on N with the other hand*
N: Tessa?
Tessa: No.
N: I-I thought you finally trusted me?!
Tessa: Trust you?! Please! You and that little monster took everything from me! Oh! But you weren't satisfied with just that! Now you oughta' go and destroy everything else while you're at it! Huh?!
N: Tessa... please-
Tessa: No. I won't let you have it. It means too much to me!
*Tessa clutches the crucifix tightly*
Tessa: This, this might be my only chance of finally destroying her. And I won't let you take it away from me too!
N: But... I thought... I thought we were friends.
Tessa: ... No. I was friends with the real N. Not you... You're just a fake...
N: ... Fine. I don't care what happens to me, but please! You have to help Uzi!
Tessa: Why should I? Doesn't she want to kill us all too?! Don't think I didn't overhear that. I'm onto you lot. Can't trust anyone but myself anymore. I learned from my past mistakes...
Old Enemies
Tessa: Fine... just do it already. Finish it!
Cyn: "Manical Laughter" I promised I wouldn't kill you, didn't I? Besides, I wouldn't get the satisfaction of watching you suffer if I do.
Cyn: ... But, there's still a chance. The Solver is pretty chill, maybe you could like join us or something.
Tessa: I'd rather DIE than to serve you!
Cyn: Oh well, it was worth a try. Have fun watching everything you know and love die for the second time. Loser.
I dunno what to call this one but I couldn't not include
*To Tessa most likely*
Cyn: I won't kill you and you can't kill me. I guess we can just sit in this room and glare at eachother until somebody drops dead. But I have a better idea.
Closing thoughts or something
I don't know what to call this. A proof of concept or something? I don't know. Because sadly I'm too lazy in addition to just not having enough time to make a full genuine AU about this but I thought the idea was interesting so I dunno, if people with more dedication or time on their hands want to steal these ideas for stories, art whatever. I don't care. You don't even need to tag me or credit me or anything. (And I mean that. It's not like my ideas are very original anyway.)
Basically in general the idea of this AU as I said at the start is the idea of the real Tessa having survived the destruction of the Earth. Now she's hellbent on destroying Cyn whom she perceives as the one that took everything and everyone she loved away from her.
She doesn't trust the disassembly drones in the slightest, not seeing them as her friends from the manor but as crude mockeries of her friends created by Cyn.
Cyn treats the entire thing like a game. Think of it like a sort've reverse Batman and Joker where Cyn refuses to kill Tessa due to her promise to not discard her. However all it does is fuel Tessa's unending rage when she laughs in her face and tosses her aside.
As for Tessa herself I like to imagine she's missing at least one hand and maybe even an eye. Of course her missing hand being replaced with a cybernetic one. (Definitely not a Berserk reference.)
That's about it. I imagine her personality would be totally different from Episode 5 Tessa as well. She'd probably still have funny moments or one liners but in general she'd probably be a lot more deadpan and monotone. When she's not being "Girl too angry to die" anyway. I imagine her in contrast to her past self being very quiet, cold and distant. Not wanting to be hurt again by becoming too attached to those around her.
All she wants is REVENGE. (You could even play with the idea of this desire slowly turning her into a monster too if you want to be really angsty with it.)
I imagine for the most part things would play out MOSTLY the same but with the added element of real Tessa also landing on Copper-9 to find the patch before Cyn (Disguised as Tessa) does. I guess serving as a rouge 4th element or something?
EDIT: I also like to imagine the real Tessa looks similar to canon "Tessa" (Which is just the fake Tessa in this version.) but without the stickers, hat and bow on her suit. Maybe a more visible oxygen system on the back too, like one of those big air tanks or astronaut backpacks. Something like that. Could get more creative with it, but yeah that's how I imagine it. I feel like the cybernetic hand probably wouldn't be visible due to the suit. As for the eye for me it alternates between it just being stuck closed like Guts or her having an eyepatch. (Personally I prefer it being permanently closed.)
P.S. EDIT: Most of this was born out of my disappointment that they killed off Tessa more or less. Yes, I admit I wasn't too happy to find out she was already dead since I felt like the character had a lot of potential to shake up the story. So, these ideas were kind of born from an idea of what might have happened had this not been done. But with a bit of a twist.
Oh yeah of course also feel free to like... reblog... whatever. Give your thoughts? I guess? I don't know. I just wanted to get these ideas out of my head I guess and this was the most efficient way to do it. Now if you'll excuse me I have more not actually working on my personal projects even though I really should be to get back to.
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tastefulbean · 1 month
I haven’t teased it much but I am working on a nuzi fanfiction 👀👀👀
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devastator1775 · 4 months
Uzi needs an extra dose of TLC from Dr. N!
Summary: N is always there for Uzi. He's always more than happy to give her some affection. Especially when she's having a bad day.
The sound of the door slamming shut made N look up in surprise from the book he was reading. Was Uzi home from work already? He turned on his internal clock and found himself surprised at how late it already was. It’s funny how times flies when you’re reading “1001 surprising facts about Golden Retrievers & basic door maintenance”.
“Hi, Honey! How was your day?” N called out as he closed his book.
No answer.
“Uzi?” N called out again. Again, no reaction from her. That surprised him. Normally she would greet him and then go off about – in her own, caring words – the ‘woeful idiots without any sense of self-preservation or basic common sense’ had visited her clinic that day. No matter how much Uzi Doorman might love her job, she still hated interacting with people. It was one of the few things that never really changed since the day they’ve met, now so many years ago.
But this silence …
N stood up from the couch and made his way towards the hall. As he turned the corner he saw Uzi walking up to him. Her expression was blank – in the most literal sense, as her visor didn’t show anything. Before N could ask what was going on, she had rushed forward, closed the distance between them, bonking her head against his chest, her gaze downwards and arms wrapped around his waist.
Now this felt worrying to N. It wasn’t like that Uzi avoided affection – in fact, she could get quite cuddly when it was just the both of them lounging on the couch after a long day. While she was always very eager to accept any form of physical affection when N offered it to her, she would rarely be the one to initiate it. At least, not out of the blue, like she had done now. It wasn’t like her. Something must have happened.
“Uzi?” N asked cautiously, slowly bringing his hands unto her shoulders. “Uzi, are you okay?”
Uzi shrugged.
“Did something bad happen at work today?”
After a few nonresponsive moments, Uzi shook her head.
A soft smile tugged at the corner of N’s lips and started rubbing her shoulder. “You want me to cuddle it better?”
Uzi didn’t respond for a few moments, but eventually N felt her pushing her head harder against his chest.
A sly grin formed on N’s lips. “Well, I’ll take that as a yes.”
The soft gasp, quickly followed by the giggle Uzi made as N suddenly lifted of the ground made whatever mechanical device that resembles his heart flutter, but the way Uzi instantly clung to him nearly made him melt. She almost desperately grabbed onto his jacket, digging her fingers into the fabric. She pressed herself so tightly against him, as if she wanted her body to have as much contact with his as possible. N couldn’t help himself of blushing as she nuzzled against his cheek, moaning softly as she did. He could however feel how tense her entire body was.  
N smiled as he pulled her closer against him as he made his way towards the couch. He knew Uzi better than most people. Uzi often played it cool, presenting herself with this air of independence and self-reliance, a person who was strong and steadfast, but N saw right through that. The years without a mother caring for her, a negligent father that showed more love to doors than his own daughter and peers that wanted nothing to do with her had left a mark.
Uzi craved affection in all its forms, even more than she would admit; and N was more than happy to oblige in providing it for her.
“Woah, someone seems needy tonight.” N chuckled as he sat down on the couch, allowing Uzi to get a bit more comfortable. He could hear her grumble a response, but the way she had effectively buried her face into his chest it was barely audible. Sensing she still was tensed up, he placed his hand on her back and started softly rubbing it in a circular motion. After a few moments passed, he felt her relax. She eventually removed her face from his chest and pulled herself up to rest her chin on N’s shoulders, prompting N to start caress his fingers through her hair.
N resisted the urge to ask Uzi anything, knowing very well she’d tell him eventually what was bothering her. As on cue, he suddenly heard Uzi let out a wistful sigh.
“A mom and her daughter came by the clinic today.” Uzi spoke up. “This spry, curious kid, recently transferred from Untrained Neural Networks to a new body: one of those new “JCJenson toddler models” Tessa designed for us, y’know?.”
N hummed an acknowledging response.
“Nothing was wrong with her, too.” Uzi continued. “Just a regular check-up; seeing if the personality matrix was attuned to the new body, oil level check, things like that. Completely healthy and ready to grow up in this safe new world we helped make for her.”
“Something you should be proud of, Uzi.” N commented.
Uzi let out a soft chuckle, before sighing again.
“So …what happened?” N finally asked.
“Nothing, really.” Uzi replied. “It’s just …I was looking at how this young mom and her kid: all happy, laughing, playing games while they waited and …I don’t know, I got …envious or something?”
N waited for Uzi to continue.
“I never knew my Mom.” Uzi continued softly. “And what I eventually did ended up knowing about her …. But still, I …I sometimes wonder what it could have been if she had been around when I was growing up and that thought just …wouldn’t. Let. Go.”
N had no idea how to respond, but he felt like he couldn’t say nothing either. He was about to open his mouth to say something, but Uzi sat up, finally making eye contact with him.
“I know, it’s a dumb thing to get upset about and I shouldn’t be pouring this out on you, and-“
“Hey-hey-hey, what are you talking about?” N interrupted her, cupping her cheek and gazing softly in her eyes. “If I’m not the one you can go to when you’re having a bad day, then who will?”
Uzi smiled softly. “I know, N, but you do so much for me already and I don’t want to-“
N planted a finger on her lips, chuckling as a bright blush appeared on her visor. “And I will keep doing this for you, because I want too. Whenever, for whatever reason, you need some extra TLC, I’ll be happy to give it to you. I promise.”
Uzi opened her mouth like she wanted to say something, but nothing seemed to come out. She eventually smiled softly and leaned forward to plant a kiss on N’s lips, who eagerly accepted this. Uzi then started to nuzzle against his cheek, almost in a catlike manner.
“I don’t deserve you…” Uzi exclaimed softly, wrapping her arms around him.
“No, you do. You absolutely do.” N countered, pulling her closely against him. “You deserve receiving love and affection as much as anyone.”
N could hear Uzi sniffle. “N, I …thank you.” She kissed his cheek a few times. “A-and you do too! Maybe even more! I just wish I was as natural at it as you.”
N chuckled, endeared by her nervous tone. “Uzi, just the fact that you’re willing to try despite the trouble doing it naturally, means the world to me. You’re the world to me.”
“You’re a dork.”
“I’m your dork.”
“Wow, what an original counter argument, N.”
“It’s a classic.”
“You’re a classic!”
“That doesn’t even make sense, Uzi.”
“I know, bite me!”
“Maybe later.”
Their banter went on for a while, throwing cliché sweet nothings back and forth at each other. Eventually, they fell into a comfortable silence, with Uzi resting on N’s chest. The latter was happy to see that Uzi’s mood had improved. N had just picked up his book again, when Uzi suddenly spoke up.
“I …uh…”
“I want a baby.”
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lovely-cherubs · 7 days
HELP! What possessed me to add this? 😭🤣💀
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 17 days
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clementine221b · 4 months
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one thing that this little gay kitty oncologist is going to do is LIE. even though he knows house will take the extremest of measures to try and find out what he’s upto??? but he can’t help himself?? i don’t understand him but i love him.
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zvdvdlvr · 6 months
— late night therapy?
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🩻 synopsis. late night conversation, greg wants to know why you’re with him of all people.
🩻 warnings. suggestive content, foul language.
“Why do you like me?” 
Y/n looked up from her book. “What?” 
“I’m old. I’m a cripple. I… literally have two friends and no people skills. I know my amazing fashion sense and long, hard wood is enticing, but by golly, if those are your only standards-“ 
Y/n closed her book. She noticed the television was off, Greg had been clearly been thinking about this for awhile. Not only that, but his jaw was clenched, and his left eye was just slightly narrowed- all indicators of (over)thinking. “Besides the fact your ruggedly handsome and extremely masculine voice makes me purr like a motorcycle?”
At least y/n’s comment made Greg crack a smile. “Yes, besides the obvious,” he murmured, tilting his head to the side.
“Because… you’re one of the only people who calls me out when I’m wrong. One of the only people who can put up with me. One of the only people who makes me laugh, with your morbid, dry, perverted humor,” y/n listed. 
House turned these over in his mind. Why, though? Why would such an amazing, smart, sexy wonderful woman settle for an old cripple? “Wilson thinks you could do better,” he drawls, not actually knowing if Wilson thinks this. 
“Do you care what they think?” Y/n asks, quick to notice the change in Greg’s voice. The way his eyebrows furrow, his Adam’s apple bobs, his eyes narrow even more.
No. “Do you?” 
“I wouldn’t change a damn thing about you,” y/n shrugs. “You’ve always got me, if that’s what you’re thinking about. I can’t imagine my future without you in it, I guess.” Y/n tried her best to play of the sentiment, but Greg was already smiling widely at her statements. 
“Is this, like, a hint? Am I supposed to propose now?” Greg asks, tapping his finger to his chin. 
“Oh so you’ve got a ring?”
Scoffing, House looks away from y/n’s piercing eyes. “Oh, shut up, you.”
“Make me,” y/n’s teases. 
Greg tsks. “I would but I’m pretty sure my hobble steps would immediately turn you off. As fast as a light switch.”
“Oh goody, does that mean if I go over there I get to be on top tonight?” Y/n asks, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Get over here and see, you weirdo,” Greg chuckles, opening his arms for a woman he knows would place her faith in him forever, even if he knew he didn’t deserve it.
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realbeefman · 10 months
house would put a tracker on wilson’s car to monitor where he is at all times but. then wilson would find out and start purposefully fucking with him. como he’ll leave the tracker in the parking lot of a strip club while he goes grocery shopping and then watch house lose his mind later over why wilson went to the strip club and didn’t invite house along
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pvppyjawn · 4 months
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deadxregulus · 4 months
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housepilled · 6 months
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this show has made me the absolute most unserious writer ever
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star-girl-05 · 5 months
You're Hired
James Wilson x Reader
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“So you hired Cameron because she's pretty, Forman because he has a record, and me because my dad put in a good word so why did you hire Y/n?” They were all curious. When they asked you about it you never gave them a straight answer. 
“Me and Y/n are lovers” The three of them stared at him for a moment trying to gauge whether or not he was joking. At their silence House added” She's the mother of my five children” the team rolled their eyes finally understanding he was teasing them. It only made them more curious, what was so secret about the reason he hired you. 
“Come on what's so secret about it?” Chase once again tried he was desperate to know. 
“Can we focus on the case, you know the one with the dying person!?!” Even with House's change in subject it didn’t do anything to get it off their minds. House was asking them questions and no one seemed to be using more than one brain cell each. “Will you focus” once again they don’t seem fully focused 
“Jesus, I’m married to Wilson, not that's the only reason but it's the only one you care about” you shout. While it is true you got the interview with House because of Wilson. An interview you didn’t even want but Wilson insisted.
When Wilson told house he wanted him to interview you, House knew right then and there that he was not going to hire you. However you managed to change his mind when the first words out of your mouth were ‘I don’t want this job, I’m only doing this so James would stop nagging’ and like a match made in heaven House hired you. 
“Wrong, I let you interview because of Wilson I hired you because you didn’t want the job and you're bitchy” You sent a glare his way. While the others were in shock, each talked over themselves to ask questions. You ignored them, focusing back on the case. 
“What do all these symptoms have in common?” House questioned and finally the three idiots answered using more than one brain cell this time. 
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girls-alias · 6 months
Necklace. Robert Chase
Title: Necklace
Words: 1,265
Relations: Robert Chase X Reader
TW: Fluff.
Y/N works in House's team, she's a good doctor, but the lines of morals are blurred and clearly has some issues which thankfully no one addresses. Chase and her have a crush on each other, everyone's favourite pastime is pointing his feelings out but she has a good enough poker face that everyone assumes it's not reciprocated.
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I sat at the glass table, legs crossed as I looked over the files that had been clearly thrown down. Foreman was already sitting at the table looking at the files puzzled. We'd exchanged greetings but fallen silent as we read. I bit down on my lip slightly as I wondered about the case, studying it to memorise as much as I could as well as to build some theories.
I didn't look up as I recognised the clacking of shoes to be Cameron's slightly heeled shoes. "Morning," I said plainly, my attention still on the file. She groaned as she took a seat beside me. I chuckled as I finally glanced at her.
"I do not want to be here today," She commented so I scoffed as I nodded. I know the feeling. Working on the team is great, House is too much sometimes but he's bearable.
"Could say that again," Foreman chimed in. I chuckled, my attention going back to the file. I was in a world of my own. Foreman and Cameron discuss the case in the background. I jumped slightly when a small, brown paper bag was placed in front of me. I looked up confused seeing Chase walking towards his seat. I looked at him confused as he placed his bag on the back of his chair. The room fell silent.
"What?" Chase asked innocently, looking at each of us wondering why we were all confused.
"What's in the bag?" Foreman asked, sitting forward trying to peak inside from across the table.
"It's just a little gift," Chase shrugged moving away to go to the counter and start making himself a coffee. Foreman looked completely perplexed, I glanced at Cameron who simply shrugged. My eyebrows furrowed as I grabbed the bag from the table and put it in my lap as I reached inside. I looked in to see a small baggy, I pulled it out recognising it was a necklace. I looked at Chase confused as he focused on making his coffee. He glanced at me and widened his eyes. "Oh, do you want one?" He asked gesturing to his mug, clearly misunderstanding my confusion.
"Why did you get me a necklace?" I asked but he shrugged, grabbing another mug from the cupboard.
"I went to a market over the weekend and thought it would look good on you," He explained innocently. Foreman smirked as he sat back. I rolled my eyes at Foreman as I knew he was going to tease him about it. Chase isn't good at hiding that he has a crush on me, I, however, am great at hiding my crush for him. There have been times when I was close to confessing just to shut Foreman and House up about me being out of Chase's league and him not having a chance.
House entered the office abruptly with a groan. "What we got?" He asked also looking fed up with being here. I chuckled before putting the little bag with the necklace in my pocket.
"Chase got Y/L/N a necklace," Foreman announced making me sigh and roll my eyes. I saw House grinning out of the corner of my eye.
"Aww, how cute," House commented his tone matching a teenage girl pining for a guy. I rolled my eyes again as I shook my head.
"It's just a necklace," Chase sighed as he approached the table, he placed a mug of tea in front of me as he took a seat.
"And a cup of tea," House commented. Chase groaned.
"She asked for it," Chase argued but Foreman chuckled.
"No, you asked if she wanted one, she didn't reply," Foreman explained.
"Thank you, Chase. I appreciate the necklace and the tea," I commented as I grabbed the mug and took a sip. He makes the best tea.
"Not enough to wear the necklace," House commented with a grin trying to annoy me. I glared at him for being a dick.
"Can we focus on the differential?" Cameron asked clearly done with the conversation. I smiled, thankful for her change in topic.
"Yeah, Chase's pining is getting boring now. Hasn't a chance, poor guy," House commented. I rolled my eyes, once again wanting to put him in his place and make everyone well aware of my mutual pining for him.
We got on with the differential, concluding the patient needed an MRI and tox screen.
"Chase and Y/L/N, do the MRI," House instructed, I gave him a bitch face knowing he just wants us locked in a room together, it's his favourite thing to do other than taking Vicodin. I rolled my eyes as I got up and we all began leaving the office, "No sleeping together in the box," House called after us. I put my finger up at him as I passed the glass walls. He was grinning widely, clearly amusing himself. Chase followed me as we made our way to the patient's room.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have given it to you in front of them," He expressed as he pushed his hair out of his face.
"You don't have to apologise for their behaviour but why did you get me the necklace?" I asked, looking at him as we waited for the elevator. He seemed a little awkward.
"I saw it and thought of you," He shrugged innocently. I smiled.
"Thank you, I can't wait to have a look at it," I grinned before walking into the elevator as the doors opened. I watched as Chase smirked slightly as he walked in. He's adorable! We focused on the case as we introduced ourselves to the patient and got them prepped for the MRI. Chase had just finished setting them up when he came into the observation room to join me. We set the machine off and sat a little silent. The MRI is a long process so we're going to be here a while.
I took the small baggy from my pocket, Chase must have noticed my movement out of the corner of his eye as he looked at me, watching my movements. He seemed a little awkward as to where to look. I pulled the drawstring bag open and grabbed the chain, I pulled the necklace out of the bag and smiled brightly. On the silver chain was a handmade (Favourite Colour) gem held on the necklace with metal strips twisted around it. I looked at Chase happily, admiring him as he smiled at me.
"I love it, thank you," I expressed as I opened the clasp to put it on. Chase quickly stood from his chair, I smiled as I stood up recognising that he was wanting to put it on me. I handed him the open necklace and moved my hair out of the way once he had passed the necklace over my head. I grinned as I waited. He fastened the necklace, and I could feel his breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine. He lowered the chain so it sat on my neck. His fingers lingered on my skin making both of our breath quicken a little. I let my hair down and touched the gem as I turned around to smile at Chase as he looked at me deeply. My smile widened as I leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Thank you," I added before smiling innocently and moving to sit back down.
Chase stayed stood for a few moments before taking his seat and tucking it in. "You're welcome," He smiled, glancing at me as I smiled at him. God, he's so cute.
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gegewrites · 1 year
Dr.house- working after hours. (Smut)
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Currently obsessed with this man, he’s been in my dreams for the past 4 days. Barely edited. I’m not a Med student, I’m a film kid. So my two hours of spotty research are prob not all that right.
Your pov-
It was about twelve am, maybe even one. I was sitting in Dr.Houses office. Seated directly in his chair, my elbows resting on the glass top desk, my chin sitting on top of my hands as I looked down at the file in front of me.
Our current patient, Craig Sanders, forty-five, male. He travels often for work. Earlier today he had a heart attack at home, in the garage. Pronounced dead for 7 minutes. Gotta be some kind of record. He’s loosing vision and feeling in his limbs, loss of memory but none of it stays. It comes and goes.
Because I had clinic duty today I didn’t get to fully focus on the patient, only for the beginning. I got to view the scans quickly but was paged to the clinic, so now I’m catching up.
I didn’t look up when the glass door opened, it knew it was house because who else would just walk into a office that has its blinds closed, let alone at 1 am.
“In my chair, now I really can’t ignore you.” He commented, I gave a light scoff as ket my eyes at the paper, not really reading it, just thinking,”shouldn’t you be home?”
“Shouldn’t you?” I looked up at him. he was standing in front of the desk, leaning on his left leg, his grip of his cane shifting, he gazed down at the file in front of me.
“Touché.” He stood for a few seconds longer before we walked away. I didn’t watch him, but I heard his bottle of whiskey open as he poured it into a glass.
“How much sense does this case make to you?” I asked, leaning back in the chair, we was leaning against the desk behind me glass in hand,”his heart is finally semi stable, so It’s not having sn effect of anything at the moment, but , his brains loosing funct-“
“I think I’d be able to think better if you got out of my chair, hiked that pretty skirt up, and sat down on me.” He clicked his tongue,”Should really get my brain going.”
I was kind of taken by surprise, house and I have fucked more times then you can count on one hand. In The Broom closets, his car, his house, on his piano, but never in his office.
I knew from the moment I walked into the office today this skirt was gonna get him. pencil skirt, stopped just above my knees. A dark grey so you could see any lines, which he didn’t. I caught him looking on more then one occasion.
Earlier/11 am-
Houses Pov-
My grip on the head of my cane shifted as I watched (l/n) write on the board. Her writing on the board was fine, she’s been here for nine years, she knows what she’s doing and she picked up this patient. But, I couldn’t keep my eyes in the board or my attention on foreman, Cameron, or chase. No, my eyes and brain were more focused on her ass. I’d occasionally look the board or around to cover it but I kept getting pulled back.
Pencil skirt, Dark grey, tight…and short.
It’s not like she hasn’t worn pencil skirts before, I’ve seen her with one hiked up around her waist as she gets it from behind. first “date” two years ago actually. Wine Red. Nice color on her.
You see this one, this one was different. usually you can see panty lines under tight clothing like dresses or skirts, she’s usually got a slight thong line, and I’ve been looking for it.
“What do you think?” I was taken out by (l/n) question. I looked at her, hands sturdily placed in her hips, and I looked at the white board.
Memory loss, weakened heart muscles, low blood cell count, numbness in fingers and toes, and loss of eye sight, intermittently.
Those were just the main ones.
“EKG, stress test, keep an eye on his ECGs.” I stood up,” get all the cardiac makers. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis. Let’s start there.” They didn’t move, just looked at me,”move, I have to get to the clinic or Cuddy will have my balls.”
“Alright.” Foreman said as he got up from his chair, Cameron and chase followed. (l/n) stuck around for a bit and looked at the board before she followed.
“Hey.” I called to catch her attention, she stopped and looked at me,”that new?”
“The skirt, it’s nice.” I let my eyes fall from her face to her hips, where her black button up was tucked in. She grabbed her white coat from the chair at the end of the table.
“Thank you.” She smiled as she turned around,”I saw you looking the whole time,” she started to walk away,”we all saw.”
“Hard not too, especially when it seems like youre not wearing anything under it.” I followed her into my office, she was already at the open door.
“I am, it’s just thin.”
Your pov-
“Perfect, just Fuckin perfect.” He groaned, relaxed into the rolling chair, his hands placed on my waist. His finger tips pressed in and out of my clothed skin. My pussy was clenched around his cock, buried inside of me as I was sitting tightly on his lap. My thong moved to the side. The record player was on, playing one of his blues records, mainly instrumental.
He popped two of his Vicodin right before he yanked up my skirt, he was definitely enjoying all of this right now. The door wasn’t locked, but the blinds were closed. A little risky considering Wilson is still around, his wife is gonna be mad when he gets home but he’s got reports to do.
I went to rock my hips to get some pleasure but his grip stopped me.
“Greg.” I sighed out and he hummed, pressing his chest against my back.
“Just sit, go over the information.” His hands ran up my shirt, over my breasts as he started unbuttoning it, exposing my skin and black bra. His lips kissed my neck, his beard tickling my skin as he untucked my shirt from my skirt,”you changed a hair product.”
“My conditioner.” I answered as I switched between tests, comparing and contrasting, trying to make things fit.
He stopped talking after that, running his hands up and down my sides, grazing over fabric and my skin.
I drowned out into the music and the feeling of his cock deep inside me, the littlest shift and he’s rubbing into my gspot. He was relaxed back into the chair, glass of whiskey in his hand as the other held onto my waist.
I looked over to the light board, scans of his heart and brain trying to pick it apart from where I was seated…at least I was. I stopped paying attention when I felt his hand slip from my waist, down to my thigh. His middle finger slipped through my lips and started slowly rubbing my clit in a circular motion.
“Please don’t stop.” I begged out in a breath.
“But what’s the fun in that?” He leaned forward, putting his glass in the desk while making sure he was pressed firmly inside me, making a pitiful whimper leave my mouth,”look at his temporal and parietal lobe in the lateral view,” he turned the chair, I grabbed onto the arms,” along with his cerebellum in the inferior view. Look hard.”
“It’s dying, we know that.” My voice had a slight shiver to it, my legs were also starting to tremble, he still hasn’t stopped rubbing my clit.
“Why?” He started rubbing harder, I was getting wetter, my walls fluttering around him, I stayed nearly silent, besides the small gasps which were starting to turn into moans,”he’s started loosing control of his limbs, impulsive reflex’s cause by the brain, loss of vision intermittently, why?”
“Brain death?” My eyes shot from the lateral view to his inferior view,”His brain stem…he had a heart attack a-alone….” My breathing became deeper,”took the family two minutes to get to him, another five before the para-Ah fuck- medics came.” I answered,”the brain lost oxygen when his heart stopped.”
“Alright, keep going.” He rocked his hips up into me, being extra sure to use his good leg only. Now I was feeling it, my hips started rocking down onto him, his finger was moving fast and hard, I could feel my mind slipping from me.
“There’s no-othing we can do.” I kept the moan that was trying to escape out, wouldve felt wrong saying it with a moan.
“Sure it’s brain death?”
“Yes greg.” My eyes closed on their own, my back arched slightly. He stopped moving, completely,”fuck, come on.” He grabbed into my waist, keeping me still.
“You wanna cum, then give me the right answer, his brain is going to die if you don’t. Key word, going. It hasn’t yet.” He spoke close to my ear,”this is why clinic duty sucks, you get lost in the progress of a patient.”
“He had a heart attack, we know that. The heart attack is not closely connected to this, so get that out of your head.” His tone was stern,”he’s slowly declining at the moment, recount his history, what does he do for work?” My eyes shifted around as I thought,”is your brain going dead by how deep my cock is inside of you? Should I take it out? Let you think?”
“No!” I yelped out,” he travels for business but he gets his shots.”
“Not all.” He reached to the desk and then handed me the folder whilst pulling me flush against his chest, his palm pressed to my lower stomach as I flipped through to find his travel history,”were was he a few months ago?”
“What vaccine is he missing?”
“I don’t know.”
“He got sick in Mexico, had what seemed like a cold, so he was required to get a flu vaccine by his work. It’s not on the list he didn’t feel like he needed to list it.” I blinked a few times.
“So it’s from the vaccine?” The recorded fades out and started playing a new song. He grabbed his glass of whiskey.
“Ding ding.” He threw back the rest of the glass and put it on the desk,” AMAN, found mostly in children. It causing damage to the nerve fibers, which instead of staying in his limbs, progressed to his brain-“
“Which was set off by the heart attack? Being dead for that amount of time set off his immune system?” He rolled his hips into me.
“What do we have to do?” He took the file from me and put it back on the desk,”we don’t act within the next 2 hours, he’s gonna die”.
“His brain is being paralyzed which is mimicking it dying,.plasmapheresis or IVIG, remove the antibodies from the blood.” His finger went back to my clit, regaining the speed and pressure from before.
“Perfect.” He started moving my hips so I started moving them faster, rocking up and down,”oh fuck.”
It felt like electricity was shooting up my spine, simply having his cock inside me gets me so worked up. Moans left my mouth with no warning or control. Slick coated the inside of my thighs and the sounds coming from where we were connected were obscene, but they turned me on even more.
“Gotta start doin’ this to you more, so fucking wet.” He groaned,”Fuckin squeezing me,”
I couldn’t respond, just nodded quickly while ecstasy started taking over my body, my nerves felt like they were on fire. I just kept riding him , my brain focused on finally reaching my climax.
“Greg, m’ close.” I sighed out and he let out a throaty groan. his breathing became a bit faster and so did my movements.
“I can feel it.” His index finger joined his middle finger as he rubbed my clit harshly and quickly,”I know you’re there so just let go. Cum all over my Fuckin cock like I know you want to.”
“Perfect!” I moaned out as my muscles tightened, my grip on the arms of the chair were tight, knuckles turning white. I threw my head back, my eyes were clamped shut, my movements started slowly so he took hold of my hips and kept my pace for me, even with the lack of pleasure to clit, my orgasm was still running through me.
I felt his cock start twitching, his groans becoming louder and more noticeable.
“Hope you took the pill this morning.” He commented, his nails digging into my skin as he finally came. Spilling deep inside of me, keeping most of his cock inside as he filled me up.
Soon he stopped moving me, kept me sat on his lap as his arms wrapped around my waist, holding his hands together as I grabbed one of his wrists. We were both catching our breath in the dim lit office. My body had a tremble to it, and he placed a kiss against my shoulder.
“I’d love to sit here and savor the feeling of your amazing pussy, but I have to clear a businessman’s blood so his brain can start working again.”
I let out a sigh as I shakily got off of him, his cock slid out of me and immediately I felt his cum drip down the inside of my thighs. I grabbed the edge of the desk as he fixed my thong and pulled my skirt back down. I turned around and leaned against the desk as he stood up fixing his boxers and pants.
“I’ll be back in a bit,” he grabbed his cane and started walking away,”we’ll go to my house tonight.”
He left me with that, the door closed behind him and he walked away to the patients room. I sat down in the chair, my thighs pressing together and my head resting on the head of the chair. I don’t think working after hours is gonna be such a bad thing anymore.
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lovely-cherubs · 5 days
"Disassembled: Origins" Masterlist
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Summary: Emerald is a drone whose origins are unknown to her, Uzi, and everyone else. With no memories of her past and reoccurring nightmares/visions often keeping her awake at night, Emerald is determined to find out who and what she is.
After having yet another terrifying nightmare, she makes the deadly risk to go to the lair of the Disassembly Drones along with Uzi, thinking that she'll find answers about her past. It isn't until after both girls have a nearly deadly encounter with the Murder Drones that questions turn into answers. However, as time goes on, Emerald discovers not only her past, but that she may have a connection with the murderous drones, both good and bad.
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Warning: This fanfic will include the following, but isn't limited to:
♡ Graphic Violence and Gore
♡ Misanthropy (the general hatred, dislike, or distrust of the human species, human behavior, or human nature)
♡ Homophobia
♡ Sexual Assault and Harassment
♡ Suggestive Dialogue/Spicy scenes
♡ Angst (have a box of tissues)
♡ Manipulation/Gaslighting
♡ Abuse of Power/Power Imbalance
♡ Abuse (physical, mental, emotional, etc.)
♡ Sexism/Misogyny
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If you are not comfortable with the following and/or would like to avoid any spoilers, do not read this fanfic! Another thing I'd like to add is that this is a Uzi x Fem OC fic as well as an N x Fem OC fic as well. If that's something you're not a fan of, then don't read it. Other than that, enjoy the fic!
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Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: The Beginning Of It All
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 3 months
House: Wilson and I don’t use pet names.
Y/N: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
House: Honey?
Wilson: Yes, dear?
Y/N: Don't ever lie to my face again.
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