#i'll figure those out better once i have the rest of scarred done
riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
scarred - part 2
It was another two days before the Helminth let Sufford know that the new warframe was ready, during which they’d managed to gather another dozen of Ordis’ mystery drives. Kelth had let Kali know, but denied its request to come meet the new warframe immediately, just because of the way he had reacted to just Sufford last time. Better not to take any risks setting him off again. Instead, they’d made a plan to gently introduce him to the rest of the team, and talk to him, see if they could establish common ground. If he even spoke the same language as them, that was.
Their foot was tapping a quick, stressed rhythm on the floor in front of where they sat on the couch. Some cynical part of their mind was constantly reminding them of the fact that they’d always been with Sufford for as long as they could remember. Other than him, they’d only ever made friends with Kali, and never had they met a warframe that seemed to act quite like this one did.
“It’ll be fine,” Ordis said reassuringly. “We can always still see if he’d fit better on Kali’s ship, if we can’t make it work- oh, here he is.”
The door slid open, and the strange warframe was the first to step inside. He looked a great deal better than he had two days ago - not actually bleeding anymore and standing upright, for one. The scars were no longer deep rifts in his armour, but had been filled out to sit flush with the original pieces. They looked a little like Sufford’s shoulder wound had, originally, though whereas his had looked more like an overlay of teal staining his armour, these looked like entirely new material. Which Kelth knew they were. They’d raided so many bases to gather enough stuff for the Helminth for them.
At the sight of him, they straightened up, suddenly nervous. He froze similarly, but was promptly knocked forwards a step where Sufford was following a little too close behind. The stranger didn’t look back, but took some steps to the side, letting Sufford pass him without any resistance. He was holding tightly onto the datapad with both hands, holding it in front of him, not unlike a shield.
The plan was as follows. Sufford was supposed to have let him know just now, through the datapad, that Kelth was able to talk to him faster and in a more pleasant room than the Helminth’s, and together, they would introduce him to Ordis. Then, the four of them could talk.
Their nerves got the better of them for a moment, and then Sufford was standing next to the couch, by their side. The strange warframe still stood next to the door, just looking at them, breath still audibly rattling in his chest, and Kelth’s brain kicked back in.
“Hey,” they started, internally cursing the nervous crack in their voice, “my name is Kelth, come and have a seat, let’s talk.”
He looked at them for a moment, then quickly glanced to the unoccupied side of the couch, pointing at it and tilting his head back at them. Great, he understood - one less obstacle to worry about.
“Yeah, go ahead,” they said, shuffling themself further into the edge of the couch that they were already up against. The strange warframe walked over and sat down stiffly next to them, as far on the opposite side as possible, but turned inwards a little, so he could look at them. Sufford took some steps forward, putting the table between himself and the couch, and adopted a relaxed pose, hands behind his back.
“So, welcome aboard,” they started awkwardly, trying to remember what they’d wanted to say, “um, this is Sufford, you’ve met him.”
The stranger looked up as Kelth gestured towards Sufford, who gave a little wave. He did not reciprocate.
“And our ship cephalon is called Ordis, he’s here too,” they said. 
The table’s built-in holo-display activated, and Ordis’ cracked cube flickered to life as he delivered his own little greeting, which also went unanswered.
“Do you have a name we can call you by?” Kelth asked him, hopeful.
The warframe looked back at them again for a moment. Then, shoulders drawn back up, he shifted the datapad into one hand and raised the other, fingers poised above the surface as if to start typing something. He stared for several long moments, and then, shrinking into himself, shook his head, lowered his hand again. Shit. Was that a misstep? Quick, something else-
“O-oh, that’s- that’s fine, that’s okay! How are you feeling, anyway?”
He didn’t even look up from the datapad, but instead just heaved a big sigh and started typing. He hunted for the correct letters slowly, deliberately, only typing a few words before handing it to Kelth to read. “Where am I?”
“You’re on our Orbiter,” Kelth said, a little taken aback that he’d just flat-out ignored their question, but if this was what he wanted to know first, then, fine. They pointed over their own shoulder, where they knew the lounge’s window to be. “In, uh, space.”
The warframe stared for a second, before motioning for them to give him back the pad. They did, and he erased his previous question, typing a new one. “Is the war over?”
“The war?” Kelth racked their brain. Sure, the system was in chaos, but there wasn’t anything as big as a war going on, not that they were aware of. “Do you mean the Old War?”
The other briefly froze. Grabbed the datapad back, shakily just entered a newline instead of erasing his previous message, and typed another question. “How long?”
Shit. “Uh, Ordis? Do you know?”
“A little more than a thousand years,” Ordis replied smoothly.
The warframe to Kelth’s side didn’t respond, didn’t ask for Kelth to give back the datapad, didn’t give any sign that he’d heard what Ordis had said. Finally, he turned his head downwards, towards his feet, and slowly raised his shaking hands to his faceplate, air starting to whistle through his intakes again like it had in the Helminth’s room last time. Shit, was he-
Sufford caught their attention with a snap of his fingers. “Let’s give him some privacy, let him adjust - he’s likely disoriented if the last time he remembers is the Old War. His room was ready, right?”
They’d hastily expanded their quarters with another private room as soon as it had become clear that this warframe getting brought back to life. Kelth was however entirely too unsettled by the warframe showing all the correct body language of a human about to cry to move or say anything, but Ordis had their back.
“We have made accommodations available for you, if you would like to be alone-”
Before he could even finish the sentence, the scarred warframe had stood up from the couch, swaying on his feet, looking everywhere but at the three others in the room with him. Helpfully, Ordis selectively lit up some floor-lights, guiding his path. He quickly followed them, all but fleeing from the room. Down the short corridor, they could hear the door of the new room open and close. The rattles and whistles of his broken breath cut off with it.
Kelth looked to Sufford, wordless, eyes big with alarm and unease. He sighed deeply and signed: “He likely just needs time. We don’t know how he ended up in pieces all across space - might have something to do with that.”
“Sure, but- was this a good idea, at all?” they asked, the same question they’d asked Ordis after meeting this scarred frame the first time. “Should we have done this? Was this right?”
Sufford walked around the table, on which Ordis’ hologram still hovered silently, and dropped himself heavily into the couch next to them. He reached out with one arm, and they shuffled over, leaning into him for the hug. A weak transference connection fizzled to life, and Sufford sent them warm comfort across it.
“I think it was the right call,” Sufford signed, not through transference, but so Ordis could still follow, too. “If he disagrees, though, I’ve heard of some companies doing warframe burials. We can give him that choice, at least.”
“Yeah,” Kelth said. Then, they realised what they were still holding in their hands. “Aw, he didn’t take the datapad with him.”
“I can have the taxon deliver it when he comes back out,” Ordis said. “Sufford, did you show him how to use it beyond writing notes?”
Sheepishness reached Kelth through the connection as Sufford reached with his free arm to rub the back of his neck. Kelth snorted.
“We can write a note and leave that open on the pad for him to see when he gets it,” they said. “Ordis, would you be able to put something together?”
At his “yes, of course,” they put the datapad onto the table, where Ordis took control of it and started writing out a small guide. Text appeared almost instantaneously, and the whole screen was full within a blink of an eye.
“There, that should cover the basics. Ordis will keep an eye on when he exits his room again.”
Kelth nodded and extricated themself from Sufford’s arm. The connection dropped away again like water. It wasn’t pleasant, but it was just the way it was. They stood up.
“Let’s wait with telling Kali about him until he’s recovered from that,” they proposed with a wry smile. “I think it’d be a good idea also to avoid going out until we know he’s stable. I don’t want to leave him alone on the ship just in case he tries anything, and we still don’t really know if he would try anything. The alternative is letting Kali babysit him, and that sounds like a little too much change in too short of a time.”
With no disagreements from either Sufford or Ordis, they made their exit and retreated back to their own room for some meditation practice. They didn’t want to think about either the strange warframe or Ordis’ drives, for just a short while. So much was going on, and they felt like they teetered on a precarious edge - about to discover things which might’ve been better left untouched, but now that they’d had a glimpse, they couldn’t just leave them be anymore. Not just out of curiosity: something about the strange warframe felt deeply wrong to them, but they also wanted to help him, and now that they knew Ordis was missing memories and they could play a part in recovering them, it was hard to sit still or do anything else, anymore.
Trouble, all around them. Breathe in, hold, release.
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
Omg. You had a surgery? Please be rested and take care of yourself. What surgery did you have btw? Is it too painful now?
Fun fact: this surgery for this type of rare tumor I guess has never been done before and my surgeon joked he's going to name it after me 😂😁 I'll put more info below the cut for those who don't want medical stuff on their TL.
I had a VERY large tumor in my small intestines --now confirmed to be totally benign, but no one understands how it got that big or why because it just doesn't happen. My surgeon couldn't believe I hadn't already had an emergency blockage, it was so big. It's also been taking all my blood and nutrients for a while, so my nutrition is, as they put it, "shitty." Mainly I just was aware I've had really really bad anemia for the past few years, and I was hospitalized in May with a hemoglobin of 5 (which you basically die under, that's so critically low.) They weren't sure what would be necessary to remove the tumor, so I had an open exploratory laparotomy where they basically just go in and figure it out, but we had expected I would need a whipple procedure which is a VERY risky precedure where they remove a bunch of your digestive organs and re-route what's left. (I can explain more why if anyone is curious, I learned a lot about it haha.) FORTUNATELY once they got in there, I didn't need the whipple! They were able to remove the tumor and only my gallbladder and a couple bile ducts along the way.
Even this was still a major surgery though with lots of risks and I've had a few complications that wound up lengthening my hospital stay. 2 days after surgery, I developed a leak which can be a fatal complication or need an emergency surgery to fix, so that was scary, but my body managed to maintain and fix it all on its own after some scary days and only minor assistive procedures! I kept having random white blood cell increases they feared were infections but then I'd fight them off. They also put me on IV nutrition through a PICC line to try and repair my malnourishment as best they could, but also because I can't eat a normal amount of calories yet, so my blood and nutrition levels are still not back to normal ranges but improving!
I finally got to come home after 13 days. It's still early recovery days and I'm still on soft food diet and strict rest and have follow up appointments and all that, but I'm doing a little better each day! It's been a really scary journey getting here, but hopefully things can continue to improve from here. The pain is pretty bad and I have a gnarly midline scar now but I'm coping and it's getting better and and someday soon I may feel better than I've felt in years so that would be really great! And hopefully no more scary life-threatening hospital stays or anemia!
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cheemken · 1 year
Some more body swap au stuff bc the angst for this is dope hahah
Abt Cynthia this time cans y'all believe it hahaha
So while drawing I was thinking of notes to add for more info and such, and then I got to Cynthia and Wallace and like, man
Cynthia being grateful that Wallace has long hair so she can still hide her left eye. It's odd for her. She's not used being able to see w her left eye again, then again, it's Wallace's body. His body was healthier, sturdier, he wasn't blind on one eye, he didn't have scars on his face. And it was,, she wasn't used to it yknow, she wasn't used to not feeling phantom pains or any kind of pain really, she wasn't used to actually having good eyesight anymore. Like, looking in the mirror, she sees everything; she sees how flawless Wallace skin is, sees how well maintained his hair was, could feel how soft it was, his body was built, and that was to be expected really as he's juggling three jobs he has to keep fit. It was weird for Cynthia, but old habits die hard as they say, and she brushed her? His? Hair to the left side, covering her left eye, she thinks she doesn't deserve to see w her left eye again.
But then, it's tempting yknow, for once she felt like her body doesn't have to force her to rest, she feels great really hahah. So she finally got dressed, she remembered she has to take care of Lisia. Oh no, she doesn't know how to cook. God that's embarrassing, she always relied on her grandparents' cooking until now, and she did try cooking once but ah, well, let's just say the Celestic Fire Dept had to rush to their home
Shit well, she has to try at least, eggs and bacon are easy to make, even Diantha can make those! And Dia is one of the shittiest cooks within their group
So she tried, really tried.
"uhm.. uncle, is everything alright? You're kinda burning them"
"ah, yeah, I'm sorry! I'm just.. really not feeling that well, if I'm being honest."
"oh, why didn't you just say so? I'll cook for us! You just rest up!"
Cyn was having real ass mixed feelings cause for once, wow Wallace really was a good uncle he taught his niece how to cook, and she was doing great! And on the other hand, wow a child is a better cook than her. They had breakfast, w Cynthia trying to strike up conversation, asking Lisia what she's gonna do, who she's gonna be w, smth her grandparents always ask her and her sister whenever they went out when they were younger. Maybe Wallace would ask the same too. And it seems she was right, for Lisia it was a normal conversation over breakfast, she answered all the questions, even shared some stuff abt her last performance, and Cynthia made comments she thought Wallace would say.
Once that's done, Lisia got ready for her own stuff too, telling Cynthia to just stay home, "just call me if you need anything, uncle! I'll just get some pain relievers when I get home!"
"of course, thank you, you stay safe okay?"
"I will!"
When Lisia finally left, Cynthia rushed back to Wallace's room, looking for his phone or for his pokenav. Maybe Steven was okay, maybe he can help her. When she found it, she scrolled through his contacts, finding Steven's name, and she pressed call.
Two rings, then three, finally Steven answered.
That.. Steven doesn't answer like that
"what are you talking about? It's me, Lance! Wallace, is this you?"
"no, it's Cynthia!"
Cynthia groaned, of all the people Steven could've swapped bodies w, the gods decided to swap him w Lance?? She's starting to believe this was some sort of karma, especially after Lance was starting to ramble on too, going on how he doesn't know where he is, in some kind of cave maybe. Cynthia sighed, telling him to just stay there, she'll get him, and maybe they can figure out what's really going on. Arceus grant her the patience, today was gonna be a long day.
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hoaqins-funk-house · 4 years
Male Reader
Part 1
Sitting in the black swivel chair, you spin once or twice before coming to a stop, grimacing at the feeling of sticky floors beneath your shoes. This place is brand new, how the hell are the floors sticky? 
Actually, on that note, how is everything so covered in dust?
Sighing, your mindless fidgeting comes to a stop as the phone, just as dinky as the walls around you, begins to ring. You pick it up but put it back on the table, eyes drifting to the laptop and swing-out tablet. When you flip the former open, you note the four buttons, each relating to something you would have to reset when it comes time to. The latter has cameras that are scattered around, including a separate tab for vents. There’s an option to block off vents, which sends a chill up your spine as you glance to the big ass one at your side.
You decide to block that one off for now.
Humming, you familiarize yourself with the layout of the place, deciding to ignore the shadows that crept through your vision.
Your unenthused eyes scan and take in everything. The replicas (you had seen the originals, and they were permanently stained with both the smell and color of pizza sauce and lawsuits) that were in and around the office, as well as the little bobbleheads that sat on your desk of the animatronics, which were, for some reason, human? You boop the one who you assume to be Freddy, hearing the familiar squeak. 
A small smile comes to your lips.
It was at this time that you realized you had completely ignored the man on the phone, but you couldn't really bring yourself to care. 
The little drawings that were put up were authentic; not just anyone could recreate what a child's mind spits out and decides to draw. 
That Freddy looks a bit fucked up.
The posters were cutely designed, and after getting the gist of what everything was and how everything works, you were on your phone the rest of the night.
When six strikes, you casually leave, giving the building a quick once over as you leave the doors, locking them behind you.
If every night is going to be like that, this is going to get boring.
He’s stuck.
This suit traps him like a rabid dog, eager to stay gripped onto his neck.
Still, things would be changing soon.
He can feel it.
He can feel it as a fresh breeze, the first in many years, hits his nostrils, sending a wave of euphoria through his system. The bloodied musk that hung in the dank room was not a pleasant one.
He can feel it as his body accepts this new host, more and more, until soon, quite soon, he will become one with his vessel. 
Just as the animatronics before him did.
He ponders. 
Why was he being freed from this prison of his own design?
Is he being taken somewhere?
Will there be a night guard to terrorize?
A grin takes to his broken lips as he ignores the pain and blood that comes from them. Oh, a night guard! Truly, that will be a sight!
He can't wait. 
For now, however, he must play dead.
My, that voice that shouts with excitement from behind him…
It sounds so familiar.
"Bring the truck around!" He calls. "I found one, a real one! It's got the rips, the weird colors, and what I am going to assume is pizza sauce! Ohohoh man, I hit the jackpot with this one! Fazbear's Fright needed something, and here it is!" 
His congratulatory tone made the man within the suit want to throw up. Finding him was nothing to be happy about; he is despicable, incapable of redemption, and an awful being. 
And you know what? 
That's just the way he likes it.
So to have someone happy to find him, especially for their own purposes?
He won't let it stand. 
Yeah, if this place has a nightguard, he'll kill them without mercy before burning the entire thing to the ground.
Might as well make it fun for himself.
As light peeks through, clearly originating from a flashlight, he feels his pupils shrink, resisting the urge to let out a groan as his weak eyes ache from their decades of being in the dark.
"Whoahoh! This one looks gnarly!" The same man as before speaks, probably referencing the organs and tendons that were showing. "C'mon, let's get it up!"
His grin only grows as two people lift him onto a dolly, beginning the move.
Goodbye, saferoom.
And hello, Fazbear's Fright.
Humming, you walk into the building, skimming over the decorations once more before noticing something.
The papers that had fallen onto the ground from before, they had dirt on them. Not surprising on its own, but when they were in the shape of tire tracks? 
You decide to follow them, using your memory of the cameras to guide you through the building, which was already rather linear anyway.
Entering the last area, you could see a rather dilapidated animatronic suit, with organs visible and its fur matted with blood. Real blood. The old Springbonnie suit was nearly green from how old and dirty it was.
Your eyebrows raise. "Is that guy just stupid or did he knowingly bring in a suit that has a dead body in it?"
Honestly, you didn't care. "Eh, whatever. It'll probably start moving when I start my shift… I've heard those rumors about the other locations." You turn, stretching, unaware of the eyes that followed you or the head that turned your way.
Damn, does he want to kill this one?
Well, he can think it over more soon. After the merge.
He grins again, feeling his uneven, gouged skin begin to flare with pain.
You exit the room fully, making your way back to the office with all the urgency of an ADHD-riddled person doing laundry.
Which is to say… not much.
You fall into the chair, cursing as the thin mesh cushion does nothing to protect your tailbone from the metal frame of the chair. The phone rings not a moment later, you picking it up and laying it on the table again, eager to ignore it just as you had done before. You stretch again, arms raising above your head as you begin to flip through cameras, finding the rabbit in the same spot it was in before. 
You yawn.
Hopefully it starts moving soon, or else the entire reason you took this job would be unfulfilled. 
You were bored, and you remembered this place from the times you had gone with your younger brother, who was now in his early twenties. You, however, were 28 years of age, with nothing better to do than 'investigate' the Fazbear's Fright that opened up. Still, if that rabbit has a corpse in it, it should make things more fun.
As you lazily flip through your cameras, you set it down and look to the side, seeing a rather dirty looking man with an eyepatch and fox ears. To his confusion, before he could lunge at you, you reach out and swipe a hand through his chest. You continue to swipe forwards and backwards, the incorporeal man stuck standing there until you leaned back.
"So, you're a ghost."
His mouth opens as if to retort, but he just gives up and leaps at you, you not even looking at him anymore. He closes his mouth halfway through the jump, and with an unsatisfied sigh, he disappears.
You continue flipping through the cameras, checking in on the rabbit a couple of times before shoving the tablet out of the way, opening the laptop to have it ready and sitting back in your chair.
You glance towards a shifting figure in front of the window, the hat and bear ears telling of who it is. He limps along, eventually falling beneath your view before seemingly phasing through the wall and leaping at you. You stare passively as he does so, him not completing the jump to instead stand in front of you, confused. 
For shits and giggles, you wave your hand through his chest once or twice.
"Why… aren't you… scared?" He croaks, voice ruined from years of no use.
"Oh, was I supposed to be scared?" You genuinely ask. "Uh, sorry. If you do it again I promise I'll hyperventilate."
"Don't try to… lessen your survival chances…"
"Okay. My bad." 
He sighs, and after annoyedly rubbing his face, he disappears.
You flip out your cameras once more, finding the screen obscured by static and a small error in the center. Lazily, you reset cams.
When your screen clears, you check the rabbit. He looks… strange. Like his body is evolving in front of your eyes. 
To be honest, you don't give enough of a shit to watch a potentially world-changing discovery if it looks that gross. You aren't paid enough to, anyway.
At this pay grade, you even coming into the damn building is volunteer work.
You check your phone for the time, seeing a cool time of one in the morning. 
"Aside from that science experiment gone wrong happening in the back room, it's still really damn boring."
However, it's still not boring enough to watch that transformation or whatever. That corpse (well, at this point, you kinda doubt it's dead) can do whatever the hell he wants with that suit. It's his body, not your business.
After another fifteen minutes of staring at a wall, you check the cameras to the sound of loud clicks and pops, now seeing a heavily scarred man with 1.5 rabbit ears in place of the suit. He takes one step out from his original spot, body heaving forward before he lifts himself up, looking up at the camera with a grin.
"Huh. That's new." You say, watching him jolt forward, continuing to take steps before relearning how to walk smoothly.
It only takes him a moment to rocket off.
"I doubt that's good." You mumble, beginning to flip through the cameras to follow him before playing a sound in the room behind him, making him pause. He turns, walking back with a confused expression.
Continuing to flip through cameras, you watch as the man, who you'll dub Rabbit Guy, wanders, seemingly having lost his focus. Hearing a sound to your left, you pay no heed to whoever it is, instead waggling your hand in what you would assume to be their torso.
"You're strange…" They say.
"Uh-huh. If you'd excuse me, I am currently working on keeping Rabbit Guy the hell away from me." Your voice is monotonous but sincere; you aren't trying to be sarcastic or mean, just trying to tell them the facts.
Glancing to the side, you see that it was a child, so you were waving your hand in his collar. "Oh, my bad. Does that… make you guys uncomfortable?" You ask, retracting your hand.
"No, we can't feel it." 
"Huh." You blandly respond, playing the sounds to lead Rabbit Guy back to where he started, before resetting sounds as you weren't able to play them anymore.
It seems like Rabbit Guy is getting progressively more and more annoyed at being led back, if his attempts to move fast enough to avoid the sounds or block out his ears meant anything. 
His body was responding to the sounds, not him.
It was then that he disappeared, so you check vents, finding him in one that led directly to the room beside your office.
You block it off, much to his annoyance, before yawning and sitting back as any thumps you hear from inside the vents come to a stop. 
You find him standing in the room where he had entered the vent, irritated as he glares at the camera. Preemptively, you reset all, thankfully right as cams and sound go out. 
Sighing, you lazily check through cameras, brows slightly furrowing as you look for him. He was completely gone, not in vents or in rooms. It really is unfortunate how many blind spots and shadowed areas there are.
When you hear the thumping of the vents, you search through them, only finding a stupid knick-knack laying on its side halfway in your sight.
Looking to your side, you peek into the vent, leaning down to see if anything was there. Your gaze meets Rabbit Guy's. 
"Shit." You say, quickly switching cams over to this one and holding down the seal button. 
Your eyes shift back to him, finding him way too close for comfort. As you lift your finger to let the gate close on the vent, the man (who was crouch walking) catches it, forcing it back up. You hear something grind that definitely shouldn't be grinding, and you have a feeling that that vent cover just might be broken.
Getting out of the vent, he stands over you, waiting for some sort of plea or… literally any response at all.
"So, you, uh… come here often?" You ask, leaving him genuinely at a loss. 
"Wh- was that a pickup line?" His rough, baritone voice catches you slightly off-guard. 
You weren't expecting something that was pretty much a zombie to have such a good voice, or a slight british accent for that matter. "Was it? Shit, more people've flirted with me than I thought."
"Really? That's all you can come up with before your death? I'd hate for those to be your final words." He lightly teases, leaning against the wall with a mean grin. 
You look up at the ceiling with a vague smile, his eyes widening momentarily. "To be honest, of any place to die, I'd much rather have it be in a place where I know I'll reach the front pages than in some random alley."
His grin falls into a frown as he watches you turn to him, the smile still on your face. It feels strange.
He feels strange. 
Why does a random night guard make him feel so…
So… comfortable?
You were calm, collected, not making any sudden moves or even attempting to exit the chair. Theoretically, the perfect prey, but not a satisfying kill. 
If he even wants to kill you, that is.
“What’s your name?” He asks, watching as you spin to face him in your chair. You would be taller if you stood, but he would still have a few inches on you.
“Y/N. You?” 
“I’m… William. Or, rather, I was, when I was well and truly human.”
“And now?” You ask.
“I don’t exactly have a name.”
“Can I still call you William, then? Well, if I live long enough to do so?” You ask, eyes moving up to meet his. Looking up at him like that… He wishes the hot feeling in the pit of his stomach would go away.
“I mean… are you going to kill me?” You ask, face not shifting as he glares down at you. 
“I won’t kill you on the first night, you need to give me more entertainment.” At least, that’s what he told himself.
“Oh, so we’re both here for the same reason.” You blankly say, his face contorting from a glare to confusion once more.
“You’re here… for entertainment?” He slowly asks, answered by your nod.
“I’m certainly not here for the pay. This place gives like half of minimum wage but I can’t complain about it because the other part is supposed to come from tips. Somehow.”
“How do you even live?” 
“Well, right now I’m on an paid leave due to some unfortunate deaths in my family. To be honest, I never really cared for any of them, but hey. I’ll take any chance for a break I can. Then I got bored.”
He huffs out a laugh. “So you went to another job on your break?”
“Listen, getting a month off leaves a man with little to do when capitalism has left me with no hobbies. Besides, this gives me a great excuse to continue avoiding people.”
His lips curl into an amused grin as he leans forward, lowering his head to be eye level with yours. "Well, you won't be avoiding me." He practically purrs, you averting your eyes at the tone he uses. 
Why would he say it like that?! 
His golden eyes follow you as you close the laptop's screen, enjoying your reaction. You…
He'll keep you around. 
You're entertaining and friendly. Open, and… warm.
He wonders. 
You're human, and fully alive. He's a revived corpse who merged with his vessel. You probably are very warm compared to him.
When he comes back to his senses, he notices you slowly raising out of your seat, hand outstretched towards him. 
Well, might as well take the chance.
He grabs your wrist, looking down at you unimpressed. You quietly huff, falling back into your chair and forcing him to move away from the wall in order to not dislocate your wrist.
Well, his hypothesis is correct. You are very warm. 
He feels the tightening in his gut, not wanting to let go but knowing that he will have to.
You, however, don't actually care either way. You begin your attempt again, this time with your left hand. Slowly raising out of your seat, you actually manage to stand fully up before he notices again, grabbing your other wrist. 
"What are you even trying to do?" He asks, a light sneer on his lips.
"Well... uh, I was trying to… boop your nose? If you're bonded with one of the original suits, then I figured either you or Fredbear would have the sound effect."
He lets out a few short laughs, his sneer replaced with the same amused grin as before.
"I'm afraid neither of us have the sound effect. That only came about with the second and third generations of animatronics."
You hum, interested.
His eyes quickly scan over you, taking in your form. This position, practically holding you hostage… Needless to say, he didn't dislike it.
Still, he releases you as he catches you glancing at what he assumes to be a phone. Things have advanced quite far since he was trapped. 
You turn it on quickly, checking the time. “Well, we have around an hour and a half before my shift ends, so…” Pausing, you check the time again. An hour and a half?
He steps closer, you glancing back up at him before leaning back as he leans forward, looming over you. “Tomorrow, you best make this more fun for me. I’ll greet you, but then I’ll head to the back. Try and stop me from getting in.”
“Uh, sure. Are you still planning on making the punishment for loss, uh, death?”
His eyes narrow in coordination with a widening grin. “That’s for me to know. You either figure it out, or you don’t. It all depends how well you play.” His gruff voice slightly echoes in the mostly empty building, you nodding in response. 
“Oh, cool. Can I tell my brother about you?” You ask suddenly, him quirking a brow as he stares down at you, easily at least half a foot taller than you. He was always tall, but now that he’s in this new form, he grew to be somewhere from 6’6 to 6’8. You sit down once more, exacerbating the height difference.
“Feel free to. Just know that if he ever comes around here, he won’t be alive for very long.”
“I doubt he will. He’s always preferred Foxy the most because he has taste, but-”
“Taste? For liking that liability-strewn fox? You like him as well?”
“To be honest, I never really liked any of them more than the other. I was in my emo phase when I went to see them, so it was practically illegal for me to like anything. But Foxy had sharp teeth and a wicked lookin’ hook, so… I guess I did.”
He hums, clearly slightly annoyed.
“Are you jealous that I liked the fox more than the rabbit that isn’t even the same generation as you?”
“I really should kill you.” His irritated expression shows the truth to your statement.
“It’s okay, I’m willing to call Springbonnie my favorite.”
Now, William was confused. Your tone… you weren’t joking. You were being genuine about something as stupid as this? What is with you?
“You’re very confusing. I think you joke, and then I listen to your tone and you’re genuine. But still, I wouldn’t mind if you did so.”
“It’s not nearly as confusing as how time passes in this place. It’s been like ten minutes since I met you but the clock says like three or four hours have passed.”
“What? Really?” His brows furrow as he steps closer, finding another excuse to close the distance between you both as he leans over the chair, seeing you pointing to the screen. “How strange…”
“Yeah. It doesn’t seem like tomorrow’s hunt will last for six hours, then. Thankfully.” You sigh.
“What, do you not want to feel like my prey for six hours straight?” He grins, leaning over further until his arm rests on your shoulder.
You shiver. “Why do you have to say it like that?”
“Because it makes you react, obviously. It’s entertaining to watch you squirm from something as simple as... the tone of my voice.” Of course, in order to prove his point, he does exactly what he did before, lowering his voice a few pitches and upping the growliness of it.
In covering your eyes, you also cover your cheeks, which have gained a slight flush. “William, I am begging you. Please, please, please, stop talking like that.”
And, naturally progressing, he was left somewhat stunned by the sound of your pleading tone. There’s just something about it, especially as you say his name, that makes him want to…
...makes him want to chase, and capture, and possess forever.
You as his prized prey, and him as the hunter.
“I’ll use it when necessary.” He vaguely answers, watching your head droop.
“I’ll take what I can get.” You concede breathily. 
He chuckles, hearing the chime of a bell, signifying 6 in the morning. "Well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow, then. Don't keep me waiting."
"Asshole. I won't." You turn your head away from him, hiding the flush on your face, and stand up, stretching. "See ya, William."
He hums, eyes tracing your form as you stretch. It was a nice view, watching the button up shirt crease around your back as you stretch, clearly hinting at the muscle beneath. His eyes did drift lower once or twice, and that's how he figures out that damn, you have a really nice ass!
You begin to walk out, and he follows you with his eyes, watching you turn past the replica Freddy husk and unlock the door, exiting into the fresh morning. His eyelids droop, gaze slipping up as his lips curl into a wide grin.
“Y/N… I won’t kill you. Especially not when I’m presented with such an ample opportunity to make this into something so entertaining.” 
Is that the only reason?
Of course, he knows it isn’t.
His grin falls, leaving him coldly leering at the aged panels above him before his sight shifts back to the room around him. As he exits the office, he glances at the stained and shaded glass of the door, not allowing much, if any, light in. He turns away, heading back to where he was originally.
As he walks, he lets his form shift, feeling his body grow to his previous monster rabbit self, the creaks of his metal joints loud in the silent building. 
He ignores any shadows that creep in the edges of his vision, the specters traversing without sound. 
“This is going to be… boring.” His voice, far rougher than before, comes out unfeeling and croaky. As he returns to his previous position, slouching over once more, he decides to use his old tactic to pass time; inflicting enough pain on himself to fall unconscious. It doesn’t matter if his dreams are infested with darkness, nor how much he suffers in them. 
It was better than the boredom of sitting in one position with an unchanging environment.
He begins forcing his muscles to flex and strain within the suit and pull against the beams they have welded to, making him grit his teeth before the searing pain fades away, along with his vision.
Goodnight, Y/N.
“Yo.” You greet your brother, the man tiredly yawning as he ruffles his hair.
“Heya, Y/N. What’re you up so early for?” 
“Well, I got bored and got a night shift job at this dinky little horror attraction opening up next week. I decided to tell you about what happened there before I head off to sleep.”
“You got bored during a break from your job so you… got another job?”
“Y’know, William said the same thing.” You say, your brother narrowing his eyes at you.
“A coworker?” He asks. 
“Eh, not quite… he is the reason I stayed up to talk to you, though.”
He hums, walking around the couch you were splayed on with your shirt half unbuttoned. 
“So, to begin my tale, you remember Freddy’s? The pizzeria with the animatronics?” You question.
“Well the horror place I went to is based off of that; it’s filled with replicas and a few actual things from the pizzerias of the past, but something came in tonight that was… different.”
“Which was?”
“An animatronic. One of the originals, Springbonnie. Granted, the suit was ripped to shit and covered in enough dirt to be green, but it was authentic. It even has the dead body! Well - not so dead body, but still visible.”
“Did you call the cops?” He asks, worried.
“Hell no! I’m not paid enough to give a shit about what could-or-could-not-be a dead body. Either way, he transformed into a human, which was rather odd, but-”
“Just to be clear, this rabbit had a dead body inside and transformed into a human, and you don’t question it?”
“No. Continuing on, he got into my office and then we talked for a bit, I learned that his name is William, time passed really weirdly, and then we struck a deal where I have to keep him out of my office or I'll maybe die.”
“You’re still going back there?! And ‘maybe die?!’”
“Yeah, he said the knowledge about whether or not I die from losing the hunt was ‘for him to know.’ I didn’t question it further.” 
“You know, Y/N, sometimes it feels like I’m the older sibling. You’re fucking stupid.”
“I’m well aware.”
He leans over the couch, glaring down at you. “Then wisen up and quit that damn job.”
“I’m good. William is good company.”
“He threatened to kill you!”
“And? He hasn’t. Yet.”
“You infuriate me, gayboy.” He says, stepping away from the couch.
“Cool. I’ll sleep here for now, when you get back from work I’ll definitely be up.”
“Whatever.” He waves his hand at you, ignoring the middle finger pointing his direction from behind the couch’s back.
Part 2
also a lot of the stuff i write from now on may be male reader inserts lol
heres my springtrap design
here's the updated design lol
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Part 5
For once in your life, your eyes slowly open, only having been disturbed by warm morning sunlight. The soft comforter trapping your body heat and essentially you, as it pinned you to the soft mattress. You snuggle deeper into the sheets, breathing in the smell of clean linen and caramel.
Wait. Caramel?
With a jolt you jump from the bed, eyes wide as you look for the source of the scent. Patting down your jeans and shirt for at least one knife. You hardly remember what happened after dinner with his family. You remember booze, light conversation while feeling warm and floaty. Oh shit what was that passive that activated again? Rest assured?
"Info on rest assured." You grumble, voice soft from disuse. Your quirk happily pulls up a little informational box that you can see. Too sleepy to make the box private as it reads aloud to you.
"PASSIVE BUFF REST ASSURED. A newly unlocked buff that increases sleep quality and can only be activated around trusted individuals and safe places. Would you like a list?"
You stare at the question box with a flashing yes or no before you point with the tip of your knife to yes.
"Currently there is only one thing listed. Type : Individual Name: Bakugou Ka…."
"Oi." Someone calls from the front door of the apartment as you dismiss the information with a wave of your hand. He discards his boots at the door before making his way to his bedroom.
"You talking to yourself dumbass?" He says, blocking your only exit by leaning on the door jamb. He holds an iced coffee towards you, his eyes sharp as he adds.
"We need to talk about your file."
Crossing his arms you ignore his offer of iced appeasement, he sets it on the low dresser as you speak.
"It's not up for discussion."
"I'm your boss, I deserve to know."
"What you deserve to know is what's in that file. My whole life doesn't fit into a manila fucking folder. Quit asking questions."
"I'll ask what I want." He growls, "Because it's suspicious that you have this unbelievably complex quirk and yet I'm sure your top skills have nothing to do with stealing."
"If you're that concerned then ask the director of the program. I'm not the only secret 'reform'." You throw your hands into the air is exasperation
"He showed up dead shortly after you were inducted. Plus no one has any real record of what you've done. Not a single thing listed on what you've stolen."
"Talk to Deku then, he's next in line for that program, he ain't dead."
"He said he doesn't remember approving your file." He bites back and before you can retort strong fingers wrap around your wrist. His calloused pads brush over the cool metal of your bracelet.
"RECOGNIZED, BAKUGOU KATSUKI : NEW LIMITED ACCESS GRANTED. 1. Health and Condition status, upon request 2. Top five skills 3. Buffs that would benefit Bakugou Katuski. 4. Pending buffs to be activated by host. Please state a number."
"Two." "Cancel!" You try to shout over him but he beats you to it. The bracelet opens up a little box displaying your top five skills as of late.
"Stab resistance, poison resistance, what would a thief need those for? Stealth is number three and slight of hand is number five. Shit don't add up Princess." He glares while your nostrils flare, ripping your wrist away from his grip.
"You're really fucking pushing it…" He takes a step towards you while you step back as if it were part of a dance as you try so hard to keep your wrath in check.
"Am I? Like I said, shit ain't adding up. You have this bracelet that still has limited information to your quirk, support knows nothing of the recordings or god damn blocks you've placed on it and lastly…" Your knees hit the back of the back of the bed causing you to sit on the mattress. His rough palms come to lie flat against the fabric next to your thighs as he leans in. You fight to shrink back.
"Lastly, I deserve to know how an unnamed woman, who obviously knew you, turns up dead moments after I arrive on scene and then her body is gone in a matter of minutes. She poisoned you with a complex concoction that the lab in the agency has yet to figure out the formula to it and yet you knew the fucking antidote? What did you really do?"
Rage boils in your blood as you stare into his vermilion eyes. Like flipping a switch you turn ice cold, your breath mingles with his.
"You know what's funny? You don't see me asking how you became a manager with your shitty attitude. Nor do you see me asking how you manipulated and gaslit your way to the number one spot." You press your cheek against his as your lips graze his ear, "And you sure as hell don't see me asking how you're considered a hero at all after you told Izuku to kill himself in middle school."
The scars in his chest and stomach roar to life, demanding attention as his shirt scrapes against the sensitive skin. He takes a step back as if struck while the room begins to smell of smokey spiced caramel. His bones groan as his knuckles bloom white.
You smile as you stand, collecting your bag and the jacket he lent. Even grabbing the iced coffee he got you. Because why let it go to waste?
Cruelty slips onto your shoulders as nicely as his borrowed jacket while you pause at his bedroom door wanting nothing more than to leave him with terrible thoughts.
"Did you ever even apologize for that?"
Silence is your answer as you chuckle to yourself.
"Didn't think so."
You leave him with those nasty thoughts. Long gone as he still pants, pain shooting through his gut and lungs as it did all those fucking years ago.
As he moved without a second thought and placed himself in front of a stupid, dopey mop top boy who tried to hold up the weight of the world by himself.
With a guttural growl he looks over his destroyed room, as if a bomb went off.
He reaches for his phone dialing the number he never bothered to save.
"Meet me at our usual when you get off your stupid fucking shift. I know you've forgotten to eat you useless hero." The other line chimes in with a deep laugh as he adds.
"Okay Kaachan. I'll be there."
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Izuku doesn't get invited out often and especially not by Bakugou. So the emerald haired boy decides to keep an eye on his oldest friend. Silently watching and not glancing too long as hot head huffs and puffs, taking another shot. The ash blonde's favorite spicy ramen goes untouched as the large man across from him slurps up his fourth bowl, covered in sweat and dirt from the day's work.
"You better get my fucking money's worth of this endless ramen bowl shit." He bites, slamming down another shot, fingers subconsciously finding the old scar on his chest. The action does not go unnoticed by his more docile friend. Izuku thanks the waiter as he starts on his fifth bowl.
"I'm starting to think you're mad about more than the endless ramen you ordered me." Bright emerald meet dark garnet eyes that glare, Bakugou's cheeks burn in his buzz.
"Fuck you. Nothin's wrong." Another deadly shot.
"That's your seventh. Kaachan you can't fool me. Your body language gives it away." Bakugou follows Izuku's eyes to his fingers. Quickly he removes his calloused pads from the divot. Angrily staring at the wall like a child who's been caught.
"Fuck you." He murmurs, silence settles over the pair in the far back corner of the restaurant. Bakugou's eyes glance over to Izuku who continues to eat, crimson bore into the scars on his arms from where the dumbass had broken them time and time again. His scars burn with your words, with the memory of what he's said in the past.
Too cruel and for what?
"You know I'm-" Bakugou starts but Izuku holds up a hand, wanting to spare his friend.
"I know, you've shown me everyday, even before you jumped in front of me, Kaachan. I've always known." He leaves it at that, in his heart he knows that Bakugou is sorry. He's seen it in every action since their first year at UA, he doesn't need to hear him say it.
What good are words when actions spoke louder?
"So what's bothering you? Worried over someone? You're dating Rogue now right?" Izuku asks, holding his chopsticks at a point while Bakugou takes another shot.
"Her file is what's bothering me. Deku, she doesn't have a fucking thing of her past. Not to mention you don't even remember signing off on her. Real responsible." Bakugou watches with a dull snarl as Izuku goes back to slurping his noodles.
"Ka...Kaachan." Izuku chokes, "Not fair. They put a lot of your desk too and I bet you don't remember half of it."
"I'd remember something like that. Just makes it that much more suspicious. Probably foraged by someone but the question is who…." Katsuki sets his head in his hand, staring at his orange broth.
"Well, did you ask her yourself?" Bakugou scoffs in response.
"Yea, and it didn't fucking turn out well." His finger finds his stomach this time, the ghastly white crater suddenly irritated by the fabric of his shirt. Izuku stops eating, he isn't stupid and easily connects the dots. The soft man thinks back a decade of his friend is the worst condition but more worried about him.
"Kaachan…" Deep jade eyes water a bit but Bakugou puts up a hand
"Don't." He barks, sighing.
"So you must really care about her if whatever she said affected you that much. You weren't even bothered when they were trying to 'cancel' you." Izuku taps Bakugou's bowl with his chopsticks, silently begging the blonde to eat. Hopping he'll take at least a bite to soak up some of that alcohol. Reluctantly deadly fingers pick up the sticks, gathering ramen between them but still undecided if he should eat.
His silence is answer enough for Izuku.
"I know my agency started the program. I'll look into it some more tomorrow. I'll be mostly office duty since I have so much paperwork anyway. But even if her past is dark Katsuki, what are you going to do? She may not have had any say in the matter, she doesn't give me that evil vibe."
Bakugou thinks back to you. How you fight, how you hold yourself.
How cute you were sleeping on his shoulder before he eased you onto his lap. How softly you snored in his bed. His stomach twists, Izuku's words and yours floating around his head.
"I guess I'll decide once I have more answers." With that the blonde decides to bring the spicy noodles to his lips.
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
Power Struggle
Tommy Shelby x Fem! Reader
Requested by : @peakyfooky
So unfortunately I clicked on the delete button instead of the edit button and my work just went down the drain. I feel so pissed rn. I'm so sorry, @peakyfooky. Here's the request. Again.
Summary - Being an assassin was all fun and a right handed game until Tommy Shelby fucked up in an important mission and almost got you killed. The only good thing to come out of it was a hinted confession and a heated moment of passion.
Warnings: Cursing, Explicit language, SMUT SMUT SMUT, Sex . Reader's a badass in this one.
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The rumours were many. Some said that she was a mythical creature, a story cooked up by mothers to get their children to sleep at nights, while some felt that she was a woman long dead. They said that she walked through the streets of London at nights, shielded by the darkness, hidden from the human eye. They even said that she had a scarred face, and a story to tell, probably why she didn't show herself during daytime. She was looking for the man that had done this to her, scarred her face and once she found him, she would be gone.
The rumours appalled you but at the same time, they made you feel powerful. You were nothing they had described you as. You were beautiful, your face that of an angel, if one would look at it, they wouldn't suspect a thing.
You were not some creature from the storybooks, neither were you someone alien to this country. You considered yourself a businesswoman, and your business was killing people. Killing your targets. Being an assassin, a female assassin, and being a pretty good one, you were the topic of talks among people and a pretty frequent household name for the gangs, having been frequenting them, and doing their petty calling for years now. And they made sure your identity was kept hidden and you were paid handsomely.
And this is how you knew Thomas Shelby, the leader of the Peaky Blinders. You wouldn't lie to yourself, his summons were the ones that intrigued you the most. They were uncanny, came for you on those you had least expected them.
After a long night at the pub next door, you stumbled into your first floor shabby apartment, a good disguise for a woman like you who earned a lot for every target eliminated. Your keys rattled into the keyhole and the door flung open, the familiar scent of your perfume, mixed with whiskey and cigarette smoke filling up your nostrils as you stepped inside and flung your heels off.
That's when you saw it. A card with a gold plated border stood on your bedside table, waiting for you to read it. You often wondered how Tommy managed to do it, sneak into your apartment to get you these notes but you didn't ask. It was Thomas Fuckin' Shelby and he had ways that you had probably never imagined of. To anyone who would see these notes, they would mistake these from a despaired lover, wanting to meet you again.
You flicked it roughly into your palm, turning it around as you read through it.
Meet me by the distillery when the moon's directly above us.
- T.S
He talked in riddles, riddles that no normal person would bother trying to solve but you knew his riddles by the back of your hand. Your eyes flew to the grandfather clock and you rushed out to your window, trying to look at the black starless sky, overcome with black humungous clouds with no moon in sight.You waited for a few minutes, waiting for the moon to show itself and when it finally showed you a peek, you knew Thomas would have seen it too. You grabbed your purse, flinging it across your shoulder and walked out of your apartment, making your way towards the distillery by the end of the street.
By the time you set foot there, you craned your neck upwards, trying to look at the moon that was now shining down on you and you knew it would be minutes before Thomas Shelby showed himself. Years for working for this man, he still hadn't learnt a thing about punctuality. Just then, a twig snapped behind you, causing you to slowly turn towards the approaching figure with a smug look on your face, "I am a busy woman, Shelby. I cannot always be here at your whims and fancies."
Under the pale moonlight, you saw his lips twitch, his hand mechanically moving up to his lips, his cigarette plucked between his lips as he inhaled the smoke that coiled around him.
"I hope you have something good for me. Something better than the man you gave me the last time. That took fucking two minutes. This better be worth my time."
Tommy took a step closer, the cigarette butt dropping from his hand as he stepped on it. Now you could see him clearly, his handsome features and his chiseled jaw struck out.
"Luca Changretta."
Two words were spoken and the smirk on your face went up your ears.
"I hope the pay's good."
"I'll triple it once you get me the news he's fuckin' gone." Tommy's ice like voice reached your ears and you just smacked your lips together, crossing your arms over your chest.
"So, when are we fuckin' doing this?"
Pretending to be a whore was easy. All you had to do was wear a skimpy dress, show a little cleavage, put on red lipstick and there you go, you were ready. Once you were ready, you looked at yourself in the mirror. The woman that looked back at you was someone you hardly recognised, but maybe that was what you always wanted.
Taking a deep breath, you finally pushed yourself out of the shabby bathroom at the back of the pub, your heels clicking against the pavement as you strutted towards the noisy entrance. You could hear loud chatters and occasional bangs, banging of fists, and even breaking of glasses and you rolled your eyes, cringing at the state of disorientation most of these men were in.
You placed your hand on the door, pushing it open as you stepped in, smacking your lips together. Your eyes scanned through the men, some of them now looking at you with hunger in their eyes. "Who the hell ordered a whore, ay?! Send her over once you are done mate!" You heard someone yell.
If you had to do this without testing your patience any further, you needed a drink. You went up straight to the bar, slamming your fist angrily against it to get the bartender's attention. His head snapped towards you, his mouth slightly falling, his eyes involuntarily moving and resting on your chest for a bit.
"Whiskey." You said, dryly. "And stop fuckin' staring at my chest."
The bartender cleared his throat, a red tint taking over his cheeks, flustered at being accused so pointedly. You saw him nod and rush into the backroom. You took this moment to look around, trying to spot the man you were looking for. This is where Thomas Shelby had told you he would be.
The bartender emerged with your drink in his hand, placing it on the counter in front of you. Your fingers curled around it, your hand flying to your lips, your ruby tainted lips pressing against the glass as the liquid gushed through your throat. Without wasting any more time, placing the glass back down, you leaned forward, watching the bartender in front of you struggle to keep his wandering eyes from taking a sneak peak at your cleavage. You placed your elbows on the counter to support you, looking at him.
"Where's Luca Changretta?"
The bartender looked at you, his eyebrow shooting up.
"Oh, you are Mr. Changretta's, ah, guest. The first door on the left." You nodded coyly, your fingers curling around the glass, your eyes fixed at the bartender as you watched him uncomfortably move away, scrubbing the counter on the other side. You brought up the glass and downed the entire contents of it, almost slamming the glass back down.
Following the bartender's instructions, you found your way to the first door on the left. It was a mahogany door, shut, but you could hear muffled shouting coming from the inside. Not bothering to knock, you flung the door open, barging your way in, your heels clicking against the floor.
Luca was sitting on a couch, his legs propped up against the coffee table, his drink in his hand as he was probably in the middle of an argument with one of his henchmen.
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"Do you really not know how to knock?" Luca didn't move, only his lips did, as he eyed you his gaze, dwindling from distaste to full of lust.
"Not really, Mr. Changretta. You see, I just did my nails. Trust me, these things do take a lot of my time, that and making sure men don't leave disappointed." Your smirk reached your eye as your hand fumbled against your box of cigarettes, pulling a stick out of it and flinging it to your lips.
You heard Luca mutter a get the fuck out under his breath and the henchman rushed off, leaving you alone with the man. He slowly stood up, taking a sip of his drink, twirling his whiskey glass in his hand as he made his way up to you, looking at you from head to toe. "I didn't ask for a whore, now did I? Not that I remember. Who sent you?"
"No one asks for me, Mr. Changretta, I just flow with the wind. I just know who might have a need for me without actually him coming to me first. I see power, immense power and that's where I go. No one sends me." You took a step closer, lifting your palm and placing it on Luca's arm, using your pointed nail to move your index finger downwards, causing him to grit his teeth as your nail tore through his suit, almost scraping through his flesh. "Sorry about the suit. Where did you get these made?"
"Fenacci, Italian. He's my uncle."
"Well he must be a talented man." You cooed.
A sadistic snicker escaped his lips, causing you to give him a fake smile, although you knew how disgruntled you felt. The things money made people do.
"Now Mr. Changretta– "
"Call me Luca." He cut you off, his hand finally fixing on your hip, his fingers stroking your flesh over your satin dress.
"Luca, what would you like me to do to please you?" You pushed yourself away from him, watching his face flash a look of annoyance, his fingers twitching when it lost contact with you. Slowly, you took off your dress, only to reveal the soft, almost sheer negligee that you were wearing underneath it, exposing your legs and every bit of your skin. You saw him give you a quick do over his eyes flashing with his desire for you and this caused your lips to involuntarily curl into a smirk. You took a step towards him, placing your palm on his chest and using force to push him back against the couch, taking him by surprise.
"You are a man of substance, Mr. Changretta. I love it."
You placed yourself slowly over his lap, letting him wrap his arm around your waist, a low, throaty growl almost leaving his lips. As you moved on to straddle him, his fingers moved all over your arms, trying to feel the softness of your skin.
Taking that second of distraction in your stride, your hand flew up to the pin that held your hair, the pin of poison as you called it, and you pulled it out, your hair now falling loosely over your almost bare shoulders. Clutching the pin in your hand, you were ready to push the pin into the side of his neck, ready to end it once and for all but before you could do that, he grabbed you by your shoulder, pushing you away with such force, you fell back, crashing against the coffee table and fell to the floor.
"I least expected Mr. Shelby to be sending in assassins dressed as whores. Turns out Miss Gray was right. He did send you to kill me."
Your rage filled eyes met his, your finger still clutching the pin, while his fingers slid into his suit pocket and he pulled out his gun, ready to aim it at you. You gave him a smile, not dropping his gaze for a second. There was no way you would let him have you fail. You had never failed before. Fucking Polly Gray. You didn't understand how Luca Changretta already knew what Thomas Shelby's plan was.
You would have pondered more, had your eyes not noted how his finger moved to the trigger, ready to squeeze it. The moment passed by in a blur of a second, you adeptly caught his wrist at the right time, causing his aim to falter but the bullet shot of the barrel before the gun fell off his hand, slicing into your arm and lodging inside. You hissed in pain, your arm slowly turning red as droplets of your blood rolled down and fell to the floor, drop by drop. "Fucking hell," You cursed, your palm flying to the hole in your arm, feeling the warm gush of your blood, your wound throbbing under your touch while at the same time, you used your foot to kick the gun that had fallen out of Changretta's hand under the cabinet.
"Who the fuck are you, woman? You're no whore, that I'm sure of. I wonder how much that bastard paid you to do his dirty work. I'm ready to pay you triple– " He grabbed you by your hair and pulled you up to your feet which was a pretty bad move at his end. This was where you shot out your foot towards him suddenly, causing him to stumble and fall backwards. You let out a loud shriek, pulling yourself on top of him, straddling his waist, your palms coming to rest on his throat as you started squeezing it.
"I'm your death, motherfucker."
Luca Changretta started coughing, his eyes bobbing out as he tried to get your hands off his throat, but you just kept squeezing harder, pushing down at him with all the weight in your body. You were smiling now, watching life drain out of this man so easily, the throbbing in your wounded arm completely forgotten. You had gotten so used to seeing their faces when you killed them, it really didn't matter when they came back to haunt you at nights.
Suddenly, you felt a sharp prick at the side of your neck, the sudden impact of which caused you to loosen your grip on Changretta. Clutching your neck, you fell to your side, your eyes falling on your poisoned pin that was in Changretta's hand. Your chest heaving up and down, your heart raced so bad, you felt it was going to stop. Pain spread through your body, slowly, like a snake coiling at your insides as you started coughing out foam, your vision blurring.
"You can never be the death of me, bitch."
The last thing you saw before you shut your eyes was the door flinging open and the blue eyed gang leader rushed in, with a few men on his tail. You heard the sound of gunshots and screams but it all went black.
Your head hurt and so did every crevice in your body, as though someone had run a truck over you. It felt like you had been asleep for ages. The room smelled like a hospital room. After what felt like eternity, your eyes fluttered open. Even moving your eyes around took most of your energy. The room was warm and so were the covers that covered your body. Slowly, you started regaining shards of memory of what had happened that day. You had failed, for the first time ever. But worse than that, you wanted to bash Thomas Shelby's skull, for betraying you, for telling Polly Gray. He was responsible for your failure.
You winced as you sat up, your eyes flying to your bandaged arm. If the humiliation of failing that one thing you were good at wasn't enough, you had been shot and fucking poisoned.
You slid against the edge of the bed, your feet finding the floor as you hoisted yourself up, your legs almost wobbling at your first attempt. Five minutes later, you were walking down the hallway of what you guessed was the Arrowe House screaming like a mad woman, “Thomas! THOMAS SHELBY! FOR FUCK'S SAKE–"
Just then, the door to your right opened, and someone grabbed your wrist, pulling you inside and the door slammed shut behind you.
"My son's fuckin' asleep in the next room. Can you stop shouting at the top of your lungs? And who the fuck asked you to strut around the house when you are in no condition to get out of bed?"
You looked at the man in front of you and you wanted to gage his eyeballs out. Suppressing the urge to scream at him, you just pushed him away and weakly made your way up to his desk, grabbing his box of cigarettes.
"How the fuck am I even alive? Thanks to you, Changretta had stabbed me with my own poison needle. How the fuck did Polly even find out about the whole plan?" You struggled to light a match, a cigarette now pressed to your lips. Thomas snatched the matchbox from your hand, lighting a match for you and bringing it close to your face.
"Will you just sit down first." He motioned for you to take a seat. Wordlessly, you lowered yourself on it, your eyes trained on him, waiting for him to speak.
"I might have mistakenly said some things to her. I know, I'm sorry –"
You were not having it. You stood up, your fists clenched by your sides as you stormed towards him, almost pushing him angrily.
"You almost got me killed Tommy. You knew my fucking rules. No one except us should have known." He grabbed you by your arm in an effort to catch you if you fell but you just pushed his hands away.
"For fucks sake, will you stop with the dramatics, it was a drunken mistake. Polly came to me and she confessed to having told Changretta about you. That's when I gathered the boys and –"
You shook your head in disgust and cut him off, as your hand mechanically flew up to your lips and you took a drag of your cigarette, spitting out your words, "You wanted to be a fuckin' hero, did you not? You broke our deal, Tom. And then you save my life like this."
You didn't realise how the word Tom had so effortlessly slipped out of your mouth until you felt his lips suddenly press against yours, your eyes widening in shock at the suddenness of it, an electrifying feeling filling you up.
"What the fuck?" You whispered, licking your lips inadvertently when he pulled back.
"You don't fucking shut up, do you?"
"How dare you –" You didn't complete your sentence. Instead, you pushed Tommy to the wall, your hands tugging at his waistcoat to take it off as your lips hungrily devoured his plump ones. When you finally broke the kiss, you didn't look at Tommy like you did before. There was something different about him, something that made you want to explore. Your fingers tore through the buttons of his shirt, until he was standing bare chested in front of you, his lips slightly parted, his chest heaving up and down, his hand resting on your waist as he looked down at you, his eyes thick with desire.
"What was that for?"
"For almost getting me killed and then saving my life." You muttered, sarcastically and he just scoffed.
"I couldn't have left you to die." He deadpanned.
"Oh, and why's that?"
You bit your lip, slowly looking up at him when it hit you. "Don't answer that. Please don't. I can't take it right now."
"You're so –"
"Get your fuckin' pants off."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
It was as though your mind had exploded. All you saw was fire around you, the fire that could only be vanquished by him. Impatiently, you strode up to him, unbuttoning his pants while he just kept staring at you, his mouth almost open. You slid your palm through the waistband of his pants, stroking over his already hardened manhood, watching him as his eyes clenched shut and a low moan escaped those lips.
What you felt right now could only be expressed as sheer torment. You were emotionally drained and physically broken, and the only thing that could calm you down or make it even worse was what you were about to do. And you weren't going to waste any fucking time.
Thomas Shelby didn't realise what hit him. The next minute, he was sprawled over his desk, his pants lowered at his ankles, with you now straddling his waist, your eyes looking down at him. You wouldn't deny, he really looked beautiful under you. And you were sure, he was liking you on top of him.
It was a Power Struggle. But you always won. Atleast with Thomas Shelby.
"You are infuriating." You hissed, as you started rolling your hips against his erect cock, only the fabric of your underwear barring you from taking him in. The aching pain in your core was frustrating, getting even worse with each stroke of your core against the mountain pressed up against it.
"And you're a fucking tease," He moaned under you, licking his lips as he tried to adjust his hips to feel your warmth better.
"Stop. Don't fucking move until I say you do. We do this my way." You slapped his chest lightly, only to get a frustrated growl from him. A part of you wanted to tease Thomas Shelby to the point he was squirming, but the other part of you wanted to satiate the burning inside of you.
"I'm so fucking angry at you, Shelby, but good thing I know how to calm myself down in the most unholy ways." You lifted yourself up, Tommy's adept fingers worked to get your panties off you and once you had gotten yourself free from it, you took a deep breath, looking down at him before you went down on him. Using your hand to guide his cock, you slowly mounted yourself into him, feeling his thickness fill you up, a symphony of curses and grunts escaping both your lips as he filled you up.
Once you had adjusted to him, your slickness made it easier for you to build a firm pace, your hands using his chest to hold yourself on top of him, his hands holding you from your waist for support. Your body trembled and your mouth spilt vulgar curses as you slowly built up your pace, bouncing up and down his length, the study filling up with the sounds of your wetness of your core and flapping of your skin against his. His hands left your waist, moving up until he was squeezing your breasts, his fingers toying with your nipples, enhancing the pleasure you were feeling.
"Is that all you got?" Tommy moaned and this caused you to throw your head back and let out a dry laugh, only to end in a moan again as you felt pleasure built inside you, ready to burst any time now. By the looks of it, you could see that Tommy was close too, but he wouldn't give you the pleasure of knowing how good you were at this.
"Keep up with me." You swatted him again, deliberately slowing your pace, knowing how close you both were to your climaxes. He only slapped your arse in retaliation, budging you to keep up the pace.
"(Y/N)" Tommy grunted your name in pleasure, his fingernails digging into your hips.
"Say it again, love."
"Fuck." Tommy cursed, his breathing hitching as you continued bouncing on his swollen cock. Your hands found your way to his neck, your palms wrapping around as you started choking him, not hard enough for him to not breathe but hard enough for him to look up at you, his eyes burning with pleasure.
"Say it again, darling."
"(Y/N), fuck." He groaned. As if this was the push that was needed, you let out a whimper mixed with a moan, as you rode him to his own climax as well as your own, his nails digging into your flesh, panting into his sturdy chest.
You rolled off him and collapsed on the desk next to him, staring at the ceiling of his study, your chest heaving up and down, the smell of sex and cigarettes now filling up your nostrils.
"Please don't fuck up the next time, Shelby."
You felt his lips press against the skin on your bare shoulder in a kiss, followed by a hum as he pushed himself up from the desk, "That fuckin' poison pin. I had thought I lost you. You were lucky the doctor drained out the poison. If being an assassin is what you want to do, then we do this my way, not yours." He reached out, pulling up his pants and grabbed a spare tee shirt from one of the drawers of his study, pulling it over his head, looking at you once before he stormed out of his study.
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(GIF is not mine, found it on Google. Let me know if it's yours and I will credit you.)
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Of Blood and Bonds - Chapter 5
"Father you know I respect you." Damian said and everyone at the dining table stilled as they were about to get up and leave. "But I must admit, as my brothers would say, you've majorly fucked up." 
Bruce sighed. He had thought about that - had Alfred scold him for having benched Damian - for doing as Damian had said and taking out his anger about his own failures on his other children. But that didn't make this any easier.
"Damian I know you're mad I didn't tell you about your sister-"
"Oh this is not about that. Well not entirely. They are connected but this is not about Marinette alone." When no one spoke, he took it as his cue to continue. 
"You saw in her files that there were some vague details about her being possessed by an akuma. Did you figure out what they are? Because I have an its not pretty. Actually, it's bad enough to warrant an intervention of the Justice League as a whole but my sister tells me that they were told not to waste the JL's time." 
His youngest's face was worryingly blank. It reminded him of all the times he was set upon something and right now it seemed that his new focus was his older sister. Bruce supposed, he should be thankful that Damian's attention towards her was not of the murderous kind. 
"What do you mean?" He made sure to keep his voice free from emotions. 
"From what she told me, they asked for help several times until someone from the JL dismissed their problems as a prank, a joke without any investigation or anything about their claims."
Someone was going to be hearing from Batman soon. 
"And what about the akumas?" 
"It's enough to need more than one member of the JL. I've see a video of one of the attacks, it's...horrifying and according to Marinette it was one of the tamer ones." 
"Do you have them?" His sons all looked annoyed and he knew they were probably thinking that he was letting superhero work take precedence over his family again. But that was how he worked. He didn't know what to do about the situation with Marinette but this - this could find a solution to. 
"There are videos of them online." 
Damian seemed to take that as his cue to get up and walk away. 
"I'll play the videos in the cave." 
Marinette hadn't necessarily had the best time in the last years but one thing he had definitely learned was who were her real friends and who weren't.
It was before the worst month of her life but things had already started taking a turn for the worse for her at that point. 
Her so called friends all started to believe Lila over her, started to - as she now knew - emotionally blackmail her, only gave her the time of the day whenever she did something for them or to scold her for whatever she apparently did for poor Lila. 
She was oh so tired and every second she wasted made her feel more guilty. 
Hawkmoth had come back more enraged than ever after the Miracle Queen incident and she had done the mistake of lending the more Miraculous out.
She had given Kagami and Luka both different Miraculous for them to fight alongside her because they both have strong spirits and a good resonance with several kwamis but... let's just say that she would never forgive herself for what they had to experience because of her.
In desperation, she tried to find other holders that she hadn't used before who resonated but that...that had been a huge mistake. She almost lost more than one Miraculous that day. 
She was their Guardian. And that day she vowed that she would die first before letting something happen to the Kwamis.
She was fighting alone now. Chat Noir...Chat Noir was even more pushy about revealing themselves after the the chaos that had occured. He hindered more than he helped, never showing up on time. 
Things had come to head one day as she walked into class. The whole incident had involved a bunch of sheep and a ripped sketchbook - hers to be precise. 
It proved to actually be a relief to let go if them. She had never realized how much their 'friendship' had been dragging her down. 
I got permission to use this fic as a reference for her backstory so check it out. Thanks for that btw.
That experience proved to be helpful later when she felt like there was no one she could trust. 
Apprenticeship with Master Fu had since long taught her that it was better to feel than to see. She had learnt to recognise auras rather than faces and in the end that might have been her saving grace - or well at least the start of her path back to sanity. 
She had learnt to see and remember the auras of her friends rather than anything else because afterall the soul didn't lie.
After everything, well her reliance on auras had only increased. 
Meeting her brothers had been amazing and even more so now that it seemed that they wanted to have a relationship with her.
But one things that bothered her were their auras. 
It wasn't that they were bad - it was that they were scarred, hardened and she could basically see that they had suffered in the past. 
The worst of them were probably Jason and Damian. Their auras made it very clear that they had been dipped in the Lazarus pits.
Jason...Jason's soul had been corrupted at such a point that she doubted that the pits had been used for anything less than bringing him back from the dead. 
And Damian - Damian's soul seemed to have some of the pits as a foundation. She gathered that he had been dunked into the pools more than once when he was a child. There was something else in his aura too that showed that he had died not long ago too. 
There was also another aura that seemed to have to have linked with both of them which made her sure of their last fates and Marinette shuddered to think what had happened to them. 
She had to remind herself that the past was in the past and while she couldn't change that, she could at least help them have a better future. 
So, one could say, that she was nervous for this upcoming dinner.
The dinner didn't go as expected - at all. 
Firstly, they were late. All of her brothers and sister were late, very very late. Marinette was not impressed, especially give that Damian wasn't answering his phone. 
But this was Gotham, the few kwamis she had brought with her reasoned, there was probably a problem and wasn't it better that were safe inside than stuck outside and hurt? 
Just as she was about to say screw it and transform using the fox Miraculous to see if she could help the bats, she felt the magic around the house shift. 
Marinette focused in the disturbance and closed her eyes reaching out for their auras. She soon snapped her eyes open and let a smile come on her face - she knew those auras. But why were they entering from the window? 
Marinette shrugged it off and signalled the kwamis to hide while she went to greet them. 
She was not ready for the sight that she came upon. Her siblings were all in a state of disarray and it looked like they were trying to be silent. 
They were of course failing miserably given what seemed to be a bullet wound in Jason and a stab would in Dick and the rest of them all seemed to have been beat up to at least some degree.
"What the fuck?" Marinette felt like the situation called for her language to be excused. 
They all froze in place before slowly turning to look at her. 
"Uh hey." Dick or should she say Nightwing because apparently she wasn't stressed enough gave her a short wave.
She cursed and buried her face in her hands. "Of course I can't have normal siblings."
"Siblings?" Black Bat seemed suprised. She couldn't recognize her aura, Marinette decided that she must have been Cassandra. 
"You must be confused ma'am." Red Robin jumped in and Marinette rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid Timothy." And then just to prove her point she point at each one of them in turn. "Jason, Dick, Damian and who I'm guessing is Cassandra."
"What makes you say that?" Tim seemed to be ever the player of words. 
She sighed, knowing they wouldn't budge until she proved that she truely believed her words. 
"Well, why else would you be here?"
"Uh because it was the nearest place we found to nurse our wounds and last time we checked this place was abandoned?"
"Let's say that's true. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to go a place where you could actually have access to supplies to treat your wounds? Not to mention the fact that that-" she pointed at the hole in Jason's shoulder. "-is a bullet wound and I heard no gunshot. And lastly, what a coincidence it is that Black Bat who is known to work in Hong Kong comes back to Gotham at the same time as my sister Cassandra who from what I've heard also is currently living in Hong Kong too." 
No one replied. 
"So do you want to continue arguing or are you idiots going to let me help you before you bleed all over my floor."
Unsurprisingly it was Damian who moved the first - it made sense, he was the one who had spent most time with her and at least had a modicum of trust in her. 
He removed his mask and met her eyes. "Do you have a first-aid kit?"
She nodded. "Get in the bathroom and get those two in the tub." She nodded towards Dick and Jason. I'll bring it to you." 
Marinette hurried to her bed room to find her probably over-packed first aid kit. She had brought it for herself so that in case of a bad akuma attack she could take care of her wounds - after all her cure took care of everyone else before her, she had enough scars to prove that not that she could distinguish them from those the cat had given her.
She was glad to see that they had followed her instructions. Jason and Dick were seated in her honestly huge tub and they along with the rest had made themselves comfortable, having discarded their armor. 
She placed the first-aid kit down and kneeled next to Dick. She felt that the stove would in the stomach took more precedence. 
Jason reached out for the kit but Marinette batted his hand away. 
"You're injured, sit down quietly." She snapped and to everyone's surprise, he did as he was told. 
Marinette started treating their wounds, thanking the kwamis that she had done a medical course as soon as she had realised that her wounds could not heal from the cure. 
She had finally taken care of the more dangerous wounds and Marinette had enough of them squirming so she broke the silence "So, why in the world did you come here instead of going to your hyper-tech batcave with most certainly more medical facilities than my humble abode?"
She had to supress a smile as the boys looked among themselves. Finally it was Cassandra that replied. 
"Did not want to miss dinner. You." 
"Well you were already two hours late, you could just have sent me a text that you'd be a little more late."
"Didn't want to take chance."
Marinette smiled up at her. "Well I'm done, come on, I'll get you some clothes to change into."
"I don't think you'll have anything that will fit us."
"I'm a designer." She called over her shoulder. "I always have spares. Anyways, Cassandra-" 
"Right, well Cass come with me, we're about the same size, you can take something of mine."
She led Cass to her bedroom and guided her to her wardrobe while she picked something for the boys.
She totally hadn't hoped to see her siblings during this trip and had this made something for them. Nope. Absolutely not.
She handed each of them their clothes. "Choose a room if you want, I have more than enough of them, then come down, I'm re-heating the food."
She smiled at Damian as he came down the stairs. "I tried my hand at some Arabic food. I hope you like it." 
The boy looked awed. He walked to her and gave her a hug. "You're my new favourite sibling." Marinette laughed and pressed a kiss in his hair. "I love you too little brother."
She heard the disbelieving whisper of Demon Spawn? And looked up to see the rest. 
She squeezed Damian's shoulder one last time before she pulled away, guiding him to sit down.
"Well dig in. You must be famished after your fight."
They did exactly that and soon were making their appreciation known. 
"It's the first time I've attempted Arabic food, I don't know if I got the spices right.*
"It's delicious Pixie Pop. Don't worry.*
"Todd's right Mari. I haven't eaten anything this good since I came to Gotham."
"Really? Alfred didn't immediately dote on you and cook you all the food you wanted. "
He looked uncomfortable. "I was a difficult child back then."
"Was?" Jason snorted while Dick elbowed him. 
Casssandra intervened. "You good at cleaning wounds. Hands stable."
"Yes well unfortunately it's not the first time I've had to do this."
"How come?" 
"Did Damian tell you about the akuma attacks?" They nodded. "Well, Paris had since adapted to handle the akuma attacks. A lot of people have taken medical courses for extensive first aid to be able to help the unfortunate victims of an akuma."
"I thought that your superhero reversed all the damage."
"Well yeah. But Ladybug was insistent to make it clear that they couldn't bank everything on her. If she's taken down, everything's lost."
"This has been going for how many years. How do you still trust that hero?"
"And for how many years have the Joker been spreading his terror?" She asked drily and saw several of them recoil - Jason and Tim especially. 
"Ladybug is doing all that she can only get so far with Chat Noir around."
"Chat Noir? I thought that he was her partner?"
"He's supposed to be but we'll these days he causes more trouble than he stops. People hope he doesn't show up because the battles are always over quicker when he's not there." She could see that they wanted to ask more but number one she didn't want to talk about Chat Noir and number two she felt like if she continued talking, she would slip up and say something she shouldn't know and the risk of them catching it was greater since they were themselves heroes.
"And anyways, Hawkmoth only comes out in a blue moon and that's only when he has a lot of faith in his plans."
"So there are a lot of these akuma attacks?" 
"I guess it's kind of become a daily event by this point. People plan stuff taking it into consideration and if we're unlucky, there will be more than one in a day."
"So what type of akumas are there?"
"It depends really over what you've been akumatized. We've had a Pharaon, a Mime, Mr Pigeon and Mr Rat as well as Syren in the first year." 
"Those seem like... interesting characters." Jason said. 
"Wait until you hear this." Marinette snorted. "We had a Batman knock-off once, Owlman - he had his own electronic butler and everything."
The bats shared a look before they all bursted out laughing at once. 
How could they not, imagining Bruce's face upon learning of this?
"You need to tell us this story."
Marinette was more than eager to comply. 
It's too long so I'm gonna reblog the rest
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stardancereivor · 3 years
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The house was empty save for the pitter patter of Fat Son exploring, Eivør sitting beside Salma's bed, and the older Viera sitting in bed with her eyes closed and her breath shallow. Eivør had returned for a week thus far, and she had spent every waking moment tending to her mother. The first few days had been the worst of it. Seeing her mother, reconciling with the fact that she might not be able to help her in spite of what the Green Word was telling her, and then determining that she would do everything within her strength to do so. She had learned so much since leaving Viras, after all. If anyone could do it, it was Eivør. The first task had been to figure out what was even happening, how it had started, and how long it had been. Speaking with the visiting healer and Salma's friends had been helpful, as they explained something she was unsurprised they were having difficulties dealing with. Salma had been on a simple herb gathering venture with her group, something they had done hundreds of times before. Everything was going as it always did, and they had had few disturbances. Nothing major, nothing to write home about. It all changed when they stumbled upon a group of outsiders. It was standard at first; warnings, weapons drawn but not readied for battle, just trying to scare them off before a Wood Warder came across them. None of it had worked. These strangers had a magic they were not familiar with, and they were not afraid of the Viera women. They had managed to disable three of the four intruders, but the fourth one got a shot off on Salma that made her collapse into a seizure and fall into unconsciousness. If only the spear that went through that intruder's head a moment later from a Wood Warder in the trees had been there seconds earlier. This had been a week ago. They had returned Salma quickly to her home and to her bed, where had been ever since.
At the very least it meant that Eivør's lack of presence was not at fault here. This likely would have happened even if she had not left, but because she left it meant she could fix it. She had learned much from her Hyur companions in the infirmary. Figuring out what was wrong with Salma had been quick and easy for Eivør, but treating would take some time. Salma had too much aether in her, mostly of the wrong kind. It was.. unfortunately familiar. It would likely scar her if Eivør took too long. She would be quick, but she had to be careful, so she didn't do more harm than good. The first thing she had to do was get her conscious. "Mother?" She spoke quietly, reaching a hand across to gently set it upon the other Viera's. It stirred her from her sleep, and dark eyes fluttered open as she lifted her head and turned to look to her daughter. Eivør offered her a warm smile, squeezed her hand, and released it to reach over and pick up a bowl and spoon. "How are you feeling?"
Salma sighed quietly, closed her eyes a moment, and then opened them again. "Better now that you are here, my little star. I am sorry to bring you home.. but I am glad to see you.."
Eivør chuckled, scooping up stew and reaching across to offer it to the Salma. "It is fine. Though I cannot promise I will be here forever, I will not be leaving until you are well. It is good to be home. I was... homesick."
"Homesick?" Salma's eyes widened somewhat. "Did something happen?" A pause, and then she finally raised a hand. "I think I am capable of feeding myself, my love--"
"Please, mother. You need to rest. I can do this. And then I will begin treating you."
Salma loosed a sigh, nodded, and finally accepted the offered stew. She was quiet for several moments, then tilted her head to one side. "How do you know how to help me?"
Scooping more stew, Eivør hesitated a moment. "... Because I suffered in ways similar to yourself, and I learned how to treat it from an associate. I will help you, and you will be good as new. But first? We finish this bowl."
"Who is the mother here?" Salma asked with a croak of a laugh, and then she cut off suddenly. "I--oh, love, I am sorry, I--"
"It's fine." Eivør managed a smile.
"You could try again while you are here..?"
"... I could. I doubt anything will come of it. But I will try."
"Wonderful! Who knows. Perhaps this is the one?" Eivør chuckled and shrugged, then offered another spoonful of stew.
"Let's get you fed, hm?"
Salma at least had a healthy appetite. It didn't take long to feed her, and it certainly would take less time to feed her than it would to treat her. It was going to take days to carefully rebalance her aether, and especially to do so without risk of berserking either herself or the bedridden Viera. At the very least it gave her the opportunity to show off her magics. The room would be filled with starlight, with the constellations of Eorzea. It distracted Salma from what Eivør was doing, keeping her calm and content while the younger Viera did her work. It also seemed to lift her spirits to see how Eivør had developed in her absence. She would never admit it, but she had been afraid when Eivør had left. Afraid of what might happen to her. But she should have known that young woman who left all those years ago was not one to be easily removed from this world, she who had been through so much before even seeing her first full century. The floating blades with their orbiting moons and stars were fascinating, as well. She had never seen anything like it. It would seem that leaving had been.. perhaps the right thing for Eivør now that Salma saw some of what she was now capable of. Eivør had been purposeless before; she had her duties, her hunting, her worship, but beyond that she was rather spoiled and usually only did things for herself, her needs, her amusement. It was nice to see her doing something for someone else. She seemed to have matured since last they were together. Good... good. "... Eivør?" Salma eventually asked, her quiet voice filling an otherwise quiet air.
"Yes, mother?" Eivør responded distractedly, the majority of her focus on her magic. She had to be sure she did not overload Salma.
"Now that you have returned.. will you be..." Salma pursed her lips a moment, shook her head, and then looked to Eivør. "Will you be staying? Or will you go again once I am well?"
Eivør did not immediately answer. However, her tall ears began to slowly lower until they were flattened against her hair. Truth be told, Eivør wasn't sure. She still had obligations, right? People who still depended on her. Or would they still depend on someone who left so abruptly with no notice? Perhaps if she told them now that she was sure.. but what would she tell them? Would she stay? Could she stay? Could she go back to this life? It had indeed been something she had thought about, but a part of her had hoped something or someone else would make the decision for her.
Salma frowned and turned her gaze away. "I see. It's fine, just forget I--"
"Wh--no. No.. just..." Sighing, Eivør finally brought her hands away, and the shimmer and shine of twinkling star-like aether began to dim and dissipate. "I do not know. I.. it is something I thought about even on my journey here. Mother, I have been through so much. Some of it bad, but most of it amazing. And I... there are.. were? Are? People who still need me. Depend on me. And I'm no longer the same Eivør I was when I left the wood. I wish I had an answer for you, but even I'm not sure yet. I mean, I'm definitely staying to make sure you are well, but after that? I haven't figured it out."
"I think the fact that you are unsure if you will stay is reason enough not to.." Salma offered gently, lifting her hands to hold Eivør's. "But at least stay a little while, hm? You may relax here. We will not even ask you to perform any kind of strenuous duties. Just.. visit for a time. There are many outside of myself who missed you. I am sure they would be happy to see you again."
Her heart throbbed at the thought. Eivør had broken so many hearts when she left. There was one in particular she remembered, the one who had been her partner at the time. The one who she had hurt the most, probably. She managed a weak smile, but she gave Salma's hands a squeeze nonetheless. "You may be right. I'll.. visit. Even after you're well. It would be nice to spend time with you when you are not sick."
She would stay for the moment. Just a little while, right? It couldn't hurt. Maybe just a few weeks...
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barnesaintdead · 5 years
Pandora's Box Chapter One
Summary: Times have changed, great heroes were gone and all that remained was wreckage and lives to start over. After an alleged attack, Bucky is taken back to the past. With nightmares still vivid in his mind, he must choose between succumbing to fear or standing before it.
Warnings: smut, angst, mentions!abuse/rape/torture, +18
Word count: +1,200
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Mutant!OC
A/N: after Endgame, another Stark Tower was built in honor of Tony and everything he has done for the world. There are lots of details about him all the way in the new Tower. Also, I'm hearing Griss's soundtrack while writing this.
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The first thing she noticed when her brain woke up was how cold her body was. The warm sunlight kissed her cheeks gently, seeping under her lashes and making her eyelids flutter open to a blinding white room. Observing her surroundings, she noticed she wasn't alone. A men was sitting next to her bed, a long forgotten book in his hands and low snores coming out of his parted lips. Her entire upper body ache when she tried to sit against the headboard silently. She stayed quiet, watching dust motes travel across the room in the early morning haze. It was a chilly one, for sure. Her last memories started to appear in quick flashes trough her head. She was sleeping peacefully when the first explosion startled everyone in the building, flames already taking over almost everything in the first round. And then a second and a third, and everything was chaos and smoke and her only wish was to crumble down with the building because, fuck, it was happening all over again. The the fourth explosion came, those strong arms that were holding her tight vanished in a split second and everything she knew was the hard ground and the iron taste on her tongue.
"Good morning, sunshine", the man greets, throwing her off of her reveries. He stretched his arms up in the air, joints cracking all the way.
"Why am I here?" She asked under a troubled look. Her eyes darted to the window. From that level, all she could bring up was the Statue of Tony Stark resting above the fountain, his hand aiming at something beyond the horizon. She was in the Stark Tower.
"You know why", Sam answered. "Pandora, am I right? Like in the files?"
The girl nodded once, her slender fingers tugging to the thin fabrid that covered her legs. The moment he called her by her codename, she knew she was doomed and he was already aware of everything she was and everything that was done to her. She wondered he knew a lot more than necessary when he swinged her personal diary in his hand before throwing at her side on the bed.
"I want you to see someone... Do you think you can walk?"
Pandora nods once more and start dragging her feet off the bed's edge, startling herself by the purple marks all along her skin. It wasn't a pretty view. The first steps were difficult, like the ones of a newborn doe, she would have fallen instantly without  Sam's support on her waist. Side by side, they moved slowly towards the room next door.
Once Sam pushed the door open, her entire body tensed as if the blood in her veins had turned into ice. With her knees shaking, she stammered unconsciously:
"Zim... Zimniy s-soldat..." [Winter Soldier].
In his bed, Bucky's head moved to the side and his eyelids fluttered seconds before open slowly. His movements were lethargic by the sedatives.
"Gotov soblyudat..." [Ready to comply]. He flashes a weak smile, his voice nothing more but a growl and he focuse his blue irises on the terrified girl. "Nobody have called me that in a long time".
"Yeah. I call him asshole", Sam scoffed.
Pandora, still petrified, let a diminish laugh scape before forgetting the excruciating pain that was rushing furiously trough her body and let herself collapse against the cold floor. Images of a long lost life before her freedom takes place, filling her mind and projecting painful memories that went straight trough her heart like daggers.‎ Fear hit her hard and suddenly she is out of breath and the floor underneath her seems to disappear. Choking and trying to collect herself hysterically from the ground, she end up falling back onto Sam's grip. He hugged her tight and hid her face against his chest without hesitation, hiding her. Pandora's entire body trembled to the point of chattering teeth, her knuckles already white from tugging his shirt between her fingers.
"It's okay, darling. Nobody's gonna hurt you", Sam assured, whispering with lips touching her hair. "I promise. You can trust me, can't you? I'm here with you, nothing's gonna hurt you".
Sam had seen many post-traumatic stress atacks, more so panic ones. He knew how to deal with it. With her. She was scared and feeling unsafe and probably triggered by whatever Bucky said to her in russian, kidding or not. The first thing he did was lift them both from the ground and place her small crooked figure onto the spare bad next to the wall and covered her with the biggest blanket he could find at the moment. He watched as she started to roll herself up in a messy coccon mode.
"Don't worry, Panda. I'm gonna be here with you. Just breath, darling", Sam is now stroking long caresses across the girl's back. Bucky who had been silent trough the whole situation looked at her fondly, but there was still a hint of pain or guilt in his baby blue eyes. He knew he caused her that crisis. It was his fault. He desired to erase himself from her mind for a moment.
Almost an hour passed until Pandora was stable again. Her muscles were slowly untwining and letting her breathe properly, full deep inhales and long exhales to soothe her aching throat. Sam smiled when she looked at him with teary, but thankful eyes, but he kept his hand in motion caressing her for a while, observing how relaxed she was once she saw that were no danger. Not in him nor in the room or in Bucky's presence. She was now laying with face half buried in the sheets. looking dead into Bucky's figure like she was studying him.
"Feeling better?" Sam finally asks, taking a step back from the bed. Pandora nods and looks at him. "I need to report to Fury and get you both some food. Think you can manage to be alone here with him for a moment?"
"I guess... Yeah."
"I'll be back in a second then. Distract her, Barnes, will ya'?"
Bucky waved at him and whitin a second Sam was out of their sight. The air tensed a bit with the sudden silence, she wasn't much of a talker, neither was him, but they kept the eye contact before Bucky broke the connection to take a look outside the window.
"What happened to you?" Pandora's voice startles him, making him let out a chuckle begore putting his attention back on her. She was more mature, it was visible, there were some new scars, but still the same soft, childish features. Her question was short but complicated. He sighed.
"A lot, after Hydra. They wanted me to murder Steve, but I just couldn't finish. He broke the brainwash and after that I started to remember. When everything crumbled down, I found a place to stay in Bucharest", He lost himself in his thoughts for a moment, looking at his metal fingers. "I started a routine, everything was about remember who I was and be invisible. Then, the enemies came... Zemo, he caused a lot of problems... Thanos and the war. I turned to dust when he snapped his fingers, but Steve and the others brought us back. We fought, we won. I'm very thankful for their help. Shuri, who erased Hydra's poison from my head. I wouldn't be nothing without them, probably dead by now".
"So did you nightmares stopped?"
Bucky remembered his times under Hydra control once again, a specific moment, when he was in a cage. The girl next to him helped him sleep trough his nightmares that day. Pandora helped him even tho she was just as scared.
"Those never go away. They're always there, lurking inside my head", He laughed. "The nightmares never were about the brainwash, but about what I did when I was their puppet".
Pandora's eyes went to the ground. She understood him, her own nightmares almost drove her crazy most nights. She abused sleep pills and alcohol, but not even that made them go away. They would be always there. Her heart sinked into her chest for a second and then she heart his voice calling again.
"What about you?" He now had turned his body a bit to the side, for her to look at his front. The sheet went down a bit, showing his marked skin, so many scars in a tiny piece of him. A cold chill went down her spine.
"I was always running. Everytime something would get out of control, I just ran away to another city, then another state, and another country until I end up in that apartament".
"Get out of control...?" He lifted his eyebrow and she licked her lips.
"The things like those explosions and the fire?" She let out a faint laugh. "I'm used to that happening all time. I bring disgrace to everyone around me and that's why you should let me get out of here as soon as possible. I wouldn't want to ruin your lives."
"You mean you started the fire? You caused the explosions?" He asked.
"No. God, no. I... I didn't do anything is just... It happens around me, like I'm cursed or have this terribly bad luck", she shook her head. "I would never hurt anyone".
Outside the room, Sam and Fury listened carefully to their conversation. They new eachother from another times and leaving them alone was the best idea Sam had to show his boss that the girls wasn't a threat. Fury continued to listen while reading the girl's diary carefully while Sam got out to get the food he promised. When he got back, his boss was watching both of Hydra's best agents talking about their periods of peace and chaos with his hands befind his back.
"You hungry?" Sam asked munching on a big piece of his own cheeseburguer before handing one in the other man's direction.
Fury refused with a hand gesture and handed over her diary. He need to know nothing more, that was more than necessary.
"We're keeping her".
"Excuse me?"
"Project 001: Pandora", Fury repeated slowly, with a mischievous smirk in his face. "We're keeping her."
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Dancing lessons
Summary: Barry is finally cast in a feature, the problem? He said he could dance and now he can either disappoint Sally or found a way to learn some steps.
Part 1 ● Part 2 ● Part 3 ● Part 4 ● Part 5 ● Part 6 ● Part 7 ● Part 8 ● Epilogue
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence, guns, cheating maybe.
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Part 5
And alarm clock went off somewhere and Barry woke up alone, he check out his watch and it said 7:00 a.m. just 4 hours had passed and he could feel the absence of the woman that was next to him just a couple minutes before.
He felt guilty, not entirely sure why and kept his head pressed down on the couch, it was not cheating, right? He had spend the night with a woman who wasn't his girlfriend, having dinner and playing board games and cuddling in the couch... but he did it because she was injured.
And smelling her hair and pushing her against him while they were sleeping was only to keep her safe, it meant nothing, it meant so little that he wouldn't mention a single thing to Sally, because there was nothing to talk about, she was his dancing instructor and a mean rival at scrabble, and now possibly a friend, a friend with beautiful eyes and flowy hair, whit a delicate body that fit perfectly in his arms...a friend with warm skin and red lips he was dying to know what would they taste like.
"Morning sunshine!" Her voice made him shake those dangerous thoughts away and he stood up to see her already dressed and holding two cups of coffee and a bag from a local bakery. "I didn't mean to wake you, but since I'm fine I thought you could use a coffee before going home".
"No, it's okay. Thanks" He said rubbing his eyes and joining her at the kitchen "Are those croissants?" He asked while she put the pastry on a platter.
"They are, I figured since I'm taking the day off I might as well make the best out of it, and since I can't drink an enormous amount of sugar and chocolate is the second best option" she took a bite of one of the pastries and he sited in front of her not quite sure of what he was supposed to say.
She on the other hand seemed not uncomfortable at all, she had a pink headband covering the stitches and that was the only difference, she continued to be the same relaxed and friendly woman she ever was. He was relived but also hurt a little maybe he thought they will have a long heartfelt conversation about the nature of their relationship and how sorry he was about his behavior but she didn't seem to mind at all, maybe it was for the best, at least they were friends now.
He walked down the stairs after he make her promise ten times she would not be opening the studio, and that he would check up on her in the afternoon. He was walking to his car when a familiar sensation in th back of his head alarmed him. He was being followed.
He opened the door cautiously looking around but he didn't see anyone and then, crossing the street in front of him, not caring enough to hide Fuches approach him, he froze in the spot, knowing too well his gun was safe under his bed and that he didn't even had a knife on him.
He looked better than the last time he saw him, no more open wounds, and his clothes were actually clean and new, but even when he looked put together his eyes looked tired and older than ever, maybe that's why he left him approach so easily.
Fuches opened the passenger's door and got inside, and Barry did the same, he start driving in silence in the unspoken understatement that they will do this in a more private place since the people opening the stores on that street were already coming out.
You let go a sigh of relief once he left, and look at your empty apartment already bored to death with the idea of staying in the whole morning, but you have promised not to do anything crazy so you put on a movie and sit on the couch in an attempt to become a cozy sloth.
Horror films were the select genre, trying to avoid anything remotely romantic that could reignite the feelings you have woken up to that morning. Not that his arms around your body didn't felt like heaven, because they did, but because you were sure you were dancing on a thin line that you were not willing to cross.
That's why you try so hard to be normal around him, there was no way you would give in on your feelings for Barry specially not around him, and yet you couldn't fight the urge to have him back and just talk to him, about anything he would think off, kick his ass in scrabble again, maybe you were just friends? Maybe after years of being harsh on yourself feeling like a faliure his presence and his optimism about his career was all that had attracted you and you wanted to be around him because it remained of you when you started and he was a nice person worth being friends with.
But that didn't explain why you needed to take a cold shower after he showed you the scars on his exposed skin, nor why did you went to sleep dreaming of touching them, you have to end that, starting with putting a barrier between the two, specially since he was happy with someone else, as happy as you are, you said angry at yourself and push your mind away from him.
Two hours passed and you were fine watching young attractive people running from their lifes, that you forgot that you were supposed to stay away from him and send him a text.
Since we are not dancing this afternoon you should bring money and alcohol and make the scrabble more interesting
The moment you hit "send" you regretted it, and ten minutes went by without any response, you were about to send another message making sure he knew you were just joking when to make the situation worse, the door opened and Alan walked in making you jump on the couch in surprise.
He was holding a nice bouquet of flowers and was about to say something nice when his expression changed with concern.
"What the hell happened to your head?" You have taken the headband off and the stitches were visible, he left his stuff on the ground while you try to explain what had happened leaving one important detail in the dark. "Why didn't you call? Y was free at 5 but I went out for drinks with the guys, you could have called, are you okay? I'm calling your doctor" His paternal voice while he check the wound make you feel worse even when you have done anything remotely accusatory.
"I'm fine, how was Dallas? Did you guys got the old man to sign?" He smile at you, like he always did when you resume his job into making old CEOs to sign their company's away to him and his lawyer friends.
"We did, in fact I was dying to get here to get you out to celebrate" He said pointing out the flowers "But maybe champagne is not the best idea right now" He said looking worried at the injury again.
"That and also the fact that is 10:00 a.m." You said and while he pick up his stuff from the floor and you quickly check your phone, no answer, maybe it was for the better, Barry Berkman was a dangerous path that you shouldn't walk and you could send a text cancelling your class later. You turn off the phone and help Alan out of his jacket.
He took you by the waist and pulled you in for a kiss, maybe was the guilt you felt what was making you eager to ease away a pain you haven't cause him yet but you deepened the kiss right there in the middle of the living room.
"Why was that for?" He asked with a confused happy look on his face holding you tight.
"Well is too early for champagne, but maybe not for other ways to celebrate" You said running your hands trough his arms and resting them on his chest.
"But your head..." He started with his hands on your back already making another choice.
"I'm fine, let's go" you wink at him and he carried you to the bedroom, with your heart rising on your chest loudly enough for your guilty thoughts to remain silent at least for the moment.
"Scoring with a married lady, I never thought you have that in you" Fuches said jokingly and Barry's hand tighten around the wheel.
"Leave her out of this" He growled and he saw the grin on Fuches face in the corner of his eye, he was teasing him and he fall right in "That's not what I was doing, she is just a friend" He added with lest conviction knowing he had said too much already.
"I know kid, you are way too decent to do that stuff, weird since you have no problem killing, but anyway I like the blonde one better..." he didn't finish talking since Barry almost lost control of the car when he mentioned Sally.
"Let Sally out of this or I swear to God I'll kill you right now" this time Fuches expression was not pleased, he looked at the road concerned with Barry's actions.
They parked in a drugstore that was empty at that time in the morning. And stand outside the car just watching the fence of the parking lot, Fuches light a cigarette and offered one to Barry but he rejected it.
"You are getting clumsy you know?" He said after a while, trying to find a way to bring on the subject without activating the timebomb he was when he got angry. "Using your own name on the hospital was stupid, oh yeah I know about your little excursion to the E.R." He said tossing the butt of the cigarette in the ground "This 'friend' of yours must be close to call herself Mrs. Berkman doesn't she?"
"She is my dance teacher... people assumed things" He started and the slight guilt in his voice was enough for Fuches to take the reins of the conversation.
"And I'm sure your girlfriend was aware of your whereabouts last night" He said, studying his reaction "Oh she doesn't know?"
"So you are going to threaten me with snitching on me with Sally now?" He said surprised "That's a bit ridiculous, why did you came back man?" He asked tired, he was sure now tha he could never kill him, no matter how much he had damaged him, that's not who he was anymore but his hesitation to end things with him encouraged Fuches to keep coming back into his life.
"Well the Chechens were not please to lose their men, the Bolivians think NoHo Hank betrayed them and the Burmese mob wanted you dead" He said and a pain in his head reminded Barry of the that night, and flashes of his actions play before his eyes, their men, the light fading away from Mayrbeck eyes still haunted him time to time. "Or whoever killed their leader for that matter, only the Chechens knew it was you and they kept it to themselves" he continued and Barry came back to the present, only nodding in understanding "So those guys thought it was Cristobal, since he survived your little outburst"
"And I suppose you didn't have anything to do with them thinking that" Barry assumed correctly.
"Of course not, as I also tip off NoHo Hank that his sweetheart was in danger so he could protect him" He said with a grin "Poor guy is so smitten by him is actually sweet, anyway the Bolivians and the Chechens got in peace after and they stop trying to kill me and welcome me into the family, but they were at war with the Burmese"
"And why does any of that to do with me? since you say they don't know who I am... they told them right? Hank rat me out to the Burmese?" He said connecting the dots on his head, and finally starting to get nervous about his momentary quiet life to blow up.
"It was a peace offering, they will give them this maniac killer who wrong the three of them and restore their peace, and they did already" He said putting out a photograph of a man covered in tattoos liying on the ground with multiple bullet holes on his body and head. "This is Marion Kowalski, an ex navy seal who mess with the wrong people and did some shady jobs for the mob for a price, and the American responsible for the Monastery massacre, and now they are all in peace"
"I don't understand any of these" Barry said regaining a momentary calm.
"Well Hank and Batir, the new boss, have different ideas about what peace means" He said turning on another cigarette "Hank is happy to keep the business running in peace and for Batir is a strategy to hurt them back with all they got." He put a hand on his shoulder when he said the last part and gave him a sad look.
"That includes me? It's insane man, I'm not coming with you, you can't convince me" He said putting his hand aside.
"No kid, I'm not here trying to convince you, this is a heads up" He said and pull out a passport with one of his many fake identities "I'm leaving to Italy, Hank arranged it, they are actively looking for you and since I don't know where you are I'm no longer useful but since he owns me Cristobal's life I got this last favor. They won't take a no for an answer and you either join them as a weapon or as a trophy".
"How long do I have?" He said now finally accepting the cigarette he offered him and looking away thinking.
"I don't know, Hank has been deviating their attention until I'm clear, after that I guess a day or two before they make a formal offer and after that is all up to you" He said and showed him a plane ticket "I'm leaving in a week so if I were you I will start making myself hard to find"
"Are you really going to Italy?" Barry asked finally after they share the silence, knowing too well it was the last time they will meet.
"Maybe, I wouldn't trust my own words, it was good seeing you kid" He said and offered him his hand. "Take care".
"You too" Barry said and resisted the urge to hug him since there were still too many open wounds between the two of them, that now will never have closure, Fuches turn away and start walking before Barry called him again "Hey Fuches!" He turned his head at him with a sad expression again "Thanks" they nodded and he walked away.
Barry tossed the cigarette on the ground and stood there for another ten minutes before getting on his car, his first instinct was to drive away and leave it all behind but he couldn't start the engine, so he took out his phone not sure who he was calling, there were 3 text messages on his screen, one from Sally from an hour ago, another from Y/N grom fifteen minutes before, and a third one from Andre just two minutes ago, in an attempt to ignore his reality read his first.
Where the fuck are you Block? We have the crew ready and I'm not putting my production on hold for you!
Before he could look at the other two Andre was calling him incredibly mad at him, and he shut everything else down and simply started his car while he answered.
"I'm sorry, I slept in, I'm on my way"
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Torn • BNHA X OC • Chapter 8
Finally, a new chapter ^^ I'm so so happy to see that this book is gaining more reads oj my Wattpad each day, and your comments motivate me to write more! I'm overjoyed that you guys are enjoying the story just like I am and I hope that you'll continue to do so in the future :). Anywayyy, onto the chapter now, enjoy!
You can find the prologue for the story here, and on my masterlist you’ll find all of the chapter ^^
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Upon seeing my astounded expression, a mischievous smirk covered the stranger's face. For a moment, the both of us were silent, just looking at each other. I was at a loss for words and he just seemed to enjoy watching me being uncomfortable. My breath hitched in my throat as I tried calming down. His eyes were captivating to say the least. My eyes slowly scanned the rest of him, though it was dark there were a few things that stood out, immediately noticing the scars that covered majority of his body. What I assumed were staples were used to keep it all together, and I noticed he also had a few piercings. His hair was dark from what I could tell and he was taller than me.
This really caught me off guard. I definitely did not expect our paths to cross again.
"I see you do recognise me, don't you sweetheart?" The nickname caught me by surprise, which I tried to hide by looking away, but to no avail. He wasn't even trying to help, since it seemed that my flustered state was very amusing to him.
"Is this how you thank your saviour? I'm really hurt, princess." He said as he faked sadness and placed a hand on his chest, which I couldn't help but giggle at involuntarily.
"Ah, you're not mute. I knew it." he chuckled softly.
"Hey! I'm just... a little shy, that's all." I said as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"I see." and then it was silent again.
"Uhm," I finally spoke up again. "thank you. For earlier, I mean. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't save me."
"Princess, are you really thanking a villain?" He sighed. "I just did what anyone else would've done. Those bastards are all talk. They think they're cool until a real villain shows up." I slightly tilted my head. a real villain..? That was interesting of him to say. What was a real villain to him?
Hold on, Janie. why were you even curious about this? He's just some stranger that you happened to recognise, that was all.
"Anyway, you should probably go home now, cupcake. These places aren't exactly fit for people like you." I narrowed my eyes at that second sentence. What exactly did he mean by that?
"People like me?"
"Oh come on, doll. You know exactly what I mean, you just don't want to admit that to yourself." I couldn't help but pout. Maybe I did know, but I was just hoping that I was still wrong for some reason.
"Hey, I'm not as weak as you think I am." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Oh, pardon me." He began, eyes slightly wide and his tone higher. "The oh-so-precious Janie Kotu is of course the most powerful, with her parents being the most notorious villains at the moment. She will definitely become just like them too." He faked a bow and looked at me from below his lashes. "My sincere apologies, milady."
"Look, I know I may seem a bit spoiled, but that doesn't mean that I'm incapable of doing anything."
"You might have strength, but do you even want to become like them? Does your power matter at all if you're not even passionate about what you do?" How did he know that?... Wait, no. For all I knew he could just be bluffing, right?
"I know that right now your heart lies somewhere else. But why? Are those heroes really any better than us? They're all stupid fakes."
"No, that's not true." I protested. "All might is-"
"Ah, yes, All Might." He interrupted "The only one who actually cares. But he's retired as of right now, hasn't he? He can pretend all he wants, but he's not as strong as he used to be."
"Okay, hold on, why are you even saying all of this?" Where did all of that come from? He barely knew me, so why was he just starting to tell me all this? "You don't know me! You may know my name, but I don't even know yours."
"Oh, my sincere apologies princess." He said in a 'sincere' tone and made a fake deep bow again. "The name is Dabi." His tone was lower again, which sent shivers down my spine for some reason.
"Look princess, you just... how do I say this," he thought for a little before looking back at me again. "you just spark my interest, that's all." I could hear the smirk in his voice. "A villain in making who also wants to attend UA at the same time? Sounds pretty interesting if you ask me." upon hearing this a gasp left my mouth as my eyes widened. How did he know? If he knew, who else saw me too that day?
The stranger chuckled, clearly noticing my shocked reaction. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not planning on telling anyone." He stopped and leaned down towards me, making me back up slightly. "What I will do though, is tell you that you're making a huge mistake. That oh-so-perfect little world of heroes that you dream of... In reality, it's no better than this here." I scoffed as I crossed my arms, not losing eye contact with him.
"How would you even know that?" He was just bluffing, right?
"I have my ways, doll." He chuckled. "But, you know, I'm not forcing you not to go or anything of course." I frowned and eyed him suspiciously.
"After all, I think it will be quite amusing to say the least, watching you realise all of what I said yourself. You might even regret not listening to me."
"I really don't get you... Can we just go? Please?" I sighed, tired of his rambling that I wasn't in the mood for.
"Alright, sweetheart. Where do you live?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he really think I was going to tell him my address?
"Oh, you do have some common sense I see. Good, because your knight in shining armor won't be there for you every time."
"Can you just walk with me until we get to that cat café that's not too far from here?" I said, not reacting to his comment. He chuckled and hummed in agreement before we started walking.
To my surprise, the walk was actually silent and peaceful. Dabi didn't really speak, and I wasn't in the mood of speak. Realisation of how dangerous the previous situation could've been had hit me and all I wanted to do was go home right now.
Dabi probably had sensed my discomfort, because when we got to the café he didn't make a witty remark or use a cheesy pet name on me.
"Alright, Janie. I'll go my own way from here now." For some reason, I didn't like the way he spoke. No, it wasn't because I liked his witty remarks and cheesy nicknames, I just wasn't used to it. Wait Janie, what even was there to get used to to begin with? I barely knew him.
"Okay." Was all I said to him. But there was a part of me that longed to see him again. I wanted to keep in touch with him, I wanted to know more about him. How did he know I took part in UA's entrance exam? How could he read me that easily? So far nobody had really figured that this wasn't what I wanted...
Dabi nodded, sent me a tiny smile before turning around to leave. I turned around as well, going my own way but it still feeling wrong. I stopped dead in my tracks and bit my lip. My goodness, what was wrong with me?
I turned back around, only to see that Dabi was still walking. A quiet sigh escaped my mouth. Why was I hoping that he would turn back around? Why was my heart pounding right now?
No Janie, you just weren't used to this. You didn't have friends, you weren't used to guys paying attention to you. This was just like the entrance exam, nothing to worry about. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts before turning back around to walk back home. I wasn't going to look back anymore. That was nothing. I didn't feel anything.
Once I got home, I immediately went to my room, not being in the mood to talk to anyone. Not that my family was that talkative towards me anyway.
I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Flashbacks of today came to mind, causing me to shiver for a moment. Was I going to tell my parents about this? No, they and my brothers would laugh at me...
Then Dabi crossed my mind. Dabi... Wait, why was I thinking about him? He saved me and was just an interesting person, that was all. nothing else. We happened to see each other twice, but I would probably never ever see him again. Obviously I didn't mind that.
Janie, how naive you were.... I had no idea what the universe had in store from me from that day on. it's all his fault. because of him you are in this situation right now, years later...
A few days later, I almost had a heart attack when I checked the mail and saw a letter for me from UA. I didn't think I'd get the results back so quickly! Wait, what if my parents or brothers saw it? No no, they would have told me probably. I wasn't dead yet, so they obviously hadn't seen the letter, right?
In my panicked state I nonchalantly hid it in my bra to be sure that nobody would see it. I put the rest of the letters we received together in a neat pile and calmly went to my room.
As I made my way to my bedroom, my heart was racing. Was I accepted? Was I not? What class would I be in? What would I even do if I was accepted? Was I really going to try living a double life? For how long was that even going to work? What if anyone found out? No wait. I didn't even know if I was accepted into the school at all, so I was not going to worry about other things until I had read the letter.
I entered my room and made sure to close the door before walking to my desk and sitting on my chair. While taking the letter out of my bra it was only then that I realised how strange that was. I couldn't help but giggle at myself as I shook my head.Luckily, nobody had seen that happening.
I looked back at the letter and took a deep breath. I had no idea what my score was at the end of the practical part of the entrance exam, so I really couldn't estimate what class I'd be in if I was accepted at all. I wanted to open it right now, but part of me was also terrified of both of the possible outcomes.
No, Janie, you had to get over that and just do it. Without thinking my hand made its way to the letter to open it, and I gasped when I saw a hologram appear. Woah, it was Present Mic! I didn't know that much about the pro hero, but I was aware that he was strong, and also very, very energetic, which I honestly liked.
"Hellooooo there! My name is Present Mic, I'm a pro hero and a teacher at UA High! I am here to inform you about your results of the entrance exam." My heart was pounding and I could feel my hands becoming clammy. I gulped and bit my lip as my eyes stayed focused on the pro.
"Now, Janie Kagura, on your theoretical exam you did exceptionally well!! So cool!! Your results were in the top 30!" Upon hearing this my jaw almost dropped to the basement of our house as my eyes grew the size of dinner plates. Top 30????? How?
"However, when we take a look at your results of the practical exam," his tone caused slight worry. I'm guessing I didn't do as well on this part as on the theoretical exam. "your score appears to be quite low..." unconsciously, my lips formed into a small pout as I could feel my heart sink to my stomach.
"But!!!!" he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm as a big smile appeared on his face again. "The other teachers and I all agreed that you definitely have some potential there. and it wouldn't be right of UA to let that talent go, right?" I gasped as I stood up from my chair, my hands covering my mouth. Was he trying to say what I thought he was trying to say?...
"So, Janie Kagura, I can happily tell you that you have been accepted into UA High!" A happy squeal left my mouth as I started jumping up and down. Me? Accepted? Really? Oh my goodness, was I dreaming? I quickly pinched myself, giggling giddily when I realized this was actually happening and it wasn't just some silly dream in my head.
"While you weren't accepted in class A or B, you were accepted in class C, which is totally awesome already!" The goofy smile on my face was still apparent. Yes, being in class 1-A would be a dream, but I was already happy that I got into this school with such a low acceptance rate.
"And remember, there are more ways to still get into the Hero Course! UA would never waste any potential!"
"Now, there are a few things that still need to be settled. First of all, the dorms for the new students haven't been finished just yet. There are a few problems that we need to take care of first. But when they're done...." I zoned out at this point as my eyes widened. I completely forgot that UA had dorms... Oh my, I was so screwed... Was there any way for me to be able to cover this up without it looking suspicious? Think Janie, think, I thought to myself as I grew more and more frustrated by the second. I was so dumb for not considering these things before, why did I only have to realize it now?
Okay wait, I still had time. The dorms weren't finished yet, which meant it would take a while until those were finished. I still had time...
"In the rest of the letter you can read the practical and boring information. We can't wait to see you at UA High, Janie Kagura!!" and just as fast as it appeared, the hologram disappeared. I was still astounded, did I really get into UA? Such an amazing school with an extremely low acceptance rate? I got in?
I wondered if those two guys were accepted too... They seemed nice and I would like to be friends with them if i were honest. They were different, but interesting people nonetheless.
Wait, Present Mic had said that there was more information in the letter, which meant it was probably a good idea to read that letter. I sat down on my desk chair again and grabbed the letter. It basically said on Monday most things would be done, like getting our measurements for our uniforms and suits. Our suits... I was going to get a hero suit? Oh my goodness, that felt so surreal. I, Janie Kotu, who was born to be a villain, actually had the opportunity to change my fate. I could feel tears well up in my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. While I was overjoyed right now, I also did not want to expect too much, as I knew anything could happen that could stop me from following my dream.
Apart from what I just mentioned, the letter also talked about getting the keys to our lockers as well as the fact that we would find out who our homeroom teacher was when we got to the school. All of this would happen next week, and the week after that the lessons would start. I'd also receive my timetable next week. I really hoped there was at least some time between this and the villain school...
Wait, but on Wednesday I was going to go to my parents' work. Crap, what if I had to go to UA that day? If I told them I had to go to school, they'd be able to make sure I had a day off, which was easy considering the influence they had. So yeah, that wasn't going to work of course. Pretending to be sick was also not an option, as my mother would probably get overprotective and end up staying home with me. That or my father would manage to convince to leave me alone at home, which was possible since my dad was rough to say the least so he'd obviously think I was exaggerating. But still, it was risky.
I shook my head to get out of my thoughts. I had no idea on what days I had to come, I knew I had to go on Monday but that was it. Worrying over something that wasn't even confirmed was completely irrational, I knew that. Yet I just couldn't help but feel anxious about this. It wasn't an everyday thing to lie about the school that you were attending and barely anyone knowing about it.
A soft sigh escaped my mouth. I hated the fact that things had to be like this. Yes, I was the one who did all of this stuff secretly, but if only my parents were more accepting, if only they weren't the most notorious villains at the moment... Things would be completely different if that was the case.
Suddenly a completely different thought crossed my mind. I didn't even have a design for a hero suit! Quickly I grabbed a pencil and a few pieces of paper. While I was no art mastermind, I was able to draw a simple person with proportions that were kind of okay? And that didn't matter too much, since they probably mostly cared about the clothing itself.
But how was I just going to design something just like that? I had exactly zero experience with fashion design... Maybe I could try using everyday outfits in a way? And I'd just add a few colours that I loved. Ah, I was sure that all of these heroes in training had been dreaming of what their suit would look like since they were little, if only things were that easy for me... Yes, I had always secretly wanted to save people instead of harming them, but I never even thought it was possible so I never let myself dream, as it would only bring pain.
I just decided to draw whatever, and hopefully something nice would come out of it. I drew outfits I wore often, outfits that I had seen in magazines before and would like to wear, dresses that I would love to wear but were way too extra so I wouldn't wear them anywhere..
My heart stopped when I heard a knock on my door. I quickly hid my UA letter and right after that my mother opened the door.
"Hey sweetie!" she said, her tone high-pitched as usual. "Dinner is almost ready! Oh, what are you doing?" she asked and I could feel my heartbeat spead up. Without waiting for an answer, she entered the room and looked at the drawings.
"Oh, you're designing a villain suit! How lovely!" she exclaimed excitedly as she examined every drawing. "When I got my first villain suit I was so excited! Your grandparents actually chose it and designed it for me, so it was a total surprise." she was quiet for a moment, blankly staring at the drawings before something seemed to cross her mind. She gasped in excitement and looked back at me.
"Your dad and I will do the same for you! You'll get to wear it on Wednesday!" a small frown appeared on my face. Wednesday was only a few days away.
"But that's in a few days already, mother." I said, causing her to chuckle softly
"Oh honey, don't worry about the time! Your dad and I will take care of it." she answered with a bright smile, which honestly raised my concerns even more. But I knew my mother and I was aware that nobody would stop her nor my dad even if they tried their best.
"Now, let's go downstairs, your brothers are waiting already and your dad will be here soon!" I nodded and got up. Once I entered the dining room, the loud laughter and voices from my brothers died down. I decided to act as if I didn't notice it and sat down at my usual spot.
Not too long after my mother and I had sat down, my father also entered the house. I couldn't help but flinch when I saw him, as there was some blood on his clothes. Yet everyone else acted as if there was nothing morally wrong with this. Knowing that getting mad would not get me anywhere, I made the decision to remain silent and just quietly started eating.
"So, how was work today, dad?" Malo asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked at my father with a smirk. Chobu jumped up, almost spilling his glass of water in the process.
"Yeah! Tell us about it, dad!" he exclaimed, and Emry just nodded in agreement. I knew that my father wasn't going to give the details, as Chobu and Emry were still young, but the story was still going to be clear and I hated the fact that my father spoke so prideful of his actions. And the fact that everyone else in the house supported it just stung me even more.
As my father told about whatever he did today, I tried to focus on something else, because I really had no intention of losing my appetite today. For a while I was just eating my meal, not really thinking at all. That was until my father said my name. I hummed and lifted my head only to see everyone staring at me. I made eye contact with my father, whose icy stare almost dug holes in me.
"You know, stories like this are important to hear, Janie. You especially should be listening as you are the one who will follow in your mother and I's footsteps." the urge to roll my eyes and tell him to piss off was major, but I was aware that it wouldn't help and, well, I never really said stuff like that.
So... I just nodded in agreement.
"Aw, honey, Janie meant no harm! I'm sure she has a lot on her mind today." my mother said. "Oh! you know what I saw Janie doing today?" she asked, an excited smile playing on her lips. She seemed a little too excited in my opinion....
"She was designing her villain suit!" and I could swear this was one of the rare moments where I saw pride in Malo's eyes. It was so weird, one time he was happy and excited for me, but other times his personality made a whole turn. Like when we went to school together he seemed happier than ever, but then at other times it was as if he barely cared. I couldn't even figure out my own brother... Part of me thought that maybe the times he tried being nice were just his ways of trying to get on my good side so he could have a lot of power in the future. And maybe sometimes that facade would crack, because of his ill intentions.
"Oh, Takeshi, remember when I did that too? When we met I was wearing my first villain suit!" she smiled as she clasped her hands together in excitement. "We can get one done for Janie by Wednesday, right darling?" My mother asked my dad, who nodded. He seemed to be more at ease because of what my mother had mentioned.
"How about you and Malo get matching ones? You two will obviously be fighting together!" I could see stars coming out of Malo's eyes as my mother said this. "I'm sure you two can also bond more when fighting."
"And it's good for you two to gain more popularity." my father added. While yes, from their viewpoint it was a smart move, what worried me was the fact that if Malo and I would join our parents in missions, it meant that my face was exposed to the world. UA was definitely going to figure out who I was...
"But maybe we should keep their identities kind of hidden for the heroes." my father then said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "We don't want them to get arrested already or for the police to already." I was about to jump out of my chair at that remark.
"Hm, I'm sure a mask will be okay. I'll let the designers know!" my mother replied. "Malo, Janie, any preferences you have for the suit? It still needs to gain attention of course so it must be something eye catching!" Malo opened his mouth to say something when my mother stopped him.
"Oh wait! How about you two think about it together after dinner and then let us know? I'm sure you both have wonderful ideas!" Yeah, lovely.... Sounded great... But I knew I didn't have much of a choice so I agreed. I saw a naughty smirk on Malo's lips which told me he was up to no good. Oh, boy...
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mxssxng-mx · 6 years
Ed's Sick Day
I remembered it's FMA day and decided to fill in a slot for my @badthingshappenbingo at the same time.
Slot filled; confined to bed rest
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Edward was not usually sick. This was probably a good thing. He hated being sick. The sniffling, the fever, the feeling of pain in his chest every time he coughed...
And having to stay in bed. That was absolutely the worst part. But Al and Winry refused to let him get up until he wasn't sweating bullets and throwing up from the copious amounts of mucus in his stomach. The only consolation was that Win had promised to make some of her grandma's stew just for him.
So, for now, the famed Fullmetal Alchemist was confined to his bed, pouting and huffing as he tried to think of something to distract his mind. He'd gone over all of his notes already; what his mind didn't blur, he was tired of reading. He'd tried to make some sketches of Scar or that cat thing, but he was just reminded how bad of an artist he could be. He kind of wished he had something to transmute, to really hone his skills with the finer details.
If Den was in the room, maybe he could make the dog get Winry so he could ask for some scrap metal... He leaned over the bed, looking around the room and finding he was totally alone.
“Oh, COME ON!” he groaned, flopping so hard against the mattress the bed jumped. He heard footsteps as he laid back, the door creaking open after a few moments.
“What?” Winry huffed. Her forehead was already smeared in grease.
“I'm bored.”
She sighed, “Leave it to you, Ed... What do you want?”
He sat up, “Well, I was kinda hoping for some scrap metal or something. I wanna work with my transmutations, get all those finer details down, ya know?” he grinned, “Maybe I can make you something.”
“What, to thank me for the stew?”
“Well, it is my favorite meal...”
“Whatever. How much do you want? I have a pile sitting in my work room that I haven't found a use for.”
“I don't know, like... 2 Kilos?” Ed figured he could make some decent stuff with that. And once he was done he could reuse some of it again.
“Sure, give me a minute.” Winry disappeared. The sound of scraping metal and frustration as she tried to free metal from her pile.
“Al!! Come in here, I need your help!”
“Ah! Coming!” metallic feet thudded down the hall and Ed almost laughed. Winry must have really messed up in making the pile, usually she could just get it herself. He could hear the two trying to figure out how to get a piece off the pile, and straining as they tried to pull it out.
“Need help?!” he called before coughing.
“You stay in bed! You're still sick!” Winry yelled, “We've almost got it!”
Ed managed to stifle his coughs, “Ugh... You sure?”
“Ed, if I see you out of bed, not only will you not get stew, you won't get your scrap metal!” she yelled back
“Fine...” he crossed his arms and thudded his back against the headboard with a huff. A little transmutation and he could have what he wanted already...
Finally, after minutes, the door opened and Winry carried in a larger hunk of metal. Al must have transmuted a chunk off. She carried it over and let it fall on the bed, causing Ed to jump back before it hit his legs.
“Winry! You almost crushed my legs!!”
“Sorry. How's this though?”
“It's fine,” he turned it over, looking at the different metals in it, “I can work with it a lot,” he grinned, “Thanks.”
“As long as it keeps you quiet,” she sighed, going to the door, “Stew is cooking right now, I'll bring you some around lunchtime. Hopefully you'll hold it down.”
She didn't get a reply. Ed was already busy making different configurations of animals and decorations out of the lump of scrap. She shook her head with a smile and went back to work.
Al was the one to bring lunch around, carrying a tray holding a bowl and bit of bread, “Brother? Are you hungry?” He knocked at the door. There wasn't an answer.
“Brother..?” He opened the door slowly. Ed was fast asleep, leaned over a pile of figurines and gate posts he'd made. There was still a quarter of the original chunks left near him. Al set the tray down with a small sigh.
“Honestly, brother... One of these days you're going to end up with back problems the way you fall asleep.” He set the metal and figurines to one side, repositioning Ed so he was laying in a better position. The blankets were pulled up to his chest and then Al left the room. He'd warm the stew back up when his brother woke up again.
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4hunna5hunna · 2 years
See what got me fucked up. Is I know I fucked up. But if you were told what I was, you'd know why I was fucked up, you'd know why I walked 7 hrs to get "home" just for bullshit, my luck. But I can't talk bc my past is everlasting, I can't speak, my mind is constantly casting. I dont say what I mean, I cant understand my past things. Getting tied in my head, every real possible past strings. Its better to be quiet then to blurt out my miss-happenings. There's never tell me, we'll be okay, we'll figure out what's happening. WE'LL make it through this, I love you baby" Only "you did this", shit talking and bashing. Even honesty couldnt and won't help that captioning. I was at my bottom again, lost with not a single cent of compassion. Rock bottom and you gave up one of my most critical happenings. I've told you once. Two times could you manage to get past those things. What about three times bee, three fucking times. Could you honestly manage to shoulder those happenings. Ive been fighting with those demons day to day, I can't seem to get over it. Wondering if I'm bound for this life or just a post in the past in it. If I'm here to help better others for a moment of time in it.... Trapped in my mind for eternity bc someone's past dealings, I've got over so much and I won't stop healing.//I sent that message thinking maybe possibly. She still feels the way I mean to be. It turns out shes gone like a flower to a bee. Like some grass to a flea. Scars hurt but that's nothing to me. Wounds heal and thats easy to see. Either mentally or physically. But nothing can heal the past of me. Not anything can fix my past but me. I've apologized to who I've done wrong mostly... Still got some left over seeds. I've been planting a new me. Blossoming into a beautiful Rose tree. I have been for a while especially since our bad happenings. I hope you and your family is good. No capping bee. Conquer the world with or without me. I hope to see the best bee, But I know one day you'll look at these and ponder things. The thought will slip your mind and you might wonder what's happening. I'm doing fine BY MYSELF, no bagging. I could write a million writings and still relive my past things. My fuck ups, my life, and every past feelings. I have nothing but time until I end up getting caskating. Not caskating but in a casket see, I won't give up dead or alive until I'm good enough for you beee. I just need sometime with my past to comprehend things. And if by the time I'm ready and your happy. Then it's too late and I'll leave you alone happily.//It took me a while to write these things. I don't like my heart being open, that's when people can start fractioning, cracking. Like its bruised and collapsing, messed up and gashing. You see I know what I messed up, I see it everyday, wether its a guy or girl your name and face takes theyre place. And that's how I know I'm in love. I won't get another chance I know. But you're truly a drug. And I know these situations, where love just wasnt enough. But I ain't begging for forgiveness, just asking for a hug, no cuddles or kisses no snuggs. Just To sit down and talk bc my words just don't show enough. The rest is not available.
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chubbunnyy · 3 years
Done with criminal justice hw for rn so part 2 I guess!
Decided to make prisoner escapee a slasher dude (if you aren't comfortable with that then please feel free to delete this)
cw: murder, slasher, yandere, death (?)
So he allegedly murdered upwards of 40 people but was only convicted of 5
He was sentenced to death but lethal injection hadn't worked
Neither did the electric chair although he gained scars
And surprisingly a fire squad hadn't worked either, when they tried shooting him their guns jammed
So he's spending the rest of his life rotting in solitary confinement
He gets a million letters saying how they wished he had died and he deserves to rot in prison and he reads them just to pass the time
And then my lil letter comes, talks about how it must suck being in solitary confinement and asks what it's like
I know what he's done and who he is, I'm too crime obsessed not to, and just talk to him
I don't wanna come off as an apologist but I just wanna get to know him I guess, why he murdered those people and how he survived
I wanna know his life before then too and what better way then from the source right?
That's probably really weird but moving forward
He gets broken out by this obsessed fan, they played the long game and became a prison guard, and as soon as he gets out he kills them and is on a hunt for me
Investigators find my letters and all the obsessed writing he's done of me, of us, and scour trying to figure out who I am
I'm 100% sure he manipulated my dumbass into sending him a photo of myself like he said some "you're the only person that's ever shown me kindness" and "I at least want to see the face of the angel god sent to me" and maybe I just thought there's no way he's getting out right?
My guard is this mid 30s army vet and I see him as quiet and to the point but he warms up to me eventually
I could only imagine the things slasher bf would do to get to me tho and all the things he'd do to me once he's finally got me
Is this weird? Idk this is low-key embarrassing now that I say it out loud
Army vet taking me out on a date, maybe to take the edge off and he low-key has a crush and is trying to cope, and we're having fun and he's about to go in for a kiss when slasher dude pops up and all fucking hell breaks loose
Army vet trying to get me away from slasher and trying his best to ignore all the screams for help because I'm his assignment
Slasher cracking the spikes of whoever gets between him and me and is moving waaaay too fast for a dude his height
Me scared absolutely shitless and trying to convince army vet to just let me go and save people
Don't get me wrong like I by no means want to get killed or whatever this dude wants but if he has me then everyone else will be fine right? Especially army vet like if slasher catches up he's all but dead
Okay this is long I'll shut up heh -🐝
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