#i'll be selective with doing replies and i'll be slow for now
decadentias · 6 months
when you throw 12931290 female starters and 1 male starter on the tag, and people will just see the male one.
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 1 month
The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch5
The next chapter baby! I posted this with a heavy heart as one of my cats died today. RIP Fives I'll always miss you. @smoothdogsgirl I will admit that I listened to How To Train Your Dragon Romantic Flight on repeat while writing this and it shows at one point ;) WARNINGS: Blowjob and Pussy Eating/Fingering
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Jake wakes and realizes during the night he had tucked you into his chest and that your rear was firmly pressed against him. He was trying to go back to sleep when you made a small whimper and moved brushing your ass against him. That’s when he realized he was hard as a rock. As much as he wanted to stay in bed with you he also wanted to surprise you with breakfast. He willed himself to get up where he went to the bathroom to take care of his problem. After taking care of himself and washing his hands he went to the kitchen.
When you wake you’re alone in Jake’s bed, but you can already smell the food. You make your way to the kitchen where Jake has his back turned to you trying to fix a plate of food. You walk up and wrap your arms around his waist. He tenses at first until he realizes it’s you. You place a kiss on his back and relish in the way he shudders. “Darlin’ I’m tryin’ to make breakfast”, he drawls. His voice is a little gravely from sleep, and it makes you smile. 
You pull away as he fills the two plates he had set out. The food looks delicious as he sets the two plates on the kitchen table. You take a bite and moan with how good it tastes. Jake sits there, food halfway to his mouth, but looking at you as you take another bite of food. He is so turned on right now it isn’t funny, but he wants to take this slow. He might have to make another bathroom trip if you keep making those noises. 
“What’s wrong Jake?”, you say, trying to play innocent. “How’s your breakfast?”, he asks, shoveling food into his mouth so he doesn’t say anything dirty. “It’s amazing”, you reply. He beams with pride as he finally starts to eat. “So Bradley said you all have a mission coming up”, you say. “Yeah it should be pretty simple”, he tells you. “I know you can’t promise anything in your line of work, but try to come back in one piece”, you say.
“I’ll try my best darlin’”, he replies. After finishing breakfast Jake says something about going for a run. “Well I’ll head back and take a shower then get ready to lounge around”, you say. You watch as he gets ready to head out for a run and head to Bradleys apartment. This time when you get there Bradleys fuckbuddy is still there. You shower and get dressed as quickly as you can then leave. You were at a total loss of what to do when a text came through. ‘I know we are supposed to be taking things slow, but how about taking you out to lunch’ Jake’s text reads. 
‘Sure what time and where. I was going to run some minor errands today’ you text back. ‘How about noon at the taco place there by the base. I’ll send you the address’, he responded. ‘Sounds great’ you say. Sure enough not even two minutes later Jake has texted you the address. It’s only nine so you have some time to kill. You decide to go to an outlet mall where you buy some jean shorts, some tank tops, t-shirts and some work out shorts. 
You continue to walk down the sidewalk when a storefront window catches your eye. It was a lingerie store and an idea popped into your head. You quickly made your way inside and looked at the selection. One grabbed your attention. It was a two piece babydoll set and the lace was pretty. It also came in a variety of colors. You thought for a moment if your dates kept going well and anything were to happen you would want to be prepared right.
You looked through the color selection and found a navy blue one and headed for the counter. You paid for them when you realized what time it was. You quickly made your way to the parking lot and headed towards the taco place Jake had sent you the address to. When you pulled in he was already there so you went inside. You looked around spotting him and came to sit down in front of him. “I’m sorry I’m late. I was shopping and lost track of time”, you insisted.
“It’s alright I sat down maybe ten minutes ago so no big deal. What did you go shopping for?”, he asked. “I got some new clothes and some tennis shoes for work. Then I got sidetracked by another store before I realized what time it was”, you explained. “What store got you sidetracked that badly?”, he questioned. You didn’t answer because you couldn’t just say you were in a lingerie store trying to think of a set he would like. 
A laugh drew you out of your head when you realized it was Jake. “Was it a sex store because I could totally see someone getting sidetracked in one of those”, he joked. This was your chance to avoid the question and get back at him. “No it wasn’t, but I bet you would love to see which toys I would pick out for nights I’m alone”, you said, picking up a menu. “Darlin’ you can’t just say something like that to a man”, he responded. 
Now Jake was imagining you back at the apartment, when Rooster wasn’t there, getting yourself off and damn if it wasn’t a beautiful picture in his head. How your body would quiver and how you would whimper and moan. Then he imagined you calling his name when you fell apart. “Jake…Jake. Hello earth to Jake:, you said. He seemed to snap back to reality and looked at you with a questioning look. “He’ll have a sweet tea”, you answered. 
He then realized you had tried to get his attention so the waitress could take your drink orders. “What were you thinking about?”, you teased knowing damn well what he was probably thinking about. “You’re so cruel”, he said dramatically. “No this is cruel”, you stated and drew your boot up his leg under the table. Where had this boldness come from? Sure you were bold back in college, but never like this. It had to be Jake. Just being in his presence did something to you. 
You felt his hand grab your booted ankle and you swore you could see him straighten in his chair. “You okay?”, you hummed. “Yeah, figure out what you want yet?”, he asked. You put your foot back onto the floor and when the waitress came back you both ordered. “I thought we were taking things slow”, Jake stated after the waitress left. “We are but it doesn’t mean I can’t tease you every once in a while”, you replied. 
“You’re somethin’ else”, he sighed. This was something totally different than what he was used to and he was loving every bit of it. Your boldness and the way you would think of something to say to almost anything and everything he threw at you to try and embarrass you. You were cocky in your own way and that’s what drew him to you in the first place. He wanted this to work and hell for the first time in a long time he wanted something steady.
It scared him a little how much he wanted that, but his sister had always said “eventually you’ll find one that matches your own crazy”. You were watching as Jake got lost in his own thoughts again and when he did that he would absentmindedly smile. “Jake how will I get to talk to you when your on missions?”, you ask. “Well you can write me letters if you want. It may take em’ a while to get to me”, he replies. The way he said it made you wonder if anyone had ever sent him letters before. “Do you get a lot of letters when you're on a mission?”, you continue your questioning. 
“Sometimes but they are all from my sister asking how I’m doing”, he responds. “You’re parents don’t write to you”, you said. “No, my mom died before I joined the Navy and dad, well he didn’t like that I chose the Navy over the ranch back home”, he responded. “I’m sorry about your mom. If you don’t mind, would you tell me about her some day. When you’re ready that is”, you whispered. Jake felt like he was in a whirlwind of emotions today. “Yeah I would actually like that”, he replied.
“I can tell you a little bit about her before our food gets here. She was the most amazing woman ever. I mean she just knew when something was going on with her kids ya’ know. She would always tell me I was her favorite. I have three sisters and an older brother and she was always fair about things. She never judged people right away; she tried to get them to open up to her. She would have loved you”, he trailed off. 
“I would have loved to have met her”, you say. “I know my sister would love to tell you all of the embarrassing stories about me if you ever meet her”, he groaned. “I would love to hear all of them, but not all at once so I’ll have something new each time to tease you about”, you say trying to lighten the mood. “I bet you would”, he chuckled. The food arrived before he could tell you more and when you took the first bite of your taco you swore you had never had anything like it before. 
“Holy shit Jake why didn’t you tell me about this place sooner”, you cried. “Well since it’s so good, are we counting this as a second date?”, he joked. “Sure these tacos are better than sex”, you say. “I don’t know about that besides how do you know these tacos are better than sex. What kind of men have you dated?”, he laughed. “Apparently the wrong ones”, you replied. You both enjoyed your meals and talked for another hour before you left. You gave him a quick peck on the lips and turned to go back to your truck, but his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist pulling you back to him.
He kissed you slowly at first then it started to build as if he were a starved man. When he pulled away you were panting trying to catch your breath. “I’ll see you later”, he stated. “Yeah especially if I get more kisses like that”, you laughed breathily. He watched until you made it to your truck and started it before he went to his own truck. You smiled to yourself when you noticed the shopping bag on the floorboard of the truck. 
The next couple of days were uneventful as most of the Dagger Squad were too tired to come to the Hard Deck. You could see that Rooster was exhausted from training when you got home from your shift. “I brought you something to eat, it's on the counter”, you called to him from the kitchen. “Alright I’ll come get it in a minute”, he called out from his room. Then you grabbed the other box of food that you had brought home and made your way next door. You knocked on Jake's door and waited for a few minutes until he answered. “Hey I brought you some food from the Hard Deck. Bradley said you all have been training hard and I want to make sure you all are at least eating dinner”, you say. 
“Thanks you can come in if you want”, he offers. He looks just as exhausted as Bradley and you can tell his shoulders are tight as he keeps rolling them. He eats as you take up your usual spot on his couch. Once he is finished he comes to sit down beside you. “Are you alright? You keep rolling your shoulders”, you comment. “Yeah it’s probably just strained muscles from training so much”, he tells you. 
“Sit on the floor in front of me. Back towards me”, you say, gesturing to said spot. He gives you a raised eyebrow, but does as you say. Before he can say anything else you grab his shoulders and start massaging the tight muscles. He groans as you hit a particularly sore spot, and you focus on it until the tension melts away. Hell the noises that are coming from him make you wet, but you won’t admit it or acknowledge it. 
You continue until he is fully relaxed and all the tension is gone. Now when he looks at you he has a sleepy look in his eyes. “You should get some rest”, you tell him. He agrees and walks with you to the door where you share a couple of kisses. You eventually make it back and find that Bradley had also eaten and gone to bed. You knew they were leaving Monday for their mission and the Dagger Squad all agreed to come visit you on Friday at the Hard Deck. 
During the week you find out from Bradley that Fanboy and Payback got injured and that they were being replaced for the time being with new Top Gun graduates. That unsettled you when you realized that was like a football team losing their star lineman to protect the quarterback. Bradley also told you that Hangman wasn’t happy about him being team leader. When Friday rolled around you decided to change up your look.
You got your jean shorts you had bought along with a cute tank top that showed a modest amount of cleavage and your tennis shoes. You put the lip gloss that Nat had slipped to you and headed to work. It was unusually busy and you felt like you hadn’t stopped since you got there. When the Dagger Squad showed up you were so busy you didn’t even notice. Someone wolf whistled and you turned about to give them a piece of your mind when you noticed it was Nat. 
“Damn (Y/N) wait till Hangman sees this outfit, but seriously you look amazing”, she tells you. “Thanks is he not here yet?”, you questioned. “No he was having a very heated discussion with Mav about how he should be team leader this time”, she explains. That makes you frown as you wonder why he is so upset about it. From what you were told he was in reserve last mission and went against orders to save Mav and Rooster. “Well I will see you all in a minute when I take my break”, you explain. Nat waves you off as you go to the next table to take orders. 
The break never comes and you don’t tell Penny because it just means more tips by the end of the night. Jake had just gotten there and as per usual headed to the pool table with the rest of the Dagger Squad. He looks for you, but doesn’t see you at first glance. When he does spot you he has to do a double take as his eyes rake over your legs and then to your face framed perfectly by your hair. Jake continues to glance your way until your shift ends and you come to join the squad.
“Hey baby”, you say. “Darlin’ I gotta say you look damn good”, he praises. “Thanks” you reply. He thinks he died earlier and this is heaven, but it gets even better when you decide to play a round of pool with Nat against him and Javy. You lean over to take a shot and he swears you do it on purpose. Your ass is perfect in the shorts and he was starting to get hot under the collar. Nothing prepared him though for when you did it again, but gave you a perfect view down your top.
He kept reminding himself he was going to take things slow, but damn it did he want to take you home right now. You realized how distracted he was and used it to your advantage as you and Nat ended up winning. After another couple of hours you were ready to call it a night. “I’ll see you tomorrow for our second date”, you told Jake as you kissed him goodnight. Sleep was calling your name as you walked to your truck. You made it back to the apartment and showered the smell of food off you. 
You were laying in bed when a text rolled in you grabbed it expecting it to be Jake or Bradley, but no it had to be that damn number. ‘FOUND OUT WHERE YOU TOOK OFF TO. I’LL BE SEEING YOU REAL SOON AND THEN YOU'RE COMING BACK HOME WHERE YOU BELONG!”. “Not a chance in hell asshole besides you don’t have the money to make it out here”, you mumbled as you turned over in bed to fall asleep.
Saturday you slept in until noon then you got up to get some laundry done. Once all the mundane chores were done you got ready for your date. Jake had told you to wear your usual jeans, t-shirt, boots and old ball cap. You met him out by his truck as he opened the passenger side door like he always did for you. He hadn’t told you what you all were doing today so you made small talk until you arrived. It was a small airfield and you recognized one of the planes as Mav’s. 
“So what, we just gonna watch Mav do some of that pilot shit”, you say. “Nah I asked him if I could borrow it to show you what flying was like”, he replied. You hesitated for a moment as you had never done anything like this before. He got you a headset and put it on you. “You look so damn hot right now”, he said before stealing a kiss. You climbed up into the seat and he helped strap you in, which was very intimate touching for a minute.
Once he was seated he started the pre-flight check and radioed the tower for the runway and takeoff. You were nervous as the plane made its way down the runway and slowly lifted into the air. “Holy fuck”, you swore. “You okay?”, he asked. “Yeah, just not used to that feeling of taking off”, you explained. “Oh just wait”, he said. You were up for a short while and then Jake really turned it on with barrel rolls and the like. 
At first it terrified you, but then you started to enjoy it as you laughed each time he did it. Then he turned to take you out over the ocean. “It’s so beautiful up here. I wish I could fly with you all the time”, you said. Jake couldn’t speak because he had never been able to share this part of his life with anyone else. He made a mental note to take you flying more often. “I’m glad you like it”, he finally replied. “Usually it goes by a lot faster than this, but that's the difference between this and a jet”, he laughed. 
“I bet it’s such an adrenaline rush”, you say. “Oh for sure if I ever get a chance to take you up in a jet I’m going to”, he promised. You watched the sun set and when the stars popped out it was almost magical. He took you through some of the clouds and it was so beautiful you teared up. Jake heard you sniffle and asked if you were alright and you replied that you were and that you were just a little overwhelmed. 
Eventually he made it back to the runway and set her down. He helped you out of your harness and back down to the ground. When he caught you he slowly lowered you to the ground as you brought his face down to kiss him. “Thank you for sharing a part of your world with me”, you whispered. “Anytime darlin’ anytime”, he sighed. When you both made it back to the truck you realized there was a text from Bradley saying his now girlfriend was over.
“Well Bradley has company tonight”, you grin. “Ya know I’m starting to like this girl because when she comes over I get you all to myself”, he grins. “Alright flyboy lets go”, you smirk. “You are not calling me that”, he says. “Why not I think it’s cute”, you reply. “That’s why” ,he laughed. The rest of the ride was nothing but witty banter. You kissed him up the stairs, against his door and when you both made it to the couch. 
Jake pulled you into his lap as you made out, and it was like someone had poured gasoline over an open flame. You could feel him getting hard beneath you and of course you had to grind down. He gasped as you did it and he could feel your heat radiating through your jeans, but he slowed the roll of your hips and leaned his forehead against yours. “Not yet thought we were taking this slow”, he said. 
“Alright”, you panted. You kissed him again before getting up and getting ready for bed. “I’m gonna hit the bathroom”, you tell him. He nods and heads for his bedroom where he changes into some boxers. “You can do this. You are a confident woman”, you tell yourself. Looking in the mirror at the navy blue two piece lingerie set you are wearing right now. You put one of Jake’s oversized shirts you have claimed for yourself on over it and head into the bedroom. 
He looks up as you walk towards his side of the bed. You straddle him, which he doesn’t mind and kiss him. This time it’s slow and sensual, no rush and when his hands drift up your thighs he expects to find shorts, but he feels lace instead. He breaks the kiss as he stares at you wide eyed. “Are you wearing lace?”, he asks huskily. “Yeah what about it Lieutenant”, you challenge. You notice his pupils dilate when you use his rank. 
“I don’t want to rush you”, Jake whispers. “It’s okay you leave Monday and anything can happen. Just let me take care of you tonight. One blowjob”, you say. How is he supposed to say no when you're kissing his neck and running your fingers through his hair. “Alright”, he pants. With that one little word you sit up and gesture to the shirt you’re wearing. “Want to do the honors Lieutenant Seresin”, you playfully giggle. 
He grabs the hem of the shirt and pulls it over your head and he is met with the navy blue lace. He leans back taking you in. Certain that he crashed the plane earlier and this is his heaven. “Damn you’re gorgeous darlin’ “, he drawls. You smile and lean down to kiss him again slowly making your way down his chest. You lick down his abdomen like you have wanted to do since the first time you saw him shirtless. You can feel him twitch in his boxers as you nip at the v that leads down to your prize. 
You slowly glide your hand over his cock as he groans. You pull him out of his boxers and marvel at the shape and girth. The head is a darker pink and oozing precum as you slide your hand over him. He is watching intently as you work his shaft and when you give a kitten lick to the head he lets out the filthiest moan you think you have ever heard. He is slightly above average in length, but the girth is bigger than any guy you had dated before. 
You take his head into your mouth and suck hard. His hands immediately shoot for your hair. You moan as you slide a little further down testing the waters. Jake swears it’s great, but not enough at the same time. He bucks a little causing you to retreat. “Sorry”, he gasps out. “It’s alright”, you tell him then go back to what you were doing, but starting to build a faster rhythm. You listen to the way he moans and curses with little “that’s it just like that” thrown in. You swear you're soaking the panties you're wearing, but tonights about him. 
“Oh fuck (Y/N) just like that. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck”, he whines. You pull away as he curses again as his orgasm starts to slowly slip away. He gives you those puppy eyes and you take him back into your mouth. You start up your rhythm again and his hips are twitching as you pick up the pace a little more. “Oh shit (Y/N). I’m gonna’ cum darlin’ “, he rasps out. You bring your other hand up to massage his balls and that does it.
His hips jerk a couple of times and he is spilling into your mouth with your name spilling out of his lips like a prayer. When he comes back down from his high he watches as you swallow and damn if that doesn’t do something for him. He sits up and pulls you in to kiss you and you know he can taste himself. He groans as you both fight for dominance. He tucks himself back into his boxers as you lay on your back on your side of the bed. 
He rolls over you, caging you in as he begins to kiss you again. He starts to nip down your throat when you realize he isn’t stopping. “This is probably the worst time to ask this, but will you be my girl?”, he says between kisses. “Yes”, you whisper to him. He looks up at you and smiles and if that doesn’t have you melting. He goes back to kissing and nipping at your throat then down and he palms your right breast flicking the nipple through the lace. 
“Jake, you don’t have to do this. I’m fine with leaving it like this tonight”, you reassure. “Darlin’ it’s like you said I leave on Monday and anything could happen. So if you think I’m not going to at least taste your pussy you have another thing comin’ “, he replies. You moan at his words but you still try to dissuade him as he pulls your lacy bra down enough to expose your nipples. He swoops down without warning and sucks one into his mouth and flicks his tongue over it. You gasp as your fingers tangle into his hair and tug. 
He groans then switches nipples as his hand slowly travels down to cup your lace covered pussy. You moan and whisper his name then retract your hands from his hair to grab the sheets when he grazes his finger over your covered clit. He slowly starts kissing his way down your stomach and hooks his fingers in your panties to pull them off. He sits up to take them all the way off then grabs your leg to put it on his shoulder.
He slowly kisses his way down your leg to your inner thigh and you swear you have to be soaking by now. When he lays out on his stomach you feel his breath hit your core and he places your other leg over his other shoulder. You make eye contact with him right as he licks a stripe up your core to your clit. You throw your head back and whimper as he teases your clit some more, but then he closes his lips around it and sucks hard. 
You arch into his mouth as his arms wrap around your legs trying to pull you closer. “Jake!”, you cry and he lets go. “Yes darlin’ “, he taunts. “Please don’t stop” you whine. He laughs a little, but goes back to it and delves into your folds. You swear it can’t get any better, but he lets go of one of your legs to run a finger along your slick folds. He slowly pushed his middle finger in and back out repeating the action a few times before adding his ring finger. 
He groaned when your pussy spasmed around his fingers as he curled them upwards. He started making a come here motion with those two fingers and you started to writhe and whimper even more. “Oh Jake please don’t stop please”, you begged. “Oh darlin’ I don’t intend to”, he chuckles. You look down at him as he goes back to sucking on your clit and you swear you are two seconds away from the best orgasm of your life as you throw your head back again and body drawing tight as a bow string.
His fingers speed up their motion until you can hear the greedy sounds your pussy is making. Jake hasn’t stopped teasing your clit with his tongue, but it isn’t enough as you try chasing your orgasm. “Jake please more pleasepleaseplease”, you babble. He smirks but puts your clit between his lips sucking hard but also flicking it with his tongue. You cry out and arch off the bed as your orgasm rips through you. Jake doesn’t stop as your thighs snap shut around his head as you ride out your high. Eventually trying to pull away from him as you start to become overstimulated.
“Jake no more please”, you plead. He finally relents and you let your legs loosen as he sits up and looks at his fingers that are covered in your slick. You watch as he licks them clean and groans at the taste. Then he is crawling over you again to kiss you. The kisses are the slowest they have ever been as his thumb strokes your ribs. When he pulls away from you he gets up and disappears down the hall into his bathroom, and when he comes back he is holding a washcloth. He cleans you up and then he throws the washcloth in the hamper. 
He automatically grabs the shirt you were wearing previously as you take the bra off. He stares at your naked body admiring it before you slip the shirt over your head. “Come on babe you look like you're about to drop any minute”, you tell him. He was pleasantly tired as you beckoned him to bed. “Just a minute darlin’ I’m gonna clean up”, he tells you. He takes off his boxers and tosses them where he tossed the washcloth, grabbing a new pair and heading for the bathroom. 
When he comes back and lies down you can see the worry etched on his face. “What’s wrong Jake?”, you ask. “I’m worried about the mission and the two new guys assigned to us. What if I don’t make it back to you”, he says. You lean up to kiss him and pull him to you as he puts his arm over your waist and his head on your chest. “You will come back to me”, you say. He hums as you scratch his scalp and within minutes of doing so he is asleep. You smile at him and it isn’t long before you start to fall asleep too.
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jesswritesthat · 1 month
Oikawa Tōru: Abnormality (Part 4)
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: A slow-ish burn
• You had your own plans set in motion since graduation, planning only a select few had come to learn. With everything in place, it was time to see Oikawa in Argentina for the final time.
Warnings: Timeskip spoilers
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
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"(Y/n)...?" The only person you knew in this area of Argentina was currently in Japan afterall...
"Um (L/n)! My apologies, in Japanaese it's (L/n) first..."
The Spanish speaker instantly corrected themselves, approaching you with mild apologetic hesitance since you were mid-call which prompted you to abruptly end it due to sudden realisation.
"No way, hi— I gotta go, enjoy Miyagi and talk soon." Once ending the call to a concerned Oikawa, the person had your full attention, a warm smile on your face due to the initial recognition.
"Brajkovic-san, you know who I am?" The language barrier was tricky to navigate, but you hadn’t been learning Spanish for nothing.
“Yes, thank Tōru Oikawa for that. So would you like to meet the team since you're here?" The player graciously laughed, nodding in confirmation before gesturing to the VBC training centre behind you both.
"It's best to get acquainted, you might be seeing a lot more of me soon. Thank you."
"Oh yeah? Your Spanish is pretty good, what's going on?" The player raised a sceptical brow, one that led you to manufacturing yet another scheme as you walked into the building.
It hadn't been long since you'd felt the sweltering heat of Argentina - the last trip highly productive despite Tōru being absent in Miyagi at the time.
Cheering echoed around you as the final point was scored by perfectly timed spike with a set courtesy of the man previously mentioned.
"Congratulations, Oikawa-chan~"
Praise was expected after games, whether win or lose because the entity of the team was talented in their own right. Not many voices could speed up his heartrate though, and only one could get his skin exceptionally hotter even after a high-cardio match.
It was disbelief initially, sweeping smile blinding you when he’d jogged toward you eagerly, gaze scanning your entire figure.
"My jersey - how did you...?"
"I had help, from your teammates." You nodded gratefully to Brajkovic and the others who each wore knowing smiles.
"You could've just asked me, I would've got one for you!"
"Then you wouldn't have been surprised! I wanted to do something worthwhile for you since you're always doing that for everyone else." Came your reply, his justification falling flat due to how flustered you’d gotten him with words alone.
"Why— why would you— (Y/n)! You can't say things like that!"
"Okay, think of it as me putting a price on you - about €30 to be exact." You comprisimised with a teasing tone, one he’d missed greatly if he’s honest with himself.
"Yeah, I brought Brajkovic-san lunch as a thanks."
"I'll address being worth more than €30 another time but for now: You went on a date with my teammate - before me?!" The petty attitude of Oikawa had kicked in now, hands placed on your shoulders, even it was delivered dramatically there was noteable heartache etched into his eyes.
"In my defence Tōru, you never asked."
"Fine! Go on a date with me!" Pouting, he crossed his arms over his chest as if challenging you.
Meanwhile the San Juan team overlooked the scenario, amused but also confused as they muttered to one another.
"...is that the Japanese custom?"
"I don't think so, it's just Tōrus' custom."
"It sucks. (Y/n) and I didn't even go on a date." Brajkovic added assuredly, his team nodding along in awe.
"But it worked."
There was a moment of laughter as he left with his team to get changed, only offering you a small wistful smile as he disappeared.
Soon he’d returned freshly changed as dismissed for the day, you hadn’t waited long but he apologised anyway before reaching the exit of the venue.
"We'll walk, I know places."
"I can drop you off if—"
"It's bright outside so we can walk, thanks though." Your offer was immediately cut short by his decisive assurance but the instance of it left you questioning.
"Why'd you wanna walk, so you could show me the sites?"
To as spend as much time with you as possible before you leave again.
"To increase the chances of you tripping over so I can film it for blackmail." Oikawa taunted proudly, phone waving in his hand as emphasis.
"Not if you trip over first Captain." As you'd spoken, you'd pushed him off the path and Oikawa gave a mocking noise before nudging you back.
Casual conversation fuelled your sunset walk, the two of you playfully flirting with one another whilst Oikawa pointed out various things on the route like a tour guide. However, when passing a familiar building you took over and pointed across the street.
"That school has an amazing education programme, I can't wait to start teaching it next month."
"Next month? That's an odd time frame." It had gone right over his head, your sheer nonchalance about the whole thing certainly aided that, and you’d decided your follow up would reveal everything.
"Well yeah, I need time to settle into my apartment and move my furniture in. Although I suppose that's far too organised for you to comprehend huh~"
You noticed the accompanying steps subside paces back, yourself stopping and turning back to a frozen Oikawa who stared at you incredulously.
"You're - you're staying here?” He’d pointed to the pavement with both index fingers (a failed reference to Argentina you’d admit). “You're living here?!"
"I told you before we graduated that I had dreams to follow dumbass, god don't you listen?"
He caught up to you, standing opposite with his usual (non)charming disposition that you’d grown so fond of.
"Most things leaving your lips were insults, of course I didn't listen - and what about Makki?! You two live together right?"
"We agreed to go our separate ways so Hiro moved to Tokyo for work and I came here." Accompaning your wistful smile, a touch of longing there due to parting from your best friend.
"Sorry, I need to process this, uh feelings too -and I feel a lot right now- explain it to me again?" He shook his head, running his fingers through his auburn hair apologetically.
"I got qualifications in Spanish, which means I can teach Art here and hold Japanese language classes for extra money if necessary. Honestly I'm surprised you didn't work out my plans, Great King." You playfully enlightened, admiring the cute scoff he gave you at the nickname, softly continuing with a bit of nonchalance. "And well, one of my dreams happened to be in Argentina so..."
"You came here for me?" There was a a spark of hopefulness, his eyes shooting up to meet yours with a brightness you hadn’t seen since you’d first kissed him all those years ago.
"Ah no, you're a nightmare but the sun here is gorgeous~"
"Whilst we're on the subject, I'd like to reiterate that this nightmare is worth more than 30 Euros!"
Rolling your eyes at the remark, you proceeded walking and continued the conversation topic.
"When you were in Miyagi last time, I thought you would've asked me to come with you. It'd be funny, as my answer would've been yes."
"I thought about it, god I desperately wanted to, it killed me. But I didn't want to put either of us through that again." Oikawa admitted sheepishly, flicking his gaze to the sky wearing a sentimental expression.
"Look at you, getting all mature. Well, occasionally."
"Excuse you!"
"Yes excuse me, I need directions so I can account for how long it’ll take me to get back."
"I'll walk you to..." Your hotel? Your apartment? The whole thing was still incomprehensible to him, dreams don't normally come true so effortlessly. Though he supposes you'd had your turbulences along the way.
"My new home? Of course, I'll show you around, it's quite cute actually." You grinned brightly, pulling the route up on your mobile whilst Tōru only raised an expectant brow.
"I'll have to show you mine, it's what cute actually looks like."
"Yeah, you're looking at it~" Came your smug grin, confident but playful finger guns sent to the Setter who only rolled his eyes. Yet when you'd looked away laughing, he couldn't help the loving smile gracing his lips nor the look of pure adoration crossing his eyes.
It was more than simply 'cute' he was looking at...
It was enough to subdue a snarky remark form his lips, the lack thereof surprising you greatly, but you'd let it be. This time whilst you navigated the direction, Oikawa idly typed away in his device too - more accurately hitting up the group chat.
[ Tōru: GUESS WHAT!!!! 💕🫶✨🎉🔥 ]
[ Hajime: What? ]
[ Takahiro: always so dramatic 💕🫶✨🎉🔥 ]
[ Mattsun: ^^^ ]
[ Tōru: I'll complain about you being rude later because I'm too happy - (Y/n) is staying in Argentinaaaa!!! With me!!!!! ]
[ Takahiro: yeah and what 💀 ]
[ Tōru: Obviously you knew, this ain't for you 😤🙄 ]
[ Mattsun: We all knew tho... lol you didn't??? ]
[ Tōru: Um? Excuse me? ]
[ Hajime: (Y/n) told us a month ago, they had a leaving party and everything. ]
[ Tōru: Oh? And my BEST FRIEND; my PARTNER; my favourite ACE didn't tell me? Iwa-channnnnn 😭🥺🥺 ]
[ Hajime: I heard that in your annoying whiny tone and it still grates me. Thought you knew, but get over it and go see the love of your life dumbass. ]
[ Tōru: EWWWWW!!! Disgusting 🤢🤮 Hate the very air they breathe, couldn't even look at (Y/n) for 5 seconds thx 💀 ]
[ Mattsun: (Y/n) feels the same about u 🤡 ]
[ Takahiro: true. as the best roomate and human (Y/n) knows - i vouch for what Mattsun says ]
"Everything okay?" Your teasing and knowing tone cut through his thoughts, the brunette looking to you quizzically.
"Oh yeah, just a bit distracted."
"Me too, but Mattsun is right by the way." You knew, how could you have possibly my known?
"I feel the same about you." Was your innocent response, two digits moving to your lips accompanied by a false gag noise, and a smug smirk on your face. Oikawa silently cursing Makki as his name lit up your notifications, the Captain whining his complaints until you’d reached your home.
Once arriving at your newly dubbed residence, you excitedly let him inside and skipped over a few lingering boxes filled with unpacked belongings. The necessities and personal touches were evident though, but Oikawa didn't even think before he thoughtlessly spoke.
"Y'know you could've just moved in with me..."
"I mean we know each other and stuff, just nevermind. Your place is pretty okay looking, not as good as mine but I'll let it slide." He’d said it like it didn’t mean anything, like it was a normal thing for two friends to do. Except, you hadn’t been ‘just friends’ for a very long time.
"I'll let you slide down the toilet in a minute Shittykawa."
"So rude! That's not how you treat a celebrity houseguest (Y/n)-chan~"
You froze at the familiarity, staring at him hopelessly, like a deer in headlights. It's been a while since he'd called you that... adding that damned '-chan' to the end of your name like a stupid insult. Endearment.
"No comeback? That's not— what's wrong?"
"You added '-chan' to my name." A breath. "It's... nice to hear."
"I never thought I..." Regaining composure, Oikawa was quick to recover. "Aw do you miss it? I knew you secretly loveds it my darling little (Y/n)-chan~"
"Hell no, you ruined it. I take it back, it was a moment of weakness. Missing you must've gotten to me." Dismissively waving your hand, but he’d caught it effortless when closing in on you.
"For what it's worth, I missed you too. I'm glad, that I get to spend my life with you again."
"Yeah, me too Tōru."
It was a heavy and understanding atmosphere, an intimate but comforting air that lingered around the two of you and making it difficult to breathe in the silence of years of built up things left unsaid. Even if only centimetres apart, touching him felt like shattering the fragile wall of glass you'd always kept between you.
"So uh... what do I taste like?"
It was Tōru who'd spoken, your fingertips immediately withdrawing when he'd looked up from the floor.
"Before I left the first time, you— you said you wanted to know, I just never found the right moment to ask." The was a hint of awkwardness lacing his tone, as shaky as it was. He was nervous now, a side you'd rarely ever seen as if he was mistaken. He wasn't, but that only fuelled your flustering.
"O-oh, I did didn't I? Can I… check again?"
There was a brief indication, him immediately understanding what you’d wanted and gave a small curt nod instantly, tilting to give you easier access. Then your lips brushed his, warm and careful like you were testing the waters, before an encapsulating warm captured you. The kiss was as heart racing as the last, but more tentative, and full of possibility. Even when you pulled away.
"It was different than the first Tōru, now you taste like watered down strawberries..."
"And?" Oikawa lowly poised, indicative in every sense of the word.
You kissed him again.
"Velvety vanilla cream..."
And again.
"Mm." His pretty whines were sweet, you'd noted.
"Your lips are, well fine I guess, I'd say €25. So, what do I taste like Tōru?" A wicked smirk danced on your lips, now deeper in colour, but ever the charmer Oikawa was immediate on his response.
"My lovely, beautiful, (Y/n)-chan - poison, specifically made with venom because of your mean tongue. Plus I'm priceless~"
"Hey! Is that some kinda witch reference? I thought we moved past that!" You argued back, the two of falling into playful taunting once more, like you’d never been apart.
"Never~ You taste like me then, since you couldn't get enough!"
Maybe you'd both grown individually, but some things never changed - like the unique relationship you shared...
Although as the Setter skilfully dodged your strategic attempts at getting him back as you both raced around your home, he couldn't help but realise your signature taste hadn't changed either.
You weren't poison or anything of the sort, you never had been (only, Tōru could never pass up an opportunity to irritate you).
You didn't taste like him either (as much as he'd like you to), your lips had a unique flavour all of their own, an all encompassing heat that haunted him from the moment he'd kissed them years ago.
How could he say that though?
Just how was he supposed to illiterate, that you had always tasted like 'home'?
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
[ Masterlist ]
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ghoulyghoulsblog · 4 months
The Solace of Winter
Bucky Barnes had always found solace in the quiet of winter. The world seemed to hold its breath, muffling the noise of his chaotic mind. The snow-covered streets of Brooklyn, now largely unrecognizable from the ones he once knew, still brought a semblance of peace. The old brownstone he lived in was a far cry from the lavish apartments of Stark Tower, but it felt more like home than anywhere else.
It was a crisp evening, the first heavy snowfall of the season draping the city in a blanket of white. Bucky had just finished his morning run, his breath visible in the cold air, when he saw her for the first time. She was standing outside the small, local bakery, fumbling with an oversized scarf. Her cheeks were flushed from the cold, her eyes bright with laughter as she struggled to balance a large bag of pastries and a coffee cup.
"Need a hand?" Bucky found himself asking before he could think better of it.
She looked up, startled, and he was struck by the warmth in her gaze. "Oh, thank you! Yes, please," she replied, her smile genuine and kind.
"I'm Bucky," he said, taking the bag from her.
"Y/N," she introduced herself. "I run the bookstore down the street. Figured I'd treat myself to some fresh pastries before opening up."
"Bookstore?" Bucky's interest was piqued. "I didn't know there was one nearby."
"Yep, it's just around the corner. You should stop by sometime. We have a great selection, and I can always use another pair of hands to help me with deliveries."
He chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind."
Over the next few weeks, Bucky found himself stopping by Y/N's bookstore more and more often. The quaint shop was a haven of warmth and quiet, filled with the comforting scent of old books and the faint hint of vanilla from the candles she kept lit. They talked about everything and nothing, finding a surprising ease in each other’s company.
One particularly snowy evening, Y/N closed the shop early due to the weather. She invited Bucky over for dinner, promising homemade chili and freshly baked bread.
"Are you sure? I don’t want to impose," Bucky hesitated, though the idea of spending more time with her was undeniably appealing.
"Absolutely sure," she insisted, her eyes twinkling. "I’ve made way too much chili for just myself. Besides, it’s nice to have company."
Her apartment was cozy and inviting, filled with books and soft lighting. They ate at her small kitchen table, sharing stories and laughter. Bucky found himself opening up in ways he hadn’t in years, the walls he’d built around his heart slowly crumbling under her gentle presence.
As the evening drew to a close, Y/N walked him to the door. "Thank you for tonight, Bucky. It was… really nice."
"Yeah, it was," he agreed, lingering in the doorway. "We should do it again sometime."
She smiled. "I’d like that."
Winter melted into spring, and their friendship blossomed into something deeper. Bucky found himself falling for her kindness, her strength, her unwavering support. Y/N saw through the broken soldier to the man underneath, never once flinching from the shadows of his past.
One quiet evening, as they sat on her couch reading, Bucky took her hand in his. "Y/N," he began, his voice soft and tentative, "I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but… thank you. For everything."
She squeezed his hand, her eyes meeting his with a warmth that chased away the last of his doubts. "You don’t have to deserve me, Bucky. We deserve each other."
And as he kissed her, slow and tender, Bucky finally understood what it meant to find solace—not in the quiet of winter, but in the love of a kindred spirit.
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the-consortium · 4 months
There was laughter on the wind here, out on the fringes of the Opphon plain, as the veil began to break down. Warpfire, re-entry heat and the cataclysmic death of titans had burned back the snow as far as the northern foothills, where the Iron Fists had died. The path of their retreat was marked by a trail of broken bodies and smoldering tanks, a fresh road stretching out from the wreck of the Cestus Relictor, to the ugly looking barbican that guarded the mountain pass. The broken ship squatted darkly amidst a forest of smoke columns; the first wave landing craft downed by its colossal guns, but even now, lesser warbands were no doubt crawling through its halls in search of prizes, plunder and prisoners. The sons of Fulgrim had watched the battle from afar, like vultures waiting to see which duelling beast became carrion. There had been a pleasance to the ebb and flow of it, the way the line of grey bloomed and sparkled with muzzle flashes and detonations each time the infernal tide rolled in upon them. Each murder of a titan was a slow, graceful affair, punctuated by energy discharge that dazzled and slashed their way through the smoking air. The dreadnought was not hard to find. They'd watched as the gunship was gutted as it tried to hasten survivors back to the safety of the mountains. The bodies had scattered like dark pollen from the riven craft, but the single fruit, the larger shape, had fallen faster, throwing up dust and soil as it bounced and rolled and ploughed its way across the plain. There was not much left of it at the end of the furrow such fall had carved, but there was still a sparking, guttering sense of life within the crumpled wreck. The golden gauntlet sigil of the Iron Fists chapter had been torn off along with its arms, but the name, 'Syrak', was still legible on the sarcophagus lid, in spite of the dark, viscous fluid that marred the lettering it as it trickled from the vision-slit down into the dark earth. As the figures approached, there was a whine of broken servos and a series of unpleasant clunks from within the wreck. Slowly, falteringly, the mangled vox-modulator churned out a stuttering sequence of words, carrying neither emotion nor any sense of recognition of the figures that surveyed it. "Cousi-i-i-ns. Do not. Lea-ea-ea-ea-eave me hhhhhere."
"Of course it's far from me to pass a verdict here … I'm not someone who needs to pass judgement on others …" A brief silence, then a harsh laugh at his own joke, which continues for quite a while before it dies away with a chortle. Accompanied by quiet words in a language that is more of a hiss than actual syllables. "… but in general, I wonder whether earlier intervention would not make for a much better harvest. Not to mention the fact that we are damaging other people's image here."
The person at whom the words are obviously directed due to sheer physical proximity does not reply. Instead, he continues to work on finding a good approach vector to the dispersing battlefield that won't cause the aggressive gunship to rebel too much if he denies it prey, while remaining inconspicuous.
Instead, an answer comes from further back: "And by better harvest, you don't mean select cruelty and silly new skin garments, do you?" - "Pah! I'm always fighting prejudice here." Waving it off and then ramming the midnight blue helmet with the bat wings onto his head.
"There's a very good reason why the Chief Apothecary didn't send any of our purple friends here. All tactical discipline falls out of their heads as soon as they see the opportunity to interfere in a battle and make a spectacle of themselves. Waiting and striking surgically - that really doesn't suit them anymore." - "Yes, yes, yes. Precision and boredom. When did that happen?" - "You can discuss it with him when we get back. I'll make some popcorn and watch this conversation from a safe distance."
For a while, there is only a busy silence as the three Apothecaries finish equipping themselves and force the angrily protesting gunship to land in a crater left by a Titan's footstep in the churned-up mud of the battlefield.
Everyone not only arms themselves, but also adds several extra canisters for Gene Seed to their belts. Then they open the ramp, taking advantage of a moment of distraction when the ship wouldn't shoot at them out of sheer fury and spite, and run crouched to the nearest remnant of wall. One shadow in scuffed black, one in well-maintained metal with yellow and black accented stripes, and one in midnight blue.
They orientate themselves and then start systematically scanning the battlefield. Their prize is what is always needed in the Eye of Terror. Harvested compassionlessly but not cruelly. The last mercy given without engaging in the maelstrom of mysticism that has spread tumour-like through the galaxy in the time since their rebellion failed so resoundingly.
None of the three believe in anything that could be called fate or predestination. And yet, after about half an hour, the small canisters full of dripping tissue, they find themselves almost simultaneously at what is, in a strange way, a burial site. The second time.
„Cousi-i-i-ns. Do not. Lea-ea-ea-ea-eave me hhhhhere.“
"Huh," Skalagrim mouths in astonishment.
"Look at that, a playmate for Diomat! Can I keep him?" laughs Duco, his rasping laugh once again making him so uncomfortably similar to his Sire.
Tzimiskes sighs.
Finally Skalagrim steps right up to the fallen dreadnought. Tilts his head. Looks to Tzimiskes, "Can you do anything with him?"
The Iron Warrior shrugs his shoulders, but nods. All three look at their Narthetica at the same time, check their readings and begin to stabilise the fallen old man. They don't have to coordinate much. Every move is perfect. After a while, Tzimiskes rises and disappears in the direction of the hollow, where Butcher Bird is bored and probably in an even worse mood than usual.
Duco injects several different sedatives and coagulants and says in a paternalistic manner: "Well, my old friend, now tell Uncle Doctor - where are we from and what year are we living in?"
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pnshandpull · 3 months
hi, it's me. i'm the problem it's me ! hello everyone, 'tis i, sun :') (@its-creed) back here with the second muse i SWORE up and down i wasn't going to bring but like — give me a good premise and pair it with too much muse and TADA! you get this guy!
here is my quick intro to ex-aetnernal now turned figher at daemon, CHA RYEONG !
as with reed — full disclosure with age i have become slow at plotting and in general so if you just want a random starter feel free to throw an emoji in the replies and i'll throw something up! if you are cool with turtle pace plotting feel free to drop a like on this and i will widdle waddle my way into your dms as soon as i can!
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born to a long generation of aeternals, it was only fitting (and expected) that cha ryeong would follow in the footsteps of literally each of his ancestors and family members in becoming an aeternal.
for some reason, the cha family always received a little more glory than usual. most chalk it up to the fact that the family lineage has been a strong one with generation after generation of successful aeternals who have served with fantastic results through each of their time.
nowadays, the cha family lives with high prestige and are akin to celebrities with how well-known they've become even amassing a global audience for the work they've done nationally and international when lending assistance to nearby countries in times of need.
cha ryeong's abilities manifest around the typical age that powers are seen and recognized in the cha family around 10 years of age. it does come as a surprise when he shows abilities reminiscent of his great-great-great grandfather who had been one of the more renowned family members for the legacy he left behind.
following the first show of his abilities, cha ryeong is thrust head on into the world of training to become an aeternal. his parents keep him from the spotlight until he makes his debut into society passing the selections of the few trainees that get accepted every year at the academy.
his entire time at the academy and training goes smoothly and is attributed to him being a cha – all family members having displayed extraordinary control over their powers from a young age and succeeding naturally at anything to put their minds to.
two months following his 24th birthday – into the new year – with his exceptional performance and a few words of influence from his family, cha ryeong is accepted as a recruit to become part of the field combat team.
ryeong goes above and beyond the expectations that everyone seems to have. the only problem that seems to arise is that he's aggressively too independent when it comes to getting the job done because of his need to be on top (where he could probably do better with teamwork). regardless, he's compliant at best when it comes to making sure he doesn't get in the way of the overall mission and thus gets away with it a little more than he should due to the results he produces.
things go awry in cha ryeong's second year however when a mission goes wrong. during an evacuation taking place when a villain creates earthquakes, something devastating happens however no one present at that time steps forward to tell the true and full story.
the public is left to come to their own conclusions and speculations when the academy suddenly announces the withdrawal of cha ryeong while disclosing the death of an aeternal who had been present at the scene — the details kept private for the sake of their family.
many people believed that the cha family had a hand in shutting down all news outlets before they could release any articles that would harm their reputation while believing they sued any publishers that had released something before going completely silent.
what others find even more strange is the fact that the other two aeternals who had been present at the scene still haven't stepped up to make any statements about what truly happened that unfateful day. however, whenever asked about cha ryeong their aversion at the mere mention of his name was enough for people to begin with wild speculations again.
with the amount of limelight the cha family already receives on the usual, this situation only pushed ryeong further into the eye of the public. the attention quickly and controversially put him on the map as a hot celebrity topic as long as the full story continued to remain unknown.
currently the public is split between giving ryeong a second chance while the other half has stuck to villainizing him for something they're not even sure of. this has led to a barrage of paparazzi and media outlets looking to get information from ryeong.
cha ryeong's dismissal from the force is seen as the biggest disgrace the family lineage has faced in decades considering everyone had expected him to follow in the steps of the legacy his great great great grandfather left behind.
unable to deal with the overall change in treatment from his family, cha ryeong took it upon himself to move from his family home and into the silverline apartments where he knew his family would have no influence over the second chance collective at monitoring his every move.
with the amount of internalized and unprocessed anger ryeong still has, he's learned how to channel and use the fights at daemon as his outlet while he tries to figure out what his next steps are and to find a new start.
plots and connections
ryeong highkey despises his family and the academy right now. utter one word to him and he'll probably have you pinned where you stand on the ground using his ability.
paparazzi keep flooding the entrance of building and it's making it so annoying for you whenever you're coming or going. you've had too many reporters asking you about cha ryeong and either a) you know him and confront him about it or b) have no idea who he is but hear him in the lobby by chance and air your grievances then and there
you're aware of ryeong's self sustenance ability so when you find him knocked out cold on a bench in the middle of a street it's lowkey concerning
anyone from daemon?
people that ryeong trained with at the academy
possibly someone related to the aeternal that had passed away involved in ryeong's scandal (? i'm still working out the kinks in general for this part of his background but open for brainstorming!)
someone ryeong was close to before the situation but then cut off afterwards within the past few months
someone that/related to someone that ryeong has saved before
a sibling? lmao
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lunarubra · 5 months
This is me blabbing away and trying to make sense of this crazy moment that's my life... Kind of like a PSA, without a real structure.
(Let's start with an apology, this was supposed to be short, just a couple of lines long, asking for some forgiveness for being so absent, and it turned into a small vent about my crazy life. Synthesis has never been one of my strongest features, apparently.)
Life has been crazy lately. April, May, and June are always hectic months for a teacher, and this year looks like it's going to be even worse. Right now, I'm juggling a full teaching post, a university research, a social life with a partner, a new kitten bringing me everyday dead lizards (she is a serial killer in disguise), and being selected as an internal commissioner for the high school diploma this year. And no, the last one is not an honor; it's more like a punishment for younger professors who don't have the authority to say no to older colleagues, plus a ton of paperwork and two more months of work while everyone else is on holiday. Yuppie for me. But joking aside, I'm not complaining about my job. I'm happy to teach, and compared to a lot of other jobs out there, I feel privileged to do what I'm doing. I love my kiddos, and even though most of the time they behave like dunderheads, teaching supports my creativity and gives me so many insights into my life.
But let's get to the point of all this. I am feeling slightly guilty for not being as active here as I should be and for not having enough mental energy and time to dedicate myself to writing more. To my lovely mutuals, I'm in awe of all that you're posting right now. I apologize for not replying and commenting on your amazing content as much as I would like. I just wanted to say, it's not because I'm disappearing; I'm just really busy, and I can't wait for the moment when I'll feel more chilled and can treat myself to all your new chapters, moodboards, and all the amazing content you're creating. I know I am being a small silent weight in your tag list, so thank you for still including me <3
About "Shadow of the Sea," I have a chapter ready and one WIP of the following one. I want to post the one that's ready sometime in the next week, but after that, I'm not sure when I'll be able to write the next one. So Jiyan and Cillian are taking a small break. I'm going to continue the story; this is not a goodbye. I have many ideas and plans for those two idiots; I'm just waiting for some writing energy and time in my schedule.
And yeah, I understand if you're thinking, "Are you aware that your blog and story are read by less than 10 people and no one really gives a damn?" Yes, I am aware, and this post is mostly for me, writing it down it helps me a lot, giving some sort of clarity. However, I've had the chance to meet amazing creators since I got busy on Tumblr again a couple of months ago. People who supported me and helped me, so this is more me trying to explain why my support isn't at its 100% right now and trying to excuse myself since I feel like a horrible mutual right now.
Ah, one last thing, maybe the only thing that will pop up on my blog are some "Slow Horses" GIFs. Thanks to Alex, @cillmequick, Jackson Lamb, and River Cartwright have become my new obsession, and creating GIFs is one of the few things that calm me after a busy hectic day and make me use some of that creative energy left.
I think that's it. Please still free to write me and contact me about my fic, blog, shenanigans; I will try to reply as soon as possible. Sending you all a big hug if you arrive till the end of this long long lengthy text xD
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justplainwhump · 1 year
Coffee To Go
Adrian and Blanca go to the park.
A little filler scene, because the next one is going so slow.
[pet safety masterpost]
Content (warning): BBU, some behind the scenes peeks on pet lib organisation
There were several coffee stands littered over the waterfront park, most serving cheaper coffee than the little bike with the green roof that Adrian was strolling towards. Most served better coffee, in fact. Joana didn't put a lot of effort into growing her customer base.
Joana's effort went into privacy.
"You cannot be serious," she hissed, as she handed him his usual - a large caffe latte with hazelnut syrup. Her dark eyes flurried between him and Bea by his side. "You can't stroll around here with a fucking runaway, there's controls everywhere. You have a fucking death wish?"
"She's not a runaway," Adrian replied evenly, and handed his coffee over to Bea.
"What because she dresses like a girl clone of yours one should assume she's not a pet? I've done this for longer than you have, my friend, and she's-"
"Owned," Bea said softly. "I am an owned pet. I belong to Adrian Delgado."
"What the-" The second paper cup slipped from under the espresso machine and Joana hissed as the coffee spilled over her pants. "Fuck!"
She grabbed a tissue and dabbed at the coffee on her legs, still cursing.
"Why, Adrian? How?"
"It was the only way," he said flatly. "Can I help you with anything there?"
"Not risking everything we do would be a start." She looked up at him grimly. "Of all the things that could go wrong, you buying a Romantic was not on my list. Do you..." She clicked her tongue. "Use her for her intended purpose? Fuck, I really hope you don't."
Adrian flinched. "That's none of your business," he said.
Next to him, Bea stood perfectly still, holding her untouched coffee between two fingers, only her eyes moving between them as they spoke.
Joana stared at her. "Did he? I'll get you out of this, right now, if he laid a finger on you."
"Master Adrian doesn't hurt me," Bea replied with a soft tilt of her head. "He saved me from someone who did."
"Well, I guess that's something." Joana emptied the espresso grounds and started anew. "I still don't like it."
"I figured." Adrian grimaced. "I'm not here for your advice though. Can I speak to our boss somewhere private?"
"She's at the gallery this afternoon. But I..." Joana gestured at Bea. "I won't be the one to tell her about... this."
"But we can go see her?"
"We? You want to bring the pet?"
Adrian smirked. "Bea is a person, Jo, I thought we agreed on this."
"Fuck you, Adrian." She slammed the full cup onto the counter. "Here. Six dollars."
Adrian gave her a bill. "Keep the change."
She leaned in, brought her mouth close to his ear, as she hissed. "You're a fucking idiot. You can't trust her."
Adrian shrugged. "I have to."
"She just used your full name in front of me."
"Come on, Jo. You know my full name."
She clenched her jaw and inhaled deeply, replying only with a boring stare. And she was right. She was fucking right, apart from Joana there was only a very select handful of people in the movement who knew about him. He'd phased out, built up an intricate web of lies about why he wouldn't be part of the movement any longer. He'd pushed away most of the friends he'd made, in order to protect his cover, communicated mostly via Joana or very secretive personal meetings.
Bea put all that at risk. He'd not be able to hide his sympathies from her; he'd failed at that in the last 24 hours already. At the same time, she'd be the first one to be questioned should his employer ever suspect he betrayed them. Bea shouldn't know anything about his private life, much less about the movement. Still, he refused to leave her alone. She needed help.
They both did.
And there was only one person he could think of to provide that.
Adrian lifted the cup in a mock farewell. "I'll tell her you said hi."
Joana shook her head, exhausted. "Don't."
Pet safety taglist: @gottawhump @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @highwaywhump @tauntedoctopuses @pigeonwhumps @whumppsychology @labgrowndemon @whumpinggrounds @somewhumpyguy @whumpzone @tragedyinblue
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
Maisel : Character B always comes in with the most obscure book inquiries and Character A is starting to get annoyed.
(a bit of a stretch on this prompt I'll admit but it's what I came up with ❤️)
"Anything I can help you find today, sir?"
Abe gave a slight start as the shop girl of the little used bookstore snuck up beside him.
"Um, I have a list," he smiled apologetically, holding up his slip of paper. "My son-in-law…We like to discuss the books we've been reading after supper whenever we get together as a family. It started as a sort of get to know you topic of conversation that didn't have to do with careers or unfortunate childhood experiences. I've come to rather enjoy it. Lately I've been trying to read a bit of what he's been reading, to help keep on top of what's new on the literary scene."
"Oh what a lovely thing to share together. Are these some he's recommended then?" she asked cheerily.
"Yes. This is the latest."
He offered the list to her shyly.
"It's funny. I have never fancied myself a slow reader but lately I must admit I have been having a difficult time keeping up. He read all of these last week."
"That is an impressive pace," she replied, looking over the selection.
Abe kept going, "And I swear every time we talk the books have become harder and harder to find. First time novelists, smaller publishers, pulp fiction that only got a limited printing run. If I didn't think the material would be worth the effort, it would be rather infuriating trying to find all of these."
The shop girl nodded. "Well, we're always happy to help our customers find what they are looking for if you need to put in a special order." 
A little more quietly, she suggested, "Or you know you could always ask to borrow your son-in-law's copy when he's finished with it…"
Abe shook his head. "No, no I couldn't possibly tip my hand like that."
She blinked at his response momentarily before shrugging it off. "Okay. Let me see if I can find some of these for you."
Left to his own devices, he opted wander the shop a bit, looking around until his eyes found a familiar figure browsing the shelves.
"Hey Abe," Lenny greeted brightly, looking up from the book in his hand.
"Lenny! Hello. I didn't know you shopped here," Abe chuckled a bit unconvincingly.
Lenny shrugged. "Just picking up something for the train ride this weekend. Got a gig in Boston."
"Oh wonderful. I was just browsing," Abe replied.
"Here we are!" The shop girl announced, returning with a hefty stack of books in hand. "Now we do not have this third one in stock currently but I called a shop I know of in Brooklyn that says they're pretty sure they've got one. I can get you the address."
"Just these will do, thank you," Abe replied quietly, clearing his throat as he did his best not to acknowledge his son-in-law's knowing smirk.
"Browsing?" Lenny wondered, eyeing the stack as the books were being tallied.
"A few titles jumped out at me," Abe dismissed casually.
Lenny nodded, adding his book to the stack. "Put those on my tab along with this, would you?" he requested.
She looked up, briefly star struck as she hummed an affirmative.
"You don't have to do that," Abe murmured.
"No I don't but I'm going to anyway seeing as most of these are some I've been talking your ear off about. You know I would have lent you my copies."
The shop girl fought back a satisfied grin as she pretended not to listen in, clearly putting together the connection between the two men.
"Um, there you are, sir. And here's that shop address just in case. And information about our author's nights we host every month."
"Thank you," Lenny told her, paying for the haul.
"I hope you don't mind me saying…" she confided shyly, "I'm a huge fan of your wife. I caught her show at Upstairs at the Downstairs last week. Phenomenal!"
Lenny smiled fondly. "I'll be sure to tell her."
As they exited the shop, he handed the bag to Abe with a sly grin. "Here. Happy Father's Day."
Abe smiled softly to himself. He'd never expected he'd ever care for a son-in-law like a son, and yet here they were.
"I don't suppose you're free for lunch?"
"Sure, I've got time," Lenny agreed, barely checking his watch.
As they fell into step together he commented slyly, "You'll never guess what I just finished reading."
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 2
Episode 15: Ox Pox
There was never a dull day in the Man Cave, there was always something happening or people rushing around the place and that day was no different. It was safe to say that Schwoz had screwed up big time snd like always, his mistake was drastically affecting those around him.
"Oh God, oh God, Schwoz. One of these days, I'm actually going to put your head down the toilet and flush." (y/n) growled as she and Ray frantically ran down the sprocket corridor so they could access the supercomputer. 
They had been relaxing before Schwoz had come running to them, screaming about some dangerous cookies that he had stupidly given to Henry. 
Then, he had rambled something about certain death and that's when the couple leapt off Ray's bed (watching movies and snuggling together is definitely what friends do) and were now skidding toward the hologram caller.
"Come on, kid, pick up, pick up." Ray tapped his foot impatiently once he had selected his sidekick and the number began to dial. (y/n) was no better, she was chewing her lip and nervously twiddling her thumbs as the ominous beeping of the dialling tone lasted for what felt like a lifetime. 
Henry did pick up eventually though and his little floating body gave the couple an annoyed look as they interrupted his lethal cookie time. Some people are never grateful.
"Henry!" Ray greeted him in an exceedingly alarmed voice, but Henry hung up on them before they could say anything else. Piper had come down the stairs and he couldn't risk her seeing his out-of-this-world technology.
"Hey, where'd he go?" Ray frowned as the hologram disappeared. They had extremely important information for the boy and now he was gone. Typical.
"The little shit hung upon us." (y/n) rolled her eyes and folded her arms as she waited for Henry to reconnect. She could guess that someone walked in on the call and knew that the kid would waste no time on getting back to them. Just a couple more minutes...
"Hey." Thankfully, he came back pretty quickly and the adults wasted no time in getting straight to the point. They couldn't go slow with the introductions and crap, Henry needed to know that he and probably his family were in grave danger. Stupid Schwoz and his dodgy recipes.
"Oh, Henry, thank god I got you, now tell me, did you eat one of the cookies Schwoz made?"Ray questioned at a million miles per hour. It didn't really sound like a sentence, more like one big, long word falling out of his mouth.
"Okay, this is what you just sounded like, ahggrheeegurrattterbanatututt." Henry joked, not seeing the gravity of the situation he was in. His lightheartedness made the adults go purse-lipped in mild irritation, so Ray sighed to keep his temper under control.
"Sorry, I'll talk slower. Do you want to die?" He asked, much more slowly, focusing on enunciating each syllable clearly. He didn't have the patience to beat around the bush when lives were at stake.
"No," Henry replied. Obviously, he didn't want to die. He had so much left to live for.
"Well, did you eat one of the cookies that Schwoz made?" (y/n) butted in urgently, praying that Henry hadn't gone anywhere near the baked goods. In fact, it would be preferable for him to throw them into a volcano just so no one could eat them.
"Well, not yet, but I was about to," Henry told them, thinking about how he'd been trying to eat one damn cookie all day with his glass of milk. 
"No, don't!" Ray begged him, dreading the consequences that the cookies would bring. He couldn't bear the thought of seeing his sidekick getting sick and dying.
"Schwoz accidentally put commodium assitate in the batter! Those cookies are bad news!" (y/n) explained, leaning back into Ray's body so his body warmth would settle her nerves. He was wearing a particularly tight t-shirt that day and she loved it; it showed off those beefy arms of his and a tiny peek of his chest. It was like he was teasing her, all she wanted to do was press a kiss against that piece of skin. 
"Okay, okay, what is commodium assitate?" Henry asked. In all of his science classes, he had never heard of that chemical, but from their panicked faces, he guessed it wasn't good.
"It's a dangerous chemical that should not be put in cookie batter, so go get that damn cookie and destroy it before anyone eats it!" The young woman explained quickly. Any substance that was kept by Schwoz carried a health hazard warning, making the cookie unbelievably risky to have in a suburban house.
"Okay!" Henry complied, sensing that it probably wasn't a good idea to have left the cookie unguarded on his kitchen table. 
Closing his whiz watch and running inside, Henry freaked out when he saw Piper popping the last piece of cookie into her mouth. She licked her lips at the scrumptious taste, causing her brother to run over in terror and grab her the waist.
"Not the cookie! No, no, no, no, no, no! I gotta get it out of you!" He yelled at his sister so he started to give her the Heimlich manoeuvre, badly. Piper grunted in pain as Henry's sharp movements made her chest ache, why couldn't she just eat the cookie in peace?
"What are you doing? Ow, ow, ow!" She squealed as she was lifted and shaken around. It was useless though, Piper wasn't choking and picking her up wouldn't make her vomit, so Henry just dropped her on the floor when his arms began to feel numb and tired.
"I eat one stupid cookie and you have a waz-attack!" She screamed at her brother, feeling dizzy and lightheaded from the assault.
"I-uh-I—I..." Henry stuttered as he thought of something to say. He didn't want to tell his little sister that she'd eaten a cookie laced with a toxic chemical. She'd probably pass out or scream the house down. However, Piper didn't see his attempt to be kind and she gave him a sharp kick on the shin, causing the boy to collapse onto the kitchen island as she ran off to her room. You try to do a nice thing and it just gets thrown back in your face. 
~In the Man Cave~
Everyone was waiting for Henry's arrival in the Man Cave. Ray, Schwoz, (y/n) and Charlotte were pacing around the room anxiously, they had received news about Piper scoffing the cookie and now they were trying to be brave as they waited for her brother to come. The young woman gave her best friend a worried look as she neared him, so he intertwined their fingers and squeezed her hand to show her that he was there for her. How were they supposed to tell Henry that his little sister might die?
"How could you give Henry a cookie contaminated with commodium assitate?" Ray scowled at Schwoz. Even with his sweet girl next to him, the situation was stressing him out. And her stress added to his stress, so overall, he was on edge and it showed.
"Yeah, why did you even have it in the kitchen?" (y/n) asked, her hand leaving Ray's so she could dramatically throw her arms up in the air. She was pissed off with Schwoz and the recent few months of non-stop near-death experiences had been getting to her. Coupled with her growing frustration towards her romantic feelings for her beloved Ray, everything was mixing into one big ball of strain and worry for her.
"I'm sorry, it looks exactly like sugar and I don't know why I keep it in the kitchen...next to the sugar." Schwoz whimpered in a strained voice. For an eccentric genius, he really was stupid sometimes. His poor organisation could only lead to disaster and now everyone was knee-deep in crap because of it.
"Well, where'd you get that idea? PoorJudgement.gov?" Ray asked sarcastically. His life was never easy and when Schwoz was around it got even worse.
"Hey! Henry's on his way down." Charlotte announced as she pulled out her phone. It was time to see if they had an imminent death on their hands.
"Okay, let's not freak Henry out even more than he is. Just act normal and happy and natural, 'kay?" (y/n) smiled at her friends. She didn't want Henry coming down and seeing his friends panicking and throwing fits of hysterics, that would just make shit worse. If they kept their cool, he would suspect how worried they really were.
"Right, okay." Her friends agreed and they all turned to the elevator with bright smiles, just as Henry stepped through the door. 
"Hey, I'm here." He said breathily as he approached them. One of these days he'd be able to come into work when the fate of the world or death and disease wasn't hanging in the balance.
"Hi..." "Hey..." The four greeted him in unsure voices, sounding anything but normal, happy and natural. The only natural thing he could see was Ray standing there with his arm around (y/n), the young woman arching into his body as they stood together. Ugh, they always did the gross, touchy stiff when he was there. Henry would give up his left kidney if it meant either one of them said something about how they felt, then maybe they wouldn't prance about the place pining for each other's touch every ten seconds.
"How are ya, Hen?" Charlotte asked, feeling her stomach flutter with butterflies and her nervousness showed in her voice. 
"What goes on?" Ray added, hoping that he didn't sound nearly as worried as she did.
"How's it happening?" (y/n) smiled too and their similar questions told Henry that something was wrong. Why else would they all be stood in the same place, grinning at him like they were possessed?
"Your sister isn't going to die," Schwoz said in a morbidly cheerful voice. Well, there went their normal and tender attempts to be comforting. 
"What?" Henry gasped as he heard the news. Piper? Die? What the hell was in that cookie?!
"Schwoz!" "Schwoz!" Ray and (y/n) growled at the short man. He was so insensitive sometimes, it was like he was deliberately ignoring their instructions to be nice and just being malicious on purpose. It really rubbed (y/n) the wrong way.
"You said everything was okay!" Schwoz whined. He didn't think he spoke out of turn, he thought that Ray wanted him to be honest and open.
"Then why talk about dying?" Charlotte stressed, reading the exact question in (y/n)'s mind. Honestly, he didn't think sometimes, he just said what came to mind.
"I said she won't." He argued, thinking that the negative made everything better. But it didn't.
"Well, we don't know that, do we?!" Ray hissed back, not seeing how Henry's face fell at the news. They were supposed to be making him feel better, but now he felt wretched.
"Guys! Henry is in the room!" (y/n) whispered harshly, smacking Ray and Schwoz on the arms for being so heartless. They weren't giving Henry's feelings a second thought and it irritated her beyond belief.
"Oh my god! Is my sister gonna—" Henrys worry was cut off as his phone began to ring in his pocket and he groaned when he saw it was Jasper wanting to video chat. If this was about his stupid hide and seek game, he'd kill him.
"Where are you going?" Schwoz asked the boy as they watched him back up into the elevator.
"To the elevator, I can't let him see me in the Man Cave." He explained. Smart kid; anyone else would have answered the call and be left in shtuck when their friend freaked out at their location, but not Henry. He was always so careful and that made him the perfect sidekick.
"Schwoz, if you don't get every remotely dangerous chemical out of our kitchen, I'm going to skin you alive." (y/n) turned to the small man as they waited for Henry to finish his call. She might as well fill the time with a few threats so she could get her point across. She couldn't bake cupcakes and brownies for Ray if the entire place was chock full of poisons and radioactive goop. Of course, the goop and gunge wouldn't affect her, a rogue incident with a dodgy crème brûlée had proven that her super-healing stomach could handle any infection or poison lickety-split. Still, it made her cautious to cook in there knowing that the sugar could be commodium assitate or the milk could be hydrochloric acid.
"But I do my experiments in there!" He whined, seeing the kitchen as his second laboratory. He was always cooking up weird shit in there and he didn't want to stop. He just wanted to create and bake and form new monsters or reactions with just his mind and some simple ingredients.
"Schwoz, do as she says," Ray warned him, raising his eyebrows at the little guy as he whinged. (y/n) smirked as she won the battle, knowing that with the boss on her side, she had a crucial advantage. Schwoz stuck his tongue out at Ray as he sulked and he made Charlotte giggle when he made kissy faces towards the young woman when she wasn't looking. The sight of Ray losing his stern demeanour was hilarious and the two knew it was all too easy to tease him about his love for her.
"Guys, come look at this," Charlotte said to them as she scrolled on the computer. Whilst they had been arguing, she had been busy looking up what was gonna happen to Piper after eating the commodium assitate. They all crowded around the computer as she let Schwoz take over, just as Henry came back into the room from his stupid call with Jasper. The boy was fourteen and he wanted to play hide and seek; he desperately needed a girlfriend.
"All right, Schwoz, what's gonna happen to my sister?" The boy asked as he briskly jogged over to the group. (y/n) bit her lip as she scanned over the information on the screen. Poor Piper, even if she was a brat sometimes, she didn't deserve this.
"This." Schwoz pointed to the monitor and a disgusting painting of an aristocratic woman came on the screen. It was clearly from a few hundred years ago, but that didn't make the sight of her pox-covered, crusty face look any better.
"I think I'm gonna puke." (y/n) grimaced as she studied the pustules in the painting. She was normally okay with gross wounds and gore, but this was pretty vile and her stomach felt a bit funny.
"Oh, whoa, whoa, what is wrong with that lady?" Henry asked Schwoz as everyone recoiled. Ray put his hands on (y/n)'s shoulders as he stood over her and she practically purred when he massaged the tension in her muscles away. His touch made her putty in his hands and the way she bit her tongue to stop herself from moaning almost drew blood.
"She has...eh." Schwoz pulled up a paragraph of information that detailed some weird, ancient disease that Piper was surely infected with.
"Ox Pox." Ray read out, still rubbing his girl's shoulders. He didn't notice the way she was smiling in bliss or how she was going weak at the knees as she melted into him.
"Okay, what is Ox Pox?" Henry asked. He'd heard of influenza, tuberculosis and loads of other illnesses, but this one was new to him.
"Ox Pow was kinda like a chickenpox or measles, only way worse and it's caused by eating commodium assitate," Schwoz explained solemnly, although the tone was lost on the young woman behind him, who was still burning up from the hot man behind her. She was certain that he would be the death of her, no one else had ever set her alight as quickly as he could.
"But I thought no one's had Ox Pox for hundreds of years." Charlotte frowned. Being the clever clogs she was, she had vaguely heard of it, but it was a disease of the past, meaning almost no one knew about it.
"Yeah, until Schwoz's diseased cookie gave it to my sister," Henry grumbled, his heart hurting at the thought of losing his sister. She was mean and annoying, but she was his baby sister and he'd be heartbroken if he lost her. Seeing how upset he was, Ray left his trembling sweet girl at the computer and strolled over to his sidekick to offer him so words of comfort.
"Hey, I'm sorry for your loss." He gave a sympathetic smile and clapped Henry on the back, but the boy just looked confused.
"What? Ray, are you okay?" (y/n) frowned, snapping out of her daze as he moved away from her. Without his warmth, the fire inside her died down and she was left with her usual low simmer that continually burned as her love for him stayed bright.
"Piper...she was a sweet little girl." Ray eulogised, trying to be tender for his sidekick.
"Okay, first, no, she wasn't." Henry corrected. Piper was horrible to everyone, well, most people. She had a few favourites.
"She had her moments." (y/n) defended the girl. She was one of those people and had bonded with Piper over popcorn, Captain Man and a good movie. After that, Piper was surprisingly nice to her.
"Can we stop talking about my sister in the past tense?!" Henry snapped, getting a little teary-eyed. It sounded like Piper had actually died and that was upsetting for him.
"What's the cure for Ox Pox?" The boy gazed intensely into Schwoz's eyes and demanded an answer. There was no alternative, he was going to save Piper and all her meanness even if it killed him. Whilst all of this had been happening, Charlotte had wandered over to the PearPad on the opposite side of the room and she'd conducted some research of her own. She liked to work at her own pace and getting answers was her thing.
"Here. It says in the 16 and 17oos, doctors used to cure Ox Pox by making a special medicine from the feathers of a bird known as "the chickowillow"." Charlotte read out, finding the same information that Schwoz was eager to impart.
"Wait. The chickowillow has been extinct for three hundred years." (y/n) said, frowning at how, for them, it would be impossible to find a specimen with the feathers they need.
"Well, we need one or else...what happens to my sister?" He asked Schwoz, but he had the feeling that it wouldn't be a peaceful passing.
"I'm sorry for your loss." Schwoz tried to be nice, for once, but his skirting around the answer enraged Henry. 
"Okay, no one else is allowed to say that again," Henry growled, making (y/n) walk over to him and gently put her hands on his upper arms.
"Hen, I promise, we'll work something out." She told him softly, rubbing his arm that eased his worry. At least someone knew how to be kind.
"Wait a second. I think I know how we can get a chickowillow." Ray suddenly said, smirking at his girl with bright eyes. She knew that look; he had a crafty and crazy plan. 
"There are no more chickowillows." Charlotte pointed out. It's not like they could fly to an exotic country and seek one out. All prospects of finding one of the birds in the current day was an impossibility. 
"Not now, but we have something right here in storage that can help us get a chickowillow from the past." Ray squealed excitedly. (y/n) gasped at his theory and pondered the idea. Could they pull it off?
"The Time Jerker's Time Machine." She breathed out, smiling as he took her hands in his and excitedly nodded. It was bold and insane, but that was Ray all over and even though the idea of going back in time scared her to death, it seemed like the only option.
"Yeah, and we could use it to go back in time to the early 1700s," Schwoz added, agreeing on the plan as Charlotte frowned sceptically.
"And get a chickowillow." Henry finished the theory and the four nodded in agreement. 
"But wait, isn't that dangerous? (y/n), I thought you'd be dead against this." Charlotte piped up. She was correct, the young woman thought it was incredibly stupid and perilous, but Piper needed saving and they were the only ones who could do it.
"Oh my god!" The men fell about in annoyance, blowing raspberries and groaning at her concern. (y/n) rolled her eyes at their petty behaviour. Safety wasn't boring and Charlotte wasn't trying to be a stick in the mud, she just wanted her friends to be safe.
"Just once, Charlotte, could you not be Debbie Downer?" Ray asked, making his best friend point at him as a warning, letting him know that she had her eye on him.
"Really?" Henry pouted. She was a good friend, but she could be so overly cautious sometimes.
"Well, I'm so sorry that it might be a little bit dangerous to send someone three hundred years back in time to get some stupid ancient bird, so we can cure your sister's Ox Pox, which was caused by this freakshow's commodium assitate cookies! Yeah, I'm the crazy one here." The teen ranted, making her friends recoil slightly at her outburst. Geez, someone got out on the wrong side of the bed that morning. They were doing this, despite the danger, because, otherwise, a little girl had no other hope.
~Half an hour later~
Well, everything was set up. The Time Jerker's Time Machine had been hauled up to the main room and was being prepped by Schwoz. (y/n) had to admit, seeing the thing in person, all ready to go, was setting but flies flying in her stomach, but she brushed them away when she remembered why they were doing this. She had trust in her friends and that's all she needed.
"Okay, I'm ready to test the Time Machine," Schwoz said, rubbing his hands together. He was fairly confident that it would blow up the entire block, but you never know. Two people would survive to tell the tale if that happened, so it wasn't all doom and gloom.
"How are we gonna test it?" Ray asked as he subtly guided (y/n) away from the sparking portal frame. Just because she couldn't be injured didn't mean his constant, protective worrying over her had ceased. He still loved to put her comfort and safety first and she never seemed to notice it.
"See, I will take this fris—" Schwoz's explanation was cut off as everyone objected to the word 'frisbee'. Lord knows why.
"...This flying disk, and I will throw it five seconds into the future." He finished, turning on the power, so a beam of energy hit the golden frame, igniting the portal to five seconds in the future. 
"Here goes." The little man said and tossed the frisbee through the swirling blue energy as his friends watched. They could only hope it worked.
"Four, three, two, one..." Right on cue, the frisbee came flying back out at a tremendous speed and unfortunately, whacked (y/n) sharply on the forehead. A shooting pain erupted in her scalp, as Ray immediately turned her to him and examined the angry cut across her face. He gulped with instinctive panic as her eyes failed to dilate upon gazing into the harsh lights above them (or rather seeing him, love makes the pupils dilate too) and he recognised that she had a concussion too.
"Ow!" She yelped, holding her hand up to her forehead as her body worked its magic and healed her wound. The concussion disappeared too and within seconds, she was back to her normal self.
"Schwoz!" Ray hissed, as he stroked her forehead to ensure the injury was completely gone. Hurting (y/n) never ended well for anyone, even if it was an unfortunate accident.
"Oopsie...but it worked!" He moved on quickly. Sure, he felt bad that the girl had gotten hurt, but the notion of the invention working was too thrilling for him to contain his smile. Ray growled in his throat and opened his mouth to say something, but a delicate finger on his lips silenced him before he could kick-off.
"Raymond, I'm okay." (y/n) whispered to him, gazing up at him through her eyelashes, which soothed his anger and replaced it with passion and lust. Why did she have to look so alluring when he was about to go to some desolate wasteland in the past? He was fighting the urge to just screw everything and take her to his room so he could show her what she did to him. How he wasn't going anywhere, how he'd never love anyone as much as he loved her and how he never wanted anyone to have her as he wanted. 
"Tell me where to send Ray," Schwoz instructed Henry, ignoring how Ray was practically devouring (y/n) with his gaze. No matter how he looked at her, (y/n) never freaking saw the longing stares. Even if he wore an "I love (y/n)" t-shirt she probably wouldn't notice. She needed to hear the words from his lips, but he was waiting for her, so they were stood still.
"Uh, in the year 1709, the largest number of chickowillows lived in a northern region of Alaska, now know as Prudhoe Bay." Charlotte read out, causing Ray to frown at the information. He was going where? (y/n) giggled at his reaction, he hated the cold and it looked like he was going to a frozen tundra.
"All right, Schwoz, send me to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, 1709." The large man ignored his distaste for the location and popped a gumball. His Captain Man suit would hopefully provide enough protection for the quick trip to the past.
"Aye, aye." Schwoz punched in the coordinates as Ray blew his bubble and transformed into his alter-ego. 
"Hey, you better put on a coat. Alaska's pretty cold." Henry advised, thinking that even with his indestructibility, Ray would be miserable and vulnerable in subzero temperatures. 
"I won't need a coat. I'm just gonna pop back to the past, grab a chickowillow and Schwoz is gonna pull me right back here." He explained like it was nothing. He'd never tell them he was nervous as hell, he was a superhero and that meant he was excellent at putting on a brave face.
"And now, to Alaska! He exclaimed and ran to the portal, but he just passed straight through the unlit frame. He always got ahead of himself when he got excited.
"Think the time portal needs to be on," Henry remarked as his boss awkwardly shuffled back to his takeoff spot. Well, that was embarrassing.
"Okay, ready," Schwoz confirmed after flicking the on button. Now, the machine was on and ready for Ray's big adventure.
"Hey, come back to me safe and sound, you hear?" (y/n) told him in the bravest voice she could muster, although her clammy, wringing fingers suggested that she was bricking it. Three hundred years was a long way or time or whatever to be apart and her heart felt like the little string that connected her to Ray was being cut.
"Sweet girl, I'll always come back to you." He told her gently, making her breathe hitch at the sentiment. She felt special and she took his words to be his promise, now believing that he would do his best to come home. 
"And now, to Alaska and the year 1709!" Ray yelled dramatically, silently wishing he could kiss his girl goodbye, but resisted the temptation. If he gave in now, he'd never let go. This time when he ran, he disappeared into the portal and fell through time so he could complete his mission: Get the damn bird and get the hell out of there.
~Alaska, 1709~
Ray should've listened to Henry, Alaska was freezing. It was snowing and the wind was howling, but he was here and if he wasn't mistaken, he could see a few chickowillows right in front of him. 
"Captain Man to the Man Cave, Captain Man to the Man Cave." He said into his walkie-talkie. He had no idea how the device worked in the past, he was glad it did. Being out here with no contact could get pretty lonely.
"Ray! We hear you! Are you okay?" A sweet, feminine voice came over the radio as (y/n) happily accepted the call. He wasn't dead, that's all that mattered and now, he just needed to get a bird and then leave before she missed him for too long.
"Man, it be cold!" He whined, wrapping his arms around himself as the bitter wind stung his face and neck. It was times like this he wished he was wrapped up in bed with pyjamas and fluffy socks on, drinking hot cocoa with his favourite girl. He hated the cold.
"Well, I told you to take a coat." Henry jumped in, sounding like a mother telling off her disobedient child.
"Oooh, sorry, mom!" Ray sassed back and his heart warmed when he heard (y/n)'s giggling on the other end of the line. 
"Nah, you wish I was your mom," Henry replied, which sounded really weird.
"What does that mean?" Charlotte asked, looking up from her PearPad in confusion. She'd never heard a line like that before.
"I don't know," Henry said weakly, wishing he'd never said anything at all. However, his awkwardness turned to frustration when his phone began to ring in his pocket.
"Jasper again?" (y/n) asked, turning around to give him a sympathetic look. She couldn't understand why he wanted to play hide and seek either and it's not like Henry could leave the Man Cave at such a crucial moment, so the constant video calls were getting annoying.
"I hope he's all right." (y/n) mumbled to Charlotte as they helped Schwoz monitor the Time Machine. She believed he'd keep his promise, but she couldn't help that tugging doubt in the back of her mind that something was gonna go wrong.
"He's fine, he's indestructible," Schwoz said from their right, his words being somewhat of a comfort to the concerned woman. Henry was wrapping up his dum call with Jasper and walked out back into the Man Cave to see her worrying.
"Look, I'll show you he's okay. How's it going, Ray? Did you get a chickowillow?" Charlotte asked over the radio, just to prove that he hadn't frozen to death yet and everything was going smoothly.
"Almost. In the sack, that's a good bird. There you go. Got him! Now, bring me back to the present!" Ray told them cheerfully, making everyone clap and jump in excitement as (y/n) breathed a sigh of relief. He was eager to get to her and into some warmer clothes, so he also sounded pretty spiked. 
"Standby by," Schwoz told everyone as he flicked the buttons on the machine. More energy fired at the portal and (y/n) grinned at the prospect of being reunited with her hero. He'd gone to the ends of the Earth to save a little girl and that made her swoon. The bright light from the portal shone strongly and to her disappointment, it wasn't Ray who came back through, it was an elderly gentleman. What?
"I'm o...kay!" The man groaned as he took a deep breath between falling over and getting up. He took quite a tumble for a man of his age and it was a wonder that he hadn't broken his brittle bones. Henry and Charlotte stepped over to help the senior citizen up because y'know, they were nice to old people and the guy took a confused look around the Man Cave.
"Where am I?" He asked, his wrinkled hands shaking as (y/n) and Charlotte looked at their resident genius with horrified expressions.
"Schwoz!" The teen girl hissed, believing they had brought back the wrong person. He was so old, he must have been at least eighty.
"That's not Ray!" (y/n) told him bitterly, whilst Henry chucked away the toilet roll that the man had brought with him. She was disappointed to not have her best friend back and now, they had to contend with some pensioner.
"Excuse me, young lady, I am too!" The man said in his old, rough voice, his surprisingly lively eyes fixated on her back. He'd get the shock of his life when she turned around.
"I think that's Ray, but from the future," Schwoz said in a worried voice, knowing he'd screwed up badly. Old Ray stared at Henry's youthful face and gasped when he recognised him.
"Henry! You're a boy again!" He laughed and felt his unblemished cheek, marvelling at how the kid was still...a kid. (y/n) was terrified to see him, if he really was from the future, would he want to see her? What if she had been left behind long ago? 
"And President Charlotte! You look just like you used to!" He laughed in delight at the girl, who blanched when he called her the President. To be fair, if anyone could lead the country, it was Charlotte.
"And Schwoz! You're a man again!" He recalled when he saw his old handyman and his heart melted when he heard an oh so familiar laugh from the girl who had yet to turn around. He knew that laugh.
"(y/n)...sweet girl." He said softly, his eyes widening as the girl spun around at the mention of her nickname. He remembered? Of course he did, how could he forget the girl who became his wife, the girl who gave him children and grandchildren, his soulmate? He shuffled over and gave her a tight embrace, overwhelmed at seeing her so young again. She had always been beautiful, but to see her like this, like from when he used to be so stupid, so blind to her love for him, made him tear up.
"Uh, hi, Ray." (y/n) awkwardly returned the hug, not wanting to upset her elderly best friend by refusing to touch him. It felt odd like she was hugging a stranger, who, at the same time, felt like someone who knew her better than anyone. He was softer, squishier, with less muscle than what he carried in his thirties and the clothes he was wearing were typical grandpa slacks, socks, slippers and a warm jacket. But underneath all that, she could faintly smell the same cologne he always used and she still felt small against him, even though he'd shrunk slightly with age. Yeah, this was her Ray, she knew it.
"Guys? Guys? I'm ready to come home! Uh, it's really cold in Alaska and I don't have a coat!" (y/n) frantically broke away when everyone heard Young Ray shouting over the radio. Poor guy, he was expecting to be sucked back to his girl and his family any minute now, but Schwoz, the bonehead, had screwed it all up.
"What kind of an idiot goes to Alaska without a coat?" Old Ray laughed to Henry, not realising that it was him. He was the idiot. 
"Uh, you," Henry replied slowly, feeling a bit weirded out at seeing his boss so elderly and fragile.
"OH MY GOD!" He suddenly shouted, making all of his, old, young, whatever friends jump in fright.
"What's wrong?" They all asked, thinking he was about to go into shock from realising he was in his past, but his concern was much more...daft than that.
"Where'd my toilet paper go?" He asked, scouring the floor for it. Man, elderly people have some strange priorities. Schwoz, Henry, (y/n) and Charlotte couldn't help but look at him in amazement as he weakly stood there, his knobbly knees struggling to keep him upright.
"Why you guys staring at me? Am I drooling?" He asked and whipped out a handkerchief from his sleeve to dab at his mouth. Old people things, they were lovely.
"No, you're fine." (y/n) smiled at him kindly, giving him a small pat on the arm to reassure him. She decided that she'd just play it cool until he could go home and she could have her Ray back.
"Uh guys, it's like nine degrees below zero here in Alaska so bring me back." They all heard Ray's chattering teeth come from the speaker as he shivered in the extreme cold. Even with his indestructibility, this was torture and he really fancied going home now.
"Hang on, Ray," Henry called back, which really confused Old Ray. This was too much for his old ears and old mind to process, leaving him stood there in bafflement.
"Hold onto what?" He asked his former sidekick, who saw that he'd had to take it slow since they were now in the presence of a senior citizen. 
"Not you...Ray, hold on." Henry walked over to the control and turned off the radio transmission so there'd be no more confusion. One thing at a time, send Old Ray back and then bring Young Ray home so (y/n) didn't hyperventilate.
"Dah, he put me on hold!" The youthful man groaned as he rubbed his arms. A coat was sounding pretty nice right now.
"Ray, are you really Ray Manchester?" Henry asked as he turned away from the Time Machine. He couldn't believe that this was his boss, the formidable Captain Man, he looked so delicate.
"Of course I am, Henry. What's the matter with you, huh? Why's everything around here look like it did fifty years ago?" The aged man asked as he wobbled around, his words making everyone catch their breath. He was from when?
"Wait, how old are you?" Charlotte asked as she poked (y/n) to bring her back from her state of shock. Fifty years in the future freaked her out, but at least she had the knowledge that Ray never forgot her, even if they ever parted ways at some point.
"I'm 85 and I still look great—oh!" Ray tried to look cool, but his rapid arm movement didn't agree with his old pelvis and everyone cringed as they heard it crack and crunch. 
"Wait, so in your time, I'm 78, that's cool!" (y/n) giggled with the kids, not seeing how Old Ray was looking at her with so much fondness. Huh, no wedding ring, this must have been before they got together. Despite the cobwebs on his brain, Ray's mind was still pretty sharp and he made a mental note to keep the future secret. It was up to his younger self to have the balls to tell her he loved her and he'd see that she loved him too, eventually.
"Wait, I think I know what went wrong!" Schwoz suddenly exclaimed as he checked the data from his devices. 
"What?" Charlotte asked, hoping it was something easily fixed.
"The Time Machine brought the right Ray, but instead of bringing him back from the year 1709, it brought him back from fifty years in the future!" He explained stressfully, turning round to gesture at the pensioner, who was now pressing random buttons on the supercomputer. He seemed so fascinated by the buttons and hopefully, he wouldn't break it.
"Ohhh, a blaster!" He grinned as he picked up one of the emergency weapons hidden around the Man Cave. Oh god, with those shaking fingers, letting him have a weapon was not a good idea.
"Raymond, put that down!" (y/n) scolded him, stepping in front of the kids so her body would get hit by a stray laser and not them. Her tone was so familiar to Ray, she still used his full name when he was in trouble, especially when he and the grandkids got up to mischief. Yeah, he was the fun grandpa and she was the grandma who baked cookies and muffins every day in that little house they'd bought in the country.
"I haven't seen one of these in a long time—" Predictably, Ray's fingers had lost their old strength and they accidentally pulled the trigger on the blaster, firing a rogue shot at the ceiling. Thank God, he hadn't pointed it at them.
"Oh, I forgot you have to put the setting on the—" And again. Henry and (y/n) were inching towards him slowly, the boy using her as a human meat-shield to save himself from dying, not that she minded. To her, it was better to take a blast to the face than see her favourite teen boy get shot.
"I don't know what to do—" Ray chuckled as he had a "blast" with the gun. He hadn't been near the superhero life in years and this was like a tour around his past. He loved it.
"Why don't I just take that from you and keep it safe?" She smiled at him, but fiercely yanked the weapon from his fingertips, passing it to Henry so he could deal with it.
"Awww, yes, dear." He groaned and pouted at the loss of his new toy. (y/n)'s heart fluttered at the new name. It might have just been an old person thing, calling a young woman "dear", but coming from him it sounded so cute, so marital, so right.
"You guys, bring me back!" Her inner fluttering died when she heard the groaning of her best friend on the line again. He must've been freezing, possibly to death, and that kicked her nervous personality into overdrive. She didn't want him to turn in a "Raysicle", she needed him home so they could watch a new, crappy rom-com tonight. 
"Schwoz, you gotta bring Ray back before he freezes and (y/n) loses it without him." Charlotte hissed into the genius' ear, making the young woman pout. She was that bad, was she? She was worried, but she wasn't losing it, she was just petrified that he'd never come home and then she'd lose the only guy for her and she'd spend the rest of her life as a crazy cat lady. Okay, maybe she was losing it a bit.
"And we need that stupid bird's feathers to cure my sister!" Henry added, also sounding very panicky now. Looks like he was losing it too.
"Will you both relax? I'm sure your sister is doing fine and you won't be a lonely cat lady for the rest of your life." Schwoz said to both of them, causing (y/n) to huff as he guessed what she was thinking. She needed to talk to the person who always knew how to calm her down.
"Ray, are you there?" She asked as she pressed the button for the microphone. 'Please, pick up, please don't be frozen.' She chanted in her mind as Ray took a few seconds to move his frozen hand up to his mouth.
"Yeah, sweet girl, I'm here." He whimpered into his walkie-talkie, as his teeth chattered. He was glad that if he was going to die, her voice would be the last one he'd hear. He only hoped that she found a nice guy who could take care of her properly and give her the life she deserved.
"Listen to me, I know you're freezing, but don't worry, okay sweetheart? We're gonna try and bring you back right now." She told him in the sweetest, most pleasant voice she could muster. Sweetheart...Ray could listen to her call him that all day and his delirious mind made it seem like her words were warming him up.
"Hurry, sweet girl." He slurred, reigning in his desire to spill everything to her, every secret and feeling he had ever kept from her. Even if he died never knowing if she would give him a chance to be hers, he didn't mind. He'd rather die than let her carry that burden for the rest of her life. A man who loved her more than anything, but was too scared to say something, who'd want that?
"Ahhhhh!" Henry groaned as he got another call from Jasper. He didn't care about the stupid hide and seek, he wasn't a child anymore.
"Did you forget about your hide and seek buddy?" Charlotte smirked at him, finding it funny how annoyed he was because of Jasper's eccentricity. 
"Yes." He rolled his eyes at her amusement as he looked at Jasper's face on his screen. Did he really have to answer it?
"Hurry up, we don't have time to piss about and play hide and seek." (y/n) told him in an unusually stern voice for her. Henry could tell that Ray's near-death situation was getting to her and he knew he had to be quick with this.
"Be out in a minute." The boy promised her and dashed to the elevator again for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
"Schwoz, get that thing ready to bring him back." The young woman told Schwoz and they all waited around as he prepared the machine. Old Ray took a seat on the couch whilst they waited since his old knees needed a rest. Another old person thing.
"Okay, I've reset the machine, now let's bring Captain Man home!" Schwoz said dramatically as Henry ran back from the elevator. Whatever he said to Jasper must've been quick.
"Do it!" The boy replied, putting his hand on (y/n)'s shoulder as she clasped her hands together in silent prayer. Please, don't let him be dead. The machine beamed the energy into the portal and everyone shielded their eyes at the sheer brightness it exuded.
"Ah, with the lights!" Old Ray groaned and everyone gasped as two, weird time travellers jumped out of the portal.
"Great Scott!" "Where are we?" "I don't know!" The old man and boy gasped as they looked around the room. They looked familiar...
"You're Marty McFly!" (y/n) gasped as she recognised the kid. How were they here? Time machines are weird.
"Let's get out of here!" The old man told his young friend, who enthusiastically nodded and jumped back through the machine, disappearing to wherever they had come from.
"Let me try that again." Schwoz smiled nervously as his friends frowned at him. He needed to get his act together when it came to this time-travel lark, otherwise, Ray would never get home and (y/n) would murder him.
As the genius worked on his calculations, Henry and (y/n) decided to keep Ray awake by shouting at him through the walkie-talkie, but they got no answer.
"Ray?" Henry asked into the microphone and (y/n)'s breathing turned ragged when they heard no response.
"Ray Manchester, pick up the damn walkie-talkie. Can you hear us?" She cried, not knowing that her love had succumbed to the pull of a hyperthermia-induced sleep and was laid out in the snow, unconscious. She let out a small whimper as she turned into Henry's shoulder and leaned her head against her friend's shoulder. Henry didn't know what to do, (y/n) was always the one to comfort him, not the other way around. With her losing hope, sniffing and crying, the boy was starting to freak out.
"Come on, man, answer me! Ray!" He yelled, spooking the Old Ray on the couch. It was never a good idea to frighten an old guy out of his nap. Back in Alaska, Ray thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice of an angel calling his name and he picked up the walkie-talkie with the last of his strength.
"Henry...forget about me, just make sure you take care of (y/n)." He mumbled, trying to keep the image of her smiling in his mind as he thought about the end. He never thought this would be his way of going; he wasn't married or even close to getting the girl he wanted, he'd barely done anything.
"No, we're gonna save you, man." Henry smiled at the sound of his voice and (y/n) nearly keeled over when she found out he was still alive. She panted as she wiped her cheeks and the two friends put their arms around each other's shoulders as they breathed out a sigh of relief.
"It's too late for me, kid. Just, remember how handsome I was." He gulped and a smile twitched onto his face when he heard the faint giggle of (y/n) laughing at his ego. That's what he wanted to hear, one last time, one last joke. He'd felt her kiss once and he supposed that it was enough to let him die peacefully, knowing she befitted the name he had given her. His sweet girl.
"Look, it's nine degrees below zero in Alaska in 1709. Ray can't last ten more minutes out there. His body temperature is getting too low," (y/n) whimpered as a monitor reading out Ray's vital signs began to beep. His core temperature was getting dangerously low and she felt her stomach drop and her heart turn to water.
"What are we gonna do?" She wailed, rubbing her eyes to try and stem the flow of tears. It felt like her entire world was collapsing around her as the thought of losing him made her hyperventilate. No Ray equalled no (y/n), they couldn't go on without each other.
"I don't know." Schwoz panicked as he wracked his brain for an idea. Old Ray shuffled over to his old, young, whatever friends when he heard his soon-to-be wife sniff and cry. He had never liked that sound, especially when he was the one causing it.
"Wait, Schwoz can't make the machine bring Ray back here, right?" Charlotte butted in as she thought about the situation. 
"Right." Henry agreed as he tried to keep (y/n) calm, but Schwoz was starting to get antsy too.
"Yeah, sure. I built everything in the whole Man Cave, but let's all of us on the one thing I can't do!" He snapped, throwing his hands up in the air as he returned (y/n)'s murderous glare.
"Listen to Charlotte, short stack." She growled, wanting to hear something useful, not useless and petty complaints. Schwoz frowned at the listen, but sulked silently rather than causing an argument. 
"What if we opened the time portal to Prudhoe Bay in 1709 and one of us reaches in, grabs Ray and just yanks him back through?" She said, making Henry and (y/n)'s eyes light up. It sounded plausible, but they needed the expertise of Schwoz.
"Would it work?" The teen boy asked him, praying that it would.
"Maybe, if Ray is close enough for someone to reach him. But, it's dangerous, we need someone capable of withstanding the pressure and force of the portal." Schwoz said, weighing up the pros and cons in his mind. Reaching across time would tear someone apart if they tried it.
"Hey! I need to pee. I'll be back in an hour." Old Ray announced, not caring that everyone else didn't want to know about his bodily functions. God knows why peeing took him an hour, but no one fancied finding out why
"Why is it dangerous?" Charlotte asked as he staggered off to the bathroom. Hopefully, he remembered where it was.
"Because whoever goes through the portal must keep one part of their body on this side of the machine at all times," Schwoz said, frowning as he thought about the complex physics and math.
"Why? What happens if they go all the way through?" Henry questioned, getting the sense that it wasn't good.
"The portal will close and they will end up stuck in Alaska with Ray." He answered, not wanting another person stranded three hundred years in the past.
"In 1709." Charlotte nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.
"We might not be able to bring them back, ever." Schwoz looked down at his shoes sadly and that's when (y/n) made her choice.
"Well then, I should be the one to do this." She told her friends in a firm voice, and they nodded in understanding.
"Duh." "You think I'd try it?" Schwoz and Charlotte asked rhetorically, both of them not wanting to be heroes. Their squishy, vulnerable bodies would snap like twigs if they went through.
"Why? I could try it too." Henry protested, not wanting to see the young woman hurt. If Ray came back, he'd hit the roof if he saw her injured because she'd been put in harm's way.
"I can do it. My body can withstand the strain, and if I get horrifically torn apart, I'll just heal up." (y/n) said in a determined voice. It would probably hurt and her superpower would be tested to its limits, but if it meant she'd save Ray, she'd do it. 
"But—" Henry tried to argue, but she held a hand up and gave him a stern look.
"Look, kid. I'm the one who loves him, even if the idiot never sees it. And if someone's gonna be stuck with him in a frozen wasteland for the rest of eternity, it might as well be me. I'm the only one who could cope with his whining." She laughed at the end and Henry could see that she was too stubborn to dissuade. 
"He might love you one day," Charlotte told her, trying to be subtle as Schwoz tapped in the correct coordinates. If these were her last words to her, she wanted them to make her feel better. She actually wanted to tell her that Ray would pay one million dollars if it meant she fell in love with him. 
"Let's just get this over with." She ignored the comment. She didn't want to get her hopes up, after eight years with him, she'd learnt not to get excited about the touches or kisses on the cheek that he often gave her. It just brought too much pain to think she was special in that way.
"Ready, (y/n)?" Schwoz asked the young woman as she shrugged on her jacket. By all accounts, Alaska was a bit nippy and she'd take any protection she could. She gulped at the daunting trip she was about to take, but found her courage and nodded strongly.
"As I'll ever be." She replied, giving Henry one last smile as she prepared to jump.
"On, two...one....two!" The beam ignited the portal again and she leaned through the swirling mist. Her skin felt like it was being pulled in all directions, but she shook off the pain and peered through the blizzard as her torso arrived in 1709. Her stomach was rapidly being shredded and sewn back together and she knew she had to grab her not-boyfriend quickly.
"Ray! Sweetheart, it's me!" She shouted above the howling wind as she saw him shivering on the ground. No doubt the frozen earth was sapping the warmth from his body and he was babbling hysterically.
"Are you an angel?" He murmured, seeing nothing but a beautiful face surrounded by light. This was a dream, she wasn't here, she was safe and warm back home, just like he wanted her to be.
"Ray, please, give me your hand! Come on! Come on!" She begged him and his frost-covered glove reached out to take the angel's hand. He was certain she was here to take him away from this mortal plain and he smiled dreamily.
"Now the other one, come on!" She instructed him once she had one hand tightly in his grasp. Her skin was prickling at the bitter air and when combined with the strain her tummy was under, it made her feel like death.
"You're so beautiful..." He slurred, weakly offering her his other hand, meaning she had to really stretch to reach it. Her leaning meant that Henry, Charlotte and Schwoz had to grab onto her ankle that was sticking out of their side of the portal. They couldn't let go, otherwise, she'd be lost too.
"Guys, pull me back, I've got him!" She screamed at them, her voice warbling as it passed through time. She held onto Ray as tightly as she could and ignored the nonsense falling from his lips about how she'd been sent down from heaven or how she was the most gorgeous girl he'd ever seen. 'It's the hypothermia talking, nothing else, he's just cold.' She hissed to herself as she felt her desire and love for him spiking. She could listen to him talking like that all day.
"I'm so in love you, angel." He giggled drunkenly, not realising that even though it was the best thing he could've said to her, (y/n) hated that he was saying it. Anyone would be able to see that his mind was gone and she didn't know that rather than lying, he was just losing control of the things he'd been wanting to say for years.
"Oh, shut up, Ray. What's taking fucking long?" She screamed at her friends as the man she was trying to save tortured her. God, she wanted to say it back, but now wasn't the time. One half of her was being torn to pieces and the other was freezing to death.
With one final tug, her body was pulled back through the portal along with Ray and they landed in a pile on the Man Cave floor. Schwoz killed the power to the time machine as the young woman groaned at the healing process and Ray shivered violently on the floor.
"Ray..." (y/n) crawled over to him and caught his trembling hand in hers as she tried to snuggle up to him so he could use her body warmth. She didn't care if she got cold, she just wanted to help him.
"Okay, you guys warm Ray up and I'm gonna start taking the feathers off this bird so Schwoz can make the medicine for my sister," Henry told them. Honestly, (y/n) had forgotten all about the chickowillow because she was just glad her perfect guy was back home safe. Charlotte rushed over to her boss with a thick blanket and draped it over his body as his blue lips wobbled. 
"Sweet g-girl..." He mumbled. His mind was hazy and he wasn't sure if he'd said something stupid or not. He felt the cold seep everywhere and it made her tiny body against his feel boiling hot, which didn't help his fuzzy thinking. Henry lifted the chickowillow from the sack and it flapped and squawked in panic.
"Wait. You're not gonna hurt the bird, are you?" Charlotte asked as she left Schwoz to keep Ray warm. Well, keep him warm as (y/n) snuggled into him. She wasn't sure if she wanted to watch them, it was all too lovey-dovey for her.
"Uh, no. No," Henry reassured her and dashed off through the secret door with a blaster behind his back. He felt bad, but Piper was on death's door and he couldn't risk her dying. The bird had to go.
"So c-cold..." Ray's teeth chattered as his arms slowly came around (y/n) so he could hold her to his chest like his own personal heater. She was getting pretty cold herself, but she said nothing, just pulled the blanket tight around them.
"You need to get in bed." She told him as she nuzzled her nose under his jaw. Her breath warmed the skin there and the resulting clarity it brought made his heart sing.
"O-okay here." He replied breathlessly, feigning that the cold was still mostly affecting him, not the way she was laid with him.
"The floor will make you cold." She giggled, flicking off a few pieces of ice that had stuck to his costume. He needed to put some warm clothes on too, the melting ice would only make him colder. That, and it was starting to seep into her jeans.
"Did I say anything w-weird when I was about to die? I don't r-remember." His mind had gathered enough for him to string together a longer sentence as he worried about the ten minutes when his mind ran away from him. God, he hoped he hadn't't said anything that would ruin his friendship with her. 
"No, nothing at all." She reassured him, although she was recalling the way he called her gorgeous, an angel and how he told her he loved her. It wasn't real, just a mindless rambling from a man one step away from death. Shit, that stung her heart.
"Good. Thank you for saving me, sweet girl." He told her, unaware of how tears were stinging in her eyes. Her heart hurt even more as he pressed a kiss into her hair and she had to swallow the lump in her throat. 
"Don't mention it." She replied, knowing that with or without thanks, she would do it all over again if it meant he'd be safe. Sure, he broke her heart like four times a day, but she still couldn't go on without him. They laid together on the floor for a while, just talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company as Schwoz rolled his eyes at them. 
He'd been waiting eight years for them to get together, he'd seen them go from coworkers to friends to being madly in love, and even though Ray fell first, they were now on the same level and desperate to be open with each other. That time was close at hand, but it would take something drastic to force Ray or (y/n)'s hand into showing the truth.
And don't worry, Schwoz's medicine worked a treat, Piper was just fine.
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whumpflash · 1 year
Penumbra: Unrest
For Angstpril, Day 3: No Escape
cw: torture
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The first night had been fruitless, but Nisha was undeterred. It was their own fault, really. They'd been too enthusiastic with the rod, aggravating wounds and eventually just beating Cerus with it. The former king had passed out before Nisha even got around to removing the bit.
Today they'd be a little more deliberate.
After dusk, they made the journey down the stairs. Forty-eight hours since their last visit, carefully counted. Guards had been instructed to watch over Cerus and ensure he did not sleep. A job they'd managed quite well, Nisha saw, as they entered the cell to find the prisoner had changed position, now hanging from his wrists. The runed cuff was still in place on his forearm.
Perhaps the Shadow King would already be in a talking mood. Nisha unfastened the iron bit and pulled it from the prisoner's mouth, watching as the man's jaw shifted, clenching and unclenching. Likely the first true free movement he'd been granted since his capture.
A stream of hoarse words in a foreign tongue poured from Cerus's mouth not twelve seconds after the bit's removal, the rhythm and enunciation too precise to be anything but an attempt at a spell.
Nisha took a step back, preparing to reach for their weapon if the need arose, but the runed cuff held true, momentarily glowing a dull violet. Cerus let out a hiss of pain at the cuff's activation, quickly ceasing his incantation.
"I see you're well and prepared then, traitor," he said in the same cracked voice. "What will you have with me?"
"Only the truth," Nisha replied.
"And how will you get it? Through more blows? Another sleepless night?"
"If that's what it takes, but tonight I brought water," Nisha said. "I can offer you peace. A swift death."
"A pittance. I will take nothing from swine like you."
It was almost entertaining. As trapped, as helpless as he was, Cerus's pride remained intact. Nisha wondered what it would take to truly break him. To make him beg. They looked forward to finding out.
"Very well," Nisha said, moving to the wall of tools, eyeing them carefully. "I suppose we'll go with your first idea then. Blows and sleepless nights."
They selected a whip from the wall. Certainly not as precise as a thumbscrew or a knife, or even a meticulous magical torture, but there would be time for those later. Holding it coiled in one hand, they moved around to face Cerus's back.
It looked like some of the guards had already taken liberties. Fresh welts spread over the back of the chained man's thighs, and new bruises mottled his ribs, shoulders, and hips, some of which had been left by Nisha's own hand. 
The realm maintained laws against deliberate harm to a wounded man; even a prisoner under interrogation had the right to recuperate between sessions. But Cerus was more monster than man, and so it was with a clean conscience that Nisha delivered the first strike.
Cerus bit back a scream, his body spasming under the lash. Nisha gave him little time to recover, bringing the whip down again and again in an erratic rhythm. It wasn't until fatigue had begun to set in that they stopped, leaving Cerus's body bleeding and shuddering, slumped as far as the chains would allow.
Satisfied with their work, Nisha circled around to face the Dark King, reaching out to remove his blindfold with a none-too-gentle hand.
Cerus's eyelids fluttered as the cloth came away, red-rimmed grey eyes glaring up at Nisha. It was a wonder he hadn't passed out.
"I'll remember your face when I free myself from this prison," Cerus muttered in a voice tinged with pain. "Your death will be a slow one."
Nisha only smiled in response. "I will see you tomorrow," they said, replacing the blindfold, and then the iron bit. Cerus struggled against both, but in the end there was nothing he could do. Nisha took the bloodied whip with them to be cleaned, and set out to find a healer.
Cerus couldn't be allowed to bleed out.
They were only getting started.
@whumpwillow @rabbitdrabbles
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shrimpella21 · 9 months
┃STATUS ∖∖ open , single / group
┃GENRES ∖∖ action, thriller / anything except generic slice of life
┃PARINGS ∖∖ b × b , b × g
┃TENSE ∖∖ past, present (partner preference)
┃LITERACY ∖∖ literate , novella
┃TIME ZONE ∖∖ est
┃TRIGGERS ∖∖ none
┃MAIN MUSE ∖∖ Shardik
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┃I very commonly post mature content. If you can't handle heavier topics we probably won't be a match. Please be 18+, I do not play with minors.
┃If you toss any of my character art into any AI program I will hunt you for sport.
┃Have fun! I don't expect much ; just someone I can have a convo with every now and then outside of the rp about characters and silly little headcanons. if ooc isn't your thing, that's cool too :) just let me know
┃I can write in past tense or present tense, depending on my partner's preference. I'll judge what I write based on how I see you do it.
┃op characters make me sad :( I beat my boys up all the time, don't be afraid to do the same. The more blood, the better.
┃I'm happy to edit/cut/format my posts however YOU want. Just tell me first, please! that way I can ask questions if I need to <3
┃I may participate in double ups, but I'm always happy to do OCxOC in any given fandom.
┃I am not needy, nor do I require much in terms of timeframe - I'm happy to wait literal months for a response as long as we still discuss characters sometimes. I am usually a slow responder due to my schedule, but I promise I always have a to-do list for my replies!
┃Selective with b×g's rn. But you are welcome to try!
┃I do not roleplay with characters under 25. tiktok models make me sad, PLEASE do not offer me characters like that. we can discuss it if you're unwilling to change, but I'm fairly selective with faceclaims. My preference is 30+
┃I'm so sorry 😭 but no anime reference pictures. I can't find myself connecting to a character if I can't imagine them, and anime faces just don't do it for me. Drawn is fine, as long as the reference is good! But no anime.
┃Speaking of references! I honestly prefer to just write w/o gifs and fancy formatting, but I'm happy to adjust to partner preferences. Some muses won't have proper gif references tho :<
┃I'm happy to roleplay with trans/nb/fluid characters! this is a very lgbtq+ safe space <3
┃I do play more characters than are in my masterlists :) If none of mine align, I can make someone up on the dot no problem.
┃I am open to multimuse! But! I have to be interested in every muse. I am happy and willing to play your wanted chars but I will not do so against random femme/masc chars that I have no interest in. Please respect this <3
┃If I followed you, it's probably bc I want to rp with you or I like your aesthetic/content. There's no pressure to follow me back (I'm open to anyone, mutual or non-mutuals) but it helps me figure out if you're interested too.
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caenstars · 2 months
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“A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" Pointless, really..."Do the stars gaze back?" Now, that's a question.”
indie. genshin impact multimuse roleplay blog ( feat. nilou. ) semi-selective / crossover , oc , dupes friendly. read rules before interacting !
as stargazed by snow. rules under the cut.
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nilou , furina , gorou , ganyu , ayaka , lyney , kokomi , heizou , sigewinne , aether , wriothesley , columbina ( hc based until she comes out officially. )
O1) COMMON RULES. // no godmodding, please make sure to always keep your threads well trimmed and not overwhelmingly long, icons size at least above 80x80, make sure to always specify muse before sending in an ask.
O2) LOW ACTIVITY. // my activity flow is usually very slow due to the fact I have depression and ADHD, so please, a little more patience is appreciated.
O3) SHIPPING. // when it comes down to romantic shipping, i prefer discussion before downright dipping into it as I want to ensure you’re comfortable shipping with my muses and to know what muses of mine would you like your muse to be having a romance with. you know, that chemistry is an important factor;
but, if you’re too shy to dm me about it, then it is okay to send me stuff just going for the romance but be aware that I am totally within my rights to refuse and not reply if I don’t ship it myself.
O4) DO NOT INTERACT. // if you write and condone with: p*do content (sh*ta/l*li included), inc.st, r*cism, ab.leism, ho.moph.obia or tra.nspho.bia, animal ab.use of any kind, I do not tolerate any of it and I will hard block without holding back.
To add onto the rule, please do not interact with me if you’re a minor (no use lying, I will find out.) or if you’re a personal with no roleplay sideblog, I am not your fandom content hub and there are pages dedicated for that.
O5) DRAMA. // leave drama at the door or don't even bother following my blog. anything regarding drama will be blocked and deleted without a second thought, do not waste your or my time with it.
just to be clear, this blog does not condone with hyv's design decisions and cultural disrespect. however, if you are an rper that writes natlan/sumeru characters using canon visuals or edited visuals, you are welcome.
O6) SPOILERS. // all spoilers WILL be put under read more and tagged until two weeks after the game's most recent update, i know many people ( myself included ) don't have much time to keep up with the game's story as soon as it's out, so, I will ensure to keep it all tucked under tags and read more for the time limit of two weeks.
O7) THE MUN. // hi, my name is snow, i'm a 27 years old non-binary transmasc person who goes by the he / him / they / them pronous. my HSR &' genshin UID will be given upon request and if you'd like to message me on discord just send me an inbox message and I'll give it to you.
that's all the rules for now, i'll add more if necessary.
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codecorazon · 5 months
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⸻ 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
ㅤㅤ      𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐙𝐎𝐍.   Donquixote   Pirate   Executive.   former   World   noble .   .   private   &&.   selective,   extremely   headcanon   based    Rosinante   of   Eiichiro Oda’s   One   Piece.   Canon   Divergent.   nsfw / Dark   themes    present.   minors/personals   absolutely   do   not   interact.   unaffiliated   with   the   associated   rpc.   please   read   my   guidelines      before   interaction   !  medium   activity   adored   by   Aria   (30   ●   she/they   ●   cst).   
ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤ      ㅤㅤ𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝.
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𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐒 - 7. / 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒 - 0. / 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 - 7 .
— heavy bias towards literate roleplays and a priority for interactions with friends. however as stated above i'm on permanent low activity and work off a queue. please don't pressure me for replies! however as i'm scatterbrained, a gentle reminder now and then is more than welcome.
— i'm a very tired person, im studying to be a NA so ill be both busy but slow minded. i'll block if vibes feel bad. if there's too much drama or there's too much negativity i'll block. also, as i'm new to the op rpc, i'm in the dark in regards to previous drama, so if i'm seen interacting with someone very problematic then i invite people to warn me, but please also keep in mind that i reserve the right to make my own judgements as well
— i'm very duplicate, oc and crossover friendly. When the possibility of future affiliates, it does not mean i'm exclusive to them, i love writing and plotting!
— shipping depends heavily on character dynamics and my comfort level with my potential writing partner. i would like for us to be friends first before anything else.
— all graphics on this blog were edited by me but full credit to the templates by nixzee for pinned. and the header by sibyl . promo by jessource
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prettymvgic · 6 months
my rules ; again, temporary until i figure out how to make them mobile friendly !
first of all, hi, i'm cici and thanks for taking the time to read these and wanting to write with me ! that means a lot to me. first things first, i do not tolerate any hate whatsoever. take your homophobia, your transphobia, your racist, your sexist ass off my blog. there's no room for you here !
now that we've taken care off that problem ...
i. i want to start out first with activity on both sides. i am the most RELAXED, most patient person - i do not care how quick or how slow you respond. i understand that as adults we are busy, we have real lives. i also understand that the muse isn't always there. so please never feel rushed and i hope you can treat with that same leniency.
ii.dropping threads is completely fine ! i don't mind it at all. if you just wanna message me and start something new, great ! if you don't feel like we are compatible enough to be writing partners - that's okay too. you are not pressured to write with me and please don't feel bad about it either. things happen, muse changes, and sometimes things just don't work out ; that is okay !
iii.i personally don't have any triggers ; when it comes to writing i stay pretty opened minded. with this being said, i do write some darker themes that others might not approve of, or might trigger others. i will tag everything properly when those types of writing arises. however, please do not shame me for what i write ; that will be an immediate block. i do not write smut, nothing against those who do, i personally just SUCK at it, i am god awful with detail and better with dialogue so smutting is not for me, i will be fading to black.
iv. banned fcs ; the only persons i don't have anyone that i won't write against ( except predators obviously ) but there are a few that i might be selective about : taylor swift, madelyn cline, olivia rodrigo, & cillian murphy. i may add to this list, but i hope not. i don't really try to ban any fcs because i feel like i'm here for the story not the faceclaim you're using.
v. sorry plotters ! i am more of a wing it type. send me whatever you're in the mood for and i'll reply. i feel like plotting really bores me. some pieces of the story, sure, but to plot the whole thing?? it just makes me feel like i'm writing it twice and i get bored very quickly so send me something random ! vi. i am a white female who does use faces of people of color. i educate myself every day to make sure that i don't write anything offensive or stereotypical. if something in my writing offends you, please, please come to me and let me fix it. the last thing i want to do is offend or hurt anyone !
that's pretty much it for me. i don't really have anything else but i'll add to these if i need to, please don't make me.
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soughthopeoldd · 1 year
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Hello friends !! Welcome to my blog I hope you enjoy your stay. I'm a pretty laid-back kind of partner. I don't expect you to reply to every one of our threads, every day. I don't need fast replies. I'm okay with long or short threads and convos/one-liners but please be nice. I do not come here to perform for anybody. Talk to me privately. resolve any issues considerately and I think we'll have fun! Also I follow damn near everyone back lol I just love writing so lets chat!
This blog will also contain nsfw themes, triggering content, violence, and other things but it will be tagged.
Note: I am very slow and selective and my interests shift quite often so forgive any delays in our threads.
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Call me MEADOW or SUNSHINE. I'm 30, I've been writing on here and other sites for probably 15 years I think and I've done it all but right now I just wanna have fun. My reply speed will be random. I'll use icons some days, gifs others, and sometimes larger images so I would recommend blacklisting " large image cw ". Be patient with me, please.
21+ only for follow
Personals DNI or you will be blocked
Rules | Cast | Credits | Verses | Mains & Exclusives | Promo Credit
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Grace Scott ( One tree hill )
Allison Roe ( One tree hill )
Joshua Scott ( One tree hill )
Princess Bean ( Fantasy )
Tessa Cameron ( Fandomless )
Prince Finnegan ( Fantasy )
Layla Williams ( Sky high )
Kate Schmidt ( Fear Street )
Princess Aurora ( Malecifcent )
Mckenzie Fox ( Teen Beach movie )
Evie ( Descendants )
Benjamin Florian ( Descendants )
Troy Bolton ( High School Musical )
Violet Parr ( Incredibles )
Rapunzel ( Tangled )
Emmett Cullen ( Twilight )
Jacob Black ( Twilight )
Bella Swan ( Twilight )
Charlie Swan ( Twilight )
Leah Clearwater ( Twilight )
Noah Flynn ( Kissing Booth )
JJ Maybank ( The outer banks )
Rafe Cameron ( The outer banks )
Wednesday Adams ( Wednesday )
Klaus Miklaeson ( Legacies )
Landon Kirby ( Legacies )
Hayley Marshall ( Legacies )
Maya Hart ( Girl Meets World )
Carly Shay ( Icarly )
Barbara Roberts ( Babie Media )
Cat Valentine ( Victorious )
Nathan Scott ( One Tree Hill )
Liam Dunbar ( Teen Wolf )
Scott McCall ( Teen Wolf )
Stiles Stilinski ( Teen Wolf )
Derek Hale ( Teen Wolf )
Eddie Munson ( Stranger Things )
Robin Buckley ( Stranger Things )
Steve Harrington ( Stranger Things )
Max Mayfield ( Stranger Things )
Dustin Henderson ( Stranger Things )
Jim Hopper ( Stranger Things )
Meg Masters ( Supernatural )
Dean Winchester ( Supernatural )
Jo Harvelle ( Supernatural )
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Frank Castle
Bruce Wayne
Harley Quinn
Kara Danvers
Nathan Drake ( Uncharted )
Joel Miller ( The Last of Us )
Chloe Price ( Life is strange )
Nathan Prescott ( Life is strange )
Kate Marsh ( Life is strange )
Max Caulfield ( Life is strange )
Alex Chen ( Life is strange )
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