#i'll tag idk journal stuff that i guess
megumi-fm · 5 months
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26th to 30th Apr; doa🚲 complete!!
hi. gah. okay. here's my wrap up for the month
📝 prepped for and completed the last set of internal tests for this degree [2/2] (which I got through after much cribbing and whining and quite literally projecting study topics onto my blorbos 👍 ) 📝 started GRE prep!
🎓 got some gradecard related paperwork done 🎓 spoke to my prof regarding my internship deliverables for uni—report format, certificate requirements, etc etc
📥 I voted! it was the first central elections since I turned to an adult and the whole experience was quite interesting
💻 completed a bunch of tasks for my internship
💻 made like a super extensive flowchart about all the work done at my internship which took me like a total of 20+ hours T-T 💻 finished preparing my Uni Internship presentation! 💻 submitted the presentation to the assistant guide, waiting on her response to make changes atm
🍶 7+ glasses of daily water intake 🎵 svt's new single is out and I've been going insane about it and thus this challenge comes to an end... I had started this off as an 18day daily habit tracker but then it kind of grew out into a challenge for the month. Special thanks to Yumi the loml <3 (@thelastneuron) for starting the Days of April challenge (Yumi idk when you'll see this but i miss you and I hope you've been kicking ass during your hiatus). also massive thanks to Zip (@zipstidbits) for leaving the kindest comments/tags on my post during the past week and to Tanishka (@booksbluegurl) who is literally the sweetest and has been sending in asks and keeping me company during this challenge <3
there's a lot more i wanna yap about in regards to how the month went but I'll leave that under the tags xD goodnight besties <3
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month end brainrot
april started off with dips and more dips but by the end of the month it feels like I've caught up. productivity is a wave so as long as I keep riding at it i'll be okay.
also. progress is cumulative. even the seemingly inconsequential completion of daily tasks has lead to an overall improvement through the week. things add up
I spent a lot of time this month (and moreso this past week) feeling dejected that I've been leaving my tracker posts (and my digital planner entries) incomplete... but like. the whole point of trackers and planners (and this studyblr) is to get work done. work is the priority and the tracking is a means to an end. so if im getting work done that is already a win. yeah... i've had to keep reminding myself that
there is no one-tool-fix for tracking and journalling. what works for planning out one task will not work for the other. I need to strop trying to fit all my plans into one formulaic strategy box
on that note. it's time to return to handwritten journaling. digital journalling (notion + YPT + discord + tumblr) was fun while it lasted <3 but my brain needs novelty again so it's time i switch back. I think I finally have an idea for a system that could be sustainable for me... although I say that every time I switch to a new form of tracking. but hey. as long as it helps me get work done for whatever duration of time, it's good enough
using kpop and kdrama references to make notes and study really paid off. ngl I only did it cause I was super desperate but incorporating stuff I couldn't understand with a topic I really like paid off. It also gave me the motivation and momentum to study for much longer than I otherwise would have
last but not least. my water intake has been really good this month! I've also been eating healthy and I've been cooking more my phone usage has also been reduced by a lot. sure none of them have had a perfect streak but i started at zero and it feels like I've levelled up quite a bit. the exercise component has been a bit difficult to maintain given my workload :/ i need to figure out what to do about that...
yep. that's it for now. this month really tired me out, I think im gonna lay off daily challenges for a while. For now I guess I'll stick to my (bi?tri?)weekly tracker posts xD
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soporificlily · 21 days
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i keep changing my mind on how to do this, and also i just find better ways to paint and stuff so i keep restarting. oh also the initial file with the whole map looked like it would eventually be too massive so i just decided that if im going to do the whole map, i'll do it separately by regions. so as far as i am aware, this is all that is Limgrave: Stormveil Castle to Castle Morne in the Weeping Peninsula. I need to redo Stormveil Castle. I'll just draw it in the same way i did Castle Morne, but probably better looking. idk how tho cuz its way bigger. aah who knows I'm just doing this for fun. I just decided to post it on tumblr cuz idk this is a place for nerds like me right? im not expecting a following or anything. i think it's just way easier to infodump into the void rather than my friends' tiring ears. I used that magnetic selection tool to easily select areas so that i can paint without going over the lines, and it just didnt do good around the edges of the canvas BUT i thought it gave it a cool look so i left the edges unpainted. initially i had thought i wanted to roleplay as my character in the game, and that these illustrations should look as if she had done them in a journal or something but i guess im having too much fun so whatever. I have regained my artistic interest like the one i had as a kid. its just so much fun coloring and sketching and all that. and the best part is that the more i do it, the better i'll get at it. eventually i can move onto more complex projects. ahh im talking to myself again. hello me. should i post this now? probably. otherwise i'll keep rambling forevermore.
also kinda funny? but i keep tagging these post as # map but then i dont because i remember what a MAP is...
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hellboyyy25 · 3 months
Hey all. My life seems to be a never ending rollercoaster. Long story short I was informed by someone that someone (idk who) in my family found my Tumblr blog and has been using it to keep tabs on me which is unfortunate since I use my blog as a personal journal. Posting stuff here I wouldn't anywhere else. It feels like an extreme invasion of my privacy and as much as I wish I could just say "hey please don't do this" I know they will not respect my wishes. I've been thinking what i wanna do about this issue and I've decided i will be keeping this blog, i have a lot of mutuals and have posted a lot of my art and edits that i love and don't want to abandon so I'll continue posting that stuff and just reblogging as normal just not venting in posts or tags. That being said I'll be making a new blog for my usual venting. Unfortunately I cant just give that blog out and risk them finding that one too. The new one will be anonymous. If any of my mutuals find that one you're welcome to follow but only my closest mutuals/friends will be given the name. I'm really sad about all of this but it is what it is I guess. I wish you all the best
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 years
Fluffbruary with turtely
Day 21
[day 20] [day 22]
prompts: marathon | young | journal by @fluffbruary <3
fandom: BBC Sherlock
will be uploaded to "That Stuff Called Fluff" on Ao3!
A/N: i apologize: i was busy the last few days. therefore there are a few days missing. i'll catch up on them later.
*insert sexy john watson while running gif here*
a drabble
Short legs, strong thighs, clad in running shorts.
Broad shoulders, bent over upper body, tight shirt.
Sandy hair, blue eyes, fiercely determined face.
Bouncing, fists on the side, muscles tensed up.
Ready, set, go.
The start signal sounds.
Thousands of people run, all at once.
Sherlock is looking at only one.
A few pass him, most stay behind him.
Him. John Watson.
His muscles let him glide over the asphalt,
it's so easy,
you think when watching him.
Sweat drips from his forehead, down his temple, chasing his neck.
Hair slick, breaths controlled, hands closed.
"I knew you would win."
A/N: (is this even fluffy??? idk & idc) *dances awkwardly while singing* idk what i am doiiinggg idk what i'm doing. guess this one is for the thirsty john worshippeeeersss :P
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @pansherlock @the-smol-bean-libby-blog @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @almosttinycowboy @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @psychosociogentleman @quickslvxr @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @johnlock2708 @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @7arantellgrrl
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cardboardboxcomplex · 4 years
ok since i’m awake and useless, might as well
it’s 4AM on a monday at this point and i do *not* want to go to work. but i have to hhrghshfd HAAAAAA ok breathe . i skipped last week’s shift that i was supposed to go to the lab. i completely disappeared for the *third* time during my two-week wfh shift before that. when we were supposed to do the third quarter report, and the proposal. which are the hardest reports to do, bc they’ll be the basis for renewal next year. but i just ... disappeared again and did not open my emails or messages. again. after i did that twice before. and i had to go through the process of like apologizing to everyone for my absence, and i even decided to tell everyone that i have depression cos i dont know how to explain it ! why am i like this ! and i know it’s not an excuse, and i told them that too. but i just hate everything . okay i think im getting to word dump now. how many times am i going to be so incapable and incompetent? i hate myself so much cos my brain is so fried and i dont want to deal with anything . when was the last time i actually thought deeply or whatever or like read a journal article. and i dont even know what im supposed to be doing anymore.  i feel so sad. oh im crying ok. like im thinking of myself and how do i go on with life, what am i supposed to be doing, what kind of path should i be making. i hate this because i lost years of my life and i keep losing more time. and omfg right the paper. man i didnt even reply to sir’s emails either, and i know ate yana and josh had talked and i was supposed to be there too because im supposed to be the main one to finish her thesis for publication, and it’s already been a year? since she left the lab. had i done anything? i did not
and tomorrow is nov 10, and im supposed to do thesis updates ......... how the fuck am i gonna do that. and i had already missed the first time i was scheduled, bc well the same thing happening now. i was wfh (supposedly) and ate isay had to say my internet connection isnt stable. which wasnt a lie, but it was bc i didn’t do anything. i dont know what im supposed to come up with tomorrow. or if i can postpone it again. SEE THIS IS EXACTLY IT HOW MANY TIMES AM I GONG TO BE INCAPABLE AND INCOMPETENT
i dont know like im scared of being in the lab too and all i wanna do is stay in my room 
but you know what i dont even like my room. i miss my old room, i miss all my books, i miss all the memories i left there as in the physical things i’ve kept because i keep everything. full on bawling now. i miss having everything i’ve kept near me, with me. i miss my desk, i miss having one. and i hate my room because i haven’t cleaned my room in MONTHS. idk since march, since quarantine started? i can barely see the floor and i have to walk around all the bags with all stuff thrown in them. and honestly im just desensitizing (?) myself bc if i think too much if i look too closely im gonna throw up and i hate it i hate it . on that note i’ve been thinking i might in a constant state of dissociation, or at least a shallow one? i never thought i really dissociated bc i didnt really get the feeling of being apart from your body. but because it’s been going on for so long it didn’t even register to me that i’m dissociating because it feels normal or the baseline. and my memory recall is so bad, i don’t remember what happened the previous day. why? because i’m not even doing anything. or idk. also my attention span is non-existent. but the memory thing bothers me because i dont even know if i remember things from before before, in the past, not recently
before i forgot about the room, i was supposed to have pest control last oct 20? and it was scheduled like first week of october so i knew it was coming. but did i clean my room? in those weeks between? i didnt. i’d been putting it off exactly because my room is a mess and id ont want anyone to come in like this. so i had to postpone that too, and the next one is tomorrow. did i clean my room since then? no. what have i been doing? i dont know either. literally rotting away. and i feel so bad cos i m not even doing anything. i dont even know what. i cant get myself to do anything
what if someone helps me clean? i don’t want anyone to help me clean because i dont want anyone to see my room. ate isay was supposed to help me on that sunday or monday before oct 20 but the plan was i was going to start cleaning saturday so at least if she comes up to help, it wouldnt be so disgusting. but yeah i did not clean. and now it’s november. you know the last time i ironed my clothes? september. last year. september 1, 2019. i remember because that was jungkook’s birthday, but also i was ironing when i got the messages from someone when they were leaving me and didnt want (?) to be friends with me anymore. and that broke me really bad. but not the point rn. 
i dont know what else im thinking. oh i miss my friends. kosestream, if you’re reading this, yes i’m thinking of you too, and i’m really sorry. im so sorry ive kept disappearing on you guys for months. i’ve missed you and so many parts of your life, and im really really i wasnt there. and bc i don’t talk with you often, and with my awful memory, i also forget what’s been going on and it makes me feel awful because like i miss all these things about you? i always thought that i had kept tabs on everyone well, paying attention to what you’re doing, ask how things are with you, and now i dont. and im sorry. i always miss you so much, and i love you, and i dont know if that still means anything to you, but it’s still there. so thank you for inviting me to play among us, i liked hearing your voices. and i know you were worried about me (if im wrong this is embarrassing please ignore this) and were trying to cheer me up / offering your support/presence/love/shoulder/hug idk. so thank you. it meant a lot to me (but im sorry my internet was awful. honestly that stressed me out so much and i was gonna give up because i felt annoying and like a huge bother) but okay thank you 
and it’s the same with irl friends, missing things. i thought of it once as everything passing (by) me. like when neos had left for germany, i wasnt there. why? because i was rotting away at home doing nothing. i didnt even get to say goodbye. and just the same with everyone, i havent been talking with anyone. there are so many messages i’ve gotten i haven’t (didn’t) replied to, and it’s like god how are they. 
what else. ah there’s another thing i’ve thought of. but idk i’ll write that next time 
it’s monday, and it’s almost 5am now, i’m supposed to go to work. i have to text ate isay if she’s gonna pass by and pick me up. but i havent slept because i completely fucked up my sleeping schedule. and my room is still a mess. no i did not even try cleaning it even though i had been thinking about it literally every single day. should i just not sleep or should i try getting like an hour of sleep , and hope i wake up (actually, would love to not wake up, ever)
09 Nov 2020, M, 05:02 BTS – Butterfly (Alternative Mix) 
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aus-from-undertale · 3 years
I was just reading this and thought:
Basically, a being with no memory ends up in a place full of nature and quietness.
While researching a bit about the place he's in, the being starts to discover more about himself and his plant-like powers uuuuuu
I just LOVE this type of narration that is like a journal you know? Idk why, guess it's my weak spot lol
Chapter 1:
More info about Ferntale on @thymeskip :
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Fanart made by @the-anxious-axolotl
This nature-like AU reminds me of Naturetale don't ya think the same?
Ferntale was recommended to me by the crazy cat, @uselessnumbers25 :D
If you ever want to reccomend me stuff, you can always go to my ask box 👉👈
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Digging Deeper Meme
I was tagged by @sweetstrawberryheadache and @illbemasculineipromise (thank you again to both of you! ❤✨)
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? Black!
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? City.
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? I’ve been wanting to learn how to fight since I was little. Also, to play the piano or the drums!
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Yes, in coffee (bitter coffee is the worst 🥵), while as for tea... sometimes yes and sometimes no.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? I wasn't too much into reading when I was a child, so I didn't have a favourite book.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers, but just 'cause I never have the time to take a bath, unfortunately.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? I'm fascinated by the ocean so I'd to say a mermaid, BUT I always wanted to have special powers and to fly, so maybe an angel... idk, can I say an angel when I'm on earth and a mermaid when I'm in the sea? lol
8. Paper or electronic books? Paper, no doubt.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? Leather jackets, jeans jackets, hoodies and oversized sweatshirts.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? I used to not like it when I was a child, 'cause it's fairly widespread where I live, but I don't care anymore... I like it, it's cute!
11. Who is a mentor to you? I don't think I have ever had a mentor.
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for?
I'd like to be rich? YES!!!
But famous? Oh no, thanks! I hate to be the center of attention and I care a lot about my privacy, so it’s not for me that life. Also I don't think I would be able to handle the haters.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Idk if I can say that I'm one, but I have some difficulty to sleep (it took me hours to fall asleep) and I always wake up more tired than when I go to sleep.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? I consider myself an hopeless romantic person, even though I've never experienced love, which makes me even more hopeless lol
15. Which element best represents you? I think water 🌊
16. Who do you want to be closer to? A lot of people actually
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? Yes, I miss a friend of mine... We used to be closer, but lately we've been a little lost in touch. I thought about sending him a message to meet since the end of the lockdown, but considering we're not so close anymore, I feel a bit intimidated to do it. So, I guess I'll just continue missing him 🙃
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory: When I was 5 I went on holiday with my parents in Switzerland to meet some relatives that live there, the only thing I remember of that trip is when we all went to a lake and me and my cousins fed the ducks. I think it was the first time ever I saw a duck and I thought they were cute lol
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?  I don't know if it can be considered a strange thing to eat (sorry, I'm picky about food, I don't eat strange stuff lol), but one time I tried a lime and pink pepper chip and I regretted it.
20. What are you most thankful for? Music. Nothing heal my soul and my heart more than listening to music.
21. Do you like spicy food? It's not my favourite, but yeah, I like it.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Yes! I met some actors of Sense8 when they came to Italy to film the season finale. I'm very fond of this memory, it was a short meeting but it made me very happy ❤
23. Do you keep a diary or journal? I had it for a few months when I was in middle school, but then I found out that my mother read it secretly so I threw it away and decided not to have another one ever again 😬
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? I don't have a preference.
25. What is your star sign? Leo 🦁
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Crunchy, obviously.
27. What would you want your legacy to be? I just hope that when those who knew me hear my name after I am gone, they will feel a sense of warmth in their hearts. That's it.
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? Yes, I do, although I don’t read as much as I would lately. In fact the last book I read was probably a book I had to read for uni... I don't even remember the title lol
29. How do you show someone you love them? I show it to them by hugging them and booping their nose, provided they're comfortable with being touched. Also I randomly compliment them, listen to them carefully when they talk about something they're passionate about or when they need to vent, I'm supportive af, I sent them memes and gently bully them (I just love when me and my friends tease each other. These moments are genuinely funny to me).
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? Yep.
31. What are you afraid of? I'm afraid that I'll never accomplish anything in my life and that I'll never be loved by anyone, also I'm afraid to find out that all the people in my life just pretend to like me.
32. What is your favourite scent? Lavender !!!
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? By name.
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I’d have a big house with a pool, a garden and a library. Also I'd travel the whole world and go to the concerts of all my fave artists. I'd be so free and happy without worrying about working or paying bills, *sigh*.
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Both!
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? I have no idea lol
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Nope :(
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? To be kind and empathetic.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I have never thought about this tbh, 'cause I really like tattoos on people but not so much on me. Also I'm such an indecisive person, I would probably never pick just one lol
40. What can you hear now? I'm listening Bring Me To Life by Evanescence rn.
41. Where do you feel the safest? In my bed.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? If I have to choose just one thing... body issues.
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? I don’t mind visiting Ancient Greece
44. What is your most used emoji?
This one: 🥺. Idk how I lived all these years without it lol
45. Describe yourself using one word: Thoughtful
46. What do you regret the most? I regret all the opportunities I missed because I'm not brave enough and because I overthink.
47. Last movie you saw? Midsommar.
I watched it Sunday and I wish I didn't. This movie is just weird WEIRD. The only good things were the scenery and the photography.
48. Last tv show you watched? Modern Family.
49. Invent a word and its meaning: I'm not smart enough for this lol
Tagging: @sociallyawkwardburritos-blog @merrrrrrrrry @herefortommo @eddie-kaspjack @flamboyant-louie
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igthebug · 5 years
Get to know me better!
tagged by @softluvr !!!!! 💖💕💓 (thank uuu)
1. name/alias: signe (or sig)
2. birthday: dec 10
3. zodiac: sagittarius, but honestly i know next to nothing about zodiac stuff so it doesn't really mean anything to me lol
4. height: 5'2 and a half !! aka im heckin short
5. hobbies: i love to draw and paint, but im also super into journaling, sewing, and writing songs :)
6. favorite color: millenial pink and periwinkle and mustard and turquoise and forest green and peach and
7. favorite books: a tale for the time being, i'll give you the sun, and gabi: a girl in pieces are all books I've been loving lately! also i just read simon vs the homo sapiens agenda and that was super good also hehe
8. last song u listened to: luv note by chloe moriondo
9. last film u watched: i dont watch that many movies, but i saw toy story 4 with my friends a few weeks ago
10. inspiration/muse: I'm super inspired all the time by other artists i know! also real life stuff inspires me to create, like friends and life events and places I've been and nature and stuff
11. dream job: an art therapist :D
12. meaning behind your url: in middle school i went through a phase where i wanted people to call me ig instead of signe or sig. also i think bugs are neat
13. top three ships: honestly idk? at this post i dont really have ships like at all. I guess like. marinette and Adrien? and lapis and peridot? And pearl and that one punk girl at that convenience store lmao
14. chapstick of lipstick: chapstick for sure- i hate the way i look with lipstick on (fun fact)
15. currently reading: gabi, a girl in pieces
16. some people i would like to do this:
@actually--newt @browniefox @xthreeravensx @zasteroid @this-isnt-a-love-letter @mary-dono @oxidi @rainbowgaykittenchaos @ohbutwebestmakepeacewithit @thehufflepuffstuff @tintack-cobbletacks @immyself-dealwithit @friskywiggles @alex-marie1324 @ogohh @etymologay @bluefrogboots @i-suppose-ill-hang-out-here @mint-and-ink @fuzzybunnypumpkin @aeyville @themadcapmathematician @blueberry-puffin @xarva
and anyone else seeing this who wants to! idc if we're not mutuals, i just love reading abt u guys :) definitely feel free 💕
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cigaretteparfum · 2 years
Tag Game
as tagged by @cxsmicmyeon (thanks!)
name: mophead/phé (whichever's fine, honestly)
sign: what are you, astrology cop?! (the crab 🦀)
height: perfect.
time: 19:29 as of writing.
birthday: what are you, birthday cop?! (09 july)
favourite bands/artists: UHHHHH. All Time Low, Lay Zhang, EXO (as the whole group), Florence + The Machine, Hozier, HyunA, ot6 (G)I-DLE, 65daysofstatic, Emiliano Ercoli.
last movie: damn ... i kinda don't remember, honestly. i think maybe X-Men: Days of Future Past?
last show: i binged Modern Family at the start of the pandemic, hasn't watched any other shows since. if serialised youtube videos count, though, i'll put in Billiam's Lost video breakdown/recap.
when i created this blog: last june ...? my previous blog @cigaretteparfum got nuked for like, a week, lol.
what i post: original posts are mostly personal journal and stuff. reblogs are mostly EXO (mainly Yixing), general shitpost, and ... others.
other blogs: @scentlacigarette (general nsfw, RPF, and monsterfuck stuff). then of course there's the aforementioned previous og blog cigaretteparfum with its own set of side blogs (which are honestly too many to manage; part of the reason why i stuck here even after staff un-nuked that blog).
do i get asks: rarely. and tbh if anyone wants to chat i prefer them sending me a direct message. (though ofc, if anyone wants to chat but the prospect of DMs make them feel uncomfy, feel free to use the anon function, lol.)
followers: exactly ten people, last i checked!
average hours of sleep: uhhh. 6-9 hours when normal (nice), 16-18 hours when particularly fatigued (not nice).
instruments: SCREAM.
what i'm wearing: what are you, the fashion cop?! come back with a warrant. (edgy atheistic shirt i got for free from a giveaway that i still wear mostly because honestly the fabric's great, and leggings with cigarette holes because i never learnt me fucking lesson.)
dream job: get paid to do nothing with no expectations in return. (in all honesty, i've no idea.)
dream trip: my dad told me once about this, like, wine convention happening annualy in italy and i've been wanting to visit there with him ever since. but honestly, any trips with me parents would be nice. give me a chance to be a kid again. QwQ
favourite songs: if anyone has seen my answer for @leewalberg's ask game, a lot of these will be repeat answer. but anyway, me favourite songs are ....
Ambush, Amusement Park, Horse, Flying Apsaras, Honey, Bad (so i guess the entire Honey EP), Jade, I'm Not Okay, Goodbye Chistmas, Sheep, MYM (Acoustic), Hold On, Save You, Lay U Down (affectionate whore), and XiangJiang River by LAY
Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last For A Night), Coffeeshop Soundtrack, Weightless, Kids in the Dark, Old Scars / Future Hearts, Hometown Heroes / National Nobodies, Outlines, Get Down On Your Knees And Tell Me You Love Me, Time Bomb, Safe, Clumsy, Sleeping In, Monsters, and Everything is Fine by All Time Low
65 Doesn't Understand You, Drove Through Ghosts To Get Here, Radio Protector, and Retreat! Retreat! by 65daysofstatic
Caught, Mother, Hiding, Howl, Strangeness and Charm, Shake It Out, Cosmic Love, Leave My Body, Addicted to Love (cover), My Boy Builds Coffin, Too Much Is Never Enough, Wish That You Were Here, Hunger, The End of Love, and No Choir by Florence + The Machine
Obsession, Call Me Baby, Exodus, Love Me Right, and The Eve by EXO
Wasteland, Baby; Talk, Work Song, It Will Come Back, Sedated, From Eden, In A Week, To Noise Making (Sing) by Hozier
K, Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby, Firefighter, and Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex
i can keep going on but i think these should be enough ....
am not tagging anyone else for the game since idk who to tag, lol. sorry! but if anyone wants to play along, feel free. ^^ (also please tag me because am nosy and i want to know your answers. 👁️👁️)
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waste-land-baby · 7 years
Jan 2
Working my 9-5, wish I was at home :/
School starts soon, I have to signup before theres a late fee
I want to leave my bf but I dont want to hurt him
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