#i'll try to go to a hague one
yugocar · 6 months
preparing to go to the netherlands by calculating my expanses be like "okay so im gonna save on groceries and eat cheap meals so i can spend 500 milion euros on train travel with which i will see my friends and reach my accomodation"
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dresshistorynerd · 4 months
Ranking Men's Costumes in Renaissance Period Dramas - Part I: The Bad
Part II: The Good
I have a bone to pick with Renaissance costuming of male characters. Films and TV never seem to understand French hoods or the concept of tied up hair but the crimes committed with female characters costuming seem to pale in comparison with those committed with male characters costuming. It would be easy to find some atrocities that should be brought in front of the Hague from the bottom of the barrel shows like Da Vinci's Demons and Reign, both of which costuming is basically black leather jackets, pants and boots. If we're lucky, they have some vaguely Renaissance details imitating doublet or jerkin. But these shows make absolutely no effort, even the women's costumes are straight from modern fast fashion shelves (often literally). But I have noticed that even costuming that has some effort otherwise put behind it, still costumes male characters with the most boring costumes and minimal effort. The Tudors didn't have good costumes, but there's some effort towards historical immersion, even if quite lackluster, but the men's costumes are still so sloppy.
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My theory is that they think men's Renaissance fashion was too goofy and embarrassing to fit their cool and sexy main male characters. Also men dressing up and taking care of their appearance? That's obviously homosexual behavior, and these hot men who the main female characters are fawning over are Manly and Heterosexual. So they don't dress up in fancy clothing or colour!
To give a fair change to the costuming, I will be selecting only shows and movies which have good costuming for the female characters. If they are not even trying, it feels kinda pointless to point that out. I have selected 10 period dramas. I haven't seen all of them so I'm not going to analyse the costuming any deeper than how good and well made they look and how well they evoke the historical setting. I don't demand historical accuracy, but I will be more harsh on that front if the women's costumes are succeeding in that. But one of the point of period dramas is to immerse into a historical setting, so if the costumes can't evoke that feeling, I think they have failed. Obviously this is not some objective ranking, but my opinions. This is in two parts (because of Tumblr image limits), so I'll start with the five worst costumes in order of best to worst.
5. Ever After (1998)
Ever After is supposedly set in Renaissance France, but the costuming resembles late 15th century and early 16th century Italy much more. It's not very historical, and clearly not really trying to be, going for more of a fantastical style. It works, I think because they make it cohesive and very pretty.
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Men's costumes resemble also resemble Italian styles. The Lombardian style sleeves, short doublets and tight pants land it right there. The men's costumes are much more boring than the fun and fantastical women's costumes, but they got the least worse spot in this worst costumes list for several reasons. The pants are actually tight and they have codpieces. The sleeves are actually really great I love them. And there's no leather pants or doublets.
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And look at this, at least one doublet is closed with lacing!! (I apologize for the very low image quality, it was the only picture I found of that costume.)
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The biggest gripe I have with the costumes are the boots. Just let these male characters show of their calves. At least not everything is black but the lack of colour is still disappointing too.
4. Becoming Elizabeth (2022)
The female characters have quite excellent costuming. The fabrics are rich and gorgeous, the bodices are extremely smooth and crisp, some of the best I've seen, partlets are on point and correctly used. My only complained is the occasional open hair and yet another case of the weird upward pointing crown-like French hoods.
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French hood didn't have any crown shaped thing, it was a hood and the headpiece is actually several headpieces made to reveal the lining of the hood in a crescent shape. So it is very much flat against the head. (I've written about French hood's construction before.) And sure they look more early Tudor fashion, the sleeves should be much more dramatic and the bodice elongated. Like here's a portrait of the actual young Elizabeth. But I think the detailing, great construction and good looking materials make the costuming beautiful and feeling enough like Tudor era.
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So how does the men's costuming hold up? Pretty okay, which is why this show is so high up in the list. I haven't seen any leather pants on anyone. Leather jerkins were an actual thing, they just weren't black, and though the leather jerkin in the show was dark brown and not smooth hide, it was not black so that's something. Edward VI does have actual stockings and Renaissance shoes, which is great, but he is a kid and I didn't see any grown man rocking that style which is very cowardly behavior imo. There's some colourful silk jerkins in there too. And they even could get away with all black since that was very fashionable at the time. They are all wearing slashed trunk hose. AND! They have actual accurate codpieces sticking up! That is so rare especially in this period when the codpiece was not just a flat piece of fabric.
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Unfortunately this is where the good things I have to say end. All of these court people are for some reason wearing riding boots inside and everywhere all the time. The hose are way too long and the jerkins are way too short. The hose should be just peaking under the hem of the jerkin. Obviously none except the kid uses thigh high stockings. One of the worst things though imo is the lack of structuring in the men's costumes. The women's costumes are so well structured, but the men's costumes are just wet rags hanging on them? The doublets were heavily structured to create a pigeon chest and hourglass effect.
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In conclusion, there's clearly some effort made, some very nice historical details, but the overall look is very costumy and sloppy because of the lack of structuring and lacks the historical silhouette.
3. Mad Love (2001)
The movie is set around 1500 Neatherlands (and Spain). I think many of the costumes are gorgeous (like the examples below), though overall the costuming is quite inconsistent. Most of it fits at least okay to the time period and setting, though the red dress here is more along Italian styles, but not entirely off either for early 1500s Low Countries. Some costumes though are 50 years from future. Of the women's costumes alone, this would probably be the worst costuming on this list, though I think better than most Renaissance costuming, which is why it still ended up on this list.
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The men's costumes resemble more early 16th century German fashion than Low Countries fashion, which was more similar to French fashion than German. In the red ensemble there's some weird jerkin looking overgarment, but jerkins were not a thing yet and they were never in this style. I will excuse the lack of codpiece since in Low Countries' fashion it was hidden under longer overgarments, even though in this more German style it would have been left in view. The hose are no where near fitted enough, and the boots should not be here at all. Overall this is kind of a mess, but it is better than the last two. We have skirt, we have weird sleeves, open neckline and most importantly, we have colour. Also while this shoulder-length curly hair wasn't in fashion outside Italy at the time, I still appreciate the sluttiness of it.
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2. The Borgias (2011-2013)
Now we are getting to the territory, where the lack of effort is starting to be very obvious. Like the costumes till now were not particularly good, but clearly they at least attempted, even if not very hard. So, The Borgias. The show is set in the early 1500s Italy. The women's costumes are gorgeous. Not always the most historically accurate, but at least close enough and very pretty.
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The men's costumes however... a deep sigh. Some of them are not that bad, like this first one has kinda Lombardian sleeves and a too small doublet showing off the lacing (in Italy the lacing was almost always ladder-lacing though regardless of gender, but it's something I guess). Most of it though, especially of the leading men, who are supposed to be cool and hot, is absolutely garbage. The same black leather jackets and pants seen in the bottom of the barrel shows. Like the costumes of the female characters and some of the male characters feel like they are from two completely different shows. Like sure they have codpieces, but their pants are so loosely fitted they wouldn't even need the codpieces. (I explain the use of codpieces in this post). And of course they have boots. Of course. In Italy it was even common to not wear shoes at all, they just sewed leather soles at the bottom of the hose. And even the men's costume that have tiniest bit of effort, are so dark and lacking in colour, when the most fashionable young men at the time wore these wildly multicoloured hose and doublets. The feeling I get the showrunners were so god damn afraid of giving the cool male characters any elements or details that could in anyway seen as feminine today, they stripped all the historical elements away. Like they couldn't even give Cesare lacing, they had to make it Manly Buckles?? It's such an insecure performance of masculinity. I admit the last image here is the worst offending example and there were some with a bit of color even, but in other ways most of it is exactly this bad. I will have to hand one thing to them though. They did manage to get the slutty shoulder-length hair right.
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If this man is supposed to be sexy, prove it to me by showing his ass with lovingly fitted hose.
1. Rosaline (2022)
This is roughly set in the same time in Italy too as The Borgias, based on women's costumes, I'd say at the very end of 15th century. And those women's costumes are honestly great. They even have hand-sewn eyelets, ladder-lacing and cartridge pleats. Even some of the most high effort costumes don't get these details right. Honestly I only have issue with the hair, the hair goes from okay or outright terrible. They even made this super historically accurate Renaissance apron for a maid.
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This got the lowest ranking so you know what comes next. The men's costuming is absolutely unacceptable. I feel like it would be excessive to even describe all the ways these costumes fail since to me they are so obviously bad. The difference between these women's dresses with such gorgeously crafted details and these men's costumes that give absolutely nothing is so stark and gives such a massive dissonance. They are just wearing modern skinny-ish pants, all the colors are so muted and dark, there's no shape, no structure, no codpieces, just sloppy bland jackets and pants. Even less effort than men's costumes in The Borgias have. Except one thing they have over The Borgias, they were able to ladder-lace that doublet. Otherwise these are just bland, boring and actively ugly. And it's so weird that they took this "gritty gruff "realistic"" route, when it's a comedy about Romeo and Juliet? You afford to be a little goofy with a comedy and yet you did this.
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Extreme disappointment, do better.
Part II: The Good
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directdogman · 3 months
Hey there's someone trying to say you said you were pro Israel on discord? They're anonymous and say you blocked them before they could get screenshots so I don't really believe them, but still :[
Mhm. Nice bit of news to wake up to, this.
Yeah, so this person's a troll and they're more than likely lying on purpose in order to try to me look bad because I blocked them on Twitter for being unpleasant, something I rarely even do and they're still seething about it. The block had nothing to do with Gaza, the person was just being annoying and I thought it'd be healthier to block and move on. I'd really prefer not to have to give this person energy, but if there's a rumor going around, I'd like to nip it in the bud, since it's very easy to disprove in this case.
To explain what this person's blathering about: Earlier this week, on a Phonegingi plush advert, this random user that doesn't follow me (and actually instructs fans of mine not to interact with them in their bio) made a dramatic QRT decrying me for posting a DT advert during a strike week, which I honestly had no clue it was, especially since my own timeline was (and still is) full of accounts posting normally.
Given that the person seemingly encountered one of my posts in the wild and ended up seething because of it + likely didn't want anything to do with me on their timeline (as their bio indicated), after thinking it over briefly, I did the healthy thing and just blocked the person + moved on. Makes sense, right? I'll admit: Even if the way the person approached me was regrettable, if I'd known it was a strike week, I'd have participated (as I'd participated in the last one), so I stopped posting teasers for the week anyway, only resuming again yesterday.
I'll also say: I checked my own timeline btw and looked at the accounts posting, and nobody else had anyone acting like this in their replies, even the much larger accounts. Nor did anyone else contact/reply to me in any way stating any disapproval.
Given that I've only blocked one account recently that isn't a replybot (and ofc, given the subject matter of that tweet), I'd have to assume that this is the anonymous person spreading stuff.
I'd understand where this person was coming from if maybe I'd stayed completely silent about Gaza, (which a lot of accounts I follow have) but I haven't. I had a Palestinian aid post pinned on my Twitter for weeks, I've talked about Gaza's child population and my support for South Africa's Hague suit in my discord server, I've engaged in the boycotts, wound down posting during strikes, donated a pretty substantial amount of Dialtown revenue towards sending money/esims... I have 4 bucks in my bank account right now and when my next DT check comes in, you'd better believe I'll be giving more. That's my right as a private citizen and one I'll continue to exercise.
I feel pretty uncomfortable having to put this stuff in front of me to 'prove' myself, even if some of it is public anyway. Charity should be something you do because you CARE and if it wasn't for this person, I'd have been far happier keeping a lower profile and not explicitly calling attention to my own aid, but given this ask, I feel it'd be stupid not to nip this in the bud. The majority of this information could be easily found with the tiniest amount of digging, btw, so it's not like the user couldn't have known any of this. This is the part of having a fandom that creators seldom talk about. You block one person for being a lil annoying, next thing you know, there's rumors that you support genocides! Fun.
So yeah, I'd like you to tell this person to just move on like a normal person (send them this post if you have to) and to stop spreading incorrect rumors about me out of spite. If they insist, I'm happy to pull up receipts to prove everything I've said. If they actually thought I was pro-Israel, they wouldn't be spreading it anonymously, they'd be writing another public post about the subject matter. Also if you see anyone repeating the rumor, please correct them. Thanks.
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deeptrashwitch · 1 month
Yeah, another one! Well, here it is!
"Alright, let me get this straight" Alicia muttered as she spoke with Wraith "we have to scort a lawyer involved in a case that puts their life in danger to a safe house in Géneve, and we will be aided by a Swiss team?"
"That's correct, you'll know who they are when you arrive to the extraction point" Dominique said calmly
"Why do I have an idea of who they might be?" she muttered before sighing "alright, copy. We'll be there soon"
Then the eleven soldiers started to drive to the indicates point, but Alicia was sighing and muttering even more than usual. It worried most of the team, but Jackson, Edward and Luke shared looks because they knew that kind of sigh. All of them wondered who will they encounter this time, hopefully no one like Xiao Chen.
Some hours later they arrived to the place, a nice house on the middle class neighbourhood. When they saw it, Alicia just rolled her eyes, her damned hunch was right. What a headache...
"So...who'll be the package?" Luke asked, curious
"That would be me!" a man's voice intervened, surprising everyone
"Hello brother" Alicia muttered with tiredness, looking at her smiling big brother "if you're the package, then I can guess who is our aid"
"Yeah, I can bet it too" Nicolás said with a chuckle "it's good to see y'all"
That made everyone look at Alicia, who just was already arguing with Wraith through the radio, then they looked at Nicolás. The eldest Marchant sibling just giggled a bit when he saw the surprise on his sister's soldiers, but started to talk with them, explaining why he was there. He told them about his position as part of the prosecution in a case there in The Hague, and more or less why he needed to be sent to a safer place until the trial starts.
"I guess we can manage it if it isn't like the last time we scorted a lawyer" Jackson murmured with a nod
"Look at that!" a third voice appeared soon, putting all the soldiers alert "so you are the package, huh Nico?!"
"Yes, yes I am" the eldest answered with a smile "good to see you"
"Oh! Is that Alicia?! A long time has passed!"
Then the man, with black hair and shiny blue eyes, went to hug Alicia. She tensed as a wire, just to slap him away. But to their surprise, the man just laughed again, hugging again the black-haired woman while she furiously muttered trying to keep him away.
"Get your fucking hands off me" she growled, frowning
"And I thought you would be happy to see me, lil' cousin" he said with a side smile
"A month, Elías, you are older just by a month"
"But I'm older"
"Uh, Captain...what do you mean by 'cousin'? Is he the one who'll help us?" Luke asked, just as confused as the rest
"Yes, he and his team will help" she said as she pinched her nose bridge, between being frustrated and tired "this man is my cousin, Elías Müller, a Captain of the Swiss Army, 10th reconnaissance detachment"
"It's a pleasure to meet my cousin's team" Elías said with a little smile, already more serious
"Let's just go before I get a stroke"
The mission was simple itself, so they didn't need to shot any bullet, and instead just plan carefully their route. And while inside one wagon, the teams talked between them and with Nicolás as well and started to get along, on the other one...Alicia was trying not to punch Elías.
It was like the old times, where they encountered each other on granny's house, and now it stressed Alicia. Even in a moment she smashed her head into the table, muttering something while Elías continued picking on her. And when they finally arrived to the safe house, well...
"What kind of karma am I paying with you here, huh?!" she snarled, pointing at a smiling Elías
"Get used to it, this year I'll go to see my aunt. And it'll be ALL DECEMBER" he answered with a shitty smile
"Haha. No"
"Believe it! You'll have to live with me for a month!"
"You wish! I'll throw you over a cliff if I have to!"
"You talk like you are capable"
"What was that, bitch?! Look who's talking!"
And while that happened, and those two started to argue, Nicolás just sighed. He smiled a bit, for a second seeing them like they were before. At the same time, the teams were confused by their leaders, they weren't sure if they'll fight each other or not.
"Don't worry, they're like that" Nicolás said with a little smile
"Seriously? They...are about to kill each other, aren't they?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow
"Nah, I've seen them like that, they aren't fighting"
"Is this common?"
"When we were younger they fought all the time! But now not so much, also, ironically, they're one of the best duos inside our family"
"Huh, I would've never guessed..."
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faintvibes · 1 year
Bakery AU: Electric Boogaloo
drops this
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Explanation under the cut!
Every now and then, as is the circle of life, I inevitably come back and redesign/generally remake my bakery au, so I humbly offer its latest reincarnation.
The general premise is that a bunch of dead nations (incl Prussia, because he doesn't live through the cold war this time round) try a risky experiment that's meant to bring them back to life- and it does! But they get reincarnated as humans, with no memory of their lives as nations. The remaining Nation Energy they have joins them together in their new lives through a telepathic link.
The story mostly centers around Beilschmidt Bakery- a business in Magdeburg that Almaric's (Germania's) parents decided to purchase above other candidates because of the coincidental (or so they thought) name match-up. In reality, this is a business Prussia established in the 1880s that he largely left up to locals to run, but would take Germany to as a young boy as an escape from politics. (Germany has not visited it since Prussia's death- but once he does, he's in for a surprise!)
Almaric and Gilbert work at the bakery full-time, with the plan being that Gilbert will one day inherit it. Kallisto, Navid, and Ixchel (Ancient Greece, Ancient Persia, and Thule- an Inuit culture originating in Alaska that spread across Canada for 600 years). Jules and Hazael (Knights Templar and Hospitaller) are Gil's friends from high school, who work part-time at the bakery to help pay for their education to become a music therapist and paramedic respectfully.
**I'm aware, by the way, that Ixchel isn't an Inuit name, but rather a Mayan one! There is a reason for this, both in her nation life and human one!! It's difficult to explain without going into my whole perspective on Indigenous Nations in the Americas- so I'll just say that in her human life, she's named after someone her parents were friends with but lost contact, and this is similar but not the same as the story about her name in her prior life. Hopefully that makes sense :)
Of those not working at the bakery: Romulus (Ancient Rome) is a Roman archaeologist and as a result travels a lot, Lotte (Ancient Gaul) is the Director of the Royal Archives in the Netherlands, and so lives in the Hague, Ephraim (Ancient Judea) works as a history conservator at the Jewish Museum Berlin, and Nermin (Ancient Egypt) travels the globe searching for answers on why they're Like That.
As for why Prussia dies: I'm running with the theory that Prussia becomes East Germany in canon- and that he does not in this au, but everyone assumes he does since he doesn't die/fade/whatever immediately upon becoming dissolved. In reality, his survival is due to being used to changing nature (another headcanon of mine, but I'm of the perspective- first of all, that Prussia was originally the Baltic Prussians- that the representative of the Baltic Prussians, rep of the Teutonic Knights, rep of the [independent] Prussia, and rep of the Prussia that's part of Germany all required reps of entirely different natures. Baltic Prussia/Old Prussia was a collection of tribes operating under one culture but never one organisation, meaning the representative would be more like the ancients typically were, residing over a culture but not one specific nation/tribe/organisation of people. Holy orders like the Teutonic Knights organised in small pockets within countries and territories, so being the representative of that is, again, different. And then, of course, being an independent, fully-fledged nation is another form of representative. And being a representative of territory within a nation is different again. So Prussia (the person) is clearly an adaptable little gremlin and hard to kill, even when he probably should have been- long aside over!) which means that even though he no longer represents a territory, people, or culture, he exists anyway because fuck you. Rather, he adapts to being your average everyday human, losing his immortality and boosted healing factor- but this isn't something immediately noticeable. It IS noticeable, however, when he dies and doesn't eventually get back up again. And starts decaying away.
Russia buried the body and never told a soul what happened. The rest of the world continued thinking Gilbert, as East Germany, was just trapped behind the iron curtain. This fell apart with the Berlin Wall, when Russia just would not cough him up. It became quite clear Russia did something- but no one knew what. Even the other Soviet states hadn't a clue, just that he'd disappeared years ago and no one ever saw him again. Most of them thought he probably escaped, though Russia didn't react as though he'd escaped, because it seemed like the most reasonable explanation. Now, it was clear that Russia had done something- and, they believed, still doing something, because it's not like nations die permanently when they still represent something. The reunification of Germany was partly out of the hope that it would put him out of his misery- though the thought that he might be alone and suffering, somehow managing to survive, continues to haunt Germany.
As a funky little bonus, here's the last time I made a reference for this au:
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Left most of the lads as heads this time because I knew that I don't have the energy to do all of them rn.
*Ixchel has the funky little aura thing going on because in this version they all had individual powers, and hers just happened to project outwardly. Mithridates (to memory) is Navid- except the name felt a bit too on the nose, and I didn't realise Ancient Persia had a rep until I came back to the project this time around, so a lot of changes on that front. (Same with Ancient Egypt!)
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etrangersvoyageant · 11 months
Yesterday I went to the art academy in The Hague again. I try to go every year and prefer two visits to look at the works of it graduates. Unfortunately I could only go once. And so I ended up with this mixture of happiness and sadness. Happy I went, but sad I couldn't see more. Of course, having multiple 20-30min conversations does limit one’s potential, but I was glad to have them. Over the years, it feels like I have built an immense debt to that place.
Things I learnt: earth matters, identity matters and goth is in fashion.
The rest of the week I'll post some of my favourite projects.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
I'm putting some real hits on this guy Trump. I don't like what he's saying he's a huge loser he's going to get the hell out of there his people are full of s*** and in that they're playing is very evil to our son and I want them out they're just sitting here threatening and threatening and yeah it's foreign is threatening their way in. They're going to ruin their own fleet and their own situation and we should help them out and get them the hell out of the way I'm tired of it would you have until it says it they're too weak to lift their heads they need to leave and they won't the strongest to stay here and strong enough to be a problem.
Now I've seen armies fall for stupid reasons but usually it's a deception or mistake these people are fooled into doing things it is so bad to themselves and for the people around them that he's detriment to us I'm putting that in writing
So far they're below 1% and it's getting worse they had $300,000 no 500, octillion and then that turned into a million then 2 million and then they get toasted they're all gone and they're trying to refill it and they've got about a million octillion and after the fleet and those are destroyed they'll be at 0.8% and really that's very piss-poor, and the Sun is correct what kind of the last percent but at 1% you are 1 out of 100 people it's a ratio 1:100 but the number eight does not kind of fit in there and really it's like a fraction of the one so sunset we need to deal with the number 1,000 or so or more to make it like understandable when you deal with a thousand it looks weird it doesn't make any sense so he decided to use like 1,000 and 1% is 10 so that would be 10 out of 1000 and now we are 0.8% so therefore more luck you are now 8 morlok out if 1000 normal ppl. And of course when you get to 0.1% you would be one out of 1000 and then it gets smaller you view one out of 10,000 and so on so try to remember that when you're flipping the middle finger off at people anyway in the cities right now the Max and others are annihilated you and even at your evacuation points because you plan to attack and you've been attacking overseas and said you would notice at The Hague and you ignore it and they're following the procedure. You've loaded your ships up and you're going to try and attack the United States and they don't want you to you but your ships are underway half of them are flying the other were too heavy so they're offloading some stuff and the underway shortly now they're up there going very fast one of them's going 8,000 miles an hour is now ordering the sale to be lowered and I have a little trouble with it it is coming down. And they're supposed to 5,000 and they're about halfway it's still not that fast and I'll swept in school 12,000 but that speed it's hard harder to hit and have a rudder. Jersey United States here in the United States they're coming through your ranks and hitting you and pulling you out. The numbers are dwindling fast more luck. You getting beat up everywhere including your bases of operations and the islands and your mouth tonight and you're flipping behavior is getting you hit and your big ships are getting hit already they don't care for the show and attacking the fleet and it's halfway the emptying out the eight points right now,they finish yes.
Did the total is invisible and it's at so .05% national we're talking about we're just going to put things together right now
Thor Freya
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Camp Willowdale / JJ Maybank AU / PART 2
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Synopsis: Camp Willowdale is buzzing with new campers. It’s Caroline Windsor’s first year as a camp counsellor after attending the camp as a camper for ten years. Little does she know that this year Willowdale Lake is going to be a little different from what she is used to it being…
Warnings: future chapters may include curse words, mentions of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sexual activities, mentions of death.
Pairings: JJ Maybank x fem OC
Part 1 can be found here. xxx
Part 2 -
Lunch was over and Pricilla organised the boys to go set up the objects for tomorrow night's scavenger hunt around the camp grounds. The boys had drawn the groups their pairs would be in charge of before leaving and JJ and Caroline had gotten Teens 2, whereas Sarah and John B had gotten Teens 1, which meant that, for better or worse, their groups would be partaking in a lot of activities together, seeing as they were both in the same age group.
The girls were given the job to set up the seating area where the bonfire was going to be, so Sarah and Caroline stuck together as they made their way towards the clearance where it was going to be held.
"Can you believe I got paired up with JJ Maybank?" Caroline sighed.
"Beats Routledge by a thousand, I can promise you that," said Sarah, still extremely disappointed, "At least Maybank looks like he takes care of himself."
Caroline chuckled at her comment. John B had also grown his hair out over the years and it was now down to his shoulders.
"He does seem like he is... in touch with nature," Caroline remarked and Sarah laughed genuinely for the first time since drawing the boy’s name out, "Maybe they won't be that bad to work with, besides, it's only nine weeks, what could go wrong?"
Sarah seemed to think for a second before her lips curled into a devious smirk, "Hey, didn't you used to have, like, the biggest crush on Maybank?"
Caroline's cheeks turned red immediately, "I don't know what you're talking about," she mumbled quickly.
Sarah started laughing, "You totally did! You lucky, lucky bitch! I wish I got paired up with my childhood crush! Instead I get to spend my last summer before moving away with snot-nosed, bug-eating Routledge... Why was the Universe on your side and not on mine?"
They walked behind the rest of the girl counsellors towards the bonfire area. When they arrived, the logs that Pricilla had informed them would be stacked up in a convenient for them to move around way, were all scattered across the ground. The pillows that were meant to go on top of them were also in disarray. All the girls looked around in confusion.
"Surely this couldn't have been the wind?" one of them said.
"Surely this was the boys." said Sarah matter-of-factly, "I'd bet 50 bucks that Routledge had something to do with this."
All the girls turned to look at her in confusion.
"What?" she protested, shrugging her shoulders, "You know I'm right."
Caroline rolled her eyes, "Boys or not, we better sort this mess out before sundown, we have cabins to set up as well."
The girls agreed, Sarah being skeptical but also finally giving in, and little by little, they set up the bonfire area. It took them a little over two hours before they started making their way back to the cabins, which they were supposed to decorate with welcome signs for the arriving campers.
Since Sarah and Caroline were both in charge of the oldest groups, their campers were meant to be sharing two cabins - one for the boys and one for the girls.
"Let's split up, I'll do the boys and you do the girls," Sarah offered, nearly shocking Caroline, "Try being as quick as you can. Meet me back out here in 15 minutes tops." she ordered before scurrying up the steps into the boys’ cabin.
Caroline rushed into the cabin next door, pleasantly surprised by Sarah's sudden determination to get work done. As she was arranging the banners and posters on the walls and ceiling, she couldn't help but think that Sarah must have had some sort of ulterior motive to being this enthusiastic about working. Sure enough, she was right.
She had barely taken a step out of the girls' cabin when Sarah spoke up, "Took you long enough. Now let's go find those stupid guys."
The sun was setting and the woods had gotten a bit chilly as Sarah lead Caroline towards where the male counsellors were supposed to be. After setting up the scavenger hunt objects, they were supposed to set up the archery area. As they were getting closer to the archery grounds, the two girls could hear the laughter of the boys in the nearby distance. Sarah pretended to gag yet again.
"Quick, around here," Caroline pulled Sarah behind the small hut where they kept all of the camp's archery supplies. From their spot they could see the guys quite clearly and could hear everything they were saying, "Remind me again why we're doing this?" Caroline whisper-yelled at Sarah.
"Because I'm still furious about their little prank," Sarah explained, "Which is why I want to prank them back."
"How are we gonna do that exactly?" asked Caroline, "By eavesdropping?"
"A good villain is one that knows the enemy's weaknesses," said Sarah, "First we listen for a bit, and then we make a plan."
Caroline couldn't help but smirk at this new side of Sarah she was seeing. She much preferred this Sarah to the constantly whining, gloating Sarah she had gotten used to over the years. Plus, being somewhat of a daredevil herself, Caroline couldn't help but find the idea of pranking the boys back exciting.
"Can you believe I got paired with Jenna Kinley?" one of the boys, Kelce, said, "Not only are we supposed to work together, but we're also meant to be taking care of babies..." he face palmed himself.
The other boys laughed.
"C'mon, Johnson, 10 year olds are hardly babies," said another one of the boys, Topper, "Besides, working with Kinley will not be nearly as scandalous as working with Hague!"
JJ spoke up next, "Aw, don't be like that, Top," he said, "Madison's not that bad!"
Topper scoffed at JJ, "Easy for you to say! You and Routledge got paired with the best girls out of the bunch! And you got the teens groups!"
Sarah and Caroline smirked at the remark.
"Boys, boys, boys," came John B's voice suddenly, "Let's put this topic behind us, I'm sure you'll all be glad to hear about what I managed to sneak into our cabin." all the boys were now staring at John B in anticipation, "16 bottles of pure, fine whiskey, m'boys. Safe to say, tonight will be a ball."
"Bingo..." Sarah and Caroline smiled mischievously at each other, the perfect prank idea forming in both of their heads.
They quietly made their way back to where all the cabins were and sat at one of the patios.
"So here's the plan," said Sarah, "We sneak into their cabin, raid Routledge's luggage and steal his bottles of whiskey. Let's go now!"
Caroline stopped her, "No, no, not now!" she hissed, "They're gonna go to their cabin before dinner and Routledge's gonna want to show them his stash! We'll sneak out during dinner. Oh, and, I suggest we throw a party of our own to this occasion."
Sarah smirked at Caroline, "I like where you're going with this, Carrie," she said, patting Caroline's shoulder before standing up to go into their cabin, "Not bad for a nerd."
Caroline sighed, there was the old Sarah again.
“Windsor!” Caroline heard a voice behind her call out, “Been paired up for a whole day now and we still haven’t the chance to talk!”
Caroline turned around to find a beaming JJ smiling at her. Had he come over from the boys table specifically for her? She could feel her cheeks beginning to burn slightly.
“We can talk,” she said quickly.
JJ took a seat next to her on the long bench. She could feel the heat in her cheeks become even hotter. JJ didn’t seem to notice her nervousness, or awkwardness.
“How’s life been then?” he asked.
Caroline took a deep breath to soothe her nerves, looking up, only to find a smirking Sarah crossing her arms across from her at the table.
“Just the regular, nothing too special,” she said, frowning quickly at Sarah before turning to face JJ again, hoping he hadn’t noticed Sarah’s behavior.
JJ jokingly frowned, “Nothing too special? I heard you got accepted into Charleston University, that’s like super special.”
Caroline cringed internally, “Did you happen to hear anything else by any chance?”
JJ smirked, “Not sure what you’re talking about,”
Caroline wasn’t sure if he was being serious or not but she pretended to not be bothered.
“Well I hear you’re throwing a party tonight,” Caroline crossed her arms in front of her.
JJ smirked even more, “Where’d you hear that from?”
“Why?” she tempted, “Is my source wrong?”
“Hardly,” JJ bit back, standing up, “So perhaps I’ll see you there.”
With that he walked back to where the other male counsellors were sat, giving one last look at Caroline, smirk never leaving his face.
Sarah started laughing loudly, “Looks like someone’s got their eye on little Carrie,” she teased, “Lucky, lucky bitch.”
Caroline rolled her eyes at her, “Bullshit,”
Sarah leaned over the table to whisper to Caroline, “I like the way you handled the situation, we’re definitely going to be there, on more occasions than one.”
Caroline looked at her watch, “Shit, it’s getting late, we better go now!”
And with that, they snuck their way out of the Wildcat Lodge and towards the boys’ cabin.
“Crap, the door’s locked!” Sarah cursed.
Caroline looked around. One of the upper windows seemed to be open. This gave her an idea.
“Sarah, do you still do cheerleading?” she looked at the girl, a plan forming in her brain.
Sarah raised an eyebrow, “What’s that got to do with anything? And duh, how else would my legs look this good?”
Caroline’s lips turned into a grin, “Give me a lift.”
Sarah’s eyes widened, “Excuse me?”
Caroline nodded her head towards the upper window and Sarah whined, “Why’s it always me?”
Silently, they rushed into position. Sarah took her stance, her hands ready to lift up Caroline’s body. Caroline balanced herself on Sarah’s shoulders as Sarah readied her hands to push her up. In one swift motion, Caroline had pulled herself in through the upper window and was now inside the cabin. She immediately went to the door to unlock the handle from the inside so that Sarah could let herself in.
The two girls looked around the space. It was dark and the only light penetrating into it was the one from the lamps outside. Three pairs of bunk beds were sitting there, covered in unpacked suitcases, boxes and bags.
“Great,” sighed Caroline in annoyance, “How are we ever going to figure out which one’s Routledge’s?”
Sarah took a better look at all of the bunk beds again, her eyes landing on one with a particularly large suitcase with a Green Peace sign on it, “My guess is that it’s that one.”
They went over to the suitcase and Sarah nervously leaned over it, “Eurgh, bug eating Routledge better not have live animals in there,” she said as she quickly ripped open the zipper, flinching away as soon as it came undone.
“That’s it!” Caroline excitedly said, “Help me pick it up!”
The suitcase contained three changes of clothes and a large box filled with unopened bottles of whiskey, just like they had heard John B brag about by the archery area. The two girls combined all of their strength to lift the heavy box off the bed and made their way towards the door, when they heard a loud thumping sound from the back of the cabin. Something heavy had fallen in the corner of the cabin that was unlit by the outdoor lamps, making both girls slightly jump and nearly tip over the box full of alcohol. They squinted their eyes in the direction where the sound came from, however they couldn’t make out anything in the thick darkness.
“What was that?” Sarah said nervously.
“Whatever it was,” Caroline said, leading them out of the door, “We can’t wait around to find out.”
With that they were out of the cabin, closing the door behind them and making their way back to their own cabin quickly.
They hid the box inside the storage room and decided to sneak back into the Wildcat Lodge, so that nobody would question their whereabouts.
There was half an hour left until the end of dinner service as Sarah and Caroline sat back at their designated table, trying to draw as little attention to themselves as they could.
“Do you think someone saw us in there?” whispered Sarah so that only Caroline could hear.
Caroline shrugged her shoulders, “I really hope not, but I did get the weird feeling that we were being watched once we heard that noise,”
Sarah shuddered, “Yeah, major heebie jeebies in there. Glad the boys got that cabin and not us.”
Caroline rolled her eyes, “Relax, Sarah, worst case scenario is it was just one of the guys and he saw us stealing tonight’s party supplies.”
Sarah raised an eyebrow, “I swear to God if it was Routledge -”
“If it was Routledge, he wouldn’t have let us get away with it,”
“Shit, Carrie, you’re totally right!” Sarah unwillingly raised her voice, “Who do you think it was?”
Caroline shrugged again, “Honestly? I don’t think it was anyone, I just think something happened to fall down on its own.”
“Hmm… You’re probably right again.” Sarah turned to look at the big clock on the wall, “We’d better get going, we’ve got to get ready for that party you got invited to!” she winked at Caroline, smirking.
Caroline looked towards the boys table where JJ was already looking back at her, a smile dancing on his thin lips. She met his eyes and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. She decided to give him a little wave to which he happily waved back.
“Hello?” Sarah’s annoyed voice broke Caroline’s focus from JJ, “Are you coming or what? I want us to look good for when we see the guys’ disappointed faces tonight!”
Caroline sighed and followed Sarah out of the Lodge. Tonight was going to be interesting.
A/N: I know I only just uploaded the first part, but I want to establish the Camp Willowdale universe as fast as possible so that the actual story can take off and it does in the next part. I'm going to create a taglist for people who have shown interest in the story thus far, so if you want to be included, make sure to leave a reply so that I can include you in the next part.
Also if you haven't noticed so far, this story, aside from fun and romantic, will be quite campy so I hope you're into that. We've also got quite the mystery coming up so stay tuned for that as well x
Alsoooo please give me some inspiration on who I can base Caroline off, I'm kind of leaving her up to the reader's imagination so that you can just imagine yourself as her, but ideally I'd like to have someone who's picture I can use for future photos. I've got my mind set on Maia Mitchel, but feel free to drop recommendations too.
Anyways, let me know what you think this far and feel free to check out the rest of my works in my masterlist. xxx
Part 3 here
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Zach Whitecloud for the gear ask thing 🥺 i know nothing about gear
hi there anon! thank you so much for the ask!!! this is gonna be a long one, so i'm going to put it under a cut! there will be a summary at the end of these, since I know these are all gonna get pretty long. i'll also be trying to include game footage and pictures of every player i do for this ask game! also...if you guys want further explanations on what i'm saying about the gear itself, i'm always happy to go more in depth!
so, without further ado, let's get into the essay i'm gonna write about the VGK's Zach Whitecloud!
So first, here's Zach Whitecloud's current gear specs (via. GearGeek):
Helmet: Bauer, Re-Akt 150
Glove: Bauer, Vapor 2X Pro
Stick: Bauer, Vapor Hyperlite
Skates: Bauer, Vapor Hyperlite
So, my first impression with Whitecloud, even if I didn't know who he was and just by looking at his gear, is that when he's playing, he likes to be as quick and as agile as possible.
The fact that almost all of his equipment is in the Vapor family might as well be a big bright neon sign telling me that- the Vapor family of Bauer's products are specifically designed to be lighter so that the player using it can be more mobile, agile, and quick.
The players using Vapor skates like to be able change directions at the drop of a hat, and while they may not be getting those super powerful and aggressive strides that other players have, they're pretty quick.
Players who use the Vapor line of sticks typically take a lot of snapshots and wrist shots, and want a quicker release on their shot vs. a more powerful/harder one. These players are more of your "sniper" archetype when they're taking shots.
Keeping in mind that Whitecloud also isn't super big for a defenseman, standing at 6'2" and weighing in at about 210 lbs, this kinda makes sense. I feel like being a bit of a smaller guy is a key feature of his playing style. He often plays on a pair with Nic Hague, who is pretty much a giraffe (6'6" and 230lb)- but if you look at how they play together, you'll often see that Hague sticks closer to the net while Whitecloud is usually chasing the puck carrier. Usually your quicker defenseman will be doing that, while the bigger/slower of the pair will stay closer to the net to prevent the other team from scoring that way.
Whitecloud also is far from what we would call a "stay at home" defenseman. He is often moving, often following the puck, and often doing everything he can to make sure the puck is either in the VGK's offensive zone, or far from their net. Another thing of note is that Whitecloud has quite the offensive streak for someone who plays defense- he scores quite a few goals in a season, and often knows what to do to get his forwards that puck if he can't score it himself. He can play both sides of the game pretty well, which is always an asset to any team.
For the more "off ice" aspect of things, Whitecloud definitely strikes me as someone who knows what he likes. He's entirely using Bauer, and clearly it's working very well for him.
He also seems like somebody who's pretty practical; his skates and his stick are the newest top line Vapor model, while his gloves and helmet are ever so slightly older (the Re-Akt 150 helmet released ~2019, while the 2X Pro glove released about the same time). I say that because the gloves and helmet, as far as pure performance goes, are not really as important as skates or sticks. They also tend to be able to take more of a beating than your skates or your stick, especially when you're on the ice as much as an NHLer is. In short, he's got great priorities as far as his gear goes and probably wants to maximize his skillset as much as possible.
Here's some stuff I found that might be able to show this a bit better than just words):
First, I found some example videos of Zach Whitecloud on the ice, some even going back to juniors:
Video 1
Video 2 (*this is Whitecloud's junior team, he is wearing #29 in these clips, and not his usual #2)
Video 3 (**shows footage from junior (where he is wearing #29), and his stint with the Chicago Wolves of the AHL (where he is wearing #32), and even has some neat background info on him!)
The TL;DR on Zach Whitecloud: Whitecloud is a competitive player who knows what his strengths are, and capitalizes on them. He really loves the game, and only wants to grow as a player as his career goes on. I see a lot of drive looking at his gear AND looking at footage of him playing. There's really nothing unhinged about him gear wise, but it is very fascinating to see what makes his brand of hockey work!
side note, but Whitecloud has one of the most normal tape jobs I've ever seen:
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anyways...that's my analysis on Zach Whitecloud! I hope you enjoyed, anon! :)
got a player you want me to talk about? send me an ask about them!
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inudaughter · 5 years
My Once Quiet Home Part One
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Alright, I'm working part three of My Daughter but it's taking longer than I thought. So until I finish part three, I'll be posting this story for now. Then I also want to thank @thetravelerwrites for editing my story again for me. :)
The picture above is the ground floor of the chapter's home. I'll post the other floors and land layout in the next chapter.
Quiet Place
It was a beautiful foggy morning as I sat on my front porch drinking coffee, overlooking the large field in front of my house. The fog was almost too thick to see the forests beyond the tall grass, but one could make out where the field end and the woods began. It was lovely to behold. My uncle had won this place on a whim, and I inherited after his passing.
It was beautiful out here where no one could find you. It is just like having a piece of paradise. There wasn’t anyone around for miles because it was surrounded by a protected wildlife reserve. However, this wasn't just any “wildlife”; this forest was filled with beasts and monsters.
Beasts like werewolves, Bigfoot, and ogres lived here. There are even some that have yet to be named; I would occasionally catch glimpses of creatures I didn’t recognize. None of them were aggressive; in fact, they were mostly timid or friendly. A couple had even waved at me. For the most part, they all preferred peace, so it wasn’t surprising that in the last year I’ve been living here, I haven’t met many monsters. Everyone pretty much stayed in the forest.
However, I did meet the werewolf alpha a week after moving in. His name is Jericho and he lived in the forest that surrounded me. His human body was lean and tall. He has short black hair with a short beard to match, and his eyes were an emerald green color. His werewolf form is covered with short black hair, he stood on two legs, looking every bit like a traditional werewolf. He was the first to welcome me here and the first friend I made. I also found out he was a close friend of my uncle’s. He’s the one who helped me understand what living out here would be like. He’s also been teaching me about the land and what creatures lived there. Plus, I think he'd made it a habit to check up on my safety.
 A week after I met Jericho, a dragon I call Bee landed in the field while I was cleaning out the barn beside the house. Bee was a small, young dragon about twelve years old. Standing on all fours, he stood about 20 to 25 feet tall, each wing was about 20 feet or more, and the length of his body was over 40 feet. His scales are a bright yellow color with flecks of black in them, which is why I gave him the name Bee. That, and I can’t pronounce his dragon name.
While talking to him, he told me the type of dragon he was, and that his kind will grow till they’re 25 years old, but the growth will slow down after he turns 15 years old. After that, we talked the entire day away about anything and everything. He was an excellent conversationalist. Every couple of days for months, Bee would come to visit, and we would talk. That is until he had to hibernate for winter, but he reassured me he would return once he awakened from hibernation.
The next creatures I met were the six tree spirits living around my land. While talking to them, I found out more about the forest and the monsters that lived here. However, my favorite thing they talked about was my uncle. They told me about the day they first met him and everything they had seen up to a year before his passing. Also, they had made a promise to protect the house and all who lived on the land. While talking to them, I realized my uncle cared for them, and they cared for him. It was fantastic to hear these stories. It also made the grieving process a little easier on me, after his passing.
My uncle was my hero, my best friend, and my second father figure when I needed him. He was there for me when I had problems in college and when I left my boyfriend of seven years. He even invited me to come to live with him after the breakup, saying he had someone far better for me waiting here. However, before I got here, he passed away in his sleep. I locked myself in the house after the funeral. I ignored anyone’s attempt to talk to me. My parents couldn’t even convince me to come out. It wasn’t until I met Jericho that I started coming out more. He started talking to me about my uncle and all the things they got in trouble for when they were kids. Then meeting Bee and the Grandfather Trees helped even more. I now enjoy living here in this quiet lifestyle. It is comely and …
I jumped, nearly spilling my coffee, when I heard that loud, thunderous yell. Who’s calling my uncle's name? I asked myself as I got up to walk around to the back porch where the sound was coming. When I got to the back, I could make out a broad man standing just beyond the field of corn.
“That's Hagu, the Leader of the Darefangs, one of the orc tribes that live in this forest.”  
I turned to see Jericho standing next to me in his human form. I wasn’t surprised to see him standing there. He was always popping up anytime I’m outside. “The Darefangs tribe used to be the most feared Orc tribe in this state.”
“Really? What happened to change that?” I asked curiously.
“I’ll tell you when he leaves. Right now, let’s see what he wants,” replied Jericho, walking off the porch to the cornfield. I followed right behind him.
When we made it through the small field to the clearing, I peeked from behind Jericho to get a look at the Orc leader. This Orc was taller than Jericho’s six-foot-three stature, and absolutely dwarfed my tiny five-foot-one body. He was about half as broad as the 1000-year-old oak tree spirit behind the barn. He wore some cloth pants with a simple belt with a metal belt buckle, but no top to cover his chest and abdomen. His body was well built, you could tell by looking at him, that he had seen much fighting and he was made for battle. His body had numerous scars on his nicely tanned skin, The more I saw of him, the faster my heart beat.
“Jericho, where is Argo?” growled Hagu.
I snapped out of my trance to look at his face, which also had two scars: one scar was next to his right eye, while the other went down his left cheek. He had two sets of tusks; a larger pair that the tip came to mid cheek, while the other set was smaller and barely came past his lip. I’d never seen an Orc with two sets before. All the orcs I’ve met either have one set of large or one set of smalls, but never both.
His long, black hair had two braids on either side, while the rest was kept free to hang down just below his shoulders, which I found odd. Hagu looked to be in his mid-thirties. Orcs his age normally had longer hair with beads in it. Not to mention that if he was the leader, he should have had a multitude of beads, jewels, or even fangs on him. He should have had them on his hands, tusks, ears, and hair, but I see nothing of the sort on Hagu.
I jumped a little when he gestured at me.
“And who is she? Your mate?”
“Hagu, Argo passed away almost a year ago, This…” Jericho said, pulling me from behind him. “Is ^--^, Argo’s niece. She’s the new owner of this land. If you want to talk, you will need to talk to her now.”
I stood there staring at Hagu for a moment, not knowing what to say.
“I’m Hagu, Leader of the Darefangs Orc Tribe,” Hagu said, extending his hand.
“I’m ^--^, Argo’s oldest niece,” I said, taking his hand. His massive hand swallowed mine easily.
“I’m sorry if I woke you,” Hagu replied, looking at my attire.
           I then remembered I was wearing a pajama tank top with the short pajama shorts that matched. The tank top said ‘taking names and kicking a**’ with a fist under the wording. The shorts had the fist and other fighting emojis on it. I was going to cover myself up, but remember I left my blanket on the porch. So instead I just crossed my arms over my chest but regretted it, the moment I did it. My arms went under my breast instead of over. Which caused my already ginormous chest to stick out more. I groaned inwardly.
“If you need to go change, you can go do that,” remarked Hagu, looking away. I looked up in shock and embarrassment. Was it that obvious I was uncomfortable?
“I can smell your nervousness,” he said as if reading my mind, looking at me again.
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” I replied as I turned to walk back to the house.
“^--^,“ called Jericho. I turned around to look back at him. “We’ll be waiting on the back porch when you’re done.”
I nodded then started walking through the cornfield.
As I made my way through the corn, I started hearing rustling in the corn. I paid it no mind at first, thinking it was some small animal or even Jericho and Hagu following me to the house, but the rustling sound sounded like it was coming from in front of me. I stopped to listen to the footfalls to determine its direction, but as I was focusing on the footsteps, it sounded like it was coming from every direction. My heart started to race. Was I under attack? If I was, why was Jericho not calling out my name and trying to come for me. I crouched down trying to stay hidden. I didn’t want anyone to see me.
“^--^“ I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see two huge legs standing in front of me. I slowly followed them up until I saw Hagu’s face, looking down at me. He looked confused as he crouched down closer to my eye level. “What are you doing?”
“I thought I heard something,” I whispered still trying to stay quiet. I tried looking behind Hagu, thinking Jericho was behind him.
“Jericho isn’t there. One of his pack members came to get him. They said something crossed into their territory,” Hagu said, standing up. “It was more than likely them running through.”
“Yeah, maybe that was it,” I said, standing up. But as I started to walk, the rustling sound started again. The footsteps were getting closer; it wasn't moving fast, it just sounded like steady walking.
Generally, if something were hunting you, it would be quiet, but it wasn't. I felt something grab my waist and pulled me backward. I about jumped out of my skin, but I remembered Hagu was still with me. When I turned to make sure it was him, Hagu had a finger to his lips, telling me to keep silent. I nodded in understanding.
I became nervous when I realized how close he had pulled me to him. I was eye level with the bottom part of his chest. My heart began to speed up as my eyes looked over his chest. I could feel my cheeks starting to blush as fantasies interrupted my thoughts. I was so lost in them that I didn't hear Hagu talking to me. I snapped back to reality when I felt Hagu pushing me away from him.
“Whatever it was has left,” declared Hagu, letting go of me. “We should get back to the house.”
“Yeah, let’s,” I replied, walking back to the house.
When we got to the porch, I turned to look at Hagu.
“Thank you for helping me with whatever that was back there. I'm normally not that easy to scarem but this isn't the first time I’ve been of afraid of something outside. The last three days have been like this; I;ve been jumping at every little noise and I can't sleep. I hate driving back home from work at night. It’s weird, I've been living here a year, and I've never felt this way. I wasn't even…”
I stopped talking, I wasn't ready to tell anyone about my past. I didn't want anyone to know.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to burden you with my problems.”
“It's fine, I'm the leader of my clan. I use to listening to all my clan’s problems,” replied Hagu, opening the door for me.
“Thank you,” I said, walking through. “I don't feel so afraid of whatever it is. I mean, I’m still nervous, but it’s nice being able to talk about it.”
“Why haven't you told Jericho?” Hagu asked, turning to the side to fit through the door. It was still a snug fit, but he made it through. “He was always the first one your uncle told and trusted with everything.”
“I'm sure, but it’s just that … He seems exhausted from all the work he does with his pack. I don’t want to give him more to worry about. In addition to several creatures seeking out his help on a regular basis, he also helps me patrol the land once a month. He needs a break.” I started  up the stairs to change. “Please, make yourself at home. I'll be right back.”
When I got finished changing and made my way back into the living room. I found both Jericho and Hagu fast asleep. Jericho was laid out on the sofa, and Hagu was in the large orc size recliner my uncle had, which was my favorite seat. I smiled as I watched them sleep for a moment, then when to clean the kitchen.
When I got finished with the kitchen, I went to go check on the boys. They both were still out cold, but now they both were snoring. The snoring wasn't really loud from Hagu, but Jericho was sawing logs. I giggled, then went back to cleaning the house.
When I finished cleaning the living room, dining room, and office, I decided to head outside to get my coffee cup and blanket from this morning.
As I walked out on to the porch, I looked out to clearing. I could just make out something black moving through the grass, but paid it no mind. I knew hellhounds were living in these woods and knew they wouldn't attack unless provoked. But there was this deep feeling in my gut that said grab your things and go. I didn't listen to it; I was convinced it was a hellhound and I wasn't in any immediate danger.
I just wish I could have seen the look on my face when I turned to see the thing in the field was now standing ten feet away from my front porch steps. I froze when I saw it. This thing looked like a burnt dog. Its skin was a black charcoal color and had the texture to match. It had glowing bright red markings on its head, neck, and legs. I watch as its lips pulled slowing back to reveal sharp, pointy teeth throughout its mouth. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I knew teeth like that had one purpose, for tearing flesh.
My heart rate speed up and my mind went into panic mode. My mind was trying to think of ideas to get away, but all I could think was the moment I moved, I would be in its jaws.
What do I do? What do I do? My brain panicked. Even though the door was just a step away from me, I know I couldn't get both the screen door and the other door open in time before it would have me. Yelling wasn't an option because I didn't want to find out if there was more of them around.
Just when I was about to give up and just run for it. I heard the screen door slowing opening. I turned my head to see Jericho walking out to the steps, starting to change into his werewolf form. I looked to the creature to see a reaction, but it didn't seem phased by Jericho. However, when Hagu step on to the porch, it stepped back. I turned to Hagu as he walked out of the doorway. He had no trouble getting out of this door, unlike the back doorway. I had always wondered why everything was so tall here, and now I was starting to understand why. I turned my head back to the creature just in time to see it run towards the barn, then off into the backwoods. I signed in relief that it was gone.
“It will come back, and next time it will bring its master with it,” said Hagu, staring at where the creature disappeared into the woods. He looked down at me. “That Ash dog, and the wizard controlling him, is the reason I came to talk to Argo.”
“Come, let’s take this inside. There’s a safe place we can talk,” said Jericho, now back in his human form.
We followed him as he walked into the house, down the hall to the right past the office and two bedrooms, until we got to the bookshelf in the hallway between the second and third door. I watched as Jericho pulled the bookshelf towards himself to reveal a spiral staircase going down under the floor. I looked down in awe into the open space, but I felt a wave of uneasiness wash over me.
“Down here is the safest place to talk,” Jericho insisted, and I watch as he stepped down first. He turned to look back up at me.
“Come on, there is nothing to worry about.” Jericho reached out his hand to me. “Take my hand, the first couple of steps are steep.” I nodded and did what he said.
Jericho watched as I slowly stepped down. He then started down the stairs, but I turned to make sure Hagu was following. Hagu was too wide to walk down easily, so he turn sided ways to go down.
Not wanting him to know I stopped to watch him, I turned back and slowly descended down the stairs. The eerie feeling I felt got stronger as we ventured down into the basement. I watched Jericho, looking for any sign of hesitation in his steps, but there were none. So I swallowed my fear and trusted Jericho as I ventured into the unknown.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Tommy f is showing signs of weakness and it's getting small these idiots around him are very small and we should take them out it's my suggestion and he wants me to put it forward and get people on board he's been ordering it then acting small and behaving small and the armies are not doing what they want and doing what they're ordered it doesn't have any need for them the PGA has an army that's doing what they want but the other s*** heads are on their own so we're going to put it up there
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
And we're going to silence you Trump you're a piece of s*** and you're a traitor he's right he's a young guy I couldn't stand you from the beginning and you just thought I'd sit here bothering him torturing him and he's f***** you up so bad we don't own a damn thing and Mac doesn't own much either cuz of you and the rest of the world doesn't you're a piece of s*** and a massive loser I'm going to take you to court and I'm going to The Hague so my friend recommends that I go to Mac with my criminal complaints about you for what you've done to see if he wants to approve it cuz you're a traitor I'll get rid of you you dumb a******
I can't believe this now we're fired by VGA again
You too sat here for years and they haven't recorded all that b******* you're doing that doesn't do anything except nail your own and throw away stuff damn AKA Dave now when I say recorded I mean it's on tape and it's on video and they see you in public as well and taking video with witnesses with your hand signals with cause and effect what what makes all of that suddenly go away in your brain instantly everyday every few minutes you do that to them cuz I'm sure they will knife you and shoot you for it for real you're putting your life on the line talking that way and you do it everyday does not mean that you won't get hit cuz I see you get hit all the time you're in the f****** news dead okay all the time with this stupid attitude and you're dumb motif and you're sitting on me like you're f****** this is the latest f****** loser go call the cops any cop you dumb f****** retard
Zues Hera
Just sitting here doing very stupid things I guess we're not aware of it and we're in cloud nine or something buzzing around him changing costume every second everyone hates this for it and we won't stop I got to tell you Trump is inspiring it and he's right it's the dumbest s*** I've ever seen I have to sit here and counter him and he knows that she's been has to do he's a huge fool he needs to be stopped he says it's far too late your race is almost gone your people are all dead and you can't tell cuz the cities have one out of like 10,000 by the water so that's where you are granted it's true the bunches are very small now and everybody else is walking around ignoring them I don't want to go through this but we are we should know by now that it's wrong and Trump you f***** everything up we want you dead you're such an idiot
I don't have time to sell this I don't need the shouting and all that stuff he's laughing now says what's the matter can't sleep pretty boy you little girl you're such a small little boy I sort of get something I try and harm him he's going to f****** up just like before isn't really care about me and he says I'm a genius tells me to shut up again go f****** f*** off but he's going to call the cops on me and say I was yelling
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "The Byrds - Eight Miles High - 9/23/1970 - Fillmore East (Official)" on YouTube
So they're in the Walmart store everybody's going on Trump and transferring back saying they're dead and they're now going after him with troops and they're burying him taking his money and she hates him he won't shut up he's a spaz she shoots him and stuff now all the women are shooting these idiots trying to get some money and get out of it you don't bother him if they don't bother them back sometimes they start to s*** up again though it's kind of just the same thing almost.
You're getting attacked the areas are shrinking in their areas are there's like six left and two are on their last leg and they're more lock areas and they are getting depleted and they're saying forces in because they have tons of stuff yeah 50% of everybody's stuff and no it's about 70% of the warlock stuff is with them and it's from all over the place too not just that's the city area so they're going after him cuz they found it it's pretty much over and they're going after them hard I'm informed that the sixth area fell now that's five and they're concentrated on trumpster areas because they found the stuff pretty soon those areas will be no more and we might set up outside a couple of them those are tired of hearing them and they're going pretty quick and they are sending to the pit and they're sending to the upper North areas and both continents they have diamonds sitting out there and to Mexico and they are worried in the upper Midwest cuz it's a staging area and losing people there but trumpsters are being intercepted they're trying to get to the bridge and it's going to be a fight it's going to be a war it's not an ideal spot but it's not that bad mostly they're fighting in the golf and throughout desert area in Texas and Arizona and they're getting creamed I mean they're getting flattened they try to come into the City and they get flattened and the city is on full alert everyone's up and they're getting rid of trumpsters and the clones a few hours there won't be any and they set defenses up it's going very well these trucks are taking a real beating they also actually going after other stuff as well the AI and they're getting creamed and the going after the ghostbuster stuff and huge Army so trumpsters are dead and they're going after Australia and losing to bja you're going after New Zealand and can't get there and Florida and can't get here and they're trying to take over DC from the upper Midwest and are getting wiped out. There's a few more hits coming on these trumpsters and bombing runs are planned they're going to occur momentarily on their areas and their ship areas and spaceship areas it's about half left and we can't stand the clones anymore I have to go they're going to get hit momentarily and the guy figured out it's going on and he just continues being an a******. And it looks like Trump is the winner for the biggest loser and his family they all insist on our Son nobody and her son doesn't care too much and they don't get it but that's fine. So he seen you going I'll make you poor and it's like you're trying already a****** like a fish all right that's your head by the emitters how's your brain fried yet and we didn't need to get hit more I'm doing it that's a good idea I know how to do it and you don't. Now he's getting pissed off he says he's going to try using the microwave which is planning to anyways. One day we find them standing in front of it the door open turning it on and off my son wasn't there and he is in front of it and says let's see how does this bounce around it stays inside there you kept doing it they said I think I've been hitting myself they fell over dead. There's a few more things to keep happening here and we want to stop them these two idiots Tommy f and Trump get together and have talks about what to do to destroy humanity and it's illegal for them to talk about it and to confer and to meet and see legal to come up with those plans and we're bringing them to court at The Hague for war crimes and conspiracy to commit Mass homicide on the Earth and it's Vladimir Putin and Tommy f and they're both ruskies but we're not going to do it as those characters as they wanted and we're going to do it shortly.
Other places Trumps are dying I like Florida
They're getting killed here an invast numbers
Giant numbers of them are dead and they're going fast at O'Connor that fat b**** ugly nasty one and she was that ugly nasty girl at UMass and she was having her son do stuff that's illegal and we're going to sue her for it and the other a****** and they're going to court and for what he was doing up there too that you miss and we're going to show how he was making it work and others will try and will die like he is and he's an idiot okay the guy needs to go but really his troops are all dying here in Florida and the United States and orders went out earlier to get rid of them and they're going out again to make it faster and they're going to go in after them in pockets
Those five areas are embroiled pretty soon they're going to be out and we mean it this time they're gone after this bridge thing nobody wants them around it's world famous that they hate it and it's going to happen every day and they're going to show their colors every day
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
He started hitting people who say they're him they're saying they're not him most of the time it is Trump or one of his people it's like DeSantis he keeps going back and forth and eventually he's going to be a trump so he hit them I take them out it's in question them and just Santa said whatever you do don't question me and then we said why I said I'll question your boy insit you if I have to what we say is you've been doing that anyways now we're here to get the information so he said a few things then he says I don't sit here and puke it out he told us what he's up to he's trying to break our sun down so we want to go to DC or New York City to tell a story are they going to bring him there on their power further upsetting him he said we want to see a superpowers over and over so you said to them we want to see you dead you're unreasonable and you're stupid I'm going to start killing off all of yours to our completely gone what are you doing is so unreasonable and mean we went to The Hague we got support from the UN to get rid of you and from the the max and they said we can't believe it so the checking around now and they're finding out everyone hates them other more luck are finally turning on them to shut them down and to shut them up. You're ridiculous group and it won't leave people alone and they keep opening their mouths and trying to talk over you you're telling them to shut up and this guy announcing this case won't shut his mouth and just insist on talking over our son said you're not one of us you have no place in doing that except you're an enemy combatant and we're going to come get you and arrest you and hold you in our facility until you're dead same with anybody that raised their head to us you stupid b**** we're sick of you sick of hearing your dumb s*** you're dumb talk and your third grader stuff it's all over the world that you're just these idiots missing stuff up we're coming to get you we're going to pair you permanently you're going to run away to nothing on purpose
We're launching massive assaults on your people in your areas to choke you out until you're gone you keep watching these huge attacks in Mexico you won't be around today not to mention tomorrow
Last night the animal Trump sent four octillion to their death and can't figure it out so today he sent another for octillion to their death everyday the idiot is getting rid of his own I get closer and closer to being rid of the stupid stooge
Biden States he's a useless pig to him. We noticed that too all day long this people don't do anything they're just vermin and parasites going to get rid of you so we got rid of him this guy noted it and did nothing cuz he's stupid so it's time to get rid of this idiot family when it's on TV and his friends it only have friends now we're taking these dweebs apart we find that computers amongst their belongings constantly big bosses too big names tons of them they have to go after you Trump's
No I've had my name slandered and used in pain but you idiot Trump far too many times I see what he's saying he's still tired and you won't let him rest he has nowhere to go and nothing to do it's a big deal for him to be up and running around with only a few hours of sleep five or six so we're going to arrest you all day long everyday until you're out going to keep shooting you too
Fargo the serious is on because Tommy f is up there going for the money and he's at UMass Amherst and he's also at Buffalo New York and is it North Dakota and a few other locations but it's still Money in the Bank
But really the North Dakota money which is Wells Fargo is money that our son got illegally you all have this old case that you want to try and threaten him with
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We're here Trump is directing asteroids using rockets and projectiles and put them on there pushes them to Earth that's how he hits so he went after him he has a radiated his ships and they're falling apart and he still acts like he can leave because he's trying to use as a threat what a boy here said today was 100% accurate he's sitting there harassing everyone a life sucked the assholes won't shut up he and his kids are a bunch of freaking a****** fruits is the war going on nobody has a life at all because he is complete absurd idiots now I can't see what's going on because of them and nobody can haven't helped me if something would happen here so going after these pieces of s*** cuz they're so goddamn dumb and mean they don't want him around that's on the outside on the inside they committed treason against us Max millions of times against humanity millions of times they're actually aggression and civil disobedience and civil disorder are numerous including trying to take over the White House I want them brought up on charges and find just sits there looking at him look he handed to us like Chris did you go through a similar s*** and he's having a better time he says this f***** is feeling the pain and sits are crying like a baby and you can tell cuz he pisses all over the place and pisses in his mouth and pisses in her mouth s**** all over the place as opposed to on you then he gets beat up by everybody and it's much more joyous I don't know similar thing you start fighting with charges and they pull out of your hands cuz you're not a Mac and you can't try someone who's part Mac. That's like it's like this they're not they're not getting the sweet stuff they went on the federal level to try and take it away from my hands and other people who are taking it all away and that makes sense Biden says and that's why it says he won't do it Max is in your fired so it's in your fired so we've made up our mind you don't see the logic to it
I see the logic to it Biden you go ahead you do it Mac wants next pick it up you get harassed like they want and the foreigners come in finally and harass the Max and the d****** evil little f****** f****** retard f****** loser what a f****** a****** you're more of a threat than they are how did that f****** happen you God damn idiot you don't want game at all that's what I like threatened everyone until you're ready it doesn't work that way s*** you're too small
So we're going to go ahead and do that bye and says Biden says
Zues Hera
I was speaking and you took over but he did a great job this is going to work for us this is a great idea he thinks to me I gotten help but he thinks that he did it and we know he did it and it's kind of the way he thinks there's got to be a reason to try and find one and it works it works pretty good I'm happy about it this is going to work I'll help by and do it this is kind of sitting there taking abuse so much better way to do things
Thor Freya
Replace charges at The Hague Trump is going down dance going down and the entire cage of idiot for treason against humanity and yeah the other ones who try and sneak bombs into the shatteredome along with Tommy f he can go down too
Bitol and Goddess Wife
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We put apbs out on these people they're trying to knock his social security out including Ken going to go ahead and do that now. There's too many people giving us why is this comments too I'm going to go in there and beat the s*** out of them doing it on every single item and nothing ever happens just sitting here in the most disgusting mental patients in Earth I agree with it too it's an excuse they're using in the facility to treat it very badly to threaten for stuff and to threaten our people the send coded messages to harm people we worked on your idea we figured this out they're sitting here banking on it working practically no matter what happens this concept of theirs I'll keep you here tied up as a mental patient is there idea of making this whole thing work and saw you come out of it and become normal they thought so they keep on doing it and anticipainting they can do whatever they want to you and that you'll forget about it. They are horrid people and you've been saying this to them too telling them I don't ever forget what you're doing and every responding by telling you what you were doing before I was in the hospital after and you don't ever remember it cuz you don't want to but that's okay you're going to lose
He says it's to them and they completely ignore him so I'm going to go in there and beat them up to death and ignore them I was going to file lawsuits against all of them cuz they're doing it on purpose it's time is so damn weird and bizarre and hateful and mean towards him I'm going to rip them up like paper instead of teams now
Thor Freya
I'm going to file a lawsuit against you Justin and other people here for abuse and it's in our court so who cares what you think. You're a sick fuck can always have been so what. We're going to send in a lot of lawyers now and I'm going to sue you people here for everything you're doing to can you give me astonished cuz you're so stupid and ignorant and you're in a state of bliss because you're on drugs a lot of people die from heart attacks we have that happened yesterday 50% of the people in After died for heart attack when we grabbed them. I'm posting one posters of You Justin and others here can and Preston and so forth I'm going to arrest you as soon as you step off the property you're going to jail and you've been there here many times don't seem to be very smart about things and don't seem to understand after time your people will be gone corky soaked up all the cloming so none of you really have armies that are being made rapidly you just es jumped up jackasses and he's going to be falling on top of you at the same time I'm doing this today I'm sending losses so tired of hearing about it it's making me sick you're a bunch of assholes too he's dominating one person it's kind of like not very impressive to anybody so you want money and they just kill you and they kill your kids cuz you're an idiot say you're dominating everyone by bothering one person it's actually very funny cuz you look so stupid it just willing to do just about anything to you out there so keep on laughing like a little bitches. I'm coming out there to hand over the lawsuit to each and every one of you with a notice to appear if you missed the time and date you're going to jail.
I'm also hearing this I'm just going to make it stick cuz that's how it works in your realm so any of you that are sitting there acting like jackasses doing nothing but being annoying I'm going to go to jail too you might not get out at all it's no reason for us to let you out
Bitol and Goddess Wife
We hate you and then you do this routine everyday for 5 years is ridiculous we're going to The Hague and we're going to the all these places and he wants us to to declare that you're holding him a prisoner is that it before and it works it didn't last year approving that it's a prison and we're going to show ours they need to know
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jangillman · 3 years
Hey so really really really awesome breaking news
I found this out last night from a guy who's very much in the know that at 2pm yesterday afternoon Dan Andrews was served papers from a magistrates court in rural Victoria and he is being charged with treason against the people of Australia. There's another name for it but it's written down at home, but that's essentially what it means.
Mega quick history lesson, 1st Nov 1999 all of Australia was corporatised, in other words, police force, courts, Parliament, councils, everything! has an ABN, we are a corporation and registered in the US and no longer have a government, it is all false. 8th Nov 1999 all of Australia voted in referendum to be either a republic(what they thought we would choose) or stay under the Queen (which is what Aust did vote) but too late, oops, they sold us already. Everything a lie since.
All those in government who swear in to the Queen know this and are guilty of treason. That's the charges being laid against Andrews. Obviously everyone in Parliament is guilty but he was the chosen one to go after first for obvious reasons.
Now he must attend this criminal court on the 17th of December and if he does not attend (which is what they are expecting) the criminal court magistrate must place a bail upon Dan Andrews. He then has a criminal record. No person in government can have a criminal record and he must stand down. So Dan Andrews is fucked!!!!!
Further ramifications..., the emergency power bill he wanted to pass is now also put on hold and can no longer proceed through Parliament because of court proceedings.
Further ramifications are that letters are going out to the other state premiers and other MP's asking that this information about Dan Andrews and the corporatisation of Aust be read into Parliament. Now here's the thing right, if they refuse, which they most likely will, they can also then be charged with treason!!!
So we are at the beginning of the end for them all.
We need to let every person we know, know this information because so many are scared and this is so so important it comes to light because they and the media will try to hide it.
Already Dan Andrews used police and fire departments yesterday to try and cover it up. On the news it was said that his office "received a mysterious package" and they boarded up the front windows. Nothing mysterious about it, it was stamped with magistrates Court seal and signed for upon receipt. He knows what it is.
All courts in Vic are by video now so we are going to try and see if we can find out if it can be openly viewed by live stream. Info yet to come and I'll try and keep you all informed as I find out.
But wait there's more... someone else has filed papers and another different case and proceedings against Andrews yesterday at the world Court in Hague, apparently there is no court higher than this across the globe. I'm only guessing but I'd say these proceedings are tied in with the work toward the Nuremberg trials. I have not been given any more details about this one yet.
Now nothing like this has ever happened in history so no one knows exactly what will happen and there's probably a tonne of questions we all have. But there is so much hope. There are many people working tirelessly to bring these evil people down. It will happen. Stay focused on the light and exactly as @Ak Ak said, keep as much in the positive and away from the negative vibrations as possible
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