#i'll post em separate later
unfortunatish · 2 years
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Going back to my roots on tumblr w/ some scp fanart
Drew my fav trio ofc
I'll repost all of my old scp art from 2021 later! :] I regret deleting them all💔💔
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eternalmoonlight18 · 2 months
Please Please Please (Don't Prove 'Em Right) Chapter 2
Trafaglar Law x afab Female!Reader
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You are the Heart Pirates' beloved cook and sniper. However, you were also an insufferable troublemaker who always seemed to get on Law's nerves. He swears he's going to get rid of you one day, but as much as he hates it, why does he find you fascinating? Was it because you reminded him of someone he was greatly fond of?
As your relationship with Law grows, he only hopes you don't fucking embarrass him. After all, he has an image to uphold as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
This story starts off as short stories between (Y/N), Law and the Heart Pirates, then picks up into the One Piece canon timeline, starting from Punk Hazard. This is a slow-burn Law x Female Reader story!
Updates every Sunday!
Cross-posted in Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57651295/chapters/146705491
Chapter 2: Soba, Warrior of the Sea
Chapter summary: Attempting to find blackmail material against your captain, you took a volume of Law's favourite comic series. The only problem is you misplaced it an hour later, and if you didn't find it, the captain was going to cut you up and throw you to the bottom of the sea.
Notes: Thank you for the love! I'm so glad y'all are loving this like I am! I'll make a taglist if more people are interested. And no, the title is not a typo and you'll find out why soon ;)
wc: 4k (hefty chapter this week!)
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The Polar Tang smelt like fried eggs.
It was 7 am and Hearts Pirates were just waking up. It was a brand new day, and the crew were looking forward to seeing if they could dock on a new island. 
Ikakku made her way into the kitchen first, and she saw you cooking breakfast for the crew. You had your white jumpsuit unzipped with the sleeves tied around your waist. Your white tank top was stained with grease and was clinging to your skin due to sweat. 
She sat down facing your direction and rested her elbows on the table, with her cheek leaning on her palm. "Morning (Y/n)!" she greeted you.
You turn your head to see that Ikkaku has arrived. "Morning Ikkaku! Sorry I didn't wake you up, I knew that you wanted to help me today but you looked so peaceful sleeping," you said. 
Your crew-mate waved her hand dismissing the apology. "Don't even worry about it. I know you love being in the kitchen by yourself." She glanced at your exposed body. "Shouldn't you change and put your suit back on?" she commented.
You made an annoyed click with your mouth. "You know how annoying these jumpsuits are. I don't know why he insists that we can all do our jobs while wearing a white garbage bag as clothes. I don't care if he sees me like this and gets mad, I can't cook with this shit on." you complained. 
The girl behind you giggled, "Get mad? It's more like ogle your almost half-naked body. You know the captain has somewhat of a soft spot for you."
You scoffed. "Captain? We're talking about the guy who sliced me when he found that I put flour and bread in his rice balls?" 
"If anyone else did that, they would get thrown out of this sub." Ikkaku defended.
"Oh please. You know the captain is an emotionally constipated man who doesn't take a second glance at anyone."
"You'd be surprised our dear cook. I've seen Captain stare at you last month." Shachi interrupted as he walked into the kitchen with Penguin. 
"Shachi, that was because he was going to decapitate (Y/n) for smacking a loaf of bread on his head," Penguin corrected him.
"Oh..." he muttered.
You threw your head back in laughter as you remembered how you accidentally smacked the captain with a bagged loaf of bread because he was somehow caught in between the crossfire of you and Shachi arguing about stolen food portions. That day was the first time your head was separated from your body. 
The three crew-mates sitting at the dining table noticed how your cheeks flushed a light pink. They all grinned maniacally. 
"Were you thinking of the captain?" Penguin singsonged. 
You rolled your eyes as you placed a batch of fried eggs on a plate. "You know I don't have feelings for the captain like that."
"Aww, that's not true," Ikkaku whined. 
You continued to batter up a batch of pancakes and poured it into the hot pan in front of you. "Well, I can't lie the captain is good-looking. But I don't just fall in love with someone based on looks you guys, I would want to get to know the person before I would think about committing to a relationship," you explained as you flipped the pancake.
Shachi suddenly straightened his back in a sudden realization. "So you do admit that you find our awesome captain handsome! Why don't you try getting closer to him?" he asked.
You grabbed the plate of eggs from the counter and walked up towards your hungry crew-mates to place it on the table.
"I think the captain would rather eat bread than to get to know me. Besides, I know that he finds me insufferable, but that's because he doesn't know how to have fun. Now, who wants my special fried eggs?" 
It was 10 am, and you just finished cleaning the kitchen and making the crew's lunch. You proudly put your hands on your hips as you scanned the area. You were a proud cook and proud of what you did. Your heart swelled in appreciation that you could use your talents and that your talents were well appreciated within the crew.
Unlike your 3 shitty brothers who always just shoved food down their throats without care. But that wasn't important.
You glanced at Bepo, the captain's favourite crew-mate (your assumption), finishing wiping the dishes clean. The Mink was always around the captain, so often that you swore that they were probably shower buddies. A mental image of Law and Bepo bathing together popped into your head. You stiffened a laugh. 
"(Y/n)-san, Captain wanted to request grilled fish and rice for dinner," Bepo said, interrupting your daydream.
You exhaustedly sighed. "Again? This is the third time we had that this week, I swear that my breath permanently smells like fish now."
The Mink turned around to you and lowered his head. "Sorry..."
You gave a halfhearted smile to your crew-mate. "Never mind that I can never get mad at you Bepo, you're one of the few people who help me around the kitchen. Tell the captain that if he wants his favourite dish he needs to come up and ask me personally instead of using you as a communicator."
Bepo profusely nodded. "I'll tell him right away."
As Bepo was going to leave, you stopped him. "Wait," you called up to him. The Bear stopped in his tracks. 
You put your hand on your chin and started to think. "I don't want to make that fucking grilled fish and rice dish again. What if I know something about the captain and I can use it to hold against him? That way I can never make those dishes ever again." 
Once your idea formed in your head you started to grin evilly and rubbed your hands together like a madman.
Bepo, seeing this unfold in front of him, started to get nervous. "Uh, (Y/n)-san? What are you doing? Why did you stop me?" he asked. 
You whipped your head up to face Bepo and walked up in front of him. Putting your hand on the side of your mouth like you were telling a secret, you started to ask, "You're pretty close to the captain right?"
Bepo flinched. "Uhm, yes?"
"And you know a lot about him right? Like his deepest and darkest secrets?"
"Well, I guess so?"
"So, if you tell me something about him, something that he doesn't want anyone to know, you'd tell me in exchange for, let's say, my special sushi recipe?"
Bepo started sweating and you smirked. You knew the Mink bear loved your special sushi recipe, and you knew he could not resist.
"(Y/n)-san... I can't betray the captain like that." he said. The poor bear sounded like he was trying to convince himself not to give in to your temptation.
"Oh? Well, that's too bad, I was going to also make Soba for tonight too, what a shame," you said with fake sadness.
Bepo started to whimper. If there was one thing he didn't play about, it was Soba.
The Mink started to whip his head left and right to see if anyone was listening in to the conversation. Then he leaned down to your level.
"Oh alright, but PLEASE don't tell the captain about this!" he harshly whispered.
You grinned as you crossed your heart. "The information is safe with me."
Bepo hesitated, then he quickly confessed, "The captain is a huge fan of the comic series Sora, Warrior of the Sea! He has a huge collection hidden in his library of books."
You leaned back in surprise, with your smile widening into a perplexed grin. "Our feared captain is a NERD?!"
Bepo frantically waved his paws at you. "(Y/n)-san! Please you're being too loud!" he begged.
You burst out laughing, bending frontwards while your hands were clutching your stomach. Oh, the information that you just obtained was your One Piece! You never expect your stoic and boring captain to be a huge fan of a children's comic series. And he collected the comics too? This was just what you needed to blackmail Law.
You quickly collected yourself from laughing too hard. "Good doing business with you Bepo, you can expect a very good dinner tonight." You said. You winked at him and hurriedly walked out of the kitchen.
"Oh man, what did I do..." he mumbled. 
Meanwhile, you were scouring around the Polar Tang to find Law's collection of books. While walking in the corridors of the submarine, you encountered Jean Bart.
"Hey, Jean! Where are you heading to?" you asked the big man.
Jean rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey (Y/n)! I'm heading to the infirmary for my annual checkup with the captain."
The statement gave you a green light. You were going to head to the captain's room to get your hands on those comics no matter what. It may be a big risk but if it means that you wouldn't have to grill fish ever again, so be it.
"Good to know! I'm just heading back to my room, I've been doing a lot of cooking today." You said it as an alibi. 
You started to walk past the man. Jean's head followed your direction. He looked confused. "But your shared room is the opposite way...?" he said, watching your form walk further away. 
You didn't hear the man. You were hyper-focused on sneaking into the captain's room while he was busy with medical examinations.
Eventually, you came across a double door. There was a sign on the left door that read Trafalgar Law. This must be it.
You slowly grabbed the handle of the right door and twisted it. Pushing the door open you slowly walked into the captain's quarters. It was clean and neat as you expected it to be. The captain was a clean freak, the complete opposite of what you dealt with in the kitchen. On the right of the room was a queen bed, with a nightstand on its left side. There was a decent-sized desk perpendicular to the doors which were filled with scattered papers. To the right of the desk was a tall bookshelf filled with all kinds of books.
You stepped into the room and closed the door quietly behind your back. You hurriedly walked to the bookshelf and started scanning through from top to bottom.
"Archives of Medical Plants... Grand List of Diseases... Mink Autonomy... North Blue Medical Association, dang nothing but medical books," you muttered as you looked through the bookshelf.
Unable to find anything on the bookshelf, you looked around the desk. You opened the drawers hoping to find some comics but found your bounty poster instead.
"Weird, why does he have my poster in there? It doesn't look like he has the rest of the crew's posters." you thought.
You put your hands on your hips and huffed in frustration. "If I were Trafalgar Law, where would I put my precious comic books?" you thought again. 
Your eyes soon landed on the nightstand, and a lightbulb went off on your head. 
You hurriedly scampered to the nightstand. You immediately opened the bottom drawer and found your One Piece.
In the drawer were 12 volumes of Sora, Warrior of the Sea. You carefully picked up the first volume. It was in pristine condition. You noticed it was covered with a plastic sleeve and you chuckled.
"Oh captain I never thought you would be a nerd. This is so good," you said giddily. 
You quickly took the first volume and placed it under your tank top at your back. Then you quickly put on the sleeves of your jumpsuit and zipped it up. You promptly got up and then quickly left the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind your back. You sighed in relief and took in a deep breath until someone spoke up on your left, "Why were you in the captain's room?"
"GAHHHH!!" you screamed. You whipped your head to your left, only to see Penguin leaning up against the wall with a grin.
"Is captain also in there too?" he inquired.
You grabbed onto the man's collar and pushed him against the wall. "Are you crazy? Don't scare me like that! And no, the captain is in the infirmary right now with Jean!" you whispered harshly.
Penguin raised his hands in defeat. "All right all right. But what were you doing in there?"
You released him and took a step back. "Well since you're here, I found the captain's deepest darkest secret," you said grinning. 
He gasped and put his hands on his mouth. "You found out about Corazon?!"
You tilted your head to the left. "Cora-who?"
Penguin laughed nervously. "Oh, that, uh never mind."
You huffed, dismissing what the man just said. "I found out that captain is a huge nerd! I have his copy of Sora, Warrior of the Sea hidden on me right now." you snickered.
Penguin looked like he was going to faint. Then you saw him morph into the angriest you had ever seen him, "WHY WOULD YOU TAKE THAT?!" he screamed. 
You flinched and his sudden outburst. "Whoa now, it's just blackmail material."
"The captain does not play about touching his comic books!"
You squinted. "Wait...you knew about this?"
The man made a raspberry noise "Of course I did. Bepo, Shachi and I grew up with the captain."
"Ah, that makes sense."
Now Penguin squinted. "Wait a minute, who told you about Captain's collection?"
You nervously laughed. "Ah, Bepo told me."
He groaned. "That fucking bear can't keep his mouth shut," he mumbled.
You dismissively waved your hand. "Never mind him. I bribed him. Now, I know you want to take a peak of this comic with me, don't you Penguin?" you asked. 
He scratched the back of his neck. "Well, it won't hurt just to read a bit."
"Great!" you said as you clapped your hands. "Let's head to the kitchen to read!"
It was now 4 pm and you just finished preparing dinner. You and Penguin delightfully indulged in the first volume of Sora, Warrior of the Sea. As much as you wanted to continue making fun of the captain for liking a kid's comic series, you found yourself enjoying it as well. But, you reminded yourself that the reason why you took the comic book was to blackmail your captain into never suggesting rice and grilled fish ever again. So you placed it in your shared room with Ikkaku. 
You cleaned up the remaining dishes and placed them next to the sink. You made your special sushi and Soba, as per Bepo's request. You hurriedly walked out of the kitchen to go to your room, eager to read the rest of the comic before using it for blackmail.
However, when you entered your shared room and checked your bed, where you hid the book under your covers, you couldn't find it. You started to panic and started throwing your stuff around to find it. You knew Ikkaku wouldn't have taken it, she was in the boiler room all day so she wouldn't have entered the room at all. 
"Fuck! It was just here! Where did it go?!" you spluttered. 
You started to check your desk until you heard a knock on the door. 
"One moment!" you called out.
The knock came in again, but this time someone spoke. "It's me (Y/n)-ya. Can I speak to you?" 
Your blood ran cold. This was the worst timing ever, and now you were going to die today because of it. 
You sped walked to the door and opened it and saw your captain standing at the door. He was wearing his usual black coat, but this time he wasn't donning his signature hat.
You laughed out of nervousness. "H-hey captain! How can I help you?" you asked.
The raven-haired man raised his eyebrows as he noticed your nervousness. "Is something the matter (Y/n)-ya? Are you unwell?" he inquisitively asked. 
You waved your hand. "Nooo, I'm all okay captain. Why did you come to see me?" you said trying to change the subject.
Law wasn't convinced by your statement but continued anyway. "Bepo told me to come to you directly for food suggestions." He was struggling to meet your eyes. "Well, you told him to tell you and you're right. I should be approaching you personally for things that I request. It isn't fair to dismiss you when you're one of our important crew members." he continued. It seemed like he was trying to apologize. However, that was the least of your worries because you had a lost comic book to find and if you didn't find it soon you were good as dead.
You let out a forced laugh. "Oh it's nothing, captain, no problem, I'll make your fish and rice tonight, let me just head to the kitchen to make it right now!"
You attempted to walk past the doctor but he gently pushed you back in the room and entered with you. He promptly closed the door behind him and took a step towards you, leaning close to your face.
"(Y/n)-ya, you're hiding something aren't you?" he said, staring into you with a strange gleam in his eyes. 
The air suddenly felt hot and you started sweating profusely. You looked off to the side and pursued your lips together. "I don't know what you're talking about captain."
The man's face fell into a frown. "You're a terrible liar (Y/n)-ya. You can't keep a straight face."
Your face turned red in embarrassment. Then suddenly, Law used his Devil Fruit powers to materialize the comic book into his hands. You felt like you were going to pass out.
"Oh, so you have no idea how this ended up in your room?" he said mockingly.
"H-how did you, I-i-" you stuttered in shock. Then you suddenly remember again why you took it in the first place. 
"HA! I took it because I found out that you're a huge nerd! You're a huge fan of Soba, Warrior of the Sea! I will tell everyone in this submarine that you like children's comics if you continue to ask me to make your wretched rice and grilled fish again!" you said proudly. You put your hands on your hips and glared at Law, thinking that the blackmail worked.
There was a pregnant pause. But then Law did unspeakable. For the first time, he burst out laughing. 
The captain was genuinely laughing. A smile adorned his face, with his eyes crinkling up in a crescent shape. This was a big shock to you because you were never met with laughter when it came to Law, only scowls, yelling and threats of violence.
But for some reason, your heart gently fluttered at the sight. To see the captain in such a new light was... interesting to say the least. 
The captain collected his breath and then started to talk. "First of all, who's Soba?"
"Tonight's dinner menu," you answered with no hesitation.
The man sighed, "No, you said Soba the Great Warrior of the Sea, but it's Sora." he corrected you. 
"Oh fuck." you thought. "My hungry ass was thinking thinking about soba."
"Second of all," the doctor continued, "why do you have my book?"
You were pissed off. Did he not realize that you just tried to blackmail him? "Captain, you do realize that I was trying to blackmail you right?"
Law smirked. "Is that so? Well, it's not blackmail if everyone here knows about it," he said.
You swear your brain stopped working. This whole time your plan failed because everyone but you knew that the captain was into superhero comics. You were about to feed the crew shitty food for the entire week.
Noticing that you weren't responding, the man continued to speak. "Also, Penguin told me that you enjoyed reading through it."
You gritted your teeth. "That fucking snitch, I can never tell him anything!" you muttered.
Law chuckled. "Don't worry, I blackmailed him into telling me what happened. I felt that something happening on my submarine."
So everyone's blackmail worked but yours huh? It's like the gods wanted to see you fail.
Law suddenly put down the comic book and dropped it on your bed. Then the doctor suddenly put his tattooed hand behind your neck and pulled you forward so that his mouth was next to your left ear. His cheek was leaning up against yours and you felt yourself blush and heat up from the contact.
"Why are you so adamant on pushing my buttons (Y/n)-ya?" he whispered in your ear.
You felt his goatee scrape against the bottom side of your cheek and you felt your cheeks heat up even more.
"I-I was just-" you stuttered.
"Do you want to get thoroughly punished? It's like you're asking me to punish you." he interrupted. You felt his hot breath in your ear and you swore that you were going to pass out then and there.
The doctor let go of your neck to place both hands on your shoulders and took a look at you. You couldn't tell if he was angry or not. His eyes showed a different look that you were unfamiliar with. It was like he wanted to devour you and throw you out at the same time. The man started shaking from anger for a brief moment, then he stopped and sighed in defeat.
"Your punishment is to read all 12 volumes of Sora with me," he said, finally breaking the silence.
You blankly stared at your captain. You expected that you were going to be kicked out of the crew. But a comic book club with the captain? that was new. "You want me to what?"
"I'm not repeating myself (Y/n)-ya. Since you wanted my books so bad, you will read it with me and talk about it with me," he ordered.
You started to smile out of confusion. "Hey...you just want to talk about Sora with someone don't you?" you questioned him in a teasing tone. 
Law started to scowl as his ears started to turn red. "This isn't about me, I am punishing you for your ridiculous behaviour again," he growled. 
You shook your head and laughed. You brushed off the man's hands on your shoulders and started to walk out of the room. "You're so cute, captain. Fine, for once I agree to do your punishment only because I think it's interesting. Come on now, dinner is going to start soon and I still have to make your disgusting rice and grilled fish meal."
"I AM NOT CUTE!" you heard the tattooed doctor shout behind your back. You didn't see it but his ears turned even more red because of your compliment. Nonetheless, the man started to follow you out of the room. 
But as soon as you opened the door, you were greeted by Ikkaku standing right in front of you. Her eyes were popping out of her head as she saw both you and the captain in the room. She started giggling, as she put both of her hands on her mouth. "Oh my god."
You rolled your eyes and the captain walked passed you your fellow female crew-mate. "I was just questioning (Y/n)-ya, nothing to get worked up over with." he coolly said as he walked down the hall of the submarine.
"Girl, what happened in there?" she asked giddily.
You side-eyed the girl as you started to walk past her as well. “I tried blackmailing the captain but it didn't work.”
Ikkaku frowned and started to follow you. "Come on, what really happened?" she questioned. But you ignored her words as you started to journey into the kitchen. 
You giggled as you walked down the hall. For some reason, Shachi's words replayed in your head.
"Why don't you try getting closer to him?"
A small started to form on your lips. It didn't seem like a bad idea at all.
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adriabun · 7 days
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I'll make a proper post later but chilchuck and laios charm preorders are live!! available until the end of the month.. buy them separately or together, shipping worldwide :3
get em here<3
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dead-in-the-zone · 5 months
:; I was bored
:; Have the main cast of Express as goobers. I'll do the rest later after D52
:; Feel free to use em, just credit me please, y'know?
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:; Enjoy, I might make a separate post for all of them separated for use later if wished
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lexezombie · 8 months
I prommy these are one of last Trolls original species I'll make <3 I have one more but that's for a separate post (well technically I have another, but he's by himself and not a whole species)
FURBYS! It started with the concept sketch originally; this is Dove~ She's just a normal little Furby. Big nerd, probably works in a library?
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But then I moved onto the actual lore-related ocs:
Royce + Dior So the original idea for these guys was a new villain-- this concept, if I ever turn it into a fic (I want to), is heavily mature.
Royce runs a club where he deals out drugs to all the patrons. The drugs are, not surprisingly, Trolls
Specifically, it's injecting or drinking Troll blood (cus if you can eat em whole and huff em I'm sure you can do it other ways)
That's actually why this exists: Juniper was lured in with the promise of drugs, Caspian went to find her.
Dior is one of the dancers for the club and they're kinda fucked up from overusing the blood (most of the time it's Royce enabling them and peer pressuring). Dior is also a 'plucked' Furby (meaning their body has little or no fur/feathers anymore; theirs specifically was self destructive and abuse)
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No one who frequents the club knows exactly what the drug is made of. The only ones who know are Royce and his accomplice.
Dior does find out later and actually helps <3
btw these guys are around like 3ft tall lol
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fox-bright · 1 month
Watching the H5N1 stuff get worse and worse--I'm hoping we have until late next year before it goes reliably human-human, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was this winter--and not being able to do much makes me anxious, so I've been composing lists of stuff to do. I keep thinking, if this were August, 2019, and I knew covid was coming, what would I prepare? If this one goes off like the scientists think it might, it'll be much worse than covid.
Right now, I'm concentrating on food. My plan is to have enough hunker down supplies by mid-September that if things go bad in the normally-scheduled October-February flu season, we'll be okay simply not leaving the house at all. There are only two of us here now, and if things go bad there may be as many as four (as I have two separate friends I'd push hard to come stay here with us), so I need to make sure we have 4 meals x howevermany days I choose. I'm building up to six months, but I'm beginning the plan at three. While a lot of Serious Prepper lists have pretty generous caloric allowances, the MFH and I eat pretty light, and we're both smaller than the average adult human, which does give us even more squeak room here.
We started out with dry staples--bread flour, AP flour, semolina, rice, beans, pasta, lentils, powdered milk--though I have still to get powdered eggs (I'll dehydrate those myself), more dry beans (I'm going to use up a lot of what we have when I do my canning run for the winter, and so far I haven't been able to get my hands on kidney beans in any decent amounts), quinoa, and one more kind of pasta. Right now we have about 2/3 of what I'd want; we'll be holding things at this level, replacing staples as we use them, and if things look more serious we'll do another big shop and give ourselves additional stock of the AP flour, the bread flour, the rice (which we already buy in 40-50 lb bags anyway, we're Asian), the dry milk.
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Then there's the perishable stuff; yesterday, the MFH and I took advantage of some very nice sales and got seventy pounds of meat for two hundred and twelve dollars. Beef brisket for stew, pork butt for sweet molasses chili, ground beef for hotter chili, pork loin for white bean soup. Still have to get chicken (which was pretty much sold out at our bulk place) for chicken soup (to be pressure canned), chicken and mushroom cream soup (to be vacuum-packed and frozen).
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Very very soon it'll be time to harvest my leeks and my butternut squashes, for leek and potato soup (either finished with cream, blended to a smooth-ish consistency and frozen, or *not* blended down, and just socked away in pressure-canned Ball jars without the cream added; will it take me longer to thaw it, or to take my immersion blender to the hot individual meals later on?) and canned butternut for baking with or making soup or chili or making pasta sauce.
I might can a bunch of just potatoes, too, to keep 'em shelf stable (plus that front-loads a lot of the work of producing a meal later).
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So I need to buy onions and carrots and potatoes and celery and garlic and mushrooms and corn, cream, red wine, tomato paste (because my vines got blight this year, sigh--I've managed to can one single run of tomato sauce and that's IT), ten dozen fresh eggs to dehydrate and powder and store in the fridge in case of egg shortages, several pounds of beans to be thrown into the chilis and...hm...fifteen pounds more, twenty pounds more, to have on hand? And then for non-canning purposes we'll need butter, oil, white vinegar (I've used a lot of it for pickles this year), various Asian food staples like black and rice vinegars, oyster sauce, black mushrooms and so on. As for pre-made, mass-produced foods, I'll probably make another post about them later.
While this is more than I'd generally stock in a single season, I do generally put about 100 quarts of home-canned food by a year, and I never keep less than 75-100lb of flour on hand anyway because of how frequently I make bread. So though it sounds like a lot up front, it's not hoarder level; everything I stock will be eaten, some of it pretty much immediately (the beef stew is so good). And putting it all by now means that we'll be less of a burden on our community safety net, if push comes to shove. When the covid pandemic hit I had dozens of jars of food on the shelf already, which gave me a little peace when things were looking scary. We were able to share some of our stores with people who hadn't had the great privilege of long afternoons spent seeing to the personal stores. That's a better option, to my mind, than needing to panic-shop right as things start getting a little wild.
Basically, if things go bad, we'll have food for a while. And if things don't go bad, we'll have food for a while. It's win-win. And it keeps the floor under my feet when I'm feeling unsteady, to be able to sneak down into the cool, still basement and look at row on row of gently gleaming jars of food security.
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Hello!! First: I think calling your asks a mail box is so cute )::
Secondly: Are.. you a nightwing? Have you ever thought about mixing TDCA with WOF?? I personally see sun and moon as a nightwing sandwing hybrid who was cursed by magic to switch forms between the light and the dark ::3 but I would love to hear your thoughts!! (If you don’t care much for WOF still would love to hear your thoughts on dragon versions of sun and moon !!) - Muffiiee
TYSM!^^ I might change it eventually, as I had it like that because I was playing around with my phone notification sounds skkdjwjeej. I'll probably keep it for a while tho!
Also, the "I wonder who it's from!" in the gif immediately made me think of Blues Clues akdbdbdbdbbb
And no, I'm not a Nightwing. Dw tho! A lot of people get her confused! She actually has a separate WoF design (Rain/Night) that's on my TH!^^ Her regular design is non-wof.
And yes, I have! AKJSJSHSHHS i finally get to talk about them! I am currently working on the WoF!DCA lore (at least for my renditions).
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Base by LotusMoon
They're separate dragons in mine, and they're brothers! They're Sand/night hybrids with just a biiit of Skywing heritage (hence Sunny's tail!)
They ended up working for Thorn in the Scorpion Den during the tail end of the war as caretakers, mainly caring for injured and orphaned dragonets.
After the war, they decide to start a daycare/orphanage, considering there were still many displaced dragonets during the war. (Mind you, they're still 17 or so in human years at this time, so probably 6-7 in dragon years and still considered dragonets. Around the same age as the DoD ig idk anymore lol)
I don't have their lore figured out much beyond that though-
(However, I have thought about pulling these two into my Ninjago Multiverse AU. Galaxy, (my sona) is the MC of that au and got dragged to the Pizzaplex to stop the virus via her Portals, and now works there. Sun and Moon have accidentally ended up on two adventures with her (Hunger Games and an MLP infection world). Maybe I'll add a third at some point, and DCA Sun and Moon end up dragons for a while ajdjdhjd)
I also have a few OCs I want to involve in their lore somehow. I was actually writing in that specific Google doc when I got this ask LMAO-
I can give you a few snippets if you want! :D (Some of it not Sun and Moon related specifically, but I might tie the other character's story into theirs later! (If I make full fledged fics, I'll probably post em in a similar style to the WoF books; one in Skyfrost's pov, one in Sun's, one in Moon's, ect. Although, I'm already working on two fnaf fics and many little smaller drabbles so it might be a while before I get anything very long XD)
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goosetooths · 1 year
maybe you just haven’t seen it yet, but you didn’t post about it and im curious so… how’d you feel about gomens 2?
also i LOVE your art style!!!
AAH HI! thank you so much!! i've watched it and i LOVED it for a great number of reasons. i just wanted to get through most of the initial shock and awe and drawing frenzy before i said anything. my thoughts below the cut!
i loved it. yes, even the ending. i know it's sad and awful and not what we wanted, exactly, but it's so deliciously complicated that i can't help but love it. things didn't work out for them right away. they're canon, and queer, and deeply in love, and instead of a perfect happy ever after, they're going to get to grow and learn and continue to be beautifully complicated characters that have problems they need to work through.
aziraphale is going to have to grow enough to cognitively choose crowley, something he's struggled with on and off throughout all of time. crowley is going to have to figure out who he is without aziraphale. i think this separation will make their eventual reunion just that much better. i think that through this pain, they'll become the best versions of themselves that they could possibly be for each other before they settle in for an eternity of loving one another above all else.
that being said i did weep at crowley's confession, at the kiss, at the Divorce(tm). it's fucking DEVASTATING. i know we're going to get our happy ending eventually, though, so i'm choosing to see this as an opportunity to watch these characters i love just. cognitively CHOOSE one another and decide to be together forever.
i for one trust neilman to deliver us unto the south downs cottage eventually, so i am going to revel in the angst and the many many ways they can move past that angst in the meantime. i'm literally writing a fix it fic right now hdjchhdjd
other thoughts:
1. i wish it had been longer! so much happened so fast and i wish there was a bit more breathing room but what can you do
2. LOVED muriel, LOVED nina, LOVED maggie. loved how maggie and nina were also nuanced queer characters who didn't automatically get together happily and acknowledged that they need to grow and change before they can be together. but they also acknowledge that they do want to be together. very sweet!!!
3. jimgabe was very funny. loved him. loved him and beez and i'm happy for them theyre sweet !!!
4. the minisodes were SO much fun. i loved all three and i'm so glad we got them :^)
5. thE LAUDANUM BIT LMAO. i love crowley off her head on laudanum
6. turtleneck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. just generally loved that azicrow were allowed to be very goofy and very visibly in love and touchy this season. it was incredibly sweet and made me VERY happy and Almost makes up for the devastation of the ending. all crowley's little voices and goofy movements were so endearing, and all aziraphale's little longing looks made me want to throw up (affectionate). also protective crowley!!!!!
i have many more thoughts and could probably go on forever and ever and ever and ever (and ever and ever and ever) but i'll save 'em for later. i also buy into the coffee theory. okay bye
ps. if u have fix it fic recs pls send em my way :^)
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askthefruitycorpses · 9 months
★彡 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 / 𝙋𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤!! 彡★
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★.•♫•♬• ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ •♬•♫•. ★
Hi!! Welcome to another Davesport ask blog. We had wanted to make one for some time but never fully thought people would care but we are happy to make one now! The one writing this post is me, @yui-lover-33! This is a blog that is run by me and my boyfriend @xe-the-void !! We co-own the account and general blog and will answer questions separately or together. Most of the time it may be together but don't get your hopes up as we balance our personal lives with this.
This blog won't be too different from many other davesport blogs other than the Dave and Jack are just me and boyfriends vers which just how our own personal projections and changes of backstory. The two aren't fully accurate as they have their differences from the cannon. You can ask them about it or not if you already know and have seen my posts on my main and twitter.
Whats the point of this pinned post?
It's just to better inform you on rules, characters, ownership of said characters, and creator stuff.
Side note: If you wanna know who is who posting or talking look for these indicators!! <:D!
Yui -🦎 Xe - 💜 Both - 💚💜
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★彡 ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ 彡★
As stated before this will clear up who owns what characters. (Yes, we own and draw specific DSAF characters.) It's not really owning them actually more so which ones we design and claim in the blog.
Keep in mind some are not designed and finished so some may come as a later surprise if you choose to ask them.
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Any characters not displayed such as the other Phoneys just don't have designs and may not be included for a while. This may change later down the line, but your stuck with Harry and Rebecca for now.
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╰☆☆ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ☆☆╮
Is asking other DSAF okay?
Generally yes, you can ask whatever characters from DSAF you want here. Our main focus is just Jack and Dave but we will happily do the others if you ask them.
Just wanted to clear that general question up but I'll state the ground rules now
I of all people want to make this extremely clear as it pisses me the fuck off and I will not tolerate any shit like that. If ones like this are sent I can and will just instantly delete them. Me and my boyfriend are minors as of this post and will not do shit like that. Even if we turn 18 we will not do it due to a younger following!
Please keep stuff SFW and on topic with the blog
From our past experiences with ask blogs, It does nothing but irritate us when people try to insert their characters into the sk blog and do weird things. We both ask that you please stay on topic with the ask blog and account with the fandom and game we are doing please.
Please don't do weird magic Annon shit
We will allow magic annons but in no way any weird shit such as IDK fetish stuff, Possibly genderbending ( since Dave and Jack are trans ), turning characters into kids, and just general gender changing or any stuff like that. asks that discomfort us will always be deleted unless the habit is repeated then we will state it.
Please don't force your ver / ideas onto our versions
The vers we have are very personal to us and we please ask that you don't fetishize, change, be rude, or just generally try to switch them up. We ask that you respect the way we portray them as it is our preferred and most comfortable way.
» For more information on boundaries I recommend you refer to the carrd I made for em :P
Overall, this will get updates over time, but almost half the time we will take the responsibility and charge to delete asks we don't like or don't feel comfortable with asking. It's no harsh feeling but we state what the grounds are here for all of you to know. We just do what we think is best and we just ask that you respect that.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
The First Shadow, Timelines, Alice Creel, and Swapping Family Members: New Thoughts On Alice Creel vs Karen Wheeler Regarding the Edward Timeline 
(Karen Wheeler Might Be Alice, Just Not In The Way Anyone (Including Me) Thought She Was)
So, to start this off on an insane foot (bear with me).
I think that this is Alice Creel:
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But before you go “oh, Em, you’re just rehashing an old Alice theory, everyone knows this theory”- I DON’T think that this is Alice Creel:
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I a.) don’t think that they’re the same person and b.) I don’t think that the second girl is actually Alice Creel.
Most Alice is Karen theories claim that these two are the same person, and that Karen uses contact lenses or something to have brown eyes, something that I disagreed with.
And I thought that Karen was actually Daughter Virginia until today, and that that little blonde girl was Alice, and that they’re two separate people. I talked about it posts such as this post. Now, I'm not letting go of that theory entirely, I think there's still a chance that it might be true, especially since some of the TFS stuff is still being revealed/might be changed regarding contacts etc etc.
But now, I offer a new idea: that little blonde girl is not Alice Creel.
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She’s also probably not Karen Wheeler either (at least, not the brown-eyed karen that we see in the show. I'm still undecided about the blue-eyed karen childress in all of this)
I think that little blonde girl is Virginia Creel/Daughter Virginia, and that Karen Wheeler IS Alice Creel, but is NOT that little blonde girl that we see. I don't think we've ever seen Henry's sister, Alice Creel, as a child on-screen.
Now, setting that aside, let’s start at the beginning of what I think is going on here, and we’ll circle back to that, and I'll explain why I think this is the case, and why I also believe that the brown-eyed "Virginia" Creel that we see is actually Mother Alice.
SECTION 1: Did Victor Get Peter'd? What The Hell Happened to Victor Creel? 
So, I'm wondering if one of these is true: A.) The Victor in Pennhurst is actually the Edward Timeline Victor, who has been brought into the Henry timeline.
BUT, he's had his memories messed with by the lab and believes himself to be the Henry Timeline Victor (the father of Henry and Alice and the husband of Virginia) but is actually the father of Edward and Virginia and the husband of Alice)/. They likely left the visual part of his memories alone, but messed with the name part of his brain OR B.) The Victor in Pennhurst is the Henry Timeline Victor (the father of Henry and Alice and the husband of Virginia), and never crossed timelines, BUT he's had his memories messed with by the lab.
He doesn't believe himself to be the Edward Timeline Victor the way that the previous Edward Timeline Victor in option A.) believes himself to be the Henry Timeline Victor, BUT he DOES believe that the people he's seeing in his memories are his family when they're not.
This would be because they messed with the visual part of his memories, but left the names alone. And therefore, his actual daughter IS named "Alice," but the little girl in the visuals/his memories is NOT Alice Creel, and instead, is Edward Timeline Daughter Virginia Creel.
Either way, I think his memories got messed with, and either way, both options lead to that little blonde girl not being Alice Creel. Let's go through option A.) first.
This would be the option where Victor got "Peter'd"- aka, being pulled into another timeline like Peter Bishop was in Fringe (and Fringe is confirmed inspo for ST, the ST writers have tweeted about watching it). You can also see this post for more proof of that. In Fringe, it's the son (Peter), who is taken to another timeline. But, if ST wanted to subvert this/flip it, as they often do with their sources of inspiration, then it would make sense for the father (Victor) to be the one who is taken to another timeline. We'll talk about Fringe more later, though.
And you might be thinking "didn't Victor straight up say that Henry was his boy, Alice was his daughter, and then said "Virginia" in reference to his wife? Doesn't that imply that he's Henry Timeline Victor?
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And YES, he did, but, like I said earlier, if the names were swapped around for him/if he believes that he's Henry Timeline Victor, then it tracks perfectly for him to believe that those are the names of his children and the name of his wife, even if they're not. His memories would still be the same visually, he would still be picturing His Kids in his mind, he would just have their names wrong/believe them to be someone they're not (much like Hopper talking about the "wrong kid," back in S1).
And I'm also wondering if The First Shadow is going to be the first time that we see Henry Creel and his family, rather than Edward Creel and his family.
Why am I wondering if TFS is going to be the first time that we actually see Henry Creel's family/see Henry Timeline Victor? Well, it's partially because, like I talked about here, Mike Jibson, who's going to be playing Victor in The First Shadow, resembles Owens WAY more than he resembles Kevin L Johnson/the guy who plays Young Victor.
So, I'm wondering if this guy/Pennhurst Victor:
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IS this guy and IS Edward's father:
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But is NOT this guy/is not actually Henry Creel's father:
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But that This Guy is Henry's father, and possibly a young Owens/if we're seeing Henry's Creel's Father In The 50s for the first time & if Kevin L Johnson solely played Edward's father:
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I know that previously, I said that Owens might be Edward Timeline Victor, but NOW, I'm wondering if he's Henry Timeline Victor, an idea I'll come back to soon in this section when I talk about WHY Victor might have been pulled from the Edward Timeline to the Henry Timeline.
And regarding the idea of us not having seen Henry's family before, there's also the matter of the wallpaper. I talked about the colour-changing wallpaper in the Creel house and how it connects to multiple timelines in this post, however, I want to talk about it again, because I want to talk about what we DON'T see in this regard, rather than what we DO see. And what we DON'T see is the red wallpaper in the family room in any of the 1950s flashbacks. This is relevant because as I talked about in that post, the red wallpaper seems to be from the Creel house in the Henry timeline, whereas the green wallpaper seems to be from the Creel house in the Edward timeline- and the green wallpaper is the only wallpaper that we see in that room in any of the 1950s flashbacks. This would mean that we're only seeing the Edward timeline when we're seeing 1950s flashbacks. However, it's also hard to tell/hard to say Definitively if we're only seeing the Edward timeline because in many of the flashback scenes, the door to that room is shut/simple not visible, so we COULD be seeing shots of the red wallpaper Creel house/of the Henry timeline, but we would have no idea because we can't see that room. BUT, if we ARE seeing solely the Edward timeline in those 50s, scenes, then it would track with the little blonde girl NOT being Daughter Alice/Alice Creel, because Daughter Alice doesn't exist in the Edward timeline- but Daughter Virginia does, and therefore, that little blonde girl is actually Virginia Creel. It would also mean that the mother "Virginia" Creel is actually Alice Creel/Mother Alice.
This would explain why Virginia Creel in TFS has blue eyes whereas Victor's "virginia" in his pennhurst sequence has brown eyes but is never referred to as Virginia by name in the 50s (it only happens when Victor says her name in pennhurst but that tracks with him having his brain messed with)- because she's not Virginia.
It would also explain why in the Dear Billy script, it has Virginia and Alice's names swapped in that moving-in scene: because that's exactly what it would have been for Edward Timeline Victor. He would have been standing beside his wife, Alice, which is what's birefly in the script (the line where they put thier arm around eachother):
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And now here's the big question: WHY? WHY bring Edward Timeline Victor into Henry's timeline???
WELL! I mentioned the idea of Owens being Henry Timeline Victor. And I think that's exactly WHY the lab might pull Edward Timeline Victor into the Henry Timeline. I've talked repeatedly about how it's extremely likely that a.) the lab was involved with the Creel murders/present on the night of the murders but also b.) the lab was setting up the murders/planning things right from the day that the Creels stepped foot into Hawkins.
And we know that the Creel Murders in Edward's timeline happened a few days before the Creel Murders in Henry's timeline. So, if the lab was basically using Edward's timeline as a test run for pulling off the Creel murders in Henry's timeline, but if Henry Timeline Victor is Owens, then they need a fall guy to take the blame for the murders.
Because let's say that Jibson and Owens are the same guy, and that that Jibson-Owens is Henry's father from the Henry timeline. 
But if Owens is the father, and if the lab needs to pull off the Creel murders in henry's timeline too (after all, they happened in edward's timeline FIRST/a few days BEFORE they happened in henry's timeline it's lowkey giving inter-timeline lab fuckery and a trial run), then who takes the blame???? After all, in Edward's timeline, Victor got arrested and then was dumped on the side of the road and taken in for questioning and sentenced, but we don't hear anything about what happens to Edward Timeline victor after his sentencing. He could have killed himself in prison, he could have escaped etc etc. 
He could have dyed his hair pink with smuggled dye for all we know, point is, we don't have a damn clue at ALL what happened to edward timeline victor after his trial/after being sentenced to pennhurst. I'm not saying that he actually killed himself or escaped, but i AM saying that if the lab was to grab edward-timeline victor and bring him over to henry's timeline, we, as the audience, would have no idea based on the papers because the papers don't tell us what happened to him. We hear nothing whatsoever about Edward Timeline victor creeel after his sentence.
The weekly watcher is different because it gives us an INTERVIEW with pennhurst victor while he's in pennhurst, after his trial, indicating that in the Henry timeline, there is, in fact, a Victor in prison in pennhurst. But the Edward timeline doesn't have this, the indianapolis gazette article solely focuses on the day of Victor’s trial, we don't get anything about any interviews later on.
TLDRif jibson and owens are the same guy/are henry's father, and Kevin is Pennhurst Victor but from the Edward timeline, brought over into the Henry timeline. And would still track with what I said about how we dont see that red wallpaper room in the 50s/if that red wallpaper indicates henry timeline & we arent seeing it during the 50s, then that implies that we arent seeing the Henry timeline in the 50s. 
But why would Owens want to kill his own family? Well, he didn't. Going back to Fringe, James talked about the fact that the lab in Fringe staged a murder to try and activate Olivia's powers as a child- and while this may have also been done in HNL with El in 1979/during NINA, I'm also wondering if that's what happened with Henward and if the lab was trying to activate their powers.
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But if they're staging the murders, and if they want things to be believable, they want the public to think that the Creels are dead, then they need somebody to take the blame- and it can't be Owens/Henry Timeline Victor, because he's researching/part of the project. So, who do you grab? You grab his almost-clone, his alternate timeline self to take the blame. This would, weirdly enough, also make Owens the father of Karen Wheeler, as if Owens if Henry Timeline Victor. It would also mean that Alice Creel didn't die (but Daughter Virginia did/that blue eyed girl we saw bleeding on the ground) did die, and that Virginia Creel (the blue eyed TFS lady) didn't die either. Which, she may have gone on to become Connie Frazier, but that's another matter entirely. However, I'm not fully convinced that Owens is any form of alternate timeline Victor, so just keep in mind that I'm not saying any of this as if it's going to be firm fact. A solid chunk of this is just me swishing thoughts around and speculating. And with that bit of doubt regarding option A in mind:
Let's now go through option B.) Options B does not involve Owens being an alternate timeline Victor, nor does it involve Victor crossing timelines at all.
As mentioned earlier, Option B involves Victor remembering the names of his family, but the visuals being messed with/the names being associated with the wrong people.
How would those visuals be transferred? Well, from the other Victor's memories. And going back to Fringe briefly, it may seem like a stretch for Victor to have somebody else's memories, but keeping in mind that Fringe is confirmed inspiration for ST, in Fringe, one person's memories are transferred into another person's mind REPEATEDLY, often against their will, and often without them even realizing it. Olivia, for example, has memories that belong to Fauxlivia (her alternate timeline counterpart's nickname) implanted into her brain by a Brenner-Owens paralleled scientist to try and convince her that she's actually Fauxlivia (and it WORKS for awhile/absolutely had the potential to work permanently). It's abslutely within the realm of possibility for the lab to have done this to Victor.
And continuing on with Fringe, Victor is EXTREMELY paralleled to Walter Bishop (like, the shot of Victor turning around in Pennhurst is taken basically frame for frame of Walter turning around in St Claire's mental institution), and Walter Bishop had part of his brain removed, and lost a bunch of memories, especially memories of of his now-dead son's childhood as a result.
And it's also worth noting that Walter is Peter's father- however, Walter's original Peter died, and Walter pulled the Peter from another timeline into his timeline instead. But the memories that Walter lost of his son's childhood were of his original Peter's childhood- he didn't lose ALL of those memories, but he lost quite a few. Which has me staring at Henry vs Edward and Pennhurst Victor losing his memories of Henry & having memories of Edward instead, not even realizing that they're memories of Edward.
Long story short, either way, whether it's Option A or Option B, or something else entirely, it's EXTREMELY EXTREMELY likely that Victor had his memories messed with, because like I talked about in this post, the Indianapolis Gazette talks about Victor not remembering anything from the night of the murders, and being picked up on the side of the road.
And, like I talked about in this post, Victor and El's arrests are paralleled- and who was El later taken by as a result of being arrested? THE LAB!!!
And also, like I talked about in this post, Victor's flashback scenes have multiple direct NINA paralells- which would make sense if the lab was messing with Victor's memories the same way they messed with El's memories via NINA.
So, there's substantial evidence to support the idea that Victor's memories aren't reliable, and likely have been intentionally scrambled/messed with.
SECTION 2: Back To Alice
So, circling back to Alice, let's go through why I think that this little blonde girl:
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Is NOT Alice Creel. And later on, I'm also going to tie this to why Alice Creel is missing from The First Shadow. You might be thinking “oh, Em, you’re so neck deep in insane theories that you forgot to actually look at the show! They call that little blonde girl “Alice” TWICE! You fool! You buffoon! I banish thee to The Beyond for One Trillion Years for your ignorance and tomfoolery!” However, as indicated by my lovingly labelled screenshots of those exact scenes, I did NOT forget, and thankfully, do not need to be banished to The Beyond:
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And interestingly enough, even though in those two versions of the Creels' moving-in-day scene have Alice being referred to by name, there is one version that doesn't- the Creel Family Trailer:
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And what's especially interesting abou those two versions of that scene where "Alice" is referred to by name is that they're both intentionally set up as being unreliable. They CHOSE to a.) have Victor seemignly be missing chunks of his memory (for example, he completely leaves out things like the exorcism at the Creel house and a ton of other details that are present in the papers)/be unreliable due to very, very likely having had his brain/messed with by the lab and they also chose to b.) have Nancy be in Vecna's memories, which, again, unreliable due to the HUGE chance of the lab fucking with them. Hell, in his monologue, 001 doesn't even give us the name of his mother or his sister- he seems to forget his sister even existed until the end of his monologue, and even THEN, he still doesn't give us her name! And he also directly contradicts himself when talking about how it was "planned" vs having JUST talked about how it was spur of the moment earlier, like I talked about in this post. He's not reliable, and neither is Victor. They could've just given us a scene of that girl being called "Alice" that wasn't through the memories of somebody unreliable who's very very likely had their brain messed with in a million different ways by the lab. But they didn't. The Creel Family Trailer is the only version that isn't set up as being somebody's memories- and especially not the memories of someone who's been messed with by the lab, and it's also the only version where "Alice's" name isn't used/the only version where that little blonde, blue-eyed girl isn't referred to as Alice. Is it not a little suspicious that the most reliable version of these events (the Creel family trailer) is also the version where, conveniently, that girl isn't referred to as Alice?
And I wondered, initially, if this was to conceal Alice's identity/name in the trailer. However, when I dug into it, that doesn't make any sense for these key reasons. 1.) Alice's name had already been revealed in the Netflix Tudum Creel Newspaper trailer. Alice's name was not a secret when the Creel Family Trailer came out. Why conceal her name AFTER having shown it right on-screen? 2.) The name isnt the only change in these scenes. I've talked about this before, but the trailer has quite a few differences from the scenes in the show, especially with the scene of Alice finding the dead rabbit being COMPLETELY different. But focusing on that "coming in the door," scene SPECIFICALLY, there's multiple differences. The light fixture is missing in the trailer:
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But it's there in both the Dear Billly Creel sequence and the Massacre at HNL sequence:
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"Henry" zooms into the house and runs up the stairs immediately instead of standing there all sad:
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"Henry" runs in FIRST, before "Alice", whereas in the show, "Alice" gets into the house before "Henry":
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"Virginia's" line is rewritten- if they simply wanted to conceal Alice's identity, it would have been VERY easy to take the in-show scene, put it in the trailer, and edit Virginia's dialogue to just say "No running," instead of "Alice, no running". But instead, they rewrote the line to say "children, no running":
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So, if this was just a case of concealing Alice's identity/name (a name they'd already revealed, no less), why change SO many core parts of the scene (such as "Henry" zooming inside instead of standing at the door), and why rewrite "Virginia's" line? Why not just literally remove the word "Alice" from her line? LIke, it would have been a million times easier. I could do a quick job of it in capcut on my phone! It would take SUCH a small amount of time for them to do compared to all of the weird changes they made for the trailer & instead of recording a whole new line of dialogue for "Virginia".
And speaking of "Virginia," I mentioned this earlier, but I don't think that's Virginia Creel at all. I think that's Mother Alice Creel, from the Edward timeline. Let's look at the papers- specifically, the Weekly Watcher. The Weekly Watcher says that Alice Creel is 15 years old:
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But this girl, clearly, is not 15:
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And Virginia Creel's daughter, Alice Creel, should be 15 years old. But if that little blue-eyed girl is not 15, then she's not Virginia Creel's daughter. Which makes sense if she's Alice Creel's daughter, Daughter Virginia, and if the brown-eyed mother in those scenes is actually Mother Alice Creel. Like, setting aside production error allegations because I'm not dealing with those anymore, how can "this little girl who is Not 15 is Alice Creel" and "Alice Creel is 15" coexist? Frankly, I actually think there's more evidence to support the fact that the memories/scenes of that little girl being called "Alice," are unreliable than there is to debunk the newspaper saying that Alice was 15.
Why Is Alice Creel Missing From TFS?
If Karen Childress is NOT a Creel in the henry timeline/in TFS, but has blue eyes and is NOT the karen wheeler that we see in the show, as that karen has brown eyes/does NOT go on to become That Karen Wheeler Who Is Mike Wheeler's Mother
And if Daughter Virginia Creel is the blue-eyed little girl that we see in the show, and who Might be karen childress in some way.
And if Daughter Alice Creel is a.) supposed to be 15 in 1959 and b.) mysteriously missing from TFS but is also the brown-eyed Karen Wheeler that we see in the show.
Then, it might explain why Alice is missing in The First Shadow- we're seeing the backstory for another Karen Wheeler/Karen Childress ( whose actress has blue eyes and is likely NOT the Karen we see in the show), and we're also missing an Alice who later goes on to BECOME Brown Eyed Karen- which, Karen Childress and Alice Creel being together in the same timeline causes issues because if Alice Creel actually has brown eyes and goes on to become Karen Wheeler, then WHY THE HELL is she in the same timeline as the other Karen/the blue-eyed Karen??
That would be TWO KARENS IN THE SAME TIMELINE, which might explain why Alice Creel isnt there/might be tied to it. I don't know fully how it works, yet, but we don't really know the ramifications of the same person from two different timelines ending up in the same timeline together. So, if Karen Childress/Blue Eyed Karen somehow got into Alice Creel/Brown Eyed Karen's timeline, then there's a chance that Brown Eyed Karen/Alice Crel was removed from her original timeline, and is therefore now absent from TFS- she's likely still alive, as we see Brown Eyed Karen in the show, but that would still work completely if she simply ended up in another timeline/if Brown Eyed Karen/Alice Creel vanished from the Henry Timeline because Blue Eyed Karen/Karen Childress ended up in that timeline instead. And bringing up Fringe AGAIN, in Fringe, when one person or item is taken to another timeline, something of an equivalent mass must be swapped to the other timeline (like the Indiana Jones sandbag thing- with exceptions to this rule being limited to people with Specific Powers, such as Main Timeline Olivia), and this DOES include people. So, if Karen Childress/Blue Eyed Karen was chilld in a timeline that isn't the TFS timeline, and suddenly got pulled into the TFS timeline, and if Brown Eyed Karen/Alice Creel was the same mass (which makeas sense if they're timeline counterparts of eachother) as her, Brown Eyed Karen/Alice Creel would be pulled into the non-TFS timeline at the same time as when Blue Eyed Karen was pulled into the TFS timeline. Hell, there doesn't even have to be a reason for this happening/it doesn't even have to be the lab planning it! Because in Fringe, things end up pulled into another timeline/swapped simply because of the bridge/dam/veil/wall between timelines getting thinner and the swap happening accidentally. If the blue-eyed Karen Childress is NOT a Creel, and was born outside of the Creel family and coexisted alongside Daughter Virginia in the same timeline originally (before getting yoinked to another timeline), then we have three girls (as mentioned earlier)- Karen Childress, Daughter Alice Creel, and Daughter Virgniia Creel
And if Karen Childress was from Timeline A (Edward Timeline) And if Daughter Alice Creel was from Timeline B (Henry Timeline/TFS Timeline) And if Daughter Virginia Creel is also from Timeline A (Edward Timeline) And if Karen Childress got pulled into Timeline B (Henry Timeline), and Daughter Alice Creel got pulled into Timeline A (Edward Timeline), that would mean that Daughter Alice Creel and Daughter Virginia Creel are co-existing in the same timeline (The Edward Timeline). Which would explain why Brown Eyed Karen/the Karen we know in the show is just chilling and living her life I'll come back to this later, but Brown Eyed Karen/Alice Creel may very well have simply adopted the life of Karen Childress in the Edward Timeline, while Alice Creel stayed missing in the Henry Timeline/Karen Childress was present instead, but Karen Childress chose to keep using her original name, whereas Alice/Brown Eyed Karen adopted the name and life of Karen Childress in the other timeline.
After all, Daugher Alice Creel doesn't exist in the Edward Timeline, and because Daughter Virginia Creel would've still been present in the Edward Timeline, Daughter Alice Creel/Brown Eyed Karen couldn't simply pick up her life, and instead, resumed the life of Karen Childress. And it's hard to figure out what Karen Childress may have done in her new timeline/if she had a family/if her parents were present in this timeline or WHAT, but a lot of this section is just Me Speculating And Trying To Figure Things Out.
However, things also get tricky here, because if Alice Creel/Brown Eyed Karen never returned to her original timeline, then why does the Weekly Watcher report on her death? However, even witih all my theorizing aside, this is an issue that remains even simply with the fact that Alice doesn't seem to be present in TFS- so if she's not around for the murders, how did she die/why are papers reporting about her death? I think there's room there for lab fuckery faking things/covering things up etc etc, but it's still something to chew on.
(and there's ALSO the chance of more than 2 timelines which throws a whole NEW wrench into things)
And you might also be wondering "well, though, how is Daugher Alice Creel Karen Childress' timeline counterpart? Shouldn't Daughter Virginia Creel be Daughter Alice's timeline counterpart? To which I say: no! Not necessariily. There's a LOT of weirdness here, but it's worth noting that ST has chosen a very interesting way to go about the timeline counterpart business, because there's quite a bit of variation. For example, Victor Creel's name stays the same in both the Henry timeline and the Edward timeline AND his position in the family stays the same (the father/husband), but he's younger by 5 years in the Edward timeline compared to the Henry timeline. Edward and Henry's position in the family (son/brother) stays the same, but his name changes to something entirely new, and we don't know Edward's age, so we don't know if that changes. Virginia Creel and Alice Creel are where things get REALLY messy, because they swap names and positions in the family depending on the timeline. Instead of just keeping the same name and position the way that Victor does, OR getting a totally brand new, not used in the family before name but keeping the same position in the family the way that Henry and Edward do, Virginia and Alice instead, swap names and positions in the family with eachother. Virginia Creel is Victor's wife and Henry and Alice's mother in the Henry timeline. However, Virginia Creel is Victor's daughter and Edward's sister and Alice's daughter in the Edward timeline. Alice Creel is Victor's daughter and Henry's sister in the Henry Timeline. However, Alice Creel is Victor's wife and Edward and Virginia's mother in the Edward timeline. And also, in Fringe, timeline counterparts are often messy too/not exactly equal/not always born at the same time- for example Henry Bishop was born and didn't have a timeline counterpart at ALL because there's only one version of his father (Peter Bishop), as the other timeline Peter died as a child. But then Henry Bishop is later erased from the timeline and Peter has a child named Henrietta (born in the opposite timeline from Henry/is Olivia's daughter born in the main timeline rather than Henry who was Fauxlivia's son born in the alternate timeline), but again, because there is only ONE Peter, he fathered both of them and then Henry ceased to exist, and it's all complicated etc.
So, point is, timeline counterpart stuff is not cut and dry or particularly simple or easy here. Which means that there's absolutely stilll room for a.) certain people not HAVING co-existing timeline counterparts the way that Henry and Henrietta don't actually have one because in order for Henrietta to exist, Henry can't exist, and vice versa because there's only one Peter and b.) timeline counterparts just generally being weird/ Karen Childress being Alice Creel's timeline counterpart.
The idea of Brown Eyed Karen/Alice Creel swapping timeline with Karen Childress/wondering why Karen Childress and Alice Creel were timeline counterparts/got swapped instead of Daughter Virginia and Daugher Alice would also tie into Daugher Alice Creel being listed as 15 years old in 1959 in the Weekly Watcher- if Alice Creel was 15 years old but Daugher Virginia (the blonde little girl we see in the show that we think is Alice) is CLEARLY not 15, they're not going to have equal mass- but Karen Childress, could totally be 15, hence why those two would be more likely to swap that Daughter Virginia and Daughter Alice, as Daughter Virginia and Daughter Alice seem to be two different ages/that little blonde girl is not 15, but Karen Childress and Daugher Alice/Bornw Eyed Karen could definitely have both been 15 and therefore far closer to being the same mass.
And also, if Alice Creel/Brown Eyed Karen simply adopted the name and life of Karen Childress after their timelines got swapped (and possibly even gained Karen's memories over time, which as mentioned before, happens in Fringe), then Brown Eyed Karen Wheeler may very well, at this point, believe herself to have always been Karen Childress. As mentioned before, somebody believing themselves to be their alternate timeline counterpart after swapping timelines HAS happened in Fringe. This may also be why Ted and Karen's relationship is so unhappy- Brown Eyed Karen isn't the Karen that Ted originally knew. And this Ted isn't the Ted that Brown Eyed Karen originally knew. And Ted might know deep down that something isn't right (again, this happens in Fringe with people whose loved ones get timeline swapped. Sometimes they notice, sometimes they dont, sometimes they say something about it, sometimes they don't.) Anyway! Lots to think about.
So, this all also leaves us with the question of Connie, though. Why does she have so much Alice Creel coding? Like, the name alice plays on screen twice with her & her body's posed the same way as alice's dead body.
However, I made that post about how TFS blue eyed Virginia resembles Connie. And we don't know what happens to that blue eyed virginia, we only saw a brown eyed "virginia" die. And that blonde little girl with blue eyes is presented to us as being alice creel, but a.) alice creel should be 15 and b.) the whole thing w her name being removed from the trailer.
And so im like. Connie. Are you blue-eyed TFS virginia a few years down the line? Which would be weird if that tfs mother is virginia and not alice, but there's so much name swap fuckery that the association with the name alice could still fit somehow/I just need to dig more. Anyway, things are making me insane as usual.
My conclusion summed up?
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And before you come into my inbox calling me insane, please know that a.) I know and I'm having fun and b.) lots of this is speculation. There's parts with firmer evidence, and there's parts with less firm evidence/parts where I'm just trying to fill in the gaps. My main point is that it doesn't make any damn sense for that little blonde girl to be Alice Creel if Alice Creel is supposed to be 15, and ALSO that there's plausible evidence (such as the trailer removing her name) that she isn't Alice Creel, and that her not being Alice Creel may explain why Alice Creel is missing from TFS. This post is less evidence-focused than most of my posts because a.) so much is still up in the air with TFS and b.) I am very very tired today LMAO, but there's still some solid chunks of evidence in here that I think are worth considering.
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okay! i suppose we can do this then!
. ? ! , : ; ' " – — - · ... [ ] { } ( ) / < >
here's our list of punctuation at current moment .
(gonna like really quickly assume you know what the first four are for. they're easy. periods end sentences, question marks end sentences when the sentence is a question, exclamation points express emotion (raised tone i guess? it could be excitement. it could be annoyance. you get it), and commas break down sentences and whatever. you know commas.)
colon and semicolon are kinda like a comma in that they will subdivide sentences. some schools of grammar like to do this thing where they all are like. supposed to represent a period of time you should pause for? so it's like the period/question mark/exclamation point pauses longest, then the colon, then semicolon, then comma. it's a whole thing. i figure most of you also know how to use these
an apostrophe is for contractions! i'm pretty sure you also know this. quotation marks are for quoting things or occasionally as irony punctuation (called scare quotes in this case)
for the en dash and em dash, i'm going to refer you to either of these posts (though one of them is slightly off. there is technically a separate minus sign but some people use an en dash)
the hyphen (or technically hyphen-minus. don't worry about it. it changed when typewriters were invented so it's basically just the normal hyphen but i don't like it so) is used for hyphenated words. and names. you know the ones. look up a list of hyphenated words if you don't know any. some people use two hyphens in a row to be an em dash but that's kinda dumb. sorry.
the interpunct is mostly used in non-english languages honestly. in french it's cool because it thwarts the horrible gendering by being fun and making the word gender neutral (basically it's "word with masculine ending·feminine ending" as in étudiant·e . it's not official but like. no gender neutral stuff in french is official. so . i don't care.) but also it's in a lot of twitter screenshots so. and also also, sometimes i will count bullets as interpuncts because. it's easier. they're similar okay • vs · is fine (it actually bothers me but we can redecide on it later)
... you know ellipses right? sorry i'm busy, so i'll skip em. they're longer than a period in the length thing i think
[ ] brackets like these are mostly used for adding information, context, whatever to quotes! they're sometimes called square brackets. it's mostly just quotes.
{ } curvy brackets/braces are mostly used in math. they do have uses technically but like. they're mostly here because i didn't want to leave them out
(you know these too right?)
/ good ol' fashioned slash. not a backslash that's this guy \ anyways. this is used for like. either/or a lot. or pronouns. those are fun
< > these are technically the less than/greater than signs but they're honorary angle brackets because it's easier to type. proper angle brackets are these ⟨ ⟩ and they're used to offset parenthetical information if you're not using an em dash or parentheses for whatever reason. sometimes called chevrons. afaik the less than/greater than signs can be substituted unless you're like. writing something extremely formal. also sometimes used in comics to indicate something has been translated! also sometimes used to denote thoughts! ⟨hm should i call this a day now?⟩
yeah. that's good enough. but if you want more info on any specific punctuation, you can ask me more specifically and then i will answer it when i am less busy probably
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redundant2 · 2 years
I got Valentine Low's book Courtiers!
It's here, it's finally here!
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Part 1
There is a lot about Meghan and Harry in the book. Here's an excerpt detailing specific instances in which they bullied the staff at KP:
"Relations between Meghan and the staff at Kensington Palace were beginning to fray even before they got married. In late 2017, after the announcement of their engagement, a senior aide discreetly raised with the couple the difficulties raised by their treatment of staff. People needed to be treated well and with some understanding, even when they were not performing to Harry and Meghan's standards, they suugested. Meghan was said to have replied, 'It's not my job to coddle people.'"
"Meghan wasn't dealing with the more junior staff, people that William and Kate -- and Harry, before Meghan came along -- had been quite happy to engage with. It seemed she wanted respect, and having to talk to someone a bit further down the pecking order -- in a small office, where there wasn't much of a pecking order -- wasn't treating her with respect. 'She would take it as an insult,' believes one source."
"Organising any wedding is stressful, of course. And perhaps a royal wedding is more stressful than most. But Harry and Meghan's proved to be partucularly challenging. There were rows about scheduling, rows about wedding announcements, rows about the gospel choir. Most famously of all, there was the row about the wedding tiara, discussed in Chapter 7 (I'll excerpt in a separate post),when Harry shouted at the Queen's dresser, Angela Kelly. At around the same time, Meghan spoke partucularly harshly at a meeting to a young female member of the team in front of her colleagues. After Meghan had pulled to shreds a plan she had pulled up, the woman told Meghan how hard it would be to implement a new one. 'Don't worry,' Meghan told her, 'if there were literally anyone else I could ask to do this, I would be asking them instead of you.' Later, Prince William, who had heard of some of the treatment that she had been subjected to, came to find the woman. 'I hope you're OK,' he told her. 'You're doing a really good job.' She promptly burst into tears."
"Other members of staff came under fire, sometimes from both Harry and Meghan. The journalist Robert Jobson recounted how Harry became 'petulant and short-tempered' with members of staff during the preparations for the wedding. He wrote, 'Raising his voice on occasion, Harry would insist: "What Meghan wants, she gets."'Once, when Meghan felt she had been let down over an issue that was worrying her, she rang repeatedly when a staffer was out for dinner on a Friday night. 'Every ten minutes, I had to go outside to be screamed at by her and Harry. It was, "I can't believe you've done this, you've let me down, what were you thinking?" It went on for a couple of hours.' The calls started again the next morning, and continued 'for days,' the staffer said. 'You could not physically escape them -- there were no lines or boundaries--it was last thing at night, first thing in the morning.' Not to mention the 5 a.m. emails from Meghan. Relations between the couple and some of their senior staff became so fractious that Miguel Head, William's private secretary, had to step in to try to keep the peace."
"Perhaps nothing they could do was ever going to be good enough. 'She (Meghan) was looking for examples of us failing her from the beginning,' believes one former staffer. 'We were having to prove that the institution would bend over backwards to make her happy. That wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to be rejected."
--from Courtiers by Valentine Low, pp 267-269.
And this is just the bullying that took place BEFORE the wedding. Oh em gee.
In later parts, I'll share what Low says really happened with Tiaragate, Harry's treatment of staff before he met Meghab, and the scandal over Meghan wanting to keep all the gifts and freebies.
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horriblegoblin · 5 months
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dunno where else to post this but here are some rough sketches of tnmn ocs. maybe i'll clean em up later, who knows.
they're related to angus ciprianni.
lillian is his younger meaner sister who likes to flirt with other women in the building and has a kardashian sized wardrobe
aunt jamie is their.. aunt lol. uber mysterious, gnc asf, probably genderqueer (and a mobster).
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ft. lilian on a smoke break with another oc, andre. he isnt really related to anyone else in the building, i just thought it'd be interesting to have a neighbor that had a limb difference.
i'd share more about him but i think its better i make a separate post for him.
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occasionaltouhou · 9 months
as i said, a lot of the answers to this were really nice, which i appreciate. it really does make me happy to know the stuff i make is entertaining people.
I really like your blog but sometimes I worry for your ask box
me too.
[...] btw you need to get that fangame done eventually fr. oooOoOOOoooo you wanna let me coode for you ooooOOOOOoooo (Also, I can't get LuaSTG working on my machine anymore. I suppose I'll learn danmakufu…) deepsea fangame is good pwease continue with it
i already mentioned it but i am kinda surprised i got three separate comments about the deepsea game. glad you all like my fish. i'll see what i can do about em
Will you do art prompts again?
i have a whole bunch of asks i plan on doing art for in my inbox rn, but technically speaking prompts never stopped. i jsut. took longer and longer to get to them...........
[...] so all I'll say in regard to feedback is you need to make fun of more women.
i promise. making fun of women is one of my favourite things to Post about (THIS COMMENT WAS LATER TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT AND USED TO JUSTIFY VENUS ASTEL MEDALLION'S EXECUTION)
tumblr's search features sure suck huh
as your new years resolution can you please do something about yukari yakumo
i'll do my best boss
finally. my favourite response:
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soopersara · 11 months
So I may have decided to do NaNoWriMo again, and since my most successful year of NaNo was that one time I posted progress updates and sneak peeks to Tumblr every day, I'm making the executive decision to do the same thing again this year. Brace yourselves for 30 days of me losing my mind and out-of-context fic snippets (probably all from I&S because a few lines of swampbender dialogue have finally broken my writer's block)!
Oh, and one other thing - I'll probably announce when I've finished drafting a chapter, but the chapter numbers are... sort of a mess at the moment (right now, my drafts for chapter 18-22 are nothing but Zuko-centric scenes, and to save myself from having to figure out whether writing half a chapter worth of Katara-centric scenes to slot in between Zuko's scenes should count as finishing a chapter, I'm just gonna stick her parts at the end and fit the scenes together later), so if you see me posting a sneak peek from the day I finish Chapter 23, and that scene later ends up in Chapter 18... well, that's just because my brain has become a bit of a disorganized mess. Don't worry about it.
NaNoWriMo 2023
Day 1: Words written: 2205 Goal: 1667
Sneak peek below the cut:
Still as baffled as ever, Katara wrapped her arms tight across her chest. “I guess that depends. If I agree to talk to this Huu person, could somebody help me find my brother and our friend? The three of us—we got separated sometime yesterday, and I’ve been trying to find them ever since.”
“There’s more of y’all out here?” Due looked around as though half expecting one of the boys to leap up behind him. “Well, shoot, we might as well find ‘em. Just imagine ol’ Huu bein’ right three times in one day.”
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sometranssoup · 1 year
A 100% serious,short King Of The Hill fanfic about Dale Gribble
Set in a world where autism evaluations are easy and less lengthy for writers convenience.
There is no nsfw under the cut,simply didn't want to make my post incredibly lengthy for people who are scrolling past.
Any jabs or insults to certain politicians are not meant to be political in any way shape or form,I talked to my great aunt and used the first politician she brought up.
Any criticism on my writing is accepted as I'm hoping to get more into writing fanfic. Any criticism on the story itself or the characters is not allowed.
It was a hot day in Arlen and Dale,Hank,Bill and Boomhaur were standing in the alley as usual.
“-and then,I'm going to hitchhike to Canada and expose the whole operation! Blow it all up right in their faces!” Dale shouted excitedly.
Hank groaned loudly,he hated hearing about Dale's terrible plans, especially when Nancy was away like this,that meant he was going to have to bail Dale out...and usually have to bail out Boomhaur and Bill when they undoubtedly got dragged into Dale's problems “Dale,you cannot go to Canada”
“and why not? Are you in cahoots with them?” Dale turned to Hank quickly.
“I am not in cahoots with whoever 'them' is,you've known me thirty years,I would've told you”
“well then why can't I go?” Dale huffed loudly and left,a few seconds later,he returned, grabbing another beer out of the cooler and stomping off again, shouting “I'm going! And return with the body of their leader!!”
Hank shook his head “how're we gonna keep him from getting into Canada?”
Boomhaur piped up,looking over “Dang ol' talking 'bout the news,man,they talking about immigration,dang ol' autism,Canada won't let 'em in”
“Boomhauer...I don't understand half of anything you say,but,I think I get the jist...maybe we can get Dale a diagnosis and then they won't let him in”
A few days later and Dale and Hank were sitting in their office,Dale excitedly talking about meeting the guy who caught Bigfoot,Hank busy worrying about how Dale was gonna try and escape when he realized he was here for an evaluation. Soon enough,the doctor called his name and Dale and Hank got up,they went into a back room and Hank quickly shut the door as Dale realized this was a doctors office.
“no! No! I am not going to sit here with a doctor! They'll just steal my urine! Or my hair! Well..what's left of it!”
Hank sighed,shoving Dale down on the couch “no,no,no,sit,they're not going to take anything. They'll just ask questions, alright?”
Dale reluctantly allowed himself to be shoved onto the uncomfortable couch “alright,alright…fine,I'll answer this guy's questions…but if I think he's a spy,I'm taking him down…shi-shi-sha!” Dale grinned a little,doing a karate chop in the air to punctate his sentence.
“Dale,you are not attacking the doctor.” Hank groaned,reaching over to smack his hand out of the air “attack him and you'll lose your hat.” Dale nodded quickly,reaching up to keep his hands over his hat tightly as the doctor walked in.
“Hi there,boys,I'm Dr.didntwannathinkofaname,good to see you two today. Now,Hank,you've sent in a large…uh,fax of some.. interesting stories about Mr.Gribble here.”
Dale immediately looked over at Hank,horrified “you told him things about me?! What if he's with the government?!”
Hank sighed “I'm sorry about him,Dr.didntwannathinkofaname,he's uh…very into conspiracy theories.”
“yes…I can see that…has this been a lifelong interest of yours,Dale?” Hank and Dale both nod a little. “Alright,thank you..if you two don't mind,I'd like to talk to you both separately. Dale,I'm gonna have you go with my assistant to take a few tests to see how you do. Just some facial recognition tests,memory tests. We just need to see how you play,behave and communicate with your peers.” Dale nods a little and gets up,leaving with the doctor's assistant.
Hank's POV
“Dale's always been…special. When we were kids,he didn't talk until he was about six…he just growled at everyone.” Hank rubbed the back of his neck,chuckling awkwardly “Then there's the fact he's never been good with people. He never really got invited to play with us in first grade,he just sorta…started playing with us,not that we minded,but,after he started being friends with us,he would just run away from other kids.”
The doctor took notes as Hank spoke “and..who is 'we'?”
“Bill,Boomhauer and I. We've all been friends since first grade. We all still talk. Hyup,every evening in the alley,have a drink,unwind. Heh,we used to spend about a half hour before the streetlights came on,sitting on the sidewalk by my house and have some rootbeer” Hank nodded,smiling softly at the memory of when they'd all become friends.
“You four have had the same friend group for…nearly thirty years? And you have a very…similar schedule to when you were kids? That's…very interesting. Mr.Hill,how do you think you and Dale would react if you weren't in the alley in the evening”
“Well,it just throws our whole schedule off. Dale can hardly do anything until the next time we're all in the alley,his brain just turns to mush..and,well,I'd be lying if I said it doesn't mess with my mind too” Hank nodded a little.
“I see..” the doctor kept writing as Hank spoke. He asked a few more questions,listening to Hank ramble on about Dale as a kid and of course,after those stories,Hank talked to the doctor about propane.
Dales POV
The assistant led Dale into a room connected to the doctors office and pulled out a book with pictures in it,some book about frogs and…some games,by the looks of them.
“Alright,Dale. I'm going to have you identify some facial expressions,then you'll read a book to me,we'll do a memory test and then I'd like to know about some of your interests and hobbies that sound good to you?” the assistant looked at him,smiling softly.
“No…but,Hank said he'd take me to get ice cream if I was well behaved…so,let's do this,I guess” Dale nodded,sitting up a little.
“Great,alright,can you…tell me what this woman is feeling,Dale?” she asked,opening the book of photos.
Dale stared at the woman intently,studying her face “she's not feeling anything,she's obviously a robot,duh. You can see where her fake skin stops,right there under her tank top strap, probably didn't put any 'skin' under her clothes to save the government a few pennies”
“Alright then,enough of the facial recognition test for now. Why don't you read me this book and then tell me about it?” The assistant handed Dale a book about flying frogs,which,of course,sent Dale on a rant about alien frogs and all the politicians they're controlling. The assistant nodded,writing everything down as Dale spoke. “Alright,that's very interesting,Dale,I'll make sure to fact check Mitch McConnell the next time he talks. I'm gonna have you do a math sheet for me,please show your work,it's very important.” Dale nodded and filled out the sheet,breaking the numbers down to add them.
“Alright,I'm finished..” Dale nodded,handing the math sheet back “is that memory test next?” The assistant nodded,setting the test up and having Dale go through it.
“I'm very impressed with your memory,Dale,you have a very good memory” The assistant smiled and took some notes. “Okay,I'm gonna send you back to the doctor and he'll give you the diagnosis. Dale nodded and went back into the room with Hank and the doctor. The doctor went over everything.
“alright,Dale,Hank,here's a packet of both of your diagnoses'” the doctor nodded a little.
Hank took the packets “mine..too?”
“Well,I can't give any official opinion on you,but,it is my recommendation that you come back for an evaluation of your own,Mr.Hill.”
“Haha,your plan backfired,Hank” Dale grinned,looking at him.
“Hwell,not really,Dale,this isn't an official diagnosis,yours is. You can't go to canada” Hank grinned as Dale's face fell,realizing Hank was right.
“you traitor. You're temporarily suspended from being my emergency contact.” Dale mumbled as he got up and left with Hank.
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