#i'll answer my own questions when i have time to grab some screenshots
msviolacea · 5 months
Honkai Star Rail questions
I spent all night last night catching up on events in Honkai Star Rail, and somehow I ended up thinking about whether I'd seen any posts like this one. I couldn't remember any, so I decided to make my own. Hopefully it will be fun for someone as we now test out our free Dr. Ratios and wait for 2.0 to arrive!
This is not a tagging sort of meme - if you play HSR and are in the mood, answer these! Feel free to explain or not explain as you see fit. Bonus points for including screenshots/pictures/art/whatever - not required, but no one ever argued with some pretty.
Note that I'm keeping this one positive, because my mood is "yay this is a fun game I'm happy it's here" and that's the general vibe I want to put out into the world!
Stelle or Caelus? (i.e., which default do you use, regardless of what you named them?): 
First 5* Character:
Favorite 5* Character (Story/General Characterization):
Favorite 5* Character (Combat/Play Style):
Favorite 4* Character (Story/General Characterization):
Favorite 4* Character (Combat/Play Style):
Existing character you haven't pulled yet but want:
Favorite 1.0 Zone (Location) - Herta Space Station, Belobog, or Xianzhou Luofu: 
Favorite 1.0 Zone (Story):
Favorite Character-Specific Quest:
Character who doesn't have a quest yet, but should:
Favorite Event:
Favorite path to choose in Simulated Universe: 
Favorite boss fight (design, combat, story relevance, whatever strikes you most): 
Favorite Aeon:
Favorite non-playable NPC:
Favorite non-romantic relationship (friends, enemies, complicated, whatever):
Favorite ship (if any - canon is irrelevant here, btw, this is all vibes): 
Plot thread you're most looking forward to seeing in the future: 
Bonus question: any other (generally positive) thought, theory, or headcanon that you've been dying to talk about, but haven't had the excuse to mention before:
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sleepyrayray · 1 year
Drunk One Piece Men Not Recongnizing S/O (Various One Piece Men x Reader)
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Characters included: Usopp, Buggy, Eustass Kid Content: Fluff, crack, the boys just getting so drunk that they are like "who are you??? sorry i have a s/o", maybe a bit of angst. Mention of alcohol as the boys are drunk, curse words. GN reader! (tell me if there's any gendered terms I'll fix it.) A/N: Got this idea from seeing a tweet showing a screenshot of the one time someone's partner who didn't recongnize them due to how drunk they were. Also trying to find the time to write while being in college sucks. Also tumblr fustrated me so some things may be a bit iffy as it kept not wanting to process the post so i couldnt make some edits but I did my best to work around it and get it to a point where it would be at least decent. I hope you all enjoy!! I might make a part 2 to this at some point, we'll see. H/C = Hair color ofc.
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He didn't mean to get that drunk, drunk enough to where he wouldn't recongnize his own girlfriend. It had just happened. How did it happen? Well how it happened is that he got into an drinking competition with Zoro first. Did he want to get into this competition? No. Why did he agree? He doesn't know. What were the result? Well of course he got his ass beat, but not without getting superrrrrrr drunk first. Like there is no beating Zoro at a game of drinking. You went to collect your boyfriend, figuring it was time for both of you to retire for a night. You didn't want your boyfriend to get into any trouble in his drunken state. You grabbed his hand with a quick "Let's go to sleep Usopp." Only for it to be yanked away with a drunken glare and a "Who are you?" as this man looked as serious as a drunken man would look. You had furrowed your eyebrows as you said "I'm your partner??" You were just standing there, super confused and usure of what to do. He doesn't recongnize you?? How do you get so drunk that you don't recongnize your partner that you've been with for a long time. Would you ever figure out the answer? You didn't know. Maybe, maybe not you'll see eventually. Suddenly Usopp screeched out an, "No, you aren't my precious Y/N?? ARE YOU A STOWAWAY???" He had a finger pointing right at you, as if he's accusing you which he is. He just stared at you, face flushed red and unsure of what to do. Should he keep this a secret?? There's a stowaway on the ship, what if they're a danger? Oh no, he doesn't want to fight. Maybe he should just run away, let one of the other crewmembers find them and handle them. You just stood there before saying a "I am Y/N though????? I am also not a stowaway, I live on this ship! Wait... Am I reallyy??? Who am I even???" Cue you now having an external crisis because of your boyfriend. Maybe you are a bit drunk as well, or it's because of the fact you and Usopp tend to share the same brain cell 99.9% of the time but now you are just standing there thinking. It is really true that you both share a braincell, even when one of you is sober and the other is drunk there is no seperating ya'll now, you're basically soulmates. Now cue the both of you breaking down crying, Usopp screaming "WHERE IS MY PRECIOUS Y/N! WHO IS THIS PERSON???" You screaming "WHO AM I??? AM I THINK I AM WHO I REALLY AM?" You both sobbed, questioning reality and what is really happening around you both, not noticing the whole crew who is there watching you both and laughing at the chaos that is happening as you and Usopp drop to the floor. Eventually you both just passed out into the world of dreams and the crew just left you on the floor of the kitchen. Usopp was the first to wake up in the very early hours of the morning. He was confused as fuck as to why you both were on the floor in the kitchen. He also had a killer hangover so that didn't help anything. After some time he managed crawl over to you and shake you awake, you had woken up with a confused hum asking a, "Do you finally recongnize me?" Looking at you with a confused look on his face he said a simple "Huh? Of course I recongnize you!!!" He scratched his head before realizing the room they were currently in on the ship before asking an "Why are we in the kitchen?" You only chuckled before answering his question, "Well you got so drunk that you didn't recongnize me. I guess we just both passed out here." He blinked before he responded with an answer you expected from him, which was "Oh. I do not even remember that happening." You just smiled at your sweet yet confused boy "Yeah, you also made me question who I am as well as if I was actually a stowaway or not." You actually both began to laugh together about what happened last night. You both laughed at eachother and at yourselves. You both loved that about eachother, allowing yourselves to laugh about eachother being drunk or in their own extential crisis. The fact that the situation is a mix of both is even funnier, which is why you both cannot stop talking and laughing about it.
But unfortunately, the fun didn't last for long as soon enough some of the crew appeared due to it being breakfast time. While at breakfast they began to tease you both for what happen. It happened all throughout the day, the crew never let it go until a week later. So let us just say that you swore to yourself to never let Usopp get that drunk again, you won't be able to handle the consequences again. Or well, at least not in front of everyone. You would both do it in private areas, but if anyone saw you again you could swear you'd explode on the spot.
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It all started from a party that the Buggy himself and his crew had hosted on the ship. Everyone got a bit drunk, or super super drunk. Including you of course. Your boyfriend wasn't an exeption, you didn't see it all happen as you decided to go back into your shared room in order to sleep. For some odd reason, drinking just makes you tired. Unfortunately, you can't seem to fall asleep, even though you are really exhausted. It seems as if some unearthly figure heard your pleading cries to fall asleep and caused your wasted boyfriend walked into the room, slumped over and murmuring words under his breath. You released a sigh of relief, maybe with him beside you you can fall asleep. You hope so at least, but it turns out everything wasn't in your favor. "Finally you're back, please join me in bed so we can both sleep." You mumbled out, grogginess in your voice. He seemed silent for a moment before speaking up with an "Sorry but I have a partner." He is just standing there and looking at you with judgemental eyes, kinda making you a bit nervous yet confused. "But I am your partner Buggy." You had replied to him, more awake and confused as ever as to why your boyfriend doesn't recongnize you at all. Normally he would, even while drunk. Did he get hit by some devil fruit power you didn't know about? Or what about some magic spell? Is he high?? Did the crew get their hands on some wierd things and so it is making him not recongnize his own partner? He just shook his head, saying a "No you aren't Y/N, they have (H/N) not hair that keeps changing colors constantly to different colors... How do you have your hair do that? You should tell me your secret stranger... maybe then I'll forgive you for being in my room and in my bed." He then walked over and opened the closet you had in the room. You watched him, knitting your eyebrows as you were unsure of what he is thinking or doing. "If you say so." You sighed, eyes widening as he got into the closet. "Why are you in the closet?!" You almost shouted out, definately noting this down into your head to tell the crew during the day. He responded with an, "Well I obviously can't sleep in the bed since you aren't my girlfriend so I am picking the next best option, the couch. Goodnight." It was as if the answer was simple and easy to know as he had litterally sat himself into the closet and passed out after he had closed the closet door. He never realized that that isn't the closet. You simply just shook your head and accepted the fact that you would never fell asleep that night. He woke up with a very sore back, an extreme hangover, his legs also hurt due to the position he was in. He litterally screeched out a "WHY AM I IN THE CLOSET???" when he had realized where he was at. Once he had stepped out you simply looked at him, blinking before saying "You just got into it and slept there." He soon yelled out an" WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP ME????" He crossed his arms over his chest, staring you down. "Well you wouldn't come to bed." You said before clearing your voice and continued though imitating his voice with a "You aren't my partner, my partner has (H/C) not hair that changes color to that of the rainbow." "I would never do that, and why didn't you make me sleep on the couch?" He questioned, now tappin his foot. "Well apparently to you the closet was the couch." You replied to him. "That's impossible! I would never do such a thing!" He semi-yelled as he made an X with his arms, shaking his head. "Yes you did, don't deny it." You hummed, stretching your arms out towards him, before adding a "Now come here and join me, I haven't been able to sleep so maybe we can both sleep cuddling this time and I can finally get some shut eye." He had huffed out a "I still don't believe you." Though he still went and got into bed beside you, pulling you onto his chest. "Just go to sleep." You chuckled, shaking your head with a smile saying "Alright, you should get more sleep so you can heal your migrane and sore bones. "Sounds good." He said, you both falling asleep, cuddled up together.
"Goodnight." You said, smiling, enjoying the cuddles. "It's morning." He huffed out. "I don't care, goodnight." You retorted back at him. "Fine, goodnight." He huffed out, as you both finally fell into the world of dreams and sleep.
Eustass Kid
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The crew had docked onto the next island you all would be stopping at for at least a day or two, in order to stock up on supplies and repair anything needed repairs on the ship. It was night time and the crew had decided to go out to a local bar and drink. You had stayed behind due to having of caught a bit of a cold. You knew that Kid wanted to stay behind to at least make sure you dont die. You had to reassure him that you just needed some rest and he could go and have fun with the crew. You knew he could be rough, and seem a bit rude with his insistance, but you also knew that he isn't perfect when it comes to showing his emotions. It was his own way of showing he cares of course, he doesn't mean anything in a bad way and you admire him for doing his best to show his worry. You shifted in the bed, seeming to wake up from a small nap you were having. You then heard the door open and a drunk Kid stumble into the room in the process. You smiled saying a simple "Welcome back honey." Kid's head turned to look at you before his eyebrows furrowed as if judging you. "Is something wrong Kid?" You had questioned your boyfriend before sitting up. He simply growled before hissing out a "Who the fuck are you." You raised an eyebrow saying "I'm your parner Kid. I'm (Y/N) are you so drunk you don't recongnize me?" He stared at you for a few moments before saying "Stop lying and get out of my room. Why are you even on my ship? Get off of my fucking ship!" His voice rising as he picked you up and put you outside of the room. You didn't even know what to do, you were too stunned to do anything. You just accepted the fact you'll probably have to stay in the hallway tonight. Hopefully he comes to his senses when he wakes up in the morning, knowing him he's already asleep. You too fell asleep in the cold hallway. Soon enough morning came and Kid woke up, grumbling as he wondered why you weren't in bed. He just figured that you had gotten a head start for the day as you often did. He groaned and got ready before heading out of his room. Though he felt his foot bump against something as he went to walk out. "What the fuck." He mumbled under his breath, looking down to find you sleeping on the ground looking even sicker than before. Kid huffed picking you up and bringing you into the room, setting you onto the bed which had woken you up in the process. You mumbled a "Kid...?" Barely being able to talk. "Why the fuck were you sleeping in the hallway? Now you're even more sick than before you fucking idiot!" "You kicked me out..." You rasped out, eyes gazing hazely at his blurred out face. "I would never fucking kick you out of our own room." He said, narrowing his eyes trying to remember what had happened last night. You simply said a "You got so drunk that you didn't recongnize me... So you kicked me out in your drunken state." His eyes slightly widened as he remembered what had happened the night before. He muttered an "Oh shit." Under his breath. Guilt filled his eyes as he realized the fact he's the reason as to why you got even more sick. "I'm so fucking sorry babe." He grumbled before pulling the covers over the bed. "I'll fucking make it up to you." He did. You would go on and reassure him that it's fine, but he didn't accept that it was fine. He made sure you got better, and would even give you all kinds of gifts to show you how sorry he was. He also promised you to never get into that drunken state ever again. He kept that promise.
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true-blue-sonic · 7 months
Do we know if Silver is left or right handed?
This is a question that has been plaguing my mind for literally years now, haha. Time to find an actual answer! I'll dive into various evidences, from artworks, Sonic Channel, and the mainline games wherein he is featured most prominent (Sonic '06, Rivals 1 and 2, Generations, and Forces).
Artwork from games and Sonic Channel
For proof around which hand is Silver's dominant one in this section, I'm looking at hands he's doing actual actions with in the still image. So, just balling a fist or holding a hand out is not enough: he needs to do something with either. That gives me the following:
Right-handed proof:
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Silver throws the ball and the wood, holds the knife, and telekinetically lifts the presents with his right hand. We do see him use his left hand in a way that implies he's stabilising the presents or lifting up the plate, though, and he holds out a gift as well with it. However, perhaps most importantly, he's got his list and a pen in his right hand in the picture where he's dressed up as a post deliverer. Though you can do things like eat with your non-dominant hand as well (that is why I did not include the picture of him holding the candy apple from Sonic Channel in this analysis), writing is something many people need to actively train their non-dominant hand for.
Left-handed proof:
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Both of these examples have him actively use his PK with one hand, which (as we see in '06) is necessary to move things. Specifically, he's holding out his left hand in a "stop" motion in the second picture; in the Sonic Channel story, Sonic gets swooped right off his feet by Silver's powers, thus stopped in his motions. I therefore figure that is controlled most by his left hand.
Drawbacks of this method: this utilises artwork from multiple media, some of which might not be canon to the games (e.g. the Mario and Sonic series). Also, there are various actions you can do with both your hands with only little more stability in your dominant one, like eating and holding up something and stuff. We also do not know how Silver's PK works entirely, but more on that at the end.
Screenshots from the games:
Sonic 06:
Right-handed proof:
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Silver freezes Sonic and the newly-born Iblis with his right hand, and he grasps the Chaos Emeralds with his right hand (almost) all times. Also in the gameplay itself, he uses his right hand for his powers and to press it on the PK marks on the ground and such.
Left-handed proof
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Silver why did you grasp that Emerald with your left hand right after I wrote you always grabbed them with your RIGHT HAND SILVER-
Sonic Rivals 1 and 2:
These games are a bit difficult to get information out of, but Silver seems to use both hands for almost all things: e.g. when balancing on a beam he stretches out both hands for stabilisation, when launching himself off an obstacle he pushes himself with both hands, he uses both to push obstacles as well, he stretches them both out when activating his Psychic Control (and it seems he flings both hands forward afterwards, but it is difficult to see in all the glowing cyan sparkles and stuff), etc. He does however use only his left hand to hang onto a handle that hangs onto a thin rail:
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However, I would not argue that that is something obligatory for your dominant hand, so these games do not really provide evidence towards either hand being his dominant one, I would say.
Sonic Generations:
Right-handed proof:
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He grasps his head with his right hand and shakes it when he gets up from scraping over the asphalt for a hundred meters; I've never truly seen that before but aw <3 My own instinct here is that I use my dominant hand, at least!
When he makes the battering ram with the cars, he uses his right hand to "call" them up from the ground below and "push" them forward. When sending down the first object of the three he tries to crush Sonic with, he uses his right hand for it, and then both hand for the other two items.
Left-handed proof:
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Silver lifts the car with his left hand, and to fling it he flings his left hand down. For the Psychic Knife, he balls his left hand and sends his left hand out to shoot it at Sonic.
Sonic Forces:
Also here not that much conclusive: he utilises his left and right hands alike for gestures (e.g. balling his fist), and when Sonic comes to his rescue before the first fight with Infinite, he uses his right hand to push himself up. He does seem to use his right hand more than his left, though, for example in the ending scene: he gestures with right extensively there.
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In the final battle, he "initiates" with his right hand and turns his body right to get into position, but uses both hands to freeze the illusions in their tracks.
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Final conclusions:
Based on the above information, I figure that Silver is right-handed when it comes to utilising his actual hand (e.g. for writing, cutting, and grabbing items physically), however he is ambidextrous when it comes to his powers. Though artwork and games consistently show him using his right hand for manipulation of objects with his actual hand, I would say there is appropriate proof even within the same game (e.g. Generations) wherein he uses either his left or right hand or both simultaneously for his psychic powers. This is also the case in '06: at times he uses both hands to lift things up, or send them flying. He does not seem to struggle with making things psychokinetically happen with either hand, and he appears to have an equal level of control over the objects in his psychic hold no matter which hand he uses to manipulate them.
Overall drawbacks of this research: My initial general mindset when gathering this evidence was that I assumed Silver utilises his PK with his dominant hand, the same way we would write or cut things in the real world. However, as far as I know this is never explicitly stated. It also does not match what I found in the end, namely that both hands seem to have an equal level of control within his psychokinesis. I also did not watch extensive playthroughs and such for this, so it is very well possible I missed things. Lastly, I think we need to keep in mind that this is probably not something Sega is actively keeping an eye on and enforcing, meaning there could be inconsistencies between games and other media.
If you've got more evidence or things that I missed, let me know!
Tl;dr: evidence from the games and artwork seem to suggest that Silver is right-handed when it comes to actions and gestures around his actual right hand, and ambidextrous when it comes to psychokinetically manipulating objects.
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One more time
Summary: Alex regrets ever saying yes. All he wants is a second chance.
Trigger warning: Mentions of cheating, mentions of sex, swearing, angst
Author's note: my first piece off hiatus !! - you're a twitch streamer in this fic but it won't come up too much :) hope u like it <3
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Based on: Break My Heart Again - FINNEAS
you sigh. your ex-boyfriend called again. you've been ignoring your phone for 5 minutes now. was he really this desperate?
you pick up your phone and slide the green button.
"what do you want, alex?"
"___, you picked up!"
he sounded extremely relieved, like he needs you to breathe.
"i did, now what do you want?"
alex sighed and leaned on a wall in his bedroom.
"can i come over? there's some stuff i still need to pick up."
you suck in a breath sharply. the air is thick and tense.
you clench the phone you were holding and bit your lip.
"i don't want to see you right now."
alex closed his eyes and pushed himself off the wall.
"i understand, you need time."
there was silence for a moment. neither of you wanted to say anything.
"if you want to come over that bad you can get your things tomorrow morning."
"sounds good. i'll be there around 11, okay?"
you ended the call.
alex let his arm drop beside him. his eyes were watering, but he wiped it away with the sleeve of his hoodie.
it's his fault, he knew. but why is he still so upset? he shouldn't feel like this - it's is his own doing, after all.
you open the door to your home. alex was standing on the porch with a few empty bags in hand. the morning sun blinded you slightly, making you squint at the man in front of you.
"hi ___."
"hello, alex. all your belongings are on the couch.
"great, thank you."
he looks over as he's folding a shirt.
"what are you looking at?"
you say without looking away from your laptop.
his face was getting red slightly from embarrassment.
"nothing, you seem busy."
alex directed his eyes back to the clothes in front of him.
"otherwise you would've said something about me."
alex snickered slightly, trying to lighten the mood.
you sigh, holding your face in one of your hands.
don't say it. ___, keep it in. there's no point in fighting him. ___-
"if i wanted to make a comment it'd be about the fact you can't keep your dick in your pants."
god damn it, why did you do that?
he fell quiet. you hated his guts, but even you felt kind of bad for being so blunt with it.
a part of you still loved him. his loud, yet charming laugh. his sweet kisses. his adorable clinginess. his blushing face when you teased him.
you shake your head, trying to physically get rid of your pity for him. he doesn't love you anymore. he shouldn't, and neither should you.
after filling the bags with alex's belongings he stood up and wiped his forehead. you waver from your work and look him up and down.
"you done?"
you asked him. he turned around and gave you a weak smile.
"yeah, i think so."
"good, you know the way out."
you turn back to your computer.
"___, wait. can i ask you something?"
you make eye contact with him, fully aware it makes him nervous.
"what do you want?"
alex took a quick breath.
"can we talk sometime?"
you look at him like he spoke an alien tongue.
"why the hell would i?"
"i want to talk about what happened between us. i hate that our relationship is so sour."
he set a step forward.
"i just want this to end peaceful - or at least neutral."
"why the fuck would i want to be peaceful with you of all people?"
"i hate ending things on the wrong foot, you know that."
alex stands his ground, making you livid.
"then we make up, and then what? you'll just break my heart again!"
you stand up, simultaneously pushing the chair away with your legs.
"then i can lay awake and think about why i even let you inside my house again in the first place?!"
if looks could kill, alex would be on the floor.
"fine. if you don't want to, then i guess everything will just stay the way it is."
alex turned around and grabbed his bags. there's no way he's getting through to you right now.
"oh, so now it's my fault?"
you slam your laptop and walk away from the table.
"well, i'm so sorry for being angry at you for cheating on me!"
you don't hold your anger in anymore, he crossed the line.
"i never said that, ___!"
alex yelled to match your energy.
you took a step back. the audacity to yell at you in your house.
"out. now."
alex grabbed the second bag of clothes and without a word walked to the front door.
"goodbye, ___."
alex pushes the door open and steps outside. you go after him but stop at the doorstep.
"fuck you!" you sob out. you grab the doorknob and slam the door shut.
your knees slowly got weaker and you sit against the front door, shutting your eyes.
it's been a month since you've seen alex. you've blocked him on everything since then.
you were doing a q&a on your twitch channel and everything was going well. chat was filled with questions and you answered the one's you could.
your thoughts were somewhere else, though.
you still miss him, you really did. alex used to watch your streams all the time. he sent you donations with cheesy pick-up lines, he called you during streams to make fun of you for dying in a game or just to chat while he's bored.
but that didn't happen anymore.
you realize you haven't said anything in a while and you apologize. your chat was spamming purple hearts and 'are you okay?'
"ah, sorry everyone, i'm still tired from yesterday. i think i'm going to end the stream for today, thank you all for coming!"
after saying goodbye you turn off your computer.
why are you still so obsessed over him?! he cheated on you! he even tried to cover it up with a bullshit story about "not being the first to kiss her," and "she forced me to," like someone would believe a lie like that.
yet, you still love him. something inside you wants to believe him, like he really was telling the truth.
the next morning you open twitter and scroll for a bit. you made a tweet earlier in which you stated you weren't going to stream today.
you looked at the trending topics and saw your name in bold letters. you clicked on it and read the first tweet that popped up.
'i really hope ___ is doing better, they looked so sad on stream :('
an image was attached to it - a screenshot from the stream you did yesterday where you were mindlessly staring at your computer screen.
you sighed. at least they're not thinking too deep about this.
you scroll further down, replying and liking a couple tweets saying you were alright, thanking them or cracking a joke. this should keep them off your back for a while.
after scrolling for a bit one tweet catches your eye. you clutch your phone as you read the comment.
'kinda obvious they miss quackity :/ it's a good cover-up story tho '
alex was staring at his ceiling. he'd seen the tweets about you - about him.
he hates this feeling. he hates the fact that he knows what you're thinking. he hates that he knows it's his fault. he didn't mean to. he didn't.
"come on, alex. you know you want it." the woman said.
"i told you, no! i have a partner!" alex pushed her away for the second time, trying to find a way past the girl and out of this small alleyway. he should've never gone to this stupid bar.
"tch, whatever. but know you'll regret rejecting someone like me!" the girl pushed him to the brick wall and fixed her dress as she walked away.
alex fixed himself for a minute and walked past the bar and into his car. he pulled out his phone and shot you a quick text.
'hey bb i'll be over in a few :)'
'don't come back.'
you responded almost immediately. alex froze as he looked at the screen.
'you know damn well why'
you sent him a photo of him next to the bar in the alley. the girl was all over him while her lips connected lustfully to his.
'it isn't what it looks like, i didn't start any of this!'
you don't respond. alex tries to send you another text when an error pops up.
'unable to send message. user has blocked you.'
you hover your hand over your phone's keyboard. you thought anbout alex's offer to talk, and decided that maybe it was a good idea after all. you couldn't get your mind off him, you thought that hopefully getting some closure could help.
but how were you going to ask him? 'hey, i know i blocked number like a month ago but can you to meet me at some random park? see you there!'
after typing and deleting multiple texts you eventually landed on a message.
'hey alex, i've been thinking about your offer to talk it out, and i wanted to ask if you're still up for it?'
you send it and immediately turn off your phone and place it on the coffeetable in front of you. you did it, finally. you fall back on your couch and pull your knees up to your face, waiting for a notification.
after a nailbiting five minutes a light emits from your phone. you pick it up and read the name calling you. 'alex'. you take a deep breath and answer the phone.
"hi alex."
"hey ___, it's been a while."
you sit up straight, preparing yourself for the conversation you're about to have.
'yeah, you can say that."
the atmosphere was a lot less tense than you expected. it was weirdly... comforting? you can hear alex's raspy voice through the phone. has he been crying?
"i saw your text, you wanted to meet?"
"yes, i did. i wanted to get some closure, at least."
alex chuckled, his laugh making you a little flustered. trying to brush it off, you laugh with him.
"what's so funny?" alex asked.
you rolled your eyes and smile.
"you, dumbass."
he gasps cartoonishly loud. his goofy personality is something you could never get enough of. maybe you were wrong after all.
"ok, but seriously, when do you want to meet?"
he gets back on topic. you snap out of your smile and remember why he called in the first place.
"right, right. i'm free this whole week, you can choose when."
after some planning and back and forth, you decide to meet at a small family-run café in the afternoon. coincidentally, it's the same place you two had your first date.
you settle down at a table on the terrace of the café, the sunday sun greeting you warmly. you were a little early, so you decided to think of some questions. it didn't take you long to come to a few, though. your main question was the photo. what was that all about?
as you were handed a menu you saw alex walking on the pavement fidgeting with his fingers.
"hey! sorry if i'm late, i took the bus instead of my car."
he took the seat parallel to yours and exhaled.
"oh no, you're right on time. i was just a little early."
the waitress gave alex a menu and disappeared into the establishment. you both decided to stay quiet before getting on topic. neither of you want to start the conversation.
after both ordering and having surface level conversation for a while silence fell. you both know why you're here, it feels off to talk like nothing ever happened.
you both start at the same time. alex awkwardly chuckles while covering his mouth.
"you first."
alex proposes. you nod and like magic lose the somewhat content mood you had prior. you steadily breathe in and pull out your phone.
"so, first things first; my main goal is to get closure and an explanation - there's no point in lying to me."
alex hums in agreement. you could tell he was nervous, you knew him better than anyone. you tap on your screen a few times until you reach the photo that was sent to you.
"now, i want a clear answer. what happened that night?"
you ask him firmly as you put your phone on the table to reveal the image.
"that's my ex-girlfriend."
alex said. you raise an eyebrow - his ex? you've heard some wild things about her and her antics, which is exactly why alex broke up with her in the first place.
"she said she wanted to ask me something in private. my dumbass said yes, because i can't pick up on context clues, apparently."
you cross your arms and lean back on the chair.
"you got that right."
alex looks up from the photo and makes eye contact with you.
"long story short, she pushed me to the wall and kissed me. i tried to push her off but she didn't let me go. after shoving her, like, twice she finally got the hint and left."
"so she set you up?"
"she hasn't changed a bit since all those years."
you say with a hint of condescension. his explanation made sense, and from what you heard he wasn't lying. your gut told you to believe him, yet your mind had an itching feeling that there was something else.
"are you sure that's all?"
alex flinched slightly.
"y-yes, ___. i don't know what else to tell you."
you mess with your hair a bit, clearly conflicted. there was nothing else, you knew that. but your brain wouldn't let it go. you decided it's better if you just sleep on it.
"alright, then.-"
you grab your bag and stand up.
"-i think we're done here."
alex stays seated and looks up at you.
"yeah, i think so."
you pick the phone up that's laying on the table. you pull out your wallet and put a $5 bill under your teacup.
"goodbye, alex."
alex stands up and grabs your wrist, the gesture scaring you little bit.
"are you still mad at me?"
those eyes. they're so pretty, almost sparlking. you snap out of it when he lets go, just realizing how weird it is to grab someone's arm out of nowhere.
"sorry, my bad. i wasn't thinking."
alex scratches the back of his neck.
"i'm still deciding if i can trust you, but i appreciate you showing up, at least."
"that's enough for me."
alex smile at you, not trying to pry.
"goodbye, ___."
"goodbye, alex."
you heard the chirping of the birds outside your window and groan. why is it already morning? you sit up and grab your phone from the nightstand next to your bed, the phone reading 11:23 - tuesday - xx-xx-xxxx.
you sigh and fall back onto your bed. you've been thinking about alex for a few days now, still not getting him out of your head.
after going downstairs and eating some toast you pull out your phone again, the clock now reading 12:44. you look through your contacts and eventually land on his name.
you hover your hand over the green pixels while sitting down at the dining table. you swallow audibly and click the call button.
it goes once.
it goes twice.
'Hey alex, i wanted to ask you if you wanted to meet up again?"
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ty for reading <3
taglist: @adoring-ghost @sakisaralazy @for-memories-sacrifice @ialexabsuniverse @shiyanchan @bioluminescentfrog @esylwen
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mistresseast · 3 years
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Here is my shuake temporary amnesia threadfic I posted to Twitter earlier! Presented to you in screenshots for the full cinematic experience of being spammed with gross fluff on your timeline. The complete text is under the cut in case you don’t want to or can’t wade through all of those images ❤️
The procedure was really simple. Akira’s appendix hadn’t burst or anything, it was just inflamed and the doctor decided to have it removed as a precaution. Nothing to get worked up about, Goro kept telling himself. His husband would be in and out within a day, no hospital stay required.
Akira was all jokes before the surgery, teasing Goro about putting on a nurse’s outfit to take care of him at home, and Goro just said something threatening about suppositories, which earned a cheeky laugh.
It didn’t take long, and the other thieves showed up right as Akira was getting out. He was pretty woozy as the anesthesia wore off, but Goro was just relieved everything had gone perfectly, according to the surgeon.
When Goro comes back, eyes red-rimmed but dry, the thieves are visibly struggling to hold it together. Ryuji is facing the corner, shoulders shaking. Ann and Futaba are clinging to each and Haru has her hand over her mouth. Makoto is holding her head like she has a headache.
Except when Akira is coherent again, he’s...weird. He keeps avoiding Goro’s eyes and he barely responds to the others when they speak to him. Goro tries to take his hand, and he locks up, going pale. The others just watch, looking awkward, and Goro excuses himself, suddenly feeling ill.
Akira is sitting up in bed, beaming.
“What happened?” Goro asks.
Sumi smiles innocently. “Nothing.”
Goro eyes them all with suspicion. “The neurologist will be here soon to clear him for discharge.”
“Great,” Ann squeaks.
“Somehow, I do not think--” Yusuke starts before two of the others shush him.
Well, that’s weird, but when are the thieves not weird? Goro is more interested in Akira, who’s staring at him with a crooked grin.
“Feeling better?” Goro asks, retaking his seat.
“I am now that you’re here,” Akira says, flashing him a wink.
Goro squints at him. “Are you sure? You were pretty out of it earlier. I can go get a doctor—”
“That was nothing,” Akira insists. “I was just surprised to wake up to someone so pretty waiting at my bedside.”
“Oh is that what it was.” Rolling his eyes, Goro sits forward to guide Akira back down against the pillows. “You shouldn’t be sitting up. You’ll pop your stitches.”
“Yes, sir.” Akira lies back obediently and catches Goro’s hand when he tries to pull away. “I can think of some more fun ways to pop them, anyway. Are you free later?”
Goro stares at him while Futaba lets out a hysterical giggle and Makoto mumbles something.
“You think you’re so cute,” Goro says eventually. “The doctor said to hold off on that for at least a week.”
"Oh, right." Akira hitches up his coy smile. "What's your schedule like in a week, then?"
Cheeks warm, Goro cuts his eyes to the others, who are all studiously avoiding looking at the bed. "What's gotten into you?" he scolds. Akira is never this…overt in public.
Akira's smile droops. "I...sorry, I—" He flicks a glance at the others as well, and Goro catches Ann giving an encouraging little hand wave.
"What?" Goro directs at her. "Is something wrong?"
She shakes her head quickly, eyes wide and glittering.
"Everything's fine," Akira insists. "I was just...uh, wondering if, after I'm recovered, you'd like to grab some coffee or something?"
Goro furrows his brows at him. "You realize that's a ridiculous question, right? What are you playing at?"
"But—you—" Frowning, Akira darts a look down at the ring encircling Goro's fourth finger, then over at the rest of his friends. "You guys—"
Futaba bursts out laughing and Ryuji nearly keels over from the force of his own elated wheezing. Makoto pinches the bridge of her nose.
"Sorry," Akira mumbles, releasing Goro's hand, cheeks red. "I guess they thought it'd be funny to play a trick on a sick person."
"A trick?" Goro repeats blankly.
"Of course you're already taken, someone as hot as you—" Akira scrubs a hand through his hair. "I saw your ring but they said it wasn't—you weren't—"
Realization clicks in Goro's head and he angles a glare at the others, which apparently breaks the final seal because the remaining thieves, minus Makoto, dissolve into helpless giggling.
"I'm really sorry," Akira continues, oblivious. "If I knew, I wouldn't have hit on you, but you're just so...and when I woke up and saw you being so nice to me, I thought, you know—" he grimaces. 
"Oh my god." Goro rubs his temples.
"When you left, I asked them if you were single and they said yes, but they were just taking me for a ride." Akira scowls at the others. "Not cool, guys."
Futaba snorts. She has her phone out and pointed at them but Goro can't worry about that at the moment. "Akira, how much do you remember right now?"
Akira shrugs. "Everything's pretty hazy. I figured you all had to be my friends since you don't look like family and you were all really happy when I woke up, but I can't remember the specifics. That happens with anesthesia sometimes, right?"
"Yes, it—" Goro breaks off on a sigh.
"Look, I'm really sorry again," Akira says earnestly, "—and I hope this doesn't make things awkward with us, but I just wanna say that I hope whoever you're with knows how lucky they are."
"Oh, they do," Ryuji pipes up. "They never shut up about it!"
The others all snicker and Goro wishes he was close enough to elbow Ryuji in the gut.
"Good." Akira smiles sadly, putting Goro in mind of a kitten left in the rain. "Who is it, anyway? Do I know them?"
Goro makes a strained noise in the back of his throat. "Akira, it's you."
Akira blinks. "What?"
Digging in his pocket, Goro produces a simple silver band and grabs Akira's hand. "You're the person I'm with, we're married—" he slides the ring into Akira's unresisting finger. "And your friends are all assholes."
Akira stares slack-jawed at his ring. "Wait, really?" He glances between Goro and the others. "Really?"
Goro nods with another sigh while the others struggle to compose themselves.
"Sorry," Ann says, at least looking a little contrite. "When we realized he didn't remember you, we just couldn't resist."
"We owe you," Sumi titters. "Please don't be mad! We'll make it up to you!"
"You absolutely will," Goro grumbles, already planning just how he's going to make the thieves pay for this.
"Hang on—" Akira snags Goro's hand again, eyes shining. "We're really married?"
"Yes," Goro answers patiently. "For nearly two years."
"Holy shit," Akira marvels. "How did I manage that?"
"Here we go," Futaba groans.
Goro shoots her a warning look before reaching over and smoothing Akira's fringe off his forehead. "Hopefully you'll remember that on your own soon." He doesn't really want to recount the whole operatic series of events.
Akira leans shamelessly into the touch, a dopey smile growing on his face. 
The neurologist assures them that Akira's brain is fine and that this kind of disorientation is common after general anesthesia. Nevertheless, he stays in the hospital until his memories start returning.
"Look at it this way," Ann suggests while Akira hides his face in embarrassment and Goro signs his discharge papers. "Now you both know that Akira's not just into you because you tried to kill him."
Goro still isn't pleased with the thieves, but he's starting to see the humor in the situation. "That's definitely a load off my mind. Though now I'll have to rethink our anniversary plans."
Akira whines something that sounds like "please stop"
"I did quite enjoy hearing about how hot I am, though."
Akira lowers his hands, pouting petulantly. "I tell you that all the time."
"You should remind me more often."
"Oh?" Some familiar impishness sparks in Akira's gaze. "So you like when I praise you?"
"Your memories must still be hazy because that's not a secret."
"Please don't do this," Makoto begs.
Laughing, Akira ignores her and makes grabby hands at Goro. Smirking, Goro sets his clipboard aside and leans forward, allowing Akira to pull him into a kiss.
It's just as sweet as always.
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pokemonswshfics · 4 years
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hello friend! :D i had accidentally posted this draft of it before i was finished, that's why the message of the request is a screenshot, so sorry for the slight wait :"D have a good read! + (i didn't really know what speaking up meant , so it's slightly different for each in terms of "speaking up" hehe i hope you all enjoy 💛)
// because of how long this post might be, I'm gonna leave the read more button right here before all of them. they're sfw but I wouldn't wanna clog up anyone's tl :'D k byee ^-^
Raihan/Kabu/Piers × Shy Male! Reader (Sfw)
Raihan × Shy Male!Reader // S/O (Sfw { mild cursing })
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You stood outside Hammerlocke stadium waiting for your boyfriend as he said to meet you there. You had on his jacket, with the hood up because of how many people were around. This didn't stop reporters and fangirls from coming up to you, all bombarding you with questions.
You simply pulled the hood down and shoved your hands into the pocket. It wasn't that you were trying to be rude, you just preferred the attention be on someone else. Literally anyone else.
"How does it feel to be Raihan's first public boyfriend?"
"Hey! Look up here for a quick photo, it wont hurtcha. You're already so cute from what we've seen!"
"Do you love him?"
"Are you gonna stay under there?"
If it was up to you, you would stay in your boyfriend's clothes forever. It was a perfect hiding spot.
"I-I would prefer..not to answer." You stuttered out quietly and stepped closer to the gym doors. The attention got overwhelming at times but you would do this forever if it meant being with Raihan. He was worth it.
"What's annoying about Raihan? Isn't it tiring, that he puts his whole life on the internet?"
You scowled a little and pulled your hood down farther. "I think it's cute." You said under your breath.
"Don't you wish he was champion instead? He always fails at beating Leon!"
"What?" You said softly and lifted your head up a little, but not enough to be seen. The people surrounding you only saw this as invitation to ask more.
"Isn't he a little full of himself when it comes to battles? You can answer us!" Someone said excitedly and shoved a microphone towards you.
"Fine, take this for an answer." You almost snatched the microphone from their hand and frowned at them. "No, I do not find Raihan annoying. I'm very proud of him for even having a gym in the first place. He doesn't need to be Champion to be accomplished! Who the hell are you guys to even be asking stuff so rude? Are YOU Champion?"
Your hood fell back to your shoulders by the time you were done talking. Instantly, camera flashes hit your eyes and you tried to cover your face with your sleeves. You were still beyond angry, and it only increased as you heard the people begin talking again.
"Aw, so cute!"
"Are you really dating Raihan?"
"Raihan got lucky!"
You clenched your fists and dropped the mic you had snatched to your feet.
Then you lunged at a reporter.
Two women screamed, one yelped because of the sudden action and right before you actually touched the man you were going to attack..
"Hey." You felt a pair of strong arms pick you up and throw you over their shoulder. You were met with a back side that had a dark navy shirt on, and navy gym shorts. The Dragon Type uniform.
"Calm down, Tyrogue headass.." Raihan chuckled and you blushed at the familiar teasing. You could hear squeals from the crowd, the same one you would have attacked with your bare hands had it not been for Raihan coming at the last second.
"Put me down! Put me down! Put me down!" You said quickly and began waving your fists in protest. "They weren't being nice about you!"
"Not worth your time, babe. Thanks for keeping him occupied." You could practically hear the grin in Raihan's voice as he began to turn back to the doors of his gym to carry you in. You faced the reporters again and now looked up at them with a scowl. Their faces were all in awe at Raihan carrying you. Some continued taking pictures.
"Oouu let him put me down and I'll- do not very nice things!" You growled quietly and shook one of your fists at them.
"Baby, calm down." Raihan giggled from above you as he even paused for photos a few times just to frustrate you playfully. You pulled the hood further down your head, still cursing reporters as your boyfriend carried you past them.
Kabu × Shy Male! Reader (Sfw)
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At almost all times you were sitting or standing next to Kabu. It wasn't that you didn't like the rest of the gym leaders, it was just something you did for comfort.
You were in a meeting with the rest of the Gym leaders, sometimes you tagged along with Kabu when invited. The other gym leaders didn't mind, they were the ones inviting you sometimes.
Right now they were discussing new ways to (as Raihan said it) "spice up" their gym missions. Kabu wasn't on board and it showed.
"Come on, you guys think challengers might not get bored of the same thing every year?" Raihan sighed and sat back in his chair. "Same old thing, I'd be bored out of my mind."
"Good thing you aren't a challenger then." Kabu replied, crossing his arms. His irritation showed to you and you nudged his knee with your own under the table lightly. "Our gyms will be led how we would like, and I like mine. I'm keeping it the way it is."
"Come on, no need to get mad." Raihan chimed back and half smiled. "Either all of us or none."
"I'm keeping mine how it is, I've done too much for it since Opal gave me the gym." Bede remarked.
"Come on, Bede..you're the newest of us, take some advice! Change it up a little." Nessa said and sat up.
"I'll k-keep..mine." Allister stammered out and looked down to the table.
"I'd like to change mine." His older sister, Bea smiled widely and pumped one of her fists up. Raihan high fived her, attempting to now convince Milo and Melony to change theirs.
Kabu's eyes furrowed then he looked towards you, smiling with tired eyes. He playfully rolled his eyes while nodding to the other gym leaders. You giggled quietly in answer.
"Come on Kabu, lighten up. Keep up with the times!" Gordie practically whined out. Kabu tensed up once again, and you could feel his anger rising once more.
"Don't tell me what to do. My gym, my rules." Kabu stood and looked around now with a frown. If provoked, his temper could easily appear. You looked to the other gym leaders, Allister (even with a mask, you could tell) was nervous because of how Kabu could get.
"Ugh. They're just ideas-" Bede groaned sassily.
"They're stupid ones!" Kabu slammed one of his now balled up fists onto the table you all sat at. The gym leaders were used to his hot headed self, so it didn't bother them and they never planned on telling him anything like "calm down", or "be nice."
"Kabs." You stood up, still slightly avoiding eye contact with the rest of them and grabbed his elbow softly. "Calm down, they were just trying to give some advice." The other gym leaders now all looked at you, some with slightly widened eyes. 
Kabu’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink, you could feel the tension in his body go away as you began to rub his arm. He turned toward you and the anger in his eyes was gone, now replaced by warmth when you looked into them. Raihan smirked from the other side of the table.
Kabu grumbled something then sat down, his face burning up. “I-Yeah. He’s right. I suppose I should calm down, you all are just trying to help me. I apologize for calling your ideas stupid.” He crossed his arms and avoided eye contact. You followed and sat back down with him, then looked up and realized all the gym leaders were now staring at you, either with shocked faces or grins.
“I’m so sorry if I interrupted your meeting- I just wanted Kabs to calm down and-” You could now feel your cheeks begin to darken with embarrassment and you hid your face in your hands, not even wanting to finish your own sentence.
“Why are you apologizing? You got Kabsy here to calm down, something none of us could do. And you did it without thinking he might take out a Pokemon and burn you alive or something.” Raihan chuckled and turned to Kabu, with his chin being held up by his palms. “You got a soft spot?”
Your boyfriend scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Let’s just get on with the meeting, I don’t have time to-”
“For me he does.” You teased softly and took one of Kabu’s hands in your own. This only caused the red in his cheeks to return and for him to hide his face in one hand, groaning. 
“You should come to meetings more often, dear!” Melony practically squealed out, Nessa nodding in agreement. 
Raihan laughed loudly then looked towards you. “No, seriously. Calm your man down sometimes.” He grinned.
“Let’s get on with it!” Kabu said loudly and waved his free hand in the air but was still looking away from everyone to avoid his blush being visible. He didn’t take his hand from you though, now he intertwined your fingers. You smiled a little more at the action and squeezed his hand in return. 
“Alright, Alright...” Raihan bit his lip and reached down under the table only to pull out a folder with a playful squeal.
“Let’s change our uniforms!!” There were chuckles throughout the table of people, and you began to feel more comfortable with all of them, simply by holding Kabu’s hand. He turned his head toward you and smiled a little, as to not make it obvious to the rest of them. 
You giggled again and prepared to listen to Raihan’s bright idea of changing the uniforms with Kabu already groaning when he realized what the younger gym leader had said.
Piers × Shy Male! Reader (Sfw {mild cursing})
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You sat on a wooden crate besides Marnie, your boyfriend's little sister. You two were listening to him sing to a crowd of Team Yell members and other people from different towns.
The silence with Marnie was usual and comfortable.
"Look at my bro go. Always had it in him, singing." She said quietly and leaned slightly towards you so you would hear over the music.
You nodded and smiled a little. Your eyes couldn't come off Piers, you loved watching him sing. You put your knees up to your chin, and rested your arms crossed on them so they would hide your grin and pink cheeks.
"Still not much of a talker?"
"Oh! Uh, yeah- I like talking." You practically whispered. "Sorry, not really-"
"Hey. It's fine. Piers already told me you aren't that out there. I don't mind some silence." Marnie replied with a nicer tone now, since she meant it.
"Thanks." You quietly replied and looked back to the stage before you heard her speak again.
"What do you see in Piers? You can tell me, I'm not the judging type."
"What do I..see in him?"
You looked to the stage again and watched Piers interact with the crowd. Your grin widened, you almost never see him smile as much as he did on stage unless he was alone with you.
"I see..a sweet guy. He looks all mean and hard but he's really the most gentle guy I know. He has this smile that drives me wild and.." You took your arms away from your face to talk more clear.
"And? Come on, don't be shy." Marnie encouraged and nudged you with her elbow.
"He's real funny. Piers makes me happy when I'm having a really bad day, he's got this thing to him that I can't stop wanting." You could feel your cheeks turning a light shade of red, and you cursed how easy it was for you to blush.
Piers looked towards you and Marnie and winked at you. Some people in the crowd cheered at the action, a few swooned excitedly. You buried your face in your hands and could hear Marnie laugh a little.
"A-Anyways..he doesn't let anything in his past or present get to him. His music..his music! It's so impressive. He's a singing gym leader. The way he manages both..I just-!" You dropped your knees from your face and squealed. "It's Piers!"
Marnie laughed a little at your excitement. "Anything else?"
"He's..SO cute. Gosh, I can't get over it. We've been together for a while and he still makes me all giddy and warm inside when he smiles or- does shit like that!" You spoke about his playful wink, and you stood up on the crate, not even caring about your fear of crowds anymore. "And I love it!"
The crowd was still practically screaming as the song ended. You cupped one of your hands around your mouth, waving the other at Piers frantically.
"Come on Piers! Give us MORE!!" You shouted out while grinning and quickly caught his and some fans' attention. You locked eyes with him, and made a motion to usher him for another song.
He raised his hand to the crowd to quiet them down then spoke. "Alright, hey. Glad you guys are enjoying the show. It was supposed to stop now but, how am I gonna end this when I got my sweetheart over there asking for more?" Piers nodded to you, causing multiple Team Yell members to turn your way, smiling.
You immediately sat back down on the crate next to Marnie and hid your face. "No.." You protested quietly against his teasing. He knew you never liked the acknowledgement, he just liked making you blush.
"So, Team Yell. I want you to be as loud as you can, this next one is for my cutie. Love ya." Piers adjusted the mic as Team Yell began what they did best again: cheering. They turned quickly back to the stage and you peeked up at Piers.
Your eyes' focus never left him, and you listened intently to his voice. A relaxed sigh left you as you felt yourself being caught up in the music. You and Piers continued to make eye contact throughout the rest of the show, as if no one else was there. The moment was like a trance and neither of you were really looking to get out of it.
thank you for reading ! requests always open! just might be a slight wait 💕 - 🥝
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serabellymrph · 2 years
Graphics Set Requests!
I'm opening up a few slots for some graphics requests if people want. Please note that for the sake of my own brain, when I do a set, I usually do a full set because it's easy to maintain consistency if I do it all at once.
A full set includes:
A header image that doubles as a background for your blog.
A matching avatar to the header image.
Banner headers for answered asks, headcanons, blog updates, dash games, mains calls, ooc notes, open starters, and a starter call. With these, I can put any text on them that you want, so if you need one that says something specific, just let me know ahead of time!
A small footer image that you can use as a spacer.
Please note that because these are done by request only and not paid commissions, you may only request for up to two muses at a time (esp for multimuses). This is just to keep me from being overburdened.
As well, please note that all requests include the following:
I don't overprocess or over-posterize icons. Put simply, I don't like the style and I don't like how it degrades image quality. Tiny images don't vibe with me.
I don't use photoshop, so if you want a specific PSD used, the answer is no. I make my stuff from scratch, period. You can post a few ideas and I can try to emulate those styles, but I make no promises.
For game characters, you're free to provide screenshots, but often I'll grab my own screencaps. If you want caps from a specific scene, then let me know! I have most of all 3 games recorded, so I should be able to pull from those scenes and get high-quality shots (I have 1080p recordings).
All images are designed to scale and be readable on both mobile devices and on the desktop dashboard. I will not make my fonts any smaller or tinier because of this. They're set at those defaults intentionally to maintain readability. They'll also scale with different screen sizes, so they'll always look pretty good no matter where your followers are looking at your stuff.
Please plan to use the graphics I make if you request for at least an extended period of time. If you're going to change it a week later, then... don't request, please. It takes time and effort to make them, and I'd rather that not be wasted after you've cycled through it a week later. If you do this repeatedly, I'll likely blacklist you from requesting.
Please be available via DM so I can show you progress images as well as ask questions throughout the process. The longer you take to respond, honestly, the longer it'll take your request to be finished, and I do like to finish them all in one sitting (so I don't forget what I've done sometimes, lol). I can usually sit down and do a full request in a day, but I do need to get a little feedback throughout the process to make sure it's something you'll like.
Interested? Send me a DM on this blog (or a side-blog of mine you're following) and we can chat! Want to see some of my stuff? Check out my side blogs, as I've used them there.
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imaginetrahs · 4 years
4. Is this a date or what?
This morning I woke up around nine o'clock and stayed in bed for a while. Oscar wasn't coming until 12:30 and currently it's only 10.
I got out bed with a heavy sigh, and walked to my closet looking for an outfit. I wanted to look good but not like I'm trying too hard. However, I don't want to look like I didn't try. I decided on a cropped thin strapped tank top with ripped jeans and a light flannel shirt. I looked in the mirror and paused thinking about the weather. I checked my phone and it said 85 degrees. I went to change my outfit, but took a picture first. I ended up trying on three different outfits, took pictures of them, and then sent them to the group chat before hopping in the shower.
Real Hot Girl Shit 🤪
Hot Girl Lana
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Which one 😭
Read 10:15
Hot Girl Brae
The first one is really cute but so is the third one 😗
Sent 10:18
Hot Girl Ziy
Where are you going 🤔
Sent 10:20
Hot Girl Lana
Out with Oscar 😬
Read 10:50
Hot Girl Brae
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Hot Girl Ziy
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Hot Girl Brae
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Hot Girl Lana
Ok it is not that serious 🙄
Read 10:58
Hot Girl Ziy
Actually it is
Read 11:05
Go with fit 3 bitch
Read 11:05
Hot Girl Lana
Thanks 😊
Read 11:08
I promise to tell y'all everything later
Read 11:10
After punching the air a few times I got dressed and put some mousse on my braids to lay down any flyaways. I didn't do any special makeup just my eyebrows, some lashes and some lip gloss. I walked out of my room to see Jamal sitting at the table eating cereal.
"Where are you going? Did you put sunscreen on because last time you didn't you got burned and then you cried and had me rub aloe all over you and I don't want to do that again." He got up to put his bowl in the sick and crossed his arms across his chest.
"Yes Jamal, damn." I walked around him to the fridge to grab a water.
"Where are you going?" He continued watching me from the counter.
"Out." I sat on the couch and turned the tv on. Reruns of love and hip hop were on so I decided to just watched that until it was time to go.
"Where?" I sighed and threw my head back on the couch.
"What is this? And interrogation?" I tossed the remote on the coffee table in front of me. "You're not my dad! You always tryna hear something."
Jamal gave me a straight face and I couldn't help but bust out laughing. He did this to himself asking all these damn questions.
"Chill out J." I giggled to myself. "I'm a big girl, I can handle myself."
He rolled his eyes and walked down the hall to his room. I stayed on the couch watching tv for the next hour. I was hungry but decided not eat because I'm pretty sure I'll eat with Oscar.
12:30 came and went, Oscar still wasn't here. I waited until 1 o'clock to text him, it's only been thirty minutes but Oscar is very punctual it's sickening. I checked my phone again and seen that my message was left on read.
I twisted my face up and locked my phone. I sunk into the couch thinking that maybe he's busy right now and him leaving me on read is his way of telling me he's still coming.
Unfortunately that wasn't the case, I've sat here for another two hours. I laid down on the couch still watching tv, upset. I heard Jamal come out of his room and into the living room.
"I thought you were going out." He came and sat on my back.
"Yeah me too." I groaned out from under him. "Do you wanna go out? Like to eat or something?"
"Really?" His whole face lit up at my question.
"Yeah," I giggled at him, "why wouldn't I be serious?"
He shrugged his shoulders and got up to put his shoes on. I squint my eyes not believing him then got up myself to put my sandals on.
Before leaving I made Jamal take a picture with me for Snapchat. I captioned it with a red heart and posted it. I grabbed my keys from the key hook and left with Jamal behind me. I waited in the car while he locked the front door and pulled out when he got in the passenger seat.
"Where to brother?" I glanced at him but still kept my eyes on the road. Safety first.
"Let's go to the state fair." I stopped at a red light and looked at him surprised.
"Are you sure because last time you told mom and dad you were going to sue them for child endangerment." I laughed and pulled off to get on the freeway.
"I'm a new man now. I'm stronger," he flexed his arms to show his nonexistent muscles, "I'm taller."
"Right." I nodded at him slowly. "We'll see how much of a 'new man' you are when it's time to get on rides."
For the rest of the drive we sung most of the songs that came on Spotify together. Moments like these are my favorite because as we get older we started to drift apart doing our own thing.
About 45 minutes later we parked and hopped out to get to the ticket booth. It was almost 4 o'clock and the park didn't close until 8 so we had some time. For Christmas last year we were gifted membership passes so we didn't have to pay as much and I'm so thankful for our rich family members.
Looking around the park we tried to decide what we wanted to do first. I haven't eaten yet and I was super hungry, like hungry hungry. I looked around for the food truck that I wanted. They served these really, really good buffalo chicken calzones and then I would just get a bucket of fries from another truck and fried Oreos from another. Be honest, who comes to fairs to ride rides because I don't, I come to eat.
Jamal and I sat at one of the free tables and he watched me eat with a disgusted face.
"You know none of that is good for you and with the pace you're eating at, you're bound to choke." He stopped talking abruptly. "I'm not CPR certified." He whispered to himself.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh come on J, chill out. It's like I have to constantly tell you this. Enjoy and indulge in this while you can because once we go back to school it's back to eating prison food."
"I'm pretty sure school food is better than prison food." I huffed and stopped eating.
"That's not the point." I wiped my mouth with the napkins I grabbed. "My point is, enjoy yourself. You're too uptight to be only 14, that's not good. It gives you grey hair early."
"Fine." He sighed and went to reach for my food but I moved it out of his reach.
"What are you doing? All of these vendors and food trucks, and you want my food?" I looked at him like he had two heads. "Go get your own, loser."
We've been at the fair for almost four hours and we've ate and played more games than we can count. So far we've won a huge unicorn, big enough for me to sit on, a huge pillow pet and just a bunch of small and medium sized stuffed animals. Since we weren't ready to go yet, I put all of the prizes in a storage locker until we left.
"You ready to go yet?" I looked at Jamal and he looked like he was ready to pass out, truth be told me too. We've been walking around for hours, bumping into people and vice versa, quite frankly I'm tired of it.
"Yeah, you?" He looked back at me and I nodded back at him.
"Let's get a funnel cake before we go?" We both stood up and walked to find the booth that sold funnel cakes. Eventually we found it and stood in line waiting for the few people in front of us.
From the corner of my eye I could see Jamal fidgeting like he wanted to say something. I could feel him glancing at me but not saying anything so I thought I should say something first.
"What is it J?" I turned to him a little, it was enough to let him know he had my full attention.
"What — I don't — what?" He stuttered out.
I pursed my lips and rocked on the heels of my feet waiting for him to tell me. "I don't believe you. So just tell me or rather, I don't know, ask me like a normal person."
He took a minute and finally asked me. "Who were you going out with today?"
I stared at him in disbelief, "that's what you wanted to ask me?" I snorted out a laugh. "I thought you were gonna ask for money 'cause you're in trouble or something. Jeez, J."
He huffed and moved up ordering the funnel cakes for us. I had a feeling he already knew the answer so I didn't bother answering it.
"Are you gonna answer me?" He handed me my cake and we started walking to the front of the fair to grab our things and leave.
"No." I led some guys willing to carry all of the prizes to my car. "I'm pretty sure you already know the answer so...you tell me." I put one hand on my hip while the other held the rest of my cake.
Once the guys were done I tipped them and got in the car. We had a long drive back home because of traffic and it's dark out and people don't know how to fucking drive.
"How did that even happen? Why him of all people?"
To be honest I don't even know myself. Yeah I had a crush on him and yeah he's attractive, very attractive whew. But, the lifestyle he lives is very dangerous, he's older than me, which isn't really a problem I'm eighteen, and he's not really someone my dad would want me to bring home.
"I don't know." I pulled onto the freeway. "It's a long story I guess."
"We got time."
We finally arrived home after I spilled my guts about my feelings for Oscar. Surprisingly Jamal didn't say anything about how I felt, because we all know he always has something smart to say.
"I know you're older and you're supposed to look out for me but, you're my only sibling," he took my hand in his, "and I just want you to be safe."
I nodded and squeezed his hand. "Of course. Always."
He nodded back at me and got out the car making his way into the house. My parents were home, I could see their bedroom light on.
I sat in the car for a little while longer not ready to get out yet. My phone went off in the cup holder telling me I had a text message. I looked at it and seen a picture from Braelyn. In the picture it was Oscar, who looked way too high to function, and a girl sitting on his lap. The picture was screenshot from Instagram and it was captioned "Mine 🤪".
I couldn't help but laugh, out of both humor and stupidity. I text back the group chat, "Lmfaooooooo. Bet.", and got out of the car and went inside. I'd get the stuffed animals tomorrow or something, right now I just want to go lay down.
"Hey babygirl." My dad hugged me as I walked in the house. "Jamal told me y'all went to fair. That was nice of you."
"Yeah I thought we should hang before school starts." I kicked my sandals off at the door and grabbed a water from the kitchen. "I'm gonna go to bed, I'm tired.
"Ok, I love you." I repeated it back and went to my room. Today has been a long day.
I changed my clothes and then got in bed. I put on Netflix for background noise and check my socials. There wasn't anything special but I watched Jamal's snap and noticed he posted a few pictures of us from the fair.
One picture stood out the most though. It was a picture of me playing the basketball game, I was mid shot with a big smile on my face. It was about 6:30 when it was taken because the sky was a pink-ish orange color and I looked like I was literally glowing. I screenshot it and posted it to my story and locked my phone.
I got another text and seen it was from Oscar. I rolled my eyes and opened it to leave him on read and went back to watching tv. I didn't have time for the tomfoolery, if he didn't want to hang today that's all he had to say instead he stood me up.
"Can I watch tv with you?" I looked up and seen Jamal standing at the door with a disgusted look on his face. "Mom and Dad are...busy and your room is the farthest."
I chuckled and made a space for him on the bed. He climbed in and we watched tv for the next 2 ½ hours. When Jamal got up to leave to his room I laid my head on his shoulder.
"You're my favorite brother."
"I'm you're only brother, Solana."
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zitrolena · 5 years
Sick of losing Soulmates: a song-inspired Crisana fic
Decide for yourself if you want to listen to the song before, during or after reading. Hope you enjoy! :)  
"So how long do you think Harry Styles' hair would be if he hadn't cut it when he did?"
Questions like these have increased dramatically since Cris relistened to a song by One Direction and hadn't stopped to listen to any of their members songs yet. It's been a week. 
Joana sighed and looked to the weird girl that was sitting cross-legged opposite to her looking at her phone. Cris was a fangirl now - she came to the dark side and Joana had no idea what to do with that information.
Joana was not used to fangirls and it was especially new to her to be in a relationship with one. Fangirls were like a different species for Joana. For her it seemed as if they sometimes put other people's problems over their own or often even internalsied them as if they were their own.
But thinking about it she actually loved that Cris was a fangirl, or overall that everyone kind of was. What would humanity be if we didn't adapt and think about other people's problems? It just wouldn't be the same. Joana wouldn't be sitting here, wouldn't be medicated and definitely wouldn't be with a girl that she had given a thousand reasons to run. Life wouldn't be the same. Life wouldn't be as good as it was right now.
"What a strange being you are", Joana laughed and grapped Cris' legs, sperated them and put them around her own waist. 
"Are you trying to distract me from my life-changing question with your weird Dangerous Liaisons Spanish accent again?", Cris asked looking up from her phone. She tried acting annoyed but it was obvious to both of them that the smile on her face didn't help her act. Cris was never a good liar.
"Well.. no. At least not on purpose", Joana answered leaning into Cris and kissing her on the mouth. Her lips were soft, covered with a smile and she tasted like the salt of their popcorn they've both shared before.
"Well", Cris mocked Joana when she leaned back again "This isn't answering my question either"
"I don't know, Cris", Joana sighed "I'm not as great of a fangirl as you are"
"You know, I actually could be an amazing fangirl, if things were differently. I would be the kind of fangirl that had their whole walls plastered with posters and I'd know all the lyrics! And I'd be on twitter 24/7"
"You are on twitter 24/7", Joana interrupted her and rolled her eyes "But yes.. God knows where I would be if you hadn't found me sitting all alone in the dark aswell."
Cris laughed and tapped Joanas feet "Yeah. That was a weird night". Did I ever tell you that I've done a screenshot of you the same night and kept looking at it and it drove me insane?"
"Wait, what? Where did you find a picture of me?", Joana asked confused.
"You were on a picture that Viri posted and you can't tell me you didn't try to be on it because You seriously looked straight into the camera", Cris chuckled.
"Oh you mean that photo", Joana laughed remembering the photo she saw on Viris' account "And for your information I didn't try to be on the photo. I'm just that photogenic that the camera always finds me"
"Ah well, of course. My bad!". Both started laughing and all of the sudden all the memories from the past month came flashing back in Cris' head. Her looking at that photo far too many times to be straight. Their first kiss that made her not wash her hair for 3 days because she was not ready to forget the smell of the water that Joana had pushed her in. The breathtaking moment Joana told her that she broke up with Eloy. Those two days when she forgot everything bad in the world cause she was just that happy because she finally had Joana. The back and forth and the I love you's. They've built so much history in such little time and she could only dream about the future. Their future. It's going to be so different than what Cris would have imagined a couple months ago.
"What the hell would I be without you?", Cris leaned in and kissed Joanas nose then her left cheek and then her right. It was like their own kind of making the sign of the cross, their own special handshake, the things only meant for them. "I mean seriously, who the hell would I be?"
"You'd be a fangirl who's not over the fact that Harry Styles cut his hair years ago. Next question" 
"No seriously" Cris grabbed Joanas face in both of her hands "You made me grow so much it's almost weird to think about the past me"
Joana looked away embarrassed and closed her eyes "I'm sor-"
"I swear to god Joana don't say you're sorry now.", Cris laughed and shook Joanas head with both of her hands as if it was the only way to make her understand it "You changed me. You changed everything! And that's a fucking good thing"
Joana grabbed Cris' hands and took them off her face. "You grew because I put you through shit. That's not a good thing"She could feel the stunning pain in her chest again and she wanted it to stop immediately but it was easily said than done. Joana knew there was no reason to freak out. Cris made her choice to be with Joana and it was no one's choice but her own to do so. But it still hurt to think about all the bad things she had to go through because of her.
"We both grew, Joana.. We grew together". Eventhough Joana didn't look at her anymore but stared at the floor instead, Cris knew that Joana was fighting a battle inside of her. "Isn't that exactly what soulmates do?". 
Both were surprised by that word but still Cris couldn't whipe her whipped smile off her face. She loved how romantic Joana made her and how all the romantic movies she made her watch actually rubbed off on her. "A soulmate is someone that wants to grow with you and who chooses you over and over again and will love you through good and bad. Love is about making it work, isn't it?"
Joanas frown vanished and changed to the smiley one Cris oh so loved. "I think a hopeless romantic overtook the body of my girlfriend and I'm not sure how to cope with it"
"Well all that could have been avoided if you would just have answered my question". 
Cris grabbed her phone again out of protest and started scrolling through twitter when Joana tackled her and landed on top of her with "It would be long, okay? Very very long. Rapunzel-like-long. And soft. Just like yours", she said while she brushed over her hair. 
Cris chuckled and let her phone fall onto the soft sheets of the bed "You gonna be a fangirl with me, now? Sure you want to suffer through the pain?"
"Yes.. or at least I'm gonna listen to you obsess over them. Cause I'm sick of losing Soulmates, so where do we begin besides understanding that we both have problems. I know I have some and now I can finally see, you're as fucked up as me. And if letting you fangirl over Harry Styles makes you a romantic, I'll gladly take that kind of suffering". Joanas voice felt hot in Cris' cheeks "This specific fangirl right here", she said while brushing her nose against Cris' "Won't be alone again"
"I like that", Cris said before Jaona finally leaned in to give both of them the kiss they've been waiting for.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 14)
"To Clvlnd She Goes"
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Colson tells Emma that Luna is going to fly in tonight so they can have lunch tomorrow.
"Is she staying with you?" She asks.
"Nah, she's gonna stay down town." He reassures her. They agree on a time, Emma calls her mom to confirm Colson can drop Casi off for while. "Cool. Thanks Em."
She nods her head, smiling at him. "You're welcome." She says before he walks off to collect Casi.
After booking her flight, Luna heads back to Ashley's. She's home now, chilling on the couch with Jagger. Luna tells her of her plans to fly out to Cleveland. Ashley's shocked. She knows Casi but she didn't meet her until she and Kells had been friends for a good while. "Wow!" She says, cocking her head back.
"I know. It's like meeting his mom, but obviously not his mom, you know?" Replies Luna.
Ashley doesn't want to but she can't help but laugh. Luna's never done well with parents or any type of authority. "Well, she is an important mother to him. Considering..." Referring not only to Emma being Casi's mother but also to Colson's own absentee mother.
"I know." Says Luna quietly "That's why it's important and I don't wanna make a bad first impression."
"You'll be fine. We're not 17 anymore. She's a mom, but she's your peer. Just be your shining, brilliant self." She says popping off the couch. "Now come on, I'll help you pack AND even drive youuuuuuu."
"Oh, FUCK! A ride to the airport?? Now THAT'S friendship!!! Laughs Luna as the girls head up stairs."
Luna gets comfortable on the bed, pulling out her vape pen. The flight was smooth and she had easily ubered to the hotel.
She'd FaceTimed Colson once she'd checked in and had gotten settled. He was home playing FortNite Casi. They spoke for a bit, he gave her shit for not letting him pick her up. She told him to shut up, that she was fine and to enjoy hanging out with Casi. He's going to pick her up around 1230 tomorrow, after he drops Casi off. They exchange goodnights and I love yous.
He texts her his Snap code later and sends her a dick pic through it. She screenshots it but doesn't reply.
"A little teasing never hurt no body..." She thinks as she snuggles into the bed. After a few minutes she misses Colson. She Snaps him her slender legs propped up, toes and tattoos in full view. She tries to fall asleep after, hating the familiar feeling of a once full but now empty bed. It makes her think of Justin. "But you'll SEE him tomorrow." She reassures herself before popping a lunesta to shut her mind up.
Casi and Colson had hung out, played video games and now she was in bed. He's in his own too, smoking a joint, waiting for Luna to Snap him back. She does. When he sees it, he instantly gets hard. He screenshots it so he can jerk off to her.
"Fuck, she gets me!" He thinks as he easily cums. Once he lays back down, he looks over at his empty bed missing Luna. "Soon enough." He falls asleep with dreams of their future adventures together dancing in his head.
Colson and Luna arrive at Blue Point for lunch. Emma is already seated and watches them come in. They're dressed causally but stylish. Luna in a black lace top, cuffed ripped boyfriend jeans and nude heels. Colson spots Emma and waves holding Luna's hand, leading her to the table with him.
"Hey!" He says leaning over to peck Emma. "Emma this Luna. Luna, Emma." He introduces them.
Luna smiles brightly and reaches her hand out to Emma. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" She says.
"You too." Responds Emma, taking her hand. Once they sit down, the server greets them. Taking their drink and appetizer order. Emma asks how they met. Colson first speaks of their past not meeting all those years ago. It rings a bell in Emma's head. "Don't tell me you're The Girl in the Cheetah Print coat!!" She exclaims, astonished.
Luna laughs and looks at Colson. One look. He blushes. "Yup!! This is her." He says proudly, throwing his arm around her without a thought.
They order food. Conversation between Emma and Luna flows easily. Emma asks Luna what she does, where she lives, if she has any kids.
Luna answers, that she calls NY home. That she does not have any children. Explains that she does a little of everything. That she's a singer/songwriter on an independent label. How she's had a few art showings and has successfully sold some solid pieces. That she enjoys scouting, shooting and helping upcoming artist break through. She mentions a bit of her political activism.
"Wait, so you went to Flint?" Emma asks, impressed.
"Yeah, we loaded up 3 large Uhauls, packed to the gills with thousands of cases of water and drove them from NY to MI. I went the first 3 times to establish a solid connection, then set it up to where there's been 2 full monthly deliveries for the last 4yrs. It's still not nearly enough though. So, I'm currently working with this great guy in the community, Gary. We're building a class action lawsuit at the moment. We're preparing to take it all the way to the Supreme Court, if we have too. Not that those biased fucks will really do anything... But we either fight or die, right?" Luna concludes.
"Wow." That's really admirable." Emma says listening intently.
"I have the platform, resources and the intelligence to help. I'd be a Fucking dick and a part of the problem, if I didn't." Luna says with a sadness in her eyes.
Emma nods in agreement.
She looks at Luna seriously, making her nervous. "I feel like I can ask you things and you'll answer them honestly, which I truly respect and appreciate." She continues looking over at Colson "I like you, you seem like a strong, independent, educated, KIND woman, who can potentially have a very positive influence.." She looks at Colson again "Over our daughter. But I have to ask you. What drugs do you do?"
Luna laughs, catching Emma off gaurd. "I'm so sorry. That was incredibly rude. You just me threw me off!" Luna apologizes. "To answer your question, I smoke a LOT of pot. I LOVE a mushroom and maybe some pure MDMA, but I don't fuck around with scary drugs. Like meth or heroin. I'm already too hype for coke. I drink but... Pot, pot's the go to. Always."
Emma looks at her, appreciating how candid she is. Then she looks at Colson, who's staring at her. Hard. "You know how much coke Colson blows?" She asks dead out.
"What the fuck, Em??" Colson throws his long arms out.
"I'm only asking Colson, because if you're serious enough to want her to meet Casi. Then, I need to know, that she knows what she's getting herself into. So, that our little girl doesn't get attached and her heart broken, if Luna decides it's too much in 6mnths." Emma states emotionally.
"You think I'd bring Cas around someone who I didn't think was gonna ride with me for the long haul??" He snaps back.
Luna interrupts them both. "Guys, chill out." She grabs Colson's thigh with her left hand squeezing it under the table. While she reaches across the table with her right, to lightly touch Emma's hand. "It's ok. It's a valid question, Bunny. That's why we're here." She says looking at Colson. Then she turns to Emma, "Honestly, obviously I know he does blow and addies, I don't know how much because I don't do it with him, but I have an idea." Luna pauses. Then continues. "No one can guarantee anything in this life, but as adults we CAN control our own actions. The only thing I can tell you, with absolution, woman to woman. Is that, I've never done this before. Being in love with a man who has a child. I will guarantee, to you, her MOTHER. That if I do develop a relationship with your daughter and for some crazy reason Colson and I don't work out. I still have control over my own actions and if Casi wanted to continue being friends with me, as long as it was ok with both of you, I WILL make it a point to maintain my relationship with her. IF, it came to that, which I do NOT think it will. Because, honestly. I love Colson, Emma. For all of his greatness and all of his flaws. I'm all in. If I wasn't, we both know I wouldn't have cared to jump on a plane last night to be here today. This. Colson. Casi. Your opinion. They're all very important to me." She squeezes Emma's hand slightly, giving her a comforting smile.
"Fuck." Is all that Colson can think. Completely enamoured.
"Thank you." Emma says. "That is a lot more mature and understanding than I expected from someone without kids." She smiles at Luna.
"No. Thank you for giving me a chance. Kids fucking terrify me." Luna let's out a light laugh.
"Well, be ready then because Cas is a pistol!!" Emma laughs with her.
Colson watches both women enjoy each other's company while they finish lunch. "Wow." Is all he can think, falling even more in love with Luna while being equally grateful for Emma.
Heading back from lunch, Colson tells Luna how much her coming to meet with Emma means to him. "I know, Bunny." She says. Going on to express her relief of how well it went. That, when they were leaving though, she wasn't surprised that her and Emma had hugged sincerely, before parting ways. As she sweetly, leans over to kiss him on the cheek.
But it's not enough for her. So she moves to his jaw, then his ear, his neck. While her hands slide over his pants unbuckling them, pulling out his hard cock. He lifts his ass so she can slide his pants off slightly. Then she takes his cock into her mouth.
"God Daaaamnn!!!" Colson thinks, trying to focus on the road.
"FUUUUUCK, BUNNY!!!" He groans loudly lifting his hips, pushing himself deeper into her mouth. As they drive through downtown Cleveland, she sucks his cock intently. He cums just as they pull up to the hotel. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST." He says in exasperated satisfaction. She pops her head up. He wipes the stray cum from her open mouth. "You're so fucking HOT. I love that you swallow." He smiles at her, his hand resting on her face, from where he wiped his excess cum. "Want me to come up and return the favor? He asks.
"Mmmmmm...as hard as that is to turn down. You should get back to Casi. She's waiting on you and I've taken enough of her time today."
"Are you sure? What are you gonna do?"
"Honestly? I'm probably gonna go upstairs and book a flight tonight. I'd rather get back to LA late and tired, then be weird and manic in a city I don't know." She laughs.
"You can come over and hang out with me and Cas."
"Nahh... this is her time. Are you coming back to LA with her?
"Yeah, tomorrow. Especially if you're leaving tonight."
"You talk to Casi, like I said, tell her about me, ask HER if she'd like to meet me and let her choose where. Even if I don't meet her officially tomorrow, I'll slide by to see you." She says kissing him.
"Aight." He begrudgingly agrees.
"I love you. I'll let you know when my flight is and no matter what, will see you tomorrow." She says kissing him deeply. He agrees before she slides out of his Cobra. "Looooove you." She beams before closing the door.
"LOVE YOU!!!!" He hollers, laughing from inside the car before he pulls off.
"Fuuuuuck, I love him...... Damn! She's REEEEEEALLY nice, I wasn't sure how this would go, but I enjoyed her a lot." Luna thinks, happily trotting into the hotel. "That was much less painful than you had anticipated, ya freak." She mocks herself, laughing, heading to her room.
"I knew Em would like Loons. How can you not? I can't wait for Cas to meet her. They're gonna have so much fun together.... She really is amazing." His heart gets a little sad, missing her already as he heads to pick up Casi.
To be continued....
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robbiessutcliffe · 5 years
There For You // Noah X M!MC
A/N : I've been replaying It Lives In The Woods, and I just played the third chapter last night… It got to the part where Noah was talking about his family, and it gave me this idea! Also, the scene at the beginning doesn't have the exact conversation that Noah and the MC actually have, because I didn't think to take screenshots, so… A lot of it is different, but I put most elements of it in there.
Also, this is my first Choices fic ever, so… It's probably not all that great! I will happily take any constructive criticism you have that will help me improve in my writing skills.
Pairing : Noah x M!MC (Alexei)
Summary : Things have been getting harder for Noah at home with everything going on… So who better to go to than his most trusted friend, Alexei?
Word Count : 2,913
Warnings : There is some profanity (not too much), and some talk of emotional/verbal abuse and such. It doesn't focus on these topics too much, but still a fair warning!
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Alexei walked through Gunther’s hardware store, glancing around the shelves for anything that could help them on this ‘mission’ into the woods. Ava, Andy, and Noah were all somewhere else in the store as well, getting ready for their trek. None of them knew what was going to face them, which had to be the most nerve wracking part of this.
A soft sigh slipped past his lips, when he noticed Noah standing in one of the aisles. The other male looked distracted by his thoughts, his chocolate eyes glazed over as he looked over the contents of the shelves. Alexei couldn't blame him though. With everything suddenly going on, it made plenty of sense to be lost in thought.
He stepped down the aisle and stood next to his old friend, though the slightly taller teen didn't seem to notice him. So, Alexei nudged his side softly, looking at him, “Hey, it'll be okay. We'll find Dan, and everything should go back to normal.”
Finally, Noah looked up, frowning a little bit as he looked at his friend, “Normal as in… Before all of this started happening again?” He asked, voice soft, as if he was hesitant to ask the question.
Alexei tilted his head, not seeming to understand the meaning behind the question, “Well, yeah. There isn't really any other normal anymore…” He said with a soft shrug. When Noah didn't reply, he finally seemed to understand, “Maybe not normal. It won't all be magically solved. But even if it is, it still won't be normal. Because this time, we'll stay together.” He promised.
Noah looked over Alexei, as if searching for any trace that those words were simply meant to make him feel better. After a few moments, he looked away again. “You know, after… everything happened when we were younger, it didn't feel like I just lost Jane, but everyone. I lost our entire group, and my mom blames me for what happened to Jane, and for Dad leaving…”
“Oh, Noah…” Alexei frowned, running his hand through his spiked up blonde hair as he shook his head, “I'm sure she doesn't actually blame you for anything.”
“No, she does. She's told me, to my face, a countless number of times,” He admitted, a rueful and strained smile spreading over his lips, “She hates me. She's said that, too.” He said in a grim tone. He didn't actually seem bothered by those words as they left his mouth. And perhaps that's because he wasn't. After all, he had already become accustomed to the thought of being completely alone and hated.
The frown on Alexei’s lips deepened upon hearing this. He didn't know what to say. He felt guilty for these feelings that plagued Noah, because he knew he should have reached out to him. He should have tried to help him. But he let his own guilt over his Jane's death keep him away from his old friend, “I'm… I'm so sorry, Noah. I had no idea. But you know that I'll always be there for you, right? If you ever need anything, and I mean literally anything, you can come to me. Because you never lost me. I can promise you that.”
Hearing those words come from his friend really did make Noah feel better. But he didn't know how to respond, and how to get that across in words. He didn't know how to say that even though they had only really started talking again the day before, and even with everything else going on, Alexei made things feel… lighter. Like he could actually let go of his worries, and try to be happy. How could one say that? Especially when he didn't know what his friend's response to such a thing would be.
So, he ended up putting up the sarcastic wall that he always seemed to have up, and gave Alexei a soft, slightly forced, smirk as he said, “That was corny as hell, you know that, right?”
The other male let out a little laugh, rolling his eyes as he shoved Noah a little bit, “Seriously, Noah, I was just trying to have a moment with you!”
Just as Noah was about to respond, a light pink blush spreading over his cheeks, the pair heard Ava call from where she was, across the store, “Hey, Alexei!” She called out. With one last smile towards Noah, Alexei headed over to the goth girl, leaving Noah alone with his thoughts again.
- - - (the night before Britney's party)
A few days had passed since that night in the hardware store, and things had only gotten worse for the entire group. But, then again, it was nice to be with the entire group again, Alexei thought. Unlike most of the others, excluding Noah and Ava, of course, Alexei hadn't really made any other friends, so once again being with the others, who were practically family to him after everything they had gone through together, was a relief, no matter what was going on.
But tonight was one of the nights that they could all at least kind of relax. And that's exactly what Alexei was planning on doing. Already, he had sacrificed most of his free day to scour through the documents that he and the others had retrieved to look for any sort of clue as to what was going on, but he had found almost nothing. Not to mention, standing on his feet in the shed all day didn't help all that much.
Now it was almost midnight, and Alexei was ready to let himself fall asleep. In fact, he was just about to go to sleep. Hilda was out in the shed, where he usually let her sleep, with Kurtis, the baby crow that he had rescued, as well. After going out and saying a quick goodnight to both of them (and giving them both some extra food), he headed back inside, with Church the kitten on his shoulder.
After making sure all of the lights were off in the house, and all of the doors and windows were closed and locked, he started heading up to his room. He was just starting to get under his blankets when he heard sudden barking coming from outside. Eyes widening in alarm, he quickly kicked back his blankets, leaving Church on the bed, before running downstairs. Out of instinct, he grabbed the first thing he could think of to guard himself from whatever intruder there was. Unfortunately, his baseball bat was out in the shed, so… He was instead stuck with a broom.
Underneath the barking and growling, he could hear something. Or maybe… someone? “Hey, dog, calm down— I'm just here to see Alexei—” A voice scolded, trying his hardest to calm the black and white guard dog down. Even from inside, Alexei could recognize that voice.
Sighing, he propped the broom up against the wall and walked to the door, swinging it open without hesitation. Hilda was backed up close to the door, her ears flattened back as she watched the tall and lanky silhouette trying to approach.
“Hey, Hildy, it's okay. He's a friend,” Alexei assured quickly as he exited the house, scratching the dog behind her ears gently to calm her down. He then looked up at Noah, a little frown playing at his lips. “Noah, what the hell? You do know what time it is, right?” He questioned, unable to keep the slight annoyance out of his tone.
Noah looked down at the porch with a little frown, pulling his backpack a little higher up on his back by the left strap, “Uh, yeah… I know, it's… really late. But…” He bit his lip softly, hesitating for a moment before he continued, his voice barely above a whisper, “It's just… Is your offer still on the table? You know, for if I ever needed anything?”
It took a moment before Alexei registered what must have been going on. It was Friday, so Noah really didn't need his backpack, unless he was running away from home or something of the sort. Not to mention, why else would he show up in the middle of the night?
As soon as he realized, his features softened, and he immediately regretted his original annoyed tone. “Of course, Noah. I said that I'd always be here, and I meant it.” He said. Without another word, he opened the door all the way for Noah to come in. Quickly, he told Hilda to go back to her bed in the shed, before turning back to look at Noah.
“You… don't have to answer, but, if you're comfortable telling me… What happened?” He questioned after closing the front door.
For a moment, Noah hesitated, which was obviously understandably. But, in the end, he seemed to decide that it'd be best to simply tell him. “Ah… Well, mom got drunk, and… She just said the usual things, and then some. She's not all that happy that I'm hanging out with you guys again, because you were around when everything happened, so she must have convinced herself that you were part of it too.” He shrugged, before shoving his hands in his jacket pockets as he continued, eyes downcast, “And, well… I couldn't really handle it anymore. I thought I was used to it, but, with everything going on…” He trailed off, his voice breaking slightly.
He could handle his mother telling him that it was all his fault, because he was used to that. But when she started to put that blame and hatred onto his friends, he simply couldn't take that.
Alexei listened silently and patiently, not saying a word even through the slight pauses. Even when he was sure that Noah was finished, he didn't know what to say. So, he said nothing. Instead, he pulled the other male into a tight and comforting hug. It only lasted for a second, not even long enough for Noah to react, before Alexei quickly pulled back. Luckily for him, they were still in a rather dark room, so the light redness that started to dust across his cheeks wasn't too visible.
“Well, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need. My parents are out on a business trip for a month, or probably more… They'd probably be alright with you staying even longer after that, if you need to,” Alexei said softly, inspecting Noah. He took special notes of how slouched Noah seemed to be compared to usual, and how there were obvious dark circles under his eyes the closer he looked. Part of him felt ashamed for not noticing these things over the course of the past few days.
“Oh, no— I won't be here that long, I just need some time away from home,” Noah said quickly. He could practically feel Alexei's worried gaze slipping over him, but he pretended not to notice.
After a few short moments, filled with a slightly uncomfortable silence, Alexei cleared his throat and nodded towards the stairs, “Come on, it's late, and we're going to need some sleep for tomorrow.” He said, starting to walk up to the second level, until he glanced at Noah, “Uhm, do you want me to set the guest room up? Or you could sleep in my room for the night,” He offered, before continuing, “I'll make a pallet thing on the floor to sleep on, so you can take the bed.”
When Noah didn't respond, he assumed that that meant something like yes. So he went quiet again, going to his room and flicking on the lights. The fairy lights criss-crossing the ceiling flickered on, glowing with a soft white light. A soft mew came from the black bundle curled up on Alexei's pillow.
Quickly, Alexei started to gather things to make a makeshift bed for himself on the ground, while Noah quickly went into the adjoined bathroom and changed into the pajamas that he had brought. As he walked out, Alexei was busying himself with trying to get one of the blankets perfectly straight on the floor, looking up when Noah came out.
A small smile curved up one corner of his lips. “Am I ever going to see you without that beanie?” He asked teasingly, clearly amused by the fact that Noah seemed to be planning on sleeping in it. Yet the only response he got was a soft chuckle and stuck out tongue.
Even with Alexei's joking, Noah was still a little on edge. He glanced around the room, recalling the last time that he was up here. Or at this house at all, really. It felt strange, but also right, in some weird way. But even with Alexei's friendliness, there was one thing that still bothered him.
“I can't make you sleep on the ground,” He finally commented as he watched Alexei.
At those words, the other boy looked up, raising his eyebrows slightly before shaking his head, “No, Noah, it's fine. You take the bed.” He said in a determined tone.
Despite that reassurance, Noah was still not too happy with that response. He sighed softly, looking down at his hands. For a long moment, he seemed to have an internal debate with himself, before looking back up at Alexei, “God, you're actually going to make me say it—” He muttered, in a feeble attempt to try making his request seem less awkward than he thought that it was. It took him a second to breath in, before he said quickly and softly, “I… don't want to sleep alone.”
This time, Alexei understood the underlying request. Which was lucky for both of them, really, otherwise it could have gone on for a while longer, only getting more awkward. “Oh,” was the only response he was able to muster at first, trying to fight back the blush that threatened to appear on his face.
Noah, thinking that he had made a mistake, quickly spoke up again, “You don't have to, of course. Even if you did, I didn't really mean, like, right next to each other… Or, I mean, I can sleep on the ground instead if you aren't okay with it at all—” He was about to continue on with his rambling, when Alexei interrupted him.
“No, dumbass, I didn't say no. I'm perfectly okay with it,” He said with a soft smile, straightening up, “We used to sleep together as kids, remember? Because your parents didn't want a boy sleeping in the same bed as Jane?” He said with a soft smile upon thinking of the memories. He spent many nights at the Marshall household, to spend time with the twins.
Noah chuckled softly at the memory, nodding a little bit, “Yeah… They were kind of over protective of her, even though we were just eight or nine.” He murmured, willing his voice not to crack or break. And yet, it did.
Alexei heard the crack in Noah's voice, though he said nothing. He quietly scooped up the blankets, putting aside the extra ones he had grabbed, before nodding to the bed with a soft smile, “Are you gonna lay down, or are you planning on sleeping sitting up?” He joked as he started to lay down. The response he got was a soft chuckle, but Noah did lay down next to him, seeming to deliberately put at least a few inches between them. Together, they looked up at the fairy lights strewn across the ceiling, comfortable in the silence.
“Hey, Alexei…” Noah murmured after a few moments had passed, turning his head to look at the other male. He didn't wait for a response before continuing, “I just wanted to thank you… For everything. For tonight, and the past few days, and when we were younger. You've always been there for me…” He mumbled, glancing away for just a second as his eyes met with Alexei's cinnamon brown eyes.
A soft smile spread across Alexei's lips, and he shook his head softly, “You have no reason to thank me. I'm just doing what any friend would do.” He said, as Noah rolled his eyes. That was one thing that Noah did not like about Alexei. He always deflected any thanks that he got. Though, when he heard the word ‘friend,’ that slight annoyance turned to disappointment.
There was a moment of silence, before Noah seemed to make up his mind. He had already spoken his mind once tonight, he could do it again, he decided. “Just… friends? I mean, obviously, I'm fine with that, but, I don't know—”
He was cut off when Alexei shook his head, nudging him with his shoulder as he yawned, “No, Noah, not just friends. I had hoped that would be painfully obvious.” He said, clicking off the fairy lights. “Now, we need sleep. At least, I do. You interrupted me earlier, after all.” He murmured, turning on his side.
Noah was a little surprised by this. He hadn't exactly gotten the most forward answer ever, but… He thought that seemed to be a good answer? But, after a moment, he decided not to dwell on it. Instead, he turned on his side, getting ready to fall asleep. When an arm wrapped around his waist, and pulled him closer, he had no complaints.
For now, he'd just settle for this.. Just one person, who he knew would always be there for him. That's all he needed to set his mind at ease as he fell into a peaceful sleep.
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