#i'll have to do ew fates to get some stuff :')
plushchimera · 8 months
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this thing took me so long to put together but now I have to disassemble everything cuz it's off center 😐
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cult-of-the-eye · 10 months
MAG 86 here we goooo
Ok so I actually listened to this like a few days ago but I never got round to looking at the transcript but HERE I AM
God this is the blanket never did anything one
He says tucked in so fucking menacingly like Jesus Christ man
I can't get that one post out of my head that says how Tim was the furthest from being taken by the Eye cause he keeps tripping up on pronunciations and stuff in statements that other archival staff wouldnt honestly it's such a genius take
Oh shit this is getting really long I'll add in a read more
God I love how he's rebelling in every sense, he's doing the bare minimum, he's literally warning people away from it
It's kind of interesting the way he always thought the statement stuff was stupid but in the whole of season one and a lot of season two he managed to hide his distaste pretty well, like even when he lashed out at Jon about the Prentiss incident, he still didn't say that the statements were stupid, but he's saying it behind his back - maybe some part of him knew that Jon needed the statements to work and some part of him still felt for him enough to not point that out
He's kinda dramatic with it as well but I feel like in more of a self aware way than jon
You can feel his distaste honestly the statement just sounds wrong coming from him, which is interesting cause I didn't think that about when Martin did it
So he's mad at the fact that he put effort into a job that he wasn't even that comfortable with in the first place and now he's trapped in? Not about the monsters??
Jesus Christ Tim being a bit of a dick to melanie
HE BLAMES MARTIN????? Damn bro you weren't there how could you tell he didn't do it properly??
I think he's mad at himself for not being there and deflecting it on to martin
She likes that it's quiet!!! That's cute
Martin's not big on change AH neurodivergent vibes
All the archival staff are literally queer and neurodivergent you can't change my mind
Also the fact that he thinks that's the biggest reason why martin doesn't want Melanie around, not the Horrors and the same reason as Tim
I think Tim is refusing to think that Martin might see the situation in the same way as him because if he does then it means Tim's way of dealing might not be the best way and that's an unacceptable thought to him
Suspicious and resentful - my man is self aware I think he knows the way his path is going (hurtling towards destruction) but is too stuck shaking his fist at god to try and get out or he's sort of known his whole life that this is where he was supposed to end up, a terrible fate created by his own two hands that dug their own way down to rock bottom and he's just so tired of trying to do anything about it that he's just accepted it
Wow seeing firsthand the effects of the stranger, the way neither Tim nor Melanie can remember the real Sasha, but Tim has to live with the fact that he didn't notice and Melanie has to live with the fact that she did, but can't prove it
Oh I wonder why he left the tape running? I'd think he would've forgotten to turn it off but if so I feel like he'd have that shocked moment of remembering which he didn't
Maybe he wanted proof of the conversation? Maybe it was a warning to anyone listening to the tapes? See firsthand how terrible it is at the Magnus Institute so you don't work here? I dunno
Ha I had to ask my lovely mutual @melandrops to explain what a marker was
Oh god honestly this statement fucked me up I completely understand why people hate it I hate it
I was so scared of the dark as a kid and the idea of being reduced to that state of lack of awareness and vulnerability is actually terrifying
Also the dude dying in the blanket???? Ew ew ew
Love the fact that tma doesn't just go with a oh shit I forgot a torch so it was pitch black kinda horror but the I brought a torch, I even brought spare batteries but it still did nothing which in my opinion is even scarier
Oh god her whispering the blanket never did anything that was horrifying
Melanie was actually so good at giving the statement girl really got into it
I was also talking to @melandrops about archivist!Melanie cause I think that would be really interesting... she'd definitely bring a more proactive vibe to the role...
It's interesting to think that Melanie and Jon hated each other at first sort of because they're so alike? It's like the we are made of the same stuff (derogatory)
Love how she just checks out the dead guy
The way she's denying it even though she's literally had paranormal experiences before that's so Jon core she would be a great archivist
Oh shit I just realised he's labelled as Archivist...when did that happen??
That's so funny he's like bitch maybe I do have reason to kill you
Hmm nice touch of Melanie being like do you guys not want me cause I'm a girl?? Is this misogyny??? Good guess but unfortunately it's worse
It's quite nice that Jon's trying to save her even though the meetings about helping him and her quitting would mean he'd lose the one informant he might have in the institute
Shot in the leg by a ghost in India????
Ha Tim hates you and Martin's probably being watched
Love how Tim's hatred for Jon is so visceral and known that they don't even bother watching him
I bet Elias would delight in knowing about Martin's little crush on Jon and how Jon actually hated him in season one and then how their relationship progresses he'd thrive on the drama and the angst the little bastard
Ok ok it's good that he's on the right track, he guesses it was elias
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woltourney · 1 year
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Naru (@blucifer08) v. Vastha Mhakaracca (@incense-and-iron / @wanderer-of-light)
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Naru, she/her
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Xaela
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Reaper
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. N/A
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Naru became a hero in search of a missing piece of herself! She never felt satisfied in her home of the Steppe. She was an orphan, and although she had an adopted family, she sought out more from beyond the Steppe. She enjoys helping, but I don't think she likes the word 'hero.' In her free time she paints environmental paintings, tries out her bartender friend's drink combinations, and sunbathing :)
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Ah… I'm not too sure. I suppose I'll win if fate chooses me. I'll accept failure, no matter how bitter… Though I don't see it as likely."
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. In my canon, she got fully turned into a sin eater and she uses light instead of void powers as a reaper :)
Vastha Mhakaracca:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Vastha Mhakaracca [He/They]
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Miqote - Keeper of the Moon
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Main classes: Dragoon, Dark Knight, Monk, Reaper, Dancer
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. N/A
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. I'm a happy guy! Like to entertain my friends and put a smile on other people's faces. I ended up becoming a hero after following (partly) in my mother's footsteps-- she was a lancer and gave me her old lance when I wanted to leave home to adventure. It kind of broke ages ago… but I still have it! So she shouldn't be too mad about it. Hopefully, heh. Uh, anyway, I enjoy dancing and have tons of experience in managing and entertaining people since my family runs a small inn on the side of some nameless road. As for liking being a hero… it's complicated; as much as I really wish it wasn't that way. It use to be so easy and fun. Simple, even. There was still danger of course, but… I dunno. Fighting five giant ladybugs doesn't really match up in danger levels as the types of things I've been up too as of late [[<-- post EW content]]. Not to mention all the worst parts of having so much on your shoulders, things I really don't want to get into for such a fun event. B-But, don't take it as if I don't want to be a hero!! I can do it, so I want to do it. And it's not a 'If I don't do it, no one will', either. I think there are people who definitely could and would. People who have pulled way more weight through all this than I have. Even so, with all the pain and trouble I've been though, it's worth it at the end of the day. Knowing that I've helped so many people, that I have the power to keep the worst at bay, that I can make a change in the world and have that change try and be something good and positive and kind: that's what makes me like such a dangerous and oftentimes thankless job. Free time? Well, there's: dancing, cooking [[Culinarian is at level 90]], tending to my new island hangout, I've been doing LOTS of sightseeing-- Oh! I LOVE taking pictures and doing photography. Mostly of landscapes, they're just easier for me to work with than people; not to say I don't snap pictures of my friends now and again. What else… Oh! I've been taking up other crafting jobs as well since I have the spare time. It gives me something to keep my hands busy and lets me go out and collect more plants and rocks. I always liked going out to collect random stuff, but some of my older sisters, who I ended up bullied into hiring on as retainers so they could keep tabs on me away from home, got tired of me dumping popotos and iron ingots onto them to figure out how to sell en mass every week. I saw nothing wrong with it, but it really just must be me. Hmm… A lot more stuff about me is kind of personal. While I'm a rather open guy and like to chat, there's even some stuff I don't like talking about too casually or with strangers, sorry! Maybe we can be friends? I'm always open to new friends! Let's talk more sometime, okay?
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. Why should I win? Oh man, I just think it'd be neat! "Vastha Mhakaracca, winner of the…" uh, what was this called again? Oh, right! "winner of the WoLTourney 2023!" Could even put that on my little adventure card thingy just for fun.
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. Some other facts about Vastha he didn't get to cover himself: Transmasc [he/they] and gay (despite all the handsome bachelors in game, he hasn't fallen for more past a short lived crush or two.) He has 4 older sisters, making him the youngest in the family He use to be more meek and shy, which turned to 'all talk no bite', which turned out to now where he's more mellow and friendly but will not hesitate to throw hands if someone starts something He actually likes to do fetch quests because it lets him explore local areas to take more pictures Vastha comes off as a bit of a dunce and a ~stoopid widdle catboi~ to people because he likes to have fun and goof around like he use too (before all the horrors (tm) of being an adventurer). He notices, but doesn't comment on it. He'd rather people keep thinking it and underestimate him so he can prove them wrong through action. And with so much life experience now, he really doesn't care what others think of him anymore; he knows himself and that's all he can control in life. Despite being so giddy and friendly, the man does have some things he dislikes a normal degree, and other things (and people) he hates with the rage of a thousand suns-- which upon mention of will immediately switch his mood to more sour and serious. It's rare to stumble across such topics, thankfully.
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doggoboigaugau · 2 years
CW: this is a vent post. it actually doesn't really mention anything too upsetting but it's very personal and will be long so I guess some won't want to bear that.
Yall is 'brother issues' a thing lmao bc the guy i've been talking about keeps making me feel that way 😔😔😔😔
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OK so the first thing is the reason why i opt for brother issues rather than daddy issues is because i see him as a big brother, not a dad or anything. And i also don't feel anything romantic or sexual towards him, like in the other post, i only feel (and crave) family-like affection from him.
I guess it's partly because i dont have a big brother or an older male cousin, and during my childhood no one really considered me a boy, so i have always been craving to have a cool big brother or an uncle who will treat me as the boy i am and show me simple acts of affection that men often do to their younger male family members, like hugging shoulders, ruffling hair, sth like that...
It's so nice here when i grew up and escaped from that stupid homophobic and transphobic where i spent my whole childhood and secondary school years and studied in a place where i meet people who respect my identity and really see me as a boy. Including him. And it's not common for me to be closer than a mere acquaintance to a man who is older than me (most of my friends are my age or younger), so being with him makes me have feelings. Like i wanna be important to him so fucking bad.
The "he" in the two pics above is a new close friend of mine. We met in a language class where "he" is the student and im the teaching assistance, and tbh "he" brought me to hella places like bars and pubs and stuff where i had one of the newest and most exciting experiences of my life. "He" is also the person who helps me and the guy i have brother issues about to get closer like we're now. But i feel like the only reason why that guy gets closer to me is just because of "him", bc everything we talk about is related to "him" lmao (besides work ofc).
Earlier this evening, the guy called me out to have a talk, and he told me the exactly things i wrote in the pics above. The feelings i had that moment sucked so bad. I feel jealous over one of my best friends for having an older man considering "him" as a younger brother, i feel like a loser for having such a feeling.
I mean he cared for "him" so fucking much that it's so fucking obvious. And given that one of the main reasons we're best friends is because of out similar family background: we all have sth with dads--"his" biological dad left "him" and "his" mom when "he" was a small child while mine passed away kinda early (my dad was a very great man, but bc of his early passing away i kinda felt-- u know what i meant), we both have to try to work to earn money and support ourselves, and we always care for (and sometimes it even reaches 'stressing over') our moms and sisters. So when that guy told me he wants to help and care for my friend as much as he can bc of "his" family background, i just feel jealous so bad, and i hate myself so much for that yk. Watching someone having the things that u'll never have. im supposed to feel happy for my friend for meeting such a great man, and tbh i do, but still i cannot help feeling jealous and i fucking despise myself for that.
I'm not the luckiest person with romantic love (in fact, my love life is just a pile of mess) and i've kinda given up on finding someone who really loves me lmao... and now even this i can't have. I feel like i'll have to take care of myself forever🥲🥲🥲🥲 like having no one to care for you like that guy with my best friend... It's like i'll never have what i wanna have and it's my fucking fate to keep watching other people having what i desire. All my life i've just been standing in a distance and watching people having those of things, having a big brother, having a close-knit friend group, having a healthy romantic love,... fuck it sucks so bad i hate my life lmao
I never plan to grow old 💀👍 like i'll die (kms) as soon as i think my job here on earth in this life is over 💀💀💀
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dolphs-world · 16 days
This past week I have decided to return to Super Smash Brothers Brawl after probably a decade. I never picked it up after Sm4sh and I never picked up that game after Ultimate. I will probably never play Sm4sh again despite having 2 copies of it. Much like a lot of Wii U games, it's been replaced. I often here this statement applied to big gaming series that are largely consistent, the newest game replaces all the rest. As a Mario Kart fan, this is where I hear it the most and really 8 is the only game that replaces any, 7 and even that game had first person for whatever reason and some neat tracks that haven't been brought back. Brawl is very unique and therefore unreplaceable. What a bizarre game. Everything outside of the core appeal, a fun party fighting game with a competitive streak, is great and better than any other in the series (I haven't played Melee) but it's that core that's missing. Best new roster, almost cut out Jigglypuff, best new stages, all the best items come from this game, Masterpieces, Stickers, great remixes of music. Olimar is third best in the game. Wow, although I prefer him in the later games, he is way more balanced. However, I love the Pikmin models, so low poly. And I love Luigi's final smash in this one! But the items are broken, R.I.P Cracker Launcher, and you really start to notice Nintendo falling behind the times. A distaste for the exploits and competitive scene of Melee has lead to a clunky feeling game with slow movement and a 1% chance of tripping during any movement. I tripped during the final boss! The game is definitely a product of partial malevolence but compared to Sm4sh it shouldn't be forgotten. And how 'bout that Adventure Mode?! I may take back everything negative I've said or thought about cutscenes, these are great (I'll come back to this). But honestly, it's decent. It's a fine time made cool by everything else outside of the core gameplay, are you noticing a trend about this game? The Metroid and Donkey Kong sections were highlights feeling like a nice bridge for those series in 2008, especially for classic Metroid at that point. Apart from Link and Yoshi, I seldom had to play a character I didn't like and I don't think I ever played as Falco. The game makes you appreciate the remixes of classic tracks, although the Earthbound ones were and still are strange, and Brawl has the best theme out of any game. And the best Final Destination, that yellow sunset is beautiful. I didn't realise that the song meant something, I just thought it was like Duel of the Fates. What a surprisingly deep game (ew, I feel like a video essayist) for a game where Wario farts on Samus. The main issue is taking damage. Because this mode is like a moving action platformer instead of stationary stage, the camera locks for you to get flung off and it felt like it was really easy to get launched. There is a lot of just bad feeling controls in this game. Why doesn't the c-stick do a charged attack? Stuff like that. The enemies were really cool, I wish there was more unique Smash stuff in later games. Leading in to my next point. Is the Subspace Emissary better than the World of Light? Yes. Playing this reminded me that Smash Ultimate is that in name only, that game removed a lot of the uniqueness of Smash's history, specifically Melee and Brawl. No events, no trophies, weakened singleplayer stuff. Brawl feels way more like a singleplayer game than a multiplayer one, which is probably a bad thing. The World of Light is tediously long and the gimmick of spirits wears of really fast. - Sidenote: I beat Pikmin 1 and Subspace Emissary in the same time and Pikmin 4 and World of Light in the same time. Weird little coincidence. - But, and major but, World of Light prepares you way better for the actual core gameplay of Smash. Everything is a fight and those fights are better. The only good boss is Rayquaza, the rest are cheap. Gharleem and Dharkon blow Tabuu out of the park, he deserves to stay in Subspace. Subspace is fun but is mainly held up by the cutscenes.
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Jesse & Jac
Jesse: 👍? Jac: 💃🥂! Jesse: Talk so I know you can Jac: 'course I can Jac: if I was in any way prohibited rn, I wouldn't be sending you emojis at the same time, rest assured Jesse: alright Jac: come on then Jac: what is it? Jesse: my question that is Jesse: ❤️ or 💔? Jac: 💔 the drinks are so expensive Jac: that's a pisstake Jesse: get one of the princes to get 'em in Jesse: or your 👸🏾 Jac: we're out with our course, the proper posh kids do bullshit pretentious non-subjects so everyone is pretty tolerable, thank god Jesse: 🎨 history, werent it? Jac: 🙄 for the girls Jac: some business shit so the lads can be less of a financial drain more of an asset to daddy Jesse: gutted for dad then, he'd love a bit of that Jesse: he'd probably love being the only lad on a course an' all though Jac: did not need that visual Jac: ew Jesse: it'll calm you down Jac: I've barely had any Jesse: weren't what I meant Jac: You're well subtle, I'd have no idea Jesse: don't have to be Jesse: not at the club with the girl I love Jac: shut up Jac: I just told you how many other people are here too Jesse: that only matters if you care Jesse: or she does Jac: I can't ignore her, can I Jesse: I don't reckon so Jac: you know what I mean Jesse: all the ✨ makes her hard to miss Jesse: I get it Jac: you are such a stalker, honestly Jesse: you weren't fuming when I told you about her ma Jesse: ain't turning it off and on Jac: well that was handy Jac: this, less so Jesse: 🔧🔨 🔩 ⚙️🧱 Jesse: not my 9-5 Jac: hush Jac: you'd like freshers Jesse: nah, I heard drinks prices are a pisstake Jac: you'd probably get some freebies as entertainment, duh Jac: I've barely been to sleep, like Jesse: dreams are gonna be a headfuck Jac: you've yet to convince me this isn't one big fever dream so Jac: if I go to 😴 do I 💀? Jesse: don't smack girls about even if I am related to 'em Jesse: you're on your own there Jac: s'noble of you Jac: considering the females you are related to Jesse: 🏆 Jac: yes, I hear they do give awards out for that Jac: congrats Jac: how is everyone Jesse: they're still everyone Jesse: same shit Jac: your predictability is appreciated at this time Jesse: she's unpredictable? Jac: yeah Jac: well Jac: she either isn't, and I just don't wanna admit Jac: or she is, and I can do something about it Jac: it's confusing, either way Jesse: go on Jac: well last night, we talked for ages and she said loads of stuff and then I came over for a sleepover, not that kind though Jac: but we were both drunk and now I don't know how much she meant or would say if she weren't, you know Jesse: stop sleeping in her bed Jac: I'm not right now Jac: [picture of the clerb like see] Jesse: so funny you Jac: she asked me Jesse: and you can't ignore her, I heard Jac: she did beg so Jac: it'd be rude Jesse: what? Jac: what do you mean what? Jac: she all but said I had to Jesse: for you or anyone Jac: I don't know Jac: [sends relevant chunk/ Jac: what do you think? Jesse: she always like that? Jac: is that a Q or are you telling me? Jesse: it's got a ? Jac: until yesterday, I hadn't spoken to her for 2 years, if you recall Jac: but we were always like that, kinda Jac: it feels different somehow but that could be wishful thinking on my part Jesse: Yeah Jesse: I dunno, you told me she was drunk so when I read it she sounds drunk Jac: yeah Jac: think so Jac: she was pretty wasted Jesse: & I dunno how girls talk to each other Jac: me either Jesse: when you were mates with Is what was her 🗨 like? Jesse: ever beg you to do owt? Jac: No Jac: maybe be nice to her but who wouldn't given Jac: it was nothing like that Jesse: what's Sav like with dickheads who ain't you? Jac: there weren't no one but us Jac: when she was in Dubo Jac: that was the whole thing Jesse: tonight then Jac: she's not going that hard with strangers Jac: you saw the ✨ Jac: obviously she's more social than I am Jac: but like, no it's not totally the same, even if I'm being brutally honest with myself on it, still think it's different Jesse: there you go Jac: what if she's a friendly drunk Jesse: you've been drunk with her before Jac: I also misread it last time Jac: that's why this is so fucking confusing Jac: 'cos I thought it was more last time 'cos of how she was, how we were, I didn't just get that from nowhere Jac: so I can't just go with my gut or common sense on it now either Jesse: Talk to her Jac: 🥺 Jesse: leave it til after freshers Jesse: give her a chance to be sober Jac: works for me Jac: I can find another excuse before then Jesse: You need to know Jesse: this course is how many years Jac: this part is 4 years Jesse: we ain't doing this back and forth for 4 fucking years Jac: come on Jac: I'm not forcing you to talk to me about it Jesse: you Jesse: will they, won't they is played out Jac: fuck off Jac: this isn't a tv trope it's my life Jesse: I know Jac: then quit being a dick about it Jesse: sorry Jac: it's alright Jac: let's forget it and I won't bring it up again Jesse: bollocks to that Jac: I ain't gonna resolve this any time soon, Jess Jac: unless she does which is as unlikely, I reckon Jesse: I'm going nowhere Jac: 👍 Jesse: thrilled, yeah? Jac: resigned to not getting rid, more like Jac: but sure Jesse: I reckon she might Jesse: you can have that be thrilled about Jac: [the bit about forever and not wanting to lose her] Jac: unless she straight up chats the opposite when she's pissed Jac: or I fuck it all up majorly, I know, like Jesse: 💕 Jesse: the ✨ make loads more sense now Jesse: she's gayer than you Jac: 😏 Jac: or less emotionally stunted Jac: but I'll take it Jesse: can't all inherit the poet's soul Jac: 💔 Jac: really, so devastated Jesse: sounds like Jac: if Jame starts writing poetry for his girlfriend, you have to send it to me so I can critique it Jesse: pay me to do it for him if he's got any sense Jac: you're not such a starving artist that you need to scam our little brother like that Jesse: no scam Jac: debatable Jesse: piss off Jac: ❤ Jesse: do one for you if you don't overspend at the club Jac: she don't like you, I been said Jac: she'll feel the 🤢 rising at your style Jesse: don't like her either Jesse: don't matter Jac: you're so rude Jesse: 💔 Jac: why not Jesse: why would I? Jac: there's nothing not to like Jesse: 1st I heard of her, she fucked you up Jesse: there's that Jac: it weren't her fault though Jac: it was just about her Jesse: how she handled it were her fault Jac: I don't think we can police that Jac: I certainly can't Jesse: like you said, didn't come out of nowhere Jac: if we go down the 'she led me on' path, we ain't ending up nowhere good Jesse: Alright Jac: just have no opinion Jesse: bit rude Jesse: but I get what you're saying Jac: blank slate, would be a better way to put it Jesse: 👍 Jac: I already said I'd sleep over tonight though Jesse: get out of it Jesse: you're 🤢🤮 or something Jac: in the head? Jac: obvs Jesse: well yeah Jesse: but like you're a lightweight Jesse: she ain't been drunk with you for ages either Jac: we planned this one last night too Jac: she's serially monogamous Jac: you don't think she's gonna wanna take a random home? Jac: she's not like that Jesse: you can't go home with her so she don't take a lad back instead Jac: that's not why Jac: that's what you think though Jesse: I think you need to stop sleeping together Jesse: I said Jac: but why Jesse: you don't spoon your mates Jesse: or watch 'em sleep Jac: so I'm a creep Jac: fine Jac: I'll go home Jesse: So she can't use you as a stand in boyfriend Jac: stop it Jesse: either she wants to be mates and she can't do none of that with you or she wants to be your girlfriend and she needs to let you know Jac: who says? Jac: we can do it if we want to Jesse: go on then, crack on Jesse: nowt can go wrong Jac: I'll decide for myself Jac: you don't need to tell me, you can't tell me anything I don't know Jesse: she'll decide for you Jesse: like before Jac: Whatever Jac: I'm going to carry on with my night now Jesse: Jac Jac: I'll talk to you later Jesse: just steady on Jesse: you know her, I don't Jesse: might be talking bollocks, probably am Jac: you don't need to go back on it Jac: I don't care Jesse: it don't sit right how quick and easy she's back where she were, that's what I was trying to say Jac: Okay Jac: I've heard you Jesse: it don't mean it'll go how it did before Jac: maybe it will Jac: I can't do anything about it Jesse: keep your guard up for a bit Jac: yeah Jesse: if I sound like I'm the one going back and forth on this, I am Jac: I'm powerless to it whatever Jac: there's no winning or outrunning or playing it cool or whatever the fuck you could suggest Jac: it's happening and it'll play out how it's going to Jac: it's fate Jesse: but 👎 from me that I'm powerless an' all Jesse: that's shit Jac: you'll live Jesse: will you? Jac: don't be a drama queen Jesse: or what? Jac: ❌🚫 you Jesse: reckon I'll live Jac: yeah right Jac: you live for this bullshit, clearly Jesse: 🖕 Jac: later loser Jesse: 👌
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valeriemperez · 7 years
hey can you gif the spartancanary scene at the end of 6x02 when she's training in the bunker and then diggle comes to talk to her? I kind of really want to see her working out but I also would like to see their conversation so like if you think this would work better as two gifsets feel free to do that. I only ask because you made one gifset for them already and I figured you like their dynamic? but only if you want to ofc. if you don't just let me know and I'll ask someone else :)
Sorry this is 300 years late! I enjoy their dynamic very much, though I’m still not sure what to make of it lol.
Any trends planned for episode 4 and 5
One is in the works for 4.05, we just need the specific name for the trend. Iris GNO? Girls Night Out? Bachelorette Iris? Please send ideas!
Since Cecile will be at the bachelorette party there's a good chance the tension is about CS. In the interview CP made it sound like it didn't have anything to do with Joe or Cecile being part of the family. My biggest fear is that this "baby" might be used to convince Joe to leave team flash because of the potential dangers.
Glad you see the reasoning in the tension! As for Joe leaving Team Flash... He’s still a cop and therefore in danger, unless he retires. I expect they’ll want to keep JLM on the show and keep him onscreen as much as possible. Or I hope anyway...
Hmmm, so two things. First, OF getting a wedding reception doesn't discourage me - it only makes me think we'll probably get some personal WA wedding stuff on our show, too. And I'm 100% here for that. Second, what do you think are the chances that Cecile & Joe's baby will meet a similar fate as Martha and Jonathan's from S2 of Smallville? I think that would be really sad, but it wouldn't surprise me. I just wonder how this baby will fit into their lives.
That would be so sad if Cecile lost the baby, but yes, it is a possible avenue to take. I don’t think a baby would interrupt the flow much, though, because Joe isn’t the main character and Cecile is a guest star. She can just be offscreen taking care of it. If she loses the baby due to something Thinker-related, that would certainly bring down the mood and remind certain people of the cost of bringing Barry back.
And btw I totally agree about personal WA stuff on our show.
I know it's still fairly early on in the season, but I was just curious, do you have any theories about what The Thinker's master plan might be and/or why he might want Barry? I think that, for once, the big bad doesn't actually want to kill Barry, but rather he wants to use Barry for something. But I don't know what that might be, or how these other metas factor in. Any ideas?
Very good question. It’s hard for me to gauge, but we do know that he wants to somehow “improve” the human race. Maybe he wants to use Barry to give everyone powers? Not sure, I feel like it’s gotta be more than that.  
Can y’all stop asking Tati about the Keiynan stuff. She doesn’t work on the show and has no idea what’s going on bts 🙄 Perhaps @ Keiynan or TPTB on twitter if you want real answers.
LOL, I appreciate that. And I agree, we need to ask the people in power for an answer. And do try TVLine and EW, because they might get a quote.
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