#i'll make some proper art of them soon. i gotta. i gotta.
paradoxgavel · 11 months
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so. i like them.
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pinkanonwrites · 7 months
"Oh! That's What That Does?!"
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All art by @archie-sunshine
G1 Rumble/ Mechanic Reader - 2400+ Words NSFW, Valveplug, Plug 'N Play, Mild Sparkplay, Accidental Stimulation, Edging, Human Reader, GN Pronouns
Ahh, the inherent eroticism of repairing your machine.~ I've had this one cooking for a while, so I hope you all enjoy! I've also gotten pretty attached to this mechanic Reader, so they'll likely pop up again with other cassettes (and maybe even some other Decepticons!)
“Ey… EY! Careful wit’ dat! It’s touchy!”
“Rumble,” You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You're making this way more difficult than it needs to be.”
“I wouldn't be complainin’ if you'd stop touchin’ all up on bits that don't gotta be touched! Rootin’ around in there like I'm one’a your crappy organic machines!”
Removing your hands from Rumble’s open chest, you tossed them roughly into the air. “Y'know what? Fine. Do it yourself. Better yet, get Frenzy to pull the shrapnel out of your chest. That'll go great.”
You would have slid off of Rumble’s lap and stormed off, if not for his massive servos closing around your wrists with an unexpected delicacy. Your efforts to remove your hands only reinforced his grip, using just enough force to keep you from leaving without crushing your wrists entirely.
“H-Hey, no need ta be so hasty! Look, I’m just steamed cause'a the battle, dat’s all. Frenz’ can't do dis, it's gotta be someone more… dainty. Y’know. Little human hands and all dat.” The harsh glow of his visor had dulled slightly as his gaze cast down to your hands. You rolled your eyes, wrists finally slipping from his grip as you settled back in. 
Dangling wires and sparking shrapnel dotted his open chest cavity, illuminated by the light of his spark chamber. Rumble had staggered off-balance into your workshop whining about the prodding pieces of broken metal keeping him from transforming properly, yet you’d barely managed to get two wires back in place before he started squirming and whingeing and slinging verbal abuse at you.
 Not that you weren't used to it, any interactions with Rumble and Frenzy usually involved some level of bullying. Fortunately, the two cassettes are also incredibly predictable. As soon as you would threaten to take away or withhold what they're asking for, they’d start falling all over themselves with apologies and placations. After all, you may not have been the only mechanic in the area, but you were certainly their favorite.
“Are you going to actually let me work? Or are you going to start yelling at me again?”
“Yellin’? Who's yellin’? Yer the mechanic here, my spark is in your squishy little hands. Do your magic, doc.” He sat back again, servos clutching the edges of your workbench in a show of effort, a genuine attempt to keep them still (or however genuine any show of rule-following from Rumble could be.)
“That's what I thought. Now let me actually fix a few things before you start whining again.” Your gloved hands dipped back into his chest cavity, skirting the edges of his spark chamber to pick away at the bits of loose shrapnel stuck in some of the wires. His frame shuddered, a hiss of steam escaping through his dentae as your knuckles brushed the underside of the spark casing.
“C-Careful,” He said again, with significantly less bite to his tone.
“Does it hurt?”
“Somethin’ like dat.”
“I'll be careful, so let me know if it gets to be too much.” You smoothed a palm down the armor covering his stomach, flinching back when you heard another sharp hiss of steam.
“I’m fine! It's fine! Just… do ya gotta be all on top’a me like dis?”
“I can't reach properly if you're laying down. If you're standing you might keel over on me, and I really don't feel like being squished to death today.” He let out a low grumble as you jacked another cable back into its proper port. “I'll try to be quick, that way you won't have to worry about my ‘human germs’ and you can get outta here. Deal?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just-”
“Be careful. I know.”
And with that you went to work, separating and organizing cables, taping off leaky tubing and removing pieces of scrap metal as gently as you could. Every once in a while Rumble would jerk or twitch beneath your touch, letting out a muffled curse or huff but sparing you from his usual complaints. It was… uncharacteristically quiet, for sure. This was the most extensive repair you'd ever done on him, though, so maybe he was just having surgery jitters.
“Okay, I've gotten most of the shrapnel out. But there's a piece right behind your spark casing.”
“Well? Get it outta there!”
“I'm going to, but I need to get my whole hand in there. I'm warning you now because it's going to be bumping up against your spark casing a lot. I'm going to do my best but you have to tell me if it hurts too much.”
Rumble let out a long, pathetic groan. “Actually doc, maybe you can just leave dat one in there? F-For funsies?”
“Eh?! Rumble, I’m not gonna just ‘leave it in there’! It's gotta come out.”
“Something's gonna come out if you keep proddin’ around in there like dat…”
“What was that?”
“Gh! Nothin’! Don't worry ‘bout it!”
“...Okay. I’m gonna start now. Are you ready?” Rumble only responded with gritted dentae and a tense nod. Working your gloved hand under his spark chamber, you could feel the ambient energy making the hairs on your arm stand on end as you felt for the jagged edge of broken metal. Your glove blocked your view entirely, so you were left blindly groping your way up the metal surface, feeling for anything bent or out of place. When your fingers could no longer reach any further while still avoiding the casing, you slid forward and ducked slightly into Rumble’s open chest, the back of your hand pressing up against the underside of his spark chamber.
You jumped, and if it weren't for Rumble’s arm wrapping around you and almost crushing you into his open chest you may have jostled the sensitive chamber even further. You slid your hand back again, easing off of the reinforced glass, and his grip receded.
“What the hell was that? And what was that clang?”
“I said don't worry ‘bout it!” He hissed, voice glitchy with static. “Everythin’s totally normal, I dunno why you're getting all jumpy ‘bout- MMNGH?!” You moved your hand up again into the same position, and Rumble let out an embarrassingly high whimper. You glanced up at his face, a flush of pink behind the usual grey and beading with coolant… and something clicked.
“Oh my God are you getting off on this?”
Behind you you heard a sharp snikt, and the sound of pressurizing hydraulics.
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
“H-Hey, don't go gettin’ a big head or nothin’! A bot’s spark chamber is sensitive! Don't go thinkin’ this is cause of your squishy frame or your soft little digits or nothin’!” He seemed to almost shrink in on himself, face plate practically glowing as his shoulders pulled up around his helm. You'd never say it to his face, but he looked surprisingly… small, at this moment. You heaved an exhausted sigh.
“Okay. Okay. I'm going to get this last piece out, alright? It's the last one. And whatever happens while I'm doing that..? It just happens. We won't bring it up again, no need to be embarrassed. Deal?”
“‘Deal?!?’” He squawked, positively scandalized. “How do I know yer not gonna gossip with Frenz’ the next time he's in for a tune-up?”
“Well Frenzy usually never lets me get a word in edgewise, first of all.” You huffed. This was way more than you'd signed up for. “I'm not going to make fun of you, Rumble. Let’s just get you patched up, then you can head home. Okay?”
His mouth was pulled into a tight, wobbly frown as he glanced down at you, choking out a single word. “...Promise?”
“I promise.”
“...Slag. alright, let's get dis over with.” He lolled his head back against the table with a clank, resigning himself to his fate. This time, when your knuckles brushed his spark casing, he couldn’t stifle his soft moan. Your fingers felt further and further up, until almost your entire hand was behind the glass bubble containing his pulsing spark. Finally, you could feel the jagged piece of metal. You wrapped your fingers around it and gave it an experimental tug. It stuck fast, and your hand bumping against Rumble's spark only pulled another surprised moan from him.
“W-Watch it!” He yelped, sounding too fucked-out to come across as actually threatening.
“It's really stuck in there. I'm going to start working it out, so let me know if you need me to stop.”
“Wh… workin’ it out? Whadda ya- ohhh…~” 
With your thumb and forefinger gripping the edge of the broken metal, you began to wiggle it gently back and forth to ease it from the plating and wires around it. Each time you moved the back of your hand rubbed up against the far side of his spark chamber, warmth radiating through your glove as Rumble started to vent more harshly.
“Slag… slag! Don't think it's ever been touched back there before. Feels… feels crazy.” He moaned. The metal of your work table shrieked and crumpled like cardboard under his iron grip, desperate to keep his servos off of himself or, Primus forbid, you. The piece stuck firm, and as you braced your other hand against the outside paneling of his chest to readjust your balance he let out a sharp, staticky yelp. “S-STOP!”
You froze immediately. “Are you okay? What's wrong?”
A few shuddering vents were your only response for a moment, Rumble’s visor lights flickering frantically as he tried to steady himself. “Whooo… Almost blew my top for a second there.”
“Hey! Yer the one that told me to tell ya if I need ya to stop! I'll be slagged to the Pit before I let some ‘squishy’ run my charge like dat.”
“...Can I start again? I’m making some progress here.”
“...Y-Yeah. Yeah. Yer good.”
You let out another soft sigh, trying to focus on the rhythmic sktch sktch sktch of metal on metal rather than Rumble’s shivering whines. His vocalizer pitched and warbled with static, attempts to stifle his own words slowly giving way to a deluge of fucked-out babbles.
“Ah! Gh! Ohh, mmnh, stupid little hands feelin’ all- nnh!~ Jus’ get it outta there! Please?”
I’m working on it. You’re doing good, just hang in there.” Your placations only resulted in another desperate moan. After what couldn’t have been more than another thirty seconds or so, he blurted out again.
“Ah! Stop!”
You retracted your hand for a moment, letting Rumble gasp for breath above you in a futile attempt to cool his core. You rubbed at his chest paneling as he shivered beneath you hard enough that you thought bolts were going to start coming undone. Even the paneling you were seated upon was burning up, heat seeping through the fabric of your coveralls. His glowing face plate was slick with coolant. Without thinking, you reached up and swept away a bead of it with your thumb, making him jump.
“H-Hey, quit dat…” He groaned, all bite lost from his tone.
“Rumble… The more you keep stopping me the longer this is going to take.”
“You think I don’t know dat?!” One of his arms draped dramatically over his face. “I’m tryin’! But you just keep pokin’ around in there and it’s all touchy and it’s makin’ me feel like my spike’s gonna burst and I can’t take it anymore!” He sniffled. Could Cybertronians even sniffle? You weren’t sure, but he sounded close to tears.
“Rumble… Have you ever actually edged yourself before?”
“Whu- Whuh? How’s dat any of yer business?”
“I’m just thinking…” You ran a placating hand down his shivering plating. “If you haven’t it can be really overwhelming, and-”
“I can handle it! I-I can!”
“Let me finish. It can be really overwhelming, and I don’t want you to hurt yourself further. Just… take a deep breath for me, okay?” You took a slow, steadying breath, and after a second he mimicked it. “Good. Just think about letting go, okay? I’m not going to judge you. Just think about it.”
He let out a low, pitying grumble, peeking at you from behind his arm plating. “...You can start again.”
Once again, your hands dipped into his chest cavity. Only this time you slid both hands up behind his spark casing, gripping as much of the broken metal as you could reach. As you rocked it back and forth Rumble’s moans returned with a fervor, one servo finally flying to cup your lower back.
“Ah! Ah! Slag, oh slag please! Please don’t stop I’m so fraggin’ close.” He fisted the back of your uniform, crumpling the cheap fabric between his digits. “C’mon, c’mon c’mon c’mon I need it!”
“Shh, I’ve got you baby. Just let it happen.”
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With a metallic shriek and a gush of brackish oil the shrapnel popped free, the force enough to send you sprawling if not for Rumble’s servo in the small of your back. Of course, said unexpected force also slammed the backs of both your hands right into the underside of his spark chamber, and Rumble’s voice box screeched into a wail of radio static. Something hot and sticky splattered up the back of your coveralls; said something you decidedly were not going to look at until later. His frame rattled and shivered beneath you, steam venting and joints glitching and spark pulsating a near-blinding glow.  Finally, after a burst of noise and sparks and twitching, he went slack beneath you, helm clanking against the workbench as his optics flickered.
As delicately as you could, you removed the oil-slick shrapnel and let it clatter onto the floor before shedding your gloves and dabbing at his face plate with the cuff of your sleeve. With the whir of an old monitor blipping back to life, his visor blinked back up to its standard brightness.
“Whuh… Wheh?” He garbled.
“How you feeling, hun?”
“Like I got struck by lightnin’... but in like a nasty way.”
You choked back a snort. “Well, I’ve got all the worst of it over with. Feel free to rest for a while if you need it. I’m gonna go change my jumpsuit.” 
He let you slide off his lap without a fight, not even commenting until you’d turned around to make your way over to your office. Only then did he let out a low, salacious whistle when he’d finally caught sight of the back of your uniform.
“Comm me next time yer free, doc. Then I can repay da favor.”
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geekyoftheweeky · 2 months
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Been waiting for a bit to show this off on here. Got my finalized designs for Asha done for my big wish rewrite project!
One thing I want to make clear in this project is that I have no qualms with the creatives who worked on Wish. They put their all into trying to make this movie as good as it could be with the time, material, and skills they had. My qualms are with the suits who pushed them to turn this movie into an advertisement for Disney rather than a celebration of their legacy. That's why I tried to use as much of the original concept art of the film as possible when making this designs for the video essay!
For Asha, I had a lot of work ahead of me considering my decision to make her Magnifico and Amaya's daughter. Mostly designing both proper princess attire that matches her parents, and her own outfit to make her stand out more as an individual.
I know a lot of people enjoy her warmer colorscheme from her early concepts, but I decided to keep her purples from the original film. With my Starboy's design being primarily gold, it meant the two of them would have complementary color schemes. And considering I'm going with the ever popular decision to make them romantically involved in my rewrite, I think the complementary colorschemes work perfectly in that regard! I also kept her braids. While they don't serve the same purpose as the design choice does in the original movie(showing off Asha's amazigh heritage with her intricately braided hair), I think it looks nice regardless! I just wish the movie didn't keep it magnetized to her shoulder like they were trying to emulate Elsa.
Most of my other design notes are in the images themselves as annotations, so feel free to give them a read if you're curious about some of these decisions!
I'll post Starboy soon, I've just gotta refine some things on his little reference before I do.
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ferretwhomst · 1 year
time to talk about my shitty self indulgent toh raeda + aladarius centric vampire au!!!!!!!!!!!! this mostly started as a shitposty thing that i thought up while listening to a few songs (namely these three) but guess what i came up with lore. it's a thing now.
(by the way this post started as an explanation but ended up with me writing a whole story so uh. watch out for that. everything's under the keep reading!)
everything is mostly the same except it takes place WAY before luz's arrival and also a. alador separated from odalia way earlier in this (still technically married?) and b. lilith defected from the emperor's coven earlier, mostly because ... i felt like it.
basically, darius and raine both are well known figures in their respective covens, but one day they both just... mysteriously vanish. eda hears the news and despite not talking to either of them in years, she can't deny that she's worried about them. eda contacts alador (who she also hasn't talked to in years) and asks him to help figure out what the fuck happened to both of them. he agrees.
eventually they come to the conclusion that the two of them were ambushed by vampires. everything they've found seems to add up but they don't have much concrete evidence. nor do they know for sure what happened to raine and darius- for all they know, those two are dead. so alador and eda do what any normal people would do in this situation: go out at night looking for raine and darius.
at this point eda contacts lilith for help, because she knows lilith has a decent amount of knowledge about vampirekind. she's right, but unlike eda and alador, she's unwilling to go out at night to look for raine and darius- she's worried about safety. vampires are notorious for their aggression when they're craving blood, after all. she would much rather stay indoors and research. plus, someone's gotta stay back with a backup plan just in case something does go wrong.
eda and alador are fine with this, and they go out every other night exploring the boiling isles, looking for raine and darius. for awhile, they don't find a single trace of the two. they stop going out as often.
one day eda convinces alador to come with her to the knee. they've been here before several times while looking for darius and raine, but eda swears she saw someone moving in the shadows when she'd been there during the day. alador isn't very optimistic about this- in fact at this point he's totally convinced that darius and raine are dead, but he goes along with eda, if only to entertain her.
he's fully zoning out as she drags him along, almost on the verge of falling asleep then and there... until she suddenly yanks him down behind a bush, punches him in the arm with a little too much force, and silently yet vigorously points in the direction of two cloaked figures before them.
...and THAT is where the whole thing Really kicks off. eda and alador start going out more regularly at night for a chance to see darius and raine. they realize that they may or may not have a thing for vampires (as one often does). lilith is clueless to this development and continues to warn them about the Dangers of Pursuing Vampires not knowing they intend on pursuing those vampires Romantically. etc etc
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here are some doodles of The Guys. the designs aren't final at all but i will make more art of them soon and figure it out <3 (and also of lilith!!! i haven't drawn her much and i haven't come up with a proper design for her either but eventually i'll get there ASDCSKLD)
edit: HELLO!!! if you're interested in this au you should check out my askblog @owlsandbats :-)
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awiola · 6 months
Normal update, autumn??? XXIII
Okay, so I thought it would be a nice, winter quarterly update but turns out the last one was titled summer and I guess going by calendar, winter barely started so it's??? autumn??? I guess??? Last day of the year but autumn, sure, let's go with that. That being the case, I have no new year's pic for y'all cause I can't draw I was devving uhh, rly hard, let's say. Totally.
Anyway, the mushroom jam has ended and I planned to have a release update BUT THEN I DIDN'T FINISH THE GAME ON TIME YET AGAIN, who would've thought, so, like, there's nothing. I mean, something exists but yeah >_> I'll write a devlog when it finally looks presentable. Moving on...
Current game stuff
The spooktober game has been finished, kinda - The enmity of dead things. It, well, it works and it contains the full script and everything but lacks both art and music cause I couldn't finish it on time laziness goes brrr. Then I wanted a break and worked on other games and kinda left it like that... So that's the first item on my "Finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list. All in all it wasn't a total failure and I had fun for the most part. Committing to my bad decisions [look at the textbox] is actually the main cause the game wasn't finished on time... You live and don't learn.
The failure of the year... Or quarter at least - Mushroom game. Despite being technically published to add it to the jam, it's so unfinished I won't even link it here. And it's all my fault cause I was being lazy and, as usual, forgot I can't actually program. Yeah...
Helped with Cool Days. There's really not much of my work there, I honestly considered making a new category for games I kinda helped with but tbh the amount of work actually finished was close to zero but hey, it's still more than nothing so Check it out, it has cool graphics.
The ace teens game got shelved/postponed and it's not my fault this time but instead we're working on a fantasy kinda thing for Ace jam [and maybe also Zack jam while we're at it but that might've been said in jest]. Fortunately it's small enough I don't expect any delays. I can say it involves a golem who isn't a humanoid (灬˘╰╯˘灬)♥。・゚
Now for the big thing.
Fanfares, please.
IMPOSTOR SYNDROME - is a game for winter jam which also happens to be a demo cause we ran out of time but! - it will be finished soon-ish. I'll share more details in the release devlog so if the link to the game works already, that means the page's up and so is all the info. If it doesn't work, check again in a few hours but I'm assuming most people who actually read all that will do so post winter jam anyway.
Genre wise it's an otome chat sim comedy that's extremely self indulged and I'm not ashamed of that. Gotta make games for yourself and all that. Though, again, my own conribution to the development process remains minimal. I'm truly becoming the idea guy.
The "Finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list aka the stuff that should've been finished already but isn't
Umm, yeah, everything. Or, to be more specific, Mushroom game and Enmity take priority here but all the other games that needed some quality of life adjustments like making the web build work on mobile etc are also included [which is kinda funny cause a lot of them could be corrected in like an hour if I actually sat and did just that].
It's been more than three years since I released Argousze and yes, you gessed it, it's also unfinished. Which is extra funny in a pathetic way cause it was supposed to be a low effort game with, like, 2k words of wordcount. To be fair I kinda dropped it cause I couldn't design my aliens but maybe I'll actually get a good idea for once and manage to release it on its fourth anniversary. That'd be nice.
Other than that, well... That's more of a resolution than anything but I should stop constantly joining new teams and all... And either take a proper dev break or work on ye olde projects waiting for me since the beginning of HS. I'll become older than my oldest LI before I finish them at this point lol
Pariiish noootiiiceees
This year we're gonna have two new jams instead of one. Stuff happened and yeah. No links just yet cause not only are the pages not finished but there's also no planned date/duration beyond 'sometime in the later part of the year'.
The first jam is Tentacle jam which, I'm pretty sure, would bring us eroges. This was not my intention and all kind of sfw tentacles are allowed but tbh as long as there's a proper story, even a nukige would pass. Basically the rules remain like in all the previous jams I hosted.
The second jam is Insect [adjacent] jam which actually accepts all kinds of arthropods but it started as just insect jam and I wanted to keep the name. So yeah. Obviously more detailed rules of what's allowed would be written on the page when it's up properly and not in a half dead state like right now.
Incidentally, whatever the date ends up being, both of these jams would be hosted at the same time so if you wanted to make a story taking place underwater or something, you could submit it to both of these jams. Neat, right?
That's it for this year.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
To the mountains! For Hero Training, assumedly! And Ageha focus~! This is great news for me but Tsubasa will be in terror.
How many episodes in are we? 11? Hm. Quite the milesttone.
-"Oh fuck you're Ageha!"
-The awkward preteen boy's worst nightmare. An affectionate college student cousin!
-"Shonen." Hey, at least it ain't that other sho word. That'd have been a massive red flag.
-So, Mashiron's surprised to see her... does this mean Ageha let herself in?
-The awkwardest pair!
-Oh my God, she's singing the theme. ...sort of.
-"We obey the speed limit~! And we make sure to use proper turn signals and understand the right of way~!"
-Sora's appropriately in awe of this rolling metal death trap.
-Really Ageha? A fucking Hummer? What do you even need it for? I realize you're training to be a daycare teacher, but like
-Do younguns really need such a big-ass car like this?
-Mount Raso!
-Oh, he looks familiar.
-"Boy" she says. Is she Kratos?
-Ah speaking of whom, I've recently considered watching Stargate SG-1 for Christopher Judge.
-Do it for Ozone Baby.
-Sora-chan really wants to run up that mountain!
-Hey, Mashiro! You gotta take this chance! Your very own Brokeback Mountain remake!
-Carry the baby along~!
-"A true knight is never weighed down by his burdens!"
-Man, you know Tsubasa'd stand in the middle of a blizzard in those shorts and deny being cold.
-Tatatatatatatatatatatatatatata! Huwata!
-Athletanu Kiourse~!
-She been knew.
-Holy shit, this course!
-He did it!
-Beautiful yet hidden...
-That was an
-Oddly intense closeup.
-Ooooh, cable car.
-"Move along, boy!"
-Aaaaand he's had enough!
-Impersonating officials! Yet more to add to Kabaton's rapsheet!
-"Hey there, Tsubasa-kun! You remembered to pack some ice right? Mashiro's a little sore winded!"
-Well, he seems to feel a little more enlightened.
-Intrepid mountaineer, Tsubasa Yuunagi!
-Ohhhhhh, that's the wing! From Sora's old notebook!
-"You're a speedy son of a bitch, aren'tcha kiddo?"
-Battle time!
-"Oh wait, hang on, I gotta back up..."
-I'll give Kabaton this, those Ranborgs sure are fast.
-"LET GO, YOU SON OF A BITCH! ...Wait, no, no, no!"
-"You went along with it, didn't you? :3"
-This is a level of embarassment Wing has never felt before in his entire life.
-Oh hello girls. I... almost forgot about you two!
-Double Cable Run~!
-PreCure Double Kick!
-Down he goes~!
-Oh damn, he went and done it.
-"Thanks to the boy~!"
-Well, that is quit the view.
-Rasogoro swag.
-This might be your last chance, buddy.
-Cure Yell! ...Hana, baby, did your model always look like that?
-Butterfly, I swear, you need to come in soon or I'm gonna shit
-A house
-The ultimate showdown! The battle that defines generations of martial arts! Cure Sky's Sky Land Divine Fist and Kabaton's... Hmm... Underg Style Sumo? Nah, that seems a bit too easy...
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measuringbliss · 8 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 035: Stalked By The Spider Slayer (ASM 167-170)
In this batch...
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Aah, this storyline reaches its climax!
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Ross Andru opens this batch with his traditional (and lovely!) building views. Here, Jameson's shooting lasers at Spidey thanks to a suit made by that scientist we've seen a few times.
Well, he's shooting at slides, not at Spidey proper, but that's a detail.
In the meantime, a glowing fireball-shaped human causes a car wreck, but it doesn't matter because we've got some delicious slice of life!
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I love the way the team draws eyes in close-ups, it's beautiful. Also, why not? That's a nice plot for May.
Seeing her like that, Peter can't help but wonder... maybe it's time to tell her he's Spider-Man!
His thoughts are interrupted by feeling that someone's watching him. This is, what, the third time he has that feeling now? I wonder what's going on with that plotline!
He asks to be alone, and MJ is comprehensive, and after a quick costume change, he stumbles upon... Jameson in his new robot suit!
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Remember that Jameson believes the real Peter Parker is dead, as he saw the pictures that someone took of Spidey getting rid of his clone. He believes our Peter is an imposter, and that's why he was watching him.
Or... maybe not? Jameson simply says that he knew following Peter would lead him to Spidey. Hmm. What's up with that?
Anyway, this is the return of the Spider-Slayer! We already saw that same scenario twice before, as a caption helpfully informs us.
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Can't wait to see what's in Jameson's brilliant mind.
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My jaw dropped! Time to check back my previous batches because I'm sure I saw that guy...
...Okay, can't find him, but I know it! Maybe it was just under the same role, but he has the most suspicious face to ever feature in this magazine. Is he a hypnotist? I hope he's not doing anything bad to Harry :( Like bringing back his Green Goblin memories...
Later, Spidey surprises Robertson in his car and gets a stern reprimand. It's funny because this is the second time I see a panel on my dash, and read the page not long after! I knew it was coming because I recognized the art style and figured it would come soon.
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And it's well-deserved.
So Spidey finally goes to Jameson's office and gets the famous envelope. But before checking at home (gotta build suspense!), he's distracted by our firelight and follows him.
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Spidey immediately attacks WOTW even though the latter says he doesn't want to fight, which I suspect was a lack of coordination between the artist and the script because it seems really odd.
There's an envelope quidproquo, then Jameson's remote controlled robot arrives to make the situation even messier.
In the next issue, Jameson is left dissatisfied, while WOTW leaves... literally. Thankfully for JJ, Dr Madison says she'll build a better Spider-Slayer. Oh dear...
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Yup. The plot moves forward!
WOTW returns to his creator, Jonas Harrow!!!!!!
Wait, who?
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Oh. Okay.
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So WOTW and Spidey fight on 5th Avenue! What a fun panel. It's actually nice to see them interact in this decor, feels quite original.
Spidey "we always have a choice"-izes WOTW, who realizes he can't kill Spidey and lurches at the doctor who's in the crowd... and disintegrates, by the baddie's doing, with the simple press of a button.
Time for #169! It's a great cover (check the first pic of this post if you don't believe me).
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That's funny, Len Wein, because I was thinking about this run so far and---Sorry, it was too easy.
I wouldn't say Wein's run has been dull so far, but I'm not exactly impressed so far, it seems very... inconsequential. I'll have to see how it evolves (and this batch's intrigue does reel me in!).
Marla Madison is a girlboss, but she can only do so much.
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Jameson is kind of over this, though.
You know, I can appreciate what Wein's doing here. He's creating some sort of status quo with those two characters regularly fighting Spidey, a bit like Lex Luthor and Spider-Man, but I can't say I'm particularly attached to this idea.
Meanwhile, the evil (and devilishly hot) doctor returns!
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Hm. He's visibly less... intense here. And his thought bubble doesn't show murderous intents. Intriguing.
Just as Peter gets home, someone rings the bell. It's Jameson!
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Great fit, Peter. I'm almost tempted to replicate it. "Yes, I'm cosplaying Earth 616 Peter Parker on one page of issue 169, huh-huh!".
That hair grab, though! Is it me, or...? I mean. Some people will see it.
After some prolonged hair grabbing, Jameson surmises Peter's not wearing a mask after all and shows his envelope, that Peter put back in his desk last issue.
What's Peter's explanation?
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Oh! Well done, handsome. That's ingenious!
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So... Harry's stint as the Green Goblin is public? Wow. Just... wow. That's. Peter... *sigh*
Anyway, he looks so adorable, small-ish then very happy. Adorable!
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That's an interesting panel on the left. That's how Marvel wishes to present itself: admired and read by everybody. A bit on the nose imo. The yellow border reinforces its meta aspect.
Spidey ends up at a super secret mega evil lair with mooks shooting at them. He gets rid of them, sees a large shadow and calls out the Kingpin... I grimace...
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Huh. Not a name that inspires trust, you know.
In the readers' letters, the team says Len Wein is known for his long-range plots, and I'm not surprised. I'm here for it. Kinda. "He has the storyline worked out on THOR for the next two years. [...] He tends to lose an issue-by-issue perspective on things." Huh-huh.
#170 time!
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Yeah, I had a feeling. He's a Captain America #192 expat, and it's not the first time we see stuff from another magazine come up here in Wein's run...
So that happens, Spidey gets essentially hypnotized by Faustus's smoke and helps them rob a factory or something (it's actually a fun sequence!), but more importantly, girl bonding!
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Meanwhile, some guy rents May's house that she owns to retrieve something...
Dr Faustus seems to be an anti-smoking ad personified, and I'm like, sure, why not. At the end, Spidey takes care of him too.
Overall, it's a fun batch, but the Spidey/Peter ratio is completely, utterly messed up. Decompressed storytelling: why not! But that's not it. Still, there was fun stuff.
Also, know who we're going to see in the next post?
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patbwaifs · 1 year
it's tuesday my dudes
i forgot to take my meds last night and this morning, so i had a headache all day, but it went away as soon as I took my meds tonight. hahhh. Just finished working out a bit too.
this is what my desktop pretty much looks like all the time (sans legal documents)
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I am so so serious about creating a consistent art style so I can make visual novels. My "main goal" right now is to "rewrite" Detroit via visual novel to practice branching gameplay and also rewrite a few scenes and story lines (like Kara and Alice.) Obviously, to recreate the entire game would be nuts. The main thing is to learn how to make visual novels in general, so I'm gonna start with specific scenes and then kinda go out from there.
I also want to write a fanfiction for D:BH. I started drafting it out. The first time is never perfect but I gotta start somewhere with storytelling, and for now, I'm borrowing these characters...
But my art style is pretty obviously going in a certain direction. Ghost in the shell was one of the first anime movies I ever saw (along with Adolescence of Utena. That was definitely an experience) And while I want each of my portraits to look like they "match" I also need to remember that I can still change and vary things up. That's kinda the main reason Markus and North are not 100% complete. The point wasn't to draw a finished portrait of them but to explore and practice a style. I like to think I'll go back once I gain more skill and draw finished portraits of the main D:BH cast.
One thing I really like about using D:BH to practice my art is that there are a variety of different characters to draw, from race to age and beyond.
This styles similarities to realism do throw me off though. I keep wanting to steer into realistic proportions but since it's not my intention from the outset, things get weird fast. Thankfully, I'm a lot better about starting over, reworking sketches and concepts, than I used to be. Before, I would have been tortured to even think about starting over on Amelia's portrait, but now? I want to make a proper portrait of her, in oil pastel. Not in procreate with my illustration tools. (I haven't shown yall my oil pastel rizz yet, hee hee)
On an unrelated note
I talked a bit with my best friend about my headspace around the Decharts' streams (and positive spaces in general) but i was still in oof ouch head hurty mode so I didn't get much out, but she was like "yeah. positivity vibe exposure therapy." I did catch their stream today but it was right when I had to go to the mechanic/dealership.
and boy, is my car a piece of work. I always done knew it too!!! But I need to be more assertive about taking care of it instead of feeling like my Abba is the only one who can decide when things get replaced and when. But i need new tires last week :/
He's throwing a route tonight too. I hope it's all boring and safe.
Gah, i had something else I wanted to talk about but it's escaped me.
Doing things in general has been easier.
I worry about when school starts. I have this gnawing feeling that I need to take a full course load but I know, consciously, that if I do it will end badly.
Although I'm trying to build better self-care habits over the summer so I don't get completely blindsided again. It's just, when I get drowned in a project, it can be hard to pull myself up and do the things I know help me. Like I can't work on my project as well if I don't take the moment to take my medication. gahhhh. but in each moment is eternity, so why would i take an eternity to do something else?
I guess that's my default way of thinking. Maybe that's why things are so intense so often unless I dislodge my brain from the world.
There's something about the Decharts' streams and other thing similar that makes it hard for me to zone out/dissociate/focus on something else/some variation of that. I can't ignore it. And then it's just sensory overload. I think when i feel emotions it's sensory overload first. and then whatever the emotion is second.
I've been trying to let myself feel things about silly android game. As long as it's not guilt. I am trying not feel guilty for liking this game so much. Like what's the use in feeling weird and bad about listening to the soundtrack. gahh the blood is draining from my fingers again.
Speech therapy today went well too.
goodnight yall.
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사랑 𝐈𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐥 {𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫} 3
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I'm lazy so TIME SKIP :
soon the day came to an end, she still has some time left before going home, walking out of the school gates she put her earphones back on walking down the stairs only to see a group of girls surrounding Suho girlfriend, as one of the girls tried to slap her, Y/N ran toward the girl grabbing hold of her wrist harshly glaring
"Yah ! do you have a death wish? get out before you get expelled..."
"Park Sae-Mi , I'm your worst nightmare so don't even try to come near me or this girl.....Arasso ?"
btw; arasso ? means · to agree or to understand, "okay". · I know.' Or 'I got it.' Sometimes 'You know?' Or 'You got it?' · 알았어
Soon the girls ran away, before she could say any other word, Y/N turned around her hand out with a smile, Ju Kyeong on the other side was very thankful for her, but the problem is; her bullies took off her makeup, trying to hide her face she said, "thank you so much Y/N~ssi , what can I do to thank you ?!" bowed the girl in front of her, putting her hand on her shoulder, the H/C haired girl grabbed her hand with the brightest smile "here come I'll do your makeup and then we can go have some dumplings ? hm" getting a nod as an answer before pulling her into a bench taking out Ju kyeong makeup
"Done !! sorry i'm not good at makeup but I hope you like it..." she said shaking her head before standing up, as they were both about to go have dumplings Kang Soo-ah , Han Seojun , Lee Su-ho in his karate uniform, and last but not least Kang Su-jin all came running checking if she's alright, the H/C haired girl tapped her back before walking away "we can have dumplings later Ju kyeong ! yah Lee Suho don't forget about tonight and you need to have an eye on your girlfriend Park Sae-Mi isn't done with her until you date her..." she said her face going deadpan giving him the side-eye , before continuing her way out of school
"woah, she is so cool, yah han Seojun I dare you to make her go with you around Seoul with your motorcycle ? I'll give you all my food for an entire month ?!" said Soo-ah with a devilish smirk on her face waiting for an answer, nodding the handsome boy took his helmet putting it on
"Alright !"
putting his hand on the handlebars, he started driving toward her stopping in front of the girl with an eyebrow raised, opening his helmet the girl cocked a smirk on her face crossing her arms "nice motorcycle ? damn that helmet makes you less swagger..." she said giving him a pity look, making his eyes go wide
"WHAT! it can't be true-"
"yah I'm joking! if only you have seen the face you just made-" trying to hold her laugh, but the sound of someone with another motorcycle calling him seemed to cut her laugh in the middle of nowhere, eyes widening once again he pulled her by the wrist making her sit behind him, putting on his helmet before restarting to drive but this time faster, her arms around his waist as she kept looking back to see if they're still chasing them—indeed they still are.
"Turn right !! UGH, what did you do this time Han Seojun !"
"of course, BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ?!"
"yah ! will you shut up and oh shit-"
the wall in front of them said otherwise, putting her hand on top of his she started controlling the vehicle
1 Start braking at the proper time depending on your speed.
2 Ease off the throttle
3 Press down on the rear brake with your right foot.
4 Squeeze the front brakes at the same time with 2 fingers to ease into the stop
5 Hold the clutch to help slow down.
6 Shift into first gear before you get to your stop
7 Plant your left foot when your bike stops moving.
doing what she learned back when she was young, stopping the motorcycle, they both fell to the ground only to get surrounded by those assholes, getting back up both their backs collided together, fist in the air, both of them being partners in crime—which is happening, one of them tried grabbing a hold of her H/C hair but was stopped by her grabbing his arm twisting it like a hot Cheetos, pushing him toward his gang, everyone attacked them, Seojun punching them and Y/N breaking their bones, one of the assholes who she recognized was the leader, grabbed her hair turning around she kicked him straight in his ugly face with her leg.
The handsome boy stared at her, before picking up his now broken helmet fuming in anger, the E/C eyed girl looking at him confused, eyes shifting to the helmet her eyes observed the huge crack around it, a sigh leaving her lips she pulled him toward the falling motorcycle, both of them lifting it he once again started driving following her lead.
Soon reaching what looked like a helmet store, she walked in with him following close behind before gesturing for him to chose one, at first he disagreed but soon nodded at the scary look, choosing a black one with red fire art, paying for it she gave it to him with a soft smile "it was nice meeting you Han Seojun but I gotta go it's getting pretty dark ?" she said about to walk away but his dumbass self grabbed her wrist pulling her back toward him, her head hitting his chest before melting into his beautiful eyes making straight eye contact, his piercing gaze turning into a soft one, His eyes are so different in moments like these, softer than she knew eyes could be, "I'll take you, I insist you got in trouble because of me so hop in ?" she just nods, taking in every moment for her memory, knowing it is the only way to avoid the yelling she's probably gonna get when reaching home , putting her arms around his waist, even tho her hands are cold as ice but the way she put them around him made him warm and safe, it was a cold night, a lucid moon, heaven's eyes shine in the black as a divine watchful mother, his eyes sparkling like diamonds under the moonlights in a museum, passing by the huge companies and buildings, The buildings galloped up to the clouds and they had entire floors dedicated to play, the N Seoul Tower blue lights reflecting on her ravishing eyes.
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agentsoftie · 4 years
Sleepless Nights ( S.R ) p.2
summary: Y/N and Reid aren’t the most fond of each other. So what happens when sleep, have to share a bed, and get married?
pairing: Y/N x Spencer Reid
a/n: a/n: AHH okay so here it is! It’s my first au so it’s probably not the best. But big thanks to @anepiphany! Ani baby none of this would be happening without you! Thank you for you tips and making me not go insane! Also pls tell me if I slept something wrong cuz like, your girl not the best when it comes to it. Also there will def be a loophole somewhere in my case and if you find one, just let it slide because life is filled with loopholes ❤️ also this is gonna be a two parter! ( this is the second part )
warnings: mentions of a case, angst and blood (the smallest amount), fluff really though
also if you want to be in my permanent taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
Remember to like and reblog
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“So today happened,” you say while you got into bed.
Yeah, today happened. So, I guess we're gonna do this thing huh,”
Wait, is he asking me out? you think to yourself. No dumbass of course he isn't. He's talking about the event thing. you say to yourself mentally. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“So, sleep huh.” He asked awkwardly.
“You know, sleep. Like us, together. No, wait t-that came out wrong. I meant like we’re gonna sleep, but ike together on the same bed. But if you're not tired then we-” He got cut off by you when you grabbed his arm. Immediately he looked down at your hand and then up. He looked like he had just seen a ghost and gotten an A in a class you were failing at, at the same time.
“Breathe, just breathe. How ‘bout you take a shower huh.” You say in an airy voice while still holding onto his arm.
“Uh, okay. Yeah, a shower. That sounds good.” He said, forcing you to let go of his hand.
It takes him 10 minutes to finish taking his shower. Tonight he comes out wearing another pair of basketball shorts and another tee. It really makes you wonder if all he goes to sleep in is a pair of shorts and a tee. Like really Reid come on. You have money, use it on some proper pj’s. Although you're one to argue wearing another pair of shorts and a loose crop top.
“You said last night that there was no hot water so it took you ten minutes, well this time there still was and it again still (italicize) took you ten minutes. Like what the fuck!”
“I'm not really one for hot water. But my statement last night still remains true, you took up the hot water.”
“ Reid, this is a hotel. They almost always have hot water running.”
“Okay well, I don’t care!”
“I thought you were supposed to be the smart one.”
“Ha, so you admit it!”
“Admit what?”
“That I’m smarter than you!”
“Well in certain areas, yes,” you said in an annoyed tone. He was smirking at your struggle for answering. “Ugh, can we just go to sleep.” You say not wanting to continue this conversation.
You woke up to the sound of rain pouring outside. The skies were as gray as a child on a monday. You felt something on your stomach and to your surprise that feeling was a man known as Dr. Spencer freaking Reid. He was laying on you with his head right under your chin. You were holding his hand and your legs were intertwined with his again. You can't remember what happened last night to lead up to this, but what's done is done. The person you've been pining over for the last 3 years was here laying on you and looking like a fucking god.
Your phone started to ring causing him to wake up.
“Emily? Oh, okay yeah, I'll be there in 20.” She told you to go to the address that she had sent you. Saying to bring Reid with you to get your outfits for tonight. “Reid, come on we gotta go.” You say looking down at the art that was placed in front of you.
“No, I don't wanna leave. I just wanna sleep.” You had never seen this side to him before. So soft and sweet. Was the universe trying to make you fall for him? If so, then it was working.
“No come on, we have to get our outfits for tonight. We have to get ready and eat something. So come on, get up.” you say trying to get up but failing because he holds you back.
“No. sleep.” He mumbles half awake.
“Spencer, how ‘bout this. How about you sleep for a little until I take a shower and stuff. Then you can get up.”
“Okay, fine.” And with that he was out, leaving you go gaze over the literal form of perfection.
“Y/L/N how long does it take to get changed?” Reid yelled.
“Oh will you shush!”
“Geez, no need to get so mean.”
“Iswear I will backhand you so hard if you don't shut up!” You say while walking out. And at the sight of seeing you he was speechless. Staring at you like you had something stuck in your teeth. “What?” You say looking down at your black floor length gown.
“No n-nothing. It's just-”
“Just what?”
“You look good in that dress.”
You looked down immediately after he said that fearing he would see the blush. He did. “Yeah well, you look good too.” you say while moving your hands after the redness was gone.
“I know.” He said, smirking causing you to make a sarcastic face.
“Okay, well we have to go now or Hotch will literally kill us.”
“You. He’ll kill you.” He says while walking out of the door.
“And you would just love that, wouldn't you.” You say following him out.
“Reid, you have your gun?”Hotch askes.
“Yes.” He said.
“Wait, where should I put mine?” You ask while holding your gun.
“Oh, you see, you're not going to have one.” JJ says while taking your gun away slowly.
“Then what the hell am i going to use as self defence?”
“You're a badass, you'll figure it out.” Emily says suggestively.
“Damn straight.” You say smiling causing her and JJ to laugh. Reid was not impressed.
“Okay, these glasses have a secret video camera in them sending footage to Garcia once you turn it on. So whatever you do, don't take these off.” Hotch says while handing Reid a pair of glasses that match his suit. “And Y/L/N this is your “wedding ring.” It has a video camera in the diamond so try to keep your hand up and try to make it as visible to people as possible.” He says while handing you the ring.
“Okay you're married, so act like it!” Rossi says before you two leave.
“Yeah, you both better be so in love it makes someone sick.” Emily adds.
“Yes mom. Yes dad.” You say jokingly.
“Okay and before you go, here are your earpieces. And we’ll be near the building if anything happens.” JJ says.
“Y/N, put your left hand on Spencer’s arm.” Garcia says through the earpiece. And you did exactly that. “Okay, now be affectionate.”
“Pen how should we do that.” You say while looking at Reid so it looked like you were talking to someone.
“I don't know? Spencer, kiss her.”
And then bam! Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. You didn't know how to react. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you in making the kiss even stronger. You then put your hands in his hair and pulled at it a little. And at that moment it was as if the world stopped. As if time froze and fireworks went off. And then all of a sudden he pulled away and you looked down.
“Cherry or Strawberry?” He asks as if nothing just happened.
“I uh- strawberry.”
“Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice that beautiful ring.” Says a guy approaching you.
“Oh thank you! It's very gorgeous isn't it!”You say while looking down at the ring then bringing your hand up.
“But not as gorgeous as you honey.” Reid says while looking at you. Oh god the things he did to your heart.
“Oh, uh how rude of me not to introduce myself. Im Ryan. Ryan Carson.” He says while holding out his hand for both of you to shake.
“Im Y/N Reid and this is my husband Spencer Reid.” You say while shaking his hand after Reid, as always, refused to. Y/N Reid had a nice ring to it, although you would never change your last name. But it sure had a nice ring to it which both you and Reid noticed.
“How long?” Ryan asked.
“3 months.”I said.
“When did you know?”
“The first time she read me The Fault In Our Stars. It was 2 something in the morning and I couldn't sleep so she read it to me. And I just couldn't stop thinking that this is the girl I’m gonna marry.” Reid said. Although that of course never happened, your heart wanted to explode. Right after he said that you kissed him on the cheek. He immediately turned red, but you didn't say anything.
“Wow. That’s just, wow.” Ryan said.
“Guys I think this guy is our friend Thomas. Well not think, know. He looks exactly the same. So make sure to play into his tactics or whatever. Therapy must cost a lot for you sweet children.” Garcia says.
“You know, I’m gonna propose to my girlfriend soon. Would you two help me pick out a ring?”
“What do you think Spenny?” You ask in a joking tone. Spenny, that was one you never used. You liked it, did so did he.
“Well, I think that it’s an amazing idea baby.”
You could see the anger in his eyes. The anger you get before taking a life. You could see that all he wanted to do was end your lives right then and there. Honestly you two could go into acting if all this death gets too heavy for you.
“Great! Then follow me right this way.” He says while leading you to the elevator. The ride was fairly quick but the entire time Reid had his and around your waist pulling you close to him. Oh god the things you would do to have him.
“Here’s my room.” he says while gesturing to you two to go in first. You saw two chairs and then heard the door slam behind you. You jumped at the sound and turned around to see him standing there with a gun pointing that both of you. “You don't want your wife to die a painful death, go sit down on the chair.” And he did exactly that. “Now you too bitch.” he says while pointing the gun at you. And you did exactly what he said.
“What do you want!” You yell at him while he ties you up.
“I want your happiness to end. If I can't have it, then how can you?”
“The world doesn't revolve around you!” And then before you knew it there was blood coming from your arm and a door kicked open.
“Y/N!” Spencer yells.
“I’m okay, really I’m fine.” You say to the paramedic wrapping your arm.
“No you’re not! You got shot!” Spencer says.
“Okay well how about I leave you two along for a bit huh.” And with that the paramedic was gone.
“Oh look, you scared the paramedic.” You say while throwing your hands in the air.
“Okay and you scared me.”
“Spencer, I got shot. It happens.”
“Yes Y/N I know but it could have hit an artery and make you bleed out. I could have lost you. Why dont see that. If you die who am I gonna mentaly torture, who am I gonna talk to my mom about, who am I gonna love? I've already lost so much, I can't lose you too. I love you.”
“You love me?”
And just like that he grabbed you and put his lips on yours. You immediately put your hands in his hair and pulled hard, he didn't care though. He pulled you closer to him, making you come back with 10 times more force than before. You pulled apart due to lack of oxygen and he put his head against yours after catching his breath.
“Does that answer your question?” He says softly.
This time you kiss him. Not as aggressive as last time though. This was a small, yet equally as meaningful kiss. “I love you too.”
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly then all at once” – John Green
taglist: @ghostly-angelic, @marshmallowtraver, @heartbroken-writer, @yllwtaxi, @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks, @theamuz, @guessthatswhyiliveinhell, @alli1902, and @kaybeeboop
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temekitsune · 4 years
the GazettE CD & DVD for sale
So, I'm selling my collection of merchandise, everything that I've collected in these 15 years.
I still love them, make no mistakes, but I don't feel the need for physical copies anymore. Plus, my collection is still in italy and I've been living in UK for 8 years now, I don't want to leave it there collecting dust for nothing, maybe some of you would like to have some of my stuff.
This is a list of everything I own: CDs, DVDs, magazines and pamphlets.
Everything over lined means is not physically with me at the moment, I'll post an update whenever I'm in Italy or in UK and I'll edit this post accordingly.
Prices are non negotiable.
I ship worldwide with registered air mail. I will ship twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays, depending on when you send me the payment. For the shipping costs I will contact you privately and let you know how much is going to be and my PayPal address.
If you have any more questions send me a dm.
First comes, first served rule!
Most of the items are in perfect conditions, although some of the CDs may have small cracks in the case. That's due to shipping damage from Japan not of me not taking proper care of them. If that's the case, I'll show you pictures of the damages. Same goes for the magazine, they are like new but if there are issues, I'll let you know.
I'm in UK now so you can see the list is definitely smaller that what it used to be. I'm gonna go back to Italy for a week at the beginning of December 2020, if you want something tell me in advance and I'll ship it as soon as I'm there.
Yougenkyou moon - 40£. SOLD
Cockayne soup -40£
Akuyuukai -40£
Sperm margarita -40£
Hankou seimeibun -40£
Madara -40£
Dai Nihon itan geishateki noumiso nakatsuri zechou zekkei ongenshou -40£
14sai no knife -40£
Disorder -regular edition -20£
Chigire - 40£
Reila lesson G -20£
Reila lesson O-20£
Reila lesson D -20£
Gama -40£
Cassis A cd+dvd -25£ yellow
Cassis B -20£ red SOLD
Cassis C-20£ blue
Dai Nihon itan geishateki noumiso gyaku kaiten zekkyou ongaku shou -20£
NIL regular edition  -20£
Filth in the beauty regular -10£
Filth in the beauty dvd -18£
Regret regular -10£
Regret dvd -18£
Hyena regular-10£
Hyena dvd -18£
Leech regular-10£
Leech dvd - 18£
Guren regular -10£
Guren dvd -18£
Distress and coma regular -10£
Distress and coma dvd -18£
Before I decay regular - 10£
Before I decay dvd - 18£
Shiver regular -10£
Shiver dvd -18£
Red regular -10£
Pledge A -10£*
Pledge B -10£*
Pledge C -10£*
*Pledge can be sold separately or as a bundle (all 3 CDs as a whole, for 25£)
Remember the urge regular-10£
Remember the urge dvd -18£
Vortex regular-10£
Fadeless regular -10£
Fadeless dvd -18£
Zetsu -30£
Zakurogata no yuutsu -30£
Misenen -30£
Stacked rubbish -20£
DIM regular edition-20£
TOXIC (with booklet) -30£
Division (2cd + dvd) -35£
UGLY regular -10£
UGLY dvd -18£
DOGMA cd+dvd + pamphlet edition (the big ass edition) -45£
Standing live tour 2006 NAMELESS LIBERTY SIX GUNS final at Budoukan Regular edition (I have the purple version which I'm sure is the regular, I think there was a black version with an extra dvd? Don't remember) - 25£ SOLD
Tour 2006-2007 Decomposition Beauty Final [ MEANINGLESS ART THAT PEOPLE SHOW] at Yokohama Arena - 25£
Tour 2007-2008 STACKED RUBBISH GRAND FINALE [REPEATED COUNTLESS ERROR] at Yoyogi national stadium first gymnasium - 25£
Tour 09 -DIM SCENE- final at Saitama super arena - 25£ SOLD
Tour 11-12 Venomous cell finale OMEGA live at Yokohama Arena - 25£ SOLD
Garish rooms are 9£ each, including shipping. If you buy them with something else, they go down to 7£
0 (I think I got this one in Japan, it is definitely from 2006 there are pictures of the guys having fun before the BURST INTO A BLAZE 2006 live and it does advertise Regret and Filth in the beauty while number 1 already have Regret's outfit. I'll send you pictures if you're interested/ curious, there's no number on it)
You can request as many pictures as you like of the magazines so you're sure of what you're getting.
Rock and read 005 Ruki -60£
Rock and read 014 Reita - 30£
Rock and read 026 Kai - 30£
Rock and read 033 Ruki - 30£
Rock and read 036 Reita - 30£
Rock and read 041 Uruha - 30£
Rock and read 049 Ruki - 30£
Rock and read eyes Spring 2012 - the GazettE on the cover DECADE outfit (Alice nine, Versailles, vistlip, lynch., Dauto, LM.C) - 20£
Shoxx vol.181 March 2008 the GazettE on the cover (Nightmare, Antikku, Hiroto -Alice9-, Sid, Miyavi, Kaggra) + the GazettE poster - 12£
Shoxx vol.245 July 2013 Ruki on the cover + poster inside - 12£
Neo Genesis vol.07 April 2007 - the GazettE in Regret outfit on the cover (Antikku, Nightmare, Miyavi, Sid, Alice9, Doremidan, Angelo - 12£
Neo Genesis vol.21 August 2008 - the GazettE in Guren outfit on the cover (Antikku, Sid, Alice9, Plastic tree, LM.C, Mucc, HIZUMI - D'espairs Ray) - 12£
Neo Genesis vol.23 October 2008 - Ruki on the cover (Merry, Angelo, Antikku, 12012, Penicillin, SuG, heidi, lynch, chariots, Vidoll) - 12£
Neo Genesis vol.28 March 2009 - the GazettE Leech outfit on the cover (Antikku, Nightmare, Alice9, Miyavi, Kra, SuG, Vidoll, Mix speaker's inc, penicillin, mucc, 12012) - 12£
Neo Genesis vol.44 September 2010 - Uruha and Aoi on the cover (Shou & Tora - alice9-, SuG, LM.C, Miyavi, Merry, The kiddie, kannivalism, Angelo, mix speaker's inc, Daizy stripper) - 12£
FOOL'S MATE N°294 April 2006 - the Gazette on the cover in Ruder outfit (Jeanne Da arc, Kirito, Gackt, Nightmare) - 12£
FOOL'S MATE N°322 Augus 2008 - Alice9 on the cover (Reita solo interview, Antikku, Merry, Nightmare) - 12£
FOOL'S MATE N°324 October 2008 - the GazettE on the cover in LEECH outfit (Acid Black Cherry, LM.C, Antikku, Plasti tree, D) - 12£
FOOL'S MATE N°334 - the GazettE on the cover in DIM outfit (Sid, Nightmare, Merry, Alice9, Antikku) - 12£
SHOCKWAVE N°14 November 2008 - the GazettE on the cover in LEECH outfit (Plastic tree, Kra, Mix speaker's inc) - 12£
GLARE vol.6 February 2008 - Uruha &Aoi on the cover in Guren outfit (Luna sea, Kra, D, Miyavi, Kaggra, Merry, Dolly, Daizy stripper) - 12£
GLARE vol.10 December 2008 - Reita & Kai on the cover in LEEH outfit (Merry, the studs, Gilgamesh, SuG, Screw, D'espairs ray, mello) - 12£
Rockoon! N°01 December 2007/ January 2008 (German magazine) - Ruki on the cover between a bunch of other artists. The photoshoots inside has the outfit for Stacked Rubbish - 5£
CD deeta August 2009 - TM. REVOLUTION x Takuya (UVERworld), x Tetsu (L'arc~en~Ciel), MICRO (HOMEMADEkazoku) on the cover (the GazettE, ORANGE RANGE, Acid Black Cherry, Kobukuro, speed, B'z, UVERworld) - 10£
CURE vol.14 Nivember 2004 - the GazettE on the cover in Zetsu outfit - 15£
ARENA 37° vol.3 March 2008 - the GazettE on the cover in Guren outfit (Sid, Alice9, UVERworld, Nightmare, Miyavi, X Japan) - 12£
ARENA 37° vol.8 August 2008 - TVXQ on the cover with poster inside (Alice9, SS501, ORANGE RA GE, Miyavi, the Gazette, UVERworld, hide) - 12£
ARENA 37° vol.10 Octoer 2008 - Nightmare on the cover (the GazettE, UVERworld, Abingdon boys school, BREKERZ, SuG, Alice9, Miyavi) - 12£
ARENA 37° vol.8 November 2008 - the GazettE on the cover in DIM outfit (Gackt, John-Hoon, Acid Black Cherry, Alice9, BREAKERZ, UVERworld) - 12£
ARENA 37° vol.3 march 2010 - Tsubasa Imai on the cover (Damijaw, Alice9, L'Arc~en~ciel, LM.C, SUGIZO, SuG, Kaggra, the Gazette Reita solo. This is the famous photoshoot where he was jumping for the photos and twisted his ankle in the process) - 12£
ARENA 37° June 2008 - the GazettE in Yoyogi tour 2007-2008 Stacked rubbish grand finale [REPEATED COUNTLESS ERROR] 4.19&20 - 12£
ARENA 37° SPECIAL vol.33 May 2007 - the GazettE on the cover in Chizuru outfit - 12£
ARENA 37° SPECIAL vol.48 September 2008 - Uruha on the cover (Dark hair Uruha) - 12£
ARENA 37° SPECIAL vol.50 Novmber 2008 - Reita on the cover (Wet Reita) x2 (yeah, I've got 2 of this, idk why) - 12£
Dainippon Itain geisha - circa 2004-2005 - Zetsu & Zakurogata no yuutsu outfit - 50£
MAXIMUM ROYAL DISORDER - 2005.04.16 & 17 - 50£
Gazerock festival in summer 06 [BURST INTO A BLAZE] - 30£
Decomposition beauty Tour 2006 - 30£
Tour 2006 DECOMPOSITION BEAUTY FINAL [Meaningless Art That People Show] 2007.03.11 Yokohama Arena - 30£
Tour 2007-2008 Stacked rubbish [Pulse wriggling to black 01] - 30£
Tour 2007-2008 Stacked rubbish [Pulse wriggling to black 02] - 30£
Tour 2007-2008 Stacked rubbish Gran Finale [REPEATED COUNTLESS ERROR] (One of many pamphlets with a typo, it actually says "Stacled Rubbish". Gotta love PSC for trying) - 30£
Gazerock festival in summer 08 BURST INTO A BLAZE - 30£
Live tour 2011 VENOMOUS CELL - 30£
Standing live tour THE END OF STILLNESS 2010 - 30£
BLACKMORAL the GazettE tour final THE NAMELESS LIBERTY 12.26 TOKYO DOME (another one with a typo, it actually says FONAL both on the cover and on the pamphlet) - 30£
Happy shopping 🤗
10 notes · View notes
thelocalshooter · 4 years
The Local Shooter Vs. B-LIFE
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(LS) Hello thank you being apart of a great come up and welcome, may we get a small introduction for the people reading who don’t know who you are, where are you from? Who are you? And what do you do?
(B) I'm B-L1FE or B to most. I am an Indiana native but for the last 4 years I've been in the Houston, TX area. I do everything except make beats. I'm a recording artist myself, I engineer, DJ, design, visuals, animations, curate. To add to all that I'm also the CEO of my own record label, FAITH×VICTORY Records. I also am the CEO of three other companies: SupportArt which is a promotion company that also houses a collective, and MeditatedMerch which is my clothing line. There is stuff I'm missing I'm sure but I'm basically the one stop shop for good underground business.
(LS) Being a Texas native how do you feel that the music scene has impacted you and your creativeness?
(B) The scene in the H has never really impacted me much but surround regions have amazingly unique sounds that are almost nice accents to a style like mine that blends hip hop with metal and alt rock. The Dallas FT. Worth area is full of this new wave sound that people like Jah or $not really helped catapult. Then south Florida is known for the wild hype sounds they give us like Pouya. I think these regions influenced me by just kind of telling me hey its ight to let go and just be me. I used to be signed under a different stage name and to be honest it was all bullshit. All the rules and what they wanted me to be. This area in general just let the monster loose I guess you could say.
(LS) You also run a blog on your own called supportart where its a platform for many creative artist in the underground, how did that come about and how long have you been running it?
(B) We are gonna be two years old in June which is unreal. We house 20 artists at the moment including myself. It honestly all started as a group chat of artists trying to put together a collective mixtape. Most people didnt come through but it actually opened a networking portal that led us to our first client who was King Kap who at the time was signed to Quality Control. We continue to work with him to this day and alongside the leaders I make the calls with (Yung N ICy, Fat Daddy J, Psych Ward, Penny the Shabba, Waveon, wa55up, & Kaster) we just had the flood gates opened on us. Alot of trial and error but never once have we been exposed or finessed. We work hard for the underground and have new ways coming soon to showcase hidden talent.
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(LS) you seem to be a jack of all trades with graphics, producing, and much more! What do you feel is your strongest creative outlet for you and why?
(B) All the other crafts came from being a recording artist. I think I truly shine there. Away from the art and visuals, I've had some pretty big accomplishments as the rapper B-L1FE. Sometimes I forget to push my own stuff when I'm so busy pushing the underground or my artists. In 2019 I dropped my first and sophomore album which did well. Underviews did an article naming me a young mogul. I made the underground freshman list which was amazing to be with the likes of GNAR, Lord Xan, 916frosty, and more. But if anything compares it's my graphic design. I've been doing design since I was 14 and I'm almost 28 now. I still have every graphic I've done and my portfolio now have close to 6000 pieces. It's the main reason I could leave the day job life behind.
(LS) You also happen to be on all major platforms with a couple single releases, where did you first find your passion for music? Also how did you know that it was going to be a career for you?
(B) My parents didnt really do much parenting but they did raise me around terrific music. I have right now I believe 83 songs on all major platforms which is quite a bit since my contract from the previous record label didnt expire until April of 2018. My parents raised me around Dr. Dre, Bone Thugs, Snoop, Nas, Destinys Child, Master P, and all the greats. So I had this around me so much at 12 I started writing structured songs and didnt even realize it. Football was passion #1 but when I decided to rescend my commitment to Eastern Michigan University, I started toying around with being in a band. After awhile my vocal cords suffered from pure metal music. So I turned to rap which was also like a hobby. Then once I began to network in around 2012 I noticed I had something alot of others didnt. So it was then I knew. The rest was waiting for the contract I signed stupidly to expire. My biggest influences would be Chronic 2001 by Dr. Dre and Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park.
(LS) Your most recent single regurgitate and there’s a single called “Welcome To Hell” which did amazing numbers on Twitter! What was the whole process behind those songs and why did you pick that specific song to shows case the project?
(B) The process behind these two singles were both random to be honest. I put out my second EP back in December and wanted to take my time on my third album so I do what I call SINGLE SZN. I drop a new song on major platforms every week. It started with my first single of 2020 which was 'Never' and 'Welcome to Hell' was the second. With that one it was Angry Orphan's concept (featured artist) and he sent me his parts and a rough idea and I thought since we both are lyrical artists let's do what Em and Royce do when they collab and take these same schemes but change our words and small parts of our flows. It made a very cohesive song. The marketing is always the same for me. I let people know way before something drops that it's coming. The main key is promoting stuff more than once. So many people drop a track, run it through some group chats for that day, and then leave it to die. You gotta keep pushing content towards people. With 'Regurgitate' I hadn't even planned a part of it. I woke up to an email from SupportArt's head engineer, Penny the Shabba, that two beats. One was the beat for that song. Wrote it in 15 mins recorded it mixed it, he mastered it while I did the cover, and within 4 or so hours a full song was ready and off to distrubution.
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(LS) What’s a regular day in the life of B-LIFE? Do you wake up in the morning go to the studio? Do you wake up in the morning and start interviewing people and check on your blog? What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
(B) The minute I wake up I need a shower. Cant start the day right without it. My studio and everything is at home so I just go off my daily planner. I keep everything written down including my own personal stuff and I usually pick whatever project I really dont wanna do to start. That way I'm getting through the 'blah' jobs with full energy and the shit I'll enjoy doing I save for later when I'm drained. Usually first thing I do business wise is touch base with my team. We use telegram so we can avoid social media. We a family so they come first. Next is clients. Always touch base with any clients waiting still or people I may have had halfway to the payment phase.
(LS) juggling music, blogs, graphics, and also a clothing brand how do you know when to find time for each creative outlet? Do you set a certain schedule for certain things? Do you have a certain day for certain things how does that work for you?
(B) I wish I knew. Everyday is dedicated to everything. I didnt want to say okay Tuesday we design only covers and logos but sell 5 videos the night before that Tuesday. I ask my clients for deadlines and bundle clients I tell them the timeframes. To be honest my turnaround is so quick and I've done this for so long I do it super fast. Some AMV clients get their video back in an hour with their mind blown. I try not to look at it as such a big work load. Whenever I do feel overwhelmed then its time for like 30 mins on the xbox or a jog. Somehow I never run out of creativity which certainly helps.
(LS) What’s your main goal as far as music? Do you plan on getting signed, are you looking to stay independent? Is music even your full on passion or are you looking to stay more on the blog and manager/artist development side or what is your main goal?
(B) Main goal is to get my label signed how Travis Scott did with Cactus Jack. It keeps the artist safe and in it's own way allows you to stay independent but with proper funding. Music is the main passion. I never say I manage my artists. We push them to build their own brands and we help them with that. I'm simply just keeping a platform all about love. The rest does it's own thing all by itself. Truly amazing.
(LS) Thank you again for being a part of this great come up, is there anything else you would like for the readers to know about you? Or should we keep our eyes peeled for anything to come in 2020? What are some links that you can share were new readers can go ahead and find your work?
(B) You can find everything related to be via my linktree which is linktr.ee/lifewitha1
Album 3's first single drops May 1st and you can already pre order it on Apple Music. Its titled 'Bob Ross' and ensomber produced it. Tune in. Tap in. We out here not just for us but for everybody with the it's always love approach. Just dont get shit twisted haha. You can find me everywhere but soundcloud. Bless up everybody and much love to The Local Shooter. Houston we strong!!
The Local Shooter Vs. B-L1FE
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0 notes
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: Alright? Janis: Not too shabby, Jimothy Janis: How about you? Jimmy: Been better Jimmy: You know 😏 Janis: Goes without saying Janis: we both make do like but all things considered Janis: think it was 'reet' as you would say Jimmy: You're so full of craic Jimmy: No wonders I miss you already like Jimmy: But yeah it was alright Janis: 🍀 Janis: Take the compliment even though with present company its not asking much of me is it Janis: No shade to Cass or Bobs Jimmy: Want another, do ya? #thirstyworkthis Jimmy: Full of 'em thankfully Janis: Who you calling thirsty?! 😉 Jimmy: Denying it? Jimmy: Bold move Janis: Your word against mine Jimmy: Fair. You are louder than me Jimmy: Gonna get drowned out Janis: 😳 Janis: Prick! Janis: Not my fault that you just grunt like a caveman at all times Jimmy: If you aren't about it, do something about it, mate Jimmy: Just saying 😏 Janis: Ha.. what, teach you proper English? Janis: Not sure I got the time or dedication to the cause tbh 🤔 Jimmy: Nah you haven't got the vocab 🇮🇪 Jimmy: Need more than 🍀 is the drama Janis: 🖕 Janis: Drama is the only subject you're about, more like Janis: not working with an unwilling pupil Jimmy: You can't be my muse across every subject, mate Jimmy: So thirsty like Janis: Ugh Janis: I hate you Janis: So glad you're not here now Jimmy: Can't shut me up from this far away though Jimmy: We both know you've got means otherwise Janis: Such a blatant hussy Janis: all becomes clear now 😂 Jimmy: Skerries brings it out in me Janis: Well what happens in Skerries, like Jimmy: Shit. Hang on Janis: Okay Janis: Is it? Jimmy: Sorry Jimmy: As you were Jimmy: What did I miss? Janis: Damn, didn't hear me lamenting under ya window? Janis: Guess the thirst isn't THAT real Janis: You good? Jimmy: Funny Jimmy: Shame you weren't, could've caught me when I was tempted to throw myself out dramatically like Janis: That bad then? Janis: 'Cos you went away, like? Jimmy: My dad just had a weekend worth of opinions he simply had to share with me about how I've been spending my time Janis: I can imagine Janis: You aren't free childcare though Janis: I know my fam are lax about certain shit others aren't but he is taking the piss Janis: Right? Jimmy: It isn't like I even mind about looking after them, he's acting as if I'm desperate to be rid when I'd rather have 'em than leave them with him Jimmy: None of us wanna play happy families with him and his missus Jimmy: Have your fucking alone time Janis: Soon to be asking that, gotta be realistic Janis: Esp. with how little he's given the kiddos re. you're Ma Janis: What a headfuck, can't just transition seamlessly, son Janis: and as for the rest of that shite, he just KNOWS that'll make you feel guilty, Jim Janis: I don't know anyone who puts as much work in with their fam, he's not got a leg to stand on there, just knows what'll work on you, that's all Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: it fucks me off though, it really does Jimmy: Feels like ages since we went away already and I'm only just back through the door Janis: I know Janis: Sometimes I wish we could just take 'em and leave for good Janis: Not really though, I know that's a lowkey fucked thing to wish considering Janis: Not trying to be an insensitive cunt, just hate it when he gets to you, if I could do something about it forreal, I would Jimmy: You do Jimmy: Not trying to make you feel awkward bout it but you do really help me Jimmy: I wouldn't be able to hack half as much of this if you weren't about Janis: 'Course you would Janis: You did before, like, since you was 13 Janis: That's mental Janis: Don't usually wanna gas you up this much but you're fucking strong, and I know you had to for 'em but still are Janis: Own it, big 'ead Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: Still wish you were here though Jimmy: Or we were there Janis: Duh, I'm a delight Janis: and not going anywhere anytime soon so Janis: you're in 🍀 Jimmy: About time I had some Janis: That's the spirit Janis: just hit your Da with that quality bants 😎 Janis: won't have no comebacks, I bet Jimmy: 💪🏆 Jimmy: Sooner I can get my own flat the better Jimmy: Debating jacking school in but then who'd be there to get Mr Lucas' rocks off Janis: Won't someone please think about Mr Lucas n his needs?! Janis: Such a hero Janis: Forreal? Be a shame, like Janis: Not just for the art department Jimmy: I know. I wouldn't get to spend all day eye fucking you for starters Jimmy: 🎻 Jimmy: I dunno, sometimes it's the only peace I get from dickheads, kids and mad dogs but they aren't paying me to be there like Janis: Can't have you using your skillz on the CG punters instead Janis: Get restraining orders or their order over ya like Janis: Makes sense though, shame there ain't a compensation scheme like Janis: Maybe you could get run over and then say the Dr fucked you over Janis: double bubble Jimmy: Get your nan round to beat me up again Jimmy: Have a go too, be a hero, mate Jimmy: If anyone asked there was loads of 'em and I didn't see a single face, sorry Janis: 😂 Janis: and defs not a pensioner and a teenage girl either like Janis: probs the 'RA after you, like Janis: sell that shit to The Sun, boyo Janis: full of good ideas, me Jimmy: Quality Jimmy: I am gonna have to get another job at least Jimmy: any ideas there? Janis: Hmm Janis: Lets put our heads together Janis: What are your skills, Mr Taylor? Jimmy: 😏 Janis: 😒 Janis: There's a market for it Janis: Mia could be your sugar mama, play your cards right Jimmy: I'd happily go broke in that case Jimmy: Live in this box room forever like Janis: You got principles now? Janis: Didn't have 'em when you was sucking face with Tam 🤔 Interesting 😂 Jimmy: When Mia's concerned it's called common sense Janis: Don't reckon you got staying power to be nothing more than another flavour of the month? Janis: She does go through them, admirable in a way given all she's seemingly working against Jimmy: I know I haven't Jimmy: Kissed goodbye to my new boy appeal ages ago Janis: I dunno Janis: I still reckon you're alright Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: Cute Janis: 🤢 Jimmy: [Sends a picture of Twix] Speaking of Jimmy: Absence has made the heart grow fonder for someone Janis: Real MVP Janis: been wearing you out instead of her Janis: You owe her, like 😜 Jimmy: I'm gonna bin off school Jimmy: I can make it up to her then Jimmy: Just for the day, keep calm dad Janis: Lol, really prove his point, like Janis: Teen's prerogative Janis: Fair though, I'm pretty knackered Jimmy: yeah why not Jimmy: you don't wanna come over to keep us both company then? Janis: You don't have to ask Janis: if you just wanna 💤 Janis: Not gonna be that bitch Jimmy: what kinda bitch you gonna be Janis: I've not decided yet, watch out world Jimmy: Keep me posted Jimmy: Twix needs to get a jump on her competition Janis: Look, baby girl, if its a competition between you and school then it is none Janis: but the lad here needs a break Janis: I'm soz 💔 Jimmy: 😎💪🏆 Jimmy: Challenge accepted Janis: You turning sleep into a sport now? Jimmy: Have you seen Twix when she gets going on a dream? #Athleticaf Janis: Aww 😍 Janis: why you taking on the champ, gonna have you picking up her shit- oh wait Janis: s'a dog's life forreal Jimmy: She was the one being #goals all along Janis: Truly Janis: can I come over actually Janis: I want to Janis: Call me thirsty all you wanna Jimmy: I want you here too Jimmy: We're even Janis: What was that? You actually admitting defeat? Janis: 😮 Janis: Never thought I'd see the day, Taylor Jimmy: Don't get used to it, like Jimmy: But I do owe you one for sorting Skerries Janis: I'll take it Janis: Even if it was hardly selfless of me like Jimmy: I'm alright with you being selfish if it means getting away from the shit Janis: Easily sorted Janis: S'my default, ask the fam Jimmy: I would but I'm gonna see how long I can carry on pretending families don't exist 😎 Janis: Not gonna say challenge accepted when you're being a good boy Janis: but I like the sound of that too Janis: plus, unfair, numbers wise Jimmy: You are at a disadvantage Jimmy: Never usually let that losing streak stop you though Jimmy: 😏 Janis: Fuck off Janis: Selective memory sore loser 😒 Janis: I got this in the bag anyway, you can't be cunty to kids Janis: I'm away there, all my fam be grown...ish Jimmy: You're gonna have to jog it for me cause all I see in my past are wins, mate Jimmy: Not that you can trusted if you've forgotten how much of a dickhead I am Janis: I know you find it hard to keep up with me but Janis: at least try, mate 😉 Jimmy: Don't have to. I'm a natural at beating you Jimmy: 💪🏆 Janis: 😑 Janis: I feel its my duty to inform you this isn't how you make girls like you, you know Janis: otherwise your chances of getting a new gf to stick are slim Jimmy: It's alright I don't want a new girlfriend Jimmy: And I know what works on the one I've got 😏 Janis: What a charmer Jimmy: You aren't denying it 😎 progress Janis: What's your game? Janis: Suspect Jimmy: No games Janis: Yeah right Janis: got my eye on you boy Jimmy: You always do Jimmy: 😎💪💕 Janis: 🕵 you're a shady character that's why Janis: could be a 36 y/o russian spy Jimmy: 😲 Jimmy: with this face? rude Janis: deep cover Janis: obvs want me for the olympics cos why else Jimmy: busted Janis: fans gonna be gutted Janis: never mind will they won't they Janis: rollercoaster from fake start to fake end Jimmy: We're gonna need new #s Janis: #whendimitriisnottheone #comradeBYE Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: I'll get the vodka shots in Jimmy: Win you back like Janis: Not that easy Janis: but not gonna say no Jimmy: #thirsty Janis: how did we end up back here Jimmy: Too true for you to keep avoiding, mate Janis: what you think Janis: queen of avoidance Janis: won't see me for dust Jimmy: I'll see you tomorrow, babe Janis: Only by proxy Janis: 'cos my true love is there Jimmy: 🎻💔 Janis: Don't worry, we can still have mindless sex Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: Done Janis: Heart healed real fast Janis: Called it Jimmy: I'm easy Janis: Didn't wanna say it, kid Jimmy: Ask Tam she'll tell you Janis: I bet she would Janis: Unlike you I do my best to avoid her though so no tah Jimmy: Don't know what you're missing there, mate Janis: Ha, you can get fucked Janis: I'm not having a threesome with you and Tam Janis: not even for the #drama Jimmy: what about for the #craic? Jimmy: You'd be lucky anyway she's only about me 😎 Janis: So jealous 😒 Janis: Twat Janis: How about a mmf threesome, bet YOU ain't so keen now Jimmy: Depends who you're considering Jimmy: If it's Mr Lucas I'm well in Janis: All fun and games now but you know he'd be way too down Jimmy: 😒 Jimmy: Too real Janis: Mhmm, that mouth gon' get you in trouble one day Janis: what am I gonna do with you, eh? Janis: 😇 over here Jimmy: I'm the bad influence like Jimmy: Take that dad Janis: Yeah, I'll just tell him, like Janis: Problem solved Janis: Please him no end having to have a chinwag with me 😂 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: done deal Jimmy: not like we're trying to avoid him or owt Janis: oh, just thought we were trying to avoid our own, like Janis: there goes my bruch goss sesh Janis: gutted Jimmy: Keep up, mate Jimmy: Gotta totally isolate ourselves for that teen angst cliche Janis: Umm Janis: 🚩 Janis: are you going to tell me next that no one else cares about me but you? and that I need to block everyone and give you my phone Jimmy: You can tell your fam that next time Gracie's blowing up your phone Janis: I'd pay to see her rescue mission but Janis: I'll let it get to the danger zone before I do anything, standard Jimmy: Fair Jimmy: Can't fault you there Janis: Give you time to get proper creeper Janis: up ya game Jimmy: I'll take that Jimmy: Challenge accepted as per Janis: G'wan then Janis: Don't scare easy Jimmy: I already figured that out Janis: Clever boy 😉 Jimmy: have my moments Jimmy: Don't even need school, see? Janis: Still wanna jack it in then? Janis: Let Monday pass, see how you feel Jimmy: I don't wanna really Jimmy: Just being a crybaby about being stuck under this roof Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: Fair Janis: I feel it Janis: You can always squat in the barn if you're quiet Janis: won't charge you Janis: much Jimmy: I can be quiet Jimmy: If you don't blow my cover we'll be alright Janis: Excuse me Janis: I'm stealth as fuck Janis: you know you got caught the other day yeah Janis: was saving your ego but Jimmy: Nah Janis: Did so Janis: you know Gracie got her 👀 peeled for you forever Jimmy: Damn Jimmy: Should've known that she'd still be obsessed with me Janis: You? Okay 👌🍆 Janis: watch you don't rub your shine off dickhead Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: Thought you'd be buzzing she's switched her allegiance like Janis: Still not getting rid of her is it Janis: Unless you both run off into the sunset and leave me in peace Jimmy: Yeah alright Jimmy: You've got Twix you'll be sorted Janis: Like you give a fuck Janis: finally getting the twin you wanted all along like Jimmy: Naturally Jimmy: Just playing the long game Janis: Bit of a weird way to play it but Janis: this your usual approach? Jimmy: You're the first twin I've dated Jimmy: Lucky Janis: I really feel it Jimmy: [Sends a pic of Twix looking adorable] Jimmy: Bet you do Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Look at what you coulda had Janis: now you're gonna have to get a pug with my sister Janis: sad Jimmy: More of a cat person anyway like 😏 Janis: are you trying to get with my mum? Janis: sicko Jimmy: Nah just over mad bitches, you know Janis: Defs wanna avoid this entire fam then Jimmy: Nah their alright Jimmy: And not just by comparison Janis: Hmm maybe from the outside looking in Janis: They aren't but what am I gonna do, emancipate myself? I've got less cash and less of a place to go so not the brightest of ideas Jimmy: Guess we're stuck Jimmy: Twix has a lot of love to give but fuck all cash Janis: Preach Janis: Useless sugar daddy Janis: should take a leaf out my sister's book clearly Jimmy: Bit late for that Jimmy: You're too loved up Janis: Nah Janis: Tell Twix to speak for herself Jimmy: [sends a voice clip of Twix howling] Jimmy: Done Janis: 😂 Janis: aren't you in enough trouble rn boy? don't start her off! Jimmy: She's a bad bitch Jimmy: Can't be told Jimmy: I blame her training meself Janis: Oh, Twix, where you gonna go? Think on, girl Janis: Get what you pay for Janis: You want results, you gotta cough up for my services Jimmy: You can't need new kicks already, mate Jimmy: I know you've been shopping like Jimmy: The social's got you exposed Janis: What makes you think I was paying? 🤔 Janis: Mean she didn't buy you a 'round? Shame Jimmy: I know you weren't Jimmy: Gonna pay when Twix hears about it though Janis: Sure the flat whites are already hunting her down too Janis: Awkward Jimmy: Tam's probably trying to stretch her skin into a suit as we speak Jimmy: She's gonna need a touch of your luck I reckon Janis: Not your usual type, long and lanky then? Janis: That'll be a toughie but she's nothing if not determined, bless her Jimmy: Dunno I can't remember Jimmy: 🤷 Janis: Nice Janis: Such a gent Jimmy: I wasn't trying to be Jimmy: She bumped into me and we had a dance to make it less awkward Jimmy: Far as that politeness went Janis: No need to lie 😂 I'm not the one that's gonna be crying about it Jimmy: No need to be jealous cause I'm not Janis: Whatever, weren't together Janis: not against any unwritten rules or other shite Jimmy: Still Jimmy: If you were jealous, like at Cass' party, no need to be Janis: You what? Janis: I weren't, you were being rude, that's all Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: 🤷 Janis: Always wanting me to be jealous Janis: 😒 Jimmy: Nope, just saying Jimmy: I'm that dickhead like Janis: What dickhead would that be? Jimmy: A jealous one Janis: Nah Janis: You ain't Janis: why would you be? nothing to be jealous about Jimmy: Forget it Janis: Can't say that, never works, like Jimmy: There's a first time for everything though Jimmy: Worth a go Janis: 🤷 Janis: fine, hit you with the shrug right back Janis: be like that Jimmy: I'm not being like anything Jimmy: I just don't wanna say it. Okay? Janis: Alright Janis: What do you wanna say? Anything? Should I go? Jimmy: Don't Jimmy: It's not your fault like, being too good for me and that Janis: Are you mental? What are you even chatting Janis: Fuck leagues, not even playing the same sport, and I ain't bragging Janis: For once Jimmy: Bollocks Jimmy: You're fucking stunning like, and that's just looks Janis: 🙄 Janis: Please Janis: that's the start and end of my qualities Janis: don't even make the most of that, like Jimmy: Shut up Jimmy: It isn't Jimmy: And you don't need to, that makes it worse, or better depending on the lens you're viewing through Janis: I've told you, I know what I am Janis: Ain't under any illusion I'm a catch Janis: Not fishing for sympathy like Jimmy: I'm not throwing any sympathy out Jimmy: Or compliments, just facts Jimmy: You are a catch, mate Janis: Blatantly not 'cos no one else thinks or has thought so Janis: what I'm saying, there's nothing to BE jealous about Janis: no one gunning for you 'cos I'm off the market, is there Jimmy: Only cause they can't compete with how #goals we are Janis: Yeah, that's the joke Jimmy: It doesn't have to be Jimmy: I'm not laughing Janis: No? That might've been your reality but it certainly hasn't been mine Janis: There's a reason I was a 'dyke' with no friends, and those reasons haven't disappeared Janis: You would laugh, you do Jimmy: No Janis: Forget it Janis: I'm using mine now too Jimmy: Don't Jimmy: I don't want you to forget what I'm trying to say Jimmy: Even if I am messing it up Janis: you don't have to Janis: say anything Janis: just 'cos I'm being a fucking sad case Jimmy: I want to Jimmy: There's so much shit I wanna say to you, alright? Janis: But you don't know how? Janis: Alright, Liam, fucking hell Jimmy: He was on to something Janis: Maybe Janis: 😏 Janis: You don't need this though, my shit ontop of yours, forreal, so you can forget about it, alright? Jimmy: I'm not that much of dickhead Janis: Ugh, can't you try? Janis: Always claiming the title and now where is it when we need it, eh Jimmy: Sorry Jimmy: Got no control over it like that Jimmy: Basically none around you, like Janis: You mean that? Janis: No bullshit, no bants? Jimmy: You know I do Janis: Good Janis: 'cos me either Janis: and I am jealous, really jealous Janis: and you know that too, I know Jimmy: That's why you have to hear me out Jimmy: There's no reason to be Jimmy: I swear Janis: Alright Janis: I'll try Janis: Its not personal, but I know its shitty to be on the other end of it regardless Jimmy: Good Jimmy: I can't lie now, I quite like it Jimmy: Nobody's ever been that bothered about me before Janis: Well they're thick then Janis: I Janis: I dunno Janis: Not had anyone to myself before Janis: that I wanted to keep Janis: not letting go easy, like Jimmy: Don't Jimmy: Me and you. Alright? Jimmy: That's how I want it Janis: Alright Janis: I wish we had a place to go now too Janis: Bad Janis: out of the question storming out in a teen angst rage tonight? Jimmy: It's out of the question for me not to Jimmy: I'll take the car Jimmy: Find us a place Janis: You're already in trouble I guess Janis: Lets do it Janis: I'll be waiting outside Jimmy: I'll be right there Janis: 👌 Janis: what are our chances of sneaking me in though? 🤔 seems silly to come back home only to come back tomorrow like Janis: up for the challenge? Jimmy: Put a coat on it's freezing out Jimmy: You know it 💪🏆 Janis: Cute ���� Janis: but as I've pulled, will do Jimmy: Funny Jimmy: Got the car keys that's the first hurdle like Jimmy: Don't even need luck Janis: Thank God, like Janis: just that good, yeah? Jimmy: Yeah Jimmy: 💕
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