#i'll start and i'm gonna be poetic about it
inquisitor-julia · 1 year
Question for my Dragon Age mage oc people: what does your oc's magic feel like in general?
I like to imagine that the kind of magic they favor + their specialization + a bit of their personality gives their magic a unique feel
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
I kind of want to write a fic where Odin is about to banish Thor and Loki's watching it go down and the guilt is eating at him and right before Thor gets yeeted through the Bifrost, Loki yells, "IT WAS ME!" and, because that's actually words (and interesting words at that), Odin actually stops what he's doing to listen instead of just yelling a keyboard smash out loud, and Loki explains that he manipulated Thor into attacking Jotunheim, but it was never supposed to get that far and he's very sorry and it will never happen again. and he thinks he's mitigating the damage but instead Odin just banishes him instead (and he'd banish Thor too but he needs someone to take the throne and tbh what would it say about him as a dad if he has to banish all three of his kids?)
so then Loki ends up getting hit by Jane's car, except he's not an idiot so he doesn't run around screaming at the sky about being hammered and Darcy never has to taze him so he never ends up in the hospital so they're off to a good start already.
and they get to talking (and they're all very confused and operating under completely different understandings of the situation) and Loki figures out he's in Midgard entirely because they don't know what the Nine Realms are and Midgard is the only realm stupid enough not to know that. Jane mentions that they're scientists and Loki just kinda scoffs at that because scientists on Midgard are like childrens' tutors in Asgard, and Jane is equally offended and impressed.
and I choose to think that Odin never takes Loki's magic away the way he did to Thor's because he can't take it away. if he could, he would've done that before they threw him in the dungeon in TDW. so Loki still has his magic so it's pretty easy to convince them that he's a god (and honestly they're more convinced than he is because he just found out that he might possibly be Jotun?)
so they end up taking Loki with them (against Selvig's better judgment) because he sounds like a know-it-all and he ends up pretty much being a know-it-all so that works well for Jane. and actually it kinda maybe works too well? because she starts to fall in love with him and surprise, it's a Lokane fic and he starts to fall for her and they have babies and live happily ever after!
no jk idk what would happen but I'm thinking Mjolnir would still be out there so maybe Loki would go to check it out and he'd probably have better luck with it because he's magic so it's pretty easy to get everyone out of his way but he's definitely not worthy so he can't wield it but it does get them both tangled up with SHIELD probably?
idk apparently I can only thing of Lokane fic ideas if they have no ending so that's all I got lmao
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greenerteacups · 2 months
my heart aches for one Theodore Nott after reading the latest update 😭 GTC, could you tell us more about your thoughts on him, his characterizations, how you manage to write him so poetically and beautifully, and (a shot in the dark, but i'll bite) the role he'll play in books 5, 6 and 7? congrats on another chapter GTC, i love you tons 🩷
Thank you so much, friend. I love talking about Theodore Nott. I'll gladly bite on that question.
To start off, Theodore's middle name might as well be "THE FOIL," because everything about him is tailor-made specifically to Say Things About Draco Malfoy. He practically hands Draco a card saying "I AM YOUR JUNGIAN SHADOW SELF, PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE" upon introduction. They meet when they're both fresh off the train. (Hermione beats Theo to Draco by a matter of hours; there's a ton of ways this story spins differently if minor details about the first chapters were changed, and that's definitely one of them.) Then Theo and Draco ride in on the boats together. (Admittedly, I was not aiming for subtlety points with this intro. They are literally "in the same boat.") Immediately, Theo is throwing out narrative parallels like he's getting paid for it: they both have a dead parent. Both parents died under weird circumstances. Their fathers were both Death Eaters. Both of them are the sole heirs and only sons of great wizarding houses. Then they go into the Great Hall together, standing in line, but — and @piedrafundamental left a really banger analysis of the Sorting Hat scene in the comments on that chapter, but I'm going to crib just one line — crucially, "M comes before N." Draco's sorted before Theodore is, and he goes into Gryffindor. Immediately after that, Theodore's shunted into Slytherin, and their paths diverge. Call this the prologue of their relationship. They're not actually gonna get to know each other until Book 2 and Book 3, but this is the part where the narrative is basically jumping up and down and waving its arms at you, going "HEY! THIS GUY! IMPORTANT TO THE STORY! GET WORRIED ABOUT WHAT HE'S DOING, OKAY?"
Then we meet him again in Book 2, and just like Draco, a year at Hogwarts has changed him. He's a little more confident, a little more cocky, a little more comfortable, and — hey, look! He's got a weirdly intense friendship with a girl around his age, too! (Surprise, surprise, Draco is with Hermione when he meets Theo again, and who makes her debut in that moment but Pansy Parkinson?) And there's Daphne, the third leg of the Slytherin Trio, the kind of girl Draco probably would end up with in Slytherin — pretty, sociable, cunning, knows his family history (literally cites it to him in their first introduction, like c'mon), is the sister of his canonical wife, etc. etc., we got layers to this shit like lasagna but this post ain't about Daphne so we gotta move on — point being, either way he flips, Draco's going to be the fourth of a quartet. Which is the entree into the Slytherin politics storyline of Book 2, a.k.a. "the temptation of Draco Malfoy," where Theo is — I mean, to be honest, for once he's really not doing anything that sinister; from his perspective, he's kind of just putting his fucking back out trying to make a friend? He's drawing Draco in a regression towards prejudice and comfort, naturally, but that's not how he sees it. But there's a counterpoint between what Theo's offering and what waits for him in Gryffindor.
So that's the starting block of his character. The rest of the work is building a real person out of that; obviously, you can't just go "this is Foil Man, does whatever a Foil Can" and expect people to be interested. Part of what makes Theo interesting, to me, is that the traits he shares with Draco include a lot of what we tend to like about him — he's driven, intelligent, cunning, and brutal in the defense of those he loves — it's just that the people he loves, the people he surrounds himself with, are deeply prejudiced people committed to doing profoundly bad things. He's been trained from birth in the art of making bad people happy, and he's gotten good at it. And he's just enough of a coward (again, pot and kettle) that he can't imagine a world where that's not the case.
And it drives him fucking crazy that Draco won't admit that. Because I think Theo thinks if he can get Draco to admit they're similar people, it'll validate the choices he's made — like, yeah, he's fucked up horribly, but anyone would do the same, if they had to face what he has. Even Saint Draco. And of course, Draco is absolutely unwilling to go there with him, because:
(a) he very much does not want to believe that his years of grueling internal growth and struggle for betterment are just the product of some good luck with a hat; i.e., a suggestion that is not just insulting but terrifying because it suggests how very close he could be to regression at any time; but also:
(b) it is a fundamental tenet of Theo and Draco's dynamic that Draco does not like Theo as much as Theo likes him. Because where Theo sees his mirror in the light, Draco sees his mirror in the dark. And it's an increasingly ugly picture.
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
Just, ah.. Just gonna.. *slips little brainrot worm into a DVD player* There. Please enjoy what has been on my mind for literal days now. SelfAware!Gaz and a SelfAware!Reader, by the way.
You'd noticed that Gaz hadn't been himself lately, always veering off from the groups in favor of being alone. "Just somethin' on my mind, love. Nothing to worry your head about." Really.. He should know by now that you can sniff out bullshit from a mile away.
He was always his cheerful, sarcastic self as you all talked and interacted before the game was switched on to play online matches. You often sat there with a smile as he joked with Price or goofed off with Soap after getting Ghost nice and miffed about being annoyed. However, when the game was turned on, that's when his mood switched. Almost like a switch, his smile morphed into something tight, something forced and faked to appear his usual. Then it just disappeared altogether as matches were played, lost or won.
You were never a popular choice as an Operator, had come to accept that, and just enjoyed the time spent deep in the hidden rooms of the lobby with the other unchosen, often forgotten individuals. But you could see that the attention that Ghost or König got, constantly a top choice within lobbies, had a negative effect on Gaz's mood. You watched as his face fell further the more that he was left behind, often forgotten about. It hurt every part of yourself to see him this sullen..
One day, you decided that enough was enough, that you needed to expose the root of his upset and let him rant. Sitting beside him as a long match started, away from all the rest of the chattering and mingling, you spoke with a soft, gentle lilt. "Kyle, you've been getting distant. You don't have to talk about it, not right away.. But please know that I'm here for you. Whatever is on your mind, I'll always listen."
The silence that followed your words wasn't tense, not completely. There was a hesitation flitting the atmosphere around the both of you, but there was no real tension. It took minutes, five tops, before the man even spoke. "I... I feel like.. I'm never good enough. Not like Ghost, not like König.. They're remembered. Ghost and König even got new skins and more in the making... And here I am, barely remembered.."
The words stung, worse than any wound you could have ever sustained in a match. Hearing what he thought of himself, how the real people made him feel... It truly hurt. "It makes me think of why I even serve a purpose in the storyline.. And I might be a selfish git for this, but.. But, Christ, I'm the main character.. Is it so wrong for me to want just.. just a little more love?"
The way his face twisted into a poorly hidden grimace of sadness, the telltale shimmering of unshed diamond tears before he tucked close to himself, arms wrapped around his legs pulled tight to his body. All of it. It fucking hurt.
Taking a deep breath, gathering your thoughts and your feelings, collecting them all in a cohesive stack, you then let the breath out before your words. "Oftentimes.. those who should be remembered are forgotten, lost amongst stories and collections of the actions around them rather than of them. I'm becoming poetic, sure, but it's true. People are easily distracted by things or other people that are outside of their perceived normal. They're like cavemen, really. 'Ooh, ooh! Big man, scary mask! Big man, big man!'"
You smiled when you managed a soft chuckle from him, watching as he wiped his face against his knees. Likely swiping away stray tears. "Diamonds in the rough effect, I think. They pay too much attention to a jewel not meant to be polished but pay so little attention to the emerald sat centerpiece amongst them. But the few who give their attention to the emerald, they tend to cherish it so much more. They protect it, care for it, make sure that it's never forgotten about."
Reaching over, you gently took his hand in your own, gaining more of his attention as he finally turned his head to look at you and saw your glimmering grin. "Gazzybear, you're not forgotten about. You matter to all the right people. You're beloved by those who truly care, who speak up and make sure you're never forgotten. You don't need a million men to make an army, and you certainly don't need a million men to show you that you're loved and cherished. Your following might be smaller than the rest, but I assure you that they are mighty."
You both sat there as he stayed silent, taking in your words and your meanings, soaking them all in as he processed it all. It didn't take long until you saw that gorgeous, gleaming smile of his once again. The sun originated from that smile, was created from it, yet the sun could never be as warm as that smile. "Thank you. You're real fuckin' great with words. I needed that."
You huffed a laugh, the corners of your eyes creasing as your own smile broadened along your lips. "No thanks needed or required, Kye. It's always good to be reminded by the facts. And you're too good of a man to ever forget about the love and support you have. After all, I'm your number one fan and cheerleader."
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in MW1, he had to be bought through the operator bundle, which is fucking BANANASSSS.
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someone needs to give me some answers.
beautiful, wonderful, im gonna go cry about this now ty
smother him with love and kisses and ride hi—
i love this. truly. im grateful for you sharing this in my inbox.
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eris-snow · 1 year
𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, bakugou x ochaco, angst
Your first love felt as warm as the sunshine, and as welcoming as a fireplace.
Bakugou was your first love.
As warm as the sunshine, and as welcoming as a fireplace, that's exactly what first love was like for you.
The wind picks up speed whenever you see him again, as if guiding you to him...or pulling him away.
Awkward silence engulfs the two of you when you see each other again. He has Ochaco now, and he has a familiar large, protective hand snug around her waist, right where it used to be around yours.
You wish Ochaco's meaner. Wish she was cruel, unkind or even taunting just so it'd be easier to hate her. She's the opposite though. Bubbly, beautiful, strong, all encapsulated in her being displayed like she was an angel from heaven.
You can see what Bakugou sees in her.
You remember the feeling of your heart breaking all too well when you see him dipping her into a kiss at their wedding. You wish you hadn't been invited.
You do your best to feign smiles to ensure the couple that you're over him, over them, but it reaches the breaking point when they start with speeches.
You're not over Bakugou, the wound is still so fresh, and it never really set in for you until you see that dazzling ring on his finger, an identical band around Ochako's on the same hand.
Perfect, smiley Ochako.
It feels a little chilly in here, don't you think?
"I don't deserve you, Ochaco," God, her name sounds so fond when it comes out of Bakugou's mouth. A gentle caress contrasts his gruff, raspy voice that makes everyone coo. "No one here knows what shit we've gone through, the war, the damn PRESS THAT WON'T LEAVE US ALONE!" He emphasises this by throwing a withering glare at the cameraman as if daring him to sell the photos to the internet.
Everyone laughs good-naturedly, and you're the only one that feels a sting to the heart at every sentence he utters. "I'm not good with words, but I mean what I fucking say. I love you, Ochaco," There's a pause, not an ounce of doubt and it's ripping you apart as everyone around 'awws!' at his bold declaration.
"I'm not gonna elaborate about how I'll catch every star in the universe for you, or whatever poetic Shakespear equivalent you're expecting. I love you. Those words, those three simple words? They prove my fucking point."
He just had to say it again.
Your heart is shattering with every word while you gather up the shards with gloveless hands. Each fragment cuts deep, and it feels like there's a messy trail of blood trickling behind as you hug the splintered memories close to your chest.
"Izuku," You whisper, catching his eyes with a pained gaze. "I can't do this anymore. Could you tell them that I'm sorry for leaving so early? I-I just...don't want to ruin their best night and-"
Izuku cuts you off with a tight embrace. "Go," The hero says, smiling gently in understanding. "I'll explain it to Kacchan."
You thank him profusely, saying that you'd do anything to make it up to him for the trouble but Izuku just waves you off, telling you to have a safe trip home.
You hastily grab your coat from the rack, finding a bench to take your high heels off and exchange them for comfortable sneakers.
"Leaving so soon?"
Your head snaps up so fast you thought you'd dislocate something, and your eyes meet red.
Your guard flies up immediately, expression guarded. You're not faking happiness, simply a void of emotion, neutral and defeated.
It fucking hurts.
"Izuku told me," He said, raising an eyebrow. "Mind if I join you?"
"No, yes, maybe." You laugh at yourself. "It's been quite a night."
Bakugou never meant to hurt you, and never, ever to this extent. He sits down. "Congratulations." His eyes meet yours, and they're so fucking blank like it's your only way to stop yourself from crying. "Ochaco's a wonderful person. I couldn't think of anyone better suited for you."
Bakugou studies you carefully and watches out for a lie but never finds one. Oh, God, you mean it. Bakugou sees what you're doing. Your self-esteem has crashed into the negatives because you don't even believe you were even worth it.
Bakugou can't help but cave.
"L/n, you know that it wasn't you, right?" He insists. There's an arm's length between both of you like you're afraid he gets too close. "It was me, fuck, I wasn't ready for a relationship. Not when I wanted to be the number 1 hero-"
"I get that." You interrupt calmly. You don't smile, you don't frown, simply keep that dumb sangfroid mask on your face. You've always been too fucking respectful. "I know everything, that's why I need to go tonight. It's painful knowing."
Bakugou wishes you'd show him something. You used to be an open book, full of life whether it was large, overexaggerated reactions or the energetic person that'd always make time for him, but now you look...tired. Subdued, if you will, as if the life got sucked out of you. You're so tensed that it makes Bakugou's eyes furrow because, gosh you seem so quiet now.
Just a sign...a tear forming, eyes misting, a bottom lip quivering perhaps? Or maybe he'd get a hearty laugh and a smack to his shoulder for him being so concerned.
Any second now.
The blank look stays in your eyes. There's nothing.
"You were great out there." You continue, finally averting your gaze to slip off your shoes. "Ochaco's lucky to have someone like you. Your speech spoke volumes. I think she'd like those bentos you make for her on the daily. I remember seeing them on her desk when I got the same patrol shift as her-"
"L/n, listen, I-"
"Your skills really improved," You power through, tying your laces on the sneakers now. "You should keep doing them, you know?" your laugh sounds more like a wheeze, like there's glass stabbing your lungs. "Bet they tasted heavenly-"
"Y/n, stop-"
"Her face lights up every time she sees you, y'know?" You stand up, eyes staring up at the stars. "She loves it when you surprise her, I remember that one time-"
"Sunshine!" yells Bakugou.
Your eyes flicker back to his, finally pausing your rant. "That's playing dirty, Bakugou, I thought you'd never call me that again." You frown.
You're like a different person now, so rational and collected it throws him off. "I just..." He runs a hand down his face, and you look at him curiously, guard higher than ever. You fully expect him to do say something worse, and he hates it.
He was young and cruel back then, he should have handled the breaking-up process better, not just...tell you so out of the blue as if he simply wanted to tell you his hero schedule for the month.
"I'm sorry," Bakugou apologises, soft and genuine. You look as if he just grew another head. "I never got to...apologise. You didn't-you never deserved to be let down like that, I should have done it better. I should have done..." Bakugou's eyes drop down to his ring, shiny and beautiful, just like his life ahead. "a lot of things better."
You catch him staring, and shake your head. "You shouldn't dwell on things so far back in the past," You chide. "What's done is done. I forgive you."
Show him something, anything. Bakugou knows, he knows you're breaking inside, knows you want to slap him, laugh at him...he doesn't know but just anything!
Instead, you make your way to the door. "I'll be going now," You bow towards him, the corners of your mouth upturning into a small smile. "Have a good night."
Bakugou's eyes trail to your face, but you've already turned your back onto him. His eyes fall on your shoes, the same, battered sneakers he'd gotten you close to a decade ago back when you were together.
"Good night," He whispers softly, staring at your back a little longer before closing the door.
Your high heels dangle on your fingers as you use another to wrap your hands around yourself, a bitter laugh escaping you as your tears overflow.
It's really cold out tonight, isn't it?
End notes:
I don't really know why, but I started to tear up while I was writing Y/n talking about bentos. I was really feeling this story, so I hope it came out well.
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em-um-canto · 9 months
OK this was such a specific moment that happened but I kept thiking about it because it was kinda poetic AND WHAT IF IT ENDS UP BEING FORSHADOWING q!jaiden and q!cellbit future??
After they lose sight of quackity and decide to play one round of russian roulette with foolish's last mine
Cellbit: I'm gonna win
Jaiden: No, I'll win, I always lose 50/50
Cellbit: If you explode is a win or a lose?
Jaiden: I don't know actually, now I might lose...
Cellbit: Wait, what if... What if I want to not explode and you want to explode and then we can both win at the same time?
Cellbit: Even if we're going against each other?
Jaiden: ...Ok, let's do that
And then they start playing as a duo untill it got TO THE LAST 2 BLOCKS 50/50 CHANCE WITH JAIDEN PICKING AGAIST ANTOINE
She went with her gut AND ACTUALLY PICKED THE MINE
Jaiden: Yes! YES WE DID IT!
Cellbit: YES everyone won!
...And like, with all the questionable choices q!jaiden was making (albeit extremely interesting, will be really cool to see how she'll evolve), this little moment gave me some hope that, despite how divergent their paths are looking right now, that their friendship will push through and they'll both "win" at the end even if aiming for opposite goals
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originalaccountname · 17 days
Fun BSD French translation details and choices - DEAD APPLE (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
The Dead Apple movie hasn't received the French dub treatment, so this time I'm going with subtitles only. The differences should be less jarring, since they don't need to worry about lip flaps this time. Also it's longer for obvious reasons.
General notes:
Starting strong with calling the Dragon's Head Conflict "la lutte pour la tête" (the struggle for the head) and that it "decimated every [criminal] organization [in Yokohama]".
Chuuya calls Oda "le lampiste" (the lamplighter), which is also an expression to refer to someone as the lowest-ranking member of something.
Dazai called Corruption "la Corruption noire" (the black/dark Corruption).
"Was this someone that had captured your heart?" / "If she had been my beloved, I would have perished with her."
"Odasaku... you were right. Helping others is much more wonderful... but only as long as we're alive.
Shibusawa's tower's name was translated, it's called "la Forteresse des cadavres" (The Cadavers' Fortress).
Chuuya's nickname for Ango is "prof bigleux". "Bigleux" is a super informal way of referring to someone who can't see anything without their glasses. It also sounds super funny (ask google translate to say it for you)
Rashoumon is refered to with he/him pronouns
Shibusawa's fog is called "Le Soupir du dragon" (the Dragon's Breath/Sigh). 'Soupir' means 'sigh', but it's also a more poetic way of saying an exhale/a breath out.
Nya in Japanese, Meow in English, Miaou in French 🐱
Atsushi: "Boys need to get their claws out to survive!"
Chuuya's speech pattern is slightly different than others even in written form: we don't have a lot of written contractions in French, but something you can do to give the impression of a spoken/lazy vocabulary is the equivalent of "do not" vs "don't", and forgo the "ne" from "ne pas". Ex: Do not yell! -> Ne crie pas! VS Don't yell! -> Crie pas!
Chuuya called Ango "le lampiste" (the lamplighter) like he did for Oda while in the aircraft ("try to keep your shit" moment), so he's preemptively calling him a low-ranked guy with no power.
"I'm not gonna piss myself and run away either. You know when I'll be allowed to? Quite simply, not at any point." CHUUYA
Apparently the French subs decided Chuuya becomes gravitons during Corruption. Try to work this one out.
"You believed in me and use your Corruption? How touching." // "That was a rather violent way to wake up poor Snow White."
The way Agatha speaks, instead of warning them of having sent a special force to burn down Japan, she is telling them that in order to help them, she has sent special force their way. They'll be starting in 30 minutes, you're welcome :)
Dazai, Fyodor and Shibusawa all use the informal "you" with each other. Tsujimura uses the formal "you" with Chuuya. Ango uses the informal "you" with her.
Today's quotes:
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VF: En ce qui me concerne, les autres ne sont que des sacs de viande dont je connais les rouages. (As far as I'm concerned, other people are but meat sacks to which I know the inner workings.) Eng: To me, people are nothing but machines of flesh, behaving in identifiable ways.
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VF: Comment as-tu pu faire ça? Ce n'est pas du tout... agréable... (How could you? This isn't very... nice...) Eng: How could you? This feels great.
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VF: Ce débile de Dazai est sans doute à l'intérieur de cette chose. Je dois lui coller une bonne droite pour me soulager. (That dimwit Dazai is undoubtedly inside that thing. I need to punch him good to calm myself.) Eng: That dimwit Dazai is inside there. No doubt about it. I need to give him a smack, or I'll never get over it.
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canirove · 2 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 33
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Congratulations on that goal, bro 😊
Thank you, Pepi 😊 How is your injury?
I may start training next week
Oh, that's great!  Miss seeing you on the pitch  How is your other injury?
The one in your heart
So poetic, Ferran 😂
But that one is the same, not healing
And it will probably never will
Don't say that, Pedri
It's the truth
I should have fought for us instead of breaking up with Val
Now she has moved on and we will never get back together 
How many times do I have to tell you that she hasn't moved on, Pedro? 🙄 She still loves you 
That's what you say
Because it is the truth, you idiot Yes, she has good days where she is the Val we all know and love, she is healing  But she also has others where she just cries and doesn't want to leave the house And that's because she still loves you
Oh, great. So I still am making her feel like shit
Pedri… 🙄
Anyway… Did you know that she and her mum made up?
How am I supposed to know that? 
I don't know, maybe Marina or David had told you I know you keep talking with them 
I do, but they haven't mentioned it
How did that miracle happen?
It was all thanks to that amazing girlfriend of mine ☺️
Yep Val and her mum had had an argument, the usual between them. And while talking about it Ana suggested that maybe her mum had always wanted for Val to settle down and find a good job, a good husband and start a family, because she didn't want her to go through the same she went through Because she didn't want her to end up alone with a baby and her career and dreams ending too soon like had happened to her
Oh… I had never thought about that
Neither had she
It makes sense tho
She was protecting her and just wanted the best for her
Though she could have done it better, tbh
Like with better manners
Yeah…  And that's why she said she didn't like you despite knowing the feelings you and Val have for each other She didn't want her to get hurt
I still hurt her, tho
That was just a little bump on the road
Yeah, one that ended up with Val in the hospital 
Pedri, for the millionth time: stop blaming yourself for that
I'll try…
You better 😠
But then Val and her mum are good? 
They still are working on it, but things have improved a lot So if they've been able to fix things, so will you
It isn't that easy, Ferran
I fucked up
Yes, you did But you still love her, right?
Of course I do
Well, she loves you too, so 💃🏼 And besides, you are meant to be together
Doesn't look like it… 😔
You are, Pedri Don't give up, ok?
Ok, no need to yell 😂
I needed to make sure you heard me Manchester isn't close to Barcelona, you know?
I know
But Ferran…
Yes, Pepi? 
Do you really think she will come back?
Like, over there no one knows her and she can have a normal life
Here, on the other hand… 
It won't be that easy, no But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger like the song says, and that's what has happened with Val Her home is in Barcelona with her family, all her friends, and she's gonna go back there and fight for a certain kid she is madly in love with and WHO CAN'T GIVE UP ON THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE EITHER, OK?
Ok, message received 😂
What about you, tho?
Will you ever come back to Barcelona?
I don't know, bro I'm loving the red side of Manchester, it's better than the blue one
Yeah, the red side and a certain redhead too 😏😂
I'm glad you found someone, Ferran
You deserve to be happy 🤍
Thank you, Pepi 🥺
Will you EVER stop calling me that? 🙄
I know you only like it when it is Val the one saying it but… no ☺️ And speaking of Val… DON'T GIVE UP ON HER
I heard you the first time, Ferran 🙄
Just wanted to be sure Because she wants you back, Pedri So you know what to do…
Don't give up
Exactly 💪🏻
"Oh, Val, I'm gonna miss you so much" Ana says while hugging me.
"I will miss you too."
"Are you sure you don't want to stay with us for a bit longer?"
"I'm sure. You and Ferran deserve some alone time, I've bothered you enough."
"You haven't bothered us, Val" he says. "But yeah, you are right. We deserve some time alone. I'm tired of having to always wear clothes around the house and close the bathroom's door when I want to pee."
"Ferran!" Ana says.
"It's ok, don't worry" I laugh. 
"What are your plans now?" he asks me.
"I want to take my mum somewhere for the holidays, have like some proper mother-daughter time now that it looks like we've fixed things."
"Aww, that's lovely" Ana says.
"I also want to go somewhere with Marina and David to thank them for always being there for me. And I have to pay my cousin a visit and meet her baby."
"So family time" she smiles.
"Exactly" I smile back.
"And the school?" Ferran asks. "Are you going back?"
"I am. These months away have reminded me why I love teaching so much. Why, despite all the ups and downs, it is all worth it. And I miss Emma, Beth and Luis so much… They are like my second or third family."
"Third. We go first" Ferran says. "But I am so glad to hear that, Val." 
"Me too" Ana says, giving me another hug. "And about you know who… What are you going to do?"
"He still loves you and wants you back, you know?"
"I know, Ferran. You've reminded me of it many times over the past few months" I chuckle. 
"And you also love him and want him back."
"I do. Now that I feel like myself again and also stronger physically, mentally and emotionally, I want to fight for him. For us. Now more than ever I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I don't want to rush anything, you know? I want to let things flow and let it happen when it has to happen."
"You are letting destiny do its work." 
"That's it, yes. You all say we are destined to be together, so…" I shrug.
"You are, Val" Ana says. "I've not known you and Pedri for that long, and I probably didn't meet you at the best moment in your relationship… but I know true love when I see it."
"Awww, look at her going all cheesy" Ferran says.
"Oh, shut up" she replies, rolling her eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you, guys" I say, trying not to cry.
"We will miss you too, Val" Ana says.
"Group hug?" Ferran asks, opening his arms.
"Fine" I sigh.
"I love you so much, girls" he says while squeezing us. "Not in the same way, but you know what I mean."
"Love you too" Ana and I reply.
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puzzleemerald · 5 months
Tumblr media
Please don't reblog!
I had to compress/scale down this beautiful piece so much in Clip Studio to make it fit Tumblr's 20 MB demands, hnnnnnng—
Coughs in complete absolute professionalism
The first of my OCs have officially had their links posted on my pinned Master Post! This is one of them: my beautiful, beloved, and tragic Inuyasha OC Amaterasu. This is a piece of art I commissioned earlier in 2023 from the lovely ItsNattie, from whom I've been commissioning art of many kinds for over a decade now! It's a massive poster-esque piece for Amaterasu's FanFic I've been slowly working on (it's one of uh... many... I have a draftaholic problem), and, if you hadn't guessed, she's a Sesshōmaru pairing!
That said, I consider an OC's FanFic version and their RP versions to be entirely separate for the sake of exploring ✨ infinite possibilities! ✨ So, while Amaterasu is paired with Sesshōmaru in her FanFiction, that doesn't mean I'll only allow Sesshōmaru RPers to exclusively pair with her romantically. I like to leave that up to vibes. If I feel like she's got chemistry with someone, you bet your zeros and ones I'm gonna ship it!
With that out of the way, allow me a moment to wax poetic about the weight and meaning behind this gorgeous piece of art to end the post.
TW: Death
Amaterasu is a character who, in essence, is supposed to be the sun goddess herself—the name isn't just for show. However, through the circumstances of her story, she's been sealed in a mortal body, and much of her power is diminished throughout the series. Like everyone else, she's out for Naraku's head. However, she ends up encountering Sesshōmaru. At first, they seem as if they'll kill each other. The reason is pretty straightforward. Sesshōmaru is an Inu Daiyōkai and the Lord of the West while Amaterasu is the Head Kami and Ruler of Takamagahara. Their very existences challenge each other and, by nature, they feel an instinctive loathing of the other.
However, due to their equally calm dispositions, instead of a fight, they have an interogation a conversation instead. Sesshōmaru questions who she is, and Amaterasu does the same. Jaken gives a fussy introduction on his Lord's behalf, and Amaterasu gives her name... before promptly telling them both to turn around so she can get out of the spring she was bathing in when Sesshōmaru sniffed out her divine aura.
They end up having several more encounters with each other, but Amaterasu has far more interactions with Inuyasha's party initially. At least until Rin comes into the picture. Then, she travels strictly with Sesshōmaru under the pretense of protecting Rin from him. Over time, the two become more tolerant of one another until they start checking over their shoulder to ensure the other is still there, using each other as a leaning post at night or entrusting the other with safeguarding Rin, Jaken, and A-Un when the other leaves for one reason or another. It borders that fine line of respect and affection; Sesshōmaru is aloof and apathetic, while Amaterasu unabashedly loves life and is compassionate. She learns through him that not all yōkai are out to kill humanity, and he finds a new warmth in life with her presence. Like winter in the face of spring, they need each other to complete a cycle or, in this case, each other. By "The Final Act," they are pressing their palms together to be sure the other is okay, staring each other in the eyes and covering each other in a fight.
However, I call Amaterasu a tragic OC for a reason. In the end, once Naraku is slain, Amaterasu's seal is undone, and her mortal body slowly breaks down. Without the seal, her power returns to her in total, and its too immense to be contained in such a shell. A kami of her magnitude cannot sustain a shape on the mortal plane. With what few hours they have left, she asks to return to the place they first met—the spring surrounded by sakura trees—which Sesshōmaru indulges. Flying her there in his arms with Rin and Jaken riding his mokomoko-sama. There, she has her farewells to each of them, praising Jaken's loyalty and courage despite his stature and weakness, telling Rin that she will watch her as she becomes a lady with the utmost warmth and character, and telling Sesshōmaru that he has changed her. That she can never be the same person she was before, but she wishes that she could, if only to relive it all. Because it was the happiest time of her life.
Under the shining sunrise, Amaterasu promises that, so long as their feelings remain unchanging, she will find a way to meet him there again. Every time he feels the sun's light and traces its beams, it will be her smiling and touching his hand, praying for him to live.
Finally, as her body crumbles into glowing flowers, they share a first and last kiss... until all that's touching his lips are cherry blossoms that fall through his arms to the ground of the clearing... blooming wildly with flowers and other foliage and surrounded by onlooking wildlife.
Thus, the feudal fairy tale of two tragic loves from completely opposite realms of existence concludes in the only way it ever could.
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Ask and ye shall receive
Kuai Liang was very young when the Lin Kuei took him so everything he learned about violence and whether or not it is appropriate he learned from the Lin Kuei. Given how much they discouraged affection and attachment, this basically means that the only way he knows to express how much he cares about someone is by doing something violent on their behalf.
He gave Hanzo a severed head once and was very disappointed when Hanzo did not immediatly understand that as a declaration of undying love.
Hanzo on the other hand joined the Shirai Ryu as a teenager and there's a whole set of courting customs that the clan has. One of those customs, in my headcanon, is making a mask for your partner as like an engagement ring (also based on some of Hanzo's masks and the one we see Takeda wearing, I hc that Shirai Ryu masks always look like teeth, so if you've seen that one mask Kuai Liang has that looks like icy fangs set into black metal, yk what I'm referring to)
Hanzo gave Kuai Liang that mask after the rest of his little gestures went unnoticed and when he saw the cryomancer put it on for the first time, he was Affected By The Sight.
They also cannot keep their hands off of each other, like besides Hanzo just being tactile, these two will makeout Anywhere. It is a miracle they haven't been walked in on yet
Hanzo is really fond of kissing Kuai Liang's scars (and he has A Lot of them) and has memorized the stories behind each one.
Kuai Liang once slept with Johnny Cage (many years ago) and Hanzo still hasn't gotten over it, so, naturally, Kuai Liang likes to tease him about it every chance he gets.
Hanzo is Besotted, too, like he just has constant heart eyes whenever Kuai Liang is around. Takeda swears that if he has to telepathically overhear Hanzo was poetic about Kuai Liang's ass one more time he's gonna stage a coup.
Kuai Liang goes to visit Harumi's grave a lot, even when Hanzo isn't with him, telling her all about how Hanzo is doing and recounting the stories about her and Satoshi that Hanzo has told him.
Hanzo set up a grave for Kuai Liang's parents and sister amongst the Shirai Ryu graveyard so that Kuai Liang could mourn them away from the Lin Kuei temple, as the old Lin Kuei were the ones that killed them.
Hanzo also has frequent nightmares about the tournament in mk9 but with Kuai Liang being there instead of Bi-Han this time, and won't calm down afterwards until he has his ear pressed to Kuai Liang's heartbeat.
The start of their alliance was really difficult, not bc of lingering animosity, but bc Kuai Liang is so used to being used that he cannot fathom anyone not doing that. Hanzo was really hostile until he picked up on that and that's when they started to become friends bc Hanzo started trying to help the cryomancer break that habit
that's all I can think of rn, but lemme know if you want more and I'll make another list
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love-is-a-pearl · 2 months
Watching Pokemon mezamas for the first time because I can't binge DP rn orz
If you wanna see me ranting and reacting, I'll leave things under the readmore >w<)b
Starting with ep 1 and 2! Cause I dont have as much free time as I wish I had so I'm doing 2 episodes per day till friday.
Winds of Beginning! The Endless Road!!
It's just me or the music at the beggining was Alola music? If yes.. That's just the cutest. Alola music as Ash's music QAQ
The best part of the episode was the 5 minutes we spent with Ash and Pikachu before the stupid Latias appeared. Add that one to the pokemon I now hate because of the anime..
Man, I'm still bitter those 10 episodes weren't focused on Ash and his Pokemon only. It would've been the absolute best way to use those 10 episodes (and still reach the same conclusion Mezamas as it is reached), why couldn't Ash ever be alone with his mons? He can be enjoyable if the writers tried. Sigh
At least Buizel is here ♥ Also it was adorable to see Noivern and Sceptile in security duty while everyone else slept! Babies! However I'm sad Buizel and Donphan didn't go to cuddle with AshPika and Latias ù3ú
What was the point of all the drama about "Ash's pokemon not being able to attack TR because it could hurt him" when... Pikachu just went and... did just that? (also, Noivern going there and breaking the glass would've hurt Ash less??????) I get they needed "Ash suicidal tendencies make him likeable" moment but gosh, it could've been done better, for sure.
And you know, mandatory Dawn mention, but it's kinda poetic that both Ash and Dawn got done dirty in their final moments because of some stupid legendaries. They're trully one and the same. Even in shitty writing decisions from anipoke staff LMAO
Satoshi VS Kasumi! Seaside One-on-One!!
I know that Misty's metaphor about how her and Clauncher are meant to be is an obvious Pokeshipping hint, of course it is! I know that! but...
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but the fact Pikachu ignored Psyduck for Misty, and Clauncher didn't seem at all to reciprocate Misty's feelings is... interesting... Added to that how Ash just replaced her lure with Cilan's is.. Almost like adding to her own metaphor, that while Misty still has feelings for Ash and believes that they're meant to be, because of fate, because she is the "OG twerpette" like TR called her, Ash himself is like.. Pikachu to Psyduck and Clauncher to her. Neutral at most, and with someone else having their favoritism.
And y´know, it's even more interesting that at the beggining of Sinnoh Ash still had her lure (and was protective of it) and immediately after Sinnoh he changed her lure for Cilan's. I sure wonder what happened between those events for him- It's Dawn! its Dawn that happened!
Dont judge me I can make anything be about pearlshipping if I try hard enough.
Shipping aside, I adore seeing episodes with the general same plot but with different characters. Compare this to the Buneary catch and it's really interesting to see just how different Ash acts with Misty and Dawn about the same thing. Him and Misty have a battle about who is gonna get it, which does makes sense, they will resolve all their arguments with battles instead of actual talking and I adore that trait of their relationship~
And even Misty's disappointment at the end, that Clauncher still likes hanging with Corphish is very different than Dawn bringing up her closeness with Ash to win Buneary over. I love those sort of similar episodes, it's great to understand how each character thinks.
Gosh, even comparing to Totodile's catch shows how Misty and Ash themselves have become closer and more understanding of eachother! In here they make rules about how to catch Clauncher instead of fighting the whole time, it's a nice showcase of how they've grown! I'm just sad that Totodile was in this episode and no one mentioned the similarities :T
Also I will never get tired of Pikachu's "Pikachupi"! Ikue Otani does it in the cutest voice and I just want to squeeze the rat's cheeks every time he says it!!!
Speaking of Pikachu, I love that at the very least in those 10 episodes he went back to having some hint of a personality since he hadn't shown much of it for... a long time before it (and remembered the names of the people he cares for. I was so angry at the lack of "Pikapi" in Alola).
Same goes for TR, is nice to see their motto being animated instead of some re-used footage. One of the things that made their apparitions enjoyable in OG-DP was that they always added some personality to it. That was fun to see again.
And that's it for today.
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indecenthoney · 4 months
"If The Walls Could Moan..."
I've always been quite respectful of my roommates and their privacy, but something has been eating at me this entire time. I may not have mentioned how thin our walls are. It is honestly my mistake because any sort of music or porn that I play would relayed to my earphones. I just never really knew how to bring up the sounds she makes when she masturbayes. Sometimes she'd even step out of her room like nothing had happened. And I'm just there bright as a tomato. Not to mention how audible her little roleplays are. It's starting to take a toll on me. I thought that this would be something I had to talk to her about before I do something I regret.
"Hey... Welcome home... Someone looks pissed... Rough day? Yeah..? Wanna talk about it? Mm alright... Well I made us dinner... Oh? You're going to turn in early for the night? A-actually I just wanted to... talk about something... Well you see... I wanted to talk about the... Well... uhm... there was something I forgot to mention about the... party next month... Yeah... you're going righ? Hahahah... Right right we promised we'd go together... Me? Weird? Nonono I'm just a little under the weather... Alright... Y-yeah sleep well! Fuck... and she’s gone..."
I sat there helplessly as the room fills with her moans. She must've been really stressed because she was louder than usual. I couldn't help but follow along. Thoughts of her filled my head. I wondered how my teeth would feel on the very flesh I called a friend. The sinful deeds I relish as I partake in her body. A little poetic but really all I want to do right now is fuck her senseless. I wanted her to beg and whimper as I bent her over her desk. I wanted to stetch out her little holes until it formed to the shape of my cock. My perfect little play thi-
"Oh fuck... Hey... Ahahaha... I thought you were sleeping... Oh just gonna grab a water? Yeah yeah... Go right ahead... Oh nothing just meditating... o-oh yeah I've been meditating for a while now... You know just tryna find myself spiritually? Hahaha... Yeah good night!"
I almost got fucking caught! In result, I waddled off to bed trying my best to ignore my boner. It was hell. She kept going and going. I couldn't remember the times I edged myself. I felt like the moment I cum, I'll be a different person. I wouldn't know what I'd do with myeelf if I acted on my insticts. That night I couldn't sleep a wink. Even after she was done, my boner kept me up all night.
"Hey... I look shit...? Yeah... I couldn't really... sleep well... I don't think I could go for a coffee right now... Might collapse at any moment... Mmph... I'm fine..."
My head down into my bent arms. My eyes wide open as I see her wiggle her ass making breakfast. It wasn't an unfamiliar sight but beneath her panties shined a little gem. A butt plug. I knew she was horny but I never really expected her to like anal. I could barely think after seeing that. I was slowly starting to lose consciousness but somehow found my way behind her. Unable to carry myself I leaned up against her. My hard cock pressed against her ass. Breathing down her neck as I hugged her waist.
"Sorry... I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing myself... Hahah... F-fuck... Shhh it's okay... I'll be gentle... I promise... Just a little bit I promise... You say that... but you've been fucking yourself stupid all night... I couldn't get any sleep cause of you... Why so red? You should be proud... All those pretty little moans... Every single time you asked "Daddy" to give you permission to cum... Oh yeah... I heard every single line... It's like you wanted me to hear you... and here you are... walking around in the middle afternoon with your ass plugged up... How could I not wanna fuck you senseless?"
Keeping her still, my hands made their way down her hips pulling away at her panties. Not minding her protest. I pressed her down against the counter as I slowly tease her ass with her own plug. Amazed at how easily she takes it all in; I pressed my cock against the opening of her ass. How tempting it was to shove it all in. How quickly she quieted down as the tip entered her. In and out. Teasing her. Stretching her. And finally, her giving in; unable to budge. Fucking her senseless with my arm wrapped around her pretty little throat. Moaning in ecstasy as I pound her ass. On the brink of climax, I pulled her in cumming in the deepest part of her to leave my mark. Her legs shook with such violence causing her to drop on the floor. I wasn't satisfied. My fist clenched around her hair guiding her head along the length of my cock. I wasn't quite sure what happened next. I think the exhaustion finally caught up to me. Later waking up on the couch.
"Fuck me... My head hurts... What happpened? I collpased? Shit... You're fushed... Did something happen? Nothing? I see... Thanka for taking care of me then... I must've been heavy hahaha... Well I'm going to try and get some rest in my room..."
On my way back to my room, I started to remember everything I'd done to her. I quickly looked back. Cum dripping down her thigh. A happy, jovial kick to her step. My pants growing tight knowing Ill be visiting her more often to help her out. What are roommates for?
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Ddlc and Danganronpa Characters with a Tall S/O.
As someone who's 5'11 or so, I'm tall. And us tall people don't get as much recognition. So here y'all go!
Characters: MC, Sayori, Kokichi, Akane, Mikan, and Nagito
He's kinda used to tall people as he's in a club with Yuri and I'm sure some of his classmates are in fact taller than him. Does this make him embarrassed? Yes it does. But it's not in a ashamed way. He's just embarrassed since you being taller then him gives you the choice to mess with him. But sometimes he asks if you can grab something for him if he's unable to.
"hey,,,, can you help me get that? I can't reach..." "Couldn't hear you 🤭 speak up please" "I asked if you could help me 😭 I can't reach!" "Of course! 🥰"
She jumps on your back,demands that you carry her to school and back. She says she'll walk but she never does 💀 some days you don't mind because she has P.E but it hurts your back 💀
"Sayori. Your gonna break my back." "No I'm not! 😂" "Yes you will. I'll have the body of an old person before I'm even in my 30's 😶" "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *donkey wheeze*"
This mf calls you a giraffe. He has no shame doing it either. One bitch slap from you shuts him about the giraffe comments for a while. He demands you carry him everywhere. He will cry and have a fit if you say no. Im talking crocodile tears,fake sobbing, having tantrums ect. You have to pick him up before people start looking at you like your his parent and call child services or something-
"S/O~ will you carry me? Neheheh!" "no <3." "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH YOUR SO MEANNNN *ugly fake sob* WAAAAHHHHHH" "OKAY FINE!- SHUT UP!!!!!" "Yay! Thanks Giraffe! NEHEHEHEH!" "I'll drop your ass in a river if you keep testing me today."
She takes your height as a fucking challenge 😭. She will challenge you to a fight and beat your ass 💀. Then y'all go for food.acting like nothing happened even though everyone can clearly see you limping a bit from her beating you up �� your scared of Nekomaru because he'll beat your ass way worse than Akane 😭.
"Your fine! Just walk it off." "That's easy for you to say. You didn't even get a scratch." "That's because you didn't fight back" "that's because I was taught not to hit a girl and your were beating my ass so I couldn't 😶" "well anyways, eat your food before I steal it 😊" "already ahead of you." "Also, Coach Nekomaru wanted to train with you- hey where ya going!?-" "Love you but Nekomaru will kill me!😭😭"
I headcanon her to be kinda tall too. Not as tall as you though. So she still would need a stool to get stuff. But because that's dangerous for her you offer to get it. She cries and thanks you so much you can't even tell what she's saying.
You sometimes put small stuff out of her reach so she'll have the courage to call you to help. But it's just stuff that she doesn't find super important. You wouldn't hid her medical stuff because why the fuck would you need to.
"ThankyouThankyouThankyouThank-" "it's okay, you don't need to thank me. I'll grab you stuff anytime!" "*Ugly sobs*" "*pat pat*"
He's already a simp for you. But he find your tall legs beautiful 💀 he says some poetic stuff he found in a book and then y'all eat bagels together. He always cries when you tell him he can lay in your lap. He's mentally and physically not well nor okay so you really don't mind.
"really?,, You wanna let me lay in your beautiful long legged lap? 🥺" "Yeah sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" "but I'm such a loser,,, you deserve a better person😭" "get over here hope weirdo 🥺🥰" "coming! 🐶"
Hope y'all liked these 👩‍🎤
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jesuiscenseedormir · 1 month
@edmundodiazz asked : i see your posts about kaamelott and have to try reeally hard not to give up to temptation and search for/start something new. i have responsibilities! but… french and arthurian legends… it’s so tempting
FRIEEEEND I'm sorry, I am not even a little sorry. You've caught me on the verge of a Kaamelott obsession renaissance. Let me sit down.
You've seen my attempt at a short and concise summary here. This will not be that...
Quick facts: Seasons 1-4 have a short format (lots of ~5 min episodes), seasons 5-6 have a long format (a few ~40-50 min ep). Season 6 is a "prequel" and the last episode is in the present. The seasons are called books (livres).
I will add that, although I never looked it up myself, I know for a fact that there's english subtitles available. Also, I remember hearing about the episodes being on youtube in certain countries, so that's something to check, maybe, possibly.
I just, imprinted on this show as a kid (it started in 2005) and never let it go. So, I'm probably gonna wax poetics about it (as it deserves!)
I like the expression 'crack treated seriously' because the author (Alexandre Astier, who plays Arthur, and has his name all over the credits) approaches comedy as something that cannot work if it's not treated seriously. It can't be funny, it can't resonate with people, it can't tell a compelling story, if it's not treated seriously. All that AND it's fucking crack, it's stupid and I love these silly characters. It's a story of/about characters, you could get attached to any that appears on screen. (Which is probably a consequence of AA writing characters for an actor/with an actor in mind.)
Okay, let's talk about the characters then : (PS writing this is english is weird)
Le Roi Arthur - He's designated by the gods to unite the kingdoms, find the grail, bring light the people; simple enough mission, right?. He's trying to achieve that with the knights of the round table, who are an eclectic and incompetent group of people. They all have their skills and qualities, but to achieve that mission, to understand the purpose, to work together as a group, etc, it's... complicated. And at first, it's all fun and game, especially in the beginning of the story since we're getting to know everyone and their dynamics. Throughout the show, we see Arthur struggle with the burden of that divine mission, whether it's in a light and silly context or an intense and dramatic one.
La Reine Guenièvre - She. She is the wife of king Arthur. That's her mission, right. Support your king, produce an heir, standard queen stuff. Except, it's pretty hard to do that when your husband is emotionally distant and no one taught you sex ed. (They marriage has never been consumed, it's a whole thing). They share a bed, they have little chit chats before sleep, he acts like she's annoying and repulsive, clearly she's adorable and gorgeous. I guess, at first she comes off as haha here's yet an another incompetent, but she's a very sensitive and intuitive person (and I love her). We get to see her and Arthur's relationship evolve throughout show; how much affection Arthur actually as for her; Arthur realizing how blessed he is to have her as queen; her relationships with other people (like the official mistresses of Arthur who she's friends with, or...)
Seigneur Lancelot - He's the competent knight of the round table. He cares about their mission. He's dedicated and loyal. He and Arthur have a good relationship, you could definitely call them friends. He's cordial with the queen, friendly even. He is very much the type of person who's flaws stem from their qualities. I could say more, but I won't.
I'll try to be shorter and stay superficial for the rest.
Seigneur Léodagan and Dame Séli - They're Guenièvre's parents. They're competent king and queen of the Carmélide kingdom. They're good at politics, strategy, war. They're very much In-Laws.
Seigneurs Perceval and Karadoc - They're the least competent knights of the bunch. They don't know what's happening. They're an epic and iconic duo. Keep an eye out for Perceval (positive).
Merlin l'enchanteur - We know for a fact that he can do magic, but like, how many times has he done a useful spell...?? And actually, he's a druid not an enchanter, thank you very much.
La Dame du Lac (The Laby of the Lac ?) - Only Arthur can see and communicate with her. She is his link to the gods. She has to be his guide through his divine mission.
All the other knights - some are at the head of their kingdom like Léodagan, some are not like Perceval and Karadoc or like Seigneur Bohort (I just had to mention him by name) or Seigneurs Yvain and Gauvain (another epic duo), some are just following along, some are more antagonists, etc
And so many more amazing characters I know I'm omitting some major ones
Special mention for the sword Excalibur because I love her special effects and her impacts on the story.
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oklotea · 7 months
My sister voices cupid when we read eah:rir together out loud, and she probably felt more sad about it than me, cause one, she really likes cupid and voicing her, and two, BABY GIRL DIDN'T FUCKING DESERVE THAT. AGGHHDFHHHH IT MAKES ME SO SAD AND ANGRY THAT THINGS PLAYED OUT THE WAY IT DID.
Now when I reread that chapter.... I'll always feel that sadness. And just. The awaiting grief that comes with seeing a person you know will inevitably be killed in a dark office all alone happily plan a party with her friends.
Guess their never making a second soiree huh. The pink party squad gathered and disbanded way to quickly for its own good.
she doesn't even fucking know what she just did. CUPID DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE JUST CAUSE YOU WEREN'T INVITED TO A PARTY!!!!!!!
I KNOW BLONDIE DEFINITELY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT CONSEQUENCES CUPID WOULD BE FACED WITH, BUT OH MY GOD. Blondie deserves to know what happened to her, and live with that guilt FOREVER AND EVER.
Oh my god. What the fuck. Holy shit wtff.... WAGAHDHWJKDKD
But the start of the chapter was really fucking sweet and warm. It just adds salt to the wound knowing what'll happen to cupid for hunter and ashlynn to have their happily ever after.
But hunter putting so much effort to make the carefully sculpted and sanded wooden shoes just. Made me and my sister fucking bawl with joy and happiness. It's such a poetic piece of clothing.
Ashlynn being promised elegant, shiny, light, fragile, anxiety enducing glass shoes. Most of her life being convinced it's the only choice she gets. But now, being able to choose the dark, smooth, beautiful, and comfortable wooden shoes. And stay with the love of her life.
I love you gumjester I love you gumjester I love you gumjester
Alright uhhhh yeah that's what I have to say about the newest chapter
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crybabydraws · 8 months
I just listened to Hozier's album Unreal Unearth and I'm gonna explode. Holy shit what an amazing album and what an incredible artist. Here are my first impressions I got from each song.
De Selby (Part 1) - Very pretty. A beautiful song to start this album. A wonderful taste of what's to come
De Selby (Part2) - FUNKY! I'll be taking this and I will be listening to it on repeat til I'm sick of it or dead. Whichever comes first (probably death tbh).
First Time - Just a simple love song (I'm lying). It doesn't really speak to me on any kind of existential level (still lying).
Francesca - What a lovely sonG OH HOLY SHIT- (Also the ending portion of this song is heavenly, pun intended)
I, Carrion (Icarian) - I could only think about Crowley and Aziraphale when this song came on. It fits them SOOO well! Anyways, gorgeous song!
Eat Your Young - The sound of this song is so awesome and sexy for a song that uses a clever parallel to Chronos to keep the Greek mythology theme to make it about sacrificing the next generation for money and power. I live for it.
Damage Gets Done - Hozier and Brandi Carlile's voices are so pretty together. This song sounds like running through a flower filled field with someone you want to be buried next to.
Who we are - This song speaks for itself and what it has to say is beautiful and painful as shit. I love this song.
Son of Nyx - The animated masterpiece that I made in my head to this song was incredible.
All Things End - "If there was anyone to ever get through this life with their heart still intact, they didn't do it right." GODAMN SO TRUE! This song is so nice. Accepting that everything will end while still keeping hope that we'll begin again UGH! I LOVE IT!
To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe) - Beautiful. Incredible. I'm speechless. I also cannot believe that word is pronounced that way.
Butchered Tongue - This reads to me like a poetic love letter to language, music, and to Hozier's hometown. It goes over his personal experience with growing up in his hometown and appreciating it even more as he experiences other places and recognizes even more how it has affected him. That's what I got at least. Lovely song ofc.
Anything But - If the previous song was about the love of things that make us human and connect us like language, this song is about the feeling of wanting to be anything but human or, better yet, nothing at all. So cool. I love this man.
Abstract (Psychopomp) - When I listened to this song for the first time, I didn't really pay attention to the lyrics. I still teared up. I still haven't really looked at the lyrics and I'm still emotional about it. I love music. I love life. I love that I get to experience this with my ears. I love that I can appreciate it and understand it. GOD THIS ALBUM IS SO GOOOOD!!!
Unknown/Nth - This song with a math reference in the title makes me lose my mind in the best way. "Do you know I could break beneath the weight of the goodness, love, I still carry for you that I'd walk so far just to take the injury of finally knowing you." That might just be the most emotional line I've ever heard in my life jfc.
First Light - The melodies he is singing in this song do something to me. I ascend every time that pre chorus/chorus comes in. LIKE DAMN, IF I BREATHED IN THIS SONG, I WOULD SEE INFINITY!
I need to study the lyrics of all of these songs in an academic manner soon. I could only dream of the artistry that Hozier achieved here. This album will probably change my life.
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