#i'll probably delete this later idk
suplexjones · 2 years
wrestling has become a hyperfixation for me which is nice because i have a lot of content to enjoy and catch up on but it also means that all of this drama is stressing me out
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akirenhell · 1 year
You ever have that one thing that you promised you would take care of it, but even then, it ends up breaking up just a little bit, and it sends you to anxiety hell cause you feel like an awful person because you couldn't do one thing right?
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carronpatrick · 11 months
I have overthought so much due to my lovely anxiety and the chaos of today (this week... This month.... My entire life...) that now I'm questioning if the people who are in my life even like me at all or just feel bad and don't want to hurt my feelings by escaping like that actually want to. 🙃 But it's not like I can ask them because if they really are just staying because they feel bad, why would they say differently? Or if they're staying because they actually like me and I ask, what if this question annoys them enough that they decide they're over my insecurities and sadness? So can't ask. Just sit. And think. And cry. 🙃 Hooray.
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lynkss · 1 year
why do i always feel so alone even when surrounded by friends
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oldsongfromthevoid · 2 days
Just gonna come out and say it--I'm really not vibing with the idea of Emmrich secretly being a skeleton or dead or possessed or whatever. Yes I know there's the concept art with the skeleton man, but that's just it: concept art, and one in a line of extremely vague looking characters who hardly match up to the line of characters we have now.
If Emmrich were dead and possessing his own body (like Audric in Tevinter Nights) or if he were to die in the story and be reanimated as a skeleton, that would be a MAJOR IMORTANT plot point for his character and for the story itself. That's like, Big Lore detail that would be reserved for a Big Reveal moment in the story. The devs said "not that skeleton, but we're not saying no skeletons." I highly doubt they would so flippantly hint at that kind of information for something that would be so important to his character.
Unless of course we're actually introduced to Emmrich with the knowledge that he is dead, in which case that's different. But just... the way they were so casual about that info while also being extremely close-lipped about all the character right now makes me highly doubt they were referring to Emmrich.
There's also this interview where Corrine Busche was explaining the direction they went with the romance in comparison to Baldur's Gate 3, and how instead of going for shock value they "want them to be relatable and fully realized. So they can get spicy, but in a way that I think people will actually relate to." Sounds to me like they're going more for realistic relationships than "strange and unusual."
Idk I could be wrong, and in all honesty having Emmrich be the same case as Audric would indeed be an interesting plot point. But with him being a confirmed romance option, I'm not convinced it's the case.
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chatonlaveur · 7 months
Tumblr media
WIP preview for the Hyrule-centric LU fan comic I've been working on in my free time 👀
I really want to work on this, but also I am very busy rn, so we'll see when I actually get it finished :,) But like since this is theoretically in part an art blog I thought I should probably post some art even if it is just a WIP like this.
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inquisitor-julia · 5 days
Want to start my personal canon da replay/reread/rewatch but 1. Can't decide on doing this in chronological or release order 2. I'd rather have like a group to analyze the stuff and be hype about it with 3. there is simply so much media for da and while I do own genuinely all of it I'm a little overwhelmed by it....
But I need to start on everything now before I have to go back to school and da:v gets released
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
been working on answering a prompt i received in an ask the other day, and so i'm back thinking about... the Thing... 💖🎀 and thought maybe prompt doodles might help me work through this a little?
so uhhh.... if by any wild chance anyone has any ship suggestions for starstruck...??? feel free to send them through!
#this is *only* for starstruck and is not general requests! i'm just trying to figure out how i feel about this 😳#obviously no guarantees that i will be confident enough to draw any of these or that i'll enjoy them all but i just... am considering it?#idk idk idk is this stupid....#hope i won't regret this or won't get genuinely weirdass things.#just to be transparent this is sfw exclusively tho implied flirting is a-okay. please don't be weird....? i'm trusting folks to be nice!!#i would also happily take little prompts if you have thoughts about how it would work or whichever! like if you're a character Understander#if you have an idea how it would Work or what it might Be Like that would also help me to get a concept on how i feel about it!!#also i would.. consider ocs (only from their creator) if you... wanna??? character+artist *must* be an adult. starstruck is in her early 30#also with ocs preferably from folks who i've at least interacted with before and like.. not just bc u want art ;;;#like... do u geniunely think they could have a cute dynamic? i'm just wondering if she could be Cute w someone. AUUghhGHHHH#again no promises and also for now i need this all done on the assumption it's just for fun!! just funsies. i'm just... thinking i guess!#want to try and figure out what it might be like if she WAS involved in a little ship/romo space...? as a treat? auughghhggghGHGLLG#also fair warning i may just get super embarrassed/nervous about this all and delete!! but i'm.. yknow. trying!#also i figure you can kind of tell my faves and who i hardly know much about. might not have lots of feelings about most side chars!#delete later#probably#wheeeeeEEEEeeahahahah okay;;; just post it. just post it starflung. just do it. hit the button hit the button hit the b
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vantalemons · 2 months
Unpopular Opinion (Rant? Lol Idk)
I do not like the Fallen Stars.
Probably because I watched the gacha life versions of them and it gave me a wrong impression.
Broken(Ink): Makes sense he's soulless, he was like this in underverse, not really a surprise.
Yanberry: No comment.
Shattered: I hate this bitch with every fiber of my being. HE DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE WHAT IS THIS FUCKERS GOAL?? I DON'T KNOW WHY I EVEN HATE HIM, I JUST DO!
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hamofjustice · 7 months
who's ready for the indigo disk, a $35 DLC required to finish the story the $60 base game of pokemon scarlet and violet started because corporate rushed it out too early, to not be allowed to acknowledge any of nemona arven and penny's virtues, deeper problems, and motivations, if not just outright contradict or mock them
who's ready to never have nemona hit level 100 or use EVs/held items, never make food with arven, never... uh... do anything fun with penny, never adventure with them again once the new story's over despite it being a coded and previously used feature in the game that introduced the union circle, never get to call anyone on the phone we supposedly have their numbers registered on, never get to do emotes together with anyone but other players, and never get to say what or who our own treasure was when nemona's was us
who's ready for the story to not acknowledge that ditching our friends but especially nemona to transfer schools to another country in pursuit of New Content, right after she basically opened up to us about her secretly being a horribly lonely neurodivergent disabled kid trying to fight her "gifted" label and we promised to be with her forever, would be extremely traumatizing
who's ready to still not have a real postgame without crowdsourcing it from other players with the internet connectivity that they're going to take offline a few years later
for my health, i must be prepared for all of these things rather than writing a big fluffy post getting my hopes up about how they're going to utilize some of the realest characters in pokemon (though i can do that too if you want)
especially when the company seems too afraid, secretive, or unprepared to advertise the damn thing and haven't shown or mentioned those three main plot driving characters again in the entire 9 months from DLC announcement to release as if they simply won't be in it at all (which is stupid, of course they will)
i just wanna see the rest of the beautiful story they were trying to tell before three year cycle hell made a bit of a mess of it and the cast suddenly vanished or became statues when we were just about to hang out and live happily ever after. i would've really appreciated the anime actually being about them, too (horizons isn't even really about Paldea lmao)
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comradesummers · 1 year
i've had this fic concept for years that i'll never write, partially because all of my energy is going to be devoted to academia for at least the next three years, and partially because i'm not actually all that good at writing fiction. so i've decided to just write the idea down instead.
so it's a fuffy no-powers au: faith is living with jenny calendar (because you know that in a universe where jenny and faith meet there's no way in hell that jenny would stand for the whole abused homeless teenager thing) and recovering from the circumstances that led her to live with jenny calendar. she's obsessed with hot ex-cheerleader buffy, but they don't actually know each other that well. faith only ever really talks to buffy through innuendo and over-the-top bravado, and buffy is into it, but she's too repressed to admit it.
anyway, because i don't think it would be true to character for buffy to be like, normal and happy, i needed to come up with a reason for her to have way too much responsibility and constantly be aware of her own mortality and stuff. so yeah, joyce married ted about six months ago, ted is terrible (though with more of an emphasis on threats and emotional abuse rather than direct physical abuse), and buffy has decided that it is her personal responsibility to make sure neither joyce nor dawn ever get hurt. one way she goes about doing this is by spending a lot of time with dawn in the library (as opposed to home) after school. so giles is concerned tm, but since he's giles faildad he's too british and awkward to do anything about it. that is until giles and jenny start dating, giles mentions buffy's situation, and jenny is like absolutely unacceptable we need to do something. so she tries talking to buffy but doesn't get anything out of her. at which point she's like, "hey, faith, would you go spy on the girl you have a massive crush on? i promise you it's for the greater good." and then awkwardness and angst ensues.
anyway i know it's kind of cliche and lame but i feel like there's not enough cliche and lame fuffy fic so i truly wish i had the energy and the ability to write this.
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gale-force-storm · 12 hours
Feel free to ignore this but I think I might take a couple days. Just been feeling really shit about my writing the last day or two. Like it's... fine. But that's all it is. Bland one-shots, lukewarm takes, and overwrought poetry. And then I look at what everyone else is doing and I'm just... yeah
Anyways. I'll likely still reblog a bit here and there, but I'll probably be pretty quiet the next couple days
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vivid-vices · 2 months
i'm having these like intermittent slightly drunken mental breakdowns interrupted by a few minutes of clarity where i come on tumblr and reblog a handful of posts (and post nudes that i almost immediately deleted) and then go back to breakdowning and it's not even dramatic with crying and shit it's just staring off into space and contemplating if it's worth walking to my car so i can kill myself. but anyway i'm totally fine :)
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iwantteaandsleep2403 · 4 months
I've been fixated on the shadow decree and listening to "Cirque" and "Freak" by Sub Urban nonstop for the past 9 hours and I need to share this with anyone that will listen to my ramble or else I'll combust
Shadow decree Circus AU
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zemos-bathrobe · 24 days
the masculine urge to delete your entire internet presence
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ferahntics · 2 months
So I had a customer call me a bitch and a whore because she was pissed I told her to leave the dog outside our clothing store, how's everyone doing
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