#i'll probably use more ref next time
smolcatpilot · 28 days
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I created of reference of my ocs, cause I'm going to be participating in artfight!! It's going to be my first time so I'm excited!!! If you are also participating and you wanna draw them, this is my profile -> https://artfight.net/~SmolCatPilot
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general masterlist | Partners in Crime
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an introduction into just how jack met crim
before all the love and chaos that was to come
Tap tap.
Someone must have just bumped into me.
Tap tap.
"Dahlia..." Bella's shaky voice begins, her eyes wide as she stares just past me.
"What is so surprising beh-" I can't even finish my line of questioning when I turn to see exactly what - more so who - is behind me.
Jack Hughes, number 86 for the Devils, smiling shyly and looking almost adorable in his little beanie.
"Sorry for interrupting, you seemed invested in the game so I figured now would be the best time to come down," He offers, shrugging.
"Um, hi," Is my awkward response.
"Hi," He chuckles, sticking out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Jack."
"I- I know," I stumble, and God I want to crawl inside a hole, "I think everyone in here knows who you are."
"Well, I'm really only hoping to know who you are?" Oh. Is he flirting with me?
"Oh, I'm Dahlia. Dahlia Quigley-Spencer."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Dahlia Quigley-Spencer," He assures, making me smile. "I saw you dancing from our box, and yelling at the refs," Jack begins with a chuckle, gesturing up to the box above us where other injured Devils in beanies are less than discretely looking over the railing at us.
"Do they usually have such a... staring problem?"
The question comes out before I can fully process, Bella snorting behind me as the ever supportive best friend that she is. Jack's laughing nearly as much as she is.
"They tend to be... involved in my life. We're lucky, my brother is on the ice or he'd probably down here too," Jack explains.
"And why is that?" I can't help but ask, hoping it comes off in the flirty way I'm meaning it to.
He smirks, and I can tell my words were taken in at least a small bit how I wanted them to be. "Because I came down to talk to a pretty lady, and he'd want to chirp me about how bad I am at flirting."
"Well I think you're not all that bad, may need a little sprucing up but your smile makes up for it." Oh that earns a blush.
"Really?" He asks cutely, like he's not used to being complemented, which I know isn't true. I can't help but nod, his smile growing. "Thanks, you have a pretty smile too," He returns, bringing a smile to my cheeks.
"Ew, barf, lover boy, are you going to join us or are you going to leave so we can pay attention to the second?" Bella asks, bringing to both Jack's and my attention that the boys are retaking the ice.
It brings an awkward moment to us, unsure of what to happen next.
"Would you like to join us? No one is really around here that might bother you?" I offer, "Also, then you could practice that flirting of yours."
He's smiling, it's a good sign. Body is relaxed, even breathing, he's visually happy.
All very good signs.
"Yeah, I think I'd like that," He agrees, waving up to his friends before taking the seat beside me. "So, are you always so cool when you come to hockey games?"
Bella laughs once more, and I really am regretting bringing her along.
"Am I usually yelling and dancing? Yes," I answer, turning my eyes away from where they had landed on the ice, and on to him. "Am I usually so smoothly flirty? No. I'm currently riddled with anxiety and purely coasting off of that to get me through this conversation."
He laughs, really loud and brightly, which does well to smooth some of my worries at my honesty.
"Well, you're doing great. Think you can handle another two periods of this?"
He's sweet. And I can't help but smile.
This boys is so much more than a hockey player.
"I think I'll be more than okay."
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bks-blogs · 1 month
101DS Series Bible Commentary Pt. 1
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How's it goin', my dedicated pups? Danuki here! Later tonight, I'll begin the live-tweet of the official 101 Dalmatian Street Pilot Episode, stating by reading through the series bible first!😁
Hope you dedicated pups are ready!👏🥳
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So… Let's start by looking into the series bible! The first set pages doesn't really show anything special.
It basically gives us the rundown on what we know about 101 Dalmatian Street. But the concept art of the Dalmatians residence shows, how much the series had evolved during the first stages of production.
To sum it up, the house looks nothing like the Radcliffe's former residence with how the structure was designed and aligned with other buildings.
A first sign that the show originally may not have been planned to take place in the original 101 Dalmatians film from 1961. Or if it was still planned to be set in the film's timeline, maybe at a different location?🤔
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We were able to learn more about an unused plot element of Dodie Smith (The author of the original 101 Dalmatians book) being the eccentric owner of Delilah Dalmatian and living on a faraway island. Well... actually, not Dodie Smith, but the name of this unseen character is Dodie McDot. As the name suggests, McDot has a weird obsession with spots, and an eccentric artsist who makes his living off of spot-related art. But at the time when the art world grew bored of his work, he ended up broke. This unseen character is FULL of mystery, and I hope for the staff adresses his character in some shape or form in a possible Season 2.
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The series Bible gives us a little bit more info of what we know about the two parents of 101, Delilah and Doug.
We get more insight of how the recent generation of 101 Dalmatians came together: Each parent bringing 15 pups of their own, while rescuing 54 from the streets, pet shops and shelters.
My dedicated pups, I think this may probably be the most canon backstory if the writers of the show decide to go with it in a potential second Season!😁
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Nothing really new to know in the bios of Dylan and Dolly. Just basically gives us what we know about our favorite duo throughout the first season.
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The first page of the original 15 siblings of the Dalmatian family. Again, there's nothing new we know about the members, aside from what we know watching through the 52 episodes of the series. And apparently, the 15 siblings had a bit of a different color scheme. Triple D originally had different shades of pink, possibly to stand out more, Dorothy's collar was originally light blue, and DJ supposedly was planned to have a black ring around his left eye.
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2nd page of the original 15 siblings of the Dalmatian family. Again, nothing new to learn about, but we do know that the Dimitrios do get a mention among the some of the other 101 brothers and sisters, despite not being in the series bible.
So, it's very possible the Dimitris were given their own designs after the success of the pilot.
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Next up, we get a look at the early concepts of the Dalmatians residence, as well as a black-n-white (Get it?) ref of the final designs the Dalmatians', Clarissa's and Constantine's houses. As the houses are modeled after the buildings in the UK, the designs chosen for the buildings are quite obvious. Of course, we also get a look at the early designs of the pinpoints in Camden, like the Canal and the Barista!
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Now let's take a peak at the friends and Neighbots of 101 Dalmatian Street! Here we get a better clarification of Clarissa's friends, Prunella and Arabella. Apparently they seem to secretly enjoy the Dalmatians' antics unlike Clarissa. Also... I may be the only one here, but I actually kinda like Arabella's early design with the white fur, the black tips on her ears, and the pink accessory she was originally going to wear! Now, for Constantine! So, apparently in the Bible, aside from what we know about him in the actual series, Consantine is a YouTuber, making videos talking about meanings of life. We also learn why we never see his human in the show. He's a Russian Architect who travels the world as part of work, meaning he's almost never home.
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Going through the next batch of pages featuring Dylan & Dolly's friends and foes, let's take a look at the most obvious ones.
For starters, Fergus originally had red eyes in the pilot, and apparently those were still present in his final design before removing them altogether for the final product. I'm honestly glad they did it, cause I'm sure children watching the show would be asking their parents why Fergus' eyes are red.😂
Ignoring the red eyes though, Fergus' early pilot design definitely looks badass compared to final one, but I'm cool with either one of them.😁
We also learn that Roxy's pet human is a gamer girl, which my explain why our goofy rottweiler jumped at the opportunity to play Poodlewolf with Dylan in "The Perfect Match".🎮
Then there's Hansel, who was originally name Heathcliff. Apparently, he was originally supposed to be the leader of macho huskies, and Dylan and Dolly are too nervous to interact with him (Much like how Dylan was nervous meeting Roxy, I suppose). That concept was likely ditched in order to make Hansel a more sensitive, soft person with a cowardly personality. Which is what makes him cute, IMO!😍
Lastly, we get a look at a early concept design of Godfrey. Our Golden Retriever was originally going to look much younger in the early show concepts. We also learn that he's an overly cautious dog who senses danger possibly everywhere, which may explain his paranoid reaction to the mention of the fictitious Camden Kraken in "Long Tongue Day".😛
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We also get a look at one of Hunter De Vil's 2nd-to-final design alongside Cuddles! I honestly think this would actually make a great wardrobe for a reformed Hunter in a possible future Season of the show.
We also get a little backstory between Hunter and Cruella De Vil and how Cruella raised Hunter to hate Dalmatians through twisted bedtime stories. (Yeah, Best Aunt of the Year, am I right, my dedicated pups? LOL)
We also learn that Hunter is 12-years-old in the show, and apparently he takes from his Dad with his obsession with fluffy, spotted Dalmatians.
And… is it just me, or does Cuddles look a bit like Sgt. Tibbs at first glance? Maybe it's the early design, idk.🤔
To be Continued in Part 2!!
@disneytva @mandareeboo @msitubeatz @adrigummi @alioks-blog @aapaperbag @carlycmarathecat @cadpig101 @doglover502 @egonoidea @fenrisarts @ghostindeedee @higburger @incorrect101dalmatians @jayofthetrees @julie-ghouls @kit-c0re @notsoblackandwhite101 @polarpace @rahitoshi @rainbowchromatic @stoatfloat @straysketches @themilesfox @t00nified @versailercat @xfangheartx @samtheangelfox @cachicabra @chelledoggo @dramatic-disraeli @derektahki @aquarellewolf-blog @hyperaura @deadyoung45 @avalanchesparkgrenade @101dalmatianstreet @natedraws @retroartpup @julie-ghouls @mariakarmakova @mnmarsart @ratrrriot @marylikesstuff @marieecarlat @ninjaaa-go @pawreadingpup @sk4w-ro4r @aquarellewolf-blog @mel-toons @seisai1751 @egonoidea @triocat
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sunbearsophia · 1 month
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Sorry again for how few and far in-between my Tumblr posts are, guys! I'll try and be more frequent with them!
It hit me a while back that for all I talk about my Next-Gen on Twitter, I hardly ever talk about my fan kids here on Tumblr! So, I decided to throw together a ref sheet for my main girl, Emmy, to get started on that and introduce her to y'all!
Her full name is Emilia Luna-Ophelia Barrabas-Darling, but almost everyone calls her Emmy for short. She was named after her late grandmother on Eduardo's side, although Laurel was actually the one who suggested it when she was born. (Eduardo absolutely cried when she suggested it, not that he wasn't already sobbing lol.) Her middle names were each chosen by one of her parents. (Luna for Eduardo, Ophelia for Laurel bc her mummy's a Shakespeare geek and we love her for it aaaaa.)
Probably 21 in the reference, definitely college-aged!
Working in retail currently to pay the bills, but saving up to attend art school when she gets the chance, wants to work as a background artist in animation.
Is generally a really friendly and outgoing person, extremely open with her personality, interests and affection, much like her mom. KNOWN for her hugs that could throw out someone's back, just generally really kind and chill, basically a big ol' puppy lady. She's also pretty stubborn and abrasive, however, and does have a temper on her, however. Aside from just generally getting grumpy when she's tired, exhausted or frustrated, she is just as willing to throw some HANDS when someone's pissed er off, just like her old man.
A pretty artsy-fartsy kinda gal, but not so much a snob about art, more like she'll happily ramble about art techniques and history when the subject is brought up. Also has a love for dancing, sports and Shakespeare.
Is extremely close with her family, she adores her Mummy Laurel and is a MASSIVE Daddy's Girl for Eduardo, she never misses the chance to see and spend time with them, and always wants to make them proud. (Her dad was her inspiration to start drawing when she was little, and always thinks of Eduardo and Laurel both as her heroes.) Also loves her little brother Leonardo, and is very protective of him, mess with him you mess with HER. >:(
Also loves her Uncle Mark and Uncle Jon with all her heart, they basically were third and fourth parents to her ever since she was a baby and she knows she can always go to them for anything. Very close to her other uncles, too, but out of all of them, she's closest to Jon and Mark. Also loves her Grandmado, and misses her terribly as an adult.
Has ADHD and dyslexia, so she often uses word processors and audio books to help with the latter and tends to plan and schedule her days in advance and stick heavily with routines to avoid losing focus with the former. Still has her struggles but knows she's supported and loved by those around her and is too stubborn to let them win.
Loves avocados, just like her dad. It was one of her first words, and to this day, her and her dad have a designated day all for eating avocados all throughout. (HC BY THE AWESOME @tamaraskabr ITS SO WHOLESOME I LOVE IT QwQ) Other than that, she loves basically anything mint chocolate, she's a simple woman lol.
All the tidbits I've got for now! Plan to follow up the post with some sketches of her other outfits I've worked on! For now, hope this gives some insight on who she is so I can share more art of her on here with context!
she's my goober daughter and i love her sm lol
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a few more art refs, this time featuring a white dress shirt (aka one of the best Whump Outfits)
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(more pics under the cut)
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as with the last batch, these are open for anyone to use as refs, photo edits, moodboard stuff, etc. I'll probably do more of these in the future, so accepting suggestions for the next round :)
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petra-creat0r · 27 days
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 1 Secret Boss
So I've decided I should probably post refs of my Fool's Fate bosses since I did that for my prediction bosses and since I'm including them in my secret boss reactions, it'd probably be useful that people know who the heck they are.
Though Dorothy and her backstory has been mentioned on my side blog @apupp3tw0-strings as Chicago learned about it in real time, and I've mentioned her a few times here, I'm betting most of you don't really know about her as I haven't actually posted her backstory here. So here you go.
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(Dorothy's battle theme by my wonderful friend @kierangecko)
Her name isn't intentionally a Wizard of Oz reference (though looking at her outfit during her height I can see it), but instead as it means "Gift of God", which will make more sense when I get into her backstory and how she met the "strange someone". Basically, her name, her whole identity, was a gift from what could be considered A God. Perhaps more of the eldritch variety to Darkners but still a God.
Her text quirk is speaking in clips stitched together from those she's heard, aka other dialogue from Undertale, Deltarune, or Fool's Fate for the purposes of me playing her in an RP I've been running on my Discord server. She has no voice of her own, and can only mimic the voice's she's heard.
I love Dorothy. She snowballed from me getting the idea of a mannequin or something without identity or purpose that was given one by the "strange someone". I also think she'll hold a place in my heart as the first secret boss I created straight up. Before even thinking of making Bitsy, Elymas, or Veratus. Back when I was in the mind set of "I don't want too make prediction bosses because I'll get it wrong when the chapters come out and it'll be ruined." Now I have had character development and said "Fuck it. I'm making my own take, this was gonna diverge from canon anyways."
I still need to finish my Dorothy plush.
Backstory under the cut
She used to be nothing but a blank doll. An empty face with no name, no identity, no purpose. A blank slate longing to be filled. Her Light World counter part is a DIY doll kit that was meant to be a Gyftmas gift for Broadway, but was left up in the attic and forgotten about.
No one paid any mind to her. Barely anyone knew she existed as she wandered aimlessly around the Dusty Plains. Her only companion being the snake fortune teller who'd set up shop out in the Plains. Jeanie would listen to the doll even without her saying a word, and read her fates many time. Each time the snake assuring the doll that her future held infinite potential.
On day though, the doll came across a man. A strange someone who offered to lend her a hand. He gave her an identity. A face, a voice, a name. Dorothy. And after pulling the last thread to give her a mouth, the man gave Dorothy a purpose. Live the life she wished to lead, but come to him if she needed anymore help. And so she did. The first step in the man's new plan.
With the man's help, Dorothy was finally recognized and rose in popularity. Eventually joining the Upper Choir, the governing force over the Land of Attica. Dorothy couldn't be happier. People knew her. People talked to her. People... listened to her. It was around this time that the man enacted the next phase of his plan. Showing Dorothy the truth of this world. Revealing that they were all nothing more than a bunch of dusted toys and clothes up in an attic. The Lightners they all worshiped weren't coming back for them.
The rest of the Choir didn't like it when Dorothy started spreading this new gospel. They exiled her back to the Dusty Plains. This outraged the ragdoll. They refused to see the truth. They were blind. All of them were blind, blind fools. In her exile, Dorothy was driven to violence, ripping the Plains apart with pins and needles, attempting to puppeteer those who refused to see the truth right in front of them. She had to be stopped.
And to think that her only friend since the beginning was the one to call the Choir Guard.
Dorothy was locked away for quote "Your own and every one else's safety." She yelled and screamed at that stupid Magician as he walked back to the elevator, leaving Dorothy all alone in a padded cell forever.
... That was until a possessed puppet and his companions happened to find their way down.
Her story is meant to mirror/parallel Jevil's in a way, though it also takes a bit from Spamton's. I think I've gotten better at writing secret boss backstory's since making my prediction bosses, but I still like Dorothy and her backstory. She and Jevil are friends post Fool's Fate Chapter 1.
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New Chapter Time! Mari Go Away!
Have I mentioned recently that I adore Herder? I adore Herder.
Herder has a thing here that makes me think of translation because what he says is like, "Ethic-less" but I think it would translate better as "anything goes"
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Is that supposed to be Moran next to Jack? Dude your hair--But this is a nice shot of all their heights.
Herder's discussion of the weather is probably the most practical Japanese I have gathered from this series, but I'm probably going to forget this vocabulary shortly
Also Herder talking about the weather in terms of shooting people is just very. Him.
It is indeed Moran
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None of the normies want to play this game. Shocking. Shocking.
Albert: I'm very sorry, Normies, for letting Herder explain this, because. Um.
Interlude: I thought this would be easier to do on two screens, but my zoom and orientation on the magazine keeps changing when I do anything on the other screen, so it is Not.
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Bond is not Having it, and tbh, I'm not sure why, except that Albert just lied out his ass, I think.
Do senseis know that "Lord Kruger" being an English anything sounds absurd.
Albert: I am totally hijacking this hunting trip I was invited to for my own purposes so my "servants" could play. This is fine and normal.
!!! Is Liam finally going to shoot a damn gun?
Albert: Also this was my little brother's idea so think twice before insulting it. Thanks.
They're all now on board because William smiled at them. The bastard.
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Liam's doing the hand thing again I called out last night. Although he's being kind of duplicitous right now but not straight up lying. He's in peak keigo form today.
Herder: You can have a pistol or a sniper
Moran, probably: THANK you, God.
Herder: Also I have rubber knives
Well there goes Liam shooting anything.
Louis, probably: Can I have a real knife
Herder: The paint looks like clotted blood
Me: Did...Did William ask you do that? How do you even know. You're blind. Who tested this.
Herder: And don't worry, the paint bullets are biodegradable because Fred complained about having to pick up Moran's bullets that one time so I avoided that necessity.
Are they just gonna knock out all the normies b/c tbh this would be more fun with just our murder fam.
Herder: I tagged all the guns MORAN so don't BREAK THE DAMN THING THIS TIME
I'm sorry it's really funny to image all the sniping and personal bickering that would be happening if they weren't being all keigo in front of the guests
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I appreciate at least the visual cues that imply the bickering
Herder: For various reasons, I'll be the ref
The normies: Oh, it's because he's blind, poor thing, the Moriartys are so charitable
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Normie kids are playing???
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I feel like Patterson can't come to this event because it's public and he's a public figure and that would be Weird, but I wonder if this was like "Okay, everyone gets to play a game," because Patterson wanted a vacation.
Helena talking about her extremely sedentary little brother reminds me of Liam and sickly Louis okay
Finally some proper bickering now that teams are selected.
They got split into red and blue. Because.
Liam, however, got blue for once in his life
They have to tell us, because it's black and white. But they are shaded differently.
Moriarty brothers: What if we're all on the SAME TEAM?
Bond sounds like city streetlights. That's super cool, actually.
Louis is all "my brothers and I are three hearts beating as one and together in flesh and spirit" and Louis you need to like, tone it down just a lil
Louis: ...but I'm not on their team in paintball.
Herder: If you lose, you have to go feed pheasants as a punishment
This was long, but I just love Mori fam, okay?
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xivrefsheets · 4 days
Dawntrail Updates!
Figured I may as well toss a post to the void with DT rapidly approaching. Ahem. Hello! First of all...
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Wow... thanks a bunch! I'm happy this little project has proven to be so helpful for so many folks out there! I figured once I stopped updating that this blog was gonna fizzle out into obscurity but I'm still getting quite a bit of interaction despite the inactivity (I really do miss Tumblr sometimes...)
Anyway, wanted to put an update out here on things going forward after DT drops and knowing how rambly and Autistic™ I tend to get, I'll just put that in a cut.
So as I've mentioned in passing in the tags of a random ask, I'm sort of considering opening comms for ref sheets again due to really Really Spicy money-related happenings in my personal life. However, there's a few steps along the way before I make this a reality and this isn't even a full guarantee it'll happen as I'll also be opening art commissions in the near future and those will take more time and priority over ref sheets PLUS there's the factors that led me to closing in the first place.
I'm trying to steer away from using Anamnesis going forward for a number of reasons (some borderline petty, I admit) but I've been introduced to some nifty new plugins that are slowly taking the program's place that make posing infinitely easier and also fix the primary issue I had with Ana which was.... not allowing unique NPC faces to show in gpose anymore. (Yes I'm aware that they still worked for carbuncles and the like but that was just enough of a hassle for my posing needs that it made the sheets Not worth making anymore since I was already dealing with other stress on the side at the time as well). I'm still learning how to effectively utilize said plugins and once I've gotten better and mastered them that'll be the end of step 1.
Step 2 is gonna be... well... waiting for DT to drop. As we all know, a massive graphics overhaul is coming, so there's very little point in opening requests for new characters now when the models are about to be more detailed and will very likely be tweaked along the way if player feedback affects NPCs down the line.
Step 3... that I dread... revamping my studio yet again. Mostly just gonna be taking out some of the extra light sources since those tend to get in the way when the model is really tall and also researching more setups. May also see about utilizing chromakey as well. Idk idk. I doubt I'll have the energy to make the sheets super pretty like some folks do, but taking transparent shots will cut out a lot of distracting factors and make the finished sheets look a bit better I think.
Then after that, I'll probably do some practice rounds and re-work sheets for popular characters as well as fixing the old, shitty sheets from when I first started that were Way Too Yellow that I've been meaning to fix for literal years now (so sorry to all my fellow color-picking artists friends out there I'm sorry that's so annoying... TTATT) and from there I'll see if it's something I still want to pursue and open comms for.
I'll shoot for maybeeeee mid-August or so for the next update. Obviously, I still have a job and I'll be enjoying DT with the rest of you guys so it'll be some time before I even think of doing ref sheets again, but I at least wanted to throw out there that this is still something I think about, but a number of factors made me stop to begin with. One factor being...
...pricing! If/when I open again, it'll likely be a proper commission post on ko-fi and I'm thinking of starting at $10 with tipping enabled. In the beginning, I was allowing requests for the barest minimum of a donation and the constant $3 for characters with a ton of details to cover was getting a bit demotivating after a while, so I'm sorry if this puts off past and future clients, but I am doing all of this in my free time, so... ;w;
ANYWAY! If anyone read all this... thank you! I know it's a Lot and I'm sorry. Been a minute since I've had to do some sort of official addressing like this... haha.
Feel free to follow my ko-fi for updates regarding ref sheet commissions, art commissions, and whatever new art I post (if you're into that) and maybe toss a dollar or two my way since, yanno, I'm Quite broke rn and have an unpaid vacation coming up... 👉👈 or if you just wanna support a fellow queer this June.
and if y'all don't hear from me in a few months just assume I lied LOL!
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r0semirages · 1 year
So. I made an RTC swap au!!
It started just with an idea of John Doe!Ricky that I had for a pretty long time, but recently I decided to turn it into something cooler, so I made this whole thing. Maybe I'll sketch their designs later (or at least make picrews of them), but idk how much time it will take. I haven't change some things, like the relationships between some characters, because I thought it wouldn't work very well. But, this isn't fully finished yet, so there's some moments that may be changed in the future.
I imagine this AU more like a play, than a musical and honestly I really don't think that it'll become something serious, cause I'm not that good at writing and creating full stories, so, at least at the moment, it's just for fun. Also, the designs are based on the 2016 cast, but feel free to make your own interpretations with your favorite cast. And maybe someday I'll make them too, we'll see. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy it!! (Pls excuse me if there are any mistakes, english isn't my first language, blah blah blah. Also there are a lot of spoilers for rtc, so if you plan to watch it — don't read further!)
So, first is Penny — the most imaginative girl in town. She's super silly, sometimes awkward and doesn't really have any friends because most people think she's weird. Penny often gets left out or bullied, and she uses escapism to cope with this + all the stuff with her parents, who she didn't get enough love from. Her fantasies is a bit different from the original Ricky's: they don't have a lore, she just makes up random stories to escape from reality and writes them out sometimes. She *definetely* writes fanfiction and probably posts it online. For some reason people find it cool, but no one in the choir knows about it. She's still a Seven-Up fan and she plays the ukulele (that will be used in the new birthday song for Ricky)
I changed her design just a bit, now she wears a lot of accessories, mostly pins (bc I headcanon the og Ricky having them) and it's mostly based on Emily Rohm's Penny, while her personality is more like legoland Penny's.
The next is Ocean — the angriest girl in town. Like the og Mischa, she hates her parents (but in this case they aren't adoptive) and their lifestyle, but instead of becoming the most succesful to prove that she's different from them, this Ocean just becomes a total mess and starts hating everyone. Idk if I will make her like shitty rap about money in autotune, but she definetely has a history of stealing stuff from stores, lol.
Design changes: messy hair; she doesn't have a headband and a tie, her shirt isn't fully buttoned up. She wears a sweater vest over it with a short skirt (a dress, actually).
Then we have Constance — the most succesful girl in town. She's a big nerd and spends a lot of her time studying because she wants to be the best. In general she behaves just like original Ocean and treats Noel like Ocean would treat her in the og musical (they're besties, but not really). She's pretty mean and very ambitious. This Constance doesn't have as much love for her town as the og one and she plans to move out (and become a premier minister of Canada, maybe :p) She's the one to make the final vote in this AU and of course she will choose John Doe/Ricky.
I haven't change a lot of things in the design, but her hair isn't dyed anymore, buns are down, she has a tie and maybe some hairpins. In general she looks a bit more tidy
Next one: Noel — the nicest boy in town. A complete opposite to the og Noel, he doesn't want to change anything in his life and enjoys living in Uranium. He's still super homosexual and has a big crush on Mischa, and, as I've said before he's "best friends" with Constance who treats him like shit and makes jokes about how he's never gonna breed👍🏻 /ref
He's really insecure about himself, but very friendly with everyone else (especially Mischa). He still enjoys all the french stuff, but you know, in a less... horny... way. And his mother is a baker and Noel often helps her in their cafe
He now has a short-sleeved shirt, round glasses and half of his hair is purple (it's also a bit more messy). In general I didn't change a lot in his design, but I made him such an UwU softie boy /j
Then, Mischa — the most romantic boy in town (ah yes, this one is for you, Mischa simps). He's still in love with Talia and his backstory is the same, but instead of becoming an angry rapper, he became a sad romantic guy, who dreams about moving to Ukraine with his (probably non-existing) internet fiancé. He just wants to be happy :(
Design changes: his clothes and hair aren't that messy anymore and he has a black jacket (like the one chance theatre Noel had). Also his nails are usually black or any other dark shade!!
And! Finally! My best creation yet — John Doe!Ricky. Perhaps, the rest of the choir doesn't remember him (well, in fact they do remember him, but it's a different theory and I don't want to bring it here) because he couldn't talk and no one really noticed him. The only person he was pretty close with was Penny, but still, they weren't even friends, they just standed close to each other while the choir was performing and both sat in the back of a rollercoaster when the accident happened. There will be a role-swapped version of the Savannah scene, but I don't know what name should I use instead of Savannah yet (if you have any ideas, please drop them in the comments!! I'll be very grateful)
When he gets choosen by Constance he'll came back to life as Ricky and yes, he WILL remain disabled because I'm a very big Ricky fan + a very big ableism hater, don't expect that shit from me👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Also he will still have 14 cats because. Why not. I love cats.
The only thing that will change is the fact that he's a little happier now?? People around him treat him better and he doesn't have to fantasize about fucking cat-people from Zolar to be happy lol. Oh man I'm writing a bit too much about him sorry I just love this guy a lot. Bless his little heart
Finally, about his design: honestly he's just a yassified version of this picture /hj
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Okay, so he has a head stolen from some super swag dressed in a Bowie-like style doll that for some reason was in the warehouse. He has a big purple star around one of his eyes and some parts of his hair are also colorful (purple/blue/pink). His clothes isn't very different, but maybe I'll add some more accesories
Well, that's all atm. I will try my best to make some content for this and keep developing this idea and I really really hope you will like it!
Reblogs/comments/likes are VERY appreciated and again, if you have any recommendations for improving this au I'll be really glad to hear them or just any of your thoughts!!!
Ty for reading (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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kingmaxstatic · 1 month
⚠️Important Art Announcement ⚠️
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Hello everyone! It's Max (of course, who else?) and I have a rather important announcement to make! Something you may notice is that these images are 3d rendered instead of my typical 2d artwork. There's a reason for that!
After the Breaker x Belle animatic (COUGH COUGH check it out)
My hands started to hurt like. Real bad.
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[Recreation of the feeling]
So let's skip to the important part, for around a week (or more) or so I'm going to be taking a break from 2d artwork. The last time this happened was for 3 days around Christmas (It sucked it was bad). I'll probably be taking a longer Break because.. well art fight is next month. (HACK WHEEZE plugging that.) Apologizes, my asthma is acting up (/silly)
I'll be going more in detail below!
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Okay important stuff out of the way I need to talk about how this will affect the blog! For starters this does mean most OC content is going to be based on my ocs who were made for SFM OR i'm gonna be translating some of my OCs to SFM using the forces pack!
Other things i'll probably be doing is showing off some of the sfm renders I PLAN on turning into 2d renders (Sometimes I'll pose a character in SFM and then translate said posing into 2d)
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Funfact! I did this for the Breaker Ref! I think it turned out PRETTTYY well!
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But that's PRIMARILY for the art-art stuff. like images and jazz! This break from artwork DOES give me a chance to post more of my fanfictions!
I really do want to get back into writing and this does allow me to be able to do that more! I know that's not as visually interesting but I do hope you guys like it!
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Of course the most important thing I'll be relaxing! Probably playing video games with my friends, trying my best to chill out for once in my life! Who knows maybe I'll finally read a book! I have free space now and I really want to use it!
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eliyips · 7 months
Can i ask how u do lineart so well,, it looks so smooth,,
I've always been very big on keeping my lineart clean and smooth! :) I'm very inspired by comic and graphic novel illustration, so naturally, I try to take notes from that sort of aesthetic in a lot of my art.
The short answer is that I just have a lot of practice, and am very picky about how my lineart looks. So, I'll often spend a long time making sure it looks just how I'd like it, before moving on, even if the lines aren't necessarily going to be the focus of the final drawing.
The longer answer kinda depends on what lineart you're asking about! The style of my lineart tends to change to fit whatever mood I'm going for, so I have a lot of different line styles with varying levels of smooth-ness.
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On the super-smooth end of the spectrum, we have these bubbly, cartoony lines! These are a pain to draw, to be honest. But they really contribute to giving that cute look :) For these, I used the Clip Studio Paint G-Pen, with some minor adjustments to the settings, mainly so that there's not too much line width variation. The uniform, thick lines are important for this look! :) Drawing in this style really just a lot of trial and error. Usually when doing lineart, I'll erase away at lines to get them to the right thickness, or even just clean up a sketch and call that lineart, rather than doing lines on a new layer. But, that's a lot harder to do when the line thickness has to stay consistent. So, I end up just drawing the same line 7 times over, un-doing my work and re-doing it until i'm satisfied. Again, it's a pain! I used to draw like this a lot more frequently, but I stopped because I found that other approaches are often a lot more satisfying and rewarding. This is still great, for that cutesy look, though.
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Next, we have what I would affectionately call my ref sheet lines. As much as it's probably a bad idea, I have a habit of just kinda skipping the lining stage of art. I'll just take my sketch, and tidy it up until it's clean enough. But for a drawing where there's only going to be flat colors, that sort of roughness can look sloppy, In my opinion. So, particularly when doing ref sheets, or other art which I don't intend to render, I will actually go through the effort of fully sketching out my idea and lining on a separate layer. The result is a lot cleaner and more deliberate, and looks a lot nicer when colored! Especially if I take the time to color the lineart :) I also really like doing small details with thin lines, particularly body/facial hair, elastic cuffs on clothing, and the seams of clothes, too. I like drawing those little details a lot, and I think they shine the most in my cleaner line style :D
For this, and for most of my lineart, I use these brushes which you can find on the Clip Studio Asset Store:
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I'll bounce back and fourth between these, and Kozmo's Scratchy Scribbler brush, which you can find on Ko-fi!
Additionally, I have a modified G-Pen with a pencil texture that I think I made myself? I don't remember making it, but I also don't know where it came from! So i guess I did, lol.
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A little more messy than my ref-sheet lines, we have the line style which you probably see most often on my page. As mentioned before, I usually kinda skip the sketch step for these? I don't encourage that, it's a bad habit of mine. But I make it work! I feel like the best way to explain my process with this is to just offer you a timelapse of my lineart process:
I just kinda... go. and it works out! most of the time. lots of cleanup and tweaking, and as you can see with Bdubs and Etho here, sometimes I do actually just. do a sketch and then line over it. So maybe I have no idea what my own process even is, LOL.
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Now, to completely abandon your original question here's how i don't do smooth lineart! :D In this style, for the most part, I ignore the cleanliness of my lines, only really erasing with the lasso fill tool, when lines get too cluttered to actually read. Usually I'll only go for this when I'm already planning on painting over the lines. Because sometimes an idea doesn't need or want clean lines, and sometimes I just want to paint some values or slap some colors together and call it a day. Love my clean lines, but scratchy, messy lines are fun too! :)
Not sure if any of this really explained how i do smooth lineart, but I sure did talk about lineart for a while. I hope you could find something interesting or insightful in here! :) thanks for the ask, and I hope you have a great day <3
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mythicandco · 1 year
hi! yes!! hello!!! I am in FACT real (I think. I hope. please.) and so is this introduction! my name's Mythic! or Starrie. or Icarus. or Bookie. or... or really anything, you can make one up if you want. I use any pronouns (go wild! if there's some neos you think would fit me, please feel free to use them!!), but my main ones are ce/cer/cerv (again, see my pronouns.page for the full list).
I'm queer, and currently in a state of flux with Everything, being the confused dragon deer moth eldritch computer house thing that I am, so I do not know how romance works! or gender. but I do have a partner! and I love it very much- hi Reggie<3
I am mentally ill in the sense that if you mention anything that even vaguely, unintentionally references one of my hyperfixations I will drop everything I'm doing and start ranting about it for the next three days. you have been warned.
DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A BIGOT, PROSHIPPER, OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. I am literally neurodivergent and a minor /ref and will not tolerate that shit, full stop. I don't block people often otherwise, but if I do I probably have a good reason for it- and even if I don't, it's nunya! (business, that is.)
my writing/creative sideblog is @the-professional-cocomeloner and there's all sorts of weird cool shit over there- OCs, art, rambling, all that good stuff. check it out!
main fandoms that I will be really really excited if you know about: - Amphibia - The Stanley Parable - Generation Loss - The Owl House - Gravity Falls - I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream - Iron Lung - Wings of Fire - The Glass Scientists - M*A*S*H - Doctor Who - Meraki - Duck & Raven at the End of Time - Planet9 - Poison Family - Laika - Cloud Dragon - Questionland - Dino Pals and many more, probably! I don't remember them all off the top of my head but if you mention it I'll sit up and point and go "OH YEAH THAT ONE!!!!1!"
might update this post with some blinkies or banners or something later, but for now, take this
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irljmart · 11 months
could you tell us more about your space pirate crew, please?? they’re a really interesting bunch /pos
OF COURSE Unfortunately theres too many of them for one post, so you can have one (1) Space Pirate.
North! Captain of the Hermes (thats their ship) Big dumbass, probably not anyones first choice for captain, and one of the only few crew members who was made with the intention of being a mechanisms oc Heres a ref sheet I just made
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As a little bonus, heres their backstory! It is very much a bifrost incident reference.
It features another character, but I'll do him next time :) North grew up on New Midgard, one of the planets in the Yggdrasil system. They lived a normal life, making art and writing, until a historical research project being worked on by the planet's transport police went wrong, starting a string of chaos that left Midgard in destruction. A series of explosions throughout the main city left North severely injured and struggling to seek shelter from the group setting off explosives and starting fires. 
He managed to find their way into a space ship that had landed in the middle of the city, and hid, quickly succumbing to their injuries. They were found by the owners of the ship who took him in, gave his body some… upgrades, and taught them the way of space piracy. 
They stayed on board as the crew recovered Bard, who was lost in space following the same incident that destroyed Midgard, and eventually left the crew, feeling as though they were meant for other things. North and Bard stole the Hermes from the planet they were staying on, and decided to make their own crew of pirates. 
enjoy space pirates everyone!
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bom-bombon · 1 year
Helloooo can you gives us headcanons over illojuan
I think my boi Juanito is like Willy in that he just likes causing trouble. I always describe him to my friends as a little shit. He’s a troll! There’s no real reason or explanation for his actions, just that he think they’re so funny
When I think of Illojuan, I think of him as some guy. He's not extraordinary like the rest of the boys; he's just a silly, simple dude! Bro keeps to himself
Actually, he uses that invisibility to his advantage to commit crimes, frame others, etc.
To me, he's BiAce
This isn’t really my headcanon, I read about it on twitter, however, I like the idea that Illo and Quackity treat each other like brothers. They teach each other their respective Spanish accents and vocabulary (though I feel like they will both try to troll each other with that or worse, to their friends). They would see each other at an event and think “oh yeah, its gonna be a fun day” and like fuck with each other. Sometimes when Quackity needs to rant, he goes to Juan and let it out, and in the meantime, Juan is just eating it all up cuz he is a fucking chismoso. You know how I said before that he’s a simple dude who mostly stays away from drama, that doesn’t mean he will not listen in to all that drama with popcorn. Or worse, cause the drama. Also, he’d probably convince Quackity into getting him to work for him too like for instance, cleaning up the chiringuito as he just rants. If he’s being honest with himself, Juan do like Quacks around and sees him as the closest thing to family
Speaking of duos, I think my favorite one involving Juan is with Sapo Peta, the Cupid Duo. I just love their dynamic so much. Actually, I need to ask: did y’all remember when Illo was like “me gustas” to Sapo Peta? If you haven't seen it, here it is. I find it too funny to not include it somewhere here. Aside from that whole confession, Juanillo genuinely enjoys his company and sees Sapo Peta as one of his closest friends next to Mangel. He also gets Sapo Peta to also help him in some illegal acts without him knowing. They need to team up and impersonate as Quackity more often I still quote them from that stream. Actually fuck it, those two would do more letters from other members and have fun with it or to try and get Sapo Peta’s their ships canon.
Just a personal touch but he sells mezcal in his chiringuito
The chiringuito smells like Karmahuana I just know it. You know what. Not just the chiringuito, the whole damn area. People stop by and go, “Oh it smells nice here” and its literally weed
Tangentially related to the last point but I know for sure Juan makes some bomb ass edibles, a good cook as well
Not a headcanon but man I wanna draw him getting high on a beach... and also a beach episode for his chiringuito......
You actually got me to revisit a drawing I did during the Titi custody battle before he died lmao:
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Actually, it be funny if Illo has experience in law
Since it's been a while since you've asked this, I'll throw in a couple of old sketches I have of my babygirl under the keep reading section.
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i actually don’t mind this as much, i just think i hated how oversaturated I made his shirt fghjhgf
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This was when I tried to make a ref sheet for him (and the rest of the karmaland boys) but i was too ambitious with so little time
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katyspersonal · 1 year
I want to know moooore about Archie, so 5, 6 and 9 for him!
( Asks from this ( x ) meme)
Whew! Funny that you asked about him now of all times, because just today I finally got to HIM in my list of Bloodborne characters' face refs, so I can even show him! (Yahar'gul hunters are next)
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Wellll... I did draw him before, but only in a meme xD
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To think of it, I do not have too much stuff about the guy to write down, the vibe I get from him is rather intuitive, but I'll try!
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
Archibald tends to measure a person up very quick upon first meeting them, almost unmistakeably knowing whether they're smart, have potential, are reliable, all that. Not that he never been wrong, but usually his esteem is right, and he ends up forming contacts and investing only in people he considers "worthy" - be it them being useful in time of need, good helpers in his research, or even just good debate opponents to sharpen his mind with! All this is to say, he chooses his friends carefully and knows to not invest time, trust or emotion into "wrong" people. Him being involved with Healing Church was a calculated risk though, seeing how Laurence is "ends justify the means" person, but being under his wing while it lasted would benefit him.
He takes advantage of the impression of 'an eccentric weird guy who is better not distracted from his research' he gives to people, to not attract unwanted attention and instead observe others unnoticed. He knows about what's going on around him more than it seems, but his behaviour can fool even ones like Brador!
From how Archibald speaks of his connections, people often assume that he is a callous person without morality that will simply join the winning side during any conflict, but that is not entirely true! He often bends and adapts, yes, believing that 'he is more useful alive', but he has his limits and honorable values he will defend. In my story, he dies killing a very bad person devouring the already tormented Yharnam after Laurence passed away, after all! But Archibald won't reveal his vulnerable side, values and even people he cherishes easily, in fear of being easily manipulated over them.
Archibald is not relationships person at all, albeit able to fall in love. But instead of forming anything akin to functional relationship, he will simply look for someone equally curious, active and inventive to share a bond with. A type to only date a colleague, which in his case would be someone entirely caught up in research - a shared one or their own. But the idea of putting his best effort into 'feelings' and not inventing another mad thing is absolutely unspeakable for him!
He is, however, rather insensitive to things like peer-pressure and moral control unless abiding by them benefits his goals; he is an independent person. Thus, moral pressure Healing Church caused on "fearing the beasts" did nothing to him when he saw potential in studying them more. Again, him having 'just a little guy' public image helped him to avoid problems for that for a long time.
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Archibald appears to be rather reasonable in emotionally charged situations, sometimes even pissing other people off by being "too calm" when he should not be, but the truth is, he is able to grip and control his anger very well. That though... applies to his other strong negative emotions too - staying a person who simply "tries to understand the situation uwu", he might be absolutely boiling with rage inside, or experience bone-chilling fear, but the only true hints will be his sweat or twisting an object in his hands nervously. When he plans to ACT on his negative emotions, he will probably not tell even to his closest friends, as he doesn't want to worry them. Like, the fucker will return all bloodied after having committed act of revenge and just write it down as falling into a blood puddle left after a hunt, and so on.
Acting on emotions IS easier for him than sharing them, yes. Talking about how much someone upset him with a close friend? Nahhhh. Go in complete secrecy to beat the hell out of that person, ranting out his frustration for their ears and their ears only? Hell YES!
He is very focused on his work, to the point of abandoning a lot of potential social activities and emotional needs, living in permanent fear that he does not have enough time in this world to complete all his plans and invent everything he is capable to. Archie has a strong fix on being productive and making his time 'count', but this is a hard tension. Even before the whole 'Yharnam is hardly real anymore and the world is doomed' turn, he missed out on many important events in lives of his friends and failed to be there for his friends when they needed him. You know, the whole 'you wasn't there when my child was born / you wasn't there at funeral of your friend' struggle? In a way, it counts, however; I headcanon that there are many unseen inventions and discoveries Archie made that we could never see within the game. We only find the weapons he invented, but there are many things that could advance the humanity back in his lab! If only times peaceful enough to reach and use them will EVER come in Yharnam, of course...
In regards to the previous paragraph, he does experience permanent hidden guilt and suffering for being 'a bad friend'. Occasionally, he even curses the fate for burdening him with the curse of "brilliant mind" that he feels obligated to use, unable to live normally.
It is kind of plain, but he IS a very smart person, IQ certainly goes further beyond 120. He also has extremely good orientation in the space once he figures even a minimal about it; once he saw a map of the area, he will never get lost in it again.
He gets rather impressed and at times even flustered by big, strong, masculine men that might squeeze him into a pulp with one hand even though he himself is a rather capable fighter; like something naturally balancing him being more brain than brawl. I think Micolash was one exception Archibald can recall in his entire life; Mico IS a twig, but his passion and madness were the strongest ones Archibald ever seen in his life, and that was enough.
9) Headcanons about their past
Archibald is a foreigner, however, not very far from Yharnam culturally - his family moved into one of the off-brand European countries even before he was born, hence British name! One of the things I like about Bloodborne is how history in that setting went different from our world's, while saving all the metaphors and social commentary. We get plenty of evidence that Yharnam is way more middle European than UK-inspired; however, I can't help but feel like Archibald DID come from off-brand UK!
He showed being gifted and developing faster than his peers since childhood, yet funny enough, the pressure to 'fulfill his potential' was not inflicted by him on parents or teachers. Instead, the development of his anxiety and obsession to use the gifts of his mind was triggered by being rather neglected as a kid. EXCEPT for the times when he was demonstrating his ahead-of-age mind capacity... That is not to say it is just the internalised lack of recognition that ended up driving him. In fact, a bigger reason is that as neglected kid, he had opportunity to stand aside and observe the society... with it's flaws and the obvious things they were lacking. That realisation that he could help and change things on larger scale is a more crucial motivation. Lack of acknowledgement was the battery, but wish to help is the charge stored in it.
Like I hinted previously, in the periods of being especially caught up in studying and research, he'd end up not being there in important events in his close people's lives. The life-turning ones, even. That guaranteed a long chain of getting friends and losing them a few years (or sometimes months) later. He lived his life known as 'a reclusive prick who ONLY cares about studying! :/' and departed in Yharnam without even having someone who would miss him! On the more positive note, the friends he would GET to keep were found in Yharnam!
He is the most 'had education and degrees prior joining Yharnam' character out of foreign ones I got, with Eileen being the second! My version of him is rather young but he had the capacity of skipping classes, thus having a bit more scientific knowledge under his belt than his peers.
Archibald was never an artistic person, nor he was able to have a pet. Thus, he tended to fill the emptiness by cooking, cleaning, patching ruined clothes and fixing broken furniture often. Sometimes he'd even ruin a thing himself just to check whether he could fix it! As result, he has fantastic practical skills. He might be caught into experiments and research, but is never in a bad physical shape or poor hygiene because of it!
Like Edgar in my 'official' timeline, Archibald arrived in Yharnam a little too late to join Byrgenwerth - something he resents deeply, because it seems like it was a PERFECT place for him to fit into. That only further cementer his permanent, instinctive fear of 'running out of time' - what could be a bigger hint that his life was turning the wrong way than being too late for an institution basically CREATED for him and how he approaches things? There was no way news about large monsters who naturally produce electricity could have travelled to him faster tho.
Maybe not that much, but I think you get what the guy is like by now! Thank you for the ask! <:3 I needed a reason to put my ideas on him together in verbal form, haha
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nenes-numberonefan · 1 month
Ok these suck bc when I wrote these it was like 1am but here they r anywayyy
-Nemona once tried cleaning up pennys dorm as yk like a nice gesture but she ended up ruining an insanely specific organizing method penny used for her collectables (for figures she had them in rainbow order; for snowglobw it was rainbow and categorized by theming) and then Nemona had to watch penny fuck up(/sillie) her cleaning while they told her about the 'right way' to organize things
-Nemona is formerly banned from Arvens kitchen (almost set him on fire (papyrus I burnt the water/ref)) but surprisingly not Penny's. penny also really likes to bake but is shit at cooking (the fuck do you mean "add some of this" how much??!!? (she needs specific instructions or she's dead on the floor)) also is the designated cake maker for birthdays. they also definitely tried teaching Nemona how to bake and it went decently well. Nemona did get sick though because she kept eating the cookie dough
-on the topic of baking Penny's favorite thing to make is apple pie (is that a pjs- gets fucking shot gets brutally killed)
-SPEAKING OF PJSK,,, they are so nenean/mizumafu to me
-before they were dating Penny started leaving notes (and occasionally some candy) at Nemona's door and she thinks she nnever got caught until Nemona mentions one time opening the door and seeing penny running down the hall like she was running a marathon
-pennys also insanely fast at running (downside is that she literally dies for the next 2 hours afterward)
-id like to think Nemona like vaugely knows a bunch of celebrities and actors and shit and Nemona's like "hey penpen do you like [insert popular artist in the Pokemon universe]" and they're like "no??? who the fuck is thay". on the other side penny was saying something about Hatsune Miku (probs a concert or a cool figure they saw) and as soon as Nemona askked who Miku was penny freaked the fuck out. "YOU DONT KNOW FUCKIGN HATSUNE MIKU!?!!? WHO ARE YOU??!!" and then explained what and who Miku is for the next hour
-also penny definitely has a shitton of Miku merch like posters all over their walls and a while spot in her shelving thingy just for miku
-(penny) has probably gotten Nemona into some weird ass game nobody even cares about except for them
-either penny is asleep all day and makes everyone think it's dead or stays awake for like a week straight and passes out at her desk
-love how opposite of each other they are. Nemona loves pokemon battles and is really loud all the time meanwhile penny mostly just kind of has them like pets and doesn't talk too much. sun and moon (pokemon reference,,) idiots,,,,…, <3333
-i wanna talk about their confession but there's so many ways it could go. all of them involve it being penny the one to confess on Valentine's day because erm idk I'm just attached 2 that idea <3
-one confession scenario I'll share: penny begins leaving candy and notes (and occasionally flowers) at nemona's door at 6am sharp once every week. after a few weeks of this, Nemona comes up with a plan to catch the mystery person (who Nemona assumes is some random guy who just kind of wants her cause her familys rich blahh) so as soon as the knock on her door comes she's read and swings it right open to reveal penny there, standing up from putting the stuff at her door. before Nemona even says anything, penny runs off. then their relationship is kinda muddled 4 a bit before they date party popper emojiii
-(more of an angsty thing ooo) penny tends to get physically aggressive when she's angry. she tends to take it out on walls, pillows, other things she can kick/punch easily. once penny and nemona got into a fight over something stupid and accidentally ended up hurting Nemona. she then proceeded to not talk to Nemona for the next like week and lock herself in her dorm. only reason they talked and made up is because Nemona had to force herself inside of Penny's room. ok yeah sorry for being silly I'm really attached to this happening (probs cause it happened in my canon or smth but hey what do I nose/ref)
-Nemona's love language is probably words of affirmation and Penny's is physical touch (and probably gift giving she'd defo give Nemona some cool rock she found and like a puzzle piece she stole from a puzzle of Arvens. like hey babe here's this cool stick I found <3)
-they both use pet names for eachother but Nemona probably uses them more tbh. aside from more normal ones (dear, honey, darling, etc) Nemona calls penny her star and occasionally her moon) and penny calls Nemona her sun/sunflower. Nemona also calls penny penpen but it's more of a silly thing rather than an actual nickname. same with penny calling her 'mona
-penny is a hoodie stealer (on purpose) Nemona is a clothes stealer in general (on accient)
-penny totally does the hand flap thingy but she also wears bracelets so whenever she's excited she turns into like a maraca idk
-id like to think both believe in ghosts. Nemona is more afraid of them (like more traditional ooh spooky ghost yk) and penny is just like yeagh they probably exist
-penny is simultaneously very afraid of the dark and needs to have her light off at all times otherwise ough too bright uaggh "'sup dungeon master," Nemona says, walking into Penny's dorm. "I will kill you if you call me that again."
-ooh nother confession thing Penny totally gave Nemona an Applin and kind of forgot only people back in galar really do that so Nemona's really confused and penny has to explain the entire thing while really embarrassed and trying not to collapse onto the floor
these characters are from pokémon if i’m not mistaken? idk because i haven’t watched in a while but the names ring a bell
also i agree with half of these lmao especially the love languages!!
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